The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, December 28, 1853, Image 4

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■ ■ rent in Bhcffl _ .given far l»tel«ii»nUo iUwrtch, Mai; Net Yort. Da- tha poVpoi of taitlDi«Sr«inis rloh In IUaoallty, _L ltth, ]Hrt u out paper wm going to V *' pres*t we l«ufn that in Immense are hid ooourted In Th# | ron b^n/wrought ban of dlEferent foma \.uui. H... mIuoUmI* dnnp atoms hid manufactured for thometai, ire 'pronounced of flue A round bir vraa toetoa and found to bo ■ ■ ' THE SAVANNAH GJEOKGlA JN, WEDNESDAY 1VL|L)BJVUMG, HJSCEMBER «8; 1853. ” T??zm ^ssssggr—^ , In this I Hnilai ‘ that city, by which live wholesale flour stores had featn destroyed, and three or four ahlpi burned to the water'a edge, and aevefal other veaaeU damaged.- the loa«, It Is estimated, will greatly exceed a million of dollars. OB1WWU8.—The observance of the Christmas an* ldve.!*arj passed off In our city In a manner highly appropriate. Coming as It did on the Babhuth day, It lent an additional Interest to tho wonblpof the aanctuary. Many of tho churches were decorated with evergreens and flowera, and In all of fbera ser mons appropriate to the day were delivered. Monday waa aet apart for a general Interchange of social greetings, festivities, Ac., and right merrily did the daypass. Death or Okorob Fleming.—Tho Syracuse, New York, papers announce the recent death of this gen tleman, at his residence in the town of Fleming, Cay uga oounty. He met with au accident In falling down atalra aud iu&lcling a wound in tho temple, produc ing compression of the brain. Mr. Fleming was a aon of General Fleming, one or General Washington’s aids. Ho was born at West Point In 1798, where he resided until several years afterward, when Ills father removed to Cayuga couuty. Ho was universally re spected as a citlzeu and Christian. 8now in Charleston.—The Standard of Monday lastsays.Bnow commenced falliug in Charleston about 9 o’clock on tho evening of Saturday, aud continued until it had covered tho house tops to the depth of about two inches. It melted as it Tell upon tho ground, which was not therefore generally covered : enough lay about, however, to give a whitened aspect to tho city, and draped in snow and rudlent with the son light of tho morning. In Savannah we have not as yet been thus honored,—a few Blight frosts only have visited us, and, indeed, bo slight as scarcely to rob the flowers in tho gardens of thefr bloom. Mail Robber Arrested.-A man named Graham, concerned in recent mail robberies between Ixiuls- vllle, Ky., and Nashville, Tenu., was arrested a few days since at Bowllug Green, Ky., when $3,000 and a quantity of valuable jewelry was found upon his person—being portions of his dopredations. Tho Louisville Courier thinks him a thief upon a large scale. Key West Correspondence. Key West, Pec. 22,1853. Editort faranHoA Georgian t The officers of the Coast Survey detailed for duty upon the Florida Reer. have many of them arrived out, and all | are busily employed In making their arrangements for the winter work. There will be five different parties at work during the season. Tlireo schooners, with there officers and men, are on tho station, and ono other is expected to be followed by the steamer Sec. Corwin. The follow ing are the names of the vessels and their officers : Schr. Petrel. Lieut. Jamos Totten, 2d Artillery U. S. A.. Commanding; C. T. Jardella, C. S., Assistant; Cnpt. Saw yer. pilot, Schr. Eliza Catherine, Hull Adams. 1st Assistant C. S.. Commanding; 0. W. Parrish, Assistant; Captain Audrews' pilot. Schr. Hassler, Lieut. II. A. Beward, U. S. A., Command ing j C. T. Baker. C. S. Assistant; James Lightboum. p lot. Samuel A. Walnwrigbt. Assistant C. S., will arrive in the next steamer. Horn Washington, and take charge of the schooner Joseph Henry, expected from New York. Lieut Craven is in command of the Sec. Corwin, and will be on the station by the I5tti January. Put in—Schr. Rainbow, Culver, on the 8th Inst., from New York, bound to Brazos, and was wind bound iu tin- harbor until the 11th. The Br. schooner Emulous, from Harbor Island. 11th inst sawn bark at anchor, near Knight's Key. She proved to be the French hark Atnazis. B.iulard, from Tampico, bound to Havre in distress. Srhe sailed for Havana on the 13th. to repair: wculd not come to Key West. Arrived—12th—Schooner John Roalefa, from New Or leans, in distress, with loss of main and fore rail, and the bonnet out of the jib, started chaunel bolts, aud sprung a leak. Received temporary repairs, and sailed again on the 14th, but springing a leak on leaving tho lmrbor, put back and discharged. Sent her cargo to Tampa per steamer James L. Day. and will now receive a thorough repair Consigned to A. F. Tift. 14th—Steamer James L. Day. Smith. Irotn Now Orleans. Had very heavy weather on the passage.and damaged *om» of the cargo. Vessel was obliged to heave-to, and rode out tho gale with trifling damage to the bulwarks, guards, kc. Same day—Mail schooner Charles k Edward, Pfeiter.from Miami, reports all quiet on the reef. A number of Semi* Doles were at Miami hunting-grounds, making comptee, and taking fish, turtle and bears Some of the settlers had had a talk with one of the old men of the band, who de clared that the majority of the band were willing to take the proffered reward of Captain Casey, tha Indian Agent, and emigrate to tho west of tlie Mississippi. — Schooner Gov. Anderson. Farewell, Pensacola, via Garden Key. Tf,th—Brig V. Revnmtngton, Sawyer, (new.) New York. 10th—Brig Wnrcisstt, Powell, passed through N. W. Pan bound to St. Marks. Same day—Brig Linden, Rowe. Philadelphia, in distress- leaking. pumps choked, loss of deck load, bulwarks, cabin doors, kc. Will not discharge. Consigned to P. J, Kon tuna. Surveying schooner Hassler. Packer, New York. 21st—Ship Ambassador, McDonald, from New Orleans, bound to Liverpool, with loss of rudder head and tiller* Will he detained a few days. 22d—Schooner Elizabeth. Williams, from New York. Sailed—13th—Brig Atkiatic, King, for New Orleans. Ex penses of this vessel and cargo wore $1,420 07. 16th—steamer James L. Day, Smith, for New Orleans. 18th—Brig Eliza Anne, Chase, for New York. Expense of repairs, $2,981 08. 19th—Brig Rufus Soule, Chapman, for New Orleans. Ex pense of repairs,$1,191 84. James S. Kelly, a hand on board tho steamer James L. Day, was killed by becoming entangled in the machinery, on the 12th. Ho was buried at Cedar Keys. Grand Kxcnrslon In the Harbor. The committee appointed by the Chamber of Com merce to Burvey the harbor, and view the encroach ments which have been inude by the extension of piers, Ac., performed Unit doty yesterday, in company with a numlfor of distinguished guests, among whom were Governor Seymour, of New York; tho Hon. Rodman M. Price, Governor elect of New Jersey; Btat« Comptroller Wright; Ciiv Comptroller Flagg; Collector Uedtleld; Naval Officer J. IL Brodhead; Profesora Bache and Davies ; Commodore Boerman ; Captalu Hudson ; J. Prescott Hall, Walter R. Jones, Morgan Morgana. Henry Grhmell, Thomas Tileaton, and other well known citizens. The party assembled on board the steamboat Staten Islander, at the footol Whitehall street, whence they started about twelve o’clock, and made tho tour ol the harbor on Iwththe North and East river sides of the city. On passing the navy yard at Brooklyn, the usual salute was fired in honor of the Governor. In tho evening a banquet was given at the St. Nicholas Hotel, where General Wool joined the other guests. Thomas Tileaton, Esq., presided.—N. Y. Com. Adv., 2id. Pleasures of Content ment. I have a ricU neighbor, that is always so busy that lie has no leisure to laugh ; tho whole business or his Ufa is to get money, that he may still get more and moro money. He is still drudging on, saying what Solomon says, •• The diligent hand maketh rich.” And it is tme, Indeed; bat he considers not that it Is not in the power of riches to make a man happy ; for it was wisely said by a man of great observation, «that there bo as many miseries beyond riches as on this side of them.” And yet heaven deliver us from poverty; and grant that, having a competency, we may be content and thankful. Let us not repine, or so much as think the gifts or God unequally dealt, If we see another abound with riches, when, as God knows, the cares that are tho keys that keep those riches hang often so heavily at tho rich man’s girdle, that they clog him with weary days and restless nights, oven when others sleep quietly. We see but the outside of the rich man’s happiness ; few con sider him to be like the silk-worm, that, when she seems to play, is at the same time spinning her own bowels, and so consuming herself. And this many rioh men do, loading themselves with corroding cares to keep what they have already got. Let us, there fore. be thankful for health and competence, and above all, for a quiet conscience.—[Izak Walton. Mr. Mitchell’s Family. Tho New York Express says : Ono of the most Interesting spectacles at the Mitchell Festival, on Monday evening, was the stago box, where tho wife, •on, mother and sister of John Mitchell were placed, sad the most interesting group of tho evening. The Mitchell family In Ireland was ono of the most esti mable and Intelligent or the country. Tho family are all Protestants, and the father was for a long time a Presbyterian, but becamo a Unitarian preacher, under tne teachings of Rev. Dr. Chaonhig, and was himself one of tho most forcible and eloquent of that order of writers. Mrs. Mitchell, sen., is a very intel ligent woman, and is now In tho enjoyment of tho society of two daughters and two sous-a Joy which only a mother can realzle when, os in her case, ahe if restored to a son who was lost, Hnd Is found—who was dead and Is alive again. I*.a. John Mitchell la a lady of email stature, but large in the hopes and en thusiasm of her warm-hearted countrymen. It was E sasant to see her, and those near and dear to r husband, bang with breathless attention npon •very word the son, the father, brother and huabnnd gave utterance to, for there were those about him who ■tood In all these relations. At the recent Mitchell Festival, in New York city, Mr. P. J. Smyth, in replying to a toast, stated that H» honor of rescuing Mitchell from bondage, belongs 10 the ” Irish Directory,” who employed him, Smyth, as an agent, for that purpose, and used to that end the funds subscribed by Irishmen in this oountry to aid the struggle in whlob Mitchell and bis compatriots W*TJ engaged In Ireland. This statement was corrob. .aratsd by;Mr. Robert Emmitt. Thtaseoret has been ftfrtrkaoly well kept, In the face of the repeated and floQtlnued newspaper attacks npon the members of ~ *“—*— with rospeot the distribution of the - '*>i V-- • >• ASSOCIATION'S LECTURES.^ : Al lhe requoit of this Society Profeuor Santa wiUtlelteer i courso of ,Lectures, ooUiiiUng Of fakir, on, the fallowing quality- very tough " equal,” says tho report, •• to tho beat Iron manufactured In the Bouth Yorkshire Districts.” When converted into steel •' It had all tho character of good bodied steel, equal to tha beat made from any Eugiiab iron.' 1 As a cast steel, it appears, says the report, " as a very nice eloso steel." Tho report Is eminently favorable throughout, and the onty point to be determined in order to ascertain whether it can bo profitably shipped to England for manufacturing purposes la the price at which tho pig iron can ho af forded. As to the iron itseir.orlts capability of being applied to any desired use, there seems to be room for hat one opinion—and that is, that it Is nowise Inferior to that nsed by tho iron workers of Engluud —Albany Patriot. The New Mali Schedule. The Wilmington (N. O.) Herald, speaking of tho new schedule for the great nialls for the Bouth and West.saya that the mail tor tho South, heretofore due at that placo, at 9 a. m., will hereafter bo due ol 7 p.m., and will’, upon arrival, bo transferred to the Wilmington and Manchester road, Instead of being conveyed by steamers tho next morning to Charles ton, as heretofore. Tho cars will leave on tho arrival of tho Northern train, thus making adiifereuco of twenty-four liuura In favor of tho proposed schedule over that formerly existing. We would state (says tho South Carolinian,) that we learn from good authority that the schedule above alluded to will not go into operation until the first of January. This delay is in consequence of tho South Carolina Railroad Company not being able to make tho necessary arrangements lor tho change of sched ule until that time. Wo presume the details of tin* schedule will bo duly advertised la tho course of a few days. Mild Weather.—**This is grand weather, mem. for poor people," said Mr. Tigh. the rich neighbor of Mrs. Partington, on one of the past warm days, and indulged in a half chuckle about it 89 he rubbed his hands together It is a remark that almost every body would make, and mean it, too, at a time when cool by the rai a ton, aud col . . that tempera the wind to the shorn lambs and ragged children, was withheld, but not Mrs. Partington.— " Yes,” said she, gently laying her hand at the same time on the sleeve of Mr. Tigh’a cont, aud lookitif him in the face. ** Yes, and don’t folks use this gooi weather too much for an excuso for not helping the indignant widows and orphanless children ? Depend upon it cold weather is the best for the poor, for then the rich feel the cold and think more of ’em, and feel more disposed to give 'em consolation and coal. Cold weather comes down from Heaven o’ purpose to make men feel their duty, and it touches tlie heart, as the Irost touches tho milk pitcher and breaks it, and the milk of humane kindness runs out, and the poor are made better for it. Cold weather is a blessing to the poor, deperld upon it.” She stopped here, aud Mr. Tigh cast his eyes down and struck his cane several times against a brick at his feet, then bidding the tld lady good morning ho moved away. There was a large " Dr. to Sundries ” on his book that night which the book-keeper will find It difficult to explain, but Heaven knows all about it, and the'secret gift, in charity, and the prayer of the poor recipient invoking blessings on tho unknown benefactor, were grout re cords that night in the angel's book. Fire in Charleston.—A fire occurred on Saturday night last, in tho counting rooms of H. F.' Baker A Co., and Hall A Co., on Fraser's wharf. From many indications, it would seem to have been communicated from the grates of the counting house of Messrs. Hall A Co., .o the mantle piece, and thence through the floor to the office of Messrs. B. F. Baker A Co below. The floor in the first and second stories are burned through, and considerable damage lias been done to tho furniture and goods in both offices. The engines were on the spot, not only in time to save the building but to prevent its sustaining any serious damage.— Goods to a considerable amount were stored iu botli oilices, and those in the office of tho Messrs. Hall, were insured to tho value of $11,000.—Stnndard,2Gth. Wednesday last was tha shortest day of this year, tho sun being ubove the horizon but nine hours and' eight rainutts. The (lays are now lengthening. The Weather.—For the past day or two the weath er lias been lowering. Yesterday afternoon, about- three o’clock, it commenced sleeting, and continued, with but short intervals, up to about 7 o’clock, when it commenced snowing, and us we write this para graph, the flakes are falling thick and fast.—Aug. Constitutionalist, loth. ; l.' The Natnte and Mission 6t Art and Ptelry, Illustrated from tha acknowledged master works of vanoua nations. i. Paste—tlie flat great pool of‘modern times; sketch of hts life | bis love for Beabla | bis poem—Dlrina Comedia —^escribing a Journey through llell, Purgatory, and Para dise { readings from the ume. 8. Dante, m the Cathollo poet, par attllenct t Ids repre sentation of Benlot | the Idea of womanhood, asrorcsled by Christianity, and embodied In Christian Art. contrasted with that of the Ancients. 4. Potrnch—Ids life, love and poetry. The four lecture* form a whfle Intended to define and Ulustmto the workings of the Christian principle within the sphere of Poetry »nd Art. They will bu delivered at tho Armory Hull, on the evenings ut Tuesday, December 27lh, Friday, December 30th, Tuesday, January fid, and Thursday, January 6th. at half-past 7 o’clock. Tickets tor tho course $1 60—for a single lectures 60 cts. ■ p or steamer Lnnwr. from Augusts—833 bales C They may bo had at anv of the book-stores, and at the door Mdso, to Brigham. Krl’y 4: Co. Harper, Stuart on the evenings uf tho lectures. , " m rt Ml “"‘ ,,n,, w " __——ibcrahain ABomfleotts Horton A lUkemnn. A Haywood. I)r -w , „ .. —O Johnson. John Jones. G H Johnston. N B Knapp, J1I Kimbrough, LaRochO fc Bowne.E Lovell.R Lawless, 11 UthropfeCo. B M Laffiteau, Lockett, Long A Co, Morse k Nichols, Jas Morse. A N Miller, J Mayer. John Mollrry. McMahon A Doyle. I W Morrell A Co. t) Mauett A Co. Minis A Florence. W H Hay k Co.' Ueo McC!eikey;T R Mills. 11 Morcer, J 8 Norela. J Nicholson, G S Nichols. Nov. ttt. Iatbrop A Blebblns. Ogden A Bunker, U Peyton. A Port- er. Pierson, Iteldt ACo, PadelfonLFay ACo. Pldlbrik A Bell. Rabun A Whitehead. Rowland A Co, Roblnsun A Camp. F J Rosenberg, H Rothschild, D Bandrrson, R Blmpson, Swift A Co. D Blmmous. Scranton, Johnston A Co, Mrs Bswyer. Jnn Schaffer, Staley A Hendry. Smith A 1-athrop. Capt D Btur- E ra. B Torch. Verslllln A Butler, Wells A Durr, w 11 i [ Wilt- r_ - flro*otHl.fcooda,warta, *nd mer- iblng yrbataoevtT, nnd^pcrmlt and —.j-—.tlmie and remain'In any uquere. street, lano, or alley, witkiu tha said city, for a longer time than six hour* | not shall any jxrtm permit or suffer any earl, dray, waffm, or coinage iff any sort, to stand and re main In any square, street. Uno. or alley, longer than such tiino as aforesaid) nor shall sny person without previously ““ * 4 * “ ' , “ *Uyor and two-thirds V Bayard Taylor.—Tho New York Tribune an nounces the arrival home of Mr. Bayard Taylor, it-* corresponding editor. The Tribune states that Mr. Taylor will nt once devote himself to preparing his travels for publication, and a book on Africa may soon be expected from Ilia pen. Ho will also lie heard as a lecturer iu different parte of the cun try. numerous and pressing invitations having preceded his arrivnl here. The Ship Great Rkitblic.