The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 04, 1856, Image 1

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jL-ct- -v •■ » .'••>- ' ■." ■ A • ■■4 ^ *"' r f »V ’•'••>•'r : • I 1 |' j||| m : ■]) ^V' •' v l 1 THE GEORGIAN . w ' . • >' 1 UA1LT, TBI-WEKKLY AHD WEEXLYjBY J. Q. WRIGHT St CO., CITY .* COUNTY PHINTEftS. J. 0. WMQHII' ; t; t, D.REQIBTBR. TKUM8. *. ILn.Y. ............ ....$«, rm-'vwav V. 4. wunar „ j. />ayat'« in vdvdnct. Where payumut in not rnfftleih ' sdvsuee, tlid obai|#» will invariably lx* ft* Ditily Gtorgian 18 | $6. anil IKwWy M. BATES OE ADVERTISING. for one iquar** of U'^otn. or l-uw, or any type not larger than Nouparial. 7$ cent# for the first. and 00 cents for each nubiwfluant tn-erlloo ftn any time lava than Ah* month, r... • . . ■ ji * AI Tabular work, with or without rule*, unit advertise ment! Q.-cupytagiouble colutuus. shall bo charged'doff, bly the above rafoa. ' % ‘ Advertisements, of wh oever length, Tor any timo |*mn. than oh month. to be ph trawl at tranalent rata*.- . For a loafer time at tit# to'lowing rataat I mo. 2 qios 3 raos 4 mot 8 mo* 12 inns 1 -’qusre.... •to •16 *20 624 fiio 2 foiaro#... 16 . 22 2(5 ,-28 j# 60 8 do .... 20 27 32 86 m 60 4 do ... 24 32 38 42 62 TO ft do .... ■ »Li 36 44 46 60 80 « do .... 30 40 60 ✓ 64 fid M) .do .... 82 43 64 68 JO 100 II de .... .84 46 fit 62 74- 110 fi do .... 16 41 61 66 77 118 10 do .... 88 40 64 70 80 125 65 70 charged Ferauy time not above specified, a proportional charge Advarttaeaieata orifcrsd three time* .a. weak, will be ehaned tfro-thlrde the above rater. A deduction ofai per cant, from the above rate* will be made on advertleemenU appearing on the fuurth page of the dally. Ipeelat notices, 10 eenta per line for the firstf and t> eeuta tor each aubat quant Inaartlon. and In ho case to bq subject to aontraot. Marriage notloaa. It. Funeral iu- vltatlom, to cents each. No apeclal notice Inaarted for leeathen to cents. ObUnary notice*, Report*, Reaolu- tiona, or proceedings of any Society, A#«ociatloo. or Cor. I •ration, ordered to be published, I cent* per line. •team fast#, will b* advertised at 140 per annum lor •aeh boat advartiled. » > BtaamaDlpe, where but one 1* running, 640 per annum; If two or more, $30 each. Auetiontor'a advsrtlsemsnta not to be aubjact to con treat, but to be charged at 'the rate* preserlbtd per square. . When any bill for two month* advertising, other than •antraat, amounts to ovarl&O, a deduction of 2ft per cent will be made: Yearly advert!ling, with the privilege ol change, will he taken at the following rate* : Fur out square, renewable once a walk, “ '* . “ •* • ,v * • twice «' “ three lima* or oftanar ■very additional square contracted fc one half tha above rate a additional. -Telrlyadrtrtisers shell be limited to the apaoe con* trailed for. All oontraeta shall be in wrltlog, elating definitely tn* nature of the bualneaato bo advertised.— . a nr advertisement* not properly connected with the bu- alneia ahall be charged separately, and alao any eiceaa o f matter ever the amount contracted for. ’Contract advertisements payable quarterly. Advertise, nients from strangers and transient per*oni payable In advance; ’ AU ethara will be considered due when called for. s The paper, under no circumstance*, to ba inclnded In a Profaaalonal and bua|na*acarda. not. exoecdlng 6 line*, will be inserted at (20 per annum. , , Calls o* panou* to become candidate* will be inierted a* ether advertisement*, to ha paid for invariably in ad. Announcing candidates for office $16, to ba paid In ad. **AdmtlMmenta, not markad on the copy for a specified time, will be Inaarted until forbid, sad payment exacted. Regular advertisers and all others sanding comtpunlca- tiona or requiring notices, designer! to euu attention to fairs, eoneerta,Mlreea, or any public outertainment where chargee are made for admittance—all notices of private enterprise*calculated or intended to promote Individual lutereets, can only be inaertea frith the understanding that the seme la to be paid for. II inserted In tbe editorial column (which can be only at tha discretion of the edl- tern,) the same will be ebarged at the rate of not less than 2<l eanta par Une. Advertisement* ordered In the Weekly paper, $1 per aquare for eaoh Insertion. This eebadule (ofrate* of* advertising) ahall not in any way affect the integrity of existing oontraeT*. All con tracts for tbe year, or for any other given time, *hall only cease with the expiration of the period for which they weremad*. v Tha undaralgnad, publisher* of Pally, Trl-Weskly end Weakly newspapers In Savannah, (la , pledge ourselves atrleUy to adhere to the above bill o! charges, end In no (catenae to deviate therefrom. The above rataa to take effegt March 1, JBSfl, and to continue binding, until changed by the vote of a majority of the undersigned. Auxaxdxx ft SNEitn, Republican. J.G WirtonT k Co., Qeoraian. Tnouraox k Wixuixotox, Morning Newt. R, B. Hatox, Jbumal. , iooo Tons so. i - SUP R-PH08PHATE OF LIME, T\«BURO'« OHIUlti.U AND UBNITINE, of JL/ superior quall)y, thaoheape*t manure In the wo.H, banner^and dealers auppllad ai low prica* EXTRA QUALITY LANDPLASxHR. JVSiVW Mud I'lasirr, »*fret*4 for it# fertilising quality. 10,000 bushel* of same In hulk. „ M^hUihcl, or $1 10 per barrel. wlthfTdeduction <or large 26,000 bushels of same In btilk 1,000 barrsla Calelnad R:a»Ur. 1.000 “ Casting- *• 600 > • Dentist « . , 4,000 “ , Hydraulic-Cement. 1,000 *» , Tr ue Roman »• PERUVIAN GUANO. This artlolo w* offer in confidence to bur oustouars, a* equal to any imported, and far luiwrfor to moat In the tuatket.. 10,000 bags ol tills Superior tiuauu, tor 1 he lowest market rgtua.% Alao. POUDUETfE, MEXICAN GUANO, GROUND CHARCOAL, Ao„ Ac. v ; FRENCH, RICHARDS k CO. At tM STEAM P1.AH1KR-MliAA JunatlouYorkAveu- ue and Caliowhlll street, Thllauelpiil*. feblO—eodlm 1 The Grcat ttiissiaii lteniedy PRO MONO PUBLICO. MW* ‘‘Every mother ahuUld have a box in the h :uae uandy In cas* of accident# to tha ontldran,’? Bedding's Russia Salve. It is a Bostonremedy of thirty years* standing, anal* recommended by physicians. Ills a sure and spaedy cure lor Burns, riles, boils, Corns, Felons, Chilblains, and Old Sores of every kiod| for Fevar Sore#, Ulcers, Itch. Scald Head, Nettle Rash, Bunions, Sora Nipples, (recommended by nurses,) WhiUows; Stlea, Keatora, Flea Rites, Spider Slings, Erosen Umbe, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore end Cracked Up#. Sore Noaa. Wart# and Flesh Wounds. It Isa most valuable remedy and cure which can be testified to by thousands who have used It in the city of Boston and vi cfnlty for the last thirty years. In no ln»taneb%lll this Salve do au injury, or interfere with a physician's pre scriptions. It Is made from the purest materials, frottt a recipe brought from Russia—of qrpoles growing in that country—and the proprietors have letters from all alaas- •s, clergymen, physicians, aea captains, nurses, and oth ers who have used It themselves, and recommend it to others. Redding's Russia Salve Is put lu large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with » picture of a horse end • dis abled soldier which plature is also engrave^ on the wrap per. Patca, 2ft Cans a Box. Sold at all the stores in town or country, or maybe ordered of any wholesale drug gist, Redding a Co., Proprietors. - W. W. LINCOLN, fsbld—su, w.ttlin Agents, RULES AND REGULATIONS ..or ihi EXCHANGE READING ROOM 1st. Nona but rigular subecrlbexs, tba oltrgy, stranger* and those Introduced ly subscribers, will, under any eiraumstanoee, be permitted to visit the room. 2nd. AT aabserlbars will be-required to pay one half tbaiabseription fee in advance, and the remaining hall at tha expiration of alx month*,, % Id No papara, periodicals or other reading matter al lowed to ba torn, dafaoed or taken troni the room except by tba content of tha propriator. 