Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 20, 1856, Image 3

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WANTED. A li»lf grown Colored Houm Servant wantod. . V Apply at thu oflleo. mnyia llltAitblNU. S KVKUAL gentlemen nr email inmlll™ win be accommodated with good Room* uml IVuinl, on Wwl Hide of Montgomery struct, one door above .South Broad itroet. MRS. M. 8. KAYMiH. dou 1*2—tr B " CARDING.—Mr. Thomaa. comer oC «3oi» gre*s end Llucolu streets, is prepui ed to a. ctmimtvdate a Few boarder*, afibrdlttg tiiutuexceUui, fair ftc. dec 17—If NEW JAIL. P LANS FOR A NEW JAIL are aollcltej From Architects and Mechanics generally, to be loll with the Clerk of the Inferior Cburl, on or be mrs the first or Juno noxt. oue him red dollars will be given (br the plan adopted • the Court. WM. H. CUVIER, j. i. c. o. v. S. U. KNAPP, s. i. c. o. v. MUST. CUMMINU, 4, t. c.o, c. •IAMBS K. GODFREY, 4. t.c.c.o. aprb GEO. P. 1UU!U80N\4. t. e. c.o. Stammering and Stuttering Cured. puofkshohT. h, imviN ■ NF0R.M8 those uffilctud by Summering or Sluter- I ring, that he ha-* taken rooms at the Marshal House, and t* prepared to enable them to speak aud rrad with distinctness, m the short space of two hours, wllhout inflicting the least twin. The iwtlout is ui variably convinced that Uisotrectual aud perman ent. Where the above change Is not attained un ohargo will be made, lie will remain III this place tiut a few days. npr 30 NOTICK. rilHK Undersigned lut* ThU Day removed Ids A ontire slock of Sugars, Tobacco, ftt „ from his old staud, corner of Bryun street, to lit- uew store i'ii the corner of Bay and Whitaker streets, where he hopes to receive a couliuuaiico of the patronage i.f all tils old friends aud customers. aprdOtf A. I'ONCF. FOR SALES. Six Tracts of Land, 600 acre each, 6 ,*r -1 ™ miles fr*»m the city of Savannah on the S. A. au i Gulf Rail Road, well adapted in tic growthoi Bice, Cotton and Corn, and \\ uod enough to pay for a ion times over. Apply to loh -7 tr C. A. Cl/HJD. " WM. J. HUNTT " Cor. Moutiroraery & Vwrk sts. SAVANNAH, «JA.. IJ ESPECTFULLV informs Hie Ladies ami J-V (ieiitloinou of this City that he is pi oparod to -erve them every oveulug with ico Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, in his own peculiar style, and hopes to merit a share of public patronage, Savannah, 17th April, I860. 3m npi-17 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. D ANIEL CUONIN Upholster, 20 Bryan-st. would rosiiectfiilly aiiiiouuco to thu ciuzeu* oi riavaunali that lie la ready to make uud pul down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Malting, ftc., at ilia shortest no ico, ami on the most reasonable terms. oc.i3-ti' fCE CREAM! NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE . No. 08 Bryntt Street* TWO DOORS AUGYK Mr. UKIFVS.X’s 4EWKLKV STORK. 'pHEuudewigncd respectfully informs the Lit- X dies ofSavuuimh in particular, aud the public Amorally, that bo has this day opened a new Conroe- tiauary Store, and will keup on hand a large and ire.* I* assortment, of all kinds and discriptiou.-*. Ho will at all times and hours, bo ready to furnish parties, wltb suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all hours. OfnaiueuU-d Cukes, Pies, Ac. an?., made to order, ifr hope.* from long experience to give satisfaction t- all who will honor him with their patronage. __ H. B BU'ZZOliA, No. 98 B i.v«nS_ LiiGmiige Female CoTleire. COMMENCEMENT. ABBATH, July 6th—Sermon by Philip P. ij Neely, Alabama Conference. Monday, July 7th—Prize exhibition of Sophomore Class—Coucert ut Cuudle-light. Tuesday, July 8th—Anniversuiy oi Heutz ft Judsoii society. Prizes awarded. Aiinuul address by Luther M. Smith, Pror. Emory College. Wednesday. July 9th—Commencement day. Ad- dreas by Hon. F. S. Bartow, Savuunuh, Uu. Thursday, July 10th—Anniversary of the Alumnae Society. Address by Hou. J. Glauey Jones, Penn- .-ylvauiu. Examination of all the classes will take place the week preceding commencement. W. B. T. MONTGOMERY, my II Supt. Faculty. CLASSICAL SCHOOL. The iiuderxignod has opened a Day j|f^^^_ fc aud Night Sehonl, in South Broad at., ^wjty^Pgibeiweon lloustouand Price sts., where Is prepared to glvo instructions in Latin, Greek and French Lon- gnages; also, III the usual brunches ot un English Education. J. F. Dll.l.UN, my 14 Prof, of Languages. SHIRTS I SHIRTS 11 SHIRTS I! I [ HAVE just received a lurgo assortment of white uud figured Shirts, of every quality and -iyh\ ami superbly made, with collars to match, order* will also be taken, and shirts made to suit any particular stylo or tusto of the wearer. Cull at tuo tftar Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street, my 14 WM. O. PRICE. P ork- 60 barrels Mess Pork, 26 do Prime do Landing and for Halo by my 14 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. GRAND SPECULATION!!! nm A 8MALI. 1NVK8TMKNT1 I»lllZKm_M *100,000. ISmmVKMKNT ON THK IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. HV AITHOKITV IIV TIIK nun OK (IU1HUM County Academy XiOOTHRT. Tun Tiioutuml Number* Only. ONE PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKETS. CLASS N. To be Uruwn June the 10th, WHO, at Concert (lull, Macon, tta., under the sworn superintend once of Col. Gen. M. Logan and Jan, A. Nislint, |$*q. This fernery]* druwn on the plan of the Royal Lottorv of Havana uf * ingle n umbers; thi* has only 10,000 numbers, ami the Havana Lottery 34,000 numbers—the Havana 249 prizes, this 1,200 prices, feunc to your interest! Now Is the time. CAPITAL PRIZE—$16,000. $16,000 is ....$16,000 6.0001* . ... 6.000 4.0(H) is .... 4,000 , 3,000 1* .... 3,000 , 2,(MM) is .... 2,000 . 1,(MM) 1* ... . 6,000 6001* .... 6,000 60 t* .... 3,000 25 i* .... 3,000 o* of 20 are.... .... 10,000 10 are.... .... 6,000 > ....$110,000 ttif Prizes payable without deduction, AS'* Persons sending money by mall need not four its being lost. Orders punetiially attended to. Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound hanks taken at par Drawings -tent to all ordering tickets. DS-Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, wnyift Macon, Oa. SUNDRIES. luOO Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bale.. Twine; 200 doz .Scrubbing and .Shoo fir us lies. 60 M Imparted Spanish Sugars; , 260 boxes Tobacco, varinu- brands; tint sacks lUo Coffee, 76 muls .lava Coflee; 100 doz Brooms, 60 doz Washboard*; 50Covcrod Basket*; 150 boxtv Family Soap; 150 do Puiui-oap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 5uOGloss Matches; 60 half chests Young Hyson Ten; .id do do Oolong do too boxes Candy, 5o boxes Scaled Herrings; 76 boxus Freili Grouud Colli e; 100 boxes imported Castile .Soap; lot) boxes Toilet Soup; 60 ‘4, .*4, aud whole boxes Ualsin.s, Received and for sale liv McMahon ft doyle, may 1I 205 and 208 Bay struot. O/'irW'k bagg of Oats, in lota to suit imrchos- era J. M. EYHE, my 14 91 Buy street. * NOTICE. T HE Co-uartneraliii) heietoloro exiatiug un der the linn of “JNO. F. GUILMAKTIN A Co." was owing to the doce iso of Mr. Gullraartln, dis solved on tlm 4th «lay of Juuuat y last. Hie subscri ber will attend to the’ unsettled alibirs ot said Coin- puny atnl re?p.-citiilly requests all parties indebted to make 1111 mediate payment. JNO. 0HEU1XJCK, 17 S lliougbtoii street, nearly ophite my 14 St. Andrew’s Hall, west. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. f |iHE subscribew have formed a Co-partner- X ship, hom ing date February 21st, 1860. uuder the mime and style of JNO. SHERIAX-'K & CO., for the purpose of truusuctlng a wholesale aud retail Dry Gouda bus I lies-. JNO. SHERLOCK, WM. KINK 178 Broughton street, nearly opposite my 14 St. Amlrow’H Hall, west. 4 RRIVAL ol the «ohr A. DEVERBUX, with X\. Fruit for the Savuunuli Fruit Emporium. ~ I.oou Oranges, ZOO bunches Bauuuaa, 75 di>Z I’ilie Apples, 6,000 Plantains. a mo, Sweet Meats, Jelly Arc. Fur sale by marl7 J. A. BROWN. r x { \ BBLS. MACKEREL, for wile by t)U CRANK, WELLS & CO, upr 19 TO RENT. r UNTIL the lit November next, a com- J raotllouH and airy roahloiiuo, on thu north I ildo or tho Central Hallroad l)u|Nit, known Hovora Place. TI10 houso is newly lur- Irotn basement to attic, which cun ho bought m»y8 YOUNG ft WYATT. OFFICE*FORHKNl IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE ailJoInlUR tho ollloe of tho lubscrihcr. Tho baicmont would make, with lomo slight ^Improvement, in oxcellont Inwyor’a-olUce. rst and second floors will ho let (hr Counting- Rooms, and the third (hr stooping apartments. Con nected with the establishment Is an out-building ol brick, suitable (hr servants. Apply to C. A. L. J.AMAR, Corner Drayton aud Bryan Htronts. TO RENT TWO TENEMENTS IN GORDON BIjOCK, (hmting Chatham S<|uare. and well furnish* ed with gas. water, stables, Arc. Posses* ,slon given 1st or Novomhor. EDWARD 0. WILSON, 72 Uryau street. VALUABLE: PROPERTY - TOR sales. TUo two-story briok store on Congress streot,uuw occupied by Messrs, Einstein ft Kckuiau. This Is one of the best stands In _the city (hr any kind or business. Terms mado accommodating. For particulars in quire nt 142 Broughton street, above the store ofT. L. McKouna. tfiuuyU TO" rent. . The Dwclllug lately occupied by Judge Fleming, In Taylor streot, near Drayton. Said Houso is three stories on a basement, 1 with good servauts’ rooms, and outhouses. Possession givou immediately. Apply to fob 28 D. L. COHEN. ATLANTA HOTEL. _ ATLANTA i i t i GEORGIA. J. J. I1ENLER, Pro|»rlc-tor. Late 0/ the Verandah Hotel, Nhio Orleans. Passengers per Kvouing Trains will Uud liilH Supper ready on the arrival of the Cars, l£U& may14 ‘ M E iiO H A IS TSnOTK L , JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN BOZEMAN, Pieprietor. BOA HD I'k'R DAY $ 1 GU HOAKU PKK WKKK 6 UU BOARD PKK MOXTii 29 00 .may 13 lyr BULLS HOUSE, ~ CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, C1UHLKHT0N, 8. 0. THIS House la now adapted to all the wants of tho Travelling Public, aud the ef forts of the Proprietor will bo to deserve septa m octl& VALUA1 Hi quire nt 14 I.. MoKouti Mi Possession their patrouage. THOMAS S. NICKERSON. their tti-|M»il, FLOUn IN BARREUM. J UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, iu barrols. apr29 YOUNG ft WYATT. IQ’KAT'SFOOT OIL, of'tHo best quality constantly Tor sulo low by CHAFFF.K ft C0„ may 15 _ _ _ 0 Whitaker street. ltEDZIE’S PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes on | bund. We warrant them to moke the Savannah River Waver, even though dipped directly out of the River, as pure and clear as tho finest Spring Water. About forty Filters are now In use in thU city, and every person who has i them, will cheerfully testify to ibelr i efficiency. Jndood, tho Board of Wator Commissioners here, «ny In .««. it Is tho only Filter that doos ellhotunl- ly purify tho Savannah River Water. Call and see ono in operation at our House Fur- uishing and StoveesUbllsmeut,Hodgson’s new block. KENNEDY .v BEACH, feb 27 Cornor of Broughton and Bull Bta. A. SHOilTj MASTER BUILDER. Will take coutracis for Bulldlug and Working Ma- soury of every doscrlption. Residence, No. 3 Mrs Jewett's Range. South aide Jonas Hi oct 30 WILMOTS JEWELHY HTORE l Is receiving by every arrl- Aval u large aud rich assort.j ament of Gold and Silver Wutcnus, DiamouU nns, Ear and Finger Rings, Mantle and other »lucks, Simona, Forlu, Tea tietH, Oa-sters, ftc., ol Marling Silver. Jewelry In every variety. .... "•Ivory Table Cutlery, Hue Pocket Knives aud Scissors. . . , Rich China and Pariau Vases, and other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Guus manufactured to bis own order. Gunulng Implements or all kinds. i iituJ Waiters, Castors, Tea Sctti and Caudle- sticks, with u great variety ol Fanoy Articles, suita ble fur wedding gifts, tooujmorous hero to men tion. Ail kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired by tho moat experienced workmen. S. WJLMOT, inay 13 No. 1 Market square. PLUMBING. ; P LUMBING, in all its vorious branches, at tended to ut the shortest notice, and in auperior style. Also, may ho found Hhowor Baths, Galvaniz ed Iron. Tin and Leaded Bath Tubs; Copper Boilers, Patent Pan Water Closets, Lead Pipes, Sheet Load, Brass and Plated Cocks. Force pumps, India Hubbcr Huso. For sale at the House Furnish Store, No. 166 Brongliton-Htroct. marl9 HORACE MORSE. S ILLS, IztccH, Lmbroiderien, White Good, Mills, ftc., Just being opened undforaaleby J. W. Til RELIC ELI), Cor. Congresuand Whitaker sts. DEWITT ft MORGAN, D EALERS in staple and Fancy Dry Goods, oiler for sale a largo and handsome stock of Ladlus' Dress Goods; House Keeping do; Bleached Miiriings; Irish Liueus; hosiery of every description; Embroideries ol the newest and finest styles;; laices uud Muslin Tctmmlugs; White Goods, Jacouets, Cambrics, Swiss Nainsooks, Mulls, Checks, Brilliantes, ftc. Plantation Goods, White and Striped Osna- burgs, lh-owu Shirtings, Blue Ilmnospuiins; Head Humikerehlelri, Hickory iStripes, ftc.. At the lowest market prices. may la NEW BOOKS. RECEIVED BY WARNOCK ft DAVIS, TUESDAY, MAY 18TH. D ICK TARLETAN; or, The Last of hU Race* By J. F. Smith Esq, Cyrilla; a romance. By the author of "Initials.” Fred Graham; or, Masks and Faces. By J. Fred erick Smith. Philip Rollo; or, The Scottish Muskutaors. By Captuiu James Grant. Vivian Bertram; or. A Wife’s Honor. By G. W. M. Reynolds. The Wondorful Adventures of Ouptalu Priest. Courtship ami Marrlugu; or, Tho Joys aud Sor rows of American Life. By Mrs. Curoliuo Loo Houtz. Phoeuixiuuua; or, .Sketches aud Burlesques. By John Phoenix. For sale nt may 16 159 CONGRESS STREET. "THE GiilEAT "IRoft"WHEEL. O R, Republicanism Backwards, and Chris tianity Reversed, In a series uf letters address ed to J. Soule, Senior Bishop of the Methodist Epis copal Church, South, lty J. K. Graves, Editor of thu Tennessee Baptist, Nashville. Cloth;price $1.26. Tlte limit Iroit Wliuei Examined. Or Us False Spokes Extracted, uud an Exhibition cruder Graves, its builder; in a sorles of chapters. By William O. Browulow, Editor of Browulow's Knoxvillo Whig. Cloth; price $1. Copies mailed on receipt of Price. Received aud lur sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Booksellers uud .Stationers, ,Vi\V, may 16 169 Congress street,_ B oiled linseed oil, or tfuT host quality con staully for sale by CHAFFER ft CO., may 16 0 Whitaker street. L AltD AND HEBH1NUS— 4 20 bids Prime White Leal lard; 60 boxes Primo Ilorrlugs lauding and fur sale by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. HAMPAGNE—-12 baskets geuulue Ileidsick ChamjiRgue In store aud lor sale by may Hi OCTAVES COHEN ill \ BBLS of Mercer and early June Potatoes reccluvcd per steamer Augusta, and for sale by may 10 J. D. JEHSE.p NOTICE, rpiIE Arm of SPENCER CURRELL & CO., X is this day dissolved br mutual conseat. Either partner is authorised to uso the name of tho late firm in settlement of the aflalrs uf tho same. SPENCER CURRELL. ROBT. AUSTIN. A. THOMAS. Savannah, May 1st, 1660. Tho undersigned will continue tho Auctlou and CominU&lou busiuess on his own account, from and ulter this tluto. SPENCER CURRELL. Savannah, May 1st, 1850. may8 _ UT FEW LEFT of those Superior Black uud Culored Muulillus, ut J. W. THRELKELI), rauy3 Congress and Whitaker sts.. ***** ft CORN El ft mur ai MONTGOMERY'S HOTEL AND DINING ROOMS—(ON THE EUROPE.VN PI AN.) Xo. 15 ami 17 Beekman, tm doors east oj Xavtu street, near the City Hall Hark. * The subscriber, thankful for post favors, would inform his patrons aud tho traveling public, that he is now prepared to furnish first class Lodgtug Rooms, with couvoulon- to any Hotel lu tho city. Transient or per manent lodgers accommodated by the day, weok or month, with or without board. R. 0. MONTGOMERY, my 13 Now York. ABB ADT1BUL. SVMMBR RESIDENCE ***** FOR SALK.—Delightfully situated rosl- Tiii^ft duncoat Milway, two and a hall'miles |!|H from Milledgevillo, a quarter uf a mile j|aUK (tom Oglothorpo Uuivortdiy, within a few uilnotes walk of Railroad Depot. Tiie houso con talus eight rooms, two parlors, dinlug room, five chambers, wide hall and wide gallery t rout uud rear; kitchen, servants rooms, smoke bouse, carriage houso and stable. Tho buildings are all iu good or der, huviug undergone thorough repairs. The lot coutuins four acres, aud well laid out—contains a variety oi fruit trees, shrubbery and Uowors;on tho lot is a well or Uuowater; thirty acres of wood laud goes with it. The furniture, carriage and horses will he sold, if desired. All sold on account of re moval. Terms moderate, If applied for immediately. Address M. M. HOLMES, apr23 ood—lino Millcdgovllle Geo. A Valuable Plantation for Sale tie Mclii toeh County* THE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing valuable tracts of land, In McIntosh Co.; 1,220 acres of pine laud aud welltimborod: 160 acres of good bay land—60 acres of are cleared and under cultivation, part crow- lug the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad; also 1,120 ucres of rich swamp and hammock land; 183(1 ucres of choice pine laud, 130 cleured und under good cultivation, with a good mill seat attached to it, all within 2K miles or the above uatned railroad. There Is a good dwelling un the promises, situated on a high, beautiful anu well watered liili, within miles or tho above railroad, and on the Macon aud Darleu Road. This la & rare cltauce for laud purchasers, and a grent bargain can he obtained by applying Immediately to tho proprietor, A. J. BAGGS, 8r., Walthoursvllle, Liborly Co., or to JOHN 8. MONTMOLLIN, Esq., may 10 dftwtf Savannah, Ga. »8o iimrai WANTED—A VcmoI to load with Timber ;for nu Euroiioaii market. Apply at Union Paw Mill, or J F O'Byrno’s oflleo. 11 JEKFKHHON ROBERTS. WANTED—A Yossol to load with Tlmhor Tor a Northern port. Apply hi Union Steam ill, or nt J F O* By rim's nhlce. innrul * JEFFERSON ROBERTrt. FOR FREIGHT OR CilA RTKU.—Tho coo. pored and cornier fastened brig ROBERT M. ,CHARLETON, 4.H. Ughtburn, master. Ap ply to J, ROBERTS* uprlO 3t Or Master un hoard. VEisSa WANTW).—A tomoI fi load Willi Umber, for Bostou. Also u vessel to loud wltb sawed lumber, (hr the samu place. Apply to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union steam Saw Mill, aprlP or J. F. 0’BYRNE'S Olfico. 'WANTEll —A freight or charter Tor Ha vana for Brig R. M. CHARLCTON. It Applp t«» JEFFERSON ROBERTS, ut Union Steam Haw Mill, uprl9 or J. F. O’BYRNE'S Office. FOR LIVERPOOL—'the A I American Ship MARY ft ADELINE, W. Taylor, mostor. anw- having a portion of her cargo engaged, wl I have immediate dispatch. For freight upply to Captain Tavlov, or to tuay7 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. F’OR NEW YORK—Union Link—The fast tailing schooner S J. WARING, Smith, mas ter, will have dispatch fill’ the above |M»rt. For freight upply in mayl7 OGDEN. STARR ft CO. FOR NEW YORK^—GloNuHK ft Co’s I j.vk— jg£jg£The new sclimmer B. FlwtNNER, Cnpt. Ap- plegu, will have dlspat* h lor the above port. F’nr irelght or passage upply lo may 13 HUNTER ft GAMMKU.. "jXH FOB 1*1 II LA DEI JIHI A—H kron’h Ijnk.— Thu selnmner MARY ft IDLTSA, Captain Mcuimuti, will have dispatch for the above port.—• For freight upply to muylW 0. A. GREINER. GILMORE ft CO.'S LINK OP N. YORK AND SAVANNAH PACKETS. ^ ^p-s This now Uue will ho curaiwsod of tho fol- lowing vessels, ono of which will loavo 9, N. It, punctually every Thursday, ■ESSacommouciuu uu the first uf November • New schooner EDWARD KIDDER, 300 bins, Tyler, master. Now schooner UF-NNETP FLANKER, 336 tons, Ap plegllt, muster. ! New sclmounr GEORGE DAVIS, 33fi tous. smith, ' muster. New schuuner LoVEf I’KACiH-'K, 370 tons. Terry, master. New schooitur WALTER RALEIGH, 440 lous, Mur •hall, master. Those vessels are all of the first class, aud having been built during thu past year expressly for this trado, ero well deserving the altoutiou of shippers. Thoy aro commanded oy mnstora of experience aud ability, and shippers cun rely upon quick dl-qwtcb, aud overy attoutiou being paid to tlieir convenience Fur froight or pa-Huge apply to the master on board or to HUNTER ft GAMMKLL, Agonts at Savanuali. J. R. OH,MORE ft CO., nov2 164 Wator st., New Yurk. Ruction IIV BULLA PRENTISS, (HcmjwnKHToimmuw a mat..) THK URKAT WUMTBItN INHUUAIICE IX). OF NEW YORK, 4 RKtnkiDR Mitrino Rluka fit tlieir Agency, ii. corner iffOrnyttm and Bryun Htroots. J THIS DAY, ut U o’clockTlITf Approved Bisks will ho tllkon on llberul terms, wkdNKSDAY, »l 11 o’clock in and tho nsuul credit given un Premium Note*. Three T)l0 Urilla | uasortmont ufGi quarters of thu business will he returned to the cun toinors In scrip. C* A* I*. Lninar, Teh 19 Agent in Suvaunah. irsirBmur Southern Mutual Insurance Comimny, Southern Mutual Lire Ins. Company, Homo Itisuranre Company, of N* York, Sprlugdcld Fire St> Marine Ins. Cum'y, Risks iu the ubovo Insurance Companies underta ken by WM. KINO ft SONS, Agents, No. 99 Bay street. Savuuuuli, 14th llooumbur, 1866. deol4 POIlfi, MAliiNKTWftTlilFfi j BY S. SPBNCCHCUBKKLL. front of store, front of store:— At Private Halo. Southern half of lot No 86, (Jiatlmm Ward, city of * Savnnuuli, containing twenty-five and a half feet iiriMinni ..f i'wu....i ... . , „ i front on Tatuall street, and nlirnty and three quarter « .mm r v.u.r- ..r»Hi ttwto ro , v * ff * out< foot in depth, subject to a ground rent or twenty-one .iijuors, Crocker) und Gln*H Mure, Dry Goods, new j 10*100 dollurn imip annum Eorrurtlmr tiartlcnlar* V?' in, l" lr< ’ ut the Counting Room, 154 Buy street. Wulches, Jewelry, ftc., ftc. Term.-, cash boiore he. -i—- livery. j At Private bale. M-AII articles purchased ut uuetlon and not set- • A few Hue litliograplicd pictures, 22 x 28 inches, tied for previous to tlm next regular sale, will he I of Htuuo Mountain, DeKuib County, Ua - , uud Tawa. ! sold on account 40>*1 risk of liirmer purchu-er I inuyfil At Private Bale/' ; For sale, in lots to suit purchasers, dry uud in I good order, iu bags nr bulk, an excellent article fur | teed, at 26 to 37 cunts per bushel. Terms cosh, j inny21 Administrator’:* Huio. luga Fulls, unnr tlm Indiau Fpriugs, tie., lor ual« low. Jan to AND J \T ct IT II A AT 17 ! On tho first TUESDAY iu June next, ut 11 o’clock, in j\ U Xl» A JtI Jl* * front of the Court House, will ho sold— \(» lit H J V.STREE T Lots No. (i und 7 Forsyth Ward, corner of Whita- r* 1011*11 m<M>iiPgPVTii'l) 1 ^ 1,r IlU( ^ Hiintlngilou streets, fronting theI’urk, 45 by CAPITAL nUL’HESENTEU, Nuurly Four iUlllion Dollars. By tla* tollowiug responsible Stock Companies. Charter Onk Lift Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CT. Bi|Ultable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. 