The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, December 24, 1853, Image 2

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'• TtoiiphwJ.WO ‘ •tnwIUU.mWlw'^ SSSS-' ifft 1 look with Ud*l«*M, t^5S^iotMo«tb.pFpyd*7», And Wd«* llFf-Rnd low. ' If «UN erfae-e«$ e*m wifleome— ibf bo«« u «y ini tall no there to rest. v. . Andl* there aught disturbs my hit 1 VU bM her «*h out every ooro. And lot* It lo mj breast. HaveUwlah!—’tlaaU faerown; And btr* tod mint or* roll’d In one,— Oar hearts are to entwined, .Ant, Ilk# tb# Ivy round tht tree, Bound up In’clotett unity, >TU death to bo disjoin’d. From tho Rlcbmond Bulletin. A. Lore Scrape. Ant autumn e’en, wl’ sky serene, I roTtd the fieldt an’ sang; . I met a lata wl’ pretty fact, A* lightly akelpln’ Bang. I waa na tlow to bow fu* low, t An'squeeae her tender hand. Wl’ charming gttllt. a lovely amlle, lit up her feature* bland. I did na ken that mlechlef then. Waa In her bonnte e’e j Wl* Cupld'a dart, deep 1’ my heart, We aat amang the rye | Wl' aplrlta blithe I twined a wreath, Fra* awnle warin’ atraw; Around her tree*’, wl* tenderer**, l did thy garland draw. _ Wl’ mild address, I gained a klaa, Tho’ aft an’ lang I atrore j •' And gladaome heart, I happy tho’t, I wad declare my love. Her Hpa were awcet—my heart did beat, Beneath their potent away ; I bent me knee, an’pUyfu’ahe, Gat up an’ ran away. [From a new work by H. T.Tuckcrman, Juat laaued by, Rod field, NewYork.l The Dead Hi St. Giles's Church. Two mlootei sc.rccly elapsed efler I rang lie (ex- ton* hell at 8t. Oiles’a Church. Crlpplegale. before that personage ushered me urbanely luto the aisle. Tbe roor of the building la modern, but the dark carvings on pulpit and choir Indicates an age of two centuries. I stood at tbe alter where Cromwell and Ben Jobnsn were married ; marked the pavement be neath which Fox, the author or •• Tho Book of Mar tyrs.” is buried; and read tho inscription on the Lucy vault—a family satirized lu the character of Shallow, and which Incarnates for everlasting ridicule the sa pient Justice who would have proved Shakspeurc a deer-stealer. I examined the quaint old tomb of the historian Specde; and, from a window, looked upon a fragment of a Roman wall—the greatest antiquity of London, hard by the venerable Cripplegate. Over against a pew, a familiar bust marks the spot beneath which are the mortal remains of Milton ; and his epi taph is grand in Its simplicity—'* Tbe author of Para dise Lost.” Ho and his father before him were in ten- dauts of this church. How sublime to the imagina tion Is this otherwise not remarkable temple, where that beautiful head was bowed in prayer l 1 recalled bU image os it lay In youthful beauty, one summer afternoon, on tbe greensward, under the clawlo trees of the collego lawn, when a fair lady hung entranced above the sleeper, end left a scroll In his nerveless hand. I saw him in his prime, conversing with Gall leo, and looking forth, with all a poet’s rapture, upon Val d’Arno from the wooded summit of Fiesole. I beheld him when timo had silvered his flowing hair, with sightless orbs uplifted, as his lingers ran over the organ-keys, and the calm of devotion softened tho lines of care and grief in that raaiestic counte nance. The picture he bequeathed of Eden, fragrant and dewy as creation’s morning, Ah* forlorn glory of Satan, and the solemn oidence of the verse that em balmed, in perpetual music, the story of " maus first disobedience,” came vividly back noon my heart be side his sepulchre. Stern Cromwell’s rugged visage grew mild os his marriage resnonso woke ugain from the silence of years, and blitnely sounded the foot steps of rare old Beu, as ho walked aguin with his beloved, in my vision, up that solitary nave. What a changed aspect beam tho world einco Roger Williams talked with Milton of the prospects of religions liber ty in America, and the latter Iplead for the freedom of the press: uud yet, with all the triumphs of sci ence, the revelatious of the bard have lost not a ray ol their spiritual beauty ; his “ high argnment” re mains In all ita original signlllcance; his mighty song wakes the soul to-day os when first its eternal sym phony burst forth ; his Intact career, unwavering IUU Aiu ». *•-- -.-.Hi Cbrtstlauo In the Turkish Army. A letter in the Journal des Debats, speaking of the composition of the Turkish Army, says: “ You are doubtless aware that among tho irregular corps of the Ottoman army there are already u certain num ber of Christians; they are said to amount to seven or eight thousand, mostly Catholics oi Bosnia or Al bania. It is now in contemplation to form regular corps of Christians. Tho government will commence by u regiment of Cossacks, Christians of the Greek Church, who emigrated in tho timo of the Greater Catherine, and to whom the Turkish Government gave land in Dobrodia, on the right bank of the Dan ube. A regiment of 900 horsemen is to bo raised, which will be commanded by 8adyk Pacha, a Polo by birth, and who, after having made the campaign of Poland, in 1830, came and demanded an asylum in France ; and when the Republic withdrew from him the passport which secured to bitn protection, he went to Turkey. M. Chaikowsky there became Sa- dj* Effendi, and has only recently been raised to the rank of Pacha. He is ono of tho most determined enemies of the Russian government, and bis well- known sentiments have caused him to be on two oc casions personally named in the dispatches from St. Petersburg!! to tbe Divan. This regiment will be formed at Constantinople; and to prove that Mussul mans can live on good terms with Christians, these Cossacks, during the timo necessary for their instruc tion, will bo quartered In a barrack partly occupied by a regiment of Turkish cavalry. The new note proposed by France and England has just been pre sented to the Divan, and, contrary to wlmt was at first thought, it is England which urges, in the warm est manner, its signature by the Porte. It i9, how ever, positively Btated that tho document has riot yet been aubmltted to the council of Ministers, and, ac cording to general belief, there is no doubt of its be ing rejected.—Liverpool Times. From the Sent ot War. The Cleveland people seem disposed to make fun of their neighbors at Erie, who have shown such a E lacky disposition. The following is from the Cleve- tnd Herald: Oar special reporter furnishes us with an abstract of tbe patriotic address delivered at Erio by Captain Ebonezer Scoutz, to his detachment of D. S. Fusi- leers, just previous t) tho attack on the enemy's bridges. Whilst wo lament tho necessity of the gal lant officer's taking the Held, wo cannot but admire his eloquence and plnck. Tbe distinguished captain, whose breast was adorn ed with tho badge of the Erio order or Qolden Fleece, and In whose cap was displayed tho figure of a tor tolse beautifully worked iu Erie brass, waa fully arm ed for a desperate conflict. Iu one hand he flourished a huge Bologna sausage; his coat pockets were Oiled with eggs of unmistakable odor, (supposed to beom- blomatlcal of the reputation of Erie,) and in his belt were stuck two giuger pop bottles, loaded to tho very corks. Thus equipped, he mounted an empty . whuky barrel, (the funner contents of which Imd ' been transferred to tbe throats of tho D. S. Fuslleers,) and retsed his right hand with tbe BologOa sausage pointing to a little streak of a cloud. Hooray for Captain Scooter shouted tbe excited IPfcfcter aatM hoik thkt port bu tho 7th lust., boWd' rice, Bhn encountered tho galo In which tho Rovoii- ue CaUor HamtUon wti loot, and being In a dlaabled oQOdlUon, attempted to run into fit. Simons, to tbe •outhward of Bavannah j In doing which, ehe attack upon'wmethlng which appeared to be a anuken wteck’ | when, for the preservation of their lives, the «ffi«r$ and otowtoolt to theirbdat, ebon after vfhloh the schooner filled and sunk. They arrived safely at 8t. Simone, Bom whence CtpL Thayer reached Bo. vanhab, and arrived bore yesterday afternoon from tho latter place. The vessel was insured for $8000, with $1300 on freight, In the egency of the Columbia Insurance Company, In this city. There was no In