Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 21, 1856, Image 3

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— WANTED. V half grown Colored Hound Servant wauted. Apply at thte office. may 13 "lldARDIltiU. Li KVBRAL gentlemenor small familitw can be ^ accommodated with good Rooms and Hoard, on •lit* West side of Montgomery street, ono door almve Mouth Broad sUool. MRS. M. 8. RAYUUl. joe 12—tf B ' OAlUlltoG.—Mr. Thomas. corner of Con gross and Lincoln streets, Ih prepared lu « ,-,uninodato a few boarders, atlbrdlug thorn oxuellon uir fte. doc 17—If ~ NRW JAiL. F .ANS FOR A NEW JAIL are aollolted from Architects and Mechanics generally, to be loll with the Clerk of Uto Inferior Court, on or he-, tore the Unit of June next, ono hun rod dollars will be given for the plan •iJtiptod upr.S the (Murk. WM. H. CUYIiKU, i. i. o. o. o. N. B. KNAPP, i. l. ct c. c. MONT. CUMMlNU. 4. |. o. o. 0. J AMIM K. GODFREY,* 4.1. o.«. o. UBO. 1>. HARRISON. 4. i. c. c. o. Slammeringand 8tuttcring Cured, PHOPRSHORJ. H, LKWltV I SFORMS ihcwo afflicted by Stammering or Sluter* I ring, that he has taken rooms at the Marshal (louse, andts preparodto enable them to spook ami read with distinctness, in tho short spaco of two hours, without lufflctlng tho least (min. Tho patient Is in variably convinced that it is effectual aud perman ent. Where the above change ts not attaiuod no charge will he made, lie wlH remain tu this place but a low days. npr30 noticed ~ “pHE Undersigned has This Day removed his JL entire stock of Sogars, Tobacco, fte., from his old -tiiml, cornor of . Bryan street, to hi** new store ou the corner of Bay ami Whltnkor streets, wUore bo hopea to receive a coutinuauco of the patronage ..fall ute old ft-lends aud customers. , aprSOtf A. PONCE. FOR SALES. I Six Tracts of Laud, 500, acre each, 3 .>r 4 I T miles from tho city of Savannah on tho S. A. LwiitoU ltaU ltoad,jvell adapted to tie growthot In , o. Cotton and Corn, and Wood cuougli to pay Ibr lit ten times over. Apply to f toll *27 __tr 0. A. Ll/UJD. WM. J. HUNT, L’or. Montgomery A York at*. SAVANNAH, GA, I ESl’ECTFULLY Informs tUo Ladies and V iluntloiueu or Ibis City ttiat ho 1, yroimrod II ;vo them ovory ovoalag with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In Uh own tiecullarstylo, und hopes to merit a share ntbllc patronage, Savannah, 17th April, 1850. 3ui »pr!7 TO HOUSEKEEFfiRS. k.VNIEL CIIONIN Upholster, 2d Bryan-at, } would respectfully auuouuco to tho citizens oi ivsanah that he is ready to mako and put down rpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, Ac., at tho shortest uo- i, aud on the most reasonable terms. oct3-tr Ice CREAM! NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE., No. 08 Bryan Street. .o noons a no vi Mr. owmet’s ncwitHT storx. fillE undersigned respectfully Informs the La- I. dies of Savannah in particular, and tho public idnef ally, that he has this day opened a new Conlec- l.iu.iry Store, and will koop on hand a largo aud lv*h assortment, of all kinds and dlscriptious. J He will at all times and hours, be ready tofurulsb lirtie.-*, with suppers. toffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all hours. Iinumsated Cakes, Pius, fto. &c., made to order, lii* hopes from long experience to give Batlsfactlou all who willbouor him with tholr patrouage. H.B BomtLA.No. 98 BryanS LaOrsiige Female College, COMMENCEMENT, j ABBATH, July 6th—-Sermon by Philip P. 3 N eoly, Alabama Conference. Monday, July 7th—Prize exhibition of Sophomore i (..ass-—Coucertht Caudle-light. |Jay, July 8th—Anniversary of Heutz & Judsun society. Prizes awarded. Annual address by I Luther M. Smith, Pror. Emory College. pJuesday, July 9th—Comraencemout day. Ad- I iress by Hon. F. 9. Bartow, Savannah, Ga. Ir.drsday, July 10th—Anniversary of the Alutnuac T ioclety. Address by Hon. J. Gluucy Joues, Penn. I -ylvauin. I Kxaminatlun of all tho classes will take place the l.-ek preceding commencement. 1 W. B. T. MONTGOMERY, 1 utyll . Snpt, Faculty, CLASSICAL SCHOOL. The undersigned has opened a Day and Night Schnel, in skiuth Broad at., Rbetvroen Houston aud Prlco »ts., whore ■be Is prepured to give Instructions in "the Latin, Greek und French Lun- gunge.-; also, in tho usual branches of In hnglish Kducution. V J. F. DILLON, luyU Pri»r kiiiitTSt shirts: : shirts::: HAVE just received a large assortment of _ while and figured Shirts, or every quality and ivle, mid superbly made, with collars to match, 'h-r-i willalso bo taken, and shirts mado to suit y iiarticular stylo or taslo of tlio wearer. Call at « *ur Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. 14 WM. O. PRICE. IJORK— 50 barrols Mess Pork, 25 do Prime do I binding aud for salo by | my 14 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. FLOUit IN ilAMlKL*. | UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, I in barreto. apr29 YOUNG & WYA IT. EaTSFOOT OIL', oFlKe best quality constantly J for sale low by may If* CHAFFER ft CO., G Whltakor street. GRAND SPECULATION!!! FOB A SMALL INVEBTMBNTt tar moo 0 0 0,0 0 0. IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY* hv AtmumjTv ok ms htatk or umohoia. Jasper County Academy Ten Thontnml Number* Only. ONE PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKET*. „ . CLAHHN. To be drawn Juuo tlm ltith, 18M, at Concert Hall, Macon, On., under the sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan and Jus. A. Ntehot, Esq. This Jittery'fa drawir'on the pian of tho Royal lottery of Havana or single numbers; this has ouly 19,000 numbers, and tho Uavuna Lottery 84,000 numbers—tho Havana 249 prizes, this 1,200 prices. Look to your Interest 1 Now Is tho time. CAPITAL PRIZE—$15,000, 1 Prlzfrof 115,0001s $15,000 1 “ 5,000 Is 6,000 1 “ 4,QUO Is 4,000 1 “ 3,000 ts 8,000 1 “ 2,000 Is 2,000 6 “ 1,000 U 6,000 10 “ 60011 6,000 60 “ 50 Is 3,000 120 “ 26 is 8,000 500 Approximation prizes of 20 are........ lo!o00 500 - “ to are ,6,000 PiOOPrlaos amounting to $60,000 Tlekots $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. S** Prizes payable without deduction. ,jg“ Poi sons somling money by mall need not fear Ita being lost, Orders punctually attended to. Communications conthlontiul. Bauk notes of sound bauks taken at pur. Drawings sent to all ordorlujr tickets. 49* Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Mauager, t»'tyi6 Macon, Ga. SUNDRIES. 1UOO Reams Wrupplng paper. 100 halos Twlno; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe Brushes. 50 M importod Spanish Negara; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sackH IUo Coffee; 76 man Java Coffee; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doi Washboards; * 60 Covered Baskets; * 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pale Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Mntches; 60 half chests Young Hysou Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; * 60 boxos Scaled Herrings; 76 boxos Fresh Ground Oofl'ce; 100 boxes Imported Castllo Soap: 100 boxes Toilet Snap; „ 5° Mi Mi mid whole boxes Raisins, Received aud Cor Bale by mcmahon & doylk, 'nay 14 206 and 208 Bay atreot, 20Q Q tWi o f Oats, in lots to sujt jmchas- my 14 94 Bay street. NOTICE. rpHE Co-partnership heretofore existing un* X der the llrra or “JNO. F. GUILMAUXIN & Co.'» was owing to tho dot-ease of Mr. Gullmartin. dis solved on the 4 th day of January last. The Bubscri- bor will uttend to the uuscttlod affairs ot said Com pany and respectfully requests all partios Indebted to make Immediate payment. JNO. SHERLOCK, 178 Broughtou street, uearly opposite my 14 St. Andre#’a Hall, west. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. T HE subscribers have formed a Co-partner ship, bearing date February 21st, I860, under the name and stylo of JNO. SHERLOCK 4t CO., for the purpose of transacting a wholesale and retail Dry Goods busiuess. JNO. SHERLOCK, WM. KINK. 178 Broughtou street, nearly opposite my 14 St. Andrew's Hall, west. A rrival ortho schr a. devereux, with Fruit for tlio .Savannah Fruit Emporium. 4,000 Oranges, 200 bunches Bauauas, 76 duz Pine Applea, 6,000 Plantuius. ALSO. Sweet Moats, Jelly &o. For sule by marl! ,1. A. BROWN. low. Hi TO RtaNT. PIL tho let Novomber next, a com- | htpdlous and aify residence, on the north I aldooftheOnutral Railroad Depot, known Xtw Hovers IMauo, Tliu Iiuiibu la newly lur- rtvmu husetuout to attic, which can bo bought mayB • % YOUNG k WYATT. of^CE^FoK^RKltf 5 IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining tho office of tho aubeorlber. Tho basement would make, with xomo alight Improvement, an excellent lawyer’e*ofllc«. n —Ireland second floors will bo lot Ibr Counting- Rooms, and the third Ibr aloopltig apartments. Cou- iiocted with tho establishment Is an out-building of briok, suitable Ibr servants. Apply to .. _ C. A. L. LAMAR, septa Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. ''torbnt """ M TWO TENEMENTS IN GORDON BIXJCK, fronting Chatham Square, ami woll furnish* ed witu gas, water, stables, Ac. posses sion given 1st of Novembor. EDWARD G. WllHON, oclR 72 Bryan stroet. VALtoAULE PBOPKIlTY FOll SALE. Tho two-story brick store on Congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Elnstolu k Eokntan. This Is one of the host stands in _tho city Ibr any kind or business, Tortus made accommodating. For particulars iu- qulro at 142 Broughton street, above tho store of T. L. McKenna. tfmayl4 TO RENT. TheDwoUIng lately occupied by Judge Fleming, iu Taylor street, near Drayton. Bald House Is threo stories on a basement, with good servants’ rooms, andouthousos. WANTED—A Vessel to load with Timber Tor an European market. Apply at Union Saw Mill, or J F O’Byrneta office, mural l JEFFERSON ROBERTS. WANTED—A Vessel to load with Timber ilbr a Nortliornport. Apply at Union Steam III, or at J F fFayruo’s ohfoo. marai JEFFERSON ROBERTS. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—Tho co| pored and cornier fastened brig ROBERT J CI1ARLETON, J.H. IJghtburn, muster. Ap ply to aprl98t iuiu, uiuniur. J. ROBERTO, Or Master on board. VKSSEiS WANTED.—A vossol to load with timber, ibr Boston. Also a vossol to load with sawed lutnbor, for the samo place. Apply to JEFFERSON ROBERTO, at Unlou Steam Saw Mill, aprl9 or J. F. O’BYRNK’S Office. WANTRI).—A Iroight or cliuricr Ibr Ha- vana for Brig R. M. CHARIJITIDN. Applp to JEFFERSON ROBERTO, aprlO lfj* i* rJioUii nunriii ip, at Union Steam Haw Mill, or J. Y. O^BYRNK/S Ofllco. FOR LIVERPOOL.—Tho A 1 American Ship MARY k ADELINE, W. Taylor, master, Imvliig a portion of hor cargo engagod. wl l have Immediate dispatch. For freight apply to Csptaln Taylor, or to utmyT BUIOHAM, KKLLY k 00, "jOf ’ FOR NKW YORK—U.VW* Luo^Tho (Iwt ^Qkisalliug schooner 8 J. WAKING, Smith, mus ter, will have dispatch for tho altovo port. For freight apply to ntay!7 OGDEN, STARR 4t 00. Ion given Immediately. A| T,!°< COHEN. M- M. fob 28 ATLANTA" HOTEL: ATLANTA i i i t GEORGIA. J. J. HE8LER, Proprietor* Late rtf the Veranda* /IWef, AWo Orteam. Passengers per Evenlug Trains will llnd 8uppor ready on the arrival oftho Cars, , may14 MERCHANTS' HoTELT JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN nOZBMAN, Praprlc.ur. BOARD PSR DAY $ I 60 BOARD nm WKKK 0 00 board mm Mo.vru 20 oo mayia lyr BULLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND CHARLESTON, H. C. M THIS House is now adapted to all the wauts of tho Travelling Public, and tho ef forts of tho Proprietor will be to deserve their patronage. mar 81 THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. RIONTGOBI1SIVY’SHOTBL AND DINING ROOMS—(ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) ATo. 16 and 17 Neefcman, two doori east of Xauau street, near the (Xty /fall Park. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would Inform his patrons and the traveling public, that he is now prepared to furnish tttst class Lodging Rooms, with convenleu- equal to any Hotel In the city, Transient or per manent lodgers accommodated by the day, week or month, with or without board. R. C. MONTGOMERY, myl3 Now York. ABKAUTIFUI, S UMMEIl HE SUJENCK FOR SALE.—Delightfully situated rest- denceat Mllway, two and a half miles {■ from MUledgevlile, a quarter of a mile jUJU from Oglethorpe University, within a fow minutes walk or Railroad Depot. The house con tains eight rooms, two parlors, dining room, five chambers, wide ball and wide gallery front aud roar; kitchen, servants rooms, smoke house, carriage house and stable. The buildings are all In good or der, having undergone thorough repairs. The lot coutoins four acres, and well laid out—contains a variety of fruit trees, shrubbery and flowers; on the lot Is a well or fine water; thirty aoros or wood land goes with It. The furniture, carriage and horses will be sold, if desired. Alt sold on account of re moval. Terms moderate, ir applied for Immediately. Address U. M. HOLMES, apr28 ood—lmo MUledgevlile Geo. FOR NEW YORK—Giomohk 4c Co’mLink— .The new schooner B. FLANNF.R, Capt. Ap- legit, will havo dispatch for the above port. For 1-olght or passago apply to mayia HUNTER 4t GAMMKLL, FOU ~PUlLAl)?LHHlA—H»moN’« Line.— The schooner MARY k LOUISA, Captain bunmuan, will have dispatch for tho above port.— For freight apply to maylO 0. A. GREINER, m ces equal h fflofonsns vos* linkok w. n AND SAVANNAH PACKEW. This uow line will be composed or the fol lowing vessels, one of which will leave •*ier 9, N. R., punctually every Thursday, jommoucing on tho first or November : Now schooner EDWARD KIDDER, 300 tows, Tyler, master. New schooner BENNETT PLANNER, 835 tons, Ap tilt, master. fow schooner GEORGE DAVIS, 330 tons, Smith, master. Now aohoouor LOVET PEACOCK, 370 tons, Terry, master. New schooner WALTER RALEIGH, 440 tons, Mar ■hall, master. These vessels are all of the first class, and having beou built during tho past year expressly for this trado, are well deserving the attention of shippers. They are commanded oy masters oT experience aud ability, and shippers can roly upon quick dispatch, and every attention being paid to thoir convenience. For freight or passage apply to the master on board or to HUNTER k GAMMKLL, Agents at Savannah. J. R. GILMORE 4l CO.. 164 Water-st., Now York. BBLS. MACKEREL, for sale by 0\J CRANE, WELia 6t CO. apr 10 DEWITT A MORGAN, D EALERS in staple and Fancy Dry Goods, offer fur Hulea large aud haudsoiuc stock of Ladius’ Dress Goods; Irish Linens; Hoslory of every