The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, December 31, 1853, Image 4

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    , fbr latter* dlambeory ■•'AflmtaUtretor etrat
to eitcand admonish all whom it
appear before oatd Grort to make
reY«m or before the Brat Monday
w JdlattmwIHboruM. "
-. Mllkfl. Keq., Ordinary Ibr. Chatham
OMInary torkttere dismlsaory on tho
J. W*y,wto of aald ooontr, deceased :
Thee# are, therefore, to alto aadadi
»—To all whom it may eon
Way will apply to the Court
- "i tho oatata of Nathaniel
... ,.mv— oad admoolih all whom It
mayennoern, to hi and appear before Mid Court,- to niaka
objection#, if any they-'bay* within the time prescribed by
law, otharwlaa aald lettora will bo granted.
Witneaa^W. P. Girardeau, Esq., Ordinary for liberty
at Whweaa,John
.y tor lettera dismlsaory
it James Bilbo t
TO all whom it may coo*
bn Bilbo will apply at the Court of
latnlaaory aa administrator, on the
« efOtdlnery ol Bailoeh Comity.
/ 1 BcSttl 1 A—Buttock County +3To all whom It may con*
VT corn: Whereat, Joseph"'-*■* ** ““
.rt»ft>r« told Court to make
•) on or before the Brat Monday in
4 lettora will bo granted.
i., Ordinary tor Chatham coun
ty, tide M& day or November,
all whom it may concern!
• (Mu.' H. Urfan wlU .pplj.Uh. Coon of
ilnan ft** Utter* dlamlaeory aa adnuniatrator on tha ea-
rwhereaa,' Robert H..CKfflr
Unary ft** Utter* dlamlaeory
tato of Mr*. Jana WoedruS. de^aaed t
Tkeao are,therefore, to citei and admonUhall whom It may
•onoornto bo and appear before aald Court to make ofajeo-
4ioa (if any they hate) on or before the drat Monday in
May next, otbenrlae aald letter* will be granted.
Wttnoea, Joh* M. Mlllan, Eaq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, thia let day of November, 1853.
noriO JOHN M. MILLEN. o. o. o.
fy EOROU-Chatham Cbunty—To all whom it urn
. vT eerai Where**. Robert H. Griffin will apply I
• Court of Ordinary for Uttere dlamlaeory on the ti
Mra. Jean Woodruff,lata of mid county, deceased:
i the
estate of
These are, therefore, to cite andadmonlah all whom U may
irn, to oe and appear before the uld Court to make ob-
in (if any they have.) on or before the Brat Monday In
V otherwise mid letter* wlU be granted.
John M. Mdlen, &q., Onllnary for Chatham
Brat day of November, 1853.
JOHN M. MILLEN, o. o. o
Si 11EJORGIA—Chatham (bunty .—To all whom it may con*
AjrroaBm l Whereas, ’’hlneea M. Kollock will apply at the
OMTtet Odinary, for letters of dismission aa executor on
if Mir-
th* estate of Miss l*riacUU Honaton
Three are, therefore, to citeandadmonlah all whom it may
eoncern, to be and appear before mid Court to make objec
tion (if Any they bare) on or before the Drat Monday in
January next, otherwise mid letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Mlllen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham corn
ty this 1st day of July, 1853.
•jSjT JOHN M. MILLEN o. 0. c.
QEOBGLA—CkafAam Cbtmiy.—To all whom Itmaycou
JT cent i Whereas, Henry Winiaraa will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for Utters dismlsaory on the eatat* or
tsehlia Wright, deceased;
These are therefore to alt* and admnnlah all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before uld Court to make objec-
ton (if any they have) within the time prescribed by law,
otherwise mid letters will be granted.
Witness, Jos. Gaiubl, Eaq., Cep. Ordinary for Chatham
«Oumjr|thla 10th day of August ljHML
JOS. GANAHL. Dxr. o. c. c.
G BORQIA—Chatham County r—All whom it may concern:
Whereas, John B. Barnard wlU apply at tho Court of
Ordinary for letters dismlsaory aa administrator Cum testa-
mento annnexo on the estate of Mrs. Ann Mongln:
Them are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all whom It
may concern to be and appear before mid Court, to make
•ejection (if any they hkre) on or before the second Mon-
day in January next, otherwise uld letters will be granted,
Witness, John M. Mlllen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
eountv. this 14th day or July, 1853.
jylfi JOHN M. MILLEN, o. c. o.
' t i BORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom It may con-
VT oeru : Whereas. William J. Bulloch, Executor of the
estate of Mary Neufrili. deceased, will apply to the Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory ou the said estate:
These are, therefore, to cite and
Them are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu-
‘ kindled * * *- *-“•
l*r the kindled and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at the office of John M.* Mlllen, Ordinary, within
the time prescribed by law. and show cause (if any they
re) why said Utter* should not b* granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
•ounty .this 1st day of August. 1853.
July 29 JOSEPH GANAHL, PIT. 0.0. C.
“S BORGIA—CTafAaw County i—To all whom It may con
“ — ** "l •jquy at the
vxcutor on the
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory ns
estate of Robert Isaac : * . ..
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
eoncern to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any the* have) on or before the first Monday in
—■ . . . _ _ A -Si . I — ..I A l.tla.a will l„ I. > ■ t, f r,d
February next, otherwise mid letters will be granted
Witness. John M. Mlllen, Eso.. Ordinary for Chatham coun.
ty,this second day of-July, 1853
J jj3 JOHN M. M1LLEN. 0. 0. o.
, ry EORGIA—Chatham County i To all whom It may con-
VT cern : Whereas. William C..Dawson, will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the estate of
Christopher Dawson, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection, If any they have, on or before the first Monday
to March next, otherwise said letters wilt be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 31st day of August. 1853.
<e l J JOSEPH GANAHL rmr. o. o. c.
C l EORGIA -ChUham County i—To all whom It nay con
T concern: Whereas, Caroline Zipperer will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on tho ei
George J. 7.lppei
These are. th*
e estate of
>e Zippei
dlsmlssory on
.»v——v. Jh*reforc, to clto and and admonish all whom
t may concern to be and appear before said Court to make
bjoetion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
'.I . * . Ill -Ill h,
n March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl, Esq..Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county this 17tn day of August 1853.
BORGIA—-Buttock Cbunty:—To all whom it may con-
_ r eern: Whereas, Redding Denmark will apply at the
Chart of Ordinary for letters dismlsaory as administrator
on the estate or Daniel O'Connor: .....
These are, therefore, to o In and admonish all whom It
may concern, to he and appear before said Court to make
objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
In June next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Wm. I jee. sen.. Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 30th day of November, 1853.
WM. I.1\E. 8en’r.. o. n c.
EORGIA—Chatham Countyi—To all whom it may con-
eern : Whereas, John Me'. McMahon will apply at the
Court or Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate
of Jamea Carolan. deceased: ’
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection. If any they have, on or factors the second Mon-
day In January next, otherwise said letters mill be granted.
Witness John M. Mlllen. Eaq.. Onllnsiy tor Chatham
County, this 1st day of December. 1853.
dec2 ,nuv M
JOHN M. IIILLEN, 0. c. c.
n EORGIA—Chatham County t—To all whom it may
^.T com: Whereas, Andrew Furry will apply at tho Court
of Ordinary for letters of administration on the «stnto ol
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
oojeetton (If any they havo) on or betoro tho second Mon
day in January next.otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Witness. John M. Mlllen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
County, this 1st day of December. 1853.
rteci JOHN M Mnm non
—To all whom It may con
... /Ti EORGIA—Chatham County t-
It c
corn: Whereas. Georuo J. Kollock will apply at the
Court or Ordinary tor letters of dismission on tho cstato or
Edward Neufvllle. deceased: . . „ ,
These are. therrfore, to cite and admonish all whom
It may con ern. to be and appeal before said Court, to
make objection, ir any thoy have, on or betoro tho "—*
Monday in June next, otherwise sold letters will
* r witnen. John M. Mlllan. Esquire. Ordinary for Chatham
oounty. this 1st day of Dec*ni'»er. 1853.
JOHN M. MH.LEN, o. o. c.
G EORGIA—Chatham County i—To all whom it may
corn: Whereas, Her. J. F O’Niell. will apply nt the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the
estate of Margaret McDonald, deceased J
These are, therefore, to die and admonish all whom it
may ooncern, to bo and appear betoro said Court, to make
objection, if any they have, on or before the second Mon-
• day In January oext.othsrwlse said lettora will be granted.
Witness. John M. Mlllen. Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham
. oounty, thia first day of December. 1853.
dec's lauu »i ii
JOHN M. MILLEN, o. c 0.
1 EORGIA—Chatham County r—To all whom it may con-
G*cern -"Whereas, Rev. J.V. O’Neill, will apply rt the
Court of Ordinary for letters of guardlanslilp over the per
son end property of Mary Elisabeth McDonald, minor of
Margaret McDonald, deceased: , .
Tiieso are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
, to U and appear before said Court, to
may eoncern, to le and appeal - -
max* objection. If any they have, on or before tbs second
Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will be
■"w’itn^Jobn M. Mlllen.Esquire.Ordinary for Chatham
county, this first day of December 1853.
JOHN M MILLEN, o. 0. 0.
. ‘a'DMINLSTRATIUX NOTICE.—To all concernedTwo
jtx. months after date application will b* made to the
■ Court of Ordinary of Chatham county. SUtsof Georgia, for
leaf* to seU tho real estate belonging to tbs estate.of Gas-
v Mr Rosy, deceased, for the benefit of th* heirs sod credit*
on of saMesUt*. Bavauoah, December 1st. 1853.
.• dee* MATILDA ROSY. Qualified Adm’x
Court of Ordinary of Liberty County*
G^S: V£nSs?8 U* will apply tor letl
, administration on the estaU
said county, doceassd:
III apply
Jotlali S
_ cern: Whereas, Joseph Night, Jr., will apply at th*
Omni of Ordinary for letters of administration on th* ea*
tate and effects ol Thomas Knight, late of said county, de-
Theso are, therefore, to elto and admonish all whom It
may eoncern to bo and appear before said Court to make
ban) on or before th* second Mon-
ry EORGIA—DvUodi Oounty i—'To all whom it may con
VT earn: Whereas. Absolem Parrish. Senior, and Bastell
irn; nuareas. Agwwn rsrnau.oeniwr. u»nn
Jones, will apply to Urn Court of Ordinary for letters of ad
ministrator on the estate and effssla of Elisha Jones, late ol
•aid county, deoeaatd:
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
may Ooncern. to be and appear before said Court, to make
objection, if any they have, on or before th* second Monday
In January next, otherwise said lettera will b* granted.
Witness, William Lee, 8r.. Esquire, Ordinary tor Bulloch
bounty, this 24th November, 1B63.
deed WILLIAM I.EE, 8r.. u. n. o.
