Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 13, 1856, Image 4

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fcpl ^bbcrtiscmcnts. si'.vi'K ,»V UKiilUiU. C HATHAM COUNTY .—To nUwliomltnmy oonocrn : Whereas, Andrew Hollldny. will up- pijr ut the Quirt ol'Orillnary for tottern of Pfotnfo-iun •Othe fefateof Arinaml I- Fox. Those are, therefore. fo cite ami admonish nil Whom It mny concern, to ho ami appear before until ttiurl to make objection (If any they Imvo) on or be- Ibro the first Monday in June next, otherwise said totter* will bo granted. Witness, John M. Millcn, K*q. Ordinary for Chat ham County, this twelltli day or November, lt*66. ^uov 12 JOHN M. MII.LKN. *»- c- ^ STATE OF GEORGIA. /CHATHAM COUNTYTo n» whom It mny concern : Whereas, John Wclbnvk will apply at the Court of Ordinary for totters Pi mfo«**iry as Administrator on the e.-lato of II. Wellmvk : These are, thoioforc, to olto and admonfoh all whom It may concern, "to bo and np|*ear before raid Court to nuke oly»vti*ui i if any they have) on or before the first Monday fu June next, ntborwfoo said totters will bo granted. Witness, John M. MiilMi, &*q., Ordinal y for Chat ham county, this fourth day oflveember, ib.if*. deed JOHN M. MIU.LN. •• *. r. STATE Ol’ tVKtiiiH t,H, C HATHAM COUNTY t—ToaH whom it mny concern : Whereas, John NW-tlirvK will ai ply at the Court of Ocilinary t»»r totter* <>i i- : a Admldi-for ell the estate of Carl P-'fo. *’-•••*»-. .1: These are, therefore, to « :•.»» a;: I a-bo tu-hall whom it may concern t** be. und ir 1- •: -r<* raid Court to make objection (if any*)!: ■•>’ V ivc) *m or be* Hire the first Monday in June j;;?xt. *’ili<-rwi:-*'rai<l totters will bo granted. Witness, John >1. Mitten, Esq., Otdinary for Chat ham iNmnty, this tourthdny <■•! IveemK-r, ISR5. deed JOHN M. MII.I.KN, « o <\ STATE Ob’ ii KOR( SIA. /CHATHAM COUNTY To all whom it tuay \J vouccni: Whereas, linage Joues, will apply at the Court of Ordinary for totters of Dismission n> Administrator on the Rifat* 1 of Joiio 15 nr don Clarke. , Those are, therefore, to vile and udtuouUU till whom U may concern, to be au l apjvar before .-aid Court to make objection (if any they have) on or bo fore the first Monday in Juno next, otherwise said letters will be granted. IVVIUicss, Jolm M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary lor Chatham County, this ti:u oath day of November, ISM. ttov 24 JOHN 51. 5III.I.KN. o. i*. c. ' “ ^ s'i-.vrK oe ciKcStuiA? /Chatham county—Tu «n whom it may \^doucern: Whir<';L«.JoUii M.dfory,aT.l apjdyfo tl„ Court of Ordinary for totters I t.-tn ->*ry a* admails- tratlon ou the folate of WlUlam Wright these arc. therefore, to cilo amt admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before tin first .MouiUy in November iiext/otliwUe .*aid tot• tern will to granted. Witness, Jolm Ihlbo, Ks<j., ortiinary tor Chatham Couuty, this e ghl day of April I860. JOHN BILBO, o. t*. o. opr 8 C HATHAM SHERIFFS SALE.—Will bo sold on tiio first Tuesday lu June next, before me Court Hoioe, between Hie legal hours of sale, lot nuaitor twelve (12) New Franklin Ward, in the Qty of Bavunnih. .-Uuate.l on the enruer of.M«.d- goinory street and Battle Row, together with the throe-fltory brick warehotisosituated thereon; levied ou to satisfy ac.ovUilu fi. fu. t-mlug out of Chatham Superior Court, iu favor of Joliu Scmldcr vs. clar ence I*. Hollis. I'roperty p >iut *<1 out iu raid tl. fa. DENJ.lMlN I.. COl.K. mays Sheriff C.C. AD.MlMSimATOK'S NAI.X. G *BORGIA, WAYXIiCOUNTY.-AgrccaUy I to au order grunted by the Co.»rt ot iv-iimiry of Wayne County, will lie sold bvlore the C«wrt House door, in the city of Rruiiswlck, tllynn county, ou lha first Tuesday in June next, between tho law fui hours ot sale, seven hundred and liny* (7fo») acres of land, lyiug in (Ilynn county, In-longing t>. the erUto of Rebecca Manning, toe of Wavin' c»*nv. ty, deceased. told tor the betudlt of the heirs ami orodltorsofsald deceased. Terms made known eti tbo day or sale. This April the 15th, JOHN I*. Rl'MI’H. aprl" _ Administrator. "'NOTICE. T WO months from duty tinplication will by madu to tho Ordinary of (/Wham County, foi leave to sell loi No 151. Pth district, Biker, belong- log to the estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, may 2 Administrator. NOTICE.' QHERIFF Sale in Wayno County.—Will to O sold In front of the Court House, iu Wayncsvlllr. Wayne County, on the first Tuesday In June next, between the usual hour* of sale, tho Mluwlug pro perty, to wit: One lot or land in said comity, contain ing four hundred and n.ncty lucres, know n as h-t No. 165, In tho third district ol said county. l.-vy made by a con-table riid returned to me. WILLIAM WELL, S. \V. C. April 24, isfifi. \v 11 inayfiS aoticHT O NE month after date nppHcutioti will la* made to th" Bank ot tii.• Stale ot Hcorgi.i ter tin- paymontof a Twenty Doliur bill, tho left half ol which has hern lo.-t by mail. ROBERT 11. IILTCHISON. Paulding Connt)% April ;5. 1853. .-ipr.'i Noric Tf. A LL persons having claims agninst Hie Into firm of W. H. 1'AlUU'J.l. <t C'J*. are r. ijue-te. to call, aud receive their money, tolore the hr ! day of Juuc ensuing, at which nine a tin d dbpo-i tion will be madu between the resiK-cilve cojiart uera. (1KO. \V. DAVIS, Upr20 at U»eeiv.-r. NOTICE. OIXTY DAYS after d»te, application will la made to tho Honorable, the Com t of Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to soil u negro glr. slave named KlUaiieth, tho prop.-ity of itie lat. Cturlc- J. SQttrou.*, for the o; the heirs am. creditors of the .-aid Ciwrles J. Zitlroar. XATHAR1NK /.lTfROnt. Adm'rx. mar 24-tlj K-t. Chas, J* /.utn.iir, dec’d. AS.SICi.V.HEXT NOTICE. TOU.V M. WILLIAMS, bavins aligned nil •J his properly, IniUi real ami iw-rsouut, lo.iiljo-t hw dfllits, all persons having loyal claim- ugain.-i the said John M. Wlllliiiii.s, whl plo:i«e hand |lu*m to tin- umlorsigiiod without delay, ns it i- ipilto «le-irahi« to atoortain tin* extent *>V ii/tebt- 'ino- 1 *. and p* j*--r feet a speedy settictm-nt of tie: ,i—• ig«n-l projM i ty apriM HIRAM RuaKUW, A--ignet*. “Exec cT’iaxT'o^rptiN e jj h a jj d r O N tiio First Tuesday in dime next tviil 1- sold hefero ill" Court fni’isi- in lV-«re*!*oro, Ware County, tin., I*y virtm- of oj -< r !r-*m lb.- iiroimi r>* ol Itiehmoud cout.ty, (Jco. 1/4 of land N-. •. a«l. ai6, UfW,a*J7, «V12. cut. and nw, In tlm twoUU.. (12th) ilKtrict; No.. 2'*.u an I mmi. c.'il.i di* trietjund No. 4'JJ. in Ht"(ightli i-tit) d.-t-u i... -..t-: Ware oounty; sold os the prop* rty of lb»bt. r. late of Kii'himcid county, drt.soed, tor tin- Im-i -tit ».i heirs and eroditor.t. ' K. I*. Pull, my 11 ids Kx-' -'iirix. ADjnSTItATOIC.S NO’i‘11 7* A id. |wr.-.on-: h iv .tig deiiuud- again*t lb- ed it. «if the litc Klur.c.s S. An.oM, de.-ea-i.-d. nr<- horoby notified to present th'-ni. pr-d '-'fly nttesin*i. within tho lime pro-cribed by law; mi t all tho,** In debted to hui'l estate, are i-.-.pie^ted to make name dial* payment ti 1-UjW.vRD l*Al»M.rt#ltl», mayH A-lmihi-tr.d-.r. UAI/jEY di CO., ANUFAOTURERS of Fine .Silver 1VL Ctio-fnut .*tr»-»-t. i’tdtmlelpbi i * purchaser.- may l.o certain *d lie.- ijoaldy el Ware of our nvinm.ici nr*-, our .si.-rliug m . r stamped; From V. D. PALMfilt, ilKXKH.M. anVKKIIHlXn AMI NKWSI'AI'KH AI1K.\T, [kidton, Now York, I’hlludolphla, and RalUmorc. JAMEH U. FIDLKH, DEALKlt AND IMl^ORTEtt UP Wntfluii Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fan- t y tiomlH,»lie., no. 12, MfTii 2n mtiocr, nuuiiRUnu. ropts ly_ NEI.NON SWTCKZEY, DKSK1NKR AND HCUI.PTOH IN' MAR 111. K. Corner Aider Place ami 4th Avenue, in rtit-sic I'ltoxnnrv to tiik astok ijiuukt anu tux nkw twin k Hovra, nkw vohk. milE must extenaivo variety and tho largest 1 Nbs'k of Monuments, Tombs, Head Hitmen, Ac., iiiAmerloa, can be found at this establishment, from plain to tho muc-i elaborate and ornate in design and workmnushlp. In ndduktu i«> the ktock alwnys on tiand, a great vai id) td druwings, appropriate and ortgmal may hciuuud, from which work will be ex tvjtcd promptly to order. Orders fnilhlnfiy executed, and sblp|a>d to any |K>int availaldc by water or steam. Persons vi-itlng tin* city ««f New York on pleasure orbusiuoM nre rtM|KH*ttUly Invited to vbil tills oa- tabllslntionu hct3 IFl'PIlOISl'klH V WARiinorsi; 11») atul.