Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 26, 1856, Image 4

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■fc ~htat1k"OV cHKohu IA.— : QHATHAM OOONTV^To *11 whom It may I concern : Whereas, Audrew Holliday. will ap ply at the Court of Ordinary for totters onHamUsiou on tho Estate or Artnand to Fox. Theeo aro, therefore, to cite nud admoulsh all whom It may concern, to bo and appear before sold Court to mako objection (IT any they uavo) on or be- fore tho Aral Itouday 111 Juno next, otherwise said l«ottcrs will bo grouted. _ _ Witness, John II. Milieu, Ksq. Ordinary for Chat ham County, this twelfth day or November, 1855. ■uov 1*2 JOHN M. M1I.USN, o. c. c. STATE OF GEORGIA', rill ATHAM COUNTY :-To all whom it may VJ concern : Whereas, John Welbrock will apply at tho Ctmrt or Ordinary for tatters Dlstulssory ns Administrator on the estate of II. Wolbrock : Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom U may concern, to bo and appear beforo said Court to make objection nr any they have) on nr before tho tlrst Monday in June next, otherwise said letters will bo granted. Witness, John M. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary for Chat ham county, this fourth day of December, 1855. doc4 JOHN M. MII.LKN, o c o. STATE OF GEORGIA, /CHATHAM COUNTYTo all whom It may Xj couceru: Whereas, John Welbrock will apply at the Court or Ordinary for totters of Dlsmlssiou as Admldlstor oh the estate of Carl Holt's, deceased : These are, therefore, to cile and admonish all whom u may concern to bo and appear beforo said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore tho tlrst Monday lu Juuo next, otherwise said totters will be granted. Wituess, Jehu M. Milieu, Ksq., Ordiuary for Chat ham County, this fourth day of December, 1856. dec4 JOHN M. M1L1JSN, o c c. STATE OF GEORGIA, /CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom It may \J concern : Whereas. George Jones, will apply at tho Court of Ordiuary tor totters of Dismission as Administrator on the Estate or Jane Cordon Clnrke. These are. therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before > aid Court to make objection (if any they have) ou or bo fore tho tirst Moudav iu Juue uext, otherwise said letters will bo granted. AW it ness, John M. Milieu, Esq., Ordiuary for Chatham County, this Uftecuth day of November, 1865. UOV 84 _ JOHN M. 5111.1.EX. o. c. c. STATE OF GEORGIA, /CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may Vycoucern: Whereas, Johu Mallory,will apply to the Court of Ordinary for totters Dismisory as adminis tration on the Estate of William Wrigut those are, therefore, to cite aud admouish all whom it may couccru, to be aud appear betore said Court, to make objection (if any they have) ou or before the first Monday in November uext, othwiso said tot ters will be granted. Witness, Johu Bilbo. Esq., Ordiuary for Chatham Countv, this e.ght day of April 1856. JOHN B1I.BO, o. c. n. apr 8 llefo. gorlt ^bbtrlistmciiis. From V. 11. PALMER, n root a l AtivKimsixii Jtxn jncwwAVXK aoknt, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, aud Baltimore. JAMESll. FIDLKS, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF Watches, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Fan cy Goods, die., no. 12, south 2n sniRUT, ruiwtucmiu. septs ly NELSON SWEEKEY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner Actor Place and 4th Avenue, in- ot.osK rnoxtMirv to tuk astok uiumkv anp th« >kw llllll.K HOI SK, NKW YORK. rilUB most extensive variety and the largest 1 stock of Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones,,Vo., InAtnerlea, can be found at this establishment, from plaiu to the must elaborate aud ornate lu design and workmanship. In addttiou to the stock always on baud, a great variety of drawings, appropriate aud original may be found, from which work will be ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, amt shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting the city of New York on pleasure or business are respevtthliy tuvited to visit tills es tablishment. oct3 ra From C. riHRCK'g AHVKKTWM1 AKIMOV. m'UIMLmvA, PA. Authorized Agent for tiio Savannah Journal. HEALTH AND COMlDltf. SPRING BED AND MATVRAS8 DEPOT. 200 cmewxuT kthkkt, immune joxim’ uonn» **E Subscribers would respectfully coll tlio . attention oT tho PrlncliHils oiBoarding Schools, _«ardlug Houses, Hotels, aud thcpubllc In general, to tho late aud Important Improvements they have made lu tho Rattau Frames, Harness Leather Hinged and Spiral Springs. These Beds aro a very durable article, cost little morn than Feather Bods, and are much more healthy, hi fact, those beds arc a roal luxury to tho well or sick, nd altogether such an article os when oucu used would bo deemed Itidlspcnsoblo lu ovory fami ly for comfort aud health. Persons from any {tart or tho United States may be supplied at tho shortest uotico, by sending their orders, giving dimensions of Bedstead, Ac., ad dressed to DOWELL & BARRK1T, oct3—Ora 209, Clieanut st., Plilla, A. L. ARCIIAMBAULT, VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND & DANVILLE, AND Virginia A Ti'hiimmc SUM M li It “{0a ARRANGEMENT. TOBTAUhE STEAM ENGINE BUILDER, 8. E. Com. I3th & Hamilton SC... PHILADELPHIA, Pa. P ORTABLE SAW MILL ENGINES, ou large wheels, with a tongue. Ihr n tcuui to he lit- Inched to move them about. These engines have two cylinders, looking from 10 to 30 horse power. Also, HOISTING or BILK-DRIVING ENGINES, from 3 to 30 horse power. Orders are filled lu from 3 lo 6 weeks from their receipt. Engines always on hand for sale. These engines havo boon in uso seven years, and in every instance have given gcuoral satisfaction. Description Circulars will be seut when applied for. feb 9—0m dAW HERRING'S PATENT FIRE-PROOF Shortest, most comfortable aud most e.\|*oditious Route to the C HATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold on the tlrst Tuesday in June next, before the Court House, between the legal hours of sale, lot number twelve (12) New Franklin Ward, in the City of Savannah, situated on the corner of Mont gomery street aud Battle Row, together with the threo-story brick warehouse situated thereon; levied cm to satisfy a certain tl fa. issuing out of Chatham Superior Court, in favor of Johu Sciulder vs. Clar- t-uce P. Hollis. Property pointed out iu said II. fa. BENJAMIN L. COLE, mayo Sherilf C. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. G i EOUGIA, WAYNE COUNTV.-Agreeably I to au order granted by the Court of Ordinary of Wayne County, will be sold beforo the Court House door, Ui the city of Brunswick, Glynn county, ou the first Tuesday iu June next, betweeu the law ful hours of sale, seven hundred uud fifty (760) acres of lamLJvlug in Glyun county, belonging to the estate of MSecca5Iauning, late or Wayne coun ty, deceased, ^sold for the benefit of tho heirs aud creditors of said deceased. Terms made knowu on the day of sale. This April the 15th, 1S50. JOHN D. RUMPH, aprl" Administrator. TATE OF GEORGIA—BULLOCH CU., May 20tb, 1856—Two months ufter dale application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell all the lauds belonging to the estate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, tor the beueflt of tho heirs aud creditors and said deceased. Uiy23-Sw JOHN E. GIBSON. Adm'r. G EORGIA—BULMJCH C*>.— All persons having demauds against the Estate of Thomas Mills, lute of said county, deceased, are Hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law. and those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to HARDY B. HODGES. Adm'r- May 20th, 1850. tny*23-6w ' NOTICE. T WO months from date application will be made to the Ordinary of Chatham County, for leave to soli lot No- 151, fth district, Baker, belong ing to the estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, may2 Administrator. NOTICE. ~~ S 1 ... iu Wayne County.