Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 28, 1856, Image 3

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A YOUNG MAN, who write* a neat »nd ex- IMHtltlouM hand, would take Jobs of poMing and making out account*. my22—lw Address, U., I*. O. Dos 522. ~ “WftWMfilK i ! - a MAUIUED gentleman, qualified tu take charge A of tho Odd Fellows' Female High School or Jiutoaborough. Fast Tennessee. Tim ached la well iHlablUhed, llbcraUy patronised, the oounwoT study through giving unusual promlnoneo to mathoma- ties; the buildings mostly new, the atatc of socle* tv desirable, the climate healthy, and the salary good. Applicants will please stato their church re* futons, and Ibrward their reference! to -. JAMBA A. DHAWOKTH, puyto—3* ^^Ohgiwut of Oommittee, A U. debts due the late firm of Spencer Currell A Co., not liquidated by the flddayofJuue non, will be placed In tho hands of an officer tor collection, without discrimination. m».v2&—<3 WANTED. a half grown Colored llouue Servant wanted. A Apply at this office. may IS BOAltDtNG. lJBVBRAL xontlemonor small families can be accoiimiiKlMed with gootl Dooms aud Board, on th» West sddo of Montgomery street, one door above South Uroad atreet. MRS. M. H. RAYMCK. dec 12—tf^ rjHARDlNG.—Mr. Thomas, corner o? Con I j gross and Lincoln streets, is prepared to ac .•.enmodato a tow hoarders, altordiug them oxcollou U:r Ac. de« 17—If NEW JAIL. MANS FOR A NEW JAIL ate solicited Vi'iiV Pft _ from Architects and Mechanic* generally, to lie It'll with tho Clork of tho Inferior Court, on or bo- lore the first of Juno next. One turn red dollars will tm given for tlie plan Adopted apro tho Cuurt. WM. H. 0UY1JCR, J. I. v. o. o. N. D. KNAl'i*. J. 1. tX c. c. MONT. GUMMING, s. i. v. v, o. JAMIS K. GODFREY, t.1, c. ti. c. GEO. P. HARRISON, t. I. c. c. C. Stammering aml Stuttetlng Cured; PROFE88ORJ. H. LUIVIN r STORMS those attlietod by Stammering or Stuter* I ring, that ho has taken rooms at tho Marshal lionso, and 1a preparodto enable them to speak aud rea I with distinctness, in the short apace of two hours, without lufllcting the least pain. Tho patient Is hi vs ruhly convinced that It is effectual aud perman ent. Where the above changots not attained no cltargA will bo made. He will remain in this place '.«ut a few days. apr 30 _ NOTICE. 'IMIE Undersigned has This Day removed his L entiro stock of Segars, Tobacco, Ac., from ids old stand, cornor of Bryan street, to hi- uow store ou the corner of Bay and Whitaker streets, where ho holies to receive u coutiuuanco of tlio patronage of all Ids oi l friends and customers. aprUOtf A. PONCE. FOR SALE. jrw Six Tracts or Land, 600 acre each, 3 or 4 y miles from the city or Savannah on the 8. A. audUulfRutl Road, well adapted to tl.e growthol Rice, Cotton aud Corn, and Wood enough to pay for it ten times over. Apply to lob 27 tf C. A. Ll/m LOTI. F OR SALE.—A fine lot in Wesley Ward— Also two ou Gordon street, oast. For sale low. Fee sltnplo. Apply to A. WILBUR, Geu'l Insurauco Agent and Broker, may 22 111 Ray street 1 A Aft AAA GREY BRICKS. best qual AaVvJ v'aV/V/Vr ity, for salo. Apply to " " A. McALPIN k BRO., m.v22-lmo Williamson's buildings. nar.Ncws copy. WANTED. T SON list of tho South-Western R. R. J# For Halo: • etitral R. R. Stock, youth-Western R. R. Stock. J. BRYAN, iny22-2t 147 Bay street. WM. J. HUNT, Cor. lUontgomery & York all. SAVANNAH, GA„ I) ESPEOTFULLY Informs the Ladies and li Goutlemeu of this City that he is prepared to •'•rve thorn every eveniug with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, in his own pocullar style, and hopes to merit a share "I public patronngo, Savannah, 17th April, 1868. 3m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. D ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryon-at, would respectfully atmounco to tho citizons ol Mvuunali that ho is ready to make and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Uattiug, kc., at tho shortest ho »*'•>. and on the must reasonable terms. oct3-tT ICE C RE AMI NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE . No. 08 Bryan Street. nvo poors anovK Mr. Urnmx’s jkwki.ry stork. 'P HE undersigned respectfully informs the La- i. dies ofSavauunh iu particular, and the public cnerally, that bo lias this duy opened anew Confec- ternary Store, and will keep on hand a large and •-li imortmout, of all kinds and dtocrlptlons. Ho will at all times and hours, be ready tofuruish • .riles, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all honri. 1 viumonted Cakes, Pies, kc. Ac., made to order, lie hopos from long experionco to glvo satisfaction 11 all who will honor him with their patrouage. H. B BOZZOLA, No. 08 BryanS BR PRESERVIMO ts.vegetab . * c , LS&PRO ROPRIETORS PEARL ST.ME^ They are easily opened and closed—require no 1 -oldering—may be used year after year. DEMAND UNLIMITED. Every Housekeeper should bo a purchaser, Full directions for preserving accompany tho leans. I For salo In Savannah at Now York Manufacturer's I prices, by W. G. DICKSON, Barnard street, may27 Agent tor Chatham County. DOUBLE EXTBA 1st. LOUIS FLOUR JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER, 1.1 (\ DDLS. Double Extro St. Louis Flour, which I A*' excels any flour now in use. It Is worth $2 I to $3 per bbi moro in Now York than Genesee I Flour. I (Iff and 12K pouud bags of tho samo put up tor family use, CHEiVP FLOUR. |1 AA BAGS TENNESSEE FLOUR. |AV/V/ )i barrel Bags Extra, very wlilto, and I warranted to please all, at $4. For sale at may27 DIOKHON'8. ~~ I- “coffilENCBMEOT. U * , *‘ IcAllUATH, July Oth-Sermon by Philip P, IO Neely, Alabama Conference. Ilfouriay, July 7th—Prize exhibition of Sophomore | ‘.'Ixih—Concert at Candle-light. >-sd«y, July 8th—Anniversary or Hentz k Judson *H:lety. Prizes awarded. Annuul address by Luther M. Smith, Prof. Emory College. |"l*‘irsdny, July loth—Anniversary of the Alumnae •Vu-ty. Address by Hon. J. Glancy Jones, Penn •-ylvttiiia. Examination of all tho classes will take place tbe | w,, "k pri-ceding commencement. B W. B. T. MONTGOMERY, myl I Bnpt. Faculty. CURTIS’ DIGEST Dulled States Supreme Coiqt Derisions. Juel I'ubllshtHl by LITTLE, BROWN A CO., Wn. Ill, W.ihlnglon Htreet, Bwtun, A DXOEST OF THE DECISIONS OF THE Supreme Court of the Dulled States, From the origin of tho Court to the close ortho Do* comber Term, 1864. , by B. R. CURTIS. Otto of tho Asaocluto Justices of IlicUmni. Olio Volume Svo Price no. Thla Digest embraces all Die published decisions of tho Hiipreuie Court down to the prosent time, In cludhig 17th Howard. It Is ho arranged that it may bo uaod in coiitioctlon with tho Rujiorlt of Messrs. Dattaa, Crouch, Wheaton, Peters and Howard, or with tho 21 volumes of Decisions as published by Mr. Justice Curtis, (of which it terms tho 22nd vol* ume. U contains a table of alt acts of C.mgresM construed or referred to by the Court lu tlielr opinions, ar* ranged In cbrouologiRal order, with reference* to tho Cases, and nit appendix or Praetlonl Direction* flir prosecuting Writs of Error and Appeals to tho Hu* Pronto Court or tho Culled States, with tho uecea* sury forms; and also a table of Hie cases decided, and another of tho cases cited by tho Court iu their opinion*. V. S. Supreme Court Decisions, JUDGE CURTIS’ EDITION. TWENTY-TWO VOLUMES. 1700—1831. Price Three Dollnrs per Volume, These Reports comprise the cases reported by Dalian, 4 vols.; Crunch, 9 vote.; Wheaton, 12 vols.; Peters, 18 vols.; Howard 17 vols.; in rill 68 vols.— Tho catalogue prico of the otd series is $222. Judge Curtis' edition is offered at tho low price of $3 a vol- mno, or $88 tor Dm whole, Including tho Digest. [From the Chi«r Justico ot tho United Suites.1 1 regard this publication us ouo ol the most useful aud valuablu Dial has beou Issued from tho Amerl can press. U Is of the llrat Importaucu to the pub* lie, aud to tho administration of justice in the several States that the decUloiis of tho Bupremo Court upon questions confided to it by the constitution and laws or Congress should bo generally known throughout tho Union, aud made accessible to tho profession in every 8iutu ut a ruusouubie price. This work is well calculated to accomplish these objects. 1 have ex amined the first volume. 1 need net say that it is ovidenily prepared with great judgment aud cure. Tho character or Mr. Justice Curtis u of hsuira auf- tlciout guarauty ihut any work of this kind under taken by him will be executed lu tho bust manner. And when tt is compiotcd. it comiet tall, 1 think, to meet the approbation and support or the public as well as tbe profession, whether practising itt the Courta nr tbo United Mutes or tho Courts or a State. July 10,1855. R. |). Taney; ft [Fromthe Attorney General ortho Uulted Slates." Attorney-uknkkal'm Office, ) ... Roptoutber 11, 1866. / Geutlenum,— lhavo, In compliance with your re quest, examined tho volumos now iu tho courso of publiuaUun, untitled 11 Reports of Decisions in the Su preme Court or tho Uidted States ” by Mr. Justico Curtis, and puruulvu that t no work possesses pecu liar qualities, us follows:— 1. lu tbo preservation of whatever is of primary importance tu tbo previous reports of the same de cisions. with great saving of bulk aud expense by the ommissiou orseenndary matter, such us editoriu statements ofGio fuels Ih-the case and arguments ol counsel, where these arc not essential to tho under standing or uiuddation or the decisions themselves. 2. In tho careful re visa! of each cose; iu the sense of editorial accuracy, aud the consequent correction of such errors of editorship or Impression os existed in the previous reports, 3. Iu the addition to each caao of reference by loot uoto to other decisions or tho series In which the same is muuUoucd. 4. In the recomposition ol the editorial statements of the cases, not merely lu the aonBo of rejection or ot abridgement, but still inoro In that ol essential improvement <d the matter itself by racaus of tutor- mutiou derived from tbe original records and tiles or the court. 6. lu the recoutposiU m of the head notes on a theory of Juridical exposit'ous, so that tho syllabus of each caso exhibits what is really adjudged in U os law, aud that aiouo, passing over obiter dicta aud mere Judicial argument. 6. Tbe Digest promised will supply a waul which is very sensibly felt by all who have occasion to consult the Decisions ol the Suprome Court, tho ex- Ltiug digests thereof being either autiquatedor de fective in plan and execution. 1 think these are signal advantages of the present work, serving not only to roudor more accessible to the legal profession gouorally, but also mure availa ble and profitable tor study aud uso, a series of Ju dicial decisions holding tbe highest place ntnoug tho many colleotlous of the same class which hounr aud adoru the legal literature of tho United Btates. 1 am, very respectfully, C. CT'HUINQ. Messrs. Little, Brown k Co. [From i’ror. Parsons, of tho Cambi idgo Law School.] “Judge Curtis is rendering to Dio profession a ser vice or vory great Importance in bringing within our reach tho law of those numorous andoxpouslve volumes. Let me show by au example taken only bccuuxo it happened to be the first caso I examined, how he docs this. In tho first volume, the interest ing coso of Graves ot ul. v. the B. M. Insurance Co., which determines the rules or law applicable to an Insurauco by ouo partuer of tho property of tho Qrm—occupies lets tlmu six pages, lu the second voiumo of Branch (whoso reports aro far lessvolu- luminous and diffuso than tboso or his successors) this case occupies twonty-six ixigea. But Judge Curtis retains everything suld by tho tiupremo Court, who s|>eak by Marshall, C. J., and everything fkrtber which a lawyer can want or use. And he puts this in so compact a form that it 13 really much easie to get at tho true result and operation of tbo oaso. than lu the orlgluul report. The same tiling will I think, bo found to be literally true in roferonce to all the coutents or tbeso volumos. His condensa tion ol'this loose mass saves us not only money, but time and labor.” Thkopiiili-s Parsons. Cambridge, August 10,1866. may24 3t cod UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Southern District of Georgia. 7b the Marthal the Southern District tf Georgia, Greeting i 'ITfHERKAS James lluchford do Wolf, James Fish- Tv or Jones, James Garuock. and ltobbert Blbby, owners of tbo ship Elizabeth, have exhibited their libel or complaint lu the District Court of tlio United States for tbo Southern District of Georgia, alloging and propounding Dial tho suld libellants aro tho true and legal owners of tlio sold ship Elizabeth, ol which Thomas Williams is aud lately was master, that on tho ulght of tbo fifth of April, lu Die year eighteen hundred aud Ulty-six, tho suld ship Eliza beth was lying in tho Rivor Savannah, at Venus’ Point, well In shore, aud was at thattimo a staunch and well built ship, of tlio burthen of nluo hundred and fifty tons, or thercubouts, aud sufficiently pro- vided with apparel, tackle and furniture, aud pro perly mannod with a sufficient crow to work and navigate said ship, that on tho said night of tlio fifth of April, eighteen uuntlrodaud fifty-ilx, about seven o'clock In the evening, a signal lantern was liuug out In tho lorestay of said ship Elizabeth; Dial about eight o'clock on the night of tbe suld filth of April, whilst tho suld ship Elizabotli was so lying at Venus* Point, iu tho Suvannah Rivor, wltldu the ebb and flow of thotido, aud within tho admiralty and muru- Ume Jurisdiction of tho District Court of tho United States, for tho Southern District of Gcorgiu, securely moored, tlio steamship Keystouo Stato, whereof Robert Hurdle was muster on her way Iroiu Phila delphia to tho city of Savannah, cumo up tho Savon- nub River undor full hoadway, and tbeu and tbero, with great force and violence, rau into and upon the suid ship Elizabeth, smashing tho side of tho fore- castlo of said ship Elizabeth, brooking five of tbo forecastlo beams, started tho dock, carriod away tbo bowsprit, uud other damago did to tbo Bald ship Elizabeth, us in said libel is stated, rendering it no- ccssary to discharge a part of her cargo, and to bring her up to tbo city or Savannah tor repairs, at great oxponso und Iosh of time; that it la impossible to ascortuin exactly what will be tho extent of tho dumngos, but as far as calculation can bo made the damago sustained by such collision to tho said ship Elizabotli, umounts to Die sum or ten tbousntid dol lars; that this occurred in tho admiralty mid inura- llmo Jurisdiction of said Court, all of which the libel- iauts pray leave to furnish proof of, uud have also prayed a docrco for tholr damages aforesaid, and coets, and that tbe ordinary procoss may Issuo. And wberoas tho Judge of the District Court afore said hath ordered and directed that the ordinary ■fil i.r.Ta TO RENT* UNTIL Did 1st November noxt, u com- modious and airy reutdeneo. on Dio north aUta of tho Central Railroad Depot, known m Hovers Place. Tho houso to newly fur- basement to attic, which can ho bought I'todunsdayi Juiy ’oth—<Commencement day. Ad- process should issuo, returnable to tho United 'in*M by Hon. F. S. Bartow, Bavanuah, Ga. States Court Room In tho city of Savannah, ^on the WM? YOUNG k WYAW. OFFICEtTFOit KENT IN THE TURWWntlRY BRICK HOURS adjoining tho office of the subscriber. Tho baaemont would make, with some slight .Improvement, au excolleut lawyer's-office. and aecond floors will bo let for Counting- Rooms, and the third tor sloepiug apartments. Con nected with tho establishment to an out-building ol brick, suitable tor servants. Apply to C. A. L. UMAR, sopt3 Corner Drayton and Bryau Htreeta. TO RENT TWO TKNF.MKNTS IN GORDON BIAN.'K, ||!