189 loot, subject to a city grouud relit ot $ per uunum. Sold h-> tlm property of Robert II. Grilllu. deceased, by virtue of an order troiu tlm Court of Ordiuary, (or the benefit of the heirs uud creditors ol said estate. By order of tlm administrator, ’form at sale. ’ •’ may 13 < Administratrix Hale. On TUESDAY, July tlr.-t, at 11 o'clock, iu front of Ilia Court House, will he sold:— ' Thu southern half of bit No 17 and improvements, . fii s niitriui! I thldkted on East Bouudury street: the improvements UfeiSSSSilliiSri^vM^ I.W-Iwu»i*oiwwM OF PHILADELPHIA. Flrv and Marino Iuetirance ComiMiiy, UF BKI PURPORT, Cl'. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YUUK *25 00. #f»jt Seuil-Wcdiiy United State* Mall Lino* •f!HE NEW AND SPLENDID .SIDE-WHEEL 1 Htuuui.ihii^ — KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 toUH..Uupt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSl’A .... 1,600 “ . .Cupt. ‘fhetnus Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 *• . .(.’apt. M. S. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,300 ..Cupt. G. B.Schonck. WILL I.KAVK .SAVANNAH KVKKY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Thodo uliips are among the largest ou the coast, nuaurpassod lu iqieed, safety uud comfort, making their passages in fifty to sixty hours, und are com tnanded by skillful, cureful und polite officers.— Huviug ologuut stuUs room accommodations, they offer u most Uosirublu conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New York $26 Steerage Passage to New York 8 PA DEI FORD, FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’I. L. MITCH ILL. 13 Broadway, Now York. "FLORIDA POUTS. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. Mall Uuo—From Now Or- lenus to Key West.—Steamships FLORIDA aud VANDERBILT,—These flue steamers will in future tuako their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows; New Orleans, 10th ft 24th Key West, .. lffih ft 24th Pensacola.... 11th ft26th Tampa 11th ft 26th Apalachlcolu.l2th ft 20th Codar Keys,12th ft 2Ulh St Marks.... 13th ft 27lh St. Marks... 14th ft 28th Cedar Keys..14th ft 28th Apalachicola,16lh ft 29tU Tampa Buy.. 16th ft 29tli Pensacola... IGtli ft 30th Arrive at Key West 17th ft 1st I Now Orleans, 17lb ft 1st Agents In New Orlouus, dco2G Urn E. 0. ROGERS, ft CO., 72 Poydrsss street. feb Is DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. , Tho subscriber takes this opportunity I to inform bis friends and tho public, that ■ ho Is enabled, from experience, and the Liutultivo perceptions of the truths of. .•nonce, based on tho common rules of survoying Soria*, ootb plane and spherical, to cut and mako up garment* to lit tho human form iu the most complete "i.d linlrihud style, to nil who may favor him with a •ill. Boy*’ fancy drensiM, Bull costumes, Military and Firemen’s Uuiforins, ftc., ftc. P. HORACE GRANT, loll'ursou si., ono door North of Broughton ntreet. doc 7—ly liAHEUES, ('HALLIES AND MUSLINS. IJ A choice snlection of Uichu guo«ls, of thu latest *y -i, hi which we invite tliouttentlouoflho laities, marl AIKIN A BURNS. •)/ j Bills, superior Olil Monongohelu Whiskey, •* 1J received, aud for sale by uiy 14 _ UmIm Ohio Catawba lirandy la store, anil for sulu by the ouly regular Agent for ‘-a van null, my 14 .....lar Agen S. M. EYRE, 04 BaV street. 1.... TO “UILDERS. 'I'UE subscriber la prepared to execute ut the « shortest uutico, aud lu the most workmanlike I manner, all kinds or Metal Hooding. Gutters, Cor- nac, or other work connected with the raauufuctur- J U| g or repairing or Copper, Gulvaulxed Iron. Zinc, | or Sheet iron Business. HORACE MOR&E, warl9 166 Broughton-st. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pltuheri, Sorao new and beautiful designs, Plated and Brlta- nia. At the Hjuse Furulshlug Store, 166 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April 80. JkPrtO ATHCHODSB7 HOT, COLD AND SHOWER. rpHE BATH HOUSE baring been handsomely X fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d„or March. Single Baths 26 conts—six tickets for $1.00 tnar4 J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. FRENCH MILLINERY AXD Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND has open ed at her Rooma, No. 17 Broughton Street, a fine seloc- , tion of Spring Mlllnery, and Is ■* r * constantly receiving per steam- era, new and different styles of Bonnets; also, Dress id Mantilla patterns.. jgr Bonnets cleaned aud pressed as usual. aprlO MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY* ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAU, GA. (Near the Market.) X'ROM the most complete faculties in his own X establishment, and through n connections with several or the principal manufecturug estab Usbments or Philadelphia, New Y'ork. aid Boston, tho Undorslguod is prepared to furnlnBh MACHIN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONIB* Columns, Window Sills and LinUls, Iron Doors, Shutters, ftc., at Xorthemvricet. He is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of overy description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, ftc. Also Iron Railing in great variety. Tor enclosures, and to receive ordors, and put up tho work at man- facturors’ pricos. H. H. LINVILLK. Savannah, April 11, i860. aprll SALTS OF LBHON. F OR RENOVATING Inb .pot., Iron rust Mould aud Stains or any kind; afresh supply a t received at the APOTHECARIES HALL, octlS FLOWER SEEDS. J UST Received, a large, select and fresh sup ply of Flower Seed, consisting of over ono hundred different varieUes. selected expressly for the Southern climate, for sale by J. E. DxFORD, Apothecaries' Hall, feb 20 Cor. Broughton and Barnard st3. LANDLORD AND TENANT. T HU Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J. Smith, with Notes of American cases by P. P. Morris. Bauvior’a Law Dictionary, last edition. Uauvier’s Institutes American law. Nell Kan’s Alloa orcutanoous Disease*, with color od plates, 4to. Brown on some Diseases uf Woraeu admitting ol surgical Treatment. Flint on Discuses of the Respiratory Organs. Uudd on Diseases of thu Stomach. Sketches aud Ailvout 11 res in Mudvira, Portugal and Hpaiu. Italiuu .Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with etigraviugs. Physiology uud Calisthenics. By Catheriuu K. Boucher. Railway and Ulcainsliln Guide, with maps. Ireland lu ’U8uud '48; its Revolutionary History. By .1. Savage. National System uf Political Kcuuutny. From the Germau, of List. uprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. C lHAMPAIllN CIDER, ftu.—116 boxen Cham- J puigu Cider, choice urilcie, 20 hhls ctiutce old pouch lit &uy, II do do Apple Hruudy, lo do do Cherry Brandy, Also—(linger und Blackberry, boxes, lu .store and lor sale by r«Ul JVEBHTKH ft PAl.MK g D REWS TiUMMlNGa-FringM, blacic a'ml colored Moire Antique Gauzo, and other atylea, lu great variety, aud lor Halo by mur 7 AIKIN ft BURN'S. PIANO FORTES. HAVING latoly received large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wo •re enabled to Oder at this time the ‘groatost variety from tho best manu facturers, from tho plainest square to the meat elab orately carved, and from six to seven octaves. Our Pianos aro selected from the manufacturers whom w’o have full confidence iu, and wo are par ticularly requested by them to give a guaranty with every instrument sold by us as regards durability, tone, ftc. Persons in waut of • first rate instrument may ro ly with safety upon getting such • ono by selecting from tho following makors, whose instruments we endeavor to koup constantly on hand, vix : H. Wor cester, J. Chlckering ft Son, Nunns ft Clarke, Bacou ft R&veus, H. Waters, and Haloes. Brothers ft Cum- ming. I- W. MORRELL ft CO. aug 27 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS ARTICLES, FOR BRIDAL AND OTHER PURPOSES. TUST received: Fresh White Kid Gloves; (I White Silk Nock Scarfr and Cravats ; White Handkerchiefs; White Hosiery; White Shirts ; White Silk aud Maraallles Vests, aud other emblems of purity, suitable lor people or good taste. Gall at thi STAR CLOTHING EMPORI UM, No. 147 Bay Btrxkt. W. O. PRICE. ^CENT’S Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Gloves. IT &e., Just received per steamer Florida, and ri™.lo by J. W. THREMCEU), mur 21 Cur. Cougeoss and Whitaker sts. T OUOMOTIVE NEEDLES.—A uew uud elo- XJ gunl urtlolo which needs only lo ho tried once to liisuro tho cnnstaul preference of the gouumtresa, Just receivod aud for rale by uarlS LAD80N * ROGERS. iuh*criber will effect Insurance to any aiuuunt in ail parts ot the Htatouu overy det'cnptiuu of pro|*erty. Idle Inaurunco. to iiay amount*at the lowest rate, lor the benefit ot heirs and creditors, or payable to tho wile free from thu claims of creditors Marine iuiuianco on Hulls or Cargoes to uil partn •d tbe world. Juii26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL UENEF1TLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. .1. Charter Htextual. Nett aceulliuiatiuu, J.ili. 1, I860* $2,230,005 47 Total uiuount uf Jivideuds paid tu (late 716,492 00 fetal amount of claims by death paid lu date 1.330,990 84 $4,282*488 97 licnjuuiiu C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L. I*>rd, Ueuerul Agent, Rebel l L. Patterseii. Presideut. •Thu fuuds of this Ueiupuuy are all safely iiivesteU iu first class buud.s aud mortgages, stocks, cash, uud uute.i of member!' fully secured by tlieir puliciei. Fur turtUcr parlic-ulars luquiru of CUAHLEN A. FARLEY, Agent iu Suvaunab, At the office of Bull ft Premiss J, ft. Oil LU VAN, Medical Exuuiiuer. KKM.KhACK: ^ • Messrs. PAi)W.vonu, Fay ft Co., 1. K. Ttfr, biq., State Bank. fuu 29 MAklNE~ANl>TrRE INBUUANck AGGREGATE CAPITAL id,UUO,OuO. VOUNG, WYATT” & t*0.,l . NO. 85, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A RE prepared to efluct Insurance, in coinuuc- tluu with the MERCANTILE INSURANCE AGKNOY, No. 6, Wall alruet, .New York, fur uny aiuouul that may be required. Parlies requiring il can be insured in the lullowiug l>iudwn und New York offices, via: Excelsior, Ni SI. Niohnias, Hurmoiiy, Bookman. Com’ouwMUi Stuyvesuut Howard, Corn Exuh’g Lafarge, Market, uov 28 HARINK AND FUiE INSURANCE. FOR CHARLESTON, Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at6 o'clock iff"* ft The splendid stoompaoket GOR- BeIBbUON, E. Barden, Commander, will leave as above, and will arrive lu Charleston In time to connect with tho Railroad Hues going North and Wost. For freight or possogo apply ou tbo Charles ton Steampacket Wharf to 43“ N. d.—After FRIDAY, May 30th, the Gordon will 00 tutnporacllp withdrawn, maklug her last trip from Savannah on WEDNESDAY, May 28th, and from Charleston on FRIDAY, the 30th. myl4 J. P. BROOKS, Ageut. For centervillagR, Via SL Simons. Brunswick, Fancy Bluff, Jefferson, Darien, SI. Marys, da b Tho fine steamer PLANTER, Cupt. BMcNulty, will loavo Tor tho above places overy Wednesday morning at lOo’olook. For freight or passage, apply on board at Union Ferry Wharf, or to I^novlO CRANE, WELLS ft GO., Agents. FOR JOHNSON'S LANDING, _ AND INTERMEDUTE PLACES, To leave on Tuesday Night, the 12JA instant, m —IT^o. The Ught draft-steamer. WILLIAM JMSHBELEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Steampacket Wharf. Apply to feb 11 S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. ©rgnffiSjTLliie FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St, Marys. Oa., Fernanda na and Jacksonville, Picdtata and Black Creek, Fla. - THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N rory Tuesday Morning, at 10 o’eik. This boat nas large aud airy State Boom accom modations, and taking lhe Inland Passage, offers every inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be takou for Trader's Ilill aud tutor mediato laudinga uu St. Mary’s River. No freight will be taken aTter 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board ut tho Florida Steam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LIN EL fbr Falatka, East Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, lYmandina, Jacksonville, Middfeburg, (Black Creek,) and Ficolata. pc la The new uud elegant steomtiacktit JOHNS, Cupt. Jamas Frecboru, leaves every Saturday tuorulug, ut 10 o’clock, for the abovo places. Freight will he taken for Trader’s Hill aud luter- mediute landings on St Mary’s River. 47" No freight will he taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, haviug excellent state* room accommodations, apply ou board, at the Flori da Steampacket Whart, near tho Gas works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. NEW YORK ft LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAH. STEAMSHIPS. Tbo ships comprising this, line are— a.uu.uv; Capt. West, t BALTIC, Capt, PACIFIC, Capt. Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt. Tnese ships haviug beeu built, by contract, ex pressly for Government service, every care has beeu taken in their construction, os also iu their en gines, to insure strength aud speed, and their ac commodations for passengers are uncqualcd for ole gonce and comfort. Prices or Passago from New York to Uvorpool iu first cabin $180, in socond cabin $76, exclusive use or extra Btato-rooma $325. From Liverpool to New York £30 aud £20. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berths con be secured until paid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 60 Wall street, New York. BROWN. SHIPLEY ft CO.. Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD ft fco. B. G. WAIN WRIGHT ft CO., Parle. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. 43“The owners of these ships will uot be nc couutable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, Jewelry, precious stones, or metals, unless bills ofludiug are signed thorofor, and the value thereof expressed therein. Shippers will please take notice that tho shliit. ol this line cannot carry auy goods contraband of war. GATHER DUSTERS.--Just received and X for sale by J. W. THRELKELI), mayU Congress and Whitaker streets. i)nn KEGS New Jersey Zinc Co., Parlor 4VJ\J Zinc, a superior article,, for sale low at apr30 CHAFFER ft CO.’S, No. 6 Whitaker street. ^I.Kr-iO bblfl. Taylor & Bona Huporior Ale my 14 received, and for nalo by McMAHON ft DOYLE, 206 and 207 Bay street. "DOTATOES AND APPLE8^-Just received JT 60 bhl* Potatoes, and 10 bbls flue Apples. For solo by DAVID O’CONNOR, Corner Broughton and Drayton sts, ...3 by tuay10 nODPISH, MACKEREL * HERRINGS.— Just received 6 hlids. cholos OodflsU; IMbbls. extra No, 1 and 2 Mackerel; 10 do extra Pickled Herrings; 60 boxes Smoked Herrings; In store and for sale b* DAVID O’CONNOR, aajrie cor. Broughton and Drayton its 3 A/1A Bushela Pennsylvania Oata; • v/vrvX 600 do do Mcroor Potatoes 20 barrols Bollvcrrnu Whiskey; 49 i;askrt Catawba Brundy. In store and for salo by J. M. EYRE, apr30 94 Bay street. F OR LADIES’ TRAVELING DRESSE8.- Uray Mohair Lustre, Just received per etoaiuer Alabama, aud for safe by J. W. TIIUELKELD, apr!7 Congress and Whitaker stroets. W Yoik, Oapital Slock . .....$200000 do do 160000 do do *200000 do do..;.... 200000 i do do 260000 do do 200000 do do 200000 do do 200000 d.| ilo 160000 do do 200000 THE INTERNATIONAL lUBUi-ance Comuuuy. NO. 28, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. C^SH OAFlTAC^$312,000 AGENT FOK SAVANNA II, James HI. Curler, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSES. YOUXO, WYATT & CO., niRKcr»K.s: ALAN SON MARSH, 8. A. R0IJ.0 Firm of A. 8. Barues ft Co, the estate of Daniel lloltertsnn, deceused, for tho benefit of the heir* aud creditors of said estate.— Terms cush. K. ROHICRTSON, toy 13 Administratrix. Fine I'urlor Furniture ut Auction, ou TUESDAY next, 20tl» lust, at 11 o’clock, ut the huuse in Jones street, next to thu corner of Drayton, A complete assortment of line purlor, chamber, and kitchen furniture, all lu good ueder aud Unu condition. .Sale positive. Terms eush. my 13 Cottage Tract at Private Safe. Lot No. 9, Third Ty thing, Anson Ward, containing 668-I0 acres, situated on lint Middlo Ground Road ubout three miles from the city. Plot ol the above farm can be seen at our contiling room. For sale, low for ca-dt. my 13 Garden Lot at Private .Stle. tiurdcu lot No. t*8 containing 6! t ucres. Idea be tween tbo feiulsvillo Road uud the (’anal, about two miles from the city. Apply ut our counting room, where the plot can be seen. , may 13 Pearl Starch. Just received Horn tin* manufactory— lOO boxes Iru-erV Peart Starch* the best ui title tuioiutuciurod. 43" Messrs. Hell ft Prcutlss have beon appiuted agents for Fra.-urM Nlaruh Manufactory. Chillcothe, Dido, oue ef tie* largest establishments in the con i try, uud wdi keep on baud, -a constant supply for tbo trade. uctyK lobucci) at Private Sale. Now laudiuy uud for shU* from store:— 4o (Mixes as.-urtetl bruuds'tobacco. Terms cash, mayu Two Lot-, of land ul Privale.Sale. L»t ul land No. 219,17tl> District, SutnjAer coun ty, 202acres; lot of laud No 2.3,Kith District, Cuss county, loo acres. For sale low. maria (food Cook, Washer aud Irouer, at Private Sale. A lit At ruto cook, washer and trouer, uud good homo.-maul about forty years of age. Sold for no fault. Sound und healthy. Titles warranted, march Id Horse uud Bugay at Private Sale. A Ur.-d rule strong uud geullufamily Buggy Horse, u good roadster. Sold lor no fault, us the owner has no use lor him. mur 13 At Privuto Sale. Fairbanks Patent Platform Scales. umrl3 CENTRAL HAIL lit) A D. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N utnl alter Sunday, the 14th October, lust.* aud until further uotlce, tho Passenger Truiutt ou mo Ccutrul Railroad will ruu as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON, leaves Savuuuah Daily at...6 a m uud 12.16 e m. Arrtvo in Macon “ “..2.15 mi •* 1 a m. latuve Macon “ “.11.46 am “ 9.30 r»i. Arrive lu Savan’h “ “10.46 t* m “ 7.20 a m BCTWKKX SAVANNAH AND ACQVOTA. Leave Savauuuh 12.16 r m und 8.30 e. m. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 pm “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta 0. a m “ 4.30 p m j • Arrive lu Savannah 1.30 pm “ 10.46 p ! nKTWKK.V MACON AND ACQL’HTA. t l^avu Macou 11.46 a m and 9.30 P M. ; Arrive in Augusta 8.45 p st “ 6.30 a m. Loavo Augusta 0. am “ 4.30 pm. j Arrive iu Macou 2.16 pm “ l. am. hctwkkn SAVANNAU, MUAKIX1KV1U.K ft XATONTON. , i Savanimli.. . 6. . » | UTRAWBEUItV BASKETS FOR SALE AT | Arrive In Millotlgevillt a.46 r u., l~ tin- lluiuc FuruKhlug Sluro or No. 85, Bay Street, below tie l’03t Office, j Arrive Iq Eitoiaili'..‘.'.‘.'.V.A 46 i 2.1 tlml^on'sKm Hlork, curuiT’Bro'uKlcuuTBuH .... IV. M. WADLEY Gon’l Supt. | upr24 Snvunuah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1865. ocll5. i FJlCOBS BEGAll AND TOBACCO STORE. BROUGHTON STREET HACK LIVERY STABLE. Thu uudon-lgned having put the above Stables in good condition, aro prepared to accommodate their -—.—— ouHtomors wltli Carriage*, Hacks, BugglM, Sulkies, fte., with sound, gentle, and well broko borHCH, und (airefni drivers. Horse* boarded on ucoomuiodatiiig terms, and well cured Ibr. Two pair* of Due Currlnge Horen* lor “ate. Inquire .:..i • ucr ol Baruuni utel UroughUiu ctrceLs. u|ill4—ly tfTEVKXri ft EIJ.ISUiN THK GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY t PRYOR’sTjdNTMENT. I T is u nure mid speedy cure for btum, piles, corns, felons, lover *oriv, nlcei>, yen Id bead, tetter worm, sore ni|»|-h--. fn*ccmtnendeo Lv nnr so*,) -sore ami erui'kod lip-*, lr**h wound* aiuf s«ne* of any dcscriiition. H i* a iin^t \:duuf l*- remedy aud cure, which call bo testified to by thoo.-uuu* who have used it in many perilous oi the rtnttb tor the last few yem>. lu tm m.-itnnoe will tho -an e do uny injury, or interfere wltli u physician'* pre^crip tfen. *n»e proprietor lias nuin* rou* cerilfleatei and letter* from p*t-p}e who have used it Uietu.-.ehe uud tno-t eariie-tly recommend it to others a, a speedy ami certain remedy for tin- above earned diseases, a trial i* all that is nece->ury for it. own reci'imucudutfen. .sdd by J. B. AltH»RK. Savannah. Ga.. und drug* gispi generally. V. .1. MiniRE. Pioprielor, may 13 laGrunge, t;a. REAM AND liEANK, A FEW hack* of beautiful white Peas and wTA. lk-un* for «:ile l*»w ut .1. onMoND'S office, C«ir. oflfey Hint Druy l»n >trwt-, by apr30.’;t__ W. M. J»h#Kl’H. TO THE LADIES. J UST RECEIVED—A cnimigniuent of Frl- setls, L'mls. Braid*, and Front Pieces, from the mporter* und will be retd at New York price*. 4i3" The colon now m store urn well aesorutd, uud orders will he filled at any time for colors not on hand, by G. M. GRIFFIN. Succcj-sot t.i late M. Ka-tm.ui. imyi 2nd More above Pulu>k I Hoiire. I i^OR LAD1E&—Gauze uud Thick Morino vests, just apr21 i**l um) Ibr sale bv J. W. THREljvKLl), Cunuress an*l Whitaker .*lr«seU 1 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PINS A J largo assortment of all .sizes English and Amur lean Pius, received and for sale by mart* LADSON ft ROGERS. 1*0 iioVhekkkpers. _At the Old stunt], 155 Urouuhtoit*st. 13 EFUIGERATOHS, Meat titles, Water Coul- XU er*, KedzieV, Water Kiltercrs, Wire Di-b Uov • ers, Kish Kettles, ,V»up iiigcster.-.. Frcnc.h Tiuued Ware, Tinned uud Ifeomelied stew hut*, Looking Stoves, Uookiug Ranges, Table Cutlery, Cedar Tufe* uud Buckets, W«Htden Ware. Willow Ware, Clothes, Market, Travelling uud Fancy Baskets, Bird Cage*, Planished uud Japanned Wure. do. AI»o, Tin Ware, Iron an Copper Ware, Bra** Kettles, Stove Pipe Cooking Lleusils ol all kinds ibr Stoves and Range.-., together with the llne-t assortment ot HouaeFnr- n(.siting Good* in Um citv. mariO * HORACE MORSE. MEN OF THE RE VOLUTION. M EN and Tillies of tin* Revolution, or Me moirs of Elkaiiuh Wut.Mm. Impre*{doi)H of England, or Sketches of Ifegli.h Scenery aud Society, lly Cum*. Tho SpunUb Conqiie-t in America. By Aithm Helps 2 vols. Kingsley’s Sermons lor the Times. Heart and Home Truths. By Rev. IL Willingham. Juuior. Our Church Music. A Boor: for Pastor.-: aud Peo ple. Legion, or Feigned Excuses. Tho Nightingale, or A Kind Act Is Never Lo-u — A tale of tlm Russluu war. ! Unison, or the liturgy. By A. GKthrd. Life of Schatuyl, mid Narration of the Circa* u War. lllawulbu—new supply may2 W. THORNE WJ1J.IAMS. ALONZO CHIU), I. P. BALLARD, “ WM. M. DODGE, “ P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, WM. E. ROLlJti, 8. T. LIPMNCorr, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. Hi KIVERSIUTH, W. H. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN, “ JOS. H. WESIXxJtt, • JOS. FATMAN, •* *• STEPHEN VON MORES, OEO. SAVORY, J. A. REQUA. ALANSUN MARSH, Pruaidout. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vico Presipout. WM. E. HOLLO, Secretary. _ This Company will Issue Pulidos upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Trausportutiou und Firu Risks, at Uboral rates uf premium. I/Mseg promptly aud liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 81 No. 86, Bay Street. ‘ Childs, Pratt ft Co. • Llviugston, Buliurd ft Cu. • Win. M. Dodge ft Co. 1 H. A. Curtis ft Co. ‘ Hustod ftCarll. • W. H. Lyon ft Co. 4 Lee, Murphy ft CoJJ 1 Briggs, Westcott ft Co. 4 Faimau ft Co. 4 Geo. Savory ft Co. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE UN THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over which pusses (ho Great Now York & Now Orleans Mails. H AWES’ PREMIUM PULTON MARKET BEEF and PORK. Beef tougues. Smoked aud Pickled Pig Bacon, Smoked Beef, The celebrated Berwick, no Salt Petro Hums. The first importation *oou to arrive , BARRON’S. Jau 4 Corner Wlutoker aud Ohurltau-st*. , - - , ~ 1“7~ - ; take the 1 SO i* ,w train at Columbus, sleep at Fort UALDWIN APPLES—10 bbls Very superior Valley, and reach Aumricus ul « 40 a m next morn- XI Baldwin Apjiios, now lauding jter brig J R ! ing. Rhodes, for safe by ; First class steamships leave Savauuuh lor New Jau 11 UlUGHAM, KELLY ft CO- | York on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and for Phila delphia ou Wednesdays. Passage iu the Cabin $*26, tween Montgomery, Alabama, und Augusta, Kings- vHle, Wilmington und Churfenlon; also, with Central RailroadTraius to Savannah, MiltodgevillunuU Eulon- ton, and wltli Macon uud Western train* to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville uud Knoxville. Turn. At Columbus with Girard und Mobile Railroad to Eutatihi. Ain., connecting dully ut Amoricus wilb four horse Post Coaches to Tulluhusnoo, Albany, Thoinasvilfe, Hainbriilge, ftc., withtri-wookly hack* to Lumpkin, Culhbcrt, ftc., ut Fort Valley with buck* to Perry, Huyuesville, Hawkiusvilfe aud Kuoxvillc, Gu. passengers for Americus und points below Fort Valley, should take tlic 1215 i» m train from Savun- uah; and tho 5 I'M train from Augusta, to uvoid de tention ut Macon. For other point* on the routh- Western or Muscogee Roads take either truin troni Savun null or Augusta. Passengers leaving Ameri cus ut 2 20 r m will reach Columbus ul 10 ail t-» the same night. Passengers trout Columbus and the West for Am- ertous. Soulh-western Georgia or Florida, should No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Iudirm.) N. B.—Keeps constantly ou tuuid Spauifh. llml Spanish, and Ainericuii Segura, ut wholesale und re- uil. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Suntf, ftc. juuc 1 JAMPiSlIeilENitV; lusunuioe Broker uud Notary Public. Murine Protests Noted mid Kxlondud, Averuge O N and alter Sunday, February 3d, 18oG» two daily truiiis between Mucou uud Coiumbiidi and one between Macon aud Americiia. lA-'ave Macon ut 2 a m, uud 3 r M; arrive at Colum bus at 7 16 A M, uud 10 30 v M ; leave Columbus ut 4 16 a M, and 1 301* M; arrive ut Mucou nt 10 64 a m, und 7 40 v m; leave Mucou nt 2 a m ; arrive at Amorl oils at 0 40 a at; leave Americus ut 2 *201* m; urrlve ul mirVY,«r»«vgf" tt” i-r-r*' ’ . Mucou at 7401* m; muking ucompletecunnuctinn be- (t ,, MOIIING \ LS1&.—Gents superior •• • •• * una.und Aiiuuhtu. Klum- Morino vests J.Ht rmdred and- lor sale by adjusted, Charter Parties und Average Bonds druwn* Pupen* prepared whereby to recover looses hem American or British Underwriters, uud utteiitiuu given to all matter s connected with shipping aud In aurauce, No. J18 Bay-street opiwslte tlio I'riuit *>i the Custom House. ly uov 8 S HELL SIDE AND TUCK COMBS, a large • Steerage $8. assortment received atidfor palo by A _ Far« from Montgomery to Savannah $14 oo Columbus •* •• looo •• AmerUuw •• •* 8 8t> GKO. W. ADAMS, Sup't. Mu*-oti, January 20tb, I860. may 10 VIRGINIA-CENTRAL R.ROAD, Jau29 IADSUN k RuukitS, No. 2 Shad’s stores. I ^RESH UAKDKN SEED.—Early Peas," tieuna Onion Setts, da., received by Uiosteamer, und for safe by feb 0 J. H. MOORE d CO., Gibbous’ Buildiugri. uoscrij PLANTATION GOODS, ANU GOODS FOK HOUSE SERVANTS. LARGE and Hao supply of Blauketa, white i m and colored, at all prices. Korneys of (*very iesoriptlou, from 12>, - to 60 cent*. X, ft un<l 4-4 browu Shirtings, striped uud plain Colton Osua- Burgs. Plaid aud btriiwd Homespuns, Minting stripes, plain aud Twilled red Fluuuuls, wool Caps and Scotch Bonnets, plaid lummy*, blue Roiuals uud Head Handkerchiefs or various stylos and prices. Tho attention of Plauters uud olliorH iu want of the Winter Arrang*nunt~Car* Starting/twin Broad St. Ilcuvy* Unit nil (lie way tuGoi'iloiiuvIilc. WHEN the Potomac is dosed with ice thi* 1T route may be relied on by pasicngortf, to on sure llio connection going North or South. The road is entirely relaid with u superior T rail as far u< Gordoiisville. During the winter the traiu will start troni the old station, in Richmond, on Broad street, "* 7*4 A M.. puss Gordoiisville ut 11 a m., and arrive Slauntoii at 325 i* >i. Down train leaves Staun- •hove, is invited to au examination of our stock, i ,ou ul ** ■W -‘ 5, « pa***cs Gor*ion.^vHle at 11 a m. mid which is uow complete aud well selected. , arrive in Richmond at 2.30 e u. oct 24 AIKIN ft BURNS, j Fare to Gordoiisville $2 oo N UTS, PRUNES, RAISINS, &c.- Paradiso Nuts. 1000 lbs Softsholl AlmouU: 300 lbs Brazil Nuts* JU.b A DAMANTINE CANDLES.—100 Boxes Su- X3L porior Adamantine Caudles. In store und Tor ale by aprH HUNTER ft GAMMELL. jgLAUK AND COLORED 81LKS-Ja»t rc- colvod a fiuo aHsortmont of the above, also, Striped Grenadines, which wo are prepared to ex hibit. mart AIKIN ft BURNS. nutuTk. A DVANCE!) made oa oonMgomenta to our frleuds lu Bostou* New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. deo 29 LOCKETT 4 8NELLINGS. 300 do Hazle do, 76 drums choice Figs, 1 cose French Jur Prunes, l do Faucy box do, 16 boxes Layer Ruislns, 15 do M R do, 26 do oue half und uue quarter boxes Bai ulus, laudiug dbd for sale by marl J. A. BROWN. B ACON.—10,000 imumia well cured Tea uessee Bacon* Img round* fur tulo by mar28 YOUNG, WYATT ft CO. R eceived per steamer~augusta.— A beautiful assortment of English uud Ameri can Prints, Spring styles, feb 28 LAPSUS ft KtoiKKH RBltlOVAL. The subscriber has Removed ou the Buy, next door to thu Republican office, where he is now opening a handsome assortment of SPRINg' ANU SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell by the pattern or make to order in the iuo;-t fashionable style. Also, Ready .Made Clothing for the present aud coming hcusou. Thankful for past favors, he hope* to merit u con tinuance or the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering uud Repairing done at tho shortest uotlce. Just receivod White Drill Coals and Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale ut a small pro- aprtg JOHN \V. KELLY. TllU DUTCH Hl£I-lfULI« . ~ r PHE HISTORY OP ITS RISE. By Julia X Ijttl.rop Motley; lu U v«D., 8vo. Price »0. Thos. Hood's Humorous poeuw. EiUtcd bv Ep- pos Sargent. 