The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, March 06, 1856, Image 1

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-/wm GEORGIAN nm^tnu bmw, uwmii utD mat, by J. O. tVHIGHT-ifc GO., CITY ft. COUNTY PtUNTElta. TERMS, . tuiir. Tm.ffUKW ,„*< 4. VTrtRlT.. 2. I’afdl't fa advene*. Whsr# payment!* not mad* id «,Irani*. tin- chart* will Invariably be fur Aril* Georgian is( iw-r^> w.»a r<iwrt3. /- THUMPAT MOINIKO, MARCH G, W* 1 ~~ ■i~MI 80UTO HOOK." Tens—Fbr a >k» Dan*. Arclilmhlea, it (a laid, occasionally played at mar*. Ii'l'*, and tlio grave*! legislative awetnblles will at tiinu relax, aa will appear from tba following, aatd to have been ating, by saoV jacuborsof the Senate aa could ilng, at the olosa of the aeaaion. Tbote who could not sing are laid to bare enjoyed It, aa our readera doubtless will—nalghtily* 1.1 come down here to legislate., A few days,few daya; ' Mjr people any I am stayinglate, In a few days, a few daya, , The eonatry people abow alarm, , And I am going home., - ‘ - r*~v rr ~ ~~ I bate ahotasnp yonder, A few daya. a few uaya, I bate a wife nfr yonder, — And I am color borne; / 1 uo’t stay to UiltedgtvlU* Hut n few dn« e, n bw day*. 1 can't iwell ta MUMgevtUe, For t am going home.' 3. The Brnnywtek bill wna all the go A few day a* a few daye; Savannah glte It a death blow, And I am goto* homo; Tb# MalaTroak fetor ran $0 high , A few day a, a tow daye, • It knocked old Brnnawlek Into yf. A nd I ana wains home. CAorur—I have a beeae op a. The Craig Mil's already pawed, A few daye. a few .laya, A ml Urmu has got the money faat, And lain polo*borne; Th» hteaci Knot ayetoiu bad ita day A if w daye, a few data. Kr gro*a*d, we paeeed It right away, A no I am going home. Ca> rv»—1 bate a home up yonder, Ac 4. Mlliedgetllle'a been quite a place, A low daya. a few daya, ’• Atlanta’* beat her the neat race. And lam going hoaiei Atlanta teema to bo la look. Afw daya, a fow daya, Mile* Lewieeaye ahela tap Duck. Ami I am going homo. ” C/wrut—l bate 0 homo np yonder, Ac. e. What.tba detll aboil wa do for a fow daya, a faw daya I tiib'oo’agooi and People# too, Aim 1 am going homo. Wa could do ootbing, they talked ao long, A few daya, a faw daya; I mutt brief them Into eorg. Ae 1 am going hoi— 4 baton h So»» • 1M *’ Insertion, fur any time lest to an one Advertisements, of winterer length, for‘any time lent than one month, to be charged at transient rates. For a longar time at the following rateei , 1 mo. 2 tuns 8 mo* 4 0101,6 mos la inns ltvnn.... 610 etfi •20 •24 •30 •40 2 Squares... W 22 20 28 80 .60 B do .... 20 27 aa. • UO 44 00 4 do 24 82 88 42 62 70 6 do .... 27 ao 44 ■ 4 fij fid 60 0 do .... , at» 40 60 64 05 00 7 do .... ' 32 _ 48 ■ 64 68 70 100 8 *'o .... 84 - 40 68 '02 74- 110 2 do .... 36 48 01 00 77 110 10 do .... it* 60 fit 70 • 80 126 L’Anrnr—I b k homo np yonder, Ae. 4. The Banking system’a doing well, A few. daya. a fow daya; **t. Gone give thorn all aorta of hell, Aodl aa going home: Ine toitd cafe trembled when he epoke, A r«w daya, a few daya; “ old Banka chuckled at tl . The old B And I am. ... CAorni—I bate a t the joke. • np yonder, Ao. mo. For any time hot abate xpecIQed, a monoi tluual ohnrge will be nude. ^ Advertisement* ordered three timet a week* will be larged two-thlrdath* above rates. A deduction uf 25 per cent, from the ahnveratva will be made on advenUetueuts appealing on the fourth page of the daily, 8peclal notices, 10 eenta per line for the first, and 6 oenu Tor each mbit quant Insertion, and In no otte to be subject to oontraot. Marriage notion, $1. Funeral lu- titatlom,50 centa each. No apodal notice Inserted for leu than 6b centa. Obituary noticea, Reports, Resolu tions, or proceedings of any Society, Aiiociatlon. or Cor- "'raUon.oide'ed to bo published, 6 ceutt per Une. steamboat! will be advsrttred at 840 per annum for each boat adrrrUted. Steamship*, where bat one la running, $10 per annum; If two or more,$00 eaob. Auctlon«"r’e advertisements not to be aubjict to con traot, bnt to bo- charged at tba rates prescribed per eqnaro. , 1 When any bill for two months ’advertising, other than contract, amounts to oref |50Ta deduction of 26 per cent “til bo made. Yearly adTertlalng.sritbtho prlrllege ol change, trill be taken at the following rAteei For one equate, renewable ono# a week, 846 “ •* “ twlo# ' •» 66 _ ..** “ three times or oRener 70 Erery additional tquare contracted for to be charged to half the above ratea additional. Yearly advertitoraahall be limited to the tpace eon* -.voted for. All oontractv ahall be la writing, etating definitely tee nature of the butlnett to no adverttsed.- Anr adrertlMmentannt properly connected with the bn* »ln*u chill be charged separately. and alto any ozoeu Jt f matter over the amount oontraoted for. Contract adrertisarnttUpayable quarterly Advertise* manta from etrangare tH trundent partont payable: in adrance. All others will be considered due wiion called for. The pacer, undergo oiroumstgucee, to do Included In a contract. Professional and business cards, not exceeding 6 lino*, will bo Inserted at 8‘.0 per annum. Calls on persons to bocarav candid ito» will be Inserted as other advertisements, to be paid for invariably In ad vance, Announcing candidates for office 810. to be paid In ad. ince. Advertisements, not marked on the copy for a specified time, will be Inserted until forbid, and payment exaoted. Regular advertisers and all others sending communica tions ar requiting notices, detdgnea to call attention to fairs,concerts,soirees, or any public eutertolnmont where charges are made for admittance-all notices of private enterprises cahulated or Intended to promote Individual, interests, can only be inserted with the understanding* that tha urn# Is to be paid for. II inserted to the editorial column (which can bo only at tin, discretion of the edi tors,) tho same will bo charged at the into of not leu than, 20 cunts per Una. Advartlsemeuta ordered In tho Weekly paper, 81 per square for each Insertion. This schedule (ofrates of advertising) ahall not in any way affeot tho Integrity of existing contracts. All con tracts for the year, or for any otbe* given .time, ahall only ocau with the cxpIraUon o.f tho period for which tboy were made, The undersigned, publishers of Dally, TrUWtekly and Weekly nsweuaper* In Savannah. Gv. pledge ourselves strlcUy to adhere to the above bill of euarge*. and iu no inetanee to davlato therefrom. The above rates to take elTcct March 1, I860,and to continue blading, until changed by the rota of a majority of the undersigned. AuxiMDXR A Sxked, Republican. 