description; Embroideries of tho newest aud Quest styles; laces und Muslin Trimmings: White Goods, Jaconets, Cambrics, Swiss Nainsooks, Mulls, Chocks, Brilliantos, &c. Plantation Goods, White and Striped Osna- burgs, Brown Shirtings. Dlue Homespunus; Head Handkerchiefs, Hickory Stripes, Ac., At the lowest market prices. mayia ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitchers, Some new aud beautiful designs, Plated and Brita- ula. At the Hjuro Furnishing Store, 166 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April 30. SprSO &TXTB ousn, HOT. COLD AND SHOWER. ffMffl BATH HOUSE Iwriog been handsomel, i fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d or March. Single Baths 25 cents—six tickets for $1.00 tnar4 J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. FEDZIE’S PATKNT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes on f hand. We warrant thorn to make * the Savannah River Water, oven though dipped directly out of tho River, as pure and clear as the finest Spring Water. About forty orthese Filters aro uow In use In this city, and every porsou who bus . thorn, will cheerfully testify to their * efficiency. Indeed, tho Board of __ 1 Water Commissioners here, say iu lu-ir u it is the only Filter that dooa effectual V purify the Savannah Rlvor Water. Cull nna sco ono in opornMon nt our Houao Fur- ishnwanaaiorcosUbUmont.Hoilgcon’cnovjblook. | toil 27 Cornor or Broughton and Bullsta. xrmBRvr~ , MASTER BUILDER, i Will tako contracts for Bulldlag and Working Ma- Jonry of every description. Resluouco, No. 8 Mrs lewett’s Range. South aide Jonra st oot80 YVILMOT’S JBWELKY HTOHE . la receiving by .very url-.£AAJSS. \v.l. large »n4 rloh aaaori-TC-J Imcnt or tiold and Silver W.tcnea, Dlauiuua ...... Ear and Finger Hlnga, Manila and otbor ■ look., Spoon., Forka, Tea aolla, Oaatera, Sc., cl Itenitig Silver. T Jewelry in every variety, , Hvory Table Cutl.ry, Une Pocket Knives and lllich Chinn and Parian Vasas, and other arUcloa. J 1'iue lamble Rarrollod Guna manuractorod to hla |*i, order. Gunning lmplomenta oUll klnda. I lilted Waiter., Castora, Tea Sett, and Caudle- Itt'ikt. with a great varloty of Fancy Articles, suita- flj far wedding gifts, toouitnerous hero to men- i orWatcbos and aocla repaired by the i.o.t experienced workmen. WU.M0T I mayia No. 1 Market sQunro. NEW BOOKS, RECEIVER BV WABWKIK «r UAVIS, TUESDAY, HAT 18TH, D ICK TAULETaN i or, The Last of hto Race. By J. F. Smith Esq. Cyrllla; a romance, By tlio author of “Initials.” Fred Graham; or, Masks and Fucos. By J. Fred erick Smith. Philip Rollo; or, Thu Scottish Muskatours. By Captain James Grunt. „ „ ^ Vivian Bertram; or, A Wife’s Honor. By G. W# M. Reynolds. ..... The Wondorl'ul Adventures of Captain Priest Courtship and Marriago; or, The Joys and Sor rows of American Life. By Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz. I'hooulxlanna; or, Sketches and Burlesques. F“ John Phaiulx. For sale at ■ mayl6 159 CONGRESS STREET!. T^rEOTtEXTTHoirwliEEC; rVR, Republicanism Backwards, and Chris* tlaultv Reversed, in a series of letters address ed to J. So’ule, Seulor Bishop of tho Methodist Epis copal Church, South. By J. R. Graves, Editor of the Tennessee Baptist, Nashville. Cloth;price $1.25. TUo Great Iron Wheel Examined. Or its False Spokes Fxtractcd, and an Exhibition or Elder Graves, Its builder; in a series of chapters. By William 0. Brownlow, Editor or Brownlow’s Knoxville Whig. Cloth; prlco $1. Copies mailed on receipt of Price, Received and for salo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, Booksellors and Stationers, mayl6 169 Congress street. Dress Making. HRS. FREELAND boa open ed at her Rooms, No. 17 Broughton Street, a fine aolec- Uon or Spring Mllmory, and Is + r* constantly receiving per steam ers, new and different stylos of Bonnets; also, Dross lantilla patterns. r Bonuots cleaned and prossed as usual, iprio ■ B OILED IJXSEiSD oil, of tho best quality con stantly for Buie by CHAFFER 4c CO., _ PLUMBING. 'PLUMBING, in all its vorious branches, at- 4L toudod to ut the shortest notice, and in superior Ityle. Also, may be found Shower Baths, Galvanlz- >1 Iron, Tin and Leadod Bath Tubs; Copper Boilers, I’.iUint Pan Water Closets, Lead Pipes. Sheet Lead, Kims and Plated Cocks. Force Pumi>s, India Rubber For salo at tho Houso Furnish Store, No. 166 lln.ughton-street. innrl9 nORACE MORSE- |vj ILLS, Litcea, Embroideries, White Good, |ij Mitts. &c.,Justbolng opened and for salo by J- W. T11RELKELD, Cor. Congress and Whitaker Bts. i is may!6 0 Whitaker stroet. L ard and herrings— 20 bbls Prime White Leal Lard; 60 boxes Prime Herrings. Landing and for salo by may 16 BCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ^IHAMPAGNE—12 baskets genuine Heidsick v-/ Champagne in storo aud for salo by naaylu UCTAVUS COHEN. 2Q BBLS of Mercer and early June PotatoM by reetdevvd per steamer Augusta, and for sale maylO J. D. 1CVQ “* NOTICE. " . rpHE firm of SPENCER CURRELL & CO.. X Is this day dissolved br mutual eouxeat. Either purtuerU authorised to uso the name oftho late Arm iu settlement ortho affairs or the sarae.^^ SPENCER CURRELL. ROBT. AUSTIN. A. THOMAS. Savannah, May 1st, 1868. Tho undersigned will contlnuo tho Auction* and Commission business on his own account, from and after this date. SPENCER CURRELL. Savannah, May 1st, 1856. may3 (BTfEW Li3F’T"ol' thoso Superior Black aud Colored J. \V. threlkeld, mays CougroM and Whitaker ata. DHAPHU AND TAILOR. JKKFKIWON STREET NEAR BRUUGUTON. , Thu .ubxcrlbar Wkos Uila oppottuuUy I to larorin hlB Trlead. aud the puhllo, that Iho la enabled, rrmD oxiKjrlonco, and tho Llntidtlvo perceptions of the truths or. — ice, based on the common rules or surveying forms, both plane and spherical, u> outturn mako up |»:urm«!iiU to lit tho human form In tho most complete aid (bushed etylo, to all who may favor him with a Boys’ fancy dresses, Ball costumes, Military attd ■Mritneu’s Uuiforms, Ac.,ka. I I*. HORACE GRANT, I Ivtlorsou Kt., one door North of Broughton stroet. ■ dec 7—ly . CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. SemDWeekly United Statue Matt Line. ■fUffi NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL I Steamships— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 tons..Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ .. Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 “ ..Capt. M.S. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,300 “ ..Capt. G. R.Schonck. WILL LKAVS SAVANNAH KVKRY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships are among the largest on tho coast, unsurpassed in speod, safoty and comfort, making tholr passages in fifty to sixty hours, and Are com manded by skillful, careful and polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a meat desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New York. $26 Steerage Passago to New York 8 PADELFORD. FAY A CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. illTCHILL. 13 Broadway, feb 5 - Now York. “8'£ifIQDA~ports*.' FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. S. Mall Line—From New Or leans to Key West.—Steamships 'FLORIDA aud VANDERB1LT.—These fine steamers will In ftituro mako their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: New Orleans, 10th k 24th Key West, .. 16th k 24th Pensacola .... 11th A 26th Tampa 11th k 25th Apalachicola. 12th k 26th Cedar Keys .12th k 20th St Marks.... 18th A 27th St. Marks... 14tb A 28th Codar Keys. .14th A 28th Apalachicola, 16th A 29th Tampa Bay.. 16th A 29th Pensacola... 16th A 30th Arrlvo at Key West 17th A 1st I Now Orloans, 17th A 1st Ageuts in New Orleans, dec26 6iu E. G. ROGERS. A CO., 72 PoydraBs street. MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGBNCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) TT'ROM the most complete facilities in his own X establishment, ondT through his connections wlthsevoral of the principal monufacturng estab- SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORK FRONTS, Columns, Window Sills and Limits, Iron Doors, Shutters, Ac., at AfortAemprices. Ho (s also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of every description, at short notlco, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE I, he Is also prepared to exhibit a great vxrle- ty of designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB BTONES, fco. Also Iron Roiling In groat variety, for enclosures, and to recelvo orders, and put up tne work at man- racturors’ prices. H. H. LINVILLE. Savannah, April 11.1860. aprll SALTS OF LBMOnT F OR RENOVATING Ink spots, Iron rust. Mould and Stains of any kindj a froth supply a Received at the APOTHECARIES HALL, octlS ~~ FLOWER HEEDS, TUST Received, a large, select and fresh sup* O ply or Flower Sood, consisting of ovor one hundred different varieties, selected expressly for the Southorn climate, for sale by J. E. DiFORD, Apothecaries’ Hall, fob 26 Cor. Broughton and Barnard ata. PIANO FORTH I. HAVING lately received targe ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, we r are enabled to offer at this time the greatest variety from the best manu facturers, from the plainest square to the meat elab orately carved, and from six to seven octaves. Our Pianos are selected from the manulHcturers whom we have foil confidence In, and we are par ticularly roquested by them to give a guaranty with every instrument sold by us os regards durability, tone, Ac. Persons In want or a first rate instrument may re- with safoty upon getting such a one by selecting ..omtbe following makers, whose Instruments we endeavor to keep constantly on hand, vis : H. Wor cester, J. Chlckering A Son, Nunns A Clarke, Bacon A Ravens, H. Waters, and Haines. Brothers A Cum- talng! 1. W. lloRRELL A CO. aug27 liAKKOBS, (JHALUES AND MUSLINS-— 11J A choice Kuloctlon of theso goods, ol tho latest |ty j, to which we Invite the attention or tho ladles, umr? AIKIN A BURNS. LANDLORD AND TENANT. rpHE Law of Landlord and Tenant. Bv J. X Smith, with Notes or American cases byP. P. Morris. Ii.uvIer'B Law Dictionary, last edition. Bauvlor’s Institutes American Law. NeUgan'a Allan of Cutaneoua Dlseaaes, wttb color ed plates. 4to. Brown on some Diseases or Women admitting or surgical Treatment. Flint ou Diseases or the Bospiratory Organs, llmlil on Diseases of the Stomach. , Sketches and Advoutures In Madeira, lorlugai and Spain. . . Italian Sights und Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. , Physiology and Callsthonics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Htuunishlp Guide, with maps. Ireland in ’U8 und ’48; its Revolutionary History- By J. Savage. National System of Political Kcouomy. From the Gorinaii, of List. aprlO W. TIIGRN’K WILLIAMS. GENTLEUEN'HDREHH ARTICLES, FOR BRIDAL AND OTHER PURP08E8. TUST received: Fresh White Kid Gloves . U White Silk Neck Scarfs and Cravats ; White HandkerohlefB; White Hosiery; Whita Shirts ; White Silk and Marsallles Vests, and other emblems or purity, suitable for people or good taste. Call at thb STAR CLOTHING EMPOB1- UM, No. 147 Bat Street. W. 0. PRICE. f'i ENT’S Furnishing Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, VJ Ac., Just rocelvod * " Ac, forsale by mar 21 ^)i | HIjIh. suporiorOld Monongohela Whiskey, received, aud for sule by J. M. hi RE, my 14 ^ 94 Bay street. I "t A Uttsks Ohio Catawba Brandy in store, r 1 and for sale by tho ouly regular Ajtont for l^vauniili. J. M. EYRE, my 14 • 04 ItaV street, ■ ’FO BUILDBRMi I'l'HG subscriber is prepared to execute at the I • sliortCHt notice, an _ ihortcHt notlco, and In the most workmanlike ■ ■ijwmer, all kinds of Metal Roofllng, Gutters, Cor- Y 5c «i «r other work connected with tue manufoctwr- I»K or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zlno, «r hbeet Irou Buslnoss. HORACE MORSE, 166 Broughton-it. rt H AMR AIGN CIDER, Ac.—116 boxes Cham- \J pnign Cider, cbolcu article, 20 Uhls choice old |>ouch Brany, 0 do do Applo Brandy, 10 do do Chorry Brandy, Also—(linger aud Blackberry, btixes. In storu and for salo by toil _ WEBSTER A FALME-g TiKEBH TitlMMINOS.—VrltigcB, black und U ciiImoJ Molio Antique fluiuo, ana otbor HtylM, in groat variety, und lor atUo by ^ & per steamer Florida, am J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congeess and Whitaker ate. ^ superior Ale fX received, and for' sale by ’ mcmahon a doyle, my 14 206 and 207 Bay street. TH1Q GRKAT WMHTMRNINSURANUK CO. OF N1CW,YORK > g Marine Rlakil at their Agency, _ corner of Dray ton and Bryan stroota. Approved Rinks will bo takon ou Uboral terms, and the usualcrodlt given on Premium Notes. Throe quarters of the buslnost will bo returned to tho cus tomers In scrip. C» A. L. Lamar, fob 19 Agent In flhvannab. rOTHAlClB. “ louthem Mutual Insurance Compamy* Southern MuttuU Life In*. Company, Home Insurance Company, off N. York, Springfield Fire * Marine Ins. Com’y, Risks in the abovo Insurauoo Oomtianios underta ken by WK. KING ft SONS, Agents, No. 99 Bay stroet. 8avaunah, 14th pocombor, 1866. docl4 FlRB, 31AHINU AND LIFE INSURANCE. NO. IU, BAY-STREET. CAPITAL REPBESENTED, Nearly Four Million Dollar*. By the following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Lite Insurance Company, OP HAHTFOBD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OP LONDON. Farmers* ami Mechanics' Fire, Marine and Lite Insurance Company, OP PniLADBLPUIA. Bridgeport Fire nml Marine lusuvance Company, OP nUIDOKPORT, CT. fyT.m subscriber will effect Insurance to any amouut In all parts or tho State on every description of property. Life Insurance.'io shy amount, at the lowest rate, for the benefit ot heirs and creditors, or payablo to tho wlfo free from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance ou Hulls or Cargoes to all parts of the world. Jau26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL BEN EF1T LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. .7. Charter Pmvetuul. Nett accumulation, Jau. 1, lti60* $2,230,006 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 716,492 66 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,838,990 84 $4 282 488 97 Boujamln 0. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L*. Lord, Gonerul Agent, Robert L. Patterson, President. •The funds ofthls Compauy are ail safely Invested Iu first otass bonds aud mortgages, stocks, cash, and notosof members fully secured by their policies. For forther particulars inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agout Iu Savannah, At tho office of BeR A Premiss. J, S. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. KKKKKKNUK ! Messrs. Pauklfokd, Fay iiCo., I. K. Tu-r, Esq., State Bunk. feu 29 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. AGGREGATE CA1*1TAL$0,000,000. YOUNG, WYATT & CO., NO. 86, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A.^on re ^ d t£ e ?i^CAjSLE°iNSUlSS: AGENCY, No. 6, Wall street. New York, for auy amount that may bo required. Partios requiring It can be Insured In the following Loudon aud New York offices, vta: Excelsior, New York, Capital Stock . .. . $200000 8L Nicholas, do do 160000 Harmony, do do 200000 Beokman. do do 200000 Oom’ouw'lth, do do 260000 Stuyvesant do do 200000 Howard, do do 200000 Corn Excb’ge do do 200000 Iofarge, do do 160000 Market. do do 200000 nov 28 Undiim J&tbs. BY BELLA PRENTISS, (auocwBQKa to wnunum » xxu..) Rough Rico oTPrivato Salo. For sale, In Iota to suit purchasers, dry and In good order, in bags or bulk, an excellent article for feed, at 25 to 87 cunts per bushel. Terms cash. may22 _______ Une Furniture at Auction. On SATURDAY next, 24th instant, nt 11 o’clock, in front of storo will ho sold— A largo assortment of Quo Parlor and Cbumbor Furniture, consisting or fine Mahogany Sofas. Divans, Chairs, Settees, Brussels Carjiets. Bureaus. Mirrors, 6 sets of fancy painted Cottage Chamber Furniture, complete; Crockery,Glass Ware, Kitchen Furniture, &o. Salo posit!vo Terms cash. __ rnay22 Administrator’s Sale. On th« first TUESDAY in June next, at 11 o’clock, In front of the Court Houso, will bo sold— Lots No. 6 and 7 Forsyth Ward, corner of Whita ker aud Huntingdon struets, fronting the Purk, 46 by 180 foot, subject to a city ground rent of >—— per annum. Sold as the property of Robert IL Griffin, deceased, by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary, for the beiiutltof tho heirs uud creditors ol said estate. By order of the mlmhilstrutor. Terms at sale. tuny 18 Administratrix Sale. On TUESDAY, July first, at 11 o’clock, in front of tho Court House, will bo sold:— Tho southern half of Lot No 17 and improvements, situated on East Boundary street: tho Improvements aro six wooden tenements. Sold as the proporty of the estate of Daniel llobortson, deceased, for tlio benefit of the heir? und creditors of said estate.— TerraH cash. A. E. ROBERTSON, inylii Adminlstralrla Fine Parlor Furuituro at Auction. On TUESDAY next, 20th Inst, at 11 o’clock, at the house iu Jones stroet, uext to tho corner of Drayton, A complete assortment or tino parlor, chamber, and kitenen forulture, all iu good oeder and flue condition. Bale positive. Terms cash. my 13 Cottago Tract at Private Bale. Lot No. 9, Third Tythiug, Ausou Word, containing 65 8-10 acres, situated ou llie Middle Ground Road about threo miles from the city. Plot of the above farm cau bo sceu nt our counting room. For salo low for cash. my 13 Garden Jxtl at Private Sale. Garden lot No. 98 rotituluhig 6>5 acres. Lies be tween the Louisville Road aud tho Canal, about two miles from tho city. Apply at our counting room, whore the plot can be seen. may 18 Pearl .Starch. Just rocelvod from tho manufactory— 100 boxes Fraser’s Pearl Starch, the best article manufactured. Messrs. Bell k Prentiss have been appointed ageuts for Fraser’s Starch Manufactory. Cbllicutbo, Ohio, one of the largest establishments iu th« coun try, aud will keep on hand, a constant supply for the trado. mays Tobacco at Private Sale. Now landing aud for sale from store:— 40 boxes assorted brands Tobacco. Terms cash. may6 Two Lots of Laud at PrivatoSalo. Lot ol laud No. 219,17th District, Sumpter eouu- ty, 202)£ acres; let of laud No. 23,loth District, Cass county, 160 acres. For sale low. maria Good Cook, Washer and Irouer, ut Private Sale. A first rato cook, washer aud Irunor, aud good boose servant, about forty years of age. Sold fur uoTault. Sound aud hoalthy, Titles wurruulud march 13 Horae aud Buggy at Prlvuto Sule. A first rate strong aud gentle family Buggy Horse, a good roadster, stold for uo fault, us the owner has uo uso for biiu. mar 13 At Private Salo. Fair bank’s Patent Platform Scales.murlS CENTRAL RAILROAD. faction Salts. BY fit. 8PENCERCUUBELE. At Private Silo’.”" Southern half or lot No 86, Chatham Word, city of Savannah, containing twenty-five and a half feat front on Tatiudl street! and niuo.ty and three quarter feot In depth, subject to a ground rent of twenty -on* 10-100 dollars per annum. For further particulars inquire at the Counting Room, 164 Bay street. At Private*Palo. A few fine lithographed pictures, 22 x 28 inches, ofHtona Mountain, DeKulb County, Ga*, and Tawa- foga Falls, near (ho Indian Springs, Ga., for sale low. jan to BROUGHTON STRKK$ HACK AND IJVERY STABLE. Thu undersigned having put the above Stables in good condition, are prepured to accommodate their customers with Carriages, Backs. Buggies, Sulkies, &c., with-sound, gentle, and woll broke horses, und carelbl drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating term.,, und well cared for. Two pairs of line Carriage Horses tor sale. Inquire cor* nor of Barnard aud Brupgltiou streets, apH4—ly STEVENS it ELLKTON. THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I pryoipsTuntment. I T is a sure aud speedy cure for burns, plies, corns, felons, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, totter worm, feuro nipples, (recommended by our nos,) sore and cracked lip-*, iresh wounds und sores ofuny description. It i- a most valuable nunedy und cure, which can be tei-tllied to by thousands who have mod it hi many portions of tho Pouth foi tile lust few years, lo no mstunco will the salve do any Injury, or interfere with u physician's prescrip tlou. Hie proprietor ha* numerous certificates and letters from people who have used it IliemKelvos, and most earnestly recommend it to others as a speedy aud certain r< medy for the above named discuses. A trial L all that is necessary for Its own recommeudutinn. Sold by 4. B, MOORE, Savunuali, G». t and drug gists generally. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor, ma.vL’J LaGrunge, Ga. PEAS ANfi llEAISIST A FEW Hacks of beautiful white Peas and Beans for Hale low at J. OSMOND’S Office, cor. of Bay and Drayton rttroot-, by upr303t _ IV. M. JOSEPH. TO THE LADIES. J UST RECEIVED—A consignment of Fri- aetts, Curls, BruiUs, aud Front Pieces, from the mporter, aud will be sold at New York prices. £3" The colors uow iu atoro aro well assorted, and ordora will ba filled ut any time for colon not on hand, by G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor in late SI. Eastman, mayfi 2nd Store above Pulaski House. F OR LADIES.---Gnti/.c und Thick Morioo vests, Ju-t n*o«>lvt*d ami foi j-ale by upr2l J. IV. THRELKELD, Cougrosn and Whitaker si routs. MARINE AND FUUfi INSURANCE. FOR CHARLESTON, Beery Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, atO o’clock —-WT—jm The splendid steampacket GOR DON, E. Bardon, Commander, will Well. For freight or passago apply on tho Charles ton Stoampacket Wharf to US' N. B.—After FRIDAY, May 30th, the Gordon will 00 temporarllp withdrawn, making her last trip from Savaunah on WEDNESDAY, May 28th, and from CbarloBton on FRIDAY, the 80th. myl4 J. P. BROOKS, Agent. FOR CENTERV1LLAGE, Via St. Simons, Brunswick, Fancy Bluff, Jefferson, Darien, St. Marys, t£o , Tho fino steamer PLANTER, Capt. .McNelty, will leave for the above every Wednesday morulug at lQo’clock. For folght or passage, apply on board at Union Ferry Wharr, or to fcnovlO CRANE, WELLS k 00., Agents. THE INTERNATIONAL Insm-ance Company. NO. IS, MERCHANTS EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, James BI. Carter, ▲T THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATT & CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office. DIKKCIUK*: ALANSON MARSH, S. A. R0I4AL Firm of ARBornea-ACu.. — r T^PTBAlStKOr ,r ‘ f UvTiigHton, Ballard k Co. i WM. M. DODGE, “ ^ P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, “ WM. K. ROLLO, S. T. L1PPINCOTT, ISAAC NE1VTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. RIVERSM1TH, W. H. LYON, FOR JOHNSON'S LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, 7b leave on Tuesday Night, the 12th instant. _ -IT— ^ Tho lightdraft-stoamor.WILLIAM Jb|9|mKLEBBY, Captain A. 0. King, will loave regularly os above, from tho Charleston Steampacket Wharf. Apply to fobU S. if. LAFFITKAU, Agent. CHANGE OF SCHEDULR O N and after Sunday, the 14th October, Inst., tuid until further uotice, the Passenger Trains ou me Centrul Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND UACON. Leaves Savannah Dally at...6 a m and 12.16 v m. Arrive In Macon “ “..2.16 pm “ 1 ah. Leave Macon '* “.11.46 a m “ 9.30 pm. Arrive lu Savan’h “ “10.45 pm “ 7.20 a m UCTWEK.N BAVaNNjtH AND AUGUSTA. Leave Savannah 12.15 p m and 8.30 p. m. 1 Arrive In Augusta 8.46 p m “ 5.30 a a. ; Leave Augusta 6. a m “ 4.80 p m Arrive in Savannah 1.80 pm “ 10.45 p BETWEEN MACON AND AUGUSTA. Leave Macon 11.46 a m aud 9.80 p m. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 p u “ 6.30 a m. j Leave Augusta 6; am “ 4.80 pm. ' Arrive in Macou 2.16 p m “ 1. am. j BETWEEN SAVANNAH, U1U.EDGK\'ILLK k KATONTON. I Loave Savaunah 6. a m I Arrlvo In MlUedgovlUe 2.45 p m. ! Leave Macon 11 46 a m i Arrive In Eatonton 6. pm. W. M. WADLEY Geu’l Sunt. Savannah, Oa., Oct. 12, 1866. octl6. E nglish and American pins.—a large assortment of all sizes Eugli^b and Amer ican Plus, received and for sale by marls LAIJSUN k ROGERS. -i’O HOISKKEKI-KHS. I At (lie Old Stand. 153 Urougtitoit-.,. J EFHIGEUATOR3, Meat Safes, Water Cool- -l» ers, Kedzle’ri, Water Kiltorers, Wire Dish Cov ers, Fish Kettles, Soup Digesters, French Tinned Ware, Tinued and Enamelled Stew Pam*, Cooking Stoves, Cooking Ranges, Table Cutlery, Cedar Tuba aud Bucket*, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Clothes, Market, Travelling and F&ucy Baskets, Bird Cages, Planished aud Jnpauned Ware, dv. Also, Tin Ware, Iron an Copper Ware. Brass Kettles, Stove Pipes, Cooking Uteuslls of ail kiuds for Stoves and Ruuges, together with the finest assortment of llouso Fur- uishlug Goods iu the city. rnarlO HORACE MORSE. MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. “li/TEN and Times of the Revolution, or Me- i.TX inoirs of Klkauab Watson. Impressions of England, or Sketches of English Scenery and Society. By Coxe. TUo Spanish Conquest in America. By Arthnr Helps. 2 vote. Kingsley’s Sermons for the Times. Heart und Home Truths. By Rev. R. Willingham. Junior. Our Church Music. A Book for Pastors aud Peo ple. Legion, or Feigned Excuses. The Nightingale, or A Kind Act i* Never Lust — A talc of the Russian w»r. Unison, or the Liturgy. By A. Gilford. Life of riclmmyl, aud N'arrution of tlio Circassia War. Hiawatha—uow supply ~ W. ' tnayg . THORNE W1IJJAMS. fiugsti , Wm. M. Dodge k Co. H. A. Curtis k Co. Husted A Curll. W. H. Lyon k Co. GEO. CHAPMAN, “ “ Loo, Murphy k Co.R JOS. H. WESTOOTT, “ Briggs, Wostcott ft Co. JOS. FATMAN, « “ Fatmau k Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ “ Goo. 8avory k Co. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, Prosldont. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vico Proaipeut. WM. E. KOLLO, Secretary. __ This Company will Issue Policiea upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation aud Fire Risks, at liberal rates of premium. Losses promptly und liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, octal No. 86, Boy Street. fJ. *37 BfiirXl ue FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Ga., Ftmandi• na and Jacksonville, Pioolata and Black Creek, Fla. THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N King, will leave for the above places everyTuesdayMoming, at 10 o’olk. This boat has large and airy State Room accom modations, aud taking Uie Inland Passage, offers every inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be token Cor Trader’s Hill and Inter modlato landings on SL Mary’s River. No freight will bo takeu aftor 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to npr21 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. DMTEb STATE. BIAIL. LINE. /br Palatka, East Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Fuvandina, Jacksonville, MidcUeburg, {Blade Creek,) and Piaotoia. The new and elegant steampacket ST. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above places. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill and inter- mediute tendings on St Mary’s River. AF* No freight will be taken aftor 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharr, near the Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. NEW YORK dt LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. The ships comprising thia^fjCatak _ line aro— SttllBfii IC, Capt. West, | BALTIC, Capt. Comstock. PACIFIC, Capt. Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt These Bhips having beeu built, by contract, ex pressly for Government service, every cars has boon taken In their construction, as also in their en gines, to insure strength and speed, and their ac commodations for passengers are unequaled for ele gance and comfort. Prices or Passage from New York to Liverpool lu first cabin $180, in second cabin $76, exclusive use or extra stato-rooms $826. From Liverpool to New York £30 and £20. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berths con be secured until paid for. H AWES' PREMIUM FULTON MARKET BEEF and PORK. Beef tougues. Smoked aud Pickled Pig Bacou, 8ruokod Beef, Tho celebrated Gerwlok, uo Salt Petre Hama. The first importation soon to arrive BARRON’S. jan 4 Corner Whitaker und Ohurltou-sts. B ALDWIN APPLES—40 bbla very superior Baldwin Apples, now landing per brig Jit Rhodes, for salo by Jan 11 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. IRESH GARDEN SEED.—Early Peas, Beans J? Onion 8etts, etc., received by thosteuiner, and Tor salo by J. B. MOORE et CO., feb 6 Gibbous 1 Buildings. OHELL SIDE AND TUCK COMBS, a large O assortment received aud for ralo by_ LADSON A ROGERS, Jau29 No. 2 Shad’s stores. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH W-E8TERN ovc r leans Mails. O N aud after Sunday, February 3d, 185G> two dully trains between Macon ami L*ohimbus> ami ono between Macon und Amerious, Leave Mucon at 2 a m, and 8pm; arrive ut Colum bus at 7 16 a m, urn! 1030 p m ; leave Columbus ut 4 16 am, and 1 30 r m ; arrive at Macon at 10 64 a m, and 7 40 p m ; leave Macon ut 2 a M; arrive nt Amuri cub at 0 40 a m; leave Amcricus at 2 20 p m; arrlvo nt Macou ut 740 p m; making a complete connection bo- twcon Montgomery, Alabama, aud Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmiugton und Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Trains to Savannah, MUledgevlile und Eaton ton, and with Macou and Western trains to Atlanta, Cbuttunoogu, Nashville aud Knoxville, Teun. At Columbus with Girard und Mobile Railroad to Eufaula, Ala., connecting daily nt Amcricus with four horn© Post Coaches to Tallahassee, Albany, TboraasviUe, Buinbridgo, Ac., with tri-weekly hacks lo Lumpkin, Cutbbert, &o., at Fort Volley with backs to l’erry, Hoynosville, Hawklusville und KuoxviUe, Ga. Passengers for Atnerlcus and points below Fort Valley, should tako tho 1216 p m train from Savan nah; aud the 6 p sr train from Augusta, to avoid de tention at Macon. For other poluta on tlio Pouth- Western or Muscogee Roads tako either train from Savannah or Augusta. Paesengors leaving Ameri cas at 2 20 p m will reach Columbus ot 10 30 r m the same night. Passengers from Columbus and the West for Ain- ericus, South-western Georgia or Florida, should tako the 130 v m traiu at Columbus, Bleep at Fort Valley, and reach Atnerlcus at 0 40 a m uext morn ing. First class steamships loave Savannah for Now York on Wednesdays aud Saturdays, und for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage In the Cabin $25, Stoerago $8. Faro from Montgomery to Savanuab $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ 10 00 “ Americus “ “ 8 SO GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30th, 1856. may 16 vncffiM i centralFtrhoXD: S TRAWBERRY BASKETS FOR BALE AT the Houso Furnishing Store of KENNEDY k BEACH. Hodgson’s New Block, corner Broughtou k Buli ata. ttnr’Al r . JAmUSr ** HEGAR AND TOBACfcO 8TORE. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.— Keeps constantly on hand Spauish, Hull Spuuish, and American Segars, at wholesale and re- all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. June I JAMKg HcbENITy, ' Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Murine Protesta Noted and Extended, Average adjusted, Charter Parties aud Average Bonds drawn* Papers prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, aud attention given to all matters couiicctod wilh shipping and In- surauoe, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the frout ot tho Custom House. ly uov8 G i ENTS’ MORINO VLSI’S.—Gents’ sunerioi Moriuo vests just recei ved aud for Hate by .1. W. THRELKELD, aprfll Congress und Whitaker streets. PLANTATION GOODS, AND GOODS FOR HOUSE SERVANTS. A LARGE ani fine supply of Blankets, white J\_ and colored, at all prices. Kerseys of every description, from 12K to 6® cents, % aud 4-4 brown Shirtings, Btrtped and plain Cotton Osua- Burga. Plaid and striped Homespuns, Shirting stripes, plain and Twilled red Flannels, wool Caps and Scotch Bonnots, pluld Ltnseys, blue Komats and Head Handkorchlelk of various stylos und pricoB. The attention of Planters and others iu want of (he above, is invited to an examination of our stock, which is now complete aud well selected, ocl 24 AIKIN k BURNS. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 66 Wall street. New York. BROWN, SHIPLEY k CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD k CO. B. G. WAINWRIGHT k 00., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havro. The owners of these ships will not be ao- "VTUTS, PRUNES, RAISINS, Ac.—fiOO'lbs Paradise Nuts. 1000 Iba SoftShell Almonds, 300 lbs Brazil NuU, 300 do Hazle do, 76 drums choice Figs, 1 cose French Jar Prunes, 1 do Fancy box do, 16 boxes Layer Raisins, * 16 do MR do, 26 d9 one-half and oue-quarlor boxes Rai sins, landlng’obd for salo by mar i J. A. BROW N. B ~ACON.—10,000 pounds well cured Teu uesseo Bacon, hog round, for salo by mar;!8 YOUNU, W YAW A CO. Winter Arrangement—Cars Starting fount Broad St. Heavy Hall all llie way toGordousvIlle. VCTHEN the Potomac is closed with ice this ▼ 7 Touto may be relied on by passengers, to cn sure the couuoction going North or South Tho road Is entirely relaid with a superior T rail as far as Gordousvillo. During tlio winter tho train will start from the old station, iu Rlchmoud, ou Broud street, at 7# a m„ pass Gordousvillo at 11 a m., aud arrive In Staunton at 326 p m. Down train leaves Staun ton at 0 40 am, passes Gordonsville at 11 a m. uud arrive in Richmond at 2.30 p m. Fare to Gordonsvillo $2 00 “ “ 6 00 Both trains arrive in Gordousvillo in ample time to take the truin oftho Grunge and Alexandria Rail road. Persons who leave Richmond ut 7J£ a m.. con take the Orange and Aloxaudriu chib at Gordon vlllo If they choose to do so, and by that taain will reach Alexandria by 3.40pm., but this company cun ticket them only to Gordonsville. ocl7 tf II. 1). WHITCOMB, Supt. UNITED STATES MAIL. From Macon, Ga., to Tallahaisee, Fla* The Daily ar* rangement oui Ij^RESB supply of 4-4, 5-4, and G-4 White and JL Clieck Matting. Received by the last steamer, aud for sale by may6 AIKIN k BURNS. H ams'and lard- 201 bbhi prime Lear hunt, 60 tin onus do do; 16 kegs Smlthtield’i* extra laird, very choice 160 lbs do Hams, superior to besi Westphalia: 10 casks primo Tenuessue Hams; Also pickled und smoked Tongues. In store and for sale by aprl4 WEBSTER k PALMK3. ii-ATES® KCI.1PSE miisris bif^sniPa Every man Ilia own Card Printer. C ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, the best, cheapo.! and most convenient ofuny thing for the purpose ye! offered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 135 Congress Hi. Hunts impuovEd shuttle therein. Shippers will please take notice that the ships ot this line cannot carry any goods contraband of war. iOTATOES AND APPLES^-Jost received 60 bbls Potatoes, and 10 bbte fine Apples. For by DAVID O’CONNOR, maylO Corner Broughton and Drayton sta. P uio' MACKEREL & HERRINGS.- — Just i ktuls. choice OodOsh; 80 this, extra t)0. lull Mickcret; 10 Jo extra Plcklcil Herrings; to boxes Smoktd Hsrrtngs' In store end for sale 1>V DAVU) O’CONNOR, ouj-lO Cor. Broughton and Drayton sis —XTRA CANAL FLOUR.—h.rrola Extra Csnal o UGARS.—CO barreto Stuart* A aud B Clarified Sugar; 60 do Crashod and I’owdered do. land- '“ g mw l 16 , ‘‘ > ’ 1 ’sCBANTON, JOHNSTON It CO. 80 2H“ BOAP ®“S‘t?»<So to _ I salo hy apr 19 L ocomotive needlbs.-a new »nd eio- guut article wblcb needs only to be fried once to Insure Iho coustant preference of tho soamstross, J^rocolYcd and (hr sal. & Boom B RUSHES of every description, fresh from "«-4 a? . r «hk, “"'Hodgson'. Blook, oor. Bun end Broughton ala. mar 2$ Oy M ICfEW MAY BUTTER, Cream Ohewe, and JN a small lot of superior Pine Angle OmsK^ si my!8 XpEATHER DUSTERS.—Just received and Jj for salo by J. W. THRELKELD, may3 Congress and Whitaker streets. OA A KEUS New Jersey Zinc Co., Parlor Zinc, a superior articl apr30 w u» j 1 article, for sale low at CHAFFER k CO.’S, No. 0 Whitaker street, 3 AAA Bushels Pennsylvania Oats; iUUv 6o0do do Moroor Potatoes; 20 barrels Bellvorron Whiskey; 49 casks Catawba Brandy. In store and for sale by J. M. EYRE, ■pr3Q _ 94 Bay street. tpORldADIES’TRAVELINGDRESSES.— J} Gray Mohair Lustre, Just recolvod per steamer Alabama, aud for Balo by J. W. THRELKELD, qprl7 Congress and Whitaker streets. A damantine oandles.-ioo Boxes sa- perior Adamantine Candles. In store and for ale by qpr!4 HUNTER AGAMMEI.L T|LACK AND COLORED SILKS-Jasi re- ±J celved a fine assortment or the above, also, Striped Grenadine.,which we^repu^toex- hlblt, * NOTICE. A DVANCES made on consignments to our friends In Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, dec 29 LOCKETT ft 8NELUNG9. R ECEIVED PER STEAMER AUGUSTA— A beautiful assortment of English and Ameri can Prints, Spring stylos. "b28 LADSON A ROGERS ai JULh REMOVAL. Jhe subscriber lias Removed ou the Bay, next door to the Republican j office, where he is uow opening a ____ handsome assortment ot'S P RIN G 1 AND SUMMER GOODS, which be will sell by the pattern or make to order in the most fashionable atyle. Also, Ready Made Clothing for the present and coming season. Thankftil for post favors, ho hopes to merit a con tinuance of the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering uud Repairing done at the shortest notice. JuBt received White Drill Coats aud Pants, White and figured Marseilles Vests, for sale at a small pro fit. aprl2 JOHN W. KKLLY. THE DUTCH RUFU1SL1C. rpHE HISTORY OF ITS RI8B. By John X Lathrop Motley; in3 vote., 8vo. Price $6. Thos. Hood’s Humorous Poems. Edited by Ep pcs Sargent. 1 vol. Tho First uud Second Marriages; or tho Courtesies of Wedded Life. By Mrs. Leslie. Sprague’s Elements of Natural Philosophy; for schools and academies. Ida Plelffer’s Second Journey round tho world. Tlio Teacher. Moral Iufiuonocs employed in tho iustruolloii of the young. By Jacob Abbott. The Life and Works of Goatbe. By Lewis. 2 vote, Sportsman’* Vade Mecuui. By Dinks and May The White Lady; a romance of Love and War. By Reynolds. Winslow’s Inquirer Directed to the Work of the Holy Spirit. Sluepoo Recollections or American Life. apr24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. tuw route cuuuuouccd ou the 6thInst., ruumuguim* titnos a week via Newton, Bainbrldge and Quincy, and three times a week via Thomasville, Duncans- vlllo, &c. Passengers by thte routo will leave Macon nt hair paBt 6 o’clock, A. M., by railroad l'or Oglethorpo.— Tho stages leaving Oglethorpe either way at 11 o’ clock, arriving at Tallahassee at 10 o’clock on the evening of the noxt .day-time by either routo 86 hours. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, by Newton, Bainbrldge aud Quincy, to Tallahassee; returning leaves Tallahassee ou Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs days at 101*. M. On Tucsduys, Thursdays and Saturdays, by the way ot'Thomasville—returning same route on Mon days, Wednesdays, aud Fridays at 10 P. M. Through from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee by cither route in 36 hours—from Macon in 38 hours—and from Savannah in 60 hours. By this routo iiassengersleaviugSuvanua'i by tbo 8 o’clock truin of cars, will arrlvo at Tnllajiasseo iu 60 hours. It is also decidedly the best, cheapest aud most oxnoditious routo for travellers to Apala chicola nud west Florida. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe $1 76; from Ogle' thorpo to Tallahassee $16. L. C. Shaw, Agent at Oglotborpe. A. A. Fislior, Agent at Tallahassee, may 17 F. K. wRIGHT, Proprietor. u lions, Dress-makers, Tailors, Both and fcihoe Manufactures, nud others who may wish to do theft Sew lug duue cheaply aud with expedition. This Machine sews a uniform, neat, and boa'itilid seam, which cannot bo unravelled. It makes both sides or the seam alike. It is much more simply con structed than any other Mnchino in Uic market, und therefore is less liable to get out of order, und is more readily understood by those uuacquuinted with Sew ing Machines. It costs loss In proportion than any other Muchiuu, und all the apparatus necessary lor convenient und successful operation is furnished with It. Tills Machine has drawn the higliCRt prem iums at all the lute lairs ut which it bus hceu exhib- ited.*^It is warranted to work well, uud give good satisfaction to those who use it. Any instructions will bo given that is noce«?ury. to enable any per son to operate them successfully. Tho above Machines are otiered for sale a! No. 136 Congress street, where they can be examined and tested ou any kind of work for which they are recommended. All wersous Interested lu them, uud others, arc respectfully Invited to call uud examlue hciu. Office hours, after U A. M. apr 3 ly ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. For evidence to provo that all the above state- incnts aro strictly truo, 1 am permitted to reler to tlio following gentlemen, who aro all citizens of Sa vannah and vicinity, aud who havo tested them thoroughly, viz.:— Dr. E. Parsons, John S. Bowen, Esq., Wiu. Hone, F.sq., J P Collins, Esq., l.S, Clark, Ksq., Associate Editor Journal, and otbors If necessary. WIRE CLOTH WINDOW SCREENS liriTH beautifully painted Landscape#. Cau XV ho painted to order or cut to fit any window orgruto. They admit tho tight aud ulr freely, uud at tlio lame time protect the room from all *n.<«vfo, and also from observations of curious people out side. They are very desirable for sloepiug rooms, parlors, hotels, offices, or any windows or doors where t&reeus aro needed. Cull at 136 Cougre.s3 St. nud examine them. ALFRED WEBSTER, Geueral Ageut, apr8 135 Congress-street. M olasses ft gin— . 120 bbte New OrleansMolasses; 76 bbte Phelps’ Giu. For salo by OCTAVU8 COHEN. FLOWERS I FLOWERS lX {•FROM THE JASPER SPRING GARDEN. The largest and best assortment . of Roses, Geraniums, Verbenas,* ■nrvwic* Heliotropes. Ac., that has everjU*w^w beeu ottered in thte city, all iu the best possible con ditiun for transplanting, either in gardens or jars. Cull uud examine at 185 Congress-street, Savannah, Tho slock will bo constantly replenished. Aprils—tf ALFRED WEBSTER. ■\/T ANTILLAS—Colored and black Aplique Jjl_ mid Ioice, a beautiful assortment Just reculved and for salo by mar 7 maylO B ALLAST.—76 tons Stone Ballast, fornale yb mnr4 »/*«»« * v,r ' *- 0, ‘ x ’ ROWLAND ft SON. TRI PEP EMBROIDERED COLORED Lawns .lust recelvod and for salo by J. W. THRELKELD, mayl3 Cougre?«_and Whltakor streets. SUPERIOR article of Colored Organdy Muslim*, all colors.—Just received and for sale by J. W. THRELKELD, maylO Congrosa and Whitaker streets, /COTTON Sbambrayx from 12§ to 26 cental— >J Just received and lor Balo by maylfi Balo by J. Wl THRELKELD, Oor. Congress and Whitaker stt. AIKIN ft BURNS. KE\V BOOKS. 3 D AND 4th Macauloy’a History of England, from tho accession ot James fid. Lingurd’s History of England, 16th vol. Groto’s History orGreeco, 11 th vol. Just received by W THORNE WUJJAMS. Jan 10 M AY BUTTER tC CHEESE- 25 Tubs Choice New Muy Butler; 25 boxes Choice Goibeu Choeso. Landing from steamer and for sole by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSON ft CO. ■EMOONTBlDJiS ft SHOULDERS— n 60 hhds Prime Bacon Sides; 26 “ “ “ Shoulders; 20 “ " “ Clear fcldo*. Just received aud for salo by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO.