The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, November 02, 1853, Image 3
OKv '.jg^SSSsKsasa— . SOTS. *» nC J r Mi^mound coffim- kitt aalmon and r-s&esSS&r-sssKiJs or MpSraSiJSgj* f . 1 1 tr»«jp? SS? ;iSn«i m »*• po"**" 3 J ». H8s3wMr£ v lE^S^fe-* IM ^f*.T^nj'g, Grant & William*’ Tobacco, W jJ® . Smith's. Colgate'*,Croton anil Beadela •Al», «0 jo No 1 do. 80 Pearl Starch, 80 £2ftfr .nJ&r boxes lUUlna, 28 drum. 60 Min Herring- *■ - ootia oauWwlrie oitabllahmenl of _ in, Cincinnati, Ohio, want. 1a holualt dealer* In wlnta and Uquor., who retail at onoe, iveth# preferehoe, Postpaid. wan, with direct or Indi rect reference, on Ctnclnnlll houses. an wcelreiluntll the ^ 4,7rt ^ ri a 4 N®m b to. Nallra Wine Eefablldiraent^ octT Cincinnati, OUT COO If THY STORE FOB. RENT. The aub.oriber has Juit erected a new Btore at 0. K. Clarke', old stand, In NevfandsviUe, (tho flea .mile poet on the Aufuata and Waynesboro* Rail- „ which he offers to rent to a; good tenant on favora ble term.. The building standi In cloao proximity to the railroad track, (a commodious, and In all reapact, admire- *■'“ *■* »-—'* •- —■* Tho II: toad,; f bit tern railroad x ~. bly adapted to the for which It I. deilgned. 1 stand has long been known u one of the beat for agon at country trade to be (bond In the Interior of Georgia. a apply to. or addrea. the aubicri- s or If more convenient, apply | “—innah For further part Mitten n#t OBco; —, r ~ •onally to Merer*. Novilt, Lathrop AStebblna, Savannah; or to Merer*. Baker A WIlcoX, August*, oetfl—*lm W. 0. SMITH. AST The AugusUOonstltuttonallst will publish th* abovo dally for one month, anil charge thti office. ^4. TO RENT—A .tore on Broughton near Bull-stmt. jtK TO RENT—A small brick house, near the Bamcka. nfReut $12.60 per month. Apply at the Georgian of- ■Mfleo. octlt • rosnt.nowt.ixn. — H A «p. .. n fc«>tf.*owu»,Vn GENERAL COMMISSION^MKRcIlANTS, 172 Bay-street. Savannah. ^ Charleston Cotton Market. " ■■■ OiinLtatoM, October 8!1. Tho aalei to-day,foot up 2,500 bale, at extremea of 74 to 104.'\Tb# market cl wind lender In odranoo of fllljr 4 coot on the Uklpravtooi quotation*. a. n n i. a,wm. / CHAMPION A WATTS. ’ WHOJiESALK AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 4 Barnard street. between tho Market and Bay street. niVAKJUH, OAv, Dealera In Groceries, Foreign and Domeatlo Liquor., Dried FrnlU, ho., ho. Reference—A. Champion, Etq.. Samuel Solomon*, Esq'. Rabun k Whitohoad, Swift k Co., 8avannah, Ga. ■ r. HORTON. a HORTON A RXKEMAN,' WIIOMSAtR ANI) KRTAIL DIALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER-WARE, FANCY GOODS, 118 Bnughtonwtreet. H. K. WASHBURN, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION ' SAVANNAH,UA. llEifcUANT, WILT.l AM V. YOSOB, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, if». M BammA SMamah. NEW AIUUVAI.S I DRY GOODS! DRY-GOODS! < HENRY LATHROP &C0. ■ nWn Ksrrvssssf!«» jfS jJJSi^SaMAtwille/tedlUnmUi PUUi.Um-j™, Kr- “gfenffiSNimiNOS, to. :-PHnW Jr.-* , UiAiUn d'lafae* ; American do : plain mode nod high ‘, Suae • French and English Merino#.» variety of eolora; . “EMfrUkUl VlEWl prints C.m- $ Dr... sum. . 2 .Wp.ll Dra. SOklJi ■<•'> »"<»?• pi.Ksm.1 •«ri blMk «m»»| kH. „JK.p.d». Mootll ,„ g Drtll Good.. Monalln d’Lalue.: French and KnglUh Bombaalnee j Al- * «ceu: Canton .ml Tami.e Hothi. " Ctoalte and MantlUai. floth Cloak* and Talma, i black and ool’d SUk Mantll- lu! UdiM* bl k and co’d Cloth, for Cloak*, and a variety d frinmlon for the, ■ • • _ Embroldcrlce nnd Lace Goode. „ Uou.Hn Collar, and ChemUetteaj Late do: rich emmrojd- Jj°Uwn ndkfit; Mourning Collar.. Choml.ettea and Un- AArtUwn • Muilin Cap. j Infant’a Wairt.; Svria. and Jac. rSsri.nd Insfrllng*; Thread and U*le Edging* and In- E -rtlnzi: Cambric and Mu.lln Band*. , ^ ’ Glove*. i lidlu’, Miisci’, Men’., and Boy*. Glove., n Urge variety. ' Hosiery. r Vm'i and Bor’* Worsted and Colton Half How : Udlea* . gjdJHoei’Cotton and Wonted How; Ladle*' bUck and j Altiaikdo^^ pnmighin^ ooodi, - " MO-4 and 11-4 wCaso Unen. 1’cbed Table Dam* Napkins and Doyle.; llucabuc, ’ toteh'.nd Russia Diaper.; IrUh Linen., good .tylea; Bed- [• twii.l’arnltur. Dimity., Ac. ■, . Clothe and Ciualmer*#. Bhck French Cloth, s Plain and Twilled Blue do. do.; V ugjk Doe Sklna; plain and olald Tweed.; Kentucky Jeans; r tbek sttln Veitlng*, and black and col’il Silk Ve.tin^^ m*. TO RENT.—A coramodlou. brick edlOce on South film Broad .treet. Powflulon given lat November next.— »a*lnqulre at thl. pfflee; . -- octB TO RENT—throe tenement# In- Gordon Block, wc ■Weupplled with water and gaa pipe., cloeoU, drawer ■“■and other modern Improvementa, basement plaatcrln hard flnlahed. PotMiulon given let November next. Ai. ply to , >ootl8 EDWARD G. WILSON. DE WITT & MORGAN O FFER Cor sale, at the lowest market price, a largo and well selected aiock of Dry Good., to which they respect- fally aolieit attention: ; badlM’ Dress Goode. • BUck SDc*. of all width, and 1>e.t makes. BUck figured Silk., plain and colored Silk., Pirii printed M^deLalnM,a lareo and beautiful atock, PUln colored do, and Chocos an! Broadway Brown., Small figured Mou.lln de Lalne*. for children, EnglUh and American Monalln de Lain#., ■ Printed Satin do Ctaene., new and very hamUome. Mourning Goode. A great variety of Mourning Drew Good, and Embrolde- . Ho,conilit!ngof every thing new and beautiful. • Hosiery. A Urge variety of Engtlah and German Ho.lery,for la- die* gentlemen, and children. • FUnneU.Shirting* and Sheeting., Blankets, Quilt., TrUh Liaem.Table Damask, and Napkin., Kersey., Plains, Osna- burp. Brown Shirting*, he.. Ac. *»» O'HHAR & STONE Y, FACTONRS ANI) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Commercial Wharf, Charleston, South Carolina. UTI Of TUR V1RM Of tlQAKt, Q'HiAR * QQ. TO RENT-A wharf .tore. Apply to octll k TR RENT—A brick house on Joue. street, on a fu nlot. Po.Ms.lon given Immediately. Apply to. a octll . T. .1. WALSH. k TO RENT—A Room 60 by 80 feet, In 8orrel’a bull. • Bing, comer of Bay »nd Bull-street*. U U suitable fi R*«omniittce room or drill room. Rent moderate A| *ly atlil* offlee. June ?“ TO RENT—Tliree of the flvo tenement houses, o flthe corner of Aborcora and Jonea street. Inquire of * aepU A. BONAUD. ^ TO RENT.—The store Immediately under our offle- Wwell suited for a grain and feed store or for store go „i iUcotton. Apply to aep23 ROWLAND k CO. TO RENT.—A small comfortable House lu a t< ■pcctable and central pari of the city. Rent $30' . PotMaalon given on the 1st November, or aoouer lesirable. Apply at this offlee.auggfl OFFICE TO RENT.—The office over Webster Palme, store, occupied for the past year by Meiwr Fort k Dunham, a desirable place for a Factor an _ mmission Merchant. Will be noted for a terra uf ycai on reasonable term. If applied for soon leptao WEBSTER k PALMES. VALVABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE I BAKER COUNTY, OA. rffflt The subscriber, desirous of removing from the St.' *X*of Georgia, olTer. Tor .ale his PLANTATION, lying « the water, of the, flvo miles west of Albam ailjolnlng the land, of Paul Tarver, Dr. Nlcboll.. and oti. or*; containing 3.125 acre., more or les.. There are about BOO acre, of opon, cultivated land. Tl land hi situated to that it can be eanly divided, and 11 tw purchaser, appear, tbe subscriber will divide it so a. t suit both. Any one deslrnu. of purchasing, would do well to ail dress *• Moore k Edwards,” or myself, at this place. JOHN J. RAWLS. Macon, Ga., August 30,1853. ocll—tf ' My Agent, living on tho place, will ahovr the Land. 1 • any person calling for that purpose. J. J. R. FOWLTOWN PLANTATION FOB SALK I ma The undersigned olTer. for salo hi. Plantation, lyh Vgmnn tbe mouth of this colebrated creek, lu the coutii «i *■ of Lee. adjoining the village of Palmy re, and nvemlli from the city of Albany,containing 1.300 acrc..70O incu tlvation. all neceuary buildings and a grist mill, norr) new. Here 1. a market for everything, good .oclcty, cliurcl school, dally mall. Ac. Such a. are willing to give a liben price Tor a choice plantation, possessing unusual advanta ges, are Invited to cad and see it. L. I). MERCER M. PRENDERGAST & CO., ITS Broughton drat. oypodte St. Andrew’* Hall. Savannah, TTAVE great pleasure In dlr^cUM ^ttohUm to tote pur- II cbase*. In connection w’th Vhelr retaU,trade, they car- ryout strictly the same system, In the aaloof their gomU, aa Upor«usd kr tbe large house* lirthe northern cWer,OiHM- Iy: Brlog their customer, the full advantage arising from boring Id Urge lots. Planters, and heads of families, and sllptrwM,buying In quantity, will find many large lot* to bay from, and decidedly cheap oct26 BAKERY! BAKERY!! T HE undersigned begs leave to Infurm the cltlunsof Savannah, that he will own on the 1st of November, . Bakery, at the corner of Jcuerson and Charlton streets, ■bsrshe will have the Bn! of Flour and the Largest She Bread for the pries, hi* system being cash auil no credit. He will nsrsntee that hi. friends and the public in patronising him w II be satisfied. Ticket, to be paid for In advance, and Bread for cash on ly. Bekets can be left at the house if required, or Bread esrrial to any part of the city. Tbe cosh system Is the order of the day with me, os I hare lost enouirh in by-gone days. What I have lo.t with bad customers I will make up with good paying patrons, hy firing them a .urgur .lie bread, as cash will move tbe IT* Pies. Cakes, and Rusks, to bo bad at all times at tbe m bakery. octlt)—dim P. GIEBELI10U8E. PROPOSALS FOU RATIONS AND FUE3L FOR LIGHT VESSELS. Column's Omcx—SUPXRtxTKNDBrr ov Limrra,\ Oth October, 1853, f QEPARATE sealed proposals will be received at this office »J until 12 o’clock, M., on Tuosdny. tho 1st day of Novem- h*r. 1843, for fumlehlng and delivering Rations and Fuol . euMatd the light Vessel* In this Collection District, via- wr Uie Light Vessel stntloned at Tybee Island knoll, entl- IW1" rstlou* for three men, and to —— cords of wood, aermrd—.; and for the Light Vessel stationed at Mar ks j Industry. entlt!od to rations for four men. and to — w™ of wood, per cord . from the first of November, 1I4J, to the thirtieth of Juno, 1854, incluslvo. The ration* wb« of good tnd approved quality—to bo delivered |n good snBdent packages, barrels, boxes, and cases, and In pw order,on board the abovo named light vessels, at once a quarter, free of expense to the United States. J»d ugrtesbly to the annexed tabloof the weekly ration. J. V. CONNERAT & CO. Have now in store, and for sale on tho mn> favorable torms—26 hhds Porto Rico and .Mu«c> vado Sugars, 76 bbls Stuart’s A B and C clarllle > do, 40 bbls crashed and pulverised do. 10 boxes Loar Sugar 120 bag* Rio Coffee. 25 do Java do, 00 hhds, tlflrcesand bbls W. I. and N 0 Molasses, 76 boxes sperm and adamantine Candles, 160 packages hyson and black Teas, 100 bbls Baltimore and Canal Flour, 10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy k Co.’s Brandy, 16 quarter pipes fine Ola French brandy, 20 do do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wine, 60 do do Malaga, and 16 do TonorllTe Wine, 80 bbls Old Monongabela Whisky, 0 plpea Holland Gin, clover leaf brand, 2 puncheons Jqmalna, and 20 do 8t Croix Ruttr,- , * 60 bbls sugar, butter and soda BUcults, 160 do domeatlo Brandy, Gin, Rum and whisky, 100 baskets penuine Heldilok Champaign Wine, 60 do do Hungarian lion do 60 do do Crown and Rough and Ready do 120 M Spanish Segars, various brands, together with choice Rutter, Goshen Cheese, and other ar ticles usually found In wholesale groceries, oct!6 ATLANTA MILLS FLOUll, FROM 8UPERI0R SOUTHERN WHEAT. T HE undersigned, agents for the abovo mills, expect to bo supplied with one or two car loads* week of this Superior Flout, which they will sell from tho Railroad De pot, as it arrives, to dealers and bakors on favorable terms. octl3 CRANE k RODGERS. krisy.... jHdsy,., J’dMUlajr Rurwltj,. Why,.. 1 ; *tyq‘ty lil^ t k*\D} usl delivercd^ufllclentiy by bring kept onlward. al 6 * D ro Po»al mus! » * rropo'al mu ,t jigtlnclly tbe price for which T “^ r »«i°a will be fumisbod on board each Light 'rT respectively. •nt for ®«l>plylng fuel, both coal and wood, kiwi * 11 Jjt'netly the prlco per ton or cord, and the Ihs/v. “f each, to be dellvured on board each XwsT lrM P* clire >/- Uth tmIi r ' nr a,t the ration* required, or for q»lre<fr^»*1 hi* option—se^arato bids are re- fu ® ~ lh# quantity to be delivered, not often- •naperteUndent*^’ “ be ll#t * nnineiJ b y the Inspector h® required to enter Into bond with UiBMuFn fot faithful execuUotf of the contract' ■ *PI>rov^iv.TrJ »ce«ptff«| °r contract entered into, until tbe Ughl llouM Board. u^wnhactor will be required to keep at least, In the month '» nation* Tor the entire crew of the KMaJw„ n i” ctwl for > houDt at all times; and any fcri |n “ccount of failure to deliver rations or K„ i ®*' will be chargeable to the contractor. ■ « M nfrt«V* |, ?i ,B ,P°*lHtendent. Inspector, or other person Wnd M 1lb t' 1 ® light houso eswblishmcnt, will be si- . “{UlM vS M !e ^h, t ?H lo , r i lla I ,er ' n t*ndcnt, or Inspector, will be allow- t . h ®P* rlj of the ration, nor the time* that tj*flherB“” upon for lhe ‘lellvery, wlthput authori al ^vL^u-n?k t01M " tutln ff f° r khe crew of Wlbs Su,»ri v , “**'»lned. and their quality approved WOh»^" lcnl ’ or the Inspector of thoWtrlct. nty.and ' r n '«y be assigned to perform tlu. 4»»ot bsaMK 8 will be paid for ratlnna and fuel which V»'l deUnm^r i? r of t'» B qualiVy, quant i. ^"lerofths light House Hoard. — JOHN BUSTQN, Sqp't lights. «^ RY , 0Att ® BY TUB 1AST STEAMER— i'ALwnu, Ga., Aug. 15. D codtNol—aug23 BLANKETS, D03IESTICS, &C. AT VERY LOW PltlClSB. W E take pleasure in calling the attention of planters to our very extensive stock of Woolen ana Domestic Goods, many of which we purchased before 1 he great ad vance in wool, and will therefore sell them correspondingly low, consisting of— 40 bales London Duffll and colored Blankets, 60 do brown twilled Kerseys ; 10 do black do, 30 do .brown domestic Goods. 26 do striped and white Osnabnnre. 10 do plain red Flannel; 8 do twilled do, 15 do shirting Stripes, 10 do Schley’s Georgia Plains. 16 cases Louisiana ana Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids, 6 do plaid Unsays, stripes and plaids, 6 do Satinet and Kentucky Jeans, 6 do Scotch and domeatlo Ginghams, 30 do bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 20 do English and American Prints, 60 doien Negro Caps; 100 pieces Carpeting, 160 Ruggs and Matts: 200 Carpet Bogs, 300 Negro Iiead-hanakerchlefs, 1000 down woolen and cotton Hosiery. Planters and merchants vlsltlngour city during the (all and winter will find It to their interest to look trough our stock, as we are disposed to Mil at a small admneo upon oct6 AIKEN A BURNS. A N article founded upon sciontlfle principles,compound- XJL ed with purely vegetable substances, Being perfectly safe when taken, and liaa ntoer been known to fall In curing the moat obstinate eases. Worms can never exist when this remedy It onoe need, from the (hot that It not only de- •troya them buttemoves all the alime and mucus which may remain. »i( nt'A -*-. ■ .J • ■ . This worm'll'til# ciojkl difficult to destroy of ali that in- habit tbe bumabbody.' It grows to an almost lndeflulto . IV M uu length, and becoming so colled and fattened In the lutes practloe in the Court* of Chatham. Camden. Glynn and Mow snd stomach as to produce Fits. St. VIUs’ Panee.ftc, ilnUitU counties; also, the United State* Circuit and t . h8 MU,C •* «° lt >g to the grave, not belluv- BANCROFT dt BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BR0KER8, For the Puroluum and Sale of Stocks, . Bonds, Exchange Real Estate, 117 Bay-stroet, Savannah,Jan24 CHARLES P. CUQRRR, MISSIONED FOJ IR FLORIDA. ATTORNI Y AT LAV AND COMMISSll 175 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Will practloeln the Courts of Chatham, C*md_, _ McIntosh countlea; also, the United State* dtoult and District Courts for tho Southern District of Georgia. RxreRK.NCis—Hon. R M. Charlton, Maura. Crane k Rod- were, Boston k Vlllolnnga, Daniel II. Stewart, Savannah; Hon James E. Broome. S. R. Mallory. Thos. BattseR, Thos. Douglas.C. H. Dupont. W. A. Forward. Florida. o26—3m DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS!! FOR FALL AND WXNTKR* R EMITQN k VERSTILLE have now opened a large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, which they assure their friends, and tho public generally, Is diffluult to bo surpassed, either in variety or quality.— Their purchases have been made upon such advantageous terras also, aa to alTurdgreat inducement* to public patron age. In addition to a eomplute and handsome supply o! Dress, Fancy and House Goons, as well aa a general assort ment of all other kinds of goods In their lino, may bo found : 8-4,0-4 and 10-4 Duffll Blankets, 84,0-4 and 10-4 Twilled do 8-4,04 and 10-4 Grey do 104,114,12-4 and 18-4 fine Bed Blankets, Also, Crib and Cradle Blankets. * And, for negroes’ wear, a large stock of Plaids and Ker seys. at prleos a* low as they can bo bought anywhere, of the following styles:. Schley's heavy Twilled Kerseys, Superior heavy English Kerseys, a splendid article Imitation Georgia Kerseys, very heavy Kendall Kerseys, and the old style Cablewarp do. Also. grey..'white and black Imitation Georgia rialni. Striped do, Schley's heavy Georgia Plains of last year’s man, and the best artlclo of the kind in this market, at their store In Waring'. Range, 72 St. Julien and 105 Bryan st. ocw WILLIAM H. DAHI1ER, ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupviUe, Iwwndes county, Ga. Will practise in Thomas, towodos, Clinch. Ware, Appling. TcUhlr. Irwin. Ismrens, and Pulaski countloa. Georgia ; and in Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia coun ties, Florida. feb23 WM. r. WIM.IAUS. TUADonm outxr. jack boowr. WILLIAMS, OLIVER A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., Will practise In the counties of Marlon, Macon, Houston, Stowart, Randolph, Muscogee, I^e, and any adjoining counties where tuelr services msy be required. jau29 FERDINAND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELIAJR AT LAW, Washington City, D. C., Will practise in tho various Courts of tho District, and at tend to tha prosecution of claims against the Govern ment. June22 DR. G. F. COOPER, Office under Mrs. Sclinlder’i, west of liberty square, Mont gomery-stmt. Residence corner ol Perry and Drayton- street*, opposite tho Catholic Church. June22 JOSEPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer of Bay and WhUaker-stndx. JAMES O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—lib Bay-street. Savannah, Georgia. WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 09 Bay-street, 5«winnaA, Georgia. bicqueen Mcintosh. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonville, Fla, JULIAN HARTRIDOB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlee, comer if Whitaker-sl. and Bay-lane, Savannah. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, comer if Whitaker-sl. and Bay-lane, Savannah, Ga. THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. DIST, Office, comer Bay and Damard-streets, Savannah. THOS. J. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. WM. H. F. GURLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 14 Wall-tired New Fork. JOHN G. FALLIOANT, WnOLXBALR AJtn R XT A1L DISLIR IJf WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORS, West Side Monument Square, Savannah, Ga, BROWN Of HARRIS, BOARDING, LIVERY AND SAIFS STABLES, WIXT nnOAD STREET, 8AVA.VXAD, Ol. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, CornorofBsy and Whitoker-slreet*. Office hours from 0 ' A. M., to 2, P. M.; and from 3Jf, P.M. to 6, P.M. DANIELL * COOPftR, ATTORNEYS AND CUUNSKUBRS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. WUI take contracts for Building and Work In Masonry of every description. Residence first door west of St An drew’* Hall, Broughton Street. WM. A. THOMAS, PRACTICAL HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBER, No. 148 Broughton street, Savannah. Ga Lead pipe, sheet lend, block, tin. copper boilers, light and forco pumas, hydraulic rams, and kitchen ranges, con stantly on Land. Orders from the country promptly at tended to ool28—3m ROOFING. The subscriber Is prepared to fay Tin Roofs on correct prin- ciples.and from sixteen years’ experience, feels assured he can giro satisfaction. Prices very low. Bost reference given. J. J. MAURICE. AFriJulter* an ,\ Conductors In order. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND C0US8KM/)K AT LAW, Alligator, East Florida. Will practice In tho Eastern and Southern counties. Refer to Col. S. S. Sibley, and R. U. Hilton. Ksq.. Savannah, Ga. J. W. P ATT ICRS ON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Fbrsylh. Monroe Omnty, Ga. J. B. I1AYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scarborough. Seri veil County, Practices in the Eastern and Middle Circuits of Georgia. Jy26—3m 8. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Munticello, Jefferson County, Florida. Reference—Hon W. H. Eijcuoru, Savannah. Ga. feb3 th: m. KoRwoon. c. 0. wosok. NORWOOD <Sf WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SawmnoA, Ga., ' Will practice in all tho Countlea ofthe EasternCIroult. Bu siness committed to thoircaro, will receiro prompt atten tion. Offlee on Bay street, over Whntkr k Psuixs', WlUiAU B. nmtMI. JOBS K. MILLXR FLEMING U MILLEV. The underslgnod having united In tho practice of law, wll - attend punctually to any businraa out rusted to their care Offico corner of Bay and Whitaker Stroots, over Messrs 8wltt. Denstow & Co'«. ^ULADHLFlUA-.ileron^Lln.^.T^ (regular packet schooner FANNIE, Beaston, master, .part of her cargo engaged, will have dispatch tor *aaff ri*- . i e^-The regular >Jer, master, will EESTATOABT AND COFFEE-HOUSE. Itrslgned haa leaeod.and baa now fitted up In ' id alsgatlt style, the building on Drayton stmt, i Way A Kurd’s, to be occupied m a «BW YORK—Union LtnaWTbe SUlSfbl lehr. ENCHANTRE8S, Tyler, .bare quick dispatch at above.. For freight or p o - ociaO . OGDEN, fc> fJiHBlundsrslj _ neat and next door to V COFFEE-HOUSE, where he intend# toleirve up. in eoperior style, every dell* cacy of the seaaon, New York anrt Sarannato Oysters, VenUon, GROUSE. PARIBIDGES, FISH, Fulton Mnrkd and Philadelphia Beef, fyc., fyc., will always be kept on hand, and served up in a atylt never before eitualled In this city. 4®" Parties furnished with private suppers and Dinners on short notlco. Ho will keep only the best Liquors. oct7 JOHN McK. CODY. t&h. NBW YOAK-Ujdpn Lliic«-«Tlii regular SSfcpMtot schooner KLTZABLTII k ELLENOR.Pierson, maater, will have qulok disnatch ai above. Fbr freight or paaiflgeapplyto ®500 . HOBENSACK’S WORM | YRUP. BOSTONwkTbe fine brig CENTRAL AMERICA, !0>«®, master, will have dispatch as above. For « r Passage apply on board, at TellWr’a wharf, Or to 00126 BRIGHAM, KELLY A 00. DOSTONj-TUo fine schr. E. R. BKNNETT, A. Wood,roa*ter, wlU have immediata dispatch aa aoove. For freight or passage apply to oot26 BRIGHAM, KKLI.Y k CO. ing that these complaints have tholr origin h -Uy‘'- J ^‘ " THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUN3KLUJR AT LAW, TroupeUle. Georgia, Will praotlse In tho Clrccuit Courts of Thomas. Lowndes, Clinch. Ware, Appling and Irwln.Ueorgi*; and In the Cir cuit Courts of JcfTorsmi, Madron and Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, and in Alachua and Columbia counties in the Eastern Circuit of Florida Will attend to tho claims of all persons before tho Departments at Wash ington. JOHN IL COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga., late Junior partner of tbe firm of A. k J. CbcuiiANK, Irwinlon. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to h<s care Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. B Guyton, F. H. Rowe,Dublin,Ga.; M Marsh,Savannah. may7—dAwJy < READY MADE CLOTHING, FOR. FALL. AHD WINTUK. I 1 cvlll 1’f, n *w and boautlful patterns of canary Ij^sjust received. Tliore deahous of a hand- £wgRa.Md«M proof against Mifes.bave only •* rl / call for a choice from a floe a* .. J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-et. TlIKtV.,.. f C CLFB (W'aiOHDil,. ‘' . “4 by SJciBb*^'' following purse* are offer- yJ®s. < ^. b0 * U ' not to eicwd 48 roet ,n >«n«tb, to exwod48 freVln length, ^ exceed’88 tMtln Ve’ogtb, 300 exored M'foei in le'niuj', variety of every article for'gepUemen’a Wear, suitable 6: tbs present and coming seasops. Tbe following comprise portion of the stock on band: Overcoats and 8urtouta of black and blue beaver cloth, Sack and brown mohair cloth, talma cloaks, Blue and brown cloth business frooks. Grey and check caulmere holiness suits, Black doe-akin eassimere pants, » French fancy eassimere pants, Grey and mixed tweed eassimere pants, BUck and mixed satinet pants, Plain and plaid kersey pants, Embroidered and plain black oisstmere vests, Figured and plain black silk vests, Plush velvot vests. • . Figured bUck and fancy cashmere vests, togotbur with an extensive stock of Furnishing Goods, such as Uno white. sblrU, silk and merino undershirts, merino Canton flannels and Joan drawers, riding gauntlets, black; colored and white kid glove*, stocks, cravats and scarfs, neck-tlvs. suspenders etc., the whole of which is offered for sale low, by * WM. R. SYMONS, Drapr- *- ** ,, ~ ocU GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Oioeru’ Building, opposite Pulaski House, Having made Urge additions to his establishment, continues to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in his usual neat and handsome style, and on accommodating terms. * PROTKCTION INSURANCE COMPANY, ' Of Hartford, Conn, “• The undersigned, Agent* of the above Company are prepared to take risks against Flux on Buildings and their contents. Also Hakim Risks, on the most favorable terms. BRIGHAM. KEI-LV k CO., Ag%nt». rararuH, mur * co. L ANDING from schooner Christopher Loosen, 60 balos Hay, and for aalo pn the wharf; by • oeta . OGDEN k BUNKER. IYHANDIFS—landing from F Satterly—10 cask* superior JD Cognac Brandy in store, — quarter eaaka wry old Jean Louli’ * ,te *eptt T ‘ rioU ‘ bnuMU i r # «!• JF y 10 half-pipes 0 D k Co’s do. 10 * 16 halves and quar- GONNERAT k CO. fYIIfl, 4n>.—10 bbls Linseed OIL 10 do Spe y ?««<» do,lOdo Machinery do,8000lbs boxes^Window Glass. For sale low by ‘ CRANE k RODGERS. Linseed OIL 10 do Sperm do, ID do Re- »-u. »• -VYblU Lead. 100 auglO R BDUCnON IN THE PRICE OF BLOOK TIN WARE.— Veramn, Steak, all. bbte, at»d Hot Water Dishes, from 12 to 20 Inch#*, of superior and medium quality; also, Dish Ccvm.BoffreGrecques.Teaand Cofto# Urna.E«g Bollsra, ke.. I will Mil aa-lo w as thsy can be pafobaK^ | n th# north. Preprietara of Steam Boat*, Planter*, and other* are Invited to call and examine. 1 . ' J. P COI4JNB, 100 feryan-etrett. CORDIAL.—10 do* Catoway pERB SB - A. BONAT^ * JOHN RUIN, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 163 Broad-sired. CWueibus, Ga.. WlU tranoaet the above business In the usual manner, and pay strict attention In all-consignments entrusted to hi* care. He would rcjpcetfoUy refer to the following poi sons i Hon. AlAed Iverson. Msjer John H. Howard, War- ham Cromwell Esq.. Lewis M. Durr. Columbus, Ga.; Wm, P, Yongo, Abraliam Backer. Savannah, . Om—Junefl - _jiu the tape worm; consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To those who are afflicted with this aw- fut foe to health, I recommend the uso of ray Worm Symp and IJver Pills: the Syrup to be taken In doses of two ta ble spoonfuls three times a day, then take from flvo to eight of my Liver PIUs, to dislodge aud pass the worm. By strictly following those directions, tbe mostobstinate cases of tape worm can b&speedily cured. Round or Stomach'Worm. This worm Is usually found in the small Intestines, and la thn worm must common to children,' yet It Is not entirely confined to them, ns adults have frequently beon known to suffer with them. The symptoms most prominent while affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness or the belly, slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the nose, a bluelsh strealr'under the eyes, Ate. If you.or any ol, your children havonhy or the above symptoms. Hoben- sack's Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using It you have a certain, safe and speedy cure ; and If after using It according to4be directions the patient is nut re stored to health, aud the worms thoroughly eradicated from the system, you can rest assured there Is no remedy beyond the for fall, there l« no auch word as fall with those who use my Worm Syrup. Aioarldei, or Email Thread Worms. These worms, to which the human sytein Is liable, are most troublesome of all others. They are generally to bo found In the rectum, and If allowed to remain, from the ir ritation they produce,l&y tho foundation for serious dlsor ders, such as Inflammation of the bowels, and other de. rangoments of the stomach. The best and safest medicine that can be used Is Hobcnsack’s Worm syrup. Such is the astonishing power of my medicines over Ascaradles.that I defy any one to produce a ca*o where my Worm Svrup and Jlvcr Pills ate recqnimendod to bo used they will not cure. All that is necessary Is to uso tho syrup In accord- ancowlth directions <iu each bottlp; and In case a gentle C purgative Is required In order to allay tbe IrrltalIon they reduce, the Liver Pills, bv their sympathising nctlnn and ealthy operation upon the bowels, la the most pleasant medicine that can be taken. HOOBNSACK’^LIVRR PILLSc No part of tho system Is more liable to disease than the liver. It being aupplM^U nu^ r ou^bl<>o|l»va«ael*. *»>A all parts of the body, produces liver complaints, jaundice, bilious affections, dyspepsia. «rc uyspepaln. The symptoms of Dyspepsia, and Its various diseases a dltxlncss in the bead,heartburn, oppression after eating meats, sourness arising from the stomach, ka. and some times general languor of tbe whnlo body, from this It will be seen that the disease owes its origin to a disorganised state of tbe Liver and Stomach. Hobensnck’s l iver Illls Is tho very medicine to effect a permanent and lasting cure, as they act by changing tho certain morbid actions of the system into a healthy action, and rquderlug tbe blond pure and healthy. Llwer Complaint, Isntlondod with chills,sucaoedod hyfever,severe pain In the region of tho liver, vomiting bitter fnsto, yellow furred tongue, nulse full and bounding, tho pain In the side is In creased by pressure. should the left lobo be affected, the pain Is generally In the left shoulder, with a short dry cough, the skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and the stnids clay colored. Thlsdiseaso can be cured by tbe use of Ho- bonsack’s Liver I’llls. aa they act directly upon the seat of tbe disease, and then operating upon the bowels they ex pel all the corrupt and vitiated rna'trr from the system. To'Vemalti, -- You will find these Pills an Invaluable medlolue In many, complaints to which you krcsubloct. In obstructions either total or pnrtlsl tlipyJiav* been found of Inestimable bone- fit in restoring and.purifying tho blood and other fluids so jaa to cure aUoUfnplalate wlitohi awar arise from female lr- "regularities, ha headneho.'dimness of sight, pain in the side, back. Ac. These Mils are the only safe and effectual reino- dy to cure tho following' complaints. Gout. Nervousness, Moliincholy, Sick Headache. Giddiness. Rheumatism, dis tressing Dreams, Dimness iff Sight, or In fact any of (ho dis eases that arlue frpm nfffetlons nl Mm Liver, Impurity ol the B1 od, or constipation of thn Rowell. Medical itfvlilcnce We. the unudendgned 1’liystcluns. having had tho rcelpt of their manufacture sulrmlttod to us fur Inspection, say. that the ingredients of which they are composed makes tho.n the best 1’IU in use for all diseases or the Ltvor, Im- puritiose tlio Mod. Ac. GEORGE WOOD, M. D. F CROWLEY. M l>. L. BOWEN. M. D. $rj*Purcbaso nonobnt those having tho signature’‘J. N. HOBENSACK.”as all other* are worthies* Imitation*. Agents wishing new supplies, and all others wishing to become agents, must address tho Proprietor.J. N. HOBEN- SACK, at Ills laboratory. No. EJONorth Second-street, abovo Race. Philadelphia. • Sold by nil Druggists and Merchants in the U. S iuay21—<ltwAtwly AYE It’8GHEUKY PECTORAL^ fbr the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Hoop ingcouyh. Croup. Asthma, and Gmsumption. “ And by tho river, upon tbe hank thereof shall grow all treos for meat, whose leafsbnll not fade and the fruit there of shall bo for meat and the leaf thereof for medicine.” H ERE wan hope for the sick recorded long ego. uqd eve ry yoar adds new proof to tho assurnneo that these promises shall not full. As medical sclonce discovers aud designates tho remedies naturelm* given, ono by one. the diseases that afflict our race yield to the control of art. Of all the maladies wo suffer from, nono has carried more victims to an untimely grave than Consumption of the Lungs. Subjoined wo give some ovidence that this too may bo cured, nud that pulino- • nary complain!