Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 16, 1856, Image 4

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fcflitl ^bbcrtiscntcnts. C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Andrew Holliday, will ap ply at the Court ofurdlnary for letters of Dismission •n tho Estate of Ar wand 1* Fox. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom U may couoorn, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they nave) on or be fore the first Monday lu Juno next, otbcrwlso said Letters will be granted. Witness, ham Hgnov STATIC OF GEORGIA, p HATH AM COUNTYTo nil whom It may couccrn: Whereas, John Wolbrook will apply lers will be granted. . fitness, John M. Mlllcn, Esq. Ordinary Itor Chat* \ County, this twelfth day or November, 1866. ov 12 JOHN M. MILLKN, o. c. «. at tho Court of Ordinary for Loiters Dlamlssory as Administrator on the ostalo of II. Wolbroek : Thorn are, tborofore, to clto aud admonish all whom U may concern, to bo aud appear before said Court to make ohlectlon (Ifauy they havo) on or before tho llrst Monday lu Juno next, otherwise said Letters will bo grouted. Wituoss, John M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary lor Chat ham county, this fourth day of December. 1866. d.v4 JOHN M. MILLKN, o c c. STATIC OF UKOltGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY s—To all whom It may concern: Whereas, Johu Welbrock will apply at the Court of Ordinary tor letters of IUsmlsslou ns AdinidUtor oh tho estate of Carl Rolfo, deceased: Those are, thorufore, to cite aud admonish all whom It may couccrn to bo uml appear before sold Court to make objection (irony they havo) ou or bo* fore tho first Monday In Juuo next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness, John U, Milieu, Esq.. Ordinary for Ghat- him County, this fourth day of December, 1856. deed JOHN M. MILLKN, ou STATE OF GEORGIA, Administrator on tho Estate of Jouo Gordon Clarko. These are, thereforo, to clto and admonish all whom It may couccrn, to bo aud appear belbro said Court to moko objection (ifauy thoy havo) on or be fore the first Momlaylu Juno uext, other also said letters will be granted. 2Witness, John M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this fifteenth day of November, 1855. uov 124 JOHN M. Mll.LEN. o. o. c. STATE OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may couccrn: Whereas. John Mallory ,tvlll apply to the Uuurt of Ordmary for Letters Dlsmlsory as adminis tration on the Estate of William Wright theso are, therefore, to clto aud admonish all whom It may concern, to be nnd appear bolore said Court, to make objection (ifauy they havo) oner before the first Monday in November uext, olhwiso said Let ters will be granted. Witness, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary tor Chatham County, this e.ghtday of April I860. JOHN BILBO, o. c. 0. apr 8 C HATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will lie sold on tho first Tuesday lu Juue next, before the Court Houso, between tho legal hours or sale, lot number twelve (12) Now Franklin Ward, lu tho City of Savannah, situated on the corner of Mont gomery street and Battle Row, together with tho throe-story brick warehouse situated thereon; lovled on to satisfy a cortain Q. fa. Usuiug out of Chatham Superior Court, in favor or John Scuddor vs. Clar- euce P. Holds. Property pointed out in said 11. fa. BENJAMIN L. COLE. may6 Shorin'C.C. AOMIMSTRATOlCS ~S ALE." ClEORGIA, WAYNE COUNTY.-Agrceably \JT to on order granted by tho Court of ordinary of Wayne County, will bo sold before the Court House door, iu tho city or Brunswick, Glynn county, on tho first Tuesday lu June next, between tho law till hours of salo, seven hundred and fifty (750) acres of land, lying in Glynn county, belonging to the estate of Rebecca Maiming, lalo of Wayne coun ty, deceased. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. This April tho luth, 1850. JOHN P. HUMPH, aprl7 Administrator. NOTICE. ~ mWO months from date application will be 1 made to tho Ordinary of Chatham Couuty, fo< leave to soli lot No 151.9th district, Biker, belong ing to the estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, tna.v2 Administrator. NOTICE. SHERIFF Sale In Wayne County.—Will lie O sold In front of the Court House, in Waynesvillr, Wayne County, ou the first Tuesday in Juuenoxt, between tho usual hours of sale, tho following pro- K ' f to wit: One lot of land in said county, couluin- >ur hundred and ninety acres, known as lot No. 105, in the third district of said county. Levy made by a constable and returned to mo. WILLIAM SPELL, S. W. C. April 24, iSStt. w 11 may-28 notice; O NE month after date application-will be made to tho Bunk of tho State of Georgia for tho payment of a Twenty Dollar bill, the left half ol which has been lost by mail. ROBERT B. HUTCHISON. Paulding County, April 55,1850. apr25 NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the late firm of W. II. FARRELL <C CO., are requested to call, aud receive their money, before the first day of Juno ensuing, ut which tlmo a final disposi tion will bo made between tho respective copart ners. GEO. \V. DAVIS, apr2fl fit % Receiver. From V. H. PALM Ell, UKXKRAL ADVIRTWIXa AND NKWMWI'KK AlltWT, Boston, New York) Philadelphia, aud Baltimore. JAMBS U. K1DLEH, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF Watthcu, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fan cy Goode, die., no. 12, hocth 2d mum, raiuDRumu. *opt8 ly NELSON NWEEZKY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Cornor Autor l’laco and 4th Avenue, IN CLOMC PROXIMITY TO Till AKTOH UllRAUY AND THK NSW WKUt UOl’HX, NKW VOKK. mHK most extensive variety aud the largOHt I stock of Monuments, Tombs, Head Stoues, Ami., I uA merles, cau bo found at this establishment, from plain to the most clnbornto and ornato In design and workmanship, lu addition to tho stock always ou hand, a great variety of drawings, appropriate aud origliml umy bofouud, from which work will be ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, aud shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons vUltiug the city or New York ou pleasure or business aro reapoctfolly Invited to visit this vs- tabllshmcnt. octU hjmf nnnmcifisKY— WAREHOUSE, 140 Conor** and 67 St. Julim Streets. T HE UNDERSIGNED would take thin oppor tunity to express to his Mends aud tho public generally, his alncoro thanks for thoir liberal patron- ago and mfluonce, which has resuttod luextonslou ot his trade to all parts or the State. Also, Carolina, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby enabling him to oxhlblt a stock unsurpassed In auy Southern city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, and Steam boat Owuora are particularly invited to oxatnlne the present stock, which Is uow complete in all tho various departments, consisting In part orthe follow ing goods, vis: CARP El DEPARTMENT. Royal MedaUon, Royal Volvot, Mocot Wilton, Mocot Brussels, rapostry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, three ply Ingrain, fwo ply Ingrain, Mosaic Hearth Rugs, Volvot and Chenille Rugs, Tufted Rugs, Plano and table Covers, Door Mats(every variety,) . . , Silver A Brass Stair Rods, Wool Dutch, Carpets Bindings, Ac. CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Brocatellcs. Lace and Muslin Curtains, Satin de Lalues, Gilt Cornices, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Pins and Bands, Worsted and Cotton Damask, Tassels, Loops and Cords; Velvot and Plush of various colors; Window Shades, uew style. Also, every variety or Furniture Covering, Trim mings aud materials lor decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Halls and Rooms, cut to fit without a seam. Tho subscriber will obllgo himself to make the prices on all description of goods as low as the same quality can bo purchased in any Northern city. 43- Carpets cut to Rooms and goods sent to any part of the city free or charge. 43* An oxiterlenced Upholster will attend to the making and laying of Carets and Oil Cloths when dosired. The decorative and curtnlu department Is n charge of an Upholster of acknowledgedtaatoand skill. W. H. GUION, Agout. octlS 140 Congress and 57 St. Jullen-sts. NOTICE. iai'V DAYS alter date, application will be ► mado to the Honorable, tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to -sell a negro girl slave named Elizabeth, the property of the iato Charles J. Zittrour, for the benefit ot tho heirs and oroditors of the said Conrles J. Xittrour. KATHARINE XITTROUR, Adm'rx. mar 24-tlj Kst. Chus. ,1* Xittrour, Uec'd. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. J OHN M- WILLIAMS, having assigned all bis property, both real aud personal, to adjust his debts, all persons having legal claims against tho said Johu M. Williams, will please baud them to the undersigned without delay, as li is quite dcsirablo to ascertain tho extent of indebtedness, nnd l» per fect a speody settlementof the assigned property Assignee. apr28 HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. ‘ execijthIx~p^pp«nedsJyl'e." O N tho First Tuesday in June next will be sold before tho Court House in Wares boro. Ware County, Ga., by virtuo of an order from tho Ordina ry of Richmond county. Geo. Lot of lund Nos. 320, 322,325, 320, 327, 612. 013. and 629. iu the twelfth, (12th) district; Nos. 200 and 307, ninth (9th) dis trict; and No. 490, In the eighth (8th) district of aatd Ware couuty; sold as the property of Itobt. F. Poe, late of Richmond county, docoasod, for tho bonolltof heirs aud creditors. K. I'. POK. my 11 tds Executrix. ADMISTltATOH’M NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the estate of tho late Clmrlos H. Arnold, decousod, are hereby notified to present thorn, properly attested, within tho time proscribed by law; and till those In debted to said estate, are requested to make imme diate payment to EDWARD PADELFQKI), may8 Administrator. UAH.EY &. CO,. M anufacturers or Fine silver ware, Chestnut streot, Philadelphia, lu order that purchasers may be certain of tho quality of Silver Waro of our manufacture, our Sterling Silver will bo stamped: OR. HANFORD'S INVIGORATOll, I S a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, and In recommended to tho public, relying upon its in trluslc worth lu the cure of the following couinlnluto All Blflious Derangements, Sick Headache, Dyspop; da, Habitual Costivouess, Chronic Diarrhea, Colli: Palu In the Stomach and Bowels, General Debility* Female Weakness, Ac. For salo by Druggists gou ; orally, and by Johu. B Moore A Go, and Win. W* Lincoln, Saranuah. ly febl’I LET UN n E A 80 NT OWE THE It. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS—WHY ARE WE SICK? S T has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by ills nose ami sullerlug. HUL- WAY'S PIUS are specially adapted to tho rebel ortho weak, tho nervous tho delicate, and the lu- firm, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions.— Professor Holloway personally superintends tho manufacturo of his medicines lit tho United States, .ind oilers thorn to a freo aud enlightened people, as tho best remedy the world ever saw for the removal •>f disease. THESE FILIfl PURIFY THE FLOOD. These famous Mils aro expressly combinod to ope rate ou tho stomach, the livur, tho kidneys, the mugs, the skiu, and tuo bowels, correcting auy de rangement in their functions, purifying tho blood, the very fountaiu or Ilfo, aud thus curing disease iu all Its forms. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half the human race havo tukeu these Pills. It has been proved iu all parts of tho world that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders or tho liver, dyspepsia, aud stomach complaints generally. They soon give a houltby one to those organs, however much deranged, uml when nil other means huve fulled. GENERAL DEBILITY—ILL HEALTH. Mauv of tho most despotic governments liuvo opeued thoir custom houses to the Introduction ol those Pills, that they may bocomo the medicine of tho masses. Learned colleges admit that this modi- cine Is tho best remedy over known for persons or delicate health, or where tho system has bcou im paired, us Us Invigorating properties never fail to allbrd relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old, Hhould bo without this celebrated luediciuo. It corrects aud regulates tho monthly courses at all periods, uctiug lu many cases like a charm. It is ulso tho best and safest medicine that eun bo given to children of all ages, and for any complaluts, consequently uo family should bo without it. Hollowuy’s PUIs aro the best remedy kuown iu tho world for tho following discuses: Asthma, Bow- : „ ... •-••vniHH umviuv. , iiniuiuu, UUW- ol Complaints, Coughs,Colds. Chest nbtum. Cootlr- soon, Inrapepsla, Vonoreal AflhcUoua, Murrhma, Do- bilitv. llroiuv. Vnvttp nntl Amin Vmi.niA r»>o blllty, Dropsy, Fever and Aguo, Fcnialo Complaints, Headaches, Stouo and Gravel, Lowness or Spirits, Imllgostlou, Influenza, Inflammation, Inward Weak- ne.‘s. liver Coiupluiut, Piles, and Worms of all kinds. Bold at the manufactories of Professor Hollowuy, » Maiden Inno, New York, ami 244 Strand, Imu- don, and by all resjiectable Druggists and Doulers iu •Medicines throughout tho United States, aud the civilized world, lu boxes ut 25 cents, Q2K cents, aud $1 ottch. 43* There is a considerable saviug by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for tho gnidauce of patients every disorder are affixed to ouch Pot. apl26 READ I—READ 11—READ III That is, if you can sco; and AkAi if you cou’t soo, you cau Hiniy^T* *T unaali kinds or “helps to Heo,” ut tho WatcVuuil Jowolry Storo of I). B. Nichols & Co., lu Congress streot, next door to tho oorncr of Whitaker, whero you cau purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, uml Faucy Goods, as low us ut any other store in tho country. Wo have roeoivod per steamship Alubuma a fresh lot of' Uioso lino Steel Spcctaclos ; also, a supply of I’cbblo and Porlscoplc Lens, which wo are propared to fit In all kinds of rraraoa, ut short uotlco. Our Porlscoplc Lens (so called from their poculiar shape) have au advantage over all others, as thoy havo a greater range of focus, so that tho reader Is not compelled to hold tho book or paper at a certain distance from tho eye. Cull and seo. „ . D. B. NICHOLS & CO. JUST No charge for showing goods. nmrll^ d. B. N. 4 CO. MAYER & BLVN, SUCCESSORS TO SALOMON MAYER. Wholoaalo dealers in Imported Wines. French Brandies, Holland Gin, Scotch and Irluh Whldlrv Tnmnlnn J m I n From C. PIKRCE'H anvnmMxu Aaxxot. wiiuhki.miia, -pa. Authorized Agent for the Havauimh Journal. I1HALTR “AND COMFORT* SPRING BED AND MATTRASS DEPOT. 209 ohwtnut Krtnocr, oi'iwmi joxW Hum. S HE SubHcrlbow would respectfully call tho nttentiou of Uio Principals or Boarding Schools, rding Houses, Hotels, aud tho public lu general, to the late and Important Improvements they hnvo made In tho Rattan Frames, Harness leather Hinged aud Spiral Springs. These Beils ore a very durable article, cost little more than Feather Beds, and aro much more healthy. In foci, theso beds aro a real luxury to the well or siok. .ad altogether such uu article as wlieu once used would be deomod indispensable lu every fami ly for comfort aud health. Persons ftrom any |iart of the UuUod Steles may be supplied at the shortest notice, by somllng their orders, gtviug dimensions or Omlstoud, fc»\, ad- drossed to DOWEIL & BAIlltEIT, oct3—Uiu 209, Chosmit st., Phllu. AllCIIAMliAUL,T, pisdlaiuous. K-'HKH O'if VuAllUK, II 0 HI’I.KNIIII) PA limit HNdllANINUM , —entitled '• Bolden Abbey In the Olden Times,” : a splendid StOel engraving, from the celebrated palutlnghy lsuidseer;und tho “Heiiaritiro of the Is- ruellles from Egypt,” a large uml beautiful engrav ing from a palming by D. Roberts. Tho retell price of the above engravings is 63 per ropy, hut will ho sent free. o/'i'Anq/e, as tallows:— PORTABLE STEAM ENGINE BUILDER, N» E. Com. lath 6i Hamilton St’s., PHILADELPHIA, Pa, P ORTABLE SAW MILLENGINES, on largo wheels, with a tonguo, for a team to be at tached to move them about. Theso engines havo tfto cylinders, mnktug (Tom 10 to 30 horse power. Also, HOISTING or PILE DRIVING ENGINES, from 3 to 80 horse power. Orders are filled In from 3 to 6 woeks from thoir receipt. Engiuos always on baud for salo. Theso englues havo boon In use sovon years, and in ovory instance havo given general satisfaction. Description Circulars will bo sent when applied for. fob 9—Cm UfcW HERRING'S PATENT FIRE-PROOF WITH HALL'S PATENT POWDER-PROOF LOCK. Having rocolved tho Prize Modal at tho World’s Fair, are now ottered to the public as tho Prize Sate of the World. Tosfod and approvud os they havo