4th. °mokinglntha room most positively prohibited, fith. Parsons chawing tobacco are requested to use tha ■pitccna Initaad of the loor, 6th. The roem will be opened each day, une hour after tnnrlie, sadelosadat 9o'clockpP. M., precisely, tatuu can axkvx. ForaitnglaSubscriber.... *12 Ter a Club ol two Subscribers 48 00 ForaClab of three Subscribers...., 92 00 Tha above Rnlea and Regulations will be most strictly and rigidly enforced. ' • WM. F. WIGHTMAN, Kerch 1st. 1866. GOETHE. YTHK Info and Works of Goethe, by J 11 Iajiyii; JL The Did Dominion; or, the Southampton Massacre, lyGPRJamevt Song# and Ballads ol the Amerioan Revolution] Sboupao Reoolleolions, a wayside glimpse of American Life, by W Marsh Home Bervlwi; a manual intended for those who are hindered from aitendlng Church, by the Rev Wm Bacon Stevens. 1> U; Aspen Court, by Shirley Brooks; r The Wonders of Science; or, Young Humphrey Davy, by H Mayhew; Whoare the Ulosasrijor, Meditation# on the Beatitudes; 4th vol. of Edgar Allen Poe’s works; Abbott's Hernando Cortes, marl8 W. THORNE WILLIAMS, SEW UHliNEBY ESTABLISHMENT, __ Would respectfully inform the Ladlee nftl _ jvsunah that the has opened In Whitaker street, one door from Congress, a new and fashionable Millinery es tablishment, and that she will henceforth devote her. un divided attention to the same Her/ta4y patrons may rest assured that Mrs, H. having badeheixeof a most fashionable Millinery establishment In New York city, is enabled, by har long experience, toproduoea Bonnet of of auperior taste, neatness and finish. Mrs, H/would also assure those ladles, who may be kind enough to pat ronise hor. that bur charges are at tbe same low rates as those of New York. Her establishment, therefore, com- blaas the advanta«ea of cheapness, with superiority of style, end latest Paris fashions. N. B.—Childrens' and Mourning Bonueta made to order, Already on band, 600 splendid Ladles Dress Caps, just imported, at 60 cunts and upward. Country oiistomers will please oall and examine. Jsn»—ly - v 0usiiK0a Director;;.. ' VOBtkBdP ft ALLEXOVO, • AtlftTMvi-ftkd CtoUNfilltn at liftVf AND HDI.1CITOR8 IN EQUITY. Omni, No. 17 Hmuii-tfrRKXf. CHARLESTON. 8.01 CUudian Bird .Northrop.. Alexander-Augaetln Allssaong. d*cl6 • • . ounce cSS - Eit l H®j™N?'w < l?miS?'nnEETa. Residence No. 14 Liberty'street; on* door west ot Dray ton. hov27' • - Room# over DeWltt ft Morgan's Store, Congress at. 0026 - ' ;• . . • ' • ly W. ttiuxe. " ' J. W OAUUHNO. NUtltUll ft OAUkOlNO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Busna Vista, Ga. FACTOR AND UKNKRAL^UJHMlLu)N*AERKCIlANT No. 68 Ray street, Suvannab, Georgia. - ’ aims TO ■ “ • Messt's. CUrhurn ft Cunningham. Bellftl’rotitlu, Ogden, Starr ft Co.,Savannah, *bd J..P. Thompson, Boston, novl rOH.V T. KOWLA.Ntl. JOtU( T. HOWUXD, JR ROWLAND dJ UO., • GENKlUl; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • 172 Hay street, Savannah. moqueen McIntosh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JacktonvUU, Ala. 'UEOiiGE Tnuup (iUWAKD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Otto#. Muuuineut Square, near dtato Bank, tjsvaensli, Ga. .. ouniNAuv’S orriiiis. 1 ' Uoruer of Ray and Whitnksr-Htreets. Office lionr* from B A..M , to 2, P. M.; stidfrom 3X !'. M.to6 P.M. U. A. U’BYUNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 176 Bay street, over Turner ft Co.'s UrujfHUir*. ‘ “ ’JTW. FATTJOllffON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKUAJR AT MV, * Troupville, Lowndes County, Ga. WILLIAM S. DAN 1ULL, ATTORNEY AT IMW, Corner Whitaker street and Bay Isne.Bsvsi-nah. i, U, UPSS ,J. B. DAVIS. w. a. toxo. UUfflfl .DAVlff ft LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • Savannah, Ga. A McAPIN & BRO S, LUMBER, MILL AND BRICK YARDS, •avannalt Ga l| * LUMBER, TIMBER AHD BRICK, In large quantities constantly.on hand; and Lcmskk sawed to any desired stae, CARGOES YUBhjiSUEI) AT BHORTE8T NOTICE. AgentsJ. W. SMYTH ft 00., 81 Btaver 8Ueet, NEW YORK. mar21 ; GKO. J. JUNKS, ” "> “ COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jonas' Buildings, Savannah, Geo. septl6 J. W. PHILIPS, DEARER IN GROCERIES. PRODUCE, LIQUORS, FHU11 AND OuNEECTION&r. " Corner ot West Broad and Harrison Streets, •ep7 SAVANNAH, GA. ly G. A* IlOLCOMBE, A. W., CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH TEACHER,, * aug26 GASTON 8TLECT. Stwjsnl ' 2, W.' aaKiiin. “* ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Moutloello, Jefferson County. Florida. Refers ns*—Hon. W. B. FUOtma, Savannah, Ga. . FD WAHD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND OOMMISSIONER OF > DEEDS. At Mstsrs. Ward ft Owraa’ Law Office. ly—marB wm. aenur oocrat. mo. ooum nusiR. CUUPUR ft FHABBKL f ACTORS 4 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street, bavnnnah, Ga. jy«—flm PATTEN, HUTTON At OO., fACIORS, I OR WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jy27 Bay Btseet, Savannah, Geo. ly ^G°SjXK?k)b^«? v»Su#°^Md#, Sfr, 6’s, 10’s and 1,lumps; 60 packages superior Rough A Ready, Virgin Leaf, JMj 200,000 Havana k 8eaara. aomu very superior; ISO ouxcr family, pale and No 1 Roup ; 60 boxes pearl Htarch; x 176 packsgia black and groan Teas; 1U0 bags Hlo Coifwo; 20 bags Java Coffee; 60 barrels refined and yellow Sugars; 100 kegs KKKliVowder; 60 halves and 60 quarter do; 10 lialfniposFrench Brandies; 6 pipes Holland Gin; 2 puncheons Jamaica and 1 do St Croix Rum; 60 boxes Claret Wine, St Julian Meddt; 160 basketa Heidseiok and other brands Champagna;- 10 quartar.casks Madeira and "Sherry Wine; 60 bansls sugar, soda' aud bwtU - CmIhm, 76 boxes adamantine and talla w Candles, 100 gross i.egro pipes, x6 boxes ploklts asaoitod. 20 boxes Catsups; 26 boxes Mustard, 26 bow Ground Pepper; 60 boxes Schl -dam Aromatic Schnapps, quart* i 20 barrels very old Monongahela Whiskey; 60 barrelsNo. 1, Sanaa < aokerel; 60 barrels Malaga and Port Wine. 76 barrel* Gin Rum, Whiskey and Brandy: Together with other artloles ceaerally kept in our line, for sale on accommodating terms, jania J. V. CONNKRAT k CO. JOUR O. FAlsIslQANT, WHOLK8AL* AND MTAIL DKALXH IN WINDOW BUNDS. WINDOW 8ASH AND PANEL DOORS, West Side Monument Square, Savannah, On. * JOliOPH OANAHIs, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Bay street, ovar tha Reading Room of the Republl- isn.entranoe I mmtdlately cast of - ““ Vw “* * mr 60 bbls Oar lar Potatoes; . • ' 100 bbla Pink'Rvas aud Hcritar Potatoes; 20 halt table (‘Fulton Market’* Beef;' ■ 24 bbla-.No. $ Mackaralf»aw| ^ w 90halfbblaNo,l do doj-\.. SfcfWfcJtalsk'.As^'- .•s*sr : 5s. ssi r v • sap^^a&wt-joww a oo. S no I 1UQAH AND COFFBl ‘ 10 Hhda Choice N.o. Sugar, . 10 do do BtjCroix do . 160 Beie Prime Orees Rio OeOw. v - 60MiAsOld GovernmantJavaOoTee, 10 BtgaMaracalbo do AO do Lagulra 'do 60 do Porto Rico . do-- to g* W ..OUNUmN > CO. T71LOVR, POT ATOM I * BIllOllU' I? 150 aaoka Granite Mills'Sapelfloeylour, 100 barrels Seed Potatoes, • 16 «‘ Sugar Bisculr, 16 “ Soda *• , . 