« IVonting ChatImm Rquuro. and well I'tiridsh- !■ od with gas, water, stables, kc. INwfok- ■■UHteton given tat of Novemtusr. EDWARD «. WIIRON, octl5 72 Bryan street. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho two-story brink store on Congress atreet, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein k Eckman. This to one of tho best stands in the city tor any kind of busiuoss. Terms will ho mado accommodating. For particulars In- quire at 142 Broughton alreot, almve the store ofT. »- McKoima. tfuuiyU TO* RENT. The Dwolllng lately wsiupied hy Judge Flomiug, in Taylor street, near Drayton. Raid House is throe stories on a basement, .with Rood servants’ rooms, andoutUmiscs. i«ou given Immediately. Apply to toh 28 D. I.. COHEN. FOR RENT. M Possession givou imtnudlalely — Tliico story brick liouse, new aud lu rishI order, on Macon street, next cast residence to Mrs. Jewett. Apply at this office, u tl liiay27 ATLANTA HOTEL. 7 ATLANTA i i : : GEORGIA. J. J. 1IESLER, Proprietor. M lMtr of the Verandah llukl, AVio Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will Und Supper ready on the arrival of Du* Cars, mnyl4 merchants’ Hotel, ' JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN BOZEMAN, Proprietor. M BOARD PKR liAV $ 1 60 BOARD mWKKK 0 00 BOAKD mt MONTH., 20 00 may 13 • __ lyr ' MILLS'HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, C1IAKLKSTON, 8. C. M THIS House la now adapted to all the wants of tho Travelling Public, and the ef forts of the Proprietor will bo w deserve their patronage. mar 31 THOMAS 3. NICKERSON. MONTGOMERY’S HOTEL AND DINING ROOMS—(ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) A'o. 16 and 17 Beehnan, tm doors east of Xassau street, near the. Citu Hall Park. Tlio subscriber, thankful for past favors, would inform Ids patrons and tho traveling public, that ho Is now prepared to furnish first class 1/xlglug Rooms, with couvonion- . _. equal to any Hotel lu the city. Transient or per manent lodgers accommodated by the day, weokor month, with or without board. R. C. MONTGOMERY, my!3 Now York. Ml m prepared, INDIAN SPUING HOTEL. Tlie Undersigned has again tbe pleasure of Informing his numorous friends, as well as tlio public at large, that lie is yet at tho Indian Spring llutul, and to fully prepared, witli the assistance of bis sons aud his own experience or six years at the hotel, with tho best cooks that can be procured, as well as assis tance of all kinds, to ask or all those who visit the Spring a gonorous share of tholr iwtronage. intend ing to spare no pains or himself to make all suck as picaso to give him a call comfortable. Tbo Indian Spring Hotel is now opon, and ready to receive all those that will pieaso to call. There will be at For sythe Depot coaches and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsepl Proprietor. *+* Savannah Republican, Morulng News, and Charleston Courier will please Insert the above three tlinos ouch week until 1st September, and send tholr bills tor payment. EDW. VARNER. A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER RESIDENCE FOR SALK.—Delightfully situated rest- ijnH dencoat Milway, two uud a ball' miles iilH from MUletlgovlllo, u quarter of a mile JbSBL from Oglethorpe University, within a few minutes walk of Railroad Depot. The house con tains eight rooms, two jmrlors, dining room, five chambers, wldohalland wide gallery front and rear; kitchen, sorvanto rooms, smoko bouse, carriage houso and Btable. The buildings aro all in good or der, having undergone thorough repairs. The lot contains four nores, and well laid out—contains a variety ot fruit trees, shrubbery aud flowers; uu tlio tot to a woll of fine wntor; thirty auras of wood land goes with it. The furniture, carriage uud horses will be Hold, if desired. All sold ou account of re moval. Terms moderate, If applied for immediately. Address M. M. HOLMES, apr 23 eod—lmo MUledgovHlo Poo. ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. M Tho abovo named Houso is uow open for the reception of Boarders and Travellers, and the undersigned promises to spare neither pains or expenso to make his pe trous comfortable. His table will always bo sup plied with tlio choicest that tbe markot and the sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, WildGamo, Ac. Tho Houso is large and airy, and within a few yards of the landing, on tbo beau tiful rivor St. Marys, and is a desirable placo for In valids and othors us a summer resort. Tho stago leaves the House threo times a week tor Woodstock Mills, Ceutrevlllngo, anil Trader’s Hill, and the Sa- vammL bouts touch going aud comlug, so that per sons will not bo inconvenienced, but cun leavo when they Uodrc, Prices will bo mado to corrosi>oud witli first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES ■ Ft. Marys, May 27, I860.3m my'^a L ADIES’ AND GENT’S GLOVES.—A mag nificent assortment of ladies’ and gout’s Taffuta 811k Gloves, white and black, also assorted colors, |ust received and for salo dy murll LAD80N k ROGERS ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pitchers, Some now and beautiful designs, Plated aud Britu- nia. At tho Hjuso Furnishing £ Storo, 166 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April 30. apr3Q BATH HOUB1 HOT, COLD AND SHOWER. rpHE BATH HOUSE having beon handsomely X fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d of March. Single Baths 25 cents—six tickets for $1.00 marl J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. 'CLASSICAL SCHOOL. The undersigned bus opened a Day ^ and Nlgiit Feline), In South Broad st., ^between Houston aud Price sto., where ■ he is prepared to give instructions in ’tho Izitlu, Greek and French Lan- . „ guageH; also, in the usual Uratio.has of N English Education. J. F. DILLON, ■ »|14 Prof, of Ijuiguages. 