surance, we understand, in some other office here, upon the cargo. ’ The Northern Dally Times, This Is the title of a new dally .English journal, es tablished lu Liverpool, and published simultaneously in that oily and Manchester, by Ciukles Wilmrb,— It U printed in a style corresponding with the Lon don Times, and other first class English papers, and edited witii decided ability—taking |he liberal side of all questions claiming publlo consideration. As 1 ah avenue of commercial, business aud general Intel- ! ligencc, It must prove of great value to Liverpool and Manchester, and os affording such matter will be sooght after even on this side of the Atlantic. Its terms to advance paying subscribers out of Liverpool are £3 IDs per aunnm *, XL 18s half year; £0 19s Gd per quarter. It is tho first and ouly dally paper ever established in Liverpool, In summlug up Its defence against tho strictures of a correspondent upon .a previous editorial which ap peared in its columns, doubting the propriety of in discriminate distribution of charity funds in foreign lands, to the negleotof its own poor and heatheu subjects, tho Times very justly remarks; “We h&vemach charity, but It la misplaced aud misdi rected—many hospital* fur the lick, but all who have visi ted auch Institutions on the Continent, must know how iu- finitely preferable (t is to see a dellcatn Sister of,Charity performing kind office* for prostrate humanity, than llie uncoulhand unsymiwthlzing nurses, hardened by their vo cation. who aro frequently to be found at homo. Our chari ty la more prodigious than efficacious ; and foreign States are well managed at half the coat required for keeping up our magnificent hospitals and palace-likeworkhouacs. where the poor aro pauperised and degraded, and where teeming poverty la nestled, aa In a hot-bed, to germinate abundant ly, and afterwards desolate the land.” While this frank acknowledgement of tho condi tion of English charities and the recipients of the same may be no justification for any existing abuses in our own country, yet wo cannot refrain from allud ing to it in contrast to our institutions—domestic, as well ns cbaritablo. England possesses a splendid aristocracy amid benighted heathenism and abject poverty ; and her charities are dispensed iu a manner to exalt tho well-born and still farther depress the lowly. Such.U English authority, tho truth of which we Americans have no right to question. Wo are glad to discover in an English newspaper what we believe to be an boaost independence of thought, and the ability to give it expression. Wo welcome tho Times to this side of the water, fully trusting its views will bo impartially considered and appreciated. t’ne Captain bowed, coughed twice, drew his coat sleeves across his face and across the small of his back, aud began hi* oration thus: " Friends, follow oitizens, and members of this ’ere invincible army s We are met here this day to carry • it a great Idear : to show to the world that there Is oae plaoj in this ’ere world, and that place is Erie I [Uneers.] We aren’t agoing to bu bullyragg’d by uo railroads wbatsumever, nor by nobody else. Erie is the great stopping place, where everything comes to a standstill, and, by kolcey. everything shtiU come to ■ a standstill. [Immense excitement.] We aren’t • agoing to have our trade stopped; to have our pea nuts, ginger beer, our sausages, and our cakos, lu whloh so much money Is Invested: I aay, feller cltl- isos, we aren’t agoing to have them lie on tho hand of par honeat merchants. ["No loo!”] Folks ahull ; stop and buy’em, though tbairaturarafoks turn up- .ride down. Erie *aysit-,aud Erie knows what’s w* ‘ [Dp retro os cheering.] * Feller citizens, Ibeywy. they will bring United Rates law noon ns. [Cheers.] What do we care for the hall United States T Whole; Frank Perse 7 Didn’t - . wo lieetbim ? .' Won two kick hirn out It be don’t be- have hUself 7 [Goit,8cootz ! Hooray I"] We don’t care for no Grate West nor Grate Bast. Erie is Erie, and she Is right atween the two, and erthey don’t acknowledge her to be Cap’n of ’em. darned If they •hall speak to ono ’nother, Cleveland and Bufialo ■ . auk* a grata fuss about their rights, but what are > . they to ns ? [Yells and biases.] Let ’em come along 3 with their Men and guns and troops. As tbe old foi- u. w i»«..^- BonHr _ Duiri ‘ Add be dsrned of you dop't get enough.” Feller oitizens—I aren'.t got much more to say.— Fort, lot's ticker, and then, as George the Fast said "fo Julios Csmat, •• Up boys, and give ’em pertikeler - Tb* Captain’s speech wss ooooloded amid vocifer ous applause,sad tbe array immediately set out for f action, tbe band playing the " Bogie’s Mr. ParUe Godwin. This gentleman, who has relinquished his editorial duties for a timo, on account of the condition of his health, is devoting tho interval, we perceive, in lec turing. Of an address delivered nt Utica, ou tho Utli Inst., the Utica Herald says ; “Mr. Godwin’s audience last evening was all that could have been desired, both in point of numbers and in charac ter. Ills topic had been announced as ••Art.” but upon deliberation he had concluded to depict and elucidate the marks of progress during the past bulf century, lie spoke of the strides of political advancement, or the literary growth of tho race, of tho tncreuso of scientific knowledge, and of tho achievements In the mechanic arts, which the past fifty years have witnessed Ho alluded to tho noble, benevolent enterprises that had grown up in that period, and claimed that mankind Is not only wiser, and better as well,than at any former time. How he maintained bis posi tion by historic facts; by logic made them Impregnable, and by imagination beautiful as a poet's dream, few who heard him will soon forget—none who did not hear him will appre ciate. We attempt no sketch; the lecture waschasteand vigorous, In many passages attaining to a masterly elegance tnd elevation, entirely worthy of the theme, tho nudienco, and the author.” We wish some inducements might ba held out to Mr. Godwin for him to turn his steps hither ward. Wo will mention [wo, which so readily sug* and others to act upon them. First: in coming South he would escape the rigors of a Northern winter, and donbtless fully regain what he is mainly in pursuit of —health. Second : He would furnish to our people what they are capable of appreciating—a high order of literary entertainment. Shall we have the pleasure of welcoming him to Savannah ? First let our young meu speak, then let Mr. Godwin answer. Rkmains cp Count Pulaski.—Wc stated on Wed nesday last, from information given us the night pre vious, it was probable tho remains of Brigadier Gen eral Count Pulabki, had been discovered. Wo are now happy to state that there is no longer any doubt on tho subject. The skeleton remains entire of the once valiant soldier have been carefully gathered up, and will doubtless receive that respect duo to the great soul that once animated them. Too much praiso can not be awarded those whose untiring searches have been so richly rewarded. As a full and authentic statement or tho facts attending their recovery will appear soon, we refrain giving details at present. Academy.