%« »Sf. JufiVn Str*th. r lMIE UNDKIISULN'ED would hike this oppt^ I tnmty to express i,) bn friends and the public generally, hi- sincere iIuiiks f-r t.1u-ir liberal |uitrou- age and ht,'ueuee. wluh has rest in ekteuaiou ul !»is trade i.ia.1 paru of t*To Htan*. Also, (arelina, Hmu'di, Alabama and Tennessee, therotiy enabling ni*n to exhibit n stock uusurpuAsed in any Kouthoru city. Kumlhcs, MercImntM, Hotel Keei>crs, uml steam boat Owners are i<nrttcularly Invited to examine the present stock, which is now cumphdo iu all the \arioas dopsirtmculs, consisting In |<art of Hie follow ing goods, vir.: VA NM1 OKI* A HT.MKST. RoynhMednUoti, Royal Velvet. Mocet Wilton, Macct Uru-si*ls, Tapestry Brussels, Power toem Itnissols, Hiree ply Ingrain, t wo ply lugruiu, Wool Dntidi, toglbh IbruggeU, (or va rious widths,) Morale Hearth lings. Velvet and Chenille Rugs, TutTcd Rugs, Piano mid table Covers, Door Mat-(every variety,) Silver A Dra-vs Flair Rmts, ... C;*rin-ts llimlings, Ac. CUItTA ISA AT) WltULSrkH YPK1‘A HTMFST. Hroiulelles, Lice ami Muslin Curtains, -atin tie Lillies, HiU Cornice-, satin uml £iik D.un.u-k. titlt I'ius uu-l Ik.n-I-, W ooicd uml Cotton Ikimask, Titsads, Lsiiis aud Cods; Velvet and Plush of various colors; W indow •shades, new style. Also, every variety ol Furniture Covering, Trim mings and iiutteri'iW for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twculy-foitr feet wide, for Halls and Rooms, cut to IU without a seam. Tho subscriber Will oblige himself to make the vices o.i ail description of goods us low as the Mime |imhly can to purchased In any Northern city. Ad* Carpets cut to Rooms uml g.hxls sent to any Hart of the city free of charge, Ad* An experienced Upholster will attend to the making and laying of Carpet* and uit Cloth* when desired. Tho decorative and curtain detriment Is a charge of an Upholster of acknowledged tuste and skill. W*. H. HUION, Agent. octlS 14lt Congress uml 07 .St. Julnm-st*. DU. HANFORD'S INY 1(4ORATOR. [ S a mild bixative, tonic atul stiinnluut, uml in recommended to tho public, relying upon its in 'im-le worth in the euro of the following complaints AI! Billions Derangements, Pick Headache, jiyspepj •la. Habitual Co.-tivem-.-s, Chronic DLrrlue, Colic •*aiu in ll*o Moimich aud BoweN, Heueral liehility* reui do Weakness, 4c. For sale by Drnggl-ts geu : ••rally, ami by Joliu. B Moore A Co, and Win, W* l.liicolii, .davatiimh. ly fehl2 L E T*U H REASON TO GET IIBIL HOLMIWAY t 8 1’II.LS—WHY AUK WK SICK? I T Iitta been the lot of tho human nice to to weighed down by disease ami Hollering. JIOI.- I.uWAY’S PlJ.I.Saiu specially adapted to the relict of the weak, the nervous the delicate, and tho iu- firm, ot a'.l dimes, ages, sexes, uml cou-Uiutious.— Professor Holloway |HT.*:onully MijH-rintemis the mamifacture of his tnudicities iu the United States, uid oilers them to H free uml culightened people, us the he.-t remedy the world ever tuiw for the removal of disease. TIIB3K 111J/* PURIFY TIIK FLOOD. These famous HU* urn expressly combined to opn- rate on the stomach, tho liver, the kidneys, the luugs, the sklu, mid the bowels, correcting any de rangement In their fkiucUons, purifying the blood, :ke very louiitain of file, and thus curing disease In all its forms. DYljPKl’SlA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly hair.tho human ruco have takuu these Pills. It hus been proved in ull |*arU or tho world Hint noHilug has been fouud equal to them iu cases d dUordcrs of the liver, dy«|*e|uia, an»l vtomach cumpluhits generally. They koou give a healthy •»u" to tho-o organs, however much dorungod, and tvlicu all other means huvu failed. (JKKEKAI, DEBILITY—HJ. HEALTH. Mauy of the most dcsjtoilo govermueiiL Uavo •jviie.l their custom houses to the intrmliictiuii ot these Pills, that they limy become the medicine of th<? luus.-os. Jsjarued colleges admit that this mc*li- 'in«* is the best rvmi'dy ever known tor persons or n-'.:cate health, or where the system ha.- I*ven Im- i-aired, as Its Invigorating |iroj*ertios never lull to allord relief, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, should to without this -ciobraicd medicine. It corrects and regulates the iionttdy txMir.-e- at ull |*erk>ds, acting lu many cases like a charm. It Is also ihu bc-t ami safest mudiciuo that can bo given to children of all ages, uml for my comp)alm.s, consequently no I'umily should be Without it. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known lu the world lor the following di.-cu.-es : A-tlim.i, ih*w- •l Ouuplamts, Coughs, Odds, Chest IHsenstM. t'osfiv- nosa, Dyspepsia, Venereal Ailbctkms, Diarrluwa, De- iiillty, Dropsy, Fever un-l Ague, Female Coinpluiuts, Headaches, .*qonp un-l (.'ravel. L-wne-s of Spirits, indigestion, Inllucuxa, Inilamiiiation, Inward Wcak- Liver Complaint, hies, ami WornmoTall kinds. •*o!d at the niamitai lories of Professor Holloway, sh Maiden Line. New York, and 244 rtruml, tou- lon. and by all res|MN lahl«i Druggists aud Dealers iu Medicines throughout the Culled Hat**, and the civilized world, iu boxes at 23 cents, tyjti cents, and ?l each. ’ ito" ’I hero Is a considerable saving by Inking the larger size.-. N. H—Directions far the gai-t*itice »*r jiatieiibi ■:vc.-y dts.ofiler are ullixcd b* each P«*t. npl’Jft nmuMtixo n-it is ad"im b of •'•h-if - to t-ve.” i. weiry fi'or-j **f I*. »*. Nichols k (•M,, ill Congress •H* et. HcM dour to lie.' corner of Whitaker, where you nail purchu.-e Watches, Jewolry, Silver Wate, ii.d fancy (iooh. ns l--w a- at any othertt-ro in Mi-* cuiii.trV. W ; have «'-.ft!ivei| p-r steam-hip Alabaman iri-h lot ol H"*.*. line Heel RpcA-taclc* • nUi, a Mipply or t ebi-leami I en.-ceple I.*-hh, which weuro pretiurcd t-i kt in ull kind.-, of iruiues, at short notice, our :vri-« oj'i*- L n-. (-o called from their iweuli ir shape) u«v-- an ad vantage over ull others, ua they huvu a great?r rango «-t fin*us, no that the render is not *;oiup-lied i«» hold tho hook or paper at a certain dld.Uir.e from the i-j e. Call ami m-o, .. . 1>- IL MCIIoL< A: CO. Ai#* No charge tor showiug giNMln. . unr11 D. It. N. 4 CO. mayer & hmjjv, ,-i:cn;s.-oiw in saj^mo.n maykil tt Indcsale dealer-* in llii|s>rt«-d Wines, !V?Jcel iridi Will- 'reiich dials, tu% H- nUb-.UlbersV Xt -ortineiit *.l ilx.- am iiel r-.v»*a **>!•• ti ris. . ii'*.l:*u*l .••••• •*■*•>-*•*•* 'sill, -4:«*tfh and in-».y, Jamaica ami .-t. Croix Rum and ("-Miiau Sloinio h IUt* rs, (>*r- Our g'sids may Ou lo.i Co’h., whoarea'ithonx-' nov 16 DA ILK Y A C u. NEW TIN STORE AM) SlIEE'l-llWFN MANUFACTORY. 141 H0CT1I OK M.UIKKT StpAUK. UK VAN i-TIlthT. I woulil inl**ru> nfy ohl I'rien-h ami patrons Ihnveom-ned tho aU.v.j .-t*-r.r t--c(.n«l-irt the JhaH Hove, Tin and Hheet Iron P.utm- - ;n all it' various forms, and where will beiour.d u gen eral lUKurtmont oi Hovos, Tin mid Shed-Iron Ware, which 1 will bo pleased to .»h-»w, ami at em;h prices mm will Httllsiy any on** wishing i » |...rclui'-c-. All kinds of It'Milhig, Onto.! - *a L-u-1, H.t!va'*:/--*i Iron Work or every Uocriptimi, Jot* Work ut.-l Re. pairing oxoouu-il with *lii|», ol*i h**v*m pot up and Pipes funii.-hcd at short in*tb *r. TinWare at wle*k--a'.o amt retail. <’..U townou liryanstreet, *t will p»y y*--i lor •. •• r walk. ucu! John j. liAri::'arcm. Tit ANSI* A RK NT WINDOW' Ml JADES. CARPET WARE-HOILSK, 140 coxom: * sm» f>; *- •. j. Ui.-.-aiumr-. mnE Subscriber lias rc«*c!vci|, ntnl will 1) OTA’JOES. ( I do M.-i• ■ * .. 1 this day, thu larguat and in-* ■i**xt >1 IV*- in- ty W WINDOW 8iL\Dl>uv«r *»I1im« d ii. Vi i' fV»> It fo tho Intuiition ol’tli'i ii'lvcrtfo'-r t-i k*** p < llll.-ti idly in storo u largo supply «<f nil tl*-- \ iri**-i.- JMU01 li - iOI*i •'lyltM inaniifai:tiiM > <l l»y th** m :i i!V •*r*-r« nr Ihi* u-iuntry and ol Friima*, 1-* u w li Hi-- mt •lit Mill ifllKT- chants ami luinilio* In Hi-t * lty au-l * i-mtr.v i* ill- Vifod. They will bo roDt at wlm -ul** nud i* fail, IU sidfofictory prices. W II tiUlON, A out. Jan 8 TO IIUlf#DEItS. „ rpiIB SUnsCHIHKH iu pic-|mrci] to cxcctilo J at the Khortost notice, ami m tl*o nnisl work- tuuulike mnuiicr, ull kinds of Metal Itodlng, Cuitc-rH, Otruice, or other work connected with the inanofnn- tiirlng or rv|»uiriii/r ofCopja-r, Uulvunizcd Iron, /iuc, or Sheet Iron liuslnesH. HORACE MORSE, «*ctlfi lf»*» llrouL-liti-0 * S PRING AND SUMMER rLOTIII.ML-Tlu* bulmcrihe-r would mviio the aiteiiia*it ol all in want of SPItlNH AND MMMI.II Cl-OTIIINH, to Ids Htouk which bus Jttei tout teccived, ul the Mar CiothliiK Km|iorium, 117 lk*y dml aprl6 _ WM. O PRICK WATC’I IK H— W A'l’Cll l-'.S—' W ATcH PiH. Wt# tiro receiving tlm Lomhm Lever Watches, of the mo-i celebrate-1 luukcno m |(ioM un i .-liver II. F. Cm»p» r'a Du- IpIttX Watchei, Walcbc-t lor lltmog IJ'irsv-, fiue&wUaClirouomctcrH, which we ol.V-r at rt uotia- bio prlcod, at our uow More iu O'lhhons' Range. ■Ci>l28 D. Ii. MUiOLS & CO. -osUntlj **u Land u |j, r gc !***•;'••, aiel -• I* Ibein :*t e*w |*ri**eit •o-t- ir.i l* I—ly 2<i<) bill-. ,Ve»*(| Polabe-H, Jlfij 1 ‘ h*i ii.g*. do. lamlhig and i ! • *'*“■( HI VTMt A I.AMVH | •‘NE PLIS MilIU’* SCI IK All.. 1200 PlUKI^-iiii^OOO! HAVANA l-I.AN I.OriKIlV. j •J*»! i |M!»- Cuimly Academy LOTTBHY, 111 .limilllin- UK TIIK IfT.IK IIr IIKHIIIIIA. j Di,W-0 No III tors Only—(JuuPrixe ‘t<Dglit Tickets. I " CLASH M, I l«Ui, 18.HI, nt Coiiuert X Halt, Macon (teorgla, timier lha Hworn minor- | dib'it.b-iiee of C*-l. H. M. Ligan and J. A, NealiiL ; I - 'I- i ,M '' 'laiiagi-r. balingaiiiKHincotl Id* 1 determination 'tula Hie to'i-i p-ipidar Lutery in tho world, "‘i ' l*»r May l.*th a hcIioiiio that far HiiriwiNHCH ' - •hemiM-v«-r olf.-red lu the autudaof Ldterto*. ••■••I. H» till’ll INTKIir.'-T. Examinet4n-Cupiials, j Prize to every Eight 'la k« i->. CAPITAL 512.U0U. $l;!,oiM) 5,01)0 11,000 . , 2.1)00 1,1 ftoo 120 *io do ;;;;;;;;;; !!)• ado .to d.*’,.::.V.V.V.V.’******;;**;;■*** 1200 prizes amouiitliig to it mm mo i'lokels, 98-llulves, ft! QurirtiTH S2 ' l-HIUH I'aV.IIII.K WITIIliw IIKIllCniJX. 1 .ir>i.."» hi iiiIiiik uuiuoy l.y iiwHihwI nm t.-nr IL. liciiiK lo-4l. HriluM imiiLiiially mli>ii8cil In — Miiniiiiililc.illii.l9 Hlriclly n,,,!, til souinl Banks taken at par. fi % Tlnwo wishing particular immbors >-h«iul«l order kmiuodtately. A'ldrusH JAMES F- WINTER, Mniiagor. Muconna. (iLO, A, .McCLKSKKY, Agent, Bull ntruet,,ad e.or, from toy, f.OSH OF TIC'RRTH OF CI#AHH I#. Ly lie- late aeiiib ht on Hie Seaboard nti-l Rnnit- **ke it dlrnud. the Tickets of Class L., for April 16||i m their transit from DnUlmi-re, In chiuge of A*lnins^ Kxpi e* - ( binpiiny, were destroyed by lire, coii-*e- qiicntiy there w ill not bo any Drawing of that (la*s. I In-Drawing will bo Lias* M,—May 15th, llm “No Pitn Ultra" Sclieme. Vary P.uHpaotfuHy, j. F. WINTER, uiHr20 From C. AllriomstMU AOKXOY, HI|UHXU*IIIA, PA. AuthoriaUHl Agent (br the Savannah Journal. HEALTH AND COMFORT. ~ SPRING BED AND MATTRAKS DEPOT. 209 onetmrr BTMWf, orronrm joxw’ num. mUE Bubfloribora would rt-sncctfully call the I attention of the Principals of Boarding Schools, Hoarding Houses, Hotels, and the public in general, to the late and Important Improvements they have tnndo In tho Rattan Frames, Harness 1 .author Hinged and Hplral Springs. TiitMo Reds are a very durable article, cost llttlo more than Feather Beds, and are much more hoalthy. In fact, those beds are a real luxury to the well or sick, od altogether such an artlctn as when once used would bo doomed Imllspoiirtnblo In every Hunt- ly (br comfort atul health. Person* from any part of tho United States may to supplied at the shortest notice, by sending tbelr orders, giving dintenshms oT Bedstead, Am, ad- dressed to DOWELL A BARRETT, (tutii—oin 209, Chosnut sto Plilla. A. L.ARCII ASinAULT, l’URTAULE STEAM ENGINE DUILDEK, - S.K. Cowi.mih <b Itnmlltou St'.., PHlt.AnKl.PHIA, Pa. P ORTABLE SAW MILL ENGINES, on InrRO wbiH'Is, with a tongue, fora team to be at- tni-hed to move them Atoait. 1 hose eugincs have two cylinders, making from 10 to :w» torse power. Aim, HOISTING or PILE DRIVING ENGINES, from ;i to no horse paw **r. orders are Ullwl in from 31** f* weeks from their r*s*«‘i|-t. UiiglneH always ou lutnd lor sal**. Those engines have bci-n iu use seven years, uml iu every iiisbiuce have given general satisfaction. Descriptiuii Oronlar* will no sent when applied for. fob 0—ent d.UV f FUKU'ciF (iliAliUEin 1V0 SPLENDID PAIUlOU ENOltANJNGS —entitled •• Ik.Men Ahhoy In the Olden Times,' a splendid stool engravlua, frum tho culebraled palutlugby Izuub«cer; aud Urn “DeiiartUMi of tbo Is- raolllo* front toyi'L" a largo and toaittirul ongrnv- lug from a palming by 1). Hubert*. Urn retail price of tho nbovo ougravlugs Is 53 per copy, hut will he acnt/itv c/rAaipr, as follows Tito aubscribera have c*tabllshe«l a lkxdc Agency la PUlbutelpbla, and wlU forntob any book or pub- IhutUon at tho retail prlco Iron or po3tngo. Any per sous by forwarding tun sitbscrlptlou prlco of any ol tho 18 Magatlnw, such as tfar|K*r’a. GodoyV, I lit- turn's, Graluttn's Frank IswUo'a Ftuufous, Ac., will rccclvo the Magazine* for uno year, and a copy of cither of the liuovo beautiful engravings. Ireo of charge, or ir subscribing to it $2 ami a 61 Magazine, such an Peterson's, aud Uhitllon's todies' Christian Auuual, they will receive both magazine* aud a copy nT either ol the stove engravings. ... Every description of Engraving oil Wood cxcctitod with nuatiioss nno dispatch. Views of liulldiiigH, Newspaper Headings, Views of Machinery, l«»ok lllu-traUors, Latgo Certificates, Uuslm's* Curds, Ac* All orders sent by mall promptly attended to. Per sons wishing views of their building* engraved, can send a daguerreotype or nketuh of the building by mail or express, , , Person* ul a di-tuiico having saleable articles would fin*! it to their advantugu to address the sub scribers, a* we would act as ugvuts for tho rale of the same. liVRAM A PIERCE, f»0 Smith Third Street, Philadelphia, Pit. J. II. IDiuM. (aprl7) T. May Pikhi k. l*ro]HwuU for ItiilloiiM ami l-'iitl for lllgllt*V(»LlA, patent Htbitints. HBLMBOLD'S genuine preparations. Hcluibold’* Hlfchly Coiiceiifrnlnl (Jem- tKmiid FI ii Id Rxlmct llurhu. ISA CERTAIN, SAFE, AND KFFELTUAL REMEDY F OR Diseases or tho Bladder, Klduoys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Secret Diseases, Obsiruc- nuns, Fwnnio Complaints, mid all disoases or tho Roxual Organs, whether lu mao: ou fkmaol AFFLILTKDI READ AND REFLECT. Ihi. K. HUIH’, nf J'urU, GOVKKXCIK HIKKKT, AMOV* VKANKUS ST., MIUIMllNH, VA. M AY to cotuailted lu all canea of a delicate nature, and os lie has Imd more experloncc lino or practice thun any pliyslcian, he will posltlvuly gnaranteo to uum Gouorrhwa. Ac. He |uis eilTbd many troubled with ringing In the ears and IhswI when asleep, great nervousness, be ing fiii('ii<li*d sometimes with deinngementof mlud. Jflattnt gUbiiints. UKRIUNG'8 PATENT FIRE-PROOF WITH HAIJ.'S PATENT POWDKR-l'KOOK IJXJK. Having received the Prize Medal at the World's Fair, are uow olfereil to the public as tbo Prize Safe of tho World. Tested an-l approved ns they j above limned*, id h-a-t have been every- j free «*f expense n* the United silaies, amt agreeably where, their crowning victory was reserved to lie i to the annexed table of Hie weekly ration, viz.: awarded by the Juries ortho World’sFalr. Tho proprietor plucoit One Thousnfiil Dollars in Gold iu the one exhibited ut the World's Fair, ton- Uoo. au*l iuvlted all the Ilck-Lwks lutlie world to oi»eii the tofo, with or without the keys, nud lake the nwuey oh a reward for their ingenuity ; nlthmigl* operated u|niii by several skilled In the art, no one could Pick the L*ek or open the Snfo. The mideulaldo evldenco or Hie superiority ul the Site- Manufactured by the suliscrlfo-r Is known and acknowledged by a discriminating public, who ure assured that all tofos made and snl*t by him, or hi* authorized agents, (notio geiiuiiio except they have Ids name ou a metal plate,) will he found espial or superior to any of thu many which liuve pasted through the Urey ordeal, preserving the contents uu- Injured, as publishe*l ntul notice*! by the press here tofore :—In tho burning of tho Tribune building, the S rent tires in Now York uud Sug Harbor in 1846, at low Orleans lu 1842, alTnllaliassco in 1843. nl Prov idence iu 1840, at Autlnlo nnd New York City in 1847. at St. Louis, Albany, l'latlsburg und Detroit in 184s, the great fires nt 8t. touls, ut Milan, Ohio, aud the great buruiug ut New Orleans lu 1849, the grout lire- in California, ut Chicago mid Syracuse) lu I860, .u««i at the 8L Cliarlc* Hotel, New Orleans, in 1S51, great fires in 1852 at New York, Philadelphia, Chcrnw, S. C., Montreal, Canada, St. toul* aud Ogdcn.-bnrg, uml many other*. . The metal |K>rtion of these Safe* eou*lst« ol the 4toute*t ami tougbe. t wrought bar umt plate Iron, ami the s|*ace bctwcei the miter and Inner surface* t* filled with n chctuU il preparatiou, which is the most |ierfuct non-conductor of heat yet discovered, ami which eanuut be ciliated or mmetrute by lire.-— This fact hits been established beyond qae-lloa by the recalls ol many eX|K-riinents, attested by |*.-r- sons of the highest rtHiiectabllity. lu every trial to which tin* gciiiuuo Salamander tofo ha* been sub- « , whether accidental hi burning buildings, or roemont for the purjiasoof com|ietitiou. its Ure- proof proiKTiie). Iiavu proved Itmneiuurakly sutM-rlor to dime of auy (no called) fire-proof Sale ever mauu factured. By uu improvement upon the original Salamumler, Introduced by the preaoutowner of the pateut-right, tho Interior is reudered wholly lin|Hrvlou.s to dump, and books, |Mper* and Jewelry might be pnwerved iu one of his wife* for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or mllldew. To guard ugulunl counterfeits every Sale IVotu the manufactory or tho Nubocribor, and Mold by him or blA agents, ha* a brass plate in front, bearing bL name: each la also furnished with one of Ida Im f'T t * h*fo|U|iM | nju:«h : : at : : : : 'l*.ln>.K|il|V 7 : 5 if: : : : JtlKuut.V Zo i”: : ir: ir: •SUU.