Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 24, 1856, Image 3

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'•-er-rif.-™* 4 half grown Colon! A. Apply UlhUoBoo. BOARblNU^ QBVBRAL genUtmonor nudl hunUtai can bo n aemwiaoaitbd with good Koonu *ml Board, on tmsr jjfcit-tr ; HU.—Mr. Thomaa. oomor of C»n CHATHAM LOAN STOCK. Sharoa for aal« by wii.nun, mam 111 Bay alrnt. CURTIS’ DIGEST United 8tat» Supreme Court Deeiiions. I UNTIL Uio lit November next, a com- f tnodiooa and airy resldenco, on tlio north I Hldo or tho Central Railroad bopot, known Lu Hovera Place. Tito houita 1m newly Pur- om bftaotuont toatliu, which can bo bought UUAIU/UtU.—W; AUUUMM. UWUM V» Ml grass and Llaoolnstreets,In prepared to ac commodafa a Ibw boarder., aflbrdlag them excaUut lair ko. doo H—If lair he.- . nbw XuR : pi.AMS. FOR A NEW JAIL an .elicited Juat PubUehed by LITTLE, BROWN A CO., No. I IB Waehlngtou lltMl, Boaton, Supttme™o B urtTthrcZd T State», “SJUb^rJd'aTtaflWIU be |lven (br th.plJ ^mUi. origin, of. to Court m lb. eh*, adopted n tho Court. YVM. H. OUYLER, t. t. o. o. o. N. B. KNAPP. J.». a o. c. MONT. CUMMINQ, 4. t. o. a. o. JAMES E. GODFREY, U MO. P. HARRISON, 4.1, o. o.c. aprft MY B. B. CURTIS, Ouo or the Associate Justices or tho Court. | One Volume 8wo. Prlte |S 00. ThUDtieet embraces alt the published decision* | ortho Supreme Court down to tho present tlrno, in mays YOUNG k WYATT. OKWIOHS POR KHNT a IN TUB THRKE-S1URY BRICK HOUBK adjoining tho ollloo or the subscriber. The basomout would matte, with ttonto slight improvement, an excellent lawyor’a-offleo. and aeoond floor* will be lot ibr Counting- Rooms, and the third (hr Bleeping apartments Con nected with the establishment Is nn out-building oi brick, suitable (br sorvauts. Apply to 0. A. I.. IaAMAR, ae|>t3 Corner Drayton and Bryan stroete. TO BENT TWO TENEMENTS IN GORDON BLOCK, fronting Chatham Squaro, and woll famish- ed with gas, water, stables, Ac. .slon glvon 1st or Novombor. EDWARD G. YV11S0N, octl5 ta Bryun streut. -i | ui tuuou|nviiw vvuii uuwh iu mu |H uacuf 41 mu, iu I • ■■ Stammering and Stuttering Cured, eluding nm inward, u i» »<■ nrriuiog nun » m«y I valuablb~puopeuty von balk, bo ured In commotion with tho Itoinirt. or Maura. I ■ Th ” IWMtory brtolt .tore on CongnMi PROPMMOR J. H, LEWIN Oallu, Cruob, Wbootim, l-ctora and Howard, or S street, new occupied by Messrs. Einstein k Eckman. Tlds is otto or tbo host stands in tho city (tor any kind or business. Terms lade ttCcotntttuaaUug. For particular* tu- la,»o I mno. | jmroni HlIBrnogbtouoiiool, abovolbo oloroorT. t *** *•- *•- . **-“*'“ It contains a table or all ai ts bfCengruss (leustruod M octl6 valuaI m Posses. hours, without mulcting the least path. Tho patient Is oT^^lb.TinteT%§iia^TM| w . rel ! i f ra ! ,0 «™’.‘ m i1'olro„lnlon»,.r. charge will bo mado. Uo will remalu in this placo ranged in chronological order, with reloroucos to tho but a (tow days. apr 80 | Gases, aud an appendix or Pruotteal Directions far | — ’TfrriCli ,M I proaocutlug Writs of Error and Appeals to foo Bu-1 rnHB Undersigned has This Day removed hhr P remo Court of the United States, with the newt- L. McKenna. " irinuyU TO RH1VT. The Dwelling lutoly occupiod by Judge Fleming, In Taylor street, near Drayton. L onlire stock or BegarM, Tobacoo, Ac,, from bin I sary forms; and also a tabloof the own decided, UUJ, “° thlir ° riu " C ‘" M ° I,BJ ^ la »«)' Said Houho is three stories on s basement, with good sorvsnts’ rooms, and outhouses, ision given linraoitlatoly. Apply to fob 28 D. Il COHEN. liue corner w uaj *uu iinisii, wuurc i lio hopes to receive a continuance or the patronago of all uls old friends and customers. aprSOtf A. PONCE. FOR BALK. ga Bit Tracts or laud;-, 600 acre each, 3.>r4{ miles from the city or Savannah on tho 8. A. aodOuir 1UU Road, well adapted to tie growth oil llico, Cotton and Corn, and Wood enough to pay for I it ten times over. Apply to rob 27 tr 0. A. Cl PUD. LOTI. U. 8. Supreme Court Decisions. JUDGES CURTIS’ EDITION. TWENTY-TWO VOLUMES. ITOO—1804. Price Three Dollars per Volume. ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ i t i QEOR.QIA. J. J* HEBIaER, Proprietor. Late of the Verandah Hotel, New Orteam. Psaaengors per Evoplng Trains will fold Supper ready on the arrival of tho Cars. mnyl4 WANTED—A VlWHl to lo.d with Tlmlwy LCbr u Eunmwn mwktl. Apply at lloloo ’flffw HR, or JrFO’Brvne't office. m»f3V JOTT0180N ROBKBTB. WANTED—A Vortol to ■ loM wttb TlmlMr .far a Northern port. Apply at jH,;or at J F O’BGrrngaoKw^^ Union Btesra THE GRR AT WH.S1T3RH11VBURASCB uurSl” JEFFERSON ROBERTS. FOR FRIGHT OR CHARTWt>-The Cbg , w. OF NEW YORK, , A Rfi taking Marino Risks at Iheir Agenoy, ilu comer or Dray tou and Bryan streets.. pored and oopper foatened brig ROBERT UHARLETON, J.H. Ughtburn, msater. Ap ply to J, ROBERTS, aprl98t Or Master on board. VK8SB1M WANTED.—A vessel to load with and the usual credit given on Premium Notea. Three quarters of tho buslnoas will be returned to the cum tomors In scrip. - C. A. L. Lamar, fob 19 Agent In iSkvannab. nsliBANUK timber, for Boston. Also a vossel to load w Ith sawed lumbor, for the same place. Apply to JKFFKRftON ROBERTO, at Union Steam 8aw Mill, aprl9 or J. F. O’BYRNE’B Omee. WANTKI).—A froight or chartor“for Ha- WANTED.—A froight.or ebarb vana for Brig R. M. UHARLETON. Applp to JEFFER80N ROBERTS, - at Union Steam Saw Mill, apr!9 or J. F. O’BYRNE’8 Offlco. FOR IJVeRI’OOE—tho A 1 American Ship MARY k ADELINE, W. Tuylor, mastor. having a portion of her cargo engagod. wi. Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Lift Ins. Company, Homo Insurance Company, of N. York, Springfield Fire * Marine Ins. Com’y, Risks in tbo abovo Insurance Companies underta ken by WM. SUTQ ft BOMS, Agents, No. 99 Boy street. Savauaah, 14th Docombor, 1866. decl4 fQQpQOQBi AND LIFE ^ /gO BQgHtfUU. have immediate dis|>atcb. For freight apply hi Captain Taylor, or to may7 BRIGHAM, KEIJ.Y k 00. FOR NEW YORK—Union Link—Tho fast sailing schooner 8 .1. WARING, Smith, mas- will have dispatch for the above port. For freight apply to muy!7 OGDEN, STARR k 00. NSURANCE. NO. 111. BAY-STREET. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nearly Four million Dollars, By the Id - Charter Oak Lite Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CT. _ FOR NEW YORK—Giomohk k Oo’nliNK— Tho now schooner B. FLANNER, Capt. Ap- piegit, will have dispatch lor tho above port. For freight or passage apply to inaylU HUNTER k GAMMELL. FOR l’HILADELIIHIA—Huron's Link.— Tho schooner MARY k LOUISA, Captain Muoiuiun, will have di.spateh for thu above port.— For froight apply (a maylO 0. A. GREINER. GUiPIOUK dt CU.’8 LINE OF N. YORK Farmers' and Mechanics* Flre t and Lite Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Urldge|Miii Fire and Marine Insurance . Company, OP RUIDOEPORT, CT. These Reports comprlso the cases reported by Delias, 4 vote.; Crancb, 9 vote.; Wheaton, 12 vote.; lOU SALE.