The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, December 09, 1853, Image 2
aft ■mm » Y MORMHO. DBOBMBBR 6, >«»•_ *53wE5£-5S£ u..« '• 7 f*» ? . . tbit Um Utter,boUterow wd •tanny—*»emtag u o’clock oa WMddaduy night, the »Wm becaoeeoffle* ' ,krt .IntaW, «* W‘«» IHHPgggs .~ r » P ..irf«lilicoiiloM»haw«n of nlnMd Mood* of dlsUoi thunder. Tbooblpplnf rton* to 1 OMrtnort.UT.Mttb. Tno PniMint'i UMWCt. . , : ■s’sat’aSMS« ■fcs'.^aittrja tLaasyfflyg^ Be mInformed bytheoperatorb#»Wi*Vb%"ct'j" i— ii,. Uonuf, ini tbit ton* hundred words of It hud ■Steed? been wn\ten out, when the editor aforesaid replied firths would not Uk* lluod tbetbeepoke not ooty for Massif, but tor the Associated I’m* .--Savannah RepuUi- **10 wply to the ebote we hew only to *ay, the ©dltor of the Republican has either been misinformed or hee wilfully mUrepreeentod us, •' One of the edi tors of the 8mnn*h Georgian " did not Inform tho operator »t the telegraph ofBce that, In declining to Uke a synopsis of the Message, « he spoke not only for himself, but for tho Associated Press." For him self" one of the editors of the Barannah Georgian ■poke as be had a right to speak, without presuming to go farther. HS "™—* , Wbgla^ojii, these gift* divine. 0pHng blows, Summer glows, ,7; . Antataa nape, Vtoter beeps, Spring preparas, SummerpmM*, Autumn hoards and Water hMss. Com*, then, friends, thstr praises sound j Summer. Autumn, Winter, Spring, «BfeWF*Mb w ' \ . It Hew Publications* Th* Edinbubo Rbvikw.—The October number of the Edinburg Review, baa been placed on our table by Col. Williams, at whoso Book Store It can bo bad insipglo numbers or by yearly subscription. The following Is tho table of contents, viz : Church parties s The Arctic Regions ; Mahometanism In WeiUra Asia; Out National Defences ; 0rota's History of Greece. Vols. UL X- XI.; Military Bridges; The Newspa; per Stamp ; UtoofHaydon 5 Parliamentary Purification , Note to No. C3CC1X. p. 83. gMum • Their Principles and Practical Application.— EdJtodby OUrer Byrne. DeWltt * Davenport. New York. We have received a copy of this work from tho Publishers, through Messrs. J. M. Cooper & Co., Booksellers of this city, with whom it can be found for aale. It has been truly said that on the concise develop- meat of the basis of every art, the beauty and firm- nem of its structure depend* •, and,in order to estab lish a solid foundation for emlnenco in mechanical art,it la necessary to have the rudiments laid fairly and clearly before tho stndont, in a language not clothed in technical terras, but in a form that any one possessed of an ordinary English education can understand. This last object it has evidently been the aim of the author to accomplish In tho work be fore ns, and one in our judgment, alter a careful, and to ns most interesting,examination, in which he has succeeded moat completely; and the publishers in bringing it before the public have done a sc 1 vice to mechanic art which cannot fail of being extensively appreciated. Mr. Byrne la well known in Europe by his various works on Mathematics and Engineering, and in this country by bis widely popalar “ Diction ary of Machines, Mechanics, and Engine-work,"and 7 !«Pocket Companion for Machinists, Mechanics, and Engineers." As a work giving a comprehensive ele mentary knowledge of mechanics and their practical application,it should bo possessed by every artisan, and have a place in every library. Tho book is well printed, on good paper, bound in cloth, and lull of appropriate illustrations. Price 7fi cents. Mb. Cherry’s Lecture.- -Tho third of the series was delivered before a most intelligent and interested audience last evening. But one remains, and that will be given to-night Subject: " Domestic Habits, Manners and Customs, Baildings, Caste, Animals, Wild Tribes, and an answer to the question, is India a desirable country for the residence of Europeans ?” Wo trust a lull house will greet Mr. Cherry on tho occasion. His lectures have by no means received that attention on the part of tho intellectual portion of our citizens which their merits demand; they are indeed of a character to interest and enlighten tho masses, as well as the more studious. Cannot some means be devised whereby they may be publicly re peated? We treat aorae of our influential and wealthy citizens will take measures to answer this question, which .we ask upon our own account, without even knowing whether the lecturer could be induced to remain among ns to repeat them. Matter of 'BUCb general interest should be permitted to en ter into the popalar channels of public thought, and we hope, if an arrangement can be made, tho lectures wUl bo repeated, with the doors freely open to the public. Doubtless Sape.—The name of Lieutenant Beck with, of this city, who was first Lieutenant of tho exploring expedition under Capt. Gunnison, a largo portion of whom were recently massacred by the In diana, docs not appear among the killed, as will be seen by reference to an article in this day’s paper, containing the names of the nino persons who were slain. This intelligence will prove most acceptable to the family and many friends of Lieut. Beckwith, in this city. The Macon Citizen, of tho 6th says: " The Me chanic’s Society of Macon has It In contemplation to establish a High School of tho first order for males, in connexion with their Library enterprise, so soon as the necessary arrangements can he made." Georgia Railroad Stock.—Thirty-fonr shares of this Stock were sold at auction in Augusta on tho Oth, at $104 per share. We learn from the Baltimore Sun that tho Brig Gen. Franklin Pierco, which has been chartcrd by the American Colonization Society, cleared at that port on the 4th Inst., for Liberia, stopping at Savannah. Correspondence of tbe Savannah Daily Georgian. Legislature of Georgia. • Millxdokvills, Dee. 7,1853. The bill introduced by Mr. Miller, relative to the proper ty of married women, did not come up to-day as wan ex* pected, It having been made tbe order of tbe day, but In postponed until Friday, and will be tho special order of that day. The Slate House was thronged by persons who were desirous of bearing the speeches to be mado upon the bUI. A bill was passed relative to the court of Oyer and Ter* miner in Savannah. This bill provides for calling that Court the City Court of Savannah," and other purposes. It gives to the city corporation the power of electing the Judges of this Court. A bill to form a now county from the county of DeKalb, which shaU have Atlanta for its county scat, was read the third time. Tbe county Is to be called Fulton. Tbe bill was accompanied by petitions for and against Its passage. The bill was advocated by Messrs. Collier. Cochran, Mose. ley, Bailey, and Stephens. Mr. I’opo opposed it,and moved to lay It on the table for the balance of tho session. Mr. Cone seconded this motion. Mr. I’opo afterwards withdrew his motion, and the bill being put before the Senate, was paased. Yeas 44, nays 29. Mr. Robinson, of Maeon. reported a bill to let tbe people of that county decide the question of removal of tbe Court House In that county, and designate tbe place to which it shall be removed. Horn ovRsTtncrunw.—A bill was passed to incorpo rate the town of Colton. Mr. Sbewmake, of Burke Introduced a bill to make the Same person eligible to the office of Sheriff, for e second term within four years. Also, to appropriate money to re move obstruction* from Briar creek. Mr. We«t, of Early—A bill to incorporate a Bank In Fort Gelnee, to be called tbe * 8onth-western Bank of Georgia.'