4.0 Wfrruat fcCo., ifeonjfon. Thompson a Wtijiisorox, Horning Xeiat. R. B. Hitto.v, Journal. T. Tho Governor com# out mighty bold, Afow (Ujo, a fow doya, And arid he wished the railroad sold, and lam going home; And wows the thing was brought about, la a few daya, a few days, Blalanding feleada all back’d square out, And lane gofimbeau. , CAorwi—1 have a home ap yonder, Ae, ’.The Ransscant Dootora ^gla" a treat, Afawdaya,‘bfew days, And Lqobraaa’a apeach was. bard to beat. . '«fiaifSKs.w«*.» A fkw day a, a few days, Ihne the people's money gees away, And I am gofag homo. , GMnil-I have ahope np yonder, Ae> 9. Tba Mala Trunk dock was so well stock'd, A few daya, a fow daya, MsMUlan sevibe ganpa was stock’d, And Iain going homo, And faodrum nil before tho blast, A fow daya, a fow daya. And Pat and Ooffea eavtd at last. And lam going homo. CAoma—I have a homo np yonder, Ac. MitUDomiia,UA.,Maroh 1.1868. THE WINTRY WRECK. at MAJOR 0 W. PATTIX, CSITXD STATU Al'MT, All night along the roatlsu ado tfaa haard tha minnto gun. Where broke upon the rocky lea Tho billows ono by one. InU many a heart with fear misgave, And many a cheek grew pale, Aa wilder dash'd the roaring wave, And tondgr shriek'd the gale, Oh! weU might quake the landman's form, Team food the landman'a eye*, When mingled with the hurtling atom Game sounds ef human cries. Tho wintry shore roee cold and steep Beneath the startling ray, while for beyond, upon the deep, A bark dismantled lay. As rose the ann with flame of light, Bat not with warmth oi flame, His burlod.rays disclosed a sight _ Which pity wups to name. From shroud and dock and ley blest, . ’Mid oosaa’s briny rain, Hand* wer^utatreteh'd upon the blast, Waving 0k help la vain. Fathers stood forth with nerves or might— Mothers, alas for them! ., » And ah I the maid whom hair waa bright With ocean's fresta gem I Tho strong grow weak within the ship .Strangely the weak grow atrong; Tot some aoro.thero whose rosy Up Would breathe ao more of song. In Ufc-llk# posture some reclined, Nor fool the rnthleea storm. Ana ride by side—just aa they died— Gluped (a eaea others’ fold, la life, la death tho same allied, Some slept aereao—and told. But bo! joy—Joy—the Ufo-boat comes— Roar up I yo fow who oaa— Boon for the Vacua u with drums— Battle aa man with ******! Aad they war* rescued who outbraved That night ol fearful coot, flmllu and kind greetings for tho eared, Ti are for tho tired ana lost. Akicdotkpt JicgsoN,—G«n. Saoktaa, aa march* ing eat of New Orleans to meet tba red coats, and give them an insight into the celebrated New Or* teane cotton business, found all tbs Frenoh women ot tba city, who dreaded the English name, oryinj and lamenting around him—they knew ir the red coats took the city that all they would do wonld be to taka "beauty and booty,” with rough soldier liceoae. Jackson didn’t like to nee that femintno walling round bis men, and It waa on this occasion he made bis oration In Freneb to tbe ladies. Hay* ing asked the words ot ao atd-de-camp, the Gene* ntl, with a regular Parisian twang,.sang out: "/* rnwtt n’entrera jamait dan* ctiit vim—while I eao abase a stick at them—by tbe Eternal I" " Vivt Jack*on! vivt U bravt Qtnaal Old Hickory!” eg* claimed tbe delighted cltliens, wbo even than lore* saw victory in the bright eyee of the brave com** mander. 'Busintes Dimtorji. ^^mmaiirSS&BsSr^ Atiorneya an# Comuollora at Uv^ V. . AND S0IJ( ( 1TDR8 IN MRUTY, Ovnua. No. 17 BaoAiMfnwinf, < H \ULEs»TON. 8.0, AwrtfH®aK»Bnus«T8. Reridenoe No. 14 Liberty etnrvt, one door west ot Dray too. . • novaT lflT M £5Tl ' Rooms over DeWItt A Morgan's Htoro, Congma at. J. W (UCUUJKJ. MHiLUltdlGADLUINQ, ATT08NEY8AT.LAW, Buena Vista, Ga. “ ETlI Factor as” “t” EUALloumsMuB AbrrcUaki No. OBRay street, Baranpsli, Georgia. kmvu To MeMre.Llmrhorn hCnnhlnqhbm. BeUftPrentlM, Ogdtn, Btsrr A Co.,Bavannab, and J. P. Thompson, Boston, novl JOUX T. ROWLAND/ JOHN T, HOWL UOWLAND 41 CO., GENERIL COMMISSION llkBOUANT8, 172 Bay-street, Savannah. SleltVMIfiN MetM’OMl, ATTORNEY AT LAW,. Sacbmtttlt, tla, GkioltGK TROUP HOWARD,- ATTORNEY AT LAW. OltUlflAHY'S OFF1CB, Corner of .Bay and Whltaker-itmt*. Oflloe hours froi A, M.,to2,P. M.; KndrrotofiH P; M.to8P,M. 0. A. O'BYXUIK, . 'ATTORNEY AT LAW. OOos 176 Dsy street, over Turner k Co.’s Drugstore. J, W. PATTICIlHON, ATIORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvllls, Lowndes County, Ga. WIIaLIAM I, DAtliBIili, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Corner Whitaker strut and Bay lane, 8avat nab. j. a. daws. w. a.t UUIR.DATU A LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah. Ga. XT rtoAiiPm S LUMBER, MILL AND BRICK YARDS, SatwnnaA. Geo. GKO. J, JUNKS, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Jones' Bul'dlngs, Savannah, Geo. septic Jt W. PHILIPS. HEALER IN GROCERIES. PRODUCE. LIQUORS, FRV11 AND CONFECTIONERY. Corner ot West Broad and Harrison Streets, wep7 SAVANNAH, OX. ly_ U. At IlOltCORIBKt At M. t CLASSICAL AND-'ENGLISH TEACHER, an«2B GASTON STLEET itAfiCKHT ATTORNEY AND OOUNSUJiOll Utwjsnl ATTORNEY AND COUNSkJJiOU AT LAW, Monttcello, Jeflkrson County, Florida. Befarence—Hon. W. B^Fumixo, Bavannab. Ga. FDWAUb O. IVILMON, ' MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs, Ward k Qwaua 1 Law Oflloe ■ ly—mar8 WM. SCDLBY OOl'KKH. COUI I ACTORS J ( JXO. ooerta VRAtJXH. BUIES AND REGULATIONS OF 1DR 5XOHANG13 READING ROOM 1st. None but regular subscribers, tho clergy, strangers and those Introduced ly subscribers, will, tinder any circumstances, be permitted to visit the room. 2nd. A1 subscribes will be required tp psy ono half the subscription fee In advance, and tha remaining hall at the expiration or alx months. 8d No papers, periodicals or other reading matter al lowed to be torn, defaced or taken from tbe room, except by tho consent of the proprietor. 4th. r, moklng In tho room most positively prohibited.' 6th. Persons chewing tobacco are requested to use the spltoons Instead of the floor. 6ih. The room will be opened each day, one hour slier sunrise, and dosed at 0 o’clock; P. M., precisely. TERMS TER SXXCM. For a single Subscriber ....810 00 For a Club ol two Subscribers 18 00 For a Club of throb Subscribers 22 00 The above Rales end Regulations will bo moat strictly and rigidly enforced. WM F. WIGHTMAN. March 1st, 1830. Dsy Street, eavaonah, Ga, jytf—On 1'ATTKS, HUTTON A CO., f ACTORS, IORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jy27__ Day Strut, Bavanhah, Gen. ly JOllM O. KAiaaOAflT,. WnOLBBALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW BASH AND PANEL DOORS, West Bide Monument Square, Savannah, Oa. » JOIUPU QANAUL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Bay street, over tho Reading Room of the Ri jAu.antranoe Immediately oast of Megfot; Price k V A. II. CHAMPION, (Successor to Champion k Watt* ) WH0IJC3ALK AND RETAIL GROCER, NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Bmc Would respectfully Inform the Ladles Bav*nnab that ahebss opened In Whitaker street, cue door from Congress, a new and fashionable Millinery ex- tabUshment, and that she will henceforth devote her un divided attention to tlm.imiue Her Ia4y patrons may rut assured that Mrs, u. having hud chargo of a most fuhionsble Millinery establishment in «bw York city, is enabled, by her long experience, to produce a Uonnctof of superior tute, ueatness ami llulsli. Mrs. H. would also assure those ladles, who may bo kind enough to pat ronise her. that ner chnrges are at tho same low ratoa aa boss of New York. Jlor establishment, therefore, corn- lines tbe odvantauen of cheapness, w<th superiority of style, and latest Paris fashions. N. B.—Childrens' an l Mourning Ronuotn made to order. Already on hand, 6u0 splendid Jaulies Dre is Caps, just Imported, at 60 cents and upwnrd. * Country oustonlera will please call and examine, janS-ly PAPER HAH01NQ8, &o„ &o. W il. TUUNKit, of asw York, begs to Inform a the residents or Savannah that he has plain and decorative Papers for aale at New > 01k prices, which ho can hang In true artistic style, Pnnolltag in OAk; Mar ble, Maple and Fresco decorations for rooms; Block Mar bling aud Panelling for passages and staircases, at i-luth of the palutsrs charges. Having had many years expert • ence in Europe and New York lie kr confident of giving utUfaction to his patrons. Whitaker street. Jang Two doors irom Congress at. •vFrulta, &o.,&o. . . „ Reference—A. Champion, E#q.,8amuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabun k Whitehead, Bwlh k Co., Savannah, Oa. WILLIAM II. DAB UK 11, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT IJtW, Troupvllle, Lowndu County,Ga. Will pruotloe in Thomas. Lowndse.Clinch; Ware, Applit countlu, Florida. WN. 9. WILLIAMS. THADDXUS OUTER. JACK IR< WILLIAMS, OL1VKH ft BROWN," attornkyb at law, Bueaa Vista, Marlon ‘County, Ga., may?—d&wly _ _ _ ~ . m, wiirr gitJUTiA, ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Alligator, East Florida. FKRUINAND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, JunoM_ '' T. W. BAKER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, South Newport, Georgia. Will Rtteud tbe Superior Court in the counties of Otm Liberty, Uclutosu,Cauidun, Glyuu, Wayne, Wart pllng and Tattnall ( - JKSSK T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNBEI-LOR AT LAW, Nawn&nsville.Fla. Reference—George L. Brown, William Dell, Kawnan Fla 5 R. B. Hiiton, Boston k VUIalonga. Savanna " JOHN M. flULLKN, * ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlco corner of Whitaker and Bay-atretts. Will practice In the Courts of Sorlven, Bulloch, Ellin WILLIAM O. FOOTE. s IMUU1T AND UUHAU.-26 bbleSoda Biscuit; . 76 boxes do. do.; 26bbls Butter do.; 26 do/Sugar ; 26 do. Pilot Bread. Reoelved and for aale by fob 12 i MCMAHON A DOYLE. GROCERIES AHD LIQUOBS! 30U BoXEd lobaooo, various brands, 8'a, 6’s, 10'a and 1, lumps; 60 packages superior Rough k Rudy. Virgin, 200,000 Havana k Seesrs. some very superior; 160 none fomily, pale and No 1 Soap ; 60 boxes pearl atareh; 176 paekagta black and green Teas; . 100 bags Rio Cotfve; 20 bags Java CofTes; 60 barrels reOned and yellow Sugars; 100 keca FFFU Powder; 60 halves and 60 quarter do; 10 bairplpu Frenoh Brandies; 1 6 pipes Holland Gtn; * 2 punoheons Jamaica and 1 do StCroix Rum; 60 boau Claret Wine, St Jnllen Medde; 160 baskets Haldutck and other brands Champagne; 10 quarter casks Madeira and Sherry Wine; 60 barrele sugar, soda and butte Crackers, 76 boxes adamantine and tallow Candles, 100 gross negro pipes, 26 boxes pickles assorted, 20 boxes Catsups; 26 boxes Mustard, 26 boxes Ground Pepper; 60 boxes Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, quarts and pints; 20 barrele very old Monongaliela Whiskey; 60 barrels No. 1, Sarnia mackerel; 60 barrels Malaga and Tort Wine. 76 barrele Gin Bum, Whiskey and Brandy: Together with other articles generally kept In our line, for sale on accommodating terms. Janl3 J. V. CONNERAT A CO, Giakd Matrimonial Lottery Scbeme—Tbe Journal die Loirtt (France) ttliUi tbe following scheme resorted to by a young datniel in order to procure a husband:— A young lady, pratty nod well educated, residing In the arrondisemant of Plthlviera, baa conoelved tbe Idea of putting beraelf np to lottery. There are to be 300 tickets at 10001, each, end to tbe fortnnaU winner ehe will siva beraelf and the 2D9, way or dowry. The lady-baa attaobedeome vary prudent conditions to tbe parohaae of tickets. She wi l only sell them to persona whom ehe may think will eoft her, and. in order to aioertaln that point, aba exacts a half boar’s ItUnidt coavemation with #Mb appli- cast* Then la no limit of age Imposed, hot more then one ticket they be token Jy one person. Tbe lottery will be drawn on tbe Mth November nest, at the Malrie at Pitblviera. No manled men are allowed to tokt tlcketo. . It ta eaid that annmbeiyof Engllabmlb bav* elfiady beoome porebaaera, and appiicatkma an ootalag in from ail quarters. SUGAB, COFFEE, MOLASSES, &C. 25 hhda new crupOrlcaus Sugar, 10 oo Fi.rtoKiou do, 10 do Cuba do, « fiOubags Rio Coffee, 160 do Laguayra do, 86 bags Java Coffee, 10 do Mocha do. 200 bbla Orluns Syrup and Mulaues, 6 oases extra-fine Uuolong Tea, 6 do do Hyson do, 76 pkgs Raisins, wholes, btlves and quarters, 10 frails soft Almonds. ICO bbla Crackers, Butter, Sugar sod Soda, 800 baas Shot, usorted, , 60 kegs Dupont's Powder- 6000 lbs bar Lead. 100 boxM assorted Candy, 100 boxes large bowl Pipes. 800 pkre Tobacco, various brands, _ 60 000 Spanish Stgars, direct importation, 100,000 half 8panlsh ana American Segars, Reoelvod by recent arrivals, and for aale by fob6 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k CO. Decidedly tbe aebeme of tbe day another lot ot thou fine THOMAS HUGHES IllNKB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Troupvllle, Georgia. Will practise In tue Circuit Courts of Tbomu, Low luubla counties In the EuternClroutt of Flori a. manta at Washington. NATHAN K. UKNTUN. ATTORNEY At LAW, Marietta, Georgia. Will praotlce Id the following counties : Cau. Campbo Carroll, Cherokee, DeKrib, Fulton, Forsyth, Dicker Pautdiug and Cobb. Rcfcra to Jams* 11. Carter h Co. A SHOUT. MASTER BUILDER, Will taka contracts fur Building and Work in Uaeoiary of WM. n. LAWTON ft CO., FACTORS. CHARLESTON. 8. O. ‘Wa. M. Lawtuk, once No. 13 Soulltarn Wharf aug*—eod4m M Joexra T.'Dux, Wuaoxx Lawtox. Jr. SPENCER CUfttilKLL ft CO., t ^OTJCIT from their tflends * acrlption. Estate, Bank Stock, Ac. IK. k Wood A Co | Noble Lyon, Esq. 01. FITZGKUALH, Corner of Broughton aad Whltaksi SAVANNAH, GA, S UCCESSOR to T. C. Rloe. Manufacturer an erery variety ot common aud fine CANO dried and warranted to rulat effectually the hot damp a moaphere of a Southern Climate; also Lemon end Strav her y Syrup, No. Term* cash, prices low. *' HUDSON, KLKU1NO ft CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, No W Bay .Street. Savannah, Ga., 'try | 1, Hen T3ALLABT SUITABLE FDR PAVING—60 tons Stone, XJ suitable lor paving &a.: tor isle, ifapiilled for 1mmv- dfotely. nov22 ROWLAND k SON.^ C ODFISH ft IIKOUlNQSWi hhds C^fish; 100 boxes Herrings; Just received and for sale by JanlO SCRANTON. JOHNSTON X CO rear Z U mi k Co, aud A. Seoettc Urandlu. 10 packages Ma- aalra, Port and Sherry Wines,8 pipes Gtn. cholo* brands to wood aad glau, by -DAVH) O’UONNOR. , dscl4 ducc. Bring conneutsd to bnaineu with Horxun, * Co., of Charluton, the eatablUhaent of an oBet _ elty will afford oar friends choi* of markets. Strict 1 don will ' given to business, and the uaual foeUltl forded ousto&1011. , J.R. HUDSON. I W. B. FLEMING J 8 *™ 1 LAMBETH U0P81N8, An «epl8 tf COHEN, Gharlastox TCfiSESESn S UiiiKL\u3-«o bbu OO rVuSiMw iu Mackerel; 60 boxea Herrings, for aria by J. V. OONNKRAT k CO. ^EBTEUN WsilSKT—100 bbla, to arrive, for HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON fc (XJ ""fSbSl *- uUttK«uii| ftle by ENGLISH CHEESE AND PiGB&ES. • . buuU Lug turn Uimuu* ouwmi; 20 doiou assorted English ploklss and uueta. Landing from ship ih, aud for uls by — CLAGHOBN k CUNNINGHAM 1.2 aad S Mackerel, ADOYLK- msSm k hhda new aro«Ca 126 bbla eboioeN.0, _ apanlgh Consulate. FOB THE POST OP SAVANNAH, WILL BE FOUND AHUVK ’ UcFord’i Drug Store, Broughton 8treet. OFFICE HOUBB, k'Buri Id A. At. to 4 P. U. octt JOSE JU1JO MART ■UNDIUK9, PA BOXES Ground Coffee; OU 20J*ke Bio ao, liH) mats Old Government Jar* do; 6.1 half chuts Tea, various hrande; loO boxes Tobscoo, choloe do; 600 gross Booking Tobacco; Beorivodand for aria by . iwraWTo; £Ut'. Mo MAHON k DOfLE. , i narrow, imuia pci aria by deo21 " SCHOOL l|ao£8. pnou at the Booastora of ' 8. B. SIBLEY, mJJJni t eariu ehriee ee«a» e LABD. HTHBIHOS, POTATOES, AC. ’AffBourrimeLsatiltrot;-^' - .•■ 40 60 kegs do do dc; > —- 100 boxes Herrings, aad 2 lihda Codfish ; 60 bbl* Cor ter PotAtoes;’r • - • T 100 bbl* Plnkivssaml M#wrPoUto#*| / J 2A half bbla “Fnltoa Beef; . 26 bbla No. 3 Mackerel, Mw; fl| 20 balfbbla No, 1 do dm. . 86 do do No, 2 .do- ft*; |b ■ 26 half bbla Buckwheat Ftouif; 20qnarbbir do -- do; ; H a&.boxre do . ■ to; (SwStiroM, JOHifCTnN * rn.. u QUQAU AN U UOPPKK— . , Ih o 10BhdgCholoe N.G.Sugar, . \ 10 do da. BL Croix dp .. 160 Bag# Prims Greta Rio Coffee. 60 Mata Old Government Java Coffee, « 60 Bilge Maraoelbo do Ja 60 du Ltgulra do 60 do Porto Rlcb do J.’blS"*" 1 '"ftOTOjobnatok*00. . f TTtLOUH, PUTATOXfiff ft ftlffCUIT- ' • r 160 sacks Granite MlltoSnporflae Floor, f* 100 barrels Heed Potatoes,' lQ 16 ** Sugar Biscuit, ; • 16 « Soda „ 0 60 boxu -•* “ •*. 16 barrels Pilot Bread, fresh. 1|0|( . BON| , DOYLI u. VfO. I EES? SSEa bbu to. 1 LHtUrl, H Lb i.1 kegt do dp do do; Just reoelved aad for sal* by aal» . 'SCRANTUIMpHMSTONfr'oo. an DllNDiilEa.-4U bbls GUI ffaaWy Rye Whl-ksy; 26 ij bbla Monongahela do; 60 kkla dor 60 bids XXX do; 60 86bblaXXdop26bhlaXdo; 60bblaaraadyt 16bblsGio{ 60hbla Rum; 100 bbla A B fr 0 Sega?; 100 chests Tea, va . rious brands; 100 fern WoUt’s fc'eMdaat Bcknappe; 100 1 aw . OAlOLH8, dUAP AkblTAllOH. “ Th B t\ BUXES Ad. Candles; to do Tallow do; 109 ft) Pale i J.V/So*Pl 160 flo no. 1 do; 60 do Colgate*• Starch; In •’ssr*' B0UX)MBtJ0HmoNtflo ta. loo do Laguayra do; go do Java do; ' 60 hhda Porto Rico. Muio’do and New Orluav Sugars; . 260 bbla Crashed. Clarified and Powdered Sugars; % °* 200 boxs* various breads aad qualities Tobacco; ■ 60 hhda Sides and dhoald*re, w naw meat;’ 80 casks New Hams; - 260 boxu No 1 Pal* aad Family.f?eap; T 60 bbla do Leaf Urd; | 100 kegs do do do; rr 260 boxes Chaesv; °? 60 keg* Cbo'O# Butter; 100 boxesCometon and Extra.Condy; 100 du AdafflanUne Geadlos; - p . 100 do Sperm and Tallow Qandlen No 1 SealedUtmnfs; \ 160 bbl* New Ur leans Molasses; — 600 do Whisky, Gin and Runt; " 171 600 do Potatoes: 60 boxu Clay pipes and Pip* Heads; 100 dos Painted and'Varnished Backets; Kd 600 Empty Keg*; Kn 290 M Spanish and American Cigar*; Instore and for ule on soeommodating term* by Janl7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON * CO. Ct (inOUIKi—76 boxes mlmld (Mndlu; 60 do J W Deo- C O dell’s do: 100 do do Soapl 100 do Colgate ’a do: 76 box- v es ground Coffee: 800 sacks Rio do; 76 mats old Java do: lUOhoxu Mustard; 100 do Pepper; luodo Lemon Syrup; 1 ’6 do Tomato Catsup; 26 hair chests green Tts; 60 do do black do; 80 do do Oolong do; 76 boxes Purl Starch; 100 8h do tobacco, various brands; tees!via and for sale bv . JanO MnMAHON fr DOYLX. ■jC/f'AtiKEKKL, CODFISH AFId ifERRl.SGB-20 fabls No 1 ul ill and 2 Mackerel, 60 quintals Cod-Fish. 60 bbls Her- ,,, rings. Recalved and for Ml* by MoMA HUN fr DUY1.E, 1 fobtl . N DEED POTATO KS—Selected expressly tor ttai* O rasrktt—600 bbls, In store and for ule by Csb6 H01XOM8E. JUlIKHON fr CO. iriilwi di jioi.a»»«.«- Yf 100bbls Pika’s ''Magnolia” Whisky; . 160 bbls Molasses, for ul*. to arrive per i*booa*r A Narragansett from New oriuus. by *• JanTs OCTAVUS COHEN. /RANGES. Ban: iim, Shaddock's Limes,* fall supply of VF Kbolu fruit of all kinds, just received from the west Indies and New York, and tur sal* by dee21 J. D. JESSE. A ppua fr POTATOES—76 bbls Potatoes, princfoallys XX mercers; also. 10 bbla bast red Apples, lauding Irom . eahr W LCogewoll,and tot eale ou coasfgtwaeat, by ou janl ROWLAND fr SON. f"10AI/—200 tons Superior Parlor Coal. Prio# to, for \J sale by OCTAVUS COHEN. Sample* can be suu at tbe wharf of Messre. Carieton fr Parsons. daclP TirHlSKV—■too bbls Pike’s, by W d»«JU* Mirtl Allow k ;»iVLK * i^LOUll, FLOUR- ,1 Jj 200 bbla Do unis* <1 FI nr; e 16u do Oakley do; Jnst received aud for sale Lv J4nl7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fr CO. v 8UAP, UANULE8, kTAUUlf, ftC. BOXES Smith and Buchan's Faintly Soap; t> iUUfiJdo Colgate’s Pal* do: K 100 do lb ou and no. 1 do; . 60 do Beadelt's 0s and 8i Tallow Candles; fk 26 no lllggin’s do do; luo do Oswego and ReadelPa P*arl8Utob; 26 bbls band tn*d* Sugar Creckers; 20 do Soda do: 60 boxea do dot Jmt reoelved aud for ule by JanlO SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. P tog Potato**, landtuf and forsafo by ^ 1 ** Dl J janl uJCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CG. ■VTEW MACKRRKI^Just fsceiud a loTof Choice New Mackerel for ule by eepll JOHN D. JESSE, h T> ICE.—100 bushels Ssed Rloe, reoelvenaud foreal* by XiOfeh 1“ MoMAHON fr DOYLE ‘ neA lAGSFriSfSSm*?:® W?ef®* J ySOXj 60 Bags Old Government Java Coffu. 60 do (ofmats) Old Government Java Code*. D 26 Bags Choice Maroulvo da 60 do do Porto Rloo do 60 do du Lagulra do 10 Hhda. do Rt.Croix Bugsr. , 10 do do Porto iUoo do a 160 Boxes Colgate’s No. 1 and Bar 8oap. 100 do Umlth’sfr Bnehan’aFamily tfoap. B 60 do Colgate's Pale do do 76 do Budell’s Tallow Caudles, fie fr8s. Y 109 dn Oswego and Colgate’* Pearl Btarch. 60 uo Beadeil’s Pearnitaroh. 25 do Ground Coffee, 1 and W lb. papers. 26 dn do Pepper. 76 Bbls E. Treadwell’s Sugar, Sod* and Balter Uisoutt- « 26 do E. Tread well’s Pilot Bread. 26 Boxes Adamantine Candles, landing and in store, for sal* by JanS SCRANTON. JOHN8TON fr CO. /■'1IDLR—TO bbls Rtctlfisd. received and for ule by J KJ *c30 MoMAHON fr W)i LF F *f IQUORS AND WINES.—10 half pipes Otard and other XJ French Hramtlu. 16 stgbih casks of very old Freneb p brandy, 26 quarter casks < adelra, 6u do, ao Malaga Wine. 0 pipes Holland Gin. 2 puncheons Jamaica and St. Croix Hum. 60 boxu St. Jullen Claret. 6 quarter ca*ka Wine,100 bbls. Domvhtlo Gtn. Whiskey,Ram and Brandy— nr aale nr n*>»9 J V (M.VNKrtAT fr CO. t VARESH PATK—Aoaorted. just reoelved and tor salt by J? Jan3 A. bONAUD, Girner uf Bay fr Bnll-sts TTABIEvftC— Jnst received—6 tierces choice family XX Ham*: 6 bbls extra family Urd; 10 bbls and half bbl* Pig Perk, 60 boxea Budel's Soap, Starch and Tallow Candles; 60 do Adamantine Candles; in store and for ule by DAVID O’O’NNOR, deoSO corn-r Broughton fr Drayton sts. EIKKSH SALMON, ufcBSTEKS s SAKDINEo—For aals by JJ Jan8 A. BONAUD. TTAY—160 baits North Rl*ar ilay, landing and fur sal* ddL by nnvlO CRANE. WKLI# * CO. TkRIED FRUIT, PICK ELS AND CATSUPS.—26 boxes as XJ sorted Catsup-. 69 ilo Ptokels.quart* and pints. A1 • ao Almonds, Brasil Nuts and new Raisins, for ule br nov2 J. V. CONNERAT fr CO. XTAOKKRKL, POTATOES ft APPE.K8— jjX 100 barrels medium No. 8 Mackerel; 200 do Whit# uedPotatoee; ->100 do Mercer do; 60 do Baldwin Apple*; or ssle by deo2t CTAVU * C:»tfKV. TllITTER ANUCHEEIK— 26 keg* choloe Goshen Batten * 10 boxes do English Dairy Cheese; 76 do d. White Uo; Just reoelved and for ul* by f#b2J SCRANTON. JOHNSTON fr CO. ■p AlfflNS—50 bunches ’new buneb’ Kalsias; 60 half XX do do do; landing and for sale by Janl# SCRANTON. JOHNSTON fr CO. C3KED POTATOES AND APPl.kS—m barrel* white O eeed potatoes; 100 do Meroer do; 40 do Baldwin ap- plrt*. For tale, tu arrive, by deoia OCTAVUS COHEN CjEED POTATOFE.—1000 barrels in jtore and lor sale by O declO . HOUJ-'MBE. JOHNSON *CO. SUNDRIES. CA Box** sun-etfortitauad Coffee; OU 76 do. J WBudel’a Candles; 100 do Mould do. 76 do. Adamantine do. 76 do. Sperm do. 690 do Pale, family and No. 1 Snap ; 100 do. Toilet do 100 do. Unum Syrup; 100 das Broom* t 100 do. Buckets; 76 do. Bra •* hound Pella; 76 du. Neats Tubs; 100 Lose* Tobacco, assorted; 75 du. Pipe*; 100 half cheat Tea, various qualities ; 100 bale* wra|iplntTwine 1 2)0 tacks Kto coffee ; DM) mala n d Government Java do; > 109 bales Huger, ioda aud Pilot Bread,recalved and of salt by fobfi MnMAHON fr DOYLE. C! UN DRIES—100 boxes family soap: 109 do No. 1 do; ij 100 do pale do; 100 do mould caodlea; 126 do adaman; tine do; 76 do aperm dot 160 4o ratlin*: 100 half do do- 200 quart or do uo: 100 do ground ooffea; 200 do etareb, 290 mustard; 200 do fresn ground pepper; 100do utauu; 7b do lemon syrup. Landing and in store and for ul* by d#o4 MoMAHON fr 1MYLE T7UG8, RAISINS ft ALMONDS—100 drums • Smyrna » X; Figs; 160 whole, half and quarter boxu Raisins; 10 bbU aott shell«lmonds, landing nod for aals by daott HOIAJOMBB. JOHNSON fr CO. TOlsOtlU—Marietta Mills—250 bbU Denmead’ and Jj ‘Oakley,’ to store, and for ule ay f»bi holcombe; Johnson * co ** IAVAMRAH LOAN A88OUU1108 BTOhM, '* TjWB SALK—Twenty (29) shares Savannah Loan Aaso _ X? elation Stock. Apply at thiroffoa. > deal—tl Ofx AAA GRANOhS, jn« reset red fresh from *. £l t/svvv Havana, la store. *,*J tor sal* obeap by A. H. CHAMPION; Snooeceor to • CHAMPION fr WATTS, octtt ^ ; No 4 Barnard et w TIUTTEB, CHfiESS fr-APPLES—20 IlHilae ehoio* Bnt JD tar; 76 bosve do. cheese; ll hfrU Apple# wfftvthg -'X'yjggjjgftfsiffi CLIHICAL 6UB0ERY., rhyslologtcal Chemistry, translated % from jn. By G. 1. Hey. with lllmtraUons. 2 vole k 1’auta Pbyslotairy.end all tne Text Books used *H«v. Dr- Casamluq’a Twelve Urgent QumCous, llulun 1 a Peepet New York Socletv.' _ „ , „ fow Putehaae, or Early Years in (be Far West. By 'A Basket of Chip*. Bv John Rrou(hau. * - 80RBBl:2liS& Oli HomutMi. Ffc * ••* nn^the Mormons, Mary Lyndon, Duestieks, tin-ai SU '■ W, IHOBKE Wll.U.lff- ;,b.£SESS5 , .#JSr. a I Jansgudn America; 1 V Max Maretxsk. The KnlthleM Gward'an; by Susanna Moodet. Ford; by alady; oae of the most pathetlo, chute sting productions or the day. e Kiln Man. Received and for Bale by B S. SIBLEY, 186 Congress at. ITERARYma {fivo. BANCROFT’S <ia Historical Mlanrihams. assays and Ad* f Journey through ftrwr ana -asJttgU.'Bk of GoergCa; 2d edition. My Brothur’e Kupori bv Miu Warner, anthor ol ’• Dol- utopol. ko. History for boys; by J E Edgar. THORNE WILLIAMS. BITS 'OF BLARNEY, >Y 8 R Maekens..,edior Lire of Curran. Ra. Archbishop Wfastely on tbe Seriptnro Revelations sroing a future state. ie Lei* Kingsley. (I. PathologloaT. Ethn loajand Bulloch’s Amerioaa Cottagu Butldtr. Newcombes, JT Tbacke^r,'sompleteJn2 vole. r THtIRNE WILLI A MH. d by upwards of 100 engraViuga.' Lotsing, I of tbe Chief Jostle** uf the L'nltsd tales, by Hsnry Flanders. Landsaape Printing, in water colors, by 8 Bernard. Tbe Two Guardians, by tbe author of tha *• Heir o t ReJ- UfoJ’ . Tala for tho IfarlnN, by Ueut Wise, author of •' rlngoa.” Anecdotes of American Clorgy, by Dr Brlohtr Arabian Nights, with 100.Uluairutmus. Mrs Jatuusuu's Cumntun Vlaoe Book ol Tlioughm. Leaves from a Family Journal. *-1 W. THORNE WIIJ.IAMS ~ SAM~SLICK r S " 7 ~ ATUIIE AND HUMAN NATURE, by du.lga Ualybus- ton. • e EnglLli Woman In Ruulsu Socletv aud Jluunersof tnuiana at Home. Tries for tus Marines, by the author of "ime Gringos.” Thu Turkish Empire, by Eduurd Roy Morris. Thu Women ol the Frunch Revolution, by Michelet. Tho Anierleau among the Orientals, by Dr Buuldtu, Kund’a Chemistry, lor thu use of Mudnnt*. Lutheran klannsl on Scriptural Prluolptus of thu Augs Jams’ Equity, 8d American edition—by. H ^'hsrton. English Ccmmon La* Reports, vnt 7B. Kent's Communtarius. new editlou, 4 vole. O’Doherty Papers, new supply. MedlouChtrurglcal Raview.lor April. my24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS NAFOLKU8. PHARMACY. A N lutr ductlon to Practical Pharmacy, a text book for tbe Htiidnnt.and guhlnto the Pharmacentest and druggists; liy IM. Parrhh. with upwards of 200 l! u*trs- Uons. U'rinres on Engllnh Hl ttury nod Tragic Poetryby the lata Profe»Jbr Reed,of th*. Uulverslty of Pennsylrsnh. Groto'a Uihtory of Greece; 10 vol., 12 mo. huRitnus' ifoetuHimorrecuo, extra. Krebfo's Christian Ymr; ulegsntly lltu.trrivd and bmitid iu Tnrbey moinocu. Posts and l’ostry or Amerios; nutlqqe calf-extra Female 1'oeU of America; do do. Harper rod Putnam. Magasluss.for December. London Art Journal for Novumber. ' bsmbsr’u Ldenburgh Journal for December. , W. THO/tNEjWlLLUMS/^ D 1ALY «nd rorresn-indmco of tuii'iuri Pepys', In the re'gna of Cbarlu* II. and Jama II , 4 rule., with two portraits. Pkotchex cf Virginia, Historical aud Biographical, by W. is. roots, Tbe Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Haoea, from tbe Froueh of Couut Uablnuu. Drown s History of Greek Clauiea! Literature* AoEsunud Novice from thu Ssterhood or St. Joseph, by Jose bine M. ifonkley, ' o *, 1 ‘ Hrieaa. wlth Illustration a, by John ST C. Abbott. 8 vol*.. cloth, gilt. A Child's History or the United States, by Jno. Bonner, 2 vol*. lAndoa Quarterly Review. forOot'r. The Loncutfov Deo’r. ■ Distnrnell's Railway Guide. Eclectic Maguine lor December. deeli . WvTHORNR WILLIAMS. The Forayere or the Raid of the Dogdays; by Wn. Gilmore Blm mi.' ' 1 ' Live* of the Quettit ol Eogtaed of tbejlonsw •fHaao*' ver; by Dr. Doran; 2 vol* ^ 1 Table Traits, with something on them; by Dr. Doran. Habits and Man. Riehard the Pearleu,or tba little Duke; by MluYoaxv. author or thu Heir of Rudolitfo, fro. ^ Drums, Visions. Apparitions. Ecataey, Magnsttam aad Somnambulism; by A. B. DeRalxmot,t. The Red Eigle. a Poem of tbe South; by A. B. Meek. True Riches; Two instructive atoriu for Young People. The Glory of thu Redeemer in His Person and Works; by thu Her. Octavius Winslow. noylO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. ilKNitY VK11NONI » OH, THJfl DHEAmT COAL AN I) WOOD YARD. J. T. TH0MAir . Offsralor sals at tbe I INION FI3RHY WHAItf. a RurriiT of UB.. A8« CJO^A^D^E WOOU, ■nn*m«nl II/ivhi fn. I... i i _ . 41 J ItSlfr tf Rosea for onlara are plaeM at the . Cooper ti Co., W.O. Dickson, W. W. ; -it at the office ot tbo Morning Nows, aodiit my rvitdencelrt YViittnk’a Whsrr, near Uta Uaa Howae, ... riMIR subucriber Informs tho public that be la receiving JL and will kup constantly on'nand a good atockor asatsf t " ,,, " l K,Mu ^ n Fairbanks’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALES, N t OH, TI BY A GEORGIAN, r IBIS Is the title of a romance now la prooesa pf com* plettou, which will be Issued In two number* oa the J«t end 16th of Julv, 1866. The icuncs are laid msln'y In the United SUtes, England and “pula. Th* work will ne printed on pure whfw paper, with new type,and wUl equal in quantity of matlor an ordinary slscd duodsclmo volume of JJOO pages.^ It will bn promptly Issued add for* TERMS: Single copy, two numbeta. 80 76 To clnlMA.f threo or more, pur copy §o RumiltcnnuM muct be made iu bills or change,and not In post ntfin* stamps. Address t Je22 .tAMI-a M. SMYTHK, Augusta.Ga. „ m , MfwSSlS^ 1 uSulu^*^* , (II ,W, J for FouB ' , • r, ' ,, ' hoUit « HUto, frow ■TSSgM&sj&maimm, B“l*e,gwulaaud to korrign Standards, uad auitabl* pa<Aed for shipping, and furnished on reasonable toma end at short notice. bM0 ,0D 2 hnownand uverely l**)ed,und thu unlvetnl cwifiden^u felt In their aocurucr •ndperfut adjustment is inch that they arsnovVS . THE STANDARD! from which there la no appeal. ... BruLL fr PRENTISS, Agents. Bavannab. WATOHKB, JKWKM11Y ft FANCY OOODE. ) ECK1V1NU by urery arrival ol tha ataamsra fresh add! Aa. lions, making tus best assortment in this city, ol all tiudsof Watefau, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, SUvur Spouna, r'oi ks, Pitchers IVa Sets, Cups. Syphons, Plated Castor*, and every variety ©I articles nonnsnted with oar line oi * 1111 of whl «lx will be arid *a tow as to any city to the Union. -D. B, NICHOLS. 80“ Particular attention given to the Repairing of Watahsa and Jewels. no20 ), with maps aud upwuda c JAMES GORDON BENNETT. ■\f KMoIKH of J.tmosGordon Bennutt and bla Tlmu. ; 111. Bnid Blink in •‘uarchofa wile. Tbe Island Empire «r Scene* of the FIr»t Exile of the Emperor Napoleon 1st. ^Mineral Springs of the United Statu* aud Canada, by Dr. Dlsenhes of the HuinrinTertb by Dra.Fux fr Harris. PrlcuiMl'sNaturHl Ill*-t**ry nf M*n,4tb edition, enlarged by Norris. With nuiuur-iu.colorudplates. l^Waiknn. in ndveuturesou theVisqnlto Hbore. bySA Arl, IllnL*, rcbii-.tiue. Sculpture an-l Painting, by snti Klrwln's letters to Bishop Hughes History of the Coiiucll offrent. by Rnngenor. Anoiv«Ujipl/if fWstlcks. Huc’NChinu. Vhlt lo the Camp before t-ebtrioiwl. Tod's Ululnnl Lentures on Paralysis and tbe Brain Hslro^oflliughtou or thu Mntuer’u&cret. coglfl ' 4 W. THORNEWILLIAMS. BAVARI) TAYLOR’S JAPAN A VWl lnrtb, t.hina and Jxnuu Iu 1863, by Bayard JX. Taylor F.veniugs with the Prophets a scries nf memoirs liiodltathois. by Rev A Morton Hrown. Clouds and M.iihlilne in thu Lite of a Village Pastor, llarbnugh's Heitvouly Homs, II vols. Flint’s Clinical Report* ou Coutln. ed Fever and Tvphctd Fever. Gooch's Piuotinul Midwliery. Fordrce on Fevers. Mendenhall’s Medical Students Vada Meoum. with up. wards of200,iUuatraationa. Ueaaiey’s Medical Formulary Do Prescription Books. Wood's PractlcH. Bell fr Stokes' Dickson’s. Watson’s. Dunghson's, aud all other medical works tor Students and Practitioner*, ut rudnoud prices. 0017 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Quekstt on the Mioroscope, new sdltlon. Conaunce Horbsit a novel, by G K Jewabnry. LeUur* Mangue. or Sociri and Religious Cuhtoma iu raucu; by Eugene Courcetlun. Sir Amyas Leigh'a Voyage of Adventures In tho reign of her must Gracious MaJu- 4 - “—— *"'- *- ^ - lusty qneen EUsAbetb, by Chas ltla,fro- lavery. or Three Months ut the is, b D. Men of Character, by Douglas jarrohl. new supply. Chambers* Edinburgh Magaslnt for Juno. Blttles of the Crimea, new supply. Jfith Georgia Supreme Court Reports. Just noeir* by J«17 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. SYDNEY SMITH. MEMOIR of the Ruy Sydney Smith, by hts daughter Lady Holland; 2 vote. illustrated Manners Dock, a manual of good behaviour ind polite aoconipliahueut. Tbe American Cottage Builder for Homes for the people. >T J Bullock. Tome’s account of the Panama Rail Road. Harper’ii UHtfaxiue for September. A new supply ofMarjr liindon, Doesticks. Hue’s China. Noqutto shore. Sam flick, Woman of the French Itevolu me. and First Eslle uf Nspoloon to Elbu. Harper’s Establishment, or how Books are made, with . HOLIDAY BOOKS. A ausortmeot or elegant works with numerous fiouengravings atm splendidly bound, suitable for CUnstmu presents. The Holy Gospels illustrated in 40 original designs, by Overbaok. Folio, Antique, of. 1 Gems of Drithth Art, iliustratea with 80 supirti line engravings, (olio, antique, or. Ornaments of Memory; or, Bexutten of History, Ho* manse and Poetry, with 18 engravings, quarto,antique, The Women of tho Bible, with 18 engravings, new edition, royal 8vo, antique, oalf.gUt. The Republican Co tot, coutuiuing 21 portrnUa or dm- tinguHhed Ludlus during the days of iVa.hingtou, nto* rooco.extra gilt. The queens of England, by Miss Strickland, with 27 elegant portraits, auttqus, calf, gilt Lite of klArtln Luther and thu Kt-furmatlon In Uorrasny, ' augSO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. 1 ND Its Religion. with^tochfanta ol trivallnthatct L try; by Kobt. A. Wilson, with illustrations, ■tly; a novel by a lady ot Chsrluton, author of *• ty Moments of an Idle Woman.” • SnarleaLamb's Works, with sketohai of his life ; by is. Noon Talfonrd: in 2 vols. Out of Debt, out of Dancer; by Cousi t Alice. Grmte'a History of Groces, 11 volt, Fitxge/rid’s Kxulbltlou Speaker. Maud and other Poems; by Alfred Tennyson. Harper's Story Books, vol. 4. Westminster Review fur October. Eolectto Magsslna fur November. novl7 _ W. THORNE W1LUAMS B Y MBS. AVrof.hlautuor of Fashion and Famine, Harper’s ClassicalIJ’srary, translated and mollahedin volumes, sim of Bohn* editions, Virgil, Sal- ust and Horace, received, to he followed by others* Abbott* Young Christian Barits, vol 4. Hoaryhead and loDonuar, improved and enlarged with numerous on- Tuvlngs. Japan and Aaunnd th* World to Commodore 1’erry’a quadron. by J W. Spalding, with illustration*. Christian Theism, the testimony of reason and revels- Mortimer’s College Life, by E. D. May. Harper’s Mag«xtue for November. North Arne loan Review for October. Vols 10, 11. ana 12, Curtis' Decisions U. 8. Supreme kiurt. 06130 _ . W. THORNE WILLIAMS. BOOKS! BOOKSW BOOKS!!! AT PRICES. D ESIROUS of reducing hli Stock on hsnd,th* under* slgQSd offers hts books for *wl« at a alight wdvanc* utly. on New Vorjt cost. IVnons wishing to replenish or unply thamselvcs -ith a Library of giod choloe hooka, rill Bnd It to their advantage to call and purchase. Pa- eats end Teachers can supply themselves with school tucks very che«p. and merenant* also with blank books, ir.per and sUtionvi y. Fail soon, as tha opportunity will tot be upon to 8. S. SIBLEY, oct2l 186 Cosgvesa at. COL. HARDEE'S TACTICS. R IFLE and light Inrantry Tactics, prepared under th* direction ot th* War Department lor tha us* of tie trroyand tbe Militia, lu two pocket volumes. Cavalry Tactic*, prepared by order of tb* War Depart cent. Lights and Shadows nf EnglRb life, a novel, by the an- .boretn of *• Th* Belle of the Season.” Female Life among the Moriuona, by a Wife of a Mor- non Elder. Visit to th* Camp before Sebastopol, with Maps and En gravings. In* and Outs, or Paris by Day and Night; by Jail* D* ferguerattoe. New Hope. or. the Rescue; a tale of the Great Kanawha, Clive Hall, by tbe author or -Amy Herbert,” fre- Harper aud Putnam fr-r August. *ub> W. THORNE WILLIAMS. AUliUSlA, UKU, \\T*LL give their xpucial attuntiun to purchasing and VT selling Produce, Merchaudlxe aud Blocks uf every duaOllptlOQ, liberal lash advances mad* on Consignments. . ^ RKKF.UKh’OES J John Bones. I’res. Bank oi Augusta; W M D'Antlgnac. Pros Ins.. ink; llim. Harrott, Proa. Stale Bank; Haard At Davison. Iwwts fr Alluu, \1 a B *V Wiixin«on. J U Carnii- du« l, Rakor, Wright It Go^Augusta; U W-JV.Iliam* fr Co. •toirleston; DM LoouartTfrO., \rhita fr Rlshop, New York; Bull fr Prentiss, Waver At Const tutinr, .totin lutma, Savannah; S. yroour, Fannmg K U.*, NaalmUet K M fr A U ‘ - —ixvil.e. deoVO DANIELCKOMLEY. I TUS auurcrihur uesirea lu inform th* publlo that I tie has ojwuuil as abuve, vrhsre ha la prepared to fuareute oritur* foe Roots of (he finest flulahand style, and equal, If nut superhtr, to any beretofoiv offered to th* public. eepll—l.v "«• (J. pu'ule; “■ No. 11 WMaker■nrett.-A Doori from Bryan, WUOIJB9AUI AAD KKMU, 1UUUIU IN t tAdUES, Blinds, and Doors. Paiuta, Oils. Varnish**, ) Window Ulasa, putty; fro. Printers, drainers, and Artists Uruslies. Whlta-waSh Muds and Dusters. Dry and dtxed 1*11011, or every deoription. Artists Colors, In Tubes, Prepared Canvass, fro Paper Hanging*, llordsrA, and Flro-BoaraPatturna.' Rooms prepared with neatnent and despatch. • House, sign, aud dhlp Paiutluj. Uulldiug, uruuiiug.uiid Glaring dune in the best style, and at moderate pnnua. All order* irom thu country promptly attended to. BUT21—y$ ^ ■ UilNtt ANU Aft INNOVATING lAilluts of Memory, nnliluialnatod annual, 11 enjra- vlnga. morocco extra. Fcouus In tho Life of our Bavfour. Ulustratud, calf extra. Women of theBcriptures, with H Illustrations, calf extra. Gem Book of British Puetry, with Portraits, executed In tbe finest stylo, morocco oxtre. Washington Irving’s Sketch Book, with engravings from original designs, by Darluy. Fetualu Poets of America, with engravings, antique naif. Poet* and Poetry of Amenott. do do. Bird* of the Bible, illustrated with eloganilr colored •ngiaviugs.' Tb* Mezuonelto, the Snow Flake, the Gem, Annua Affaotlous. Oltt. FriendJihip’H Uifoiing. and a vatiety o other wmks, srlth fine engravinga auu ulndings. deeto W. JHuJL'K WlL i WILLIAMS. DOUGLAS JERROLD’S EN of Charaoler, conUming Titos Trump*. Jaok . Kunnymedo, Job Pippins, and Inane Cheek, with en- gm vlnga. Mammon, or the Hardships of an Heiress—by Mrs Gore. Thu Rug Bag. a collection of Ephemera—by wilUa. Tci-c-.lorod Sketchu of Parts In 1661.1863 and 1868— plates Bdeutifio Annual for 1866. Thu Country Neighbors—by Mrs Dnpuy. author of Th# Conspirator, fro. FosturM first Principlu of Chemistry, adapt*] lasses. The most eminent Orators and Statesmen of Ancient aud Modern Times—by Dr A Hatsha. Gontentat Lord i batliam. Bnrke, Grattan, F’ox. Curran,Sherman,Canning, Pitt, Patrick Henry, Fisher Ames. Calbonn, Webster, fre. »pl» W. THORNE WILLIAMS' pbescottbYhilipTl H istory or lUulteiguuf pCutpll of Bpaln; by W H Presnott, In 2 vols. J^ingfidlow's Bung orillawatha. 'JlirMystic: by iulluy, author ofFestna. Tue House by the Sea; by lhos Buohauau Reed. Rose Clark; ny Fanny F’ern. Pboentulana, ur Hsetohee and Burlesques; by J Phoenix. Irish qt Home and Abroad, at the Court and In the Camp. Arnold’s Christian Life, Its Courses, fre, Blind Girl of Witleobtrg,* picture ot the Tim** of Lu ther end the Reformation. ‘•enter Karl’s Sketeh Book. The I’riuoe ol tbe House of David, or 8 years iu the Ho) City; by Professor Ingraham. \ hinge Farm and' Cottage Arch Hectare. 100 engravlns A Jend W. THORNE WIIXIAMk. 3 „ MACAULY’fl B1BTOBY OP SBOtAVD. D ana 4tn vol*. Maoauiey’s History ut Fmgurna, from thuHccessioa of James If. ' ^ Lingari’s History of England, 18 vols. Groto’s History of Greece, 11 vols. Keorived by Jmnlit W. IUuH.sE WIuLL /COFFEE, MDLARSK8 ANDbVKUF—iWB.ekahto Cof- V/ fee, 20 hh-ts Motassei, 60 ubla Syrup Rejelvsd and flJ f«*b21 ^ UcMAHfPjfc DOYLE. HARPER FOR MARCH. rtWBiiNKrP Lite iu Hia/.il, with upwards of 100 Ulus- Hi tratlooa. oquier’a notes on Central America, with original maps >nd illustrations. Parisian Sights and French Principles, seen through American Spectacles, 2nd series. Learning to Think. Harpers’ Story Books, vol, 6. Crotchets and Quavers, by Max Maretxeck. Tb* Hunters’ Feast, by Cspt Mayno Read, frtoile Life, bv Mrs. Mow ittRltohi*. Th# Prince of th# House at David, by ProTsssor Ingra. asm. Macaulay’s England, large edition, In sheen and In cloth, vo’.s. Sami4, ^ Do <lo. chup edition. 12mo. Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon «ith his bro ther Joseph, 2 vola. Oodey’s lady Book for March. Rom? Clark. Fanny FVro’a Uf*. Rutn Hall. Wllsou’a Trsatiss oa fstgto. Eusped Novice, Llby, Spirit Manifests, tlon* exatnlneti. Out Homestead, fre'.; . w. THORNE Williams. B ACuN S.DM, fcUUAB. frC'— ' 10 hlids. prune Bacon tildoii V0 no do Puito Rteu Sugar; 6u boats rilu irt’e A fr U CUriliaddo; 60 du Butler. Sugar, and Hods Crockers: 4\> do Grant fr \Yliliams’ 6’s fr B’s lohacco; •-U J dj No. I Pale and Family Soap; 80 do Oswego fr Colgate’s Purl St rch; EOJ bags prime Green Kio Coffee; Landing audiorsile from store by fobtu BJHANTO.V, JOJKPON fr CO. NEW MEDICAL-BOOKS aekensii'a Practuua TreaUMtmlHaeaaea tf th MackeniH'a with 176 Illustrations. Rokitansky's Manual of Patliologleal Anatomy, transU- ted by 8walne, 4 vols In 2. ' Paget’* tiurgtaal Pathology. Barton on the Cauu and Prevention of Yellow Fever, eontatoed to tn# Report of th# Sanitary Committee of New B CriER AND CHEESE.