—Will be sold in front of the Court House, in WayncsvHIr, HERIFF Sale Wayne County, on the first Tuesday in June uext. between the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: One lot of land in said county, contain- lug four hundred aud ninety acres, knowu as lot No. 105, iu the third district of said county. Levy made by a constable nud returned to mo. WILLIAM SPELL, S. W. C. April 24.1850. w td niayiS NOTICE. O NE month after date application will be made to the Bank of the State of Georgia for the payment of a Twenty Dollar bill, the left halt'of which lias been lost by mail. ROBERT B. HUTCHISON. Paulding County. April ‘-5,1856. npr26 VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH lir DAYLIGHT. And Baggage Chocked Through, except ou Stages. Visitors to the Vlrgiuiiiia Springs by this route, take the South-Side Railroad cars at Petersburg, or the Richmond nud Danville cars at Richmond, at 6 A. M.. dally. (Sundays excepted.) arrive at Lynch burg to dinner, aud thence, via the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, reach Bonsack’s Depot at 3 1-4, aud Salem at 4 P. M., and at either place take Kent, SumimTHiiii A Co’s Fine Line of Singe* l Those via Bonsack's lodge at Fineastle, dine at the Red Sweet, or Sweet springs, aud arrive ui tho White Sulphur Springs, (17 lnllefc) early on tho eveuiug of the second day Iroiu Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 miles of Staging. Or by the Salem route, stop all night at the Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, flO miles distant from Salem,) dine at the Red Sweet, or sweet Springs, and arrive at the White Sulphur Springs on the evening of the following day. The Virginia A Tennessee Railroad is located through a most romantic country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed for its salubrity and delightlultem- i*erature. Tho road passes the base of the UKAKS or OTTER! And within three tnilc3 or the Alleghany Springs, oue mile ortho Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, and within four miles of the Yellow Sulphur Springs; all pleasantly situated a few miles apart, on the Eastern s’ope of the Alleghany mountain, in .Mont goiuery county. The waters of these Springs are celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations are excellent, and have beeu greatly increased since last season. 43“Visitors to the Red Sulphur Springs take Kent, Summersun Co's Stages at Newborn Depot, on the evening of the day that they leave Peters burg or Richmond, and arrive at the Springs ou the following day to diiiuer, and Sail Sulphur Springs early in the uveiiing of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Xcvliern liepot to the lied Sul phur Springs, (38 miles.) hits been graded and greatly improved since last season, and is now re garded asoue of the best turnpikes in the moun tains. The hue of Telegraph from Richmond will be com pleted and In operation to the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs early iu Juue. Passengers to Knoxville, Temiesste, takeKeut, Summersun A; Co's stages at the Western terminus of the Virginia A IVuiie-see Raiiroud, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at tho rate of 8 miles per month) to the Eastern tertnl nus of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, aud arrive at Kuuxviile in 2 1-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. temrr Fare from Petersburg or Richmond. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bonsack's,$10 00 •• *• Saieui.... 10 50 •• White Sulphur Springs •* Ransack •• •• •• *• *• Salem... “UeUSulplier Springs •• Alleghany Springs •• Montgomery White Sulphur Springs.... •• Yellow Sulphur Springs “ Knoxville, Tennessee JSXots:.—The charge lor tickets to the Alleghauv Springs, Montgomery While Sulphur aud Yellow Sulphur Springs, does tot include the charge from the Railroad to the Springs. Passengers lor the Al leghuuv Springs. (4 miles distant.) take tickets t<> Shawsville—for Montgomery White Sulphur. (1 mile distant by a branch Railroad.) take tickets to Big Tunnel aud for tho Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant.) take tickets to Christian*burg liejKit. Con veyances will be found at those places. For further Information apply to e. a. Goodwin, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL," Sup't Richmond & Danville R. R., Richmond. E. 11. GILL, Sup't V. A T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT. SUMMERSUN A* CU.. mylo-Om Fineastle, Virglula. NOTICE, S IXTY DAYS alter date, application will be made to the Honorable, the Court of Ordiuary or Chatham county, tor leave to sell a negro girl slave named Elizabeth, the properly of the late Charles J. Zittrour, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors ot tho paid Coarles J. Zittrour. KATHARINE ZITTROUR. Aclm’rx. mar 24-tlj Est. Clias. J - Zittrour, dec'd. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. J OHN M. WILLIAMS, having assigned all his property, both real and jiersoual, to adjust bis debts, ail persous having legal claims against the said Johu if. Williams, will please hand them to the undersigned without delay, as it is quite desirable to ascertain the extent of indebtedness, aud to per- rect «speedy settlement of the assigned property apr28 HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. O EXECUTRIX POSTPONED SALE. N the First Tuesday in June uext will be .1 >1.. iiam.aIm II-........I....... U'-n-n ./sold before the Court l1ou.sein Waresboro, Ware County, Ga., by virtue of an order from the Ordina ry of Richmond county, Geo. tot of land Nos. 320. 322, 325, 326, 327, 012. 613. and 629, iu the twelfth. (Pith) district; Nos. 260 aud 367. ninth (0th) dis trict; and Xu. 499. in the eighth (8th) di-tru t of said Ware county; sold :ls Ihe property of Rnbt. F. Poo, late of Richmond county, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. ’ E. P. l’OK. mylltds Executrix. ADJUSTliATOit’S NOTICF.. A l.I. persons having demands against the estate of the late diaries S. Arnold, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly utte.-ted. within the time prescribed by law; aud all tho--e in debted to said estate, are requested to make imme diate payment to EDWARD PADELKORD, Uiav8 Administrator. ’ assignees notice; f 1L Louis Rohlder having made nn nssigu- 1)1 nieut lor tho benefit or his creditors, all per Hons indebted to him will please make payment to inc. And those having demands agaiust him are requested to present them, that payment may be made as fur os the assetta will extend. A. BONAI’D, Assignee. Savannah, May 19.1656. nmy2u 11 00 11 50 12 25 8 00 S S 45 23 00 E N T U A L RAIL li O A D. O N and after Sunday, the 14th October, tiwt., and until further notice, the Passenger Trains ou the Central Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN* SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Daily at...5 .\ m uud 12.15 i* m, Arrive in Macon *• “..2.15 pm toave Macon “ ‘*.11.45 a si “ 9.30 pm Arrive in Savau’h “ “10.46 p m “ 7.20 a m MKTWKKX SAVANNAH AN!> AfOCSTA. Leave Savannah 12.15 p m and 8.30 p. Arrive in Augusta 8.43 r m “ 5.30 a m, toave Augusta 6. a m “ 4.30 p m Arrive iu Suvunuuh 1.30 pm “ 10.45 p HKTWKKN M.U'ON AND Al'IifSTA. toave Macon 11.45 a m and 9.30 p Arrive in Augusta 8.45 pm •• 6.30 a Leave Augusta 6. am 4.30 pm, Arrive in p u “ 1. a m BKTWKEN SAVANNAH, MJIXKDUKVIU.K & KATONTO.V Leave Savannah 6. a m Arrive in Millcdgevilie 2.45 p m toave 3tacou li 46 a m Arrive in Katonton 6. pm. W. 51. WADLEY Geu'l Supt. Savannah, Ga.gUct. 12, 1S55. octi5. CHANGE OF~fiCHKDl'LK UNTtlK SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD vlilcli ]m**e* Hit! Great Over vvlilcli ])a*>te New York & Sew Orleans Mails- ‘ UAII.EY &. CO., M ANUPACTUREBS of Pine Silver Ware, Chestnut street, Pblladelphla. lu order that purchasers maybe certain of the quality of Silver Ware of our manufacture, our Sterling Silver will be stamped : gl Our goodB may bo found at Messrs. D It Nichols A Co'«„ who are authorized to sell al our retail prices. UOV 15 BAl LEV h CO; NEW TIN STOKE AND SHEET-]It(JN MANUFACTORY. 141 rtot'ni or m Ait kit hqu'AKK, iikva.v irmnrr. _t_ l would inform my old friends aud pmrons SBk 1 havo o|Kjneil the abovu storo to conduct the mhM Stove, Tin and Sheet Irou Business in all it* various forms, and where will be found a gen •ral assortment of Stoves, Tin aud sheet Iron Wore, which I will ho pleased to show, and ui such prices s will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. Ill Dln.l n . .r U.i/.ll .... Clllli.l-J lit I (I tl All Wlmla of Roofing, Gutters Ot' toad, Gulvanttod Irou Work of every description, Job Work ami Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up aud Pipes furnished at short notice. Tin Ware at wholesale and retail. Call down ou Bryan street, It will pay you for your walk, icta JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent, TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WAltE-IIOUSE, 140 IMXOKBM AND 57 KT. AL’UKM-OTKKm mHB Bubhcribor has received, and will oiien ■ this day, the largest and most extensive variety oTWLNDOW SHADER ever olfored in this city. It Is the iutention of the advertiser to keep constantly iu ptore a large supply of all tho various patterns and styles manufactured by the uiamifuulurers of this ; country aud or France, to which the attention of mer chants and families in tho city nud country, is in vited. They will he sold ut wholesale ami retail, at padlsfactory prices. W 11. OUION, Agent. Jan 8 F ulton market reef.—io iiair hlu Fulton Market lk*er, and 10 do do Pork, rocelvod liy ninySQ .1. T>. JRMjg, Just MtANDY, GIN, WHISKY AND RUM—For sulo B Raaim, wirt) n by (may-JO) WILLIAMS A KATCUFP. i.d ••IK to- betwee Mucoi / vN and after Sunday, February 3d * * two daily trams between Macon and ('oltiinhiis Macon and Americus. t 2 a m, ami 3 r m : arrive al Colum bus at 7 16 A M. and 10.’So 1* M ; leave Colilliibu; 4 15 a m. ami 1 30 v M; arrive al Maeon at 10 64 a and 7 4u i* M: leave Macon at 2 a m: arrive at Ani ens at 6 40 a m: leave Amerieus al 220 »• >i; arnvi Macon at 7 4o e m . making aeonipletKc.uinnetion be tween Monigomorj . Alabama, and Aiaru-irt. Kings Mile. Wilmington uud Cbariesiou. ul.-o. with Centra RailroadTraius to Aivannab. Milledgevilieand Eaton- t >ii, and with Maeon and Western train* to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Kooxvilie, Term. At ColituilHW with (iirard and Mobile Railn Kufuula. Ala., eonueeilng daily at Amerinis with four horse pu»t Coaches to i'alluhassee, Albany Tbomasville, Bam bridge, \e., with tri-weeklv back: to Lumpkin, Cutlibert, Ac., at Fort Valley with back:, to Perry. Hayuesville, Hawkinsville and Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for Amerieus aud points beleiv Fort Valley, should take the 12 16 v m train from 8av..„ uah; and tho 6 pm train from Augusta, to avoid de tention ut Macon. For other points on the Smtli Western or Muscogee Roads take either tram fr Savannah or Auensta. Passengers leaving Ameri- eus at 2 20 p M will reach Columbus at 10 30 p m the same night. Passengers from Columbus and the West for Am ericas. South-western Georgia or Florida. .-In take tlie I 30 p M limn at Columbus, sleep at Fort Valley, aud reach Amerieus at 6 10 a m next morn ing. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York on Wednesdays uud Saturduy*. uud for Pblla- delphin on Wednesdays. Pas-age’in the Cabin $v5, Steerage $s. Fare from Montgomery 1« Saviinnab oo “ Columbus •• •• io 00 “ Amerieus •• “ s so GKO. W. ADAMS, Sup't. Macon, January 30th. 1856. maylO VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ROAD. Bit UD JOB MWB NKATLY KXKCUTRn AT TIIK SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. Merclmuts can be suppflud'ut short uotico with Blli-llemds, Bills of Lading, Dray Books, Circulars, Cords and Blank Books. give PH LOT PRINTING, such ns Catalogues lor Colleges, Proceedings of Meetings, Reports, By-tows, etc. Thuukful for the very liberal iwti ouogo lieretoloro received, wo res|>ectltilly solicit u coutiuuuucu of the sumo, feeling that wo sliall bo able to please ull who may favor us with a call, both us to prices and execution of work. Pro|>o«nl« lot* Kntlotis anil Fuel for Vt'SHt: Is* IIELIUIIOI.D’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Ilclmbold’s Highly Convent rated Coni- iNiund Fluid Extract Uuvlm. ISA CERTAIN, SAFR AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY iFK. |10R Diseases oftlio Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, REGISTRY OF VOTERS FOR 1S50. A. COLUCCTUR’d OFFICE, ) Sfl'KHI.STKMiKXT Of LlQUTS, J- .Suvunuuh, 10th Muy, 1856. J S EALED proposjils will be received at this otllce until 12 o’clock, M., ou tho 1st day or July next, 1850, fur furnlshiug uud delivering Ra tions and Fuel on hoard the 4Jglit-vessels lu this Collection district, viz.; at Martin's Industry und Tvbeo Island Knob, for one year from the first day of July 1866, to the 30th Juue, 1867, inclusive. The rations to bo of good und ajtproved quality, to be delivered in good ami sulHcieut packuges, barrels, boxes aud cases, und lu good order, on hoard tho above uutiied light-vessels, at least ouce a quartor, free of expense to the United 8talos, aud agreeably to tho annexed table ol'the weekly ration, viz.: WITH HALL'8 PATENT POWDER-PROOF LOCK. Hating received the Prizo Medal at the World’s Fair, are now ottered to tho public as tho Prize Safe of the World. Tested aud approved as they have been 'every where, their crowning victory was reserved to bi awarded by the Juries or the World’sF.dr. The proprietor placed Ono Thousand Ikillurs in uohl in tho one exhibited at the World’s Fuir, ton Jem, mill Invltct ulltlic Ilck-Loda In tho world lu open the Safe, with or without the keys, und take the money as a reward for their ingenuity ; ultliougb operated upon by sovcral skilled lu the art. no one could lick the Lock or open the Safe. The uudoulablo evidcuce of tho superiority of the Safes Manufactured by the subscriber is kuowu and acknowledged by a dlscriuiluaUng public, who are assured thut all Safes made and sold by him, or his authorized agents, (noue geuuiue except they have his name on a metal plate,) wlllbefouud equal or superior to any of tho many which have passed through the firey ordeal, preserving tliecouteuts uu injured, as published and noticed by the press here toforeIn tho burning or the Tribune building, the great fires hi New York aud Sng Harbor in 1845, at New Orleans In 1842, at Tallahassee In 1843, at Prov idence in 1846. at Autfiilo and New York City iu 1847, at St. touts, Albany, l’lattsburg and Detroit in 1848, the great tires at St. touts, ul Milan, Ohio, aud the great burning ut New Orleans in 1849, tho great tires u California, ut Chicago aud Syracuse in 1S50, und nt the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, lu 1851, great fires in 1852 at New York, Philadelphia, Cheruw, S. C., Montreal, Canada, St. touls aud Ogdeu.-burg, and many others. Tho metal portiou of these Safes consists of the stoutest and toughest wrought bar and plate iron, uud tho spaoo betweeu the outer aud iuuer surfaces is filled with a chemical preparation, which is the most perfect mm-conductor , of heat yet discovered, und which cannot he effected or penetrate by tire.— Tills fact lots been established beyond question by the results of mauy experiments, attested by per sons of the highest respectability. Iu every trial to which tho genuiuo Salamander Sate lias been sub. , ected, whether accidental in burning buildings, or jy agreement lor the purjxjseuf comi»etitiou, its fire proof properties have proved Immeasurably superioj to those of auy (so called) fire proof Safe ever manu factured. By au improvement upon the original Salamander, iutriHluced by the preseut owner of Hie patent-right, the interior is rendered wholly impervious to damp, aud books, palters and jewelry might be preserved in one of his safes for a ceutury without contracting a blemish from mould or milldew. To guard agaiust counterfeits every Safe from the manufactory of the subscriber, ami sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate iu front, bearing his name ; each is also furnished with oue of his im proved Thief Detecting tocks, which is a good guar antee against robbery. S. C. HERRING & CO., Nos. 135. 137 and 139 Water-st.. X. Y. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. BELL & PRENTISS, who keep constantly on hand a full aud complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. sept 28 LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIKE- pkoop qt'Aunra ok WILDER'S SALAMANDER SAFES, -» » 7. s ~ “ £•'**<5 F i— —_ —, » , , Droiwy, Wookness, Secret Disease!, Obstruc- uotiH, Fomulo Complaints, and all diseases of thu Sexual Organs, whether iu MALE OR FEMALE. from whatever causo they may have originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING. This popular and siieclfic remedy is now efiered to the atlhcled, and guaranteed to cure all tho above complaluts. 11 searches out tho very root of the disease, driving out all tho diseased fluids of the body, thus removing the causo aud rendering the cure CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tills medicine allays puin aud inflammation, which other remedies Invariably cause, and cau be taken with less trouble aud oxponso to imtletifo. This in fallible remedy lias saved thousands upon thousands from tho bands of MERCIliESS QUACKS, if not from premature graves. In cases of Infcctiou tho Compouud Buchu is tho only article worthy or tho least confidence of the alllictcd lu performing SAFE CURES. It contains uo narcotic, morcury, or other injurious drug, but is purely a Vegetable Composition. It is very agreeable to the taste, creates no perceptible odor, uud may be taken bv persons of either sex without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany the tncdiciuo. Reador. if you have any or the above com plaints, do not neglect them, , DEI .AYS ARE DANGEROUS. With this tncdiciuo you cun cure yourself, aud thus prevent ull exposure. TRUTH MUST AND WILL I’REVAIl.. This medicine speedily and eifectually cures the most virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates every particlo of Infectious mutter from the system, restoring tho patient to a |veriest state of HEALTH JohnS Aehord, Gem-go \V Anderson, Edward C, Andcruou, William B Adams, Ihirtwyll S AndrewslJ Richard D Arnold, William S Abbott, Charles A Ash, George A Ash, Alexander AiMu, Robert A Allen, Robert K Allen, Itobert Austlu, Theodosius A Acosta. r3jiu|o,I | »>i.ia t | sassuimv I JUjfoiMA I —-2 Joseph W Brown, George F Brown, Richard Brad ley Joseph Bryan, Alexander V Benuett, Frederick Bok, William D Bashlor, Joseph Bryan, Frederick W Bailey, Augustus BoDuUd, James H Bashlor, Israel Bar, Anton Borchert, Isaac Bruuner, Wni B Basin ger. Harvey F Byrd, Peter A Bloia. James A Barron, Augustus Boulineau, David Bell, George A Boltinul- lett, Edwin li Bacon, Gilbert Butler, Golshalk Brown, Wni 11 Borroughs, Henry Brigham, Joseph 11 Baldwin, Sirgmund Berg, George G J Buntz, Mi chael Boluy, Joint Boston, John Bilbo, Solomon D Brantley, Francis S Bartow, W 15 Barton, Samuel P Bell. Cl George A Cuyler. Samuel W Crabtree William Crabtree, John W Coates, Patrick Curran, George I. Cope, towis F Cooke, diaries Clarke. Robert J Canuiug. Johu F Curdoll. Francis T Cole, Wni A Cone, Edwlu A Costello, Hugh Cullen,Joseph V Con- uerat, Moses A Cohen, John Cass, Wm Oscar Charl ton, Wm Cullen, bilus 31 Colding, James A Cour- volsle, Henry Crosby; Cuustatiline, Daniel BCamp, Octaves Cohen, \\'m B Charters, Joseph S Claghorn David totpez Cohen, Peter 1. Constantine. E’raucis Clutuipfou, MonlgouiiTy Cutnmjug, Wallace Cum- miug. Win A Cowpcr, Strotli CrausUm, diaries H Crumpfield, Robert J Cuughey, Aaron H Crami4on, Win Cox. George Cutley, Phillip Conuully, Wm l* Clark, Alleu Cullen. [ AND PURITY. •lliuj po|4p j» snis|«H -V».l •4« Manufactured by Stearns d Marvin. Sew York. In the fire of the 3d Inst., which consum ed the brick building occupied by Mr. Juo. T. Thomas, opjtosite the Gas Works, iuthU city, was a safe ot tho above description containing the books, paper?, and money of ilr. Thomas, und although the building was detroyed, the said Safe sustained no injury whatever from the iuteusc heat to which it had beeu exposed. On open ing the Safe, tho contents wero found undisturbed, aud iu the same order and condition as when placed there, except a slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few papers, and the backs of oue or two of the books, caused by the steam generated in tile ball*, while at its greatest heat. The Side and contents, as it catue from the ruius, may still be seen, in the ifossessiou of Mr. Thomas, at the Gas Works. A large assortment of these cele brated Safes always ou hand,and for sale by C. II. CAMPFIELD, Agent for the Manufacturers, July 20, 1855. 171 Ba.v-st., Savunuah, Ua. .foot] Knelt pnqx>.-ul imi-t state distinctly the price for which the entire ration will be furnished on board each light-vessel respectively. The pnqiosuls for supplying fuel, both coal ami wood, must suite distinctly the price per toil aud coni, and tin* kind and quality of each, to be deliver ed on board of each light ve.-sel respectively. Oue bidder may idler tor all the rations aud fuel required for all the light vessels in this district, or for one or more ol'the vessels separately, at his owu option. The kiud aud quantity of fuel will be deter mined upon, and the contruetor informed accord ingly, in udvnnce el the time for making tho quar terly deliveries of rations on board of the respective light-vessels. Each bidder is required to attach to his bid or bids a written guarantee, >lgned by himself and a respou-ible surety, thut. in the event of the contruet being awarded to him, he will faithfully execute it m conformity to the terms of this advertisement. The contractor will be required to enter into bond with approved security for thu faithful execution of tlie contract; uud uo hid will be accented or contract eutcrcd into, until approved by tlie Light House Board. The contractor will be required to keep at least, in the uggregute, oue month’s rations for the entire crew ol'the light-vessel contracted for, on hoard at all times; amt any expense incurred on account of failure to deliver rations or fuel in time, will be chargeable to the contractor. No member of Congress, lighlkeeper, superinten dent or inspector of lights, nor any person connect ed with tlie Ught-hnusc establishment, will be al lowed to contract for or deliver rations fertile crew, or fuel of a light-vessel, nor to be interested iu such contract. No contractor, superintendent, or inspector will be allowed to change the parts oftlio ration, nor the times that may liedetonnined upon for the delivery, without authority of the Board. All the articles constituting the ration for the crew of light-vessels will be examined, aud their quality approved by the superintendent, or the inspector of tiio district, or by such other person as may be a- .signed to perform duty ; and no bills will b paid for rations aud fuel winch are not accompanied by receipts duly signed by tlie respective light-ves sel keepers for the diti’ereiit articles constituting the rulious for tlie crew for each quarter, and separate receipts ter the kiud aud quantity of fuel delivered ou board of each light-vessel. * • No bid which is not properly sealed mid endorsed will be considered, and no bills will be received or allowed to be withdrawn after the expiration of the time specified iu the advertisement for receiving them. Bids submitted by difi’erent members of the same firm or co-partnership will not be considered. All bids will be publicly opened and registered at tho time specified in the advertisement. Tho right to reject ull bids if tho interest of the public service reauirest, is reserved By order of the Light-house Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. my 11 D. Adam J DoUsou, Isaiah Davenport, Archibald C Davuuport. Thomas Dowell, James II Dcmuud, Geougo W I»avis, William H Davis, Jacob F Doe, Cliosley Dugger, John D, Henry J Dicker- sou, Levi » D'Lyou, Albert L Detorge, Martin Dug gan, William 31 Davidson, John Devuwiy, John Doyle. Ilclmbold’s Highly Concentrated Com pound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. Fur purifying the Blood, removing all discuses arf sing from excess of Mercury, exposure and iim prudence in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure stute of Blood, and tho only reliable uud cllectual kuowu remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcer- atious of the Throat aud togs, Bains and Swelliugs of the Bones, Tetter, llmplea on the Face, uud all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. It is gratifying to tho proprietor of these mcdiciucs to be ublo to state that it is now nearly threo years since they wero first introduced, ,duriug which time they have been exteusivoly used in various parts of the United States, and have given to patient uud pructitioner tho highest degree of satisfaction in the various rases lu which they have beeu employed ; whether iu town, country, hospital or private prac tice, they have iuvariably given the most decided aud unequivocal satisfaction, uud produced the most salutary uud beuefleial eilects. Numerous letters liuve beeu received from the most distinguished physicians iu tho country, aud from the professors of several medical colleges, recommending in the highest terms the value of these uiediciues, aud their superiority over all other prejiuratious for such complaints as the proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla aud of Buchu uud various modes of preparing them have beeu given, ull of which of course will difier according to the mode of preiKiratiou which each individual may adopt. Tlioso medicines require considerable care In the preparation and the employment of diiturcut men strua iu successive operation to take up tlie extrac tive matters, and, in consequence, are most fre quently improperly made, und not uufrequeutly much impaired, if not rendered totally inert, by the injudicious and unskilful management of those unac quainted with pharmaceutical preparations. It is therefore of tho highest consideration and import ance to the public and to the faculty that there should bo standard preparations of uniform strength aud possessing the most advantages. To ell'ect this aud obviate tho evil alluded to, I have nmdo a num ber of cx|K>rimcuts to ascertain the most ell'ectuul mode of extracting the virtues of the Sur?uj>arillu and the Buchu, und to discover the most eligible- form for their exhibition. The ex|K*riments have resulted most favorably, aud it is with much pleas ure 1 now ofier to the public ami the faculty my ComiMuud Fluid Extracts, which couluiu ull the vir tues ol'the articles they uro represented to be made from in a highly coucoutruted form, aud are the must active preiuirulions which can he made. Two ta bles|MMiuslul of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, Is equal to the Lisbon diet drink, and one bottle fully equals in strength one gallon of syr up Sarsaparilla or decoction ns usually made. PRICKS: Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 per bottle, or 0 for $5 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ •* _ “ Certificates of cures und recommendations from distinguished professors ami physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared and sold by 11. T. HKIAIBOLD, Practical und Analytical Chemist. 263, Chestuut-st., near the Girard House Phila. To be bad of Druggists uud Deuters iu every sec tion ol'the United States and Canada?. All letters for the medicine directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, aud safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—lv-dtw George Emmons, Henry R Eustiucad, Stephen El liott, Robert Erwin, Thomas Kden, (Jeotge Ehrlich, F. Robert II Footman, Joseph ri Fay, Lewis Frey, Dominick l-Vatley, John GFalligaut, James B Foley, Jos Fell, Jobu loley, Johu O Ferrill, touts X Fa! ligant. Alexander 4uwcett, Thoina-Ford, towis.I B Fairchild, John C Fraser, Rob't G Ferguson, John D Fish, Dougald Ferguson, 31tcb<»el FlUUey Edw'd F'llZgeruld. G. John Gammed. John B Gullie. George W Gar muny, Thomas Green, James E Goodfrey, Joseph Green, Charles 11 Uouidiug, George A Gordon, Geo Gordon. Francis L Gue, Joseph Ganahl, Joseph F Gamrnoj, George 31 Crlilin, Seaborn Gotmall. David li Galloway, Benjamin Gionovely, Laureuce J Uud- martin, Charles E W Giile. 11. ■H S W. R. MOKKLKI'S INFIRMARY ■** FOR the treatment of Cap- - cm, Weaa, Fistula, and all kinds Of Tumour*, U now open for the irecapUoo of Patients. His ln«r. rnary Is located near the Depot aud Po.- t oii^T Broadway. and contains about thirty large and Wot. rurniflhed Rooms, with good aud trusty servant* > ways at hand, both ladle* and gentlemen are row,, ed at this Institution, and will receive the mc*utrV and kind attention from the Proprietor, kg wen 1 his Matron. His practice In that horrible diseaJ dancer, tor the past ten years Is not lurpaAged any Physician In tha Booth. Patients are boards at II per diem, or $16 per month. $10 being require in advance. /UT Fees to be agreed upon before the case u u . dertaken. All communications must be nun addressed to W. R. MOSfciEY^ mg 6 Grittin, CITY MaRFBOOTS. t THE Subscriber has on hand au assort. , meut of BOOTB, GAITERS aud SHOEgTSE ■» own manufacture, which he will warrarv’ superior workmanship and material, not.n ferlor to an/ made In Savannah. Ihe prices of Bora are from to to 110. Boots, kid and cloth Gaiters and Shoes made to or der as usual. Especial care taken to ensure iierlni fits. June 6 * ‘ neu J. I* ou®“ POTATOES^-400 barrels superior Plantfnt m AT Patotoes; 60 do Western Reds; and 59 do » Blows, for sale by mark BRIGHAM, KELLY i lu. HON. MISS MURRAY'S TTNITED States, Canada and Cuba. U Schwegler’s HL-tory ol Philosophy in L'i^uu, translated by Seeyle. Prescott’s Philip 2d of Spain, new suiiply m •.,. Oalf and In Cloth. Napoleon’s Confldebtlal Corresinndence with c brother Joseph. Davan’s History of the Queen’s of the IJcrui Hanover—2 vols. |;The Allachi in Madrid. Romance of the Harom, by Miss Purdue Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh. Earnest tons load, by Mrs. Lee Hentz. mar 3 W. THORNE WILLIAM* UST RECEIVED.—110 boxes Shouldira', & prime article, 20 tierces choice Tennesut '■* Hams. In store, and for sale by WAYNE. GREXV11.IJS k(X> CROP,CUBA MOLASSES^-The car go of the Abbott Devereaux, daily exiiecte* for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by Jan31 RODGERS A NORRia CARPET AND UPtlOLSTERV— WAREHOUS] I Hover, Cbiistiali ilareco, Geo Haas, Jonathan Hill, T11 Hardvu, James Hunter, Joseph Hawthorn Johu Ullogg. Peter E'liauscheldt, John E Hernau- IfZ. Soloiiiuu Hiudiy, John C Hunter Lemuel L Hover, Wm. Dilowu, Ben jam iu H. Hardee,Charles •** Henry, Charles S Hardee, Noble A Hardee, Al fmi Huy wood, Wm 1* Hutitor. Geo D Humbert. W Waring Habersham, Tiiomus ilenry, Erostus Henry Holier, llntcliisou, Joseph 31 Haywood, George ti Harding. John Hover, Elisha llagar, Thomas Heron Abraham Hannon, Thomas U Hough, Henry Haupt, Willian Hunter, Kruest Heuer, Albert JUSE. 140 Congress and 57 St. Julien Street*. T HE UNDERSIGNED would take this oppor tunity to express to his friend* and the puVu generally, his sincere thanks for their liberal patron age and influence, which has resulted in extension a his trade to aU parts of the State. Also, Urciru Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby en&blru him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed in any Southern city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, and Steam boat Owners are particularly invited to examine it> present stock, which is now complete in all mi various departments, consisting in part ofthefoliov- ing goods, vix: CARPS! DEPARTMENT. < English Druggets, (or n .Irma rel.l.h.- \ * Haris. I. Jus D Irvino. Edward D Irvine. J. Nobn G -ono?. I Peyton, H Johnson, Edward •labu, Robert M 31 Jaugetla, Johu It .loliuson.Wui B Jackson, George u .lolin?on, Edward Jones, Johu H •lollll.'tou. Royal Medalion, Royal Velvet, Mocet WiUon. Mocet Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, K. Pineas M Kollock, James Kelly Frederick Kieiisoiil William Krebs. Noali i< Knapp, Lewis Knorr. John j Kelly. Wm tovy Kapiau. Wm C tow ton. Jordan to we, Jag K tombrigbt, Uliii? K landvoiglit, Jim N Lewis, John A towis, diaries K lai.ige, James B law, Charles A I. to- inar. Miclial LiaIii/Hios 1, i.lovd, Edward torch, Jacob v. tovy,Joseph Ijppmau,Henry PLichie,Wil liam Law. James P tong, Alonzo B Luce. Daniel N toin. 31. Thomas Murt.mgh, Hugh W .Mercer, Nathaniel C Mills. Peter W Miugst. Thomas Morton, John Mal lory . Manuel Molina. Charles F. Jlills. John Morri son , William ii (’ Mills, Alvin N Miller, Yaleuliuu Martin. Wm J 3loore, Horace Morse, Henry C 3Ichr- tens. Isaac Mini?.Thomas G Miller. Atilhony FMira, Ahrahaiti Mims. Richard C Mackall John* Murchi son. WilliamII May,.lohiiAlustersoti, Edward Mo- ran. Tlnw A Ma bb»x. Jacob Manses, John C Mat- Mosaic Hearth Rugs, Velvet and Chenille Rum. Tufted Rugs, Piano and table Covers, Three ply Ingrain, Door Mats (every variety) 1 Two ply Ingrain, Silver A Brass Stair Rods Wool Dutch, Carpets Bindings. &c- CURTAINAND UPHOLSTERYDEPARIMES] Brocatelles, Lace and 3Iu?lin Curtains Satin de Laines, Gilt Cornices, Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt Pins and Bands, Worsted and Cotton Damask, Tassel*, Loops u: Cords; Velvet aud Plush or various colors; WiuUw Shades, new style. I take pleasure lu corroborating the foregoing state ment, and iu addition would add, thut the books arc now iu use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26lh, 1855. octd—tf mu tbatii DYING AND It E N O V A TIN C» ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NEAR TUB COURT IIOUSB, SAVANNAH. GA., Eatnbllshcd In 1832. IHE Subscriber grateful to his friends aud patrons for their eoutinual favors, would stale iu addition to tho improvements lu DYING, nc quired by him during his last visit to England aud Scotland, has made arrangements for extending bis business, by which he is now euabled to dye a greater variety of colors ou silk und wooleu dresses, shawls, A:c., which he trusts will generally please all who may favor him with their patrouuge. Gentlemen’s garments dyed, cleaned or renovated as may be required, in the same superior style which has generally so much pleased his patrons and friends. Table Covers, aud todies’ Crajie Shawls, Ac., cleaned aud fluished in tlie first style. Ladies’ Bomiots dyed, bleached aud pressed iu the most fiu'.hionuhlo styles. Order? from the country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. "'hen parcel?- are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should be seut him by letter through tho post ofiiee, so that be may know where to call for them. tnrli 16 tf: ALEXANDER GALLOWAY ~DK FORD, •Io El _____ APOTHECARIES liAIJo, {?. E. Corner of Broughton and Barnard Streets. Nnvun- ___ »:d» Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in Drugs. Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Woods^md Dye Mulls, i-reuch, English, uud Auu-riruu Perfum cry. Hue Toilet aud Miming Soajw, Combs aud Brushes ol every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments, trusses und Sup|iorters of all kinds Spice?, Nmills, Manufactured Tobacco, All (he Patent or Proprietary Mcdiciues of the day, Superior Ink* Pure Wines und Brandies for Mediciuul punutses! Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet und Fancy Articles, Arc. N. B.—Especial atieutiou given to the preparation of Physicians' Prescriptions and Family I-'hip. Family and Travelling Medicine Case?, with plaiu Directions for use, including Directions for treatment in eases of |>oi?oiiiug, Drowning, Arc. ap7 |y B AGGING AND KOPK.--60 bales heavy Uuuny Cloth, 20 bolts heavy Dundee (for Sea tol- uu ih,) 50bolts medium do44 inche?, 31)0 coils Ky lio{M* t COO IIm Bagging Twine, in store and for rol b y novl'J WEBSTER k PALMES* \Vitifer Arrangement—Cars Starting loom Promt St, Heavy Hall all tin- * way tothmloiiMvUIc. W HEN tho Potoinuc is dosed with ice thin route may be relied on by paasengora. to en sure the connection going North or South. Tho road Is entirely refold with a superior T roil ns tar a? Uordonavlllu. During the winter the train will start from the old station, in Richmond, ou Broad street, ut 7,‘X a |hus Gordonsvlllo at 11 a m., und arrive in Slaunfouat325 I* >i. Down train leaves Mann- ton aid 40 a m, passe? Gor-fonsville ut II ,\ m. and arrive in Richmond nt 2.30 »* m. Fare to Gordonsville jo yq “ “ 6 00 B«dh train? arrive in Gordonsvllle in amplo time to take tho train ol'the Orange and Alexandria Rail- road. Person? who leave Richmond ut 7**' a ai. can lake the Orange nud Alexuudriit car? at Gordons- vlllc if they choose to do no, nud by that tnuin will reuoh Alexandria by 3.40 i*m.. hut Ibis company cau llckel them only to Gordonsvlllo. 0017 £ _ _ J 1 * lK WHITCOMB. Supt. G l KftT'K COrrON VI-iSTS-Just recolvcd I mill Dir Hall) tiy- ,1. W. TURK)JCKIal), »iuy 13 Congress aud Wliithak^ street?. I ^HKSH Salmon, i/ibstersnud Sardine?, for . sale by _ Jan 2 A BUN AUD. INDIAN STREET FOUNDRY* D. R. WILLIAM ROSE, NO UKASH KOL’MlKKS, M1U.WWUHW, A.VO UK.VXRAI. SUC1II.V1?!?, SAVANNAH, (1A., Are prejiarol to make controet? with rail roads aud others, to furnish (horn witli Irou ’and Brass Castings of every description ; und also to build Stationary Engines, Horizontal and \ ertical Sugar • ills, with two or Uiree rollers, .sugar Paus, Ate., Meam Saw Mills, Roll Gangs, and machinery upfoTtaliiiug to tho same, stcumboat wiirk, luel ail kind? of General Jobbing attended to with punctuality and dispatch. They trust by at tention to business, nud doing Justlco to all work entrusted to their care to merit a sliare of public pntronngo. N. E-—tinge Cock?, Oil Cup?, Whistles, Stoam and i\uter Csmks, aud a variety of finished bras? work, requisite for machinery, always on hand at roasonal bio prices. jparSosh Weights, Cast Irou Show for gutters ol various pattern? mid sizes, at uortlieru price?, oppo site the Charleston Steamboat IVharf. foliis FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, MACON, tIKOKUIA. TTio Bubscrihcr, from long expericuco in tho buslnras.l j.reparod to rurolsh Steam •hjjgiue?. Boilers, Circular, Sluglo, aud Gang Saw Mill Machinery, Grist and Merchant Mills, Sugar Mills, Gin Gearing, mid Castings Iu gnu- era!. Tlie Saw Frames, whether for upright nr cir cular, will ho of iron when required. All of which with his many improvement*, la warranted to bo equal to tho beat made at any olhor establishment Hi? work? are on a scale os extensive a? tho largest at Uie North, aud ho Is prewired to Ull ordora with promptness and dispatch. •U|7 (ROBERT FINDLAY GREAT Fluid AT PHILADELPHIA. 3IAY 1, 1860. HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES. BV/.42 THE PEOPLE SAY. Piiii.uiki.pima, 2djiMuy, 1S56. Messrs - fhrrels d Herring: Gkntlkmkn The Herring’s Patent Champion Fire-Proof Safe, which we purchased from you in tlie mouth of January last, was situated lii our Counting Room, in tlie second story of 231 Market street, on the night or tlie Great Fire, 1st* May, 1S56, and fell with tho burning building iu that couth- gallon. Tlie safe was reached this afternoon, after au ex- •sure of Thirty Mx Hours to intense boat, aud al though the brass plates on the from or the Safe were melted, and the exterior shows the evidence of extreme heat, the inside casing was found to be untouched by fire, and, with the exception of being a little steamed, is now as good as new : EDW PEMANSA:C0. RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE, prevention and cure of Intermittent and ’ Remittent Fevers, Fever mid Ague, Chills aud ver, Dumb Ague, Geueral IX-bility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease which havo a common origiu iu 31alaria or Miosuia. This is u natural antidote which will entirely pro tect any resident or traveler oven iu the most sickly or swuutpy localities, from any Ague or Bilious dis ease whatever, or auy injury from constantly inhal ing 3Iniariu or 31iasum. It will instantly check tho Ague in persons who have sullered for auy length of time, from one day to twenty years, so that they need never have an other chill, by continuing its use uccording to direc tions. Tho patient at once begius to recover appe tite aud strength, mid continues until a ]>erumueut and radical cure is effected. One or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases, some may require more. Directions, printed in the German, French aud Spanish languages, accomiiany each bottle. Price one Dollar. Liberal discounts made to the trade. J. A. KIDDLE, Proprietor, Providence, R. I. Mo. Jo.-rpli s McDnnuoh. ivter McCann, Hugh Me- tom, James Melmiro. Alexander 3kHurdv, Patrick McGovern. William McKendree, John W McKov, Jo seph J McCoy. Robert Mclntire. James Mdutire. James .McHenry. Williams McFarland. X. Alexander G Neclaud. Thomas J Xuvlor, Edwin 1. XVidhnger, John W Xcvitt. John B Norton, John C Nicoil. Wm G Norwood., John Oliver. William o’Dri.-coll, Joliu W Owens, ieorgu Owens. Dominick O’Byrue, Dennis O’Sulli- P. tovi E Price, Edward Padclford, Robert l’essot, Joseph l’elot, orrin 0 Parker, Antonio Pouce, Wm J Parton, Mulechal Parish, ChrisUau Pierson, John Po.'tell. Michael Proud erg u»t, Oeorge F Palmes, Win Purrbh, Charles F Pre-tou, Edwin Parsons, George Parson.?, Francis A PouUeu. T'hoiuas I’rendergast, Patrick Price, Jo.-epJj W Phj|Jij>s, Philip J Punch, John F Posey, Edward M Prendergast. Henry H Phillips. Edward Padelford, jr. R. Joseph B Ripley, Francis W Roid, 3Iichael J Reil- ley, Hiram Roberts, James J Richardsou, Wm J Richardson, John A Richardson. George J Robert- eou, Jacob Rosenfield. 31atthew Ryan, James M Russell, Robert ltuiford, Philip 31 ltussell, John Reedy, Andrew 31 Ross. Henry Koser. T lumas Red- fern, Wm Ruhu, Churles E Robinson. John Rvan, Augustus Reich. S* egger, EVIDENCE OF SAi'ETY. Nkw York, June 11, 1S55. ihave nudo a chemical examination of •• Rhodes' ‘•'•ner aud Ague Cure, or Antidote to 3Ialaria,” aud • ve tested it for Arsenic, 31ercury, Quinine, and J Timothy Slicedv, Heiirv'c'stonheu? Franeia -• vclmino, but have not found a particle of cither in Shackelford. Michael Mieabau H. nrvMi’ or have 1 found any substance iu it? composi- jJJjgSi Ser Honr > D Sykes, Con George W stone, Alex A Smets, Henry Stromer, Francis M Stoue, John A Staley, Albert Scarbrough, Ebeuezer Mittou, Win Starr, jr., Wm 8nmb, Robert Strouds, James Steven, James Sullivan, lmniel Stewart, Emanuel Shefuil, Charles Slager, Frances H Stegiu. l»amel T scrauton, John stone, W Situs, Mordecai SUeftall, Sr., Solomon Sheftall, , Frederick l any that would prove iuju JAMES R. CHI urious to the constitution. '.ILTON, 31. D., Chemist. CAUTION Tt i- cno more Arsenic, SUFFERERS. logos, Strychnine, br ll™!TtiomS° 'S&jSSS mo well-known IneBctoncy ot (buo noxious juisons oralt. j:o g? no_J TreoholiM, John C Taylor, Wm B j Allred F. Torfo.v, Cornelius Turbusb, Fred A Tap • per. Johu Timmerman, James Tavlor, Henry Tow, 1 Johu T Thomas. Charles Thornbv,'Francis Trendall, . 31ay 3 1S5G. PniLAturLPHi. Messrs. Farr cl k Herrings : Gkxtlkmex :—The Herring's Pateut Champion Fire Proof 8ufe of your tniuuilacture. which we pur chased uearly a year since .was in tho centre ol our building at the time iff it* destruction In tho great Fire of .May 1st.. 1856. We had removed the greater jiortion of our books before the fire reached us. but left some of them together with a number of loose papers inside pur posely. to te.,t tlu* security of the Sale. After 38 hours of severe roasting, we found tiio interior of the suta u|H>nopening, uot only bright and sound, but tbe books and papers as free from lire a-= when firs put in. We shall require another Safe as soon a? we get a new lm-ation. and want none but vour - Cham pion.” Yours. .V«\ FISHER k BROTHER. No 15 North Sixth si., The public will bear iu mind that tbe -HERRING’S H AVANA SKOAKS—30,000 choice Havana Segars—<v>urhas, la Esmeralda, El Or.vsol, Exeefoors. R*" Hondo, Captain Alchorn, Li ’ijei, Jonn Smith, and virions other brands, imported di rest by me, and for sale at the lowest cash prices, may 19 J. A. BROWN. prove them to be the offspring either ol false medical ■ principles, or of mercenary quacks. Tlie ouly rem ’ ' edy iu existence that is both sure and harmless is RHODES’ FEVER AND AGUE CURE. Wnolesalo Agent?, nAVILAND, RISLEY & CO., Augusta, Ga.. and for « by dealers generally. o26 j6HirB7 MdORE“«Si CO., GIBBON’S BU1IJHNGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALED RETAIL DRUGGISTS. A pples a potatoes-'- 10 bbls Choice Mercer Potato* George W Ulmer. t T * Corneltus Van tor Vloo. Johu A Vogt. W. James f. Webb, iUomos S Wayne, Gilbert A Wil kins, Henry K Wa.'hburu. John 0 Walters, Daniel S Wilson, Wm Wray, Robert Welch, George 31 Wald- , burg. Robert D Walker. Htnry F Wiihnk, Richard Would call tho atte-‘ i .in of Merchants, Factors, * Wayne, Henry OWyor. Alexander 11 Waver, Jacob Planters, Physician- and others, to their ex- Waidburg, Jonn W Wilson. M He-rue Williams,Seth tensive and well selected stock, comprising ; Woodward. Amos Webb, Courad Wnldschtuidt every article In their lino ot business, aud which they j Thomas J Wahh, Wm Waters. Norman Wallace , .. .. - ash, j Henry D Weed. Wm Wright, W Henry Wiltberger’, oiler for sale ou the most reasonable terms rot or approved credit, viz; PAl.Vto, VARNISHES, GIASS, AC., White toad, PnreaudNo. 1 ; Tlemau’s Colors, dry aud in oil; Japan, Coiwl, aud Coach Varnishes’; Unseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass. Put ty, Uuld Leaf, Paint Brushes, Rush TooLs, and Gla ciers’* Diamonds. LAMP, 3IACUIXERY AND TANNERS’ OILS, Bleached Sperm, WTiule and Lard Oils, tor burning AJleu It Wi •:ht. John It Wilder. Y. Philip Youge. Wm P Youge, Z. Peter Zaduvoski. Cu;rk ok Col'NCiL OmcK. \ . Savannah, 3!arch 1,1856. t The ab*»rd uamed persons have registered their all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patent Oil j names as voters during Jamiarv and Februarv 1860 Unbleached r>perm, Lard and Rape Seed uil; also 5 mviRn mt«w* Tanners,’ Neats, Foot mtd Sweet OU. j tt tayl3 " Cler'k ot Couw’il. GKUCER8’ ARTICIJ--S. For sab- by mayl» Russett Apples. J. A. BROWN. IIA Rill SON’S (OPYI5UFWJID |POSSESSES the following tidvanfoKes over X all otlipr copying inks:— It doe? not off ot or smear writieu in account books. It is perfectly limpid and Hows rcudilv from tlie Steel |K*U. It gives three legible copies. It retains it- copying projH*rties for manv weeks atter the writing i- executed. Blue 111 nek Writing Fluhl Is inteuded to replace the inferior black inks, and all other writing fluids now in use. which it surpass es in every re spirt. It writes a clear brilliant Blue. It change? to a jet Itlack in twenty-four to fortv eight hour?. It is the most permanent ink ever made. It is |H-rfi!ctly tiuid ami free from impurities. It does not corode steel pens. For sale by WAKN'ix K \ DAVIS, '»ayl6 169 Congress street, UUNDIUKS-- Ls 25 bbl? Sugar (’lackers—fresh, 20 “ Butter 16 **' Roda Biscuit »• 25boxes <• ». ii 26 bids No. 1 Sugar, 60 •» A, B aud C Sugar, Recolvotl aud fur mile by McMAHOX k DOYLE, myU Nos. 206 and 207 Bay si. P aper ranc.ixus and uounuits Just roiadvcul a great assortmeut of the most elegant putterna, with hurder? 5tu' uiatch. fioiu N ceuts to 82, at CHAFFER Zc CO.’S, oprJb No. 6 Whitaker strei Nutmegs, 3lace, Alspice, Cmuamou, Pepper. Ginger. WnTinc— Muatard. Saleralus, Soda, Pearlash. Sweet Oil. Starcli, \ —BiaUKets, Kerseys, Red and >Vhit« F’ie BIup. Matches. Ac. I 41 r fonnels.—W e ofier the above urticles, which wo now have ou band, together with a forge variety Fig BIup, Matches. Ac. FUR PHYSICIANS. A great variety ol the best French, English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Prcjuirations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie Jar?, Metalic Saddle hags, Ac. Also, CAMPHENK AND BURNING FLUID. Any oue who may favor them with theirorderrmay dojieud u|*on their receiving the host atletition, ami that all goods furnished will lie of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may lie returned at tho option or the purchaser. ’ tnahlO tl pOKN AND CORN MEAL.— 100G l)u?p7ime Xj Corn, White and mixed; 69 du fresh C-rii Meal u store :uid for sale by dee 31 PATTEN’ HUTTOV e rn hitaker struct. JUST RECEIVED. PER STEAMER, afi OKsurtinent of FtaAi Muse? uud Children’s Plain Straws,* 'JJJP’ NF.OP01.ITAN BONNFrrS. IN-fcjM E AN IS HA1X and FU’W. Also a few tiuv HATS’. For sale by MRS. FREFU^ND, ,H *y 17 Broughton street. L lsle thread gauntlets,—tiio only article of tho kind iu tho city. F’or sale by J. W. THREUvKLD, corner of Cong res? and Whitaker-Kta.v UEADj-llEAD i UHEAD 111 That is, if you can see ; aud I"‘‘'^YfTjT if you cau’t ?ce, you can ilndS*^/* — kinds of i* helps to see,” at the WatcJi ami Jewelry Store of D. B. Nichols A Co., in emigres? street, next door to thu comer of Whitaker, where you can purchaso Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, ami F’ancy Good?, a? low ns at any other store iu thucoiuitry. Wo have received per steamship Alabama'a fresh lot of those fine Steel 8per.tae.les ; also, a supply of Pebble and Poriscoplu tons, whicu we aro pnqutred to fit in ull kinds of frames, at short notice, our Periscopio Lens (so called from their peculiar shape) havo uu advantage over all others, us they have a greutor rango of focus, so that the reader is not compelled to hold tho book or pa|>er at u certain distance from tho eyo. Call and seo. D. B. N1CHOI.S k CO. *3P No charge for showing goods. mar 11 D. R. N. A CO. K ORE—TUO coila Rojio, various brands, ull ol'gomi quality, in store and for sale by nprttO HR1GHA31, KELLY A CO. PEIUOUICALS. ~~ P UTNAM’S Monthly Magnr.ino for May. Frank Is*t>lie’a Gazette of Fashions for 3mv. Blackwood’? Edinburgh Review for Anri I. ’ Blackwood’? Edinburgh Review for April.' Received aud for sale by WAUN0CK k DAVIS, foft.vPi 169 Congress street. I bJK UBU*. FLOUR in store and for sale ±40 by may7 CRANK. WKlJfl h tt>. ptORN—In store and for sale bv V tnar5 IDCKETT* 8 I^PCKETTA 8NKLLINGS ol Dress Gootls, cousiallug of Cashmeres, black and colored Silks, Mmislin do Laines, French Cambrics, Giughnins, and every variety of other goods usually found iu a Dry Goous establishment, at the lowest market prices, in order to make room for our Spring stock. Please call ami examine our assortment jan29 J^ALM OF I.ADSON A ROGERS, No. 2 Shad'? store?. THOUSAND FLOWERS.—For beautilv ing the complexion, curing diseases ot the Skin, for Shaving, cleaning tiio Teeth, for the Toilet and Nursery, for Bathing, and many Medical purpose?, A fresh supply of tho genuiuo article, just received al the APUTHECARHS’ 1IA1L, h’bj-S Cor. Broughton aud Barnard sta, T HE undersigned has just received per steam ec Knoxville, und is now opeuiug u beautiful tot of Muslins at 10 to 12>gc jwr yard. J. W. THRKUvEIJ), mar 4 («>rner Oongress and Whitaker sta. rloua width?,) “—*“ ***■—tb Hug Also, every variety of Furniture Covering, The- '* J . for J ecoral iijg > minga and materials for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Hall- mi Rooms, cut to Ut without a seam. ! The subscriber will oblige himself to make the prices on all description or goods a? low a? the*aui: quality can be purchased in auy Northern city. 4®* Carpets cut to Roou3 aud good? seut tu ih ' part of the city Tree or charge. An experienced Upholster will attend lu tin making and laying of Carpets and oil Cloths « Lu . desired. Tbe decorative aud curtain departim-nt n charge or au Upholster or acknowledged tineai.* Skill. W. H. GUlUN, Agent. octlS 140 Congress and 57 St. Julien-:U DO* SANFORD’S IN VIGOR ATOR, r i a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, and is recommended to the public, relying ujkiu iu a trinsio worth in the cure of the following couijiki's l All Billious Derangements, Sick Headache. * sia, Habitual Costivencss, Chronic Diarrhcn, t«w' ( Paiu iu the Stomach and Bowels, General} - Female Weakness, Ac. For sale by Druggists get erally, aud by Johu. B3foore A Co, aud Wm. V- Lincoln, Savannah. ly febl2 , 1 TIMBER! TIMBER 11 f uHE Undeeaigned has just received, forsa.':; (500) Five Hundred pieces of good sliipj-i. Timber, averaging over one thousand teet toatnlf 9 feb JEFTERMiN HuBEKT? -\TAUKiiiUjL,, UERR1NO, SALMON, it- JjX. 2 bbls forge No 1 31ackerel. 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 5 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel. 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 5 Kits Tongues and Sounds, 11000 lbs Cod Fish. For sale low by jan26 ,T. A. BROW RATES OF ADVERTISING. For one square, or300 ems or less, of any Iff* w > *| larger than Nonpareil, 76 cents for the flrsUi-? ceuts for each subsequent insertion,for any tucflta . . than one month. AU Tabular work, with or without Rules; aoi.u vertfoements occupying double column, sbiliMAig charged double the above rates. Advertisementt or whatever length, for any t* less than one month, to be charged at tratre: x rates. For a longer timo at the following rates 11£ No.ofSquarea lmo|2mo8|3mos|4mosi<moiihcis \ lb i 1 Square,..., $10 16 $20 524 530 2 Squares... 16 22 26 28 36 i { do .... 20 27 32 36 44 4 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 6 do .... 27 36 44 46 60 #6 do .... 30 40 50 54 65 IT do .... 32 43 54 6b TO W 8 do .... 34 46 68 ft! Tl 6 do .... 36 48 61 66 TT 10 do .... 38 50 64 TO 80 F’or any time not above specified, a proporto -. charge will be made. * A deduction of 26 per cent from the above rite - will be made on advertisements appearing eti* ■■ slvely ou the fourth page of the daily. • Advertisements ordered three times a week, be charged two-thirds the above rates. Special notices, 10 cents per Hue for the nftt, * - 6 conts for each subseqent insertion, and in to be subject to contract. 31arriag« notices |1 ? neral Invitations 60 cents each. No special!B«-* r inserted for less than 60 ceuts. Obituary 3^° j Reports, Resolutions, or Proceeding? of anyMC-d - Association, or Corporation, ordered to be fw* ed, 6 cents per line. Steamboats will bo advertised at 540 per ‘ u ** for each boat advertised. i 1 Steamships, where butone U ruuuing, »4bpei»- num; if two or more, $30 each. .. <j.- * —“ *5 not to be suDjfr- - ^ T Auctioneers’advertisements — contract, but to be charged at the rates pro per square. The paper, under no circuraftance?, tow**-’ ed in a contract. . • Professional and business cards not ex«w*» j lines, will bo inserted at $20 pvr annum. r -jA Calls on persons to become candidate?. ** inserted as other advertisements, to be M •< Ja variably in advance. ^ Announcing candidates for office, $10, to ^ : s ^ in advance. . ..31 Advertisements not marked on tbe specified time, will be inserted until forrta- • -. 4 payment exacted. m When auy bill for two months advertising. thau contract, amounts to over 550. a deducts* 25 per ccut will be made, . . ,d M Yearly advertising, with privilege of ebaeg* (. .J be taken at the following rates : ^ | For ono squaro, renewable once a week, - " “ >• twlco E -m 3 time? or oficner • Every additional square contracted for to becW GRATES. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT, new pat. writs, just received, ami for sale twouty-Uve !W cent, less than ever toforo in this city KkVMFriV.v nt t<*|| Ag««ta S;.-, 1 “ r 88 .und yell selected atock of White to'ad, Frcuch und Am- crican zincs, Chrome Green, Yellow Linseed, Friend i'fon f t"' 1 Faiwr Hanging^ w lilcli we will sell at foyy rates. aprl$- ‘VTAUa?.—5 tons landing thla day from bark A.1 Augusta, a comiilete assortment for Builders’ use, for sale at inauufopturers’ price*. . CHAFFER A CO., Jan_9 q Whitaker street, S 'TAFLE and Fancy Dry Goods, of every r va- ' riety, just reeoiviHl uud for sale by J. W. THRKliKEI.l), mar SI Cor. Congross and. Wliltaker at?. O W EOT' til L.—A very su|»orior article of Tuscan Olive Oil, put up by Rolling k Co., Leghorn: for »ale by JOHN U. MOORE A CO., feb 4 __ Gibbon?»-Bulldlugg. S EED tolTAToKS.—170 bills, prime Seed Potatoe*. from schr. 31. Burr, from Boston. For sale by fob 8 HUNTER «gQAMMIL|| Manilla Baud Paper, constantly * » v yKR A CO’8, J\. on baud al an 11-61 CHAFFER * CO’8, No $ Whitaker it ed one halfthc above rate? additieual. , j Yearly ad ver ti? era shall be limited to l“* -L | contracted for. AU contracts shall bemw«_ .-a ataliug definitely the nature of the busing. advertised. Any advertisement? not proixfo nected with tlie business shall be charged»<!■ ly, and also any excess or matter over foe contracted for. * 4 Coutract advertisement? payable quan* vertisomenta from strougers and transient payablo in advance. All others will be *>**** ^ due when called for. w? Regular adverUser* and all others sending^ muuicationa or requiring notices designeda tcution tofolrs, concerts, soiree*, or any P“° .J tertalumenta, where charges are made tw i unce—aU noUce* of private aMociatkmSjewia tfce designed to call attention to private onw{”j calculated or intended to promote inditiuijj, Tests,' can only bo Inserted with the und«JJJff| that the same Is to be paid for. If ins ,°. r , t 1 ?dt?r .1 editorial column (which can be only at foe ^ - 1 Uon ortho editors) the same will be charge* j rate of not les* than 20 cents per line. f 6 Advertisement? ordered in the tt eeki> l i t por square for each insertion. Tito undersigned, publishers of Daily, Tn « J and' Wookly newsiwpers iu Savannah, b» ; i| oursolvo* strictly to adhere to the ^1 charges, aud lu uo Imiumco to dovtafothew" /]Th* above rates to tako effect March io coutlnue binding, until changed by foe' . utalorUy or the undersigned. r ^ N. a—This schedule shall not In tax the integrity of existing contract?. All MlUKOOT k Bap, tup,Him. mmu*Wmralmx,Marmott 1 **, ■ - - — - - i ft /ft*** I ft. ft. Hum ft 0>, Otarpaa I