The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, December 30, 1853, Image 1
0 .«nVTrt.WtW^ i WY.BY PUNCH & HHjTON cur MJOowtyftlnfw. TltB DAILY 1 GEORGIAN^ ttrewSu. *»>trh leave her* • w morelng. The ®t*nlag «!: U IntenAad exclusively for oountry reader*. and U •SiVll onto** not embraced In the morning schodule. ^ of either edition, 81X DOIIAUS per annum. Tltfi TIU-WEEKLY GEORGIAN, . roe tun oocirmt. !«nnbllJhfd to meet the arrangement of the mall*. three oL » ««k, (Tuesday, Thureday end Satuntoy,) and con. Snuw lntolU«enco,Oommor«l»l. PoliUoalond MiseeUa* -fatlocltidlog'new Advertlrem uto In the Dally, cent to Snutoof the State and Union:or delivered In the city,at •“*“ roca DooAJB rw ajnro»i,w aotakm. TUB WEEKLY GEORGIAN, (VnU'nlng elltho Important mattterof tho dallies,la pub- nAriererr Monday morning, at “* two notUM ran jurac*. t* advaxcx. narment l* not made In advance, the charges will JJriKffi for Dally Georgian 98, forTri-Weekly $9, and ► ftVeklY 83, ' AVAN MAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Office 11* Bay-ttneL fltii Company will t»k* Fire, Marino and River RUka on (UnjMthvorablotorma. p. —Henry D. Wood, Hiram Roberta, J. R. Wilder, V, M'lrrell-John W. Auderion .N. B. Knapp, Henry Lathrop pjfcF.Wood. . HENRY P. WEED, President, HIRAM ROBERTS, Vico Preildent jzsra MclIcniT.Sec'v no* Til*SCOTT’S FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND EMIGRATION AGENCY. Person* wWring to tend for their friemU and dealrona of kioilng them out by flrat claaa packet shins. are Informed ikit the subscribers arothe only Agonta fortheabovo agon, tj In tbla City. They are aUoauthorirod to draw on Messrs. Wm.Tapscott ft Cj., Liverpool, tu euraa Pom II and upward*, which dtAft*'uie negotiable In any town throughout Ireland and Great Dritaio. Drafts on France and Germany, payable in all pirt* of tho Continent, alao Tor aalo. Apply to dM .j4_ly BUNKER A OGDEN. 80 Bay-street SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. ASBCUV HULL. Prealdent and Treaaurer. ALIhiN CTI.VSE, Seo'ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary. TIi • undersigned. Agent of the abovo Company, continue* t« take the following Risks, via.: Marine, River and Fire tlio un tin; Lives ofServanta. li.esof White Persona are also taken by this Company, S'o extra premium for residing In the South. WILLIAM KING, Agent, Corner of Bay and Drayton-streots. ft' CO-FARTERS HIP NOTICE. The undersigned have associated themsclvea to gether, under the uume and stylo of Murphy k De- vanny, for tho transaction of general Boot and Shoo business, having tho stand on tho corner of Congress and* WMtoker-iitreets, formerly occupied by M. Pren lcrgust. They are now prepared tonlfer to their friends and"t liepu Idle."a weU selected Wick of Udlos’andGentle- Dieu's noots, ahoea. Ac., which thry will sell chenpI j3y MURPHY A "Wj ■ll chenp for cash, nFVAWV. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. » Tlie subscriber lias now opened a large and choice ismrtment of now atvle of fall and winter good*, louslstlo* of French and English black and fancy colored Cloth, plain black doe skin Cwsiraenw. flgu- mu muck elastic Cassimeres. with a largo variety of French fancyCuS-imeresof tho latest style and pattern. Alien choice variety of Vestings, consisting «>f figured black and fanev Cashmeres, plain black tsitin. figured black and fancy Bilks.and Satina, cut silk Velvet*. Ac The whole of which he Uprepared to make up to order in tho most faihonable manner, and on accommoduiing term*, octl WM. R. SYMONS. Draper and Tailor, 17 WMtwt»»e.«t. H ouse - . - . 11-4 and 12-4 Sheetings, linen and cotton 5-4.0-6 and 7 4 do. for pillow cases, white and colored Furniture Dimi ty. French, English and American Furniture HiinUe, Mar seille* and Uncaster Quilts, largo and small. Damask Nap kins and Unites. white and colored. French Bordered Towels dowlas and crash, Scotch Din per and Towels. Huckabuck Diaper. Rus-la and Bird's-eye Diaper, 10-4.11-4 and 12-4 Bel Blankets, Crib Blanket*. Window Sea cs and Fixtures. Piano and Table Cover*. linen and cotton, just received and fur sale bv oot29 AIKIN k KUHNS a and ehilden's cotton, stlk and me- linen cambric II in Jkerchlefs. Embroidered do ; plaid wool Sh »*rU; Thibet do; Brooliu do; Scarfs ; Moreen’s worsted Drnu-ks; window Shades; embroidered Curtains. Ac. ceived and for sale bv o onwre luuriams. «c.: r< HrWIIT A M'UptkV tHAKSII.VLL HOUSE DRESSING sAnuoa M UVUS. COHEN A BANNON rosiiectfully announce to the citizens of Savannah that tnoy am now preparod to do all kinds of work in their line, at their now shop, near the corner of Broughton and Drayton-sts. They have established tho following us their rate* of charges: For a single sha." 1, K ; per month, for 2 or three times per week 75c.; 4 times a week £1 ; 5 or tl times a week $1 SO ; every day $1 76 per mouth. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 25c. ilmapontng'iOe. , Mr. ColIKN will always hold himself in readiness to at- tend to orders Irotn those who may require his service* at their homes. MATTE WAN MACHINE AND MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, U NDER anew and Improved organization, manufacture Locomotive and Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills. Gins, Presses. Lathes. Drill*. Ac. Also, every description of Cot- liui. Wooleu and Saw Milt work. Shafting. Pulley*. Ac.. Cast ings of nny weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.) at re lur-.t or!.-..- -S (tl.AVIIlV. l-'nirlnenr at reduced prices. F. S. CLAXTON, Engineer. Depot Id I’latt-strect. cornor of Gold. Claxton A Wet- more. Excelsior, lollius A Co. and II. Collins’Axes, Hard ware Agency.23 Pratt-st., New York. oclt)—lyi PATENT SCALES. I ^.UItmVK’S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved inqual ityanJreduceilin price)— Adapted to every requtredop- era lion of weighing, as Railroad Scale* for trains or single cars In use nu tho urlnclpal railroads In the United States and Great Britain, Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scale*, on wheels, for foundries, rolling mill*. Ac. Store Seale*, various modification*; Counter Scalos, Hay and Coal Scales. Ac.— These .Scales have been long known and severely tested ; and the universal confidence fell in their accuracy and perfect sdjii'tment. Is such that they are now regarded as the stand- trd.froin which there is no optical. myl2 PHILBRICR A BELL. A rent* SILVER’S MINERAL PAINTS. Tl'ST RECEIVED.—a supply of Mineral Paints, flro and U water-proof colors, unlading. Silver's Mineral Paints difier essentially from all others in market. They are not Clays, they require little oil. they do not work toughly, but flow easily as white lead. They lav on a verr heavy body, set immediately, and become an tnaestructable covering ol flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger drier than white lead. 1 have a vurietv of color*. Red, Yellow, various Browns, »nd Jet Iliac'*. They are superior In body (or coverir property) to anything ever discovered, and pound for pom will cover double the surface of White toad or Zinc Mineral joint*, and require less oil. I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, ns nothing adheres to tin like Silver's Mineral Paints. For sale by JOHN J MAURICE, tar R 10 and 12 Ramard-«lr*«t. REMOVAL. pASlBONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT—The sub- I icrlber having lust removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be- •wets Cungress and Broughton-streeto.) wiuld inform his frienls and the public generally, that he will open This •hr. his second supplyof Fall and Winter Good*, consisting of the best French, English and Aroorican Cloths, Cassf- bwwand Vesting*, purchased from the niostoxtensivo 1m- {jjhors in New York, which he 1* prepared to maku up In the best and most fashionable styles, dwl M. D. MURPHY. T DISSOLUTION RE co-partnership heretofore existing with tho under- signed, under the firm of BOSTON A GUNBY, Is this , V nusolvati by mutual consent. Either partner Isautho- budnea * ,,4Ine l * 1 ® ® rm unwettled Anjttitlst,185J. aug2 indcrslgned will continue tho FACTORAGE and COM- Uil.N ' ■nluti'*' ou ms own account, atm respectfully *d to thj ^""huince of the patronage so liberally extend- ‘^ l JOHN BOSTON. DSW^ OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—The o-purtuer th* 22 h ^ r , e . u ' ro r® existing between the subscribers under con,I F SWUAUH 1 CO. I* dissolved by mutual .. '• u. B. MITCHELL will continue the business CH,ly count - 4ntl ’* outhorlted to settle all claims, in “"Oty.foror against the late firm. F. ZOGBAUM. Charleston. 