The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, September 20, 1855, Image 3

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McKee & Bcnneit CABBIAOE AVD HiSii** XXPOjrtqXT, cn«Mn of irBiT BBOAB AND BA V AT/IW.Ti SAVANNAH, CIBO, , WmMmiI tu« attention Id (to MUm» »f Urorik, South Oarotiua, Florida, Ate* __ bam# find Tenure.**, to thslf lem ww *uleadM «teok of tttrilnffte. Buggies, ft#., tm* teKm»u*k*»ml*t?4*»* l J r,#,,0W l«'«•*. Among our •>» <f “»• woolUMt.ioueMrftito*, “SJlufK with miimtKe *Nn -riu.'timt i Ruili hv k#hii* i'f H>e molt rellVblu b|iUil*i> in pht whir work ha*« reputation Tor LiyhiH-w. DtiraWi ViHiVit'H! mnur|uwctlM ii|; eltor nMuulhotorert '"There ul'av *!*•* be found among imrstuek •idi-ellona front tha establishment of J. H. QUMhv * Cm MW n»h*r ttelebr*- tod roatniferturer* In Newer*. N. J . New Y«eh and Now Horen.sllrfwhioh orr built etpikx-ily torus *nd whleh wo do not hexitat# to WARRANT IN J5VKIIV l'AUTItJIJlrAlU H. C. McKw baebeen tor tuantf-onr years engaged tu the Carriage IIuiIdom luOuluuibu*. tiro.and wo reel eoafl- dent thet wliU our unlUdeaparlrnec end otiroUu*we. will be obi* to keep on hood o t>tock Ihot *# think will meol the optmibetloo ondwonUolth# public, and wuloh ror variety ood rttenl will excel that heretofore hop! *1 tale place. xu ooorv* .-nxti hat* ►fniiT Asm ett»Knw». II. 0 Ui'KKK. j fc s ttV.NNRri’. Bataouab. July. 1W6 **_/ live Oak. F UK BALK.—A large quantity of lh« «ny iw.d doeerlp lion of LIVE OAK. aulUblr for ality Hug ftfl— I'artloa toklau government cwulracta, and At other# won mar went to till order*, will Mod it tlirir Inter*! In riain. in* the abort* before purchasing elsewhere m In luce- went to pettutta Uvlug at may b# well In *Ute that the timber la in the vicinity or ftayeiinali, con- renleot.tna navigable rlrrr. and 'will req-iire but little hauling lor exportation Apply to the * It wa of the Georgian. attgrt—c4 »a -ju* IVvlon I'oit will pk**e mthlUh the ahoro to the amount oi Ten Dollar* and mod bill this olHee for payment. ISO BEWABD to dc TL" -a>-T my t ki in uawaya, or - all, #« th»t I BOSTON, . , T _.d» A wide Ltpac* between hi* upper front teeth, lurn* bio feet out fu walkl.ig—& feet dor'J Inches high. When runaway last yaar ha aatd ha camped un James’ Island, between Charleston and Surannah. It U likely they in »y go thera again. last fall a man by the uame of Jo>#ph Puttoo owned hla wife oo Ojwohre Hirer, on Un* tioullt aid*. Ills name I* CHARITY HI* l*o*t Offloe la Mill Ray, Hu'looh County, Georgia. JACK, »oinetlme* rolled .LtttV a lane copper colored negro. neigh* about Mil pound*. A feetlO or 11 iuchea htgb.lisaa rough lace and due n sleepy look 1 bought him In Richmond. Va., last fall. On count of my luriog one wan by the uame of JOHN I . lunged hla name to may rail hint etl by either mw. R03- TON U a w*ul 3H years old, JACK atmul'JI nr;’: tear* old. My ad Ire**I* I Mil* >t*rnne||, A C auuU W 31 AHIII.KY. C 'AROKtilA—BullcrSl.\‘unl}i ■—Two niontli* alter date *p I plication wiU be made loth* honorable the eon it iM ordinary ol Bulloch enmity, to/ learn In noli all the land* and iiegnn’a belonging in the e*lain nt Jr.*>* Minn**. Iat« of •aid county.deceased: , • B. I.. MOUlli: | M. C. IIOUHK. >Adniini iiat.ti*. auglT 3V. MuOUh. j MMATHAH INKKItlOll COL'IlT. i j'Kttt.. AHY TttRM, mh-Vftieroaa, Thoma* 1 MoNulty, M Gay. J Runla.b W Si.lea. William .1 Bee. H C Mehrten*. J W filbhon*, ! Freeman A Kiu*ieln, John Sullirau, TKSteruna, aud J C Sturtnrani. M|.n,,| to attend the present term ot tliia Court, ha* ■'••I'ault lor the term, it it ordered that they le- Mned i wenty dol. laraeach, unlea* they Mle good and aiifHeiont .**u*e nt eg- cuao on or before the fir»t day of the n»»i i**im ol thin Court. True ertract frem Minule.a. aplfl JNO. K. fit'll.MAUtIN.Clerk PpttoftUrjlMtoUaM* year ofili'a larthatlnu, hy a Jolot X KeeoluttoaofthelMcultyaml iruateenthaaiH oii thrown l,t» UM pin-MnmuelH W1 Ih, frl K „„l, w ,, Hm- toufwrond eloalng nit anwmrjttrmrnl Aty. Thur* Uy after ihe fourth Jum. FACULTY. Aftiwmiil AUtnt, A. M , Itoaldenl; Piufeaau/ Kiigllah UUraUre_ and Aoclwt l*ntuigt«. Ror. J. H.Oaldwku, A. if, I'rofcaaor Menial and Mnr •IPhUoaophy, >.F. X, roi Mathematic*. MlaaAxu K.AVpm, Yrlnelpat of Vrlmaiy PfpattmeM and Inelruetrea* la Botaur end Freneb. . - R. R. IJUKoiuti. rrloaipalMuiloal Department. Un. L. K.tiluxt, apd Ur*. B.T. Oatowett, Oruamenlal Rranehe*. ammut.A. rn,U»tf (Trn!KNH i-UmaoamikUt* .at tho K, Jima eaoukiala fnnha office of perk ol the Superior aud Inferior Court* iui.X* "■ J ‘*“ja i* “* -gg' gig' .«.'rapjv'¥SSSir2 , . , 2aSglS®ffiS?. rl„, I.ip.inr OAnrlfc ,, th, •uuin.'jMuUMrV.lMtl.w. __ td—tnyia Utr ijr** FSLij)W*CJTty55<S—Tktn a uandfdate for tho nftico of Ordinary of Chatham oounty, at tho election In January Bait, and reepeetfullr oak your eup port. —tit JOHN ULBO, Thlatnatltution aow prreeal* to tho public adranltge* ' We ale auttrorimdlo 'aunuune* JAkttT which Mw poieem. > A largo aud elvtantly rapatructesl •CfiT HilpFRKY aaaeaudidat* for the oMe* or Ordh i?Auh r ?ml j 0,r J ° r Chatham county, at the cneulog January rlootlon. which Mw pocecm. - A h Tn"cio«ureit M » ailing ’ td—tnyk _ .lodene# o?*th* , "?aphww°tR?m £3? a ii SnlJ* 3 ^r7' raUrt tf Okai^'iMutU*-- - Dotneetlo Department under the , !£*■ ■ “, ndl ' U,, l ‘"•toettonjolha rarefu\ dlreotloo of ImUaa of rxperieuS-A.Med to all the • .?i?ho thlfSftl^V »«!.»'V'JISS?* * n,,t * ^ taetlUteefora thorough eoureoof tnatrcoUcm which any mf your auppon. milar lo*tltttUot o»n offrr. It will ho aatn, by reference ! ¥'-°? MIPTALL. to eur eatalogue, that our rata*, both for Board and T M |. : FKl.lAiW-Cin/JCNS :-l am a candidate for tlon, arc loaa than can bo (buml oleewher*. Tills, la Ihe.e i I lie ofllc# of Ordinary, at th* eieotlon In Jan- tune# of pecuniary prewture, la worthy the oindderatlno *ry noil, and reapeetfully aefc your anaport. of Uwao hating AaughUta to odueoU. may W t<t . HaRNARP K. RKK. , Tb« Roarillog Itopartof nt WUI ho under the direction of' .»■« —J NotiCKr-ih the A'feiMoVV Of CAafAam ~ Will, ,H,l.lnl„ ■ Mil AMM .••SHMSSSStK 1 .!— 1 ¥!?; 1 VuiinrUHHuMI tftte IVI . toimx. To lie PrawnSoptember tlth, WW, $31,000. UlnaeK. W 1I.L he dlatrlbutod according to tho following Urand and unprecedented Hcheme, la public, at Concert Hall. Macon, Uoorgta. ooder thoaworai aopeHnUndenca of Uol. (ItorgoU. I*^an and Ja*. A. Neeblt.lci,. Tho Uanager annauncc* hla determination to make thin tL* moat popular Lottery to the world, and challenge* oomparlaon ae to the ehaneee to draw Prl**« with any otuer lottery, lleknaraher every I'rlnl* drawn at each drawing, and paid when due In toll wlUmj^knjrdcductlcn. 4 ..1,000 arc 2,000 .. MO are a J.60u .. 200 are . 2,000 .. 100 are 2,000 Mato a, 1 900 2ft are wholesnm* • Hie llhci * I hltli»rt<* hcei, *wn-» in* nemos* acauuliut#fur flheriff.and inaert I lie name id JAMICti I'. BUCK N Ml In IU atcail, and oblige Jj5»-lw BAMUKL B. SWKAT. •ml at t that the market afford*; fugclhrr with but parental dlanlplloo, w« noim lo Incre* patrunaga with which thl* InHItutlnn li laynred. „ . F. X. FwnSTKlt, Seo’i Kauulty, Ciillibert, July BO, IHftft. • aiul -ljanl ACADEMY 01?" THE VISITATION, FREDERICK CITY, MI). T HKaxorolecof toll Inetitutlun will rv-i'iunnM'nrv i the |«t Monday of Senteuioer. TWAIN OF BOAHUERS. Board aad Tult on,with the French Language. (Ifdealredj. ftlmiuo * - Stationary, Waaklog, Urnnlng, Bed. Bidding. Wv.ES. —| reapeetfully auuounce lu you that I am a Poeior’a Fee,gto 1‘J.oo * *udid*te. for the office ni Receiver of Tax Return*, and Muilo on the Piano, Harp, or Guitar form* kn ad-lllmu. "'dielt your I'riendehlp on tn* flret llomtar In January al charge. Aleo leetoo* in tbs Latln,aarm*0. Italian and «•**• i' at KDWAHP MULLIGAN. SpanWh UsiitMl, Drawing and Vatnttng are ItkewUe extra charge*, RntraBcefee.lo. MWIIS. KPI IllllS You will j Icaie announce MIUIIAKL HNNKY. K*|.. a* a candidate for r m*at Janna* v vindion. and oblige. •nayi• MANY VOTKIIS . Vi;tdAM\ .(JlfffKStf—t ofter tor (lie ofttoao •*v35. SIm'iiIT ol Utulbam county, at tbeeuHUing elec tion in neat,auu rcvpecllalL eolicltyour aupport inyli—td WARING RUSSKU,. FFMAitvTurimNs oFcHatham" uuUnty . KW.UiW CITIZENS—1 am a candidate lor th# ' ■|ta»in'ri?K'«J?. t C B0#f,,#, ? 4, u .. , •v®, uBU:* orTa* tha«lectlo« |q January BOARDERS pay the cmianl chaigs* »*iui-*uuu*)lr In neat.and *ww|iwutlullr aek jour aupport adraiiee.^ DAY achoJare quarterly my IP KPVVIN L. 1I0LUS. When a term baa been corouienci' l, If (lie pupil he with. , —-vr— drawn, th* Parent or Guardian to-mmr* auhirct to tti* t-Sr*,^.? 111 P 1 * 4 * 1 ^, n . a ° a ’V 1 * full eipeaeeof the unegplred term, ..t.l-nMAu**** ••rdt#- f mle*al require th* remoial Poplle are received at an> Urn* during Urn year, and (he *w»«bltg» charge laNtlmateil frem thedilo otHimr cnlranoe. Tho** . ... nf any denomination admitted aug‘.2—nil oDtce of Receiterof Tax Itrtuin* in Jatiuaiy _ Mr. ALKXANDKIt THOM/.B a* a candidate for lleeelrcrol lex Return* at tlieenaulng January lotectlnn, Imyfl) MANY VtiTKHS. > U,i.OW OlTTZENS";—I am a candidal* tor the THE PATAPSCO FEMALE IK8TITUTE, ; ” Mra. laineoln A*ltel,i*, 1‘rlutlnal, • u«i : Cll 1 .n.. h.w... •„ j...... her next lo*t OBI,.*. Elllrotl a Mill*.near B»Bi- „ Bl i, an ,t i#«|>rctruliynotiettyourrolm, aak your rotv. tVINKI.ER I fcl.i.OtV CITIZENS ! am a candidate lor tbr T 1 G KOIUIIA—Caxulen CbMutg—Two nmnii will apply to the Honorable Couit •• leare to aell one negro man named H*ia*t i the hell* of John Tompkin*, «r.. il*r-a»*il,t<'r dlatrll July *.<Tth.1ftft&, WM. W. THOMAS, eopl <:«i*r>llan, al.rr dalej •r linary for ' igiug to Ibutii.ii itROM tht*date, all «e«ael*. n.»*l nlgsiiiu ill-Savannah River, will pmu to the AVIA «.r ili« llrf.'.-i.ij oiacliine. now employe«| on the Wreck*. All eteamera—paeaangera, freight atm t iw-IhmI*. will cut off .team when approaching Hie wreck*. *o t pas* Hi* Dredging machine and mud Hat.* with a diino.Uli*d aper.l. OCTAVE'S COHEN, auglT Chairman Com'r if Pilotage, pro tern. S TOI.BW—From an entry in the city, a black Overcoat nearly nrw, with# velvet collar A hhcral reward will be paid for It* recovery, or lor proof to convict the thief- on applying at the Georgian Offlc* je.10—tf FOli HUNT. A Room In the Exchange, reoantly occupml a* a Law Offloe by Walter B. Nott. * -* toaugl—*tf i. E*q Apply jI thimfllce. W ANTED—Either# Wnlte Man or Woinau (unmarried) who u an experienced Cook, to take oharmr of lb* culinary department of a large Uoaidiug School; aleo an able, active young man. capable of purforuiiug any work about tbe houee aa wall aa heavy outdoor work. They muit he of unexceptionable moral character. Any on# who ha* aver been intemperate, or othorwi e immoral, need not apply. For neceeaary lufonuatiou, apply at thla office. tf—)j24 Maryland. 'J*wlucll—*• UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. MEDIC A I. DEI* A IM'MKN’T. IIIF AnnualCoiiree of l.eclm*• In Mil* l*»parlmi'iit will Momuy Nuveoih.r |!Mh. 1*A0. an t will (•runnat* in Hie ensuing llrtili Jim** .Ion* <. II I*. Piofes.or of I'la-ti.-e of Mi di,-in* J Ltlii'itM.i, M t>, PndmAorot t'ti*im*t>y 'V Annex STUN*. M l),l*rvf#»*ni of Surgery A II CaNAH M l>, I'rofrsrdr ol«ib»t*Mn « A J Widuxnbi'K.x, M D. I'r>dr*«"i -I Anatomy Hi'jtauw A Norr. M I*, I’toieuor oi M»t*n« Mcliy *. Tnnxts llf.M.M D I'rofr.-.u Id t tn-i-tegy am) Pel toil - «?y • 'OKVMIl s HttMn.ll l>. \ ,. . . D. r y ' " r *t* , r' ' n »tonn The rroniefor D **«vUiig •*ilt !•« -p-u -o the ihi d Mon day in •K.Tobm- The Faculty are Visiting I'hynii-iiu* and Siu geoim nt III* t'turity lloapitel and attvmt ilna ii>tlitnll»n lioin Novem h-i to April. Tlo'MO'lfBis-»twiiiiMnj ill* I'M in tliriv visit*, an>| li** of a* pens*, enjoy r.i.-rli ■*,, prartiral adran tag.»* Ihcr- are,duilnj the **»*>.,ii a •■on* nrescrihrdtordaily. lu l*M the number ol paticn'i one hundred ami ninety- tv*,,. THOMAS HI NT. M D. I'can. aU'fha AdminUtretoraoi the Charity lli -pit»l elect apnuallr,In April lourtern Hc-id-iita Student, wlioai* m«lutwined uy the iuatltutluvv. ecpl—TawtNovt OGLETHORPE MEDICAL COLLEGE. AT savannah, oeoruia. riTIIE Sraaiun of lecture* in Ilia atm, e Institution will A.commence on llm flrst day of Novt-ni'a-r and terminate on the first ot March. Th* clluique, at the College building, will ha opened lo I** lient* on th# 20th of October and hr c null nurd through out the aaaalou. Th* Faculty la constituted aa follow*: II L Btxd, M I), (late of Savannah Medical Collogc.) Vt *wir of the Principle* and Practloeof Medicine. je.'-tc JNO. n. HABKRBHAM. .** NM'IK’K—Fellow t iiliena : I am a e*ndldat< fl'l the otji'-a Ol Br-«lver of Tat R»Iiiiii». in Jan •lavV ee«t and r->-j—rttully -•ilirlt y«ur vote* rny 19—td I K. DII.MIN. y 'unfy- . Itrtwtt*.it Ihtthti ... e*k your support. jelS JOHN I FLLMitV-i l I l/KNS—I am a candidate tor the office id Ordinary nl I'lieHiam County a On-ensuing .Urinary election and teapectfully aak your aup|Nirt. aeplti H. P. HAMILTON OLD LINE DEMOCRACY. biuu/i/y. Juftii*. Liter 1 !/." awl no lurrtnilerrf Mate liigl I• r«ii IiIk VtirMtSOl SCIllYEN COUNI Y.—Fellow CHI- X ten* : I olT-r iuv*ell a* a iMiidldatu to leprraenl Scriv- mi n-uuty iu the ll-|ire*nutative hrandi of the Legislature next ensuing You thought proper In honor me with a seat in the House dining Iheetoimy ae«»i»a of tho Union , tu'*. i.vjn -tt Faamine'mr ante*, and »ali*fy yuraelf. Rrxpectlully. WM. M. CARR. Kitiiitieeu tUii„««„l Janus Moril.M D.ofSavaun h.G*. Prof,mu,r of Anat omy. John Davis, M D, of Abbeville, s C, Prof T . TO MARAUD MEN, AND OTHERS., HE euhacriber continue* to impart iiilormatlon to married men and other* upon the rocsi-it i f One Dol lar, which la acknowledged to be of more tsIu-j tuan 1100 in any other way. Thla i* oo humbug and m. alma are honorable and aatUfecUiry. The eagoioea* with whlc »it ha* been rec-ir-ltn tbe bait ha* led m« top)a.:e It with in the reach of all. Communication* couBdru.Ul. Addrese UEO. W. MAYNARD, Chicago 111. Moury -elunde I If not aatlafactory. *ug22—lind f ITHE Bl’BlNESS hitherto conducted undrr the name ol X A. McaLPIN fit CO., will herrafter be oonducted under the name of Mr A1.PIN BROS.. ANGUS Uc.VLPIN, J. W.MoALPlN. DONALD McAlJ’IN. A. McALPIN & BRO S. LUMBER, HILL AMD BRICK YAYBS. eepc ftevaimah. Geo. tf J. WrPHILIFS. Dealer In Groceries, produce, Lliiuoi , Fruit and Confcatloiicry* CORNER OK WEST BROAD A HARMSSON STREETS. aep7 8 AY ANN AH. UA. ly F. R* SHACKELFORD. kactok and commission mkcciiant, h*d2 BAVANNAH, UEOIW'A. 2aw4t **♦ (lepuhtlcan copy. OA,HOLCOMBE, A.M, CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH TEACHER, augto Gaatoti Street. .'itwjtul ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA DFORDIA. J, J, HEBLElt, J'ri*|irlcl<ii. _ Aale of the Verandah Ilvtrl, Snr Orleans. Pasaengera Mr Eereniug Train -* id tmd 'upper reedy <»n tbe arrlvalrf Aba Gera. IjrJJ FINE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, AT lOCUUCIfi— — I William u. Price, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1-17 BAY-STREET All tliojo diepoeed to avail ..-Ivy* of AUOOD BAKU AINA IN RKADY-MAUL r*U\l* BmKK CLOTHING, aro hereby iulnrmed that II Lwill now sell aO the remaning slock arrxjer, to make room for a new xupply of tioo-l* in the Fall. Don’t mlea the chance; now i* the time. iyl-3 W«rM:LAWTON&Ca. om«No,n, 1 {fwi^sarw. itoiiilifm IVharf-1 i in iLmM TKiuv, M D, of Bavannah. Professor of Chmnia- try and Pharmaoy. CuaRLRt UaKini.'M D, of BAvannah, 1'rofeaaor pro tern of the Principle* and Practico ol surgery Hemonatratot of Anatomy. R J Svxn.M 1». Tho fees will be ftlOft for the entire Courae of Lecturva; $10 Demonatrator’a fee; Graduation ftJU; Matriculation go. Arrangement* hare been made by which atudent* ean be accommodated with good board at ironi tl fid to ft I per w**k. For turther tofurmatlon a.trtre** _»u*» 11. L. BYRD, M.D..Dean. fliilK Third Couraeor Lecture* in thla lnatltutlon,'will X comtuenc* on ttvv Qrat Monday in November uext. Tb* Clinical Lecture* In MeJIdue and Burgery, at the the Bavannah Hoapital, and the College Clinique will commence on the lfttb of October and continue during tbe course FACULTY . Theory anu Practice of Medicine—R. D. Akmoiu, M. D. Obstetric* and DUaaaee of Women aud Children—P. M. Kollocx, M. D. Principle* and Practice of Surgery—W (• Rmocn, M. MedicalChcmlitry—O. W. Wan. M. D. ln*tltuteaof Medicine—E. It. Martin, ftl. D. Anatomy—r.O. Howard, M D. Materia Medic* and Medical Jurisprudence—J. II Rkaii K-raonet rater of Anatomy—Joe. .1. Wgvr, M D. Fee* for the eutiie Count# ftlOb 00 