The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 18, 1854, Image 1

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c/ uy w r r r< J : C7W- ^ ' VOL. xxxvi. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 18. 1854. NO. 88. <EI)t Sfltflnnol) ©corgian, pounsD DAILY, TRl-WKKKI.Y, AND WEEKLY. DY PUNCH iV. HILTON City and County Printer*. DAILY, $6—TRl-WKKKI.Y • I-WKKKI.Y, $2. 1-AYAni.K IS APVA50I. Where {wyment U not mado In advenae. the oharge* will invariably t*> TorlHUy Georgian $8, f ir Tr«-Weekly •», »nd for Weekly _ The SitvmmKh Georgian. The Proprietors have tl»«* pleasure of announcing Hint they have associated with them, an a Corresponding Kdl- t»r of *.lty Mr. P. L. J. Mat. lute F. Hor «.f tho . Oglethorpe South*r» Denvicra/. who will devote hi* entire 1 Morgahola Whisky. Brnudy. Port timn ..,.1 latent* to tho Interest* of tho paper. Ily till* ar- i While Vinegar. Cider Vinegar. Poi time and UlenM to mo .... haUbbla.quarter- Salmon, table Salt. Vermloella. Macaroni, rangement tho duties pertaining to tho onico will b , fco nf w|l , c j, ))(Terp | to KamilloH. Planter* and tided, as to enable\»s to have effectually canvassed not on- country merchants, fur cash or approved paper, ly this but tho several adjoining States. Tills service Is as- j n ov8 snmed by Mr. Mar. as a matter of preference with him* A. CHAMPION. „ AT HM STORK MARKET SQUARE—Ha* on hand, and offers for sale on reasonable terms—100 ■oHM barrels crashed, powderd, clarllled nnd brown *u. ■MMBgarS; 75 bags Rio. Cuba.aud ..Id government coffee. 60 barrel* Ualtlmoro and Oinal Flour I t jj 60 hall bids do do do J' 100 08.100, 49 lb. hags choice Cherokee Hour. 40 bbls Uutter.8ugar.8oda Crackers and Pilot Bread. 160 bbls. Potatoes.Carter's Juno nnd inorces, for family U **a00 Reynold’s llam*. 10hhds.HIdesnnd shoulder Bacon. 75 boxus l'ateut Sperm, and Adamantine and Tallow Candle* 100 bote* and half do Fnmlly and Common Soap. 50 do half do Tobacco, 26 quarter do Thomas' Nectar Leaf Tobacco. •JO Kegs choice Hutler. 50 botes Cheese. 25 kegs lard 60 whole and half bbls, aud 60 boxes Watts’ Buck wheat Flour. lull selection of choice Teas. Spice. Mustard, oil * '* •■ * • '* t and Madeira Wines, pure urler. half bbls Beef, barrels of satisfaction to us. His acquaintance extending to ! iicarly every county lu Georgia, to a largo portion iff Ten nessee, to Alabama, and to Florida, peculiarly fit* him for the work ho ha* undertaken. Mr. May will Uke charge of nil business out of tho city—will canvass for the pnpor, receivo subscription, and collect tho due* of toe office- report all matter* of general Interest which may ho pre sented to his notico—correspond as occ ision and Interest require, and. In short, will combine his exertions, physical nnd mental, with ours, to give attract!veness to the columns and extend the circulation of the Georgian Of the Intellectual qualillcations of Mr. May It Is scarce ly necessary Tor us to speak. The ability which character ised tho Editorial department of the Southern Democrat during the two and a halfyears that he was connected with It. is a sufficient gunrantee of his capacity. To tho business* men of Savanuah wo confidently look for an increase of advertising patrouago. Unless mistaken In our calculations, our association with Mr. May. In con nection with our arrangement^ which wo aro now mak ing. will constitute the Gen gian tht bed vehicle for miner- tii-mentt within their reach We expect to send It, not only into entry town, village and neighborhood in Georgia, hut to every poiut in the neighboring States, which railroad and steamboat have opened to tho trade of the City. The feelings or pride with which Mr. May has for years contemplated tho progress of the Seaport of his native Buts;, a feeling which has frequently found expression in the polumn* of the Southern Democrat while under his charge—is the best assurance that nothing he can do will be wantiug to bring trade to Savannah—especially to those whose advertisement* appear lu this paper. So that while an agent for us ho will at the snmo time be a most efficient advocate, wherever he goes, of tho Interest* of the City, and of those of its busiuess men whose names appear in our columns. The political principles of tho Georgian will «r course continue to be those of tho Democratic school; though politic* will play a part In Its columns altogether subordi nate to its news, business and commercial character. To its commercial department, especially, will the most assid uous attention cotiUuue to be given. Tho reputation which it ha* already established for tho accuracy, fullness nnd clearness of it* cottou tables, cotton statements and mar ket reports, it shall be our endeavor to increase and extend. Finally, as a medium through which to obtain the latest Intelligence, the Georgian commend* itself to a very exten sive region of Georgia, nearly the whole of Florida, and a considerable portion ol South Carolina and Alabama. A paper published in this city can give foreign accounts, New York aud New Orleans cotton markets, and other Idegraithic reports, a day in advanco iff our Charleston cotemporaries. To this wo may add. that in future, steamships from Now York and Philadelphia will furnish us twice or three times each week, newspaper account* from tho North a day in ad vance of the land mail. Tho Savannah Georgian. Daily. Tri weekly and Weekly, will continue to be published at tho following reduced rales : Daily, per annum, in advance 80 Tri -Weekly, “ - Weekly, ** ** When payment is not made in advance, a dollar will be added to the prices of each. Savannah, January 20,1854. SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO, Office 118 Bay tired. This Company will Uko Firo, Marine and River Risks on the most favorable terms. Tnuleet—Henry D. Weed, Hiram Robert*, -I. R. Wilder, I. W. Morrell..John W. Anderson, N. B.Knapp, Henry I-athrop aud E. F. Wood. IIKNDRY D. WEED, President. HIRAM ROBERTS, Vico President. .Iambi McHenry, Secretary. ni>8 BUPKItlNTENDENT’S OFFICE C. 11. 11. Savannah. Sept. 1.1853. After this <Uy. by resolution ot tho Hoard of Irtrector*. up and down freight will bo payable at tho merchants’ counting house, or by deposit*- made by tho Treasurer, semi-weekly, on Mondays and Friday*, from 9 o’clock, A M.,to 2 P. M. Bills to bo rendered through tho post office on Wednes day* and Fridays. Failure to make payment when called for as abovo, will stop parlies' account. aeptl W. XI. WADLEY. Gen. Bup’t. WEBSTER & PALMES H ave just received and offer for sale- 75 hhls A. II and clarified Sugar. 60 do powdered do, 30 Idols St Croix Sugar. 50 dozen Brooms, 00 hhls Hiram mith's aud Ctnal Flour, 150 do Baltimore F’lour, 180 do l<eb*non and Etowah Georgia Fleur, 100 hags, 08 pounds each. do do 60 bids butter, sugar and soda Crackers. 60 bbls Pilot Bread. 40 boxes Soda Biscuit. 220 bids Portland sugar house and N O Syrup, f-0 hhl* good eating Po'atoe*. 00 boxes Beadel’sOs nnd 8s patont Tallow Candles 75 do Adamantine Candles. 2ft do Judd & Son’* Sperm Candles. 1ft bids nnd 20 half bids No 1 Mackerel, 76 boxes white and yellow Cheese. 26 bids and 60 kegs prime ts-af l.ard. 100 boxes ft*. 8s. nnd pounds Tobacco, good brands 80 do 6s nnd 8s Grant A William*’ Tobacco, tlso. 220 boxes Smith’s. Colgate’s. Croton and Readcl’s Family nnd Pale Soap. 120 do No 1 do. 60 Pearl Starch, 80 whole, hair and quarter boxes Raisin*. 26 drum* Figs. 60 boxes Herring. “ r,2 ° FANCY GROCERY STORE. T HE subscriber having enlarged his store, at the corner of Ray nml Whitaker streets, offers fur sale on tho most favorable terms tho following : 10 half pipes (Hard Brandy. 1844. 5 do Joan l<ouis Brandy. 1844. 6 do Hennessy Brandy. 1811. 6 do Dnzerac Brandy. 1808. 2 puncheon* Scotch Whisky. In bond. 2 iihds St. Crus Rum, In I Kind. 10 quarter casks Madeira Wlno. 10 do Port'Vine. 1ft hhl* Mnnongnliela Whisky. 2 pipes Holland Gin. 20 bids Phelps’ Gin. 60 M Spanish Sugars, various brands. Do. a complete assortment of fancy groceries, such as English and American pickled I-olisters. Salmons. Macker el. Sardines. Olive*. Capers. Catsup English Sauces. Ballad Oil. Preserved Emits. Jelly Jams. English and French Mus tard, French and West Indin Cordials, all warranted genu- nn superior to any offered in this market iv22 A. BON ADD. P. CURRAN H AS just received and offers for sale, at his stnro. on Bull street. In Sorrell’s buildings— 2 half pipes l’lnet. Cartill ft: Co’s Brandy, vlnt. 1812. 2 half pipes (Hard. Dupuy A#o's Brandy, vlnt. 1842, 1 pipe Swan Gin, 1 half pipe Kborn loaf Gin, 0 bids old Bourbon Whl-kv, 6 bids old Monnngahela Whisky. 4 cases Rhineish Wine.Toasta brand, vlnt. 1842, 4 case* old Sherry, nnd 4 do Madeira Wine, 3 cases Sardines In *« boxes, 10 boxes Tobacco, of all kinds nnd brands. Also. 10.000 of the best Cigar*. 10 boxes Cordials, of all kind*. 2 hid* Beef Tongue*. 2 do Pig Pork. nnv!8 U7S SAVANNAH INFIRMARY. DBS. WRAGG AND MACKALL. l’Roriuicroiis. This institution having been recently removed from th suburb* of the city, to No. 19 East Broad-street, is now open for the reception of patients, Medical and Surgical. By this change iu locality we aro enabled to offer the public more ample accommodations. Our ward* arc com fortably furnished, ami soveral single room* are fitted up furiuch patients a* prefer being entirely private. We especially invite tlie attention of planter* and other owner* to our department for negroes. For terms apply to Dr. J. A. Wraoo. No. 38 Wost Bread- street, or l)r. U. C. Mackau., No. 95 Brnughton--t. dcclO RESTAURANT AND COFFEE-HOUSE. rpilK undersigned ha* lease I. and has now fitted up In ± neat ami elegant style, the liuiliiig mi Drayton-street, next door to Wav ft Kino's, to he occupied as a COFFEE-HOUSE, where he Intends to serve up. Iu superior style, every deli cacy iff the season. New York mul SnvnniinH Oysters, Venison, GROUSE, PARTRIDGES, FISH. Fulton Market anil Philadelphia Beef, fyr., fye., will always be kept on hand, and served up iu a stylo never b'-foroequalled in this city. Jgr t y Parties furnished with private supper* and dinners on short notico. llo will keep only the best Liquors. uc ,7 JOHN Mrk CODY HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO. H AVE received per recent arrivals, and offer sale on ec- commodnting terms— Sugars—10 hhds very choice Porto Rico 2ft do do New Orleans, 10 dodo -Trist.” 