12th day or Juno next, at eleven o'clock, A. M., Now, thcrotore, you aro hereby authorised, oro powered aud strictly enjoined peremptorily to cite und admonish all persons having, or protending to have, any right, title, interest, or claim to tbo said steamship Keystone 8tatc, lior machinery, tackle, apparel and toruiture, by all lawtol ways and moans wheruby this monition inuy be mado most public and notorious, to bo uud uppeur at tlio time uud place aforesaid, before Hi** Judge aforesaid, to show cause, ir any they have, why Judgment should uot pass as prayed for, aud to do and recelvo what uuto law and Justico shall appertain, and wbatevor you shall do In tho pruniisuH you Khali certify to the Judge aforesaid, at the lime and place aforesaid, to gether with this writ. Witness tbe Honorable John O. Nlcoll, Judge of removal: Tho subscriber boa Roniovod on tho jM Bay, noxt door to the Republican IJa office, where he is now opening a ■ ■ 111, handsome assortment of 8PRINGl AND SUMMER GOODS, which bo will sell by tho pattern or niako to oraor in tho most fashionable stylo. Also, Ready Made Clothing for tho preseut and coming season. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes to merit a con tinuance of tbo samo. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing dono ut tho shortest notlco. Just received White Drill Coata aud Pants, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale at a small pro- aprl2 JOHN W, KEU.V. DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. tji The subscriber takes this opportunity - a* fl to inform bis friends and tbe public, that fgk flpho is enabled, from ogpcrienco, and the (19 -JULlntuitivo perceptions of the truths of-Hit sclouce, based on the common rulcB of surveying terms, both plane and spherical, to cut and mako up garments to fit the human form in tho most comploto and finished style, to all who may favor him with a call. Boys’ fancy dresses, Ball costumes, Military and Firemen’s Uniforms. Ac., Ac. P. HORACE GRANT, Jofferaon st., one door North of Broughton streot. dec 7—ly UROWN DE BAGE.-Just received perstr. i u Alabama, and lor sale by J.W. THRELKELD, *nr1l fkitigress and Wbltaker-sta. irightocu hundred and Ully-six. LAW, BARTOW k LOVELL, Proctors for Ubcllauto. All persouH interested in this munition will take dun uot Ice. DAN’L II. STEWART, U. S. Murslial. Savannah, 23d May, 1866. L,CA>IIM.H t A Play III Five Arte. TIUNHUTBII Irom tho Krench, of Aloxander Ilu- IA mu», Jr., by Matilda Heron. Receive.! end for r 1 * '*y WARWICK k 1IAVIH, ■ "“yM lie Coogroie mreet. T.VX1HA CANAI. HAIUR.—» herrelB Kllra Uiintl IJd Fleer. Landing end tor sale by ni.yl6 80BANTON. JOHNSTON A 00. WATEIL—-1 f you want tbe finest drink- P- water In the world call and purchase ono of Ir .jffdale’a Patent Water FllUra, tW . ® toeutloned In Water Commissioners’ hut which we warrant to partly the Savannah K2T l«rfectly—an IndUpensablo article for IteUtlon uso, KENNEDY k BEACH, | i“‘tf4 only AgenU for tbalr sole In Savannah. T AMD, HKKKlNUa U tODHoH— ,1 j 20 barrels Prime White Uaf lard, 60 boxej “ Herrings, 2 hbds “ Codfish, JOHNKTON A 00. \.f ONONOAHELA W1U8KY- J.V1 ltd bbi Old MouoogBhela Wblaky, 60 •• Rouble Ouuiied 11 Just received aud for ule by nyh MUMTON, JOHNSTON k 00. PRIME KENTUCKY HAMS.—Neatly trim- C '“r# ” **%An. PIANO FORTES. — HAVING lately received largo ad' OPI dttlons to our PIANO FORTES, wo Fl 1 V if enabled to offer at Ibis time tho MS I • •greatest variety from tho best manu facturcrs, from tho plainest square to tho tnest olab oratoly carved, and from six to seven octavos. Our Pianos aro selected from the manufacturer* whom we have toll confidence In, and we are par ticularly requested by them to give a guarauty with every instrument sold by us as regards durability, tono, Ac. Persons in waut ora first rate instrument may re- |v with safety upon getting auch a ono by selecting from tbe following makers, whose Instruments we ondeavor to keep constantly on hand, via : H. Wor cester, J. Chlckorlng k Son. Nunnak Clarke, Bacon H w *" ,re ’ "Y^sraffiswar *u« *> JOHN C. UOOTII, Civil. ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will giv. 111. attention to design. In Arcldleo turo. omiitt lu the store nr John wlUInmsou, Ktq., tiny street. myia_ TVTEW GOODS.—The subscriber has received JM alnrgolotorthofollowlngnrttolns— WhIU nod striped Osnnburgi, Columbus Factory, Wblto and atrlnod Osnnburgi, Sobloy's FscWfy, Hloiohed and brown Shirtings nod Bbootlngs, Muriboro’ and MauchosUr Plaids aud Stripes, Also, nfrMh’too! cbtsjt bywIorod^WnU nrlll omMrOoagrmaad" WANTtlt—A Vaual to load with Umber ;for au Kuronoaii market Apply at Union Paw Mill, or J F O’Byrne’s offlov. mar3\ JEFFERSON ROBERTO. ' WANTED—A VrisHoTtu load Wfiff Timber ifor a Northern port. Apply ot Union Steam jWWlLor at J F O’Uyrnu'u office. , . mnrUl JKFVERBON ROBUttB, yds VnraiiHTWoilARItK—Tbo non. j&Bijb, pared and oopi»or lUstoned brig ROBERT M. S55KuHARLl'm>N, J. II..IJghtbiiru, master. Ap ply to J, ROBERTS, apriont Or Mast or on board, .il VKBBElB WANTED.—A vessel to loud with 2£ekf timber, for Boslou. Alio a veesel toiond MSCeWlth sawed lumber, for tlio samn place. Apply to JKFKER80N ROBERTA. at Union Steam Saw Mill, _aprl9 or J. F. O’BYRNE’S Office, WaNTKD.—A froiglit of charterfbrTfa- . vann for Brig R. M. CHARI,ETON. KAppIptn JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Uuion Steam Saw Mill, aprlP or J. F. O’BYRNK’H Office. FOR LlVWtl’OOL—The A 1 American Ship MARY k ADELINE, W. Taylor, master. ,MnA having a portion of iior cargo engaged, wl I have immediate dispatch. For iruight apply tu Captain Taylor, orto may7 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO, FOR NEW YORK—Union LiNK^Tli'o fiwt sailing schooner H J. WARING, Smith, mas- u;r, will have dispatch for tlio above port. For lYeight apply to maylj OtfDEN, STARR A CO. l'OR NEW YORK—GloMoiiKVai’s l JNK-- The new suhoonnr II. FLANNKR, Cupt. Ap- plegit, will havo dispateli Ibr the above port. For freight or passsHe apply to mnyl.T HUNTER k GAMMKIJ,. FOR I’HILADELiiinA—Hkkon’h Ijnk.— Tlio rclioonor MARY A I/)U1SA, Caidulu Meuiuian. will have dispitich for tlio above (Htri.— For freight apply to may IP 0. A. GREINER. AND SAVANNAH PACKETS. , This new lino will be composed of tho fol lowing vessels, ouo of which wilt leave ‘“or P, N. R., punctually every Thursday, . irainoucing ou the first of November: New schooner EDWARD KIDDER, 300 tons, Tyler, master. New schooner BENNETT FLANNKR, 33b tons, Ap- plouilt, master. New schooner GEORGE DAYT3, 33d tons, Smith, master. Now sohoouur LOVET PEACOCK, 370 toun, Terry, master. Now schooner WALTER RALEIGH, 440 tous, Mar shall, master. These vessels are aU of the first doss, and having becu built during tho past year expressly for thin trade, ave well deserving the attention of shippers. They aro commanded oy masters of experience and ability, and uhippors can rely upon quick dispatch, and overy attention being paid to tlielr conveuiouee. For freight or passage apply to tho master on board or to HUNTER AGAMMELL, Agents at Bavanuah. J. R. GILMORE k CO., nov2 164 Water-st., Now York. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. 8oml a 'tVct'kly United States Mall Line, THE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL I Steamship*— KNOXVILLE.. 1,500 tons..Cupt. C. 1). Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ ..Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 " ..Capt. M.8. Woodhull. ALABAMA..., 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Sflhenck. WILL LKAVS SAVANNAH KVCRV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Theso ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety and comfort, making their passages In fifty to sixty hours, and are com manded by skillful, curotol and polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable conveyance to Now York. Cabin Passage to New York $25 Steerage Passngo to Now York 8 PADELFORD, FAY & 00., Savannah. SAM’L 1- M1TCHILL. 