Matrioulatlon Ticket ft 00 Ample facilltlee will be furuiahed for the atudy of Pr*« tical Anatomy. Board can be bad at from $4 to 10 pet week. For lur ther particular*, apply tu <!. tf. WE ; SHIPPING,STEAMBOATS. &C. FARE REDUCED. Cnljln Pnusx* to New %ork Twenly Dollnra. UMT'KU MTATJCM MAIL LINK. IHRMI- WRXaLt.) ' UK AND BAVANNAH STKAi TIik new an-i .'pieadid •idr-wn-el Biraiuehipa: FIjiRIDa I<100too* Cepl. M.B. WooDHtLL M.AQAMA ' . WW ton* Unfit. «. R.BOltMX AlItil'BfA 1600 tuna Capt.T. Lvo.v. KNOXVILLE 1600 tons CatH.C. I». i t plow. -ill h ave BAVANNAH every WKDNI&DAY aud BATUtt- DAY. lhr*e atnpa are aiuoiia aue iarg#»t on the coaat, unaur- panned in apeeu, aateiv or eomlort—making llieir pneeage* in 60 to IX) arecomuunded by aklllful. careful and imllte officer*. Having elegant etate-room accommo- dali >ne. they oner a moat deeirable conveyance to New York Cabin i wwai $20 Steerage i*aaaage 8 PADFXFOUD, FAY & CO., Agent* in Bavannah. SAM'L L. UirOHELL. IS Broadway,New York. Buvaouah. Nov. 17,1864* maria M>r of Pliyxiol- *ug2—3ui . WEST, M.D.. Dean. IHK annual Court* of l^clurve In thla InetltuUon will commence on the flrat Monday In November, on Jhe following branchea- Aiutotny by J.K. Houmous.M. D. Hurgvry by K Ornoisoe, M D. Indllutr* and Practice ot Medicine by o. II sox. M.D..L. L. D. I'liyliology by Jahi.* Moi’ltkji.M. D. Materia Medu-a by IltXRV R. FRom, M. D. ObateUlcaby Tnw.U. Piuouav, M D. ChvmDtiy by C. U. Bou-bard, M. D. Ib'iiionatrator of Anatomy, F I.Mur*. M.D. Pm*erl*ir «*f Ihe l'infe«»nr ol Hurgery, T. F. .11 I) CLINICAL INBfltUCUON. H I t ain, tl l». I'hyelcian lo the Marine lli>»pil*l and Jhnical lo»tru<-tiir. I eitutee twice * week on (he diicaar* •f i hat Inetitutlon II. W. DeBauaeure. M. D. Phyaician to Ihe UuipiWl of (tie widen lx-cture* are delivered twice a aack oiiDUeaaee.the diegnoiia dieeriniinated.aod tbealu- driit iodnetrinated lit their treatment. the anatomical room# are op*n*<l th* latter part or Oc- l»ber. and (tin dleaecUona conducted daily under the di rection of the Demonatrator. Much allenlluo la directed to thl* apartment; Ibe malerlal being abundant, and II- luatrathm* of rarlnu* character being afforded for acqulr- log a competent aiin«rl*dge of thl* all-lm—*—* u * of .tudy. HEN *'iyt—lawflw ■nd Inter- Kor Palatka, uuca vreca, mediate Landlnge. (now carnvino mi c. a. win* on ioudav* ) if **1^ The ateamer WKLAffA.CaptN King. du. jJjQByring the aummer re pal re of tbe eteuner iuda and until further notice, will leave a* above. eomuieuciog on TUESDAY, the lOTil INST. For engage, raenta, apply to the CAPTAIN on board or to the AGENT at the Charluaton Btcainpacket Wharve*. B M. LAFFITFAU, Agvnt. Bavanoah, July 7th. 1164. iltRD litiTB HilL LINE. rOH PALATKA. K. P„ VIA Darim, ttnmmrtck, SL Maryt, JackvmtOU, dkCrmkJMd,t*icolata.—'Tbe new aud alegant mnarket BT. JOHNS. Capt James Freeborn,tolll resume trip* to Florida,and leave for Vha above place# on hat unlay morning, July 7th, at 10 o'cloek.and eoutlnue to leave every Saturday, at tbe aama hour. This boat naa large aad airy state room accommo dations, and UkUut tha lataad route, otter* peculiar In ducement* to invalids and othan. For freight or paaaage, appi/ on board at tha Florida Bteampaekst Wharf near tha Gaa Works, or to J*23 CLAUHORN At CUNNING HAM- FOU RKW VOKk-VlA HUIIFULK, VA, ^dK&ftok The targe and eommodioue double 2AflSB Engine Bid# Wheel Bteamempa Jamestown and Roanokajaavea Norfolk, Va., tor New direct, avery Weilnaeday morning and Saturday ewulng arriving there next day Paaeaga and tare, aUla-tuom* In oladed ft! ; steerage paaaage $4. These shipe ate one thou- ■and ton* burden each, and ara fitted aud tound in every respeet. according to act of Congress, and are In aver/ way aa uorafortable aad tecare aaany ateanuhlpa on theooait. Paeaeagere taking tbe Railroad to Augneta connect with the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad at BranchviUe and pruecad directly on to Norfolk, from whence the ran to New York, Is mad* in about 24 hours. • M SMITH * BKUTBKK, Agents, itxv Smith's WbarfTRorfnth ) i aim . Jr. *ug4—ood4m PATTOOOTrW & C(X, FnctorN, FilllWAIlDINU A COMMISSION MKROHANTH, Ilny-NIrcel. Savemieli, Re, Jy'J7 lyw Via. itndley Conprr. Joo. touprr Fraur. Coupcr Sc Frimcr, Factor. A General Commiaian Merchant, IUY-SrCKK.l ...U A-.N*,, (I. «in—J) II ft. cinuuicTL, OKNFIIAL AIJirllON k COMMISSION MMti'llANT—161 BAYBfRKin • S i' frnui Id* frleipl# •-nn«igMm#Mti "l #*#»y d# •crtptiwn. _ My iMiraonal alleiit«in wilt pi- n i«> t)i»- -ati "l !>•* K«tau Hank Bl«wk- An Nt»(K*NI'U>: Hiram Itntierl*, K»q. I K V A' I A !*., Piereou, fleidt k ('<> | Noble Lyoii.t-iiq DECEIVED per eteamatiipAUIaiii XV fresh supply of Potato*..*, App eep7—3t . fioui New York* Appu-* and [VarajJof_aal# i ear*. i»r a. by eepT—3t J. W. PIHLIPB YVKLltoUt.B 1S7KBVVVt AM> AYKttAiir i AHt.V>4—7 1 f per cent—A new method, comprMng accuracy, apeed and simplicity, by which the later cat ou any amount, tromftlto ftlJXM, for any perfed. Irowi oae day to oae year, can be ‘-fouod ata^laace,” aud for averaging the moet intricate sums, iu shorter time aud with fewer fig* oie* than by auy other ayatem. By R. D. Dellleeer. Hr- •■eiird and R»r »alr by B- b rtIBLEY. *eps left CougM** itrret. L AUD AND KIJJUIV—26 bt.t* leaf Lard.60 xag* leaf Urd, 200 hbl* Haiti mine FI.iit, landing and tor by apt BCKANTON. JOHNSTON k C t f KOCKRIKH—■26 bbl* Htuart’a H Llarl«#.| Sugar; 10 JT bota*itiooke*! Hernuge; 60 do ItoadalPi Tattow Can* dlee.A'i and ft’*; 60 hag* iirluiegr.en Rio Coffee; 76 boxes -Fatuity Snap; 10 hlids N O Huger, tow price. Landing from aetsr Eelip e, end tor sale by JyU l-l .MJit.tSiON. JlllINBTON k 00. L akIi—2ftbbl* clinic# Nu I leaf Lord. 60 kegedo dei renelved au*l for aate my« _ McMahon a IXlYLK. UEU.INU Sir AT CU.T-I’,1. „l Iknit. U4 ThW, •O ftmonwr Bilk*, Printed Orjan-tlae. Jaronete. UwU, Ae. ky aug2 DeWlTT k MORGAN. B T6)N. IIAMM Aku MRD- * — «w bkda Mdse. 2ft hhfti BboaUata, -aft eaaka 11aBM, “cholae article.' ? U barrel* Urd. bkegeNe.t Leaf Lard, lending aod for sale kr - III M|D OLCOMHK, JGHNHON ft CO, UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HL 1 iMh Annual <'>ture« nl lecture* iu this Inetitutlun • ill c«'rani#n<-« on Monday, Ihe 20thof October next, an i continue till tbn br»t of Ihneneuing March. Pan 1 K*r. M D. Principle* and Prectlr* nlBurgery. J"U> M Wanujr, M D, Obalrlilc* and th* Disteire nl «in#u end l.hlldicn. W K Bowijnm, M l». Tbaory aud Practice ol Medliin#- A II Rt’cNaxAN, t| D Huiglcal end Pathnligleel Aneto- iy l. K W|.«m>, N I' Malar.* Ma-licaand Madiral Jnrla, pi lukace. Rt>nn<r M Poiutti, M D. Oenaral and tlpeilal Anatomy. .1 IUnhiix l.ietMi «v, M lMli#uil*try end Pharmery fhuha* R J|n?i.vix. M II, Inxtitutee of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. . ; • - tv am nt Iliur,<u,U 1*. U.vtouctratof of Anatomv flic Anatomical Room* will ba opened lor afndent* Ih* tlret Monday of October A full t’rtliminar}/ Oiune of la-rture*. free tu all «| d«ola, will be given hr th* Pruleasori. iomiii#tn« leg al the bret Monday of October- A l.lioiqun lias been eataHUhed iu conovctioo with the L'nlvrralty. at which oneretiuna are performed, and ca*a* preacritied for. and lectured upon, In preeenreof tha Claw. Amount ot Free hu lectuiei In Dm Unlveraitr It $106. Mattlculalmo Pro, (paid once only) $6. Practical Anato my, $10. Graduation I'ea, $26. wtwl Boarding oan he prncureJ at about U per week. Further Information can he obtained by adcreiiing J. BERRIEN ilNUBLKY* ...... . . chancellor of UieUnlvkriliy. heshvlUe, Teas , July, 1136. augll—lawlm* t * 'TlTY ttfIKKIFFBALE-Ua the NraiTuesday to October J neat, wilt he sold before the court bom*. In tbe city of riatanaab, between tbe legal hours of sale, I/it No. 4. New Franklin Ward,City of .berauoah, levied uponaa tbe property ot John Doyle, to eatiefy a A fa Issued out of the city court ol Bavannah, In favor of Thompson. Lyon It Co, v* John Doyle. rtep'J It. t. AKIN, gberlff. her next, will ba aoliL hero# tn* court houee, In th* city of Bavannah totwcTn tha usual hour* of salt, a Trust Lot and Improvement*, elluatad tn lUalbauU Ward, ibe City of Bavannah,known a* Sawyer k Uol. lister's Btablea. levied on aatbe property of Sawyer k Hollister, to satlerr a Ft Fa issued out of the City Court of Bavannah. lo faror of Enoch I). Henry vs. Abner Sawyer, Property pointed out by Plaintiffs alionrev. Sept f. \ r , W. F. AKIN* City ffberlff. C ITY HHiuukF BALE^-Oa lb# flret October next will be auld before Ibe Courtboaee la tbe clt; of Bavannah-. All tha Stock In Trad# of William D. “ eonsletlag ofgroeeries, Ae. Levied oa uader a it out of the City Court <rf8avanaab In favor of Brown, Nunuyer A Oo. v*. W. U. Ford. Properly H«ed oat by plaintiff’s nltoniey. sep2 B. F. AKIN, City Bberif. . A family of Nagreee j a woman V f$$M old. wlthlber three eklldre«| fffrl 0 years, girl iyrere and bny II Moths. Titles usdoubteq. IB Approximation Prises.. 000 131 000. 260 prises,amounting to... ONLY 10.000 NUMBERS. Every Prise drawn at «*acb drawing, and paid, when due. ' in full, without dedncHou. Order* strictly coutl lent 1*1. ; Drawing* *snt to order*. Registered Icllor* at my rl*h. Rills un all solvent Banks at par. T1 cleat* 05t Halves |2 D0| Quarters 01 1ft. Address JAMES F. WINTER, »op6 Mamtor, Macon. Ga, . Also; A valuable Building Lot ou Jonee street. seplft Tu Kent. A Cotton Warehouse on ih* Hay that will store lftOft bale*. Pusaetalon gtvan lmm*dl*te(y. Mplft T. J. WAljm, 370 Bay street ~ Vor fflali. A light Kockaway, built to order and little used. For Ml* low. aep16 T. J. WAIBI1, 170 Bay street, for ReaVor lease Lot ami Improvement No 19, treating on Indian street. On thl* lot 1* Improvement*, aod well known** a reap and oamll* manufactory for yaara It would b* daalrabl* fornar- ryine op that bualoM* Also, two large Inte No Stand 26 MiUatreet. a large wooden building on one of them; Ap ply t° . Je2 ... TJ.WALBH; I Potato*#—100 bags choice Paacb Bloaaotn Potatoes, put up for families. For sala la quantities to suit purchasers. i on j 60 barrels auperior' Me** Pori, New York Inspection, | lauding and for aale. *pL’- I Groundnuts—100 bu*bela UrounUuiita. lor rale In ',n<«D- title* to ault porchaaer# marft Private Hale—A Northern tlurar, lougiad, kind and gen tle in harness Bold for no fantt. Will he sold low. mar 16 BY WYLLY & M0NTM0LL1N. nv auviiuKiTY or van mu or tiremiu, FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. GRAND HCHKMK FOR BKl'TKMHFH. Clnaa 7. T» tw drawn Kept. 2-ttU, 1866, tfl the City id Atiaide. when Prises nmiiuiiUiiK In' *60,000 Rill be distributed according to the following luagulncul Bchstne'. And veumiuhey every t’cive iLawu at each Drawing, and paid wUeu due wuli'iut deduv luu: 1 Prise ol Ad share* H.ivannah Ga* 8tock, City Bouil*. augll augll augll I do l I do I do 1 do •i Pi i/e* cl t« do IU do HI do 26 HO .1.000 are.... .. 600 are.... .. 200 are.... .. 120 are . 100 ate .... ..$16,000 6,000 4,0oo '•4,000 '1 000 l.MW 1,100 6,000 6,000 •4 000 1.201 2 600 , ■, ftho.oou Augusta A tv ay uvaboru Railroad Stock. At Private Hate^-A black girl 17 y*ara oM, raised In tne field; a black girt. 12 years old. hona* aerraot. j»* At Private Hale—lb aharca Savannah and New York >tcam*lii|i Stock. ,*7 Al Private nal#—SovenUen thousand acres of Land, ly log 0 mile* un Cumber nod. ft on Crooked, and 10 on Hatll | la rivers, being opposite to Cuuherlaad island, 10 mile* trumtit Marys and lu aiglu of Fernandina Islands. The i high land* are well Umbered on tbe traok; there are ecr> i eral fine hammock* and can* fiats, which for planting i land* cannot be ctcelled—2.000 acres being suitable for the sultivation of ric*. ’Ibaa* Unde wiU b* sold together ' or divided In |>arecta to suit purchasers. TBW DAY. *t It o'clock. In front of Store, will be sold: An assortmtnt of GromriM, Dry Goods, Hard Ware. Tin Ware, Fancy Article*. Watcbei. As. aepkO u ’ Potatoes at I'rirato Bate. 100 bb-v U*e«*f Potato*!" received per steamer Augusta and for sale low, to more wmalgnwnt. aeplft Adaftnietretiif's flats. , W I v ■IS 4 ,h# * onrt I" thla eity, no TH EH- DAY. th* 21 day «.f October next, between tbe legal hour*of ate: ^ Two negro women. vl«: Uule, 10 0 |d, aa excellent w»k. waahrr and Ironer, aound. healthy aad well dl*. “* U i’ house servant, sooa. washer am! ^r. eonnd, healthy ab-l wed dlaporf. Bold a. the property of tbe estate of Geo. Oliver, Ka>, .. daa'd tor Die benefit nftb* helf* and credit* ■* ofaeldetute, by nermle- elon of Vh# Ordinary. Tarine . .eh. »*."y»erm.* . ...* J 4 ** 411 FkAwx.Adm’r. Savannah. August 21. llftft. Admluiatrator'v Bale. ^ OnTUKHDAY, the Ui\ da^of tbitoher oext, Utwren tbe AUCTION SALES. (HUCCR8SORS TO PRILUBICK S BILL ) N.R Ram at Privet* fate. It.labu M. r. K«..., a, b.r« U.u,. rnM, T-.V now In atore, for eal* tew. erpl4 „ . Ilydrul VGeiornL ..Now landing and la atore. lOow bUe Koaeonele ‘ BotiaA" Hydraelln Oment. hand to supply *11 9u*tom«re. eng20 At Private flair. A lew Horae. 6 year* old, kind and teat r«ad- atew; («w no faun, the maw having mo tanker wee for him. . JfXt At Private Sale. 60 rtorrn Haltxer Watrr. ptou sod quart*, a direct Im !i M trill — —,a .. .- — w—. legal hour* of **!•', wiU b ild betoretii* court bouse North i» 'e'borj Alan, from 40 to HO Negrese, In families. j#7 ! Hale—4 Dwelling House aud Daktrr. with new Brick Htable. J*7 »ol Prkee* In alt mimunUug to.. ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMHERBI Ticket*, )10—lint vcu. *3—(Luertcra, |2 &0. I'AMCFI. SWAN. Ag-nl and Manager. •epH AtljuU.Grurrie. J. t AtVIRKY. General Agent. Savannah, G*. 4k«:nun IlfMighton *trn l. hulwemi Dray tun aod Bull vt* KAIL ROADS. &C. S0GTH-WE8TRRNRAILR'0AdT fob RENT. —. ItVu Truvuivutaon tiorSon hluck.fruntiugCualhaa HBS*(uare. On- rame being well Imuhetl, with ttalrr, Us*. *Rjtablrv.A« Annual i^nt $160 cadi Poetraalon giv en let Noveinhvi mil FDWARDG. WJLBON. Ni. 72 (try an-street. vepM neat ly opposite the Mate Bank. . FOR SALE OR BENT. B lUh Alhambra Hilliard ralouu and Rowling Alley, together with Ihe F-xliiie* Ac. PiM«c*»lun given Im mediately. Fur leiin* apply to JOHN OLIVER, ur to KDtVABD G. tVIlAtON. »eptl _ No. 72 Hryan-n. i:ui6/,WIMP WKftT r>UINT ilOTKI. K IH now open ; the tinuaa and ground* have b»«-i greatly impruve<t, an ad<titionel Cottage erected, (with *l» ch«mtH-r* and « parlor.) which has been handanm*. ly turnieheil. and will be rented hrth* season IVbnt Potav. N Y . May 26. Ikev )e3-mw*| WM. B Uii/ZKNt-. PltUbATA IIIM'HK, i'fttJhATArKibAr The auhacrlher would respectfully inform 0** (ravelins community thet he has leased the above named hnu*e.end »* n«»w ready to accommodate traveler*.and hope*, by giving hi* p»r*on*l*tt#ntioo. in give aatisfaetlon. He will have horaea anil carrisgeaal a || time* to arcom* modatebtegneat*. GKO H.GALPIN deelft t'riprieVr. | CHANGE OF BCHKDUIJC.—T1VO PAHHENGEH TRAINS i DAILY TO COIAIMBL'B. O N aud alter Monday, Augu*t27th. paeecngerand mall **'l Dave Macon forColuubueand Montgotuery J daily al 2.10 A. M..aud 2 16 P. M.,arriving at Oolutnbu* at 7.16 A. M..and 10.20 P. M. J,eaves Coretabus for Macon | dally at 4 16 A. k 1., and 2.89 l\ Al.. arriving at Macon at 10.46 A. M . and 8.60 I'. M ! !'***«ngrr* for Amrrieue will lake the morning train at I ,u »■ from Macon, arriving al 0.10 A. M. I/-ave j Arnerluu* al 0.40 A. M .and arrive*! Maconat 10.46 A. i M Lonnecllog al Macon, ••aaon way," with Central Kail- i mad train* toBwannaff, Augusta, MiUadiavilte.and LAtou- | ton. and with Macon and Western Railroad trains toGrlf- nn Atlaate,Dalton. Chattanooga Knoxville, and Nashville Connecting daily at Columbna with Girard and Mobile Kail- I road. ’ Connecting dally at Amerlcu* with a four-horse Post i l/’Sch Line to Tallahassee, Albany, Tbouitaville. kc., and { tri-weekly Hack Line to Lumpkin |, I’aMengere for point* un this Road •• below Fort Val- ; Icy. should take the 1 o'clock rrenlug (rain from Bavan- iDkMrtl o'clock crenlng train from Augusta, to avoid j detention at Macon; for other points nn South Western or Muscogee Railroads, passenger* will h»v# no detention hr either train Hret Class Bteemsbipe leave Baienuan tor New York on Wednesdays end Saturdays, end tor Philadelphia on Weil- nesday*. Paaaage, In tbe Cabin. $20; steerage, $H. Faielmm Montgomery toHavanosn $|.i 00 ■ Columbus •• •• o oo Amerlcua " •• . x 80 GF-0 W. A DAMN, Bnp’t. aug26 MONTUUMKlib'H IIoTkL AND DINING ItOOMH—(ON THK EOROPKAN PLAN.) to l.'i an-i 17 Uttkman, tiro donrt east of Natfau-Urt.t, a near the Oily Halt Park. mb The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would in- ■eltorm his patrons and the trsveling public, (hat be la now prepared to furnish first class l/nlglog Room*, with oonvcnlencei equal to any Hotel in the oity. Transient or peuuancnl lodger* acoommodated by the day. week or month, with or without board, marfi K. C. MONTGOMERY. New York. KOITltJCNT. M A deeirable three-elory Brick Tenement House, on one and a half lots, altuated on York-streeL Poe session given on l«l November. Apply to apt 8 OCTAVUS COHP.N YU ILK NT. M A desirable three story BrtcW Dwelling House In WbiUker street, above Uberty street, containing seven rooms with gas fixture* In parlor* aud cham ber i* offored to rent low to a rood tenant, by the year,or until l*tof November next. For further particulars en quire at this office. aptlft—tt TO HKSt— 1 The dtore under the Bluff, at the foot ol ^■WblUker-atreet. Enquire of tny« —^ Full KEN Mu* or two well u&tshxd ttoome.ou ^■itay-atreet. suitable lor office*. Apply at the Georgtar BObmce. tf—frblt7 M FOR RENT.—An offloe suitable lor a physician in a very desirable and central part part ot the city.— Apply at thl* office. }c23—tf / rUHlUCN’i. —^ No. 1 Gordon Block,corner of Whitaker end Cor Qdon-atreeta. Apply at thla office, or to Edward tt “’ard At Oweoa- U» Office. tf—aplO HPKNlKR CUKHEl.l ■tVIlaon. at Ward At Oweos- law Office. FOU 1UCNT. 2 Urge commodious Stores, No 206 and 207, Bay atreet, at present occupied by Mr M J Riley aud Ueavrt (1 Greenville k Co Apply to A. CHAMPION. summon iikthicat un ivahkaw iuv- KR FUR BALE. S a Three Lota are altuated about 4 mile* from the cen- *tre of thl* city, on a high ready bluff, in front of a u aalt water river, tha only location of tbe kind within nine miles of Havaonali. The tats eau be treated for at private sale; and if not diapoaad of before the third day or April next, will, on that day, lie offered at nubile auc tion. Term* liberal. Conditions: No aplrltuous Mquore to T» sold on the premise*. For sal* by wy# H. CUKUELL. Auctioneer. NLWffOOlOr^ UECkVEM. JUNE 6. BY B. B. HIBLEY A Hyuopsl*! o( the Morel Theology cl reter Deut, ** 1 prepared for the use of the Homlvh Bemlnarles and 'tudenU of Theology ; translated by John F Berg, Tbe Phllueopby ol tb* Human Voloe, embraclne I elooglcal History, together with a Bystem of Principles hy which Criticisms In tho Art of Elocution may he ten dered intelligible, aud Instruction definite aud compre hensive, to which is added# brier Analysis al Bong and Ih ciialioD ; by James Rush. M D. Youat on Ibe Hois* ; hy Hklnner A Treatise on th* Lire, 'Vat* and Triumph of Fatih . Ly Rev W Romeo, A M. Afloat end Aabore ; a aea lale, hr J Feunliume Cooper. Miles Wallingford ; a sequel to tne above Blanche Bearwood; a tale of modern life. The Conscript, a 1*1* of Ibe Empire ; lr«u> IkeFmich of Alex Duma*. Glsnmore, nr lb* llandita of fliratoga, a Romance ol theRsroluthm : by Park Clintno Julia Mauifield. or Ih* Kale of Ambition* Mothers; hy agood Bradbury. Putnam's Monthly for June Frank l«slte’e Paris Fashions. Eor sale at Nn I' j*» L I tit—600 banets Limn, landing per aebnontt rtbeet Anchor, and lor sale hy jelft RlUUHAM, KELLY k CO, iUCiiri'lUDHIllD BAlWUKft. 4 t HA Y BRDTHKR8 have received per steamer Florida-- Dl 20 pieces fins figured French Harege, 20 niece* plan French.all colon; bo* white Brilliant#*; rich walnsook I’ltH*. fine white patent Bklrtint; rich emh>om<-,-i Mus line, while; rich embroidered Muslins, colored; rich em- broldated Lawue rnatlfi INPUKTANT NIlTItK. cl’HL undersigned, Attorney and General Agent tor all X pereooe having olalms bafoie any of the Kxeeutive Department* at Washington, the Court of Claims, or IVu- eion Office, would Inlotm hie rorieepoodeot* and ctieot# throughout Ueorgia that he I* prepared to pay the high. e*t market pile* lor Laud Warrant*. Thoi* who have en trusted their cease lu him or to any oilier Agent In Wa*L Inglon, would do well to addree* him at once, In <>i4*r U> have requisite tranitsis nisdeoul (luromof which he will tor waul giatuu-ntly to those desltlttx It), su that the amount can b* remitted, «u any beak. North or itouih, that mey b* designated, a* soon aa the Wanant shall be signed by Ih* Department. liefer to Gov Wilson Lumpkin ur Hon Jos M Lumpkin, Athena: Judge J || Lumpkin. Rome ; .linn Hawaii Lohb, Hon I. tv cnaatain.Mergaatown ; ur *uj oiliermemhvr ol tha list l.'ougre-s Irom Ueorgia. 1*24—tlinUa- VALUAUlsK tUCto LAND rtMA SALK. Ift A tract of Tide Bwaap Land, oontaining 600 acres X lying ou tbe Auuunaba rivet,three mlWe above Da rien, adjoining tbe Unde of th* estate of Butler and Dun- wotly on tne seat, end Uignllliat and Walker on tbe north ami west, bating aa gooo a pitch,of tide aa any rice plant* Hon on lb* rirer. Mr lenna atV, twenty dollar* per acre one-lourtn casn, ami the oalance on a credit of Irom five to ten rears inainirirst only required to be paid annually. Apply to in# unurrsigueu at Darien. In ces* of my ab sence Mr jsmee I'rlpgie will show th* land, a plan ot whteh can ou aeeo ai me office of the Georgian. HAMUFI. U BTRKKT. Darien, .leu. 22,1B6U _ _ Jan26 lam COFFEE. SUGAR, ftC. Q/W k bags Hlo Coffee—Fair tolTudce. Ovu 60do l^gtilra do. 7o hag* aud packet- Java Coffee, .'•0 Ulid* Bt Croix, Muscovado end Porto Rio Sugar, H» hbt* Ctavltted and Crashed do. 100 bbhiBoda.Bugar,Butter and Pilot Cracket* JO hoies Bod a Cracker*. 26 bhls choice -Old Monongshsla Whisky ",ling and lor eal* by " *'U-M UOLUOMBK. JOHNSON A CD SUND1UK8. GO hhds Sines. 20 du Molasses, 60 hhls Mrs# Pork, 00 do prime do 200 b«K» prime tu choice l*tn Coflue, I UO lube chulce Butter. .70 bbls Butter Cracker*, 'iO do mtgoi ih* .10lilil# Pilot Bread V6 buss* Bod# llumii. lust lereivrd and for sale by reyli _ uoiaximre, jiminsdn m i»* Anted ig Thrf? TlUld. LUMPKIN. —A young Woman, to take care id Iailnt ha-lll.H l.iH, .. in L'lnr. w children, in a pleaaaut an,’ healthy town In Flor ida. lo iiiia who can coma wed rocummemled, the high- eat wage* will be paid. Apply at till* offioe, JyH Macon. August 2d, lb$$. V1IIU1N1A CKNTUAL llAlLUUALS. Winter Arrangement—Cart Hatting from ttroaa itrrrt yMery Knlt *|| (ha War to OorUonaviilc. lA/ HEN the Potomae Is closed with Ice thl* rout# may f v be relied on by passengers, Vo ensure toe connec tion going north or south. Tb# roau is entirely reisid with a superior T rail as farae GonlinavUle. During tbe winter the train will start Tram tha old station, tn Kicb- moad. on Broad-street, at 7Jg A. M., nose Goroonsviu# at 11 A. M., and arrive (n Htaunton at S.X4 P. M. Down wain leaves Htaunton #16.40 A. M., paaaes Gonlonsvin* at ll A. H., and arrives In Richmond at 2.W P. M. Fare to Gordoosvllle $2 ou " •* # an Both trains artiva at Oordonsville tu ample tuue i« uV, the train of tbe Orange aod Alaxandrta Kailroad. Per son* w„ iUava Richmond at 7 .’A A M.cau take 'VU ange \ Alexandria care at Uordoniville u 'Jji; to dr a , ami by that train will reach Alsxaadria br a.eo P M .but thl* Counaoy a* ticket them only titioruons- viUe. t Ml7—II H. D. WHITCOMB, supt. UNITED ITATKft .HAIL From Macon, Ga„teTallah4mt.Pi MaUroad fa OpUtAorp—taagu to nuuuu**** Tbe Dally arrange- meat on tble route eettsitlilast., running three n< Tt*. Nesrten, llainbridre, and (julnry. and tl; week via. Tbomaaville, Duncans villa, ko Passengers by thla route will leave Macon at haji „.st $ o'eioek, i. M., by Railroad tor Oglethori#- In# ntaxe* W •* ” o'clock, arnviug at Ta) by*tS2frontoMboore Dth# " r " n r,,xt<Ur— '" ,w ‘ . W,d r . rt,U r> b J N# " ,t ’ n - Bain'iridi* and Quincy, to Telleha—ee returning, leave* Tallabas^eos Buadays, Tuesdays and Thnradaye, at 10. p. M. w^ Tu !5?* y *jI hu, ! ,4 *J r, ' ,nd Bfttordaya by tbe wav aPoreaartua—retonili^reme routs on Monday*. W«win»«day . Yhrengnfioaa Oglethorpe toTslUhaaace by either rout# toianoure—from Macon in 8$—and fr»»m Bavannan in 61 kr this route Paasanger leaving Bavannah by s o'clooe .5 ****»»"$• *t Tallahassee in 60 hour# it, Wt, ehaapeat and most exnaditlou# r,,ut, tortrerrtlers to Apalachicola end Weev Florida tonJLtoaMe^ir 0 *° °*'*' hQTp * $1-76 i from Oftethny- L 0 Baxw. Agent at ttelethorpe, A A Fium, “ •• Tailahaeaee. **« M V. K WRIGHT.PropneU.. three limes IIKNUY VUttNON « OH, THU DUMA9I. BY A OKORiHAN. r UIB la the title of a romance now In process of com- .Sa vmw W , h i C ^ ,n Uo numbers on the it* « i. 1 °. July ’ 1 ? 6j . Th * scene* are laid maln'y in the United Btatas, England and «paln. Th# work will t>* prloted on pure whit* paper, with new type, and will equal in quantity of nutter an ordinary alxed duodecimo volume ot 300 t*ge*. It will be promptly Issued aud for warded to all who wiU sens their orders a?compaul*d with the cash. THUMB: Biugle copy, two uumbers To clubs of three or more, per copy Remittance* must be made io bills ur diango.’aud not In post office .tamps. Address: JAIHM M. BMVfHE, Augusta. Ga. DYING AND RENOVATING KHTADLISUMKNT. 74 Mitrerl.near the amrtlfmue Savannas.Qtorma. ■ iiTiaiiawu in ita.) Lot and improvements No—. North n 'e'tiorpw Ward; Mug 46 feet frout on Pine street, hy On t deep. Pee simple Bold by permission of tb# Hon. —- tbe Urdlna rynf Cnathain ocunty. forth* benefit it. he heirs and erHItnr. aug22 Hpenner (mrell, Adas'r. Admlni.tratur's Kale. On TUESDAY. Ihe 2d day of October next, between the legal hour# of sale, will he sold in front of th* Court House, iu ihi# city—unlea# sooner sold at private sal* : Isit No'll.l! k«I<h>1 Ward.t>e>ngW)feet fronton liberty street and O f Mi de«p- On the I it are iLree wooden ten ement#. fh* fee Is simple, Knhji-ct to w iiinrtgsg# of $V><. term* cash. augl0 A Nod hern llor#e at Private Bale. An rxrelleiit Sorthrrn lloi.e, perfectly suuod. well broke. andiDaw# well In amgle or double harness, "UfflF #1 I'riVale Bale One renown-naudGotten fixate, nearly new. with plat- toun. Oil luu enn Nw^ar Hunk*. Ac .will be auld low if an- |dle«l tor SUM- jvk'tt. ftU\DtUKN. RA mXVA Adamant tna Undies GO tin (Wadett 1 . ,t». t/V 260 ooxee Family Pale and No 1 tfoap. 160 boxes Excelsior Heap. * 100 do ftalslne, 160qr ant half dodo, luh bbl* Btuai t’e rruilmd and ground .Sugar. 'At do A< B andU ciartlied Sugar, 60 ubests Black Tea, various brand*. 76 dn 4 and 0 lb boxes Hyson and Y Hyson do, 20 bid* Bods Biscuit, 20 du Bugar do, 20 do Butter Biscuit, lu do Pilot Bread. tW) box**Tobacco, various brands and qualities. 600 dosen qr. half and 1 lb papers Brooking do. 60 U Havana Begars. ft M American do. 20 half pipes Ltard Brandy. S dodo Bordeaux do. lUpipea Gin. 60 bbla Hum, 60 do Brandy. 60 bbls 1) D Old Rye Whisky. 60 do XX do Whisky. 60 do XXX do do. Received and for sal* by j#2« McMAUoN k IM'YLK. du Bnuwiuers.iMl kee# and X6 bbla prime Lard, reoelv ed an I tor savemKicJTLK A PAI.MEN. rayl B UTTfflt ANIJ H, JljU-20 Orktus Bmter. Itx/bU Flour! Keceireu anu lor sale bv McUAHUN k DOYLE. *P>w B Al.flMOKL MACON. I.AMD AND FIAlLR—60 hhds prim" tmr. m rude*. 30 <1n uo Uo Bhnuldera. 20 tierce* chulce su^ar-curmi llama. 30 bbls end 60 keg* nsw Leaf Urd. DM) niwe sunernne Howard st Hour, lauding from steamer I ikm nwan and aciir reimerset, and for aale bv jelt w:kANTON. JOHNSTON kOr). _ B UTTKK AND GlIKKBE—‘At kegs and 30 tuba choice Mav nutter: so boxes White Cheese; 26 do Colored do, receiveu neraieamer and lof sale by my'£ StCRANTuN. JOHNSTON A UO B UTTER. CHEESE. AO—.lust received, 6kcg* extra Go shen Kuliev, a kegs Dairy Cheese, 20 bbla Baltimore anJ Canal Mmvr.and -'10 bbl* clarified aud crushed Sugars, tor sale u* DAVHl O'CONNOR. je'-Y turner Broughton and Drayton-st*. B RAND., GIN AND RUM—7 qr cask* extra bn" old Cognac Brandy. 6 half pipes Utard. Dupuy A Co's do, 10 do various brand* do, 3 pipes Holland Gin, 1 puneneou Jamaica Rum, I do St Croia Uo. In atore and tor aale by my2» j. v. conn fra r a co. IJtoCUIT-60 bbls Soda Bi-cun, 6U do Butter oo, 20 do X) Pilot llrrad, received and tor sale by my 22 McMAHON DOYLE IW Minro riuirr nim, pnrtailon, warranted genu; price*. 1 oire-:i iu- Wlll a* euld at K«w Y«vk. Jyff7 Corn aed Orao al Private Rate. Aral rseelve I and tor aate low te cloe (Mwlgnmsnt— jLOOO bnstwls turn in white bags, $0$ busuels Bran an t va>otU JjS" Choice Wines at Private Bale. .*,“?*•* Ft Jullen Claret; 10 Co Chatems U Bow do; 10 *?!*" } MUnt do ; P do llaut Kaaiorn. A private unporUUtm troin Bordeaux warranted ere, will Mi #®ld low la eloMta ron.foment Tcrmscaah. Jyju cJS^arel^ 1 * a*? 4 t *‘* 4 at Private Kate—A good t.. » teare ,' A ,r iTs r 'V 4 lionse.kervaot, aged at-ut h.Ln, A";»“•« B A1XJ.N MDES- Jei: B acon ; . ky. 40 hhds Hacuu Hides, lauding irom bark Horace, and for sate by tariff OCT A VU ft COHKN OREAD. CRACKERS. £0—60 bid* Pilot Bread. 00 bbls X# Butter and Bugar Crackers. ff6 bbl* and ffO hole* Boda Crackers.4U bbla Phelju' Gin. lau dug aad tut sate by ...... ..- 1 " - - je23 UULCJMBE. JUHNBUN a ou. B LUE DENIMS AND DKIUJt-Caaea Blue iK-nlms and Blue Drills, bales Drown Drill*, for sale by WILLIAM o room I JAlXr.N—-32 hhd* prime Bacon Sides, lauuiog from sebr D B o#t Wind, and lor sale by i#24 HitlGli.tM. WILLY A CO JiUTTKK, LTIKKIiK, Ac. J> 26 kegs choice Gosbeu Butter. uu boxes Cheese. 30 •• -‘English Dairy" Chrese 20 cases Pineapple 20 casks Cheese. 76 bushel* Butter and Sugar Crackers 36 - Pilot Bread. 26 half bbl* No. 1 and No. 2 Mackerel. 60 kegs Attra.S'o I Seat lArd. I-ending and lor aale by iii*»26 hoi. mbe. Johnson a co B UTTER AND CIIKiCBK—20 tubs choice Goshen Butter. 60 hoxea do do Cheese, lauding from steamer and tor •ale by je2l SCKANTuN. JOHN STUN rf CO. B ACUN, I.AHD AnD run;H—20 hhd* prime Bacon Bides. 20 oouo do Bnoulder* tierces choice »og*‘ cured Hams.200bbls tupernna howaru-street Flour, jus, received from Baltimore,and lor aate by my* BORAN IDS'. JuIlNSTON k CO. > celve^tai my‘J« l for aate br ■yyANTED TO limiv- leen yrar* old. Apnly at this office. Jyh W ANTED—A slluatiuna* Nurse,ur ladies Msld, hy a smart active young woman, and wnutd hsrennob leetion to travel Apply at Ihitnfflee. Je$ U ? ANTED—Tn travel with a pr vale Ismily. * young •'•man who ran Ueo care of children and do houee work. Apply st thl*office. mylft W A .\ TED—A Hoy, to attend to a Boda tValer Fountain. Inquire ol A |6<n4iid.corner nl Ray and Hull ata. my*22 W ANTED—A eiluatinn as llou#e eertaat or Chamber maid, by a young woman wnn caw be well reconi• mended. Apply at tbie time# If— my6 IA7 ANTED—Eaiplnyiueat aa book-keeper, aaeislent book f Y keeper or out dour clerk, by » gvuttemau well qualtft *d tn give eatlaUotloa, aad who woekl hedlepoaed to make ‘ self generally esetol. The beet referee*** giro* Ap- ,.»0 7 a pal _ thetr continued tavora, would aUte that, in addition to the improvement* in Dying, acquired by him during nls last visit to England and Beotland, ha* made arrang-uTeoU lor extending hi* business, by which he is now enabled .o Dye n greater variety of colors on silk and woolen dn-**## shawl*, Ac , which hetruete will generally pleas* all who may la vor him with their patronage. Gentlemen's garment* dyad, cleaned or renovated, as may be required, in the same superior atyle which has sen- •rslly so much plea«*d hla patrons aad friends . •"'» pressed in the mes* fsshlonahl* styles Orders from Iheeounlry punetaally attended to. Term* mmterate. When jiarcel* are sent hy steamboat* reilroed, worn should He sent him by letter, through the Tost Office.«k, that he may know where to calltor them. >"* ALKXANOEU GAI.I.OWAt XT 'TICK!—The undersigned have thisilayentereaInto ■*;T «' )"ttoev*htn. and having bough! the entire stock ol Hi r Goods of Johf 8. Rogers, will continue Ihe Retail Dry Goods Ituslnes* at the store recently i>ccupied by ladaon. 13$ Congress, street and 66 Kt Jullan-at; Hhsd'a building. Bavannah , ... JOBS C ROKEN'UAUGH. JttBKni H. LADBON M ACKFJlklr-26 bbls No 3 Mackerel, in g«*«*«l onto! lauding per brig £enobla. tor sale ny “M'f MKlttHAM. K A t» lirSTskV-lOO bbls File 7 *'Magnolia Whisky 1.35*, TT and tor sale Hy Jyll OtTAYUa tXtHKN. J UBT reoe rest direct from tbe house of Luden. at Co- Ingn# l° boxes yvarktiog Hock, to d« -to Mnsett*. 10 un Jnanlviierg. 10 do Jlocktimer.(nr Ml# by . 4?*! A. DUNACD. TO AKA UhAflU CO-lTOfii PhANTlBliS, fltllk Undersigned having been appointed Agent# foe the JL sals vt the celebrated MeArthy Be* Island Uolloo Gins, (lire Cotton from which I* readily sold, and which usually enmmanda three to live rent* per pound more than from any other Ula yet invented J ere now prepared to sup ply I lamer* end those wanting, with Ihoee of superlis worsuienshlp. at one hundred end twenty-five dollars •*eb; ealra roller*, eleven dollars. 50*10N k VU-LAIAINOA Falract from a letter from a Florida I'lanter : '•ThaMoArtby Gin la Infinitely abend or avery other Ula ft manufactured. 1 would not be allhoet one tor treble ie amount. It save* trouble,laalmple,aad turns out beautiful cotton. Tbs staple la not Injured, aad tbe open process so ranch desired by the English bnyer le certainly obtained." wyl» hliuteTr rams rally u.elul. Tbe beet referee*** giv* at tbie office. I j,p«u«iTienAiiK]SS5r“ CORNER RltOUtlHTUN * JJtEEFJtHUNdJTRKElB 'I ’HE attenlioaeof Merchants is invited to ao exsw'-i*. X lien of one of Ih* largest end beat assorted stock «n Foreign and Domeetlo Dry Good* ever brought to IhU mar ket. w htch nlU he sold on accovnmadaUni tvims, Hy «u*r2 WlliJAM G. FUOTK 1*AUAMUI#MI I'AlUIIULfil I H enry Ukrunoi' * OO. have reoelved per aleemei Auguste oae case I’erasoU, comprising tbe latest and richest style*, aa follows : Rich colored brocade eltk Fare, •ole ; rich white dodo do j rich plaM eiUt do; rich pffiii colored do do; plain and watered black du marff tiu[-HuuirpA¥n;vTumic-rob..rt. «»~,urps; P Uy Flour, 160 quartet sacks do, Receive , and tor aale by augia MoMA HUN k PUYLR T1UITKR—24 kegsaod tuba obolea Uoebaa Batter tend* JLJ log from vleamer, and for ante by Jyll BCRANTON, JOUNBTON k CO, MCMAHON A DOYLK. B ACUN—lu hhds flide*. aud 10 do Shoulders, landing and loraate or mvfffl OCT AY UB COHEN. kegs prime leal lerd. 10U buses Adamantine and Bter Can dlae, just received am', (or sale by mavlt SCRANTON. .■•rli.NBTON k LO. B ~ Al.flMUHK BAUl.'.r IARU aNI) FUHUt—76 hbd* chulce Man in Side* ; 36 Un dn do BhuUlder*. 26 tierce* du sugar eure-1 Itsms; 6u hhls and 13o kega prime Le.i lerd; 100 Lbl* auoerline Howard itreet Floor, receive I hy recent armau. a rot lor sate hy my23t sCRAN'TU.N. JoilNSTON A CO B AGUiNU^AND KOI'K—lOU baiam Gunny uaggiug. .nc cotta Rope, jasf received and lor *al» by Je»_ HolAtlMBE. J011N8UN A 00. liACUN —60 Uh-ta Bides and Bhuuldert. landing and ft> sate or may 24 IlGLCridHK Jn-fN-OiN A OK t vaMIX —4vj Uixaa raucy Candy, rewivvxl wuu tor «•>* / by eiaiH McMAHON k IXIYI^. C liAMI'AGM-. CIDER—76 boxes line«. lumpague Cider io ,Df< in • ale by marO >• i a vt n COHEN. C UAMPAUNr—36 baskets • IaiuAub Club” Champag* io atore and tor aate bv marl*. OCTAM'K OOHEX C OFFEE—UK) sacs# Rio Coder, 74 boxes Ground do. lyO pockets Uorernmeut Java do. received and for sale hy —McMAHON * DOYLE. C ORN MEAL—26 bbls fresh ground bolteu Corn Meal just received, and lor sate by McMAHON A DOYLE. C ANDIIS. BOAF AND BrAhCli—00 botes Adamanliue Candles, 100 boxes Family *n-l Fate Soap, 60 do I’earl Starch, tn store and Tot sate by my 23 J. V. CONNER AT k CO. C ORN—6000 bushel* Corn tor aale. to arrive, by my2» BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. i, 76 do Magnolia \Yhit- OCTAVUB CCHKN. LAI'IFB BOOK, lur June, received by my'M b. B. B1HI.EY, 136 Coogr«a*-st G IN AND WH1BKY—60 bbls Gii ky, landing an I fur sale by Jr'JI QOPKY' b OBHKN RUTTER AND DAIRY CHEESK-Just re ceive,!, 6 kegs choice Goshen Butter, $3 cakes Dairy (Tier**, tor sale by DAVID O'CONNOR. 1*13 Cornet of Rroughtou It Drayton 8U. 1 f' , 'V l iSr ,U0 bBrr,u >|flur lauding, and tor safe by - rbU KlltUllAM, KKIJ.Y N C T^TEW FLOUR—60 aacba Fxtra Fiimlly Hour' from new J.T WlieaLJust reoelved. and lor aale by JjlWJLD’B HAMB.— C ORN HLAI--60 sack* Ireah ground Corn Meal, bolted Jurt received, aad for sate by gbaea dlasoived (jUUARANDOOPTKfr—AO bbla crushed ami refined Bn. . . — p gar,lftOeaeke prime Rio CogM. Itereired aad tor rate day associated oureelreetegether. for tbe purpoee of ton- by aplfl MaMAMON k DOYIJC, tinning, tbe General Auetteoand OomatUaion Buslaeas, Milderlba name aodelyte of Ball k I'reuUee. anJ .•aspect- itumi TC , ILM9™iiW 1 L «w« B rown Khlrtlege sad MMeUags, Aprea Chsekl. bhlrt- Im Htrlpei and Iflue Drills, blue Dannies and Red Tick*^Fancy rrlnUSert(lleghims^n rtore^andtereatefty \1T ANTED—A wW te -rTiired' iterfial te 4e Ue^rofk »V of a small towllv. K#aulreat tbiseffisa. Cement BON. RIbitytontete. pUNT.HOS UMj^A 1.1 toe.}*,. MjjU b, - japapt: — A B It wav, aad a* H 1*| by Rkbard Hildreth. Tbe Ulddea rath, by Marina Ilarlaad, aulbor of Ught aad Dariteeee, or lba Mbadow of Fftle, a alary of tosbteeahlellto. - HaUU aad Men, with r$oi«$atf of rroorda touching Ihe ■kftwe of belli, by Dr Iterfta. . . ^. abare ofbotli. by Dr Iterfta. friends aad the pubUfi. fully requHt a continuance of tho patron age of HAk'L. I* BKLL, JAB. V. I'RKNTlntf. Ja*4-d “tfoncs: r formed a partaersblp . JonM It Bpoar, at Grepe- tbe transaction of o Dry laalaoM. Oeaefgemeate •poawbM to atore. WILEY JONKM. . j. a if RAH i s DOOM AMD aaotoor, dlff.rleg eomewbat pevimeei^w e v^^wis# sgnw^w ^^eseeieej onvieg SKiSUft Ikrsnn - w. a Ar,and 10 tiara** do. do, iudlng (ton. brig Dun... from NewOrlraai, formate by D ouiamu LttRJdKR—7# $hl Brandy, ao do Ula. luu hype ihU h k Rum, 40 do DemeaUo ido Wblaky, reoolred and ter M0MAD0N k DOYIJC. 8YDHEY BJUTH, A ^* ,ua> ^ ur - vle.trutedklaoatreBoob, tnuulUgood habariour a„A Min* eaanmallehmtnl • -^-^^SSjoBaltoftrtor Bosom tor too prep!#, JnSBF* TjNMte awteual oftoa McMAHON k DOYIJC. A 'a 1 Jeitey's Hparkllag Kdia’- -**-J’ ur * 1 ? A *> lOeaaka Hya»*' Iamdon'letter, quart# *ud Plots. Just received and tor sale bv _i/!S CHAMriON * WATrt.Nod Barnard #L TjMA)UIV—126 sack* oxlreYamliy »Wr. reoeired aad tor * J;31 McMAHON k DOYIX nofiAIXJO—lOO boxes Tobacco, various brands, received L and tor aale by Jyftl McMAHON k DOYIJC. H AY—60 bales prime North River Hay. lauding and lur sale hy )el4 RRIHHAM. KELLY k l.d. H AY-400 bate* prime Northern MM.** wwCSwTl aad for aale hy _ * apt RbWLANP A Ct>. u. ua7i.iv a. n.,vM .. fjAMBANUSHOULDkRB-Snttercre nitresuger^ureJ McMAHON A DOYLE. H. »«hd*^.rlwe bhoul.tere.^jMdtn^ aad^for sale H AY.—$0 Wtee prime Hay, tending from schooner U D Bloat, and to# «*!• by BRIGHAM. KK1J.Y k 00. lauding and tor ante v UOrAVIM COHKN V ATCUKB—600 grots routd wood box Matches, $00 do '““'.FoMAUO, » OOY1.K. HSVBE3PBK A LARUKaalwellaeteeled aevortmoot ef toe host aad then peat aver offered la f •ad for sale kv R. * MIBLKY, IM Oongreaa-eU eeU S UAP-124 boxes No 1 pate family Hoap, recelvodand tor ante by apft MckAlluk A DOT1JC. I ter | a toM? IUUI UAMItt R u ^jaa^jrtf£sr" >— •> wims .momIKi. rr rt ■Lks * tor aale by apr 19 " CHAMPION A WATTS. H AY—100 Hate* prime Northern Hay. for aate by Je» RuWlJtMl fx SON. px J il j*12 McMAHON A ll MJYU H AV.—100 BalesFiin e N«rlhe«p Hay l«r ,» arrive \<er Hark FUgl>' by irlb HUliUlAU, KELLY A U> SS Siin! the fust Tuesday In itetouer next before tb* court nuue* doorln Kt*i*.u.,wUUn th* uxuat hour* of a*l». va Jt ’ 1 >>OUr hnudj^l ao-J cloety *!c'r« of tend, more or te... wheieon Alhompw.o now Uvee. wed ImptOTH. 60 acre, under [rare an, b,« (1 M fo|fo vl: n by Washington Drown, 1 . by, a br John B ream-n a mV W. hy Juhu UrlygnT. Taken at the ln-Uro. of A Guyton v*. W/lllam Dariuide aod w,ii., n .UHg,„ „ eurity on thestey to satLly sun jr; a hu iuuel turn # justice court of slid ernioty. I’roperly poioied out by c* toodaot. Levy rnaas byHunetabte and returned to m» * „ August IMh, !V>6. HtABTL'B Vi ATER-.O etc tugW B ullocTPixjuntF b iTerTff a i v utiu- WUI he sold oo the Unit Tuesday io October oo»'.. h lota the court hotive door, in Stale-Loro*, wtlula th U gal hour* of rate, the following prop ity to wit: itu hundred aud four acres of One laod. more or lee*, lying lu the 4fith district of said county, bounded W. by loot’s creek. 8. by Absalom Farrlsh and K. by John Mloey*. — Taken at the property of J«a»o Newaotn to aatisty two tt fa* issue-1 from the honorable juxUc# court if said dial-let, on* lo favor of Jacob Buoxerlin v*. Jeeac Newsom and John athan Hendrix and tbe other In favor ol Bsmucl WiilUm* v*. Jess* Newsom. Property pointed out by Junetbau Hendrix and Runnel Wilt tarns, levy made by const* bt-- of said district and returned to me. Terms ea»h. This 8tb day of August. 1*46. JOHN Ot. FF. s. a.t . atig26 EOKGtA— fluftoeft Cwmtg :—To alt whom It u»»y een- VA °ern: Whereas. And«r*oa Heooett whl apply at ri*e Court of Ordinary of said county, for the guardianship of ail tbe orphan cbildreu, uouvr age of fourteen rear- of JameaKuahiog. deceased. The** are. therefore, to cite and admonish alt whom It may concern, to be and appear before tho nail Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the Bret Monday iu October next, otherwise said letter* will be granted. Witness. William l*t.F*q., for Bulloch County, this, the 29th day of August. 1866. M|M WII-LIAM LEE. Sr , o. n o. G EORGIA—BaOeth CbMtef— 1 To all whom it may con cern -. Whereat.Charmck E Fletcher will apply *t ihe Court of Ordinary for tellers of admtnUtrati-a oo tr.e es tate tf Jackson Urannen. deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admoniih all whom It may coucern. to )» and appear before said Court, to make ubjeclton, if any they have, on or before the Orel 'Monday in October next, otherwise tail letters will br granted. Witness. Wui.Ixe Kaq.. ordinary for Buliueh cvraaty. this 16th day August. 1H66 attffto WiIXIAM LEE. O a. 0 G t EOItGlA—/luUocS County To all whoa it m»y cen- I ceru: Wh# ea*. f'Darwick KFMclnr will appi* at the Court of Ordinary for letter* o adrninlMraton uu the estete ol Edward Breonan deemard : These are, therefore, to cite andadmonDhall whom tt may eoneern to be and appear before said Court to make objeo* turn# fii any they bare) on or before the first Monday in October next, otlierwise **id fetter* will t- granted. Wi n*««. Wn»- l^e. Kaq . Ordinary for Huil-ch Counts, this IMh -.ay ol August. IkcS. WILUAM UJ- u a c. G EORGIA, HuU><h ttva/y—Ailminutratcr: Sate: - Will be Void u(j-J*- r au ii.-.vr nl tii- C urt ol Ordinary, uD tu« fir-ri ni ul.t In Oiioter u-xt, b-r ore tbe court Hou.e n aid county, t-twrvu ttie Irgal «f safe: f«j tracU, f ran-!, oar grant d io « m.aro M a-h r for oi# bu -• ore. acre* tlie other to ltavid Go d ,.*n for i.dw huu* •U—i acres, but under a ro-aurrvjr ibr t.u tracts coo- Uio tw-. huu-ired acres, more or lex. b uiried by food, of Alien Milloll. William m*m«»o1 still Cre x, sold a. tn* property of th* est -U of lame. IV al. aud for the em-fii. f the neirs an I cielitor* of salu estate Trrio* wi-tetu wa on the day o: sale CALVIN Dr AI. Ad u 'r. •og» 9 IA T.«A DrAL. -dru'x. G tKUKGIA—tlutlrck C'-.unfy—To ail «b»tu it mat c«-n- T ceru : Whereas Henry -i*ri«. guardian . f Caoe.(but now) Mahetabcll Edwards will appi, at th# court of urdinary for reflets Lorn »»id suardisi.-bij., : Theae are. therefore, to die so l a .iuoulU sllwb.ia It may concern, to be ana appear before the Mid court to make objection (if any they have) on or beto-etb- fir-t Monday in Oclobtr r„xt. otherwise tetter# w.ll t« granted. Wltne-s, William I^e. F>q., ordiasry < r Bulloch ccuu ty. this 1MI, August, 1465. *ug) w WHJJa k! LEF-, o. a. c G l EClKGlA—ItuiloOi (Lwti/y To a!) whom it may coo- r cern: Where**. Samuel I. Lome. Mat:h«* G Xloore ad George W Moore will apply at the Court ol Ordinary tor letter* of * imiutetratrou on he estate oi Je->* Muore. deceased : Thee# are therefore to cite and admonish alt w] cm it auy eoneern, to be and appear before saui Court b maae objection (if any they have) btfote tb- brat M-.&daj ta October next otherwise said letter* w ill b# grant-d. Wltnees. William lee, Br., E»q.. Ordinar* tor •tuUoch Couutv. this 16tb day of August 1836. auglP WILLIAM LEE. tr . G 1 EOROIa—Unlock .-—Toatl wh- -tn tt may rrmeeru I Whereat, between Donat laoa. wiU apply at the Court ol ordinary fur letters of adminialratiou -n tue estate <V Michael Donaldson, deceased: Thee* are, therefore, to cite ana admonish all whom >1 may concern, to be and appear before sain Court, to ua*e objection, ll any they have, un or before the b »t M-m uy ■'■i October next, otherwise said tetters will be granted. Witness. IVra. li##, seu'r., E-q..Uromary for BuHocbct-un. ty.thi* 16th day of August. 1463. auglD WHJJ AM lei: Ben'r.o. a.c G IXiRGlA—UclnlatS County—lo ail whom it may con cern : Where**, ,-ai.u l M lUud will ap; iv'at rite court of enlinary lor leiten, of adminutration «i\- b»p • —hi. with the will annrtal. outbe ratals Etwai-t If >nd. ibex* cte and admonish ail wh«.m it may concern, to be and appear before aat-i re-urt mite ob.rctii'U. if any they have, on or before the 6r-t M -tide/ in October next, otherwi-e said letters »i I le graut-l Witness, A. A. Itel.orme, F.xq «'r<!ioar, for Dclutoab countr. this 2ftth day of August. 1833. A. a dkLOUMF- o. m c. augTv G EURi.lA, ll'.tgur Chun-'g—A imautra:.vt Sate — j Ky virtue of au »»>der fioui Ihe Courtnf ur i.uary. of M ayne County, granle-l on the first Uon-'.a*• iu June last, will be sold at thed>or ol tbe Court Hr*u»* ' in tvayneav.l!# between the legal hours of sate, on the firri Tuevtav iu Oc tober «»ext: Nrren hundred and ntty acre*«( Lud ta Glynn County; also: twenty fire acre- of Uol In Wayne County; also, two slave*, to wit: I.uteiiab. a wo- mau about twenty seven year* eld. and her s.wi lxa<e. a boy abont fonr year* old; aold a< ttie property o. ttebecca Manning, deceaae^t (or the benefit of \i»« twiri no t credit or* of sai l deceased. Terras made ku>»«n on th# .lay cf »*>#• JOHN D. Ill'll i’ll. Adi- u.-traior, C hatham isferiur cdprt. jui.y term, iw Whereas : C. a. Mage.I nnJ K. Cau<hey. »uiouK>aed to attend a* juror*, the prvx.'ut t-roi of this Court, mad,- default l.«r the ti-iro lti« uideted that they be fiued twenty dolUraeach. unte*« they ate g«xt an t suffi cient cause of excuse on or be ore the tr-t uay ol the next term of ihiiCourt. True extract item minute*. auglP JNO. F. Gl iLUAHTIN. c i. c. C. C- H ARFKR'B MAttAllNK, tor May, received by myl « H. BH1LKY, 136 Congress-street, H ~~ AY AND OATB —200 bushels Gate, auJW balealtey, landing (ter Knox and for aale by 41 BRIGHAM KKIJ.Y ft CO KlIRGlA— IFaywr (WIf: AU pere-'ox tudehtrd to VJT tbe estate of Aaron ftlitckUnd, late of W'ayneCkue- ty, deceased, are requested to tnaae Immediate payment, aud thoM lo whom said estate l, indebtei will present their claim*, duly atleated. within twe-«e month*. au S 30 JOHN RTRICKI-AND. Rx*v SKlalalNU OFF AT COST. P ZUGRAl'M *Cri. mteudiertoedect aehxngein tftefr Jl buaioeaa in Savannah, have antborixed tbe subaart bet t«» close out their present *Wok of INaoo ) or\»v Mute and Musical lustruiuenU, tor cash, without regard te coat. He is therefore enabled to utter bargains rarely to be van with.. AU intrsumeau fully guaranteed. U. U MITCHELL, Ag'C for F 7aighaum ft W. apr-J Wenug-s But diag. Nonet.—Those indebted to F. ‘Jogbaum A Co . or to G. 0. Mitchell, aa their Agent, are ivxtue-ted lo make lame dlateeetUemeut. L IMK-I.OOO barrel* Un.Ung (nwu *clr KocXport, for ■aie by BiUuHaM. KFJJ.V xl'i. S t'SDRllSt—Just reoelved ; 100 bbl* plxtritogaod wuUng i'otAtoea; 20 half bbls Fig IVvrk and Futi.wx Market 100 extra Family H*u»«, 10 k«g* chaice rfoakew Wel ter. 10 bbta plain and uetl-riaiot Ftoor; M Hate 3iu*ri*s f l«' "1 o.t aod crushed Sugar*; St> naif cheat* choice IQerk rod Green Teas in V* aod H lb package* audio.**, cod or sale hy DaVID O CUNNUft. kptA tVnxar BroughWu aud liceytoo-ata. L EMONS—S3 buie* Udium Ju*t recaivcd, ai.dl.^aele by jell v xtoMAli.LN ft p.VLK Lstsun v McxiAllriN ft |H»YL« H AY—100 bales prime Northern liar, landing from th bark Flight, and for aate by vnyft . MUQHMK ttlftt ft OO, W RAmNG I'At'ER-Ju.t received a go d Muniment of Wrapping Fa per. anltable lor Grocer* and othei* tor sale at Inn price* at the Hook Rtore of jv21 ft R. RIHlJCY, 163 (\>«greA at. D OMESTIC IJQUOR.ft-30 bbl# N K Ram. 00 do Brpndy 40 doGla, 7ft |)« Whisky, reoelved and for aale by marts McMAHON ft HOYLX. (\OMBTIC LIQUORft—$0 bbls 1* ft II OuoMctieut Rim U Rye Ula; IbdaKI'helpe'dn: 40doDeeoMtle Rramlv; 100do Lather Fblkea ftttea and par* Boston Ramp 14 4a Rectified Whisky, tor aale hy tohftt BCRaNTON Ll AY-11 bales BuUre Hay, pgr hark I*vlde iff the ttoa. XX tor akle, to arrive, hy mtaasuar 1 ?" aplT ROWLAND ft ca tor eat* hy Nae,cf mw Imperial DBttRN.KTJ at thtaretc 'fSSWSWst'' aojssiftsifr* *7®,^ ■ j,lt ___ UTTER—20 kegs fresh. Rntterrecwived and ter safe by 1 Jylft MrMAllriX ft |w>Yt» B I RISH POTATOES—60 bbls Irlah IVxtaUwa. Jaat . and for sale hf augll McMAUOS ft D Yt-E. RTWHAM. KELLY ft tkv N*e# n*wd a, ily Apply at thte OTARiTI.—100 Dues War ft. varvent brueda. reemrod O and tor role he [marfT) McMAHQV ft DnVIX k Whale OO. 4$ km Bpeim.adumaatlMa^ Qaadme,ead tor sale Vy wvln woVNNOR, (brew towughten and Ikvyhn-to. SRWBftaa. tohOrttom BtoaaMftnhfths Itethu. 5*4 Tfeknm- Chgtaa Iftsshtcy, UenUnaft, a 4ha. at RtkereNitoattotow, octaytv cuMiy