The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 11, 1855, Image 2

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■ \a5& ,S "v.'i. ••%***< THE s VVANJNAH GEORGIAN. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 11 1855 THE SAVANNAH'QEOROIAN, UY PHILIP J. PUNCH. SAVANNAH. GA. s - 1 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. APRIL U, 1MI. | Mr. n. E. Skylk Is Authorised to receive sobtcrlp- v TUT T»T?lfirTVAlffIVWEEKLY. iHorn and makocofisctlonstorthlspsperln Florid*. DAILY, TEI-WEEKLYAjfy } Mr Wy D Tno>UBu doly authorised to colled TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. debt*duo this office fur inscription and advertising. .-- r — I Ho will nttend the CouttaofCemden, Wayne,Qljnu, New York Market!. j McIntosh, Mbcity end Bryan j and we hope our New Your. April tt. nicndsln tlioso counties will liquidate our demand! Cotton firm. Middling Orleans 9|. Flour firm u m, their usual promptitude, with an upward tendency. Ohio 43A7 to $10.30. j — ion. .ml Wl.7on.ln Vomica. j O»Mcn0l..-Wc rosret e««ilO|,!jr tlltt tu our Tbe morn. from lo». .ho. lho elecu.o of the y,.tcrd.yofll.oc,» of Jobo BrilMau Mbn Wblflt.'e office r. by. majority larger Ilian hi 1 j !b° t. S. Dnlrlcl Court,,1b. types aboald bar» aob«t!' year. Cota, Whig, hat been elected to tho Supremo Court Bench in Wisconsin. NEW YORK, April 7,1866. Cur lone CM* of Negro NteatlHR. Treasury Department Vlgnetde. At tho recent sfwlon of the Superior Court In if*- v A* tho Treaiary Ocpditarent cotitoarpww ooww> * iVickhouio.AlinBjBmeeVlckhoUie (tor having vignettes on their warrant*,m w to die* HR. II. A. nnoOKli, PCNBBAL INVITATION. 1‘ortraJi Paioirr, )m!o? ttturnr) loll* -D/, would In* Th* funeral of BENJAMIN EDWARD STILT J * form hia patrons that hrrssfter. In will vis.t In.the nr<W 1 place from tbijrastdenceof UlaaCowper. llrougUon yet the eupply vlalbloto tho wants tit commorco, In greater then ever. Franco baa bcou ono of tho groat* est "absorbents," and tho official rdturnahowa tho 1m porta and exporta into and from that country. Tor several years, to hero been as follows .• PKE010U8 METALS IMPORTED INTO FRANCK, •Silver. Imports. Export*. ted tli« woi.l ••larceny” for "amuggllng," which we wrote. Wc rcRtct this the more, an from tho known character ol the Captain, wo believe there 1» little i ground for cither charge. Aa wo are credibly In' charleston Market. i formed, tho Captain It simply held rceponiiblo for Charleston*. April 10. tho misdemeanor of a fugitive steward, who attempt* Salta to-day, 2.300 bales, at 8 to cents. Market j C( \ to smuggle Rome segnra Into port. Arm and full. Good Middling 9} cents. < mt , ;—;—; r~r «... mm »bu iuii _ r, The attendance nt the Lecture before, the Hlstorl* new Or!e<t«« Market. |«l Society Tuesday cvcnlog was very largo, and New Orleans, April 9. jcveiy ouo wont away delighted. The address wu Cotton Arm. Sales Satuidoy aud to-day 10.6C0 .one of tho most interesting ol the ueason, and Dr. balu. Decreased receipts at nil tho Soothero ports i Cnoi'Lts maintained hla high reputation for elo- 166,000. I quo nee. Atr.i,.'n®Tn'«T.7,.u..‘ Km.MIp.Uon IB cub.: From th. Union Tim., W.,cb £s. . « c Imve Wore u, In the Dalllc'a null. . tall anil Ibnlut accounts trom the Cilmca. .blending to >01clal icpoil ottlio Prime Mlillitet’aipMcU the 8th ol March, present a most agreeable contrast lu the Cortes on the 6th of March, la which ho to tho painful aud unvarying record ot hatdslups, pri* i j 0 ucl:cil upon the question of slavery in Cuba. As . ««»*»«« ■*«» Cronica, tho Mm,.Ur, in behalf ot on. Ai it by some sudden and bciu-Ucent ItiQucuce ; the Government, distinctly disavows any design or the touch of spring has reached the urniy, aud every*, emancipation. On the coutrary he considers " that thing bears marks of rclreabcd energy and reviving territorial property and agricultural property, which *»» ^ *»< ««■« —» «•* «*» > op. Tho new commandant of lUlukluva, Col. liar* . on tho preservation of slavery; and bo gives to tho ding, ha* already changed theaspectof the towu, nml I creoles aud tho proprietors of the Island of Cuba tho Lord Raglan, with the chitt Ulicen. ot Idsi Huff, is 5liratiC0 lllttt nrt onn j m , an idea of touching that again visible at the camp, at tho port and in the lines. ■ . . * -- - ' » ‘pnncip.e Import* 10T.6U.S41 130,003.104 2.13,004. lM 'iM,693 860 144.il60.C00 170,208,440 100.000.000 Kxport* 00,007.081 84.740.838 10.008,230 40,817 000 67,010.300 101.023 640 62,000,000 Tbe hideous aud accumulated hUli. which tendered this sojourn of British troops uuteliable even by the andean animals, is swept awny. A naval aiaVnnl, with storehouses, has risen under tho cliff. The troops bavo Ireah provisions, and even vegetables; hats bavo been erected mid etotnes UUtrll.»twd; largo numbers of mules and ponies bavo arrived for tbs transport service, and the army has regained ai Prospect* or Peace. The Baltic’3 mails do not corroborate fully tho tel egraphic 'yrmpsL of her news in reference to the prospects cl peace. Wc have boforo us letters from the priuefoai eapftoJs of Europe and from the best 1816— 8,060.206 1(J.C67,83C 1847- 21,387.217 03,718.320 1841— 41,807,762 3.06013T. 1840- 12,160.100 6,048.400 1860— 01,097.100 44.170 200 1861- 116,024.000 31,434.000 1864—480.000,000 32,000,000 The figures for 1834 arc those contained in tho an' anal report of tho Governor of !k« Dank of Trance, Couut d'Argout. Tho year of revolution, 1818, It will bo observed, added very largely to the silver curren cy of France. In that yoar property sold very cheap lor stiver,and that metal ruabod towards France from all quarters. In the year 1848-’49, the balance of Ini. porta was, it appears, four hundred aud sixty millions of francs. France was thus filled with silver just prior to tho gold discoveries, which It was supposed would depreciate the value or that metal as compared with silver. Simultaneously with that event an active de mand for silver sprang up fdr tho East. The effect has boon tho rapid displacement of silver by gold, tho im ports of which has been very great, aud tho export of silver has reached a figure as high as the Import of the metal In 1848. Tho exports of gold from England in 1854 were 1120,000.000, aud tho imports 9110,000,000* The immense movement of the metals has 1>ccii at* tended by a very actlvo coinage. In the three conn- trie* it has been as follows: CM IX AUK 1664 Hate. Coin 1Ui». Solid. France ....Ira'J.COO.OOO 602,000,too 604.000.000 Great Britain..£ 140,470 4.102.183 4.242.069 United State*..88,619 270 26,016,911 20.1S3.C17 00.750 503 Tbe coinage of the three countries reduced to dol lars. and compared with 1853. is ns follows : 1863. 1864. Gold. Sitter. Gold. silver. U. States..63,213.907 0.077,671 02,000.694 3,019,270 France ... 61901.8D0 3,900.833 91,126,000 376.000 0. Britain. 67,849.372 0.133,692 19,8t>4,665 MS- 1 , o'Jl JSSwftT■«.« ircrniitKo at!«M in that cU ,52 Urn,t!TO <52d il nw. *a* an oDlcor .,1 lUo ! Thai of ounnoctcJ wllb opHnctlog r««o- Intllffijnn *aml° »lio inlncclInB that VickhoMn nun from cunlmna represent* a box of Rond, with a could i^t htnobu!n't*“ffi I>ropt>»y which hn hna barret .t.nd ng by It. an open tnanllwl upon llio 2S Er„,|ione«S«. hid hint urrcilujiudcolnmlttod box, and n trident laying unnni tho nmnlrot. aui at mm lionet, y, w h nrrCJti ||0 M flght 'Xliat for rorenue from Jnndi.dio., reproicntiii cum- u5uc» ill ill, noMo5n-t*o from Florida, two from j pal, with n lolpwopo on llio extended tripod, ami the Cr Olio from Macon county, undlwo from Clicro- acalcaliolanccd acr,™ tho tclelcopo with a wieotli of toi Orarlila Tlielo ncgroc, wire none of them «to-1 tropical ecgctatlon gracelully thing up around the whim homid^to"cn W «t n dmc?cnt*tfmM°o r nd plaftSi 1 "'fhat for tho Judicial cxncnie,- warrant leprcornta S11 Ian loamlllg w ha o aell erery negro lie alula a, , a booh lawllcd ;• law. 0.8./' on wh ich tho faacea anJlfvSff In “der to Itcnl him hack mid ,oll Hand, nrer which tho ratal nfjmllco hang, ,ur- bln neni? Up Inlormatlon obtained from the nt- ; Dioilincd by the cap of liberty, nni, who wrre wI k him, all ot those ho had utoleu 1 hat lor tho warrant, isaued fur the redemption of 2nd whl in different narta or tho coantry were recnv- , the public debt reprcicnta n hand thru,t out from eradtndrcaturodlotbolrowncra. Mr.Hulllnahead'a ,olouda, In which the thirteenitara nfo,acen clna- negro was found near Nashville, Tennessee.