The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, March 08, 1856, Image 1

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< : 't4 ' -..■ ' ' ‘ *iAi}fiX‘ ?tf S' GEORGIAN ,» muanitp 1 ULY, TU-WSULT AKD WEEKLY, BY J. «. WRIGHT & CO;, CITY ,t COUNTY PBINTEtta TERM*. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, -SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1856. NO. 65. BATES OF ADVEBTIflINO, Ktor apt square of.TOOemi or ta**, of any type not |«t|ir than Nonjwrlel. 76 csnt« for the Drat, and 60 rent* for aaoh aubu’q'jont imortloq, fox any time le.u than on* wonlh. AaterU*»n.cntc, of wh_‘4f.ver length, for any time less than on#month, to be obirgeH at transient rate*. For a longer tlms at thu ro lowing ratati IMtlT rai.ttimr.. uvtKir......'* le Where payment la not madam *« IS th-charge# will Invariably ba for Daily Georgian S; M- Hvt »96, and YTtikly ta. SATURDAY KOBHIWO, HABGH 8, 18S6. l»aaltd anil Von, , ■* let the mariner boaat of th# rolling tlda. .and tna'aobla bark with a seaman’*pride, a* ntn> honndath ore* the watara wide, 8o beautifully to era.. lie mar think It la liberty thua to roam, .In t dm far dvall ou the sparkling foam, Knt .< floating prison ha makes hi* home; Tima tha land, th* land forma. I wobtd rathar hava tha cluriona abora, The rock-bound coiat, whara tha braakar'a roar— Whm a far o'er haad tha aaagntta soar, *ria than I lovo to atand. n r climb tha dluy mountain'* fae'ght. V her* tha eagla takaa hla lofty flight. , I n* re ara alaaya vlaloi a of pur* delight fobiaaan upon th# land. Hoarding Schools. Holmes durrlbaa fashionable Boarding .°ohrola vary : uthfu ly in Uio fo'loalng lines: • <r . ‘fbojr. ■enthtr to a atyllih aehool { Twa* lo hor thlrtaenth Jana: And with bar, at tha rulaa required, ■ Two towel* and a tpooa.” T* , *y bricad bar hack agslntt a board, To make her straight and tall ; Hf* leoM her up, they atarved her down, To make her light and email. They pitched bar feat they ringed her hair, Tha* an awed Itnp with pint— o never mortal anffered moro In pouaac# for her alna! - Yho Kin* of Bfoaquito. The London oorreapoodentofthe Aogiborg AUgt- • ciiic Zeitung give# the following aketohoftbe ;« ing of Moaqulto, from observation* made by him «lile tr«veiling jn the country t •*Th« tvignlng King of Mosquito lathe eon of t is t-iiimiov K«ug Robert, who brought himself and "p e ti.u, ovd repots by hla violent passions and . i,«-t .rx mpaianco. Under hi* away ^rere rauda ,;reutv ui laud to Wtllock on Cape Gracias a Kit, ou t *o Captain Shepherd along the coast, a *e ofutlemen having inpplied the King liberally - th i qunr. Of a ralTder temper, however, were -th Ou Hone. who, dndng the life of their father, "tte to Belize, to the'house of General UaDonual, • receive the drat impressions of civilisation. The • sit brother, Clarence, was sickly, and when sub* queenly be was sent to the University or Bonn, In '• rroany, to receive more -systematic Instruction, «*. toon died, Hke other tropical plant*, which rare- • survive transposition to a northern climate. The • -coud son of King Robert, having a more vigorous -.institution, bore the metamorphosis from barbers •v it to civilization, and received a thorough educa* < »a at Bluedeld, the capital of Mosquito, In the • .■ glish family or Mr. T. S. Bell. The excellent ho* • mty by which be was surrounded In this family ex ited a most favorable Influence upon the mind and • •toltact of the Indian priVce. •• Bumeyears later, when the English Consul-Gen- • I'nl, Mr. Walker,arrived at the Mosqnito coast,the • milage of the young prince was confided to him.— ri>e coneuis and agents which were sent thither af* »■- r the death of Mr. Walker from England, felt not •o much interest in him, and treated him harshly.— • bo consequence was that he loatbl* gentleness aud • ••ullilenoe, and the Inborn defying aud Intractable Indian spirit broke out agatu. Nevertheless, the ; uuog King is,so iar aa cultivation aud morality m e concerned, quite the opposite or bis father Re "crt. He baa assumed a civilized behavior and ap- p-raraaoe. and will pass anywhere for au educated «isn, whilst bis subjects stand upon n level urcul* •me, which, neither in point of character or num- <»-r<, would Justify a conflict between two such pow ers as Euglaud aud the United States.” t'uENCii Opinion op the Central American QCE8T10N.—The Central American question prom isee to become as latnoua lo the political world as the Turkish question baa been the last threo years. M. Manuel Ortiz Urruela has Juet published, in Paris, a pamphlet on tho subject, which lma called forth tha following remarkable commentary from the Paris Paint: The author oftbU substantial work, alter sketch ing a brief outliua of the cau«ea that have led the two great Anglo tfaxon nattoua, Euglaud and the United States, to eel up their claims to exercise an iutiuenoe io the affairs of, or to exercise sway over certain portions or Central America, approaches the delicate question, as to what means must be em ployed to annul three rival preteaslons to the profit of the legitimate development of the interests of the Bpaulsh race, the sole luttoutvstablo proprietor of the soil. . • According to M. Urruela, the loyal execution of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty la at ouce the duly of the two contracting nations and the guaranty of Cen- tral America's mdepeudeuce, widen he tbiuks “con cerns the whole world, but more particularly France and Bpaio.” “These two great Catholic nations,” addr M. Ur- ruelia, “the natural allies of the Btutes of Central America, are alone capable of guaranteeing tho In dependence of the country, aud promotiug at the »ame time the interests or a race condemned to per ish under the Influence of Anglo-Saxon domination, liut since, In our opinion, Spain ought iu no way to interfere in the aflaira of her anoieut c« lonies, es pecially when the United Slatea are mixed up iu the matter, to France alone will accrue all the bouor of this glorious enterprise. France, who has ao nobly and so worthily inter fered in the Eastern question; France, who hue con- queftd the independence or Turkey at the price o the blood of her heroic children; France, covered with glory and with the praligt of her numerous victories, is called upon, iu the interest of humani ty and In the name of the world, to save the inde pendence of Ceutral Amerioa, and to brlug to an and in that fair dime the reign or anaronyand dis order. In order to obtain the first of these rnulte it will -uffice that abe employ her influence with the gov ernments of Ecglaud and the United States id pro moting the taithtul accomplisbfnont of the treaty of the 19tn April, I860 [Clayton-BulwOr treaty]. To attain the ecoond of these ends, Frauce has only to exeroise the natural influence she possesses over the Staten ol Central America, which,sacrificed oy rival political parties to the Interests of the Saxou race, bate at last come to know their real friend9, and are now directing aDxioos glances towards a country which they formerly regarded with feelings distrust aud antipathy. The counsels of Frauce. listened to with sympathy by the United States, will be beard with deference by England, and gratefully followed by the States of Central America, because at the present day the whole world knows what kind of a government is that of Napoleon III.,and can appreciate the Freuch nation at its just value—aa a natieA that ia not obliged to tight in order to conquer, seeing that her j'rssdgs aud moral power are aiuue sufficient to gain tier the victory. What glory for France, to have insured the exlst- euceor peace between England and the U. States, tae independence of Central America, and tbe es tablishment of a government liberal, strong aud sta ble, and calculated to guarantee tbe bappinesa of that beautiful country. Butjwill France seek to take tbe lead in this great and alonous undertaxlug'/ Wed&reuot take it upou ourselves to answer