The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 05, 1856, Image 1

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'or -1%. • r- ■ ■ . ' ■/ ■ . , e • r • •.,r.(v}^n-» ■ v<! i 6 >•••' * ; 1 ■■ •';i I'i• ‘ <s. ! H I •’ * ‘ • il VOL. XXXVIII. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, 8AffliRDAY MORNING, APRIL 5,JLS56» NO. 79. THE GEORGIAN 1H IM'BMNUED l.AILY, Tttl-WKEKLY AND WEEKLY, BY J. (5. WlUf-HT Si- CO., rlTY »* COUNTY PIUNTEIIS. J.O. WRIGHT. _ JN Lr D. REGISTER. TERMS. " imtv Tw.uuiKi.r 4. ,,.i...... a. PayoUt in miniiws. Where : p*ymt*nt I' not nudem ,d»»ncw, tin chargee will (tmrUbly bo for Daily Georgian II; Tii- Wttk y $5 aud Weekly W. BATES Or ADVERTISING. tor out square of .HOO em« or 1«*h. <’f »»y tv pi* not larger thau Ni>uparlol. 76 tout* lor tbo Brat, autl 60 eeuta tor ■•oh «ubii-queut insertion firr tuij time less lunu one OtODtll. A l Tabular work, with or without rulr», ami advertise- mints occupying double column*. Mull be chat-gad dou ble the above va\»a. Advertisements, of wh Meter length, (or anytime lea* than oue month. to bo charged at tranitent rate*. For a longer tint* et the (Q lowing rate*; 1 mo. 2 not 3 mot 4 nius 6 wot 12mus \ quart-.... |W •1« 820 824 830 810 a •q-iare!... 10 2-2 26 28 30 60 6 ■In .... 20 27 82 36 44 60 4 do ... 34 82 38 42 62 70 6 do .... 27 36 44 46 00 60 8 do .... 20 40 60 64 6i 00 do .... 12 43 64 58 70 100 • do .... 34 46 68 62 74 110 • do .... SO 43 81 66 77 11B 10 do .... as 60 84 70 80 125 rot any time not abora specified, a proportional charge will be wade. Advertisement* ordered three time* a week, will be •barged taro-thirds the above rate*. A aed nation of SI per oent.from the above rate* will be made on advert liementi appearing on the fourth page of ike dally. Ipeelal notice*, 10 eent* per Hue for the lint, ami b ••nit for eaeh aubsi quant iaiertlon. and In no C4*e to be •ubjtet to eontract. Marriage notion. $1. Funeral In- vltatinue. to eent* each. No special notice inierted for lenthan II cent*. Obituary notice*, Iteports, Reaolu- tioai, or proceeding* of any Society. An-ociatlon. or Cor- imtlon,orde»ed to be published, A cent* per lire. Bteamhoate will be advertised «t 810 per asnum lur eaeh boat advertlaed. Steamships, where but one I* running, t<0 P*r annum; if two or more, 830 eaeh. Auctions^’* artvertliementa not to he enbject to con trait, bet to be ehsrged at the rate* preaerlbed per rquate. Wh*n any bill for two month* a>lverti*ln|r. other than ••■tract, amount* to ovar ISO, a deduction of 2ft per ceot will be made. Yearly advertlilng, wllh the privilege ol change, will be taken at the following rate*: For ene square, renewable once a week, 115 .. .. •» twice •* 55 *• * *• three lime* nr oftennr -70 Every additional square contracted for to be ohsrged oue hilf the above rate* additional. ft Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the ipace con- irictedfor. All contract* rball be In writing, rtating •ieBnitely toe nature of the bualneaeto »dyertl*iil.~ »uv advertisements not properly connected with the bu- .*i jeie shall he chargtd leparatrfy. and al«n any esc?** o f nutter ever the amount contracted for. Contrast advertisement* payable quarterly Advertise- mints from strangers end traurieot person* payable In wdvaaee. Alt other* will be oaniiderod due when called The paper, under no sire not* tonees, to ne included In a contract. Professional and builneiacard*, not exceeding 5 lint*, will bo Inserted at 920 per annum. Calla oa portona to bsoonje candidate* will bo inserted a* other advertisements, to be paid for invariably in ad- AnnomMlng candidates for office 910, to Un paid in ad- Advertisements, not marked on ths.copy for a specified time, will be inserted until forbid, and payment exacted. Regular advertiser* aud all others sending communion- tinnier requiring notices, Ueriguea to call attention to fairs, eoneerts,soirees, or any public entertainment where chargee are made for admittance—all notice* of private •uterprieee calculated or intauded to promote individual iuteieata, tan only be inierted with the uuderatandlog ibal the *ame la to be paid for. If inserted In the editorial column (which can bejinly at the dlacretton of the edi- tvie.) theeame will be aharged at tha rate or not lea* than go cent* par line. Ailvertliemente ordered in the Weakly paper, 81 per square for eaeh Insertion. Thia achedule (ofrate*of advertising) shall not in any way affaet the Integrity of exlatlng contract*. All con tract* for theyear, or for aoy other given time, shall only mac with the expiration of the period for which they were made. The undersigned, publlaheraof Dully, Tri-Weekly and Weekly new*papers In B«vaun*h, Oa., pledge ourselves itrlatly to adhere to the above bill of charge*. and In no Instance to deviate therefrom. The above ratee to take elfaei March 1, 1189, and to coatmae binding, until changed by the vote of a majorit y of the undertigned. AuxaxDxa fc r-xxo, Republican. J. O Wrtuut * Co., Gioraian. _ Taonraoir k WiranraTOX, Morning Atm. R.B. Hilton, Journal. 1000 TONS Ho. 1 SUP R-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, D KBimil'S (IHIUINAI. AND OKKl'INB. or Hupnnor i|Uati)y, thecheapant «*> tiuiw (nthawuld. j Farm ere and dealcra supplied el low vrh-o* i EXTRA quality land i»lasibu. 6,'00 barrels Kctra Quality Land i'laeler. .elected for Ita f-itillaliigqnahty. 10,000 bheheln of aame in bulk, 10,000 barrela beat quality Ordinary I,and l’la>t-r,aqual to the HtfidT USUALLY HOLD, at the low prlqe of 20 cent# per buihel, or II 10per barrel, with a deduction 'or large lute. 25.000 bu*)iolaof acme lu bulk 1,000 barrel* Calcined Hiaater. 1.000 >• OaaUng >• 500 <* Dantlat •' 4,000 <• Hydraulic Cement. 1.000 »« True Roman *• PERUVIAN GUANO. Thla article we offer lu eoutldeuce to our cuatomera, aa equal to auy Imported, and fa. auperl ir to meet lu the market. 10.000 bage ol thia auperlor Ouano. for aale. at' heluweet market rate*. Alan. i'HUUUBTlK, MEXICAN GUANO, GROUND UUROOAL. Ac., Ac. ' * FRENCH) RICHARDS A CO. Atihe 8TKAM PLABl'KK MluLH. junatlun York Aven ue and Caliowhlll etreat, I’hllanelunl*. fab 0—codim The Great Russian liemeAy PRO MONO PU11UCO. Mr “Every mother ihould have a box In the house bandy in oa*' of accident* to thecnlldren." Bedding’. Bonis Salve. It lea lUteton remedy of thirty year*' standing, amt Is raoommended by physidane. Itlaasureend spaedy cure tor Uurni.l'llua, noils, Corns, Felons, rbilblalaa, aud Old Horae of every kind; for Fever Bores, Ulcer*. Itch. Scald Head. Nettle Hash, Bunion*, Bore Nipples, (recommended by nuraea.) Whitlow*, Htlee,. Festers, Flea Bites, Spider Stioga. Frcren Limb*, Halt Kheuui, Hcurvy, Sote and Cracked Lips, s’oi e Nose. Wart* and Flash Wound*, it I* a moat valuable remedy and euro which can be testified to by thousands who hare u*ed It In the city of Boston and vl cinity for the last thirty years. In ne initanra will thia Salve do an injury, orlnteifero with a physician’* pre scription*. It Is made from thu purest material*, from a recipe brought from Russia—of ar Icles growing in that country—and the proprietor* have letter* from all alas*- e*. clergymen, physicians, tea captains, nurse*, and oth ers who havo mod It themselves, and recommend it to other*. Redding’* Kusala Salve Is pul in Urge tin boxes, •tamped on the cover with a picture of a horse aud a dis abled soldier which pioture is also engraved on the wrap per. Fnioa, 25 timra a Box. Sold at all the itore* in idwn or country, or may be ordered of any wholesale drug- glat. Rctiwmi A Co., Proprietor*. W. W LINCOLN. febl'-t— mi, w.' .Cm Agent*. GOETHE. f|THK Li'e nml Work* of lloettie. by J U Lewi*; X Ilia Old Dominion; or, the Houthampton Maisacra. by « P H James: Hong* and Hallad* ol the American Revolution; Shoepac Recollection*, a wayside gllmpie ol American Idle, by W Mtrail Home Servin'; a manual Intended for (hose who are hindered ft out attending Church, by the Rev Wm Bacon Steven*. I'D; Aaponi onrt. by Hhlrla.v flmuks; The Wonder* of Fclence; or. Young Humphrey Davy, by II Slayhow; Whoare the Blcssuotor, Meditation* on the Beatitude*; 4Ui rol. ot Kdgar Allen Poe'* work*; Abbott’* Hernando Cortes, marlS W. THORNli W1LUAMR, NEW MILLINERY E8TABLI8HMENX. Bnsmees ©trictory. ' NOSIKEOP ft AtLEB0»07 fluaioaur ax Aumnuflu, Attomen and Coumellon at Uw, AND dOULlTORd IN WJU1TY. "mo*. No. 17 RxoawMrriiKxr. CIIAKLE8TON.8. C, Claudlan Bird Northrop, Alexander Augustin Allemong. OFFICE Residence No. 14 Liberty etreat, one door weal ot Dray ton. nov27 ““Bi,#.®, 100 *' Room* over Da Witt k Morgan’s Store, Congress at. uc25 t: MILttX. [ ■ J. W OAULOtHO. MllafoftOU At GAULD1NG, ATTORNEYHAT TJkW, Uuana Viata, Ga. BARNARD ELLIS. FAtrnm and uknkral lommihsiun bkrrchant No. i)S Bay street, Havaunah, Georgia. KtakSH TO A Meter*. Ciatrboru fk^nningham. Bell fit Prentla. Ogden, Burr k Co.,Savannah, mid J. P. Thompson, Boston, liovl mu.v i. uonu.xn. John t. kowund, jr HOWLAND ik.CO., *-!-:n;-.b \L commission mkrchanw, 172 Uay-stroet. Savannah. ttcttUEEN McIntosh, ATTORNKY AT LAW, JncksantdUt, tla, U KOU.UK TUOllp ilOWARD, ATrORNEY AT LAW. Office. Monument Pqunro, noar State Rank, Savaansh. Ga. tmtHNARY'S OFFICE, t.iiruer ot llay aod Whltaker-atreela. Offloe hours from 0 A. ;| , to 2. P. and from ajj H, M.toflP.M. O.A.O’BYUNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ufflce 175 Uuy street, ovar Turner k Go. 1 * Drug more, d. W. PATTKHSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupriUe, Lowndes County, Ga. W1LLIAU I. DAN1KLL, ATTORNEY AT IiAW, Corner Whitaker etract and Bay lane,3avatnah. . M. at'ia. J. H. DAVIE. W.H. I.ONII HUSK ,DAVIE At LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Savannah, Ga. A jj 0 ^p] N ^ bRO^B, LU Mil Bit, MILL AND BRICK YARDS, • Saranriali Gw, LUMBER, TIMBER AMD BRICK, In Ivrge quantities constantly on hand; asdl.VHB«H sawed to any desired site. CARGOES FURNtailBU AT IB0KTK8T NOTICK. Agent*:—.1. W. . MKS.JIASTINGS, “AT, Nxw You (Lat* or Bhuauwat, N*w Your) Would respectfully Inform the Ladles.of! _.iv*nnah that she bua opened In Whitaker street, one door from Congress, a new and fashionable Millinery •»- tabliidimrnt, and that she will henceforth devota her un divided attention to the eame Her lady patrona may rest assured that Mr*. II. havlug had charge of a most fashhuable Millinery eaUbiiihiueut in New York city, I* enabled, by her long experience, to produce a Bonnet of or superior taste, neatness and flntah. Mr*. H. would alsoasHure those ladles, who may be kind enough to pat ronise her. that her charge* are at the same low ratee aa those of New York. Her establishment, therefore, com bine* the advantages of cheapness, with *uperiority of •tyle.and latest Pari* fashion*. N. U.—Childrens’ and Mourning Bonnets made to order. Already on hand, 600 splendid I<adie* Dresa Caps, just -id,at*" ■“* ■* ‘ RULU-AMD REGULATIONS OX 7HX* EXCHANGE READING ROOM lit. Nene but Kgular aubeerlbera, tbo clergy, atranger* andtboi* Introduced ly •ubieribers. will, under any alreumatancea, be permitt"d to vlalt the room. 2nd, A1 aubierlbtr* #111 bo required to pay one half tbe aabicrlptlon fee In advance, and the remaining hall at theeiplratlun of eix month*. Id No paper*, periodical* or other readiog matter al lowed to be toro, defaced or taken Irom the room, except by tba aonient of tbe proprietor. 4th. °moklngIn the room most positively prohibited, itb. Pareon* shewing tobaeee are requested to uae the ■pilooni Initead of the toor, dlb. Tbe room will be opened each day, one hour afier laarlae, and eloied at 0o’clock; P. M., precisely, mxi rxx amvm. roraalngleBubacriber 910 00 For a Club ot two Sunicrlbers 18 00 FeraCloboftbreeSubecrlbere 22 00 The above Relee Aud liegulatloue will bo most strictly ltd rigidly enforced. WM F. WIGHTMAN, March 1st IMS. j pips* , 2 puncheon* Jamaica *ndl do at Croix Rum; 50 buses Claret Wins, at.luliou Medde; 150 haskeU Holdieick aud other brands Champagne; 10 quarter oaaks Madeira and Skerre Wine; 50 carrels augar. scla and butte Cracker*. Vi hits** adamantine and tall* wt’at.dlca, 10.1 groav ' «gro pipe*, 2b boxes pickle* .resorted, 20 boxes Catsups; VS boxes Mustard, 25 buses Gvound Pepper; 80boxes Pchl -dam Aromatic .-tr.bnappi, quart* and pints; 20 barrel* iery old Munougabala Wntakay; 50 barrel*No. 1. 2and! >ack*r*l; 60 barrels Malaga and Port Wine. 76 barrels Gin-Mum, Whiskey and Brandy: Together with other articles ueweraliy kept In our line, for aale on accommodating term*. Jan lit J. V. CONNERAT k CO. SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, ftC 2» blida new oropOrleana Sugar, 10 do F. rlo Rico do, . 10 do Uuba do, SOO bags Rio Coffee, 160do Laguayra do. 85 baga Java Uoffeo, 10 do Mocha do. 200 bbu Orleans Syrup aud Molasses, 6 oases extra-Ona Uoolong Taa, 6 do do Hyaoa do, 75 pkgsRalsina, wholes, halve* and quartars. 10 fralU soft Almond*, 100 bblft Craokera, Batter, ^ugar and Hoda, 800 baga l^hot. assorted. £0 kega Dupont’s Powder. 5000 lba bar Lead, 100 boxes assorted Candy, 100 boxes large bowlPipea. 1500 pkva Tobacco, various brands, 60 000 Spanish Began, direct importation, 100,000 half Spanish aud American Segura, Received by recent arrival*, and foriala by fobS HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k 00 FAPEE HANGINGS. &o., &c. W H. TURNER, of :sew York, bogs to inform • the rualdonts of ditvantiHh that lie has plain and decora live Paper* for sale at Now ■ ork prices, which he oan lung in true uriLtlo style. Penciling in oak; Mar ble, Maplo and Fie*en decorations for looms; flloclt Mar bling and Pane ding for passugos and atairceaen, at I-tilth of the painter* cuarges Hiving had many yoar* eaperi • ence in Europe and Now Ydrk Lei* couddent of giving soli-faction tu his patron*. Whitaker atreet. Jau0 Two door* irom Cougroa* at. fPHlS ASTONISHING AND UNEQUALLED PREPARA- X TION bat never failed to produoe a growth on Bald Haada, when waed according In the directional and turn hair bleak toils original color, after hsvlng become grey, aud reiutate it In all Ha oilgInal health, lustre, softness, andbaauty. Removal at once all scurf, dandruff, and unplaaiant itching, aerofnla, eruptions and feverish heat from tha scalp, it alio prevent* the hair from becoming unhaaltby and falling off, and hence acta aa a perfect _ HAIR IN VIGOR ATOlt AND TONIC. Wa anutx a faw cartlflcataa, to corroborate our easer- Hons State of lllinolw. Carlisle, June 27.1153. IhaveusadProfenorO J. Wood’* Hair Restorative, and have admired Its wonderful effect. My hair waa be- •ornlng, a* I thought parmansntly yrray, but by the use °ftb*••Restorative,” It bai resumed It* original color, aud I havo no doubt, permanently ao. SIDNEY DREESE. Ex-Senator United State. A gantlaman of Boston writes to hie friends In New Bed- ford thus; To your inquiries 1 would reply, that when I first com- anneed ualng Professor Wood’s Hair Restorative, my hair was almost white and had been eo for tbe last ten year* ; >ud It wae very thin on (be tup of my head, and very loose, und pulled out freely; hut I found that before lhad ueedall tk# second bottle, (which wae eight week*,) my hair waa entirely changed to it* original color, (light brown,) and la now free from dandrnff,and quite molit. I have bad my h*ir eut five or alx- time* alnee tbe change, and have umietn anything like white hair etarllng from the rooti; and It Is now aa thick aa it ever waa, and doe* not •out* out at all. It na* prevailed In my,case all that I •ould with to aak. July 1,1111. Yours, etc Gardiner. Maine. Jane 22,1854. Dear Sir: I have u»ed two bottle of Profoiaor |W ood’e Mix Restorative, and oan truly ear, It ii the greatest dueovary of tbe age, lor reatorihg and changing the hair. »«<»* using It, l was aa gray a*a man ofeavenly. My Mir baa now attained ita original color. Youcao recoin ntud it to the world, without the least- fear, aa my caae **• one of the worst kind. Your*, D. N. MURPHY. dt.doul*. March 7,1864. Prof. Wood : My hair commancad falling off some three ®r four years since, and continued to do ao. until I be- M»» quite bald. 1 tried all the popular tnedlclnea of the MJ, but to no effeet. At last, 1 waa induced to try your •flebrated Hair Restorative, and am happy to ls doing woadan, I have now a fine growth of vounghalr, uua ehaerfu'ly recommend He uae to all similarly a Allot- •d. A. 0. WILUAUB.183 Second street. _ Basin, Mich.. August 2,1855. ThU I* to oertlfv.that oue year ago, I wa* quite gray, ftuciayhalrao thin upon in* top of my h*ad, that I tntlro loas. In thl* oonditiun, I applied for aud obtained a bottle ot Prof. Wood’* ••Reatorativo,” and be- tf”. 1 £. ,d *** s on * SOM! bottle, the gray hair* bad en- JJW dlupceared and it had thlck*ned up, so a* to b* ai tall u uaal and it aaaumed a gloaiy appearanae, appar- •ftUy store beautiful than ever It wae before, I do, there- «*• ebeerfully recommend it to all tboee ladles who value • ••wUfnl head uf nalr. IwllI alao state thatlweit ■ow, oc*asion»lly,ior ita heathy and beautifjrJojyfffeoU' .. rbleago. May 1,1184. . U..d Professor Wood’s Hair Reatoratlvs to rts* 11 Ptumta ths hair from coming oat, EK I'm* end soRnass very dsalrabls. K»e fsw gray tatnlbai, hav* entirely dlaappeeted. Other* of tn «ed it,and oonour with me In pronouneln u all it profoaaea to be. HENRY A, CLARK, Michigan Avenue. „ „ 8t. tmul»,ti*pt. 20,1853. Dr. 0. J. Wood—Sir 11 have used nearly three bottls* •LWr^r Kaetoiative, and have found IteaffeeUvery •atUfaetory. n ku entirely destroyed aU dandruff from ■Fhaad,aad reateredmy hair to it* originalcolor.which hadheeome quite gray. WM. TRUSDALE. “a»k0t etrtet. St. LouU. Mo.. 316 S^^V'^jY-WKlbyaU Dimggiste «*ir/vhaN. AU ■imn*orf..n. —»—"-■-** lew aale, on the beat Imnurlod, *t 60 oenta and upward. Country oiutomera will pfeaae call and examine. jauK—ly ■ HTubiS? tO'e and 1, lumps; 60 package* superior Rough k Re/dy. Virgin «ar, etc; 200,000 Havana jBeghr*. some very auperlor; luO linxea femilv, pale ami No 1 rioep ; 40 boxes peatl Starch; 175 packages black end green Teas; I' 0 bag" Rio Coffeo; 20 hsgsJava Coffee; 60 b.trreU reljneil end yellow Sugar*; 100 keg* FFK*»d’owdi'r; 60 bairn* and 50 quarter do; 100 keg* rxMtirowiiMr; 60 haln 10 halfpipce French Orandlea; 5 pipes Holland Ulu; gkGTj. junks, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Jones’ Buildings, Savannah, Geo. septic J. W. PHILIPS. • DEALER IN GROCERIES. PRODUCE. LIQUORS. FRVII AND CONFECTIONERV. Corner or West Broad and Harrison Street*, aep7 SAVANNAH, GA. ly G.“A. UtlLUOMBk, A. nr, CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH TEACHER. aug20 GASTON STLEKT 8twJ*nl ^ j, AKH|(( ATTORN LY AND COUNSkXl/JR AT LAW, MnnUcello, Jefferson County. Florida. Reference—Hon. W. B. Funma, gay a dp ab, Ga. ' FDWAKU U, WILSON,"' MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Meaare. Ward k Owfns’ l<aw Office ly—mart wm. acounr courxn. u cuitxb rnaesn. JKfl. I UOUPKU FRAfiAt, I ACTORS d GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street, eavannab, Ga.jyC—8m PATTEN, HUTTON At (HI., IA Cl OHS, I OR WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jy27 . Bay Street, Savannah. LABD, KEBBIKOS, POTATOES, AO. QC Bbia I’rlmaLeatiiru; gaeJ 80 kega do do do; lOObtaea Herrings, and 2 htida Cod flak; 80 bbla Carter Potatoes; 100 bbla Pink Eyea and Harcer Potatoes; 20 halt bbls “Fulton Market” Beef; 25 bbla No. 8 Mackerel, new; 20 faaUbblaNo.l do dot 28 do do No. 2 do do; 95 half bbls Buekwheat Flour; 20 quar bbla do do; 28 boxes io do;' afg^^^^uoaeg# . co. S l?Hbd.CUolN)l.0.8UVt J O do do St: Croix do 0 Bags Prims Green Rio Coffee, 80 Mate Old Government Java Coffee. 80 Baga Maraoaibo do. 60 do Lagulra do-’ 60 do Porto Rico do In store and for sale by feb2o Scranton, .mhnuton a oo. ^Obatetrica, Msmolra and Oontributioni. by James Y. Klmpeon. Profeaaor of Mldwlfenr, Edinburgh. Lehmanns Physiological Chemistry, tranalatcd from JJY.M..NELATO] Physiological Chemistry, tranrtated from the 2nd edition. By 0.1. Day, with ilUMkrattona, 2 T0 la Kirk k Paacte Physiology, and all tns T*xt Book* naed in tbe Modlcal Colleges. . _ .. ... Rev. Dr. Commlng's Twslv# Urgsnt QusaUons, Helen Lsceon i a Peep at New York Boclsty. . „ The New Purchase, or Early Year* In the Far West By Robert Carlton. - . A Basket of Chips. By John Rrougbsm. SSffnlnSj'.XHiaiwJiiii. old nom«t«»d. ft. mate Lite among ths Mormoua. Mary Lyndon, Doeatloka, Japan,Older Slater. *0(21 W. THORNE WILLIAMS; Y1LOVH, POTATUEI At BISCUIT— Jj 160 aaeka Granite Ultla Superfine Flour 100 barrels Heed Potato**, • 16 “ Sugar BtseuU, 16 •' Soda “ 60 boxoa “ “ 16 barrala Pilot Bread. Irvsh. • n.j.^d-.nd MUImkimL v TgfUrnaKAF LAHD.20 bbla no. 1 Leaf Lard; 60 JY| krge do do do do; just received and for sate by anlO dCRANTiJN, JlJHNSroN k CO. Ql)NDAlE6.-tO bbla GUI KatUly RyeWhl tev; 25 O bbls Monongahela dn; 60 bbls do: 60 bbla XXX do; 50 35 bbla XX do: 25 bbls X do; 50 bbla Brandy; 76bblaGlu; 60bbl* Ruin; 100 bbUA It k C Sugar: 100 ohaate Taa, vu rloua brands; 100 caaet Wolfa'a Hcheldam Schnapps; 100 dot Cordial*; 60 doa Brandy Cperriea. Keoeived and for sals by oct7 MnMAHON k DOYLK. GANUIalfiH, IUAP Aa/aITAUUU. Ki\ BOXER Ad. Candle*: liO db TsT.'W do; 101) do Pali Ov/tfoxp; 160dn no. 1 do;'50 do Colgate’s Starch; in ■tore ana for sale by fobft HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k CO America; by Max Marettek. _ „ »»tjl DUelonm OIU.'U Honk, ol luoRoUl DHu nery of Montreal, containing alao many Incidents never be fore published.* The Falthteaa Guardian; by Susanna Moodel. Amy Ue. or Without and Within; by the author of "Our Parian.” Inwa aa it la In 1186; a band book for Emigration. Tevarno; a Romance by George Sanda; translated by A The Bong of Hiawatha; a Poenl* by Henry Wodaworth latngteltow. Juno Clifford; byalad); one of the most pathetic, chaate and IntereatlDg prnduetlona of the day . The Lime Kiln Man. Rice I ted and for sale by r.ovlfi 8 s. FIBLKV, 188 Congress at. m .•asm- 300 bag* Rio Coffee; 100 do laguayra do; 60 do Java do; 50 hhda Porto Kloo, Muio’do and New Orleans Sugars; 260 bbls Crushed, Clarified and Powdered Sugar*; 200 boxes various brand* and qualities Tobacco; 60 hhda Hides and dhouhler*, “new meat 30 casks New Ham*; 250 boaea No 1 Pals and Family Swap; 60 bbla du l«af laird; 100 kega do dn do; 260 boaai Cheese; 60 kegs Choice Butter; 100 boxsa Common and Extra Candy; 100 dn Adamantine Candle*; 100 do Sjietm and Tallow Candle*; 100 do No 1 Scaled Hernngij. 150 bbls New Urleaue Molaasein 600 dn Whisky, Gin end Rum; 600 do Potatoes: 50 boxes Clay Pipe* and Pipe Heads; * 100 doa Painted and Varnished Bucket.; 500 Empty Kegs;, c 200 M Spanish aud AiufricaoX’lgar»: Instore and for aale no accommodatiog terms by jau!7 • HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. lies. Kaaaya and Ad- a dreaaea; Ivo , , .. .. A Journey through thaChlusee^unpire; by M Hue, au thor of “ Recollections of Journey through Tartary and Thibet,” 2 vole, with a map. Miranda KUiottj by a lady of Goergia; 24 edition. My Brother’* Keeper; hv Miss Warner, author of » Dol lars and Gents.” Ths Hlrsling and the Slave; oy a ekmth Carolinian,2d •M®* . .. ' Annals of Tenneeass to the ena of ths llth century) by Dr JGMRamat). Kfimlnlaceness of Char tea ton; by Chaa Frasar. Maps of ths Baltia and Blaok Seaa, of tha Crimea, Se bastopol, kb. Htatory for hoys; by J E ICdgsr. my 18 W. THORNE WILLIAMS ~ BITS OF BLARNEY, B Y 8 R MaekentK.edior Llfs of Curran. Ac. Arehblihop Whately on the Soriptnre Revelation* concerning a future state. *— Maud awl other Poemi, by Tennyson. Evenings with ths Prophets, by Rev U Brown. The Gospel; with moral reflections on raoh mas. by ’aaqMT QueaueV 2 