* Mr. Powell, of Decatar^-A bill relative to the collection of debts. Mr. Green, of Bibb—A bill to Incorporate the 44 Macon Mannfkcturlng Company." Mr. Hardeman, of Bibb—A bill to amend an Mt Incorpo rating the Magnetic Telegraph in Macon. Mr. Cleveland, of Habersham—A bill to require all grants for fractions of land to be taken out by the first of Jnly, 1854. • -Reported a bill to give the Inferior Court sole power to grant licenses to retail liquor. Mr. MoOougald—A bill to require Judges or the Superior Conti to have all perol* testimony reduced to writing. A resolution wee Introduced, (but not acted upon,) that the Legislature shall take a reeese after the 17th Inst, until the Sd Monday In Jenaary. Mr. Walton, of Richmond, reported a bUI to authorise the distribution of estate* In certain case*. Mr. Griffin, of Twigg*— bill to provide tor the election of eub-clerke In the Senate *nd House. Mr. Sweat, of Ware—A bill to appropriate moner to im prove the navigation of the AUtamaha and Big SeltiU* rfvwe. Mr. MeCardy,of Whitfield—A bill to create one Judge of tbe Inferior Court Instead of five. Mr. Irwin, of Wilkee—A bill to amend the rent lews In this State, Legislature adjourned to 8 o’clock, P. M. Yoars, respectfully, McC. We regret to learn that a eon of Mr. J. B. Nixon, of toil el ty, was accidentally shot oat goanlng yester- »09a In oar harbor. tba ooaUnU of hli fowl- irZ&fciP* rtsviUHiiuii us ms eusuni Tbt free navigation or tbe river Amaaon from lta month, la gottlag to be a question of tome tnteceit In toe United Btatea. Lieut. Maury, about twelve month* ago, called the jpublio attention to this Im portant subject. The Government had previously eent two parties, under the orders of able officers, to explore toe valley of that great river in dlflbrent di rection*. One or these officers hoi returned, and hla report—which la highly praised by those who have baa an opportunity or perusing It—will in all proba bility be laid before Congress at the approaching session. We have seen extract* from It, which cer tainly exhibit a masterly style of writing, and an •tuple store of scientific knowledge. There is an artiole over the signature of " A." in a late number of the Washington Union, which treats tbe subject with great ability, and puts it in a very interesting point of view. From this article we gath er that General Vlllamll,—a native of Louisiana, and now tbe Minister of tbe Republic of Ecuador, at Washington,—wrote a note dated Novomber 18, on tbe matter of toe occlusion of the mouths of the Ama zon by the authorities of Brasil, in whoso territory tbe river disembogues into ibe ooean. The whole vast region beyond tbe Brazilian Jurisdiction, is thus shut out from all communication with the sea, ex cepting only wbat tbe narrow polioy or that Empire may chose to allow. That region embraces about 800,000 square miles of territory fertile in tropical prodncts.someor which are of the rarest and most precious description, and not to be found elsowhero on the face of tbe globe. A ainglo glance will show how valuable a free commerce with thoso countries would bo to tbo United Elates. The population in those upper regions, estimated at seven millions of souls, ore aware of the immense advantages they would derive from uhrestricted trade in theriver, and they seem resolved that the restric tions imposed by Brazli shall be rcmoved4)cn.Vlllam- il, in the note alluded to jost now, and quoted by the writer in the Union, declares that, without wishing to show contempt for Brazil, she has no right to pre vent a vessel of any nation from penetrating into Ecuador by the mouth of tbe Amazon. He says fur ther : " If I had the means of arming a steamer here, I wonld go under the flag of Ecuador, at all hazards and rinks, to drop my anchor in tho waters of tho Napo, let the consequences bo what they would." Wo presume tho Napo is a river flowing within tho territory of Ecuador. Mast undoubtedly the General would have the right of doing what he says he would do, and he would navo the voice of the civilized world to sustain him in the undertaking. It is plain, under theso circumstances, that Brazil will not much longer be permitted to exclude so vast an extent of country from the benefits of foreign trade. Tbe English are fond of declaiming on the injustice to mankind, and tho pernicious consequences to the progress of civilization, of suffering too Chinese to shut their gates against Intercourse with foreigners. Tho Chinese, up to this time, have acquiesced in this blind and barbarous policy of their government: and perhaps foreigners have no right tolorce a trade upon them ogalnst their will. This is not tho case with tho nations in the interior of South America and on the borders of the Pacific ocean, who endure un speakablo privation and misery through the domina tion of Brazil over the mouths of their mighty river. Tho republics of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, with a population of some millions, on the eastern side of the Andes, have invited tbo United Stutes to open a commerce with them. No man will deny that they have a right to come down the river to tho seu, as General Villamil has a right of ascending the river to his own country. Tho conduct of tho Spaniards towards the U nited States, when New Orleans was in possession of the former, offers a parallel to that of the Brazilian Gov ernment towards tho people residing high up on the banks of tho Amazon. The Spanish authorities in Now Orleans refused tho privilege of depositing tho product* of tho Western country, previously to their shipment in vessels outward bound. Steam vessels were unknown at that early day—fifty-two years ago —before the annexation of Louisiana to the Unite0 States. Hut tho temper manifested by our Western poopie at tho exclusion of their produce from the right of depot in Now Orleans, showed very mani festly that Spain could not have carried that churlish measure into effect for more than a single season. A second Reason would hnvo brought down the riflemeu of tho West in numbers sufficient to have swept all vestiges of Spanish authority from the hanks of the Mississippi. Fortunately, Jefferson was at the head of tho Government, atu! our national affuirs were managed so much in his own fashion, that before the apprehended collision could toko pluco, the city of New Orleans, and the whole course of tho Missisippi, and both its banks were free to the Western people. Here we may bo permitted to observe, that it is not in the nature of things or in tho nature of man, that Louisiana can ever bo separated from tho rich and populous regions on tho Upper Missippi, the Missou ri, and the Ohio. Similar circumstances, operating upon similar senti ments ic tho people inhabiting the Immense regions watered by the Upper Amazon, will sooner or later break through tbe barriers interposed by Brazil to the navigation of that river. Wo are aware that our own government is now endeavoring to procure tho re moval of those barriers by friendly negotiation with that of Brazli. Peru has already offered the United States the free navigation of the Amazon abovo the Brazilian limits. The navigation thus offered extends over four thousand miles, for geographers report the course of the Amazon to be one thousand miles long er than that of the Mississippi. Shall a half civilized and unprogressive power liko Brazil bo suffered to shut the door on a commerce like this.