G y EORGIA—Bulloch Cbunly t—On the lint Tuesday in
I'January next, before the
_J‘ January next, before the court house door in States-
borough, in said oounty, will be sold, under an order ol the
Cttort of Ordinary on the Bnt Monday in October last, one
negro man, named Smart, aged about forty years, belong*
ing to the estate of Robert Slater, a minor, and sold for Hie
benefit of said minor Terms made known on the day of
novlA GREEN R SLATER. Guardian.
G 1 BORGIA—NutiocA Cbunfyt—On the first Tuesday in
f January next, before the court housodoor,ln States
_ Jsnuary..— — — said county, will bo sold, under an order of tho
Court of Ordinary, et the first Monday in October last, tour
hundred seres of land granted to Mark Rollings, bounded
by lands of Amos Waters, Jonathan Grlner. Jordan McCa-
lutn. and Robert Miller, belonging to the estate of Ilaunnh
Cone. late of said county, deceased, and sold for the benefit
of tbe heirs and creditors of Mid estate. Terms nindo
known on the day of mIo.
novl5 JONATHAN OWNER. Adm’r.
Court of Ordinary fbr Bryan Comity.
G mjnlstrator upon the estate of Henry Dutton, dee'eas-
EORGIA—Rryan County r—Whereas. Z^K Dutton, ad
... ToX’
letters dlsmlssory:
Tiieso are therefore to cite all concerned to file their ob
jections. (If any they have) in terms of the law, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
apigg A. H. 8M1TII, o. *. o
G EORGIA—Bryan County t-To the distributees or tho
estate of Hiss I’erry. tie * •
You are hereby notified that on the first Monday
ary next, we will apply io the Court of Ordinary of this
countr for leave to divide the estate of Ellas Perry, de
ceased. L. II DANIEL)
N. J. CLARKE, pAdra’re.
September 19tb, 1853.sep22—2amlwptd
~~Court of Orttlnnry of Cwindcn County.
1 EORGIA—Cumdm County»—To all wliom it may con-
G corn : Whereas, George IV, Thomas, one of the exe
cutors of the estate of Wm. T. Hopkins, will apply to the
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on tho said estate;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular
theklndredand creditors of said deceased, tube and appear
it my office within tho time prescribed by law, nnd shew
cause, (if any they hare.) why lotters dlsmlssory should
not be granted the Mid applicant.
Witness, J. 11. Helveston. Esq.,Ordinaryfor Camden coun
ty, this 20th day of May, 1853.
J. II, HELVEgTON, o. c. c.
, 1, gu: _
N. B. Clinch, applies to me for letters dlsmlssory from
said guardianship;
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail concerned to
bo and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law. and show cause (tf any they have.) why letters of
dlmlsalon should not be granted to the said applicant.
Witness. James II. Helveaton Ordinary for Camden coun
ty. this 28 th day of May, 1853.
mtr31 JAMES H. HELVESTON o. c. c.
Court of Ordinary for BPIntosH County,
EORGIA—McfntoiA County i—Notice to Debtors nnd
Creditors:—All persons having demands ngainst James
Blue, late of Mid county, deceased, are hereby notified to
K resent them, properly attested, within the time prescribed
y law; and all persons indebted to said deceased are here
by required to mnfe immediate payment to E. M. Blount,
Esq., who is my duly authorixed agent.
Darien. 1st December. 1853. uec3—wfl
_ ward G. Wilson. Treasurer, Ac.,remit Monlccni Myers.
Trustee. Ac.—Ilute A’W.—Upon tho petition of Edward (I.
Wilson, Treasurer of the Republican Blues Building and
i-nan Association, praying the foreclosure of tbe equity of
redemption of and in all that narcel or lot of land, situate,
lying and being in the city of Savannah, county or Chat
ham.and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished In
the plan of Mid city allot No. FUty-sIx (50). Brown ward.
nfMordecni Myers, substitute trustee under the marriage
settlement of Itob’t W. Pooler and Mary J.. ills wife, which
Mid property was mortgaged by the Mid Mordecai Myers,
trustee asaforeMld, (under and by virtue of a clause in
the said marriage settlement, authorizing the trustees to
grant, bargain and sell ail or any part of tho property upon
the request of the Mid Robert W. and Mary J. Pooler, and
their request that said mortgage should be made, being
evidenced by their signing and scaling said deed ot mort
gage.) to the Mid Edward O. Wilson, Treasurer as afore-
said,- by ueed bearing date the sixteenth day of December.
In the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-twn, to
secure the payment of tbe sum o( two thousand dollars,
with Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, paya
ble monthly, from the sixteenth day ol December. Anno
Domini. 1852, on demand, according to the tenor nnd effect
of a certain promissory note made by tho said Montreal
Myers, trustee as aforesaid, to the said Edward G. Wilson,
treasurer as aforesaid, bearing even date with the said
mortage, and that there still remains unpaid thereon, the
v-in of two thousand dollars:
On motion of Griffin A Gordon, attorneys tor petitioner,
It Is ordered, that the Mid Uordeui Myers, trustee as afore
said, do pay Into Ihls Court, on or betoro the first day of
•lie next term of tills Court, the principal and Interest due
an the said promissory note and mortgage, and the costs
of tills application, and In default thereol. thnt the equity
of redemption of the said Mordecai Myers, trustco os afore
said. and all claiming under said trust to tho said roort-
jaged premises bo thenceforli nnd forever foreclosed :
And. It Is further ordered, that a copy of tills rule be pub
lished in one of tha public gazettes of this Htale, once n
month for tour months, or served on the mortgagor or ills
specfnl agent or attorney, at least three months previous
to the time the money is directed to the paid, nnd that such
further and other proceedings be had os are prescribed by
Hie statutes of tlintitato of Georgia, in such cases made nnd.
provided. sep'Jl— 1m4m
i BXECUTDft’8 SALE.—On tiie first Tuesday in January
j next, before the court boose in Effingham county. t>c-
tweon tho legal hours of sale, will bo sold, tho toMowInj
property belonging to tho eatato of Spier Witch, deceased
to wit: a negro woman, Sophia, and her nine children;
Dlcnnsh, and her three children, and one negro fellow ;
also, the plantation and late residence of Spier Witch, con
taining 1200 acres of good pine laud, well timbered, with
valunhie Improvements—has a comfortable dwelling nnd
out houses thereon ! also, on the succeeding day, on the
premises, will be sold, all the plantation tools, household
and kitchen furniture atockof various descriptions, auch ns
horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, etc., corn nnd fodder, and all
and singular the goods, chattels, and effects belonging to
said estate.' Sold by virtue of a docree from tho honorable
the Superior Court of aald county, for the benefit of the
heirs and distributees of Mid estate. Terms made known
on day of Mle. WILLIAM BUTCH.
noy22 Executor.
... tho Court House of Emanuel county, on the 21st
day of December next, about 700 head of cattle, running In
tho counties of Emanuel, Bulloch and Appling, and 200
sheep In Kipanuel On the 23d day of the same month, at
the plantation in Burke county, of the late Henry I*. Jones,
about 200 bead of cattle, running in Burke and Scriven coun
ties, 20 orV6 head of horses ana mules. 150 or 200 pork and
stock hogs. 100 sheep. 2 Jacks and Janelts. Also on the
29th of the same month, at the plantation of said deceased.
In Washington county, 100 head cattle. 100 pork and stock
hogs, 40 sheep, 20 or 25 mules and horse*. 2 Jacks and
Janetts, , ,J '—** J ~ *—*-*•—-•—
menta.i ... r
Sales to continuo from day
the days uf Mle.
,1UIURp,«v or M ilium nun uuirri-. * uu,i
Its, with tbe household furniture and plantation Impie-
la. all belonging to tho estate of said Henry P. Jones,
lea to continuo from day to day unt II closed. Terms on
E XECUTOR’S 8ALE.—On the first Tuesday in February
hext, will be sold, before the court bouse In tho city ol
S Law, late of
Savannah, ail that Rico Plantation known as Union Cre«k
Plantation, on the Savannah river, containing about two
tb6<uand acres, all of which, with the exception of Are hun
dred acres, la first quality rice land, and four hundi ed and
seventy-five acres of which are now under bank and in cul
tlvatlon. Attached to the plantation is a good steam
thresher, an overseer’s house, negro house*, end all out
bouses and Improvements appertaining to a plantation.
For turther particulars a^ljr to •
These are, therefore, to die and admonish ell whom it
may conesrn. to b* and appear before Mid Court, to make
objections. If any they have- within tho time prescribed by
law, otherwise said letters will b* granted.
Witness. >W.-F, Girardeau,. Eaq ^Ordinary for Liberty
. L0 ,
K OTTCE.—Two months after data application ”
mad* to the Honorable tbe Ordinary of Cl
mad* to the Honorable tbe Ordinary of Chatham
inty for leave to Mil ell tbs reel estate belonging to Pat-
ML-**- J J * ~ -
-Liberty CountyThis U to certify that,
, no person has applied for tatters of aamlsls-
J. Sts vet *’
her 22d, 1853.
Administrator de bonis non.
tratlon on the estate of Mary
N OTICE.—All persona having claims, against the estate
of Patrick Marlow, deceased, lata a Coal
f. Stevens, UU of said county,
dsssasod, and a* It U n*w«sary for the security and «cod
maoagsmsat of said eatato that ths Mid latter* of adminis
tration be taken out Immedlsttlr. I warni all persona Into-
sated, that unlea* sold letters U applM for. thmr wUUw
granted aeeordb* to law, aa regards tho duty of th* Ordi
nary In such ease*.
Bovffi W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. U 0.
.. jtbain county.
wiU present them: and all persons indebted will make pay- GEO. T. HOWARD,
nov24—fiw Administrator de bonis non.
Tu dltCE.—All parsons having demands against Jefferson
il Stow*, lata of Chatham eoanty, deceased, are hereby
notified to present them, duly attested, to the undersigned,
within tbs time prescribed by law. And all persons Indebt-
G H)R0IA—Liberty County t—To all whom it may con*
•era; whereas, Jesse Bre;
-w. — -. _/*w#r applies for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Jaxms Brewer, late of said
<n. Iterator*, to «H* ui ita-wtah. dl whom It
may oooosrp, to be and appear at m^office within tbs Urn*
law; and thoM Indebted will please make payment to t
aug28 kBEDERlCTC A. TUPPER.Qual. Ex'
y taw. to show esuse, If any they have, why
jepS.fir. pfoInriuaf'orSintrr for Ub.rt, eoant,,
rt Ho—Im.ltU. ouunM1AE ^
fi—To all whom It may eon
e Court ot
N OTICE.—Four months after data, application will be
made to tbs Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all
or Ht
the lands belonging to the estate or Henry Cannon, dec’d.
for the benefit of the heirs and creditor*.
S.fl iW wtl. apply to the
»ttera_dUmlakory_a* administrator on the
I* and admonish all whom it
_ before said Court 'to puika
r my bond at this office this 8d day of 8ept#m-
:Wav■ r > w » F, QIRAHPEAU, fi,, U;0.
e all, whom It may eon^
W. J. GANNON. Adm’r,
-Ail persons having demands against Jules
Rousseau, late of Chatham eounty.decSMod, are here
by notiflsd to present them, duly attested, within the time
. prescribed by law: and all persons Indebted to mid de
ceased. wlU make Immediate payment to T. A. Acosta, at
.lbe oldataod of tb* deceased, corner of Bull sod Bsy-sta.
P0v)1tQW . . Qualified Aom'
• VT0T1CR.—Two months after data applieatlon wllibe
* It teada to the Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave
to asR all ths .real estate bstowimi to Jules Rosseau, do-
•ceased. n» MARY A. ROgSEAU. Adm’x.
ThTpriCR—Two month* from data-1 •bell
IN Honorable tho Court of Ordinary for Osn
. SBifui.
DnWITP It MORo^tf,
8 th Novsmbcr, 1853.
u A ft iHiimm,:, 01 IQ*.
V on the first Tumday In JantUry
houH In Savannah, between the legal _
to Mtisty a lit fa. on foreclosure of [mortgage.] humid from
Chatham Superior Court In fkvor of Augustus Myddelloo
p llATMAM SHERIFF’S 8A1AJ CONTilf UI3).—Wlli be sold
VJ on the first Tuesday in January next, before the eourt
* ■ .it. bdtii' **-- -* • w.
house in the olty of harsnbah,
mdlvlded *
—. __.ween the usual hours
of Mle, one undivided fourth part of two wharf lota, or
pieoM of ground, slluated on Hutchtson’s Island. In
the, county ofCiiatham and State of Georgia, being lota
Noe. thlrtsen and fourteen, together with all tbe reser
voirs, wharvos;buildings and improvements on said * ‘
and th* steam snginss and boilers, Ui* plaining
s — “
chine, clapboard maohlne. saw gates, force pumps, and all
other machinery of every kindanddescripUun In andabont
the Mid Iota or building, (meaning the one-fourth part of
the-Oglethorpe item saw »®J **
thereunto belongiog-and.nppeii_ .
properly of Edward F. Kinchior and Robert Todd, to Mtbfy
a fl. fa. on foreclosure of n mortgage burned from Chatham
Superior Court In favor of George Newell vs. Edward F.
Klnchley and Robert Todd. Property set forth in aald fl. fa.
J “ •'WDEV, ~ -
said lota, sweats apd couglilng, he applied to one of the faculty whose
• prescription afforded such speedy relief and resulted In such
perfect cure that h* was induced toob’**' - * “—*'* -*
the Inaredienta and the manner lu wl
properly compounded with sugar to gin
and palatable form, since which bs has
of administering It successfully in man;
'ANNY, Sheriff o. c.
p HATH All aisaro 8ALK.^0n the" 'firsrTuewlsr
\J January next, befure th* oonrt house in the city
January next, before the court house in the city of
Savannah, will be sold, between the legal hours of Mle,
all that tract or jparcel of land, situate, lying and being in
tbe eountlu of Chatham and Effingham, in the 8tt*e of
Georgia, bounded aa follows, to wit: on the north by lands
belonging to Geo. P. Harrison, west by lends of Jas. !<ovs.
Sr., east by land* of Paul Keller, and south by lands or
Robert Harvey, arid tract containing on* thousand acres,
more or lea*.known aa Whooping lalands—levied on to Mt-
lily a fl. fa. issued from Chatham Superior Court, in favor
of John Ulmer against Samuel G. 8herman. Adm’r or James
Love. Jr., deceased, Property pointed out by defendant,
dec3 JNO. BKVANNY. Sheriff 0. C.
Rheumatic Compound.
rpiUS truly celebrated remedial pre|»arailon, efficacious
X alike tor each and every description of Rheumatic
Complaints, is already too well known and esteemed
throughout tbe United States to require any lengthy no
tice ol its paramount virtues. It eradicates thia hereto
fore Incurable and distressing disease from the system, and
stands unrivalled in tho pharmaey of medicine.
We do not propose to make unqualified statements, nr tc
force a nostrum before tie public, but simply to request
those moat Interested, the procure
from the agent in their vicinity a circular, and not only
read the testimony of thoso who bavo experienced its in
valuable curative powers, but to write to, or call upon, the
convalescents, so that tho statements may emanate from
the fountain head; a course which will satisfy the most
credulous, and one hr which the reputation* of the re>
medy I* certain of being sustained. Write also to the
proprietors, who will accord every information, and furnish
names of undoubted character from every section of the
Union, numbering among them aoine ol tho most eminent
physicians, clergymen, editors and prominent citizens, ren-
dering the reliability and efficacy of the remedy beyond
tho reach of doubt and distrust.
is a Vegetable Extract, an internal remedy. pro|>arod ex
pressly for this one dlsense: and this it will cure in every
form, either Inflammatory (Acute) or Chronic, no matte:
of how long standing.
W. V. ALEXANDER k Co.. Proprietors.
No. 1 Barclay-street. (Astor House.) New York.
For salo by A. A. Solomons, and J. 11. Carter. Druggglsts.
Savannah, Ga.
The above have also for anle. the great alterative,
THIS invaluable preparation has obtained a popularity,
wherevea Introduced, unprecedented in tho lilstory ol
any other preparation brought before the public. The mul
tiplied thousands who have used it, and have realized its
marvellous effects in removing disease, and
Kestorlng the Nervous System,
now herald it to the world as possessing the most superior
virtues known lu the Materia Medlcn.
Physicians of the first standing In the medical professior
use and prescribe it as the most effective
Alterative and Blood Purifier
ever known. To the sedentary It lias proved itself the
Balm of Gilead. Especially to Femnlus In every concelva
bio condition of life, It recommends itself as far superior in
point of efficacy to any of the numerous compound*, con
centrated under the comprehensive nome of -‘Sarsaparil
This is a VnjdaUt Spirit. plesMnl to take, and perfectly
safe to bo used in any state of health, even by tho most
delicate ftmate or Child.
tST Price $1 00 per bottle.
For sale .
gists. Savannah, Ga.
ALEXANDER A CO.. Proprietors.
*---* * ■ ■ - ■ y #w York.
No. 1 Bardny-strret. (Astor House,)
e by A. A fc SOLOMONS, and J. 11. CARTER. Drug
THE UKEat runtrinn op tup. nuioi)!
JVot a Particle of Mercury in It.
A S INFALLIBLE REMEDY tor Scrofula. King’s Evil,
Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples
__ ......... t | |e p tco ^ niotehes. Boils. Chronic Sore Kv
— ‘ P*
or Pustulo
Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and i'ain
of the Bones and Joints. Stubborn Ulcer*. Syphilitic Disor
der*. Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising
from an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Ufe.or
Impurity of the Blood.
This valuable Medicine, wblcli has become celebrated tor
the number of extraordinary cures effected through Its
agency, has Induced tho proprietor*, nt tho urgent request
of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with
the ulmoAl confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative
pro;>ertic*. The following certificati*. selected from n large
number, are. however, stronger testimony than the mere
word of tho proprietor*; ami are all from gentlemen well
known In their localities, and of lhe highest respectability
in the city of * "
ninny of them now residing
f Richmond, Va.
— igii . _ ,
F. BOY DEN. Esq., of the Exchange Hotel. Richmond
known every where, says be boa seen the Medicine called
Caktkh's Si'ANtsti Mirrt'RR administered In over n hundred
cases, in nearly nil tho diseases tor which It is recommend*
ed. witli the most astonishingly good results. He says it is
tbe most extraordinary medicine he has ever seen.
AGUE AND FEVER—GREAT CURE-1 hereby certify,
that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most vio
lent description. I had several Physicians, took large quan
tities of Quinine. Mercury, and I bellovo all tho Tonics ad
vertised, but all without any permanent relief. At last I
tried CiKTOt'a SraNUUl Miniwx, two bottles of which effec
tually curd me. and I am happy to say I have had neither
“ * rider it the'
Chills or Fevers since. 1 ennrid
best Tonic In the
world, and the only medicine that over reached my case.
Beaver Dnm, near Rislimond. Va. JOHN LONGDKN.
C. B. LUCK. Esq., now In the city of Richmond, and tot
many years in the Post Office, has aucli confidence in the
astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spamsii Mixture, that he
lias bought upward* of 60 bottles, which he has given away
to the Bllllctcd. Mr. Luck says he tins never known It to
fail when taken according to directions.
Dr. MINGE. a practising Physician, nnd formerly of
City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says lie lias witnessed
In a number of instances the effects of Carter's Spaxish
Mixture, which were most truly surprising. He says in a
case of Consumption, dependent on the liver, live good ef
fects were wonderful indeed.
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker A Morris.
Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 year* stand
ing. by tiie use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture
GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The Editor* of the Rich-
mond Republican bad a servant employed in tlicir press
room, cure I of violent scrofula, combined with Rheuma
tism. which entirely dlsnbled him from work. Two bottles
of Carter’s Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure n( him, and
the Editor*. In a public notice, say they *• cheerfully recom
mend it to all who are afilicted with any disease of the
valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mix-
turn. 1 consider it a truly vnlunble medicine. JAMES >1
TAYLOR. Conductor on the R. F. A P. It. It. Co, Richmond.
Salt llhcum of 30 Year* Stnnillna Cared
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing In tiie city of Richmond,
was cured by three bottles of Cnrtor’s .* punish Mixture, ol
Salt Rheum, which lie had nearly 20 years, nnd which nil
the physicians of the city could not cure. Mr. Iliompson
is n well known merchant of Richmond. Va., and Ids cure
inmost remarkable.
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Va., hnd a servant
cured of 8nvUU(H, in the worst form, hy Carter’s Spanish
Mixture. Ho says he cheerfully recommends It, and con-
sidera it an invaluable medicine.
RICHARD K. WEST, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula
nnd what physicians called confirmed Consumption, by
three bn:ties of Carter’s Snnnl«li Mixture
three tut: ties of Carter’s Spanish Mixture.
EDWIN BURTON. Comml**(pneror tho Revenue, any* he
lias seen tiie good effect* of Carter's Spanish Mixture In
number of Spyhilitlc cases, and says it ia a perfect euro f
thnt horrible disease.
WM. 0. HARWOOD, of Richmond, Va.. cured old sores
and ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a lew
bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, nnd was enabled to
walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured.
Price 51 per bottle.
Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE A CO., No. 83
Mlden lane. New York.
BENNETT A BEERS. No. 125 Maln-*t.. Richmond, Va.