—A.fine lot In Wesley Ward— Peters, M vote.; Howard 17 vote.;In all 68 vote.— r Also two on Gordon streot, east For sale low. Koo simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, Geu’l Insurance Agent and Broker, iuay 22 111 Bay street SRKBffs. I n Aft AAA GREYBRI0K8, host qual. ,OOU,000. ; y, S r..K utf ,y,o my22-lmo Williamson’s buildings. oarNcws copy. Wanted: The catalogue price or the old series Is (222. Judge Curtis’ oditlon Is odbred at the low price of (3 a vol ume, or (60 for the whole, including the Digest. JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN BOZBMAN, Proprietor. BOARD VKR DAY.. ( 1 C>0 HOARD mWKKK 0 00 BOARD PKK MONTH.... 20 (Ml k,mayl3 lyr AND SAVANNAH PACKETS. This now Hue will be composed or tho fol lowing vessels, ono of which will leavn ,1’icr 9, N. R., punctually every Thursday, unmouclug on the first or November : New sohoouer EDWARD KIDDER, 300 tons, Tyler, master. Now sohoouer BENNETT FLANNER, 336 tons, Ap- plegllt, master. Now schooner GEORGE DAVIS, 330 Uwb, Smith, B ONDS or the South-Westorn R. R. For Sato-. central R. R. Stock, South-Western R. R. Stock. J. BRYAN, my22-2t 147 Bay street. WM. J. HUNT, Cor. montizomery Ac York iu. SAVANNAH, <JA., OE3PECTPULLY Inform, th. Ltille. and JX Gentleman or this City that ha Is propared to sorve them every evening with Ic6 Cream, Cakes & Oumcuuuucij, la UU own poculltur style, and hopes to merit a ehare or public patronage, Savauuah, 17th April, 1866. 8m aprl7 TO HOUIEKBKF&Rfe. (From the Chief Juetlco ot the United States .J 1 regard this publication os ono ortho most useful and valuable that has boeu issued from the Ameri can press. It Is of the first importance to tho pub lic, aud to the administration of justice iu tho several States that the decisions of the Supremo Court upon questPins confided to U by tho constitution aud laws of Congress should bo generally kuown throughout the Union, and mado accessible to the profession in ovory Stato at a reasonable price. This work is well calculated to accomplish these objects. 1 have ex. amlned tho first volume. I need ,not say that It Is evidently preparod with great, judgment aud care. The character of Mr. Justlco Curtis Fs of itsell'a suf ficient guaranty that any work or this kind under taken by him will be executed In tbo best manner. And when It Is completed. It csuuot lad. 1 think, to meet the approbation and support of tbo public as well os the profession, whether practising iu tho Courts of the United States or the Courts or a State. July 10, 1856. H. B. Tanxy. [From the Attorney Goneral of the United States.] Attornky-Genual's Office, 1 September 11,1865. f Gentlemen,—I have, In compliance with your re quest, examined the volumes now In tho course oi publication, entitled u Reports or Decisions In the Su preme Court of the United States.” by Mr. Justice Cut * *“■ MILLS HOUSH, CORNER MEETING AND CHARLESTON, 8. 0. M THI8 House is now adapted to all the wants of the Travelling Public, and the ef forts or the ProprlefofvwUl bo to dosorye thoir patronago. mar 31 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. MONTGOMERY'S HOTEL AND DINING ROOMS—(ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) No. 16 and 17 Beekman, two doort east of Nauau street, near the CUE Hall Park. . The subscriber, thankful for i>ast favors, would Inform bis patrons and the traveling public, that be te now prepared to furnish i first class Lodging Rdoras, .with convenlon- ces equal to any Hotel iu tho city. Transient or per manent lodgers accommodated by tho <)ay, week or month, with or without board. • R. C. MONTGOMERY, my 13 Now York. ees equal ti Now schooner LOVET PEACOCK, 370 tons, Terry, master. New sohoouer WALTER RALEIGH, 440 tout, Mar shall, master. These vessels are all of the first class, and having boeu built during the past year expressly for this trade, are well deserving the attention of shippers. They are commanded uy masters of experience and ability, and shippers can rely upon quick dispatch, and ovory &Oontlou being paid to thoir convenience. For froight or passage apply to the master ou board or to HUNTER k GAMMELL, Agents at Savannah. J. R. GILMORE & CO.. nuv2 164 Water-m., Now York. m prepared. PkANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Bryan-st. 1/would respectfully announce to the cltixona oi. „ , _ , . savaunahthat ho to ready to mako and put down I liar quaUUes, as follows Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting, Ac., at tbo shortest no-1 L In tbo preservation of leu. uu.lou the mMlreasomililo term,. ocU-tf I ImporUnoe la Hie srovloux | ctelons, with great saving of bulk and expense by. SPRING HOTEL. Jnderslgued bas again the pleasure or informing bis numerous friends, as well os the public at largo, that ho is vet at the Indian Spring Hotel, and is folly prepared, with the assistance of bis sons and his own experience or six years at the hotel, with the best cooks that con be procured, as well as asBls- liatl __ _ umco of all kinds, to ask or all those who visit the 1. In u>. pro.orv.Uon of wLotovor Is of primary I Sptmo Howl'U^ow^onon 'offioady'lo reooivonS laporUmoojn thoprovlou. fegprtt ot U.o «mo d» | I /v i-i /n t-v -w-m a -a sr • | the ommteslon of secondary matter, auch as odiiorlal fly H. fly K H. /\ M T statements or the facts in the case and arguments ol ^ I counsel, whore these are not essential to the under- SEW COHFKC'fTdNARV XTOHIC No. 08 Brjran Street. TWO DOOM ABOVI Hit. GRIFFIN’S JEWELRY STORE. standing or elucidation or the decisions themselves. I 2. In ths careful re vtesl of each case; in tho so use I of editorial accuracy, and the consequent correction ra]^tSil>'rnforiii. tto I* Lffi*'“ 8 » 1 » tea ™o d raUy r ^^o touSj dir”OMn.a'.now Conr.o° *• Ia the .ddlUou to eKh cuoot reference by loot g^^d li ym U ‘i;^oT^d , .° , m I »■»"* docUton, of the „rlo. InwhlobU,. fresh assortment, of all kinds and dtecriptlons. I menUone “’ sy the Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all such as wish tp go over. 1 EDW. VARNER, may23-3faw tsepl Proprietor. * * " L Re *** Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Charleston Courier will please insert the above three times each week until 1st September, and send their bills for payment, EDW. VARNER. ‘ h* wifi'atilt"^ma^imd^ours ^bereadv'tofor uish I 4 * *h e recomposition ortbe editorial statements nU}£* Steo ImTriinanlola mt all linnM I ol ^hrtdgetitattL but mil more luthat 0^essential COllCC, Tea and CnOCOlaiCi at ail ROOM* improvement of the matter itself by means oflnfor- Ornamented Cakes, Pies, Ac. Ao., made to order. I mation derived from the original records and files of He hopes from longexperiencs to give satisfaction | the court. •• * ‘“loner him to all who will honor him with their patronage. H, B BOZZOLA, No. 98 BryanS IiOGrange Female College. S ABBATH. July 6th—Sermon by Philip P. Neely, Alabama Conference. 6. In the ruoomposlUou or the head uotes on a theory of Juridical expositions, so that the syllabus | or each case exhibits what to really adjudged In It as , law, and that alone, passing over cHter dicta and mere judicial argument. * 1 >. The Digest promised will supply a want which u«nri*v jfaw •Sh Mm 1 of Hnnhomny* u ver F »eMihly felt by all who have occasion to M iioineertatSmdledlght. 0W 8op ‘ iomor# | consuftthe Decisions ol the Supreme Court, thiex isting digests thereof being either antiquated or do- T.M,l ff ,Jnlyy^A.n^n^*Hrott*Jn^ STplS.wdeSSn ,°. wail ** re8 * by I 1 think those are signal advantages or the present work, serving uotonly to render more accessible to * l “’igal profof*‘ *»- A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER RESIDENCE FOR BALE.—Delightfully'situated resi dence at Mliway, two and a half miles from Mllledgoville, a quarter of a mllo •from Ouiethorne University, within a few mutes walk or Railroad Depot. The house con tains eight rooms, two parlors, diulug room, five chambers, wide ball and wide gallery front and rear; kitchen, servauts rooms, smoke houBc, carriage bouBo and stable. Tho buildings are all In good or der, having undergone thorough ropuirs. The lot contains fouftcres, and well laid out—contains a variety of fruit trees, shrubbery and flowers; on the lolls a well of fine water; thirty acres of wood land goes with It. The furniture, carrlago aud horses will be Bold, If desired. All sold on accouut or re moval. Terms moderate, if applied for Immediately, Address M. 51. HOLME?, apr 23 eod—Imo MillodgeviUo Goo. Ad- Luther M. Brnltb, Prof. Emory College. Wednesday, July 9th—Commencement ‘day. dross by Hon. F. 8, Bartow, 8nvaunah, Ga. ’hursday, July loth—Anniversary of- the Alumnae Society. Address by Hon. J. Giancy Jones, Penn sylvania. Examination of all the classes will take place the | week preceding commencement. W. B. T. MONTGOMERY', mill Bupt. Faculty. CUSNIOAL XCHOOL,. the legal prolossl.on generally, but also murs avalla- bio and profitable for study and uss, a series of ju-1 diclal decisions bolding the highest place among the It many colleciloua oT the same class which honor and f adorn the legal literature of the United States. 1 am, very respectfully, 0. Cushing. Messrs. little, Brown A Co. [From Prof. Parsons t or the Cambtldge law School.] I “Judge Curtis is rendering to the profession a aer- . The undersigned has opened a Day vice of very great importance infringing within and Night School, In South Broad st., our reach tho law of theao numerous and expensive t il ■between nouswm inn row ■«*., wuere ■ volumes. net me snow oy au example uuteu omy ■ ■he Is prepared to give instructions in I because it happened to be the first case I examined, I "foe Latin, Greek and French Lan-1 how he does this. In-foe first volume, foe interest-1 guagea;ateo, In foe usual branohea of fog oase of Graves otal. B. M. Insurance Go., I un English Education. which determines foe rules of law applicable to an | ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitchers, Some new and beautiful designs, Plated and Brlta- nla. At foe House Furnishing g Btoro, 165 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April 80. >PfM O XT » my!4 J. F. DILLON, Prof, of Languages. HOT, COLD AND SHOWER. IB BATH HOUSH having been handsomely fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d of March. wmen determines tne ruiea or taw appucaoie » an . a “H*. UFU . ° Vt.nn Insurance by one partner of foe property of foe ISjngle Baths 26 cents—six tickets for (1^00 firm—occupies leas than six pages. In foe second I volume of Granch (whose reports are far loss volu-1 luminous and difluso than thoso of his successors) I mart J. M. HAYYVOOD. Agent. SHIRTSI SHIRTS! I SHIRTS 111 T HAVE Jt 1 whltoaud , style, and super nrdora will also oe maen, ouu suirw h»»u« w mui.i iVi^^ii^Wnnh i. nnrticntar titvia er taste of the wearer. Call at I P®k this In so compact a form that It is roaliy muon any tbo my 14 YvM. O. PRICE. FLOUR IN BARRELS. J UST received a lot of Extra Family Floor, In barrels. aprJ9 YOUNG A YVYA TT. ■^■EATOFOOT OIL, of the best quality constantly | for sale low by may 16 i A 00., 6 Whitaker street. KEDZIB'S PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of aUea on , _iand. We warrant them to make foo Bavannah River Water, even though dipped directly out or foo River, as pure and clear as foe case, titan in foe original report. Tho samo thing, will I think, be found to be literally true In reforonce , to all foo coutents or these volumes. Hte condensa-1 tion of this loose mass ssves us uotonly money, but time and labor.” Thxopuiujs Parsons. Cambridge, Augmt lo, 1866. may24 at eod SUNDRIES. 1 A BBLS. Stuart’s Crushed Sugar; 11/ 20 bbls do A, B & C Clarified Sugars; 6 bbls Extra No. 1 Mackerol and Salmon; 10 boxes Family Soap; 10 boxos Oswego Starch; 6 sacks first quality Java Goffoe; 10 sacks superior Rio Coffee: Codfish, FREN0I1 MILLINERY Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND bus opou od at hor Rooms, No. 17 Broughton Street, a fino Selec tion of Spring Milinery,. and is constantly recolvlng por steam ers. new and different stylos of Bonuota; also, Dross and Mantilla patterns. 9* Bonnets oleuned aud pressed as usual. aprlO subHcribor will efltoot Insurance to auy amount in all parts of the State ou every description of property, Life Insurance, to any amount, at foe lowest rate, for foe benofit of heirs and creditors, or payable to tbe wife froe from foe claims of crodUors. Mariue Iusurauco on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts of foe world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. hutDalbenefit lif&TN Bull ANcE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpdttal. Nett accumulation, Jau. 1,1860* (2,230,006 47 Total amount ol' dividend* paid to dute 716,402 60 Total amount of claims by deuth paid to date 1,330,900 84 CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. SemhWcokly United States Mall Line. r jnHE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL ■ Steamships— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 tons..Capt. 0. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA.... 1,600 “ ..Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,800 ..Capt. M.8. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..CapL G. R.Schenck- will leave savannah evert _ WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships are among foe largest on foe coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety and comfort, making their passages in fifty to sixty hours, and are com manded by skillful, careful and polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New York,^. (26 Steerage Passage to New York 8 PADELFORD, FAY k CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL. 18 Broadway, lob 6 Now York. FLORIDA Forte. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. U. 8. Mall line—From New Or- leans to Key West.—Steamships FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.—These fine steamers will in future make their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving aa follows: New .Orleans, 10th 4:24th Pensacola.... 11th A 26th Apalachicola. 12th &26tb St Marks.... 13th &27tb Cedar Keys..14th k 28th Tampa Bay.. 16tii k 29th Key West, .. 16th Si 24lh Tampa llth A 26th Cedar Keys.12th A26th St. Marks...14fo A28th Apalachicola, 16th A 29th Pensacola... 16th A 30th Arrive at Key YVust 17th A 1st | New Orleans, 17th A 1st Agents iu New Orleans, dec26 oui E. G. ROGERS. A CO., 72 Poydrasa street. FOR CHARLESTON, Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, atQo’clock Jt The splendid steampacket GOR- £^£BHCdon, E. Barden, Commander, will leave as above, and will arrive In Charleston in time to connect with foe Railroad lines going North and West. For froight or passage apply on the Charles ton Steampacket Wharf to ■myl4 J. P. BROOKS. Agont. -O' N. B.—After FRIDAY, May 30th, foe Gordon will eo tomporariip withdrawn, making her last trip from Savanuoh on WEDNESDAY, May 28th, aud from Charleston on FRIDAY, foe 80th. “ FORT CENTERVILLAGBT Via St. Simons. Brunswick, Jhncy Stuff, Jefferson, Darien, St. Marys, do The fino steamer PLANTER, Capt. _McNelty, will leave (tor foo above S aces every Yvednesday morning at lOo’olock. For eight or passage, apply on board at Union Forry Whorr, or to InovlO CRANE, WEUH A 00., Agent*. FOR JOHNSON'S LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PLAGES, 2b leant on Tuesday Night, the 12th instant. - The light draft-steamor, WILLIAM JaftojaBBE LEBBY, Captoiu A. 0. King, will leav^egulany aa above, from foe Charlestf“ Steampacket Wharf. Apply to fob 11 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. 1* Mali Line FOR PALATKA, FLAc, Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Matyt u Qa. u Fkrnand(- “‘‘pur. ud olMT u tbs I 2-3, _ . I Usbmonta of rhiiade'phla'Now yorkruiil"Boston, finest Sprluf Water. About forty I And . genernl assorlmont or Cboloo orooorion, J“»t| l)l0 u„ite ra i a iicHt la propared to furnlnah UACU1N oHbeao niter, are now In uio la rooolvedby - I EBy poKTABI.E STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE this city, and everv Derson who bas I may20 j. u.Jtoor>, fiRIST »vn fi/yitr mit.t.s cart and MAOHINBRY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near foo Market.) T7YROM the most complete faculties in his own Jj establishment, and through bis connections with several of tho principal manufacturng ostub- this city, and every person who has | ^y 20 tl u ‘ oc ^ r 2- IsAW*. GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS,’CAST AND them, will cheerfully testify to foelr J |“>ORN AND OATS—For sale In quantities to suit I WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES. STORE rio vanen, urunswKK, a*. uru., ac. muiwi- na and Jacksonville, Picctata and Black Greek, Fla. — ta, THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N wlU leave for foe above places every 'lUetday ilcrmina, at 10 o’oik. This boat has largo aud airy State Room accom modations, and taking lho Inland Passage, offers o very Inducement to Invalids and others. , Froight will bo takon for Trader’s Hill and inter mediate landings on St. Mary’s River. No freight will bo taken alter 9 o’clock. For froight or passage apply on board at tbe Florida Bteam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE Approved Bisks will bo taken on liberal terms, id fo» usualctodli given on Premium Notes. fallowing responsible Stock Companies. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OK LONDON. BY BELLA PRENTISS, (spotanionB to whijouck a hem..) Administrator’s Bale. On the first TUESDAY in June next, at 11 o’clock, In front of foe Court House, will be sold— Lots No. 6 and 7 Forsyth Ward, oomor or Whita ker and Huntingdon streets, fronting foe Park, 46 by 180 foot, subject to a city ground rent of (—— por annum. Sold as tho property of Robert H. Griffin, deceased, by virtue of an ordor from the Court or Ordinary, for the benefit of foe heirs and creditors ol said ostato. By order of foe administrator. Terms at Bale. mayVd Administratrix 8ale. On TUESDAY, July first, at VI o’clock, In front ol tho Court House, will bo sold:— The southern half of Lot No 17 und Improvements, Hltuatod on Fast Boundary street; foo Improvements are six wooden tenements. Bold as foo property of foe ostato of Daniel Holiurtaon, deceased, for tho benolllor the liclrs end creditors of said estate.— Tormscash. A. E. ROBFJtTOON. my 18 Administratrix. Cottage Tract at Private Salo. Lot No. 9, Third Tytbing, Anson YYard, containing 65 8-10 acres, situated on foe Middle Ground Road about threo mllos- from the city. Plot or tho above farm cun be Heeu at our counting room. For sate low for cash. my 18 Garden I^nt at Private Sale. Garden lot No, 98 containing 6}i acres, lies be tween tho Louisville Road auu foe Canal, about two miles from foo city. Apply at onr counting rooni^ whore foo plot oan bo seen. maylS Pearl Starch. Just racelved from the manufactory— 100 boxes Frascr’B Pearl Starch, tbe best article manufactured. xm -rJfc &ttttion Skits. BY S. SPE1VCEBCPBBELI,. At Private Sulo. 2,000 bushels of Rico; an excellent article or feed for stock of all kinds, perfectly dry and in good or der, at 26 cents por bushel. Call and examine It. may24 At Private Sal o. Southern half of lot No 36, Chatham Waru i«\ «. Savannah, containing twenty-five and a L*u feet fronton Tatnall street, aud uinotv and three quarter foot In depth, subject to a ground rent of twenty-one 10-100 dollars per annum. For farther particulars inquire at the (xiunting Room, 164 Bay street. . - „ “At Private'Batei A few fine llthogruphed pictures, 22 x 28 luches, orstone Mouutaln. DoKalb County, Ga*, aud Tawa laga Falls, near foe Indian Springs, Ga., for sale h»w. Jan 10 AND BROUGHTON STREET HACK LIVERY STABLE. . The undersigned having put foe abovo Stables in good condition, are prepared to accommodate fooir i customers with Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, 8ulkics, Ao., with aouud, gentle, and well broke horses, and careful drivors. Horses boarded on accommodating terms, and well cared for, Im pairs of fine Curriugo Horses for salo. Inquire cot nor of Barnard und Broughton streota. apll4—ly STEVENS k ELJJSTON. THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY 1 PRYOR’S OINTMENT. (4,282,488 97 Bettiamln C. MlUer, Secretary, Joseph L. Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. ♦The funds of this Company are all safely in vested In first class bouda aud mortgages, stocks, cash, and ured by **"* ,, " , “ uotes of members fatly secured by foelr policies. For farther particulars inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent in Savannah, At tbe office of Boll A Prentiss. J, S. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. hkfkhkmck: Messrs. Paokuord, Fat A Co., 1. K. Twi, Esq., State Bunk- leu 29 agents for Fraser’s Starch Manufactory, CblUcothe, Ohio, one ortbe largest establishments In foe coun try, aud will keep on hand, a constant supply for foe trade. umyK Tobacco at Private Sale. Now tending aud for sale from store:— 40 boxes assorted brands Tobacco. Terms oa-li. raay6 Two Lola of Laud at PrlvateSale. Lot ot laud No. 219,17th District, Humptor coun ty, 202y t acres; lot of laud No. 23,1Qth District, jy Messra. Boll A Prentiss have boeu appointed T T is a sure and speedy cure for burns, piles, - — CblUcothe, X corns, felons, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, toss county, 190 acres. For sale low. raar!3 bouse no fan march 13 Horse aud Buggy at Privuto Sale. A first rate strong and gentle family Buggy Horse, a good roadster. Sold for uo fault, as foe owner has no use for him. mar 18 At Private Sale. Fairbanks Patent Platform Seales. mar!3 GRAND SPECULATION!!! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. AGGREGATE CAPITAL (6,000,000. YOUNG, WYATT & UO., NO. 86, BAY STREET, BAVANNAH, GEORGIA. RE prepared to effect Insurance, In cooAuuc- tion with the MERCANTILE INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 6, Wail streot, New York, tor auy amount that may be required. Parties requiring It can be Insured iu foe following Loudon and New York offices, vis: Excelsior. New York, Capital Stock Jt. Nicholas, do do Harmony, do do..... Beekman.' do do..... Oom’onw’lth, do do..... Jtuyvesant do do Howard, do do CornExob’gedo do Lafarge, du do Market, do do nov28 Marine and fire insurance. ,.(200900 .. 160000 .. 200000 .. 200000 .. 260000 .. 200000 .. 200000 .. 200000 .. 160000 .. 20000U THE INTERNATIONAL insurance Company. NO. 28, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOE BA VANN AD, James HI. Carter, AT THE OFFICE OP MESSRS. YOUNO, WYATl'd CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office, H-1800 PRIZES!^ $ 00,0 o o. IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. UV AUTHORITY OF TUB STATS OF OEOKUIA. Jasper County Academy tetter worm, f>oro nipples, (recommended by nur ses,) sore and cracked lips, fresh wounds und Mire* or any description, it is a most valuable remedy und euro, which can bo testified to by thousands who h&vo used it In nmuy portions ui the South for the last few years. Iu nu instance will foe salve do uny injury, or interfere withu physician's prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from people who have used It tliemrelven, and most earnestly recommend it to othois as a fpeeily und certain remedy lor the above named diseases. A trial Is all that ic nere.ssury for Its ow» recommendation. s^ohl by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., ami drug gists geuorolly. V, .(. MOORE. Proprietor, may 13 LuGrange, Ga. PEAS AND BEANS. A FEW sacks of beautiful white Peaa and r _ . . Beaus for sale low at J. OSMOND’S Offico, cot, of Bay aud Drayton streets, by apraoot . YV. M. JOSEPH. TO the ladies: J UST RECEIVED—A emi.-ignraent of Fri- setts, Curls, Bruote, nod Front J’iecos, from tbt mporler, aud will bu sold at New York price#. itir The colors now iu store are well assorted, and orders will he filled at any time lor colors not on bund, by G. M. GRIFFIN. Successor to late M. Eastman, may 6 2nd .Store above Pulaski House. I H1U LADIES.-— Gauze aud Thick Moriuo Ten Thousand Numbers Only. ONE PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKETS. CLASS N. To be drawn June the 10th, 1866, at Concort Hull, Macon, Ga., uuder tho sworu superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan and Jas. A. Ntabet, Esq. This Lottery In druwu ou the plan of the Royal Lottery of Havana of single numbers; this ban only 10,000 numbers, and tho Havana Lottery 34,000 nuiubers—tlie Havana 249.prizes, this 1,200 prices. Look to your Interest! Now is tho time. CAPITAL PRIZE—(16,000. 1 Prize of (16,000 is (16,000 6,000 4,000 6,000 is 4,000 is 3,000 to 2,000 is 1,0001s 600is 60 is 26 is 600 Approximation prizes of 20 are 10,000 600 “ •• 10 are. 6,000 3,000 2,000 6,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 1200 Prizes amounting to (00,000 Tickets (10—Halves (5—Quarters (2.60. vests, just received aud for sale by J. YV. THRELKELD, upr2l Con cress und Whitaker streets. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PINS.—A JCj i largo assortment of all sites English and Amer ican Pius, received und for sale by mar 18 LAI WON A ROGERS TO HOVSI3K101iI*I5UH. _ At. til. Old Stand, into lliatightai.-«t. R EFBlGERATOriS, Meat Sales, Water Cool- ers,Kedzio’s, Water Filtcrcrs, Wire Dlsb Cov ers, Fish Kettles, Soup Digtv.turs, French Tinned YVare, litmed aud Enamelled Stow Pans, Cooking Btoves, Cooking Hunger., Table Cutlery, Cedar Tub* und Buckets, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Clothes, Market, Travelling und Fancy Boskets, Bird Cages, Planished anil Japanned Ware, dr.. Also, Tin Ware, Irou an Copper Ware. Drusa Kettles, stove Pipes, Cooking Uleusils of all kiuds for Stoves aud Ranges, together with the finest assortment of House Fui - ulsbing Gouda In the city, marl9 HORACE MORSE. MEN OF THE REVOLUTION. M EN aud Times of the Revolution, ot Me moirs of Elkanuh YVutson. ALANSON MARSH, 8. A. ROLLU Firm of A. S. Barnes A Co. Childs, Pratt k Co. Livingston, Ballurd k Co. “ i. M. ’ Wm. . Dodge & Co. 1 H. A. Curtis k Co. ‘ Huh ted k Carte ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BALLARD, WM. M. DODGE, •* P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTIS, ” WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. L1PPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. RIVERSMITH, W. H. LYON, “ GEO. CHAPMAN, “ JOS, H. YVEST001T, « JOS. FATMAN, “ ” Fatmaii & Co. STEPHEN VON MOKES, GEO. 8AV0RY, “ “ Geo. Savory k Uo. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHA8. W. OGDEN, Vloo Presluent. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. MSF" This Company will issue Policies upon Ma? rlne, Inland Navigation, Transportation aud Fire Risks, at liberal rates or premium. Losses promptly atid liberally adjusted. . JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 81 No. 86. Bay Street. Prizes payable without deduction. jfST Persons sending moucy by tnuil need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attoudod to, Communications confidential. Bauk notes of sound bunks taken at par. Drawiugs sent to all ordering tickets. BF* Those wishing particular uutnbers should order immediately. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Muuager, mayl6 Macon, Ga. " * SUNDRIES.' 1000 Reams YVruppiug paper. 100 bales Twiuc; 200 Uoz Scrubbing ami Shoe tnoirs o Imprcssious of Kngluud, or Sketches or English Scenery aud Society. By Coxu. The Spanish Couqm-t in America. By Arthur Ueljw 2 vote. Klugsley’s Serimms for tho Times. Heart aud Home Truths. Uy Kev. K. IVittmgbam, Junior. uur Church Music. A Book for Pastors and Peo ple. legion, or Feigned Excuses. Tho Nigbtiugule, or A Kind Act is Never Lost.— A talu of the Kussiaii war. L'nisou, or the liturgy. By A. Gillord. life of Sclmiiiyl, and Narration of thu Circassia War. Hlawuthu—uew supply may2 NY'. THORNE WILLIAMS. 1 W. H. Lyon k Co. 1 1 Briggs, Westcoti A ( _J’ PREMIUM FULTON MARKET BEEF and PORK. Beef tongues. Smoked and Pickled Pig Bacou, The celebrated Uerwiok,' uo Salt Petre Hams. The first Importation soon Vo arrive BARRON’S. Jan 4 Corner YVhitaker and Oharlton-sta. B ALDWIN APPLES—40 bbls very superior Baldwin Applos, now landing por brig J K Rhodes^ for sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. S 1 efficiency. Indeed, foe Board of iu purchasers.. Water Commissioners here, soy in *th«ir Mhuurt it la foe only Filter that does effectual lypurteyfoeBarannah River Water. call and see one in operation at our House Fur- mb it Corner ofBroughten and Bull eta, —HtioRf, may20 WILLIAMS k RATCLIFF. COD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER RINGS. FRONTS, Columns, Window Sills and Lintils, Iron Doors, Shutters, Ac., at Northemprices. He is also -*■* J tror~ ILJ> Will tike contract. fijrBuiltHi^tndWorlclDfi Ha- aoorj of overr deacrlpitoB. • Raaldama, So.S»a Jewett's RenRo, South elde Jonee at ' WILMOT’S JKWELliV d'fOllK Is receiving by every urrj-^ytftfC ftral a large and rich assort-^Mar w— mentor Cold and Sllvor Wetcbes, Dlamoui _ extra No laud No. II Maofieral: 10 do extra Plokle Borrlnge, fio boxes Smoked Herrtnge In aiare and Tor sale by DAVID O’CONNFB. may 10 Corner Broghton k Drayton eta, As agent — ired to exhibit a great varlo- HENTS, TOMB STONES, Ao. aiso iron iumuub iu groat variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up foe work at man- facturere’prices. H. H. LINVILLE. Savannah, April 11,1866. aprll TO WOOL SELLERS. BALTS OF LEMON. f&ISmentor Gold ana silver i Wax, Deer Sklne, end Coontey Prodooo In generel. BS" Eer and Flngar Rings, Uantlo and other The ilgbestoesbprlcee will be »ld tor all the above docles, gpoone, Forxa, Tex Sells, Oestere, to., or articles on delivery Jn Sevxnnxh. Nr. L. J. OUTLr Sterling Silver I MARTIN bu been xppolntcd el Agent, to whom ell Jewelry in every variety, • pereono having baataeM iraniaeUoni with tbe -Ivory Table OoUery, line Pocket Knlvee and I Seralgned may apply. lt „ Scissors. I J. We dmi lot«Wi Rich China and Parian Vases, and other trtlcloe. Sevxnnxh, Uty m, I860. mey20 Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to nte I gift' qirn f nyaihi. TWeS^oL 1 : e P .7rt % kind, orwxtebe. end deck, reared by the QtW>a ' ied 1,0B ’ modt experienced workmen. or Sheet Iron B HORACE MORSE, N.,?Z&., I «otl» 1.0 Broughton et_ VElTHBim FLOWER SEEDS. TUST Received, a large, select and fresh sup- el ply of Flower Seed, consisting of _ fang or over one hundred different varieties, soleetod expressly for foo Southorn climate, for sale by J. fi. DxFORD, ApofoecarloB 1 Hall, fob 26 Cor. Broughton and Barnard sts. may!3 I gPRINO AND SUMMER CLOTHING.-The PIANO FORTBBi HAYTNG lately received large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wo are enabled to ofier at this time the ’greatest variety from foo best manu facturers, from foe plainest square to foo most elab orately carved, and from six to seven octaves. Our Pianos aro selected from foe manufacturers whom we have fall confidence in, and we aro par- fbr Palatka, East Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Pcmandina, Jacksonville, Middlebury, (Black Creek,)andPicolata. -IT— ^ The new and elegant steampacket QSjgSgHKSL JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leavosovorysaturday morning, at 10 o’clock, for foe abovo places. Froight will bo taken for Trador’s Hill and inter- medluto landings on St Mary’s Rlvor. 49- No freight will be taken arter 9 o’clock. For froight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at foe Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near foe Gaa Woiks, or to apr2l CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. T^llfcsu GARDEN SEED.—Early Peas, Beans J; Quit “ Onion Setts, Jo., received by tue steamer, and for sale by J. B. MOORE <£ CO., feb 6 Gibbons’ Buildings. P LUMBING, In all lt» vorioua branches, at- © subscriber would Invite foo attention of aU tended to at foo shortest notice, and in superior I In want of SPRING AND SUMMER ClX)THING,to ■ - Baths, Gaivmnls- Uls atock which bas Just been received, at foo Star style. Also, may be found 8hower Baiba, Galvanls- \ his atock which hao Just been recel e.f Iron. Tin and Loaded Bath Tul»; Copwr Boilers, aofolag Emporium, 147 Bay street, intent Pan Water Clooets, Uad Pipes. Wjoot Lead, | aprlt WM * , Brass and Plated Cocks. Force Pumpa. indla Rubber I lose. For sale at the Houso Furnish Store, No. 166 HORACE MORSE. Urougliton-streot. marlO We fire rewiring the London Lover 'Uio moalc White Good, Watcbee, of tho moafc»lebrateilinakara,ln .Gold and Sllvar oaaea. R. F. Oooper'a Do. UILL8, Lucca, Embrolderlea, ^ a Him. Ac.,Juntbelng oynedff Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Watches,"Watches for Tlmlag Horses, fine Swiss Chronometers, which we offer at reasons ble prices, at our now store In Gibbon*MRgnp. aeptiZS D. B. NICHOIB k CO- Jib DRAPER AND TAILOR* JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. The subscriber takes foie opportuifity N - PIHAMPAIGN, &C^- l • »o baskets Heldselok Champaign, quarts, l to Inform hie Wends and foa public, foal Htt ■be is enabled, from experience, and the (H —Lintultivo perceptions of foe trufos of«JUa sciouco, based on foe common rules of surveying farms, both plane and spherical, to cut and make up yarmonta to fit foe human form In foe most complete pints, pta and qte, do, 25 do do do, 160 de douche do, 60 do EufineClicqnotdo, 76 do Glrslere Verier do. 100 boxes Leiden’s Rhine Wine and Brandies. In store and for sale by ^ mM __ Jxn31 WEBSTER A PAIAIKS. anil tlDUhed style, to all who may favor him with a call. 1 lfay«» fancy dreasae, Ball costumes, Military and Firemen’s Uniform*, Jco., to. ’ {•. HORACE GRANT, Jogoreon it., ou door North of Bronghtoo alreet. doe 7—1, (TAN CONSIGNMENT- U 10 bble. Mooongabela Whisky i 10 do ^to'i 8 do Domestic Brandy; F °. r eSm h " ,, ^ FATTEN, HUTTON k CO. Id great viulety, and i 9 * L tioularly requested by them to givo a guaranty with every instrument sold by us os regards durability, tono, to. Persons in want ora first rate instrument may re ly with safety upon getting such a ono by selecting from foe following makers, whose instruments we endeavor to keep constantly on hand, via : II. Wor cester, J. Cbickoring k Son, Nunns k Clarke, Bacon k Ravens. H. Waters, and Haines. Brothers k Cum- Z£g! ’ I. W. vioRRELL k CO. aug27 ■ NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. The ships comprising this. line are— L, ATLANTIC, Capt. West, | BALTIC, Capt. t5 PACIFIC, Capt. Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt. Theao ships having been built, by contraet, ox- prossly for Government sorvlce, every car* has been taken in their construction, as also in foelr en gines, to insure Btrengfo and speed, and foelr ac commodations for passengers are un equaled for ele gance and comfort. .. Prices or Passage from New York to Liverpool in first cabin (180, in second cabin (76, exclusive use of extra state-rooms (326. From Liverpool to New York, £80 and £20. An oxpejrloncod Surgeon attached to each ship. No bortbs con bo secured until paid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 60 YVall street, New York. BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO., Uverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD k CO. B. G. YVAINWRIGHT k 00., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. ., The owners of theso ships will not be ao- oountablo for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious stones, or metals, unless bills of lading arc signed therefor, and foe value' thereof expressed therein. Shippers will ploase take notice that the ships this lfpo cannot carry any goods contraband of war. PLANTATION GOODS, AND GOODS FOR HOUSE SERVANTS. 4 LARGE And fine supply of Blankets, white and colored, at ail prices. Kerseys or every dption, from 12X to 60 cents. M, % and 4-4 brown Shirtings, striped and plain Cotton Oana- Burp. Plaid and striped Homespuns, Shirting stripes, plain and Twilled red Flannols, wool Cape and Scotch Bonnets, plaid Linseys, blue Romals and Head Handkerohiefa of various styles and prices. The attention of Planters and others in want of the above, ia Invited to an examination of our stock, whiohts now complete aud well selected, oct 24 AIKIN & BURNS. GENTLEMEN'S DRESS ARTICLES, FOR BRIDAL AND 0THERPURP08E£ J UST received: Freeh White EldOIovea; White Silk Neck Bcxrto endCrxvaU j While Hxudkerehleto: While Hoeleryi While Shine ; White 811k and llxrxxlllee Veeta, and other ombloms of EMPOm. PM. No. 147 Bat Bteiit. W.O.PBIOE. ” Goods, Heeler;, Gloves. — -.— ww |i I per steamer Florida, aud J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congecss and Whitaker sts. A LE^-60 bbls. Taylor * Sons saperior Ale A received, «d tor «»>« hJ HQN my 14 206 and 207 Bay stroet. T^EATHER DUSTERS.—Just received and J: for sale by J. W. THRELKELD, may3 Congress and YVhitaker streets. QAA KEGS New Jersey Zinc Co.. Parlor jflUv Zinc, a superior article, for sale low at CHAFFER k CO.’S, No. 6 YVhitaker street. apr30 3 A Afl Bushels Pennsylvania Oats: .vOv too do do Uercor roiatoee 20 barrels Bcllverron Whiskey; «» cask. Cetxwbx Drtndy. luetoroandtorsxleby J. H. GYRE. aprSO 84 Bay alreet. F )B LADIES’ TRAVELING DRESSES— flray Bohslr Lustro, Just received pereloxmer Alabama, and tor sale by J. W. THRELKELD, Ouugreas aud Whllaker streets. aprl7 oerl AUCUf * BORNS. 20 fSrm j_1000 boahela prime Com to (tore and tor salt by o A ORKINER IUH—2S barrels Extra umai »»» 84 Bay street, mayU iOTATOES AND APPLES—Juat received A. b “ b ' ,,, to'"**: "^’SiviDO'coffiR, For maylo Comer Broughton and Drayton sts. ODPISH7MAOKEREL ft HERRINGB.— (J juat received 6 hhds. choice Codfish; 20 bbls. extra No! I and 2 Mackerel; 10 do extra Pickled ftSSft“ ““^StVlD'S-'oONNoi!; maylfi 7 Cor. Broughton and Drayton ate A DAMANTINE CANDLES.—100 Boxes Su- porlor Adamantine Candles. In store and for ale by apr!4 HUNTER A GAMMELL. jjLAUK AND COLORED SUtK^-Juit re- ■ i colvod a fine assortment of foe above, also, Striped Grenadines, which w* are prepared to ex hibit, m«7 AKIN k BURN8. K&ftCK 'HELL SIDE AND TUCK COMBS, a large assortment received aud for salo by. LADSON A ROGERS, Jau29 No. 2 Shad’s stores. 60 M imported Spanish Sugars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio CoQei*: 75 mats Java Coffee; 100 dux Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family 8oap; 160 do Palo Soap; 76 do No.-l Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 hulf chests Young Ilysou Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 60 boxes Scaled Herriugs; 76 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 fr, a, and whole boxes Raisins; ed and for sale bv MoMAHON & DOYLE, nmyl4 _ 205 aud 208 Bay street. 2000 l^a of Oats, in lots to suit purohas- my 14 ' NOTICE rpHE Co-partnership heretofore exiting un- X dor foe firm of “JNO. F. GUILMARTIN &Co.” was owing to the doceaso of Mr- Guilmartin, dis solved on the 4th day gf January last. The subscri ber will attend to the uusottlod affairs oi suid Com- l>any aud respectfully requests all parties indebted to make immediate paymeut. JNO. 8HEKLOCK, 178 Broughton street, nearly opposite myl4 St. Andrew’s Hall, west. UTUAWJJERRY BASKETS FOR SALE AT IO tho House Furnishing Slum ol KENNEDY It BEACH, i Hodgson's New Block, corner Broughton & Bull its. aj»r24 Receive! o suit pun J. M. EYRE, 94 Bay street. P. JACOBS, 8EGAR AND TOBACCO STORK. No. 29, Bull street, (sigu of tho Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly ou luiud Spuulsh, Hull Spanish, aud Americun Sugars, at wholesale aud re- all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, &c. Juuel JAMBS McIlKMVY, lusurance Broker and Notary Public. Mariuo Protests Noted und Exleucii’d, Average adjusted, Charter Parties und Average Bonds drttwns Pullers preiwired whereby to recover losses from Amerlcuu or British Underwriters, und altcutiou given to all muttors connected with shipping and In surunce, No. 118 Bay-street opposite tbo front ol tho Custom House. ly uov 8 f i ENTS’ M01UN0 VESTS.-Gents’ superior Murillo vests Just revolved und far sale U) upr21 . YV. THKELKKIeD, Congress and YVhitaker streets. f^BESH supply of J: Check Matting. V und far suit* by may6 4-4,54, and 64 White und Received by tbo last Mcntm t, AIKIN k BURNS. JJAMS AND LARD- CO-PARTNBRSHIP NOTICE. rpHE subscribers have formed a Co-partucn JL ship, beariug dute February 2lst, I860, uuder foo name and stylo of JNO. SHERLOCK & CO., far tho purpose of transacting a wholesale aud retail Dry Goods business. •INO. SHERLOCK, YVM. K1NE. 178 Broughton street, uearly opposite myl4 St. Andrew’s Hall, west. '* RltlVAL of the aohr A. DEVEltEUX, with 20 bbls priino Leal'hird, 60 tin cans do do; 16 kegs SmUhliold’s extra lard, very choice. 150 lbs do Hams, superior to best YY'estpbaliu: 10 casks prime Tennessee Homs; Also pickled aud smoked Tongues. In store and for salo by uprl4 WEBSTER k PALMES. PATENT ECLIPSE ‘ Every mnn Ills otvn Card Printer. riALLAND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S KJ Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, the boM, clieu pest aud most convenient of any thing for tho purpu-t.- yet ofioreil far sale. ALP'RKTi YVEUSTER, Gen. Agt. upr 8 ly 135 Congress St. IN FUttltlATUFiT FOR ~TJlK PKtJpLK. Fruit for tbe Savannah Fruit Emporium. 4,000 Oranges, 200 bunches Bananas, 76 doz lino Apples, 5,000 Plantains. auto. Sweet Meats, Jelly Ac. For sale t>: marl? J. A. Bl WN. L ard and herrings- 20 bbls Prime White Leal Lard; 60 boxes Prime Horriugs. Laudiug und for sale by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. XfUTS, PRUNES, RAISINS, Ac.—fiOOUba JN Paradise Nuts. 1000 lbs Soft Shell Altnonds, rarauise a uu>, 800 lbs Brazil Nuts, 300 do Haxle do, 76 drums choice Figs, 1 case French Jar Prunes, 1 do Fancy box do, 16 boxes Layer Raisins. 16 do MR do, 26 do one-half and oue-quartor boxes Rai sins, landing and for sale by marl J. A. BROWN. gACONr—10,000 pounds well cured Ten mar 28 nessee Bacon, hog round, for sale by r28 YOUNG, WYATT A 00. DEWITT A MORGAN. D EALERS in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, oiler for salo a largo aud handsome stock of Ladles’ Dross Goods; House Keeping do; Bleached Shirtings; Irish Linens; hosiery of every description; Embroideries or foe newest and finest styles Laces and Muslin Trimmings; White Goods, Jaconets, Cambrics, Swiss Nainsooks, Mulls, Chocks, Brilliantes, &o. Plantation Goods, White and Striped Osua- burgs, Brown Shirtings. Blue Homespunns; Head Handkerchiefs, Hickory 8trlpcs, &c.. At tho lowest market prices maylo R ~ ECEIVED PER STEAMER AUGUSTA— A beautiful assortment or English and Ameri can Prints, Sprlug styles, fob 28 LADSON* ROGERS HEHOVAL. The subscriber has Removed on the Bay, next door to foo Republican, nj office, where he is now opening at aJUbfthandsome assortment of SPRING! AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell by the pattern or make to order in foe most fashionable style. Also, Ready Mado Clothing for foe present and coming season. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of foe same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering aud Repairing done at foo shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats aud Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Y'ests, for sale at a small pro- aprl2 JOHN W. KELLY. THE DUTCH RUPUftLIC. T HE HISTORY OF ITS RISE. By John Laforop Motley; in3 vols., 8vo. Price (0. Thos. Hood's Humorous Poems. Edited by Ep- pcs Sargent, 1 vol. The first and Second Marriages; or the Courtesies of Wedded Life. By Mrs. Leslie. Sprague’s Elements of Natural Philosophy; for schools and academies. Ida PleUfor’s Second Journey round foe world. The Teacher. Moral Influences employed iu the instruction orthe young. By Jacob Abbott. Tha Life and Works of Goutbe. By Lewis. 2 vols. Sportsman’s Vad* Mecum. By Dinks and May- A DVANCES made on consignments to our friends in Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. deo99 LOCKETT * 8NELUNGB. The White Lady; a romance of Love and War. By Reynolds. . Winslow’s Inquirer Directed to foe Work of foe Holy Spirit. Shaepao Racollectlons of Ameri apr* W.THOI JJRESS TBJfiMlNGB—Frtages, black and colored Moire Antique Gauze, aud other styles, in groat variety, and for sale by 7 AIKIN & BURNS. WHARF TO RENT. P ADELFORD’S Wharf, next west of the low er Steam Rico Mill, ono hundred and fifty teet front, to renton reasonable terms. Possession given lal Vnumnlui. nnvl PADELFORD. FAY & CO. 1st November next. muyl2 B LEACHED'SHIKTINGS. - 10 cases 3-4,7- and 4-4 Bleached Shirtings, dtUerent styles nst received and Cor sale R ^ IVOR SALE 75,000 bushels Cora to arrive. S' 1 "™,? YOUNO & WYATT. YtHOtoE OLOMONONG AHEI.A WHISKY. lo bbls choice Monongahela whisky, very old aud pure. Just received per Keystone State, and tor sale by may7 lot CHAS. A. GREINER. rfUKE notice, from this date, the 8nb»crll>ev ■ will take Daguorrootyos uta great REDUCTION From IDS FORMER PRICES. Ilia objoul in doing this is to bring it within lho reach of all to have PimmT 1jkkx»«m of themselves and frictuL lie will continue to take them tu tho same Superior Stylo, aud uso iiona but tho bust of materials, uu heretofore churucturizmi bis pictures. J. YV. MILLER, Corner Si. and Market Square. N. B. Instructions given iu tbo art aud instru ments for salo. sept 17 P ORTER & ALE- 50 casks “Byuys’s” plats Porter. 20 do do do Ale, 20 do ‘Mettclw” do du 10 do ‘‘Campbells’’ do do Landing and lor salo by myl4 HOI .COM BE, JOHNSON * CO. L ADIES’ SILK VESTS—Tbo best in the city. For sale by J. YV. THRELKELD, may 13 Congress aud Whitaker streets. ALL AST, 1 inar4 -75 toua Stone Ballast, for sale yb ROWLAND * SON. Ol . ___ O leftwns.-~Just received amt for pale by J. YV. THRELKELD, mny13 Congress and YVhitaker streets. SUPERIOR article of Colored Organdy Husnu*, all colors.—Just received and for nut*- by J. YV. THRELKELD, maylo Congress and YVhitaker streets. / tOTTON Shantbrays from 1*2^ to 26 cents.- - V Just received aud for sale by J. YV. THRELKELD, tnay 10 Cor. Congress nml YVhitaker sts. H AMS HAMS.-A superior lot of Hams ia ! store, nml Irr sale by OGDEN, 8TAKR k 00- P OTATOES,-100 bbls choice Mercer Pota toes, laudiug uml for sulo by doo 29 S&p A GBRtNKR M ANTILLAS.—Colored and black Aplique ilL and Lice, a beautiful assortment just received and for sale by mar 7 AIKIN U BURNS. NEW BOOKS. 3 D AND 4th Macauley’a History of Euglaud, from foo accosstou ot James fid. T fME—1000 bbls. Lime landing per schooner XJ Maine Iaw, and for sale by may7 BRIGHAM, KK1LY k CO. JJAY—GO bales Prime Northern Hay land ing per brig Phllura, and for eats by - BWGHAM. KELLY & CO. may" Z^IARPETTING, Matting, Window Shades v laceand Musllu Curtains, may bo fonnd at «pr28 AIKIN k BURNS. aprfiS T AWES’ FLESH COLORED SILK VESTS Jj g rearedxnar°,■01.1% L ADIES’ AND GENT’S GLOVES—Amapi- ulQQ.ntuxortm.nt or ladle.’ Md pal’. Thltota SUkOlovu, whit. «nd blKh, also MMrtwl colors, J«x»jcjlv K .m.dto r «l.dy iAM o ti k Ilugard’B History of Euglaud, 15fo vol. Groto’s HlBlory of Grcoco, llth vol. Just received by W THORNE WILLIAMS. Jan 10 M ay butter «c cheese- 26 Tuba Clioloo New May Butter; 26 boxes Choice Goshen Cheese, landing from steamer and for salo by SCRANTON, JOHN8TC may 16 [ON k CO. B UTTER—Choice Goshen for salo on consignment. may20 . WILLIAMS k RATCIJFF. 1^ ID GLOVES.—Colored Kid Gloves, juat rcT- XV. col ved and for salo by J. YV. THRELKELD, mar 21 Cor. Congress aud YVhitaker sts T>ACON—75 bbds Sides'aud Shoulders; 50 X> casks choice Uams of tho following brauda:— Palmetto, Trowbridge, Beatly, and J E Millor. Just received and for sale by _ may21 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO.