Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 23, 1856, Image 4

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! ^bbtriisements. /CHATHAM COUNTY.—To til whom it may \J concern : Whereat, Audrew Holliday, wtllap- ply ai iho Court of Ordinary fbr Letter* ofDUmbulou •n the fetate or Armaud I* Fox. These are, therefore, to cite amt admonish all whom it may concern, to bo aiut appear before said Court to make uldoctiou (if any they liavo) on or be- lore the first Mouday lu Juno noxt, otherwise said Letter* will l>o granted. Witness, John M. Milieu, taq. Ordluary for Chat- ham County, this twelfth day of November, 1854. »uov ITT* JOHN It. IttWJKN. o. c. c. *¥ATK OFGEORGIA /CHATHAM COUNTY :-To all whom It may VJ ooucoru : Whereas, John Welbrock will apply at the Churl of Ordinary for tailors Disiulssory as Administrator on tiio ostato of It Welbrock : Those are, therefore, to cito and admoulsli all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in Juno noxt, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness, John It. Mlllon, Esq., Ordluary for Chat ham couuty, this fourth day or December, 1854. doc4 JOHN M. MILLKN, oca STATU OF WrGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY :-To aU whom it may oucern: Whereas, Joliu Woibrock will apply at the Court of Ordinary for bettors of DismUsUm " Admidistor oh the estate or Carl Rolfs, deceased: These arc, thcrefiire, to clio aud admonish all whom it may concern to be aud appear before said Court to make objectlou (Ifauy they have) ou or be fore the first Mouday iu Juue uext, otherwise said tatters will bo grauted. Witness, Johu M. Milieu, Esq,. Ordluary for Chat ham Oouuty, this fourth day of December, 1846. dec4 JOHN M. M1LLKN, o 0 C. STATE OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY—To all whom It may couceru : Whereas, Ueorgo Jones, will apply ut the Court or Ordinary for letters of Dismission as Administrator ou the Estate of Jauo Gordou Clarke. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud uppear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or be fore the first Mouday In Juue uext, otherwise said tellers will bo grauted. ■Wituess, Johu M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham Couuty, this fifteenth day or November, 1854. uov 24 JOHN M. MHAEN. o. c. c. STATE OF GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY—To nil whom it may couceru: Whereas.Johu Mallory, Will apply to the uourt of Ordtuary for tatters lUsnusory as adminis tration ou Iho Estate or William Wright those are, therefore, to cite aud adtuouish all whom It umy couceru, to bo aud npjvar before said Court, to make objectlou (ifauy they have) ou or beloro the first Mouday in November next, othwiso suid tad- tors will bo grauted. Wituess, Johu Bilbo, Esq., Ordluary for Chatham Count v, this e.ght day of April 1850. JOHN BILBO, o. c. C. ap*8 C HATHAM SHERIFFS SALE.-Will'te sold ou tho first Tuesday in Juue next, before the Court House, between the legal hours of sale, lot number twelve (12) New Frnuklin Ward, iu the City of Savannah, situated on the corner of Mont gomery street and Battle Row, together with the three story brick warehouse situated thereon; levied ou to satisfy a certain U. fa. issuing out of Chatham Su|*erior Court, In favor of Johu Scuddcr vs. Clar ence l’. Hollis. Property pointed out iu said fi. fa. BENJAMIN L. COLE, mayo Sherill’C.C. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE* G EORGIA, WAYNE COUNTY.-Agreenbly to au order grauted by the Court of Ordluary of Wayne County, will bo sold beloro tho Court House door, lu tho city of Brunswick, Ulyuu county, on the first Tuesday in Juue next, betweeu the law ful hours of sale, seven hundred aud filly (750) acres or land, lying iu Glynn couuty, belonging to the estate of Rebecca Manning, late of Wayne couu ty. deceased. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs aud creditors of Bald deceased. Terms made kuowu ou the day of sale. This April the 15th, 1850. JOHN D. HUMPH, aprl’ Administrator notice; T WO months from date application will be made to tho Ordinary of Chatham Couuty, for leave to sell lot No- 151,9lh district, Baker, belong ing to the estate of Julian Marks, JACOB WATSON, mays Administrator. NOTICE. S HERIFF Sale in Wayne County.—Will be sold in front of the Court House, iu Waynesvlllr, Wayne County, on tho first Tuesday iu Juue uext, betweeu the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: Ouc lot of laud in said county, contain ing four hundred and ninety acres, kuowu as lot No, 105, lu the third district of said county, tavy made by a constable aud returued to me. WILLIAM SPELL, S. W. C. April 24,1850.w td may28 Notice. O NE mouth after date application will be made to the Bank of the State of Georgia for the payment of a Twenty Dollar bill, the left half of which has been lost by mail. ROBERT B. HUTCHISON. Pauldtng County, April 25,1850. npr25 From V. U. PALMER, UDinUL ADVKKIMNtt AND NIWNUnM AU«T, Now York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. JAMBS B. K1DLKB, DHAI.HU and importer of Watch©** Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fan cy Good*, &c»* NO. 12, wxmi 2D artuacr, huladxli-hu. «cpt8 ly rrtHE Subscriber* would romtctfWly call I nutation of tb* Principal* of Boarding School*, Bowdlnr **—^ ”** J ' ^ * * NELSON 8WEEZHY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner Astor Place and 4tii Avenue, IN CUWK FROX1MITV TO TUN A8T0R LIBRARY AND TUN NEW HI HUC HOl'HE, NEW TORN. mile moat extensive variety aud the largest I slock of Mouumouls, Ibnibe, Head Btouon, Ac., in America, can bo fouud at this eztabllihmout, from plalu to Uio most elaborate ami ornate iu design aud workmauihlp. lu addlUou to the itock always ou hand, a great variety or drawings, appropriate and orlglual may be found, from which work will be on ccuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, and shlppod to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting tho city of New Yerk on ploasure or bitsluess are respectfolly luvlted to visit tills es tabilshmout. octa UARFEtAND UPHOLSTERY ing House*, Hotel*, and tfat pubtio in general, to th* late and Important Improvamenta they have made In the Rattan Frame*, Horne** Leather Hinged and Spiral Spring*. Those Bed* are a very durable article, coat little more than Feather Bed*, and are much more healthy. In feet, these beds ar* a mat luxury to tha well or sick, .nd altogether such an article aa when once used would be deemed Indispensable in *very fami ly for comfort and health. Persons from any part of the United State* may be *uppil*d at the shortest notice, by sending tholr orders, giving dlmeusioua of Bedstead, Ho., ad- dressed to DOWEIJ* k BARRETT. oct3—Cm 200, Chesnut at, Phila. A. L ARCHAMBAULT, WAREHOUSE, 140 Conartta ami 67 St. Jtdien Streets. rjlUE UNDERSIGNED would take this oppor- _ tunlty to oxpress to his Mends and tho public guuorally, his sincoro thanks for their liberal patron- ago aud influence, whicii has resulted lu extension ol his trado to all parts of the State. Also, Carolina, Florida, Alabama aud Tenucssec, thereby enabling him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed lu nuy Southern city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Kee|ters,-aiui Steam boat Owners are particularly invited to exutuiue the present stock, which is now complete iu all tho various departments, consisting lu pari of ihe follow ing goods, via: CAR PM DEPARTMENT. Royal Mcdallon, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Mocel Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Tlireo ply Iugruiu, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dumb, English Druggets, (of va- idths,' rlous widths,) Mosaic Hearth Rugs, Velvet and Cbeuilie Rugs, Tufted Rugs, Piano aud table Covers, IVnir Mat* (every variety,) Silver A Brass Blair Rods, . CartM'tsBiudiugs, Ac. CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Brocatcllcs. Lice aud Muslin Curtaius, Sal in de tallies, GiltOoruices, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Pius uml Bauds, Worsted aud GuUuu Damask, Tassels, l/wps aud Cords; Velvet aud Plush of various colors; Wludow Shades, uew style. Also, every variety of Furniture Covering, Trim raings aud materials for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Tweuty-four feet wide, for Halls ami