—A New Yot kcmre pondent of the Boston Post says: •* A Baltimore house has offered Mr. MeKay, the owner of the Grent Republic, $20,000 above tho cost to construct her. which offer lias been refused. The entire support of this vessel, when In sailing condition, will cost nearly $12,006 a muulli.*' Liqeoii Law in Boston.—On Friday last, Win. I 1 I’rescott was fined $100 and costs, in the Boston Mu nicipal Court, for selling liquor, and required to givt bonds in $1,000 not to sell again. He cashed the bil and gave the bonds. This is the first case of success ful prosecution under tbe liquor law in that city, an* is therefore an event of special interest. Tiiity Tons ok Silveu.—Tho Louisville Courier transportation of thirty tons of specie—one n dollars—from New Orleans to that city. Good Doctrine.—Always make it a prii , extend ti e hand of friendship to every man who dis charges faithfully his duty and maintains good order who manifests a deep interest in the welfare of gen oral society—whoso deportment is upright,and whose mind is intelligent— without stopping to ascertain whether ho swings u hammer or draws a thread. Mr. Francis J. Grand, the Washington correspon dent of the Baltimore Sun and Philadelphia Lnt"er, has been elected Clerk of tbe Committee ou Public 1-atids. Mr. Wm. Gray, a returned Californian, was robbed on the night of tho 19th, of $10,(100, on the Stute Line Road, as is supposed, by one Geo. Walker, an Englishman. Little Kindnesses.—Small acts of kindness how pleasant and desirable do they make life! Every ob ject is made light by them, and every tear of sorrow is brushed away. When tho heart is sad, and dc spondency site at the entrance of the soul, a trilling kindness drives despair away,and makes the path cheerful and pleasant. TO TUB VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTYFellow. CmzKXs:—1 am a candidate for re-election to the offices of Chrk of the Superior and Inferior Courts,at the election tho first Monday ia January next, and respectfully solicit your support. dl—td JOHN F. GU1LMART1N. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY :—Fellow- Citizens :—I am a candidate for tho office of Sh- riff of your county at the election on the first Monday in January 1854, and respectfully solicit your itupport. oct2'J MICHAEL FINNEY. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTYFkllow- Citizenh I atn a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, at the election on the first Monday in January next, and respectfully nuk your aupport. nov20 JOHN N. LEWIS. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY:—Fki.low-Citi- zkns :—I nm a candidate for tho office of County Treanurer, at tho election In January next, and respectfully solicit your support. If elected the proceeds of the office shall be given to a fellow bank officer who has been so unfortunate as to loose his sight. novl8 L. J. B. FAIRCHILD. , TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY.-Fellow Citizens : 1 am a candlduto for the office of Sheriff of your county, at the electiun In January next, and respectfully solicityonr»upport. octd ALEXANDER THOMAS. Mrsmks. Editoiw—Please unnounce Mr. JOllN A. STA LEY, a candidate for the office ofSaerlff of Chatham coun ty. at tho ensuing election In January noxt. JyU MANY VOTERS . THE CELEBRATED CAROLINA TWINS, will be exhibited in couaexion with the Southern 51 use- um, for one week, commencing next Monday, the 2flth inst. Admission 25 cents. dec24—3 dence formerly owned bv Capt. John B. (iallio. .» ,r of Whitaker and ” FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—Tho brig Vkkta (•'--El* Allen, Kill*, master. For particulars apply to decl6 iT.. - 83=*, doolO ir particulars apply t BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. WANTED TO CHARTER—A vessel to load with Cotton for Philadelphia. PADELFORD. FAY 4c CO. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The packet schooner M. D. Scull, Thompson, master. For particulars apply to decl8 OGD N 4t BUNKER. FOR FREIGHT OR CHABTKR-Tho fine schr. WnriBRiLL, Foster, master. For parti apply to deol8 BRIGHAM, KELLY 4c Tticuiar* CU. BRIGHAM, KELL. ' j’-S- DOCTOR WILDMAN havingsettled permanent- ly In Savannah, respectfully offers to its citizons his services In the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Residence and Office, No. 20 Abercorn, oruci of South Bread-street. Hours of consultatiou, from 8 till 10, A. JL, and from 3 till 6. P. M. nulO CITY MARSHAL’S OFFICE.! Savannah. Dee. 2ith, 1853. f Wanted to hire, for one year, from tbe first day of Janu ary next, twenty-one able bodied negro men, for tbe Scav enger’# Department. Apply to PIHLIP M. RUSSELL, Jec26 City Maiahal. I. W< MORBBLL it CO.’S Piano Povte Depot. stutoid ruNOfl non THE cxixsiutxd manufactories or Nunn* it Clerk, J. Gbickering, H. Worcester, Bacon St Raven*,! dec‘22—2 FASHIONABLE DANCING, AT SAINT ANDREW’S HALL, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. •Jl, Mr. NtcitOLS reipeclfolly announces to bis pntrons sj&fTand the public generally, that his Second Session JsSiJJwlU commence on Monday, January 2*1,1864, at 3>4 o’clock for Ladles, Misses, and Masters. Gentlo men’s Class, on Tuesday, January 3d, 1854, at 8>£ o’clock. Terms $10 per session. Mr. N. has secured tho services of Mr. tePi’AUD. a cnrnpe tont teacher, to naMst him in hi* classes. This, together with Mr. Phelps and Mr. Kierpunt, In tho Musical Depart- menl, will enable him to give the most decided satisfac tion. Pupils are requested to commence at the opouing of the session. Practising Soirees every Thursday evening. d24—2w Vrrillln k Butler, Wells k Durr. ■rgor 4t Co, and others. Por steatnpackct Calhoun, from Charleston—J Davis, J Lynch, Morse 4t Nichols, nud Mr Barker. Tor steamer SI. Johns,from 1’aUtka. 4tc.—tl bales Cot ton, !!8 Cowhides, and Mdso, to Boston 4: Vlllalongn. Ander- sons 4c Co, 8 Bolunions. Wushburu, Wilder 4t Co, Clsgliorn k Cunningham, and W IlTison. bales Cotton, and , .... Stuart k Co, T R Mills, and W C O'Driscoll, Per Steamer T S Metcalf, from Augusta—357 bales Cotton, and Mdse, to IV CO'Driscoll, Pndilford, Fay 4c Co, 51 King. C l.udlcus. and J Lanin. PASSENGERS. BANK STATE OF GEORGIA, I Savannnh. 23d December, 1853. J Christmas and New Year falling on Sunday, this Dank will bo closed on tho 20th lust, and 2d proximo. Paper ^ payable on those days must be attended to previously, and Dune notes Intcuded for discount should be offered on the 24th and 31st inst. 2t I. K. TEFFT, Cashier. T. C. RICK, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN XVERT VARIETY OF Common and Fine Candies. (Kiln dried and warranted to resist effectually the hot or damp atmosphere of a southern climate.) Comer of llmughtnn and Whittaker streets. Savannah. G'a. AS* Builder's Noticb.—Mr. T. C. U. Is agent for tbe Worcester Terra Cotta Works. ocl29 SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD COMP’Y, I Macon. October 26th, 1863. j Tlie subscribers to tbe stock of this Company for the Americus Extension are notified that they are required to pay the third and last Instalment of Fifty Dollar* per share on said stock, to the undersigned, at Macou. or to T. M. Furlow, Fsq., at Amrrlcu*. on or before the first day of Jauuary next. Stockholder* In Savannah can make payment at tho Cen tral Railroad Rank. Prompt payment will be expected, as the funds are re quired for the purpose of paying for the iron now daily ex pected to arr-ve. JXO. T. HOIFKUILLI-T. oc 121)—tlJ Treasurer UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA.T’ Alliens, December 15th, 1853. J Tbe Trustees ol this institution will, on the 13th of Janu ary next.electa professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, to fill tlie vacancy occasioned by tlie resign ition ofProfe*. snr McCav. The Professor will bo required to enter upon bis duties without delay. Salary $1,700 per annum, paya ble quarterly. Applicant* may address tbe President, Rev. A. Church, D. D., or tbe subscriber. WM. L. MITCHELL, Chairman dec20—w3w Prudential Committee. Per steamship Isabel, from Havana via Key West—Col T Johnson. USA: F do Counter. J Nlminger and boy. A It Lninsr and lady. Mbs tamar, Count J Revnard, 11 Roan- ard. REwing, SO Smith. O DJurnr. J Gonzales, J Miller, J (■Inzer. C Davenport, G U Ilnare. F Schmidt, Mrs Oweu. 51 Mutmll. Claghorn, J Grimes, and 12 steerage. Per steamship Florida, from Now York—H Ainsworth, B 11 Howies, Indy und 2 children. Jus Austin, P U Blodgett. .1 N Conklin, Jnn Campbell. W W ('room, J D Goodwin. Mr* Her rick ami child. Mrs Goodwin and child. I. H Herrick. E G Hyde. Mrs Hastings. A G Jewett.Joel Killiurn. .1 H Miller, Dr McXevin. Mr* McNYvIn and svt. Mr Pheleu. Minn Starr, N Tillinghast. Oliver Wctinoro. Clio* Wadsworth. Miss E H York.E Ebinger, and 30 steerage Per Nteanipncket Calhoun, from Charleston—Mr* Rut ledge nnd dim/liter. Sterling, Dnroca, J B While. B C King, E .Marsh. Weibley. W J Cornwall. W Turner. S A Touncr, J L Bruce, Madame Girard, J R Habersham. Mr Pettigru, J Allan. 8 Mowry.jrj G Mose)y. J A Green, und 8 deck. Por steamer St. Johns, from Palatka. 