The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, March 02, 1856, Image 1

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j v J. G. WHlOHT iSi CO., J wMUm lanttli, for .njrtlm. laiii ► •••' i. I . I mo. II atoalB U04 A -- •« lQ»tO»g |j^jQDITX)A. <■!.'• _*h^-' ■ Omcx. Ko> It Bmamhmxt. CHARLESTON. B, 0.. - Ctaudlan Slid Northrop, Alexander AugustinAllewbog. |I*HT*•••• ItltlMDMI ....AO. Tim vvmklv .. u.....<..<<.4< wkkhit, «••• ■••• *• jMyit«' to ••deoac*., Where ; payment U not nude in „Jr«n^ tfe* eUigro will Invariably be for Arty Gm/to* ts, ?■ is.'' mo*|B too* w> 100 110 118 ,138 "wHapw rt rw,«.^,h « a ..hrtn,t.«a * *$■ w «i\b tho petobow admiration of the writer, will bo A dsduotton of 36 per oenl.lrom ths above rates will be iutererting to many of ourroftdera: mtfeoa advertisement*.appearing on the fourth page of I. to mg?:*f.:»^g!l»b..<rj L tj| M |-1 ^sagfiate iq mdU Unite total, ..d 6 - 0U i*kid M ny (Mr oouuirywomen. Ia too tell, l cents for uoh enbM quant insertion. ud in do oae* to bt Is she ilout/nssebslighthafr, baa ababin*ajoo, ejbjeettooontmct. Marriagenolle*#, $1. Funeral in- i* she srulsntof. teab# gnoofbU oofl doth* people I viutloes.AO cent* each. Soaped*! notice Inserted roe •ni«. . . .*• * ...v • . i • fair fi Entente... The EmprfM lit neither la aha * ’ flower, not ilka I each bout advertised. , »<*«* Md EM«I »loT«l, tb«t pot liuv but to te I acbitm to Unite loo* In oob’o memory. Tb« ><< entered to notoMnot mIoob by to oMo .«*!•.W^«SLS^»&»W?J!iteUBotota , . -v... Yearly advertising, with tbe privilege oi change, will le running,'610 per annum; Irertieenente Dot to be eabjeet to eon charged at the ratoe prescribed par tract, equate. : Whoa any bill for two month* advertising, other thatt all alra. exoSDt to I contract, amouate to over tftO, a deduction of 36 per cent ieUmSUSSTBtbo waa not the onfernobie hjfisbt . -- - win all hearts that said weloome the at i,Bl«M ot my, BdQpUoQ.^AKBoaiti Itinun;ih | „ «Bi K to'SiiJWlfi' HimTuT " ' iioete of my fowmihora, I weloom# yon within Its I Poroot equate, renewable once a week, walla. • Me? step era* fsotle, andehe epolte to oa all "^7” tw'ce " ’ with that Hitch and can eo peenlta&to her oharao* tit, asking many pleasant questions relative to America, such ae bow long wd bad been Id Prance, aud if we were pleased with Paris, and appeared amaxed that we did notMlspeak Frenob. Tbe Ei Ml twice •* bS ■■ “ three time* or oftener 70. Every additional equate contracted for to be charged le half the above rates additional. Yearly advortiieraebell be limited to tbe epaee con tracted for. All contracts shall be In writing, dating 7'Z.ZZ...» hm tfnoff.H nalnn'in he* twiner dellnltely tne nature of the bo advertised.— presa apeaka very floe Eoglleb, owlon to her being Anf advertisement* not properly connected with the bu- iisrtly educated In England. I believe It was In a t a euftbnll be chargedeeparatofy.and al»o any exeese of Hrlutwl whore abo went toacbool. • . matter ever the amount eoatraeted for.' One of her amiable qualities la never to overlook Contnct advartiiementa payable quarterly. Advertiae- an old school-fellow, Invariably remembering tbom meats from atreugenand-trandfat persons payable In with aome pretty souvenir. To one of her old school* advanos. All others will be considered due when called mates she gave an elegant watch. Her heart is in fo £. III. right liuco. I h»a msb her ineral time, riding, Jtoh “»<«■>», to o« lnelu.1.0 In . ■ .ud, ton hcr psrtrolt., e»iiect8d to hove soon « , Uoft 'cry til person ; the Empress isof medium height, w ui be inserted *t»:o (.ersnuum. «-f a .light and giacetal llgare, decidedly a blond, callsouiiewoiwtob?o»me cna.licute* will be Inserted with light hair, Invariably worn La mode Temperlte; m other adierUseiuontg, to be paid Tor .nrartabiy lu *d- ii-r complexien very Uelleate, so much bo that you vanco. ... , t „ , , tiiriy triiro the bluo veins running in their course t Auuounctng candidates foremen $10, to be paid in ud- KuSw T Advert^ments. n„t nnrka Ion the copy for a .Rifled 11 , time, will bn iaeeried until f »rbld. and payment exacted, tt uder hue that speaks volumes to the heart a ofloc* ReguU/advertlierennd allotlieravonding commuuloa- tioua, and says will yon love me~-it aMhe love of U| 00J w n>qnirlng notices, deslgopo to call *- — ** * “ * “ * “ “ ‘ * ‘ srru.eoires my people that I Wish J ” tjie none slightly bridged { [ fair#, coucrru.eoiresv, or any public euterlalumont where a mouth sweetly exprGiBlve ; When speaking a con* charges aro made for admittance—all notlooN of private ntuut smile; when In repose a lingering ahtde of enterprises calculated or lulendfdto ptomole Individual . The Emperor U devoted to her, and well Kutereit.*, can only belnsoitea with the uuderelaudlng i, n dhn la trnlv a Invelv woman now In Unit the same U tube paid for. II inserted In the editorial .iivlt—mn» he r until inn v leld a column (which can bu only at the deration of the ndl- rmcr or iter aaya—may ner autumn yiem a Hidnesa. he may the aunfmer IKtoSSSTorJ?.«^Ytoiu oalDoot ropnoe, to winter of kor life l» ooft ma A,i r . r d.imaut. ordered balmy ne the air of Ceylon's Isles. Iso one that | umare for each insertion. In the Ifeckly paper, $1 per knows the Empress coaid wish her aught but bap- I ‘This eohodule (orVatea of advertising; shall not in any piuess. The dress worn was of black velvet; a I way alTeot the integrity of exletipg cuntraole. Alteon- ilcml-traln, a largo black shawl} tbe bat composed traoUfor theyear,or for any other given time,shall only «it black velvet, garnished wltbpotit plumes arranged «aeawlth the expiration or the period for which they wroM tlj. tadl IS,*.tejl pobllntior.of 11.11,, Trl-Wo.klr.od plain tulleborderof white, with Weekly newspapers In Savannah. Oa. pledge ourselves bow of black velvet ribbon that a Frenob fady fan* | strictly to adhere to the above bill of euargee, and to no ciea 10 ranch, placed slightly td tbe left side—her I instance to deviate therefrom. coelome being very neat and elegant. The above rates to tek* effect March 1, 1850,and to Tbe Em press appeared ^artlonlariy. pleased and J coutmue binding, until changed by the vote of a majority attentive to the i wa were all ar*H of the undersigned. AtxxiJmn ASsked, Republican. J. O Wrtout k Co., Otorpian. Tuoxnox k WmuxoTOX, Aform'np A’cioi. 8. B. Hiltox, Journal. BUIES AND BEQULATI0N3 or THS w.tfanot, • ^ a. w oatnottid/ • MILbEB AoiOhDllfO,. • i ATTORNEYS ATLAW, "HnBM'VIlta. i MneBa VUUiOa." VAOIOB AN7, ulSiaii'L0M5i5lfcN .I|lRBCBJlNT No.68Bay,etreet«-8avhBuah}Ueottj*. Ueasre, Cluhorn A Gunn Ingham. Bell A Preotlu, Ogden, Starr ACo..tSavannabiand J, 1* Thompson, Boetob. novl- . • ' ‘ v . . ioaa t. RosruxD. -• y««a.f.a*wuao,iB llOWbAND «St CO., ■ OEKEIUL COMHftaiON MKHOHANIB, 173 Bay-etreat, aiivaohab, UedUKEN Mci.NToan, ATTORNEY AT RAW, JoefcamirtUe, Ito,' GtnOUGR TBOUV uO WAUD, ATTORNEY AT IAW. ’ Offlce,MnnumantSquarejMaratate Bank, tfayannah,fl*i OKUIfVAlt OFF1CJC. Corner of ,tf*y and Whltaker etwets; Offlce houM from 8 A. M, to 3.1*. M.; and from UH BtuOP.M. oaw m HW rtr«ol, te«,Tolwr,* Co, 1 . DrugHtori •* ’ '«ti;'Vw<MRQnF£iSioiit AriOBNEY AND 00UN8ELL0R AT 1.AW,. . TroupvlUe, Lowndes County, Ga. XVlllS^AlOrDANTKMi; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner Whitaker street and Bay lane.Savatnah. Iftd. . _ jioveib^al--. _ lusy Momenta of an Idle W< CmsekriUmVe Works. »r Hoe. WoohTelfonr dj In 3 , Oat of.Debt, oat or D Grate’s llletory ftfOi . Fitlge/sld’e ExulblUoul . Weetmhieter Review fur. 081 EtfrMtio Magaslas forNorea^ jttrsvel la that count SSwtqbH of hie life | by : YPHABMAQT, .Attse, I ia- rluirnductlonto PraetloalPharmaey, S text book 1 for the student, and guldeto the rbartaaeeateatead lie Alice. 