The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, November 20, 1853, Image 3
■SSmfcfc! K , iSrwi’«\v*iiu I Swiss and Jao. SSSrf'iBSSf »S3 IWo &**»•*& **• SV auabnfl «re* Savannah, Georgia, a home that would take the agenoy for * he aale of their native wine*, in and around that place. Wholesale dealer* In wine* and liquors, who retail at onoe, ,, — ........ „ — .— Jouon, who.. „„ have the preference. Postpaid oiler*, with direct or IndU . “ ,ii ®lk IhntU- w.-* ,, . -_lpald ,., net reference* on Olnelnnati house*, are received until the 90th day of Ootober, and anawered directly by LONOWORTH & ZIMMERMAN, Native Wine Establishment, ocW Cincinnati, Ohio. \ATANTED TO HIRE—A cook, for a small fhrolly, to re* rV main In the city. Apply to novll WYLLY k MONTMOLUN. % Q10TM 1 »l.rg8«riety. -’“"'fl’pIliS Huso; UdlM' black aud 3SWElBS5S«*i«! «IlU >lllow Cw U»«»< 00.W j olAud 104 bro. and bl'obed Table Bam. Si “"UiJr toiler.; Irish Unoas, good styles | Bed- , v rtiiths • Plain »“d Twilled Blue do. do , BUtk Frf“ c ^ ' n j plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Jeans' th*Sj®i£.*ud black and col'dSIlk Vestings. KaattaVeeUngw, awl black octaoa P. CURRAN „, i —.ind and offer* for sale, at hi* store, on 1M3, - S SjSntort. llupw * w* Brandy, Tint. 1842, laky, 1 Ku old MooVtin WUIafcr, jS. oliCon^ela Whisky, ? b ^U,BhlWnn.ToasUbra« _ ,, h(n ,u„ Toasta brand, vlnt, 1842, *-“S STwrv, .ad d do Uadalra Wins, k. lumcvui of HU kinds and brands, ii!Wo orU.el>e*t agar*. 10 boxes Cordials, of all !{uMTo5m, 2do Pig I’ork. novl8 WILLIAM G* DICKSON ” sreet ami Broughton Lane, late arrivals a full assortment of the TIS received per . |«, *Rd.*n*. C new fruit, all clusters, ‘ r/.nf.* Cnrmiits. Citron. Shota Currant*. ch«ift 3'iell Almond*, and Brazil Nuts, "jtonlrsn*. RsrsclUes and Italian Sweet Oil, MiirJ Pickle*, 1" jaw and barrels, Preferred Quinces and Peaches, (innliters [’reserved Salmon and lobsters, SarlisM. KngUsh Sauces. Mace nud Nutmegs, florci, Cassis. Pepper, Ginger, kc., kc. fteibors articles have been selected and aro fresh from blest Importations. nov!8 blankets, domestics, &c ■ AT VERY LOW PRICES. JOHN T. ROWLAND. JOHN t. ROWLAND, JR ROWLAND di CO.. GENERA I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 172 Hay-ttrtd. SawmnaA. 1 *TO RENT—A house on Liberty street, opposite the residence of Solomon Cohen. Esq. Apply to novll WYLLY Ik MONTMOLUN. r, HYLAND, P. II. O’NBLL. HYLAND dt O’NEILL, DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINKS AND LIQUORS, 4c., Next Door to Marshall House, Broughton street. HA VANN All, UKORUIA. Wholesale and retail dealers in imported wines and liquors, French brandlos, segars, and fancy groceries. l TO RENT—Two or three rooms on Bay street, sult- ffable for offices. Apply to tho Editors of the Georgian. • novl8 v TO RENT—A small brick house, near the Barracks. SReut 112.60 per month, Apply at the Georgian of- “flee. oct!6 TO RENT.—A commodious brlok edifice on South flSjBroad street. Posseaslun given 1st November next,- ■Ufif—•—■* ■Inquire at this office. oct8 J TO RENT—Three tenements In Gordon Block, well supplied with water and gas plpos,- closets, drawers, and other modern Improvements, basement plaatorlug hard ffnlshed. Possession givon 1st November next. Ap ply to octl3 EDWARD G. WILSON. TO RENT—A wharr store. • -*pp4y to octll k TR RENT—A brick house on Jones street, on a ful alot. Possession given Immedlately. Apply to i octll T. J. WALSH. t TO RENT—Throe of tho five tenement houses, on tho corner of Abercora and Jones street. Inquire ofv aeul4 A. BONAUD. s. TO RENT.—Tho store Immediately under our office Swell suited for a grain and feed store or for storage o' a fc (J). iotton. Apply to sep23 ROWLAND t TO RENT.—A small comfortable House In a ro- Ujjjl spectableand central part of the city. Rent 8300. Bliij Possession given on the 1st November, or sooner 1. leslrable. Apply at this office.*jig26 WILLIAM S. BOGART’S SELECT CLASSI CAL SCHOOL FOR BOYS. W ILL be opened on Monday, the 7tli Instant, in the house, No. 100 Broughton street; until a more el' hie room is obtained. Applications for admission, or Information concerning the school, can be mado to the subscriber, at Mrs. Caruthers’ Boarding Houso, Hull street WILLIAM S. BOGART Savannah. November 8d, 1863. nov3—12 VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. ttgk AU that tract of land, containing 6000 acres, situata between tho Railroad and Ogeechee lUver, and on which stands the 20th Mile Station—It Is heavily timbered and well ndapted for making turpentine : also, 2000 acres of land, lying on the Canal, about ten miles from tho city; and 100 acres adjoining the city. Apply to octl8 WYLLY 4s MONTMOLUN. FORT dt DUNHAM, MERC! FACTORS AND COMMISSION Savannah, Qa. T. X. DUNHAM, 'HANTS, RUNKEI S; NIGHTINGALE omA TROUPE, Whore Brilliant and Extraordh ry Success in their BOUDOIR A PARGOR »IREES| Is unwampled In M strelsy. Will Appear In till* Oil , 8U Rveiling*, 00MMBM3NQ TODAY, pV. 18TO. FOR KEY WEST AND HAVANA. Th lent* on Tuesday, lit November. ' Ilk UNITIflD STATES MAIL 8TBA M- Blamp BABEL, WlLUAM R0LUN8, Commsndst, .Jarljr leave this port on theistanu 16 th uf ®*ch month, leaving horo for abova port* on Tuesday, l*t No vember. For passage only, apply to oot21 COHEN8 & Hk'RTO. BUhTlJII^-The brig it. U. hAVlS, Davis, row tor, will meet with di*|«toh as abovo. For freight or passage apply on board or to novl8 BRIOHAM, KEU.Y A CO. II COAMnON. J. a. WATTS. UHAMFION dt WATTS, WHOI.^ALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, No, 4 Barnard tired, between the Market and Bay street. SAVANNAH, OA., Dealers in Groceries, Forolgn and Domestic Liquors, Dried Fruits, Ac., Ac. References—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq., ” *•••" *t Whlteheail, Swift A Co., Savannah, Oa. Messrs. Rabun A V I, r. HORTON. 0. II. RIKKMAN. HORTON dt RIKKMAN, WnOLKBALK AND RRTAtl. DKALRR8 IN WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVIUl-WAItb; FANCY GOODS. 116 Broughton-sired. N, Ag’tt, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION JIERC'IIANT, HAVANNAU, OA. WILLIAM F. YONGE, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No, 94 Bay-stred, Savannah. They will Introduce the new and cceedlngly popular sar castic song, Aunt Hahriki Bkaoi. frown, Inscribed to Mrs. Julia Gardiner Tyler, on acoountolier scortcblngand with ering rebuke to Lady SoutherlandJor her Impudent med dling with the affairs of our Union. —AIHO— that now and beautiful Morceau >f delicious poetry and music, AnnixRay, received every wioro with emhuslastto delight. FHOORAMMK—PA T I. Grand Instrumental Overture—Mai lulav, Ahrend ATroupo. With what enchanting pleasure—J ghtlugalei, Love and Cider, (new)—'W. Birch. Annie Kay, (new)—Goorge Kunkel Hush a bye Baby, (new)- " My Lovely Mouutaln K«t Castlnott Solo, with Imit Down In the Bam Yard. ^ , Mary Vale, by the author, (now)—S.jMacaulay. ■ * ** • ,(r * - 1 * * *' “—* Aunt Harriet Beclia Stowe, ( 1K. Search. Accordeon Fantasia—L. Louisiana Belle Danco, Cotton Pod Jig—Master Banjo Varieties—W. Penn Lehr. Violin Duett, (conducted by Herr Jullten Birchlanl)—Mac aulay and Search, Fancy Polka, by Master Floyd and W. fenn Lclir. Banjo Duett, “ Crunio Criino ”—lllrcU ind Brown. Grapo Vine Twist—W. Birch. ( “ * ' " ‘ ■ “ ’1—1 O’HE Alt dt STONKY, FACTORS AND COMIHSSION MERCHANTS, North Commercial Wharf, Charleston, South Carolina, LATK OK TUB FltlM OK LEOARK. O’HRAR A CO. BANCROFT dt BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, For the Purchase and Sale of Stocks, Bonds, *Exchange Real Estate, 117 Bay-street, Savannah.Jan24 CHARLES 1*. COOPER. ATTORNFY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR FLORIDA. 176 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. Will practice In tho Courts of Chatham. Camden. Glynn and McIntosh counties j also, the United States Circuit and District Courts for the Southern District of Georgia. Rkkekkncsi—Hon. R M. Charlton, Messrs. Crane A Rod- p-ers, Boston A Villalonga, Daniel H. Stewart, Savannah j Hon James E. Broome, 8. R. Mallory, Thos. Uattsell, Thos. Douglas,0. H. Dupont. W. A. Forward. Florida. o25—3m „ in calling the attention of plantors to ,, our very extensive stock of Woolen and Domestic tvji.moy of which we purchased before tho great ad- M»’ln wool, slid will therefore sell them correspondingly ^'whiles f/>ndonDuffil and colored Blankots, M do brown twilled Kerseys; 10 do black do, '30 do brown domestic Goods, jj do striped and while Osnaburgs, ]0 do plain red Flannel; 5 do twilled do, 13 do alilrtlDg Stripes, 10 do Schley’s Georgia Plains, 15 ewes Louisiana and Marlboro’ Stripes and Plaids, 3 do plaid Llnseys. stripes and plaids, 5 do Satinet and Kentucky Jeuns, 5 do Scotch and domestic Gingham*, J« do bleached Shirtings nnd Sheetings 3 do English and American Prints, iO dozen Negro Caps; U10 pieces Carpeting, •lMRusgsand Mutts; 200 Carpet Bags, K3Negro Head-handkerchiefs, 100) Awn woolen and cotton Hosiery. PUnieritnd merchants visiting our city during tho fall ^ winter will find It to their interest to look trough our ■UcLuwe are disposed to soil at a small advance upon octO AIKEN A BURNS. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE IN BAKER COUNTY, GA. tfCX The subscriber, dosirou* of removing from the Stat- *22.of Georgia, offers for salo his PLANTATION, lying on tho waters of the Coolawahaeo, fivo miles west of Albany, adjoining the lands of Paul Ihrver, Dr. Nicholls, and oth ers; containing 3.125 acres, more or less. There are about 800 acres of open, cultivated land. TIi" land Is situated so that it can bo easily divided, nnd 11 two purchasers appear, the subscriber will divide It so as to suit both. Any ono desirous of purchasing, would do well to ad dress “ Mooro A Edwards,” or myself, at this place. JOHN J. RAWLS. Macon, Ga., August 30,1853. octl—If My Agent, living on the place, will show the Lands to any person calling for that purposo. J. J. R. PLANTERS’ HOTEL—AUGUSTA, GAT” t Thls splendid new house, sltuatod on Broad-st„ immediately in front of the site of the old Planters’ Hotel, which 1ms been furnished throughoul with v iurniturc, bedding, etc., will open for the reception i< customers on Saturdny next. It will be the endeavor o tho Proprietor, to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. J. M. SIMPSON. novO—tf Proprietor. READY MADE CLOTHING, FOR FALL AND WINTER. EKnubscribcr respectfully solicits the attention of his „ Mtad**nd the public in general, to his extensive as- wtmml of Ready-made Clothing, comprising as It does a urotr of every articlo for gentlemen’s wear, suitable for At pretent and coming seasons Tho following comprise a ■rtlon of the stock on hand : * Overcoats and Surtouts of black and blue beaver cloth, Back and brown mohair cloth. Norway and labrador coatings, Devonshire, kerseys, and pilot cloths, talma oloaks, BUck cloth dress nnd frock conts, liln# and brown cloth business frocks. Grey and check casstmure business suits, Black do?-*kln casslmere pants, French fancy casslmere pants, Grey and mixed tweed casslmere pants, Black and mixed satinet pants, 1’lsin and plaid kersey pants, Embroidered sad plain black cassiraore vest*, Figured nnd plain black silk vests, l’lmh velvet vests. Figured black and fancy cashuioro vests, together with au extensive slock of Furnishing Goods, such u fine white ahirts, silk and merino undershirts, merino (ulon flannels and jean drawers, riding gauntlets, black, okrol and white kid gloves, stocks, cravats and scarfs, Htk-tlei,suspenders etc., the whole of which Is offered for ale low, by WM. R. SYMONS, Draper A Tailor, ““ 17 Whitaker street. LANIER IIOUSE-MACON. GA. M Tho iinderslgucd having leased the above estab lishment begs to assure tho traveling public that no exertions will be spared to sustain tho establish es* reputation of the houso, Assisted by Mr. Mkaiu. lie hopes to make tho Lanier House, socond to none South o' New York. GEO. M. LOGAN, Proprietor. J. Mkaiu, Superintendent. novia—ly ZERMAN’S ANTI-SCORBUTIC TOOTH WASH. T HIS delicious article combines so many meritorious qualities, that It now has becotno a st&ndanl favorite with the citizens of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, nnd other places. Dentists nnd Physicians pro-, scrlbo it in their practice most successfully, and from every sourco the most flattering laudations aro awarded it. In- flambd, sore, or bleeding gums aro immediately cured by Its use : It* action upon them Is mild, soothing, and effec tive. It cleanses the teeth so thoroughly that they are mndn to rival |>eiirl in whiteness, and diffuses through tho mouth such a delightful freshnuss, that tho breath Is ren dered exquisitely sweet, and it will in most instances af ford relief to tho most violent toothache. Tho following Certificate from Dr Chilton, a Chemist of world-wide celebrity , who has submitted tho articlo to a chemical analysis, is proof sufficient to couvlnco any one of Its superiority *• I have examined a bnttlo of “ Zcrman’s Anti-Scorbutic Tooth Wash,” and find It to be a vegetable preparation of an innocent character. I belluvo it will prove beneficial for tho purposo It ts recommended.” JAMES. R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist. Just received, and for sale by nov!7 W. W. 1JNCOLN, Monument Square. WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troujnille, Loumtles county, Ga. Will practise in Thomas. Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair. Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski counties. Georgia; and in Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia coun ties, Florida. fob23 WM. r. WILLIAMS. TUADDKUfl OUVKR, JACK DROWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVER dt DROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista. Marian County, Ga., Will practise In the counties of Sfarion, Macon, Houston, Stewart, Randolph. Muscogee, Is>o, and any adjoining —...—* — tV> •— • * * —— vpo ... Viofincello Solo. •* Sou nds from Homo ’L-Herr Ahrend, (late of tlio Concordia Concert Troupe) part m. * 'city," Ikon* cash, Purduurt* pay far tltft*- To Bent-Four two-story • wooflt^r poifdlM*: alluatM c West Rroad and Robert* street*. holMlng* *n» ntr and neatly flnUhed, with all good out-liuliaiifgi; For t«tt apply at the counting room. BY T. J. WALSH. . , at Private Salo—A handsome a**ortmont of —j Clothing, conalatlng of »uperflno frock, *ack and overcoat*, in lot* ault purchaser*, for tale low. Term* cash. nov4 a - NSW YORK—.The regular packet schooner MARIA PIKE, Aumack, mailer, will bare quick »for tho above port. For freight or passage apply novlO OGDEN & BUNKER. ply j k BOSTON—.The icbr. ISADORA, Bragg, will Khave dispatch as abovo. For freight or passage ap- “ nov!8 BRIGHAM. KELLY it CO. BOSTON—'tho schr. F. A. GOODWIN, Captain .Carllse. will meet with dispatch a* above. For deck Iretgtu apply to novlfl PADELFORD, FAY k CO. HAVANA, CUBA—Tho packot sohr. GEO. SpS. MERCER, Hlgbce, master, will meet with dispatch Fur freight u OGDEN & BUNKER. BOSTON^-The brig ZKNOBIA, Rollins, mas- Iter. will have Immediate dispatch as above. For ight or passage apply to nov!3 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. Aa BOSTON—-Tho flno bark CHARLES WILLIAM, SgSaiHawes, master, will have dispatch as above. For roiglit or paisago apply to novia BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. PHILADELPHIA—Heron’s Line—The regular paokot schooner J. F. TOBIAS, will have quick dispatch for tho abore port. For freight or passage apply to novl2 OGDEN & BUNKER. LIVERPOOL—Tlie shin CHASE, Captain Administrator’* Sal*. On Tuesday, the flth December, will bo sold In front of the court house, between the legal hour* of salo. The Interest of D. M. Rogers, deceased, In the SarannaU Steam Saw Mills, on Hutchinson’* Island. For further par ticulars Inquire at the counting room. Sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chatham county na the property of D. M Boger*, deceased, and by order of the admfnlitrator. Administrator’s Sale. On Tuesday, flth Decomber, will bo sold. In the front of tho enn/t house, between thologal hours, Lot and Improvements, No. 10. corner ofSouth Rroad and Whitakefatreeta The lot la subject to ground rent* f $67 60 to tho city. The Improvement* consist of a double tone ment dwelling, In the basement of which I* an office, draw ing room, pantries and bathing room. On the first floor 1* two large and olegant parlors, with a spacious verandah, Inclosed with Venetian blinds. Tn the second story la four' bed rooms, with on enclosed verandah, all lighted with ga*. There are spaciou* accommodations for kitchen and servant rooms, carriage house and stable In a brick building in tlio rear of the dwelling, On the lane, in, the yard ta ft fine pump and good water. Also, ft yollow woman, aged about 45, a good cook and washer. The above property i« sold by leave of the Ordinary, aa .jo property of I). M. Roger*, deceased, and by order of tho administrators. Terms wlU bo declared at the sale. At Private 8afe—TwofiTeTcrelots,one mllo from the city, for sale low, If applied for Immediately, on accommo- J -,tir- 4 —™ Hide* Wanted—The highest market pri<M* iMH b* • pftMD • for greon, dry, salted and flint hide*; Ai>plf dVotfr coutat- logroom. • • -. ■pct!8 , • Improved Essence of Ooffee.-We have Just received from the manufketurers in Philadelphia, and wUl conWnuetb’ keep on hand for aale, Augustus Hummel’* Improved Br> l. • 117. t . ag..__ - - 1 - sence of Coffee. This U the best composition of C offered for sale, and Coffee made from the Euesoe ia wm . more wholesome, more delicate, finer flavored and'colored., perfectly dear, and in every respect superior to the finest Rio Coffee, and in use will prove a nett saving 76 per cant ovor Coffee prepared in the ordinary manner. Try It and see If It does not. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. SBS&Whlle, having the larger part or her cargo engaged, will meet with dispatch for the above port. For balanco of freight apply to nil II. K. WASHBURN, Agont PART III. Overture, (Central Railroad)—Macaulay and Troupe. Uncle Sam’s Farm—J. K. Search. My Brudder Gum—George Kunkel. I’m off for Charleston, (now style)—Paul Berger. To conclude with the Freaks and Antics of the Wonderful Pet Elephant, Cohdkua, by Herr Van Ambricbio. Doors open at 0?^. Performance to commence at 7){ o’ clock precisely. Cards of admission 60 cents, to be had at BALTIMORE—Tho fine schr. MOHAWK Graham, master, will meet with dispatch as above, 'or freight or passage apply on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or o novll BRIOHAM. KELLY k CO. ■ NEW YORK—Union Line.—The regular packet schooner FRANCES 8ATTEKLY, Reeveland, master, will have quick dispatch as abovo. For freight or passage apply to novlO OGDEN & BUNKER, NEW YlJllK—01d~EstabiilhodrLine. I—'Tho schooner KCHU. Lowden, master, will meet NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH BTEAHSHIPS. DAYS OP UUVlira SAVANNAH YOB XKW YORK. The Florida. Captain Woodhull, Nov’r 5 Captain Sohenck,..,,. “9 . Captain Lyon, “ , 19 Tho Florida, Captain Woodhull, ' 19 The Alabama, Captain Sohenck, u 28 The Augusta, Captain Lyon... “ - 28 The Florida, Captain Woodhull, ,, f .'.Ueo!f 8 The Alabama, Captain Sohenck, 7 The Augusta, Captain Lyon, “ ]0 The Florida, Captain Woodhull, « 17 lhe Alabama, Captain Bchenok, *» 21 Tlie Augusta, Captain Lyon *t. 24 Tlio Florida, Captain WoodhuU • u 81 dating terms. seplfl At Private Sale—Grey, Hard Brown, and Brown Brick In quantities to suit purchasers, augJ9 A Desirable Building Lot for Sale. Lot No 0. fourth tything, Anson ward. For particulars, inquire at the counting room. 1 “ 1 f Jyis tlio Marshall House and at the Attaemuuin, where seats may 5l*"tch as abovo. For freight or passage apply to h« woureA , ■ , o . _ novO .. BRIGHAM, KELLY & The following new and very popular Fongs, arranged Tor the Piano Forte, are for salo ut the dour. I’rlco 25 cunts each : Aunt Harriet Boclia Stowe, Old Bob IHdloy.Tlie Old River Farm, Mary Valo. novlO—3 JOHN T. FORI), Agent. CODY’S counties where thuir services may bo required. Jnn29 FERDINAND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELUlR AT I .AW, Washinfjtan City, D. (!.. Will practlso in the various Courts of the District, snd at tend to tho prosecution of claims against the Govern ment. June22 JOSEPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer of Bay and Whitaker street*. JAMES O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office—lib Bay-street, Savannah, Georgia. WALTER 8. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. 99 Bay-street, Savannah, Georgia. mcqueen Mcintosh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonville, Fta. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, comer of Whilaker-st. and Bay-lane, Savannah, Ga. THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. DIST. Office, comer Bay and Barnard-streels. Savannah. RESTAURANT AID) COFFER-HOUSE. T HE undersigned lias leased, and lias uow fitted up in neat nnd elegant style, the building on Drayton street, noxt door to Way k King’s, to be occupied ns a coffee-house; where ho intends to serve up. In superior stylo, every deli cacy of the season. New York and Suvnnimli Oyster*, Veulion, GROUSE. PARTRIDGES. FISH, Fulton Market and Philadelphia Herf, *5*c., fyc., will always be kept on band, ami served up In a stylo nover before equalled in tills city. Parties furnished with private suppers and Dinners short notice. He will keep ouly the liest Liquors. ~ CO. NEW YORK—Union Line-The regular ....packet schr. NORTH STATE, Horton, muster, will have quick dispatch as above. For freight or passage apply A " “ ■ " aER. nuv8 OGDEN k HUNKER. NEW YORK—Old Established“Line. Tlio schr. PATRICK HENRY, Kundson, master, meet with dispatch as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to nov8 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. BALTIMORE—The fast willing packet schr. VIRGINIA. Captain Axworthy, will meet with dis- patch for tlio above port. For freight or passage apply to —" 1URN. ' nov3 H. K. WASHBUl , Agent. BOSTON—Thu packet schooner M. E. WELLS, [Torry, master, will have immediate dispatch for the above port. For deck freight or passage apply to id I in DEN k OGDEN k HUNKER. JOHN lick. CODY. THOMAS J. NAYLOR. II. n. W. ALEXANDER. COMPETITION THE LIFE OF TKADE. T. J NAYLOR k CO.’S NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, No. 223 Bay street. Savannah. Ga. THOS. .T. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. BROGANS—BROGANS. Tho subscribers would call tho nttontlon of planters nnd others, in want of good and cheap iiroguns. to cnll nnd examine their stock, as they fuol satisfied that upon iusnectlon the quality and prices o| their goods cannot flvtl to pfease/l » MURl’IIY k DEVANXY, novl6 corner of Congress nnd Whitaker streets. BIB L ODIANS-MELODIANS. CAIUIART ftt NEEDHAM’S large double reed, with four stops, suitable for church music. Also, large double, round corner, six octavo ; Gibnrt’s fine Mefndians, four and a half and fivo octave, a beautiful instrument for tho parlor. For snlu on tho most accommodating terms, by uov!6 I. W. MORRELL k CO. NEW GROCERY HOUSE CHAMPION dt WATTS. Tlie subscribers have just opened a fresh supply Hoods, recently received from the northern Esd mirkets, and solicit the patronage of country ■OBHealers. city merchants, and families generally. Hi foliating articles compriso a portion of their stock s ?fi boxes and half boxes Tobacco, assorted brands, !i U Cigars, 10 cases fine cut Tobacco, 10 bhds Bacon Sides snd Shoulders, 100 Hams, & Mils Lard. 10 do Pork, 30 tlinle. half and quarter bills Mackerel, 60 bbl* Domestic Liuuors. all qualities, 20 uikt Wine—llailoira, TunuritTo, Port and Malaga, 6 half and quarter pijics fine Hrandies, 2 pipe* Holland Gin—swan brand, 60 boxes Cheese—Common. English Dairy, kc. 60 bags Java, laguyra, and lUo Coffee, 10 legi choice Butter. 60 whole and hall bbls Extra Canal Elour, 75 bags fieorgia Flour, In 100 nnd 60 Ife sacks, . VjO whole snd half boxes Colgate’s Soap, assorted, 5 hhdi Porto ltlco Sugar, ** 30 bbli clirificd and brown Sugar, 10 cuhlHyus* I/indun Porter. 10 cases Pickles, 10 bbls fiercer Potatoes, 10 bbls white and red Onions, 30 boxes Herring, 10 bnkets Champaign?, Ac., Ac.. 1I«).» full assortment of Groceries generally, comprls- >J.ttiiee*,i)Tups. preserves and dried fruits, oils, spices •Ml kinds,uney soaps, nuts, hyson and black teas, dried W saO longues, sardines, ground coffee, kltt salmon and ■kkerel.brooms, buckets, wooden ware and measures, to- FJwrwith numerous other articles of household use, all ’Mi will be sold cheap for cash or approved city accept- oct27 10 casks sugar cured Hams, 60 bills Boston Rum. lOOdo Phelps’ and RoseGlu. 20 do Domestic Brandy, 20%uarlor and eighth casks Malaga Wine, 126 bbls good eating Pota toes, 100 buxes new scaled Herring, 2 Hilda Codfish. 20 half libls Geo Haw’s F M Beef, 40 boxes now M R Raisins. 20 do ground Pepper, 26 do do Coffee, 100 kegs 5,10.15 nnd 20 gallons, 200 demijon*. 1.2,3, nnd 6 gallons, 200 bugs drop and buck Shot, assorted, 89 roams wrapping paper. 80 bxs l!ondol’s 0s and 8s Candles, 80 bbls Stuart’s crashed nnd powdered Sugnr, 60 do B and C clarified do, 60 do Gonesco Flour, 30 half do do, 60 bbls butter, sugnr nnd soda Crack ers, landing and for salo by SC nov9 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, WnOI.RSALR AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS. WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORS. Wat Side Monument Square. Savannah, Ga. BROWN dt HARRIS, BOARDING, LIVERY AND SALKS STABLES, WIST BROAD STREET. HAVANNAU. OA. ORDINARY’8 OFFICE, Corner of Bay and Whitaker-streets. Office hour* from 0 A. M., to 2,1\ M.; nnd from 3•*, I*. M. to 6, P. if. DAN IE LI. dt COOPEII, ATTORNEYS AND CUUNSEMDRS AT ^AW, Atlanta, Georgia. FANCY GROCERY STORE. T HE subscriber would inform his friends that he tins re turned to Savannah, nnd will this day open n Fancy Grocery Store in the middle tenement of Sorrel’s Building, known as the old Georgian Rending Room. This present stock, which hus been selected with great care, embraces every article in the above named business; also.Segars, Wines, Liquors, Ac., of tho most approved brands. Ho has selected for bis motto, “quick sales nnd small profits,” nnd ns lie believes that the public can readily dis criminate between spurious und genuine articles, he conli deutly iuvitus all to examine his stock nnd judge for them- ' *' P. CURRAN. A. SHORT, MASTER mm,PER. Will take contracts for Onilding nnd Work in Masonry of every description. Residence first door west of St An drew’s Hall, Broughton Street. WM. A. THOMAS, PRACTICAL HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBER, A'o. 15 Barnard tired. Savannah. Ga I/>nd pipe, sheet lend, block tin. copper boilers, light nnd force pumps, hydraulic rams, and kitchen ranges, con stantly oa liatul. Orders from the country promptly at- oct‘23—3m tended to ROOFING. The subscriber Is prepared to lay Tin Roofs on correct prin ciples.and from sixteen years’ experience, feels assured be can give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best reference given. J. J. MAURICE. Gutters nnd Conductors made to order. HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON & CO., Have In store nnd offer for sale on accoiuimula- FCstlng terms—100 bids clarified Sugar A H C. 76 do ■Menulied and powdered do, 300 bags Rio Coffee, 30 Jura and laguyra do, “Wbbh Baltimore ami Canal Flour, 5 bbu Hiram Smith’s Hour, 6*g* 98 and 49 lb Georgia Flour, ]*■ butter snd sugar Crackers, HbU I'lMIta,!. bbls Hams, 100 boxes No. 1 Pnlo Soap, '» boxes Tobacco, 8s, 5s and 1 lb lurai>s, ro Adamantine,Star and Sperm Candles, .77 mjCodlUb, 75 bbls planting Potatoes. bl*U Portland and N. O. Molasses. 