Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 10, 1856, Image 3

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f - iixmoa o-: COHN AND OOn MILL "Snuli Htom," .‘Cm. ill..," Ac., I* NAVt llKTABIMIMT, ) ilttfi'Ait nr Provl-lons and Clothing, >• I MlOl’OHALS, wealed, utid ctniowod “Otffer X for small Btoro-,” tir “ulforfarCifttdlw< , ’ or "Ulfor lor bull-water Mpaii.” nr "Oiler far MUHturd suoil, Black l’oj»ji«r, M Ac., us (ho caau may bu K w|ll : h» iccei vod ul ibis Bureau until 3 o’clock i>. III., on I Thursday, lfiili day of May next, tor farnldilng and I delivering, (mi receiving Iwonty day* notice,) at tho United btate-i .Navy Varda at ObarlodteWu, Mossa , uluiHuttef. UmuUlyn, .New York; and Uosjwit, Vir ginia. Mticli niiuu.inert wdy or Iho failuwlng urtleles (oxoe|itmg ttio salt water »oap uud the ouuUIoh, for each or which no|)urute projH^afa and contract) will j bo uiadn) a* may bn required or ordered it mu tin* i contractor by llioclilof of tills Imrumi, or by Um re- rtimeilvecommandingiitllcmvi(il lln) aid may yards, p.iK tiiK statM or m. vanouxA, UKouou axi» klohiu.v I during tho fiscal yearnudlmt adit Jmm, 186 V. via.: == PATENTED MAY 10, 1864. cor vam u r sfcciikd ma hvii 1 86&. rpilK attention ol IMautere and Stock Feeders 1 a ru«\i«*ctfully c«Uud to ilm udwvu Mill. TUoy are now In mo by at leant 10.000 of tho most nractl- ml stock Feodora throughout the couutry, who aro ready to teitily to their superiority over all other Mills of a dmilar kind. Those Mills urn mado the exclusive tm> of the |«itontoo, Mr. Scott, who being a pracUml num, stijK'rliitimds tho casting In Itcrson, an l selects only Hindi Iron as Is bast adapt- oil to tlioir use, wtilcb, liko car wheels, require to lie m ute of uvstel known to be hard uud strong.— They weigh from three to llvo htntdrod pounds, ac cording to sl/.o, uud can be put In niioratlon In twen ty minutes n Uhoul expense or tuauhanlcal aid. Tho Little Giant has taken the Jlrtt premium at ucarly ull the State Fairs throughout tho Union, and that in the mod eumpllim-nutry manner. Tha.v are guaranteed agulust breakage or derangeinout when usod according to directions, and warranted to give dm most perfect satisfaction, or the tuouoy refunded mi the return of the mill. Theyureoi three sizes, ntiil will grind from eight to Utteon bushels go ut feed per hour, according to site, with one or two horses. We nmv oiler them to tho trmlo complete, ready for attaching the team, at reduced prices. Mr. C. It. GA.MPFJELD Id our Agcut In Savannah, of whom the mill may ho had ut our price. inarch 7—eodfcw ly TO KENT. UNTIL tho 1st November next, u com- [ niodioas and airy resldeuco, on the north I side of tho Uontrul Rallroud Depot, known fcus Hovers Place. The Is newly fur- ms lien until basejneut to attic, which cull be bought low. may 8 YOU XU & WYATT. OFFICES Foil RENT IN TIIK IHUKK-STORY MUCK HOUSE f ndjomiiig the otllce of tho subscriber. The | Duxes, shaving, India rubber toiubs, cour.-u, ' Brushes, shaving, liniiu robber Combs, lino, llrurtlios, scrubbing India rubber Ui ass for huts. a? Brushes, wlioo, Jack Kntvor, llrdnhos, Clnthas, Dazors, lit single canon, Uu turns, navy vest, Razor straps, ordway's Kuttoiid, navy medium, Ndssors, Duttons, navy coat, ; peons, Duttons, dead-eye, blacking, boxo* ol I Ices wax, hi >4 jfi cakes, pure, Cotton, spiHils ui Nos. 12 and lb, 200 yards oath, a cords, equal parts, lluiidkerchieirt, cotton, last colors, ay by .‘10 inches, Weight tiot loss than 2 ounces each, texture 8 by 8 | to .Si inch. ' Needles, sewing, Nos. 1,2, 3. and 4, drilled-eyed, j bet weens. I Ribbon, bat. best French black, 12 yards to the piece; width, 1>£ Ineli. Soap, sliuviug, in uuuert, ouch cake not lens than 2 ounces. Silk, sewing, blue black; wrapper imI to exceed 2 ounce? to the |H>uud. Thread. black aud.white, Mu i> hail's bed quality. Tape, white linen, 4 yards in leugtli, >* Inch wide. Tape, black, twilled cotton, ti yards in length. inch wide. Thimbles, 8-lQ umi 9-10 diameter. Warm Sou*—.Ycyjarate lid fur 100,000 jiwndt. Tho soup must be manufactured >rom cocoa-nut oil,uud boot' the bc.-l qiiuiiiy ilenotnbialed ** white salt-water t»nuji,” uud be dedvurud on sixty-duys* notice, in good strong boxes of about 16 pounds each, uud, utter lu.specllon, the boxes nm-t be I wop. «*d at each end, at tho expense <>i the contno'b'r.—- The price to be uudurm ul all tm* yards. C.vnulvs—NejHtiate bid fur d0,<XM pomniii. The caudles must be American manufactured, ot primo leaflard stearhie. six candles to the pound, s l-10 iticbos hi length, exclusive of Tip, 'lx caudles basement would make, with some slight i ! C '.t •i!**! 11 ,1.l ou,M;eH improvement, mi excellent lawyer's-olllco. ‘iPltiiigiuiiit mu tube loss than lie degrees Fulireu- belt, the wick must be in aided, and composed of 78 cotton threads of the beat quality of No. 27 y am. Tho caudles to be delivered on sixty nays' in.lice, in good boxes, cottlumutg »l>out uo p..ui.\l-. act,, ami the box to be Jiiurken with the conttacf.r'S 1 uno and the weight of tho candles. ^improvement, ail excellent lawyer' l iie urai and seeund Ilnurs will bo let for Counting Dooms, and 1 he third for sleeping apartments. Con nected with the establishment Is un out building ol brick, suitable for Hervants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, eept3 Corner Drayton and Drymi streets. TO RENT M i’WO TENEMENTS IN GORDON BLOCK, flouting Chatham Square, and well furnish* od with gas, water, stubles, kc. Posses sion given 1st of November. EDWARD G. Wll.SON, octl6 72 Bryan street. “"TO UENTi M Tho Dwelling laloly occupied by Judge Floiuiug, lu Taylor street, near lirayton. Said House is three stories on a biitemcid, with good servuuts’ rooms, aud outhouses, i'nssovuou given immediately. Apply to feb 28 1>. L. COHEX. A HE AUTIFULSUIlIilIEURESIDENCE FOR HALE.—Delightfully situated resi dence at Mil way, two uud a half tuiles from Milledgevihe, a quarter of a mile L from Oglethorpe University, within a few uiiuiito? walk of Kail load Depot. Tho liotuo con tains eight rooms, two parlors, dluing roam, live clumbers, wide lull uud wide gallery front uud rent; kitchen, servants rooms, smoko Itouso, carriage house and stable. The buildings are all in good or der, having undergouo thorough repairs. The lot contains four acres, and well luld out—contains u variety ol fruit trues, shrubbery uud flowers; uu the lot is a well of tine water; thirty acres of wood laud goes with it. Tho furniture, carriage uud horses will be sold, if desired. All sold on account of re moval. Terms moderate, if applied for immediately. Address M. M. HOLMES, apr2d cod— lino Milledgeville Ueo. WA’NTKTC-a Vessol toioiiT witii Timber an European market. Apply at Union 1 Paw Mill, or J F O’Uyrnt *s offleo. ttwrlli JEFFERaON ROBERTS, WANTED—A Vessel to load with Tlrabor iter a Northern port. Apply at Union Steam f-aw Mill, or ut J F O’Dvrue’fl otiiuu. uiardl ' _ JEFFERSON RODE UTS. ‘ FOR~FRKlGlff OlVCHARTER.—Tile cop. irod and copper liwtonod brig ROBERT M. TiAULKTON, J.II. l.igiitburu, master. Ap ply to J, ROBERTS, aprltf flt Or Master un board, VESSK1M WANTED.