13 Broadway, fob 6 Now York. FLORIDA PORTS. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. S. Mail Lino—From Now Or leans to Koy West.—Steamships FLORIDA aud VAKDERBILT.—Theso fine steamers will in toturo make tholr regular semi-monthly trlt... New Orloans, I0thc24th Pensacola.. ..Ilthk26th Apalachicola. 12th &2tith dt Marks.... 13th &27th Cedar Keys..14th & 28th Tampa Day.. 16th k 20th ns follows: Key West, ..16tU4c24th Tumpu Uth & 26th Codar Keys.12th k 2Ctb 8t. Marks...14th &28th Apalachicola, 16th k 29th Pensacola.., 16th k 30th Arrive at Key West..... 17th k lit I Now Orleans, 17th k 1st Agents iu New Orleans, doc26 6m K. O. ROGERS, kCO., 72 Poydrass street. FOR CHARLESTON, Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at 0 o’clock The splendid steampacket GOR- FliMWmiil | l | E- Barden, Commander, will leave as above, and will arrlvo In Charleston in Ume to connect with the Railroad linos going North and West, For freight or passage apply on tue Charles ton Steampacket Wharf to myl4 J. P. BROOKS. Agent N. d.—After FRIDAY, May 30th,tue Gordon will ee tomjKirnrilp withdrawn, making her Inst trip from Savannah on WEDNESDAY, May 28th, and from Charleston on FRIDAY, the 30Ui. FOUCKNTERVILLAGE, Via St. Simons, Brunswick, Fancy Bluff. Jefferson, Darien, SI. Marys, dc k The fine stoaraor PI.ANTER, Capt. McNelty, will leave for the above places every Wednesday morning at lOo’clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Union Ferry Wharr, or to tnovlO CRANK, WELLS k CO., Agents. FOR JOHNSON’S LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, To leave on 'i\usdny Night, the Uth instant. * - iff— to The light draft-steamer, WILLIAM JitSlitmC 1JIBBV, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Steampacket Wharr. Apply to febll 8. ii. LAFFTTEAU, Agent. • U. S. Mnll Line FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Ga., Femandi• na and Jacksonville, Picdata and Black Greek, Fla. _«4t—» W THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. K BbBK King, will leavo for tho above pinces every 'JUesday Morning, at 10 o’clk. This boat has large aud airy Stato Room acconi' modaUons, and taking lhe Inland Passage, oilers every Inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will bo taken lor Trader’s Hill and inter mediate landings on St. Mary’s River. No frolght will bo taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply ou board at tho Florida Steam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, fbr Palatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Fcrnandina, Jacksonville, Middleburg, {Black Creek,) and Picdala. w _^fl— K The new and oiegaut steampacket JOHNS, Capt. JuraoB Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above places. Frolght will be taken for Trader’s Hill and Inter medium landings on St Mary’s River. A?" No freight will be tukon after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharr, near tho Gas Works, or to aprtl CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. NEW YORK df LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Tho ships comprising this fine aro— ATLANTIC, Capt. West, I BALTIC, Capt _ PACIFIC, G»pt. Nyo. | ADRIATIC, Capt. TUose ships having been built, by coutract, ex pressly for Government service, every care bos been takon In their construcUon, as also in their en gines, to insure strength and speed, and their ac commodations for passengers are unequaled for ele- ganco and comfort. Prices of Passage from New York to Liverpool in first cabin $130, in socond cabin $76, exclusive use or extra state-rooms $326. From liver pool to Now York £30 and £20. An experienced Surgcou attached to each ship. No bortlis cau be secured until paid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 66 Wall street, New York. BROWN, SHIPLEY k CO.. Liverpool. STEPHEN, KKNNARD it CO. B. G. WAINWRIGHT k CO., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. £9*The owners or tbeso ships will uot be ac countable for gold, silver, bullion, specie. Jewelry, precious atonos, or metals, unless bills or lading aro Blgnod tborofor, and the value thereof expressod therein. Shlppors will please take notice that the ships ot this Une cannot carry any goods contraband of war. THE GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE 00. OF NEW YORK. A HE taking Marine Risks at their Agency, coruer of Dray ton and Bryan streets. Approved Risks will be taken ou liberal terms, and tlie usual credit given on Premium Notes. Three quarters of tho business will be returned to tho ou* touicra In scrip. O. A* L. Lnninr, fob 10 Ageut In Savannah. insVhancib; Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Lift) Ina. Company, Home Inauraiiee Company, of N. York, Springfield Fire 4b Marine Ins. Com’y, Risks lu tliu above Insurauco Comianlos underta ken by WM. KING ft SONS, Agents, No. 09 Bay street. Savannah, 14th December, 1866. deoil “ ifUUi, MAKINB ASDTIFB ' INSURANCE. A'O. Ill, HAY-STREET. CAPITA.U REPRESENTED, Hourly Four Million Dollnrs. By tlie following rus|mnsiblo Stock Companies. Charier Oak Life lnnumnc* Company, OF HARTFORD, CT. Equitable Fire Inauraiiee Company, OP LONDON. Farmer*’ anil Mechanic*' Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company, OP PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marine lusurance Company, OK DRIPOEPORT, UT. tfJTT..« subscriber will effect Insurance to uny ammiut iu all parU of tbo State ou overy description or property. Lite Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for the houofit of heirs and creditors, or ]iayablc to tho wife trim from tbo claims of creditors. Marino InsuruucM on ifulls or Cargoes to all parts ortho world. ,Jun26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL HENEFIT LIFE lNSUtt ANC'E COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett ucuumulaUcn, Jan. 1, i860* $2,230,006 47 Total smuuul of dividends paid to datu 716,402 66 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,336,900 84 $4,282,488 07 Bcqjumlu C. Miller, .Secvotary, Joseph L. Lord, Genera) Agent, Robert L. Pattorsou. President. ♦The funds of this Company aro all safely Invested lu first class bunds and mortgages, stocks, cash, aud uote* of mombera fully securod by tholr policies. For further |»artlcularH inquire of C1IAULEH A.FARLEY,'' * Agent iu Savannah, At the office of Boll k Proutla*. J, 3. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. KKKKKKNOS I Messrs. I’AiiKUutui, Fav A Co., I. K. Twt, E<q., State Bank. ten 29 MARINE AND FIRE) INSURANCE). AGGREGATE CAPITAL $6,000,000. YOUNG. WYATT ft CO., NO. 86, BAY 8TREET. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A RE prepared to effect Insurance, in coniuuc- A lion with tho MERCANTILE INSURANCE AGENCY. No. 6, Wall atreet, Now York, for any amount that may bo required. Parties requiring it can bo insured in tho following London aud Now York offices, viz: Harmony, Beukmau. Oom’ouw'Ut 8tuyvosaut Howard, Corn Exch'gi LoTargo, Markot, nov 2H . w York, Capital block . .... I20D0U0 do do .... 160000 du do .. .. 