Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 26, 1856, Image 1

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CEORfilM & JOHRSTL . Dally* Vri-WHklf and Weekly. Unity Pnmr.jper yt.r. In idnnra..|9<00 Tri-Weekly Pupw » » a«o n'Hkljr l'»i«r •• •• aw Whan not Mill In nitnnm thn Dally will bo IB, amt llm TrIWoeVIy U. Tha Waakly will bo anil only to Himo whn jiay In mlranoa. Tim |upar will Invariably be dtscoMIninl upon the aai>lraUon or Hie umo for which It haa been |Wlil. MONDAY—# O'clock, P. M. Ocorylan & Journal Rending Room, Our Rending Room In the Exchange Is fraq to all subscribers to the Dally Georgian 4- Journal, to all contract advertisers in Its columns, to the Clergy or the city and to strangers Introduced by either of these classes—hullo none other.. Important from Washington. Washington, Hay 25.—Mr. Crumpton and the British cousuls Implicated in the violation of the American neutrality laws will be dismiss, ed to-morrow, (Monday). The President will auuouuce the fact in a special messsgo to Con gress. It is believed that Crumpton will immediately issue orders to the British Squadron, (in accor dance with authority received by him) which will lead to an early collision at San Juan. The Knoavllle at New York. New Yoke, May 21—Tho steamor Knoxville arrived safe at 5 o’clock thisalternoon, having cucountered severe north-easterly wluds during her entire passage. Nobfols Election.—An election held, In Norfolk last Thursday resulted in the defeat of the American ticket. The Argot says the aptl- Kuow Nothing gain In that city since the guber natorial election a year ago has been 600. Nor folk wasthe first Southern city carrrled by the American party. Portsmouth, opposite Norfolk, baa also gone for the Democrats, by a majority of between two hundred and three hundred. Beautiful Faurr—Accompanying some beautiful firult received this morning wss the following note. The donor will receive our thanks: The black berries we cultivated on wire fences, and the roots were planted last spring. I have thousand! maturing. 1 send you samples of the red and white cur rant, the red and yellow raspberry* and of the goose berry. I think, with proper care and skill, we may raise all these fruits at home. The products of “Raipordvillk.’’ Later from Kansas—Two Men Shot —Reported Battle—Threatened De ■traction of a Hotel. Sr. Loci*, Mo., May ‘24, 1850. Advices from Westport, Mo., to tbo 20th inst., state that a* two men named Cosgrove and Brannau, were on there way to Treamtou, they were flred upon by a party or Free titate men. Braunan was wounded, but Cosgrove flred and shot the leader or the attacking party through tho head. People are leaving Lawrence in great numbers, the towus of Klckapoo, Loavensworth, Doniphan, and Atchison were almost deserted, the grown male inhabitants having gone to the assistance or U. & Marshall Donation. It was reported at Jefferson that a great battle had been fought at Lawrence, and that numbers wore killed on both sides. No particulars or the battle were given. Tho hotel at Kansas city was threatened with de struction. It Is the properly or Massachusetts men. Bo certain was its destruction considered, that tho fumbles occupying it moved out. A reward has been offored lor the head or Gen. Pomeroy, and numbers or men were searching for him. The foregoing dispatches appoar in tho Charleston Standard of yesterday—The report or tho capture of Lawrence, published by us yostorday, does not appear in.that paper.—3tili there is uo reason to doubt its correctness—wo presume. MnujKRB bv ths INDIANS. »-We tako the following from the Palatka, Fla., Democrat, of lbe22d inst. We lcaru from Brig. Gen. Churchill, or tho U. S. army, that while on bis way from Tampa hero, ho took lodglugs for the night on Wednesday, the 14tb inst., at the house or Whitfield; 36 milosfroro Dun- pa. Before he left Whitfield’s, he learned that the Indians approached Capt. Bradloy’s house, a few miles distant. Bradley’s family bad returned from supper, and the children were in an open passage of the house, wheu the Indians flred a volley which killed a little girl and mortally wounded a boy fif teen years old ; he ran luto the house, got a guu, uud returned tu the passage to Are, wheu he foil dead. The mother, Mrs. Bradley, ran out and ear* ned her children into the house. The Indians shot at her without hurting her or any more ot her chil dren. Cayt. Bradley, who was prostrated on his bod by sickness, arose and returned a Are ou the IndiauB with two or three guus which he bad In his house, which caused them to withdraw. Captain Bradley bad a married daughter living at a distance, hut within hearing or the firing. She sent a negro boy to ascertain the cause—he went to*Brad!ey’s house and returned without molestation—he did uot boo the lndtaus. Bradloy thinks there was not less tbuu fifteen Indians, although at the first dlschargo his daughter did not hear more than six or seven re ports. He was also or the opinion that the ludlaus were about his house all night. Captain Bradley sent a statement of the Tacts to Gen. Churchill; and besides this information Gen. Churchill saw persons who had visited Bradley’s house. Tho mall stage betwen Ocala and Tampa is discontinued. General Churchill was In the first Seminole war of 1836, and was lately ordered out here, on a tour of observation, by the Secretary of War. Lawrence City. The loss to the world will not be great, even should the telegraphic dispatch announcing that Lawrence has been “destroyed” prove literally true. The following ploture of the place appears in the Hartford (Conn.) Timet. The source whence it comes leaves no room to doubt but that It is as favorable as tho facts of the case would warrant: “Mr. Pease, of this city, who recently went out to Kansas with Mr. Lines’s company, has returned. He says that Lawrence City presents an unfavorable appearance. There la no thrift, no prosperity, apparent; but whiskey—poor whiskey, too—is poured down on every hand. It is dealt out In almost eveiy building. Drink* Ing la the principal business, audit Is backed u > by Idlers, the people generally waiting for ‘ah ’ from the East* Sharpe’s rifles were offered to him, he says, for ten dollars each. The price in Hartford, where they are made, Is $26 and $28. Exaggerated stories are started in Law* rence City, and sent off to keep up the excite ment at the East, and bring in more aid to sup port the idlers in doing nothing except to drink whiskey, circulate false reports, ana talk poli tics. Such Is the state of things in Lawrence, the result of unusual efforts to manufacture slavery agitation with reference to the coming presidential election.” Tub Havana Newil—The Havana correspon-, dent of the New York Journal oj Commerce writiug under date of May 18, says: It is intimated that several Spanish veaselsof war will leave this week for Yin CruB, to en force the payment or recognition of certain claims by this Government against Mexico, cre ated at the last restoration of Santa Anna to power. Health of Havana good. We have some "Costa Rican” excitement and sympathy here. Their cause has the prayers of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, *Ud it fow incog* Span ish swords. Excitement in Waihington—Mr. Benton anil hi* family—Mr. Benjamin and the vetoet. Wahuinuton, May 23. The oity of Washington la to day realising in in a forcible manner the exclusiveness with which the publlo mind may be absorbed with one exciting subject to the banishment or many others which were but recently regard* ed as of deepest Interest. Yesterday, the gloo my events In Kansas on the one hand, and the favorable Indications afforded by the publica tion of certalu correspondence of Lord Claren don, on the other, gave sufficient stimulus to every intelligent mtud. But iu the midst of thl s the uews was spread throughout the city of the assault made in the Senate Chamber, and in an instant tills took possession of every faculty, and up to the present hour, there have been few words on the other themes. I speak not of the interested partizans of eith er of the parties to that occurrence, but of the feelings and convictions of the true and stead- test people of this city,whose home Is here, who desire peace within that home, and who tremble for its permanence when the permaneuce of the Union is threatened, or when a stigma is cast upon their city. Does this leeliug uot extend beyond Washington? Surely It does, and surely the thiuklng millions of this republic uro regard ing the eveut of yesterday, “more in sorrow than in anger,” It may be, yet with a deep if silent rebuke. What the provocation was is not essential to be known. A Senator within a Senate house, aud a Judge upou the sent of jus tice must be Racred troiu assault aud menace, or it were better that even the name of liberty should be forgotteu. On meeting With Col. Benton, ou I’ensylvania Aveuuo, to-day, I spoke of this affair. “ Sir,” said he, “ it is not a question relating to Mr, Sumner, uor to Mr. Brooks. It is a higher ques tion. It affects the name of Republicanism. The names ot those gentlemen may not be remem bered after being once repeated, throughout Europe; but this occurrence will. The memo ry of It wtU live as a reproach to our form of Government until something even more disre putable shall efikee it” Mr. Benton is about to proceed to Missouri, where his friends have nominated him for Gov ernor. How Btrange Is the Infatuation of pub- lie life! He has a highly interesting family of children and grand children. A more Intelligent family may not be found within the whole wide cotratiy—daughters, sons-in-law and grand chil dren—nor, perhaps, a family more wealthy; his foreslghtednesa and skill, and the inspiration he Imparted to his sons-in-law, no doubt obtain ing all their wealth. And yet, ever restless and ambitions, he keeps his family separated, often by thousands of miles, and he clings to the long accustomed honors of public life with a tenacity that seems a part of his very nature. I Btated heretofore that In vetoing the St* Clair Flats and Mississippi bills, the President was consistent with himself, and Mr. Beqjamin, of Louisiana, has sought to prove It otherwise, but sought in vain, as I must continue to be lieve. This position of Mr. Beqjamin is to be regretted, though the interests of New Orleans are so deep in the shallow waters of the passes (this, to be sure, is like a Hlbsrhianism!) that Mr. Beqjamin must be pardoned for floundering a little. Impartial. The Brooks ami Sumner Affair. The account given by the Washington corres pondent of thy Herald is perhaps as reliable as any other: Mr. Brooks waited at the Porter's Lodge about —i hour yesterday, and as long this morning, hoping to meet Mr. Sumner, with a view to at tack him. Failing in this, he entered the Sen ate chamber to-day, just as that body adjourned, and seeing several ladies present, seated himself on the opposite side to Mr. Sumner. Soon all disappeared but one. He then requested a friend to get her out, wheu he immediately ap proached Mr. Sumner, and said, in a quiet tone of voice t Mr. Sumner, I have read your speech with great care, and with as much impartiality as I am capable of, and I feel it my duty to say to you, that you have published a libel on my State, and uttered slander upon a relative, who is aged and absent, and lam come to punish you. At the concluding words Mr. Sumner attempt ed to spring to bis feet, showing flght, but while In the act was struck by Col. Brooks a back- handed blow across the head with a gutto per ch* cane near an Inch thick, but hollow, and he continued striking him right and left until the stick was broken into atoms, and Mr. Sumner was prostrate and bleeding on the floor. No one took hold of Col. B. during the time, so quick was the operation; but immediately af terwards Mr. Critteudeu caught him around the body and arms, whenCoLB. said. “I did not wish to hart him much, but only whip him.” No one knew of the anticipated attack but the Hon. H. A. Edmundson, of Virginia, who happened not to be present when tho attack commenced. It was reported on the streets for several days previous that Mr. Sumner would be armed when ne delivered his speech, and that If occasion required It he would use his weapons. He was not armed when attacked by Col. Brooks to-day. It Is said, also, that Mr. Sumner gave out before he made his speech that he would bo responsible for anything he might say. Speaking of Sumner’s outrageous attack on Judge Butler, the Washington correspondent of the Columbia Timet says: Judge Butler once protected him from person al chastisement with a cowikln, and this, no doubt, is the cause of his excessive bitterness and hatred, on the principle that if you do a man a favor he will never forgive you for it Nkw York Stock and Monkt Market.— 1 Tho New York Journal or Commerco or Tuesday evening says Thore is less pressure In the money market to day. although somo borrowers are still negotiating for large sums to mako up the amount which their accommodations have boeu curtailed by tbo con traction of tho bauka. Tho stock market oponed with moro«stoadlnoss. Eric was not a favorite, but pricos were genorally a little strongor. Foreign exchange is offered more freely. Wo notice no quotable dcclino in rates, but drawers show more anxiety to sell large linns. Land Warrants.— 1 The Washington Union says:— Tbo markot for land Warrants coutluuns dull and drooping. Annexed are tho pricos current in this nkwh ok the day. There Is very little foreign uews to-day, but that little is uot encouraging us to thu eimUuuuuue oi order lu Turkey. At Mecca (tin authorities liave set the Sultan atdoUanno. because he 1ms permitted thosauctlty or thu empire to be violated, by, or courso, the concessions tnado to the Ohristinus. It is said that thirty Europeans had boon ktllodal Naplous. Omar 1’asha is uot uppulntad to tiio com mand in Asia Minor. Acrowdod deputation from Circassia had arrived at Constantinople, aud the Turkish Government hud forwarded ln»|>ortuut dis patches to Paris and London. Tho troaty or peaco hits boon followed by court courtesies in the capitals of Kuropo. Vienna has douo honor to tho Count Buol, and tho Count is novor tlrod of praising touts Naim loon, and com plimenting all tho Plenipotentiaries, with tho ex ception of Count de Cuvotir, who, has, however ample cnmpensatiou in thu honor dono him ut Turin. He is charging Count do Cuvotir With tho iuturitn administration of foreign affairs, uud bos dopotdtod In the bureau of tho clminbors, houjo iin|>ortunt documents on tho affairs of Italy. Tho question of Italy was Immediately to interest the Piedmontese Parliament. Boat in U to ho tho scuuoof great festivities in a few mouths. Tho Telegraph tells u* that there is a talk of Queen Victoria visiting thu Prussiau Court. It is said that Princo Frederick William will convey a pressing luvitatlou to iter MiQosty to ho present at tho marriage of tho Princess toudiu with the Princo Kogont of Budeu, In September uext. Paris is again made gay by theprodoncoofu royal visitor: hut pleasure id not permitted to Interfere with official hudltiedd. The army is to be reduced, and already 52,000 men have hueu discharged.— Mauy more will, uo doubt, follow; Ibr it id dudpuct- od that the Murionno Society oxtousivoly pervades tho ruukri, iwrtlcularly among tho Xouuvod. Every day mound uro bolng taken to crouto a public opin ion in favor or things os they aro. A iwmphlet noticed uldcwhoro, in our columns to-day, has boon published, to show how much Franco has gullied by tho peace, and bow much she dcHircd. In tiio Houho of tordd, ou Monday night, tord Cla- rcudon said, "Wheu 1 arrived iu Paris 1 bccumo paiufolly seusiblo of tho existence of a feoliug thore —produced by tbo tono adopted Iu Parliament and tiio prods—that wo did not intend to make pouuo, but to drag Franco ou in u war with us, oven uflcr dhu believed that thu objoetd for which the war was undertaken lmd been accomplished. But I must say that the Euqiuror did uot slutro that fooliug. Tlte Emperor know thut what wc had undertaken to do we should perform. Ho believed in thohouor of England, aud hu boliovod that uo British Minis ter and no British representative would undertako negotiations for the purposu of securing any selfish objects. But, on the other baud, tho Emperor woll 'enow that, tuithfolas wo should be to our own en gagements, wo should, at whatever risk or hazard, iuslst that ongagemoutd should bo kept with us.’’ Singularly enough, this semf-ofllcial pamphlet as serts that Groat Britain was avorso to pence. It is stated that the Legate of tiio Pope at Paris has protested against tho language hold by Couut NValewski in tho Congress respecting the govern ment of tho Roman States, and that at Romo a coin- K ioto answer is in preparation totho ebargo brought y the French, Euglisli, and Sardinian Plenipoten tiaries against the administration or Papal govern ment. The Catholic press or Frauco bus also taken alarm at tho subjeol. Though Count Cav- our and Count Waiewski. both Catholics, wore the parties that) introduced the topic into tue Confer ence room, the Uni vers vents its furry aud Indig nation on Euglund “at once revolutionary and Prot estant.” DENMARK. Hamburg, Wednesday.—Advices have beeu received, and notice officially given, of the arrival of an American squadron iu the Elbe. Copenhagen being mentioned as their ultimate destination. This event is supposed to be connected with tho expire-. Uon of the troaty or Denmark relative to the Hound Dues. ITALY. The Post’s Purls correspondent writes that the number of Austrian troops was greatly augmented in Parma, although the official Journal states the contrary. Tho Ausli lans are forming a largo camp of operation at Soimuu. It was exacted that the Euglish government might ho culled ou by Pied mont to send a squadrou to the Gulf of Spozzla. The relations between Piedmont and Austria are anything but pacific. FRANCK. Paris, Monday Evenlug, May 6.—'Trade brisk; accounts from the industrial districts are satisfacto ry. The rapid rise of flour has induced sales, aud a fall of five to six francs per sack ensued; crops look so fine that reserve stocks would be brought to market. Little or no alteratiqn iu the wine mar kets. GRKKC'K. Advices from Alhons speak of thu greut iudigua- Uon of the government at the speech of tord Pal merston ou the deplorable state of Greeco, which was ordered to bo publicly burnt, uud accordingly done. Just at this momont further acts of brigun dago occurred In the provinces, wheu French and English troops were ordered there. This act pro duced fresh irritatiou, and the goveruineut iiurao dlately drew up a pretest agaiust the Auglo-Frcuch occupation of Ureeco. BROWN, 8UIPLKT A AO'S VIKCL’UH. Liverpool, 9lfc May, 1850. We have to report a quletCottou market, and tlte demand throughout tho week having been freely met by holders, prices close scarcely so firm us at the departure of the last steamer. The business for the week eudiug last even ing. U estimated at 47,490 bulos, speculators taking 12,700 aud exporters 4,080 bates. Halos to day 0,000 bales. The following are Ihu official quotations : Fair Orleans 7d; fair Mobiles 0%,lair Uplauds 0.V V lb. Middllug 0 6-16; Gtf; 6»; ^ lb- Ordinary to good ordinary 6*f a 6*£; interior 4?{ a &X. Total stock of cotton in this port 632,000 bates; Am. 381,000; do. sume time last year, 684,- 000 bales. Am. 874,000. The Manchester market for Goods uud Yarns is quiet at lost week's pricos. The weathor continues cold with a backward Spring, and there has boeu rathor more doing in the corn markot at our last quotations, viz:—White Wheat 10s 4d a 11s 2d; red 9M a 10>« per 70 lbs. Western Canal Flour 28X a8*J{; Philadelphia and Baltimore 34a6d a 36s.; Ohio 86s Cdu 37s.;Cauada 36s 6d a 37s.; sour 30s a 32s per bbi. White Indian Corn 29s 0d a 80s; yellow 29s a 29s fid; mixed 29s per quarter.4 Quorcitron Bark in fiiir demund at 12s 9d a 18s 9d por cwt. for Philadelphia, and at 11s a 12s Od per cwt. for Baltimore. Nothing doing in Turpcntiuo. Rosin in moderate demand at 5s 8d u 6s 9d per cwt. Wednesday 2,000 bales, principally by oue or two operators. At the opeuiug of the market ou Thursday morn ing, seveu days’ later European advices were re ceived by telegraph. The lower grades were re ported easier in tuo liivorpool market, hut quota tions were unchanged. The effect of this report on our market may bo expressed in the same languago, with tho addition that it also lessened the confidence of the low buyers who vlsitodtho market, the sales on thut day being no more than 380 bales, and yes terday ouly 600 bulos. To-day tho iuqulry was butter, |>orhapfi than on any day during tho wook, but tho pricos offered were not such as to induce holders to trade, end tho Halos therefore wore limited to 21ft hates at ex tremes or 9% a II cents, making (he total sales of tho week 0,800 bales. Owing to the unsettled state or tho market for the past day or two, and the limited business transact ed, tho following quotations ure given nominally— Ordinary to Good Ordinary 9fra9>£ cents'; tow to Strict Middling lOalOH; Good Middling lOJf, and Middling Fair 11 cunts V lb- Cotton Statement. GALVESTON, May 17, 1850. Stock on hand 1st September, 2,062 Received this week at this port 2,832 Received previously at this port 67.836 Recclvod ut other Texas ports 20,093 Total *. 92,322 ExjKirted to Great Britain to date, bales 12,184 u France 1,670 Ollier Continental porta 7,003 ‘ New Orleans 19,250 ‘ Mobile ‘ Baltimore...; Philadelphia ry..« ‘ New York ..... 28,265 ‘ Boston, 9,657 78,089 Remaining on hand uud ou shipboard uot cleared ....bales 9,233 Hfl Port of Savannah.. MAY 20 Arrived. Brig Ganges, Spear, Lagua la Graudo (do Cuba) in distress, to J R Wilder. Tho G was bcuud for New York; on tho 22d expo- rieuuod a heavy gnlo, in which sho lost all yards and mastlorwurud and maintop must, aud put into this port for repairs. Hchr Walter Raleigh, Maubeu, New York, to Huu- Stoumer Wolaka, Klug, Palatka, Ac, to Clugtiorn St Cuuuiughaiu. Htcutnor Wm rfeabriwik, Taylor,Charleston, Ac, to 8 M Laffiteau. Steamer Oak, Leith, Hawklusvlllo, with 760 bates Upland and 10 do 8 I coltou, to J W tothrop A Co, J .Tones, Dana A Washburn, A 8 Hartrtdgc. Cleared* Brig Dauiet Webster, Williams, Uatb, Me—Deers,, Thompson A Co. 8chr Plaudotne, Beowu.New York—Beers, Thouip son A Co. SchrSnow Flake, Weaver, Port Jeffersou—Beers, Thompson A Co. Steamer Wm .Seabrook, Peck, Charleston, Ac—8 M Laffiteau. -The city J- Buying. Selliug. 160 acre wsrrauts , por acre, ...$1 00 a $1 01 80 do do .... 1 00 a 10! 120 do do .... 96 a 97 60 do do .... 95 a 97 40 do dO .... 1 10 a 1 12 Activity at the Navy Yards. Norfolk News has the following: The Navy.Yard in Gosport presents tho life of activity and industry, not often seen in our public establishments. All our sloops-ol-war, which have beeu laid up, have been rebuilt, refitted, aud equipped for instant service. The steamer Boan- ake is rapidly approaching completion and the Colorado will bo ready for launching in a short time. The Powhattan is re ceiving her new boilers, and will take her armament soon. Thedoubtfhl relations which exist at the moment with our British cousins re quires on the part of our government these [ ■reparations. The same zeal is displayed nail our yards and arsenaiB, and should John Bull wfeli to taste American powder, he will find it stronger and more effective than he anticipated. The New Plao of Nicaragua—con sists of three stripes, two of sky blue, with a white stripe in tho centre, and in the midst of the white is a circular device of the Seal of State, and the representation of seven volcanoes, in token of the volca nic range of Nicaragua. Missouri Politics.—Cot..Benton.— St. houis, May 23,—Tho Democrat of to duy publishes Col. Benton’s reply to the letter apprising him of bis nomination for the Governorship of Missouri. He neither accepts nor declines, but says he will’koep the matter under consideration until his return to the State. The Bentonlans of Platte coanty Con gressional District, have nomnated S. J. Lowe, and the anti Bentonite*' have nomi nated Capt Craig for Congrem, in place ef Ur. Oliver,the present representative. Senatorial Contest in Connect! out.—New Haven, May 22.—Five ballots were had to-day by the Legislature for United States Senator, as followsFirst ballot Toucey 103; Dixon 88; Gillette 28; Baldwin 5; Holley 1; Ingham 1; Fifth ballot, Toucey 103 j Dixon 91.— Further balloting was then postponed. Second Dispatch.—New Haven, May 23.—The Connecticut Legislature Jiaa ta ken a third unsuccessful ballot for Sena tor. The last ballot stood: Toucey 101 Dixon 92. The Legislature lias taken a recess until Wednesday next. The Now Orleans Plcayuno states that Gen. Sam Houston was in Alexandria, (Red River) about ten days siucc, on his wav from Washington to visit bis family In Texas. The American says he is in very bad health. There is much that wo aught to remem ber but more that we ought to forgot.] Nicaragua MiETwa in New York— New York, May 24,1856.—A largely at tended Nlchongua meeting was hold in this city ls«t night. Naval.—New York, May 23.—The United States ships Potomac and Sara toga have left St. Thomas for St. Croix- allwell on board. An American war stea mer, bark rigged, was passed on the 19tb, lat. 36, under lull head of steam and sail Public Meetings Called to Consider the Sumneb Affair.—New York, May 24, 1856.—A meeting of citizens was hcli I in this oity last night which denounced the assault upon Senator Snmner, and deman ded the expulsion of his assailant from Boston, May24,1856.—'The citizens held a meeting last evening, and denounced the attack upou Sumner. The St. Louis Nows of the 17th states that Mr. Geo, Anderson, a worthy citizen of Springfield, Illinois, was brutally mur dered on bis own premises, a few nights previous. « • ' —rrt The British steamer, at Havana, from Mexico on the 11th, brought $2,800,000 for London, and $100,000 for Havana I Departed* Steamer Wm Heabrook, Peck, Charleston, kc. Proueedltiffs In Congress^ Washington, Mat 23 Senate..—A message was received from the President returning, with his'objections, tho bill making appropriation for tho improvement of tiio St. Mary’s river, Michigan. Mr. Wilson briefly detailed the circum stances attending the assault on his col league, Souutor Sumner, by Mr. Brooks, representing it as not only against the right of man, but tho constitutional priv ileges of members of the Senate. Mr. Seward submitted a resolution that a committee of five members' bo appoint ed by the President, pro tem., to inquire into tho circumstances attending the as sault committed on the person oftheHon. Charles Sumner, a member of tho Senate, in the Senate Chamber yesterday,- and that said committee bo instructed to report on tiio statement of facts, together witli their opinions thereon to the Senate. At the suggestion inade by Mr. Mason, the resolution was amended so os to pro vide that the committee be elected by tho Senate, whereupon Messrs. Cass, Allen, Dodge, Pearce and Geyer were elected said committee. Mr. Stewart gave notice that he would at mi curly duy, ask leave to submit an amendment to the rules of tlilp-Senate, declining thut uny Senator is out of order who shall use uny iutiguugc reflecting on tho conduct or motives of any other Sen ator discourteously, of reflecting on any State other than the one he represents. A number of private hills wore passed. House.—Mr. Washburn, of Maine, from tlie Committee ou Elections, reported a resolution thut James C. Allen, or IUinolB, is not; and William R. Archer is entitled to tho seat now held by tho former. Mr. Stevens has prepared a minority report. The consideration of the subject was postponed till the month of June.' Mr. Cnmphell, of Ohio, rising to n qnes- hurt,,.,,, x«r York, n.Osdeu, tion of privilege, offered the following. starr &co, ’ Whereas, on the 22d of May, the lion. Preston S. Brooks aud Hon. Lawrence M. Keitt, members of this House from South Carolian, and other mimbers, either us principals or accessories, perpetrated a violent assault ou the person of Hon. Charles Sumner, Senator of the United States from Massachusetts, while remain* ing in his seat in the Senate Chamber, and while in tho performance of the duties ap pertaining to his official station; therefore, Resolved, Thai a select committee of five members be appointed by the Speaker to investigate the subject, and report the facts with such resolution in reference thereto os in their judgment may be proper and necessary for the vindication of the char acter of this House; aud that said com mittee have power to send for persons and ; )apers and employ a clerk and sit during he session of the House. Mr. Campbell modified his preamble, omitting-the name of Mr. Keitt of S. C\, and it was passed by a vote 87 to 72. During tne proceedings, Mr. Brooks, of S. C„ rose and exhonerated all others from any participation inthe assult. No one'knew the time and place at which the assault was to occurr but himself. The committee appointed under Mr. Campbell's resolution, were Campbell of Ohio, cobb of Ga,, greenwood and Spin ner. A uumber of private bills were’ passed. Savannah liicttlcnl College. Savannah, May 24, 1856. Tha Trustees of the Savannah Medical Col lege met this morning. Present, Col. Wm. T. Williams, Dr. J. P. Screven, Dr. R. D. Arnold, Dr. P. M. Kollock, John E. Ward, Esq. The President, Bishop Elliott, being absent, Col. Williams took the choir. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. A uote was read by the Secretary, addressed to tho President of the Board by Dr. C. W. West, resigning the chair of Chemistry. It was accordingly resolved—-that the Board of Trustees receive with regret the resignation of Dr. C, W. West as Professor of Chemistry in the Savannah Medical College, and that they wish to spread ou their minutes their appre ciation of his untiring efforts in the cause of this Institution, and of the zeal, industry and skill which he exhibited in his Professional chair. Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be furnished to Dr. West Rt Rev. Steuhen Elliott, President Board of Trustees of Savannah Medical College. Dear Sir: Permit me, through you, to ten- der to the Board of Trustees of the Savannah Medical College my resignation of the Professor ship of Medical Chemistry in that institution. It is with regret that I have felt myself com pelled to take thin step, and can assure you that it is solely from the most imperative considers, tlons of duty to myself that I do so. Tiie two sessions of Lectures past have satiE* fled me that tho manipulations of the Laborato ry are dangerous to my health, and cannot with prudence or safety be continued. 1 regret it tho more, because of the perfectly cordial intercourse which has always existed between the members of the Faculty and my self, rendering our joint labors both pleasant and profitable to me. It will always give me pleasure to contribute in any manner to the prosperity of the Savan nah Medical College. Yours, very respectfully, Charles W. West, M. D. May 20th, 1850. Joseph Jones of Liberty county,Georgia,hav ing been recommended by the Faculty to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. West, tho Board proceeded to ballot for him, and he was elected unanimously.) *Jt was then resolved that the proceedings of the meeting be published. And the meeting was adjourned. P. M. Kollock, Secretary. Memoranda, New York, May 22—Cld brig V R Curtiss, Dough ty, Savannah. Philadelphia, May 21—Cid schr Sarah X Smith, Smith, 8avannab. foreign ports. Havre. May I—Sid Nicholas Curwiu, Mumford, Savannah. 2d—Bid Southport, Wilson, do. Hnvaua, May 10—Arr A uevereux, Alchoiu, Ha- vannau; R M Charlton, do. Mizzenhcad. May 8—Off the port, tt’urd Chkpuiau, from Savaunab. Conalgneea. Per steamer Welako, from Palatka, kc— 0« bate} SI cotton, and sundry pkgs tndzo to Boston & Villa- longa, Tison t£ Mackay, Harden’s Express, King k Sons, Williams St Ratcllffe, J Ryan, J McNeill, Way St Taylor, and order. Por schr Jonas Smith, from New York—J W An derson, Brigham, Kelly A Co, J A Brown, M A Co- ten, Crane, Wells 6t Co, J H Garter, C H Campflehl, t) D Copp, Claghorn & Guuuinghum, Dana Sc Wash burn, W H Farrell, W W Goodrich, Gilbert k Tihleu Hunter AUammell, A Haywood, N U Knapp, Lynn St Snider, Lccketl k Suelliugs, Kouucdy A Beach, S M Laffiteau, J S Montiuollin, E Molyneux, Patten, Hutton k Co, Pursouo A Co, I Ryan, Ruse, Davis & lAing, Rowlauil Sou, J Hichell, Webster St Palmes, Way k Taylor, N B & H Weed, Wayue, Grenville St Co, Youug k Wyatt, Youge k Frlorsou. Commercial Intelligence. Savannah Market* May HO* COTTON—There uo transactions In cottou reported this morning. Bxporta* NEW YORK—Per schr Plandome-67,989 feet rough timbor, 63,149 fret sawed lumber. PORT JEFFERSON—Por schr Snow Flake—102,- 857 feet sawod lumber. BATH-Per brig Daniel Webster—113,751 root of sawed lumbor. CHARLESTON, May 24—-Weekly Review.—Cut- ton—The receipts of the past week amount to 6^8 bales, making the supply to date 460,079 bales. The exports for the week Juit ended amount to 10,116 bales, making tho total oxports slnco the 1st or Sep tember. 401,868 bales, and leaving a sblpplug stock ou band or 48,782 bales, uud on shipboard not clear ed of 0.484 bales. On Saturday evening, tbo 17th lust., we closed eur report on an unsettled and depressed market, with prices ruling in fiivor or the buyer, yet not suf ficient to 'jfl'ect our quotations, which wo gave as follows:—Low to strict Middling lOalO^c, Good Middling lOMalOJ^ ceuts, and Middling Fair 11a ll?f cents. . During the whole of the past week the general tone or the market has not been much altered from this state of affairs. During the early part or the weok the demand was pretty Ihir, with an easlor leeliug, from day to day, and occasional sales at lower rates than our quotations, but the bulk of tbo transactions barely sustained them, and. therefore, wo could quote no regular decline. The sales on Monday were 1606 bales, on Tuesday 1860 bales, om JOHN ULLBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND ATTORNEY AT 1.AW. * Office In the Court House. my 13 AftiVHOirr'HtaocfXoii; ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. 49* Office on Bay street, over tue Bank or Savan nah. may 18 R. F. COLE A BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Cole, K. F. Cole, Bay street, Savaunab. | Commerce st., Muutg’ry. MKFKKKNCKS. Holcomb, Johusou, k Co. I Cohens k Hertz, Lockett & snoliiugu, I Edwin Parsons k Co., Robert A. Allen, I Scranton, Johnston k Co. _ SAVANNAH, GA. myl8 Verm. ‘ * ~ wm. u. hake. WEBB di SAGE, (Rl'COINOOKS TO CAMERON, WEBB fit-OO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MKKT1NO-8T. CHAHLB8TON, 8. C., Will supply Couutry Merchants with Goods lu tboir • line at as low rates as they cau buy In New York, or olsewbere. sept 28 ly NOTICE. T HREE mouths after date application will bo ui&de to the Marino Bank or Savaunub. for tbo pay ment or two Twenty dollar bills, vis.: tetter B, 3070, uud letter 0. 597, tue loll halves of which have been lost. JAMES P. HUDSON. laUahossee, Fla., May 17, 1860. 3m* my20 JUSTICE’S COURT. My Return Day will be on the 11th, aud Court Day ou tbo 21st June next. Jurisdic tion $60, and to tbo limits of tho oity. my26 3t R, KA1FORD, J. P. CAMILLE; A Play In Five Arts. T RANSITED from the French, of Aioxandor Du mas, Jr., by Matilda Hornn. Received and for sate by WAKNOCK k DAVIS, may20 169 Congress street. ANTED'TO'CHARTER—'A vess'eToi 160,000 to 200,000 feet earrylug capacity, to load wuu lumber for Matauzos. Apply to may 20 PADELFOlU), FAY k CO. ADMINISTRATRIX hale. O N the first Tuesday iu Juno next will bo sold in front of tbo Court House, in the city of Savan nah, all tbo roal estate belonging to tho estate of James M. Bates, late of Chatham Couuty, deceased. Sold by permission ol' the Court of Ordinary, and by order ol tiie Administratrix, for the benout of the heirs and creditors. ANN B. BATES, may26 Administratrix. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Southern District of Georgia. Jb the Marshal qf the Southern Did rid </ Georgia, Greet ing i W HEREAS James Rachford do Wolf, James Fish er Jones, James Garnock. aud ltebbort Blbby, owners of the ship Elizabeth, nave oxhibllcd their libel or complaint In tho District Court of the Uuitcd States for tho Southern District of Georgia, alleging and propounding that tho said libellants are the true and logal owners of tbo said ship Elizabeth, of which Thomas Williams is and lately was master, that on tho night or tho Uftb of April, In tho year olghtceu hundred and fitly-six, tho said ship Eliza beth was lying in the River Savaunah, at Venus’ Point, wollin shore, and was at that time a staunch and well built ship, of tho burthen of nino hundred ■nd fifty tons, or thoreabouts, and sufficiently pro vided with apparel, tackle and ftirniture, and pro perly raaunod witli a sufficient crew to work aud navignto said ship, that ou tho Bald night of tho fil th of April, eighteen hundred and Uity-six, about soven o’clock In the evoning, a signal lantern was liuug out in tho forestay of said ship Elizabeth: that about eight o’clock on tUo night of tho said fifth of April, whilst tbo said ship Elizabeth was so lying at Venus’ Point, in tho Savannah Rlvor, within the obb aud flow of tho tide, aud within tho admiralty and mum- time Jurisdiction of tho District Court of tho United States, for the Southorn District of Georgia, securely moored, tho steamship Keystono State, whereof Robort Hardio was master on her way Irom Phila delphia to tho oity of Savannah, came up the Savan nah River uudor foil headway, and then and there, with great forcooud vlolcucc, ran into and upon the said ship Elizabeth, smashing tho side of tho fore- castle of said ship Elizabeth, breaking five of tho forecastle beams, Btarted tbo dock, carried away tho bowsprit, and other damago did to tho said ship Elizabeth, os lu said libel Is stated, rendering it ne cessary to dlschargo a part or her cargo, and to bring her up to tbo city of Savaunah for repairs, at greatoxpenHQ and loss of time: that it Is Impossible tooscortalu oxactly what will be tho extent of the damages, but as far as calculation can bo made the damago sustainod by such collision to tho said ship EUzuboth, amounts to tho sum often thousaud dol jars; that this occurred in the admiralty and mnra- time Jurisdiction of said Court, all of which tho libel- jauts pray leave to furnish proof of, and have also prayed a decree for their damages aforcsuid, and costs, and that tho ordinary process may issuo. And whereas the Judge of the District Court afore said hath ordered und directed that tho ordinary process should issue, returnable to the United States Court Room tu tho oity or Savannah, on the 12th day or June next, at cloven o’clock, A. M., Now, therefore, you are lioreby authorized, em powered aud Htrictly enjoined peremptorily to cite and admonish ail persous having, or pretendiug to have, ouy right, title, iuterest, or claim to tho said steamship Keystono State, hor machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, by all lawfol ways and moons whereby this monition may bo made most publlo and notorious, to ho aud appeur at tho Umo and place aforesaid, before tb* Judgo aforesaid, to show cause, If any they havo, why Judgment should not pass as prayed for, and to do and rccolvo what uulo law and Justlco shall appertain, uud whntcvor you Bbati do In thu premises you shall cortliy to the Judgo aforesaid, at tho tlrno aud place aforesaid, to gether with this writ. Witness tho Honorable John O. Nlcoll, Judge of said District Court, this twenty-third day or May, elgbteon hundred and flfty-slx. LAW, BARTOW k LOVELL, Proctors for Libellants All persons interested in this monition will take duo notlco. DAN'L U. STEWART, U. 8. Marshal. Savannah, 23d May, i860. Shipping and Commission Merchants, BAY-8TBBCT. 8 AY ANN AH. QA. YONGE dt FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 lUV-KTHKKr. SAVANNAH, UA. apr4 STTSoALPIN dillROTHKUS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. KOpt O SAVANNAH, GA* PATTEN, HUTTON * CO.,~ ~ FACTORS. Forwardiug aud Commission Merchants, Day-street, Savannah, Ga. S. UKJKKlT. M. tt. MNXLUNUH. LOCKETT dt SWELLING8, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga. Will attoud to tbu nulling of all kinds of produce. Strict atteutiou given to ruculvlug uud fur warding goods. niayjll ly Auction & Commission House, Macon, t Ju. a. r. McLaughlin, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from his friends consignments of every description. Takes orders lor Cotton. £1* Special Htteutiou given to the sales ol Heal Estate, stocks and Negro property, at public uud prlvatusales. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—U. A. L. 1AMAK. web 30 WmrSicAUUISTKR. nssuMsmseoB’ Marble Monuments, Tombs and Grave Htoues, furn ished on reasonable terms. Orders res ;pec.tfully solicited. up 18 C. HUSK. J. H. DAVIS. W. H. U>XU. KUNE, DAVIS di LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, UA. may 39 WAYNE, GRENVILLE di VO*, CUMillartlO.-fAMj^uSSw^i^ilEKCUANIj;, Da u-streel Sa vannah. THUS. 8. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, jy «{—tf ga vannah. _ Chattanooga. C. C.' POOLK, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Uryuu,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blind*, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var- njjfciilshes, Window Glass, Putty, die. -—aft Painters’, Graiuers’ aud Artists’ Brushes , ■H White wash Heads aud Dusters, Dry aud ^J^Mlxed Puluta or every description, Artiste’ colors in tubes, Prepared Cuuvuss, Ac. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with ueatness and despatch.— House, Sign aud Ship Painting, Ulldlug, Graining aud Glazing done lu tbo host style aud ut moderate prieeb. All orders Irupi the country promptly uttcuded i. men 28—ly FRENCH CHINA, wiUTE GRANITE, AND GLASS WARE. 146 aUBfiXu KtRKfcT, UIIAKUMIUX, SOUTH 4UKOUJU. The subscribers respectfully solicit^ from the traveling public, au inspection^ of tbeir stock of French uud English ^ Chluu, iu plain white, gold band, aud decorated dinner, desert, breaklUst, tea, toilet, tete-a- tete sets aud vuses. Also, Cups uud Suucers, Ate., ol tho celebrated Sevres China. While Granite of the best manufacturers. Rich cut French, English aud Bobouiun Gloss. They havo u variety of ornaments iu l’ariaiu*. Ware, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, uud others, uudStatuetcs of the Greek Sluvu, Vouus de Medicis, Aw., fiw. They have also a beautiful, durablo und cboup arti cle fur floors and hearths, of Plain ami Encaustic Tiles. Their stock being very general, carefully selected and imported direct, offers inducements to mcrcluuite as well os ramifies, to whom goods will bo put up at tbo lowest rules fur cash. WEBB fit SAGE, Importers, successors to Camorou, Webb At Co. R. D. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND CUUNSKLUm AT 1**W Office corner iff Buy aud Drayteu-sta 8 A VANNAU, UA. my II HENRY WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 8, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, nmy 6—ly ' ~ JOHN M. MILLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ...... . (Office at tho Court Hou»«.> Will practice in tho kupertor and Courts or drill nary. jauao H ; xrp , Kl ^ — ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner or Uny and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH. fob 22 8uiOft . —— D x. o»iiyENE7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-st., over Turner fit Co’s. l>rug tAors SAVANNAH, UA. nov 10—ly tiEOHGE ~TituU][ r ilolVAIt— ATTORNEY AT 1JVW. Office Monument Square, near State Bank HA VANNAU, UA. miv 10—ly JAMES M. SAVAGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1IIOMASVILLK, NIQMAH COUNTY, UA. All business cntiusteU to his care will receive prompt attention. _ lyr—niarl7 A NT1IONY MVCULLOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bavaunah, Georgia. Ad* Office on Buy street, over thu Bank of ha van • null. Ieb2 WILLIAM PHILLIPS; ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, GA. out 26—ly DAVIli U* WILDE,~ A T T O R N E Y AT L a W , 8PARTA, UA. Will practice in tho counties of Hancock, Warren Washington, und Baldwin. Kkfkrkncbs—Behu A Foster, Itabuu k Hiffilb, anti K. A. Souliord, Bavunuah. jau‘j "WM. C. u .\7\ELLY, A -r T O It N r. l AT LAW, ItAHkLIA, WORTH fXM'.VlV, ». (if*3T OFFICK, ALilAM./ Will practise iu the Sunni, u,Circuit, und iu Muton, Dooly and WorthCoimiiitam the Mucun Circuit. JtSr Particular attention given to tho collection ol claims iu goutb-Wcsleru Georgia. ju2—Out K* CUMMiNG* ATTORNEY AT LA W , tebl-ly iHwi.vru.N, cm. LANlEli ~diA N DERSON, ~ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, up6-ly MACON, UA. c. W. MAURY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. FRANKLIN, UKAKD CO., UA. Will attend to professional businush iu the tuuntica ot lloard, Carroll, Campbell, Cowota, Fayette, lien- wether uud Troop. Reference*—lion. K. Y. Hill, laGtange, Ga., Hon. David Irwlu, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel il. Jd. lidweii, Fayetteville. Gu.; and Mr. tt'ilham Dougherty. Co lumbus, Gu. Hupli-iy WM. S'. UASillitI,; ATTORNEY AT LAW, RAVANNAU, UA. AST Office over Thomas tt. Turner & Co.’s Drug titoro, Bay street. my? JOHN 8. NOIIR1S, ARCHITECT. IT AVING resumed the practice of hlsprules- fl siou, oilers his services to his friouds uud the pnblic os au Architect aud guporiutendeut. Dcsigus lot uny part of tho couutry supplied aud executed iu all thn various branches of his profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwclllugs, Monuments, &o. Thoroughly Firu Proof Stores de signed aud executed. Ufficc at presont in Bay Lnnu, rear of tho Custom llousu. jau 8—ly OXjOTSCXH’Q- EMPORIUM. 1 DOOK WEST OF TUB RBPUBLIOAN KKADINQ KOOM. Fine Ready-made Clothing ; Hats aud Cups, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Oaues, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, aud Faucy Articles for Gentlemen. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANNAU. Also, Suportiuu Cloths, ossimurs aud Vcsllugs, will be mado to mca- rare,unexception able iu stylo and workmanship, by tho host mechanics, at shortest notice • AST Orders from city and couuty solicited, .ft feh 6 UAHBEK SHOPS. Pulaski House Harbor Shop, Givens' Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski /louse, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Marshall House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. f PUE subscriber, thankful td his fellow-citizens X for tho liberal patrouuge ho has received, aud Is still receiving, begs respectfully to Inform them that ho has engaged sufficient additional first-class workmen from some of tbo best Barber Shops In Now York, uud will bo enabled to aeeommodute as many gentlemou as may honor 1dm with their pa tronage. N. B.—The Barber Shops aro elosod on Sundays— strangers will pleaso hear this in mind. SAVE YOUR MONEY CAU. AT THE NEW SHOE STORE, No. 142 BROUGHTON STREET. _uoxt door toliesBrs. J. Dickson fit Co’s. Confec tionary. You will thore find tho groatest bargains In Shoes over olfurod In this oity. October 16th, 1866. AS. f* HOOK. FKKD. T. TkBKAL. HOOK fit TEUEAU, ATTORNEYS ATLAW, OANDKKSVtLLK, (IKUKGIA. Will practise in Washington, Jcflcrsuu, Scnveu. Burke, Emanuel, Taituull, and Montgomery of tha Middle Circuit, und Wilkiuduu ot the Ocmulgeo Cir cuit. may 6 ■ scwiiiT’sMi'i'H, ATTORNEY AT LA W , AlJ.fUATOU, HAST KLOK1DA. Will practice lu the Eastern und Southern Counties Refer to—Col. S. S. Sibley, uud It. ||. Hilton, ta vuunuh. febVMl ClflAM. G. CAlilPBELL ATTORNEY AT LA W, MUXKLKJKV1UA', UA.? Practices Law in Uio various Counties ot the uc< rnulguu llicml, uud the adJoiniugCouutics ofTwigiio, Laurens uud Washington. Refer to—John Uustou, 11 Crane, and It. B Hilton. _ iut>l4 /Aa. W. lifjsiiN. u. f. SJKX/J. GREEN fit SMOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OetSd THOMAS!ON, UA. * UKOIOiE A. tlOHUON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AMI Commissioner of the L\S. Cuui l qf Claims fur the State qj' Georgia. office Corner Day uud Bull streets, ty my 10 UR. CHARLES II, CULLING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 14 LIBERIA ST __Oiio dour west or Drayton. my 11 J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COU.NSEU.OU AT LAW. TroupvUJe, Lowndes Coumy,Gu. (myll S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Moullcello, Jefferson County, Hu. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fuotixu, Savannah, Ga. myll EDWARD U. WILHOV, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs, Ward k Owens* Law Office. [myll JOSEPH UANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Day street, over thu Reading Room ol tha Itepublicuu, entrance immediately eust of Steatite Plica k Yeudur’s. uiayli WILLIAM II.'IMS!JEK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troiipville, Lowndes Couuty, Ga. Will practice in Tlwraaa, Lowudes, Clinch, Wan . Appling, Telialr, Irwin, Laurens, and Puloaht counties, Georgia; aud in Juilerson,Madison, llum- 11 ton, aud Columbiacmimies, Florida. |mytl WX. H. WILLIAMS, TllAmilxA OUVKH. JACK HHUVvV. WILLIAMS, OLIVER di UllOWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, .Murion County, Ga., Will practice iu the counties ol Marion, Macon, Moo*- ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muncugeo, l.oe, and uo» adjoining counties, where their services may be required. _ _ myll JOHN U. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Gaiirens couuty, Ga,, late junior partner ot the firm ol A. fic.l. Couikane, irwinton, Uu., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hi* care. Particular attention paid to collecting, lie lereuce—Dr, t. U. Guyton, F. II. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Mar.-li, Savannah. myll jesse t tT uernakd: AITURNKY AND UiLNSElAOR AT LAW, Ni'wuan.-.vide, Flu. Reference—George . brown, William Dell, New- nunsville, Fla., j:. II. ihltou, Boston At Viilalougb, Savaunah, Ga. myll hudbonT Fleming «fc co., Factors and CouunlNsIou Merchants, No. 94 Buy Street, Savannah, Ga., rpEN DER their services to planters, merchant* JL und dealers, lu thesatu ol Cotton aud all othu country produeo. Being connected in business with Hopkins, Hudson A: Co., ofCimriostou, the establish ment of uu office iu Hits city will ullurd our friend-, choice of market*. Strict attention will bo gi veu m business, aud the usuul facilities utforded custo mers. J. tt. HUDSON, I W. D. FLEMING, i Savaunah. labeth Hopkins, Augusta. iny II—tf COHEN. Chasleston. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards, Flanks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, IJght-wood, Posts, Ewteni Laths aud Palliugs, for sulo, at wholesale aud retail, low for cash, ou tho uow wharf recently erected ou tho Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen fit Co. tmir 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. Ct BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give his attention to designs iu Architec ture. Office in the store or Jolm Willlaimou, Esq., Bay street. iny_13_ N EW GOODSr—The subscriber haa received a largo lot of tbo following articles— White und stri|KMl Osuaburgs, Columbus Factory, White and striped Osuaburgs, Scbloy’s Factory, Bloocbod and brown Shirtings and Shcotings, Marlboro’ ond Manchester Plaids aud Stripes, Blue Dculrna, fiw., fiw. Also, afresh lot of cheap fast-colored Priuts. J. W. THRELKELD, mrlJl corner Qongross and Whltakcr-sts. A TLANTIC LEAD.—Constantly on "hand and for sale at CHAFFER fit CO.’s, aprSO No. 6 Whitaker street. Yf ABBf.tTMnntoia constantiv on luuid. and . for tale on tavorable terms by CHAFFER dec 16—61 IfcOO hKFhEIl di WILCOX, OeiKUte, OFFICE over Dewitt A Alor son’s Store on Congress-street, oiler their professional services to ths publlo, confident, from long expvi i- once uud past success, thut lu ail cusoa, they w»U reudor entire saiLsfactiuu. out 2 ti| DENTISTRY'.' Dra. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner St. Jultcu-bi. aud Market Square, over S. bn- mot’s Jewelry store. Office hums from 8 to 2 o'clock, nnd from a to 6. mar 11 com DULLEFIiURik WILCOX, Dentists. ARE now frilly prepared to iu- sort full or partial sell* Teeth ou the principle of Dr. J. Alleiw's Patent Cbniiuuous Gum. B) this improvement, tho form of tbu ftico con bo restored to auy dogreo of rotundity that may be desired. It is applicable lu all casos where the cheeks have lalte-u In und cauuot bo detected by tbo cloeestobservcr.- This method combines the followingi dvantages--- An artificial gum, which oxhihlts uperfectly uuiurat and llfo-liko appearance, and Imparts touiotbucih that peculiar expression which characterizes tho ua- tral organs. This Gum consists of a sllaclous compound which Is applied and fbsod upon the Teeth and Plato m such a manner, as to fill up all tho interstices around the base of the Tooth, nnd also unites them firmly to each other aud to the Plato upon which they aru sett. This secures perfect clcauliness or the Teeth, Office over Do Witt k Morgnu, Congress street. %* Republican aud Georg iun copy. fob 16—u THRESH MUSLINS.—A few more of those J: figured Lawns at 12K cents. Received per IM..temor fromN.w .oJfor,.olQ | by nuqrM Oooztmi ud WbUUw ilrMta. B. ELlilS, Factor and General Commission Merchant 1 KOi 71 DAY-STREET, SAVAMKAn, OA., Kotbsio—Hour.. Clagliorn & CunnlnrhBm. Boll * PrenilM, Oplea, Surr It Co., StTiuiuh • J. v Thompwo, flo.lou. nor l