The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 06, 1856, Image 3

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Bimmm cmorguan, ^da#*mobmxmmxtt bitm. TAXSRVBMB. VillTKD BUTU BAIL LL\t The books will be open ftir rtuelriltg^ Tat Re. , >< » , Ult **A*aATT|ML.%, *•'.. ,k K!v i House |TATS MEDICAL SOCIETY. __ f\i- ««■ v«Dth Annual Meeting »f the Medical Kaff^Bwclely of tbe flint* ”f <l*ot|U will be beta in JJj" *!£ lb»rlly of Mao- °*th* Wednesday [**1* April] nut, .« L... R... .,,4 n„. runun 1 Ad ires* will b>* delivered *1 Wo'clock. M, on tut .lev. 1*. 0. It., ifoSSratog fleoretory Urw*i a* <ti'h. IHM nutl—tl will resume rant** im • </••• tin'•«. i hooka will be open rur receding i»«>- *'••■. u., v«n ,.™ I iu m .r m «*v||ioj«h ig, mnlte JOHN KKhlli, K.T.U. , stearouacki.trtT. JOHNS. Capt James Freehron, liur irl|in in FTurlda.and leave for the -lti-v Sattmmj moralug, July 7lh. at 10 o'ctanL. * to lent* *?eiy fluUinlny, nt III* straw l.mif Thin boat uah 1»r,<»» ami wiry Met* fx-n-i *oo«iutu<i* •lions, and tukinu 11.» (ntaml rout*. nitwi*. p«oUli*r In ducement* to invalid* anil ultien- Foi rwtjjlii nr pasna**, apply ou board *i tlm Kloi-t.l.. t-l«arupaukwt Wheel uuar tha Ua« Work*. nr to * ■ J vi, OJAUHORN ft CUNNINGHAM Fl838a tVUJVi.NY—U. ,fl. Mail Line—Front Mow Urli-itum to K«y Went—tluAtnaUlpa FLUID i-'A aud>'. VAN- OKltBlLT-Tlieee Qu will in fu- regular seiul-uioiitoiy trips. Ie.irm< a* NOTICE TO VESSELS m All l'lljtia nh'l ' 'nptatoa ol V''*»ete. arriving at til* purt «*' Ravauueli Trow foreign |*or»w. In- f«l* 1 wlih small v*»i or other enotnglou* diwusvs.are re- oulr**l to bring their vi seels tn anchor at tint Quarantine Now oVfoau*..10IUiyin24ih fl,..yu' vu|M«lt« Foit Jeefewon. there to reaiata without ! J’eneacnltt,.., lllhauil <6tb cowtfti ronttou with th* city or adjacent country, until Mark°°. !*.,! lath and 27th rl.itvu by tha HealthOBoar. * 1 Cedar Keys..’.14il>nnd28tb r. II DKllHlK, Wealth Officer. ,m *‘— " “ “** fr>'« i Key Weal 17th Mul'irt | Kw Orlaan... .17lb and 1M NOTICE, 4m tain Xnr Orleans, All tlume liavlug olaiHH agatnet* the .learner ! Ua«26~flM K, O. KOGEKS h &).. 7tt I'oedraa et. CHEAPEST CASH STOBE. NEW POODS FOR THE FALL TRADE. VpillCSUtWOKIIIKR has n.,w in store tlio 1ar«e«t and lierl X Rjwortinaiil of Foreign aint llnuieatie Ili j toiodh ever nlteied in rtarNiiiinh. wlileh heeilleeilat tiii|>ieiuoh.'nini1 low prlcva having leiiently made oynaiderAlth* addition to IiIm store, lie in in fuipcN that file cneloincrs «III, not .leave, a* heratolore. for want «l room. , Tliv hiiK-.k in Port Comprl*es the loUoaingCoodet Cuiiton (;rn|ie NIiNWla4)tt(t Sroi fB, t oaliiurrc Slmwln.lii now combintiUnit, of the mo*t iirill iinleolpra; l1iibetM{uareau*l totif .'lor.vU: Wool I’mM .'Imwia in every •inalily; Ciudiinere and'(hi!el Hcafte. |>lniu and tig* 9>l; ilroohe, ai^uuie an I long Shuwls. very nheap{ tlold •n'eied iHtuwla in'oioilei color*.. Key West.... t th and V4th T/nopa ....... IJ th aud k'dlh Cador Kftju.. .VJtnund-iltli 8t. Markn....I4thand'JSth Apalhohioola. lfitUeim'JUlli [Tampa Hay., ,16thandSlttb Penaaoola ....IdthanddUlh Arrive at \t KIAK A aud owner* totlir Ut m l . moW* »t»v. a*n rettuesied to hand them in within thirty dnja rum tide dit*, and Mum* lndeUW me ,e*iueaUd to malia piumpt paymvnt. aa tha alTure cl thecompauv must be eluted Jan8 S. M. hAKt-TTKAU. Agent. NOTICE. i . UNITED STATES fiLAIL LINE. 1 FOR PALATKA E. FLA, | Vln Unt'len, Brunawlck, St. Blnrya, Pernun- illnu, •JnckaonvUle, PleoliatR, mill illildlaburg, (Ulnek Crerk.) ! . ■ ' —1» The favorite ateampa'ket WKU.tK.A,i apt. I ■ King, will leavv lor the aheve places the luerchiuita of dnvennah nr.- advised that the * every iCttflUV ltt o’oiosk. •Tnin bunt has large and airy state lunm aecoimnoda* lions, and Ukiug the lolniid pnetage. prerelit, every ll»* duceiueut to Invalids and other*. For height or poeeage apply on bmud at the Florida Hteunipuukui wliari. uear the (Us Work*, or to Ja6 CI.A'-IIURN k CUNN1MMASI. AmiU. Vpaulsb Vice Consulate if thi. city will behpened Item 10 o'clock In ihe morning till 4 o’clock In the after* ui on.luatvad nl fm<v 7 o’clock ltt the morn tig to 8 In th# • iruin* ae heretofore. [deed] *1. *1 MAUTiN. *' NOTICE. ■ ... PenmiM having b isi.k#«a tu Urn Couvt of Ordi tPsA dluary at th* regular monthly terra*, ore here by uotiBvd that order* must be drawn and all molfotia mad* by theinaelvae pcraonally, or by their aitoiuoy. ja'J4—3ut JOHN 11II.BU. O. C. 0. , Consignee* and miHlera ut vessels wlahmg _ ___ surveys on vessels or cargo will plcale h-ava no- tie# with the undersigned at tha Auction store of Spencer (Jarrell ft Co. RoBRRT AUSTIN, Chair pro tom. jialg of board of Port Warden* T HE Crvdituraof HAMILTON <c HARDEMAN, Inter- eeted In 'lie assignment made on the 6th day of No- vein bar, 1862. «o tha late ROBKRf II. OIUKFIN. ftj.. arc reuuestid to meet the subscriber at then Wee of UBORlfh A. QOhfKiK, Km..03 W'eilinalav next. 2blh mst.. at 12 ... WAYNK. Adm’r. of Bnbert H (trltlln.Assignee. ~ NOTICE. J llFRK' Y notify and forewarn oil me-chantaand otucr parties against trading on or* dll With my children under the age or tweatv-one years, M I am determln«l not to pay any debt or debts of the ktud, unless they he aouompanled with *y order, janlt—tr R. RU0BU8, SeoorL __ A hi* persons luring^dvmsn?? against tha Ketata of Kichnrd t . Wifilams, ltt/yd Rhaihaut eounly. «*• _ ceased, sr* hereby ootHled to present them within the I t /ilKN tb>* I’otouiac l« time prescribed by law to the *t»b«crlt'*r ; and ail in- V* m, ril.ed ,m nj passoni dvbtedtn the sai-l K«Vit* are requested to task* imme- t t« to I*. MI1-1.KS.A r 'm*r ■ilstepsyment t- - . - - -- mar 26—Bw ^ debmiUimn. **V notice* A 1,1, persons Itavinr *Iemao<ls agulaat lh« estate of lu* A. late Abraham ft. Hartwell, decease', are lie.eb. uoiiHed to present them, properly attested, within Urn time presciibvd by law ; and all thoso Indebted to*ald esute.are renuested to make imm»dUtii piyment to martO-oawdw A IWNALh.^dm^ ... jfoxxcg, ** A 1.1, person* having demands avainst the Kstate ol A. Philip Koseir late of Beaufort District, South Caro lina, deceased, will present them duly attested, and all pa,ions indebted to said Kstete will make imme int* pay- ment to ADOLPH NIMTT7, Adm’r. Bttftcon. orR. f.. TlfcolNWHASr. Att’ynt taw. ma»9—dtw3 3?0RWELAKA AND PALATKA, FLA., , INLAND HOI) Til. vlw Uarltn and Urunmick, Ua, uml K«i- iiniidliin, JitckauHVlIlo nnrl I'lcuists, i* la* CouJiwraxo ox Friday, ‘.8ru ixot. The new aud lightdraught sioauier THO- i^a£S3ieUA8li. ri.UUlir.Capl. J.\Y Uarkmaii,will make regular weekly trips as above, and will leave overy KHiUAY.atlO A.M., until further notice. For freight or paanga apply ou board at the Charles, tea Stearapacket wharf,nr to. insrUl B. M. LAFF1TKAU. Agent. Anil 1 FOR JOHNSTON’S^LANDING. liilormedlatelMaueaon the Mavh iUver, To LkAVK KVBKY TUK80AY. 'fho light dralT steamer WM. I.KBBY, A.C Klug, will leave as above, com- lueiiciug ivtswAY. the Bill lust. For freight or passage ap ply ou board at the Cltarleatou wharf or to Jsnd S. M. umgtf. Agent. K'UU CHAKTIUI.4 HARK now laying SSflL <u ll"‘ port of Havana. To charter lor at) .Spanish port. Any person wishing Haiti bark mu tt apply, <me dey pioviuus In the sailing nl i he steamship Isabel, to Jh1» DON .IQ8K MARTIN, Bpanlsh Consul, Auctioae. \}Kr BT 0CTAVU8 COHEN. 2000 bushels lioavy Pennsylvania prltoa Oats, In sacks for sale to arrive parKeyitqpe State. IDrji ©0060 anb (fftotljlag. ☆ CLOTHING EMPORIUM, (o.\i nooa writ or tuk hkppbuoav room.) AUO ?uperflne Cloths tTSUrnli Winter Arranpniunl—CAin Ataifine /rwn lumui mrn Heavy t(«il nil Kiser Way id Woriloiisville, • « , iilw it... ■’-•■.oaisu i*- dossil with me Hits Am to may ny |'H-/n'iiU''rs. In vuautit tin* nuuosa- tlon going uwtto or wutl*. Tim roan 1.* entirety reiaid With a supetmr T rati a- tar as Goritmartlle. During the winter ih« train will Matt train the old station, lu rtloh- inontt.mi Iteoad-atruet. it 7# A. M.. {ta** Uordonavitte at It A. Jl.. and orrlvn 11 Slatiniou at 3.26 M. Oowu train lvav**a rfiannl.'U e.t ti 1" ... H.. passe* tinrdoiiavme at 11 A. M., Hi»*l arrives hi Dicbnnmd k* J.'.lo l’. il. Fa:**!.* 'Inrilni.avlllo Vjwi *’ •* % ou Br.ti. trains ariive at tiordoneviU* m srnple time to tak* thetrain <d th,Otsng" end Alexandria Railroad. Per* Son* w..jloavv Rinhmood at '*4 A JL.caa tate »avt?f* kb,*,**••. .Uesandria eareat ihtr.ltmnviUe tf thi/ c.t*«•*# tc do* , amt by that train will r*.