*J1 O £ ** ~ ; : J.utlifl ------ ’•Ktfjo;) s m" m~ L~ u~ J~ v-a ir jana-j lu 37 77 “ 77 Z “ Hu.’riH ’fofoj toPl* **‘ 40 Wl|r*l«« •03 H *JIIU|g 2 : M : M : 8J»d : - from whatever caw® they may have originated, amt Dr. Huot may he consulted In nil canes of a Certain NO MATTER OF HOW IA)NH STANDING. IRteiw, Gniiorrha*n, Gleets, Strleltiriw, Palu III the Thu iMipular uml s|M-cillc remedy I* now otforod ' L*hw, S*-mlnnl Weakness, Alfecilori* «*r the Kidney*, to tiio allllcted, aud guaranteed to cure all Uie above nDo, tlnwe |N-ailiar ull's lions which arise from a oouinlaluls. Il aeareluw out the very root of tho j certain jtntrtic* «f ynth. uml whieh, if not cured, discMO. driving out all the disea-anl ilifida of Ihu . renders marriage un|s***-ibte, and in thu end destroys body, tnua removing Hie caiisn aud rendering tho , belli tuiml aud body, The remedy will also euro cure lui potency. UKItTAIN AND PERMANENT. | Persons nffilctol with urethal discharges, or dnbil- This medicine allay* |*>dti amt iutlammatlon, which , tty of the urinary organs, or Ukmu who arozutforing other roini-dii** Invariably cause, uud call Is* Liken from the destructive habit oT youth kuown ox tho with loss trouble and expi-une to |Kilientz. This lu- Solitary Vice, mid who have been nbnmloticd to die fidllblo remedy bus saved thmiHuiuls upon thousuuds | by other iihyulcluu*, may ho iqicoUily cured by up- from tlm houuH of plying L‘ Dr. Jluet. MKRCH.fXS gUACKS, Honorrho.-a will bo permauently cured witbout the If not from premature giaves. In esise* of infection 1 administration ol any mercury, balsam, or other the Oini|*ound liuchu is the only articlo worthy or I drugs, which may ux|kmr the patient, the leant coulldonnc or tho allllclud’ln performing Gleet* uro fatal to thu constitution. They lead to &VFE CUIUX. strictures, greut weaktuvot, and, If not iiropcrly It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other injurious ! treated, arc ruinous. Jir. Huet guarantees a cure, drug, blit Is purely a Veydalte Uimjxuilian. It is | uml a |N-rmaneiit one, iu a very short time, without very agreeable to the tusto, creates no porceptiblo * tbo use of catheter or bougie, odor, uml may bu Liken by persons of ullhor xox | Those who ure mulcted with n«iy of Hie forms ol Without hindrance from business or medical advice, i the secret diseases, such a* blotches, nodus and ul us plain directions for uso ancoui|iany thu miHliciuo. . curs, are conjured, if they value lifu aud health, to Reader, If you hava uny of tho ubovc complaints, do call inuiiuiiiately. 1 • ■*— ‘ tot no false luodraty deter you from making your case known to one, who, from education unit rc- spuctabllity, alone can but) tend you. Ho who places hiia-ieli iimier Dr. lluet mm ms truutmeut may ro- ligioa-ly confide iu his houor as a gentleman, one in wlio.*e L-or-om will bo foruver lucked tbo secret of his patient. There are very few uu'li In the world In whom It is safe I** re|*oso eoullUelice, especially in cusos of a delicate nature. Tin* many pretenders to medical H'leiwc wuti which tie) country is ufiej, ami the many di.-.**p|M»iutiiieiiH to which the iinfortuiiato are #*iil»j4H*t«*«l by consulting such im-u, n-mler.i a matter ol more Justice to caution Hie public ugainst them, aiul |*oii*l them to the sure ••haven of repose.'* Dr. Jim-1 iuvites ail Hi" ulliicti-d, however ho|*fiess tla-ir cr».-*- may nj»|s-ar. or whatever their disease may to*. »*r however many physlclutis «*r reimslies they have tried, to put Ins knowledge and skill to the test in nn esaminnlim of the ca/r—An rr will cost vov >otniM*. Jh- promi««!n to every |*erron lie treat*- noi neglect them, ' ^ , DELAYK ARE DANGEROUS With this mndlclnu you can citro yourself, uml thus COl.LKCTOR'M Ol-TK K, 1 Sr i-Mii.vrr.v nuxr ov 1 joins, > S-ivuunah, luiii May, l.s.'id. J SEALED proposals will to received nt tills O olllte until 12 oVI** k. M., on tho 1st day or July next, 183d, Ibr furnishing ami delivering lla- llnns ami Fuel uu board the Light-vessels iu this Collection district, viz.; at Martin's Industry mul Tybcc Island Kindi, t'**r one year front the first day of July 1F61. to ihc :mi!i June, 1F57, inclusive. Tin* Ilelmboldto Highly' t'oiieei»t**nteil Com- rations l«> in* or good and *pprov*sl quality, to to i imuiiil Fluid Kxlrnrt Nnesn)mellln. delivered In good aml eulllcb-nt puelaiges, barrel*, * For purliying tho Bfoo*l, removing all dlM-ascs an- boxes and eas,-*, uml In' gw-d order, oil brcird the I sing from excc-sof Mercury, eX|M*ure an-l itn- » a quarter, 1 prevent all ox|MMiirc. TRUTH MUbT AND WlU. PREVAIL This iiiodiclno h|*eiHlily ami efitolually cures the most virulent form of secret d|s*-.i«es, uml eradicates every particle ol Infectious niatlor trout the system, restoring the patient to u pci lest shifo of JIILM.TIJ AND PURITY. prudence hi life, chronic, constitutional diseases, ari.-ing from au lm|*ure state of ltloo*t, amt the only reliable and i-llectiml known remedy f**r the euro of Perofiila, Fait Rheum, Siald Head, Ulcer- atioiis ol’tlio Throat nnd toy.', Pains nnd dwellings of III** tones, Tetter, PimpleN on H*«- Face, uml all S-ily Eruptions of the .<kin. It is gratifying to tho proprietor of these tuudi* im-s to be able to Mato that it is now nearly three years since they were first Introduced, during which time they have been extensively used in various parts of Hie .States, *ud have given to |*allent and pr.ietili*»uvr the degree of satisfocUoii ill the \-aii**tii eases In which they have been employed ; wlmllwr In town, country, hospital or private prac tice. limy have invariably given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, uml produced the urnst salutary und beneficial cltceH. Numerous letters have been receive*! I nun the Imwt iti*lingifisb« , <l ' physicians It* the country of M'Vorul ineiUcal e»lleg._, . highest terms the value of these medicines, aud I |Vr-ons tit a di-tauce cun fa- cured by letter,‘ post- tlieir sU|M-ri«>niy over ah other pre|*arall*ms for ) |*uld, stating *»-e. and euclosiog a postage stamp to slicit eomplau.ts as the proprietor recuniuicmls. p.iy tor il*** reply . Price of Medicine i*er|*uek»ge Numerous prepurntiolis of.Nirsaparllla uud ofiluclitt f 8f., wlii* h, in ino«tiu<es, proves sutlldeut to elleeta n |M-rniiii,eiit nieJ radical cure for hie. Ills unit«• is so arrange*! that tin* |H-r.soti calling will see no one but the I motor hluiself. who t< tn constant allomhinee m Ids private nsuns, reu*ly uml willing fa lender relief to ail who uuty give htui a cull. Dr. 11 net's Medicines me entirely vegetable—they are easily taken without hindrauee to business, A cunt made iu ait cases t<* the satisfaction of the patient. Ail con.-ultatams, m French or Kiigfob. strictly confidential. <un the most distinguished • Ap|*ly at his Medical Ollice, Governor street, above nml from the nrufossors - Franklin street, under Ihe Richmond House, Rich- pgi-s, reciimmumliug iu the ■ niomt. Yirgintu. taayl Each proposal which tin? entire ration will Im Inrut-lied im bourd **ueh light-vessel r***i*oetively. The pro|i<Mii.* for .-upplytiig fuel, both c*«ul nml wooil, 111*1-1 fiat*’ *li-tuie|.y Hi*- pile** per bu* and »'*ir*t. uml tlm kiml aud «pu»My m’eavli. t*» l*e«U*liver- * d *ui board ot each iight-vciscl respectively. Due bidder limy oiler for all Hie rulloiw uud fuel re*|iiire*l l«*r ull the liglit vessel* ui this district, or for one or more of thu vessels separately, ul Ins own "ptiou. The kind uml quantity of fuel will he deter mined niton, aud ttiu contractor informed accord ingly. in udvuuco of Hie time for making thu quar terly deliveries iif ruliuiis on board of tho respective liglil»vu**)h>. . Each biilder is required lo attach to his bid or bids a wiiticu guarantee, signed by hiuuclf uud a responsible surety, thut, iu thu event of tho contract bolug awarded to him, he will faithfully oxucute it iu conformity to the terms of ibis advertisement. Tho contractor wlU be required lo enter luto bond with approved security for tho faithful oxccutlon of imd various modes of preparing them have been given, all of which of cour.-o will dltt'or ucc«*t'Uug t«* tlm ioihIu or preparation which eaeli indivi to d may adopt. 'flies*) medicines require considerable euro in the preparation nnd tho employment of dllforont men strua iu successive operation to hike up thu extrac tive, atul. In consequence, aro most Ire- atirot* , 7S!arSi?..a& ssrst; : (ujuiiu-kiuHuiuiuiufkutuiuumin...uu!ut ofu»«o IUW8- l™?.,'.. ( yi-lopudla of Anit-tit-nii Literature. , A WORK now in tho press, and to which we j JV. oiten hope to resort as we would to the society \ *u u tietou-d t'rlemt. This ('yctopmdta is a more tnuja- Id** development of Hie American luiud, in Its varied I'liunges froiii age to iig«*. Hum any library iu the un proved Thlor Detecting Licks, which Is a good guar- contract; aud no bid will ho accejitod or contract untco against rubfery. cuierod iuto, until approved by thoUght House S. C. HERRING A CO., Nos. 135, 137 and 139 Water st., N. Y. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. BEIL A PRENTISS, Who keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. scpt28 LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THK VAI .UK AND FlitF> proof qt’Aunca or WILDERS SALAMANDER SAFES, Ak Manufactuml by SUarnt efi Marvin. Sew Fork. In the tiro of tho 3d Inst., which comium- cd the brick building 1 occupied by Mr. Juo. T. Thomas, opposlto i tho GasWorks, luthls city, was a sul'o ot the abovo descriptions contoiuiug tho nooks, jw|*ers, and money of Sir. Thomas, nnd although tho building wan detroyod, tho HUid Stdo HUHtalnud no Injury wlwtover from thu Intense beat to which it bad been oxpased. Ou oixm- ing the SaTe, tho contouts wore found undisturbod, and in the same order and condition av when placed thoro,excei>tA slight discoloration to tbe prqfoctlng onda of a few papers, uud the backs of one or tvroof the books, caused by the Moam gonerated In tho Rafo, while at its greatest heat. The tore and contents, as II camo from the ruins, may Mill be seen, In tbe possession of Mr. Thomas, at Uio Gas Works. A large assortment of those cole- brutod Safes always on lufod,an*l for sale by C. H. CAM I'FIELD, Ageut fur tbe Manufacturers, July 2ti, 1856. 171 Bay-st., tovouoah, Ua. 1 fake pleasuro in corroboruUug thu Ibrugolug statu- mom, uud iu uddltiou would add, that thu books ure now iu two. j. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1856. octn—tr Dying Anu iiKnovatincj ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK RTRKCT, NEAR TUB COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH. GA., Estnbllitht-d In IN.'JM. rilHE StibKcrilior grutclltl to Ills ftiemls uud X patrons for their coiitluunl favors, would statu that in addition to tho improvement- In DYING, no quiretl by him during his last visit to Knglaud und Scotland, has nn-lo arrantcniunts for extomling his UuslnesH, by which lm is now enabled to five a greater variety of colors on silk and woolen dresses, .-iiawh, Ac., which he trusts will general ly pk-aso all who may favor him with their patronage Geiitleineii’a garments *lyed, cleaned or retiovaUnl us may lie required, in the hiimesujierlor stylo which has guuurully so much plctwod his iiutroiis and frien-ls. Mill ■ •r the , U" n-ry, i X * ’ Fevo Board. Thu contractor Will to required to keep ut least, in the aggregate, one month's rations lor the entil e crow of the liglu-venM-t contracted for, on bourd ul ail times; nml any expense iucurred ou account of failure to deliver rations or fuel iu time, will be , chargeable to tile contractor. No uicuitor ot Uimgri^s, ilghtki-ciicr, sajieriatoii-' •lout or liaqicctor *<f lights, nor any person connect- ’ ed with the Light-house estahfishliieUI, will be ul ! lowed to contract for or deliver rations for thu crew, i or fuel of a light-vompI, nor t'» lie iut**re-le.i «u such contract. No cuntrai-tor, su|ieriuiciideiit, or inspector will' bo ullowist to change Hie parts of the ration, nor limus that may builuturiuiiicdupou for tho ileliv without authority of the Board. Ail the articles coustituthig Hieratmu lor the crew of light-vessels will to exuutimil, uml their quality approved by thoxuperiuteudciit, or Hie iiisjiector of tiio dUtrict, or by such utlier person ns inuy be us- signed to perform thut duty *,uud no bills will lie paid for rotious and frtel which ure not accompanied by reccljits duly algued by tho respective ligUt-ves- sel keepers for the UtlTercnt articles constItutiug the ration* for tiio crow lor each quarter, uud sopurute receipts lor the kind and quantity of fuel delivered ou bourd of each light-vessel. No bid which is not properly sealed ami endorsed will lie considered, aud no bids will to received or allowed to be withdrawn after tiio expiration of the time specified iu the udvoiTlKuiucut lor receiving them. Bids submitted by UtlTercnt members of the eatne firm or co-partnership will not to considered. All bids will bo publicly o|s*neil nml registered nt tho time speciUed in the ndveriisumont. Thu right to reject ull bids if the iub-rest of the public service require it, is reserved By order of tho IJgbt-liuuse Board : JOHN BUM'uN, .SuiMTluti-iiitent Light?. my 11 aiigricai-WoTwabiiinuton I T HE OLD UltASS CU\ alluded to in in the letter from tin* Chatham Artillery of .Sitvuuuah, was«a*l in Kugluml, iu 177fi, was sent to this couutry ms a part of tlm artillery of tor*l t'ormvnllis. C'omtnun- tier of tin* British forces ut the time of the Revolution. Till- Gun was siiiTomiein! at lie* capitulation o Yorklowii to General Wa.-hiugtoii, and by bim pre sent* *i to the CbuHiuin Artillery of .Savannah. The old Brass six rounder still wears the Drown, but Is covered by llm “.SLira uml Stripes,"and beats tbo luarB-i «f cuuimu balls, swords uud Buyouet. uuiuugetmi iiuuinled with piiariimceuilcul pronnrallon*. It is HiL-rcture of the highest roin-ldcrutiou ami im|*ort- aiicv to the public ami !«• the fuculty that there should to standard preparations of uniform strength und i-H-hOsi'liiR Hu* must ml vantages. To olfact this and obviate the evil alluded lo, lliiive made a num ber of experiment* fa ascertain the most dfoctual mode of extracting the virtues of the SursajiarUla amt tbe Buchu, uml to discover the most eligible form for tlicir exhibition. Tlm experiments have resulted most favorably, und it Is with much pleas ure I now oU’cr fa tho public und tho faculty my Compouud Fluid Extracts, which contain nil the vir- iuc* or the articles they aro represented to lo made from in a highly concentrated form, and ure the most active preparations which cau bo uiude. Two ta- blcspoouHful of tho Extract torsaimrilla, uiidcd to a pint of water, Is equal to tbo lixlion diet drink, and oue bottle fully equal-* In strength one gallon of Syr up SnrsAiurilla or decoction ua usually made. I'RICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, 81 per bottle, or fi lor $5 “ “ Earsaparilla “ “ “ *• “ C'crttficatcs of cures uml recommendations from dDtinguDhed professors and physicians will arcom- ininy each preparation. Prepared and sold by II. T. HKLMB0L1), Practical mid Analytical Chemist, 2*21,, m*ar the tiiiard House Phils. To be bail or Druggists uud Dealers in every s<v- tiou ortho Uuitcd J?tat**s and Cuuudua. All lettiirs forth® medicine directed to tlm propri etor receive Immediate attentlou, uud sale dullvuries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-*ltw KrapJis amt places ol residence, give an attruullun to the work that U perfutly IiresUtable. The cluwtely written biographies, while they exhibit thu mu*i striking events in tbe live* of the subjects *u far as tlw-y could be obtained, are remarkable for stutlug lliii peculiarities ul their minds, while ut tlmnutuu time the editors uiuit, us we believe, thu exprosalou* of opinion regarding them, leaviug tho reader to judge for himself, thus making it u truly impartial work.— [Evening Transcript. tor>om* wishing to simply thoniHulves with this great v ak, unqueitloiialile tho grainiest literary uchiuvement ol the age, are resjiecltully informed thut the snbicriber U now in the city, prepared to tund.-h ail who may desire It, with these beautiful iiiterosihig and In-triictivo volumes—a library In themselves—as charming, rich uud varied, as they are Impartial and comprehensive. Price $7, Anycna wisfaiig fa rev the work will be waited U|<on imme diately, by giving nolle** through the Post offlcc. Please uddres-t Box 354. nlft~tf J. WELLINGTON MILLER, V ITY MA BE BOOTH, A THE Subscritor haa on hand an aiwort- ■ - mentor But fry, GAITFJWau*! SHOES, of Ida own manufacture, which hu will wurrarfuf ^ superior workmanship aud material, noim- ferior to any tnndo to tovuunah. TTie prices or Boots ure from (5 to f 10. Boots, kid and cloth Gaiters and Shoes made to or der as usual. Eqiceial care tukc-u to onsur® ported Ufa. June 6 J. L. OLIVER. AFFLICTED. READ III P hiladelphia medical housed UbUrbrd ‘JO y*n M|a by lilt. I.INKUJja wifutr of Third «n,l UnlouAUliu, bilw.^-w and Mne, t1il]AileI|>t,tA, I-nniuylvAuU. INYAM1H Ar« ARprluciI tbBtlir. Klukolln cuiUom Uni Hi * pwtlenltr braucb or mrdh'lur. v!, : [. . VWM bl, am,ld«l •iusUoa. HrmriIwbUi.S MirliuiAtc uaUikI tbo Bbiwu of mercury : tl.,,.,.,, ■« |>n.niinly oithurabiM. *“ TWENTY Y KAILS OF EXI'KRIKNt y In Iho IrcAlmeiit .4 a elm. of iIIiolu, o-glected oud ImpriTeclly imdor»ti««l, Urn tLbul Dr. Kfokelln (aidAor ,/i urbon b' proyo Uiai nlne-toiitlM ofibo c«u,™ ,, “ debility, local and ooustltutluual weuknes* i,. Wl uV phy,leol oulreriog, oro IrAcooblc lo OTwi, S, ' formlug tho moat secret yet deadly and faui ' of domrstio misery andjiretnaturemrirtalitv ^ „ . TAKE I'AKTlCLTdAR kSSSl 1 ' Ttiore Is an evil habit nomoUmoH Indulged in i, boyo la oolltudo, ollou irrowln K up wiufu,,! 