*, In all tb*Ir forms, may bo removed by Cherry Pectoral. Space will not permit us to publish here any proportion of tho cures It tins affected, but the Agent below named will famish our circular, free, whereon are full particulars and Indisputable proof of the facts. Sufferer*, read and judge for yourselves. fbr Infiuenxa and Iloojring Ouigh, NA-mviujc. Tenn.. Juno 28,1851. Sir: I have repeatedly used your Cherry Pectoral for hooping cough and inffuona* and have no hesitation In pronouncing It a complete remedy. Four of my children have been afflicted with these diseases, and the free uso of tho Pectoral has always afforded instant rollof. Jaukh Glovkh. We attest the truth of tho above statemont. M. Mtftumr, Editor Nashville Whig. J. M. ZiUKRKMAN. Druggist, fbr a Cunsumptiie Cough. PrmoiUBO. I’a.. Fob 26.1851. Dear Sir : For three yonrqt have been afflicted with a cough so distressing that I facquentlydispalred of recovery; much of the time I was obliged to sit up all night in my chair, as my cough would stflTbcalo me when I laid down. Haring used many reuiodlea without much relief.-1 at last tried the Cherry Pectoral. Which under Providence oured me al together. I am with gratitude yours, / Jambs M’Caxth-bw. This is onto/the numerous cures of Adhma which have beon accredited to Cherry Pectoral. Albaxr, N. Y., April 17.1848. Dr. Ayer. Lwvell—Dear-Slr: I have for years been afflict- ed with asthma In the worst form, so that I have been obliged to sleep In my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breaths on my bed. 1 had tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until my physician pre scribed. as an experiment your Cherry Peotoral. At first It seomod to make me worse: but In less than a week, I began to experience tho most gratifying relief from Its use; and now, in four week*, the disease la entirely re moved. 1 can aleen on .for l»ed with comfort, and enjoy a state of hoallh which (tyt'd never expected to eoJoy. *. ... UXOWIV8.Varatt. Commission and Forwarding Merchant, ram lhe President if Amherst College.Edward Hitchcock it. A, LL: D.. dc. J;C. Ayer—Sir: I have used your Cherry Pectoral in my own case of deep-aeated broucliUl*. and am satisfied, from Its chemical consl Ration, that it is an admirable compound for the relief of larynglcal and bronchial dfflcultiea. If my oplnton. aa to Its superior character, can be pf any ser vlco, you are at liberty to use It as you think proper. Amherst Sept. 12, IM9. toward llrtcacooc. Amongolher distinguished authorities who have lent H6STON^The bark MARIA MOKiuN.CapUIn BuUtley, will hare dispatch tor the above port. For of 900 bales cotton, to compete cargo, apply t« I ■■ ■ , •>, ' ROWLAND H CO. pMBage, UIULADELFH1A—Heron’s Llnc^-Tlie j regular packet schooner VIRGINIA, Harris, master, -vs qnlck dispatch for the above port. For freight age, apply to octl8 OGDEN k BUNKER. x dlxpal ;T. JONES. (Mptaln Look, wA meet wltb^dUpatch Agent. jipu the above port. For freight or ;ht or passage apply to II. K. WASHBURN, A| NEW YORK—Netwlilne—The regular -Wat hp’a UinnU n.nt.l n v w.ui.. _III t iket brig MACON, Captain E. Watkins, will meet ipgtoh for the above port. For freight or passage apply to :• -M>ct20 -■ 1L K. WA8HBURN r Agent BALTIMORE—Regular Line.—The reg- _ular packet acbr D. H. BALDWIN, Fisbee, master, lave immediate dispatch aa above. For freight o board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to BRIGHAM,KELLY k CO. BALTIMORE—Regular Line.—The reg- ular packet achooner J. W. ANDERSON, Watson, master, will nave dispatch os above. For freight or pas sage apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to octlo BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. me IPs, Furniture. . TO-MORROW; Not. 8d, wlU be sold, at the comer of Jon** anq Drayton itreets, A iplendld assortment or Fashionable Parlor and Bed Bopm Furniture. Particulars set catalogue. Ttrmscash, ■. _ ' ■ Administrators Bale, On Tuesday, tho 6th December, will be Mid In front of the court house, between the legal hours of sale, -.The interest of D. M. Rogers, deceased, In the Savannah Steam Saw Mills, on Hutchlpson's Island. For farther par- tlcuUrelnquIteuaVtho counting room. Sold byfoaveof tha Ordinary of Chatham county aa th* property ofD. U Rogers, deceased, and by order of the administrator. V Administrator’* Bale. On Tuesday, fiUt December, will be sold. In Ui« front or the oourt house, between the legal hours. Lot and Improvementa, No. 10. comer of South Broad and .Wh'taker street# The lot le subject to ground rent, f $67 60 to the city. Tbe Improremente consist or* double tene ment dwelling. In the basement or which Is an onoe; draw ing room, pantries and bathing room. On the flret floor ie two large and elegant parlbra, wllb a spacious verandah. Inclosed with Venetian blinds. In the second story to four fine pump and good water. Also, a yellow woman, aged about 46, a good eook and washer. The above proporty la eold by leave of the Ordinary, as the property of D. M. Rogers, deceased, and by order ohh# adttinf»Woft~TFffi*lnn be dedAfWlt qicttftr. ' At Private Sale—Two'flve'acre lota, one mile from the city, for salo low, if applied fbr Immediately, on accommo dating term*. ‘ seplB At Private Sale—Urey, Hard Brown, and Brown Brick In quantities to suit purchasers. auglO A Desirable Building Lot for Sale. Ix>t No 0. fourth ty thing, Anson ward. For particulars, Inquire xt the counting room. jylS , NEW YORK—Tbe packet brig CLINTOV, lUiomnson. maater, haring* part of her cargo en gaged, will hare dispatch aa above. For freight Or passage apply to octll OGDEN A BUNKER. NEW YORK—Georsla Line.—Die regu- _Ur packet schooner P. It. BURTON, Captain Lingo, Dave dispatch for tbe above port. For freight of fitly bales cotton, to complete cargo, or passage apply to octl3 ROWLAND k CO. Agents New York—Scranton & Taixmax. < LIVERPOOL—The splendid American ship above. For fref oct8 [IE. Capt. Johnson, will meet with dispatch u freight or pontage apply to PAI1ELFOLD, FAY k CO. , MACON, HAWUINSVILLK dc [OTHER LAMJINUS.—The steamer Ciiarum ITakthiduk, w. Taylor, master, will meet with dispatch aa above. Freight received at Johnson’s lower wharf oct29 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. ' Class 180: 76 62 4 0 11 (1 28 60 20 61 6 42 Also. Extra Class 76: 61 68 20 63 38 26 60 67 0 36 30 34 Holders of prises will please call for the cash, or renew at • E. WITIIINGTON'S. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY. GREGORY k MAURY. Manager* Class 131. draws on Wednesday; 2d Inst., In this city, Sales closest3 o’clock,?. M CAPITA t., SBW YORK AND SAVANNA)! 1 TLe Augu^ Oaputu Lyourw?,;C;- • t,:!?;; t* The Florida, Captain Woofflwll,; 4 r . mF S The Alabama.^ dapuio Schenck ,. . ‘ ” TJe Auwste, Captain Lyoo,;.^..;.^;-.;^!^. « % S: 1 §-nB8^assvteaai;'S»f.: 1? lhe Alabama, diptata SchenoY... t ,,. .£ The Augusta, Captain Iqron. “• 14 The Florida, Captain Woodhull, n Tlieae ship* are th* largest on tbe ooUfoUDaurpaMed la qwed, safety and comfort—making their passage* in 60 to 60 hour#, and are commanded by skillful, earefol and no- Ute officers. They offer a most deelrable cobveyanoerto New York. On the completion of the KNOXVILLE, in January next, this line will be semi, weekly. Cabfnpau- •go, *26. PADELFORD, FAY k 00.. ^ B AHU*r.i!W5SIT*- . M Broadway, y#w York. UNITED STATES KAXL tJtREs Through In 60 to 66 lmure.-Nns York and Charleston Steam Packsts-lenro Adger’a » .. . Wharves every Saturday Afternoon, and “? h Wedneiday, On Saturday tha n*w. aud splendid Steamships , JBESSNSpS; G55 S S 4 '** 1 “” and guard* raised, la now in.complete order. For fmlgllt or puuin, b.rin .Win. MlWIM mod*tions, apply at tfio offlee of thn Arent. HENRY M1BSROON, Corner East Bay and Adgcr k Son’s Wham*. N- B —A new ship will be plaredln the line to oosusel with the Southerner on Wednesdays. •, ftblO FOR PHILADELPHIA—PARE'! 