100 .boxes tol?' 8'arch. 60 do RaUIns, 30 do Claret Wino. 60 * lemon fcvruu. no*2 ATLANTA MILLS FLOUR, T o., "jOU SUPERIOR SOUTHERN WHEAT. “Mmlneil. agents for the abovo mills,* Aterw Ji’’ ^ w ' t *’ un * or two car loads a wee ,. . — .expect to 0^. with une or two car loads a week of this which they will sell from the Railroad I)o- uii 1 Urtrf, i h> dealers and bakers on favorable terma ~ CRANE A RODGERS. BVINGAND renovating a raf . „ . ESTABLISHMENT, area, near the Court House. Savannah, Georgia. T®‘'tartb« r .A well * ><>" patrons and friends for tetk«i^.y B “ aue| l favors, would stato that, in addition last vlidt»r!2 en t* tn Dying, acquired by him during liLf »ud Scotland, has made arrangements ty®»*rtxu, wl * lch Bel* uow enabled to tuivlr a, HjW of colors on silk and woolen dreasea, generally please all who Aadna^} Ul *i r Peonage J 6® froalfusT 11 !? 6 ** cloned or renovated, ai fly *j merhli 8 tne *amo superior style which has gen- , P atl 0 n* and friends. $500 Clmllenge. IIOBKNSACK’S WORM SYRUP. A N nrticle founded upon scientific principles.compound ed with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken, and hns ncrer been known to fall in curing tlio most obstiniito cases. Worms can never exist when this remedy Is once used, from the fact that it not only de strays them but removes all tho slime and mucus which may remain. The Tope Worm. This worm Is tho most difficult to destroy of all that In habit tho human body. It grows to an almost indefinite length, and becoming so colled and fastened in the into* tines nud stomach as to produce Fits. St. Vitas’ Dance. Ac , which is the cause of many goiug tn tho grove, not believ ing that these complaints have their origin from the tape worm ; consequently they do notuso lhe proper medicines for their diseoso. To those who aro afflicted with this aw ful foe to health, I recommend the use of my Worm Syrup nnd Liver Pills; the Syrup to be taken in doses of two tu- ble spoonfuls threa times a day, then tako from five to eight or my Llvor Pills, to dlslodgo und pass the worm. By strictly following thuso directions, tho mostobstlnato cases of tape worm can be speedily cured. Round or Stomnch Worm. This worm Is usually found In thosmall intestines, and Is tho worm most common to children, yet it is not entirely confined to them, as adults have frequently boen known to suffer with them. The symptoms most nrominent while affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of tho belly, slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the nose, a bluelsh streak under the eyes, Ac. if you.or any ol your children have any of the above symptoms. Hoben- sack’s Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using It you have a certain, safe and speedy cure ; and if after using It according to the directions the patient Is not re stored to health, and the worms thoroughly eradicated from tho system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond tho grave, as for fall, there Is no such word as fail with those who uso iny Worm Syrup. Ascnrldcs, or Small Tltread Worms. Theso worms, to which tho human sytem la liable, aro most troublesome of all others. They aro generally to be found in tlie rectum, und it allowed to remain, from the ir ritation thoy produce, lay tlio foundation for aorioua dlsor dors, such as inllammatlon of the bowels, and other de rangements of the stomach. Tho boatand safest medicine that can bo used is Hobensack’s Worm Byrup. Such is the astonishing power of my medicines over Ascnrndlcs. that I defy any ono to produce a case where my Worm Syrup and I Jver l’llls are recommended to bo used they will not cure. All that is necessary Is to use the syrup in accord ance with direetlons on each bottle ; and in case a gentle purgative Is reqnlred In order to allay tho Irritation thoy produce, the Liver l’llls, by their sympathising action and healthy operation upon the bowel*, is the most pleasant medicine that can bo taken. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELUlR AT LAW, Alligator. Burt Florida. Will practice in the Eastern and Southern counties. Refer to Col. S. S. Sibloy. nnd U. H. Hilton, Ksq.. Savannah, Ga. •Wenlito. Ule coun,r T punctually attended to. Terms i and pressed la the most J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Fbrsyth, Monroe County, Ga. J. B. I1AYNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scarborough, Striven County, Practices in the Eastern nnd Mlddlo Circuits of Georgia. Jy20—3m S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticello, Jefferson County, Florida. Reference—Hon. W. 11.FiXMlXO, Savannah, Ga. fel>3 WILLIAM B. rLKMIXa. JOII.V M. Ml MEN. FLEMING di MILLF.N. THo undersigned having united in tho practice of law, will attend punctually to any business entrusted to their care. Office corner of Bay anil Whitaker .Streets, ovor Messrs. Swift, Donstow A Co’s. THOMAS HUGHES IIINES. ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLI/IK AT LAW, Troupvitle. Georgia. Will practlso in the Clrccuit Courts of Thmnas. I/iwndos, Clinch, Ware, Appling nud Irwin.Georgia; nnd In the Cir cuit Courts of Jefferson, Madison nud Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, and in Alachua nnd Columbia counties In tho Eastern Circuit of Florida Will attend to the claims of all persons before the Departments at Wash ington. WM. M. LAWTON di CO., SEA ISLAND AND UPLAND COTTON FACTORS, No. 13 South Wharf, Charleston, S. C. aug23—2aw4iu GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owens’ Building, opposite Pulaski House, Having mado large addition* to his establishment, continues to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in his usual neat and handsome style, and on accommodating terms. PHILADELPHIA—Heron’s Line-Tlie regular packet schooner FANNIE, Beaston, master, having part of her cargo engaged, will have dispatch for the above port. For eugagementa apply to OGDEN k BUNKER. BOSTON. ■Tho bark MARIA MORTON,Captain Bulklev. will have dispatch for tbo above port. " Ight of 200 bales cotton, to complete cargo, apply to ROWLAND - “ These ships aro the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety and comfort—making their passages in 60 to 60 hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful and po lite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the KNOXVILLE, In,. January next, this line will be semi-weekly. Cabin pass-, age, $26. PADELFORD, FAY k CO.. uctlO ND A CO. is* NEW YORK—New Line.—The regular 552Jtpacki't brig SIACtiN, Captain K. Watkins, will meet with dispatch for the abovo port. For freight or passage apply to oct20 H. K. WASHBURN, Agent FOR HAW KINS'VILLE AND | OTHER LANDINGS.—The * learner ISAAC SCoriyil. Dillard, master, will leave as above, on Tuesday evening, tho 15th Inst., from WiUiuk’s wharf, l'or freight etc , apply on board, or to novlO SMITH A LATHROP. WEEKLY BTqAH-PAOKUT MMS. " ‘ FOIL PALATKA, K. K., tu'a Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys. Jacksonville and Middle• bury, (Black Creek.) r The new and elegant steam-packet ST. uCeLtkiuaiCJOHNS. Captain Jamkm Fiikkbokn, will leave for the uliovu place on Thursday. 24th Inst., at 10 o’clock, A. M.. nnd every Thursday thereafter. This bonl hns been built expressly (or the trade, nnd has largo nnd airy state room accommodation* for passengers. For freight or pass- BRO. apply «»n board at tue Florida Steam-Backet Wharf, near tho gas works, or to novl8 CLAOHORN A CUNNINGHAM. Agents. #51* Tho St. Johns will extend her trip every fourth week to St. Augustine—viz: December 8th. 2tltb. Ac. nilLADKUltlA AUCTION SALK. Peremptory Sale—Steamship Osprey. BY ODKNHE1ME11 di COOK. On Friday. December 2d, 1863, at 1 o’clock, P. M., will be peremptorily sold at public auction, at the Philadelphia Exchange.