200000 ilo do 200000 d«t do 260000 do J» 200000 do du 200000 do die do 160000 do do 200000 ^udion Sal’s. BY PnniVTI.N, (HlteOSWOHSVO rim.Bhll.'K A mux.) UudcTwrUorH^sZlo or Dry Good*. THIS DAY, will bo sold at tho store or G. Brown k Co., Drougbton street— Tho ontlre stock of Sloplo and Fancy Dry Goods, saved in a damaged state from tho fire at said store, on tho night of tho 17lh inst. Fold for account of Underwriters and all concerned. Terms each, may 2b Underwriters’ Halo. THIN DAY, at 10 o’clock,will be sold ut tho Charles ton steam packet wharf- 64 bates cotton, damaged on its way dowu the Ocmulgco River, ou board Die steamer fleott, and sold under inspection or tbo Port Wardens, for ac count of Underwriter? aud all concerned. Terms ca<di. inay28 Administrator’s Palo. On tbo first TUESDAY in June noxt, at II o’olock, iu front ot' tlio Court House, will bo sold— Lots No. 6 uud 7 Forsyth Ward, corner or Whita ker and Huntingdon streets, fronting the Park, 46 by 130 feet, subject to a city ground rent or f — — pur annum. Sold as tlio projMTty of Robert II. Griffin, deceased, by vlrtuo of an order from tho Court of Ordinary, for the benefit or the heirs aud creditors ol said estate. By order of the urtminlilrator. Terms >*t sale. maylH Administratrix Sale. On TUE8DAY, July first, at 11 o’clock, in front ot tho Court House, will bu sold:— Tlie southern half of Jx>tNol7 and Improvement-*, situated on East Boundary street: tho improvements aro six wooden tenements. Sold ns tho pro|icrly or tho ostutu of Uanlul Robertson, deceased, Ibr the bcncQt of the heir? and creditors of said eslulo.— Terms cash. A. K. ROBIJITHON, my 13 Administratrix. BY 8. SPJEWCEBCUHBELL. At Private Palo. 2,000 bushels ot Rico; au excellent article of food for stock of ail klnd»«, perfectly dry and In good or der, at 26 cents por bushel, ('all and examine It. may 21 At Private Sale. Southern half of lot No 86, Chatham Warn. «nt« < Ravannoh, coutoinlng tweuty-tlvo and a » • 1- • i front on Tatnall street, and iilucty and threo • ■ . tu feet in dupUi, subject to a ground rent ortwootj ona 10*100 dollars per annum. For further particular* inquire at tho Counting Room, 164 Bay street . „ , At Private Bale. A few liuo lithographed pictures, 22 x 28 incheb, ofStono Mountain, DeKalh County Ga*, and Tawa laga Falls, near tlio Indian springs, Ga., for Ml* l°w. ’ J.o 10 HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY!! [BY attllORITY or THK KTAtK OV CiKOHllM.) Southern Military Academy FOR JUNE, CLANS D—Nctv Series, Will be drawn lu tlio oily of Montgomery, Alabama. .1mm J2lh, 1866, whi-u prizes umouuting to 60,001) DOLLARS Will be distributed according to t >c following beau tiful scheme.' rKN CAPITA C PlilZKS!!! ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS! !! SCIIKMi:—CLAW 1). 1 Prize »f.,,... ...$16,000 i.J $16,04.0 1 Prize of ... 6,000 is 6,1 OU 1 Prize of .... 4.000 is 4.000 1 Pi lie or .... 2,000 H 2,U90 1 Prize or .... 2,000 is 2,000 1 Prize of .... 1,000 to 1,000 1 Prizo of .... 1,000 to 1,000 11’rizo of .... 1,000 to 1.000 1 Prize or .... 1,000 to 1,000 1 Prizo of .... t.000 to 1,000 20 Prizo or .... 4oo nro 8.000 60 Prize of ... 200 are 12.000 50Prize of iOOure.... 6,000 $600 4 du do loo are.... 4i.O 4 do do 60 aro ... .... 200 8 ltd tin 26 are.... .... 200 20 do tin 20 arc.... 400 180Piizu-iaiuuunUug to... ....$00,000 PRICK OF TJCKOT3. Whole Tickets $10; Halves $6; Qimrlci s $2 60. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two numbers preceding ami sum-oeuing tlie first ten prizes, ere each eutitlo.l to Approximation Prizes. Prizes In tlii-'i Lottery ura paid thirty days after the drawing, in bills ol specie paying banks, without deduction—only on presentation ol tin* ticket draw ing tlie ITIzo. j23* Dills of all solvent banks taken ut pur- All communications strictly confidential. £3y Orders addressed to Samuel Swan, box 6 Savunuah Post office, will meet prompt attention. SAM’L SWAN, Manager, may26 tJolO Montgomery. Ain. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL insurance Compauy. [O. 28, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NO. fiBAAD SPECULATION!!! FOll A SMALL I.N VF8TMKNT! 1 aoop rTzrsi 060,000. IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY AVTUPH1TY OF THK KTAIY OP GKOUUU Jasper County Academy BROUGHTON STREET HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. Tbo uudersigued having put the above Ptablcs in good condition, •~gt. are prepared to accommodate tlielr custoinorfl with Carriages, Hack*. CASH CAPITAL—$31M,UU0 ADENV FOB SAVANNAH, James Ifl. Carter* AT TI1B OFFICE OP MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATT A CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Boat Ottiuc.! 6lacou, Ua., uuder tho sworn s’upcriutondeiico mKKCTviw- of Col. Geo. M. lx>gnn aud Jas. A. N le bet, E-tq. ALANbON MAR8U, This Lottery Is drawn on the plan of tlio Royal 8. A. ROLLO fdrm ol A. s. Baruos & Co. lottery of Havana of singln numbers; tills has only Ten Thonaaiifl Number* Only. ONE PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKETS. CLASS N. To ho drawn June tbo 16th, 1866, at Coucevt Uitll, Childs, Pratt & Co. ; 16,660 immbora, and the llnvnna Lottery iU.OOO LivlngHtou, Uallurd it Ci». numbers—tin* Havana 249 prizes, tills 1,200 prices. ” •*- *—* « i Uhiit to your Interest! Now is tlio time. CAPITA!. PRIZE—$16,000. 11'rlzeof $16,oou Is,, ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BALLARD, .. . WM. M. DODGE, “ “ Wm. ll. Dodge & Co. P. J. AVERY H. A. CURTIS, ♦* •• H. A. Curtis A Co, WM. K. ROLLO, S. T. LIPPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. UUSTED, •* Husted A Cartl. WM. H. RIVERSMITH, W. H. LYON, *• ” W. U. Lyon A a.. GEO. CHAPMAN, “ “ Ue, Murphy A do. JOS. II. Wftjroorr, “ Briggs, Westeott A Cu. JOS. FATMAN, “ Fat man A Co. STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ “ Geo. Savory A Cu. J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, Prcsldoui. C'HAS. W. OGDEN, Vico Preslpnnt. , , — WM. E. R01.LO, Secretary. AST Prizes payable without deduction. £9* This Company will issue Policies upnu Ma- £®“ Persons sending money by mail need net line, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire R* being lost. Orders jnmctualty attended to. ...... . ......— I Communications confidential. Bunk notes of sound ; banks takcu at i>ar. Drawings -ent to all ordering tickets. 6.000 la.... 4,000 Is 3,000 Is 2,000 is 1,000 is 600 is 50 Is 26 is 600 Approximation prizes of 2n are 600 •* 10 ura 1 1 1 1 5 10 0(1 120 ...$16,000 ... 6,000 ... 4.000 ... 3,000 ... 2.000 ... 0,000 ... 6,000 ... 3,000 3,000 10,000 5,000 Buggies, Sulkies, Ac., with Houud, gentle, and well broke burses, and careful drivers. Horses hoarded on accoiuiiKKlating terms, and well cared tor. Two pairs of flue Carriage Horse* for side. Inquire eoi • uer of Barnard and Broughton streets. ap)14—ly STEVENS k KUJaTON. THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY f PRYOR’s'olNTMENT. I T is a sure uud speedy cure for burns, piles, corn?, felnus, lover sores, ulcers, scald head, letter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by our sos,) Hum aud cracked lip«, fresh wounds and sores of uny dcscriptfou. It Is a most vnluablo remedy ami euro, whteh can be testified to by thouiuuiua who have used it in many perilous of the South Utr tlio bisi few years. In no instance will the naive do any injury, or Interfere with a physician’s preset ip- tloii. Tbo proprietor bus utinu-rous ceriificutesuud letters from people who have used It theuuelved, and earnestly recommend it to others *a a rpeedy aud certain remedy for tlio above natnofe- diseases, a trial is all that Is necessary for its own recomnicmlution. Sold by J. D. ibmike, Savannah, Ga., and drug gists generally. V. J. MOllUE. Proprietor, may 18 lAGrungo, Ga. I*. JACOBS, 8EGAR AND TOIIACCO STORE. No. 21), Bull fitreet, (sign of the Big Indlnix.