—Mr. Nichols, so well known, and highly appreciated in this city, aa one of the most accomplished teachers in his profession, an- nonnccs tho commencement of his second course of lessons In d&nciug on the 2d proximo. Mr. N. has secured the services of competent assistants, both in dancing and music, which will enable him to impart the most thorough instruction to his usuuily large classes. Sad Loss op Like in Cuaklkston^—Tho telegraph, Thursday rooming, brought us the intelligence or tho explosion of tho boilers of the steamboat jl/arMoro’, In Charleston, followed by a terrible destruction of human life. Fifteen persons were either scalded to death or drowned. In the absence of further particu lars wo refer the reader to tho despatches in another column. Coming so soon alter the iosa of the //amt/- ton and other marine disasters, tills event must add greatly to the afflictions of our sister city, with whom wc sympathize. The bill repealing that section of the Code which pro. hihlts tho circulation of small bills of the hanks o L other States in Alabama, was ordered to a third read ing in tho House of Representatives of that State, on the 18tb instant, and it will doubtless become a law. Tbe Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, which by the way is ono of the best journals of its class published in this country, recognizes in Col. Young, editor of the Bavannah Evening Journal,'' an old friend and occasional contributor.” As a ” Texas Ranger ” Mr. Youno became a favorite with tbe readers of tbe Mercury. The section of tho Canada Railroad between Wind sor aud Chatham was opened last Saturday; only 15 miles remain to be completed. The weather at the North is very cold, and naviga tion is closed. Georgia Aainutr for the Bund, I JUcon, Dec. 20,1843. / 2b the Editori of the iScioannaA Georgian, Gentlemen : Permit tbe correction of two errors In the letter of December 13th of/our Uilledgevllle correspondent, In giving an account of the exhibition of our school before the Legislature, Our achool haa always bad Ita locatlnn in Macon, since it waa started In Julf, 1841, by Hr. W. 8. Fortescue, a gradu ate of tho Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind. The fancy work, bead work, knitting, Ac., sold at our Ex hibition at HUlcdgcville, was all made by our own pupils, 8ome brushes made at the Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind were expoeed t hence tlie mistake. If those errors have not been corrected In yonr paper, please allow this correction a place ti ers. Respectfully, H. Dutton, Prln. Geo. Acad, for the Blind. blpbta, bear- k*pw*»» n ?' . lion frbra^pnjvUlonal t6a.permanent 'i)r‘TtSTe»attd Gou.PaoahakhpihdooUned reap* polntment In the now administration. The President of. MonUirldeo remained on board a French nian-of-wSr, lylug In port. He had leaned a protest against the movement which drove him from office, .. Captain Upton, oT the Jrxenlme, reports that here waa great dlsalthction .Mireughoat the pfpr* hcos. The Federol’party, whloh composed the ma* ority, were opposed lo the pMsent Government, and mother re volution. In a few Months, was predicted. All kindsprovisions were scarce antfhlgb. . Two notorious assassins, Had da and Wassso, had boon apprehended, and publicly shot on the Plaza Victoria. An entire change of Government had taken place in Montevideo, without the least bloodshed—Presi dent Giro and his Ministers taking wfoge on board foreign vessels or war. - . ■ . , Tho new Government is coraposod of a triumvi rate of gonorals—Flores, Poxheso, and Fructas Rl- Tho latest advices stale that the old President, Giro, eud Generals Lasalla aud Mass, bad taken pas- ^cfrlbo had embarked on board tho Spanish bark Leon, for Barcelona. . ' „ . ,. Great apprehouaion prevailed at Montevideo on account of the non-arrival of H; M. mall steamer Pan re Rio, which at last accounts was four days overduo. H. B M. Btcamer-or-wnr LocujI had been despatched in search of tho mlsstug vosscl. Hemming Money by Mali. An important decision has recently been made in the U.S. District Court, Richmond, Va., Chief Jus tice Taney presiding. In a case on trial before that court, the question aroso whether money remitteg by mail from a debtor to a creditor, such money beiug lost before it reached its destination, was a release of the debtor from obligations of tho debt. The Chief Justice decided that-tho plaintiff having requested bis debtor to remit tho money, without specifying or direrting how it was to be sent, and the dclendant having complied with tho request by remitting through tho moil, as was tho custom with others to do, tho debtor would not bohuld liable to make good tho loss. The decision is in conflict with other coses involving tho same principle, tho Chief Justice hold ing that tbe former decisions were incorrect. Steamer Humboldt, The following despatch was received on' Saturday evening, from Halifax, by Ellwood Walter, Esq., from the agents: ' ' • There was less of the Humboldt s cargo saved than was reported. There arc 690 packages on board the Marion altogether. 8ome of them will bo of vory little valuo, IGOof them ore called dry, und have been curefully separated and stowed apart from the rest; but nearly all of them will he partially damaged.— Alwut 35 packages more were taken up adrift, oil which salvage ir, claimed. Wo remain here to-night to settle it, and take them on if possible. Captains Lines. Bowno. Crane and Clark think but little more will be saved, and that at heavy salvuge.—N. Y. Com. Adv., 19/A. Enlisting a Tukkisii Soldikii.—As soon as he has read the precepts, he is asked by the minister of war," Will you faithfully fulfil these duties, and will you die for the chief Islam, or not?” If he says, *• Yes,” ho becomes a soldier at onco; but in case-he alleges he is not yet sufficiently advanced, or has not strength enough to comply fully with this solemn ob ligation, ho is allowed to return in peace to Ids own home. To the common soldier the contents of the prayers are read by the Imauni. If lie says •• Yes.” lie leaps over a drawn Bcimitiir, lying without its scabbard on the floor; and this formality renders the obligation indissoluble. Before the soldier quits the spot where this takes place, the Scraskier calls aloud to the host of military going out to join the army, " Children or the Sultan, go forth to the war, to vic tory or to death; bat let there be no shameful re treat. ' Who>02ver abandons his colours shall loso his life, by tills scimitar. This is the will of God aud his Prophet.” DANK STATIC OF GKO 8avatraali, 83d Daeemboi * Christ ms* and Hew Year Calling on Sunday, this Dank Hudlofl, will t>a closed on the 26th Inat, and $d proximo. Paper ACo.Ri' ^payable on thoie day* roust be attended to previously, and w . m P notea Intended for discount should be offered an the 24th w ck " and 01st Inst. 2t L. K, TEFFT, Cashier. ohgia, V; i.yufimdfrMrig ifaii ckm-halhailuoad. Ur Dank „ D ll KCEMBER Cotton,”knd MerehandUe. to T. C. RICE, ' manufacture* and dealer in mar VAttttrr of Common and Fine Caudles. (Klin dried‘and warranted to reaUt effectually tbe hot or damp atmoephere of a southern climate,) Comer if Broughton and WMUaktr ttrods, AacannoA. Go. gar UuilDEn’a None*.—Mr. T. 0. R. U agent for the Woreonter Terra Cotta Work*.' oct29 X. XV. MORRELL it CO.’S Plano. Forto Depot. SPLENDID rtANOfl FROM TOE CXUBKATEU MANUFACTORIES OF Nanna At Clark, J* Chlokcrlng, II. Worcester, uacon A Raveni,| All of which aro manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot l*e surpassed by any In the country. For sale on tbe inoat accommodating terms. novl6 *;Co/Hunter:ar cammetl. Lockett,Long , „eUy4 Co, Ji l’arsnn* k Co, U W Garmany. JR#, Behb AToeteiy Rabun' A Whitehead. Hard. wick A Cooke, Washburn, Wilder ft Oo. Cohens ft Herts. N A Hardee ft Co. Franklin ft BrantUr, J Jones, Boston ft'Vil- ialonan, W D Ethridge. C IUrtrldge. Cohen ft Tarver, J K Hamilton; Bothwell ft Smith. W Duncan, Bniitb A Lathrnp, and Order. , , , Athene. December 16th, 1843. / The Trustees ol this Institution will, on the 18th of Janu ary next, elect a professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. ; to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the resign itlon of Profcs- anr Mr Cat. The Profosaor will be required to enter upon his duties without delay. Balary $1,700 pefahnnm, paya ble quarterly. Applicant! may address the President, Rev. A. Church, D. D., or tho subscriber. WM. L. MITCHELL, Chairman dec20—w3w Prudential Committee. ■■■ npiiuiwiHigm, a...... Mote* an t Blits discounted and BiUs ’•'ftueby other BanVsV.'.*I*""* Due by Agentsand oilier Companies...,!* Stock m other Companies ’ .MN Expenditure* , Interest on seven per cent. Bonds Bank Expenses Banking House and othei 1 Real Estate.,; STRICTLY PRIME BUTTER. J UST RECEIVED 36 kess selected Goshen Butler. Also, Rich Imitation English Cheese., And 26 boxes common Cheese, for sale at DICKSON’d Family Grocery, dec23 2 Barnard street, near tbe Market. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD UOMPX.I Macon..October 20th, 1853. / Tho subscribers to the stock of this Company for tbe Amerlcua Extension are notified that they are required io pay the third and last instalment of Fifty Dollars per share on said stock, to the undersigned, nt Macon, or to T. M. Furlow, Faq., at Amerlous. on or before the first day of January next Stockholders in Savannah can mnko payment at the Cen tral Railroad Bank. Prompt payment will be expected, na tho funds are ro- qutrrd for tho purpose of psylog for the Iron now dally ex pected to arrive. JXO. T. BOIFEUILLET. oct2fl—UJ Treasurer FRESH FRUIT, BISCUITS, &C. J UST RECEIVED per steamer, whole, hair and quartei boxes Raisins. Soft Shell Almonds, Citron, Currants, Pecan Nuts. Uraxll Nuts, fancy b-.xes Prunes. Also, 100 drums Turkey Fig*, new crop, until size and In Bno order. 10 bbla Premium Canal Flonr. 6 bbla Extra Superfine Buckwheat. For sale nt dec23 2 DICKSON’S Family Grocery. ' .Tba tark SAW*jf aitodfrom Hooro.U for D.Itl- Pda,. of tb. PfOtwtM) EpUoapftl Oharcb, who U —■- Ualted BMmIk ooawiiWM of 111 Considerable excitement prevailed at* Portland, Me., on Saturday last consequent upon tho arrival tiicre of the British steamship Sarah Sands, which XaUed from TAvcrpoot on tho asth of November.— Canons were tired, bells rung und evidences of Joy manifested. The SaruhSauds is the pioneer or the new line of ocean steamers, recently established to run bet-veen Liverpool and Portland. Tho comple tion of tho Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad has given a great impetus to the trade of Poitland.and the communication with Europe by steamship, is only one of the many indications recently shown, il lustrating tlie wisdom aud sagacity or that great en terprise.—N. Y. Min or, With. Washington Items.—Secretary Guthrie, while de scending from the steps of the Treasury building Saturday night, fell prostrate, and was paitifully but not seriously injured. The amount of United States stock redeemed at tlie Treusury during tho week cuding Saturday was $009,700. Senator Clemens 1ms been invited to address tlie Philadelphia " Hards”—ho declines, and prefers to let Whigs ussault tho Administration. The United States frigate Congress is now the only vessel repairing at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and her improvements will be completed in a few days. Tlie hark Brothers will finish loading at tno yard to-day, 3 nd drnn down the North River, where she will take apati expedition. Hue will sail on Monday or Tues day for Hong Kong. Her mails for the Japan and Exploring squadrons are very large. — N. Y. Cor. Halt. Amcr. VJIh. A Fiendish Act—An obstruction was thrown the track of the Railroad between this city and Vicksburg on tho 9th Inst., witii tho evident inten tion of destroying life and property. A liberal re- wurd is offered for the arrest of the perpetrators of tlie outrage.—Juckson Mississippian, 10tli. Milton begins to look ns usual at this season. For somo days post tlie streets have been crowded with teams, unlading cotton and other produce. Cotton Bells readily, at good prices—in fact above the New Orleans quotations ; we have heard of somo going nt 9ic.—Milton Couritr, 13th. Masonic Celebration. ANNJVERSAUY OF ST. JOHN THP. EVANGELIST. The Masonic Fraternity of Savannah will celebrate the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, on Tues day next, tlie 27th lust., after the following order, viz :— The members of tho several Lodges will meet at their respective Lodge Rooms at 2| o'clock, precisely. The Lodges will then repair in order to Bay-street, east of tho Exchange, where they will be formed in procession under the direction of a Grand Marshal, and proceed to the Methodist church. An address will bo delivered by Rev. brother Tuos. Ramdaut. Offlciuting Chaplains, Hcv.brothers Kennelly and Hutchins. Installation of officers by R. W. D. Grand Master W. S. Rockwell. Good music is provided for the procession, and In tho church, witii odes appropriate to the occasion. Brethren generally are invited to join either Lodge in procession. The pub’ic arc respectfully invited to attend at tho Church. Seats reserved for tlie ladies, who are specially invited. By order of tho Joint Committee of Arrangements. 8. 8. SIBLEY, Chairman. J. W. Miller, Secretary. TO TIIE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY :—Fellow- CmzKNaI mn a candidate for re-eieettan to the offices of Cljrk of the Superior and Inferior Courts,at the election on the first Monday in January next, and respectfully solicit your support. dl—td JOHN F. CU1I.MART1N. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY :—-Fkilow- Citizen8 :--I am a candidate for the offleo of Sheriff of your county at the election on the first Monday in January. 1854, and respectfully solicit your support. oct'29 MICHAEL FINNEY. XtOMoe Clipper Ihlp Ri Captain Doane, of tue ship B. B. Forbes, arrived U this port yesterday from Calsntte, reports that when In latitude 27 85 north, Ion. 08 west, at 8 A. M., (no date given)' fell in with ship Roman. Capt. Hep- barn, 117 days from Canton to New York, in a sink ing oondltlon, having experienced very heavy weath er, and become unmanageable. Took off the captain, three officer*, and eighteon seamen, and a fcw stores. At 9 A.M., toe brig Wm. Price, from Rio Janeiro for Philadelphia, came np and took off the remainim •even women and one passenger. Lay by her untJ 1P.M. when we left her. _Tbe Roman wm aa A. l ahlp. and owned by Measra. Olyphant b Boos, ot Mew York 1 was 774 tons, built iPortamontb. N. H., In 1850. and valued at $60,000. “ ,, — aaA yaloabie cargo of silks and tea*. ■t'un TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTYFellow- Citizens :—l am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, at tbe election on the Brat Monday in January next, and respectfully ask your support. nor20 JOHN N. LEWIS. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY:—Fmnw.Cm- **•'■8 :—I am a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, at the election In January next, and respectfully solicit your support. If elected the proceeds of the office shall bo given to a fellow bank officer who has been so unfortunate as to loose bis sight. no»18 L. J. B. FAIRCHILD. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY.—Fellow Citizens : I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff or your county, at the election in January next, and respectfully solicityoursupport. oct6 ALEXANDER THOMAS. NOTICE—Consignees per achr: Enchantress, from New York, will please attend to the recep- tlon of their foods landing this day at lian Is’ wharf. All goods remaining on tho wharf after sunset will be stored at risk and expense of owners. dec23 OGDEN ft BUNKER. NEW HOTEL COMPANY.-Tbo Stockholders of the New Hotel Company are requested to meet at the room over Mr, A. Bonsud’s store, this eronlng. at 7 o’clock. By order of the Directors. dec83 NOTICE—Consignees per schooner VIRGINIA, from Raltlmore. will attend to tbe reception of their goods, landing this day at Roaofae’i wharf. All gooda remaining on the wharf after sunset will be stored at the aspenae and risk of tho owners. d«>23 H, K. WASHBURN, Agent. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—Tbe brig Vista Allen, QUa, muter. For particulars apply to 5vel>--BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO. SAVANNAH FEMALE ASYLUM.—The annus! meeting of the Savannah Female Aiylum for tho election of a Board of Directresses, will be held on Friday, at twelve o'clock, M., at tho Aaylum. Tho members aro re- quested to attand. dec2l j[~ NOTICR—Lesson of lota In Walton ward, aro notified that tho year expired on tho 19th Inat., and the lota unpaid will be re-entered on tbe 22d Instant.— Tbo>e Interested will taka notice. - T. WjLBHj Agent ,FR1DAY ; *VBM1N0, DEC. 23,-Tht raffle of the ®CB1» Tableau, Musical Dox and Pklnl" SUPEKUITENDENT’S OFFICE C. R. U. Savannah. Sept. 1, 1853. Alter this day, by resolution of the Board of Directors, np and down freight will bo payable at thu merchnnts’ counting house, or by deposits made with tho Treasurer, rent!-weekly, on Mondays and Fridays, from 9 o'clock, A. M , to 2 P. M. Bills to be rendered through the post office on Wednes days and Fridays. Failure to make payment when called for as above, will stop parties’ account. sol W M. WADLEY.Gen. Sup’t S MOKED TONGUES. Tig Hams, Bologna Sausage, Fig Pork. Leaf Lard, just received and for rale at DICKSON’S dec23 2 Zl un l!? 5 roc ®DVR“rnord-st, H IRD GI.ASSKS and Canary the greateit variety juat received and for sale low, by dec23 J. P COLLINS. J.P^COUJNS. N UT PICKS, Sordino Openers. CorkScnwa, Champagne Hooks, Ivory Table Cutlery, and Silver Plated Ware.for sale by dec23 J. P. COI.UNS. ‘y hard Wood, suitable fur retailing In the city. Aiinly deo‘.'3 S. E. MUSK, at Wlllink’a Wharf. Notes of other Banks •Of this amount Doubtful.. Bad... ..$84,228 40 . 12.286 (10 . 8.588 O'. . 28,062 8tf $5 041.604 42 CipRol-Stock,.,.,,.,, UAB,UT "». Ifomls due bv the Compand iSSr' 1 -"::::::;::: DLoouut on Note*. . .7.7.7 V V Jii* • • “ ‘ “ in. 8-480 8t 1-890 64 1.183 " Discount on Exchange'..' Premium on Exchange ^ ,ln ®* latifte.' 8,602 01 Reserved Fund....,,..', --380.127 55 8 * J ssil t>i ATE OF UhOUQiA—Chatham Count j 1 Personally appeared Richard R.Cctlxk. President, and George A. Cutler Cksl.Up » fraftr’ *” J "* “ ,h ,h,t “»***** »•'•»'»' >• wsirij wl R- R. CUYhK?iv! l u ,1D, ' l ( Sworn to aud subscribed, this Slat day of December. 1853. Wore mo. OEo - A CUYiiR r..u 1 I LAURENCE CONXEIJ,.. J. p 1 MWef I Gallic, sss^j^ss^£iisi! mm - Andr '” u ”' n ’ mu i ' ur "' ^ "■ H AY—100 bales prime Kaitern Hay In storo and for sale by u»v22 E. W. DUKER nOTATOES-M bgJiWlilora, TSSwA ,nd fiVTSi 1 A I'.2J .. J f W _• II KL WASIIIIURN, A,.fit, | M, lb .al I, n"u P ORTO R1C<J fiU l AR—•- , .i hbds.a very euiierlor article,' Hbssl ytone. by Don»| | M r i received \mr hris Macon, and for sale by Gray’s Elegy, wlLU vviarnvim? tn i decl4 II >LCOMUK. JOHNSON ft CO. ! Clayerrook 2d scrip*, by AlUc O.rpv ' Vm * Htoamer Stale of Georgia, and for sale by dec!4 A. BONAUD. OTICK.—All persons an- hereby cautioned not to trust li any one ou ni.v ao-nuiit. as from and after this date. 1 will pay no debts excqit tlm-o contracted by myself Indl vldually. or bv my writ)on order. JAMES CLARK. Decomlier 8th. 1363. decl&—dfttw3m Q K TiEKCKTlTi do .Shoulders. 20 bbla Pork, land- ^>0 ing this day per brig It Russell, from Now York, aud for sale on tho wuai f, bv decl7 ' OGDEN ft BUNKER. R eduction in the price of rlock tin ware.— Veu»on. Steak, nil hi ire. and Hot Water Dishes, from 12 to 20 Inches, of superior and medium qualltj j also. Illsb Covers. Coffee (Irecqiio<. Tea und Coffee Urns, Hint Boilers. &c. I will soil us low as they can be purchased In the north. Proprietors of Hotel*. st«-«m Boats, Planters, and others are Invited to call nnd n\aioiiie. oot'i 1 J. p C'lLLINS, 100 Bryan street. JEI.IJNG OFF AT COST.—A great variety of ladles Ores* SAVANNAH INFIRMARY. DRS. WRAGG AND MACKAI.L, 1'RorRlCTORs. Tills Institution having been recently reinove«l from the suburbs of tho city, to No. 19 East Bread street. Is now opcu for tho reception of patten: a, Medical and Surgical. Bv this change in locality we aro enabled to offer the public more ample accommodations. Our wards are com fortably furnished, and several single room* aro fitted up for such patients us prefer being entirely private Wc especially invite the attention of planters and other owners to our department for ucgrooa. For term* apply to Dr. J. A. Wrauo, No. 33 West Broad street, or Dr. R. U. Mack-ill. No. 05 Broughton st. c V ELVET and «HU Mnnlillus. while crape Shnwls. cloth Talmas. N W Collars. Chemisettes, ftc. just received and for sale by dcc23 IIeWITT ft MORGAN. ATHRNJRUM. MANAGER.... Mr. WM. H. CRISP o’olook.^^fiw chancre .J.* jfe Saturday Evening. December 24tli. for the benefit of M’lle Fuugaud, will be presented Two Ballets. After which, for the first timo, the admirable interlude of The Weathercock. on which occasion Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crisp will appear. This evening's performance to concludo with Itosita, or the Maid of Aragon, OUT For particulars see programme. dec‘24 M 18TAUD—TOdoien French and American MuslaTd. for rale low by deed . HYLAND ft O’NEILL. FALL TRACK OF 1833. T O MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS.—Our arrangement* for the Fall Trade will be completed In a few days, when wo will be prepared to submit to your Inspection an unusually complete omiort- ment of general Dry Goods. Hosiei r. Trimming*. Haber- dashcry, and Small Ware*, Ribbon*. Ac. ■ M. PRENDERGA8T ft CO., 178 Broughton-streei. opposite St. Andrew’s Hall. wc*1 side aug27 SA81I1CS, DOORS AND IILINDS. LlUlira OK SASH from'7X9 to 12X20 j 200 l Op\J\)\J pair Blinds for Wlndows/rom 8X10 to 12X20; 100 Panel Doors, various »iws. Odd3izexfuriii*hed on Hu- Mimeterms. Fnr*alobv JOHN O. FALLIGANT .nil h ' or ° 0U1M * ni1 Storlei, l or ■ TarM>n*elo*. a Romance of tiro v c <r Wn.i S Tute, -i. J - l,CC —— THORNE WllJjrej | POtt TH H8J?gnw TOYS o! nil derrriptiuns. large and »m ,l| -n...- n , Cryln, Labi... 1,1 fSSSSfiE ! »" otalilo. i • ’ N otice.—-Tv made the (. mnuth* after date application will be the Court of Urdliinry for Camden county, for leave to sell a negro lua.i called Sclplo. belonging to the estate of N J. Patter.-un. senior. E. PATTERSON, *1 N. J. PATTERSON, > Ex’rs. C. J. PATTERSON, J December 10th. 1853. declS All bain*, docrareil. nnd Je**e Bird’s heirs, who lived lu Florida when last he >rd from, and who are entitled to an Interest lu the estate of Thomas Lee. n lunatic, and non ot James Lee. late of Bulloch county. Georgia, deceased : I ready to make a settlement with the above named heirs, or their legal and lawful representatives. di-cl7—2m WILLIAM LEE. Jr.. Adm’ R ECEIVED THIS DAY—6 baskets lleidslck Champaign In pints and quart*. For sale by dcc2 P. CURRAN, Sorrell’*building. J.NO. II. Ill'Ll.. IIKXRV C. KINO C ID-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE—Tlie undersigned has this j day associated with him Mr. Husky C. Kish, of Glynn county, with whom he will continue thoFactoragenndCom mission business In this city.under the firm of Hum ft Kl.tfl janl2 JNO. H, HUI.L. 210 Bay-street. Dressed wax dolls. Kid dolls. A.i-oiied bird*, Coaches, I-idle* on horseback, Coaches with childrco, Boy* and (loci, Windmill*. Saddle horses, Elephants. Goats, cat*, mice. Rats, rabbits, G UANO—20 tons prime Peruvian Guano, for sale to ar- rlvo. Apply to deoil OGDEN ft BUNKER. G IN—100 bills Phelps'. landing nnd for snle by dec8 * ~ COHEN ft FOSDICK. C OATS—COATS—Roavertecn Coats, Hunting nnd Busi ness Frock Coats, fine articles handsomely made up, for sale at 147 Bay street, by dccl PRICE ft VEADER. SOUTHERN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT AR.U0RY IIALL, IN THE CITY OK SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, where may bo fonml a GREAT COLLECTION OF CURIOSITIES FROM ALL PARTS OK TUB WORLD. tfM' Admittance 25 cents. Open (rom 0 A. M. to 2 P. M. rom 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 P. SI. Friday evenings exclu slvely fertile colored population^ nov23— lv ~ ROBINSON St ELDRED will, in a few days, exhibit their celebrated combined MEN AGERIE AND CIRCUS In this cltv. together with all the GREAT IHPPODROMIC FUATS, of the New York and Paris Hippodrome, among which will bo the wonderful scientific Achievement of a man walking upon a perfectly smooth ceiling with bis FEET UPPERMOST AND HEAD DOWN, PERFURMI) BY MR. G. N. ELDRED. LA PERCIIK, BY MESSRS. 1.A ROUX AND KINO. This extraordinary performance has excited universal wonder snd admiration, showing beautiful feats of balanc- uiirir iet!t mgn, nem oy.Rons. King. MADAME ROU1N8UN, MASTER JAMES ROBINSON, MASTER JOHN, And an additional list of popular actors aro with the Com pany, and will appear in tho various exercises. THE UAND is directed by the celebrated JOS. NOSIIF.R, which is a sufficient guarantee for its merit. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF WILD ANIMALS, in addition to the above attraction*, offer a rich bill of en- tertalnment. nov23 T. U. TJDMAR8H. Agent. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Departure of Steamers from this Port. THIS DAY. Aumifta. Lynn, New York, —. p. m. Welnku. King. Pnbttka. &c., at 10 A. M. Oregon, Moody. Augusta, at 4 P. M. o.v SUNDAY. Wui. Saibrook,Fcck, for Charleston, &c., at By„ P. M. Southern Steamship Lines. tor Mew Fork.