The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, November 02, 1853, Image 4
f - ffjj g&ttx&aes^ |3Hp$ * mart ledooc.totheoltj ■ of ml#, will b« Mid, lUOkh* ' eMMiIoo.if any they taw, .on or before th# nrai mommy «SSfl&Oa Din. (Mina!/ {br*Ch»th«nmunty! ttrf««Kfty ot fr^Qggpff^NAHL, pg.o»p. o. , jbitplU^tartoM Ctanftf c—To all whom «l ttoy coo- ftTuMdir la November next,b*foreth* MahVbetweeu the legal boun of «U, the foL -yawn .,. _ CStSSSke;; two 11. ^.hf^sSS^.’tSSrsUSiSSS: aa-gfeag^ riff Rq /^tlAftiAlt SriJBUFfS 8AUE00NTINU JED,-—Will be sold ^^sjsssxssr^iMas ■fh.^ontjotCh-th*” l»d.8tal« orOjorA, bjtejlou JSJ. uKKo nnd todrt-en, tfnthw with all tho nm- STW'M •»«'”• “jjKSSJSi (ha MJAtoteorbulldlng; (meaningthe one-fourth part or tta oHitfiret ateTUw mUUwith the appurtenanma .;«5S5 , t®s».stsKsaui^“aiS nUAtHAM Btfl’EMOK UMJKT-lUr Inn, UKI.-B1. U ward Q. Wllaon. Treasurer, ta.,wr*«i Mordeeal Mjen, TrmtM. ka—Hull Nisi.—Upon the petition of Edward 0, Wilson, Treasurer of the Republican Bluee BuUdlog and Loan AMOriatioo. prating the forecloiure of the equity of redamptioncfand in all fhat narcel or lotof hmd.rito.te, tying and beta* In the city of Savannah, county of Chat- ham*, and State of Georgia, and known and> dUUngutabed In the plan of eaW city a» Lot No. Flfty-alx (M), Brown ward, of Mordecal Myers, aubetltute trnitee under the marriage •etltoment oTBob’l W. footer ■aid property was mortgaged by the aald Mordecal Myera, trustee aa aforesaid, (under and by virtue of a clause In the aaid marriage ■ettlemeat, authorizing the trustees to BtttiAtss&isanffin their request that aald mortgage should be made, being evidenced by their aignlng and aeallng said deed of mort- nil ) to the aald Edward 0. WUaon, Treasurer aa afore. S3d. by deed bearing date the sixteenth day of December, In the year one thousand eight hundred and flfty.two,to aecure the payment of the aum of two thousand dollars, with Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, pays- bit monthly, from the sixteenth day of December, Anno Domini, 1863, on demand, according to the tenor and effect of a ecrtaln promissory note made by the aald Mordecal llrers. trnitee as aforesaid, to the said Edward 0. Wilson, treasurer as aforesaid, bearing even date with the said mortice, and that there atlll remains unpaid thereon, the •'"fitSoSonof^riStakOordon, attorneys for petitioner, It is ordered, that the said Mordecal Myers, trustee aa afore said, do pay Into Ibla Court, on or before the first day of the next term of this Oeurt, the principal and interest due on the said promissory note and mortgage, and the coeta of this application, and in default thereof, that the equity ol redemption rt the aald Mordecal Myera, trustee as afore said, and all claiming under said-trust to the said raort- listaed In om of the public gazettes of thla8Ute. oncea month for four months, or served on the mortgagor or hie special agent or attorney, at least three months previous tothe time the money la directed to the paid, and tbit such further andother proceedingab* had as aw prescribed by the statutes ot thu Kate or o<wrgta,m »u«A» mmi made and lB*8 BALK.—By virtue of an order of the Court I of Ordinary for liberty county, will be sold before the eourt house, In HlnesviU*. on the first Tuesday In Decern- ber next, between the usual hours, the following negroes, vis: Frank, about 38 years of age, March, about JO years of age. and Nancy, about 2# years of age ; aUo. 850 acres of nto# land, with the Improvements, situate in the county of Liberty. Bold as the property of James Moody, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. M. J. MOODY, Qualified Executor. October 6th, 1868. <x= in G t BORGIA—Bryan County:—To tho distributees or the f estate or Ellas Perry, deceased, late of said county You are hereby notified that on the first Mon«Uy In Febru ary next, we will apply to the Court of Ordinary of this oounty tor leaTe to divide tho estate ofHte* Perry, do- e«u«d. L. B. DANIEL,] September 18th, 1858. N. J. CLARKE, VAdm’rs. ISAAC PERRY,] set>32—3amlwptd G' EOROIA—DuhocA^Qninlj/To all whom it ma/^onn- Whereas, Jehue Everitt will apply at the Court of Ordinary tor letters dismissory on the estates of John Kveritt and Sarah Everitti These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before aald Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In November next, otherwise said letter* r*" *■ “ J r next, otherwise said letter* will be grant Witness. Wo. Lee. sen., E«q., Ordinary for Bulloch ooun ty, this 25th day of April, 1868. ^ _ f „ . „ a P l25 WM, LEE. Ben’r..o.w n “G EORGIA-1/uIfocA Count* l—To all whom It may concern: r Whereas, Green R. Stater and Thomas Dasher, Admin istrators on the estate of John 0. Slater, a minor, liar* ap- ' TbMeawthc^StoeR#'and admonish all whom It mai joncera to be and appear at th* Court of Ordinary for Dul- loch county, on the first MondayinNovexnber objections,if any they have, otherwise saldlotters will be ^’vntMMS.Wm Lee.aen’r.Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, this26th day of April, 1868. ap!25 WM. LEE. 8en’r. o.». o. loch county. tor leave to sell all th* real estate of Joslah A. P^ui,r«U f «.Kgg a S^; pAREHi AJm , r . October 8d. 1868, Tbeee. aw therefore to dte all concerned to file their ob jections, (If any they have) In terms of the law, otherwise .aid Jritsrswufb* granted. a. H. SMITH, o. i. R Cbuntyj—To all wboea iimaywn- _r cere j Whereas. Oeo. 0. Flemi Ana Taylor, applies to mp for Utters «»»»«»» . guardianship j These are. th*r*fow,toclt* and admonish all whom It may of from said These aw, tbewrow,toelte ana aamomsn au wnom u may concern, to ba and appear at my ofllee, within th* time pre- scribed by Uw. and show caus*.if anv they have, why let- tow dhoiwtoa should not be granted said applicant. iluirSoT JAME8 H. I1K1,YI 18B.TB1I1H, n HQ. p etmU—fOimia OaMv i—To^ll ttiom it m»r con. U owni Vliercu, 0»rp W._Ihom»l, ono enwr. w-^^«J<?clto andadmonUh'aJlchd.ringuUr the kindred and credits or said dopes se<L to t>0, at “ iSHacr • % (If any*th^^hlreA wEj*fotters d^smUsory should ^^^S^ttaMideppUwnL^ - ‘ may28 J. H. [.(Ordinary for Camden coun- HELVEgfON, o. R R /GEORGIA—CoMdc* CountyTo gU whom It' may eon-. iT^WbwSj. ILMrainch, guardian of H. A. and. - hTb.l&eh, apptiee to me for lath** dlilnlisory from .« to elto and admonish all eoneerned to' If hfltoe, within tho time prescribed by — »1L fHJrwJjn. Ordinary for Camden conn g fl,:HELYEgTON o. a o. Js-To- all whom it may eon- Chart o ■ JOMll.lm.nnt, 0 , ft j.. of Gerald , , n__,, . . ... . Thee* am, therefore, to etta and admonish all whom it may •oooern, too# and appear before said Court, to mkkeohjec- tlon (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in Noevmber naktotherwU* aald Uttow will hn gwnted. o...— ~ ip. ordinary rorCta%im u'anahl. w». o.'r r i Wltaesa, JosephGanahV Ban.,D*p. oounty, this 34th day of September,: cegl JOSEPH Gi /GEORGIA—Chatham Qnmtv.—foall whom It may con- VJ oern i Whereas, Ilenry Whereas, Ilenry WUUams will spply 'at the Court of Ordinary for Utters dismissory on Uie estate of - ■ Wright, deceased j ochlln Wright, deceased j . . ... ... .. These aw therefom to cite and admonish all whom It eoncem, to he and appear before eaid Court to make ol ion (ir any they have) within the time prescribed by otherwise aald Uttem will be granted. Witness. Jos. Ganahl, Ksq., Iiep. Ordinary for Chatham tunty. this,10th day or August, 1868. , suSll '. . JOfl, GANAilU QEORUIA—OtotAam -To all whom it mar coo- _ oern t Whereas. Johnlu&o will apply at th* Court of Ordinary tor Utters of dismission as administrator, on the estate of Henry L. Bilbo: These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom it may fcmeern to be and appear before said Court to make objec tions (If any they nave) on or before the first Monday In , . they have) on orbeforethe first Monday In November next, otherwise said Utters will be gwnted. Witness, John M. HlUen. Esq., Ordinary (or Chatham coun. |y, this 14th day of April, 1863. apl!6 JOHN M. MILLEN.o. o. c. <T1BORGIA—Chatham County i—All whom it may concern: vX Whereas, John B. Barnard will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Utters dismissory as administrator cum testa- Ordinary for Utters dismissory i mento annnexo on th# estate of Mw. Ann Mongln: These aw, themfom. to dte and admonish all whom It may conoern to be and appear befow said Court, to make objection (If any they have) on or boforn the second Mon day in January next, otherwise said lettew will be granted. iv in January next, otherwise said lettew will be grants'! wltaent, John M. MiUen. Esq., Ordinary forenathar rantv. thte 14th day of July, 1863. JOHN M. M1LLKN, o. o. c. coun tv. Jjl5 P EORG1 A—CkcUXam County j-To all whom It may concern: VJ Whereas, John Kverard wUl apply at the Court of Or dinary for lettew of dismissory as administrator on the es tate of Patrick Tierny, deceased j These aw. therefore, to dte and admonUh all concerned to file then objections (if any they have) to the applicant in the Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before tho first Mon day of Nowmber next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted. •} Witness. John M. Mlllen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun ty, this 30th day of March, 1863. mhao JOHN M. MILLEN, o. c. c. i : EORGIA—CAMAom Cbuntp.