—A voshoI io! load With timber, for Boston. Alsu a vessel to load With sawed lumber, for tho same place. Apply to JKFFEIWON KODERW, ut Uuion Steam Saw Mill, H|*r|» or J. F. O’DVKNK.'ri Olllce. «‘.VNTKU A Mljlit or nliurtor for Hu- vana ter Brig R. M. OHARLETON. Applji to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Saw Mill, ftprltt or J. F. O'BYRNF.’S OUlce. TPoiT'HADl’ilfolfli—itwiUMit LINK—Tile Sclioonnr JOHN W. ANDERSON, Watson. mastei, will havo quick dispatch os above. For freight or passage apply on board, at Telfair’s wliurf, ur to tnuy7 BR1UHAM, KELLY A CO. FOiTlTVERlTKir^-Tl.e A 1 Ainericau Ship MARY It ADELINE, W. Taylor, master. ^having a portion of her cargo engaged, wl I havo immediate dispatch. For freight apply to Cuptaln Taylor, or to may?B1UGIJAM, KELLY A CO, PAPER- L 20t) reams single wrapping paper; 15) do brown do do; lOd do double do do; 4C do largo Manilla do do; For sale by . aju’14 WERSfER Si CALM IK Till.: dutch ubpubCIc. 'PHB HISTOItV OP ITS RISK. Uy Joli:. JL Litluop Motley; in d vols., bvu. Price SO. Tho*. Hood’s Himioroas Pouiih. Edited oy F.p* Sargent. I vol, fhe First and Second Marriages; or the Courtesies «i Wedded Idle. Uy Mrs. Leslie. ■•'Prague’s K'.cmenU of Natural Philosophy; for -chool? and muidumies. Ida PleliVer’s Second Journey round tlu* world. The Te’teller. Moral Inlluenc s employed iu the histribdloii of the young. Dy Jacol* Abbott. The Idle and Works ul tiiethe. By Lewis. 2 vols. .'i«iiT»m:tu’i Vide Mccum. By Diuks aud May- hew. The W’ldte lady; a romance of Ijove and War. Uy Keyuolda. Winslow's Inquirer Directed to the Work of the Ibdy spirit. Sicupac Uecolleclions of American life. upr24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. U OPE—700 coila Rope, various brumls, all of good quality, in store and tereule by uprflW RUIGIIAM, KELLY 6c CO. FitEii OF cRaRuE; n rpwo splendid parlor bnobanings uiitltlod Bolden Abbey In the Olden Times,” a splendid steel engraving, from the celeb ruled painting by Lmdseer;and the “Departure of the Is raelites from Egypt,” a largo and beautiful engrav ing from it iNliUltng by D. Roberts. Tho retail price of the above engravings U $8 pur copy, but will be seut/rw o/‘c/tarp«, as loUows:— Thu subscribers have established a Book Ageucy in Philadelphia, and will furnish any book ur pub lication at the rotail price free or postage. Auy per sons by forwardiug the subscription pi ico ol uuy ol the6J.Magazines, nuchas Harper’s.Oodoy’s, Put- uam’rt, Graham's Frank Leslie's Fashlous, Ac., will rnceive tho Magazines lor ouo year, uud u copy ol eitbor of the nbovo beautiful cugravlngs, free of charge, or It' subscribing to a 62 uud u $1 Magazine, such as Peterson’s, aud Challon’u Ladies' L'hrislia.i Annual, they will receive both magaziuesuud ucoj.y of either ot tbo above engravings. Every description of Engraving 011 Wood executed with neatness anu dispatch. Views of Buddings, Xowspapor HoaUlug-*, Views of Muchiuery, Bonk illustraiiors, Lmigo CurtlUcates, Business Cards, tkc- Alt orders seut by mail promptly attended to. Per sons wishing views of their buildings engraved, can send u daguerrootypo or sketch of the building by mail or express. Persons at a distance having saleable article.-, would Uud It to their advantage to address tho sub scribers, as we would uct as ugeuts ter Hie sale of tbo same. BYRAM & PIERCE, 60 South Third .Struct, Philadelphia, Pu. J. B, Bvram. (aprl7) T, May ITkkck. .Mt .llAROti.Kl>, BLACK i'l.'m.'U, A* . Sepamtu bids for ail tint may be required for the uso of the navy, to be delivered ut New York only. Mu-turd seed, American, brown Pepper, black, Malabar Routes, octagon, for mustard uud popper Corks, fur bottles. All the foregoing articles must bo of Um best quali ty, and confuriiublo in all respects to the samples deposited at suld navy-yards and iu this bureau, uud subject to such inspection at the navy-yard whore delivered as tho chief of the bureau may direct, tho lu.ijiectlng ofllccr to be appointed by the Navy Do- purtmeut. AH the articles to be delivered free of aud Inch doutal expense to thogoveruineut, lu proper vessels or packages, uud the price of each hi licit* must be the same at the respoc.ivo places of delivery. Pack* uges in which the above articles uro delivered must be marked with tlioir contents and tbo name of the contractor, uud bo sulllchuit iu insure tholr tempor ary safe-keoping. The eontructur must establish agencies utsuch stations other than Ids residence, that no delay may arise in furnishing what may be required;and when the contractor or ugent lulls promptly to comply with a requisition, the Ohlol' of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be authorized to direct purchases to bo made to supply the deficiency, under Iho pen alty to he expressed in the contract; the record of a requisition, or a duplicate copy thereof, ut the Bureau of Provisions and LTothiug, or ut either of the navy-yards aforesaid, shall be uvidouce tbut such requisition 1ms been made mid received. Two or more approved sureties, in a sum equal to the estimated amount of tho contract, will bo re quired, aud twenty per centum in uddltlon will be withheld from tho umountof all payments ou ac count thereof as collateral security: to securo Its per formance, and not hi any event to bo paid until it is in ail re.sjiects complied with; eighty per ccutum of the amount of all deliveries mado will be puid by the navy agent within thirty days alter bills, duly uu- thunticuted, shall have been presented to him. Bialik terms of propo.-uls maybe obtained on all- plication to the uuvy agents ut Portsmouth, Now Hampshire, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Ualti inure, Xorlolk, lVusacolu, and ut this bureau. A record, or duplicutu of tho letter Informing a bdder of Hie acceptance of Ids jirojiosul, will be deemed a notification thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1840, uud his bid will be mado and aceojit* ed lu cuuformity with this understanding. Every oiler made must bo accompanied (as direct ed iu the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service ol 184b ’47, approved lbth August 184<i) by a written guarantee, signed by one or tuoru responsible persons, to tho cll'oct tbut ho or they undertake that iho bidder or blddors will. If Ills or their hid bo accepted, outer luto uu obligation with in ten days, with good aud sulllcicul sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. The bureau will uut be obligated to cousidcr any proposal uulnss ac companied by tho guarantee required by law ; the competency of the guarantee ty be cortlllcd by tho navy agent, district attorney, or tbo collector of the port. i*y Tho attuiitiou of bidders is called to tbo earn* tile.-* and description of articles required, us, lutlie Inspection before reception, a Just but rigiu coin- |>uri»oii will bo made butweeu tho articles oflurod and tbo saiujiles aud contract, recoivlug uouo that lull below them ;aud tbeir attouttou Is ulso particu larly directed to tint joint resolution of 27th March, 1864, utul to the act of the lutb August, 1840. opr 10—luwdw AOT1CK. OFFICE SAV’H ALBANY Si O. R.IL CO. Savannah^ April 10,1850. , A N INSTALLMENT of 10 per cent, per share, being tho 6th, on tho capital stock of tlds Corapauy, is hereby called, uud is roqulrad to bo paid at ibis olllce on Wednesday, tbo 18th day of June next. CHAS. GRANT, aprlO law td Secrotary uud Treasurer. FOR NEW YORK—Old Estauuskkd Uxk. TIiu Brig I’HILCRA, Jones, master, will have quick disjmtch as above. For freight or pussugo apply 011 board, at Telfulr’s wharf, or to may? BRIGHAM. KELLY v C’O GlLMUltE Ck CO.’S LINE OF S. YOilil AND HAVANNAH FAcmy. , This now line will be composod ot tbo fol lowing vessels, one of which will leave iWer 9, N. R., punctually every Thursday, icommendng on tho Urst of November : Now achoouor EDWARD KIDDER, flOOions, Tylor, master. New schooner BENNETT FL.VNNKit, :in6 totes, Aj» pleglU, master. Now schooner GEORGE DAVIS, 380 lous, smith, master. New schooner IS)VET PEACOCK, fllu tons, Terry, muster. A Now schoouor WALTER ILtLKIGH, T4U tons, Mar shall, master. Thoso vessels are ull of the first class, and having been built during the just year expressly for this trade, are woll deserving tho attoutlon of shlppora. They are commanded oy masters of oxporlcnco and ability, uud shippers cun rely upon quick dispatch, and ovory attention being paid to tbolr convenience. For Height or passage apply to the master on board or to HUNTER k GAMMELI., Agents at Savannah. J. R. GILMORE k U)., unv2 164 Wator-rtt., New York. Aeml-Wrekly VnlteU Rlates Nall LInc. r nHB nbnvAndhulbndidsidr-wiieel ■ Hleuinshliw— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 loin..C’»pt. C. |>. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,500 “ . .CapL Tliniuan Lyon.' FLORIDA t,aiKi ” ..Cttpt. Mi 8. Woodhull. ALABAMA....1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R. SoJieuck WI14. LUAVK !-A\aVSAH KVERV WEBNEBDAY AND BATFRD.VY. Tlicne ships aro among the largest on tho const, unsurjMRHeil In >|iuud, nafoty and comfort, making thoir passages In fifty to sixty hours, uud m o com- niandmt by skillful, careful and polite ndlc.ius.— Having uloguut state-room accommodations tl..j olfor a meet desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin PasHUge to Now York fv5 Steerage Fassago to Now York 8 PADE1.FORD, KAY & O)., Savannah. SAM’L L MITT TULL, 13 Broadway, tub a New York. FOR CENTEUVlLbAGE, ” Via Ut. Simons. Brunswick, fhncjf Uluj/\ Jrjhwm, Darien, SI. A far us, rfc The line atoafitur PLANTER, Cupt. McNolly, will leave ft»r the above Huces evory Wednesday morning nt luo'clonk. For relght or |uissago, apply on board at Uuhm Ferry Wharf, or to novlO CRANE, WET.IS k CO., Agents *»U (H*m.li8T(Ur ’ Eeery Wednesday utul SiUurJau Afterivums, utUo clo'J; ^ .^JT**”* jfc The splendid Hleiunpucket UOlt K- Bard oil, Commander, will fuvo as ubuvo. aud will arrive in Cbarleslon lu line* lu cotiuect with the RaUroad luma going North aud West. For freight oj jusiage apply ou the Charles ton Steam]wicket Wharf to uovl J. P. BROOKS, Agent. HALTS OF LESION. F OR RENOVATING Ink spots, Iron rant Mould and tituiua or any kiud; a fresh supply 1 received at tho APOTHECARIES HALL. octlS FLOWEil SEEDS. J UST Itecelved, a large,select and fresh sup- ply of Flower Seed; consisting or ovor one hundred diu'eront varieties, selected expressly for tho Southern climate, for sale by J. E. DkFORD, Apothecaries' Hall, fob 20 Cor. Broughton and Barnard ate, nTTn PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately recolved large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, we are enabled to oiler at this time the groatest variety from tho heat manu facturers, from tho plainest square to the meat elab orately curved, and from six to seven octaves. Onr llanos are selected from the manufacturers whom we have tell confidence in, aud we aro par ticularly requested by them to give aguarauty with overy lustrumont sold by us os regards durability, tone, &c. Persons in want ora first rate iustrumeut may re ly with safety upon getting such a one by selecting from the following makers, whose instruments wo endeavor to kooji constantly on liand, vi* : H. Wor cester, J. Clilckorlug A Son. Nunns & Clurko, Bacon k Ravcus, H. Waters, and Huinos. Brothers k Cum- ming. uug 27 . W. MORRELL 6c CO. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pilcher*, .Some new aud boautlful designs, Platod and Brim- uin. At the llouso Furnishing Store, 165 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savaunah, April 80. ipr30 iSQuair U-UOUR IS J UST received a lot of Extra Family Floor, lu barrols. apr29 YOUNG k WYATT. T1MUBRI 1UIBBHII The Undoniinedr has Just received, for sale (500) Five Hundred pieces of good slilppln' Timber, averaging over one thousand feet to stick,* 9 fob JEFFERSON ROBERTS. MACKEREL, HEBI&NG, SALMON, &c.— 111 2 bbls largo No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel, 10 kits No 1 Mackorel, 10 do No 2 do 6 kits Tongues and Sounds. 1000 lbs Cod Fish. For sale low by Jau20 J. A. BROWN. bat xx~xx ousm, HOT. COLD AND SHOWER. rrtHE BATH HOUSE having been handsomely X fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d or March. Single Batlm 25 coats—aix tickets ter $1.00 niar4 J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent BRUNSWICK CITY', GEORGIA. PEREMPTORY SALE OP BUILDING LOTS M The proprietors of the city of Brunswick hereby give uotleo that a peremptory sale of Three Hundred eligible Building Lots will tuku place, ut Public Auction, ut the ugtuuioi'pe House, lu suit! city, on Thursday, May loth, 1660, at 12 o’clock, uoon. Sate jwsitive, to Die highest bidder. Terms—10 per ceut. cash, on tlu* day of sale—balance In mutual jiaymouts of 10 per cent. Payments, with interest, secured ou the pn'perty. Warrantee deeds given. Title perfect. The Port ol'Bruuswlck lies about midway on the coast of (tew giu. iu lalitudo 81 north, longitude 81:30. The harbor uflords the best uuchorugo, aud i- ucceseiblc ut all times to meruhaiiUatu of the largest class. Surveys have beou made bv order of the Navy Depiti tment, preliminary to the eslah- lisltuieiit ol'tt Nuvul Dej>ot The port and city ol iiruuawick bold out commercial uud maritime ad vuntuges superior to tlio3e jiossesscd Uy any other south or tho Obusupuake Bay. The climate Is IiuaUhy ut ull seasons. The Brunswick and Florida Railroad Company propose to open tho first division of their Road, from Brunswick to tho St. Ilia River, on the day of sain—being the day on which tho stockholders of that Company will hold their minimi meeting. Further jmrUculars may bo had nt the office of the Company, 4 Wall street, Now York, or of Col. charted L. Schlatter, Chief Engineer Bruuswick and riorida Railroad, Brunswick, Georgia H. G. WHEELER, Secretary, New York, March 3d, 185H. P. C. B. mar 12—Mrl7&3l,A146c28,M12 tmUNHWICK FLORIDA R~ ROAD'. V OTICE in hereby given tliat tho Annual .*.1 .Meeting or tho Stockholders of this ttempany will be held at the Oglethorpe House, in tho cRy of Himirtwtek, Georgia, on Thursday, May 16th, 1860, at lu o’clock,^!. M., for tho election of Directors for the ensuing year, and ter the transaction of tmeli other business as may be presented. T he Company propose to o|ien tho first division ol their Road, from llruu&wick to tho St. Ilia River, 011 the day uhovu named. By order of the Board of DirectorH. II. G. WHEELER, Secretary. It. tih\ IL R. Comjmuy. —Mr 17431, A14A28, M12 uiur 12. HAILEY «fc (JO., \f ANUPACTURERS of Fine Silver Ware, fTx Chestnut street, Phlludelplilu. Iu order that pnrehurtora maybe certain of the quality of Silver Wart- of our man ufant uro, our Sterling Silver will be stumped: Olllce or C'liuviOMtoti di smv’li H. R. Co. ClIAItLESTOX, April 18 1860. S EALED PROPOSALS will be received at this ollteo until Hie 14th May I860, ter tho clear ing and grading of ten sections of tue Charleston k SuvuiiiiuIi Rail Hoad, from the edgo of the Marsh at SteUimoyor’a Point marked 0, to tho beginning of tho Wovcnth Section on Runtowle’s Creek Marsh, a distance of ton (UJ) miles amt 700 feet. The line U divided luto sections, averaging each ono 1 mile In leugtli. though tho Individual sections vary slightly from this average, to suit t .e more convenient execution or the earth work. Tho width of clearing will vary somewhat accord ing to tho locality, but Will nverago sixty (00) feet. The contractor will, In ull cases, be required to clear the entire leugth of bis contract before comtuouciug tbo earth work or trestle-work. There will bo, between tbo points above Indicat ed, ou aggregate of about thirty-two buudred feet (3200) of treatlo work; which will vary from 6 to 10 teet lu height.—Iho material for tbo trestle and Idle work must be of the best quality yellow pine Umber, not less tliuu 12x12 inches square, Persons intending to submit proposals may ob lain mure exact iiiloruictiou by rclerenco to the uiups aud proUlcs and general specifications la tho office. Proposals may bo submitted separately for the earth work, (iiicfodiug clearing,) uud for the trestle work. Those proposing, will specify the price for each aero (square) of clearing (Including “grubbiugd within tho limits of tho excavated or oinbunkcr breadth,) tho ruto per cubic yard of excavation of ombunkmr-iii, with the ju ice per hundred feet o average haul, beyond UHi foot, (us it must ho muter- stoood, that where tbo earth from tho excavation Is by the Engineer’s diruction, hauled Into tho em bankment, provided It bo wiriii.v tho average haul of the section, it will he paid for but oxen, with ad ditional allowance lor average haul, ami not puid for as excavation and omlmtikmcnl both;) the prlco per liueur foot of trestle work of or within tho limits of five or tuu leet height, or, as will bo preferable; the j,rtc« per cublo fool, or foot broud measure of ull material iu tho trestle. They will ulso t-pecity tho sectiou or sections they propose to coutrutt fir. Payments will be mado monthly on the estimate of tho ongiucor of work done—20 jwr cent, being retalued by the Company lor Its security until the final completion. persons jiroponing will slate what proportion ot the uniomitrf dun thoui they will be willing to tnkc hi Um stock of tho Company. Proposals Hhould he nddrusHud to the undersign- ad, and endorsed “ Pr»|Hisals for Graduation,” or “ proposals for tho Tresllo Work.” THUS. F. DRAYTON, President uud Chief Engineer. apr21—3awl4m A imiVAI. of tho Hclir A. UBVEItEUX, with Frtdt for tho Huvuunull Fruit Enijiorluin. 4,(KM) Orauguu, 200 lmnulieu Bananas, 76 dog Pine Apples, 5,000 Plautaius. AtbO, Sweet Meals. Jolly tc. For salo by marl7 J. A. BROWN. PBENCIl MILLIMEBY AMD Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND has open ed at her Rooms, No. 17 Broughton Stroet. a fine soleo- tlon of Spring Mlllnory, and Is + r* constantly rccolvlngpor steam- ors, new and dilforent stylos of Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. '7* Bonnets cleaned and pressed as usual. aprlO Our good* uiay bo found at MurtHre, D U Nichols _ Utwlm uro uutltorixed to sell ut onr retail jirlciw. fo’V 16 BAILEY k CO. Ii UM.—fiO httiVeU Luther Felton & 8qu'«,Bo« A.l< tuu Hum, tending and hir «ulo by liters BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO, MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, 8AVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) TJ'ROM the most complete facilities in his own X' ostabllshmout, and through his connections with several of tbo principal umnufacturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, tho Undersigned Is prepared to terninsh MACH IN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and IJntlls, Iron Doors, ShuUors, 6m., at Northern prices. Ho is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of every description, at abort notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho Is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty or designs ter MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, &c. Also Don Rolling In great variety, ter enclosures, and to recelvo orders, aud put up the work ut man- facturors’ prices. U. H. LINVILLE. Savannah, April 11,1860.^ aprll 1/ ID GlAJVEi—Colored Kid Gloves, just re- XV ccivcdandfor saloby J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congress and Whitaker ats. *7 £ CASKS Bacon, Hums, Sides and Should- I t) dors, just received and for sate by aprll CRANE, WKMS k CX). N EW GOODS.—The subscriber has received a large lot of the following articles— White and striped Osnaburg3, Columbus Factory, Wliito and striped Osnaburgs, Schley’s Factory, Bleached and brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Marlboro’ and Manchester Plaids and Stripes, Blue Denims, 6tc., kc. Also, a fresh lot of cheap fast-colored Prints. J. W. THREI.KELP, mrl3 corner Congress and W'hltakcr-sta. B LACK AND COLORED SILKS-Jost re ceived a fine assortment or the above, also, Striped Grenadines, which we are jireparod to or lUbU. mar7 AIKIN k BURNS. IX_4 | BBLS.MACKEREL, for mile by OU CRANK, WKLU4 6c CO. u|>r It* Uf\ BOXES SO A l*.—Extra mid family. »« OU «-‘fo by CRANE, WELLS k CO. for nj*i 10 B HUSHES or oveiy description, ft««h tom llio Munufcolurur, nt unr llouno turnlslilog Stuci*. KKNNKDV ft IIKACII, llmllftiou’a Block, cur. Bull uud Broughton iti, bw Si NOTICE. A DVANDES mado on connlgnmeutn to onr J\. friends iu Bostou, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. duo 29 LOCKETT k SNELIJNGS. oauTn i-assaoe to nbiv vork $06 00. : M/i* ■'*— THE IJIIKAT AVESTBKN INMUUANCE (,U (IF NEW YORK. A RE taking Marino Risk, nt tholr Agency, IX. corner or Drayton nhd Bryan streets. Approved Riiiks will bo tnketi ou liberal terms, aud the usual credit given ou Premium Notes. Three quarters or the business will bo returned to tlio cub turners in scrip. G. A. L. Liunnr, fob lit Agent In Savannah. • iJVsOllANOJO. Southern mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Life Ins. Company, Homo Insurance Coiupuny, of N. Yorlt, Spi-IngHolil Fire ’& Marine Ins* Com’y, Kinks in the above Insurance Comixuilos uudorta- ken by WM. KING & B0N8, Ageute, No. 90 Bay street, davanimh, 14th December, 1866, doc!4 BY V, J. WALSH* FOR JOHNSON'S LAAH)IH& ( AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, To leave on '1'ucsdny Night, the 12th tnsfanf. h The light drult-stuamor, WILLIAM ? LEBHY. CapUtln A. C. king, . will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Steampnrkiit Wharf. Apply to feb 11 S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. U. S7 Mnll Lino FOR PALATKA, FLA., Pia Darien, Urumwick, St. Alarys, da., Fv.rnandi- nu anti Jacksonville. I'inilata and black Creek, Fin. t THE steamer WEI,AKA, Capt. N _ ZlCing, wilt leave for the above places every ’I'umlriyAtominy, at lu This boat lias large aud airy State Room accom modations, aud taking Iho intend Passage, olfnrs evory imluccweut toluvulids aud others. Freight will be taken lor Trader’s Hill and Inter mediate landings ou .St. Mary’s River. No freight will bolukon after 9 o'clock. For freight or passugc ajijdy 011 board at tbe Florida Bteaui packet wlurt, or to upr2l CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. UNI'l'EU'NTATEB MAII. LINE. tbr Falutkd, Fast Fla., via Daricti, Brunswick, SI. Marys, Femandina, JadtsonviUc. Middkburg. (black Creek,) and FioMn. The now aud elegaut stcuuipuckct JGHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, I ayes every ftaturday morning, ut 10 o'clock, for tho above places. Freight will he lukuu lor Trader’s Hill and inter- mediate landings on St Mary’s River. MS* No freight will ho taken alter 9 o’clock. For freight or 1 ms ago, bavlug excellent Btutc« room accotumodatlons. apply ou board, ut the Flori da Steumjjackct Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to upr21 CluVGHUUN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’fo. NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL UNITED STATUS MAIL STEAMSHIPS. The ships corajirlslng this Huo ore— . JO, Capt. Weal, I BALTIC, Capt. PACIFIC, capt. Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt These ships havlug been built, by contract, cx- iressly for Government service, overy care has jeon taken in their construction, us also in their en gines, to insure strength aud speed, and tholr ac commodations for jKisseugcrs aro unequaled for ele gance aud comfort. Prices of Passage from New York to Liveri>ool iu first cabin $130, in second cabin $76, exclusive use of extra stute-rooras $326. From Liverpool to Now York £30 and £20. An experienced Surgeon Attached te each ship. No berths cun bo secured until jiaid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLUaNS, 60 Wall street, New York. BROWN. SHIPLEY k CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KKNNARD 6s CO. B. G. WAINWRIGIIT k CO., Purls. GKO. H. DRAPER, Havre. The owners of these ships will not be ac countable for gold, sliver, bullion, bimicIo, Jewolry, precious stoues, or metals, unless bills of ladlug are signed thorrfur, and the value thereof oxpressod therein. Shl|>pers will please tako notice that tho ships ot this lino cannot carry any goods contraband of wnr. FIRE. MARINE AND LIFE 1 N S U tt A N C E. A’O. Ill, HAY-STREET. CAPITAL R13PHESENTRD, Nciii-ly k’our million Dollars. By Uia following responsible Block Comjianies. Clmrivr Ouk Life lnsuvaace Company,! OF ItAHTFOltl), err. ICqultabtu Five Inauraiiru Cmapaiiy, OF LONDON. FurmeiV utul MeelmnleN' Fire, Mail lie nml Life luuurattco Coinpany, OK I'UILADKLl’IUA. Ihiil^eiinvt Fire nntl Marl 11 u Iusurancc C’ompnny, OF mtlDOBPORT, OT. subscriber will cfibcl Insurance to any aniuuni lu all juris of tbo Htutoon every description of property. ^ ’.Lite Insurance, toaiiy amount, attbe fowest rule, for tbc benefit ot heirs aud creditors, or payable to tho wife free from tbo claims of crodttors. Marine Insurances on Hulls or Cargoes to all juris of tho world. r 1 ' Jan26 A. WILBUR. LIFE INSURANCE. ' Cluu-ter Oak Life Innurouiie Company, OY HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVFIl 8100,0001 Endorsed by the Comptroller of the State of Con necticut. JAMES O. WALKLEY, Eiq., IW’t. FajA4 uiix, dnoretary. A. WILBUR, Agent, 111 Bay slrcet, Savannah. Office next to Mernlug News. jaul* MUTUAL HEN EFiTLiFETNSUUA"NtiE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jun. 1,18W>+ $2,220,01)6 47 Tola! amount of dividends jiaid to date 715,402 C0 'total amount ol claims by death paid to data 1,3E«,990 84 >’ Private Falo. The Eastern half of Lot No. 15, Warren Ward, and improvomonts, consisting of u two and hair story wooden dwelling, lhu lot It subject to a ground rent to the city. Will bo sold on reasonable terms! my II Private Pale. Lot No. 324, 12th district, Lowndon county, 480 acres. Lots Nos. 24,14,2. do d6 218, -1,1, Lumpkin county, do do 270, 0,2, Fannin do For terms, npply at the counting room, (my 11 • Private Halo. Improvements on Lot No. 26, Walton Ward, con- shtingof a double tenement building. Thu lot has a lease of sixteen years, with a renewoi. Ground rent$lB pr-r annum. For terras and further particulars, enquire at tho counting room. myll VX iSiiieJLA PUSiN'B'BNS, '(wcawsoaii to luitunuf.-a a uku.) Pearl starch. Just rocelrcd from the manufactory— 100 boxes Fraser’s Pearl .Starch, the bust urtlclu manufactured. M3* Messrs. UcU k PrunilsH bavo been appointed nguutrt for Fraser’s Ftarcli Manufactory. ChUlcotho, Ohio, ono ortho largcat establishments In the cou 1 try, and wilt kccji on imud, a constant supply for tho trmlo. iuay8 Tobacco atTrl vale Snlo. Now luudUig aud for sale from store:— 40 boxurt assorted brands Tobacco. Terms earth. m«y5 Two Lota of hand at J’rivatuSalo. Lot ol land No. 210,17th District, Eumptcr coun ty, 202y t acrc3; lot of laud No. 23,10th District, Cans county, IOO ucrca. Fur sale low. piarl3 Good Cook, Washor and holier, at I'rlvute hale. A Aral rate cook, washer uud honor, and good house servant, ubuut forty yean ot ugo. Sold for no fault, hound and healthy. Titles warranted, murcli 13 Horsy and lings/ at Private hale. A first ruto strong ana gi-utlofamily Buggy Horsu, a good road.-,ter. rwht for no fault, as tun owner has no uso to;- him. rntir 13 At Private Sale. Fuirbank’s Patent Platform Scales. marlS patent ellipse m^sjn© sw^ssipo Every matt his own Cnrd Printer. C ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S Patent Eclipsullond btamp, tbo best, cheapest and most convenient of any thing for tho purpose yot oll'ered for Halo. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 C'ougHMa St. fflffiwflsj© saAxgiiBinsariEo TkESlONBD FOR FAMILIES, FLANTA XJ tlons, Dress-makers. Tailors, Prtiot and Shoe Manufactures, aud others who may wish to do their Sewing done cheaply and with cxjicdiUon. This Machlno sows a uniform, neat, and beautiful seam, which cannot bo unravellod. It makes both sides of tho seam alike, ltfls much roorosimply con structed than any other Machiue iu the market, uud therefore Is less liablo to get out ol order, uud Is more readily understood by thoso uuacquaiutod with Sew ing Machines. It costs less in proportion than auy other Machine, and nil the apparatus necessary for convenient and successful operation Is furnished with It. This Machiue has drawn the highest prem • lums at all the late fairs at which it has been exhib ited. It Is vrarrauted to work woll, and glvo good satisfaction to thoso who use It. Any instructions willboglveu that Is necessary, to euablo auy per son to oporate thorn successfully. Tho above Machines are offered for sale at No. 135 Congress street, where they can be examined aud tested on any kind of work for which they aro recommouded. All persons Interested In them, and others, arc respectfully invited to call aud examine hom. Offleo hours, otter 9 A. M. apr 3 ly ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt WITH beautifully painted Landscapes. Can vf bo painted to order or cut to 111 auy window or grate. They admit tbc tight aud air freely, and attbe sumo time protect the rouin from all insect j, and also from observations of curious people out side. They aro very desirable for slueplug rooms, parlors, hotels, offices, or any windows or doors' whore Scroous uro uceded. Call at 135 Cougress-st. and examine them. For evidence to prove that all the above state ments are strictly true, I am permitted te refer to the following gontleraon, who are all cUizens of fa- vannah aud vicinity, and who have tested them thoroughly, viz.:— Dr. E. Parsons, John S. Bowen, Esq., Win. Hone, Esq., J P Collins, Esq., I.S, Clark, Lsq., Associate Editor Journal, aud others if necessary. ALFRED WEBSTER. General Agent, apr8 136 Cougresj-street. FLOWERSnPLOWEUSTf FROM THE JASPER SPRING GARDEN Tho largest aud bost assortment or Roses, Geranium*, Verbenas, Holiotropes, Ac., that has over, been ottered in this city, ull in the best possible con dition for trausplautlug, either lu gardens or jars. Call aud oxutniue at 185 Congress-street, Savannah. The stock will bo constantly replenished. apr23—tf ALFRED WEBSTER. $1,282,483 Benjamin C. MiUor, Secretary, Joseph 1.. Lord, General Agent, Robert L Patterson, President. ♦The tunas of this Company are ull safely iu vested iu iirsl class bonus and mortgages, stocks, cash, uud mites of mombm’rt fully secured by tbeir policies. For further jwrtioulars Inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent in Savannah, At tho office of Boll k Proutin. J, S. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. lUCFMl&NCK I Messrs. I'ADKLFonn, Fay 6sCo., I. K. Test, Esq., State Bunk. fou 29 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. AGGREGATE CAPITAL $0,000,000. YOUNG, WiATT & CO., NO. 85, 11AY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 4 RE prepared to eilcet Iusurunco, iuconjunc- 1jL lion with the MLRC'ANilLE INSURANCE AGENCY, No. It, Wull fclreet, New York, tor any amount that nmy boruquucd. Parlies requiring it cau beiusuvud in the following lsmdou and New fit. Nicboiu-i, do Harmony, do Ueckrauu. ao Com’ouw’lth, do fituyvesaut do Howard, do Corn Exch’ge do Ldiirgu, do Murkut, do uov 28 U block . . . . $200000 do . .. 15CU00 do . .. 200000 do .... 200000 .... 250000 do. .... 2O0UUO do. .... “Q'JUUO do .... 2W000 do .... 150000 Salts. 111 s. ( i ituru ii eo. OEMBAl UiURUAB. CHAiNUK OF SCI1EUULR. O N aud niter .Sundity, the 14Ui October, lust., and uutu furtUcr nonce, the Passenger Train, ou toe Coult'ui iUuiroad wiu run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. I.uuvcs Savannah Daily at...5 a a and X2.16 P a. Arrive lu Macon ” “..2.16 pm »• J a a. i»avcMlico:i “ *‘.31.46 a m •' V.80 p.V. Arrive m Savau’h “ “40.45 pm “ 7 20 a. st literWEK.V SAVANNAU AND AUOCUTA. Leave Savannah 12.15 p it and 8.10 p. m. Arrive lu Augusta 8.45 p it 5.30 a m. Leave Augusta C. am “ 4.30 p >t Arrive in Savanuah 1.30 m " 10.45 p UEtWKIW MACON and auocsta. liOave Mucou 11.46 a n ana 9.30 p m. Arrivo iu Augusta 8.46 pm" 6.3u a m. Itettvo Augusta O. AM " 4.30 PM. Arrive iu .Macon 2.15 p m " 1. am. itnrwKkA savannah, millki>okvuj.i- s eatoxtun. Leave Satammh 6. • a si Arrivo in Milledgeville 2,45 p si. Leuvc Macon. 11 45 a si Arrive iu Katoofon 0. pm. W. M. WADLEY Gcu’i Supt. Savannah, Gu., Get. 12, 1855. ocU6. / UIAMPAIGN CIDER, &C.-I16 boxes Cham- puigu Cider, choice urtlclu. 2U hbis choice old peuch Bi-ouy, 0 do do Apple Bruudy, 10 do do Cherry Brandy, Also—Ginger ami Blackberry, boxes, iu store uud tor sole by fob! WEBSTER k PALME g MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. TiiK Ln'MinaticTnal Insurance Oumuauj . NO. 29, MllHClUXTb EXCIlAiSGE, NEW VOKE. CASH CAPITAL—88ia,O0O AGENT FOU SAVANNAH, James ifl. Garter, AT THE OFFICE OF MFSSRS. VuVNG, WYAfl'd CO., No. 85, Day Stroet, below the Post Office. nmi.i’raiw-: ALANBON MARSH. S. A. KULLO Firm of A. H. Burno3 & Co. ALONZO CHILD, “ “ Childs, i’ratt & Co. I. P. BAU.ARD, " “ Liviogrttoti, Ballard k Co. WM. M. DODGE, " “ Wui. ;>1. In.dge 6: Co. P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, WM. E. ROUX), S. X. LIPl’LSCUn. ISAAC NEWTON. WM. A. ULSIED, WM. U. KiVfciWMIIll, W. U. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN, “ 1 JOS. 11. WESTCOXf, • JUS. FATMAN, “ " m Co. STEPHEN \UN .M0RF0. GEO. SAVORY, J. A. REQUA. • ALANBUN ILUtSil, President. C1L4S. W. OGDEN, Vice Preslpeut. WM. E. HOLLO, Secretary. jMM* This Coinjiauy will Issue Policies upuu Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Trauajiortation ami Fire Kbks, ut liberui rales of premium, losses promptly and iiUrraily adjusted. J.Utlu; M. CARTER, Ageut, ucl •D No. 86, Day Street. / CHATHAM INFERIOR COURT—FEBRU- \J ARY TERM. 1360.—Wliorous, James Gugel, James J. Wall, R. fi. Uardwicko, John D. Jesse, 11. Rutlmchlld, Francis J. Cercopely, Thus. Hernandez aud P. Geibelhouto, summoned to atteud the pres ent Toru 01 this Court os Petit Jurors have made de fault ; it is ordered, that they be fined twenty dol lars ouch uuludrt they file good uud sufficient cause of excuse ou or buiuro tbo first duy uf tho next Term of this Court. True extract from miuute.-.. WM. 11. BULLOCH, mard Clerk 1. u O. C. | kRlisa TRIMMINGS—Fringes, black aud JL/ colored Metre Antique Gauze, and other stylos, ’ by AIKIN 6: BURNS. For Hale to Arrive. 100 bbls. Pink Eyed jdatiting Potatoes : 60 do, 8towarlB. Refined Clarified$ugar; 60 do. Old Monongohela Whiskey 20 firkins aclectqd'GoBhen Huprr fob 6 Family of Negroes—Ai Private Hale. A negro man, 25 ywi old, good hostler and car tlage driver; and ins wife, aged 23 years, a plain cook, washer and Ironer; with their two girl chil dren, oged 4 to 7 years. Warranted sound and healthy. lob2 At PUvute* Sale. A haudrtome Poney. six years old, fourteen Lauds high. 1 uce.-i a mile in throe minutes aud trots R in four. Warranted. For Rale low If aj•piled for soon. jan28 Valuab!o"city J^jta. t/jt No 10 South Oglethorpe Ward, situated on Now street, fronting Hie new Bail) oad Depot, lhu loot dooji by 63 feel front. Also, 1/.1-. 7>os 2 uud 11 Currylown, being near tho corner ol'IJberty and West Brood streets—each CO fact front by 80 loot (loop. All of the above Lots aro foe simjile, aud will sold on liberal terms. Janlv At Private Sale. m Moss Pork—25 bbls best Western RUserved, New York City Infection, for salo, to arrive. Ja22 At Private Hale. bo shares Canton Mine Stock. janlk Valuable Ruul Estate. That commodious, substantial and well-built three story brick Dwelling Houho, situated ou tho corner of Montgomery aud Ebilo streets, und JVonUug Uh- orty square, known ns the re-nlence of the lutoJohn 1‘. tVilliauiijon. Ufa one of tho most dolighliul Bitu- ullousin the city, and Eurpusses any thing of the kind hi architectural arrangements. Tho situation Is also very vuluuble—being located on foie numbers 9,10,11 aud 12, bounded by Went Broad. Montgom ery aud Stale streets, and ou tho North by Brough ton street Luna. Ou West Broud struct there Is a very large und QXlcustvv Warehouse. Tho location ol the property fa so well known, and the pro.-qicct of a rapid increase lu tho value so cer loin, that It ii deemed unnecessary te say more to attract ulteutiou The above property. If not dtsjiosod of previous to lhu 1st Tuesday In !• ebruary next, will thou be of ford bob irii the court house for aule. For further jiartfouWr- sjiply at the counting room, No. 164 livy street. jaulb MS' The Oharlcstou Lmrier, Augusta Chronicle It Sentinel, Macon Journal k Me; .eugor, and Mllle<ig« villo Kfouthoru Recorder, will please copy until day of rale. At I’ll vote Sale. .Southern half of lot No 85, ClmUiatn Ward, city of Savuuuul), containing tw’cnty-llve ana a half feel front on Tutuall street, and ninety and three quarter foul in depth, subject to u giouud rout of twculy-cue 10-lou dollars per uuuum. For further jwatlcufara inquire ui the Couuting Room, 104 Bay street. At Private tufa. A family of Negroes, coualstiug of u likely Negro- mao, aged twenty-three years, and his wife, aged twenty-five, with their two children, aged three and ouo years uiJ. If uut dlsjioaed of previous to the first Tuesday id March, w ill their bn ofiered before the Court House. janw At Private Sale. A likely Negro Boy. about (14) fourteen years of age. Also, a likely Negro Woman, about (2o) twen ty-live years obi, a primo Held baud. junlo At private Safa southern halfoflolNo. 35, Charlton Ward. City of .Savannah, containing twenty-five and a nail feel front ou lutniUt street, and ninety and three quartern feet iu depth, subject to a ground rout of tweuty-oun dollars, und 70 cents per annum. For further parti cular; apply to the couuliug room, 164 Bay street. Jun 16 At Private rule. A fow fine lithographed pictures,- : 22 x 28 Inch on, ot,Stone Mountain, DcKalb County, Ua*, and lawn- luga Fulls, near tho Indian springs, Ua., tor sal* tow. Assignees aide—Continued. 4 cases Kerseys, 30 pair Blankets, 10 doss Wool Shawls, 20 pcs Fancy l’rlnta. 