The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 16, 1855, Image 3

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wo SUNDRIES. , ; |<lHut lt> t'bUICW bill Ullfoo i IftQlll; Vltir 76 do pr uio u|d llownimu( Java »’**; . - f»ir. | r mo ftudcholeo Ml Hug**; . .. prune tb clitic* I* K Sunar; t ,\. u mill c Olanilril Fttyapj ... c'mimi mul nowdmd Rug^r; M» prime Cuba Molsnits l- priftio NewUrUeti* Mulrne* . . ,. .'tiMiu ItcQiMl MoUsmii •■> lluliiiiioni Hour; 7i iloUeorgl* do; ir* sugar, butler nod soda BIsnuK; . D1V..1H Crockers: \ < K.»in nml milk Il'Kuitj . » N*t 1 pain mkI lemlh Com* ; . • .. mid Ur.iflt'* v-r«»il Ht«rcU( . I Ink'll' 1 and other brands lalfow Candles; n.iKiimliliuu •' mlloi.; Judd'* ill Rn*|'eruu audit*; m uni h Willi min' t> ttml 8 Tobacco, 0 p mud I mu i TuUoi-c.i.ii-NOitnl brands; . .. t ii'il'H Q ton Ti.bacc.; i imxnn welding cake Tobacco, . • Uii.niwlti'o "Woking T-diacco; % .,r jt> boxes yellow bank I'liewliigTubaOOA; X0* \tJHI Pipe-; •t hunch La'slU*, Patkce'a Yeast Powders, .1% lb cans; o IlMoriitg Mioct*j \> grim id Pep;or; ludodo Allspice; '■ 'H* bine. IVpi oi; lutl«» allspice; .1. Cli-I.u Uisim Ton. X III packages; > i > Hack do tin tlo . ittv. Oolong r#a. fl nml 101b bx»i . ’..n\I- rectified N l» Will,tv; ■) u i: I; ; it. r v 11 Co mocUcut iliver Rye Ulu. •> do New . iuInihI Itum: •I.- I. illation Malaga wine; : . ».» Mouougalu la VV lnnky; ■' U>ii Russell's Ntcl tt Atubi'oklor Whisk) ; ■i ,.. G>guao; 60 dat'ort VVlur; .)'• Mu.loira Wluo; ; j X nil 1 a e >»Ui Imitation Cognac Urautly; in ci. It Auirncaii lira inly; . fo |.. L... c« X li'l'O', »j r nml Ji caiks French do; 0 |. ,0. llolUml liiii; 1 |.iiiichuou.*-cotcb Whisky; 1 do Jamaica Rum; I.’aiia cvg«r»; 100.0lK> .tuioricnu do; muli- iuu is; •.!> dm Broom*; 60 tlo painted Palls; .Muls inline Il ium Slues; 30 tlo tlo Shoulder*; ; i.l.ln Mi -s I'o k; &u tlo prime do, . .J l.b i Fulton Mark,-I Meet; ■ x,.» nnt ntimi i ngltfth Dairy Cheese; . , o Aliuond*. Kir-tll. Hazel aud Eng Walnuts; ,01 r.uni Wrapp'ug Paper, together with a generta i-,, ,i ,i( not mentioned. lain.lug and lorniilo .,. ;v b.v #pt2 WEBSTKK k PALMES *= 1’HE SA V AJNNAJH GEORGIAN, MONDAY AFTERNOON, APKIL 16, 1855. ( w Sty ^ m - ®nk, Taor and Apploquo Mnntlllu, for lain by ’.»rl * HrWITTA. MolUJAV. IDO stinks koimtlor l lour, ucoiu’il nud lor ualo _m#_t«‘ McMahon \ iioylk. I 'lAiUH AN!) UKI» —UJ bills aupnrlnr licitUnoro Hour i A 0 bbw I.c %l ln«r.l, just rvcnlvnl m bill .lonaoliua mnl marU 3 D.JKfflK. for mIo by __ . L'lA»Ull~60 libU kuporllno UaUlmoru*Hour lamilna nor T aohr Ann Marla, lor aalahy limoHAM. KELLY k (X). Air—60 lack froah fftoundOoniMoal. A potuplor family tiao, rooalred aodTor ialo ^ doHbouldori, 60 kog.s Hour,landing and fur ualo by HOW lurd, 200 bills BalMinuru mart “ U6I.COMDE, JOllNaON * CO ^ K\V OIU.KANS Hllli lit.—60 hbda lauding and for ►alo LI by _ mart OOTAVUd CUUKN. U Uiioioo tibia LaUitr Koltiin'a Rutu. lauding front hi iq KDo .aim. and for an hi by uiar3 URIOIIAM, KELLY ts 10. To'COKl'i f—’ioo Moka’lUu t'olTcu, for aaVo by mart MoMAIION & IHJYU: b ALTlMOlik FLOUR,—*6 bi»la! Cliolco UaUtmore Flour on coimlanincnts,landing and for aulo by Mar 20 ROWLAND .•* Co. MAY AND DKCKBinKSil. '' ' r 4 r AlR of Wedtlad l.da, hT, lira Hiibbaok. author of the ‘•Wlfo'a Sla’.cr.'’ “Tho Foibidden Marrlagi*," Rro, In w.t roltmmtt. highly lulfrrcatlng.. " RoaduH, tliotalo that l relate.- Thlaltioionaeomi to carry, • I'booiv not alouo a propor inato, Hut propertluti* 1o marry." Hcccited sod for aalo hi H. d. HIULLY. mar? 135 CongroM-atreel. litSliuNiSiBUOi T HE Myidcrlca ami Mlserlea of dan Francisco, by a Californian, showing up all the vailoui oliaiaolurri in high aud low lift) that ha vo flgmod in Kan Francisco alnco Ita aettletnenl. / Muroof tbo douaot tbo Hlrua, particularly InleiU'lltig lo tho Kuow.Nothluga—all aliould read It. rulnatu'a Monthly Magaaiuu lor March, liraham’n Mngailno for March. Kdlnglurg Review ; " • • Rrculrud ai SAt'UAIt.—50 Uhls Milan's Oraahcd. 00 dudourotmd. 100 O do yi How D'and 0, rccrlved and lor aalo by marS McMAlloN ft DOYI.K. DAMANUNK OaNDLKm.—lOO tioavaln atom, aud lor a! aalo by [uiar27] OCTAVOS C011BN, TLA S' I'A MUXS KI.OUR, In barrela and aacba, for ynle k by mar25 OCTAVt'S COHEN L’LOUit—Atlanta Mill* Flour on hand, and for »nlo by r umr20 HCTaVU.s COHEN. UlTHR—20 keg a choice iiiTr, Just lOCtlvedTuil for aalo McMahon k doylb. a E l imit a (liu, 50 do 1'. „do. 60doN F. Hum, 20 do Luther Feltou’a Rum; lauding aud for eale b.v martl SCRANTON. JOHNSru.V k CO I 'EAS.—25 half cheata ltLck Tea. UO do Yung liyann do 20 ilo Gunpowder do received and for aale by marS MCMAHON k i>0\LK . LS—JoVt receive^ : 100 bul« plautingand eating I..,..; .0 bad bbla t’.g Fork aud Ful on Market ,• \tr.t turn Iv limns; lOkegachoiceUmbru Hut* bics pi tin an.l aeh*rikintr Hour; %.0 bb a Stuarl’a • n : ciu'lied Sugmat 20 naif chest*choice Muck . lu nn t >4 lb package* and loose; aud UaVID O’kONNOR, Corner Broughton and Drayton-at*. /i IN—60 bbl*. I’lvolps • x I and for aale liy mar22 JN for aa.o by uiarlS SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. MOW HOOKS, i’ t.r-h Utbj 1S55. by S. S. SIBLEY -?allr« .t.,i ;—by lames lUnnay, author ot Siuglaton i.e.v.iod Interesting work, t: -r. Ins titty year* exile—by Herman Melville, l •. p-o • *nn>o etc Something of the same good s I I... .Gome to Madrid via Barcelcna A . in r. ,.-.y tbo readiug i tcufol 1. i,; rkt'lchcs, in prose and poetry—By Sybil o t:arv ' t yielded, and her work H done. !.!■:< in Inmity'neath the au utnn *un. r iota u cutlaw ; or. Secret l’asiword—a tale of W lu’.ua ure. c--. del e ,nt—by Emracrs n Bennett .••ue'iCaxctte For eale at 136Congr«g**tre«t, id 6-4 white matting. 4-4, o~s an a by mb'i AIK1N A BURNS Oil, YOl', EYE> So Jomc unit Uuy. AND lWt& YOU’LL TRY L • tiio.«i» nic^ ch> Ico ftvoilio HAMS. Juet teceived KJ ••.v.m r Atiguain.nt BARRoX'S, : r. Whitaker nod Cbarlton-U'., White House. . iiill.-K Y a.N, In. 41 do Whisky, ap 10 i IWaNDY.—5J bHa Rum, QdnUrandy. Revelvedami McMAHO.N & DOYI.K. ug from at >anmr and for aalo by tnari'4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON kH'.O. lay, lam' For salo b.v UlllGHAMKELLY &CO. 1 for tale by Onions, Just received ami for aale by martl MCMAHON x DOYLE e UTATUtiS—200 barrels prime Planting aud Eating Pu< tatuea, for sale by mar.3 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. b iteTian : Knickerbocker, and lor aalo by M. 8. S11U.EY, »vi_ 135 Congress-Btrei't. MOLLY BIUOUEN. A TALK of Forty Years Ago, by Aunio Ohatubera Brad ford. Thin book la by a new author who Is destin< d to succeed. It doilct* a fresh and glowing picture of Kentucky ; is written In an altraatiro atylo, graphic and hiimoroiiH, inusl lo any American Hook of the picsont day Price $1. HecvIveU and tor aale by mart SrS. rilHLT.Y, 136Cougics«'at. L AMI’S. OIL. Ac—Just received 10barula Solar Winter OIL 20 boxes sperm aud star Candles, 60 boxes Suap. aud Starch. 5 bnrcls patent self ruislng Flour, 75 boxes Urounp Culfee; Pepper. Mustard and Cinnamon, 50 boxes YonktPowder, Chocolate. Table Salt. Harley, Mace and Nutmegs, 50 dot 2 and 3 Ply Brooms, 60 do 2 and 3 hoi p'd Palis, 10 nest CeiUr Tubs,40 di>s assorted Scrub Brushes, 50 do do Cotton aud Manills Clothes Linos, 60 gross Match es and for i-alo by DAVID U'CuNXEK, fob 2b * Comer Broughton A Drayton sts, B OOKS', HOOKS! I—Received i eb.3d, by 8.8. filmvv: Life of Uorace Greeley, by G. Partou ' Byron Hlnndy.tlio Ulub Ranger, by N. M.Curtis. Victim or Kxcltoiiieot, by Miss llentz. Eollno, or Magnolia Vale by same; The Mob Cap umt tho Tales, by same; more of Ruth llnll. For sale at 135 Congress-street. fub4 SPU ifl jj-citiousT ' AT GRAY, BUGlHERS' CASH STORK. R ECEIVED per steamer Knoxville, a beautiful assort ment of Spring nud Summer floods, comprising the tallowing styles. Rich plaid and striped Summer Silks Plain glace Silks, rich Marcetlno Ue Sole Now style* Brunei Silks, do do Tissue, rich plaid Tisane* Rich HrlU.auti ot fancy patterns Do black riilkflro dn do Italian Lewdslclng Platd Silk for misses at 60 cents per yard .faconel and Swiss Muslin, Handkerchief* nl low price* Very rich Jaconet ami Swiss Muslin Sleeves A beautiful assortment ot Kmbroldeml Cambric. uiarS BPllINCt 111 BOONS I ‘spuing uihuonsT H ENRY LAITIKUP A Co. offer lor sale a handsome and well selected stock of Ribbons, embracing tho newest style*.** follows ; Plain and striped bonnet Ribbons; plain and watered white do; plain black and plaid mourning uo; solid colored sash do; colored, teffata and satin do; dress trimming, Ac. mart Kegs, assorted sizes; landing and tor sale by marS HGLOUilBK, JOHNSON* A CO, P OTATOES^!00 bbls planting Potatoes, landing from brig E Doane, for sale by mart BRIO HAS!, KELLY A CO, *J!UTKD 8TATKS OB’ AMHIBWki SOUTHERN DIBTMQt OF GEORGIA, n rjpo the^ Marshal of the Southern District dfOeorgis 1 Wboroas.