The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, December 23, 1853, Image 3

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■ |■ w ?■■'■ 1 p : TjjfSBS R?ui,l* tm«l»w.. ? 2 Srr^ u “ , “ ,p ‘"“ 1 ^' gssflsssr. ■SsSBSmiiiim niiium* I7IMV"" T-Z-r * u.t.rl. IMI. 2* sSf* g wTTiLIAM G. DICKSON, WA VSmmp it* <m«I BnomNmXtu* , TTA3&d P«r lateerrlreise ftatfMiiortntSl o B&asSsi IXTANTED.—The advertiser,a man of energyfond expert- m mn, la deelroud of proeurli.( employment. He (a wall acquainted with tha detail* of forwarding. and ha *ug- ha detail* of forwarolog. and ha *ug- J ba important to Railroad or othar -squiring them. Ua haa no oh* wry reference* given on ' ‘ ' octW ^ OBNT WA^EDi-Tho native. wlqeje*U bllsh me n t of IiQ.tawoRTH fc Znucnuux, Cincinnati, Ohio, wants In ,-innnah "—“ * ’— - - the aala .unth.GeorgU, a bouse that would taka tha agency fo Mia of their native wines, In aodaroum thatplacs -‘."Vr I1.1.IW. »•* ItWi. •U oluil.M, —Zanta Current*. SBS .ffSSKS* BruUKnK SSfiu*. MareetUea aud Italian Sweet Oil, ■EssyasfftiBj■ grtes«?iKsa* Cabala. Pepper, Ginger, kO., fcc. -"w, artlclei have bran selected and ara fraah front Utrit UniorUHoDa. norlS 'WEBSTER & PALMES H im -wr* su on™ * 1J “ IS bbU A, U and clarified Sugar, 50 do powdarad do, 10 hbdi St Croix Sugar, 60 dozen Broom*, ,0 bbU i dram . mltU’e and Canal Flour, iM do Baltimore Flour, {Jo do Lebanon and Etowah Georgia Fleur, too b*2*. W pound* each, do do M bbli butter, tugar and aoda Cracker*, Sj WU Pilot Bread, 40 boxea Soda Blicuit, go bbl« Portland sugar hou*a and N 0 Syrup, S bSxea toulePa 1 ** and ttspatent Tallow Candlai, do Adamantine Candle*.. « do Judd fc Son’s Spartn Oandlea, ij bbl» and -JO half bbU No 1 Mackerel, js b<ixe* white and J allow Cheese, a bbU and 50 keg* prime !«afL*rd. 100 iMixa* 6a. 8*. *nd IMmcoo. nod brand* M do 6* and 8« Grunt k William** Tobacco, ijw. JK0 boxea Smith’*. Colgate’*. CVoton andBaadeU i-,mik and Pale Soap. 120 do No t do, 60 Pearl 8taroh, 80 wbolef half and quarter boxea Baliln*. 26 drums Figa60 boxei’llerring. "fancy grocery store, T HL'*ub*crlber woulu inform iiw friend* that ha ha» re- « . _. .1. 111 ,kla AMH m Wanrtt* .— native wine*, In and aroum tfiat place. WholeMle dealer* In wine* and liquora, who retail at once, have tha preference. Postpaid often, with direct or Indi rect reference* on Cincinnati home*, are received until the 20th day of Ootober, and anawered directly by . LONGWORTH k ZIMMER) johj, a. • — WwtaitU/fpwuMwt aqwtn,aam*Hai,Ga, 1 BOARDlNSSySY^ANn^^lfrABLES. — o tmuarr,aArAX*An,aA. ^ _ -r-JWlOfUCH, , Corner of Bar and Whltaker-stmts. Offlo# houra from 9 A. If., to 9, P. M.j and from #H, p, M. to 0, P. V. DANUSLL «t OOOPURa ATIORNBYH AND OOUNHElJXJRa jft LAW, Aflairta, Oeorgia. A. SHORT, Will taka contract* to^ulldlcf 1 ^ Work in Masonry of etMydMorlpUon. RMldenceant door weat of Bt An* drew’a Uadi, Broughton Street. MMKRMANr . Native Wine Establishment, “ ‘ Ohio. ooty - . qnotnnaU. Ohio. TU RENT.—-A, Garden lot containing about aeven P. K. SHBILS, , LUMBER AND TIMBER FACTOR, Having leased one of the wham* lately occupied by A. A, Bmetta, la now prepared to receive any lumber or timber whieh may be consigned to biin for Mle. He will aiao keep on hand lumber, shingle* and wood for city trade. “ ' * ‘ 186." “ FIRST DESPATCH. a^a '. CnAliLMTON, l>q<S J2,9 A. H, Tw mer itedmboat. Marlboro', Just atnrtlng for Ohorow, met with n drendfulbccldeotln thuexploiloQ of her bollen, at eight o’clock thtattomlng. Several Uvea Were loet, and others scalded. Will .send par* tloulara aa soon at confusion abates. |acre# ofgwl land near the oily. Aj>| f DEVtNNY.. P.OOUTA HOUSE, P1COLATA. PliA. m Tbe subscriber would respectfully Inform the traveling community that he ha* leased the above named home, and u now ready to accommodate uwvwers, and hope*, by giving his personal attention, to give Mtlsfaetlon. He will have horses and carriages at all tlmea to accou- rnodat* bia guests. GEO. M. UALPIN, decia Proprietor. TO RENT--A^tore suitable for a Family Grocery.^- niXRT ». TORT. T. K. DUNHAK. FORT DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SanannaA, Ga. S Apply at thi* offloo. deet—2 t TO RENT—A carriage liouse and stable, for two horses, in a central part of the city. Apply at this of- lice. , nov22 ® TO RENT—A farm, one mile from tho city, contain ing seventeen acres, on the premises l* a convenient dwell ng, plastered and well finished. For particular* inquire of 1 .. T J. WAlSU, nov22 176 Bay *t. f TO RENT—A house on Liberty street, opposite tUo residence of Solomon Cohen. Hiq. Apply to novll WYLLY k MONTMOLUN. t TO RENT—Two or three room* on Bay street, suit able for offices. Apply to the Editor* of the Georgian, novl3 < TO RENT—A small brick house, near the Barmcks. HjReut $12.60 per month. Apply at the Georgian of- ■■lice. oct!5 t TO RENT.—A commodlou* brick edifice on South Bread »treet. Possession given 1st November next.— Inquire at this office. oct8 X mmed to rtavannah. and will thla day open a Fancy Cowry Store in the middle tenement or Sorrel’s Building, tno«n «s the old Georgian Reading Room. Ihis nre*ent stock, which lur* been aelectod with grenl »r« embraces every article in the above named businessj sLo.'tegsrs. Wines. Liquors, kc., of tho most approved kf Ue has selected for hie motto. quick sales and small T.mRt«. , ’*nil as ho believes that the public can readily dU- iw.tur»*n snurlous andmnuine articles, he coni) judge for them- P. Cl" I Irimimte between spurious and genuine drnlly Invites all to examlno his stock — wires. CURRAN. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! Jtoxind by S. X. Sibley. December 14IA. 1863. H EAUIIISIUNFh or Thought* upon Homo Life In our Cities, by Samuel Osgood. The Hush Time* of Alab»ma and Mississippi, a series or •ketches by Joseph G Baldwin. . „ Hot C»rn—U'e Scenes in New Yerk.lU tstrated. including (he stories of Utile Katy, Madolino, Wild Maggie, kc., by Solm Kwbliwm. * . . _ _ „ „ Suirituai'sra by Judgo Eilmonl* and Geo T Dexter, M. D.. with ail appendix, by lion N I* TaUmadgo. . The lJIn end Works nf Shakespeare, edited by James P Collier. Esq., from the recently discovered folio of 1032. with riossarl d and other notes. Fern leaves from Fanny’s Port Folio, new supply, little Ferns for Fanny’s Little Friends, by the author of Fern leaves. ilusv Moments nf an Idle Woman. Tlte'uU IhKstnr. or Stray leaves from my Journal, an ex cellent book for leisure reading. The lawyer’s Story, or the Urphan’s Wrongs, by a mem ber of the New York Bar. , . The Lady ut Home, or Happiness In the Household. - "' o History« Dariv the PInile, or tho lllslory of the Freebooters of the Psc/fle. Ben f?r»e«% a nautical romance, by Captain <liamler. Blake’* Blotrriphfeal rtetlonary or the moat Dlatlngulsh- ‘ II Nation* and Profession* For sale *t 136 deed 5 ed Person* of all Nation* and Profession* Congress street. ® TO RENT—One tenement lu Gordon Block, well supplied with water and gas pipes, closets, drawer*, and other modern Improvements, basement plastering hard finished. Possession given 1st January noxt. Ap plv to decl7 EDWARD O. WILSON. £ TO RENT.—A small comfortable House in a re spectable and central part or the city. Rent $300. Possession given on the 1st November, or sooner if e. Apply at this office, auu20 LANllCR HOUSE—MACON, GA. « $> The undersigned having leased tho above eatab* i{| Ushmcnt begs to assure the traveling public that [|Luo exertion* will be spared to sustain the establish- i*o reputation of the liouse. Assisted by Mr. Miura. be hooea to make the Lanier House, second to none Foutb of New York. GEO. M. LOGAN, Proprietor. J. Mura, Superintendent. nov]3—ly IR00JKD DMTAT0U. Charleston, D«c. 22, \\M A. W. TM Marlboro' vrw ,lo«A«d with ru waorted cargo for Obcrnw, and lofermcdlato landings, on tbo Poo Dm River. The Captain wa* ringing the bell for the departure of the beat, when her boiler exploded, kill- Ing Caplaln Wm. Smallwood, Capt. Dulten, Mate, formerly of the bark Saranac; Warren 8toni, chief engineer { and,ltlaeald, twelve of the fifteen, h&udtou board. 