60 boxes “ “ 16 barrels Pilot Brea'd. fresh, Received ahd for sale by feb28 McMahon'• doylk. XT 4 ** 1 Is®AN’ UAH.U—20 bbl* no. l lA*fU> lw kegs do do do do; Just reoelvsd and for tale by anlO ■ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A I 1 U*rLa-d; 50 00, WhtukerpSft do; 60 U!I1>6UMHm-40 bblHUId FasMIy kj bbls Monongaheta do; 60 * 06 bbls XX-do; 26 bbls X do; sv ucts nranayi wow «in» 60bbh Rum; 100 bbhTA BAG Sugar: 100.cheaU.Tea, va rloua brands; 100 cases Wolfo’s fcheldara Schnapps: 100 doa Cordial#; 60 doa Brandy CnarHes. Jfoeelvediand for sals by - ootl _ MoMAHON A DOVIJf. UANUUfiS, gOAP «Krj,MtCH. V - SOffl» A 5i«4 5 !?CT^W?iI. , BoWoitmm>leMkco ,800 bags 100 do Laguayra do; -* * 60 do Java do; 60 hhds Porto Klao, Muse'do and New Orleans Sugars; - 260 bbla Cruahad, Clarifled and Powdtred Sugars; 200 boxes various brand* and qualltlas Tobacco; « 60 hhda Sides audflhoulders,• ^ n•wmeat; , 00 cask# New Hama; 260 boxes No 1 Pale and Family Soap; 60 bbls do Leaf Lard; 1 ' 100 kegs do do do; 260 boxes Cheese; 60 kags Choice B utter: 100 boxes Common and Extra Candy; 100 do Adamantine Candles; . . 100 do Sperm and Tallo# Candles) 100 do No 1 Scaled Hsrrtnga; 160 bbls New Orleans Molaaaes; 600 do Whisky, Gin and Kum; 600 do Potatoes; 60 boxes Clay Pipes and Pipe Heads; 100 doa Painted and Varnished Buckets; ; 600 Empty Kegs; 200M Spanish and American Cigars: lu store and for sale on accommodating terms by , JanlJT HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A 00. ■ CJ UN OU1MM—76 boxes mould Candles; 60 do J Wlifs- O dell’s do; 100 do do Soap; 100 do Colgate's do; 76 tox- •a ground Coffee; HOO aaoka Rlo do; 76 mat* old Java do; IfILN ETjklS^t^m^nuUeuS^iy W. F. Attea, Obstelrtcs, Memoirs and Contributions, by jHinexY, 8lmpaon, Professor of Midwlfonr. Edinburgh. ' Lehmanns Phyaiologleal Chemistry, translated from tbe 2nd edition. By 0. R. Day, with Illustration#, 2 vol*. Kirk A Pitota physiology, and all the Tegt Books Used in the Medical Oolleges. Rev/ Dr. Camming'* Twelve Urgent. Questions. Helen Leeson; a Peepat New York Society. -The New.Parchaae, or Early Year* in the Far West. By Robert Carlton. . ' ^ ' . ABaeket ofChlpe. By John Brougham. .' Old Homestead. Fe male Life among the Mormons, Mary Lyndon, Doestlcks, J»pW,OM„ 8Ul*r. - THORNE WUJ.IAM3. America; Vl by Max Maretsek. r • . ' Awful Disclosure! ot U a» la Monk, of the Hotel Dleu Nun nery of Montreal, contalhlng also many IncldenU never be- f °ne lilthlMR Guardian; by Susanna MoodeJ. ( Am^ LM^or Without ana Within; by the author of *^Iewa an it Is la 1MI; a hand book for Emlgratloq. Teverno; a Romanoe by Georg\8snd>| translated by a **^Se dong of Hiawatha; a Poem by-Henry .Wodswprth LongNUow. Juno Clifford; by a lady; oneof the most pathetic, chaste and interesting productions of the day. The Lime Kiln Man: Received and for sale by novlfl S S. bIBLEY, lUftCongrexHRt. “ J- Bancrofts | ITEHABYand Historical MisnaUames, Essays and Ad- JU dresfts; 8 vo. A Journey through the Chinese Empire; by M Hue, au thor or M Recollections of Journey through Tartary and T 1S««!u nSittj'bjl»K5; of Sooi^l) MOdlUoo. Hr Braikor'l EH^rt Or Hill Worn.r, author of " Vol. lare and Oents,'* * Tbe Hlnling and the Slave; oy a South Carolinian,Sd Annate of Tennessee to tna ana ot tbe 18th century* by Dr JGMRameey. Remlnlecencee of. Charleston; by Chat Fraser. Maps ofUm Battle and Black 8oaa, of the Crimea, Be- HwjoryTor boya; by J B Kd^ir. THORNE WILLIAMS. BITS OF BLARNEY, B Y S R Maok*nai«,edior Life of Curran. Ac. Archbishop Wbately on the Scripture Revelations concerning a future state. Maud and other Poems, by Tennyson. Evenings with tbe Prophets, by Rev M Brown. The Gospel; with moral redeotiona on eaoh verse, by Pasquar Quaene], 2 vola. . Advantum of Sir Amyaa Leigh, by Kingaley# itorical, Pathological. Ethlo leal and Yellow Fsver, Historical, Patholu* Therapeutical, by Dr LaRoehe.2 vote. Bullock’s Amerioan Cottage Builder. McOormaeke Visit totheCampat Sevastopol. CoUier’a Maps of the Beat or War, Black Sea, Turkey, Russia. Cron* tad t, Baltic, Ao., Ac. The Nc woombes, by Thaokory. eomplet* in 2 vola. , sep20 , W. THORNE WILLIAMS. A rnn JUNO CLIFFORD, TALK by a l^vdy. Tliu Forajers nr the Raid of the Dogdaya; by Wm. Gilmore Simms. Lives or the Quetns ot Englaud of the House of Hano ver; by Dr. Doran; 2 vole. ’ Table Tr«lU, frith somethlog on them; by Dr. Doran. UabUjand&en. Richard the Fearless, or the little Duke; by Miss Yonge. ahthor of the lletr of Kedcliffe, Ao. DreamarVisions, Apparitions. Koataoy, Magosttsm and Somnambplism; by A. B, DeBalsmont. The Rad Eagle, a Poem of the South; by A. B. Meek, True Riohes; Two instructive stories for Young People. TheGlorrof the Redeemer in His Person ana Works; by the Rer. Octavius Winslow«• novlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. UMN'ny VKitNON j'uR, THE DiUAM. BY A GEORGIAN, T HIS is the title or a romanoe now In process of com pletion, which will be Issued in two numbers on the 1st and 16th of July, 186ft. The soencs are laid mainly in the United States, England aud «pain. The work will be printed on pure white papeL with new type, and will equal in quantity of matter an ordinary alsed duodecimo volume of 800 pager. It will be promptly Issued and for warded to all who will sand their orders aocoupanled with the cash. TERMS; ingle copy, two numbers $0 7A 9 clubs of threeormore.peroopr.M Remittances must be_madt in bills or change, and not In post office stamps. Address; . Je22 JAMES M. SMYTHE, Augnsla.Qa. olobaceo, various brands; received and fouaale by JanO MoMAHON A DOYLE. ACKKKEb, CODFISH AND HKHHlNUsI.20 Bbls No 1 and 2 Mackerel, 60 quintals Cod-Fish, ‘10 bbls Hsr- rings Receivsd apd for sals by MoUAHON A DOYLE. S MUD POTATOES—Selected exsnMIy for this market^-800 bbls, in store aad for sale by . markat-^600 bbls. in etore and for sale by feb& HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. H1BKY At MOLA«tMW _' lllustrated by upwards of 100 engravlnia. Harper and Putnam’s Magaslae, for Jons. Tba Conscript, by Alex Dumas. Lives and nmas of tha Chief Juitlees of tha United States, by Heniy Flanders. Landscape Pdatlnff, in water colors, by 8 Bernard.! Tba Two Guardians, by the author of the “ Heir o iRel- Uffe.» V # Tales for the Martnee, by Lisut Wise, author of “ Los Grin(os.l> Anecdotes of American Clergy, by Dr Belcher Arabian Ntghta,wlth 100 Uluatratione. . Mra Jameson's Common Plaoe Book of Thoughts. Leaves from a Family Journal. Jet \ W. THORNE WILLIAMS W 100 bbla Plke’e '-Magnolia” Whisky; • 160 bbla Uolassss, for sale, to arrlvs |Jer a#hooner arragansett from New Orleans, by Jania OCTAVya COHEN. /X ^NGKS, BanenM,SbaUdook’s Limes, a full supply of V/Rholoe fruit of all kinds, Just mshrad from tbe west lodlss and New York; and tor sale by a the V i D. JE8SK. SAM SLICK'S JJATURE AND HUMAN NATURE, by Judge Halybus- Tbe English Weuan la Russian So&sty and Mannsrsof the RuasUna at Homs, Tales for the Marines, by the author of “Los Gringos,” A pples a potatoes—^76 bbi* potat mercers; also, 10 bbla best red Apt' achr W L Cogswell, and Tor sale uu cons' >janl RO 1 itojau principally ile l, landing from :« and pints; HAIR T HU ASTONISHING AND UNKQUALLhD PREPARA TION hav never failed to produce a growth on Bald Heads, when used according to the directions, and turn hair black to Us original color, after having become gray, and reinstate it in all ita original health, lustre, snftnes*. and beauty. Removes at once all scurf, dandruff, and unpleasant itching, scrofula, eruptions and fevsrlsh heat from thasealp. It alao prevents the hair from becoming unhealthy and falling off, and hence acts as a perfect „ HAIR 1NVIGORATOR AND TONIC. Wa anatx a few certificates, to corroborate our asser tions, State df Illinois, Carlisle. Jane 27,1858. 