About The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1856)
*.a i.h !< t \ ' 'A t ■; k li ijjjjg® l \ 1- - pu^’rSjfc-'o^'kwj^V VOL. XXXVIII. •-»' 8A VXNNAHr GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, APBIL tt, 185” NO. 80. THE GEOKGIAN 1« VlTBl.trtUKO - DAILY, TRU WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, BY J. (i. WRIGHT *. co.,' < -|TY * COUNTY PUINTRIIS. J. a. WEIGHT. f. L. D, REGISTER. 1000 TONS Ha. 1 SUP R-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, D im . _ R I itup«riar qualify, the cheapest tu-aiur* In III# win Id \KUUKM>8 ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. warranted of 10.000 bush* .... gA. j 10,t(R) biurolH bout quality 0 j ;j tolhn BEST UdUAt.liY BOLD. In- u.-zsit,.,. *• : bu-hni, or II 10 per barrel WlXXt.V. in adnwuv. Where pay men) in not tnadein { nlvau;.*, the charge* will Invariably bo for Itaity Gioiytan '< W; 1W- l»«JLy 86 ami Wvkly *3. " RATES OF ADVERTISING. Fur uue iquarc of :*00 wm-- nr l'*»t any. type nut larger than Nonpirhrt, 76 Vent, ‘for tho first, auil 60 cents lor «aaU nubscqueu't Insertion (or *u> time Is.as-tuan one moutli. . i A l Tabular work, with or without mica, amt kdrerlise- tu. me orcupylug double eolutuu*. riiall bo charged dou ble tbs aUiveriW. Advertisements, of winterer longth, (or anytime less than out mn»'.h, to bo chtrxurt at transient ratoa. For a longur tim« at tho folowing ratom 1 utu. 1 Square... 2 «q •**#*.. * do ... a mo* 6 uiu* B utoa 1 la mo* 70 60 Former* atnl dealers supplied at low prlite* EXTRA QUALITY* LANP I’LANlER. 6J00 barreta Extra Quality Land Piaster.' '.elected fur Itn fertilising quality. allvl* uf immo In bulk* Ordinary Laud Pleat-r. equal D. ttttho low prlco ofV0 cent* ...... lOporbarrol. with adodnulii'U iurlar<« lota. - IWWM0 bushels of s* rue lo bulk 1,1100 barrels Calcined Piaster. 1,000 •• (Mating *• A 00 •• Dentist •< 6,0u0 *• Hydraulic Cement. 1,000 *»• -Truo Roman '■ PERUVIAN GUANO. Thla r.rtlclo wo offer looonlldanoe to our ett*loni*M, a* equal to any Imported, and fir superior to moat in tho market. 10.000 bags of thin superior Guano, f.>r tuile.at'hsluwvet market rates. Also. POUDKKTTK, MEXICAN GUaNu, GROUND CHARCOAL. Ac., Ac. FRENCH, RICHARDS k CO. . 4 At the STEAM I'L.tSlEU MIlL* Junction York Aveu- ueand CaUowhtll street. I'hitaaelpnia. 'feb 0—eoilliu The Great Russian Remedy PRO BONO PUBUCO. For any time not a'tore specified, a proportional charge •barged two-thirds the above rate*. A deduction of 24 per cont. from Hi* above rata* will be made on adverriaemente appearing on the fourth pago n( the daily Bpealal notices, 10 cents per lint for Utu flrat. and o eenta for aseh aubiiquent iuiehion. and In no case to be ■abject to contract. M« retag* notlque. II. Kunerpl In* vitatloue. 60 eenta eaeli. No apcclal notice Inserted for Icse than So eenta. Obituary notlcea, Reporta, Ueaolit* tlona, or proeeedlnge of nny Society. Annotation, orypr- I Matloo.ordered to be piibltihedfn oottU per line. ■laaraliuata will be adrertiaa.l nU.S.tt) per annum tor •a:h boat adrertliad. tteamabipi, where but one is muiiing. #10 per annum; If two or more, #30 each. Aucllunen’a adfertlwment* not to he subject to con tract, but to %e tharged at the rate* preaerlbed per aqttaro. Wheu «ny bill fdMwo oto .tha adrertlalUB.other lluvn oontraet. amounts to over #60, a deduction or 26 p«r cent will ba made. ' - . Yeatly advertlalng, with the privilege of ahnnge. will be tekou at the following ralaa ; # For oua lquare, renewable once a weak. f l > *• •• •* twlee •• 66 *• •• three times or ofteimr *0 Every ail'lltlnnal aquara contracted Tor to V.« charged une hilfthe atrnve rales additional. Yearly advertisers shill ba limited to tho spaco con tracted for. All contracts shall he in writing,-elating tleftnUely toe natnr- of tha hualnesa lo no adveitlsuil. - nv a-lvertlaement*not ^roparty connuota,l with the Hu ai i«*s shall he charged aeparnt ly. and also any «*c»ss o f matter ever tha amount contracted for. Contnct ailveftiiemenls payable quarterly Adrertiap- manta from strangers nud trande it persona pnyablo in advance. All othera will be considered due when called 43* “Every mother should have a box 'u tha h-tuae bandy In eitMeof accidents to llicentldren." Bedding's Russia Salve. It U a lhiaton remedy of thirty .icars* standing, nn-t is recomnietdiod by physicians. Ills a sure and sptedy cure tor Huriia.rtlua, Lolls. Dorns, Felons, ( hilblalna, and old Soreaofevory kind; fur Fever Borus. Ulcers, Itch. Bcald Hoad. Nettle lUeh. Bunions, Bore Nipples, (recommended by nurses.) Whitlow*, Sties, Festers, Flea Rites, Spider Stings, Froien Limbs, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Sore.and. Cracked Lips. Sore Nose. Warts and Flesh Wouuda. it Isa most valuable remedy und cure which can be testified to by thousands who have used it in the city of uostonandvi ciulty for tho Inst thirty year*. In iih Instance will thin Waive do an injury, or interfere with a physician’* pre* scrlptlona. It la''wade I com the puie*l materials, from a recipe brought from Russia—of ar Idea growing in that country—and tliu proprietors Uavn letters from all clast* es. olergynieu, physiomns. sea captains, nurses, and oth* era who have used it themselves, and recommend It to others. Red-ling’s Russia Salve is put in Urge tin boxea, at am pod on tin* cover with a picture or a horse aid a die* alda-l sob.let which picture la also engraved on the wrap per. I'Ficx, 25 1'k.vrs a Box. Sold at alltheatorea in town or country, nr may buonloredof any wholesale drug* gist. Hkdhijo k Co., I’roprlelora. B W. W LINCOLN, febCJ—au.w. fim Agents. for. i. to ne Incln led in (i'O V. T H E . mil:-: l.rie and Works oft lost he. ny J M leeit; X Tits old Dominimi; nr, lln*Southampton Massacre. It hunt -. M,t<g- and lUllsds i-l the Amcritsn Re volution; Ruimimc Itecolleclloiis. s wayside glimpse nl American Lile, by W SI tr*h Heinn Hoi vie; » nitsl int*-udvd for those who arc hiudeied from ntifi. mg* hun-h. by «be Rev Win ilseon Elevens. I* I*; A*pen l »tiil t'V Shlri**; TI.n IVi Tim \V« by II Mayliow; Wh'isre I lie lilt 'rse- # *»r. Mr It It vol. oi edgar Allen I'no’i AI boll'- ll‘Ti*.ind«i (’••Hex, mar IS llumphrny Davy, Business Oirectorg. “SOklBSOPVALLEMOKO^ AUMueyi and Couniellora at Law, A Nil'SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. • oencK. No. 17 linoAn-sTBm. CHARLESTON. 8.0. Olnudian Itird Northrop. Alexander Augustin Alleuobg. dselfi OFFICE JjK*- $?1Um5£?NI?''\^K?l8?hTIttCT8. Residence No. 1-1 Liberty street, i ton. . . Rooms over DsWitt St Morgan’s Store,- CongreMat. ort!6 ly i. t, w UACt.mno. MILLER At QAUIsOING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vijta, Oa. BARNARD ELLIS. FAtrrOR AN 1) UKNKRAL tOMMlSSUlN mRRRCHANT NTi.'CB Hay street, .Savatmab, Georgia. HKTXHS TO Mceats. Ciaritorn A Cunningham. Ilellit 1‘reutisa, Ogden, Btnrr A’ i'o.,davauo»)>, and J, 1* Tlioinpaon, Boston, nuvj JOHN T. XOWUXtljSa . nnWUHD. ROWLAND At CO., ",-:.vr.RtL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! Tss Uay*atreet. Savannah. MctiUHMIl MCINTOSH, ATTORNEY AT J*AW, ^acfceojieilH, ila. GKOiuikl 1'ROtH‘HdWAttbr ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Mice. Monument Squure, near Stats Rank, Ratmnmvh.jOa. OROiiAKV’SOFVlCB. i I'l-nor of Ray and Whitaker-atreeU. ODloe hour# rrom » A. M , to 2. |*. M.: and from 8H I’. M »A^ P • y ‘- U. A* O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mb* US Ray street, over Turner k Co.’a Drug Store. 4. W. PATTERSON, ATIORNRY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvltle, Lowndes County, Oa. WlLLlAn DANliaiili, ATTORN6T AT LAW, Corner Whitaker streatandBay lane,Savatnah. J. H. DAVIS. W. H. t Itt'SK .DAVIS At LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Savannah, (Ja. LARD, KERaiWn, POTATOES, M. Q? Rbla Krllnc l^ai l'*arttt. v , taO 50 keg# do do -dor 100 boxes Herrings, and * l|ltde Oodttak j 60 bbla Carter Potatoes; ,100 bbla Hnk Eyea and Mcroer Potatoes; 20 halt bbla ''Fulton Market” Best; 25 bbla No. 8 Mackerel, new; 20 halfbhls No, 1 do do; 26 do do No. a do do; V6 half bbla Buckwheat Flour; 20 quar bbla do do; 26 boxes do do; ,M "SHU*. JIIHNWON > COT Books. olimioal soxorrv. TIY U.NEUTuNjttom noua taken by W •T, A...I k. LIGAK A I 10 Hhda Chotoa N.Q. Sugar, 10 do do '8t; Croix do 160 Bag* Prims Oman Rio ColTae, 60 Mala Old Government Java Conaa, 60 Bags Maracaibo du 60 do Lagulra do a 60 do Porto Rico do !.V»"“ 4,0r "AiUTOIN. J.MM.IQKAC Obatatriaa, Memoirs and (kmttlbutlans. by .lames Y, Simpson, Profeaaor of HMwIfary, Edinburgh. Lehmanns Phyalologleal Chemistry, translatail from the 2nd edition. By 07 E. U*V, With lllttstration*, 2 v,lU Kirk k Paxata Physiology.and all tne Text Rooks used in tha Medical Collages. Rev/Dr. Cummlng’a Twelve Urgent Questions. Helen laeson; a Heap at New York Society. The New Pnrehaae, or Early Yean In the Far W»t Ry Robert Carlton. A Basket of Chip#. By John Rrotigbam. a OU Hom„t.,t.,.Ke- male Lire among the Mormoos, Mary Lyndou, Doenticks. JapanjOlderSlaler. w THORNE Wll.l lAMS. F IaUUR, potato mil At biscuit— 160 sacks Granite Milla Superfine Flour 100 barrels Seed Potatoes. 16 - “ Sugar Blienli. 16 •* 8oua '• 60 boxea •' *' 16 barrels Pilot Bread, fresh. Received and for sale by . lebtt MoMAHON k DOYLE. j and quavebs. O R the RaTeTairona ol an Opera Manager in America; by Max Mxretuk. I awful Dlaeloanrea uIMa-la Monk, of the Hotel llleii Nun nery of Montreal, eonulnlngalso many Incidents oaver In- fora published. 1 Tha Faithless Guardian; by Susanna Monriel. Autr 1*9. or Without and Within; by'the author of "• rl'trlah.” Iowa as it la in 1866; a hand book for Emigration. Tevarno; a Romance by Georga Sands; transited by a ■N! kegs do Jo do do; Juit received and fur sale by ablO sSoRAN fUN. J0HN8TUN A O' idy - Tha Song of Hiawatha; a Poem by Henry Worisworth Doglellow. Juno Clifford; by alady; one of tba most pathetic, nlinsta d llNDUlEH-aO bbl* Old Faxilly Kya WbiAay; 26 novlS O bblaMonocgahelado; 60 bids do: 60 bbla XXX do; 60 »6bblaXX do; 26 bills X do; CO bbla Brandy; 76bbla(lin< and tatereatlng productions of the day. The Lime Kiln Man. Received and for tale by B S. SI BUSY. 106 Congress at. BANCROFT’S L l'LEUARYanu Historical MlsttelUnirs. rasay* and Ad dressca; 8vu A Journey through the Chinese htupire; by M Huo. au* . thor or H Recollectioniapf Journey through Tartary and .1AII iH-we'eiisiTa'an ST AH#? lit Thibet,” 2 vola, with a map l B0XK4 Ad. Ctadl.it' W io T.llo. <to| 100doP.l.| gift’.. M . tlUVUia.YAUO tUUJUA'lU, 60bbla Rum; 100 bbla ABAC Sugar; 100 ohesU Taft rious brands; 100 easae Wulfe’L ;-oheldam tkhnappa; doi Cordial*; 60 dot Brandy Cnarrika. Received and ...i. «... ' .* ' Unit a hum a ivivi. ffA BOXES Ad. Candles; «l do Tallow do; 100 do Pale OUSoap; 160do no. 1 (Jot^Qdo Colgate’s Starch; In #ala by H0LC0U1IK. JOHNSON k CO m A McAPIM &BROS, LUMUEH, .MILL AN1) BHICK YARDS, Bavmuinlt On. LUMBER, TIMBER AND BRICK, In large qiiautltles constantly on hand; and I.rKttR oawi'd to any desired nise. CAIIOOE8 FURNlallEI) AT BIIORTBHT NOTICE. Ag"nts :* nthn IlMlittidns; W. Til*'IINK WILLIAMS. The paner, under no oireum*tance' oontraet, „ , ,, Professional and business cards. n»t excnaillng 6 lines will ba inserted at $)0 per annum. Calls ou persons to beconie camlidst*is will lift Hticrle<l as other advertisements, to be paid for ‘tirnnabiy in s<l* vanes. ,, , Announcing candidates for office #10, to bo ; nid In ml- Advertisements, not marked on th-i copy for a specified tlm», will be'inserted until forbid, aud payment exacted. Regular advertisers aud all others sending couiwunica- tionsar requiring notiaas. designed to call attention to f«ira,QouaerU,aolraes, or any public entertainment wliera oharges are made for admittance—all notloft>i of private •iitarprlaaseakuiatador Intended to promote Individual interests, ean only be losartea witli the understanding that the tame la to be pniri for. li inserted in Urn editorial column (which ean be ouly at the dictation of the edi tors.) the same will be abarged at the rate of not less than 20 cants per line. Advsrttramants ordered In tho Weekly papor. $1 per auuara for each Inaarlion. Thla schedule (ofratoa of advertising) shall not in any wsy.affe«t tha Integrity of existing contracts. All con tracts fbr tha year, or for any othe* given time, shall only eeta# with tha expiration of the period for which they Tha undersigned, publisher* of Daily, Tri-Weekly <and Weakly nawapapara In Bsvaunah, Ua , pledge ourselves strictly lb adhere to the above bill of charges, and in no luaUneo to deviate therufro.qi- The above rates <o taka-flf^et March 1, 1850, and to eoatmna binding, until uhaonad by the vote of a majority of tha undersigned, AuxsNDXK k Sxxkd. RepuWcan. J, U Wxtairr .k Co., GeoraiaA. Txohmox k Wivuixorox. Horning Xeivt. R. B. Hilton, Journal. BULKS AND REGULATIONS NEW MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. attYIH A CU . 81 Heaver Street. NEW YORK. mat’dl “uicOTii. JUNKS, " COMMISSION MERCHANT. Jones' Buildings, gavannah, Geo. scptld 4. W. plllhips', OKA LEU IN GROCERIES. PRODUCE. LIQUORS, FRtm AND V INFECTIONERY. C’nrnnr ot West Broad ami Harrison HI root*. hc|i? eAVANNAH, Cj4. ly * li, A.1IUI.uomBE, A. M., CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH TEACHER. •u, K ;fi GASTON STLEKT ■_ atwjftiil 3> (vTuAkiflii, MRS. HASTINGS* , hiioaiiwav, New i okk) (Latk . __ Would vi^pcctfully, inlorin tho Ladies ofi Bavsitimh that »lio hm opened in Whitaker strooi, one dour from CiouiesH, h new and fashionable Millinery es tablishment, Hurt llist alto will henceforth devote her un divided attention to the same. Her lady patrons may text HNSured that Mrs. II. having hud charge of a most fashionable Miliin'iry e-iuhiishmeot ill New York city, U enabled, by iter long experience, to produce a Bonnet of of superior taslu, nnattum aud finish. Mrs. 11. would also assure liioie ladies, who may be kind enough to pat ronize her. that tier charges sni at the same low rates as those of New York. Her estiilribriimont. therefore, com bine.* tho art vantages of cheapness, with luperiurlty of style, and latent Purls fashions. S. R.—Cliiidreos’sn I Mourning BomifM mads to order. Already on hand, buOsplenJid Ladle* Dre*s Caps. Just ATTORNEY AND COUNBKLUm AT LAW. Montlcello, .leilerson County. Florida. Helereuee—Hon. W. B. Flemish, Kavannali. «a. FOWAHDU.WlhHUN, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONKIt «F DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens’ Law Office. ly—niarH IVM. icmjtr COUPkK. ««. COITKR Vitawt. UOUPEll At FRASER, tACTORS ifi GENERA!. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Hay Street. •*Hvannab ) Ua. yytl—uio FATTEN, HUTTON * UO„ hACTORS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jy27 Bay St rue t. Savannah, Geo. *7 imported, at 60 cunts and up' Country customers will pie ward Junk—ly h call and examine. EXCHANGE READING ROOM lit. Nona but regular subscribers, tie clergy, strangers and those Introduced ly subscribers, will, uuder any clraumataneaa, be periultt*d to visit the room. 2nd. Al aubaerlbtfa will be tequlred to pay one half tha inbsetlptlun fee In advanos. and the remaining hall at tha expiration of alx mouths. Id Ko papets, periodicals or other readfug matter al lowed to be torn, defaced or taken troin the room except by the consent of tha proprietor. 4th. c muklng In tho room most positively prohibited. 6th. Paraonc chawing tobacco are requested to use the spltoon* Instead of tha floor. 6th. Tha room wlU ba open'd each day, one hour afiar sunrise, and closed at Oo’okck; F. M., precisely, TERMS rXK ANNEM. Fern singleflnbecrlber 81° «0 For a Club ol two Subscribers 18 00 For a Club of three Subicrlbam 22 00 The above Rnleannd ItagnUtlnns will bo most strlutly sod rigidly enforced. tVM F. WIGHTMAN, March 1st. I860. AND LIQUORS; UuXEB'tobacco, various brand*, 8's, 6’s, and 1, lump.*; 60 packages superior Hough 6: Ready. Viigiu lataf, Ac; • * 200,000-Havana ft 8egnrs. some very suporinr; 160 uoxes taimlv, pain anil No 1 ; 60 boxes pearl rttaroh; 176 packages black and grean Teas; li-O'bags Rto ColTse; 20 bagsJ.iva Coffee; 50 barrels refined and yellow Sugars; ,100 kegs FFF(* Powder; 60 halve* and 60 quarter do; Mfchttlr pipes French Brandies; 6 plpea Holland Uin; , 2 puncheons Jamaica and 1 dost Croix Rum; GO bozos Claret Wine, tit Jullon Medde; 160 baskets Holdseiok aud other brands Champagne; 10 quarter casks Madeira and Bherry Wins; 60 Ourrals sugar, soda and butte Crackers, 76 boxes adamaatlno aud tallow Candies, 10d gross i earn pipes, 26 boxes pickles assorted. 20 boxen Catsups; 26 boxea Mustard, 26 boxes Ground t'epper; 60 boxes Belli-clam AromaticSchnaupa,quarts and plats; 20 barrel* 1 ery old Mononga'iela Whiskey; 60 barrel*No. 1, 2 and fi aekorel; 60 barrel* Malaga aud Fort Wiue. . 76 barrelntiiu Hum, Whiskey and Brandy;. Together whb other articles aeaeraliy kept In our line, for sale nu aocommo-lutlng terms. Janl3 ' ,1. V, CONNER AT k CO. JOHN U. FAlaLIGANT, WllOLKHALK AND RETAIL 1UCAI.E11 IN WINDOW BLIN1W, WINDOW SA8II AND PANEL DOORS. West Side Monument Square, Savannah. Oa. 800 bags Rio Coffee; 100 do Laguayra do; \ 60 do Java do; 60 hhds Porto llico, Muso’do and New Orleans Sugars; 260 bbls Crushed, Clarified and Powdered Sugars; 200 boxes various brands and qualities Tobacco; 50 hhdsSldoa and Shoulders,“new meat;' 00 cask* New Hams; 250 boxes No 1 Pale and ramllr Simp; 60 bbls dafR-eaf laird; , 100 kcg» dl^do do; 250 boxes Cheese; 60 kegs Choice Butter; 100 boxes Common nad Extra Candy; 100 do Adftinantine Caudle*; * 100 do Sperm and Tallow Candle*) 100 do No 1 Scaled Hevriugr; 150 bids New Orleans Molasses; 600 do Whl*ky. Gin and Kmu; • ooo do Potatoes; 60 boxes Clay Pipes and Pipe Heads; 100 dor Painted and Varnished Bucket*; 500 Empty Kegs; 200 mpanUh H"d American Cigars; In store unjTor i-vlo nu abconimodatiug term* by HOI.COM BE, JOIlNSON fc CO. tars and Cants.' Tha Hireling and the Slava; ny a South Carolinian,2d edition Annata of Tennessee to tne ana ot the 18th centuryf by Dr J G M Ramsey. Remlnlscenoes of Charleston; by Chns Fraserv Maps of the Baltlo and Black Seas, of tfc# Crimea, Se* baetopol, fcc. Hletory for bbye; by J E Edgar. myl6 V. THORNE WILLIAMS. Books. HOLIDAY BOOKS. A SKLKCT assortment of elegant works with numerous flue engraving* ana splendidly bound, suitable for Christman preseuta, 'the Holy Gospels Illustrated lu 40 original design*, by Dveiback, Fuliu, Antique, nf. Gains of Britl.h Art, iliustrateu with 80 superb line •ogravinge, Julio, antique, cf. ornament* of Memory ; or, Beauties of Ui-tory, Ko- (naneesud Poetry, with 18 eugravlugs, quarto.auilqn*, ealf. The Wiitoea of the Ulble, with 18 eiigravioge, new edition, royal 8vo, antique, calf, gilt. - The Republican Court, containing 21 portraits of dis tinguished Ladies during the days of Washington, mo- tooco.extra gilt. * The Queeus of England, by Mu>* Strickland, with 27 eh g*nt portraits, antique, calf, gt l Life or Martin Luther and the R*-f .rmatlon luliermsoy, by Sturk: beautifully illustrated; with 18 eugrarings, an tique calf. - Leaflet* of Memory, au lllumlnatel annual, 11 en^ra- vi.-x*. morocco extra. .-conve in the Life tfuur Saviour,illustrated, ealf extra. Women >f the Scriptures, with 8 illustrations, ealf extra. l*em Book of British Poetry, with Fortralu, executed in the finest siyle moroeeo extra. Waebiugtoa Irving’s Sketch Book, with engravings from original desigus, by Darley. Female Poets of America, with eugravlugs, antique calf, Poets and Poetry of Anienaa, do do. Bird* of the Bible, illustrated with elegantly colo.nd eug nviaqs. l'h- .-itzoouello, the Soon Flake, Mrs Gem, Anuual Attnetioo^ Gut. FriruOehip’s Uifeilug. aud a variety of other wnik*, with hue c.nqiAviugs aud lilndiugs. W. ;HORNE WiLUAUS deeld JAMES (JOUDOIS BENNETT. jJ^iMulHSi qf James Gordon Bennett aud bIs limes. Tits op blarney, B Y S R Maekens,-, edior Life of Curran. Ao. i Archbishop Whately -on the Scripture Revelation* concerning a future state. Maud and other Poems, by Tennyson, Evenings with tha Prophets, by Rev U Brown. ( TheGospel; with moral reflections on each vei*s. by f'asquer QuesneL2 vote. Adventures ot.8ir A my as Leigh, by Kingsley, I Yellow Fever,' HUtorical, Pathological, Ethio Iceland Therapeutical, by Dr LaRoche, 2 vols. Bulloch’s Amerloan Cottage Builder. . HcCormaoka Visit to the Camp at Sevastopol. CoUicr’a Maps of the Seat of War, Black Sea, Turkey, Kneels. Oronetadt. Baltic, he., ko. The Newcombei, bv Thackery, complete in 2 vols. sepaO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. »am Slick in search of a wile, me lst*od_l.uipire or Scenes of the First Exile oflhu Emperor Napulcou 1st. Mineral Springs of the Cnlteu States and Canada, by Dr. Bell. DUeants of the Human Teeth by Drs.Fox St Harris. Prichard’s Natural History of Man, 4th edition, enlarged by ’KorrU,with numeruuscoloredplates. WalkBft, or adventures on the Mlequlto Shore, by 8 A Baird. Art, Hint*, rcliitecture. Sculpture and Painting, by arves. Kirwiu’s Utters to Bishop Hughee. History of the Council of Trent, by Rungener. A new supply of DeestlckH. Hue’s China. Visit to the Camp before Sebastopol. Tod’s Uluical lecture* on Paralysis aud the Brain Heiress of llaugblon or the Mother's Secret. auglfl W. THORNE WILLIAMS. CDoob anb Coal. COAL AND WOOD YARD. ' J. 1. THOMAS* Offers tor sale at tb* UNION FERRY WHARF. «... A »wri,Y of _ nui) A Mil COAL AND FIRE WOODl OP Al*b KINDS. 1 Consumers ean depend upon being promptly with a good article. Strict attention gives taf surement. Boxes for orders are placed at tha L Meeera. J. M. Cooper k Co., W.G. Dieksoa, W. W. at the office ot the Morning Nawe, and at my ml Jonee-atreet. Janl6 TERMS CASH, * —ntwwoodyard; WllUnk’e Wharf, Bear tha Gas Hama*. | rpHK subscriber informe the publie that hr is leeslvlat 8 A and will keep coneUntly on nand a good BtMk«| S een and iea*oued oak, and dry pine, sad eoUetta a eall - nm his friends and the pubiie. ' <' Urdere left at the Georgian ofllee wlU be promptly at*l “ ' *" f “ ■’* DAN'L O’CONNOR. | tended to. (oe 26—tf] Smite. fall-banks’ PATENT PLATFORM SCALE#; A DAPTED to every required operatlou of Welghtaff. aa RAH ROAD SCALES FOR TRAINS ORSINULB ;uuni .WISH wu unitwiWB. T “*®»SSWW On Wheel*—oxproseiy for Founderlea, Rolling MUli. I Houses. No.. Ac. •“m'saifjr*' .. RAILROAD. KAY AMD COAL NALIt bet in any part ul the oountry"by experieneed woikma . j Scales graduated to Foreign Standard!, sad aaitabip I packed for shipping, and furnished oa reason able U~* ’ and at abort notice. M- These, Scales Lave been long knows sad | tested, and the unlvereal ooBfldence tbit la their lining I and perfect adjustment li such that they are aeg regarif* | * M ttt THE STANDARD 1 from which there is no appeal. ball a pr] ELL k PRENTUB, * ^AjrenhLSayaaaak^ Jaal7 S l'N DKilCB—76 boxes moulu Candtoe; 60 do J W lies- dell’s do: DID dp do Soap: 100 do Colgate’s do; 76 box- J news (in; liliMIOM,'.Dii|i; iuumiwjig»n »uu, i ground C'ctfrc; SCO sacks Klo do; 76 mats old Java do-, 1U0 boxes Mustard j W0 do Pepper; 100 do I^mon Syrhn; 76jjwTomnln Cal mi p; 25 hnlfchests green Tea; 60 do do black fin; 20 dodo Oolong do; 76 boxes Pearl Starch; 100 do tobacco, various liranris; received and for sale bv janft ^ MnMAHON k DOYl.K. M " ACKEifELjCOnHSil AND HEltKlNGS-20 Bbls No l and 2 MsakcruL 60 quintals Cod-Fish, 10 bbls Her rings Itocnivnfi nud for sale by MuMA HON fc DOYLK. feb'Jl UEEU Selected expressly for tills ij market—600 bbls. in More andjor sale by OUR COUNTRYMEN. O R brief Memoirs of Eminent .American*, by Lossitig. illustrated by npwards of 100 engravings. Harper and Tutnam’s Magazine, for Juno. The Conscript, by Alox Dumas. Live* and Time* of the Chief Justio** of tho United States, by Henry Flanders. Landscape Fainting, in water colors, by a Bernard.'' Tb# Two Guardians, by the author of the" Heir of Ret- cllffe.” i Tales for the Marl nee, by Lieut Wise, author of “ Is* ! Gringos.” * Anecdotes of American Clergy, by Dr Belcher Arabian Nights, with 100 Illustrations. Mre Jammon’s Common Place Book of Thought*. Leaves from a Family Journal. Je7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS BAYARD TAYLOR’S JAPAN ^ VISIT to India, china and Japan in I860, by Bayard Evenings with the I’rophuta a serlos of memoirs and meditations, by Roy A Morton Brown. iuds and Sunshine in tho Lite of a Village Pastor, rbaugh’s Heavenly Home. J1 vole. . ..nt’s Clinical Reports on Contlpued Fever and Typhoid Fever. Goooh’a i’iBctioul Midnliery. ' Fordyce on Fevers. • Meudenhall’s Medical Students Vads Mecum, with up wards o(200jillustraatlon*. Bcasloy’s Slodlcal Formulary Do Prescription Books. Wood’s Practice. Bell fc fltokes’ Diekwm’a, Watson’s, Uuoglisun’s, and all other medical works for Students ana PrHCiitinuer*- at reduced prices. ocl7 W. TUOltNE WILLIAMS. *o*xt» rox tux mn op oaoaou. Tha eabaaibar aasttanw to manufactare his aarivaL •d Patent Firs and Bargla# Proof Safes, waifaatadewaa- toany, and superior to Imm i of the many which hay* baea r tested, ae published and not „ _ t iced by the preestkroH^ the world tor the last fifteen years.—and (a sola propria tot of Hall’s Patent Powder Proof Look, both having»ssalved separate medals at the World’s Fair, London, 1861, sad N, York in 1863-’4. ‘Also, the patentee (by purchase) cd Jones’s celebrated Combination aud Premium Bank Loak. #1,000 in gold was placed in the safe exhibltadattkt World’* Fair, London, secured by Haifa and'Jonee’Loe^e and offered a« a reward to any one whe could nlak -y^JIUMKY * PlOl.ASaWS— 100 bill* Pike’s ‘-Magnolia” Whisky; 160 bbls Molasses, for sale, to arrive per *-* Sooner NsrrasaDsotl from N’mv Orleans, by JaulS OCTAVU3 COHEN. f i- SAM SIjICK’S / ATURE AND nUMAN NATURE, by Judge llalybui _ Rlioice fruit of all kinds, just received from the West Indies and New York, and tor sale by :> I !> IX-Jtll.- L JOS 101*11 GAM A HI*, ATTORNEY at law, iniicti, Bay street, over the Reading Room of the Republl- :sn.entrance Immediately eant of MriHrs. Price k leader. A PPLES « l , OTATOESi-76 bbla Potatoes, principally mercers, also, 10 bbla best red Apples, landing Iron; Dnsig — ‘ *■“ entrance immediately east ~ |AB1 p low , (.-*u«ceH.Hor to l.hamiiiou fc Watts ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. No -l I tarn aril street, between the Market and Hay xireet. KAVAXXAII, OA Dealer In Groceries. Foreign and lUimestio Liquors. Dried Fruits, fco-.fcc. Reference—A. Champion- Esq., Samuel Solomons. Esq., Messrs, llabun fc Whitoiiesd. Swllt fc Co.,8avanuah, Oa. WILLIAM 11. DASHER, attorney and counseij.gr at law. Troupville. Lowndes County,Ua. Will praotiw tn Thomas. Lowndes.Clinch, Ware, Appling Telfair, Irwin, Unrens.and Pulaski oonntiee. Georgia; and in Jefferson, Madison. Hamilton, and Columbia counties, Florida. f«h23_ WM. T. WlLUSKS. THAUBKVa OllVM. JACK SHOWS- WlblilARlB, OU1VKU ii BRUWN, ATTORNKYB at law, Rueas Vista, Marion County, Ua.. Will praoticotn the oouuUeeuf Marion, Macon, Houston, Stewart. Randolph, Muaeogca, Lee. and any adjoiuiog counties where their services may be required. jan29 .. hrW I.Cogswell, an 1 for sale on conefgnment. by jftnl ROWLAND fc SON. C OAL—200 tons Superior Parlor Coal. Price 'flfl, For sale by OCTAVUS COHEN. Samples can be keen at the wharf of Messrs, Carteton fc Parsons. * daolD Tha English Woman iu Russian Society and Manners of the KusslaM.at Home. Talenfor tk#Marines,by the author of "ls>s Gringos.” The Turkish Empire, by Edward Roy Morris. The Womemot the French Revolution, by Mtohftot. The American among the Orientate, by Dr Bouiden. Rand’s Chemistry, Tor the due of 3tudents. Lutheran Manual on Scriptuml Principles of the Auga burg Confession. Adame’ Equity, : 3d American edition-by H Wharton. English Common Law Reports, vol 78. Kent’s CommentarJss. now edition, 4 vols. O’Doherty Papers, nv supply. MefijeoChirurgical Review, tor April. iny24 W. THORNJi WILLIAMS DOUGLAS JERROLD’S M EN of Character, containing Titua Trumps, Jack Runnymede, Job Pippins, and Isaac Cheek, with en gravings. Mammon, or tho llardshipa of an Holresa—by Mre Gore, Tho Rag Dag. a collection of Ephemera—by Willis. Tri-colored Sketches of Parle in 1861,1862 and 1853— plates. Scientific Annual for 1866. The Country Neighbors—by Mrs Dupuy, author of The Conspirator, fco. Foster’s first Principles of Chemistry, adapted for Chase*. Tho most eminent Orators and Statesmen uf Ancient nnd Modern Times—by Dr A Hareha. Contentn; Lord Chatham, Bnrke, Grattan, Fox. Curran, Sherman, Canning. Pitt, Patrick Usury. Fisher Ames. Calhoun, Webster, fco. aplS W. THORNE WILLIAMS- locks or open the nafe within forty .five days, and aUhoagh operated upon by several skilled in tha art of look puk ing, no ono succeeded tn opening the safe, (no thong# at keys having beea mada dariaff taviu nad in tte aaf# dayaaitan ‘ inadal avardal alteration in the locks or keys the time,) but tha money remained _. and was returned to the proprietor, and him for the champion Safe of the world. Caution.—None genuine except those having ike nk- ecrlbcr’s name on a neat plate. SILAS C. HERRING, Green Block, or. I’lna and Watar.ata..K#w York. . II.—The abovo Safes and Lock* ean be nnd ntmaan- rseturer’s prices ot hlsauthorlled agent* In all the grtMt* pel cities in the United States and Canada. JaaM FIREPROOF SAFES. \ FliUTlIBU SUPPLY BY BELL & PRENTISS. JNEW BOOKS. R eceived by w. thornh wiluams— Appleton’s Enoyclopndla of Biogiaphy cf the most dintinguiHDed persons of all time*. Edited by tbe Rev. ^SnSKY-D ou bbls Pike’*, by MnMAHON fc DoYLK PLOUIL PJsUUil— J7 . 20uublft Denmead Fl>nr; SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, «0. . 25 hhda new crop Oilcans Sugar, pi It) do Potto Kico do, ■ 111 uo Cuba do, H. SOU bug* Klo Colfi-e. 160 Co Laguayra do, 85 bass Java Coffee, 10 do Muoba du. 20J bbls Orleans Syrup and Uulaise*. 6 oases extrJ.fine Uoolong Tea, 6 do do Hyson, do, 76 pkge Raisins, wholes, halves and quarters, 10 frail* sort Almonds, 100 bbla Crackers, Butter, - J ugar aud Soda, 200 bags ^hot. assorted. 60 kegs Dupont’s Powder. 6000 llm bar Lead, 100 boxes assorted Candy, . too boxes large bowl Pipes. 200 pkirs Tobscoo. various brands, 60 000 SpsnUh Sugars, direct Importation. 100,000 halt Spanish auu American Sugars, Reoelvod by recent arrivals, aud for isle by feb6 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON fc GO PAPER HANGINGS, &o„ && W II. TlttMMK, of .sew York, begs to inform • the residents of Savannah that he has plain and rtucmn'iVi- Pupor* for sale at New • qrk prices, which he OKU Hang in true nriistic style. Panelling in Oak: Mar- bio, Maple and Fresco decoration* for rooms; Block Mar bling aud Paueding for pas-aqe* and staircases, at i-10tb of Uio painW* oiurg-**. Having had many year* expert • ence in Eu.iqit 1 and .Vow York Ueds coutideot of giving sali^facti<m to bin patron*. Whitaker street, jant) Two doom irom Congress *t. T his astonishing and unequau.fd prkpaka- TlON has never failed to produce a growth on Bald- Heade, when used according to (be direjtinn*. and, turn bair black to Ue original color, after having become grey, and relnitate it In all Its original health, lustre, soflccs*. and beauty. Remove* at once all scurf, dandruff, and unpleasant itching, scrofula, eruptions and feverish heat from thaeeilp. It also prevent* the hair from becoming unhealthy and falling off, and hence acts as a perf. ct „ HAIR INYIGORATOR AND TONIC, we ann-x a lew certificates, to corroborate onr asser- ' 3I.PPBB, MUSTARD, YKA8T POWDER* fcSOlU- 100 boxes Ground Pepper; •j loo •• Tiger Mustard; 760 •• Frei-h Yeast Powder*; 100 ’■ Sup. Car. Soda; Received aud for sale by mar7 MoMAHON fc DOYLE- >L.UK DENlMS A?n» DltU.1^ Casen Blue Denims and Blue Drills, bal** Drown Drill*, for sale by WILLIAM G.FOOTE B I&OUIT AND UUUAD-—25 bbls Soda Biscuit; 75- - JOHN It. (JUUHRANU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Uureus county Ua., late Junior partner of the firm or A. fc J. CocnRA-vx, Irwinton, Ga., will atteud promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. R. Guyton. F. U. ltowe, Dublin, Ga.; M. Marsh. Savannah. may 7—dfcwly M. \V HIT SliUTII, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT I^W. Alligator, East Florida. practice in the Eastern and Southern oounties. Refer k)l, 8.8.Sibley, and K. B, Hilton. Esq., Savannah, Ga FEROINAND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUN8El«LOR AT LAW, Washington City, U. C. Will practice In the various Courts of the District, and at tend to the proweation or claims against tbe Govern ment. JwwM 1’. W. BAKUU, ATTORNEY AT LAW South Newport,Georgia. Will atteud the Superior Court in the counties ol Chatham, Liberty, McIntosh, Camden. Glynu, Wayno, Ware, Ap pling aid Tattnall “I® JEISE T. UEllNAUD, ATTORNEY AND COUNt-l-XLQR AT LAW. Newuansvllle. Fla. Retsrcnee—George L. Brown, Willmut Dell. NewnanavlUe, Fla ; R. B. Hlltoa, Boston fc VUlalonga. Savannah. ,! - State ol Illinol*.Carlisle. Juno 27,1853. I have used Professor O .1. Wood’s Hair Restorative, have admired its wonderful affeot. My hair was be- but by tils use _ . 1 boxes do, do.; 25 bbl* Butter do.; 25 do. Sugar S 25 do. Pilot Bread. Received and for sale by ffb 12 MollAHON fc DOYLE. ““hjf.aa I thought permanently urny, .... . of tha-’Restorative,” It lias resumed iis original color. and I have ne doubt, permanently.... SIDNEY BREKSK. Ex-Senator United State. A gentle man of Boston write* to his friends In New Bril- ferd thus: To your inquiries 1 would reply, that when 1 first com menced using Professor Wood’s flair Restorative, my hair was almost white and had been so for tho list ton years; and It waa very thin on the top of my hoed, nnd very ioosn. and palled out freely; butlfound that before 1 had uscdsll the second bottle, (which was eight weeks.) my hair was _^AIXAST SUITABLE FOR PAVING-60 tons Stone, J tfultable lor raving fcc. 1 for sale, if applied for Imm*- alely. nov22 _ ROWLAND fc BUM. rtUDFWIl At IlKltltlNOS—2 hhdsCodflehj 100 JO UN 1)1. DULLEN . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllco corner of Whitaker and Bay-streets. Will practice in the Court* of Scriven,Bulloch, Emoghain, Bryan, liberty, McIntosh, GWuu, Camden and Chatham counties. _ «® b .... THUMASaildUEl HI NIC 8, ATTORNEY AND CoUNSlSLLO.t AT LAW. Troupville, Ueorgla. Will practiee in tne Circuit Court* or Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, tVare, Appling and Irwin. Georgia; and in the Circuit Courts ol Jeflerson. Madison aud Hamilton, of the Miilaie Circuit of Florida, and in Alach and Co lumbia counties in the Eastern Circuit of Fieri a. Will attend to the claim* oi all person* before th Depart; meats at SVaahlngton. \J boxns Herrings; just rocslved and for sal* by jnnlU . SCRANTON. JOHNSTON H AMS-25 hid*. Choice Hams, by . Raoeived and (hr sale McMAHON fc DOYLK. entirely changed to Its original color, (light brown.) nnd ie now free from dandruff, and quite moist. 1 have liud my ENGLISH CHEESE AND PICKLES. ' Off small Kogliah Cheshire cheeses; 20 dozsn assorted 09 English pickles and Raucss. Landing from ahip Kertch. amiforealo by deeS’J NATHAN U. OWN TON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. Will practice in the following counties ; Cass, Campbell, Carroll, Cherokee, DeKalb, Fulton,. Forsyth, Dickens, Paulding and Cobb. Refers to James H. Carter fc Co. A SHORT, HASTE It BUILDER, Will take contracts for Building and Work in Masouary of - LAGHORN « CUNNINGHAM, CSUNDltiKS—16 boxns A fc B Cotloe; 21) dozen Mustard, 0 O fir — ‘ '• J "■ * •*- ■* —a 5 nnd itf* now m thick aa it ever was, and (loon not eomeoutatall. It nas prevailed in my ose all that] could wish to ask. July 1,1111. Yours, etc Gardiner. Maine, June 22,1851, Dear Sir: I have used two bottle of PrcreMorJW ood’s Hair Restorative, and can truly say, it Is the greatest discovery of tbs age, for restoring aud changing tb« hair. Before using It, I was a* gray a* a man of seventy. My hair has now attained its original color. You can rscom mend It to the world, without the least fear, aa my case wae one of the worst kind. Yount, D. N. MURPHY. _ , , St. Louis. March 7,1864. Prof. Wood : My hair commenced falling off aome three tf fjuryear*since,and continued to do so. until 1 be- cams quite bald. I tried all the popular medicine* of the n.V hill (a Mn -Saal .4 1 — ..A V a. In.1...-.l l« I PI* UA.I, ^ do ground Cinnamon and GL Yeast Powder, in store, and lor a; ir, 6 do do Pepper, 30 d JhAVI!) O’CNNOR. Hrougbton fc Drayton St*. »u«21 j^iqUORS—lMlibls Run^WjdoPike’a Whuikey, 76 do WM. M. LAWTON * CO., FACTORS, CHARLESTON, 8. C. j fWn. M. Lawtox, I R. WAixwBiunt laouz | Joexra T. Dili, ( Wiwnoaw Lawtox. Jr. Smith's do; 76 bbls Gin i 10 half pipes Ursndy, In store and for*ale by eop20 OCTAVUS COHEN, NAVAMNAIt M>AN ASSOCIATION STOCK. F OR SALK—'Twenty (20) elmre* Savannah l.o*n Anso cialion Stook. Apply at thl* offloe. • deal—tl C .V TE.t I’OTATOES.—25 bbli Carter Potatoes just re ceived, f«i SCRANTON. JUHNSlONfc CO. S MOKED SALMU.N. (new) Just received tier steamer Alabama by novl JOHN 1). JESSE, BPENOBtt CC1UIKJLI* At VO., OEFERAL AUCTION 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 164 Bay Street, ^OIJCIT from their friends consignments of every de- My'personal attention will be given to the »»te c.f Real Estate, Rank Stock, fco. RIKXRKKOBU Hiram Roberta, Esq. | E. F Wood fc Uo "ierson. Heidt fcCo| Noble Lynn. Esq.o JllTEKS. SYRUP fc COIUUAIAS—160oases liilters.aa- day. but to no effect. At last. 1 was Induced to try your celebrated Haig Restorative and am happy to say, It Is doing wonders. I have now a fine growth of young hair. ud Cordials; received end fur snlo by marT MoMAHON fc DOYLK. and thsirfu'ly reeommond its use to . •d. A. U. WILLIAM8.183Heoondatreet. , Rosin, Mich . August 2.1856. V s ** Uto certify, that one year ego, I was quite gray. , » i — - - -* *— d, tbatl .„ „„ WU .„ MVU ,.-d for and obtained a bottle ot Prof. Wood’s "R«i*toratlve," and bs- fora I had used one quart bottle, the way hair# bad en- — -*** *- * * — o be a* J UTTER, CHEESE, |J1 JL> box** Cheese; rings; Lindiny and tibVML—60 kegs sriected Rultor; 160 1: 10 quin lain ('odflsh; 100 box** Her- for sals by «d my hair so thin upon the top of my head, t eared its entire lose. In this condition, I applied fo ibtatned a bottle ot Prof. Wood’s “Restorative,” am 0“d one quart bottle, the gray halra ba.. tlnly disappeared audit had ttilckoned up, *0 as to b« rail aa uiual and it auumsd a gloeey appearance, an; ••tly more beautiful than ever it was before, I do, ttii HOLOOMUR. JOHNSON fc CO. TUKKS lSLAHD SALT. ■■—“ ’ Turks Istar D AAA Hush'd* Turk* Island Balt. Landing and «»UUv for sal* by * TJ2- OLAGHORN fc CUNNINGHAM. —aimtiu iiumvTH Ib wM uvtiui*. , mv, .h,,v f°r* cheerfully rseommendlt toall thoeelsdlea who value a beautifulI bead i.f hair. 1 will also atate that 1 use It »ow, oceaiionaily, tor Its heathy nnd^beauUj^tnyflaeU. .. ^(Woago. May 1,1864. ! “**• «*d ProNssor Wood’s Ilalr Restorative to de- ■lw 1* pravente tho hair from ooming out, B DtiKRfc CHEESE—26 firkins choice Butter, 76 box** Cheese, rec*lved per steamer and for sale by MnMAHON fc DOYLK. L A1U>, lftlCKKlNOfc, POTATOES At COD- Fldll—26 bbU prime new no. 1 Leaf laird: 76 kegs do do do do; 100 boxes Herrings; 60 bbls Carter Potatooi; ft .*••• *■ pfaranta (ba natr from ooming oub, EE, v |*°H “ d •oltnaas wary daalrable. The few gray JudMlhad, have entirely dlsappaarad. Other* of m **ad it, and eononr with tne In pronounrin H all it profseeee to ba. - HENRY A. CLARK, Michigan Avenue, n , - ^ St. Louie, Kept. 20,1868. ft* VooD —Sir: I hart used nearly thre# bottle* of your Hair Restorative, and have found its * fleets very mvffiS 0 ^ 14 -d aatroyad all dandruff from 8QRANTON. .10n N8TON fc CO F ulton market corned beef—lohairbbisaudio whole do; 6 Bbble Fultnn Market Corned fork, 6 celved aud fur sale by se#t25 «oao qiuto gray. WM.TKUdDALK. --7. »°«»l IK Market etiaat, St. Louis, ¥0.. fllfl Y..aad by aU Druggieta-avatywheru. All klade offcaUy paUat modlalnea i«r eale, on tbe beat . Htalbla terms, at Prof? Wood** oetabllehmant, 114 Mar- V. het etiaat, It. Louie. J. U. MOORE fc 00 , Bavonneb,) * K. PAINE. Maoon, Mgt'e, K J. WHITE, Milledgerills. J B LITER fc CHEESE—lOkegachoice GosIicd Butler. 