And tor sale by SIIOMAS M. TURNER A CO.. JAMES
COIN, Savannah. E. S. STROKCKER. Macon, and by Drug
gists and Country Merchants everywhere.
For the cure of Incipient Consumption. Scrofula, General
Debility, White Swelling. Rheumatism. Diseases of the
Liver and Skin, and all diseases arising from nnpuritirt
of the blood and the effecta of mercury.
S WA ID'S PANACEA baa been tor more than thirty years
celebrated In this country and in Europe tor its extra
ordinary cures—for the certificates of which reference Is
made to tho directions and books (which may bo had gra
tia) accompanying the Panacea. Some or which give the
particulars of cases too frightful for general publication,
where the patients had been almost eaten up with scrofu
la. and were deemed incurable by physicians.
It has boon used In hospitals, and private practice, and
has had the singular fortune of being recommended by the
most celebrated physicians and other eminrnt persona.
Among; others by—
W. Gibson. M. D..Prof. of Surgery. Pa. University.
Valentine Motl. M. D.. Prof, of Sure. N. Y. University
W. P. Dewees, M. D .Prof.of MM. Pa. Ublveralty.
N. Chapman. M. D., Prof of Physic. Pa. University.
T. Parke. M. D..Pres’tColleg* Physicians, Phltad
Dr. Del VaUe, Prof, of Medicine*, Havana.
Jose Eourencode Lu*. Prof, or Surgery. Lisbon
J. Chlpman. Member Royal College Surgeons. London.
G. W. Erring, late Minister to Spain,
Sir Thomas Pearson, Major General British Army.
Gilbert Robertson. British Consul, ke.
And also, ths wonderful curea effected by 8wslm's Pana
cea have, tor many yean, made it sn Invaluable remedy.
The Panacea does not contain mercury In any form.and be
ing an innocent preparation, It may b* given to thsmosl
tender infant,
The retail price bos been reduced toll 60 per bottle (con
taining three half pints) or three bottles for 84.
Hwalm’a Panacea is In round bottles, fluted longitudinal*
ly. with tbe following letters blown In the glass: •• Swant's
—Paxacxa—PittLfjkD’A,” and having the name of James
Swsim stamped on tbs sealing wax and written on the label
covering tbe eerk, and a splendid engraving far the side of
the bottle, composed of geo me trie lathe work, comprising
nine different dies, which have been turned for tbe exclu
sive use of the propriety, by Draper A Co., bank note en
gravers of Philadelphia.* In the centre Is a portrait of the
late Wm. Swain, copyright secured.
Alio, Bwtlm'i Vermtftige,
A valuable Family Medicine, being a highly appAved rem
edy fur all dlsesLsea arising from debility ot the digestive or
gans, such as worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fover end
sgue, bleeding nlles, sick headache, Ac. See the pamphlet
(which may be nad gratis) accompanying the Vermifoge.
Prepared only at Swalm’s Laboratory, the old stand Sev
enth-street. below Chestnut. Philadelphia, and told by all
ths respectable druggists in tbs United States.
Cstmox to THS Posuc.—Persons wishing to obtain the
K nulne 8walm's Panacea and Rwaim's Ysrmlfoge. should
careful to observe that the name 8WAJM Is spelled cor
rectly on the labels, or they msy bs Imposed on by medi-
does made in Imitation of them by a person bearing a
somewhat similar name, well calculated to deceive Gen
eral agents for theUhited States.
mh22—2awtf 104 and IQfl John-streei. New York.
PACTILIJS DE PARIS.—For tb* earn of coughs, colds
^^d.faronchlal affections of tb# throat, so prevalent at
season of th* year. Wo do not recommend tbe Pas-
de Paris to cure all th* ills lifo Is bslr to, but wo do
jUmo tjf
will curs all affections of ths throgi as a trial ol
York “* C ' Urt< * b/ M °° W k *^ tor » 81
brer* the written signature of Moon
. jNtbicoi.;, • •.
A -ORKEABLK to th* last*, and warranted, If nsed accord*
. Ing to the 7 directions, which are simple, to euro all
ml cold*, which are within the reach of any »«dl*
cough* ami odds, which
cine, beside affording rel
tarriti. and brouchlUs, i
the reach of any med
is of *roup. asthma, ci
relief in
writ*, euu uivueumi. and being on* of tho most useful
remedies In tho early stages of consumption.
Mr. Rice In idaeing Utia article before the public, claims
not to her* discovered or Ingeniously compounded medi
cines hitherto unknown, or known only a* separate reme
dies or In such combinations as proranfod the *■•'*' *
•their beneficial effects. Nor does h* aver tha......
candy hoe th* approval of tb* •* entire medical faculty.” or
lias bran recommended by the "most enlightened nhysl*
elans,” but he would merely state, that having himself suf*
fared severely from bronchial affecUon, attended with night
73T«rkMr#*,mar the (hurt JkMgStmm
id the improvement* In Dying, acquired by him during Hr
last vls.t to England and boolland. baa made arrangements
lor extending hU business, oy which beta now enabled to
a s a greater variety of colors on silk and wooltu dresses, 1
iwl*. Ac, which he trust* will generally phase all who
may favor bint with their patronage,
Urijtlunien'e garments dyed, cleaned or renovated, as
may be roqulre( the same superior sty’*
rtu unauuwn. ... _ _ ^ j . .
loll combinations as provsntad the full force ot may ho required*, in the same superior style which has gen*
Ictal effects. Nor does he avrr thst hh cough erelty so much pleased bis patronsand friends.
ladle*’ bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed In the most
fsshfonabte styles.
Order* from tbe country punctually attended to. Terms
When parcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word
should bs sent him
lv* Utem a convenient
.—as bad lbs satisfaction
.. „ miniaturing It successfully In many case*. Tiie Ingre
dients of which this candy is ootnpoted, among which Wild
Cherry is th* prinelnal, ere perfectly harmless, and may bs
taken by peroous of all ages at ail time*. Unlike many of
the cough candles now offered for sale, purporting to be
the product of profound medical research, but which in
reality are the concocUtns orgenlne candy makers, tills sr*
tide is not expected to cure ” all ths Ills that flesh Is heir
to,” hut U peculiarly adapted to the few diseases above
mentioned, and Instead of being composed of the poorest
quality of sugar, infused with the extract of hoarhound. It
Is made from sugar In Its highest state ol perfection, and
contains well known and approved remedies. Try It, and
Its Intrinsic merit will call forth a spontaneous approval
from you, which ere long will give It popularity unparallel
ed In tiie history of nostrums.
that bs may know where to call for them,
MW Price 25 cents per packsge
Each genuine package of Rice’s C
io envelope ths signature ol
Cough Candy will hear on
signature oi
comer Broughton and Whitaker-streets.
Savannah. Georg 11
Country merchants can bs supplied by the box. each box
containing 60 packages, at >6,25. octll
*• Wo would not grow one bad of hone
You cannot gamer In ripe fruit! ”
lEAT REMEDY la at last discovered, am
T HE GREAT REMEDY Is at last discovered, and Hint fell
destroyer of human happiness at lengtli la conquered
untlmrly grave! Consumption can be cured—Asthma will
soon be ns tiie things that were—and Coughs and Colds, the
parents of that foil disease, Uiat so often brings wo to the
homes of our land. vanDh.aa If by magic, before thia sover
eign remedy.
Tills ia tlzat which has *o long been sought for, nnd Is In
full faith offerbd to the public ae a curtain cur* for cough*,
colds, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, nnd consumption'
nnd will, in any dose where lung* sufficient are left to sus
tain life, check the ulceration and rnlso the patient to
lienltli. Thia is not an idle boost, nor la tills remedy sent
Into tiie market without a thorough trial, but has proved
beyond a doubt, thnt whnt tins been asserted cax me honk.
"Tiie sentiment, tint consumption cannot bo cured, haa
destroyed raoro lives than the disease IUelt,”—Dr. Warmer.
llut there Is Hope f
The proprietor, by tiie use of this article, and the blessing
of Providence, wiik raised, when he ays pronounced by Ids
physician to t>« almost dying with consumption, to perfect
health, and is not willing that so great a blowing should be
withheld from those on whom “ this right hand emissary ot
death” has placed his mark.
The Lozengo Is perfectly harmless in Its nature, and can
IRO . , .
be taken with impunity by the infant and thu invalid ; and
cts willbe' ** ’ ■*■"•* ~
Its beneficial effects will bo felt lu a few hours after com
mencing its use. Let all then, trv it. and if these assertions
arc not proved, after an Impartial trial, the price of the box
will lie returned, nnd all ngentn arc authorized to relund
the money In any case where the article is not perfectly
These Lozenge* arc put up In 25 cent*. 60 cents, and 51
boxes.and only need a trial to be fully appreciated.
C. P. HUNT. Pahikx. Ga., only agent tor tiie Soothe:
State*, to whom all order* must be addressed. fel8-d.Yw
A NEW EDITION of the specimen Book of Bhuck’h New
York Tvfk Fouximr will be published in September.
1953, and will Ik* given to those proprietor* of printing of
fice* who will send for it^or it will lie forwarded them by
mall on receipt, in advance, of fifty cent* tor tho poatago.
In it are exhibited many article* never before shown;
there have been added to (lie Foundry new varieties ot
Roman type* from nine-line pica to pearl, various Imita
tions of writing, a great number of fancr fonts, border both
plain and illuminated, labor-saving rules, and a complete
foundry of Germans.
The types now manufactured are cast from a new com
bination of inotal orgreat durability, and are usually kept
on hand in large quantities. Every fancy font is sold by
weight, nnd at tiie printed prices, which aie from 10 to 25
per cent, less than those of some other foundries. All oth
er minting material* are furnished at manufacturers’ prices
either tor cash or credit.
Printers wishing t# open accounts with me. or whose
deallnr ...
tlsenient including this note, three time* before the 1st
August, 1854, nnd send me nno of tho :>n|M>r*. will be paid
for it in type when they purchase five times the amount ol
their bill from me. o’ my own manufacture*, selected from
my specimens. GEORGE BRUCE
13 Chambers street. New York.
fTl|IK subscriber offer* tor sale, a number oflluildinir Lot*
X lu Oglethorpe Town, near tho contemplated rallrr id
depot. He will also lease, for a term of live, ten. fifte u or
twenty years, a number of other lots in the vicinity of tiie
above. juneir—lawHm A. WEIIB.
T HIS machine la considered by all who aru acquainted
witli its o|>cratlon, as being the cheapest, safest, most
expeditious, and doing work better generally, than any in
It took a sliver medal at the Mechanics’ Charitable Insti
tute In Boston, in tho fall of 1860, nnd soon after n gold
medal at tho Fair of tho Americau Institute in the city of
New York, it being pronounced the best rotary plainer! In
a contest with the Woodworth party in theCircuit Court of
the Culled States, Judge Sprague’s decision was In favor ol
It is tiie intention to sell riehtaon very reasonable term*.
Mncliinrn of tho best quality can bo furnished by me
promptly from the North.
II. UVKtUtoRE, Agent tor the South.
Jacksonville. Oct. 31.185*. wfl—nov’J
mj. Runaway or stolen, on the 21st August last, my
negro man named JARRATT. He I* of black color.
h*** high, well made, twenty-six or seven
years old, sensible in conversation, a little ruptured,
had on a truss when he left home, nnd lie is everyway a
likely lookiug negro. It is likely he will be making to.
wnrds Savannah or Charleston, as he was raised in North
Curolinn.nnd brought front there in 1819. Thenbnvcre-
wnnl will be paid tor the thief on hi* conviction. Twenty
dollars will be paid on delivery of said negro to me If taken
out of tills county, and ten dollars if lodged In any jail and
safely kept until I get him. The rupture may not be see
unless closely examined. PLINY SHEFFIELD.
Thomas county. Ga.. October 18th. 1853. oct23—wtf
Doston. and Ills delivery to me. or contlnon ent in
any safe Jail, so (lint I can get him. He left me
.about tho first of June. 1852 ; he Is about 6 feet 8
inches high, very black, high forehead, punch mouth, a
wide space bet ween Ills upper front teeth. In walking turns
Ills feet rather out. ho has n wile nt Mr. Joseph Wilson’s lu
Ihilloch county. Ga.. near Statesboro, by the name of Char
ity; she formerly belonged to Jefferson Boyd, near Poor
Robhin. Striven county. Ga. When heard of last ho was
about Boyd’s. I have heard ho Is getting Shingles ami
goes to Savannah pretty often on timber rafts mid wood
boats. It is likely ho lias a pas* and lias altered his name
I think If therein a good lookout about Favniiunh nnd up
and down the riverand nbout Mr. Wilson’s and Mr Rovd's
and down the riverand nbout Mr. Wilson’s and Mr Boyd'
lie will soon be caught.
My nddress is Four Mile Branch, Barnwell District. South
June 2 wif
valuAulr land at auction.
O N the fifteenth day of December next, 1 will sell, at atm
tlou, in tiie city of Tallahassee, Florida. Hint valuable
tract of land known ns “ Tiger Hammock,” situated in Wa
kulla county. Fin., about 12 or 15 miles from St, Marks,
nnd near tiie Wakulla river, containing 1800 acres, nearly
all of which is rich hammock and cane brake, and unequal,
ed in quality and location by any tract or land, of the size,
in tho southern county. Terms—One-third cash, balance
in ono nnd two years with interest Sale positive.
Further infoininlion can he obtained from Jas.T. Archer,
Tallahassee.or myself, at Albany, Ga.
nuvfl—diwlm WM. W. CI1EEVER'
Large and rcrcmjAory Sate t>J lluitding Loti in the City of
Jlrunncick, State of Georgia.
T HE proprietors of tiie city of Brunswick, hereby give
notice that a snlo of live hundred eligible lots will take
place, by public auction, at the Oglethorpe Home, in said
city, on Thursday, the 12th day of January. 1854. at twelve
o’clock, M. Tiie sale will be positive to tho highest bidder.
Terms—one-thinl cash, the remaining two-thirds in one
and two years. Title perfect. The port nnd alto ol Bruns
wick hold out commercial and maritime advantage* supe
rior to Ulnae presented by any other south of Chesapeake
Day. The climate ia healthy—tho water pure. Further
particulars, with maps, etc., may be had nt the office of
the company. 90 Broadway, New York, or of Mr. John
Brooka, Agent. Brunswick. Georgln.
WM. CUAUXCEY President.
Thomas A. Dxrrxn. Secretary. nov30
to - cXkfRntbrsT’contkactous, anD
rpHE cheapest establishment In the southern country for
X tho sale of aaalios. doors, blinds and wood Mouldings,
of every variety, Is at the corner of Calhoun and Washing
ton streets, Charleston. 8. C. All my work it made of the
best seasoned white pine, and the sashes are glazed in tiie
very neatest manner.
A toll supply of paints, oil, gloss, varnishes, and brushos,
always tor sale low. sepO—w4w B. F. SMITH.
Q K HUBS choice Porto Rico Sunr : 16 do St Croix do;
/vtl 50 bbls Stuart’s crashed and powdered Sager i 50 do
do A B and 0 clarified do; 150 bbls Baltimore and Georgia
>lour; 76 do Genesee do; 50 do Hiram Smllh’a do; 36
casks quarto and pints London Porter; 60 bbls Philadel
phia Cresm Ale ;,75 boxes soda and sugar Chicken:
bbls 1 *rd; 200 sacks Rio Coffeo; 50 do Laguyra' do; 50
old Government Java do ; 4 pipes Medsr Swan Gin ; 2
Staghound do; 6 half pipes Otard, Dupuy k Co's Brandy:
3 do Slgnettdo; 10 quarter casks Sweet Matsgs Wine; 10
do Tort do; 10 do Madeira do: 50 basket* lleldselck do;
150 bbls domestic Gin. Rum, Whisky and I'rsndy ; 2ft do
Nos 1,2 and 8 Mackerel; 80 half bbls do: 6 cases Sardines;
200 boxes No 1 pale and family Soap; 100 do Tallow Can
dies: 76 do Petri Starch ; 160 reams Wrapping Paper. Just
received and for sale by
CASKS prime Racun Sides ; 26 do do Shoulders ; 20
U\J tierces sugar-cured llama: 100 bbls A B and C clari
fied Sugar; 30 hndi Muscovado do; 26 do Porto Rico do;
20 do New Orleans do s 60 bbls butter, sugar and soda
Crackers ; 60 boxes Tallow Candlea, Oa an< 8s; 100 do Ad
amantine do (Is ; 26 do Sperm do Os ; 60 casks llibert’a
lsindon Porter, pints; 200 boxes Colgate's l'earl Starch ;
100 do No 1 palo end family Soap ; 50,000 Havana Sugars;
600 bags Shut, assorted sizes ; 50 boxes English Pipes ; 300
bbls Baltimore Flour : 60 do Hiram Smith's do; 60 bags
Georgia do ; 300 reams Wrapping Paper; 15 tierce* small
**• “ U'KIltr’ 1
Rice. For wife by . oct3
llwifcU k PALMES
_ extra Ham*. 6 libda Bacon Shoulders, 10 bbf* 11 I<eaf
Lird. 10 half bbl* Pig Pork. 5 lib.In Porto Kico Sugar. 26
bbls Stuart's crashed nnd clarified Sugar, SO boxes Beadei’a
Soap. Starch and Candles. 20 dozen Water Palls, 30 do as
sorted Scrub Brushes. 60 do nssortod Clothes Lines, 30 boxes
■round Coffee. SO do Mustard. 60 gross sound wood Matches.
JO dozen Washboard*. 60 bids white wine Vinegar. 10 bbls
N O Syrup, ke.. Ac., tor *nle, wholesale and retail, at the
corner of Broughton and Drayton sticets. by
““ - * VID
the attention of planters. hou-e-l;cepcrsnml others, to
iny large end varied assortment of Crockery. China. Glass,
and stone Ware; Wood and Willow Ware; Family Hard
ware; Table Cutlery ; Plain and Japnucd Tin Ware; and
Fancy Articles—in short, every article necessary Io furnish
a house front kitchen to garret, may be found at this uatab-
iiidunent. except dry good* and cabinet furniture, and at**
low. if not lower prices, than tlu-y can be purchased else
where. sep21 J. P. CULLIES.
S UNDRIES.'—75 barrels Stuart’s Crashed and Powdered
sugar ; 80 do. do. A. B and CClarified sugar ; 23 hlids
Prim Porto Rico, and 10 hlids. St. Croix sugar ; 60 Casks
qunrt* and pint* llynss Isindon Purler ; CO bbls. Tread-
”’ * hi
well's soda biscuit: 30 bbls. and 75 kegs Prime Leaf lard ;
60 mats su;ierlor old government Java Coffee; 40 bag*
laguyra and 80 Prime old Rio Coffee; 6 Pipe* meder swan
(Sin ; 60 box** Roys l-omnn Syrup ; 20 barrels Winter
Strained and Blenched Wlmln Oil; 300 boxes No. 1 Palo
ami Family Soap ; 20 tierces superior sugar curled Hams ;
60 boxes white 50 do. colored Cheese : tUO boxes new Rcaf
ed Herrings ; lOOdo. Adamantine Candies; 80 do. Beadel'..
Os and 8* Tallow Candlea ; 60 Iwixea Pearl Starch ; 40 Imixcs
Ground Coffee ; 20 do. do. Pepper ; 6(1 do*, pninted Buckets
200 reams wrapping and 100 Cup mid Letter pn;icr. Land
ing and tor sale by
A CTS of the Legislature of Gcorglu. tor 1R51—*2 ; Miss
Bremer's Home* or tho New World—Impressions ol
America, in two volumes.
The Second War with England, by J. T. Headley, in two
volumes, will) plates.
Men aud Thing* a* I Paw Them in Euro,*, by Klrwan.
Venice—the City of the Sea. from tho invasion of Napo
leon to tho capitulation ill 1849. by Kdm. Flagg, witli a map
and embellishment*, in two volumes.
Sir Wm. Hamilton's Dlscum-iona on Hiilosophy and Lit
erature, Education ami University Reform.
Templeton's Engineer, Millwright and Mechanics’ Pocket
Companion, with mntheiuntirnl tallies.
Picture Pleasure Rook, with 500 illustrations.
(tSwiss Family R.,bluson. with 8 illustrations.
Clouded Happiness, by Countess d'Orsay.
Fern leaves, from Fanny’s Port Folio,
cloister rare or vnatlcS V ; Tt»e Mud Cabin ; Professor
Silliinan's Travels in Europe; Echoes of a Belle; Lorenzo
Rennni; Moore's IJfo of Sheridan. Ac.
— station Philosophy and literature,by SirW. Hamilton
Homes of the New World, or Impressions of America, by
Frcdrika Bremer, translated by Mary ilowitt.
Men nnd Thing* in Europe, by Klrwnn
Home Pictures, by Mr* Mary A Denison.
Rhetoric of Conversation. «>r Bridles and Spur* tor the
management of tiie Tongue, by Geo W llervey.
Dr Chalmers' Correspondence, by Rev Wm Hanna.
All i* not Gold that Glitters, or tho Young California, by
Cousin Alice.
Tho Young Astronomer. J C Abbott.
Gleason's Pictorial: Barn urn's Illustrated News. .
Godov's lady’* Book and Graham's Magazine, fur Novem
ber ; Blackwood'* Magazine, tor October ; Clouded Happi
ness, a novel, translated from the French of tiie Countess
d’Orsay; Tho Midnight Queen, by Georgo Llppnrd, For
side at 135 Congress street. oct20
rjMjUOK ull. CLOTHS.—The most complete stock of Oil
X Cloth*, in every variety of natternsand colors, varying
in widths from one to eight yards. Families and hotel keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or hails without piecing.
WM. II. GUION. Agent. Carpet Warehouse,
( 6: ~
140 Congress and 67 St. Julian-*!*.
double and single extension ; also, a variety of lino r cheap at tiie book s'ore of
apMS 8. S. S' ”t FV l-'.liCongress- street
' received 100 Reynold’* Extra Family Hama. 2 bbls Pig
Hams. 39 Idols Bacon Shoulders. 10 half utils Fulton Mnrket
Beef, 10 half and nliolo bbls Pig Pork. 10 bbls No 1 !,enf
Lard. 10 bbls winter Oil. For snleat the corner of Brough
ton nnd Dray ton streets, by
perior good* manufactured last season, which are
sldered by judges to bo the best orticlo in tiie mnrket—
Planters are Inviied to call nnd examine tlie.n before pur
chasing elsewhere. K EMI TON k VEKSTILLK.
72 St. Jnileii and 105 Bryan streets.
\| APK1N BINGS—Ivory, bone, boxwood and wire Napkin
lv Rigs.foraaieby nnv23 J. P. COLLINS.
0 PM , .. .
last, the undersigned takes this method of informing their
friends nnd Hie public generally that the business at that
place will be continued hv them, nnd that they are nt this
time receiving a largo and well setccled slock of goods suit-
aide to tho trade of tho adjoining counties in Georgia and
Eli ridn, nnd solicit tho patronuge of their friends and the
public gnu-rally. JAMES L. KING k CO.
Camden county. Sept. 3l)th. 1853. octll—wSt
his I
East Florida State Seminary are desirous of securing
services of two male and two female teachers tor said
Institution. They propose ns salaries—
Principal, male 81.500
Assistant ~ 1.000
Literary teacher, female 600
Music " " 000
All must bring with them satisfactory credentials as to
morals and literary acquirement*. Southern men and la
dies will be preferred.
Application must be made by nr before the 25th of De
cember next, letters addressed to the Secretary of the
Hoard must be post paid. Hy order of the Board.
LEWIS C. GAINES. President.
J. M. McI.vrosH. Secretary.nov-24—I
DIDGK, Administrator William T. Taylor—South Caro-
linn, i nlleton District, in Equity.—In obedience to tiie De
cretal order of the Court of Equity, made in thia case, at the
last term. HENRY JO.SIAII TAYLOR, the non of the Intes
tate, William T. Taylor, if he lie alive, la hereby notified,
and callrd iiiwo. to come forward within thiee mouths
from tbe publication hereof, and claim the funds In thia
case. O. P. WILLIAMS. Com. Equity C. I).
a v d 7 * J ? DU .V / ’ 18M ’* Sr ■°PP*J r •« Ration*
and Ship ill inotary, for th* revenue vessel on this station,
tor pne year Irtni the data of the centred, The rations for
Service, omitting the liquor, and consists of the article*
•numerated In tiie following Ubto. to wit:
Wnllerbo rough, S. C., Sept. 13th, 1863.
General Commission House, or with an experi
enced nusiueas man, in 8avonnah. by a gentleman now re
siding In upper Georgia. From bis extensive acquaintance
among the planters snd business men of the middle and,
nortbern'sectionl of our State, be flatters himself that lie
can bring with him not only " paper reference* ” hut a de
sirable business, which heretofore has been done in other
markets. If there are any in Savannah who desire such an
alliance they will please address B. B„ office of the Sevan-
. nah Georgian. novl—dOlw
subscriber, on the 16th of August, a negro man
named TOM, about forty years old, stout and chunky
.built, and has a mark resembling a feather or aryow
commencing at tbe base of the nose and running up the
forehead, lie will probably try to get to Savannah, where
be has spent several vears o' 1
mate ofaa:
i of runaway life, and was an in-
avannah jail a good part of the year 1849.
Leon county, Florida, Sept. 12,1863. aepl8—dfcwtf
gftfe Five hundred and eighty acres of Land, situated on
Skid to way Island, nine miles by land and twenty milea
by water from the city. Three hundred acres of which la
fine corn and cotton land, in a high state of cultivation.
The dwelling to a cottage, containing aeven rooms, walla
hard finished, with all necessary out house*, and a fin*
orange grove, fig, pear and peach trees. Cannot be sur
passed for health. Fcr terms apply to
F LOUR AND BUCKWHEAT—66 bblsll Smith’s Genesee
Flour. 28 half do do. 80 X, X and X bbla and boxes
new trolled Buckwheat, received per steamer, and for sale
by nov20 SCRANTON, J0HN3T0N k CO.
IU HAMS, BliTTER, Ae—Just received per steamer—
Pig Hama and Pig Sides; also, 80 kegs Butler, and
20 boxes mild Cheese. For sale hr
r. Barnard street,
near the Market.
■y’ERBKNA WATER. Ac.—Hayel’s and Basln’a Verbena
, . _ .... _ iogne,
•mall bottles, Just received snd for sale by
nov9 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square.
rrilA—60 half-chests llyson, Imperial, and Pouehnng. foi
X sale by aspl6 WEBSTER A PALMES.
inn WN8 RED ASH COAL, of superior quality, broken
AUls and screened, of sis* suitable for burning In gratae,
landing from schooner NarragensetL and for sale at 89 per
ton on the wharf, or 810 delivered to any part of the city.—
pr.m,tl/ auppll.4. } . T . TR0UM
10—T aj the Ferry Wharf Coal and Wood Yard.
Eastern Hay,'for sale, to arrive per brig
Apply to
At thu expiration of three months from date,
shall apply to the Murine and Fire Insurance Bank
of the State of Georgia, tor payment on the following de
scribed half bill: Right-hand half bill, on said bank. No.
111. letter A. dated January 1st. 1852. Also, application
will be made to tho Bank of-the State of Georgia tor pay
ment on tho following described halves i right-hand linli
820 bill. No. not known, lotter A. dated June Vtb. 1840;
.l.n *1A Ill Va „tt Uil.ilr II Va (MVt llp.n.l. .1 ft..
also, >10 bill. No. cut. think it is No. 992. Branch at Au
gusta. The left-hand halve* of the abovo described bills
stolen or mislaid by mall.
Dublin. Os., October 20th.'1863. oct22—w3m
T O TEACHERS—A Principal la wanted for the Walthour-
vilie Academy, consisting of a Male and Female De
partment, and jointly comprising about sixty scholars.—
Principal to furnish a female assistant, to bo approved by
the Trustees. A married man preferred, The beat testi
monials required. 8".hool to '
onl to open January 1st. 1854. Ad-
L Sec’y W. A., WaUtiourviUe. Lib-
dress. WM. Q. BAKER,
erty county, Ga. nov27—w3w
uaunuiA roiPiniiEi i/uuuiiuii, ibmi
fJMIIS Institution, which waa^chartered In 1849, has con-
_ tinually enjoyed a high degree of prosperity under
tiie direction of a Faculty of experienced and successful In
structors. Tbe coarse or study to full aud comprehensive.
Tbe recitations are conducted so as to bring Into play the
various mental powers of the pupil. The apsratus cost
about 82,000, and is kept in constant use by the Profeesor of
Natural Science. Pupils in the Musical Department, enjoy
unusual advantages. They receive, In common with all tho
‘ • Bolnatr - * * * *'*
School. scienti6e instruction in vocal music, and they are
also Instructed in the composition of music and In thorough
With a view to aid In aupplyinr the home demand for
teachers, the Trustees have established a Normal Class for
the benefit of those who wish to receive Instruction In the
theory and practice of teaching. . '
No extra charge* are mods tor Incidental* or stationery.
The Spring Term commences on Monday, tb* 9th or Janus,
Catalogues may be obtained from either of tha officers.
THOS. J. BURNEY, 8ep. Bd. Trtu. * -
Msdbox. Nov. 7.
mm Th® undersigned will sell three thousand
Mor less, of tho moat valuable Lumber land In Georgia.' lie* upon Ul»-Alatamaha River, in. tbe county of
Liberty fifteen miles from WalthourvlUe, aod about thirty
from Darien, parallel with th* river, extending back from Ita
banks not farther than three miles to Ita brthest line.
The timber to of the largest size that grows In the south,
and very abundant, soltal to for masts or raoginc timber.
The laming to one of the best on the river, affording
opportunity for rafting to Darien at any stage of the rii
n advantage possessed by but very few. Hands can
• a raft to Barton, and return In four or flva days.
On tho land there are negro houses, ox sheds, and pro vis-
Ion houserin good repair, and-two lumber carta with every
appliance tor toe lurobei business, situated on a high and
healthy hill.
There are also about 300 acres of as good hammock land,
for tltber corn or cotton, to be found any where, covered
witbredoak. while oek. hickory, and ash timber. These
lands present as good fkcilltirs for either lumber cutting,
sieve getting, or turpentine, as any other, and will he pen
etrated by the Savannah and Albany Railroad, flow In con
For further particulars address to Rlceborough, Liberty
county.Go., either oTthe undenigned. C. a JONES,
fll ' '
MX — W-
^ M
Jno U
X' X
jo eu|«|«u
ju raWM
ft- .«»• .Sftift- ••
,. , # •
IJ .9
^ x
• • • • SMRV|0)(
Pro] ... . . ....
cflveil in pursuance
plying atdliU office.
uha. ir * t "‘ M0 h* 1 * K, °i 1W urin
*. •■wu.uffimjgv .
atotHuart’s Band cw do Wo.*-
Sundries—loo boxes R— t , lDd 1 u Mt« I
rise*, loo boxes Key'. !*, ‘ D Ll00lw. I
buck Shot 10 b Is pura U irto?" ,ru P'
and half boxes new M.i.u* Vis J5W[»P and I
bu., 6c,M,
wft shell Almonds, 10bl.Un rdln **» 10 tno/iU’ W 1
20 half bbl* Fulton niaiU. n^" »««. ttoJi'.S >»<> I
psign quarts an,) |Hnto. ! »& 8 Jf^®hl®Sn 1 ,d *»|
I icklea quarts and halt
Ginger. 60 boxes clay l*l£ u',* 4 S* 1 Isafi
boxes assorted Crackv„ , S 0 'u 1 J U B l® ^ lOO 1^*21
amantln*Candle., 16 do%AotWl
m **V. ar,er *»bls do^W^'^M’bBrtebi, mF
*° dn isSaSMfBluig* AS. S"
JOHN BOSTON. Collector.
axonr.iA : nr iiowkil c*mii. uovxrxor or n.\in rtatx
T O the HiinorableJu»lir«>K ol die Inferior Courts of tiie
several counties enmpuring the Coweta Judicial Dla-
trict :
A vacancy liavii g occurred in the Judgeship of the Co-
... ..... s.. Jj
weta Judicial Dlstrirt by Hit* resignation of the lion. Edward
Y. Hill, I uo hereby i-sue tills, my proclamation, requiring
tho duly authorize! officer* ol said Judicial District to hold
an election In their respective enmities on tho first Monday
In January. 1864. in iiuuuier nii-1 form aa by law |io!nted nut.
to fill such rucanry.nud that they make a return thereof
to this Department.
Given under my hand nnd tlieFenl or the Executive Depart
ment, tills llh ,l.n ufNuimier. 1863
By tno Governor:
W. W. I'aimc. r. e. i*.
Counties conijiosing the Coweta Judicial District : Cowc-
ta, K-Kalh. Fayette. Heard.Meriwether and Troup
|irTER for sale, at tiie luweiii market price, a Urge and
V/ w«-B selected stock of Dry Goods, to which they respect
fully solicit attention:
LnilU-n’ Dre-M* Uooils.
Black Silks, of all width- nod liest mukes.
Black figured Silks, p ain and colored Silks,
plaid and brnc deSilk'
I'ai is printed M. *!e Uines. a Urge and beautiful stock.
Plain colored dn. and Clioco* and Broadway Browns,
Small figured de Ijiinea. tor children,
Ftiglisli and American Mouxlin do Lilues.
Printed Satin dr Clo-iio. new and very handsome.
Mourning Goods.
A great vnriety of Mourning Dress Good.* and Embroide
ries, consisting of every tiling new nnd beautiful.
A lnrro variety ofFnglixli und German Hosiery, for la
dies. gentlemen, and children.
Flannels. Shirting* and .-heeling*. Blankets. Quilts. Irish
Linens.Table Daninxl* and Napkins, Kerseys, Plains. Osna-
burgs. Brown Shirtings Ac.. Ac. octifi
178 Broughton Brat, v]]<nte St. Andreio'i Halt. Savour, .
H AVE great pleasure in Jiri-cting attention to late pur
chases. In connection with their retail trade, they car
ryout strictly the same the sate of their goods, „«
is pursued by the large homex in the northern
ly : Bring their customers the full advantage arising fiom
buvlng in large lota. Planters, and heads of families, nnd
all person*, buying in quantity, will itn*i many Urge lots to
buy from, and decidedly cheap oct2fl
T HIS delicious article rnnil-itica so many meritorious
qunlilies. (lint it now lias t«-cemp a standard favorite
with the citl/ens of New Yoik. Philadelphia. Baltimore.
Pittsburg, and other pUces. Denti-t* and Physicians pre
scribe it in their practice most -uccessfully. anil ’roni every
souico tiie most fiuttering laudations arc awarded it. In-
llumcd, sore, or bleeding gums are linmedintely cured by
lt\nse; itsnctlon upon tliein is mild.soothing.and effec
tive. It clean-es Hie t<« th so thoroughly Hint they are
made to rival ja-arl in whiteness, and diffuses through the
mouth such a delightful freshness, thnt tiie brratli is ren
dered exquisitely sweet, ami it will In most instances af
ford relief to Hie most violent toothache.
The followimr Certificate from Dr Gillton.a Chemist ol
world wide celebrity who has submitted the article to a
clo-mical analysis, is proof sufficient to convince anyone
of its superiority
" I have examined a bottle of •• Zcrinan's Anti-Scorbutic
Tooth Wash,” nnd find it to lie a vegetable preparation of
sn Innocent clmrnrtrr. I believe it will prove beneficial tor
Hie purpose it is recommended ”
JAMES. It. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.
Ju*t received, nnet for sale by
novl7 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
D R. E. G DOYIftE takes pleasure in announcing tolnvn
lids nnd Hie putdic generally, tliul the above popular
nnd superiorly appointed cstalJi-hnient. formerly conduct
ed by T. CsHl-TOx Coylk. M D.. is now ready tor the recep
tion of patients seeking a re-torn Hon to health.
All chronic diseases of the human organism successfully
treated at this institute; dvs|>ep‘ia. gout, rheumatism,
constipation, hemorrhoid* or piles, hemorrhage*, amen-
errha-a, menorrhern, dyxnieum rlia-n. Iliior albus. genital dis-
placement*.affections of thn eyes and ears, tetter, ery-
xl|«1ns and nil chronic diseases of Hie skin nnd scalp, scro
iiila, dropsy, .-ypliilis, and the liuiiiural diseases g neral-
ly. iieurnlgia. selatica. tic douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy
or the falling sickness, virtlgo. ;ia raly-is. apoplrc tic tenden
cy. bronchitis, asthma, chronic infiamation ol the stomacli
and Imwels. ntiopliy. nnd indeed every possible habit of, or
citron c diseased action Hint Is curable—and all dimuei art
curalje. If no organic lesion be present.
Tiie Indies' Department is under the immediate supervi.
sion of that arcompli-hed iadv. Mrs. well
known to the old patrons of the establishment
The facilities which this institution offers tor the proseem
Hon of n strictly hydropathic nnd hygienic course of treat
* vitfi its ( ' '
lit, together with its easiness of access from all point: . ..
Georgia, and tho adjoining Slates, renders it peculiarly
adapted to the wants of invalids, dextrous of availing them-
selves or the efficacy of the water-cure.
Tiie purity ol the water and accommodations for guests,
are too well known to need comment.
In fitting up Hie establishment nooxpi-use has been spar
ed Hint could conduce to make it one of Hie most desirable
places of resort for invalids in Hie Coiled State*.
I’atients will tie required to furnixh their own out-fit.—
These will consist of friction sheets and towels, compresses,
and blankets, for sudorific purposes. All of which can be
purchased here on the most reasonable terms.
Tkkms—Professional attention, use of baths, ke . 510 per
week—board $6 per week—payable monthly. Servants
boarded mid treated for 810 ;kt week.
All letters of Inquiry promptly answered. JuceB
’I'ALMA CIMAKH.—Received on assortment of sundry
X kinds and qualities, at 117 liny-street.
nov8 I’RirF. k NEARER.
W HISKY—10 lihls Monnngalieln. 1 puncheon Scotch
WliisUy, do Irish do. For sale l»v
H AMS—600 Reynold’s Itaitlmore Hama. 3 hiids do do
Shoulders.2libls I’ig Hams.3dodo .-boulder*, just re
ceived nnd for sale by HYLAND k O’.NEllX.
•l-rii Rroughton street.
W ANTED—A I’orter to attend in a Pry Goo-la .-tore.—
Apply to deefl aIKIN k BURNS.
P RIME AND RAISIN.-—5 case* fresh I’runrs, 200 lbs
Currants. 60 half nnd quarter boxes Ijiycr Raisins, just
received nnd tor sals by HYLAND k O’NEILL
dec4 under Marshall House. Broughton street.
OUGAIt—25 l>bls A. II ami C Stuart’s clarified Sugar, for
O sola debt HYLAND Je O’NEIIJ..
S HAWliJ—A few white crape Rlinwls. tor sain low to close
ft, *" ——• *
lot, by
QUPERI0R RAZORS.—Makers Roger* k Son. Elliott. Geo
Qtllr 11 “
CAltlUAUK VnT,,' _ n °v30
SjSlSS i«* I
xarrtall. fc r .VrP
Ituill* Ol |
■ w «■■■ ^ i i . .iir.
tins city, most res|#cifu||y loBdt aJIhu'’ W " b,i * l,n "' , ‘t ,n
; , v i'-ft ouiit »).ii r ii . , , v " in lu
tonsiveMtronagesohbeiill, ? Un'";"" r ,lic •**
tor. Ills our |* '" D 1 «!»«• pioprle-
sort mm t of ail kind* of Carria4. f 1 " 1 wtonsive us-
Tl* 1.1, pn,,,IE " 1 . .1,1. „,.,i„|.
at tlio mu Hi. tor tbe luirbi-e ». s' V ll,rt *' 1 u » “gent
ment. Ills experience of iwentAe. 1 ^,
lit * » ’J pl
the South, will insure to' IT,Liu'‘ xl * hu ”"
well selected st.Hk a.cannot Jilt"'i."" 1 f a "" n * such a
Mr. Boxm will che r «‘ r '»tMietl 0 ».
repairing, as heretofore V'i « ' n ! ", nal1 Mnd «l
ir.ui,- s HKNM.pi.
maylO h-, 0M ,' s a "'“'" N.
A CARD.—It Will W ftetn frm, u c
lo Mo—rn. I. S. JSlTr! ,7T|V*"
'«.I" “bilitv III ,li,»
... "ii'i i n««re
end capital, to aucre«f u ||y“ Suit tafilT! 11c *i aWU, J r
up the reputation of tbe
»«. -rtk-ir BENMtT ha«
two years, and 1 take plea-uteTn f ',' r ,,1P , "’ ,t
public ns an iudu« c *rai" c ^T r " l, !" ?
while looking to his u«n to rn,, '"T * b "l
hia patron*. W ‘ 1, *' 11 not “’S 1 ”! those «i
In relinquishing my butlnen | n tbi« ri.,. i... «
portunity to say. that it i* not r^
whatever. Since my re.i,le,.ce in^tU cHl ,r; w " f,r, l , "“ ,
have been kindly and treauii Ir l ?!'' n "" h '-
eroded much better Ilian I antichaled ' a " J " ,u ‘ , “ IC ■ f
In the course 1 hate Just t»ltu l h»«.I
Im’r r'lT n *. F ,i “ 1 ' ‘-"’l" ■l'Wbi?3S, 1 !'
I may be. 1 .hall always cnirv with pvetbr!i»r.».i... Pi
of obligation, and cherii Ii Hie deei.,t Intm.t u . ,
Ing will dn more to effect this, tlizn tbe «uftUlnie K ?.f «
Ssva.N.Nsii.pth Mat. I
N. B—Mr. II. D. W. A tux an tun i« myltgall. tiitbor'ied
oi m ; bofine.*,
J C. TllyUSTftN*.
J fjS] IR VING HOUSE, Waihiiifem. Vidnd oJ
nil [ptumha—Tiie undersigned, isle ptei.rie ui ot
I’jjl.l n'ncli s lintel. Noifolk. t a . having rerrnth ts*><y
tiie utKive popular estn lisliment. takes pleasme in tnfonoi
ing his numerous friends that he lias, nt great |*lmr mu
expense, refitted and furnished the house and provided th
most ample arrangement* for Hie comfort nnd convenient
or nil «lio inn v lavor Mm with their patronage. ,
Having h id considerable experience in liotel-kevhlnrIi]
Hatters liimsell that families nnd single boarders can be *
commndnted at the Irving as-atisfuclorilras al anvollij
liotel or Ixuirding liouse in the United Stale.* ’ (
Members of Cowirten and oiherr ri.iting Washington.
with a vfew to reside there tor sometime, would do aril to
U . ,U * ,ou,t b,,f " re making arrangeiuentsel-e ■ |,rie.
It is eligibly situated at the romer of 12th -trret and IVnn-
sylvnum avenue, midway between Hie Capital and iVi-art-
“* nU 11,e htiRding is large and of modern snliitrctura
snd tl.e furni-
tiie rooms are spacious and well ventilate
lure is new und of Hie lies! des-ription
Still Bettor —Ho charges are snd in actor-l-
ance with Hie time*, whilst Hie table* groan with tbe tort
thnt the country affords. Call.examine and sitl-lr vemr-
*'«»•., . _ _ , D.INIH. D. FlfliSc il.
Mnshlngton. D. C.. June 1.1853 j r 7
'HE undersigned would re«pecti'ullv inform the trade
and public generally that he is now receiving then
......II...., ■ ■ . . ....
per evrry Havre |«tkrt. wliivli be
iupermi to
truly excellent
oilers in bond or fmi
1 he above wines have la-rn carefully examined and com
pared with all the favorite brand*, snd are pronounced by
judges fully equal to the verv best, and !»r
many which are -riling nt» higher price
Messrs. Fkmimrd. I'kmk et 1 il*. ■ f Itlirlniv. proprieto
the above tirands. po*sr»-ing facilities fur tiie preparation
ol fine wines, roiial to tho-ei-fany oilier liou-ein the wine
districts, rnn guarantee lln-ir wines t-e’.ng selected from Hie
finest vintages, will always be lound of tbe same superior
and uniform quality.
The label-and cork* bear the name of the proprietors.
The trade ia invited to examine sample, at the agency.
Sole Agent nnd Importer for the
United .-late- and Canadas.
octifi—d3m II Old Slip. New York
nol-ls A Son’s W L
bbl-1! .
LrafLard. 100do choice ixlia family Hams.
IlncnnHiouldrr*. 10 bt-l-. and lull do Pig I’ork. lolisll I-'-
Haw's Corn Ikef.Ohoses Ik-a-Iel's Tsilow Candies, .-larch
family Soup, 20 boxes .-|u'rin and .Mur Candles. 10 burr
lllenched winter strained Limp Gil. ItiO boxes Ground Coil
Mustai-I. Cinniinion. and I’ep* r. 50 lbs Nutmeg and Jtaee. tk
Chest ’ kdong leu. loose and in quarter lid- packages. So l-hto
Potatoes, and 100 bbls assorted ai pi- *. Ae.. Ac. For -sic by
S UMdtllS—-tOIdols priuel
10 casks sugar cured Hum
n on S -h-s. so do ehnul-lerf
fill bid- Roslon Rum. lOOdi
I’iielps' nnd Rose Gin. 2n<lo iN.mestle Rrandy. ‘.’Oqusrte
and eighth ra*ks Malaga Wine. 125 Idd- g-w.-l eating 1‘ots
toes. 100 boxes new srale*'. Herring. 2 lihd* Codfish 20 Ii*
bbls Geo Haw's F M Reef, lu l-xes new M It Itai-ins. ““ *
ground Pepper. 25 dn do Coffee 1WI kegs 5.10.16 at
gallons. 200 demijon*. 1.2.3. an-l 5 gall- iis. 200 bap- diffi
and liurk .-lint. a-s.-ite-I. At' ream- wrapping paper. Ml ll
Bea-IrPa r* and 8-Candles. 80 bid- Stuart's cn-t J "
Imw-lerevl Sugar. On do II and C thrilled -to. Mi do i
Flour. 50 hall do do. CO lit-lv butter, sugai and sods
ers.lunding and for sale by
n „v9 Scranton, joiinston k c<»r^
UU.-P. hf.l lTJ-.' and other* will ptas-e lake notice thi (
Hie nhslructions al tiie entraine of my st-re. co
quent upon the putting up ot an Ir-n Front, are now »
ticntly removed to enable them to gain easy access to Hi
interior, w here they wdl find tiie shelves well storked a
usual, with Crocketv.CWua.Ulaa*snd .-tom* Waif.lain*J
Hardware, wood a n-i willow Ware.lli. "areand I able Cut
lery ; together with a great variety of I. m|-* iantfr#’.
Wicks. Fancy snd House Furnishing tim'd*, which *i» »
sold st model ate nnd just prices, by J. I’.lOl LI.'..
niig-ui 1IH) Rryanstiret.
I /A 1 1. DltfjsS Gi lul*?—Moii-Tin de I^tirrs. figured
1 plain for ladies nn-l cliildren; French tnglidi««
German Merinos ; colored Alpacas, rsw kilk-
itt , urd
Plaid; Plaid limeade nnd plain .-ilk.; »ili- Mantilla*.
fignrc-l Shawls and worsted Scarfs; long an-l -qusre ii
SIiiiuIh ; colored and Idnrk Plaid Ginghams; *11 sue IW«-
A fine assortment just received and tor •sto ny
ocI-m AIM' *
UUT1ER. RAI.'INS AND CANDY-26 kegTchoiceKe*k«
Butter. 70 whole ami half boves laver ILI-m- Mtol”
common ami extin Candy. landing nnd lor raleBy
IV . Mill mri™' . /VI
r»Mic7K=.irBK' -w>»si
L amp oil, su.ip. ac.—t» nm* »mn * u zr.-/ aU L
Lamp Oil. 30 boxes Beowl'a Family '"•r. 3 "
15 .Io p-r.,. ?«*-J**i
Wostenholin. and Wade k Butcher, also. Razor Strops.
Soap. Brushes. Ac., for sale at 147 Ray sheet, by
mporlor nrtlcle. for sale by
J. 1‘. COl.I.INP.
B RANDY—JO half pipes Otard Brandy.2 do pale and dork
Henncsy, 2 do Saranac, 6 do J J Dupuy. In atore and
for sale by ^ HYLAND A O’NEIL.
N. U.—100 dozen In bottles, 25 per cent cheaper than uny
liot'SKln the city. nov9
F RWII BUTTER AND C1IEESE^20 Ol kin* strictly prime
Butter, at 25 cents per tb.. 11 do Goshen do. at 20 cts.
- per lb , _
For sale by nur23 HYLAND k O’NEILL.
A PPLES ANI) POTATOES-60 bbl* Just received by
^OAP Al^USTAltCH—M^boxcsCuijate'sSoap and Starch.
For sate by nor23 HYLAND A O’NEILL,
TTAM8—landing schr. Mohawk. 200 Reynold’s superior
XI Hams,for sale by
nov!2 J. V. CONNKRAT k CO.
ft-ftS 1-30.000 Uthi dally ezpected |>«r brig Martha
tagers. For sale to arrive by
rr LUBES—A beautiful pal
VT Ual and terrestrial, for sale cheaj
8. & SIBLEY. 136 Congress street.
'-ijpAllS AND LARD—20 tierces sugar cured Hams, and
sn lTt— - - - ■
bbla Lard, for sale by
H AV—160 bal* a prime Eastern liay. landing per bark
Charles William, and for sale by
uuv!8 BRIGHAM, KELLY A 00.
T IQUOR CASES, received and for sale by*
JLt novl2 /. P
R IGOLCmS—A Urge variety for rate by
superior Hams. *0 barrels Rump Pork, landing per
Brig Josey-hos, for sale by
nov28 BRIGHAM. KELI.Y k Co.
S U 60 hM B ^ N, *°’"' 1 ™ « bU ® t ?? rt ’.V A . ,nd BSta^ari
hhds Bacon Sides and 8houldera; 60 boxes Crysta-
line Candles, landing and tor sal* by
T7L0UR, LARD. Ae.—60 bbls 11 8m!th’* Hour, new ; 60
X do Or-* * **
- Canal do; 60 half bbla Extra do; 60 kegs Lard: 40
boxes Candy: 26 do extra do; 100 do Tobacco, various
brands; 6 half boxas do, extra twist, landing and for sale
AOON AND FU)UK—100 casks choice Sides. 8hould*re.
D and Rams, 616 bbla and ban Baltimore. Georgia, and
thnal Fleur, landing and for ulebr
octl6 ^ HOlvOOMBB. JOHNSON A 00.
M SCHNAPPS—4 do* Wolfe's superior Scbeidam
“ “ lepertor tonic, diuretic. antldUpsntie “ J
dtoLciDeciallr reeomnModtd to all per
ire of ague, remittent and bilious fever. ”—“
onstrath^ graven-
pure sperm uannire.j
i Porter 30 bbl* PoUti e*. wbitat'w«>' «
Apples. 30 do Baltimore Flour. 15 do Hiram so* ....
ii«lng Flour, also. Uutrer. Clmese. Ac..Ju*t .
sale al the corner of Broughton and Drayton ‘•'JJJyyjg .
1)UTTER AND CHEESE.—'lust recrtre l
ii gusta. 6 kegs choice «o»ben Itottar. I R
Cherose. tor sale by W'« „ ,mv *.
Corner Broughton an.HlriytoP-* 1 ^^
’AIUN.-50 baskets Hcid*irkffon«’P;^ f8t
le do. 25 do Douche. 25 do Anchor
sale at tiie corner of Bay and-Whiisker » ,,rT ” J3j\*\d*.
octlO “ T
hofWiroundUeffrt, V» 4l °* t*
. Bark Radiant. For sale by
nov8 IgIGHAM.
OLD PENS—A large a«sorWn*t »t C^t PeDt-Jo ^
l KEH-Y *
G OLD PENS-A targe a.M.rVnSm oi
and sliver extension and double
ranted an excellent article, toy/ri^f t rnnffTWI etreeL
• K l M ,rdDalt«.
70 boxes do w hite llicese. 5b do**pT” py
Hiram Smith’a Flour. 30 half bid* GemJ* ,4 0>.
nov23 STRANT^^' j,
rSi 1
•rtF ? 110 "- i—-
rrquesi an inner v-- - , . , 0 nrcrem
diate payment, and those having c ^ jHTCHtl-I'
for sottlement. u ZogbaurakU®-.
J«n®»» “‘T halves
B UCKWHEAT. Ac.—50 quarter tam«
eighths hulled Buckwheat- ta
Mackerel. 20 do dn Salmon. Ju»l rawgj * RTHGER8-
nnv9 -—rfZ.m* llfttirs 49.0(4
OPANISH SKGARS—Just n-:elvth W ^ 5r*»r».
iWiSoniv to ■»:« H-Jf- &-*«»-*
6.000 El Duende do. 3,000 la (* k Ot.
by novl5 * rir'. * nJ
oVbS"c“S. F.,«t.b, . ***»
Slur -