8. C., Ssrtnn.t, t MITCHELL, Savannah, Ga. /»nnn»h. June 6th. 1853 jc8 D'soa-jim or coi'AitTSEiiauH--Nii ccm nf k m... i. .. . ■ ,. aj t,.. —None*—Tho con *««1 eon^l» K u ** Ro ' * er f ** Mil* day dissolved by mu- l*U«fu!!. nt, \ r : Klhbee retiring, and Mr.Thomas wood, °f Dl aco * under the name and style 1‘ViMztM k K .k" r "' n "fMnst tho late firm will be “VuhkJ , no ^ 11 rm - anl all monies due them will be n. -- new coneern.aa ilUeuM 3 no nrm * ,in l ah mm t rwmei t'* nJ rcce, P , « 4 f orl»y the new concern.** per CSV KIBBF.E A R'lDQERS, r* ■ WOOD A ROOGERS. A. n,r. r, -7T T1,f ' M,h,crl ^ r - In retiring (roiii business in f. . CUV. tlnnnt k..« J . for tl,».... ifi' cni ? not hut f u,, l deeply grateful and obliged “'•(ktwwiin.. ' , .P'‘ ron *K« which has been extendetlto taki ty, ^ ntl > from city and country friend*, and l| rilatttw5 l I? rt iJ ,,l, y to expre*i hi* thanks for the same ***•«•«;<nr. j ,0 P°Miat past favor* will be continued to “nnusliSlMjf"? veY y w *y grateful to giro the mnit “f klbtKc A tIoo A° 1,10 patrons or the .late com Jaoejq K ‘"^S'-'r*. Very respectfully. ?' Partners noMna^^ 'J’lcrslsnod. under the firm of Crux* A ““•Inewofj. “ ,1 »y dlssojTHd by mutual consent. The wh i' m »'l p4.„V. u " l rm T 11 hQ Ml i lc ' 1 b T H. A. Crane, to •"■'Bins*fn-Nhui 4 !.,'?? will pleasn present them. * u 'lu>.1ztd to L i,r mnkfl . payment Either party are 040 t,MS n, “>« of the lain firm In liquidation. •»J* II. A. CRANE, (So PAUUnTJ--,—— T. HOIDnfBE. V with m'.. .. Mi;—Tho urn!- rsigni d having associated U i John *" n »"d Mr. James E Cope] hb-HirtitToi' T - HOIA»MP«r ml *oii«d thefr'lntH "“‘lerslgned have P- T . ELIAS REED. w *5Sj35- JPtoBRMaHRE aanti \A/E take pleasure Id callluf tbe attention of plantere to TV -eur very extensive ktockof Woolen and Domeatlo Good*, many of which we purchased before the great ad- taheein wool; and Will therefore bell them correspondingly low, consisting of— 40 bales London Duffll and oolored Blankets, 60 do brown, twilled Kereeye t 10 do blaek do, 80 do brawn dnmestle Goods. S6- do etripod-and white Oenabnm, 10'do plainVvdFlannel; 6 do twilled do, 16 do shifting Stripes, : 10 do Schler's Georgia Plains, 16 eases Loulslsna nml Marlboro' Htripes and Plaids, 8 do , plsld Lln*era,atripes and plaids, -6-do' fiatlMt ana Kentucky Jeans, 6 do Bootoh and domestlo Glnghsms, 80 do bleached Shtrtlnge and 8heetlngi 80 do English and American Prints,, 60 doasn Negro Cape: 100 pleoea GsrpcUng, 160 Rngga and MatU t 900 Carpet Bags, 300 Negro Head-handkerchiefs, 1000 dozen woolen and ootton Hosiery. • Planters and merobants visiting our city during the Call and winter will find U'to their Interest to look trough ouf stock, as wo aro disposed to sell at a small advance ui cost. ootO AIKEN A V. CONNERAT & CO. Have now in storo. and for sale on the most Ifkvorable terms—26 hhtls Porto Rico and Musco- 3 vado Sugar*, 75 bbls Stuart’s A B and C clarified ■ do, 40 bbls crashed and pulverised do. 10 boxea Loaf Sugar 120 bags Rio ColTofl. 26 do Java do, 00 hhdt, tierces and bbls W. I. and N O Molasses, 76 boxes sperm and adamantine Candles, 160.packages hyson and black Yeas. 100 bbls Ualllmoro and Clanal Flour. 10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy A Co.’a Brandy, 16 quarter pipes fine Old French brandy, 20 do do Madeira, and 20 do Port Wine. Malaga, and 15 do TensrllTo Wine, onnhela Whisky. 1 Gin, clover leaf brand, 2 puncheons Jamaica, and 90 do 8t Croix Rom, 60 bbls auger, butter and soda Blseults. 60 do domeatlo Brandy. Gin. Rum and Whisky, SO bbls Old Monm 6 pipes Holland 100 baskets genuine Heldaick Champaign Wine, 60 do do Hungarian Lion do 60 do do Crown and Rough and Ready do. 120 M 8panlsh Began, various brands, together with clioico Butter. Goshen Cheese, and other ar ticles ' ” * " • —--‘ , “ Cl OH usually found In wholesale groceries. octlfl NEW GROCERY HOUSE CHAMPION & WATTS. The subscriber* have just opened a fresh supply * • » *•- '.hern of Goods, recently received from tho north* markets, and solicit the pstronsoo of nountry merchants, and families generally. idealen. city _ The fullowing articles comprise a portion of their stool 76 boxes and half boxes Tobacco, assorted brands, 25 M Cigars. 10 cases fine cut Tobacco, 10 hkds Bacon Side* and Bhoulden, 100 Hams, 6 bbls Lard. 10 do Pork, 80 whole, half and quarter bbls Mackerel. 60 bbls Domestic Lluuors, all qualities, 20 calks Wine—Madeira,Teneriffo, Port and Malaga. 5 half and quarter pipes fine Brandies, 2 pipes Holland Gin—swan brand, 60 boxes Cheese—Common. English Dairy, Ao. 60 bags Java. Laguyra. and Rio Coffee, 10 kegs choice Buttor. 60 whole and hall bbls Extra Canal Klour, 75 bags Georgia Flour. In 100 and 60 lb sacks. 100 whole and half boxes Colgate’s Soap, assorted, 6 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 80 bbls clariflod and brown Sugar, 10 casks Byass’ London Porter. 10 cases Pickles, 10 bbls Mercer Potatoes, 10 bbls white and red Onions, 30 boxes Herring, 10 baskols Champaign®- Ac.. Ac. Also, a full assortment of Groceries generally, compris ing. *nucea,ayrups. preserves and dried fruits, oils, spices of all kinds, fancy snaps, nuts, hyson and block teas, dried beef and tongues, sardines, ground coffee, kitt salmon and mackerel, brooms, huckels. wooden wnre and measure*, to gether with numerous other articles of household use, all which will be sold cheap for cash or approved city accent- st27 READY MADE CLOTHING. FOR FALL AND WINTKR. fTMIE subscriber reejicctfully solicit* tho attention of his X friends and tho public iii general, to his extensive as sortment of Ready-made Clothing, comprising aa It does a variety of every nrticlo for gentlemen's wear, suitable for the present and coming seasons. The following compriso a portion of the stock on hand : Overcoats and Surtouts of black and blue beaver cloth, Black and brown mohair cloth. Norway and Labrador coatings, Devonshire, kerseys, and pilot cloths, talma cloaks, Black cloth dress and frock coat*. Blue and brown cloth business frocks. Grey and check casslmere business suits, Black doe-skin casslmere pants, French fancy casslmere jinnt*, Grey and mixed tweed casslmere pants, Black and mixed satinet pants, Plain and plaid kersey pant*. Embroidered and plain black casslmere rests, Figured nnd plain black silk vests, Plush velvet vests. Figured black and fancy cashtnore vests, together with an extensive stock of Furnishing Goods, such as fine white and merino undershirts, merino Canton flannels and jean drawers, riding gauntlets, black, colored and white kid gloves, stocks, cravats and scarfs, neck-ties, suspenders etc., tho whole of which is offered for solo low, by WM. R. SYMONS, Draper A Tailor, octl 17 Whitaker street. NEW ARRIVALS! DRY-GOODS ! DRY-GOODS! HENRY LA.THR0P & CO. H AVE RECEIVED per recent arrivals, and offer for sale Plantation Dry Goods ; London DtiflH. and Twilled Blankets ; Georgia Kersey* nnd Plains ; Northern do. do.; heavy (all wool) do.; heavy Cordova do. j heavy Brown Shirtings ; plain and twilled red Flannels; Plaids. Linscys, colored Homespun*. Ac. PRINTED D’LAlNES. MERINOS. Ao. :—Printed French MousIhTiT’iAine*; American do ; plain inode and high col’d do.; French and English Merinos, a variety of colors ; raw Silk Plaids ; Mouslin d’llalze ; printed F'rench Cam brics. Dress Silks. Plain, plaid, nnd striped Dress Silks ; rich brocade do; plain bt’k Silks; a large variety ; black brocade do.; bl’k and Rep. do. Mourning Dress floods. - Mouslin d’l-alnes : French and Fmglish Bombazines ; AI- paccas ; Canton ana Tam iso loth*. Clonks nnd Mnntlllna, Cloth Cloaks and Talmas ; black and col’d Silk Mantil las; ladies'bPk and co’d Cloths for Cloaks, and a variety of Trimmings for the same. Embroideries nnd Lace floods. Mouslin Collars and Chemisettes; Lace do; rich embroid ered Lawn Hdkfs; Mourning Collars, Chemisettes, and Un- dersleeviis; Muslin Caps ; Infant's Waists; Swiss and Jae. E igings nnd Inserting*; Thread and Ll*le Edgings nnd In serting* ; Cambric and Muslin Bands. flloves. Ladles’, MU so*', Men’s, and Roy’s Gloves, a largo variety. Hosiery. Men’s and Roy’s Worsted and Colton Half Hose : Ladles’ and Misses’Cotton and Worsted Hose: Ludion’ black and white Silk do. House Furnishing floods. 