200 bid* clarified A, B nnd C. 25 do crashed. 15 do powdered, 20 boxes I«onf. CofTKR—300 hags Rio. part prime. 35 do Old Java. Moijueust—200 bids New Orleans. 60 bbls and 25 hhds Cu ba. 60 bbls Portland. Uuaukrrs—26 hhl* Butler. 26 do Sugar. 25 boxes Soda. 25 do Oyster. Soap and Staroii—60 boxes Colgate’s No. 1. lift dodo Pale. 100 do Smith’s and lU-adel's Family. 35 do Colgate's Pearl Starch. 2ft do do Common do Raisins anii Sent—fin boxes Burnt Rai-ins. 1ft frails Al monds 5 do Nut*. 10 do Egg Walnuts, 10 libls Pecan Nuts. Oknkskk ami Gkorgia Ft.orn—1ft bids Fxtra Canal. 6fi do II Smith’s. 2HO do Itenmoad’s Georgia, 135 do Oakley’* do, 75 hags Georgia. Domksw I.ujuok*—60 bid* N E Rtttn, 75 do E P Gin. 60 do Western Whisky. Powiikk. StloT anii Lrao—100 keg* Dupont’s FFFG Pow der. 325 hags assorted Shot. 10.000 lbs Bar Is-a.l Camiliw. Ton.uN n. kr.—55 Imixo* Spcrnt Candles, extra fine. 60 do Adamantine do. 30 iln Patent Peat I do.30 do Bender* Tallow do. 250 boxes manufactured Tobn-tcn, vari ous brand*. 00 bids and hair bids Siu 1. 2 an I 3 Mackeral, 20 bids Fulton Market Beef. 20 do Pig Pork. feb!7 MATTBWAS MACHINE AND MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, tERnnew nml improved organisation, manufacture • and Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills. Gins, Presses. 1 Athc*. Drills. Ac. Also, every description of Cot- on. Woolen and Saw Mill work.Shafting. Pulleys. Ac.. Cast ings of any weight, (having a large assortment of pattorns.) »t reduced price*. F\ S. CT.AXTON'. Engineer. Ik;pot 13 Platt-atreef, enrnor of Gold. C'laxton A Wet- more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. nnd II. Collins’Axes. Hard ware Agency. 23 Pratt-st.. Now York. oclO—lyr PATENT SCALES. CUIRRANK’S Patent Platform Scales— (Improved inqital- r ity and reduced in price)—Adapted to every required op- -ration of weighing, as Railroad Scale* for train* nr single car* ’ railroad* in the Untte-l States aud Portable Scales, on wheels, for foundries.rolling mill*. Ac. Stun-Scales, various modifications j Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales. Ac.— These Scales have Im-oii long known nnd severely tested ; nml the universal confidence felt in their accuracy and perfect adjustment. I* such that they are now regarded as the stand- ird.frmn which there is no appeal, my 12 PIIIIJIRICK k RE1J.. Agents^ SILVER'S M1XKIIAI. PAINTS. fUST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and rJ water-proof colors, unfading. Silver's Mineral Paints lilfer essentially from all others in market. They are not Clays, they require little nil. they do not work tnughly, hut (low easily as white lend. Thny lay on a very heavy body, set immediately, nnd hecomoan Indestructnblo covering ol Hint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger •Iryer titan white lead. I have a variety of colors. Red. Yellow, various Browns, and Jut Bluck. They arc superior in body (or covering property) to anything ever discovered.and pound for pound will cover double the surfaco of White Lead or Zinc Mineral paints, and require less oil. I nut now prepared to cover Tin Roof*, as nothing adhere* to tin like Silver’s Mineral Paints. For sale by JOHN .1 MAURICE, my 8 18 and 12 Barnard -street. removalT' F ASHIONABLE TAIIDRING ESTABLISHMENT—'The sub scriber having just removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (he- ween Congress nml Rroughton-street*.) would inform hi* rlends and the public generally, that ho will open Tilts Day. hi* second supply iff Fall ami Winter Gnrals.mnsi-.tlng of the host French. English nml American Cbdh*. t’assl- meres nn l Vestings, purchased from the in-.-t extensive iin. porter* In New York, which lie is prepared to inakouplo the best and most fashionable stt les. doct XI. D. MURPHY isc on the prinri|al railroads i il Britain. Warehouse Scales. II NEW AKKIVAfiS 1 DRY-GOODS ! DRY-GOODS! HENRY LATHROP & CO. H AVE HKCKIVED per recent arrivals, an-1 offer for sale Plantation Dry Good* ; liindon Dufffl. and Twilled Blankets ; Georgia Kerseys and I'lain* ; Northern do. do. ; heavy (all wool) do. ; heavy Cordova do. ; heavy Brown Whirling*; plain and twilled red Flannels ; Plaid*. IJnseyi, colored Ihuncsiuinn. Ac. PRINTED D’LALNKS. MERINOS. An. :—Printed French Xlouslin d’lainu* ; American do ; plain mndo nnd high col'd do.; French and English Xleriuo*. a variety of color* ; raw Silk Plaid* : Xlouslin d’Haitc : printed French Cam bric*. Dreas Silk*. Plain, plaid, nnd strl|ied Dress Silk* ; rich brocade do ; plain bl'k Silks j a largo variety ; black brocade do.; bl'k aud Rep. do. Mourning Hrca* Gnorla. Mouslln il’I nine* j French nml English Bombasine* ; Al- paccoa ; Canton umlTnmise rintha. Clonk* and Mniitllln*. Cloth Cloaks and Tnlina* ; black nnd col’d Silk Mantil las ; ladies’ bl'k nnd co’d Cloth* for Cloaks, and a variety iff Trimmings for the same. l-’mbroideries nnd hare (Hood*. Mouslln Collar* and Chemisettes; lace do; rich cuthrold- erod lawn Hdkf* ; Xtuuriiing Collar*, Chemliette*. and Un dersleeve* ; Muslin Cap*; Infant’* Wnlst* ; Swiss and Jao. Edging* nnd Inserting*: Thread nml l,l»!o EMgingsnnd In serting* ; Cambric aud Muslin Rands Glove*. Ladies', Miises’. lien's, nnd lloy'* Gloves, a largo variety. Hosiery. Men's and Boy’s Worsted nml Cotton Half Hose : ladies’ ami XI Uses’ Cotton nnd Worsted Hose; ladies’ black nnd white Silk do. Houac FurnlahlnK Good*. 10-4,11-4 and 12-4 Linen Sheeting* ; 0-4.10-4 and 11-4 brown and blenched Cotton Sheetings ; Pillow Case Linens id Cotton* ; 8-4.9-4 ami 10-4 tiro, nml hl’ched Table Dntn- -k; Ihimnxk Cloth*; Napkin* nml Doylen; llucabuc. Scotch nml Russia Diaper*; Irish Linens, good style* ; Bod- Tick*. Furniture Dimity*. Ac. Cloth*' mid Cnaalmere*. Rlack French Cloth*; Plsin arid Twilled Blue do. do; black Doe Skins: plain nnd plaid Tweeds; Kentucky Joans’ black Satin Vestings, nnd black and col’d Silk Vestings. net 20 BLANKETS, DOMESTICS, &C. AT VHHY LOW PRICKS. W E tako pleasure In calling the attention of planter* to our very extensive stock of XVoolcn and Domestic Goods, many of which wu purchased before the great ad vance in wool, and will thurel'orc sell them correspondingly low. consisting of— 40 bale* landnn Dtiflll nnd colored Rlanket*, 6) do brown twilled Kerseys ; 10 do black! o, 30 do brown domestic Good*. 25 do striped ami white Osnnburg*. 10 do plain red Flannel ; 6 do twilled do, 15 do shirting Stripes, 10 do Schley’s Georgia Plains. 15 case* lauisinnn nnd Marlboro’ Stripes nnd Plaids, ft do plaid Llnsers. stripes nnd plaids, 5 do Satinet nmi Kentucky Jeans. 6 do Scotch nnd domestic Ginghams, 30 do blenched Shirting* nnd Sheeting* 20 do English and American Prints, fiO dozen Negro Caps; H'O pieces Car|*eting, lftO Buggsnnd XIatts; 200 Carpet Bags, 300 Negro l{ead-liamlkorchiefs, 1000 dozen woolen nml cotton Hosiery. Planters nnd merchant* visitingonr city daring tho fall and winter will find It to their interest to look trough our stock, a* we are disposed to sell at a small advance upon an*t, octO AIKEN A BURNS, READY MADE CLOTHING. FOIl FALL AND WINTER. I XHE subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of his friend* ami the public in general, to hi* extensivo as sortment of Ready-made Clothing, comprising ns it dues a variety of every urticlo for gentlemen’s wear, suitable for the present und coming seasons. The following comprise a portion of tho stock on hand,: Overcoat* nnd Surtnut* of black and blue beaver cloth, Black nnd brown mohair cloth. Norway nnd Isibrudur coatings. Devonshire, kerseys, and pilot cloths, talma cloak*, Black cloth dress and frock coat*. Blue nnd brown cloth business fFnnks, Grey and chock enssimoro business suits, Black doe-skin enssimoro pants, F'reneli fnnev cassimere pants, Grey and mixed tweed cassimere pants, Black and mixed satinet pants, Plain und plaid korsey pants. Embroidered and plain black cassimere vests, Figured and plain black silk vests, Plush velvet vest*. Figured blnck and fancy cashmere vests, together with an extensive stock of F'urnisliing Goods, sucli ns fine white skirts, silk nnd merino undershirt*, merino Canton II,time!