4Tennyson. rTBORNK WILUAMB : * of Fashion and. 'ktedand ,Sal- fDoob aiib Ceal. > > COAL A WD WOOD YAIpT U. B" k; ,; j IJX. ferth. .ludret..od .uitelolh. Pbirrew.oU.t.M I *■' 2aaai8Bttaiia^ro^,fa"" 1 '*.*■•»«*.'»**»*« *•»-» uNtoNP^iuay wharf; ■feWiMsiS' bbd ab « wood-,. boSr.S{?ffiiS «•«-«? to bMiarjas aaxwA5^f&— 1 s;* u *: J Harper and Putnam, Magulaes, tor December. ' Janlil * TKBM1 CA1H ’■»-f;dl "DYUttB. ANN at. ^bl^d>^°n 1 relamjeartee If; Bqhne adltfene. -YlfgU, 8al-. Inst and Horaoft, ,reoelveid| to be followed by other*. ■ - - Abbott*Youaf ChrlitlanBerteijvol4. Boerybead end IfoDonner,'Improved and eflJarged wilh .namerotu #a- ^Jffand Aaound tbe Ndrld la Commodore 'Petty’• squadron, by J W. baaldlag, with iHuetraMoile. ■ \ • • Christian Theism, the teetm»*ay ofreavoa and revefo* tlon to the axlafono* and ch araetvr of the Supreme Being. M^'miJSftgeVifoiby^^Say. fotSffiber. 0 Rth*_ ■by Max . . awful Disclosure# ot 111 aery of Montreal. e«tf **“ for* published. ' . . , ... - The Faithless Guardian j by Susanna Moodai. tAm^of Without and Within; by tha author of Harper’s Magartna for No] KorthAtneToanltaviawf--- w --- „ . „ , Tola 10. 11. and 13,OurtU’ Deoiilona U.-1). Hopremo C0 ° rt! W.TaOBHk WILLIAMS u .tdIROUS of redui signed offers hut ™ . oa New York cost:.- eupply themeelvee dth a will find It to tbelr advaa! rents and TeaoUerscau books srery ohotp.andn ptper andflUtlodny.^i not be opon lo.i octaa tuSra’- * la Block oa haad, tbe undyr- for e#U at a slight advance “trtflftaBBS its alio with blank book*, lfil Ooagreae at. lewa as it is in lfiftft; a.behd book for Emigration. Taverno; a Romance by Georg* Banda) translated by a 'Hi. »>., of Hiawatha; a Poem by Henry Wodsworth |3vofo7 Longlellow. 1 - JunoCUfford; byaladv; oaeof the most pathetic, chaste and laterestloc productions of The IJme Efln Men. Received and for sale by ALSO, J - jard’s History ot England) new edition. 13 vols, 13mo asy Smith’* Mbmolr*’' nsw supply ■ «d Philosophy of the Seasons, Illustrating the Per- t, B. DAW.• w. U. I UUIIC .DAY 18 Ot LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . * • Savannah,Ga,. ITiacALPlBi At KttO’.t, ; tOMBEit, M!U. AND BRICK YARBS, . • !, sepO SaoonnaA. Geo. ' • ' . _ tf ofcd. j. Jtlmiofi, ~ • ' COMMISSION? MKROtlAKT. • June*’ Bui dlnjs, Saranutli, tiro, septlO r a. AV. PHlLll'Sr ' DKAI.Kll IS GROCERIES, PRODUCE. LIQUORS, FRUll AND U .SFEUJ'IUNHR Y. * Corner of West Broad aud Harrison Streets, B0p7 SAVANNAH, 0 k. _ ly_ “ G. A. IlOt.COMIIIC, . CLASSICAL AND ENOLKtl T11ACUER, nng3H GASTON STl.KKT atwjsnl W. UAKJKIt, ATTORNEY AND COUKakiJAu; AT I .AW, Monticello, Jefferson County. H.irlda, Reference—ll.m. W. B. KuMixu, BAvannnb, (la. FD WAUD G. WIWON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Morsrs.XYar t & Owens’ law Office ly—mart WX. atJDIRY COOPER. J.VO. COWER FRAEXR. (JOUPEU At FKA8KK, I ACTORS A GENERAL COMMISSION MEIICIIANTS. Day Street. »avauuah,Oa. jytt—dm R IFLE and f jght Infantry Tactics, prepared under the direction of the War Department for the use of the Army and the Militia, la two pocket volumes. Cavalry Tactlce, prepared by order of the War Depart ment. Lights and ttfaadnw* of English Life, a novel, by the au thoress of i’ The llell* of the Season.” Female Life among the Mormons,.by a Wife of a Mor mon Elder. Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol, with Maps and En- ^n! sod Outs, or Paris by Day and£iglit| by Julie Do Msrgnerettes. Now Hope, or, tbo Uescuo; a tale of the Great Kanawha. Clive Hall, by the author of •‘Amy Herbert,” fcc. Harior aud Putnam for Augustr *u«1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. NEW liOOKft. O ECE1VED May S3 by 8. S. 81 BLEY—A Urge and bean £V tiful assortment of Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, TesUments,Ac., together with Lewis’ American Sportsman. The BntUh Poets. Our Countrymen, or brief memoirs of emluenl Ameri cans—by Bonson J Loaning. The Maroon n legend of the Caribbrsa—by W Gilmore Simms. One Year of Wedlock—ly Emile F Carlin. Tire Countrv Neighbors—by Miss E A Dupy. North and Mouth—by the author .of Mary Barton, ete Pride and Prejudice—by Miss Austin. Cummlug’s Family Prayers) do. on the Apocslyse. Griswold’s Family Prayers, Life of Sainusl Johnson— by Boswell Bancroft’s MiaoeUanlea. The, American Lawyer, or Form Book, Ae. For sale at roy23 18ft Congress-st. PATTEN, IllITTON At Ul>„ I AGIO OS, IORWARDJNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jy27 Bay Street. Savannah. Geo. iy_ ranged eUiidlog nroond tbo room, presented sept- rately by onr Run liter. Tbe Emperor etood near mo before l wu aware ot hU pretence, an agreeable, happy looking mao, with bis ebapeao tucxed under ■ Ills right arm, with a perfectly orfelnal "bow do yon •lo—lam glad toaaayon." Hie Haje**y paid par* aikl'ng^hlra manrq^eet^ui^nrerere™M tohlepic* j EXCHANGE READING ROOM !ie?adi d ready D ieenr (> Ewy a wi^n I Vere ,l at d tbelr *•». Non# but reguUr snbecrlbere, the clergy, etrangere (‘Me lo tbe. grand Palace ot toe Tuileries as they I and those introduced by subscribers, will, under any would have beeq in tbe White Home in WasbiDg- circumstances, be permtttsd to visit the room, ton, ‘ ■ .. 2nd. A1 subicrlbirs will be required to pay one half I am often Mked many mepaotlns thm t hs subscription fee lu advanoo. and the remaining halt French people. Tbe Frenob are particularly partial . . r , „.. lo tbe American*. I know It by experience oftuany r ,1 * ra ° ntu " month*’ eoiourn In tbelr mldet. Many perron# ore No papers, porlodlcala or other reading matter al- under tba delneion that the- bnnnesa people lowed to be torn, defaced or taken from the room, except will yUki. advantage of yoa^and ^ obeat yon^ j by the consent of the proprietor. * * * ““ * 4th. p moklng In the room most positively piohlblted. 6th.' Persons chewing tobacco are requested to use the splloons Instead of the floor, flth. The room will he opened each day, one hour afler tbit traalneae people’e I sunrise, and closed at 0 o’clock; p. M., precisely, —** r *»-l--»*»•'«*- I TElUia PER AXXVM. For a single Subscriber.. flO 00 Fer a Club ol two Subscribers 18 00 For a Club of three Subscribers 22 00 Tha abort Rules and regulations will be most strictly and rigidly enforced, WU F. WIGHTMAN. March 1st, I860. .lOIIN G. VALL1GANT, WHOLMALI AND BET AIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORd, West did* Monument Square, Savannah. Oa. JOSKPH GAN A ILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offloe, Bay street, over tbe Heading Room of the Republi can.entrance Immediately east of Mtrers. Price, A \ eader. A. H, CHAMPION, I Successor to Champion. A Watts ) [OIJC8ALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No 4 Barnard street, between the Market and Bay street, savAinuy, oa. . , ■ Dealer In Groceries, Foreign and DomeiUo Liquors, Dried Fruits. Ao .So. Reference—A. Champion, Esq., Samuel Solomoni, Eaq., -- enead, Swift A Co..8avannah,Oa. Messrs. Rabun k Whltehi I never found It the cmo. On tbe contrary, I tonna them moot obliging, boneet, gad willing, to •enr* yon In any way. They never think it too macb trouble to oblige or to welt on a customer. Ia- deed, I often felt eorry for tbe trouble they would take, u I at way e couetderab that buslneae people’s time le tbelr money, end tbe meene or tbelr anbelat* cnee. ‘ Life la a Fewder Mill, Dlckeoe thn» deicribee evlelttotbo powder mill of Hounalow, near London: Intbleellent region, emid whoee nlnety-MVbn work pleoee ao human voice ever break# upon tbe ear, end where indeed no bnmen form is seen ex- giassgsrai^lisflaffia-l w i.f»m i* perform#d, tb#re ere upwaru of two bundred stid I yy ths residents of Savannah that he has plain and fifty workmen employed. They ere •peoaller rere, dMoraiivs Pipsra for saU at New fork prices, which he notof conne by netnre, in moet c##e«, bat by the e an bang In tree artistic style. Panelling in Oak: Mar- habit of years. The olronnutence# of momentary 1 ble, Maple And Fresco decorations for rooms) Block Mar- destruction in wbloh they live, added to tbe stria- bting and Panelling for passage* and etaircaae*, at Moth gent end necessary regnletlons, have sobdusd their of the pelntere charm. Havfog had msnr years expert - minds and feelings to the condition of tbelr hire— eno* In Europe and New-York he is confident of giving Tbsre Is seldom eoy 'need to enforce these regain* tiooi. Some terriifo explosion here, or In works of e similar kind elsewhere, leaves a fixed mark in tbelr memories, end acts mi oonetent warning. Here no sbadtarl of, n practical Joke or caper of animal spirits transpires—no wltloum, no chaffing, or slang. A langh Is never bcard;asmile seldonreeen. Even | tbe work ls.onrried on by tbe men with m few words as possible, and there ottered ion low tone. Not tbet anybody fancies tbnt mere sound will nwakeo tbe spirit or combustion or cense an explosion to take place, bat tbnt tbelr ieeliags era nlwsys kept I Europe end New. York be is con! „ satisfsettoo tu his patrons. Whitaker street. jsnB Two doors irom Congress st. LUE DENIMS AND DRILLS—Cases Bine Denims add B' Bln* Drilia, bates Brown Drills, for sal* by WILLIAM O.FOOTE. bUOUIT AND UUHAd.-.26 bbUSoda Bisonlt| 3 76 boxes do. do.; 2ft bbta Butter do.j 26 do. Sugar o ) 2ft do. Pilot Bread. Received and for eale by fob 12 MCMAHON A DoYLK. J AND LlttUbBS. If one men wisbea to oommun'oste any thing to another, or ask for anything, from somebody at a ibotMietonoe, be most go there; bs Is never per mitted to about or call. Trbsre Is a partloular reas on for this last regnlstioo. Amid all this silence, whenever a shoot does occur, every body knows tbet eboe imminent danger ia expected the next mo* meot, dnd all rush away,headlong from tbe direc tion pf tbe about. As to ’ranningtowards it to offer any eoeiatance! u common in au other casea. it is thoroogbly-undentood that none oan be afforded. An aooident here la Immediate and beyond remedy. If tbeiboniing bp oontinned for eome time (for a man might be drowning in a river) tbet might oanse one or two of tbe boldeit to return; but tblo would be a veiy rare occurrence. It la by no means to be in ferred that tbe men are selfish and insensible to the perlle of each other ; pn the contrary, they have tbe greateH consideration for each other, ta well bs for tbelr employers, and think'of tbe danger to tbe lives of others, and or property at stake at all times, and raore^especially In tbe more dangerous boose— Tbe proprietors ot tbe various gunpowder mills all display tbe seme consideretlop lor each other, and whenever any Improvement tending to lessen dan. ger Is made by one, It la Immediately communicated to all otbere. Tne wages of tbe men aro good, and tbe boon very abort. No artificial lights are ever need in tbe work. They leave tbe mills at balf-paet three in tbo afternoon, winter and summer. IqUuilng Hands. Wbst an Immense difference it mtkos who squeezes one’s band. A lady may twine her arm aronnd yonr waist, press a kiss on your brow, or, bolding yoor band In here, toy with yonr flngsrs to her heart’s content; bnt you.are perfectly calm and col lected, and experience no oohsoal sensation, either disagreeable or otherwise. Perchance a gentleman, whom you dislike or feel slightly acquainted with, ventures to “ lyawny, ‘ WILLIAM II. DA8HUR, "1 AT LAW, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Trouprtlle, Lowndes CountyiGa. Will practice In Thomas. Lowndas.Gllnoh, Telfklr, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski oounl , nod la Jefferson, .Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia counties, Florida. r “'‘° , Wjk», Appling on«0.«',!,! TBADOKTS OUVXR; JACK BRO Sfti WILLI A DIB, O LIVH It Si UUOWN ATTORNEYS AT LA\Y/ Busia Vista, Marlon Cqutity, Os., * WUI practice in tha counties of Marios, M^on, noTOon, n-iA-i-s- if Le- Wl a BnJr adjoining m*r be required. ~Jau3$ fTW. he compte^d In U volt. 8ro, st 63 ;Sr vol. in doth X and supplied to anboerlbera osly. lh* first volamt — w is received lor exhibition. Those who wish to subscribe I UllmoreSimms, must .lo so early,-as lb» list will be closed lu a few days, “ ' v * ALSO, Ungard’ *“■*■ *“ ‘ ' Sacmf L* lections of God tn tfie phsnomena ot tbeyear, TVola. Maud, and other Poems) bylknnvson. Williams* PrtndplM of the Law of Personal Property, Digested Index to Exchequer Reports. The Reporters) ofaronotogloaUy arranged, with Remarks on thrlr Merits) by John wm. Wallace. U. 8. Annual Direst of Decisions in all (he U.B. Courts, for 1864. English Common Law Report*, vol. 70. eepSS W. THORNE WILLIAMS Books. Books, Books, RECEIVED SEPT. 14, BY8. 8.SIBLEY. B ANCROFT’S History of the United States, Ill* Illustrated Mariner’s Book, vestiges ol Natural History of Creation. Tbo School Hoy, by Dicken’s, Lizzie Lelglit, •- •• Hardee’s Rifle and Uvht Infantry Tactics, Mudern Painters, l>y s grsdnate of Osfotd, Virginia UansewllH, Hy Mrs Randolph, Presbyterian realms and Hymns, sep2ft For sale at 13ft Congress-street, BANCROFT’S L ITERARYaaa Historical Mlsoellaams. Essays and Ad dresses; five. A Journey through the Chinese Empire) by U Hue, hor of u ReeoUeaUone of Journey through Tartary Thibet,” 3 veil, with a maw. Miranda Elliott] by a lady of Qoergta) 3d edition. My Brother’s Keeper) bv Miss Warner, author of *• Dol lars and Cents.