been every where, their crowning victory was rosorved to ho awarded by tho Juries of tho World’sFalr. Tho proprietor placed Ono Thousand Dollars In Gold In the ono exhibited at the World’s Fair, Lou don, and invited alltho Pick-Locks Hi tho world to open the 8ote, with or without the keys, and take the raouoy as a reward for thoir ingouuity; although operated upon by several skilled in the art, uo one could Pick the Lock or open the Sate. Tbo undeniable evidence of tho superiority of the Sates Manufactured by the subscriber Is known and acknowledged by a discriminating public, who are assured that all Safes mado aud sold by him, or his authorized agents, (none genuine except thoy havo his name on a metal plate,) will he found equal or superior to any of the many which have passed through the flrey ordeal, preserving tho contents un injured, as published and noticed by the press here tofore :—In the burning of tho Tribune building, the great fires In New York and Sag Harbor In 1846, at New Orleans In 1842, atTallahasseo in 1843, at Prov- idonce In 1840, at Auflhloand Now York City lu 1847, at St. Louis, Albany, Plattsburg and Detroit in 1848, tho great fires at St. Louis, at Milau, Ohio, and the great burning at Now Orleans iu 1849, the great fires In California, at Chicago and Syracuse in 1860, uud at the St. CharloH Hotel, NowOrleaua, In 1851, grout Urea In 1852 at Now York, Philadelphia, Clieraw, H. C., Moutreal, Canada, St. IamiJs aud Ogdonsburg, nnd many others. The metal portion or these Safes consists of the stoutest aud toughest wrought bar aud plate Iron, and the spneo between the outer aud Inner surfaces Is filled with a chemical preparation, which Is tho most perfect non-conductor of heat yet discovered, and which cannot he efl'ectcd or penetrate by Qro.— This fact has been established beyond question by the results of many exjierlments, attested by per sons of tho highest respectability. In every trial to which tho gcuuino Salamander Safe bus been sub jected, whothor accidental in burning buildings, or by agrocraeut ter tho pui-puc of competition, its lire- proof properties have proved immeasurably superior to those or any (so called) fire-proof 8ate over inanu factured.' By an improvement upon the original Salamander, introduced by tho present owner of the patont-right, tho Interior is reuderod wholly impervious to dump, and books, papers aud jewelry might bo preserved in ono of lib sates for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or mllldcw. To guard ogalust counterfeits every Safe from the manufactory or tho subscriber, aud sold by 1dm or Ids agents, bos a brass plato iu front, bearing bis name: each Is ulso furnished with ono of Ids Im proved Tldef Detecting tooks, which Is a good guar antee against robbery. ' S. C. HERRING & CO., Nos. 135, 187 and 139 Water st., N. Y. Agents in SavaunuU, Messrs. BELL & PRENTISS^ who keep constantly ou hand a full uud complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. __ scpt28 IXJCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIRK- I'KOOK OtTAUTlKI WILDER'S SALAMANDER SAFES, A 8 Manufactured bu Steams <fi Marvin, New York. In tho lire of the 3d Inst., which coiiaum* cd the brick building occupied by Mr. Jim. T. Thomas, opposite tho Gas Works, iu this city, wits a safe ol tho above descriptions containing tho books, papers, ami money of Mr. Thomas, uud although tho building was defrayed, tho sold Sate sustaiued no injury wuatovor from tho intenzo hoot to which It hud been exposed. On open ing tbo Sate, tho contents wore found uudisturbed, uud In tbo samo ordor and condition as wbeu placed thcre,oxcopta slight discoloration to tho prqjoctlug euds ora tew pupors, and tho backs or ono or two of the books, catuod by the steam goneruted iu tho Sate, while at its greatest heat. The Bute and contents, as It camo from tlm ruins, may still bo seen, In the possosslon of Mr. Thomas, ut tho Guy Works. A largo assortment of those cele brated Safes alwuys on baud,and for sale by C. H. CAMPFIELD, Agent for tho Manufacturers, July 26, 1856. 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Ua. I take pleasure iu corroborating tho foregoing state ment, aud in addition would add, that the books are now in use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1865. octO—tf jjattnl IDebitiius. . REGISTRY OF VOTEDS FOR IHOO. A. HELMHOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. llt-liubolil'M Illicitly t'oiiiiwifrnfrd Pom* iHitniil Flnld Extract lliu-liu. ISA CERTAIN, SAFE, AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY F OR Diseases of tlm Bladder, Kblneys, Gravid, l)r«|wy, Weakness, Secret Diseases, Obsti uc us tiilluu-Hlions, Female Complaints, amt all diseases ill (lie Tho subsci ibyrs’have, established u Book Agency j Sexual Organs, | ( p (i from whatever caiiHo they niuy have originated, uud NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING. This iHjpulur aud s|Micillc remedy is now* ottered nlllir ‘ * “ .loliiiS'Actmrd, George W Anderson, I d ward C. Anderson, William D Aoams, Hartwell S Andrews!) Rlcliurd D Arnold, William Abbott. Charles A Ash, George A Ash, Alexander Aiklu, Robert A Allen, Robert E Allen, Hobart Austin, Theodosias A Acosta. II. iu Philadelphia, ami will furnish any Imok or puli lioutlon ut tlm retail price free of postage. Any per sous by forwarding tho subscription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such oa Harper's. Godey’s, Pol- uaiii’s, Graham’s Frank Leslie’s Fasliions, Ae., will receive the Magazines ter one year, and a copy of either of the above bountiful engravings, free of ulutrgo, or if subscribing to a 62 and a 61 Magazine, such as Peterson's, and Clmlleu's ladles’ Christian Annual, they will receive both umgaziaesaud a copy of either ol the above engravings. Every description of Engraving on Wood executed willi neat ness unc dispatch. Views of llmldhigs, Newspaper Headings, Views of Machinery, Rook lllustratiors, Lodge Cerlilfoatos, llusiliess Curds, &c* All orders sent by mail promptly attended to. Per sons wishing views of their buildings engraved, can send u daguerreotype or skutcb ofthe building by inuil or i)X|)rc-bs. Persons at u distance having rateable articles would find it to their udvantago to address tho sub ucrlburs, as we would uci os agouts ter tbo sate of tbo same. BYRAM k PIERCE, 50 South Third Street, Phlladuluhlu, Pa. J. B. Dviiam. (aprlT) T. May Pikhck. Pro|MMala for ltutlouw nntl Fuel for Iilght-ViMih, COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, ) SL'lKiuxTKNOKxr ok Ijoins, > Savannah, loth May, I860.) S EALED proposals will be received at this office until 12 o’clock. M., ou tho 1st day of July next, 1860, for furuishiug uud dalivorlug Ra tions and Fuel ou bourd the Light-vessels lu this Collection district, viz.; at Martin’s Industry und Tybco Island Kuoll, ter ono year from tho first day or July 1860, to tho 30th Juuo, 1857, inclusive. The rations to be or guod uud approved quality, to be delivered lu good and sufficient packugos, barrels, boxes and cases, uud lu good order, on bourd the above named light-vessels, at least once a quarter, free of expense to tho Uultud Males, aud agreeably to the annexod tublu ofthe weekly ration, viz.: In the nllllctiHl, uud guaranteed to cure all tho above complaints. It searches out the very root of the diseuso, driving out alt the diseased fluids of the body, thus removing the uuusu and rendering tlm ° ,lrW CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. This mudiclim allays pain und iulluiuinutiun, wtdeh other remedies invariably cause, und cau bo tukeu With less trouble and expense lu |>utlctit-<. lids in fallible remedy luiHsuvud tlmusunds ujion tbouauuds from the bunds of Mtm'ILESS QUACKS, If uol from premature graves. In cases of Infuctlon tho Compound Buchu Is tho only articlo worthy of tho least confidence of tho nllllctod iu performing SAF'E CURES. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or othor injurious drug, but is purely a Vegetable Composition. It is very ugreeable to tho taste, creates uo perceptible odor, aud may bo taken by persons of either sox without hiudranco from husinoss or medical udvlce, as plain directions for uso accompany tho modiclue. Header, if you buvo auy ortho above complaluts, do not uoglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can euro yourself, uud thus prevent all exposure. TRUTH MUST ANI) WILL PREVAIL. This tnedlclUQ speedily and ctfcctually cures the most viruleutform of secret diseases, and eradicates ovory particlo of Infectious matter from tho system, restoring tho patient to a perfost stuto of I1EALTH AND PURITY. c &.? P g. Ssag-s §-M g- f P .2 «< ■< ’• £ a.' . : . • IB . . . 3 C. S. ■< ' g baomm,! I mogd •sassn|inv jpgaujA .loM'ph W Brown, GeorgoF Brown, Richard Brad ley Joseph Itryaii, Alexander F Bennett, Frederick Itek, William D Bushier, Josepli Bryan, Frederick W Dailey, Augustus Bouuud, James If Uuablor, Israel U«r, An ton Borchert, Isaac Brunner, Wn» a Busin- ger, Harvey F Byrd, Peter A Idols, James A Barron, Augustus Houlinuau, David Bell, George A Bollteul- lelt, Edwin U Bacon, Gllboit Butler, Got.stmlk Blown, Wm II Burroughs, llonry Brlgbum, Joseph 11 Baldwin, MegmuiiU Borg, George G J Buntz, Mi chael Uoloy, Johu Boston, John Bilbo, Hulomon II Brantley, Francis H Bui tow, W C Burton, fiumuol P Bell. C. George A Cuylcr. Faiiiuei W Crabtree IN iliiuiii Crabtree, John W Coales, Patrick Curran, George J, Cope, Lewis F C'uuko. Charles Clarke. Robert J Caunlng. Johu FCurdell. Frauds T Cole, Wm A Cone, Ed wiu A Gastello, Hugh Cullen, Josepli V Con- Herat, Mosus A Colion, Johu Cass, Wm Oscar Charl ton, Win Culleu, hi las SI Golding, James A Cour- voisie, Hmiry Crosby;Constuutiue, Daniel BCamp, Octuvus Guhcn, Win DCharters, Joseph .SCJughorn David l.oj>ez Cohen, Peter 1. Constantino. Francis Ciiuinpiuii, Sloutgomery Cumunng, Wallace Cum- tiling, Wm A Uowper.htroth Cranston, Charles 11 Ciamplield, Rnliorl J Caughuy, Auroa H Crumpton, Wm Cox, George Cutiey. Phillip Gonnully, Wm r Clark, Allen Cullou D. Adam J Ikrtsou, Isaiah Duvenisjct, Archibald C Davenport, Thomas Dowell, James It Doiuuud, Oeouge W Davis, Wflliuin II Davis, Jucob V Doe, Chesluy Dugger,, Henry J Dicker- sou, Levi h D’J.yon, Albert L DeLorge, Murtiu Dug- gun, William M Davidson, John Devunuy, John Doyle. E. TIUJJ pojzp jo su|s|»h *.I«‘’U I Each proposal must slate ili-iiin-iiy Hu- price lor which llio entire ration will be furnislied on board each light-vessel respectively. The proposals for supplying fuel, both coal and Wood, lliu-t slate di.-tinclly tin- price per ton and cord, and the kind aud quality of each, to be deliver ed on hoard ofeaeli light-vessel respeclividy One bidder may oiler for all tin required for for one or option. The kind aud quantity of fuel will lie deter Ilclmbolil's Highly Concentrnletl Coin- pound Flnld Extract Kntmitpnrllln. For purifying the Blood, removing nil diseases ari sing from excess or Morcury, uxikwuic and im- prmleuec iu life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an Impure state of Blood, und the only rellublo and elleetual known remedy for the euro of herofula, Salt Jthoum, hculd Hoad, Ulcer- ations of tho Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings ofthe Bones, Totter, Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions or the Skin. It U gratifying to tho proprietor of theso mediciucB to ho ftblo to state that It Is uow nearly three years since they were first introduced, durlug which time thoy have been extensively usod In various parts of tho Uultcd States, and have given to pationt aud practitioner tho highest degreo or satisfaction In the various coses in which thoy havo boon employed ; whothor In town, country, hospital or private prac tice, thoy havo invariably given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the most salutary aud bencficlnl oltecta. Numerous letters I have been received from the most distinguished ; physicians lu the country, aud from the professors ; or several medical colleges, recommending In the J highest terras the value ol theso medicines, and their superiority over all other preparations for such complaints as the proprietor recommends. I Numerous preparations of Sarsapurllla und of Buchu i und various modes of propurlng them huve been ' given, ull of which of course will tlllfor according to ; the mode of preparation which each individual may ndont. Those medicines require considerable care in the I preparation aud the employment of dillbrcnt men- ! i-1 rim in successive operation to tuku up the extrac tive mutters, aud, in consequence, arc must fre quently Improperly made, uud not (infrequently much impaired, if not motored totally inert, by the injudicious and unskilful management ol those imac quainted with phurmucoutieal proiairutlons. It is therefore of the highest consideration uud import ance to the public and to the faculty that there should be standard preparations ut*uniform strength and possessing the most udvantages. To ell'eet this George Lmmonj, Henry it Eustmead, Stephen El- itott, Robert Erwin, Thomas Eden, George Ehrlich. F% Robert H Footman, Joseph d Fay, Lewis Ficy, Dominick Feutluy, Johu UFalllgaut, James D Foley, Jos Felt, Johu Foley, John U Forrfll, IjjiiIs X Fui- iiguot, Alexander Fawcett, Thomas Ford. Lewis.) B Fairchild, John Fraser, Itob’t G Ferguson, John D Fish, Doogald Ferguson, Michuui Finney, Kdw’d Filzgoraid. G. DR. W.R.MOSBLKY*8 INFIRMahv coil Uie treatment of Con-55?** ■ cew, Wens, Fistula, and ull kinds foil L|| or lumours. is now open tor tt,< ,S 1 JMHkrcceptlon ol I’uttenta. lj, rf intir 4Sa uiary is loeateit near the Dopot ami p„.» .7^- Broadway, aud contains about thirty li„» r - tied iteotuaiVltti good und trusty ways at hand, both iudlns und gentleim-n u ed at this Instiiutlon, aud will receive the i rw-t a and kind attention fium Uio Froprietor ic his Matron. . His practice in that horrible .in ^ i C«m:or, lor Uie Mat Urn yoarn i»iiouur,„..T,' «ny l-by.lclui lu tbo Buutb. l-attau ut $1 yor blom, or $1C yor wonlb, $lo Lr.;I.,, in advanco. 8 rt< 4tarej 43* Foes to bo agreed upou betore tb»- dertaken. All communications rnu-t bo ** •OilrwMd to w. It. .MoVtm Wl1 UrlltoV CITY .tIAIIU UUOTN, THE Subscriber has on liantlm, S- wout or Boots, UAIWJIS siiosii '. ap- own imuwlucturc, wblcli bo win i ~ suyorlor workwsosliiiiaoawatV.Hoi ! 11 1 lerior to any mmlo lu Savuimaii. ilm,,,,. 1 ,i-'J 1 w- aro from to to *10. l ’ r o ’ <* Boots, kill and clot]. Gaiters and Slioo. , , dor as usual. ftMclai cars at, J, «>Sjg Uriels* superior i'lStj,', wars HKiGljAM, KKI.I.V * u , HUM. AliSH Jlt'ltllAY's TTNITED States, Canada a,Id Cuba U Hcbwogler-s History ol l-lukuaidiy li K,... , translated by PpovIo. 1 “ywity^a,. translated by Fecyh Froseott’s Pldiipztt of.Sj/uiu, new supply Calf and in Cloth. asgfi£!£r“ -it*, t, brother Joseph, <bo*too,-o. s „ru... Ho, ^TUoAilaehi iu Madrid. Romance ofthe Ilurow, by .Miss Faniya Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavunuiign Eurne.-t Ijustoud, by ilr.r. Lee Hentz U,ur “ W. TUOitNE \\TJJJalii John GauiuieU, John U Gulltu. George W Gar- many, lliomasGreeu, James K Goodfrey, Joseph Green, Charles H Gouidiug, George A Gordon, Geo Gordon, Frauds L Gue, Joseph Gannhl, Joseph F Gammoj, George .M Griffin, .‘-eaborn Goodull. David il Gulloway, Benjamin Giouovoly, latirence J Gufl- martin, Charles E W Gillo. H. 1 Hover, Chrcdiuu Hursuo, Goo Haas, .loautUun lliil, T11 llurdeii, James Hunter, Joaeph Hawthorn Jolm Bliogg. Fcter F Huuarhuldt, Johu E ilernau- dez, Holoiuou llitidly, Johu C Hunter Lemuel L llover, Wm. D Howe, Benjamiu H. Hardee,Charles S Henry, Charles 8 Hardee, Noble A Hardee, Al Ired lluy wood, Wm F Huutor, Geo D Humbert. W Waring Haberaham, Thomas Homy, Erastus Henry ltobcr, lii.tcliison, .lost-pi. .\1 lluywood. George 8 llurdiug, John llover, F.lishu Hagai, Thomas llerou Abraham llurmon, TLotnus li Hough, Henry Huupt, Wlllian Hunter, Erun.t llutiur, Albert iluris. I UhT HECEIV'ED—2b boxes Shoulder,' - O prime arUclo, -.0 tierces choice Uilt ’ Hams, lu store, unti lor sale bv _Jii WAVNK. (iltKN NU.I.E A („ EXTKAORDINAltV insurauck AGAINST PI HE! Extract ota loiter from Norfolk, Vu., d«i,.j i„ rylltb, 1S68: J JIessils. S. C. k Co., Now Vark Uonllomoli : (Jo Him 7ui of Dorcmilier i’.-i o„ . Adams 4 fo.’s Kxyrass Olllce, sltital. d lu a lar'ieVJtj atory briskbu.ldius. iatblscliv. . V atory briskbu.ldmg, .1, thladly, wa- totally S ed by die, and tbwr sare remalued burid i“iL buraiDB rulus until yesterday, when .1 wasdMtm Iffl “ 1 r ‘ ,8 > ,LtUu ! ure I now oiler to the public nnd tho faculty u.y ItBbi.vtfssete * 1 urt * 1 ,,ow ,,aor 10 M,u public Each bidder is re,,Hired to am,el, lo I.Ih I.U| or I «!!'