—N. O. Cour. Dank of Aagastn. The following named gentlemen were elected Di rectors of the Bank of Augusta, for the ensuing year, on tho part of the individual Stockholders, on Mon day last, viz: to THE VOTKIta Of CHATHAM COUNTY Oram s-I iu . aurtilUt. for niboilnt to Ui. oBo« of a«k of tb, Sup,Hoc Ond laPtrlof OouH^ot tbo oliotloo on tbo dm Mood.jr la Joauorx next, tod mpoetfoll, roIIoH TOUT an,port, dl-td JOB* F, OtJILMARTtH, Why suppose Rheumatism loourabU, whin there nl* a lafklllbls and aeeredlUd remedy within tht reach of alt? FTOm the universal sueoess that ha* blterto attended tho administration of Mounxom'a Rubukatio Oowrousn and Blood Pnamn, It aland* unrivaUod a* tho solo reliable ramody for thlo dire eomptalnt. Now ovldeneo* of It* ml* raeulooa powers are daily recolvodfronovory aootlon of tho United BUtre, TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM OOUNTY.-Fmxow Cmroi 1 lama candidate (or tho office of Bheriff of your county, at tho election In January next, and reapectfully solicit your support. octfi ALEXANDER TUOMAfl. Mnuts. Editors—Plena announco Mr. JOHN A. STA LKY, a candidate for tho office ofSoerlff of Chatham coun ty, at tho ensuing election in January next. Jyl4 MANY VOTERS TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY s—Fxuow-Cm rexs lam a candidate for tbe office of County Treasurer, at the olectlon In January next, and respeotfully solicit your support. If elected the proceeds of the office shall be given to a fellow bank officer who ha* been so unfortunate •s to loose his sight. norl8 L. J. B. FAIRCHILD. ELECTION NOTICE—Mean. Editors 1 Please announco CUptaln ROBERT W. FOOLER a* a candidate on the 1’eo- pie's Ticket for the Mayoralty of the city during the ensu ing year, and oblige octM AN INDEPENDENT VOTER. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY -Fru/)W- CmzKxaI am a candidate for tho office of Sheriff of your couuty at the election on the first Monday in January, 1854, and respeotfully solicit your support. oct29 MICHAEL FINNEY. NOTICE.—Consignees per schr. DAVID SMITH, from New York, will please attend to the recep tion or their goods, landing this day at upper wharf. All goods remaining on Uiu wharf at sunset will he stored at the risk and expense of the owners. deed OGDEN k BUNKER. , THE UNDERSIGNED lias established, himself In Increase at Florida Weekly OommnsiM Review. • SatajoUII, U*0. 8, 1853. POTION.—Arrived alnce tb* let Instant, W,18P balsa Up lands and 880 Sea Islands, of which 10.789 bale* were by Railroad, 8400 balsa by Augusta boats, and 880 Baa Isl ands by Bouthsrn boats, wagons, Ac. Exported during tho same time 4,008 bales Uplands and 378 Bealslanda, visto Barcelona, 8paln, 609 bates Uplands \ to New York 3,834 bates Uplands and SSSSea Islands t to Boston 914 bales Up lands | and to Charleston 146 bales Uplands and 47 Be* Islands. Leaving on hand, Including all on shipboard not cleared, a stock of 83,899 bales Upland* and 683 hales Sea Islands, against 86,766 bales Uplands and 1,009 bales Sea Islands at the same time last year. At the close of our review of tbe 3d lust., the market waa dull and drooping, at prices In favor of buyers. The past week exhibited but little, If any change, and the ope rations bare been the most limited of tbo season. The dally sales foot up as follows: Friday, 389 bales; Saturday, 140; Monday, 476; Tuesday, 458; Wednesday, 489, and Yes terday 400 bales, making a total of 3^111 baler, at the prices annexed: 48 at 7J«% 6 at 7)4.10at 7X 75 at 8, 3 at 8>4,80 at 8)4.51 at 8M, 433 at 0, 151 at 9)4. 407 at 9)4. W *t 0)4, 20 at 9 9-10, 871 at OX- 178 at 10,39 at 10)4, 128 at 10)4. U at 12)4, and 0 bales Mastodon at 124. The Europa’s accounts, received on Tuesday morning, had no effect on our market, and tbe transactions of tbe week hare been «o Irregular that we could not obtain ac curate quotation*. We. however, publish the following, which approximate as closely aa possible to the ruling prices at tho close of business yesterday, with the remark that toe market la la a very unsettled state, with a down ward tendency: QUOTATIONS S Middling 0 © 9)4 Good Middling 0)4® 9)4 Middling Fair... 10 ©10)4 Fair to Fully Fair 10)4©10)4 The recolpti of Cotton at all the ports, to the latest dates, give the following results: Tort,.. fc:::::: 1 ■sam - , ? 9U 93648 irm '••lAml****** 89001,-;,, , 01178 nuartficC Decrease at New Orleans 311.203 Mobile 63.889 Savannah 22,103 • 4 Charleston 27.665 44 Texas 0.882 a North Carnlipa 1.840 44 Virginia...,.' 1.10-2— lm, mrwmn »wsi ,« Comparative Exports or Lumber, FAOX Til* PORT OrliVAJOfAH, 00MJ*XXC1N0 sxmraBut 1. 1858. KXrORTKU TO. Since Dvo 2. Previously. Last Year. fJvorpool,.., I/rndon,, Other British Port*.... ‘766.204 41,011 ““w.iii Total to Great Britain.. 766,204 838,122 Havre Bordeaux,..,, Other French Porte.... “‘YeV.iw ::::::::::: Total to France 169,106 8outh of Europe North of Europe Wert ladles, fitc.,, “’iid.wo 216,803 ’"'iasii'i 860,649 "”818.807 Total Foreign Ports.... 130.000 354,415 1,169.546 Boston Bath, (Maine,).*, Now York...’, Philadelphia Baltimore and Norfolk, Other U. State* Ports.. ”’ioi,64fi ’’“oi.57£ 2,299,103 850.127 1.059.042 840.000 228.000 1.280.886 928,593 182,187 671,872 74.325 14,175 408,000 Total Coastwise, 193.11 6,966,1 SB 2,179.162 Grand Total 323.1U 8,255,073 4,186,820 Bank Sharca and Stacks. Institutions. C off. l*rcs't Price. Vio'ds Bank of tho State of Georgia... Planter*'Rank 44 44 Marine and Fire Insurance,Bank Central B. R. nnd Banking Co.. Bank of .Savannah Gas Light Company South-western Railroad Co Georgia Itaiiroad Company Macon and Western R. It. Co... Western and Atlantic R. It. Co. 100 80 60 100 100 25 100 100 112 90 04(305 115 and int. 1030104.... 28 no 103 100 8 ft i 12 ft 4 12 ft 4 8 ft 4 8 ft 4 8 ft « 8 ft * 7 ft 4 Snvannati Wholesale Prices Current. ART1C1.Ra. PR1CSB. I1CTY. 1 Wiay#, Hselplas i j 675 Dubll ; Hr. Arab, Everest..,Y,tt6 Lire? „ . Orff* * • 2W dlw’g...Brigham,KellykCo Wi w££“£ rt,,, Li ,, S2? .Wfcun.^Kelly k Co L'&kStorer. Bhepparcl.,184 rep’r...Brigham Kelly* Co llffiftgR dlioJg„.Drlghani. Kelly * Co Adeline. M lllken 000 N-York W B QUes k Co Civilian, Niebole 000 Boston Ogden k Bunker Wettfiqpkn, Johnson..,. 267 N-York ,HK Washburn Schooners* Jerohmen Harrison rep’g....Brigham,Kelly k Co N«rrnganaett.Hand Bait Brigham, Kelly A Co W A Un-i-ter, Dodge Boston..Brigham, Kelly k Co Woodbrtdge. White dlsc’g...Brigham. Kelly A Co Prcahonteri, Bulkley Phila. ..Brigham, Kelly A Co EJ Talbot... N-York.Brigham, Kelly A & K«dron, Layton Balt... .Brigham. Kelly k Co Eclipse. Gorileo N York Rowland A Co Plandouie, Rrown Phila Rowland A Co Manbasset, Smith N-York Rowland A Co Woodburv, Manning rep’g Ogden A Bunker Marla I’lke, Ormack N Y. Ogden A Hunker Fanny. Hi-all N. Y Ogden A Bunker U.-mUlu Pete mm Phila r *— * " -• Challenge. Cllrteu Boston Oregou, Lewis Bath, Me.........W Crabtree THAVELKHS’ GUIDE:. ., and Intermediate landings, thl* clt^for the > purpose of transacting a fketo- je and General Commission 11 K 9.036 . 425,9! Portland. Apply to COHEN A FOFDICK. by Messrs. Cady A Co.. In Barnard street, near the inarxc dec2—3 NOTICE—The steamer T. S METCALF requir- SkOffiring some slight repairs, the DAVID L. ADAMS, until further notice, will be taken from the Florida route to supply her placo. Savannah, Nov. 33,1853, n23 ADJOURNMENT.