—The steamships Florida, Capt. WcodhuU; and Augusta, Capt. Lyon; leave Savannah every Saturday for New York. Tlie steamship Alabama. Captain Schenck: leaves Savannah for Now York, every alternate Wednesday. Fir Philadelphia.—the steamships State or Georgia,Capt. Collins: and Keystone State. Cant. Hardie; leave Savannah every alternate Wednesday for Philadclohia. tW Havana.—Tlie steams) IpI-nbel.Capt. Rollins, leave* Havannah on the 15th and 30th of each mouth for Havana touching at Key West, nnd coouectlng with tho Pacific Mall Steamship Company’s steamers forCallfornla. Southern Steamboat Lines. Fir Charleston —The regular United States Mail steamers Gordon. Capt. Brooks; Cnllioun. Capt. Barden; and Metamn- ra, Captain Postell; leave every morning at 4 o’clock, for Charleston, connecting with tho Charleston steamships for New York nnd Philadelphia, and the Wilmington boats, and arrive every evening in Savannah at 5 o'clock, p. si, Fir norida— [Plciitatn. Black Creek.Jacksonville. St. Ma rys. ftc ]—'The steam packet Wclaka, Captain N. King, leave* every Saturday morning for the above plnces. l’he atcampackrt Wm. Gaston, Capt. Shaw, leaves every Tuesday morning, for the above places. The *team[>acket St. Johns. Capt Freeborn, leaves every Thursday morning, for the above places; nnd every fourth trip goes to St. Augustine The steampackot David L. Adams, Cspt. Hobbnrd. leaves every Wodndsdny morning, for Hit above places. The ateanipacket Planter, Capt. Wiggins, loaves everv Wednesday morning, for Ceutrevillage.fcc. from St. Maryt.—The steamer W. U Mears. Cant. Mar- mis, leaves St. Mniys. every Friday morning, for Trader’s Hill, ftc., connecting with the St. Johns, to and from Savan nah. Central Railroad. TWO TRAINS DAILY—ARRIVAL AND PEPARTURK. Morning Thin.—Leaves Savannah at 8, a. *.,and arrives In Macon at p. M.; connecting with the Macon nnd West- em night trains to Atlanta, Montgomery and Chattnnooga. and with the Augusta and Waynesboro’ Railroad, (day train) to Augusta; and (going East) with Railroad to Mil- ledgcvillo from Gordon. Morning Train, from the West, arrives at 2.20, a. *c. Eoening Train.—leaves Savaanah at 8. r. m., and arrives st Macon at 8JJ. a. k j connecting with the South-western Railroad to Oglethorpe and Columbus, and by stage* thence to Tallahasse, and other points South-west. Enening TVain, from the West. arrlveLat A r. K. Characters or Types of Border Life ; by M'ConncU. with illustrations by Put by. Busy Moments of an Idle Woman. Addison's complete works, with critical and explanatory notes by Green, in 6 volumes—first lust received. The Black Water Chronicle, a narratlvo of an Expedition Into Randolph county. Va.; with illustrations. DeVere's sublime nud comparative Philosophy. Field's City Architecture, or designs for Dwellings, Ho tels. Stores, ftc Theory of Christianity; by W. S. Groyson. Sichardi's Peruvian AutiquIUes, translated by Rev. Dr Hawks. Brown’s Roman Classical Utcrature. Hughes’ Scripture Geography. Mr. Rutherford’s Children; by the author of the Wide, Wide World. Ijidy Lee's Widowhood, from Blackwood. Parley’s Presents, for all seasons. novlO t for sale by dec)8 MCMAHON ft DOYLE. SIR HUDSON LOWE AND NAPOLEON. H ISTORY of the Captivity of Napoleon on St Helena from the Journals of 81r Hudson Lowe. Ahernethy’s Memoirs, by Dr Mncllwain. Harry's ladder to Learning, 230 illustrations. Liberia, or Mr Peyton's Experiments, by Mrs Hall. Flush Time* in Alabama and .Mississippi, with l’lntes. Hearthstone, or Home I.ifo In our Cities, by S Osgood. Up tho River. bySheUonT For snle by decl4 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. MAGAZINES, die, H ARPER'S Mngntlne lor December; Putnam’s Magazine for December. Gleason's Pictorial Illustrated News. Eva May. the Foundling, or the Sk-cret Dungeon; a new novel. Received aud for sale by S. S. SIBLEY, nov30 135 Congress-street. Iaw OCEAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS. FROM EUROPE. natra. | .vameh. FBOM. FOR. U.XR8. Nov. 1G Europe. Liverpool New York [Cunsrd. do 23 Humboldt, S’th’pton do Havre. do 20 Niagara, Liverpool Boston Cunard. do 30 Arctic, do New York Collins. Dec’r. 3 Asia, do do Cunard. do 7 Hermann. 3’tb’ptsn do Bremen. do 7 City of Manchester Liverpool Phila’phla Phl'phia do 10 America, do Boston Cunard. do 14 Alps, do do Chagres. do 14 do New York Collins. do 16 Cleopatra. do Portland do 17 Africa, ' do , New York Cunard. do 24 Canada, do Boston do do 28 - , do New York Collins. do 30 Washington, S’th’pton do Bremen. do 31 Europa. Liverpool do Cunard. lan’y 4 City of Glasgow, do- Phila’phla Phl’phia do 7 Arabia, do Boston Cunard. FROM AMERICA. DATM. | Kami. I FROM. I FOR | USES. do 8 do 10 do 14 do 17 do 17 do 21 do 24 do 28 do 81 Jaa’y 4 do 7 do 7 do 11 do 18 do 21 do 24 Canada, CMjjr of Glasgow, Europe, Andes, Humboldt, Niagara, AaU, ’ Herman, America. Cfty of Manchester Africa,* Europe, Boston. Phll'phla New Yotk do do do Boston New York do do Boston PUU’pht* New Yoik do , Boston New York do Liverpool none Liverpool . do . do 8’ih’pton Liverpool do do . do f do do do.. Cunsrd. Phl'phia Collin*. Cunsrd. Chagres. Havre. Cunsrd. Collin*. Canard Bremen. Canard. Phl’phia Collins. Cunsrd. Cunsrd. Collin* Cunsrd. COMMERCIAL. layannali Market, December M. COTTON—We have no ebanp to notice in tbe market.— kite yaaUrday 1^87 bale*, as follom: 28 st SK, $ at $K, •76 at 9, m at 9*, 1 at 0j<, Ml at STS at $Ki $4 at ; iK, 80 at 9J4,4QallO|i 14 ai lOXA . -sSSffkS***** W. THORNE WILLIAMS, H AS received a variety of new bonks—Greenlenf’.. of Evidence, vnl. 3d ; Flanders on Maritime Ijiw. Handers on the Ij»w of Shipping The Mud Cnhin. or Rritlsh Institutions, English Items, by Matt. F. Ward. Bullock’s Art of Building, for tho use of architects, build- crs. draughtsmen, machinists, englncersnnd mechanics. Jaue Seaton or the King’s Advocate, a Scottish romance. Putnam’s Monthly, for October. Hie Humorous Speaker, for schools, debating clubs, ftc. The Victim of Excitement, by Caroline Ia-o Hcntx. The Rebel Scoot, h romance of the Revolution. I/uidon Art Journal, for September. Illustrated Record of tho N Y Exhibition, Nos 7 and 8. Physician's Visiting List, for 1854. oct5 ~ V1EW OFTHB CITY OF SAVANNAH. A BEAUTIFUL birds'-eye view of the City of Savannah sketched from the steeple of the Exchange, by Cer- veau. and lithographed by It. H. Howell, just completed.— Thu edition Is limited. Those wishing a copy must apply early to It. II. Howell, or at the book store of nov29 3. 3. SIBt.KV. 135 Congress street. CHARLES! ON & SAVANNAH RAILROAD. rpHE City Council of Charleston having agreed to the up- X plication of the undersigned to supply tlie necessary funds for making, without delay the preliminary surveys, to be reimbursed in the stock of said company as soon ns organized, notice Is hereby given that the (nterrening sec tion of country between the above-named termini will be surveyed as soon us practicable. Applications for the office* of Chief and Assistant Engin eers are hereby invited by tho undersigned, to bo forwnrded through them to tho City Council of Charleston, by whom the appoint incuts wilt lx- made. WM. E. MARTIN. THUS. F. DRAYTON, B. McBRIDE. ALEX. J. LAWTON, EDMD. RHICri'. NATH. HEYWARD. •stables, green-huuMn, Hup,, stesmen, In-t'CullfS, Wux-figure*, Clock*, gilt wstchu, Negroes and li UB , Crying John*, Gun*, bureau*, "ogon*. lli>»e-curt*. engine* Mechanical flgurr*. locwuoVtM. he., he. Also, a beaulifulnssortmcnl of . FRENCH CONFECTIONERY I Cr^uS’Vru.., shes*. tass'-'-J Burnt Almonds, This stock of goods compriw* one of the assortment opened in Savannah, and will be i.,|d c ”Vd cash. The subscriber *ouldrespectfully solicit an » atfon ofH|e above stock beforepurchsiing^ 1 Committee on tho Con- ventiun on the Cliarles- ton and Savannah Rail road FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD— ltanaway, in Jack- sonrillo, East Florida, on the 1st of November, my mulatto slave EDMUND. Sold slave is about thirty- .two years old. six feet one or two Inches high, stout built, hair bushy, coarse and strsizht. shoulders somewhat round, has a rather dogged and sulky look. He will proba. bly endeavor to make his way In Iuiwrence county. Noith Alabama. Tlieabovo reward will be given to any person who will deliver him to iny agent. Col. James Livingston, at Jacksonville. Host Florida, or to the sub*criber. at Quincy, Gndsdcn county. Fla., or lodge him In jail, so tlut I get •dm. deelft—dftwft JOHN ERSKINE. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE IN BAKER COUNTY, GA. (f£* Tlie subscriber, desirous of removing from the State *y«f Georgia, offers for ssl« his PLANTATION, lying on tlie waters of the Uoolawnlmcc. five miles west of Albany, adjoining the lands of Paul Tarver, Dr. Nicliolls. and oth ers; containing 3.126 acres, more or less. There are about 800 acres of open, cultivated land. Tlie land is situated so tliut it ean he easily dir hied, nnd 11 two purchasers appear, tbe subscriber will divide it so as ti suit both. Any ono desirous of purchasing, would do well to ad dress - Moore ft Edwards," or myself, at this place. JOHN J. RAWLS. Macon, fin.. August 30.1853. octl—tf My Agent, living on the place, will show the Lands to any person calling for that purpose. J. J. R MINERAL SPRING FOR SALE. rpHE subscribers offers for sale, in Hamilton county. Fla. j Die White Uillpln. s tho Upper Min- Its^ medic! na I virtues, size, and beauty are unequalled in the United States, and a.* a watering placo are doubtless destined to be tho same. Also, offer for snle. 200 acres of good pine land, ono mile and n half distant from said Springs, 100 ol which Is cleared und In good order for cultivation. Also, offer for sale, on said promises, fourteen likely ne groes. m.-stly young women and children. If said Springs’ I met of land is not sold by 1st of January next, 1 will rent the hotel and appurtenances, on said prem ises, for one or more years. PLINY .SHEFFIELD. D J. ft J. W. SllKmELD. Agent* In my absence. Elllsville. Fla.. December 13th. 1*63. d22—tl5J Floridian and Journal, and Jacksonville News, will please copy and send b'.ll* to P S. B ITTFRS.—12 boxes Pokers' Hitlers, 12 do Absynth. just received and for snle by HYLAND ft O’NEILL. doc22 P ICKI.E.' AND 8AUCK3.—26 .iozzen assorted Pickles and Sauces, for sale by dec22 HYLAND ft O'NEILL./ P * TenHAMS AND SMOKED DEEP. dec22 B LANKETS.—A largo assortment, just opened, of all qualities, nt very low prices. M. PRBNDkROAST ft CO.. 178 Broughton-st.. dec22 opposite St Andrew’s Hull. West side. , old. com wi house servant, of good character, with her 4 children, who are remarkably likely. A black woman. 20 years old. good field hand and house servant, country raised. A black girl. 13 years old. A black boy, 13 years old. A black man, 23 years old. field hand, country raised. A black ninn.’JOyoars old, good axe-man. country raised. A black woman, field bund, and her 3 children. A mulatto woman, complete house servant, aud 2 chil dron. A black woman, a first-rate cook.and her child. Also, several negroes singly snd In families. dec 14 WYLLY ft MONTMOLLIN. T EACHER WANTED—In a healthy situation in McIntosh county, to Instruct in the u«uu! English branches u few children. Falary about $200 j*r annum and board. A middle aged man preferred. None need apply without giHxl recommendations. Address the subscriber at South New port. P._O ; ^Oa ; ___decl0—4 LACIl'H MclNTOSH. M ATB—Sea Grass. Oil Hoth. F'rench Willow and Shaker Table Mats, for sale by novl2 J. P. COLLINS. C IORNED BEEF AND PIG I’ORK—Juat received 16 half J bbls Haw’s Domed Beef. 15 hbls nnd half bbls Pig Pork For sale ot tho corner of Broughton and Dravton at., by dec3 DAVID’ O’CONNER. C AROWAY CORDIAL—10 dox Caroway Cordial, for sale by A. BONAUD. octal Corner of Bay and Whltaker-strcets. B RANDY—26 half and 20 quarter pipes dock and pale (Hard. Dupuy ft Co’a Brandy, vintages of 1846. ’49, ’50 and ’61, of our own importation, landing and for sale by n30 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. steamer Florida, an assortment of u needlo worked Heaves nnd Bands, embroidered Hand, kerchiefs and Collars. Irish Linen*. Ulrds’-eye Dia;>ers. Eng- l*h Long Cloth*. Flannel*. Hoileiy. Gloves and Ribbon*.— For sale by n30 DiWITT ft MOKOAN. landing and fur sale by nov30 BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO. bags Calcine Plaster, landing from schr J P Wetherill, and for sale by declS BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. F OR SALE TO ARRIVE-600 bales prime Eastern Hay. and 200 bbls Potatoes, per ship Rotunda, from Both, *- J -'“ BRIGH. Maine, by decl 8 HAM. KELI.Y ft CO. S UGAR—20 hhda P. R. Sugar. 30 do 5Iuscovado do, 100 bbls Stuu*t’* A. B and C clarified do, 40 bbla crushed do, 26 do pulverized do. for sale by nov20 McMAHON ft .DOYIJ5. XTESiy—VESTS—A lui V Cgnred black Silk. figured black und fancy Cui sale low by nova WM. R. SYMONS, Draper ft Tailor, TJACON—60 hhda prime bright Bacon Sides, 20 do do TESTS—VESTS—A largu variety of Dress Vest, such as r Cgnred black Silk, black Barathea, und Fancy Silk, [ured black and fancy Cashmere Vesta. Just received for JJ Shoulders, for sale by deell 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON ft OO. R ECTIFIED WHISKY—50 bbls Rectified Whisky, for sail by deell SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. [TAMS, LARD, BACON fte.-Just received 100 Reynold’s O. Extra Family Hama, 100 bbls White L-af Lard. 8 hhda new Baltimore cured Baron, 2 bbls Pig Hams, 100 bbls 8moked Beef. 100 Iba Bologna. 26 half bbls Pig Pork and Corned Beef 10 bbls No. 1 Mackerel. 2 casks Codfish, 10 bbll Pickled Herrings, in store, and lor sale by DAVID O’CONNFR. dec22 Corner Broughton und Drayton-sts. ■ em of very at O Olive OIL inat the article for table n«e, this day r ed, and for tale by W. W. LINCOLN, nov9 Monument square. OKTtOX PEXStXTIOiTFORg*I.Kr7 Ceylon la situated on tbe rtrer Alataraaha. two miles ■j5_from Darien, and rontalna four hundred and seventy- five acres of Brat quality tide swamp, of which two hundred and thirty are In good order—under dams: and about fif teen hundred acres of pine and hammock land adjoining. On the place are two good barns, a very oommodlou* ■table and carriage house, and other necessary out-bulld- toga, with proper and comfortable accommodations for 80 or 00 negnwe, also, dwelling house, kitchen, store rooms. olo.,zll in good ordor. For tho last twelve years this property haa yielded an avenge Income of nearly 11 per oenC aa may he seen by rvforanc* to tho books or R Habersham k Bon, to whom and to Dr. J. P. Beraven, (Savannah.) reference may bo - • --.v- 8-M. BOND ’ aa*. FOR SALE—On board ship Dunbrody, Eastern barf. Savannah—Two thorough Irish Breed Bull iwigs. welPadapted for planters nr imrsons lnpo*se*don of stores or out house*, gardens or places where properly of value is kept. An early call will be advisable to iusure sale 2* dec22 L AMP OIL AND SUNDRIES—Just received 10 bbls filch’d winter Whale OU. 20 fifils white Wine nnd Cider Vinegar. 10 bbls Apples. 50 bbls Potitne*. 30 packages To- bnccn. 100 boxes Soap. Starch nnd (handles. 16 half chests old Hyson aud Black Teas. ,30 boxes ground Coffee, 60 boxes Mustard. In quarter pound cans, 60 dot lund nud handled Sccubtng Brushes. 50 dox cotton and manelln Clothes lines. 10 doz nssorted sixes iloor mats, 10 diets Cellar Tub*. 6 doz Cellar Pulls.3t)dnz2 und 3 hoop Ihickrts. 30 ilox large lancy handled Broome, nnd 10 dox Wisp Brooms, ftc.. bv DAVID O’CONNER, deo22 Corner Broughton and Drnyton-st*. N OTICE.—All persons having denmudsagalnst RoberTcT, fiucrnrd. late of Chatham county, deceased, are here by notified to present them duly attested, to the undersign ed, within the time prescribed by law. And all persons indebted will please make immediate payment. dec22 E. B. GUERARD. Ex’r. signed beg* leave to inform the amateurs of Bird*, that he has ju«t received from Bremen a new, la'-ge anil choice selection of Birds of Music. Intending to leave 3a- vnnnah by the next steamer be offers them for snle on rea sonable terms. He may be found nt tho Marshal House, where all those who admire thu purest productions of na ture are invited to call, nnd examine his fresh Birds of Song. dec22—3* HERM. MUIJ.ER. l, jng elwalwrr. . jLJl. HAYWuOD I CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS’” ANNUA IB, GIFT BOGUS, PORT MONIES, PRESENTS, U A LARGE vuriely of elegant annuals, gift books w macho nllmins, card case*, port monies. chlMrnfir- bw.ks, foncy boxes, desks, p-rt (olios, print*. slandard works, elegnnlly bound, and many olhrr suitable lor holiday present*, for rale at 135 ConrouJ b l «c20 E. S. Slliliv I GROCERIES! GROCERIES!: L lOFFEK.