1 , 1 moobood, ond which, Uika raormed todmimi' Mtoalr boiobi oorUouo oUttoclu to miirlo,iw£' plaou, butRlroo rloo uiooerln orwoiSSSloS ouh, ond dovmatliix oITmIIom. Lw of u7»l“w ' glvo w»y to this jwrnlcluur iirocUcoorotaiSoru" ■battered, feel ktroogo end unoec.uotal, . r.L?,. sod rogue room lo llii inb.d. k TTto uofortunoto thuo bio:onio feoiiin , , Ubor with oceuotomed vigor™, toLR * f- ■tudy ; biootopl, tardy J,d woo? jdtojtod eogngOH lo bo. ,,.„l .mi few Voergy £2, j lfbo emoocliioto l.lmielr beforo the oroctiooi... U U unll'ulini'| lr li l ff f " uu ' r '""trluiony, iL toarrliji! 11 "t™"" 0 Wn > hi c«7, ?* r ‘y lollhw. Ibooo ord cotodderohoo. *tuoto,l h d **- “tloouoo ol Ujwo iinithjf, „.,V* r ». r ? |ul, f s *Lo fLIIIImont of cohdltino?, | ( So™ 1 “A feohy tho cauoo of mutual hou |iiOL.ot. Lould tho veil which cover. Uio oriuiu 01 . on.e.Uc wntuhedocio be mbod, oo.[ Ito iuTS,?. hi '-y.-ry iortoheu dbclusml—fo bow trinoy could It J-.*] J-J lrn,:< '' 1 tophyrlcol .lla<iuuUn>-.itioo A ‘aud tbeil utl'Rihilit di«n|i|Kjioiiiieiih<, A|i]ilt< UlC'li wlilli, it lime, hi order m here y.uir otHiruog uml reioxet urgastgatbm ■^^Wfflw'Sa'o fie who iilacca hlmeoirunder Ur. Klnkollen’oliooi. snout Way rellgiutinly conilde In hlH honor aa a ueti. tli-miin, rely ujhhi the assurance, thst the aocreti e Dr. KV. fiaUeiice will never be disclosed. Young man—let no fabo modesty deter you fro*, making your ease known to one who, from elites tion and respectability, can certainly belt lend you loo many think tU-y will conceal tbo , mi .i their own heart**, and cure them.-elvi*^ Alas! kna *4t*-u is IliL a fatal delusion, and how runny a j rnii, wing young man, who might have been an oroiiui-u to society, lion fadiil from the earUi. Fir Ii* lures 'of thu uretliTa are rupldly removed l* the application nl a new therapeutical agent, m-j only by Dr. K. \\ c-akucs* und constltiiUuial debi„ Ry prumidly cured, and full vigor re-fared. COUNTRY INVAIJDF. O}" ‘"‘yv, ( tool* ewe explicitly, together with ai their Hymptoms per letter ei.clcalnia remit! tance)Dr. Ka. medicine, approprfattdnccordiuBli- lor warded to any partot the United flutes L.i lacked secure from danger or curiosity. READ 11 YOHlI AND MANHOOD. A VUlUKUfW UK* OK A l-KKMAU'KK W5AT»l-KI.\WttC( OX urk mm* vatiun : o.viv 26 * km>. It hi a work eminently required, as a mean, art farming the rices of Uio age In which we live. Alw NATURETJ GUIDE, ' WITU IlfUM WIK TU8 PKOLONUATIO.N OF UlX, KU ttlOX TUKrRtH*. A letter with a remittance of 25 cents, or the volt- iu lawt stamps, addressed to Dr. KJNKKli K»N, FLik delpbia, 1 a., will secure a copy oi cither ol the sb**vt hooka by returu ormall; ur 12 copies will be sou free ol iKJstago for *1. Booki-ellcrs, fTinraster*. Traveling Agonta, Ac., supplied wholesale at. fa publisher's prices, which admit of a large profit. Ay* All letter ■ must be i»*t paid. np24-tl P OlAlulvS.—loo barrels miperior Planting I'atotiM-**; 5% do Western Ifr-ds; atul 50 do Peach RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, j Blows, far sale by IOR prevention and euro of Intermittent and Romiltent Fcvui's, Fever und Ague, Chills and evor. Dumb Ague, Gcuerul Debility, Night Sweats, im«t ail other forms of disease which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. Thu is n natural antidoto which will entirely pro tect any resident or travolor oven lu the sickly or swampy lucidities, from any Aguo or Bilinus dis ease whatever, or auy Injury truiii cou-umtiy inhal ing Malaria or Miasma. It will Instantly check the Ague in persons who i Hanover—2 voU. have HulUireU for any length of time, from one day ! L -y i, 0 Ailaehl In A totwentv years, bo that they need never bavoau- * Uumaiiceoftlie _ imiGHAM, KELLY A CO. iiuiv. 9iiH8 MiutAi'g U N1TKI) States, Canada aud Cuba. Fcliwcgler's History ol Philosophy iu KiH'tume, Iruuslated by Scoyle. Prescott's Philip 2d ol’Hpulu, now supply iu half Call'uml iu doth. Nit)Hikim'*CoidhleuilsklCorre*txmdonee with bta brother Joseph. Ikivau's History of the ym-i-uV of the House of other chill, by continuing its use according to direc- I lions. The patieut at once begins to recover ap|>e- the and streugth, and continues uutil a peruiaucnt uud radical cure Is otfocted. • , Une or two bottles will answer for ordinary casos, I .Madrid. ' Harom. by Alisa Pttrdue. fou-hel Gray, by Julia Knvouaugh. Eariif.-t Uiinload, by Airs. Hcutz. marW. THORN K WILLIAMS. f*UHT HECNI VED.—20 boxes Shouldern, a German, French aud Spanish languages, accompany Hams, in store, aud for sale by each bottle. Price Oue Dollar. it^IJiieral dl=connu made to tho trade. J- A. RIDDLE, Proprietor, Providence, R. I. EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. Nkw Yokk, Juno 11,1855. ihavo made n cliomlcnl examination of "Rhodes’ ■••'veritnd Aguo Cure, or Antidoto to Malaria," uud ivo te.,ted it for Arsenic, .Mercury, Quinine, nud - vvhnlne, but have nut fouud n particle of cither fo **r have I found any subsuiucu in its compost- Hint would prove imurious to tho constitution. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. Ik, Chemist. CAUTION V •• sUF'FiatElW. 14 no ui**re Arsenic, Tom -j. Mercury, Quinine, luces, Htrychnlue, nr Anti-Prodics of any kind. Tne well-known inefficiency of these noxious jiolsous prove them fa l>o the oil'sprlng eithor of false mofiicai principles, or of mereeuary quacks. The only rem edy fo existence Hint is imth sure and harmless Is Sho was <lurk*‘!o-i| by being relit to Hiis country in .-L-.-t-n 1V ,» i.n-e n-ni' her infancy ; iu her old age slio has Ih*oii restored i V s , , . , 1 AGlfr cii.h. buck to her beauty by America, M bolesnlo Agents, our/a mativa • UAVILAND, RlSI.hl « CO., Augustu, (la. - UI ' ,A “ A - > A ’ - by dealers generally. wavnk. grknvillk a ro. $150 REWARD". qjl Tho above reward will bo paid for the ap- proheusou of my man JOHN, who rauawuy / §L from mo on tbeulghl of tho 17th of March lost. *13-11U is about b feet b or 9 nine inches high, thick sel, au*l weighs about 160 or ICO pounds, aud is very black, Hu is n carpenter by trado, and was ouco owned by Air. Neely, formerly of Columbia, 8. C, Thu boy may be about Columbia at this time. An a-hllliviial reward will bo |uUd with proof to convict auv white iiersou harboring suit! boy. GILBERT BUTLER, tovuntmh. January 18,1660. JnulS £ir* ihu Caroliuiau, Columbia, nnd the Standard, Charle-biu, will please copy the alwive two weeks, folly, and charge this ofilr-e. RAN AWAY From tho brig Abby France*, on tbe night of November 1st, a slave, belonging to Balti more, nutned GEORGE I BON. fie fo sup- ii r * *■ T.I.I., Cm-,.n u.,.1 i j* .. . , Ifo intcuded purposes, that of restoring Alctafo of 1 llUYAI* Sl'ilKJBAAl SITIIVAPP6, ------ '- r ^'. MI . . C ™J, >0 »*hawfo, Ac., , every description liark to tlieir original filuish and j fTlHlS medicine linn becu analysed by the most. iiu., a26 ( Drugs, AtedUtlwm atul Clmiulvals, Dye Wood? Dye F'Dili.-i, Fri'indi, foigii-li, and American |Vr. . ery, fm*- T«sl*-l un-l .simviug .Sw|h, i;<iuiIm t I |*i izv I du ? it** in •*f. . . . do... •In... cleaned and Qul.dicd in the lln-t style. todies’ Bonnofo dyed, bleached atul pressed In tho most fiuJiioiiaMo styles. Orders from llm country promptly ulteuded to. Terms moderate. When inrccls lire sent by steainlMKits *ir railroad, word should Im* rent him by letter through tin* mist olfiise, fo that he may know when) to call for them. fa«i» J'* ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. •I. E. 1)K FORD, APfJTHKGARlFlS ILMJ^S. H Dirner or, Bruiigliiiin nnd Hiriiard streets, tovmi- to; i Winder ale nnd retail Dealers in h uml •rfum- .. - —- - •■——i- - , wwiui* mid |lr*Mlii'-i nl every de.-cri|iti«iii, .Surgical nud Dental liiAtreiucnii, Trus-i-s und r*up|Nirti*rs of nil klmfo, P|ii* * n, Huiitfs, Alanuliicturud Tolmccu, All llm Pafonl Proprietary Medicines of tlm day, Hum-rlor Inks, I Pure Wines uud llrandies for Me*llchuil purimst-s I Extract., for Flavoring, T.illet uud Foiiey Artieles, fto. ifoT* N. It-—to|iecial utluuifon givun to the iin-iiaiutiuii of PhysiciuiiH' I'ruscriptlotiH and Family !!"' •"'I' Family nnd Travelling Medicine (Mkch. Willi plain lilrectioiM for use, Including Dircctioux for tri-utineiit fo uiscm of iKdsmiiiig, Drowning. 4kc. qpi iy B AtHJl *U AND llOPK^—ou balen henry Gunny Oloth, 20 bo;fo heavy Dundee (for Sea 1**1- an-Jn,) 60 bolts medium do 44 Inches, 300 coils Ky U«p4q 000 lbs Bagging Twine, in ntora ami for sal by °" T l * W KHSTEIt .1 PALMK8* T^liKKII Hilnioti, IajUkIow and* Uardinen,' for X sale by Jan 2 A RON AUD. INDIAN 8TP-KKT FOUNDRY. D. ft. WILLIAM RUSK, mux axii mam niPMnao, juiawkwiiw, ammirxkkai. MAUIIMKIM, SAVANNAH, (IA., Aim prupared fa make cimtruuU with rail- roads ami others, to Ihmlsh them with Iruu 'and Brass Cm-tiugs of every dcscrli>U*Hi; Hint S -0 . 