1 vol. The First aud Socuud Marriages; or the Courtesies of Wedded Life. By Mrs. Leslie. Sprague's Elements of Natural Philosophy; for schools aud academies. Ida Pfeiffer's Socond Journey round the world. The Teacher. Moral Influences employed lu the Instruction of the young. Uy Jacob Aobutt. Tho IJfe aud Works of Goetho. By i^wis. 2 vols. Sportsman’s Vide Mecura. By Dinks aud May- hew. The White lady; a romance or Love and War. By Reynolds, Winslow’s luqulrer Directed to the Work of the Holy Spirit. Shapao Recollections oT American Lire. •pflM W. THORNE WILLIAM*. 6 00 600 'Hist I both trains arrive iu Gordoiisville lu ample time ! to take the train of thu Grange aud Alexandria Rail- ! road. Persons who leave Rieiiinoud ut “Si * ft-, cun 'take the mange and Alexandria car* atGordous- ville if they choose to do so, and by that tualu will reach Alexandria by 3.40 pm., but thi* company can ticket them only to Gordousvlllo. ocl7 If H. I). WHITCOMB, Supt. UNITED STATES MAIL. From Itlnuon, tin., to Tullahassve, Flu* The Daily ar ‘ ‘ raugeinont tm* routo cunimuiicod ou theCthInst., ruuumgum'. tunes a week via Newton, Baiubridge and yuliicy, und three time* a week via Thonuaville. Dimcnu.-* ville, »k' 4 . PuHsengers by this route will leave Macon ut hall juist fi o’clock, A. M., by ruilroud for Oglethorpe.— The ‘ - * *— **-’ - — ‘ ■ “ * cloc . .. . - .. - evening of tbo next day—time by either route 35 hours. Monday, Wednesday, uud Friday, by Newton. Baiulnidgo aud Quincy, to Talluli.-issee; returning leaves Tullaliiusee on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs days ut 10 P. M. on Tuesdays, Thursdays mid Saturdays, by the way of Thomas ville—returiimg same routo on Mon. day*, Wednesdays, und Fridays at 10 P. M. Through from Ogfethoriie to Tallahassee by cither route in 35 hours—from Macon in 38 hour*—aud from Suvammh iu 60 hours. By this routo iiasseuger* leaving Saviimia'i by the 8 o’clock train of cars, will arrive at Tallahassee in 60 hours. It is also decidedly the best, cheapest uud inuxt expeditious route fur travellers lo Apala chicola and West Florida. Fare from Mucou to Oglethorpe $1 “6; from Ogle thorpe to Tallahassee $10. L. C. Hliuw, Agent at Oglethorpe. A. A. Fisher, Agent at Tallahassee, may 17 F. K. WRIGHT, Proprietor. E XTRA CANAL FLOCK.—26 barrels Extra Caun! FI— * ~ J Flour, may 16 landing aud Tor safe by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. QIGAKS—60 barrols Stuarts A and B Claritlod O Sugar; 60 do Crushed and Powdered do. Lau< tug and for safe by may 15^ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. gQ BOXES SO AIV—Extra and fumily . for _ 1 aulu by qpr 19 CRANE, WELLS ft CO. ORUBHES of every description ft-oah from L> tbe Munufecturvr, at our House Furnishing Storo. KENNEDY ft BEACH, ^Hodgsoa'a Block, cor. Bull and Broughton sis. c (•> J. W. THRELKEIJ), Congress ami Whitaker alrnet*. Ij'liESH siijiply of 4-4,54, and 04 While m.d A. Uicck Matting. Ilecc' api'21 aud for safe by iuuy6 1.-reived by the la-l »teannr, AIKIN ft BURN:*. H ams and lard— 20 libl* prime Jx*uf land, 50 tin cans do do: 16 kegs Smithlleid’s extra lard, very choice. 150 lbs do llam*. superior lo ber.t Wostphathr. 10 casks prime Tennessee Ham*; Also pickled and numbed Tongues. In store aud for sale by npr 14 WEBSTER ft JMLMKft PATENT ECLIPSE Siilffl S3 tf AEfi BP« Every man his own CnTtl Printer. C ULL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN'S 1 Patent Eclipse llaud Stamp, the best, cheapest and most convenient of any thing lot the purpose yet olfered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. opr 3 ly 136 Cong re.*.- S-'l. hunts inil-iio'Vlc'u sTiuTTi.K f swEss’© smoumKriSa NE810NEU FOR h’AMU.IKS, I'LANTA / tions. Dress-makers, Tailors, Boot and .shoe Manufactures, uud others who limy wish to do tlmir Si-wiug tiuue clu-Hply nnd with expedition. Tins .Machine sews a unilunn, neat, and beuulilul seaui, which cunnot bo unravelled. It makes Imth side* ol tlm scum alike. It is much murudimply con structed than any other Machine iu the nuu knl, aud tlierefoi e Is It-.-* liable to get out ol order, and is more readily understood by those unacquainted wlth^cw ing Machines. It costs less in pro|>ortmu than an> other Machine, uud nil the uppurutus necessary fur convenient ami successful uiieraliou i* furui.-died with it. This Machine has drawn thu highest prem iums at all the luic lairs at which it bus beeu exhib ited. "It is warranted lo work well, uud give good sutMiictioii to those who u-e it. Any inslriiclfens willlm given that is uecessary, to tillable any per son lo operate them successfully. The above Machines are offered fur Bale at No 136 Congress street, where they can be exumiued und tested on auy kind of work for which they ate recommended. All persons interested in them, und oiliers, are respectfully invited to cull uud examiuc hem. Office hours, alter U A. M. upr 3 ly ALFRED WEBSTER, Gon. Agt. For evidcuce to prore tliut alt the above stale- incuts ure strictly true, I am permitted to refer to (lie following gentlemen, who are all citizens of Fa- vaunali uud vicinity, and who have tested them thoroughly, viz.:— Dr. ” - - * 1 liiq.,. . . , Editor Journal, ami others if necessary. Dr. K. Parsons, John S. Bowen, Esq., Win. Hone, q., .IT Collins, Esq., I. S, Clark, Esq., Associate itor Journal, ami others if necessary. WIRE CLOTH WINDOW' SCREENS W ITH beautifully painted Landscape*. Cun be piiinted lo order or cut to til any window or grate. They admit the tight und tdr freely, and at the sumo time protect the room from all Insects, . and also troiu observations of curious people out- [••luge.* leaving Oglethorpe either way ut 11 o’ side. They are very desirable for sleeping room*, ck, arriving ut Tillahnssee ut 10 o'clock ou the parlors, hotels, offices, or any windows or door* where Screens are needed. Call ul 136 Congro> uud oxuiuiuo them. ALFRED WEBSTER, Geueral Agent, apr8 136 Congress-at red. FLOAVEll H i FLOWERS ! T (FROM THE JASPER SPRING GARDEN. Till* largest mid best assortment TOftutf»*>f Roses, Geranium-, Verbena-,©gw>jtp Heliotropes, ftc., that hu* ever^^S^k been olfered lu this city, uil iu the best |>o*sibfecuu dilloii for transplanting, either iu gurdous or Jur.- Culland oxtimlne at 135 Cougross-Btreet, Savanuali. Thu stuck will lio constantly replenished. apr23—tf ALFKKlt WEUhTWt. M ANT1IXAS.—Colored and black Ajiliqiu* and lace, a beautiful assortment Just recoil ed and for safe by mar 7 AIKIN ft RL’P.N'rf. NEW ROOKS. 3 D AND 4th Macauley'* History of England, from the accession ot James 2d. Liugard’s History of England, 16th vol. Groto’s History oftireoco, 11th vol. Just received by W THORNE \V1L1.1AM>. Jan 10 • IVAAY BUTTER d CHEESE— 26 Tubs CUofeu New May lluuvr: 25 boxes Choice Go.slu.-u Chocsv. Jiuuliiig from stcamor and i«r sale by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. iVACON,"HIDES ft SHOUIdJERH— X# 60 hhds Prime Bacon Hiilux; 26 “ •' “ Hliouldprs; 20 “ •' 44 Clear Hides. Juat received and for safe by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO.