Newspaper Page Text
tw .toJ5ST*nd WtB!l.Y.nY
‘ - MfiilWir Prinww.
, 1T i^.'ilU'WREKI'Y *i—WIDtLY, la.
W 111 ’ rTriiii i»
I SE»tfMS2.“lu-mU fer ooimtu >Mtl«r«.and la
I Stw* ombracad lbthamoralnjathadula.
1 Snrf“^ r '5E»,»m.
bidta«aattbMn*b|bm»t ofthb molU, thraa
m smn»,ui advjuiw.
^bJnfSlhTtmporUutmUUrctth* fettle.,ta pub.
not made in advance, the churwi will
^SSJSSlJ •*» forTri-Weekly ft, and
IXTK tala pleasure In edllng the attantlon of plantar* to
VV our very extensive stock of Woolen and Domestlo
Goode, many of which wo purchased before the great ad,
vanoe in wool, and will therefore aell them correspondingly
low, ooDilating of—
40 balea London Duffll and colored Blankets,
60 do brown twilled Keraeya | 10 do black do,
60 dd brown domestic Gooda.
26 do atrlpod and white Oanabnm.
10 do ptaln red Flannel ; 6 do twilled do,
16 do ahlrtlnf Btrfpel,
10 do 8ehley’a Georgia Plains,
16 caaea Louisiana and Marlboro* S
Strlpca and Plalda,
6 do plaid Llnmva. atrlpea and plalda,
6 do Satinet and Kentucky Jeana,
6 do 8«otch and domeatio Ginghams,
80 do bleached Shirtings and 8neetlnga
20 do English and American Print*,
60 doten Negro Capa t 100 plecea Carpeting,
160 Kuggaand Matta t 900 Carpet Bags,
300 Negro Head-handkerchiefs,
1000 doien woolen and ootton Hoalery.
rianteraand merchant! ▼!*!ting our city during the fall
and winter will find It to their Interest to look trough our
,tnck. aa we are dlapoeed to eell at a email advance upon
coat. octO AIKEN A BURNS.
* Office 118 Bay*lreeL
n „twrw *>" uke n "' ***" " d Wm RUI “ “
w Hlnm Robert., J.R.Wilder,I,
W. And.r*Ott,N. B. Knapp, lleorj Ulhrop
jjtF.ffwi HRRRY D. WEED, Prertilebt,
HIRAM ROBERTS, Vice President
.^htng to aend for their friends and dealroue o!
, h ,n> out by flrat claaa packet ablpa, are Informed
Slllkiabicrlbere are the only AgenU for tho above agon-
V Zr!tt alio authorlaod to draw on Messrs. Wm. Tapacott
K fl7uTerpoot,ln auma from XI and upwarda, which
dnfu'are negotiable In any town throughout Ireland and
Gitat Britain. Drafta on Franco and Germany, payable in
illurUof the Continent, alao for ealo. Apply to
4*e24-ly BUNKER k OGDEN, 60 Bay-street.
ASRURY HULL. President and Treaaurer.
ALDUS CHASE, Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
n . undesigned, Agent of the above Company, continue*
to Uke the following Riaka, via.: Marine, River and Fire
»lio on tli# Urea ofServanta.
y rc ,of White Persona are alao taken by this Company.
V'auUayrcmlom for rcaldlng In the South.
Corner of Bay and Drayton-atreeta.
. The undurilgned have aaaoclated thomaelvca to-
(HI wether, under the name and atyle of Murphy k De-
FBI ranoy, for the tranaactlon of general Boot and
' PtoSboe business, having the stand on the corner of
CoDcresnand Whltaker-strcets, formerly occupied by M
Preaiternat. They ore now prepared to offer to their friends
ml the public, a well selected atock or Ladle** and Gentle.
THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to thf
Itlaene of Savannah, and of the Interior of this
-late, tliat he has now openod and will keep oon-
„ in store, a Inrgb aaaortmentof tho beat qualities
of tbevarioua kinds of WINH3 AND LIQUORS, both foreign
and domaatto, Invoiced from the best source*, aud to Ilia
■took of which, at present on hand, he Invites attention.—
Having had extensive experience in Franeeaaa nisnufoo-
turer, and In America aa Importer and dealer, hla ocqttaln.
Unco with tho trade enables him to offer assurance that the
article* which are enumerated below are each genuine:
Articles of Direct Importation.—French Bran*
diet of vsrioun brands: Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish and
Monongahela Whisky; Old Batavia Arrack l Jamsloa and
Bt Croix Rum.
■Wines—Old Port. Madeira. Sherry, Champagne. Hock,
Claret, Pauteme and Burgundy Wines.
Cordials—In cozes. Curacoa, Maraschino, Ratafia, Sla.
valti, Klrichcnw***er, Absinth, Ac.
Ale and Furter—Loudon Brown Stout, and Edln*
burgh Ala.
Alao Agent for Domestic Liquors.
novfi R. MAYER.
Gcoralasnd French,Burr and Euro-
mui lull Roam j Tloughrof various
oda, Eagl*. Bub-8CU and Wrought
, , .,... .. Sl>ar#:.lrorfTfre-proof Wka, Shovels
and Spades, Manure and Hay Forks, Potato Hooka, Corn
Shelters, Goo Grashers, Manure Braga, Cultlratora, Straw
Cutters, Scythes and Snealhi. Hoee, Axos, Pick Area and
Handles. Road Borapere, Ox Chains, Ox Yokea. Garden and
Fanoy Barrows. Garden Cfiaira. Basmenta and Gudgeon*
Breen Wire, Hamoa, Measure*, Grist Mill*, Rice Threihar*,
Cauldroua. Pouglaaa* Pumpa and Water Rams, Well Wheels,
do Rucketa, Cotton and Counter Scale*. Trunks, Cotton
Hnoka. Jack Screws. Bumie'e Sea Island Cotton Qlua and
Griawold’a Upland do; Cement, Plaster, Mill and Croaa Cut
Bawa; alao, li'ud and Yard Bawa. Ac. For agle by
nolfi CHA’S H. OAMPF1KIJ), 171 IMy-at,
m geu
The mbacriber has now opened a Urge and choice
iiuortment of new style of foil and winter goods.
, oonslstlng of French n ml English black and fancy
_ colored Clotb. plain black doe #kln ComImeres, fign-
rtdiiuck elastic Ca.ssimeres. with a large variety of French
fuier Ctu,lmcresof the latest style and pattern. Also a
thulce variety of Vestings, consistinu of figured black nnd
finr.y Caslnnerea. plain black Satin, figured black and fancy
Silk a. nnd Satin*, cut silk Velvets. Ac. Tho whole of which
h« is prepared to make up to order In the moit foshonable
“r,*" 4 R. SYMON'S.
Draper and Tailor. 17 IVliltokpr-st.
OUSE FURNISHIEO GOODS.—Unen and cotton 10 4.
114 and 12-4 Sheeting*, linen and cothin 64,0-6 and
I I do. for pillow cases, white and colored Furniture Dimi
ty, French, Engllah and American Furniture Chintze, Mar-
itilles and Uncasler Quilts, largo and small, Ihunask Nap
kin: and Dolles. white and colored, French Bordered Towel*
dowlas and ctash, Scotch Diaper and Towel*, lluckabuck
Diaper. Rua-la and Bird’s-eye DIai»er, 10-4.11-4 and 12-4
Bed Ubmket*. Crib Blankets. Window Sea ca and Fixtures.
Piino and Table Covers, linen and cotton. Just received and
foruleby oct29 AIKIN A BURNS,
L ADIES’, gentlemen’s and chlldeo’s cotton, silk and me
rino Hose and Under-garments ; kid nnd silk Gloves;
linen cimbric Handkerchief*. Embroidered do ; plaid wool
Shawls; Thibet do; Broche do j Scarfs ; Moreen’s worsted
Drraaik*; window Shades j embroidered Curtain*. Ac.; re-
celved and for »ato bv o20 DgWlTT k MORGAN
M ISSItS. COHEN k BANNON respectfully announce to
the citizens of Savannah that they are now prepared
to do all kind* or work In their line, at their new shop,
near Hie corner of Broughton and Drayton-st*. They have
established the following as their rates or charges: For a
•ingle #hav' ,rt ".; per month, for 2 or three tlmus per week
75c.; 4 times a week SI; 6 or 0 time* a week 91 60 ; every
day It 15 per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
,h Mr. I CollK.N’° will always hold himself in readiness to at
tend to order* from those who may require his service* at
their home*.
Have now In store, and for sale on the moit
favorable tarms—26 hhds Porto lUco and Musco
vado Sugars, IS bbla Stuart's A B and 0 clarified
do,. 40 bbla crashed and pulvarised do.
10 boxes Loaf Sugar
120 bags Rto Coffee. 26 do Java do,
00 hhds, tierces and bbls W. I. and N 0 Molosios,
16 boxca sperm and adamantine Candloa,
160 packages hyson and black Teas,
100 bbls Baltimore and Canal Flour.
10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy A Co.’a Brandy,
15 quarter pipes fine Old French brandy,
20 do do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wine,
60 do do Malaga, and 16 do Tenerlffo Wloe,
30 bbla Old Monongahela Whisky.
6 pipes Holland Gin, clover leaf brand,
2 puncheons Jamaica, and 20 do St Croix Rum,
60 bbls sugar, butter and soda Biscuits,
180. do domontlc Brandy, Gin, Rum and Whlaky,
100 baskets genuine HeldMck Champaign Wine,
60 do do Hungarian Lion do
60 do do Crown and Rough and Ready do
120 M Spanish Began, various brands,
together with choice Butter. Goshen' Cheese, and other or-
tlcles usually found In wholesale groceries. octlO
H AVE RECEIVED per recent arrivals, and offer for sale
Plantation Dry Goods ; London Duffll. and Twilled
Blankets ; Georgia Kerseys and Plain* 5 Northern do. do.;
heavy (all wool) do.; heavy Cordova do. : heavy Brown
Shirting* ; plain and twilled red Flannels; Plalda, IJnseya,
colored Homespun*. Ac.
