The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, December 30, 1853, Image 2
!,orW«dae»d*y.^*“J i h| «... „ U> **T' ritlfiUftra.«tt«cMto ttwCotfkr- 10K je»r. bid BOV b*tt Minoonfcd. >p MAOiaTBATK.—An election fbr'Ju* Um nf thePeaco for tho Pint District of. this city -£l£Sra55y>aU Mm. nowoyoo«Mljoid Edik received 181 votes, and Edwasd Moluoan 121 w tea. Ettw dieted by »|n|J(Wlty of. TO. Tm ArnKN^tm.—notwithstanding the Inclemency * tho wttt&rlttt evening. which proved to be the ' ooldeaiof the season, the Athenajura was brilliantly ' Sanded. • Tho Ballet C«n» bare fully proved them, aeltea entitled to tbe position universally accorded them-tbatof tho Brat rank of lit ibelr profession.— Where each member so excels wo will not attempt to dlatlngS&b. Their entertainments have given the Bioat complete satisfaction. They cloee with this week. •; Thyi taming sides o’sr, And thtnV on thy swestnwe 1 Wbota tboa art no moire 1 “Thurail cakes mult follow, - Three time* ovary day, When the meal times approach Ht*y must vanish away. When burner la mighty, And elckneu has flown, What cake oan Inhabit Tbs table alone?” Hiss. Logan at this Athkn.*um,-Wo have the pleasorb to announce to our readers the engagement of Hire £mxa Loo an, on tbe part or the enterprising Manager or the Athomeum. 8ho Is to make her first appearanceon Monday evening next. In her en gagement Mr. Cbmp has shown n most flattering ap preciation of the taste and patronage that have second ed fata efforts in Savannah. Miss Loo an has not only aeqolred a highly dUtlngolahed position In her pro fession, but is a lady of exalted moral worth. Tbe boose on Monday evening will be crowded. i. W.Band, who stole $60,000 from the Portsmouth Ifrnir baa beeu arrested at Boston. Ten thousand dollars stolen from the Bank of Jer sey Cttj have been foond concealed in the bat of a eon of Mr. Fox, the Cashier. - V ■ — ’ The Papal Nuncio Bedinl has been attacked at Cln- oinnatl by a mob of Germans. The police interfered, when nine Germans were shot—oue being killed. Dibabtbb.—The Charleston Standard, of the 26th, ■ays, the brig Maxatian, Capt. Dix, from New York, boond.tb'Chesapeake Bay, pat into Charleston the day before, for repairs, having experienced a heavy gale, which carried away mainmast and spare, split* ting sails, and doing other damage. Daring tbe blow James WV Barton, seaman, was swept overboard and drowned. - ’ An Important Railroad Dill. The Senate of Texas passed on the 8th Instant, by & nearly Unanimous vote, a bill providing for the con struction of a railroad across that State from some point not, not north of the town of Fulton, in Arkan sas, to somo point on tbe Rio Grande at or near the town of El Paso. This charter holds out snch in ducements to capitalists os can hardly foil to secure tbe construction of so much of the Pacific Railway— ■ome five or six hundred miles of its length—as can be located in the State of Texas. As such, it is a measure of immense Interest to the 8natheru States. The New Orleans Picayune gives the principal provisions of the bill: * It creates a joint-stock company, under the Btyle of the Misshwippi «nd Pacific Railroad Company, for a term of ninety-nine years, with all the powers ne cessary for tbe building and management of tbe pro posed road. The company is to consist of the contractors and their associate stockholders, who may he accepted by tbe Governor under the following terms: He Is to advertise for proposals to be filed on or before the 20th of April next, from companies and Individuals, for the building of tills road, specifying the terms, time of commencing, amount of work to be done annually, period of completion, and amount of deposits to be made—to be forfeited unless tho first section is duly completed within -the period named. Tbe Governor is directed, on the 1st of Muy, to ac cept tbe proposal which offers tho strongest guaran tee to the State for the bcBl construction of the work in tho shortest time. It is stipulated for a first-class road, with first class equipments, thoroughly organ ized for business ; that tbe rails shall be of the first quality, weighing uot less than sixty-four pounds to the yardthat ut least fifty miles or the road shall be completed and put into operation within eighteen months after the contract has been made, and one hundred miles annually thereafter until the whole is completed. This appears to be the medium of work reqnlred, tbe contractors being at liberty to compete with each other for the offer of more work within a shorter pe riod. Tbe law also requires the depos t in the Stato Cousin Hally Dillud. ri HUtaww c, Jons. Boots—A Chart of Justice in North Oaroiina A beardless disciple of Themis arises and thns ad dresses the Court i “ May it please your worship, aud you, gentlemen of the jury, since it ban been my for tune (good or bad I wili uot toy,) to exorchotuysclf iu Icgai disquisitions, it has never before efalleu me to be obliged to prosecute so direfol, marked, and malicious an assault—a more direfol, wilful, danger ous battery, and, finally, a more diabolical breach of the peace it has seldom been your duty to pass upon, one so shocking to benevolent footings, as that which took placo over at Captain Rice s, in this county. But you will hear from the witnesses;” The witnesses being sworn, two or three were ex amined, and depose: One reid that he had heard tbe noise and did not see the fight; another that he suw tho row, but didn't know who struck first; and a third, that he was very drunk, and couldn't say much about the skrimmago. t—T i A French hlatorlin, .peeking or (ho flrrt recoin- tion.relates an Incident.whlob cannot fall to excite a horrid grimace on the Ikcoj-of all who read It. Ho revs that at Mends* there was a tannery of hamsn skins—being the eklni of those unhappy vlctltn'awho had been guillotined. Men’s skins were tongb and good—women'a sort and good for nothing. [Very Freuchypthati] : ' ; ;' tty Mr, Nicttom respectfully announce* to hto patrons sod the phbllo geriwxlly, that' hi* Second Session ‘will commence no Monday, January 2d, 1864, at 3X „ o’clock-for Ladiea, Ufasea, and Mastor*. Oentlo- nSco’a Cfa**,on Tuendoy, January 3d, 1834,' at 8tf o’clock. Termi llOpcr aewlon. : -• . i '* Mr. H. baa secured tbe service* nf Mr. Liman, a compe tent teacher, to assist him in his classes, This, together "With Mr. Panre acid Mr. Fintroxr, in tho Musical Depart- inept, will enable 1 him to give tbe moet decided satisfac tion. \ ■ ■ Pupils are requested to commence at the opening of the If sensuality bo oar only happiness, we ought to envy the brutes; for instinct is a sorer, shorter, safer guide to inch happiness tbun reason.- Colton, Railroad Accident.—A man named Patrick M ih Core|j waskjlled while coupling the caw on thoSouti Carolina Railroad at Hamburg on Buuday lost. Mr. Corey was conductor of a freight train aud was much respected by tbe company, who haVe* ‘ ' “ officer by this melanchollv * * * stitutionalirt, 28th. lost a valuable ly accident.—Augusta Con- There was a fall of snow to the depth of two Inches at Columbia, S. C.,‘ori Saturday. Practising Soirees every Thursday evening. d24—2w T. C. HICKS, lUkcrAimnani and dxauw ih avm vahistt or Common and Fine Candies. ‘ (Kiln dried and warranted to resist effectually tbe hot or T r •* damp atmosphere of a southern climate.) (timer nf Broughton and IFAittaJter streets, Savannah. Go. *Or UuitDJtn's None*.—Mr. T. C. R. Is agent for the Worcester Terra Cotta Works. ocl29 r prices. Yesterday'! operations tooted up 2£02 bales, and the market etosed.ln an un w^todstaUat oar.quot^loiw, which erhtbit • drefint of. H elpaliyon themlddllpg and lower grades, on tbe operatloi qr^fih'treek »tyehave heard of forced salea Having been made at a stilt further dwell ne. but they cannot be consid. ered a criterion of the market The eggrrgete rales or the week amount to 6.824 bales, at tho following particulars 45«'8«. <«,18X, M.tSK. M.UH, WlUy.MM IH, ISSfikt»; HS «t »x. M9 >t»«. ,6 0 6-10, HI >t OK. 48.tD7-10 t UOl.tOK- 83.tOH,<8 >t0040.88.1 OH, M itOK, 68 it 10,87 ,t 10H. Ml >t 10H, >3 «t lOH, ,nd 4 U1...1 nxi. QOOTATII'XS S I,owto Middling... 8K®»X Good Middling 0) 4 7» 9K Middling Fair 9MlS)10 , Fair...... -O10X The receipt! orOotton at all the porta,to the latest dates, give the following results j Decrease at New Or\eans .362.666 Mobile 83,411 Savannah 37.335 Clinrleston .....17.188 Texas 8.676 Florida 7,716 'North Carolina 4.286 Virginia.. 2,060 Rxporta of Cotton, Rlee, *e., ft-om this Port ■ ran* 22u mtq. to 20th png, 1863, Lawyer Chops—] ire occupied your witnesses examined. . erv sorry, „ ....... hare occupied your tiara with the stupidity ol the , gentlemen, to Treasury, within sixty days after the completion «)' the contracts, of $30U,000, conditioned for tho com pletion of the number of miles of tho roud required by tbe coutrect, to be completed within eighteen months—the sum to be returned to them when that aection is completed, or forfeited in case of the failure to complete tho same. It la fortber provided that the charter shall be for feited aud tbe roud aud all its machinery and appur tenances become the property of the State, at any time when tbe company shall tail to finish uny portion of the road according to contract. The route or the railroad authorized to be made is described to be " from a point uot north of the town of Fulton, in tbe State of Arkansas, to somo suitable point on the Rio Grande, at or near the town of El Paso,!’.with the purpose, it is added, of effecting " the desirable and national object of constructing a con tinuous and national railway from the MlssUsippl river to tho Pacific Ocean,” Tbe capital of tho company is authorized to be twenty millions of dollars, and they are authorized to form connections with other companies having the aarne general object, and companies are de clared to be eutitled to all the benefits of this charter under,the State. We'omit ail the recitals of corporate powers and liabilities wjtbln tho State. The inducement oflbred with this charter to con tractors to form the necessary joint stock coinpany .is an appropriation nf land to the amount of tweuty sections of land of six hnndred and forty acres each, or twelve thousand four hundred acres lor each and every mile of road, when completed and put into operation under tho contracts. To secure tbe faithful performance of the conditions On both sides, tuo State undertakes to reserve from •ale,nntil this read is located, all tbe public lands oast of the meridian of longitude 103°, lying between tbe parallels of lattltute 31° and 33° north, and aM west of the same meridian between 30° 30' and 32° north. When tbe road is located, tho State agrees to reserve all the unappropriated land fortbirty miles on each side until the track is surveyed. The company la then entitled to tbe selection of alternate sections, to the amount of their grants, on each side of the road; and, if there be not enough unappropriated land to satisfy the amount, then to locato on any un&puro- d land, In any part of the State, for tho Ueil- Had I known, as I now do, that I bad a witness In attendance who was well acquaint ed with all the circumstances or the case, and who W08 able tn m*ko hlmxoir otoarly un<lor.itot>d by the court and Jury, I should not so long have trespassed on yonr time and patience. Como forward, Mr. Har ris, and be sworn. So forward came the witness, a fat, chnbby looking man, a “ leetle ” corned, and took hU corporal oath with an air. Chops—Harris, wo wish you to tell about tho riot that happened tbe other day at Capt. Rice’s ; as a good deul of time has been already wasted in circum locution, we wish you to be compendious, and at the same time as explicit as possible. Harris—Exactly—giving tho lawyer a knowing wink, and at the same time clearing his threat— Captain Rice, ho gin a treat, and Cousin Sally Dil lard, she came over to our house and axed me if my wife aha moutn’t go. I told cousin Sully Dillard that my wife was poorly, being as how she had a touch of the rheumatics iu tbe hip, and the big swamp was in the road, and the big swamp was np, for there had been a heap of rain lately, but howsomever, as it was she, cousin Bally Dillard, my wife she mont go. Well, :onsin Sally Dillard then asked mo if Mose he moutn’t go. I told cousin Sally Dillard that Mose he was the foreman of the crap, and the crap was smart ly in the grass; but howsomever, as it was she, cousin sally Dillard, Mose lie mout go. Chops—la the name of common sense, Mr. Harris, what do yon mean by this rigmarole? Do say what you know about the riot ? Witness—Captain Rice, he gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard she came over to our house and axed mo if my wife she moutn’t go. I told cousin Sally Dillard— Chops—Stop, sir, if yon please, we don’t want to hear anything about cousin Sally Dillard and your wife—tell us about the fight at Rice’s. Witness—Well, I will sir, if you will lot mo. Chops—Well sir, go on. Witness—Well, Captain Rico ho gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard she came over to our house aud axed me if my wife she moutn’t go— Chops—There U Is again ; witness, witness, please to stop. Witness—Well, sir. what do*yoti want? Chops—Wo want to know about tho light, and you must not proceed in tills impertineut story. Do you know anything about the matter before the Court. Witness—To be sure I do. Chops—Well go on and tell it—and nothing else. Witness—Well, Captain Rice ho glu a treat - Chops—This ia intolerable. Muy it please tho court, 1 move that this witness may be committed for contempt; he seems to bo trifling with this court. Court—Witness, you are now before a court of jus tice, and less you behave yourself in a more becom ing manner yon will be sent to jail, so begin, and toll what you know about the light at Capt. Rice’s. Witness—[alarmed.]—Well, gentlemen, Capt. Rice he gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard— Chops—I hope the witness may be ordered into custody. Court—[after deliberating.]—Mr. Attorney, the court is of opinion that we may save time by telling the witness to go on in his own way. Proceed, Mr. Harris, with your story, but stick to tho point. Witness—Yes, gentlemen ; well, Captain Rico ho gin a treat, and cousin Sally Dillard she come over to our house and axed me If my wife she moutn’t go! Mold cousin Sally Dillard that my wife she was poor ly, being as how she had the rheumatics in the hip, and the nig swamp was uii ; but howsomever, as it was she,couBin Bally Dillard, my wife she mout go. Weil, cousin Sally Dillard then Asked me if Mose lie moutn’t go. I told cousin Bally Dillard as Mose lie wav tbe foreman ol tbe crap.and the crap wbb smart ly in the grass, but howsomever, as it was she, cous in Bally Dillard, Mose ho mout go. So they goes on together, Mose, iny wile, and cousin Bally Dillard, and they come to the big swamp, and it was up, an I was telling you, hut being as how there was a log across the big swamp, cousin Sally Dillard and Mose, like gentle folks, they walked the log, but my wife, like a dratted fool, tucked up her clothes and waded right through, notched a cold, and has had the rheu matics ever since, and tluil't all I know about the Mt. Market Ordinance Passed 98d July 1830, Sec, 9th. That the butchers shall, If required by uny per son nr persoun, with the approbation of the Market Com' mlttee, divide their small meat as followsEvery calf, heifer, hog, gnat or Umb. the quarters thoreof shall be dividiM] Into two parts, tho loin from tbe leg. or the breast from the quarters ; and tho quarters of beet shall bo cut up Into pieces, so as to suit tho buyers. These regulations to commence at tho opening of the market, and continue to ttie hour before mentioned: and any person or persons neg lecting or refudng to comply with the terms of this section, nli all for every neglect or refusal be flned In a sum not ex ceeding ten dollars, and every person cutting up tho meat ■balt.wear a long white apron every day whilst at market. £eo 16th. That l\mncii may at any lime, by resolution, forbid or prevent any free pers4>n or co’or or slave from sell ing or dis)>ofting of auy articles of food, or other articles usually sold at market, fur any olfence committed by a free person of color or slave, contrary to the lavra of tbe State op Ordinances of the city, and no person of color having a badge to sell smallwares shall be permitted to purchase any fruit whatever, at or In the vicinity of the market, before nine o'clock in the morning ; and In case of violation of this sectlou of the Ordinance, by any such perron of color, he or she ahatl be flned In a sum not exceeding thirty dol lars, and the article so exposed to tbe sale shall bo rorielted. and as such seized by the Clerk of the Market; aud no slave shall net as butcher, cut up meat, or sell the name, unless in the presence of ihe owner, employer, or employ ees, or his. her, or their agent, being a white person And If such slave docs act a* butcher, cut up meat, or sell, or offer the some for sale, contrary to the provisions of this section, his owner or owners, employer or employers, shall be flned in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. 8ec. 18. That no butcher, bringing meat of any kind to Market, for sale at any of the Stalls, and that no other E d. bringing live stock, nr any other speclea or provls- ;o Market for sale, shall be permitted, or allowed to keep any wagon, cart, or any other carriage, vehicle, horse, mule, ass or ox, nearer to the said Market, or for a longer time than the Market Committee, or Clerk of tbe Market may direct, and such butcher or other person shall be com pelled to draw up bis. hor, or their magon. cart, or vehicle, lu such manner, and In such places as any one or the Mar ket Committee, or said Clerk, shall tliluk most convenient for tbe sale of the nrtlcles so brought, nor shall any per son or persons bo allowed or permitted to feed with grain or forag4) any horse, mule. ass. or ox. or any other animal, at thenaid within the Halts prescribed by tha said Committee or Clerk, and it shall be tbe duty of tho Clerk of tho Market, City Marshal, or City Constables, to enforce and carry Into cfrect any order of the Market Com mittee, respecting the rules and regulations prescribed In this section, and any person or penwns offending against the ssmo. shall be flned by any ono of tbe Market Commit tee, or Msyor. in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, and execution shall bo Bled Immediately tnerenfter. nnd served mid oxecuted on the property of the offender or offenders, or In bis.her, or their possession or agency, and the cause of such complaint by the Marshal, bis deputy, or any City Cons'nble. and sold at tho Market on five dnya notice, nnd after paying tho said fine, nnd fifty cents costs, tho surplus slinll he p dd over to the offender or offenders, or his, her. or their ai ent i r agents. Sec. lOtli. That from and after tlio passage of this Ordi nance, it shall be the duty of tho Market Committee and Clerk or the Market, from iim. to ttm*. And as often ns they may think proper, to examine tho scales of all persons buying or selling in tbe Market or anj other part of tbe ciiy. and prescribe the manner of suspending the same. And all persons neglecting or refusing to conform to such directions shall be fined In a sum not exceeding thirty dol lars. (630.) See. 20tfi. The Clerk of the Market Is hereby authorized and required, from time to examine Into the weight and measures of all nnd every person or persons buying or selling in the illy, nnd subject to this Ordinance, and for this purpose he shall have free access to any wharf, lot. store, shop or building in which the said weights and meas urea are u*e<l. and to try the same according to the known and acknowledged standard, nnd if any person be found de- do ‘ ^ prlated land, ia any part of the Stato, for ciency. Tula to « great bid tor the possession of the main route to tbe PaciHe through Texas. It to equivalent to a grant of more than twelve million# of acres of land, a large part of which to as good &9&ny in the world; and at a small estimate of Its present and pros pective value, it will return tbe capital stock required for tbe road. It to ft project of immeoso importance to this qnar- Jer of the union, and to this city in particular. progreta to watched with intense interest, and we ■are it mill receive oil tbe aid which Louisianians give it* In any capacity. , .nortaa . .. . ierof ; the Union, and to this city in particular. Its Impede publio business, and may provoke angry and * dlsourteoustanguage. Nor do we believe that Correspondence of tho Journal of Commerce. - Hail Stammer*—'Collins Line. Wasuinoton, Deo. 23d. A/RMfort wa* received to-day in tbe House, from the Ppetmiatcr General, with the estimates for ap propriations for those mail steamers that are properly under hto control—to wit: tbe Bremen and Sonth- ftmpton and the New Orleans and VeraCroz, Charles ton and Savdnnah lines. These embrace tbe regular ftnd ordinary appropriations for that service. This report was referred to the Committee on Ways and. ' Ibing. :: ’ i -> ■ A* to tbe CoUlnt lint, tbe Committee on Ways and lleana'baye. agreed to provide in tbe regular Mail Steamer Appropriation BUI, when they report tbe enmei for a.notice to the proprietors or the Collins line, of tbe discontinuance of tbe extra compensa- ' tlon to that line. Tbe notice must, by law, be given ' '“e SOth December, and six months prior to the ^he termination of tbe aUowance. It is nut. •fieri] however, to be taken for granted that the Hotuo will adopt the proposition of the Committee. A BUI naa boon unanimously report3d/rom the .8 on Patent* of the ■ House, lor the relief of Joltby the extension of bis patent for a new fol Improvement in fire arms, for seven years, serving to.-tbe Government of .the United Sti ‘ tbe right to make a IbelrowQ, armories | . -Hi. government of.the United States, make and manufacture the arm* in alt or rmories, for military and naval purposes. f .FvnisNls and Georgia BsilNid. eft Customs Circular. Secretary Guthrie has directed a general circular to tho Collectors of Customs, for the purpose of correct ing certain material defects in the forms and times of rendering the returns required by the Act of 20th of February, 1820. To effect this object, the Secretary proposes to collect a nomenclature of articles, to he arranged alphabetically, and showing, 1st, the name of each variety of all articles imported, whether enu merated or mm-enumerated, subject to duty or free. 2d, The commercial or scientific denomination of tho general class to which such variety belongs. 3d, Thu place of growth, production or manufacture. 4th, The rate of duty, if uny, on such onlo'.es. 8th, Such Information of tho character of articles not in com mon or familiar use, and of the purposes to which they are most usually applied, as it may be in their power to furnish. He proposes also to secure the re turn* of Commerce and Navigation for each quarter ns aoon as possible after the return of the quarter to which the return refers. Instead of being delayed, as at this lime, for weeks and even months together. X. W. MORRELL At CO.'S Piano Forte Depot. SI-lKfDlD mXM'VROX Til* C*UaHUTKD MANUPACTOKIES Of Nuntil A* Clark, J. Chlekerlng, H. Worcester, Uacon Ai RavcniJ All of which are manufactured expreuly to our order, and canuot be surpassed by any in the country. For rate on the moil accommodating tenua. nov!5 ATHUNJE6M. MANAGER Mr. WM. n. CRISP. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE POSITIVELY 111 BENEFIT OF THE ADMIRABLE AIITI3T3 u SX. Diego and 91. Cornet. Friday Evening, December 30th, will bo presented, for tho first time, the new piece entitled Betsey Baker. To which will bo added the elegant petit comedy of A Wife’s First Lesson. The evening’* entertainment to conclude with the beauti ful Spanish ballet called Estrndella. £3** For particulari ace programme. Door* open at quarter 7 o’clock—performance commeuc- lug at balf-pa*t 7 o’clock. Admission to Dres* Circle and l’arquett* 91; Family Circle 60$.; Third Circle 604,; Colored Gallery 264 SOUTHERN MUSEUM OP NATURAL HISTORY, IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT ARMORY DALL, IN THE CITY OF SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, where may be found a GREAT COLLECTION OF CUEI08ITIES FROM ALL PARTS OF TOE WORLD. Total decrease) 623.986 Fca Islands—There ha* been but llttlo Inquiry for 8e* Island* during the week. Price* are depressed, and opera tion* since our last Imre been limited to 172 bng*. The following are the particular* of the week’s transaction* : 60 at 23® 20.8 at 25,37 at 26® 30.7 ut 26,30 at 28, 7 at SO, 0 at 31 8 at 32,7 at 34, and 10 bale* at 364. RICE—We have no change to notlco in the Rice market. Tho demand i* limited, and asking rate* are not readily ob tained. The operation* since our last hare been 683 cask*, a* follow*: 70 at 93•*. 03 at 9-l?! / ,260 at 93)j.and 190 cask* at 93)«. CORN—Continue* in good demand at our last week’ quotation. IIAY—The transaction! in this article since our hut have bemcooflued to retail. SALT—I* retailed fr»m store nt 91 76 ’fl sack. Tlit’e fa but a limited demand. FLOUR—Tin-re fa but little doing in Flour. Baltimore brand* are quoted at 97 60 ft barrel. LIME—There ba* been but llttlo inquiry forth!* article since our last. Operation* are confined to retail sale* from store. A cargo received toward* the clo*e of the week has not yet been disposed of. FREIGHTS.—Forhun— 1 To Liverpool, )i®9-16d ; Havre, the last engagements were at 1)44 Domestic— 1 To New York, >44 for Cotton and 92 per cask for Rice ; Boston, J44 for Colton and 91 62)4 per rank for Rice; Philadelphia, >44 for Cotton nnd 91 37)* for Rice; and to Baltimore, 7-164 for Colton. EXCHANGE.— Foruox—Sterling is selling at 0 4 prom. DoM&mo—The Dank* sell alght check* on nil tbe Northern cities at )i ^ 4 prent.; and purchase Sight Bills at par; 30 day Dills at ^® t $ 4 dls.; 60 day Dills at 1^ to 2 ft 4 dls.; and 00 day Dills at t* 4 discount. ent*. tine: rout 2 tu 5 and from 7 to it P. M. Friday evening* exclu *iveiy fortlie colored population. nuv23—1 v fleient in the same, to take, seise and destroy, ur cauKo to be taken, *eixed nnd destroyed, such false weight* or meas ure, and alland every nerson offending agninst the provis ion* of thin section shall bo fined iu any sum not exceeding thirty dollar*. Anil further, the narno of such person, st ter conviction of tho offence aforesaid, shall be published in one or more nf the public gazette* of this city, by the Clerk of Council, whoso duty it shall h*- to have tho samp published, together with the amount of fine, unless, after conviction, Council *lmllotherwise order. 25th. That it shall not be lawful for any person to sleep or lie down upon the publio stalls in tho market In the night or Hay time.'and evory person so found shall bo taken up by the Marshall. City Constables, or City Wntch.nnd up on conviction thereof before the Mayor, fined by him in a sum not exceeding six (96) dollars. Smotcingin the Jfarkit. patted Ort. 24,1830. Sk-c. 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person to smoke any segar or pipe in the public market place in the city of Navannah. under the penalty nf two dollar* for the first of fence, and not pvpeedioa flva dollars flir each and every sub sequent offence, if the offender be a white person j nnd un der a penalty of not exceeding three dollars, or a whipping not exceeding ten stripes, (f the offender be a slave or free person of color Clkuk ok Council's Omen. 1 Savannah, I*ec. 27,1853. f I certify that the above are true extracts from tho City Watch aud Marshal Ordinances of the city of Savannah. dec21—3 EDWARD O. WILSON, C. C TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY :—Frt.iow- Citizens I an: a candidate for re-olection to the offices nf Clark of tho Superior nnd Iuferior Court*,at tho election on the first Monday in January next, and respectfully solicit your support. dl—td JOHN F. OU1LMART1N. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY :—Fkllow- Cit:zens :—I am a candidate for tho office of Sheriff of your county nt the election on the first Monday in January. 1854, and respectfully solicit your support. oct29 MICHAEL FINNEY. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTYFellow- Citizens :—I am a candidate for re-election to tho office of County Trearturer. at tbe election on the first Monday in January next, and respectfully ask your support. uov20 JOHN N. LEWIS. ROBINSON & ELDRED will, in a few days, exhibit their celebrated combined MEN AGERIE AND CIRCUd in this city, together with all tho GREAT HIPPODROM1C KBS ATS. of the New York nnd Paris Hippodrome, among which will be the wonderful scientific achievement of a man walking upon a perfVtly smooth ceiling with his FEET UPPERMOST AND HEAD DOWN, PERFORMD BY MR. G. N. ELDRED. BY UESSU& KING. Tills extrnordinarv performance has excited universal wonder and admiration, showing beautiful feats of balanc ing and elegant acrobatic posturing, by La Roux, on a pule thirty feet high, held by Mons. King. MADAME ROlIlNSON, MASTER JAMES ROBINSON, MASTER JOHN. And an ailtMtional list of |>opu1ur actors are with the Com pany, and will appear in tbe various exercises. THE RAND is directed by the celebrated JOS. NOSHER, which is a sufficient guarantee fur its merit. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OP WILD ANIMAlit, in addition to the above attraction*, offers rich bill of en tertainnymt. nov23 T. U. T1DMAB3H. Agent. DATES. I | rooM. | res. | umb. do 26 do 30 Dec’r. 3 do 14 Niagara, Arctic, Asia, Hermann, City of Manchester America, Alps. do 16 do 17 do 24 do 28 do 30 do 31 Jan’y 4 do 7 Humboldt, Liverpool Now York Cunard. S’th’pton do Havre. Liverpool Boston Cunard. do New York Collin*. do do Cunard. Vtli’pton do Bremen. Liverpool Phlla'phla Phl'plila do Boston Cunard. do do Uhagre*. Collin*. do do New York Portland do New York Cunard. do Boston do do New York Collin*. S’th'pton do Bremen. Uverpool do Cunard. do Phila’phla Phi’piiia do Boston Cunard. FROM AMERICA. do 14 do II do 17 do 21 do 24 do 28 do 31 Jan’y 4 do 7 TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTYFellow-Citi- zt.ns :—1 am a candidate for the oflico of County Treasurer, at the election in January next, and respectfully solicit your support. If elected the proceed* of tho oflico shall be given to a fellow bank officer who has been *0 unfortunate a* to toose his sight. novia L. J. n. FAIRCHILD. Gerrlt Smith In Congress- Ouce more has tho Slavery question been intro duced upon tho floor of Congress, and there to every prospect that considerable discussion will follow. Mr. Smith’s evident sincerity, bto ability as a speaker, bis high personal character, and other adjuncts com bine to give more weight to his utterances than the sentiments themselves would have in the House of Representatives. Mr. Preston, whospokeimrnediate- ly after Mr. Bmith, seems to have replied with great moderation of temper, although his views are those of extrema pi ’ ,,TL ‘* * and courtesy disouRsion to - . — anticipate, however, the repetition of any such scenes or Huun excitement as preceded and made necessary tbo compromise measures. The people bavo so gen erally acquiesced in those measures that agitation cannot now bo successfully pursued. The formal in troduction of tho subject as an clement in legislative debate to, however, no less to be regretted. It will TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY.—Fellow Citizens : I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of your county, at tho election in January next, and respectfully solicit your support. octfl ALEXANDER THOMAS. Messks. Editors—Please announce Mr. JOHN A. STA LKY, a candidate for the offico of Saeriff of Chatham coun ty, at tho ensuing election in January next. jyl4 MANY VOTERS in oi temper,uiiuuugii iim views are mose ia pro-slayery. Whether equal equanimity ,esy will be long preserved, supposing the 1 to be continued, is doubtful. Wo do not di*o>urteous4anguage. Nor do we believe that the maises of tbo people desire that the subject should be re-opened, or the present renoBO or the country disturbed. Having borne his testimony against slav ery, which perhaps was to bo expected under the pe culiar clroumstauces of his election to Congress, Mr. Smith will not damage hto popularity by poylagiume deference to the House and tbe sentiments of the country^-JV. Y. Com. Adv. Ip - In the ease of Potter vs. Pettis, the Supremo Court of Rhode Island has recently decided that vessels have a right to use a warp in getting in and out of tbe harbor or a nhvigable river, and to extend the warp across tbe entire channel; but on the approach of another vessel it Is the duty of the vessel using tbe warp to take notice of snch approach, and so to lower tbe warp as to give a free passage through the ordinary traveled part of the cbauDel.and to Indi cate to the approaching veseel the point intended f/.. La, iMuim. Thfl lnnmaAhincr nartv fa nnf hnimS for her passage. The approaching party to not bound to pass at tbe point indicated, but may pass at a dif ferent point if lie honestly thinks It can be done with- forent point if lie honestly thinks it out interforeuoe, but iu such cases bo will be liable fur the damage which ensnes, unless be can prove that he disregarded tbe notice of the other vessel in the bona floe belief thet be could so pass without damage to it, aud the burthen or proving this will be upon Dmcovxsy or Bilvkb and Comm in Green ville-—It gives us much pleasure to aououuco that ■liver and oopper have been found in tbe upper part or the District, on lands owned by our friend and fel low towsman. Col. George P. Towns. An organised * “ * ; hare agreed to lease the mine soon com- , - r .. . new resource Of wealth to our hitherto neglected and unappreciated mountain section of this Bute. Mines of silver and oopper »re, usually, more inexhaustible and of more permanent value than tven those of gold. Col. T. is (be owner of some four or five thousand acres of land where this valuable discovery has been made, and wa low lowsrasn, uui. uwrgo r. *unun. u and efficient company have agreed to lease of silver and oopper from Col. T., and will ■ menceft thorough development of this new ^srtilyoo^raMiateJMu on bis good prospectSr- Uwxxfected BtroftN-—The aeronaut. M. Arban. who made • an asoant from Barcelona, Bpalu, more rmerly o north east corner of Wnitaker ana in tho basement. Harris streets. (Jfilce oct2fl—3ra FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The brig Vwta uXCSL Allen. Ellis, master. For particulars apply to <lec!5 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. *3?*, ileclfl WANTED TO CHARTER—A vessel to load with Cotton for Philadelphia. FADELFORD, FAY & CO. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—The line schr. b6*--32» J. I*. WmiKtuu„ Foster, master. For particulars apply to decl8 BRIGHAM, KELLY k C DOCTOR WILDMAN havmgsettled permanent- ly in Savannah, respectfully offers to it* citizen! hi* services in the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Residence and Ofilce, No. 20 Abercorn, orner of 8outb Broad-street. Hour* of consultation, from 8 till 10, A. M.. aud from 3 till 5. P. M. nolO AT PURSE’S PRINTING office, No, 6 Whitaker it red, Oardi are Printed at $8,50 per Thoiuanfl. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD COHP'Y, 1 Macon, October 26tb, 1863. j The subscriber* to th« stock of this Company for the Americui Extension are notified that they are required to pay the third and last Initalment of Fifty Dollar* per share on said stock, to the undersigned, at Macon, or to T. M. Furlow. Fiq., at Americu*. on or before tbe first day or January next. Stockholder* in Savannah can make payment at the Cen tral Railroad Bank. Prompt payment will be expected, as the fund* are re quired for the purpose of paying for the iron now dally ex- bected to arrive. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLCT, oct20—tlJ Treasurer. CENTRAL R. R. & BARK’S CO. OF GA.,1 * * 1. J December 6th, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of four per cent, on the General Stock of the Company fur tbo past ilx months, payable on the 16th Inat. Holders of Guaranteed 8tock will receive their Dividends at the earns Ume. GEO. A, CUYLER, dec7—8w Cashier. CITY MARSHAL’S OFFICE},) Savannah. Dec. Slth, 1866. / Wanted to bbe, for one year, from the first day of Janu ary next, twenty-one able bodied negro men, for the Scav engers Department. Apply to /• PHILIP 1(. RUSSELL, ,dec25 CityMaishaL do do 11 do 18 do 21 do 26 Canada, City nf Glasgow Kuropn, Andes, Humboldt. Niagara, | KKOM. | KOK | LINES. Asia, Hermann, America. City of Manchester Africa, Canada, Kuropn. Boston. IMiil'phia New York Boston Plill'uhin New York do Havre Liverpool S’th'pton Liverpool Ctinnrd. Phi’piiia Collins. ('unard. Chngres. Havre. Cunard. Collins. Cunard Bremen. Cunard. Phl’phia Collins. Cunard. Cunard. Collin* Cunard. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. Departure of Steamers from this Port. ON a*Tl’HIIAV. Florida, Woodhull. Now York, at — M. IVelaka. King. Pnintka. Ac., nt 10 A M. Oregon, Moody, Augusta, at 4 i\ M. OX SUNDAY. Isabel. Rollins, for Key West nnd Ilarana. Wm. fckubrook, 1’eck, for Charleston, Ac., at 8% P. Jf. Southern Steamship Lines. hor New York.—The steamships Florida, Capt. Woodhull', and Augusta, Capt. Lyon; leave tfavannah overy Saturday fur New York. Tho steamship Alabama. Captain Scheuck: leaves Savannah for New York, every aiternato Wednesday. hlr Philadelphia.—The steamships State of Georgia. Capt. Collins; aud Keystone State. Capt. llardie; leave Savr ' every niteroate Wednesday for Philadelphia. /br Havana.—The steam*} Ip Isabel. Capt. Rollins, leaves Favannah on the 16th and 30tu of each month for Havana, touching at Key West, nnd connecting with the PnciHcMail “ • ' ' Calir • Steamship Company's steunicrs for Chlifornia, Southern Steamboat Lines, PirCharleilm—The regular Uuited States Mail steamers Gordon, Capt. Brooks; Calhoun. Capt. Barden; and Metamo- re, Captain Postell; leave every morning at 4 o'clock, for Charleston, connecting with tho Charleston steamships for New York and Philadelphia, and the Wilmington boats, and arrive every evening in Savannah at 6 o'clock, p. si, Liverpool,...'. Glasgow Whitehaven. Eng. St. John*. N. U.... New York,. Philadelphia, Boston Portland, Me.,.. Charleston, —WTOF Total 211 eA17 923 888700 400000 Bnnk Shares and Stocks, InitUuli'mt. Bank of tho State of Georgia Planters’ Bank “ *• Marine ami lire Insurance Rank Central It. R. and flanking Co. Rank of Savannah Gas Light Company. Bouth-wcitern Itnllnmd Co.... Georgia Railroad Company.... Macon and Western H. R. Co... Western nnd Atlantic R. R. Co. Pra't Price. 112 90 64®85 116 and int. 103® 104. JHv'it 8 V 12 V . 12*4 8 * 4 8 * 4 8*4 8 * 4 7 * 4 Rank Note Tabic. GEORGIA. Rank State of Gcorgii Planters’ Bank " Murine nnd Fire Ins. D'k. “ Central It. R. AR'klngCo. “ Georgia It. It. A irking Co. •* Bank of MiiledgeviBc.... “ I kink of Augusta “ Mechanics’ D'k, Augusta “ Augustn Ins. A B'klngCo. " Bank iff BruuRwick.Aug'a •* Manufacturers’ Bk.Macon. •• Bank ol ^t. Marys, 40 * 4 dl*. Bank Kales for Purchasing Ktchange. Billson England Rills on France Sight Checks on Now York. Philadelphia, Baltimore A Boston par 30 day bills do.. J£®1 dls. CO day bills dn.l*£®2 <11.1. 90 dnyblll* do 2)J®2M pr. j BOUTII CAROLINA. .Par. Charleston, City Honk*..Par Columbia. »n, City 1 1, Com’cial Bank * Hamburg, Bnnk of,..... 1 Clieraw, M. Bank of * Icorgctown, Bank of.. 'aindei AUGUSTA. DEC 27.—Cotton.—'The market throughout the week has beeu very steady, with a good demand for the better descriptions, and a fair busiuess. Tbe iuwer quali ties. especially stained, are in little request, and nre conse quently difficult 11 sell. Tho stocks of this description are increasing, nnd they are quite depressed. The following quotations show the state of tho market previous to the receipt of the news to-day by the Pacific, since which we have heard of no transactions: Inferior und Ordinary (Stained) 7 X® 8X Middling 8M© 9 Good Middling 9)|® 9>( Middling Fair 6)4® 0)4 Fair —®10 Comparative Statement of Cotton. Upland, 6,000 Stock on hand.September 1st, 1853. Received since Dec. 22. 10.625 Received previously.... 102.886 2.407 113,511 118.511 2.893 Exports *lncn Dec. 22.. . 6.617 211 Exported previously... 00.430 1.S83 72.947 2,094 Stock on hand and on shin-board, not cleared Dec. 29,1853 45.504 799 Same time fart year. Stock on hand. September 1st. 1852.... 2.802 121 Received since Dec. 23 . 10.010 043 Received previously... .133.440 3.842 149,405 4.126 162,267 4.246 Export* since Dec. 23. . 17.366 290 Exported previously... . 83,832 2.480 101.188 2.770 Stock on hand and on ship-board not cleared on Dec. 30,1852 61.070 1.470 sslg S S3S23 lips *!*>; H i g: : gil£ : : I • £ r: : Ei: t \ : : : if. ■ : ! fa: !•; : : ! I Wff! j?j ffffj |j: 8S588 ogS cn ti — » — M-S: 2 ~ o r! - £ ! i § 2 M PSSErJSSSi?*!, 1 ! gaaaagises . -.1. L o -r.’ o - » c: | : 1 is: g§ggS«8Sl ill ills! II B8: : s • ■ grjgss 5I1I; is i gS-g: : 21 3883: : gs /br florida— [l’icolata, Black Creek.Jacksonville. St. Ma ry*. Ac ]—The steam packet Welaka. Captain N. King, leaves every Saturday morning for the above places. Ihe steampacket Wm. Gaston, Capt. Shaw, leaves every Tuesday murning, for tho above places. The steampacket St. Johns, Capt Freeborn, leaves every Thursday morning, for the above places; and evory fourth trip goea to St. Augustine The steamnacket David L. Adams. Capt. Hebbard, leave* every Wednesday morning, for the above place*. The steampacket Planter, Capt. Wiggins, leaves every Wednesday morning.for Gentrevillage. Ac. from St. Marys.—The steamer W. B. Mean. Capt. Mar- mis. leave* St. Marys, every Friday morning, for Trader’* Hill, Ac., connecting with the St. Johns, to and from Savan nah. Central Railroad, TWO TRAINS DAILY—ARRIVAL AKD DXFAKTW*. Morning 7hi*.-»Leave* SaVannahat 8, A. X.. and arrives in Macon at 6J<. T. x,: connecting with the Macon and West- ern night trains to Atlanta. Montgomery and Chattanooga, and with tbe Auguita and Wayuesboro’ Railroad, (day train) to Angasta; and (going Out) with Railroad to Mil- ledgevlile from Gordon. ■Mm ~ ‘ " Homing Train, from the West, arrive* at 2.20, a. x. Beening Train.—Leave* Savannah at 8. T. x., and arrive* at Macon at 5X1 A, x.; connecting with the South-we*tern Railroad to Oglotborpe and Columbus,and by stage* thence to Tallahasse. and other point* 8onth-we*t. . Earning Trai. n from the Weat arrive* at 6. r. x. COMMERCIAL. Savannah Exports, December 99. •Bark Sebool*—433 bale* Cotton, 140 tierce* Rice. 246 Dry Hides. 1 bale Hides, 198 bag* Rice Floor, 1 pox Mdse, and9414 feet Lumber. SAVANNAH INFIRMARY. DBS. WRAGG AND MACK ALL, Pxomottow. This Institution having been recently removed from tbe snbnrbs ofrihe city, to No. 19 East Breed street, fa now open for tbe reception of patients, Medical and Surgical, ,B» this change In locality we are enabled to offer the publio more ample accommodations. Our wards ore com fortably furnished, and several single rooms are fitted up for e*eb patients sRprefetbefo* entirety private $$ especially Inrite thp orientloa of planters and other street, orDt. U. 6. ijjSsBNo. 96 Brcmfbte«\t. Weekly Commercial Review. Savannas, Deo. 80,1868. COTTON.—Arrived since the 284 Inat., 10,626 balsa Up lands and 276 Sea Island*, ot which 8417 bales were by Uilroad, 2.108 bales by Augusta boats, and 276 8ea Ini- •mda by Southern boats, Wagon*, Ac. Exported during tbs -) ame time <1,617 bales UpUnd* and 2118ea Islands, vlxto 12verpooI302 bates Uplands 5 to Glasgow 1,627 bate* Upland* and 101 Sea Island*; to New York *8,206 bales Uplands and 86 Sea Islands:, to Boston 488 bales Uplands; to "hlUdriphto 692 bales Uplands; and to Charleston 297 bales Uplands end 76 Sea bland*. Leaving on hand, in cluding all on shipboard not cleared, a stock of 45,664 bales Uplands and 799 boles Be* blonds, against (1.079 boles Uplands and 1,470 boles Sea blondsot the some time 1 lost year. The America's accounts, just ot bond when we cloeed ear report of the 23d Instant, hod no sOket on priese, And 4m market opened oh Tridoy. tbo 284, with the some top- — ' *;... fuld feeling which characterised tbe opemtlonu of tbe pre vious week t the sole* of the doy were 1.487 boles, ot Ir regular rotes: On Saturday 1,010 bales were eold, without ir Phan*#. Monday having been observed os a holiday there - After Urn close of bnsfasas onTttedsiy.wo' •- k al r -V- S&tefi . SIS it •- Exports of Cotton and Rice. KROM THE PORT OK SAVANNAH. COMMENCING .SKITSURER 1. 1853 WIIERK TO. 8lnce Dec. 22. Previously. Since Dec 22 Previ ously. .S'. 1.1 Upl'd. S.I. Up'Ul Tier's. Tier's Liverpool, 302 0545 London, Other British P’t*,. 101 1027 Total G. Britain,... 101 1929 6546 Marseilles Oth. Fr’ch. Port*,. Total France, Hamburg, St. Petersburg,... Oth. N. Eu’nPrt*.. Tot. N. Eu’n. Prt*. 1246 Oth. W. India Pt*.. Bon th of Europe,.. 609 Other For’n. Prt*.. Tot. oth.F’n.Pt*.. 609 1246 New York, 86 3260 1497 31735 133 3183 Boston, 431 14824 14( 376 Providence.. Philadelphia, 692 ioii 650 i(27 Baltimore,, 2188 1 Charleston, 76 29; 386 3483 259 Other U. 8. Port*,. 140 1080 Total Coastwise,. 110 4688 1883 59376 923 6375 Grand Total ... 211 6517 1886 66430 923 7621 Cninden, Bank of. ‘o.West’nR.It B’kJfnox Fmhuda no sales. Nkw Orlkanb 3 * 4 dls. Voktii Carolina.. .2 ®3 dis. Virginia 2®2k i 2® 3 dis. 4hip«> jafife'nffiivlg? SV.....WMW. r„ „ c . Sterling. Henderson Wo A Co BonaWnture.Ualnb' Urere*l" Pad * 1I “ rd ;*i , y *Co A towACo ur. niiaudon. Orelg... giE^L* * k Co r Bo.1^4 7M (S * '»■»€. aasafthy. Coosa wattes, Paxton.'.. ,960 L»oooVw«i.M*' k A..V” r *co H’g. Hampdrn.Arfauson.000 ilarahure ®PP* n ft A Rrets Consul.Mills 1035 So? E W* r « * Krwi Columbia, Sturgis.. 1035 L’pool Ur. UunbriHlyi’wil'liam*.’.458 'liic’V"l'tr| h e'| bn ' Co Jeddn. Payne. 2lW» m - .My A Co Mari* Morton. Bulkley.. .426 Ha*ton” Br ® b *i»" - ? ri, - ,r fcCo Br. J Walker, Vickars.,..632 L’iiouI k Co ' Rsttersby Br. Wavr.Halpiu..,. Br. Brothers —— Exact. Grumtey.. Tallulah. Cooper :..104 i<.„t nn n.i , Philura, Gnffen jyj V-York n r r / , mni- * Co K-nlly, b«vl, » Urlffi Castilian. Pinkham.'.'.r.V’i-itVlVM.fn' * Co (.Copeland, liirtle.t 104 ILi-toii <.?'. en ^ !! uo H or Adi'Uua. Milliken 0C0 N-York* Patois. Fifaby 193 c a ,denes Oxlonl. Fitts 209 |> or ,| "j S Thorndike, Harding 170 N.y %[<■? k Hunker ..WHi.lWACo .tohen k Fosdick M A Wilier Master. t’KNNESBES 2® 3 dl*. Hunk Kales for Selling Ex change. Bills on England. 9 4 prem. Bills on France nominal Checks on New York >4 Prein. Philadelphia “ Baltimore “ Boston “ ARTICLE.*. PRICK8. Comporatlwe Exports of Lumber, rXOX TUX FORT Of HAVANNAH, OOXMKNC1KO SKHSXBSX 1. 1868. Since Dec BAGGING—Hemp,44 Inch, yard'| “ Gunny.. Dundee “... *• Kentucky BACON—Hams,suagr e’d.* lb. •• Sides • .. Shoulders BEEF—Mess * M. ** Prime •*.. “ No. 1 BREAD—Navy owt. il Pilot BUTTER—Goslien * lb. Iuferior CANDLES—Spermacottl. *’ Adamantine “ Georgia made ...".. •* Northern" ".. CHEESE—Nortlieru - .. COFFEE—Mocha ltio “ Java “ Laguayra " . COAL-Hard. " .. •• Liverpool .. COTTON—Upland.Inferior,* lb. •* Ordinary " .. “ Middling " “ Middling Fair.... “ Fair ".. •' Good Fair " •• Choice ".. CORDAGE—Turred " Manilla Shirtings.Brown * yd. •• Bleached Sheetings, llrown ••.. •• Bleached - .. Calicoes.Blue and Fancy . Stripes, Indigo Blue.... ••.. Checks ".. Plaid* " .. Fustians •*.. .Bed Tick " .. FfSIf—Dry Cod cwt. •* Herrings. Smoked, box “ Aiackercl. No. 1. V- bbl. •* •• No. 2...".. " No. 3...".. FLuUR—Baltimore.Hw'd-at" .. “ >’“<v Orleans “ Cana) ".. GRAIN—Corn ^ but-li. *• Oats GUNPOWDER—Dupont’s^ keg HAY—Eastern ^100 H,s •• North River ••., HIDES—Dry V- lb •* Dry Salted IRON—rig. Scotch 3* tun - English 2240-., “ Swedes, assorted.. ••.. “ Hoop fllOO lb*., •• Sheet V lb. “ Nail Rods LARD—in bbs.and kegs....". 'SteamSawed., .ft lOOOfeet. River ".. Ranging, for export White Pine. Clear ••.. •• •• Merchantable , Red Oak Staves t* 1000, White Oak Pipe Stave*.. ••.. •• •• lllid. •* ".. *• “ Bbl. •• “ .. Shingles. Cypress *•.. I .KAIL- Pig and Bar.. It 100 lfc*. *• Sheet •*.. *• White Lead ••.. I.1ME—Tiiomaston ft bbl, molasses—Cuba ip gal. •• New Orleans •*.. NAILS—Cut. 4d. to 20d.... V lb NAVAL STORES—Rosin.'ft bbl. •• Tar Wilmington.. •* Turpentine, soft.. •*., “ Pitch i4 ., •* Spirit* Turpentine.gai “ Varnish OI1S—Sperm.winterstrain’d ••., • •• Fair *• ’• Summer 11 .... “ .. •• Linseed 11 bbl. •• Whale Racked. 11 gall Tanner’s I-uril • { Camphinc Pi ITATOFS?—Irish... PORK—Me** “ Prime POUTER—London.,. PEPPER—Bluck.... PIMENTO RAISINS— box Muscatel •*.. 12 16 8)4 40 13 10*; 15 ® 1 \X(a) 14 ® 12 ® 12 ® 8)4® 8 ® 00 ® 14 00 50 ® : 60 ® 3 00 ® 3 60 4 60 ® 6 00 23 ® 25 12)4® 35 ® 25 ® 14 ® 15 ® 12)4® ® 11)4® 13 ® 10 ® 7 00 ® 9 00 7 1)0 ® ® ® ® ® tfD (a) 10 ® 12,'4® 4 ® 5 ® 7 ® 8 ® 4 ® 8)4® «)4® 0 ® ® 8 ® 18 3 50 ® 4 00 10 ® 75 7 ®18 2 ®14 U ®10 ® 7 50 12011 ..3C*4 13 11 (o> 7 00 ® 8 50 SO ® 85 10 ® 75 3 00 ® 6 00 ® 1 25 1 12.44® 7 ® 7). 9 ® 10 -’4 00 ® 47 00 ® bbl, . .H do*. ,...14 lb. la -14 pi ROl’E—Kentucky 11 lb. •* Dillon.'. “ Manilla French Brnudies.., I/!ger Freres Holland Gill “ . American Gin ,l . Jamaica Rum . N. E. Rum. in bids “ .. Whisky.Pldlad and Balt.-. •• New Orlean*. “ . Peach Brandy UltAR—Cuba.Muscovndn.11 lb “ P. Rico k St. Croix-., “ Havana White... “ .. “ New Orleans •*., 11 lA»nf ; *.. 14 Crashed -.. Florida ALT—Uverpool it *ack. 1 35 ® 1 50 Cargo It bush. ® DAP—American.yellow..H Jt>. 5) pit) 8 HOT—All Size* 9 ® 10 EGARS—Spanish H1000. 12 00 ®40 00 •• American 4< .. 2 00 ® 0 00 'ALLOW—.American ^ ft. 7 ® 8 OBACCO—Georgia 1>. ft. ® •• Manufactured.... “ 15 ® 40 'EAR—Powchong 25 ® 75 “ Gunpowd’rAcImp'l".. 75 ® 1 00 Hyson •’.. 50 ® 90 “ Young Hyson.... " .. 50 ® 1 00 Bohen *•.. ® • WINE—Bagging ••.. 17 (Hi 18 “ Seine •*.. 25 ® 30 •VINES—Madeira It gal. 2 00 ® 4 00 Teneritfe. L. P....**.. 1 25 ® 1 60 “ Dry Malaga 40 ® 50 “ Sweet " . 48 ® 60 ** Claret.Marseille*,cask. 25 ® 60 “ “ Bordeaux 11 do*. 3 00 ® 6 50 Clinmpngne “.. 8 00 ® Ik ZOO L—Southern, unwasli’d Hft 17 ® •• ’• clean •*.. ® 32 WOOL SKINS—Umb’s...each. 25 ® 37 X •* Sheep’* ** 60 ® 75 87 00 ® 1 00 5 ® 4) 4® 5 6 ® 0 ii 12)4® 14 15 00 ®17 00 11 00 ®10 00 8 00 ®12 00 o0 00 ®40 00 10 00 ®25 00 12 00 ®10 00 3ft 00 ®t!0 00 30 00 ®40 00 20 00 ®25 00 3 00 ® 4 00 X 00 ® 0 00 7 00 ® « 60 ® 9 00 1 OQ ® 1 12)4 23 ® 24 32 ® 00 « ® 0; 1 00 ® 2 50 2 60 ® 3 00 2 00 ® 2 75 2 25 ® 2 60 42 ® 44 22 ® 24 1 35 ® 1 60 ® 1 20 ® 1 30 75 ® 80 75 ® 85 15 OO ®lfl 00 45 fill 50 2 50 ® 2 75 19 00 ®20 00 16 00 ®17 00 1 76 ® 2 75 11 ® 12)4 16 ® 18 3 76 ® 4 00 ® ® 8.Si® 8 fn> ® 2 75 2 25 ® 3 25 1 00 ® 1 60 38 ® 00 2 00 ® 2 50 3P ® 38 14 ® 00 31 ® 00 60 ® 1 25 " ® 7)4® 7 44® 0)4® 10.'4® 10 ® ‘ ® 2014 4 2014 4 2514 4 20 Hd j-20? >30 n c .3011 .100^4 }20144 ..30H4 • 20 11 4 .40^4 10^4 30114 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. t)RT OF SAVANNAH DECEMBER 30. 1853, ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. U. S. M. steam-packet Gordon. King, Charleston, to 8 M Iaffilean. Steamer Chatham, Rahn. Augusta, with boots—and DO H Johnston. Steamer John Randolph, Creswell, Augusta, with boats— •.nd -. to TR Mill*. Steamer Uregon, Cromwell, Demry’s Ferry, to Klochley 4 Thomas. 8(earner Sam Jones, Corb. Hawklnsvllle. to Smith 4 La< throp. U. 8 M steam-packet Metamoro. Postell, Charleston, to S M Ufflteou. CLEARED. : tark Schools. Colcmsn. Boston—Ogden 4 Bunker. J S M steam-packet Metaraora. Peck. Charleston—8 M Laffitean. teamer St. Johns. Freeborn. Talatka, 4c.—Clagbora 4 Cuuningham. Liverpool, London...,. Other Britfab Ports.... Total to Great Britain.. Havre Bordeaux,. Other French Ports., Total to Franco Booth of Europe... North of Europe... West Indies, 4c.... Total Foreign Ports... .4^- 831,934 *264.700 87,006 •a,ooi "io™ Previously. 06.818 169,196 169,196 21M08 484^416 -•.w/m" 41,011 ’ V.ifluos 1,206,8*9 1^44461 DEPARTED. •J8 M steampacket Metamora. Poateil. Charleston. Reamer 8t. Johns. Freeborn. Patotka.4e. CONSIGNEES PER CENTRAL RAILROAD. DECEMBER 28—1030 bale* Cotton, and Merchandise, to Hardwick 4 Cooke. E Parsons 4 Co, Hudson. Fleming 4 Co Lockett. Long 4 Co. Wm Baltersby. W W Garrard. Belm 4 Foster. Qildwell, Neely 4 Co. Brigham. Kelly k Co. Baoton 4 Vilislonga. K A Allen. 8othweH 4Sm»tb. Robon 4 Wblte- head. Waehburn. Wilder 4 Co,A8 Hartridgv. Franklin 4 Brantley. J Junes, N A Hardee k Co. Cohen 4 Tarver. J H •turrougha 4 Bon, Weils 4 Durr.W Duncan, Wm Waters, Lawsoo 4 Godfrey, and Order. CONSIGNEES. Per eteawpacket Gordon, from Charleston—C R Road. J •,ynch. Brigham, aelly 4 Co, Hamden’s Express, A A Solo mons 4 Co, and Order. ' Per steampacket Metamora. from Chm-lestan-rC R Road, Florida Boat, Well* 4 Dxrr, Boston It Co., Hamden’s Ex- iwers.JH Cohen* Oo.,J Lynch. Par ■ teamer Oresomfrotn PettreVJforTy-lWbaketM- • .toUA Llamar.W Burrensba ... ‘|fay 4 Tbotuat. M ft - *4 ioflteaa. M Schoont't•*, J P Wctherill. Foster disc's RriiAi.m l-ui M nScull. Thom «**»«.M,*o. Conrad. Rico. * Hunker I'hilii.... Cohene 4 Hwt* GJ'jones. Look...'.:"""” ■fc*.° rfc I 1 . urn Ukraine. I^nnon. H K Wviiburn re l’g Master dtc2 ° CHAMPION * WATTS. WE™: CHE H: F " &c -30 kegs selected Goshen Butter, IJ 100 boxes while and colored Cheese. 100 lioxes scaled Herrings. 60 do new Bunch RaUin* Received ,* r steamer and for sale by d29 SCR tNTU.V, JUHNSI0N & CO |NIONS—50 bbls prime Onions, In good ordeMust re. dec29 E W. UL'KER, O S1 ... celvcd and for sale by m. , mu'i''. "Tills coal has the infinmnml.ilit, ofihehii. uminous coal, with the cleanliness of the nnihmcite «nd * greater durability than either; it burns without matins uny soot or visible smoke, and the combust on is <o com. plete that it retains the lire until all tux cojl is coxsvmid u For sale in lots to suit purchasers, by d29—0 . .. _ , , J- T. THOMAS, at the Ferry wharf Coal and Wood Yatd. C ITY MARSHAL’S SALE.—Will be sold, at tbe Pound In tho city ot Savannah, on Friday next, between tha hours of 11 aud 12 o’clock, one dark-red cow crop on each ear; one red-sided no-born cow. white spot on forehead white on back and shanks, (this cow is valuable: branded on the left rump, unable to make it out); nne red-speckled Heifer. in«rked ou lest ear swallow fork right ear cropland one old hay horse. The above cattle |and|>o.,se were im pounded andaold in accordance to Iheordluanc-oftheclte <120 PHILIP M. RUSSELL. City Marsh*!. * T M!B LOST PRINCE.—Identity of louis XVI! of Frence and the Rev. Eienzer Williams, by M II Hanson. Putnam’s Magazine, fur January. S2 50 tier annum. Karl Krinken—liis Christina* Mocking. The Potiplier Papers, re-printed irow Putnam's Monthly illust.-nted. ’ A Day in the New York Crystal Palace, and How to Make the Most of It. with engravings. Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities, by Rnlnh Rnvcn. Volumes 2 and 3 Addison’s Complete Work*. . dec2U tv THORNE WUJJAMS. , MORE GIFT BOOKS. IliwKNE t\ iLLlAM.S lias just n-ceititt additioost Homes of American State.«men. with numerous eng'v'gs. Wild Scene* and Song Birds. '.6 colored illustration*. The Wide, Wide World, beautifully illustrated with Qns engraving* bound in Turkey morocco. Lyrics of the Wide. Wide World, the Music by Glover. Favorite Picture Book or Gallery nf Delight. Garden Walk* with tho Poets; Christmas DJo/mnn; Friend‘hlp'ii Offering ; Oracles fur Youth. 4c.. 4c. A'3 K. LOCKETT. WM. II. LOMi. john u. Dina. LOCKETT, LONG & CO., COMMISSION MEKCHANTM AN1) SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Georgia. imxls intended far Suvnumih nnd Macon, brought up the Chattahoochee River upon the steamer D. J. lfay, wiU be forwarded through Columbus frek ur commission*. Columbus. December. 1853. dec?8 .000Cigars.La itosa brand; MoooVegueras i’lanta- lion ; 25.000 La iutegridad. lor sate by dec28 A. B0NAUD. H AY—250 bales nri sale by dec •250 bales prime North River lisv. in store nnd for PADELFUltD. FAY 4 CO. ANTED TO RENT fur three months, from the first of W - January, a furnished parlor and bed room. Address W. C . at tills office. L “ OAN ASSOCIATION STOCK Fnlt SALtT—20 Mime* Ch Chatliam Mutual Loan ; 30 do Savannah do do. for sale by M. I’RENDKItGAST 4 CD., dec28 178 Brougiiton street. R eal estate on congress stuect for sale.— Four very desirable lots. 30 by ltd. on Congre-s street. •en Montgomery ami Jeffemm. There tot* sre well adapted for buxine** pul poses, being but a rerr tlwrl ilii- tnnee from thelniarket. Terms—one-lldrd cs>h. the bal ance in one and two years, secured by muitgsge on tbe pronerty. Apply to . „ dec28 M. PREXPERGAST 4 CO. TALUABLE BUILDING FOR aALE.—Lot oue ft)’ to a ground reut of $15 W ; aim. Lot No. Three (3). Jones fill eel. 00 by 100. reut $30 04 Apply to dec23 M. PREXPERGAST 4 CO. JpiANO FORTE FOR SALE—A second-hand ITanoFjrrte. manufactured by Chickering 4 C«.. and but ve-y little used. Apply to M. I’ltKN'I’KRUASr 4 CU. dec2S 178 Broughton »trecL_ B ACON. 4c.—ioiiiidVnew*Itacon Shoulder*. 60 bbls rec tified Whisky, landing and far sale by dec25 atlRASTO.N. J' H'SU>-\& CO. RAN DY—Received"this day—2 half pipe* ''hard D’ipuy B ran 4 C Co.’s Brandy, vintage ut ISM. alre. 2 half pipes Cai- tellun 4Co.’s Brandy, vintageuf 1812.far sale by • - p. a’%ll.\S. S •II s Buildings. F.W ORLEANS M( if. ASSES—25 hid* New Orleans Mo- JNJ iiisses. just received anil for *u1o ... dec24 CHAMPION 4 ft ATT3. ” we Flour, in store, 'LOUR.—50 bids and half bbls U-sltiii imm** t ton C RANBERRIPS.—2 bbls Cranberries just receive! and far sale by decJl CHAMPION 4 WAm_ F IRE CRACKERS.—50 boxes Fire C arkers for «lo by dec-24 CHAMPioNJvJUTIS^ # just received and for sale low, by , tv , dec23 J- ? ATF.NT QUILLING SCISSORS. Sad Irons, Clothes Pin*. P AH.... Nut Cracker*. 4c.. for sale by dec28 J. p. C01.IJNS, Hooks, Ivory Table Cutlery.nnd Silver W*tj« ""f?- 1 sale by dec23 j p. COLUXg. ANTED Tf»’ PURCHASE.—From 100 to WO hard Wood, suitable for retailing in the city. App dec23 S. E. MUSE, at IMlUnk s wiisif. Applj JttUSO.OIW AT COST,-A T O LOAN—*10.000. on short time dec23 WVLLV 4 MONTMOiJJjL, V ELVET amt Silk jiannnaa. »nu« vi.'i™ r.-^y Talma*. N W Collar*. Cbeml*ette*. 4c. just „Dd for uh bj tog WVITT A MUR0^L_ 13TARD—10 dozen French and American M"***”-" 1 * M l STAKO— JO dozen r reuen nnu 'V.. .Vi. ralejow by __ dec4 HYLAND 4 O H A uSl' 8 ’ barSr *’ "oolw-v J^KCTIVKP Tlliis DAY—0 ba.Ut, lleiJ.icb Cbimp.lgb . pint.>ni quart*. JTifa Muncovadodn, 100 bid* Stun-t’« A. B and C clarified do, 4 do.2S_do pulveiilbd do. for ..I. by^,,,, s - 1 pnTW. \TESTS—VESIS-Alant* variety ..[Itrei* T-'- V ll 8 „rfdbl«ek Silk, black lUrathm. “'J. figured block and f.rncr Orabmcra n „.).Tnll.r. ulcloir b, no.13 fol. R- 8T)ll)bb. M EHIS’U VEMTS. Ac—Ln.lle"' JJ.'ISSllSt' iuperfim Oi,bluer, do. Chlnkfipub^r , #M . Roj.l Rlbkd Shine, do «tra lira Merino ffrtpfijrb- tr. .ire MerinoSnlrW, du Cotlnn *nd M«rlnclW><" ..leu 72St.Jnlta>-nd 10S “jJ?3^YfgsTIUt_ TTbASTER-M bbl. gronnd Pl«l-r. “. for •>!•, to »rriv.j*r brig ifega 1 - ply » C l AITER8—Can bs found *t 117 Ray htreet. - r n ".iVPRlCE 4 VEADER. Di*pers_«lH!2i Urge ST55»I t which are the most QAMEUA8, 4c. vy Canielia*. amongst 7—»—«n< •ties; afao, Ro«et, Gersnium*. DwaifGrange • o,b.r kind.. .Ill "• •T^S^'iSraic.l /-lOUriSH. MACKbRf L. sc.—In.t O new Cbdfi*b. 10 bbl* extra No 1 Maekrrt l. - » bbl , tx . soiled Herrings. 10 half bbl* ^tatoli,* 1 Ira choice Canal Hour J-or <mle. rhole«ls *» the ennier of Broughton and Drayton/^^{xtXNEK W HITE AND COLORED VV.VJ^mL'In/Lloen rortment of white and colored lUrseih”*^^ rortment of white Vest*, for *ale by Je8 -pmcrivEAigi. S^®feP8riSli!rfitS2 i WK r S L bblsyeiio« Ctlugw. 76 bbl, bo too. Cracker*, landing and for ,n,rojUBF- JOHNSON 4 CO^ TJREAIi SHEER—For cutting ^ B ne**, *Hclng smoked beef, required from knife can be regulated to cut any an H to X of an inch. For *a!e by j p COLLINS- r>mHnvRZpfaitr*nd figured Bonnet Ribbon*aW * l** 0 R'rilWwto/ncck and f 160 bn... 9—.» SSig jiAgreg- L tJ.T.Ibot. Tor ral. b, ” fM —««io7tmKuto fl0 ? r Print* and I’Wnre*. amons hy £-JQSS^*,npj