* nnd jean drawers, riding gauntlets, black, colored nml white kid gloves, stocks, cravats nnd scarfs, neck-ties.suspenders etc., the whole of which is offered for sale low, by WM. It. SYMONS. Draper A Tailor, oct4 17 Whitaker street, DF, WITT & MORGAN - O FFER for sale, at the lowest market price, a largo n well selected slock of Dry Goods, to which they respect fully solicit attention: I,u.lies’ Drca* Good*. Black Silk*, of all width* und best makes. Black ligurod Silk*, plnin and colored Silk*, Paris plaid and brocade Silks, Paris printed M. de laities, n large and beautiful stock, Plnin colored do. and Chocos and Broadway Browns, Small figured Mouslln d» lotines. for children, English and American Xlouslin do Lnincs, Printed Satin de Chencs. now and very handsome. Mourning UoimI*. A great variety of .Mourning Dross Goods nml Embroide ries, uomiisliug of every tiling new and beautiful. Hosiery. A large variety of English and German Iloiiery, for la dle*. gentlemen, and children. Alan, nnels. Shirtings nnd Sheetings, niankets, Quilts. Irish Linens. Table Damask* and Napkins. Kerseys, Plains, Osna- burgs. Brown Shirtings. Ac.. Ac. octIO SI. I’RENDERGAST &. CO., 178 Broughton tired, ojgmile St. Andreio’* Hall. Savannah, H AVE great pleasure in directing attention to into pui chases. In connection with their retail trade, they cm :»ut strictly t lie same system.In tho salenf their good*, a is pursued by the Inrge houses in the northern ly : Bring their customer* the full advantage arising from buying in large lot*. Planters, and heads of families, and all persons, buying in nuantity. will find many largo lots to buy from, nnd decidedly cheap ocl’.’fi AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMKNTS. Georgia and French,Burr and Euro, pean lull Btonoa; Ploughs of various kind*, Kagt*. Hub-Soil artd Wrought _____ _____ iShare; Iron Flr*-proof Safe*. Him vela and Spades, Manure and Hay Fork*, totnto llook*. Corn HheHer*. Cob Crashers. Manure Drags. Cultivator*, Straw Cutter*. Scythe* and Hncath*. Hose. Axe*, Pick Axe* and Handle*. Road Her*pom, Ox Chain*, Ox Yoke*. Garden and Fancy Barrow*. Gnrden Chairs. Segments and Gudgeon* Sreen Wire, Ilanie*. Measures. Grist Mill*, Rice Thresher*, Cauldrons. Douglass’ Pump* and Water Rams, Well Wheel*, do Bucket*. Cotton and Counter Scale*. Trunks. Cotton Hooks. Jack Screws. Morale'* Sea Island Cotton Gins and Griswold's Unland do. Cement, Plaster, Mill ami Cross Cut Saw*; also, R' ml and Ynrd Saw*. An. For *ale by nolfl CllA’8 II. CAMPFIKljhni Bay-st. Wholesale and Retail, No. 110 nriiughtim-tt..Mv*cn Bull and Whitaker THE largest and best selected atock of good* ever offered for sale In till* city. Gold aud Silver Watches, ■Vest. Fob and Gunrd Chain*, 8et* of Jewelry. Chat- elanes. Bracelet*. Brooches, flno Diamond work Unger Ring*, BilverCastor*. Tea Set*.Pitcher*,Gflbleta,Cup*.Cake Bosket*, Spoons, Forks,F'isli Knives, Pie Knives, Cheese Kcoups, I.x- die*. Syphon*. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware. Military and Fancy Good*, and a great variety of articles too numerous to mention : tho whole of which will bo sold at reduced prices. AUkinusof Watches. Clock*, Jewelry and other Jobbing attended to by competent hand*. HORTON A RIKEMAN. W A TV m s, JF.WELUY, And Ftuiey Goode. __ RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamer* f resh additions.making the best assortment in this city, of nil kinds of Watches, Jewelry. Fancy Good*. 8llver Spoon*. Fork*, Pitcher*, Ten Sets. Cups. Syphon*, Plated Custom, and every variety ofartljles connected with our line of business; nllol which will bo sold as low aa in any city in the Union. D. B. NICHOLS. AiT Particular attention given to the Repairing of Watch es nnd Jewelry. no 20 NEW JEWKLllY, FINK WATCIIKS, Ate. Af THE undersigned I* now opening a sidendld ussort- [|/|mcut of rich JEWELRY,embracing the recent pnttern* of Far-ring*. Pins. Bracelets and F|ng«r-rings. among which arc some fine diamoml setting*.Gom $10 to $500,. Also, twenty-five sat*of those uiffqud 7’eari Sett of Flnr- vines ami Brooches, from $18 to $125 tho set. newest and rarest patterns; together with* very soled assort ment of extra fine IFafcAei set in pearl, diamond, liuni ting and plain eases. These, with a further assortment ol good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Set*. Spoon*. Fork*. ladle*, Cups. Ac..nnd Plated Ware of all kin' 1 *. Fancy Work Boxes, Dressing Cases. Folio*. Clocks. Bronze Figures, gold mount ed Canes. Cuttlery. Ac., renders his assortment very com- plete. and unsurpassed in the State, either in quality or pri- i*. 1). B. NICHOLS iLi* Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clock*, and Jewelry. nol2 PIANO FOllTKS, fflUSIU AND MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS. T * 10 "ub*eriber having purchased the on xfiaragjwdBtire business of F. Zooimum A Co., of which T& j * Jilrm lie tins heretofore been the noting inein * ' ” * *bor in Savannah, would respectfully invite the attention of those in want of anything In the musical lino to his establishment. From many years’ experience botli in professional nnd business mntters connected with music, Xlr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer his ser vices in the selection of music and instruments nr the ful filment of orders, witli tho assurance of his utmost zeal nnd industry in Ids endeavor to deserve the patronage nnd con fidence of the public. G. B. MITCHELL. jum’14 successor to F. Zngbatiin A Co. MIC LODI AN S—M KLOD1AXH. CARD ART A NEEDHAM'S large double ■ed. with four stop*, suitable for church aisle. Also. Inrge double, round corner, six octavo ; Cnlmrt’s line Melodious, four nnd a half nnd five octave, a beautiful instrument for tho parlor, sale on the most accommodating terms, by »v!6 I. W. MORRELL A CO. MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTS. Tho undersigned agent for 11. KnaufTs Church and Parlor Organs, T, F\ Browne A Co.’s celebrated Harps. Carlinrt A Need- hum's Xlelodemis. J. Gilbert A Co.’*, C Stml- ■nsteen's, Dunham's nnd Firlli Pond A Co.’s Piano Fortes, lias on hand tho largest and most complete stock of Xlusical Instruments. Sheet Music. Instruction Books. Hirings. Ac. Ar.. ever known in Savannah. Orders promptly und faithfully nttended toby G. B. MITCHELL. •or to F. ZOOBAUM ACO.. at the old stand St. Julieii street, next to Market Square. jan 4 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. . Tho subscriber has now opened a largo and choice ill fliassortment ofnew stylo or fail and winter goods. |l1||(lconsistingofF'rencli nnd English black nnd fancy \LU colored Cloth, plain black doe skin Cassimere*. tigu- Idack elastic Cassimere*. witli a large variety of F'reneli fancy CnsMuierex of the latest stvlo nnd pattern. Also a choice variety or Vestings, consisting or figured black and fanoy Cash meres, plain black Satin, figured black nnd fnnev Silks, nnd Satins, cut silk Velvets. Ac. Tho whole iff which lie is prepared toinnke up to onku; in the most faslionable manner, und'on accommodating terms, octl XVXI. R. SYMONS. Draper nnd Tailor. 17 Whitaker-st. WM. 11. SYMONS, DRAPER AND TAILOR, No 17 Whitaker tired. Savannah. S Has just opened a large nnd choice variety of Nkw Spuing axiiSuumkr Goons, consisting in part of blnck, figured nnd fancy F'reneli Cassiineres ; Idack nnd col ored Cashmere; Cloths and Cashmeretts; white nnd hincy Linen Drills; witli a large assortment of fnnev Mar seilles and Linen Vestings, all of which lie Is prepared to make up to order In tho most fashionable style, and on coninioilnting terms n p WATER-CURE INSTITUTE—MILLEDGE VII.I.K. GEORGIA. D U. E. G DOYLE takes pleasure in announcing toinva lids and the public generally, that the above popular and superiorly appointed establishment.formerly conduct- e 1 by T. tiARLTON Covut. M D„ is now ready for tho recep tion of patients seeking a restoration to health. All chronic diseases of the human organism successfully treated at tills institute: dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism, constipation, hemorrhoid* or piles, hemorrhages, amen- errhiea. inenorrhcea. dysmenorrhrea, flunr albua. genital dis placement*, affections of tho eyes and ears, tetter, ery sipelas and ail chronic diseases of tho skin and scalp, scro fula, dropsy. Syphilis. and the humoral disease* g neral- ly. neuralgia, sciatica, tic douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy i or tho falling sickness, virtlgo. paralysis, apoplectic tenden cy. bronchitis asthma, chronic intlain itinn ot tho stomach and bowels, atrophy, nnd indeed every possible bnbit of. or chron c diseased action that is curable—ami all diteatet are curaHe. if no organic lesion be present. The Ladies’ Department is under tho Immediate supervi- *ion of that accomplished lady. Mrs. Jan* Mattiikws.ko well known to the old patrons of the establishment Tho facilities which this institution offers for tho prosecu tion of a strictly hydropathic and hygienic course of treat ment, together witli it Alanines* of access from all points in Georgia, und the adjoining State*, renders it peculiarly adapted to the wants of invalid*, desirous of avuiling them- ludvesoftho efficacy of the water-cure. The purity of the water and nccominodntinn* for guest*, are too well known to need comment. Ill fitting up the establishment no expense ha* been spar ed that could conduce In make it one of the most desirable places of resort for invalids in the United States. Patients will bo required to furnish their own out-fit..— These will consist of friction sheet* nnd towels, compresses, and blanket*, for sudorific purpose*. All of which ran be purchased hero on the most reasonable terms. Tkmih—Professional attention, use of hath*, Ac . $10 per week board $5 per week—payable monthly. Servant* boarded and treated for $10 per week. All letter* of inquiry promptly nnswered. jnneO THE WONDER OF THE WOllLUl •* Wo would not grow ono bud of hone You cannot garner In ri|s; fruit! ” T HE GREAT REXIEDY i* at last discovered, and that fell destroyer of human happiness at length is conquered! Consumption shall no longer rob our fireside* of tl.ei. brightest ornament*, and sink many a gentle spirit to an untimely grave'. Consumption can ho cured—Asthma will soon be a* the things that wore—and Coughs and Gold*, the parent* of that fell disease, that so often brings wo to I lie home* of our Und. vanish, as if by magic, before this sover- •ijn remedy. ... Till* I* Hint which ha* so long been sought Tor. fall faith offered to tho public ns a curtain ot’KK for coughs, colds, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, nnd consumption and will. In any ease where lungs sufficient are loft to sus tain life, check the ulceratiou and raise the patient to health. This t* not an idle boast, nor Is this remedy sent into the market without a thorough trial, hut has proved beyond a doubt, that wliat has been asserted can (IK DON*. ’• The sentiment, that consumption cannot be cured, ha* destroyed more lives than the disen*e Itself.”