1 bavaused Profsisor0. J. Wood’s Hair Restorative, aai have admired it# wonderful aQeot. Hy hair was be- •omlag, a* I thought permanently tray, bat by.wffi ofthe-'Beitoratlve,” It has resumed Its original cojor, and I have ao doubt, permanently so. SIDNEY RREKSE. Ex-Senator United St ate. A gentleman of Boston writes to hie friendsin New Bod- ford thus: \ To your inquiries I would reply, that when I first oom- ■unto* using Proftasor Wood’s Hair Restorative, my hair was almost white and had been ao for the last ten years ; sad It was very thin on the top of my hand, and vary loose, and pulled out frealyj but I found that before I had usedali tk* second bottle, (which wae eight .weeks,) my hair was entirely ahanged to ita original color, (light brown.) and Is now free from dandruff, and quite moist. I have had my hair ant five or six times since the change, and have asm seen anything like white hair starting from the roots; and It is now as thick as it ever was, and doe* not SVOAB, COFFEE, MOLASSES, AC. 26 hhds new crop Orleans Sugar, 10 do Purta Klou do, 10 do Cubs do, ■■■ SOI) bags Klo Colftjc, 160 do Laguayra do, 86 bags Java Coffee. 10 do Mooha do, 200 bbls Orleans Syrup and Mulasess, 6 oases extra-fine Ooolong Tea, 6 do do Hyson do, 76 pkg# Raisins, wholoff. halves and quarters, 10 frails sort Almonds, luOhbls Crackers, Butter, tiugar and Boda, 300 bags Shot, assorted, 60 keg# Dupont's Powder. 6000 lbs bar Lead, 100 boxes assorted Candy, 100 boxes large bowl Pipe*. 800 plurs Tobacco, various brands, -60 000 Spanish Segara, direct itnpurlaUun, 100,000 half Spanish and American Segaru, Received by receut arrivals, and for sale by fcb5' . HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k CO PAPEB HANGINGS. &o., &c» W ll. TUtlNKll, or New York, begs to Inform %•' the residents of ttavunnah that he has plain and ilecoiatiFi- I'Hpers for aale at New . urk prices, which he usu liana in truu nril-tlo #tyl#. IVuelllug in Dak; Mar ble, II#pie and KieMco ducoratinu# for rooms; Block Mar bling end i'nnoiling for'psssage* an>l staircases, at 1-lUth of the paint-n-. charges. Having had many years expert • once In Europe and Now York {ie is confident of giving #atbfaction to his patrons, Whltnker street. JanO Two door# Irom Congress #t. P epper, mustard, yeast powder; aboda— 100 boxes Ground Pepper; 100 - Tiger Mustard; 150 •• Fresh Yeast Powder#; 100 •• Sup. Car. Soda; Received aud for sale by mar7 Moll A HON h DOYLK- 3 LUB DENiMrt AND llRil.LS-^CMei' Blue Denims and ’ Blue Drills, bales Brown Drill#, for sale by WILLIAM U. FOOTE. B Ya'c'uTr AND ililiOAU.—26 bbls Soda Uisouitt 76 boxos do.flo.; 26 bbls Butter do.; 25 do. Sugar do ; 26 do. Pilot Bread. Rouelvod and for sale by feb 12 MCMAHON ft DOYLK. A. II. CHAMPION, (Successor to Champion ft Watts.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, No 4 Barnard street, between the Market and Bay street. SATAXXAH, GA. Dealer In Groceries, Foreign and Domestio Liquors, Drfod Fruits, fto., fto. Reference—A. Champion, Eaq., SamuelSolomone, Esq., Messrs. Rabun ft Whitehead, Swlh ft Co..Savannah, Ga. “ WILLIAM H. DASIIKU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ttoupville, 1-owndes County, Ga. Will practlo* in Thomas. Isjwndea.CUnoh, Ware, Appling Telfair, Irwin, Laurens, afid Pulaski counties, Georgia; and in Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Colombia counties, Florida. JV** WM. V, mtAlAMI. - THADDXtS OUTXX, JACK BROWN. WILUAGU, OLIVER H SHOWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, iluoaa Vista, Marlon County, Ga., Will practice in the counties of Marion, Maoou, Houston, Stewart. Randolph, Muscogee, Lee. and any adjoining counties where their services may be required. Jan28 JOllN 11. CUCIIRANH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county. Ga., late junior partner of the firm or A. ft J. Oocaiuxa, Irwlnton, Ga., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. G. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.; M. Marsh, Savannah. may7—dftwly ; ♦ M. willT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alligator, East Plorida. Wll) practice in the Eastern and Southern counties, Refer to Col, 8, S. Sibley, and R, B. HU ton. Esq., Savannah, Ga FKHO1NAN0 MOULTON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Washington City, D. C. Will practice in the various Courts of the Distrlot, and at tend to the prosecution of claims sgainst the Govern ment. w June22 C OAL—200 tons Superior Parlor Goal, Price $0, For sale by OOTAVUS COHEN, i. Price feVeader, Samples can be smm at the wharf of Messrs. Oarieton ft Parsons. deolO . i, by Rand’s Chemistry, for tha use or Students. Lutheran Manual on Scriptural Prineiplas or tbe Augs lurgConfoealoD. , Adams' Equity, fid American edition—by U Wharton. English Common Law Reports, vol 78, Kent’s Commentaries, new edition, 4 vol*. O'Doherty Papers, new snpply. MedleoCbirurgteal Reviews lor April. • my24-W. THORNE WILLIAMS. W HISKY—100.bbla Pike’s, by dsn-TO MoMAHUN ft DOYLE F lour, flour— ~ 200 bbls Denm sad Fli-ur; 160 do Oakley do; Just recsivtd and for salu by Janl7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNBON ft 00. SOAP. GANULfelN, ETAltOH, ftO. NAPOLJfiON. ( W \ BOXES Smith and Buchan’s Family Btiap; 1UU 60 do Colgate’s Pale do; 100 do lb bar and no; 1. do; 60 do Beadall'a fieandfvTellowiCao^M; 26 do Ulggin's do do; WO do Oewego and BeadeU’s Pearl Stareh; 2ft bbls hand made Cugar Crackers; 20 do Soda do; 60 boxes do ' ,r ’ do. Just received aud for saie hy iORANTON, rpHE History of Napolton BOhaparto, by John S C Ab J. bolt, in 2 volumes, 8 vo, with maps aud upwards of 100 Illustrations. Quskstt on the Microscope, new edition. Oonstanee Herbert, a novel, by G EJewabury. LeCure Mangos, or Social and Religious Customs In Franoo; by Eugene Oourcellon. Sir Amyaa Leigh's Voyage of Adventures in the reign of her moat Gracious Majesty Queen Elisabeth, by Clia# Kingsley, author of Wypatta, fro. Bouthslde View of Slavery, or Three-Month# at the Bmstli <• ISftftf by M Adavnt, D D. Man of Obaraotar, by Douglas Jerroftl. new supply. Chambers' Edinburgh Magaslno for June. Battles of thaOrimea, new supply. 16th Georgia Soprema Court Reports. jgl7 - w rnnnN T. iv. BAKlflU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, South Newport,Georgia. Will attend the Superior Court in the counties ut Chslbsui, Liberty, McIntosh,Camdedt Glyun, Wayne. War pling and Tattnall. JBMB V, liftQttNAllU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELIAIR-AT LAW, NewnansvIlle.Fla. e L. Brown, WHIiam Dell, NewnansvlUe, Janl9 SORANTON, JOHNSTON ft-CO. )LANTING HOTATUftflB—60 bbls (P. K.) Plant log Potatoes, landlngAnd for sale by Mil SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. XTBW MACKEREL—Just received a lot of Choice New At Mackerel for sale by sep!8 JOHN D. JE88E. R ICE.—100 bushel* Seed Kloe, reoelvedacd for sale by - feb 16 MCMAHON k DOYIJC a ; A ’U(;8Urim?ifrt5ln B SfoC^»e^ C, ' AuV 60 Rags Old Uovernmsnt Java Coffee. fad do (ofmats) Old Government Java Coffee. 26 Bags Choice Maracalvo do 60 do do Porto Rico do 60 do do Lagulra u do 10 Hhda. do St, Croix Sugar. 10 do do Potto Rloo do 160 Box** Colgate's No. 1 and Bar 8oap. too do smith’s k Bnchan’sFamily Soap. 60 do Colgate’s Pale do do 76 do Besdell’s Tallow Caudles, fl« ft B». 100 do Oewrgo and Colgate’s Pearl Starohr 50 do Beaded'* Pearl Starch, ' 26 do Ground Coffoe, 1 and lb. paper*. 26 do do Pepper. 75 BblsE.Treadwell’a Sugar, Soda and Butter Biscuit. 26 du K. Treadwell’# Pilot Bread. 26 Boxes Adamantine Candles. SYDNEY SMITH. MEMOIR of the Rev Sydney Bmlth, by his daughter . Lady Holland; 2 vole. ..lastrated Manners Book, a manual of good behaviour and polite accomplishment. The American Cottage Builder for Homes for the people, bvJ Bullock. Tome’s account of the Panama Rail Road. Harper’s Magaslne for September. A new aupplly of Mary Lfndon, Doestlcks. Huo’# China. Moquito Shore, Sam Slick, Women of tbe French Revolu tion, aud First Exile of Napoleon to Elba. Harper’s Establishment,or how Bookk are made, with numerous plates, aug80 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. ND ita Religion, with incidents ot tT4V*l in that ooun- try; by Root. A. Wilson, with illustration*. Lily; a novsl by a lady of Charleston, author of >■ The Busy Momenta of an Idle Woman.” Charles lamb’s Works, with sketehei of his life; by Thos. Noon Talfoord: In 2 vol*. Out of Debt,out or Danger: by Opusin Alice. Grate’s History of Greece, 11 vol*. Fitsgerald’s Exhibition Speaker. _ Maud and other l’oem#;by Alfred Tennyson. Harper’s Story Books, vol. 4. Westminster Review Tor October. EcleclIoMsgasine for November. OQV17 W. THORNE WILLIAMS landing aud in store, for sale by ■I*” 3 . _ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. C IDER—10 bbU Riotlfled. received and for sale bi i eo30 ■* « MoMAfiON ft ik)Vl,K B Rerenmoe—George L. Brown, William Dell, Newnamu Fla.; R. B, Hilton, Boston ft Viliaionga, Sqrsnnsh, L IQUORS AND WINES.—ID u#ir nipt# Olard and other Frenoh Brandies, 16 eighth.casks of TilOMAH UUGI1KI IllNKfi, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIiLOit AT LAW. Troupville, Georgia. Will praetise in tue Circuit Courts of Thomas, Lowed*#, Clinch. Ware, Appling and Irwin. Georgia; and in the Circuit Courts of JefUrton. Madison and Hamilton, of tho Midale Clrenit of Florida, and In Alat-b • and Co lumbia countie# in the Eastern Circuit of Flori a. Will attend to the alalus of all persons before Ih Depart; mont# at Washington. HATUAN6C. UlfiN'l’ON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ..... — -, ...... .. Marietta, Georgia. C tfUDTSII dit XlftflllHlNGE^t hhds Codfish; 100 will practice in tho following counties : Cass, Campbell, boxes Herrings;Jnet received and for saleby Carroll, Cherokee, DeKalb, Fulton, Forsyth, Dickens, J»»19 SCRANTON. JOHNaTON ft CO i.. u ldin. and ColS. Refers to Jams* M. Carter ft Co. JOllN M. ItULLUNi ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office corner of Whitaker and Bay-streets. Will practice in the Courts of Sorlven, Bulloch, Effingham, — Bryan, liberty, Mulntosh, Glynn, Camden and Chatham TOfthSH PATE—Assorted, just reuoived and lor sale by counties. *. fob J JanO A. HON AUD, Corner of Bay ft BuU-sta. Eronoh Brandies, 16 piglitli casks of very old French brandy, 26 quarter oasks Madeira, 60 do, ao. Malaga pipe# Holland Gin, 2 puncheons Jamaica and at. Croix Rum, 60 boxes St. Julien Clarut. 6 quarter casks .Wine,100 bbls, Domestio Gin, Whiskey. Hum and Brnndy- nr sale by nova • I. V. CONNKRAT ft GO. H AMN, Juvt received—6 tierces choice family Hama; 6 bbls extra family Lard; -10 bbls and hall bbla Pig Pork, 60 box** Beadel’s Soap, Starch and Tallow Caadles; 60 do Adamantine Candles; in store and for sale *•“ DAVID O’CONNOR, curnnr Broughton ft Drayton sta. I ’llUSSH SALMON r JiOBSTEKSft SARDINES—For sale by Jan3 A. BONAUD. B Y MRS. AN^j M. STKPHKNti. author of Fashion and Famine, Harper’s Ctaasloal Library, translated and published in volumes, site of Bohns editions, Virgil,Sal lust and Horace, received, to be followed by others. Abbott# Young Christian Sories, vol 4, Hoaryhead and McDonner, Improved and enlarged with numerous en gravings. -Japan and Aaound the World In Commodore Perry’s squadron, by J W. Spalding, with illustrations. Christian Theism, the testimony of reason and revela tion to the exlstenoe and character of the 8upreme Being. A basket of chips, by J. Brougham. Mortimer’s College Life, b/E, D. May. Harper’s Magaslne for November. North Amerioan Review for October. Vole 10. 11. and 12, Curlis’ Decisions U. ti. Supreme Court. ool30 W.THORNE WILLIAMS. -JAILAST SUITABLE FOR PAVING-50 tone Stone, D eultablo lor paving fto.; for sale, if applied for imme- (lately. nov22 ROWLAND ft SON. H ay—i br - 160 bales North River Ua< liar, landing and for CRANE, WELLS ft C D IUED FRUIT, 1TGKKLS ANDCATaUP8.-26 t» a— -*■* ’ * • ‘ H AMS—25 Bbls. Choice Mama. Received and for sale by' MCMAHON ft DOYLE. i )B braslTEnglish’Cheshire oheeseifiZo dosen aaaorted i JtF Engllih^piokfos and sauess. landing from ship CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Paulding and Cobb. Refer* to Jams* H. Carter ft Co, .... AfiHOKT. MASTER BUILDER, Will take oontraets for Building and Work In Matonary of J. V. CONNKRAT ft i Lertch, and fdf sale by eome out at all. It baa prevailed In my case all that I eould wish to aik. Jsly 1,1816. Yours,... Gardinsr. Mains, June 22.1864. Dear Sir: I have used two bottle of Professor IW ood’s HMr Restorative, and,pan truly my, It is thegreawst discovery of the age, tor restoring aha changing the hair. Before nslng it, l was as gray as a man or seventy. My hair has uow attained its original color. Youeanrecom- mead it to tbe world, without Die least fear, as my case wai one of tbe worst Mad,- ' w Yours, D. N. MURPHY. St. Louis. March 7,1864. Prof.Wpod : My hair commenced foiling off some three or foiryears eluce, and continued to do so, until 1 be- •sue quite bald. 1 tried all the popular medicines of tha day, but to no effect. At last, I was Induced to try your MU Wed Hair Restorative, and am happy to say,At U doing wonders. 1 ha vs now a fine growth of young hair, aud ekserfu’ly rsoommend its use to allelmlmrly affliet- •d. A. C. WILUAMS.lft38eocndstreet. .' Raeln, Mich.. August 2.1165. This is to certify, that one year ago, I was quite gray, and my hair ao thin upon the top of my head, that I feared its satire toes. In this condition, 1 applied for and obtained a battle ot Prof. Wood's “RestoraUvs,” Md be fore I bad aaed one quart bottle, the gray hairs bad an- Unly disappeared and it had thickened up, ao as to be as fuU as usual and It aaai * lUNDKIES—16 boxes Aft B Colics; 20 doson Mustard, 0 3 do ground Ctonamon and Ginger, 6 do do Pepper, 80 do feaatPowder,in store, aud lor saielby , DAVID O’CNNOR. aug21 cor. Broughton ft Drayton Sts. L IQUORS-100 bbls Bum) 200 do Pike's Whiskey, 76 do Smith’s do; 76 bblsGln; 10 halfpipes Brandy, in store ana for sale by aep20 ~ CWTAVUd COHEN. SAVANNAH IsOAN AII1M11 ATI ON ITOUK. T7IUR SAIJi—Twenty (20) shares Savannah Loan Asso JP elation Stock. Apply at this office. 'deal—U A^TER I’OTATOES.—26 bbls Carter Potatoes Juet re- celved, for saleby every description. Residence, No, 8 Jeam StRixr, Em or Dmnox bTRxxr. WM, fit. LEWTON « CO,, 1 MOTORS, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. 