4:c —M Adams. O 51 Turner, 1) Wsodruff, 5!abry. J F Mnde.J M Smith. W K Duncan, W Lipscomb.C li Ranting. .11. Webb..1 Cnsle. 1) L Clinch. Eastcroy. Marsh ami lady. A 8 HulLJ W Jackson. W 8 Jackson and lady, H E Culpo and lady, Darren, and 17 deck. SUFKRINTKNDENT’S OFFICE C. R. It. Savannah. Sept. 1. 1853. After this day. by resolution of tho Board of Directors, up nnd down freight will be payable at the merchants’ counting house, or by deposite mado with the Treasurer, •end weekly, on aion.i».v. ...a Friday., ft-om 9 o'clock, A. M., to 2 P. M. Hill* to be rendered through the post office on Wednes days and Friday*. Failure to make payment when called fur ns above, will *tnp parties’ account. sel W M. WADLEY.Gen.Sup’t SAVANNAH INFIRMARY. PR3. WRAGG AND MACKALL. PROPRIETORS. This institution having been recently removed from the suburbs of the city, to No. 19 East Broad street, is now open for tho reception of pntien s. Medical and .Surgical. 11. this change in locality we are enabled to offer tlie public more ample accommodations. Our wards are com fortably furnished, and several single rooms aro filled up for such patients as prefer being entirelyjirivnte We especially Invito the attention of planters and other owuers to our department for negroes. For terms apply to Dr. J. A. Wrauo, No. 38 West Broad street, or Dr. R. C. Mackai.l. No. 95 Broughton st. dlO COMMERCIAL. Savannah Export*. December 27. LIVERPOOL—Ur. bark Bona Dea—302 bales Upland Cot ton. 323.095 feet Timber, 11,934 feet Sliid Plank, aud 5,034 Oak Staves. WHITEHAVEN. (End.)—Br. brig Planter—136,000 feet Lumber. NEW YORK—Scbr P R Burton—160 bales Cotton. 06 casks Rico, nnd 7.807 bushels Rough Rico. Brig 5!ncnn— 592 bales Cotton. 37 casks Rice, nnd 16 boxes Copper Ore. Savannnh Market, December 28, COTTON—There was but little inquiry yestoi day. Pale* were limited to 698 bales Tne fultowing are the particu lar* : 45 at 8»i,88 at 8%. 64 at 0,47 at 9«f, 191 at 9,' 4 \ 16 nt 05 10.115 at 9y t , 20 at 9 7-16, 113 at 0■£, and 9 bales at 9 9-16 cent*. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT UK SAVANNAH ....DECEMBER 28, H: ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. U S5I steamship Isabel. Hollins, Havana via Key West, to Cohens 4; Hertz. Passed the ship Eliza. 5!ul!nry. standing to the Wealwaid; also, the brig Somers, Watson, entering Havana—all well. U 8 51 steamship Florida. Merritt S Woodhull. commander. — hours from New York, with 5Idse and Passengers, to Padelford, Fay 4: Co. Saturday, 24th.nt 7.45 P 51.12 miles north from Uarnegat, passed’ steamship Union: Sunday. 26lh. nt 11.16 P 51. Cape Hattera* Light bearing WNW. ex changed signals with steamship Augusta, hence for New York; Monday. 28th. nt 6.30 P M. 10 miles South-west from Frying Pan Shoals, exchanged efgnals with steamship Ben jamin Franklin, bound South. The Florida has enoounti r- ed stroDgrioulh-westerly gales to the southward of Cajie Hatteras. Steamship Alabama, bence, arrived at Now York on Saturday at 11 A M. Ham’g ship Hampden, Ariunson, New York,In ballast, to Eppipg k Kretx. Sclir Cnas Williams, Boyd, Rockland, 5Io. Lime, to Co hen* 4; Hertz. U. S. 51. steam-packet Calhoun, Barden. Charleston, to S M Laffiteau. Steamer St. Johns, Freeborn, Palatka, Ac., to Claghorn k Cunningham. Steamer laimar. Johnson, Augusta, with boat* 2 and 17, to T It Mills. Steamer T S Metcalf, Powell, Auguala, with boat* 2 ond 13, to G H Johnston. CLEARED. Br. bark Bona Dca. Roe. Liverpool—Andrew Low k Co. Br. brig Planter, Wood, Whitehaven, Eng.—Brigham, Kelly k Co Brig Macon, Watkins, New York—H K Washburn. Schr P R Burton. Lingo, New York—Rowland k Co. U. S. M. steam-packet Gordon. King, Charleston—S. If. Laffiteau. U S 51 steam-packet Metamora. Peck. Charleston—S 51 Laffiteau. Steam-packet Wm. Seabrook, Peck, Charleston via Beaufort —S. M. Laffiteau. U. S. M. steam-packet Wm. Gaston, Shaw, Palatka, kc. Claghorn k Cunningham. DEPARTED. U R M steam-packet Gordon. King. Charleston. US 51 steainpacket Metamora, Postell. Charleston. Steam-packet Wm. Seabrook. Peck. Charleston via Beaufort U. 8. M. steam-packet Wm. Gaston. Shaw. Palatka. kc. memoranda. New York, Deo 21—Arrived, brig R k 8 Sampson, from Doboy Island. 20 day*—experienced heavy weather, split tail*, 4w ; schr Tyrone, from Jacksonville. Deo 22—Clear ed. schr Advance, fur St Marys. Boston, Deo 20—Cleared; brig Annie Coy, for Savannah; schr Ro«n, for Doboy Island. New Orleans Deo 20—Arrived, brig W II Stewart, Hoop er. from Savannah. CONSIGNEES. Per Steaouhlp Florida, from New-York—Anderson Ik Co, J A Brown. J U Brick N K Barnntn k Co. Belten A Co, A Bonaud. A Bscker. J J H Bants. Berlin k Nathan*. Brii an*. Brig- . Wktt*. H ^— — ACo. JP on OoUin*. Geo A Cuyler, DO’Connor, CUghorn A Cunningham nofU [ M A Cohen, J E DeFort, DeWltt A Uoigaa.W Q Dtoksoo, W ill of which w. manufactured aipruil, to obi ordtr, »n1 K ‘! 1 f.* C ° J ? g°5«I«»*■»' ** **“>•«! SSSt AT PURSE’S PRINTING OFFICE, zYo. 0 Whitaker street. Cnrile nre Printed nt S‘4,80 per Thousand. AT11EN/EUM. MANAGER Mr. WM. H. CRISr. DATIH. .VAMIX. FROM BOO Nov. 19 Europa. Liverpool New York Canard. do 2JJ Humboldt, S’th pton do Havre. do 2C Niagara, Liverpool Boston Cunard. do 30 Arctic, do New \ ork Collins. Dec'r. 3 Asia. do do Cunard. do 7 Hermann. 5’th’pton do Bremen. do 7 (.’tty of Manchester Liverpool PhUa’ivhhv ITti'phia .lo If America, do Boston Cunard. do 1-1 Alps. do do (.'hag res. do 14 do New York Collins. do 15 Cleopatra, do Portland do 17 Africa. do New York Cunard. do 24 Canada, do Boston do do 2r do New York Collin.*. do 30 Washington, S’th'pton do Bremen. do 31 Euro pa. Liverpool do Cunard. Jan’r 4 City of Glasgow, do Pltila’phla i’hi’pltia do 7 Arabia, do Boston Cunard. FROM AMERICA DATR). | NAMIK. FROM. roit 1.I.NKS. llec'r. 7 Canada, Boston. Liverpool Cunard. do 8 City of Glasgow, Phil’phia do I’hi’pltia do Id Baltic. New t ork do LVlIins. do 14 Europa, do do Cunard. do 17 Andes, do dn I'hitgrea. do 17 Humboldt. do Havre Havre. do 21 Niagara, Boston Uvvrpool Cunard. do 21 _ New 1 ork do [’oil in*. do 28 Asia, do do Cunard do 31 Hermann, do .-’th'pton Brenu-u. Jan’y 4 America. Boston Liverpool Cunard. do 7 LTty of Manchester IMiil'phla do I'lii'pliia do 7 ■ New York do L'ollin*. do 11 Africa. do do Cunard. do 18 Canada, Boston do Cunard. do 21 , New York do L'ollin* do 25 Europa, Uo do Cunard. BENEFIT OF M’LLE BULAN. Wednesday Evening. December 28th. the performance will commence with Sbukespcare’s connx y of Catherine and Petnicliio. To lie followed by tho beautiful ballet entitled the Painter’s Illusion. Tlio evening’s entertainment to conclude with tho ballet o^ Rosita, or the Maid of Aragon. /EiF* For particular* see programme. Door* open nt quarter 7 o'clock—performance commenc ing at ball'pa«t 7 o'clock. Admission to Dres* Circle nnd Pnrquette $1; Family Circle 50ij.; Third Circle 60<t.; Colored Gallery V5i* SOUTHERN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT ARMORY HALL, IN T1IK CITY OF SAVANNAH, GKOUU1A, where may bo found a GREAT COLLECTION OF CURIOSITIES FROM AU. TAItTS OP TUB WOULD. O ff- Admittance 25 cents. Open Irom 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. rum 2 tu 5 nnd from 7 to 9 I* 51. Friday eveuings cxciu sively fortlie colored population. nnv23—lv RO U INS ON & 13 LI) It ED vill. in a few days, exhibit their celebrated combined .MEN- • j, u l| ■* S, •lilcli be tbe wonderful scientific achievement of a man walking upon a perfectly smooth ceiling with hi* FEET UPPERMOST AND HEAD DOWN, PERFORM D BY MR. <». N. KLDKEII. LA PERCHE, BY MESSRS. I.A RuU'X AND KING. This exlruordiuiiry peiTonnance has excited universal wonder and admiration, showing beautiful feats of balanc ing an I elegant acrobatic posturing, by La Roux, on a pole thirty feel high, held by Mon*. Kiug. 51 ADAME RO II IN SON, MASTER JAMES HOI11NSON, MASTER JOHN, And an additional hst of popular actors are with tbe Com pany, and will appeal in tlie various exercise*. THE HAND i* directed by the celebrated JUS. KOSHER, which is a sufficient guarantee for its merit. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF WILD ANIMALS, in addition to the above attractions, offer a rich bill of en tertninment. nov23 T. U. TIDMARSH, Agent. B ACON. \c.~iu hinf* new Bacon Shoulder*. 60 bbls rec tified Whisky, lauding and tor sale by dec26 ' SCRANTON. JOHVST0N 4: CO. B RANDY —Received Hi IsUny—■- nmr pipes uiaru tnijiuy & Co.'s Brandy, vintage of 1844. also. 2 half pipes Cas tellan 4: Co.’s Brandy, vintage of 1842. for .-ale by dcc25 P. CUdltAX, Sorrell’s Building*. LASSES.—26 bbir lasses, just received and lor sale by dec24 CHAMPION k WATTS. I'LOCK. I 1 and f for si I FLAGGING AND DEBRICK FOR SALK—A quantity of 1 English Flagging, cut with square edge*, ready for lay ing ; also, n Derrick complete, which i* capable of hoisting four Ion*. For terms, enquire of the subscriber. Dec24—It JOHN S. NORIUS^ C 'tRANBERRlES.—2 bids Cranberries, just received and J for sale by dec24 CHAMPION 4: WAITS. fT'IRE CRACKER: F dec24 STRICTI.Y PRIME RUTTER. J LST ULCEIVED 36 kegs selected Goshen Butter. Also. Rich Imitation English Cheese. Aud 25 boxes common Cheese, for sale at DICKSON’S Family Grocery. Barnard street, n FRESH FRUIT. BISCUITS, &C. J UST RECEIVED per steamer, whole, hnlt and quarter boxes Raisins, Soft Shell Almonds, Citron, Currants, Pecan Nut*. Brazil Nuts, fancy boxes Prunes. Also. 100 drums Turkey Fig*, new crop, small size and fine order. 