7 Tho l UnUmf^States Mall^Btearoihlp ISABEL, Aj^jjjKWiUJiK HoUJwa, Commandm, will rejrulariy iny mi, iht»00cen* K<atUfky Knpv. srpB . Valuable Farm' Lota—At Private kale,' t**.* w '* *°Wifite*tod M' lAfer’* lane, being part of MUlw'rOrn,.JgMHf.J^jnrSuur be'seanatour eoantiog room. Term*—one-third cash, balance in two yqmU;jMmnal inatabnente. Wth InUrest, and Mcnred by i port otr^e lit ^n^ 16th of eacb monl regularly nth. For COHENS k HERTZ. ^XUl BBW! SSKvaokataebr. with dupaleh for tl ■ubJeottoaleaMonO year* from June, 1161, with a re- apply to • -■ btoh , a. ss. nAonou*ui| Agent BOi^PON^—The flnabrlg TALLULAH,Cooper, SflfltmMter. will roMt . with'dispatch at above. For frelgui or passage apply on board or to 1 • . •uWI DDMU1U BMIV S ftl * BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. NinW YORK-Ge Lot No. 24,'Utb dU\ricVknd 24 >ecUoW. eoptalblni ifct aero*, within four miles tf the town of Clinton. Tertm pash. Ruilft Savannah. December 1st. II dl E. LOCKrrr. WM. H. LORO. JOHN H. Dr VIA ' LOCKLETT, LONG As CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, 120 Bay sired, Savannah, Georgia. Will attend to the selling of all kind* of produce. Strict attention given to receiving and forwarding goods, and filling orders from the country. NICHOLAS CRUOUt. TOWARD C. WADR, CHUUK It 6i WADE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 81 Bay-rlreet. Savannah. JOHN T. ROWLAND, JOUR T. ROWLAND, JR ROWLAND dt CO, ’ GENERAL COMMISSION MKIU 172 Bay sired. SawmnaA. t, UTLARD. S n, O'RULL. HYLAND dt O’NEILL, DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS, kc., Next Door to Marshall House. Broughton sired, RAVARRAII. QKOROtA. Wholesale and retail dealer* In Imported wines and liquors, French brandle*. segar*. and fancy groceries. FERDINAND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Washington Oily, D. C., Fill practise In the various Court* or the District, and at tend to th* prosecution of claims against the Govern- Pent-June22 J. o. WATTS. A. a CHAMPION. CHAMPION dt WATTS, WHOLESAIJi AND RETAIL GROCERS, No. 4 Barnard sired. beUoten the Market am! Bay tired, SAVANNAH. OA., Dealers In Groceries, Foreign and Doinratic Liquors, Dried Fruits, ko.,kc. Refotenoos—A. Champion, Esq.. Samuel Solomons. Esq., Messrs. Raban k Whltehcnd, Swill k Co., Savannah. Ga. The Erie Rittlrond Riot* Baltimobe, Deo, 21. Advice* from Erie state that the bridge aorou Harbor Creek waa repaired on Tuesday, but Imme diately attacked by the mob and burned down. The U. 8. Marshal is in the town, serving legal document* on the riotora, which baa only exasperated tbo cltl* seiiM, as on Wednesday, amid tho ringing of bclla and firing or cannon, a large mob, headed by the Mayor and High Coustabte, commenced to tear np the track, and there are no indications of the riot ceasing. [ N M WY OllK—U coraln L >r packet bark MARIA MORiUN, CspUlu Hulkley, ave dispatch for the above port. For freight of 300 bales cotton, to complete cargo, apply to Captain on board, at Anderson’* upper wharf, or to ROWLAND k CO. Agent* In New York—Soravton k Tallman. dlS Boston—The ;Coleman master, will iiave quick dispatch for tha above port. For freight or passage apply to deolo OQfiEN fc BUNKER. NEW VOUIC—OUl XQ.tnl4ll.ked Ulie— Clmi'leaton Cotton Market. Charleston, Dec. 21—P. M. The sates of the day foot up 1,800 bales, at extremes of from to 10fi. The market dosed in a depressed condition, with a downward tendency. ^Slhe packet brig PHILUitA. Grtifam,' mssloV, will meet with dispatch a* above. For freight or passage apply on board, at lelfktr’s wharf, or W deni6 BRIGHAM, KEI.LY & CO. NEW YORK—Union Line. —Tho regular .packot schooner CATARACT, Rice, tnasler. wl quick dispatch as above. For freight or passage apply to OGDEN k BUNKER. Ship News, Baltimore, Dec. 21. The brig Elisa Doan cleared from ibis port yes terday for Savaunah. HAVRE.—The American ship ELI WHITNEY, .Blsslsnd, master, having the larger portion of her cargo engaged, will meet with dispatch a* above. For freight apply to PADELFORD, FAY k CO Near York merited. New Yore, Dec. 21. In Cotton, the transactions of tho day foot up 2.000 bales—market closing firm. In Cofiee, tbo market is quiet. Departure ot the Cyane. Baltimobe, Dec. 30. Tbo U. 8. sloop-of-war Cyaue, C'apt. Hollins, which had been ordered to Central America, sailed on Tues day morning, from PhUdelpbia, for Navy Bay. H. r. HORTON. W. n. RIKKMAN. HORTON A R1KEMAN, WUOLR8ALR AND RETAIL PKALKKH IN WATCHES, JEWELRY. SH.VKR-WAUE, FANCY GOODS, 110 Broughlonsl red. ORANGE SPRING, EAST FLORIDA. Jf&L The proprietor of this popular and and delightful B|9 watering place announce* that he is now prepared for the reception of guosls. Invalids will receive our most careful aUenttau ; Seekers of Pleasure can here Und much to admire; and Sportsmen, hunting, fishing, kc. The water of the spring being warm affords delightful bath ing all winter, and has proved equally *ucces*ful to any mineral spring In the Union In the cure of most of the dls- ca*o«peculiar to our climate, dcol—dkwlm K. 8, PARGAN. Proprietor. PLANTERS’ HOTEL—AUGUSTA, GA. This splendid now house, situated on Broad-st.. Immediately in front of the site or the old Planters’ Hotel, which ha* been lurnlshed throughout with new furniture, bedding, etc., will open for the reception • customers on Saturday next. It will be the endeavor o the Proprietor, to give satisfaction to those who may favo hlin with their custom. J. M. SIMPSON. ooyB—tf. * .... • Proprietor. P. CURRAN H AS Just received r D >| offer* tor sale, at his store, on Bull street. In Sorrell’s building*— 2 half pipes l’inot. Cartlll K Co’s Brandy, vlnt. 1842, 2 h»tf pipes Otard. Dupuy k Co’s Brandy, vlnt. 1842, 1 pine Swan Gin, 1 half pipo Eborn leaf Gin, 6 bbU old Bourbon Whl ky, 8 bbls oil MonongnbeU Whisky, 4 esses Khlnelsb Wine. Toasta brand, vlnt, 1842, 4 cases nhl Sherry, and 4 do Madeira Wine, 3 esse* Sardines in W boxes. 10 boxes Tobacco, of all kinds and brands, Also. I0.00U of tha best Cigar*. 10 boxes Cbrdlals, of all kind*. 2 bbls Beef longuee, 2 do Pig Pork. novI8 FANCY GROCERY STORE. T HE subscriber haring enlarged hU store, at the curner of Bay aud Whitaker streets,offers for sale on the most (svorabls term* the following: 10 half pipes Otard Brandy, 1844. i do Jean Louis Brandy. 1B44. 6 do Henncssy Brandy. 1811. 6 do Paterae Brandy. 1808. 2 puncheon* Scotch Whisky, in bond. 2 lihd* fc't. Crux Rum. In bond. 10 quarter casks Madeira Wine. 10 do Port Wine. 10 Wds Monengnhela Wkitty. 2 pi;>es Holland Gin. 20 Mils Phelps’ Gin. 60 M Spanish £ogars. various brands. Also, a complete assortment of fancy groceries, such as English and American pickled Lobsters. Salmons, Macker el. gsrdibe*. Olivos. Capers. Catsup English Sauces.Ballad Oil. Preserved Fruits. Jelly Jains. English and French Mus* tanl, French and West India Cordial* nil warranted genu- HUDSON, FLEMING dt CO., Factors and Com mission Blercnantl, A’o. 91 Bay tired. Savannah. Ga., T ENDER their service* to ulnnlers, merchants and deal ers. iu the sale of Colton and all other country pro duce. Being connectcl la business with HontlNB. HODRON H0DRON k Co..nfCli.irloston. the establishment of an office In this elly will afford uurfrlend* chulca of market*. 8trlct aUen- tlmi will be given to Uuslueas, and the usuil facllllles af- furdedcujtomois, J. R. HUDSON. lg. T . ntI .i. W. R FLEMING, 1**™“*®* LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. sepl8 tf J. J. COHEN". Charleston. FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1853. TO MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE 1’URCUABERB OF DRY GOODS. Al’R purchases for th" fall and winter trade are now com pitted, and we can submit to your Inspectlou a very and well assorted stock, embracing every article con- Dieted with the trade, and at such price*. In the present state of the markets, ns will prove highly satlsGictory. M PRENDEROAST fc CO.. 178 Broughton-*!. oct25 opposite St. Andrew’* Hall. NEW BOOKS. DECEIVED November 10th. 1853, by 8. S. Slbloy.—Busy 1V Momeut* of an Idle Woman. lives of the Queens of England, by J P. Smith, Esq., au thor of Amy Ixwrruce. fcc. Die Old Doctor, or Stray I#av*s from my Journal, being sketch*-* of the most interesting reminiscences of a retired (h/tldsn. Short Patent Sermons, by Dow. Jr., third volume. Tbo Countess Arntieim.or Slastcr Timoth's Book Case, by C.W.M Reynolds. Lionel Ainsworth, or the Young Partisan’s Doom. l*-jr Lee's Widowhood, from Blackwood’s Magazine. Ihrnum's Illustrated New*. (ilnwa's Pictorial For sale at 135 Congress street. D0T18 , MORE MEDICAL BOOKS, \v THORNE WILLIAMS h** recelve<l—Paget on 8urg- ’' • leal Pathology; Handy’s Text Book of Anatomy wd Guide la IHsseeiions, 260 Illustration* ; Llttellon Bis- Uwsuftlie Eve; Anatomical Remembrancer or pocket Amt,an 1st: Reese's Pocket Medical Lexicon ; Warrington’s Uatttrie Catechism, fur student*, with questions and an- ' Heir " ** ’uo; Xell fc Bmlth’* Cnmpend of Medlcln H sm HUDSON LOWE AND NAPOLEON, bTOKY or the Captivity of Napoleon on 8t Helena, from the Journal* of ilr Hudson Lowe. Abenwlhy ’* Memoirs, by Dr Macllwaln. lurry's bidder to Learning, 230 illustrations. Uberl*. or Mr Peyton’s Exijerfmcnt*, by Mrs Hall. HudiHroe* in Alabama and Mississippi, with Plate*, ttwrtbdnne. or Horae Life In our Cities, by B Osgood. a Month In England, by Tuckerman. the River, by Shelton. For sale by W. THORN W. THORNE WILLIAMS. TTlUni-n. MAGAZINES, &c. ■H Bugiizloo lor December; Putnam's Magazine Ghinon's hctorial Illustrated News. «*y. the Foundling, or the Secret Dungeon: a new »”*L IWttWed and for sale by 8. 8. SIBLEY, -j° >so 135 Congress-street. H W. THORNE WILLIAMS, a variety of new books—Greenleaf* Law of Evident, vol. 34; Flanders on Maritime Law. I ?.V, he Uw of rthlppln^. ( *Wn. or British Institutions, ??^t“m*,by Matt. F. Ward. ,f. Art of Gliding, for the us« of arehltecta. build- i..!? a .*" ltrneo « machlnlatt. bn^netnand mechanic*. Jsiu 2.V' mawnmat*. engmevr* ana mecnaniC*. iw , " °r the King’s Advocate, a Scottish romance. U*IU®« Monthly. Tor October. . Hamormu Speaker, fur school*, debating clubs, kc, Thi D l )C “ K * r . tor scnoois. aeoaung ciuc Thi 1’I}" °f Excitement, by t'-aroline Ia-o Hents. b*,i . * romance of the. Revolution. ft,r September. ^ YKxhlblUon, N s^WOF THE CITY UV HaVartMAIi. A MlvVre.fT 1,110 GIT* UB' HAVaSkAlli b * ft H. H'nrgtt. Just completed.— •toy lokriH,*' ra *tsd. Those wishing a copy must apply b 1£‘ ui Howell, or at the hook store of ' B- B. 911HKY. 188 Contras* street. .If , ,v “'Ll A MS ha* lately received Western 'ftW’SffinVto nSR* of ^ rder uu 5 yJpRn^h WS** «« tod*Woman, w** bToir,^ T' rk *' wUh critlM ‘ l »•»'* explanatory ne vnlumee-Orstlustrecelred:. • t^RHsodoini,*! r 9 hr 2P ,c,tt ’ • lurr »tlve or an Expedition D»Vvr»<»fJw? unt L , v *-1 with Illustration*. ' . frsM’i Oil * ,*,? a comparative PhUoeophy. bb ^^hft^lure, or design* Tor DwslUagt, Ho- ;.Vy w. Bsjks. r * n,fh ® AntlquIU**,' transUted by Her. Ur. LANDS FOR SALE. The «u*»scribor offers for sale, on accammodatln; term*, hi* two plantations, of 700 acres each, in Llbei ty county—one within 1& mile of Wultlmurville. and the other within 2}£ miles of UlnMvllle. are highly Im proved, and have all necessary building* on them. I would alno sell 2000 acres nf well timbered lands, nea: Bimrd’M Bluff, on the Alatamaha river. Parties wishing to purchase can learn all particulars by Ding on me, or addressing me, at Minesvllle. liberty county. Ga. oct29—Stf CHARLTON H1NR3 A RARE CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE. T HE DEI AWARE STEAM SAW MILL Is offered lor sale. It Is lust above Win. B. Giles fc Co.’s Mill, and Is tha best location on the river for business, being on the city side of the river. Immediately Joining the 4 pre*ont limits of the city, and Included in the intended extension. Die mill Is new. having been only Bnlshed In the past year. It is arranged In the most modern and approved nlsn. having ono rolling or spiked gnng, and a large circu lar saw. together with two shingle inacliliies below. The rawing apartment of thi* establishment Is capable of cutting from twelve to twenty-llvo thousand leot of lumber per day, and tho shingle machine cun and Im* manufac tured an average of four thousand shingles per day, which sell readily In this market for $16 per tnousaml. There Is no time when lumber has been In such demand, and the prospect* for a continuance I* good. The only reason the mill I* (offered lor sale Is on account or the health of the acting partner, being such as to disable him for the business. For further particulars npply to the subscriber, or to Wm. B. Giles it Co. HENRY MITCHELL. Pavannah, December 0th. 1863. declO SOUTHERN INSURANCE AGENCY—LIFE, FIRE and making insurance. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, or lURTTOIU), coax., Capital, and surplus over $250,000. Altrto Gm, President. J*s. C. Wslklkt. Sec’y. This Company will issue Policies on the Joint Gtock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, thus combining the benefit* of both systems at the option of the lusured. The strength, ability und well Invested capital of the in stitution are, in my opinion unsurpassed by any Life Insu rance Company in this State or Union. [L.8.] signed RO.PINNEY, Comptroller ol Public Accounts, State or Connecticut. Slaves Insured. Californian and Australian risks taken on reasonable terms. The subscriber I* also Agent for the following Fire Compa nies: Equitable Fire lmuranee Company OF LONDON. Authorised Capital $2,600,000 Capital pnid In $1,000,000 Farmer*’ Fire Insurance Company. Capital *200.000. Granite Fire ami Marine Insurance Corap'uy, or NEW TOUR CITY. WM. A. THOMAS, PRACTICAL HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBER, No. 16 Bamonl sired, Savannah. Ga Lead pipe, sheet lend, block tin. copper boilers, light and force pumps, hydraulic ram*, and kitchen ranges, con stantly on hand. Order* from tho country promplly at- ided to oct23—Sm tende ROOFING. The subscriber I* prepared to lay Tin Roofs on correct prln- clplta.nnd from sixteen years’ experience, feels assured ho can give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best reference given. J. J. MAURICE. •^Gutter* and Conductors made to order. M. WIIIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Alligator, Bast Florida. Will practice in the Eastern and Southern counties. Refer to Col. S. S. Sibley, and It. B. lliltou. Esq.. Savannah, Ga. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ibnyth, Monroe County, Oa.• J. B. I1AYNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scarborough. Scricen County, Practices in tho Eastern and Middle Circuits of Georgia. Jy26—3m- B. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticdlo, Jefferson County, Florida. Reference—Hon W. B.FiJtuuio, Savannah, Ga. WILLIAM B. FLKMIMI. JOHN X. MILLS*. FLEMING <fc M1LLEN. The undersigned having united in the practice of Uw, will attend punctually to any business entrusted to thoir care. Office curner of Bay and 8wllt. Denslow is Co'*. i Whitaker Streets, over Me*sr*. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Dvupcille. Georgia. Will practise In the Clrccuit Courts of Thomas. Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin.Goorgla; and in the Cir cuit Courts of Jeffeninii, Madison and Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, and in Alachua and Columbia counties in tho Eastern Circuit nf Florida Will attend to the claims of all persons before the Departments at Wash ington. R, Waixwiiioiit Bacon, Josktii T. Dill. WM. M. LAWTON & CO., SEA ISLAND AND UPLAND COTTON FACTORS, No. 13 South Wharf, Charleston. S C. aug23—2aw4m* WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troujmille. Lowndes county. Ga. Telfair. Irwin, l-aurens. and Pulaski counties. Georgia; and In Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia noun ties. Florida. fnl>23 WM. r. WILLIAMS. THADDEl'S UI.IVCT. JACK HKOWB, WILLIAMS, OLIVER 6i BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista. Marion County, Ga., Will practise In the counties of Murlnu, Macon, Houston. Stewart, Randolph. Muscogeo, Leo, and any adjoining counties where their services mny be required. Jan20 Company, of ftfeiiiisylraiiln, (Capital $350.tHH). Knickerbocker Fire Inaurtmee Company. Capital $150,000. New York ondErlo Fire Inanrance Comp’y. Capital $160,000. These Companies having a cash capital, safely Invested in bond and mortgage, are prepared to ellect Insurance against damage by H»,on all kinds of property on reason able terms. For insurance In cither of tho above named Companies, npply to A. WILBUR. General Insurance Agent, and Agent for the above Companies, decl7—ly office 142 Congrcas-st. WOODRUFF, GREEN & CO.’S NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. . nanan Mr. W. W. WuoDBurr. of Griffin. Ga., and £**£EggMessr*. M. C. k J. II. GRWOf, or Newark. N.J., having purchased the entire intercut, and secured the luc itlon of Messrs. T. J. Naylor k Co., in the carriage busi ness In till* city, respectfully announce to the citizens of Savannah and of the States or Georgia. South Carolina. Ala- hHtna. Florida, and all sections trading at this growing city, that it is their Intention to keep on hand, at *11 times a large and general assortment of every kind of carriages in They feel confident that their business relations are such as to enable them to offer Inducements to purchasers equal to Charleston, or any other city. The Messrs. Green Iiave been engaged in the manufacture or carriage* In Newark. N.J., for a.numbc- of year*, and are well acquainted with the wants and requirement* of the South. Their reputation as Manufacturers, combined with the experience and quaUtlcatlons of Mr. Woodruff, long known at Griffin, Ga.. in tho carriage business, erablodena them to promise that they will be able to meet the expec tation* of the public. Mr. H D.W. Alexander, of the late firm, favorably known in connection with tho carriage business in this city, I* as sociated with them, and will act a* tbelr agent in the trans action and management of their business. Mr. Woodruff’s Intent'on I* to divide his time and atten tion between this point and the interior, and hopes to make the acquaintance of this community personally, By strict attention, coupled with fair and hone strict attention, coupled with fair and honorable deal ing, they hope to secure n share ot public patronage. They have made arrangements to havo all repairing promptly and neatly done. ... — •- ty Diem warranted. WOODRUFF, GREEN k CO , 223 and 226 Ray street Savannah, Go. All work sold b, fjp A CARD—H will seen by the above that we have deemed it best for th# Interest* of *11 concerned, to with draw In favor of Metiri, Woodruff, Green fc Crf. We take this opportunity to return, thank* to our friends for the kind offer* of support that were so liberally proffered us, and to solicit tho same for our friends of the same llrro. T. J. NAYLOR fc CO. Savannah, December 7, 1853.dec9 & EXTRA FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER WARM, dto. Now opening a very l*nr» *nd splendid a*«ort- ronnt ol Diamond Jswxunr, embracing foil seta of AwUt. ear-rings, brooch and cross; Bee set* of very superior Mosaic do. imported direct from Rome, a very choice and Unique article; also, line Pearl, Gameo, Morale. Lava. Coral. Easrontled and Rich Embossed Bar- 'Rings, Bracelet* rad Din*, of Bile gold, Rich Finger Bln** and Brooches, of ah pattern*, from one dollar to live hun dred; premium aula and *Uvat hunting lavee Watches, and pi tin ones, of every .variety, expressly tor customer* and railroad operatives, and warranted; gold pbft(o«j Seals. Keys, Crosse* and Charms; gold mounted Shell ’Combs, a new article In this mfcrket) ty,(monte*, Cane*. Sterling Sliver Tea 8#t*. 1’ltobers. Cup*, ObbleU. 8p6oo*', Forks, and every variety of Bllver-wartJ plated and taucy articles for tb»0omtogsM*oo< . I>. B. NICHOLS. ; . dec2 .• Brat atore west of Pulaski House. Tf iu OLOVJ53—A sple did assortment of ladle*'and gen* JV tinmen’* black and colored Kid Glove«.Jast received and tor sale by . KKMFTON fc_ynt8TILLB. JOSEPH GANAfIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Comer of Bay and Whitakeistreets. JAMES O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT UW. Office—176 Bay-sired. Savannah, Oeorgia. Tho Sardinian Minister. Baltimore, Due. 30. Tho Marquis Taliacnrne, Charge d’Aflalres from Sardinia, presented hla credentials to President Pierce in Washington on Tuesday. COMPETITION THE LIFE OF TRADE. WOODRUFF, GREEN k CO. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, No. 223 Bay sired. Savannah: Ga. CODY’S RESTAURANT AND COFFEE-HOUSE. neat and elogaut style, the building on Drayton street, next door to Way k Kino's, to bo occupied *s a COFFEE-HOUSE. where he Intend* to serve up. in superior style, every doll, caev of the seasou. New York and Snvatmah Oysters, Venison, GROUSE. PARTRIDGES. FISH. ~ ■ Fulton Afar he* tmrt rti ttnttclpn VrJftlJ, <5'r., $•<•., will always bn kopt on hand, and served up in a style uever before equalled iu this cily. Parties furnished with private suppers and Dinners ou short notice. Ho will keep only the he*t Liquors. Ick. *“* uct7 JOHN Sick. CODY. GRAND EXHIBITION OF CLOTHING, BY PRICE & VEADER. W E PRESENT to the public for in*pection aud sale, the largest and best assortment of Elegunt Fabrics In the city, selected from the most distinguished manufac tories or EUROPE, INDIA AND AMERICA, which for beauty of material, style and workmanship, w* challenge competition. Every iierami desirous to select BAROAl.'a will favor us with a call at 147 Bay street, nbaily opiaisile the Exchange, deed DUTTKR, MESS BEEF, 1j PIG HAMS, BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, SMOKED TONGUES, a full supply, lauding this day, per stenmer. aud for sale at DICKSON’S, Barnard street, duel near the market. MUSIC ! MUSIC ! ! VtJLJT The subscriber respectfully Informs tho ladles wjNR&and gentlemen of Savannah, that he Intends open- log a School for instruction In Sacred and Secular zyi Music. Through long experience, and having eon ducted large schools, he feel* conlldout hi* instruction will be perfectly satisfactory to all those who may desire his service* in the above department* of vocal music. Desirous of forming a Urge class tho price or tickets has been list'd at $4 each, for the course of 24 lessons, including book*—the name of which Is t e "Singing School Com panion.” consisting of songs, glees, trios, duett*, quartettes, choruses, motettes. church music, oratorios, etc , tho most popular work nf tho day. Those wishing to form his class are requested to baud in their names, as early ns posdblo, to this office, or through tho postolBco. uuder address to JAMES PIERPONT, nov5—tf Organist and Teacher ot Vocal Music. WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. OR Bay sired. Savannah, Georgia. CHARLES A. PRICE, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, Palatka. FZul Florida, Will attend to all collecting sent him, In East Florida, promptly and efficiently,» sepfl—w2m II. K. WASHBURN, Att’t., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SAVANNAH. OA. CEYLON PLANTATION FOR SALE. iga Ceylon la situated on the river Alatamaha. two miles from Darien, and contain* four hundred «nd seventy- five acres of first quality tide swamp, of which tw„ hundred and thirty nre In good order—under dams : and about Ilf- tocn hundred acres of pine and hammock land adjoining. On the placo uro two good haras, a very commodious stable and carriage house, and other nucf*snry out-build- lug*, with proper nnd comfortable accommodation* for 8U or 00 negroes, also, dwelling house, kitchen. *tore rooms, etc..all In good artier. For the last twelve years thi* property has yielded an avMrngo Incnnip of nearly 14 tier cent., as may bo seen by reference lo the books of R Habersham A- Son. to whom and to Dr. J. P. Screven. (Savannah.) reference may be mude for general Information; and for further particulars to the subscriber, on th n plantation. 8. M. ROND Darien, November 15.1853. novlfi—fkt'Jm Tbo Charleston Mercury nnd Georgetown Times will pub lish the above twice a week for two montns, and seuti bill to thi* office. WILLIAM P. YONGE, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 94 Baystreet. Savannah. O’HEAR & STON E Y, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. North Commercial Wharf, Charlerhm, South Carolina, LATH Of TUB FIRM UP LROAIIK. o’ilKAIl A CO. BANCROFT & BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, For the Turcluiao and Sale of Stocks, Bonds, Exchange and Real Estate. 