-In tlie city of Philadelphia, Pa., Tho Qne side-wheel steamship OSPREY. Tho Osprey Is a aide-wheel steamship, built In 1847, lengthened and re-built in 1860, is about 186 feet in length, 27 feet beam, nnd 20 lent depth of held. By builders’ meas urement about 1000 tuns, and registers 607 tuns. Has sin- glo englno of 62 Inch ov Under, and 7 feet stroke. Has late ly been supplied with force-pumps, hose.llfo-boats, life-pre servers, Ac., according to tlio new law of Congress, and Is in every respect in order for continuing on her present line, or any other raulo for which she may be required. During the past eighteen months nearly forty thousand dollars have been expended furnishing her with now boil ers, overhauling machinery, building dining saloon, new furniture, Ac. She is fitted up with eighty stale room berths, and two largo saloons between decks; nnd on deck, officers’ rooms, anu a dining saloon sixty feet in length, furnished with Johnson’s patent sofa dining tables, nnd capable of seating one hundred passengers at table. Slie Is capable of ac commodating one hundred and fifty first class passengers, and is abundantly supplied with bedding, tublo furniture, linen, plate, Ac. Slio is ono of tho most economical sea steamships afloat, her consumption of coal being only about twelvo tuns In twenty-four hours. Tho Osprey is now running between Philadelphia and Charleston, and from which she has been regularly plying since February lust, during which time she hus not iffissed a single trip, and has cleared over and above her running expenses botween twelve and thirteen thousand dollars.— Her owners not lieing In tbo shipping business, and having run her mostly for the benefit of the business of their owu city during the spring nnd fall trade of this year, in the hope that those most Interested In tho Charleston trade would have secured her permanently on the line, which not having been accomplished, they have uow determined ,to sell her peremptorily by public auction. She will bo In port and can be seen from tho 15tli to the 19th Inst., and will leave again for Charleston on tho latter dn.v, returning tn this pnrtngnin on tho29lli Inst., nnd can then be inspected until the day of tale, at her wharf, foot of Pine streot. Tkiims of Salk.—One-third cosh—balance nt three and six months, with approved security, satisfactory to tho sellers. Five thousand dollars to be paid down nt tho time of pur chase. ODENHK1MER A COOK. Auet’rs. 68 S. Front street, Philadelphia. Pnn.APKl.nnA. Nov. 11th, 1863. novlB—eod»H Agents In Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL) 18 Broadway, NewYork'. UNITED STATES MAIL LINK* f.' Through In 60 to 66 hours.—Ne%o Tork and Charleston Steam Fackets—Lenrs Adger’a ‘ l.iV.lUUmWharves every Saturday Afternoon, and- each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday tli* new and splendid Steamships JAMES AUGER, Captain J. Dickinson, 1,500ton*' ■ MARION. Captain M. Bnutr, 1,200 tons. Obtain W. Fostkr, 1,000 ton*, will laftyg ,• m. a ._ »• “pjare^y.' 80UTHER1— HM each alterroate Wednesd <y, having been newly coppered and guards raised, Is now in complete order. . -' For freighter passage, having elegant state room accott* modatlon*, apply at tho office of the Agont. HENRY xnssnooN, Corner East Bay and Adger k Son’s Wham*. N. B.—A new ship will bo placed in tho lino to connoot with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblO FOR PHIL ADELPII1 A^FAUEREDUCED* 7b sail mi Saturday Afternoon, June llffi, at 4 o’clock. r Stt. Tlie fine slde-wheel steamship OSPREY. 1000 fiyjlffijLrtnn* burthen. J.Bknnkit. commander,willleav* . per annexd schedule every other Saturday, \ ftujm cnAnuemiN. II from hjiladfuuja. .25 July 0 July i. August August.....20 September. WEEKLY UNITED STATES MAIL LINE FOIl PA LATK A, K. F., via Darien. Brunswick, SL Marys. Jacksonville. Picolata, and Muldlcburg, (Mack Greek,) carrying the U .S'. Mail. ^isr ” w Tho regular stcuui-pnckct WM. GASTON, Capt. Thos. E. Huaw. will leave for the above place on Tuesday morning, the 22d hut., at 10 o'clock, und continue to leave every Tuesday. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet wlmrl, uenr the Uns works, or to nov!8 Cl,AG HORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. selves. novl6 J. V. CONNERAT & CO. Have now in store, and for"sale on tho most favorable terms—26 lihds Porto Rico and Musco- vitdoSugars, 76 hbls Stuart’s A B nnd C clarified 40 bids crashed ami pulverized do. 10 boxes Isinf Sugar 120 bags Kfo Coffee. 25 do Java do. PO lihds, tierces and bbls W. I. nnd N O Molasses, 76 boxes sperm and ndutuauUne Candles, 160 packages hyson and black Teas, lliO bbls Baltimore and Canal Hour. \0 half pipes Otnvd. Dupny & Co.'s Brandy. 15 quarter pipes fine Old French brandy. 20 do do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wino. fill do do Malaga, nnd 15 do Tirocriffe Wino, 30 bbls Old Montiiigaliela Whisky, 0 pipes Holland Gin, clover leaf brand, 2 puiichuiuiM Jamaica, nnd 20 do St Croix Rum, CO bbls sugar, butter and soda Biscuits, 160 do domestic Brnudy. Gin, Rum and Whisky, 100 baskets genuine llcldsiek t'lnmpaigu Wine, 60 do do Hungarian Lion do 60 do do Crown and Rough and Ready do 120 M Spanish Sugars, various brands, together with choicu Butter. Goshen Cheese, ami other ar ticles usually found in wlmlnsalo groceries. octltl WEBSTER & PALMES H ave just received and offer for sale— 75 bids A, B and clarified ihigar. 60 do powdered do, 30 hints St Croix Sugar, 60 dozen Brooms, 60 bbl* lliram : mith's and Canal Flour, 160 do Baltimore Floor, 160 do lAihauon and Etowah Georgia Flour, 100 bags, 98 pounds each, do do 60 bbls butter, sugar and soda Crackers, 5<) bbls Pilot Bread, 40 boxes Soda lllseuit, 220 bids Portland sugnr house and N O Syrup, 60 bbls good eating Pniatocs. 60 boxes I lend id's Cs and 8s patent Tallow Candles, 76 do Adamantine ('.indies. 25 do Judd A Son’s Sperm Candles. 16 bbls und 20 half bbls No 1 Mackerel, 75 boxes white nnd yellow Cheese. 26 bbls and 60 kegs prime Ix*nf bird, 100 boxes 6s. 8s, and (Hiunds Tobacco, "ood brands 80 do 5s and 8s Grant A William*’ Tobacco. Also, 220 boxes Smith's. Colgate’s. Croton and IJgndrPs Family and Pale Snap. 120 do No 1 do. 60 Pearl Starch, 80 whole, half nud quarter boxes Raisins, 25 drums Figs. 60 boxes Herring. oct20 FOR DEMRY’S FERRY AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS—Tbo steamer OltKGUN having been recently overhauled, repaired, nnd pointed, will make regular weekly trips between this city nnd Dumry’aFerry, leaving hero every Saturday evening at 4 o'clock, und touching regularly nt nil tlio intermediate landings. The Oregon has been thoroughly refitted under the late Steamboat Law. nnd her accommodations for pas sengers aro both ample and comfortable. She lias been placed on tho lino particularly for the accommodation of tho planters and merchants on tho river. For freight or passage apply on board, at Union wharf, or to KINCIILKY A THOMAS. Agents. Savannah, October 1st. 1863 oct5—dOlwlm Sept 17 June., October,.. 1 Juno 18 S October.. .16 July 2 C October ...291 j July If C November.,12 IJuly 30 b November. 26 (August 18 S ... . December.. 10||August 271December.. 8 Cabin pnssage $16 Steerage 6 Through tickets to New York 17 Tills shin has beeu thoroughly overhauled and furnished with new boilers, nnd a large and elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement that can add to the comfort ' of passengers. In Philndulphiu. this ship occupies the name wharf an tho. Liverpool steamships City of Glasgow and City orMnnches*. ter. at tho foot of Queen street, and Central wharf, Charles ton. Freight on all perishable articles must bo pro-paid, For freight or passage, apply to If. F. DAKER A CO., Accommodation wharf, Charleston. SAMUEL T. PERCE. june7 Agent, Philadelphia, r Class 138: 32 42 23 44 61 19 35 30 14 11 28 0 26 Also. Extra Class 81: 64 30 22 47 60 09 00 70 80 65 8 43 77 Holders of prizes will please call for tho cash, or renew at E. WITHIXGTON’S. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY. GREGORY A MAURY. Monngors. Class 139. draws on Monday. 21st lustuut, In this city. Sales close at 3 o'clock,P. M OAI'ITAL, $10,000. 78 Number Lottery—18 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $2—shares in proportion. Extra Class 83, draws at Wilmington, Del., on Tuesday, 22d November. capital. $20,000. 76 Number lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. tff Tickets $10—shares in proportion. Tickets either singly or by the pnckngn for salo In Bay lane, Savannah,Ga., noxt to Robluson A Camp. nov20 B WITHINGTON. OPPOSITION LINE. PAI.ATKA. FLA., AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES.—Iamivch every Saturday morning dock.—Tbo regular steam packet WKLAICA. Capt. N. King, will leave is above. For freight engagements, ap ply on board, or to S M LAFF.1TKAU, Agent. N. B.—The fare to Brunswick is reduced to $1. nug25 OPPOSITION LINIU Change of Departure— Fhr Pahtka. Fla..ami all the interme diate landings on the route. ” , y|l""‘*h Thesiqierinrnew.Ream-packetWF.LAKA, «@xrys&'£i5w('“l't n i" N- Kwh. will, until further notice, leave every Satukiiay, at 10 o’clock, A. M, Rate of Passage in large, airy State Rooms, a* follows: To Darien $3 00 I To Picutata $8 00 St. Marys 4 5(1 Palatka 8 00 Jacksonville 6 00 I Black Creek.... 8 00 N. It,—Height consigned to R. R. Duke, for Ocala, will be re-shipped free of all charges at Palatka. For freight or passage apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet Company's wharf, nr to feblR ft. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. VALUABLE LAND AT AUCTION. O N the fifteenth day «f December next, I will sell, at auc tion, in tho city of Tallahassee. Florida, that valuable tract of land known ns “ Tiger Hammock,” situated in Wa kulla county. Fla., about 12 or 15 miles from St. Marks, ami near the Wakulla river, containing 1800 acres, nearly all of which is rich hammock and cane brake, and unequal- ed in quality nml locution by any tract of land, of the size, iti the southern county. Terms—One-third cash, balance in one nnd two years with interest. Sale |K»sitive. Further information can be obtained from Jns. T. Archer, Talbihnssco. or myself, ut Albany, Ga. nuvO—dAwlm WM. W. CIIEKVER. Life and Fire Insurance. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, nnd surplus over $250,900. Alfhkp Gill. President. Jas. C. Sec'. This Company will Issue Policies on the Joint Stock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, thus combining thu benefit* of both systems nt tbo ontlon of tho insured. The strength, ability and well invested capital of the in stitution are, In my opinion unsurpassed by uny Life Insu rance Company in this .Slate or Union. [L.S.] signed R fl.PINNEY, Comptroller nl Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. inr Slaves insured. Californian and Australian risks taken on reasonable terms. The subscriber is also Agent for the following Firo Compa nies : Equitable Fire Insurance Company OF LONDON. Authorized Capital $2,500,900 Capital paid ill $1,0U0,0G0 C. K. H.uim iit, K q.. ) IIkxhv Lrni.AU. Esq., >Trusk'es, New York. IlmiKKT Dillon, Esq. J Fariiicrs’Fire Insurance Company. Capital $209,000. Granite Fire Insurance Company. Capital $200.0(H). Knickerbocker Fire lusurnnce Company. Capital $160,000. New York nml Erie Fire Insurance Comp’y Capital $150,000. These Companies having a cash capital, safely Invested in bond nml imirtgngo, are prepared to cfiect Insurance against damage by fire,on all kinds of property on reason aid" levins. For Insurance in either of the abovo named Comjmnles, apply to A. WILBUR. General Insurance Agent, nud Agent for tho above Companies, sept 20—ly office 129 Cnngress-st, HYLAND & O’NEILL H AVE just received and offer for sale on the most ac commodating terms— 26 bbls Stuart’s A nnd R clarified Sugar, 30 do Lebanon Mills Flour, 6 do self-rising Flour, 10 bags Rio Coffee. 10 do old Java, 60 boxes Soup, 20 boxes Starch. 75 do ndamantini! and sjawni Candles, ’ *' ’ ” nnd Litchfield's patent Candles, JuR IV mm V?®*? 4 ! 1 ! "hiamboats or railroad, word mar kiini! " 1 . letl, ' r - through the Post Office, so «oil5 1 U w w *‘ oro h> call for them. bn v ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. ,, fei.MV GOODS !! Vannisti.Ssfc'l un whitish. A. well have now opened a largo and *tWithe.»„‘!l'r t, ; ck ,V r Ml and Winter Dry Good*, {[•■cult to l- tl „ t ," ! r { r!e| i'ls. and the public generally, *lt1."r In variity or quality.- * T *M«l»,a»t«,w 1 " mn 'h’ upon such advantageous *1 sAIIUm.^ 4. Iffeat l"d( ,c *menta to puhlir patnm- 2*®.Fancya^s|L* M * f'" n Plol« and handsomo supply of *nt "fairJtWfc 55* Ioo, ‘»'M roi a general assort- 8-4,9-1 main J ■” their lino, may be found : SfSTOMWTV Urs " ’ ,lock nf n '"l Kw- u ‘®t°Hu»im ll jj * lu *hey can h° bought any where, of ss-f 1 HOBENSACK’S IAVER PILLS. No part of the system 1* more liable to disease than the liver, It being supplied with numerous blood vessels and nerves, and if diseased, the blood of course flowing thro* all parts of tho body, produces liver complaints, Jaundice, Bilious affections, dyspepsia, kc Dyspepsia. Tlie symptoms of Dyspepsia, nnd Its various diseases are dizziness in tlie head,heartburn, oppression after eating ineals, sourness arising from tlie stomach, kc , and some times general languor of the wholo body, from this it will be seen that the disease owes its origin to a disorganized state of the I.lver and Stomach. Hobensack’s I.iver l’llls 1* the very mediclno to effect a permanent nnd lasting cure, as they act by changing the certain morbid actions of the system into a healthy action, and rendering the blood pure and healthy. Liver Complaint, Is attended with chills, succeeded by fever, severe pain in the region of the liver, vomiting bitter tasto, yellow furred tongue, pulse Bill and bounding, tho pain In the side is in creased by pressure, should the left lobe be nffecled, the pain Is generally in tlieleft shoulder, with a*lmrt dry cough, tho skin becoming or a sallow appeamneo, and tbo stools clay colored. This disease can be cured by tho use of Ho- lwuHNck’a Liver l’llls, as thoy net directly upon the seat of tho dlseaso, and tlieu operating upon tho bowels they ex pel all the corrupt and vitiated um'tor from the system. To Female*. You will find these Fill* an Invaluable medicine In many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial they have been found of Inestimable bene fit lu restoring nnd purifying tbo blood nnd other fluid* to as to cure all complaints which may arise from female Ir regularities. os kuadnebo. dimness of sight, pain In the aide, back. kc. These Pill* are tho only safe nnd offectual remc- JOIIN It. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga., late junior partner of tho firm of A. k J. Cochrane, Irwlntnn. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. B Guyton, F. If. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.; M Marsh, Savannah. may7—dftwly 20 do Judd* 60 ca«ks Lrndon Porter, 20 half pipes Brandy. 6 pipes Holland Gin. 60 casks Madeira. Sherry nnd Port Wine, 60 quarter and eighth casks Madeira snd Port Wino. 10 firkins Butler. 60 boxes choice Dairy (Tieese, Also. 50 baskets llefilslck nnd Minin’* Champaign. 50.000 Havana and American thignrs, nml 26 dozen assorted cor dials. novlO BAKERY! BAKERY!! 61MIE undersigned begs leave to inform tho cjtizensof X Savannah, that he will open on tho 1st of November, a Bakery, at tho corner of Jefferson and Charlton streets, where ho will have the Best of Flour nml the Largest Size Bread for the price, his system being cash nnd no credit. He will guarantee that his friends nml tlie public in patronizing him w 11 be satisfied. Tickets lo bo paid for in advance, nnd Bread for cash on ly. Tickets can bo left ut tlie house if required, or Brand carried to any part of the city. The cash system is lhe order of tho day with me. as I have lost enough In by-gono days. What 1 have lost with . . ... w m, m, 0 «| paying natrons, e bread, as cash w'*' PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, C01111. The undersigned, Agents of tho above Company aro prepared to take risks against Fun on Buildings and their contents. Also Marlnb Ska Risks, on the most favorable terms. BRIGI iRIGHAM, KEU.Y k CO., Agents. EDWARD R, HARDEN, Superior hi* i.- 1 R ‘ , nwy«. L®‘ , *»ion(wM!‘ h K^y*.,» splendid article Kendall Ko , ni 7®. very heavy *111^ *i n ?, 11 ', 0 °*' 1 Cable warp do. to. SchW. v' d bUck •®H*tlon Georgia Plains. ZS’W U» iK* SEP Owrgla Plain* of last year's Jr^lomin \v*rinz’*iun ° r ,J n thl * m * rket < at 8 » Range, 72 St, Julian and 105 Bryan oct6 Sr Un nam' 9 "i B a'n , ^ ln J f ? h . , P •“rotofore existing SjS^^UwdStl. orsi*® li* ^ & w - D’llymo. is lX^Sfaln.?V^ r . M .' W.O’Bynie All persona liar- tftdtfwi' Mftinst tha i.i««* 11 t’» w V AI1 P«»on*bar- «aW,* Jm ®mrillU .-I11 3 juhn K. U’BYRNK. dy to cure the following coniptalufa. Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Kick Headache. Giddiness, Rheumatism, dis tressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or In fact nny of the ills- eases that arise from affections, ol the laver, Impurity of Jc»I Evidence We. the unudorslgucd Physicians, having had the rccipt oftholr manufacture submitted to us Tor inspection,say. that the ingredients of which they are composed makes them the best Pill in ifso for all diseases of tlie liver, Itn- puritlese the Blod, Ac. GEORGE WOOD, M. D. F GKOWJJSY. M D. L. BOWEN, M. D. AF* Purchase none but those having tlio signature *‘J. N. HOBENSACK," a* all otlicrs are worthies* Imitations. Agents wishing new supplies, and all others wishing to ' 4 _ J l iL. 4.1 I M TRANSPORTATION AGENT. W. k A. RAILROAD, llinggoUt, Walker County, Georgia. ■y^TLL attend to the purchasing on ^commission. Corn, Wheat and Bacon. The Ringgold Delict being situa ted In a region of country abounding lu grain, it can usual ly bo purchased upon more favorable terms than at almost any other point upon the W. & A. Railroad. Orders covering the cash.' with limited or discretionary Instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sacks with onler. References—Dr. Richard Wayne, Mr. Wm. M. Wadly, 8a- vannah. °»ayT0 DANIEL CROMLAY, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER—Comer of Brough ton awl Bull-streets.—'Tho subscriber deslrea to in- form the public that ho has opened as above, where iio is prepared to execute orders for Boots of the finest finish and style, aud equal. If not superior to any heretofore offered to the public. Having many Wends in this Slate wholiave been his patrons in Charleston, respect fully solicits from them and tho public a call and a trial. mh!7 • DRY FELT PRESERVES THE HEALTH.