The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, March 05, 1856, Image 1

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THE GEORGIAN w rmiiiauRD DAILY, TRI-WKSttY AND WIEKLY, BY J.UWRIUHT jfcCO;, CITY AN COUNTY P&tNTHIlM. For one square of 300 cmi or lew, of any type not larger then Nnuparlel; 7ft cent* for the Bret, end 60 cents Tor TERMS. AilyyrtUemrntd,f)f wlutevor length,, for any time fees then one month, to be charged at trenilent rate*. For n longer limn nt the ro lowing rale*: lunv. Tki w mn 4. Wsratir 3. Poyai-r •» orfednee. Where payaient is not made in xJvsn.'e. the chargee will Invariably be fur Daffy Qmgian fit- HVWbp 16, end Weekly $3. exchange reading room. I I .VilE the attention ef the public generally to the Heading Room ant the (heilitiea lor Newspaper and Hasolnt inform ultra there presented. Subscriber* will lint, aoiong others, the following Megaslnea:—Black* uiMMi'e. and a’l the British Hevlewsj The Internationals lUrpur’M The Knickerbocker! Hunt’s Merchant’s Mage* ,iii<«; (teHiw’s; rhe Southern Literary Messenger: Put* mm’s; and l.i Hell’s Using Age, 1 nm. 2 mos 8 mo* 4 uiiMjfi mos 12 inns 1 Fqiiare..,. $10 • IA $20 $24 $30 $10 2 Hquarrs,.. 10 22 26 28 86 60 a 20 27 32 30 44 no 4 do 24 82 38 42 62 10 6 do .... 27 36 44 46 «0J RO 0 do .... 30 40 60 64 Aft IH) 7 do .... 32 43 64 68 70 100 8 do .... 34 40 68, 02 74 110 9 do .... 30 48 61 06 77 lift 10 do .... 38 60 64 70 RO 12ft New York; New Orleans) Charleston) Mobile) Apalachl* coia.riavannah t fce. Among numerous other pepere will be found: from NewY rk. the Herald, Tribune, Irish Amerioen, Ev Posh Freemau’s Journal. Bun.Citisen. Dally News, Commercial Adrertiser, Ac.) Boeton aad Philadelphia, Charleston snJ Angusta papers, the IJrerpool Times. California and Katie** ptpers, Now Orleans papers, Washington Dailiee, sod United Btatea, French end German papers. ,‘iubscrlkere will tnd Papers t hi Pe ledicala from every section of the Union, emorecltg all the dlveralAed Po* l.ural. Commcrciel end literary interests of tho day, Fore gn and Domestts. Ministers and strangers are In* y.te < to call in. W. F. WIGHTMAN. marl KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS, Market 8t., weatof Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. ». F. JACOBY * CO., I ! TO. Tr.HR of and dealers In the various Foreign and liomestic Marblea.'Statuary. to,, have constantly on h.ud a large and aeleotassortmentuf MANTELS,TOMBS, RoSUUEViS, TABLE TOPS, fro., of every description, not exorilud by any in the city for beauty, symmetry and finish CABIN KT MAKERS, PLUMBERS AND MARBLE CUT TERS, furnished at the shortest notice, with Marble of errry description and pattern, whether Foreign or Domes, tic. either finished in thy Slab or Block, on the moat res onate terms. W* re.ret'.ifnlly inelle attention to our etoek on band. frb®l Arao UKMOVAL. PAPER WAREHOUSE. MEGARBB BROTHERS, I'atier MsnulMtnNN ami Importers ot ittaimfnetmitra* Matortale, Noi. 3 and 6 Seestnr St., Fhiltdelphia, B SO to call the attention or purchasers to their eaten- slve assortment of Papers, railed to tbs wanU of «Wler* and consnmeia in evtry soction of the Country.— A,I nr.itis will reoolve prompt attention,and be Riled at ee l«w prices as by any bunse In the Uolon sv 1000 TONS KAOS wanted fur Cash, feb'.A NOT IMPORTANT TO PLAN TERS ONLY, BUT Til MILLERS, LIVERY-WEN, STOt'KFEED- ERS, AND OTHERS. IJTHAT thej wDl_soonJ« offersd_CORN^MlLI^ withSlX. _ FOUR and TWO GRINDING CHAMBKR8 in the apace occupied by one chamber In common mllle, and arranged to run by steam nr any other power. Iliat s'lfanugb they are now offered good, virt OoOD mills. th*v will sono be shown stronger, more durable, and more efficient ones at the eatne prices, capable of grinding from ten (10) to [ftflj bushels per hour, according to sisi and speed. . And also, that further information can be obtained of HIGGS ft HBILTON, irbW—tf Burke's Building, Bay et. IMPORTANT TO RUPTURED PERSONS. ~ , DR. 8. J. SHERMAN, who has be* I I come so Justly celt bratsd through. I m V oat the Union for h'e success in It i treatment and cure of Harnea or Raj has arrived lu Savannah and I | {stopping at tha Polae I House, where I the will remain for a fow days only.*j- \ N/ I He he ■ with him a large enpply of bis I I I mw patent TRU88E8. constructed on \ I Jan entirely new principle; any amount \ / of pressure on .the Rupture pad with* \ ‘\ / out pressure on the Bpine. The foi- \ a * lowing certificates from two of the most prominent cltisena of Charleston will speak for Prom A. C Smith.Cashier of Ibe Union Bank i f 8outb t $40 per auuum tor For any time not above epoolfled, a proportional charge will be made. Advertisements ordered three times a week, will be charged two-thirds the above rates. A deduction of 26 per oent. from the above rates will be made on advertisements appearing on the fourth page of lbs dally. ‘tpeolal notlees, 10 cents per line for the flrat, and 6 its for each subs: quant insertion, and In no oaae to be subjeot to contract. Marriage notices, $1, Funeral In vitations. 50 cents each. No special notice inserted for less than ftO cents. Obitniry notices, Reports, Resolu tions, er proceedings of any Poclety, As'ociatlon. or Cor* P'ratlon, ordered to be published, 6 cents per line. btoamboata will be advertised at *** each boat advertised. Steamships, whsre but one Is ruoulug, $10 per annum) If two or .more, $30 each. Auctlone-r’s adrertlsements not to be subject to con tract, but to be charged at the rates prescribed per square. When any bill for two months advertising, other than contract, amounts to over |60, a deduction of 2ft per oent will be made. Yearly advertising, with the privilege ol ohsngo, will be taken at the following rates t For one square, rsnewabte once a week, $41 *• •• •• twice •» 6ft * -• <• “ three times or oftener 70 Every additional square contracted for to be charged is half the above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the apace con tracted for. All contracts shall be In writing, stating definitely tne nature or the business to bo advertised.- Any advertisement! not properly connected with the bu siness shall be charged eeparat-fy. and also any excess o f matter ever the amount contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarterly Advertise ments ftoin strangers and trandeut persons payable in advance. All others will be considered due when called for. » The paper, under no circumstances, to qc Included In a contract. Professional and business cards, n -t exceeding ft lines, will be Inserted at$.0 par annum. Calls on ner-ims to bee ime candidates will be inserted i other Hihortfrenients, to be paid for nvarlably In ad* vsucs. Announcing randblates fur effies $10. to be paid in ad* vance. Advertisements, not marked on tbe copy for a specified time, will bo Inserted until forbid, and payment exacted. Regular advertisers and nil others sending communica tions sr requiring n»Uo n s, designed to call attention to fairs, concerts,soirees, or any public nutortnlnraent where charges aro made for admittance—all notices of private enterprise*cal< ulalcd or Intend'd to promote individual Interests, can only be Insetted with the understanding that tbe same is to be paid for. If Inserted In the editorial column (which ran bo only at the discretion of the edi tors,) the same will l» charged at the rate of not lesa than 20 cents per line. Advertliemeuts ordered iu the Weekly piper, $1 per square for each Insertion. (his schedule (of rates of advertising) shall not lu any wsy afTeot the Inleg-ity of existing contracts. All con tracts for the ysnr, or for any other given time, shall only cease with the expiration of the period lor whioh they were mid*. , The undersigned, publishers of Dally. TrLWeekly and Weekly newspapers in Havaunsh, «*.. pledge oureelvfH strictly to adhere to tbe above bill of charges, and In n j instance to deviate therefrom. Tho above rates to take effect March 1, 1856, and to continue binding, until changed by the »oteof a majority of Hi* nnifers'gned. > Alexander A ?nkp, Republican. J. G. Wrtobt ft Co., Qtnralan. Tuoursox & WmttxoTox, Morning Ntivt. R. D. Hilton, Journal. RULES AND REGULATIONS EXCHANGE HEADING ROOM KOKtHBorsmBtoXor - inen u4 C«—iiHin UUw, ANl. SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. Mtenm ANl. SOLICITOR. IN ROU1- - ■ IMA No. IT BloAtl-mm. ClIARUBniN.N.C. t/laudlan nird Northrop, Alexander Augustin AllemoPg. declft OFFICE exm 1 SPi}S5ftiS'i® l iAH5?srRKEn. i-nceNo 14 tdberty street, ope door weal ol Drey- r „_.