-a-; Alexandria by 0.4UP M.. but tbie Com pact sn.rt-et thatn only 11 Donum*. Till- tali—*.t . H. !>. WaiTOiUm. hunt. Ilia Imp JOHN F. A LI* person* hovlng olaims .. a A. CIUILMARTIN, deceased, will plea*,* present them torpayinvnt, duly attested, unto Ilia undersigned and those indebted to the same will nlesse make immediate p*vnjttut to K. LAOKLjSQS. Qd*l. Rxeculor. “«S16TB^fSSi@aniHI$OAfiTo5ffis: BOtTTH-WK>Tl;nX RAILROAD Ol., \ Macon. Fob. 15th, 1850. J ■VT OTIC- is hereby given to the ho dent nfunyotihe bonne of th* C«mpauy,J|tat all nr any portion of the CuDisany’a bunds may be surrendered nnd converted into , tusk of the Compauy. fnteroat.on au.r bond cud verted la tn cea>eoa the date of the dividend day next preceding tin* touvorelou. By order of the Board. J.NO. T HUIFI'.I'II.I.KT,Treasurer. Feb 19—B m. B ADUK8—Noiiuk.—All ownera oi Ncgrne*. I’l-rtera, iJtborera, Mechanic*. Wagon*, dray*. Vrndo-a of itmall wares, aod all others whom it raay v oonoern, are hereby notified that unless their Badges aro taken out from the Clerk of Council's ofHae, the ordinances rolative lusreto will be strictly enforced against them, i’enalty not exceeding ISO. By order. KDWAKutt. WIMO.N, Clerk of Ceunnil. S.rant.,1). F.b. 3, jfdlTCS—TO PU.OTfl fl AND MASTERS OF VES. U NTIL further notloa the Llrr'l.lnj M.elilne ..III D» located on the Northern edge of tn* channel, cross- iu the 1 * Wreck Bank." All vessels are hereby warned to pass to the 8outbwarJ. J STODDARD, Ch’mnC. I\ Bspnblloan and News oopy ■ J*» 1J —"— timnni. 1 Night School, 1 and Price eta.. vusit■**■ vifv*,*i* ,w4*,« .m...«**—u In the 1 "it'ii, Break and Franco Languages; also, m the usual branches Of.. *Mii.b Hi j.r.muoN, fsblfl—tf Prof, nf Unauaues CLASSICAL SCHOOL* mBI undersigned has opeueda Day and ' X in South Broad at., between Houston ■ where he is prepared to give Instructions Iu the 1 ‘ French Li « --- WHERKAB,; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON TH** SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. tlvor tv iiusscs tlto lireat Now fork ami Now Orleans Jlaitsr an aasign- mint tills day,«f all his effects to the audersigued. This is to notify all aro litors to band In their aacuunt* CU'BBKLI, A «... P ATRICK rriWft?B5ha*S? thh^Uf made an aa- signmantto the noderalgbe t tor the benefit of bla cred itors,'all persona wlio arc Indebted to him are requested to make payment to me. and all perron* having any claims against him to present them t? me for payment.- Bird II.J. ItniliY. I # respectfully annoumo to the oltixens of Savannah that he la ready »o make and nut down Carpets, Matting, OU Cloths, no., at th* shortest notice cud on the moat reasonable terms. **t3 O fi and niter Buoday, rcbrasrySd, 1560, two daily train* betwenn >lao«o *••-! Cnlumhua, and one be. twaeu Macon nnd Amoiiruit. Leave Macon at2 A >1 nnd JJP M; ariive nt Uolumhus at 7.16 A M and 10.00 P.M; leave Columbus at 4!ii A *1 and 1.30 I’Mj-arrlv at Maoonal 10.64 AM and7.40 V Mj leave Macon at 2 A M; arrive at Amerlcusat >*.40 AM; leavo Am«rlcuh2.20S’ .tf; anire at Macou at 7 10 PM; mtsfag a oimtplcio ennnuntion hetwoeu Alontgoinerv, Ala., eno Augusta, Kiug-iville. VYilmitiglon and Charles Ion; also, with Central Railroad trains V<r Bavnnnsit, Mlllodgevllle and Kttontou, and with Macou nod Wealorn trrins lo At lanta, LhAtiaMmgs, Na«hv|ilo cud Knoxville, Twin. Atiuluwbua with (Hranl and Mobile Railroad In i!n- fauU, Ai.v.; u'loui'idim; duily at Amerlaus with four- bnr*e I'ustOtMOboa tn laU\ha.<.t* <t. Albany, Tbumasriile, lUInbiliige. ^«., with irl-weekly rlaukatn Lumpkin. Cuth- beri. tko.i at Fort Valley with Hacks u* Perry, Haynes- villo, Passengers for Au»- eriimaAud points iwlow Fort Va loy aln-uld take the 12 16 P j| train limn BaTMUitah, aud ton 61* M train Irotn Au- gutfn. 10 aTO.d detention at Macon; i«*r ntiior point.* on th* .'<>•1 b Western or Muscogee Knuds uku either train Savannah or Augustu PaHaonKerri leaving Amerlous at •*!..') 1' M will roaco Uoliiuibiiaal 10.00 P M same night. t’ae.' engnra trout Columbus hq I Hie west lor Amerlcu*. Bouth IVecIern Ueorglti orKhuida, ahould take the !,Ml I'M train at Col uni bu*. sleep at Fort Valley, aud reach AtocriutM at «.4U A il next mor itng. Klret Class nteamanipa leoTe eavanoan for New i'ira on Wudncadaya nud satnnuiys. aud for I'liilailelpliia on Wed nesday*. I’NseagH, in the Cabin. *2»; .iteiirage, *» Faroirora Montgomery 1 *.ie#iinao J14 HO *• •* L'olumbun •• “ 10 DO ** *‘ Amsricus •' b 8t •MO. W. At)AM8, Bup’t Macon. January 30U». Uffi. I«bl CSt'JPiiU'ji'i'ATJbS. ns ai»/ Frum Jlacou, t;a.,te , i'ollaluis»c,i'i«. Koilruuii it* Oplviv'rj—ntmjt* In iAlMa f iSi urranxe eonmeuced *m 1” 0 utli mst., 1 iia. Newton, llainbrldgo, and *4uiu. 1. and 1 week vU.Thiidia*Tlll«.Diinpau»Tllle. •«**, Fssaengerv by this r*-ulo will leave .-Ut-Jh at i*ao »-a o'oLmk, A. M., by Railroad A*r Di;'etl*.,rpe. 7lie .■*• leavingOgletliurgaelUier wav at it »■ circa, arriv;og ;.i lahai'w*, alio o'clock on benrenin? <•> •>•» nest day— 0, either route 36hunrit lioatUy, Wednesday and Friday, by Newtou. Uambridgs aodQulncy, to TallthassHa returning, leave* Tallanaai-eeor Sundays.Tucmlays aud lhundays, at tv. i’. U. OoTneMlays,Thuroilajs,Rml Saturday*,, hy tue *».*> riiouiasvllle—retUJulnasMnaiouleo.i Weimoaday *od Fridays, at JO. M. Ihrougniioiu Oglethorpe to‘lall&haN.te bf -utner :oi*tt 186 hours—-from Ui UlllilbS (4UODB. Wry 1 loll colored Brocade and Block Silks, do Plaids, do •• Changeable* Irom 60 cents por yard upwards: I'lnln Black Bilk* ip tHlnu-s. (‘roas do Rhine. Muttlonesnud KIMiuff*. Jrotn very low priced to Hu* beat Imported} I hr Bilks iu Hurenne. DouMu Florence anil Hemline, cheaper than u uni prices. All Wool I'lAldsdoOsvhmere, raw silks do, plain and printed cashmerof, In al* itiallUea from 12cupwards, 16,• 000 yards plain and prlntod delaines, from 12}£ cents to 76 oiint*. plain; all woolen delaines, autin striped cash- m«-rei lu black and culorn U very low-price* ; 8,000yards ail wuo'.eQ printed delaluoain lire*'* patterua at 26cL* per yar>l, Tho above in an nuctim tot nud is well worth th atteiitinn of buyers French Mcrluoci, In all Hhadcs at very low pruuw Plain Week «t!k rrlvt*' f -r mantillas,' do cotton In every shade, silk finish; * choice tolol printed v*-lreis in the most appioved atyles snd choicest rolnre Tor ladies’nnd children’.* dresses. Hosiery, Ladies' and mi**es’ Kngllsb and Ourtuan cotton hose, do silk and raw silk, at all prices; gehts’ aud bnya* hug* Hall and Herman half hot?, from very )«tr priced to the boat, imported glow,ladle*’ and gent* 1 black, white aud colored kid glove*, very cheap; do Berlin, gents’and la* dies’ Buckskin riding gloves, very otiesp; Shirts Hint Drawers. Gentlemen’s and Ladles’ Lamb's Wool Bhlrtastid draw er*. in every quality; boys’ and ada-e*’ niriinodo lu every else. Til# above timer shirts and drawers are umvh cheaper tlisn the samo articles can be had elsewhere. Ciottis «nd (inislmarcs. Tweed* plaid, plain and mixed, for boys’wear, in great variety; a large lotof lain aud printed satinets, very cheap Tioga ca*«dim»rc. something now, Kentucky Jeans In every shade and quality, while, red and yellow tUnnela. extremely cheap, (o which the attention of buyers J*re quested. maiUllOIDUltlKfi. A large lut or French and English embroideries, from auction, in sleeves, habits, collars and cuffs, whioh wilt be Hold at lea* than New York Prloea; ladies plain and em broidered linen oambrio hnnrtkerohlefa. very aheap; 300 cambric bands from 12Jfota upwards. Milan Goods. From my nrraugsmenta for th# direct importation ol Irish Linens. 1 am enabled ta sell Sheetlngq, I’illuwceKo and BhlrtlnglJnousfrom the best laanutaatorern, much ohonper than Southern merchants generally pay for similar goods in New York, via ; shlrtTug JJncns from 20 cent* per yard, warranted all pure Ilium: Pillow Linen in all widths. Irish ant fiarnaly Table Linens, in great variety. Bleached sn Unbleached Doylies. Nankins, Draper Crash To wels an. i To well iir of every description. til the above goods purchaser* will find a decided ad vantage In examining my etock before purchasing also where. Tiiblo Covers* A large lot of Worsted nnd Linen Table Cover*, very cheap, KtnbiWMid W«*il-n 10. do Bland end I’laito Covers., in variety. Veukvo (VotloiiN. Tooth, Hair and N'ai'. ■-'rushes. Tucking Combs, Toilnt and line Toothed Comb* do Buffalo Horn and India Rubber, do Rouuil Combs, orcblldreu, . Fancy Boxes,Trunks. Doll*. Beads. Am , Crotchet Needles.Steol ami Silver'thimbles. Darning and Tidy Cottoii, Embroidering do., Linen and Uotton Floss. My stock is ho thoroughly filled up end so uniformly very clump, that purchaser* of a large assortment In small aud large quantities oae be suited in * creator num ber of artloles, and thereby effect s greater saving than in any other storo in Savannah M. 1) THEANOR, Congress street, ool8 Next to Bull ana opposite tho Pulaski House. drYgoodsju cost. “ JAMES O’HARA . W OULD respectfully inform hislricnd* ana tho public. that in order to make room for his ijprlug assort ment. he is now selling off his present stock of DRY GOODS. BlLKB.H'WlKRY.Atc .Aio.. AT COST PRICK.-, and will continue lo do so until the entire stock is disposed *>i j:tu22 No lift Congress street, .Savaunsh. DRYGOODS AT WHOLES AL K OPPOSITE ST. ANDREWS’ HALL, UP BTAlJtB. , rpae UNDKRSIGNKD would invite the attention of mer* X chants to the examination of a lirge and well select ed stock ol Fall and Winter Goods, now being received and iu store, which ho effern to tho tradu on favorable terms. septlB WM. O, FOOTS. Fine Ready-made [WM. 0. PRICK, Clothing; Hats end Caps, Bbirts, UJ LEAKS, Glove* Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas, Cravats, Blocks, Hamtkerchler*, and Fanny article* for Gentlemen, FABHiqNABLEl'-— MILITARY TAILOR# Sfollf BAY STREET, SAVANNAH VeNlngs, will bo made to measure unexceptlon’bleln style and work manship'. by the best mechanic* at Shortest notice. $&• Orders from city and country solicited.i deolfi HATS I TIP TOP HAAS!! ^ Super fusUlonable Moleekln, Line Black, aud Coloied Soft Fur Hats, and^B ^^many other article* ruitabl* tor au outfit during the uolldaya. Forsalu cheap at the Btnr Clothing Emporium. dec22 WM. U. PRICK, 147 Bay st SHIRTS AND C0U*AES.' J UST RECEIVED by steamer, .a full asvortmeut nr fine SHIRTS and COLLARS, or the roo«t celebrated man ufacture, at the Star Clothing Emporium. 1,0.39 _ m BAY ST. tfBBREIXASi UMBRELLAS 11 JUST RECEIVED. A large lot ol protectors, so lequWte m jr this raluy season For sslt* cheap at the Star Clot blue Emporium,147 tlsy street, janl WM. 0, PRICK. 'M. CAREY, TAILOR. J UAB reotovea tu Hull street, near Mouument Bquare. where he would uv happy to wait on hi- former customers nua the cmuiuuiiity generally.' He is prepared to nut and maue gentlemen’s garments in the latest ety I**. Gentlemen vtsltlug the city will tin 1 it tn their advan tage to patronise hlm«as at hi* eatantishmeut none out the best workmen are employed Uniform* for any partoi the State made at ehort no tice, und according to directions. Prices low. Terms Cash.[novfi auctions. auctions. mtmgggseim BY X. J. WALSH. * Private 8aU. A few bundles nfnhoioe Peach Trees, assorted. Ml inesuh bundle, with 6 varieties. Bold In quantities to suit pm- cha'ers. J*n2- Vaiuable servant fo’r sale. A family of negroes.. Woman age<l alwut 20 yon a. a first rate seamstress, with her three oblHien, girlB. girl 4. boy 2. sound add healthy; Titles uujoubted; test Inin ntals aa to hsr qualifications Irom families in this city nan batlven^urohaajjriitjajInghjMiLs^^^^^^jsna^ JHckical. BY BELL & PRENTISS. (KIKXK8SORS TO PHILBRIOK tc HKI.I. ) forge Bale at Gentlauieu’s Furnishing (load* at A *r’lo n tin MONDAY. 7th inst„>U 11 o’ei* ex lo sales roan : A large aud complete msoitnavnt of Fu >-lulling Goods, consisting of lino white and colored Blilrls. inuslln and Jean//rair«’r«. cohered bordered andfaneysiik and «um. mer Tie*, plaid silk Cravats. Napo’eon Ties, mixed and fancy Ha f Hose, cotton and worsted knit Undershirts, hair Blocks*, linen lies and Cravats. 'Iiioti Collars. »Lk Shirt* and Pant*, merino Drawers. Dressing Robes. Bus. penders. An. &c. Terini— under *100. cash; over 1200, (10 days, fur approved endorsed piper. apr6 1 POR the above diseases,# safe.speedy ami is^lo.vl r.n** ' can be found In Llnoh’s AntLRneumaiic Powdern.i * H<c«n at Auntiou. THIS DAY. at ll o’clock. 111 lroui of store, will he sold; 16 tierces Bucou Mioulders suitable for plantation.- Terms ca'h. epr5 *. mo ov iwhou m iiiHuu-n Auu-nu«HMAK,.u ■ unur.n.iw. Uodeiwriters’ Bale. • greatest remedy of the age, uow known, for Rheumatism THl^ J’ 12 o’clock, at Ih# lower Kioe Mill, niff be in any of Its forma. Pu» up in tin lioxes ot sixty powders . sold f-.r account of the un lerwrltera und all concerned; each. Bold by B W Adams,or Katdntou, l’utuam ujuum 50C0 bushels Rough 11 cr, (moio or loss.) damaged by Ga. All orders directed to him will be promptly alumM tho fire of Thursday morulug. Terms cash. . spr4 to. provided tua oash aoeompauios tae nrd**r. Bales Brown Shirting* Price, 16 00 per bos. Will remlve per steamboat Gordon Trout Lb*rleiton. on in;8—>IUap24’66 u- AUAM->. tjatuiday morning. 20 halve Ji Browu Rhlrtlngs, which "■ wilt positively be »old Terms—SlbO cash: $100 to $800, 00 day a; over $300. 4 months.for approved endorsed paper. ra*r2S Havana Srgtra at Private ^sle. 33X00 choice Haraaa Begars, Just m-vlved psr Isabel, via Charleston, offeted Mr sale low. 6000 Regalia, 1 nia Venus; 60 0 «jo 2ma do 6M1O do meilra 1 raa do * 6OOI1 do do 2 tua do 2600 do prsnsadoi do 1600 do do do 2000 Et Ail Coloudrados; 1000 Heins Victoria; 1000 Flor Golden Gate; 1000 Golden ll-te; v 2000 Itonilre* F M: 2lH).s!euipre Viva. mar 18 Terms 11 be ml. • srter Futahi-s at Private Pale Now (ttndiuc per schr RichM Deiutll.lVou* New fork : 80 bbts Carter Potatoes; 60 do Wes.ern Red do; teh'Ju . For sale low. Slnttions. BY SPENCER OTRREU ft CO. At Private Bale. k .. .. Two Houses iltuated at tha comer of 8tl Julian and 1 Price strsete, No. 17 Washington ward.aoeef wkUkb J 2X on brlek basement, tho other te IK on kriekbnM- * raent.subjsot ta a ground rent of el|hteen'doUan fir * annum. The location 1* very desirably, situated nilt Is in a very healthy portion ot the city, sot farther per. J tleulare Inquire at the counting room. kftft • At Private Bale. . That very valuable aud beautiful re*banoe, Ni. M Liberty ward. 01 by 00 feet, .'routine ou Soath weni-il. . corner of Louth and West Broad atr«eta,and la one of tho handsomest in th* city. TF* bouse is ntariy new and ie lurnlshed in th* latest and roost approved etjle.vlth gas, and hot and sold water fixtures throughout. Attach ed to the premises there is aleo a beautiful-flower, eon* taming a very choice selection of flower*, shrubbery, A#. Fur tonne apply at our couullug room, nprl On MONDAY next, the 7th tnst. at the atom of Wa* B. Farrell Jr Co , corner of Broughton end Whitaker*et.t The entire stcck in eafd store, eonsieting in pert ot onolco fresh and well-seteoted family groceries, frmlta,ft*. Ac. Inis stock has been selected with especial earn lo suit the retail trade for families in thle city, nnd la M well known thatn more extended description la deemed nn- The sal* will be continued from day to dkf NSW GOODS. JUST HEOE1VED. ■ Till-'. BUDSORIBER has uow la store, and is rocolvutic by each steamer from New York, a full aud weil selected alack of READY MADE CLOifitNG, and Gentlemtu's Furnishing. . Goods, to which he would call the sitteution oMils friends nod the public generally. Having procured the rorvic-'s of sn Experienced Cutter lie Batura himselfltoat he shall be able to plu&sn ail who may (svour him with their order*, ills stock of I'tRCE GOODS Ufkll and well aelecteit. WM. O. PRICE, octlO _ 147 B*jMjtreeL_ ioi Salt, ta Etnt, anb Wants. T YAW ABLE' FLAKTAT10N FOR SALE IK UOINIOSH C0UKTY. , , TJlKBuhscriber offers Tor t ale Jhe following mu* fS&vatuabld TUACT8 OF LAND. In JIcintoshGouaty.’lMI 1*3*1,220 aoresdf.'pino land und well timbered; 160W"fc acresTtfgnml bay uud—60 auras of whioh is cleared and under cultivation;'part cro\»injth» Bavauuah, Albany* Gulf Railroad; also, 1,120 acres of rldi swamp aud Haw- uiuok land, 1,880 aaresof choice (due laud. 130 cleared and under auoil oultivAnoti, with a goad mill seat attach ed within SJi roi.'os of tho above named H«iJ- road,--'There is k good dwelling ou the premises, situated on kVmPf beautiful and well watered bill, within 1)< mile* of the above Railroad and on tho Jlauou & Dariuu ronl. Tbl«* U a rare ohniiot for land m.,-chasers, aud a great bargsme*n beobtxluud by applyfcg immediately lo pnotor. •», A, J BAGUc, ar.. tVattlioiirsWlfe. f.ibert.r Co . or to JOHN si. MONTMOLL1N, Esq., nnrJi—dvkwtf Bavanuah, Ga. • FOR RENT. 7*" „ . .. TWO fenemenlaon Gorlon idocU.fionllngCnatliam •rESquar*. the hsuio being well linislnvi, wllh Water, G*s, BMHtablra,etc. ■ Annuali«nt $460 each. Possession giv- 11 IstNowmber next. EDWARD0, WILSON. Nc. 72 liryan-atreel. svpfl uoarly opposite tha State flank. ^OR KENT—OFFICES ARD STORES. ’ m A good ntoie nnd uouiiting room on first Hoar In ttodgsou’H brick bhwk, Buy street. Also, soveral DU, wn. U. MOBIQIaBY’S inpiuuai. J.VOR the Treatment of all Chronic Disease#, is no.