—The Court of Common Pleas tw--«25k and of Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savan nah, has been adjournoil until Monday, the 10th December next. Suitors, Jurors and witnesses, will please take no tice. By order of the presiding Judge. novO—‘Jawtd tVM. II. BULLOCH. Clerk. DOCTOR WILDMAN havlngsettlod permanent- »--22k ly to Savannah, respectfully offers to Its cllUens his services in the practice or Medicine atui Surgery. Kesldcuco ami Office, No. 20 Abercorn, orncr of South Broad-street. Hours of consultation, from 8 till 10, A. M., d from 3 till 5. P. M. nnlO DOCTOR HARRIS has removed to the rcsi- deuce formerly owned bv Capt. John B. Gallic, north east corner of Whitaker and Harris streets. Office in the basement. oct20—3m Si'LUNUH/K.AFFLE^A beautiful Swiss Land- gcapo picture with moving figures, including fine 21 day clock and a music box. A splendid musical box. with mandolin and piano and forte.being one of the finest ever In Savannah. Three fine landscape paintings on copper. • * me. con O. B. MITCH Ell* Successor to F. Zogb.ium A Co. . THECRYSTAL PALACE, nt St. Andrews' Hall, opens this day, 1st December, and wlllcountinue open until 10 o'clock, P. M. Admission free, decl J. M. IIAYWOOD. SCST^,, AT PURSE’S PRINTING OFFICE, No. 6 Whitaker street, Cwrdi nrc Primed nt |2,50 per Thousand. t7 C. RICE, MAM'FACTCnXn AJftl OKA LEU I.v EVKKY TAIIIKTY Of Common nnd Fine Candies. (Kiln dried aud warranted to resist effectually tho hot or damp atmosphere of a southern climate.) Corner of Rrouqldon and Whittaker streets. Sat'annah. Ga. 61T Buildkk'8 Notice.—Mr. T. C. R. Is agent for the Worcester-Terra Cotta Works . oct29 I. tV. MORRELL A CO.’S Piano Forte Depot. SPLENDID PIANOS ITIOJI THE CELEBRATED XAXCPACTORIES OF Nunns ilt Clark, J. Chlckerlng, II. Worcester, ifncon dc Ravens, All of which wto manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot bo surpassed by any In tho country. For sale on the most accommodating terms. novl5 It. F. Poe, John Ilniicfl. James Harper, R. A. Reiil, Wni. Shear, John Davidson, M. Wilkinson, Henry Moore, J. A. Moore, Jaa. W. Davies. STATU DIRECTORS : E. Starnes, Geo. T. Jackson, At a meeting of the Hoard on Tuesday, John Bones was unanimously elected President of the same nice It. P. Poo, who declined a re-election. The Board also adopted,unanimously, the follow ing resolutions: “ Resolved, That in purtingwitlionT late President, Bobert F. Poe, we feel it our duty to express our ap probation of bis long and faithful services in the dis charge of tho duties of that office. "Resolved, further, That wo are pleased still to have his co-operation and advice us one of our Hoard, and that whether he continues to remaiu with us, or retiro from tho Bank, he Hhall bavo our best wishes for his happiness and prosperity."—Augusta Con stitutionalist, 7th. The Massacre of Captain Gunnison nnd Ills 1‘arty—Names of the Victim*. PlTTSnURO, Dec. 3. A despatch, dated Independence, Missouri, Xov. 28th, confirms tho report brought by the Salt Lake Mail, ot tho massacre of Capt. Gunnison’s exploring party. Tho massacre was committed by a band of Utah Indians, led bv tho notorious chief, Walker. Gov. Young, of Utah, writes that an express reach ed him on tho 81st of October from Capt. It. W. Mor ris, giving an account of tho massacre, which was committed on the 26th, on the Sevier River, near Sevier Lake. Those killed were Captain J.W. Gun nison, in command of tho expedition ; It. H. Kern, topographer of tho expedition ; Crutzfllcld, Baianeat, and Win. Potter, guide 5 and privates Canfield Lip- orettand Melton, company A. Mounted Riflemen ; and John Bellam, employee,aud oil their arms, mules &c., taken from them. These are the only additional particulars given in the despatch, but it will bo seen that it includes the names of ail persons massacred -nine in number. China. Washington, Dec. 6. Our Commissioner in China has been instructed to take advantage of the affairs In China, to open and extend our commercial relations. Nothing defi nite is known yet, but tho probabilities are that suc cess will attend the effort. Thu Yankee Blade—Quick Work.—On Thurs day last, Deo. 1st tho newsteamer YankeeBlado had steam let on and her machinery put in motio:i. This was lost five months to a day, from the time of laying her keel. When we add that the Yankee Blade is one of the finest steamers ever built of 2250 tons burthen, the pnblio will understand that her owner, E. Mills, Esq., is a go-ahead man. He notoniy builds ships In less than half the time that it takes the “ old fogies" to do the tame work, bat he runs them fast er than anything afloat. The Blade, will be at her dock in a day or two rea dy to take In freight; and to sail, as advertised, on the 20tb inst. She can comfortably accommodate 1000 passengers, and has already a large number en gaged. We congratulate California travellers in bav- ing two sneb steamers on the line, as the Uncle 8am on the Pacific, and the Yankee Blade on this side— Tho steamer America, left here yesterday, to take her placo in this Independent Lino on tbe Pacific side. —N. Y. Mirror. v Information waa lodged at the police office, yester day, that tho rooms of several of the boarders at the Mansion House, kept by Mra. Davis, in Broad street, lmd been entered and robbed the night previous. Our vigilant and efficient police were immediately on tbe alert, and succeeded in arresting one 8. A. Gray alias Davis, upon the eve of his departure for Wilmington. Upon tbo person of Gray, alios Davis, waa found a complete assortment of tools used by hotel thieves, false whiskers, &o., also a gold watch, which waa Identified as the property 01 one of the boarders at tbe Mansion House; likewise a quantity of gold and bills answering the description of tbe money mining from the Mansion House. Tbe ac cused was fully committed by Charles H. Anson Esq., Ministerial Magistrate.—Char. Standard, 7th. A Pat Case for Lawyers.—John Walker, a Cin cinnati brewer, recently deceased, left an estate esti mated at 1360.000, of which $70,000 Is In real estate. By will he devised to his wife, in cash, $10,000, her dowry of ono-thlrd In all real estate, for her natural life, etc. This. It it alleged, would give her in Inter est about $2600 a year. Bbe claims, as thoy wore childless.aha being aaeoond wife, that jffie, as next of kin, is entitled to the whole of tho personal estate, beddea her dower in the reality. Tbo nineteen heirs of Walker claim that if Mar. walker electa to take by tbe will, abe relinquishes the $10,000 legacy, and all .ll. MMAMpt* *Hrt .III AhI*I I.L. Loois Napoleon baa given a sum of looof. towards tbe monument to be. erected in Hamborgh, to tbo meraofy of tbe celebrated composer Weber. Total decrease... Sea Islands—Tho market continues dull, and prices de pressed. The sales for tho week hare been limited to 68 bales. The following are tho particulars of the sales: 68 at 25,6 at 26,13 at 27,0 at 30, and 12 bales at 35-). RICE—Au unusual dulness bu prevailed in tho Rice market throughout the week, Transactions have been lim ited to about 250 casks, at extremes of $3 00^3 75. FLOUR—There is but little doing in this article. We have heard of some light sales of Georgia at $6 75. Balti- more is still quite stagnant. CORN—There is a moderate leraand for Corn at 80tfj85<j ^ bushel. OATS—Are worth from 70(S)TH. But llttlf demand. HAY—Soles of Eastern and Northern Hay have been made from wharf at 81 25 for tie former, and 81 12)4 ter the latter. Tho demand is reported good. SALT—The sales of this article during tho week hnvo been very light, being limited t« small lota from store nt $1 40f®l 45 sack LIME—Is selling from wharf st 81 12)4,and from store at 81 25f®l 37. MOLASSES—We have no aalei of tills article to report.— We quote for Cuba 23)4/a)24<£ gallon from store. FREIGHTS—Fokeiox—‘To Liverpool,dull at *4<l. Domra tio—To New York, »4$ for Cotton and 81 37 for Rice ; Philadelphia,7*16$ lor Colton; Baltimore, )«/S)7-10<f,and Boston, )4$. EXCHANGE.—Foreign—Sterling Is selling at 0 p 4 pretn. Douranc—The Banks sell Might checks on all the Northern cities at )4 ^ « prem.; and purchase Sight Bills at par; 30 day Bills nt )4tfi)l 9 V 6b day Bills at 1)4 to 2 ft 4 dis.; and 90 day Bills at 2)4,®2)4 ft c discount. MOBILE, DEC. 2.—Conox.—Till sales to-day were again very limited, amounting to 400 bales—middling quoted at 8)4©9i. Tho sales of tho weekareestimnted at 8600 kales. AUGUST^ DEC. 6. P. )!.—CotTO* —The market during the week lias been remarkably quie:, under the effect of the Atlantic’s news. The transactions have been so limited nnd the prices so Irregular that we ire unable to give quo tations. Tho Europa’s accounts enno to hand this morn ing, which have produced already s better feeling among dealers, bul we have heard of ro tnnsactions. Comparative Statement of Cotton. BAGGING—Hemp,44 inch, yard Gunny... •'.. Dundeo u .. Kentucky. •*.. BACON—Hams, sifsgr c’d.ft ft. “ Sides •*.. Shoulders “.. BEEF—Mess ft bbl. . Prime •*.. No.l BREAD—Navy cwt. •* Pilot ••.. BUTTER—Goshen ft ft. Inferior “ CANDLES—Spermncottl.... “ Adainantino Georgia made....”. Northern •* “., CHEESE—Northern li .. COFFEE—Mocha ..." . Rio •*., Java 4i .. Lnguayra '• . COAL—Hard •• Liverpool COTTON—Upland.Inferior,ft ft. Ordinary *•., Middling “.. Middling Fair.... “.. Fair Good Fair •*., Choice ,, CORDAGE—Tarred •« ., ** Manilla **., 'Shirtings. Brown ft yd “ Bleached •Sheeting*. Brown...... .. “ Bleached *•.. Calicoes.Blue and Fancy 14 .. Stripes. Indigo Blue.... 41 ., Checks •*. Plaids 44 .. Fustians *•.. Bed Tick... ... ... 44 . FISH—Dry Cod".!.*.*.*!... .cwt. 3 60 fid 4 00 Herrings. Smoked, box. jiacHcrel. No. 1, ft bbl. 15 fid 10 k 20 ft i} 11 >4® 12 14 (id 10 12 ® 10 12 ® 13 1 _ 8 K® 9 (■20 ft 4 8 fid 8X 3 00 ®14 00 1 5 50 fid 50 >■20 ft* (a) 3 4 00 50 fid fid 60 00 20 ft 4 ‘23 fid 12k® 26 20 20ft 4 35 fid 40 26 14 (a) fid 34 15 20 ft 4 15 fid 10 • SC ft 4 12)4® 14 fid 31 fid 12 fre A 13 ® 14 10 fid 10 ii 7 00 fid 00 20ft* 7 0° ltd Departure of Btcnmcrs from this Part. ON SATrRDAT. Augusta. Lynn. New York. —. p. u. Wetnka, King. Palatka. E. F., ai 10. A. M. Oregon, Cromwell, Domory’s Ferry. 4, r.». Southern Steamship Linear For New Vork.—Tbe steamships Florida. Capt.WoodhuIl; and Augusta. Cant. Lyon; leave Savannah every Saturday for Now York. The stenm.hip Alabama. Captain belie nek: leaves Savannah for New York, every alternate Wednesday. iLr Philadelphia.—Tim stcamihlps State of Gcorgin. Cnpt. Collins; and Keystone Statu. Capt. Bardie; leave aavaunah every alternate Wednesday for Philadelnhia. For Havana—Thu steam.) Ip Label. Capt. Rollins, leave* Favannnh on the 15th uiid 30th of each mouth for Havana, touching nt Key West, nnd connecting with tho Pacific Mail Steamship Company 'sateamers for California. Southern Steamboat Llnea. Rir Charleston —The regular United States Mall steamers Gordon. Capt. Brocks; Uul.mun.Capt. Barden; and Metamo- m. Captain l’ostell; leave every morning at 4 o’clock, for Charleston, connecting with the Charleston steamships for New York and Philadelphia, and tho Wilmington boats, and arrive every evening iu ruvuniiah at 5 o'clock, r. u, Fir Hurl'll—[ Picolata. Block Creek.Jacksonville. St. Ma ry*. Ac ]—The sieaini acM-t Wclaka. Captain N. King, leaves every Saturday morning f»r the above places. The steampacket Win. Gaston, Capt. Sliuw, leave* every Tuesday morning, for the above places. The steampacket St. Johns. Capt Freeborn, leave* every Thursday morning, for the above places; aud every fourth trip goes to Nt. Augustine The steamimcket David L. Adams, Capt. Hebbard. leaves every Wednesday morning, for the above places. The steampacket Planter, Capt. Wiggins, leaves every Wednesday morning, for Centrevillnge.Ac. From ,S1. Marys.—Tbe steamer W. B. Meats. Capt. Mar- mis. leaves St. Mvrys. everv Friday morning, for Trader's Hill, Ac., connecting witli the St. Johns, to aud from Savan- null. Central Knllroml. TWO TRAINS DAILV—ARRIVAL AND DLTARTCR*. Morning Tain.—Leaves H.ivannali at 8, a. m.. and arrives in Macon at •* *4. V. X.; connecting with the Macon and West ern night trains to Atlanta. Montgomery nnd Chattanooga, and with tin* Augusta and Waynesboro’ Railroad, (dav train) to Augusta; nnd (going fcast) with Railroad to Mil- ledgevlllo from Gordon. Momiitg Train, from the West, arrives at 2.20. a m. Evening Train —leaves Savannah at 8. v. M..nnd arrives nt Macon at fit,', a. m ; connecting with the South-western Railroad to Oglethorpe and Columbus,nnd by stages thence to TuUahasse, and other point* South-west. Earning Train, from tho West, arrives at fl. P. n^STmr B- jL A New and LansrhnhiA w I OEATJNO jftinhSEKfc }, Cl ™ more novelties and talent^lha«M.r*L by a traveling company, win „idbft Won S3* Admlaslot, 60 BAmlHf k " ™ *x| tho kro, »lth' U,t' bL'oUM'tw' p ! ,llh I x^gssssiri [SsasajsS •ud MorjurolU. M.IUM Sf **t,.SB | MYERS’ eotebrared Urn, S I t«to tho, ’ l ™ Stith- n ■ thoiott, I “igrWpotoroolou. ““lUtu^f' HOMIXSO & El.imin'. will, in a few days, exhibit their~.t.h V , I AtitmiE AND URCUS "JSJ,“»Mool»l| OREAT 111 PI> o n II n il 1 , th 111 'k I r the New York nnd pari* •’tATB, I “ T “5J» »wv| BY MBiiHjj. KS'Sd KING I madame roiiins(in,. PIASTKH J A.TIES ltOUI.VSo^ And an additional hat of popular o 0 ' 15 ’) pnny, nnd will appeal in the variourexerZ, ^ I Jt THE BAND I is directed by tho celebrated JuS. KOSHER „v«* t. I aufficlent guarantee for its merit ’^ *1 A SPhtoNDlD COLLECTION OF Wll n , . ANIMALS, ,Ij0 L to addition to tho above attractions, offer a rich bi n of« I terteinment. nov23 T. U. TIWIAKsil SOUTHERN MUSEUmI OF NATURAL III8TOHY B IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT armory hall, IN THE CITY OP SAVANNAH, <JF.0I!0U, where may Ims found a GREAT COLLECTION OF CURIOSITIEsI FHOM ALL TARTS OP THE WOKLP. | VJr Admittance 25 cents. Open from 9 A. )l to 2 P U l_ from 2 to a nnd rroo, 7 to I) I- ll. Fri l.j ,±’| alvely for the colored populism. nwO-lj | u Upland. Stock on hand.September lat, 1853 6,000 Reccivodsince Dec. 1... 13,189 160 Received previously 64,183 1 0)4 77.372 Exports since Dec. 1 4.D93 2V! Exported previously.... 45,880 1.181 Stock on hand and on ahlp-board. not cleared Dec. 8,1853 Same time last year. Stock on hand,September 1st. 1852.... Received since Dec. 2. .. 11.770 635 Received previously 86,098 2.121 Sea 1st 150 Exports since Dec. 2.. Exported previously.. , 12.486 472 62,328 1.301 82^72 2,044 I 49.073 1.401 32.399 683 ’. 2.S02 121 ) 08.768 2,001 101,570 2,782 [ 64,814 1.773 BANK OF SAVANNAH,) December 7, 1863. J DIVIDEND No. 4.—Tho Directors have this dsvj declared a Dividend of four per cent, from the profit* of the laat six months, which will be paid to tho stockholders, or their order, on demand. W. B. TINSLEY, dec8—1 Cashier. DIVIDEND No. 70. PLANTERS’ BANK, 7 Savannah, 5tli Deeembor, 1853. / Tho Hoard *>l Directors have, this day, declared a Divi dend of five per cent. (6 ft $.) from the profit* of the Bank for the past six months, pnyablo to the stockholders on and after Thursday next, 8lli instant dec7 H. W. MERCER. Cashier. CENTRAL R. R. & BANK’G CO. OF GA.,1 December 6th. 1853. J The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of four per cent, on the General Stock of the Company lor tho past six months, pnyable on tho 15th Inst. Holders of Guaranteed Stock will receive their Dividends at the same time. GEO. A. CUYI.ER, dec7—2w Cashier. LECTURES ON INDIA. Rev. Mr. CHERRY respectfully announces to tho citizens of Savannah, that ho will commence his course of lectures India In the Lecture Room of tho Independent Prcsby terian Church, on Monday night. 1st Lecture—Will present the Influence which India has exerted upon Commerce, Civilization, nnd tho Arts, togeth er with a description of the Ancient Palace of tbo Kings of Southern India. 2d Lecture—A description of the vast Temples nnd Rock Temples oflndia, showing how tho ancients raised the enor mous blocks of Granite, Manufactures of the Country. Ac., kc. A Gold Shawl will be presented for the inspection of the ladles, wovrn without a loom, &t the Immense expense of six years labor. 