^olotuun Cohen, Oclavus Cobon.Henryllrlg- haui. John J Kelly, .lo*eph Jobuaton, Daniel Tbciauton, Henry H Scranton. Frederlok A tupuer. trustee. Joseph D. Baldwin, ownois or tbo Htcsuiboat Thorn,•ndWUllaui D Borsntou. Holla Taiwan, Jay L Adama, David U Youngs. Elliabolh W Carpeuier, and . Jonathan J DyaLowner* of the hcltnonor JoUn Boston, likva exhibited their libel qr complaint lu tho DlstrlotCbuit tf the United 8lates for tho Bouthnu District of Oeofg a^ all glpgftod propouni log that tho said libellants aro the truo aud 1 g*l uw tiers ot tho said steamboat Thorn, of which 8ylve ter leek I* and latoly Vraa nmiter. and of tho schooner Johu Boston, whereof William H Lingo Is and was lately masUtr. tint •in tho night ol the twentv-fimrth day ol March, in Uie ..ear eighteen buudted and Ofty.flve.the said nehooner John Huston, on a voyage from the city of New York to thornty of buvannah. and at that llmo a staunch and well built aobooner of-tho burthen or four hundrod ton* or thereabout*, end suffliient'y providfd with apparel. Uckl' and furniture, and properly maunod with a crow suiHclunt to work and navigate said sohdonor. at about nine o’clock at n'ght, tho sal<r*ohooner In the prosecution or her\oy- ago. having at rived In the tlver8av*unah. within tbo ebb aud flow of tho tide, aud within the admiralty and roar!- tlmu jurisdiction of tho District Court of tho UnltedSUtos of tbuSouthorn District of Georgia, and waa ptoceodlng up to the city of Savannah In tow of the steamboat Thorn, grounded on tho wrecks, about two miles f oiu the city of Savannah, tlio channel Imlng to the south of her. that whilst tho schooner John Boston was grounded on the wrecks, and tho steamboat Thorn safoly fssiened and moored alnnusldo of hor, the steamship Florida, whereof Merritt 8 Woodhull was master, ou her voyage from New York to tho cliy of duvaunah, camo up thu Savannah riv er under full headway, on tbo north aido of the channel, und then and tliore with groat f-irco and vloUnco, run lulo and upon the sa.d steamboat Thorn, cutting her bows nl rectly off. then striking the schooner John Boston at her fore ilaglng. on the starboard side; that the said steam boat Thorn now lies sunk lu from four to livo tiet water at hl;h tide, tlmt shu must bo brought to Savannah to be repaired, at groat expense and loss of time, ti nt It is Iraponlhlo to ascertain exactly tho extent of tho dam ages, but ns fur u i calculation cau Lo made, tho datnaifo occasioned by such collision totlio oleuroboat Thorn will amount to the sum of tliirty-Ove hundred dollars. That tin* schooner John Boston has been brought to the city of Savunuah, whero she must bo repaired at great expen»o and loss of tlmo, that It la impossible to ascertain rxuotly what will bo the extent of tho damage, but ad tar as calculation can be made tho amage sustained by such collision to tho schooner John Boston amounts to the suui ot fifteen huudred dollars; that this occurred In inoad mtrnlty and maritime jurisdiction of said Court—all o' whloh the libellants pray furmsn proof, and have also prayed a decree for tho damages aforesaid and costs, and that tho oi dlnary process may issue. And whereas, tho-Judgo of the District Court aforesaid, hath ordered and dlreated that the ordlcaij wroewsshould Issue, returnable to 1 ha United8tate* Court Room, In tho city of Savannah, on the eighteenth day of April next, at eleveno'clock.A. M. , Now, therefore you aro horeby authorised, Informed, aud strictly enjoined, peremptorily to cito andadmonl-h all persons having or pretending to have any right, title. Interest or claim to the said ateamshln Florida, her ap- SM IPrtNfr, STEAMBOATS, &C. JLl LI VKlll’OOL—Uio flno naw clipper ship SBkYUUNU MEi HAN1G, Spalding, msster,having the largest part of her freight engaged, will have quick dls- patch a*uhovo. For nalsncool frt luht, apply to msr2U BRIO HA >1, KELLY k CO. . N in W 1 Oliii—Now Lint).—Fisbt Vtusst— SjTTio uotiooiior ANN MARIA. Cspt. Conklin, will iiiiiuodlato despatch fprtlio above port. Fur freight ol 200 biles ol cotton, to eomulpte cargo, apply to upD .** " ROWLAND k CO. NibW Yoltif—rKe schr SOMERSET, filer- abovo.— UkIgUAM, KELLY A CO. Rug, Muster, will have quick dispatch •or ireluhl of deck load only, apply to ap6 URIOIIA 11A VIIU—Tho bark RHODES, Capt Ross, will SSfllloail for tho above port if BuQIcb'tit freight offers — - « «>*•«*'• *Ru t ™ Apply to ap8 ROWLAl AUCTION SALES. . , BY T. J. WALSH. 50 barrels superior Mess l’ork, Now York Inspection, landing and fur s«lu. ap!5 UY T. j7 W ALB II. On MONDAY, April 23j. will be sola at 11F Wlllluk's ship „ .. . yartl.atuo-oicca. Two Engluos,of Ilo norsa power, ana two Hollers, with all tlfo appurtenances, belonging io iuu slesmer Sam Jones, end sold for account ot an concetocd. Terms c»sb. tnar24 ADCTIOW SALES. 1 nv • Administrator's fiale. Will bo sold on TUESDAY .June 6(b. In front of the court house, i Half lot No. — and Improvements, situated on Ptne-st, Oglethorpe ward,81H leat ficnt by 00 fret deep,ft# sim ple, tun ira|rovements are two tenement wo dm build- mgs, aim a one story wooden building on a leased lot to exniro in December next—tb** propeily belonging to tba estateof Henry L'asseu, deceased. Sold by permlsslno of (IroiiDdaiitl-WOUrcuuauuunor f.l. I. ,u.n- }„ .‘ERiS.?'!”!!? !!**?!"A’’A titles to suit purobksasa. . njjjg Private Sale—A Northern Horse, lung tad, kind and gen tle in harness. Bold for no fault. Will to aold low. marlll for tho benefit of the creditor* and heirs of said estate — Term* cash. a pjg Jfla M2W Y<'ltK-Union Line.— lha regular XfiOtPsckel suhoonur L. 8. DAVI8, Davis. Master, will luve quick dl patch as shove, For freight or passage, ap. ply to_ a pit . F. J. OGDEN. Jli POllT LANIJ.—Tho hark~ADF.LIA ROGETK, <GWw Hrmvn. M.tstur, wl 1 have quick dLpatch as above. For uo gbt or psstugu. apply t ' apll F. J. OGDEN. NEIV YORK-Villon Line—Tho tegu lar packet Hclnmuer CAIAUACT, Francis, masier, vo quick dispatch for the nbnvo port. For freight or passage, apply to rnirbO F. J OGDEN. UUSTUN.—Tbe ship LEONIDAS. Watts. Ms* ter, will barennick dUnatch ns above. For freight or tasesge, apply to memo PRIQHAM. KEILY A CO. BOSTON—Tho packet brig MAHY, having all Ror undor deck canto engaged, will liavu quick do- nuaicii. For fieluhi of 60 hales Cotton ou deck. Apply to a pi3 BRIGHAM KELLY « 0 '. rail roads, &c. ’iiocarle* at Auction. BY PIlll.BltlOK dt BELL, On MONDAY next 16tb April. *t llo’ the store ; corner ofBroi ght n and Jifl-non streets, under nt An- ‘ drews Hall, thoent re slock of Family Groceries, in said store, consisting of a fine assortment of family Groceries. ■ gale positive to close tho coug rn. Terms cash. ap!3 uV FKiLUitiiit hell: * Administratrix File. MAIL IICHEDDLE. O N and aftei the lHth March. 1355. the mails (or tbo North, for Augusta, and all places along the Georgia — ...... Railroad, will close at OK A.M. and 7 P. M.; and the mails | On SATURDAY. 21 insunt. at 11 o’clock, In front of store, Horn the s&mo places will arrive nere at 1 A. M. amt 3)4 ; W nl h. i 0 id. irons the same places will arrive nere at 1 A. M. and 3>< j "y ‘ I’ M- Tho mall* from Mao- n. Upper Georgia and Way 0.a qoarler Interest In pilot boat GeoBCummlnga,b*. fitationa along that line.will close atOX A. 4 and the | longlug to <he esiaio of Jaa P Dint, deceased, toldbyter- mail* from ti.oso place* will arrive n«re at 3)4 P. N. | mls-inn of the Court and per ordvr of 1he administratrix. Tlie malls for Mscun.fiouth Western Georgia, Florida, ! T*rms cash r at >ll and tba West and 8outb-We*t generally, will closo at 3 P. ( r — 1 r 1 1 M.i and tho malls from those places wiilat'' -- * * A.M. b-innuiili. Il.rch IT. IUU . » bbl. N K Hub. Tor ..1. lo^fo TRAINS ON THE CENTRAL RA1L1UMU AND CONNECT ING RAIL HOADM. 11 kl/i'i.tlOHtd—Regular Llnu—Tho supeilor SJspacaot Hchooner ALaHAMA. Cant.Stevens, having pun ot her cargo engaged, will havo quick despatch. For freight or passage, apply to theuiptm.i on board, or to np!3 BRIGHAM KELLY k CO. Scncauio. BY FHlLllitick It uull. ' Old Uouongsheia Whisky at Private Bale—Now landing ! to f„ n ?t r u t, V rlda , r '?“ New Yo*k,23 bbls Old Monos- I gabela Whisky,for sale low. aplo BY PHILBRllK S DELL" O N aud at'ior Sunday IBtb Marcn »n«rant, and until fur- [ THnL n Mi t av Or iofh I **7Si Lai . 8 “- 6t0 ? U . U atoC,rI ' , ‘ ther notice, the PatwwoiK Tiuim on the Central Rail ...kJ’.;!. Tiuiaa no thsCentral Rail Road will run as follows > , BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leavo Savannah 3 a. m. Arrive in stacou 6.25 p. glass, at only one third the Price. For conreniency, strength, purity and cheapness,stands unrivalled for making a richer and more crystullua Jelly in a few mlnuteo than that mado In the usual tedious wter from Calves’ lest. Just received and for sale by W. W. LINCOLN, mark Monument Square. ^OAP.—75 Boxes Family Soap. 60 do No. 1 do, 200 do Toilet do, various brands, received aud for 8 i'o by mar27 McMAHuN A DOYLE. .iriilTE Crap* de Parts, just leeeived ana for sal* by W- msr8_ GRAY, BROTHERS. R ECEH’KD, per bark Uadient, 70 barrels Potatoes. 100 Runoldiou's Hams. 2 casks Bacon Shoulders. 2 casks BaconBldas mhl4 J D JK8SK BLACK 1116ATli COAL. ^^0 T0 S for sa.o, to arrive. ApplyMo^ OCfAVUS COHEN. If C'iFKI.F—50bbls crushed and rvlinrd Bu nch* in ime Rio Coileu. Received and for rale McMahon & doyle. Fax'i ““ . 160 rgiiAP—6 ibnx-s Pearl fiiarch.40du Ben- i a i.liy ■■'Oiip, 75 do ColKatn's Starch. Received 4 v br up 13 McMAliON A DOYLE. AND yUfil'Al'D—luO lK>xes Grnuud Pepper. ■ Mu tuf.l. Received and for sale by MCMAHON & POYLK. ,C » —10 M Spin,isii Segars,*HM>rted 1 lb. smokiux tobacco. Received ,13 JlnMAHoN k DOYLE. , — 10'J b.iuik** piliuo En*l«m Hay. lAndingfroni .a 'I,.rl i it or ton. f. r ^aloby HRH.HAM. KELLY A CO. CUAJiBEtt’S KUIXDIIUIH JOURNAL) i.'it I. amt trt-; American i'o. J1 or 12a number. . . >-y mr tne South, or the Failure of Free Society Fit* Hugh. • a: the Times, or Past, Present and Future—by : An ulng. -i .-0 and Patent Law*, or Invontor’s Guide—by .: hi TormBook, cootaluiog Forms of Agro«mont«, , •> ills. It:—by Benjamin THt*. .- . A 'Oncan Criminal Law. new edition. • : n'sl.nivol ll 'iuicido in Europe and I ha r.vd—by fi Ireneaus Prinoi, . .'u-iratcd • ; r.jj —nr RU Mad1er.2voK H.. ; i: aut B iv Philowpher—by Henry May hew. Ulus- i :.,rper : ifiiory Bovks. Frank or the Philosopher of - iv.d Ml-chief '.iuctlim io i’rari cal Astr(>oomy—by Dr Loomis. W THORNE WILLIAMS. SEW BOOKS. REIVED bv a.d sldf.r i.Aonlluih. 1855—Adelaide li. <!ul!:r;in, ortho trials o' a i.ov-rnuss Another of ,w, ut and faucl'ul "ue .tlous.which has rondored tho • if ••Mlu»D Urey" i\nd "Gus Howard" so great a . .o «itli those better judges of literature, who ad- i' •. uth'ul d' liiiHations ol human se timonti and pas- •i.Myseatiuientali'main!m retrlciousombell sh- i- til si-venlbeauii'ul eugraviug*. Me lo io.ortio fl.iliup to tbo hUows. The hero Udok pei formed give ter exploits than ftoy High- I of hs tiuiu. Hu wrt8af«;a'lo*s rlder^s capnal i bold u* a lion lii* li;e wa. crowded with ilaring s uni i;..itvedou* escape.*. Hu was admired by cs lor Li* gnllai try ns much as ho was feared by . for hiu almi*t hupirhuraun Mrengtb, activity fo -n’est wpII 136r«>ngre»»-«t t ill!-..- J for sale by fel>4 OGTAVUS COI1KN. I^EARBORN'B PATENT COTTON BALANCES—Constant OCTAVUS COHEN. O ILLUN’S ROPE-25 colls Dillon's Rope,4 coils Pack ing Yarn, In store and for sale by OCTAVUS COHEN. ‘ Smith from New York, for sale by leW 3 OCTAVUS cohf:n. D omestic i.igL'oRs-60 bbisPf Ry« " It Conuecticut Rlvrr . Ulu; 75 do E Phelps’do; 43 do Domestic Brandy- Undo Luther IVltonkSon and puro Boston Rum; ”5 i Rectified Wlilskv.for sale by fob* SCRANTON.JOHNSTON k CO half pipes Dark and Pale OtnTf Dupuy A: Co’s Brandy, (vintages 1W0-’4O.'6O) of oui own Importation. 6 pipes supurlor Holland Gin, (Medil Swan brand) landing and for sale by mb 22 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO M. FITZGERALD, Corner of Brougltion und YYhltuUer-atrecta, SAVANNAH, OA., SUCCESSOR to T. C. Rice. Manufacturer and Dealer In O every variety or common and fine CA\OIKS, kiln- dried and warranted to resist effectually the but damp at- mosphere of a southern Climate ; also 1 emun anil Straw- b#rry_fiyrup. As, ’Terms cash, prices low, tf—upO AiOIJltNlNU qoodST ” siLACK Barege*.double width do, Black Tissues, Sewing 1J Sllk.S|teni-h Crai?,Ch>IHe. Mourning Tissues, Jaco nets and Organdies, Ginghams and Gingham Muslins Calicos. Black Crapo Collars and Sleeves, White Tarletan do,do fo in sets, Black i r.po and Love Veils,&j. recently received and forsHle at tho lowest prices by ape DsWITT k MORGAN NOTkCM. P ERSONS ludebteil to the late Dr SN Harris are notified tli t all deman la not settled by the 21st Instant, will bo put in suit In the first curt having jurisdiction, apll—lw WM. S. BASINGER, Adm'x Attorney. parel, machinery, tackle and furniture, by all lawful ways and msaun whereby this monition m»y he raai.e moat public and notorious, to ho and appear at the time ard f ilace aforesaid, before iho Judge aforesaid, to show cause, t any they have, why judgment should not pass as pray ed for. and to do nod recelvo what unto Uw and justice shallappertaln. and whatever you shall do In tho premises you shall certify to the Judge aforesaid at the time and place aforesaid, together with this writ. Witness, the Honorable John C Nlcoll, Judge pf said District Court, this twenty seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. WARD & OWENS, Prosecutors for Libellants. [I. 8.] R. H. GRim.v, Clerk. All persons Interested In this monition will take due notice. , JOHN R JOHNSON. ' U S. Marshal, District of Georgia. Savannah 27th March, 1855. ntar28 FARE REDUCED. Cnbln i'uasnge to Aew York Twenty Dollnrii UNlTlul* STATICS MAIL LIMB, (am-wraar.) Toni; and savannah steaFisSTFs. Tho ueir and anlondid side-whiel Steamships : FLORIDA...* 1300 tuns Capt. M.8. WooDBCU. ALABAMA '...1300 tons ( apt. O. R.fiCUXMK. AUGUSTA 1600 loi.s Cspt. T. l.TO.V. KKuXVILLE 1600 tons i apt. C. D. . t BLOW. will learn SAVANNAH every WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY. Theso sUii« are among tha largest on tho coast, unsur passed In speed, caloty or coinfort—making their passages In 60 to CO hours, and aro commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. Having elegant stoto-room accoramo- dati ns, they offer n most desirable conveyance to New - • . .c • al n . V’chck.wiU be sold, without reserve, at tbe store of the UteH J Gilbert Market fquare, - 1 Tho entire atook in said store, Consisting ot alsrgs, . e . i ... — complete and well selectee stock of Family Groctilsa Mt«n na R*« 4 m 6 ‘ n 2 10 a m- Crockery, Glassware. Fancy Groceries, &c 7 Bold as tb* Leave Macon 5 a in Arrivei iu cavaunah 3 30 p. m | property belonging to ihe estate of H J Gilbert, deceased, Leave Macon 0. 45 p. in. Arm* iu cayannah 0.60 a. m ■ ^ ^orasiaeion or the Conrs of Urdinary and per order ot BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND AUGUSTA' • the administrator. I-eavo Savannah 8 a. m. Arrive m Augusta 6 p.m. 1 ieims— Under 1100,cash ; 8100to|300.60 dsjspcvir Leave Snvanuah 0 30. p. m. Arm* in Augusta 4.46 a. m. i 1360,4 months, for approved endoiseu paper. ap8 ' millicov .\u p : p * ll '«*' to»ltuwtohnt»«ult raiduitn. BETWEEN MACON AND AUGUSTA. cao tw seen at our coumltgriom. Ttirascash. mar27 aititu in Augusta 6. p. r* 1 Leave Macon 6 &. m. Amvu in Augusta 4.40 a. a Executrix cate. |JLEACH. I) Shirtings and English Long Cloths. lri«b U Linens, Long Lawns, birds Eyo Diaper*. Linen Sheet ings, 8 4, 10 4,11-4 and 12*4Cotton Sheetings. Pillow Case Linen* and Cotton*. Huckaback*, do Towel*, Scotch Diaper. 7-4,8 4 and 10-4 Linen Damasks, Daumk Napkins and Doyles, M. tqulio Notts and Lace, 1 urniture EVV ORLEANS, SUGAR MOLASSES, &c.—20 lihdV I Fru.ge8, A-c.. for salo nt the lowest prices by » choice New Orleans Sugar, 20 de. prime New Orleans : mar “ J DsWIfT & MORGA Sugar, 00 bbls choice New Cron Molasses, 50 do. Rectified ; 11ECE1VKD PER STEAMER AUGUSTA—2 bbls Pig Whiskey, landing, and for sale from store by JL\ 2 dodo Sides. 2 do do .•"•.oulders, 26 boxes Urunz( »Vhl3 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k Co. lo Lemons. 15 bbl* Apple: l'do Smoked Tongues. 10 hall MCMAHON k DOYLE. i i jrsnleby JOHN D. JESSE. O’ ,LD MONONGAHEl.A WUI3KY—30 bbls X. XX. and XXX. just received and for sale by fcb27 McMAHON k DOYLE. MRHAM, KELLY k Co. F IO1UMS. SHOULDERS. SIDES, Ac —Just received—10 bols Pig Hams. Shoulders and S des ; 2 hbda Balti more Shoulders ; 10 hair bbls Pig Pirk ; 10 do do George Harris’ cured Beef, and for salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, leb28 Corner of Broughton and Drayton-sts. B RANDY, &c.—20 half,40 quarter and 16 eighth casks Brandy, 6 half casks and x6 cases Claret, 10 caaesfiau lerne. 10O wholo and 60 hall boxes Tobacco, in atore and lor sale by. feb4 OClAVL’S COHEN. AJJVV BOOKS. ,, r ! IVF.D A|.:il oili.lSeo. Gy a SSIGi.EY—Lift of .-am Mo i-tou ; the i-nly authuutic memoir of him ever . ; beautifully and profusely illustrated. -••it ! the Travel lot’s Enturtoinmeuts— by Jo- dua-'s.-cuior; something icvanl highly luterest- ...t»n in a loll and easy stylo, a grnphlo and • -'m'''oithe laves of Rotert Hcldane. ot Airthrey. r |,: j hrolbor Jam * Alexander Holdane—by Alexan- ; i.i.u.c, l*sq.. of tbo Inner Ternplo. BariIsier at Uw. •ilu'*’« Kxp.ottory l.cctmeson tiioRpisiletotheEphe. :,y die itev J U Ghees, t JJ, M R S A. late Minister • rr-id'* Cro-- Church Dublin. .. of tliran la Elliott an 1 Nolly Bracken. For aalo bplO No. 135 Cougress at. iJU-MUSllC I.UiUOHS. y Mir.ds ' e«r uriean* Whl-kys / i> ' . i.arrels E Phelps' Gin; 60 do P &i H do, „'j to Urnudv; . X caek s'Brandy, Twigg Hoop. 4tl» proof; .0 no do do do do do; .i u.irri-U NewEnglau Rum; ?.j do Luther Felton's Ruiu: 2 ■ W casks Malngi Wine; 2u ii do do do. " SORANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. - YOlO I1UPUES31U.M PAPER p.jit l.HINii WITHOUT PEN <iR INK. 1'Yl Ni. Lcav. *. Plants. Flowern, Pictures. Pattern* for emui xi lei v, iiiHikiug Linen Indelibly, and Manifold i:ir. ihlsi.rt de i-absoltt’Hy the nest portable Ink ’ iu thekU'i’Vu nurld. lor * small quuutlty folded and ; i iu i|i» con tliutes a travelling inkstand . c .i-it he broken N'o p. n is needed, for any stick ,'('liv'd tin poiui wiles equally as well as tbo b»tgold mt nCnivi-rse. Fur drawing It is indispensable. It i lied, ihu whole m t id Drawing aud Painting—taught v::z txssov Any lu*f. pluni or flower, can be translated m p ig.-a of an ulnuiu. with u minut- nud distinct re- ; v c of n.tuio. Win. equal facility. pictures and r<t>iy p.iturn arc t.kcu, nml huvo received the - t i ul ^ium-, from thotali- sex; and, Indeed.* more j resent for a lady c -ul t not bo producul. This o ,. per will ul«o mark Linen, or oiher article*, so as ia'hi |.er»ctiy inJelliolo. .>U tbo wa-hlug iu tho r J full t.* bring ‘it out. Any child can use it with per se, With tlr’e tingic Paper likewise, oxb narorn • i ov. r.v letter written can bo«ocurcd without any ...‘■1 labor w.aiuver, n.m.iug Ii the cheapest an' 1 . n cnientnrtic c extmt. It is used lo gn at ad. .i- by M' -itera of tlio p.ib ic Press, Telegraphlo«p* mi-*altu-till others. Lace luckavecontains Four ml O-lura—Black, Blue. Green and Red—with full ■r uied l.istiuctions, loratL io u*n nud will last • i.tiylohg t'lobiain Fivo Hundreddistluct lmpresi * i' ,t up in beautifully enameled crlored Envelopes jtliful likeness of tun Proprietor attached. ;.j t ,v. rv packiiue warranted, iad'z’n, oi five .or Si Single packages 26 et*. *, po a t paid.X' HUBBi-Ll. 107 Broudway, X’. Y. ufiM'fl oriUFPnm. l'8 daoic IMPiit-BloN I'.vPEii —Wo refer our road- i advertiscmena lu another column, setting forth ol tli! < plea-dug and ing-nbiu* Invention. Tbe ..-bi’-jld in-lit caiito give it a trial —Philadelphia .urpa -ved for neat tie "* and utility, and should i !..«< Knit, it richly dc.ervcr —TilAme. nt:liu p ililiu Im* 'Oiig desired, nud recommends *..fv iuJividn.l of Mst* and refinement.— Joiim «. IV: 1.1666. dim apt Goshen Butter, 100 boxes White, 60 do Colored Cheese. 100 boxes now Scaled Herrings, received per steamer and for sale by feb 22 fiCKAX’TON, JOHNSTON k CO. i-ud, corner of Bull and Gay-streets a line lot of Beef longues, which liu will dispose of as low as possible. feb9 UTTEITaND~CHELSE—20 Urklus"Butter, 20 Cheos ) received and for sale by ftb23 McMAHON k DOYLE. .’LOUR —100 bbls Georgia Flour. 200 oasks do. for *ale by ? oct12 McUAUUS&UUYLE, J UST received, and lor aale by A iionaad, corner of Bay and Uull-streets—A fine lot of -up rlor French Chuco late, fresh Salmon and Lobsters; also. 1 do»en kegs Dutch dsrring. feblf W HITE GOODS.—Cambrics, Jaconets. SwInsc*. Bob! net Laces, Corded Skirts, Counterpane*, Lisle and WILLIAM <L FOOTE. at low prlcea for cash For sale by 9. S. SIBLEY, No. 135 Congress ._ various brand*; Corn Meal, fresh lot put up for lam ily use, a superior article; 26 quintals fiesb Codfish, just received nnu for *nle by np5 McMAHON k DOYLE. rlor Baltimore Flour ; alto, 10 bbls and 20 kegs Leal Lard, just received and foi rale by a pU JOUND^ JESSE. H OSIERY.—Ladies' Cotton. Lille Thread and Silk Hose. Gent*’ Half Uoso, Children*' Hose aud Socks. Lad os’ aud Gent*’ Gaure. lloriuo and LL1I0 TlireadUuderVests, Childrens' ditto. For .“tlio by . AprO DiWITT k MORGAN. MOTATOtfi—200 bbU Potatoes, landit g fiom ship Alma A for sale by * BRIGHAM, hELLY ALU. •ua, and for sale by QkIQHAM. KELLY k CO. yjUNDRlEd.—Irish Llneus, Alp«c«s, Linen Diapers,! i? gether with a variety ol shelf goods, for sale oy lebO WILLIAM O. FOUjE. , kOMESTIO LIQUORS.—60 bbls Rectified Whisky ; 60 XJ do Pur# Phelps’ Gin ; 60 do E Phelps' do ; 4u do Do mestic Brandy; 6udoN E Rum, just received per sefirs tmma and C Loeser, and for sale by l#b2 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. I | A V.—100 bale* prune Northern Hay, landing per bark LA Goodspeed, and for sale by • leb'L BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. a AMS.—500 Ham*—Kulusoov 'Upetlor Hams, landing per sour. T. T. F’ardy. andfoi sale by mtrlQ BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. J^ACUN AND iwUH)— 60 hhds uawShuul era and Sides, BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. IIALTIMORE F'LUUR.—100 Barrels landing Horn schr A) John V. Fsrrsy, and lor sale by tnnifO HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. HAM. KELLY St CO. _ cholco new Bucon Sides, 16 do do Shoulders, 10 tierct ugar-cured Hams, SO bbls aud 60 kegs prime l.oal laird, ,0(i bbls Howard street Flour, landing and for sale by rah IS SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. IME—500 barrels Llm*. for sale by BRIGHAM. KELLY A CO. -20 Hhds. Molasses received, und for **1 [ms 27] Me Mi HON k POYLK. 1J M olahses.- _ by _ in cloth and paper bindings, for sale by dcc21 8 8. SIBLEY. 136Congress-street. iNEW'UOOKS. 1» ECEIVF.D Apiii 7th. by n. S. siUi.rY—Ingluue. or the tv F’irst Daye of olood—by Alexander Dumu*r translated Medical Notes and Reflections by Uenrylb.llanrt, M D. F HS, AI*o, a fresh arrival of Miranda Elliott. F’or sale at ap8 136 Congress-street, ,\KW ll.iOKS lUUCldiVlfiJJ 3,' ■> 8. u BlkT. MAhCU, 20, 1666. in; c:in> .1 tun Lamp, u postliunxm* novel—by Wm :...c.h nutbi,r<>1 Anti« r;lt,*1 P.-t and INe-cnt. by Itbjliaril Cheverlx, Frenou 1,! niulmrn: Iho Study of Word", Le«*onfc oa Pror • 1tc ^ . Hi-tury id the lien Fever, a h 'inurouv record—by r U'ir iliaui in on« v .lunio.tllu»trato<!. 1. y Middleton, nr the history ol a Fortune—by G W M s-ulla another cxciiinz work fromHho iertlle pen of • v;..i dcrful delineat'-rid human passions. tu rggier Mug. or tlie Rovers of the Antilles—by NOTICE. LL those indebted to the un lerstgned, wl . make payment on or before tho loth inst.. or tboii L'ollectlon. Savanuuh, April 6lb, 1855. Uo 1S6 Congress slreet. \Y' * SittldSS OdOOb—AL1* NEW. 1. Rob"'. I r mi: I Tissues nud Bareges, Plain Ua- • i.nd ■ pu.i-li Crapes, Organdies. Jaconots and "iu'i ADies*#-.. 1 InH and Striped bilks,French 1, IJiil.i'i • - i , -ri'al>*».A3..'or»aiehy DkWITTA MORGAN. 1 AND PLiiCit—26 bids I^#l Lard.60 kegs Leaf :lO libs* F'lour, landing and mr sale iij.5 y.KANTuN. JOHNSTON k CO. Ll’i/.t D~ STUCK—For Bafo by J. BRYAN, Broker, 117 Bay-street. I j ’• -l HAL It A CONRAD SCHNEIDER. lw—np7 York. ..$20 Bp at 33Ut i" NOTICE. 11 MJE UNDER8IOXED, on the 2d instknt, formed A partnership, under tho stylo of Henderson k Luf- lin.muf Fni-traniartlnn nf a ranernl Hldn and Ta'loiV hu. aprt—3 O. H. LUFBURROW. L lliAm natiu .i , vuu..—•» .» . v Self Raising Flour, in 0 and 26 lb packages, just ro- red and for sail by apO JuHN D. JESSE. JOHN D. JESSE. H 1I s cclvtU a: H AMS—500‘assard’s superior Ha R M Charlton, and for salo by aprt ‘ AliONK. - A Talo of Southern Life by Marion Harlaml of Richmond, Virginia. Manual or Sacred History, a guli of the Divine plan of 8«lv*ton, by •• ' -ith Jesus, - “• ‘ * isuccn I Fanny (1,1104 nn.n.nGeorgiao by birth and edu* 1 • Duelleruf five years experience, d«- 1 hat capaclt/ la Florida. Certificates ! ■ ti.*bfd gentlemen "VIRGIL," vtl .hcksonvllle. Fla. \.VTaNTI.D—py a respectabio~wom*m a sltuailon as ’ ’ Nurse, with a lamily rolng North preferred ; or 10 ft place to do housework. Ap- ■y*ttti:ifcO:#/ * 5—ap4 _l-'aVi *; i; fijvi'.’s u Uxs Alexander^ Kii Qloves, 1 * '•'lo. i, ju.t received and 'or sale by GRAY BROTHERS. 126 Ilral0n.4t.ugb U •j/j : t ■!• I.:i-’.ici“Taffeta Glovss, Kid finish, nt low \ <.AJ - f.rqa,b.a» GRAY IROTHKR8, I -1 l1 '' 121 nro'ightnn-st. I vE AR- — ,00 it. regar*. vsilous brands, re.tlvrd and ■ ° for talo t,y [nurtf] QMoMAHON St DOYLE J 11 Kerlt. Mornings wdh Jesus, a series of devotioi ia closet and the family, by Rev Wm Jay, Lectures on English LUerature,from Chi son. by Henry Reed. ■ The New Pastoral by Tbos Buchanan Reid. Rankings Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical ,-clenues fromJuly to December, 1864.12 per annum. Tba American Journal of Dental Sciences edited by Dr C A Harris and AS Plggott, new series *5 per annum, marl4 TV. TJI0BNEW1LL1AMS. b" Augusta, a lot of fresh Ooshen Butter. For sale by ml P. H. O’NEILL. Marshall House. DUY GOODS AT W IIOLE8ALIS, 00axtn or aaovanox axe m ri'HK undersigned has In store A lection of Foreign and D01 to the city and country trade, t tho Inspection nf purchasers. OCTAVUS COHEN. /~tEMENT—60 barrels Cement lauding, and for sale by \y upb RUWi AND «S CO. nUTATuES—1T6 barrels Irisl, Potatoes,different quail- X ties, received and for salo by ap5 McMAHON k DOYLE. • \ LE—76 barrels Taylor k Sou’s Cream Ale, received Ijl end for sale by ap5 McMAHON k DOYLE. tJL'OAnS—160 barrel# A, II and C Sugar, recoived and for O sale by np& McMAHuN k DU\ LE. CtOAP—125 boxes N'o 1 pain family Soap, received nnd O for sale by apD 51c iAHuN k 1-OYLE. OTARUlI—loO.boxes Pearl Svarch, received and tor sale O by ap5 JlclfaUuN k LOYLE. /"VLD MGNGNGAHF.LA—60 bbls pure article, received v/ and for sale by ap5 McMAHON 4: DOYLE. ,v EVV SPUING PRINTS—Per Steatmr Knuwllle-En- L v glish. ecotcb and American Prints, solid colors; and F'rench Cambrics. Jaconots, Qinghams. Organdies, Ac., fur sale by feb21 DiWITT k MORGAN. Ii Uil, GIN, WHISKEY AND PEAcU BRANDY.—200 IX barrels of the abovo kinds of Liquors landing, and store. For sale by tnartt BR1GHAMKELLY k CO. v E.v UKLEiN.S WHl.-KY.—1U0 bbl* Dean k Hall’s . ^ brand, landingnnd for sale by ran 7 OCTAVUS COHEN. /-ytT&—100 bag* very heavy Seed Uats, landing from sch Ann Maria, and for sale by marfi BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. j\/| ANILLASKIRIS.—-14 bales containing 20o0Manilla lVx Skirts, a superioraftlc.e. just received and for sale by marl UKlUHAM, KELLY k CO. VI AX SUfAlNE WINE.—A fresh supply 0! this cele- j.VA brated Wine, of new importation, just recei.ed «nd for sale by mar8 F. J. OGDEN. UiODA.—60 boxen supr caibonate Soda, rocefoed and for O sale by iuar8 MCMAHUN k DOYLE. OUO Alls—50 bbis Crushed Sugar, 60-do Pulverised do. IO 100 do Yellow do, received and for sale by mar23 McMAHON k DOYLE, |?IA)UR.—Choice Baltimore Flour, iu atore. and for »aW r by mar 27 ROWLAND A CO. fJOTATOrSAND APPt.Efc—Just received ono hundr. L barrels Potatoes and 10 barrels Apples, and for a . la by DAVID O’CONNER, febl6 Comer Broughton and Dray ton-st •. PLANTING POTATOF3#.—2t0 bbls Plnntlng Potatoes L landing and for sale by fobl BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. POTATOES—160 bbls Potatoes landing this dav per ship X Oneco. nnd for sale by fob21 F. J. OGDEN. P0TAT0F>'—DIO iibl« Planting Potatoes received and for X sale by fob23 McMAliON & DOYl.l- Pi'l HAMS.-*Oust received, Ihe casks very final’ i Hums, and for salo by febl A. BON'AUD. jJUM, GIN AND BRANDY—60 bbls dum, 60 do Gin, 60 JX do lirnndy, just received and tor sale by feb'27 MollAUON k DOYLE. BACON. OlDF-8 AND SHOULDERS—13 hhds Sides nnd 17 lihdi Shoulders. In storo and for salo by febl7 OCTAVUS COHEN. /S H AMl’AON'l'. CIDER—76 boxes fine Champagne Cider in * ■. ir • 111; 1: 1 .lie by lnarQ O 1 a Vi'S COHEN. /11IAMPAC.NF— 35 baskets• London Club" Champnge V> In storo and for sale bv marl" OCTAVUS COHEN. /"lOFFEF!—100 sacs* Itlo Coffee,75 boxes Ground do, 100 O pocket* Government Java do. toceived and for snlo by McMAHuN & DOYLE. /~1F.MENT—6» barrels Cement, for salo by U marffi ROWLAND k CO. VT EVV DRESS HUGHS — Rich Paris Barege Robes, Printed i v (ha lies.Barege DeLaines. Rich Striped ChoneSilks, Printed Cambrics, .inconets ana Organdies. ju*t received and by tetwv DiWITT k MORGAN. T\OMESTIC L'UIIORS—76 bbls N h Rum. 50 do Domestic U Branor, 6U itn (Ilo, 100 do Whisky, recel.e l an 1 for ale bv •>"<• MoMAiioN k DOYLE. gentleiueui ahd juoys wear. r?ANCY J.inen Drill*, nrow i ftavy Duck and Drills, r Black Drab d’Ete, F’ancy Cassimerea.Nsnkiuett*,Cot- l tonades. Striped Satteens, Brown and Slate Liuens. Farm er’* Drills, VVliito aud i olored Marseilles Vestings, ko , fat sale by inar23 DxWITT A MO «»AN. fpsr received and for sale by A. BON AUD—6 J boxes nl tl Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapp*. 10 boxes nf assorted Jel lie.*; also, iv flue lot of English and F'lonch Mustard. 1 - febl 7 : MACON.—26 casks new Bacon Sides. 10 do. do. Shoulder? JJ for sale by [mlri41 WEBSTER k PALMER. I 1 AY.—100 Bales Prlu 0 Northern Hay for sale, to arrive II per bark Fligb f - by inarlO BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO ORUEU3 BOLlL'lTkD. HPHK undersigned will leave fur /few York in a few X days to bo absent a short time, and will be happy to RECEIVE ORDERS fur garments to be made, or anr articles in his line to be executed in New York, and will guarantee fu 1 satUfuc- 1 Ron. WM. 0. PRICE, Draper aud Tsllor. 1 msr2 147 Bay street. SPRING TRADE, 1H56. CORNER BRUL’GUTON k JSFFERSuN-BTREElS. npHIS attention of Merchants la Invited to an examine- X tlou of un* of the larged and belt astorted stock ot Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods ever brought to this mar ket. which will bo sold oa accommiLiatJog form*, by ,nar2 WILLIAM 0. FOOTE DOMESTIC GOODS. r\ RAY BROTHERB bare thi* day received. \J 4 casuavery One Hheetiug: 2 do Fancy Print* 20 pc* Farmers brown Drill; 20 do do slate Drill Linen Checks for costs, white Linen Drill Brown Lln*n Drill, fine i 10.4, IM. and Bhoellng. 4-4 browo Dam»*k 40 dn* Huckaback Towel*.20 dn Itneli Dowlle* 41 do* L’oen Napkins, 30 pel Eo-.tch Diaper IS (M Well U.tmIII.,quill.. Fm«* . c ” u “ uImSiwSu NEW BONKKTS I NEW UUNNKTS1 tOR THE MILLION. MRS. DOYLE return* her sincere and grateful acknowledgments to the ladies of Favannah, aud __ particularly to her customers from the country iun,ug out Georgia, Alabama and Florila, for the very liberal and extensive patronage extended toberiorthe 1a*t four'ears she has been in business In this city.and more particularly the desire manifested elnce she com menced to sell at her greatly reduced prices; in other words, at New York prices. She begs leavo to announce that she has just opened the most extensive, choice, and varied stock or Bonnets. F'lats, and Boys’ Hat-.also. Mens’ Hats.trimmed and uutrimraed. over exhibited by her in tbt* c ty, and at prices that will distance all ( there by 6u per cent. Regardless as well of those who sell on long credit, and consequently charge such tremendou* profit*, as well as her own benefit, preferring to make up the dif- feience by selling cheap and -piling 1-rgeqiiantlties. there, by avoiding a large overstock at the end of each season; therefore she partlcu.arly Invites allthosc visiting the city. In want 01 such goods n* she keeps, to an inspection of her stock, wh ch will bo found to embrace the choicest sen sonable goods in MILU FRY, BONNETS. TRIMMING, of every description. HOS1FRY and KaNCY AHTKLK8. Ladles’ F'ront and Back Hair Braids. Wig* and Curl*, and Hupplied to order at manufacturer*’ prices, and the exact measure taken for ladies’ and gentlemens’ Wigs, every sbdde.from the best manufacturer In tbe country. Piukiug Braid Stumping, Straw Bonnet* and Hats. Bleached. Pressed, or Trimmed. In a superior manner and iu the latest at vie. Every descilptiouof Fancy Silk, Satin and Crapo Bonnets, made to order Straw Bonnet* Trim. mod, and all kinds of Trimmings furnished at short no tice. Mrs. Doyle, assisted by competent and experienced young ladies front tbe North, will attend to tbo Bonnet Making nnd Fancy Department and will end.HTor with skill and taste to please nil who will ftvor her with their custom. An early call Is requested in order to get a good eelcc- tlou wholesale aud letal). Whitaker st. neur Congress, oppnsllo to mar 22 Henry Lathrop St Co. FOR l?AIiIA OH RENT. I OFFER for s.»le or rant my • ot and Dwelling House. piea-amly situated in the Vidas*m Wliiie*ville.<in the Central Railroad, thirty mile* from Savannah. F'or health and convenience the location cannot be surpassed. The House 1* two-story.and contaiua six room*. It front* 00 the Railroad, and is 0 ly a short dls ance from the sta tion. AU nececa ry out buildings aro on the Ixit. such a Kitchen, Negro i-ouse, Stable*.Carriage .'hvd. Ac^Tberc' Is also a fine Vegetable Garuen.’mostly undor cul (ration. Persona desirous ot a healthy and convenient country residence will call early upon the sub*criber. HUGH E. CASSIDY. Wbltesvllle, March 24.1865. lm—mar'^9 Cabin Passage Steerage Passage PAUKLFOIlD. F’AY k CO., Agents in Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL. 18 Broadway,New York Savannah, Xor. 17, 1864. marl 3 WtiUUlDA PACKET. fir Daritu, Urunawick. and St. Marys, Ga.,and Jackson ville, Pico lata, Palatka,and lilack Creek, Fla. ^ . ■ylf*’** ifc. The uew and splendid fast running steam- SEMINOLE. Captain W. R. PiwtKU. will eoiumeuce her trips as above on Tuesday, the 20lh Inst., at 10 o’clock. A. M., nnd every Tuosday regularly hereafter. Returning she will arrive at Savannah on Saturday morn ing, in ample time for passengers going north, to connect with the X f ew York and Savannah steamships. The Seminole Is atted up in magnlficentstyle. with latj, and airy state-rooms, and for speed, safety, and comfort is not excelled by any steamer In the South. Taking tbe Inland route she offer* superior inducements for Invalids and others 3. M. LAFFITEAU. Agent febl7 SUtiAlt, iUOl.ASSKS. &C. j llhds choice St. Croix Sugar ; wlJ 10 bbds ch.dce New UrleansSugsr; 16 bbds lair New Orleans Sugar; 30 bbls choice XVw Urlenus Syrup; 30 bbl* c olce Molasses; 20 quarter ca*ks Brandy, 4th proof, 16 eighth cask> Brandy; 16 bbls Bomostio Brandy, landing and for salo Mir» SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & CO. Lot No. Hand improvemsnta.60by 100 feet, fronting cn Taylor-street. Tbo improventtnta are 8 two-story bilck tensmint*, oa high bat*meats; ail In good condition and under good rent, Uluogii.g to the estate if Wm Quan- lock, Jr, deceased, and sola by term lesion of the court of ordinary aud by order ol the vxeruirlx.for benefit of tha heirs aud creditors ol said estate. Terms cash. m*r24 FOR PALATKA, K. F., VIA Deerien, Urunncick, St. Marys, Jacksonville? tleOury, black Creek, and Pichlala.—Tlio new elegant smampacket ST. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, will leavo for tlie above place* on Thursday morning. 23d instant, at 10 o’clock, nud enutinua to leave every Thursday there after. This boat having largo and airy state room*, and taking the Inland route, offer* superior inducement* to travelers and others. F'or freight or passage, apply on hoard at th* Florida Pteampacket Wharf near the Gas Works, or to nov22 CIAGHURN k CUNNINGHAM. FOR CllAlibKSlOS—TO LEAVE SEMI- WEEKLY. After tlio 14th instant the steamer CAL- HOUN will leave on every Wednesday and murclny evening nt 7 P, M. jan)4 si. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent, fLoUIUA-I he ‘steamer WELAKA, Tapluin King, will loare a* above overy M. UFFITthM, Agent. sT. A I GUSf 1 SiE—Tne sleauiet ST. ).IOHN.', Cupt James Frcouirn, will go to rst. Auau*iine on nor trip or>d>y. lOih AprD. apl2 GLAtiHuRN k CUNNINGHAM, Agents. FOKTeW Y oUK—VIA NORFOLK, VA. The large and cnmniodinusdniiblu < o- Engine icltlo Wheel Steamships ami'Ktown nnd Ronuoko.lenvo* Norfolk, Va., for New York direct, overy We.lnesdHy morning and Saturday evening arriving there next day Passage and fare, state-rooms la eluded $8 : steerHge pass-ige $4. Those ships tuo one thou sand tons burden each, and aro fitted and found In every respect, according toact of Congress, and are Inevery way as comfortable aud sconce as any steamships oo the coast. Passenger* taking tho Ibiilmsd to Augusta connect with tho tVilininginii and Manchester Railroad nt UraucbvilU and proceed directly on to Norfolk, from wlienco the run to New York. Is made In about 24 hours. J M. .SMITH A BROTHER.Agents, ve2U Smith's Wharf. N'oriolk. .e*vo Macon 8.45 p. m Leave Augusta 7 a. m. f «ave Augusta 0 D m. Arm* in Macon 2.10 a. m. The Train whloh loaves Bavanuan tor Macon at 8 a. m •unnects with tn« liacou and \\**(*rn. and Western aua -I'.Uuilo Rail lioaa*. carrying pssaengera fur all points on, laeso Roads, for Rome, f Georgia,) iur Nashville and Knox ville. (fenn.,) aufi lor North Alaiuroa. The frrins which leavu mvannso tor Macon at 4.05 p. V. connect* with tbebouth-western.Muscogee and Mont- , gomrey Rail Rosas, carrying p****ogers Tor all points on I rm . ^,,^7 nlu „ these roads, and for Americus. Aioany. Columbus, for Tal- mnr „, (Fla j for iioutgnmerv. Mobile, and New Ur- T B r .1 ,, c „ rt 1 r { ' ,ui ^ha serviceaaaGeneral Agsnt ; eftns 1 A for rentlug houssa and iota, and will also attend to The Train which leaves favannau lor Augusta at 8. a. ; ^„ c .'i U ® c , l , i ° a ,? f , re “ t ' "“f oraU klnds. H* prouUt* m. connects with the , vening Trains of the Georgia Rail i » tUaUou t0 » D T ent FV* ud , lo T b te*- Roads, and ihe South Carolina KaUHosd. f ALF< DLOL3, Tho Train which leaves eavannan toi Augusta at 0 30 p m. . .. r-u- t? connects with tbe mornlug Train* of tbe Georgia Rail Roads , Minis 4; Johnston. OctaTUS Cohen, Ksq., and tho South Carolina Rail Roau. q m <>«0. M. Waldburg, Either of the Trains leaving earannah at 8 a. maand at „„„ t? |‘ 4. 05 p. ra will carry passengers Tur SllUedgevIllo and Ea- Uoa. W. u.atllsa, Dr. R. u. Arnold. tonton, the 4 05 p. m. Train being tbe most closely con- om—msri nected. WATER CURE I WATER CURE II Passengers at Augusta uestinea tor Oglethorpe, Amen. rrtHE undvrs gntd luvite tbe attention o Invalids to th* cub. Albany, Tallenaeiee, Uolumnui, Montgomery, 51oblle I A LAWRENCE WATER CUBE, BKATTLkBuBO', VT., andNewUrleBn*.miiHttHt*u**oB m. Train to avoid de-| acknowledged as on* of the most favorable loea itles for tention. i this purpose in the United Rtatee. They are confident that The morning Train from Mscoa will carry passenger* for I their expvrienco of u.any years lu conducting such an as- Milledgerille and FAtonton Passenger# from Milledge- I tablUi.tuent. together with *ome rucent ImprovemvDts vllle aud Eaton ton will tako the up day Train ut Gorden. ; made in both tbo bathing as weil aa lodging d«|«riaents, Passengers fur the New York and Philadelphia Steam will eaih-fy the expectation and wants ot all that favor Ships, should arrivo In Savannah by the Train. I them with their confidence. Tho medical department, In They are particularly requested to consult the Steam Ship I pauicular. will be kept In equal step with tho progress of advertisements for the days of departure. scientific Hydropathy. Through tickets are sold between Savannah and all the ’ U. W. uRAW, U. D., above nainnd places, also between Montgomery and Au E. J. LOEtVEXTHAL.! gusta. W, KL1NGE. Wm. W. WADLEY* Gen Sup’t Savannah. March 12, ltob. MarlS-tf * L. M I)., J-1 Propyletom 3m—marlfi SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. S&TEREBTlaU BECftlbN. W ’E think we are serving the public in calling atten tion to the decision ot tha Com t ol Common Pleas, in Baltimore. The cahO was old of more than usual im- or,..... portaace, especially to all who use platform scales, as the , . r CHANGE OF RCHbUULE. decislou of ih« Court established tbo lact, that in *11 mat- /\X aud after Tuesday. February 20th. pas.enger train- tersot dispute, a* to weight, tho scale* msnuf_ctured by will leavo Macon daily for Culumbus at 3 o'clock, A. Messrs. Fuiruunk* k Co., of Vermont, are tho stanuard. M. and for Americas at 7. A. M., arriving at Columbus 8,‘i ; The suit a-o.e from a discrepancy ul weight between one o’clock. A. M.. and at Americus 11 *5, A. M. Lea,*.* Amor, of Falrbauk’s scale* In use by tbe Baltimore and UbioRaU ions daily, at • o clock. A M., and Uolumbiia at 2y<. P. M , j r0 id Company and ouo of another manufacturer. The arriving at Macon from Americus at 11 >*, A. M.. and from | caea occupied tbo Court for two days Judie Marshall, in Lolumbus at 7*4.1. M Connecting at Macon, "each way,'’: delivering bisdecisiun. st.tedas the re-uil of the evidence, with Loutral hitllroad trains tosavannub, AugnMa. Mil- that the accuracy or Fairbanks’ scales was e„tn-.ll.hed oe- ledgevll e. and Fjitonton, and with Macon and Westom | ynni Rllqucslii.ii.-J'«u»lj/Ira».ian,Jan.2. Railroad trains to t.rifiin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga 1 PUILBKICK A DELL, Agents. Knoxville.and Nashville. ftp ;j Favanuah. Ga Connecting dally at Columbus with Opelika Railroad to | — '■"* “■ ■’ Railroad to **" " 1 Moutgumery“, Ala’.and Girard Railroad to Silver Spring ! .. MAiUNKltB. Terminus 1 8 I T^HE LIulli\kaj|fcLlias thi* day been returned to her Ckiuucctlug at Americus with Mall Stage LyiC to Talk. ’ A 8lttUo “ 00 M » rt,n ’" IndualiT. and moored under tho has*ee. Albany,Thomasvillo. &c. 1 supermiendenco of capt. Uo*te, ut the K«v»uuo Luttcr Tickets can bo procured at Americus to August*, und at 1 J,Cfc " on ' \ Uu ‘ lttS f«ru.«h«d ma with the following ap- Macon to Wilmington, N.C.. via Augusta. prorlm?.’» bearings and distances of the moat prommsni First Class Steamship* leave Savannah for New York on i t° lutl ® ud ll *“ d l “ nds - _ _ JuHN BusTuX, Wednesdays and Satutday*. *ud for Philadelphia on Wed-: „ , Col ter of Cust ma and Sup’t of Light- nesdays. Pa-sage. In the Cabin. $20; Atoerage.$8. Savannah. March 16,1855. Fare .rom *gggmj to Savannah MS 60 . V r. g^V.CUtlER JACKSON, \ U ! SavaXNAU, MuiCb 16,1866. J Sir I have thu honor u iuluim you that the Light Vessel has beou moored lu 7 fathom*’ water, with tbe tol- V, V. POOLE, .Vo. 11 Whitaker ttre t. 2 boors from Bryan, vru iixsAit hxwi DEAivn is UJASIIEd, Bl.nds. aud Doors. Paints. Oi.ft. A’srnishes, Window ula«a. Putty, kc. Painters. *1r*mere, and Artists Brushes White-wash Heada nud Duster* Dry aud nixed Pa:nt*. of every decriptii-n. Ariiit* Colors, In Tubes, Prepared i‘nnva«s, fto Paper Haneiogs, Borders, and Kire-Buaru Pattern; Rooms prepared with n-ataessand despatch. Hnuse, Sign, aud Ship Painting. Gulldmg,oraiuing.andUiaiiDsdonn in the bnsl style, and at mofiera'e prices. All orders from the country promptly attended to, roar27—y NEW SPRING GOODS. T HE subscriber luv ng just returned ironr the North (eels cnnfl 'ent be cau offer to the puhllo of Savann*b, a slock iff FANCY ANUSTAPLE DRY GOODS, unrivaled for beauty and quality by onv other In the city. With regard to li s choice stock of EMllRUluERItR; naught need be sayed. fur th* patronage -that he has re ceived from tbe Ladles of davaonuh. during tho ehort time they have been open, i*a sufficient guaiante* fjr their beauty, cheapness, and desirable styles. Those wishing to test this fact, will please call and ex.mine his well se lected stock of Lace Collar#, Sleeves and Bauds [isotts Swiss and Cambric Collars.Sleeves, Bands nnd Cbira - Striped und Dotted Muslin Crape debar!*, figured Tlasuo ami Bersge Colured Jaconet,Lawn# and Muslins A great variety of Fcutcb Ginghams All colors, sites undquilitv of Parasols Chiua. Ivors. Linen aud Paper Funs Port Monies In great variety; Perfumery qf alt kinfia: JIIo. aiery the very best; /jidle* nml MIhsps fancy colored nml wliltoLn<olios.-of all sizes. All tho above articles, and many others, which would take too much time to remunerate, will be sold cn the the meat satisfactory terms hy JAS. O'HARA, No. 123Congross «t., opposite ths Pulaski House, mb 12 NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL PlUKEl’S WILLIAMS' & GUION’S OI.D BLACK. STAR LINE. OI'FICS .NO. 4il, KULTO..-S1., .NEW VOttK. yfrfj The increased patronage received by Iho JBEjProprietora of the - OLD BLACK STAHggfc Lilbs indu'Cd them to add to the Lino sov^ral new ship*, which will take ilu-ir place* early this peasun ; uo expanse has bean -pared to lender tho facilities for Emi- pis lion iqual to the timet, and add to tin rcuuwn of these celt-bratuu packets The regular sailing day* are—1st, Oih. 11th. loth, 21-t and 23th ot each mouth; giving Eral- graut* opportunHlas for embaiklng morofrequently tba.i by auy other estabb-had Line. Hnd to which tho nttoutiun (^jhe public is lespectlully called. Wlio Passage Certificate directs the Emigrants to come forward whenever ready, without subjecting them to tho d*lny nud unc*ut*luty of w» ting advice from Liverpool; in fact allowing thorn to select their own time (or embark- log. winch emuot fail to give uuiversal satisfaction* And In udditon to these unusual advant*gas,Mr. Guiou, of Ill's firm, is now In Liverpool, who will see that l’as- s<mger* ar« promptly forwarded, and protected from im- position. The ships aro the most m.'gnificeut that have yet been built. They .ro commanded ■ y nble and experienced Cap. talas, tuiuud for thalr nautical -kill nud kiad treatm> nt to emigrants; and their accommodations lor Cabin, Second Cabin nud St-erage Passenger?, sro vastly superior to those of am other Roe. The ship’s allowance of provisions comprise? flour, oat meal. bread, potatoes, peas or beam, rice nod vinegar, which is dealt out to tho passengors daily lu a cooked state, at tho rate of 10)$ lb*, per week for each adult, and half allowance for children i.ndvr twelve years; and in ad' ditioa to tho above, a further allowance uccording to a late act of the British Parliament, of two oz tea. half lb. sugar, and half lb. molasses, to each adult, weekly, with Americus Macon. Fob. 16th. 1866. 8 65 GEO. W. ADAMB, Sup’t. marl VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, Winter Arranaement—Cun Striking fiom Broad sired Heuvy Rail all tUc Way to Gortloiiavllle, W HEN tho Potomac is closed with ice thi* route may bo relied on oy passenger*, to eusure tho connec tion going north or south. The road is entirely r*Nld with a superior T rail as fur as CoidinHville. During iho winter the train will start from tho old etatlou, «n Rich mond, ou Broad-street, at 7,Si A. M. pass GurdouHvillc ut 11 A. SI., and arrive iu Stauutuu at 3.2o P. M. Down train leaves Staunton at 0 40 A. M , passes Gordonsvillo at 11 A. M.. and arrive* In Richmond at 2.E0 P. M. F'areto Gordonsvillo *2 *>u “ “ 6 60 Rot., trains arrive at Gordonsvillo in ample timu to tak( tho’.raia of the Urango and Alexandria Railroad. Per sons rv-.jleave Richmond at 7X A M . can take thoOr- unge u Alexandria cira ut Gordonsvill* If they chouse to dr - , and by that*train will roach Alexandria by 8.401* V.. but this Company canticaet them only ti Gordons. wills'. deel7—tt H. D. WHirCOMU. Supt. unTtedotateft iuaiu From Rlacoa, Ga,.lo Tallahaeece, Fla. Railroad to Ojlcthcrp—Stayes to Bitlahastee g siiJ.rg; sumuiencedon tuetfth mat., running throe rimes a w«h| via. Newton, Balnbridge, and Quinry, and three Hines woek via.Thomasville.DuncansvilIe, Ac. Passengers by this route will leavo Macon at half past 0 o’olock, A. il., by Railroad for Oglethorpe. The fitagel leavingOglethorgeeither way at 11 o'clock, arriving at Tal lahajseo, at 10 o’clock on the evening of the next day-time by either route 35 hour* Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by Newton, Balnbrlda# aud Quincy, ;o Tallahassee returning,'loaves Tnllshss«ee6» Uundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at lo, P. M. OuTuoRdayB,Thursdays,and Saturdays, by the way Thomasvillo—roturuinu same routeonMoniiay?.W»dr,e.,dav and Fridays, at 10, P. M. 7 Through from Oglethorpe loTallahas.v'i: by -ither roull In 35 hours—from Macon In 88— and from Savannah In 61 hours By this route Passenger leaving Savannah Oy 8 o’clock lowing approximate bearings by compu-s. viz: Tjbt# Light,.8. tv. by W. ;V \V..dl»taut 15 miles. Hlllon Head, N. tV. by N„ distan, 8,S mile*. Buy |-uiut.‘(widen Is tbo B.W.eud of Jenkins Uluud and 1* tbe bsstern point of port Royal en ranee.) N. N. tV., distant lOuiile*. Bavan- n.«b Outer Bar bearing S. W.. iutaui 13 miles. She is moored with u -iugle Mushrooue with 9o lathom* ot Chain, her hull m 16 ieei long, irum stem to s ern. the the tup other rail isb>i leelauov the water, is piloted red.has two masts and uue Lantuoru, showrag one bright light 30 uet above the, level uf the aea, aud maybe seen tiom tbu deck of an ordinal y aitei vessel, iu clear weathvr, 8K miles. The Approximate Latllludo, 32 s 07'N. Tbe Approximate Longitude. 80*26' W. I am sir, with gie&t respect, Your moat ob’tav’t. •N.L. CU3TE, Capt. Revenuo Cutter Service* threo quarts water dally. In all ca?es where any of the • Train of Cars, will arnvo at Tallahasaeo in 50 hours’. It lj poisons paid for. decline coming out. the full pa-sage . also decidedly the best, cheapest aud mo?t«xro'lit!on?rout« money is returned wlthoui any deduction. No Certificate I f-. r travellers to Apalachicola and West Florida of Passage will be is-ued for children under tw. lve year?, — ** * — — - • •• unless accompanied by u Passenger over that age, who must bo p*id fur on tho n»me Certificate. IIOSIF.RY, GLOVES, «S(C. L ADIES’ while and black silk Hose ; Lad|e*' white, black, mixed aud alato colored 11 -no; Ladies’ brown and white Lisle Thread Hose, ilisnes* white, brown, mixed and slat * coloied Hose; Gents’ superior brown, mixed and wbitn Eng do; do do white and brown M*lo thread uo| iadio*' colored,black and white silk Gloves; do do Lisle thread Gloves; Gents’ do black ahd white Milk do; do do linen and Linie thread do; Children's colored nnd black ailk do; Ladies' and Genis’ Kid Glove*, good make; Ladieffand Mi-se-’ gnuzn merino Vests; Gents’ gauzo. merino and cotton Shirts—just receiv ed by mart HENRY LATHRUP k 20. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, A NOVEL, by Slt-s Austen. Tho Banking House, n tale Irom Blackwood,br Fsm- uel Phillips. Cosas de E^pana, or Going to Madrid via Barcoloua. Sa tire, and Satirists. by James Hanny. Putnam’* Monthly fur March. London Quarterly Review for January. Edinburgh Review for January. Blackwood's Msgnzh.o for February Eillmun’s Journal for March. Bayard THylor’a loinds of the Saracen. Baldwin’s Party Lenders. Fresh supplies of Wykoff’s Courtship, Nolle'* Fifty Years In Both Hemispheres, and Fashion und Famine. mar8 W. TtiORNE WILLIAMS. HARPklt'S MAG A ZINK FOJt MARCn. J UST Received—Auloblngrsphy of Dr. Charles Caldwell. Thomas llund'.Complete Poetical \Vork\ with Bio* graphical Sketches—1 Vol. Inez : A Tale id the Alnmo. Brushwriod Picked upon the Continent. The Blblo Prayer Book fur Family Worship, aud lor other Private and Public occus’ons ; by W. W. Everts. A Letter or Inquiry to Minister* of tbo Gospel of all De nominations on slavery ; b.v a.Northern "rr-byter. History of Mason and Dixon's Line ; hy .Mm II H (.st roke. Wbat Not; by Mrs. Mary A. Denison. South Side View nf Slavery ;Or, Threo Mouths at the South in 1851; by Nehemlah Adams. 1) D Part 10 Harper’s Gazette of the World : (thi* to com plete tbework. marl W THORNE WILLIAMS SPRING AND SUMMKR CLOTHING. T HE Sub-crlbt-r is receiving and nuw opuuiug a choice and well seleot-d stock ot * SPRING AND SUMMER GLOTHING. consisting of fune> CaS'liu-reand Drill Pant , Drab d'Eto, Alpaca and Italian doth Coal*. Brown aud White Linen Costs. Fancy and White Marseilles Veits, also a full as sortment of FURNISHING GOODS, to which he would Invite the attention of buyers, both a home and abroad. mar24 \(H.O. PRICE’S. 147 Bay-street. G Ri'UND COFFEE Sl’ICEd AND TEAS, Kc—Just re ceived. 60 boxes Ground Coffeo. assorted quantities, 10 boxes Chocnlste. 60 boxes Mustard Cinnamon and Ginger, 10 oosia Table Be't. 3 tegs Pearl Bariev, 40 dozen Yeast Powders, 10 boxes ground Pepper. 20 half chests Green Teas In packs and loose. 30 do dn Black Teas, loose and In packs k and X ponds,28barre’s Stuarts C. Sojjar, and 10 do crusueddugar, &o., and for sale by DAVID O’CONNER fsblft Corner.Broughton tad Draytonnj Remittances to Flngland.licluud and S otland : Drafts uayablu on demand f *r any amount, drawn direct on the following Banka and Bank-re : Royal Hank of Ireland, Na tional Buuk of Ireland Ul-ter Banking Comi any and Urnncbes, N'ationul Bunk ofbcotlnnd. Messrs.Glynn, Milts k C* , Hunker*. London. Uuiou & Co.. Liverpool. Persona residing lo the country that desire io send mon ey to their friends in tbeOld Country. om^vi»hlng to save time and expeuse. cau have it uone in a satbfactory and correct manner, by enclosing by Post, to the subscribers, the sum they wish to send, with tbo mane and ad r*es of the party who is to receive it when a Draft on tho nearest Branch to their residence will be forwarded by fir-t steam er with as much punctuality as If the person Bonding it wn* present, and a receipt returned by next mall. Apply to WILLIAMS k GUION, 40 Fulton-street.New York. or toOUIoN k CD., 115 Waterloo Road. Liverpool. raarl7 JOHN DEV AN NY, Agent. Savannah. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe *1,76 ; from Oglethon o Tallahassee, $10,00. L.C. Sh.iw, Agent at Oglethorpe, A. A. Fishxr, " >• Tallahassee. augBO F, K. WRIGHT.Proprietor m VICTORIA HOT1CL, BERNARD KUDIHN, PROPRitloB Charleston. S. C. ciorn and after the loth last., rates of board will be re duced at the Victoria rlotol to SI 6>> per day. for transient borders. Pas-eogera conveys i to the steamers, or to any part of the city. lyr—!eb7 DR. WM. U. MUSH*LACY'S 1NF1HMAI. TAUR tho Treatment ol all UUrunio Disease*, is no pen J? lor the receptiun of patients. Rooms *pacio_- and well ventilated, and every thing necessary to ron-i r hi* patient* comfortable. Board 51 per diem.or *16 per month. ilia unprecedented success tor the past leu years In tbe treatment ol allohronic diseases, sucu as dropsy, dyspep- riu, asthma, bronchitis, fits, piles, liver diseue. rheuma tism, syphilis, cancers, wens, prolapsus, *nd the various diseases incident to females, should nut be overlooked by the public in deciding upon his merits. All communica tion* must be post paid ami addressed io WM. R. MOSELEY, M. D., au82C—diwl v Uritfin. Georgia, ABl FOR HALE.—A Tract or LAND, containing 252jf TTracres.ana improvements, near WaKnourvllie, LiOtr.y County, od toesavauuaa aud Albany Railroad, the laud Is ot good quality, pine aud bay land, 60 acres ot which are iu cultivation, aud tne remainder well timbered, offering strong inducements to persons interested in procuring tur pentine. Tne improvements consist uf a two-story inmi dwelling,togatner with negro houses,stables, and all other neoessarv uuiouildluga. Tne location cannot be lurpwvtd fer neaitniumess orsaiuorityol climate, with good wuer, and a ronve mr catue wmeu cannot be excelled. The above property ocu oe ouught tor one thousand dollars cash, or it w,il be exouangeu tor negroes or real estate In tbe cliy of Havannau. a. a uir valuation, if early application be made to Mr Wm Wright,Bavaanan,or tome suoscriber,at Walthourvme, Liberty oounty. apl 20—new ___ H. W. BACON. PAIiAHOLSl PARASULS11 TJfE^RY LAiHRGF UO. have reoeived per steamer XI Augusta one case Farasols, comp. ising tne latest and richest stylet, as luiloyr* t ttlcu colored brocade silk Para sols ; rich white dodo do ; rich platd silk do ; rich plain colored do do; plain and watered black do. mar'J D ~UF'FlELD’d HAMS.—12 tierces landing and for sale by mart Owl.ivid CuUaN. A GHNTLUMAN, 111. 8., O F iheUalversiti.*ol^'Glasgowand Edinburgh.aud who has taught lu tlio be t school* of Great Britain, has bis afternoons to dlapo*)i ol iu teaching Lit n, Greek. Ge- jnmiy. Arithmetic. Logic. English and Fronch Composi- ion. Elocution, kc. Auy family uf suns or daughters ro. dding within a lew mile* of Uluffion may find this a good opportunity. AOtlrvs* X Y 7.. 1’ost Oifico, Bluffton. O GMESTIC""]LIQUORS—50* bl»ls _ N K BuiuT 00 doBraudy 5't doGin, 76 do Whisky, received nnd for sale by raar23 McMAHON k DOYI.K. RHODES'S Fever nml Ague Cure. OR NATURE’S INFALLIBLE SPECIFIC. F UH tho l’reventi«n and Cure iff Intermittent nnu Lemit tout Fevers, Fever and Ague. Chills and F'evor, Dumb Aguo. General Debility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease wh ch Imre n common origin in Malaria nr lli- a-nia. lids subtle atmospheiio poUun which at certain season* i* unavoidably inhaled at every breath, Is the same ill character wherever it exist*.