*’ . ______ _______. Tlie Hireling and the Slave) oy a South Carolinian,2d TAPANand Around tbe world; An account of three mranfrymT.T T HE SUMMER LAND, a Southern story by s ‘ CWM or the South,** The Winkles, an American romance. Gillespie’s lumd ^tfreying. The Nursery Basket for Ylung Mothers. The World a Workshop, by Tlios Ew banks. Lfonts aud shadows of English Life. Afroja, or 1 Jfe au>l l/ive in worwsy—a Norwegian au l I apt and tale. Lille, or the Human Comedy—u new work by Juo listen looke. Brooksisnia, or the/'ontroversy beta ecu rieostor Brooks and Archbishop Uughes. Tho Eaca)>od Nun, or the Disclosures of Convent Life. The Goblin Snob, a Funny Book. My Friend Wriggles, a work of Fun and Frolic. Trials and Triumphs, by T 8 Arthur. Mysteries and Miseries of Philadelphia. Tompest and Sunshine. The Mysteries of tne People. Will TTrel.orthe Adventures of a Young GenttetMO born In a Cellar. jv. ' ■ ” The Bandit of the Ooesn, or the Female Prirateer. Life of General Lopoi. w 1 v- Godey’g Lady's Book for August, a highly Interesting, umber and beautiful) ••• “ “* Stewart. Randolph, Mi eonnties where ttrtlr JOHN IL ATTORNEY^TLAW, Dublin, UureMoounty.fla., late Junior partner of the firm of'A. k J. Oooouxx, Irwlnton, Oa., will atteud promptly to all business entrusted to his care. I’artle- ular attention paid to eoUeoting. Roference—Dr. 0. B. Guyton, F. U. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.; li. Marsh. Savannah. mayT—d&wly . MrwmT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alligator, East Florida, will practice lu the Eastern and Southern counties. Itefsi to Col. B. 8. Sibley, and R. B. HUtoa. Esq., Savannah, Oa ..^^J^ComprlsIug the eases -WAS by Dallif*. Crajoh. Wheaton. Peters aud Howard to 10th, > tiw each ou» e is appended a note referring to all subsequei ‘ deeUlons. The opinions of the Court-to all CaMfiiyiMriV* safler correcting errors of the prvMandof cUalarae. The work biiN bona umiertakrn ny the rqoommendatlon of the Judge* of tho Supreme Court. The original series in P' 1 * 'gl7 60, while this will be about .n be supplied on Hi* terms of are Uttlo. Brown k Co, on applicarlou to ' WI*' » ** W. THORNE WILLIAMS, olurnes 1,2 and 3, ready for delivery. AI80: Volume nth, Howard’s Reports 0 8 8 C. Mary Lywdon, or Rarelatfons of a Life, English Womeu in Russia. Woman In the lBth Century. Elite, or the Human Comedy—by the author of Virginia Comedians. Lights aud Shadows of English I Jfe. Jy'JO .... UoXKdTobuooo, various brands, 8's, 6’s, 10’s and 1, lamps) | ; 60 packages superior Rough & Ready. Virgin 206,00o' Havana ^Segsr*. some eery super Jar i 160 Oaxes family, pale and No 1 Soap; 60 boxes pearl Starch; 176 package* black and green Teas: 100 bags Rio Coffse; 30 bags Java Coffee; 60 barrels refined and yellow Sugars; 100 kegs FFFG Powder) 60 halves and 60 quarter do; 10 halrplpeaFrench Brandies; 6 pipes Holland Gin; 3 puncheons Jamaica and 1 do St Croix Rum) 60 boxes Claret Wine, 8t Jullen Medde; * 160 baskets Htldselck and othar brands Champagne; 10 quarter eaaka Madeira and Sherry Wine; 60 barrels sugar, soda and butte Crackers, 76 boxes adamantine and tallow Candles, 100 gross iegro pipes, 36 boxes plokles assorted, 20 boxes Catsups; 26 boxes Mustard, 26 boxes Ground Pepper; 60 boxes Bohltdam Aromatic Schnkppi. quarts and pints; 20 barrels Vary old Monongahela Whiskey) 60 barteUNo. 1,Sand8 iiaokerel) 60 barrels Malaga and Port Wine. 76 barrels Oln Rum, Whiskey and Brandy: Together with other articles generally kept in our line, for tale on accommodating terms. Jania J. V. CQNKEBAT k CO. SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, 25 hhda new crop Orleans Sugar, 10 do PurtolUoo - do, 10 do Cuba do, — DOObagaRioOoffte.l&OdoLaguayrado, — baqs Java Colfoo, 10 do Mocha do, 200 bbta Orleans 8yrup and Molasros, 6 cases extra-fine Ooolobg Tea, 6 do do Hyson do, 76 pkgs Raisins, wholes, halves and quarters, 10 frails soft Almonds, * 100 bbls Crackers, Butter, Purer and Soda, 300 bags Shot, assorted. 60 kegs Dupont’s Powder. 6000 lbs bar Lead, 100 boxes assorted Candy, 100 boxes large bowl Pipes. 300 pkgs Tobacco, various brands, -lOOOSi &c. FK It DIN AND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, * Will practice In thereriouaCouria of tlie District, and at- tend to the prosecution of claims against the Govern' ment. __ June22 T,'W,BAKEU, ATTORNEY AT.LAW, gonth Newport, Georgia. Will attend the Superior Court In the couaticH ol Chatham, Liberty, McIntosh, Camden, Glynn, Wayue, Ware, Ap pling and Tattnall • JM8BB T. UKUN AHD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NfiwnsoiviUe.Fla. Referende-Georgo L. Brown,'William Dell, NewnanevlUe, FU ; R. B. Hilton, Boeton k Vlllalongii. Ntvaunah. Oa. * JOHN M. MILLION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ufflco corner or Whitaker and Bay-streota. Will practice in the Courts of Borlven.BuBoch, Effingham, Bryan. Liberty, McIntosh, Gi/un, Camden and Chatham counties. • ; . TllOfliiS IIUUIIEB HINEH, »ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLLOtt AT LAW. TroupvlUe, Georgia. Will practise in tae Circuit Courts of Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin. Georgia; and In the Circuit Cuurta ol Jafferaon. Madison aud Hamilton, of the Midole Clroult of Florida, and In Alacb . and Co lumbia counties In the Eastern Clroult of Flori a. Will attend lo the claime ol all pereone before th Depart, meats at Washington. . NATHAN K. tfKNTGN, , ATTORNEY AT'LAW, Marietta, Goorgla. WiJI practice In tho followlpv countiea : Cass. Campbell, Carroll, Cherokee, DeKalb, Fulton, Forsyth, Dlckeus, Paulding snd Cobb. Refers to James H. Carter k Co. A SIIOKT, MASTER BUILDER, Will take contracts for Building and Work in Maaonary of every description. Residence, •*—- * No. 8 Josnis Strutt, East or Dmrro.v gvaiiCT. NKW BOOKS. MECEIVED by S.8. SIBLEY, April 10th. 1866—Adelaide ft Mold gran, or the trials or a Governess. Another of Ahoao sweet and fanoifnl ojeatlons which bu rendered the author of ‘‘Mlinle Grey” and ”Que Howud” ao great favorite with those better judges of literature, who at mire truthful delineation! of human sentiments and pas sions to ilokly sentimentalism and meretricious ombelrsh- menta; with several beautiful engravings. Capt MoCloan,or the Gallop to the Gallows. The hero of this book performed greater exploits than any Hlgb- wayman'of bis time. He wu a fearless rider, a oaprial shot, and bold as a Bon. HU life was crowded with daring broberles snd marvellous escapes. He was admired by tho ladies fer Ills gallantry os much m he wu feared by the men for hU almost superhuman strength, activity oountgs. For sale at apll 136 Congress-st, WM. DI. LAWTON di CO., FACTORS, CHARLESTON, B. 0. 1 (Wm. M. Lawtox, Office No. 13 J R. Wadtwriqht Uacoi, Soutuoru Wharf] I Joaxra T. Dio, au*4 eod4m J( WutuoRM LawTOX. Jr. HOLCOMBE. JOH Shfl!SlJ!ai2 , hloSd d mouni to VOU? fore* TJAILAST 8UITABIJC FOR PAVINO-60 tons Stone, ^ Indigo^ olw^mount# to your fore Jj ialtalle for paving &J.) for sale, if applied forimme- bead, and with flashing eyes you wonder 'now the llate i, t nor23 ROWLAND h sun. Impertinent fellow-dares to do socb X tbiug.” Ite*| — ,L.. ...lUn.t.r .Ma.lm.N nr linm.nKl. Mrtl anVntiqnited ipectmaaof humanity .squeezes I noDFHH A hhshuinos—jj hUdsCodflaU; loo ■ band; you feel mortified for yonrselr ancl mor- V Hor r'^*i I that a man of his years should make a fool of _ sorantqn. Johnston tber yonr ti&ed that a'man of his it - himself, that he should think that yon can really liko such contact, and above all, that be belioves It possible tbst yon can like him; yon aro vexed at, what be has done; and determine.tbst an loanlamimhavion ntogh. n^.h.11 ncer .gtl. b« oBer.i tlm ofd.