10 pcs Plaid Linseys, 6 U02 Baskets. An uu .01 uncut 01 while and col’d fihirtu 4 boxes Tobucco. ALSO, Groceries, Cigars. Furuituro, Ciethiug, Fuucy Articles, tut. Jan 6 Wheat Bruu and .Northern Huy at Private fiaie. fitfab bus Wheat iictai in sacks, iu store and tor attic. ALSO. luo bales Northern Hay. jau 3 iu great variety, nud for sulu by HUO UGUTON LIVERY HTAJKJB. . The uintersigued having put tl» above fitablcrt iu good coudiUon. ar0 l"' r M’«red to nccummoduto thoh- ASla Jr. J ciirttoiueis with Carriages, Racks, Buggies, ftuikica, kv., with sound, geutie, and weu brtrfiu lU'i.cs, and cat etui drivers. Horses buarued ««i accuminmiutiug terms, und well cared lor. Two jKdrri of Uuit UiiTiage Horses for aale. Inquire cor- L OCOMOTIVU NliEDLES A new umi cle- i “".Xt BwugtoMUjtom. gam arUclu which needs cmly tu be tried ouce! apt**—fa ElEVLNb k UJJ^lON. u» insure tbo cou-uut prelereuco ul' tho sou Distress, received aud for sale by uiarlb JjADmjX k ROGEln*. GKNTLEMK.VS DRMHS AltTlCLBST FOR BRIDAL AND OTHERPUlU'OuEH. U8T received: Fresh White Kid Gloves: White fiilk Neck ficurfs ami Cravat;; While Handkerchiefs; White Hosiery; White rihiris ; White ffilk and Marsailles Vests, uud other emblems ol purity, suitable for people of good taste. Call at tuh STAR CLOTHING EMPORI UM, No. 147 Bay Stkkbt. W. O. PRICE. ’ H. A. Curtis k Cn. • united k (Ault. • W. II. Lynn k Co. • Lee, Murphy a G*."! • Briggs, Westeott i Co. Goo. Savory k Co, /Jl ENT S Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, VX SC., just received per steamer Florida, ami for sole by J. W. THRELKELD, mar 21 Cor. Cougeess and Whitaker sts. ^EITmIiING. PLUMBING, iu ull its vot ious biuuuhex, at- X tended to at tile shor tost notice, aud iu superior style. Also, tuny bo louud .shower Bulbs, Galvaniz ed iron, Tlu uud Leaded Bath Tubs; Cupper boilers, Patent Pan Water Closets, Lead Pipes, sheet Leud, Brass aud Plated Cocks. Force Pumps, iudia Rubber lteso. i ur salo at tbe House Furnish afore, No, 160 Uroughteii-street. uiarlO HORACE MORSE. WILLS, Laces, Embroideries, White Good, kA Mills. Jte.jost being opened uud lor dale by .1. it* thhki.ic r:i.n R A AWES’ PREMIUM FULTON MARKET BEEF uud l URK. Beef tongues, Smoked aud Pickled Pig Bacon, Smoked Beef, ’i'iiu celebrated Berwick, no Salt Petre Hams. Tho first importation soon to arrive BARRON’S. Jan 4 Cot nor Whitaker und Oharltou-sts. B ALDWIN APPLES—40 bbla very superior Bublwiu Apples, uow landing jH*r brig .1 R Rhodes, ter sale by Jan 11 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CU. wfil 1 A damantine candles.-ioo Boxes su perior Adamantine Csudlos. Iu store and for ale by aprll HUNTER k GAMMELL. TUTANKIN AND CANTON MATTINGS^ i.1 Merchants and Fninllins aro invited to exam- luo tho most oxtonslvo assortment of Mattings over uilorod in this market, in ail Iho various widths, botli white and chock. Particular attention Is called to u HUiierior article of Nankin Muttiug, scloctcd expressly for family use. Parties ubout to fornlsh jiarlors would do well to call ut onca aud make their selections. Parlies ordering from tho country will please send dimensions of rooms, so that the widths best adapt ed may be scut. W. H. GUION, Agent, npr 4 No.MILITARY 67 8 *‘ ^ ullou ' 818 ’ WHITE Drill Pautaloous, ready umdo. A iX largo assortmoul, suitable for parado. Just (Tf , received at the Star Clothing Emporium. JijL pr29 , WM. O. lltlCL. bbls Potatoes, landing ftom Fulton, for sole on wharf, by OGDEN, BTARR * 00, npr b P OTATi schrU pm W ANTED.—Efficient and responsible Agents, f f to travel. Good inducomcnts offered. Apply to ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 8 135 Congress Bt. GEORUIA FEMALE COLLGE, 1850, Faculty* G. Y. BROWN, ProsldcuL P. LOUD, Natural Science. R. D. MALIARY, Bellos Retires, J. It. BEALS, Music. IHB Collegiate year for ISotl, will begin on MONDAY, January 14tb. Commencement bo held lu October. Pupils Irom tbo Low Country will thus tspaud tlio Ktcklj autumn lu our salubrious climate. Catalogues containing further iuforinutlou may bo obtained by upjdylng to either of tho Fucully. It. D. MALLARY, Secretary Faculty. Madison, Go. _ uov 19 mETl[<W?£1lIEUlCAL'c6iXiuE, AT SAVANNAH, UEOltGIA. E SESSION OF I.ECTUI1ES in the aljove itltutlon will commence ou tho first day ot jer aud termlnutoou the Ural or March. The Cllulque, at tho College building, will bo open ed to patients on tho 20th of October, and bo contin ued throughout scssiou. Tho Faculty is constituted us follows: H. L. BYRD, M. 1)., (late of Savuiumh Medical College,) Professor of the Principles aud Praetlcoor Physic. E. LxItOY ANTONY, It. D., (of Wuynosboro’, Ur.) Professor of Obstetrics aud Diseases of Woracu aud Children. W1S3LEY c. NORWOOD, M. IX, (or Cokcsbury, 8. C.,) l*rofessor of Materia Medina and Medical Juris prudence. JAMB* 9. MOREL, M. D., (of Savanuah, Ua.,) Professor or Anatomy. JOHN DAVIS, M. 1)., (oTAbbovUlo,«.«.,) Profes sor of Physiology. WM. T. FEAY, M. IX, (of Buvanuali, Gu.,) Profes sor of Chemistry uud Pharmacy. CI1ARLB* GANAHii, M. IL, (of Savannub, Ga„) Professor, pro. tern., oftboPrlndjiUwaud Pruciico ol’ Burgory. Demonstrator of Anatomy, U. J. NUNN, M.I)., t,uf 8avuunah. Tho fees will he—$105 for the entire Course of Lec tures ; $10 Demonstrator’s Foe; Graduation, $30 MutrlOulntlou, $6. Arrangctnouts havo boon mado by which studeuts can bo accommodated with good board nt from U){ te $4 por week. For farther Information, address tug 20 H. L. BYRD., M. D„ Dean, T^EATHEll DUSl'ElW.-Just received auii far sole by feb 0 j: far sale by mays J. W. THRELKELD, Congress and Whitaker itreete. DKAPKll AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON 91RKET NEAR BROUGHTON. The snbrtcribur takes this opportunity to iuform bis frlcmfa aud the public, tliut lie Is enabled, from experience, aud the iiiiluitivo jmreejuions of the truths of* science, ba-ed on the common rules of surveying luriurt, loth plane and spherical, to cut and make up garments to lit theinunan form lntUe mo.-t compfau- ami llmsned style, io ull who may favor him with u call. 1 fay s’ fancy dresses, Ball costumes, Military «n«i Firemen's Uniforms, &c., kc. V. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., oue door North of Bioughtou street, doc 7—ly B AREGE3 , CHALLIES AND M USLLNS^- A choice selection of these goods, of the latest ty *, to which wo invite the attoutlon of the fadioi. mat7 AIKIN a BURNS QUELL BILL AND TUCK COMBS, a largo kj assortmunt received uud lor sale by jnn’29 it uud for sale by LADfiON a UOUElifi, No. 2 aluui'd stores. I j^KEali GARDEN sekd.— hurly Peas, nuum ; _ Oniou fiotts, <Cc., received by tbo steamer, aud J. B. MOURE <£ CO., Gibbous' Buildiuga. PLANTATION GOODS, AND GOODS FOR HOUSE SERVANTS. A LARGE uuc’ tine supply of Blankets, white and colorau. at all jinces. Kerseys ui every uescription, from )2>i to 60 eeuts. X, H and 4-4 brown fchiriiug 1, strijicd and plain Uottou Osua- Bui'gs. Plaid uud striped Homespuns, shlruug Htripos, pluiu and Twillod red Flauuuls, wool Cajis aud ficoicb Douuefa, jtluul Linseys, blue ItomuU aud Head Handkerchiefs of various styles and pricos. Thu utteutiou of Planters aud others iu want ol the above, is Invited to an examination of our stock, which is now complete und well sclucled. act 24 _ AilUN X BURN8. B ACON.—10,000 pounds well cured Tcu nesscp Bacon, hog round, fur tale by mareS YOUNG, WYATT 6t CO. UTS, PRUNES, RAISINS, &c^-5U0 lbs Paradise Nuts, 1000 lbs tfoli Shell Altnouds, 300 lbs Brazil NuL, 300 do Iluzfa do, 76 drums choice Figs, l case French Jar Prunes. I do Faucy box do, 16 boxes Layer Raisins, 16 do Mlt do, 25 do ouo-Uulf and oun quurtur boxes Rai sins, landing aud for sale by marl J. A. BROWN CLOCKSI CLOCKS SI TITE lmvo received per steamer an invoice of Ti Marino Blocks—uu excellent article, and jowoled. Abo Clucks fur Ouo Dollar. Alarm clucks lor SI 76. nprl7 __ • D.JI. NICHOLS k CO. E ECEIYED PER 8TEAMER AUGUSTA^ A bumitlfiii assortment of Hngllsli und Amurl- am Prints, fiprlug Htylcs. fob 28 LAD.SON6* ROGERS uiiiiiioVAL. lliortubscriber lias Removed ou the Bay, next door to tbo Itupublicun office, whore he Is uow opening n| huudsoiuo assortment of SPRING 1 ANu .