10 bids Premium Canal Hour. 6 bbls Extra Superfine Buckwheat. For sale nt dec23 2 DICKSON'S Family Grocery. S MOKED TONGUES. Pig Hums. Bologna Saui-age, Pig Pork. Loaf 1-ard. just received and for sale at DICKSON'S dec23 2 Family Grocery. Darnard-st. B IRD GLASSES and Canary Cage*.In the greatest variety, just received nud for sale low, by dec23 J. V COLLINS. P ATENT guflXlNG SCISSORS, Sad Irons. Clothe* Pins. Nut Crackers, Ac., fur sale hy dec23 J. P. COLLINS. N UT PICKS. Sardiuo »i|H>ners. Cork Screw*. Chnmpngne Hooks, Ivory Tab' sale by dcc23 ■yyANTED TO PURCHASE.—Ft ‘J S ELLING OFF AT COST.- Goods, by dic23 T O I.OAN—$10,000. ou short time. dec23 WVLLV fc MONTMOI.1.1N. V ELVET and silk Mantillas, white crape Shawls, cloth Talmas, N IV Collars. Chemisettes, Ac. just received und for sale by dec23 DeIVITT k MORGAN. M l STAR!)—10 dozen French and American Mustard, foi sale low by dec4 HYLAND A O'NEILL. 100 to 60fl cord* good dtuhle for retailing in the city. Apply ' E. MUSK, at Willink's Wharf. H AMS—18 barrels, landing and for sale hy dec8 _ _ COIIF.N k FOSDICK R ECEIVED THIS DAY—O baskets IleidsTck Champaign in pints nnd quarts. For sale by <lec2 P. CURRAN. Sorrell's building. »0. It. UU1.I.. HENRY C KIXU C IO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—Tlie undersigned has this J day associated with Idm Mr. Hicmv C. Ki.xn, of Glynn county, with wiiom he willcontlnuo the Factorage and Com mission business in this city, under tbe firm of HullA Kinu Jnn12 JNO. 11. HUliL.210 Bay-street. 1UANO—20 ton* prime Peruvian Guano, for sale to ur- J rive. Apply to Uocll OGDEN & BUNKER. C OATS—COATS—Reaverteen Coats. Hunting nnd Bust- ness Frock Coats, fine articles handsomely made up, PRICE A VEADER. B UTTER AND CHEESE-26 firkin* Butter, 26 bx« Cheese, for sale by declB McMAIION A IMJYlJh T EACHER WANTED—In a henltby situation in 5IcIntosh county, to instruct in the usual English branches a few children. Salary About $200 per annum and board. A middle aged man preferred. None need apply wlthoutgood recommendation*. Addres* the subscriber at South New port. P. O.. Go. declO—4 LACH’R MclNTOSH. jyjATS—Sen Grass. Oil Cloth, French Willow and Shaker bbl* Haw’* Corned Beef, 15 bblsand half bbl* Pig Pork For sale at tlie corner of Broughton and Drayton «t„ by dec3 DAVID (PCONNOt. A. DONAUD. Corner of Bay and Whltakor-street*. and ’61, of our own Importation, lauding and for sale bv u3U SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. ler steamer Florida, an assortment of leeves nnd Bunds, embroidered Hand kerchiefs and Colinrs. Irish Linens, Blrda’-eyeWnpeii^Eng- ish 1/mg Cloth*. Flannels, Hosiery, Glove* and Ribbon*.— For sale by n30 DiiWITT A MORGAN. BRIGHA5L KELLY A CO. and for sale by dec18 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. F OR SALE TO ARRIVE—500 bale* prlmo Eastern Hay. and 200 bbl* Potatoes, per »lilp Rotunda, from Hath, Maine, by docl8 BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. t’a A. B and 0 clarified do, 40 bbl* crashed do, 26 do pulverised do. for sale by nov20 MoMAHON k DOYLE. TOR SALE—On board ship Daubnsly, Eastern i^gwharf. Savannah—Two thorougb lrieh Breed Dog*, well’adapled for planter* or person* In possession of store* or oat boose*, garden* or place* where property of value U kept, ka early oall wUlbe edrtrohte to lniare 9* <Ue23 obtaining the written consunl of the Itayor and twi of the member* of the City Council p r ace. erect, or cou- struot. nr causo to be ptnevu. erected or coustructed In any square,street, or l ir.e, or other placo of or in the city ol Savannah, aiiy, tent, or other obstruction; nor iliiill uny |ierso» dig, or cuu«e to bo dug. any hole or pit in any square, itreet. lane, or alley, whereby tho free jinssoge ol pursuit* on foot, or ou liorscbAck, or in or wilt) any car riage, may be in any wiro obstructed or reudured unsafe.— Aud nny person offending against the provislou* of this section *UhII. on couvicliun. bu snlijoct to a fine not ex ceeding one hundred dollar* for each and every offence. If a white person, or corporal punishment R tho otTender bo a *lave or free persou of color. And In en«o tlie person or person* making, causing, permlUIng. or suffer ng *uch en croachments, obstruction* nnd nuisances as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to remove tho saute forthwith, after no tice given to him. hor. or them, for Umt purpose, then the same (in such case* as will admit thereof) shall be remov ed by the Marshal nud Constables i f said city, or nny nf ttimn.At tho proper expense of the perMUior person* so offending. And if nny person or persons shall molest or trouble tho sutd 51arslml or Constable* in tlie execution ol ■licit, hi* or their duty. *uclt person or person* shall, on con vici Ion thereof, forfeit and pays fine uf not exceeding one hundred dollar*. If a while pei>on. nr corporal punish ment if tho offender shall be a slave or freo person of col or: Provided always, nevertheless, that nny person or per- ions actually building, or repairing, or about to build, or repair any building, tuny collect and lay all such mutorluh us tnny be necessary lor such building or repuir*. in tin- square, street, lntie.or alley next adjoining to the place or ■put wherein such buildings or rcpulte are lntondod to b<- made, nnd provided tlmt *uch materials bo »u enclosed In h sufficient sikico (and uu inure) a* will effectually prevent Hie spreading into the streets, lanes, or squares; and the said spuce so enclosed shall iu nucasecxteud boyond ten feet on nny street, Inne, or square; and during all such time ns such materials shall so lay in any square, street, Isuc, or alley, tho owner of proprietor ol such materials shall eause a lump, or lun/cni with a good and sufficient light Unrein, to tie recurely hung up. placed or fixed on a post or otherwUe. at euch of the two corners of such en closure. aud in such manner a* clearly and plainly to show the place and extent occupied bv such mat dials; an I tho laid lamps or lantern* shall be lighted at » before dnrk iu the evening ond hIiiiII cunt hum to burn until dnylight — And the City Marshal and City Constables are hereby en joined to notice and report to tlie Mu' or all encroachments, obstructions or tuii-imces mentioned herein. Sec 6 That all dirt litter or rubbish created by the erec tion or repair ol any building now erecting, or that may hereafter be erected or repaired, shall be carried off by the pot son or pernoiift owning said bull,ling, or engaged or in- tercs'.edin. or coiitruc iugsucli buildings or repairs, to the place of depositing the Scavenger's tilth, or to hucIi other jduce a* inn) be pointed out by tlie 5Iuyor or nny ooe of the Mreet nnd 1/tiie Committee, and if such litter, dirt or rub bish shall remain on uny of the streets, limes or squares lor a time exceeding five day*, it slmll be the duty of the Mar shal, nml ho is hereby required to cut ploy any number of cart* or wagons that may be necessary, nnd to have the same removed to such place or idnce* a* may be designa ted as aforesaid nt the expense of the persons owning such building, or engaged, or interested in. or conducting the saute, and any person vD dating any of lite provisions of this section, shall be punished ns Is hereinafter directed, as in 5th soction. Sec. 11. That when tlm City Marshal nr City Constables .shall he engaged in the removal of any encroachment or obstsucthm. under nny section of this Ordinance, lie or they shall la- entitled to receive ten dollars each per day while thus employed, an I Hint all other person or person*’, acting under said MarMuil or Constables, shall receive such compensation hs the Mayot. acting Mayor, or Street and Lane Committee shall allow, not exceeding three dollars per »tay each, which charges shall he paid hy or recovered against the person or person* interested or concerned in the encroachment or obstruction ho removed, nnd win ought to have removed the same. ge: 12. That whenever the City Marshal or City Consta ble* arc ordered, under the provi-ion* of this Ordinance, to remove or cause to be removed, nny encroachment Rtriiction. tlie sum-shall be marked out aud directed under the superintendence of tlie City Surveyor, or the Street and Lii-e Comm tu-e.urn specialCuininiltca of Council, to ho appointed for that purpose, aud the* id Committee or offi. c» rs are hereby authorized to call to their aid ami a* mice the City Watch, who urn hereby required and enjoin ed to aid nnd us.-d* in the premises. Sec. 13 That no persons shall be permitted to erect, or place any steps, descending into uny vim 11 or cellar, under neath uny building within Ho-civ. und which suit! steps shall extend beyond the limits of the lot upon which said building is erected, but noon tbe express condition that flagstone* or brick* slmR be placed the whole length of said lot or lots, upon which said building shull or may be erected, extending as far Into Um.