—North, Foulli. Eaat or West.—and will every where yield to this newly dixcov- ered antidote, wh ch is claimed lo bo t)iegreatest discovery io medicine ever made. Tbi* s; ec lie is so harinless that it may be tnkeu by per sons (d every age. sex or condition, nnd it wLl trot > ub ti- tutu for one d sun so other* still worte, ns is too mien tin* ro*ult in tho treatment by Q dnino. SlercuryfArsuiiic. nnd oiher poi*oonu*orilelftoriousdrims notn particle of any of which isndmitted Into this preparation. The proprietor distinctly claims these extraordinary re- suit? from the use of this NATURAL ANTlD TE TO MA LARIA. it wul entirely protect auy resident or traveller eveu in the most ►leklv or swamp local.Hu*, from snv Ague, or Bilious diKca*o whatever, or nay injury from constantly iniialin,’ M.i In i I t or Miasnin. It wtil iiisiantly cheek tho Ague In per.rou« whi have suffered fm an. length ot time. Irom one day to twooty years, so they need never have AN0inE*C!llLl, by con- lihuing its use accoruitig to direcllor s. It will Immediately relieve nil Ulntieasing resulta of Bil- lou* or Ague di ea«es. such ns general debility, night sweats, kc. Tho patient at once beglusto rccovt'" appe tite and strength,nnd continues until a permanent and radical enro lr effected.* use will uaMsh F'evernod Ague from lamilies sud all classes. Farmers and all laboriiig mrn b- adopt mg it as a prevun’lve will be free Irum Ague or Bui .us at- tacks in Gut ?uHto»oi the year which, while it istbe mo.t sickly. Is the mo t Vilualde one to them line <t two buttles will answer for ordinary cases, tome may require more. Ulieultuua printed lu German, French compa y each bottle. 1’ricoGne Dollar. Liberal discounts mado to the irads. Trade circulars forvrardvd on application, arol the arti cle will be cnnil.ned ou llbeial terms to responsible parties in every section of the country. JAS. A. RHODES, Proprietor, Providence, d. I. AGENTS.—New Yoik-C. V. Cllckener A Co.,and C. H- Rina; Boeton—Weeks A i otter ; Phllvdelphia—T, \V. Dy- ott&done. And fnr sale by dealers generally. * - Omttw—nrari6 1UCOLATA HOUSE, D1COLATA, fc'juA.' t The subscriber would respectfully inform the traveling community that he has leased the above named house, and is now ready to accommodate rs.and hopes, by giving his personal attention, to give satisfaction. liu will have horses and carnages at all times to aocom modate his guests GEO. M. GALP1N declB Propriutor, COZZKNS’ WHIST POINT HU'l’EL Id now open ; tne house and grounds have h«*et |Mgreatly improvod, cn additional Cottage erected, (with ■ffffsix chambers and t parlor,) which has been hnndsntnf. ly furnished and wlllberentod by tbe season. West Point, N. Y.. May 26.1864 jo3—mwsf WM. B.,COZZEN8. MONTGOMKRY'H ilUTEb AN.s DINING - ROOMs—(ON THU EUROPEAN PLAN.) AM. 16 and 17 Beckman. tu>o doors east of Nassau-sired, a. near tl t City Hall Park. MjiJ Thu auliscribur, thankful for past favors, would in- ■fiffform his patrons and thu traveling public, that be is now prepared to lurnUh first class Lodging Rooms, with conveniences equal to any Hotel in tlio city. Transient or permanent lodgers accommodated by tho day, wt-ok or month, with nr wlthont board. * inarO It. O. MONTGOMERY. New York. TO KENT. e AiTaco nullable fora Doctor’s Oflicb or a F'ancy Store, on Broughton-strect. Apply to _ H P I ±rl JOHN DEVANNY. t FuR KENT— Gnu or two wull-tlniKlied Koum*. on Bay-street, suitable for offices. Apply at tbo Geortrlai. Office. tf-feb*7 clauksvTlle, ua. gv The Dwelling ..f Mrs. Smith .n that Tillage for rent. ggApply to It Campbell. Augusta. ^ ^ TO llEN 1—A new brick dweiling house, store and lurgu lot, on Drayton-street, In Calhoun warJ, suit*, bio fiirn family grocery‘«oro nnd wagon yard. Pos- sosilon glvon immediately. EDWARD G. WILSON. jau'34 At Messrs. Ward k Owens' Law Ufflce. HIGH MOURNING GOODS. C N RAY BROTHERS hev# received per late arrivals— X Plain btark ilarrgss; do do Orgsnd’ss; dn do Lawpa; black lavender Ginghams; black Alpacas; One black Bom* bailor; OneDrabD’ete.fonaen’ m*rtO. 115Brnnghton.strect. ■nUf iU u—20 kegs choice Uoeheo UutUr,' landing and (or D ult by apt BCRANTON# JOHNSTON O CO. N ew spring UwUDa.-MIcb l’a.IiBarrga Rooes, new style rich Silks, Printed Cballlu, Barege De>afns, Black Bar iges, Ch d ics and Urenadlnes. (’laid GInghstni, Engll-h Prints. French Cambrics and Jaconets. Printed Brilliants and Organdies. Fanoy Casslmcra and Vestings, Fhnbrolderioi,Buttons, &c., received per aiesmsblp Knox ville by feb23 IdtWITTsr Morgan, P°bo A te«mw ScsledHarrings?fi.W^^ew^dfi'sh) 0 bbl* new White Beans, 50 boxes and 100 half Uo new tins, ml receiyed and for eale by J«l» , . eCRAMjON, J0SR8TOK KUIt 1(10 NT. ^ No. 1 Gordon Block corner of Whitaker and Cor- OTdnn-streets Apply at this office, or to F'dward cj ffiWilson, at Ward At Owens- Law office. tf—aplu HORStfiS FUR BALUi _ Two Horses for sale: one a first rate buggy and 5*ad lo Horse.Oyears old,and tho other a dnodraft i.d yesrsold. They will be sold very low If applied for immediately. Apply to DAVID u'CONN’UR, aplo Corner Broughton and Diaylon.atreeH. ' 'TARCH —100 Boxes 8ter b, varione hrauds, received J and for sale bv [mtr27] MoMAHQN & ItuVLE. STORES FOR HEN I'. T HRF.E Stor o i, ‘suitable for storage of Cotton or Mer. ahandlse. Apply to ROWLAND it CO ket Beef, 25 bbls Mess Pora; landiag and for sale by mar8 HOLCOMBK. JOHNSON k Co. H AMB, *c.—26 tie; cos choice Hama ; 75 boxes Ada mantine Candle*, landing and lor sale by JeW UUigJMBK, JOriNBlON k CQ. RICH FlGUUUD X3AREGKS. G RAY BttulHEKS have received pur steamer Florida— 2(1 pieces one figured French barege, 2u piec * plain French, all color.; Hue white urillumes; rich wainsook Plaids; fine white patent fiklrling; rich eiubroiuuroa Mus lins, wnite; rich embroidered Muillus, colored; rich em broidered Lawns merit) DeVVITT ii MORGAN. P ER Steamer Augusta—New style Rich Plaid Grant. denes. Rich Printed Grenadines aud H«ruanla, Mob Print# 1 and Plain Baregea, uich Primed French Jaooneta an l Organdies, Black and Colored Barege Robes, Rich PUid Striped und Plain Silks, Black Silks iu uil width*, French Emuioldered Muslin Bands, Guipure and Lace Collars, Cambric Flouncing*, Ed.mgs and ln»erlings. Lie** fr ta mings. Bonnet Ribbons, &c.,ju«trvCviv«daud for sale by mark UiWlff k MORGAN H AY and UAl'd —2<W bushels Oats, and20 bales Hay, laro.lng per Emma ancr Tor sale by ft*hi BRIGHAM, KELLY 5t CO. A PPLta ANU 1‘EoAN NUIB.—lu bbls Apples, 5 bag Pecan Nuts, just received i*r steamship Auguste, auu ror sale by marU ■ .1. D. JEdaE. t S aN7)Y'^6^boxea - F ; «ncy ‘Candy. vecelred and Tor sale / by mara McMAHON & DOYLE. C XORNT—15b ban prime Tennessee Corn, In itore.andfor t sale by m*y3 COHEN & FOBD1UK' ruiN,~&c.—0 half pipes Olard. Dupuy k Co's ^ 6 do Kuschelle do; 10 do other brand# do: 6 pes Holland Gin; 'Jilpes old Bcutch Whisky; 26 bbls J ilonongabela do; 16 qr casks old Madeira Wine; 16 do public agalusi trading lor a note of hand made by them, in lavor of Messrs. La Roach k Bowu. payable to them or order, at the Uauk ol tbe Stale of Georgia, oa the 2uih day of November next, dated at Augusta Ftbru ry fid, 1856, for fivo hundred and tvren'y dollars and two cents. 1 he same having been lost or mislaid payment la stopped, mart lot of auperior style, from a very celebrated maker, will be eold low by fub24 WM. O. PRICE, 147Bay-8trt»t. 1X7H18KY.—fiObols Whisky, landing per brig UUacao, VV andforaafeby BRIGHAM, KELLY & 00; H AY—76 bales of prime Northern Hay for sa e, to rive per senr Wm Ba th, lrom New Vork. '' uTU. K OUIRTINU3A.NU SUEET1NG3.—Dales 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4, O Shirting and Sheeting*, for sale by ftbfl Wl. LIAM O. FOOTE. JJUi G.NT'd GUNPOWDER—L’onatantljr on hand and for sale by feb4 GCi’AVUa CUUKN. C ORN MEA —60 sacks freitt ground Meal, put up for family use; received and tor sale by mb's* McMAliON k DOYLB. B ALTIMORE FLuUK —Cbo.ce Baltimore Fluur, in store on consignment, and for sale by Mm 31 ; Rowland a co. NOTiCIfi TO LAND BPECULATUttS AtlD . - OWNERS. r PHE undersigned will give attent'on to thenlllng.pnr. A chaalng, examining and giving Information of Land* King in ihe cnunUe* of 8outh*rn Georgia, on the follow, log term* s For isolate number*. 110 p*r I t; for &to number* and over ftom ore man, 86 per Idt; upon tb# amount contract qito bo given or received on UnS*. 10p*r cenL . Calvin w. bhith, .. . . warfiboro’. Warn County. Georgia. Il«fsr*nces—JamtiJulwood. LanLl Lott, and Early p t . vl« Wsre-brao'.Ga. Imw-epU .... ° r outdoor ol*rk. by a'ginliauan weil qualifi" pALLAST FUR SALK—Ton* ol Stone B«Ua*t,at And*r- JJ sou's Upper VS ban, aud for sale by ^ fobS2 ROWLAND h CO • : OCQXrTXND CANDJoKSa 40 HHDS Now Orleanseogar. too boX«a AdamanUn* ^Candle., tortore and for ale by^^g CQHRK DR. OHAR.JCBOAipWirtifos A UTOB1UGRAPHY of Cb»rU* Orid«*n, Mrtfcof PbOb- il d*1phia. with preface, not** an" appindlx—by Har* S”‘"lTaaW»»c«p..Mi. U*Y-KI0B.lMPrim.Etil«raa»7,Un4lD« IromiMp . R uB ,a. M ui.,.»H».^, 0HAM|gEaYtc0- r .iKW 5ouS5 a*u mAGAZfNKR—Received January S aut, by s. d. enorr s . . _ Frank Crosbie aoa Hi* Friend*, by Lover. Tba Plouesr’s Daughter by bumerson B*nn*tt. Harper'l N»g»»n* fur February; Graham’s for do 5 .Go- dlt'a doBaUou’a hotoiUi; Fuvtna «f Mr*. Hvuan*| New Docfoi *0. For sale at 116 uongrea-it fobi VTOKOIU WaiESY-lOOhbU UtdiVibcm.tUKM acotsw.