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on huud Kpauish, Hail yuuiisb, aud American M-cnrs, at wholesale and re- all. Also, Chewing Tobacco. Stialf, Ac. June 1 JAlfcftS McVikNRT, lnsuruncu Broker und Notary Public. Mut'iiiu l’rotP<ts N«4oit .oul t-Jiteudud, Average a<t)UNied, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawn* Paper* prepared whereby to recover lonsea train American or British Underwriters, aud attention given to all matters connected with shipping uud In surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ol tho Custom House. ly nov 8 "PATENT ECLIPSE Every man 111* own Card Printer. C l ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN'S t Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, tho best, cheapest and most convenient of uny thiug for the purpose yet offered for suln. ALI'RED WEBSTER, Goo. Agt. apr 3 ly 136 Congress St. HUNT’S imum SETOG HUhines. D ESIGNED Expressly for making Bagt>—ami which is decidedly superior to any other macblno for that purpose. Spool or skein threac can bo used of uny desired length, and which will uot need to bn changed until the wholu is used. Bag inauaulucturoiR, Gratifuud Flour merchants ate pui tlcularly iuviicd to call and examine Hat 136 Coo grass street. Mny25. ALFRED WEBSTER.fieu. Agt. HUNT A SVEilSTER’8. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. D esigned for I’umillo*, pluntatlous. Dress mu- kor-i, Taiioi s, Boot a Shoe *mauufucturers and others who nuty wDh to do their own sewing cheap ly and with expedition. This umcblno sews a Uni term Mitch with both sides alike, and which will no* ravel. It is more simple. i» less liable to get out tf order, and costs loss in proportion than any other machine, and L- warranted to be perfect, and to work well. Ail apparatus necessary for convenient use is furnished with It, and any Instruction will be given that will he necessary to ensure to tho purchaser its successful operation and durability. The public are respectfully Invited to call uud ex amine them at Rift Congress si. ALFRED WKIfcTTJt. Gen. Agt. ££~ A very neat and ornamental Iroa Table will now be fiven with uiuucldmi fora small hub lu addition to the regular price. May 26. ilOWES COTTON HA li VENTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1865, T HIS improvement enabled oue (hi 1 hand to pick im much cotton as five cun pick by the old method mui having lhe cotton free from trash, aua iu hotter condition II r ginning. The above machines arc for ralo at 185 Oongrc&> street Savannah, and 126 Meeting street, Lb tries • ton, S. C. All orders from abroad will rtedre prompt attention, I’huttera, Factors, Coltou Brokera, und ull interested arc respectfully invited to coil and examine thorn County Rights can bo bought on fovornble terms. May, 86. ALFRED WEBSTER. 18011 Prizes amounting to $60,000 Ticketa $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. Risks, at liberal rates of premium. Losses promptly ornl liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 31 No. 86, Bay Street. FRENCH MILLINERY AXR JDress Making. Those wishing particular immliers tdmald order immediately. I Address JAMES K. WINTER. Mairngor, mayifi ' Moron, Ga. f SUNDRIES.* 160 bugs good to prime ltto Colfee; 76 bags old Government Java do; 30 bags old brown Java do; t on niirrulfi Stuart’s A, ]l und C ClariUcd Sugars: 6u *• •• Cni-hed and pulverized do; 40hhds Porto Rico, New Orleans, and Miiscto-tido Sugars MRS. FREELAND hah open oil at Iter Rooms, No. 17 Broughton Streot, a fine selec tion or Spring Miliuery, and is constantly receiving per steam-) 60 boxes Smart's Loaf Sugar; ers, now and different stylos of Uomiets; also. Dress ! 60 hlids Sides and Slmulilers and Mantilla patterns. ' £9" Bounds cleaned aud pressed as usual. aprlO £x MACHINERY AND IRON RAIDING MANUFACTORY AND AGRNCY. KT. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near the Market.) Xj^ROM the most complete facilities in hiH own J. establishment, and through his connections with several of tho principal raauufccturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, tho Undersigned is prepared to furninsh MACHIN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILTS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING. STATUETTES, STORK FRONTS. Columns, Window Bills and IJnUls, Iron Doors, Shutters, &o., at Narthemvrices. He is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work oTevory description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As ageut for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho U also prepared to exhibit a great varlo- ty oT dosigua for MONUMENTS, TOMB BTONES, Ac. Also Iron Raffing in great variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put up the work at man- racturora’ prices. II. H. UNV1LLK. Savannah, April 11,1866. aprll L ard and herrings— 20 bbia Prime White Leal Lard: 60 boxes Prime Herrings. Lauding and for sale by may 16 BCRANTON, JOHNSTON it CO. Y^UjSrTRlMiUNQa-pfttg*. b&oFud U ootondHolnAaUquOtuw.udMlHMUrtoa. U> (mt nrtotx, ut tor Ml. -- MERGER UNIVERSITY, PEN FI ELD, GA. FACULTY. PJUOMDKNT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. l». PKOnWHORH. College* s. P. SANFORD, A. M.. Mathomatics. J. E. WILLET, A. M., Chemistry aud Natural Philosophy. H. II. TUCRER, A. M.. Bellos Inures. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and Litin ijinguagca. WILLIAM G. WOODWN, A. B., Modern Languages. Theological Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD, I). I>:, I’kTcleslaflttettl History and Biblical LHcruturu. WILLIAM IV (I J JAMS, A. M., Systematic and Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SEALS, Prlnelpul. The Commencement Ir hold on the last Wednesday in July. The next Teim will commence ou the last Wed nesday in August. The price of Board In the village Is $10 per m*uth; washing, room rent, tool, Ac., $3. By order of tho Board of Trustees. my 122m S. LANDRUM, Secretary. PLUMBING." P LUMBING, in all its vorious branches, at tended to at the shortest notlco. aud lu superior style. Also, may bo fouud Shower Baths, Galvaniz ed Iron, Tin aud Leaded Rath Tuba; Coppor Boilers, Pateut l’au Water Closets, Lead Pipes, Sheet Lead, Brass and Plated Cocks, Force Pumps, India Rubber Hose. For sale at tbo Houm* Furnish Store, No. 156 Broughton-Htreet. niarlO HORACE MORSE. ! 25 casks Trowbridge ami lteaty’< Ham-: 160 bills Ih-nmead aud Oakley Flour: ! 76 bills und hnlfbhls Canal Four; J lfti) bills Butler. Sugar and Pilot Cracker?; j 60 boxes Sodu Crackers; 200 I nixes various liramls and qualities • 26 ctises Mver's Aromatic do: | 160 bbls Cuba and New Orleans MnlashO-: 60 hhds Cuba do; ' 60 bbia No. 1 Izmf lard; 200 kegs and calls Izird; 6 M11, Bar la>ad; ; 600 bugs Drop aud Buck 8lmt; • 600 kegs, hall's uud quarters, DupauCn i’owdei ; 76 bbls Mess and Prime Pork; ( 60 boxes Nectar Whisky; ; 100 quurts Seheldam ^chimpp.-: 1100 casks pinto Ate and Porter; : :soo tibls rectified Whisky; j 100 hhl§ New England Rum; 1160 bids I’holps and K Phelps’ Gin; ; 60 casks common and puro Malaga Wiue • 60 bh| s White Wine und Oder Vinegar; 20 crates empty Wine Hollies; ■ 600 boxes, Roup, starch, and Candies; * ! In si oro and for sale on accommodating terms, by I may 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. I 'iiXTTXixi oxAsra CORK ANI1 COB HIM. GILLS, Laces, Embroideries, Whito Good, k? Mitto. Ao.Justbeiug opened and for sale by J. W.THRELKELD, Cor. Congress anil Whitaker sts, “ SHIRTS ! SlkfftTST I HllTItTSTt l I HAVE just received a large assortment of white aud figured Shirto, or every quality and stylo, and superbly made, with collars to match, orders will also bo taken, and shirts mado to suit any particular stylo or taste of tho wearer. Call at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street, my 14 WM. O. PRICK. FLOUR W BARRSm; TIJST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, O in barrels. »Pr29 YOUNG & WVA TT. EATSfoOT OIL, uf the best quality constantly for ante tew by CHAFFER k 00., toay!6 fl Whitaker street, TO WOOL SELLERS. fpHE Undersigned have this day opened a A Store la Congress street, opposite tho Market, for the purchase or Wool, sheep skins, Hides, Bees Wax, Iteor Skins, and Country Produce in goueral. The highest cash prices will be ptld for all the abovo srticlM on delivery Jo Savannah. Mr. L. J. OUIL- MARTIN has been appointed as Agent, to whom &U S erious having business transactions with the un- erslgned may apply. J. W. SMYTHE k CO. Savannah, May 19, I860. maygO OLLAND GIN.—6 half pit N 1 H i Holland Gin. “Meder Swan” by ►OS THV rtl'ATKH OK SO. CAROU.VS, OUlROiA AND FUIK1DA ’ PATENTED MAY 10, 1864. COPYRIGHT SECURED MARCH 1865- fPHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders i is rc!i|iectfolly called to tlio abovo Mill. They art! now iu uso by at least 10,000 of tho most practi cal Stock Feeders throughout tlio couulry, wuo are ready to testily to their superiority over all other Mills of a tdmliar kind. Those Mills aro mado tho exclusive busluess of tho jwteuleo, Mr. Scott, who buing a practical roan, superintend* tlio casting iu perstm, and selects only such iron ns is best adapt ed to their use, which, like cur wheels, require to tie made or metal known to be hard and strong.— They weigh from tlirce to flvo hundrod pounds, nc cording to size, and can bo put in operation in twcu ty minutes without expense or mechanical nid. The little Giant lias taken tho first nremt’iiNt at nearly all tho State Fairs throughout tho union, and that in the most complimentary manner. They aro guaranteed against breakage or derangement when used according to directions, and warranted to give the most perfect satisfaction, or the money refoudvd on the return of tho mill. They are or three sizes, and will grind from eight to fillcon bushols good Toed per hour, according to size, with ouo or two horses. Wo uow offer them to tho trade complete, ready for attaching the team, at roduood prices. Mr. 0. B. CAMPF1ELD is our Agont In Savannah, of whom tbe mill may bo had at our price. march 7—oodAwly G. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Corner of Bryan anil Whitaker .Streets. HA* now on hand a beautiful as. surtmeut of Jewelry of every tils- criptlou and kind worn hy ladies nud gentlemen, and will*trilatunu.-uul]y low price*. I have this day received (|H?r Express) a laig6 stock of eh-gaiit diver Ware, consisting of Cake aud I’ie Ktiivc-.-. plain and engraved FlsU Knives and Forks, Pickled Kuivcn ami Forks, Knives, Forks snd .Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, kc. Ac., ail iu Morocco cases, and -uitable for pre-cuts. 1 hat tt also this day received an addition to my stock of halt work of light colored Curls, Topsytt, Braids,Front Pieces, Halids, Uncle Tom, kc.., which new niakeu uiy assortment complete. Orders received for any color desired. Watches repaired l»y ami under the superviHofa of seir, uud all other work dono in a workmanlike manner, und warranted. may 26 Wlifti 1 whall wo spentl the Summer 7 hound".hill. WATER-CORE & MOTORPATHIC INSTITUTE, AT NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS. I N nil tin? lorn I advantages Which render attractive an institution tor tuvultds, aud n summer retreat for others, socking relaxation and pleasure, this *taiiito alone uud uurivuiied. For the gruiiUcatiou ! of rural Ui-tes end real cnjoyiucut, it iicvsessos many advantage.- over mo.u -watering places.” Jenu* Und, utter a three months stay, called it the “Paradise of America." Families from tho South find ti a lovely, and In every respect desirable sum mer residence. Parents, anxious that tlielr children should |H*s-ess gtKMl coustitutirus ou entering youth or adult aye, would find ihut a few mouths'’ resi dence in Urn bracing mountain air of Round Hill, with its systematic, iuvigoratlng exercises, would put them lu |io>scssion of greatly enhanced powers of endurance, ami their whole life would ho likely to be more energetic, tram tbe iui|*ctus thus given to physical development Dr H Ilalrttoe. the proprietor, continues to pay particular attention to Women's diseases and weak- nowo.-'. Tlie ^u<'rcsM which has attended his method of treating siirk complaints by hD system of Motor- path)' has given him a most extended practice. This system is founded on new pathological principles, aud by it pernmnunt cures have beau effected with an com) niul certainly heretofore uuattaiuod. Ho also devote* himself to tlio cure of tho various kinds of chronic dheur-u*. Having been for twenty years at the head ora Hydropathic Institution, and within that time having treated many thousands of the most complicated cases, ho has had an opportunity which few have i*oade»ed of acquiring skill in tho control of protracted aud difficult complaints. Ri-h:rkx«.’»».—V. K. G. Rosh, uud 1. W. Morrell. K*qra.,8uvauuuh; D. Wilcox. Esq., Augusta, Ga.:ii II. Lee, Esq., Manchester, W; aud I), A. Hyde, Esq.,» harlestou, S. C. Circulars sent fret* tu any address on application; “Exposition of Motor pa thy,” posiogo free, ou re ceipt or ten postage stamps; und “Motion Life” on receipt of six. Address. 11. HALSTED, M. D. may27 liu Northampton, Mass, IJAREGES. CHALLIES AND MUSLINS-- AJ A choice selection of theso goods, of tho latent ty s, to which wo invite the attention of tho ludie*. mar? AIKIN A BURNS r«UBA M0LABSE3—Tho cargo of the brig V1L B. Lawton, or superior quality. For sale by mayiu 3t PADELFORD, FAY 4t CO. '\T O. MOLASSES, landing Rom Bchooncr IU * Ahhygnnuils^andJhs asla lin ■ ^ Oj \ Bbls. HtiperiorOId Monongehela Whiskey, v received, and for .salo by J. M. EYRE, my 14 94 Bay rtrect. sUnttiucs; 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twiue; _ 200 doz Hcrubbiug aud Shoo I [rushes. 69 M imported Spanish Scgars; 260 boxes Tobacco, various brands, 150 sucks Rio Cotfee; 76 mats Java Cnflbc; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60 Covered Uaskcto; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Palo Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; / 600 Gross Matches; 60 half chesta Young Uysoo Tea; 60 do do Ooloug do 100 Ijoxea Candy; 60 boxes Scaled Ilerriuga; 76 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxos imported Castile 8oap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 M, Jf, and whoio boxes Raisins; Rocolvod aud for Fate by MoMAHOX k DOYLE, rosy14 206 und 208 Bay tlftt*. CHATHAM LOAN 8TOCU. >J Bhiroi for Bale bjr