10 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 10 do Choice Westches ter do. just received #nd for naif by eepll -JOHN D. JESSE. IESH FRUITS fc VEGETABLES—Constating in part or Peaches, Pineapples, Quinoee, Raspberries. Straw- irriei,Green Peaa, A»rara*_u«. Caullfi^wera, fco.,^fo^eale B RANDIES, WINES, OORDUIA fcUiaAR8-Foraaleby JaaS* A. BQNAUD fabbl—wlu Bsastsasn O IHAMPAONK "cfiHB—20 boli'ammi sale bv Champagne Cider for ROWLAND fc BON -da sacks and barrota, of “Atlanta Mille,” < t an taklwt lor aria by . -7j ■ - every description. Residence, No. 3 Joxb) Struct, Eaht of Dmrrox ernxw. IU. F1TEGERALU, Corner or Uronsluon aad Whltsk*n«trcrti| Savannah, ga., t iUCCESriUR to T. C. Rice. Manufacturer and Jiealer in i every variety of common and line CAND1US, kiln dried and warranted to resist effectually the hot damp at mosphere of a Southern Climate; alio ifcmon and Straw- bor y Syrup, fco. Terms cash, price* low. tf—apfl 150 do Oskley do; Just received and for sale by junl7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fc CO. 100 £ SOAP, UANDLE8, STAttUfi, diC* ROXK8 Smith and Buchan’s Family 8oap; ' ‘ do Colgate’s Pale do: do lb bar and no. 1 do; do BeadtrtP* 6s and 8s Tallow Candle*; do Higgin's '• do do; do Oswego and Boadell's Pearl Htarob; '.'6 bbls hsud made ilugar Crackers; 20 do ftxla do; 60 boxos do do. Ju't received and for sale by JantO SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & < 100 NAPOLEtM. I r«MlE History of Napoleon Bonaparte, by Julio i? 0 j JL bolt, in 2 volumos. 8 vn.vrith maps and upwards I 100 illustrations Quekett on the Mioroscope. new edition. Constance Herbert, a novel, by G E Jewsbury. . LeCur# Mangue, or Social and Religious Customs in (Trance; by Eugene Conrcellon. SI* Amyae Leigh's Voyage of 'Adventures in the reign of her most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth, by Chn* Kingsley, anther of Wypatia.fcc. I Southsld# View of Slavery, or Three Mouths .it South in 1664; by N Adame, D D. Men of Character, by Douglas Jerrulu. new -iipnty Chambers' Edinburgh Magasino for Jum- Battles of the Crimea, new supply. 16th Goorgl* Supreme Court Reports. Juetruoi-iv> I j*17 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Frnncl* L. Hawk*, with uuuiernus illustrations Rogers' Table Talk. Thu Courtesies of Wedded Life; or the First and&cond Marriage. Ry Mrs. Leslie. TI10 Island of Cuba; by Alexander Humboldt Transla ted by J. 8. Thraiher, with a map Tho Oocamerunof Boccaccio; translated, with eighteen engravings. Widow Bodot Paper 1 JU8T RECEIVED per Beh'r, North £ late, dlraat from Mm I manulictorj’,22of Utoeawafc 1 known Herring’s Patent Flee ll’ioor Bafea, assorted ttaaa pend patterns, with HaU'a _ Patent Powder Proof Look, For^aloaUh^ta^forJ^ar^irioea^^^^oetl4 Ulattljts, Jtauitp, Sec. Madame Bevlgne’* Jajttere.odited by Mrs, Sarah J lisle. Kltnt’e Explorations of Diseases Affecting tbe Respirato ry Organa, Ml main's Manual of CheinicuiUMillosopliy, with notes by lire. Morris and Bamuol Jackson. Irvlug’B Lite of Washington, Prescott’s Phillip II.. Na poison’s Confidential Correspondence, Chemistry of Com mon Life, l'-rneet Linwood, Copy's Diary. mar27 PHARMACY. A N lutrmhiotion to Practical Pharmacy, 1 fr-- •«- inrPotatoeH. landing and for sale by ' 7OHNHT0 Wl M'BANTON. JOHNSTON fc CD. MACKEREL—,lu*t received a lot of Choice New Mackerel for sale by sep!8 JOHN D. JE88E SYDNEY SMITH. A MEV-MRof theRuv*Sidney8mith, byliisdaughter Lady Holland; 2 vola. I “ jRvr“ “—*- illustrated Manners Book, a manual of good buhavioor and polite accomplishment, 1 — » ‘**i Cottage '*• Builder for Hnmps for til# people The American 0 by J Bullock. Tome’s acoount of the Panama Rail Road. “ COWES, SUOAB, *0. 4) A I AGS I'd me Green Rio Coffee. taOXJ 60 Pegs Old Government Java Oof Harper’s Magazine for September. A new suppLy of Mary Lind on, Doestlcks. Huc'sclni i Government Java Coffee, od do (of mats) Old Government Java Coffee. 25 Bags Choice Maracaivo do 60 do do Porto Rico do 60 do do • Lagulra do lOHbdi, du SI. Croix 8ugtr. 10 do do Porto Rico do 160 Boxes Colgate’s No. I and Bar Boap. 100 do Bmlth’sfc Buchan’s Family noap. 60 do Colgate’s Pale do do 75 do Beadell’s Tallow Candles, 6s fc 6s. 100 do Oswego and Colgate’s Pearl Starch 50 uo Beaded’*T’ear 1 Starch. 26 do Ground Coffee, 1 and ft lb. papers. 26 do do l'enper. 76 BblaE.Treadwell’s Sugar, Soda and Butter Biscuit. 26 do E. madwell’sPilot Bread. 26 Boxes Adamantine Candles. Landing ami in store, for sale by janii SCRANTON. JOHNSTON fc GO. .. . noquito Kbore, Sam Slick, Women of the French Kevulu turn, and First Exile of Napoleon to Elba. Harper’s Establishment,or how Books are made, wit numerous plates, ang80 W. THORNE WIMJAMS, . . .. text book for the aludent.and guide to the Phariuaceutest and druggists; by Fd. Parrish, with upwards of 200 illastra- lions. Lecture* ou English History and Traaic Poetry; by the late ProfeiMir Rued, of tlie University of Penusylvanin. Grote’s Hlsti ry of Greece; 10 vol., 12 mo. DuegsneR’ Poems; mnrrocco,extra. Kcebte’s Cliristisn Year; el.-gnitly illustrated and bouuil iu Turkey uimooco. Poets und Poetry of America; antique calf-extra. Female Pouts uf America; do do. Harper and Putnam. Magazine*, for Decembtr. isimlou Art Journal (or November. 1 hatnbsr’s Edenburgli Journal for Deor.mm-r. decS W. THORNB WILLIAMS. PEPYS’ D1ABY. ,lAnY and Corre«poud«-uce of Samuel Pepya’, In tha WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE — la receiving by every arrival a large aud rich aeiortment of fc Gold and Bllver Watches. Diamond Pins, la* aad Huger Rings, Mantle aud othor Clooke, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Casters, fco., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry tn every variety. Ivory Table Cutlery, lino l’ooket Kuivaa and Satasara. Rich China and Pariau Vases, and other articles, Fine Double Barrelled Guns, manufactured to bU OWE abler. Gunning Implements of all kinds. Plated Waiters, Casters, Tea Betts and Gandleettaka, with , great variety of Fauoy Ariiclos. suitable lor wadding gift*, too numerous here io mention, All kind* of Watches and Clocks tepalred by tha moat MEXICO A ND lie Religion. with incidents ot tr ivel tn that ooun- try; by Root. A. Wiuon, with iliustratious. Uly: a novel by a lady of Charleston, author of r; The Busy Moments of aw Idle Woman.” Charles lamb’s Works, with skatehei of h<a life; by Thos. Noon Talfourdi In 2 vole. Out of Debt, out or Danger: by Cousin Alice Grata’s History of Greece, 11 vole. Fitige/ald’a Exhibition Speaker. Maud and other Poems;by Alfred Tennyson. Harper’s Story Books, vol. 4. Wesimtnstar Review for October. Eclectic Magaelne for November. nov!7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS C IDER—-l: bbls Rectified received aud for sale by ecfiO MoMAHON fc OOl I.F y^lQUong AM) WIN&t.J-JO half pipes Otard and other THE OLD HOXSTEAD, , B Y MRS. ANN M. Bi'EPliUNf. author of Fashion ami Famine Harper’s Classical Library, translated and r nbllshed in volumes, site of Bohns editions, Virgil, Sal- ust and Horace, received, to be tollowed by others. Abbott* Young Christian Series, vol 4. Houryhoad and I ranch Brandies. 16 eighth cask* of very old French MeDonner, improved and enlarged with numerous en- Brandy, 25 quarter cask* - adeira. 60 do, do Malaga 1 gravings. Wiue. 0 pipes Holland Uln. 2 puncheons Jamaica aud St. Japan and Aaound the World in Commodore Perry' Croix Ruin, £0 boxes St. Julian Claret. 6 quarter ca«k» squadron, by J SV. dpaldiug, with illustrations. Wiue.100 bbls. Domestic Gin. Whiskey. hum and Brandy— Christian Theism, the testimony of reason and revela- •rsals nr V •.•INNERAT fc Cli. 1 PAl'h—Assorted. Just received and tor sale by ■" A. UOSAUD, Corner of Bay fc Buil-f-tv Sfft Just receivod—6 tierces oholce family ; . Hams: 6 bbls extra family I Aid; 10 bbls and half ■ ■ uiiua UUUIIMIH muni; MIU, iu UUIR kna Ulli »VII bbls Pig Pork, 60 boxes Beadel’s Soap, Starch and Tallow Court. Candles; 60 do Adamantine Candles; in store and for »«le oct30 by DAVID O’CONNOR. deo29 corner Broughton fc Drayton ate. tlon to the existence and character of the Supreme Being. A basket of eliins. by J, Brougham Mortimer’s Collrgd Life, by E. D. May. Harper's Magkziue for November. North American Review for October. Vole 10. 11. and 12,Curtis' DedslousU. H. Supreme W. THORNE WILLIAMS. F RESH SALMON. IJJBSTEKS az BARDINK-v-For sale by Jan3 A. HONAUI). BOOKS! B00K8M BOOKS!!! AT REDUCED PRICES. .ESIROUS of reducing his stock on baud, the under- I Vlsinuus ui nuaon| uis siuca ua uauu, un uu-jet- —— — AJ signed offers his books for sale at a slight ad wee TTAY—150 bales North River Hay, Undtng and for eate Killy, on New York cost. Perrons wishing to replenish or -D- bT dot1 ° CRANE, WeLLR & CO. supply themaelvee rith a Library of good choice books, _iu r--* “ *- *•- sorted Catsups, 60 do Pickets,quarts aud plats. Al su Almonds, Brazil Nats aad new Raisins, for sale by nov2 J. V. CONNERAT fcOO. M AOKEltEL, POT Alt! 1C 8 At APPLKS- 100 barrels medium,No. 8 Mackerel; 200 do White seed Potatoes) 100 do Mercer do; 50 do Baldwin Apples; or sale by deo21 < CTAVUd COHEN. 'iTTEil'AJIU OHEEIE. And it to their advantage to call and purchase. . _ rants and Teachers ean supply themselves with school books veiy cheap, and mercnaaU also with blank books, id statloneiy. Call soon, as the opportunity will S. S. SIBLEY, 1S6 Congress *t. SSR' opoo Ion B 26 keg* choice Goshen Butter; 60 boxes do English Dairy Cheese; 76 do d 1 White do; Just received and for salo by I«b20 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fc CO. 00L. HARDEE'S TACTICS. T>1FLK and Light Infantry Tactics, prepared under the Xli direction of the War Department lor the use of the Army and the MlUUa. In two pocket volumes. Cavalry Tactics, prepared by enler of the War Depart ment. Light* aud Shadows of English Life, a novel, by the au- thoree* or •• The Belle of the Seasoa ” Female Life among the Mormons, by a Wife of a Mor- D 1 ... , reigns ot Charle.i II. and.lames 11., 4 vols., with two portraits. Pastclies of Virginia, Historical and Biographical, by W. 11. Foots. The Moral aud Intellectual Diversity uf Races, from the French of Count Gabineau. Brown'* History of Greek Classical Literature* Au Escaped Novice from the Sisterhood of St. Joseph, by JoseMiine M. tlankley. Napoleon at St. Helena, with illustrations, by John 8. C. Abbott.8 vols..doth,gilt. A Child’s History or the United States, by Jno. Bonner, 2 vols, Jarudun Quarterly Review, for Oat’r. The ianc-et for Nov.fc Dec'*. Disturuell’e Railway Guide. Eclectic Magazine lur December. dsoll W. THORNE WILLIAMS. experienced workmen, Jan30 __ S. Wli.MUT, No. 1 Market Aquara. OENAMENTAL HAIE WOEK Made to urdor by F. NOLTlMlElt, at the store of 8. IVlIrant, No. 1 ffiurkct Square. rpilKalteutlou oitbe public Is rospectfuhy Invited to a X rich.and beautiful •assortment of pattarna at Um above store. The superiority of wotkraatfshlp and durability ofthsa* oruaueuty la well known to those who, for the last flv# years, luvored him with thulr orders, and by sompartaon with other work, wotrever made, will be at onoe per- ouived. Tho asKoitincnt embrsce- erurytliingthatean ba Brices moderate. J*80 WA'WIIKS.JEWMLRY fc FANCY GOUDI. R ECEIVING by every arrival of tho steamers freeh addi tions, msking the best assortment In this alty, of fcU kinds uf Watches, Jewelry. Fancy Goods, Silver HptCP* Forks, FI toiler* Tea Hots. Cups. Syphoue, l'latad CuiC ■n.uups. sypneua, i-iavfd GMKflL and every variety uf articles connected with our line tf business; all of which will be sold as low ae In any altr in . the Uuio;i, D. B, NICHOLS, M* Fai'tiuular atteutlon given to the Repairing td JUNO CLIFFOBD, A TALE by a Lady. The Furayers nr the Raid of the Dogdxys; by Win. Gilmore Simms. laves nf the Querns ol England of the House of Hano ver; by Dr, Doran; 2 vols Table TrniU, with something on them; by Dr. Doran. Habits and Men. Richard the Fearless, or '.he Little Duke; by Miss Yonge, author of tho llclr of Redcliffe, fco. Dreams, Visions, Apparitions, Ecstacy, Magnetism and Somnambulism; by A. U. Leiishniont. The Red Eigle. a i'uem of tbe South; by A. B. Meek. True Riches; Two instructive stories uiv Young People Tho Glory of the Rodoomei in Uis Person and Works; by the Ruv. Octavius Winslow. novlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Watches and Jewelry. HAIRORNAMENTS; O F EVERY DESCRIPTION executed ou the premise# by MR. NOLTlMIi-R, iu the most superior manner .! of tviiioh will be furulsnsil the city nr country eastern- '<•>• the most reasonable terms, audat prices as Iowa* at any other establishment of tlm kind in the State. “1‘rin S.WtLMGT. No. 1 Market square. flUsnllaiuotis. 11BMOVAL. PAPER WAREHOUSE. MEGABEE BB0XHEB8, Paper filniiurnclurera nnd Importers off Mill! ufMclurars' Materials, N01. 3 and fi Decatur St,, Philadelphia, RU to cell the attention of pur nhaaere to_ their extau- I lHIri is the title of a romance now lo process of com pletion, which will bo issued In two numbers on the 1st and 16th 01 July, 1866. Tho scenes are laid mainly in the United States, England and y palu. Tbe work will De printed on purr white poper, with now type, and will equal In quantity of matter au ordiuiry stood duodecimo volume of 800 pages, it will be promptly issued and for warded to all who will send their orders accompanied with tbe cash. TERMS: Single copy, two numbers |0 To dubs of three or more, per copy Remittances must be made iu bill* or < in post office stamps. Address : Jett JAMES M. SMYTHE, Augusta,Oa. THE CHEAT bUUTHEEN REMEDY! PRY OH* 8 OINTMENT. I T is a Mire and epoedy cure tor burns, piles, cotu. Ill ous, lever sores, ulcers, scald bead, tetter worm, r~ TT1 rl Prescott, in 2 fols. I-ongfellow’s Song of Hiawatba. |^ACO.> SlDEb At liAdlS—26 hlids prime new Bacon Sides; 6 casks oholce sugar cured Hams; land ing aud for sale by isnlO SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. S EED POTATOES ANI) APPLES—UU0 barrels white sc ' seed potatoes; 100 do Mercer do; 49 do Baldwin ap ples. For sale, to arrive, by dealfi OCTAVUS COHEN. Visit to tb* Camp before Sebastopol, with Maps and En gravings. Ins and Oats, or Paris by Day and Night; by Julie De ; Marguerettes. New Hope, or, tbs Rescue; a tale of the Great Kanawha. I Ciiv# Hall, by the author of “Amy Herbert,” fcc. Harper and Putnam for August. 1 aogl W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Rose Clark; Dy Fanny Fern. PhoenlsciaDa, or Sketohee and Burlesques; by J Phoenix. Irish at Hume and Abroad, at the Court and in the Camp. Arnold’s Christian Life, its Courses, fcc. Blind Girl of Wittenberg, a picture of ths Times of Lu- ther and the Reformation. Heeler Karl’s Sketoh Book. The Prince of the House of David, or 3 years in tbe Ho) City: by Professor Ingraham, village Farm and Cottage Architecture. lOOengraving janfi W, THORNE WILLIAMS. T HUDSON, FLEMING At CO., Factors nnd Commission Merchants, No. 84 Ray Street, Saoxnmrii, Oa., SENDER their services to planters, merchants and deal- ers, In the sale of Cotton and ail other oounlry pro duce. Being connected in business with Uurxixa, Denso* fcCo.,ofUhartafftJn,tho establishment ofan office In this eity will afford our friend* ohoio# of markets. Strict atten tion wlU * given to business, and .the usual facilities af^ forded cu»w»m*i*. JtB . HlIDH0N , . W. R. FLEMING. | »»•"»»» LAMBETH HOPKINS, Augusta. •*pl8 it COHEN,Charleston __ Spanish Consulate. THE OFFICE OF TUB 0FAN18U CONSULATE, FOB THB POET OE SAVANNAH, WIU. BK rUUND AliOVji DeFont’i Drag Stare, Bnagkles Street. OFFICE HOURS, FROM 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. JOBE JULIO MARTIN C HAMPAGNE WINE—1U0 baskets Piper fcCo. Held- teick Cliampagne. landing and for sale by marl!) HOlAXiMBE, JOHNSON fc CO. 8UUBEIE8. Boxes superior Gruuud Coffee; OU 75 do. J W Beadel’s Candles; ‘ Mould do. Adamantine do. Kperm do. Pale, Family and No. 1 Soap ; Toilet do lemon Kyrupi HARPER FOR MARCH. E WRaNKS’Life in Brazil, with upwards ot 100 Ulus- trationa. tsquier’e notes 00 Central Amerios, with origlual maps 75 do. 100 do 76 do. 76 do. 600 do 100 do. 100 do. 100 dos Brooms 5 100 do. Huckuts; and illustrations. Parisian Sight* and French Principles. se#n through American Spectacles, 2nd series. Learning to Think. Harpers’ Story Books, vol. 6. Crotchets and Quavers, by Max Maretzeck. The Huntara* Pent, by Capt. Uayne Read. Mimic Lira.by Mrs.HowattRitchie. The Prince of the House ol David, by Professor ingro- 76 do. Brass bound Pail*; • a no. Seats Tubs, 100 do. uoxesTobacco, assorted ; 75 do. Pipes; 100 hall chest Tea, various qualities ; 100 bale* wrapping Twine; 200 sack* Rio Coffee ; 100 mats old Government Java do; Macaulay’a England, large edition, in sheep and in cloth, vol*. Sand 4, Do. do, chtapedition, 12mo. Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon with Ills bro- ther Joseph, 2 vols. Godey’s Lady Book for March. RoeakCtark, Fanny Fern’s Life. Ruth Hall. Wilron’s Treatise on Logio.EiMped Novice, Llby, Spirit Manifest*- HON. MISS MURRAY’B U NITED States, Canada and Cuba; Scbwcglerbt History or Philosophy In Epetame, translated by Seeyle; Prescott’s Philip Li of Spain, new supply in half eali and in cloth; - Napoleon’* Confidential Correspondence with liia bro ther Joseph: Davan’s Ilislery of the Queen’s of tho House of Hanover ■2 vols; ThoAllachi in Madrid; Romance of the Harem, by Miss Pardue! \ Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugb; Ernest Linwood, by Mrs/Lee Uentz. marl * W. THORNE WILUAMS •™ I KWUIOUU liUSID, ilOTlOO, fall 100 balea Sugar, ?oda and Pilot Bread,received and I Rons examined, Old Homestead, fcc., or sale by febd MoMAHON fc DOYLE. | feb22 W. THORNB WILLIAMS, S UNDRIES—100 boxes family soap; 100 do No. 1 do; I » ' 166 do pale do; 100 do mould randies; 125 do adaman; I I NEW MEDICAL BOOKS, tine do; 76 do sperm do; 160 do raisins; lOOhalf do do- I Maekenalt’e Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Rye, 200 quarter do do: 100 do ground coffee; 200 do atarch, with 176UlMtr*tlooe. 200 mustard; 200 do freen ground pepper; lOOdo catsup; | Rokltaneky’sManual of Pathological Anatomy, i_ , ...... t ..at.. ..J I. - * -— ».( (R.. «l. w. I Sftl k« *«!■■. A vM, Im O - r~rr— —n i » . », transla- dolemonsyrup. landing and in store and for eale by I ted by Swalae, 4 vole in 2. dec4 MoMAHON * MYLB. I Paget'* Surgical Pathology. r ~ I Barton 00 tha Cause and Prevention of Yellow Fever, in the Report of tha Sanitary Committee of New P QS, RAISINS fc ALMONDS—100 arums • Smyrna” ... * *- ^ - —* " ” * *- - '** _ Figs; 160 whole, half and quarter boxes Raisins; 10 bbls roit shell Almonds, landing and for aal* by d*c26 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fc OQ. Jameson on Epidemie Cholera. Tanner’s Manual of Clinical Medicine and Physical Di< 81IND1UE8, J- R/\ BOXES Ground Coffee; OU 200eke Rio «»o; 100 mat* Old Government Java do; hair cheat* Tea, various brands; boxea Tobec *•**“ J “ 100 boxes Tobaoeo, choice 600-groee Smoking Tobacco; Received and for ealebjr do; Jan20 MoMAHON fc DOYLE. IPFINB—#6 bbta Apptoe. Oranberries, Pare- UMd Car rota, maivedper •teantar,-- 1 T^DOUU— Marietta Mills—260 bbls > Denmead > J} ‘-Jakley.’ in store, and for sale ny ■15 HOLCOMBE, Ji f. JOHNSON fc CU Etamenta of Medieiae. Pathology and TberapenUos, by ‘ ickton, M D, of Charleston Medical College, 25 000 ^- ai>t received fresh troee Samuel Henry Dickson, veil. Stake* on Dtaeaeeeof the Heart and Aorta. Joae'afcStamklng’eNannalof Pathological Anatomy, The Mystic: by Hailey, author of Festue. The House by the Sea; by Thus Buchanau Reed. description. IJberal Cash advances made on Consignments. IWPXitXNOES t . MACAULY’S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. , QD and 4th vols. Macauiey’a History of England, from O the accession of James II. IJogard’p History of England, 18 vola. Urote a History of Greece, 11 vole. Received by JanlO W. THORNE WILUAMS B acon sides, sugar, fco— lObhde. prime Bacon 8Ides; do do Porto Rloo Sugar; 60 tMJxea Stuart’s A fc B Clarified do; 60 do Batter, Sugar, and Soda Crackers; ! mlliame' 6’e fc 8’a Tobacco; 40 do Grant iff 200 do No. 1 Pale and Family Soapr 80 do U«wego fc Colgate's Pearl Ststeb; 200 bog* prime Green Rio Coffee; Inudlng and for eate from etore by feW3 SCRANTON, JOHNSON fc OO. B 1 UTTER and cheese.— 30 kegs selected Goshen Rutter; 60 boxes white, and 60do. colored Cheese. Re ceived ter eteamer, and fbr sale by feb23 SCRANTON, JOHNSON fc CO. Havana. In staM t aad for eale cheap by j « a 11 champion! l, -~—— to I with #07 luuetrauoM, *» d NoejoarjMroai^ j ^ r _ W.THORNE WILUAMA B UTTICU ANU UliHKIN- 26 kegs Choice .Goshen Batter; v 60boxes do do Cheese; Landing and for sale by droll SCR, ANTON. JOHXflTQy fc OO. F ,OUR, FLOUR— i« I, ‘d? U £l5?y ftdFl0 “ r| aad ter eate b; yJRnU- X ARDANDCHJUUX.-16 hall bbla. Leaf Lard* 26 *NB»»gyh-U»«Mta)U» OK- sire asaurtwent of Papers, suited to the wants of Uoalers and cousumeis iu every section of the Cuuntry,— Ail orders will receive prompt attention, and be Shed at as low prices as by auy house in lbs Union. AS- 1000 a-ONB HAGS wanted fbr Casta. leb'Jtt d2m uipplun, (recommended by nurses,) sore and cracked Upe, riesh wounds aud sores 01 uny description. It U a most vkhiable remedy and cure, which can be testified to by change, end not thousand* who have used it in many portion* of tn# Mouth fur the last few yeara. In no ioetSDO# will tk# salve do any injury, or interfere with a physician's pre- wHrngjif PUTT.TPTT ecrlption. The proprietoi has numoroue eertifleates aal ISTUBYif tbTllfigaof fffilp Ilof 8p«lni bj W H *••“" ptopl. »bo b»n ..4 It IbamulTM, ul ' * ’ * most earnestly recommend it to otbere as a epeedy aad cvruiu remedy fur the above named diseases. A trial is all that ie neeesrsry for its own recommendation- Sold by J. ji. MOORE,.Savannah,- Ga.,and druggists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, m \rll--lytw . L*Grangs,Q*. AUGUSTA, GEO. W ILL give their speetal attention to pnrebaeiBg and selling Produce, Merchandise and Mtocka of every John Bones. Pres. Bank of Augusta) W tf D’Antlgnata Pres. Joe. Rank; Thos Barrett, Pres. State Bank; Heard fc Davison. Lewis fc Alien, M fc U W Wilkinson, JO Cannl- chad, liakor, Wright fc Co. Augusta; G W Williams fc Go, Charleston; B M Leonard fc Co, MhSte fc Riehop, New York; Bell fc Prentiss, Waver fc Constantine, John Lama, Savaunab; Seymour, Fanning fc Co, Nashville; K M fc AO Plumlee, KnoxTille. J “*" Ci o. poulr, No, 11 Wktiatar-ttreet, 2 Doortfnm Bnm. WBouajkUAXDimn. dxaidboi ' b iASHES, Blinds, and Doors, Paints, Oils. Tarn lake#, 1 Window Glass, Putty, fco. Painters, oramera, and Artist* Broshes. White-wash Heads aad Dnstere. Dry and fflxed Painu, of avery Ascription. Artist* Colors, in Tubes, Prepared Canvass, fce Paper Hangings, Borders, and Fire-Board Pattern*, Rooms prepared with neatness and dee patch. House, Sign, and Ship Painting. Guilding,Graining,and Uiamng done in the beet etal*. and at moderate pneea. All orders from tb# country prr-iptly attended to. matin—r UFUVG AJSD UENOVATJAG • UHTABLUUnKflT. 1. r«t.i w^MUwtmm*,**** Fl^nEenbeunoer.gratetuito hi* jpatrooa aaff frieodafles 1 their oontlnued favor*, would etato that, teaAdlMoa to the Improvement* In Dying, acquired hy him dariaff biff ‘ last visit lo England and Scotland, has mad# amagemeatfl (or extending hi# builneu.by which he to now enabled la Dye a greater variety of colore on eOk aad wnelea dreeeee •bawl*, fcc, which he trust* wUlgeaerally fleas*all wha may favor him with their patroaage. GcnUemen’* gym onto dyed,droned c#jt may be required,in the sasae superior style which ha# gro • requires, m wiwh uuynwi utjtm WM •rally so much pleased hi* patrons aad friend*. Ladies' bonnet*, dyed, bleached aad proceed ta the ar •ahioaabtoitytoe. v Orders from the eounUy punctually attended to. When paroeto are aeat by eteamboate o* raltnod, were .. L -eroetOHro.ee should be seat him by totter, throogh tha ItotfO that he may kaow where to aallfpe them. Jeff AUgAMDMt O ALLOW AY XjUiUUR. S j wv ^ap.