10-4,11-4 and 12-4 Linen Sheetings; 9-4.10-4and 11-4 brown nnd bleached Cotton Sheetings; Pillow Case Linens and Cotton*; 8-4.0-4 and 10-4 bro. nnd bl’ched Table Dam ask ; Damask Cloths; Nankins and Doyles; Hucabuc, Scotch and Russia Diapers; Irish Linens, good styles ; Bed- Ticks. Furniture Dimity*. Ac. Cloth* and Cnaalmeres. Black French Cloths; Plain nnd Twilled Bluo do. do; black Duo Skins; plain nud plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Jeans' olack Satin Vestings, and black and col’d Silk Vestings. oct20 . HYLAND & O’NEILL H AVE just received ami offer for salo on the most ac commodating terms— 25 bbls Stuart’* A nnd B clarified Sugar, 80 do Lebanon Mills FTour, 5 do solf-rixing FTour, 10 bag* Rio Coffee. 10 do old Java, 60 boxes Soap, 20 boxes Starch. 76 do adamantine and sperm Candles. 20 do Judd’s nnd Lttcbfleld’a pnteut Candles, 60 casks London Porter, 20 half pipes Brandy. 6 pijtes Holland Gin. 60 casks Madeira, Sherry nnd Port Wine, 60 quarter nnd eighth casks Madeira and Port Wine. 10 firkins Butler, 60 boxes choice Dairy Cheese, Also, 60 baxkot* Heldsick anil Mann's Champaign, 60.000 Hnvana and American Scgnrs, and 25 dozen assorted cor- nov!3 dial*. attention to the most elegant assortment of New F'rench and British Ribbons they bavo ever sold, embracing every novelty In style: 4-4 rich Genoa and Lyons Velvets, for talmas, scarfs, and mantillas, black and colored. 0-4 superfine twilled French Ladles’ Cloths for talmaa nnd mantillas. French Morlnos, all colors; rich Plaid and printed de Lalnes and Cashmeres. oct25 178 Broughton-st., op. St. Andrew’s Hall, ATLANTA MILLS FLOUR, FROM SUPERIOR SOUTHERN WHEAT. T HE undersigned, agents for the above mills, expect to be supplied with one or two car loads a week of this Superior F lour, which they will **11 from tho Railroad De pot. as it arrives, to dealers and bakers on favorable terms. oct!3 CRANE A RODGERS. W ORKS OF JOHN C. CALHOUN—The second volume, containing the speeches i.f John C. Calhoun delivered In the House of Representative.* and in the Senate of the United States, edited by Richard K. Cralle. received and for sale by *epl4 8. S. SIBLEY. 136 Congress st. logne Sausages. 10 do Smoked Beef, 30 boxes Layer Raisin*, landing and for sale by octlfl HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON A CO. DAVID O’CONNOR H A , .. wharf, by n. K. WA8HBUnN. Agent. P UBE'COD IjVKR OIL—Rn-hton nnd Clarke’s genuine Cod Uver Oil, warranted fresh and containing all the , . . warranted fresh and containing all the medicinal virtues. Just received and for sale by riov2T W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. F ancy ruttona—snk. velvet, i buttons,. - 1 - ' novlH __ ». idJiqiiia. lajuunoju pquric. BUTTONS—Silk, velvet, gilt, porcelain and laney- is, and of all other kinds. In tarre variety at # KKMl’TON A VERSTJLl.E’8. pOR8KTS-T willed Railroad Corsets. Bateen Regular (hln) v do, white Regular do, French Ellslar do, Bosom Girdle do, Imported Woven do. For sate at 72 St. Jnlleu and 106 Bryan streets, by oct22 KBMPTON A VERSTIIJ.K. Sectors or roasters, sauce pans, milk boilers, eullendera, oak* pens;porcelalnrridlrons. etc., etc.,for sale by nov22 J. P. COLLIN8.10O Bryan street. voiced from the belt' sources, and to all t present on hand, he Invite* attention.— jilvn experience.In. Frauoe ns a manubo* ftmerica as Importer and dealer,.hit aqquaior > trade enables him to offer aMuFaneo that the weennmerated below are each genuine t it Importation,—French Bran- iLflfflMj Ota I SMtah, Irtlh tnj Old Batavia Arrack; Jamalca and Wince,—Old Port. Madeira,Sherry, Champagne, Hock, Claret, Bauterpe and Burgundy Wines. . : • ■ Cordial*—.In.cnso's.Curncoa, Maraschino, Ratafla,81a- •aIU, KlrseheftWsasor, Absinth, Ao. Ale and Porter,—Loudon Brown Bloat, and Edln< jrohAle. . ; Also Agent for Domoatie Liquors. n°Y5 R. MAyEU. IIOLCOMllC, JOHNSON At CO., Have In store, and offer for sale, on the moet fkrorable terms— 1 16 hhds 8t, rntx Sugar, 26 do Porto Rico do 26 . do N Orleans ao. 60 bbls Coffee do 100 bbls Stuart’s A, B and 0 Sngar. 26 do Crashed do 10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bugs Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do 100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamaica do 10 cases Myer’s Aromatic Tobacco, 60 casks Bacon Sldei 26 caska Shoulder*. 26 do Hama choice quality 100 bbls Baltimore Flour, 60 whole and 26 half do Cnnal do 26 hhds, 60 tierces and 60 bbls West India Molasses 26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 26 do extra do 26 quarter cheats Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do 100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles 100 do No 1 and Palo Soap. 100 bales Gunny Cbth. 300 colls Weaver’s Rope 100 bbls E Phelps’ Gin. 260 F’Jack's do, 26 ao Connecticut - River do, 36 do NE Ham \l*o, tho following old and verv ohotce Liquors, In gltsets t 40 dozen ehoioe old Madeira Wine, bottled In 1847 86 demljons St Croix Ram. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848 60 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1845 10 do . Pure Juice, 1848. 40 do Brandy. 1816 35 dozen Scheidam Gin. 10 do old Whisky, Nectar, may 18' GROCE HUS 8. B 26 HJIDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar, 26 da choice New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Molas ses. lOObbls New Orleans and Cuba 8yrnp. Stu art’s rectified do, 000 gallons 8perm 011,800 do Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm ana Adsmamnntlne Candles. 26 do Starch, 60 do Cheeso, 76 do Soap. 26 do Toilet do, 50 do mixed and assorted Candles, 75 packages Teas. Black, Ira- perial and Green, 160 bbls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunes. Figs. Citron. Pickles, llalslns, Yeast Powders. Saleratus, So da. Ao.. now In store and for sale very low. by mh20 KlBBEE A RODGDRR. Also, twenty-five set* or those unique Pearl Sdt or Ear- rings and Broodies, Dom 918 to 6125 the set, newest and rarest patterns: together with a very select assort- ment or extra fine Watchu set In pearl, diamond, hunt ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol S nd Jewelry. Sterling 8llver Sets, Spoon*. Fork*. Ladles, ps. Ac., nnd Plated Ware of all kin 's.F'ancy Work Boxes, Growing Cases. F’ollos Clocks. Bronze Figures, gold monnt- runes, od'Cancs.Cuttlery. Ac., renders his assortment very com plete, and unsurpassed In the State, olther In quality or pri- D. B. NICHOIR GROCERIES. Sic. ( OfiTO-160 bags prime lUo, 75 do Jamaica, 00 Sooau—10 lilids Porto Rico, 10 do 8t. Croix, 6 do New Orleans, 100 bbls Crashed, Powdered nnd Clarified, MouaBKS—26 hhds Cuba. 76 bbls New Orleans. Flour—160 bbls Baltimore. 75 do Canal. 50 do H Smith’s. Baton—15 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can vassed do. 30 hhds Sides. 20 do Shoulders. Potato®—160 bbls P and Mercer. Lard and Codfish—26bbls choice Leaf lard, 6 casksCod- fi*h. 8oap. Card us and Starch—60 boxos No. 1 and Family Soap. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole nnd half boxes Stnrr.h. 75 do Admantlne Candles. 26 do Sperm, 25 do Star. 160 do Patent Mould. Touacco—450packages various brnndsandqnalllles. Lemon Syrup,Ao.—60 boxes Lemon Syrup. 10 cases Wal nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Peaches. nomwno Liquors—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 60 do N E Rum. 75 do Rectified Whisky, 30 do extra old Monnngnlieln do. Wise—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei ra-received and for sale by npl28 MoMAIION A DOYI.E. MACKE RE lj, BISCUITS, STARCH, Ac. _ 10 bids No. large Mackerel, Vl nrfl 10 bbls No. 1 do do ■BSMl 10 Imlf bbls No. 1 do *■^"10 do No. 2 do 30 bbls sugar, *oU*r. sud.buUer.BUoulU, 25 boxes soils Biscuits, 60 do Rurhnn's Family Soap, 60 do Colgate's No. 1 * do 40 do Colgnto's nnd Beadell's Pearl Starch. 60 do Herrings, Landing and for sale by tnaylO SCRANTON,*JOHNSTON A CO GROCERIES, MQ.UOUS, WINES, Sic. . mai . J. V. CONNERAT A CO., offer for sale on nc- commodating terms.* well assorted stock of Gro- BWH cerles. Liquors. Tobacco. Segnrs. Ac., viz: 130 bags ffiflnWprlme Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhds Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffeo do, 25 do crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack- ages black .ind green tea, some very superior; 260 boxes tobacco, various qualities, l's. 8's. 6’s and Ifl’s. 16 cases DI- adorn twist, 10 do Virginias and Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf, Vlglnia gold leaf. 10 boxes F.l Dorado tobacco, 175.000 supe rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Otard. Dupuy A Co. Bran dy. 20 half and quarter casks llntorn. Mai tel. Sazerac. Ac. Brandy. 6 quartor casks very old Jean touts do. 6 pipes Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10 half pipes and 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine. 26 bbls old Monongahola Wlsky, 26 quarter casks Teneriffo, 30 do do Malaga wine, 200 bbls gin. whisky and rum, 100 boxes No. 1 snd (nmlly soap. 60 do starcb. 60 do adninnntine can dles, 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides, 16 do shoulders. 30 hhds West India Molasses, 40 bbls and tesdo. 26 bbls N Orleans do, together with every other nrticlo usually found at ih» wholesale grocery stores. juneO REFINED SUGAR, <Sc. Q BBLS Stuart’s Crashed nnd Powdered Sugar OU 60 do do A, 11 and C Clarified do 60 do tox A Kirkpatrick’s (Yn*lied do 60 do Butter. Sugar nnd Soda Biscuit 20 do Treadwell’s Pilot Bread 30 boxes do So la Bi*cuit 300 do Family. Pale and No. 1 Fuap. Smith and Col 60 do Beadell's Pearl Starch 25 do Ground Pepper in 20 |}, boxes 20 do do Coffee in 60 |h boxes 300 reams assorted WrappingPnjier 60 mats old government Java Coffee 00 boxes 1st and 2d quality (ley's tonion Syrup 100 bbls E Phelps’ and Ruse Gin 80 do N E Rum, 30 do Domestic Brandy 40 do P A II Connecticut River Gin 20 and 20 casks Malaga Wine 60 bbls and 100kegs prime tout bird, landing and •21 SCR' — — or salo by jv21 KANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. WINES, LIQUORS SKGARB, GROCERIES. T HE Subscriber has on hand a line nnd well selected Stock of imnorted pure Wines, Liquors and Segars, comprising tho following : Draiiny—10 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do do old Hennesny ; 2 do do Sazerac, 1603 ; 2 do do Jean Louis, 1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy. Wlnca—4 half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do tondon Particular ; 3 do do old Port; fl do do Sherry Wine ; 20 ensks Claret; 40 basket* Cliumnagne. Sccnr*—20.000 Rio Honda : 10.000 La Cruts to Union ; 10.000 to Patria ; 25.000 Trabticas. Fancy Groceries.—A largo supply, such ns imported Cordials. E r .' l,, h Pickles and Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats, Prunes and joint",. For sale by A. BONAIJI), d«8 Corner of Bay and WliHnkcr-strrets. ; 6,000 GROCERIES, <SC. C OFFEE—160 bags prime Rio. 75 do. Jamaica, 60 do. Java. Si'OAR—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10do. St. Croix. 6do. New Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed, Powdered, and Clarified. Molasses—26 hhds Cuba. 76 bbl* New Orleans. Floi'R—160 bbl* Baltimore. 75 do. Canal. 50 do. Hiram Smith’s. Raton—16 casks Philadelphia IInin*.500 Baltimore Bagg ed. 30 hhds Sides, 20 do. Shoulder*. Bkooms—10 dozen, painted handles. Bcckrib—200 dozen, painted. Soap, Candles and Starch—60 boxes No. 1 nnd F.iniily Soap. 50 do. Pale do. 76 do. Adnmnntine Candles. 25 do. Sperm. 26 do. Star, 160do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and Imlf boxes Starch. Tobacco—360 nkgs various brands nnd qualities. Lemon Strup. Ao.—60 boxes Lemon Syrup. 10 cases Wnl- nut and Tomato Catsup, 10 do. Brandy Peaches. Domestic Ijquors—76 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 60 do. N E. Rum. 75 do. Rectified Whisky, 30 do. Extra old Monongahela do. Winks—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma deira. Received, and for salo by jyi5 McMahon a doylk. CRANE Si RODGERS H AVE In store, and offer for sab on accommodating terras, the following, viz: 20 hhd* Porto Rico Sugar, 10do Muscovado do, 10 do N Orleans do, 60 bbls crashed do, 60 do refined A B and C do. 25 hhds Cuba Molasses. 100 bbl* N O 8yrup, 60 do New York do, 200 bags Rio Coffee, 60 do Java do. 26 hhds Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders, 100 half bbls Lard. 600 sacks Salt, 100 boxes Soan.various brands, 100 do fancy ao, for toilet use. auglO SUNDRIES. QA BBLS winter strained and bleached whalo OU. 288 bagi prime green Rio Coffee. 60 bags old government Java Coffee. 76 * toguvra Coffeo 40 do Maracaibo do. 100 bbls E l’heljia’ Gin, 40 do P A ILConn’t River do HqpM, Jack E_ — Griswold's Upland do.' Cement, Plaster, Mill andCn Bawa ? alao. fesod and Yard Saws. Ae. For sale by. j "i* CHA’S H. CAMPFIKLD,in'l' , lWflrrmsWm-K..B*HondV«Wbr. dftVoat. Fob and Girard Chain*, Seta of Jttolit, Chat- icTBracelets, Brooch#*, fine Diamond work FTngtf Ring*, Silt or Castors, Tea 8et*. Pltehors, Goblet*, Cup*,OunBaalMd*, Spoon*, Forks,Fish Knives, We Knives. Cheese 8coup*,L*. dh*»8jrohon*. Also,aU kinds ofPUted Ware, Military and ^T-r 00 ^*^ a . f 1 * 1 *’**Jetjr of article* too numerous to •• uiganuuu mio lire neparemenxa— rriras* m Intermediate, Grammar. .Classical, and Young todies’. ■ . ,x P® n * e *»een spared, to flit the several depsrt- 4 M*p, OMlsted by Miss M. A. lathe best schoul* of‘Northampton, lias*:, and has Veen yeira principal of a Tetnale ficademy In *. n .r.°. n i *be whole of which will be sold at reduced prior*. All kind* of Wafohea, Clocks, Jewelry, and otliet Jobbing attended competent hand*. .HORTON A JUKEMAN. »,RIKEMAN. . WATCHES AND JEWELRY. The undersigned beg* leave to inform the Citizen* Bnf Savannah, and the people In tlie ooontry In gene- , fiat he has taken tha Store, No. 148 Broughton Street, one door West of Dlxonla Confectionary, whore ho wilt be pleased to make and repair all kinds of Clock* aud Watches, and will warrant all work with which he may be Intrusted. ap97—It FRANCIS STEIN. WATCHES, JEWELRY, And fbney Goods. RECEIVING by every arrival ofthe Steamers fresh lions.making the best assortment In this city, of all kind* of Watches. Jewelry. Fancy Goods, Silver Spoon*. Fork*, Pitcher*.Tea Sets, Cups. Syphon*, Plated Castor*- and every variety of article* connected with our line of business; allot FW HepUMlow-q* to uuy city In tho Union. »- D. B. NICHOLS. Mr PsrUcnlar ntteutlon^ftp to the Repairing of Wat% NEW JEWELRY, FINE AVATCHE8, &c. t&C THE undersigned Is now opening a splendid assort- (Jjmont of rich JEWELRY, embracing the recent patterns \/of Ear-rings, Pin*, Bracelet* aud Finger-rings, umong *3" Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and jewelry. no i« JEWELRY. MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-strcet. has just receiv ed tho finest assortment of new nnd fashionable Jowel- ry or all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils and pens, silver and sIlrergHtcd ware nnd fruit baskets, waiters, tea sets, candlesticks, table and tea sjioons: tine table, pocket and non knl ve«, scissors, nnd a large vnrfety or Ibe finest work boxen, dressing cases, nnd writing desk* for ladles and gentlemen, ns also a fine selection or flutlna*. accordlans nnd fancy articles, too mtmertrax to mention! which he offers at tho lowost prices ever sold to this city The attention of the public at large, but especially that of ‘ led. tlie ladles, is lxirticularlv requested au21 PIANO FORTE DEPOT. , THE undersigned resjiectfully inform the citizens of Savannah. Georgia nnd Florida, that they have on hand more than fifly Pianos, the largest stock ever on sale In this citv. and made by the most celebrated manufacturer* in the United State*. Nunns A Clnrk.T. rttlekering. Roardman A Gray, height A Newton. Edward* A Fisher, all well known to the lovers of Music, havo place In their largo assortment.— These Pianos aro of rich tone, and beautifully finished in Rose Wood. Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with Iron frames made in the most substantial nnd workmaulikH manner.— Also the justly celebrated Ainllon Piano F'ortes. which for their sweetness ol tone have not been equalled. AU these Instrument* have mctalicframes which • •• ivljr»utU4foc-tnl..allin«tii, for the l»*t three this State, • . „ . . » Depertmcnt will be finder the ehargo of Mr. Isaac F. Cady, a graduate of Brown Unltrnlltlr, for two yem classical teacher to the High School In Providence, Warren Kdel f* P rinc, I* 1 of tho Hill*School,to The Grammar Department will bo under the charge of B. Mallon,*^ heretofore. The Intermediate Dapartmcnt will be taught by Mr, Hex • ry Baker, a graduatetor Oglethorpe Unlrersity j and the Primary by Miss A. R, CaRYkr. Arrangement* have been made' with Mr. E. Miller for glvng lnstiuotlon in French and Drawing. .. 1 J*WJK B. MALLARD, ap126—dgw BERNARD MALLON. J Princl l ml1, MERCER UNIVERSITY. Pciffidd, Greens County, aa. Britons. T HE 9ludliM In this Unlrersity areA Theological course it.* < * e **8 ne ^ tor those who are preparing for A Collegiate Course or four year*, equal to that of other OolWges In theeounfry t aeortl -‘enHfloCpuffeofthrooyears.todudlug, with some ad- clent tongw^t*!^ B * U°UeglatoCourse except the An- ADMUWON. The regulartlmefor the.admission of Student*, la at the "wmlng of tho FaU Tenn, the last Wednesday to August. Candidate* for admission nto the Collegiate Conreo muit - — . .. sustain a ■atlsfactory examination In Geography, Arlth- metic, English, totln and Greek Grammar. Csesar, Virgil, . .. . . Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jqcob’a Greek Reader ; and „,A pUl f t ie 1,nd raa T b# “•« at the office of the Geor- must he at least fourteen years ol Candidate* for admission Into the Sclentlflo Couree mn*t •ustaln a aatlsthctory examination on Geographv, Arithmetic, h Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra, and two to Geometry I and must be at least sixteen years or ixnasBi. **e. T ui Jy m ' _ *y>ringltrm. fhll 7Vm. In Thro logical Skminart, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous. In Coosa*. Scientific Course In Acadxmy— 1‘re paratory Class, Seeond “ Tlilrd “ Elementary “ ” Rent.., ..826 00 915 00 - 26 00 16 00 Contingent Expenses,.. These expenses require 26 00.... 16 00 20 00 12 00 15 00 9 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 , 2 00 1 00 xponses require to bo paid in advance. From Student* who lodge In the College building*, fifty dollars will bo received as full payment for the tuition fee*, room rent, and contingent expenses of the year. The price of Board In tho Tillage is $10 tier month washing, room-rent, and fuel, $3. TOMMKNCKXKNTAXD VACATIONS. The Commencement Is held on the last Wednesday in July. There aro two Vacations, dividing the year Into terms, ns follow*; ’ First Term—from last Wednesday In August to December I6lli. Winter Vacation—from December 16th to February l*t. Second Term—from first day of February to Commence ment. Hummer Vacation—from Commencement to 1h*t Wed- aesday to August. 11. M. SANDERS, ‘ ,, , . Secretary ofthe Board of Truste**. Any friend, by application to Dr. J. L DAGG. Prealdent of the University, will receive a catalogue, containing the course of sludlcs. and all other necessary Information dcr them peciilh . rp«i«inMinittWa^onT* a complete couree of legal edu- , *• cation for the bar In nny of the United States, except. omnsaEi fury ears. The tindersignod nro Agent* for Henri llerz’s. celebrated Grand Pianos, made In Pari*. For Power and beauty of tone, they stand pre-cmlnent. Cariiart'8MKiiinio.NS.—Tills beautiful toned wind Instra- ment,manufactured by Carhartk Needham. N. Y..for village puriioses. Isidge*.Serenading Parties, nml the private prac tise of Orgnnlst.*. jKisswItig a sweet and powerful tone, they havo also for anle. All these instruments will lie disposed of on tho most accommodating terms. The price* of tho PL anos ranging from $175 to $1,000. I.W. MORRKIJ. & Co PIANO FORTES, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Tho subscriber having purchased the ou g*SIM rg j8 (lr c business of F. ZomufM k Co., of which firm he has heretofore been tho acting mem * ~ - * *ber In Savannah, would respectfully invito the attention of those In want of anything In tlm musical line to his establishment. From many years’ experience both in professional nnd business matters conneefed with music, Mr. M. feels hltnsclf fully.qualified to proffer his ser vices In the selection of music and Instruments or tho ful- filmcnt of order*, with tho assurance of IiIh utmost zeal and Industry In his endeavor to deserve the patronage nnd con fidence of the public. O. B. MITCHELL. JuneH successor to F. Zogbnmn &Co. mg only mntteraof merely local law and practice; nnd als,. i systematic course of instruction In Commercial tow for those who propose to engago to mercantile pursuits. lho tow Library, which is constantly increasing, con tain* now about 14.000 volume*. It includes a very com- e plete collection or American and English tow, nnd the prln- i elpal works ofthe Civil and other hnrelgn tow. It is open ” ; 1" student*, and warmed and lighted for their use during i ’>otli terms nnd the wintor mention. I The first term of each academical year begin* In the last I week or August, and tho second term In tho ln*t week of l February ; each term continues twenty weeks. Student* ; are admitted at nny period of a term or vacation. The fees ; i J rc n term, and 525 for half a tenn. For this sum slu- i dents have the use nf tho tow Library nnd text bonks, nnd .ofthe Collego Library, and may attend all the course* or I public lecture* delivered to the undergraduates ortho ! University. i Tho Instructors or tl.o tow School are Hon. Joel Parker, LI.. D.. Roynll Professor; Hon.Theophlln* Pinion*.I.I.. II., Dane Proff-asor; nml Hon. FMward O Lnrlng. University ; lecturer. Instruction is given by lectures, recitation* and ■xnminatlona. nnd moot courts. For further information application may be made to dtlicr of lho Instructors, ‘ . JAMES WALKER. President. Cambridge, August 1.1863. dlaw3wls sepfl PIANO FORTE WAREHOUSE. THE Alterations and Improvement* In GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE, Legislative Charier, granted in 1849. ’Fortes, ami« Music IMportuumV.for ladles Went- being now complctcil. we would Invite t tent inn of the musical public to our stock, comprising every article In the line, which can bo furnished (wholesale ami retail) at New York prices. PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodart k Co.. J. B. Dunham, nnd others of established reputation, constantly on hand. F. ZOGBAUM k CO., importers, >*. 74 St. Julian nnd 107 Brynn-streeta. dooT Next to Market Square. WM. R. SYMONS, DRAPER AND TAILOR, A’o 17 Whitaker street. Savannah. Has just opened a large and'choice variety of Xkw Sruixo AND Suujikh Goons, consisting In part orblnck. figured and fancy French Cn*<liueres; black mid col- aired Cashmere ■ n, -‘ 1 .... Joy I „n«» Y. BrowsK. President and Professor of Mental nnd ! Moral Science. *— - ■ ' I’.totro. l*rofca*or of Natural Sciences. I.. R. Uranium, Professor ol Mathematic* and Director ot Music. Hkxhy M. Hoi.T7.CLAW. Professor «r Belles tottres. The Faculty will be assisted by the following todies, viz:— Mr*, nrowne. Mrs. Branham, Misses Brunell. 11 uni stead Mcredltli. and E. Bennett ('.itnloguns containing further information, may he ob tained bynpplylngto either of the officer* of the College, ot to either of tho following gentlemen, who constitute the Board of Trustees: E. E. Jones. M. I).. President; It. M. IN pie*, toqr.. Treasurer; Tim*. .1. Burney. Ksqr.,Secretary; Col. mnej rrenen LOHsiinercs; mack aua col- | 'j; }• Balker, Her. N. G. 1 osier. Bov. C. If. Irivin, \Vin. p. ere; Cloths nnd Caslunerctts; white and | tohes. Minund Wnlker, Znclmrlnli Fears, Nntlmn Massov. : with a largo assortiiient of fanev Mar- ! " •'y. . T.. ,r *' ^ ' **■' lh>nj. Harris..In*. F.Swanson, j Vesting*, nil of which lie I* prepared to ! ' v -tears. U. P. Zlmim rmiin. ■sting*, nil of wlitch lie I* prepared to make up to order In tho most fashionable style, nnd on no commodating terms H | h x STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM^ No. 147 Hay Street. All persons of taste and reflnement—those having a due regard for comfort and personal appearance, inar at all times select nny nnd every article for their ward- W MADAME K. ACE LIE TOGNO, ILL open on the 1st of tho corner of Meet- Ingand Niclcty-streets.UliarlestoD.8. C.a BOARD- N'G ANO DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. — v., »...v. r .v. nuni- , Crouch will beexciusivcly spokeVln iliolfchool nnd faro- robe, from one of the largest assortments of the Very I ‘ ,l11 t * uc re U ,,ri l will ho also had to a thorough English 1,7 •' *lucation. Mndanio Togno Is prepared to refer pnrentsand 'iiardmns to the most eminent Professors of Music In Phil- ■dolphin nnd New York, and to a number or gentlemen In ‘hilndelpliln nnd Virginia, to whose daughters she has giv- *n instruction for several years. KsraiKxcra: Philadelphia.— Rev. Kingston Goddard, Md’lle Adele SI- (.lgne.Mad.Cli*. Plcot. Mad AcelloGulllou. (mother oi lilll Tilrtnn I 1- d Tl r... 1.. tt». nV t. m. w. Best Goods In this country; either in Heady Made Garments or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing artl cles of every description nnd quality ton numerous to men tlon Call nnd see. PRICK k VEABFR. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. M D. MURPHY. 21 UuU-ttred. would respectfully Inform his friends and lho public generally, that he has received his spring styles for geutlemun, among .which will bo found ns rich and fine fancy Cassimeres. Vestings. Ac., ns have over b#en brought to this market. All orders executed with disputuU. and in the best style of workmanship. Gentlemen aro respectfully Invited to call and Judge for humsolvos. m iiU lud Togno.) Ed. D. Ingraham.Esq..Dr. Win. Harris. II. D. "alpin. Esq., Signor Perelll, Prof, of Music, H. Hupfeld. •Ssa.. Prof, df Music. Il,,pfe,d ' New York.—Mad. H. Chegnrny.Signor Baaloli. miKhester. Va.—Rev. C. Wnlker. Rev. II H Boyd. Hon I. M. Mason. Hon, R. Y.Conrad. Geo. toe. II. II. too, E*n Charleston.—J. I.. Petlgru, Esq., O. Mill*, toq.. J. P. por- her. Ksq , II. C King, Esq. lawdfi—*ol UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA^MEDIC/VL DEPARTMENT. I'e/fffltrfftli T HK Annunl c ' ourBfi toctures iii this Department will •n. '7/ fl i- commence on MONDAY. November 14, nnd will tor ,1,-IVE/ i "'tonte In the cnsuiul March. t.T - .. I1ULV luvra M r»“ -.. READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. R. SYMONS. Dhai'kk and Tutor. No. 17 WhiUtker slreiJt. respectfully solicits the] lattentlnn of Ills friends an I the publio In gen- airal. to Id* large stock of Ready-ina m Cloth- m— ■ . ing. suitatde for the present and coming season. It has all * IAMKHJONFB. M. D.. Professor nf Practice, be-n made up under hi* personal *ii|icrlntendeiicn an I for i * U. RIDDELL M. D., Professor of Cliemlstry style and durability of workmanship. Is inferior to none to J VARREN STONE. M. D.. Professor of Surgery, be found In the market. V. H. C’KXAS. M. I>. Professor nf Obstetric*. The following compriso n portion ofthe stock : Frock* nnd ! '-•*• "'EDDKRBURN. M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Sack* of blue, black and colored cnslimcre elutlis ; black, i GUSTAVUS A. NoTT. M. I)! Professor of Materia Medic*. fancy THOMAS HUNT. M. D., Professor of Physiology and Pathol- ugy. brnli d'rte Frocks nnd Sacks ; linen duck, drill nnd fancy linen Krneks and Sacks; India grass, silk nnd brown linen Sack*: black nnd colored alpaca Frock* and Sacks. Pants of fancy French casslmere*. black dne-skin ensd- mere. black drab d’ete snd spring tweed cnsdinero. white duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large tot of cot ton drill nnd duck Pant*, for summer wear. Vests of black satin, black barn then, nnd fancy silks, fan- . - cy and white MnrselUe*. figured nnd striped linens. ! her to April *"—' — - • ■ • | t j their visits, i CORNELLS <,BBARD.M.D., In. . . . SAMUEL P. rilOPPIN, M. j)..} Demonstrator* of Anatomy The room* for dissecting will be open from tlie third Mon day In Debitor to the First of April. The Faculty are Visiting Physicians and Surgeons of tho nuirltj Hospital, nnd attend this Institution from Novem- her*° Aj-ril The Student* accompany the F’roressoreIn . „ „ atocks. | their visit*, and tfiu* enjoy extraordinary practical advan- gloves, suspemlers. cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, nnd ,r "“ nf AI*o, a large slock of Furnishing Goods, such a cotton undershirts, stripo silk and cotton socks, silk and gingham umbrella*, etc., etc. The whole of which he offers for sale on accommodating terms, and nt prices at cheap aa the cheapest. apl3 iliis’ ....... domeatlo Brandy. 60 do New England Rum. 60 bbli and 100 kega prime Leaf tord. 60 hhds prime Bacon Sides, 20 do do Shoulders. 200 dozen painted Buckets. 20 hhd* prime St Croix Sugar, 15 do Porto Rico do. 20 •* prime New Orleans Sugar. 20 bbls butter, sugar, and soda Crackers. 80 “ Stuart’s A, B. and C clarified Sugar. 40 “ crashed and powdered Sngar. 80 boxea Beadell’s 8s and 8s tallow Candles. 100 *• Star Candles, 300 do No 1 palo and family Soap 60 M Segars, of various brands. For sale by «ep20 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. H. SMITH’S FLOUR, CRACKERS, «fte. 2Q BBLS H. Smith’* Flour WMi R. SYMONS, Offers for aalo. a large assortment of Cloth*, Cni- 'slmeres nnd Voatlngs. consisting in part of tho fol lowing articles, selected bv himseir during the past summer in tondon aud Pans, which he will make up to or der la the best style of workmanship, and at the shortest notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish ing Goods, for gentlemen'* wear, ts very large and of the best quality and style—the whole of It made this fall under his own Inspection, and will be sold nt the lowest prices for cash or approved credit :—French black, bine, brown and olive Goths; fancy French and English Cassimeres : fancy Silk Vesting.super, fancy Silk l’lush Vestings; black Bar athea Silk Vesting* ; super, black Doeskin Cassimeres ; Me rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white and fancy Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers; white, black and fancy Kid Glores; Neck Tie*, plain and embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks; Scarfs, Satin and Bombasin Socks. noS 17 ’Whltalceritreet* hero are about one thousand patients prescribed for dully In this Hospital. Tlie number of patients is nearly twenty thousand. In the THOMAS HUNT. M V..~ Dean. \I E .BOOKS—Received by S. 8. Sibley. October 4,1863. n-ot Ti .t( .7 ,?, r 11,0 Procter and tendencies of British Institutions, by Warren Isham. i. 11 .?. Fo ^' V ‘ 11 or Crime and Retribution, by Emerson « t, ^dv!? U iL*, Lrsac ^’ by the suthor of Adelaide Lindas. The White Cruiser, or the Fate of the Unheard Of, by Ned 'jlprpMiel rgoodwater; L- 'The above Ice. and on' ,jpbom*de _ r . „ ^■ ■ .dJoWM aW of Butler and Pun- •een at tlie office of th* GiorgUn. ‘I- ‘„ SAMUEL M. STREET. Damp, Jan. 29, 1868, Jao26—lam JujSALE.—-A Tract tif,T<AND of Five Hundred acre* pCiatrieUyjrime Rfoe ton^lmmedlatriy opposite the old S ^5*Sr Wlek n. Tb ! place aflbrd* one of tho tost Saw-mill aeata In the Southern country, facUltlci for timber be ng eaay and wltbont end. Vesuels coming I ?' 5 IroroedUtriy alongside, drawing from ten -.TvP 8 ?P R SALE.—The Tract of IiAND on the ,ry’s River, known aa the Cut-off Tract, containing' lr*d Still SSVI.nlV_1 Men /T^O\ t * Thl.SK UnAd ui.t.1.1 — I I— .11 - i. . and freshet*. For further particular* and terms, which will to made easy ton purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co.. Charleston. 8£jor to Mr*. Ilenry Bailey, 8t. Mary’s,tMmden county, LAND FORSALE. *pl 27—dte JB*. , TOE "Mhscriber offers for rale 1,900 acre* nr Land, WRIylng on the Alntaraaha. river, threo miles below the a for k ’ known aa Town Bluff. There are 260 aerea open, ready for cultivation; also two small framed houses with good framed barn and good framed More house,situate on thl* section. The place hoa the advantage of steetnboat* during the Wl, winter and spring months, and nne or the boat fisheries on the river for Shad, Any person wishing togwhM. «o by calling on the aubscritor on tlie Allso. 980 acres of land well Umbered, with 150 acres of first rate bey land well ditched and dralnod.ready for dear- Ing. wUh flve acre* cleared. Said land will produce fifty bushels of corn to the acre. Thl* land lie* two mile* from Mann Ferry, on the Alatamaha river. AIm, 11,000 of fl™t (,u«llt, plo. timbered laud on the Alntainaha and Ocmulgeo river*. All those lands are situate in the first and second dlslrict or Appling county. Also. 2,000 acres of land well timbered wlthcynressand white oak. Any person wishing further particulars can address me at Hall P. O., Georgia'.- Spain’* Atmospheric Chnrns, Cora Bbollera, Improver 1 kind*. Hay and Straw Cuttere, fa gale* Hand Corn klllla.' . cwnrauj cwofc*ngnir - Gfdd*’ Improved Harrows. Square and A Harrow*. ■ Horse Rake*. Grindstone*, ready hung, IHrt 8crapen>, Agricultural Furnaces, Ox Yoke* add Bows. Forks for unloading F*y, Man Hay Rakes, ' Bow Pin*, Apple Pearers, Ox Muzxles, Mole Trans. . Pruning Hooks and Chisels, Sawa and Scissor*, . Iron Well. Curbs, and Zinc tntolng for Chain Pump*. ‘ • Also, Horticultural Tboh j«n31—lawdfcwflni ’ " * ’ nYALI.. • Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish weekly for six months, snd send Mil to W. D. westerly hair or Ut No. 2 Yamacniw, i. u . Vl* 1,10 W ,iarf no ' T “ceupled by the CTmrle*ton Steam 1 ackrt Company, measuring one hundred foot on tha River, anil running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street. Knot sold Prlrate-sale previous toilie AritTuesday In I ebriiary. it will then be offered at auction nt the Court House. Apply to do!5 COHEN k FOSD1CK. LAND IN Me IN TOTH COVNTY FOUSALB Jthdft . The Plantation known as Aanocw, immediately on 'kNnIUIO 1 WKMl *Mn nf Hi. C«—bhmI. u>.j .... — .... «. ii elde J*f tho Savannah road seven miles from iwrien, containing eleven hundred and forty seven acres of pine and hammock land, ol which near two hun dred and fifty acres aro cleared and under fence. Tlie ham- mock fond* are of a superior quality for cotton, corn, Ac., and the,pine lands well adapted to turpentine. There negro houses nnd other buildings nr-- “ • * • • Tliero Is a water cnurHO ”* For terms.-apply to ang!7—w3m Jr .. b , u , n '!i nB * u P° n th ® plantation, within flvo miles over b good road. K W. DxLEOAIsf 8outh Newport. Q FORTE MONN AIE8. POCKET BOOKS AND T „n .. .. FANCY GOODS. HE attention of the trade, and others. In want or Torte Monnales. Pocket Books, Bankers’ Ca«ca. Dressing Cb- m*. Portable WritlngDesk*.Backgammon and Clies* Board*. V. ea n‘ Pbe1 *' and Silver Card Case*. Work Boxes, n«n«P 00 ^ WoD r B *! u ’ n » r Cases. Portfolios l Ptr 1 np "‘ Travelling Flssk*. and tlnoCutlo- 3«TJm.m2Li ,nrK . fl v . nrlo, y ° rFnnc rGood*, which will bo sold at tho lowest rates. F. H SMITH ^rto Monnnle and Pocket Book Manufacturer. ang21—eodlm 206 Arch st.. bolow Sixth, Philadelphia. NEW BOOKS, TC F S^ BY ?• fl * 8I “H nr ’ Augnat 10, 1853: or I<ov ® ™t h y Annette Mario Halliard, author of /inirra the Gypsey. Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton. Professor oriole and Motnphysics in Edinburgh University, for the use of schools and college*. Abelard and Klolsc, a 0. W. Wright vmS5SSSSrt£fS?HSrflME ° nJ Tipi "" g " Bnrnnm’sHlnstrated News; Gleason’sPlctornl; Popular FMiicatnr; Majarim or Arts, Ac. For sale at the book " lor ®7, 8 8. SIBLEY, - fir* wrarnwr-Bilflfc."*'""'"’"' 1 - pi-OB-rrai'S Ar.KJMNF. \VlNI«»»0I.A8S,l,i,i r »rlorlr J. brllllnncy of surfarenn 1 polish to nil otlier.and never stains or rusts j withstand*nil climates.nnd is iiackeil with groat rare, suitatde for shipping. Dealers ami otln rs will consult their Interest by sending their order* to the sole sgenl*. FRENCH k RICHARDS. «ug20—dflm New Drug Warehouse. N. W. corner IQtli and Market-sU.. Philadelphia. TO THE CONSUMERS OF MANUFACTUR- m , u , _ _ . B» SAWED LUMBER. r n vi p " b<crlb 7 l, " re l ; n « r pro»red to receive orders for -L flooring nnd other descrlptHjbs of Plained 1,umber, at Hie Nivnnnnh Plninlng Machine, situated on tlip canal, at tlie western extremity o.' tho city of Savannah, between Z.iblv and Margnret atreets. Orders for all description* of I mined Lumber furnished at the shortest possible notice, nnd manufactured in n sujicrlor style, which cannot fail to please the consumer. Work done by tlielr machine will compare with that of any now In use Tlio subscribers havo succeeded In arranging for a constant supply of se . lected seasoned Lumber, by which no disappointment to builders need be apprebonded. Every facility will be ex- tended In obtaining material for all puts or a building. Tim Saw Mill, now bring completed In tbe ssino building, no.. » -r— month, when or Keeepuon and Cottage Chain, of llgti •tan; Can* Lmingee, Cine -Setteefl, l notel. Steamboat ai|dBs tocxllaittd Ir Interest to t find It ft ^ No. 1M North 0th St, (on yo. IM# Mart* street, PMadsMda.. ft' & - i "' Pboptv jk kjxARS’ Patent Selfj* - :_1 ' Sharpening Plough*; of all site ling Point*. Bsr-ebsre. Beteh/and oO« of Cutlng* for repairing.* > «,• Emperor of Rui for «•* above Plough*, a Massive Gold Medal, vu- T - Also, the Great Medal at \h6 World’* Fair.waa awkri Plough No. 40. Cultivators with Double-PolbtP ed Steel Teeth, which can to reversed, tho* getting] the common ,Teelh. Al8o,Culttrator*of al with Steel Teeth. Chsln-Pumps, •' Cattle Tie*, Boll Ring*. Transplanting Trowel*, Hay and Mar-" - •—“- Shovel* and- Garden *' Garden Children’s Ttools, planting Trowel*, -. 'U' Snisfe*’ ■ . Touting Scythes' Poatha, with Patent Futen* -Ings, up*, * ' Potato' TTooks '" l-Ttols (of evi^ description.) G ml| eUls,to*?»t prioeB,*!^ PAPER HANGlNflSj BLANK BOO] No. 4 Norbltetf&T&JdooZ aLoredi T HE undersbmed bare Ju*t opened a fresh and stork of V, all Papers, among whleh are cold vet. fine satin,*-l decoration*, bordi decoration*.-border*, fire-screens, curtain*. eti<i£hlc)t Dm offw at the lowest prtto*. both wholesale and ritall. , The tost Workmen employed to bang paper either In the' - city or country. • , , • 1lanJe Ilnok-s. Stationery, rfc —We bare nlso oqr usual nq.; . - „ —.- T .?e have also oqr usual aa-' S*ft£5S*S$S. : ! No. ( NorthHlh llr^'^'ffll.hhKtoS'.t'- m f. 1 * - *,. i ' " ;PhlMdalpWa.' f-> a r r> r aatew. ...,, x T^.. i ate devices, etiil .. ^ In plain snd fancy ^ •efows^rTnled wjfh nime. business sml^'ddroH^Ubcto heads, mnnnfacturer’a tickets, *«.. all executed^ In^he neatest manner and at price* 25 per cent, below any elml- 1 ■ f lnr esUbllsbment, in consequence of totter and Improved : focllttfcslto the execution of such work. .„Ki'r“ An m * n Promptly attended to.' Goods ' sent to any part of tbe country. ■ w ' EnTriopeand Seal PressManufachnre?* 1 ,DfoainkeS'Rnber# i sere nnd Eengravere, 48 8outh 8d-st., Pliiladelphia. ' - - ■ mh»- .1 . n«™? AS WOBK ! LAMPS, die. A I 2!5 l XFa Ma0 ®3«< u ror*. No 119 Chest infi r Kn 1 o'o n .ir.fci;; rpr, "*" 1 “’ , “*« »«•“ •**•» ■ Tho Triulo supplied with burners, mercury, caps.braM tlnga, air pumps, &e.. at reduced price*. ^ * . ' , need prk „„ . , ARCHER k WARNER. I -'“•I’ r- ?!'■ Win, O. B. be found at our establishment. ifK&pttr IrrfmlJ.’T.SLJi'Si’S ..liio.te. for to. -. Orders solicited. French PUto Gla*S, for Stores, Dwellings. Ao.. at Imports* °“j££| TH0MA&J. NAW fc W - s m , lt . . NEW CARPETINGS. VTUJK subscriber has Just received per late arrival*. » nf r«!‘ rR . e ii 1 ' {r T h * ,oc,< ot Uie richest and newest styles or Velvet Tapestry, Brussels, tlireo-ply Ingrain and Venl abl" torins " 8 *' * * ° f w,l,cb are °nered on the most dftsirl ■ lln Vi Ac. a r ' lU M,ortn,,nt of 011 Cloths, Table Covers, Mat . Purchaser* are requested to make an early aiaroluttfor 'strong inducements will be held out tocarh buyer* n n MMizrcu mhl 7—'lswtf below 8th. South side, Philadelphia. ,,, , , VUUIUIUH-U II Will bo In operation In the course of o„„ ,ut»mn.wnci .for* for every description or Sawed Lumber will to ex ted with despatch. Apply to R. A. ALLF.N k CO., „. _ J^fl-eodim WILLIAM KJNE. Agint. W CAIIPETS—.CARPETS—CARPETS I h have tula diy opened a now and splendid assort ment of carpets, consisting of— . — consisting ui— Hemp, Dutch, Venetian, Btnlr, Three Ply. ii Ingrain, mid Brussels Carpets. * Also, a very handsome assortment nf Velvet andChenel Rug*, Hemp, and Cocoa Mats, Drugget and Floor Oil Goth*, all of which will bo sold at tho lowost prices, by “P® AIKEN k BURNS. QTKIUJNt! SILVER WARE—Tea Sot*, Pitcher*. Cake T- T “ mb,8r *’ Fo **- Ppoon*.Des- sert Knives.Pie Knivos.irumbScraperi.'lfsli knTTM'j'rify Knives. Cheese bcoups, Soup Ladles, and every other artl- clo in the silver way. from the best manufactories In tho country, and warranted, at 110 Broughton street. “ HORTON L ANDING from schooner GirUtnphcr Loesen, 60 bales Hay. and for salo on the wharf, by OGDEN k BUNKER. A I.E AND PORTER—76 bbl* Philadelphia Cream Ale, 60 do Porter,40 casks tondon Porter, for *nle by orier. tor *nle bv mcmahon a dovle. 1 laok’nllf H aa.yB'ajrts- fiat swa lie*; whito and colored silk and linen cambric Hsndker- cblefa 5 white, colored and black kid Gloves; a large assort ment of buck and dog-skin Gloves, for sale by " AIKIN k BURNS. P OLISHED steel Fire Sets, Brass Andirons, brass-beaded Shovels. Tongs anil Pokers, kitchen Fire Dogs. Shovel* and Tongs. Coal Hods, Fire Carriers. Trerlts. Ac., for sale by J. P. COIJJNS. lOO Bryih .tract. 7 BLINDS AND SHADES. B , Take Notice. J „S A rs. No. 12. North SIxth-sIreeL a few door* , ’ above' M.irkct-stroet.i’liiladeiphla, Is the mosl exten- riu- nnd tost manufacturer or Window Blind* and Shade* ' f u* 1 tAken lbe hlgheat premlum* at nil the exhibitions; he buys tlio tost maferiaU by whole- : sal" cheaper for Cash than other* pay for inferior artlole*by C? 1 *'*- nnd e , M> - therefore, sell superior VeneUan Blinds anS ; . hades, m cheap as other* nak for Inferior article*, Painted \\ indow Shades In great variety, of beautiful designs and superior ouallty. Buff and White Linen 8b*de», BHnd and ' Trimming*. >*»*•-— *•- Shade Trimming*, Fixture*, Ac?, 'whotoaie'andTetaU. at • anteeifulliatlafactlon. A liberal discount mad* to deal*r* - “ Hfoitody topfeoz*.’’ aplfl—cod No. 12 b^th ethTt^retfphUs, WAPHENE. A n ^ PREPARATION, for restart ng grey' hair to * j/A-its original color. Itia guaranteed by thoProprletor! hat If the patient I* grey, ho can have hi* hair restored to Its origiusl color by using toret’s Wahpene. For Sale -bv ; —j?. W- W- LINCOLN, Monument8quar*. D ^ . ‘ * c “ 200 bb, » "Uperfine Howard street ; 5 A 60 hhd* prime new Bacon Side*.20do doSbobld • ■ er *' u? bb * an ‘^ ^ hog* I-e*f Lard, landing and for sale by BCKANTON. JJIINiiTONToif e»H the .lies- , Don or tlio ladle* of Savannah, and sonrronndlnf boun- - try, to the following new and toautlfulgood* whleh we have just received, rl* : allk Pari* mantilla*, laced glop manUl- las. block nett *carts col’d. nvetscarf*, ladle* cravat* and tlos, F rencli worked collar*, laced cape* ohembotta and.nn- dersleevee. oonnet ribbon, gauze cap ribbon, black velvet ribbon, »ree. oonnet ribton. gauze cap ribbon, black velvet i, Alexandre* light kid gloves, black nett.mitt*, eoIHtJ’ id llslo glove*, with a large variety of other artleles imerou* to mention I’Imu —ii ana j.... / silk nnd too numorous to mention, PleaM call and *ee : for solve*; all of whreb will be sold on the tost^ioulble Mhl0 AIKIN Buntllne ; Putnam’s Magazine, for October. The Knickerbocker ; tho tondon Journal Industry of all Natlou*. JaneSeton. or tho King’s Advocate, a Scottish historical romance, by James Grant. The Rudiment* or the Art of Building, represented In flve sections, edited by John Bullock. Violet, the Danseuse, or Courtship and Wedlock, by the author ol the (lilt. Ac, The Rebel Scout, a romance cf tho American Revolution.’ by Anna Ashland. For sale at 135Congrc**-st. oct6 ’ LYTAPLE GOODS.—Kereoy*?Plains, - 0*Mbnrg«, llome- O spun*, red and whito Flannels, Blanket*, Calico*, brown and bleached Shirtings snd Sheeting*. Huckabuck*. Crash, Towel*, linen damask Napkins. Irish Linen*, Bird’s-eye IM- aper, etc..forrsloby o20 DkWITT * MORGAN. U MBRELLAS—Gentlemen’* silk and cotton UmbreBae todies’ silk Umbrellas and Parasols, a large a«aort- ment Just received and for ulo by 00126 AIKEN k BURNS. D U in4 , * nC i^ tnd4 *4 brown shirting*,9# . 1 ^ 4 bleached do ; K snd 4-4 do .hlrflngs ; upu and Whito Flannel* ; Kerseys and Plain* : Twilled ami Ijonilon Duffll Blank,t. I 'wMtaJ BuSt! iffIM .Sd 12 * 4 ' Ur S® “ tock °f the xtove on hand and for sale by ,eD2 ° HENRY LATHROP k Co. «ep29 P iANO ANI) TABLE COVERS.—A very handsome lot of Cloth llano and Tablo Covers, at 70 o* v i. *. SJ rr0N k vbrstillips, 72 St. Jollan k 105 Bryan-st.. Waring’* Range, ra do, 75 do ol-l Java do. 15U half chest* Black Tea. 100 cad lie* Hyson do. for sale by - nov20 MoMAHON k DOYLE. -binding from shin Gl ue. 00 bales NorlU Ulver Land for sale on the *— 20 half bbls choice Cancl Flour 20 bbls Sugar Crackers 20 half bbl* do do 20 bbls Buttor do 20 half bbl* do do 20 boxes Soda do 20 half bbls Fulton Market Boor, a choice article 50 bbls Crashed Sugar, landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by Iyl7 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k 00. U NDER SHIiriB AND DRAWERS of Merino Lambs’ Wool, Silk and Cotton, *omo of extra large elre and fine FISK’S METALIC BURIAL CASE. . WE ere constantly receiving these valuable — 'Cases, and have them always to rood Inez* to be delivered at the shortest notice. I. W. MORRELL k 00 N. B.—We are permitted to Inform the pabllo that w* have received from Mr. Raykoxd, of New York city, a let- ter algned by the different members of tbe United State* Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body ol the Hon. Herat Clay, deceased, (which wo* enclosed in one of Fox’ll Metallc Clues.) and who went with It to Kentucky; they say to Mr. Raykoxd, that the Cose answered tho pur pose fur which It was Intended, and meets with thelrappro- nation, and they cheerfully recommend it to the public a* oU', r Ca.o fnr tho transportation ol O Plrktai Port, eholc. pta*.:»,„ok„l Borfi^ter to'Di'Si TB,l.turtoJfcltaK, Pleklei, In b.rrel.; PickMP.U.n, oSS •i. w. k CO aud Mackerel]; also.-Potatoes, Apple*, new Lemon*. ItalsI Rif OURNIKO GOODS—Black Bombasines, black Norwich f, Dd , c * n,0Q Cloth*, English and French Merino*, raw Silk*, blsck Crape*, black Crape and Love Veil*, Collar* and Giemizelu, black Silk and Satin do Chene. Ac., for sale by nMM DxWTTT A MORGAN. S L ni?s b Ji U 5f UIm °ro end Cansl Flour, 75boxes O Rradels Soap, Candle* and 3tareh. 20 do pnreaporm and Adamantiae Candles, 10 casks Byau’ London Porter, in sag*” C UIAKA Mantillas and tolmos, wide Velvet*, ladle*’ Gook Goth, colored Silk to make Go?k*. with trim mings to mateh, for sale by oct29 7 Uk ely girl, aged 18 year*. Apply to 00119 \y YLLY A MONTMOUJN. B RANDY, GIN, Ac.—loo bbls E P Gin, 26doBrandyTT6 do Cherry Brandy, 100 boxes Cheese. 2000 lbs Twins or tieroesHam.;kndlng’and forS#by ’ ^ TwfnC;25 ocM HOIXXMIRE, JOHNSON A CO. febl4 p° 129 * * DxWITT A MOROAN. PLASTia —lOOQuk* Ground Plaster dally ex Pf r etsamer Augusta, a fresh mpply of 00119 BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO Piekled Pork, choice piece*; Smoked Beef; Beef tongue*; vxiniu AVn r son - ■ . L_ Pltp Ilamrt •. PtrlrlM l. Vmi., w.Li.VJ‘lOACUN AND LARD.—06 hhd* Dflma Bacon AMm PRICE A NEADER, 147 Bay atraet. C APS! CAPS! I—For men. youth and children, of 8undry quail ties and fashion*. For sale by nuv28 HU RICE A VEADER. jyj’ADEIRA WINE—2 half pipe* Old Bererve. 1 do tondon ) AO’NEHk B UTTER. CHEE8E. Ao.—SO keg* selected Ooshtn Butter, _ 60 boxe* wblto and colored chr— *“ lt, ‘ ** 60 boxes wblto and colored &eese, 28 bbls H Smith’s Flour. 68 bbls and half do Genesee do, received per steamer Florida nnd for salt by „ nov3 . * SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. JJE LAINE8 AND CASHMERE—A fow piece* corn color- STOVES, STOVES* Tho *ubecrib«r ba* Ju*t received a large number ol Cooking and Parlor Stoveo, which he will dispose of ion accommodating term*. Among them may be found tho following: Cooking Stove*, Tho Republic, Lady ol the Lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen ofthe West, Empire Premium, Eastern Premium. Parlor and offiea Store*.— Union Cottog*, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and oval. Six Plate, Box Stores. Hollow Ware Poto, Kettle*. Ovens, Spider*. Sauce P*u*. Ac. Ac. -Plataand : JapannedTtaWare,!br*aie.i M - , '~*-— factored at short notioe. Orders for Roofing, Gi Leaders, attended to with punctuality. JOHN J. MAURICE No*. 10 and 12 Barnard street aud Mackerel]; aUo.PoUtoe*, Apple*, new Lemon*. Raisin* and Citron, for salrby oct29 w. G. DICKSON. B ACON AND LARD,—06 bhds prime 'Bkoon Side* and Shoulder*, 16 tieee* sugar cured JW^bbtoVad76 keg* Prime Leaf Lard, Undies and for 7 00119 SCRANTON, JOHNSTONACO. ful assortment of Udle.’ whllJ and black“ - fancy colored Alexander'* Kid Gloves, to which weYonld 1 respectfully call the attention or the ladle*. ° octl PLAINS—-A heavy article suitable for RIea - S2j Planter*,for sale at 7281. Jnllen and 106 Brtmsto .br : . 126 kemptow a Vaanwi.- AIKEN A BURNS. . ta«u»»TSS oct28 4IG1LAM, KELLY A CO. the lowest prices, by quarter cask* very old Jean Louis* OHAWL81 needle-worked Collars, I O infanta’ Waist* and C*pe s Cashnu ladle*', gentlemen’* and ohi Trinunlng*..Cambria .and '1 linen earabrlo Handkerthlefs^uit received and far gale at DRANDIES—Lending from F XJ Cognno Bramly In store, 10 hslf-pIpre O p.'A C6*#U teredo, various brand*, for sale by .• %], *°F 21 ' J. V. CONNERAT A CC: "- »ug»..... , Qooio, — ' 1 - TO OASirpCBOiuaKita (M-MViiOo] A/r PBItmEBOAST * 00.. 1J» BriMhta. xTl. .It. 81, Bill, (peat .M-.) ll one season to another, ,Wa fixed tha price* pf t1 tog portJon of their fall and wlnter, *tock at OTICE—The co.parto*r»hlp af Rxxp A l)noii wiu( ( ll solved pn the 16(h Inst., by thiwuofMun the senior nartner. ' 1 . - - ff.-J,, the senior partner. .. .. The subscriber is authorised to fcttto tfaeatfalrsof late firm, and will oonttnne the Fbetonn and G Business on hi* individual account.' Js . < "PINE SHIRTS.—Received by late arrivala a large assort- X ment of fine cotton shirt*. For sale bv PBIci Ic VEADEB. andmanu- fatten, and H AMS.-Jo»t received, a lot of fin* small sized sugar etued Hams, for family tut, for sale by. ■'■8 16 A. BQNAUD. J UST received beautifully embroidered linen cambric nandkerchlsb, also, French worked Collar*, very rich pattern*. For «ale by repl8 AIKEN A Savannah. Novembet ifi; 18fi8. ; abuck.8ootch and tords’^re Diap* Damask . Table Cloth* i “ celvedandforuleby P ANTS. PANTS—A fresh supply of black do* shin caasi- mere Panto, a fine article. Also fancy French Oaaal- faere Panto, just received ah • for sal* low. 6y ’ ed ahd white De toines and Cashmere, for retoby nov22 KEMPTON A VER8THXE. T?ISHINO AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Received by late arri- " Veto, a now supply. Those In wtnt will pleas* call at tILK Pocket Bandkcwhlafa. of variou*.nn>)iti— nn q X price*, ahio linen eambrio HandkerohUfo, of which we havo received a large supply. ■ep 19 j AIKEN A BURN8. J0CKLANP IJME—1000 bbl* Rockland 8toaeUme,ln \ store and for sal* in Iota to suit purchasers, bj- vals, 141 B»y»*t T7L0UR—60 bbl* Flour, landing per i IWeSBSESHi&jBfflM;' iSlnj ——-