- pt-i. i* for the reception of patient*. Rooms ipaolom, sod well ventilated, and every thing neoussary to ren.u 1 ins patients oomfortahle. Board $1 per diem,or $16 per modib. ills unprecedvnlad success for the past ten yoers iu ih< trwatmeot of all chronic diseases, saon ss dropsy, dyspep* via, asthma. bronchitis, fits, piles, liver diwMB. .hvuiua- tism,syphilis, cancers, wans, prolapsus, und the various diseases Incident to females, should not be overlooked b,- the public in deciding upon his merits. All comnutuica lions mutt be post (mid and addressed to WM. K. MOSIXKY, tl. U. *inr2a—tAw lr lirlltln. tenure.* 5D bitters. P Nl?AUD BY Dr. tl. M. JACKSON, Philad’a, Pa. TirjLl, eDectnally cur# liver oompl*int,dyipepsI».J.uu ff dt j#, ehrouto or nervous debility, diseases of the Un. aeys, and all dtMMavs, arising trow a disordered Liver, or stomach; auoh us' coo-U,all- lu^srd plies, full- as or blood to the head, acidity ut the stomach vieu, heartburn, disgust for food, I'ulluei-s ut weight iu the stomach, sour eructation, siuklu. ir. flulwr- ing at the pll of the stomach, swimming of the head bin ried and dfOoult breathing, fluttering at the heart, ohok Ing or suffocating sensations when iu a lying posture, dim ness of vision, dots or. webba before th* eight, tever and Hard Uoal at Private Bale %***,“ : K*c an* Nut 3ortnml Hnrd CmI, for ni. from ■»». ,t of th*ikinandoy*a,jmlnlnth* side. back, chest, limbs 1 iQ L, ,. n teblP—tf *0.. .udden flush#* ofheat. bunting In the flesh, cuuelatt t I P ,. , -rrr-r rqj-, . imaginings of evil, and great depression of spirits. Good Cook. Washer and Ironer at Private Sale. The proprietor, in oailiig th* attention oi th* publio to A first rate Conk, good washer ana Ironer and good house this preparation, doe* >0 with a feeling of the utmost cou - servant, about 40 ym» of age. sold for no fault, sound and fldene* in ita virtue# and adaptation to the diseases to r ' healthy. Titles warranted. f*bl6 whioh It Is reoommenaeda. . . . . .. Good family Horn at Private Sale. necetsary. uatil Hi# entire stack Is disposed of •PH 202X - i wo lots of Laud at Private Sale. Lot of laud no. 219. 17th District, Sumpter Co, sorer. , Lot of land no. 23, Jflth District, Cue* Co., 100 scree. 1 For oala low. f#b20 Administrator's Bale. * Will be tola on the 16th day of Bay next, at 12 o'clock M.,at th* counting-room of Mr. John 8. MoutmolUa: One fine Iron 8afe belonging to th* eetkt* of John* Doyle. *pt4 Underwriter’s Bata. Will be sold on TUESDAY next, the BthleiL; Kt IS o'elo. M., at the store of Messrs. Hone It Connery. Three hundred and twenty hogsheads (more ot le$e) Muscovado Sugar, damme d on hoard the bark ‘-M. L. Frank” ou her voy'aga from Matansan to Now York, and put into this port In diatrees; sold under iasMotion and by order of the Port Wardtn*. for the benefit of all eon* cerued. Also, at the same time and place, Flfty-eeven (67) empty Sugar Hogsheads, landed from aula bark, and .old by order of the Port Wardens, fur the benefit of all concerned. Terms cash. spit j 20 share* Oglethorpe Loan A-soclatlon Stock, wtllb* sold low,if applied for soon. mar IS For sal# toVrnveT 26 bbls New Mess Beef, New York, 60 ** ” •• Pork, « ” 10 boxes Goshen Cheese. MM At Private Bale. A likely negro maf, 22 years of age, of good disposition, sold for no fault whatever, titles undoubted, febJR At Private Bale. 30 shares Canton Mine Stock, at a very lew figure, fob* At Private Sal*. A Negro Woman, a good plain cook waeher and Itm- ir._ If not disposed ofatprivat* eel# by nixtaaleday.wll this be Bold before the Court House, to the hlgheet bid- ■*-•— '* — — ■—- — — t*. , ... . .... «’ viquu >aiUMj iiwiH) n, • ru.w osib. i . . , It la no new and untried article, but oue that has stood a first rate, strong, gentle, family buggy horeo. a good der. Titles unuoubted. ie test of a ten years’ tojal before the Americau people , r0 »dster. sold for no ianll, ns the owner has no use for 1 ‘ At Private Bale. A Negro Woman, a first rate cook, wasker and ironer. and good seamstress: sound and healthy. If net sold be fore next sale day, will be sold before th* Court Bone«,ta hbtt the test of a ten years’ trial before the Americau people , r0 »dster. sold for no fault, ns the owner has no use for audit* repnts Hem and sale J* unrivalled by any similar j,; m r*»i/s , ,»«*««* . r uaor» f ,r,;t- w the proprietor, and to be had gratia or any of hisAgbnt/ i meutof CO. Edged. Dlpt’d. I’aiuted, Granite, Flowing A Valuable Family of Negroes, oaunot but eaUsly tha moat skoptlcal that this n ra.Vy Albany and Painted « are. let ouallty. A good as- A prim* Negro Man, a good field hand ; his wlf*. a Bret rooily deterring th# great celebrity it has obtained. • sorlment for retailers, put up sxpresMy for this market. I rate cook, seamstress,washer aud ironer; and thelrehlld, .■rfnnlu.lnBS.-namnnlkfllorT.MArflli.Bt. l-liil-.. I-.. I —I. low by th. cratp. Ikoln - ' - TeiUmony from Osorgls, Cautou Copper Mine Htuck a Private Sale. From 8 K Coburn. Esq. editor of the '’Courier." Rum*, 20 shares Canton Mine Stock. Apply Immediately, 3a*—Rome, Aug u 1.1864,—Dr C11 Jeckson.—Dear Sir.— not sold before the first Tuesday in Feb’y, it will beiold '•From my own personal knowledge oftbs intrinsic merits i at public, sale iu front or court house. jag Valuable Tract or Jjind and Improvameute at Private of'lloofland’e German flitters.’1 have no hesitancy in re-‘ rrr:i.rir.TIwai. Sale. ,or ,b * ""TlferaniT 1 ■ l-"“ ... Rill ■* r.tnU.. a iI MnUflltMttf Lnl, on ti. *M3.; th.. ' jSffMhTStfSsJllfl. B. U Uto un !-™i llopoi « iy wo hot. Tlio ImpronmioM or. 13 t.o "JY ro»d,«bnut H.o ml .»Irom tiomtr, cooUlnlnf kiotl .... 'itilTr *oltmij^ H I “°'X blink iouX. o-.rl, .... .11 In irornl eondlti.o, nnd MO*om., ..H llmbomd, on ti. premfm. Urnrob Mood «,*;*5* “'.’Siita.',°fis:.“iXsys5«:: ',?r 1 ■ '“ M ’ r ,ar,M z.r 1 «b».*■«?“■ •»"..•««■• »«■«.— buy U again. Keapectiully. yours. 1 quire at our counting room. decJJ To Dr C M Jackson. Moikqw fliJCntoDV. I, Us, Oct 24,1864, says; ‘ 'Oo large supply ufUermnn IHt- ( about 8 years old—sound gnd healthy. Titles undoubted; I If uot disposed or at Private Bale before next sale day, tf I will then be said before the Court Hone*, to the highest ,ow bidder. f*WT die proptiottir. DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. • F ;»l»TB « JAU11UN aro now receiving their spring and Bummer stock of Foreign and Domeatlo Dry Gnnds, to which they iuvlte the attention of tho trade. H (Ca-^artuetaliip ->»rtuuan in 56 ofca ltt NOTICE. T HE firm of W. n Fimll It Co.. Is this day dUaolvod. Th# affair# of tho concern' will be settled by either party,andaildebt*against them will b* required t-i be handed in for settlement immediately. \v II. FA lilt FILL ft CO. W. H. FAlUtKLL. LOUIS A II. FAU*1U ALT. »»*r 2» hStioe I ’HE copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of "JNO.F. GUILMART1N ft Co.” was. owing to the decease of Mr. UuUmarlto, dissolved un the 4tli day of January lost. The subscriber will attend to the un ist- tied affairs of said Company and resjteoUully requests nil parties indebted to make 178 Broughton stteet, nearly opposite f*b23 Bt. Andrew*’ Hull, west. copartnership notice. rnHEsubscribers have formed a Copartnership, bearing X date February 21st. 1860, under the name and style tt JNO. SHERLOCK ft 0U., for the purpose ol transacting a wholesale aud retail Dry Goods business. JNO BHKRWlUK. WM. KINK. 178 Broughfou slroet, nearly opposite t*M8. Bt. Andrews’ Hail, west. rnHK UNDEUau8lS^M?