'V ?faD°"'*ry Knginen, llorizmital ; fa" 1 torliMul Sugar ills, with two or three rollers, | Sugar Pans, fto., Steam Saw Mills, Roll Gangs, nml i *n*i« diieiy uppurtaluiug to tho same, su-amlioat I ,u "* “!* klmfo of Gcueral Jobbing attended to . with punctuality and dfo|tut**h. Tlioy trust by at- I -•iwiucw, tool Junto'. III nil wurk ImlrrallSfo r ''“ r0 U1 ""' rl1 “ “ r l-ul-Hti u- ,S !' WICu|«, WMMtaii.Mnnanl tt .tor Cock., uni u vnrluty M iteMiml Urn-n work. !Su prlcoJ° r IM ‘' 1 ‘ lurrJ '> - ,lw *y" ou l»na m rcummn! 49-Hnah W(il||llU. Owl Iruu Sluiua tor uutlora ut vnrluiui luilturil.-i toU Kllun, .1 nnrlliuru prlura. uiiiiu. uiui llm WurlMlnu Stoniutnini Wlinrf. icbti •WOUW IKON WORKS, Mnuuu, uKunuu. Jk Thu Hiibmirliiitr, Irulu tun. uxiKirlonno lu jfV>)“ Lunlurauj-l . prciwrcd to tnruUh Stem «FS* l "S!l. clrcul * r i Stu«K «ul Uu. H.w Mill Ufcilitnerr, Urlot nnu u.rchnui MUli, Huinr Ullb, Ulu Uiwrlmr. nml Uuuimiii to ,un‘ nr.t. TliuBnw Kramo« wliulliur tor unilolaur ulr. uu nr, will hour Iruu when r^ulruj. Jill «r whtoh, with hfo tnuny Improvements, U warranted tube ••qual to the tost made at any other mtablfohment. ills works are au a aualo an extensive ax tho largest nt llm North, and hu is prepared to fill orders with prmnpUieus and dispatch. •“Mri IROBKRT FINDLAY beauty, which they will retain evenwhen subject to 1 l eminent Chi-mlsfo nnd l , iiy?lclatw' , lu Europe ^ 1 1st from, uml gives a must i amt tho I'nlled States, uml prqnouuecdi_by;_ihr the posed to have stowed himself away onboard romt- vessel bound North ur to Europe. Master** ol ▼ohsoIs aro cautioned ugahfrt faking him away now—tjr_ EDWARD GARDNER. Master. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Ifanawsy from the subscriber, near Fort Brown. Bat hour county, (Ala..) .t negro mau numcil 110B, aged 24 ) ears, weighs about 140 PRKDIspusi- ; •M.pouuds, 6»i fo 6 feet 11 niclieH high, and has exposure. It removes rust beautiful iH’ilish to eltln*r Brass, Steel, Iron, C'opjior,' fo-td retnetlv for (.TIOLIC. GRAVEU . - - - - Silver, Tin, Hrilunulu, German Silver 1'lnfrd Ware,. TION TO moLERA. AFFECTION OF THE KIDNEYS, • l **e iwculiar ncceiitniion of tlm lnw country. He has oml all hr ight Mctalln*. w *>rks «>f l>*vi»n»\ivcs, Steam- and ail dfouuses of the otwno crinakt omj * ns. changed fas imnv*. and Ih anp)*uset\ to he endeavor- Hhlpa, Steam and Fire l3*giu*M, Factories, Carriages, As a strciigtlicning ami Invigorating *:* dial it has ; hig to make his way North, jirobnhly under uhurgo IfamesH, Surgical ami Architectural Instruments, unequal. As usual with au article of 4, imsur- ! of Mime while person. The abovo reward will he Mc.lfiimry, ft* . pusaed reputallm*, It lias many unprincipled imiia- I'-'i' 1 1'T Jifo apprehension aud delivery to mo ut any For llm use of Military Companies, lor tlm |*olbdi- tors, win*. s»* l**ng us tlioy fo-nefit lliKr own packet. ! P"‘*it South. oct3 EDWARD 8. (JIT. fag "f their Arr.mry, it turn no equal. ! cure hut little for tin? lives and health ofHio-' ih.-v nifim, 1 rtTifTfirT mVT. ..Ann r.;™ For Ruilruad.-, .Seam-hip-* amt Manufacturing l niay endanger, and mantifaeture the basest coin-; LA 1 It AUllUJNAlii INSUJlANDK KsfaldisIitnenH, His by far tin* cliea|*est uud tnift piauufo, nnd call them uieiliciiie, ami other* too, with urtfalc in uxistenne, a view of bringing tho Royal Seliuldaui Schnupp- 1 . .... * —— 1 into dforeputo, mlvertfoe, soil, or attempt to sell, an : Extract ot a tetter from Norfolk, Va., daltst Jauua- N. YORK AND SAV’D. LINK UK .•'TK.VJL^IIHS. , arlicle. which tln-y call ScbnnpjN, but which is imth- : .. r >’ Lth, 166*1; Savannah, May 20th, 1863. : ing more than 11 vile c*>ni|*oiiu«l of jsnir Gin, Altolml 1 MR ^ Ks ;* s *' • Hwiiiin** ft Uo.. New York, Wo the undersigned, caimnmiidon* ot Hi*: New ; un-l Spirits of Turpentine, tot ull uinvarc how they Gentlemen : uu tho 7l!i of December last Mosar*. Yor uml Savannah Him ur Steamships, have had tho 1 tnsfo hucIi traHi, umt beware hew they believe the “ J-’q.’s Express Oillee, sllUAtotl lu u large four new Mutaliu I’olfoh of Mr. Wm. Humphreys, tested advertisement* of quacks, lest, by a broken cointtliii- ••*-—* •*■- •— on tho varioiis bright lueluiic works ur our sUIjh Hou, and u pre*lfopns|tinn u» iutemperunre, com-e- and riH!cuiuuit*u*l it as an urtlcb* unnjiullcii tor its | qm-nt on drinking such dangerous and iutoxicatinc intemt. it pur|*osu. 1 li«pi«rs, tlioy hoc but too Into their error. Remembei Ttaamw to*»u, Orttt'dur stearnnhip Agusfa, - m> immiKUiml or preparation called Suhimpp* is from M. rt. ondhutl " • • Florida, our dlslllory, unless bearing our corjKirnie mark and ,. -v too. R. Ndicuk, ' •* AUbiinit*, slgnuture ii|»*iii the label nml u rapiM-r, and seal 15. C' * fa G'Wihr®; aud il aiiythlng can resist such heat It fo ft On., ui»on tbo cork. Any person or person* liuikit- ! f ,,ou Kh—Hr** cmild out Ik* hotter—it fo a triumph 1 lug our Royal Sclu-ldam Schnapps, will he dealt with ' ®n*'Uw4* a certificate from several par- l«i lb*- utmost extent uftlio law. • wlm saw It opened. I RFJiYKA, CARTER ft CO., . Yours, truly, M , .. , “•*•( | Sole Importers, New York. ! lllIWUND k Mk. Wm. IKmpki.'Y s : Dear sir—Tlm new Mctalic 1 For sale !*>• J. E. DiFuItD. Wholnrale nml Retuii j ckktihcatk. V -Wl » >‘. mr maimthrture. fo now fo Agent for Savannah, at the Aimlhecnries' llall. cor Nonroix, Va., Jan. 1*. 1853. use ih an article which has no*uiperlor f«*r tbe ixilfoh- 1 tier Broughton nnd Karnnrd-itrectii. ; By request «»f Messrs. Rowlaud ft Bros., wo Ihfo tunrSli iy J *• • •-• ----- *’ JOHN B.9IOOHEikCO., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS. SAVANNAH.. Ga. WttOLKSALKR HFTAII. MtVOGlSTS. nware how they *»lor> brick iui.biiilg, in this city*' waalitiaSydcslniy e.t by fire, uml tlmir sure remaiued buried iu the burning ruins until yesterday, when it was dug out, n, " , R ,l,,l d 8nrr*»unUed with live coals, Hod Schnapps Is from ' aiwwftt ml-lua iron lay hoslde it,) tho brass i* eoiiiorate mark and I oritainents und nobs melted nlf. We were wltueMes Capt. Lodbiw* Knoxville. watfJTworks. EnOINKKK's IbTAKTMKNT. I rtaviuumh, August 3d. 1866. J n'tf • Ikia# fell*. -I'll., IK.IM Ii ■ - - z .... superior for the polish- ng of bright inctnile works. *M. ii. LIN VI LI J-:. Engineer rtavtinna't Water Works. rilATIlAM 'aUTILIJvKY. Aiuitiitv Ham., Savaiiiinh, May A, tmi Mm Wm. Humi'UHVh : Dear Sir—Tim Uliulham Artilfary Imltig much pi*-«se»t with the hiimfoome milliner in which you have Hiy|m.| uu uid six |Miumlcr which was surreu,l»n- - - »il Would call the ntle**;*on of Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their ex- CJl tensive uml well selected stuck, comprfolug wy article iu their liue ofliusiuess, uud which they l«'r u lik'li wiwitornii.lunto .-iUI,,. MpUnMIw ' w tom’™?,‘to rrdm SI? lm,H ( “ r NVhlto toad, Pure and No. 1 5 Tbnnan’sCo dircctud me tuexnruss to you their thanks. The Melallu Ptfilsli you niamifacturu of Orlza to- tlva, cannot be to highly rerommeu*le«| t*» ull tboso wuoliave brass guns to (silfoli; lor such a iHirisiso U lias no Hii|s*ri«*r. I Ihiuk I may safely say that berenlfor tho Ghnthnm Artillery wlU use no other malarial fur ikjIIhIiIiik tliolr gun*, II' they uuu procure your Mulatto Polish. Ifaxpoctfolty yours, fto M. J. BUCKNER, Orderly Serg't C. A. For salo by Messrs. HONE ft CONNERY, “ W. II. KAIUIKIJ, * Cu. “ J. T. JUNKS, 1 “ \Y. U. KUUvKR, All ardera must be acccomtianled by tlm cash. “ WM. HUMI'HRKYH, out u Cheiuisl, tovauiiuh. V, JftoS FRtfSrA FORSTOmcir TACOB DAILY, Manufitcturcr of Iron Store W Fronts, Columns, Girders, window Ifomfo.Rilfo, fto. Respectfully rails the attentlou of Builders, fafatho pnhllc in general to hfo Foundry, BROAD STREET, HE1DW 8PRING GARDEN. Plitladelphia, at which place he would to please*! to meet Ha m. and enter Into arrangements for forni ihiug thu above articles at tlm rtiioHTixr Nonnc on the most reasouu- bio terms. Bulldluga manufactured by Mr. Bally, aro opon fo mptetkm la Philadelphia. Im aprlft •;•: ~«*v • , •Hiiimii 1* Colors, dry and In oil; Jup.1i), Uo|hiI, ami t'oaeli Varnishes : Utiseed oil, Kplrifo Tiirpentitie, Wlmlow Gloss, Put ty, (fold tour, I'alnt Brushes, tosh T*miIs, aud Gla- tiers s Diamumfo, LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OILS, Blenched Sperm, Whnlo nml lard Oils, tor burning ; nil descriptions of uilr*»r machinery, viz., Phtvut Oil Unbleached Sperm, tord aud ifapo S-e-t Oil; nl-n Tanner*,* Koala, Foot and 8weet OIL GROCERS' AltTK'LEH. Nutmegs, Mnco, Afoplco, Cmuamon. I'eppor, Ginger. Miufard, toleratus, rt*s|«, I'curinsli, rtw*-*-tuil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, fto. Foil PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the best French, English, nml American Chemicals, I'hartunueulieul Preparations, Sclrat faiwders, Surgical Instruments, Ylafo rtiieeie Jars, Mefallc toddle bags, ftp. Also, l-AMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any ono who mny favor them with their orders may depeml U|s*n their receiving tho host attention, nnd that all goods t\iruUUu<l will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they mny to returned at tlm option «*f the |micloser. nmhlO tl fiOUN AND COBN'MEAL—1000 buaprirao vJ Corn, Whlto and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal 0 atoro and for aale by <taotl PATTKN, HUTTON * CO. day ulteuded the opeulng of one of Herring’s Patent Firo-prooftofes, which wus lu tho fire of .