— 80 kegs selected i oriien Butter; 60 buxes white.and 60du. oulorod Cheese. Re ceived fer ktesmer, and for ule by ~ feb23 ‘S OR AH 1 UN, JOHNSON * CO. B UTTEttANDCHHESJlto 26 kegt Choice Goshen Butter; 60 boxea du do Cheese; Landing and for sale by de*.8 oCHANTOS. JOHNSTON fr CO L ARD AND CHCESE.-16 half bbl*. Leaf Uti | 26 ^froxes Cheese, receivnj and for ule by leblfi MoifAriU.V fr DtVtP YfACKKRKL, «C.— IfJL 160 barrele no. 3 (row) Mackerel. 60 do uo. 2 do ' 26 do no \ do 80 ball do no. I du 200 boxes so* ted Herring. In store and fur ule by f«b17 TERMS CASH. ififWWOOITflfiB” »*IBelleo^aa office will be DAM'L •tly at-' Stairs. lOattljta, Jtiatlra, &t. HltBtellantouB. K bTAULlSHnUNT, thtlr cuuttoumt tuvors, would tute that, to Addition tu the iuiprorumunts In Dying, acquired by him during hit Ism visit to Englnnd and boot lend, tuts made arraog**uianta or extending his buHiuesa,frp wmoh he Is nuwen.tbled to Dye it greater variety of coloh mi nud woolen drosses tluwls, fro , which he trusts will generally plus* aU who niny tavur him with their patronage. •lunUeuien’s gunnents dyed, ciu» mey berequirui entity so muoli i’s gunnents dyed, ciuxuod or roitovatod,* irud.iu tuuname superior style which has geu rally so muoli pltasud his pattonsand trlends. lMdh-s’ bonneu dyed, bioxabod cud pressed in the tacit fiyihlouableatyle*. Orders from the country punctually attended to. Term* br Stark: beautifully illustrated, with 16 engravings","au* , .. . . . tlquecnlf. ’ ^VVhsnjiaroeu are went by stoaniboate u. raihoad, wora should be sect hitn by Utter, through the Post ndioe,so that he may know where lu eat I for tlwin. P'8 ALEXANDER GAl.MiWAY CAS APPAltATUN MOIl THE CUVNI'Kl, A DAPTED to the us* of urivate dwellings, churohu. schools, hotels, watering places, fiintonos, fouudariesl machine ahop*. and railroad station*. The Maryland Pot Utile GuCompxuy of (Ixltlmuro, kup i band and manulaulure to oiler Gm maoliines of any required capacity. Their apparatus hu stood the' test o practical experience, and cannot be excelled In economy, safoty and slmpllelty For further particulars address K. R. SPRAGUE, Trasury, .. 202 Baltimore, at., »"lja / BalUmore, M. D. filUNDttlEM. ~ 100 sacks Rio, Java and Laguayra Coffee: 10 hbtU Porto Rico and MuseuvadaSngar; 60 bbla Crushed. Powdered and Refined dot 20 hhda Bacon.Rhlu nud Rhoulders; 10 Heroes Sugar Cured Hams; 100 boxes Tubacoo, various brands and stsu; IQ onus American aad Yellow Bank do; 76 M Cigars—Domestic and Imported,' 76 bbla Domstto Liquors; 3 ^ P |P* °^ rd * ^“P 0 / * to Brandy—Vintage 1861; 8)5 ” 8 Selgnltte “ 6 X M Alexander,Sefgnitto •• is ‘ ,,J " n, ” rua wimi 200 eaeka Salt; 160 boxes and half do Soap: 60 baskets L'faampagnn. of our own importation; 60 M and H ohests and cadcles Hyson and Black Teu 60 boh Potatoes; 100 boxes saenlnK 60 whole, half and quarter hbU .M-.:«,-rol; 26 kttU Mackerel aud Salmon, No. i M.d 2: 60 bbla Flour; lOOssoks do: 60 do Biscuits, uf dlRcrvut btuds; 26 boxes Bod* Biscuit; 60 kross Matohos; 10 cases Canton Ginger; 10 <to olive Oil, qt* and nta; 20 do Mat’d Cor-.Ula; 26 do St Julian claret WTosi 20 boxes VermleWil and Mauruui, 5 76 do Chvvs#,Goshen,, Dairy and Pine Apple; 16 kegs Butter, Uoslieu and Wsstern; ’ 26 boxu Pipes; 10 do Cocoaaud Chocolate; 60 boxes ground Spices; 26 bags Nuts, varlnui kinds: 6 bbls Potash, Blue Stone and salt Petrs; * 100 DtmUobna. from quarts tu 6 griton*: 16 esrits Byas’a London Porter; 10 do Jsffrey’s Ale; 60 whnlu and half boxes uMl’d Candy; 76 boxes Sperm. AdomanUne and TaQowCandles; 6 H casks Sperm and Wbals Gil; 6 ubla Mecbto*?* do. 60 uwi Mst’d Pickles and Preservea; 20 dot Btootna; 20 dot Buckets. —ALSO— Prunes, Dstss.FIgs,Sardinu, Catsup, r.ucer, Bitteis; Lemon Syrups, Grouud Coffees, Powder fr Shot, hmuked. Beef and longues, Pig Hams, fre., fro., kspt cousUntly on hand, all of which bavs been carefully selected to the Northern Markets and are now offered to families and the publlo generally at the lowest market pries, for cash nr approved papet. Pleat* give ut a call. between theMafkeUadfcyret, SUWDHIES. ASE3 Fancy Priuts. do Furniture do; \J “ Block and WhtU do; do Solid Blink do: *• Plaid Ginghams; “ Dehaloes andOMhmtiss; *’ Alpaoeas; do Perslsn 1 wills; ^Miy Dantmsjdo Bin* Drills, do Bleached do; “ BrownSuirUogXend#; *• Brown Sueating 4-4 and 6-4: “ bhlrttog StnpM} Bed lick; ” Striped Usnanargs; Cases Bln* Stripea; do Apron Chseks; ‘ u Furniture C->eoka; do TrnUed Kersnya; Boles Oeorgt-“Plains; do Union Blankets; “ Loedou DaOll BUnka 1 *) Caasa Satinets; do Casalmaras: do Twseda; M Kentucky Jeans; do Plaid Lloseys; Batea Red and Whlta Vlannela; caaaaCutondo, PoreaU by JEM. G. FOilTS ■C1RUIT J? Plan! Bananas; IRtJITt FRUIT!! FrtUll!!!-264mu Drang#.; Plantains; 26dozen Pin# Apple*, audltw hunchw Just received by and for sale at J.*..uK88E»S the Eye, Jameson oa Epidemic Cholera. Tanner's Manual cf Cllnloal Medicine and Physical Dl- agnosia. Elemants of Medicine, Pathology and Therapeutics, by Samuel Deary Diekton,M D, ot Charleston Medloal College, Stokfw on DUcasvant tb- Hearlaod Aorta. J one’s & Ki working’* Manual dr Patbofoglea] Anstomt, with Ml illustrations, HaitsU's Microscopic Anatomy In Health and Disuse, 2'rols with upwards oT 600 illustrations. •eplS - IV. THORNE WILL IA ID-'. F LOUH— 200 bsss Georgia Flour; 1VKBSTER fr PALMJfl. •6 bbla d > do; Just received and fir sale by feb20 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON fr CO. P OTATOES— 7b bbls ''l’iuk Eye" Plantiug Pbtatues; for ul# by wMU SCRANTON, JUHNBniN fr OU, Wtiaonmniaum I^ACKjKttia.UEIlRtous ft COono .a.— 20 blls. No. 8 stackerol 10 Ou. N6. 1 do. 20 half bbls. No. 2 do. 15 do. do. No ldo. 76 boxos Herring*. 2 hhda. Codfish. In store and for sale by M> 20 SCltANTUN. JUIINRTUN fr Cl». OL8B6U8 AND SAIN— 120 bbis^f. U. Molaues; * 76 bbl- rholp’e Gin, for ul* to arrrire. by foh’J) , . i ■ OCTAVOS GUHE V . M IEOH BaJUXO ; ORNAJtENTAL IRON WORK -r ttalllnga liar Public and Private Park«, Gar, den*,^atep^V«raiiil**e, Oalconiea, . sssa&aE! kst -- asMrtment of Pat tenu of any va tab! [slim e nt in thecimn- try, are enabled to pleaaff the most faatldtoas In tost!*. Aiehlteets or BuUd.ra in any part of the Unlcm,' waatto* Iron Work*, by eeodlng u* drawing, will recclva ttu estf-' mats for coat uf work, aud we will furnish any: work (torn their designs or drawings that may br*-” Persona wishing artlelN.of our mahi , All orders sent 1 m wHl'.. attention,and the work flnlniahed and fitted to I— —. mtnnir, and peeked to boxu for ufo carriage, ' * « HOOD Is CO.. 121 North Tenth at. and Broad aud Ridge Area aee, novl4—«od2m .. ndladelphis. L ARI’, HKUlUNOa, PUTATUKH ft COI1- FTdtl—26 bbls prime new no. 1 leaf Urd; 75 kegs 2® do;10Q boxee Herriags; 60 bale Gaiter Pdt%toes;