vole. Adventures of Sir Amyaa Leigh, by Kingaley * Yellow Fever, HUtorfeal, Pathological. Kthiu leal and Therapeutical, by Dr LaKoehe, 2 vote. Bulloch’a Amerioan Cottage Builder. MeCormaeha Visit ts tbe Camp at Sevastopol. Collier’s Map* of tha Seat or War, Black Sea, Turkey, aula. OroniUdt, Baltic, fco„ No. The Newcomb**, by Thaoksry, eoiuplele In 2 vote. aep20 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. S (JNUU1KS—76 boxes mould Candle*; 60 do J W Uea- dell’* do; 100 do do Soap; 100 do Colgate 1 * do: 76 box es ground Coffee; 300 sucks Rio do; 76 mat* old Java do; 100 kogea Mustard; 100 do I’epder; 100 da Lemon Syrup; 76 do Tomato Catsup: 26 half cheat* green Tea; 60 Undo black du; 20 do do Oolong do; 76 boiea Pearl Starch; 100 doTobaoco, various brand*; received and for aale bv jan& McMAHON k DOYLE. M ackerel, coduhii and HERkiNosl-ko BbUNo 1 and 2 Mackerel, 60 quintal* Cod-Fish, £0 bbla Her rings. Received and for asln by UaU A HON k DUYLK. feti2t S KKD POTATUKU-Scl.oted eapreaaly lor tbia. market—600 bbla, in itore and for sale by fabb HULCOMRK, JOHNtfON k CO. IUSKY « HU1.A8NK8- 100bid* Pike’s “Magnolia” Whisky; 160 bbl* Molasses, for sale, to arrive per •« bnoner Narraganeetl from New Orleaoi. by janlH OCTAVUS COHEN. W" .IOIUV a. FALLIGANT, WBOLB8ALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS. WINDOW BASH AND PANEL DOORS. West Hide Monument Square, Savannah. G*. J OSKpiToAli A Ilia. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ufoce, Bay street, over tbe Readinx Room of the Republi- mn.entrance Immediately oast of Mewr*. Price k Veader. U Rhoice fruit of all kinds, juat rsotlvsd from tha F Indiaa and New York, and lor aale by • d«c21 J. D. J A PPLES A POTATOE3-76 bbjs Potatoes, prloelpally mercers, also, 10 bbla beat red Apple*, landing from echr W L Cogswell, and for salt on consignment, by ' nl ROWLAND k SON. A. ILUIIAnPlON, (.Successor to Champion k Watts ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. No 4 Barnard street, between tbe Market and Bay street, ■AVAXN18, OA. Dealer in Groceries, Foreign aud Dcunaatlo Liquors, Dried Fruits. ka.,ko. Kaforeacs—A. Champion, Eaq., Samuel Solomon*. Kaq., Messrs. Rabunk Whitehead, Swift k C'o.,Savannah, Oa. VYlLMAn II. DAI1IER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Trcnpville, Lowndea County,Ga. Will praotiee in Thomas. Lowadea.Clinch, Ware, Appling Telfair,Irwin,Laurena,and l'ataaki owuntlea. Georgia; aud in Jefferson,. Uadlsou, Hamilton, and Colombia counties, Florida. feb33 WM. S. WILUAM8. TBADDiri OUV*K. JACK BHOWX. WILLIAM!, OLIVER 54 BROWN, ATTORNEVB AT LAW, Buaaa Vista, Mariou County. Ga.. Wlllpraotiue in ths counties uf Mariou, Maaon, Houston, Stewart. Randolph, Muscogee, Lea. and any adjoining connUea where their services may he required. jan29 P epper, mustard, yeast powder asoda— 100 boxes Ground Pepper; 100 •• Tiger Mustard; 150 *• Fresh Yeast Powder*: 100 '• Hup. Car.Soda; Received and for sale by mar7 McMAHON k DOYLE- . JOHN U. COUHUANK, ' ATTORNEY ATlJtW, Dublin,, late junior partner of the llrui or A. k J. Cocaxaxx, Irwlutun, Ga., will attend promptly to all builne** entrusted to his care. Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. 0. B. Guyton. F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga.; M. Marsh. Savannah. m»y7—dkwly ffl. W I1AT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT I.AW. Alligator, East Florida. Will praotloe in the Eastern aud Southern counties. Ruhr to Col. S. S.Sibley, aud R, H. Hilton, Esq., Savannah, Ga ifKftlDINAND mOULTUN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Washington City, D, C. Will practice in tha various Courts of tbe District, and at tend to the prosecution of claims against the Govern ment. • jon*22 B iscuit AND UUUAD*25 bbla Bod* Biscuit! 76 boxes do. do.; 25bblx Butter do.; 25 do. Sugar '46 do. Pilot Bread. Received and for aale by 12 McMAHON k DOYLE. TOALLAST SUITABLE FOR PAVING—60 tons Stone, JD suitable for paving 4o.; for aala, ifappltad for Imme diately. nov22 ROWLAND k SON. C UD VIS 61 «b IIKlilUNOB—2 hhda Codfish; 100 boxes Herring*; juat received and for aale by janltf SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO H AMS—25 Bid*. Choice Mama. Keoatved and for sale McMAHON k DOYLE. T. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, South Newport,Georgia. WG1 attend the Superior Court in tbe counties ol Chatham. Liberty, Mclntoeh, C*mden, Glynn. Wayne, Ware. Ap pling au^Taltoall_ vrlF JESSE ’i ; . BEKNAKD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Newnanaville,FIa. Reference—Oeoige L. Brown, WlUtam Dell. Newnaueville, Fla.; R. B. Hilton, Boston k VUlalouga, Havaonsb. Ga. JOHN M. 6ULLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office corner of Whitaker and Bay-eweeta. Will practice in the Courts of Scriven,Bullocb, Effingham, Bryan, Liberty, Molntoab, GlyMn,Camdan and Chatham eountiai. _ ’ Wb TI1UHA8 IJUOIUfiS illNKS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIXOd AT LAW. Troupville, Georgia. Will practise in tne CircuitCourte of Thomas, Lowndes, Cllueli, Ware, Appling and Irwin- Georgia; and in the Circuit Courte of Jefferson. Madiaon aod Hamilton, of the Mldale Circuit of Florida, and in Alacb and Co lumbia counties In the Eastern Circuit of Hon a. Will attend to the olalme of alt persons before v tb Depart; manta at Washington. ENGLISH CHEESE AND'PICKLES. QK Small English Cheshire cheeaea; 20 dozen assorted Ot/ Engliah pickles and sauces. Landing from ship - Kertoh, and (or aale by dec22 CLAGHORNk CUNNINGHAM. OUNDK1ES—16 boxes A k BCotte/; 20 doaen Maltard, NATHAN K. UKNTUtV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. WUI practice In the followin* counties: Casa, Campbell, Carroll. Cherokee, DeKalb, Fulton, Forsyth, Diokvna, Pauldlng and Cobb. Rofera to James H.Carter fc Co. AffHOBT, MASTER BUILDER, Will take contract* for Bnllding and Work In Maaonary of every description. Residence, * No. 3 Joy Stum, Km or Dmrrox STitiyr. C OAT/—200 Iona Superior Parlor Coal. Price $8. For seleby » ODTAVUS COHEN. W HISKY-100 bbla Plke’a, by dai.HI IfoMAHON k DOYLE F loub, flour- 200 bbla Denmoad Fleur; 160 do Oakley dn; Juit received and for sale by janl7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. " SOAP, CAN DUE 9, STAUCfi, dlC. 1J W \ BOXES Smith and Buohan’s Family Snap; JLUU 80 do Colgate’s Pate do; 100 do lb her and no. 1 do; 50 do BeadeU’a fie and fi* Tallow Cpndlea; 26 on Higgln’a do do; 100 du Oswego and Bsadell'a Pearl Starch; ' 26 bbla hand made Sugar Craokera; 20 do Soda do; 60 boxes do do. Ju«t received and for aale by janlS SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO, foANTINOr VOTATOKX—60 bbla (P. B.) Plant t5Ti/Ai . _ JT lag Potatoes, landing M'l for sale bj SCRANTON, J01 l^NSTON I N EW MACKEREL—Juat received a lot of~Cholce New Mackerel for aale by aepli JOHN D. JESSE. "D ICE.—100 bushels Used Rloe, recelvedaod for aale bv jQi feb 18 McMAHON -k DOYIJC &t)U 60 Rags Old Government Java Coffee. o0 do (of mat*) Old Government Java Coff* 25 Baga Choice Maraoaivo do 60 do do Porto Rico do 60 do do Lagulra do 10 Hhda. du SI. Croix Sugar W do do Porto Kloo do 160 Boxes Colgate’s No. 1 and Bar Soap. 100 do Smith’s k Buchan’*Family 3oan. 60 dp Colgate’s Pale do do 75 do BeadeU’a Tallow Candles, fla k 8a. 100 do Oswego and Oolgate’a Pearl Starch. 50 uo BeadeU’a 1'earlStarch. 26 do Ground Coffee, 1 and lb. papers. 26 do do Pepper. 76 Bbls K. Treadwell's Sugar. Boda and Butter Biscuit. 26 do E. Treadwell’s Pilot Bresd. 26 Boxes Adamantine Caudles, lauding and in store,for sale by jan3 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON 4 CO. C IDER—70 bbls Rectified received and for sale by *cS0 MoMAHON k DOYLF Books. PHARMACY. A N Introduction to Pr xtlcal Pharmacy, a text book for tba xtudeut. and guide to the Phaimadcutest and uruggiaU; by Ed. Parrish, with upwards of 200 illnilra- •*»nx. Leeturea oa English History and Tracio Poetry; by the late Prureaeor Reed, of tbe University of Penney Ivenla. Grote’a History of Uieoee; 10 vol., 12 mo. Duggauea* Poems; morrocco,extra. Keebte’a Christian Year; elegantly Illustrated and bound in Turkey morocco. Poet* and Poetry of America; antique ealf-extra Female Poet* of America; do do. Harper and Putnam, Magaslnea. for December, l«ndou Art Journal for November. ' hambat’a Edenbuigb Journal tor December, decs W. THORNE WILLIAMS. 2gpyn>HKY.— r D IARY and CorrMpondsnce of ramuel Pepye', In the relgna of CUarte' II. and James II., 4 vole., with two portraits BANCROFT’S and Historical Mlaceltente*. « OUR COUNTRYMEN. O R brief Memoir* of Eminent Americans, by Loaning, illustrated by npwarda of 100 engraving*. Harper and Putnam's Magazine, for June. The Conscript, by Alex Dumas. Lives and Times of tba Chief Juiliois of the United States, by Henry Flanders, landscape Painting, in water colon, by 8 UernarJ.l Tbe Two Uaardlaxa, by the author of the •’ Heir o f Rei- cliff*. ” -Tales for tbe Marines, by Lieut Wlae, author of “ Los Grlngbe,” Anecdotes or American Clergy, by Dr Belcher Arabian Nights, with 100 illustration*. Mr* Jameson’a Common Place Book of Thoughts. Leavea from a Family Journal. j*7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS » SAM SLICK’S J^ATURI AND HUMAN NATURE, by Judge Halybua- Tbe English Woman in Russian Society and Manner* of the Russians at Home. Tates for tha Marines, by the author of “Loa Grlngoa.” Tha Turkish Empire, by Edward Roy Morris. The Woam of the Frenoh Revolution, by Miohelet. The American among the Orientate, by DrBoulden, Rand’s Chemistry, for tbe •■• of Student*. Lutheran Mena*! on Scriptural Prinolpieaof the Auge burg Coawaalon. Adame' Equity, Id‘American edition—by H Wharton. English Common Law Reports, vol 78. Kent’s Commentaries, new edition, 4 vote. O’Doherty repare, naw supply. MadinoChlrtirgleal Review, tor April. my24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. NAFOIsKOM. t|7HE History of Napoleon Bonaparte, by John H C Ab A bott, In 2 vo, with map* and upward* of 100' Uluatratlona. Quekett on the Microscope, saw edition. Coutanee'Herbert, a novel, by G E Jawabnry. LeGur* Mango*, or Boat*) and Religious Customs In France; by Eugene Couroslloo. Sir Amyaa Lelgh'a Voyage of Adventures In the reign of her moat Gracious Majesty Queen Elisabeth, by Ehas Kingaley. anther of Wypatia, ko. Sontbiide View or Slavery, or Three Month* at the South in 1164; by N Adame, D I>. Men of Character, by Douglas Jerrol».-ue.w suppL' Chambers’ Edinburgh Magsalne for Juno. Battles of theCrlmea, new aupply. 16th Georgia Supreme Court Reports. Just ri-umv> by Jel7 - W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Books. The Motal and lutellectual Diversity of llacee, from the French or Count Gablneau. Brown • History of Greek Classical Literature* An EseaptdNovice from the Sisterhood of St. Joseph, oy Jose hi ne M, dankley. Napoleon at St. Helena, with Illustrations, byJuhuA. C, Abbott, 8 vol*.,cluth. gilt. A Child** Hletory of the United State*, by Jno. Bonnsr. 2 vole. London Quarterly Review; for Oct’r. The lautei for Nov, Dec’r. Diaturnoll’a Railway Guide. Ecleotlo Mogftalne lor December. •led4 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. A -.,...' ,nwo~oLif»osD t TA1A. by a Lady. The Furayera or the Raid of the Degdaya; by Wm. Gilmore Simms. Uvea of the Quevus ol England of ths House of Hann- ver; by Dr. Doran: 2 vote Table Traits, with something on them; by Dr. Doran. HaUta and Men, - Richard the Fearless, or the Little Duke; by Miss Yonge, author of tbe Heir of Redoliffe, Ao. Dreams, Visions, Apparitions, Ecataey, Magnetism and Somnambulism; by A. 11. DeBalsmont. ”*“ “* J Tagte. n Poam of tha South; by A. B. Meek. tea; Two Instructive stories for Young People. The Glory or the Redeemer InHia Person ana Worke; by theRer. Ootavlui Winslow. W. THORNE WILUAM8. llBNliY VERNON I OK, T11K~ DREAM. BY A GEORGIAN. • pHIS la the title of a romance now In prooesa of com- X pletion, which will be Isaued In two numbers on the 1st and 16th of July, 1866. The soenoa are laid mainly In the United States, England and ^pain. The work will fie printed on pure white paper, with naw type, and will equal In quantity of matter an ordinary sited duodecimo volume of 8QQ pages. It will be promptly Issued and for warded to all who will send their orders accompanied with the oash. TERMS: Single copy, two numbers 10 76 To clubs of three or more, per copy Remittances must be made m bills'or i In post office atauips. Address : je22 JAMES M, SHY HIE, Auguste, Ga. r change,and not JAMES GORDON BENNETT. M EMOIRS of James Gordon Bennett nnd his Times. Sam Slick in search of a wile. Tlie Island Empire or Scene* of the First F.xlle of the Emperor Napoleon let. Mineral Springs of the United State* and Canada, by Dr. Bell. Disease* of tho Human Teeth by Drs. Fox A Harris. Prlohard’s Natural History uf Man, 4th edition, enlarged by Norris, with numerous colored plates. Walkna. or adventures on the Misqulto Shore, by 8 A Baird. Art, Hints, 'robiteoture. Sculpture and 1’alntlng, by arvea. * Klrwln’a Letters to Bishop Hughes. History of tho Council ofTront,by Rungener. A new supply of Deestlcki. Huo’aChlna. Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol. Tod’e Clinical Leoturea on Paralysis and the Brain Halresa of Haughton or tha Mother's Storet. auglB W. THORNE W1LLIAMB. fUooii and Coal. COA L AND WOOD YARD. .. Offenfor aale at tbe UNION FERRY WHARF. HKD ABB Cdira D 0, riBE WOOD, or all Kinw. * Conuwr. audqanl upon MigproapUr unM with* good article. Strict attention given to FairMen* aurement. Boxes forordenar* plaeed nt the xtorec el Meaara. J. M. Cooper k Oo., W.G. Diekeow, W, W. Ltneeln. at the offloe of tbe Morning News, and nt my residence U Jonee-atreet. Janl6 r WllUnk'i Wharf, near the Una Hsm*a, IE subecriber informs the pubUe that be ie teeelvlat and will keep eonatantiy on hand a good eteekaf gteen and eeasoned oak. and dry pine, and eUIsiU a call from hla friends and the public: Orders left at the Georgian offloe will be promptly at- tended to. .[oc 86-tT] DAN’L O’QONNOR. Brain. Fali‘l>unk»’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALER, W ^Tf»AWA“lS , ’^' > garThaee Scalsi have been long knowaaad severely tested, and the universal eonfldence felt la their aetaracy andperiect adjustment la such that they ar* new regard- THE (STANDARD! ' from whlob there la no appsal. BELL k PRENTISS, ®® t18 ArentejBaraaaah^ BAYARD TAYLOR’S JAPAN A VISIT to India, China and Japan In 1868, by Bayard Taylor Eranlnga with tha Prophets a aeries of msmolra and meditations, by Rev A Morton Brown. Clouds and Sunshine in the Uf* of a Village Pastor. Harbangh’a Heavenly Home, 8 vote. FUnt’a Clinical Reports on Continued Fever and Typhoid Fever. Gooch’s Practical Midwltsry. Fordyce on Fevers. Itenaanball’a Medical Student* VadaMacum, with np warda of200tlUuatraaUona. Beaaley’a Medical Formulary Do Prescription Books, Wood’s Practice, Bell it Stokes’ Dickson's. Wateon’a. Dnngliaon'a, and all other medical works for Students ana Practitioners, at reduced prices. ocl7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. IIEKHINO'8 PATENT FHUDPEOOFIAVB l'hllbrlok At Bell. vox txi eiATi o» oaonou, Ths ■nbeeriber cowtlaxae to manufacture hla xarival- ed Patent Fire and Buglai Proof Saha, warrantedequa- to any, and sancrior to ***** ,of the many which hav* heea tested, as puhliahed and nor 4 . t Iced by the preeathroughMl thewormior the last flrteen year!.—and te cote proprietor of Hall’s Patent Powder Proof Look, both having received separate medal* at tbe World'* Fair. London, lfiftl, and N. York In 1863-’4. Also, the patentee (by purchase) of Jones’s calebratod Combination and Premium Bank hotk. 81,000 in gold won placed in the aafe exhibited nt the World’s Fair, London,secured by Hali’aand Jonee’Loeka and offarod aa a reward to any one who eould pick tbe looks or open the safe within forty-five dan, and although operated upon by several akllled in the art of look pick ing, no one succeeded In opening the safe, (no change or alteration in the locks or key a havtag been made during the time,) but the money remained m ita eale depositary and was returned to the proprietor, and n medal awarded him for the champion Safe of tba world. Catmow.—None genuine except those having the auk-. ■eriber’a name on a neat plate. SILAS C. HERRING, Green Block, cr. line and Water-at*..N*w York. N. B.—The above Safe* and Lock* oan be had at mans* facturer’a prices ol hla anthoriled agent* in all the princi pal cltiea in the United States and Canada. JarnM F1&EPB00F SATES. ““ A F (J IIT II K It SUPPLY BY BELL) A PRENTISS. JUST RECEIVED per Seh’r. North! tat*, direct from the manufactory, 22of thoa* well known Herring's Patent Hr* Pi oof B»fN, aaeorted bUm and patterns, with Hall's Patent Powder Proof Leek, lew York card grteea. oetlfi SYDNEY SMITH. 4 MEMOIR of the Rav Sydney Smith, by hi* daughter Lady Holland; V vote. ustrated Manners Book, a manual of good behaviour and polite accomplishment. The Afnerlcan Cottage Builder for Homes for the people, bv J Bullock. Tome's account of the Panama Rail Road. Harper'* Magsalne for September. A oew soppily of Mary Lindon, Doeatloka, Hue’s China, Moqelto Shore. Sam Slick, Women of the French lie vol u- Don, and First Exila of Napoleon to Elba. Harper’s Establishment,or how Books ar* made, with numerous platee, anggO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. A ND its Religion, wUlftoddent* ot tr avs! In that coun- XA. try; by Root. A. Wilson, with {Lustrationa.- lily: a novel by a lady of Charleston, author of “ The Busy Momenta of an Idle Woman.” Cnarlea Lamb’s Works, with sketches of hi* life ; by Thoa. Noon Talfonrd; fa 2 vola. Out of Debt, out or Danger; by Cousin Alios. Grato’a History of Ureeos, 11 vote, yitagerald’s Exhibition Sneaker. Maud and other Poems;by AlfredTsunyson. Harper’s Story Books, vcl. 4. Westminster Review for October. Ecleotlo Magaalns for November. novl7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS HOLIDAY BOOKS. A SELECT assortment of elegant works with numerous fine engraving* ana splendidly bound, suitable for Ubrlitmas presents, Tha Holy Gospel* illustrated In 40 original designs, by Overbook, Folio, Antique, cf. Gems or British Act, llluatraUa with 30 superb line eugravings, (olio, antique, of, Ornament* of Memory; or, Beautiea of History. Ro- tuanoeand Poetry, with lfi engravings, quarto, antique, oalf. . The Women uf the Bible, with 18 euyravlngs, new edition, royal firu, antique, call', gilt. The Republican Court, containing 21 portrait* of dis- llngulnhed Ladles during ths day* of Washington, mo rocco,extra gilt. The Queens of Kuglaod, by Miee Strickland, with 27 elegant uortralta. antique, calf, gilt Life of Martin Luther aud the Reformation in Germany, by Stark: beautifully illustrated, with 10 engraving*, an tique calf. Leaflets of Memory, an Illuminated annual, 11 engra vings, morocco extra. Scenes In the LUe of our Saviour, illustrated, call extra. Women of the Scriptures, with 8 illustrations, calf estra. Gem Book of British Poetry, with Portraits, eseouted In the finest style, morocco extra. Washington Irving’s Sketch Book, with engravings from original designs, by Darley. Female Poets of Amerioa, with engravings, antique calf, Poets and Poetry of America, do do, Birds of the Bible, illustrated with elegantly colored eugravlags. The- Mesnonelto. the Snow Flake, tbe Gem, Annual Affection*. Gift, Friendship’s Offering, and a variety of other work*, with fine engravinga ana binding*. J WORd AND WIN Ed.—10 half pipe* Otsrd and other French Brandies, 16 eighth cask*, of very old Fretioh lirati-iy, 25 quarter oa*k« dadelrn. 60 do. no Malaga Wine, ti pipe* Holland Gin, 2 puncheon* Jamal?* and St. Croix Rum, 60 boxes St. Jullvn CUral. 6 quarter caaki Wine, 100 bbl*. DouebtioGiii. Whiskey, hum and Brandy— - tale bv Mov’d \ V CONNERAT k iiov2 ■ssr F 13H PATE—Assorted, Juat receired and lor sale by jan3 A. UQNAUD, Ourner of Bay k Bull-ste AMS, #C—Juet received-6 liercss choice family . Hams: & bbla extra family Lard; 10 bbls and hall Pig Pork, 60 boxes Beadel’s Soap, Starch and Tallow Candle*; 60 do Adamantine Candles; in store and for ante by DAVID O’Cf'NNOR, deo2D corner Broughton fc Drayton »t». H bbTTl THE OLD HOM8TKXD. B Y MRS. ANN M. STEPHENS, author of Fashion and Famine, Harper’s Classical Library, translated aud r ubliihsdln volumes, sue of Bnhne editions, Virgil, Sal- u*t and Horace, received, to be followed bv otheia. Abbotti Young Christian Series, vol 4. Hosryhead and McDonner, improved and enlarged with numerous en gravings. Japan and Aaoundtke World in Commodore Parry's •quadron. by J W. Spalding, with illustrations. Christian Tbsiara, the teetimony of reason aud revela tion to the existence and character of tbe Su preme Being. A basket or chips, by J. Brougham. Mortimer’s College Life, by E. D. May. Harper’s Magazine for November. North American Review for October. Vote 10, 11. and 13, Curtis’ Deolslous U. H. Supreme Court. ool30 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. doel6 DOUGLAS JERROLD’S M EN of Character, containing Titus Trumps, Jack Runnymede, Job Pippins, and lnaao Cheek, with en graving!. Mammon, or the HardNhip* of an Heiress—by Mr* Goro. The Rag Bag, a collection of F.pherorra—by Willi*. Tri-colored Sketches of Parla in 1861.1862 and 1863— plates Scientific Annual for 1866. The Country Neighbor*—by Mr* Dupay. author of The Conspirator, Ac. Foster'* firat Principles ol Chemistry, adapted for Claeses. The moat eminent orator* and Statesmen of Ancient and Modern Times—by Dr A Jiaraha. Contents: Lord Chatham. Bnrke, Grattan. Fox. Curran,Shsrmnn,Canning. Pitt, Patrick Henry. Fisher Ame*. Calhoun, Webitsr, kc. ap!9 W. THORNE WILLIAMS F Kr.=H SALMON. UtUHTKltSft SARDINES—For aale by J»n3 A. BONAUD. H AY—160 bales North River Hay, landing and for eele by novlO CRANE. WELLS k OO. a do ground Cinnamon and Ginger, 6 do do Pepper, 80 d< Yeaat Powder, In a tore, and (or aalelby DAVID O’CNNOR. aug21 cor, Broughton k Drayton Sts. L IQUORS—100 bbls Hum; 200 do Pike’! Whiakey, 76 do Smith'* do; 76 bbls Gin,-10 hair pipes Brandy, in stors and for*ele_by septtO OCTAVUS COHEN■ EAVANN All LOAM ASSOCIATION STOCK. F ir 8AUi—Twenty (20) shares Savannah I.oan Aaao elation Stock. Apply at this office. deal—tl / wired, for aale by SCRANTON, JOUNSTONk CO. WS. M. LAWTON « CO, FACTORS, CHARLBrfTON, 8. C. 1 (Wm. M. Lawtos, Office No. 13 I | R. WouwmouT Baoor. Soutliern Wrinrf | j Joexni T. Dill, aug4—eod4ro J C Wotoiui Lawroa. Jr. 8PJCNCKH UUltHKLL 4i CO., OEFERAL AUCTION d COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 164 Bav Street, JOL1C1T Irom their friends consignments ot every de- / seriptlon. Ily personal attention will be given to ths sale iff Real Estate, Bank 8tock, ko. Rxrsxsxani: Hiram Roberts, Eaq. | B. F Wood ft Pleraon. Heldt ft Co | Noble Lyon, Keq. rojk M. FXTZOKKAlaU, Corner of BrotiMkton muI Wtiltalacr-atrects, Savannah, oa., SUCCESSOR to T. C. RieeTManufacturer and Dealer in D every variety of common and line CAND1UI, kUn dried and warranted to rentet effectually the hot damp at mosphere of a Southern Climate; also Lemon and Straw- ber y Syrup. Ac. Term* cash, price* low. tfo-apfi HUDSON, FlaKfllNO At GO., Factors and Commlaeiun fflcrclmnts, v, oa *austreet, ifamnaol. Go.. f PENDER their servioea to planters, merchant* and deal JL era, in the sale of Cotton and all other oountrv pro* ■ ace. Being connected In business with Horxwa, humor TOjti KK ft CHEESE—26 firkin, choice Butter, 76 boxee *t y ^ifSKrKS^rodachdoeoPmafkete." Strfotatten- JD Cheeaa, reeelved per steamer andjor ■ale_by__ [c f n to buainaas, and tbe uiual facilitiee af- nrded cuswimeie. J.R. HUDSON. W. R. FLEMING, i **'***** LAMBETH HOPKINS, Angueta. gaplfi 11 COHEN, Charlastot _ —, — ed per 0 Alabama by nnvl JOHN D. JESSE. ■JITTERS, SYRUP ft CURUIALS-150 cases Bitters, aa- Xj sorted brands; 76 boxoa I«mon Syrnp; 76do asaort- eil Cordials; rccolved end for aalo by mart MoHAHGN ft DOYLE. nmi, Giuuiar,. «u.—ou arga asieoiao uuuer; iov I boxes Cheese: lOqulnUU Codfish; 100boxes Iter- [a; landing and for sale P" D K1ED FRUIT, PICKELS AND CATSUPS.—26 boxes an sorted Catsups,60do P.okela.quarts and pints. Al - ao Almonds, Brazil Nut* aud u*w Raisin*, for sale by nov2 J. V. CONNERAT ftOO. M ACKKllKfo, PUTATOKB At APPliKS- 100 barrels medium No. 3 Mackerel; 200 do White seed Potatoes; 100 do Mercer do; 60 do Baldwin Apples; or sale by dso21 i CTAVU4 COHEN. B UTTKlfc AND CHKKIK— 26 kegs choice Goshen Butter; 60 boxes do Engluh Dairy Cheese; 76' do d> White do; Just received and for sale by feb2<) SCRANTON, JOHmSTON ft CO. B ' AUUN HIDE* Al I1A3IS—25 hhdsj>rime new* Bacon Sides; 6 casks ohoice sugar cured Hams; land ing and for aale by jenlfi «GRANTON. JOHNSTON A (X). S ~~ EKD POTATOES AND APPLES—200 barrels white seed potstoea; 100 do Mercer do; 40 do Baldwin ap- pl«a. For Bale, to arrive, by deals OCTAVUS COHEN. C HAMPAGNE WINE-100 basket* Fiper fcCo. Hsid- aoick Champagne. Landing and for sale by marls HOLOOMBE,; JOHNSON ft C^>. SUNDRIES. Boxes suprerior Ground Coffee; 76 do. “ •- * “ 100 do 76 do. 76 do. 500 do 100 do. 100 do BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! AT REDUCED PRICKS. D ESIROUS of reducing his stock on hand, the under signed offers hie books for sale at a slight advance only, on New York eost. Persons wishing to replenish or ■apply themselves with a Library ot good choice books, will find it to their advantage to oall and purchase. Pa rents and Teachers can supply thsmsalvea with school books very cheap, and merenants also with blank books, paper and stationer y. Call eoon, as the opportunity will not be opon Ion S. S. SIBLEY, oot28 136 Congress at. COL. HABDEE'S TACTICS. R IFLE and Light Infantry Tactics, prepared under the direction or the War Department for the uec of tbe Army and the Militia, in two pocket volume*. Cavalry Tactics, prepared by erder of the War Depart- lent Light* and Shadows of English Life, a novel, by tbe au thoress of “ The Bell* of the Season ” Female Life among the Mormons, by a Wife of a Mor mon Elfifir. Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol, with Maps and En gravings. Ins and Outs, or Paris by Day and Night; by Julia Ds Marguerettes. Ns w Hope, or, the Rescue; a tale of the Great Kanawha. Clive Hall, bar the author of “Amy Herbert,” fto. Harper and Putnam for Awtnat. augl W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Me by HOLOO 2.000 dnc22 i >MBE, JOHNSON ft CO. hJME! Lending and BusbelsTui for sale by CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Jan 20 Aitl’, IIKllltlNOfi, FOTATOKB At GOD- J FISH—25 bbl* prime new no. 1 Leaf Lard: 76 kege do do dn; 100 botes flsrrings; 60 bbls Carter Potatoes; 2 bhdx Codfish, landing and for salt by .... 1 joi T A Xj i do do jaal SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft OO F ulton market corned beef— io hair bbl* and io whole do; 6 Bbbla Fulton Market Corned Pork, 6 do Superior Loar Leaf I*rd, and 6 bbla Pickles, just re esived and for sale by J. I). SESf.~ fiegtaft B UTTER ft CUEESE-IO kfgs choice Goshen Rutter, 10 boxes English Dairy Cheese, W do CholceWestchea- ter do.Jut received and for aale by ■•pit JOHN D. JESSE. Frof- Wood’seetebllehment, 114 Mer est stmt, st. Louis. • 1 J. B. MOORK ft CO ,8avonnah,1 K. PAINE. Macon, ' E. 4. WHITE, Milledgevtlle, ftAlMME-g.^ 1 , ‘new bunch* i Yg^telroBMEmi F ES K FRU1K k VKG ETABLES—Consisting i n part peaches, Pineapplas, Quinces, Raspberries. Htrai berries .Green Pees, •SSI" ... Itraw- i. Cauliflowers, kc., for eale A. BONAUD. B RANDIK8, WINKS, CORDIAU fc CIGARS—Forsaleby Janfi A. BONAUD 8pBiilsli Consulate. tub wm or the Spanish consulate, FOR THE POST OF BAYAHNAH, WILL OK FOUND AUUVK Deroid’i Dru« Xteie, Bnifkln Street. OFFICE HOURS, FROM 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. ,t6 JOSE JUUO MARTIN fflUSDIUKE; Ki\ BOXES Ground Coffee; Ovl 200 eke'Rio ao, 100 mate Old Government Java do; 60 half chests Tea, various brands; 100 botee Tobaeeo, ohoice do; 600 g] —* 50 76 do. / w Beadel’s dandies; '** Mould do. Adamantlos do. Sperm do. Tale, Family and No. 1 Soap ; Toilet do Iomon Syrup; 100 doa Broom*; 100 d"- Buckets; 76 do. Bra**bound Pall* ; 76 do. Nests Tubs; MW do. F.oxeaTobacco, assorted : 76 do. Pipes; 100 half cbsdt Tea, various qualllie* : 100 bale* wrapping Twine; 200 sacks Rio Uoffen ; 100 mats old Government Java do; 100 bales Sugar, Soda and Pilot Bresd,received and or saleby. febfl McMAHON ft iiOVLB. S UNDRIES—loo botes family soap; 100 do No. Ido; 100 do pale do; 100 do mould candles; 126 do adamaa; line do; 76 do sperm do; 160 do raisins; 100half dodo- 200 quarter do ao: 100 do ground ooffee; 200 do starch, 300 mustard; 200 do frean ground pepper; 100do catsup; 76 do lemon syrup. Landing and in store and for sale by dec4 McMAHON ft DUYLK F IGS, RAISINS k ALMONDS—100 arums ■ Smyrna Figs; 160 whole, hair and quarter boxes Raisins; 10 bbu soil shall Almonds, landing and for eale by * " HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fc CO. „ HARPER FOR MARCH. T77WBANKS’ Life in Bratll, with upwards or 100 iUus- Hi trations. squlsr’s notes on Central America, with original maps and illustrations. Parisian Sights and French Principles, seen through —i— c.—■ -fries Amarican Spec taels s, 2nd aeriss. Learning to Think. Harpers’ Story Books, vol. 6. ttattljtg, JttMtira, ggt. WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE QL Is receiving by every arrival a rT’w'i ■TV l»r*« end rich usortment or ■MM, Gold and Silver Watches. IHamondPins, Ear and ringer Rings, Mantle and other Clocks, Spoon, Forks, Tsa Setts, Casters, kc., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry In every variety. lv°fy Table Cutlery, line Pooket Knives and Seiners. Mob China and Parian Vases, and othsr articles. Fine Double Barrslled Guns, manufactured to bU own order. Gunning Implement*ofall kind*. Plated Walters, Casters, Tea Setts and Candlesticks, with • great variety or Fauoy Articles, suitable lor wedding gilts, too numerous here to mention. All kinds of Watches and Clocks tepalied by the most experienced workmen. JenUO B, W1LM0T, No. 1 Market square. Ornamental hath work “ Mad* to ordor by F. NOLT1U1KR, at the store of T B. Wllmnt, No. 1 Mnrket Square. HE attention of the public is respectfully invited to a rich and beautiful assortmsnt or patterns at the above stere. Tbe superiority of workmanship and darabllity of theee ornaments ie well known to those who. for the last five years, favored him with their orders, and by comparison with other work, wherever made, wlU be at onoe per* oeived. Tho aiaortment embraces everything that can be made or hair. Also. Devises. Boquets and tetters on Ivory tor lockets or broaohea. Prices moderate. ja80 NEW BOORS. R eceived by w. thornk williams- Appleton’a Encyclopadla uf Biugraph; uf the meet distingulened peraons of all time*. Edlteu by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, with numerous Illustrations Huger*' Table Talk. Tbe Courtesies of Wedded Life; or the First nnd Second Marriage. By Mr*. Leslie. The Island of Cuba; by Alexander Humboldt. Transla ted by J. 8. Thravher, with a map. The Deeameroa of Boccaccio; translated, with eighteen igravinga. Widow Uedot Paper*. Madam* Sevlgne’e Letters.edited by Mrs. Sarah J Hate. Elint’e Explorations of Diseases AJIsctlng the Respirato ry Organs. Lehmann's Manual of Cltaraloal Philosophy, with notes by Drs. Morris and Samuel Jackson. Irving’s Life of Washington, Prescott's Phillip IT.. Na poieon’s Confidential Correspondence, Chemistry of Com mon Lffo, Ernest IJnwood, Pepy’s Diary. mar27 PBESCOTT'S PHILIP II. TTISTORY of theRsIgn of Philip II of Spain; by W H JlL Prescott, In 2 vote. Longfellow’s Song of Uiawatha. The Mystic; by Bailey, author of Festua. The House by tho Sea; by Thoa Buobanan Reed. Rose Clark; oy Fanny Fern. Phcenteclana, or Sketohss and Burlesques; by J Phoenix. Irish at Home aqd Abroad, at the Court aod In the Camp. . Arnold's Christian Life, its Courses, kc. Blind Girl of Wittenberg, a pioture of the Times of Lu ther and the Reformation. Master Karl’s Skstoh Book. ThePrinoe of the House of David, or 3 year* la the Ho) f City; by Professor Ingraham. Village Farm aod Cottage Architecture. 100 engraving I W. THORNK WILLIAMS. Jan 8 F LOUK—Marietta Mills—260 bbl* ‘Denmeed’ ‘Oakley.’ in store, and lor sale tv IsbS H01.00MBK JOHNSON k C sSHAMPAUNK GfDKit—20 befo Champagne' Cider lor C/nnteby novt7 ROWLAND ft BON In racks and barrels, of “ Atlanin MUle,” eon- 600 gross 8s*okin« Tobaooe; ■Ived and for ante by Qff AAA ORANGES, Just received (reek from CHAMPION k WATTS. :(26 No 4 Barnard at. jantO MoMAHUN k DOYLE. bhlH, M“"‘l J.u.u,^ F lour. rLouR- 160 Barrel* Denmead'Flour; — - Oaktey - Crotchet* and Quavers, by Max Maretxeok. The Hunters’ Feagt, by Capt. Moyne Read. Mimic Life, bv Mrs, Mowstt Rltohie. Tbe Prince of the House ef David, by Professor Iogra- Macaulay’s England, large edition, in sheep and in eloth, vote. Sand 4. Do do, cheap edition, 13mo. Confidential Correspondence of Nepoleon with bin bro ther Joseph, 2 vote. Oodey’e Lady Book for March. Rose (Clark, Fanny Fern’a Life. Ruth Hall, WUeon’a Treatise en Logie. Zeoaped Novice. Uby, Spirit Manifesta tions txamloed, Old Homestead, ko., fab22 W, THORNE WILUAMS, NEW MEDICAL BOOKS. MaekeMk’s Practical Treatise on DisNAea of the Eye, with 176 BlnstrattesM. Rokitansky’•Manual of Patbelogioal Anatomy, transla ted by Bwnine, 4 vote in 2. Paget's Burgienl Pathology. Barton on the Cause and Prevention of Yellow Tever, contained in tbn Report of ths Sanitary Committee of New OrlenM, - Jameson on Knidemie Cholera. Tanner's Manual of GUaleal Medicine and Physical Dl- noth. Etemente of Madleine, Pathology and TherapsuUca, by Samuel Henry Dtekmi, MD, of Charleston Medical College, veil, Stoke* en Diaoaaesof the Heart and Aorta. Joan’s k Stererkiag’s Manual of Pathological Anatomy, with EOT UluetraUona. HaetallWMterneeopto <t Anaton»jrtn^Henlth and Disease, *W. THORNE WILLIAMS. HON. MISS XUBRAY'B NITED States, Canada and Cuba; Schwegler's History of Philosophy in Epetams. translated by Seeyle; Prescott’s Philip II of Spain, new supply in half calf and in cloth: Napoleon’s Confidential Correspondence with his bro ther Joseph i Devan’a History of the Queen’a of the Bouisjff Hanover —2 vote: The AUachl in Madrid; Romance of tbe Harem, by Miss Pardue! Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh; Ernest Lin wood, by Mrs. Lse Hants. mar4 W. THORNE W1LUAMS T3T. xr-™™ PimKB-a4kbUi,pU..0nmWnta li Jufc 100 .Oo.OoUm frem tJ the accession or James II. Ungard’s History or England, 18 vote. Grote a History of Greece, 11 vote. Received by Jan 10 W. THORNK WILLIAMS. B AGON SIDES, SUGAR, kC— 10 hhda. prime BaeonStdeei 20 do do Porto Rico Sugar; 60 boxes Stuart’s A k B Clarified do; 60 do Butter. Bugar, and Soda Craokera; 40 do Grant k Williams’fi’skB’sTobacoo; 200 do Ko. 1 Pate and Family Soap; 80 do Oswego ft Colgate's Pearl St arch; 200 bags prim* Green Klo Coffee; Landing aad for aale from store by f SCRANTON, JOHNSON fc OO, UTTER AND CHEK8K.— ” 80 kegs selected Goshen Butter; 60 boxes white, and 60 do. colored Chteee. Re- °*febt/* r atMnMr> tod B utter and uiuokbiu 26 kegs Choice Goebsn Butter; WATClftkOB, JEWELRY At FANCY QOODB, R KOEIVING by every arrival of the steamere frash addi tions. making ths best assortmsnt in this eity. of hit kinds of Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Silver Sptoa, Forks, Pitchers, Tea Sets.Cups, Syphons, Plated Castoffi! and every variety of artloles connected with our line of business; all of which will be sold as low as In any city in the Union. I). B, NICHOlS. g^ Particular attention given to the Repairing or Watches and Jewelry. nO 20 - ' HAIR ORNAMENTS. O F EVERY DESCRIPTION executed on the premia** , hr MR. NULT1MIKR. in the most superior manner an of which will be furniinsd the city or country custom er on the most reaaonable terms, and at prloea •• low as at any other establishment or tbu kind in the State. ,ni * r:11 8, W1LMOT, No. 1 Market square. fCTianllantOttg. BEMO VAL. PAPER WAREHOUSE. MEGAEEE BB0IHEB8, Paper Manufacturers and Importers of Manufacturer*’ Materials, Noi. 3 and 5 Deoatnr St., FMUdaphU, B EG to call the attention of purchasers to their exten sive assortment of Papers, »uued to the wants of dealers and consumers in every sectlou of the Country,— All order* will receive prompt attention, and be filled at ae low prlges as by any house In the Union. Mr 1000 TDM llAGIfl wanted for Caah. _ feoiifl d2m THE GREAT bOUTHEUH BEUESYT, PRYOR’S^ OINTMENT. I T is a sure and speedy cure tor burns, piles, corns, fel ons, rover torsi, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nurses,) sore aod cracked lip*, fresh wounds and sorts ot any description. It Is a moat valuable remedy, and cure, which can be testified to by- thousands who have used it in many portions of tne Sooth fur the last few years. In no instance mil tbe naive do ariy injury, or interfere with a physician’s pre- scrijitlon. The proprietor hae numerous certificates and letters from people who hare used it themselvee, and most earnestly recommend it to other* as a speedy and e«teln remedy for the above named dteeases. A trial is all that is neceirarjr for its own recommendation Sold by J. D. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and druggist* generally. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor, mtrll—lytw LaUrange.G*. ^"wtar Tl/ILL give their special attention to purchasing i f f selling Produce, Mercbaudisc and Stock* ofevu, description. liberal Cash advances made on Consignments. RXriRKNOU: John Bones. I’m. Bank ol Augusta; W M D’Antlgua*. Pres. Ins. Bank; Tho* ltanett, Pres. State Bank; Heard k Davison, Lewis k Alien, M kB W Wilkinson, JO Carmi chael, Dakar, Wright k Go. Auguste: G W Williams fc Oo. Charleston; B M Leonard fcCo, White k Bishop, New York; Bell fc Prentiss, Waver fcdonstentinc. John Lama, Savannah;Hsymour,FanningkCo,NoahvUl*; KMkAli Plomlee, Knoxville. - decSO U.O.POOLK, No. II WhUaker.ttrttt,U Doontfnm Bnm, WIOUHAU AHD XKT1IL DXOiOl U h tASHai, Blinds, and Doors, Palate. Oil*. VaralriMe, > Wmeow Glass,Putty, ko. Painters, SJrainers,aad Artiste Brushes. White-wash Heads aad Dusters. Dry and Mixed Paints, or every deeription. Artiste Golori, in Tubes, Ifeparsd Canvass, ke Paper llangtegs, Borders, and Fire-Board Patterae. Rooms prepared with neatness and despateh. House, Sign, and Ship Paleting. J Gulldwg, Graining,and Glazing done in the beet etyle, aod at moderate pnoes. AH orders from tbe oountry prr'jpUy attended to. tuarai—y UV1JV6 AJVD HEIVOVATING K BTABLMI1MKNT, 78 r<rrkilr(ti l ntmrJXtJ^irtIbm^Saimmak, Omrmk. T 'HE sakocriDer, grawtui to hla patrons aad *rfndr fit ' their continued favors, would state that, la -***iti Mr sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSON k CO. Landing aad for aale by deelfi SCRANTON. Jt JOHNSTON h 00. 2 vote with upwards of MO iUasi sepl2 ' ARD AKD CHKKSK.—16 half bbls. Iwaf Lard l 26 ^BoxesOesea,reoeived andforjsrielyr^ ivi Mi. , w, -I— mm m m may favor him with their patronage. 7 ^ Gcntlemea’e garments'dyed, cleaned or renovated,a aKBsSaBRaaMsa^vc - Ladlrs’ bounste dyed, bleached and prseead la tha ar aabtenabtea\y]to. ---4 . ^Cftdenrirou thegoaetgg panctuaUy attended to. Tevma Wbea pareeteareeeatby steamboats o. raUread, were W .Alxxonm OALLnWAY an-ui