The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, August 31, 1854, Image 2

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THE SAVANNAH GEOKGiAJN. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31. 1854. (Metal Printers to the City a»4 Otmly. DAILY, $fl—TK1-WKKKLY $4—WEEKLY. t'J rtTAIll !!• *P»AKO«. ... « h.r« pavroent Is not made in adrsnee. th* chama " i a £ri5yb« for Daily OwyMn •«. for Tn'\ cokl.r • . •« „r Weekly ®3. _ SAVANNAH, GA.: thurshay morning. .uiausT 3^|^ stricken down ill the very il.wn of manlinod-wliiit could lie mon* inournlul 1 Such, nevertheless, Is the intelligence which we hive t" contmutilcato to Ins dlitnnt friends, lie died of yellow lever, ot four o', clock,yesterday the ro.ldonco of Ins fa- thcr. Col. Wiilu* 1’- Hones, In the kid year ot The deceased graduated with honor, at the Unlver- aity of Georgia, in August, 1So3, Too young for nd- mission to the liar, the profession of his choice, with a noble spirit of Independence, he sought and obtain- ed a situation in Thomas county, whore he taught for fifteen months, last winter hespent ntMilledgovillo In discharge of the duties ot reporter of the proceed tugs of the Legislature tor, (we believe,) the Afoul- mr AVmv. Returning to SnTMtiah in the Spring, lie commenced the study of his profession in the office of Messrs. Law .V lUHTow.aml was engaged in its as siduous prosecution when smitten down by desease CWiTeapomtenca of the Isondnn Watchman. i How «n Indian Can Die# CAPki OF good lioi’ic. A touching instance of this characteristic trait oc- ■lection or Member* of Parliament—Aiitlrt- onrred at tlio lato engaftmtnt between a hiiisII war noted Improvement—Orauga lUver Free j ,„ r , y ()f tl|0 chlnpewas and a greatly superior purty rsf.aT.iwM Iim.u iRAi ! of Bloux, ncsr Cedar Island Lake. Tlio CblppewM, Indmpplng you a fow^hne. niantler, which leaves for hnglaml this afternoon, 1 ca j 0 and the Hi-Mt notion of danger lliut saluted their htve tieeu conducted in a manner truly creditable to him sml wh u i.i- . c ?, mr f dM wuro ° l, {. *° all parties, proving hoyond a doubt that the |ieopieof| J i i fe' 1 . .' Turu TS 0 *! 10 * this country were fully ripe for the csUbllahmcnt of 1 e ' r « “"Jj »«'ft d , ° c " ry hm u a l°"? wi ‘V' ,cm a representative government. There was no lack of, J" *?XtlnZ intJ III U « , H * ullur of “ U \ k n’ ‘ interest and excitement at thu respective polling V ?, Ul A° cua " n * m \ ed places ; but I rejoice to say that thcr? was a total, J";®**® ‘in, tc '!. i "« 1,10111 111111 ,10 would show bis absence of many of thorn, disgraceful scenca which u , ev S 1 i. h 2jf MS i rT«~ U !?i t k***..- A a‘J*t SSIg ms mgiuini|*iii.uiu«u iui | f - i -lug Ills the I’our-il and House of Assembly, by their goner-1 !?“?!!?, 8 , ,l ?F ,n l * 1,i,, 1 dottth Holl tf- , Art Ids enemies up. nl reputation for intelligence, experience and liberal- I roill ' lu d Inin he only Ming a louder and a livelier Ity wiiilhnont. uhnnut without ezccptiun, torn- J'™ "■ »"d whyu suyvrul hud gutluirod urotmd him. niitiul the nwpm nl ull churn. nl the community, j ,'" K >hdr •«« plug him ™ mill uctuculiig furth In their reapeutivo uthlroaea nuarly ull the iiioin- ! ' dcmiiuiucul veil. nr exultation, not u look nr u her. him- upok. n hugely and well in fuvor Ilf nil f“ ,ur " "run fca nil thut lie wua even itirnrc of their ■ ... aosenee OI many in imnu niwKiscriui rinitn nmtu , , i, ■ , . , . V 1 tt i. not nfterr that either inclination or duly too frettueully accompany electioneering movement* I . l , “ ln ,1" ° K * wll h hit. hack leut “Itte porfortnance nf an .«» ... aad. a. th. la th. U imaalry.f The member, re,iirne,I for I ,!^1! rceonlollho death of Saurui. W. Hones "All muat die." yet that one m y.illllg, »0 genlle, no »U>- dloua. an glHed. *o evorvlhiug calculated to rvin Wendt, and ton* » hrilllaut tiiture. ahriuUI |R| || i - . kinds o| improvements and reforms. Judging from J, A , 1 , •* M Kth Uicy selxed him and tore the pniHcnt i.|.p!-iirulie«, we are, ere long, lu have break- *“'P hiu heit.l. SHU seated w th Ilia back waters, ducks, rallriiad-. bridges and ntlicr public T'2,‘.“.'"T 'rev. they u-.mmenced shooting the r ... ... . ... .1 ..r i arrows into the trunk around his head, irrnzimr his culture, and forth., dcvohipmout m the vast mineral “,™’ ,lc , k ' ,l11111 tlu > JHvniHy P lined him font, of this i-iintinelit. As nil are In fuvor of cdu-' ' ll0 “ l ” lv " «. tm ■ cl,l '. d “ vl I'" 1 -, > «' m1 ' ration, we may expect the rstublislun -nt of colleges i w " 1 «"» in icrlurnble, stoic, nun. and .eh,.,.Is on a -Liu never before witnessed at the , 11 * lu c , l "Vn 111,11 “'"“"'gh nne (■ape | and SO r.u us the respective Christian churches I “[ " ,0 'I , ryeklng scalp helure In. urn or iii'd. thero I. to lie a mure eipiul dlalrlbn. 'J 0 ?'* 1 '" "," t “ *>"« »■•xprewnnn of Ills countenance tun „f Giirernment e rants fur educntlulliil and ecrlesi. f™'} lu. nh.eire.1 to i-hunge. At Ins tana nl the rival purposes. Under nur new government we me ! "! mKr r ni'l'roached In, with a tnnnih i wk whirl have no Sum Chlirvh, cherished I'lisvvisni. nr I ? 1 fl *T i'"h‘' c 'h'' U'-urtshee lie bnried In the cap synrdyil evi.iievlUi.i is, lies, h, sin-1, i I I,vt ? sk ,lll. n lUlsnilk 111 ileull, With Illy snug Mill nil on his lips, lie hud indeed succeeded well in touch lug his enemies " how a Chippewa could die.'' discarded evangelism, no sects, no parties, a« such ; hut every man is to h" regarded according to Ins mor- or , ^or‘ ,, “VU I S-'-i. “■'•«>>« Sow- a C hl,,- sviulilo ut the close of 11,o present month, nnd we I l'™“ ra " 1 ' 1 >'• avenged—if. fun/, (Mm.) firm,,- shall see. The new Republican Government called the " Or ange River State," formerly the •• RritiMi Sovereign ty, ' is now fully organized, and it remains to bo seen linw it will work. Serious apprehensions have been expre-od by many persons of large experience in To us, who announce little more than first, though Simtll African atliurs ; but most assuredly n better mo st /ojiftng, impressions,he seemed horn to ht loved, i ttm \ niore promising commencement has been made There was a sweetness about his cheerful, modest, | than was anticipated. If the Orange River Govern* euilelcaa and uuudketed demeanor, IrreaUtably win merit eheriah a kindly reeling toward the native guile " , . ,,,. I,„v„ tribes, encourage t hn-tian Missions, and adopt Na* niug. Such he was to us. What must he then have poleon'a motto, “The era of compiest is pastall to the family that cherished him as their pride, and, will bo well, joy. and hope 7 With their sorrow, a stranger may not intermeddle. Heaven grant them strength to bear its crushing weight! His Excellency Sir G. Cathcart sailed for England by the last steamer, and the government of the Col ony has devolved, for the present, on his Honor Lieutenant-Governor Darling, whom we should like to sec permanently established in his present impor tant office. Sir G. Clerk, her Majesty's special Com missioner, with reference to the colonial boundaries, has returned to the interior after a brief visit to the Cape. Ho has some difficult work yet to perform, to Hrattb of tlio City—OIBrlal llcport. Tcksday, Aug. 29, 9 P. M. 1stt£HUants is Lachkl Groyb.-Mary Ann Reilly aged 29, Baltimore, yellow fever ; Mary Ann Fordo. . - . .... Wilt mor meet the claims of the Griquas and other tribes Ireland, Jo years, ydlow fc cr , • who had treaties with England,and who feel aggriev- Germany, 22 years, 10 months, yellow fever. od by the withdrawal of the llritish Government from Blacks.—Ctcsar. CO, heramorrhage ; Nora, I years yellow fever. Catholic Cemktkky.—Thomas Mallon, 10, yue- d by beyond the Orange River. The celebrated Chief MoaheisU is earning for himself golden opinions, by hastening with .>,000 of his warriors to quell a dis turbance and to restore peace at a remote distance ci at. Dcetructlre Fire—Lost s-i.'>0,000. Damakiascotta, Maine, Aug. 25—At one o'cloik, this afternoon, a fire broke out in the rear of the Hotel at Waldohoro, and swept all the village, from William Tebbctt’s large luruituic store, on the North and East as far us the Uuptist meeting Hou.-e, which was saved. The property destroyed included every store in the village, nnd every building south nnd west of the Hotel, down to the river. A new ship owned by Gen. Kennedy, and a bark lielotigiug to Jah. Cooks, both on the stocks, were destroyed. Al so. all the timber in .las. Clark's ship yard, intended for a large ship, both of the Ranks, Custom House and Post Office. The loss must exceed 2250,000. Vai.i k ok Amkuican Pnom cK. Cattle. Ac.—The Louisville Journal says it was stated by Professor Mapes, nt a recent meeting ot the Farmers’ Club at IxmisvUlc, that " the value of live stock of the Uni ted States at this time is not less thun $<>00,000,000, and this will be increased by any increase of the grass and grain crops. More than 120.000,000 bush els of wheat are annually grown, 11,000,000 bushels of rye, 1.51),000,000 bushels of oats, 5,000,0110 bushels of barley, 2,000,000 bushels of buckwheat, 1120,000,- 000 pounds ot butter arc made, 105,00V),000 pounds of cheese, and 14,000,000 tons of hay.' These esti mates do not include Indian corn, potatoes, beuus, ‘ fruits, tobacco, and various other praducts, equalling boc yellow fever; Thomas Maylor, 21, Ireland, yel from his " great place." | fruits, tobacco, and various otl > ' V iiM.i •»-. Ireland velluw The mercantile interests of tlio colony have recent*: in value those we have named, low fovor; Honora l. Held, .o, Ireland, y ellow |y been threatened with a serious crash, owing to ex-! fever; Ccccll Crome, 24. Ireland, yellow fever: tensive nnd injudicious shipments to Australia, and Elizabeth Goldens, New York, bilious intermittent money has never l>ecn so scarce for many years past. We hope tlio crisis is passing over. In moral and re- Elizabeth « fever. Total interments 10—7 yellow fever. RSCAFtTT LATION. The following it the total number nf interments [»tt wsek, ending at » o'clock Tuesday evening, ir cemeteries in tho city : ligious matters, 1 trust, there is some advancement. Mind is evidently nt work. We arc to have a “ Hall of Science’’erected forthwith in Cape Town, lor Pol Col. Fkemont. -Tho Xationul /ntclliecmcr learn.*, that this imk'latigablu explorer left Washington a few days ago to embark from N. York in the steamer for California, with the view of landing nt San Fran cisco ami proceeding thence to the Siera Nevudn, to lix astronomically the position of the puss which lie Wednesday... Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Interment• yellow F« ■. ..10 . ..9i . ,.60 Total for tho week - From tho above it will be seen tnat tho total number buried, during tlio lait seven days, amounted to ninety- two. of whom sixty died from yellow fever. Tlio interments at the dilTsreot cemeteries are as follow* Interments. Yellow tbxr. 1-aure! Grove Cemetery.. .42 26 Catholic Cemetery 44 27 Hebrew Cemetery 4 4 Denton and Houston. The New York Evening Post complains bitterly ul the treatment which those gentlemen have received at the hands of the present administration. It al ledges that neither ot them has been permitted to exercise any influence whatever over Gen. Pierce ytorlmic exhibitions, ami a Mechanics' Institute is ! discovered in that mountain during his expedition nf In active operation. Other good tilings will no last winter. The results of that expedition were nub- Ushcd in this paper as drawn up by the explorer him self, ami great stress was laid upon the discovery of this Pas-, as being excellent in itself, and north of the Walker and thcTojon Passes, and therefore more in the straight line from St. Louis to San Francisco, aud opening directly into the rich San Joaquin Valley near the southern gold mines. Col. Fremont judged that pass to be about latitude 37 ; but the importance which lie attaches to it ns a point in the Central route to the Pacific Ocean, induces him to go toil again to fix its position with a precision which the exhausted condition of his party aud resources did not admit ol when he went through it.—Balt. .Inin. General Hartley, of the C. S. Army, has arrived at Washington ; lie has obtained leave ol absence for the purpose ot visiting Europe. PlSAI’I’EAUANCK OK ClIOLKItV KltOM *MAKsLILLES. — Letters have been received nt Boston from Mar seilles, as Inte as thu 8th of August, which report that the cholera had nlmost entirely disappeared. John Muller, who confessed that he murdered a man in New Jersey, some ten months ugo.and who was recently brought to Philadelphia from the West doubt follow. Great Destruction ol Property In Troy— Luu not Leu tlinu u Million. Titov, August 25.—A tire broke out ut 1 o'clock to-day, and spread with irresistible fury over a space equal to about eight blocks, consuming probublv not less than two or three hundred buildiugs, aud de stroying property amounting to not less than one million of dollars. Owing to the dry state of every thing, it was almost impossible to check the fury of the flames. The burnt district is bounded on the west by the river, on the east by the river to Division-street, and from thence by the alley betweeu First aud Second- streets. and on the south by Jefler-on-streets. In this district is embraced an extensive lumber business,and lumber amounting to not less than two hundred and llfty thousand dollars was destroy ed. The freight depot, machine shop, and soverul car houses, with the curs of the Hudson River Rail road, also the very extensive establishment known as Bridge's chain factory, the bell foundry of Jones \ Hitchcock, aud several other manufacturing estab lishments, are destroyed. The tiro was arrested on the cast side, iu the rear For tlio past week tho avorugo number of bankets of peuehoe sent from Gamdon depot to Now York, has been upwards of four thousand per day. Mahylanii Bank Dihl’iikditeil— 1 The notee of tho Furmem’ and Mechanics' Bunk of Kent county, Ma ryland, are discredited in New York, the brokers re fusing to purchase. The grounds of suspicion against the Bank aro not stated. It seems that a wrong impression has obtained iu regard to thu physical condition of Mr. N. P. Willis, lu tho Ilomt journal,of the $(Uh. he sayn: " I am in some danger or recovery, I believe, (here und there a doctor thinking it not impossible)." Tlic Ktimiacli prepare* tile element* of the bile mid the ' bhmd ; and it it duos the work feebly and imperfectly, liv er di'OMne is tlio curUin result. A* soon, therefore, as sny atteclion of tlio liver is perceived, we may hu sure that the digestive organs are out of order. The lirrt thing to ho done, Is to administer it specific which will set directly upon the stouinch—the mainspring of the animal machin ery. For this purpose we can recommend llooflaud's Ger man Hitters, prepared by Dr. C. M Jackson. Philadelphia. Acting ns nn alterative and a tonic, it strengthens thu di gestion, change* th* condition of thu blood and thereby gives regularity to tho buwcls eod2wl—aug‘22 AGl'K AND nf three years standing tTKKD.—Mr. John ianigdcu. now living at Heater Dam. Hanover County. Vu.. near Hlchninnd, had Ague aud Fever for three years, most of the time ho had chill* twice a day, and rarely less than once ; ho tva> parched with fevers ns soon a* the chill left him; and after trying physicisus. quinine, mast of the Tonies advertised, and every thing recommended to him. «a* about to give up iu despair, when Carter’s Npauish Mixture was spoken of; he got two bottles, but before hu had im-d more than a single one. he was perfectly rured, and has not had a chill or fever since. Mr. Isingdeu is only "tie out of thousands win. have been benefit ted by this great tonic, alternative aud blood purifier. Principal Depute nt M. WAKD. t’LOSK k Oh, No. S3 Mldvn lane. New York. HKNNKTr Ac HKK1W. No 125 Main-t . Richmond, Vn. And for sale by THOMAS M Tt’RSKR Ac CO.. ,IAMK> M. A. A SUMMONS .V CO., mid \V. W I.1N- COI.N. Savannah. K. S. Macon, and by Drug gists and Country Merchants everywhere. nuglT—1st in (•K(Hits IA GUNBHAL HOHIHTAG. FA 11M -STREET. SAVANNAH. This institution, lately under the charge of Dr. P. II. Wildmaii and Dr. Charles G.iuuhl.has been re-orgnnued by the addition of Dr. if. N. Harris aud Dr. Easton Youge to its medical corps. It Is hoped that this arrangement will enable the institution the better to maintain and even to extend the charities which it has been in the hnbit of be stowing ii|*>n the indigent from the revenues of its regular business. With large nnd admirably ventilated wards, airy und pleasant rooms, spacious grounds, a resident un dergraduate lu medicine, an experienced steward, and a highly intelligent, kind mid obliging stewardess.this estate li diincnt offers advantages and inducements rarely found in 8niitheru cities, nnd makes ample provision tor all classes of patients. In its management, it wilt be the object ol ilie proprietors to offer not only medical and surgical aid to such as may seek its lieueflts. but to pio\i le the com fort* »f a home for the invalid Cotton—The entlro sties of tliv week wor* 2.600 hates — Prices closed at about the range of our quotations, though very irregutar aud generally easier : NKW ONI.KANH CtAOMIFICATION. Interior 6 06— I Middling Fair... Ordinary 1 Fair 10f»— Middling 77<®SX Good Fair —(Si— Good Middling 0—©V.V* | Good aud Fine.. —(S— COTTON UTXrXMKNT Cotton—bates. Stock on hnnd Hept 10 678 Received alnco 1.438,016 “ yesterday 1,413—1.440,320 1.450.001 7.260 334—1.417,603 Exported to data yesterday Slock on timid not cleared 33.308 Fnanaiw—The Freight markot has been quiet, and the principal ougsgomeut* reported during the week have been a ship taken fur Hristol, England, at 63* 61 per bird for To bacco, and one for Havre at 1*^4 for Cotton. Exciianok—The Exchange market has continued inactive, and domestic hills are rather lower, while sterling have been firmer. We now quote Sterling Francs Now York Sixty day Hills........ Sight Cheeks on New York Al'GI'sTA, A I’ll. 28.—Cotton. hibite iio change since Saturday. lOOMfSHRi); . .61.11 '«fS)&r.20 |>ei- dollar • ••1'afBHJ* law ceut. disc . •.. .‘ifaH* pei cent prein R lieu mutism Cured! EITHER INFLAMMATORY. ACUTE OR CHRONIC. xVo difference how severe or how long standing r T’HK undersigned. Druggists, have for tale that Invalua- X bio and sure remedy, iloriimort't Rhtumaiic Cvmtnund, now so universally known and so highly appreciated by many thousands who have long been cripples and bave been restored to perfect health by Its use. The extrusive manufacturing arrangements, ns also a desire to meet the circumstance of all who may be afflicted with this disease. au<l make it, to them, the anurmr, as it is the moat CKHMIN, mode ot treatment Lave determined the proprie tors to reduce tiie price to TIIBSK noLUHS per bottle ; at which tlio agents will sell it in future. J. II. CARTER 4c CO.. A. A HOliOMONH k CO , / Ag,nU Nild in t>glet)ior|>o, by Peinbeiton Ai Ellis; Macon by). Little, and l'ayne k Nesbitt; Mlltedgcrille. by l. W. Little; Marietta, by Win. Ronto ; Augusta, by Hnvilnnd. Ilislcy Ai Co..and Win. H Tutt . Montgomery. Ala., by It R. Jones k Co., aud Cunningham. Colo Ai Co ; at wholesale by A A Holonmiis k Co., ami J. II. Carter A: Co.. Savannah. Ga ; ilaviland, Harrell Ac Co., and P M. Cohen AcCo.,Charleston. 8. C.. and J. Wright Ac Co.. No. 161 Oiartrea afreet. New Orleans,und by Druggista generally throughout the I'nited Htatcs. Tho above arc also agents for tho «ale of that Invaluable i.ronaration, already so extensively and popularly known bv hundreds of thousands throughout the United iRates, TImISU?” OntaaSijtte! 1 ™ *'" '* a.., -Tlio markot tc-day i MAIMiNL INTELLIGENCE. I'Mltl "I VVAN’S'All .AUGUST 31 i ARRIVED SINCE OllR LAST. U S M steamship Alabama. Geo R Sdicnck. Uoiuuiamter, - hours from New York, with Mdio. and Passengers to , 'adelfui d. Fay k Co. U .**' M steamer Welaka King. Pnlalka, Art . !•> ? M I nffi- ! MORTIMOItE'8 HITTER CORDIAL AND HUMID PUKIFIFIt The immense sale of this Cordial, during the lari two years, and the universal satlstaction it has given to all- including hundreds of the most respectable physicians throughout the country—proves it tlio most valuable AI- tcratlvoand Ulood PuriHor ever known, for the treatment of nil diseases arisingfrom indigestion, a torpid condition ot the Liver, or impurities of the Blood While as a Proven tive of diseases, especially those of a Hiliou.* and Intermit tent type, nothing has been found to equal it This is a purely vegetable extract, pleasant to take, aud perfectly harmless—even with tlie leeblcst constitution — Its action is simple, vet producing the most wonderfully beneficial results. As au agreeable Tonic, it promotes healthy digestion, at the same time replenishing tho gas- Phillips trie iulces snd furnishing healthy chyle, thereby imparting purity and vitality lo the Hlond. equalizes its circulation, newly electrified throughout every proper channel, stimu lates the Liver to healthy action . Ke-lnvlgorntca Mini Krstnrcu tlic KiifeiDlnl mill Debilitated, and tliua, not only removing disease but fortifying the sys tem against its attacks, and producing and maintaining a : (How of Health and Beautv "f Complexion. . This Cordial and Blood Purifier, should be kept in every ' family snd used by every Individual, as it may unt only ■avo to them hundreds of dollars, hut also save them from affliction, and even save life Itself. Price one dollar per bottle. aatwiiSWuukkd.Bb2&;anftiKuMwiii 1 ’™w 1, , l ‘„* n '' »m‘a»“ uk.*i.awni (£ Siielllng. 1 (V Murrell il'.i. Oj.lrn k'llankor. I' A I. La- '-J'lnl... Ii'.ll, Hi-al-i>r rr«|,*r«li"a.-. a..,!, ran procureit mar. c-uofir 4; Olllllan.l. Wakur k I'time, I "•*»"■ “ 11 - CLEAHED. U S M steamship Knoxville,Ludlow. New York- Fay & Co. US M steamship Keystonu Stale. Ilardic, Philudelpli A I. Lamar 8A1LEU. U S M steamship Knoxville. Lndlnw. New York. USM steamship Keystone State. Ilnrdie. Phil idetphiu lulfoni.; SUPERIOR tREywr^nTriNi A < .erUIn Cure for FUtuW7 WI 3£ clnal propertiea. * ^ Amria* th. tn.ny .im.reor "i ““i I" 1 "''., n«"' "I" laairiu.Ysf5Sl „ ,f*> k, above named. Any tau insM. iA, ,h * make one that williM- countenanswSii ^U eln * l *t th* Medical Profession is q.iUe^HW, r , Mut » , MW.; .' Ihtters is countenanced and V ■ : „ tb « >'ov faculty for diseases ineident to o U , , ite rie Client Of the Stomach Cholera. Ague "emit£,! 1: ,,,r We Fever. Dys^psia.Deblhtv ot the N.-rvo“ TEAS, Ac. A ** tl 40 halt . hosts Hne lllack T.-x. | n ., package. 30 do do ID >on d... Mi I • M n 1 '' dy boxe* line Hr*..i, lej» 4,. . . , , 41* ^ - Manilla do, 160 do common Mie.trsw ,1, l Ui.l,..,l™,Mo 400 hr,,,, n-rrepi. V,:" ' I I sue. in store, and for sale by V -hi SCRANTON. J0I1N.4T0.V k Tho Orator’s Touchsto Hugh McQueen Hughes’Clinical p Bennett on the p Diseases. Bicoid’s lliustraiii 4to colored plates. _ t The American J0um.1l of Medical Science* f I/•.lie's Ladies Gazette (nr July Phillips on Insurance, la.t edition A mould on Insurance, with Perkins . W. TlUlRSF. V.’UnTjf 1 B randy, wine and gin- 16 \ • F'.lrxjuence Si , raetjee of Auscuilati'-n. I the Pathology and Treatment ■-'yphilitic t)»x«», UUNSIGXKaK.S PKHfEM’lUl, ItAILIlDAD AUGUST 29—42 bales Cotton, and Morchundise. lo Brig haul. Kelly A: Co, Ruse. Davis .Vising. J McIntyre, Howland ! CONN1GNKICR. Per aleamship Alabnuin, from New York—Anderson .V Swansou. Aiken k Burns. J A Brown Co, Berlin .V N K Itanium. IMdon At Co, A Houuud, It Hacker. Isaac Bruner, Uehn .V Foster. Boston k Yillnlonga, Hothwtdl »vSmith, Brig* liam .V Kelly, Clagborn »V Cuuninghum. H t’asson.Cury .v Perkins, Solomon <-ohen, Cohens Ac Hertz, t’rugcr k Wade, W G Dickson, .Mr* M Dunn. Dickey k Sorley. J E DcFord. | Dana .v Washburn. H R Fort. Fort, lime* k Co. G S Frier . son. F’ranklln ,V Brantley. W W Goodrich. 11.1' (■ilium. S Goodall. W W Good, Greenville Co. W Hale. I Hyland A; O’Neil. Hamden’s Expre-s, A 8 llnrtridge.. .1 D Kee-e. Hunter k Gamiuell. Hudson. Fleming .V Co. Hard wick {i Cook, P J&bobs. o JoUusou A C«. J .tones 8o«. 1 W II Kimbrough. CA I. latnmr. K I/jvell, W W I.iucoln. * ' 1. J M Isilllteau. l/>ckotl k SnuBiug H Lathrop A; >*ker !: Trea t. .. • r , , : ,7 v ] nor. 1. 11. Jims, duo u si .'lore sc r_o. ,itor»C A» Nichols. A .V fiu> II . expense of hoard, nursing and medicine- the* || Muller. G A McCUnky. T Ac 1. McKenna. Geo N Nichols, medical and surgical services being rendered as n charity. , .Violrolaon. Nevltt. Lathrop A: Mebblns. J I Niles. Og Apartments ttncHy j.nmte b* obtained l.y persons de- , .p.,, * Bunker. A Ponce. F. C. Pacettv. Phllbrlck A: Hell, s.rmg them, with board and nursing at ;1 per diem, the ]> n d.lx*lf.>r.l. Fuv&Ca.J F I’elot E Parsons .v Co. Patten, usual rates being charged in such case* for medicine nnd | u utt on A: Co. Dr P Itngg. F Ituckvtt. Crane .V Rodger-, professional services \ Itobin-on .V Camp. Rabun A* Whitehead. Rowland k 8011, Separate building- appropriated lo the reception «f I R„ie. ,»»>,> A: I-otitf.Scrauton. Johnson .V Co. S S Sibley. Tchnller A: Co. aVShoi t, Geo Schley. Jacob Shaffer. Sullivan at'o'ic'h'.ir’r'.'e"' Hem '"it ‘''i’te "'l'tl’' .‘n - ""i'll"!" 1 ! gV.'j W u'tilrop'.V Co' ‘i'w'.MorreU A:'Co! McCo ■laves. Appliciitlou ina; dorslgncd: P II. WILDMAN. M. It. No Ju. Vltere CHARLES liAN.VIIL. M D . South Brn nurd and Whitakvr-st* S N HARRIS. M. D EA-sHiN YoNGE. V «de at the llo> •tuner of Hu i> I lie 1 A: Kelly. A A Solomons Ac Co. J K Teft. Thomsa .v Knight. Sootle k Wait. Bison «V Mackay. W N Yalleuu, N II A: II | Weed. Washburn. Wilder A* Co. Well* k Versatile. Thomas 1 S Wayne fs Sons. .V WilliamB Yonge. nnd M A Cohen. PA88ENUUH3. Stale-street Per steauuhip Alabama. Iroin New York—M Smith, Cba» _ oil. | l/mg. John l/mgbridge. C R Bateson. Dr S M Bartlett. 11 D Sl'PERlSTKNDEST’S OFFICE, C. It. 11., ) | Lxmpley. W li Griffin. \ Jacksondue. I E M'-rriwether.S M SiVANXAH Ga Aug “tt 1864 / i Manning, John Williamson. J J Walkin'. Miss FI O’Connor. '■ ' S.7S. i^’MaK'fire; notice, the down night passenger train will arrive InSaven* | Mrs S J Davidson, and 14 steerage. iiabatt'i A M.—resting at No 7 from 11 P. M. to 4 A. M. | 1 1,11 1 ■»———■■■ W.M M. WADLEY, I OTICB—-The snle of F'urnltnro belonging to the estate wilfttPR MioRAiiriatKl . was recently brought to I’liilmloliihia from the West appointment* m their respective btates, Missouri ami ot the range of the coatly froiitmxon W.uh- ■ Ill(lieg die / on Ulu 23t | ltill that city.ol typhoid fever. Texas ;-which the Post thinks very deplorable— jngton m t|»» •>>' t ,ic «Pc» *»l*ace | it is not known with certainty that lie was guilty of Other people, ourselves among the number, think otherwise. It was, no doubt, the greatest mistake made by .Mr. I’olk that he should so far have defer* cd to Old Bullion as to recommend, during the Mexi can war, the creation of the office of Lieutenant General, with a view of conferring it upou the Mis- j join them Anothkii 1 run Bkiiigk Uoni; sourt Senator. Nothing did more to elect General Taylor Prosi dent than the charge that tho then cxcctive had at. tempted to supersede him, by one whose claims as a military man were so slight us those ot Col. Benton. President Pierce has done well lo cut loose from a bounded by Jefferson street. ' ' | the"murder! v.«.,. v uu «ui t) The amount of insurance is not yet ascertained .but ' the following named companies will sustain losses : T ] 1C Xutiotial Democrat says that the lion. John A The America, at 1 rovidence, $15,000; the Roger i>jx will go to Kurope about the 1st of September William*, do., $8000 ; the Atlantic, do., I<000 ; the j an( j intimates that his object iu going is to avoid Merchant s, do., $5000 ; the Mohawk > alley, Amster* participation iu the eusuing state election. The dam, $7000 ; the Plxcuix, New ^ork, $2j00 ; the , truth is, we believe, that Mr. ‘ Western. Pittsticld, Mass.. *5000 ; the National Pro- Dix's family went out >000 ; the National I ro-; | as t August and are now in Italy, where lie goes to tection, Saratoga. $15,000; the knickerbrocker, i j 0 j„ thcm _ y. l r . Com. Adv., 'G//i. Waterford. $5000 ; the Hauiiltoii Company. N. York, *0000, the Market Company : do.. $5000 ; the Beck- do., $2000; the New Amsterdam, do. Yesterday, as a six man Company, do., ?2°0(l; the i wagon laden with granite was pa-sing the iron $.000 ; tho .Ltua, Hartford. $..>000 , tin. Hartford | J1 j ( ] KU acnws the Tiber on H. street, not far from the Company, $o.<00 ; the froy Mutual. $40.000. I n.rij’cuce ,,f Senator Douglas, the driver lound the residence of Senator Douglas, the driver lound the ... > . > i structure cracking under the immense weight. Put- pewon who did »o much to damage the popularity of j ,^'nrtigV;.. 1“>\.r!ona.“ly oo 1 '? I* 1 *'«*pea wllh hia load, hut share of the losses sustained by the the last previous democratic administration. Besides this. Mr. Pierce appears to have treated j Benton with quite as much consideration as the peo-1 pie of Missouri, who have bad every opportunity of forming a just estimate of his worth. The same may perhaps be suid as to Houston, who, wo judge, has well nigh run through with the popularity inherited by him from Gen. Jackson,and Sati Jaciuto—at least so far as it wav invested in Texas. For we observe that the Shift Guarift, the central organ ot the Dem ocratic party of that State, quietly passes him by, and recommends General Husk for the next Presiden cy* Flret A lire broke out Wednesday night about Ilk o'clock in a grocery and provision store, kept by Mr. Patrick Devanny, on the corner of Bay and Montgomery sts. The building is owned, we believe, by Isaac Mi nis, Esq. Mr. Dbvanny’s loss is about $1,500; in sured for $500 by A. Wilbur, Agent. Too much credit cannot be given to our well-estab lished Fire Companies for their prompt Appearance on the ground last night, und by whose extraordinary exertions the lire wits soon extinguished. The water works also come in for a share of the praise, in ena bling the Bremen to obtain water sooner than they otherwise could. he other candidates are in the Held. We have independent line, arrived yesterday morning fir ■aacc-i from what should be considered the best \ Aspinwall. with 405 passengers. irity, that Gov. Seymour will not consent to be ; <>„ j,er outward passage the North Star left X. New York i*ollttcs The New York Mirror, which may be designated as an independent Whig and Know-Nothing papei thinks that there will Ire four candidates in the Held for the office of Governor of the State of New York. It speaks as follows : After all the backing and tilling, Judge BnuiMin accepts the Hard nomination for Governor. Ot course, tho batteries of the “ .Softs'' will be nt once opened upon bim, and the old feud in the ranks of the New York Democracy will be revived with more bitter ness than ever. What the Judge's chances of election aro can be better predicted a few weeks hence, when all the other candidates are in the field. W ‘ assuraaces from what should be considered t authority, that Gov. Seymour will not consent the nominee of the other faction. Who will lx.* lected us the victim of the ** Softs" is exceedingly doubtful. And the Whigs are in nlmost us bad a dilemma. Know-Nothingism stands like the angel with a drawn sword before Balaam. If the riders can't see it, tin; ridden can. The Anti-Nebraska Howard Whigs are strong in the .State, but the Know-Nothings are stronger. The late Saratoga Convention, which stands adjourned to Syracuse, is to be held <»i trrro- rent over the Silver Grey and Know-Nothing Whig.-. Weed. Greeley. Raymond & Co. sny. in effect, if yon don't nominate the right sort of a man for Governor, i star was unable t> one whom we can use, and whose election will enable H j S o'clock. P. M us to Hend our man to the U. S. Senate, wc will bring out a separate candidate. This is the threat—the rod now held over the Conservative American por tion or the Whig party. And as tlio game now stands, there is likely to be four Gubernatorial can didates in the Held. We cun more easily predict, who will win when the names of the nominees are placed before tbo public. Late papers from St. Johns, New Brunswick, states that tho cholera was rapidly disappearing from that city. The panic had subsided, people were returning t > their homes, and business was reviving. Cob. Richardson ok IlunoIR.—Wc me glad to , see this gentleman, to whom much credit is due for j the passage of the Nebraska Bill through the Home j of Representatives, lias been re-nominated foi Coil : gross by his Democratic constituents. We Mini ; chronicle his election with great pleasure. London Quarterly Col. W. Thorni; Williams • has received the July number of this standard Re view, being the Brat of a new volume- -un cxn llent 1 time to commence or renew a subscription. fatal accident occurred. Correspondence of the Mobile Daily Advertiser Crops to (xcoi-gln and Alnliama—•Ucduetloo of Frelgkts in West Point llnilroml, Ar. Montgomery, Aug. ] The cotton crops from Atlanta and Columbus to ! this place are no better than in otlie*- parts of Geor gia. I have never seen so poor a prospect for cotton a* it is now certain will Ik* made in this portion of Alabama on the same land; -till the early corn is good, if not better than usiiul. I learn from a friend j,i,t »n from New York, that the cotton crop across Smith Carolina Railroad via Columbia, is good for lands, but In: thinks the Georgia and Alabama crop is not worth picking, and says that every planter would make more to take his laborers to Louisiana and Mississippi and pick out on shares—and I have no doubt of the truth of his remark. Rumor says North Geoigia will have no corn to sell this year and -eurcity there is feared. F lind here sevcruMfriends who have been travelling over Georgia and Tennes see. and they report the eron of cotton poor every where, and the corn In the latter State east of the mountains poorer than cvi r before known. Many planters east of this .-ay their trash gang can more than >ave tneir crop*. I learn that crops near Marlon and Selma are better, but beyond Marion and acro-s to the Tmn big by river, the drowtli lias proved as ruinous as in Georgia, with inferior corn crops also. Tlio report I have Irom the country, from, Miss., iip to Pontotoc:, is that the rains have been good until recently ; in places there is some suffering from drowtli. but on the whole, the cotton crop iu that section is promising. 1 shall in a few days cross over to the Bigby valley and see all the prairie crops iu that section, and will writ- von my views on personal examination. 1 know all tin* crops of that region are latter than usu al by sny three weeks, and unless the fall is propi tious, 1 do not expect as heavy a crop of cotton us is expected front the newspaper accounts. Private let ters received here are not as favorable to the crop of Ka-t Mississippi ns are newspapers and general ru mors. It is. I learn, contemplated to reduce freight on cotton from this place to Augusta. Ga., to 45 cents per 100 pounds. Arrival or the North Star. The steamship North Stnr. Capt. Warnock, of the 0u her outward passage the North Star left New York on tho 5th, at a quarter past three o'clock. During the four days she experienced head winds und sea; the remainder were inure favorable, with north-east trades. She arrived at Aspinwall on the evening of the 13th, at 7 o’clock. The Yankee Blade, which left San Francisco on the 1st, is stated to Imvu passed Acapulco eight hours ahead of the quickest time ever yet made, and had she not run short of coal, would have ac complished the voyage to Panama m eleven days ; from this, in connection with the delay of the \an- Blade's passengers on the Isthmus, the North ' ' Aspinwall until the 17th, at The railroad is rapidly approaching its completion, I and is expected to be consummated by January 1st, | 1855—there now being a heavy corps of laborers in I the company's employ. | Health ol the Isthmus good.— -V. I’. Herald. 26th. Heavy Itoboery. Rome, Oneida County, Aug. 25.—The hoime of R. j S. Doty, in this place, was entered by burglurs a tew 1 nights ago. and robbed ol a considerable sum. Among | the property taken were two checks drawn by I). C. i West, treasurer of the Ogdcnsburgli. Clinton and I Home Rail road Company, iu favor of Cromwell, Kim* ! bull ,t Co., for $2,911 93 each; one on tho Fort Stan- wix Hank, and the other on the Home Exchange Hunk, dated the 22d in.-t. Payment of the checks lias Im-'-ii stopped. I.*nicr from New Mexico. Louisville. Aug. 25 The Santa Fo mail arrived at Independence, Mo., <>u Monday last, but brings no news of tholcu-t importance. The Fires In the Wood* of Maine. Bangor. Aug. 2(1.—'The tires in tho woods are still raging in this county, Hancock, Piicataquia, Ac. In the vicinity of Bllswortli great damage is being done and in fad the damage i* immense all round. In some sections nothing is Ix'ing done by the people but lighting Hi" Baiuc the bridge fell to pieces. These frequent disasters must impair confidence in iron Du such purposes.— National Intelligencer. UOAIID OF IIF.AI/ril. Savannah. 30th Augu-t. 1854. Tin* Board met. Present: M. J. Buckner, Chairmen pro. tem.. and acting Chairman; D. II. Gnllouuy. IE Scsulnii, Dr. M. C. Ileald. I . U-griol. J. A Fauns. L. N. Fnlligant. J. G. Cooke. A. It. Luce, K. D. Pa|.»t.G. W Shaffer. D. If. Stew art. C. L. Graft. II. K. l’reston. J. Quantock. Jr . J. Wilder. M. Finney. W. II. Kelly. J. Davenport Dr. J.G. Habersham, Jr.,and S. A. T. Lawrence. Itejirirt of Interments in Isun-1 Urw ('rmetery for th- week ending‘23th August. Is64. August 23—William A. Vroom, 14 years, yellow Cover. New Jersey; Elizabeth Brooks. 22 years, jellow fever, St. John, New Brunswick; F'rwIeriLk Ford, 2H years, tellow fe ver. England ; •Jerry Sullivan.43 yours, yellow fever. Ire land; John Ryan. 30 years, yellow lever. Ireland; Eliza Sturdwntid. 47 years, yellow fever. Savunuuh. Ga.; Blake It. Stroug. 18 years, yellow fover, Macon, Gn. 24th—William Burch. 25 years, yellow fever. Ireland ; George W Howell, 6months, brain fever. Savannah, Ga ; Henry Cooper. 60 years, bilious fever. Germany; ‘Hogan. 21 year-, yellow lever. Ireland ; »J. J Thompson, fiu years, yellow fever. Germany ; “Mary Hunter. 28 years, yellow trier. Ireland, ‘George Harris. 24 years, yellow fever..-rut- laud. ‘Andrew Sass Jrtjear*. y Row lever, Denmark, Mag dab'o.i Lindeiislrut. 34 year*, bilious lever. Germany : lid- ward Slovens. 20 years, bilious fever. New York. •.‘6th—Gnrl Cidin. 27 year*, yelli.w lever. Sweden ; Catha rine S. llol.-ev. 02 year-, jellow fever. Savannah, Ga ; Al exander II. Briscoe. 2H years.yellow fever. Philadelphia. l*a.; *151 ward Jackson.48 years, yellow fever. England. 20th—William White, 48 years, apoplexy. Connecticut ; James A. M. Corker, 23 years and It months, yellow lev. r. McIntosh county. Ga.; B. M. Berrien Burroughs. 25 years and 5 months, yellow fever. Savannah. Ga ; ‘Peter Cun- u ogham. 4U years.delirium tremens. Ireland; ‘William F. Brown. 23 years, yellow fever. New York ; Abraham linm burg. 25 years, yellow fever. Germany. 27th- -William S. Johnston. 21 years and 2 months, ty- plioiu f.-ver Snvniiii.ih.Ga ; Lindwall 26 years, tils, Rus sia; ‘William Italic it 1.27 >vai». intlnuuuation bowels. Eng land, ‘Brozer. 26years.yellow fever. Pennsylvania; ‘Mary Wall. 10 year*, yellow fever. Ireland. 28th—Peter Erlich. 29 year*, yellow fever. Germany . Stewart Austin 47 years and 9 months.apoplexy. Scotland; Rebecca Sounder-. 22ye.-us. bilious fever. ( amden. South Cimdiuii ; fMary Fi. Brown 18 years and 0 mouths, bilious fever,South Carolina ; Hillman Huwey. 12 years, yellow fever. Philadelphia. Pa ; Caroline Mayer. 41 yeurs, yellow fever.Germany ; David lsiper. 30 year*, yellow fever. Scot land. 29th—Mary Ann Kilcy. 28 years, yellow fever.Baltimore. Md.; Mary Ann F'oni.20 year*, yellow lever. Ireland, Seblic C. Wittmer. 22 years and lo inniith*, yellnvv fever. Ger many. Ill'll h and Colored. August 24th—Hugur.55 year*, asthma 20th—Margaret. 96 years, old age. 27th—Pickle. 30 year*, bilious lever. 29th—Cesar. 60 years, hemorrhage of lungs ; Norn, 4 years, yellow fever. ‘Died at the Poor House and Hospital, tBrought dead from the country. Whites.42; black and colored. 6—total 47. Yellow fever. 31; other diseases. 16—total 47. A. F\ TOULAY. Keeper L. G. Cemetery, Ueimrt of Interments in the Old Hebrew Cemetery for the week ending ‘29th August. 1854. August 24tli—Julius Hlumenweig. 40 years,yellow fever, Potaad. 25th—Theresa Sainger.24 years, yellow fever Germany. Total aiig'.’T— : General Superintendent. I I'OHTHAIT I'AIXTIMi. Mi. It. t. Brooks. Portrait Painter, lias removed to tho "hop lately occupied by Mrs. Kendrick. op|M>site to Horton & Itikciiiau. jewellers, grateful for past favor* oiler* liis soi vices to the citizens nud public gcnosally in portrait painting and restoring old pictures, lessons given in drawing uml painting on the principles tuught in the tirst academies of tlio continent. Testimonials and specimens ol painting may ho scon at hi- «tudiu. Brought.m-street.— Mr. Brooks superintend* the iu gilding aud furnishing of every description of picture frames, all of which In* war rants to be equal iu quality and as low h* they can be done in any city nf the North. nugYi r wholesale prices. DOWNING k CO.. Proprietor*. 1 Barclay street. New York ; South-western Depot i Dullsville Kcutncky >wderr may he addressed at either AVER’S PILLS. A new nnd singularly zuc.:e*-ful remedy tor the cure of all bilious dia- ease-—costivene**.indigestion drop sy. jaundice rheumatism, lever*, gout huiioo- n»rvoii*m--- Irrita bility. inllAmiiMtioD*« in the breast, side. Kick and limb*, head arlie. female complaint-. «•!<•..etc.; indeed, very few are the diseases in which a purgative medicine more or lesz required and much sickne ’ half pipe* otard. Dupuy fc Co’* II do various brands. French 30 aud pipe* 8 hid* superior Old Peach 40 do domestic 1" \ casks brown Sherry Win.- 2 « pipes do do' do to casks medium and ebotee Mvleii 26 '.t do Sicily 16 '* do Port 25 ' 4 do Sweet Mslag* Also. 40 baskets Champaign II ■.!<*■ \|. Holland Gin, 8 quarter e.v-.k* I’herjv hUn>, -.. '•■>>: i.'KR-'r:, ,■ .... GEORGIA IIOMK GAZETTE A NY person who will art as „ n ***„,.»„ • ,,,* , All ‘cribcrs for the Oe.wjia II,me , La-., ’• F-nuL Paper, published in Augu-t.v G» »m l, the papor at the Unrest dub prices. Hie cash noil 2?* pany the name*, and may he sent throughU ■' m, \ risk. 1 JAM Eg- M riiV illK ' ItoBKRT ,\ ’.VilVTj. od I'rspru 'uiipring THE SANDWICH ISLAISns athartlc j QANDW1CH Island* Note-, by A >|ae|* with k-> mgs Twenty Y V U.uck Fagi i. P. R. Jstnei of Amy Uertct STUICTliY PRIME BUTTER. R I'J E1VED i’ER KNOXVIl.lj:. 6 keg* very choice Goshen Butter, also 10 do good fair do. and 10 do low-priced do. 5 bid* lx-af I.ard, 10 boxes mild cheese; for sale nt aug30—1 DICKSON’S F'amily Grocery. Barnard-st. EXTRA FINK TEAS. R ECEIVED PFIR KNOXVILLE— a fresh Mijqdy ol extra lino Tea*, selected expressly tor retail trade : 1 chest extra Hyson, and 1 do do Oolong, price $1 per lb; also a full supply of low priced Teas, and ftesh Mace, Nutmegs, Spice. Popper, Ginger,Cloves and Cinnniuoii. Soup. Starch Pearl Barley, fcc; for salent DICKSON'S aug30— 1 Family Grocery. Barnard ot. PLANTATION FOIL SALE. TTMIK subscriber offer* bis Retreat Plantation, in Bryan L county, fur sale, containing four hundred and seven- Oiic-Thlnl Interest In the Macon Telejgi nidi 1 teen acres of land, two hundred of which are iu the high- fur Male. p*t state of cultivation, and ot the best cotton land* on -*'• is -crusi 'snsr-s; ue—. aud to any person who may mircliase. the investment i l,ouse. with horse gin. am' a good corn mill attached, also will he a good one negr.. houses, with sugar house and mill, all new and in The tvpe. furniture and fixture* ..I the paper are a || I complete order. There is al*o a fin* orchard of |,.'»rii fig plum, apple, pomegranate, and orange trees, all in full new. i lie pn|wr i« printed on one of Hot- « best cylinder t, 0J4r i,,g except the orange; with tho b.**t of water, the tlilnes—which, together with every tiling connected | host health, open to tho sea. with fish and oysters in aliuu- dance. He will also sell, should tlio purchaser wish, twen ty prime Tilling negroes. Apply on the premises t.> the subscriber. (>. W. HART trvtinn* by Mc»T> • Ticonderogm. ui Kutliorlo.* A*ht»n l.v | Chemistry of Common Life No I History of Pyrrhus, by Jacob Abbott The London I .meet for Augu-t. Leslie’* Ladle* Gazette, fur August. auglO W. THORNE WHJJAiy ' LINEN DAMASK. GRAY, BKOTHKHS I fTAYFI just received, a very superu r sr'. *L-«f re*; | iT Ide Dama*k. Also, a few piece* of superfine French Cloth. in| (*, j mere*, to which they would re«jH“ctful!y invite theatti I tion of tlio public. * j ( ]{ MEDIC A1. COL1.KGEOK TUK STATE UK SOUTH CAROLINA. rpUF. nnnuuI course of lectures in thu Institutur J_ commence on the first Mondsv in N'nr.' ' Charleston, on the following branches, Anatomy, by J. E. Horlbrm k. M D Surgery, by E. Bedding*. M li. Institutes and Practice, by S llenty Picks a. M b. Physiology, by James Moultrie. M D. Materia Medica. by Henry R FV-t. M 9 Obstetric*, by H...- G I'radiau M li Chemistry, by C U Shepard M D. Demonstration of Anatomy, bv l'rsin'i-1. Mils* M I’ronector of the Professor ni Surgery, by .! F j| (, P with the office, is in the most perfect order. Tiie Job department of the office has been i up with every style of tvpe and oriiainents for fancy job printing. Any person wishing to purchase, will apply wly titled •lain snd Itetrcat, August 2-lth. 1854 iv Ot—angdO 'onally or by letter. I •ither p*r H.MINFi*. H'S The Physicians «ir< Mayor by 9 o'clock, which may occur it twenty-four hour*. FliiwAi’ii G. Wii.*n: V IDA. TORY of Cuba, or Note- »f a Traveller in 'lieTropic*, political and historical account ot the l-ian.i s i niirw ivot-i,.. i *" the picsent time, by Warturin \V. Balhui, with engrav- x uenu » ui* i> It h, I j u „ s SaVANNsii. Aug. 24. 1864. / The Plurality of Worlds, attributed to Win well, with un cspeclfully requested to furnish tlio ! introduction by Edward Hitchcock. M . the report of now cases of fover I . , '. ,li,lu ' v J " ,il te' "f .*' uJ the Propitiation. Jxlnblted r Ait............... . I with true cnmecration of tho sceptic, translated from the practice duiing the preceding j ( ; erman ..f Tholucii. with an introduction l.v John I've JOI IN WARD. Mayor, t Council. aug26 NOTICE TO VESSELS. All Pilots und Captains of Vessels, arriving her* (roui foreign port*, infected with small pox or other disease* of n contagious or malignant character, are required to bring their vessel* to anchor at the quarantine ground, opposite F'ort Jack-»o. there t>. remain, without communication with the city or adjacent counties, until I am notified, and vessel* visited by me I!. <' MAf'KALL. M. P.. Health Officer. SOUTH CAROLINA AND CENTRAL GA.) RAILROAD companies. M.vy 1.1654. No'ice .* hereby given Dial on and alter the first day ol Joly next the Foiith Curoltu.i Railroad Company, (.haiTcs- toll.and the I'eutr-.l Railroad Company. Sovuuiiah. will d I-continue the free forwarding business heretofore lran«- acted by them. Freighters will please cease on and aft' r tiie-aid first day of July lo consign their Merchandise !<• the Rallrnad Agent- respectively, a* heretofore practised R R. C’JYLER, ident Central Railroad Company yll—3m Pri ident •ino caldwei.l. S C. Railroad Company £3f= HENRY II LDEN. Deputy Sexton. Report of Intel menls in the Catholic Cemetery for swling 23th Auguft. 1854. August 23—Michael Keegan. 23 yrs . yellow I r. Ire biliau* lever. Ireland, conjeativc lever. Ireland ; ver. Ireland ; Ellen Kirby. Pal nek Lomer. yellow Attest ol Capt, Hollins. The urrcHt of Capt. Ilolliua, at Now York, i* an- nonnceil on thu Htiit of Calvin Duraml, one ol thu niifTerera by the (JeHtruction of (ircytoivn. Tlu- older of arrest wan grunted hy Judge Oakluy, of tin* Su prenie Court. Tho damagua are laid ut $14,000. Tuc amount of hail given hy ('apt. Hollins wan timdi/ tluntsand dollars. Ill- sureties were Hon. Hein.ui .1. Itcdlleld, Collector of the l’oit; John J. Cisco, Sub- Treasurer; aud J. Itetueyn Hrodhead, Xuval Officer. Tlio arreat was made just as tin’ Captain was leaving for Huston. After hail had lioeii rendered, he pro-o cuted his jonrnoy thither. An Capt. Hoi',ins wa.* en gaged in thu fiillilniuut of tint ordera of thu govern- me nt when ho tleatroyed tiiuxtown, wo catuu.t sec. 1 imr'd »t tiiotline land ; John McAuliffe. 3>j years, bowsl complaint. Savan nali . Klira Kelly. 21 yer*. yellow fever. Ireland ; Thomas Ileilernan 40 years, bilious fever. Ireland ; Mary K Ilulpin. 8 months, teething. Savauunh ; 24th—'Thomas O'Kiele. 45 yi» . y. llow lever. Ireland Timothy McAuliffe.24 yrs .yellow Inver. Ireland ; Matilda Bra 111 . spasm.-. Savannah ; Mary Nayle. 7 years yelio ,v tewt. S.u ..nnatt ; t-.Uevv Maddock. 4 year*. Uvatn le ver. Ireland. Simon Casey. 28 yrs. yellow lever. Ireland ; Janie* Malone bilinu-fever. Ireland : Fid ward Ikiwdul. ■yellow 'ever. Ireland ; Daniel Sweeny. 19 yrs. yel. fever Ireland . Marv Kennv, 10 v 25th—F-1Is.ii" Roggam 9 year* James Heath, -tl >r« . yellow 22 vr-..yellow fever. Ireland fever. Ireland ; Margaret Shea. 3(1 vr*.. consumptii'e Ire land ; John Quinn. 22 year*, bilious fever. Ireland. 2ttUi—Mr- A P'ii long. 56 year-, hill.m- fever. Ireland; Mary A Supple 15 years, y.dlow fever. Ireland ; Ann Hr. n nan 30 year*. Ireland August 2(1—Mrs. Catharine Farrell.yellow lever. Ireland, James Crottv -consumption. Ireland ; Bridget Murphy 38 years, yellow fever ; Ireland. 27V\i C.vora.' Payne.’.16 years, yell.-w fever. Ireland, lhim onick O’nriuu. 3*. years yellow lever. lieUinl.Michael Gh. son. 21 year*, yellow f.-ver Inland . Fra mi- Collins. |j yn yellow fever. New York ; Bridget Sweeny. 17 years. Ireland Ann Foley . 22 vr*. yellow fever. liH.n,.I ; Philip n'N. -l, yrs. yellow level. Ii.-lnnd . Mr*.Jane Riley. 55 year*, .-on sumption. Irrl md 28th.—John Mojrber. 21 years, y.-How fever. Ireland; Elizabeth Itut'er. 4 monlli-; Cathcnno A'aughn, 2u year* yellow fever. Ireland ; Marv Taylor. 67 years, cance- '' how ho can l»o held ruH|iouaihlo to a civil suit- The arrent ia prohahly designed tu draw Horn thu govern ment nn official avowal that Capt. Hollins acted en tirely under its directions in the matter of which complaint in made. The Loudon Time*’ story in regard to the immi nent danger which tlio Kinpcror Nicholas run olf he ing captured while cruising off'Cronstadt iu a Himtll j atcamor bus beeu blown into tho uir. There Hooma not to have been a single element of truth io the , tbuDderur'* " Baltic Legend." Mortality ot liostou- Ho.*ins, Aug. 2il, Thu total mortality iu this city during the weekending to-day wua 135, ol whom 20 died of cholera- I his is a slight increase on thu re turns "I the preceding week. Hiiig Struck by Lightning.—The Hr. hiig.Minor- ica, from this port, bound to Lynn, returnod to port this morning, having, on the night of tho *25th insl.,, , - when of! Sandy Hook,at o'clock,in a Ht|imll.been I 29th--Thoma- M“lh" 1 . « year, y.dlow fever, tl.ud.c-. -trtii-k will, liililNini!, ivliidi ciirrii-ii iiivay I,mi anil, :l ;'■ ™''-i | ;.i jr..- N.« y.„k . main ,*ts Ho*u to the caps. No person was In-; ^ T"* jurcl. Her apars. sails, aud tigging are considerably , Yt ,„ (lW F „ vcr . V ’« ; o'her disease*. 17—total. 43. twisted and much damaged. It wns blowing very I wm. DIXON. Superintendent Catholic (Vineterv hard at tiie time. Tho M. wan lowed t" the city this |ir. J. U Habemhatn. Jr. ottered the fullow resolution'* : morning hy tlio Hteiiliialiip Underwriter, Capt. Mar- RrsoUrd. Th till (he death of Berrien M Burmugh*. ahull.— .V. V. Hnmmrrtial Advertiser, 26tli. \ the Board has lost a zea!»u*an<l efficient member, and the community a useful, upright, aed e*lcetned citizen." (toon Sailing.--Tlio clipper ship Flying Cloud. I • Rif tot veil. That the member* of tbi» Board, deeply Capt. Creasy, from New York via San Francisco, | sympathize with hi* afflicted family and friennde where ahe discharged her cargo, arrived at llong ■ , “~s«*™»» NuTICF'.—Tim Ordinary's office will he open fvcrv Monday between the hours of G A M . and aug28—0 JOHN M. MILLEN. o. r. <. -The hook* of sub scription to the capital stock of tin* f'harlest m ami Savan mil. Railroad, will be opened on the 20th of September next at the following placr* * '* Charleston, S vannnh. Edi*to Mend. Adatn’s Run. Waltertioro'. nnd to be kept ope jy 30—-law 1" Saltketchcr. I’.icotaligo, Gilli-nnvlllc Benufort. (irahamvilF Bluffton. i until further notic.-. CHARLES H HANCHEI.. Secretary and Treasurer. Kobortville. 'Vhippy Swamp Muster Ground. I’urysburg. I Jiwtonviile. Blue House, G EORGIA—I.Herty County:—To all whom it may con cern : Whcrea*. Col. Win. B. Gaulden will apply at the JOHN M. M1J.LKN. . | ItF.I.IGIOl S NOTICE—The members o| the —ua Catholic Church are notified that on account ol the prevailing sickne** and Hie difficulty of procuring prop er article* of food for day* of Abstinence, they are dis pensed Iroin the obligation of Abstinence until further no tice. They are further notified that in addition to the prayer* dally recited in public before and during Mass, for thi*'ob ject. the devotion of the Way of the Cross will be perform ed this evening, and .-very Friday evening until further no- tice. to beg of Almighty God. through 'h* merits of hi* Divine Son. to turn hi* anger from us. and to remove from us the sickne** that i* now amongst u« By order of the Bishop. aug24. •sf-T^fir-. NOTICE.—Ill pursuance of nn order of the In- ferior Court. July Term, tho Clerk will receive, at hi* office, uutil the 25th day of September next, I’luiisof a COUNTY JAIL, to be erected in the City of Savannah. One hundred d illar* will lie paid for an approved plan of tlu* same. By order of the Justices. nug2 ' JOHN K. GUILMARTIN. Clerk i. r. . . . , SAVANNAH. ALBANY~.\ND (iULFIt. It. CO. An Instalment of ten |a-r cent ou the capital stock of the Savannah. Albany and Gulf Railroad Compa ny i* called by resolution of the Board of Directors, paya ble nt tlm Company’s office. 98 Bay-street, on the 2.1 day of October next. jy’J'J—law .IAS. !’. SCRFWFIN. I’ros't. ■TT—DIVIDEND no (..—South Wairaui RatUtoao Companv. Mac in, August 10.1851 —The Board of Director* have this day declared a dividend of four ($4) dollars tier share on the capital stock ol thi-fompnuy from the Imsiness of tho half year, ending July 31-t. payable —• and after the 16th inst. Stookholder.* iu Savannah will >e- ceive their dividend* at the Central Railroad Ikmk. Hv ol der of the Board auglil—Iui JOHN I BOIKEUILLET, Trcaiuror. NoTICF).—The si cam packet WKI.AKA. Capt. N King, having been thoroughly ovei hauled and her cabin refitted, will iv-ume her regular trip* to Florida oil Saturday 12th in«t .at the usual hour. ingO t ; . M I.AFFITEAU. Agent. . — • liuiie her regulir trl|M for Key Weal ... vann. until further notice The mails foi the above placer, will be cl.-ed at thi* port office at half past 5 o’clock, I*. M .on the 13th and 30th iusl.. and on the 13th and 29th September, to he conveyed hv sailing vessels from Charles, ton. uug5 COHENS k HEItT/. Agent*. Smith. I Lingurd s History of Knglaud. vol 0.12 mo. ; Banking's Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Science*, ' January to June 185 4 I Skoda on Auzcultatinu and Percussion. ! Hughe'ii clinical introduction of Hie practice of Au«cnl | latino and oilier mode* ol physical diagnosis of dire.ijn* of the lungs and heart. Danniel'* Equity I’raetice. Storv on Partnership aug-itt w. ifioknf; williams. EOHfi corn . Court of Ordinary for letter* of administration tato of Janie* Moody, Jr . lato of said county, deceased . Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to he and appear before said Court, to make objection, if any tlioy have, on or before tlio first Monday in October next, otherwise said letter* will he granted. Witness. W. I’. Girardeau, Esq.. Ordinary for Liberty jouuty. this Until day of August, 1864. augSO ' W. P. GIRARDEAU, l. c. G F'JIRGIA—Chatham County :—to all whom it may con- ceru ; Whereas. Autony Baxter and Ia>wi* Greuvahl will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letter* ot udmiDi-- tratiou on the estate of Henry Coo|a:r : These are, therefore, to eito and admom.-h all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday tn October next, otherwise said letter* will b<- granted. Witness. John M Millen, Enquire, Ordinary for Chatham eountv, thi* 28th day of August. 1884 aug’JP ,m,v « ( t F70BGIA—Chatham County:—To all whom It may con-1 UJT ceru : Whcrea*. John N. Mwi* will apply nt the Court j ul Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate ot I I, Cope, deceased : 'll,e*e are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it •nay concern, to be and appear before -aid Court to make (injection (it any they have) on or betore the llr-t Monday In lie toiler next.otherwise said letter* will lie granted. Witness. John M. Millen. Flaquire. Ordinary for Chatham •’.uuncy thi* 28th day of August. 1854. j aug29 _ JOHN M. MIIJ.EN. o. c. «: I j f'S FJ'lUil.V—Chatham CountyTo nil whom It may concern: UT Whereas. Charlotte Vender will apply at the Court ol I JnHnarv foi letters of administration on the estate of Da vid Vender : 1 These are.therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may joncern to be and appear before said Court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness John M. Millen. F)sq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun ty. this 28th dav of August. 1854. aug’JO ' JOHN M. SULLEN, o. c. c. / JFXlKGIA—Chatham County: —To all whom it may con- UJ ceru : Whereas, Samuel Y. la-vy will apply nt the Court of Ordinary lor tetters of administration on the es tate of Julius iilumenzweig: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to he and appear before said Court to make objection, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise said letter* will be granted. Witness. John M. Millen, Esquire. Ordinary for Clmthain county, thi* 28th day of August. 1854. aug’JO JOHN M Mll.LFTN, O c.c. G t EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all w in m n m:iyco-:j T ceru: Whereas. John Mallery will apply at the'Court of Ordinary for letter* of administration ou the estate of William Wright: These are. therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before the said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before tho first Mouday in October next, otherwise said letters will tie granted. Witness. John M. Milieu, Esq . Ordinary fur Chatham county, this 28th dav of August. 1854. aug’JO ' JOHN M. MILLEN, o. o r. / t FiOltGlA— Chatham County :—lo nil whom It may con- vJT concern ; Whcrea* Patrick Gleason will apply at the Court ut Ordtuavy fur letter*ut administration on the es tate of Morty Dorgnu : Tlre.-c art-, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court to mnke objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise said tetter* will be granted. Witness, John M. Millen. Esquire. Ordinary for Chatham county thi* 28th day of August, 1864. aug29 JOHN M. MILLEN. o. c. c G lEORtilA—Tj'air County .-—Will be sold before the T Court House door, iu the town of Jacksonville. Telfair county, on the 1*1 Tuesday in October next, one-half lot of land, number not known- adjoining land* of B B Barron, known us the Spivey place. Hold a* Hie proiierty of Will iam Hpivoy. deceased, for the benefit of the heir* and creditor* of *aid deceased. aug24 JNO. B. COFFEE. Adni'r. light tie prevented, if n harmless hut effectual rathartii were more freely used. No person can feel well while i. . cost! VO habit of body prevails; besides it soon generates I Twenty tears iu the Phillipine I-Und*. by Be L»C serious und often fatal disease*, which might have been I nk'ie. (Doctor Publo) with numerous engraving, avoided hv tho timely and indicium- used a good purga- : American t .-I’ag.-Build,-r l,y J Hulloi k.or lion tive. This is alike true of colds, feverish symptom*, and People with nun,-: ., j !;,n* billous derangement* They nil tend to become or produce I Punch’ the deep seated and formidable dUteiutior* which load tbo hearse* all over tlm land. Hence n reliable family | hyslc is of the first importance to tl,<- public health, and thi* pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that do- • mnnd. An extensive trial ofitu virtue* by physician*, pro- I fessurs,* shown results surpassing auy-. thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been | effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by pei , son* of such exalted position and chara< ter ns lo forbid th- | suspicion of untruth Among the many eminent gentlemen who have t".,titifil in favor of these Pills, we may mention . Dr. A. A. Haves, Analytical Chemist of Boston, and .' .»te Assaycr of Massachusetts, whose high professional charac ter I* endorsed by the— Hon. Edward Everett. Senator ol the United State*. Hubert C. Wintlirop. F.x Speaker nf the House of Repre sentatives. Abbot Law rence. Miuistcr Pleu. to Fiugland. F.lolin 1J. F itzpatrick, Catholic Bishop of Boston ; also, Dr. J. It. Chilton, Practical Chemist of New York City, endorsed by lion. W. L. Marcv, Hecrctary ol State. Wm. R. Aster, the richest man in America. H. I .eland fc Co., proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit. we could give many hundred certificates from all parts where tlio Bills have beeu used, but evidence oven more convincing than the experience ol eminent pub lic mon. I* found in their effects upon trial. These Bills.the resultof long Investigation and study, are j ding*. M D offered to the public as the best and most complete which i lU.vic.t tho present state of medical science can afford They aro D. T Cuin.M. D . I’hysician to tho Marine BeipitsU-- compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the ined- | Clinical Instructor, lectures twice a week , u the diius icinal virtue* only ofVo.'elable,remdicse\tiactedl.) chain- ol that Institution, leal procua In a state of purity, and combined together Iii ll. W. DeSaussure. M Ft Pbj - :i*n such u manner n-lo iii-ui.-tin-l-*l result* Tliis -y-tem the Alms-house, at which lecture* are delivered tw.e of coiiqiosition fur medicine* h*» Iwen foun-l in Hie Cherry j week on diseases, the dingnoais discriminated. *u 1 th.- Pectoral au 1 Bill* both t-> pro-luce n more efficient reme- j dent indoctrinated in their treatment, dy than had UUUertii beeu .ibUincd bv any j roce.» The , DemonsttaUvo Instruction in Medicine sad Hursen i reason is perfectly obviou- White by the ..Id in*• > of ! the College Ilospitnl. by the I rufumrscf the MedicsK. composition, every medicine i- l.iirdeued with more oi less | lege. of acrimonious qualities. h\ Hii* each individual virtue Thu foes lor the course und theexpeu*** nf teiardlcg» r,nly that i« dosired for the curative eflcel i- pre-cut. All 1 much Ilia sauio s* in tin- othir title- of the Atlantic jc the inert aud obnoxious qualities .,f racli Mit -Un - * em- 1 The Faculty of the ( •dirge take pleasure in caliirg :: ployed are lell behind, the curative virtues »nlv t>< :ug r<- i attention of lb>- friends of the Institution to it* jrf*-: tallied. Hence it i« self-evident tiie eilects should prove n- j prosperous condition—the last class exce-ding soy •'.' they have proved more purely remedial, nnd the Bills a , mcr year* They have been enabled, by tb» libenUj surer, more powerful antidote to disea*.* Ilian any other the Legislature ut it* last session, to make such alters; medicine known to the world ! in extending an.Mmproving Hie College huikiinzor As it I* frequently expedient that my mcdlciur* should 1 promote materiallj'the comfort of those in vitro/incfc lie taken under the counsel of au attending l’liv sienvo. and the l.-cture* as ht* could not properly judge of a reme!) without knowing n,« Anatumicul Theatre lias beon oularjrivrtMU- Its compoiition. I have suppli.-d the accurate I’. .- t v plctelj renovated, nnd such changes made as rill »etrw» which both mr Becloral and Pills are made to Hie wind" rrce ventilation with a pleasant arrangement of thr body of I’racUUwnets in Hie United - an’, British They confidently hehevu that U will mt suffer American i’rorinces If however there should be any one 1 * who has not received them, lin y will he promptly forward ed by mnil to tils request. (if all til* Patent Medicine* Hut are ottered. I.ow few would be taken if Iheir composition wav known’ 'lh»*ii life consist* in tboii mystery I have uo mysteries The composition "f my preparations i« laid open to ull men.and nil who.,re competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their . ..unctions of thviriiilrinsic mci its The Cherry Pectoral wnsnionouuc-d l*v -rirntiite men to Im a wuderiul memrine l^foro ilseff.-i l* nei. known Many eminent I’hysic ian* have declared the same llnng «f niv I’ills. and even more confidently, aud are willing to cer tify- that their anticipations were more than reali/.-d by their effect* upon trial They operate by their powerful influence < n the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregu lar action to health, and by corroding, wherever they ex ist. such derangements a* are tlio first origin of disease. Prepared by Jamb* (' Avr.n. Practical and Analytical Chemist. Lowell. Mas*. Price 26 cents por box F ire boxes for $1 Sold bv W. W LINCOLN. Savannah. HAVILAND HARRELL fc CO.. Oiailcsten. jvS—eodfcwlatn And by Druggists generally with any like structure in ti •• United Htaten—'.Un- lice. with its appurtenances, twing ..- vunuiodiocuD'.i' tractive as any such establishment in the country They havenlsobeen enable! in make considerable >!: tion* "to tlio Museum of the College aug22—»4t 7 M l>..Pzu FEMALE SYNODICAL COLLKGE, GKJf- F IN. GEORGIA. rpili: F.x»r,-i-es of thi* Institution u ,\\ t .1. Ht cond Monday in August Tlii* r-'llege Iv un!rr u immediate supervision of thoH,no!.,f Georgia B.o r ua'.cd iu one of the healthiest *itu- in - :t!*ra ( .. try; is acces-ibh ■- lireci Rsilr i 1 a fr every portion of the Slate and I* in every 1 n- desirable place |-.r F lu-ali-u*l pa:;-—> T. employed in the College i* firm snd decile!, but mi* same time mild aud conciliatory. Good hoarding fix*** can bo obtained iu private bouses, ll is "f the utmovtis^ porlance that pupils should be present at tire <1^11*; tho term. augl8—law3 CARLIHLEB fi it A ITT 1N. Br c* < H ARPERS’ MAGAZINE, for March rewired »ndte sale at 136 Congress street.hy ^ 8 SIBLH on Fiber 11 dhnr bereavenicet The resoliitiod* were seconded hv H. K. l’reston, Fisq,. iu a short but beautiful und appropriate tribute to Hie memo ry and virtues of tbo deceased ; and au amendment offered „„ . u , , .. .. . - .. | by Mr. Isaiah DarooporL that a copy nf the Resolutions be Tlio United Stlltea Mull Steamer Ulllon. left New publUlve.i in Hie city papers. - 1,k 1 S. A T LAWRENCE. Hec B. II. FavanoabUltt August. 1854. Kong, June 7, Imvlng performed her voyage in the abort tqmco »d 137 days from New York. York on the ’JUtli, for .Southampton and Havre, with 64 pnaruugeu, and $204,232 lu ipeclo. COMMERCIAL. S« vamiHli F.x port*. August 30. NFAV YORK.—U H M steam-hip Knoxville—386 bales Upland Cotton, 95 do Sea Island do. lUOcnsk* Rice, I I bales Domestics. 10 rolls l-crHicr. and sundry packages and bar- rol* Mdse. UHILADFXUIII.V.—U H M -tcumship Keystouo State— 208 iiales I tomcat ica. 207 do Uutton. 13 do Waste, and fiO pkg» Sundries. Savan nali Market, August 31. COTTON.—No transaction* yesterday. NEW ORLEANS. AUG. 26—Our general market has continued quiet during the part week in nearly every do partment. In Cotton, the business lias been very limited, ttie sates being the smallest of the season. In Tobacco, there lias been rather more movement, and price* are very full. Flour has decliutd, while Corn, which is scarce, has considerably advanced, aud other articles of Provision* have been Arm Freights end Exchange* have been quiet. sate at 136Congress street. mar8 t To RENT—F rom thu lsl of uiodious four story brick IIou taining ten rooms, with ga*. LIVED COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, .IAUN- j thing room snd other convenience, together writhi' ; DICE. CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY. I houses fcc Address box 291 \ •'<*■ ™G r J D IHI’AHE of Hie Kidneys, and all diseases arining front a | ^ ... |i U puv fcf* disordered Liver or stomach; such as consumption. ' , . 11 ..... u vittir* inward P lle». fullness of hlood to the head, acidity ol the ^ ’rare tf™*“o 1X Me.'. ' ' stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust tor food, fullness or fed. «••?..! '?n ii.ll^iC, 5 A,l i weight In the stomach, sour eiuctation, sinking or flutter ing al tho pii of tho stomach, swimming of tlio head hur ried and difficult breathing. Buttering at the heart, chok ing or suffocating sensation* when in a lying posture.dim 1 ness of vision, .lots or webbs before Hie sight, fevei and dull pain in the bead, deficiency ot perepiration yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side. back, chest, limbs, fcc.. sudden Hushes of beat, burning in the flesh, constant imaginings of evil, and great dopros.-inn ol spirits, can bo effectuallv cured hy Dr. FIoort.v.vii‘H CF7LEBRATED GER MAN BITTK.RH. prepared hy Dr- C. M Jackson. 120 Arch- street. Philadelphia. Their power over tlio above diseas.'* i- nut excelled, if equalled.hy any other preparation iu the United Ht.vt.-s, a* tlio cure* atte-t. in innny case* after skilful physician* had failed The*.' Bitters are worthy the attention of Invalid*. I’o* ses-in? great virtue* in the rectification of disease* of the liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching pow ers in weakness and affections of the digestive organ* they are. withal, safe, certain and pleasant. HUAI) AND I1K CONVIXCnn New York testimony iu favor of Dr. llooflaud’s celebra ted German Hitters, prepared by Dr. (’. M. Jackson Phila delphia. The only sure cure for liver complaint dyspep sia. jaundice, nervous debility, di*. *••• of the kidneys and disease- arising Iroiu a disordered liver »r stomach lleury C. Sheldon. Troy. N Y -Dec 3o.1860.Mid: 'From careful observation. I am convinced that your Ho,,Hand's German Bitter* is a better article thaw It is—— \V '*. B kc One gentleman, troubled with dys pepsia. who has purchased half a dozen of the Bitters. *a) s : "It i- the only article he has found that has afford ed him relief. Now ho is in a fair way of recovery." Budloug fc Saunders. Buffalo. N. Y . Dec. 20, 1850, said : •• We know from experience, (having used it in our own families.) that Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters are all nnd more thmi they are recommended to he." E It. Baker, jr. Sandy Hill. N. Y. Jan. 18. 1851. said: •• Every one who uses the Gorman Bitters speak* in the highest terms of It." F). W. Fox. Pulaski. N. Y. March 2ft. 1651. said . "Your Bitters are now well introduced. 1 have great confidence io it a* a remedy, and shall *eek to enlarge its ulefulnes* in this community " Andrus fc Fowler. Bouglikeen»i.“. N. Y Feb. 25. 1861. said . " The sale of your Hoofland Bitter* has been very rapid of late. It lias obtained great notoriety." They are entirely vegetable and free from alcoholic stim ulant and all injurious ingredients, mild in their operation tliev strengthen tlio system, never prostrate It. For aale In Savannah bv W. W. LINCOLN. A. A. SOL- OMONS fc CO- T M. Tl’RNER fc CO.. J. It MOORE fc 1 CO and .1. H. CARTER fc CO. eodfcw—jyO Gin. 10 <jr cut 1 Madeira Wiue, 10 do no Port do. IS •teimj"t>- "ll fchniis Gin. demiiom-d iu 1846. in store.and ter rale jy0 ritN.-f.N fc" R l.< ETVF.D BY 8TFiAMl:i“M«:t L. ladies' lisle, thread hn* c . dotted .«•■«» murkns.*- Sr" '"’•RTnT't*®-'.'!.' |>^rat*ruik-i , »b>iri.M S jaT»a**i R 0 p- ,; * U " J A NTED— A situation as home rer'sul ot nurse, by a vyuug woman. *bom objection to go into the country «lu i" lr * #t ,bi * CJUNDBILS-2oo|, . 'V'n“^V- O 100 do Colgate’s palo and No 1 Bys«‘"j don Porter. 200 reams common sue straw I'M' 1 ; ’ prime leaf Lint. 60 keg- do do ■!... 19 half bbDHI ■ » ket Beef. 25 boxes Treadwell's SMa Riacuit—landing 'r brig Augusta, and for jobNHTON * 00. TYRINTED LAWNS FROM .U'CIK'N -Hre'ired tte’ '-*' iT from New York-1 Case Printed U*m. *’• yard, for sate by apll S UGARS.—40 hlids. choice J5 do. Prime do do .just rece.v^n^^ TJINF: API’ I .EH .—Received |wr Kobert M- 1 hundred nnd forty dor I ine Apptei • J *],, bJ nanuas and three thousand 1 lautam*. • t j jpyyi. may 12 ' alACU.V. BEEF. fc.'-15 hhd* ch.dre H-.c-jn wjw-'; b do do Shoulder*, so half hb - V."’ keg* Choice Uaf lard.60 boxes He.i'o-11 . C*ndle«, 45 do Adamantine do te. * Hr Win fc ROWAN S' i) Sugar, a superior art* ■ceived snd ter b -[_ I’HKSII A H HI VAL. QA/j BUSHELS prime Western Corn. 200 bushels fresh OUU ground Men); nlso a good lot of Hay. Ju»t ro ceived and for sale by aug25 ' HAi.U ' II Id KYI K DIt. WMTk. MOSELEY'S 1NFIHMAUY, TAOR the Treatment of all (lironic Diseases, is now open I 1 for the reception of patients. Room* spacious and well ventilated, and every thing necessary to render hi* patient* comfortable. Hoard»l perdiem.or #15 per month. His unprecedented success for Hie past ten year* in the treatment of nil chronic diseases, such a- dropsy, dyspep sia, asthma, bronchitis, fits. piles, liver disease, rheuma tism, syphilis. cancers, wens, prolapsus. *nd tho various disease- incident to females, should not be overlooked l.y the public In deciding upon his merit-. All communica tion* must he post paid und addressed to WM- R- MOSELEY. M IE. aug'22—dfcwly Griffin. Georgia. LJCNDRTeh."—J u-1 r«'. «'i-•<•.!. 1" bids solar lamp oil. 2 do O white wine and cider vinegar, 15 doN O syrup. 26 boxes ground rnttee. 20 do pure sperm candle*. 60 do BeadelV* d 8's tallow do. pearl starch. 50 dozen buekets am' T RAVELLERS’ GUIDE BOOK.— DistruneB’a Railway ; brooms, 50 do scrub brushes and clothes lines, pickle* iu Steamship, and Telegraphic Book, a guide through gallons and quart*, fcc..fur sale by • V.«» I'nllu.! C,.(..a • ...I Zlanitflu Alin i.tvliu# 11,aa (laaan I iv’29 DAVID O’CONNF.R. the United States aud Canada. Also giving tin* Ocean Steam Packet arrangement. Telegraphic. Lines, List of Ho tels, fcc , with a map of the United States aud Canada, showing all the Railroads and Cinals. For sale by ap4 S. H SIBLEY, No. 136 Uongresi-st. R eceived per'late arhIVai'amoohintsbeatBaiti more Ham*, 10U do Reynold* &Hon'* do.2 bbls l*ig do, 2 do Shoulders. 2 do Sides, 100 lb* Halogmi Sausages. 2 bbls Smoked Beef inti29 JOHN D. JF7SHE. C IHAMI’AIGN AND CLARET.—60 basket* quarts and J pint* lleidscick and Excelsior Champaign, 40 eaaes Li on brand Claret Wine For sate by octl W W GOODRICH. ■qXL'oN-^40 hhds prime Bacon Sides, 20 do do do Sboui^ D ders, 15 tierce* choice Sugar cured Haius—received per steamship Keystone State, and for snle by augSIT SCRANTON JOHNSTON fc CO, B "UTTER. CHEESE "AND FLOUR—'20 kVgs selected Go- slien Butter. 50 boxes superior new Cliee*e.28 barrel* fresh ground Genesee F'lour—received per steamer and for sale by aug*JA SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A: a>. OTIOk BALANCES—Daarbon ances, in store and for sale by aug26 patent Cotton Hal- COBEN k FOSDICK. G EORGIA FLOUR — 1501>bl- superior(ilHirgia Flour; 225 sack* do for rate by j«8 McMahon & doyij:. h i U.NDRlF‘.S—Ju-t i eri-iv cl 7., Iteadell'-S.;.|> .'* I and Csndles. 25 do ground Coffee. 25 half chest* black aud green Teas, loose.and in ',1b and 21b packages, 6 bbls lamp Oil. 10 boxes pure apetiu Candles. 10 bid- N Orleans Syrup. 10 do white and cider Vinegar. 25 do* Buckets. 20 do Brooms. 20 do Washboard*. 60 do Clothes IJne* und Scrub Brushes, fcc.. und for sate by. auR q5 DAVID O'CONNOR. A KG F. and fine assortment of Hwi<* and Cambric Hand* Swiss sud Cambric Filgings snd Inserting*. Swiss and Cambric French worked Cape# and j?** bdRvs P LASTERING HAIR—600 bushel* slaughter e.l Plaster InjrJIair.just received and for sate by^ ^ Bl’KFR DUTABAGA liKKII.—Thi* i],y rwnirwl KuUb. K a. lilt K llutoli, Bid Top, Ur,. 01*. *b«. Y.Bow AberdrenTurnip S-eiU, id 1 ' 1 ' b rfjtt’rowUiornM. ViKKKL IVarl Starch, landing and k |M>VL OURGEON'S HPONGF; —A superior ^ '*!•' bv " B acon and lard—"'-i - • • ' , do do Shoulder*.60 tierce*,. Lmct • •- n-! t,a 50 bbls. und 50 keg* pnme^aMjjm te,,] « r , (S , v . IJAY-lnO bate- Hay. tending from brig topu*- 11 ^New York, lor sate by BRIGJ| |M KK 1XY kCO Ft UN UMBRELLAS -Another tet *'l ■ ^ ham Umbrella* for children. Jtt EI»VfARnWMe£L| lllTfEK AND i’IIKEHE-25tub* cholc* J5 40 boxes Cheese, landing from £ pnVlL for sale by *ugl3 _ _ M ' M '- p^rTHT ACKKRKI. -IO" whole and 6 ' lVl Mackerel, just received and ter rt^ie ^ (VS p(i f |ME To ARRIVE -1.000 bblsl.nne.caiKOof ' f ‘*’ L J’-■‘•‘‘I ttU-tjg QUrrkR and ciif:f>f:.-2o wu* »»' 1 rlJ/^V.eii lJ Goshen Butter. 40 Imxe* newt bees - J steamer, and for sale -y scraNT0N . JOMVSTO^ f.iOR HALE-A Brick Yard now in r perman.'iit kiln* t- burni the Br ck* yM . a tool-, kc . fcc . to csrry on t»«e bu*”** iJenib |e tiro# been in successful ..[^rations for »c ,n ‘ ()Woer 4«- only offered on account of the pn en business Apply to VVYLIY k RoSTROLte ‘ L’l.tnr s ftffi ^ TMiOL’R.—160 bbls nud sack* Teune«*e r article, just receired nnd for XfEW ORLSASB BUOAB.-wnniiOwiS < i\ fled, ter sale by C0HF>' * F0:?D , •xnNEGAR.-ao bbls White Wine and Oder J®.' V sale by J® 1 . 4 n *‘‘ /■'HGAlW—20.000No I I*NorijaCigarO U for sate by A* — *^7 QEOKGIA FTAFUR:-40bblsandfiOjag*'^ () , S pl^ VI OT SELLING AT COST-Rut at very N cent”- 12.S' cent*—Just F'rencU Muslin*, good quality and f»*tf°. V B RfSN^. poryaii ^ R UM AND GIN.—3 puncheon* J V m ‘ l , c J.u by superior Holland Gin. tending and ir8 L_-2—— rjHSNNRSSKE BACON—For m1# k yjSfP