—A/nrou A/riiengcr.llfft. nnn»*«l. Iho folloa'loq rltlr pose of rccslvln* Ardors snl i- lug an 1 r«a9T!tlu2 old pJoHir Ik. and August* Order* loft for Urn M *-b' prompt altontlon. _ cIImIVt cTtf/«cTi.“ Eseara ntoii Jalt. IN Ftoniox.-Tlic two Solpha, conlluod In the Jail of Uun cuunty, for murder In Hernando county, broke Jail on Thursday night and cacoped. They had managed to procure n case hnlle with which their Iroua were sawed loose, then picked tho lock ot their cell with a wire, forced open the tront door of the jatl by incana of a ptaco of tlmlier, and were free. A heapy rain occorrlng at n ght ob literated all traces of tbo coorso they took In their flight, and up to tlda boar nothing lias hern heard of thorn. These meiderers were originally cnnflncd In the Jail of Hernando connly. from winch they c«- capoti, but were uiiprchendeG In Eufuula, Ala., and brought to this city and again placed in durance. They will most probably not be n third time captur- i - .i ... _ .a in lli.s liimrsln 111 tftla PA. tj month,for ibs puf- r«co'»tra< t»f*'r pvdnt- Acmi. .\H»uis MsrUt- Tbl/i Afermoon, April 11th, »t 4 o’clock. >rgl*n will uivt • MARINE INTELUtiLN i;7 POltr Ilf HAVANNAll.jv; Tj, AIIMIVKO HI.YCIC IwAVl. (J S U »tO*m*hlp Augu»tn,Thom** Lyon Cr.rrrr.: r/ or hour* from Kevr York, with M'lM»nd I'Mysnc' i -, n,.- r>rd, F»jr U Co. April Mb. 8 p m. ofl IUi* opO- .s«>ereUry ol iho VVindcn* »nd Wiry. tered, with American coin being scattered from tho hand. • That lor tho Interior Department warrants is n magnificent buffalo roaming tho prairie. That fur the War Department warrants—a plumed helmet resting across a aword, with different aieed ballH and bullets lying around. 'lbat for naval service warrant# lepieacnla tho prow and breast ot a man-of-war, floating, ready fur action. And tho design for miscellaneous Treasury war rants represents a treasury vault, with the united States cuat-ot-arms on tho door, and faacea pillars, with n Treasury key laying at Its feet, and the American eagle surmounting the whole.— iKhshing- loti Slar,7lh. i>u Morn'sy next,! clog Fs>tcr Vonds; tlm annual «1«- . t-” *«*•»■• *"*» •«*» b.t't «t , %22?g^aU?v!iKi , )Muii. e-,:•, thcChurcli. b#lw*fn th# hours or II and I o'clock. Uunnln^bain. GEO. A. Cf’YLETL 1 Steamer Chatiiam Go-: I. .tngaita -.toTit Mill* D S St ateamer Walula!. KiBjf.!’t'.fi*.:: GKItllAN HALL. i toau. ,VBall«IUt*o gtwnbj th«Ir.d*|HU'.tftt Gui«>nj *CI«l*:,\»*Ko. ~ Btat* Rind. *t th • Lt. A»<!raw'« Hall.on Mon-biy. ‘ .Ship ilnrtfor-i. llali*tt. Bo-' April 10th, to which the public l* inrlicd. Ti.Uats tube had of John ttuclcrt u'. fl. admiitlngnr. gun.leinan ati'l tso ladle*. JGltN P.UCICEItr.Iy-acei Ifigavanufth, April 10.166-,. 5—v.pH ! Schr I.W D)';r. LJwtrILItlm' • Steamer -i';n>!co!t. l'o«tfj’.l J’nht t/.;i'A i*. iminoic. P«*tntl. 1'*!#' .'.Lion No. 1 John on A TAttO. Dn. It. WAYNF, No 16-. coi - ml 3lf.ntgorAfi v *ti •*-!■. h.v hsolth and mar be round nt homo I" root to 9 A M . Mndfrotn 6 to 6 P M.. uni, bvenl. WbatelrlMj and all dura-c* of i dten c.nrclullj (reatcl air of cheerfulness and confluence which appeared journals, nearly ail of which express but little confl- for some time to have deserted those who were* most j Jencc jo t) , c peaceful issue or negotiations. There l"Kwinter c.moaign undcrla- I i», Indeed, n vagaa hope that tho present aasplelaaa kau by a young army, most imperfectly provided for • moment will not be allowed to slip oy without every such an enterprise, are, as wu huye sani, jiaopl/y di- effort possible being made to bring the great atrug* minlibing, but it cannot be forgotten Hint wo are in a military "position of considerable difficulty. It is true that General Brown has rejoined the Light Divi sion, which he found In a better condition than he anticipated, and that General Pennefuiher lias resum ed the command of the Second Division; so that Lord Raglan has the assistance ot the two most efibetive glo to a happy termination, but we have no very well grounded assurance that It will bo realized. The negotiations at Vienna bavo not yet, however* made sufficient progress to form a good opinion as to what may ultimately grow out of them. The pleni- divUIonai offlcenT itTtho army ,‘s'ir Coiin Campbeli ! potential ie? have, up to our latest advices, been enga- remaining at tho head of the Highlander?, who now ged cn minor, and,as it were,undisputed points. The conatitoto the main strength ot the First Division; reat question, which concerns the powers and prlvi but It Is equally clear that the Russiau commander* “ iu thc Black Sea, has not yet been are making the earliest use pf mo imi>ron‘inon\ ut . icgca ci iw-sm vuu u v . * lie weather, and that they are pressing forwurd ti-e . tcucled. >s everything must, ultimately, turn upon execution of works of greut importance, both in front that, it is, wc think, to bo regretted that tho confer- ^>f tho town aud uu thc Tcberuaya. Lord Raglau io „ 9t ta j. e lt op Q r$t . The hesitation, to say porta that they are engaged in arming the redoubt; ™ U1 “ “ . u u ‘ against which the French directeu their abortive nt- the least, is ominous. tack on tho night of the 23ff of February, and that 1 We are left, lndscd, without any additional Inform* the road from Sitnpberopol i3 covered wah wagons ; atloa ns t0t ^ 0 v j 0WQ 0 f the different powers on this '^L P SSi?taSl'c“^S^. north ; .’01*. There is . romor corral Utah . ocvr tauls of •Ido of the fortress, trom S;mpheropol, by ‘reads vi- negotiation has been proposed, according to watch aible from onr camp. If it be true that toe allied ar-: Allies to b: catisfied with the erection of Tur* , «*» 'orciflcrthns oo tho Asiatic shore opposite Sfr enounh to threaten the.-c communications. The tx- Ib.utopoi, Irora which they are to witUuraw. ine pedition recently undertaken by Sir Colin Campbell : proposition, however, seems to us so absurd and so waastopped by the accident of a snow storm, but un-, ., t , u . v c ,- crt>a} , t bat it is waste or words to leas the allied lorce3 are more cfosdy beleaguered on tbe land side than the Russians iu Sebastopol, it can ; consider it- hardly be impossible to make a movement beyond Meantime, hoslilitles on both sides progress with the nairow Hues to which our tdege operations are unusual energy and vigor. Immense roinforcemeuta Sroe'l^o^f which litoia 0 a n n 0 J ir iKlnAl-'minlllly ,Vi’^ «:o imni.-fl oo.snd y«t prepomlon modo.u It were might take advantage to retrieve tho fortune ot the , littc ixpcctatlon of peace. Iu particular, tbe campaign by a stroke of war. It require-i a kno.%1-: French Empeicr, who shows ro little inclination to sdgo ot tho country and a hnoaiedgc of tiio sure m3tc , ;01 , C cssiuM ot Vicnnn, nod who, whether lost- the troops to devire sucli nn operation, ami fjn.hsibl.v . the Generals may be awaiting the arrival of further , ^ or not, L iwllcved to hold the fortunes of the war reinforcements; but we have no doubt tha* raeani exist ol playing the game with suco 070.004 How they ltejolcc In KnKlanfl oyer the Death gaia:tr"^ Tornapo is Houston C0UNTV.-By a note note! “Tim street ballad-singer# haw Ik-ou reaping a tho Postmaster ut Wollbom’s Mills, Houston county, i harvest the present week out of ft new song on the wo learn that that vicinity wua visited on Thursday death of the Czar. The next best thing to beating evening last by a tcrriDc tornado, accompanied with the Czar while alivo, which they failed to do, is to rain and hail, which did immense damogoto tho i abuse him, now he is( dead, which *be hnglMi are plantations over which It swept. A negro man lie- doing to their lienrt s content. Some oj the publicly iongiiig to the Anderson estate had his thigh broken exposed pictures represent a largo |» and a valuable mule belonging to J- J. Gresham, E?<|. of this city, was killed by railing trees; miles or fenc ing and thousands of trees wore prostrated, and our Informant states that it will occupy Bonm of the •of ferers busily for the next throo weeks to replace their fences, aud to remove the timbers blown down upon their lands which were under cultivation, or prepar ed for seed.—Jour. 4‘ Mexitogtr, April 9. • Total . . 