-Ucet as this ordinance direct* in tlie case of pavements, aud Hie first step ol said stairs, descending us aforesaid, almll he laid parallel with the front of said building and shall net extend into the street ns far us said flagstone* or bricks, by eighteen Inch os, and the cellar door ahull lie well secured w ith iron, and the end which extends into the Htrcet shall be level with said dag-tono* or bricks, nod Uio end next to said building shall not lie elevated more than two iuclie* nbuvo the pavement, nnd all offenders, opposers. and encroachments against the provisions of this section, tduiII tie dealt with as is pre scribed in the fifth section or this ordinance. Sec. 16. That no jioisoii shall he permitted to Increase or lower the height ol the able walks in front of hi* i ‘ lot* above or below the level of the street.n#ascortah the accompanying map. nnd im person, without the per mission of the Stri ct and I-nno Committee, shall throw any dirt, filth, or ruhhish or any matter or material whatsoever ' any street, inne or square, by which tlie proper level ns « tabllshed may bedestroyed And nil offender* an encroach ments against the provision* of this section shall be dealt with as is prescribed in tlie fifth section of this Ordinance. Sec. 19. That no person shall bring, deposit, or cause to be brought, deposited or laid ou nnv or either of tlie public docks, wharves or landing-places ut tho northern end of. or opposite to the streets in tlie city, any hoards, plank, rang ing timber, stairs, shingles.fireworxl. or other lumber whatever. unlno person shall ship from or land at. or cause to be shipped from or landed nt any of the public wharves docks within tin* city of Savannah, any rice, tobacco.cotton, lumber, corn. bale*, packages, trunks, or n i/ specie* of mer- chandtze whatever; nnd no person shall erect, or cause to lie erected on any of tlie public wharves, scales or triangles, for the purpose of weighing or ascertaining the weight of any article whatever ; providing that nothing enntuined in tliis section shall be construed to prevent any planter from land i**H “f bis hunt aronnor. tlif pimllict or III* orllfir planta tion. either for sale or for family use. but in no case shall he or she be allowt-d to occupy the said public wharf or dock longer than is absolutely necessary. And all offender* against the provision* of this section shall be dealt with a* i* prescribed in the fifth section of this Ordinance, nm! tlie snld articles may be seized and retained until tlie fine imposed be paid. Sec. 24. That the Mayor, or Acting Mayor, tuny give per mission (without which it shall be unlaw ul) to any owner, consignee, or agent ol nny cd ton or other bulky merchan dize. which may have hem endamaged fo ruin or water in |ts tran*|Kirtati-ui to Savannah, to expohn the same while in it* wet condition, not exceeding three days,in any public place, contiguous to the store or warehouse iu which it is intended to tie deposited, when dry. Provided that nothing herein contained shall authorize’any such rsjnsure In any of the lane*, nor of any hides or other article*of merchan dize whatever, widen may bo injurious to "ie health or dis gusting to the smell ot the citizens. i< of any cotton packed in bag* ; nor shall any person be authorized to ob struct. block up. or in any manner interrupt with cUhni other merchandize, tlie free pa-sage of miy citizen on foot horseback, or in a carriage, tluough nnv of the public sauares, streets or places uhatever. And all offender* and obstruction-against tlie provisions of tills section shall he dealt with a* i* prescribed iu the liftli section of this i.innuco. CiKKK of Council's Offkt, Savannah. Dec. 23. 1853. _ I certify that the above are true extract* Irom the Or dinance passed 19th August. 1839. EmvAitoG. Wilson, Clerk of Council. T JCENSE NOTICE—Extract* from Ordinance regulnti _ j Shop*. Stores Bar-rooms, Ac., in the city of Savuunaii and its extended limits—pa-se I 12th October. 1826 : Sec. 2. That every persou who shall hereafter kepp with in Hie city of Savannah, or its extended jurisdictional lim its, store, bar room, tavern, inn. hotel, ordinary oyster h- use or cellar, confectionery, eating house, punch, porter i lo or beer- lion so*, for tlie sale of liquors, or otherwise sell • r dispose of malt, vinous or spirituous liquors, cider, pern - , punch, or oilier strong drink, under any name w hatever, (n any quantity oilier tlum the original package, cask or ves sel a* imported, almll first obtain a licen.-o for the same, ns is hereinafter prescribed, according to the class for which it is intended lobe used ; in default win roof, he. she, or they, upon convictinu before Council, shall forfeit aud pay for each nnd every offence a sum not exceeding thirty doBar*. ,-ec. 3. That license* for retailing liquor* shall bo classed and numbered iih follows, viz : t las* number one. for keep ing liquor Rtores.nutliorizing the fodders to sell malt, vi- nous or spirituous liquors in any quantity not less than n quart, provided the same be not drunk or consumed at the place where Mild.nnd every person lo wlmm such license nmy be granted shall pay twenty-five dollars. Cluss num ber two. for retail shops. Ac., authorizing the holders to sell malt, vinous or spirituous liquors in any quantity, with permission to drink or consume the same at tlie place where *old. und everv person lo whom such license may be granted shull pay thirty fire dollars. Skc. 8. Tlmt lio license shall authorize the holder to sell liquor* or exercise authority under it in more place* than one. nor at any other than the one detuguated in such li cense. without first giving notice to tho Clerk of Council of hi* or tier removal: whercu|Hiu the Clerk shall obtain from the Mayor, or. in his absence, from tlie Chairman, a certili cute on the back of such licence, specifying tho place of removal. Sue. 9 That If nny person or persous. without a license, Hl:aU*ell nt any one time any malt, vinues or spirituous liquors, in any quantities or parcels other than as imported in tbe original package*, cask* or vessels, and deliver the name In smaller quantities, or at different periods of time, with intent to evade the provisions or this Ordinance, such person or persons upon conviction beforeCouncil. shall for- feit aud pay for each offence a sum nut exceeding thirty dol lars. Fee. 10. Any person obtaining a license of class number two for retailing, slinll have plainly anil distinctly printed, In letters not less than three inches in length, over tlio door, on the outside of the house or shop wherein the liquors are sold, nnd fronting tlio street, lane or square, the name of the person so licensed, together with these words. “ Licensed taxetall spirituous liquor*.” nnd every person violating this section shall be fined for each week succeeding the first ten davs after obtaining the license in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec-11 That If there shall bo found in tbo shop or en closure of nny retailers of liquor*, within the jurisdiction al limits of tho city, after drum beats at night, any negro or person of color, not the property of tlie owner of snld ■hop or retailer of liquors, who shall not have been sent there by their owner* or guardians, and who shall be with out a written ticket to that effect, tho person or persons so entertaining or lmrbor ng such negro or person of color, shall be fined for each offenco in nsum notexceedlng thirty dollar*, and the City 5I*shnl, C'ity Constables and Citv IVntoh are hereby authorized to enter the premises where such negroes or persons of color are harbored, and commit them to the Common Jail, from whicli they shall not be dis charged until they shall have paid the expense* of such commitment. Extract from the Sabbath Ordinance, passed 11th April. 1839. Sec. 9 If there shall be found in tho shop or enclosure or any retailer of splritous liquors, or any negro cook shop, with tlie jurisdictional limits of tho city, on the Lord's day. any negro or neg roe *i nn l (ho property of the owner of said cook ihop, or retailer of liquors, tho Slarshalor Con stable* may enter the premise* nnd take such negroes to jail, and the person or persons so harboring or entertaining tucii negroes shall be fined la a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Clerk or Council's limes, 1 Savannah. 21 st December, 1853. / Tho above extracts from Ordinances are published for the information of all concerned, and the attention of the City Marshal. City Constables and City Watch aro especially df. rectod thereto. EDWARD O. WILSON, Clerk of Council. E XTRACT of an Ordinance, passed August 2d, 1839, enti tled an '• Ordinance defining what at - .11 be considered public nulsanco* nnd for the prevention. t Bailment, and r moral of the same ;•> Section 10. Be it further ordained, That It shall not be lawful for any cow. steer, heifer, or calf, to be or go at large within the limits of the city, from the setting of the sun to the rising of the same; and the owners of such cattle io found nt large, ihall forfeit and pay a sum not exo< eding Are dollars for each and every tlmt any such animal shall be found at large, and It ihall be the duty of the (City Mar shal and City Constables in take such eattte so found at lane, contrary to tha prorlslona of this ordinance, and Im pound them until tha c; I4 fla* and all ooats are petd, and ^w^abunker^ A&fiSfffclU?'**yjr r ’ ?***’, no,,c * ,n ono °t the public J|u"r“ 10 lw P fll| l l» U* own.r of .ucU «ntmnl wlieu r,. Sec’lnn 11. Bo It further ordained, That anv hull found at large.witlilii the limits orthe city shall be considered m a nuisance and may be kited by any persom con,,,Jerea M A DILL to ha entitled an ordinance to amend an ordt- nance entitled “An Ordinance to prevent bulls cows uxen. Mod calve*, nud othur cattle, from running at Ursa <> passed in Council. February, 18411 *’ Section 1. Uo It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of javnnnuh and the hamlets thereof. In Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of tlio same, That from an 1 after the passing of this ordinance tho provisions nr tho above recited ordinance be so amend- «•! and extended ns In prevent bulls, cow*, oxen, calves and other entile running at largo within the following limits, viz: Owluett street on the south, prolonged east nml west to the extended Incorporate limits nf tho city of Savannah, nml the haiulet* thereof; the Savannah river on the north Hnd the corporate limit* nt tho city ofSavanunli on the cast and west. Section 2. Be It further ordained by tlio authority afore said. Thnt *11 ordinance* ur part of ordinances militating :ig«in*t tlio provi-inn* of tills ordinance be, and tlio sumo are. hereby repented. 1’a-sed in Council. Savannah, 10th March. 1863. .... K- WAYNE, Mayor. Attest: Lnwsitn G. Wnanx. Chirk of Council. P UBLIC NOTICE.—Having received positive orders to en force the provi-ion* of tho above ordinance*. 1 liercbv give notice that I will rigidly comply witli my Instructions. Tlie hours tor deliveiy o: Impounded cattle are from seven to nine o’clock. A. 5L. an I from three to five o'clock. I’. M„ dally. Sundays excepted, nt the pound. - I’HIUI* M. RUSSELL. City Marshal. Savannah, December l'.ltti. 1853. decYQ h as V ESTS—.VESTS—A laigi- variety of I Ires* V figured black Silk, black Barntlien, aud Fancy Silk, figured black and fancy (aslnuere Vest*. Just rcrtdved for sale low by nov23 WM. It. SYMONS. Draper A Tailor. P IG HAMS AND S5IHKKD BEEF.—10 bbl* for sale by dec22 HYLAND A O’NEILL B LANKETS,—A laid- abutment, ju-t opened, of *11 qualities, nt vert ln>* i rices. 51. I’RKNDKUGA'-'i dcc22 o;i(Mi-ite 131 Wils do Mob. . and lor sale by dec!) R AISUS. Ac.—160 whole, half nnd quarter boxes Malaga Raisins. 75 boxes liindv, 5U do Urcserve*. fur sale -y dec 18 . * MoMAHON A DOYLE. H ARDERS’ MAGAZINE.—Now Is the time to subscribe. Tli* eighth volume eo nullifies with the Deccinher num ber. Subscription* at two dollars ami fifty cents. paid tu advance. Single num'iev* twenty-live cents’ Also. I’litiiam's Magazine, i.ulm's l-ady’s Book and Graham's Magazine will be lunitehe '. on the -nine terms, by n«v‘23 S. S SlllLKY. 136 Congress-street. X'KIVFD p»-r ‘tenner Augusta, a full supply of J UST BIX strictly prlmc’Gi-hc! ill’, But' 4 lb" '. choice Uuttei 1. for sale by W. <;. DICKSON. i-me Green Itio Coffee. KM) do Fair 4" do old Government Java do. •d. and fur sale by SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A C > GROCERIES! I 1UF1KE.—150 bags prim do. 59 I. .. do Maracaibo do. reecK dec11 CHRISTMAS l\UUSl NTS A Variety of Aiinmil/ unit oilier itiu>tratcdjlooks. with numerous fiuc engraving.-, aud iu various styles ot binding. Also The Blood Stone, by I Minn M McLeod. Gray’s Elegy, with an engraving to each verae. Chiverrook 2d series, '.y Alice Carey. A Mouth in England, by Tuekcrmiin. A Week's Delight, or Gaines ami Stories, lor the parlor und tire.tide. Autumn Hours.hv Mr< Kirkland, benutifullv illustrated. Judge Edmond's S|.iii!na!i.«m Farm hi selos. it Itetiiuncc of I lie Vow Word. Ilaydon’s Autohiognipliy. I'liyeiology of Taste. Shady Side. GiiMavu* Undoini. Life *>l Wm. I’inkney, Tlie Attor ney. Hu-y Motm-ets. Ac.. Ai t aud Industry, as represented in the Crystal Unlace. u.-c22 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. ANNl'AIA GIFT BOOK.-. I’ui.T MONll->'. PRESENTS. AC A LARGE variety of elegant annuals, gift hooks, papier uiuclie uli)iim>. card « a-> port monies, children's gift book*, fancy boxes. d< <1;>. p-it (olios, prints, painting*, sten aid works, elegantly hounu, nnd ninny other article* suitable tor holiday pre«-nt*. fur sale ut 135 Congre**-* by _ «fec2H S. S. SIBIJiY. groceries''h • I'.'ii, 76 do Jamaica. 50 do Ja- Sfosit—10 hhds Porto Rico, lb do St. Croix. 6 do New Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified. M"t.t.*.*U*—25 Idol*Cuba. 75 bbi* New Orleau*. Flock—150 bbl* Georgia. 75 ditto Canal. 50 ditto Hiram Smith's. Bacon—25 cn»ks Baltimore Hams. 30 hhds Sides. 20 do SliouMers. Biukius—49dozen, painted handles. Buck cts—200 dozen, painted So.tP. CaMiILs ami St.*i:i ii—6° boxes No. 1 and Family Soap. 50 do Pate do. 76 do Adamantine Candle*. 15 dli t*|i*riii. 25 do Star, 150 do Patent Mould do. 40 whole and half boxes Starch. Ton writ—350 pkgs vnrinu-* ! 'ran'l‘ nml qualities. Lkmon SVKI'P. «cc —50 boxes Syrup. 10 case* Walnut aud Tomato Catsup. 10 do Bran ') PeV lie*. Dojtte-Tir I.iqt'oit*—75 bb>-Pin Ip's Gin. 50 do N E Ruin. 75 do Rectified Whisky. 30 ifo Kxta Gld Moiiongahela do. Wixw—20 quarter cask* pare Malaga. 8 do choice Madei ra. Received and fur Mile br dec29 _ * _ McMAHON A DOYLE. GENTEEL CLOTHING READY-MADE. PiUCU A VEADER, D ESIROUS to overcome any prejudice that may exi«t a* to the superiority iu style, quality and cheapnc** of our goods, we ,-iinlleiige cnin|«.-titi<i;i in u coinpari-un with uny thing that call lie produced from any section of the 1'iihui. Reing made up under the superintendence of our Mr. Price in the city nf New York. wln><e time and experience is de voted exclusively to the Interest of enr business. TIIK PXopik limy confidently rely ou our ability to meet their want* nnd Interests with every article in r sphere to their entire sHtisfuciiun. Call at 147 Bay street, nearly opposite the Exchange. ’ " dec'JO HUDSON, PLK.M1NG & UO,, Factors anil Commission Merchants, -Vu. 94 Hay street. S.uaanah. (ia., T ENDER their services to plainer*, merchant* nnd deal er.*, in tin* sale of Cut ton ari l all other country pro duce. Being cuunected in husine** with HoI’kink. Ilrpsox A Co., of Ciiarloton. the e.-dahli-hincut of au office in this cilv will alfoi'd uurfrien I* choice iff market*. Strict atten tion will he given tu business, and tlio umiiI facilities af forded custoiiieis. J. it iinwoy W. K KLK.M1 I.AMBK1 il HOPKINS. Augusta, J. J. CnilKN. Charleston. r ° un 'l "t 147lt«y ‘ VJjtovlS price k VkUnVo^p ^f - riAMLLIAS, Ac.— yy Gemeliai,. amunnt which srl the^StV*^^ *‘ ®*I "'W’ Geranium*, Dwarf otlior kinds, will be offered for *a and pwsnratiaBiiJiCioJSrerf^®** scaled Herrings. 10 half bbls c tra choice tannl Flour For s«te ? *(. 50 bbls *,* lvIS' C ' “ r ‘" , ' ll "’ n “ , " i SS. J," 1 *«,« » V sortment of white nnd ealurlt w 1 t * c *i*^noTT7 VeatHJoniaJe by {J* ' »AV D CUOAR AND CRACKEIte^rj^r\br^^- t,t ' C *‘'S?r- 75 bbl* Bo tooSS? r « sale bv »ugi r HOt-TOMBE. JOHN'S),, , „ eutting* iir,-n,| 7a ... ——- . slicing smoked beef, outtinw ( U i ’N"* 1 thick, knife «u, be regulate.! to cut nnv thicknl/. ^.' TWl an X to X of an Inch. For rah- bv fr, a augfi « •; DBIXTOAXI.' f'H'l'l-HF.< -A * “■ r Prints nnd Picture*, among tip.n '11!^" r,n ! Pn ' 0, «M to oil painting*, and much cheniier fur i ' l * r "’ , J r n«v23 s. s. SIUl t \' ' 1 sale by nriv29 ' 1 Jw-fa G™;™; 5 onigi:_j u „ JJAV--Zi | £'« p_ staitiinH mi, i,., O NION.'.—50bbls. Gubins. |.in«uiig ST^c&~iT- lm*«ett. ut Anderson's upper wharf nn.if, w' Utn ' oGd I-AM) k ('il /~tIIA.MPAIGN—156 baskets (hv ~ U L/ am' ' octl4 J^RKAD SlIKKib L ime to arrh*, E .I. Talbot. J nov29 lid lor sale by J«»tiu55Si — — . OMlCx i: F9SWCK nUTTKR AND CHi:i>E.-3b fiVkTn;,,T7|7,;-r. ( ~r-^-' D ter ; 75 boxes Cheese. f.,r *a'“ by 0 ,l,fn Uut ' _“i 53 JlclIAll.K t novu T ANKiuri irs (iaiuikv >k[-:i.V11a M-saraf- Xj justly Sr,-l,. .li .]',' 'V* S&SKSJtTKr 1L *K y.-wj-w "i-n. novia S EED «)ATS—fl'iOhatf - li Molmwk, and for sale by imiGHAM.KR.LY AO). fJLICgCOT Cl IA M PAG N K —501,,ike,.'of th.T^L V_/ rior wine, whose reputation i. unequalled*herehV, ow landing per ateum-r Alabama. , nJ 1 ADKUoltD. Fay A CD. Agent, fur.-'avsmuh. wine, fauiillnrly Uno lor sale by junel Ol'IKNTIFIC AMERICAN -11,e sutecriber appointed agent for the iilmve invaluable puhlicatks Tut- uer vnlumrafli 1 " MmiiElL I agent fi * prepared to receive subscript) oniiiieiiceon the 17th Sept. aug!9 S"CC"«.„r tol' Zozbanin Afo. led I asivc Gum. tb« »ve |H>nril mnti »1e at tlie lVx* spot* nr stain* from book or pnp< Stereof nov-26 S. S SlllLKY. No l;!5.fonj B " w ’ la ' s » V AlF.Ni cup of coffee, should call and |iiirclin-e one..: there*a- pera.r coffee puts, ut the housefuinishli'g stare uf n " vl - __ _ J. P.CULMNS) I7IXB HI-'lT mXNKfl*. .11.111.. »i:i.r l m-l*. bleached aud brown .hirtine*. Irldi linen*.hirfe eve diaper*, long lawn*. Iiuekabiicks. table dama>k«. linn and cotton -beeting.