♦ecember 7, heliingiiig to Messrs. Adams ft Co.'s Express, and ; f«iim*l the i-ajH-rnnd ronlenis I11 a pt'rfwjt state of preservutiim. ii was, hi our opinion, os severe a lost as could be bail. A largo four story building entirely destroyed, and tlm sate remaluud Iho whole tlnm surrounded by fire, and subject to on fotouse heal, for forty days heroic dug from the ruius. (Fumed.) Geo. I. Amuuwux, WI1.UAM D. Rkv.nouw, Mil ra Davis, 0. Hail A. a M'Cixix, W. W. Jacuus. I ail) fully sattKlled with the maimer lu which the abovo mettuned sale preserve*! Its contents. A. A. COWDKUY, Ageut Adams ft 0o.’n Express, Extract from n Norfolk paimr: A hams' rtAFK.—Ono of Herriug's celebrated Fire- proof .Vufes was lu Aduius’ Express Ulllce wlteti the DUlldliig was burned several weeks ago. It remain ed burled in tho rubbish until Thursday, when It wn- taken out. Hie fire, on the occasion alluded to, wus one of the fiercest we ever saw, and when the chest was found, alter a Input* or forty days, it was surrounded by embers, glowing brightly. When opened, thu |iapers, mul othtr articles it confaiued, were fouud fo be sauud atul generally fo good condi tion. thus nfibrdlug another proof of the severity and su|H*riorlty of these nates. Tne one alluded to may be Koeu nt the wnre-huuse of Messrs. Rowlaud ft Bros., who are agouts for the makers. It shows clearly thu evidence* or Its hicotulmsUblo qualities, when us exterior was red-hot fo the burning for- nnee that mdihI around It, and amid tho ember* that glared around it for hours, days and weeks. Herriug's Patent Champion Fire-woof Bates, vrtth Hall's Patent Puwdor-proof Locks, for tola by BELL It PRENTISS, Afents, GW S6T>BXAh| Oft, W * R. MOSELKY’S INFIRMARY. M)R tho treatment of Can--! cers, Wens, Fistula, aud all kinds h-, or Tumours, fo now open for the I--H .reception or Patieut*. Hfo T.,*ir. 4 raary Is located near tho Dejiot and Po»t OBite, 0, Broadwuy. and contains about thirty large and wen furnished Rooms, with guod and trusty n-rvo&u, a.t at band, both ladies and gentlemen are receiv ed at this Institution, and will receive tho most stile and kind attention from the Proprietor, u wella^ his Matron. His practice In that horrlhlo dkease Cancer, for the past ten years fo twt tart-used t»> any Physician in the South. Patients no board*! at tl j»cr diem, or $16 per month, $10 being required in advance. ft5$r Fees to bo agreed upon before tho caso is uu dertakon. AU communications must be po?t pm j addressed to W. R. M0SFXF:y alJ g « Grlflln. <;» “SHK BRaAtLE rAToTr' n WHOLESALE ft RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Corner Spy of Broughton and Whitaker Streets, Savannah. W Oo- Are now receiving a large sterk oi gen eft ufoo Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pt.fmnerv, oodGerman Cologne, fo great variety—Paints, Oil- Window Glass, Laui ,lard's Snufl’, IziuUreth’s new crop Garden Seed, 76 per ct. Alcohlo, Burning Fluid and Camphine, Fancy Soaps, Brushes ftc. Tbo attention ol Physicians D dlrcctod to their ex tensive assortment of Chemicals, recontly **it* uu from the manufacturers. Terms cash, or approved credit* ». D. BRANTIFY, M D. T. S. 1-OWElto M. D j^n 11 l> MODE EA(BRdiDERIES.—To tho Judies iu 111 particular we would address our advertise meut of an additional assortment of real French worked Collars, Fleeces, Chemisette. Cutis, at d handsome Linen Ctambric Handkerchiefs, com,* and examine for yourselves, at mnrll LADSON ft ROGERS. RATES OF ADVERTISING, For ouo square, or300 ems or less, of any trim n. 1 larger than Nouparoll, 76 conts for the first ami 6u cents far each subsequent Insertion,far any time fan than ono month. All Tabular work, with or without Rules; and Ad vertfoements occupying double column, shall be charged double the above rates. Advertisements or whatovor length, far auy tltue less thau one month, to bo charged at transieut rates. For a louger time at the following rates NO ol Squares lmo|2mo3 3ruos 4mae|UtnoKfi 1 Square,.... $10 10 *20 $24 $30 2 Squares... 10 22 20 28 30 3 do .... 20 27 32 30 44 4 du .... 24 32 38 42 62 6 do .... 27 36 44 4ft 00 0 do .... 30 40 60 64 06 7 do .... 32 43 54 68 70 8 do .... 34 40 68 62 74 6 do .... 8$ 48 01 06 77 10 do .... 38 60 04 70 80 $40 50 SO 1C 80 00 100 no 118 126 i-ur uny tiuiu uot abovo spoclfiod, a proportloua charge will be made. A doductlou of 26 t*cr cent from the above rafoi will be made ou advertisements appearing extlu- slvely on the fourth page of the dally, Advortfoomeuts ordered three times a week, will bo charged two-thirds tbo abovo rates. Special notices, 10 cents per lino far the fir.-L an I 6 cents far each subseqent Insertion, auu iu no case to be subject to contract. Marriage notices tl. Fu neral iuvlfalloui 60 conts each. No specfol notice* insertoil for Iras thau 60 uunts. Obituary Notices. Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of auy Socfotj. Association, or Corporation, ordered to to pubiL-l. c*L 6 cents per line. Steamboats will bo advertised at $40 rer nutium for each boat advertised. Steamships, where but une Is ruuuing, $40 iht an num; ir twoor more, $30 each. Auctioneers’ advertisements nut to to subject 1* contract, but to he charged ul the rates prescribed per square. Thu paper, uuder no circular fauces, to be includ ed lu n cent ruet. Professional and business cards not etreodmg <* lines, will to inserted at $20 per annum. Culls on iiersou* to become candidate*, will to Inverted ns other advertisements, to ho twid 101 in variably lu advunco. Announcing candidates for ofilco, $10, to be paid In udvaitcc.' Advertisements not marked ou the cony tor s s;willed tiuiu, will bo Inserted until forbid, and pay meut exacted. When any bill for two mouths advertlting, otbei than contract, amounts to over $50, a deduettc-u . 1 25 )a*r cent will to made. Yearly advertising, with privilege or chunk-0 sill bo taken at the following rates : For nno squaro, renowablo onco a week, *-);> " " “ twice *• 65 '* “ •* 3 limes or oftvner 70 Every additional square contracted forte bu charg ed one hull'Uio abova rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall bo limited to the »pac« contracted for. All contracts shall to In writing, stating definitely ths nature of the business to be advertised. Any advertisements not proiwrly con neoled with the buHlnoss shall be charged separate ly. und also any excess of matter over the amouut contracted for, Contract advertisements payable quarterly; ad vertisements from sirauccra sod transient parsons, payable In advauco. All others will be considered duo when called far. Regular advertisers aud all others sending com rounicatioua or requiring notices designed to csU at tention to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public en tertainments, where charges are mad© lor admit tance—all notices of private associations, every no tice designed to call aUeutlon to private cut or nr in'* calculated or intended to promote Individual lute rests, can only to Inserted with tho understanding that the aarau is to to paid for. ir luaoi ted In the editorial column (which can ho ouly at the dfocro lion or tho editors) the same will bo charged at th«- rate oT uot loss than 20 cents per line. Advertisements ordered In the Weekly toper. $1 per square for each Insertion. Tho undersigned, publishers of Dally, Trt-Weckl> aud Weekly nowspaiw* iuBavanuau. Ga., ulmigu ourselves strictly to adhero to tbo abovo bill of charges, and In no Instance to deviate therefrom. The above rates to take effect March 1,1853, and to continue binding, until changed by the vote of a majority of tho uudoralgnod. N. IL—This schedulo shall not In any way cllect Die mtegrtty of existing contracts. An contracts fat Ihe year or any other specified time, shall only cease with the expiration of the period for which they were made. AuuKOUk Siam, JiqwlUean. J. O. Wiuou It Oo., OKratan. „ Tzanno* k WracwtUK, Mcntioo AV-- 4* b» r