—Dr. Wakiikv. lint there le Hope I . DEVINES’ COMPOUND PITCH LOZENGE I "Di« proprietor, by tho use of this article, and the blessing "f Providence, was raised, when he was pronounced by his K yslcian to lie almost dying with consumption, to perfect idth.and Is not willing that so groat a blessing should ho withheld from those on whom ** this right liand emissary of •hath" has placed hi* mark. The I/txenge is perfectly harmless In It* nature, and can Uken with impunity by the infant and the invalid ; and »«beneficial effect* will he felt In a few hour* after com- ’"•orlng IU use. IM alt then, try It. nnd if these assertion* (re not proved, after an Impartial trial, the price of th* box will lie returned, and all agent* aro authorized torelund the money in any case where tho article is not perfectly •Atisfcctory. These Lnenge* are put up in 26 cents, 60 cent*, and II no ®4 * trial to be fully appreciated. U- P. HUNT. Dakixx, Ga., only agent for the Southern whoa all order* mu*t be aiddreued. ftia-d&w IKIIIK8— HOOKS— 1IOOKM. L 1KUF.R ON CIVIL LIBERTY and Self-Government. I J The Wigwnui und the Cabin, or Tales of the South, by Autobiographic Sketch**, by Thomas Do Quincy. Tlie Underground Xlail Agent, by Vide, illustrated Men and Tilings ns I saw them in Europe, hv Kivivan. Time nnd Tide, or Strive nnd Win. by A. H. Rose. James Montjoy. or I’ve Been Thinking, by A. S. Rose. Fun Jottings, or lutuglis I have token it |>en to, by ft, I. Visit lo Europe, by Prof. Sllliman, of Yale College, 2 vol*. illustrated. . _ , ,, Gustnfu* Llndorm, or Lead us not Into Tomptation, by Emilio F\ Carleii. . Xlerkland. or Self Sacrifice, by tlie author of tho Drool Xlr*. Margaret Miiitlaii'i. Ac. Aunt Kitty’s Tales, by Maria J. McIntosh, a now revised iditlon l allegory, by Rov'd nyngo to tho Celestial Country, Geo. It. Cheover. D. D. , , Also, more of tho Bleak House, in two bound volumes ; more ,,f the Homes of the New Word, by Mrs. Bremer; Vonntt on Dogs; Yonattonthe Horse. Ac.. Ac., received id for sale, at 135 Congress street, by novll SIBLEY. I SPARK1.1 NO GEl,ATINE—Stn ■ Ilia strength, purity and cbeapnoss.stands unrivalled for making a richer and more crvstaliuo Jelly In a few minutes than that made in tho usual tedious way from Calve*’ leet. Just received and for snle by hV. XV. Llft'CtlLV, ninrU Monument S;uure. T ANDRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS—X full supply of these j justly celebrated Seeds, comprising nil tlie varieties usually wanted, nnd warranted to bo the growtli of 1853.— Just received and Tor sale by n „v27 'V. XV. LINCOLN. Monument square* A LL READY '—My store Is now completed, uml I tnvue the attention of planters, house-keeper* and others, to my Inrge nnd varied assortment of Crockery. Chin*. Glass, and Stone Ware ; Wood and Willow Ware ; Family Hard ware ; Table Outlerv ; Plain and Japaned Tin Ware; nnd Fancy Articles—in short, every nrticle necessary to furnish a house from kitchen to garret, may he found at this estab lishment. except drv goods and cabinet furniture, nnd at as low if not lower price*, than th;y can ho purchased else- where. *ep21 J. P. COLLINS. K" IDG LOVES,—The suhscriliei shave just received a largo nd superb assortment of Indies and Gent*’White .lured Paris Kid Gloves manufactured and impurlcl 6.r their own trade They are by all odds tho best article offered in till# market. .... _ mart KKMPTON A VKRSTH.I.K. MEDICAL BOOKS, /Ml A general assortment always on liand. and new ATE/work* received a* soon a* published,aud sold at publishers’ price*; Bell and HVikes' Practice, In two volume*. Catcall’* Midwifery. Wood and Bache’N United State* Dlapomatory Dunglison’* New Remedies. Fown’*Cheml*trv tor Student*. Cooper’* Surgical Dictionary. Drultt'* Modern Surgery. Carpenter’* Element* of Physiology, rarpentor’s Principles of Physiology. Wilson’s Human Anntoiny. by Goddard, 202 cut*. William’s Principles of Medicine, by Clytnor. Gross' Pathological Anatomy. Pocket Anatomical Remembrancer. Diingllson’i Practice. Physiology. Materia Medic* and Dictionary. nov22 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!! Bcrnird by S. S. Sibley. December 14/A. 1863. H EARTHSTONE, or Thought* Upon Home Life In our Citlea. by Samuel Osgood. Tlie Flush 'iinii’s of Alabama and Mississippi, a series of sketches, by Joseph G Baldwin. Hot Cora—Life Scene* In New Yerk.iH istrated. Including tho stories of I-ittle Ksty, Madeline, Wild Xlaggio, Ac., by 8oion Robinson. Siiiritualisin. by Judge Fdinonds and Geo T Dexter, M. D.. witli un appondix. Ity lion N P Talliiiadge. Tlie Life and Works of Shakespeare, edited by James P Collier. Esq., from tlie recently discovered folio of 1032, with glovserial nnd other note* F’ern Leave* from Fanny’s Port Folio, now supply. Little F'ern* for Fanny’* Little Friend*, by tlie author of Fern Ix>aven. Busy Moment* of an Idle Woman. Tlie Old Doctor, or Stray l-eaves from my Journal, an ex cellent book for leisure reading. The Uwvur’a Story, or tho Urplian’s Wrong*, by a mem ber of tho New York Bar. Tho Ijidy at Home, or Hanplnoa* in tho Household. Davis, tlie Pirate, or the liistory of the F'roebootera of the Pacific. Ben Braco. a nautical romance, by Gnptaln Cliarnler. Blake’s Biographical Dictionary of the most Distinguish ed Persons of all Nations and Professions For sale «t 136 IVmgre** street decl6 ing. s CARPETS—CARPETS—CARPETS I W E have this dty opened a now and spleudid assort ment of carpet*, consisting of— Ilcin|i, Dutch, Venetlnii, Stnlr, Three Ply, ln^rnlii, nml llruHMela Carjicti. Also, a very handsome assortment nf Velvet nnd Clieiiei Bugs, Hemp, nnd Cocon Mats, Drugget nnd F'ioor Oil Cloths, nil of which will bo sold at tho lowest prices, by p20 AIKEN A BURNS. PALL TRADE OK 1853. T O MER< HANTS AND WHOLESALE PURCHASERS OF DUX' GOODS.—Our arrangement* for tiie Fall Trade will be completed in a few days, when we will lie prepared ulimit to your inspection nn unusually completeassort- mont of general Dry Goods. Hosieiv, Trimming*. Haber dashery, and Small Ware*. Ribbons, kc. XL Pith* DERG AST A CO., 178 Broughton-atroot, opposite St. Andrew’s Hall, west >ida aug27 TO CASH PURCHASERS OK DRY GOODS. M PRKNDERGA>T A CO.. 178 Broughton street, oppu. • site St. Andrew’s Hall, /west side.) In connection witli arrangements made on opening their new warehouse, namely, to avoid as far ns possible carrying over slock from me season to another, have fixed tlie prices of the remain ing portion of their full and winter stock nt n very low figure. In this connection they particularly direct niton 1i Merinos. De latinos, and Cash- dec3 o their Silks. 1 >ODS.—Linen nnd cotton 10 4. >t ton 6-4.0.0 and 4 do. for pillow cases, white nnd colored Furniture Dimi- r. French. English nnd American Furniture Cliintze. Mar- ■illcs nod loincastcr Quilts, large and small. Dnmask Nap- ins and Doiles. white and colored. F'reneli Bordered Towels iwlns and crash. Scotch Diaper and Towels. Iliicknhtirk Diaper. Russia nnd Bird’s-eye Dinjier. 10-4.11-4 and 12-4 Bed Blankets. Crili Blankets. Window Sea es and Fixtures, nnd Tabic Covers, linen nnd cotton, just received and leliy net29 AIKIN A BURNS. s and chllden’sci der-gurmonD ndkerchiefs. F.mliri silk a iinbric Handkerchiefs. Embroidered do ; plaid wool Shawls ; Thibet do ; Broclie do ; Scarfs ; Moreen's worsted Drinnsk* ; window Shades ; embroidered Curtains. Ac.: re- i-eived and for sale bv o'»J Dk'A'ITT A Mdl'.GAN J UST RECEIVED—A line am! large assortment ol gentle men'a silk nnd cotton Vest*; plnin. ribbed, colored and black Half Hose ; bleached, brown, colored and striped Half Hose ; colored nnd black silk Cravats. Stock* nnd Ties ; white and colored silk nnd linen cambric Handker chiefs ; white, colored nnd Idack kid Gloves ; u largo assort incut of buck and dog-skin Gloves, for sale by nnv4 AIKIN A BURNS. M " P REN DERGA~sf"& CO., wish particularly to direct . attention to the most elegant assortment of New French and Itritisli Ribbons they have ever sold, embracing every novelty io stylo: 4-4 rich Genoa and Lyons Velvits, for talmas, scarfs, and mantillas, black and colored. 0-4 superfine twilled F'reneli Igidica’ Cloths for tulmns nnd mantilla*. , F'reneli Xlerinos. all colors; rich Plaid and printed de (giines nnd Cashmeres. oct25 178 Rrougbtnn-*t., op. St. Andrew’s Hall. . 26 do Brandy. 16 "io Cherry Brandy, 100 boxes Cheese, 2000 lhaTwlne.25 s IlntnH, landing and for *n!o by v HOI/’OMRK, JOHNSON k CO. ■Wo would respectfully call tho atten- of the ladies nfSavannah. nnd sourrnundlng coun try, to tlie following new and beautifulgoods which we have just received, viz : silk Paris mantillas, laced gimp mantil- Jas. blnck nett scarfs col’d. neet scarfs. Indies cravat* and ties. French worked collar*, laced enpe*. chemizetts and un der sleeve*, oonnet rihlMtn.gauzo cuii ribbon, black velvet ribbon. Alexandre* light kid glove*, black nett mitt*, cnl'd. silk nnd lisle gloves, with n large variety of other article* too numerous to mention. Please enll and see for your selves ; all of which will lie sold on the best m.ssi hle terais l,y Mhl9 AIKIN A BURNS. L ADIES’ KID OLDVES.-We have just received* beauti ful assortment of ladies’ white nnd blnck. dark nnd faucy colored Alexander’s Kid Gloves, to which we would . ispectfully call tho attention of the ladle*. 3 ' cll AIKEN ft BURNS. np6 KAMI II ON A It Lid TAILORING. XI II. MURPHY, 21 Hull-tired, would respectfully form his friends and tho puldic generally, that he lias received Ids spring styles for gentlemen, among •which will be found as rich and fine fancy Coasiibere*. Vestings. Ac. ni liavo ever been brought to tUl* market. All orders executed witli dispatch, and in the best stile nf workmanship. Gentlemen aro respectfully Invited to call and judge for hoinselvo*. mbit READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. R. SYMONS, Dkai-ku and Taii/ir, No. . . 17 Whitaker tired*, respectfully solicits thc/fffUfffL attention of ids frierds nnd the public in gen-j 1 nlllffl •ml. to Ids Inrge stcok of Rcndy-mn le Cloth-LJ UJL/ liable for tlie prcstul nnd coming season. It lins all been made up under his personal superintendence nn I for style nnd durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to be found in the market. The following comprise a portion of tho stock : F'rocksnnd Sacks of blue, Idack nnd colored cashmere cloths ; idack, brnb d'ete F'rocks and Racks ; linen duck, drill and fancy linen Frocks and Sacks ; India gras*, silk nnd brown linen Sacks ; blnck and colored alpaca F’rocks nndKnck*. Pants of fnney French cassiineres. blnck doe-skin cnssl- ni re, black drab d’ete nnd spring tweed caaahncre. white duck nnd fancy linen drill, together witli n large lot of cot ton drill nnd duck Pant*, for mimmer wear. Vests of black satin, idack Imrathon. und fancy silks, fan- ’ nnd white .Marseilles, figured and striped linens. Also, a large stock of F'urnisliing Goods, sucli ns stocks, gloves.suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and cotton undershirt*, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and gingham umbrellas, oto.. etc. The whole of which lie offers for snle on accommodating terms, and at prices ns cheap ns tlie cheapest. apl.3 Witt. II. SYMONS, Offers for sale, a inrge assortment of Cloth*. Cn*. simercaand Vestings, consisting in part of tlie fol lowing articles, selected by himself during the pnst summer in liindon nnd Pans, which ho will make up to or der in tlie best style of workmanship, and nt the shortest notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of FTirnish- ing Goods, for gentlemen’s wear, is very large and nf tho best quality and style—the whole of it made this fall under his own inspection, nnd will 1m* sold at the lowest price* for cash or approved credit :—F’reneli black, bluo. brown and ’loth* ; fancy F'reneli nnd English Cnssiincres ; fanev Silk Vesting. su|ier. fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Cassiineres ; Xle- rinonndSilk Undershirt* nnd Drawers; white and fancy Shirt* nnd Collnrs; Clinton F'lnnnel Shirts and Drawers; and fancy Kid Gloves; Neck Ties, plain anu embroidered; Xleriuo nnd Cotton Socks; Scarfs. Satin and RombaainSocka. no6 17 Whltaker-atrecl. BTOYX1 STO V ICS. Tlie subscriber lias just received it large number ol Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves, which lie will dispose of on aeeiiniinodating terms. Among them may he found tlie following : Cooking Stoves. Tlie Republic. ]-ndy ol the I-nke. Air Tight Premium. Queen of the West. Empire Premium. Eastern Premium, Parlor nnd office Stoves.— Hollow Ware Pots. Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce Pans, Ac. Ac. Plain and Japanm-d Tin Ware, for sale, nnd manu factured nt short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutters, and lenders,attended to with punctuality. JOHN J. MAURICE, and 12 Rnrnnrd street do prime nnd choice New Orleans do. 25 do Xiuscovndo do. 35 hhds Cuba Molasses. 100 bids do. 50 libls N. Orleans Syrup, for sale by janlO McMAHON A DOYLE. B ah IN. BEEF AND LARD-25 lilids choice Baron Sid-. 25 do Shoulders. 20 half hhls Fulton Market Beef, 20 bids elioico No 1 I.enf Lard, for sale by JanlO McMAHON k DOYLE. H BANDIES—I.sliding from F Satterly—10 rn«k* superior Cognac Brandy in store, 10 half-pipes O D A Co’s do. 10 quarter casks very old Jean Isiuis’ do. 16 halves and quar ters do. various brands, for salo by *op21 J. V. CONNF31AT A CO. AN8 MOLASSES. Ac.—100 fihia Molasses 25 100 bbls Whisky, landing from brig Tallu lah, and for sale by decis coiif:n A fosdick. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. ANNUA IE. GIFT BOOKS. PORT MONIES. PRESENTS. AO A LARGE variety of elegant annuals, gift books, papier mnclie albums, card cases, port monies, children’s gift hiMiks. fancy boxes, desks, port folios, prints, paintings, standard works, elegantly bound, and many other articles suitable lor holiday presents, for anient 135 Congress-st. by dec’JO 8. S. SIBLEY. ULANIC HOOKS, BOOK 111ND1NO, Atc.l S S. 8II1I.EY. No. 135 Congress-st.. has received an ns- • sort merit of BLANK BOOKS, manufactured of su|ie- rior pnpor and host binding, which will be aold at the lowest prices. Tho stock consists of .Medium. Demi nnd Cap Journals nnd ledgers ; Medium, Demi, Cap and Letter Record Books ; Folio and Quarto Cap. half bound ; Memo randum Diaries nnd Pans Books. Blank Bonks of any size or finish made to order of the best paper nnd binding, and nt very low rates. Merchants nnd others who wish a fine set of Books, made to order, will find it to their advantage to call. dera for aeta or single Books promptly attended —6—janff BLANK HOOKS OP EVERY DESCRIP TION ALWAYS ON HAND. H AVING engaged additional workmen of tho highest Rkill in ruling nnd hindlng EXTRA RUSSIA IIANK 1.UDGER8, d nil other kinds nf books made to order, of tho beat ma terials, and bound in the beat manner, at short notice. PAPER, English. French nnd American Cap, Lettor and Koto Paper witli suitable envelops ST ATI ON FRY, of every description Also, just received ELEGANT GIFT nOOKS, suitable to the season, with flno engravings. Harpers’ and Putnam’s Xtagnzines. (for December.) by the year und sin gle numbers, at the lowest prices. DQvaO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. SIR HUDSON LOWE AND NAPOLEON. H ISTORY of the Captivity of Nn|M>lenu on St Helena, from the Journals of Sir Hudson Lowe. Abernathy** Memoirs, by Dr Xiucilwnin. Harry’* ladder to Learning. 230 illustration*. Liberia, or Mr Peyton’s Experiment*, by Mrs Hall. Flush Times in Alabama nnd .Mississippi, with Plates. Hearthstone, or Homo Life in our Cities, by S Osgood. A Month in F'.ngland, by Tuckermnn. Up tho Itlver. by Shelton. For sale by _dccl4 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. W. TIIORNK WILLIAMS, H AS received a variety of new hooks—Greenleaf’s Iaw ol Evidence, vol. 3d j Flanders on ftluritime Law. Flanders nn the Law of Shipping. The Mud Cabin, or British Institutions, English Items, by Xlnit. F\ Ward. Bullock's Art of Building, for tho use of architects, buihl- ors. draughtsmen, machinists, engineers nnd mechanics. Jane Seaton or tlie King’s Advocate, a Scottish romance. Pulnnin's Monthly, for October. The Humorous Speaker, for schools, debating clubs, &o. Tlie Victim of Excitoinont, by Caroline ls-e 1 louts, Tho Rebel Scout, n romance of tlie Revolution, lsindnn Art Journal, for Soptemlwr. Illustrated Record of the N V Exhibition, Nos 7 and 8. Physician's Visiting List, for 1854. oct.ft NEW ROOKS. ECEIVEI) November lfitli. 1853, by S. S. Sibley.—Busy •f an Idle Woman. Lives of the Queens of England, by J P. Smith, Esq., au- lor of Amy laiwrence. Ac. Tlie Old Doctor, or Stray leaves from my Journal, being sketches of the most interesting reminiscences of a retired physician. Short Patent Sermons, by Dow. Jr., third volume. Tho Countess Aruhciui.or Master Timoth's Book Case, bv O. XV. M. Roynold*. Uonel Ainsworth, or tlie Young Partisan’s Doom, lady lap’s Widowhood.from Blackwood’s Magazine. Barnum’s Illustrated New*. Gleason’s Pictorial. F*or sulo at 135 Congress street. P" V / \ __ Now style rich Silk Grenadines. Bareges and Plaid Silks, Crspe de Paris, white and colored F'reneli lawns, plnin nnd printed; plain French Cambrics. French Brilliant*, printed and white; black Bareges, plain and figured, fcc.. Arc., for sale by fehl6 IIFINBY LATHROP k CO. 0DFBII. MACKEREL! Ac.—2 hhds choice Codfish, 11 trn No 1 Xlnckorel. 10 do pickled,Herring, 00 Imixos scaled do. For sale a! tlie corner of Broughton and Drayton streets, by d*c3 DAVID O’OONNKP V F>TS—VESTS—A largo vnriety of Dress Vest, such a* figured black Silk, black lUratlien, and Fancy Silk, figured black and faucy Coal i mo re Vost*. Just received for sale low by nov23 WM. R. SYMONS. Draper A Tailor. H AY AND PLASTER—22 hales Hay. and 8 bids and 4 hair* Calcluo Plaster, landing from solir J 1* WetberilL and for sale by decl8 UBIQUAM. KELLY A CO. P ATF. DF. FOIE. Gras, Sauclssee, Traffee. Yarmouth Her ring, do Salmon; Durham Mustard j just revived and (nr sale bv * A. BONAIID. tab 3 J Corner of Ray and Whltaker-street* P ATENT QUHJJNO SCISSORs!"liad Iron*, Clothe* Pin*. Wjrt CrMlw—i toi.. tor —1» by , p m: vn!3 limiAI. TURKEY WINK-20 teen Ju.t rjc.M .nd L for Mdobjr janff E nglish plains—a heavy D' 1 ' .......u.. Ihifflnilnnkots" Whitney Blanket* 10-4 114 12-4 A large *tock of tho above on hand nnd for sale by •eptlff oct25 IMFST1C GOODS.—X. H and 4-4 brown shirtings. 9!^ 10-4 and 11 4 bleache.1 do ; J< aud 4-4 do ahiriing* j Rod and White Flannels ; Kerseys and Plain* ; Twilled and ’ itney HENRY LATIIROP A Co. C do white Regular do. French Ellsler do. Dosom Ginl’lo do. Imported Woven do. For rale nt 721 St. Julieniand1106 Brian slrnets. by OCtW KEMIION A X KHUfUJJ. V ALUABLE BUILDING FOR SALK.-I/.t No one (I) corner of Joue* and IJncoln streets. CO by 100. Riibjeot to a ground rent .ff $4ft 64 : al*o. I*ot No. Tlireo (3), Jone* • u £s° b > ,m • "“ l * 30 04 M.'feSnmuAHT * CQ doc23 OHAW1.S; ncodle-workeil Collar*, Sleeves Chjmmetta, O Infants’ Waists and Cap* : Cashmore Scarfs ; Ribbons; ladies’, gentlemen’* ami children’ll Ho*lery ; needleworked Trimmings. Combrlc and Swiss Band* ; embroidered and linen cambric Handkerchief*. ju*t received end tor aaU at tire lowest price*, by «c27 DaWll*T k MORGAN. J UTS RECEIVED per ateamer Florida, an MWrtment of need to worked Sleeves nnd Bands, embroidered Hand kerchief* nnd Collar*. Irish Linen*. Blrds’-eye Diaper*. i*li Long Cloth*. Flannel*, Ho*lory. - For sale by u30 DlWITT k MORGAN. A T REDUCED PRICES—Printed Caabmerea and Mooalln A •'tgSJgVlXA*. Jot Sait onb for Rtnt. S TO RENT—A *tore saitable for #Famlly Grocery.