^f”ar*entered into co- X partuvrship. uuderthe firm of F'OUTK ft JAUDON (or tie traaisctlun uf the Wholesale Dry Goods business' WILLIAM G. FOOTE. jMl THOMAB- J. ,1AUJH)N. DIB80LUTX0N. fllHE tu-panuarsbip heretofore existing In tli* name of X CHAMPION ft WATTB, <■ this day nissolved by mutu al consent Mr. A. H. Ohampiua will attend to the settle- iceaVof tb# busluess ot the Ann. A. 11. CHAMPION, oct$3 JAME8 U. WATTb. fTTHK andflislgued bari^fthU^ay purchased the entire X Interest ot Mr. James O. Watts, his late co partner, wiU continue the wholesale and retail Grocery Business at the old stand of CHAMPION ft WATTB. No. 4 Darnstd-st., and solicits the patronage of his friends and the public generally. A. U. CHAMPION. _oct23 TO THE PUBLIC. rpHE undersigned having disposed of his iuterest iu the X store No. 4 Barnard street, to his lute co-partner de- •ires to state to his friends and tho publie generally, thst h* will atilt be found at the old stand, and requests hi* 1*4011 in89—-aud frur i it urs. By this rout* i'lotseuger. loaving rxvacua'u . ’f.-xiuofOara, will arrive ut TaUaba^sne iu Au huar*. also decidedly the beat, cheapest and i>»w*t .-xpedttion. 'or traveller* to AuaJrch.'cola and «*■•» p'-w.-Ja's Parofnm Maoo’a tc *»fi«thorr«'. In rutlabRSi*e,|ie,Cb L t! 3uiW, Agent at ilgluiuuipv. A A FltKXX " Tallaiiaosat'. *ug30 F. it. WrtiGii i>prtrt<> 7 DRS. LEFLEH & WILCOX, DENTISTS, Aro now lulty prepared lo insert lullor partial e'etta qt Teeth on th* principle ol Dr. J- Allen’s Patent Continuous Gum, By thin improvement Ibo furm ofthefacw can be restored to any degree of rotundity th a may bn deaired Uts applicable in all o wes where the cheeks hare fallen in. and cannot bf detected by the clescvt ob server. Tills method coiubtKM the following advantages: An artlfloialguin, which exhibits a petfeotly natural aud iiie-like appearance, and Imparta to the teeth that pecu- liar expression which characterizes the natural i.rgaus. This Gum consists of a siJJctous compound, which Is ap plied and fused upon the Teeth and Plate in such a man ner as to fill up nil tlio iiil-rstum around the base of the Teeth, and also smite-* them drink to each other and to the Piute upon which they ere set. This secures per fect i lennUness of the Teeth Office over DetYitt ft M«ir<au’e.<k,n^ress-str##t. )ebl»—itwat if __ BowEsrswoasTTsr YjTV- begs Rio Coffee—Fair to Choice, 60 do laignlra do. 76 bags au>l pockote Java Coffee, 60 bbds Bt t-rolx, .Muscovado vud Porto Rico Hugar, 100 bbls Clarified and Crashed do, 10') bbls Soda, Sugar, Butter and Pilot Crackers. 30 boxes Bod* Crockers, 23 bbls choice -Old SlonougaheU Whisky ” Landing and lor nr-le by ? * „ augsa HOLCOMBS. JOHNBON ft Co. DEWITT &. MORGAN AVI. ju»t roueiva-1 per steamer Florida- New Btyle Rich Organdie Roho*; Ricli I'rintcd Organdies; dn do Hrllliunturt; no d • French Cambrics; do iln do .lacoonotis; Mourning do d<> f-ull'J Check Gingham^; F'nnoy Plaid do Jnaprey Htripe dn • flaregw DeJaiues; Challla Fugenia; Printed l.inen: Trimming Hibmms and Bollings; JolnvIlleTie*; L C. HandkorehierM; I'abli* Da mask. Napkin* and Doylies; Also, ,i frosll Invuloe ot KID Gl.OVEB; i-'nr hhIc by fnb22 DxWITT ft MORGAN. KMBUOIDKRIKS. R f.'Ai. ifuuitou iMice Belt,. I hi UruHMds P'dut ljvvtt Bella, Du Kauliwlt Thread do do I tu Valenaieonca do do N. W. Collars In every variety. Lint'll aud Crape CilUrs an t frloevcs. latce Banda, F'renoh do Bwiss and Cambric FTnuncings. Lace, Veils. &c.; fta. Just received by DxWITT ft MORGAN. feb!9 - inODUNINUUdUUH, SLACK Bareges, double width du, Black Tissues, flawing O Bilk. Spanish Crape, Ohailie, Mourning Ttssues, Jaco nets and Organdies, Ginghams and Gingham Muslit Calicos, Blaok Crape Collars and flleeves, White Tarletau do,dot’o In sets, Black Crape and Lore Veils, &c. rectutly received nnd for sale at the lowest prices by apfi DaWlTTfc MORGAN. ijRESS SILKS. J UST opened 46 dresses ol'very handsome colored silks, alhO black glnpure laca. real article, cloak cloths and trimmings lo matah. setU of Maltese collars and sleeves. Very riob, gents’ klu gloves, BojonM make. Ladles and misses English cottottnose, ladles, misacaand boys merino vests, black silk elastic bell«,fta , &o..for sale at the low. rst prices by m> DxWtU ft MORGAN. t IW.nn-u II..II3I.. — K C Ellington/ Georgetown, the reoelpt of this, ship me a lent. They taka Ilk* ‘Hot Cakes. J F Woodbury, Hamilton, Harris co, Un, lan 6, 1866. says: ‘‘All who have used your Bittern, and all to whum 1 have sold tham, speak highly of their virtues.” K Nebhut ft Bro, floclal Circle, Walton bo,Ga, Jan lo, 1966, say; <;To* flitters have given sat)«r*ction to all who haveused tnem.” The German Bitter* take the lead.—F'atonton.Ga, July 14.1863.—Dear Sir,—Your German Bittern are taking the lead ot all other medicine* Tor chronic diseases, ftc.and are selling rapidly, l’laaae send ue another box Immedi- au ly. or w# anal! he out before it arrives.” Truly, yours, J-r.vni ft Da vie. Dr E LHtroheoker. Macon.Ga, Jan 1,1861, said : “1 am bappj to say that your German Hitters are gaining great reputationp I think It will, in future, sell very rapidly.” These Bitters era entirely vegetable, they invigorate and strengthen the.eystem, never prostrate it, and can be iHR iu iiuiiziou ii Di iua moult, o*j sireuv. Also, several used Tor iRlatit# aoi wall as adults. “good alorov (or storing all kind* of merchandise. In Price 76p. per boltl*. flojd by Druggists aadfltoiekwp. same building. Fur rent law by lliu montli or year: era in every .town and village iu the United States, fiib'Jfl jv BKLI, ft PKF.NTI8R F"or sal* In flavannab by W. W. 1JNCOLN, A. A. SOL- 0M0N8 ft CO., T. M. TURNER ft CO,. J. It MOURN ft OO..aod J. H. CARTER ft CO. codftwt 11111^6-oofi ZKRUIAN'B ANTl-ICORBimc INJOTIl' ... WASH. r|VHls delicious article combines so many msritoriou JL qualities, that It now has become a standard favorite with the oitlsens of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore Pittsburg, and other places. Dentists and Physicians pre scribe It in their practice most successfully, and from every source the most flattering laudations are awarded it. Iu flamed, sore, or bleeding gums aro immediately cured by its use ; its action upon thi m is mild, soothing, and nfoa- tlve. It cleanses the tcetl, »o thoroughly that they are made t<i rival pearl In whiteness, and diffuses through lint mouth such a delightful freshness, that the breath is ren dered exquisitely sweet,and it will in must Instances af. ford raliet to the most violent toothache. Tha following Certificate from Dr. Chiltou.a Chemist ol world-wide celebrity, who has submitted tue article to a chemical analysis, is proof sufficient to enurinoe any non or ita superiority: “ I baf# examined a bottlo of •' German's Antl-bcorbutlo Tooth Wash,” and find it to be a vegetable preparation ot an innocent character. 1 believe it will prove beneficial for Hard Coal at Private Bole. Now in store and tor sale low in quanllUe* to suit pur chasers. Hard Cost (or pnrtor use. Terms cash. [dnc7 Indian Pony at Privete Sale, A very fine “Uroek” Indian flstldle 1‘ou, fault # 0026 out buildings, together with a well or excellent water,— Terms liberal. For fur;ner particulars enquire nt •« counting-room. ““ JColttricB. vuu itK.vr t No. J Gordon Block, corner of Whitaker aod Oor don-slreets Apply at this office, or to Edward G Wilson, at Wcrd ft Owens-Law Office. tf—aplO FOR RENT. ® The Eastern tenement of brick building, o-irner'.ol Aboourn and Jons* street. Apply to oct20 HOLCOltUE. JOHNljliN ft CO, " "7*7"" OFFICE FOR RENT. M A good olfi cc io the baneiuent ot the brick build ing io Congress stiei't. mott to tlio corner of Drayton. fob26 . DELL ft PBEN'ma. ms 10 ttBN'f—A deelrable two story book dwelling raSfcontainlng lour largo end airj rooms. Rent 6200 per ■■■year. Apply at this office. ootl7 lo 'itENI—rim sroru under the Bluff, at'tile fool of Efflf WhiUker-fUeet. Kuuuire of EJH tjiyO _3PENLKR CUJtRKU. fi Fblt KENT— 1 One or two well finished Rooms, oo Bay-street, soitalde for offices. Apply at the Geurriau 001*. tf— fa 027 *'FOR*BALE. ~~ ATGRfH half lot No. F'nrajtls Ward. Price #360. „ EDWARD G. WIL80N. sppfl at Ward ft Ow-m's Iaw Office A STORE under tlio Bluff, f.-onllog on Whitaker street. Apply to [iuar27J HPENChll CURBE1.L ft CO. , LAND WARRANTS WANTED." ** rilHfc highest gr -.v tales will be paid for Land War- X rant - , hy td’ENCKR CUKRKLL ft Co. x couductod by theflpanishGovernment on .... of Cuba, uuderthe supervision of the Captain General, will take place at Havana on Tuesday, April 16th, 1850. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO *210,000. i _ » « Will he distributed, according lo the following Scheme : I WT J’rirtt in full, without Duliiclioi, al the Ita- , tuna G/flee.*®* Just received, and for sale by oovl7 W. W. LINCOLN. Mouumunt Square novl ltlberoV Building. Congress strsot. MANTILLAS AND 80ABFS. 41tt N EW Style very rich bisck silk end i»o« Waotillns. black and colored siik Mantillas, white, black and colored cashmere Scarfs, .stelliv and gold bordered Scarfs entirely nvw designs, just received by mar'/ DxWITT ft MORGAN. Dewitt & houoan RE now receiviug tbeir Spring and Summer Stock ol Foreign aod Domestic Dry Goods; also, a large as- iortment of Plantation Goods, xt the lowest possible prl ccs. to which they nolle't the attention of purchasers.' Kibero’s Bnifdjng. Congress nt A B i FOR BALE- A LOT within tho city,containing about acres. On ; too premises there la a good brlok kiln, sheds, fco; alio, two framed housen, uow under runt. The above of- tors a rare chance fora small investment, as the lot, with a small outlay, nan bo made to pay 26 per cl. Forfar* titer particulars apply at the office. mttl'J 81’ttNCKK CUBRKLL ft Co. CAUTION. 4 SMALL UiwtC'K TRUNK atoien by a negro from a piuiwngi-r to tho Itiiilrond, on the 27th of last April. conUine.l two vtoto Bonds of $600 each, made payable on tho f.ien of tho Bonds to John Barry, tho numbers 210 and 211. sign 'd by ueo. W. fowus. Governor,last psy- ment ot interest on the 4th of May, 1854, It is supposed that the thiet, who nnul i not rend, after rifling said Trunk, destroyed aif the Papers, This notlco Is made preparatory to uu applmHlion to the legislature for a renews t of said Bonds nov23-tf TJ ladies and physicians. A FTER ,er twenty y oars’ huoc-isIuI employ me ut by our most Uleale-I Doctors throughout the Unite < States. MBS. BEIT’S SUPPORTERS, for the maladies inch deul to Ladies, are recugnlxsd as tuoroi-ucoexGul than any othtr appllunce whatever, reaching a greater varict of cases, and ate worn with mine esse and comfort; enabling biany thousands to resume tbPir station in the family citcle, who had been prostrated for month* and yeurr,— Apply only to Mr*. Betts, tho Inventor,821 Walnut street. Philadelphia. James Betts. Whol.-saio Ageut. gS^They liave an extenritesnle throughout the United States. X CENTS. T. M. TURNER ft CO.. J. F.. DxF'ORD, fl&vsunah.Guorgia. FOGARTY ft CO., fcb27 eodlmo Augusta, Georgia. 0 „ „ LAND IN 8MALL LOTS r Four acres for siile,fronting ou tlm Bt. John* river. East Florida.a fe'e miles from Jacksonville, at $10 each. Titles indisputable; Jand good; eJJmale, for health- fulness, not lo be eurpasred; plenty o: timber for build- iug. ftc. .Steamboats irom und to Charleston and flavan- neh puss daily. For any lurthcr particulars address On John I,eo W Jlismv, Picolsta Post Office, who will show tbs land, ftc. mar 18—Ira M ANTILLAS AMO MJAUF>, new Style*, nee dle worked basques, breakfast caps, liueu cambrics and lawns, blaok net mitts and gloves, Indies and gent*' f aunlleti,gents’ summer cravats and stouks, fto &c— or sal* by raar23 DxWITT ft MORGAN. ■- i ENT# AND BOYdSUMHEK WEAR— White aod Fancy Patteens, _ tine for coats, ftc., lor sale by mar 23 B i UTTER. CH EEBE, CANDLES, fto., ftc.- 2(1 kegs chaica Goshen Batter; 101) boxes do du Cheese; 50 do Fing. Dairy do 10J do Adamantine Candles; 60 Jo Hporra do 10U do Tallow do ICO bbls Butter, Sugar nud Soda Ct 60 lbs BUot Broad; 60 boxes fresh Ralston; 10 frails Soft Almonds. Received by lute arrivals, and for sale by uiai'23 H01.COMBE. JOHNSON ft CO HOlGE Oldl WlNri AND BRANDY, IN GLArH.— G Et Linen Drills. White and Urown Navy Ducks, London “ •• env, Louden Cords, Grass Linens, Drn Ktes, Argcn- XIrWITT ft MORGAN. "PRINTED LAWNS, A T 12CENld Pfctt YARD— One csss just received and for sale by 1,022 _ DXWITT ft MORGAN. HOSIERY, GLOVES ftC. L ADIKti’ grey, white and browu Hose: Genti’ grey, fancy, white and brown Half Hose; Ladies’Lisle, oottou and silk Gloves; Insdles’ wire not and Lac# Mitts; Gents' Mile, linen and cotton Gloves: Embracing a large variety, together with a large as sortment of shelf goodv. For sale by marlO FOOTE ft JAUDON, NOTICE TO CARPENTERS, ENGINEERS, &C. A Bit Alii, active Buy wfsbos to become au apprentice J\. to the Carpenter’* or Engineer’s bU6ine*». nr to learn *tiy othor trade or calling ihat would fit him for usefulness in the future. Uels 10 years ol i, and would faithfully serve his employer for five years on receiving liberal compensation to pay expensne of beard, &c. Apply at thin office^ janfil—tf ' ' WANTED. A SUU^no.N ns Book-keeper, eras flalesmau, in s whoTesttle Grocery store,bj- a gentisman from the up country, who la fully compoient and can be well re- uomuonded. Ills acquaintance in Uupper. Middle and flouth-western Georgia in extensive and may he profitably used In advancing the Intercut of hi* employers. Apply at this office deal2—tf A SITUATION as UOtAt^hiKPKK, by a young man, who can give the best of references, .aud who it fully competeut, aud on.' of the ben*, scribe* iu the -State. Euquire at this office. raar8—tf wantxd. r A SITUATION by a respectable young woman as nurse or chambermaid aud would have no objection to do general bouse work fur a small family. Apply at this office. janl—tf - - - A NEGRO BOY or (MIL, irom lb ta 14 year* of *g*. to do the work for a small family, a gentleman snd lady. Enquire at thi* office. tnarlfi—tf Carpets. Northern half of tmt no. 96, Charlton ward, elt/ of Ba- vanuah, containing twenty ttva and a half feet front ---- - - - j - r . Tatnall st, and ninety and three-quarters feet In death. Uroek” Indian Saddle lony. 8oln for no I Subject to aground rent of twanty 70-100 dollars pee as* nnM 1 nuro. For further particulars apply at oar Coanttag Room, 164 Bay sL ' foM. At Private Bala. 2000 bus new Corn, fn sacks,foraale, to arrive. M Family of Negroes at Frlvat* Bale. A negro man, 25 years old, good hostler and earrlage j driver, and his wife, aged 23, plahreook. washer and lrea- er, with their two girl children, aged 4 and 7 years.— Warranted sound and healthy. _____ foM At Private Bale. One rosewood TUno, seven octave, Gilbert’* make, ta good order and for sale low. JmV At Private Bale, A kind and gentle drTUght Hors*. Wanna ted sown A At Private Sate. handsome l’ony, six years old, fourteen bands high, is a mile In 8 minutes, aud trots It in four. Warrant- For sale low, if applied for soon. JaaM At Private Bale. A likely aud well disposed negro girl, 14 years ®f age. "---Ufa for soon. JaaU REAL HAVANA LOTTERY! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! SOU T BO OR DIN A no 562. UCtlEBE: I60.0C0 20.000 10,000 8.U0U . .. 2,000 1.000 000 401) 10 Approximation..., Whole Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $150, J Vises jwW at the Havana OJ]ltx on pruenlation. I’HIZKS 0A8HBD iiY~THE UNDEUSIUNBD AT | 5 FEU LENT. DI8COUNT. J will be sold low; if applied for soon. At Private Bale. A negro mao about 36 years of age, good field band one I axeman, sound nnd healthy. Jan22 ~Mess Pork at Private Sals. - ' 26 bbls best Western Reserved, New York eity Inipea- J loin, for sale, to afrjve. jan» * Valuable City I<ot* for sale. • Lot No. 10 South Oglethorpe ward, sltnated on Na« el. fronting new H. R. Depot, 100 feet deep by 08 feet froot. Also, lots No. 2and 11 Curry Town, being near tha sor row ol Liberty and West Broad its. Each 60 feet front hy 80/eotdeep. All the above lots arm foe simple, and will j be sold on liberal terms. janll At Private Bale. A likely negro boy about 14 yeara of age. Also, a likely nsgr^woremnabout^^marsold^a^nme^fleMhang^lli Charleston Conner, a copy ot which will be sent to each I purchaser. , t All miters sent lo the undersigned strictly confidential, and null be attended to with dintaUh. Address. JOHN K. NELSON, murk9 Box 130. Chutleston. 8. C. '*■ v -* VK PJ/UV Ul/JPIIA" HClXIfiAlib. 1200 PRIZES! 50,000 DOLLARS! HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. hy snuoaiTV or tiik htsts or ukimuiA. 10.000 A umbers Only I ONE PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKETS! Class fit. fttmamags. dress is Alkeo,8.C. February lOtls, I860. rakers, NOTICE. T HU6K Indebted t# tho Hrm oi CHAMPION ft WATTS will pleasscall *sd SsUlo accounts, a* all bills unpaid onth# 1st day of Jaunniy next, will be placed in the hands of aa Attorney for collection. oera A. U. GUAMPV CS^PAUTN KHHiliP NOTlCK' " I HAVE this day associated ROBERT AUSTIN in co-nart- nsrship with me in the Auction cad Commission buxi- aess. The husisvis wiU hereafter be eon ducted under the name and style of SPENCER CURRKLL ft CO. Savannah, Oct. 16,1865. - BPiNCER CURRKLL. oetjO . " itmois. I HAVE Ibis Day opened a GENERAL. SUirPlNG AND INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, opposite Messrs. Hone ft Joinery's Ship Chandlery Btore I bare the office former ly oteupied by O. H. Duryee. Mastors of vessels and Btn- tedorsi, wanting Seamen and laborers, ean be promptly ■applied, by sailing un the undersigned. I have also on- l*i*d the service* of a competent Notary Public to assist He ean always be tound nt my office to nota for Vessels, and to extend their Protest#. All business en- wasted to me shall be promptly executed. EDMUND WAUSH, Agt. bsvannah. Dec. 14th, 1866. declO—«m 20 dernij >bnn Pnre'Julce, 1850; 10 (•« Old Madeira; Arango, 1832; 25 do Old Reserve. 1840 and 1814; 60 do Lcndon Dock Brandy, 1849, an ex choice article; 20 do ‘’Hurricane'' Brandy, 1802; Also, 10 do Old Ramsey Whiskey; 26 do pure fit.Oroix llum; 60 do pure Jamaica do And, 16 dex Old Rnenve Wine, in cases of l dosexoh. F'or sslo by m ar23 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft CO. ~ WHITE GOODS. , . „ , TTWGLISH Cambrics,plain and checked; Jaconet*. Swles JJJ Muslins, plain, plaid and dottsd: Victoria Lawns and Nanisook Muslins; Bobtnet Lace, plain and figured, in great variety. For sale by * marlO FoOTB ft JAUDON. tTlilCOK.8 AND DKNIH1B, C ASES Apron and Furniture Checks. Rales Blue Denims for sale by mar lo FOOTE ft JAUDON M ACK KHEL.—Lauding, per Hup Trannm'bnr. Iron Boston— f.O bbls large No.3 Mackerel: 60 dn small do (to 25 do large No.3 do 26 kltta Urge No. 1 do 26 half bbls No. 2 do 20 dn dn Nn 1 dn F'pr sale by iuai23 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON V CO. W received ydforeeltjy TX AMS—16 Casks Choloe Ham*. ■A-ff- Landing and for sola by marls ROLOOMBB. JOHNtfON ft CO. "Duck"ft oolorkd'cloth cloaks ft talmas, R Oftr A IT ARC 81 aalOO bonna Colgate's reU.Boap; 180 boxer Celgato’aNo 1 Beep; $0 boxes Peer!Starch. —ta QOAK oiflULIS AND RABlH-tO bom ."f*?*!'- IgaSSSSSSp Obkdseew I AThMfiM P IG HAM8—Just received per steamer Augustan no lot of Pig Hams and Pig Bacon, and for sale by sspll JOHN. D. JESSE. '*6k2MDY''iilNniuM ANirWHTStRY.-26 bbls. Bran- n dy j 25 H (tasks do ; 26 bbls.Gin : 26 da Ruta : 69 do WhisUav.ioeeived and for sale oy >.blfi MoMAHON ft DOYLE. 3 A CON'—30 hUa«nWe*,^W bhS^fmufrtrrr;, 3 LARD—100 lugs Urd: CANDLES—199bog#* Star Candles; wniBKY—160 bbls rent fled Whisky; MOLA8BH8—160 bblsN O Molasserl For arrive,by. inarilT OCTAVU8 CTHUPL r\ as Cloths. marlO BLEACHED SHIRTINGS. Used 4-4 ** “ For sale by FOOTE ft JAUDON.' BROWN, BLUJ3 AND BLEACHED DRILLS ( TAflES Blue and Bleached Drills; J Bales Brown Drills. In store and for sale br marlO FOOTE ft JAUDON. WANTED. A SITUATION as Wet Nurse, oy a healthy young wo- man, either In the city or oounlry. Apply at this office, . Ieb23—tf. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, 14 0 Congress, nnd 0 7 St. Jullen Otrecti. f¥WK understgoed would take this opportunity X to express to his friends ami Ihu publio generally, hie sincere thanks for their liberal patronage unit influence which has resulted In the extenslop ol his' '3 to all K rtaof the State. Also. Carolina, Florida, Altoama and nnsssee, thereby enabling him to exhibit a stork unsur passed in any flouthern city. Families, Merchant*. Hotel Keepers aud Steamboat Own*$« are particularly invited to examine the present stock, which is nor complete In air the various depart menli-Qocabtting to part of the following goods, vis ; CARPET DEPARTMENT. Royal Medallou. FoglishDruggets.Lit various Royal Volvet. widths] Mocet Wilton, Mosaic Hearth Rug*, Mocel Brussels. Velvet and Chenille Rugs, Tapestry Brussels. Tutted Hugs, Power Loom Brussels, Plano and Table Covers. Three ply Ingrain. PoorMat* [every variety,! Two ply Ingrain, Silver ft Brass fltalr Rods. Wool Unlob, Carpet Bindings, fto. CURlAlS AAV UPllOLNTBHr DEPARTMENT. Brocatelles, Lace and Musllu Curtains Satin de Lames. Gilt Cornices, Satin and Silk Damask, 1 Plus and Bands, Worsted ft Litton Damask, .adseis, Loops ft Cords, Velvet ft PJush, of various cl’s. Window flhadee. new etyje. A 1. MO. Every variety of Furroture-Coveriror. Trimmings and Material* for Decorating. FLOCK OIL CLOTH4. From -Two to Twenty-four Feet wide, lor Halls aod Rooms cut to fit without a seam. The subscriber will obligate himself to make the prices on all description* of goods as low *■ the fame quality eau be purchased in any Northern city. ft®* Carpets cut to rooms, and goods seut to any part of the City fiat of charge. 4QV* An experienced Upholsterer wil attend to tlu making and laying of Carpets and Oil Clotlui whe u re quired. Tue Decors tire and Curtain Department Is In charge ot an Upholsterer of acknowledged uuto and skill. W. H. GUiON. Agent, oc20 140Congress and 67 8t Julian sts. TEN D0LLAR8 REWARD. Runaway from tue subscriber on the lOtls hut., y0> his negro man MOSES, he Is twenty-six years old, TL about six feet high, rather slim built, has a notable wlSLsoar on his right cheek, on* on his nos* between hie eyes. When last beurd of bo was on a raft, auklog bis way to Savannah. Moses is rather light complected, but uot yellow. I will give the above reward If delivered to me, or put in'any safe jail to that I ean get him. liy ad- *“ “ " MILLEDGUT. HOLLaY. febUl—ltd-Stw BROUGHT TO JAIL On the Otnlnst., ANDY or ANDREW, who WM found secreted ou board or etoamer 8t. Johns on her .... , . i P^sege from Ht. Marys to Savannah,. He le 6 (set rru» UK DRAWN May 16th, i860, at Concert I «vt o inches high, about 23 year* of age, very blush, and X Hall^Macon. Ga., under the sworn superintendence I says he belongs to Duncan Bryant, uf Wilmington, N.G.. of Col. Geo.M. Logau nnd Jae A. Niabet Eaq. 1 and runaway from Florida, where be boa been engaged The manager having announced his determination to j outtibg railroad Timber make this the mod pupuhr Lottery iu the world, offer* '~ for May 16th. a scheme that far surpasses any soheme ever offered In tho annals of Lotteries. loxik to yqnr in forest. Examine the Capitals. ftS* One prise to F7igh Tickets CHllltHl $14,000, 1 Prlteof $12000 1 do 6,000 2 do 3,000 1 do 2,000 1,000 janl;: 1SAAU D’LYON, Jailor. BROUGHT TOTAlL, " pj, Ou tlio 20th Feb’y, amulatto man named SC1PIO, who says he belongs to Josenh Lyons, of Gadsden county, Florida, five miles from Quincy. He le $ aULfeot 0 inches high, about 27 years af age, and says he raijBwnr about the last of August. 1866, MSS M. 4. D’LYON, Jaiier. 19 <io do 60*1 On W ANTKD.»To hire a g.iod white or ooloreu servant to do the cocking and house work in a >mall fami ly. Wages promptly paid monthly. Apply at tula office. j*n31—tf W ANTED—A sltuatlou as Children’s Nurse or House Servant, by a youny wohiha of unexcepllo/i- aprl fiottls. r r nmvw cvrrnot, oj a juuuy trvin able cbimicter. Apply at this GINGHAMS AND PRINT8. C ASES American. F ranch and fleotoh Ginghams; Cases American and English Prints. For sals by marlO FOOTE ft JAUDON. SHIRTING STRIFES AND 08NABURGS B ALE* flhtrltlngbtrlpes, Bales atrlped Osnaburgs; Bales Bed Ticks. For sale by marlO * FOOTE ft JAUDON. EMPLOYMENT. Y OUNG MEN. do you wish to make your fortune?— Our Agents are making $3u to 860 per week. Par ticulars will be turnlshed/ra of cAarpe, to these who en close hostage stamps, and address METROPOLITAN AGENCY OFFICE. »tar28—Im HAVERHILL. Mass, WANTED- YOUNG MEN. to aft a* agent* in a business 0\J\J Baht, pleasant and honorable, at* salary ot 9100 per month F'or further particulars in regard to the business, cuclo'c postnes stamp. Address H. B. CARTER, m*r28—Ira Haverhill, Mas*. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLORIDA. JOHN OdSEEKl AN, Proprietor. $ 1 60 120 do 600 do Iff 600 do 8 1200 Prizes Amounting to $§0,000. Tickets |8; Halves |4| Uuarters |S4. Prists payable without deduction. Persons sanding money by mall nsed not tear its being ■ lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications strictly confidential. Bank uolea of sound bauks taken at f par. Drawings sent to Hllordering tickets. Those wish ing particular numbers elwu 14 order immediately. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Ua. , Loss iif Ticket* or Cline* h. Ry tbs lata a cident on the Seaboard aud Roanoke Rail road, the Ticket* of Class I... for April 61b, In tbeir transit from Baltimore. In cliarg" of Ad«ms’ Fjcpr- M Company, were destroyed by fire, oon«*queotty there will not be any drawing of tliat Class. Tin drawing will be Class M,— May I6tli, tlio “ Ne Plus Ultra' 1 flehame Very Respectfully. J. F. WINTER. Manager. GEO. A. McCl.EflKEV. Ag<^ut, Bay street, next door to Bull *\. mart6 IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY [HY at'THOKITV OP TUIBTXTX OP CSoKOU.J FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLASS 14, Toba drawn intheCIlyor Atlanta. Georgia, April 24th. 1860, when prises amountlcgto $ 3 0,0 0 0! * Will te distributed. Capital Prise, $7,000. Tlokets, $5—Halve*, 8'4 GO—tguartcre, ftl !4G. Prises in tills Lottery are paid thirty days aftei the drawing, in bills of specie paring Banks, without deduc tion, only on presentation of the Ticket entitled to the I’rlxe. Bills uo all solveut Banka taken at par. All communi cations strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Ageut and Manager, Atlanta,Georgia. l U.3Tt?!, 0 ffi H nL38J^’„, Una n—4 Mf William, who says that he belong! ta James Moor* 'JL ofKtogston,Ala, Ho is about 86 years old, eed «13*ubout 6 feet 0 Inches high—was tn the employ ot ii steamer called the Southern Belle, which boat he ten at New Orleans In August last. ' KLISHA WYLLY, Jalloe. flovannah^allJIaroM^toMf^^^^nary^^^^^ job pjmmNB, GEO. N. NICHOLS, * BULL-ST., k OPPOSITE PULASKI HOUSE# SAVANNAH, OKOttQM,} «eb8-ly DANIEL 0R0MLEY. rAS «gJS^^Sgi’.S^ EB ' J T1IE subscriber desires to inform the publie that he hoe opened as above, where be Is prepared to sxeeote orders for Boots of the finest finish and style, and equal, ir not superior, to any betetodefo otforod to the public, CHBISTOPHEH WHIXBj, SAVANNAH, GA>, WMOttsxLX Dials* trs Fowdax ft Dokhti* WINES AND UayORS, Oil mar5 HOARD HKB DAY HOARD VEH WKXX.... BOARD FKH UONTU. . any load* In the oountlst« f Appiing,Wanye,Wap» w and report to tho owner as to their pretest valat, jsneot for their becoming more valuable lnfutu*. AS* Tlio next Drawiug in this t/ittery will be class 15,1 loffiy ffiedffinghimeelt 1 1ogfoea'trae^iad*0T- Ma720th. Priceof Ticket. $6.00, $1,26. mart4 £ J. H. MARSTON, Sole Agent for Bavannab. Office next I^ Or v anto JOHN S. B0WXN, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT AND ’SURVEYOR Qjrneror Drayton ft Bryan ate., janS (Above V. A. L. Unuuf.) J V LAND AOKhOY. T f|iHK undersigned will, for fiv* f dollars per tot, e toaprosj^ot'fiTr theirbewm^j more’ vaiiubto^fatMe^ 0 00 , 20 00 door to A, Bonaud’s store .corner Bay and Bull streets fftONTOUMJCRY’H llOTKL AND DINING ROOMS— (ON TIIK EUROPEAN PLAN.; No.AS and 17 Rttkman, tm doors cast of Nassau-sired, * near the CUy Hall Park. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would In form bl* patrons and tho traveling public, that be is now prepared to furnish first class Lodging Room*, with conveniences equal to any Hotel in lb* eity. Transient or permanent todger* oceommodatod by the day, week or month, with or without board, mart R. C. MONTGOMERY. New York. HAN UUJliHCIlIKPtf. L ADIES’ l.inen, Cambrto snd U*n Handkerchiefs. Gents’ do tio do Fllk do Plaid Head and Muslin «to F’or sale by marlO , FOOTS ft JAUPUjft '“TO FAMLUfiB. S UPERIOR OLD BRANDIES and WINER or the best qualities, put up expressly, for family use, in case of sickness or otherwise. Call and examine at corner of dtcP—lw ^^^^B^andWhitake^eU^ M' ACKKUHIk CODFISH St IllfilllllNtlS— Sfi bbls New No. 8 Urge Mackerel ; 90 “ Old •• ’* ” 20 half bbl# New No. 1 ‘ “ ^ 20 " “ “ “ 3 •’ •• 2 hhds Cod flsli | $0 boxes Bnsoked Herrieg*. jSSSr 1 ! 1 * W«aW JOHNSTON ft CO, CLAM AND OYSTER SOUP. JMORN/NO AND EVENING LUNCJt. «. A riels and splendijl tench PSV ft^wlll be served up for %r*e hundred gentlemen aebry morning at 11 o’clock, ahd^™**^* every evening at 0 o’clock, in the New and Large Lunoh Boom, attached to the Arbor Billiard Saloon. Person* ■ending [Dr lunch, either In the morning or eAinlng, will pleas* eend their own plates. Every attention shall be ’*“ e 7 b Wfowoon, Act., Arbor Saloon, -martO Monument Bquare tj ti m7 WBJsSkFaSIhh n 50 Barrels N DOMESTIC LIQUORS. N <> Ifootlfied Whisky; 60 do E Phcip*' Gin; 50 do Old P ft H Gin; 60 do Luther Felton's Bnm; 26 do N E do 26 do Domestic Brsndr; In store aod for sale by mariffi hOSANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. S OAP, HTAIMJH AND CANDLKB- 76 Boxes Smith’s Family Bosp. 76 do Buchan’s do dn 60 do Celgate’* Tnl# do 100 dn do No 1 and lb bar Bo*p. 100 do Colgate's ft Boadell'spaarlBtareh. 60 do Oswego do do 76 d'j Baadell’* Tallow Candles, fi and $. 26 do Higgins' do do 26 do Adamantine do la store and for solo by fob20 BCR ANTON. JUHNBTON ft 0 -bbls N.K-Rum loo de Wkleker TI A. rt.Jf’.pl. ,, , . Vi esarfl ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. <1* J, HJCSliKIt. Proprietor. Late of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. J9> Passengers per Evening Trains will find Hupp ready on the arrival of tbe Care. July22 The Veit Collection of Glen ever Fnblished. TIP-TOP GLEE AHD CHORDS BOOK. A new and choice collection of Copyrights never bf fore harinonistd,and tnany of the GEMS OE SOBERS GERMAN AND ITALIAN COMPOSERS, Arraugod in n timlllat yle, and adaptod to ths ns# 1 of GLEE'CLUBS. SiNOING CLASSES, AND TBE FAMILY | CIRCLE, Uy C. JAIIV18 nitd J. A. OBTZB. CARY* DAGUZUUEOTYFEf, AXBROTYPES, AND FH0T0GRA7HY. P. M. 0ARV - W OULD rvepeoifally give, notice that his rooms ar* now open for the season, and ready for tbe reoep- lion of visitors. By the AxenoTTM process persons may now have their children's pictures taken in almost any position they may ehooee, tn from 1 to 3 seoonde sitting. By the PtOTOORiratoprocess.oldDeguerreotypsa ean be transferred to paper, beautifully colored and enlarged to life. . marl I. M AOKIfillBlj, «c— 16U barrels no. 3 (rt«w) Mackerel, 60 dn uo. 2 do 26 do no 1 do sohalfdo no. 2 do 200 boxes scaled Herring, lo store and for sal# hy feblt WKBBTES ft fALMEA ■VTitWHAMS,—10 tierce* rwelved by atoamef Keystone AN But* anil for sal* by declA HOLCOMBE. JOBNIOh ft 00, OVMUS--U0 BwMj J0HX S. X0KRIS, AB0HITE0T. TTAVINO resumed th* praotleo of hts profession, of. lg (ire hie eerviee* to hi* friend* and the public as an Architect and Superintendent Designs for any part of tbs country supplied aid exe cuted in all the various branobse of bis profession, each as Publie Edifices, (Store#, Dwelling*. Monuments, ft* Thoroughly Fir# Proof store* designed end executed. OBeeat present an Ray Una, tear of the Custom House rotm-wa ft MACKEREL—lOtf boxes Booked Bet rwU^ersatobJ'' ’’de#?' d °W ^ J** 4 CM AHON ft DOYLI Flour; |0 bbl* Floor. Jest i Inadvanoc. • . . He will also sell aod remit when requested, sad a» di rected, for ssvsu per cent. He will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to hi* cere. VERNON O. MdJWDON, Attorney at law, Hom**TtU*,Qa, JOHN BILBO. j,u J2 Office in the Court House. ftaa ANTHONY MoCULLOH, ey office on Bay street, over th* Bank of Sanaaib. feblfl JOHN t). BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEEU AND SUBVEYl OR, . .... great — X Bongs, harmonised to a style adapted to general pur- .w’Jro. h«.'ltton5on to designs In Ar*hltM$«f$ poses, while many of the Gems of Mendelssohn, Abt. Ka- j W *>1 a Jf® ltor Jof j 0 hn WiSaatOa. Ksq.. oben, and other celebrated eompoeers. ar# presented In 0«e# to th* storeoi jonuwuuami^ neq., an Original form Tbe great variety of musical coapoal-1 M tlons here introduced, eminently adapts it to th* taste and capacity of th* Binging School, tho Glee Club, and the Family Circle. rHICE—OKU DOLLAR."*'" T be osDBaosmffiEK^uHtiwttt.m» 3n.t p«bU.tarf br Uffi. W.LBra, Nol«ICh«UJ,t | 5S3, Street, and J. B. LIPPINCOIT ft CO.. No. 20 R®rik 11. ..» L aMt N..k| conducted under th# ntmeef Wm. Fourth Street, Philadelphia . .. . n^vti iiTnt oona «°” u Qnaw JAMBI 0’HAXA7 •Sample copies will be sent hy mall, freeof foetge, Nov. 20 th, 186*. ^ptof$i. J|T^ ^ Mjasoac=r XX 75 be — — on receipt of$l K.BT KtWUERa iNU flWTiRB.- *0 gross Yeset Powders 26 box** No 1 Mustard Received aud for sals by .. MCMAHON ft DOYLE. gYRUP.AND BCOAR.- 60 bbls. Byrup 26 do Sugar 2* do Crusted Sugar 26 do No 1 ExtraTellow Pugar V* do No 0 Extra do do . .J boxes Sealed Herrings 26 bbls. do 60 do Mo 2 and 8 Moeketel IM whole and half bbls. No • Received and for sale by mtt27 0 OFBBK, MUST AUD m PIFFJUtoMlp' JUo Coffee, 7$ mata Java do; 40 boxmFmh Qeemsi 1 Ml 100 in,d| 100 Ooaronnd IwiKknoM. I mm, , Bcwa