-.UMMtJt GOODS, which he will sell uy tuu pattern or uiuko to order in the most fashionable style. Also, Beady Made Olotblug for the jucseut and coming ucasoii. l'lmukfal fur pm>t favors, lie hopes to uiunt u cun- tiuuuucu of the same. N. D.—Cutuug, Altering und Repairing done ut tho shortest uutice. Just rccoivcd Wblto Drill Coutu and Pants, While uud Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale at a small pro- %rtt JOHN W. KELLY. 1 1 s ARBLE Mantels constantly on hard, and AtJL lor .-ale un tavoi able terms by dec 16—fit CHAFFER k CO riHAJiPAlGN, Afie- ' “ \ 1 fit 1 iiu^kcts lioid.-cick Champaign, quarts, 2o «fo do do, pints, -<i0 do iMUicba On, pts and qn* 60 do EcgiucCUcqnot do, do, 75 do Giirtlors Yerzcy do, luo boxes Loiwcu’a Rhine VVIuoond Bronules. In store and for sale bv Jabhl * WEBSTER d I’ALMES. J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congress aud Whitaker sts. Xj EW CROP CUBA MGLASSES.—Tile car- A.i go of the Abbott Devercuux, daily expected, for sum iu lofij to suit pui chascra, by UODGEHb k NOKltlfi. llidiD AUEiS t' V—ul'UiiNWlck, ba. EDWIN M. MOORE O FFERS his services to tho public iu the pui> chuso aim sale of fauus in the counties of Glynn, Wayne, cnmdeu, Chariton, Appling, Ware, Codec, Ctliivh, and ’ihomos. Particular attention given lu lucuting, purchasing and aching ol town lot« in the town of Buuuawick, KEtr.uiAcfca: Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Curglte, BruuswlcK Thomas 11 lhu den, tfaviumub; ]fon James L tiew ard, Thoiuusvillc. GTATUEa.—luo bbls. prime Plauting Pota- files, landing from brig d. Nickel sun. lor sola by Juffiii BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. QWLET OIL.—a very superior article ol Tuscan O Olive (Jil, put nji by Kelling tc Co., Leghorn; for sale by JOHN B. MOORE k CO., fob I tiibbim-j 1 Buildiuga. S EED P0IAIOK3.—170 bbls. prime cued Potatoes, from eebr. ii. Burr, irom tiuston. For salo by l-b ii HUNXEiP d- GAMMKLLj .4 BBOTT’S MunUlu"riuiitl l^aper, uOhstuntly f-\ .... 1 ... rlhliLU t. m'L ii. nu band t«l un 11—iit CHAl'FKR L COV, No 0 Whitaker Bt TO BU1LDHK9. r i'HE subscriber is prepared to execute at the X shortest notice, auu iu this most workmanlike mutiucr, nil kinds id Medal Rootling, Gutters, Cur- nice, or other work connected with the sniiuufuctur- lug or reiialrlog of Ciqijasr, Galvanized Iron, Jtmc, 01 .Sheet Iron Buslne-fa. 110RACE Muil-F., mario _____ 155 Bruughtou-ut. ANTILLAS.—Colored and black Aplique ATX und Lice, u beautiful assortment Juat received and for sale by tear 7 - ‘ AIKIN A BURNS. NEW BOOKS. 3 D AND 4th Macauley’a History of England, from tho accosslou ot Janies 2d. IJttgnrd’s Ufatory of England, 16th vol. Grote’s History of Greece, lJth vol. lust received by W THORNE WILLIAMS. Jau 10 KEDZIE’S PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes on hand. We wnrraut them to make tbo Savannah River Water, even though dipped directly out or tlu- River, as jiuro und clear as the finest Sjirlng Water. About forty of these Fillers arc now in use in tills city, and every person who lms thoin, will cheerfully testify to tbeir efficiency. Indeed, Hie Board id Water Comiufasiouers here, say iu their Return, it h tho only Filter Hint docs cilcctual- ly jmrity the ‘Savannah River Water. Call and see ono In operation nt our House Fur- Qinhlni* and Stove ostablLsmonl. Ilodgson’s new block. KENNEDY k BEACH, lob 27 Corner of UrotigUlou uud Dull sis. A. 8HU11T, MASTER BUILDER. Will tako contracts for Building and Working Ma- soury of evory description. Residence, No. a Mrf .lowoll'rt Ibinao, South side Jones st oct 3ft ;v OTJUE.—Blankets, Kerseys, Red und White ±X Flannel.-).—Wuoiler tho above articles, which wo now have ou baud, together with a large variety ol lire** Goods, cun-doting of Cashmeres, black aud ‘ colored Miks, Mousiiu tie Lames, French turubnes, Ginghams, and every vaileiv ol otiier goods usuuily found iu a Dry Gooifa establishment, ut the luwost market prices, iu ordto tu make reoui for our h'piiig stock. Pfodtc cull and exuutlue our assortuieut. LuWSOS k ItOGKRH, Jnu20 No. 2 Elmd's stores. iuu hbls choice Mercer Pota* POTATOES X toes, hum mg aud for sale by den 2ft C A GREINER B ALM OF THOUSAND FLOWERS.—For lii-autilyhig the complexion, curing diseases ui the Sktu. for Shaving, cleaning the Teeth, tor the Toilet aud Nursery, for Hatbiug, and many Medical purposes. A fresh supply 01 the genuine article, just received ut tho APOTHECARIES’ HALL, feb 28 Cor. Broughton atm Barnard ata. mUE undersigned lias just received per steam X er Knoxville, and fa now opening a beuutliu 1 lot of Muslins nt 1ft to 12,' jC per yurd. J- W. THREEKKM), mar 1 Corner Congress and Whitaker sis. URATES. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, new pat. terns, Jurti received, and for sale twenty-tiv* per coni, loss than ever before in this city, yW KKNNMA • T ’ '» fa. Ai'ootH C lilAH'KR & CO., have n large aud well j selected stock of White Lead, French and Am erican zincs, Chrome Green, Yellow Liuserd, bpt-rm Whale und Tuuncr’t> Oils, Brushes, liuugingr, which wo will sell at low rales. aj*rl8 XT AILS.—0 tons landiug this day from hark Xi Augusta, a complete assortment for UuildBrs’ use, fur sale ut mauuiavturcre’ jirices. CUAFFKll k CU., Jju2ft 8 Whitukor street. B ASKETS! BASKETSJ-We would call the attention of tho ladies to our stock or Work, Traveling aud Hue Faucy Baskets, the largest assort ment iu the city, ut the Heuso Furnishing Store, 16$ Broughton-street. nmr21 HORACE MORSE. ’} ,'V. S TA1-1.E anil Fancy I)iy Goods, of overy »»• rlcty, Just rccoivcd ami for salo by nnn WuslielH i^nnsylvania Oat«; U#UvU 600do do Mcrccr Potatoes; 20 burrolrt Bollvcrrou Whiskey; 49 casks Catawba Brandy. In store and for salo by J. M. EYRE, apr30 91 Bay street. I ?0R LADIES’ TRAVELING DRESSES.- . Gray Mohair Lustro, Just recolved per steamer Alabama, amt for salo by J. W. THRELKELD, aprlt Congroas aud Wbitakor st roots, C«).13BIAN'S'G.VDlTS;VTiN«~COU5TvNlJ FLOURING MILLS. TiOOK THE PREMIUM AT THE FAIR held A. lu the Crystal Palace, Now York, for being the most economical, fastest und best grinders ever ex hibited in tho United States, North or South. Tho u* desiring such a mill cuu now bo supplied on acciuumodatiiijr terms by addressing tho jiroprietor. WILLIS l». COLEMAN. BoxO. 180, Now Orleans. Mnmffiiclory—CUy of Jefferson, Louisiana, tloo $7 dfcw—3m ^ BBLS. FLOUR in store and for salo may? CRANE, WELLS It GO. war 21 J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congress und Wbitakor sU. •fi •if ■M % ,1 125 bT L adies’ anu gent’s gloves.—a mag- niUoont assortment of ladles’ and gout’s Tufi’cut bilk Gloves, while to d black, also assorted colors, lust received and lor rale dy ' marll LaDSON k ROCI31S ‘ IJ AMS HAMS.—A superior lut of Hams in ri ‘ XI rtorc, aud frr sufa by npr 2 OGDEN, STARR k CO. F LOWER SEEDS.—Just received, a supply '/ of now and choice Flower Seeds, at the APOTHECARIES’ HALL, apr 4 Cor. Broughton aud Barnard sta. M oravian and flourishing cot- ton—Just received and for side by 1 J. W. THRELKELD, ' »pr25 Cougrossnnd Wbitakor strceU. ; \T O. MOLASSES, landing from Hchooncr ; Xx • • Abby Fraud*), aud fur sole by dec 27 LOCKETT k SXKIJJNQ8. F RESH ARRIVALS OF FLOUR.—Pine Lug Mills, extra and saporlluo, Footer’s do do in iiloro and for salt by _ jug» VOUNd, WVA3T 4