Rooms, cut to fit without a scam. The subscriber will oblige himself to make the prices ou all description of goods os low as the same quality can be purchased In any Northern city. 49T Carpets cut to Rooms aud goods seut to any part of the city free of charge. An experienced Upholster will attcud to tho makiugaud laving of Curpets aud Oil Cloths when desired. The docorativo aud curtaiu department is n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged taste and skill. W. H. GUION, Agout. octlS 140 Cougress uud 57 St. Julieu-sts. DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOIt, I S a mild laxative, tonic aud stimulant, and is recomuieuded to the public, relying upon its lu trinsic worth iu the cure ofthefolluwiug complaints All Billious Dernugeuieuts, Sick Headache, Dyspop; sia, Habitual Oostiveness, Chronic Diurrhm, Colic Palu in tho Stomach und Bowels, General Debility* Female Weakness, Ac. For sale by Druggists gen' orally, aud by John. B Moore A Co, aud Wiu. W* Liucolu, Savannah. ly febl2 LET 08 REASON TOGETHER NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the late firm of W. H. FARRELL tfi Co., are requested to edil. and receive their money, before tho first day of Juno ensuing, ut which timo a final disposi tion will be made betweeu the respective copart ners. GEO. W. DAVIS, npr20 3t -* Receiver. ' NOTICE. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be S i-vaa. uaio uuer uaw. upuuvauuu nmus made to tho Honorable, tho Court of Ordluary of Chatham county, for leuvo to sell a negro girl slave named Elizabeth, tho property of the late Charles J. Zittrour, for tho benefit ot the heirs aud creditors oi the said Coarles J. Zittrour. KATHARINE ZITTROUR, Adin’rx. mar 24-tlj Est. Chits. J • Zittrour, dcc'd. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. J OHN M. WILLIAMS, having assigned all his property, botli real and persoual, to adjust ids debts, all persons having legal claims against tho said John M. Williams, will please baud them to the undersigned without delay, as it is quite desirable to ascertain the extent of indebtedness, aud to per* t'ect a speedy settlement of the assigned property apr28 HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. ""Executrix postponed sale. O N the First Tuesday iu Juue next will be sold beloro tho Court House in Waresboi o. Ware County, Gu., by virtue of au order from tho Ordina ry of Richmond county, Geo. Lot of laud Nos. 320, 322,325, 32*5,327, 012, 013. un<J 020, lu the twelfth, (12th) district; Nos. 200 aud 307. ninth (9th) dis trict; and Ku *■' 4, “ _ *“'■*'* Ware county, late of Richmoiul county, heirs and creditors. E. 1*. FOE, uivll tds Executrix. unci; c*os. sue uuu out, uimii (vud uw No. 409. in tiio oigluli (8th) district ot' sutd nty; sold as the property of Robt. F. Poe, ihmond county, deceased, for the benefit of ADMISTilATOll'S NOTICE. A LI. persons having demands against the eslutc of tho late Charles S. Arnold, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within tiio time prescribed by law; ami ail those in debted to said estate, are requested to make inline- diato payment to EDWARD FADELKURD, mays Administrator. BAILEY A CO., M anufacturers or Fine silver Ware, Chestnut street, Philadelphia. In order that purchasers maybe certain or the quality of Silver Ware of our manufacture, our Sterling Silver will be stamped Our goods inuy bo found at Messrs. II B Nichols A Co’s., who are authorized to sell utour retail prices, m.vlfi BAILEY A CO. NfcW TIN STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 HOl'TlI OK J4AKKKT HqUAKK, HR VAN srrilKKT. I would inform my old friends aud patrons JSM I bavu o|>ened tho above store to conduct the ^0[KUjvu, Tin aud Khcel-lrou Business iu ull its various forms, ami where will he ibuud a gen oral assortment of .Stoves, Tin aud Sheet Iron Ware, which I will be pleased to show, aud ut such prices aa will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. AI! kinds of Rooting, Gutters of tand, Galvanized Iron Work of every description, .loV» Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put lip aud Pipes furnished ut sliort notice. Tiu Ware at wliolesale und retail. Call down on Bryan street, it will pay you for your walk. ocl'2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Ageut. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OONOKIW ANI> 57 KT. JlMJKN-HTHWfTH. milH SnbHcriiier Imh received, and will open I tills day, the largest and most extensive variety ot WINDOW SHADES ever offered in lids city. It is the intention of tho advertiser to keep constantly in store a largo supply of ull tho various patterns uud styles manufactured by tho muuuliiclurers of this country and of Franco, to which the attention ofiuor- chants und families iu Uio city und country, is in vited. They will bo Hold ut wholesale and retail, at HMtisfuctory prices. W II. GUION, Ageut. juu 8 TO BUILDERS. T HE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute ut tho shortest notlco, uud in the most work manlike manner, all kiuds ol'Meial Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connected with llie muuufoc- luring or ro|iuiring ofCopjier, Galvaulzod Irou, Zinc, or Shoot I run Business. HORACE MORSE, nctlS 166 Broughton at) BRING AND SUMMER CLOTH I NO.-The . . subscriber would invito tho attention of ull in want of SPRING AND SUMMER CIvOTlHNG, to his slock which has Just lieun received, at tho Star Clothing Kmjiorium, 147 Buy street. aprir. WM. O. PRICE WATCIlES-WATCIlKItWAtCllEff. ^co We are receiving tho liondon Lever Ml Watches, oftliu most colehrated makers. In JIGold ami Silver nuses. R. V. Cnn|M»r’« Ihi- ■BUIMplex Wutohos, WutclioH for Tlmiug HurHoa, lino Swiss Clirouuiuulers, which wo uU'ur at reasona ble prices, at our uew store In Gibbons’ Range. wm P. B. NICH0W « 00. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS—WHY AKB WE 8ICK? I T has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by disease aud suflcriug. HOL- WAY’S P1I.IS are specially adapted to the reliei or the weak, tiio nervous the delicate, aud tho iu- firm, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions.— Professor Hollowuy personally Huporluteuds the manufacture of his medicines in the Uulted States, aud offers them to a free aud cnlighteued people, os tho best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. THESE PIUS PURIFY THE FIXJOD. Tliese ramous Pills are expressly combined to ope rate on the stomach, tho liver, tho kidneys, the luugs, the skin, aud the bowels, correcting uuy de rangement iu tlieir functions, purilylug the blood, tho very fountain of life, and thus curiug disease iu all its forms. DYSPEPSIA AND UVER COMPLAINTS. Nearly half tho human race huve taken these Pills. It has been proved iu all parts of tbo world 4hat nothing has been fouud equal to them in coses of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, aud stomach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy one to those organs, however much deranged, aud wheu all other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY—ILI. HEALTH. Many of tho most despotic governments hove opened their custom houses to tho introduction ot these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned colleges admit that this medi cine is the best remedy ever known for persous of delicato health, or whero tho system has beeu im paired, as its iuvigoratiag properties never fall to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, youug or old, should bo without this colobrated medicine. It corrects aud regulates the monthly courses at all (icriods, acting In many coses liko a charm. It is also tho best and safest medicine that can bo given to children of all ages, and for any complaints, consequently no family should bo without it. Holloway’s Pills are tho best remedy known in tho world for tho following diseases : Asthma, Bow el Complaints, Couglis, Colds, Chest Discuses. Costlv ness, Dyspepsia, Veucreul Alt'ccttous, Diarrhoia, De bility, Dropsy, Fever and Aguo, Female Complaints, Headaches, Stono and Gruvcl, Luwuoss of Spirits, Indigestion, Iullueuza, In nomination, Iuwurd Weak ness. Liver Complaint, Piles, and Worms of ull kiuds. Sold at tho manufactories of Professor Holloway, _ . Professor Holloway, 80 Midden taue, New York, aud 244 Strand, Lou don. und by all respectable Druggists aud Dealers iu Medicines throughout tho Uultod Suites, and tho civilized world, iu boxes at 25 ccuts, 62 J* cents, uud $1 each. US" There is a considerable saviug by taking tho larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for tho guiduuco of patients every disorder are affixed to each Pot. up!25 READ I—READ l!—READ III That is, if yon cun sec; und gz r you can’t see, you can find V. .. all kinds ofhelps to seo,” at tiio Watch am Jewelry Storo or D. B. Nichols k Co., iu Congress street, noxt door to tho corner of Whitaker, where you cau purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Wure, aud Fancy Goods, as low us at any oilier store lu the country. Wo have received per steamship Alabama a fresh lot of those fine Steel Spectacles ; also, u supply of Pebble uud Pcriscopic tans, which wo are prepared to fit in nil kinds of Trutucs, at sliort notice. Our Perlscoplc taus (so called from tlieir peculiar shape) have an advunuigo over all others, us they have u greuter rango of focus, so that tho reader is uot compelled to hold the book or paper ut a certain dlshiuce from tliu eye. Cull and see. D. B. NICHOta A CO. 43r No charge for allowing goods. mar 11 D. B. N. ft CO. v-rom e. nmeri unnm um nnumunt. n. AulhortMd Attol (Dr Swunli Journal. UIACni ~AMP~CBM»OyF. SPRING BID AND BATTRA*) DEPOT. 200 chmkut mum, omrni *»n»’ wm. SubacSbni would rtiuwctfaUj oall th. mwo hS^San.nq B It*!!)?* 1 . “,-: ft Hpteadid iteel eugravlnf, rroa the o*M>rftte4 pftinUBf by UadiMr; and th* “Departur* of tb* Is raelite* ftrom Egypt, ” a IftTf* ftftd biutiful onfrav log ftrom ft paintmf by D. Robert*. Th* retail prlc* of th* above Mfravlan U 93 por copy, bat will b* •wtfrm cfdurgt, a* follow*:— 1m lulMorlbor* bay* —tabil»h*d a Book Ag*ocy lo Fbiladalphlft, and will teraiib any book or pub lication at th* retail prio* ft*** of po*tage. Any p*r ion* by forwarding the iub*cr1pUoo price of any of th* is Magazine*, such a*' Harper’s. Godey'e, Put nam’*, Graham’s Frank LasUe’e Fashions, Ac., will receive the Magazine* for cm* year, and a copy of either of the above beautiful tmgruvlng*. froo of charge, or iriubscribiog to a 12 and a 91 Mogasiue, such as Peterson’*, andChailen’s ladies’ Christian Annual, they will receive both magazine* and a copy of either of tho above engravings. __ * Every PORTABLE STEAK ENGINE BUIUJER, 8. B, Corn.I»tL * Hamilton »t'a., PHILADELPHIA. Pa. P ORTABLE SAW HILL ENGINES, on largo wheel., with a tongue, fbr a team lo be at- tached to move teem about. These engines have two cylludors, making from 10 to 30 horse cower. Also, HOISTING or PILE DRIVING ENGINES, from 3 to 30 horso power. Urdora aro filled iu from 3 to 6 wcoka from tholr receipt. Engine* always on hand for sale. These engines have been In use seven years, and in ovory instauco have given general satiafoction. Description Circulars will be sent when applied for. fob 0—6m dftW HERRING'S PATENT FIRE-PROOF WITH HALL’S PATENT POWDER-PROOF LOCK. Having received tho Prizo Medal at tho World’s Fair, are now offered to tbo public ai the Prize Safe of the Wortd. Tested and approved as they . _ . have beou every where, tholr crowning victory was reserved to bo awarded by tho Juries or tho World’stair. Tiio proprietor placed One Thousand Dollars iu Gold iu tho one exhibited at the World’s Fair, tau don, aud iuvited all the Pick-Locks in the world to open tiio Safe, with or without the keys, aud take tho money us a reward for tholr lugeuulty; although operated upou by several skilled In tlieurt, uoouo cuiild lick tbo Ibock or opeu the Safe. The uudeulablo evidence of tko superiority of tiio Ratos Manufactured by tbo subscriber la kuowu aud acknowledged by a discriminating public, who aro assured that all Soles made and sold by him, or his authorized agents, (none genulue except they have his uatne ou a metal plate,) will bo found equal or superior to auy of tho many which have lKissed through the firey ordeal, preserving thocouteuts un injured, as published and noticed by the press here tofore :—In the burning of tho Tribune building, the great fires in Now York aud Sag Harbor In 1845, at New Orleans in 1842, at Tallahassee in 1843, at Prov idence In 1846, at Aullulo ami .Now York City iu 1847, at St. Louis, Albany, Plattsburg and Detroit in 1848, the great fires at St. tauls, at Milan, Ohio, and the great burniug at New Orleans in 1849, the great fires iu California, at Chicago aud Syracuse in 1860, aud at tiio St. Charlos Hotel, New Orleans, in 1851, great fires lu 1852 at Now York, Philadelphia, Cheraw, 8. C., Montreal, Cauada, Ft. tauls and Ogdcusburg, and many others. The metal portion of theso Safes consists of tiio stoutest aud toughest wrought bar aud ptute Irou, aud the spaco between the outer aud luncr surfaces is filled with a chemical prc|>urullou, which is the most jierfoct uon-conductor of heat yet discovered, aud which cannot be effected or neuetrate by fire.— This fact has been established beyond questiou by the results of tnnuy experlraouts, attested by per sous of tho highest Tosijectubllity. Iu every trial to which Uio genuine Salamander 8afo has beou sub jected, whether accidental lu buruing bulldiugs, or by agreement for tbo purposoof competition, its flre- G1 HBUmOWS firiNE PREPARATIONS. . _ _ Igkly CWMNtratfd Com* uSkSun, 1 ^' description of Engraving on Wood executed with neatness ane dispatch. Views of Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views oT Machinery, Book illustration, Lodgo Certificates, Business Cards, fcc* All order* sont by mail promptly attended to. Per- sou* wishing viows or their building* engraved, can send a daguerreotype or ikotch or tho building by mall or express. Persona at a distance having saleable article* would flndlt to their advantage to addnu the sub scriber*, a* wo would not as agents for th* sal* of the same. BYRAM k PIERCE, 60 Bouth Third Street, Philadelphia, P*. J. B. Bvwam. (aprl7) T, lurPnntc*. Proposal* for Ration* and Fail Tor LlgkfVMMls. COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, Scrtnu.vTKXDi2tr or Luura. Savauuah, 10th May, 11 QEALED proposal* will be received 1J otfice until 12 o'clock! M., ou tho 1st day of ed at this July noxt, 1840, ror -foruUhlugaud delivering Ra< tlons aud Fuel ou board tliu IJgbt-voszeU lu this Collectlou district, vis.; at Martlu’s Industry and Tybeo Island Kuoll, for ouo year from the first day of July 1856, to tbo 30tb Juno, 1657, luciusivu. The rations to be of good and approved quality, to bo delivered in good nnd Htifilclout packugos, barrels, boxes and vases, und iu good order, ou board the abovo imuitHl liglit-vesKcis, ut least ouco a quarter, free of ox|>cu8o to tile United Stulos, und agroeably to the anuexod table oftho weekly ration, viz. i&tS i 2 seotmoti I touag •lefiouiA ninju pojip jo bu;s;bh :jo°b REGISTRY OF VOTERS FOR 185A. BAJ-B, AND HVEOIdAL KENEDY IK DtaaaaM of tha Bladdar, Kldaejra, Gravol, Dtopay, Waakaaaa, Sacret naeaaaa, Obatruo- Eataale Oomplalau, amt all dliaaaaa of tha, FEMALE. fw N w o^Konu , riLNo ¥, s ? , X^:“' 1 ThU popular and tpeoUU remadp U now uObrad > tha aalctad. and guaranteed to enra all the abovo .omplalnta. It aeareboa out tto very root of tho dlaoaaa, drlvtog out all tba dUoaud fluids of Iba bod j, ihua removing tho ontua and rendering tto ° Ur * CERTAIN AND HSHANENT. This medicine allay* pain and Inflammation, which other remedies invariably cau**, aud can be taken with leu trouble and expense to patient*. This in- remedy has saved thousand* upou thousand* ii hands of MgRrriJNfl QUACKS, If not from prwnature grave*. In case* of infection th* CompoundBuchuuth*only articlo worthy of th* least confidence of the afflicted in performing SAFE CURES. narcotic, mercury, or other injurious drug, but la purely a Vegetable Composition. It is very agreeable to the teste, create* no perceptible odor, and may be taken by persons of eithor sex without hindrance from business or medical advice, u plain direction* for use accompany the medicine. Reader. IT yon have any oftho above complaints, do 004 B#l DKLaVb ARK DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourself, and thus prevent all expoaure. TRUTHMUST AND WILL PREVAIL. This medicine speedily and effectually cures the moat virulent form ofacerot diseases, aud eradicates every particle of infocllou* matter from tho system, restoring the patient to a porfest state of **” * *aTH AND ‘ John S Acliord, George W Anderson. Edward C, Anderson. William B Auatus, Hartwell S AudrewsB Richard D Arnold, William S Abbott, diaries A Ash, George A Ash, Alexander Aikio, Robert A Allen, Robert K Allen, Robert Austlu, Theodosius A Aimila. B> Joseph W Brown, George FUrowu, Richard Brad H W.H.MOHKLKY-S INV-IBIIAIIv ft. FOB tliu treatment of DIB«y, AUgUMUH uui|8uu, vauren u iwtuiug, Bar, Autou Borchert, Iwaac Brunner, Wm b Bsaln ger, Harvey F Byrd, Peter A Bluls. James A Barron, Augustus Boulineau, David Bell, George A Boilfeul- lett, Edwin il Uacou, Gilbert Butler, Gotsbalk Brown, Wm 11 Burroughs, Henry Brigham, Joseph 11 Buldwiu, Siegmuud Berg, George G J Uuutz, Mi chael Holey, John Bostou, Johu Bilbo, Solomon D Brantley, Frauds S Bartow, W C Barton, Samuel p BeU. G. George A Cuyler, Samuel W Crabtree William Crabtruo, Jobu W Coates, i’atrick Curran, George L Cope, Lewis F Cooke, Charles Clarko, Robert J Canning. John F Cordell. Francis T Colo, Wm A Cone, Edwin A Gastello, Hugh Cullen,Joseph V Cou- uerat. Moses A Cohen, Johu Com, Wm Oacar Chart- ton, Wm Cullen, Hilns M Golding, James A Cour- volsio, floury Crosby; Constantino, Daniel BCamp, Octavus Cohen, Wm il Charters, Joseph 8 Clagboru David tape* Cohen, Peter L Constantine. Francis Champion, Montgomery Gumming, Wulluco Cum- tnlug, IVm A Cowper, Stroth Cranston, Charles 11 Crampileld, Robert J Cuugitey, Auron 11 Cratuidou, Wm Cox, (ioorge Catley. Phillip Counaily, Wm P Clark, Alien Cufien. ^ Adam J Dotson; Isaiah Davenport, Archibald C Wens, mala, and all kind* hii of Tumours, is now open for the Ull ireception or Patients. Hu bdir- mary Is located near the Depot and ivt Broadway, and contains about thirty lu fKe ttl . (J • - foraished Rooms, with good and trusty ht-rvliiu*. ways at band, both ladles and gentlemen are rwiX ed at this InaUtuUon, aud will receive the iuSi and klad attention from the Proprietor, os u-»u? hi* Matron. Ill* practice in tliat horrible dtleii' Cancer, for the past ten years u not Diiri.u.,, cu » any Physician In the Houih. Patients are boaJi. at 91 per diem, or 916 per month, tlo being remi.r^ in advance. * rej proof pro;>erties have proved imraeusurably superior to those of any (so called) fire-proof Safa ever rnanu factored. By an improvement ui»on the original Saiamaudor, introduced by tho preseut owner of the patcut-right, the Interior Is rendered wholly impervious to damp, aud books, papers and jowolry might be preserved iu ouo of Ids safes for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or miildow. To guard ogaiust counterfeits every Safe from the manufactory or tho subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate lu front, hearing his namo ; each Is also furnished with one of his im proved Thief Delecting I/xiks, which is a good guar antee against robbery. S. C. HERRING k CO., Nos. 134,137 and 139 Water-Bt., N. Y. Agents iu Savannah, Messrs. BELL k PRENTISS, who keep constantly ou hand a full and complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. ““ At Manufactured by Stearns d containing Uie books, papers)* LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIRE PROOF QVJUT1IM OF WILDER'S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Manufactured by Steams d Marvin. New York. In the firo of the 3d Inst, which consum ed tho brick building occupied by Mr. Juo. T. Thomas, opposite ithe Gas Works, in this city, was a safe ot th* above descriptions containing the books, papers, and money or Mr. Thomas, and although the building was Uetroyed, the said Safo sustained no injury whatever from the intense heat to which it had boon exposed. On open ing the 8afo, the oontents were found undisturbed, and in tho same order and condition as when placed there, excopta slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few papers, and the backs of one or two or the books, caused by the steam generated In the Safo, while at its greatest beat. Tho Solo and contents, as it came from the ruins, may still be soon, in the possession of Mr. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A large assortment of these cele brated Safes always on hand,and for sale by C. H. CAMPFIELQ, Agent for the Manufacturers, July 26,1844. 171 Bay-it., Savannah, Ga. I take pleasure in corroborating the foregoing state ment, aud in addition would add, that the books are nowin use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf July 26th, 1845. octO—tf ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK 8TUKET, NEAR TUX COURT H0U8K, SAVANNAH, GA., Established In 1939. MAYEll tfc ULUN. SUCCESSORS TO SALOMON MAYER. Wholvsule dealers iu Itn|xirted Wiues. French Brandies, Holland (tin, Scotch aud Irish Whisky, Jamaica uud Ft. Croix Rum, IFroiicli and German Stomach Bitters, Cor- dints, &c. Tlie subscribers keep constantly ou baud a large assortment of tin* above, and sell them at low prices aud reasonable terms. uu:h 1—ly POTATOES. ‘JUO libls. .Need Potatoes, lUl) JL do Mercer und Cli eimugo do, lauding uud f *mlo by iiiii'JK HUNTER ft GAMMKIJ.. “ NE PLUS Ul.TIiA" SCHEME. liiOO PKIgES—jj>80,000{ HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. •liiNper County Acudcmy HV ALTIIOKITV OK THK HTATK OK UKUKUIA. 10,000 Numbers Only—Ouo Prize loJKight Tickets. CLASS M, v rro l>c Drawn May 15th, 1850, at Concert X Hall, Macon Georgia, under tbs sworn super intendence of Col. G. M. laigan and J. A. Nesbit, Esq. ’ The Manager, having announced his determination tii make tills tliu most |iopulur I.ottery iu the world, olf.-rs for May 15tli u scheme that far Hiiriia.ssc.3 any Rcbeme ever olfered in the ammls or tattorios. UhjK TO YOUR INTEREST. Examine Hie Capitals, (mo Prize lo every Eight Tickets. ’ CAPITAL $12,000. 1 prize of. 1 do do 2 do do 1 do do 6 do lie 10 do do. ,<n» do do..., 120 do do., 500 do do 500 do do..,.., $12,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 500 50 2ft 10 1200 prizes amounting to.. .$60,000 I RI/cM PA»ABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION. ’-f bmllnoeu mil fear IU Doing IohL Ordom pniiolually attomlou CoromunlMUniB Rtrictly co.nhlomM. iLk i. of pound Hanks takcu at |>ar. orJSlm’ 1 Sn l o!y’: IUg , ’“ rt “ ;,,,ar M Address JAMFK K. WINTKIl, Maiumor. UaconOn GKO. A. McCLKSKKY, Agent Hull Htreot, a 3<l cor, from Bay, LOSS OF TICKETS OF CLASS L. By tho Into uccldonl ou tho Seaboard aud Itonu- oko Railroad, the Tickets or Class L, for April lftlli, oral, in tlieir trunsit from Baltimore, in charge of AUuins 1 Express Company, were destroyed by tiro, conse quently there will uot bo any Drawing or Uml Class, The Drawing witi bo Class W,-M»y 16th, the “No I*hill IllImM Mnlimi.A 1 Plus Ultra" Hchoiuo. Voryltcs^-UuDy, J. F. WINTER, Managor. 3 HHE Subscriber grateful to his friends and L patrons for tholr continual fitvors, would state ut in addition to tbo improvements in DYING, ac quired by him during his last visit to England and Scotlund, lias made arrangements for extending his business, by which ho is now euablod to dye a greater variety or colors on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, &c., whicii ho trusts will generally please all who may favor him with tholr patrouage. Gentlemen’s garments dyed, clcuuedor renovated as may bo required, iu the same superior stylo which has generally so much pleased his patrous aud friends. Tublu Covers, aud tadies' Crape Shawls, &c., cleaned uud finished in the Ursl style. tallies’ Bonnets dyed, bloachod aud prossed iu the most fashionable styles. Orders from the couutry promptly attouded to. Terms moderate. When parcels are soul by Hteuml>oat* or railroad, word should be seut him by lotlor through tho post ulllco, so that ho umy know where to call for them, inch 10 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. , J. E. DE FORD. APOTHECARIES HALT., 8. E. Corner of Broughton and Barnard Streets. Favau- __ bah Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines aud Chemicals, Dye Woodsaml Dye Stalls, French, English, uud American Perfum ery, film Toilet uud Shaving Soaps, Combs und Brushes or every description, Surgical uud Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds. Spices, Sunils, Manufactured Tobucco, All tiio 1*01001 or Proprietary Medicines of the day, Snjierlor Inks, Pure Wines uud Bruudies for Mediciual purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet uud Faucy Articles, Ac. 9iT N. B.—Ks|HH!ial attention given to the iireiuuutioti of Physicians’ Proscriptions and Family Recipes. Ship, Family aud Travelling Medicine Cases, With plulu Directions for use, including Directions far treatment iu coses of poisouiug, Drowning, ate. *p7 iy |B? A a: WEBSTER ft PALMES- F KH.SU Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, for Halo by Jau 2 A BON AUD. Jk. A j^Vroaf ^LWand mr alfio indian'street Foundry. I). A. WILLIAM ROSE, IRON AND IIRANH FOUNDKKH, MILLWRiaHTN, AND QKXKRAL MACIUMIHDI, HAVANNAJI, OA., Aro prepared to make contracts with rail roads and otbors, to furnish them with Iron 'and Brass Castings of every description ; and alfio to build Stationary Knglnos, Horizontal and \ortical Sugar nills, witli two or threo rollers, Sugar Pans, Ac., Steum Saw Mills, Roll (lungs, ami machinery appertaining to tho namo. Steamboat Work, nnd oil kinds of General Jobbing attouded to with punctuality aud dispatch. They trust by at tention to business, and doing Justice to all work entrusted to tholr care to merit a sbaro of public patronago. N- ouciu, on cup,, wiiiniicH, Rtcom uni Wator Oooka, aud a variety or Unlxlicil liruu work, requisite Ibr macliluory, alwaya on baud at rooaoua- blo prlcoa. 49-Kaali Wolgbbt. Cant Iron Shoas Ibr euUora ol various patterns andalaw, at norUroru prlooa, oppo- alto II10 Charleatop Stoaluboal Wharf. fobllT FINDLAY'S IRON WORKS. MAOOX, UKOROIA. The subscriber, from long oxiwrlonco in tho bualnc*s.l . prepared to furnish Steam qpngiuM. Boilers, Circular, Binglo, and Gang Saw M l Maohlnerv, Grist and Merchant ...^ «tw Mill Machinery, Grist and Merchant Mill*’ Sugar Mills, Gin Gearing, and Castings In gen- oral. The Saw 1-Yames, whether for upright or clr- wim’ , bm , U >00fl . ron w k“ required. Altar, 25* SlbW *raprovemonta, is warranted to be *>«t made at any other ostablisbment. “ Mletwl,r ® M Kto largest So£5£Sffktodi.X!’ r,p ^ *“ flU * l ' r * WIUl :li pro|M)sal 1 tuoeutiroration will bo furnished onboard ,1 must slate distinctly tiio price for Each which t each light-vessel rosjKflively, Tho proposals for supplying fuel, both coal aud wood, must state distinctly tho price portouand cord, uud tiio kind aud quality of each, to bo dolivor- odou board ofeacli light-vessel rosi>octivoly. One bidder may oiler for all tho rations and fuel required for all tho light vcssols iu this district, or for ono or tuoro or the vessels separately, at lus own optiou. Thu kiud aud quuutity of fuel will be deter mined u]h>u, and the contractor informed accord ingly. in advauco of tho time for making tho quar terly deliveries ofratious on board of the respective light-vessels. Each bidder is required to attach to Ills bid or bids a written guarantee, sigued by himself und a responsible surety, tliat, in tho event of tiio contract beiug awarded to him, he will raithfolly execute it m conformity to tiio terms of this advertisement. Tlie contractor will be required to enter into bond with approved security for the fuithfol oxocutlon of tlie contract; and no bid will bo accepted or contract entered into, until approved by the Light House Board. The contractor will bo required to keep at least, iu the aggregate, one month’s rations for tho entire crew oftho iiglii-vessel contracted for, on board at all times; aud- any exponsu incurred onaccouut of falluro to deliver rations or foul in timo, will be chargcablo to the contractor. No member of Cougress, lightkeopor, superinten dent or inspector of lights, nor auy persou connect ed with the Lighl-houso establishment, will bo al lowed to contract for or deliver rations lor tho crew, or foci or a light-vessel, nor to be iutorosled Lu such contract. No contractor, superintendent, or Inspector will bo allowed to chango Iho parts oftho ration, nor tho Umos that may be determined upon for tho delivery, without authority of the Board. AU the articlo* constituting the ration for tho crew of light-vessels will bo examined, and their quality approved by the superintendent, or the inspector or the district, or by such other person as may be as signed to perform that duty ;aud no bills wUI be paid for ratious and fUel which ar* not accompanied by receipts duly signed by th* respective Ught-ves- set keepers for the different article* constituting the rations for the crew for each quarter, and separate receipts for the kind and quantity of fuel delivered on board of each light-vessel. No bid which is uot properly sealed and endorsed will be cousiderod, aud no bids will be received or allowed to be withdrawn after the expiration ortho time specified in tho advertisemeut for receiving them. Bids submitted by difforent mombera oftho same firm or co-partnership will not be considered. All bids will be publicly opened aud registered at the time specified in the advertisement. The right to rqject all bids ir the Interest or tho public service require it. is resorved By order of tue Light-house Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Light*. my 11 AMRICAi-ofio. WasIuNDTONi Hclmbold'* Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying the Blood, removing all dlscasos ari- slug from oxcess oT Mercury, exposure aud im- prudouce lu Ufe, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from au Impure state of Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known romedy for the euro of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat and tags, Fains and Swclliugs of the Bones, Tetter, Fimples on tho Face, and ull Scaly Kruptious or the Skiu. It in gratifylug to tho proprietor of theso medicines to he able to state that 11 la uow nearly three years sluce they were first introduced, during which time they huve been exteuslvoly used in various parts of the Uuited States, and have givcu to patlout and practitioner tbo highest degree of satisfaction iu the varluiiH coses iu which llioy have been employed ; whether iu towu. couutry, bOHpituI or private prac tice, they havo iuvarlably given tiio most decided aud uuequivocai satisfaction, aud produced the most salutary aud benellcial effects. Nuraorous letters have beou received from the most distinguished physicians in the country, aud from the professors of several medical colleges, recommending iu the highest terms the value of these medicines, and their superiority over all oilier preparations for such complaints as tho proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla uud ofBuchu aud various modes of preparing them havo beeu S veu, all or which of course will differ according to 0 mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. Theso medicines requlro considerable cure in the preparation and the employment or difiereut men strua in successive operation to take up the cxtrac live matters, aud, lu cousequeuco, aro most fro queutly improperly mado, and uot utifrcquetilly much ImiKtircd, if not rendered totally inert, by the Injudicious aud unakilfol management of those utiuc- a uaiutod with pharmaceutical preparations. It is lerefore of tho highest consideration and iinport- auco to the public aud to tho faculty that there should bo standard preparations ofuuiform strength and possessing tho most advantages. To effect tills and obviate the evil alluded to, I have mado a num ber of experiments to ascertain the most oUcctua! mode or extracting the virtues of tho Sarsaparilla and theBucbu, and to discover tho most eligible form for their exhibition. Tlie experiments have resulted most favorably, and it is with much pleas ure 1 now oflbr to the public and tho fiiculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which coutuln all tbo vir tues of the articlee they aro represented to be made from lu a highly concentrated form, and are the most activo preparations which cau bo made. Two ta- blespoonsfol of the Extract Sarsa|iarllla, added to u pint of water, is equal to tho Lisbon diet drink, and one bottle fully equals in strength ouo gallou of Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoction as usually made. PRICDJ: Fluid Extract Buchu, 91 per bottle, or 6 for 96 “ “ • Sarsaparilla « “ «* “ “ Certificates of cures aud recommendations from distinguished professors aud physicians will accom pany each preparation, l’remrcd and sold by IL T. HELM BOLD, Practical aud Analytical Chemist, 263, Chcstnut-st., near the Girard House Phila. To be bad or Druggists and Dealers in every seo- tion or the United States and Canadas. All letters for the modiclno directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed. ' sept 1—ly-dtw Fee* to be agreed upon boluru ita , ;Hsb ... derteken. All communications mu»t be addressed to W. R. MOSKi.u 6 Grillir,, u*. CITY MADE BOOTS. k THB Subscriber baa on hand an assort . mout of BOOTS, GAITERS and SllOK< n?L, • owu manufacture, which ho will warrai 1 j superior workmanship aud material, ferior to any mado in Savannah. Tho price* of k,, are from 94 to 910. " u Boots, kid and cloth Gaiters aud Shoes made l, or dor as usual. Especial care taken to ensure urwt' fit*. Juno 6 J. L. Ol,lvS Blows, for sale by mar8 Davoupoit, Thomas Dowell, Jumos H Demund, Ucougo W iiavis, William 11 Davis, Jacob F Doe, Chesley Dugger, JobnDDavam.ey, Henry J Dicker- son, Levi S D’Lyou, Albert L DeLorge, fiarUu Dug gan, William M Davidson, John Devauny, John Doyle. Goorgo Emmons, Henry R Eastincad, Stephen El liott, Hubert Erwin, Thomas Eden, Ueurgo Ehrlich. Robert H Fouliuan, Joseph S Kay, Lewis Frey, Domluick Feutley, Johu G Falligant, James B Foley, Jos Felt, Johu Foiey, Johu C Ferrili, Louis N Fal- iigout, Alexander Fawcett, Thomas Ford, tauls J B Fairchild, Jobu C Fraser, ltob’t G Ferguson, Johu D Fish, Dougald Ferguson, Michuel Finuey, Ed w’d Fitzgerald. HON. MISS MURRAY'S TTN1TED State*, Canada aud Cuba. 9J Schweglor’a History oi Philosophy in Ept-uia- translatod by Seeyle. Prescott’s Philip 2d of Spain, new supply m Lu Calf aud lu Cloth. Napoleon's Confidential Correspondence l brother Joseph. Davau’s History of the Queen’s of the liooa Hanover—2 vols. |.*The Allar.hi iu Madrid. Romance or the Harom, by Miss Par duo. Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugb. Earnest Liusload, by Mrs. Lee Hentz. mar 3 W. THORNE WILLIAM* I Ub! ItEOLIVKit.—21) boxes ShouldiS, prime article, 2U tierces choice Tuimeui* Hatns. In store, und for sale by John Uammoll, John B Gallio. George W Gar- many, Tliomas Green, James U Goodiri-y, Joseph Green, Charles H Uuuldiug, George A Gordou, Ueo Gordon, Frum lM L Gue, Joseph Gabalil, Joseph F Giuuiiioj, George M Grilllli, Seaborn Goodall, David H Galloway, Benjamin Giimovely, taurouce J Guii- luurtiu, Charles K W Gille. I Hover, Christian iiarsco, Geo Haas, Jonathan Hill, T Ji Harden, Juiues Hunter, Joseph Hawthorn Joliu BHogg. Peter F llauscbeldt, Johu K Hernan dez, Solomon lliudly, John C Hunter ta>muel L Hover, Wm. D llowu, Bcnjamiu II. Hurdee,Charles S Henry, Charles 8 Hardee, Noble A Hurdee, Ai i'red Haywood, Win J'Hunter, Geo D Humbert, W Waring liubersham, Thomas Henry, Erast us llcury Ruber, Hutchison, Joseph M Haywood, Ueorgc S Harding, Joliu Hover, Elisliu Hugur, Tliomas Heron Abruiiain Harmon, Thomas B Hough, Henry Iluupl, Wlllian Hunter, ICruost lienor, Albert Haris. I. Jus D Irviue, Fdwurd D Irviuc. J. .S’olm G •ones, 1 l’eytou, H Jobusou, Edward Jabu, Robert M AI Juugetlu, John R Jobusou,Wm B Jackson, George O .loliUbOU, Edward Joues, .lolm 11 Jobu.-loii. K. Plneas AI Kollock, James Kelly Frederick Krensoul William Krebs, Noah B Knapp, tawis Kuorr, Johu J Kelly, Wm tavy Kupluu. Wm C Liwton. Jordan I/uve, .las K tauibrlgbt. Chas Ktaindvoiglit.Juo X Lewis, John A ta-wls Charles Ktadgo, James U taw, Charles A 1. ta mar, Aliclial ta.\ln, The* L Lloyd, Edward tarull, Jacob * * *' liaui taw tain. 0. tavy,Joseph IJppimili.Heury F’JJchie.Wil- mw, James 1* tang, Alonzo B l.uco, Daniel N M. T HE OLD BRASS GUN alluded to In in the letter from the Chatham Artillery or Savannah, was cast lu England, in 1776. was sent to this country as a part of tho artillery or Lord Cornwallis, Oornmau- Jerof the British forcos at the Ume oftho Revolution. This Gun was surrendered at the capitulation 0 Yorktowu to General Washington, and by him pre sented to tho Chatham Artillery of Savannah. The old Brass six Pounder still wears the Crown, hut is covered by the “ Stars aud Stripes,” and bears tue marks of cannon bails, swords and Bayonot. She was darkened by being sent to this couutry iu hor infancy: iu her old age she has boon restored back to her beauty by America, ORIZA SAT1VA: HUMPHREY'S METALLIC POLISH! Unequsliedfor its intended purposes, that of restoring Metals or every description back to tholr original flintsh and beauty, which they will rotaiu even whon subject to exposure. It removes rust from, aud gives a most beautiful polish to either Brass, Stool, Iron, Copper, Silver, Tin, Brilanula, Gorrnau Silver Plated Ware, and all bright Metallic works or Locomotives, Steam ships, Steam aud Fire Eugiues, Factories, Carriages, Harness, Surgical and Architectural Instruments, Mchinery, Ac. 1 For tho use of Military Companies, for tho polish- lug or tlieir Armory, it has no equal. IhiUroads, Steamships and Manufacturing Establishments, it la by far tho cheapest aud best articlo iu existence. N. YORK AND SAVII. 1.1NK OK STRASISHIPS. . S.ya.v.hh, May kotli, 1BS6. Wo iho umlorglgiU'il, tommamlers ot lira New Yor ana Savannah lino or Steamshltw, have.had the now Meullo t-olleh ot Mr. Win. Hmmihroyii, tested on the various bright luetalic works of our ships and reccommoud it os an article unequalled for its iuteuded purpose. Thomas Lyou, Com’der steamship Agusta, M. S. Woodbutl “ “ Florida, Geo. R. Schenk, “ Alabama Capt. Ludlow- “ •• Knoxville. WATER WORKS. EXOINKKR’fl Dk|*ARTJSZ.VT. \ .. Savonueh, August 3d. 1866. / Mr. Wm. Humphry's : Dear Sir—The uew Metallc Polish, “Oriza,” or your manuDmture, is now iu use as an articlo which has no superior for tho polish- ug ol bright metalic works. • . M. H. IJNY1LLE. Eugineor Savannah Water Wurka. CHATHAM ARTILLERY. .. Armory IIau,, Savannah, May 6.1844 Mr. Wm. IIumpukys • Dour 81r—The Chatham Artillery being much ploosed with tbo handsome inauner in which you havo polishod an old six pouuder which was surroudered at the capitulation of Yorktowu, aud is now In tholr possession, have directed uie to oxpress to you tlieir thanks. Tho Metalic Polish you monufiicture of Orlza 8a- tiva, cannot bo to highly recommeuded to ail those who havo brass guns to polish ; for such a purpose thas no superior. I think I may safoly say that horeafter tho Chatham Artillery wilt use no other material for polishing their guns, if thoy cau procure your Metalic Polish. RospocifoUy yours. Bo «. J. BUCKNER, Ordorly Sorg’t C. A. For sale by Messrs. HONE * CONNERY, “ W. U. FARRELL ft’Oo. “ J. T. JONES, ... “ W. G. FOLKER, All orders mustboaoccomuanied by tho cash. « Wm7 HUMPHREYS, Chemist, Savauuah. IROBEBT VINDUY pHAUPAIUN. Ac.— \ / 60 baskets Heldselck Champaign, quarts, 26 do do do" pluts, 460 d* Souohe do, pts and qt*. 60 do EugiuoCHcqnotdo. do, 76 do Girslers Verwy do. 100 boxes taidsn’a Rhine Wine and Brandies. In stor* and for solo by , WEBSTER ft PALllEi. W Crop cuiu HOLABSey^-th. c*r- XI go of tha Ahb04D*m*anx, dally *xp*cted. J go <*, U»* Abbpu J)*v*r*attx, dally axpoolad, forMMla lot* lo suit purohasarsTby BODUM k NORMS. Thomas MurUuglt, Hugh W Mercer, Xutlmniel C Mills, Peter W Miugst, Tliomas Morton, Johu Mul- lory, Maiiuel Molina, OliurtesF. .Mills, John Morrl son, William llC Mills, Alvin N Milter, Valentine Martin, Wm J Moore, Horace Morse,Henry 0 Mehr- tens, Isaac Minis.’!Immus G Miller, Anthony FMira Abiulnmi Minis, Hicluird 0 Mackull John Murchi sou, William H May, John Musterson, tawurd Mu- ran, Thus A Maddox, Jacob Manses, Jobu C Mat ters Me. Joseph 8 McDonnell, Peter McCann, Hugh Me- tain, James Mclutire, Alexander Mcliurdy, Patrick McGovern, William McKendree, John W McKoy, Jo seph J McCoy, Robert Mclutire, James Mclntirc, James McHenry, William8 McFarland. RHODES' FKVBR AND AGUE CURB, TT'OR prevention and core of Intermittent and I; Remittent Fevers, F*v«r and Ague, Chilis and Fever. Dumb Ague, General Debility, Night 8weaU, and au other forms of disease which havo a common origin In Malaria or Miasma. This is * natural antidote which will entirely pro tect any resident or traveler even in the moat sickly or swampy localities, from any Ague or Bilious dis ease whatever, or any injury from constantly Inhal ing Malaria or yiMm*. . It will instantly check the Ague In persons who havo suffered for any length of time, from one day to t«r*nty years, so that they need never have an other chill, by continuing It* use according to direc tions. The patient at once begins to recover appe tite and strength, and continues uutil a permanent and radical cur* is effected. One or two bottles wUI answer for ordinary cases, some may require more. Directions, priuted in the German, French and Spanish languages, accompany each bottle, Prieo On. ItolUr. Liberal discount* made to the trade. J. A. RIDDLE, Proprietor, Providence, R. I. EVIDENCE OF 8AFKTY. Nxw York, June 11, 1866. ihave mad* a chemical examination of “ Rhodes’ ‘"'vsr and Agus Cure, or Antidote to Malaria,” and ivo tested it for Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, and i-Vchnlne, but hav* not found a particle of either in or hav* 1 found any substance in its composi- that would prove injurious to the constitution. james a ILTON, M. D., Chemist. CAUTION TC X SUFFERERS, teno more Arsenic, Tou.wS, Mercury, Quinine, iuges, Strychnine, or Anti-Prodlcs of any kiud. Tne well-known Inefficiency of these noxious poisons prove them to be th* ofbprlng either of raise medical principles, or of mercenary quacks. The only rem edy in existence t&at is both sure and harmless is RHODES' FEVER AND AGUE CURE. WhoUual* Agents, HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., Augusta, Ga.. aod for s by dealers generally. e26 ROY AD SCHBIDAM SCHNAPPS. -. .by the most emtnont Chemist* and Physiciaus in Europe and the Uuited SUtos, and pronounced by far the best romody for CHOUC, GRAVEL, PREDISI’OSI- TION TO CHOLERA, AFFECTION OFTHE KIDNEYS, and all diaoases oftueaxMTO urinary okujms. As a strengthening and luvigoratiug ci dial it has no equal. As usual with an article of such unsur passed reputatlou, it has many unprincipled imita tors, who, so long as they boueflltbcir owu pocket, care but llttio fur the lives ami health or those they tnay endanger, and manufacture the basest com pounds, and call them medicine, aud othors too, with a view of bringing the Royal Schoidam Schnapps into disrepute, advertise, sell, or attempt to sell, au article, which they cull Schnapps, but whicii is until ing more Uiau a vile eompouud of iwor Gin, Alcohol aud Spirits oi'Turpontiuo. tat all beware lmw ilicy taste such trash, and bowaro how thoy believo the advertisomenta of quacks, lest, by a broken coustitu- tion, and a predisposition to intemperauco, conso- queut on drinking such daugeroua aud intoxicutiug llquers, they seo but too into tlieir error. Remember uo compound or preparation called Schnapps ly from our ilistiiery, unless bearing our corporate mark and alguaturo upon the label and wrapper, and seal R. C. A Co., upon the cork. Any porsun or persoiiH imitat ing our Royal Scheldam Schnapps, will be dealt with to the utmost extent oftho taw. RKLYKA, CARTER k CO., Sole Importers, Now York. For sale by .1. E. RiPORD, Wholesale and Retail Agent for Savannah, -* “ - * nor Broug' mar 26 mtfor Savannah, at tiio Apothecaries’Hall, cor- Broughtou and Barnard-streets. lar 26 _ _ ly JOHN B. MOORE «£~ COV. GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALER RETAIL DRUGGISTS, mk Would call tho attention or Merchants, Factors, Piantors, Physicians and others, to tholr ox- teusivo and well selected stock, comprising •Wirtid. in tholr Hue or business, and which thoy ofior for saloon the most reasonable terms for cash, or approved crodlt. viz: PAINTS, VARNISHES, GIASS, AC., White Lead, l’nreaadNo. 1; Tloman’s Colors, dry i Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes ; Unshod OH, Spirit* Turpentine, Window Gloss, Put- ty, Gold taof, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, aud GIa- siers’s Diamond*. LAlOj MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ (IILS, Btotchod Sperm, Whete and Urd OiU, ror buraluc : ^Idedcrlpllod. of Oil ror machlner/,»!«., l-oUiut oil Unbluched Sperm, Urd ud Rape Seed Oil j «Uo Tanner.,' Neata, Foal and Sweet oil. J y Nutmegi, llace, Alapice, Qnuamtm, Pepper. Olnger, UuaUrd,8aleralua, Soda, Pearlaeh, Swctt Oil, Starch Vll Blue, Hatchea, Ac. FOR PUYK1CIAN8. A (real variety or the beet Freunh, Rugllah, and American Chnmlcala, I’barmaceuUcat l-rnitaratinna, Select powder., Kurneal Initrumcuti, Vlale gpeele •lent, Metalic Raddle Mae, Aa. Aleo, CAUl’llENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any ono who may favor Hum with their orderamay depend open their raoelviu the heat MtenUno, and Utal all nodi AiroMud wilt he of . reliable qiudlty, Rtenld Uor not give entire iitWwlloo, they maybe returned at the option of Ihe purehaaer. rnahlou ■ar*w ft 00. N. Alexander G Ncclaud, Thomas J Naylor, Edwin L Neidlingcr, Johu W Nevitt, Johu R Norton, John C Nicoll, Wm G Norwood. John Oliver, William O’Driscoll, John W uwens George Owens, Duiuiulck O’Byrne, Deuuis O’Sulli van. X>OTATOE8^-4o6”barreliriiui>erior' PiantTne X Patotoct: 60 do Western Reds; aud 60 do l'e«L Dlnuru f/.. neln BRIGHAM, KELLY a u». mar 2A WAYNE, GRENVILLE ft to. EXTRAORDINARY INSURANCE AO A IKS! FIIiE! Extract of a letter from Norfolk, Va., dated Jutu.. ry 17th, 1866: BBRS. S. C. A Co.. New York, Geutlemou : Ou the 7th 01 December Messrs Adams ft t’o.’s Express Otllce, situated in u largeluar story brick bu.ldiug, in this city, was totallyuv-.trov. ed by lire, and their sale remalued buried m in* burning rutus until yesterday, when it \va« .Jug uut aud even then fouud surrounded with live cools (aud almost red-hot Irou lay beside It,) the brasi ornaments and imba mulled oil. We wei v witia-asc.. to this tire; uud U anything cau resist such heat it u euough—fire could uot be hotter—il is u tnuiui-b indeed. Wo cuclosc u certificate from several imr- ties who saw itopeued. Yours, truly, Rowland a bk<& cKKTuicAiK. Norfolk, Va,. Jan. 17, lSSfi. _y requestor Messrs. Rowland A Bros., wf tint day attouded the uiieuiug of one ol Herring’.- l*at.-m Fire-proof Sales, which was iu the fire of >m-iulwr 7, belonging to Messrs. Adams A Co.’s Expr«>.«. ai.j fouud the papers aud coutenis in a pcrlti-t .-tau- u! preservation. It was, iu our opinion, a- .-t-vt-re s teslas could bo had. A large four story building ©utirely destroyed, und Hie safo reiuniucd the ubul* timo gurrouuded by tire, and subjtvt to uti tnn-uir bent, fur forty days before dug from the ruin-. (Sigued,) Geo. 1. A.\m.K.-n.\, William D. Rkynoijb, Miles Dams, C. Hall, a. B. M am. W. W. Jaoijk I am fully sutisfied with the manner iu which the above motioned safe preserved its content*. A. A. COWDKRY, Agent Adams A Co.’s Express. Extract from a Norfolk paper : Adams’ Sake.—Ono of Herring’s celebrated J in- proof Nates was lu Aduius’ Express OHieo wheu Uiv building was burned several weeks ago. it ri-iuam- id buried iu tUu rubbish uutil l1iur.Mlu), a hen it was taken out. Thu tire, ou the occasion idltaie.i tu. was one of Hie fiercest wo ever saw, mid when tlie chest was fouud, ultcr a lupt-c of forty days, it wo- surrounded by embers, gluwiug brightly. When opened, the pa|«rs, and other articles it coutaiued. were found lo be sound uud generally iu good condi tion, thus allbrding anotiier proof of the eeevrity und sui»criortty of these sates, llic oue alluded to tuav bo seen at tho ware-house of Messrs. Rowland s Bros., who are agents for the makers. It sh<*wi dearly the cvidcuccs of its incombustible qualities, when its exterior was rod-hot iu tho buruing tut nRce that roared around it, and amid tbo ember* that glared around it for hours, days and weeks. Herring’s Patent Champion Fire-proof Safes, with Hall’s Patent Powder-proof Locks, for sale by BELL A PRENTISS, Agents, feb2 Samunah, Ga. P. tavl E Price, Edward Paddford, Robert I'essot, Joseph Pclot, Urrin 0 Parker, Autouio Pouce, Wm J Parton, .Maleclial Parish, Cbristiau Pierson, John Poatell, Michael l'rcndergast, George F Palines, Wm Parrish, Cliarles F Preston, Edwin Parsons, George —i r”— * ,• • ■ —— .w iu • uinuiia, uuun(t* Parsons, brands APoullen, Thomas Preudorgast. i’atrick Prico, Joseph W Pliillips, Philip J Punch. Johu F l’osey, Edward M PrenUergast, Henry H Ml.illina V.iu-nPit t- ’ * M Phillips, Edward Padelford, Jr. R* Joseph B Ripley, Francis W Reid, Michael J Hell- ley, Hi rain Roberts, Jamos J Richardson, Wm J Richurdsou, John A Richardson, Georgo J Robert son, Jacob Rosenlleld, Matthew Ryan, Jaraos M Russell, Robert Ruiford, Philip M Russell, John Reedy, Andrew M Ross, Henry lloser, Thomas Red- foru, Wm Rahn, Charles K Robinsou, John Ryan, Augustus Reich. Georgo W Stone. Alex A Smets, Heury Stromer, Francis M Stone, John A Staley, Albert Scarbrough. F.benozer Sutton. Wm Starr Jr., Wm Smith, Robert Jamos Steven, Jamos Sullivan, Daniel H Strouss, . _, M Stewart, tonanuel Sheftall, Charles Slagor, Frances Sorrell, Jacob Shaffer, Jos M Shollman, George W Shufior, James Slovens, William R Symons, John Savago, Samuel LSpdsegger, Henry Stibbs, John H Stegln. Daniel T Scranton, John stono, Fredorick W Sims, Mordecai Sheftall, Sr., Solomon Sheftall, Timothy .Sheedy, Heury C Stephens, Francis R Shackelford, Michael Sheaban, Henry D Sykes, Con rad Schneider. T. Alfred F. Torluy, Cornelius Turbush, Fred A Tap per, Joliu Timmerman, James Taylor, Henry Tow Johu T Thomas. Charles Thornby, Francis TrendalL Barnard G TUden, George H lltcomlt, John D Ton- broech, David Thompson, Francis Marion Thread- craft, Eugsne J Trucholut, John C Taylor, Wm B Tinsley, Wm Thomas. U. George W Ulmer. V. Cornelius Van Dor Vloe, Johu A Vogt. W. James T. Webb, Thomas S Wayne, Gilbert A Wil- kins,Henry K Washburu, John 0 Walters, Daniel 8 Wilson, Wm Wray, Robert Welch, George M Wald- burg, Robert D Walker, Henry F Willluk, Ricliurd Wayne, Henry 0 Wyer, Alexander II Waver, Jacob Waldburg, Jonu W Wilson, WThorn* Williams.Seth Woodward. Arnos Webb, Conrad Waldschmidt, Thomas J Walsh. Wm Waters, Norman Wallace, Henry D Weed, Win Wright, W Heury WUtboraor Allen R Wright, John K Wilder. 8 ’ Y. Philip Youge. W’m P Yougo, Peter Zaduvoski. Clkkk ok Council Office, „„ , . riavaunah, March 1,1866. Thuuliove immed iKTsons have registered I-,,., names as voters during January und February, 1856. HOWARD U. WlI^uN, ‘1’ Cleric or Council «■} 1 thel TV Oriel!*;—Blankets, Kerseys, Red and White A.1 Maimbu—We offer the above articles, which Uun J, tccctbvr wire a large variety '-‘^Dhisiiug of Casiiniere8, black aud colored Silks, Mousliu de taines, Froucll Cambrics. Ginghams, and every variety of other goods usually fouud iu a Dry Goods estabiisbuieut, at the lowest mar ket prices, in order to umke room for our Spring stock, cull uud exuuiiue our ussortiueui. LADSGN & KUtiKKS, No. 2 Shad’s stores. Jan20 B AI.M OF THOUSAND FLOWERS.—For boaiitilying tlie uomplexiou, curing diseases Si J. 11 ? sk l M i. ,or Shaving, oleuulug tho Teeth, for the Toilet and Nursery, for Balliing.aud many Medical purposes. A fresh supply or the gcuoino article. Just received at the AIUTHKUAR1KS’HALL, fo»*J8 OonBroughtonand Barnard sta. J. l !l re . ce A v ,‘ >d w “few .A or Knoxville, and is now opening a beautiful lot oi Muslins at 10 to I2>£c i»cr yard. J. W. THRELKEU), mar 4 Corner Congress ami Whitaker sta. GRATES. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, new pat> XJL torus, Just received, and for solo twenty-fiva percent, less than ever before in this city, : »nt2d KENNEDY*- Ageaf C 1HAFFER ft CO., have a large and well J selected stock of W bite Load, French and Am. crican .inJSSWK£ WW. kitd Grejor-. Otto, Brurec, which wo win soli at low rates, XT AILS.—5 ton* landing this day from bark rv Augusta, a complete assortment Tor Builders' .... - - .—j—mjpleto assortment for Buildsrs' u*#, for sale at manufacturers’ prices. ,. n oo CHAFFER A 00., 6 Whitaker stroot. ftTAPLE and Fancy Dry Goods, of every riety, Just rocolvod and for sale by va* J. W. THRKLKELD, Cor. Congress aud Whitaker sta. ft WENT OIL.—A very superior articlo of Tuscan Oaiv.0", pc, c by^cj ^ Jgjte. 1 Gibbon*’ Building*. ) PUTATX)ES.-I70 bhls. prime SeedPotatoe*, from RObr. M. Burr, from Booteti. Fo^ M AUKEBEL, HEARING, SAIAIO.N, Ac- 2 bbls large No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 hair bbls Bluo Fish, 2 Uo ITckled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon, 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel, 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues aud Souuds, .1000 lbs Cod Fish. For sale low by Jan26 J. a. BKoW.N. No.of8quarea|lmo|2mos|3mos|4 1 Square,.... 910 10 920 924 $?-(• $40 2 Squares... 16 22 26 28 36 bu p do .... 20 27 32 36 44 ;•) 4 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 7v j do .... 27 36 44 46 tiU Su *0 do .... 30 40 60 64 Cb to P do .... 32 43 64 6S 70 WO 8 do .... 34 46 68 62 74 110 0 do .... 36 48 61 60 ID 10 do .... 38 60 frl 70 80 126 and Weekly newspapers ii ourselves strictly to adhere to tho aih charges, aud in uo iustance to deviate tbcn.dn’W* The anovo rates to tako effect March 1,'* , to continue bludlng, until changed by tho voicoi majority oftho undersigned. rl. B.—This schedule shall not in any vr«F tha integrity or existing contracts. All coiiuacwij th* year, or any other specified time, shall ouliccw. With the expiration of th* period for which thoj m&Ysrsfflrss f|T T1UBUH1 TIMBER I! XHE Undeeaigned has jost received, for suit (600) Five Hundred pieces of good shippia Timber, averaging over one thousand lect to stick € 9 fob J KFFERSON ROBER'J :• RATES OF ADVERTISING. For one square, or300 ems or less, of anv tvp ii«.i larger than Nouparell. 76 cents for tlie first autii-j cents for each subsequent insertion,for any tiau ie- thuu one mouth. All Tabular work, with or without Rules, nua .u vertisements occupying double column, tbsll be charged double the above rates. Advertisements oT whatever length, for any time less than one month, to be chaigcd at traueiom rates. For a longer time at the following rates For auy time not abovo specified, a prupoitioiii charge will be made. A deduction of 26 per cent from the above rates will be made on auvertlsemeuis appearing exclu sively on the fourth pago of tho daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week, aw be charged two-thirds the above rates. Special notices, 10 cents per line for the first, and 6 cents for each subseqent insertion, ami iu uo i*$e to be subject to contract. Marriage uotices $1. fu neral invitations 50 cents each. No special notices inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary Notice. Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of auy Society. Association, or Corporation, ordered to l>e publish ed, 5 cents per lino. Steamboats will be advertised at $40 per annum for each bout advertised. Steamships, whero but one is running, $40 pts};an num; if two or moro, 93Ueach. Auctioneers’advertisements uot to he subject to contract, but lo be charged at the rates prescribe* per square. The pa|*er, under no circumstances, to be includ ed iu a contract. , Professional ami business cards not exceeding * Hues, will be inserted at $20 per annum. Calls on persons to become candidate*, will w inserted as other advertisements, to be |«aid Ibr in variably in advance. . Announcing candidates for office, 910, to be J‘*i“ in advance. Advertisements not marked ou the copy h>r« specified tiuio, will bo inserted until l"i lad. aU ‘ l pay incut exacted. When auy hill for two mouths advorii.-im'. •■tw* than contract, auiouuta to over (50, ti dedm bcii *" 26 |K>r cent will be luudo, .. Yearly advertising, with privilege or change he taken at the following rules : For ono square, renewable once a week, “ “ “ twice •* •’;! “ “ “ 3 times or oftener .0 Every additional square contracted forte l»erim , | ed one half the above rates udditiuual. Yearly advortiseni shall be limitist to the fl™' contracted for. All contract* shall l»e in wnbfr; statlug definitely tiio naturo or the business to m advertised. Any advertisement* not projicriy nected with Hie business shall bo charged *e|«w\ ly, and also any excess or matter over the «•»* UI contracted for. , n Cuutract advertisements payable qn:irteri>:» vertisemonta from straugers uud transient l^rl payablo in advanco. All others will be coitfiwR duo when called for. , „ Regular advertisers and all othors sending ccm tnuuications or roquirlugnotices designed to cm* teution tofklrs, coucorta, soirees, or any publa tertainmouta, where charges aro mado lor aunm tanco—all notices or private associations, ever)> lice designod to call attention to private enterprw calculated or intended to promote individual im* rests, can only be Inserted wiU» tho uudersuiuu * that Iho ume la to bo paid for. If Inserted.teJJJ editorial column (which can bo only at Hie fM** tion oT the oditors) the same will bo charged at u* rate or not leu than 20 cents per lino. Advertisomenta ordorod in tho Woekly papM- * por square for each Insertion. _ v ,. Tho undersigned, publishers or Daily, Ti1-"ww id Weekly newepaimrs in Savannah Ga-, * ^