-! wUR-J. entered into, until approved by the Light Home Board, I’RICFIS; ! Fluid FbUruct Hitchu, $1 per hottto, or 0 for 155 Tbe eomraetor will be re,. Hired b, kee| V ,l least, j Cerlitoilea “SH-raand "reeow,m„„l,.lions from distingidslied piotc-Ksors uml physiciatis will accom pany each preparation. Prepared and sold by II. T. JIELMBOLD, Prucliculund Analytical Chemist, 203, Cbcrflmit-st., near the Girard House I’hilu. To be hud of Druggists and Dealers in every sec tion ofthe Uuitod States uud Canadas. Ail letters for tho medicine directed to the propri- ion, nor the in delivery, 1 or Uio crew ^V er .*. iu the aggregate, one mouth’s rations tor theenlir crew oft ho light-vessel contracted for, on board ut i ull times; and any expense incurred on account of! failure to deliver rations or find iu time, will be. 1 chargeable to tin* contractor. No member of Congress, light kcc|H*r, Mj|M-rinien dent or inspector of lights nor any person connect- j ed with the Light house establishment, will iu* al lowed to contract for or deliver rations tor the cn-w, ! or fuel of u light-vessel, tmr t** »•-* iatorested in such contract. No contractor, superintendent, or inspector will bo allowed to change the parts of the ration, nor the times that may bodoteriniuedupon for the without authority ofthe Board. AW the articles constituting the ration for t he crew of light-vessels will be examiued, and their quality approved by the superintendent, or the Inspector of the district, or by sttclt other person ns may bo as signed to perform that duty ; uud no bills will bu Ptdil for ratlous uml fuel which ure not accompanied by receipts duly sigued by the respective light-ves sel keepers for the dilforcnt urtiolos constituting the rations lor tho crow for each quarter, und separate receipts for the kind and quantity of fuel delivered ou hoard ufcuch light-vessel. No bid which is not properly sealed and endorsed will bo considered, aud no Uhls will bo received or allowed to be withdrawn after tho expiration ol the time specified in tho advertisement for receiving them. Bids submitted by different members ol the same firm or co-jwrtucrahip will net be considered 1. Ja-i D Irvine, Kiiward D Irvine. J. .Volin G ..ones, I Fey leu, H John.-mi, Edward Julin, itoba-t M M Juugctl.i, John R Jnhusou.Wm B Jackson. George O Johnson, Fid ward Joucs, Jolm 11 JulllletUII. K. Fitieas M Kollock, James Kelly FTedetiek Krettsum William Krebs, Noah B Knapp, lx*wis Kuorr, Johu J Kelly, Wm Levy Kapluu. Win C IwiWtou, Jordan Lowe, Jas Fi Ijiiiibriglit, t.lias Kljiudvolght,Juo N Lewis, Jolm A Lewis, Ubnrtes F. Lodge. James ULaw, Oharles A ]. Iai- mar. Miclml LiAiti, Thus L Lloyd, lidwani ha ell. Jacob U. tA-vy,.tv*>vph Lippmau,Heavy F’Licbic.Wil- flam Lav. James F hmg. Alonzo R i.uc*-, Daniel N M. Thomas Mui taiigh. Hugh W Mercer, Nathaniel C Mill.-, Feler NV Miugst, Thomas Morton, John Mai- hry. Manuel Molina, diaries F. Mills, Jolm Morri sou. William ll c Mills, Alvin X .Miller, Valentine Martin, Wm J Moore, Horace Morse, Henry C Mihr- tens, Isaac Minis,Thomas G Miller, Anthony F Mira, Abraham Minis. Richard C Maekall Jolm Mitrchi- sou, William II May, John Masterson. Edward Mo rau.'Itew A Maddox, Jacob .Manse.,, Joint C Mat- Mi. ., , receive Immediate attention, uud eiifo deliveries " j guaranteed. sept l-ly-iltw , J I’h McDotmeli. Feler McUann, Hugh M«- l-i i ii,.la mes Mclutire. Alexander Mel lard v. Patrick McGovern. William McKendrec. John W AIcKov, Jo- -eplt J .McCoy, Robert .Mclntire, James Mefntii James McHenry. Williams MeFarhual Alexander G Neelatid, TliomnsJ Nav lor. Edwin L Nfidlmger, Johu W Xevitt. Johu R Norton. John t’ Xicoll, WTitG Norwood. O. John Oliver. William O’DrUcoil. Johu W Owr ns. George Owens. iHuuiiiick U’Byrne, m-iini.-. o’Snlli' RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CUltE, preventiou nnd cure oflutenuittent nnd ReiuiUuut Fevers, Fever und Aguo, Chills and r, Dumb Aguo, General Debility, Night Sweat?, aud all other forms of disease which have a common origin iu Malaria or Miustna. This is a natural antidote which will entirely pro tect any resident or traveler even iu the most sickly or swampy localities, from auy Ague or Bilious dis ease whatever, or any itijury from constantly itdtal- lug Malaria or Miustna. It will iustantly check the Ague lu porsotth who have suffered for auy length of Ume, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have un- other chill, by continuing Us use according to dlreo- nous. The imtieut at once begins to recover appe tite and strength, nnd continues until a permanent uud radical euro is effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordmary cuaos, some may require more. Directions, printed iu the German, French aud Spanish languages, aceomimuy All bids will bo publicly opened ami regUerad ut ; ond .‘ bon to. Frleo Ono Dollar. I IrUb Whisky. Jamaica and St.' Croix Rum. «ronch and German Stomach Bitters, Cor dials, &c. The subscribers keep constantly on hand a largo assortment or the above, and sell them at low prices and reasonable terms. mch 1—ly uar gouus may bo luuua ut .Uc.->srs, U U Nichols H Co’s., who aro authorized to sell at our retail prices. nov 16 BAILEY k CO. NEWT!N 8TOKFJ AND NlIEET-IIiO.V MANUFACTORY. 141 HOCTH OK MARKET HQt’Alta. ARYAN STIlKCT. I would inform my old friends aud turnons ASEl have opened the above store to conduct the irai Stove, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business ill all Its ^BBvarlous terms, and where will be found a gen eral assortment of Stoves, Tin aud Shoot-Iron Ware, which I will be plenred to show, r.ud ut hucIi prices os will satisfy auy one wishing to purchase. All kinds or Rooting, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized Iron Work of every description, Job Work and Re pairing oxecuted with dispatch, old £tovns put up and Pipes furnished ut short notice. Tin Ware at wholesalo nud retail. Cull down on Bryan street, it will pay you for your walk, octa JOHN J. MAU1UCK, Agent. TRANSPARENT WINDOW HIIADF.H. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOMJHKM AVI* 67 ST. Jl'MKN-HIKKUTJ. rpHE Subscriber hns received, und will open | this day, tho largest und most extensive variety iJrwINDOW SHADES over ottered iu this city. It is tho intention ofthe advertiser lo keop constantly in store n largo supply of nil tho various pattern > and styles manufactured by tlm nianiifaclurers of this country and of Franco, lo which the attention of mer chants and families In tho city nud country, Is in vited. They will be itold ct wholesale und retail, at satisfactory prices. W 11. GUION, Agent. Jan 8 __ TO IIIJILDEliS. ^ T HE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute ut the shortest notice, and in tho most work manlike manner, all kiuds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connected with the inatiufuc- turlug or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, or Hheutlrou Business. HORACE MORSE, ik:U3 160 Broughton stl UPIUNG ANJ) SUMMER CLOTHING.—Tho ij subscriber would Invito tho attention of ull in want or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to his stock which has Just been received, ut the Mar Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. apr 16 WM. 0. FRICK WATCH K8— WA'I’t; 1110 S—W ATC11 EH. -op Wo ure receiving tho London Ixjvcr WqX Watcher, of the tnosi celebrated makers, iu Jr^^Gold aim Silver c.o-es. It. F. Cooper's l)u- WalMBpIcx WatchOH, Wulches for Timing Hornes, lino Swiss citronotnolors, which wo oiler nt ror ouu- bio prices, at our uvw store iu Gibbons’ Range. sept26 il. B. NICHODi k CO. T J OT ATOE3.—200 bbls. Need Potatoes, 100 A. do Mercer aud Cb enaugo do, landing and r Mllln III? In.,>ID Ifm-oift. . .< . Vi , —•« «"«.>uugu uo, mnaing ana i •aloliv _lan-.'R IIUNTER ft OAMMKI.I. “ *n» 'wis'kaait" WHiMBT - A SOO PHIZES-gap,ooo 1 HAVANA l'LAN LOTTERY. Jasper County Academy »* AltnoKITT Of Tflk HTATK o. UB1B11H. 10,000 NiiiobefaUaly—oae lTIzo Toikiglu Tickou. T „, , ' CLASS M, ~ ° heDrawn May' 15th, 1850, at Concert Rail, Macon Georgia, under thosworu super- mteudeuce of Dot. O. M. Ugau aud J. A. Nesblt, The Manager, having announced his determination to make this tho moat popular lottery iu the world, oll.-ra for May 16th a acUomu that far surpasses any scheme over of lor et I in the annals »r IxHterles. lniiK it) YOUR I NIFTIEST. Exumlue Min Capitals, one Fi izo to every Eiglit Tickets. CAPITAL $12,000. 1 prize of. 1 do do 2 do do I do Uo 6 do do 10 do «to do do 120 do do 600 do do 6(H) do do ..$12,000 . 6,000 .. 8,000 .. 2,000 .. 1,000 600 60 26 10 1200 prizes amounting to $60 000 *i-4Ptartors, $2 * I RI/.ES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. I crHons seudlng money by tnufl noed not tear ts boiug lost. Orders punctually attended to.— ComiuunloaUons strictly conUdentlul. Bank notes of sound Banks taken at pur. .rV^J ,,08 u . w j H,,,n K particular numbers should ordor Immediately. Address JAMES K. WINTER, Manager, Macon (In. Gl-yj. A. McOLKBKEY, Agent, Bull street, t 3d cor. from Buy. LOSS OF TICKETS OF CLASS L. i ny ,. ll 1 ‘,° '“to ft ® 0, 'l«iit on tho fiuubonrd and Roan- oko Railroad, ilia Tickets of Class J„, for April 16tli. in their irnuslt from Baltimore, In chnrgo of Adams 1 Kxpra.?s Onnpanv, wore destroyed hy fire, conso- quontly there will not ho any Drawiugor tliat Class, l ie Iteuwing vvfll ho Class If,—May 16th. tlm “Nu Fins Ultra” Huhemo. ' Very Respectfully, J. F'. WINTER. IM «»r 20 Manager. ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STRUCT, NEAR TUI COURT ROUSE, SAVANNAH, OA.; ’ Established in 1834. 3 piHE Subscriber grateftil to his friends and L patrons for their continual favors, would state at in addition to tho improvements In DYING, ao qulrcd by him during his last visit to England aud Scotland, has mado arrangements for oxtoudlng his busluosu, by which he is uow ouablod to dyo a greater varioty or colors on silk and woolon dresses, shawls, &c., which ho trusts will generally please all who may favor him with thoir patronago. Geutlomun’s garraonta dyed, cloaued or renovated as may bo required, in tho same suporlor stylo which Jtaa^ganorally so much pleased his patrons aud Table Covers, and Ladlos’ Crapo Shawls, &c.. cleauod and flnlshod In tho llrst style. Ladies’ Bonnots dyed, bioached and pressed in tho most fashionable styles. Ordors from tbe country promptly attondod to. Terms modorato. Whon parcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should bo sont him by letter through tho post offlee. so that he may know where to cull for thorn. pco 18 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. E. BH 'TORD,' %JU APOTHECARIES HALL. 8. E. Corner oU If Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savan- Ua., Wholesale and retail Doalers In Drugs, Medicines aud Chemicals, Dyo Woodsuud Dye Stuffs, French, English, and American Perfum ery, Flue Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs uud BruBhoa of every description, Surgical and Dental Zrf Instruments. Trusses aud Supporters of all kiuds Spices, Snuffs, Manuflicturod Tobacco, AU tho Patent or Proprietary Modlciuea or the day. Suporlor Inks, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes Extracts ter Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy ArUclos, 4c! 43» N. B.— Especial attention given to the preparation or Physicians’ PrescrlpUons and Family Rtwjpes. Ship, Family and Travelling Medicine Cases, With plain DirecUons for use, Including Directions for treatment in caRes or poisoning, Drowning, 4c. »P717 * AND ROPE.—Uy bates heavy Guunv Oloth, 20 bolts heavy Dundee (for Sea InI- anus,) 60 bolts medium do 44 Inches, 300 ooils Kv Rope, 600 Iba Bagging Twine, in store and Tor ml poyH WEBSTER 4 PALMER- THRESH Salmon, Lobster* aud Sardines, for -L sale by _ Jan 2 A BON AUD. INDIAN STREET FOUNDRY. I). 4. WILLIAM ROSE, IHO.V AND HKASS KODXIIWW, MlUWKiailW, ANIIOKNKKAf. MACHINISTS, HAVA.VX.UI, (JA., jk Are prepared to make contracts with rail- Jjr2^ 0ft da aud others, to ftinitsh ihom willi iron nMr 11111 BrasR Castings of ovory description ; und ? 80 , bu,la Stoli»uary Engines, Horizontal aud Vortical Hugar i.llls, with two or tlirco rollers, Sugar Funs, 4c., Hteiun Raw Mills, Roll Gnugs, ami machinery up|turtainiug to tho samo. Htcambout Work, and all kiudn or Uonorul Jobbing attemlud to with punctuality aud dispatch. Thoy trust by at- tontlon to business, and doing justino to nil work entrusted to thoir care to merit a share of public patronago. 1 N- teHH, Oil Cu|i», WUIstlcs sicam ni.U Wator (Jacks, uml u varioty of tlaliUad tiraiw work, roqulHlto for mnalilnory, always ou liaml at rcmmim! bio prices. WHunli Wt'lglili. Coot Iron Slioca for uultorn ol varlouii iMtUorna anil »to, al iiurlliurn orlooa, ooimi- alto tlm clurloaton Htoainbiut Wharf. IriblA FINDLAY'S IKON WOBKH."’ 11ACO.V, OMMIUIA, ja Tlio soliBorlhcr, fnrni long rxiiorluiico In AT^Unj hUAlUMii.l . |iro|urod lo nirnlrh yiomn aF£S l “Sli% llt .'?’ t1r “"" r l mill Hang Hitkm^Jni <l ™ 1 “«* Morolinui Mllla, Sugar Mills, Bin Uourlng, uml Outings lu gou- *»'• T mSaw lYuinos. wliotVr liir upright or olr- SaNT boof , , ro " w “°“ roqulroil. All Of which, I i improvomonln, |g wArrniitml lo ho «,oo! to tho host mmlo ut any othor ostabllshmiml. tho time spoolfled in tbo advertisement. Tho right to reject all bids if tho Interest *•! flit- public servlco require It, Is reserved By ordor of tho Light-houso Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. my 11 AMElUCAj—GEO. WASHINGTON I 1 1HE OLD BRASS GUN alluded to iu iu the . loiter from tho Chatham Artillery of Savannah, was cast iu England, iu 1770, was sont to this country part of tho artillory of Lord Cornwallis, Cotumun- 4tF* Liberal discounts mado to the trade. J. A. RIDDLE, Proprietor, Provldenco, R. I. dor of tho British forces at tho tlmo ofthe devolution. This Gnu was surrendered at tho capitulation o Yorktown to Geuoral Washington, and by him pre sented to tho Clmthum Artillory of Savannah. Thu old Brass six Founder still wears tho Crown, but Is covered by tho “ Stars and Stripes,” auil hours tho marks of caiuiou balls, swords and Bayonet. Sho was durkeued by being suut to this country iu her infancy: iu her old ago she has boeu restored back to her beauty by America, ORIZA SATIVA: HUilFHREY’SMLTAU.1C FOUS11! Ulioquallodfor its intended purposes, that of restoring Metals of every description back to their original flinish ami boauty, which they will retain oven when subject to exposure. It removes rust from, uud glvos a most beautiful polish to either brass, stool, lrou, Copper, Silver, Tin, Britannia, German Silver Plated Ware, aud all bright Metallic works of Locomotives, Steam ships, Steam and Flro Kuglncs, Factories, Carriages, Harness, Surglcat aud Architectural Instruments, Mchluory, 4c. For Uiu uso or Military Companios, for the polish ing or thoir Armory, It has uo equal. For Railroads, Steamships ami Manufacturing Establishments, it is by fur tbo chcapost und best article in existence. N. YORK AND SAV’ll. LINK OF STEAMSHIPS. Savannah, May 2i)th, 1865. Wo tho uudersigned, commanders of tlm Now Yor and Savannah lino or Steamships, liuvo had the uew Mutulio Polish of Mr. Wm. Humphreys, tested on tho various bright inctalic works of our ships und rcccommond it os uu articlo unequalled for its intended purpose. Thomas Lyon, Com’dor steumsbip Agusta, M. 8. Woodhutl “ “ Florida, Geo. R. Schenk, *• ” Alabomu, Capt. Ludlow “ “ Knoxville. WATER WORKS. E.vuinkkk’s Dkkahtmkxt. \ .... . Savannah, August 3d. 1866. j Mr. Wit, lit'MHKKv’s: Dear Sir—Tho uew Metulic lolUh, “Oriza,” of your mauufhcturo. is uow in use as uu article which lias mi superior for the polish- ag of bright metulic works. M. II. LINVILLK. Engineer Savannah Water Works. CHATHAM ARTILLERY. Armory Mali., Savannah, May 6.1844 Mr. Wm. Ilusiwmvs : Dear Sir—Tlm Clmtlmm Artillery being much plr-med with tlm Imndsoum manner iu which you havo polished an old si: EVIDENCE OF SAFETY. Nkw York, Juno 11,1865. ihuve inndu a chemical exuuiinutluu of ” Rhodes’ •*»ver aud Aguo Cure, or Antidote to Malaria,” aud •vo tested it for Arsouic, Morcury, Guinino, aud - vchnino, but havo not found a particlo of either in or havo J found any substance iu its composi- that would provo injurious to tho constitution. ■ CHI JAMES R. CHILTON, M. P., Chomtet. CAUTION TC SUFFERERS. 