-.. ilnum-k napkin*, etc . ju*t rKrivii and for sale by tv-yl 9 IifAVIT A M« iRGAN. A I.I'. AND I’GRTKR—75 bid* I'liibolelplii.t Cresai.lle, 3 casks Ixnidoii Porter, for sale by nuvii .McJlAHOS kWiYIf. O H.'. Kc.—Hi \dd* Lln«eed Gil. Hi do Sperm .In, p)i|of£ lined do. 10 do Machinery do. fHKJO lb* White D»J,10O For sale low bv CRANK k RftPGERS. 3 do Smokeil lb-ef. for sale hy P OTATOES.—1(19 bbl* Potatoe.*.' Brig Nortbuun from Boston. nn. and A HON.till now lauding from tin For safe by _ «»v8 (HiHEN A BUNKER, P GiAniF.-*. ONIONS Ac —Iau'TJ.I* MerciVan.l wtejl Potatoes. 59 do red mi l while Union*. DW lit* (Timm, 25 cases Table Salt. 150 U\‘ No I and Pale Soap. Ua'iu and for sale by oct8 lli|t.COMBK..|UHV.-iuX iCU P UTATGTS AND APPLE.S-Um bbls Norlln'tuPoUluct, 75 do Apples, for sale by nov R": ivnnnnh. iep!8—tf O UR purchase* for tlie fall pleted. and we can sol FALL. AND WINTER TRADE, 1853. TO MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE PURCHASERS OF DRV d winter trade are . >111111111 to tour inspection a very huge am) well assorted stock, embracing every article neeteil with the trade, and at surli pri. es. in the present state of the markets, a* will prove liighlv satisfactorv. M PKKNDEllGAST A Co.. ITS Brougliton.'st. "ct25 opposite St. Andrew's ll.GL NEW BOOKS. R ECEIVED Novemlier milt. 1863. by S. S. Sibley.—Bui Moment'of nn Idle Woman. of the tjueen* of Knglaud. by J P. Smith. E*q.. ai >'re lice. Ac. r. or Stray Lea tin The old Ibtcli sketches of the physician. Short Patent Sermons, hy Dow Tho Countess Ariihcim.o'r Mast G. W. M Reynold*. Lionel Ainsworth, nr the Young Part Isiey Ijw's Widowhood, from Blackw Itni nuni'e Illustrated New*. Gleason’s Pictorial For sale at 135 Congress street. iiovlS third volume, moth's Ibmk Case, by s Magazine. \V MOItF MEDICAIj BOOKS. THORNE WILLIAMS hit* received—Paget onSurg- ical Patiiologv; Handy's Text Book ol Anatomy uno wuide in Di'see.liuns. 269 iUiistrutinn* ; Littell on Dis eases of the Eye; Anatomical Remembrancer or Pocket Anatomist: Reese'* Pocket Medical lexicon ; Warrington's Obstetric Catechism, fur student*, witli questions nnd an swers ; NVil k Smith's Cntnpend of Medicine. (tecl4 161*18L'OFAI. FL'BI.Kf A TJONS, J UST received.:! variety of pnhlicution* of tlie New York Protestant Episcoiml Society. Tracts. Cliurch Cale- cliisms. Sahhatli School Service, and other cheap nnd valu able Publications. For Mile at the Book Store of S. S. SI RLE Y, nuglO No. 135 Congress-street. 150 boxes Tobacco, assorted brand*. 5s.8* nnd li. . . half nnd quarter chest* Hyson Ten. 25 half do Black do. 25 bag* Pepper nud Allspice, 175 boxes Family. Pale and No 1 Snap. 40do Pearl Starch. IlHIdo adamantine Candles. 30 do Sperm do. 75 do patent tallow do. 100 do ground Pepper. Mustard. Ginger and Spice. 109 keg* FEEG Itillo Powder. 100 hnlfxnd quorter kegs FEEG nnd I'EG do. 30 kegs Blasting do, 75 bbl* Rectified Whisky. 50 do Gin. 40 do P A il do, 30 do domestic Brandy. 25 quarter and eighth casks do. 10 half pifH-s Otnrd do. 15 do do various brand* Cognac do 40 quar ter cask* Sherry. Canary, nnd Madeira Wine. 16 do do Port do. 40 basket* Champaign do. 20 quarter cask* Sweet Mala ga do. for «nlo by dec2l WEBSTER A PALMES. Apples nov6 McMAHON A DOYLE. OCKLAND LIME —1200 Ca-k* Iforkl.nulSlone Iiratli store, aud for sale* iu lot* to suit purchaser* hr nov2 K. IV. Ktm G ~ KG UND PLASTER—25 bbl* (frimndl’Ia-ter.buw Und ing from the UrigXorlliHiuu For -at" bv nov8 __ G .DEV A Bl'.\*KI3L_ BL AN K ’ BOOKS OF “EVERY DESCRIP TION ALWAYS ON HAND. H AVING engaged additional workmen of the liighnt skill in tilling and binding EXTRA RUSSIA BANK LEDGERS, n» t all other kinds of bunks made to order. n( (lit l*st tar. teriul*. und bound in tlie lie-t slnut notice. I’AI’EIt, English. French and American Cap. letter and XotaPijw with suitable euvelur* STATIONERY, of everv description Al-o. Ju*t received ELEGANT GIFT HOOKS, suitable to the season, with fine engraving-. Ihrpsn'md Putnam's Magazines, (fur Derem er.) by the rear ltd tin gle numbers, nt the lowest price*. nov-30 tV THORNE tVIMJAlP. C ^'iriDEisili^lACKKTtEirXr-Thi^rii.'ik'' i mii'li. 11 “ / bills extra No 1 Mackerel. 19 pickled Iteniig.W boxes scaled do. For sale at the corner «f Ilrouslilenud Drayton street*, bv dec" M'tolUn, dec 15 L'Ke.«i?“ f sale by Iroi cd* S CI hitej.Nt .d ick Cl Hi Er -ck -*»i I supply just received E'-r - ile l*» * _nov23 WM H SVvi'iN-:. /S!GAIte—20.000 NoTiji Nutiia 'te’- - I.V for site by dl IIVLAVP A D SKIIJ. i.NGNGaTiTTa WlIISKIA'.—'5" btits old Itbiitj.jBl HYLAND A 0 NFJI1 M. M' i Side*. 20dib wived aud lor sale I, ilec22 •50 hltds prime hriglit ; houM< rs. for sale by . . „ dec 11 SCItANrnV. .milNSTQ.N A Cft ECiTFlU)'\tTlteKY'-5n‘M,N It-ctiflcl WAv-te*' R by decll SClt.tN|u\. JiiIINnTON * ^ IN Ac —'-i-l received jOOlte/JHj ■d'l S UPKRTgU iiLIVE Glf'^-A few I Olive Gil. just tlie article for la do Shoulders. 10 tierce* best canvas*"*! Hants, 20 bbls prime Leaf Lard. 40 kegs do do. just received nnd for sale by dec21 WERSTER A PALMES. gnr. 10 do Muscovado do. 15 do prime New Orleans do. 120 bbls crashed nnd clarified do, 15 boxes Loaf do. 76 bbls E rime new crop Now Orleans Syrup. 100 do cheap sugar- ouso do, ju*t received and for sale bv dec2l WEBSTER A PALMES. day. the 2d day of January next, at tho court house. In this city, for tho following County Officers, for th“ Conn ty ol Chatham namely : Sheriff. Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts. Receiver of Tax Returns. Tax Collector. County Treasurer, Coroner, and County Surveyor. Polls will bo opened at seven o'clock. A. M.. and will be closed at six o’clock. P. M. Tito Sheriff is required to attend nnd preserve order. N. H. KNAPP- J- l- o. c. c. WM. II. CUTLER. J r. c. r. c. JAS. E. GODFREY, i. I. c. c.c. MONT. GUMMING. 1. I. c. c. c. declO—td GEO. P. HARRISON. J. i.c.c.o H ams. laud. n.\‘ <».» u. Extra Family Ham*. 160 bid* White I. af UrUlW new Ilaltimnre ciire-l Ba on. 2 bbl* Pig Ham*. »* Smoked Beef. 100 lb* Ibdo/na. 25 half bbl* I’lg « Owned Beef 10 bid* No l .Mackerel. 2c -*k* Codfish. 1QW '■ickl"'! Herring* l» rt-r-. <* „. rnxsm dec22 Corner Broughton andjiraymn^. e* nf very *iqso< „«e thi* dav «**•*- d. nnd for sale by W. W. LINCOLN. „„ v (| M"Uiuiieiit «qtiare_ C ” “uRDIALS-20 dozen n«sorted G>r-li«i*—Anisette Ptt' fait Amour. Nuveau. and Rose—for sale r n dec 14 ' AJJONHl^ B irrFRS —12 boxes - !Bokcrs' Bitters, 12 do Ab*) atli.j* received and for *nle by i dec22 HVLANDJHPNEIH^ B UTTF.irANfi CHEESE—25~keg* Butter. 100 bxsCh** J" 1 **■' l,,r “ ,lt l '- v nii.WK k IMS. -25 flrkins~BuTter• ju.< U aud for sale by dec7 — tTAY—20 bales Itayja’nding jmt schooner Narng»a« t L r ™“ leb) ' ■mir.HAM.KKU.Vjm K ERSEYS—.lust received a lot of Heavy KwJ*' j. completes a fine assortment, offered as low »«“ ^ tetad,. In .he ,11,. KKMra ,„ k VCTCTUZ S HAWS—A splendid lot of long and square BUok JbnwU. auitable for the season. iU ^ TB8g Q^ jriUAGING HODS, Out Sticks.dil and Spirit Proof*.B #t l VjT Starts, Faucets anJ Spickels. For sale 'qjjjjjs, declO JILL-- _~77 YXf OODEN-WAKE. Tubs. Bucket*. Selves- Wr‘h *»* w W Bread Trays, Pastry Hoards aud *nle by dcciO __7iJJ-—— — R “ltONZF.D HAT STANDS. Fi re Standard*. Eire Dogs. Fendeia. Shovel and Tongn- Puke^. Calsons. For sale by teclO - J LL-r^ud TJAY—160 bales choice Eastern Ilav.Jest rece t n fur sale in lots to suit purchasers, ty^ ^ B(tgni F ISH—7 hhds Codflah. 20 bbls pickled Herring, 150 bxs scaled do, 25 bbls and 20 hail do Mackerel, for Bate by dec 18 ...... MoMAHON & DOYLE. A LE AND PORTER—loo bbl* Philadelphia v.renm Ale 20 casks London Porter, for sale by decl8 MnMAIION A DOYLE. excellent urticle for /nr sale by WEBSTER A PALMES. F ISH—26 bble Menhaden Fish,.... plantation use. just received nnd k jala by decl7 WEBSTER A P OELLINO OET BEiJlW COST.—A great variety of ladles O dress Goods, suitable for this season hy. deo!7 DEWITT A MORGAN^ W INER—100 basket* awl Munu’a Champaign. In pints and quart*. For sale by deed HYLAND A O'M-II.L S UGAR—20 hhds prime Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do choice St Croix do, 15 do fair New Orleans do. 80 bbl* Stuart s A. •1 and C clarified do. 60 do do crashed and powdered do. 10 ,1°. Unding ^ J0irNSWJL *™. A LMANACK FOR 1854.—Grenville’s Almanac for the States of Georgia. South Carolina. Alabama, and Hori- .a. for sale, wholesale and retail, at 135 Congress-st.. by decl5 8. 8. SIBLEY. N EW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Ac.—100 bbU Molasses 25 hh.l. Supir. too hbl.WhUk,. th, and for sale by dcc!5 COHEN k F»3I)1CK. B UTTER AND CHEESE—The subscriber haa made ar rangements to receive, direct from northern producer*. D mivsnc i.iurims.—100 mj.a- I'jja 6'J bbls New Enghtifl Rum : 20 bM*. ' \rh» 75 bids. Rectified Whisky ; 15 bbls Old Mongsha 1X7 OIFE’S AROMATIC SOIWIUM WHJMPW^ VV medicinal beverage is timoufactureJ by tM p» tor nt Scheidam. in Holland, and It ie bat * pu.o fount every injurious property *nd logro iro«- »£$ ’■i:. 1 ". 1 !. n'v,V.bX.~ll.,n,.^..l ■,*»*■ - a1Ij tiuoeiipijm. „ rpo MEll 1 'HANTS AND WHOLESALE » , I DRV GOODS—Our arrangements for M r -i .... .inv*. when we ant -re: 176'eb .PP»«* side -— — Lji £300 ilio m.Jf iiffer tb.>«•".* *-'fSSJtoo,?." &&.fS .4!. j* tj. -ssrsl'5 ao.era b on .ppllulion DBI ,nlEIb». * g>v A p 2f;,7» 6