7b sail on S * * *- - - £3 $4,340. -r»k FOR DEMRY’S FERRY AND ^‘TT^INTERMFJJIATE LANDINGS.—The steamer UUN Imiua been recently overhauled, repaired, and painted, will make regular weekly trips between this eity ami Domry’sFerry, leaving here every Saturday evening at 4 o'clock, and touching regularly at all the Intermediate landing*. The.Oregon has been thoroughly refitted under the late Steamboat Uxw. and her accommodation* for pea- m ngors are both ample and comfortable. She has been placed on tho line particularly for tho accommodation of the planter* and mercbnnt* on the river. For freight or passage apply on board, at Union wharf, or to KINCHLKY k THOMAS, Agents. Savannah, October lat. 1863. oct6—dfil wltn 78 Number Lottery—14 Drawn Ballots. US' Ticket* $1—shares In proportion. Extra Class 78, draws at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, 6th November. capital. $40,000. 75 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. KP Tickets flO—shares In proportion. Tlckota either singly or by thn package for sale In Bay lsne,8arannah,Ga., next to Robinson A Camp. nov2 E WITinNGTON. as pei gSSfatuns burthen. J. Bxsoncnycommander, wilf leave annexd schedule every other Saturday. PROM CHARUBTOX. June 11 June 26 July B July 23 August 6 August....20 September. FOR PALATKA, K. F., Tbuching at Darien, Brunswick. St Marys. JackscnudlU, Mtd- diat—y; (*«<*» Owe*.) and Picctata. ■'r - wll’**^ Th® new and auperior ateampacket* ST. fern -If 11IN ’^ 0*pt. Jss. TOkkiiorn. ami WILIJAII GASTON, Uiut. Tim®. Shaw, will leave fur the above places as follows : Tho St. Johns, on Thursday morning. 16th Inst., at 10 o'elock ; and thu Wm. Gaston, on Tuesday morning, •JOtli Inst, at 10 o’clock, and will continue to leave nt the same hour every Thursday and Tuesday thereafter. The latter boat carrying the United .States Mail. For freight or passage, having handsome stateroom Huconiiuodatlon*, ap ply on board, at Dillon’s lower whari, or to J. II. GUNRY, Agent 47*The St Johns will go to St. Augustine every fourth trip, commencing (leaving Savannah; on the 29th instant. sept4 OPPOSITION LINE. raTlO. FALATKA, FLA., AND INTERMEDIATE i’LACEd.—leaves every Saturday morning at 10 o’clock.—The regular steam packet WELAKA, Capt. N. King, will leave as above. For freight engagements, ap ply on board, or to 8 M LAFKITKAU, Agent. N. D.—The fare to Brunswick Is reduced to 64. aug2& OPPOSITION LINEt Change of Departure—Fbr Palatka. Fla..andall the interme diate landings on lhe mute. - . Tho superior now Steam-packet WELAKA, FA&14&2CCaptain N. Kino, will, until further notice, eavu every SatUHDAV. at 10 o’clock. A. M. Rate of Passage in large, airy State Rooms, as follows To Darien $3 00 1 Tc " r ‘ ‘ - -Ht< lUrym.-. r. .f .‘. T.4-60 I — - Jacksonville 6 00 j N. U.—Freight consigned to H, R. To l , Icolata...,..68 00 PatntXJC;8 00 Black Creek....8 00 Duke, for Ocala, will be ilgi re-«hlppe<l free of all charges at Palatka. For freight or passago apply on board at tho Charleston Steam I’ackot Company’s wharf, or to foblR . S. M. LAFF1TEAU. Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Fbr Palatka. E.F..via Darien. Brunswick. St. Marys, Jackson ville, Middleburg. Black Creek and Picolata. " ajir^fi Tl ‘ 0 au J> e rior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, C*pt- T. K. Siuw, will leave on Tuesday Mom- ing. at lu u'ulock, and will enntinuo to leave every Tuesday. The Rates of Passage by this Boat, areas follows: To Darien $3 00 St. Marys 4 50 Jacksonville 6 00 Picolata • 8 00 Palatka 8 00 Blnck Creek 8 00 For freight or passage, apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to mav31 CLAGHOllN k CUNNINGHAM. Agent*. EDWARD R. HARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT, W. k A. RAILROAD, Ringgold, Walker County, Georgia. TXTII.L attend to tho pnrohasing on comralMion.-Corn, VV wheat and Bacon. The Ringgold JteprA being»ltwa- tedTn a region of country abounding Ingrain, U catpuau- ly be puronssed upon more favorable terms than at almost any other point upon the W. k A..Railroad - ' Orders ouverihg the cash, with limited or discretionary ttutrucUan*. will receive prompt attention. Persons order- Ing grain will please forward sacks with order. References—Dr. Richard Wayne, Mr. Wm; M. Wedly, Sa- " ’ may 10 jfifalGENKRAL VARIETY 8T0RB, 130'Brtragbton-L . , „ flu Country Merchants Milliners, and the public gcaer- the Druggists throughout thu Sul ally; are Invited to examine this stock. It eon*!etroF60 different sty lea elahoeately trimmed, Parisian, blond, gtmo, rich eolored silk, satin, crap* and. other choice and mnch admired style#;' flats andhats, embroidered satin hoods; a great variety -of crape embroidered blond Hnlbf*. Pan* ■liklaoesbtpei. extra rloh spring bonnet ribbons, straw trimmings, drew do, white and oofored lace, gimp# and gal loons, do do silk fringes, mantle*, idala baregre, ih»Uand Other comb*, hair pao, ends and ulalte, ribbon ptette, And wnathea, bonnet sUku, Jet And flramr BONNETS 1 BONNETS 11 60 o eeejuat received at the TRIMMING AND y^- .. .. flowers, feathers And wreathes, bonnet tun, jet ana many wristtetts, buttons, ateel trimmings, tephyr wonted, braid. (ana,wlthntnat variety or other goods usually-kept in fancy establishments. 7 ; '«-■ : \ Mrs.'Hom, assisted V, .Yoi^wMAttendtothe ■H jgpafdBfcl. CARPETS—CARPETS—CARPETS 1 W E have tills d iy opened a now and splendid assort ment of car pet*. cousUtlng of— Hemp, Dutch, Venetlnii, Stnir, Three Fly, Xttgralti, and Brussels Cnrpote- Also, a very handsome assortment of Velvet andChenol Rugs, Hemp, and Cocoa Mats, Drugget and Floor Oil Cloths, all of which will bo sold At the lowest prices, by acp20 AIKEN k BURNS. FALL TRADE OF 1853. T O MERCHANT* AND WHOLESALE PURCHASERS OP DRY GOODS.—Our arrangement* for the Fall Trade will bo complotod In a few days, when we will bo prapsreil to submit to your Inspection an unusually complete assort ment of general Dry Good*, llosictr. Trimmings. Haber dashery, and Small Wares, Ribbons. Ao. M. PRENDERGAST k CO., 178 Bnmghton-atreet, opposite St. Andrew’s Hall, west slde.aug27 their name* to recommend thin preparation as the best knowg to them for affections of the lungs, are: PrealdentPerkins, Vermont Medical College, Pfofeasor SUllman, Yale College, Professor Valentine Mott. New York. Professor Claavland. Uowddln Medical College. Professor Butterfield. Ohlq.Medlcel College. Canadian Journal of MedleqbSdeaee. Boston Medloa land Sundew Journal. Charleston.8. C, Medlcal Revlew, ' New Jersey MedieaT Reporter. - Hon. Henry Qay, U- 8. Sena to 1 - > Hon. Geo. P. Marsh. American itor. ‘ !*:. _irsh. American Amfouwador to Turkey. Gen. Emanuel Bulne**,President of Chill.' - Rt. Rev. Ed. Power.Lord IReliop of.Toronto. k Aleo, many eminent physician* frk-mreigu, countries. Not only In tb# more dangeton# and distressing dlseaaee of the Luuge.bntalao.asa fiunPy median* far occarional use. It le the safest, pleasantert and beet In to #brld , • * ■" AYER. ChwnUt, 1 ow*ll, Maas. . A. A. 8OLOMON8, W. WTlJN. MOOBRj^mrMnaUj and by all tbu Bteter aodfrwani—may!2 TjUITER ASIl CHE&ffi-OT «tM». eb'-rfe. Uo.h.0 £ S **■ B acon sides and reef. 20 half bbls. Fulton Mai ..ret- • . J^OCKIXO DIBD CADES.—Ju»t .MtojuU b, . - - tmok * vsiora. 'T/lKI'INO fmoi brl, E'«1-3S AJ tMdiick-Wlne.281 life and Fire Insurance. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, and surplus over $260,000. Aurkd Gill. President. Job. C. Walklkv. Sco’y. This Com|«ny will issue Policies on the Joint Stuck principle, and u|*o» the Mutual plan, thus combining the benefits of both systems at thq option of tho Insured. The strength, ability and well Invested capital of the In stitution are, In my opinion unsurpassod by any Life Insu rance Company In this Slate or Untou. IL.S.) signed R G.TTNNEY, Comptroller ol Pnblic Accounts, State of Connecticut, Slave*-Insured. Californian and Australian risks taken on reasnnahlo terms. The subscriber ts also Agent for the following Fire Compa nies: Equitable Fire Insurance Company OF LONDON. Authorized Capital $2,600,000 Capital paid lu $1,000,000 C. E. Hshkhit, E-q., ) Hobv lAJilUJ*. h>q.. >Trustees, New York. Robkht J'illo.v, Esq. J Farmers’FIro Insurance Company. Capital *200.000. Granite FIro Insurance Company. Capital $200,000. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Company. Capital $160,000. New York and Erie Fire Insurance Comp’y. Capital $160,000. These Companies having a cash capital, safely Invested In bond and mortgage, aro prepared to oiled Insurance agaiost damage by fire.on all kinds of property on reason able terms. Fur Insurance in either of tbe above named Companies, apply to , A. WILBUR. General Insurance Agent, nudAgeut for the above Companies, sopt 20—ly offlee 120 Oongres»-st. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. ‘ CARRIGES. BUGGIES ANI) SULKIES.—A general assurtiiieet. just received.—Tho sub. Korlbor* are now prepared to offer to tbe publio. Carrlngos, Phctons, Buggies. Carryalls, ka. fresh from some of the most popular Establishments, and Builders at the North. The selections were mado hy nno of the firm, with strict reference to lhe renulrement* of this markot. Tliey are determined to keep only such articles In tholr line, as they enu confidently recommend and warrant, feel ing assured that they will be sustained in offering n better and finer class of work, than has bceu usually kept In this market. . The Publio are most rospectfullv requested to call, oxatn- Ine, and satisfy themselves, whotlier they are in earnest, by ad examination of their atock DST All kinds of Itepa'ring done as heretofore. L.R. BENNETT k CO.. July 31 Corner West Broad and Bay-sts. PIANO FORTES. THE subscribers sole agents for A. Stod- ’art k Co’a., and Jonn B. Dunham’s Plsino Fortes, are always supplied with an aa- sortment of these favorite and justly celebrated Instru ments. Fur durability they can be full v warranted, whilst their superiority nftone and touch la evident and acknowl edged by the most casual observer, as well as tho critical connoisseur. Tho ladles are respectfully Invited to view thoso Instruments. An arrrangemont haring been effected with one of our most eminent Pianists for the purpose, they caualso be enabled to judge of the tone. F. ZOGHAUM k CO.. Market-square. Second hand PUnos taken In exchange, also tuned and repaired. JelT NEW GOODS—FALL TRADE—1853 | D sWITT k MORGAN are recrlriugby the steamers week ly their fall and wlmor Goods, to which they respect fully sollcijeattention: Plain and figured black Silks, colored glace aud ducape do Plaid au<l brocade Silk of tho uowest stylo Plain French Mousllnde Iviines. Fruuch and Eng. printed do Silk and Wool Plaids for children's wear, plaid Raw Silks Plain and plaid Poplin*, very rich. French printed Cambric Dark Calicos, Mourning do, Irish Linens, Ac, 1 Rlbero’s now liulldln/. Congress-street. HUDSON, FLEMING df CO., Factor* and Commission Merchant*, No. 04 Bay street. Savannah, Ga., T ENDER their services to planters, merchants and deal ers. in the sale of Cotton and all other country pro duce. Being connected In busluess with Horxi.vs, Hudson & Co., of Charleston, the establishment of an office in this city will afford our friends choice of markets. 8trict atten tion will be given to business, and tho usutl facilities af forded custoiueis. J. R. HUDSON. l«. v . nnMl W; R FLKHINa. f Savannftb - LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. sep18—tf J. J. COHEN. Charleston. ■The Mud Cabin, of tbe character and teudoncles of British Institutions, by Warreolsham. The Forged Will or Crime and Retribution, by Emerson Benltto; Edith’s Legacy, by the author of Adelaide Llndsv. The Whit# Cruiser, or the Fate of the Unheard Of; by Nod Buntline 5 Putnam’* Magasine, for October. The Knickerbocker ; the London Journal. Industry of all Nations, Jane Seten,or-the King's Advocate, abcotUsh historical romance, by James Grant Tbe Rudiment* of the Art of. Building, represented in five sections, edited by John Bullock. Violet tho Donsouae, or Courtship and Wedlock, by the author of the Gilt ke, The Rebel Scout, a romance cf tho American Revolution, by Anna Ashland. For tale at 185jCongre**-*t. oct6 NEW BOOKS. A CTS of the Legislature of Georgia, for 1851—’2; Miss Bretnec’* Homes of the New World—Impressions of America. In two volumes. Tho Second War with England, by J. T. Headley, In two volumes, with plates. Men and Thing* u I Saw Them In Europe, by Kir wan. Venice—the City of the Sea. from the invasion of Napo leon to tbe capitulation In 1840, by Edtn. Flagg, with a map and embellishment*, in two volume*. Sir Wm. Hamilton's Discussions on. Philosophy and Lit erature, Education and University Reform. -Templeton’s Engineer, Millwright and Meebanica’ Pocket Companion, with mathematical tables. Picture Pleasure Book, with 600' Illustrations. Swiss Family Rjblnwn. with B Illustrations. Clouded Happiness, by Cnnntqtf d’Orsay. Fern Leaves, from Fanny’s Port Folio Cloister Life of Charles V; Tbe Mud Cabin; Professor 8illiman’s Travels la Europe; Echoes,of a Belle; Lorenxo Beoonl; Moore’s Ufa of Sheridan, *o. ^ ■ • ’ .; oct26 * W. THORNR WILLIAMS,. MORE NEW BOOKS. Rhetoric of Conversation, or Bridle* aud Spun far tha management of the Tongue, by Ged W Hervey. Dr Chalmers* Correspondence, by ReV Wm llanna, All U not Gold that Glitter*,' or tba Young California, by Cousin Alfa*. - . ' • . ■ TheYoungAstronotner, JO Abbott. Gleason’* notorial i Barnum’s ni ultra ted Nitre. Godsy’s Lafiy'e Book and Graham’s Manatoe; tor Novem ber; Black wood's Magarine. fbvtlctober; Clouded Happt- ncas, a novel, translated from th* Freifch Of the Coon tree d’Omy^Th# Ufoilght Queen, by George Llppard, For t U£ Abnii'noofi—iooq u>i> um., uid uHbii ifi, ^uodiii, urf/ot «i,b, raraHUt> gnxr . oa H OUSE KEEPERS and others will please take notice that the obstructions at tho entrance of my store, conse quent o|Km the putting up or an Iron Front, are now suffi ciently removed to enable them to gain easy access to the interior, where thoy will find tho shstvea well stocked os usual, with Crockery. China,Glass and Stone Ware, family Hardware, wood ana willow Ware. Tin Ware and Table Cut lery; together with a great variety of Iumpa. Lantern*, Wicks, lancy and House Furnishing Goods, which will be sold si moderate and just prices, by J. I*. COLLINS, aug25 100 Bryan-rtrect. and Soda Crackers, 20 do Oder Vinegar, 60 do Stuart's Clarified Sugar, 76 do do Crashed and Powdered do, 300 boxes No. 1 Pale and Family Soap. 100 bags Rio Coffee. 160 bbls E. Phelps nod Rose Gin, 40 do P. k II. Connecticut ltl* ver do. landing and for sale by _aug24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. S HAWLS; needle-worked Collais, Sleeves. Chemesetts, Infants’ Waists snd.Cnp*: Cashmere Scarfs; Ribbons: ladles', gentlemen’s and children's Hosiery ; needleworked Trimmings. Cambric and Swiss Bands ;' embroidered and Unen cambrlo Handkerchiefs. Just received and for sale at tho lowest prices, by *#27 DifflTT k MORGAN. S UNDRIES.—200 bbls superfine Howard street Flour. 200 do Etewah Sllll* Georgia do. 160 bags Cunningham’s dr. rare Genesee do. 28 do H Smith’s extra do, 80 iugar and soda Crackers. 400 bags prime green and fair Rio Coffee. 100 hhd* prime Bacon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders. 26 cask* sugar cured Hama. 40 hhda prime and fair Porto Rico Sugar. 15 do do Saint Croix do, 200 bbls Stu art’s A B nndC clarified do. 80 do crashed and powdered do, 100 do E Phelps' and Rose Gin, 40 do ftnuastic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum, for sale by octlb SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ' cored Hams, for family use, for sale by Sept 17 October... 1 October ...16 October ...20 November. .12 November. 26 December..10 Cabin passage.... Juno, »RUX mUDXLFBU. I.....,, 4 8ept 10 June...Sent......24 July.., 2 October.... 8 July. V October....f“ July........80 ** August 18 August 27 November. •> December.. 