117 Bay-atreet. Savannah. jan24 GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owens' Building, opposite. Pulaski House, handsome style, and on accommodating terms. JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga„ Into junior partner of the fim of A. fc J. Coen RANK, Irvrinton. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to Ids care Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Df. C. B • Guyton.F. H. Rows,Dublin,Ga.; M Marsh,Savannah. may7—dfcwly PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Conn. The undersigned, Agents ol the above Company are prepared to take risks against Firb on Buildings and tbelr contents. Also Marine 8ra Risks, on the most favorable term*. BRIGHAM. KELLY fc CO., Agent*. EDWARD R. HARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT. W. fc A. RAILROAD, Ringgold, Walker County, Georgia. TX7TLL attend to the purchasing on commission. Corn, V V Wheat and Dacon. The Ringgold Depot being situa ted In a region of country abounding in grain, It cau usual ly be purchased upon more favorable terms than at almost any other point upon the W. fc A. Railroad. Orders covering the cosh, with limited or discretionary Instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will pleaae forward sacks with order. References—Dr. Richard MTayne, Mr. Wm. M. Wsdly,8*. varnish. . maylO BROGANS—BROGANS. The subscribers would csll the attention of planters and uth*rs. In wont of good and cheap orngans.tocall and examine their stock, oa they •foel satisfied that upon Inspection the quality aud prices ol their goods cannot foil to please. MURPHY fc.DKVANNY, nov!5 corner pf Congress and Whitaker streets DRY FEET PRESERVES THE HEALTH,—Just received.a few case* water-proof Boot*; alto, a lot of thick pegged Boots, together with a fine as- •sortment of Gentlemen’s and ladles’ over Shoes, wm* of a new and approved itvle, which will be sold at low prices, by R. FLANIOAN fc 00., 10« Dry an-street. AU in want will please call find'judge for themselves. deoil I CANARY CAGES BY THE 1M8T STEAMER— A variety of new and baaatlful pattern* of canary Cage*Juat received. • Those desirous of a hand- soma Cage, and on* proof against Jftfcs.bave only to makt an early call for a choice from a fine <w soitmonl. '■ J, P. OOLUNMOOBryanat. BROUGHT TO JAIL—A negro tnsn named JAMES, five loot, tbreo Inches in. height, dark complexion, l* about twenty-fiva yean of sge. and soya he beloogt o™,,, „t AUJ..U- Mor matt named AMUB, — k BROUOirr TO JAIL—A negro mal jK> five feet five inohe* In height, light nl about twenty-three years of age, and sty* belongs to Joseph Simmons, of Skidd#way Island, fool V ’ 18A A0 B’LYON. Jailor FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD— Kauaway, in Jack, •mnvillc, East Florida, un tho 1st of November, my mulatto slave EDMUND. Sold slavo 1* about thirty- .two years old. six feot one or two inche* high, stout built. hnir'bu*hy. coarse nnd slraisht. shoulders somewhat round, has a rather dogged and snlhy look. He will proba bly endeavor to make ids way to Liwrenco county. Noith Alabama. The above reward will he given to any person who will deliver him to my agent, Col. .lame* Livingston, at Jacksonville, Fast Florida, or to the subscriber, nt Quincy, Gadsden county, Fla,, or lodga him iu jail, so tint I get aim. decl5—dfcw5 JOHN KRSKINE. —---Jlsi Lln*»—Theregu- Sglar packet sohr. P. R. BURTON. Captain'IJngo, will ulspatch tor the above port. For freight, on ded pply to OspUIn ou bo*rd, at Anderaon'i^upper^whsrfj c Agents In New York—Bcimrrox H TaumaH. d!8 la Line.—The regu- lkley, ' At Private Bale. Lot No. 26, aoath of Jones street, and Improvsroents, con sisting of a two-ator/. house and doable tenement, in good order. Rent* at $33 per month. Will be told a bargain, a* the present owner !■ moving from the city. For term* and further partloalqr* inquire at the counting room; . dU ... At Private gale A second-hand Carriage lately trimmed and painted. In good order. Taros cash; ■ 1 deolft . decU decl4 ■ijtn NEW YORK—New Llne^-.The regular (SfliPACkot brig MACON, Capt. Watkins, will meet with Spatcu fur the sbovd port. For freight nr passage apply to decl3 H. K. WASHliURN, Agent. Ml LIVERPOOL—Tlie American ship STIRLING. SftHcnderson, master, will meet with dispatch for the we port. de!3 PADELFORD. FAY fc CU. BALTIMORE—Regular Line.—The reg- ...— *•“ ■ulur schooner WOUDBHllAJE White, master, meet with dispatch as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to dec8 BRIGHAM KELLY fc CO. PHILADELPHIA—Herunra Line—The regulnr packet schooner DAVID SMITH. Peterson, i will have dispatch for the above port. For freight »go apply to doo7 OGDEN fc BUNKER. NEW YORK—The schooner E. J. TALBOT . master, will have dispatch a* above. For ireignt or psssago apply to dvcB BRIGHAM. KELLY fc CO. IiaLti BIOLK—Regular Lint . — >Thescbr. KEDRON,lnyton, master, will meet with dispatch n. For freight or passage apply on board or to BRIGHAM. KELLY fc l BALTIMORE—Regular Line—Hie reg- lalar packet schooner NARKAGANSETT. Hall, mo* ter, whl have quick dispatch as above. For freight or sago apply on board, or to dec'J URIGILlM, KELLY & CO. BYT.J.WA14H. At Privet# Bale. > t ,side of Weat I At Private Sale. 8eod Rye and Oata In quantities to *nlt purchasers. Clothing at Private' Bale—‘A handsome assortment of nothing at Private Bale—‘A handsome assortment of ready-made Clothing, consisting of superfine'frock, sack Glass 1011 49 38 06 8 80 60 IT 27 6 28 60 68 70 Also. Extra Class 87 ! 11 60 69 63 6 29 68 10 10 65 61 4 Holders of prise* will please call for the cash, or renew at E. WITHINGTON’S. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY. GREGORY fc MAURY. Managtta. Class 103, draws on Friday, the 23d instant, in thi* city. 8ale* olosu at 8 o’clock, P. M. OAiTrat. $9,000. 75 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. BW Tickets $2—share* In proportion. Extra Class M, draw* at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday. 24th Decomber. capital. $65,000. ter Lottery—16 Drawn 78 Number Lottery—16 Drawn Ballot* tgr Ticket* $20—share* In proportion. Ticket* either singly or by the package for sal# In Bay lane, Savannah, Ga., next to Robinson fc Camp. K WITHINGTON. dec 23 CHRISTMAS GIFTS—CHRISTMAS GIFTS. A VERY elegant assortment or fancy article*, among which will be found Toilet Boxes, of papier mache, Gutta l’ercha Work, Odour Bcxci. Glove Boxes, Reticule*, kc., fca„ just received, and will be opeu for selection on Monday, at W. W. LINCOLN, decll Monument square. NEW GOODS—FALL TRADE—1853 , D iWITT fc MORGAN are receiving by the steamers week. ly their foil and Goods, to which they respect fully solicit attention: Plain and figured black Silks, colored glace aud ducape do Plaid and brocade Silk of the newest style Plain French Moustln de Lalnes, French and Eng. printed do Silk und Wool Fluids for children's wear, plaid Raw Silks Plain and plaid Poplins, very nch. French printed Cambric Ilnrk Calicos. Mourning do, Irish Linen*, fcc, Rlboro’a now building, Congress-street. . FOR 1IAWKINSVILLE AND ,-JS$£3£OTHkR LANDINGS.—The steamer CIIAB. IlAulKilRjr., W. Taylor, master, will leave as above on Frl- dsy next, tho 23d Instant. Fur freight or pusxago apply on bonrd at Johnson’s lower wharf, or to dec’20 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. Wise ; Infant* Progress , Christian Theology ; Imitation Christ; tF ’Jomforter , Fulfilment of Prophecy ; S< Knowledge ; ware on Justification ; The Patriarchs; S WEEKLY STEAM-PACKET LINE.' FOB PALATKA, B. P., via Darien, Brunswi’k, St. Marys. Jacksonville and Middle bury. (Black Creek.) *^* 10 ncw BD| 1 e log<Ant steum-packet ST. fpSESCJnilNS. Captain Jasiu FiiAKCuiut, will leave tho above placo This Buy. 22<l instant, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. and every Thursday thereafter.’ This boat has been . • - r -• - ,1c.. ' • ■ ' * built expressly for the triulc*. und has large and airy state- room accommodations for passengers. For freight or paaa. Hge, apply on board at the Florida Steam-Packet Wharf, near the gas works, or to decj-2 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. Agents. $S“Tlie St. Johns will make her noxt trip to St. Au- WaimuOUr"UNITE U (STATES MAIL LINE. FOB PALATKA, K. F., via Darien. Brunswick. St Marys. Jacksonville. Picolata, and MiddULurg, (Black Creek,) carrying the U S. Mail, r - w1r***w Tbo regular steam-pseket WM. GASTON, ■TinhikljiBis f ° T* TIIOH. E. Suaw. will leave for the above place ou Tuesday morning. 27tb inst.. at 10 o’clock, and routinue to leave every Tuesday. For freight or passage having handsome accommodation*, npply on board, at tbo Florida Steaui Packet wharf, near the Gas works, or to de C 22 CLAGHORN** CUNNINGHAM. Agents. OPPOSITION LINE. f .r *-r*S PALATKA. FLA., AND INTERMEDIATE ■tegs-jaSCPLACia.—leaves every Saturday morning at lit o’clock.—Tie regular steam packet WKlJtKA, Capt. N. King, will leave is above. For freight engagements, ap ply on boar-1, or to S M I.AFF.ITKAU. Agent. N. B.—The fare to Brunswick is reduced to $4. aug26 OPPOSITION LINE. Change qf Departure—Fbr Palatka, Fla..amiall the interme diate landingt on the foute. . r - The superior new Stcam.packet WF.LAKA. eSBamEsSmCsptoln N. Kixo. will, until further notlcej leave every Satukiuy, at 10 o’clock. A. M. Rato of Passage In large, airy Statu Rooms, as follows: To Darien $3 00 | To Pioolato $8 00 St. Mary# 4 60 Palatka 8 00 Jacksonville 6 001 Block Creek.... 8 00 .if-Jir-Frelght consigned to R. R. Duke. for.OcaU, will be re-shipped free of all charges at Palatka. For freight or passage apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet Company's wharf, or to foblB S. M. LAFF1TEAU. Agent. SIELDDIANJ4— MELODlANS. CARHART & NEEDHAM’S large double [reed, with four stops, suitable fur church music. Also, largo double, round corner, six octavo ; Cnlmrt’u fine Midodlnns. four and a half and five octave, u beautiful instrument for tbo parlor. For sale ou the most accommodating terms, by novl5 I. W. MORRELL k CO. PIANO FORTES. THE subscribers sole agents for A. 8tod- . .. fart & Co’s., and Jonn B. Dunham’s Piano • * •Fortes, are always supplied with sn os- sortment of these favorite and justly celebrated instru ments. For durability thoy can bo fully warranted, whilst their superiority of tone nnd touch Is ovident and acknowl edged by the most casual observer, as well as the critical connoisseur. The ladles are respectfully invited to view these instruments. An arrrangement having been effected with ono of our most eminent Pianists for the purpose, they can also be onabled to Judge of the tone. _ F. 7.1 n;BAUM fc CO.. Market-square. Second hand Pianos taken iu exchange, also tuned and repaired. J 0 17 BRIGHAM. KELLY fc CO. H AY AND PLASTER—22 hales Hay. and 8 bills and 40 bags Calcine Plaster, landing from schr J P Wetherill, and for sale by decl8 BIUGHAM, KELLY fc CO. F OR SALE TO ARRIVE—5no bales prime Eastern Ilay, ami 200 bbls Potatoes, tier shin Rotunda, from Bath, Maine, by dec! 8 BIUGHAM. KELLY fc CO. B UTTER AND CUE!*!!-26 firkins Butter.25 bzs Cheese, fur sale by declfi McltAHON fc DOYLE. CJUOAR—20 hhds P. R- Sugar, 30 do Muscovado do. 100 O bbls Stua*t’s A. B and C clarified do, 40 bbls crashed do, 26 do pulverized do. for sale by nov20 McMAHON fc DOYLE. OiUNDRIES ON HAND-60 bbls Potatoes. 10 do Onions. 5 do Loaf I ard. 10 do N O Syrup, 16 do crashed and clar ified Sugars. 2 hbds llacon Shoulders, 60 dozen Mustard In >4 lb cans. 60 boxea Beadel's Family Soap. 26 do ground Rio and Java Coffee, 25 do Bottaa Brick Dust, 20 dozen Pickles in X gallons, also. Teas, Cinnamon. Nutmeg, Mace. Cranberries, and white Beaus. For sale at the corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by dec3 : DAVID O'CONNER. Old England and New England, by Alfred Bunn. Ufa of an Actor, by O. H. Hill, Health Trip to the Tropics, by N. P. Willis. The Invalid’s Own Book, by the Hon. Lady Cast, nappy Days ofCblldhood. by Amy Meadows Iron Rule or Tyranny In the Household, by T S Arthur. Jack Junk, by the author of Gallant Tom, fcc. Blackwood's Magazine, far November. Popular Educator. For December—Hunt’s Magazine, Knickerbocker Maga zine, Graham's Magazine, Illustrated Magazine of Art, and Oodey’s Lady’s Book, tor sale at 136 Congress-st. d7 jTtURDIALS—20 down assorted Copllals—Anisette, Pax. V_/ fait Amonr, Noyeau, and Rose—for sale by J..11 -* « nnunm A. BQNAUD. QHAWS—A splendid lot or long and square Blanket O Shawls, saltabls for lbs season, at dado KEMPTON fc VERSTH.IJi’S. LI AMS—000 Roloson’s prime new Ham*, landing this day il from schooner Woodbridge, from Baltimore and for sale on the wharf. Apply to « declO OGDEN * BUNKER. QUAGINURODS, Gut Sticks. Oil ami Spirit Proofs, Bung XJLTOODEN-WARE, Tubs. BuoksU, 8eive*. Wash Boards, Tv Bread Tray*, Pastiy Boards and Rolling Pins. For sale by declO , J. P. 00LUN8. sole by BRONZED HAT STANDS. Fire SUndards. Bras* Andirons, D Fire Dogs, F#ndtrt,8horelsnd Tongs. Poker*. and Flre Fire Dogs, Fendei*, Shovel and Tong*. Poker*.and Fire Oalaona, F0r*al*by declO J, P. COLLINS. do Marac*lwSofrec«l«d and for sale by decU ■: SCRANTON..* 11 ' H ARPEKS* ItAOAZINE.—Now 1.1b. Um. IP Mlncrlb.. The eighth volume commnee* with the December num- Tbeelgh.U1v9iraM.9MP-- , -.---.1- r. Subscriptions received at two dollar* and fifty cento, paid lo advane*. Single number* twenty-five cento Alio, Putnam’* Uscztlno. Godsy’s Lady’s Book and Graham’* Mogotlne will be rurnlahed on the same term*, by nov23 8. 8. S1B1EY, 186 Oongrres-street. ito,ra frill supply of A. CHAMPION. AT HIS STOKE MARKET SQUARE.—Ha* rn hand, and offers fur sale on reasonable terms—100 barrel* crashed, powderd. clarified and brown su- Igsrs; 75 bags Rio. Cuba, and old government coffeo. 60 barrel* Baltimore and Cunal Hour I , „ c _i.u 69 hall bbls do do (lo j part II. Smith. 100 98.100, 49 lb. bags choice Cherokee Flour. 40 bbl* liutter.8ugar.SoiU Cracker* and PilotBread. 150 bbls. Potatoes,Carter's June und merces, fur family use. 200 Reynold’s Hams. 10 hhds. Sides and shoulder Bacon. 76 boxes Patent Sperm, nnd Adam«ntine and Tallow Candles. 100 boxes nnd half do Family and Common Soap. 60 do half do Tobacco, 26 quarter do Thomas' Nectar Ixjaf Tobacco. 20 Kegs choice Butter. BO boxes Cheese.’ 25 kegs lard. 50 whole and half bhl*, nnd 60 boxes Watts’ Buck wheat Flour. Also a lull selection of choice Teas, Spice. Mustard, old Morgnlmln Whisky. Brandy. Port and Madeira Wines, pure White Vinegar. Cider Vinegar. Porter, half bbls Beef, barrel* ballbbls.qusrtersSalmon.table Salt.Vermletdln.Macaroni, fcc., fcc.. all nf which are olfcre I to Families. Planters and Country merchants, for cash or approved paper. nov8 BAKERY! BAKERY!! rpHE undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of X Savannah, that he will open on the 1st of November, * - * "iffei a Bakery, at tho corner of Jefferson and Charlton streets, wbeic he will have tho Best of Flour und tlie Largest Size Bread for the price, his system being cash and no credit. Hn will guarantee that his friends and the public In patronizing him w 11 be satisfied. Tickets to be paid for la advance, and Bread for cash on ly. Tickets can be left at the house If required, or Bread carried to any part of tho city. The cash system it tho order of the day with me. as I have lost enough In by-gnno days. What 1 have lost with bad customers I will moke up with good paying patrons, by giving them a larger size bread, as cosh will more the worn. W Pics, Cakes, and Rusks, to be bad at all timet at the new bakery. octlD—dim P. GIE0ELH0U8E. PLABTKR1NG, *C. T HE undersigned having commenced business on his own account, respectfully tenders his sendees to the public. He will contract for Plain and Ornamental Plas tering, Stoco Work, fcc. fcc.. at the usual prices, and will In every case warrant work executed by himself, or under his supervision. Builders and others contemplating build Ing, would do well to call upon him before coutracting with otlrara. Orders left at his residence. Joues-st., corner ol Bamnrd-st., will be pi uraptly attended to.. julyl6—ly VALENTINE BRUNNER. BLOW YE WLYDS AND CRACK YOUR CHEEKS 1 D IRECT importations of PEARLS, from Framasugda; MOSAICS and CAMEOS, from Utopia; and DIAMONDS, supposed to be the same foand by Sixbad. the sailor, set up in ancient and modern style*, for sale at 110 Bmnghton street, by - dec4 HORTON fc RIKEMAN. B UTTER AND CHEESE—26 firkins choice Qo*h*n Butter, 60 boxea Cheese, for tale by pov20 | McMAHON fc DOYLE. J^AILtyAY SHAWLS—Gentlemen in want of*uch an ar- dated novlfi Ids. (and who doe* not want one!) can be accommo- •ti47 ■ PRICE fc VEADER. Draper* and Tailor*. MIO HAMS—6 bbls Pig Ham*. 6 do smoked Beef, 300 lha t Bologna Sausage, new, 20 cases Scheidam GIn. ft Bologna Sausage, new, 20 cases Scheidam Gin. For sale by nov23 HYLAND fc O’NEHJa. . _ gusto, krai for solely nov23 CHAMPION fc WATTS. MACON—20 hhds prime Sides and Shoulder*, landing per Jj steamer Keystone State, and for nte By n<?v!2 . PADELFORD, FAY fc CO. ing from tlie Brig Northman For a*l» bj ttovS , OGDEN A BLANK BOOKS OP EVERY DEBOR1P- TION ALWAYS ON HAND. H A VINO engaged additional workmen of the highest BIXTRA RUSSIA BANK LM DORRS, " all other kind* of bboka mod* to order, of th* best nia* TVOHEOTO uQUOtta.—iwi i JJ K Mil. N.» Batumi Earn CAHUINEa, LOB9TIH, 5X0*55 mod Fmb M.cker.1. for ^1 otlur kind, ot book. Bait to onl«,of ii» b«i mk. O Ml. bjr Ottao . A. iXJNAUP. UrmU,bound I. Ibttert iliort wUiM.. E IME—100 bbl* Lime, now lending from schr E J Tklbot, for into by 44 BRIOH/ for iole by 44 BRIGHAM, KEL1.Y fc CU^, S UGAR—'76hhd*folrto cbolceN O8ugar.l0 do Mdieo vodo do. 10 do prime to choice Porto Rico do; 60 bbl* fitewort’arefined 0 Sugar; sale hv •ugl7 ” - >by: WEBSTER fc PALMES. MACON—60 hbds Side*, 26 do Shoulders, 10 casks Hams, D lauding from ateamer State of Georgia and schr Loosen, for **1* by oct4 CRANE fc R0DQKR8. Ko ' i ^ bf every description. Also. Just received ' ’ 12 LEG ANT OIFT BOOK suitable to.tbe season, with fine engraving*. Putnam’s Magazines, (for DecemberJ.bjr th • : A T REDUCED PRICES—Printed Coshmtres aud kfouslla Ad. R FJJGIOU8 WORKS.—The Young Christian ; toll * 1 .iiriBiiuu i tlie way _ tlm good; tlie Corner Stone, by Jacob Abbott ; the Young Man’s Counsellor; tho Young Lady’s Counsellor, by “ Imitation of Self rious Call, by Wcstley ; The First Woman ; Morris’s Ser mons ; Life of Rev. T Ware : Women of the Bible ; Church Polity ; Tho Body aud the Mind ; Denson’s I.lfcnf Fletcher, Memoir of Mrs. Rodgers; do do Lucy Richard* : Death Ded Sceiiua. by D. W. Clark, 1>. D. ; Christian Perfection. For wile by B. 8. SIBLEY. Sc|it29 No. 136 Congress-*t. jyjER!NO_ VESTS, fcc—Indira* patent Merino Vesta, do suiterlln* Oishmore do. China Spun do; Gentlemen’s Royal Ribbed Shirts, do extra slzo Merino Wrappers, do ex tra size Merino Snlrts, do Cotton and Merino Drawers. For sale at 72St. Julieu and 105 Bryan streets, by • r * V| ocl22 Bryan KKM UITON fc VER8T1LLE. I II.ASTER—26 bbl* ground Plaster, 25 bbls calcined rto, for sale, to arrive par brig Civilian, from Boston. Ap- filyto 00x20 OGDEN fc BUNKER. r nov!5 PRICK fc VKADKR. Diapers and Tailors. Cumelias. amomrst which are the most desirable vnri- etles ; also, Roses, Geraniums, Dwarf Oranges, and many othor kinds, will bo offered for *a e this morning by novl2 W, W. LINCOLN, Monument square IjUTTEU, CMKESErETCl—38kegs*6lected OoslienButter, ID 00 boxes White 60 do Colored Cheese. 100 boxes scaled Herrings.60 boxes new M. R. Raisins. CO Packages Buck, wheat Flour. Received per stenmer. nnd for sale by doc7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fc CO assorted, 10 do American. Just received and for sale low by HYLAND & O’NEIL. _ new Codfish. 10 bbls extra No 1 Mnckerel. 20 lmxea new scaled Herrings. 10 half bbls Haw’s corned Ileof, 50 bbl* ex tra choice Canal Flour For snlo. wholesale and retail, at the corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by sep28 DAVID O’CONNER. ' D*v«n Lots—numbered frtunon* to elevrt.ta perhlat—'! situated south oftheCaoal bridge, between Wm^oundorJ’^ MpSIK' and.tba balance on twelve month*'- credit, oakured by mbit- f. on th* property. Pprchraera ^ylngfor A^stper*. '■ ” (’■jlmlij.lSS or il ore, »U1 . Rocking Chair db'do, 0 Mahogany French B^atekd* t ‘ , tf%;, snndty article* of new and MCupd hind furnlture/fce:.**..! Terms cash. • ■ • 4*^1$, , ^ Improved Euonoe of Coffee.—We have JustrecelTedfrpm^, » manufacturen to, Philsdelphts, %ud wUl eon«nneto>, eep on band for .solo, Augustus. HpthmeP*: Improved &*. ; •ence of Coffee. This Is the best composition of Coffee ever offered for *ale, and Coffee made from the EsaenoeU much»i more-wholesome, more dellcatf, Anar flavored and eotored, over Coffee prepared In the ordinary tosoner. ^Tn' lt anfl , see If It does not. - , , ,-y-V. : m^ria-- . / wiuoiwtox (m. a) arennx *Mx - *”” r 'NLY BY U. CRONLY. AUCnOMEEBt "? Pilot Boet John A. Taylor. r y. . On Thursday, the 12th January next, *t-12o'clock, M.,I ; will sell, wlUiout nanvo. In front of my office, in Wll* mlngton, N. C„ to the highest bidder, length 63 fleet. 19 fleet beam, depth of bold 7 fret, 70 S7|f» \ tuna, built here, by B. W. Beery, Esq, jn 1861., Soto poets ) live. Teroo—#lx and twelve months c — ■ • endorsed notes. Via., ^Saeg*,: UNITED STATES MAJLLltiB, NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH BTEAM8HIP& OSYS or Liuvtxo SAVimia FOR KKW TOWC. '' ■ ” - ' v f The Florida, Captain-Woodhull, .......i.Nov'r S Caploln Schenck,.** >--9\ „ Captain Lyon, u 11/ Tlie Florida, Qrolsln Woodhull,;.,,“ ,J$ •, Tlie Alabama, Captain Schenck,...,..•< :$$ The Augusta. Captain Lyon.- 20 Tho Florida, Captain Woodhull, .•«»,...D*0 , r 3 •. The Alabama, Captain Schenck,,** .7 Tho Auguita, Captain Iyon, “10 . Hie Florida. Captain Woodhull, “ 17 the Alabama, Captain 8chenck,..i “ 21 i Tlie Augusta, Captain Lyon.’, “ 24 The Florida, Captain Woodhull,,,.. * “ 31 There ship* are the largest on the coast, unsurpassed In ' " *■' * comfort—making f—»* »j ' speed, safety and comfort—making their passage* In 60 to 60 hours, and are commanded by sklllfoL csrerul and po lite officers, They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the KNOXVILLE. In January next, this line will be ssfol-weekly. ' Cabin piuik- ’ age, $26. PADELFORD. FAY fc CO., * Agents In Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCUFJJ^ ocl30 13 Broadway; New York, ‘ ' UNITED STATEN fllAIli LINK. Through In fiO to 66 hour*.- AVfc Fork and ■ Charleston SUatn Packets* I enve Adger’a ’ Wlinrve* every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the new and splendid Steamship* JAMES ADGKlt, Csptn In J. Dioxxifsow, 1J500 ton* MARION. Oaptoln IL niamv. 1.20C tons. SOUTHERNER, Captain W. Fnwrnt 1.000 ton*, will leavi ' each nltcrmnte Wednesd y, having been newly coppered and guards raised, is now In complete order. For freigbt or passage, having elegant state room accom modations, npply at tlie office of the Agent. HENRYY . MBSR00N* ’ Corner East Bay and Adrer. fc Son’*. Whom*. N. 11.—A new ship will be plscedln the line to connect . with the Southerner en Wednesdays. feblO . FOR PHILADELPHIA—PARK REDUCED, 3b sail on Saturday Afternoon, June llUi, of 4 o’clock. dPjfflHfc The fine side-wheel stoamibip OSPREY, 1000 ’ tuns burthen. J.BxmntTT.commander, will laava I pei annexd schedule every other Saturday.7 FROM C1IABUC5TO.V. 11 FROM W11T ItlWl-Wll ■ • . i June 11 June,... Sept It >t 24 > __xber ,, ft , October ,.2S November o November g December!* ....$15 sortment of white nnd colored Marseilles and Linen Vests,for sale by je8 PRICK & VEADER. S UGAR AND CRACKERS—16 hud* Muscovado and 40 bbls yellow C Sugnr. 76 bbl* Do-ton. butter and sugar uess, slicing smoked beef, cutting cold slaw, kc. Tills knife can be regulated to cut any thickness required from an !> to & of an inch. For salo by aug& J. P. COLLINS. tlful hit of wide nock nnd aoatf Ribbon*, ko. n>vl8 KEMPTON A VEKSTILLE. Jj^Lf»UR. CHEESE AND RACdN—60 bbls II Smith’s Flour, IIOIX^IMDE. JOH IMK TG ARRIVE—1000 barrels Lime, cargo of ichoauer BRIGHAM. KEIXY fc CO. L I. E. J. Talbot. For sale by IRINTR AND PICTURES.—A beautiful assortment of fino P I . Prints and Pictures, among them a new variety equal to oil pnlntings.and much cheaper, for sale by „ - —'itEY. 8. S. SIBLEY. 136 Congress-street. J UST RECEIVED—15 baskets Salad Oil. 16 do Bordeaux fill, for aa' ' ' A. BONAUD, Corner of Bay and Wbltaker-sts. P RUNES—A Iresh aud superior article, in glass jars, for *alo by nov29 A. BON; "~ salo by G UUIBRE’S CIlEESFr—Ju»t received by nnv29 sale by B UlTElt—20 firkins! just received per steamer Key Stone Stale, and for salo by n20 E. W. BUKER. QNIONS.—60 bbls. Onions, landing from schooner.Man- COI1EN fc FOSDICK. I ter ; 75 boxes Cheese, for sale by McMAHON fc DOYLE. L ANDRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS—A full supply oftheso justly celebrated Seed*, comprising all the "* ** uatly celebrated Seols. comprising all the varieties usually wanted, and warranted to be the growth of 1853.—— Just received aud for sale by nnv27 W. W. LINCOL IIN. Monument square. S EED OATS—300 bug* heavy Seed Outs, landing per aclir Mohawk, and for salo by novia BRIGHAM. KEIXY fc CO. tov sale by junel l’.VBELFORn. FAY fc CO , Agents for Savannah. S CIENTIFIC AMERICAN.—Tlie subscriber having been appointed ngent fur tho above invaluable publication, is prepared to receive subscription*. The next volume will commence on the 17th Sept. (ISO. B. MITCHELL, auglO Successor to F. Zogbsum fc Co. P ROFESSOR ROWE'S new invented Erosive Gum. the best preparation yet discovered to remove pencil marks, spots or stains from book or paper. For salo at the Book “ ~ " "IIBLEY 8 tore of noT28 8. 8 SIBLEY, No 136. Congress-st B EURT’S PATENT COFFEE J*OTS.-Thore wishing a good cup of coffee, should call nnd purchase one of these su perior coffee pots, at the house furnishing store of nov!2 J. P. COLLINS} JjMNE BED BLANKETS, quilts, white _*nd colored flan- _ nels, bleached aud brown shirtings, Irish linens, birds- eve diapers, long lawns, huckabucks. table damasks, linen and cotton sheetings, damask napkins, etc . just received and for sale by novl9 ’ DiWITT fc MORGAN. A LE AND PORTER—75 bblal’hlladelphl* Cream Ale, 26 casks London Porter, fijr ttde by novfi McMAHON fc DOYLE. /IllA fca—10 bbl* Linseed OU, 10 do Sperm do, 10 do Re- U Hne J J - -*- ““* c -* _ do, 8000 lbs Wblto Lead. 100 boxes Window Glass. For tale low by CRANE fc RODGERS. auglO 1)]U HAMS AND SMOKED BEEF-6 bbU Pig Ham*, and L 3 do 8moked Beef, for sale by A. BONAUD P OTATOES.—100 bbl* Potatoes, now landing from the Brig Northman from Boston. For sale by novS OGDEN fc BUNKER. P OTATOES, ONIONS fcc.—60 bbls Moreer aud red-eye Potatoes. 60 do red and white Onions, 100 bx* Cheese, 26 ease* Table Salt, 160 bx* No 1 and Pale Soap, landing andforaalaby octft HOUOOMBB. JOHNSON fcOO- Northern Potatoes, P OTATOTS AND AT»LES-100 bbl* I 75 d novd & do Apples, for sale by McMAHON fc DOYLE. R‘ OCKLAND TJME.—1200 Cask* Rockland 8tone lime la store, and for *ale« in lota to suit purchasers by nov2 ' E. W. BUKER. QRilUND PLA8TER-—26 bbi* GroundPUrier,now load- Sept....’.,.17 June October... 1 June ,18 8 July 9 October... 16 July 2C July 23 Odtober ...20 July...,',...lf 0 August, ... 8 November..l2 July 80 N August.....20 November. 2611 August 13 N September.. 8|Deceniber..l0|lAugusl 27 T Cabin passage Steerage : Through tickets to New York 17 This ship has been thoroughly overhauled and furnished with new boiler*, and a lnrge «ud elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement that can add to the comfori of passenger*. In Philadelphia, this ship occupies the same whkrf oa the Liverpool steamships City of Glasgow and City or Manches ter. at the foot of Queen street, and Central wharf,Charles ton. Freight on all perishable article* must be pro.paid. For freight or passage, apply to H. F. BAKER *00., Accommodation wharf, Charleston, SAMUEL T. PERCE, A"® 7 Agent, Philadelphia UNITED STATES MAIL. From Macon, Ga., toTallohuSM, Fla. Railroad to Oglethorp—Stages to Thllahassee, commenced on the 6th Inst,, running three tlmea a 'week via. Newton. Bainbridge, and Quincy, and three tlmea $ week via. Thomasrillo,I)uncanavUle, fco. Passenger* by this route will leave Macon at half ,past $ o’clock, A. M., by Railroad for Oglethorpe. The StoMe leavingOglethorge either way at 11 o'clock, arriving atTaW 1.1 lists re. at 10 o’clock on thn svenlnir nfiha na*t sL- " lahossre, at 10 o’clock ou the evening of the nextday—Um« ’, by either route 35 hour*. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by Newton, Balnbridgo and Quincv, to Tallahasseo returning, leave* Tailahaasee on - Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 10, P. M. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, by the way ot is* ville—returning same route on Monday* r Wadnaaoay a ’ b by either rout*' a Savannah in 60 By this route Passenger*leaving Savannah by 8 o’cloo Train of Cara, will arrive at TaUahaswe In 60 hour*. It la ’ also decidedly the best, cheapest and most expedition*ronta .—. r . .jpedltloui for trareller* to Apalachicola and Wert Florida. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe $1,76 ; from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee, $10,00. I-. C. Siuw. Agent at Oglethorpe, A. A. Fiaitra, “ “ Tallahassee. aug30 F. K. WRIGHT, Proprietor MACON AND tVESTHiRN ItAILRoAi). '' Hall Train. '., ' <■/. ..., v / Leaves Macon dally, at 8 o’clock, P. H.. # - “ Atlanta “ “ fl V “ P. M. C ONNECTING at Atlanta with tn* Train* of the Westers and Atlantloand LaGrange Roads, and with the Day Train of the Georgia Road, and at Mac* - 1 with tho Day Trains of the Central and South-western Loads, Passenger* will arrive in Macon at and at Atlanta at lk, having the remainder of the night for rest. * Passengers going South, via Montgomery, (Ala.) whe leave Savannah at 6 A. M., will arrive at Montgomery In fora ty-eight hours, Including all stoppages,and only ton hours staging. "I AccommodationTralns.Trl-Weekly. will leave Macon every Monday, Wednesday and Jridsy, at 8 o'clock. A, M. Re- , turning, leave Atlanta every Tureday, Thursday and Satur day, at 7 , L i A. M. This Train will connect with the Night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the Night' Train of the Central Road nt Macon. Passengers by the uj>»'^''' ward Train can dine at Griffin. f EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’t* Mioox. May 17,1862.3mo ^ jy 22 8QUT11-WKBTBKN JI4A1L1WAD, P ASSENGER TRAINS leave Macon daily'at 6K,A. M.i arrive at Oglethorpe 10>J A. M.: arrive at Columbus 1 o'clock, P. M. , I-cave Columbus daily at 9 o’clock, A. M.,»nd0g1*tnorne at 11 % A. M.j arrive at Macon at 3W P.M. Connecting at Macon each way with Central R R train to Savannah. Augusta and Mllledgevillo,and with Macon and W. train* to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalto~ ~ ville. fcc. Iton, Chattanooga,'Nash- Connecting dally at Columbus, by flsat line of cMche*,' 2$ to Opelika, thence 04 mile* by M. fc W. P, R.R. to Montgom ery. Ala. ■' ’I- • ‘J*-/ Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee And Eufknls mail stage*. Passengers break Cast and dine at Fort Valley. • GEO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent Mscox, Aug. 29,1663. augSl - BOOKS—BOOKS—BOOKST L LEBER ON CIVIL LIBERTY and 8slf- r ,_ _ Tho Wigwam and the Cabin, or Tale* of’ W G. Blmma. Autobiographic Sketches, by Thomas De Quincy. : ' The Underground Mai) Agent, by Vide, Illustrate Men and Thing* as I saw them in Europe, br KmvM».M ■. Time and Tide, or Strive ahd Win. by A. 8. Rose. . James Monkey, or I’ve Bren Thinking, by A. 8. Rose.' Fun Jottings, or Laugh* I have token a pen to, by N. P. Willi*. s '. • '.v'.Tn-. , Visit to Europe, by Prof. BUllman, Illustrated. •- ;• --.t.. Gustavo# Lindoro, or Lead us not Into Temptation, by EmllleF.Corlen. < . . x Merkland, or Self-Sacrifloe, by the author of tba l^fo of - ) Mrs. Margaret Maitland, fcc. _ .. adfuSf T * 1?,,bjr,|UrUJ ** n *vtraired ’S AIk^ moreo^th$ f BlMkHooeeMntwobMa^^a^ more of tha Hdmeaof the New Word, by Mr*. Brain -novll,. - • .’ ■ - ,--’8. B. f TIOCKIAND LI11F—600 bbls Rockland Lime, Xu lotatowltpureholere,by " • lota to suit purch*Jera, by deeT.“*'