—ttard; , _ .y. . , ,, lMboxse Herrings, and 3 hhdsOodflskj' . 60 bbls Darter Potatoes) too bbl. Pink It., ul Mmor MaImi W bnUbblA -'niton U.rt.1" BmQ ‘it bbli No a Mn«b.rnL n*»i aobnllbblnNo. 1 Jo 7 *n at do Oo no. a. do _doi U bill bbli BnekvbHt Ooor; aOQUibbta do dot aibOKM do ' dot Or**”* f0r SfflSlON ( J0HN81ON A CO. S tQAU ANil COrVKB— T FACTOR ANl) UfcNEHAlTcOMfiirtdlol) fiERRCHANT No. 08 Bay street, Savannah, Georgia. Messrs. Clsahorn ACunnh Starr ft Co.,Savannah, au<‘ novl liofham. Bell It Prentiss, Ogden, d J, V. Thompson, Boston. fOUII T. KOWUXD. HUWLanu m uu« GKNKRtL COMMISSION MEROHANTB, 17$ Bsy-atreet, Ssvaaaah. UcOlIEMII Kol.'kTOSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jndfcnmeflte, It*. GMUItSS TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office. Monument Bqnare, near State Bank, Bavaaaab, Oa. Corner of Bay and Whltakar-atreeta. OBoebotira frern • A. M , to 3, P. M.) and from 9j£ P.M.toflP.M. D. A. O’BYAHU, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 176 Ray street, over,Tntaer A PQ.’aDnigHtoce. J. W. PATTEUMR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Trouprills, Lowndes County, Ga. WiiSiSK S. DARIBIib, C(l BOXES Ad. OaadlMi kOdaTalfordo) 100 da Pale OUsoap: 150do no. 1 do; M) do Origate’s Stank; la ■ton and for eale by ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner Whitaker street and Bay lane.Bayaaaab. i, a. atm. 4- >. nam w. ■. unra. HU SB jDA.Vll S LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, Ga. A. ftloAldPlN di Utie’s, LUMBER, MILL AND BRICK YARDS, • -PO GKO. J. JUNKS. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Jones’ But.dings, 8avannah, Uco. saptlB .. IV. PHILIPS. DEALER IN GROCERIES. PRODUCE. LIQUORS, FRU11 AND O .NFECTIONERY. Corner of West Broad and Harrison Streets, ■ep7 ' G. A. HOLGOMBK, A. M.. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH TEACHER. GASTON 8TLELT atwjsnl j, W« BAKKIt. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticello, Jefferson County. Florida. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fuming, SavsnnBb.CJs. _ PD WARD O. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND 00MMIS810NKR OF At Moisrs. Ward k Owens' law Office. ly—msr> wa. xuDunr oooriR. wo. corrxx nunm. COPPER A PHASES It, tACTORS it GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy Street, gavaanab, Oa. PATTKN, HUTTON dl GO., f A Cl OILS, tORWA RUING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jy27 Bsy Street, Savannah. Geo. JOHN O. FALL!GANT, WIIOLK8ALB AND RKTAIld DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW BASH AND PANEL DOORS, West Side Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. JOSBPll OANAHL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, „ Office, Bay street, over the Reading Room or the Repuhll* . lutofHWrs. " J ** san.entrance Immediately east of M . Pric* A Vender. I take pleasure in stating that my son has been perma nently eared of a double rupture ol luug standing by tbe nsaor one of Dr. S. J.Sherman's Patent Trusses, after having tried s.vrrsl other tniaies without any material benefit. . A. C. SMITH. let. None but regular subscribers, tbe clergy, strangers and thuse Introduced ly subscribers, will, under any clroumstnncce, be permitted to visit the room. 2nd. Al subscribe* will be required to pay ono half IheeuhKcriptlon fee in advance, and the remaining ball al (he expiration of alx months. 3d No papur*. periodicals or other reading nutter al lowed to be torn, defaced or taken Horn the loom, except by tbe consent of the proprietor. 4lh.* r moking in the room most positively prohibited, fttli. Pusons chewing tobacco are requested to use the spitoons instead of the fiocr. 6t.h. Th* room will be npenrd each day, one hour afier sunrlre, and closed at Oo’clcck;!'. 11.. precisely. A. H. CHAMPION, 1 Successor to Champion A Watte IOIJS8ALK AND RETAIL OROG_., No « Barnard atreet, between tha Market and Bay street, SAVANNAH, OA. _ , Dealer in Groceries, Foreign and Domeatlo Liquors, Dried Fruits. Ac.. Ac. foftrence—A. Champion. Esq., Samuel Solomons, Esq-i Messrs. Rabun A Whitehead, Swift A Co.,8avannah,qa. WILLIAM II. DAB UK R, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupvUle, Lowndes Connty,Ua. Will prsctice In Thomas, Lowndss.Clinch, Ware, Appling Telfair, Irwin, laurens, and Pulaski counties. GaorgU) and In Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia ‘.lea. Florida. Ab33 This Is to certify that Dr. S. J. Sherman fitted a doable true on a servant of mine, who wae badly raptured, in Jannanr last, which 1 biiieve has eared him. u no symp toms of the hernsa are at all vielble. R. 8. MILLAR, 6S Market al. Charleeten, January 81st, 1866, Mr. 8. wtll take pleasure In explaining the merits of his True to all who may be pleased to give him a call) would be pleased to have the physlelam of Sa vannah call ana examine this Trass. Parsons not wishing to call at the hotel will be waited upon at their resi dence, by sending their sAlreas to Dr. Shaman, Pulaski Boose. Dr 8harman has also with him a lane aupplyot Prof. Trank’s CHWT KX PANDERS, an entire aew| article, for superior to the inider r* Fora single Subscriber.... $10 00 Club ol two Subscribers 18 00 For a Club of three Subscribers.... 22 00 The above Rules and regulations will be most strictly and rigidly enforced. WM F. WIGUTMAN, March 1st, 1856. NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Obt Would rsipeotfully inform the Ladles ofJBta __ speotfully avannab that ehe has opened in Whitaker street, one door from Congress, a new and (asLIonable Millinery es- Mblishment, and that she Will henceforth devote her un divided attention to the same Her lady patrons may rsat assured that Mrs. II. having bad charge of a most fashionable Millinery establishment lu New York city, la enabled, by her long experience, to produce a Bonnet of of superior taste, ncatners and finish. Mrs. H. would also assure those ladles, who may be kind enough to pat ronise her. that bar charges are at the same low rates as hue of New York. Her establishment, therefore, corn- common Shoulder Brace) it not only expands tho cheat, mmuiiw'w"- but affords great support to Um back. Should ba worn by all parsoaa of sedentary habits—clerks, school children, Ac,, As. marl—Im -weal. , , , style, and latest Paris fashions. N. B.—Childrens’ sod Mourning Bonnets mads to order. Already on hand, 600 splendid Ladies Drees Caps, Just Imported, at 60 cents and upward Country customers will please call and examine. WILMOT’8 JEWELRY STORE fKJL Gold and diver Watches. Diamond Pine, Ear and jrtngerKlnjn, Mantis and other Clocks, Spoons, Fork*. Tea Bette, Caster*, As., of 8terUng Silver. Jewelry In every variety. Ivory fable Cutlery, fine Pocket Knives and Scissors, RlshCbtna and Parian Vaasa, aad other artlolee. PAPER HANGINGS. &o„ &o. W II. TUltMKlt, or .xaw York, begs to • tho residents of Savannah that he has pit Fine Double Barrelled Gans, manufactured to bie own order Gunning Implements of all kinds. Plated Walters, Casters, Tea 8etta and Candlsstioks, with a great variety ot Fanoy Articles, suitable lor wedding line, too numerous hare to mantton, An arrangement has been made by which the goods manufactured sndesldby Ballly A Brother, of Philadel phia, can be furnished hie customers at the lowest possi ble prices. All kinds of Watches »pd Clocks rips lied by the moat experts need workmen. * Hair ornamsnta of svsry description executed on the premises br Hr.NoHImlar. In tLe most superior manner, all of which will be furniahsd tbe city or country custom* er on the raoit reasonable terms, and at prices as low as at any other establishment of the kind In tbe 8tate. jsaJO decorative Papera for sale at New fork prices, whioh he can hang In true arilstlo style. Panelling In Oak; Mar* ble, Maplo and Fresco decorations for rooms; Block Mar king and Panelling for pasia{oa and staircases, at 1-luth the painters ohsrges. Having had many years expert • ence In Enrops and New York be is confident of giving satisfaction to bis patrons. Whitaker street. Jan$Two doors irom Congress at. B u 76 boxes do. do.; 26 bbls Butter do., __ _ do j 26 do. Pilot Bread. Received and for sale bj feb 12 MOM/ rilHEattention ot the public Is respectfully invited to a JL rich and beautiful assortment of patterns at the 8, W1LMOT, No. 1 Maihst square. ORNAMENTAL HAIR - WORK Mads to ordsr by F. NOLTIMIER. at the store of 1. Wllraot, No. 1 Market Square nbltc isreepectfolq . auortmunt above iters. Tbe inferiority or woikmanahip and derabillty of these ornaments Is wall known to thoas who, for tbs last five yeare, favored him with their orders, and by comparison with other work, wherever made, will be at once per* eetved. the assortment embrace* everything that oan ba made of hair. Also, Devteee. Boquets and letters on I vory for lockets or broaenee. Prieegnodcrats. Ia80 mm lye* BBLS Rum; 75doQin) 100 do Whisky; 76 do Bran- • O dy; 60 K casks do) 60 *■*•*" * *”*‘ , ‘*'— *“ 1^60 M casks do; 60 bbls X Whiikyj M d^ XX do) 46 do'XXX do) 10half pipes 0 D A Co, Brand; 6 do Ja- nnss do; 10do Gin; received and for sale by Jsnao | MoMAHON A DOYLE. mull AGCO. 8NUFFA 1'IPKB—76 boxes cboloe A Tobacco,different brands; 60 gro*s Snuff; 76 Jars do; ■ • “ * ■'■■ *• * -* g do; 76 j, lonacco.auierrnv oranae; uv gio*s a 200gro*s sninkinsTobacco: 76 kegs No. 1 chewing boxes Pipes; rerelved and for salehy feblO * ' MCMAHON A DOYLE G ANDLKV, NTAHGH St MOAP—176 boxes Mow to, Hydraulle and Adamantiae Candles; 76 do No.l Soap; 76 no Pels do; 100 do Pale do; 100 ramilp do; 60do No. l.surch; received and for sa^^ DoyijK . feblO P LANTING POTATOKI-100 bb!s Planting Po tatoes; received and for eale bv feblO McMahon A DOYLE. DUTTKR St GI1KK8K—16 firkins choice Butter; J3 25 boxes i ~ ‘ ‘ e do Cheese | received bar steamer end for feblO MCMAHON A DOY« E. S YRUP AND NUOAR^76 bbls ehoice Syrnp; 16 bhdsT “ 1 *” QORNEb BEE AND nb~ PORK, Ar-Jost reoeivad',,n «n4 3 euka ' b J, n0HH „, feb3 Comer of Broughton and Brayton-st B HOOPfiTWANUBOAUDH « HltUBI^KB. 100 down Brooms, 26 Wooden Washboards, — 7.ino " 60 " Brnbbing and Shoe Bruvhrs, ilwrtii. lumutll. . IIBHItlHal 100 bblnKn. l.3n - Herrings, ‘ • *Wby and 0 Mackerel, HoViHON * DOYI.F- B iickkt., *US» • riif-— 60 dosen brass-bound Bnekets IcMiHC Received aad for sal* by febtt Holt* WON’ft noYI-F J UnT roes 1 ved. r French Pste, coaslrilagof nnnikew Into! those fine SSfefflS DsBecassee, Do Ortolans, Do Galilee, Pats lePrarrie Hen, Pate De Veaa,fte.,fto. ja>2$ PateDi ?sUi TCHMd run ANNUM. juutry customers w Jsn8—ly lufurni dSyle. GROCERIES AND L1UU0B8. 300 UuXES tobacco, various brands, 8’s, 6’s, 10’s and 1, lumps; 206,000 Havana k Sesrars. some very superior; 160 boxes family, pale and No 1 Soap ; 60 boxes pearl Starch; 176 poorness buck and green Teas; lOObogiRioCofTse; 20 bsgsJ.iva Coffee; 60 barrels refined and yellow Sugars; 100 kegs FFFG Powder; 60 halves and 60 quarter do; atinl— ”■—*■ 10 halfpipes French Brandies; 6 pipes Holland Gin; 2 puncheons Jamaica and 1 do St Croix Rum; 80boi" boxes Claret Wine, St Julian Medde; 60 barrels sugr.r, soda and butte Crack 76 boxes adamantine and tallew Candles, 100 gross negro pipes, ■“ pickles ar—‘- J 26 boxes plcklai assorted. 20 boxes Catsups; 26 boxss Mustard, 2ft boxes Ground Pepper; 60 barrels No. 1, 2 and 3 .backerel; 60 barrob Malaga and Port Wine. 76 barrels Gin Rum, Whiskey and Brandy: for side on accommodating terms; Jania J. V.CONNERATACO. SUGAR-, COFFEE, MOLASSES, 25 hhds new crop Orleans Sugar, 10 do P„rtoKico do, 10 do Cuba do, 800 bags Rio Coffuo, 160 do Lsguay ra do. 8ft bags Java Coffee, 10 do Mocha do, . . 20) bbls Orleans Byrup and Molasses, 6 oases extra-fine Ooolong Tea, 6 do do Hyson do, 76 pkgs Raisins, wholes, halves and quarters, 10 frails soft Almonds, 100 bbb Crackers, Butter, Sugar and Soda, 300 bags Shot, asaorted, 60 kegs Dupont’s Powder - 6000 lbs bar Lead, 100 boxes assortsd Candy, 100 boxss large bowl Pipe*, 800 pkrs Tobacoo, various brands, 60 000 Spanish Scgsrs, direct Importation, 100,000 half Spanish and American Ssgars, Received by recent arrivals, and for sale by. fobb HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON A CO. ALL AST SUITABLE FOR PAVING-60 tons Stone, T) ALL AST SUITABLE FOR PAVING-60 tons Stone suitable for paving fcc.; for sale, if applied for Imrnr- lUUly. nov22 ROWLAND A SON. a lunr u luiuninum uum iwimu, VJ boxes Herrings; Just received and for sab by junto SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO tl^pe^ A Co, and A. 8«Mtte Brandt#i L 10 packages Ms- DAVU6 O’CONNOR. ^EfiTERN kVllIBKY—100 bbls, to arrive. ■sb by febfi HOTXOMBE. JOHNSON A CO. ENOUIUC OliEB>E _ ANU PICKLES. QC buoit bugiisu CUesaire cbeests; XOduzen a OtJ English plokbs and sauces, landing from ship Kertch, and for tale by dec2U CLAQUOBN A CUNNINGHAM AMS-26 Bbls. Choice Maiiu. TTAMf XX by feb21 OLAHHK8- M l 16 hhds new crop Cub Itt bbb eholoe N.o. (■ fiMsrdtr gad for sal* by 16 bhda nsw crop Cuba Melai-sei, flUT wimn a piuuEit 10 do do. StiOrote -- _ 160 Begs Prims Green Rio (Mbs, m 60 Mots Old Goversmsst Java Coffse, $0 Bags Maracaibo do $0 do Lsguira do 60 do Porto Rice do U^oaad for sals J0HW8roN<|C0| TNLOUH, rOTATOBB * BISCUIT- J? IN sacks Graalte MlUe Safer!as nour. 100 barreb Heed FoUtoes, il ; 60 boxes v •• 16 barreb Plkt Bread, fresh, Rseslvad and for sak by MoMAHON A DOYLE. yo; I'LMAy |*A*IUa* Mgao v i LeafUrd; 66 MMls Rum) iOO bbb A Iku Ssgar: 100 sassts Tea, rlons brands; 100 eases Wolfo’s SfhmdM-Behaayfi; 100 GANDLKM, IOAP Afo'K> ifAHUfL r sak by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A OO m IDO bags Rio JofSee? 100 do Lagusyra do; 60 do Java do) 60 hhds Porto Hi so, Mnse’do and Nsw Orleans Sugars) 260 bbto Crushed, Clarified and Powdered Bugars; 900 boxes various braids aad qualities Tobaoso; 60 hbds Sides aad dboulders,”new meat)' 80 casks New Hams: 260 boxes Nol Pale and Family 8eap; 60 bbls do Leaf Lard) lOOksgs do do do; 260 boxss Cheese: 60kegs Cho cs Butter: 100 boxes Common and Extra Candy; 100 do Adamantine Good Isa; 100 do Sperm sad Tallow Candles) 100 do Nol Sealed Herrings; 160 bbb Nsw Orleans MoUmsi; 600 do Whisky, Gin aad Rum; 600 do Potatoes; 60 boxes Clay Pipes and Pips Heads; 100 dos Painted aad Varnished Buckets; 600 Empty Ksgs; 200 M Spanish and American Cigars: Instore au 1 for sale on accommodating terms 1 JxalT HOLCOMBE, JOHN BON A CJCNDRIK8—76 boxes mould Candles; 60 do J W Deo* O dell’s do; 100 do do 8oapt 100 do Oolgato’e do: 76 ba se ground Coffost $00 sacksJUo do; 76 mats old Java do; ss grot . 100 boxes Mustard; 100 do Pepper; 100do Lemon 8; 76 do Tomato Catanp: 26 half ebsets green Tea; 60 < black do; 90 do do Oolong de; 76 boxes Pearl Starch; 100 dolobooeo, various brands; resslved sad for sals bv Jaaft MoMAHON A DOYLE. ACKEiUCL, CODFISH AND HERRINGS—20 Bbb Ni gresa Tea; 60^|u S and2Masksrti.60qalaUkOod.Fbh, 10 bbb Her- ^ Received and for sab by MoMAHON A DOYLE. gEKD POTATOKl—Selected ei| W - - jpressly for tb maikrt—600 bble, In store and for sale by b6 HOLCOMBE, JOHN HON A CO, DINKY St ftlOLAHBlfiF— 100 bbb Pike’s ••Magnolia” - Whisky i 160 bbb Mol*mm, for ssjs, to arrive per i* hooasr Narragsnsett from New Orleaua. by jaaft -OCTAVOS COHEN. /*\ ANDES, Bam nos, 3Eaddo3Ps limes, a fall supply ol VFRholoe fruit of all kinds, Just received from thaWest ladks and Nsw Vork, aad tor sals by dssSl J. D. PPLE8 A POTATOES-76 bbb PoUtoes, principally mcroeTi; also, lObbk beat red Appka, landing from A' sc hr ihr W L Cogswell, and for sale oa oomlnment, by Jaal ROWLAND A BON. C 10AL—200 tons Superior Parlor Goal. Prioa $8, For J sab by OOTAVUB COHEN. Samples esa be seen at tha wharf of Messrs. Carl stow A Y—100 bbb Pike’s, by MoUAHOK ft tV>VLB 1Y M.NEU^flRraHioMMuSB^by V BVd. . ObsUtrios, Memoirs and Contributions, by J*m**Y, Simpson, Professor of Midwifery. Edinburgh. Lehmann* Phlrioiagieal Chemistry, translated from - edition. By G. K. pay,with lUuatraUone, 3 vole tbatnd— , _ .... Kirk A Pssete Physiology, sad all Ins Text Rooks used la the Medical Colleges. Rev. Dr. Camming'* Twelve Urgeu) Questions, Helen meow 1 a Peepat New York Bociety. m , „ The New Puichase, or Early Years liflhe Far Wesf By Robert Osrttow. A Backet of Chips. By John Krouglisnt. Sayings aad Dsings of Aaiowb. . Bits of Harney, the Hidden Path. Old Homestead. F*. mak Llfo among the Mormoggi Msry Lyndon, Doisticks, w , Tfl0WB mnum . rvR the l. U by Msx Msrstick. f an Opera Manager la America; Awful DUoloenres of Ma* U Monk, of the Hotel Dieu Nun nery of Montreal, eoaUlalng also many lacldenla never be fore pnblbhed. Tbe Fnltbkee Guardian; by Susanna Moods!. * ^La^or Without and Within; by the author of “Our I* lawn ae it k In 1166; a hand book for Emigration. Toverno; a Romance by George Bands; tranubtrd by a “ft. Bong of fliawatba; a Poem by llenry Wodswortli Longfellow. Juno Clifford; byalady; oneof tho most pathetic, uhseto and interesting productions or tho day. The Um* Klin Man. Recslred and for sab by novl6 - . 8 8. SIBLEY. 136 Congioas st. I ITERARYand MJ dresses; $vt. BANCROFT’S Id Historical MlMwltaaiee. Ks*»y» and Ad* A Journey through tbs Chinese fcmptro; by M lino, tborof “ ReselkeUeas of Journey through TarUry Thibet,” 3 vak, with a man. “' MdaElliott: byalady Brother’s r *- 1 lore *»m* Cents,'’ Tho Hinting aad tho Blavt; oy a Sonth Carolinian,2d S lraada EOkitt hyhl-^ - y Brother’s Bteyert by Miss Warner, author, of ’■ Dpi*. y of Goargla; 2d edition. • to the ena ot the Htb eentnryt by inf Teas Dr JO M Ramsey. . Remlaboenoes orCbarkston; by Chat Fraser. . Maps of ths Baltic and Black Seas, of tbe Crimea, Se bastopol, Ac. ” itory History for boys; by J E Edgar. myli W. THORNE WILLIAMS. OF BITS Q IR MoDsu*-,e« B .BLARNEY, Y 8 B Maeksns,., sdlor Lire ot Curran. Ac. ArehbUhop Whately on tbs Scriptoro Rsvslatlons incoming a future sUte. Hand aad other Poems, by Tsonysna. Kvsnlogs with tbs Prophets, by Rev M Brown. Ths Gospel; with moral reflections on eaoh raise, by Pasqatr Quesuol. 2 vok. Aaventares ot Sir Amyss Kiogsky \ Yolkw Fever,, PathofogloaT, Ethfe tcsland Therapeutical, by Dr URwiho.S vob. BaUoch’s Amerioen Cotfige Builder. McCormacks Visit to tbe Camp at Sevastopol. OoHkrisMapoor theseatof War, Black Sea, Turkey, Rnaria, Croastadt, Baltic, Ac.. Ae. TheNowoombos, by Thackery,complete In 2 vob. eepSO W THORNE WILUAMB. OUR COUNTRYMEN. /YR brief Memoir* of Eminent Americana, by Losslog, Illustrated by upwards of 100. engravings, Harper aad Pataam’a Msgaslne, for Jhn*. A S Intrnduotlon to Practical Pharmacy, a text book for tho Htudnnt, and guide to tbe Pharnueenteit and 0ruggi*t*j by Ed. Parrish, with upwards of 200 lUnttra* Leotnres .— bte l’rofersor Ibra. nf the University of Pennsylvania. Grnte’e History of Greece; 10 vol., 12 mo. iJuxsanra’ I’orimt; morrnccn, extra. Kechle’s Clirbtlao Year; elngautly illustratvd bound In Turkey ninrnc.n. PocIh and Poetry of America; antique calf-extra FeaialePoets of America; llarjiorand Puliism. MaBaiinea.for Dccemhtr. londnn Art Journal for November. ‘ lumber'a Kdenburgb Journal for iVccmber. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. ilenfi Offers lor sale at the UNION F15RRY WHARF. A NUrPLT OP UBD ASH COAL AND PIBB WOOD, OF ALL KINDS. Consumers ean depend noon being promptly sapp.lcd with a good article. Strict attention given to Fair Men* surement. Boxes for orders ars placed at tbe stores of Mejun-e. J. M. Cooper A Co., \V. G. Uickson, W, W. Lincoln, nt the office ol the Morning News, and at ray residence In Jonss-strcst. Jnulfi TERMS CASH. tf “new Wood yard, D IARY end C,Irre«w]in>' 1 Pepya', in ths reign* of Charles 11. and James 11.4 vob., with two portraits. .. The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races, frirni tho French of Count Gabineau. Brown's llWtory of Greek Classical l.iteratnre. An rjicaped Novice from the Sisterhood of St. Joseph, ny Jose bine M. ibnkley, Napoleon at 8t. Helena, with llluatrations, by John S. • Abbott. 8 vnla.,cloth, gilt. A Child's llblnry ol' the United States, by Jon. TR»nn*r, vob, Ixmdon Quarterly Review, fur Oct'r. Tholanoetfor Nov, A Dec’r. iHsturnell’a Railway Guido. Eclectic Migaxlno for Docombcr. d*c!4 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Breen and seasoned oak, and dry pine, and from lib friends and the public. Orders left at tbu Georgian offioe will be promptly at* radedto. ' (00 M6—tfj DAN*L O’CONNOR. h something on them; by Ur. Doran. A rilv . JUNO CLIFFORD, TALE by a Lady. The Forayera or the Raid of the Dugdays; by Wra. Ullmore Simms. Liras or the Querns of Englander the House of Hano ver; by Dr. Doran: 2 vob. Tabla Traits, with Habits and Men, Richard tbe Fcariees.orthe Little Unkot by Mlaa Yonge, nnthor of tne Heir orKedollffe, Ao. Dreams, Villons, Apparitions, Ecstasy, Magnetism and Somnambulism; by A. B. DeHabmont. The Pei Eigle. a Poem or the South; by A. B. Meek. True Riclion: Two instructive stories fur Young People. The Glory of the Redeemer In His Person and Works; by the Her. Octavius Wimluw. novlO W. THORNE WILUAMS. DKBIKY VKILAON l OR, TDK DRMAIlT BY A GEORGIAN. r HIS Is tha title of a romance now in process of eom- pietlon, which will be lunod In two numbers on the JJ!* ° r Ju, 7’ l8M * T* 1 * scenes are bid mainly in the United States, England and «naln. Tb* work will im printed on pure white paper, with new type, and will oquftl in quantity of matter an ordinary alsod duodecimo votnma of 300 pages. It will be promptly issued end for warded to all who will send their ordere accompanied with theeash. TERMS: 8ingle copy, two numbers $0 76 To oluba of three or more, per oopy... Remittance* mutt be mad* in bilU In poet office stamp*. Addreis: Jew JAMBS M. 8MVTHE, AugneU.Qa.- 60 or change, and not JAMES GORDON BENNETT. M EMOIRS of Jams* Gordon Uenoett and bb Times, Sam Slick in aearohofa wile. • of the Chief Justioos of the United The bland Empire or Scone* of the First Fmlle of the mperor Napoleon 1st. Mineral Springs of the United States and Canada, by Dr. States, by HenrrF. Landscape Punting, In water color*, by 8 B ernarl. — * lbe»H - The Two Gnardliuu, by the author of tbs ** Heir o I Rel* Tales for tb* Marinoe. by Lbut Wise, author of “ Ixm Oringos." Anecdotes of American Clergy, by Dr Belcher Arabian Kigbta, with 100 illustration!. Mrs Jameson's Common Pines Book of Though u. Leaves from a Family Journal. J*7 W. THORNE WILUAMB ; tO«. __ SLICK’S man NATURE, by Judge Halybus- DUesaea of the Human Teoth by Dr*. Fox A Harris. Prlenard’a Natural History of Man, 4tli edition, enlarged f Norris, with numerous colored plate*. Waikna. or adventurea on the Mbqulto Shore, by P A Baird, Art, Uinta, rchitectuie. Sculpture and Fainting, hv nrven Clnvln’a tatters to Uiahaii Hughes . Ibtory of the Couuail ofi'rent. by Rnngounr. A new supply of Deeatlcka. lluo’aChlua. • Visit to the Camp before r'cbaetopnl. Tod’s Ulinicsl taoturce on Paralyiia and the Drain Heireaaof Haughton or the Mottaer'eSecret, suglfl W. THORNE WILLIAMS. The Enslleh Woman In Russian Society and Manners of the Russtaua at Home. Taka for tbe Marines, by the author of '’Los Gringos, “ ThoTurkbh Emplrtj"- “—* The Women ot aplro, by Edward Roy Morris. .... ths French Revolution, by Mlohalet. Tbe American among tbe Orientals, by Dr Bouldtn. Rand's Chemistry, for the ns# of Studs nt*. Laths ran Manual on Scriptural Principles of the Augs urg Confession, Adams’ Equity, $d American edition—by II Wharton. English Common taw Reports, vol 78. Kent’s Commentaries, new edition, 4 mb. BAYARD TAYLOR’S JAPAN 1I81T to India, chins and Japan in 1868, by Bayard Taylor vanings with the Prophets a scries of uomolra and Rev A Morton Brown, Ctouda and Sunshine iu tho LUe of a Village Pastor. Harbaur*-’-“ O’DohertyPapers, “ oChlturglca Msdlsod my24 WM. p. WII,LIAMS. TUADDXUS OUVfB. JACK WfoWM. WILMA mi, OlilVKK 54 UKOWN, • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, |( Butsa Vista, Marion County. Ga . Will practice In ths countlM of Marlon, Macon, Ho us ion, . Stewart. Randolph, Muscogee, Lee. and any adjoining conntles where their Mrvioea may be required. Jan2® JOHN U. OUtlURANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Oa., late Junior partner of the Arm or A. ft J. Cocaaoirs. lrwiotnn, Ga., will attend Jt promptly to all buslnsu entrusted to his care. Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Referenoo—Dr. C. b. -fj Goytoo, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.; M. Marsh. Havannah. H ma/7—dftwly fll> WII1T 8M1TII, ■*' v ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT UW. J\ Alligator, East Florida. ^ Will prsotice in the Eaitern and Bontbern counties. Refer U to Col. S. 8.Sibley, and R. B. Hilton. Esq., Savannah, Ga XI PKltDINAND KOUXsTON, n ATTORNEY AND COUNSELMJR AT LAW, V, Waehlngton ClUr, D, C. . _ , J Will practice in the various Court* of the District, and at* teud to the prosecution of claim# agalnit the Govern ment. June22 Tt W. BAKER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sontb Newport, Georgia. Will attend the Superior Court Intbeoonntiesot Chatham, Liberty, Molntoan, Camden, Glynn, Wayne, Wart, Ap pling and Tattnall Ml9 JKIBK T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NownanivUfojFla. Reference—Georg* L. Brown, William DeU, NownanivUlo, Fla ; K. R. HUton, Boston ft VUlalonga. Savannah, Ga. JOHN n, DULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Office corner of Whitaker and Bay-atrseto. r Will practice in tbe Coarts of Scrivsn.BiUloeh, Effingham, A Bryan. liberty, McIntosh, 01, mb, Camden and Chatham f counties. kb \J TIIU91 All I1UOI1KB HINKB, T ATTORNEY AND OOUNBELUJR AT LAW. A, TroupvUle, Georgia. Si Will praatlee lo tne Circuit Courts or Thomw, Lowndes, W1 Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin. Georgia: and-In the Crc Circuit Courts of Jefferson. Madison and HamUton, of Wli the Midale Circuit of Florlaa, and in Alacb nnd Co* <>r luiobla counties in tho Eaatern Ctronit of Florf a. Will attend to the olalms of aU persons before th Depart; _r meats at Washington. _ NATHAN K. UKNTUN, j* ATTORNEY AT LAW. ft) Marietta, Georgia. Oa Will practice in the foUowtns conntlei t Com. Campbell, Carroll, Cherokee, DeKalb, Fulton, Forsyth, Dickens, Paulding end Cobb. Refers to Jam** H. Carter ft Co. - A SHORT, £ MASTER BUILDER, - r Will tohecontraote for BuUdlng and Work in Masonaryof K every description. Reildenoe, — No. 8 Jojrxs 8T1UBT, Em ov Drxttom tfvam. T WM. fll. LAWTON * GO., FACTORS, 90 CHARLESTON, B. C. 4 1 f WM. M. LiWTOW, 1 Office No. 13 I | R. Wamwxion Bxccrr, AN Southern Wharf! 1 Josxn T. Dux, aug4—eodim J (WunoiM Uwtom. Jr. BPKNOKU CUKRKLb St GO*, o GEFERAL AUCTION d COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f 164 Bay Street, 1 ; OOLICIT from tbelr friends consignments of every de- Ik5 ecriptlon. My pononal attention will be given to the sate of Real Estate, Bank Stock, Ac. BkrsisxmM: ^ 5. Hiram Boberts, Eeq. j E. F Wood ft Co | Plereon. Ueldt ft Co. | Noble Lyon. Esq. my9 X Bl. FTTZGKKAIjD, , Corner of Broochtoa and Wkltskenueeu, > SAVANNAH, OA., SUCCESSOR to T. 0. Rieo. Mannfoctnrer and Deafer In O every variety of common and fin* GANDIKB, kiln — dried and warranted to rMist ofloctnally the hot damp at* C moephere or a bontbern CUmnt*; also Lemon and Straw* R. bar y Syrup, fto. Tome eaeh, prioes low. tf—apA HGDSUN, FLERINQ ft OO n fi Factors and Gommlsskm Msiehanli, u No M Bay Strok, Savannah, Ga., t pENDER their eervioea to plan ten. merchants and deal* X era, in th* sals of Cotton and all other oountry pro* dace, Being connected in buelneirwith Horrors, Hodoob ft Co., of Ckarleston, the sstabllahmsnt of an offioe In this eity.wLU afford our friends choice of market*. Strict ntton* tion will ’ given to bosIneM, and the usual faculties aft forded cu*M>m*ri. w. R RS88iSfa.| 8mM * h LAMBETH HOPKINS, Aoguita. __ aeplS tf COHEN, Oharleetoa .. Spanish Consulate. - THE OFFICE OF TEE SPANISH CONSULATE, 00 FOR THE 0 POET OF SAVANNAH, ; WILL BE FOUND ABOVE S „ DeFoid’i Drug Store, Broughton Stout. u OFFICE HOUK8, FRJJ 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 91 1 octft JOBE JULIO MARTIN * > HGNDIUKB, — KA B0XF.8 Ground Coffee; - w OU 2U0i>k* Itio do, luO mate Old Government Java do; . 61 half choet* Tea, various brand*; b t; 100 boxeu 'fobkeoo, chole* do; 600 groes Smoking Tobscco; J Booeivedandforoafeby — Jan20 MoMAHON ft DOYLE. I.A T^EWTON PimN8-26bbls Apple*. Craaberrfe*, Para- g nips. Beeteand Carroto. wcelTed pet steamer Hart. ■ ** da and for Hie by oeKl J. D. JESSE. BIJUOOL BOOM. i — A 8 the schools ar* re-opening, new Books will be re- *!• qulrod. A general aeeortmeot nan be had at cost price* at tb* Boosetore of 8. 8. SIBLEY, Jan3 lUCoagroesst. TYACON MID KB at UABMtbhftjriM* new JD Bacon Sides; $ casks eholoe sugar ssrodHum; to$d* k MxuRnr,jgnemi*oe. PLOUR, FhOlilu' J: 200 bbb Denmaad FI- ur; 160 do Oakby do; wceired and for sale by 17 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. •* SOAP, UANUhki jtAHUii, ho. inn IIOXE8 Smith aad Buchan’s Family Soap; IUU 611 do Colgate'! Pal* do: Colgate's do lb bar and no. 1 do; do Beadell's 6* and 8« Tallow Caodba; do Hlggia'a On do; dn Oswego and Bsadell’s Pearl Starch; do; >r ante by 8CRANTUN. JOHNSTON ft CO. NAFOIaKOM. ' I HIE History of Napoleon Bonaparte, by John B 0 Ab J- bolt, in 2 volumes. $ vo, with maps and upwards ot 100 Illustrations. Uuskstt on ths Microscope, nsw edition. Conatanos Herbert, a novel, by O-E Jewebury. l/*Cure Maague. or Social aad Religions Customs in Kranoe; by Eugtn* Courosllon. Sir AmyasLelgb’s Voyage of Adventure* In tho reign uf her moot Gracious Majesty Queen Elisabeth, by Cbo* Klsgsley,author of Wypatia, fto. SouUulde View of Slavery, ov Three Mouths at ifriutk la 1164; by N Adams, U D. Men of Douglas Jsrrold, now supply Chamber*’ Edinburgh Magatln* for June Rattle* of theCrlmea, new snpply. IftthGeorgla 8npreme Court Reports. Juit rrcoive by lei7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Fsvsr. Gooch’s Practical Midwifery, Fordyce on Fovtrs. Mendenhall’s Medical Students VadsMecum, with up wards of200dUuatraations, Beasley’s Medical Formulary. Do Prescription Books. Wood’s Praotto*. Boll ft Sfokee’ Dicksoa’e. Watsou’e, iunglnon’s,and all other medical works for Students and rocutloners, at reduood prices, ssplS JOHN D. JESSE. T> ICE.—100 bnsheb Bead Rioo, recolradaod for sale by Hifsblfl MoMAHON ft DOYLE 4 MEMOIR of Lady Holland; 2 vob. nitrated Manners Book, a manual of good behaviour aad pollta accomplishment. Tbe Americao Cottage Builder for Homes for the people, bvJBuUook. Toma’s account of the Panama Rail Road. 60 Bags Old Gavernmoat Java Coffee. 60 do (of mats) Old Government Java Coffea, 26 Bags Choice Waracalvo do 60 do do Porto Rieo do 60 do do Legutra dn 10 Hhds. do BtTCroli Sugar 10 do do Porto Rloo do 160 Boxes Colgate’* Ns. 1 and Bar Soap. 100 do Smith’s ft Buchan’s Family Soap. 60 do Colgate’s Pale do do 76 do BeadoU’a TaUow Candles, fia ft 8s. '» s 2s. , s.:"riatt p “ tl8,,rch 26 do Ground Coffee, 1 and M lb. papers. 26 do do Ptpptr. 76 BblsE.Tnadwril’a Sugar, Soda and Bulkr rr ., , Doestieka. Huo's China. Moquito Khore, Sara Slick, Women of the French Revolu tion, aad First Exile of Napoleon to Elba. Harper's Establishment,or bow Booki are mads, with numerous platra. —"" W. THORNE WILUAMB. ND lu Religion. wltlffoddenU ot travel In that conn- . try; by Kobt. A. Wlfeon, with Illustrations. lily: a novel by a lady of Charleston, author of ’’The Busy Moments of an Idb Woman.” (marie*Lamb’s Works, with sketches of hi* Ilf*; by Thoa. Noon Talfourd: la 2 vob. Outof Debt, out of Danger: by Cousin Alice. Grets’s History of Greece, 11 vob. Ktsge raid’s Exnlbition Speaker. 26 do E. Tread wall’s Pilot Breed. 26 Boxes Adamantins Candles. B V MRS. ANN M. STEPHENS, author of Fashion and Famine, Uarper's Classical Ll’erary, transbtod and r, 26 quarter casks Vadsira. 50 do, do Malaga 6 pipes Holland Gin, 2 nunebeons Jamaica and at. Rum, 60 box** flt. Jnllen Claret. 6 quarter casks 100 bob. Domestic Gin, Whiskey, Rom and Brandy- key, Rum and Brandy. riONNERAT ft OO. S—Assorted, just received and for eats by A. BUN AUD, Corner of Bay ft BuU-ats 1st and Horace, reosived, to be followed by othaja. Abbott* Young Chrlitlsn Berks, vol 4, Hoaryhvad and MoDonncr, Improved and onkrged with numerous en gravings. 'span sod A*<rand the World to Commodore Perry' laaron. by J W. Spalding, with ill nitrations, aqoi Mil Jun received—6 Usroos choice family . Hama: 6 bbli extra Csmllytard; 10 bbb and hall a an tine Candles; In store end for *s1 DAVID O’CONNOR, corner Broughton ft Deayton sts. Spalding, Christian Theism, tha testimony of reason and revela tion to the exbtenoe and character of tho Supreme Being. A basket of chips, by .1. Brougham. Mortimer’* Cullrg* Life, by E, D. May. Harper’s Manxfoe for November. North American Review for October. Vol* 10. II, and 12,Curtis’ Decisions U. 8, Supreme wt30 W. THORNE WILLIAMS, 100 barreb medium No. 8 Mackerel; 200 do Whit* seed Potato**; loo do Moroor do; 60 do Baldwin Appka; by 4*c31 • OTAVU4 COHEN. -DUttffKu aUTSDEEIC X) 26 koge chole* Goshen Butter: '“*■ xe* do Engliih Dairy Chteie; 0 d 1 Whit* do; MlLlin ■ 1A)UR—( onatantly on hand and I . «al* by aep20 OOTAVU8 OOHKN. -160 bales North River Hay. landing aad for esk novlO CRANE. WKLLR ft OO. UJIHIUOUI ICUUDlDg UIB IIDC1 DU DUa.IOTUQUn- __ signed offers hb books for sale at a slight advance only, on New York cost. Pereooe wishing to re punish or supply themselves Itii a Library of go od choice books, will fln J ’* •— .1 ■- - j * m - . 1 n. ' sorted Cafeups. 60 do Pickets, quarts and pints. AN Irasll Ndts and new Rabins, for sal* by J. V. OONNKBAT ft OO. ... find it to their advantage to call and purchase. Pa rents and Teacher* can supply themselves with school books very cheep, and merenanta abo with blank books, iper and statlonn v. Call sooo, as ths opportunity rtbsoponlo 8.8. SIBLEY, oetK 186 Congress st. SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. b do do do; landing aad for sak by SCRANTON, JOBMBTON ft CO. For sale, to arrive, by OOTAVU8 OOHKN -loou barrels In store aad for eale by HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft OO. Boxes ini 3 Coffee; .. JWBeadoI’s Candles) 100 do 76 do 76 do. _ r 600 do Pak, Family and No. 1 Soap; 100 do. Toilet do 100 do. Lamon Syrup; 100 dos Brooms; 100 do. Buckets; 75 do. Bra<s bound Palls; 76 do. Nests Tubs; , 100 do. LoxesTobacoo, assorted 76 do.. Pip- 76 do. Pipe*; 100 half chest T*a, various qualities 100 bale 1 wrapping Twins; 200 sacks Rio coffee 1 1*10 mat* old Government Java dot 100 bales Sugar, Soda aad PUot Brood.reoelved ani > by feW MoMAHON ft DOYLE. Ct UN DRIES—100 boxes P 100 donak do; 100 do tine do; 7$do eperm do: 900 quarter do do: 100 d< >». lOti do Mo. 11 mould canlles; 126 do adamaa 160 io rabtas; 100 half do do lo ground-coffee; 900 do starch, 900 mustard; 900 do freon ground pepper; 100Bo eatsup 76dolemonsvrap. Landing and Ineteennndfcrsak k;. dee* MoMAHON ft PfTLK RIOS, BADSNB ft ALMONDS—100 drams • Smyrna 1 “tej 160 wbok, half and quarter' boxes Raisins; 10 it shall almoodSi kadlM aad for sak by. HOLCOMBS. JOHNSON ft CO. rtloOVK—KarfetU MUU—260 bbb < Desmeod ’ as 1 J Jakky; la ktore, airfTwrAak^ky u JOHNSON ft CO 7rbu*. f fANNAU LOAN AISOCIATION ITOU m BALK—Twenty (96) tkorss Bsvanask Loan As clsUtm Stock, Apply at thfeoMae. deel-1 1 OHANDKS. just I Havana, iu atom .aad for sale cheap by A. II. CHAMPION, Boodoseor to CHAMPION ft WATTS. • 1 Nod Barnard st. YYUTTXR. CHEESS ft APPLES—20 firkins choice Bat JQ lar *, 76 boxes do. Cbs*se;I$kMrAppka Raeslv Sjjj* wlrtH "pl.rtf >7 HOLIDAY BOOKS. , SELECT assortment or elegant work* with numerous j£L fine engravings ana splendidly bound, suitable for Cristinas presents, » Ths Holy Gospels Illustrated lo 40 original designs, by OvwbMk, rollo, Antique, ef. Gems of British Art, illustrated with 30 superb line engraving*, (olio, antique, cf. urnamenb of Memory ; or, Beaulle* nf History, Ro mance and Poetry, with 18 engraving*, quarto, antique, calf. The Women of the Bible, with 18 engravings, now edition, royal 8vo, antique, calf, gilt. The Republican Court, containing 21 norlrall* or di*- tlngubhad Ladle* during the day* of Washington, ino- roeoo,extra gilt. Harper's Magsrin* for September. A new auppl.y of Mary Lfndon, Do* oquitoKhore, Sara Slick, Women ol The Queen* of England, by Miu Strickland, with 27 tlnrantportralto, antique, calf, gilt Ufa of Martin Luther and tho Reformation In Germany, by Stark ^beautifully illustrated, wjth 16 engravluge, \ealbts of Memory, an illuminated annual, 11 en| ■Inge, morocco extra. Scenes In the Life of our Saviour, illustrated, calf extra. Womonof the Scriptures, with 8 Illustrations, calf extra. Gem Book of British Poetry, with Portraits, executed e calf, , wllh engraving*,antlqi Poet* aod Poetry of Anieric.i. do Birds of tho Bible, illu*trnte.| wiili elngsntlr colored engiavleg*. The Mcsnonnllo, the Snow Hike, ibn G»m. Annual Affection*. Gift. Friendahqr* OUt-iiug. and a vatloly of other works, with fine t-ngratiiigi. anil liholing*. J -“’ K WILLI. •ad other Poemsiby Alfred Tennyson. Haroer’a Story Books, vol. 4. Westmlaster Review for October. DOUGLAS JUlUtOLD’S M KN or Charaotcr, containing Titus Trumps, Jack Runnymede, Job Pippins, and lasso Cheek, with en gravings. Ecketto Msgsilnw for November. THORNE WILLIAMS rary. — I iubllsbedln volumes, etas or Bohns editions, Virgil, Rai ns! and Horace, received, to be followed br others- y will COL. HARDEE'S TACTICS. a lFLli and Ugbt lafantry Tactic*, prepared under tbe direction of the War Department lor the us* or the Army and the Militia. In two pocket volumes. Cavalry Tootles, prepared by order of the War Depart- Lights and Shadows of English Life, a novel,by the 1 thorns of Ths Balk of the Besson-” Female Uf* among tb* Mormons, by a Wife of a Mor mon Eldar. Visit to tb* Camp before Sebastopol, with Maps and En gravings. Ins and Outs, or Paris by Day and Night; by Jails D* Margusrottss. Nsw Hop*, or, ths Rescue; stale or tho Great Kanawha. Clivs Hall, by the author of ••Amy Herbert,” fto. Harper and Putnam for August, augs W. THORNE WILLIAMS. E HARPER FOR MARCH. WUANKri’ Life In Braxfl, with upwards or 100 illus trations. equlor’s notes no Central America, with original maps and illustrations. Parisian Bfghtsand French Principles, assn through American Spectacles, 2nd series, Leaning to Think. Harper*' Btory Books, vol. 6. Crotchets and Quavers, by Max Marslseck. Tbs Hantora’Feast, by. Cspt. Mayne ~ Mimlo Life, b^r Mrs. Mowstt RI totals. Ths Prince of the House st David, by Profeesor Ingra- Macauley’a England, large edition, In sheep and Do do, cheap edition. 12mo. Confidential Correepondeucs of Napoleon with his bro ther Joseph, 2 vok. Gqdtf's tady Book for March. Roe* .Clark, Fanny Fern's Life, Rutb Hall. Wilson' Treatise on Logie. Escaped Novlee, Liby, Spirit Manifesta tions examlnt-1. Old Homestead, fee., fobW . W. THORNE WILUAMS. NEW, MEDICAL BOOKS. Rokltaaaky’sManual of Pathologleal Anatomy, traDila ted by 8waiae,4 vole In 2. Paget’* Borgkal Pathology. Barton en tb* Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever, italaed la tfie Report of tb* Sanitary Committee of New Jameson on Ipidemfo Cholera. Tanner’s Manual n( Cllnkal Medicine and Physical agnosia. 1.1. Ekmsnta of Medicine, Pathology aad Tbsrapsutles, Samuel Henry Dickson, M D, ol Charleston Modlsal Colt ; llokM os Weoasssof ths Heart aad AorU. • J one’s ft Sjenrkfng'p Manual of Patlinlogieal Anatomr with 80T fllssttatioM. 11 HmsoII’s Mkioocopk) Anatomy In Health and Diseare, vol* with upward* nf 600 fllnsfar^kna. sepia i W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Pjj** w-ww. ■ by J Ruth W.iaORKfiWJAn. Wllllnk's Whsrf, near the Uas House. fTHR subscriber Informs the public that he Is receiving X and will-keep constantly nn hand a good stock of ■* ■* ■* *— solicit Stalts. Fall-bunks’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALES, A ®4P T J?L to eTer J wqulrcd operation or Weighing, as railroad Scales for trains ok binulb UAito! In use on nearly all tbe prlnolpal Railroads in the United States and Ureat Britain. ?ALE8, (Dormant and Prr'eble.) . rOHTAULK BCALEh On Wheels—expreuly for Fbundorins, KoUlpg Mills, Irow Houses, fto., fto, 8T0BI, E SCALES, (VarioiiH Modifications.) COUNxElt SCALES, Etc. RAILB0AB, EAY AND COAL SCALES eat In any part of the auuntrj by experienced wo. sue . Scales graduated to Foreign tJtaudards, and suitably packed for shipping, and furnished on rsaoonable terms and at short notice. _J*These Scale* Lave been long known nnd severely tested, end the universal confliience felt in their accuraoy andperfeot adjustment U inch that they are now regard* THE STANDARD! from whioh there le no appeal. ... BtLL ft PRENTISS, octia Agent*. Savannah, lUattijtg, JttDtlrg. &t. WATOHKB, JKWKLUY ft FANCY 00008, R ECEIVING by every arrival ol the ateamer* fresh add! tlone, making tho beat assortment in this city, of all Hindi of Watcbsa, Jewelry. Fancy Goods, Silver Spoons, forks, Pitchers. Tea Set*.Cups. Syphons, Plated Castors, and every variety of article* connected with our line of business; all of which will be sold as low as In any city In *•*- 1CHULS. D. B, Nld 49" Particulsr attention given to the Repairing of Watches and Jewelry. no20 HliertUanious. Hsrbaugh’* Heavenly Home. 8 vole. Flint’s Clinical Reports on Continued Fever and Typhoid UMJttiaS.UNMEKCHAHTS, AUOUrifA.UEO. - '1YTILL give their special attentlou to purchasing aud TV selling Produce, Merchandise and blooka Of every description. liberal r*ili advances made on Conaignnicnfe. KKFERENCE8* John Rones. Pres. Dank 01 Augusts; W »t D'Antiguac, Pres Ins. Hank; Tbot Barrett, l'rea. Bute Rnnki Heard ft Davlaon, Lewis ft Allen, IUU \Y Wiixinton. JU Carmi chael. Baker, Wright ft Co. Augusta; G W William* ft Uo. Charleston; BM taouard ft O'. VS bite ft Uishop. Now York; Bell ft PrentiiM, Waver ft Const inline, John Lama, Savannah; B-ymour, Fanning ft Oj, Nsahnlle; E M ft A U I’.umlce, KnoxvIUe. doo20 DANIEL CRUMLEY, FASHIONABluE BOOT MAKER. Ctracr of Broagfaton k Bull Sireeti. THE aubroriber uesires to inform the public that Mho has opened ae above, where be la prepared to execute orders for Roots of the finest finish and style, and equal, If not anporlor, to any heretofore offered to ths public. sspll—ly oolT W. THORNE WILUAMS. v. c, puuiiki, A’o. 11 WkUaker.urett.'i Doonfrom Dryad, wboubuli axo imn hsaumijv b v ASHES, Blinds, and Doors. Paints, Oils. Varnishes, J Window Glass, Putty', fto. Painters, strainers, and Artists Brushes. Whlte*wa>b Head* and Ruitere. Dry and dtxcd Points, of every deuription. Arltya Colors, in Tubes, Prepared Canvass, fto Paper Hangings, Uordvra, ana Fire-Board Patterns. Rooms prepared with neatncM nnd despatch. Home, Sign, and Ship Paintmj;. Oullding, Graining,and Glaring done In the best style, and at moderate prims. AU orders from the country pr.udptlj aUcmlodtu. mar27—y UYIHG A Dill UEWOVATiiVG W bT&RLUlHIENT, 73 Fork tired, near Ike Uuurt House Savannah, Qtoraia. SHTADUH1IXU IN 1632. * nKsubiuiiDvr,graiciui to bis patrons and friends foi **■■* —n,would ■( ■- ” 1 ’ T lo the iinprovemrnts In D/iug, acquired by him during hie last visit to Knglnnd add ticotland, na* made arraagemunts loi extending liis hnsinens, by which hoi* ttowfiisUed to Dye a greater variety of eolui* on a.Ik and troolen drosses nluwls, fto, which he trusts wUlgoiierAtly please all who rosy favor him with their pationage. . ,,j f Gi-otleroeu'e ganiHnt* dyed, cleaned or icnovated,* _ ... i's garii . , iv bo required, in thesaint* *u|>viiorHtylit which has g.'i: illy co mi.oil plvsstd his patvoimend friend* j.cdiu*' bonnets dyad, biuaclmd an-l pr«s«idili the rm.i.t fashlouablc «;yle«. Orders from tbucooniiy punctit^liy aiteudvd to. Term* moderate. * When parcel*, ere »unt t*y etoMiriioat* «» railroad, worn should he n«<nl him l.y M'er, through Hie Post Office.m. that h» may know wlmu* lo call for tla*ni. jcH AI.KXANDKR GALLOWAY Washington Irvlnirta Sketch Book, with engravings from Washington Irving’s Sketi rlglnal designs, by Darley. Female Poets uf Aniorloa, d'M.|ft VV. IIloity LIAM. 1 *. Mammon, or the Hardship* of an Heiress—by Mrs Gors. RsgBsg.aoolIooUnn of Ephemera—by Willis. UL.I.L.. n._t. toil (tin 1 • I The . ___ _ . . , Trl-colored Sketches of Tarls and 1863- pkfe* Knlentlfio Annual for 1866. Tbe Country Neighbors—by Urn Ihipny. author of The Conspirator. Am. Foster’s first Principle* of Chemistry, adapted for Cl*e*os. Tho most eminent Urntot* and Statesmen of Ancient and Modern Times—by Dr A Harsh*. Contents: tard Chatham, Rnrke, Grattan, Fox, Curran,Sherman,Canning, P tt, Patrick Henry. Fisher Ame*. Calhoun, Webster, fto. epto W. THORNE WILUAMS H' I.-TORY oMh# Reign Prescott, In 2 vol*. tangfellow’s Song nf Hiawatha. The Mystic: by Bailey, author ofFestu*. Bpaln; hy W II • ns myriiu, uj jmuisj, auwior ui rp»ui". The House by the Sea; by Tho* Huolmnan Reed. Rose Clark; oy Fanoy Fern. Phcenfsclana, or Sketches and Burlesques; by J Phoenix. Irish at Home and Abroad, at tho Court and in the Camp. Arnold's Christian Lift, Its Courses, fto. Blind Girl of Witleoberg, a picture of tbs Times of Lu ther and the Reformation. -taster Karl’s Sketob Book. The Prince of the House of David, or 3 year* in tho Hoi City: by Professor Ingraham, village Farm and Cottage Architecture. 100 engraving s janfl W. THORNE WILLIAMS. 3 n MACAULY’S HISTOBY OF ENGLAND. D and 4t¥ vols. Macaulo/’a History of England, fi the accession of Jamas II. lingsrd’s History of England, 18 vols. Grows H' 1 rote's History of Greece, 11 vols. Received by JsolO W. THORNE WILLIAMS C OFFEE. MOLASSES AND SYRUP-160 Sacke-ftlo Cof- Tee, 20 hhds MoUsmi, 60 bbls 8yrop. Resslved and for sale by MoMAHON ft DOY “ fabXl B AOON SIDES, SUGAR, ftC— 10hhds. prime Bacon Sides: 20 do ... _ 60 boxes Stnvrt’s A ft B Ctarllleddo; 60 do ButUr. Sugar, and Soda Crackers; 40 do Grant ft William*' 6’a ft 8’e Tobacco; 200 do No.l Pale and Family Soap; 80 do Oswego ft Colgate's Pearl 8t • rch; 200 bags prime Green Rio Coffee; Landing and for aaie from store by f*b23 SCRANTON, JOHNSON ft CO. B utter and c 30 kegeeeleotedCoihen Butter; 60 boxes white, and 60 do. colored Cheese. Re. calved per steamer, and for oals by f*b23 SCRANTON, JOHNSON ft OO. TYVTTKK AND CUKKIi kegs Choice Goshen Butter; 60 boxes do do Cbeess; Landing and for sale by deotB aCKANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO L ARO AND CHEESE.—16 half bbU. Lear tard ( 26 Boxes Cheese, received end for sale by { foblfi MoMAHON ft DOYLE. M ackerel, &c.— 16u barrels no. 8 (raw) Msekorel, 60 do no. 2 do 26 do no 1 do 30 half do uo, 2 do 200 boxes io*led Her: lag. In store and for sale by foblT WEBSTER ft PALMES. F mjuh— 200 b i tOO bags Georgia Flour; 75 tab's do do; Jnst received and for sal* by Tab20 SCRANTON, JOHN8TON ft CO. pOTATOICI— tbelr oontiiiuD-1 tavors, v V stalo that, In addition siigl2 KAN API*AltATIIM IMR T*1W CUUNTUV. A DAPTED hi tho uco ot orivalo ilwelling'i, church 1 . 1 -', r-chools, liutols, watering places, lactorio*, foundniiehl martdno shops,and:allrosd htatioi**, The Maryland PortabloU.1*Company of fUlUntorc, keep .m hand and mnnulactorn to niter < uiachin''* of any teqiiirodcapacity. Thrtrapparatus liH*stnmt tbo testo prsciicftlexperlenc*. md cannot h» excelled in economy, snfe'y and simphrtiy Kn»- forth*.• psrllonhr* address K It RPR AGUE, Trashry, 202 Baltimore, st., _ Baltimore. M.D. HllINUniKS. 100 sneks Rio, Java kn-1 foiguayra Coffee; 10 Uhd* Purlo llii-n mid MuscuvadaSugar; 60 bblsCrushi'd, Powlercd nnd Unfilled do; 20 hhds Bacon. Rides ami HinuMnr*; 10 tleroos Sugar Cured Ham*; JOO box** Tobacco, various brand* and nixes; 10 comb American and Yellow Bank do; 7ft M Cigars—Domestic and Imported; 7b bbls Domstlo Liquors; I X pip* Otard, llupny ft Po BrandyVintage 1861; a >4 « HBrigulttu 6 H '• Aloxandar,Scroll In -• 80 K* X *od X pipe* Ihnuestfe and liujw,rtu,| Wine; 46 kegs Nalls, 3d to lOd; 200 sacks Salt; 160 buvea mid Im II do H<mp; bO baskets Chsinpagnn, of nur own Importation; *" X *nd X chests mid oaddios Hyson and Black Teas bof“ 60 bols Potatoes; 10<l boxes tierrluvr--; 60 whole, half and quarter Hd- U.:r.-»r< 26 kltU Mackerel amt Salmon. No : «ud ftObblsFTour; 100 seeks <l». 60 do BiscuiU, of different kinds. 2ft boxes Soda Biscuit j 60 gross Matches; lOessttaCantou Gingor; 10 uo olive Oil, ntw nnd pts; 20 ilo aisl’d Gon ial*; xbdotit Julien t.laiet Wine; 20 boxes Vermicelli and Macaroni; 76 doUhseae,Goshen, Flag Dairy and l'iue Apple; 1ft keg* Butter, Goshen and Western; 2b boxes Pipes; 10 do Cocoa and Chocolate; bO boxes ground Spices; 25 bags Nuts, vnriom kinds; 6 bbls Potash, Bine Stone and salt retie; 100 Demijohns, from quart* to 6gptll'ini: 16 cask*tiy**’s Londuu Porter: 10 do Jeffrey's Ale; 60 whole and half boxes aul’d Candy; 76 boxes Sperm, Adamantine aud Tallow Candles; ft X casks Sperm and Whale Oil; fi bbl* Maoblp<-ry do. 60 ouea asit’d Pickle* and Preserves; 20 dos Broom*; 20 dos Buckets. A —ALSO— Pranes, Dates, Figs, 8*rdlnee, Catsup. aooM, Bitten; Lemon Syrups, Ground Coffees, Powder ft Shot, Pmoked, Defend Tongues, Pig Hams. &o., ko., kept constantly on Beef and Tongaea, Pig Hama, fto., ko., kept constantly o. hand, all of which have been carefully selected In the Northern Market* and are now offered to families and the public generally at the lowest market price, for cash or approved paper. Please give ui a call. A. H. CHAMPION, Successor to Champion ft Watts, No. 4 Bbrnard-st.. *ep29 between the Market aad Bey t. SUNDRIES. /'lASES Fancy l’riuta, do Furniture <lo: VJ “ Black and White do; do Solid Bluok do; Plaid Ginghams; “ DotaineaandCaihmerei; ** Alpaocaa; do Persian Twills; *• Bine Denim*, do Blue Drills, do Blraclied do; Bales of Brown Drills; “ BrownSbirtiog J(and J»: *• Brown Bheatmg4-4 aud 6-4; Hblrtlsg Sineus; Bed'lick; “ Striped Oanaburgs; Oases Bine Stripes; do Apron Ch«cki; •• Furniture Cueoks; du Twillod Kerseys: Bales Georgia Plains; do Union Blankets: “ London Daffil Blanket*; Cases Satinets; doCeu!mtre«:do tweeds; “ Kentucky Jeans: do PUfd Llneeys; Boles Red and Whit* Flannoti; cases Canton do, For sal* by**P»8 WM. Q. fOOTC TflBUlT! FRUIT! ! ritUlT! M—26JMW Oranges; . . J* Plantains; 2ft down Pine Apples, and I fin huncUei Bananas; Jnst received by and tor sslu at' ' dec* - J. *.. j£SSF.’S ikon bailing ornamental" MtON WORK. T he Subscribers are prepared to Oil orders ol any amount for IRON WURK.aat&as 76 bbls “Pink Eye” Planting Potatoes: for sale by b30 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON ft OO. febSO hf ACKKUKL, HkHSImUM St COIIFls I- ri. 20 bill. No. 8 Mackerel 10 do. No. 1 do. 20 half bbls. No. 2 do. 16 do. do. No 1 do. 76 boxes Herrings. 2 hbds. Codfish. In ator* and for sal* by fob 20 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CD. ObABBKM AND U1N~ Hailing* for Public anil Private Parks, Gar* dans, Steps, Veramlws, Daluonlea, Ucmr, terjr Lots, «c< ssaias B&nn iMortasntvt Patterns of any establishment In the conn- try, are onableJ to ploaae tho most Lutidtou*'in tastie. Architects or Hulldrra In any part of the Union, wanting • *■”— * *111* ostl- M' 120 bble^N. O. Molauee; 76 bbl- (’help's Oin.for safe to arrrive. by 1 OCTAVU8 OOnBV. J^ARU, HMRIUHGI, POTATOEli ft COB- Fldll—2ft bbli prims nsw no.l ta»f tard: 16 kegs do do do do; 100 boxes Herring*; 60 bau Carter potato*-.; Iron Works, by Hading u* drawing, wUl.reqslvs’tL matoforMtofjrorltiM^s.fflllJuriibh any work from Peraons wishing artlclekorour mVnur.ettlre by address ing us a few Uau, atatlng for what: parpooB,’ will be fur- nfehed with priutod dealgae by |auua 0 {Mtl t -wlth the price* annexed.. AU order* sent ne will receive prompt *•*-*’ *" *and fitted IB tho best attentioa.andthe work (Inlnlehed and L. manner, and packed In box** for safe carrfege. -Z. ■ rUlINOS ft MACKEREL—100 hast* Bnoked Her- iaaaar