—Ju*t received, a few cases water-proof Boots; also, a lot of 'thick pegged Boots, together with a fine as- __j*ortment of Gentlemen’s and ladles’ over Shoe*, some of a new and approved style, which will bo sold at low R. FLANIGAN k CO., 106 Bryan-street. All in want will please call and Judge for thomselvos. deoil Its M. PRENDERGAST & CO., 178 Broughton street, ojiposite SI. Andrew's Hall. Savannah, H AVKgrent pleasure in directing attention to late pur chases. In connection with their retail trade, they car ry out strictly tho saino system, iu the sale of their goods, ns Is pursued by the large houses in the northern cities, name ly : Bring their customers the full advantage arising from buying In large lots. Planters, and bends nf families, aud all jiersons, buying In quantity, will find many large lots to ’ 1 'liycheup oct20 buy from, and decidedly MUSIC ! MUSIC ! ! (£&%*) ^*' n ““hscrlbei' respectfully informs the Indies 'sr^flj&nnd gentlemen of .Savannah, that he intends open- IgSjlftny ing a School for instruction In Sacred und Secular "£54; Music. Through long experience, nnd having con ducted largo schools, he feels confident his Instruction will ho perfectly satisfactory to all tlioso who may desire his services In theubuvo departments of vocal music. Desirous of forming a large class the price of tickets hns been fixed at $4 each, for the course of 24 lemons, including books—the name of which Is t»e " Singing School Com panion,” consisting of songs, glees, trios, duetts, quartettes, choruses, motetles. church music, oratorios, etc , tho most popular work of tho day. Those wishing to form his class are requested lo hand in their names, as early ns possible, to this office, or through the postuffico, under address to JAMES PIERPONT, nov6—tf Organist and Teacher ol Vocal Music. ’S I I Shoulders, 15 do Hides, 30 hair hbls Fulton Market Beef,* 25 bbls choice Leaf Lord, for ante by novfi McMAHON & DOYLE. jgACON, BFJfF ^D LAKD-261 P ICKLES, SPICES, Ac.—10 dozen half gallons, quarts nnd pint* mixed Pickles, 10 dozen ono and two pound Lobsters, 10 dozen Pepper Sauce,220 (Wen Gherkins, quarts and pints, 20 case* Brandy Cherries, imported. 20 dozou Preserves, 50 boxes l4emoa Syrup, 60 dozen assorted Cor dials. 76 boxes Pepper, 60 do Mustard, 80 boxes ground Mrw tV toj. b, 00483 MoMAta k DOYLE. Jjl ASTERN HAY.—75 bale* prime Eastern a^y. In ^tore. •n.l for «alo. Atoo, 150 balo. per brl« Sjoiuol E.for to arrive, by oet29 E. W. UUKKK. become agents, must address tho Proprietor, J. N. IIOBKN- fVBSOUmON.^-Tlm firm f or «. w. varm-int « w., ia HWtesaa aSSSSSsSSS Vnr u1n U Am- I.- V- U C—loJ V C- T 11. nkoa AA-nlA^irfl. In bis own name. T. J. NAYLOll & CO. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. vAjKWzj The subscribers would announce to tho com- ~|§g0g0nitmlty at largo, that they are now opening in the new brick buildings, No. 223 Bay street, Savannah, Oa. a general nnd complete assortment tf CARRIAGES; and will continue to their stock, thal batlou of customers, Thoy have assocla— T _ . -. haa been long and favorably known i» the south, as n gen tleman ofextuuslvo experience In fio manufacture and salo ofcarrlHges; and who Is cohneded with a first class manufacturing establishment nt the north. Their stock, which is gut up under (he immediate super vision of Mr. Thornton, fur superior material and beautiful atyle and finish, cannot be surpassed ii nny market. Having thus jiorfectod their arrangimenta they are pre pared to offer carriages which, fdr lljjituess, atrongth and durability, aro peculiarly adapted totlio requirements of this market, and which they do not hidtate tu warrant in every particular. Their determination l# to hold out Ini icements not here tofore cujoycd by this community, aud Lo keep constantly on hand a supply of first class work. They hope, therefore, by assiduity on honorable dealing, to Insure a share ot tho increasing -ade nf this rapidly growing city. novO T. J NAYLOR k (X). SASHES, DOORS AND If LINDS. P SASH from K9 to 19X20 1* for Windows,f m 8X10 toll slae*..- >vo the bad customers I will by giving them a >argor size 'arid. &D" Pies. Cukes, and Rusks, to bo had nt all times at the ow bakery. octlO—dim P. GIEBKLI1GUSE. A. CHAMPION. AT HIS STORE MARKET SQUARE.—Has on ; -g] band, und offers for sale on reasonable terms—100 barrels crashed, pnwderd, clarified nnd brown su- irsMigars; 76 bag* Rio, Cuba.nnd old governineut coffee. 60 barrels Baltimore and Guisl Flour 1 , „ 60 balfbbls do do a „ ) part II. Smith. 100 08.100, 49 lb. bags choice Cherokco Flour. 40 bbls Butter,Sugar.Soda Crackers and Pilot Bread. 150 bbls. Potatoes,Carter's June uud murcos, for family uso. 200 Reynold's Hams. 10 bhd*. Sides and shoulder Bacon. 75 boxes Patent Sporm. and Adamantine and Tallow Candle*. 100 boxes and half do Family and Common Soap. 60 do half do Tobacco, 26 quarter do Thomas’ Nectar Leaf Tobacco. 20 Kegs cholco Itullor. 60 boxes Clieoso, 26 kegs lard. 60 whole and half bbls, aud 50 boxes Watts’ Buck wheat Flour. Also a full selection of choice Tens. Spice. Mustard, old Morgnhela Whisky, Brandy. Port and Madeira Wines, pure Whito Vinegar. Cider Vinegar. Porter, half bbls Beef, barrels hall bbls, quarters Salmon, table Salt. Vermlcella, Macaroul, kc.. kc., all of which are offered to Families. Planters and Country merchants, fur cash or approved paper. novH DE WITT & MORGAN O FFER for sale, at the lowest market price, a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, to which they respect fully solicit attention Ladle*’ Dress Goods. Black Silks, of all widths and Iwst makes. Black figured Silks, plain and colored Silks, Paris plaid and brocide Silks, Paris printed if. do loines, a largo and beautiful slock, Plain colored do, and Chocos and Broadway Browus, Small figured Mouslln de Lainos. for children, English and American Mouslln de Laines, Printed Satin de Client's, new and very handsome. Mourning Goods. A great variety of Mourning Dress Goods nnd Embroide ries, consisting of every thing new nud beautiful. Hosiery. A large variety of English und German Hosiery, for la dies. gentlemen, and children. Also, Flannels.Shirtings and Sheetings, Blankets, Quilts, Irish Linens, Table Damasks and Napkins, Kerseys, Plains, Osna- burgs. Brown Shirtings, Ac.. Ac. octl9 nUDSON, FLEMING di CO.. Factors and Commission Merchants, No. 94 Bay street. Savannah, Ga., fTl£NDER their services to planters, merchants and deal- X ere. In the salo of Git ton aud all other country pro* __ era, in the salo of Cotton aud all other country pro duce. Being connected in business with Horxixs. Hunaox A Co., of diaries ton, the establishment of an office In this city will afford our friends choice of markets. Strict atten tion will be given to business, nnd the usual facilities af forded customoni. J. B. HUDSON. \ t W. R FLEMING, f* LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. seplB—tf .. J. J. CQHKN. Charleston. £1 AMELIAS, Ac.—A largo^aud elegant^ assortment of desirable vari- °y .... .1 CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. vSSRBf' UAltltlGKS. BUGGIES AND SULKIES.—A general assort incut, just received.—The Hub- Hcrliicrs are now prepared to offer to 11m public. Carriages. Phaitons, Buggies.Carryalls. Ac. fresh from some of the most popular Establishments, ami Builders at the North, The selections were inmle liy one of tho firm, with strict reference to the requirements uf this market. They nrc determined to keep ouly such nrtlcles in their line, as they can confidently recommend ami warranteTeet- ing assured that they will lie sustained in offering a bettei nml liner class of work, tlinn has beeu usually kept in this market. The Public are most, respectfully requested to rnll.exnin- Ine. nml satisfy themselves, whether they are In earnest, by on examination of their stock 41jr Allkiuds of Rena’ring done ns heretofore. L.R. BENNETT A CO., July 31 Corner West llroad and Itay-sts. PIANO FORTES. THE subscribers solo agents for A. Stod- Fart A Co’s., and Joun II. Dunham’s Piano Fortes, aro always supplied with an as sortment of theso favorite and justly celebrated Instru ments. For durability limy can be fully warranted, whilst their superiority oftone hnd touch Is evident ami acknowl edged by the most casual observer, as woll as tho critical connoisseur. Tlie ladles aro respectfully Invited to view these instruments. An nrrrangement lutving beeu effected with one of our most eminent Pianists for the purpose, they can also be enabled to judge of the tone. F. ZOGBAUM A CO.. Market-square. £3” Second hand Pianos taken In exchange, also tuned and repaired. je!7 AQUATIC CLUB OF GEORGIA. T IIF. first uiiuuu! regatta of the Aquatic Gub of Georgia, will take place at Savannah, commencing on Tues day. December 6th, 1853. The following purses are offer ed by the club s For eigbt-onred boats, not to exceed 48 feet In length. 