—To all whom It may oon- U corn : Whereas. William J. Bulloch, Executor of the estate of Mary NeufvllL deceased, will apply to th* Court of Ordinary for Uttew dismissory on the said estate: These aw, therefore, to dte ana admonish all and singu lar the klnared and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at tho office of John M. Millea, Ordinary, within the time prescribed by Uw. and show cause (if any they ve) why said letters should not be granted. Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Depot/ Ordinary county,this 1st day of August. 1863. July 29 JOSEPH GANAnL. I GANAHL. wo*, o. r r G EORGIA—Outturn CountyTo all whom It may con corn: Whereas, Norman Walteoe will eppiy at tho Court of Ordinary for letters dismissory as Kxcutor on the estate of Robert Isaac : These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom It may ooucern to be and appear before said Court to make objec tion (if any they linve) on or below the first Monday In February next, olherwlso said letters will be granted Witness. Jolin M. MiUen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun ty,this second day of July. 1863. Jy3 JOHN M. MILLEN. o. R o. G EORGIA—Chatham 0>untyi—To all whom It mey coi* cern: Whereas. WiUiam 0. Dawson, will apply ut ihe Court ol Ordinary for letters dismissory on the estate of Christopher Dawson, deceased: These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all wlom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection, if any they hare, on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham county, thte 31at ■ol !ph Uana it day of GANAHL pgr, o. R R r concern: Whereas, Caroline Zlpnerer will apply at dismissory on tue estate of the Court of Ordinary for letters disra! George J. Zipperer: These are, therefore, to dte and and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In March next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness. Joseph Ganahl, Esq..I)ep. Ordinary for Chatham county this 17th day of August 1853. auglB JOSEPH GANAnL.DXP.0. rc. / 1 EORGIA—Chatham Ontntys—To all whom it may con- VX oern: Whereas, I’hineas M. K< “ ‘ ••• - • _. Koilock will apply at the Court «1 Odlnary, for letters of diimlssion as exooutor the estate of Mist Priscilla Houston: These aw. therefore,to cite and admonish all whom Itmsy eoncem. to he and appear befow said Court to make objec tion (ir any they have) on or befow the first Monday in January next, otherwise said totters will be granted. Witness, John M.MIIlen.Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coui ty this 1st day of July, 1863. Jy3 JOHN M. MHJJSN o. r r C 1E0KGIA—Liberty CountyTo all whom it may eon- l com: Whereas, 8 H Pc "* *-• idministretor on the com: Whereas, 8 Ordinary for letters dismissory as estate or Ablal Perry: These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court to make objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law. othsrwise said letters will be granted. Olven under my hand at this office this 3d day of Scpter ber. 1868, aep7 W. P. OIRARDEAC. o. l. 0. .. Oounlyt—To all whom It may con _ oern: Whereas, V. Orest will apply at the Courtof Or dinary for Utters dismissory aa administrator on the estate of V, Cottman: These aw, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be ana appear before said Court to make objection (if any they lure) within the time prescribed by Uw. otherwise said Utters will be granted. Given under my hand at this office, this 1st day of Au- 1863. angfi W. P. GIRARDEAU, o, t. q /“IEORGIA—Liberty County.—All | VX hereby notified, that sixty days pljjto the Court of Ordinary of Libei persons concerned are . i after date, I shall ai Ordinary of liberty county for leave 1 II the real and personal estate belonging to the estate of the late James Moody, deceased, of said count*, for the benefit of the creditors of said ostate and for tho purpose of a division of said estate among the heirs und distribu tees of said ostate. aug4 M.J. MOODY. Ex’nr. G EORGIA—Liberty Omnly—To ail whom It may con cern : Whereas. William J. King. Sr., will apply for letters of administration on the estate of Dr. U. B. lung, _— tv, does. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may conoern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) within the time prescribed by Uwj otherwise said Utters will be gwnted. w, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty county, its 34th day of September, 1863, ■ vv d ntDinnvin « • « this «ep29 W. P. GIRARDEAU, 0. L. R G EORUIA—Liberty County t—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas, Mary J. Way will apply to the Court - J, Way, late of said county, deceased . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said Utters will ba granted. Witness, W. P. Girardeau, Esq., Ordinary for liberty ntr, this 21th day of September, 1863. ipg W. P. GIRARDEAU, O. t. R count: | l EORGIA—Mclnloth County i—To all whom It may VX oern: Whereas, Mrs. Sarah G. Blue will apply al Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on ihe « of Jams* Blue: .These aw therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may eoncern, to be and appear before said Court to make 'objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday In November next, otherwise said Utters will be granted. Given under my hand this twentieth day of September, 1868, *ep22 A. A. DxLORMF, Ordinary. ’ of Mils amounting — tendollarnoteeand the State of ~ - - do do ^ do 14th Juft 1848, •■1st Not;, 4th Jam, 0 do do ' rdo do -rfo'fo v ,fo . , — . tt do do do do M Not h 1844,0. B. Uammlng. President. All of said note* being marked frith the Utter Alae, one five dollar note, bearing date 80th January, 1844or 1848,No.800.signed 0. B. Camming, President; which all of tbs left hand half of said described notes were mailsd by the said S. W. Brooks, and directed to Ibe un dersigned. to the pest pfflee at Dattvillt, Dale county, Ala bama. and have been lost or destroyed, so that the. under- signed has never been abU to obtain tuem: and this is to notify th* President and Diwctow tot said Bank, that after three months publication In the Savannah Georgian, that payment of said notea U Intended to be applied for to tl officers of said Bank, by the undersigned. augSO—3m : V*,-,v ♦ E. BROOKS. mmutasux— ^msaneSSAL_. rent., which in., be Jluontlounl bj lb, PmUhuUi Gin. •ral. on th, ftllowwe, of on, month,’ ntn no,, tho clauio In all the oontrscUgivirtg to the United States the right to .the time bslac. shell at aU.times exercise control over said steamships, and sliall at anjr time tare tbs right to take : wm HSf;Wd WTfof of the United Slates, and to dttept snob clisoges in their machinery and Intorbnl arrangements as the raid Secretary may require: the cbtl of such changes to be ascertained by th* Mils actually paid therefor, and the proper compensation of tbs value of the . shins, when so taken aa aforesaid, to he asoerialned by ap- ^aers to be mutually chosen by the parties aforesaid." — the whole stall hiv# t the sales thus c than two freer will be admit Given und: &±r t B,U«f Commissioner of the General Land Office. !>•» FRANKUN PIERCE. . goncgjt) m.ncmox- ouutu«T» Ptwon entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of-tbe lands within the townships and parte 'of tofrnslilps above enumerated, U required to establish th* asm* to the. a tlsfacUon or theregistrar and. rebel nr of the' proper id office, and make pryment therefor al soon as prictICa- |1* after swing tills notice, sod before tb# day appbinted ^ the. commencement of the nubile ssU of the lands em- tei"! the tract claimed, uUiirwis* such claim will ha ftJJJS*- „ . . JOHN. WILSON Jy28tl0w Commissioner of the General Und Office. romtheagetttto: rduu, ..rtiir.u Union, numbering among town ms ot . Mnlfori Mkrah* Mode,John Mskli Iph Meldrim. Han .MalUtte. Bamnel 8 Miller, John Mur- . 0oV>moo Ma/m;, John Mas- lans#i,Johi ‘of bow lo<% standing. N oncE-All ptrsons having demands against the estate Margaret IV Marshall, deceased, will present them; and thoe* indebted will please make payment. . .. — j; MARSHALL. Adm’r ad col tepll WM. , d colllgendnm. Now, nonet m imnxxr aim. that with a view of report ing 1o Congress, in as complete a manner as possible, th* information called for by congress In section third above quoted from the act of 8d March last— raoroesu Will be received at the Post Office Department, in the city of Washington, until 0 o’clock, p. m.. of Monday, 81st day of October next, for conveying the malls of the united State* for six ysars from the first day of October. 1864, In tb* manner and time herein specified - No. 1. From New York to Cowes, In England, and thence to Uremcn Haven, la Qenhanyjtfid from,said Bremen Ha ven. by Cowos to New York, onc*‘a tnonlh. Proposals for *ne additional trip a year, each way, will be considered. IV) UT1CE.—All persons baring demands against Jefferson JLi Stowe, late or Chatham county, dsoeasnd. aw hereby notified to present them, duly attested, to the undertlgued, within the time prescribed by Uw. And all persona indebt ed to seid deceased, will make Immediate payment octfl—Cw WM. B. JACKSON. Adm’r. No. 2. From Charleston. South Carolina, by Savannah. Georgia, and Key West, Florida, to Havana. In Cuba, and WATMHpCURJBJ INSTITUTE—MILLEDOhi- VILLE, GEORGIA. D R. K. 0 DOYLE take! pleasure la announcing to Inva lids and th* public generally, that the above popuUr and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly conduct ed by T. Carlton Cons, M D.. ia now ready for the weep- . ,— ly ft , tlon ofpatlenU seeking a reitorstion to health. All oftronlo diseases of th* human organUm successfully treated at this Institute: dyspepsia, gout rheumatism, constipation, hemorrhoids or piles, hemorrhages, amen- errbeea. msnorrbcr*, dyimenorrfuxa, floor si bus. genital dis placements, affections of th* eyes and saw, tetter, ery sipelas and all chronio diseases of the skin and scalp, soroe lula, dropsy, Syphilis, and the humoral disease* general ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tlo douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy or tlie foiling sickness, vlrtigo, paralysis, apoplectlctenden- ironchius. asthma, chronic inflamation ol the si ey, bro and bowsU, atrophy, and indeed evenr possible bablt < chrou’c diseased action tliat Is ourable--and ail diseases are jjo orgai The Ladles’ Department la under the Immediate supervi sion of that acoompllshed lady, Mrs. Jars Matthews, so well known to th* old patrons of the establishment The facilities which this institution offern for the prosecu tion of a strictly hydropathic and hygiemo course of treat ment, together with its easiness of access from all poluts in Georgia, and the adjoining 8tates. renders it peculiarly adapted to the wants of invalids, desirous of availing them selves of the efficacy ortho wator-euw. The purity or the water and accommodations for guests, aw too wellknown to need oomment. In fitting up tho establishment no oxponxe has been spar ed that could coqduoe to make it one of the most desirable places of resort for Invalids in the United States. Fatients will be required to furnish their own out-fit.— These will consistof friction sheets and towels, compresses, and blankets, for sudorific purposes. All or which can bo purchased hero on the^sonablo terms. Tnu«—Profeiwlonal attention,' use of baths, Ac . 810 per week—board. 86 per week—payable monthly. Servants boarded snd treated for 810 per week. . ^ All lettow of Inquiry promptly answered. juneO mVlNO liOUSE, Washington, IHstnct rtf from said Havana, by Key West and Savannah, to Charles ton, twice a month. No. 8. From New York to New Orleans, twice a month, and baek. touching at Charleston, (if practicable,) Savan nah, and Havana, and from Havana to Chagres (Aspinwall) and back, twice a month. Proposals to omit Charleston and 8avaunah will be con- aldered. In lieu of above, propoaals will also be received for ser vice from New York to Aspinwall. direct, 2,000 miles, and back, semi-monthly, in not exceeding nine days to the trip each wav; from New York by Havana, to New Orleans. 2.000 miles, nnd back, semi-monthly. In not exceeding ten days to the trip each way; and from New Orleans to Aspin- wall, direct. 1.400 mile*, and back, semi-monthly, in not ex ceeding seven days to the trip ea«h way. No. 4. From Panama, New Granada, to 8an Diego, Cali fornia, Monterey, 8an Francisco, and Astoria. In Oregon, twice a month each way—touchjng, if practicable, at Port Orford. in Oregon, and at such other intermediate port on the coMt of Oregon nr California aa In the opinion of the Postmaster General thepublie Interests may require. The schedule* of Noe. 8 and 4 must be so arranged as to make due connexion at the Isthmus of Panama, thus form ing a continuous rout* from New York, Ac., to Astoria and back, twico a month. No. 6. From New York to IJverpooh in England, and back, twentv-six trip* per annum, at such times as the ‘ - *1 shall di CblumWrt.—The undersigned, late proprietor of French’s Hotel, Norfolk, va.. having recently leased ve popular establishment, takes pleasure in Inform- popuUr establishment, takes pleasure In ing Ills numerous friends tliat he has. at great labor and oxpense. refitted and furnished the house and provided the most ample arrangements for the comfort and convenience of all who may fovor him with their patronage. Haring had considerable ex|ierienre in hotel-keeblng he flatters himself that families and single boarders can bo ac commodated at the Irving as satlsfoctorily as at any other hotel or boarding house in the United States. Members of Conmu and others visiting Washington, with a view to reside there for some time, would do well to exaralno this house before making arrangements elsewhere. It Is eligibly situated at the corner of 12th street and Penn sylvania avenue, midway between the Capitol and Depart ments. The building la large and of modern architecture, the rooms aw spacious and well ventilated, and th* futnl- ture is new and of the best dosvrlptlon. Still Better.—The charges are moderate and in accord ance with the times, whilst the tables groan with the best that the country affords. Gall, examine, and aitUfy rot ■elves. DANIEL D. FRENCH. Wuhington, D. C.. June 1,1663 Je7 iiT sTbenShtt df CO., ■ « VWM SUCCESSORS TO J. 0. THORNTON. ! Having purchased the entire interest of Mr. J. C. Thornton in his Carriage establishment in * ' aeontlni this city, must respectfully solicit a v (nuatlonof the ox- dronsge so liberally bestowed on the late proprie- tensive pal K , - , . . tor. Itls our Intention to keep a large ami extensive as- sortment of ell kinds of Carriages, suited to this market. The late proprietor. Ur. J. C.Thornton, will act as our awei ' at the north, for the purchase and supply of our establLl ment. Ills experience of twent; ,l - *■—* enty years In tbe business at r friends aud patrons such a stirs well selected stock as cannot foil to give entire satisfaction. Mr. Bknnrit will give his personal attention to all kind of repairing, m heretofore. t£W!S S. BENNETT. THOMAS A. BROWN. maylO JUDGE W. HARRIS. A CARD.—It wilt be seen from the above, that I have sold out to Messrs. L. H. RxxNvrr A Co., and I have every confi dence in the ability of these gentlemen, both in capability and capital, to successfully conduct the business, and keep up the reputation of the establishment. Mr. Lkwis 8. Boxrrr has been my foreman for the last two years, and I take pleasure In recommending him tothe publloasan industrious, callable and deserving man. who. whllo looking to his own Interest, will not neglect those of his patrons. In relinquishing my businees In this place, 1 take tho op. portunity to say, that It Is not from any dlsMtisfactlon whatever. Since my residence In the city of Savannah. I have been kindly and gonernusty treated, nnd have suc ceeded much better than I anticipated. In the course I have just taken, I have been prompted by considerations of a private character altogether; wherever I may be. I shall always carry with me the liveliest sense of obligation, and chorish the deepest Interest tn the pros perity and advancement of the city and Its people. Noll Ing will do more to effect this, than the sustaining of healthy and honorable competition. let thegood peopieof the CUy and State see to It. J. 0. THORNTON. Savannah. Oth May. 1863. N. B.—Mr. H. D. W. Alkxanmr Is my legally authorised agent for the transaction and closing up or my business. J. C. THORNTON. maylO C HOICE HAMS. Ac.—Just received—200 choice Reynold’s extra Hama. 6 hhds Raonn Shoulders, 10 bbts _ extra Hama. 6 hhda Raonn Shoulders, 10 bbla lent Lard. lOlialfbblsPigPork, & hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 25 bbla Stuart’s crashed and clarified 8ugar, 60 boxes KeadePs Soap. Starch and Candles. 