3d lecture—Agricultural Interests--Cotton,Rice. Opium. Indigo, Cinnamon, .kc., with Incidents of Travel. Poetry of the Ancients, Ac. 4th Lecture—Domes!ic Habits, Manners and Customs, Buildings, Caste. Animals, Wild Tribes, nnd an answer to tho question, Is India a desirable country for tho residence of Europeans. Price of tickets 60 cents—to be had at the book stores.— Hour of Lecture 7)4 o’clock. dec3 SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD COMP’Y,l MACU.V, October 26th, 1853. / Tho subscribers to the stocks of this Company for tho Americus Extension are notified that they are required to pay tho third and last instalment of Fifty Dollars per ahnre on said stock, on or before the first day of January next. Stockholders in Savannah can make payment at tho Cen tral Railroad Bank. Prompt payment will bo expected, as the funds are re quired for the purpose of paying for the iron now dally ex pected to arrive. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLET, oct29—tlJ Treasurer SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE C. R. R. SavavxaH, Sept. 1, 1853. After this day, by resolution of tbe Board of Directors, up and down freight wUl ho payable at the merchants’ counting house, or by deposite made with the Treasurer, feml-weekly, on Mondays and Fridays, from 0 o’clock, A. W, to 2 P.M. Bills to be rendered through the post office on Wednes days and Fridays. Failure to make payment when called for aa above, will ■top parties’ account. sel W M. WADLEY. Gen. SupH CENTRAL RAILROAD AND BANKING COMPANY OF GEORGIA. Satinwah. November 15th, 1853. The annual meeting of stockholder* will be held at the Fxchange, In Savannah, on Tuesday, the twentieth day of Dcaember next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. Stockholders are enti tled to a free ride to and from the meeting. Hy order. novl8—lm GEO. A. CUYLER, Cashier. PUBLIC ROADS. The annual meeting or tbe Board of Commlasionert on Pnblio Roads In Chatham county, will be held at tbe court house in tbe city Savannah, on the second Monday, being the twelfth day, of December next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Tbe Commissioners of the several Road Districts are re quired by resolution tocomo prepared to lay before the Board a statement. In writing, signed and certified to by them, exhibiting tbe number of band* liable to perform road duty In their districts, tbo number of miles to be worked, the number of bridges to be kept in repair by tbe road hands, the time their district of roads waa last work ed, the number of days, and Its present order. W. W. WASH, Sec'y B. C. P. R. O. C. 8avannah, November 21st, 1853. nov22—td OFFICE SAV’II it ALBANY R. R. CDM'V.I November 16th, 1653. f The Savannah and Albany Railroad Company having ;r - — j- —-o-v i —- — organised, and being ready to proceed with the con- tba personal property, and can only take her dower struetlon of the road, an Instalment of ten per cent upon »tb. reality. Tbe ouo h In court ,u .to* U «Brt >, wrtrtfca « tb. bj/nj, payable on tba 16th day of January next, at tbe oOca of tho Company in Barannah. J. P. 8GRSVXN, J»V1$—wtd J>foaidMfo ^A.v.'T'Mva- -* ‘«VWV|; • • r? 5* Ii EE sE if Sggg i tn ' 2 h 5 a 91- > tfl 2 54 ”752*’ C- h2 Prp-|?.=: n i : : : Sg : S:: : : . g-: : : : : WM H <5 P. 866CT-S jj ?*5 II i: Isllllllil P i r| § 3 • o : § •! leiliilili % !- : 1 1: lillllllll t Si M i Ii: slglilll p 5 | Ii l! g. § : 1 i 2 : •: SKlSiSSs : 13 : ^ !SJ : SS: SSSISSESS 1 ; 1 ogfc! - ijS-’ »•' •' gw gi:.: iia: 3: : 8<3 2 h: sf !r i| ii • a 11| | ||| | ai || I i | 11: : : 1: %: : i ! | : £ g y': : i'i SiS: : : SS 9 te of >1 31 : 1 la!! sllllaS : S: : US: : : : tSU S j a ail \\ii\4 Jf i i ! ii i lisS; i Ii s ft 4 pi |» i I gg: : 3g: : : : : 8 s n s ! ! I 8g: : : s: ! : : Is No.l. No. 3... • FLGl’R—Baltimore, Ilw’d-sl 1 N»w Orleans ■ Canal • GRAIN—Corn ft bush. 4 * Oats • 4 „ GUNPOWDER—Dupont’sft keg, HAY—Eastern ft 100 fts. North River - 4 .. HIDES—Dry ft ft, •* Dry Salted IRON—Pig.Scotch ft tun. 44 English 2240“.. ** Swedes.assorted.. **.. 44 Hoop ft 100 fts.. 44 Sheet ft ft. 44 Nail Hods • LAUD—in bbs.andkegs.... 44 . 'St earn Sawed., .ft lOOOfcet, River ••.. Ranging, for export White Pine. Clear ” .. *• •• Merchantable".. Red Oak Staves ft 1000, White Oak Pipe staves.. ••., •• •• Hhd." 44 ., “ « Bbl. 44 44 .. .Shingles. Cypres* 44 ., LEAD—PlK nnd Bar.. ft 100 ft, 44 Sheet “ White Lead **., LIME—Thomaston ft bbl. MOLA&KS—Cuba ft gal. •• New Orleans •*.. .VAILS—Cut. 4d. to 20d.... ft ft NAVAL STORES—Bo,in.ft bid •• Tar Wilmington.. *•.. w Turpentine, soft.. " ., 44 Pitch •*., 44 Spirits 4 * Varnish..........".. OILS—Spcnn.winter strain'd "., 4 * •• Fall " 44 44 Summer 44 .... 44 ., 44 Linseed ft bbl •* Whale Harked. ft gull • 4 Tanner’s laird. CampUtoo........ 41 ., POTATOES—Irish ft bid. PORK—Mess ••.. * 4 Prime 44 ,. PORTER—l«ondon ft dot, PEPPER—Black ft ft,, PIMENTO ••.. RAISINS—Malaga .hunch .ft box, *' Muscatel (id 75 7 /K-18 12 fi>14 9 f®10 7 fid 7 25 (id 7 00 fid 8 60 80 fid 85 70 fid 75 3 00 fid 5 00 (id 1 25 I 12)4® 7 Q 7J4 9 fid 10 24 00 fid •7 00 fid S7 OO fid 1 00 5 fid 4)4® f> 6 ® 6* 13 ® U 16 00 ®17 00 II 00 ®10 00 8 00 ®12 00 ;io oo ®40 oo 16 00 ®25 00 12 00 ®16 00 ;io oo fidtio oo HO 00 ®40 00 20 00 ®25 00 3 00 fid 4 00 8 00 fid 9 00 7 00 fid 0 60 fid 9 00 1 00 ® 1 12)4 23 fid - 32 fid 6 fid 0)4 1 00 fid 2 50 2 50 fid 3 00 2 00 fid 2 75 2 25 fid 2 50 42 fid 44 22 fid 24 1 35 fid 1 60 ® 1 20 fid 1 30 75 fid 80 75 fid 85 15 00 ^10 00 45 fid 50 2 50 fid 2 75 19 00 fidtlO 00 16 00 fid 17 00 1 75 fid 2 75 11 fid 12)4 16 fid 18 3 75 fid 4 00 • 25 ft ^ [20 ft* 0 ft « 20ft* Lay -ftft. ROPE—Kentucky 44 Dillon 44 Manilla.... French Brandies ft gnl. Ijeaer Fveres Holland Gin • 4 ,. American Gin •*.. Jamaica Rum V. E. Rum. in bills . Whisky.I'hilad nnd Balt. **.. •• New Orleans. *•.. I Peach Brandy ••.. SUGAR—Cuba.Muscovado.ft lb. *• I’.IUcoA St.Croix".. 44 Havana White... 44 .. 44 New Orleans •*.. 44 Loaf ".. 44 Crashed ".. 44 Floridn u .. SALT—Liverpool ft sack. " Cargo ft bush. SOAP—American.yellow..ft ft. SHOT—All Sizes ••.. SEGARS—Spanish ft 1000. • 4 American 4 ‘.. TALLOW—American ft ft. TOBACCO—Georgia ft ft. " Manufactured....".. TEAS—Powchong.......... *•.. 44 Gunpowd’r k Iinp’l 44 .. •* Hvson 44 Young Hyson.... 44 .. 44 Rnhea *•.. TWINE—Bagging * 4 .. 44 Seine •*.. WINES—Madeira ft gal. •• Teneriffe. I,. P.... “ .. 44 Dry Malaga 44 .. 44 Sweet •* *•., 44 Claret, Marseilles, cask. 44 44 Bordeaux ft dm. 44 Champagne 44 .. WOOL—Southern,unv: ash'd ftjb •• 44 clean •*,. WOOL SKINS—Lamb's...each. • 4 Sheep's 1 75 fid 2 76 2 26 fid 3 25 1 00 fid 1 60 25 ftft ilOOft* IMTKH. | NrtHra. Nov 19 i'.urujia. Liverpool l Now York iCunard. do Humboldt. 8'th’pton do Havre. do lit Niagara, Liverpool Boston Canard. do 30 Arctic, do New York Collins. Dec’ Asia, do do Cunard. do 7 Herinnnn. S'th’pton do Bremen. do 7 City of Manchester Liverpool i’hila’phin Phi’phla do 10 America, do Boston iCunard. do 14 Alp*. do do Chagres. do 14 . do New York Collins. do 15 Cleopatra. do Portland — do 17 Africa. New York Cunard. do 24 Canada, do Boston do do 28 . do New York Collins. do 30 Washington, >*th'plon do Bremen. do 31 Kuropa. l.iverpool do • unard. Jan’y 4 Citv of Glasgow. do Phila’phia Pbi'phia do 7 A raid *. do Boston Cunard. FROM AMERICA. DATE* NAMB*. ruox. nm uxra. Dec’ Canada, Boston. Liverpool Cunard. do l Citv of (ilasgow, Phil'phia do I'/il’phia. do U Baltic, .Yew Vork do Coffins. do 11 Kuropa, do do Cunard. do 17 Andes, do do nuigre*. do 17 Humboldt. do Havre Havre. do 21 Niagara, Boston Liverpool Cunard. do 24 New A ork do < ottiti*. do 28 Asia. do do Cunard do 31 Hermann, do .S’th’pton Bremen. Jan’y 41 America. Boston Liverpool Canard. do City of Manchestei Pldl’phia do Plii'phia do . New \ ork do Collins. do 11 Africa. do do Cunard. do is Canada, Bo*1on do Cunard. do 21 . New Vork do Collin*. do 26 Kuropa, do do Cunard. DENTISTRY —Dr. S. G. I’sxrosr having returned to Savannah, can be found at his ^jTTTY l ^^f' 4rmor residence, No. 160 Broughton street, 4 ‘-I where he I* fully prepared to wait upon all who may require his professional services. dccS- G lv H AMS—18 barrels, landing nnd fur sale by dec8_ COllEN & FOSD1CK. B utter, mess beef, PIG HAMS. UOLOfi.fiA SAUSAGES, SMOKED TONGUES, a full sujqtly, landing this day. per steamer, am) for sale nt DICKSON’S, Barnard street, dec7 near tho market. BLOW YE WlffDS ,UI) CRACK YOIR CBEEKSI D IRECT' im|M>rtntions of l’E.VRL* 4 . from Fraiuazugda MttJiAl' SnndCAMFtlS from Utopia; and DIAMONDS, supposed to he the same found by Si.Misn, the sailor, set up in ancient and modern styles. Tor sale at 116 Broughton street, by dcc4 HUlffliS k R1KEMAN IH’TrE't, ClIEEsjE. Ef '.—3 s kegs -elected Goshen Butter. A) CO boxes White 50 do Colored Cheese. 100 boxes scaled Herrings. 60 boxes new M, R. Raisins, 60 Packages Buck, wheat Flour. Received per steamer, and for sale by Uec7_ ,-l'R t.vru.N. .JuHX.-TON k CO B AP. KEEPER WANTED—A person who understand his business can obtain u good situation at liberal wages, ■’ * 1 - A. FREDERICK. Broad street. Augusta. Ga. R OCKI.AND LIME—600 bills Rockland Lime, lor sale In lots to suit purchasers, by E. W. BUKF.R. dcc7 38 fid 00 2 00 fid 2 60 36 fid 38 •14 fid 00 34 fid 00 60 (id 1 25 0 fid Tiifid 9 7 iifid 8* 6 Hfid 7 10 Hfid 11 10 fid 10),' 6 (id 7 )* 1 35 fid 1 60 fid 6K® 8 9 fid 10 H for sale in lots to suit purchaser; Ha v. ju r sale by dee7 12 00 fidiO 00 2 00 fid 6 00 7 fid 8 fid 15 fid 40 25 fid 75 75 fid 1 00 60 fid 00 60 fid 1 00 fid 17 fid 18 25 fid 30 2 00 fid 4 00 1 25 fid 1 60 40 fid 60 48 fid 60 25 fid 60 3 00 fid 6 50 8 00 fid 18 17 fid IR« fid 32 26 fid 37)4 60 fid 75 • • 20 ft g . .40 ft g .10ft|, 30 ft D omestic liquors.—100 i*bi*. e. Phelps & Rose gi d : 50 bids. New England Rum ; 20 bids. Domestic Brand v; 75 bbls. Reclined Whisky ; 15 bids Old Mongslmlia Whis ky ; 10 blil-f. Georgia PeuL'h Urandv. For sale by _d«c7_ SCRAN 1'CiN. JOHNSTON & CO. VTEW IbToivi?—Received by t>. S. Fililey. Dec fdb. 1853— i.1 Old England and Now England, by Alfred Bunn. Life of an Actor, by <4. II. Dill, Health Triji to tbo Tropics, by N. P. WiUls. 'Hie Invalid's Own Hook, by the linn. lady Cust. Happy Days ofChildhood. by Amy M< adow* Iron Hole or Tyranny in the Household, by T S Arthur. Morgan, the Buccaneer, by M. M. Iloett. Jack Junk, by tbe author of Gallant Tom, Ac. Blackwood's Magazine, lor November. Popular Educator. For December—Hunt's Magazine. Knickerbocker Maga zine. Graham's Magazine. Illustrated Magazine of Art, aud Goiley’s Lad) 's Hook, for sale at 135 Congress-st. d7 H AMS—600 Reynold’s Baltimore Hams. 3 lihds do do Shoulders. 2 bbls Pig Hams. 3do do shoulders. Just re ceived and fur sale by HYLAND k O'NEILL, dec6 llrougliton street. puRT WINE—3 casks Dray Port, in wood and bottles. first quality, for sale by decO HYLAND * O’NEILL. W ANTED—A Porter to 'Attend iu a I irvli Apply to decO AI KIN P RUNES AND RAISINS—3 cases fresh Prunes, 200 lbs Gurrsuts. 60 hall' nnd quarter boxes Layer Raisins, just reccivod and for sal* by HYI.AND X O’NEILL, dec! undpr Mnrsluill House, llrougliton Street. GRAND EXHIBITION OF CLOTHMI BY brick j* vkadeii. 'L W E PRESENT to the public for inspection sod nk till largest ami best assortment of H Elegant Fabrics KUROPK, INDIA AND AMERICA, which for beauty of material, style and woiknuntbisril cliallenge competition. F Every i«rm.n desirous to select tutiazixt «Ul toxnL with a call at 147 Bay street, neatly opposite tbe Kittonl decO ■ EXTRA FINE JEWELRY, WATCM| BILYKll TVAllK, Ac. I C3L Now opening a very large and splendid mc l jCrV. ment of Je.weutv, embracuig full nUrf] o\..aaAbraceiet. ear-rings, brooch nnd cros.; fireielirfL very nuperfor Mosaic do. im;mrted direct from Kcb».i| very choice and unique article ; also, line Pesil,(iem.| Mosaic. Liva. Coral. EnnmelWl and Rich Embowd Eu-| Kings, Bracelets and Pin*.of line gold, Kiel* KiogvrRinnH nnd Brooches, of all pattern*, from one dollar to finhos-| dred; premium gold and silver hunting lever Wtitto I and plain ones, of every variety, cxprcudy fur cu-hmeiil ami railroad operative*, and warranted ; gold Cliaioi,5esUl Keys, Crushes aud Charm*; gold uiouuted Shell CcoU.tft new article In till* market; Port monies. Cznes. rnrlijil Silver Tea Sets. Pitchers, Cups. Goblet*.Spoon*. KorUtsd| every variety of Silver-ware, plated nnd inner article!furl the coming season. B. U NlcfiOlS. P Jec2 first store west of Pulaski linen. | WEBSTER &T PALMES H ave jum ueceivi-j) and tuiEit iuit sale- 75 bbls A, B aud claiilied Sugar. 50 do poadtreldo, I 30 hhds St Croix Sugar, fill dozen Brooms, 60 bbl* Hiram rmlth's aud Usual Flour, 160 do Baltimore Flour, 180 do Lebanon and Etowah Georgia Hrur, 100 bags. 98 pound* each. do do 50 bbl* butler, sugar and *oda Crackers, 6'l bbl* Pilot Bread, 40 boxes Soda Biscuit, 220 bbl* Portland sugar bouse and N 0 Syrup, 60 bbl* giHxl eating Potatoes. 60 boxes Beadel’s «* nnd 8s patent Tallow Candid, 75 do Adamantine Candles. 25 do Judd A: Son's Sperm Candles. 15 bids and 20 half bbl* No 1 Mackerel, 75 boxes white nnd yellow Cheese. 25 bbls and 50 keg* prime Is-nf Lird. 100 boxes 5s. 8*. and pound* Tobacco, good brsnls 80 do 5s and 8s Grant k William*' Totarco, Also. 220 boxes Smith’s. Colgate’s, Croton and BrtW Family and Pale Soap. 120 do No 1 do. 50 IVarl Starch. M I whole, half and quarter boxes Raisins, 25 drum llfi UI boxes Herring. oclSO HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON & C0„I Have in store and offer for ►ale on accomnd*. I ting terms—100 bbls clarified Sugar A BC lido I ngnW crashed aud powdered do. 300 bag* Hio Cotfcs,30 I do Java andlsignyru do, 300 bbls Baltimore and Canal Flour, 6 bbl* Hiram Smith's Flour. 250 bags 98 aud 4'J ft Georgia Flour, 100 bid* butter and sugar Crackers, 60 bbls Pilot Bread. 40 bids Ham*. 100 boxes No. 1 Pale Soap, 76 boxes Tobacco. 8s. 5s and 1 ft luin *, 60 boxes Adamantine,Star and Sjieriii Candlci, 2000 ft* Codlisli. 75 bbls planting Potatoes. Also. 2v» bbls Portland and S.«. Molw**. KMbW» I Cheese, 60 do Starch, 60 do Raisin*, 30 do Claret Wine. 49 | do Ismion Syrup. no'2 SLAG AZlXEsVdie. H ARI’F-R'.s Magazine lor December; Putnam'i MajscM | for lh*cemlier. Gleason’s Pictorial Illustrated News. Eva May. the Foundling, or the Secret Punireon; I w* j novel. Received and for sale by si. 8. sSIBLEi, nov30 135 CnngreM-street CHAMPION hasjiMt receive.! jst steamer and j • recent arrival*, ami offer* fur sale—25 bib 11 sta'” f Flour. 25 hair bbls extra Flour, fit) boxes Cheew dairy, wbituand\dnoapple. 60bbl*and60 nalfbbblmt 1 ' more Flour. 20 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 20 half bW» W . ton market Beef. 6 bbl*. 10 half bbls. 10 quarter bMi.» Lixes and 25 bags Buckwheat. 2tK) l.bls and bag* ofbwtf* Hour. 100 boxes and half twxe* Soap. 25 bbl* Carter»»«> j June Potatoes, very line. C 1ITY MARSHAL’S SAiZ—'hi the‘first WVlueelij j« I / December next, will be leased »t tbe market, hmi« l the city of Savannah, under the superintendence o. t if ket Committee, between tbe hour* of 10 and r- o doe*,*- | M ,»U the stalls in said market. Term* ca-h. nov20 _ PHILDMI 1 lll^ErJ>r,ty M.u>lul__ C OATS—COATS— Beaverteen Coat*. Hunting sndBo'l’ nesa Frock Coats, flue articles liandsonnd) op, | for sale at 147 Bay street, by ^ & VEA p^ Ogar Case*. Silk <1 cloth Brurbrt, fiANCY AUTICl.FS—Portmonie* MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Export* of Cotton and Rice, raox Tin port op aarA.’mn, coumkxcinoSeptember l, 1853 wunutTO. Since Dec. 2. Previously. Since Dec 2 Previ ously. S. /-1 UpVd. S. 1.1 Up'fit Tier's. Tier's 3897 OtherBritishP’ts,. Total G. Britain,.. 3897 Havre Marseille*, Oth. Fr’ch. Porte,. Total France, St. Petersburg,... Oth. N. Eu'n ItU. Tot. N. En’n. Prts. Havana, Oth. W. India PU.. 8outh of Europe,.. Other For'n.Prt*.. ”609 ;;;;;; 200 1046 Tot. oth.F’n.Pte.. 609 200 1046 New York, Hoiten, Providence Philadelphia, Baltimore,, Charleston Other V. 8. Porte,. 226 ..... 2524 914 *146 1001 ”i87 22507 11236 **4609 1865 2120 140 616 2146 176 ”i25i 1 259 1080 Total Coastwise,. 273 8584 1188 419S8 615 4912 Grand Total ... 278 4093 1188 45880 815 6958 PORT OF SAVANNAH.. ^.-- .V..DECEMBER 9, 1653. ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. U.S M steam-packet Metamora. l’ostell. Charleston, to S M Lnffiteau. Potter’s flat, from Cold Rane, with 75 casks Rice, to Wil liamson. Williamson’S flat, from Plantation, with 800 bushel* Rough Rico, to R Habersham k Son. Barkley’s fiat, from Plantation, with 1000 bushels Rough Rice, to R Habersham &Son. CLKAltlSD. Brig Albatross, Patt«r*on, Bath. Me.—M A Wilder. U. S. M. steam-packet Calhoun. Barden. Charleston—S. M LafiUeau Steamer St. Johns, Freeborn. Palatka, &c.—Claghorn k Cunningham. S UGAR—25 bbls A, H and C Stuart's clarified Sugar, for sale «leb4 HYLAND A O’NFJLL. B UTTER AND CHEESE—Tlie subscriber has made ar rangements to receive, direct Irum northern producers, a regular nnd full supply of very choice Butter and Cheese, whicl) is offered at tho lowest market price—20 firkins and 25 boxes just received. Purchasers are respectfully Invit ed to call. C. T. ROBINSON. 122 Bay street, dec3 rear of the Exchange. W INER—100 baskets Heidxlck and Munn’a Champaign, In plutn and quart*. F’or sale by deed HYLAND k O’NEILL C IGARS—20.000No 1 La Norija t'irfor*. ju*» teoelred and for sale by <14 _ HYLAND & O'NEILL. M l STARD—10 dozen French and American Mustard, for sale low by dec4 HYLAND k O’NEILL. L IME—10U bbls Lime, now landing from schr E J Talbot, for sale by *14 BRIGHAM, KELLY ii CO H AY—118 bales prime Eastern Hay, landing from brig Monti cello, for *ale by j. iiii(.ivAKiii i urnt-9, i'iuiiii , Perfumery, Soap*, Ac., ter sale at 147 j’.^^ vEAP^ rjAY—20 bale* Hay. lauding rrt"r‘*cii«>ouer I ?„v30“ 1 ° bJ BRIGHAM. KEU.Y5W-. ] T 1ME Ttl ARRIVF.—'1000 barrel* U me, cargo of Kbwto KKJJ.Vko* R ECITVED THIS DAY—2 _ casks *uperi«r d °' ,0r fcnir. W»6.. J UST RECEIVED per steamer Florida, sn Mjwwg. needle worke.1. Sleeves and Bands.embroijerollk kerchiefs and Collar*. Irish Linens. Birds’ eye „.U, — oak, Burt H '”‘" vVkotSt'“swob. boxes white and colored Cheese, receives r steamer and for “'“^JCRAXTO^ JOIINoTUNkOL. QRANDY^25 half and 20 quarter pipe* 13 Otard. Dupuy fit Co’s Brandy. rlntAg** of 18»6- "• amPfiL of our own fUSTlUSCBVFJ) per steamer Augu»U- ajffil •jfjjJ J atrletly prime Qo*hon Butter, also, choice Butter, DEPARTED, (J. S. M. steam-packet Calhoun. Barden. Charleston. Steamer St. Johns. Freeborn. Palatka. Ac. CONSIGNEES PER CENTRAL RAILROaIT. DECEMBER 7—2082 bales Cotton, and Merchandise, to C Hart ridge. E Parsons k Co. Bebn k Foster, N A Hardee fit Co. Washburn. Wilder fit Co. Rabun & Whitehead, Hardwick k Cooke, Wells fit Durr, Cohens k Hertz. Hudson, Fleming fit Cb. Franklin fit Brantley, 8mltb & Humphreys, Brigham, Kelly fit Co, Boston fit Vlllalonga, Lockett, Long k Co, Fort k Norwood, J Jones, W W Gsrrard, O W Germany. R A Al len, CAL larotr, Mrs 11 Telfair, Wm Lynn, J A Brown, W Duncan, Crane fit Rodgers, Both well fit Smith, and Order. CONSIGNEES. Per steampacket Metamora, from Charleston—C R Road, Fla Boat, A Ponce. 0 L Edwards, Borlln k Nathans, Epplng fit KreU, S M Leffiteau, S M Pasat. and J P Collins. <1ec4 BRIGHAM. KELLY fit CO. strictly prime Goshen Butter, also, choice i for flutter, 5 ft* for 51. ter sale by ^ wcB30 Bg. wild oct’29 P OTATOES—60 bbls Potatoes, landing from brig Monticel- lo. i. for sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY tt (X). PASSENGERS. Per steampacket Metamora. from Charleston—S Burns, D G Hitchcock. J Norton, E Hanfred, G Thompson, R 8arery, G Sloan, W How, J C Beek, R Frothlngham, J Dove and la ir. H Gibson. Miss CGIbeon.Mlss R Gibaot “ * * 1 * u Smith, Miss Johnston, and 9 cock. H AY—125 bales prime North River H.*y, landing per steamer Alabama, and fur sale by deed I’ADKLFORD, FAY fit CO._ |fkA RBLB. APPLES, of several Vanities, and very x v U choice, received by tbe Alabama, and for sale by C. T. ROBINSON, 122 Bay street, deed—3 rear of Exchange. STRAY—A very small sorrel Poney. about 4 years S|old. A liberal reward will bo paid for his delivery west Broad street stables. dec3—6t BROWN fit HARRIS. lands for sale. " ” <£Pl The subscriber offers for sale, on accommodating terras, his two plantations, of 700 acres each, in IJber. tycounty—one within 1)4 mile of Welthourvllle. and the other within 3)4 miles ot HlneaviUe. Both are highly lm- proved, and have all necessary buildings on them. I would also sell 2000 acre* of well timbered lands, near Beard’s Bluff, on the AlaUmaha river. Parties wishing to purchase can lrarn all particular* by me, or addre*»lng me, at Hlnesvillo. Liberty oct29—Str CHARLTON HINFB K ERSEYS—Just received a lot of Heavy Kenwyi completes a fine assortment, ottered »s to bC n boug 8 ht in the city. Kt3imX yggWtf, M ATS—Sea Gras*. Oil Cloth, French Willow and SbaK Table Mats, for sale by C0LUN&? _novl2 r ’ —-—' r - /'10RNED BEEF AND PIG pORNEB BEEF AND PIG WHK-JIwf 1 'pj{it | L» bbl* Haw’s Corned U#ef,U bbls and half blBI tfi For **!e at the corner of Brooghton *£l SffJSouJjlA i R eceived this day—« 5»5eu aeid*ick ebam^d* j. pl,u ..d S DP£810R UUVE OIL-* *■]"• Olive Oil, juiUb# artlclo for table calling c county, Ga. Comparative View of Vessel*, toiDua nr the extras btatb ro* romaax roms. Now Orleane, Deo. 2.... Mobile, Dee. 3. Florida, Nov. IT........ Savannah,Dee. $...„i 1858. 1852. G.B.1 Ft. IO.P. G.R. 20 11 8 5 ll 9 61 10 0 15 23 i i i i -sItb 6 2 0 11 u LIST OF VEB8BLS IN PORT. StUpa. Augustas, (s.) Lyon.. ..1800 N. Y Padelford. Fay k Co HI Whitney. BlMland.. .632 wait'g.. ..Padelford. Fay k Co Br. Conway. (*.) Hick*...860 rep’g. A Low fit Co Sterling. Henderson 604 dlso’g A Low A Co Bona Venture. Balnb'ge.1120 Iiverp’l A Low A Go Br.Bcotlsnd,Hawkins., 1070 dlsc’g.... ..A I/nr ACo Br.abandon.Grelg 689 Glasgow A lew fcCo Chaos. Dwnteo.... 7T1 Boston.Waabb'n.WMerfcCo Southport, Wflsoo.,.,..499 N*y<»k BRUNSWICK CITY, GEORGIA, m, R Johnston, J Large and Peremptory Sale of Building Lot* »n the City [of Brunswick, State of G&rgia. mHE proprietors of the city or Brunswick, hereby give 1 lice that a at* 4 ''to. F resh butter and tale by ‘ Monument wfltfgu CIIEEsE—Ju*T rewtv»» • nd w JIYLAND k G>UU Uniter M»r»hail Hou^. Alahan. 4 *: X notice that a sale of five hundred eligible lota will take place, by public auction, at tho Oglethorpe House. In *ald city, onTuurvday.the 12th day of January. 1854. at twelve o’clock, M. The aale will he positive to the highest bidder. Termn—one-third cash, the remaining two-thlrda In one and two years. Title perfect. Tbe port and site or Bruns wick hold out commercial and maritime advantages »npe- rior to those presented by any other eouth of CbeMpeaka Bay. The climate is bealthy-the water pure. Further particulars, with nape, ste., hohadat the oflro of the company. 90 Broadway, NswiYock, or of Mr. John vESHBrsiS? K. b, »,r.O (VM. H. 8YM0XS. S "lipE5n5E Bl,ck CloUl KrMk»n<W«rr*.&-U-. BSCSWnEAT—la bbtajh^r bbl>, ‘T* “f 5j 4l ' fl ’ —,pon*