£g .01 * »cc your hsnd confldecUy In tbnt of an ao< F LOUlt—Marietta Mills—tfoO bbh • Denuead > and ‘ Jakley,’ In store, snd lor sale oy HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO l, acknowledged lover, you are not excited or led, yoxta»a peatofi wwhJpf eontlnnafly In I 25 QQQ ORANU^’ Just received freah frojn arm which late TO log of quiet Bap* I aortot feeling,,’ ** lathis Havana, in store, a ad for salt oheapby- X H. CHAMPION, Successor to UHAMP10N k WATTS. No 4 Barnard at, yon an perfect* ■It with hte arou twined around jron-thst manly I f#d8 MoMAHON A po/i«. irfectly ooatooted with everything la this nuTTKR. casess k applej-so BMaa choice Bnt “irfd t eepecWJyj^onr loverxad yonr* | JjJ UrjUboxes do. there*; 16 bbU Apjile* _ Reoelv to upport you tint aniiaMS jot through life, a soft, i - at yonr band: I. cluptcU. hU,.hl It te . bllaarnl, (oolfih Bat lot aom. on# whom r« Ilk. ntj much, not tocopud l.ier.bat on. wpo omj MrtfR* *> <*• <* bunlttbrobktegl for tollroot joa, joao.nnot 50 •» — 100 do 76 do. 76 do. 600 do 100 do, 100. do. Boxes soptcrlor Uround Coffee; remain nlllrctubliug or sale by inter J W Beadel’e Candles; Mould do, Ademaotine do. Sperm do. Pale, Family snd No. lSosp j Toilet do LSmon Syrupj 100 doe Brooms; XOO do. Buckets; 76 do. Bra u bound Palls; - 76 do., HestsTube; ' -.\. r . 100 do. • Hoxae Tobacco, assorted { » do. Horn| 1 ..: 100 half chestTaa, varloua qaantlei j 100 bales wrapping Twine t '- 230eacha Riouoffee ;. , too taste old Oovernnlent Tava d s; t 100 bsl*4>t"gsr. ^>Jda snd Pilot Bread,received 4B d r w bo .- .vUnumnv a nnviJC. ** WKW BOOKS. i i ECKIFED April Ptb. 1856. by 8 8SIBLEY—Life of Sam ft Houston ; the only authentlo'meroolr ofliim ever published; beautifully and profusely illustrated. Tba Old Inn. or tho Traveller’s Entertainment*—by Jo- slab Barnes. hPtiior: rometblng tiswsu l highly Interest' log. written in a bold «od easy style, by a graphic and masterly pen. Memoirs ot tbe l,iro*tif Robert Hcldane. ol Airthrsy, and of his brother Jhidcs Alexander Iioldane—by Alexan der Holdane. E»q., or tbs tuner Temple. Barrister at la*. M Gbea’s Expository Lcotnreaon the Epistle to the Ephe sians—by the Rev J M Gbscs. A M, MRS A,' 1 of Harroid’s Cross Church Dublin. More of Miranda Elliott nod Nelly Bracken. Foraal? aplO No. 186 Cong roes st. ill’s Twelve Urgent ijne*tfons p Helsn at New York Society.. , . . • - pr Early. Yean In lbs Far West. By of Chips, By Joba Brougham. 'ly'.'tEs HIdd»n*Path'.* Ol'i -Hbrneetesi, to* i. .. ons, Mary Lyud6n,' Doestlcks, '• : .w; l T§^rirtLf'y'»M8' ‘ n^s^^ugerrin Ameries; I pSrtnUta! Harper aud Putnam, Magaxines. for December.' ■ 14indon Art Journal for November. ■ • lismber’s Edenburgh Jonrntl for Oeoembcr. d*c8 ,W. THORNE WIIJJAH8. D IARY and Correspondenceofeaniuel Pepys’, In lbs nlgna ot Cbarlee II. and James 11., 4 vole., with two - ortrsits. • . . ., tw'TfZ.* n ** au * M “ d br g also nuiny lncldsnts never be* The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races, from tbs French of Count Gablnesu. Brown's History of Greek Classical Llteratnr*. An EsoapsdNovioe from the Sisterhood or St. Joseph, rJore -hraa u. Bankley. byJosrhfns U. Bsnkley. ... Napoleon at 8t. Helena, with itluitratione, by John 8. <J, Abbott. 8 vols,.cloth, gilt. i A Child's History of th* United States, by Jso. Bonner, novlfi 8. 8. SIBLEY, 166 Congress st. The Lsueet for Nov. k Deo’r. DielurneU’e Railway Guide. Eclectic Magulne for December. deo!4 UT. THORNE WILLIAMS. A- TheForayers or ths fwr'kHihh Thfcn WllUnk’s Wharf, near tbe Oan I npHl eubeerlber Inform* tk» publlo that heSlU_„ X snd will krep coutauUy on hand n good stock B|MBSFASfi6 tWm.. ^^gwlw. ! ; Fairbanks’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALES, m WAW ^SS , iW»AgS"BOAuS" ata - > On Wheels-expressly for Founderies, Rolling Mills, Iren Tbs Foraycn or the Raid of the llogdays; by Wm. re Simms. Lives of th* Queens ol England or the Hons* of Hano ver) by Dr. Doran: 2 vols. ' i Table Traits, with something on them; by Dr. Doran. Habits and Meta. . Riel a d the Fearless, or the Uttl* Duke) by Hies Yonge, author uf the Heir of Redcliffe, he. I ti.... gtoiM 1 are been lone known *nd-1 •SSESlSSSSlNf TiSah JESSSt 7 ' * n ' 1 1 •*»* •■««>. <mlmnl Oteldrae, Ml In Mciru;. %.4i5 , _*!?HSIH5*' } te_ . ■> .. .. I eadpetfoet adjustment U each that they are upw regarq* • THEBTANDABD! from which there le no appeel. The Red Eigle. a Poem ofths8oulh;by A. B. Meek. I True Riche*: Two instructive stories for Young People. | The Glorv of the Redeemer In Hie Person and Works; r the Rev. Octavius Winslow. novlO W. THORNE WILUAMB. A BOOK o' f.hngffiVan’unknown author — I Juno Clifford. A tale by a lady. »his |e a hnmor- | oo til BILL k PRENTISS, A tale by a lady, oua and-higbiy interesting bonk. - Beechcrof:. a novel by the author of tbe Heir of Red- cliffs, lro.,to be read and appreciated. Tho Red Eaglo. A Poem of the Month. By A. A book worth thrice the price ' “* ern Indian warfare. - Wpbard WioFojrJiM.or lb» Ultle Dnke-beaullluJIy } and every vaflety of ai lUfltrljtg, itrotltg, &t. illustrated, by the author of the Hoir of Redcliffe, Ac. For sale by 8.8. SIBLEY, novB * 135 Congress street \R, TUK HESCmf.^W*?Lrest raBMiaanii|«smr ft tlonjj makieg tbe best nseortsMut ta this city, of all «• Particular attention givaa to .ths' Bepnlitef of Watches and Jewelry. . 1 ao20 ... B. Meek I IVtloni.maklng the best assortment ta this city, af all all inters sted in South- *iad* of Watchsa, J*W*l«r, Fancy Or* 1 Fork*, Pitcher*, Tea 8*t*jOupo, 8yphc Kanawha, new I 0 end startling. Putnam’a Magasin* for Angn*t. Graham’s Magaaine for August. Blackwood's Magulne for July. Ballou’s Plotortal, and Harper’s Magaain* for August. Received and for sals by 1 augl _8, 8. SlUIJIY, 106 Oongrese-et. JAPAN EXPEDITION. illignUantoua. «| visits to tlie Japanese Empire, with sketches of Ma- I deire. Si. Helena, Cape ot Good Hope. Mauritius, Ceylon, I Singapore, China and Loo-choo, by J. W. Shaedlng, of the I T1TILL give their special attentli TV. eeffing Produce, Merchandise description. UberaU'ash ad venose made on Consignments. RkPSKKNGKS \, John Bones. Pre». Bank or Augusts; W M O'AoUgaac, .Prea Ina.flank)Thob Barrett,PreS.SUteBank] HeardA- U. H. Bteam Frigate Mlsslsilppt.Flag-ship of the expedition | Davison. Lewis A Alien, M A B W Wilkinson. J O'CUvmi- with eight illustrations, lu tint. _ . I chael, Baker, Wright AO& Augusta) G W Williams k Co. The Life of John Phllpot Currso. by Ida sen Wiu. Henry I Charlsstou; B M Leonard AUj, White .A Bishop, New Curran, with addttloun and notes by Msckensle. I York) Bell A Prentiss. Waver A Constantine, John Lama, The Private Life of an Eastern King, by a member of the 18avannali: Seymour, Fanning A Cj, Nashville) B M A A O Eooseliold. Pitunlee, KnoxviLe. * ' * dec20 Bits of Blarney, by R. Shelton Mackensle, 1 'risufuiT—ntinvrTtr ‘ ‘ V— Uttlo Nell, from Hnusahold Words, by Charles Dtokens. [ _ JDANJUSL OfLOMlaEYj ■ Amar Pasta, tbo Visler’s Daughter, by 0. VV. M. Rey- I FASHIONABLE 13001’ MAKER, nolds. Received aud for sale bv 8. 8. SIBLEY, Comer Of Ur Out fit OH ft IffiU ItrCftl* ■ oet23 186Congrees-stisst. | ^ THKauUruiberaeaires'to Inform tba pubUo that edition Annals of Tennessee to ttt* eua ot the 18th century; by DrJGM Ramsey. Reminiscences of Charleston; by CUm Fraser. Maps of the Baltio and Black Baas, of the Crimea, Se bastopol, Ac. • History for boys) by J E Edgar. myl6_ V. THORNE WILUAMB. ~ “ BITS OF BLAItNEY, B Y S R Mack*ns.-,edior Life of Curran. Ac. Archbishop WLately on the Scripture Revelation* concerning a future state. Maud and other Poema, by Tanuvaou. Eveuinga with the Prophets, by Rav U Brown. Thu Gospel; with moral reflections on'each verse, by Advenlurea of Sir Amyas Lel;b. by Klngsloy v I - A DVKNTURK8 In Africa, during a Tour of two year* In I offered to^kepUnUo! 1 " ” HUtorleal, Pathological. Elhlo Iceland I A. that Maj. W.O Harris. I : HEW AND ADDITIONAL _ RECEIVED PER LA&T STEAMER. Yellovr Fever, HUtorleal, Pathological The rape u tic it I, by Dr LaRocha. 2 vols. Bulloch’s Amerioan Cottage Builder. McCormacke Visit totna Camp at Sevastopol. Collier’s Map* or the Mast or War, Black Sea, Turkey, Faauiouable Lire, Russia. Cronstadt, Baltic, Ac., Ao. 1 AI Tbe Newcombee, bv Thacksry, complete In 2 vols. s*p20 W THORNE WILLIAMS. alderon, the Oourrior by R L Bulwer, sgreat story. India na. bv Goo. Sand, author of Cansuelo, Ae. Light and DsrkntM, or thu shadow of Fat* ; a story of J be haaopenod aa abort, where he I# prepared w» exeeute orders for Root* or the fineet finish aud * atjrle, and equal, if not superior, to any heretofore C| tf. FUGLE, ■ , . , A’o. li WhUaker-mat,* Doorifn* Aryan, WUOLaSAia AMD XXrAIL DXALDK IX CASHES, Blinds, and Door*. Palate, Oils. Vanishes, Vj Window Gtasa, Puny, ao. OUH COUNTRYMEN. R brief Memoirs of Eminent American*, by Lousing, Mlustrated by upwards of 100 engrevInRS. and Putnam** Magasin*, for Juno. by Alex Dumas. l^e of the pbief Justlo** of a the United r, In water colors, by 8 Bernard, i, by the author of tha “ Heir o f Re I- Marines, by IJent Wlae, author of " Ire uClergy, by Df Belcher an Nights, with lW Illustrations. Jueauo’i Oomeloa Place Book of Thoughts. pfroma, • . . —* W. THORNE WILIJAUS Th* Fly fog Yank**; or Crulee or the Clipper*) a tale ot \ WAlts-wate Head* and DoaUr*. the war of 1812 and 1816, by Henry Hasell. • Wft. 1 5! l P t ‘ on ' . More of Mia* Jonas’uouRsblp, » I Artlata Oolora, in Tubes, Prepared Gaavaea, Ae Hon of ruraua.Onliooi, aK.r. EUokoooO, Koloker-1 f-f-' HtoiotoHonon, to ruo-teoNrollona. More of Putnam,Graham, Godsy, Blackwood, Knloker- ‘t Leslie, and Arthur's Msgstlnes. For sale t 8. & SIBLEY. 186 Congress-st DICKONS' NOVELS. I N one complete sett, of twelve vols., beautifully bound IfoClotbr- Just received from the publisher, and for ■ale by 8. R. SIBLEY, 136 Congress-st. banceoSt’s hIBToey O F the United States, In six vnls..haud«i>mely bound in Cluth. Just received and for tale by S. B. SIBLEY, oct23 J36Congtr- Rooms propurud with nestno-w and despatch. House, Sign, and Ship Paintlug. " ■ a . Gulldmg, uramiug.and Gtasing done in the beet style, and at moderate prices. All orders Irom th* country promptly atteuden to. taaritl—> ■ ’ - UY1NU' AND RENOVATING MMTAULIMHMJORT, <* 73 rorkifmf,iwar<JUObur<i/ciU4i dasanaaJk,Georgia. SUTABLUBUm IN 1833. X HE aubevnour, grevemi to hla' patrons and friends for their continued favors, would atata that, taaddltioa D ELlSdKR.S INTEREST .AND AVERAGE TABLEB^-7 I to thalraproyoraout* 1’jDvlcg, acquired by hint during ble per rent—A new method, comprising accuracy, lalt visit to England and Booilaod.ha^inuda arranrmsuU : i apeed and simplicity, by which tha Interest on any amount, I tor extending his boilaass, by which beta sow enabled ta NEW HOOKS. from II to 63,600, for any period, from on* day to on* (Dye a greater variety of ooIononaUk and woolen dreeaea ) April 7tb. by 8. 8. B1BLEY—Ingtnne,or the | year.canbe “foundataqlanoe.J’^ndfor averaging the j ebawla, toj^whlchJia^truata^wUlgtaeraUy plaaaeaUwbo ‘I": ... jy Alei tom the original MSB by Madame Julie A book, teanrst line or which at paoe lnJTvldi lavorit*.ana great author; baudeMMly bound In unalin. Medical Notes and Reflections by Henry Holland, M D. IBS. Also, a fresh arrival of Miranda Kiilott. For aaleat ap8 136 Congress-street ,t*d meet intricate sume, in shorter time and with fewer fig ures than by any other system, By R. D. DeUisscr. Re ceived and for sale by S. 8. SIBLEY, aepS 186 Congress atrset. I1KNHY VEHnUNtUH, THE DREAH. BY A GEORGIAN. now In process of com- T1HI8 Is the title of a romance not. „ J. pletlon, which will be Dined in two numbers pa. the nay favor him with their patroaeg*. Uvutlemen’s gomsnte dyed, okaued or renovated, a 1 may be required. ID the same superior style which has gen I eratly so much pleased hla patroniand&laoda. I Ladlsa' bonnets dyed, blatched aud pressed la the most raahlonablc styles. 1 Orders from th* country punctually attended to, Tame let and 16 th of July', 1866. The scenes are laid mainly in I •hmrid ,> sent him *by iatteMhnmgh ^Postffiio*?** “ ■ J “ J ‘ J ““‘ **" -- y know whare toeaufor theas, . .. — . ALEXANDER GALLOWAY equal in quantity of matter an ordinary slaad duodecimo — ~ ~ ' " 1 volume of 800 pages. . It will be promptly Daoed and for-I UAB APPAHATUB FOR TIUD OOUSTUV, N ATUKE bUbto I I %' HteSJSaffitBsa BxM * *° 4ol ' i ^ TaDsfor the Marines, by the author of “Loa Gringos,” The Turkish Empire, by Edward Hor Morris. Th* Women ol the French Revolution, by Mlobelet. The American among the Orientals, by Dr Boulden. Rand’s Chemistry, for the uee of StuaenD. Lutlicran Manual on Bcriptanl Principle* of the Auge mrg Confession. Adams' Equity, 8d Amerioan edition—by U Wharton. Kutf Isb • emmon Law Reports, vol 78. Kent’s Commentaries, naw edition, 4 vola. O'Doherty Papers, new supply. Medico «'Mmivlcal Review, tor April. -'*• W. Tlir warded to all who wlU send their orders accompanied with I ADAPTED to ths oaeof private dwellings, churches, - the oath. 1 JX schpoD, hotcD, waUrlng places, factories, fosndarieei TERMS: | machineihope.aadrallroad etatioae; / ' ...|0 76 I “ “— per oi Remittances mu»l b * ‘ in post offloe stamps. Jt22 laenmeloops.anuraurosa aiauoni. / Single copy, two numbers 60 76 I The Maryland Portable Ota Company of Baltimore, ksep I To dubs of three or more, per oopy 60 I on hand and manufacture to ot&ar Gaa maohlnes of aay must be mado in bilD or change, and not I required capacity. Their apparatus has stood the test o lamps. Address: I practical experience, and cannot be excelled la aboeomy. JAMES M. SMYTHE, Augusta,Qa. I aafoty and elmpltelty For further psrttoulars address HORNE WILLIAMS. BOOKS. I JAMES GORDON BENNETT. M EMOIRS ol j*mea Gordon Dennett and hie Timer. Sam Slick in searoh of a wtio. , The Island Empire or Scenes of the First Exile of th* I Emperor Napoleon 1st. Mineral Springs of the United 8tateiand Canada, by Dr, E, R. SPI Kill Triaury, 303 Baltimore, et., aUOmoreT M.D, R ECYIVKD JUNE 16,1866, BY 8.8.8IBLEY—Th* Star Bell. M Paper*, or Ktperienoee *1 Art and Nature j by Henry IiUosseiofthe Human Twin by Dr«. Fox A Harris. Ward Zfooohor. I Prichard’s Natural History of Man, 4th edition, enlarged A Meinniroftln IJtnary Life and Correspondence of the fby Norria. with numerous colored plate*. ^ I Countses or Blcusinglon, in 3 vole. Walkna. or adventures on the lflsqulto Shore, by 8 A My Brother'* Keeper, by A B Warner, author of Dollar* Reird. _ . • • . „ , „ . «n-l t/ODi*. Hr Rathurford’a Children. Ac. Art, Hints, rchllecturo, Sculpture and Painting, by He tlmt hath light within hi* own clear broant. #{**"■ . - May ait in tho crater and enjoy bright day | Kirwin’* letters to Dinbon Hughes- Sihter llit**’. in mi»hi chapters, by Dickens. I History of the Council ofTrent, by Rungensr. Paul l*trn,.n. ..r lh*‘ Scurge of the Antilles ; by gylva- Anew* up ply or Deestlck*. Uuo’aChlns. nuf.Uobh.-lr. . Visit to the Camp before FebastopoL Harper's .• lory Awl*. Tod's Clinical Lectures on Paralysis and the Brain More of Baocrolt’a Literary and Historical Miscellanies. Helwmof llsughton or the Mother’a ^oret. •’ornoll'r |.riir.m y Giuiqrsphy lor Sohoois. For sale at 1 _WjjW W. THORNE WILLIAMS. NEW BOOKS. R ECEIVFi' BY 8 8 RIB'.KY—Tb* Illustrated Maonere Book, a Manual of Goo-1 Behavior and Polite Accom- ptlshmuntH. Nature and Uumau Nature, by the author of Bara Slick th* Clock Maker. For sale at my3 lUftCungress-hlresl. LAWS OF GEORGIA. P ASSED at tbe ee*slou of 1863-1 ; compiled by J Rath erfbrd. Price, 63 60. myl W. THORNE WILLIAMS. SPICNCICll CURIUfiLL & CO., QEFERAL AUCTION d COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 164 Bay Street, v^OLICIT from their friends conulgnments ol every de- O soriptlon. „ , My peraonal attention wlU be given to tbe ealreof Real Estate, Bank Stock, to. KxrxKXKcea: Hiram Roberta, Esq. I b. F Wood .N Co Pierson.'Ueldt k Co. | Noble Lyon, Esq. rnyH BOOKS AND MAGAZINES. KXCUVED BV H. B. fUHLKT, AFtUL UD, 1866. G RANTLKY Manor, a tele—by Lady Qeorgiana Tullu- ton, author of Ellen Middleton, Lady Blrd,Ao.. seventh edition. The Poetry of Germany, consisting ot eelecUone from upwards of seventy t f tbe most celebrated Poet*.transit ted into English verse, with the original text on the oppo- site page—bv Alfred Bakervilla. More of Alvar ; Downing's Country Houses, Harper’s Magatiue ; Godey'a Lady*' Book; Grahams, Pataam’s. Blackwood’* and Frank Uslle’a Gasette, Fer sale at *p4 186 Congreaa-street jvl7 186 Congressjstrset. 'I‘11K WATcilMAN A COMPANION to the Lamplighter. copies ordered In advance. *'— ready engngid. Cali early. ‘Jhe wciidortui and soul-thrilling adrentures, by land jndhua.of Oscar rilisughi. The life and advent urea of Harry Ullndon. th# man matiy crimes. % Toe American Bird Kaucicr, treatib; u, 19<u fog, (boding ar.d uunngemcnt Ti-r o#gs sn-t hoar.* birds. Harper's Msgsslni’ for June ; Grahsm's Magasin* for Ian*; Black mod'* Magarine for May; GleanoiFs I'iniorUI, *• • Kscrfvv | r.n<l for eala bv d rt. 8. iilULEY, No. 136 Pongies* si .. 3 vol*. Reports on Continued Fever and Typhoid SI. FITZQKUALU, Corner of BrougUton and Whttwker-atreete, SAVANNAH, OA., ' t iUCCESSOR to T. C. Klee. Manufacturer and Dealer in ) every variety of common and fin* CANOIKB, kiln dried and warranted to resist effectually the hot damp at mosphere of a Southern Climate | duo Itemon and Straw- her y Syrup, &o. Term* cash, price* low,tf—apfl HUDSON, FLESIUIG dt CO., Faotors and Cummlaalun Alurotusnte, No 04 Rap Sired, SaoannahyGa., DOUGLAS JERROLD’S M EN of Chsracter, conUinmg Titus Tynmps, Jsck Runny mode, Job Pippin*, and Isaac Cheek, with en gravings. Mammon, or the Hardship* of en Heiress—by Mrs Gore. The Reg Bsg, a collection of Ephemera—by Willis. Trl-oolored Sketches of Paris in 1861,1863 and 1868— platea Scientific Annual for 1866. The Country Neighbors—by Mr* Dupuy. author of Th* Conspirator, ke. Foster’s first Principles of Chemistry, adapted for Clssses. ■ The most eminent Orators and Statesmen of Ancient and Modern Times—by Dr A Harsh*. Contents: Lord Chatham, Bnrke, Grattan, Fox. Curran,Sharman,Canning. Pitt, Patrick Henry, Fisher Am**. Calhoun, Webstar, fcc. aplB W. THORNE WILLIAMS- fc (Jo., of Charleston, the establishment of an offloe In this olty wlU afford our friends oholo* of markets. Strict atten tion will 'given to business, and tbe osnal facilities afr forded eus«om*!S. J.R. HUDSON. L Savannah W. R. FLEMING. f E * T * nBan LAMBETH HOPKINS, Auguste. isplStf • ' ■ COHEN,Oharleatok ' jspMilsh Congnlqte. THE OFFICE OF TUB SPANISH CONSULATE, FOB THE PORT OF SAVANNAH, WILL BE FUUND ABOVE DeFord’s Drug Store, Broughton Street. OFFICE HOURS, FRuM 10 A. M. to 4 P/M. oct6 JOSE JUUO MARTIN ~ lUNDRUsar MoMAHON fc DOYLE. ’ C1UND2UES—200 hoxee • flunllr sosht 200 do Jfo. I do; 0 100 do sal* do; 100 do tnoold candles1136 do edsasa; Use do;.76do sperm do: 160 do raialaa; 100half dodo- 300 quarter do do; 100 do gronnd ooffee; stertb, 800 mustard| 800 do fircan groond pepper; lOfiao cateupj 1 WggWgW; jjn BONES Ground Coffee; OvIsOJeksRlo ao, /. lull mete Old Government; . ’ 62 half chests Tea, various brands; 100 boxes Tobscoo, choice do; 600 gross Smoking Tobacco) taflJtodtateteW. MoMAHON Ji POTLE, TffkWTON PIFHlta-te WU Aoplu. Ctotent.., Pui. fOHUtih BOOK*. A 8 the eehopn are re-opening, sew Book!-wlU be re- &&2ssiarTTrasaw r .t»ui ; 166Congress st. ftKtVUOUKB . ..... R ECEIVED BY ri H 8IBIJEY May 8th. 1866— meditetioni, bv Her A Morton Brown., Tbe o’ltuherly IWrs n( Dr Moginn’s Miscellaneous Clouds and ftnnshino ia tfae Lile of a Village Pastor, Writing*. 1 **- —'* Dick Flyby night end th* Black Gang, by the author ol Captain McLean. Tom Waters, or the Haunted Highwayman, by the author of Bill Horton. . Th* Mounted Rlfisman, or the Girl of tbe Bobbera’ Pass. Those who have read th* Black-Plumed Riflemen will wel come his “mounted” broiler oa somethinglar surpassing, No other than tue pen of Nowton M.Curtis could pro-luce romance or Its character mor* generally admlrei Anna Clayton, For *a)e at rii/10 ‘ 136 Congress street Harbaugh’s Heavenly Home. Flint's Clinical Reports on C< Fever. Gooch’s Practical Midwifery. Fordyce on Fevers. Mendenhall's Medical Students Vade Mecura, with op- ward* of2)0,illuatraaUons. Beasley’* Medical Formulary Do Prescription Books. Wood’s Practice. Bell li Stokes’ Dicksoa's, Watson's, Dnoghson's, and all other medical works for Students snd PrsoUlfonor*, at reduced prices. ' _ool7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. '|.MIE History of Napoleon Bonaparte,by John SO Ab I \A7RAPPING 1’Al‘EB,or different elees.agood arUcle. Jt bpu,in2 volume*. 8 vo, with map* and upwards of | YV At low prloee for cash. For s^a ...maps 100 IBustraUons Quskett oa the Microscope, new edition. Og,--.— * 1 — “* - \TEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES— Rsoelrsd January IN 31st, by 8.8. Boost i Frank Crosbit snd Hie Friends, by Lover. ' 5lr*mA.L.- | h'. Vo,„. or AdT.ntare. la to „i,a da, fa,. Ell “ b,lb , b / OtoldJ.', So ’taKS -r Un. Bia . juitence Herbert, a novel, by 0 K Jewsbnry. UCoro Maogue. or Social and Religious Cual France; by Eugene Courcollon NEW MEDICAL BOOKS. Mackensk’a Praetloal Trestls* on Diaearn of th* Eye, with 176 lllurtrmtions. Rokitansky’s Manual of Pathological Anatomy,, transla ted bySwalne.4 vols in3. Paget’* nurglcaV Pathology. ■ Barton on the Cans* and Prevention of Yellow Fever, ooataioed In toe Report of the Sanitary Committee of New Orleans. Jameson on Epidemic Cholera. Tanner's Manual of Clinical Medicine sad Physical Di agnosis. - V Elements of Medicine, Pathology and Therapeutics, by Samuel Henry Dickson, U D, ot Charleston Medical College, roll,. . Stokes on Diseases of the Heart and Aorta.' Jons'* k Sltrerklng’a Manual of Pathological 'Anatomy, with 807 Illustrations. Hamll's Microscopic Anatomy In Health and Discs**, vola with upwards of 600 Illustration*. aeplS W. THORNE W1U.1 AM8. TTI3TORVbj W H li Prescott,in3vol*. 1/mgfallow’* Bong of Hiawatha. Tha Mystic i by Boilty, author of Fsktua. The Honre by, tbe Sea; by Tho* Baebansn Reed. Roe* Clark) of Fanny Fort. . - Phcemsclana, or 8katoha* and Barlasques; by J Phaalx. Irish stUome sad Abroad, at the tiodrtsnd lq tbe Aroold's Christian Life, Its Courses,-Ac. Blind Girt of WlUcolwrg, a pictare of the Times of Lu ther and the Reformation, Waster Karl's Sketch Book. ThaPrinco ofthe Horn# of David, or 3 years In the Hoi OUT" v -“—' ’ Ten thousand Over forty copies at- ihg upon the breed l oi th** Canary am Tire RICH KHiSMAH. T HE History of Ruth, the Moabitess, by Stephen H lyng. thu Footprints of St Paul, by the author of Morning id Night Watches, the Wunl* of Jesus. Ao. Tho Minister's Family, by the Rev W M Hefberingtor The Words of Jesus; tbe Mind of Jesus, fitray Arrows, by the Rev Tbo* Ledgerd Ouyler. More of Tender Grass for Little Lambs. Also, a lot of Oillott'a Mngn-im Darrel Pens, unsurpass- •1 for mcroanHIo purposes. Received June 27th, and for sal-* by r R. B. BIBLEY; 1 j«29 ISO Congress-st. BAYARD TAYLOR’S JAPAN iTdll’ to India, l-hlna and Japan In 1863, by flsyard Kvenings with Uie Prophets a earies of memoir* and 8DIN OKIES. 100 aack* Rio, Java and Lagnayra Coffee; 10 bhda Porto Hloo and Musouvada Sugar; 60 bbla Croaked. Powdered and Refiaed do; 80 hhda Bacon. Sides and Shoulders; 10 UeroaaBagar Cared Ham*) 100 hoxee Tobaoeo, vagiona brand* and aisea; 10 eases American and Yellow Bank da; 76 M Cigars—Domestlo snd Imported; 76 bbUDomitle Liquor* j 1 H pip* Otetd, Dupoy A Co Brandy—Vintage 1661 j * • H « a teliattu ' 6 X « Alexander, Belgnltte •• ‘" J ,mtorl * 1 w, “ i 200 eaoke Salt; 160 boxes and balf do Soap; 60 baskets Champagne, of our own Importation; 6U M and # oheits and oaddios Hyson and Black Teas 60 bole Potatoes; 100 boxes Herring*; 60 whole, half and quarter bbls Maokerel) 36 kttts Mackerel and 8a!mon,No. 1 and 2) 60 bbla Flonr | 100 sacks do | 60 do Biscuits, of different kinds; 26 boxes Soda Biscuit) fiO gross Matches) 10 ease* Canton Ginger: 10 do GllveUil. qts and pta; 20 do aaat’d Conilai*; ,26 do 8t Jullen Claret Wlo*t 20 boxes Vcrmieslll and Macaroni; 76 do Cheese,Goshen, Eng. Dairy and Pin* Apple) 16 kegs Butter, Go*ben and Western; 36 boxes Piper) 10 do Coens and Chocolate; 60 boxes ground Spices; 36 bags Nuts, variom kinds) 6 bbls Potash, Blue Stone and Balt Petr*) 100 Domfiohna, from quart* to 6 gallon*: 15 casks Byaa'a London Porter) 10 do Jeffre 60 whole and half boxes aasl’dCaady; 76 boxes Sperm, Adamantlp* and Tallnw Candle*; - (Troy's At*) fi \i oaaka Sperm and Whale Ollj, fi bbls lfaoh(p--y do, fiO ease* aaat’d Pickles and Preserve*) . 30 dos Brooms; 20 dos Buckets. —'also-*' I Prune*. Date*, Figs, Sardloo*,'CsUup, aucer, Bitters: I Lemon Syrups, Grofflid Coffees, Powder A Shot. Smoked, ,. Beef and Tongu*e,Plg Ham*.' Ae., Ae., kept 'constantly on N APOliUUIl • 8. H. SIBLEY, Mo. 1 Kingtlcr, author of Wypatla,Ao. Southalde View or Blavorj, or Three Months at the South in 1861; by N Adame, I) D. Mon of Character, by Boagtea Jarrold. new supply. Chambers’ Edinburgh Magaalne for June. Baltics of theCrimea, new supply. lSUt Georgia dapnm* Court Report*. Just receive by Jell W. THORNE WILLIAMS. . SYDNEY HUH. A MEMOIR nf tbe Rev Sydney Smith, by hla daughter “ lady Holland ; 3 vola, Naw 11 ome.Ao. For sale at 136 Congress-st. feb3 HOLIDAY BOOKS. i< A SELECT assortment of elegant work* with numerous JA. fine engravings ana splendidly bound, suitable for Christmas presents, The Holy Gospels Illustrated In 40 original designs, by Overbook, Folio, Antique, cf. Gems of British. Art, illustrated with 30 eupetb line engravings, folio, antique, of. ornament* of * - Jtoi, ,.ml Otrxi beh.Tlour I Jtr“'wffifs,te>W.utl,ia, sad polite aecomplir k lealf. • . Tue American Col bv J Bullock. Tome’s account of (he Panama Rail Road. or, Beauties of History. Ro- band, all of which have been carefully Selected In the Northern Markets and are now offered to families pnd the public generally at the lowest market price, for each or approved paper. Please give 0* a call. “ ^ ^'Al H. CHAMPION. Suecesior to Champion k Watu, - «• • • • ‘ ’ .I'TE*. d-Msmard^t., aep33 between the Market and Reyet SUNDRIES, v ' "1A8EBFancy Prints, do Fnrnltnre do; J ‘i Black and White do; do ffolid Block do) “ DcLainaa^mdCMhmersi | ■■■•*<. . •». Alnaecaaj do Persian Twill*; <* Wu# Denims, do Bn*;Drills, do Bleaehed de; Bale# 'of Brown Drilia;;‘ X Shirting Strive*; Bed Tick) “ Striped thneburgs; ' • Cos** Blue Btripei) do Apron Checks: ’• FurnltereCijtok*| do T willed Kerreyi) Cseea Batlnete) do Csa*|m#re* ido Tweeda) •* Kaotuoky Jeans; do Plaid Linaaya; Bales Red and White Flannels; *a4*e Canton do, Feraala by #*H» WM. B.,FOOTE fTTBUIT! FRUIT!! FBUiT 1 !l-26.t>og OtSSgS*; 1UDOO J* Plantain*) 26 dosen Pine Apple*, and 1M hunenee Banana*; Just received by and lor sale if • ISON EalLlHO ANd .U,. B.M., ro, Home, -o, to I ™ > ^ rta .^SK*ter B “ 4 - • .teasafW 1 A new suppliy of Mary Lindon, Doestlcks, Hue’s China, ooquito Hhore, Bara Blink, Women ofthe French Heroin-1 trail, and First Exile of Napoleon to Elba. Harper’s Establishment,or how Books an made, with . Hu , k! v. numeron*plate*, THORNE WUJJAM8 tiqnecair. '' ' luAtllnwe for Fnblloand Prlrate Parks. Onr- - . ,^LLIAMfL_ | of Memory, an illuminated annul, II engra- j dens, atepe. Verandas, Beloonl*s ( ^C*msew 1 1 twyteu,fett' • ! - [ly: by ProtMeorIngraham. ditto. rhANGES. Baasna*. Bhaddoek’a Limes, a foU sopyty of angeO B MEDICAL WORKS. RECEIVED AND FUR BALE BV n. 8. SIBLEY. TyjNGUBPN'B Cycfo^edia^of^Practical Medicine, PreoSceofMedWni. Wood’# . ' . « Bell A Stake’s ; ' Eberlit A MitcLrii on Children, ,i . Dewees “ . Smith’s Operative Surgery, KoUacbet’a Microscopical Anatomy, Drakd on the Principal Disease*, u 2nd Berios on revere, - Dunfltearon New Hemedfee, . / * Morton’s Hamas Anatomy, • Wilson’s ” ■ ♦». Druifa Modem Surgery, Melgg’Snn Woman and ha r Wood'sAffleaebs’aU. a DUpensat Una’s Odmartte Madidne. EwrtPsMedlool Companion, Roahon the Votes; • vlngs, moroooo extra. - -'j: terw Leu, Seen** In the life of onr Savloar. lUuetreted, calf extra. | mitpflTAIRB. D001 WomVnof theSoripturea, with 8 iliuatratjons, caUyxtra. 1 1 Gem Book of BrUUfoJ'oetey, with PortralU, weeded IfOUNTA ringeffom IcleelngC IamiUlKi..—r,,:. .—r.~. _ JijfflL DOBS, WIN! r i i-TTfrimmr Rush on the Voice, United States DUeeetor, l r A mja* POTATOES—7*’ bM., rotetote pi 1 JA, mer«era|-alao,10 bbla best red Apple*, Uqc- |M “jTy i-Vvtoa.tote.teUto.ggggg,^ 1 Bamplee oan be eeea at th* wha^f pf Messrs. Cpr ►"one. y ■■ -1 sv. ro. uev 1 i /<;- ,V.,' -'J': 7 11*<; wv-