Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 24, 1856, Image 1

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m* / v ( 1 1 Hi VOL. xxxvm JOLp SERIES.] 8/VVANNAH, (HA.) SATURDAY', MAY 24. 1856. NO. 2086. liBORM & JIHBN1L OaUr, Tri>WHkly and Weekly. E. B. HILTON & CO. B. a. HILTOW, - - - Editor. MAMufeoi', } *•»*«" s»*sswiI^ - Tr , '' , ss Weekly Payer •> » ti.OU Wbee not paid In atvonoo the Daily will be to, «u,I the Tri-Weekly M. The Weekly wlU be lent only to thoee who lay 111 edvnuee. The |w|»r will Invariably be illaopntinuW upon the •xpirtUoh of tho time for which it hits befen paid. “ - ‘ SATURDAY.—4 O'clock, P. M. Ueorglan df Journal Reading RoeaaJ Our Reading Boom in the Exchange Is ftee to all aubecribera to the Dally Georgian 4• Journal, to all oontnot advertiser! in ita column!, to the Clergy of the city and to atnurgera Introduced by either of these classes—but to none olAcrs. Washington Correspondence. FOREIGN NEWS. Farther by the Canada. Quirt Day in the Smote—Speech of Mr. Mourn —Wieconein and Alabama Land Bilta pare lie Houit—Important movement of Gov. Cobb. Washington, May Si, 1850, In the Senate chamber today all was quiet, trauquil and decorous, and Mr. Mason made a speech In opposition to the action of the Into Naval Board, which was worthy oft Statesman and a gentleman. Me not only boro with deserv ed aevcrlty upon the proceedings of the Board, but he al-o placed himself In opposition to'the Secretary ortho Navy upon this subject. The President he fortboro alluding to, because, as 1 am well assured, the President has given some judications of having recently yielded tohla own more mature reflection! in regard to the nature of thin tribunal. Mr. Haaon dwelt large ly upon the particular meaaurea of thla Board, to be wire; but he did alao what waa much bel ter, be denounced Ita secret character and the immolation or private character by an interest ed, Irresponsible end relentless tribunal. At the moment I write, Mr. Mason still occupieaihe floor, and it la rumored that a vote may possibly be pressed upon it. What Congress has to do it had better, do quickly. Next week there will be a nervous anticipation of the Presidential conventions, and a quorum will probably be retained with difficulty in the House. The week after the conventions will have begun, and there will probably not be a quorum In the House; nor Indeed throughout the month of June, la thorn much likelihood of a concentration of legis lative thoughts or of legislators themselves. The Wisconsin Railroad BUI, which was yes. terday, alter a day's discussion, reeommtlted to the Committee, that it might be brought In again today, waa ao brought In and passed. It gives more than a million acres for the purpose) and then the Alabama Railroad BUI, which gives a little less, waa alao Introdnced and passed; but not until it bud withstood the severe assaults of Mr. Letcher, of Virginia, who saw in the appro priations such a cheapening of pnbllo lands na would, or might render the soldier's bounty lands of little worth. But these lands are howl ing wildernesses or stagnant marshes In the pos session of the General Government, bat road- checkered and cultivated regions were given to the States for such purposes. Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, today proposed an amendment to the rules of the House, the oh- ject of which la to simplify and shorten Its bu siness In certain stages. This is well; and It would bon great public blessing If reforms of like character were prosecuted still farther. For instance, every time the yeas and nays are call ed, from twenty to twenty-six minutes are con sumed by the annoying process. A mode has iieeu proposed, Infinitely more satisfactory as to manuerand accuracy, which require* only three minutes. Why do they not adopt it? and why does not Mr. Cobb, of oilmen the most capable, see that it Is done? Is it the old story of the boy going to mUl with the grist in one and of the sack and a stone In the other, aU because his father curried them so before him? With the apparatus proposed, aa It la described In the Intelligencer, the names of all the mem bers or the body ate arranged in n column, so that they may be distinctly read by every member and spectator present. When the signal to vote la given, each member moves a little lever at his dak, and In on instant the names In view are thrown Into three columns, each having Its appropriate heading, the centre column comprising the names of those who are abaent or not voting, the left column compris ing the yeas, and the right column the nays. Two, three, four, or five minutes, being agreed upon as thetime for voting, that time may be consumed loan examination of the whole rote, and in a change of votes by those who may have erred, as some very often do, In their an- deretandlng of the nature of the question; and of thla obange no record will be made. Dur ing the allotted time, members may come in from committee rooms and elsewhere,'and vote Free conversation may alio be indulged, with! out detriment to the business or the order of the House. At the expiration of this time, the presiding officer presses a spring, which arrests all farther movement* of the names,lend the re- suit Is then before the gate of nil. And now, why need the Clerk read out the names ? They have been thoroughly inspected, and each voter Is satisfied. But how shall tho clerk record them by an unerrlog means, since the names in view are all seen to be changed in their posi tion, and thrown into tho centre column again ? We reply, an infallible permanent record is made by the machine itulf. Jut <u the names are ar ranged on the large table already deeeribed, eo by the tame meane are they arranged on a print ing apparatue, which, u immediately after the vote ie completed, etriking off exact copiee of the vote, at the rate of forty per minute. These copies are handed la the recording clerks, to the reporters, and to the members. And not only this, but the pressure of tbo spring by the presiding officer, uncovers figures showing the addition or each column without ths necessity of a count. Ini-ant/al. UIIH BRITAIN. The Queen hold n Court at Buckingham Pal ace on Thursday,the 7th fast, for tho purpose of receiving tho addresses on the peace from the House or Lords, the House or Commons and tho City of London. Tho deputations came fa great state and numbered nearly a hundred persons. The Qneen briefly ackovrlcdged tho nddresaen and expressed her satisfaction that peace was re-established on n bauds that atlbrds security far Its permanence. Both Houses of Parliament have recorded u vote of thanks to the army and navy. Lord Pen man mevedtho resolution and was seconded by Earl Derby fa the Lords. In the Commons, Lord Palmerston nude the motion and Mr. Disraeli seconded It Lord Granville announced tliata pension of £1,000 sterling for lire would be settled on Gen. Williams, who Is also created a Baronet, by the title uf Sir Wm. F. Williams or Kan. Lord Elgin postponed bin motion of inquiry respecting the troops ordered to North America until after the holidays. . Lord Colchester gave notice of a motion re quiring Parliament to express Its disapproval of the policy or abandoning the maritime rights so long held,si the Congress of Paris had pledged Great Britain to do. To celebrate the peace, the Qneen has granted amnesty to all political offenders; consequently, Smith O’Brien, Frost Jones and others may re turn home. Special exception, however, is made against those who eaoaped to the United States. Lord Wudehouse, under Secretary for For eign Affairs, is appointed Envoy Extr aordinary to St. Petersburg. The appointment is genet- ally applauded. The Lord Mayor of Loudon bad given the usual banquet to the Ministry. The whole tone of the speeches on the occasion was congratu- latorv respecting the peace. Count Persigny, the Freucu Embassador, said nothing could sev er the alliance of France and England. Lord Palmerston replied, reclprocatiug the semi* ment, and complimenting the Ministers present of Sardinia and Turkey. Lord Clarendon then apoka, glorifying the peace, and complimenting Russia. The usu * * Mayor’s Court.—H. Bchloboni, llned'ten dol lars and cost, for keeping a disorderly Bar room. W.J. Lee, drunk and asleep In the streets, being the third offence, was lined ton dollars, 25. Maloney, fined ten dollars for resisting of ficer. George Montgomery, fined two dollars for im proper conduct, Mr. improper conduct, lined ten dollars and cost. .... usual toasts followed, and the com pany separated early. The American Minister waa not present, being engaged at the annual dinner or the Literary Fuud, where he made a speech. Mr. Dallas, with bis familjftmd Secretaries of Legation, also assisted at the Queen's state ball and levee. The Crimean Board of Inquiry continues its sessions, but they have lost ail their interests, Col. Tulioch being sick. May 29 is to be a holiday throughout Great Britain to celebrate the peace. A regiment of German yagers at Plymouth had mutinied. The ri g-leadem were arrested. They complained that the drill was too severe, and that the only enlisted till the end of the year. The five regiments in the Crimea under orders for Canada are the 9th, 7th, 39ih, 62d, and 63d infantry, under the command of Gen. Nrw York Stock and Monry Market.—The New York Journal of Commerce of Tuesday evening says The market appears to bo convalescent of tho Crompton fever, and if no relapse occurs, bids fair to recover entirely in the course of a few days. Money is freely offered, but there is un usual discrimination in signatures, and it is dif ficult to express the rates by a table of.quota tions. Prime names at short dates are as readi ly negotiated as they were a week ago, and loans on call are easily obtained, tho pressure being chiefly iu second class signatures and long bills. We quote— Loans on call, stock securities tl u 7 ' do other good securities 7 n 8 Prime endorsed bills, 60 and 90 days..,. 7 a 8} do 4 and 0 months. S a iu First class single signatures .9 u 12 Other good bills 12 a lo The stock market opened at u slight improve* ment in price, but a great improvement in buoy ancy of tone. Foreign exchange is tlrm, but without much activity.—Bills on Loudon 1091 a 110 ; hu h 5.174 a fi.lOi The N. Y. Evening Post of Tuesday says j— The afternoon session of the board of brokers yesterday was a very excited one. A sort of alarm, arising out of reports from Washington, prevailed, and much cash Btock was offered at much lower prices. 3000 shares of Erie were sold down to? the closing price of 44, a fall of one per. cent since tho morning. New York Central and Reading were also sacriflced. The feeling appears too strong for the occasion, and there must be consequently, a rally. The matters at issue between this country and Great Britain, however irritating may have been the tone, are assuming a milder one, and no doubts are entertained by the most experi enced financiers that there will be no difficulty that will end in war. Idle talk by irresponsible parties is of no account, and ought not to in- luence men’s judgments. This morning wall street affairs are more cheering. There is leas excitement, and more cool sense and right appreciation of the present complexed circumstances of the country, which are well considered not such as are not likely to lead to war. Stocks have rallied considerably from yesterday afternoon’s prices, and close with firmness. FRANCK. A bill was introduced into the Legislature {ranting four hundred thousand francs for the wptlsm of the Imperial Prince in June. The Moniteurpublishes the monthly account of the Bank 6f France, and the balance was satisfac tory. A son of the King of Sweden, the King ... ingof Wurtemburg, and MaximHUan, brother ofthe Emperor of Austria, are visiting Louis Napo leon. Count Edgar Ney is to be bearer of Napoleon's letter in reply to the Czar’s notification of his ac cession to the throne of Russia. Count Momey has been appointed Minister to St Petersburg, and Count Orloff has taken for him the Woronzoff Palace on a three year’s lease. Speculation on the Paris Bourse had reached great hight, and English commercial papers were warning British capitalists against It The weather in France, for several days previous to the sailing of the steamer hod been very severe. SPAIN. Arrests of suspected persons continued at Barcelona, The conscription had passed off quietly throughout the country, KKLQIUM, The senate was convocated (hr Wednesday; the 14th Inst. Count Walewski’s demand to muzzle the press of Belgium created intense ex oitement. A dispatch from Brussels says: “ In the Chambers on Wednesday, the Foreign Minister in answering an intetTogatoiy in regard to the speech of Count Walewskl on the press of Bel gium, replied that that speech had not been offi cially communicated to the Government. When that communication should be made the answer would be ready and would be communicate to all the Governments, and would formally main tain the rights of a constitutional and indepen dent country. It was asked further, whether any power had asked for any modification of tho laws relating to the Press In Belgium. The Minister said he would answer in one word Never. The meet ing broke up amid immense cheering and en- HOLLAND. A treaty of commerce and navigation, based on the principle or reclprosity, has beefi conclu ded between Austria and Holland. Tint Crampton Affair.—The Washington corroHi>onilent of the N. York JaumaJ of Com merce, sends to that paper the following dir imtch, dated May 20th, which, If true—a mat* ter of doubt—puts an end to the controversy in regard to the enlistment question: "The Administration consider the difficulties with England as practically settled. Mr. Cromp ton is not to he dumireed. There is no appre hension of any further difficulty. .. " Mr. Clayton and Mr. Crompton have adjust ed their contradiction, to their mutual satis fisc- “ M. Btartiges has not interfered in the Cromp ton case.” Tlw following appears to the Courisr tr En quirer ; “ Wasuinoton, Tuesday Night—There will '* further correspondence here with Mr. Crnmn- >™ on facts alleged to the Esrijof Clarendon’s tiispntck of May 3d. The correspondence will 4 fa friendly and apologetio In tone, and an ami- L - *hle arrangement Is certain. . ■ correspondence between Mr. Clayton end •nmpton continues without wooncUUtton, respect of any.” The Main Thane Railroad.—From proceed ings of the meeting, lost week, at Brunswick, we think that a death blow has been given to the Mato Trunk Railroad project. The Bruns wick and Florida Company seem disposed to go ahead on their own hook, and will make no re lease of their chartered rights.—Macon Citi zen. Naw York, May 27.—Flour advanced to-day and Ohio was quoted at from ,0.12 a ,6.50 per bbl. Wheat was buoyant at ,1.05 per bushel for Southern Red. Corn advanced to 69 cents per bushel. — • Spirits of Tumenttae was lower at 40 cents per gallon. Rosin waa firm and active. Rice waa buoyant at ,4.25 per 100 Mis. Freights are firm. DENMARK. Tho Hans Towns havs refused to adhere to the capitalization forced by Denmark fa the question of the Does. Considerable excitement was caused by an announcement that an Amer ican fleet was on the way to Copenhagen. AUSTRIA. The Synod of Austrian Bishops, held at Vf enna, is about adjourning without having ac complished its objects ITAtY. Itis said that a collective note of the powers that signed tho treaty of_peace Is about ready to be forwarded to the Governments of Rome and Naples, recommending the reforms by Ital ian people. It is also Bala that the Pope s Le- te at Paris has formally pretested against _ mot Walewski’s language in the Congress, and that the Papal Government la preparing a detailed reply thereto. It la still farther rumor ed that NapfeewtU anticipate the power's re monstrance, by granting an amnesty on an ex tensive scale. SARDINIA. Questions relative to the Conference have been put to Count Csvour to the Ssrdinlsn Cham bers. He repUed that, pending the negotiations concerning ItalyJie could notspeak fully. With respect to the treaty of peace, he believed it would insure great moral and material advan- ‘The Sardinian view of the Italian question was adopted, while that of Austria was rejected —hence the question of Italy is and most con tinue to be a European matter. He added that the relations of Austria and Piedmont ore not ameliorated by anything that baa occurred, and that the Sardinian Government may rely on tho people to meet every emergency. Latest.—A dispatchftomTurin saysthemem- orandum presented by Count do (favour and the Marquis de WlUlmsrtaa to the Chambers, shows that Austria, having at the Conference refused to discuss the condition of Italy, Sar dinia 1a the only State* which offirrs a barrier to revolution, and demands the cooperation of England and Franco in carrying out reforms. It shows that the Austrian occupation is oppos. ed to tho interest or Italy and Europe, anffcon. tnry to tho treaty, tohumanlty and justice. Finally, the memorandum calls on England and France to nnit* with Sardinia In the application of an efficacious remedy. Naples permits the export of breadstuff, un til June 15, at half tho preTkxuexport duty, namely at five carlinl. Breadstuff! moderate. THl ORIM1A. The correspondence from the Crimea Is up to April 26. It merely reoords the preparations for the departure, with the drilling and the furnish ing of the men with clothes to make a good ap pearance on their return. Two regiments of En glish cavalry have already embarked at Scutari forborne. TURKEY. Disturbances continued in the Turkish Aslat- lo territory, and there had teen aome excesses near Sumatra. There is nothing additional as to the troubles in Nazareth. TDK VERY LATEST. LivxnrooL, Saturday, 1 P. M-.The new Bri tish loan has been announced. It Is to be far five million pounds sterling, and the bfadtogjutlre. ly fa Consols. Parliament has adjourned over until the 19th ol May. . . M 1W Ormans Mamst-Mw Urbans, May 22. The sales of ootton to-day comprised 3,000 bities* Tbs Canada's advice, bad no effartnpon ths market. Middling was quoted at fromlOj »101 cent* per lb. Savnminh Mark tt, May COTTON—Tho market continues quiet. The ,»alo8 reported thi*m(>rnln^woro04/lml*«, viz :—TJ .it 10?L 28 at H>Xt ami 44 ut 10?;. Export*. NEW YORK—Per steamship Kloridu—U5 halo* of Hfia Inland cotton, 7a do domestic*, fli) cotton Kin*, and sundry pkgs tndzn. PHILADELPHIA—201 balci cotton, 217 ea*k rice, 228 halo* domestics, 85 pk* tntlxo. Port, of -Na van nail., Arrived. 8tonm*liip AiiKtiMtM, Lynn*, Now York—Padclford Fay k Co. .May 2ii. 0 a in, *ignalud steamship Knoxville, yo mho* southward of Capo ixiokmit. Brig Katalidin. Ames burry, I3n*tnn, Id Carle ton .V ’arsons. Uriij Iris', Hnsiunti, Bodon. to Brigham, Kellv k Co. C'lnurcii. 8 M Sluatnsbip Florida, IVoodhull. NVtv York— Padolfoi’d, Kay .k Co. Steamship KeyaUme State, Hardee. Khlludelphia— ( ! A Orel nor. Bark U A Alien, (Javleum, Uust.m, Burk Zephyr. Small, .Sydney (New Smith WaltMi— Brigham, Kelly & \ • 7 Steamer St Johns, Freeborn. I'ulatka, .kc—Blughom A ('imuinKhnm. Dcpni'H'il. Steamer St John*, Ktceborn, I'ulatka, Ac. HoiTTaT ~ Steamship Keystone Stale. I lit idle, Philadelphia. Steamship Florida, Woodliull, New York, UELIUiOl'S NOTICES. DU. HOOK of all lull la, will preatdi ut the Fireman's Hall, .to-morrow morning, at hull putt ton o'clock. The public are invited lo utiond. l.MTUU STATUS OF AallfelKIL’A. Soul liern Ulbtrlt-t of (ictti-glii. 7b tht Marshal qf tht Smlhe’ni OiUrict «.•/ Otm-Qia, Qrtelituj: W HEKLaS Jumea itucUford do Wide, datum t i di er .lone::, James tiurnock. and Itobbert Bihhy, o\vnors of tho ship KlizubMh, liavo exhibited their libel or complaint in the District Court of tho United States tor tho Southern District of Georgia, alleging uud propounding that the £bid libellants are the true aud legal owners ofthe said ship Elizabeth, of which Thomas Williams is and lately was master, that on the night of the fifth of April, iu the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six, the said uhip Eliza beth was lying iu the Kiver Savannah, nt Venus’ Point, well In shore, and was ut that time a staunch and well built ship, of the burthen of nine hundred and fifty tons, or thereabouts, uud sufficiently pro vided with apparel, tacklo and furniture, aud pro- party manned with a sufficient crew to work and navigate said ship, that on the said night of tho fifth of April, eighteen hundred aud filty-six, about seven "’dock in the evouiug, a signal lantern was hung out in tho fores lav of suid ship Elizabeth; that about 'lit o’clock on tho night ofthe said fifth of April, Congressional.— Washington, May 21. •Senate.—Mr. Collyor introduced u bill to test the practicability and usefulness of the atmospheric telegraph. Mr. Foot reported a Dill to permit the Legislature of Iowa to determine far that State the application of the grout of land made recently by Congress In aid of the construction of railroads therein. House.—The House passed the Wis consin Land Bill, by a vote of 81 to G7. Mr. Mason discussed the Naval Board, arpuing that its proceedings should be set aside so far as it is competent for Congress to do so. Mr. Cobb, of Alu., reported a bill, granting about 1,000,000 acres of land to Alabama, in aid of railroads in that State, which passed under the previous question. Mr. Bliss made an anti-slavery speech, and the House adjourned. Baritan and Delawabe Bay Bail- road.—Serious Biot.—New York, May 21.—Ground wus broken yesterday at Port Monmouth, New Jersey, for the commencement of tho Baritan and Dela ware Bay Bailroad, designed eventually to connect New York with Norfolk, and other Southern cities, by a much shorter route than at present. Governor Price, of New Jersey, presided at tho ceremony, Unfortunately, toward night, a very seri ous riot occurred between a party of A- mericans and the Irish employees on the road. Many persons were soriousiy in jured. Two Men Drowned.—Newburjport, Mass, May 20.—George Bray and Joseph Kimbal, two respectable young men of this city, were drowned yesterday, in consequence of the upsetting of a boat. Bepubi.ican Meeting in Boston.— Boston, Tuesday, May 20.—Tho Republi cans of the city held a primary meeting at Chapman Hall, last evening. The at tendance was large, ThomasH. Bussell, ; iresiding. Delegates were chosen to at- : end the Republican State Convention nt Worcester, June 4. The Treaty with Mexico brought home by our Minister to that country,Mr. Gads den, is not for more land, but is simply a S ' 'and commercial convention. Mr. en complains bitterly of a want of support in his negotiations for territory. Mb. Buchanan and Mr. Palmerston.- The Enlistment Case.—Washington May 21.—A correspondendent sent to the House to-day, in the British enlist ment case, comprises the question of ve racity between “Lord Palmerston and Mr. Buchanan, in which the latter accuses the former of retaining important letters when the correspondence was laid before Par liament, thus giving n view of tho subject favorable only to the English side. The Hughes Telegraph patent Is sued.—Washington, Tuesday, May 20, 1856.—Letters patent were issued to-day from the Patent Office to David E. Hughes,covering all his claims for his new Printing Telegraph Machine. More than ordinary care has been bestowed by the Commissioner and his assistants of the Patent Office in their examination of the claims of Mr. Hughes,to guard against the possibility of conflict with prior patents to Morse, House and others; nnd wo arc as sured, on tho very best authority, that the rumors set afloat'by interested parties to tho cfiect that the Hughes machine infring es upon the rights of other patentees, are wholly destitute of foundation. “Why did Joseph’s brethren cast him into the pit?” asked a sabbath school teach- er of his class. “Because,"replied one young lady, “they thought it a good opening for the young man. Another child answered the question thus: Because they pitied him. Commercial Intelligence. jsjripng Intelligence. .MAY 24 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. may 24 whilst tho said ship Elizabeth wus so lyltq; at Venus' Point, iu the Savannah River, within the obh anti flow of the tide, and within tin* admiralty aud mara- time Jurisdiction of tho District Court of the United States, for the Southern District ofUootgla, securely moored, the steamship Keystone State, whereof Robert Hardin waa master on lar way Iront Phila delphia to the city of£avuunuh, caiuc up the &ivan- uah River under full headway, and theu uud there, with great force and violence, run into and upon the said ship Elizabeth, smashing the fide uf tho foru- castle of said ship Elizabeth, breaking five ol the forecastle beams, started the deck, carried awuy the bowsprit, and other damage did to the said ship Elizabeth, as in suid libel is stated, rendering it ne cessary to discharge u part of her cargo, aud to bring her up to the city of rtivnuuah l'nr repairs, at , [real expense and loss uf time: that it is impossible n ascertain .exactly wlmt will be tho extent ofthe damages, but as fur as calculation cau ho made the damage sustained by such cnllislou in the said ship Elizabeth, amouuis to tho sum uf ten thousand dol lars; that this occurred iu the admiralty and mara- lime jurisdiction of suid Court, all of which the libel- lutits pray leave to furnish proof.of, aud ha-veulno prayed u decree for their damages Hloresuid, and casts, aud that tho ordhmry process may issue. Aud whereas tho judge uf the District Court ufore- said hath or tiered and directed that the ordinary process should issue, returnable to tho United states Court Room in tho city of Savannah, on the 12th day of June next, at eleven o'clock, A. M., Now, therefore, you are hereby authorized, em powered uud strictly enjoined peremptorily to cite and admonish nil porsons having, or pretending to liavo, any right, title, interest, or claim to the said steamship Keystone Slate, her machinery, tackle, apparel and Curnltuve, by ull lawful ways and means whereby this monition may he made most public and notorious, to bo and appear ut tho time aud place aforesaid, before tb» Jiulgo aforesaid; to show cause, if any they liavo, wl»y Judgment should not iass os prayed for, and to do and receive what unto aw and justice shall appertain, nnd whatever you shall do In tho premises you shall certify to the Judgo aforesaid, at tho time aud place aforosaid, to gether with this writ, Witness the Honorable John O. Xicoll, Judge of said District Court, this twenty-third day of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-six. LAW, BARTOW A- LOVELL, Proctors for Libollnnts. Ail persons interested hi this monition will take duo notice. DA.VL H. STEWART, tl. S. Marshal. Savannah, 23d May, 1858. United States of America, i Southern District of Georgia, J‘ 1 have this day nailed upon the mast of tho steam ship Keystone State, a copy ol lhe within mouitiou, and caused the same to be published in the Georginu & Journal of Savannah dally, with directions to con tinue tho publication every day until tho twelfth day or Juno next, inclusive. DAX’L H. STEWART, U. S. Marshal. Bavanuah, May 24tU, 1856. tjel2 may24 $‘43 KEWAHD. OST—Last night, a largo Morocco Pocket Book, containing Lottery Tickets In the Fort Gaines Academy Lottery, Class 15, to be drawu in AUanta May 29tu. Also an nnmuut of money letters, re coipts, etc. Faymeut on tho Lottery Tickets has been stopped. The above reward will be paid on return ofthe book and contents to this office. muy23 S OAP, CANDLES, STARCH, &0 — lOOboxes Colgate’s No. 1 uud JL bar Soap; JEFEUU80N llOllERTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND .DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Ga. WELLS & WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DO MUST,IO, FOREIGN AND FANC1 DRY GOODS. AV149 C’ongrm-sL, Savannah, Ga. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort Hist. 8. C. TIIEOPHILUS WILLIAMS, “ Seri von Co., Ga. sept 7. JXMKH O. ItODOKRS. ...MES A. XuKKIH. RODGERS A NORRIS, (late Crono k Rodgers, WHOL1SSA.LK GROCERS, UAY-STRKKT, (SAVANNAH. ,|UII0_L1S55 ! [Jo2»] DTL. COHEN, contractor and builder, Jones irtreet, (mm door Eoat of Drayton Streot.) Is prepared to contract for all kinds or building and repairing. Also tp conduct water through the various parts of houBes. up 17 MsllTZGERALD, Corner of Drought cm nm! Whltaker-Sts., SAVANNAH, GA., CJUCCESSOH to T. C. Rico .Manufacturer and O Dealer iu every variety of common and flue CANDIED, kiln dried nnd warranted to resist elfoc- tually tiiii hot damp atmosphere of a Southern cli mate; also I<cmnu ami .Strawbury Syrup, Arc. Terms cash, prices low. tf—my 11 W.M. At m.KV JXO. COt'FXR KHASKR. COtJPKW iSi PRASE It, FACTORS ft GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy street, Snvnmiuh, Ga. fiuyll .lOIIN U. FALUGANT, WIlonKSALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BUNDS, WINDOW SA81I AND PANE POORS. Woet side Monument Square, Suvautiuh, (.'a. ' mayll • A H. CHAMPION. * (Successor to Champion & Watts.) WUOMSSAM2 AND RETAIL GROCER, No-4 Barnard st . between tho Market uud Bay st„ SAVANNAH, GA. Dealer m Groceries, Foreign uud Domestic humors, Dried Fruits, Ac., \e. lteterencu—A. Champion, Esij., Samuel Solomons, E*i|, Messrs. Rabun & Whitehead, aud Swllt &Co., Savannah, Ga. * myll SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. UJSAD3IAN & CO., t'oiiiir uf Preiirtlotil nnd JvfTeruon-atfls, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Are prepared to execute all orders iu Pluuibiug, uud Gas Fitting, ou short notice, aud iu superior style. tf jaue 20 perior style. mur27 PHOTOGRAPHS. i Large sized Photographs, ta- keu by MILLER, AT TWEt.VK DOLLARS 1‘KJt DOZEN Also, Atnbroiypes and Da guerreotypes, iu Itir. usual eu- A t-ull i.- solicited. J. W. MILLF-B, cr.JSt. JuUau-at. aud Market square. CA IlY’S DAGUKKKm'VPESrAHBlld- tyiica mul Pliotoarnphi’. P. M. CARY W OULD respectlhlly give notice that his rooms are now open for tho season, uud rea- ay tor the reception of visitors. By the Amiirotypk process persons may now have their children's pictures taken, iu almost any |-op tion they umy choose, in front 1 to a cecodds toiling. By tho i’jiorisiKArniu process old Daguerreotypes cau be transferred to paper, beautifully colored aud enlarged to life. uct 22 O. 8. UAKULSCl.V. A. C. MCUVBKK IIA It 111 SON A IIRGBHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND .For %va r«l iiitf ill ere li ants. 59 AND 01 UHOAD-STHEKT, GOLDMBUS, UEOKGIA. Particular attention given lu Hie sales uf Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. UST IJbernl advaunes nuutuou Negroes and Mer chandize. HtO'KMKXl.'tS : RUNE, PATi’KN k CO. ) GUNUY DANIEL, J-Crfiuiubus, Ga. STEWART, GRAY & CO. j RUSE, DAVIS it LONG; t WM. WltllHIT, j | Apalachicola YOUNG, ATKINS A: DUNHAM, C. A. GREENE k CO., U. S. SMITH, yMobile, Alabama! lot, LAND AGEA'CV. fpitKunderaigued will, for five dollars per .... JL examine any lands iu the counties of Appling, Wayne, Ware or C aloe, and report to the owner as to their present value, the prospect for their be coming more valuable iu future, and whether or not there U being any tresj<ass committed theroou, luvnriably pledging himself to give a true uud cor rect account, for which ull retnUtauoos will ho ex pected iu advance. He will also sell aud remit when requested, and as directed, for seven per cent. Ho will also promptly ntteud to all professional business out rusted to bi3 cure. vernon c. McLendon, ray Id . Attorney at law, Homosvillo, Ga. P RESERVES & JELLIES— 25 doz M, \i, nnd 1ft boxes Guava Jelly; 5 “ boxes West India Sweetmeats; 10“ “ Gtmvu Mnmhladc; A full assortment of American Preserves und Jel lies. For salo by mayl9 J. A. BROWN. gUPERIOR WHITE. BRILL1 ANTES.—Just » received and for rale by J. W. THRELKELH, may Hi Congress and Whitaker street-*. MERCER UNIVERSITY, PEN field, da. FACULTY. JOHN J31LBO. Ordinary of Chatham Comity, AND aTTOUNKV AT LAW. ofilce in tiie Court House. iuyl.1 Xi«¥H01SntTlcei)lXOlir — ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. OST Office on Bay street, over the Bank ol'&ivau- nuh. ys maylfi R. F. COLEI to BROTHGil, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah. Ga., and Montgomery, A/a. V. T, Colic, I R. r. Colk, Bay street, Savannah. | Commorco nt., Montg’ry. K»TKRKNC»«. Holcomb, Johnson, A* Co. I Cohens A Hertz, Lockett k gnollingi, I Edwin Parsons A Co., Robert A.' Alleu, j Scranton,.lohnston A Co. SAVANNAH, GA. mylfi WEBB SAGE, WM. U. SAOK. (M'Ut’LiSOHS TO CAMKKOX, WKBJI A CO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MKK1TNO-8T. CffAULKUTUN, 8. O., Will supply Country Morohatits with Uouds intbetr hue ut on low rates as they cau buy iu New York, or ebtewhere. sept 28 , - ly r. j. uonax. wm. btakii, Jr. it. u. hakufa OGDEN, 8TAIIU A CO., Shipping and Commissiou Mercbuutd, KAY-8TKBKT. SAVANNAS. GA. YONGE A FRIEUHOK, FORWARDING A.\J> <.OMMISSION MEKCHANIS, NO. 04 IIAV-M'JtKKT, SAVAWAll. Ga. «pf4 ’ A/ JIliALl'iN Ai UROTIiklKH. Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. sept 5 HA VANN All, GA. PATTEN, III 'rTON <Si CO., FACTORS. Foi'WurdiDg uud Commission Merchants, Unyutrcd, Savannah, Ga. X. LOCatflT. . * M. J». S.VXUJMJ8. LOCKETT A SPELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGKNT8, Savannah, Ga. Will attend to the st-lluig of all kinds of produce. StrictuttentioU glv«u to rmaving au«l forwarding goods. tnuy 8^ iy Auction & Commission House, Muoou, (iu. A. It. HcUUOIlLUl, Guueral Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits trom his friends consignments ol every desoriptiou. Taken orders tor Co turn. #3* Special attention given to the Hales ut Keui Estate, Stocks and Negro property, ut public aud pri vale .sales, Prompt return* and duimlch. Kefereuce—O. A. L. LAMAR. inch UU Wm. McALLISTEH. NEW MARBLE YARD, Opposite iMuretGrove CtmctCi'y, Sav h, Ga. Murine Mo'iumeut... l'uuibs and Grave sitoues, luru- Murbie Mmiumeut.-., l'uuibs andGru'ver i-bed ou reoMonablu term*. Ordem ;pecttufiy solicited. up 18 It. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSW JDK Al i Office corner of Bay aud Drayton et* SAV ANN All, GA. my 11 11ENRT WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. H, Drayton Street. Sav&uuah, Georip*, inajrt—'ly JOHN al7 MiLLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office at the Court House.) \\ ill practice m the Hui>erlor and Courta of Ordi nary. jauJO ttTrrfr.mNer ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and Whitaker 8tmu. SAVANNAH. full 22 Utllua D. A. O’BYRIVE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofilce I7f», Bay-st., over Turner It (>»'*. Drug stora .SAVANNAH, GA. uov lu—ly (iEOHGE TilOtiFliWARD; AlTOKNEY AT LAW. Office .Monument Square, near .Statu Bank SAVANNAH,GA. nov lu—ly JAMES III. SAVAGE, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. THOMAhVIU-K, Woman, ga. All business entrusted to his caru will reteivu promjd attention. lyr-itnarl? ANTHONY McCCLLOli; ATTORNEY AT LAW. Savannah, Georgia. Office ou Bay btreet, over th« Bank ot Savau- uah. tcb2 WILLIAM PIULL1P5, A TT OR NEY AT L A W. XAK1ETTA, GA. oci 20—ly DAVID Ci. WILDS, A TTORNKY AT LAW, MTAItTA, GA. Will practice iu the counties of Uoucock, Warren Washiugtou, and bald win. RKKRKK.vcto'—Behu sV l-'o.-tci. t.abuu k Smith, one E. A. Soullurd, .Savunmiti. jao'j ;wii;c. t * ivvellv, A T T O ll N .. i A T L A W , UtiAuatu, Woitni 4.i»l.vm. .. umu, juunv.J Will practise in tin* .h?::i;ii a Lire.dt, uud lu Macon, lumici-t" tin* Matin'' Dooly and Worth CuuhticNlff Ifu* Mavoii Circuit. 4>a“ Puriicutur alteiitiou gtveu to ilut cuilectton wi clonus iu FouthAVvstorn Georgia. je2—-6m E. CVMMIN1S, ' ‘ A T T O R NEY A T LAW, lebl-ly iKWi.vrfjx, «a. LANIER & xYNUEUSUN, A T T O 11N E Y S AT LA W , upb-ly MACON, GA. J. It. Ut'SK- J. It. IUV18. W U. LONG. RUSE, DAVIS A LONE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -SAVANNAH, ga. may au C. W. MABRY, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, MUNKU.V, HIUHD CO., UA. Will att.'ud to profcAi-douai busiucsaln iheCouuuea of Heard, Carrou, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette, Men- wether aud Troup. Kelorctu:u—-Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrauge, Ga., Don. liavid Irwiu, Marietta. Ga.; IVtlouel M M Tidwell, Fayetteville, Gn.; mid Mr. William ltougbcrty, Co lumbus, Ga. Hopli-ly ' TVM. H. DAM ELL, ATTOllKEl' AT LAW, HAVANXAII, Ga. AdtT office over Tbuuias M. Turner & Co.’s Diug shore. Buy street. tuyl WAYNE, GRENVILLE A CO., COMM IBSIU^.VNf’l^uiaV F llEKCHANTsi, Uayslfeet Savannah. THUS. S. WAYNE. G. E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. .SAMPLE, jy o—tf Suvuuuab. Gbattauooga. O. C. POOLE, Nu. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Brynu,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Stuht'i, Blliula, Doom, Pn!nt«, Oils, Vnr« M jilihes, Window Glass, Putty, Ac, Palmers’, Graiuora’ and Artists’ Brushes: yjfijUWhitewash Jjeads and Dusters, Dry and ^®**^Mixod PainuYf-every description, Artists’ conTrs lu tubes, Prepared'Canvass, fcc. PAPER HANGINGS, DURDEKS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with uoutuess and despatch.— House, Sign aud Ship Palutlpg, Gilding, Gruining uud Glazing douc tu tho host style uud at moderate prices. AU orders trom the couutry promptly attended to. mch 28—ly , FREN CII CIII NA, WHITE GRANITE, AND GLASS WARE. 145 MKCTIXU STRUCT, CUARLKST«JX, SOrTII CAROLINA, ’llio subscribers respectfully solicit-- from tbutruvuiiug public, au inspection 1 uf their stock ol' Ft cuch uud KugilaU Chlua, iu plain white, gold bund, aud decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tea, toilot, ti*io-a- tote sets and vases. Alsu, Cups uud Saucers, Ate., ol tho celebrated Sevres China. While Granite of the best manufacturers. Rich cut French, Kuglish and Boheuiluu Gloss. They have a variety ol oruaiueutx lu Partsiu., Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Cluy, Webster, aud otlicrs, aud tdatuetes oft be Greek blave, Venus de McuicU, &C.. AtC. They have also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle tor floors aud hearths, of Plain ami JBncntuUu Tlloe. Their stock being very general, carefully selected and imported direct, oilers inducements to merchant* us well us families, to whom good* will be put up at tho lowest rates for cash. WEBB U SAGE, Importers, successor* to Cameron, \\ ebb At Co. AM. M HOOK. KKKU. T. TKRtAC, HOOK A TE14EAV, A T T O It N E Y S AT LA W , KANDMMVIUK, itKUKUlA. Will practise In Washing ton, Jellerson, striven. Burke, Etnuuuel, Tat limit, and Montgomery of the Middle Circuit, uud Wilkuw.ou ofthe OemulgeeUs- cnit. m ay » M. WHIT SiUlTII, A T T O U N E Y A T 1. A W , ALUU.VroR, KAHT fLOUtUA. Will practice iu the Eastern aud .Southern CoULttes Refer to—Col. >'. S. >ubli?y. atul R. U. Hiilou, !i* vaunnh. foli2-U CAS. u. u.uiteuu££r A T T O K N 13 Y A T LAW, MILUtntiKVJLI.ti, tJA.| Practices lmw lu the various Counties of the oc, mulgeu Circuit, ami the nt|jolidng Counties ol 1w lgg«. ljuirons und Washington. Refer to—John Btwtou, H. J. Crane, and H ft Hi I ton. teoi-i JAM. W. ORHCV. U. F. SgliOi. GREEN A SMOOT, JOHN S. N011K18, ARCHITECT, H AVING resuraed thu practice of his profes sion, offers his services to his t'rlcuds aud tin* public as au Architect and superintendent. Designs lot any part of the country supplied aud executed lu ail tho various branches of Ills profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Moumueuts, A:c. Thoroughly Fire Proof stores Uc sigued uud executed. Office at present in Bay Lauc, rear of the Custom House. jan 3—ly . M. a. p. 100 do 50 do 75 do 50 do 50 do Buchan k Smith's Family Snap; Bcadel's 0s and 8s Tallow Candles; Adamantine Candles (Star brand). Oiwego Pearl Starch; Colgate’s do do; 25 do Ground Coffee, in It, aud ‘jib papers 26 do do Peper; 50 bbls Sugar, Soda uud Butler Crockers; 25 boxes do do; 20 bbls Pilot Bread; 16 )i Ghosts Black Tea iu ,' 4 '|fe papers 10 )6 do do iu tin foil; 10 )i do Fiuo Hyson Tea; 25 boxes Bey’s Lemon Syrup. Just received and for sale by inay‘23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON K Co. D OMFS-IIC IJQL'URS— 60 bbls EPIielp* Rye Gin E. Ri 26 bbls N. E. _. .. 60 “ Luther Felton s Rum. 25 “ l>omestic Brandy, 60 •’ Old P Ac H Connecticut River Gin, 50 “ N. O. Whisky. Just received and tor sulo by mj*23 SCRAN TON, JOHNSTON A; C'U. L ard, hkhkings k codfish— 20 barrels Prime White Leaf Und, fiftboxe-i *• HerrinKS. 2 hints 11 Codfish, landiug and for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. M ONONGABELA WHISKY- 26 bbs Old Mononguhela Whisky, 50 Double Distilled Just received and for sale by my23 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ii CO. PltKSIDEXT, CRAWFORD, D. 1* PROFESSORS. Colleirc. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. .1. E. WILLKJl, A. M., Chemistry aud Naturul Philosophy. 11. II. TUCRER, A. M.. Bcilca Lcltrcs. U. AV. WISE, A. M., Greek and Lain Ijinguage*. WliJJAM G. AVOODFIN. A. It., Modern Languages. Theological Scmlmny. N. M. CRAWFORD, D. !>:, KcclesouiUcal History and Biblical Literature. W1L1JAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Syatematlc and Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEAL?, Prlucltul. The Cotumenccmeul is lield on tho last AVedue&duy iu July. The next Tot m will commence ou the lust Wed nesday in August. The price of Board in the village L s>lo per un-utli ; wusliiug. room rent, fuel, Ate., $3. By order of the Board of Trustees. uiyl22tn ri. LANDRUM, Secretary. FmeRewdy-mudo ClutUlug *, Hats uud C’ap3, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravam, ritocks, liaudkcrchicls, and Fancy Articles for Geutleineu. B UT'fFR Ac CHEErib>- 26 tubs choice New May Butter, HARPER FOR JUNE. H AHPER’S New Monthly Magazine for June. The Flower Garden; or, Breck's Book of Flow ers, in which are described ail tho various hardy herbaceous porenials, unuuals, shrubby plaids, and evergreen trees, desirable for ornamental purposes, with direction lor their cultivation. By Joseph Brook. Alto more of Ernest Lmwood. By Mrs, Caroline Lee Heutz. Letters Iront the United States, Cuba and Cauada. By Hon. Miss Murray. The rioug of Hiawatha. By lleur y VV. IA>uyfellow. Recollections of the Table Talk of Samuel Rogers, to which i* udded Porsoniunu. Miss Leslie’s New Receipts lor CkwUUig. For sale by WARN OCR L DAMS, Booksellers and Stationers, may 1ft 15ft Aongresa streei. 25 boxes “ “ Goshen Cheese, Just received aud for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON X CO. B EACON'SIDKS~ k SHOIJLDERS^-- 26 lihds Prime Bacon Sides, 10 u “ “ Shoulders, Lauding uud for sale by my23 SCRANfON, JOHNSON .k OU. riTHE ATTENTION of utvangers vUitUiff the X city and the public geuernlly, is Invited to uu examination of our stock of Spriug aud Summer Goods, which for variety and style is not to bo ex celled iu this city. upr'28 A11CIN ,V BURNS. TITHISKY.—100 bun-cls very huderlorMotion ltil.1,.1... .1.11.. —s as— —-» - * - gabela Whisky, daily expended, tbr sale, to arrive, by jnar8 BRIGHAM, KELLY V. CO. BUOIDEUIES,—We invito the attention J of laudies, tu our large und bouutiful assort ment of French Worked Collars uud Underaleeves, Muslin and Cnmbriu Bands, Ac., Ac., just receive*! and for xalo by fob 28 IADSON & ROGERS. MILLS ('^UBA MOLaVSSES—The cargo of the brig KJ R. B. Lawton, of superior quality. For sale by mayie 3t PADE1.KORD, FAY tc tt). ^A boxes TOBAGCO, just received direct t)U from Manufacturer, and for sale low, by my ll CRANE, WELLS k CO. I >UltE WATER.—If you wont the tiuest drink- 1 iug water iu tbe world call aud purchase one of Kt.L.lcV Patent Water Filters, the urtlcle moutloued lu Water Cointnlsslouors’lu«t Rejiort, which wo warrant to i>urlfy tlmriavnnnali River Water perfectly—au Imlistieusahlo article for plantation use. KENNEDY k BEACH, I an 24 ouly Agents lor their sale iu Suvauttah. O li^S—Olfii—Linsoed,Sperm, Wliale.Neiits foot Mild Tanners Oil, fur ealo at reduced prices at CHAFFER k CO., • tnayt No. Whiluker street. 200 KEGS French and American Zincs', r for sale on lavor»hlo terms at CHAFFER it CO., rnuyj No. 6 Whitaker strocL igO BBLS- NASHYiLLE CITY apr 10 Flour, for sale b' CRANE, WELLS h CO. 1 IMS.—433 barrels lending and for sole by Ll sprSJ BRIQHAB,- KELLY b CO. AAA LIGHT Sash, of all sizes fa flvtUvv ubo, comdontly ou hand, aud for sale at the lowest rates, at CHAFFER k CO., umy7 lot “No. 6 Whitaker street. B ROWN DE BAQEs-Jnst received perstr. Alabama, and tor sale by J.W. THRELKELO, . aprl? Congress sad Whitalwr-sU. ☆ OXi OTHING EMPORIUM 1 DOOU WEST OF THE REPUBLICAN READING BOOM. W.O. Price, fashionable AND MILITARY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street* Also, Bupcrfiuc Clotlis, assUuers and Vestings, will bo made to mea sure,unexception able in stylo aud workmanship, by the best mechanics, ut shortest notice • SA VANNAli. OST Orders from city und county solicited. JM feb 5 BAIUIER SHOPS. Pulaski House llurber Shop, thorn.-' Brink Building, opposite the Pulaski /louse, FIVE WORKMEN ENOAQKU. Alursluitl House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENOAOED. f I MiE Puhscriber, thankful to his leilow-citizeus X for the liberal jwtrouago ho has received, uud is still receiving, begs respectfully to lntorni them that he has eugageil sufllcleut additional first-class workmen from some of tho best Barber Shops in New York, uud will bo enubloU lo accommodate a* many geutlemeu us may Uouor him with thetv i«i- trouage. N. II.—The Barbershops are closed on Buuduys— struugers will plcaso hear this iu mind. SAVE YOUR MONEY CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STORK, No. 142 - BROUGHTON STREET. .next door to Messrs. J. Dickson k Co’s. Oonlw- tiouury. You will there Uud tho greatest bargains in Shoos over offered In this city. October 16th. 1856. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boatds, Plunks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Lntlts aud i'aillngs, for salo, at wholesale amt retail, low for ea?h, ou tho uew wharf receutly erected on the Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen k Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give ids attention to designs in Arehitec lure, office in tho store of John Williamson. Esq., Bay street. tnylS “VT EW GOODS.—The subscriber has received Xx u largo lot ol the following articles— White uud striped Osuaburgs, Columbus Factory, White uud striped Osnaburgs, Schley’s Factory, Bleached uud browu tihlrtlugs uud Bbcetlngs, Marlboro’ uud Mauchcjffir Plaids and Stripes, Blue Denims, Ate., Ate. Also, afresh lot of cheap fast-colored Prints. J. W. THRELKKLD, turia corner Congress and Whltakor-sts. A TLANTIC LEAD—Constantly on hand and for salo at CHAFFER k CO.’s, »pr30 No. 0 Whitaker street. AT AIIBLE Mantela cbnrtantly on hind, and IU for sale on fltvorahle terms by . j favorahlo terms by deo 15—5t CHAFFER k QO THRESH MUSLINS.—A few more of those A figured Lawns at 12ft cents. Received per lato steamer from New York, and tor sale by J. W. THRELKELD, maylfi Congress and Whitaker streets. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 0ct28 _ InoMASTOX, OA. GEOUGE aI GORDON, AITOKNIiV ANL COL.VSELLOH AT LAW, AM? Commimoner of the U. S. Court q)' Claim« for the Slut* if Georgia. Office Comer Day ami Dml j-treeu. !>’_ tuylO DiiV CHARLES ii. coLding, FF1CE AND KKSlDhXCE. No. 14 iJDEim' One dour west of lirayton, g [ Druy a. W. i-.vmiisia, .UTun.VKV AXi) tuOXSELLOH Al . ns uiyil Tronpyllle, Lowmlcs touiity, Ga. LAW, _ 0*0 u. s. w. bakkrT ATTORNEY AND COUNriELl.OIi AT LAW, Mouticollo, Jclli-reou County, Fla. Rnfureuce—Hon. W. 11. Fuatixo, Savannah, Ga _ myll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGIS'J’RATK, NOTARY AND COMMIriiJIQNLJt OF DLKDri. At Messrs. Ward k Owens' loiw Office. Imyll JOSEPH GANAHL, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. GUIi'y, Bay strci-t, over the Reading Room ol ths KcpubJIcan, uutrauce iiniuedintuly cast ol Me.icr», Price »Nt Vendor's. mu) Ii WILLIAM II. DASHER7 iTURNKY AND COL’XbELl.OK AT L?vSV, Troupvillc, Lowndes County, Ga. Will practice InTUoimu-, Isowndes, Clinch, Wave, Appling, Telfair, Irwiu, Lmireiis, nnd Imiuahi counties, Georgia; auu m Jeffi'rsou, Madison, Ham- ilton, nnd Columbia counties, Florida. [myll wm. si. wjt.u.t.\is. riunuia’s ouvkk. jack ukown. WILLIAMS, OLIVER tfc BROWN, ATTORNEYri AT LAW, Buena Vista, Mariou Cuuuty, Ga., Will practice iu the counties of Marlou, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Ruuduiph, Muscogee,, and an> uiljouiing counties, wiiere their services may b» required. myll JOHN R. COClUtANE, ATTOUNKV AT UW, Dublin, utmens county, tin., late junior partner ol the lirm oi &.J. corinuxK, irwinton, Gu., vrtii uttouoi promptly to all busine.-e entrusted to his care, raitictilar attention paid to celiectiug. Re fereoce—Dr, t'. ft. Guyton, F. 11. Kuwe, Dublin, Ga., Al Marsh,riavunualt. tuyll “ilESSiPi T. HEUNAUDr ATfOUNKY AM* HU'N.-KU.OR AT lAW’, .\«-Wi.ali.'\ tilt*, Hu. Reference—George . nmvu, William Dell. New- uansville, Fla., It. D. iidton, Uostou & ViUalonga, riavnutmh, Ga- myll Hl’DSUS, FLEAHiYG &~CO.', Fa«i(oi*M mul C'uiniiilssloii Dlvrcluuits 4Vo. U4 Huy Shut, Savannah, Ga., f PENDER their services to planters, uierobtmu A. uud deulers, iu tliesale ol Coltou aud all other cuuutry produce. Being vunueonal in busiuebs will? UorKLNs, Hinso.v .k Co., ol Charleston, the establish- ment of au oltii-eiu this c ity will atlurd our friiunh choice ol markets. ,Strict attention will bo giveu to l>usiiieti“, and the u.-tiud tucilities afibrded custo mers. J. It. HUDSON, t W. U. FLEMING, t riavauuab 1.ABK1H IlOl’KINrf, Augusta my 11—tf CUllEN. chasleston. LWKlrRU «.* WILCOX, UeiittNU; OFFICE over Dewitt A Aloi- gau'a store ou Congress-street, offip their professional services to tl o publio, confident, from lung expert- euce and past success, that iu all cases, they w li render outire satisfaction. oct 2 u DENTISTRY.” ~ l)rs. ROY ALL & JOHNSON, Dentists, office coruor rit. Julku-bt. nnd Market Square, over ri. Wil- root’sJewelry store, office hum* trom 8 to 2 o’clock, and from a to d. mar 11 com DUE. LEFLER A WILCOX, DinUih. ARE now fully prepared to in sert full or partial sotu of Teeth on the principle of Dr.J. Alleus’a Patent Continuous Gum, By this improvement, the form of tho focu cau be restored to auy degree of rotuudUy that may be desired, it is applicable in ull cases where the cheeks have fallen lu und uinuot he detected by the closest observer.— This method combines the followingi 1 vantages Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly nutural and lifu-likc upj>eurunce, aud imparts to the theeth that peculiar expression which characterizes the na tural organs. This Gum consists of a silaclous compound, whit h Is applied and fhsod upon the Tooth and Plate in such u inauuor, os to fill up all tho iuteraUcee around tho base of the Teeth, and also unites them firmly to each other and to tho Plato upon which they ai« sett. This secures perfect cleanliness or tho TsciL, Offlco over DoWilt & Morgan, Congress streot. •*• Republican and Goorgiau copy. feb 18—tf. B.KLLIB, Factor and General Commtoion Merchant* no; 71 aAr-erara-, savanwah. oa., Kcruu to—.win. Osglioru & Cupnlmluun, Bell * Freouss, Osdan, Starr a Co., SavuuIi j }. * Ttoapeos, Bosioe. m X ■id'h:.-. ■B