8176,026.178 *19.177.090 Sl0fl.O79.16P S9.076.174 '* 1861.8123.013,U4 812.649,143 The actiuity of tho gold coinage at thc French mint was very great, while that ol silver became iu- significant. The comparative gold coinage of the three nations for many years wn* as follows, in dol- Martin Van Boren, Jr., died at Paris on Tuesday, tho 20th ult. A large number iff Americans nccom ponied Ids remains to their temporary resting place, m tho cemetery ofMonlnmtrc. lie had seated him self at tho dinner table when hla head fell forwnrdon his breast, and he expired without a word, withonta Urs: France. Great Britain. U. Status. 1810 391.203 81,334.097 84.031.177 1847 .. 1.444.89: 5.168.440 20,2212.81 1848 .. 7 443.626 11,807.776 3.776.613 1840 .. 6.088,042 10.661,208 9,007,761 I860 .. 15.073 600 7.183.680 31.981.739 1861 ..40,237.200 21,297.087 62.014.492 1852 42,306.780 52,840,187 1863 .‘isi.M1.899 57,849.372 56.213.9H0 1854 ..94.126,000 19.854.666 52,099.691 The French coinage has to a very great extent been in small coins, for the supplanting of silver. In England the Australian demand for coins hav ing ceased, the mint was far less active, and in the United States about one-balf tbe coinage bas been bars, for export. The influence of thc gold discoveries upon the activity of tbe mints has lieen very great, It appears, and the Count d’Argout, in his report, holds to the opinion that a largo propor tion remains in France. Tbe qaantity held in Paris was as follows, Jan. 1,1855 : la Bank gold coin 1^0,700,000 - - ingots OCO-OOO Mint • •• 34.000.000 Oalu of Land in Florida—A sale of land known as the " Harris Hammock,” about siven miles from town, was made last Monday,under execution. The track contained 2.13SJ acres, and was sold Iu a body at 421.68 per acre to Gen. Wro. Bailey. This in tbe largest price that bus been paid for land iu Florida In many years. In 1330 the same tract was sold for $7 per acre—one-fourth of tho purchase money was paid dowu, and tho balance. $14,000, has been run ning on interest for nineteen years. At the time of tbo sale, tha principal and interest had amounted to 835.991. Verily, inltrrtl ealeth as doth a canker.— Taluhass(C Floridian, 7th inst. Messrs. Mosns and Smith.—From the Wilkes Re publican we learn that tbo nbovv young gentlemen, who had been arrested upon a charge of b.-ing con nected with the lute Bank robbery in Washington, haveftstablislK'd their entire innocence iu the prt-1 The policy of annexing Cuba has been a subject of proving tnat they were 100 miles from Wash- national interest and national discussion lor more hearae, pnll-benrejR, mules uinl attendants, with the devil ns a solitary mourner, following to the grave tbe motto of * ouc sincere mourner for the Emperor.* Mr. Catriach’s singers, after touching with a vigorous rather than a graceful band the kccho of tire di««oln- tion. thus truthfully complete tire story : -• • And ’h" KnglUb digged birn a terrible liolw. And they burled him in N’eba*topo!o.'" MasqueradesJ at Tur. Suffer Tables.—At tbe celebration of n wedding in New York a masquerade ball was given. As the larger portion of the compa ny appeared In disguise, the effect was both pictur esque and amusing. Many of tho characters assumed were admirably sustained; and brothers and sistets. bnsbatid and wives, wero puzzled to know who they belonged to. At thc supper tublo tho masks were removed, when Beveral gentlemen fouud they had been flirting with their sisters, making love to their mothers, and, for once, playing the agreeable to their own wives, says the Mirror. Josephine.—The anniversary service ifor the re pose of tbe soul or tho Empresd Josephine was cele brated on Saturday, tho 17th lust, iu the church of Rueil, where herrcmains are burled.Some personages belonging to the Imperial household, and a number of persons from Paris, were present. Ca3Ualtie3 to Boston Vessels.—According to tbe list of the Board of Trade, 54 casualties have happened to Boston vessels from the 1st Jan nary to 31st March Annexation of Cuba. ington on the day and hour the robbery wa- milted Tytai ft*. 215.COO.OOO The proportion cf gold aud silver held by the Bank was as follows: !ai.. 1854 Jan. 1856. fr». lO0.OCO.OCt. in. 180.700,000 if 100.600.000 183.300.000 ... .. . und tbs question is. whether Lord Kagla,: and General Canrobert will find out the next more-. With the imperfect knowledge of the details which wc pu?s.>s fn thi* country, it would L-e presumptuous to b.iznd conjecture as io what tnat move should be: but it i3 evident that, for many reasoi.?, thc aliic-d aimit 3 c::n- not remain stationary and that tho return r f spring brings with it the necessity «f giving n different char acter to the operations ol a second campaign. £2ffcct of Emancipation lit Lima. LloaCoxrwpondecc - of the Panunu M »r. :• arch 11 Yon know that tho slaves have all been lib-?ratvd at one full swoop ov foil stroke of an Ignorantly oi- rectedpen. They now refuse to woik. and have de stroyed much property on tho Hacienda-;-, stealing borees and everything they could lay their hands on, and sometlmc-3 even committing greater cSce?*. Tbe owners of Haciendas ore reduced to .i mn.-t de plorable state, their corp* are ready t-» cut. nut the j negroes will not work. This will materially affect Great News Expected.—lbo next mall,saysaParii IS^ffi'AaS ! M»* »* «» "71 «» 7 tlty forexpoitation. ' ’fipening of ti,c kombardmeut, and probably aa assault* It Is said that Elias has obtained a privilege for, Yet the Rcss;a:i defences are Btr.mger than over; but Importing Chinamen, but before they come crop will be rotten, nnd when they do come ihc-varef. little ose. in his hand*, is displaying an cnorgy worthy of tho great Napoleon. After oil, this is, perhaps, the surest n 3j- to briog the siroggio to a peaceful termination. In cn complicated a matter, wc have little faith In p-ipir warfare. The battle belongs to the field, and cauac-*. he uaaslcucd to the cabinet. Tffnrdcr In limnuutl County. \\\ r.v: pamwd to learn through a private source, that tinec c;::z.'ns of Emanuel county,Cutler Moss lv, Matthew W. Williamson., and Samuel Wil liamson. were killed In fight on Monday of the iat: week, i'iie origin and partlcaiars of the difficul ty have ne: c;me to baud. Wc only know that rifles wero tbe weapons used, and .that Samuel Wil.iamsau received three shots tnrcugb his uody. Culmii Sent linen t In Georgia. At a late social gathering, where- sevi-r.U o: our most prominent Democrati. politicians v.xre pie-ei.t, a gentleniau very widely known in the politic-I world, gave the following si-ntiiafnt. wbicn received with marked satisfoclioa by all v.-i,, hw.ud It: ••Tur. Ostcnd Flatfoiim—Sale or SEIZCRE.* 1 To which another gentleman well known in politi cal circles instantly answered : "May the first re last, and tiil las - rntST." These toasts, we think, pretty nearly indicate tho sentiment of Georgia Democracy ‘ “ question. Sale or seizure, and may the last be flr-t the card.—A/ncon Tiltgrtiph, lot/j. iiciv bjttetic- of mortars and heavy guns have been erected much nearer the wulls, and great things arc expected. It :.i to le seen whether Oaten Sackem who n:ts under GovtscbnUofl, will conduct the defence r.s r-bly as Mcn*el* - ‘kcff. ’ England j National Fast—Tho European Timts ' i.-revuent.y remarks that tho fast reminded It of tbs ' clown io ti.c fal’.c, who called upon Jupiter for help 1 instead cf manfully netting about the work of helping J himself. So much, however, resulted from it, that de j the opinions expressed in tho pulpit of every cathc- ' dial, church, chapel, and dissenting chapel, proved iiVthe Cuban 110 favorable to ibetvar. That*.! World’s Exuibition at Paris.—The French I Govc-iument have effected an Insurance upon tbe p operty which is expected to bs deposited In the Great Exhibition, to tbe amount of 10,000,000 francs- Building and Loan Associations—Tire Musco- geo Loan Association held Us i-iglir'i monthly meet ing on Saturday evening last, and (including pre vious loans there- were re-sold,) the sum ut $4,8a2 Waa put up. $2000 were bid for nt 50 per ct. pre mium, *3000 at 51;tlOOO each at 514, 51^,514,52, and 52ji per ct.—the original sum thus drawing the , interest upon $10,000. ! The Macon Loan Association, a; its iast meeting, i loaned niouey ut premiums ranging from 40 to 47 ; per cent.—being 10 to 20 percent, less than former | premiums iu that orgouizntiou. Total 364.0.0.000 j Horse Races at Oebastopol—Tho English offl- A good deni ot this Increaro of coin was tho ioflo-. nor. in tbo Crlmta luvo oslohliahed horse races on t^utrov. u,roi,i ,!,• I the"Knraui Race Course, which,in absence oi foxes, enceof tho loan which brought money trom aoa-huuta are uutlfied to cornu off every Tuesday aud hordes of individuals in the departments into tho j Friday. Several Frenchman have written home for coffers of the State. Tho amount to tho credit of the ! seeds to cultivate salad gardens. Gowomcnt, Scomber lot- war124 000,000 tranks- | Sxtr Yoirg-T^o JooroaTof Commerce Bobseqoently Increased to 222,000,000 francs The give, a |„t of tortyHvoflrcs tvhicli have occorr.ddu. Russian war, the China war, and the changing posi tion or the two metals, have conspired to prevent the enhanced supply of the metals from producing its full effect upon the commerce of the world. Thc ex citement has now. however, passed away from the gold countries. They are supplied with currency ring thc mouth ol March. The estimated loss iu uo instance was less than $10,000, and one was os high as $500,000 The tufoi estimated Joss for die month by these tiros is one million six hundred thousand dollars. And tor the threw months pa«t. the estima ted loss by fires is nearly tour millions of dollars. Macon Gas Company.—At a meeting of the and no longer demand coins ImtcaJ of goods ia ' StockiroidcreTf imsi-omi'airfbeld w'timtay last', change for the new metal. The return ot peace seems; the following gentltmen were elected Directors for to bo near, and also good harvests, which will take j the ensuing year, vis: James A. Nesbit, B.-njsmln F. from tbo agriculturalists of Europe thc power to al>- j d^an* " ullnitwn ’ ^’ eorge w ' • A(Icnis - J* sorb so much coin, which political difficulties induced j E.J.Johnstou was elected President of the Compa- them to hoard. The outward movement of coin from j n y, 5ir. J. A. Neibit having declined arc-election, this port is now however pretty large. It will reach We learn that at the same meeting thc Directors de- tally odo and a quarter million ngal,,. about j tlx moM.”' 41 >'*' M, -“™ ,l10 l ' r ‘ ,a,s o! million in the corresponding week last year. The j U rates of bills lost year were nearly two per cent. low. I The French Emperor is represented as absolutely cr than they are now, nevertheless specie was ship-1 "possessed” by the idea of taking Sebastopol; iand is I inccssantlystudyingtliemeans.surronudcdbycharts, ped to an extent ns large ns some of tho higher rates., ^ ns nnd other accessories. Tho rate of money in London nt tho last accounts j was falling, and tbo ease in the market becoming Accident on tbe S. C. Railroad.—We learn that daily more apparent-n fact which would of Itself! the night express »rain, winch left Charleston on cbe-ck the current of gold, ore portloolorl, lb,l; exchanges between London and Paris bad risen sour ; contents was citirely consumed. Mr. John Barnett and Mr. David Trucsdell, pas- senger?, from Charleston, narrowly escaped serious —About CO l' ApjJrto no* Ctl-VKTKR—Hi. >t-lif FL'MKH- iHculirt*. *pp': liltlfin l.M KKI.l.V .V UO. 3IK.MUK. 'l !h't l-ark A 1’. ntviih.'-n 4»h of Afril. I0'- * 72. with all sails gone fr m bound for Churldton New York April G—Ctr> . Juckt-'oril *•; *.chr iltary f* IfUad April 7— ( .«a r > 1 Kelly, for .lucktoavllle I'AIUC KtiiDUCKIi—C,\ III A |-,\ss MfiW Y«IKH — _j e . sl.ip FLORIDA.Cji.t t : j ,. freltrhtm pass I"**. Imiu< apli-n >«pt Apply t<> .* i *'■ -AVASN.M! Jk-vJE. I.l:v_-n lP ra the st.-an.-r* Wt-la'int .... diiocHn prop'irllun t,. llo- rat The MtWriU-r rc- Ills Honor >Inyor of thc vIrIIsdI |m|lce. wlio cav thc chief Moll and Mr. James T. Burktn timely aid in -avine 1»!« prop, latnfirc. apll Toil CHAU ML Vi OX. . 7iie*re..< - /„•. «i.i - f h i.-t- - a v SlUK.Ni.M-, nt , o'clock. Irtt.f lC th- . ... lu-ight or pa-oue. apply <•„ l«.ar . - r '• rpll—•-* fuk l’aLai ica! . 1!k. .p!.. • ( .,* * AKlhKMn.N. inking the o Vfli i COMMERCIAL. Savnunuli Ft poire, April 10. IP>dION—Ship Hirtforl—l.S.'f* b»'.- L’pl.u: aud ICC Hides BALTIMORE—>:Ur I, W Dyer-.17 bit,- (.■ it.. .Suvaniinit .Vlnrkcf, April 11. L'unoN’—Theuiurk-H i« art.. ,'-i. b^U'.at tollo^rs; Wi ut 7 ‘,. 190 .,t T> a: 4.153 CO ut 8&. 7» it SL. SI ut 8y 4 .7 '•>; 416 it 8;' . 10 at 9y„ 133 at 9J^. 19 a*. 9>,\ f.u-1 1 .C .t 9} 4 BALT.MORE. Ai'P.II. 7.—Corm-Tite coifot ua. •lay la quiet lie*le>s arc «1i«|0-e.l t-» hul l U^ek for arrivals. There ur>- now two e;rj..ce. comproing 8.00 1 ' bags Rio expectid up 1-y Monday. Wuquote for gotMi to fair. A *:.!« c. 100 ’ ug* Porto I’.icr to-ilay a'. H?4c. Java lira'll-1 app I-’Oll LIIAKLKSTOH, VIA IIKAl'ToTTr; - >.-cICils ‘ho Tt-.mpv'k-t II. -r/r-A.i*.* xf-fi , tx- 111 ««">•»■ »■- - - - .*••.; ... \,,J .mo-Ufc.l.-r fre-ght -M ja-* >-. 7 • - : ,. t : pa-stift*. ap|ly on Loar-t. «• •• apll— (As Till He DAY I AT M.' Ufttl’.V s VTI.a ab-.ut *n> N£3\V V.fill.: -(.’i.loVi Llii pSeaticket schoon.f .. :■.• V.- J \ have quick di patch "f.v •• I r V L-L: plv to . ji; * j POHTL.t.VD,-::, - „ . .j • Brown, Ma.tvi v.i l i- •• , . . r:.eelitorpa«u,:-.apil. • foG f&L Trace of hie Albany.—'The C. i 5 . sto.t»i--r Ful ton arrived at Norfolk on ITidriy morninq. Hoe lelt Havana on t!ie 31st ult. Sin.- has In-eti criii.-ing in It has likewise Insured th« Palace edifice itself, with the Gulf of Mexico and thc Cainbenu s- iu tearcu ’ U,o buildings and secessions, for 12,000,000 franc*.— fin?, i S n ' l 2!!i 0 !'i;f. r n ’" 1 Tra» R.fl DO lc,« thou 13,000 pictures •alien in with off the southern coast ol Cuba.n tna-t . _ , ., . ti «.» u a .omo rhn of a man of war, the iron Lands of wh-d. sho to- k b ->' F,euch arlial8 ai0,,e< Thcr0 i9 ft report . off and brou«lit iu, t i aeculain whether the-v may Ficireh Minister ol State proposes to prevent tbs not bo identified as having belonged to the Albany.. d . artarc of Mdlle. Rachel nntll after tbe reason of l&l "to “imioTw'-t" rojspriro.Crottairowof abandoned, not n soul being found on board: took •• RatUfactlon ofbenoldlog tho great tragedian. from her an iron chest, thought to contain treasure. I . ,, T ,,„ elfiu n r ninhnrd It has not been opened. Could not ascertain the \ Accidental Duowmng.—Tho body of Rlcbar •hip’s name. Sbe was thought to, from . Mason, cf Baltimore, seaman, belonging to the Gbagrcs, bound to Jamaica, with passengers, ns r u . \ schooner Reynard, was found in tbo dock of Charles- nearly to permit of the import of gold from Paris into .London. Tbo imports of goods Into this port for the month of March have been not more than 50 per cent, of those of the corresponding month last year. The goodB imported sell at very low rates, however, for under United States cost of importation, without eliciting any speculation notwithstanding the ad vance of money. The spring business on tho whole ( thus far. lma been more contracted than for many previous years. The amount of business paper created has been small comparatively,and the banks are disposed to discount all ol » good class that is offered. The returns of thc present week as com pared with last year arc as follows: Ixjans. Specie. Clearing*. Depositee. 1854 92,825,024 10,264.008 19.Clfl.270 39.801,370 1866 93,094,021 16,097,687 lfl.127.140 59,470.610 veral trunks were on board. ton Central wharf Monday morning. An Inquest ‘08,997 6,733,579 19.014.040 Augusta City Election—The Midnight Associa ! wa3 held by Magistrate Axson, and a verdict of tlon, alias the Know-Nothing t, earned the day nt our cideatai drowning” was reudered. Municipal Election yesterday. No one oat of the — order knows their principles, hut as they now have ' Plague at Sebastopol—A report ii said, by ths tbe reins in their hands, we shall keep a close waten London Economist, to be current fn Paris that the ££> Shy'1 <**«• " ll ? al ! «J judge them by their nets. Being a good and tree I Appearance in the billed army. It bad been caused Democrat, wo stick up to Democratic doctrine, and by the great number of corpses which wero bnried S ;lvein,asourcreedi.-.—the majority miut govern. 1 V t-rv neclurei.tlv. r those who voted for the Know-Nothing ticket ere I J E B — satisfied, nnd can live under their rule, so can we j The Massachusetts IsqcisiTiON—Tbe Worces. The. nominated n„d ei~l,t 1 , r ,„ tak;i1B „ ,|, c Co:n:„itteo of Tojisot Is- Whigs. The opponents ol Kuow-Notbmgism liuvel, * , “ .. . ... , „ •lected ono true Democrat; and he can materially i b>ci scut ou. oy me Masia.busetis Legislature to In- advance tho cause of Democrucvand justice, by ma!;- j suit women a..d children, says : ing them show their hands. Ho ha* the ability, nnd j Xtjsam.* committee visited this city sometime great reliance h placed on him. to expose, Le oro his a-'o, and inspecud the Catholic Seminary atPaca- term expires, what Know-Nothltigismi* In the South. - 0 ;’ OJ g. Thu members ol it behaved in such anun- —Augusta Constitutionalist, lUh inst. dignified, mdicrous, pecking, bombastical manner, , _ — — — nci-.onlma to all accouuts, that they obtained tho ap- i‘hT^Vu"!* Ku '. 1 . 1 11,11 pellutiou ot the ••anm.-lltog committee.’' \Ye believe to ? 1 V/‘ ed nn ^ ; ‘h'-rc uu9 «:v youu.r gentleman nmongat them who A ; n- kn ; , r r u n l T 1,c ,ra , tcr ; 11 ad the good tense to mugh ut tho turd ia which he nlty generally, tho publication or the Independent , T n „v<i nr.ut Press la suspended,temporarily, ot least. Mr. Turner : • 1 ,ft y 8 ; • i Montgomery nml West Point Itallroad. ..‘'SiS W«l«r.t from tire .'iontgomery Mmttor that Increaie.. Dacreaio.. 3,493.139 Tho decrease of*' cleariugs' 1 marks the diminished business, yet tho lino of discounts is higher than last year, but in a proportion far less than the accu- inflation of specie. The total Imports and exports at this port since January 1 have been ns follow* in cluding specie: 1864 1866 Import* 472.0U7.433 Export* *21.731,094 Uodb. The first is the withholding or mv due* by, those indebted to me. A constant outlay without u the ncoipts on this road for the year closing 1st Corresponding Income will noon ;>-,v busi- 1 March umount to C240.028.C9,net income$80,077.14. ^nUWDsSfoi’tlre SI 11,0 ratl ‘ ,u .'P r ,“^“ s *“'= ‘ 2 ? 0 -- were in the dally recciut of thou.-ands. my pl.v-ical »A*t income, *30^47.o8- Hie Advtrttstr fur and mental powers are not adequate to t'.c: ilral*.. ! tiler rays : which bavo been made upon tbcni for the laA twelve , The bonds of the company havo npprociated with* . , ,, . , • in .* kw dny«, and now command 95 cents in tho . v 0 ui 9b °J‘ I i cstecmed frienit n vpeedy rc-.'tciation j market. A -Imit time since, a few tLousaud dollars to health and the enjoyment or more Imppmci-s and 0 t it wa i Mild lor 90 cent?. About 1,000 tons or T prosperity than usually fulls to the lot ol village c<li-; ri , u is weekly expected, which will bo immediately tors—Southern Recorder, April IQfo. applied to replacing thc defective burs on tho road. Fonnii*niitrrcR*inuni limiiir* Qu.ica large lnueaso III the EahUvu foeight bnif* mv. phprni* . i 6 , , ' . ness liuooccurred, nnd this kind of freight will soon nim w!.„ C Advocate suggests the name of lion. Uqml the company’s grc.Ust capacity for transpor- Hlrara Warner as a proper person to represent ti.c uition. Fonrth Congresalonal District iu ti.c next Congress. We havo but little hope that Judge Warner could be j Napoleon's Movements.—A letter says tbe Era- «r CC .V >l r 1 * 0 .L ,r ° n ^ rt<J , ‘ a ! l ' ir l[0m Dm J pcioi svi-it to tin: Crimea fs by no menna regarded SS?.^i,iL tb r 0 ,°, urt o X ct ' voul<1 il ,lfjt ,JC h • nbandoiieil—hut there ore rumors now that ho will fortonate thing for the Sooth. H riicIi Mntcsmen 1 lirst vi It England. He has reviewed another detacb- coald be brought out ol their retirement to fight tin: i ment of the Impeiiul Guards who havo left for the momentous battle for Southern Rights nnd the Union, i>;t. <D tb° next Congress. With wtch representatives! It was observed thtt at tho review tho Emperor fttMn allthefloutbern States u» Judge Warner, (Irew ord, rn.d kept it unsheathed, which he Bonthern man would despair or his lights and honor, j never di 1 before; this i* iccarded as r. hint oT active what patriot of his country •» salvailoii.—Friltfil j cnminnd; the cent gardes wero also drawn ud in t/nion, Apnl 10. j r^-ular lure ol bnttfo. 1 Uy a glance ut tire I'aris news you will see that The Peach Crop Rcn.fD.-Wc have closely exa- ' very d.iy uldilionnl re in fore-men t« are sent out to mined a very large peach orcJwni, nnd find tin* Jrnit! the bi t. Louis Napoleon j.i too shrewd a man to entirely killed. Wo nre convinced Hie crop in Geor-: imagine peace will ensue from the Vlonna Con- glals a total failure. The loss of this most delicious J and wholesome fruit for two successive scasona, must! b«l regarded as a public calamity. I’eaches may I Sphino in New Orleans.-TIio mild weather for Jaitly be considered "n« element’ in our provision a few days past, nnd the ruins of yesterday and the crop, and when they are cut off, thc injury suotnlned ; Cay before, have brought out vegetation wonderfully Is not a matter of taste only, but n practical question ; in this vicinity, Tho improved appearance of our of dollars and cents.—MilluigcvxUe Union, April 1(> j public squares gives especial asaurnuco of tho benefl- — I cent influences or tho weather for a few days back. Ominous Event.—A grave event has Just occurred ; The grass na*» sprang up, and the Icavca bavo un- at Moscow. Tho large bell of the tower of Ivnu Velitt, folded and put on u deeper line of green, aa if by io the Kremlin, fell lo the ground nt lire moment / mask*. Die beautiful trees on Lafayette Square are when tbe ceremony of swearing allegiance and Udel-1 beginning to bo arrayed in nil their glory and mag- Ity to the new Emperor was going on, and by its fall uificenc'.'. Jackson Equarc, too, hu greatly Jm* croibed nearly 100 nersoas. For a people co aupere proved within a few (lava, nnd tho tidy and aym* iticlons as the Russians, this disaster has appeared a metrical appearance of its evergreens and flower*, moit ilnlater omen, ana the letter which give* an ac- nnd its general garden-like aspect, are very charming, count of the event states that iho effect on tho public Tim other public mound*, too, an beginning io ioox Bifid hu beta that of great consternation. very inviting.—Picayune, April 6. 35.200.8G6 *21,331.346 Excen Import* 826.629.049 813,809.020 Ttys makes a difference of 12,000,000 in favor of the exchanges this year as compared with tho last. Tbe advices per Baltic, of a very active market, at an advance for cotton has imparted much more con fidence in freights. The cotton market here was very favorably affected, the news being much better than had been anticipated. The sales for the week had been in Liverpool it appears 57,000 bales, of which 27,520 bales were on speculation, and exports showing purchases to the extent of 00,000 bales by tbe trade. Prior to the receipt of this news the mar* ket had been active at an advance oi 4c. as follows: XXW TORE CURSinCATiON. Uplapd. Florida. Mobile. N O.k Toxai- Ordlnar> s 8 8?£ Middling* 9* 9>< 9* 0,\ Middling Fair.... 10>* lu>* lu& 11 Fair 10* 10X 11 11L The exports of tbe past week ami lor tire corre* ponding one of last year were as follows : 1364 1856 Value. 8103.445 29.237 134.400 17.103 10,202 16,376 To- fifties V*lue Bales. Liverpor.l 5.820 8245 4C8 4.440 Glasgow 150 11.017 402 Havre 4 00 19,476 3,120 Cowes 1.061 52.623 Hamburg 332 14,933 416 Bremen •-02 Klatnore 399 Gibraltar "ii 860 Total 11.276 ~34L207 UC4 Previously 79.335 3,824.872 54,897 Since January 1. 90,011 L1C9.139 - 04X61 injury. The former received n slight flesh wound by the upsetting of the car in which Jjl* was seated. The cause of the fire is attributed to a run off, when Mie stove was upset, and hence the accident.—Columbia Timet, April 9. Death.—Walter II. Jones, President fo the Atlan tic Mutual Insurance Company oi New York, died suddenly on Saturday morning. A meeting of mer chants was held in the afternoon to express their concern, and sympathising with the family. Canada and tue War—Iu iho Provincial Par- than thirty years. During this whole period the great importance or the acquisition has been felt nnd declared by the leading statesmen of both parties, under every administration from Jfr. Monroe to the r resent lime. Mr. Forsyth as minister to Madrid in 822; Mr. Adams as Secretary of State in 1823; Mr. Clay os Secretary of State in 1825; Mr. A. II. Everett as minister to Spain in 1828; Mr.VauBuren as Sec retary of Stute iu 1337; Mr. Stevenson as minister to England in 1337: Mr. Webster .is Secretary of Stale, iu 1843; Mr. Irving cs minister to Spain in 1943; Mr. Up^her as Secretary of State in 1844; Mr. Buchanan as Secretary ol State in 1847; Mr. Sanders as minis ter to Spain in 1848—all these leading and influen tial mombeis of both parties and of all administra tions (not to enumerate those since 1848) concurred in the sentiment that the annexation of Cuba to tho United States was of vast moment, whether viewed in a political, moral, or commercial aspect. For more than thirty years there cannot bs said truthfully to have been any real division of opinion on this subject. The annexation of Cuba has been made an exception to the general rule of territorial acquisition by the most prominent and earnest oppo nents of that policy. When it is known by every in telligent man that daring the last thirty years there has not been a day when out government could not have made Cuba her own if she hal determined to exert the power ahe possessed, the inquiry Is perti nent : Why has the annexation not been effected ? If we aio a nation of fillihusters—ereedy for more land and indifferent whether we get it legally or illegally —how does it happen that whilst we havo been ac quiring boundless domains in other quarters, wo lmvo not taken Cuba, which ha® been all tho time within our grasp? Wo would he glad to suo this question answered by se me of tho foreign organs which now charge that we nre provoking an unjust collision with Spain, as a pretext for gratifying our land stealing propensity by seizing upon Cuba.— Washington Union. London Times a Know-Notuino.-Iu its issue of March 24th tho London Tlmps, whose hatred of the Union, slavery nnd tho South, can scarcely be de scribed, says : The late Congress has terminated its labors and Its existence, and another assembly, elected undera new order of opinions, has succeeded to it. The mem bers of this body are untried men. and the principles of what is termed the "Know-Nothing party,” have not yet been seeu in action; but, so far as wo are ac quainted with them, we prefer them to tbe schemes of those demagogues wboaought to supply their own internal weakness liy foreign agitation; and we are not without hopes that the good senso of tho nntion may continue fn hold In check Hie folly and violence of its rulers. Value of Ground in Xew York—The New York Courier gives n number ol instnuci s showing the val ue of ground in that city, among them the following: *'The Jot corner of William street aad Exchange Place. SO feet deep, and on an average 31 feet inches wide, containing 2,780 superficial feet, was sold to the Bank of the State of New York for 350.000, nnd $100,000 lmvo since been offered for it. At the WnKAI—He DHiiket iLj- i- arn'iig w. flip.. P.ecfipis *UHI, ~ \\V * 7 '-V 1 Moderate there were foOO bu-fcci* wh : v end a’ out 15 0 <2CzA. ,, *-f * -- “ • 'V -•-->• -• u -t 17 ■ do re-1 offered. TotalCO.-'J bj-hel*. .-U-so! white S o«,l t- 'Hs*’-- >e U - a s*-! i * ecr-na v;|u l u-’ c ,». i» piime nt £2 40®2 5.’. A very ch-ice lot for family (four . ,' IS " !!,n J , A u^r.-i iew*;: ; ;•* at $2 68c. lte-ldoSi-lj/ffiZ Aj. * given foir b-r re cover*- or any Informatiyu *0 t;.ttf Corn—A sieadv der 4.000 IiumIjcI* yell-iw offered sa a td of yellow «t PT|{J9Pc. Rics—Market C.-ui Wo cm: i o’4c VI ft. Whisky—The mo ike; is hrm - for new. OH to lc |»e* g-llon !< kn We quote at; get h-r ( 1 cie- 5>4ia5>j :o 04;.<fS'C5» 5 21 2 :,C II 55 15 5 •.Hi*iSic Aft.l'Si i. AFRIJ. C. P ii—t'tlTvN —lime : us i rtn a good d'.umnd u> il.iy at fill price-, ay ■{ to <c adrance ia the pnees, current pravfou-1<> the ariival of the i!u!t f c — Stle* ‘torn 590 to C'JQ baler Off ring slock liglit. CIlARLFSToN. APRIL7 —Corir-N—The «.*ri at was quiet, on Friday, the transaciioo* harm »L.'^ a Lmtied to 1.23a hales, on Saturday tlm bt.tioc?*- rerci-e-l .bout 2.CtO bales, with the Baltic^ adncl.s t<> hand. Prices *Low no ■ lurther advanco on the quotation- pi veu ia our report of the 6ih inst. The sale* of the two d >ys nav be chus d ns follows ri*19 bales ut 7j<. 59 atlli- 144 at ?, 14 -it 8>f. 8H1 at 302ai 3«.41 ut 8«. 15 i a« 8^. 51 nt SJ<. iv9 nt 9. 271 at t>»;. 537 at 9d*. *25 at fjf. «T2 a. 9*. 231 ut 9. 23 at 2.' at a d 130 bales GevrgUi -electiots i at 10c UltEEML: A.Yl) 1'TJLASKI LG * TE AY. <: 11K*i *: Y « SlAlTUY. .Manager-. Cl.*-- £7. draws Thi- D.iv.ll ! i Ap-.l, lt£6,S-rt;-.: S20.000. Number Lottery—l brawn lickits $1—«bnre> in t-teportios. S ; 3U, 35. •tier.—lx T’ctets 815—shares i:, p:o;cr ice. lrckeii.t(:her sing.e or l>y toe pac- gi-.'i Ll3«*..-'arar3Dah. Gil ,lieXt t". ifoOlUtCO & apll ■Cotton—ffarket brisk. ■»--.* s less an; MACON. 10 - at'from 7 to SJfc MOBILE APRIL 7 —Colon.—Th? J. mated yesterday and thc market c'^v. of 1500 bale?—price* a shade easier, but no qu tcable phange. NEW ORLEANS, APRIL C-CoiTo.—T'r.e Cen-anu eon- tioued active and lesulta 1 !n the iai« of 7*00 bales ut very foil t rlrny ssw ORl r.»N'CloSSinCeTSON O;dreary. . . 7*J/® 7« i W MHdlir. ' Middling... 8 (ii S.V* | Mi:’lic_- T ■: Middling .. Sfciffi 9 [Fair... COTTON STATTMIM Sloe;, t-u wind lii September 1551 Arrived store to-day V.A.'AUA anu IUI. " Aft.— Iu illtl 1 IftVJIft lUl 1 j tn.vv diu.v vsi i. wuvivj .... n. .u i liarn'Mit, on the 22fl ult., the Hon. Mr. Hincks moved latter valuation, per acre, it amounts to $1,578,2(11, for an address to the governor general ia favor of I about £326.078. Thc lot on the lafcorcorner of Broad, granting land, not to exceed one hundred acres, to 1 way and Wall street, 30 feet by 40, containing 1,200 each individual who may cnlM in Canada lor ser- J square foct, is held and may be sold for $100,000.— Vico in thc British army during tho next 12 months. This is at the rate of $3,630,000 an acre, or about So much opposition was made to tiffs, however, that £750,000. The lot corner of Nassau and Wall streets, •he motion was withdraw!). • on which tho Express (newspaper) buildings stand, • - | is 2;5 feet by 90, nnd is held nt #12-5.000. or$2,420,000, The Manatee or Sea Cow A large xpecmien of equal to £500,000 per acre." this animal was killed near the head of Indian River by H. Cruger on tho20th of March Inst.; it weighed 1000 pounds. Its flesh is considered a delicacy.—AY. Auqustinc Ancient City, April 7. As a littlo girl named Anna Lawrence, u pupil lu the Webster School, Cambridgepoit, Mass., was jumping rope, she stumbled over a stone, and in fall ing broke her back. Cost of'Entektaixino Know-Nothing Legisla tors.—According to the bill of items, the expenses of cutertalning the New York Legislature on its re cent vfl>it to the city ol New York were ns follows ; "Music,$81; cigars. 135; meat,$137; bread, $14; sundries,$239 32; oysters.$86 75; champagne.$217; brandy, $96 25; spoons, $5U 25; boat, $150: Astor House bill, $4,480 73; total, $5,523 90." Two hundred nnd seventeen dollars for ebampagno —ninety-six dollars for brandy! And then they went back and passed the Maine liquor law. It was the ■•sober second thought," What a reaction! The Advent Delusion.—The Portsmouth (N. H.) Chronicle Icarus that "coneldtrable Interest is niaui* Tested ns tha time fixed by some Adventists for tbo end of tha worla draws near. Tcu of their converts were baptized on Monday noon. They expect to ho caught up on the 19th prox., while tbe earth and its Inhabitants are turning up.’’ Commander Ingraham un ms Wav Home.—Tho United States rloop-of-wur St. Louis, Commander Ingralinin.-ailed from the port of Spezzh.on the 15th of March, ultimo, for the United States. The Cum berland and Saranac wero there at that time. Ail wero well on the three ships. At nuumr.on the 1st, Commander Ingraham hoisted tho St. Louis’s flag, and Coramo-ioroStriiigiiam hobted his broad pennant on the Cumberland—his flag ship. Ah the at. Louis nailed out of port sho was enluted with three hearty cheers from the crews of the other ships, which her crew vociferously returned. 2,357.260 2.727/238 Mouev by the Baltic’s advices cannliuued to accu mulate in the Bank of England, tho amouut held having risen nearly 13,000,000 in the week. The rato of Interest remained the same, 5 per cent., bat out of doors it was 44 per cent. The disposition to ship specie hence is consequently diminished. Yours, Exchange. An Electric Rifle.—A successful inventor has offered the British War Office an electric rills which greatly surpasses any weapon In use, flinging a hall from 1,000 to 2,000 feet at tho rate orsixty shots per mlnnte. Business in itsw Orleans.—Tho receipts of pro duce at our levee yesterday were again sufficiently heavy to be worthy of n note. Of cotton there were nearly 10,000 bales; of sugar nearly 1,100 hogsheads; of molasses nearly 1,100 barrels: and of tobacco mar ly 400 hogsheads. There was also a correspondingly large amount of western produce received.—Pirn* yune, April 6th. Green Peas in Charleston.—The rain w« men tioned as falling wheu wc went to press on Fridoy morning, continaed with little intermission, until nearly noon on Saturday. Ycatcrday was a beautifol day, and the gardens iu tho vicinity of the city, which bad been suffering from drought, will shortly Teleouaph in India —The electric telegraph has now become completed to the capital ol each presi dency in India. By tills matchless Instrument the Governor General will lo in daily nnd hourly com munication with all the subordinate governments,and will bu ftble to issue Ills iuitructious to every part of the country, and before sunset to receive information of their having leached t'm meat distant extremities of the empire. New York Democracy and Cuda—At all tho late meetings of the various Democratic associations and committees in this city, resolutions urging upon the Government the duty of a prompt and decisive solution of tho Cuban question, weie unanimously adopted. There is no mistaking tho fact that tho New York Democracy believe tne moment has come and Is favorable for a final settlement of tho questions at issue between Spain and this country, and for the effectual enforcement of the Monroe doctrine against Spain's Allied Protectors.—New York Sun. Tin: Woitu*\s Fair, or Ail Xatjush.—Awnug tin- notice able lhini<8 on exhibition nt the Crj *t«l I’niace, we saw a contribution of New Pill*, from the In burn lory °f Dr. J. C. Ayer, th« author of the widely known and valued Cher ry Pectoral. As It is nearest the expre** regulations ol the I'ulace, to admit any quack niefilelue*. this fact showt that hi* remedies are not placed in that category by lit* authorities. Indeed, wo have before known that lii* l'o<*. torsi was highly appreciated by scientific men.and hare *aen lately that his Pills are held in estimation by those deeply learned in the ho.ilingart. Ini—aplt) The best evidence tbat cau be adduced in f.tvnr of thc efficaciousness of Hocfland'* German Bittm. prepared by Dr. C. Sf. Jackson i* the uuprec n ent demand for them from all parts of the Union ; and although there may be many compounds prepared end represent* d as being wor- thy of a Mberftl patronage, jet we L-el corn-trained tore- mark. tbat the va*t.number of tevtimomtl* with v.hich the worthy doctor las been honored, by person* <»f the highest charade? and respectability, who found it oeevs- rary t. hare recourse 10 his preparation, i* testimony auf- flcicutly conclusive, tlreta ou<ru effectual remedy for the almost immediate re.ttf if tho-.e 'jfllicied with that dire ful malady, dyspepsia, has never been -’...-covered. lw—aplo XOTlt.'K TU LAND SPiCCULATUUS .Vi UffSLKg. n^iiF. under*.goed vralrivj attenl ou * ilo i..'. X chasicg. examining and g.vfoz informal; n f'J lying in ib« counties 0: ifoutlteic'(ict-gl*. cu inj terms tor numbers aiOper i i; f:r Cre a c.cji ovir from ere cum, r-6 ^.rl-.:: uponti.e 1 cu to be^irea or received on foul-. 10per c«a: calm s' •-. i' 1.-i War««b' iii’.Wsr- County. 1,. Reforence— James rulwncd 1 SLh'.lot. ri.-i 1 H'aSJa : Tiy.Wareabvro^Uj.. Cx^ 1 -.,: 10 hi 10.>< NEW BOOKS. L by ?..S sutt.r.r .April loiL. U;.-.-. • *n, or the trial- o> i ur.v ir.*.-,-. . 1 t and fanci'ul - asilmns w-uicti In.* r.u.s.i "Minni. t.rev 1 ' ami-l,u« hounr."-. ilh ti.o«e bi rwr j :<!ge-1 f it- .:.. • 1 U'.lt'ul define;.t on-oi hunt. 1 n- ■ t m \ •hue . .. . 3-1’.16 ! Mous lo sickly seutiir'-uUi-n ncii ui-let! i-:<.u irt, s. •day e.t.67—9‘7 7JC ! nrer.t*; w th nnr-1 b«Hi*t\!-:l engiav r.g-, j C-j-t Me Je*i<.ortoe U..-fo p le ti ? - . • 2- Siock 011 hand, not cleared 07.622 of this book performed gre ter *xjloirs •. 2 '. . 1 SUGAR— 1 The demand wassetire early In the morning ' wayo-an c f his time. He w:naf-ilc- 'i:- but *ocn fell off, and th-sales did not exjiedCOO Mid* j shot, and hold os a lion l.Lite w.,. cio« **.■•: leaving a good supply lor lo-tnorrow. Prl.Ci are about 1 robberies and nn.ire.iou* h- w. tlrosimo. Fairt>. fully larldifftIHe. j th- lor his gu Han try as much r» l.e w Mourets—10C0bbl? were »o;datforfjrtattt- <he uieit for his aJmo.t M.p.ruurj.n tr-.v. fog to choice j and cjumfo. For sales! up(l CorFfE—Sales «Obflnr■’ ' r no ’--- •••*! ' ' *" ~ 4SO bags fnir at 10 J«c. F HCHT3—A ship taken for Ex'TiAN0r.«—Fair demand. London 7}{/8:8}{ an 19,^9>* per cent, prem Paris ;.f.l5(7V5l 22>f New York sixty.lav bills 1 c di-count Right Cho<*ks on Now York par to X ’B •: -lls cd 32bag* nferior Bin O.t^c: ip> 1 at H ’ NEW YORK. dergnnn much change. >lie te l. Hn’d-rs are IngDIWit Dx- V. M.- •Thc market his not un •y ulramer was nntidpa and C'jutxfo For -ale e A OfoNTITk JFaN7 O F the Cniverdtl. s oi i.forzow and Edi. b' u-b has taugbt in the be t *i‘hnois of tir*nt u !' : his ofterucous to dispu-i- 01 in h-hcMiu Int n. ' .c omeii v. Arithmetic, l.osic. Fntrh-h nnd F1S.1. ii C .i tiou. HfcutioQ. Ao Anv family of vras «jr d*ir.b:i ► Idir.g within a lew miles 1 f iiii.ff nn may And 11,. • r opportunity. Address X V Z. Post dffice. l.'lufftcn aplO r Ur lit «. lor n -lrgiroin i :!.:'.' ' *nhi hr OCTAVES COHEl- Middling.. Middling I- Fair 10' 1) 10* 4 11M Unlit Arrlvnlu—Tucailny, Apnl IO. PUIjrSRI HOUSE—W. WIITIIERGCR .il''. IWriCT'K.V HP Hodge*. Ikifttou; .1. L Cochran-*. Va; W C Hnnston. M If Brittnn. K.l Johm-un nml Indy. 11 Fountain.l’liilt; M se LDlo Linden. W Winter.Charleston: EPHueranl and la dy; B Bateman. J Ashbnu-k and h.d.v, A c. Bolter. P Per kins. D Wadsworln, TJ Kstertufcoti. J 11 Ransom, Mrs D Hansom. Mr Palmer.Mr Austin. T W Riley, t! V Riley. DrE M Kell . Dr A LSands. Ii Melui.'.e KT. Tin uijicr.n. New York, Dr W WUlianson and ludy.T r Vauglnn. Philo; P. I. .lohiiAon. Pom.-: A K Boslwick. Mncon; A Nhaw. Augus ta: W LMorgan, Kingston; Mr-iuilh. .Mis E.I >n)iih.«* IV Butt*. Ball; Mrs Vnnwagener. Nt Augustine; F \V Picker- ing and lady. Mi-* F'niitli. R W Fairer, J Farlepree. .•couth CHrollnn: M Morri*. URN ; .1 Crawford. .SC Frimkin*. Georgia; CS MeKeiuie aud lady. W C Wao.Uy Au;u«tn: C Stebbin*. ltleeboro; I! Carey. Liberty Co. • 1 ii.u -K—11 ramro. riiot-iuni iXJEW BOOKS. . > tCElVJ.D April Utlr. by S SlBI.EY-I.ifo of Tcrofc i Ak Houston ; the only authentic u.imuir cf him w. ; ptthliftl.e 1; heuutifiiily nnd picifjoly illustrated. t The Old Inn. or thc rrasiller * Luti-rtainmcnts— ;• }j , si.ih Barne*.-eni >r; something t.ewnnl hinhlv l-•‘■re-t ing, written in a hold nnd ersy style t yugin, lui ie: I masterly pen. I Menio rn ol tlie Live, of Jlert HelJane. f! A r.ltrfj aud 01 his brother James Alexander Holdnuo—ly d-s*:.- der Holdsne. E-q . < f tbe Ir.m-r Temple, Dar'ivt' nt 1 it M GltP*! - .- ExpoMtr.rpaI.ectn esnn tbe Epistle to t;.f* r 1 l.c- sin ns—by iho itev J M Ghee*, t M. MRS A. late V.u.sM of Harrol-E* Cross Churrh Dublin. More of Miranda Elliott and Nelly Bracken ..-r-v M aplo .No. 135 Concrc t >t 7o ; 1)091KSTIC I,muons. r* 1* > ew urlean- \\ hi .kj; •arrcls E Plulps"; fiU d-> I* li ll ? ; .In* 1. Hud I lc! Oismohiin. Burlt Co; Im n.u-: w id W I ( ) *.» cssk< Brandy. I'wigg Hoop. 4tl; jro. I ) ?» no do ,b> Uo do do fl barrels Rum; * do Luther Felton's Rum; ’• ’4 casks Malsg v 'Vine; 2u X do <r.> .:•> e by npS SCRANfON. .l.tHNjTOS t.osln-n But' tr. 1 vi np> CK.VNT'iN, jeillN.sTu.S_: ;rc= L;« r. landing an ’. ( ■ ■ • *N. JOHN'S! 1 IN .v Cd SCRAN I DAI) STUCK Plait. J H Platt. Auguste| ii li Kent, ii A Mcrdl, Ya; Jni C Hates and lady. Chattanooga; N A Morgan.T F Morgan, I ~ W A Everett, Fla; J'r A Crnhmn, ,Mjs StoiJ jujiJ non Ja*r] /^r.NlliAL RA1LP Nicholson. New York; Alfred Bracken buy und svt. A H J ^ Davis and lady, Ala; M Richard*. N J mi Cocke. hm>x _ li" 1 villa; A D Holmes. IIV Parker,Tamcmnl; 'VllMelland “ NlfiW 8PiU\G~GOUl)$^ lady. K F; Mrs Dr Mell and svt. Cobb Co; Tho* 15 Ilaseall. | lTF.NP.Y LaHIRoI' .V CO."have nviirtd p Columbus; John Chase, (’apt lluson, ship Chicago Ll ,jvul.s one of the luiiiil-i.n., st „nd r.> mv 1IOTU—J. II. I our V, i-Hori;iKToR. I stock of Funey Dress Goods ev-r oftVied In to .IT Smith. F,'gar Lawrence. NY; PMC.ownn. Urns-' i-«‘ioK > ‘k‘; i foUowiiigj>0".i ville. Oa; QA Jerulgan. Columbu*. Geo; J VVoodwtrth. N ! Y; TM Howard.lteaulort; Rev. TH f.irrei.N Y; G M 1 nnd sister. Canada; John Cameron. Fcrivvu county: AC i Kirl.l.inL C 1; lt../U I’eruuo and L, ly. ehddnnU se *.mt.' Jefferson county; 151. L-ne. I; Y Lane, Cushingviile; WT Forehund, George Clifton, F rr.vnuel county; Benjamin 1 James. Jonesc.-unly; \Y f.lmood-'Ut. R C Uemiett. " likin- *on; Littleton Crov. James John*- n. Emanuel; 5V fl S..I- ter. Jeffcrion; John Finn. Augusta. ; I’l.iid ine.-1 ;k<; pl.t id Plain, striped and pi n;. Bar Printed, striped aad bg.rie,* Printed Jacuu-t.. t*i.d Lawn 1 Plain Cliambray G inghaui- r’olid cofored Urihimits; Cg New style pt.ii-J Gni|tLum*: Muudin de tf-ige. tor tr:tv.-li Pl.iiti Glare MiIth.Acc. men 9iuuuMNt; ctuuiis ' ( 'RAY PdUHllERS lave received per Lt-.* i j ; —— ! VI Pl.1111 black Ranges; d.. do tMgaules; U -c ' W»ck Lavender Gfncfo,in-.; black Afoac.w; ti-.t b>. I26 Urouglitoc-*t A Secret for the L*d:es—H-.w to Prpstrve Braviv. Don’t use Chalk. Lily White, c-r any of th-* -0 cilled c< metics. to couceal a uued ur sallow coinpli \i.n, If you wou^haro the roses brought He k to your cheek a clear, healtR^rnd Iraruparcnt skin, uud life and t infused through the system, get a bottle of Ci-.rter'r Span ish Mixture, and take it according to dirceiron*, lt dm-s not ttt-tequltets well e? vour sweetmeats: but if c'.ter few doses you do not find your health uud beauty reviving , The Steam Fit! OATES UNDER Construction.-- j jour step elastic an'- vigorous, aou the wholo syjtera ra- Tbe work on these bix vessels uud tlitir muifiiUicry freshed and icvlgoraicd like a Spr cg a^rnisg. then your oasois liopelere, aai all the valuable cettiOcafos we ro* ness, go lor naught. It L the greatest purifier of the blood known ; Is perfectly harmless, and et the name time pow. erfully efficacious Princlpil Depots at M. Warji, Ctosi A Co No 8;: Mai den Lane. New York. William S. Bl-ei.s, No 1'26 Mere st., Richmond. Yu. And for *alo by THOMAS M TURNER k CO., JAMES M. CARTER. A. A. SOLOMONS* CO., and W W LINCOLN, Savannah, E. ,1. Firouecker. Macon, and by Dritggivt* nnd Country Merchants everywhere. Teb20—ltn CtHvstoKi-.** eifln cwvritAb kaii.k*»a APRIL 10—5S7 b.rl e * of coltn Rare. Davis k Long, Franklin & Brantley, r. W (iarmaoy, baiine; fine Drub li A Low .V Cn, F Parrel,s ,v C-, W llatleraby 2; Co. W M u-.r-' murlO bridge. Cheev t r « li Co. IV.i u. liuttoo & C». a S Ihrlri.'ge, ’ K w r ,„-. t.m7\'sri?~in>i* Dana 4c Wushburn. F J.Ogdrn. Bostoniz VilLlonga King bi ltl\r* IKUI.,1 v. 6cSons, T H Mills, Lynn li Snider. Webster x Palme. D C ’R.VFR mtOl'tillTON A- Jt.FlLnSuN.STr.FFif. Ilance.N A Pane..! Merton. J Falligant.U A 1.Lamar, i ‘‘PHL attentfouol s ia invited to an exmari*-* W If Ford, ,f J ilumpbrie*. DriVliam, KelM i Co, T W .\cc- i- «<•*» of out* of LV l.rrgo.i irir l best are.Tied moc - lv. J W Ijithrnp 4s co. J R Wilder. 1 Foreign and Doracstle Dry Goih'.s ever brought to thti ta*r* ■■in. 1 raprara — j kei. i«lii;b will b-* M>ld on accomtuadutiug tear -. ' " i»%-.tGNJ*:i-:f WILLIAM G F* 8 tons Ic.-. to JI ii understood m to iiio^resaing quito as rapidly as can he wished- It is judged that tho Meniuiack, under roustroction in tins Boston Navy Yard, will le ready to he puf into commission ns curly as the end of September next, and Hint tho uext ono that will be ready to go to sea will be the Minnesota, being built at the Washington Yard. Ominous—Tho American flag which has hung over tbo Capitol from the beginning of tbo xczsieo, “has taken to Itself wings and flown away. It refused any longer to couseerato each a House, and Hucir a Senate, und such un Executive Chamber (all Whig Know-Nothings ami Abolitionist*) as la gathered under the dome which supported it. A shier! yet rJinga to tbo flog-rtufl—an much as is left of tho Constitution tu tbo House below -enough to show how much i9 gone I—Albany N, Y. Atlas, nth. • The Weather and Scarcity in Vermont The following ia an extract of a letter dated at Pittsford, Vt., "Hay In many parts of this State Is becoming very scarce, and tho prospect of greav suffering by tbe sheep apd cattle ft ominous. East of tho miun- yield a profusion or vegetables for our markqt. We tains tbu snow lies very deep. Westward the giound saw on Saturday, on one gont'eman's larra, over |s bate and frocen to a very fabulous depth, so that fifty bosbfJi of very floe peas that will he ready to be there It an abandon! prospect of n late Spring, aad tficktd In t day or two*—Cmaitr, Monday morning. gsvtre losa to tb« farmers.” DIVIDEND No. o- SOUTH WESTERN RAII.KOAI. . o . . Mico.v. Fsa. Stli j The Board of Director* lmvo this day declar*-! 0 I’ivl d«nd of (84.00) Four Dollars pet Sbaro. or. tbe Capital Rtookof this Company, and (FJ.OOy Two Dollar* i<*r >haro on Americas Exteiuhn Stock, from the bo*tr,v», ,n th« half year, tndiog January 81»t—p*v*blt on m l tfrer th* 1st or March nsxt. Stockholder* in S&vaouah mil m-viv* tn.-ir rari tand* at tha Central Bank By order of th* IV aid JNU T WAFi2YU.l7, fabll—2m Treunm. DUMfoSTli: GOODS. 0 II 1 / *R.-*Y I.M'TUFnS huv* this rUv receiva.t. , v.J •» C3’*-' vvrv lineShcvtinz; 2 •!*» F.mvy P.n.t- 1 20 pc* Fmnn ri brown; 20 do no *Uie 1 l.'ii'-n FUccUh tnrruata. wnite l.intc L;i 1 thewn Lu-.-n l nll. U .c !*J-4. i 1 -8. and •■-litating.-t- t brawn i'.tid ■ j Jot HucK.aU3ckTow«u,*20 »lo Lin«:r I'yt'I .J 41 doz Lmcn Nupkin*.30 pet rc >tc:i iiren-r dot Rich Marseilles Quilt*. Fnri**]-*rbe*r «■»•*« at GRAY bR 1 ID. 120 Drouth* c1 * Per bark R il Doui-U-*, Hum Do Powell. Pur nleamer Fluitluu. Horn Augusts—'-78 bsf,>* Upland. Cotton. 133 bur* Railroad Iro.i, aud 23 1-alc* Yarn, to T H Mill*. Order. F. Vtlj n-ux. Brltbam. Kelly r t -. Bmhwclk 1 & Smith F J Per *lenn- i 1. ••ti -.i,oci i aldika. Ac.—66 i ale* Cot. • ton. aud M-'.n? \ ..ul urg r, li-' n ■*; Jlacanv. W King & Sod*. Clug.iotii S CuoBinghaBi. WiJiJa'Ooa.F I. Uue. Mu:re * Ni-:li-i'b.Epprn? S: krttr H F Wi,t nk. jr; W H Borrousb-, J II Howwil.F J Trurhclut, Mr Seobal* " _ Per steauier Wolnka, from Paiatka. tec — Cl bale* °an t*H. C!» \lil.tcs CALDV.'Blil- Island Cotton, nnd coston & Vi lilonga. I bilbiisk ' A f irlBBglRAPliY of Cliarka CniJwcil, il O. cl Tl & Bell, J >V Fuill p , G S Frierson, Brigham. Kelly & Co,! dclphia.with preface, note! and appendix— -V l Hunter te Gninnie.'. j rieiW_\\umer. Rereived and for suln^by Per steamer St. Johns, from Pulatku. kc —Miss Smith. Mrs Litth*. Mrs Van Wagenln, Mr, IVrkiu* and s.rvt, Mri Stoll H AV ’ fo*>2 . s SltSl.t Y. I f xV.res• -f . •500 U .let Prime Eastern Hay. Linding f:0“i ’ 1« by\ BitlGHAM, Krl.LT v C_ {I. I.IIII-. *1, I«u .-»•»* vi Itu* null I. I. JIIH ■ , - -7 toll arid sou. Dr Sands and lady. Dr Brruk ng. lady and I I H, J'* 1 t. CH foul- hu<1 lady. Randolph .*p«to/n<. ;edr and , BOiwud—10 .t,u tugblcr. Wm R Nemo. Indy nnd chdd. Miss Smith". Mias ' 1 or * » |n " cr »Unr..sLi[i Florr-t-.nnd -or*» Hock Him * ' ‘ daughter. Win R N*-rno. Indjnud chid. Ills-. Smirli. Miss i J Cocbr, J McKothnr. W U Italcson. W R Fulccr.R<*v W U . ' * .\M\V jfuoiv'si Farrelly.ColF W Hcki-u*. MrN.rliolso.r; D Ferguermand UECEIVKU March llth, 1«65. '>t >. •*. -IRL'-Y daughter. ili*» Taltt. .Mra G M la tr. Judea Moiyiu. Doctor 1 FV an i Satirist-—uy James ll.mnay. r.n?!;. r o J : Morgan, Dr Graham, Mr* Kelly. C Y11 ,-y.T \V UrUy. jr; i Fontcuoy; a new and interi-Mimr work MnJ J t rawand, .1 TUiawtmd.Mt *-»»* lhonpsou. Austin. Israel Potter, hi* fifty >rar*— bv lii Pelrnpr.McBifde.iirC Ai-b!«r. A fi ifuybes.K N Mellor. V i authoro*.Fvpeaonreo'etc &unething o: the*: - KCunningham, Mullignn, Harris, C il Mortis, F J Jone*. J ; old aort Hnusrnan, WT Chapman, FUatisman Coins do Espana; or. Going to iUdnd via BarcsL* Per steamerWtlaka. from l’alatlta. &c—C Day andUdy bock tirat will repay the reading i teofol i Mis* Day. Mr Day, W Deforest and JnJy, Ul,» W'erk*. MDa ' Harvcating skeiche*. Hi pro*o -m - Vcetry- Clord, W Bracket, lady, child and *vt, \V Dolling. Mr Ir-! Hsatlngs. nn lady. chJJdrvn and 2 *vtj. Mra Atherton M.a Mnnh.ri *■ Tbu harvest yielded, an-t her a oik r „ Mr Marahall. Mias Uubols ar.d ert. M Naumov. J Smith . B*-ktng in Umity -uesih tho «u uc c s-.u and Suits, EH Bacon. Judgt-Cole, Mr Smith, 3 T Walt S Ih<} Mounta-n nut law : «*r, Fecr-t Hooker*, U Frledlander.JUwen* and Liwton.W E‘ B ' l ^f“ ture Mon gin. Mr Brrtow, MrMowltt.O M Scarlett, M LKboul- I h# *, ,c J r - c ?*°f l,< le ' u! 7 ler.Drl’utuem.Cai't Jeck»on.Curt W-ugb. AC*uover. E Frank Leslie’*Gatette f Humphrey*. Mr Trico. Sr Black. Mr ilerini. A F Tborop. | mar16 ion, 8 Canon. O P KettWge. A £ Nichole,a A Tolma, J B i \ ,r Arn.NO.—4-4. *-4 and <i-i white “*ftf“jr* vs SUu&ley L M Harriaon, P Ull. 1 lYl 84 check do, for rale by mli9 A1KLN & y Hrr tail 126 Coogrcis