1 (Wm. M. Lswtox, * Often No. 13 IR. WiwwwanT Uacot. lUtMern Wharf) j Joaxrx T. Dtu, ang4—eoddm / (Wumoux Lswroa. Jr. IPBNOBH CUURULL ft CO.. OXMUL AUCTION 4 COMMISSION MtMCHKNTS, 1M Bay Street, SOLICIT from their friends consignments of evsry de- 5 scripttoh. - My personal attantlon will bo given to the sale or Real Estate, Bank Stock, fte. Itf AUKiUKL, nPOmoEi ft APPLKS- 1VJL 100 barrels medium No. 8 Mackerel; 200 do White seed Potatoro; 100 do Meroer do; 60 do Baldwin Apples; or sale by decal » OTAVUd COHEN. B cwranm mne— 26 kegs choice Goehen Butter; 60 boxes do English Dairy Cheese 76 do d > White do; Just reoeivedand for saleby / >: fob20 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. T>At)Oft iiBSi ft HAMS—26 hbds prime nav JJ Baoon Sides; 6 casks choice sugar cured Hams; land log and for sale by JmIP HCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. USED/POTATOES AND APPLKH-200 barrels white 1J seed [Otstoee; 100 do Mercer do; 4».do-Baldwin an. “ ' Sale, to v_ BOOXS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! D AT REDUCED PRICKS. EdlROUB of rode dog his stock on hand, ths under signed offers his books for sale at n slight advance roly .on New York coat, Persons wishing to replenish o* mnply themselves with • Library of good choice books, mill find It to thslr advantage to call and purchase. Pa rents and Taaobars can supply themselves with school 1 ’ iry cheap, and mereneata also with blank books, id stationary. 0, i opon Ion / 0 K aid stationary. Call soon, as tha opportunity will opon Ion / m B. ft. SIBLEY, 136 Congreis at. plea. For M a arrive, by OCTAVPS COHEN. COL. HABDEE’S TACTICS. B IFLE and Light IaQsntry Taotles, prepared under the direction or thq War Department lor the ose of tba Army and the Militia, in two pocket volumes. Cavalry Taotiee, prepared by order of the War Depart- _iant. • a*’ Lights and Shadows of English Life, a novel, by the an- tboreaa of “ Tha Belle of theSeaeoa ” Female Life among the Mormons, by a Wifo of a Mor mon Eldar. , Visit to ths Camp befors Sebastopol, with Maps and En- -ravings. Ins and Outa, or Paris by Day aad Night; by Julie De Merguerettes. New Hope, or, the Rescue; a tale of the Great Kanawha. Clive HaU, by the aatbor of “Amy Herbert,” fte. Harper and Putnam for August. - augl - W. THORNE*WILLIAMS. PHARMACY, A N Introduction to Practical Pharmacy, a text book XL for the Htudent, and gttldato tbe Pharmaceuta#t aud druggists; by PM..Parrish, with upwards of 2Q0lllurira- tlons. IsioturesoaEngliah History aud Trade Poetry; by the late Professot Retd, of the University otPeonsylvenls. '■ Grote’s History of Greece; 10 vol.,12 mo. Dugganee* Poems; uiorrocco, extra. Kreble'e Christian Year; elegantly Illustrated ynd bound in Tarkey morocco. Poets and Poetry df Amerlcafantlqne eslf-Sktra FemalePoets of America; do do. Harper and Putnam. Magaslnes, for December, Ixmdon Art Journal for November, i hamber’a Edenburgh Journal for Deeember. decs . . W. THORNE WU.L1AMS. 1 tngty-wAw D IAHY and Correspondence ol osmuel Pepys’, In the reigns of Charles It. and James H„4vols., with two portraits. - tf tetohes of Virginia, Historical and Biographical, by W. H. Foots. Tha Moral a reach of Cou Brown's History of Greek Classical Literature. AnEacapedNovicefromthe Sisterhood of St. Joseph, by Joeeohina M. dankley. Napoleon at St, Helena, with llluhtratlon*, by John 8. U. Abbott. 8 voR.eioth, gilt. A Child’# History bf tba United States v by Jno. Bonner. 2 voli, lAMtdou Quarterly Review, for Ocl’r. Tho laucetfor Nov. ft Deo'r.' DisturnelP# Railway Guide, Plulectio Magatine tor December. d«sl4 W.THORNE WILLIAMS. JAMES GORDON BENNETT. M EMOIRS of James Gordon Gannett nod hie Times. Bam Slick in aearch ofn wife. The Island Empire or Soanes or the-First Exile of the mperor Napoleon 1st. ^Mineral Springs of the United 8tataaand Canada, by Dr. .Diseases of the Human Teeth by Dra. Fox ft Harris. Prichard’s Natural History of Han, 4th edition, enlarged by Norris, with numerous colored plate*. Walkna, or adventures on theVlsquIto Shore, by BA Baird. Art, Hints, /'rchitecture, Sculpture and Painting, by arvea, Kirwin’s Letters to Bishop Hnghss. History of ths Council of Trent, by Rungener. A new supply of Deestieks. Hue’s China. Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol. Tod’s Clinical Leotures on Paralysis and the Brain Heiress of Haughtoa or the Mother's Secret, auglfi W. THORNE WILLIAMS. COAL AND WOOD YARD. I JTJTtHOMAS - Offers for aale at th* - UNION FERRY WHARF. , A 8DPPLY OF BKD A8H woos Cooinmvrs ban depend upon beinniroail with a good article. *StrIct VttanWgto® 1 ! xnrement. Boses for orders are placed at IL. Menrs, J. M. Cooper ft Co., W. G. Dickson, W. f at toe office el the Morning News,'and af my r Jones-street. . - • ’ J Janl6 TXRMI CASH, 2 afftf" WoOBiASST - lVllllnk'a Wharf, near ttts Gsi L. mHE mhwriber Inform* tba pubUc that he la n X and will keep oonatantiy on band a good i m . irqen and eeasoqed oak, and dry pine, sad aollefta a ai From hie friend* and the publlo. • ... - the Georgian office will be promptly fiftl tended to. [oo 26—tl] DAN’L O’OONNOR. Falrbanlu’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALES A. S l li£n)“ ^, oAS ^, ^■opTR*fNa , UAito I In use on nearly all the principal Railroad* ta tl United States and GreatDritaln. ¥ ^ On Wheels—expressly for Founderies, Rolling MUla, lr“ Houses, fte a fte.. •" UXOR" :v.^.n. u.jt—.., BAYARD TAYLOR’S JAPAN A VISIT to India, China and Japan In 1863, by Bayard iJL Taylor Kvsnings with the Prophets a series of memoirs and meditations, br Rev A Morton Brown. Clouds and Sunshine in the Lila of a Village Pastor, Harbaugh’a Heavenly Home, 8 vols. Flint's Clinical Reports on Continued Fever and Typhoid Fever. Gooch's Practical Midwifery. Fordyce on Fevers. Mendenhall’s Medical 8tudenta VadsMecum. with up wards of200(llluitraationa. Beasley’s Medical Formulary. Do Presort ptiou Rooks, Wood’s Practice. Bell ft Stokes' Dickson’s, Watson's, Dnnglison’s, and all other medical works for Btudenta aud Practitioners, at reduced prion*. ool7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. SwUen graduated to rdrelgn Stai aodperfect adjustment Is sueh that they am a - THE STANDARD! • from which than la oo appeal. -BILL k PEENTUK Agents. SavanSh. Bafts. UKftRlilQ'fi FATERr F1REPEOOV SAW PhUbrtck ft Bell, 1_ |n,|ni- . The subscriber o to manufaetbrohli td Patato Fire aad nargui Proof Safas, warraatadaqaa-, tqany, and saaerior to seat. i of tha many which have beta tested, as pnblisbad aadanr of Hall's Patent Powder Proof Lock, both having rttolved Mparato medals at tbe World’s Fair, London, Uu, and N. York in 1863- 4. Also, the patentee (by purcfaaM) of Jones’* celebrated-Combination and Premium Bank look. w W*SdOinffddwaa placed In the safe exhibited at tbe World'a Fair, London, secured by Hall's and Jones’r*»a« and offered as a reward to any oat who eould ■ locks or open toe safo within forty-five days, and a! operated upon by several skilled In toe art of 1m tag, no one succeeded In opening the safe, (no ef alteration in too looks or keys having been auf the time,) but the money remained in ita safli d . and was returned to toe proprietor, and a medal awi him for toe champion 8alb of tha world.' CAtmov.—None genuine except those bavtaf the sub- ecriber’s name on a neat plate. * . SILAIC. HERRING, Pine and Watar-sta.,New Yesfe. N.B.—TbeaboveSafMandI#Nkaoanhehadataaaan- faoturer’s prioes ol hfo authorlled agents In all the friaet- pal cities in ths United States andCaaad*. JaaS4 ** F1RBPE00F SAFES. ~7 it idutbiii n>ppi.v BELL A PRENTISS. . . fe^^ort^sr^rli JUST RECEIVED per Seh'r. North £tate, direet from the manufactory, 22 of thoee well known Herrai’a Patent Fire . Pi oof Safes, assorted T als*e lard prices.ooellft HOLIDAY BOOKS. A SELECT assortment of elegant works with nnmsrons fine engravings ana splendidly bound, suitable for Utiristmas presents, The Holy Gospels illustrated Id 40 original design*, by Overbaok, Folio, Antique, 4f. Gems of British Art, illUHtraled with 80 superb lino engravings, folio, antique, of, ornament# or Memory ; or, Beauties of History, Ho- maun* end Poetry, .with xe engrapL**#, quarto, calf,- The Womeu of the Bible, with 18 engravings, new edition, royal 8ro, antique, calf, gilt, The Republican Court, containing 21 portraits of dis tinguished Ladies during the days of Washington, mo rocco,extra gilt. The Queens or England, by Miss Strickland, with 27 elegant portraits, antique, calf, gilt Life of Martin I.uther and the Reformation In Germany, br Stark; beautifully illustrated, with 10 engravings, an tique calr. - «. Leaflets of Memory, anillumiuHted annual, 11 engra vings, morocco extra. Soanes In the Life of our Saviour, Illustrated, calf extra. Women of the Scriptures, with 8 Illustrations, calf extra. Gem Book of British Poetry, with Portraits,- cxeauted in the finest style, moroceu extra. Washington Irving’s Sketch Book, with engravings Irom original designs, byDarley. - Female Poets of Amerloa, with engravings, antique calf, Poets and Poetry of America, do do. Birds of the Bible, illustrated with elegantly colored engravings, The Mnnnnftltq. the Snow Flake, the Gem, Annual Affections, Gift. Friendship’s Offering, and a variety of other works, with fine engravings amfbinding*, deelfi W. THORNE WILLIAMS. DOUGLAS JERROLD’S M EN of Character, containing Titus Trumps, Jack Runnymede, Job Pippins, and lasso Cheek, with en graving#. Mammon,or the Hardships of an Heiress—by Mrs Gore. The Rag Bag, a collection or Ephemera—by WllUi. Trl-colored Sketches or Pari* in 1861,1852 and 1868- plates. Scientific Annual for 1866. The Country Neighbors—by Mrs Dupuy. author ol The Conspirator, fto. Foster’s first Principles of Chemistry, adapted for Utattljts. Jtnulrg, Sft. WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE QL . I# receiving by every arrival a /-v^g-L law and rlcli assortment of l AkK .Gold and SUror Watches, Diamond Plus, Ear aad Singer Rinjre, Mantle and other Clocks, Spoon*,, Forks, Tea Nett*, Casters, fto., of Sterling Sliver. Jewelry In every variety. Lronr Table Cutlery, fine Pocket Knives and Selssors, Rich China and Parian Vases, and othar artloles. Fine DouBle Barrelled Guns, manufactured to his own order.. Gunning Implements of all kinds, ' Plated Waiters, Casters, Tea Betts and Candlesticks, with a great variety or Fancy Artloles, suitable lor wedding girt*, too numerous here V> u«a(Uu. • - • AU kinds of Watches and Clooks lepaired by tba most irlancad workmen. 9. W1LMOT, fto. l Market square. ORNAMENTAL HiOH ^QRK~ Made to order by F. NOLTIMIER, at the store of T „ J.WUsnot, No* 1 Market Iqaars. HE attention °1 the public Is reipectfohy invited ton rich and beautiful assortment of patterns afr the above stare. The superiority of woikmanshlp and durability of tfaeee ornaments Is well known to those who, for theUeteflve years, lavored him with their orders, end by comparison with otter work, wherever made, will be at once par- oeived. The assortment embraces ererytblugthatcan be made of hair. AUo. Devises. Boquets aud letters on Ivory for lockets or broaches. Prices moderate,, • JaftO VATCIlKffi," JEWELRYft~FANU YOOOOft, 1E0K1VING by every arrival of the ataAmersIfreah addl- - 1* tlons. making tha beat assortment in this city, of all kfoJ* of watches, Jefrolry, Fanoy Goods, Silver Bpcow, torlu, Pitchers Tea Set.,Cups, Syphon#, Plated OnateM, and every variety of article# cauneotad with eur Une if business; nit of which will be sold as low ns In any dty in tbeUnion. ». o, NICHOLS. AGP" Particular attention given to the Repairing o( Watches and Jewelry. . no20 HAIR ornaments. 0 ,F EVERY DESCRIPTION executed on the premises'' 1 ,NOLTTUlUt. lu the most superior maoner ail of wblch wlU be furhlsusd the dty or country custom er on the mo#t reasonable forms, aud at prices as towns at any other establishment or tho kind in the State. nut2l B, WlLMor, No. 1 Matketsquaro. JUistdlancons. The must eminent Gratae# aad Statesmen of Ancient and Modern Times—by Dr,A Haraha. Contents: Lord Chatham, Unrke, Grattan, Fox. Curran,Sherman,Canning, Pitt, Patrick Henry, Fisher Ames, Calhoun, Webster, fto. apI9 W. THORNE WILLIAMS' (NEW BOOKS. R eceived by w. thurnk williams- Appleton's Encyclopedia of Biography of tba most distingulHtied persons of all limes. Edited by the Ker. Francis L. Hawks, With numerous Illustrations Rogers* Table Talk. TJieCourtesiesoTWedded Life; or the First andSecond Marriage. By Mra. Leslie. The Island of Cuba; by Alexander Humboldt. Transla ted by J. BNThrashsr, with a map. Ths Decameroaof Boccaccio; translated, with eighteen engravings. Widow Bodot Paper'. Madame Hovlgne’s Letters, edited by Mrs. Barah J Hsle. Ellnt’s Explorations of Diseases Afleoting tbe Respirato ry Organs. Lehmann’# Manual of Chemical Philosophy, with ootea by Dra. Morris and 8*muei‘Jackson. Irving’s Ufo of Washington,-Prescott’s Phillip n,. Na poison’s Conlldsntial Correspondence, Chemistry of Com mon L'ft, Ernest Llnwood, Pepy's Diary. mar27 WTORY^thsKelgaof Prescott, la 2 vols. .. gfeUow’s8oDg of Hiawatha. Mystic; by Bailey, author of Feetus. House by tbe Bea; by Thos Buchans aClark; by Fanny Fern. TTWTC XL Pre Longfol The My Spain; by WH SCRANTON. JOHNSTONfc CO. 10MBE. JOHNSON ft OO; A-igKaBifi^Ysarv^R’ for* cheerfully recommend It to all tliose ladiea who value abnutifal bead of hair. -I will also state that I use lt now, oceasionaUy,tor It# hsafthy^y^toautl^rlnj^effeots. .,|ba»*asedProfessor Wood's M4to advantage. U prevents tot hair from oomtag oat, fuuitV/ofeSSfto’to * °°* flUr W,tk B#ln,lt * 0Une V HENRY A, CLARK, MUbigan Aftanr. f Dr ' 0. J. Wood—Sir 11 hava «r »»M .l uf lhftt lira.), lb I«U, #o,. »l« fiaft&Sk’iSruB at?4srtfss & ^ Sral S MOKED 8ALMON. (new) Just received per steamer Alabama by • novl JOHN D. JESSE. ■ilTTERa, SYRUP ft CORDIALS—160 cases Bitters, as- X) sorted brands; 76 boxes Lemon Syrup; 76do assott- 1 Cordials; received and for sals by' mar? MoMAHON ft DOYLE. B urnell, CHEESE, AO.—M kfg* »electe<l Butter; 11 boxes Cheese: 10quintals Codfish; 100 boxes Her- riPjgi^Undlng and for sale *— “ TURK* ti 2 A Ad Buanels Turks Island Halt. Landtag and •UUU for tale by deoafi CIiAOHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. K IHlK»aiOUKIa£-35 ArSS.SSmHaUar, Tlkuu. Cheese, reselved per eteamer and for ee' n>0 MnMAHQN 4 AUD, 1116ftiKINGfi, POTATOICB ft COD- I F1BH-26 bbls prime new no. 1 Leaf Lard; 7ft kegs do do do do; 100 boxes Herrings; 60 bbls Carter Potatoes; S bhd# Codfish, landtag aad for sal* by Jaal HOIULNTOK. iGHNWON ft OO Hiram Roberta, Esq. Pierson. HstdtftCo. IB. F Wood ft Co I Noble Lyon, Esq. tnyP M. FITZGERALD, Corner off Broockton sued WbltakentmU, SAVANNAH, GA,, JDCOESOB to'T 0. t eftetually the hot damp at- moaphsr* of a Bouthern Climate; also Lei beryflyrnp.fta. Terms cash, prloee low. pHAMPAGNEWINE-100 baskets Flper fcCo. Held- HARPER FOR MARCH. TTNITED Stata*', Oni.ckChampsgn.... ^ JJW^'Lll. in Broxil, with upward, of 100 il^.U . - '50 75 do. 100 do 76 do. 76 do. 600 do. 100 do. 100 do. Bquler’s notes on Central America, with original maps aad Illustrations. Parisian Sights anj-French Principles, stun through Harpers'Story ~ * toanfff rjiH HUOION, afUBMnin ft COh ton aad cwitosu Miwbaats, •rs. in tha aala of Cotton aad all other uounfry i ..... Being ooaneeted ta bmstaeas with Horcxa, Hen I Oo. nfUbarisatouitlia establishment of an effieo In this city wUl afford our friends eho4e* of markets. WMrt uttan- Uon will i givsa to business, and the usual taeiUtUe af. forded ousronms. . J.R. HUDSON, t W. R.