— Apply at tliia office, dec l e TO RENT—A carriage house nnd stable, for two horse*, in a central part of the city. Apply at this of fice. nov22 TO RENT—A farm, one mile from the city, contain ing seventeen acre*, on tho premise* I* a convenient dwelling.plastered and wellOnlnhed. F'orparticular* Inquire of T J. WALSH, nov22 176 Bay at. i~TO RENT—Two or three room* on flay street, suit njljfable for office*. Apply to tho FMitor* of the Georgian. ■“1 novl3 R 1 VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR BALK IN RAKER COUNTY, GA. dVh Tlie subscriber, desirous of removing from the State TXlof Georgia- offers Tor salo hia PLANTATION, lying on tlie waters of the Coolnwahnee, tiro mile* west of Albanv, adjoining the land* of Paul Tarrer. I)r. Nicbolla, and oth er*; containing 3.126 ncres. more or less. There are about 800acres of open, cultivated land. Tlie land is situated *o tliat it can lie easily divided, and il two purchaser* appear, tho subscriber will dividV it so aa to suit both. Any one desirous of purchasing, would do well to ad dress “ Moore A Edwards,” or myself, at this place. JOHN J. JtAWI.S. Macon. Ga.. August 30.1863. octl—tf My on tho place, will show th* lands to any person calling for that purpose. J. J. R. ant F O R SAI, K .—A Traci of LA ND. containing 202* ^jOcmi.nnd Improvements, near Wnlthourvllle, IJbert county, on tho Savannah and Albany Railroad. Tlie land is of good auality, pine nnd bay land. 60 acre* of which are In cultivation, and the remainder well timbered, offering strong inducements to persons interested in procuring tur- J entlne. The Improvement* consist of a two-story frame welling, together with negro houses,stables, and all other necessary outbuilding*. Tho location cannot ho surpassed for health fulness or salubrity or climate, with good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled. Thenbove property can bo bought at a very reasonable price, and on the most accommodating tornis.ifearlv application be made to the subscribers, n t Walthourvillo.Liberty county apl 28—dAc IL W. DA CON. gtk RIFE LANtxp FOR SALK—The Tract of 1ANI) on the X st ' Mary'*River, known a* the Cut-off Tract.containing seven hundred and seventy-two (772) acre*, of which over five hundred (600) acres are tide swamp and fresh marsh ffind*. with a rise and fall of tide or six feet. Tho marsh land was successfully cultivated manyyearsainee, producing Cotton. C«ne. and Rice. " ■ These landa could lie put In ordor with less labour. It Is believed. Ilian would be required for nutting Hammock landa In order, and are considered very sale from overflow In galea and freshet*. ° For flirt her particulars nnd tonne, which will bo made easy to a purchaser, apply to John F'raser nnd Co., Charleston. Georgia 10 ^ Ifcnr)r B * lley ’ St ‘ M * r >’ 8 > county, A plat of tho land may be seen at the office of the Geor- *“5: apl 27—dAc _ VALUA1ILK KICK LAND FOR SALK. JO#. A Tract of Tide Swamp lond.containing 600 acres. #2#lying on the Alatamaha rivor. three miles above Dnrl- adjoining lands of tlie estate of Butler and Dun- wody on tlie east nnd Gtgnilliat and Walker on tho north and west, navlng ns good a pitch of tide ns nnv rice plan- tatinn on tlie river. My terma are, twenty dollars per aero, one fourth cash, nnd tlie hnlnnce on a credit of from five to ton vears. the Interest only required to lie paid annunlly. Applv to the undersigned at Darien. In caseofmvahsenco Mr. Jamfs PRixnu will show the land, n plan of which can be seen at the oflico of the Georgian, r. t SAMUEL M. STREET. DAHtg5.Jan.22. I860. Jan26-lam SS . Tract of LAND or Five Ilundredacrea TCstrictly prime Rice land. Immediately npiafrite tho old nf "JLIS a * lck n, Tl "! nf tho ptoce affords one of the liest Saw-null scats in the Southern country, facilities for timber being may nnd without end. Vessscls coming £"•5,“* can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ton Wft ‘ C u F ° r le . r,n " "PJ’b’ to Henry William*, JL8. District Attorney.Savannah.or to B.8TILFS, Bryan coun- VA1L Vn AUl,K I,,,MHK| t LANDS FOR SALK. ~ uderslgned will sell three thousand ncres. more _ ,, .. ° r the most vnlunldo l umber land in (Joorgin. in! ! ,p0D „ lh ? Atotoroaha River, In the county of . ,r Jy fifteen miles from XtaltliourTille. nnd about thirty linnk. n r » r -l M ra M* W, il* t,,e ri yer. extending hack from its b to 1 not than three miles to its farthest lino. «n0 h ™!r h K r 5 ° r . l ,, ‘ fTt?** t |mt grow* In tho south, ti V U ' , " • ""'Vi 1 ,p . for mn "t* or ranging timber. Tho lam ing Is one of the best on the river, nffonilngnn p T«rtunity for rartlng to Darlen nt any stage or tlie river —an advantage possessed by but very few. Hands enn take a raft to Darien, nnd return In four or fivo day*. On tlie land there are negro liouse*. ox abed*, and provla- Lnnltonrer r m i rc, * ir ' l ,in,, l 1 w0 cart* with every healthy hill Iumber b u«lne«a. situated on a high anil * bou , t , S00 *c , »" "/to goo.1 hammock land. I ' i C , ,7. C °‘,‘°?', t ? ,M ’ r,,un<l n "y where, covered ds nre^nt ° ry / a " h timber. Tliese ds present as g.iml facilities for either lumber cutting, eirlLn M a r ‘"n’cntino ns any other, anil will be pen- tem|iUtlon th 8avnn, " lh nn ' 1 Albany Railroad, now in cou- For further particulars address to Ricoborough. Liberty county. Ga., cither of the underaigned. C. I) JONES ^ novlO—Iwtf H n JONES. _ ~ LANDS FOR BaIiE. f&JhZ, Sfssfsr “"r on oocoinmiMlstlnj, terms, tils two ilantatioiis. of 700 ncres each, in Liber- (yTounty—ono within 1 ■; mile of Walthourville. and tlie other within .)£ miles of Illncaville. Both aro highly iin proved, and have ail necessary buildings on them. > IkanDa Bhiff 0 .m e Vhn°^ *^ cr °" , of 'r 1 ' 11 timbered lands, near maril s liluff, on tho Alntnmnha river I’nrties wishing L calling on mo, or ai county, tin oct29—Stf m ivl8 into* of decisions e present timo, by Waterman— LAW HOOKS. W THORNE WHJ.IAMS lias just received Tilling • liast's Adam on Ejectment. '" .... in the United Stases to the | 4th edition Hill on Trustees, new rditlon. by Trouhal A Wliartcn. Vol. 18th English Ij»w and Equity Reports. Tills volume, containing important cases decided In 1853. is published before tho 17th. Now subscribers supplied at $12 per an num for 0 vol*. bound. F'lander'* Treatise on tho law of Shipping ; a now work by tho author of Maritiino law. Vol. 34 English Chancery Report*. Also. The Ixindon Art Journal, fur Jan., 1854. •r 1851-’2; Miss —impressions ol N fav orlea: hil ls Sugar HYLAND A O’NEIL D OMESTIC - LIQUORS—100 bbla i’helpa’ Gin, 75 do Ruin, 100 do Whisky, 76 do Brandy, for salo hv novfl McMAHON A DOYLE. 1 JASTF'JtN HAY.—18 bales prime Flastern liny, now land- Xl< ing from brig Northman, from Boston, for salo by nov8 OGDF.N A BUNKER. E mbi I fan fant's robe*, infant's waist*, breakfast cap", cambric and muslin bands, ail in lino vnriety, at 72 St. Julian aud 106 Brvan streets, Waring'* Range, by ootie KKMPTON A VERSTILLE. O spun*. re*l nnd white Flannel*. Blanket*. Calicos, broi nnd blenched Shirtings nnd Sheetings. Huckaback*. Crash. Towels, linen damask Napkins. Irish Linens. Bird's-eye Di aper, etc., for sale by o29 DxWITT A MORGAN. M ERINO VFISTS, Ac— ladies’ patent Marino Vesta, do aiiperfinr Cashmere do. Ciiina Spun do; Gentlemen's Royal Ribbed Shirts, do extra size Merino Wrappers, do ex tra siz« Xlerlno Shirts, do Cotton nnd Xforino Drawers. F'or sale at 72 St. Julien and 105 Brvan street*, bv oct22 KF.MPTONjA VRRHTITJJ!. C X PAGING RODS, Out Stick*. Oil nmf Spirit Proofs, Bung J Starts, F'uucuts and Spicket*. For salo by ,n J. P. COIJJNS. doc 10 P OTATOES—130 bids and 60 bags Potatoes, landing from brig Torccllo. and for salo by Io by BRIG HA AM, KELLY A CO non.) ynirti' inr n.iuuiui tiiiiiiiio, coutaining the speeches «.f John C. OiIIioiid delivered in tho House of Representatives and in tlie Srnnte of tho United States, clited by Riclmrd K. Crnlle. received and for salo by *epl4 8. 8. 81 BLEY. 136 Congress st. G ROUND COFFEE.—60 boxes Ground CoRbe, lauding per Dark Radiant. For sale by novK BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. G OLD PBN8—a large assortment of Gold Pens, In gold and silver extension and double extension cases, war ranted an exceUcdt article, for sale by novl8 8. S. SIBLEY, 18b Congreea street. Tim Attic Philosopher in Paris. 2d vol. I’ereira Materia Medicn nml Therapeutic*. feli2 NEW" BOOKS. A CD? of tho legislature of Georgia, I Bremer's Homes of tlie New Worli America, in two volumes. The Second War with England, by J. T. Headley, in two volume*, with plates. XIen and Tilings ns I Saw Them in Europe, by Kirwnn. Venice—the City of tlie Sea. from tlie invasion of Napo leon to the capitulation in 1849. by F'dm. Flagg, with a map and i-mlH-tli-liini'nl*. iu two volumes. Sir Wm. Hamilton's Discussions on Philosophy nnd Lit erature. Education nnd University Reform. Templeton's Engineer, Millwright nnd' Pocket Companion, witli mathematical tables. Picture Pleasure Book, witli 500 illustration*. Swiss F'aniily Rjbinson. with 8 illustrations. Clouded Happiness, by Countess d’Orsay. F'ern leaves, front Fanny’s Port F'olio. Cloister Life of Cliarle* V ; Tlie Mud Cabin ; Professor Silliuinn’s Travels in Fliirope ; Echoes of a Belle ; Isitenzo Benoni; Moore’* Life of Sheridan, Ac. oet26 W. THORNE WILIJAM8. H I il IKS—Received Felirnarj 22. ISfti. liyS S. Silih-y.—A Theodicy or Vindication of the Divine Glory, ns mnnl Tested In tlie Constitution nnd Government of tho moral world, by Albert T Bledsoe. How I Became a Unitarian.explained in a series of letters to a friend, by a clergyman of tlie Protestant Episcopal Church. Meditations nnd James Hervey. A. XI. with a sketch of his lire. English Serfdom and American Slavery, or Ourselves others See U» by J.ucien B Chase. Short Patent Sermona. by Dow. Jr . bound in cloth. Joseph XViltnot.or Memoirs of a XInn Servant, by G W XI Reynolds, author of .Mary Price. Ac Woman and Her Master, by J F' Smith. F*q„ author of ElinnleGrey, Ac. Xlaglcian of Naples, or Love nnd Nlcromnncy, by Lieut Xlurrny River Pirates, a tale of New York ; Gleason’s Pictorial. F'or sale at 135 Congress street. feh24 d by S. S. Sibley, Jnnuary 21st, 1851.—Dunglisson’a Medical Dictionary, loth edition revised ; Wilson's Human Anatomy, by P B Goddard. M I); Theory nnd Practice of Teaching, by D P Page ; lectures oi tiie Isird's Prayer, by Wm R William* ; F’rank Netherton Hugh Fisher; Sunny Side; Burrcliff. it* Sunshine am Clouds, by Paul Creytnn ; Tiie lamp nnd tlie lantern, by Janies Hamilton. XI i»; Little XUry, or Talks nnd Tales for Children, hv Trusta ; Tlie Apocalypse Unveiled, in 2 vol*.; Haps and Xllshaps. of n Tour in Europe, by Grace Green wood ; Heaven and it* Spiritual Fanbtem*. by Rufus W Clark, beautifully illustrated ; Stoddnrt'n Ready Reckoner; Marsh's Book-keeping ; American Hand Book of Ornament al Trees ; Sounder's French Grnmtnnr ; Mattison’s High School Astronomy ; more of Hot Corn, or Life Scenes in New York ; Tlie Song Book nf the School Room, Ac . Ac., or sale nt 135Congress street. jan22 luals nnd other illustrated Books. wtt_ ougravings, and in various styles of binding. Also Tlie Blood Stone, by Donald McLood. Gray’* Elegy, with an engraving to each verse. Clavorrook 2*1 series, by Alice Carey. A .Month in Ftogland, by Tuckermnn. A Week’* Delight, ur Games und Stories, for tho parlor and fireside. Autumn Xlr* Kirkland, beautifully illustrated Judge Fslmond's Spiritualism. F'nrconsclo*. a Romance of tho New Word. Hayden's Autobiography. Physiology of Taste. Shady Side. Gustavus Lindorm, Life of Wrn. Pinkney, Tho Attor ney. Busy Momenta. Ac., Art and Industry, as represented in the CrystalPulaco. dec22 W. THORNE WILLIAMS N EW BOOKS—Received by 8. 8. Sibley. Dec. 0th7l853— Old England nnd New Flngland, by Alfred Bunn. Ijfe nf nn Actor, by G. II. Hill. Health Trio to tho Tropics, by N. P. Willi*, llio Invalid’s Own Book, by the Hon. Isidy Cu*t. Happy Days of Childhood, by Amy Meadows * Iron Rule or Tyranny in the Household, by T S Arthur. Jack Junk, by the author of Gallant Toni, Ac. Riackwnod’s .Magazine, for November. Popular Educator. F'or December—Hunt’* Xfagazine. Knickerbocker Maga zine,Graham’s Magazine, Illustrated Magazinnof Art, and Godey's Lady'* Book, for sale at 135 Congress-st, good eating Potatoes; 25 boxes Soda Crackers; 2ft l*oxe* Ground Coffee; 20 imxos Ground Pepper; 60 libls nnd half tibia pureGenesaee Flour; 00 bbls Butter. Sugar nnd Soda Crackers; 69 doz. painted Buckets; 60 boxes English Dairy Clieeso, landing and for aale by fob 7 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. B ACON. WHISKY, *«.—26 hbd* prime new Bacon Side*. 20 do do Shoulder*. 16 tierces sugar cured Hams. 60 hhl* rectified Whisky. 60 dn K Phelps’ Gin, 40 do P A II Connecticut River do. 60 do pure Boston Rnm. landing and for sale by fel.22 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A C(h__ F rank Leslie sI.adies’ QAZFfrrKKR, of Paria. i»n- •Ion and New York Fashion*, with numerous engrav ing*. at 26 cent* per number, and $3 per annum. Form* Tor common use in Oeorgia, by a member of the Macon Bar. , . Flush Times in Mississippi and Alabama, with plate*. Maurioe’* Theological E*aava. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, by Lt. Herndon Mi a Partington's Scrap Bag of Fun. with engraving*. •b2A ;W. THORNE WILLUMS. jpljilabtlpljia 2lbi)trtietnutita CON HAD BARD A BOB, MANUFACTURING SILVER SMITHS. No. 116 Arch ttreet, four door* below Sixth, Philadelphia. S r* (X5T*m.UUIKI> TUIRTT ODD TURK.) ILVERTea Seta, Pitcher*, Cup*, Fork*, Spoon*, Ac., of *h®Mwe*t and moat admired pattern*. Also, Import er* of Sheffield and Birmingham Plated Ware. Cutlery pla ted on Alba la metal. Fork*. Spoons, Ac., suitable for ■team- ers. hotel* *nd famtlie*. Keep comtantly on hand a largo atock of Ixindon, Liverpool and Geneva Watebc*. apfl—0mo* HIGH STOCK OK CARPETINGS FOR SPRING TRADE. T IIE aubsertber 1* in receipt of hi* Spring Stock cf Car peting*, embracing an extensive and varied assort ment ol Splendid styles of VELVET. “ ■a*PS7 BR ' ,8SELS , cutpim Hup* nucl :nitian8. American A English On. CliOTHS. With an entire fresh Stock of DRUGGETS, MATTS, Plano and Table Cover*. MATTINGS. Ac. Also a very large assortment of low priced Carpet* and Oil Cloy* or all description*, adapted for Country and City Country Merchant* and other* who intend purchas ing Carpet*, are Invited to call and examine, aa I aui deter mined to sell a* low a* any house In the trade. ROBERT B. WALKER, 190 diertnut-atreet, below Eighth, apll—eodltn Philadelphia. CANE SKAT, PDAIN AND FANCY CHAIRS A rm chairs. ROCKING CHAIRS. CANE 8KTTEE8, DININU AND CHAMBER CHAIRS, In all tho varieties of color* and fashionable style*, at the cheapest rates, wholesale and retail, at N. F. WOOD’S WARER00MS. 129 and 181 North Sixth streat. mhS4—dim oppo«it« Franklin square, Philadelphia, GREAT MUSIC EMPORIUM. J UST PUBLISHED—At Lee A Walker’*, 188 Chertnutiit., Philadelphia. No. 16. Buda and Illoaaom*, the last number out of the popular collection of Variations on Sacred Air*. Tantalizing Polka. Sleigh Bell I’olka. By W. n. KetTer. leu Turlcon I’olka Mazurka. Wallersteln. 1 telle Alliance Schottisb. G. Anton. Young America’s Polka. By Lewis Relm*r. Kind Word*. Tho*. Baker. The Happy Homes of Earth. Tho*. Baker. Matchless Kate. J. Unman. Oh ! Tlie Joy* when Love i* Dreaming. W. G. Ewing. Cora Leo. IL B. Brown. Gentle Warning J. Human. Tim Miller’* Song. Author of Bent Bolt. Rescue Quickstep. Fond Heart* at Home. R. Thomas. New Music published and received daily. Also, constant ly on hand, superior Piano*. Unitar*. Violins, Flutes, and the very best Italian Strings, of their own Importation. Order* promptly attended to. Catalogues sent by mail, mo 21—lin SOAP. T HE subscribers, agents for the sale of XIYRICK’S 80AP, offer for sale— 2600 boxu* Chemical Olivo Snap, 3000 do. Pale do. 2000 do. Brown do. Warranted equal to any manufactured. Put up In pack age* to suit, without charge. J. B. A. A S. AI.LF.N. mh 21—3m 7 and 8 South Wharves, Philadelphia. WKSCOTTB Si MILLER, MANUFACTURERS QK SASH AND BUNDS N. E. comer nf Broad and Wallace-ttrtett, Philadelphia. C ONSTANTLY on hand a large assortment of BASH of all si ’ * 1 sizes and thickness, including 1J< thick, with a gen eral assortment of ROUJNG BUNDS, warranted equal to any that nan ho made. A general assortment of Sash rea dy glazed always on hand. All ordora by mall or dispatch, will receivo prompt attention, and goods delivered to ai part of the city or districts, free of charge. Shipping for the California market supplied at the abort- est notice. eod2ra—mar28 o any STRAW GOODS. T HE subscriber takes this opportunity to notify hi* Cur- tinners that he hn* now in store a well selected stock of Straw and Millinery Good*, Consisting in part of Ijidies’ Hair Blonds, French Laces, Gossamer*. Tripoli*, Pearls and Satin Diffused, in various style* of Good* ; together with a handsomo assortment of Imported and Domestic Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, lAdlea’ and Misses’ colored Bonnets, Straw Trimmings, Children’* lints nnd Bonnots, and various other Good* connected with the trade. He lias made aranngements with tho principal Xtnnufno- turers and Importers, so that ho will ho enabled to rocoive nil tlie nowest styles of Straw Good*, a* soon aa they nro manufactured. Ho feel* confident that he will be able to sell his Good* a* low, if not lower, than any nirailnr estab lishment in the city. WILUAM G. No. 69 Nortli S*cond Street, below Arch, east r.ide,I’hil. mh 21—eodltn Alntnmnha river. purchase can learn all particulars bv .*" e ’ n * Hln ®"vlllo. IJbert, Btffg—Rtf CHARLTON HINES I1EAI. ESTATE ON OONORKB8 STREET FOR BALK — i»duIT r « or { I'd"; 60 by 00. ...I Congress street. « inra i r ? ,' t T l,,ry H '" 1 J,,fr ' ,| ' , " n ' Those lot* are well adapted for business purpose*, being but a very abort dis «mre° Intone‘an T «'n^one-.hird cash, tho baL M. PRENDF.RGAST A CO. ,,ri *'’• - Yumnr raw, pinwr* ‘ " mrf now ,°cc«pW by the Charleston Steam Packet < ompnny measuring on indred feet on the River and running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street HraVof Nftivenib"r'm.xt' ,|er * lp “° wl,ich w,u ®*P«roon the F«hrn« t rv ,I H •iA , « Val V a, « pr# T ,on " to lho «™lTue*day in y i i . ICnbe . o ! rpr0d *’ n,,c fhin at the Court A PP>r to delft COHEN A- l'lisDICK. iVim-! 1 ' M,YI>S AY,) <U4(K VOIR CHEEKS! m Si T' r e l : , ! l l V’ I’KARIJI. from Framazugda ; XJ MOSAKVi nnd CAMFOS from Utopia ; nnd DIAMONDS supposed to be tho annio found ly Si.vhad, the sailor, set un treot hr" 1 '"r"/ 0 for " nlp "t 110 Broughton treot. by dec4 HORTON A RIKEMAN. OOOMN AND BLINDS. IS ()()() VVn?' ^ S.tSII from 7X0 to 12X20 ; 200 OddSizesfurnisiicd on tlie name terms. For sale br JOHN G. FAU.IOANT . PLASTERING, AcT ing. would do we I to call upon him before cmitraeUng wi , Barrmrd TZll, ‘ I " t Jone.-.L,corner o uarnnru-si.. will be piomptly attended to July 1 o ly VALENTINE BRUNNER. I''in.! th7liev' Fl^ - 'U’m!' y of 1 , ‘ oul " XVlfoT France m - leH V r V illi, ""»’ b >' II. Hanson. Kari KrlnfiTl ■ nn "" rr ' 92 M P° r Karl Krinken—hi* Christum* Stocking. lll2.T™uSi P ' "'•I"'" 1 ” 1 I'nlnam'. Monlhly Golden Dreamr —* • • — Volumes 2 dec20 [■* Reaiitlea, by Ralph Raven. •1 3 Audi son * Complete Works. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. CJUN'.RIKS,—12ft boiMNo. 1 nnd family So,.,. J00 dn nn. ^ .culiid IlOTliif JO do 6. „„d S, n«.d«K Tallow Cnndie. Iifal'i. T™' .*.1 »" Tnlmcco, 20 lialf cl.n.b !" nck J. ca ' Ih paper*, 40 do Green Tea. assorted. 200 bngi .T" 1 ’ u h 7', "’""f'd sizes. 00 1,1,1s butter, sugar nnd sodi Biscuit. 60 lings and lot) mats Old Government Java Coffee 80 bid* A. B and C clarified Sugar. 