20 dozen Water Pails, 80 do m. sorted Scrub Ilrushea. 60 do assorted Clothes Lines. 30 lioxes ground Coffee. 80 do Mustard. 60 grou sound wood Matches, 30 dozen Washboards. 60 bbts white wine Vinegar. 10 bbla N 0 Syrup. Ao.. Ac., for sale, wholesale and retail, at the corner of Broughton aud Drayton streets, by sep28 DAVID 1 O’CONNER. ptODFIBH, M ACKLRF.L Ao.—lust received—2 hhda extra V new Codfish. 10 bbls extra So 1 Mackerel. 20 boxes new scaled Herrings. 10 half bbla Haw’s corned Beef, 60 bbls ex tra choice Canal Floor For rale, wholesale and retail, at the corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by »*p28 DAVID O’CONNER. F LOOR OIL CLOTHS.—The most complete stock or Oil Cloths. In every variety of patterns and colors, varying in widths from one to eight yards. Families and hotel keep- one to eight yards. Families and hotel keep ers can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing. WM. H. GUION. Agent, Carpet Warehouse, fobs 140 Congress and 57 St. Jullan-sts. double and sin pem.fcr spilt t ie extension; also, a variety of fine ieap at the book store of 8. 8, A’PLFY 136Congress- strew uuuu,/ | nuu, ikitdu irncui vi awarap inna. containing twen ty-on# hundred and fifty (2160) acres, originally surveyed and (ranted to Alexander McCarty, J E.B. Delorme and A. A. Detonne, situate, lying Wing In the county of 200 boxea No 1 pale and family Soap; McIntosh Mb* abow ten tracts of land is levied on as the dies: 76 do PearlStarcb; 160reame wr received and for sale by property of A. A. Dstorme, to satisfy < sued by the Ihx Collector of Molntosu county. taxes due 818 fil and cost, septa r.a tax execution, Is. Amount of ■UHDRHSBi OK HHDS choice Porto Rico Sugar : 16 do St Croix do; eCO 50 bbls Stuart’s crashed and powdered Sugar: 60 do do A Band 0 clarified do; 160 bbls Baltimore and Georgia Flour; 76 do Geneaeo do j 60 do Hiram Smith’s do ; S6 casks quarts and pints London Porter; 60 bbla Philadel phia Cream Ale; 76 boxes sods and sugar Crackers; 80 bbls Lard; £00 sacks Rio Coffee; 60 do Legnyra do; 60 do old Government JaWdo'p4 pipes Medar 8wan Gin; 2 do Staghonnd do; 6 half, pipe* Otard, Dupuy A Go’s Brandy: 8 do SIgnett do; 10 quarter casks Sweet Malaga Wipe; 10 do Port do; 10 do Madeira do j60 baskets Heldselok do; 160 bbla domestic Gin, Rum, Whisky and Brandy; 26 do Noe 1,2 and 8 Mackerel; 80 half bbls do: 6 cases Sardlnee; — ».-« 100 do Tallow Can Tapping Paper. Just MoMAHON k DOYLE. 0. O’NEAL, Pep. 8. M, 0. oi u>* laie-nooertuone. ueceaswi. m on , _ his estate, consisting of sereral. tracts of land, at aodad- ‘ pace,oaths ***** • — * the MUIedgevilU retd J MM above Jencke’a Bridge, and bounded on tbe eaat pjr Great Ogeech# HI wr, eoatauuf seventeen or eighteen hundred'tares; and one forty aewlot In Cherokee, No. J81, 8d district, 2d section; also, one likely negro man. and one ihoree. totatberwlth cattle, hogs, and aheap, also, household andkitchW furniture. Terms— 1 Twelve months credit with SUNDRIES. RA CASKS prime Bacon 8ides; 26 do do Shoulders J 20 LlvJ tlenes sugar-cured Hams: 100 bbts A B and 0 clari fied Sugar; 80 bnds Muscovado do; 26 do Porto Rico do; 20 do New Orleans do: 00 bbls batter, sugar and soda Crackers i 60 boftes Tallow Candles, flnjin i 8*; 100 do Ad amantine do 6at 26‘do Sperm do dat 6QeswrBnmr(% London Porter, pinto; 200 noxre Colgate’s Pearl Starch; 100 do No 1 pads and fomtly Soap; 60,000 Havana Began: 600 bast Shot, assorted slsee: 60 boxea English Pipe* ? 800 bbls Baltimore Flour t 60 do Hiram Pmjth’sdo; 60 bare Georgia do; 800 reams wrapping P*per | 16 tierces small Rloe. For sale by . octd’ ■ ' - WEBSTER k PALMES' A LI- REAbY t—Ify store Isnow oompitted, and..! Invite itlon tfro, to town- | the southeast quarter. o( section four, In and 1b* northwest quarter of the northwest .Ubd five, In towntafo three, of range three. nen thirty, la towneblp four (and teT.AJfti«W H*l pL , r teo '-*” u ‘ 1 ^ fersi u*U£ the four* principal meri- Postmuter General shall direct. Proposals to touch at Holyhead, In England, will be con sidered. No. 8. From New York, by Cowes, In England, to Havre, in France, and back, once a month. Proposals for changing the terminus of this line from Havre to Antwerp, in Belgium, and for one additional trip a year, each way, will be con»ldcred. No. 1. From New Orleans, Louisiana, lo Vora Cruz. Mexi co, and back, threo times a month, supplying Tampico, Mexico, by a side mall going and returning. Leave New Orleans on the first, fourteenth and twenty- filth days. Arrive at Vera Crus same month by the fourth, seven teenth, and twenty-eighth days. toavo Vera Crux ovory m’oplh on the first, sixth, and twenty-first days. . Arrive at New Orleans same month by the fourth, ninth, and tweqty-fourth days. . Tho nropo«Hph» M«h. butene* should specify th* num ber of days to be taken for tho trip esoh way. and the mode of conveyance, which must be by steamships iu all respect* suitable for tho service. If contracts should be entered Into, contractors will bo required tn conform in all respects to the laws and reguli tiona applicable to tb* ordinary contracts of the Post Uflh **" irtment. REGISTRY-LIST of voters. CEO- 1L—Bt U further enacted by Ihe authority of Ihe same, tP'That from and after th* passage of this act all persona shall bo qualified to vole at elections for Mayor ano Aider- men of the elty of Savannah and th* hamlets thereof, who are citizens of tho United Stats*, have resided In tho Statu of Georgia for one yoar Immediate!.: preceding the election anu within the corporate limits of Savannah for one month Immediately preceding their registration, and continue .so “> “P to the time of election, who have attained the age reuty.oneyean.have. paid all city taxes or have To rown right sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax oxe- ms which may bo agnlnst thorn, wtio have made all re- turns required by the ordinances of the city, snd have been registered according to tbe pro visions or this act.—Extract from the Bepittry Law, patted Jan. 22,1162. Tho following named persons liavs registered their names siuce tho first of January, 1863. and up to date. ..A—-Matthias Amorous, John W-,Anderson.David Abra hams. Cliaa S. Arnold. George A Ash, Robert Austin. George Alexander,Charles B Ash, WiUiam B Adams, Gourgo H Atli. John 8 Achurd. George W Anderson, Stewart AustiU. Benjamin R Armstrong, Thomas A Askew. Thomas Arden. William Andre, Jan Ahenrn, Edward C Anderson Richard W Adams, Richardson F Aiken, Richard I) Arnold. Adolphe Abrahams, John Anglin, Benjamin Arnold, Henry D W Al exander u—Benedict Bourquln, John W Bize, Gilbert Butler. John PBoifeulUet, John V Barbee. Julius Baclisracb.George L Blount. Anton Borcliert, Joseph Black, Alexander Francis Bonnett. James H Banhlor, Michael Uoley.Claudius K Bnrle. CiiasW W llrucn. James M Duller, tohuian E Byck.Wllllum J Bandy. Edwin H Bacon. Win James Bulloch. Siegniund Berg. Milton J Buckner. John Boston, Henrv S Bogardus. William 11 Bulloch, Patrick Buckley, John W’Bcaslcy. John B Barnwell, James TBucknor, Anthony Busier, Thomas A Brown, John Burns. Joseph II Burroughs, Berrien M II Bur roughs. William F Brantley. Charles II Bell. Elias U Bar* tow, Peter A Uloia, Wm Gaston Bulloch. Isaac Brunner. John Brennan. Joseph Bancroft, Philip H-Behn,-James A Brown. John Maepheraon Berrien. Barnard K Bee, Richard Burke, David Bell, Thomas 11 Barrett. Edward J Blount, Wolfe Barnett. Conrad E liyck. Chnrles Bishop. Wm Blols. Valentino Hrunnor.Charles W Brunner, Joseph W Brown, Joseph H Baldwin. Franci* Blair, Michael Brannon, Jamea K Bulloueh, James A Baker, William M Blount, William D Bashlor, WiUiam Burge*. George A Bolfeuil- let. William Beenken. Patrick Brady,' Tlinmaa T llulloch, Ilenry Brigham, William Drunkard, Jamc* M Butler. John F Blakely. Michael Doylan, Hiomas Rourke, William S Ba* inger. Joseph Bryan. Henry Burt. William Burke. Ham: Lllyrd. Francis S Battler, Henry F Bennett. John Bosch. John Blount. Samuel P Bell. Michael Barry. Patrick Brad- loy, Philip Krlngman, Augustus Uouilnoau. Rich’d Brown. Patrick Bradley. Geo BnnKman. John Brrcu. Wm A Black. Mick Burke, ftlward W Uuker. Wm Ilenry Bunch. Burrell I. Iioulineau. Richard Bradley. Jnincs II Buckner. Rich’d W Buford. Dennis Urngdnn. Henry L S Uunlz. John J N Runtz. David Badjeriy, tiortlilngton C Butler. Thaddeus P Blake- wood, Wm C Barton, Francis S Bartow. Wyatt M Bragg John A Burge**, WiUiam B Blount. Michael Burke. Honr: l K!e bid* should be sent duly guarantied, undor ' ‘the— J •- the Postmuter-Gen6ral,andtho words “Mall Proposals— Foreign Malls ’’—written on tbe foce of the letter. JAMES CAMPBELL sep7—lawfiw , Postmaster-General. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. In porauance of law, I. Fraxxijx IhSKCK, President of tho Unltol States of America, do hereby declare nnd make known, that public sale* will be held at tho undermention ed land offices In the State of Wisconsin, at the period* hereinafter designated, to wit: At the Land Office at Willow Rim. commencing on Mon day. tho third day of October next, for tho disposal of th* public lands situated in the following named townships, vis: North rtf the bate line and wot rtf Ihe fourth principal meri- Townships thirty-two, thirty three, thirty-four, thirty- .fivo, and thirty-six, of range five. Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty- four, thlrty-flvn. end thirty-six. ol range six. Townsbfns thirty-one. thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty- four, and thirty-five, of rawge seven, Townships thirty-one, tbirty-tw.n, thirty-three, and thirty- four, of range eight. Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, and thirty-three, of range nine. : . - ‘ Townships thirtr-one. thtny-two, thirty-three, and tbir- r four, of range sixteen. ty four, of range Townships thirty-three and thirty-four of range aeven- teen. At tho land Ofllco at Meosha. commencing on Moods:. the tenth day of October next, for tho disposal of the public lands within thn undermentioned townships and parts of townships, to wit: North of the bate line and east nf the fourth principal meri- Townships twenty-llvo and twenty-six, of range twelve. Fractional townships twenty-one. west of Wolf river, and townships twenty-four, twenty.11 ve, and twenty -six, orrang# thirteen. Fractional township twenty-one and twenty-two, west of Wolf river and Bayou, and townships twenty-three, twenty, four, twenty-five, nnd twenty-slx, of range fourteen. E'ractional township, twenty-two, west of Wolf river, townships twenty-three and twenty.four. and fractional townships twenty-five and twenty-slx, west of Wolf river, of range fifteen Fractional townships twenty two. twenty-threo. twenty- four. and twenty-slx, west of Well river, of rnngo sixteen. At tho Land Office at Li Ckoiwc, commencing on Monda; the seventeenth day of October next, for the disposal raday, of the puhlle lands within the following named townships tn wit: North of the bate line and wetl of Ihe fourth principal meri dian. Townships twenty nnd twenty-ono. of range ono. Townships seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. of range two. Townships twepty-one and twenty-two. of range eleven. Township* twenty-one and twenty-two, of range twelve. Townships twenty-one and twenty-two. of range thirteen. North rtf the bate line and eatl of the fourth principal meri dian. Townships twenty-ono, twenty-two, twenty-three, and twenty-four, of range one. Township twenty-one. of range two. At the land Office at graven’ Point, commencing on Monday, the twenty-fourth day of October nest, for the dis posal of the publlo lands situated in the following town ship* and parts of township*, to wit: North rtf the bate line, and eatl of Ihe fourth principal me ridian. Township twenty-slx,of range four. Township twenty-slx. of range five. Sections three to ten, fifteen to twenty-two, and twenty, alx to thirty-five.ln township twenty -alx; townihlptwenty- ■evea, (except sections thirteeu. twenty-four, twenty-five, thirty-five and thlrtr-aix,) and townships twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty, of range six. Sections one, two, eleven to fourteen, twenty-three to twenty-five, and thirtyvslx, In township twenty-six ; sec tions, thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-lke, thirty-five, and tbirty-six, In township twenty-seven; sections fivetoelght seventeen to twenty, thirty, and thirty-one. In township twenty-eight; township twenty-nine, (except sections - . .—-id thirty-three th i thirty-six,) twenty-fire to twenty-efght. and thirty, and township thirty or range seven • Sections one to five, eight to fifteen, twenty-two to twen ty-seven, thlrty-flve and thirty-six. In township twenty- four ; township twentr-flve, (except sections six. seven, eighteen, nineteen, thirty snd thirty-one;) township twen- ty-slx; township* twenty-seven, (except — *• •-* twenty-eight, (oxcept sections six. seven, eigli thirty snd thlrtv-one;) and townships tw thirty, of range eight. “ “ ity-flveand . soction six.) fjgbteen. nineteen. townships twenty-nine and Townships twenty-five snd twenty-six. of range nine. Township twenty-six, of range eleven. At the Land Office at llnnout Point commencing on Mon day. the second deV of January next, for the disposal of tb* following, being nwiduary tikcte of the reserved lead mine ral lands, which were not included la tb# proclamations of tha 20th November, 1846, and 28th April, 1861, to be sold ' “ act.of Congress entitled “An set to authorise mt of the United GtsWk'to'sell the referred the President ,— — — - mineral lands In the Stales of Illinois snd Arkansas, snd Territories of Wisconsin snd Iowa, supposed to contain lead ore,’’ approved July 11,1848, to-wlt: North of the bate line anduiMjtfthe fourth principal no- The west half and northeast quarter of the eouthwert quarter, the northeast quarter of toe northwest quarter, snd the southeast quarter of tb* southeast quarter, of sec tion one ; the east half of tbs northwest quarter, the south east quarter, tb* west hair of tbe southwest qusrter. and th# southwest qfrarter of the northetat quarter, of twelve • and the northeast quarter, and nortfc'talLof acmtfcr^ quarter, of twenty-nine. In township ope: gates Monni Miller. UaUmaqst — ilita... x, mim , „ jns,ThomasMurtat vaster H Manning, Charles Muller, Cornelius D Murphy, M Marsh. Wm B Melk John *i, JameeS MagiU. David Morin, on. Jem Mack, Joseph M Ma ; T —Hdffiund H Martin,'John RMartin, Jr ~ Mount, Bamnel Mansfield, Henry *' A * .nil J. Jl. Richard Thomas ; Mills, John ™_ John Morris, Jehgen Mount, Samuel Mansfield, Henry 0 Mehrtens. Henry K Montfort,HenriehWm Meyer, Harvey Morse, Andrew Ma. lone/, Patrick Maaterson, John Murphy, Martin B Meyer, Nathaniel C Mill*. John Moran, Thomas A Maddox, Simeon 8 Moody, Iuoe Minis. Wm I Moore, Domingo Mertiogo, Ed ward Moran, Abraham F Mordecal, James M Mordecal. Dim- lei Mitchell, Thoa D Maxwell, DaolelW Mlscally; Jacob Mas- tec, Thomas Maddea. John R Meyar, Emanuel Mendel, John ? i M V, 1 w t V. Mlch V l . Morr k’ .Ihnothy Murphy, Wm Morel, JohnG Mehrtens, John F Mulligan, Edward MalUr*n,Thos McNulty, Albion K. Moor*. Thos Mahan, James W Moore, lliutu M— —1 tf.l.. ■ H ... ■ . . wwsra «*uor, auenaet hihiii, Htonaei Martin, Patrick H Mollette, Frederick M\uidorr, Bernard M.IIcd, John 11 Milieu. Joupb M M.llil. Me^—George A MeCleskey, Bartholomew Molnnerney, Patrick McDoneU, William McQartbey. Joseph J McQty. Uurence McKenna. Thomas McKenna, Daniel MeRedmonil, Thomas W MoArthor, Jamea McHenry, Michael McGrea, Patrick McGovern, Norman W McLeod, William J McIn tosh, James McFSely, Alexander McHardy, Angus McAl- pin, Michael McCarty, Neil Mellugh. James Mclnuarney, John McGunnigle. Thomas 0 McCluskey. James McFeely, Pat'kMcGloin. Dennis McGnire, John MoCslL John McCkn- llffe, Thomas J McNIsh, James MoGloin, Edward McCabe, John MoDermott, James McBride, Thomas McAuliffe, An drew McGreal. John McHugh. Thomas MeColinm. Thomas McNIcbolas. Robert Melntlre, Jeremiah MeCartbj, Laurence McManus, Patrick McLaughlin, James D MeEUnn, John Me- iSRS^SSSSUS afBjNwji J totrodneed, unprecedented In lhl C f marvellouseffecteInremovIngdiK' Restoring the NerrSS/gL ’ V n ,°T « to toe world as possessing i,!?.' • virtues known In the Materia fcdlea * moit,B 1 Physicians oTUie first standing in the medial ^ use and prescribe it oaths most effectiv* Alter*tlwe nnd Blood Pnnn.. ever known. To the sodontory if ha*Tte*vlu. u d talm of Glletd. Especially to Femstw |f22l 1 bie <»ndltfon of lire, it recommend* itself ^^ point of efficacy to any of the numerous ^ centrated under the comprehensive name &f l Joseph 8 McDonell. Michael McCullough, Jeremiah McCar thy. John R Melntlre, Daniel McCarthy, William McFsngb- Ian, Thos W McClane. It.—George N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor, Daniel Nelson, Samuel Nuttman. James SNeldllngsr, Nathl Nungster. John 0 Ncldlinger, William G Norwood*Ji N Neyle, Thr—““— ward Nugent, Bryan Niland, John C NlcoR, Frederick Net- r.Alexar J - **” •* — * • ** * — - as. Joseph Nagel. O*—John Oliver, Charles E O’Snllirsn, John W Owens, George S Owens, Armlnlns Oemler, Edward O’Byrne, Wil liam C O'Driscoll, Dennis O’Connor, Phillip O’Connell, Dan iel O’llsnlon. Timothy O’Connor, Timothy O'Brien, Patrick O'Connor. Frederick Otto, George W Owens. Jonathan 01m- «toad. Owon O’Rourke, Henry Ohlmeyer. William H Olcolt, Daniel O’Sullivsn, Daniel G Olcolt, Francis J O’Neil, Thom, as O’Hricn. Frances J Ogden, David O’Keefe, John Ogleby, John F O’B/rne, Michael W O’Byrne, William P Owens, Daniel O'Sulfiran. Dominick O’Byrne, Daniel O’Conner. Jas chael Barrett. Michael Barret, llieodoro Blols, Wm H Hoad- loy. John Bilbo. James Bilbo, Wm H llourke. Thaddeus. . i'Byrne, Daniel O’Conner. Jas O'Hara, Bartholomew O’Leary, James P O’Hara, WiUiam W Oates. William II Owen. P.—Philip J Punch, Thomas Purse. John Poole, James Tnaanli V Tf.l.t V Tl • Tt—1 III. T, -, il'J- -*uuu uiiuu, wames uuoo, um ii nourae. inauucus. Baldwin. Daniel 11 Baldwin, Wm B Bliss, llenj Burroughs. John Brady. lewis S Rennet, Frederica II Blols. W Bratley. - - * . i uuui| i.luuiai a uidv. tfuuu j uviic. vauii;* Potter, Joseph F Pelot. Charles F Preston, William Procter, Edward Padelford, Edward I’adelford, Jr., Elisha Parzons, umuto, nutfunvun uuic, jiuaci inacK, uiica iiuihv. C.—Solomon Colien, Bor nurd Constantine, David C Cush. William Cullen, l’eler Corb, David Lopez Cohen. James A Oourvoisle, Montgomery Gumming. Unnlcl BCamp. Georg* B Cummlng. Moses Coburn. William Crabtree. Aaron Clism- ulon. Daniel D Conp, foaao Cohen. Frederick Cook. Fiederick W Cornwell. William 1* Clark. William II Cuyler. Carrol A Cloud.Spencer Currell. Pierce Condon, William M Charters. Clinrle Clare. Daniel Clarko. John F Compagnlnc. George Cailoy. My Us D Cullens, Peter L Constantine.Nicholas Cru- S er, Henry U Cbri-tinn. John Cordeal. Wallace Cumming. amesH Carter, William Cooper. John J Comell. Tliomas Clark. Jamea (I B Campbell. Samuel J Cassells. Joseph 8 Carrullier*. John I) Charlton. Bryan Connor. WiUiam Oscar Charlton, William Cox, Hugh Cullen. James Cleary, Mosce 8 Cohen, Tliomas Core, Joseph SClaghurn. John F Carsten. Chnrles P Cooper. John Greene Cooke.Henry Cleaver. Jacob Cohen. Benjamin L Cole. Silas M (folding. John L Clark. Tliomas W Cooper. Henry Casson. James Cox. Robert M Charlton. James Cox. Francis Canfield, Peter Clarl*, Janus Carey. Tliomas Cusaoh. Tbonws Carey. Daniel Cole. Luke Christie. Lewis F Cooke, Carl A Cratte. Patrick Clark, Mich ael Cusach. Michael Conway. AntonioCbrlstldora. Isaac Co hen. Jr. Francis Champion, Aaron II Chomplon.fhoronsUol tins, Edward T Conner. William Conner, Andrew Conner. Charles Cannon. Timms* Conway, Richard W Cubbedge. Francis T Cole, William Carson, WmF Chaplin. Moses A Co- hen, Hcman A Crane, John Cass, John M Cooper. Lemuel C Clark, Luke Canon. Robert J Caughev. Jonathan A Ca- doy, Deni* Clairy. John Cercopely. Joseph V Connerat. Jaa Connolly. John L Cope. A Cordes.John A Chambers.Patrick Carney, Michael Cleary, James KCope. William A Gaik, liar tow Centre. John Clancy.Tliomas Cunnlff. John Cloary. Geo L Cope. Sr., Frederick Carden, William M Crumly. Michael Carey. George Cornwell, George N Collins, Richard R Cuy- ler. Octavos Cohen. Gen E Congdon, Isiwrencc Connell. Geo I* Copo, Jr., Jeremiah Cavanaugh, Geo A Cuyler. William II Cooper, Julius I) Cercoucly, Edmund Cottar. Wm Condon. Joseph Cain. Charles II Campfield. James Campbell, Peter Qirrot. Daniel Crumby, Patrick Cusark. Wm Cannon. Anto nio Chiesa, Joseph N Cook. Allen Cullen. John P Cohen. Wm A Conery, George Holbrook Crookc, Wm Cotter, Thos R Clarke. George E Cubbedge, Augustus C Gannon, Cyrus Chaffer. George Clarko, Jamea Clancey, Samuel H Courier, George Causso. D—DavM R Dillon, Martin Duggan. Archibald C Daven port. Isaac Davis. John Dally. Jamez Dunn. William Dixon, Patrick Devine.Chesley Dugger, William H Dunning. Henri J Dickerson, Albert I, DoLorge. Isaac D’Lyon. John I. Davis, John Doyle, jr., William M Davidson, Wiliam II Davis. Rickard Donovan. Charles S Davis, Nicholas Dixon, Lewis LDavis. Francis H Demcre. Patrick Doyle. Michael Donnelly, Morty Dorgan, John Downing. Richard W Dela ney.Hiomaa l>oyte. Tliomas K Davis. Sheldon C Dunninp George W Darla. Michael Daily. Francis G Dana, Joseph C Davis, John Doy lo. Jacob ItoLitMott a. John P A Dtipon. Pat rick Dolan. Francis Daly. James H Deinund. James Doyle Patrick Downey. Janies Downey. Michael Downey, John Deacey. Henry Danenfelser, John Dolnn, Jacob Dannenfel- acr. Patrick Devanny, lssvl S D’Lyon, Thos Dowell. Michael Duggan, Jacob F Dm. Wm C Ihiwson, Maurice M Demere. Win J Donaldson, Wm J Dotson. James DeMartin, Burrell M Dye, Jamas M Dye. Elijah Dyo. Alex’r Drysdalo, Alex’r Del ban co. Samuel I) Dickson. Wm G Dickson, John Dillon. Wm Doody. Frederick Dannrnfelier. John lYvannv. Mitchell T Duke. Joseph Doyle, Martin Dunnagan. Samuel L Dowell, John D Delannoy, John Dunzc. E— Henry Ellis, Peter Endres. John Everard, Rlchanl Ennis,-'ohn riiskeamp, Stephen Elliott. Jacob A Ep.dcin. John D Epstein, Thomas Eden, Daniel tyan.Jas A Ernst. John Eady, Edward W Eden. James Eden. F.—Joseph FelL Owen Foley. Jeremiah Hckling. Green Fleetwood. Louis NFalliganl. Caspar J Fulton. Washington F Fiorcnco. Josepii S Fav. John G Fatllgant. John C For rill. Andrew Knrry. Fredoricli Finch. William D Ford.Sowell H Fisk. John Flemming, Richard Flanigan. Thomas Ford. Patrick Fleming, John Foster. John D Hah. Bryan F’o Josbh R Fisher. John Foley. Jacob Friend. I Hi raid Fergu son.John Flanuegan. James F'ountaln. Henry It Fori. Benja min Fielding. Robert Ferrell. Gordon Fargo. Joseph E Falli- mint. Randolph B Fell. William Fielding. James A F’swns. william B Fleming. Alexander Fawoett, George S Frierson, Cliarles Fox, Jacob F’riend. Isham Freeman, John Finney. Vnl» .l/thn llltnmlil Vi«S>.I.L O L’.ll IL.-I-I. P.. - - -itigera 8 Fulton. John F'olltard, Jared Fitzgerald. Patrick Fitzger ald. Lawrence Fitzgerald. MIchaol Feely. Michael Finney, Urban C Fraser, John G Fisher. Win U Foote. Wm T F'eiy. Frederick Fisher. Robert G Ferguson, Isaac Ferguson. Wm A Ferguson. Patrick J Flemming. Dominick Fbtley, Jaa B Foley. John Fagan. Jacob C Fathers. incls Grlmball B Gallic, David . I, Domingo Gal- leo. Joseph F Gammon. Charles Gross, Martin Gerken, James G.—Joseph George, Robert IIGriffin. Francis Joseph George. Jr.. Robert M Goodwin. John B Ga U Galloway .Seaborn Goods)], John Gammell, Dot leo. Joseph F Gammon. Charles Gross, Martin Gerken, sanies E Gaudry. Philip Gieblchouse, Henry Ganahl, John F Gull- martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Qinovoly, John L Graven- •I/,Jot stein, Ebenezer W M Gifford. James E Godfrey. George , - n.a„. o . Nickles Gel Gordon. Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith, NicklesGell. HoraceGIUum. John S Green. Frauds L Gae, Jas Gowan, William T Goodwin. William W Goodrich. MiclurelGearey. Michael Gay, Lewia Grenrald, Israel Geer, Joshua Griffith. Jamea Gamy. George Oatehnuze.Joaepli Geiger, Solomon Goodali, Michael Gbsgow. John B Gnann. Charles Ganahl, Robert S Gray. George M Griffin, Julius H Gaudry, William Gsrrugbty. Hugh Grady, Benj George. John Gallagher. Pat rick Garish, lewrence J Guiimartm. Nathaniel M Gilman. John GilliUnd. George W Garmauy. Wm E Geffcken. John man/, um buencsen, wonn MGuerard, Joaeph Ganahl. Hemy L Gilbert. PatilcaGov- " J Gilbert, George Gass. Cars- ltd D Guersrd. Wm Galpin. John GotteyJeinas Geltan- U—Thomas Holcombe David F Reiser, WillUro Hess, Christopher Hussey. Richard B Howell, Charles S Hardee, William Ilowe. William Hunter. William F Holland, James .. _ ra raon,I Wm H Grady, Wm W Grafai dst, Charles Grant. untor. Hunter, George 8 Harding, fin _ Lemuel L Hover. Job* UumL Sai ity-ntne. ln r TWittromoUoiUilrUta.Io wrahIptw»|U»»«H|«ll tt «n awfhwui btuUi ifinm. irtowotU, three ; the eest tali of tbe southwest quarter ol section twenty-five, and tbeeeilt half of th* southwest quarter 61 tblrty-six.In township fire, of rangeon*. ^ The west talfond northeast quarter of tbe northwest qittft>ft%8‘Vttt' half « the northeast quarter, and the east half of ttaeoathtort quarter, of ssctfc •hli wood.' WUlhwe Henderes^Chi tl*. Robert A Honiker. WUlisc ton, Peter Henry. Will denon, imifom P Hunt Hllzbefrn. Charles F Hone. William “ per. Howell W‘H^ WiUiam II Holmes, -0 GustavaA Holcombe, Edward J Hartleo, JateMBB" ^ C Hunter, Hon. Peter Hubbard, P P Holland. iwin E Herts, Martin Horn, , Samuel B Ifoupt. WiUiam sudle/, Robert Haber- utehlson. Alfred Hay* mUq Geo W Hardcaa- —jupt. Humphrey P Hot- It, Levi Hartiltamas Hen- wdnke Hamilton. Peter D •bn V Hamilton, WiUiam •vfd Harrigan. Henry Har- [1 Hendry, John G Howard, >np Howard, WiUiam B Hale, Hartman, Samuel Hamilton, . N Harris. Columbus 8 Harris, tw Hughes, Prlolaen Hamilton. Jno f, Jamea E Hogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno ohn A Benges, Nicholas Heyle,Geo tins, Matthew Harding. Edward C lerich. Oliver 8 Hunter.Uwls f Har- Ha eke U, Judge W Harris. John' Daniel 0 PhDbrlek, Anthony Porter. Dennis M Patrick, Ed win Parsons. George Parsons, Edward Powers, John Poatell, Joseph W Philips, John FPosey,William V Prentice, Henry 0 Preston. Thomas PJdgon. John M PsUn, Samuel G Pan coat. CUnvl*« B Patteraon, OrelnC Parker. John Pbalen. Jas Potter. Michael Prendergaat. Edward J Purse, Martin Peyton, Charles Perry, Patrick Price, Patrick Peyton, Samuel Phil- brick, WiUiam F Preston. James M Prentiss. Thomas Pitt, F/l ward M Prendergaat. George C Puder. Robert W Pooler, Andrew CPacotty, Antonio Ponce, George W Pollard, Ed- ward Potter. Antonio Ponce, Richard lhendergost, Andrew Jackson Pollard. James Prendergaat, Samuel L Pittman. James Pendergmst, Abner R Pomeroy. Joseph B Preston, Thomas Prendergaat. WiUiam F Parker. James Prunty, Geo Powers, WUllam Parish, Edward Pettus. Q.*—'William Qusntock, Jr., Martin Quinn, John Quin, James Qutnley. William W Quinn, James Qusntock. Jr. IL—Philip M Russell. Daniel Robertson, John A Richard son, WiUiam Reroihart, George Robertson. Jr, Robert R Rhodes.Henry Rober, WiUiam Rogers, Charles E Robinson, Andrew M Ross, John W Retnthart. James G Rodgers. Ber nard Roden, James B Read, George Robbins. Joseph Ross*, Jr.. David Rosenblatt. William P Rowland, Wm P Roberts, John RaUly, Jefferson Roberts. John P W Read, Jas Bhind, Joseph Ribero. Jaeob Rosenbend, John 8 Rogers, Allen Russell. William Robinson. James RUey. Horace J Royall, John Reedy, Alexander.R Ralston. Thomas M Rods, John B Ross. Thomas Redfren, Benjamin G Reod, Jo* B Ripley, Patrick Reilly, Francis Ryan.'John Rlordon, John W Rabun, James M Russell. Robert Raiford, Waring Russell. Charles 11 Rogers, F’ellx J Rosenbbrg. Charles E Ryon. Joseph W Roberts, Franci* Reeves. Joseph Roes. Edward Riley, Dennis R.van.Ger*on Rosenblatt, Levi 8 Russell,Cbristoper Russell. Cornelius Rorke, James Roualdson, Michael Rnchford. Alez- amler R Ralston. John C Rowland,Patrick Ryan. James Russell. Henry Ryan, WiUiam Robkin, Jeremiah Ryan Jno Ryan. Joliu T Rowland, James LRlchardaone. WUllam Rob inson. John G Rlchardsone. Hiram Roberts. Oadwallader D G Rblnd, Lantx Ryan, James L Rotsignol, Francis J Ruck- ert. Joseph D Roger*. Thomas Ryan. Tobias Rothleder. I/tuls Roblder, Michael J RclUy, .William F Richardson, Georg* Rnmspeck, William Riley. WiUiam Ritchie Henry Roser. 8 —Patrick K Shlels, Henry 8eltxer, Wm Ilenry Stiles, 1‘a trick Smith, Francis Sorrell Samuel 8 Sibley, Edward A Soullard. Abraham Simmon. IJzar Solomons, John A Schaf fer. Frederick Schaffer, Francis F StrobhsFt, Francis Sheila, Harman Silber, Joachim R Saussey. James J8nider,John Savage, Ezra Stacy, James H Ba&duord, Jacob Shaffer,Con rad Bchnider. John G Sexton, John B atron*. John FStur- levant. Walter WSmith,Fmnets MStone, Etnanuel Shef- tall. John H Stegin. Alexander J 0 Shaw. Farley R Sweat. James F Stokes, John A Staley, Atmer Sawyer. Samuel B Sweat, James Sullivan. Solomon Bheftelt; Daniel TScran ton. Daniel H Stewart, John Slone, WiUiam Salto, Joseph D Stebbins, Jacob Spang. William Shloners, John 8hunsel, Matthew Shannon, Dennis SulUvon, I’LIlip Smith,. John Shwlnk, Jamea Shea. James P Screven, Tbomtwoo LSmith. WilliamSwoll, Richard Scanlan, Alexander A Smote. WII- Unra H Smith, Andrew 8teafvater f Edward J Panders: Mor- decal Sheftall, Sr.. Jacob A Shaffer, Herman Sangstocn. Jas acob A Sbaffer. Herman Sangstoch. Jas M Stripling. Francis Sawyer. Timothy Sherldon, John Scud der, Jamea Skinner, Lewis Smith, John Sbea, Geo I Span- ...... M Schley. Thomas Saunders. John Steinberg. Wyatt W Starke, WUllam 8terr. William J Stafford. William R 8y- nions, Patrick Scanlan. Joseph 8r1Uvan. John 8ulll van, John Scanlan. George N Staley. Hepni.Etark.GeorfeShultz.Dan. let Sullivan, Henry Saunders, Charles E Smith, Samuel Sol omons, Edward J Saunders, Thomas F Stevens, Newton Stripling. William 8tar. Jr., Amos Scudder. James 8wan Sullivan. Adam Siiort, John 8herlock, WUllam Sanders, Chares Pchreok. Ephraim Scudder, Augustus 8cheideman, John Sulliran. Martin SulUvan. William F Shearer, Nicho las Siunot, Michael Sbehan, John Shellman. Juliua Pmlib, George W Stiles. Patrick Sullivan, James ESUrk, William 1th, John Smith, Abrabara A Solomons, Joseph M Shi Smith, . , - T .Joseph M Shell- man. Edward Scaff, Henry 11 Scranton. George 8t*ven»on, Murdecal Sheftall. Jr.. James C Stortevant, Moses J Solo mons. Joseph M Solomons, Solomon Sheflall, James H She- han. George W 8nndcra. Henry 8trau», Diodrich Shaffer. Jno E Stilwell, Nelson Smith. Francis Clement Stobblns.Richard Pteele. Peter 8mith. Richard Smye, James Smith. Henry W Smith, Valentine W Skiff, Henry Stebbs. George W Shaf fer. Frederick Sheriff. T—Peter G Thomas John F Tucker, John T Thomas William S Thompson. George IITItcomb, Charles G Talbird John I) Tenbroek, John Thompson, Frederick A Tupper. Jas Thunat, WiUiam R Tlnzlcy. Barnard G Tllden, Anderson C Toms. Francis Truchelut, William TThompson, John Tier ney. Edward Townsend, John C Taylor, Alfred F Torlay, lewis E Tebean, William II Tlson. John 11 Tliode, Cor. nelius Torbuzh. Joslah P Tnstln, John V Tarver. Israel KTvfft, David Thompson, William Thomas, Peter Thomp son. Joseph R Thompson. Stephen A Turner. John Tanner, William 8Taylor, Milton Turner. rstrick Tydings, Henry J TIedemsnn, John Timmerman, Henry Tow. Charles Thomp son, Michael Tonder. Richard T Turner, Marion B Talbird, Julip Trnmpler, James C Thompson, Martin Tufts, GeorgeT Thou*, Francis Msrlon Thresdcraft.Neiblt P J Taylor. Paul Thiimasson. Beniamin T Tbeus, Richard Tliomas, Thomas M Turner. Henry Thompson. Vh-Charles Van Horn. David Veader Trislam Veratille, Henry H Veratille. William H 8 VerstiUe. Henry Vlelititch, William C Vandenbnrgh, Charles Vsndeumark W^.Richard Wayne,Edward 0 Wilson, William Waters, Robert D Welker, Henry P Willlnk. Uurence W Wall, Na thaniel P Webster. Henry 0 Wyer. James T Webb. Henry E Weed. 8mlth Warner, Thomas White, Francis HWelman, Nicholas Wolf. WiUiam White, Thomas 8 Wayne, Benjamin Whitehead. Jaeob Wlneberg, Samuel A Wood. George IS Walt, Charles Wilson. Thomas J Walsb, John W Wilson, Jo- Price 61 00 per bottle. W. V. ALEXANDER k CO., iWfrw No. I Barclay-*trtet, (Astor Houi* \ For sale by A. A, SOLOMONS, and j i gists. Savannah, Oa. ’ ' U ' URT ® !f Dr« l , —- 1 —— “tell ' THE WONDKll OB' TUe'wo5T,TT “ W# would not grow one bud ofhocT 1 You cannot enrner Id Hm fruit • >< . Consumption shall no longer rob our flreskto^S! U " a ' r * llUb ' 1 " l,b J r WorVlJIsJ; I _lgn remedy. This is that which has so long been sought for iijul. I full faith offered to the public u a CBnStmifrSSS I colds, whooning-congb, croup, asthma, and «m b 3w and will, in iny case where lungs sufficient m witL? i tain life, check the ulceration and ral." th. h«lth. TO. » not » Ml, bout nor" ' IhMSS Into the market without a thorough trial, bat tZ!j beyond a doubt, that what has been asmUd cJ?*2f . ♦•The sentiment that consumption cannot be 1 destroyed more lives thsn the disease Itself I Bnt there la Hnpel' ,■ DJKV1NK8’ COMPOUND PlTlH LOZKIfl*. The proprietor, by tbe use of this article, and ite of Providence, was raised, when he wu pr*mouoeidk»3 i| physician to be almost dying with comureptlcn, tTtevl h *» u , h .»"d Is not willing that so great a HewingihteSk I wllliheld from those on whom “ this right hzndemiiurTa J death" has placed his mark, 7 ";1 The Lozenge is perfectly harmleis In Its natnre,sail'd be taken with Impunity b/ the infant and theianU- 2 1 its beneficial efiecte will be felt in s few boon after cT. ] ■ in.lir Jr ii men. try it sre not proved, after an Impartial trial, the price of thife will be returned, and all agents are suUiorlted totem tbe money tn anycas* where the article li not petecty j These Inzenges are pat up tn 26 crnti. 60creti.i^u!l ' Is trial to be fully appreeiated. j boxes, and only need a •e addressed. hUdiw CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! Not a Particle of Mercury in It. A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Scrofula. King’s E- il Rbeuioitisni. Obstinate Cutaneeui Fruntlooz, Bbi or Pustule on tlie Face, Blotches, Bollz. Chroalc Bonf Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head. Enlargement aU of-u* Ilonea and Joints. Stubborn Ulai ~ ' den, Lumbago, Spinel Comnlaints, aud from an injudicious use of Mi Impurity of tlie Blood. This valuable Medicine, which ha* become celebrated far tbe number of extraordinary cures effected through its llcrcury, Imprudence fa li^q properties. The following certificates, selected from s lira I number, arc. however, sfrooger testimony than the am I Hta>f the proprietor*; snd are all from gtatlaotatel I b <n their localities, and or tbs highest mpectitSir [of them now residing in the city of Itlchmooi Ts. known li many of them now residing in F. BOYDEN. Esq., of the Exchange Hotel. P , known every where, says he has seen the Medidne esM Csrtxr’s Srs.vuui Mixn’HX administered in overs budn4 cares, in nearly all tbe disesics for which it Is mesuwri ed, with the roost astonishingly good result*. lit uji till ] the most extraordinary medicine he hu ever sees. AGUE AND FEVER—ARE nuwr# ami rikiui—miEAT CUXt-| hereby tntifr,' that for three years 1 had Agile and Dyer of;U>i'text rfr lent deSorlptlon: 1 had hevartl ITiyMclans, tookliqsi**** titles of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe all tb* Teaks si- Quinine, Merculy, yertised. but all without any permaneat relief. tried Canxa’a Spjxisii MiXTvaz, two boiilff of vbici sic- tually cured me. and I am happy to ay 1 hare bad aeitbet Cbilla or Fevers since. 