-FLKM1NG, LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. OOHKN. Ohariestoa Sperm do. Pals, Family and No. ISoap TDilet do Lemon Syrup; 100 dos Brooms; 100 do. Buckets; - 76 do. Bra<» bound Pall*; 76 do. Neste Tubs; 100 do. Eoxe# Tobacco, assorted ; 7ft do. Pipes; 100 half chest Tsa, various qualities ; 100 bales wrapping Twine; 100bales8ogar, todaand Pilot Bread,received aad yt^wvte* l 1. P **' T)- saleby febfi . MoMAHONA DOYLE. fob*! W*. WORNE WILUAM8. -D j,vol,6. — —Quavers, by Max MarefSsek. Tba Hunters’Feeat, by Caps. Maya* Read. . Mimic Life, hr Mre^lowsttRitchie, Jhe Prince of the House #( David/ by Professor lugro- Macaulay's bgland, targe edition, in sheep' uud in -'-‘htvota.fiaadf, • do) eheap edition, 12mo. ..nfidantial Correepoaaesoe of Napoleon with his bro ther Joaftph. S vola. Godey’s Lady Book for March. Rose;OUrfc,jTaany Fen’a ZJfo._ Butt Hall u WUwa>s The House by the Bea; by Thos Buchanan Read. Rose Clark; by Fanny Fern. Pbcentsclaua, or Sketohes and Borleiqnea; by J Phoenix, Irish at Home and Abroad, at th* Court and in the Aroold’s Christian life, its Courses, fte, * Blind OIrl of Wittenberg, a picture of tbe Times of ther and the Reformation. Waiter Karl’s Sketch Book. The Prince orthe House of David, or 8 years In the HoV/ City: by Professor Ingraham. ' . Village Farm and Cottage Architecture, lOOengravloa i JanO >7. THORNE WILLIAMS, HOV. UU XUBBATB itea, Canada and Cuba; ■ %J Schwegler’s History of Philosophy in Epetame, translated by Beeyle; Prescott’s Philip II of 8paln, nsw supply in half Mil and In cloth; * Napoleon’s Confidential Correspondence with bis Mo ther Joseph; Da van’s History of tbs Quito's or the House of Hanover —2vol*t Th* Aliachl in Madrid; Romance of th* Harem, by Miss Pardue! Rachel Gray, by Jolla Havana ugh; Ernest Lin wood, by Mrs. Lee Hants. mart W. THORNE WILLIAMS RE M OVAL. PAPER WAREHOUSE. UEOABBE BaOTHSBS, Paper Manaffnetnrers and Importer* off Manufacturer!' Mnterlnta, Noi. 3 and S Decatur St., PbUiuldlpUS," B EG to call the attention of purshsssrs to their exten sive assortment of Papers, suited to the wants of : eaiers and consumers in every section of th* Country,— Ail orders will receive prompt attention, aud be filled at as ' ow prices as by any house In the Union. W 1000 TONS KAGS wanted for Cash. feb'JO , . d2u> THE CHEAT BOUIHEKH REMEDY | PRYOR’S OINTMENT. I T I# a Hure and speedy cure tor burns, piles, corns, fel ons, fevsraorss, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sort nipples, (recommended by nureee,) sore and cracked Ups, fresh wounds and sores or any description. It Is a most valuable remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousands who have used It in many portions of the Bouth for the last few years. In no install* will tbe salve do any Injury, or interfere with a physician's pro scription. The proprietor has numerous frcrtlflsatas aud letters from.people who hav* used It themselves, and most sarfiestly recommend it to others as a speedy.and certain remedy for toe abort named dtocasee. A trial Is all that is nsceanury for ita own recommendation. Sold, by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and druggist# generally. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor, .. • ■ • * . Laurange,Qa. marll—lytw AUUU8TA,UE_. W ILL give their special attention to purchasing aad selling Produce, Merchandise and Btocka ot every description. \ Liberal Cash advances made on Cousignmeats. John Bones. Pres. Bank ot Augusta; W M D'AuUgaae, Pres. Ins, Dank; Thos Barrett, Prts. State Bank; Heard ft Davison, Lewi. A Allen, UftB W Wilkinson, JO Carmi chael, Baker, Wright ft Oo^ Augusta; G W Williams k Oo, Charleston; B M Leonard ftOo, Whit* k Bishop. New York; Bell ft Prentiss, Waver ft Constantine, John Lamia, ‘ iour, Fanning ft Oo, Nashville; EMftAU York; ... Savannah] Plnmlee, T77ULTON MARKET CORNED BEKF-lOhalfbblsaadlO J? whole do ; 6 Bbbts Fulton Market Corned Perk, ft do Superior iMff Leaf Urd, and ft bbla Pickles, Just re ealvsaand for aale by J. D. JEB8E es#t 26 • < UTTER ft OUEEBE—lOksgscholoeGoshso Butter. 10 . ^ “ "•* Dairy Cheese, Iff-*- ~ and for aale by "«P1*“ - SpauIsU Consulate. TOE OFFICE OF MB IMW G0N8UfiATB, S UNDRIES—100 boxes femUy soap; IOC de Mo. 1 de; 100 dojpale do; lOOdo mould candies; ISftdo ertameu » vnwwi-ivCTiiu»«iiwwmi uvun, iw JJ boxes English Dairy Cheese, 10 do Choice Wartcbee- ter deduct received ar ' JOHN D. JESSE. fin part of fee. Straw- ,tft JOM JULIO MARTIN ilJIBEufiit rr : i do; 7fdo sperm dot 160 do rafokui lOOhaU dodo- 200 quarter do do] ground coffee; fiOOdoatareb 900 mustard; 900 do frees ground pepper; 100 do eatenp 7ft do lemon syrup. La nding and is atone aad for sals by ~*-t4 . MoMAHON ft DtoVLK. i, RA18INH ft ALMONDS—100 drums • Bay ran” et\ BOXES Ground Coffee; OU fiMska.IUe % jOUftl—Marietta I Jakley.'ta etore, an bbls 1 Promts 1 ■f J0HX1QM ft taUlMi M Sc journo# * oo. gBJHDlB, WI»B,eO*UUU *<*90+****,, BBiui:bi'DTBuar>arr : m# hsyf l», til "itlfuaU MIlLi 'l .handand tar saleby . . < OOTAYUa COUN, m&ss&iex 100 bexas Tobaeeo, ehoiee do; •Maaektaf Tebaeee; WoMAHOH MjftfiSWg #•«#. with 176 illustrations. JUkttuMManuaJ eff Pathological Anatomy, tnasla- ted by ■watae, 4 volslnt. Paget's Burgieal Pathology. , . Bnrton oo lbs OauM and Prevention of Yellow Fever, eoatatoed la theBepertofthefcaltary Committee of New Jameeod on Epidemic Cholera, Tame’s Manual of aiatealMadtolae and Physical DU ' aad Dleeaae, l WILLIAMS. ' O the aeoeeaioa of James 11. . Ltagard’a History of England, 18 vota. Greta's History of Groeeo, 11 v<' JanlO “ AGON SIDES, BUGAR, ftC— - 10 hhds. prim* Bacon Bides; 20 do do Porto Rloo Sagar; 60 bosM Btuart’a A ft B darUtad do; 00 do Batter. Bagsr, and Soda Crickets; 40 da Grunt ft WUltanu* 6’aftl’sTobacoo; 200 do No.lPnlenad Family Soap; 80 do Oswego ft OrijraU’s Pearl Bt «rcb; 200 bsgi prims Oreen Klo Coffee; Landing and for sal# from store by febSfi . SCRANTON, JOHNBON ft OO. . -60 boxes white, aud 60 do. colored Cheaee, Re- oeived per eteamer, and for calc by ,frbM . SCRANTON, JOHNBON ft OO. B' 2£ “rflf 'iaUKTOK, JOHWmiK k 00. lOttu^S uuJST manma i hhda Molaseee, M | ft DOYLE. ■ mmrsr : C# O. IDtfldt, No. U muaker-ttrett, 2 Doorkfrm Brpm, WI01CUL1 AMD XmiL DXALDBM O ASHES, Blinds, uud Doors, Paints, Oita. Varalsbftf, (3 Wumow Glass, Putty, ft*: Painters, oraioers, and Artiste Brushes. Wbito-wMh Heads and Dusters. Dry aud dlxsd Patau, of every decriptton. Artiste Colors, in Tubes, Prepared Ota vase, fte Paper Hangings, Borders, and Fin-Board Patters*. Rooms prepuna with neefees sad despatch. House, Sign, and Ship Painting. GulldiH/UFatatag.aadGUstaf donala tha beat style, ud >t moderate tin see. All order* from to* country pr—iptly attended to. •art?—y DYING AND RENOVATING tmnaumw, n MitnA,Ma.atamiaaK !m— —‘““■B IS IMS. HtiPsg. sidles’bonnats dyed, btoached and profit la toe mr uihlonabtoetvlee. —•tfroea'th* country punstually it landed to. Termu JMHEiSE' rouiiveft aad 9m er 1 - *— nHMHffioBH