60 do orasbed and pow - t - ^ India and Sugar House Molasses. 101 ” l. 1 " |l m I , . ,ln ’ 4 ® *1® 1 * H Connecticut River do, 60 di pure Boston Rum. .,0 do Domestic Brandy. 20qunrternni ^e e tnmmT W ^o f °r r !. h t, r0, i. f , * r,nd - r ' 25 ,,0Mn paloted-han die Brooms, 200 do do Rusketa, 80 boxes Rendol’a and Col gate* I earl Starcji. 20.000 superior Plantation Cigars 41 bbls pureGonesee F lour! landing and for sale by 8 _ SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. Crofw'raT'T; 11- A:c '^ ,, 1 ' ,,, jec‘’iv«’d. 30 boxes ground Yy Coffee. 10 do Pepper. 30 do Mustard, in V lb can* 30 JZ no n T 20 T M ir- ,,n Cl0 »«"’ Cinnamon, ke : ' wJ,,Ti n f " 1 n ? y l handlP '' ar E® Broom*, 60 do two ami 60 ,1, .n il pa iiIcil «nd eeda r Palls, 10 nesta cedar Tub*, tmiii'l «irnt i. ,ind | 0ll c"^ " l,ICN u 5 e "- 60 •>" handled and O-i .l^ oo £ U,l,e "' ? j I." ® 1,ra >•" 1 Mackerel. 2 hhds OKltlsh. 20 boxes scaled Herring, 60 bbls Potatoes. For " "mJ „ DAVID O’CONNOR, " 1,1 . _ corner Broughton and Drayton street*. QUOAR AND M()LASSE»—20 hhds choice Porto Rico 8u- ran ET' 10 M ,""covado do. 16 do prim* New Orleans do, 1-0 bbi* craslied and clarified dn, 15 boxes I/>af do. 76 bbla prime new crop New Orleans Syrup, 100 do cheap sugar- house do, ju*t received and for sale by _ dRc21 WfeBSTKR A PALMES, C HAMPAIGN—160 bosket* Drat quality, just Imported I and lor *alc by nor2 ° COHEN A FOSDICK. C IOTTON SEED—Jethro or Silk Cotton Seed, for sale by J Rn20 OGDEN A BUNKER S FT)ARS—10,000 la Norrig, and other brands. For sal* bv norfl ^ HYLAND A O’NEIL. .ARET WINK—20 boxes St. Julien ifedoc Wine, for sale L “ | A. D0NAUD. S UNDRIES.—Just In store 6 bbl* Reynold/) A Son’s Wliite l*'afl.-ird, 100 do choice extra family Hams. 3 Bacon Shoulders. 10 bbl*. and lmlf do Pig Pork. lOlmlfbbl*. Ilaw's Corn Beef, fi boxes Bcsdel's Tallow Candles. Starch A family Soap, 20 boxes Sperm and Star Candles. 10 barrels Bleached winter strained lamp Oil. 100 boxosGround Coffee. Xtustnrd. Cinnamon, and I’eper. 60 lbs Nutmeg nnd Xtace.'t6 Chest Oolong Tea. Inoao and in quarter Ibb packages. 60 bbls Potatoes, and 100 bbl* assorted apple*. Ac.. Ac. Fornale by nov8 DAVID O’CONNOR. W OLFE’S AROMATIC 8CHE1DAM SCHNAPPS—'Thl* medicinal beverage i* manufactured by the propri*. tor nt Schcidarr , in Holland, and it is warranted not only pure from every injurious property nnd Ingredient, but of the best posjib'.e quality. Just received and for sale by nov27 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. K NIFE BriARPENEIt8.—Just received, a lot of the Lew style Knife Sharpener*. Call and get one at fubl7 J. P. 00LLIN8’. D OMESTIC UQUOR-iao bbU E Phelp, and Rose Gin 60 do P A H Connecticut river do. 40 do Domestic Bran dy. 60 do Now England Rum, ftO do Rectified Whisky re ceived and for sale by J ' ^ehl SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. T A J?* — Jl0 2. 000 ®*P«cted per brig Martha JLi Roger*. For aale to arrive by oct18 BRIGHAM. KELLY A 00. G , f,’ n , KS T^ P* lr °f thirteen inch Globe*, cele*. tl*' “nd terrestrial, for sale cheap, by . “ 0Tl ! B- 8- 8IBI.EY. 136 Congress street. P H? LiVFIR OIL—Ru*liton and Clarke’s genuin* Cod Liver OH. warranted fresh and containing all th* medicinal virtue*. Ju*t received and for aale by nor27 w. W. LINCOLN, Monument aquare. U MBRELLAS AND PARASOLS of all Idnd* and prioeql for »*le by marll KEMFTON k VERSTILLE. CAU1NUT WARE KMI’UIUUM. No. 130] Smith Second tired. J’hi/addjihia [No. 130 W. A J. ALLF'-V resnectfnllyin-a ■form their friend* and customer* IU tliat they have removed from No. Hfe 137 Walnut street, to No. 136South Second street, where they have on hand a large and splen did assortment of suiierlor furniture, of every description! to which they Invito tho attention of purchaser*. ml)7 % CANE SEAT CHAIR MANUFACTORY.! No. 181 North Sixth Street. PhitadeljAia. (Opposite Franklin Square.) THE subscriber f* constantly tin j IhIiIng.nnd nn hand I’lain and Fan - \ cy (Tine Seat Chair*.In great vnrie- I ty of elegant and fashionable styles, ' . for parlor*, dining-rooms or chambers, made lu Fancy Woods, Imitation Woods, nnd Fancy Colors, Ac Reception nnd Cottage Chairs, of light nnd beautlhil de signs; Cane Lounges, Cane Settees, Hall Chairs. Counting Houso and Office Arm Chairs, large nnd small Rocking Chairs, Store and Steamboat Stool*, Windsor Chairs, ana Settees, Ac Housekeepers. Hotel. Stcnmbost nnd Rati Road Companies will find it to their interest to call at tho F'actory ot N. F. WOOD. No. 131 North 0th St (opposite Franklin Bvnnrc,) n>h7 Philadelphia PROOTY A BARRETT’S Agricultural Ware-House nml Seed Store. No, 104Market-tired. Philadelphia. Profit A Mimrs’ Patent Felt Sharpening Dough*, of all alz**,pH right and left handed—Subsoil, of Castings for repairing. Tlie Emperor of* Russia awarded for tlie above Ploughs, a Massive Gold Medal, valuo $300.— Also, tho Great Medal at the World’a Fair, wa* awarded P. A M. Plough No. 40. Cultivators with Double-Point Polish- ed Steel Teeth, which can be reversed, thu* getting Double Wear ol the common Teeth. Also, Cultivator* of all kind* with S'.eel Toeth. Spain’s APinospheric Churn*. Corn Sholler*. improved kind*, Hay and Straw Cuttora, Hand Corn Xlilto, Corn and Cob Crushers, Gedda’ Improved Harrows, Square nnd A Harrow*, Horse Rake*, Grindstones, ready hung, Dirt Scrapers, Agricultural F'urnacea, Ox Yokoa and Bow*. Fork* Inr unloading Hay, Man Hay llakca, Bow Pins. Apple Pearera, Ox Muzzle*, Mole Traps. Pruning Honknand Chisels, Saws nnd Scissor*, Iron Well Curbs, nnd 7.lne tubeing for Chain P Com Planters, Turnip Drills, 4 to 86. Grant’s Patent Fan Xlilto. Gnrden Engines, Wheat Drills, I(orso Powers and Threshers, Mowing and Reaping XIa- chine*, Chain Pump* Cattle Tie*, Bull Ring*, Patent Iron 8nath* i/lrubbing Hoes, Transplant Ing Trowel* nay and Manure Fork* Shovelaond Spade*. Garden and Field Hoes, Gnrden Rake* In variety,! Children’* Tools, DnrlingScythe*. Snath*, with Patent Fasten- Ing*, Potato Hook*. Also, Horticultural VooIh (of every description.) Garden Seeds, for salo at the lowest price*, at Wholesale eod—npiO and Retail. PAPER HANGINGS, BLANK BOOKfl, ETC, No. 4 North j 1,00 dwrl above Market, npiJE undersigned have just opened a fresh and complete vTi n,, ii Wa “ nn ' on F ■» gold and vel- ,, pl - n, | d th ® lowe<t Priced unglazed papers; also, ■lei oration*, borders, fire screen*, curtain*, etc., which they offer at tlie lowest prices, both wholesale nnd retail cit T y orcountry kniene,DI,10J,e<lt0 h * D ^ P«P® r either in the Blank Bookt. Stationery, de.—We hare alao our naual aa- " 0 r t, " p " t ® f w . rit ' 1 n * paper* wrapping papers, blank and school book*, *tatlonerv, etc. v . " . PARRI8H A* HOUGH No. 4 North Fith street, 2 door* above Market, wa- r i ,., . Philadelpbla. n rash paid for country rag*. inlilO—eod Tl , »IK SINKING AND ENGRAVING, TN Al.L ITS BRANCHES.—BuHtnos* cards, with approprl- A »to devices, embossed In a new style, In plain and fancy colors. Seals nf every description, with or without presses. Envelope* printed with name, business and addre**, labels, billheads, manufacturer’* tickets, Ac., all executed In the neatest manner aud at prices 25 por cent, below any alml- tor (.tdabltohment, in consequence of better and improved facilltiesfor tiie execution of auch work. N. H.—All order* by mail promptly attended to. Good* sent to any part of the country. T. B. CAI.VEBT A 00., FXjvelnpeand Seal Press Manufacturers, Die Sinkers, Embo*. sera nnd Eengravera, 48 South 8d-at., Philadelphia. m h 29 GAS WORK, LAMPS, Ac.. A RCHER A WARNER, Manufacturers, No HOChestiut- street. Philadelphia,respectfully solicit the atteutnn of purchasers, to thotr assortment of chandeliers, brasket* pendants, nnd every description of ga* burner*; also every variety of lamps, girandole* Ac. We warrant our good equal In.qualify, andour prices as low a. any other establ lisbment In the country. • Tlie Trade supplied with burner*, mercury, cap* brass ting*, air pump*, Ac., at reduced price*. „ . . ARCIUnt A WARNER Htla 8. Archer, I William F. Miakey, Redwood F. Warner, | Wm. O. B. MerrlU. ... ™ N d-olass warehouse; iir?u"^ r * , '2 M ™ Pmtrlk. north tide, Philadelphia. W F‘ l" f °nn merchant* and resident* of thl* vicinity, that T ’ the mo,t complete as*ortmcnt of Mantel. Pier. WaU and Oval Glasses, richest styles, for private use. or all kind* for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frame#, Ac..will he found at our establishment l«ng experience and large facilities enable us to aell the best goods at lowest prices. Dimension* being given, we will give estimates for any izod Mirror*, delivered free from breakage, at any point. Order* solicited. French Plate Glaaa, for Stores, Dwellings, Ac., at importa tion price*. THOMAS J. NATT A 00. aplfi—end BLINDS AND SHADES. Take Notice. B J. WILLIAMS. No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few docra • above Market-street, Philadelphia, la the most extc n aive and beat manufacturer of Window Blind* and Shade* In tlie United State*, and baa taken the highest premiums at all the exhibition*; be bur* tlie best materials by whole sale cheaper for Cash than others pay for Inferior article* by retail, and can, therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinda and Shades, a* cheap a* other* ask for Inferior articles. Painted Window Shades in great variety, of beautiful designs and superior quality. Buff and WEIte Linen 8hadea, BUnd and Shade Trimming*. Fixture*. Ac., wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash price*. Store Shade* painted and lettered to order. Reed Blind* at manufacturer*’ price*. Old Blinds pninted to look as good aa new. Purchasers, by caJUng will be convinced that he sella a superior article and enar.’ aoteea full aattotkctlow. A liberal discount made to dealer* “ Wt tittdy topleaM." •tid—rf No. ia SS eitaoi