—160 bags prime Rio. 75 do Jamaia.596 J > va. 1 St'GAR—10 hhd* Porto Rico. 10 do St. Croix. 5 <b! t a Orleans, loo bbls Crushed. Powdered nnd Clarified. m Molahsks—26 lihds Cuba. 75 bbls New (file,ms. Bacon—26 casks Baltimore Shoulders. Brooms—40dozen, painted handles. Rcrxicre—200 dozen, painted. Pose. Ca.vriLza and SrsKOt—50 boxci No. 1 andFir.'l Soap. 60 do Pale do. 75 do Adamantine Cin-HcOJ J . s l*rra. 26 do Star, 150 do Patent Mould do. 40 xficit if hull boxes3tnrch. Tonscco—360 pkgs various brands and qualities. I.kmox Stiut. ftc —61) boxes Syrup. 10 cast* Walnut is Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Pe.vlu-j. Domestic Liqrow*—'75 bbls Phelp’s (iin. 50 do S E P.J 76 do Rectified Whisky. 30 do Fxta Old Monnngalwhdo 1 Wines—20 quarter casks pore Malaga. 8 do choiceUiA ra. Received and for sale by * bnt» McMAHON k R GENTEEL CLOTHING EEADY-KAMl PRICE Ai VEADER, i D ESIROUS to overcome uiiy prejudice that msrnidil to tho superiority hi style, quality nnd cluMj-nwif'-'J goods, we rlwllenge com|ietltlon in a coinpari'on»ithni tiring that can fit produced from nny lection of the Ini d Being made up under the superintendence of our Mr. Dial in the city of New York, whose time nnd experiroce it W voted exclusively to the interest of our busInrtf.nirMU may confidently rely on our ability to meet thfir «xnh ini interests with every article in our upline to tbrir entirfl satisfaction. Call at 147 Ray street, nesriy o/>po.«itnh™ Exchange. derif F RESH CURRENTS Sci—Oust received two cask C rants. 30 drum* Fig*. 6 case* Prunes. 5 caws (finite Preserve.*. 10 doz Brandy Fruit nnd plain I'rem-rvu.AOdil Walnut. Mu*hroom nnd Tomato Catsups; lOduioliwOill in pints an I quarts; 29 dox Pickles, in quarts and halt p' Ion jar* ; 30 whole, half and quarter brnei Rddnr i lavi-rs nnd banches; Citron*. Mace. Nutmea*.l'<.rdW*.tr.ff and for sale by DAVID O'CONNKR ] dcc22 Corner of Broughton snd Drsytoa-its. H UTfER. ftc—20 kegs Go-hen Butter; 10 barr lo*af Lird ; 25 boxes clteeso. Just recelred sole by decld HYLAND k 0'SULL ■ W HISKY.—5 casks genuine Scotch and Irish wood nud bottle. For sale bv a declO HYLAND k O'NEILL. B EEF.—20 half barrel* G. Haws Beef. Just recelrnl it foi O NIONS—4tl bbl* prime Onions, landing this day froJ bark Selxiois, from Ikisinn. and for sale on the (bin by dec 15 OGDEN ft Hl’NEUt | landing thl* day. |>cr bark Sebwds. from Ito-tnn. i for sale on the wlurf. by dl5 OGDEN ft BL'NKfK. ] ness Pig Iron, cargo of ship Cameo, from Glasgow, fa snle to arrive, by did IIIUGllAM, KELLY ft 0*. | 1C: E ASTERN HAY—50 laic* prime i>tcrn Hay. fnru> t’l _ e w. mm | R ' OCKIjAND LIMB—400~bbls Rockland Urn*.fort*!*I lots to suit purchasers, by . E. w. niTO. L AW Il'MlKS.—United State* Annusl Digest furlfi.';! Flander'son the law of .Shipping; 3*1 (irvenln. Evidence ; English Law nnd Equity Reports, vol 15; Riffl of Judge Story’s Works, nova W. THORNE B UCKWHEAT—In bbl.*. half bbls. kew'and'l ceived per steamer Alabama, nnd for snle by ■ nnvfl CHAMPION ft Nim J B acon hams and lard—ao cask* cb«ic» ihs^| bids Leaf Lard, received and for s;ile by sepll McMAHON k DOTH P OTATOES-50' bbls Potatoes, landing from brig lo. for sale by dl BRIGHAM. K».LT * ’7 H AY—125'bales prime North River Hay. Undlof )«| steamer Alabama, nnd for sale by . I PADEI.K0RD. FAY Afr P hlte and Colored Cheese. 100 boxes now scaled Her rings, 40 half and 20 quarter barrels Uuckwheat. 60 boxes new bunch Raisins, lie* dec21 peeked ra-r steamer and for sale by 3CRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. S’S I (TedS |UNDRIES ( ON HAND— 60 bbls Potatoes. 10 do Onions, 5 " D Syrup, 15 do crashed and clar- Shoulder*. 60 doxen Mustard in do Leaf I ard. 10 do N O led Sugara. 2 hhd* Bacon and Java Coffee, 25 do Boston Brick Dust, 20 dozen Pickles In gallons, also. Teas, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Mace. Cranberries, nnd whlto Beaus. For *alo at the corner of Broughtou aud Drayton streets, by deed DAVID O’CONNER. N EW BOOKS—Received by 8. 3. Sibley. Dec 0th, 1863- Old England and New England, by Alfred Bonn. Life of an Actor, by O. H. Hill. Health Trip to the ’Tropica, by N. P. Willi*. The Invalid's Own Book, by the Hon. Lady Cust. Happy Days ofChildhnod. by Atny Meadows Iron Rule or Tyranny In the Household, by T S Arthur. Jack Junk, by the author of Gallant Tom, ftc. Blank wood's Magazine, for November. Popular Educator. Foy December—Hunt’s Magazine. Knickerbocker Mnga line. Graham’s Mngnxine, Illustrated Magaxiueof Art, and Godey’* Lady’s Rook, fur sale at 136 Congress-st. d7 C ORDIALS—20 doxeu assorted Cor Hal*—Anisette, Pei- fait Amour, Noyeau, and Rose—for sale by dcc!4 A. BONAUD- S HAW8—A splendid lot or long and square Blanket Shawls, suitable for Ihe season, at . declO KF.MPTON ft VEKSTILLE'3. H AMS-COO Roloeon’s prime new Ham*, landing this d*v from schoonor Woodbridge, from Baltimore and for from schoonor Woodbridge, sale on the wharf. Apply to declO OGDEN ft BUNKER. n UAG ING RODS, Out Stick*. Oil and Spirit ProoTs, Bung VJ Starts, Faucets and Bplcket*. For Ksle by dsclO • J. P. COLLINS. UODEN-WARE u Tubs.BuckeU,8elTeSjWashlWnl*, W sale t Tr.,., .al B RONZED HAT 8TANDS. Fire 8Un<iard*. Bra.** Andirons, Fire Dogs, Fendeia, 8hovel end Tongs. Poftere. and Flro Catsona. For sale by declO J. F. COLLINS. C 10FFKE—400 bags prune Green Rio Coffee, 100 do Fair / do. 60 Laguyra do. 40 do Old Government Java do, 00 rar 1 ** H ARPERS’ MAGAZINE.—Now I* the Uroe to subscribe. Thk eighth volume commnces with the December num ber. Subscriptions received at two dollars and fifty cenU, paid In advance. Single numbers twonty-flve cents Also. Putnam’s Manx!on, Godey’a Lady's Book and Graham’s Magaxln* will be furnished on tho name term*, by nov28 B. a SIBLEY, 134 Congress-street. ^^.^*1.10.^ B mcKS0S I ?LOUR—100 bbls Baltimore Flour, landing nnd to* ’ bv *cp23 ROW LAM' k 0 H “ AY.—^76 bales Prime Eastern Hay. justremM*** sale by nov23 T ARD—Unding from sebr Moluwk. 25 keg* *ud l** HZSr™ UrJ , forMle %, y. CONNERAT I CE—260 tuns Ice. p**r brigSarn'l T llind*.f«ir mIc rive,by _ novl8 HH1QI1AM. KM.LYU^ M OURNING GOODS—Black bombazine*, do Frewtsj riuo and Coburg cloths alpacas. Csntna e ^ silk*, black silk aud satin de chenc.lrencb sa. »• crape*, love and crape veils, french snd Eoxl * aetw 1 reC ° IVed ,D<1 f ° r “ lB ^ mWIlT ft MOBGj* DCKLANH LIME.—260 bbl* Rockland I lireH fW,r ' ed and for sale in lots to suit puiebaw*. °y nov23 fc-jvjH.^- A' LMANACaFOR 1854.--GrenTi 1 le>Alm»n*ef«^ A. States of Georgia. South CaroUna. AUtama,»“ da. for sale, wholesale and retail, at 135 Congr^ decl6 ^-rr^TB TytEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. ftc.-lW hhd* Sugar. 100 bbls \\ hlsky ■Tffltfnas. Uh. and for sale by_ r>—11)0 suosciiuv> J3 Tange ment* to receive, direct I rom n .f M olasses—co bbl. ... crop .v.»orin»i»" Ul * •„“i? “’SSSit.wie*. Ql’GAR AND MOLASSES—10""hhda Na " IJ 131 bbl* do Molasses, landing KW&A and for sale by decl8_ W __r~—-—-gj* R AlSI'P.’fto.—160 whole, hslfand quarter Raisins. 74 boxes Candy, 60 nisi 1-7 hhd* Codfish. » t sri led do, 26bblsand20b*U M doM«kyJ^, XLE AND 'PORTER—100 I’bU FhlWalphlz tre*D A. 20 casks London Porter, for , \ l ®?/. no y * DOTI^ decl 8 MCMAiio.- o F iSH^TbbiT^Menhaden ^^plantation use, Just receivedffgggfi fc^Atjg. cjElJJNG OFF BFIovTD0ST.-A grot* wrl,yr otU ** O dress Goods, suitable for IbU yoBDAlL decl7 j-i..uiiijT t W INER—100 baskets Heldslck and1 Muan s In pint* and quarts. For “kfoyp ft Q’.VElLL rt&rTKB AMU tHESE^a kc S . Better, °T* ii ju.tra»lT«l*»Atbc“>» l, r CRAb'E * B "°nreC3s Brtta, Botyr. jannrfyy^Bgi .ndfoclfb, <l'c1 S ay—20 balet H»J. UnUir., j>«r for sale by BRIGHAM- -mm******