1 Purse $400 For six-oared hosts, not to exceed 43 feet in length, 1 Puree 3< For four-oared boats, not to exceed 38 feet In length, 1 Purse 2< For two-oared boats, not lo oxcced 32 feet in length, 1 Purse It aopt29—Stawtd M. GUMMING. Secretary. Plaid; Plaid Brocade and plai • Silks and worsted i Silks; silk Mantillas, small iso. it. mux. ntvRr o. kixo. C lU-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—Tlie undersigned ha* this J day associated with him Mr. HcntT C. of Glynn county, with whom he will continue theFnctorageandCkim mission business in this city,under the firm of Htux A Kixo jan!2 JNO. IL HULL, 210 Bay-street. PLASTERING, diC. T HE underslgnml having commenced business on bis own account, respectfully Under* his service* to tho public. He will contract for Plain and Ornamental Plas tering, Stooo Work, Ac , Ao., at the usual prices, and will In every case warrant work executod by himself, or nndor his supervision. Builders and others contemplating bulk ing, would do well to call upon him before contracting wit i others. Orders left at Ids residence, Jonea-it., corner of Bamanl-st., will be promptly attended to. julylO—ly VALENTINE BRUNNER. Sept .19- Sent......94 October.... 8-' Ootober... .21 November, 6. November.19 UNITED STATES MAIL, From Macon, Ga., to Tnllnlmasec, Fla. Bailment to Ogleihorp—Stages to Bdlahatsee. aaawEJ? sxsrssn, commenced on the 6th Inst., , running three times a week via. Newton, Bntnbrldge, and Quincy, and three time* a week via. Thomnsvitlo, Duncansvlllo, Ac. Passengers by this route will leave Macon nt half past # o’clock. A. M.. by Railroad for Oglothnrpe. Tlie Stage* leavingOglethoigeeither way nt 11 o’clock, arriving nt Tnl* lahassee. at 10 o’clock on tho evening of tlio next day—tlma by either roule 35 hours. Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, by Newton, Bnlnbridg* and Quincy, to Tallahassee returning, leaves Tallahassee on. Sundays. Tuesdays nnd Thursdays, nt 10, P. M. On Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays, by the way .of - Tliomnsvllle—returning same roufeonMundnys.Wodnesany* uml Fridays, at 10, P. M. Through from l-Vlelhorpo toTallnhasioe liy cither route In 35 hours—from Macon in 38—and from Savannah in 60 hours. Bv this route Passengers leaving Savannah by 8 o’cloo min of Cars, will arrive at Tallahassee in 60 hours, Iti* also decidedly the best, cheajiost and most expeditious rout* for travellers to Apalachicola nnd West Fiorina. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe $1,76 ; from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee. $10,00. L. C. Shaw. Agent at Oglethorpe, A. A. Fishkk. •* *• Tallahassee. aug30 F. K. WRIGHT, Proprietor Mnll Train. Macon dully, at 8 o’clock, 1*. M2i Atlanta “ “ 6^ “ P.Mp C ONNECTING at Atlanta with the Trains of/Ate Western nnd Atlantic and faClraugo RoBrts,Y(h(l' wiUi the Day Train of tlm Georgia Road, nml at Xac i with Hie Ilay Trains of tho Central nnd South-westers l.enili. Passenger will arrive in Macon at 12Jj:, and at AlUyita at \)i, having tlio remainder of the night for rest. Passengers going South, via Montgomery, (Ala.) who leave Savannah at 8 A. M., will arrive at Mohtgomory in for ty-eight hours, including all stoppages, aud unly ten hour* staging. Accommodation Trains.Trl-Weokly,will leave Mocan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o’clock, A. if.- Re- *—•— ’ ‘ " v TIiu ’ ^ * toruing. leave Atlanta every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. at7)J A. M. Tills Train will connect with the Night Train of the Georgia Road nt Attnnta. and with tho Night Train of tho Central Road at Macon. Passengers by the up ward Train can dine at Griffin. EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’t* Macon. May 17,1862. 8mo jy99 v . SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. •\ P ASSENGER TRAINS leave Macon daily at 0% A, M.j arrive nt Oglethorpe 10>J A. M.; arrive at Columbus 1 o’clock, P. M. Is’ave Columbus dally nt 0 o’clnok. A. M M andOgletnorp4 at 11)* A. M.; arrive ut Mncon at 8)4 P. M. Connecting nt Macon each way with Central R R train to Savannah. Augusta nnd MiUedgnvil!e,uud with Macon and W. trains to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Nash ville. Ac. Connecting daily nt Columbus, by first Hue of concho*, 28 to Opelika, thence 04 miles by M. i: W. P. R. It. to Montgom ery. Ain. Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassco and Eufaula mail stages. Passongers bre tkfast nnd dine nt Fort Valley. GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent. Maqo.v, Aug. 29.1853. ’ aug31 THE BEST CHAMPAIGN IN THE MARKET. THE ‘FHISSAHD’ C11AMFA1GN AND THE ‘ 1-ONDON CLUB’ CHAMPAIGN. T HE underslgne-l would respectfully Inform the trade and public generally that ho Is now receiving thes« truly excellent wines, per every Havre packot, which ho offers in bond or from store. The above wines have been carefully examined and com pared with all the favorite brands, nud are pronounced by judges fully equal to the very best, nnd far superior io. many which nreselling nta higher nrlco. Messrs. FnmtRii, I’krk ct Fna, of Rheims. proprlotpr* of the above brands, possessing facilities for the preparation of line wines, equal to those of nny other houso In the wino districts, can’gimmntoe their wino* being selected from tli* finest vintages, will always bo lound of tho same superior nnd uniform quality. Tlie labelMiuid corks bear the name of tlio proprietors. The trade Is Invited to examine samples at tlie agency, WILLIAM W. HINCKEN. Pole Agent nnd Importer for tlio United Stales and Canadas, . oct!8—d3m 11 Old Slip, Now York. S HAWLS; needle-worked Collars. Sleeves. Chemenotts, infants’Waists and Cap*; CnshtneroScarfs ; Ribbons; ladles’, gentlemen’s nnd children’s Hosiery ; needleworkod Trimmings, Cambric nud Swiss Bands ; embroidered and. linen cambric Handkerchiefs. Just received and for sale at T? DrWITT k MORGAN. tho lowest prices, by DBW1TT k MORGAl NEW GOODS—FALL TRADE—1868 t D KWrrr k MORGAN aro receiving by tho steamer* week ly their till,and winter Goods, to which they respect fully solicit attention: Plain nnd figured black Silks, colored glooe uud ducape do l’lald aud brocade Silk of the newest stylo Plain French Mouslln de Laines, French and Eng. printed do ‘ Silk and Wool l’lslds for children’s wear, plaid Raw 811k* Plain nnd plaid Poplins, very rich. French printed Cambria Dark Calicos, Mourning do, Irish IJnens, kc, < ■' sel Rlboro’s new building. Congress-street. , BOOKS—HOOKS—BOOKS. L IBBER ON CIVIL LIBERTY and Self-Guveminent. » Tlio Wigwam nml tho Cabin, or Tales of the South, by W O. Simms. ' - ! - Autobiographic Sketches, by Thomas Do Quincy. Tlie Underground Mail Agent, by Vide, illustrated. • *" ■ 1 Things as 1 saw them In Europe, by Klvivan. ' r.._. . • * 8 < ](()• Men and Things in Time nud Tide, or Strive and Win. by A. 8. Janros Monljoy, or I’vo Been Thinking, by A. 8. Rose. Fun Jottings, or Laughs I have teken a pen to,by N. P. Visit to Europe, by Prof. SilUmon, of Yale College, 2 tola. ' ustrated. GustavusIJndorni, nrlsiadus not into Temptation, by ftnllifl F. Carlen. ' - • Merkland, or Sclf-Sacrlfice, by tho author of the Life of Mrs. Margaret MalUand, kc. Aunt Kitty’a Tales, by MarU J. McIntosh, a new revised • edition. A voyage to tho Celestial Country, an allegory, by Rav’d Geo. B. Cucevcr, D. D, Also, more of the Bleak ITonse, In two bound volumes jr . more nf the Homes of tho Now Word, by Mrs. ;Bremer: ’ Yonatt on Dogs; Yunatt on the Horse, kc., kc., received V., and for sale, at 136 Congress street, by novll 8. S SIBLEY/. . . A PROCLAMATION. OEOROU : BY H0WKLL OOUB, OOVKRNOR Of RAID BTATTJ. •./- T O the Honorable Justices of tlie Inferior Court* of tbb.,' soveral countie* composing the Coweta Judicial Dfr-' trlct j A vacancy haring occurredln the Judgeship or the. Co-, : weta Judicial District by the resignation ol the Hon; E‘ NEW BOOKS. R ECEIVED November 18th, 1863, by 8. S. Sibley.—Busy Moments of au Idle Woman. Lives or the Queens of England, by J. P. Smith, Esq., au thor of Amy Lawrence, ko. The Old lWwtor, or Stray leaves from my Journal, being sketches or the most Interesting remintaceucw of a retired physician. Short Patent Sermons, by Dow. Jr., third volume. Tlio Countess Arnheim,or Master Timoth’sBook Case, by O. W. M. Reynold*. Uonol Ainsworth, or the Young Partisan’s Doom. ' Ixdy Leo’* Widowhood, from Blackwood’s Magazine. Barnum’s Illustrated hows. Gleason’s Pictorial For sale at 185 Congrez* street. novlS CANARY CAGES BY THE 1XST STEAMER— l AvariegrofjiijgandbggjilpattenuolWN«| M - - „ - —, Y. Hill, I do hereby issue this, my proclamation, requiring- the duly authorized officers of said Judicial District to'hold an election In their respective counties on the first Monday «c in January, 1864, in manner and form as by law pointed nut. to fill sucu vacancy, and that they make x return the to this Department Given nndor mj ‘ a thereof . iron nndor my hand and the Beal of the Executive Depart ment, this 4th day of Nuremer, 1868. • n r HOWELL 00BB.;, By tbo Governor: W. W. Pam, A i. d. • . ' • Bacon BliouUere, 10 bbls.and half dTpig 1’o^lOhXbblsV' . J. P. 00LLIN3,100 Bryao^t.-. mv8