1 consider It tbe tost Tnolc la the | world, and tho only me<1iclne that ever resthedtnjcii*. 1 Beaver Dem, near Rlahmond, Va. JOHN LONpDBf. . C. B. LUCK, Esq., now in the city of Riebnx>Dd,aa4 fer many years In tbe Post Office, has such cooBdesceiitb* astonishing efficacy of Cjuma'e MintixlUibs has bought lipfrarus of 68 bottles, which he hisgiyessny to the afflicted. Mr. Luck sara he hsi never knovalU* foil when taken according to directions, , Dr. MINGE, a practising Phyririsn. suJ formerly of ike City Hotel. In the city of Richmond, ay* he hat vitoeta In a number of Instances the effect* of Cunra'i Pram | Mixnux. which were m rrmv. which were most truly surprising. Ife aysist ' e of Consumption, depcndenl on tho liver, the good & case ot , fects were wonderful Indeed. SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of tbe firm of Drinker i YonK Richmond, waa cured of IJver cwnplsint of 8 year* atsad- I Ing. by the nse of two bottle* of Carter'! Ppenftb Mlitw Ing. by the use of two bottle* or Carter'! ppanlin jcimie GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The Editor* oftbeBd- j modd Republican had a servant employed In thrirpr room, curel of violent scrofula, combined with Rhea ti*m. wlilch entirely disabled him from work. Two bottle of Carter’s Spanish Mixture made a perfect the Editors. In a public notice, ay they *• cheerfally neve- mend It to all who are afflicted with any diieaft of At blood." 8TIIJ, ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA-l lied a up valuable bov cured of Scrofula by (brier's Spzohh Iconilderltafnilyvaluable ,,u " 1 ' the 1 ’ “ ture. I consider It a truly valuable medicine. JAMB I TAYLOR, Conductor on the R. F. A P. R. R. Co, RIcbnM Virginia. , „ , Salt Rheum of 80 Yenrs Standing Cured Ing cum r. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in tbedty pfRlcbnart | cured by three bottles of (brier's Pnanuh Yutori.s was cured by three bottles of (brier's .‘■psnuh s i Salt Rheum, which he lisd nearly 20 yean, art jMtaM L the physicians of the city could not cure . | Is a well known merchant of Richmond, Ya., »a **» cut ft most remarkable. ... . . WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Va , had a aem* cured of Spyhllia. In the worst form, bjr Carter* Spaau* Mixture. Heaayshe cheerfully recommend* it, aMW* | siders it an Invaluable m^lcine. /.u I RICHARD E. WENT, of Richmond, waa cured ofj««“ L and what physician* called confirmed Cousmnyws, ■ three bottles of Carter's Hpanhh Mixture. ... ..!I three bottle* of Carter's Rpani»h Mixture. y r ■ EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of Ihe R«rao»,i»Ji« I baa seen the good effects of Carter's ftftah I nuKju.iuuaiuii namu,wuun nuna,iio- repb Washburn, Zaebariab N Winkler. Lewis W Wells,Ed* «und Wallen; Wyllr Woodbrldge. CtaUtopber White. Seth Woodward, Lufoe Wader j Dennis Wynh, James White. Philo , jlte.Phll P White, Philip D — water,: 'lb# •ost'half'of^h#"hertbeaatquarter, and tbe north- jjftartsofr.taagh M Haywood- Jenree'j Hines. Tbomaa ist quarter pt the southeast quarter, of section four, in Heflfrrtian. wiihsm L Ifoupt, John nagbea, WTOfom. Nlchok* Hern index John' ivid 8 Henderson. Dennis Planner... 1 George Haas, Abraham Hannon. Job x Hart, John G Howard. Ifrtrick Htn- \ Patrick Hobon.'John Higgfna, Ezekiel ‘ * Robert BHlltonTwashlngtoaR PHoDts. John Houlibai Joseph B Harvey. TrancfoHernanflea, Thomas Hojmes. Ed- frortf GHeugh. Algernon BHartridge, Fred'k H^lu'Jobn I Beery, John Hover. Levi 8 Hart, Maurice Haskett, Robert Haner, TbomaaH Hardin. FranrisWHead 1 nan; Dwight Hunt JOhn gHaberaham.jtortin HoulUuu, man, Dwignt Mont. JO&n limberanam. Martin John Btaadn* DslvtdHarmonlCharUsB Henry. , I—John W Ihly, Edward W Irvin, John Irvin. M««aMuiBJohnson, JohnTJoMS. JametR Jackson, James K Johnston, Robert Jackaon,' Wni Jamea, n. Josenti W Jackson, Nkofoa JrtWre. Thomas J h Johnston. Gee Jaekaan. Georg* I! Johns ton, Fl dsn. Alfred R Jones, John M Johnston *i:j. res, H Wlldmen, William Watson, Woolhopter. Aibhei WeT' George M WfUrtfr Janwa Withington. Allen R Wi t , Wiliam Wright. James M Wayne. William Thorne Williem, Patrick White, James W White, Richard Wickam, WUllam MWadtey, Jacob WaMburg. George W WyHy, WRlfou 0 Wy||y,TaaaoP Whitehead. Lewie Wiggins. William Waters, James Whlte.StephenP, Whitehead, IfentelB Wilson. Hen ry K Washburn, Claus Wlttschen, Cbnrad WaldsohmldL John Williamson. John C Wagner. George M Waidburg, Jno J Watte, Edward O Withington,* James S Wilkins, Norman Wallace, William H WHtberger, Peter Wiitberger, Simeon Walter. Joseph W Webster. Amos E Werner, nos White, Thomas Wood, Henry F WiQInk, jr., Georg# 8 Webb, Wfi. Ram Webster, Michael Waleh, JohuKWanf. Stephen B Wil liams. Irvlu L Wolf, John Wtekkat&. Michael Weldon, Fran cis White, Charles W Wert,' Henry William*. James C Webs- ■ter. Henry Wilson. Martin WenuHken, Jearer Watch. John M William*. Christopher WltzgvU, Gregory White. Samuel T Wilson. Angnstna Walter. Robert Waggensteln. Edward C Wade, fttomos A Wilson, Bryan Wren, Frederick R Wylly, Whltmlll H Williams, Michael Wall. Henr/ Weteand, Demp- es Gil Warnocb, James E Waltnour. Ellslia tey White. James G M Warnocb, James Wylly, Frederick Wyndtefa. Peter White, Henry WOHamson, John Weighm, Aaron Wilbnr. Y.—Pr Easton Young. Peter Yonson, John A Tonga, WO- Item P Yonge. “ -Edwin £ Ur. octfl nSZlttrouer, Jacob Zimmerman, Solomon Zelg 1 rntirion O WII BOV EDWARD G. - . WJ1JMN, Clerk of Council. JMNEN COATS AND PfST^-ha Additional supply re YZAnzs. QIQAM. TOBACCO. Jkc.—&0.000 Mineira OganuJW.OpO naa seen roe gooa euecis oi number of Spyhilitic rase*, and ays It U a perfccuw* that horrible disease. „ .u ^ WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond. Va.. eared « str and nicer*, which disabled him from walking. Tcoi bottle* of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. *Dd war eoabW » walk witliout a crutch. In a ahort time penuatnV M. »m CLOSE . CO, fc “ Mlden Lane. New York. Clf- , piju. T. W. DYOTT k BOSS, No. 132 North 2d Street, rsus- oelphla. BENNETT And for sale M. CARTER, A. - - Druggists and Country Merchants everywhere. «VU r ATM»H rKl.EHHATED P AII r A A g r * l rl |' 1 Forth, njfoftoclplmt Pebllltjf.lVhlles—-rlltnff. llhr«i».ll>o- Ur.r .it Skin, twl .11 ““V of tho blood and tlie effect* of mercury- jl,.*. S WAIM>8 PANACEA hs* been for more then , celebrated In this country snd in E“W -fatet it ordinary cure*—for tlie certificate* of wbR made to tlie direction* snd book* (which / , n tt*) accompanying the Panacea. Some . M jgJ|tke, particulars of cases too frlgblful foe l § r k BEERS. Stt. 1M JSftlBl I sale by MIOMAS M. TTRM**CMta« I t, A. A. D1L0MUN8 * CO - to™**”**. I lo,and were daemed Incurable by It baa been uaed in hospitals, and prifotapraw^^, ■ 10,000 Oregon do. 26D00 Cheroot* and Haraua 8fxe*,160 boxes Tobaeoo. various brand: 10 do Jenny Und twist do. * rpmatle * “ ‘ “ OOXMTODOCOO. various urawj ww ''"P™- 10 do r«cy N#»l do do. 6 do Mfyere’ Aromatic do. fldoIAr- rilard’s fins out do. 26 do Rogg’s do do, 26 do Goodwin’s dfo do. In store and for rate low by soglO 7 CRANE k RODOEBS. YrARlKTY—Unseed.Bpenn. BUoehedjWtaieond «io V 00; -white, red, bla* and Uw Lead; ^bot-M^d Dupont's. . Borax, Coppers*, Glue. Brimal end Inprood; Set 8oda- Sal. and 8sl Glaubersup. earn. , ~ _ , Atom, Blue Stoqe, for. Madder. Indigo -Vtde, Sal Epfrn* irte Aeld; Gum tn Tartar. NuxVom- * Laudanum, ingula. nni— -- - ted pbyaldana and c *FT?lb«n!lI br a! Profof Eorerr,^’-. isaaftSssMsua-- f a.w.&lnr.ut. urniAr to •‘'P-if- ^ J Blr Thom., H.JorO.nrr.l BrW“ *'*' t GflbrrlRobertonn,IWH-bContoL-r. I ind.Uo. (h.wondrrful corn. «.bn».,form*nr t-tt. to-d- « ““"•gl.Mlto J lb.I'»n*ce. doe.notMnUInmemllln^ I mk, LopTM 1 1 U S",*; > K W “- < *l Eoalm'aPanaera to In round bottl»«JtVISSB ■ I ate Wm. Swain, copyright aecured- . the reapectable drurgiat* to Citmor on ™ Prmio.-HW'n-wutoor mV.^it. til™ j 104 and 106 John-at>**hS£r^f | J BBOKCfjSSjf mh22—2awtf a nil JOB aw PARIS.—Fbr tb# e«re • _ ondbronobjumaettowotlhottrojltoj.