8 ■818 Steerage 6 Through tickets to New York IT ' hln lias been thoroughly overhauled and furnished v boilers, and a large and elegant dining saloon on th evory arrangement that can add to the comfort Tills shin with new bu , deck, with evory arrangement that can add to the comfort -'passengers. In Philadelphia, this ship occupies the same wharf as the Liverpool steamships City of Glasgow and City ofMsnchee. sr. at tho foot of Queen street, and Central wuart; Charles Freight on nil perishable arttctei most be pre.paid. For freight or passage, apply to H. F. BAKER k OO., juno7 Accommodation wharf. Charleston. SAMUEL T.'PERCE. .. Agent, Philadelphte. From Macon, Ga.,to Tallahaeeeo, Fin. Railroad to Oglethorp—Stages to VsUahassee. saBMpajar sHsrst commenced on the Ath Inst., running three timea a week vIa. Newton. Balnbrldge. and Quincy, and three Umee a wet*k via. 'iliomasvIlle.BuneansvIlle, ko. Passengers by. this route will leave Maoon at half peat 9 o’clock, A. M., by Railroad for Oglethorpe,- The Stage* leaving Oglethorge either way at 11 o’clock, arriving at At* Uhaasee, at 10 o’clock on the evening of the next day—timn by either route 35 hours. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, hy Newton. Balnhrldge ia Quincy, to Talfaliassee returning, leaves Tallahassee on indays. Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 10, P. IL On Tuesdays, Thuradsya, and Saturdays, by the way 0! Thoraasvlllo—returning samo route on Mondays, Wednesday I and Friday*, at 10. P. M. Through from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee by either route In 35 hours—from Macon in 38—end from Savannah in 60 hours. By this route Passengers leaving Savannah by 8 o’cloe Train of Cara, will arrive at Tallahassee In 60hour*; HU also decidedly the bost. cheapest and most expodltlous rout* for travellers to Apalachicola and Wost Florid*. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpo $1,76 1 from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee, $16,00. L. 0. Siuw. Agent at Oglethorpe, - ) . J * * Tallahassee. '■ A. A. Franxn, • F. K, WBJ0HT, Proprietor Mail Tmln. Leaves Ms con daily, at 8o’etock. P. M. “ Atlanta “ “ 6M “ p. M. C ONNECTING at AtlanU with theTOifiui or Uie Western and Atlantic and UGrange Roada,*nd with the Day Train of the Georgia Road, and it Mar*-1 with the Day Train s of the Central and South-western i^ads. Paaseni — irams or tne ueniral and Honth-weatem i-oads. Paasenger- will arrive In Macon at 12 V. and at Atlanta at 1U, haring theremalnderof thenlghtforreal. ' • ’ • * Passengers Ming South, via Montgomery, '(Ala.) wh« leave Savannah atf A. M., will arrive at Montgomery in for* t^elght boon, including ail stoppages, and only ton hours AccommodationTralna.Tri-Weekly. will leave Macon every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at So’oloek, A.M. Re* turning, leave Atlanta every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. at 7M A. M. Tills Train will connect with the Night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the Night Train of the Central Road at Macon. Passengert by the up ward Train can dine at Griffin, EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’P Msoog.May 17.1862, 8mo > jy2l BOPTH-M^BTElUi HAIl.Bl>Ari|" P ASSENGER TRAINS leave Macon dally at 6H A.M.; arrive at Oglethorpe 10Ai A. M.j arrive at GoJumbus 1 o'clock, P. M. I^ave Columbus dally at 0 o’clock, A. M./aodOgletiiorpe .til), A.U.; Connecting at Macon each way with Central R R train to Snvannah, Augusta and MllledgevUlo, and with Mieod anil W. trains to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga. Nash ville. 4o. Connecting daily at Columbus, hy fast Une of eoaehes, 29 to Opelika, thence 64 miles by M.& W. P. R. R. to Montgom ery. Ala. ■ Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee tndEufanU mall stages. Passougers bre ikfost and dine at Fort Valley, if » an J? 80 ' w. ADAMS, Snperintondent Mioo.v, Aug. 20,1868. aug8I THE BKSnfiAMfAlON Jf TAB MARKET. THUS ‘FIUSSARD’ CHAMPAIGN AND THE ‘IA)NDON CLUB’CHAMPAIGN. . T HE undersigned would respectfully inform the trod* and public generally that be Is now recelvlqg these truly excellent wines, per every Havre packet, wWeh he offers In bond or from store. Tim abovo wines have been carefully examined and com pared with all the favorite brands, and are pronounced by Judges fully equal to the very best, and far Superior to many which are selling at a higher priee, Messrs. Fhmsird, Pem et Fiu, of Rbslms, proprietor* of the above brands, potaesslng facilities for tne preparation of fine wines, equal to those of any other hone* in the win* districts, can'fuarantee tholr wine* being selectodfrom tba finest vintages, will always be found of. the aampsuperior and uniform quality. t. -, The labels and corks hearth* namaot-the proprietor*. Tho trade is invited to ixamhiosampM*at the agency. T I1E undersigned ha’ own account, res; * auglB UST rocelvod beautifully embroidered linen cambric _ Handkurchlefa, also, French worked OoMars. very rloh patterns.. For sal* by •• seplB AIKEN k BURNS, QILK PockeTllandkerchfaf*; of varioos qualities and Q prices, also linen cambric Handkerchiefs, of which we have received a large su pply. sepl8 . AIKEN k BURN8. HINCSEN. I porter for tn#, . • ^iwv-^-K^WdUanadae, octl8—d3m 61d Slip,.New York. PLA8TkSug; AG. . ‘ —■■ " -'—jreiimneite^vboalneseion hie r . ly tenders his services to Ute publio. He will contract for Plain and'Ornamental Plas tering, Stoco Work, Ac. Ac., at .the usual price#, and will In every esse warrant work executed by hlmtelf, or under hi* supervision. Builders and others oontemptating build- log, would do, well to cell upon him before contracting with other*. Order* left at hfa residence. Joues-et., comer of p*rnard ; »t., will be piomptly attended to. Julyl6—ly VALENTINE BRUNKER. BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. L ANDING from brig Macon—10 boxes Lemon Sjrup; 6 oases Gilloux Sardines, for sale by octl5 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k OO. VUTOURNINO DaLAlNES—A very handsome lot of Mourn- 1V± Ing and second Mourning DsLatnes. at, _1 KEMPTON k VERSTIUJC’S, 72 8t, Julian k 102 Bryon^t,, Waring's Range, • sale by octlO A. IMK.—400Casks Um# now landing, will be eold yery A low if applied for tbli morning. oetlfi- BRIGHAM. KELLY k OO. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS UEWA1U)—M. IS man. Sam,.runaway last Saturday night, the 28th, He la rather light oomploctodi about fire feet ton In- .che# high.and he formerly belonged to Mr. Holiday, In Chatham county. He woe sold to Mr. Wright In Savan nah, of whom 1 bought him. Twenty Aollnn reword will. be paid tor this boy lodged in any Jail or safe place where I can get him. • DAVID ALLEN, July 2 ,•; ,•„ Melntoshoonnty. auglfl ‘ITEOCTABLE Cutters, Patty Pans, French and English V Basting Spoon*. Skimmers, 8oup Ladles, Ito., just re ceived and tor sale by Jnne8 J. P. C0LLDJ8 p ASHMERES, Mousltode Lai nea,'plaid xWltwjSHM v> in all colors, easbmere Plalda, Saxony colored FUnneU. plain and brocade Silks in Aew styles, block 8Rka in all widths and qualities, black Batin de Chene. and a great va riety of other articles tor ledies’ dresses, Just received and for tale at tbe lowest prices by - ■; . •ep2T - DOWTOf A MORGAN. ECEIVED BY LAST STEAMER.—3air dotblUfie, 'arafl and hansook muslinr. not glovaa and. mits lass man tillas. wash blond, grass cloth, N W oollars and chemisette, tongjawns,Blrds-ey• diaper,«c.,fbr aaieby [ i rifi ri im "OREAD RHEER—For cutting ] X> ness, slicing smoked beef.eui ^DtVTTy t WORD AN. •Hd of an equal thlck- coU*!ow, 4to. This TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD.—Ranaway from the labseriber, on thnl6tb of August, a".negro man named TOM, about forty yeartold. stout and ehunky —Lbuilt, and has a mark" resembling a feather or arrow eoummoiajgat; tha base of tbe nose and rfnntng'npthe forehead. He will probably try to get to Savannah, where be baa spent several ream, of runaway,Ufa, and woe an In mate of Sqi^nnah^ayagoqd part of Leon ooanty. Fioriifa, Srpt. 12, OUNDRHS—80 bbU 8tuart’s A, B and O aUr&ed Sutarv O 60 da do erubad.and powdsrsddo, 66 do H Smith’s and pure Genesee Flour, 60 do sugar and butter Oraekare, 40 boxes ErrradwoU’s1 eoda BltoultjWbblf Weat India ko- J —»-*-A '»«" — —- "jlj- (0 2"n*w _ nses, slicing smoked beef, ... knife can be regulated to eat AM >tCfoka an Jf to X of an inch.. For salt by ^ qugtt . • • . J.p, pig HAMS. • sas.