the question in the affirmative; bit when we see seated on tbe throne or this mighty uation the man who was first in Europe to perceive tbe importance of tbe interooeamc canal, who bos thoroughly investigated tbe feasibility of ibis colos sal enterprise, aud published a work,alone enough to immortalize bis name, on tbe means or realizing it; when we reflect outheobaraoterottberaaato wuom France oas confided her destiny, or tbe good for which tbe world ia bis debtor, or the glory, protige nod power witu which he haiso maguiflceutly ou- dowed bis country, we contesa that our hopes aft great. May they be realized 1 is tbe prayer we offer up tor tho bappiuesa of Central America, wbero we were born—ol Spain, whose child we are—of France, who»e destiny ia our own—and of all nations inter ested in defending the rights of universal Justice.” A New Version—Louis Kossuth thus interprets tl,n Central American treaty:— Two travelers bad bnt one horse; one or them proposed an agreement on these terms: tbe that nail boar yon shall walk, and I will ride; theaecoud half hour 1 will ride, tnd yon shall walk. Just such would be tbe Central American treaty, according to tbe English Interpretation.” Tub Spirits in Favor of Peace.—Some nervous individuals, who urobahly set more value on the accumulation of dollars than on tbe honor or the couutry, have, as we are informed by tbe Bridge port (Ut.) Standard, been consulting the spirits about our present difficulties witb Euglaud. Tbe qaestion pnt was-will there be any tuterrruption of tbe commercial relations between this couutry and England; and tbe spirits immediately rapped out a decided negative. Mr. Tbacxerat—This gentleman seems to have imsde a verjr favorable impression upon onr Colum bus nslghbors. Tha editor of tbs TYmra thus de scribes bis ptrumntli "Ur. Thackeray Is six feet, two or three iuclies iu height, In short, be to a tall roan with a slight r<». tundlty of form a round and English face, aud hair almost white. His countenance is frank, open,and very expressive of the fine humor which pervades his writings. He wears smell grey whisker*, shout half way down his cheek on either side. His eyes are large and luminous, and are shielded by a pair of plala, bat very transparent glsises. His dress and manners are unostentatious. He wears a plain browa, basin*** soil; no |swslry,excepting a email gold vfstchala, snob as wsies evsry d«y. His man- —— ^'•■.‘—••‘d.and Ik ooavtnatloa bo s . 1 mn. 2 nto* 8 inn* 4 IUU« fi HUH 12 mu* 1 fquare.... fill 9!fl 910 924 $83 6*0 2iu>ares... 10 s» 20 28 30 60 a do .... 20 27, 8) 30 44 60 4 do ... 24 *2 CB )2 62 70 6 do ■ 27 38 44 40| 60 . 80 0 do .... ao 40 ro 64 64 FO 7 do .... 82 43 64 63 70 100 8 do .... :*4 40 68 62 74 110 ® do .... 88 48 61 CO 77 118 10 do .... as 60 ' 64 70- • • Rl> 125 For any time not above SMOlUed, a mouoitiunal charge will be made. AdvaruMtosnU or lurcl three times a week, will be charged two-thlrJe the abore rates. , K deduction of C6 per csnt.trom the &boveiat-a will he made on adven IsemenU appearing on the fourth pice of the dally. Npeclal notices, 10 cents per lino for the flrat, and b emu for eaoh subsi quent Insertion, sod in no Qjse to be *ubJi>ottocontrAot. tt<rri*ga notlo’s 91. Funeral In- cents each. No special notice Inserted for leas than to ecu's. Obituary notices, Report*, Rosolu- ttone, or pro.-eeillog* of any Society. Association, or Cor- *vr*tion.o:dit’t d to be puSlUbed, 6 cents per Hue. btesmbosts will be advertised at ftO per annum for saeh boat advertUed. Steamships, whore bnt one is ruunlog, 9)0 per a-indm; If two or more, 9'JO eaoh. Auction*'’r’a advertisements not to he suhj-ot to con tract, but to be charged at tbe rates prescribed per square. When any bill for two month* alrerthing. other than contract, smuuuts to om $60, a doductlou of 26 per cent will be made. Yeerly advertising, with tbe privilege ot change, will be taken at tbs fo.lowing rates: For one iquare, renewable once a week, >11 '• •• twloj •* '66 - •• three times or oftener 70 Ererv adlitloual square contracts 1 for to be charged ie hill the above rales addition'll. Yearly advertiiersahril be limited to tbe apaee con tracted for. AH contracti shall be In writing, rtatmg definitely t ie nature of the business to no advertised.— Anv advertisement* mt properly connected with tb* bu- ■isett^bsll be charged separately, and also any azotes o f matter ever the amount contracted for. Contract advortUomenta payable quarterly Advertise ment* from strangers and trandent persons payable In advance. Alt other* will be considered due when called for. The paper, under no circumstances, to o* Included In a contract. Professional aud business curds, n'.t exceeding 6 line*, will t<e Inserted at 1-0 )>er annum. i.'a'ls ou ner-otii to b*e >mi» caudidUot will be inserted as other adtorthementa, to ho paid for uvarlahly In ad- vaneii. Aunoundng candidates for ofllou 610, to be paid In ad* vanre. Advertisement*, net marked ou the copy for a specified time, will be inserted until forbid, aud payment exaotad. adrertlsers »nd all others rod Hng communica tions -r rcqulriog notice. deslen<>n to call attintl in to folrs. ennavrtM.B Jlra-s, ur auy pubkto entertainment where Charges are nude for adinitta-it-t*—all notice- of private enterprise*cal ulstedor In rpil-dto promo s individual futeiet-ts, can onl)* beitKHiteo with tlio understanding that the sainu Is to be p.ud lor. It Inerted Iu the editor!\1 cidunni (wh oil can be only ut the discretion of 'he edi tors.) the same will be charged at the rate of not lest than 20 cents pfr line. Advarthemeute ordered in th* Weekly paper, $1 per tquare for each insertion. This sebodufof of rates of adverlMng) shell not In any way aCTeot the in teg. fly of existing c'lntrnoti. All con tracts for theyoar. or (or any oihe siren time, shvl only cease with the expiration of the period for which they were m id-*. The undersigned, publlahersof Dally, TrUWcekly and Weekly newsotpers In Sfivannah, Ga . pledge ourselree strictly to adhere to the above bill ot charges, and in da instance to dtvlafo tbvrefrom. Th-above rates to take effet March 1, 7830, and to emmnue t in Hug, until changed by the vote of a majority of tbs undersigned. AiEx.tXDKR & Sneed, Tfrpullfcan. J. G WnTOUT U Co.. (ie.roUn Tn iJirsu.v & WnntsoTON. Horning Newt. It.B. H.ito.v, Journal Dueincss dirtetorp. Ittornejn mmI CMmscllen at Uv, ANll SOUCIfORd IN IMU1TY. • • Prrtoi. No: 17 BR6AlMRMtT. CHAHfABTON.i.O. ' Ctaudian Bird Northrop, Alexander Augbstln Allsmoog. deelb . • • omCE CuTt' EH HClL 'aNL . Resldenst No. 14 Liberty street, on* dear wait ot Dray Rooms over DeWitt At Morgan’s Store, Congress at; oo26 . ly w. Kttunt. t. w oanocvn HlLbMHAOAVLDlNG, ATTORNLVtiAT LAW. Boon* Vtsta, Oa. FACfOH AS?, . So. 68 Bay street, Bavannab, Georgia. lleesre. Clairborn A Cunningham. BaUkPronttu, Ogden, Stsrr It Co.,Savannah, and J. P. Thompson, Boston, novl ' John T. HOWLAND. . iOBN 1. KoWURD, JR HOWIiAND 41 CO.. GENF.RIL COMMISSION MFROilANTE, 172 Bay-street, davannab. * M04UHHN Alel.VTOSIl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JMtmtOU, tht. umotioifi Tiioup iiuu aud, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. Monnmant Nguait, near Stats Bank, tfavannah, Ga. LABD.HERRINGS, TOT ATI Aff Bbla Pnme l^atTafaj . hw.cdo.*, AObblsOanarPotatosat «... 100 bbts Pink Eva# and Baroar Pptatoaa; JO halt bb'a "Fulton Mirkst'^Baaf; 26 bbla No 9 Msekerel, new; 90 hsirbbls No. I. do dot 26 do do NoJ da do; 96 half bbla Buckwheat Flour; 88£.‘"* £ 2. QUOAHARUCOFtMlS O 10 Bbda Cholee N.O Sugar, 10 do do •tiCtplsdo 160 Bags Prims Qrssn Rio Oolfoo. 60 Matt Old Govsrnmant Java Coffee, 60 Bags Maracaibo do / 60 do Lagniva . ... do 60 do Porto Rico do # feMO** *° dfoc * %1 * Scranton, Jdisaros a co. O loObunUWUPobMi, . 16 ^ Bogar Biscuit, . 14 “ Soda *•- , 60 boxee “ “ 16 barrels Pilot Bread, fresh, , „ 01|AHOS .. Mm Xro. 1 liMAF' liAilO—20 bbt# no. 1 Leaf Lard; 60 OUDUAHVI OFPIOM. (-enter of Bay uod Whitaksr-streets. Office hours from 0 A. M ,to 2, P. M.| audfrom tjj P. 0 P. M. !>• At O’BYHNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. uWce 176 Uny street, om Turner k Co.’s flrugHtor*. J. W. PATTMHiO»r AflOltNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. • • - ty,«a Tmupvllle, Lowndes County ,0a. wii.LtAn >. matmer. F A BOXeS Ad. Candlee; 10 do Tallow do; 109 do Pal* iJV/iSoap: 160di»no.Ido; 60do Colgate’e fltarcb; in ■tore ami for a*le by fob6 ATTORNEY AT LAW, (junior Whitaker street and Bay lent, 8avat nsh. I. ■. DAVIS. w. U. 10*0. Itl'SU .DAVIS <K LONG, COMMISSION HEitCliANTS Bavaonah.tia. A. AcALPlN «St BitO'fli A • meAiirixi OS xsxwv LUMBElt, MILL AND BRICK YAKtti, GKO. J. JO.IK*. COMMISSION MERQUANT, Jonoi' But dbiga, Savannah. Geo, .1. W. PHILIPS. DEALER /.V GROCERIES, PRODUCE. LIQUORS, FRU12 AND U 'NFEOTIONERr. Corner of West Broad and Harrlfon Hireelv, Mt-p7 SAVANNAH, 04. ly U. A. 1101.0061 UK. A. 61.. CLASSICAL AND ENQUSU TEAOUER, nngM GASTON 8TLKET atwjaul 3TW. UAKKIt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticello, Jefferson County, Florida. Reference—Hun. W. B. Fuuiso, savannah. Gs. FO VVAUD O. WILSON, magistrate, notary and commissioner of At Messrs. Ward k Owens’ Law Office. ’ ly—marl S C ■ • WM. 1CDLEY COOPER. JNO. COCPSR JR1MIR. COt PKll At FKABKlt, tACTORS <fl GESEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Day dtniet. *avannah, Ga.jyb—Cm ?ATTB1», HUTTON A Ot»., LACIORS, I OR WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jy27 Bay Street, Bnvannah, Oto. ly^ JOHN O, KALLIGANT, WB0LB8ALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS. WINDOW BASH AMD PANEL DOORS, Weal aide Monument 8quare, Bavannah, Ga. JOSKPH GANA1IL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Bay street, over thaKeadlnz Room of the Kspnbll- 3»n.entrance Immediately east of Mtjtrv. Price A Veader. (INDKIEB*;; boxes mould Candive; 60 do J W U*a< ). dell’s do: 100 do do Soap: 100 Jo Colgate’s do: 76 box- . ground Offee: 600 sacks Klo do; 76 mat* old Java dos 100 boxea Mustard; 100 do Pepper: TOO do Lemon Syrup; 76 do Tomato Catsup: 26 half client* green Tra; 60 dodo black do; 20 do do Oolong do; 76 boxes Paarl Starch; 100 do tobacco, various brands; rccoivsd and for sale bv jan6 . McMAHON * DOYI.F. • JACKEREL,'CODFISH AND HERRINGS—23 Bbla No 1 J.U. and 2 Haokerai, 60 qnlntala Co'I-FUb, CO bblt Her rings. Recelvad and for sale by MolIA HON A DOYLE. feb21 C1KKD POTATOM-Selected exureisly for this J market—LOO bbls, in store aud for sale by feb5 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON A TO. 1I1BKY .UOl.AbHtoa- ‘ 100bbls Plke’a ’-Magnolia’* Whisky; 160 bbls MoUmss, for sal*, to arrive par • • Looser tn„ttfr/ini Kawh.laa.ia K*'*' 0CTAVU3 COHEN. Narraganaett from New Oriaaus. by O ANUES. Bant nas. Shaddock’s Llmea, a fall supply of ttboleefrnlt of all kinds, jnit received from tb* west BULE3 AND REGULATIONS CP 1HK EXCHANGE READING ROOM 1st. > ono b it regular subscribers, tho clurgy, etrangera and those introduced ly Rubscrllers, will, under any clicurastancn, be pcrmilt’d to visit the room. 2nd. At subscribers will be required to pty one half tb*subscription fte In a^vatoi. and tho iinislnlog bait at tbe expiration of six months. 3d No papei a. periodicals or other.reading untt»ra1- lowed to bo'torn, defaced or taken now tho loom except by tbe concent of the proprietor. 4th. ‘'mpklttg in the room most positively p ohlblted. Ctb. P:r.uns chewing totaccu are riquested to use th* spltomi Insteid cf the floe r. flth. Tit room will he open'd each dey, ono hour afler euntUe. and cl .nod at Oo’cl ck; I*. M., precisely. tc.jus i*aa a.vxcm. For a sluxleflubictib'ir Sl'J 00 For a Clab o’, two Subseribors 18 00 For a Club ofthreo Subscribers ,,,,, 22 00 The abore Rules and 1 eguUtluu>i will bo most strictly and rigidly enforced. VTM F. WIGHTMAN, Ifaseli 1st, 1810. A. H. CHAMPION, (Sucoeevor to Champion H Watts ) wkoiJi3ALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No 4 Barnard struct, between tbe Market and Bay street, SAVASIAH, OA. Dealer In Groceriee, Foreign and Domestic Liquor*, Dried Fruits. &o.,Ao. Reference—A. Champion, Eeq.,8amuel Solomons, Esq., Messrs. Rabun A Whitehead. Swift k Co.,Savannah, Ga^_ WILLIAM H. DAStlKIl* ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, Lowndes County,Ga. Will practice in luomas, Lowndes.Clinch, Wart, Appling lolfatr,Irwin, Lauren*.and l’ulaskl counties. Georgia; and lu Jefferson, MadUon, Hamilton, and Columbia count Its, Florida. *' fob*!* g^lOAL—200 tone Superior Parlor Coal. Frio* 98. For \J sale by OCTAVUS COHEN. Sample* can be seen at the wharf of Maura. Carleton k Parson*. / ' deolO w*. r. irtixiAMB. toaddicb ouvxa. jack mown. WILLIAMS, ULIVKIi 54 UUOWJi, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vlstai Marion County, Oa., Will practice in tbe couuties of Marlon, Macon, Houston, , Stewart. Randolph, Muscogee, Lee. and any adjoining conntlvH where thslr services may be required. jwn'-jl NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. £3-* MRS, HASTINGS. „ IZ/jp (LAre ur i K'mdWav, .m.w VukK) Would rerpjctfully iuiurra the Indies ol, aavouuah tlist Mie lue op-ned iu u hitiiker street, oue door Irom CuU4>o»s. an wand last.I mable M lllnery cs- tablihUiurnt, and tlut she will henevorth devote her un divided slientlou to the same tier ta'y pitnms may rust e-sored tuat Mrs. II. hovlng hadchurgeef a mo-t fasbl losble Millinery os'abiUtuueut In .vhw York city, is enabled, hy her loug experience, to produo • a Uounetnf of superior tsste, u"Atu3M and Uuwii. Mrs. II. would alto assure tho-o ladlos, who may be kind enough to pat- mnizo her, that nur chsrge* are ul the same low rafoe as those of New York. Her estaMishmunt. therefore, com biner tie ndvinta.esof th-apne**, w*th -uparlority of style, and latest Paris fisliioas. N. U.—Childrens’on 1 Mourning Bonnets made to order. Already in hind, 6j0 sp'.uu .Id uudies Dre.<s Caps, just imported) at6n c-nts sud upward Country ouitomora will phttviu dll and examine. JaoB—ly JOHN It. UOCI1KANK, ATTORNEY AT1-VW, * Rubllu, lazurens county Ga., late junior partner of the lira of A. tt J. Cochrans, Irwinton, Ga., will attend promptly to all business entrusted tu his care. Partic ular attention paid to colloetiug. Reference—llr. C. U. Guyton, F. 11. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.; M. Marsb. Savannah. may7—dAwly PAPEE HANDINGS. &e„ &o. W ii a TUKNJbUi, of :\uw York.*tegs to Inform t tbe rHsideuts of Savannah that he hrni plain and decorative Paper# for sale at New >ork prlous, which be oan hang In true uriUtio stylo. Panelling in Oak; Mar-’ ble, Maple and Fresco decorations fur rooms; Block Mar bling aud Pane'dlog (or pi*«a;e< aad staircase*, at t*luth of tb* painters onargJs. Having ha l many years expert • •net iuEurcpiaud New York nets confllont or giving tathfaction to bis patron*. Whitaker street. j»n9 Two doon lyom Congress et. B iscuit AND UHKAU—26 bbls Soda Uihcuit; 76 boxes do. do.; 2d bbls Rutter do.; 26 do. Sugar do ; 26 do. Pilot ureud, fob 12 M. VVlllT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNRKLLUR AT LAW. Alligator, East Plorlda. Will praotlce in the Eastern aud Southern couuties. R*f*r to Col. S. S. Sibley, aud R. B. lllitou. Esq., Savannah, Ga H1SKY—*00bh!s Pik^s, by .1sn.1-> MnMAtfGV A tV'YI.IC ILOUR, FLOUlt^ , ' 200 bbls Deuinstid FI ur; 160 do Uakley do; Juet received and for sale bv - ■ Janl7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. SOAP, OANDLftiM,<ttTAtlUtl, 3fo M/\ BOXES Smith aud Buchan's Family Soap; .UU 6'Jdo Golgato’s Pals' ,, dm 100 do lb bar and uo. 1 do; 60 do Umidull’a Os and 8s Tullow Caudles; 26 uo Illggla’a no do; luO do Oswego nml Readell’s Pearl 8taroh; 26 bbls hand mad* Eugar Crackers; 20 do Soda * do; 60 boxes do do. Just received and for sale by J*ul9 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. ‘P'LANlTlNO POTATOES.60 bbls (P. E ) Plant . log Potatoes, landing and for sal* by jaol __ SCKANTON.^JOHNKTON k CO. N EW UArRRKEL—Just received R tot of Choice New Mackerel for ssle by sep!8 JOHN D, JESSE. FKUU1NAND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND CGUNSEIJ.UR AT LAW, Washington City, L), C. Wdl practice iu the various Courts of the District, and at* tend to the prosecution of clalm»_egaiu»t tbe Govern ment. jDjgg R ICE.—100 bushels S-ed ltics, rocel veac.d for ssle by 3feb 16 MoMAHON A DOYLE W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, South Newport, Georgia. Will attend the Superior Court in the counties ut Chatham, Liberty, McIntosh, Camden, Glynn, Wayne, Ware, Ap- pllng and Tattnall **19 JESSE T* BKllNAUD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Newnaaiville.FJs. , ReiVn’nce—George L. Brown, William DelL Newnanrrlll*, Kl» ; R. U. Ulitun, Boston k Vlilalonga, Savannsh, Oa, JOHN M. MILLION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Utflce corner cf Whitaker and Bay-etreeU. iVlU practice in the Courts of Sorlvsn,Bulloch, Ed Ingham, Bryan, liberty, McIntosh, Gijun, Camden and Chatham co unites. «*b THO.HAS IIUOI1KS H1N1C8, ATTORNEY AND CUUNSELLOd AT LAW. Iroanvilla, Georgia. WI21 practise In tue CUoultCoarta of Thomas, Lowadee, clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin, Georgia.- and in the Circuit Courts oi Jefferson, Madison aud uumilton, of tbe Mldule Circuit of Florida, and In Alacb and Co. luiubia counties in the Eastern Circuit uf Hur' a. WLl attend to the clalme ul all persons before tb Depart; menu at Washington. OKOCEBIB3 AND LIUUOBS. a ROD U JXfca iubaucu, vatiuus brand*, 8's, 6’i, 10's and 1, lumps; j AU packages superior Rough It Ready. Virgin Leal, 4toj 200,Out) Havana .Seims, vome very superior: 160 ooxes family, pale aud No 1 coap ; 60 boxes pearl bUrch; 176 pacxnges l-laek and green Teas: ltO bM» H o Cotf.ej 2u Dag->Java Ciffee; 60 barrels rebned and yodow Sugars; 100 kegs FFFG Powder; 60 halves nud 60 qaa.-tur do; 10 halt pipes French Ursodfos; 6 pipe* Gin; 2 puncheon* Jamaica and l do fltCrnlx Rum; 60 buses Clarot Wlue, 1st Jullcn Uedde; 160 baakeU Usidjelck and other brands Champagne; 10 quarter auks Madeira nnd Sherry Wine; 60 barrel* sugar, soda and butte Cracker*. 76 box** adamantine aud taLowCandle*, 10) grots tegro pipe*, 26 boxes pickles Hssorted. 20 boxes Catsups; 26 boxee Mustard, 26 boxes Ground Pepper: 6) boxi» 8cbi dam Aromatic Schnapps, quarts and pints; 20 barrel*«ery old Mouonya' eU U hiikey; 60 barrelsNo. 1, 2 and 8 .» ackerei; 60 barrel* Malaga and Port Wine. 76 barrels Gm Hum, Whlikey and Brandy: Together with other articles generally kept in our line, for sole ou accommodating terms. Jania J. V. CONNER AT A TO. NATHAN K. UENTOA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. Will practice lu the foliowln« eoqntie* : Cai*. Campbell, Carroll, Cherukee, DeKalo, Fulton, Forayth, Dickens, l’nuldlng and Cobb. Refer* to James H. Carter b Co, A SHORT, MASTER BUILDER, Will take contracts for Building and Work In Maiooary of every de»erlptlon. Residence, • • No, 8 Jowz Staxxt, Kan oy Doattox gram. SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, &C . 2ShUd8uuwo:ui»’’rttiau*bugar, H VI 10 do P riul.ico do, IHJri 10 uo Cuba do, wKKEm 80) bags Rio Ccff.e, 160 do Laguayra do, 86 ba^s Java Cuff)*, 10 ua Mocha tlu, 20) bbls Orleans syrup aud M lasts*, 6 case* oxtn-flno Uuolong Tea, 6 do do lijaon do, 76 pkgt Raliin*, wholes, halves and quarters, 10 (rails soft Almond*. MO bbla Crackers, Butfor, - agar and Soda, 800 bags Shot assorted, (0 keg* Dupont's Powder.6000 lbs bar I.esd, 100 boxes aiiortod Candy, luO boxes large bowl Pipes. £00 pkv* Tob.icuo. various bran Is, 60 003 Spanish £eg*ri, direct importation, 10),000 half Spanish ana Ameriom Segar*, Recidved by recent arrivals, and for sal* by feb6 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON A CO. \VM. M. LAWTON « CO., FACTORS, CHARLESTON, B- C. DiUco.No. , Soutlicrn Wliurf J ang4—eodjm j .Vi ] Yliorf j i 'W*. M. Lawtux, R. WaixwKiuai Hacot, Josxra T. Dux, Wctaoza Lawruiv. Jr. SPKNCKH CUUUKLL At CO., GEFESAL AUCTION <8 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 164 Bay Street. t SOLICIT from their trlends consignment# of every 4e- ) scription. My personal attention will be given to the sale Real Estate, Bank Stock, am. ■imncn: I E. F Wood A Co | Noble Lyon. Esq, t M. FlTZQKRALto, Corner ot BrougUum and Whltakenlreeu, bAVANNAH, GA., S CCCE330R to T. 0. Klee. Manufacturer and Dealer lu every variety ot common aud fln/CANDIKS, kiln dried aud warranted to resist effectually th* hot damp at- moepher* of a Southern Climate; also L«°)oa and Straw- ber y Syrup, As, Terms cash, prices low. tf—apd B allast suitable for pavi.\q-6o ton* stote, suitable lor paving ki.; tor sale, if applied (or Imrat • liatcly. nor22 ROWLAND A SON. C umastl At IIEUIUNG^ hhdsCodflih; 100 box 1 '* llerriuga; Just rve dved cud for sale by JaulV SCRANTON. JoHNaTON k «~Q CHOICE liauOBS AMD WIMB3, , TUST Re^civvil. luha.fauu quaricr pipe* ui Uiard, Du el ieyAC-0, aud A. Soneite Uiaulics, 10 packages Ma- deirs, Putt nud Sherry \7iai*,3 pipes Gla. cuaics brands in wood and glam, by UAVlil O’CONNOR. , d«cl4 M> HUDSON, KhEMUia At UO n Factors and Comtulialutt Merc Manta, Ao Ol Ray Sired. Savinnoh, Ga., vY'ENDER their service* to planUxs, merchant* and deal* X era, in the sale ol Cotton and all other country pro duce. Being oonuouted In business with Horxws, HCDSOX A Co., of Charleston, the establishment of an office in thia city will aaord our friends choice of markets. Strict atten tion will ' given to busiunss, and the usual facilities af. forded ou«M>meit. J. R. HUDSON. I u. ¥ . n ..u W. R. FLEMING. J LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta, eepia tf COHEN. Oharleitot. Spanish Consulate. VUE #mCE 0? TUE SPANISH CONSULATE, fob thb POST OP SAVANNAH, Wii— BE FOUND AUtiVfi OeFord’s Drug Store, Broughton Street. OFFICE HOCUS, FKuM ltf A. M. to 4 P. M. JOSK JULIO MARTIN oct6 W KNVKUN VVUAbltY—100 bbla, to arrive, for sale by f»‘,s nnijioMPR. Jon:;ao;‘. •. ■ ’• . SliOUQH CilESoL Ao D PiOKLES., Off in:ill Eu^iis'i Cbssuire chee,es; 2U Uonn assorted Ot) English pickles and eauoss. Landing .from ship Kencli.-ud for sale by d.c22 i LAG HORN k CUNNINGHAM. H AMS—26 iiw*. Choice Hama. Deceived and for vale Vy MCMAUUNADOYLK. x trULAHEI.' iXL • ^16 hbd* new cro^i Cuba Mola: »*», ■<r-‘ 126 bbla choice la flaaorday and foe tala by lINi TOtTa k riuoa, SUN DXU Kft, (ja BOXES Cround Ccffee; OU *0 'si.* Kio no, loo route DidQovtrament Java do; 6) half chest* Tea, various brand*; Turn box** Tobeccu, choice do; 6oO aroie Smoking Tobacco; Received and for *al* by libSO MoMAHON k DOYLE. HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON * 00 flOObaga Klo Coffee; loo do Laguayra do 60 da Java do*, 60 bhd* Porto Hlco, Muse’do and New Orleans Angara; 260 bbls Crushed. Clarified and Powdered Sugare; 20) boxes various brands and qualities To*- 60 hhdsBldaa and dbouldara,“new mast; 1 SOeaeksNsw Hams; 260 boxes No 1 Pal* sad Family Reap; 60 bbla do Leaf Lard; lOOkaga do do do; 260 boxes Cbaaaej 60 kags Cho c# Butter; 100 boxes Common and Extra C«n-Jy; 100 do Adamantine Candles; 100 do Spann and Tallow Candle*! 100 da No 1 Scaled Hemngr, 160 bbls New Orleans Molauiea; 600 do Whivky, Gin and Rum; 600 do Potato**: 60 boxes Clay Pipes and Pip* Heads; 100 dos Painted and Varntsbed Backet*; 600 Empty Keg*; 200 M Spanish aud American Cigars, Instore and lor aalso.i •ccomm'xlattog term* b; J*nl7 * — Bocks. CLINICAL BUBOERY. T>V M. NRLATuAi, liom nptaa taaeu by W. F, Attae, ubvUfrics. Memoirs ah>l rontrlbutloo*. by James Y, 8l»p*nn.Professor of Ul.iwlfery. Edinburgh. Lebmanas,Phialutogleal Chemistry, tran-lated from the Sod edition. Hy U. K. Day, with llluotratlons, 2 vols • Kirk k Paaeta Physiology, and all tn* Text Books u*td ia the Medical Collates. Rev. Dr. Camming 1 * Twelve Urgent Questions. Helen lemon t a Peep si New York Society. The New Put chase, or Early Years In the Far West. Dy Robert O-irlton. A Basket of Ghlpe. Bv John Brougham, hayings and Doings of Animat*. - ■ Bits or Blarney, the Hidden Path. Oil Homestead. Fe. male Life among the Mormons, Mary Lyudou, UootUukn, Javan,Older Sister. , novSI W. TftORKE WILLIAMS. "(®0TCH1TI and quavers. ( \R the Rarnlatlou* of wnupera Mansger In America; / by Max Marettek.. Awful DUoloturea ol Ma* la Monk, of (tie Hotel Dieu Nun nery of Montreal, containing alto many incident* never be fore published. The Faithless Guardian; by Sn*anna Voodel. Amy Lee. or Without and V/ltblu; by tb* author of **Our ParUn.” lawa aa ft la In 1865; a hand book.for Emigration. Teverno; a Komaaee by George Sand*; tr*hslated by a lady . Th# Bong of Uiawatha; a Poem by Henry Wodiwortb Lougtatlow. Juno Clifford; by atady; on# of th# most pathetic, chaste end interesting production* or t be day. Th* Lima KUn Man. Recelvad and for sale by novlfl • SB. HHf.KY. 136 Cpngrov* »t. a o.i accomm’xlattog term* by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. BANCROFT’S L ITKRAHYanu Hfotortcal MisneUamea. Kmaj-i and Ad dvaaaes; •?«. A Journey through tbe Chines* Empire; by M lluo, au thor of H Kecolleclfoo* of Journey through Tartary and Thibet,” 2 vole, with a mau Miranda Elliott; by a lady of Goergla; 2d edition. My Brother’# Keeper; hr Mias Warner, author ol “ Dul- far* and Oenta.” Tbe Hireling and tha Slave: ny a Bouih Carolinian,2d edition Annals of Tennassae to tne ena ol the 18th eeuturyi by DrJGM Ramsey. Ramlnlsoeneea of Charleston; by Chas Fraser. Maps of th* Baltin and Black Seas, oi the Crimea, Be- baa to Ml, Ae. History for boya; by J E Edgar. mylfl • W. THORNE WILLIAMS. „ BITS OF BLAUNEV, DV 8 R Mack«na..,*dlor Lift of Curran. Ac. X) Arehtdsbup Whataly on the Berlptnr* Ravelatloni concerning a future state. Maud and other Poems, by Tenny»< n. Evenings with the Prophets, by Kav M Brown. Tbe Gospel; with moral reflections on eaah voim, by ’asquer Queauel. 2 vols. Adventure* of Sir Amyts DM; Klogsleyv Yellow Fever, HUtoric-vl, Pathological. Ethi-t lest and Therapoutlea), by Dr LaKoohe. 2 vols. Bqlfoch’a American Cottage Builder. MeCormacka Visit to tha Camp at ravaitopol. Collier’s Map* of the Seat of War, Black Sea, Turkey, Russia, Cronstadt, Bsltio, Ao.. Ac. The Newoombes, hr Tbackery, eomplet* In 2 «*p20 W THORNF. Wl 2^0 ;WG8 Prime ui do 60 Hag* Old Government Java Coffee, 60 do (of mats) Old Government Java Coffee, 26 Bag* Choice Maracalvo 60 'do do Porto Rico 60 do do Lagutra do lOHhde. do fit. Croix Sugar 10 do do Porto KIou Uo 160 Boxea Colgate’s No. 1 and Bar 8o«u. 100 do smith’s A Buehau’aFamll/Suap. 60 do Colgate’s Pal* do do 76 do Baadell’a Tallow Csndlaa, 8* A •«. 100 do Oswego aud Colgatu’s Pearl Slaroh. 60 uo Readell’s Pearl starch. 26 do Ground Coffee, I ahd fi lb. paper*. 26 do do Pepper. 76 BbliE. Treadwell’s ' Biscuit. 26 do E.T»adw#U’*rnot Brand. 26 Boxes Adamantine Caqdlcs. Landing and In etort,for sal* by JanS SCRANTON. JOHNSDiN & CO. i Sugar. Soda *od Butter | SlDER—SObbtaBkeWfled receiyed.and for ut* eeSO StflUAHON A A* hy iMnLr T IQUORS AND WINEd.—10 half pipe* Otard and other ±A French lirandlee. 16 eighth cask* of very old French brandy, 25 quarter oulu Madeira. 60 do. do Malaga Wioa.fl pipes Holland Gin. 2 puncheoae Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, 60 boxee Rt. Juinro Claret. 6 quarter ca«ka Wine,100 bbls. Domestic Giu. Whiskey. Rum and Brandy, or sal* by >mif2 I V IMNXKRAT A Ctl. F REEH PATe—Asiortou. jiiHt reoeived ami lor sale by j*n3 A. BOXAUn, C>rner of BayAUulUt* OUK COUNTRYMEN. O R brief Memoir* of Eminent American*, by I>»*>doK, Illustrated by npwerda of 100 engravings. Harper and Putnam’* Uagarine, for June. The Conscript, by Alev Duma*. Live* and Times of tbe Chief Justlo-s nf tb« Vulted Stales, by Henry Flanders. Landscape Punting, In water colors, hy a Bernard. The Two Guardians, by the author uf tbe -- Heir o I Rei- cliff*.” Tale* for the Harlnei, hy Ueut WDs, author ol 1 t/w Gringos.” Anecdotes of American Clergy, by Dr UelSh-t Arabian Nights, with 100 lllustratian*. UreJametOD’e Common Place Boo’* oi Tb»npLi« Leave* from a Fsmllv JouroaL J-iV W. THORN*. 'TIJJJAMa r SAM SLICK’S .VaTUHR ANT* HUMAN MATURE, by Judge Hrtivbvs- The Eugllsh Woman In Russian Boolely and Manner-;of tbe Russian* et Home. lakisfer the Marine*,by tb* author of --ian Giln^nt,” Tliu Turkish Empire, by Ed ward Roy Morns. Tha Women ol tho French Revolutlun, uy Michel-.t. Tb* American among tbe Orientals, by Dr itou’d-p, Rand’e Chemutry, for the me of Students Lutheran Manual on Jforlptoral Prlooipies of t.— Augs burg Confession. Adam** Equity, 8d Amerlnan edition— by ft w U*rton. English Common Lair Koporla, vol 78. Kent** Commentaries, new edition, 4 rots. O'Doberijr Paper*, now supply. MrtdicoOtlrnrgiaalReview, lor April tvygJ W. iiUDltNK WILLIAMS. NAPOLEON. ' |tUK History of Napoleon Bonaparte, by John S 0 Ab A butt, in 2 volumes, f vo.wUh maps aud upward* of 100 lltostration* Quekett ou the Miaroscupe. new edition. Coustawoe Herbert, a novel, hy G EJtwabury. LeCurs JIangue, or RosIkI and Religious Customs lu Franco; by Eugqu* CourcaUuu. Blr AWtyas Leigh’* Voyage of Adventures In the reign or her most Gracious Majesty Q ietn Elisabeth, by Cbas Klug*le<r,author cf Wynatia &c HrtUthiide View of Slavery, or Three Months at th* South m 1861; by N Adame, 1> D. Men of Character, by Douglas Jerrol t. now supply. Chambers’ KJiuburgb Uaguxin* for June. Battle* of the Crimea, uew *upply. 16th Georgia Supreme Court Uepurts. Just rrcoiv by j*17 W. fHORNE WILLIAM* eBooks. PHARMACY. A N lot reduction to Praotloal Pharmacy,, a text book .for the atudM.l.and guide to tha 1‘baraacaulest and ui uggUU; by EiL I’orrikh, with upwards of 200 ll'arira. ildns. . lecture* ou English Ilivtory and Trailo Postry; by tha late Prtfeumr Reed, of the Unlverrity of Pennaylvaule, Grot*'* ill*lory of Greece; 10 vol., 12 mo. 1'UitgHti*** I'wmijUinrrocco, extra. Ket'ble’a CbrUtian Year; elegantly Uluitrated and bound In Turkey morocco. 1’oel* aud Poetry of America; antique calf-extra l'emal* Pouts of A unties, do do. Harper and Putnam. Magatlue*. for December. Loudon Art Journal for November. *< hntnber’-i blcnbtiigh Journal for December. _doi8 1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. PEBYfl’ DIARY,’ D IARY and CorrsapuiuRnc* ol .-utiuuel Popy*’, In the reign* of Cbarle. U. and Jams* II., 4 vole., with two put traits. baotelie* uf Virginia, Historical and Biographical, by i. U. luota. The Mm*1 and lotalleclual Diversity of Races, from the trench of Count Gablneau. Drown * History or Greek Classical Literature* ■Ao Escaped Novice from th* 3 starhood of St. Joseph, Oy Jose bins M. liaakley. Napoleon at Rt.Htiienv, with Illustrations, by John 8, !. Abbott.8 vi.l«.; c foth. gilt. A Child’* History or the United Etato*. by Juo. Bonner, 2 vols. Loudon Quartvity Review, for Oct’r. - Thal auvu'.for Nov. A Oeo’r. D sturudl’a Railway Guide, Krtectio Uagasma for Dt-osmber. dfloU . W. THORN R WILLIAMS. COA1. AIMHVfltJl) YARD. __ . Offers lor saie at I be UNION FERRY WHARF. A BCfFLY 0. BED ABU COAL AMD FIBE WOOD, UFALI.KIRDB. Consnmera ean depend upon being promytlv *uf» tail with a good article. Strict attention given to Fair Man. surement Boxes lor orders ara placed nt the atom ol IfoMra. J. M. Copper A Co., W. G. Diek.on, W, W. Unoola, at tb* office ol tb* Murnlng News, and at my roaldanoo In Jones-atreat.* , JwW TERMS CASH. tf Wllllnk’a Wharf, near the Um Hozm. T HE subactlber inform* tha publio tbat h* fo noolvian and will keep conatantly on hand a good stock of xtoen and *#*-oued oak, and dry pino, aid solicit# a sal from hla friends and the public. Orders left at tb* Georgian effloo will bo promptly at* tended to. [up 26—HJ DAN’L G'OOSNOB. JTJNO CLIFFORD. . A • Tbe Foray eis ur the Raid of tbe Dogdaye; by Win. Giimnrebimin*. Lives <>f the Quern* ot England of the House of Hano ver; by Dr. Doran; 2 vols Table Tr.iiti, villi something on them; by Dr. Doran. liitbiU and Men. h to bard tbe Kearlext, or th* I.lttta Duke; by Allan Yonje, author of the Heir of Kedcliffe, &o. Dream*. Visions. Apparitions, Ecstaoy, Mxgnrtlsmand Sonmambulisui; l-y A. li, DoRxIsmott. Tiio Red Eigle.a I’oem of the South; by A. B. Meek. True hicbi-t-} Two instructive stories for Young People. llieGlorr of tha R-rl*emei In Hie Person and Works; by tbeRur. Octavius Winslow. nuvlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. mcniiY VEitfiuz« ou, tiiu break. BY A gLoRULAN. I iHIS Is tbe title of a romance now In process of oom- p:etif>u, which will be iMuod in two numbar* on the 1st and 16lb ol July, 1865. Tho scenes are laid maln’y in the United SUt*s. LngUnd aud c paln. The work will t»e printed oa pure wtilte paper, with new type, and will equal in quautity of loaitvr an ordinary sited duodncfmo volume of 8*) pnqco. U will l-»» promptly issued and for warded to *11 who will i.Hnuthf-i- 'i»«».''.-.tir>i*:tit**d With Uie cash. TERMS: Single cop.-, «*o numbers go 76 To club* of ihnii* nr per oopy 60 Remittance* must made iu bill* or change,and not in postotiico > binqm. Adore**: j<«2 JAMES it. SMYTHE, Augusta.Ga. FaU-buulu’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALES, n WLeel*—esprvetly for Fouuderfos, RolUuc Mllla,'Ircf> llottsee. *o, fto. _ - STORE SCALES, (Vartuue Modlflcatlon#.) COU*N twli SCALES. Etc. .RAILROAD. KAY AHD COAL KALIS feet lu auy pan ut The euuutry oy eaperteoeed wixam* . 8cal*si graduated to Foreign Standarde, and enitably packad for abipplng, and futnUbed on reuonabla terms -idat short notice. Air These Seales lave been long known and severely tasted, and the universal coufldsuce felt Is their aocuracy JJ}ff P^Heot adjustment la auch tbat they are sow regard- , THE STANDARD 1 fromwhlohtlisrals no appeal. BILL A PRENTISS, wtM Agents. Bavaunah. * VAHOT GOODS. ) ECEiVLNG by every arrival of tbe ataaacra fresh addl- XV tiona, making tbe boat assortment In this city, of all Kinds of Watcbsv, Jewelry, Fancy Good*, Silver Spoons, Forks, Pitchers Tea Sets,Cupa, Syphon*, Platad Castors, and every rarloly of article* oouoectod with oar Una of busluM*; all of wbluh wlUba sold aalow at la any city ta aar Particular attention given io tha Repalring or Watches and Jewelry. a«20 JAMES GORDON BENNETT. Tl/f bMulKS of James Gordon Bennett and bis Times. 1YJL &tm S ick lu «e*rcli «fa wife. iuo Island Empire orSceuesot tbe Ftrvt Lxlle of the Emneror Napoleon l«t. Mineral sprlug* of the U niter'Matos aud Canada, or Dr. Bell. Hirease* of the Hum.n Tectn by Dr.. Fox <1: Harris. -Prlcbaid’a Natural lli.tury of Man, 4iU edition, enlarged by Norrh.w irt uumeroue colored plate*. Witibaa. or udventu!-:* il.e t’lsquiln Shore, bv S A Baird. Art, Hint-, rob,tertpie. rcul. tuie «n«' P«ioi:ng,br a: v-.'a KirwJrJ* J.etur* to fiihlmu Hughe* liDtory of tue Council oi mat. bv Runret,*f A 09W Runp’.y of I'-.cstli-kv. line’s China Visit if tbe before ^ebistouol. Tod’s Clinical lwc lurv on Paralysis aud the Brain fleirossof liaughton oi the Mi-tVi’ 1 *'’*Bacret. augto . \V. .UOltSD WILLIAMS. BAYARD TAYLOR’S JAPAN A Visit ti. Ind-,. r.hlud nod Japan la lbuil, by Bayard Taylor Evening* w tb the 1‘r-pLk'.-- a*erle« of memoir* and meditati Its by Rev A Mortou itcown. Ciu-ids ».>:d Bun.Lloe in tho Lite of a Village Pastor. ii -il>Ai<i(:.’* Hi Hvooly Huiu^-. 8 vols." Pilot’* Clinical Report* on Contln ; ed Fever and Typhoid Fever. GoooliM ITevtlcsl Midwllery. Fotoyce on Fevers. Meuuenbali’s Metlical Studeuta Vad* Meenm, with up ward* 012 iu.lllu»tr nation*. Beasley’* Medical Formulary. Do Presetiptiou Book*. Wood’* Praotlce, Bell k Htoke*’ Dtokhon’s. Watson’*, I’ungPson’s, and all other medical works for Students anJ Praciitluucr*, at reduced price*, on 17 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. .. AUUUSl'A,GKO. TX/ILL givei their special attention to purchailag and TV selling Produce, Mercbaudisa aud btook* of evary description. Liberal lash advance* made uo Consignments. ■ REFERENCES: Jr.uo Boue*. Pro*. f,auk ot Aogu»U{ W M D’Aottgnac, Pr< * Ins. i auk; Tbcc Barrel;, Pros. State Bank: Heard 4 Davison. Lewis k Alleu, M & i! tV Wiitinvon. J C Canal- chv 1. Baker, Wright k Co. Augusta; G W WlUIams ft Co. ibdriestou; is M Leonard tiC>, \v hit* ft Biahnp. New York; Boll ft Prentiss, Waver ft consttuiln*. John Lama, Savannah; S-ymour, Fanning ft Co, Noshville; £ M ft AG Piumlee, rtnoxtlj,.*. d*e20 J ll. n ■t THE tmUrriboruesirei to inform tha public that he baa opened a* above, where ho is prepared to exteute ordeit for IkMiteof tbe finest flnlab and style, and equal, if not vopertor, to any herotofor* offered to tbe publio. aepU—ly SYDNEY SMITH, A MEMOIR nf the Kev-Sydney Smith, by his daughter lauly Holland; 2 vole. r illustrated Manner j Book, a manual of good beliaviout and polite accomplishment. The American Cottage Builder for Home* for the people by J Bullock. . Tome’s aconunt of the Panama Rail Road, Harper’* Mngatlne for September. A new supply of Mary Liu Jon. Doestiok*. Hue’* China. Moqultu Shore. Bam Mick, Women of tbe French Revolu tion. aud First Exile uf N ipclenn to Elba. Harper’a bow Book* are mado, with numerouiplito*, aughO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. H AMS, d»c—Ju,t received—5 tierces choice famlh Haoit: 6 bbl* extra fimllyfosrd; 10 bbla and ha(i boi- Pig I’crk, 60 boxrn lleadvl’* Soap, Starch aud Tallow Handles; 60 do Adamantine Candle*; in store »nd for ssle by DAVID 0’C*»NN0R, deef# er.rnrr Broughton ft Drayton *t». JTdEFH aALMON. UT55ftHd x SAKDlNko—F MEXICO A ND Its Religion, with incident* ot tr vel in tbat coun try; by Kobt A. Wlikon. with illustration*. Ulyj a novel by a lady 01 Cu irfoston, author of ’• The Busy Moment* of an Idl* Woman.” Cbarie* lamb'* Work*, with tketobes of h's Ufo; by Thu*. Noon TalTourd; In 2 v. h. Out of Ifubt. out ot Dan r< r; by Cousi j Alice.’ Grate’* Hielory of Grccct. 11 vols. Fitigwrald’* Exolbitiuu Speaker. Maud aud other Poem*;by AlfredTeony*on. ’ Harper'* Story Book*, >n|. 4. Westminster Review fur October. Eclectic Magaslnn for November. _ uovlT W. THORNE WILLIAMS THE OLD HOMSTRADi B Y MIW. JNA il.htr.Plir.Nc, HUtuur ut Fashion an-l Fainlua, Harper’s Glaoslcal LUcary, tthfirtatod’and published In volume*, site of Bohn* editions, Virgil, Sal lust and Horae*, received, to ba followed by other* Abbott* Young Christian Sod**, vol 4. Hoarybvad and McDouuer, Improved end enlarged with numerous eo- (ravings. Japau aud A:-.'••rod the World lu Commodore Perry’s aqua-iron, by J W. r-pslding, with illustration*. Christlau Theism, th) testimony of rea-on and revela tion to the exUtuuca ani cb tract.Ttif the Huprem* Being. A b**k«t of chip*, by J. Brougham Mortimar’* College IJf-t. by E. 1) May. Harper’* Magariuo for November. North AmorrcHU Review for October. Vol* Id. U, and li.f’ovtU’ UectsiousU. 8. Supreme Court oAt:*'J W. THORNE WILLIAMS. JanS H AY—160 bale* North River Hay,Unding and for sale by norm Crank. wklu» a at T\RIED FRUIT, PICKED ANDCATsUPS.—26 boxe* a* JJtosoitad Catsup*.60 do I'-okdU.quAM* an-l pints. At • •uAlmoads, Brasil Nut* ando«w Raisin*, for vale h.- _nov2 f V. I’ONNKRAT A_«». M ACKKllbL, POTATOES At APPLE’ 1 - 100 barrel* medium No. 8 Mackerel; 200 do White eeedPotatoea; 100 do Meroer do; 60 do Baldwin Apple*; or »«le by docJl CTAVU t C-»Hitv. -plliT'lfili AMI) CIlEEliito-' Jj 26 keg* choice Gosben Rutter: fO boxee do English Dairy Cheese; 75 do d- White do; Ja«t received and for sale by f*b2) SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. HOLIDAY BOOKS. 4 PELr.LT ttihortuieot of elegaut works a ith numerous JTJL Q-ie eugravluga an) epUudidly bound, suitable for Uauliua* pruaeul*. ■ he ilbly sio-.p-ln illutlmted In 40urlglnal design*, by Overbuck, Folio, Aulique^cf. Gama «t BriGsh Art, illustratou with 80 eupert> line engr*viog*. folio, antique, uf. urnsnieut* of Mouiory 5 or, Bsautle* of IlUtory, Ro- maned nud Poutry, with 18 engraTiug*, quarto, antlqn. 1 !, cair. Tue Women of the Bible, with 18 engravlugs, new edith'U. royal 8*», autlque, calf.gilt. The R-.-pubiiotu Court, couLuuing 21 portraits of dts- UtiguLlieJ iaUiv* during tho day* uf VVa*bliTgton, mo- ruct-o.ux'.ra gilt. ibe (fue,euH of England, by Miss Strickland, with 27 elcguut uoitralts. ant.quo, calf, glit 1)1* of Jlaitiu l.uilier sad the m formation in Germany, bv .stuik; beautifully illustrated, witb ltt engraving*, tique vslf Lca.Lt* of Memory, an lilumiiutted annual, 11 cugra- viug*. uiuruccuexlra. tceues iu the J.ifo of our Saviour, illustrntad, calf extra Wum-.o f Uio.-cripturua, with 8 illu*tratiou*,ca!fcitra. Lem Book uf British Poetry, with Portraits, executed in til* tinu.t style morocco extra. WiiMiiiugum Irving’*.Sketch Book, with engraving* from original deogu*. by Parley. Ktustoj’ot-tKof America, u1th engraving*, antique calf, Pont* uod poutry uf Au.ut mu, do do. Uirdiuf ibe Hi ole, illustrated with elegantly culoied engiavitg*. Ih'J Mtinouelto, tlie Scow Flike, thn Gem, Annual Adecti»n*. Gilt. Friendtdiip'ii u.tvriug. and a variety 1' utbvr work*, with line eugraviug* auu blading*. derlO W. ili'iH.'E IVlLUAMS. DOUGLAS JBRROLD’S v 1 l-N ot CiuiHctur, coutaiuiug Titus Trumps, Jack -vl Riiuiiyniede, Job Pippin*, aud laaae Cheek, with en- graving*. Mammon, or thu llanlnbip* of an ifeire**—by Mrs Gore. The Bag Bag, a codectlun of Ephemera—by Wild*. Til-c.-lured Slietcbe* of Paris In 1861,1362 and 1863- platos Scieutiiic Aunnalfor 1866. Tbe Country Neighbor*—by Mr* Dupuy. author of The Conspirator, Ao. FoMeri* ri rat Principle* of Chemistry, adapted for Cli*»e». Tho ibu-u emloeut urator* sod Statesmen of Anolent *ud Modem Time*—by Dr A Harsh*. Content*: Lord bwtiiam, Hoik*.Grattan. Fox.Curran.Sherman,Canning, Pitt, Henry. Fisher Aine*. Calhoun, Webster, fto. epl» W. THORNE WILLIAMS- BOOKS! BOOKS!) BOOKS!!! Af RanULtD PRiCEJj. D USlilOUri of reducing ht* stock on band, the under- aigne-t offer* ui* l.o>k* for tale at a slight advanc* only, on N*w York 0'>,'t. Perrons wishing to renienDh or • thenwelves -ith a Library of gvod choice hooka, will find it to thslr ndrantoge to c*U and purcbaie. Pa rent* end Texclio.-i. e-.u supply themielve* with school both* very o'i**p. u-».\ uitren uit* aVo with blank book*, paper cod -Utlenw % 1 ait «.<ni, «« tbo opportunity will not be open fo • S. 8.81 BLEY, rtct’Ja 186 Congress it. H FIIESOOTI'S PHILIP II. t Bfi Irttli'd ..I guui i ll lip 11 uf auxin; by W H Prevcu’.t.fu 2 vole? i.uugfoduw‘i> Bong of iliawath v. 1 he Mystic; by Dail-r, author of Feitu*. The ll'iusj by ibo 8 a; by Thu* Bucbaoau Rue-1. KosuCl.irk; t.y Fanny Fern. Piice iuciiu i. or Saetube* and Burlesque*; by J Pbcsulx. Irish ut Uu'iie «ud Abroad, at the Court »n.i in tbe Camp. Arnold , Christian Llle, it* Coureae. &c. Blind Girl ol v. utoub.rg, a pioiure ol tb* Time* of f.n- jur end .li* ri-t -i-iuetion. ''a*ln Lari'* b'aotcb Bock. The P.lucu 01 the House of David, or S year* lb thn Hoi . Ciiy; by Prufossor Ingraham. Village Farm and Cottage Architecture. 100 engravings jauu w Tiiiuiwr* mu 1.1a tin ij Alslf«5—SObuDcbe* ‘new bunch’ Kalriue; 60 half Xli do do do; lun '.Ing and for sale by JaolO 8CRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. . _ seed potato**} 100 do Mercer do; 4(1 do Baldwin ap- pl i* For sale. t>i arrive, bv decl 8 OC1AVU8 COHKN. C3 LED P0T4T0E3-—1000 barrel* tu alar* and for aals by Odeolfl HOLC-'MBE, J0H.N8ON ft 00. SUNDRIES. ff A Boxes fup'eriurUrouud Coffee: OU 75 do. JW Beadel’e Candles; 100 do Monld do. 76 do. Adamaotlne do. 76 do. Sperm do, 600 do Pale, Family and No. 1 Soap 5 100 do. Toilet do 100 do. I a in on Syrup; 100 dos Brooms; 100 do. Packets; 76 do. Bra • bound Pall*; 76 do. Ne*UTuba; 100 do, i.oxe«Tobacco, assorted; 76 do. Tips*; 100 half ch.Mt Tea, various qualities ; * 100 bale* wrxpplov Twine; 2G0sacks KloGotle*; 10(| mxti old Uorerament Java do; 109 bales Sugar, 8oda and Pilot Bread,raoalred and Or salt by fob8 McMAHON ft DOYLE. S UNDRIES—100 box** family soap; 100 do No. Ido; 100 do pile do; 10) do mould candles; 126 do «daman; ttu« Jo; 76 do sperm do; 160 10 retains; 100LaU do do- 200 quarter dodo: 100 dogrouud coffee; 200doatarcb. 2v)0rou*tard; 200 do fresn ground pepper; 100doeataop; 7b do lemou syrup, leading and lo store and for sale by d»ot MOMAHON ft fVlYLK COL. HARDEE S TACTICS. R IFLE and Light Infonlry Tactic-, prepared under tbe direction ot tbo lv*r jtjoartraent lor the 11*0 of tie Aiioy *nd the Militia, iu t«o pca’-ut volumes. Cavalry T.vctir*. prepared by order of tbe War Depart ment. Light* and Sl>*duw* of frogli-b Lite, a novel, by tbe au thored* of •• Tbe Bella of tbo s?ea«ou-” Female Life among thn Mormon*, by a Wife of a Mor mon Elder. Visit to tb# Camp before Pabeatopnl, with Maps and Eo- graving*. In* aud '.’ate. or Part* by Day r)id Night; by Jolla Da Marguerettu*. Nn» if-ip—.or, the ft«*eno, a t*tn of theGrest Kanawha. Clive Hall, by tbe antbor of -Amy Horbart,” fto. H*r;.rr andrblnauif r Aii/u-t. *1^1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. HARPER FOIf MARCH. 1 E Wu iAKs’ Lite in ilnuil, wfth upward* of 10U Ului- tratlou*. an-i»er> note# on Ceotral Am- >!c«. with original map* and lUustratlrr.e. Parisian Sights and French rtncl r lea, **vn through American Speotariea, 2nd mrir*. Learn log to Think. Harpers’ Story Books, yol. 6. Crotchets aud Quavtn, by Max Marelseek. Th# Hunters’ Feast, by Cipt Maync Read, Mimic Life,by Mr*. Mow. ti Rlubi*. Tbe Pilaca of the House ot Darld, by Profeisor Ingra ham, Macaulay’s England, targe edition. In iheap and in cloth, vols. Sand 4, Do do, cheap edition, 12iuo. Uwrrssponduuej of Napoleon with bis 1- th*r Joiepb, 2 vole. Godoy’s Lady Hook f -v March. H»*e Clark. Fanny Fun’* Life, Ruth Hall. Wllvou’* Treatise on Logic Escaped Novice, Llby, Spirit Manifest*- tloo* examined, Old H .mestead, ftc., f»b22 W. TH'iRNE WILllAMH. F Q3. RAISINS ft ALMONt'B—100 drams FI — XfiTwToN PIPF1N8-26 bbla Apples.Cnaberrias, Fan- JN nln.,- *“ Ip*, Beet* and Carrot*, received per ateamer Flori- diind for Mia by d#c21 J. D. JESSE. SCHOOL UOOKti A S tha schools are ra-openlog, nsw Books will ba ta- quired, A general assortment ean ba had at eoat prices at tha Uoosatora of 8. 8. SIBLEY, *—• 186 Congress at. iACOM IIORI ft HAUwtt hhds nrtma in J Bacon bides; ft eMka shoieeaafM eared Hama; tasfl-' B*£ TBS*' _ ... - Smyrna” Figs; 160 whole, half and quarter boxMRalilns; 10 dis suit shall almond*, landing and for sale by d*26 HOLOlUBK, JOKShON ft CO. J^LOUlA-uMaristU Uili*-2i0 bbls ’Denmaad’ and Maklsy,’ In store, and for sale or H0I/30MBK,. JOHNSON ft CO BftVAN*AU MIAN ASSOCIATION ftTUCIk. T710R SALK—Twenty (20) iiiire* Savannah Loan A**o Jj elation Stock. Apply at tbt* olllo*. dec I— tf OflC nnn GRANGES, just received fresh from AvaVvV/ Havana, lu «iore,a*1 tor sale cheap by A. H. CHAMFION, Successor to CHAMPION ft WATTS. <29 No 4 Rarnard *t 3 ft AFPUU-aO trkloa ahoiaa Bui D ter 171 box*a do. Chaaaa; 1ft bbls Apples Bsaalv djjd wvlviag rafaUrly by W. THORNE WILLIAMS. 3 , LIACAULY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. !) au-i4.ii vuib. Macauiey’s History of England, from theaccu*110.1 ul .Umu-i II. Liogar :’a Di-’.ory ot Euglaud, 13 vol*. Gr«w* iltsioir uf Giutce, 11 vols. Received by Janto W. THJRNE WILLIAMS iGFFEl., Mul.Ais-La AND tYHUP—160Sack*Hlo Gif- 1 1**, *0 hbl* Moiaseoi, 60 -’.-bl* Sytup. Rejelved and for sale by MoMAHON ft DOYLE. fsbJl B AOgN 8iDLs,t UG.tR, ftC-— lObbis. Bioonbidesi 20 uo uu Dot to Klo Sugar; 6u lox-.l8tu tl’aA ft U Clarified do: 60 <lo liJttor. -Sugar, and Soda Crackers: *l> do brant fe WillUmi* 6’s ft 8'ATobacoci 20) da No. 1 Fata aud Family Soap; 60 da UswugoftO.lgit*’* Frail8t toh; 20) bag* pr.ra)Or»en itloCwffs*; Landing aud tor s tin trurn store by UU ANTON. J IBook and Cool. Stabs. Ulatiljtg, jltmtltj), Set. v. c. vuuvbj, No. 11 Wt.uajca-svut.‘i Doort/rom Bryan, waouituu and xnatt dzaldrm qtAMlES, Blinds, aud Doors. Faints. Oils. Vwniebea, O Window UUms, Futty, so. Patuter*. Kraintrvand Arttets Bruehea. White-wash Heads and Dusters, Dry and Utxoa Fainw, ot every duoripUon. Artiste Colors, lt\ Tubes, Fropatad Canvass, ftc Paper llanglug*, Murders, and Fir**-ifoaruFatterna. Room* prepared with neatumw and despatch. Houve, Sign, aud Ship Fainting. tiuUUiug.brainiug.and Musing done in tb* bast sty la, and at uioduraia priren. All order* from tbo couutry promptly attended to. Uvriil—y UiliVU Aj\D KiiJVUVATIlVt) 1U8TAUL1SUMKNT, 7J Forkitmt,neartkt CourtHoati Savannah,Otorgm, toianuuuKu m 1833. i llK*ub*uriaur,giau)tui to bln patruus and friends fot their cuuUuucd lavore, would aUte tbat,tnaddlUM to thu iuprovuiudnt* in Dying, esquired by him during ble but visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangements lor extending hi* business, by which he la now enabled to Dye a greater variety of aolors on silk and woolen dress** *usw!m, fee , which he trusts Will generally pleas* all wbw ora/ favor him with their patronage. itoutluiueu’M garuieut* dyed, cleaned or renovated,* may be required, in Uu-satue superior stylo which hoe gen ally r.u much pleased biu patron* and Irisud*. Ludles’ bonnet* dyed, bleached and pressed In tha most fa* burnable etyles. Diders from t ne country puuetoally attended to. Terms moderate. Wn«n porculf, *re neat by stcamboau o. railroad, word rbuuid be sent him by letter, through tb* Post Office,*e chat he may hnuw where to «ull lor them. 1*8 ALEXANDER DAU.rtWAV fAS Al'l'AUATDS FOIL TI1K CUUNl'UY. A DAPTED to the use of urivat* dwellings, oburcbea, schools, hotel*, watering places, factories, fouudariMs machine shop*, aud railroad station*.. The Maryland Portable GasConipany .of Baltimore, keep on baud and manufacture to oiler Ga* maobines of any required capacity. Their apparatus ha* stood-tb* teste pi an:lc*l experience, and cannot beexcelHd lo eoowooiy, * u lety and simplicity For forth*/ particulars addreea B. B. 8FRAGUE, Traeary, 202 BaJtimor*,et., aogl2 Baltimore. M. D. MUM DRIES. 100 sicks Hfo, Java and laguayra Coffee; 10 ulid* Furlo Rico sud MuseuvadaSugar; 60 bid* Crushed. Powdered aud Reflnnd do; 20 hhde uaoon.Sides aud Shoulders; 10 uerces.^ugar Cured Ham*; 100 buses Tobacco, various brand* and «lsa*; 10 oa-e* American and Y> Uow Hank do; 76 MCTgtr*—IIomosiIo end impartod; 76 bbls Domstlo Liquors; 1 K pipe Otard, Dupoy ft Co Bran-Jy—Vintage 1|61; • M “ 8 Setgnltto “ •• 6 X u Alexander,Helgnitte ” 63 Mi X znd X pipes Domestic -nd imported Wine; 46 kegs Nalls.idto lOd; 200 tacks Salt; 160 boxes aon half do Soap: 60 basket* champagne, of our own Importation; 60 X and H chests and csduie* lly-mi an t Blow Teas 60 bull Potatoes; 100 buxea iirriing •; i- ’■*•* Mnc.eivl; No. 1 «bU m‘, 60 whole, half andquarier bbl* Mnc-eivl, 26 kitu Mackeieland Salmon, N 6<l bbls Fluiir; 1U0 suoka do; 60 do Biscuit*, of different kinds; 26 boxes So la Biscuit; 60 gruu Matches; 10 cassa Canton Ginger; 10 uo olivedil, qt* and pte; 20 do asat’d Cor-Ials; -45 do St Julien Claret Win*; 20 buses Vermicelli and Macaroni; 76 do Cheese.Goshen, Eng Dairy and Pine Apple; 16 keg* Batter, Goshen and Western; 26 box#* Pipe*; 10 do Coooa and Chocolate; 60 boxes ground Spices; 26 bag* Nut*. v»rios< kinds; 6 bbls Potash, Blue Stone and Rail Petra; 100 DrmljobDR, from quarta to 6 galluns: 16 cask* Hy*-'* London Porter: 10 do Jediay'a Ale; f.0 ubnleand half boxes aist'd Candy; 7- boxee Sperm. Adamantine aud TaltowCaodlee; 6 ,% oa*ks8rarai and Whale Gil; 6 bbls Maabl»»;y do 60 cases ant’d Pickles and Preserve*; 20 dos Brooms; 20 dox Buckets. -Ateo— Prunes, Dates,Figs,Bardin**, C&tsnp, auoer, Bitten; Lemou Eyrups, Ground Coffees, Powder ft Shot, Smoked, Beef cud longues, Pig Hams, fee., ftc., kept oonttantly on band, all of which have been oarcfully selected In the Northern Markets and are uow offered to famUlee and tb* public generally at the lowest market price, fbr oaab nr approved p»pei. Fleas* give ns a call. r A. U. CHAMPION, BnoocMor to Ohamplon ft Watts, ' No. 4 BeraardfoL, stp28 between the Market and Bay-et fob’Jd r.JonvdtiN a oi. B UTIER AND CHEbdE.— 30 kegs*e'ecu-d o>h#n Butter; 60 buses white, and 60 do. Colored Cbrees. Re •cclved per htjamar, aud fbr sale by feb’AJ S'JKAXTON, JOHN9QS ft CO. B u UTTER AND CHEESE- 76 kegs Choice Ocehen Butter; 60 box#* do do Chuvec; Landtag aud for sale by dec. 8 nCfU NTON. JOHNSTON ft CO L ARD AND CHEESS.-Iu half bbi*. Leaf Lard » 26 Huxss Cheese, receive i aud lor etie by fabio \tO'-f A.tOv Wfl-tyf F SUNDRIES. C ASES Fancy Frluts, do Furniture do; “ Black and Wblta do; do Solid Black do; -* Plaid Ginghams; “ Debalnea andCashmvres; ” AJpaocas; do Persian Twills; “ Blue Deolms. do B.uo Drills, do Blvocbed do; Hales of Brown Drills; “ BrowndUuUngKkh'f Hi •• Brown Shearing 4*4 and 6-4; “ Shirting Stripes; Bed Tick; “ Striped Usnaburg*; Caaes Blue Stripes; do Apron Cb*cU« ** furniture C i«cka; do Trilled Kersey*; Bales Georgtft Plains; do Union Hlanaeta; *• London Daffil Blaukst*; Cum Satinets; do Cuslmsres; do 7 weeds; “ Kentucky Jeans; do Plaid Llnseys; Calm Bed and White Flannels; case* Canto M ACKKliKli, Ac.- 16) barrels uo. 3 (i e«) Mso'.rrsi. 60 do uo.2 do 26 do no 1 do 80 half do no,'.’ •!•* 20 ) boxes seal#.! Herring, * store snu for sale by f*til7 WKB8TKR ft PAI.’-'CR. „ NEW JIEDICAL BOOKS. Mackenait’a Practical Treabt* on Diseases of the Eye, itb 176 Illustration#. * Rokitansky'’aManual of Patbeloglcal Anatomy, transla ted by Swain*. 4 vol* In2. Paget’* surgical Pathology. Barton ou tb# Cause ami Prevention of Yellow Fever, contained In tue Report of th* Sanitary Committee of New Orleans. Jameson on Epl it-ule Cholera. Taoner’i Manual of OinlcalMedlclu* and Physical Di agonal*. Element* of Medicine, P*thoto*y and Tberapeutlos, by 8sma«-l Henry Dickson, M D, ol Charleston Medical College, Stokes on Disease*of the Heart and Aorta, Jone’s ft HI ere r* log’s Manual of Pathological Anatomy, with 807 illustrations. Husall’* Microscopic Anatomy In Health and Diveate, 9 vole with upwards of 600 illustrations. sepl2 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. LAWS OF GEORGIA. P ASSED at tb* session of 1166-4 ; compiled by J Ruth wfcd, 99i ■ft W.XBQUIWZLLUM. TILUUlt- Jj 2oi) bars Georgia Flour; 56 tib a d» do; Just received and f .r aa'e by foOJO .SCRANTON. JO”NSTU.V ft CO. P OTATOKfc—■' 76 bbls “Piok Eye” Plant fog Potatoes; for sat* by CO. . SCRANTON, Ju!IN8!O.V k ( ILfAUKElUa, HEltlU.Vfod(UOiieji4 j.. ill. 2) bit*. No. 3 ^aekctvr id do. Nu. 1 di. _ 20 half bbl*. No. 2 to. * 15 du. do. No 1^0. 76 t>oxcs Herrings. 2 hhds. CtdUsh. I* store and for **le by fob 'JJ SCRANTON. JOUNSrON ft CO. OLtS»B8 AND U|JU~ “ M: 123 bbis.N. O. Mulssses; 75 bbl 1 Phjlp’s Gin,for sate to amlv*. by feb'J) OCTAVL’H COllF.V. Bales Bed am for sal* by lRUlTl FRL'lT! . cost* Canton do, ■eni wm. a. room FRUIT! 11—26.000 Dram . 10,000 bunch*# F' L nantalnVf 25 doien Tin* Apples, andTi Uontiite; Jnstreceived by an^lor rata at IDON BrilUfO ORNAMENTAL'IRON. WORK. T ad 8ubscrlb*rs or* urepvrvd u> ml orders of our amount for IRON WORK, such a# ltnlttitl* For Pnbllennd Frivats Parks. Uu> dens , ij8topi^V*rai , a*»» UnleorUes, tleau. o fiTAwwa ggaaifeBa^iaaiiSffiiais osvoi wnentof Patternsof any titabUahntontlo the ootta- try. are enabled to p!ea»o the wort, fkstldioae in tattle. Architects or DuiU-rsin any part of Ihe Caiotx. waattag Iron Works, by ssaJlng as drawing.-will Veottr* the estl- mat* for cost of work, and w* will furnish' any wovkfrem thslr designs or drawings that may bo deailtd. Persons wishing artlolaa of our manuf.ctor# by address ing u* a few llue», staring for what purpose, will •* far* nikhei with pilatod designs by return mall, with tha prlc-s annexed. AU order# seot oa trill receive proeipl attention.and the work flnlntabcd aod fitted la the heal manner, and picked in boxea for safe carriage. Ml North Tenth at. I *’ ncvtl—eod2o H aRRi.voskft ; .. - s ---. ring*; 76 bos** Picktad do^lOOltoJ L aud, iikhiunqs, potatoes «k cud- Fieri—26 bblt prints new no. 1 Laaf Lord; 75 kegs do du do do; (00 boxes Herrings; 60 bbla Carter Potatoes: ■ .. —. —, .•pwww-wt* ■n- non: ,6bosei I eelredganatoraataby irTg^giMaaftf iaa"-“jfreWBS«?