Mouslln d’Laine*; American do : plain mode and high
eolM do. j French and Engllah Merino*, a variety of colors;
raw Silk l'lalda ; Moutlln d’Baize ; printed French Cam
Dress Sllka.
Plain, plaid,nnd striped Drew Silks } rich brocade do ;
plain bl'k Silka; a large variety ; black brocado do.; bl’k
and Hep. do.
Monrnlng Drcaa Goode.
Mouslln d'Enine* : French and English Bombazine* ; Al-
paccaa ; Canton andTamise Cloths.
Cloaks nnd Mantillas,
Cloth Cloak* nnd Taltnaa ; black and col'd Silk Manlil
Ian; Ladlea’ bl'k and co’d Cloths for Cloak*, and a variety
of Trimmings fur tho same.
Embroideries and Lace Gooda,
Mouslln Collars and Chemisettes; Lace do; rich embroid
ered Lawn Hdkfs; Mourning Collars, Chemisette*, and Un-
dernleeves; Muslin Cap* ; Infant’s Waists ; Swiss and Jac.
Edging* and Inserting*; Thread and Lisle Edging* and In
serting* ; Cambric and Muslin Bands.
Ladles’, Mlises’, Men’s, and Boy's Gloves,a large variety.
Men’s and Boy’s Worsted and Cotton Half Hose: Ladles'
and Misses’ Cotton and Worsted Iioso ; Ladies’ black and
whlto Silk do.
House Furnishing Goods.
104,114 nnd 124 Linen Sheeting* • 94.104 and 11-4
brown and bleached Cotton Sheeting* j Pillow Ca*o Linen*
nud Cottons ; 84.9-4 nnd 10-4 bro. and bl'cbed Tnble Dam
ask ; Damask Cloth*; Nankins and Doyles; Hucabuc,
Scotch and Russia Diaper*; Irish Linens, good style* ; Bed-
Tick*. Furniture Dimity*. Ac.
Cloth* nnd Casalmerea.
Black French Cloths; Plain nnd Twilled Blue do. do;
black Doe Sklns: plain and plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Jeans-
black Satin Vestings, and bluck nnd col’d Silk Vestings.
H AVE just received and offer for sale on the most ac
commodating terms—
25 bbls Stuart’s A and B clarified Sugar,
30 do Lebanon Mills Flour,
6 do self-rising Flour,
10 bags Rio Coffee, 10 do old Java,
60 boxes Soap, 20 boxes Starch.
76 do adamantine and sperm Candles.
20 do Judd's and Litchfield’s patent Candles,
50 cask* Lmdon Porter,
20 half pipes Brandy,
6 pipes Holland Gin,
60 casks Madeira, Sherry and Port Wlno,
60 quarter nnd eighth casks Madeira snd Port Wine,
10 firkins Butler.
60 boxes choice Dairy Cliec*e,
Also. 60 baskets Iluldslck and Munn'n Champaign, 60.000
Havana ami American Segura, and 25 dozen assorted cor
dials. nov!3
Havo in store, and offer for sale, on the moat
favorahlo term*—
15 hhds St rolx Sugar, 25 do Porto Rico do
25 do N Orleans do. 60 bbla Guffo* do
100 bbla Stuart’a A.B and C Sugar. 25 do Crashed do
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 baga Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamaica do
10 caaea Myer’a Aromatic Tobacoo. 60 casks Bacon Side*
25 casks Shoulders. 26 do Hama, cnoico quality
100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 50 whole and 25 half do Canal do
25 hhds. 60 tierces and 60 bbls West India Molasses
26 bbla New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do
26 quarter oheals Hyson Tea, 10 do do Black do
100 boxca Sperm and Alamautlue Candle*
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 balea Gunny Cotli. 300 colla Wearer’s Rope
100 bbla E Phelps’ Glo. 260 Flack's do, 26 do Connecticut
River do, 26 do N E Rum
20 or casks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipes Otard Brandy, 20 qr casks do do
100 bbls Monongahela Whisky, 10 qr casks Port Wine
16 bbla Mint and Rose Cordial."*
Alao. the following old and very choice uquors, In glasses :
40 dozen choico old Madeira wine, bottled In 1847
86 demijons St Croix Rum. 16 do ntd Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongahela Whisky, 1846
10 do Pure Juice. 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
35 doten Scheldtm Gin, 10 dA old Whisky, Nectar.
BgM ,' . .
25 HHDS. Porto lUco and Muscovado Sugar. 26
Sdo choico Now Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba Moias
I rch, 100bbls New Orleans nnd Cuba Syrup. Stu
■ art's recllfled do. 600 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adamamanttne Candles.
25 do Starch, 60 do Cheese, 75 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed and assorted Candles, 76 package* Tea*. Black, Im
perial and Green, 160 bhla A. Band C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunoa,
Figs, Citron. Pickles, Raisins. Yeast Powders. Saloratua, So
da, Ac., now In store and for sale very low. by
Cnrra—160 bags prime Klo, 76 do Jamaica,
lo Java.
SraAR—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do S<. Croix, 5 do
New Orlean*, 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
MoLAasKS—26 hhds Cuba, 76 bbls New Orleans.
Flour—160 bbls Baltimore. 76 do Canal. 60 do H Smith’s.
Bacon—16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
rassed do, 30 hhds Sides, 20 do Shoulders.
Potatoes—160 bbl* V and Mercer.
Lard and Conran—-5 bbls choico Leaf lard, 0 casks Cod
Soap, Candles and Starch—50 boxes No. 1 and Family
Sonp. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole and half boxes Starch. 76 do
Admantinc Candles. 25 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 160 do Patent
Tobacco—450 packages various brands and qualities.
Lkmo.y Syrup,Ac.—60 boxes l-einon Syrup, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Peaches.
Domestic ijquoRg—76 bblsPhelpa' Gin.60 do N E Hum, 76
do Rectified Whisky, 30 do extra old Monongahela do.
Wines—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choico Madei
ra-received and for sale by
Wholesale *bd Retail,
JVo. llfl Bmightrm-tt.,b(t^n null and Whitaker,
(~V THE largest and heal selected stock nf gooda ever
V7V offered forsalelnthlacUy. Odd and Silver Watches,
(EjmVoai.Fbb and Guard.Chnlna, Seta of Jewelry, Cliat-
elancs/Bracelet*. Brooches, floe Diamond work Finger Rings,
Silver Co* tors, Tea Seta, Pltehefa, Goblets, Oupa, Coke Baskets.
Spoons, Forks,Flab Knives, Pie Knives, Cheese Hcouprf.Ao-
dlea, Syphon*. Also, all kinds of Plalod Ware, Military and
Fancy Good*, and a great varioty of article* ton numerous to
mention : tho whole of which will be sold at redaeed prices.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and other Jobbing
attended to by competent hands. If ORTON A RIKEMAN.
R TIiQ undurslgnod begs leave lo Inform tho Citizen*
of Savannah, and the people In the country In geno-
t lie has taken the Store No. 148 Broughton Street,
ono door West of Dixon’a Confectionery, where ho will be
pleased lo make and repair all kinds of Clocks aud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may be Intrusted,
T HE exercise* of this inatitutlon will be reauraed on
Monday, October 10th, under the management of J. B.
MALLARD and-BERNARD MAI ION. associate principal*.
The ocademlcyeor la divided Into four quarters of eleven
weeks each, ia follows:
Flrat qnarter commences October 10th. and ends Decem
ber 24lli.
Second quarter commoners.January 1st. 1854, and ends
March 18th.
Third quarter commence! March 18th, and ends 1 Jane
^Fourth quarter commence* June 10th, and ends August
Tho academy la organised Into fire departments—Prima-,
ry. Intermediate, Grammar, Classical, and Young Ladlos*.
No expense has been * pared lo fill the eeveral depart
ments with well-qualified and experienced teachers.
The Young Lillies will be under the charge of J. B. Mal
lard, assisted by Miss M. A. Callknder, who was oducatod
in the best schools of Northampton. Mass., and has been
for the last three years principal of a female academy in
this BUte.
The Classical Department will be under the charge of Mr.
Isaac F. Cady, a graduate of Brown University, for two
years classical teacher in tho High Sehoul In Provldenco,
and for the last six years principal of the High 8cbool, in
Warren, Rhode Island.
The Grammar Department trill bo under the charge of B.
Mai.lon. as heretofore.
Tho Intermediate Department will bo taught by Mr. IIkn
rt Baker, a graduate of Oglethorpe University; and the
Primary by Miss A. R. Carter.
Arrangements have beeti made with Mr. E. Miller for
givng instiuotion in French and Drawing.
apl25—d3w BERNARD MAI.LON, / 1 rmcl P a, ‘'
And fhney Goode.
RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamers fresh
Ions.making the beat assortment In this city, of all
kludiofWatches,Jewelry.FancyGooili,SllverSpoons, Forks,
Pitchers, Tea Seta, Cups, Syphon*. Plated Castor*, aud every
variety of articles connected with our line of business; alt of
which will be sold a* low a* in any city In the Union.
£S“ Particular attention given to the Repairing of Watch*
e« and Jewelry. 1 ' no 20
kb iv jitmui'v, mnE witTcmos, ic.
At THE undersIgoM I* now opening » splendid amort-
[fflmentof rich JEWELRY, embracing the recent patterns
wor Ear-rings, Pin*. Bracelets and Flngcr-ring*. among
X which are some fine rffamoml settings,from Si0 to 9600.
1l Also, twenty-fivo sets of thoso •uniquo Pearl Sete ofFar-
{■Tarings and Brooches, from 918 to 9125 the set, nowest
vQJanil rarest patterns: together with a very select assort-
™ment of extra fine IVatdus set in pearl, diamond, bun'
ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol
good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets. Spoons, Forks, ladles,
Cups. &c„nnd Fluted Ware of all kin *a. Fancy Work Boxes,,
Dressing Cases. Folios, Clocks, Bronze Figures, gold mount
ed Canes.Cuttlery. Ac., renders his assortment very com-
plete. and unsurpassed In the State,either In quality or pri
ces. D. B. NICHOLS
SW Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks.
and jewelry^ nol2
[Hi MR. F. STEIN, on Rrougbton-slreet, has just recciv-
*l/ed tho finest assortment or new and fashionable Jewel-
X ry of all description*. Gold and allver pencils and pens,
V silver nnd silver silted ware and fruit baskets, waiters,
0 tea »ots, candlestick*, table and toft spoons; fine table,
w pocket and pen knives, scissors,and alarge variety of tho
finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for
ladles nnd gentlemen, as also a fine selection of flutlnns.
accordions and fancy article*, too numerous to mention!
which he offer* at tne lowest prices ever sold In this city'
Thn attention of tho public at largo, but especially that of
the ladles. 1* Dartlcularlv reuuo*ted. au21
Jior Rule anb for Rent.
mm A Tract of Ttda Swamp Und. containing 500 acres,
Ffiwylngon the Alstainaha river, three mile* above Dari-
"■ ■tin, adjoining land* of the eatata of Butler and Dun-
wodyontbaaoat ud GlxolUlat and Walker on the north
and west, oaring pa good a pitch of tide u any rice plan
tation on the rim. My tarms an, twenty dollar* per aero,
one-fourth cosh, and th* balance on a credit or from five to
ten years, the Interest only required to be paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In eaae of my absence
Mr. Jamb Pringle will show the land, a plan of which can
be uen at the offlee of the Georgian.
Daiuen, Jan. 22, 1863. jan26—laih
a FOR SALK.—A Tract of LAND of FlveTlundredacrea
T; strictly, prime' Rico Land, immediately opposite the old
. jwn of Haruvrlck. The situation of the place afford* one
of the beat 8aw-mlll seat* In the Southern country, fheilitlea
for timber bolng easy and without end. Veassela coming
from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen foet of water. For terms apply to Henry Williams,
U.8.District Attorney,Savannah,or to B. STILES,Bryan coun-
„ 10 bbls No. large Mackerel,
[VV~ 10 bbls No. 1 do do
10 half bbls No. 1 do
10 do No. 2 do
30 bbla sugar, «<»Ur. and butlor Biscuits,
26 boxca soda Biscuits,
60 do Buchan's Family Sonp,
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's and DeadeU’s Pearl Starch.
60 do Herrings,
landing and for aalo by
U NDER a new and Improved organization, manufacture
Locomotlvo and Stationary Engine*. Sugar Mills. Gins,
Presses, Lathe*. Drills. Ac. Also, every description of Cot-
tun. Woolen andSaw Mill work.Shafting. Pulleys. &c., Cast
ing* of any weight, (haviug a large assortment of patterns.)
at reduced prices. F. S. CLAXTUN, Engineer.
Depot 13 I'latt-street. cornor of Gold. Claxton A Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. and II. Collins’Axes, Hard-
ware Agency,23 Pratt-rt., New York. 00IO—lyr
F AIRBANKS Patent Platform Scale*— (Improved inqiial
Itynnd reduced In price)—Adapted to every required op
eration of weighing, as Railroad Scales for trains or single cars
In use on tlui principal railroad* In the United States aud
Great nritalu, Warehouse Scale*. Heavy Portable Scale*, on
wheel*, for foundries, rolling mills. Ac- Store Scales, various
modification*; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.—
Them* Scale* havo been long known and severely tested; and
the universal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect
adjustment. Is such tluit they are now regarded as tho stand,
trd.froin which there is no appeal.
mjl2 PH1LBR1CK A BELL. Agents
J UST RECEIVED.—A aupply of Mineral Points, fire and
water-proof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
differ emontlnlly from all others in market. They are not
Clayi, they require little oil, they do not work toughly, but
low easily as white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
■et Immediately, and becomenn Indestructable covering ol
lint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
drrer than white lead.
1 have a variety or colors. Rod, Yellow, various Drowns,
*nd Jet Black. They are superior In body (or covering
property) to anything ever discovered.and pound for pound
will cover double the surface of White Lead or Ylnc Mineral
paint*, aud require less oil.
I *m now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adhere*
to tin like Silver’* Mineral 1’alnta. For sale by
mr 8 ltl and 12 Rnrnard-street.
T HE subscriber having enlarged his store, at the corner
of Bay and Whitaker street*, offer* for snlo on tho most
favorable terms thn following:
10 half pipes Otard Brandy. 1814.
5 do Jean Liuls Brandy. 1844.
•5 do Hennossy Brandy. 1811.
6 do Dazoruc Brandy. 1808.
2 puncheons Scotch Whisky, In bond.
2 lilnle St. Crux Rum, la houd.
10 quarter casks Madeira Wlno.
10 do Port Wlno.
10 bbls Monongahela Whisky.
2 pipes Holland Gin.
20 hbls Phelps’ Gin.
60 M Spanish Segars. various brands.
Also, a complete assortment of fancy groceries, such as
English and American pickled Lobsters. Salmons, Macker
el. Sardines. Olives. Capers, Catsup English Sauces. Sailed
Oil, Preserved Erulls. Jelly Jams. English and French Mus
tard, French 11ml West India Cordials, all warranted genu
ine, an superior to any offered in this market
nov22 * A. BONAUP.
H AS Just received nnd offers for sale, at his store, on
Hull street, in Sorrell's buildings—
2 half pipe* I’lnot, Cnrtlll A Go’s Brandy, vlnt. 1812,
2 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co's Brandy, vlnt. 1842,
1 pipe Swan Gin, 1 hair pipo Eborn leaf Gin,
6 hbls old Bourbon Whl-ky,
fi hbls old Monongahela Whisky,
4 cases Hliineish Wine. Toasta brand, vlnt, 1842,
4 cases old Sherry, nnd 4 do Madeira Wine,
3 cases Sardines In boxes,
10 boxes Tobacco, of all kind* nnd brands,
Also. 10.000 or the best Cigars. 10 boxes Cordials, of all
kinds. 2 bbls Beef Tongues, 2 do Pig 1'ork. nov!8
J. V. CONNERAT A CO., offer for sale on no-
SjS commentating terms, a well assorted atock of Gro-
cerles. Liquors. Tobacco. Segars, Ac., viz: 130 bags
BtBtDBprline Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhds
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars.60 bbls clarified coffee do,
26 do crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
ages black and green tea, some very superior ; 260 boxes
tobacco, various qualities, l’s. 8V, 6’s nnd 16’*. 16 cases Di
adem twist, 10 do Virginias nnd Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf,
Viginla gold lenf, 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco, 176.000 supe
rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipe* Otard. Dupuy A Co. Bran
dy. 20 half and quarter casks l’lntern, Mattel. Sazerac. Ac.
Brandy. 5 quarter casks vory old Jean I/nils do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin, 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10
half pipe* and 16 quarter casks *u|>erior Madeira Wine, 26
hbls old Monongahela Wlsky, 26 quarter cask* Tenerlffo, 30
do do Malaga Wlno, 200 bids gin, whisky and rum. 100 boxes
No. 1 ana forally snap, 50 do starch, 60 do adamantlno cart'
dies, 60 do tallow do. 20 casks Imcon sides, 16 do shoulders.
30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbls and tea do, 25 bbls N
Orleans do. together with every other nrtlclo usually found
nt tho wholesale grocery stores. June3
THE undersigned reSjtectfully Inform the
'citizen* of Savannah. Georgia and Florida,
that they have on lmml more than fifty
Pianos, tho largest stock over on sale In this city, nnd
made by tho most celebrated manufacturers in tho United
States. Nunns A Clark. T. Chlckrrlnp. Rnardman A Gray,
I .eight A Newton. El wards A Fisher, all well known to the
lorent of Music, have place in their Inrcn assortment.—
These Pianos aro of rich tone, nnd beautifully finished In
Rose Wood, niack Walnut, nnil Mahogany, with Iron frames
made In the most substantial nnd workmnnllko mnnner.—
Al*o the Justly celebrated Pollan Plano Fortes, which for
their sweetness of tone havo not been equalled. All these
Instruments hnve metallcframes which render them pccull-
■rl^ialu# (i»r ini rilaiato. pe»Y»w*lwft ■flonaaUy •» tuntng
fov yenra.
Tho undersigned are Agents for Heurl Hera’s, celebrated
Grand Plano*, made in Paris. For Power and beauty of tone,
they stand pre-eminent.
CaiuiartV Mrlodkwb.—'Tills beautiful toned wind Instru-
raent.mnnufactured by Cnrhart A Needham, N. Y..for village
purposes. Lodges, Serenading Parties, and tho prlvnto prac
tise of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they
have also for sale. All these Instruments will ho disposed of
on the most accommodating terms. The price* of tho Pl
ano* ranging from 9176 to 91,000.
Penjldd, Greene County, aa.
T HE Studies In this University are:—A Theological course
of three years, designod for those who are preparing for
Clio Gospel Ministry ;
A Collcgiato Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges in the country;
A Scientific Course of three years, including, with some ad
dition, all tho studies of the Collegiate Course except the An
cient Languages ;
AnwamoN. . ,
Tho regular time for the admission of Students, la at the
opening of the FaU Term, the lost Wednesday in August.
Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Course uinat
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography. Arith
metic. English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Coiur, Virgil.
Cicero’s Select Oration*, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and
mu*t be at least fourteen years of age.
Candidate* for admission Into the Scientific Course rnuit
*u»t«ln a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra, and two
book* In Geometry j and must be at least sixteen years of
age. Exi’Kjrara.
Tuition. .Spring Term. Hill Term.
In Theological Soon art, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous,
lx College. **
Scientific Course,
In Acadkmy—
Preparatory Class,.. 26 00.... 16 00
Second “ 20 00 12 00
Third « 15 00 9 00
Elementary “ 10 00 0 00
Room Rent 6 00 4 00
Contingent Expenses 2 00 1 00
These expenses require to be paid In advance.
From Students who lodge In the College buildings, fifty
dollars will be received os full payment for the tuition fees,
room rent, and contingent expenses of tho year.
Hie price of Board in the village Is 610 per month ; of
washing, room-rent, nnd fuel, 93.
Tho Commencement is held on tho last Wednesday In
There are two Vacations, dividing tho year Into terms, as
follows ;
First Term—from last Wednesday In August to December
Winter Vacation—from Decombor 16th to February l*t,
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of the Board of Trustes*.
Any friend, by application to I»r. J. L. DAGG, President of
tho University, will recelvo a catalogue, containing the
course of studies, and all other neccssarv Information
® RICE LANDS FOR SALE.—The Tract of LAND on the
St. Mary’s River, known aa the Cut-off Tract,containing
seven hundred and aeventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) acres aro tide swamp and froah marsh
lauds, with a rise and foil of tide of alx feet. Tho marsh
land waa successfully cultivated tnanyyearsitnce,producing
Cotton, Cano, and Rice.
These lands could bo put In ord^r with leu labour, it Is
believed, than would be required for putting Hammock lands
In order, and are considered very safe from overilow In gales
and freshet*.
For further particular* end term*, which will be made easy.
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co., Charleston,
S.C., or to Mra. Henry Balloy, St. Mary’s, Camden county,
A plat of tho land maybe seen at the offlee of the Geor-
gl»n. apt 27—d&c
@ F OR SALE .—A Tract of LAND, containing 202X
acres, and Improvements, near Walthourvlllo, liberty
county. The land Is of good quality, plno and bay land. 60
acres of which are in cultivation, and the remainder well
timbered, offering strong Inducements to persona lutereated
In procuring turpentine. The Improvement* consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and all other necessary outbuildlug*. Tho location cannot
bo surpassed for healthfklno*s or salubrity of climate, with
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled.
- ■■ rwnklCW..) ’
aobacriber I* constantly fin-sfla,
■lahlng.and on hand Plain and t an- Ih
oy Cane Feat Chairs, in great Varie- M
- ty of elegant and Ikihidnabla style*.' V *
for parlors,’dining-rooms or chambers, made In Fancy
Woods, Imitation Woods, and Fancy Potara, Ac. ' . '
Reception and Cottage Chairs, of. light and beantuol «•
signs; Cane Lounges, Cane Fetteca, Hall Chair*. Counting -
llouae and Offlee Arm Chairs, lane and amall Rocking
Chi Ira, Store and Steamboat Stools. Windsor Chairs, and
Settees; Ae
Housekeepers. Hotel, Steamboat and Rail Road Compahlef
will fiud it to their interest to call at tye Factorjrof ^ •
No. 131 North GUaSt < (opposite Franklin Smart,)
mh7 , Philadelphia
Agricultural Ware-House, nnd -Seed Store,
A T o. 194X Markd-Urtd. Philadelphia.
Pnom k Mear*' Patent Self moon
I «
» Sharpening Plough*.'of all slteiy
‘ right and left handed-Sobioll,.^
h Shift nil! and Double Mould. £e., with
Steel Extending Points. •■Bar*ahare, Beach, and otherkinda
of Castings for repairing. The Emperor of Russia awarded
for the above Ploughs, a Msuivo Gold Medal, value1300.—
Also, the Great Medal at the W6rld’a Flair, WM awarded P.
AM. Plough No. 40. Cultivators with Dounle-Polnt Polish
ed Steel Teeth, which can bo reversed, thus getting Double
Wear ot the common Teeth. Also; Cultivators of. Ill kinds
with Steel Teeth. *
Spain’s Atmospheric Churns,
P D1..1I.U 1 _ . J
The subscriber having purchased the cn
|tlre business of F. Zogbaum A: Co., of which
firm he has heretofore been tho acting mem
ber In Savannah, would respectfully Invito
the attonthm of thoso In want of anything In tho musical
lino to his establishment. From many years’ experience
both in professional nnd business matter* connected with
musle, Mr. M. feel* himself fully qualified to proffer his ser
vices in the selection of music nnd Instruments nr tho ful
filment of orders, with thn assurance of his utmost zeal nnd
industry in his endeavor to deservo the patronage nnd con
fidence of the public. (1. It. MITCHELL.
Juncl4 successor to F. Zoghanm A Co.
■U wriber having lust removed to No. 'll BulUtntt, (bo.
’weenCongress and Broughlun-stroeta,) would inform his
friends and the puhlio generally, that ho will open This
I’AT.his second supply nf Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
of the be*t French. English and American Cloths, Caasi-
mere* and Vestings, purchased from tho most extensive lin-
turter* in New York, which he Is prepared to make up In
the brai and most fashionable styles,
dtel M. D. MURPHY.
HF. co-partnership heretofore existing with the under-
•igned. under the firm of BOSTON k OUNBY, 1* this
d»y dissolved hy mutual consent. Either partner taautho-
lie-lloiue the name of tho firm inclosing tho unsettled
>>u«lneM. JOHN BOSTON,
Aogujt lit, 1853. ang2 J. II. GUNI1Y.
IteuluilKMd will conti nuo the FACTORAGE and COM
MISSION DU8INEIS on hi* own account, and respectfully
•elicit* a continuance of the patronage 10 liberally extend-
•d to the late firm.
I l' l w«i Arti.Kr.nomi .—mo ku.i
heretofore existing between theanbacrlberz under
w firm ol F ZOO BAUM k CO. I* dla*olved by mutual
“nwnt. O. B. MITCHELL will continue the bu*lne*s on
• ccount i mn d la authorized to aettle all clalma, in
“kelly, for or against the late firm.
F. ZOGBAUM. Charleston. S. C.,
o , G. B. MITCHELL Savannah, Ga.
Jwaonah. Juno fith. 1853 Je8
tmt Wrn of . K . i ! ,b « 0 * Rodgers I* this day dissolved by mu-
WKlbbee retiring, and Mr.Thomoa Woo«l,
rf w 1 f*klng Ills place, under the name and atyle
La*? ".Ro'lgora. All debts against the late firm will be
Jvj? m l, y the new Ann. nnd all monies due them will be
•»*«?.. receipted for by the new concern.** iier
J un ' a WOOD k RODGERS.
heretofore extaliug be-
the firm of Ckanb k
lin* aay dissolved by mutual consent. The
IIK III ■ l L.. tr • n ...
A &'"-Thesubscrllicr. In retiring from business m
for il. .. ft i-r.' fcmnnt hut foot deeply grateful and obliged
in Mhwral patronage which ha* been extendedto
tak*. iu W both from city and country friends, and
tnai«!J!.i 0pt, ? rtun R3 r t/ioxiiresshla thanks for the same
the b°P 8 that past favors will be continued to
nnVwun^ nr *.'w‘ n .! lr " 0Ter I wa y ff ra ‘ of 'R to ‘be moat
of Kim!, u*?. 1 * r “ cl ’ nn to ‘be patrons nf tho late concern
W? k ,W * er4 - VcT J reapectfully.
N?i^r"7r Tbt ‘ e^ parlncrahlu
HouJEK*. u ,'?dersigno*!. unde
kwfSi f th# Ut « Br,n -
•04 th™. I l! r J"r ^’ in * cUI,n * win pleaso present them.
aurhrfri^ h ? d * ,,te ' 1 w111 ,n »be payment Either party are
•ooriiad u. Ula Ule n , m8 of the UUj flrm |n Uqul , Jntlt)n>
L witffif'£ ,H i P .~I bo un ’l. r «ten«d having aaiootated
•111 coatlnu?ii! r * d .° ’. n ^ Johnson anil Mr. James E. Cope,
u “ ,1 ' rl1 "’ ,n "
. ' T. nilLCOMPB.
b *l»r UDUMn!]P t 1 l' r ’ ICli ~ ThB « n ‘l*rttKn«ifa...thl.
•ral Factor.™ toeir Interests for the tranaactlon of a gen-
^thsfom If nSi ( i’?J nlM,0D Dorineas. In thU city, un-
nrra « Ron 4 Twon. Office 174 Ray street.
--SSSJfOfrabw 20tli. 1133.
pMcs t u » v ktrekt.
,* fuhlonahU .rt? kn toerivln* a Urge awortraent of
The subscribers have just opeued a fresh supply
of Good*, recently received from the northern
markets, and aolicit the patronage of country
Healers, city merchants, and families generally.
The following articles comprise a portion of their stock '.
76 boxes and half boxes Tobacco, assorted brands,
25 M Cigars, 10 case* fine cut Tobacco.
10 hluls Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 100 Hams,
6 bbls laril, 10 do Pork,
30 whole, half and quarter bbls Mackerel.
60 bbls Domestic Liuuors, all qualities,
20 calks Wine—Madeira.Tenerlffo. Port and Malaga,
5 half and quarter pipes fine Brandies,
2 pipes Holland Gin—swan brand,
60 boxes Cheese—Common. English Dairy, Ac.
60 bngs Java. Istguyra, and Itio Coffee,
10 kegs choico Butter.
60 whole and halt bbla Extra Canal Elmir,
75 bags Georgia Flour, in 100 and 60 Ifc sacks.
100 whole and hair boxes Colgate’s Soap, assorted,
6 hhds Porto Rico Sugar.
30 bbls clarified and brown Sugar,
10 casks Byass’ London Porter. 10 cases Pickles,
10 bbls Mercer Potatoes, 10 bbls white and rod Onions,
30 boxes Herring,
10 baskets Chanipaigne. Ac.. Ac.
Also, a full assortment asf Groceries generally, compris
ing, saucos, syrups, preserves nnd drier! fruits, oils, apices
of all kinds, fancy soaps, nuts, hyson and black tons, dried
bed and tongues, sardines, ground coffee, kitt salmon and
mackerel, broom*, buckets, woodon ware nnd measures, to
gether with numerous other articles of household use. nil
which will bo sold cheap for cash or approved city accept
ances. °ct27
T HF. subscriber respectfully solicit* the attention of hi*
friends and Iho public In general, to his extensive as
sortment of Ready-made Clothing, comprising aa It does a
variety of every article for gentlomcn’s wear, suitable for
tho present and coining seasons. The following comprise a
portion of the stock on hand :
Overcoat* and Surtout* of black and blue beaver cloth,
Black and brown mohair cloth.
Norway and tabrador coatings,
Devonshire, kerseys, and pilot cloths, talma cloaks,
Black cloth dress nnd frock coats,
Blue and brown cloth business frocks,
Grey and check caisimere business suits,
Black cassimere pants,
French fancy ca**liucre pants,
Grey and mixed tweed cassimere pants,
Black and mixed satinet pants,
Plain and plaid kersey pants.
Embroidered and plain black cassimere vests,
Figured mil plain black silk vests,
Plush velvet veals.
Figured black nnd fancy cashmere vests,
togelhur with an oxtonslvo stock iff Furnishing Goods, such
as fine white shirts, silk and merino undershirts, merino
Canton flannels nud jean drawers, riding gauntlets, black,
colored and while kid gloves, sticks, cravats and scarf*,
neck-ties. auspendcT* etc., the whole or which la offered for
tale low, by WM. It. 8YM0NF, Draper A Thilor,
oct4 ' J 17 Whitaker street
Have In store and offer for sale on accommoda
ting terra*—100 hbls clarified Sugnr A B C. 75 do
crashed and powdered do, 300 bags Bio Coffee, 30
do Java and Laguyrn do.
300 bbla Baltimore and Canal Hour,
6 bbla Hiram Smith’s Flour,
250 baga 98 and 49 lb Georgia Flour,
100 bbls butter and sugar Crackers,
60 bbla Pilot Broad.
40 bbla Ham*. 100 boxes No. 1 PalaEoap,
76 boxes Tobacco. Rs 6a and 1 lb lumra,
60 boxes Adamantine,Star and Sperm Candles,
2000 IbsUodUsh. 76 bbls planting Potatoes.
Also. 200 bbla Portland and N. O. Molasses. 100 boxes
Cheese, 60 do Starch, 60 do Ralslna, 30 do Claret Wine. 60
do Lemon fljrrup. nov2^
60 do !*x A Kirkpatrick's Crashed do
60 do Butter. Sugnr nnd Soda Biscuit
20 do Treadwell'* Pilot Bread
80 boxos do Soda Biscuit
300 do Family. Pale nnd No. 1 Soap, Smith and Col
50 do Deadell's Pearl Starch
25 do Ground Pepper In 20 lb boxes
20 do do Coffee In 50 jb boxes
300 reams assorted Wrapping Paper
60 mats old government Java Coffen
60 boxes 1st nnd 2d quality Bey's Lemon Syrup
100 bids K Phelps’ nud Rose Gin
80 do N E Rum, 30 do Domestic Brandy
40 do P k H Connecticut River Gin
20 >4 and 20 3i» casks Malaga Wine
60 bbls nnd 100 kegs prime I^af lard, landing and
or sale by Jy2l SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO.
T HE Subscriber has on hand a fine and well selected
Stock of Imported pure Wines. Liquors and Segars.
comprising tho following :
Brnimy—10 half pipe* Otard, Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do do
old Hennossy ; 2 do do Snrerac, 1SC8 ; 2 do do Jean loiuls,
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wines—I half pipes nlk reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
London Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 0 do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret; 40 baskets Champagne.
Bcgnrt—20.000 Rio llmvla : lO.non Li Oral* ; 5,000
l-n Union ; 10.000 l-n Pntrla ; 25,000 Trabueas.
Fancy Groceries.—A large supply, such ns Imported
Cordials. ky-’Uli Pickles and Sauces, Preserves. Sweet incats.
Prunes and jeiiic... For sale bv A. BONAUP,
deR Corner of Bay nnd Whltaker-streets.
C OFFEE—160 bngs prime Rio. 75 do. Jamaica, 60 do.
Sugar—10 hhds Torto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 6do. New
Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed, Powdered, nnd Clarified.
—25 hints Cuba. 75 Mil* New Orleans.
Flour—160 bbls Baltimore. 76 do. Canal. 60 do. Hiram
ILuxix—'15 casks Philadelphia Hams.500 Baltimore Bngg-
cd. 30 hhds Sides, 20 do. Shoulders.
Brooms—40 dozen, painted handles.
Ruckrts—200 dozen, painted.
Soar. and Starch—60 boxes No. 1 nnd Family
Soap. 60 do. Pale do. 75 do. Adamantine Candles, 25 do.
Sperm. 26 do. Star, 150 do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole nnd
half boxes ijtsrch.
Tobacco—350 pkgs various brands and qualities.
Ijotox Sthui*. Ac.—60 bnxe< Lemon Syrup. 10 cam Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches.
Donismo IjquoRR—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 60 do. N. K. Rum.
76 do. Rectified Whisky. 30 do. Extra <dd Monongahela do.
Wixfs—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma
deira. Received, and for snlo by
jyift mcmahon a doyi.e.
T HE undersigned, agents for the above mills, expect to
be supplied with one or two car load* a week of this
Superior Hour, which they will aell from th* Railroad De
pot. aa It arrive*, to dealers and bakers on favorable torma.
oetia — CRANE k RODGERS:-’*--
H AVE in store, and offer for salj on accommodating
terms, the following, viz:
20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 10do Muscovado do,
10 do N Orleans do, 50 bbla crashed do.
50 do refined A B and C do. 25 hhds Cuba Molasses,
lOtfbbl* N O Syrup, 50 do New York do,
200 bags lUo Coffee, 60 do Java do.
26 hhds Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders,
100 half bbls Lard. 600 sacks Salt,
100 boxes Soap.various brands,
100 do fancy do, for toilet use. auglO
THE Alterations nud Improvement* In our
|store. Including a film Show Room fur Piano
Forte*, nnd a Music Department for Indies
being now completed, we would invite the at
tention nf tho musical public to our stock.comprising every
article in tho lino, which can bo furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York prices.
PIANO A. StodnrtA Co...I. B. Dunham, nnd
others of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZllGD.Yl’M k CO., Importers.
Nos. 74 St. Julian nnd 107 Bryan-strects.
drc7 Next to Market Square.
Ao 17 Whitaker etreet. Samnnah.
Has just opened n large nud choice variety ef Np.w
•kino ami Summer Goons, consisting in purl iff black,
figured and fane) French Cusslineres : black aud eol-
.ored Cashmere;'Cloths nnd Cnshmerett*; while nnd
fancy Linen Drills; with a largo assortment of fancy Mar
seilles nnd Linen Vestings, nil of which ho Is propnred to
make up to order in tho most fashionable style, aud on ac
-dating terms n pft
Ao. 147 Hay .Sired.
AH persons of taste and refinement—those having
a duo regard for comfort nod personal appearance, may
lat all times select any and every article for their wnrd-
.rotie. from one of the largest assortments of the Very
Best Goods In this country; cither in Ready Made Garments
or nindo up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing art!
cles of every description and quality too numerous to men
tbm Call and see. 1’IUCE A VEADER.
M 1). MURPHY. 21 liull ttred. would respectfully
inform his fri* nds und the nubile generally, that lie
has received bis spring styles for gentlemen, among
.which will he found ns rich nnd fine fancy Cnssliaeres.
Vestings. Ac., ns hnve ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, nnd in the ticst style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen aro respectfully Invited to call and judge for
homselvcs. nihil
WM. R. SYMONS. Dr.ieeh axi» Tailor. A'o.
17 Whitaker stride, re-qa-ctfully solicits tliei
Inttention of his friends an t the public In gen- 1
•oral, to his largo stock of Ready-mu ar Cloth-
ing. suitable for the present nnd coining season. It has all
tie- n made up under Ills personal superintendence an I for
style and durability of wurkmnuship. Is inferior to none to
be found in the market.
Tlie following comprise n portion of the stock : Frocks and
Sacks of blue, black und colored cashmere cloths; black,
brab (Pete Frocks nnd Sacks; linen duck, drill nnd fancy
linen Frocks nnd Sacks; India grass, silk and brown linen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sack*.
Pants of fancy French cassimeres. black doc-skin ensff- black drab d’ete and spring tweed cassimere.* white
duck ami fancy linen drill, together with a largo lot of cot
ton drill nnd duck Pants, for summer wear
Vests of black satin, black hanitlien. nnd fancy silks, fan
cy nnd white Marseilles, figured and striped linens.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripo silk and cotton socks, silk and
gingham umbrellas, ete,. etc.
The whole of which ho offer* for sale on accommodating
terms, ami at prices a* cheap as the cheapest. ap!3
T iuainamattnn afford* a complete course of legal edu
cation for the bar In any of the United States, except
ing only nmlters of merely local Inw and practice ; nnd also
a systematic course nf instruction In Commercial lawfor
those who propose to engage In mercantile pursuits.
Tho Law IJbrury. which Is constantly Increasing, con
tains now about 14.000 volume*. It includes a very com
plete collection of American nnd English Ijiw. nnd tho prin
cipal works of the Civil and other Foreign Law. It is open
to student*, nnd warmed and lighted for their use during
both terms nnd tho winter vacation.
The first term of ench academical year begins In the last
week of August, nnd the second term In the la«t week of
February; each term continues twenty weeks. Students
are admitted at any period of 11 term or vacation. The foe*
nro #50 a term, and 926 for lmll 11 term. For this sum stu
dent* have the use of tho Law Library nnd text book*, and
of tho College Library, nnd may attend nil tho course* of
public lectures delivered to the undergraduates of the
The Instructors of the Iaw School are Hon. Joel,Parker,
1.1*. D., Bnynll Professor; Hon.Thcophllus Parsons'. 1.1.. D..
Dane Professor: and Hon. Edward G Lnring. University
lecturer. Instruction Is glren hy lectures, recitations anil
examinations, nnd moot courts.
For further Information application may bo made to
either of tho Instructors.
JAMES WALKER. President.
Cambridge, August 1.1853. dlawfiwl* sopO
apl 20—d&o
E. B. WAY.
mym THE nubscrlbor offers for aale 1,200 acres of Land,
jrgSlylngon the Alatamaha, rivqr, three miles below the
-““■fork, known aa Town Bluff. There are 269 acres open,
ready for cultivation ; also two amall framed house* with
good framed barn and good framed store house,situate on
the bank of tho river, one of tho best stands for a store In
this section. The place has the advantage of steamboats
during the fall, winter and spring months, and one of the
be*t fisheries on the river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchnse can do ao by calling on tho subscriber on the
Allso. 980 acre* of Land well timbered, with 160 acres of
first rate bay land well ditched and drained.ready for clear
ing. with five acres cleared. Paid land will produce fifty
bushel* of com to the acre. Thl* land lien two mile* from
Mann Ferry, on tho Alntamaha river.
Also, 6.000 acres or first quality pine timbered land on
the Alatumaha and Ocinulgee river*.
All these lands are situate .in the flrataud second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acre* or land well timbered
with cynrras and white onk. Any person wishing further
particulars can address mo at Hall P. O., Georgia.
Jan31—lnwdfcwOm W. DYALL.
•ar-Tlio Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, end send bill to W. I).
being the Wharf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on tho River,
and running back about two hundred feet to Canal-streot.
Tho property I* now under a lease which will expire on the
first of Novembernext.
If not sold at private sale previous to tho first Tuesday In
February. It will then be offered at nuction at the Court
nouao. Apply to del6 COHEN k FOSDICK.
mm Tho Plantation known as Annocx, Immediately on
yjjfflBho west side of the Savannah road seven mile* from
- ■■‘-Parfon. containing eleven hundred end forty seven
acres or pine and hnmmnck land, of which near two hun
dred nnd firty acres are cleared and under fence. The ham
mock lands are or a superior quality for cotton, corn. Ac.,
nnd tho pine lands well adapted to turpentino. There are
negro house* and other buildings uf*>n the plantation.
There is a water course within flvo miles over a good road.
For terms, apply to E IV. DeI.EGAL, *
augl7—w8m South Newport. G*
T HE attention of the trade, and others. In want of Porte
Monnnle*. Pocket Books, Bankers’ Cases. Dressing Ca
ws. Portable Writing Desks. Backgammon nnd Clio** Bonrds.
Chessmen. Pearl. Shell, nnd Silver Card Cases, Work Boxes.
Cuba*. Needle Books, Money Belts. Cigar Cases. Portfolios.
Razors nnd Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, nnd fine Cutle-
ry. together with a largo variety of Fancy Goods, which
will ho sold at tho lowest rates. F. |f SMITH.
Porto Monnalo and Pocket Bonk Manufacturer,
aug21—codim 205 Arch st.. below Sixth, Philadelphia.
Q A BBLS winter strained and bleached whale Oil.
fC\J 266 bags prime green lUo Coffee.
60 bag* old government Java Colfoe.
75 • Ijvguyra Coffee 40 do Maracaibo do.
100 bbl* E Photos’ Gin, 40 do PAH Cnnn’t River do
20 *• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum.
60 bbla and 100 kegs prime Leaf I^inl.
60 hhds prime Baron Sides, 20 do do Shoulders.
200 dozen painted Buckets.
20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar, 16 do Porto Rico do.
20 prime New Orleans Sugar.
20 bbls butter, sugar, and soda Crackers.
80 “ .Btuarl’s A, B. and C clarified Sugar.
40 '• - crashed and powdered Sugar
80 boxes Deadell’s 6s and 8s tallow Candles.
100 ■- Star Candles, 300 do No l pale nnd family Soap
60 M Segars, of various brands. For snlo by
Q/\ BBLS II. Smith's Flour
OU 20 half bbl* choico Canal Flour
20 bbl* Sugar Crackers
20 half bbla do do
. 20 bbla Butter do
20 hair bbls do do
20 boxes Soda do
20 half bbls Fulton Market Reef, a choice article
60 bid* Crashed Sugnr.
Landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by
N OTICE.—Tho subscriber being compelled to close the
outstanding business of F. ZOGBAUM k CO., would
reqnest all those Indebted to the late firm to make Imme
diate payment, and those having claims to present them
for settlement. O. B. MITCHELL
JunelO successor to F. Zogbaum k Co.
O UR purchases for the fall and winter trade are no w com
pleted. and we can submit to your Inspection a very
largo and well assorted stock, embracing every article con
nected with tho trade, and at such prices, In the present
state ortho market*, aa will prove highly satlstaetory.
M PU3NPERGAST k CO.. 178 Broughton-at.
ocl26 _ opposite 8t, Andrew’s Hall.
Legislative Charter, granted in 1849.
T HE Pprlngspsslon will commenceon the second Monday,
which Is the 12th dny of January.
Gto. Y., President and Professor of Mental and
Moral Science.
IM-oid. Professor nf Natural Science*.
L. R. Bkaximm, Professor ol Mathematics and Director ol
Husky M. Houtcmw. Prnfowor or nolle* Itttrea.
The Faculty will be assisted hy the following Lvdtes.vir.:—
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham. Ml**** Heuactt. Hums tend
Meredith, nnd K. Bennett
Catalogues containing further information, may be ob
tained by applying to either of the officers of the College. 01
to cither of the following gentlemen, who constitute the
Board of Trustees: K. K. Jones. M. D.. President; II. M. Peo
nies. K*qr., Treasurer: Thus. .1. Burney. Esqr.,Secretary; Col.
J. 11. Walker. Rev. X. G. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wm. S.
Stokes. Edmund Walker. Zarhariuh Fear*. Nathan Massey.
W. It. Crawford, M. I>.. Denj. Harris.Jn*. F. Swanson, J
W. P. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgan county. Doc. 23rd. 1R51
dr 2ft lawd&wt!
T HE Annual Course of lectures in this Department will
commence on MONDAY. November 14, und will ter
ininnte In the ensuing March.
JAMES JONES. M. B.. Professor of Practice.
J C. RIDDELL. M. 1).. Professor or Chemistry
WARREN STONE. M. !>.. Professor of Surgery.
A. II. CKNAS. M. D . Professor iff Obstetrics.
A J. WF.DDKRBIIRN. M. D.. Professor of Anatomv.
GUSTAVUS A. NOTT.M. O. Professor of Materia Medlcu.
THOMAS HUNT. M. I)., Professor of Physiology nnd Pathol,
!!.!}n»mM!ltmlc*i nf .tn.lomy
The room* for dissecting will he open from the third Mon
day In October to the Unit of April.
The Faculty nro Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of the
Charity llo*|iitnl.nn-1 attend this institution from Novem
ber to Anri! The Students accompany tho Professor* In
their visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages. free of expense.
Therenre about one thousand patleuts prescribed for
daily in this Hospital.
The nunilwr of patients Is nearly (went) thousand. In the
year. TIRlMAS HUNT. M D„ Dean.
W ILL open on the 1st of October, at the corner of Meet
ing and Society-streets, Charleston, S. C, a BOARD-
French will be exclusively spoken in tho School and fam
ily, but due regard will be nlxo hud to a thorough English
Education. Madame Tognn is prepared to refer parent*and
guardians to the most eminent Professors of Music in Phil
adelphia and New York, and to a number of gentlemen in
Philadelphia and Virginia, to whoso daughter* she has giv
en instruction for several years.
Philadelphia.—Rev. King-don Goddard, Mil’lle Adele SI-
gnlgne. Mad. Chs. Plcot. Mad Acello Gulltou. (mother nf
Mud. Togno.) Ed. D. Ingraham. K*q..Dr. Wm. Hard*. Ft. P.
Gnlpin. K*q.. Signor Perclli, Prof, of Mu^lc, H. Hupfold,
J->a.. I’rof. of Music.
iVcio York.—Mad. II. Chegaray. Signor Ravioli.
Winchester. Va.—Rev. C. Walker. Rev. II II Boyd. Hon
J. M. Mason, lion. R. Y.Conrad. Geo. 1-oe, 11. ll.I-ee. Esq.
Charleston.—J. I„ Petigru, Esq., O. Mills, Esq.. J. P. Por-
cher. Esq , H. C King, Fsq. Iawd5—sel
Offers for sale, a Large assortment of Cloths. Cna-
Isimercsand Vestings, constating in part of thefol-
lowing article*, selected bv himself during the past
summer in London and Paris, which ho will make up to or
der in the best style of workmanship, and at the shortest
notice. HI* stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish
ing Goods, for gentlemen’* wear, la very large and of tho
best quality arm style—tlie whole of It made thl* f»U under
hi* own Inspection, and will be sold at the lowest prices for
cash nr approved credit :—French black, blue, brown and
olive Cloths; fancy French and English Cassimeres: fancy
Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar
athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Cassimeres : Me
rino nnd Silk Undershirt* and Drawers; whlto and fancy
Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts nnd Drawers: and fancy Kid Glove*; Neck Tie*, plain and
embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; Scarfs, Satin and
Borabasln Socks. no5 IT WlittMcei'-atreet.
WE are constantly receiving these valuable
— - Coses, nnd have them always In rendiuess to be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. R.—We are permitted to Inform the public that we
have received from Mr. Raymond, of New 1 ork cltv, a let
ter signed by the different members of the United State*
Sonata, who were appointed to take charge of tho body ol
tho Hon. Herat Clat, deceased, (which was enclosed In oue
of Fisk’s Metallc Coses,) and who went with It to Kentucky 5
they say to Mr. RAYMOND, tluit the Case answered the pur
pose fur which It wa* Intended. »i.d meet* with thoto appro-
ballon, and they cheerfully recommend It to tho public a*
being superior to any other Cu*o for tho transportation ot
tho dead. The letter cun bo seen by calling on s
feb!4 1. W. MORRELL k CO
The subscriber has Just received a large number of
Cooking and Parlor Stove*, which he will disposed
- ^on accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stove*. The Republic, I-ady ol
the Lako. Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office 8taves.—
Union Cottage, Cyttndor, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and
oval, Six Plate. Box Stove*.
Hollow Ware Pots, Kettles. Ovens, Spider*. Sauce Pans,
Ac. Ac. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu
factured at short notice. Order* for Roofing, Gutters, and
Nos. 10 and 12 Barnard street
M PRENDERGAST k CO., wtah particularly to direct
•- attention to the moat elegant assortment or New
French and British Ribbons they bare ever aold. embracing
every novelty In style:
44 rich Genoa and Lvona Vetosta, for talmaa. scarfs, and
mantillas, black and colored. ...
64 snperflne twilled French Ladles’ Cloths for talmas
F ISHING AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Received by late arri
vals, a new aupply. Those (n want wni ph-nse call at
147 Bay-st may26 PRICE & VEADER,
TJUTTER, CHEESE. Ac.—20 tub* new May Batter, 60
D boxes Cheese, 28 bbl* Hiram Smith’* Flour. 60 boxes
r "‘’sasgiBa * co.
* exposed, by
R eceived by s. s. siblky, August 10, mi:
Milo* Tremcnhcro. or the Iaivo Tc*t. by Annette Marie
MuiBnrd. author of Zlngra the Gypscy.
Philosophy or Sir William Hamilton. Professor of Ixwlc
and Metaphysics In Edinburgh University, for the u*o of
school* ami colleges.
Abelard nnd Klutae, a romance.hyO. W. Wright
l’yscomancy. Spirit Rapping* nnd Tippings 0x1
Pnffeasor Charles G, Page. M. 1).
Barnum’ri Illustrated Nows; Gleason’sPictoral; Popular
Educator; Majariin of Arts, ke. For sale nt the book
«tor«ot 8 S. SIBLKY,
auffH 136 CoDgress street.
brilliancy of eurfacnan 1 polish to all other, and never
nUliin „r run). , wlllistn till salt tlln-i »e«i.and U packed with
great care, anitahtn for shipping. Dealers nnd nth’ni will
consult their interest hy sending their order* to the sole
nug20—dfim New Drug Warehouse.
_ N. W. corner 10th and Mnrknt-sts.. Philadelphia.
r PI!E Subscriber* nre now prepared to receive order* for
X Flooring ami other descriptions of Plained Lumber, nt
the Savannah Plaining Machine, situated on thn canal, at
the western extremity of the city of Savannah, between
Zuhly and Margaret street*. Order* for all description* of
Plained Lumber furnished at the shortest possible notice,
nnd manufactured In a superior stylo, which cannot full to
please tint consumer. Work done by their machine will
compare with that of any now in uso Tho subscriber*
have succeeded iu arranging for a constant supply of se
lected seasoned Lumber, by which 110 disappointment to
builders need bo apprehended. Every facility will be ex.
tended in obtaining material for nil parts of n building.
Thu Saw Mill, now being completed iu tho same building,
will be In operation In the course of one month, when or
dera for every description of Sawed Lumber w ill be execu
ted with despatch. Apply to R. A. ALLEN k CO., or
jv2fl—eod2m WILLIAM KINK. Agent.
Corn Shelters, improved
Hay and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn and Cob Crushers,
Gedda’ Improved Harrows,
Square ana A Harrows,
Horae Rake*.
Grindstones, ready hung, •
Dirt Scraper*.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yoke* and Bows.
Forks for unloading Hay,
Man nay Rakes,
Bow Pina,
Apple Pearers,
Ox Muzzles,
Mole Tran*,
Pruning Hooka and Chisels,
Raws and Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
tubring for Chain Pumps,
Also, Horticultural Tools
and Gras* Seeds, for sale at tl
and Retail.
CornPlsnten, '
Turnip Drill*, 4 to 86,
Grant’* Patent Fan MUU,
Garden Entities. .' .
Wheat Drill*, .
Horse Powers and Threshsra.
Mowing and' Reaping Ma]
Chain Pumps,
Bull Ring*,
Patent Iron Snaths,
Grabbing Hoe*.
Transplanting Trowels,
•’ey and Manure Forks,
-_iovc1a end Bfiadw. *
Garden and Ffeld Hoes,
Garden Rakes In variity,
Children’s Tools,
Snaths, with Patent Fasten*
Potato Hooks.
(of every description.) Garden
the lowest prices, at Wholesale
No. 4 North fifth, drt> f. two doors above Market,
T HE undersigned have Just opened a fresh and eomnleto
stock Qf Wall Paper*, among which are gold and val-
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced ungtated papera; alao,
decoration*, border*, fire-screens, curtains, etc., which they
offer at the lowest price*, both wholesale and retail.
The beat workmen employed to bang paper either In the
city or country.
blank Books, Stationery, rfc.—We have alio our usual as-
sortment of writing papers wrapping papera, blank and
school books, stationery, eto.
No. 4 North Flth street, 2 doors above Market,
AJ- Cash paid for country rags.mhlO—eod
I N AI.L ITS BRANCHB3.—Business card*, with appropri-
nte device*, embossed In a new style, In plain and fancy
colors. Beals of every description, with or without proues.
Envelope* printed with name, business and addreu, label*,
bill heads, manufacturer’s ticket*, &c., all executed In the
neatest manner and at prices 26 per cent, below any stmi-
lor establishment. In consequence of better and improved
facllltlesfor the execution of such work.
N. B.—All order* by mall promptly attended to. Gooda
sont to any part of tho country.
„ T. B. CALVERT k CO.,
hnrelopeand Seal Pres* Manufacturers. Die Sinkers. Ember*
•era and Eengravere, 48 Bouth 3d-*t., Philadelphia.
A RCHER k WARNER, Manufacturer*, No 119 Cheat tot-
street, Philadelphia.respectfully solicit U10 attenti «n of
purchasers, to their assortment of chandelier*, bra Acts,
pendants,and every description of gas burners; also every
vaepy of tamps, girandoles. Ac. We warrant our good
eqifluin nualtty. and our price* aa low nn any other eniab
Bshmcnt In the country.
The Trndo supplied with burners, mercury, caps,brass
tings, air pumps. Ac., nt reduced prices.
Mils S. Archer, I William F. Mlskey.
Redwood F. Warner, | Win. 1). B. Merrill.
117 CheAnut dramm.ui fburih. north tide, Philadelphia.
W E inform mel^fnts nnd residents of this vicinity, that
the most complete assortment of ManteL Her, Wall
and OvnlGIasse*, richest styles, for private use. or all kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, Ao.,wlll
be found at our establishment.
Inng experience and largo facilities ennblo ns to sell tho
best goods nt lowest prices.
Dimensions being given, wo will glvo estimate* for any
Ized Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at any point.
Order* solicited.
French Plato Glass, for Stores, Dwelling*, Ac..'at Import*,
tlon price*. THOMAS J. NATO A CO.
rpjfE subscriber lias just received per late arrivals, a
TV *"*t stork nf the richest and newest it>U
nf Velvet.Tapestry, Brussels, tliree-ply Ingrain ana reni
tin 11 Carpeting*, all of which arc offered ou tho mostdosir.
able terms.
With a full auortmont of Oil Cloths, Table Covers, Mai
ting. Ac.
Purchasers nre requested to make an early examinstlor
as strong Inducements will bo held out to each buyers.
R. n. WALKER, 190 Chestnut-street,
mhl7—lawtf below 8th. South side, Philadelphia. "*
W E have this d»y opened a new and splendid assort- antces full satisfaction. A liberal discount made to dealer*
mentorenrpeto consisting of— “ We study loplease."
irpeta. consisting
Hemp, Dutch, Venetian, Stnlr, Three Ply,
Ingrain, and Brussels Carpets.
Also, a very handsome assortment of Velvet and Chenel
Rug*. Hemp, and Cocoa Mats, Drugget nnd Floor Oil Cloths,
all of which will be sold at the lowest prices, hy
S TERLING SILVER WAUK.—Tea Bets, ritchers, Cake
Baskets. Goblets. Clips. Tumblers, Fork*, Spoons. Des
sert Knives. Pie Knives.Crumb Scrapers, Fish Knives. Jelly
Knives. Cheese Sroups. Soup ladles, and every other arti
cle in tho silver way. from the best manufactories in the
country, and warranted, at 116 Broughton street.
N EW BOOKS—Received by S. 8. Sibley.October 4,1853.
—Tbe Mud Cabin, of the charade; and tendencies of
British institutions, by Warren Isham.
The Forged Will or Crime and Retribution, by Emerson
Benitto; Edith's Legacy, hy the author of Adelaido Linds?.
Tho White Cruiser, or the Fate of the Unheard Of, by Ned
Buntline ; Putnam's Magazine, for October.
Tlie Knickerbocker ; the 1-ondun Journal
Industry of all Nations.
JaneSoton, or the King’* Advocate, a Scottish historical
roniunce. by James Grant.
The Rudiments of the Art of Building, represented In five
sections, edited by John Bullock.
Violet, the Danseuse, or Courtship and Wedlock, by the
author ot the Gltt. Ac,
The Rebel Scout, a romance cf the American Revolution,
by Anna Ashland. For sale at 135 Congress-st. oct6
. J spun*, red nnd white Flannels, Blankets, Calicos, brown
aud bleached Shirtings and Sheeting*, lluckabuck*. Crash,
Towels, linen damni-k Napkins. Irtah.Llnen*, Blnl’s-eyo Di
aper, etc., for lain by o29 IHWITf A MORGAN.
M OURNING OOODS—Black Bombazines, black Norwich
and Canton Goths, English and French Merinos, raw
Sllka, black Crapes, black Crape and Love Veils, Collars and
Chomizetts, black Silk and Satin do Giene. Ac., for aale by
oct2o Dewitt a Morgan.
C LOAK8. Mantillas and Talmas, wide Velvet*, ladles’
Goak Goth, colored Silk to make Go-ks, with trim*
mlngs to match, for sale by
oct29 Dxwrrr a Morgan.
J UST RECEIVED per steamer Augusta, a fresh supply of
Pickled Pork, choice pieces; 8tnofced Beef: Beef tongues;
Pig Hams ; Pickles, in barrels; Pickled Salmon; Codfish
and Mackerel]; also. Potatoes, Apples, new Lemons. Raisins
and Citron, for sale by oct'29 W. O. DICKSON.
■jjM.SE SHIRJS.—Received by lata arrivals a large aasort-
J JAMS.—Just received., a lot at fine small sized sugar
cured Hams, for family use, for sate by
J UST received beautifully embroidered linen cambric
Handkerchiefs, also, French worked Collars, eery rich
patterns. For tale by zepl8 AIKEN A BURNS.
S ILK Pocket Handkerchiefs, of various qua'itiea sod
prices, also linen cambrio Handkerchiefs, of whlota We
have received a Urge supply.
L ANDING from brig Macon—10 boxes Lemon Syrup j 6
cases Ullloux Sardine*, for sale by
Itf OURNINO DkLAIXES—A very hsmliomc'lot of Monro-
1YX Ing and second Mourning Delaines, at
oett 9- -72 Bti Julian k 102 Bryan-*i, Waring’gRange.
“ AISIN8—5fi half an d$0 quarter bqxe* frrahRfUlnj.ior
A l-K AND PORTER—76 bids Philadelphia Cream Ale, 60
Jx do Porter.40 cask* 1-ondon Porter, for salo bv
oct23 McMahon a Ik>ylk_
J U>T RECEIVED—A fine and large assortment ofgentle-
uien's silk and cotton Vesta; plain, ribbed, colored nnd
black Half Dos- ; bleached, brown, colored nud ntriped
Half Hose; colored and black silk Cravats, Stocks and
Ties; white and colored silk and linen cambric Handker
chiefs ; white, colored nnd black kid Glores; a large assort
raent of buck and dog-skin Glove*, for aale by
Shovels.Tongs and Pokers, kitchen Fire Dogs. Shovels
and Tongs. Coal Hods, Flro Carrier*. Trevlts, Ac.,for aale by
octl2 J. P. COUJNS. 100 Bryan street.
U MBRELLAS—Gentlemen's silk snd cotton Umbrellas
I-ad lea’ silk Umbrellas and Parasols, a large assort
ment just received and for aale by
D OMESTIC GOODS.—K. y, and 4-4 brown shirtings, OJ*
10-4 and 11 4 bleached do ; % and 4-4 do shirtings ;
Red and Wliito Flannel* ; Kerrey* and Plain* ; Twilled and
Isindon Duffll Blankets; Whitney Blnnkets 10-4 11-4 nnd
12-4. A large atock of the above on hand and for sale by
P IANO AND TABLE COVERS.—A very handsome lot of
Cloth Plano and Table Covers, at ’
oct20 72 St. Julian k 106 Bryan-st.. Waring'* Range.
S UNDRIES.—30 bbl* Baltimore and C-anal Flour, 76 boxos
Bendol'a Soap, Candle* aud Starch. 20 do pure sperm
and Adamantine Caudle*, 10 casks Ilyas*’ London Porter, in
quart* and pint*. 26 dozen mixed Pickles. In quart* and
half gallons, 5 bbls Cucumber Pickles. 30 bbls Potatoes and
Apples. For salo at tho corner of Broughton nnd Drayton
..—... «.- DAVID O’CONNER.
Take Notice-
B J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few doors
• above Market-street, Philadelphia, Is the most exten
sive nnd best manufacturer of Window Blinds and Shadra
in the United States, and baa taken the highest premiums
nt all the exhibitions; ho buy* the best materials by whole-
sab- cheaper for Cash than others pay for Inferior articles by
retail, and can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds snd
Shades, as cheap as others ask for inferior articles. Painted
Window SItados In great variety, of beautiful design* and
superior quality. Buff nnd White linen Shades, Blind snd
Shnde Trimmings. Fixtures. Ac., wholesale and retail, at
the lowest cash price*. Store Shades painted and lettered
to order. Reed Winds at manufacturer*' prices. Old Blind*
pninted to look a* good as new. Purchaser*, by calling,
will lie convlneed that ho sells a superior article, and guar-
No. 12 North Bth-street, Phils.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for reatorl ng grey hnlr to
its original color. It la guaranteed by tne Proprietor,
11 ■ I I r .1... n-ll-nl tu t—flll lia -an I.--A li I — I. ■ I. .1 A A _
Its original color by until
LINCOLN, Monument Square.
Hour, 60 hhds prime new Bacon Side*. 20 do do Should
era. 30 bbls and 60 keg* I.cnfI/ir<lJnmUn^*nd for solo by
T O THE LADIES.—We would respectfully call the atten
tion of the ladles of Savannah, and nourrounding coun
try, to the following new nnd beautifulgood* which we hare
Just received, vlx : silk Paris mantillas, laced gimp mantll.
las. black nett scarfs col'd. ncct scarfs, ladle* cravats aud
ties. French workcd collar*, laced capes, chemizctt* and un
der sleever. bonnet ribbon.gauze cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon. Alexandres light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
silk and lisle glove*, with a Urge variety of other articles
too numerous to mention. Please eall and see for ronr-
selves : all of which will be sold on tbe best possible terms
L ~ADIES’~KID GLOVES.—Wo have just received a beauti
ful assortment of ladies’ white and black, dark and
fancy colored Alexander’s Kid Gloves, to which we would
respectfully call tbe attention of tbe ladlea.
I 1NGLI8H PLAINS—A heavy article suitable- for Rice
J Planter*, for sale at 72 St. Julien and 106Jbjyan sta^by
streets, by
F OR SALE—A negro woman, agod 20 years, very likely,
and an excellent cook, washer and ironer. Also a very
likely girl, aged 13 years. Apply to
RANDY. GIN, Ac.—100 bbU E P Gin, 26 do Brandy. 15
do Gierry Brandy, 100 boxos Cheese, 2000 lbs Twine, 26
tierees Hams, landing and for aale by
PLASTER —100 Gaslu
For sale to arrive by
B ACON AND LARD.—96 hhds prima Bacon Sides and
Shoulders, 15 tieces auger cured Haros, 26 bbU and 76
kegs prime Leaf Lard, lauding and for sale by
abuck. Scotch and blrdi’-eve Diapers ; brown snd biesche-
Damask Table Cloths; Damask Napkins end Doyles. Red
celved end for sele by
Ty iMFSTIO liquoRS-100 hbta Phelps’ Gin, 76 do Rum,
JJ 100 do Whisky, 75 do Brandy, for 4le by ’
i i ASTERN HAY.—18 bales prims Eastern Hay, now Und-
A Ing from brig Northmen, from Boston, for sale by
nov8 1 OGDEN fc BUNKER,
TjiMBROIlfERHS.—Collars, chemizetu, underaleeves. In-
J.J fant’a robes, input's waist*, breakfast ceps, cambrio
end muslin band*, all la fine variety, et 72 8t- Julian end
106 Bryan utreeta, ^aringU Banj^br ■ .
oeU6 ^ . /KffiOPTUN.A-yyRgflLI-E.
P OTATOES—130 bbl* and 60 begs Potatoes, lendii^ from
brig Torcello, end for sele by
QUAWLS; needle-worked Collars, 8leevj>s. Chemesetts,
O infants’ Waists and Caps; Cashmere Scarfs; Ribbons :
ladles’, gentlemen’s and children’* Hosiery ; needleworked
Trimmings. Cambrio and Kwlss Bands; embroidered-end
linen cambric llundkerchiefs. just received end for sale at
tlie lowest prices, by *e27 DsWITT A MORGAN.,
VjilANDiES—Landing from F Sattarly—10 casks sopsrior
JJ Cognac Brandy in store, 10 half-pipes O D A Go's do, 10
quarter casks wry old .Tcsn Louis’ da, 16 halves and quer*
ter* do, various brands, for sale by
scpffl J. V. CONNERAT A CO.
M OLASSES.—200 bb’a prime N. O, Molasses.- for sale to
ariivo. Apply to
M PRKNDEROAST A CO., 178 Broughton street, oppo-
• site St. Andrew’s Hall, (west side.) to connection
with arrangement* made ou opening their new warehouse,
nemoly, to avoid as for a* possible carrying over stow from
one season to another, have fixed the prices of the remain
ing portion of their foll-and winter stock at ewery low
figure. In this connectlon they particularly direct atten
tion to their 8llks, French Merinos, Ds Leines, and Gash*
meres, ’ : dec3,
N OTICE—The co.partnershto of Itaru A Taox wasdls-
solved on the 16th Inst., by the death of Etu* Bno,
the senior partner. ..A-lv-w IT..
The subscriber is authorlxod to settle (he.affolrgpf the
Ute firm, aud will continue tbe Factorage and OommUslon
Business on hi* individual aeoount. _ • •.
W. H. TI80N
Favannah, November 18,1868. . : novl8—lm -
S UNDRIES—10 boxes Stuart’a Loaf 8ugar, 60 bbla do A
and B clarified do. 60 do do crashed and pondered do.
60 bbU butter, sugar and soda Crackers, 66 Abu and 28 hair
bbls H Smith’s and pure Genesee Flour,80 half, quarter and
•Ightb bbU Buckwheat. 100 boxea new scaled Herring, 90
bbls superior Cider Vinegar. IQ quarter .casks whit* wtor
do. 76 bhds prime and bright Baeoa ~
200 bags drop and buck Shot, asaortoc
and Rose Gin, 40 do NI Bum,. 80 do —
boxes Beadel’a 6# and 8s (fondles, 80 dp
r *’s Pearl Starch, 10 quarter casks fottrth prt
boxes assorted Gandy,- 20 quartar cask* Mac
300 boxes No 1, Pale and Family Soap, various .
bbls ns w whlta Beehi, 50 do superior eating Potal
tog and for sale by
QUNDRIES.—66 bbls Genoaeo Flour. 60 do Butter, Bngar
O afed Soda Crackers, 20 do Gder Vinegar, 66 do Btusrt’a
Clarified Sugar, 76 do do Crashed and powdered do, 900
bftAs No?i Pale and Family Soap, 100 AegeRlo Cotfo4,160
bblaR^^and Roeo^^toP^foft^^oUeut Bt-