4 cuo more Arsenic, Tuu..j. Mercury, Qutntno, luges, Strychnluo, or Anti-lToiilcs of any kiud. fno woll-kiiown Inefficiency of thoso noxious poisons provo them to ho the otfopriug either of Uiteo uiedicul priuclplos, or of morccnary quacks. The only rem edy in exlstonco that is both sure aud harmless is RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE. Wnolesale Agents, HAVILAND, R1SLEY & CO., Augusta, (fa., and for >» by denier* eenernJlv c2h ROYAL 8CIIE1DAM SCHNAPPS. T HIS medicine has been analysed by the most omluent Chmntats and Fhysiuians in Europe aud the United Status, aud pronounced by far tbe best remedy for CHOLIC, GRAVEL, PREDISPOSI TION TO CHOLERA, AFFECTION OFTHJS KIDNEYS, and all diseases of tbo QBxrro trinary or (has. As a strengthening and Invigorating w dial it has no equal. As usual with an article of mch unsur passed reputation, it has many unprincipled imita tors, who. so loug as they benefit their own pocket, care but little for the lives uud heultu of those they may endanger, nnd manufacture the basest com- jioumls, and call them tuodlclne, and others too, with a view of bringing tlio Royal Scheidam Schnapps into disrepute, adverUso, soil, or attempt to sell, an article, which they call Schnapps, but which ts noth ing more than a vile compound ol'poor Gin, Alcohol and Spirits ot’Turpontlne. Let nil beware how they taste such trash, aud beware how they believe the advertisements of quacks, lost, by a brokcu constitu tion, and n predisposition to intemperance, conse quent ou driukiug such dangeroua and intoxicating llqusrs, thoy see but too late thoir error. Rcmembor no compound or preparation called Schuupps is from our dUtflcry, uuless bearing our eor;>orate murk ami signature upon tho label and wrapper, and seal R. C. 4 Co., uj>on tho cork. Any person or persons iuiitut- ing our Royal Scheidam Schnapps, will be doalt with to the utmost extent of tho law. RBLYEA, CARTER * CO., „ Hole Importers, New York. For sale by J. E. DeFORD, Wlmlesalo and Retail Agent ter Savannah, at tho Apothecaries’Hall, cor ner Broughton nnd Barnard-streets, mar 2<i j v te-vi ElTice, Edward Fadofl'ord. Ileboit I’essut. Joci'pli I’Hut, orrin C Fai ker, Antonio ponce. Win ,1 I’urton, Matechiit 1’nrisli, Chrislinn I’ter-ou. Jotm I’lMtcll, Mii-lmel Fr.*ndt-iga*t. George F I’ohne*. Wm l'»rrr-ki. (linifos F I’n-i-.u, Edwin Fnrxnis Gecrei- I’arsons, Francis A Puclli-u, Thomas l'rt'udcreasl, Patrick Price, Joseph W Phillips, Philip j punch, John F Posey. Edward M I romlergasi, Henry H Phllttps, Edward I’lUtclfird, Jr. It. jo iq.h it Ripley. Francis W Reid, Michael J Hell- ley. Hiram ltoDurK James J Richardson. Wni J Richardson, John A Richardson, George J Robert son, Jacob. Rosen field, Matthew Ryan, James M Russell, Robert Ruitord. Philip M Russell, John Reedy, Andrew M Ross, Henry Roser, Thomas Red- fern, Wm Kahn. Charles K Roll Augustus Reich, binson, Jolm Ryan, Geoige WStone, S. . Alex A Siucis, Iteury stiotuer, Francis M Stone, Jolm A Staley, Albert Scarbrough, KbonozorSutton, Wm Starr.Jr., Wm Smith, Robert Strouss, James Steven, James Sullivan, Daniel H stowm-t, Emanuel Bhcitali, Churlos Singer, Frances Sorrell, Jacob Shutter, Jos M Sbellmnn, George W Shatter, James Stevens, William R Symons, Jolm Sdvago, Samuel LSpeiseggcr, Henry Stlbbs, Jolm ll Stegin, Daniel T Semuton, John Stone, Frederick W Sims, Mordecal Shefnill, ^r., Solomon Shcltall, Timothy Shcedy, Henry C Stephens, Frauds R Shackelford, Michael Sheahan, Henry D Sykes, Con rad Schneider. T. Alfred F. Torlay, Cornelius Turbusli, Fred A Tap per, Jolm Timmerman, James Taylor, Henry Tow, Johu T Thomas. Charles Thornby, Francis Trendall Barnard G Tildeii, George U Tilcomb, John DToh- breech, David Thompsou, Frauds Marlon Thread- cralt, Engine J Trucholut, Jolm CTavlor. Wm B Tiualey, Wui Thomas. Georgo W Ulmer. Cornelius Van Dor Vloo, Johu A Voet. W. Jumps i. Webb, Thomas S Wavno, Gilbert A Wil kins, Henry li Washburn, John 6 Walters, Daniel S Wilson, Win Wray, Robert Welch, George M Wald- bi.rg, Robert D Walker, Henry F WillInK, Rlelmrd Wayne. Iteury OWyer, Alexander 11 Waver, Jacob WaiUbnrg, Jonn W Wilson, WThorne Williams.Seth Co, ‘»*a«t Waldscbmidt, fhomas J Wald), Wm Waters, Norman Wallace 1 , I S" ry „“„' Vw : d ' ) v,n "’rtfl'l. »' Henry Wlltljcrger’, Allen R W i ight, John R Wilder, ' Philip Youge. Wm P Yongv, Z. Peter Zadavorki. JOHN II. MOORE & COi, (•IBRUN’.S UU1L1I1NGS, SAVANNAH., Ga 117/OLESA LRk RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would call tlio at to" Ann of Merchants, Factors, I lantern, I’bysiduus and others, to thoir ox- , . . •— ; towslyn nnd well svlcded stuck, comprising pouuder which was surrendered at the capitulation ^vury article la their flue of lmslue*x. and which thev of T orktowu, and is now iu their possession, Imvo j °8»’r ' *• - - - illi-ni.tit.l i.t.t In nvaii.fiLii. a.. ...... ». v I .... ...1 - — — * r. for saloon tho nuwl reoHonublo terms for cusia directed mo to express to you thoir thanks. j w approval! credit, viz; Tho Metalic Polish you mmmfnolure ol'Oriza Sa* J PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, 4C. tty a,,cannot bn to highly reconimended to nil those j White l-eml. Pure uud No. l ; Tionutn’s Colors, drv who have hrius gmw to jHdUh ; for such a purpose |'ta'l in oil; Japan, Copal, and Couch Varnishes : i * lns , 1 Bijuk 1 may safely say that Linseed oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Put- ly, <i"M I«ir, I'Hint llniHlM, S.WII Tunis, (i|„. 2 im.°v 8 fu 0 0U . a l B ‘" l ° *» oxtonslvo us the largest at the North, and ho Is prewired lo tut ordcra with promptness and dinpatch. auf7 till ordora with IROBEBT J-TNDIiAY hereafter tlio Ulmtluim ArUllery wilt rise no othor mutorlal Tor polishing their guns, If they can procure your Motnlle Polish. Respectfully yours, 4c M. J. BUCKNER, Orderly Serg’l C. A. For suto l>y Mussrs. IION'K 4 CONNERY, “ W. II. FARRELL k Vo. “ J. T. JONES, , . “ W- G. FOLIvER, All orders must hu aeecoioiiiinied hy the cash. . , “ " M. HUMPH REVS, 0018 Chomist, .savannah. pHAMDA 1GN, Ata—“ \ / 6i» baskets lleiiteeick Cl lleiiteeiek Champaign, quints, ’J" do do, pints, do itouche do, led no itouche do, pis and qls. 60 do KilgiueClicquot do, do. 76 do Girslurs Verzev do, 1(H) boxes Leiden’s Rhine Wine aud Urn miles. Ill store and for sale by Janai _ WEBSTER k PALMES. KW CiiOl* CUBA M(H,ASHi«.—Tiro'yjiri Xx go ol tho A\>V)i)U Devorea'nx, dully expectod. ter aaio in lets to suit purcliosors, by J Rn! ‘l RODUKR8 k NORRIS. siers’s Diamonds, LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OILS, Blenched Sperm, Whale ami Lint oils, for burning : all descriptions ol (lit for machinery, viz.. Patent oil Unbleached Sperm, Lard uud Rape Seed Oil; also tanners,’ Neats, Foot and Bweot Oil, v , GROCERS' ARTlCljy. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspiee, (Timuinou, Po|qH*r. (finger, Mustard, Saluruius, Soda, l’earlusii, Sweet (lit, Starch, Hr Blue, Mutches, Ao. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the best FreneU, English, and Auierimn Choiuleals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select |H>wders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Sih cU* Jars, Metatie. Saddle bugs, Ac. Also, CA.MPIIENK AND BURNING FLUID. Any one who may tUvor them with their orders may depend ii|Hin their receiving tlm best attention, mu! Unit all goods furnished will be of n reliable quality. Should they not give entire sailsludlou, thoy nmv be returned nt tlm option or tlio purelmser. * raulilO u cu:kk ok Coi'xcn. Okkick, ) . P1 , Sp.vHimab, March 1,1860. j iUtf above named pereons havo registered tucir numes a.-* voters during Jauuary uud Februarv 1850. KDU’AUn r. u-ii««\v may 18 EDWARD «. W ILSON, Clerk of Council. oven tbeu tound surrouuded with live i, (and almost red-lua irou lay besiteit)th B w ornaments aud nobs melted oil'. We were wltu*. r.“ to this tire; und if anything can resi-1 such heat iu enough—fire could not be bolter-,t is u wriutA,-’ indeed. W o enclose a certificate from - i«*v tul JiU Ta No. oi8quares|lmo)2mos|3mos moteiiiuosIK'ui' lSquardJ.... $10 10 $20 $24 $30 2 Squares... 10 22 20 28 SC 3 do .... 20 27 32 36 44 y, '4 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 5 do .... 27 30 44 46 CO C do .... 30 40 60 64 05 A 1 7 do .... 32 •13 54 58 70 lie 8 do .... 34 4fi 68 62 74 lli 6 do .... 36 48 Cl 66 77 ID 10 do .... 38 60 64 70 6(J 125 N ST. 1 . 1 :* 3 ;— D >nnkets, Kerseys, Bed and White Xx I tnunels.—W e oiler tlio ubovo articles, which ubovo articles, which wo now have on hand, together with a largo variety ^in«,*i 8 vm? 0d8 »’t iS0n ,1 l8t ! ng . 0f c “sLmeres, black aud coioreil Silks, Mouslin do Lalnes, French Cambrics, ulughums, nud every variety of other goods usually found in a Dry Goods establishment, at tho lowest market prices, in order lo make room fur our Spring stock, 1 louse call and examine our assortment LA 1 ISON A ROGERS, _jon«w No. 2 Shad’s stores. B AI.M OF THOUSANU pLoWEKS.—For beautifying tho complexion, curing diseases ot tlio skin, tor Shaving, cleaning tho Teeth, for the Toilet und Nursery, for Bathing, nnd many Medical purfoves. a fresh supply of the genuine article, just received ut the APOTHECARIES’IULL, Uor. Broughton and Barnard sts, teb 28 T IIIO undersigned bus just received tier Htcam er Knoxville, aud Is now openiug a beautlfol lot of Muslins at lo to I2‘ic per yard. J. W. T11RELKEI.D, mar 4 lorner Congress and Whitaker sts. ORATES. ~ —' A BEAUTIFUI, ASSORTMENT, now pat. torus, Just riHWIvml, and lor oulo Iwouty.Vv. por coat, loootlimi ovor boforu ia Uilo oily ) y * "Q'tW KKXNK'V. "■ 'i ll. Ag .„. fSllAFFEU & CO,,.have a lnrgo“niiirwcil \, t oolcctoil olook ill Whlto l.oml, Fronoti nail Aao or oiin kinos, Clirtinio Hroou, Yolluw I.lnscoi ' ftOUN AND COHN MUAI.-10UU tnw prime turn, u till omul mixoit; bu itu irosli Cora lloal a Hluru auil tor Hilo liy PATTRN, HUm>N * CO. Wliiilo mni Tiiimi-i-’o mu, Hrnslioy l,i|n'r HaiiKil oB wliloli wowilUolUttow niton. .|frl8 ’ N'VHv''’ luu “ luriding tliia dnyTroiir bark .T; 7 r‘... K '*• nt,M, *'plclo assortment for Builders’ uso, for sale at nmnufiiclnrers’ prices. . CHAFFER A C\)., it Whitaker street. LJTA I'JiH mid Fancy Dry Goods, of every va- rletj’, just riHfoiveil amt for sale by .1. W. THRKI.KKI.I), (\>r. Congress aite Whitaker sta. A very siijiorior artido of Tuscan mar 21 LJW’KKT on,. O Olivo Oil, JOHN ii. MOORE400" ton 4 _ Gibbons’ Bufldluga. QKKD PuTATtiEd.—170 bids, prime Seed Potatoes. O from schr. M. Burr, from Bostou. For salo by fobO HUNTER eg QAMMR1JJ A BboTT’8 MaiilUa Ban3 Paper, constantly ou hand ut CHAFhTJt 4 GO’S, uu 11—fit No o Whitaker st Ues whotfuw itopenud. Yours, truly, Rowland a Bho- tWlTIHCATt. - “ Nokkou, Va„ .la!,, i; By request of Messrs. Rowiaud \ Brov, w« tL- day attended the opouing of one oflk-rrinih l-ait-u tiro-proof Safes, which was iu the tire ot .-ot-eiuW 7, belonging to Messrs. Adam-, A Co.’s Exi u-ts found tbe papers aud couteuts iu a per leu mV o* presorvatlou. It was, iu our opiuion. as •'i-vere i test os could be hud. A lurgc* fourstorv’buuiL, ontirely destroyed, and the sate remained the wh>'- time surrounded by Ure, uud subject to au inlets! heat, for forty days before dug from the ruins (Signed,) if ho, I. Axm.iwx. Wnaoi U. Ktv.v. it x Miijs iuvi.\ C. 1L\ll, A. B. M’Cijlix, W. W. Jacok-. I am fully satisfied with the manner ia which it- above inetloiied sate preserved Its coideuts. A. A. COWDKRY, AfcCU Adams Co.'s Extract from a Norfolk paper : Auaji-V Sakc.—One of Herring’s ce!t«»ruUil Fire proof Nall's was in AUuius’ Exprc.-s office whentk- oullding was burned several weeks ago. It retatet- .-d bu ril'd ill the rubbish until 'llmrsduy, wtul it was taken OUL The tire, ou tl.c ih i u-jou nlli it-: w, was ono of the fiercest wo ever saw, and when li chest was found, after a lapse of for tv duvs. luva- surrounded by embers, glowing brightli W|,d, opened, the pajiers, uud otlnr uttkles it ccnuiL.-a w ere Ibnnd to be souutl and generally iiigiKhlctLi- tion, thus aUiirdiug uuulhet iinnd of tit-- -oceritv oli superiority of these sates. 1 lie one alluded tJu.*\ be seeu al the ware-hou.»e of Messrs. Rowland i Bros., wtm ure agents for tlio makers, lisle*, clearly the evidences of its meoinbusiible qualme- wheu its exterior was red-hot m the burning tm nace that roared arouud it. aud amid tin* cuil;-:, that glared around it for hours, -days and weeks. Herring’s Patent Champion Fire-proof Safes, wta Hall's I’atout l’owdet-proof Locks, lor sale by BELL A PRENTISS, Ageun, feb2 fturalinati, i.s. TIMBER 1 TIM RE It It HE Undccsigued has just received, lor m!c (6ll0) Five Hundred pieces ol good phii ,^' Timber, averaging over ouethousand feet io^it. 9 lob .1 F.KFKRSUN Rt ffiWU.s Tl,rACKEUEIj, HK'iViaxii, SAUiOK, 2 bbls largo No 1 Mackerel, 8 do do No 8 do 8 do do No 2 it*# 2 haiflibls Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring. 8 do No ] Sulmou. ft quarter bbls No 1 Muckeici. 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, IU do No 2 do 6 kite Tongues ami Sounds, 1000 lbs Cod Fish. For sale low by ■l&p’jfi J. A. RltUV..\ rates of advertising. For oue square, ol'300 etns or teas, of any tivi: larger thau Nonpareil, 76 cento ter the llt-et atm i- cents for each subsequent insertion,for nuv tlmek-* thau one month. All Tabular work, with or without Rulca: anJ a: vertisemeute occupying doublo column, ihail D charged doublo the above rates. Advcrtidoincnto of whatever length, for any nc.: less thau ono month, to be charged nt iritiriut rates. For a longer tlmo at tho following rates bur any tune uot above wpeeffied, a property* charge will bo mado. A deduction or 26 per cent from tho above i.u.- will be made on advertisements appearing «te- slvelyou the fourth page of tho daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week. « bo charged two-thirds the above rates. Special notices, 10 cento por flue for the first 5 cento for each subsoqent Insertiou. nud in nou--- to be subject to contract. Marriage notice#- 51. I '• neral invitations 60 cento encli. No special uotv* inserted ter less than 60 cents. Obituary Notow Reports, Besolutlons. or IWeiteinga of auySw*tt) Association, or Corporation, ordered to be pubi>t cd, 6 ceuts per flue. Steamboats will bo advertisod ut $i0 per anm-n- for each boat advertised. Steamships, where but oue is running, uunt; if two or more, $30 each. Auctioneers’ advertisements uot tube subject- contract, but to bo charged at the rates preiciH^ per square. Tlio pHpor, uuder uo clrcuuirtauces, to W ItflG cd in a contract. Professional und business cards not excecA*l • lines, will bo Inserted aV$20 per annum. Calls on porsous to becomo cunilidate#. w inserted as other advertisements, to be paidfr^ variably in advance. Announcing candidates for office, $lu, to be in advanco. Advertisements uot marked on the copy w* specified time, will be lusertod until torbld,»w payment exacted. When any bill for two months advertising, c,f * tlwu contract, uiuoutita to over $60. adeduotict-’ 26 per ccut will bo made. Yearly advertising, with privilege of chuus* * • bo taken at tbe following rates : For ono square, renewable once a week, if “ “ “ twice •* •. ** 44 “ 3 times oroltener •‘ , Every mldlliona! square contracted forte beck* 1 * ed one half the ahovo rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to tlw *P“* contracted for. All contracts shall be in vvruu# stating definitely the nature ofthe buslnw« wl advertised. Any advertisements not properly cib neotod with tho business «hall be charged separaa ly, and also any excess of mutter over the Hino-r- contracted for. , Contract advertisements payable quarterly; »- vertisemonto IVom strangers uud transient lH’ r f on f; payable in advauco. All othera will be coteido* 1 duo when culled for. Regular advertisers aud nil others sending mnnicutious or requiring uotlccs designc«l to toution to lairs, coucerts, soirees, or any publico- tertaiumeuts, whero charges ure made tor «««*'* tance—all notices of private assoelatious. ever) e tlce designed to call atteutiou to private eiiterpr» l - calculated or luteuded to promote individiu»D“‘ rests, cau only ho Inserted with the uuderstan* 1 ' + that tho sauio is to bo puid for. If lusertod tU ‘B editorial coluttm (which can bo only ut tlio uta' tlou of the editors) the same will bo charged rale of not less than 20 cento per line. ,, Advertisements ordered in tlio Weekly papcf- ? per square for each insertion. . .. Tlio undersigned, publishers of Daily, Tm-Vle*'• nud Weekly uewspa|>ors iu Suvanuali, Ga- l ,i4 , .» • • ■> *c.% (Jill t ‘* ourselves strictly to adhere to the abovt charges, uud iu uo iiistaueo to deviate therclroiu- fho above rates to take etlbct Murcli 1. tec*' 1 ‘J to coutluue bimflug, until changed by the (“tee majority ofUte undersigned. N, B.’—This schedule shnll uot in auy way tho integrity of existing contracts. All retd the year or any othor spoelUed tlmo, shall only cci; with tho fxplratlou of tho jiorlod for which i' 1 ) / were umde. Alkxaxokh4 Sxkku. Republican. J. G. Wkiuut 4 ' '*■—’ “ Thompsox b V K. B. Hutox, ut 4 Go.! Georgian. St WrraixaTOX, Morning m, Journal. I