Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, May 29, 1856, Image 3

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t Suvnnttnh Mnrkvt, Mny 4U. tUTTON—Tlio Bales rejMirted • jUMtorday wore only 08 bales—Wat 0){u, it at to, uml -In at ti>» 4 Shipping Intelligence. lMit of Sava it unto. .MAY 20 Arrived. hr Klbw Rood, Brockentou, ttrum-wlcU, . to IMm’, Itavls fe bong. CoiiaiKiiova. itaiui per Hobr Wi«w Rood—lift halo* Uplnnd cotton, 21 hides, 30 cords 1lghlv«KHl, to X A Hardee, Tisoii k M.ickuy, Rime, ItuvlM k Ling, V Wooley, Jackson k Whin*. Receipt a per Central Itnllroiul. May 29—S71 bales eoltpu, 877 Hacks Hour, ami mdxetoRuM*. Davl* * Loir. Franklin k Brautley, \Y P-attoTsby & Co, V U Shackelford. Puna & Wash- burn. Cram*, Welts k Co, Lyuu fe Snhlrr, M .Murphy •atten. Hutton k l\>, Hudson, Fleming A Co. Hubun ‘ - ■ on It White. \ Smith, Jackson A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PLANTERS' BANK. Savannah, 28th May, 185tl, O N* MONDAY, 2»l Juno, (ho Hoard of Directors will elect a Toller tor till* Hank. Horn I ($20,000) sNcuty Thousand Ikdturs, with two or more tlulU* •nt Miretto*. Salary ($2,000) Two Thousand Dob s. V’. II. MKUUKH, may 28 WfeF Ca-hler. Attention' tVnittt'ngton' ^tre Cbmpiiiiy, Attend a regular meeting to be held nt your Hall THIS (Friday) EVENING, May 80th A punctual attendance la requested. tty Order, FOREMAN WH.I.1NK. F. A. Fax.nmvortii, decretory. my20 nifee NOTICE, fltlllS is my RETURN DAY. EDWARD- U. WU^OX, Justice of the I’eaeo. ONE MIGHT OKLY! Exhibition of Great Strength AT ST. ANDREWS HALT,. Till* KVESnma, MAY 30TII, I8.-.0. .iliiug of 2000 Pounds by one man. Mons. LECOIIXBE, THE FRENCH HKKCUUM I Assisted by the Celebrated Clown, MR. FEmiiURAT, :a* the honor to annouuco to the citizens of tills U,v that be will give a grand and novel exhibition lllS IIUSUl'IHlSliUd FEATS OP STRENGTH. M. LECO.MHK N prom unced by tlioso who have seou him l’HK STRONGEST MAX 1.1V1SU. Tile Perrormaiice tu commcnre Holding mit ut arm'* length 6o pounds in curb laud. Extraordinary cxcreUo with a bar of iron of 16U pounds. Herculean I'romennde. i. Herculean Prmueuado with tlvo moil. \l.m Wind mill, Man .■somerset—great leal of strength. Roman Chair. I his exorcise is considered nno ol the greatest feats of strength ever performed, hitting of TWO THOUSAND COUNT'S. With a number of other IVONDEBFUL FEATS OF SIBENOTH. '(ho perfonnaucc will condudo will. tin. ULAOKSMITHS! And also will Heak a Hock of Three Hundred Pound* oil his llrecutt AND A LAUGHABI.E PANTOMIME. i ei furtmuico to commence at 8 o'clock, tickets 50ceuts, to bo had at tbo door. Children i i -orvnuts lmli prlco. mnv.'tu AN OHUINAAIUE ) KtjUIKING Keejwrs of Boarding aud Lodging .1 Houses to report to the Board of Health per- >.- taken sick. -ec. 1. Uo it ordalnod by tho Mayor and Alder ■a ol the City of Savannah and the Hamlets there in Council assembled, ami it Is hereby orduincii iiit» authority uf tbo same, That it shall be the ity of every person keeping a Boarding or Lodg- fi louse, in tho City of Savuiinab, between the irty-flrst day of March, and tho'flrst day of No- •inber in eucli and every year, lo report in writ- ■ to the cliairman of the Board of Health, or to the •aitli Cummitteoof tbo ward, the natno of every ,ifareing-man imarder or transient person, whu ill bo sick iu ills or her house, within twelve him alter such emo of sickness slmll lmvo occur- •i, and for neglecting so to do, und on conviction m-**f before Council, lie or she slmll bo fined in u mi not exceeding thirty dollars, sec. 2. Bo it further ordained, That the persons epiug tile ubove mentioned bousos, bo compelled giv** lwu\d aud security to tbo Chalrmvm of the •ard of Health, in the sum or fifty dollars, for ali I" n-cs Unit might be incurred by the death ol di person, if nt tlio reconimundutiou ot tho Chair- •au of the Board of Health or ward committee, the •rsoii so being sick, bo not immediately tout to hospital, aud upon ncclcctlng or refusing to •tuply with tho requisitions of this section, the per ms keeping such bouses shall bo fined In a sum •t exceeding thirty dollars. mnyfio AHTHUR’S ATEXT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING 1-lXS AND JARS, For Preserving FRUITS, TOMATOES, kc. Full directions Tor preserving accompany eacli Can. For sale at manufacturer's prices by the Agent, HOU’CE MORSE, 116 Broughton street. may29 YOUNG MAN, who writes n neat und ex- ft pedltious hand, would take Jobs of (Kistiug id making out accounts. my22—lw Address, P. 0. Box 622. WANTED. i MARRIED gentleman, qualified to take charge t of the Odd Fellows’ Female High School of luc-ilioroilgll. East Tennessee. The acliocl Is well tabllshed, liberally patronlsod, tbo course of study .rough giving unusual prominenco to nmthomu- : the buildings mostly new, tbo state or socio- toiruhlu. the climato healthy, and Hie salary ».j. Applicant* will plcaso stato their church r«- Inins, aud forward their references to JAMES A. DI LL WORTH,■ may26—fi* Olmirmun of Committee. R preservino TS.VEGETABt IS&PROW .ROPRIETORS PEARL ST.NE^ Tlioy nro onBlly opened aud olosod—renuiro no soldoring—mny bo used year after year. DEMAND UNLIMITED. lousckccpor should be n pttrchi Evory I lousckccpor should be n purchaser. Can? 11 ,,im ’ tl0 " R " r accompany tbo For snlu in Savannah ut New York Muimfocturor’s prices, by W. U. DICKSON, Rarnurd street, may.. Agent for Chatham County. DOUBLE EXTBA St. LOUIS FLOUR JUST UKCE1VKD VEU STEAMER. 10 Doublo Extra St. Ixiuls Flour, which excels nny Hour now iu use. It is worth $2 to $il per lib! more iu New York than (Umcsee Flour. OK and 12‘j |>oiiiid bags of the same pm up lor 40 family use. CHEAP FLOUII. 1 HA DA<3S THNNIiSSBIS FLOl'll. loo .'i barrel Bags Extra, very white, and warranted to please all, at $-1. For sale at uiay27 DICKSON’S. CL ASSIC A L SCHOOL. The undersigned has opened n Dav .and Night Schml, in Soutli Bread st!, ^between Houston ii mlTrlce sts.. where In* is prepared to give instructions in tho kith), Greek mid French km- — guages; also, iu the usual branches of an English Education. J. F. DILLON, my 14 IVof. of kiiigtmgcs. LnGvmmi' Female Col lege COMMIT .. J3NOEMENT. D ARDATII, July Gth—Hertnou by Philip P. U Neely, Alabama CoulVrcuce. Monday, Jn’y 7th—Priso exhibition of Sophomoro Class—Concert ut Candle-light. Tuesday, July 8th—Aiinlversaiy of Ueutz .k Judson Society. Prizes awarded. Animal address by Luther M. Smith, Prof. Emory CoRogc. Wednesday, July Dili—Commencement day. Ad dress by lion. F. H. Barlow, tfaviiiinnb, Gu. ’Unrsilny, July loth—Aniiiversary of the Alumnae Society. Address by Hon. J. Gli.m-y Jones, Penn sylvania. . Examination or all the classes will take iduce tho week iirecediug comiiuMicemcnt. W. B. T. MONTGOMF.RV, tnyll Snpt. Faculty. ^ \\ r M. J. HUNT, nioutt^oincry &Yovk sts. SAVANNAH, GA., DESPKCTFUkkY informs tho Ladies and Xli Ucutlcmoii of this City that bo Is prepared to -•orvo them every evening with Icc Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In bis own peculiar style, und hopes to merit u share of public patronage, Savannah, tlth April, 1S6U. am aprlT TO IVOITSKKKKPKRS. D ANIEL CKONIN Upholster, 20 Bryan-st, would respectfully announce to the citizens oi .'Utvanuali tint ho is ready to make aud put down Carpets, Oil Cloth, Malting, Ac., ut the shortest uo- ice, and ou Hie must reasonable terms. oct3«tf I C E C Li E A M! NEB CONFldCTiONARY STOIUS No. OS Ui'yun Street. rwu iioiiK-s anovx .Mb. ghikj-k.v’8 jkwklkv stojik. HE undersigned respectfully informs tho Ln- X dies of<avuunaU iu particular, aud the public guiicrally, that liu lias this day opened a uew C'oufoc- tianary Store, and will keep on baud a large und resli assortment, of all kinds ami discretions, Ho will at all times ami hours, bo ready tofuruish parties, witii suppers. Coffee, Ten and Chocolate, at all hours. Ornamented Cuke3, Pies, kc. Ac., luudo to order. Ho hopes from lung experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with their patronage. 11. B IIOZZOLA, No. 98 BryuuS LOTS. I ?On SALE.—A lino lot in Wesley Ward— . Also two on Gordon street, cast. For salo iow. Fuo simple. may 22 Apply to A. WILBUR, Geti’l Insurance Agent nnd Brolcor, 111 Bay street. mticKs. I n AM AAA GREY UtUUKB, best qual -UV/^'eiUULf ity, for sale. Apply lo ’ ’ A. MfALPlN k BRO., lny22-lmo Williamson's buildings. il/rNuw.s copy. WANTED. B ONDS of the .Snitli-Wcstcrn R. H. For Sale: Ueiitrul K. It. Stock, South-Western It. It. Shark. J. BRYAN, my22-21 147 Buy street. WARNING. V l.t. debts duo the into firm or Spencer Currcll .v Co., not liquidated by tho 2d day of Juno m. will bo placed in tho hands of uu olllcer for lion, without dlsorimitmtioti. inaySft—3 WANTED. half grown Colored House Servant wanted. V App’.y at this olfico. may 13 HOARDING. 4KVKKAL gentlemen or small fumlliea can be 7 acci'inniod.itod with gca»d Rooms ami Board, on • AY-t side of Montgomery street, one door above nth Broad street. MILS. M. S. BAYMLlt. it-c la—tr IUAUUING—Mr. Thomott. comer of ‘Ion J gress uud Lincoln streets, is prepared to no •amiodate a few boarders, alfording them cxcelleu :. dec 17—tf NEW JAIL, ILANS FOIt A NEW JAIL are solicited from Architects and Mcchunics generally, to be it with Die Clerk of tho Inferior Court, on or bo- 'a- tho first of Juno next. One hun red dollars will lie given for tho plan [J^.wd •» tho Court. apr6 WM. 11. 0UYLER. J. i. c.«. c. N. ». KNAPP, M.C.C.B. MONT. C'UMMING. J. i. O. C. o. JAMILS E. GODFREY, J. I.c.c.c. GW). P. HARRISON, j. i.o. i:. itammering and Stuttciing Cured. PltOFEggOR J. II. LEWIN FORMS those mulcted by Stammering or Sluter- r"ig, that lie lias taken rooms at tbo Marshal •••*• ami m prepured to enable them to speuk and i with distinctness, in tho short space of two 'ir c , without indicting the least pain. The patient l» analily convinced that it is cllecluul and perman- t. Where the above change Is not ntlaiued no '“irge will bo made. He will remain in this place lew days. apr 110 „ NOTICE. ’UK Undersigned ha« This Day rontoved his entire atw.k of Sugars, Tobacco, fee., from bis •hud, corner of Hrymi stroel, to III* now store ''"•corner of Buy and Wliltuker streets, where to receive a continuance of the putronago •I in.*, old friends and cURtotners. aprBOtf A. I’ONOK FOR MALE. NX Tracts of kind, 609 acre each, a or 4 iiiiles front the city of Kuvaunub ou tboH. A. 1 '''ill Itiil Road, well adapted to tie growth ol * , <-oiton ami Corn, uml Wood enough lo pay fur , f* *''»'« over. Apidy to >V It Cl. A. u;*ud, ^ 4 ^U’HKi38hirting«~iH groat vurioty, and Glt^t VUrl " U ' 1 l ,rlcos * Mil MB Kl: I n , - HAMS—Neatly trim- "‘od ami ror sale to nioso conalgnmont. »uiw • *"■ wayiT YOUNG k WYATT. low. to lUBqrr. UNTIL the IkI Novumbor noxt; a com- I mmllous and airy rnsldnnco, on the .north I slilo ot tho Central Rallrwul Depot, known fcas Hovers l’laco. Thu house Is newly fur irfrom basement In attic, which onn be bought »>»y s young a wyatt. OKKICICS IN THK THIlKMtOnV llltICK IIOUMK ittIJullilliK III. olllco nr tlia HllliKiirilmr. Tim basement would make, with some slight Improvement, uu oxculleiit lawyer’s-olllce. b and sucoiid Honrs will be let for Counting- Rooms, and the third tbr sleeping uiuirtmoutK. Con nected with tho osUblislimont is an nut-building ol brink, suitable for servants. Apply to C. A. k LAMAR, Hepta Corner Drayton and Bryan streeis. Mr TO RENT TWO TKNKMKNl'S IN GORDON BLOCK, IVontlng Cbatbmii Stpiure, und well riirnisb- ed with gas, water, stables, fee. INisses- .slon given 1st of November. KDWAUI) G. WIISON, octl5 72 Bryan street. VALt/AULK PROPERTY FOR HALE. S The two-story brick storo on Congress street, now occuplcl by Messrs. Einstein fe Kckmmi. This is one nf tbo host stands In tho city for any kind of business. Terms tadu nceumiuoUatlng. F**r particulars in- quire at 142 Broughton .streut, above tbo store of T. L. McKenna. '• • tf limy 14 TO RENT. Tho Dwelling latoly imuupiod by Judge Fleming, in Taylor stroot, near Drayton. Bald House is three stories on u basement, .with good servants’ rooms, niut outhouses. •ossossinti given imtnodlatoly. Apply to l«h2H D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession given immediately — Three storv brick house, new mu) in good order, on Macon street, next oust residence to Mrs. Jowctt. Apply nt tills iilllce. « ti may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA : , i : GEORGIA. .1. J. lIESMiSII, l>r»liliotnr. Lafaofthe WtruiulaU Hold, Amo Otienns. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready ou the arrival of the Cars. may 14 WANTED—A Yoflsel to ldad wlth Timber ifor mi European market. Apply at Union leiun Saw Mill, or J F O’llyrno’s otllce. niarUt JEFFERSON ROBERTS. WANTED—A Vessel to IcwiiT with Timbiir n»r a Northern port. Apply at Union Slemn .. Ill, or nt J K O’Byrne’s olllco. mural JFTFEIWON U(JBERTH, Apply to I^AppIp to apr 19 ME UCIi ANWTIOU’EL, JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN UOZKRIAN, Prafivlctor. noARti i’kii hay S 1 60 llO.Utn I'KU WKKK d 00 HOAKII I’KU UOXTII 20 00 tntiyia iy r MILLS HOUSE,' CORNEll MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, ciuiu.KsTo.v, a. o. THIS Houso is now adapted to all the wants orthe Travelling Public, and tho ef forts of the Proprietor will bo to deserve tboir patrouago. mar ai THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. MONTGOMERY'SHOTEL ANb DINING ROOMS—(ON THE KUROPHVN PLAN.) Xu. 15 and 17 Jieekman % two ilnors eart of Xassau street, near the City Hall Park. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, "" would inform his patrons uud tho traveling public, that he is now prepared lo fund.-di first class bulging Rooms, with convenieu. ccs equal to any Hotel iu the ctly. Transient or per- mnneiit lodgers accommodated by tbo day, wook or month, witii or without board. It. 0. MONTGOMERY, my 10 >. Now York. FOR' FREIGHT off CHARTER.— 1 tlio'imp. uperml uud copiior tlisleiied brig ROBERT M. _ ^.CIIAHIjn’ON, J.II. Llghtlmrii, master. Ap ply t» .1, ROBKUT8, uprlOlit Or Master on board. ~ VhflHKI.S WANTED.—A vessel to loiid witii timber, tor Boston. Also a vessel to load with sawed lumber, for the same place. JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Stcmn Saw Mill, Upr19 or J. F. O’DYHNE’S Office. WANTED.—A Ireiglit or diartor for Ha- vmia for Brig It. .M. «'f IA Ill.KI'i JKKKKU80N ROBERTS, ut Union steam Saw Mill, or J. F. O’BYRNlC’S'Olllce. 'FOlflJVERPOOi..—The A 1 Atiiorfcmi Ship MARY fe ADELINE, W. Taylor, master, huvlug a portion of her cargo engaged, wi i lmvo linmodiato dispatch. For freight apply to Captain Taylor, or to muy7 BRIGHAM, KELLY Co, 'jmi FOR NEW YORK—U.mox Lixk—TIic fust 47I4IA- I siiiline selioonur 8 J. WARING, Smith, mus ter, will have dlspntcb for the above |s»rt. For freight apply to Iimgl7 _ OGDEN, STAItlt fe CO. JEt/ FOjf NEW YlIRK—GioMoKK fe Co’s k.\»- »/4tf»;Tbe new schooner 11. FLANNKIt. ('apt. Ap- piugu, will lmvo dispatch tor the ubove port. For freight or passage apply to * miiylU HUNTER fe (1AMMKLL. FOR I'll 11 .ADEL11HI A—Hi:uo\ *s Llvk.— ^rr^i ’U' 0 scbiHiiier MARY fe IJM'ISA, Uaplalii HwiiimII, Will have dtsputeh for the ubove |s>vt.— For freight apply to limy 19 0. A. GREINER. GiLiilDUE & Co.’S LINE OF N. YOIUC AND SAVANNAH PACKETS. ^ Tills new line will ho composed of tlio Ibl- «X/Q( lowiug vessels, one of which will leave 'OsEpRicr 9, N. It., punctually every Thursday, •KSSSSocommenclng mi the fiv$t of November: Now schooner EDWARD K1DDE1L fiOfl tons, Tyler, muster. ^ New HclitHtner BENNETT FLANNKIt, ayauuis, Ap plcgllt, moKter. Now sohoeuer GKOKGE, DAVIS, fl'ltl tons, Smith, umsler. New soboonor LOVKT PK.1CDCK, 370 bun, Terry, master. New schootier WALTER ltAl.KIGH, 440 tons, Mar- shall, master. , ( Tlieao vessels are uil of the first ciasx, and tmvifig been built duriug the past year expressly for this trade, are well deserving tbo attoutiou of shippers. They arc commanded oy masters of experience uud ability, and shippers can roly upon quick dispatch, and every attention being paid to tboir convenience. For freight or passage apply to the master on board or to HUNTER fe GAM.Ml.LI., Agents atHavaimab. J. It. GILMORE & CD., uov2 jF-. 164 Water s!., Now York. THE GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, A HK taking Murine Risks at their Agency, xX corner ot Dm yum uud Bryan atreots. Aptirovud Risks will bo taken on llbural terms, und the usual credit given on Premium Notes. Throe quarters ol’ tlio businens will bn returned to tbo cits toiuors Iu aerlp. U. A* L. Lnnmr, fob 19 Agent in .Vavaiiuub. raSDHABICii.' - " liontlierii Mutual Insurtuire C'ompuny, Snuthern Mutual Lire Iim. Coinimny, Hume Insimuice Coni|miiy, or NoYiuk, 8|irliigllulil Fire fe Murine Inn. Com’)', Risks in Du* above Insurance Compunlo.s underta ken by WM. KINO & SONS, Agent*, No. 09 Bay street. Bavatumh, J Jtli December, 1856. deol4 “ T “ITTtTarMA Hi N ea n dlife I N SUBANC E. NO. Il l, MAY-STREET. CAPITAL llEPltUSUNTKI), Nearly ('our ifllllloii Oollurs. By tin: iiillowlng nw|M)Usiblc Stock Companies. Sahs. IIV It EM. A (aeoczsNOHMTO rmiJminK « bkix.) 8ATURDAY. nt 11 o’clock^llTTroiifof, Tho usual assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Crockery und Glass Ware, Dry Goods new andsecond hand Furniture,Clothing, Fuucy Articles Watclios. Jewelrv. fee., fee. Terms, cash iicinm tm. Wntclios, Jewelry, fee., fee. Terms, cash bclure bo. livery. All arllclos purchased ut uuctlou aud not set tled for pravioiisto the next regular sale, will lm sold on account and risk of former purchaser, iimyau Administrator's Sate. On the first TUtoiDAY in June nuxl, at 11 o’clock, In front of the Court Hoiihq, will be sold— Lots No. U and 7 Forsyth Wnrd, corner of Whita ker uud Huntingdon streets, fronting the I’urk, 46 by 1u0 feet, subject to a city ground rent of 8- per aim tun. .Sold ns the property ol Robert II. GrilUn. deceased, by virtue of an order Irom the LVnnT of Ordinary, tbr llin benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. By order of the miiniuUtralor. Terms at sale. nmyia ^uriiott Salts. BY SPRNCUR CIJKKEI/l. At Prlvato Bale. 2,U0fi bushels of Rice; an oxcullent article t»f feed for stock of ali kituN, perfectly dry and in good or der. at 26 cents per bushel, dill aud examine it. may 24 AtPrivute Salo. Southern half of lot No 36, Chatham Ward cp» . Savannah, containing twenty-five aud a I. 'jV.-i front on Tutu,dl street, aud uiuefy and three q r.; ter feet lu depth, hubjemo a ground rent of twenty one 10-100 dollars per annum. For farther pnrticulatx inquire nt the Counting Hcrntn, 164 Bay street. , At Private Sale. A low fine tilhographerl jiictliros, 22 X 28 iuchen, orhlone Mountain, DeKalli County, Ga-, and 1'awa juga rulla, near the Imllun Springs, Ga., for sale Jan iu.. Ctmrtrr OitK Life hwurtiiice Company, OF HARTFORD, t-'T. E«|Ul(nl)le Flic Insurance C'ompiuiy, OF LONDON. Fanners’ and Mct-luinlcs’ Five, Marine and Lite Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. llt-ldgoport FI re and Marine Insurance Company, OF tJitIDUEFORT, CT. Adiuinldratrlx Sale*. On TlTi^DAY, July first, ut 11 o'clock, In front ol tho Court House, will he sold:-— Tim fuutlicrn half of Lot No 17 und Improvements, situated on k^st Psauulary slrta-t; the improvements are six wooden teneiurnts. gold os tho property of the estate of Duuiel Rolierlson, deeeased, for the benefit of the heirs :«u*i emUtnra of subl estate.— Terms cash. a. K. ROBERTSON', D'J'E't Administratrix. DHOUGl I TON NTUKF.T 1IAUK AND IJVKttY hTABLE. • 'I'hu undersigned having put the rirfitf.. " ,,o vo ttables tu goal condition, uro P** 0 l»ur(MlU> accommodate thuir customers with Cniriiigos, Hacks, Buggies, Sulkies, fee., witii sound, geutio, and well broke hones, uud cnrefal drivers. Horses boarded on accommodating terms, and well eared lor. Twt- pairs of fine Carriage Horses for sale, luqulrec.m tier of Rirnard and Broughton Ktreets. uplt4—ly STEVKN8 fe KIJJ8TON. THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I tty~T. e s-'b-ciiber witJetieci liisuruucc to any aiuouut iu ait parts ».t the Htutuon every duseriptlou of property. Ule Insuraucu. to any amount, ut tho lowest rate, lor the Uunclii ot heirs and creditors, or payable to tlio wife free from the vluiuis of creditors. Marino Insuruuoe on llnil- or Cargoes tu uil parts of the world. jau2'5 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL ItE NIC FIT LI FE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK. N. J. Charter Per/idual. Nell accumulation, Juu. I, I860* $2,230,006 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 716,492 CO Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,300,090 84 CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. \ $25 OO. $4,282,488 97 BcnjaXu t.\ Miller, Scciotaiy, Joseph L. lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. ♦The funds of tins Computiy uro uil safely invested in lirst-cluas liomis unit mortgages, stocks, cash, und notes »t members fully secured by their policies. For further particulars Impure or CHARLES A, FARLEY, Agent iu Kuvaunub, At the ottlce of Boll & PreuUHj*. J. >. St; t,LI VAN, Medicui Examiner. Itl'M UKNCK : Mcssr.-i. Paoklfoki), Kay fe lu , I K. Tm, tUq., Mute Bank feu 2t» HAVANA PLAN LOTOiltY !! fHYAnimiinv or tiik srsiii or ukokoia.] PRYOR’S OINTMENT. Southern Military Academy IT i» n mire anil speedy cure for burns, uiles. TT ^^mmxr |a D I 1 »<V>ns, tuvr sovc=», ulcers, scald bend, JL JL JELI JCwu JL ^ i tetter Worm, acre nip)4ea, (recoinnimnieil by nur FOR JUNK, CLASS D—New Solos, tV ill be drawn tu tin* city of Montgomery, Alabama. June Ydtli, IhDit, when prizes amounting to 00,000 DOLLARS Will he di; trihided according to l >e luliowing lieau- tiful selioino. TEN < ;ai UT'AI JM.'IZI :.S • ! ! ONLY 1KN THOUSAND NUMBERS !: lllFAIh—Cl.. NS II, 1 Prize of.. I.S SI 5.9. 0 1 Prize of. ... 6,909 Jri 6.100 1 Prize »f.. .. 4.909 t* !. 4,ut«0 1 Pi Ixo or. .. 2.900 is *2.000 1 Prize of. ... 2,099 is 2,000 1 Prize of. . .. 1.909 1* 1,900 1 Prize »l .. . .. 1.000 is 1.000 l lYttf or. . .. 1.000 la 1,900 ltTize or.. 1.009 i* 1,909 1 Prize of. . . . J .01)0 is 1,090 20 Prize of. •190 8,090 00Prize iff.. 290 are 12,900 5‘) Prize «ff. ... lot* are 5.000 4 Approxin •ition Prizes of j. 200 are . $300 4 do do too are.... 4(0 •1 do do 50 are . 200 k do do 25 are . 200 20 do do *29 are . 400 DiO Piizu* amounting to $60,000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Southern District of Georgia. Tb the Marshal tf the Southern District of Georgia, Greetinni ■fTTHEREAS James Rachford Uo Wolf, James Fish* W er Jones, James Gar nock, ami Kobbort Bibby, owners of the ship Elizabeth, lmvo exhibited thuir libel or complaint in the District Court of the United States far tho Southern District of Georgiu, alleging ami propounding that tlio said libellants arc tlio truo aud logul owners of the said ship Elizabeth, of which Thomas Williams is and lately was master, that on tlio ulglit of the fifth of April, ih Hie year eighteen hundred aud U(ly-six, Urn said ship Eliza beth was lying in tlio River Savannah, at Venus’ Point, well iu shore, und was ut that time a staunch and well built ship, of tlio burthen of niuo hundred und titty tons, or thereabouts, uud sufilciently pro vided with apparel, tackle und furniture, and pro perly umnued witii a sufficient crew to work ttud nuvlguto said ship, tiiat on tlio said night of tho fifth of April, eighteen hundred uud filly-six, about seven o’clock In tho evening, a signal lunterti was hung out in tho of said ship Elizabeth; that about oiglit o’clock on tno night of the said fifth of April. wnlMt tho saliiship Elizabeth wasso lying at Venus’ Point, In tho Fnvuninth River, withlu tho ebb uud Uow of thotldo, and within the admiralty ami tnura- time jurisdiction of the District Court of the United Slates, far the Southern District ofGcorgin,.securely moored, the steamship Keystouo 8tuto, whereof Robert Hurdle was mustorou licr way Irom Phila delphia to tho city of i-uvunnuh, came up tbo Savan nah River under fall headway, uud tbeu uml there, with great force and violence, run into und upon the said ship Elizabeth, smashing tho hide of tlio, faro- castlo of said ship Elizabeth, breaking five of tho ifJrocastlc beams, started tlio deck, curried away the bowsprit, und oilier damage did to the said ship Elizabeth, as lu suid libel is suited, rendering it no- cessary to discharge a part of her cargo, and to bring her up to tlio city of 8avaiiiiuli for repairs, at great expense ami loss of lime; that it is impossible to ascertain exactly wliut will bo tlio extent of tlio duumges, but us fur as calculation can bo made tho damage sustained by such collision to tho said ship Elizabeth, amounts to tlio sum of ten thousand dol lars; that this occurred in tbo admiralty and tuara- time Jurisdiction of said Court, uil of which tho libel- lunts pi ny leave to furnish proof of, and lmvo uLo prayed a decroo for their damages aforesaid, and costs, and that tho ordinary process may Issue. And whereas tho Judge uiTho District Court nlbre said hath ordered and directed that the ordinary process should issue, returnable to tlio Uultoil Mates Court Room in tlio city of 8uvantmli, on the 12th day of June next, at eleven o'clock, A. M., Now, therefore, you uro lioreby authorized, em powered uud strictly onjoluod peremptorily to cite und admonish all persons having, or pretending fa lmvo, uny right, title, interest, or clulm to tlio said steamship Keystone Plate, her machinery, tackle, apparel und furniture, by ull lawful ways und menus whereby this monition may he made most public and notorious, fa bo and appear at the time and place ttfaresaid, beforo the Judge aforesaid, to show cause, if any they lmvo, why Judgment should not pass as prayed for, and to Uo and receive what unto law und justice shall upper tain, and whatovor you shall do in tho premises you slmll certify to the Judge uforesuid, ut the time uud pluco aforesaid, to gether with this writ. Witness the Honorable John 0. Niooll, Judge of said District Court, this twenty-third day of Maj': eighteen hundred and fifty-six, - LAW, BARTOW fe. LOVELL, Proctors far 1 jhelluiits. All persons interested iu this monition will take line notice. HAN’T. II. STEWART, U. 8. Marshal. Savannah, 23d May, 1860. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tlio Undersigned boa again tho pleasure of itiformiug his numerous friends, as well as the public nt lurge, that he is yet at tho Indiau Spring Hotel, aud is fully prepared, with tlio assistance of Ida suns and his own experience of six years at the hotel, with tho hor.t cooks that can bo procured, as well as nsals- huico of all kiudR, to usk of ull those who visit the Spring a'gouoroua share ol'their patronage, Intend- iug to tqmre no pains of himself to make ull such as please to give him a call comfortable. Tho Indian 8priug Hotel is now opcu, uud reudy to receive all those that will please to cull. There will be ut Far- sytho Depot coaches and liackA ready to convey all such as wish to go ovor. KDW. VARNER, it my 23-3 taw tsepl Proprietor, V Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Clmrlo>ton Courier will pleaseiusert the above throe times ouch week until 1st September, und scud their bills* lor payment, _ED\V. VARNER. AUEAUTIFUL SUMMER RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—Delightfully situated resi dence at Milway, two uud a half miles from MllledgovUle, a quarter of a mile from Oglothurpo UiKvcrsitv, within a few minutes walk of Railroad Depot. Tho houso con tains eight rooms, two parlors, dining room, five clmmbuvB, wide hall and wide gallery front und rear; kitchen, servauts rooms, sutoko houso, carriage house and stable. The buildlugs are’all iu good or der, having undergone thorough repairs. The tot contains four acres, and well laid out—contains a variety of fruit trees, shrubbery uml (lowers; on the lot is a well offine water; thirty acres of wood laud goes witii it. The furniture, carriage uud horses will he sold, if desired. All sold on account of re moval. Terms moderate, if upplied fur immediately. Address M. M. HOLMES, apr 23 _ cod-lino Milledgovlllo Goo. STT MAItYS’ HOTEL. " Tlio above named House Is now o]>cn far the rocuption of Itoardors and Travellers, and tho undersiguod promises to spuro uoithur pains or expense to tnnko bn pa trons conifer table. His table will always bo sup plied with the choicest tlmt tlio mnrkntuml tlio sur rounding country nlfords—Fresh Kish, Oysters, Veil- Ison, Wild Game, kc. Tho Houso is largo mid ithry, ami within a low yards of tho landing, on tho beau tiful river 8t. Marys, aud is a desirable placo for in valids und others us a summer resort. Tlio stugo leaves tlio House tlireo times a week far Woodstock Mills, Centrovilliigo, ami Trader's Hill, and tho 8a- vunimi. boats touch going and coming, so that per sons will not ho iiiconvonicnccil, hut cun leave when they desire. Prices will he made tu correspond with Urst class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES KB St. Marys, May 27, I860.3m my27n| Semi-Weekly Untied Blutc* Mail Line. r |*HE NliW AXlm’UWDIDSlDIMVHIiKl. J. Steain.Jiips— KNOXVIIXE.. l,6un tuna.. Cupt. C. D. Ludlutv. AUGUSTA ..,.1,500 ..Gapt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,200 *• ..Capt. M.S. WoodlutU. ALABAMA.... 1,300 . ('apt. 0. R. Schonck. ' WILL I.KAVE SAVANNAH RVKRY WEDNESDAY’ AND SATURDAY. Tlioso ships aro among tbo lurgcst ou the const, unsurpassed in sliced, snlety aud comfort, inukiiig tboir passages lu fifty to sixty hours, and are com manded by skillful, careful und polite ofilcers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they oiler a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to Now York $25 Rteerngn Passage to New York 8 PADKLFORD, FAY fe 00., Savannah. 8AM'L L. M1TCH1LL. 13 Broadway, Now York. FLORIDA PORTS. Now Orleans, loth fe 24th Pensacola.... 11th fe25th Apalachicola. 12th fe20th 8t Marks,. ..13th fe27th Cedar Keys.. 14th fe 28th Tampa Buy.. 16thfe29th FOR CHARLESTON, Every Walnwlay and Saturday Aftemoom, ato o'clock W Tho splendid stenmpaekot GOR DON, E, Barden, Catumaudor, will uitlcuut assortment of ladles’ aud gent’s Tafi'uta Silk Gloves, whito aud black, also ussorted colors, just received and fur sale dy murll LAU80N fe ROGERS JgXTHA CANAL FlJiUlL—26 ImrrelH Extra Canal I Flour. Lundlug and lor sulu by MINT may 16 8UIWNTON, .IOIIN8TON fe t'O. KKBZIE'H PATENT WATER FILTER An aHHortmunt of hIzoh on baud. We warrant them to make tlio Bavuuiiuh River Wator, oven though dipped directly out of the River, as pure mid cluar as tho finest Spring Waior. About farty of tlioso Filters nro now iu uso In this city, and every person whohoa them, will cheerfully testify to their ctUcloncy, Indeed, tho Bonrd or - Wator Commissioners hero, say In it Is the only Filter tlmt duos uUbetual * Riv then . _ A1KJN It DU BN 8 ■ '’ifflirKSrr, Mg- 14 AMH Nnfttlv trim- DishingandbfavecHbihlknulJt^lioi^iiou snowblocR. Corucr of Broughton nnd Bull it*. fab 27 Ms leave as ubove. und will arrive iu Charleston lu time to conucci with tho Railroad lines going North und West. For freight or passuge apply on tlio Charles ton Steampacket Wharf to my 14 J, P. BROOKS, Agout. N. J.—After FRIDAY, May 80th, tlio Gordon will vo temporurilp withdrawn, making her lust trip from 8avammh on WEDNESDAY, May 28th, aud rrom Charleston on FRIDAY, the 30th. FOR CENTKHVILLAGE, Via St. Simons. Jirumwivk, Fancy Iiluj)\ Jttf'crson, • Darien, St. Atary^ tic Tho Uno steumor PLANTER, Capt. McNelty, will leave far Uioabovo •laces ovory W ednesday morning ut lOo’clock. For height or passage, apply on hoard at Uuion Ferry Wharlj or to g.novlO . CRANfe, WELW & CO., Agents. J^ADIES’ AND GENT;8 GLOVES.—Ajimg- ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pile hers, Some now and beautiful dosigns, Plated und Briln- ula. At tho IIjusc Furnishing Storo, “ 165 BROUGHTON 8TUECT, HORACE MORSE. Savannah, April30. npr30 bavb house; HOT, COLD AND SHOWER. rpHB BATH HOUSE having been handsomely X fitted up, opened on Saturdny, 2d of March. Siugle Baths 25 cents—six tickets for $1.00 mar4 J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. ItfcMOVAL t r s Tlio subscriber has Removed oil tlio Bay, next door to tho Rcpublienni olUce, whore he is now opening a handsome assortment of SPRING! AND SUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell by the pattern or mnko to order in tlio most fashioimblo stylo. Also, Ready Made Clothing far the pre3eut mid coming season. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes to merit u con tiuuuuco of the aatno. N. B.—Cutting, Altoring and Repairing dono at the shortest notice. Just received While Drill Coats and Fauta, Whito and Figured Marseilles Vosta, far salo at a small pro- fit. apr!2 JOHN W. KELLY. jfe il DRAPER AND TAILOR- JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. The subscriber takes this opportunity to Inform his frlonds and tho public, that he is enabltd, from oxporioncc, and the Jntuitivo perceptions of tho truths of. science, based on tho commou rules of surveying farms, both plauo and spherical, to cut and make up garments to fit tlio human farm lu the most complete nnd finished stylo, to all who may favor him with a call. Boys'Taney dresses, Ball costumes, Military und Firemen’s Uniforms, &c.,feo. V. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., one door North of Broughton street, doc 7—ly PIANO FORTES, HAVING latoly received large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wo aro onahlod to offer at this time tho greatest variety tram tho best manu facturers, from the plainest square to tlio most dab oratoly carved, and from six to soven octaves. Our Pianos aro selected from tho manufacturers whom wo have full coiifldouco in, and we are i>ur- ticularly requested by them to give a guaranty with ■"* ltd’ ovory lustruinout sold by us ns regards durability, tone, fee. Persons in want of a first rnto Instrument may re- ly with Hul'ety upou getting such a one by selecting from tho fallowing makors, whoso Instruments wo cudeavor to keep constantly on hand, vlx : H. Wor cester, J. Chlckorlng & Son, Nunus fe Clarke, Bacon fe Ravens, 11. Waters, aud Hallies. Brothers fe Cum- Sing. I. W. MORRELL fe CO. aug 27 JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL BNGINKEB AND SURVEYOR, Will also give Ills attention fa designs hi Architoc- turn. Olllco In tho storo of John Williamson, Esq., Bay stroet. • fEW GOODS.—Tho subscriber boa received N a largo lot ortho fallowing articles— Whito nnd Rtrlpod Osnaburga, Columbus laofary, White and Htrfaod Osnaburgi, Schley’s f actory, Bleached and brown Shirtings aud Sheetings, Marlboro' and Manchester Plaids and Htrlpos, Blue Deulina, fen., fen. Also, a frosh lot of cheap fast colorod Prlnfa. J, W. 1HRELKLIJ), mrlU corner Congress and WbiUkor-sts. ■ KIX) R11)A STEA M 8 Hi I' COMPANY. =.—v. Mall Lino—From New Or- tIvans to Koy Wc.-t—Stoamsliips ■FLORIDA und VAX!»KBIilLT.-Thoso Quo steamers will in faiuro mnko tboir regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: Koy West. .. ICth fe 24lb Tampa llth fe25th Cedar Keys.l2«h fe2Clh fct. Marks.. .Uth fe28th Apnlachifola,16th fe 29th Peiisueolu... lfith fefioth Arrive at Key West 17th fe 1st I New Orleans, 17tb fe 1st Agents in New Orleans, dec25 out E. G. ROGERS. & CO., 72 Poydrass street. MARINE AND FIRE JNSURANCE. AGtiREGATE CAPITAL $d,000,00o. VOUNG, ’WYATT & CO., NO. 86, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A RE prepared to effect Insurance, iumyuue- tiou with the MERCANTILE INSURANCE AGENCY, No, 6, Wall street, Now York, far any niuouut dial may ho required. Parlies requiring it cau be insured m the fallowing lanulou and New York uiuces. viz: rUlCK OK TICIIKTS. Whole Ticiuts $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2 60. AlTKOAIM.lTION Hiiy.KS. The IW" numbers precc«!ing uud sucroedtiq; tiic first ton prizes, ki« each n.tit ted to J Prizes. Prizes in this Lutin')' me paid thirty days after the drawing, in, ut specie paying banks, wit bout deduction—only on pic.-icMul.ou ol the ticket draw- tug tho Prize. nl litnks inketi at par. All ) and cracked lips, ire-li wounds nnd sores of any dc.-criptloii. Ii t: a luu-d vuluahlo remedy aud cure, which can bo te-tified fa by ttiousnnds who have mod it in many portions of the houtli lo; Hie la-t few years, lu no mslunco will tbosalva do any injury, or Interfere with a physician's ptesciip ti"i». Tlie propi icti r bus nuim rou- ccrUticme-. and letter ' tiom people who have n*eii it theui.M Ivas. and ino-t onruotly rccommemt tt to etheia as u •pcedynint cerium remedy far Urn above named disen.-e-*. A trial is all Uim is iwi e.-saiy for Us own I'ecoiuniciidatim. .-'i l l t»y .1. U, MTaiHE. 8ar.uiiiah t Ga.. ami drug • gist.- generally. Y. J. MifijJtK, Proprietor, *n iy 13 LaGrunge, Ga. r JAcons, NKGA1C AND TOBACCO STORK. No. 29, Bull street, (si«n of the Big ludiun.) N*. B—Keeps vobstuwtly «u hand, Dull, and Aniericiui sugars, at wholesale mid ro aih jlli-o. Clniwingj'itliaei-ii. Mi-ill', &c. June 1 '•VtiSikifi Wviii-iNiiv; Insurance Broker uml Notary Public. Mar.'Ui* i*i'iitcf't.-i Noted aud K.\ti-n<Jcd, Average adjured, Charier Parties uml Average Hoinls drnwns Papers prepared wlierchy to recover losses in>ui American or Uitlish I’lnlerwriters, mid attention given t"nil mutters I'oiinocU'd with shipping mid lu- sitruimc, No. US Bay-street opfiosite the trout ol tho Custom ilou-ii, ly nov8 PATENT'ECLmSE ISUh sns> S ^ A IPw Every mnii Ills own Cnrct Printer. ilpproxtinuttlii I r<ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S vy Patent Eidipre ihnul fitamp, the best, cheapest iJSJ' Hi U Ot all : lommutiicmious sti'ii tiy confidential. Orders addi 8nvunuuli Post ollit At. Niclafiim, do Harmony, Beokuian. Com'on w’llli, Stnyvosant Howunl,' Coru Exch’ge ilo Istfargo, Markov, uov 28 w Y"lk Capital MtocK . . . . $200uU(i do do . .. loOUtiO do do . .. 200009 do do, .... 290009 do do .... 250UUO do di .... 200900 do do .... 200000 do .... *209090 do do .... 169099 do do. .... 2»UV)UU may 26 tjelu : iiiuuel'.*iwan, box S2. will meet prompt attention. 8aM'L SWAN, Manager, Miuitgoiiiery, Ala. CJKAiiii) a:! 1«|R A SMALL INYi-8lMKNT! 4W J O «» I» R 1 Z E S t JSlV 0 0 0,000. IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY, nv .vcruuuiTY ok tuh sm>. ok winiwu 5 any tiling tor the purpose and moot conveni yet otli r. il for .-ale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr •• ly 136 C.mgi e-s- St. ttijsi’s ijij’Kiiviiu siiwuiii’lilcillSIs. D K.~Ui.NED Kxjirursly lor making Dags—and Which i- 'hciiledSy Miperlor ti» any other machine for tlmt purpo-o. ,-jm'OI or skeiu thread can he used of nny desired length, and which will not need to tie changed until thn whole is used. Bag mminutncitircm, Giaiu'iuul 1 lour raerchunts are pai ticularly iiiviteil to call amt examine itul 135 Con grt.-s - it cot. MayVb. At JUKI) WEBSTER,Gen. Agt. RIAltlNE AND FIRE INSUltANCl:. THE INTERNATIONAL Insiu'ancc Comi'any. NO. in, MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, HEW VOHK. Jiisl'oi- Coniily Acn.leiny OAS1I. GARiTAL—$812,odo roll JOHNSON’S LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PEACES, To leave on Tueeday Nighl, tlie 11th instant. n« - k, Tho light draft-Hteumer, WILLIAM WK I.F.BBY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly iw ubovo, from tlio Charleston Steampacket Wharf. Aptfiy to fab 11 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. U. 8. Mull Lino ’ FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, lirunswick, St. Marys. Ga., flemantli- na and Jacksonville, Picolata and lllaclc Creels, Fla. THB steamer WELAKA, Capt. N King, Will lcavo for tlie above places ovory Tuesday Morning, at 10 o’clk. This bout bus lurgouiul uiry State Room uccotu- modatloua, and taking Ihu lulaud Passage, oll'era evory iuduoonicnt to Invalids uml others. Freight will be taken far Trailer’s Hill uud inter mediate- landings on St. Mary’s River. No freight will lie taken after 9 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on hoard at tlie Florida Btoam packet wharf, or lo apr21 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. AGENT mm SAVANNAH, James M. Curler, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSUS. YOUNG, WYATT & CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office. Ten Thotianml IViinilic-rs Only. UNI? PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKETS. CLASS N. To he drawn June the lfith, I860, at Concert llall, Macon, Ga., under the swum superintendence of Col. Geo. M. lsig.ui uml .hih. A. Xisbut, Esq. This Littery is drawu on the ptau of the Royal J .uttery of Jlawiua of single numbers; this has only 10,018) numbers, and the Havana Lottory 34,00*0 mini bets—tin* Havana 249 prizes, this 1,-juO pile Link to your Interest! Now is the time. oiHKcrc-Ks: ALANSON MAR8H, 8. A. HOLLO Firm of A. 8. Barnes fe Co. ALONZO CHILD, I. P. BALLARD, WM. M. DODGE, • P. J. AVERY, II. A. CURTIS, WM. E. HOLLO, 8. T. LIPPLNCOTT, ‘ Childs, Pratt fe Co. * Livingston, Bullard fe Co. - Wm. M. Dodge fe Co. • li. A. Curtis & Co. CAPITAL PRIZE—$16,000. 1 Prize of $16,0001- 1 •• 6,000 U 1 “ -I,OKU is 1 *• 3.000 13 1 •• 2.000 is 6 •• 1.000 is 10 - 600 is •10 - .70 is 120.*- 26 is COO Approximation prizes of 29 arc.... 500 - - to ar<« ISAAC NEWTON. WM. A. DUSTED, • Hus tod fe Curli. WM. H. KIVKRSMITH, W. II. LYON, “ “ W. II. Lyon feCu. GF.O. CHAPMAN, « “ Lee, Murphy feCo. JOS. H. WESTCOrr, « Briggs, Westeott & Co. JOS. FATMAN, “ “ Fatmun fe Cm. STEPHEN VON MORES. GKO, SAVORY, “ “ Geo. Savory fe Co. J. A. RKQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CIIAS. IV. OGDEN, Vico Presipoiit. WM. E. ROLU), Secretary, This Company will issuo Policies upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Trunsj)orlaUon nnd Fire Bisks, at liberal rutes of prurnpun. Losses promptly and liberally udjmted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, out 31 No. 86, Bay Street. FRENCH MILLINERY lllro,No W llrK, . V 1 - ; U.,.lrt.,Fr ; ..u • ; l bait’s, Baud'., I uric lom. fee., which now make-' Order? received for any Dress Making. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. bhr Patallsa, East Fla., via Darien, lirunswick, St. Marys, Fernandina, Jacksonville, Middlrbury, (Slack Creels,) and Picolata. N Tho now aud elegantsloumpaoket ^^giSSk^T. JOHNS, Capt. Juntos Freeborn, leaves every Saturday tnorniug, ut 10 o’cliwk, for the ubovo places. Freight will ho taken far Trader’s Hill uud fatcr- uiodiiito landings on St Mary’s River. A9" No freight will bo taken after 9 o'clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state room accommodations, apply ou hoard, at tho Flori da Stcumpackct Wharf,.near tlio Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ls. NEW YORK fe LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. The ships comprising this^f :nca». lino are— ATLANTIC, Capt. IVcst, I BALTIC, Capt. Comstock PACIFIC, Capt. Nye. 1 — '* "* . , ADRIATIC, Capt. Tlioso ships having becu built, by contract, ex pressly for Government service, every euro lias been taken In their construction, us also iu thuir en gines, to Insure strength and speed, and their ac commodation* far passengers are uncqualod for olo- ganco mid comfort. Prices of Passage from New York to Liverpool iu first cabin $130, in second cabin $76, exclusive use oroxtrustnto-room3 $326. From IJvcrpool to Now York X410 und £20. An oxpcricuced Surgeon attached to cadi ship. No borllis can ho secured until paid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, GO Well street, New York. BROWN, SHIPLEY fe CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KEXNARD fe CO. 11. G. WAIN WRIGHT fe CO., Puri*. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. ^•Tiio owners of these ships will not ho uc countable far gold, silver, bullion, speclo, Jewelry, precious Btonos, or metals, unless hills of lading are signed therefor, and tlio value thereof expressad therein. Shippers will plcaso take uotiuc that the ships ot this lino cannot carry any goods contraband of war. MACHINERY' AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY'. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near the Market. 1 F ROM tho moat complete facilities in his own establishment, and through his connections with several of thn principal manufucturng estab lishments 4if Philadelphia, New York, aid Bo?ton, tho Undersigned l* propured to farninsh MACHIX ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR Ml LI CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORK FRONTS. Column*, Window Sills aud Until*, Iron Door*, Shutters, &«., at Norlhcmrtricts. Ho l* nlao prepared to repair Machlnory and iron work of every doscriptlmi, nt short notico, njion roasoiiablo terms. As agent far BAIRD'S PHIUDKLl’HIA MARBLE WORKS, lie la also prepared to exhibit a great varle MONUMENTS, It)MB 8TON ty or design* for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Irou Hulling iu groat vurioty, far enclosures, and to rocoivo orders, uud put up tho work at man- facturers* prices. II. H. L1NVILLE. Savannah, April 11.186t». aprll T ARl) AND HBimiN08— 20 bids Prime White Loot Lnrd; 50 boxes Vrlmo Herrings. Uimling aud for sale by BCR ANTON, mayl& JOHNSTON fe 00. D UFJSH TRIMMINGS^—Fringes, black und colored MolroAuUquoGauso, und other styles, In great vurioty, aud for sate by war 7 AIK1N fe BURNS. MRS. FREEtiAND ha* open od at her Rooms, No. 17 Iiroughtou Street, a linn selec tion of Spring Mimicry, ami Is coiiMuiilly receiving per steam- •rs, new and difil-rent style* of Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. &Sj“ Bonnets cleaned and pressed as usual, aprio MEKUEK UNIVERSITY, PKNF1ELD, GA. FACULTY. i*in«ii)KM, N. M. CBAWKOHD, D. D. rKOl'KSSOIl*. ^ Collette. 8. P. SANFORD, A. M„ Mntlicmaties. J. E. WII.LEf, A. M., Clieuiistry and Natural Philosopltv. 11. ll.’lTCRKR, A. M., Belle* Lettres. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek und Uitin Isinguage*. WILLIAM tt. WOODF1N, A. U., Modern Language*. Tlii uloglcal Hemlimry. N. M. CRAWFORD, I). D:, lerature. 12001’rlzoBmnouiUlug to.. Tickets Sin—Halve* S6—(JuartciH $2.60. ti3P Prizes payable without deduction. j fi?* Persons sending money by mail need not < four its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bunk notes of sound i hunks taken at par. Drawings i-eul'to all ordcriug i tickets.. A3“ Those wishing particular number* should order immediately. Address JAMES K. WINTER, Manager, tnnylfi Macon, Ga. ' '8UND1UE8. zp|52 160 bags good to prime Rio Codec; gg3jB| |&;|i 75 hags old Government Java do; HP.--iSiifin hag* <dd brown Java do; «o»» (Mi-rals Stuart's A, It and C Clarified Sugar*: 50 •• Crushed ami Pulverized do 40 hint* Porin Sugar-; 60 boxes Stuurt's ls»af Sugar; 60 IiIkIh Side* and Shoulder*; 25 casks Trowbridge and RontyS Haute. 150 Uhl* Dennu'ud and Oakley Flour; 75 bid* nnd half hbl* Canal Four: 150 bid* Butter, Sugar and Pilot Ciwken-; 60 boxes Soda lYacker.-: 200 boxes various brands and qiinUtio.-' T«*Ii,m'« <>: 25 case* Myer'e Aromatic .in. 150 Ijtil.i Cuba and New (nleani > - 60 lihd* Cuba .Jo; fttt hbl* No. 1 U-af ImIi.I. 2i«> kegs and eons lard; 5 M (b ttir Lead; 600 hag* Drop ami Buck Shot; 500 keg*, half* ami quarter*, Dupunt T' » ».\vd<-e 75 W*ls Mess and Prime Perk. 69 boxes Nectar Whisky: 100 quart* Scheidati) .-*ciimip|i>; 100 casks pint* Alo mid Porter■. 300 Idris rev.lilled Whisky; 100 hhls New Liigiaiul Rum; 150 bills Phelps niid K Phelps* Giu: no ca-k* common mid pure Malaga Wine. 5i* bids White Wine and Cider Vinegar . 20 crate.- empty Wine Bottle*; 600 hoxe*. Reap, Starch, uml Cundlo: In Mure and far sale on accommodating term*, in ay 15 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fe On HUNT feWEBStER’S. ! IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEW’JNG MACHINE. • "I \KslCM-.D for Families, plantations, lire*8 mo- : JL/kcr.«, ladoia. Boot fe f-iioo immufaeiurers aud i oitreia who may wi.-b to do their owu sewiug cheap ly mnl witn expedition, 'this maAhino sews a urn- farm stitch with tmih sides alike, uml which will no*. . ravel. It is more simple, is less liable to get out of I order, and co.:t* Ic.-s m proportion ilmu any oilier machine, and is wurrmded to ho perfect, and to work well. All apparatus necessary far convenient use is Inrnhhoii with H, ami any iiiKtructlou will be given that will he necessary to ensure to the purchaser Us. succ-ssttd operation and durahtiiiy. Tlie public are re-pectfully invited to call and ex amine them ui 135Congress .-t. ' AlJ'TtKl) WEB&TER. Gen. Agt. ijjr A very neat ami ornamental Iron Table i win now be given witii u machine fora ptuall sum slf ono i iu i u 4be regular price. May 25. * 6,oon HOY! KS COTTON HAHVESTKUT ' I’ATKNTKD DEC., 4, 7865. rill l Is improvement enable* one field hand to pick X a- much cotton as five cau pick by the old method and having the cotton free from truslt, ana In better condition for ginning. The above machines arc for sale at 136 Congress streetNivammh, and V;ft Meeting street, Charles- , ww tou, 8. c. Ail order- from abroad will receive 6 000 protnpt alteiaioii. Planters. Factor*, Cottou Broker*, ’ -_ mid uil iiilvrosted are resjicrttnlly invited to coil $00,090! antl examine them County Right* can ho bought ou 1 favorable term*. May, 25. . 4,000 . 3,000 . 2.0119 , 5,090 , 6.01)0 . 3,000 , 3,000 . 10,000 ALFRED WEBSTER. M. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE II. EASTMAN, Corner of Bryan and Whitaker Streets. I1A8 now on band a beautiful as- t sort mem ot Jewelry of everv di*- t cription mid kind worn by Indie* d anil gentlemen, mid will sell at unusually lew price*. I have ibis day received (per Express) a largo slock of elegant silver Ware, consisting ut Cako and Pic Knlve.i, plain und engraved Fish Knives and Fork*, Pick Jed Knivc? and Forks, Knives, Forks* nud j^Mions, Napkin Bings, Nutmeg (.rulers, fee. fee., all in Morocco case.-, uml ml table far present*. 1 have also thiri day received an addition to my stock of my i»*.-onment eoinplc-v* colhr desired. Watched repaired l»y and under the supervision ol self, and all other work done ill a workmanlike manner, ami warranted. may 26 IjITTIjEI G-XikXCT CORN AND COU MILL. Fcciesiastlcni History and Bihlirnl Lderi WILIJAM \V I LI JAMS, A. M., .Systematic and Pastoral Theology. Academy. THOMAS A. SliA\<S, Principal. Tho Commencement is hold ou tho Inst Wednesday in July. The next Term will commence on the last Wed nesday in August. Tho price of Board iu tlie village is $10 per mouth; washing, room rent, fuel, fee., $3. By order of the Board of Trustees. • myl-22iu _ 8. LANDUUM, Secretary. PLUMBING." 13LUMH1NG, in nil its vorioun branches, at- X tended to at titc shortest notice, aud in superior style. Also, mny be found Shower Baths, Galvaniz ed Iron, Tin nnd Lcadoil Until Tubs; Copper Rollers, Patout Pan Water Closets, Lend Pipes, Sheet Lend, Brass and Plated Cocks, Force Pump.*, India Rubber Hose. For sale at tho House Furnish Store. No. 165 Broughton-streot. mnrltt HORACE MORSE. OILLS, Laces, Embroideries, White Good, KJ Mitts, feu., just being opeuod nnd for sale hv J. W. THRELKKLD, Cor. Congress ami Whitaker et*. SlIlUTS t"SIUttTS t ! SHIRTS 111 I HAVE just received ft largo assortment, of while aud figured Shirts, of every quality uml — figured, n ..„.. v style, and superbly made, with collars to match, urdera will also be takeu, uud ahlrfa made to Mill any particular stylo or taste of the wearer. Cull at the Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Buy xtreot. my 14 WM. 0. PRICE. ‘ FLOUR IN UAmUStH." J UST recuived ti lot ol' Extra Family Flour, in barrels. apr29 YOUNG fe WYA 'IT. N 1 KA'DsFOOT OIL, of tlio best quality constantly far salo low by CHAFFER fe CO., mnyl5 0 Whitaker street. TO WOOL SELLliftS. Wax, Deer Sklus, aud Country Produce in general, Tho highest cash prices will ho paid for all the above articlo* on dollvery *ln Savannah. Mr. L. J. GU1L- MARTIN has boon appointed as Agont, to whom nil persons having busluess transactions with the uu- dorsigaed may apply. J. W. 9MYTUB & CO. Savannah, May 19, I860. nmy20 H olland gi'n.—fiTmlr pipes Holland Giu. Landing and fc “Modor swan’ 1 Holland Giu. funding ami far sulo by inayl6 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON fe CO. KOU mi: STATKS OF **■». CAItOUNA, CL'OltOU A.\l» FI.OHIi'A* PATENTED MAY HI, 1851. COPYRIGHT SECl’RED MA RC11 1865. fpHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeder* X i* rc-pocifully culled to tlie above Mill. They are now in u.*:«by ut lea-t lO.noOof th«- uu>*t practi cal Stock Feeder* throughout the country, who are ready to testify to their *uporiorUy over ull other Mills of a aimilur kind. These Mill* aro made the exclusive hu^iiieiis of tlie patentee, Mr. Scott, who being a practical man, superintend- (lie l ading in person, and select* only such Iron a-' i- best mlapi ed to their u.-e, which, liko car wheel*, require ti. Where -ihnil we sjjt-ml the Summer 7 HOUND .MIDI , WATUIt-CUltE & MOTORPATHR! XWSTKTTJTE, AT XOIITIIAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS. J N all the local advantages which rouder attractive . mi in-tiiiuion for invuiid*, ami a summer retreat : n*r other.-. -e»king relaxation ami pleasure, thi* dainW alone ni«t miriv»U«'*L For the grntificaliou of rural ui.-te* end real enjoyment, it possesses tnauy , advuui.ig*-* over most ••watering places." Jenny I Lind, utter a three months stay, called it tiie . "PimoU-e of Amevic.a.” FamBie* from tho South find il a lovely, and in every respect desirable sun,. ; lticr residence, parent*, anxious that their children | should* pood cou.-titutirns on entering youth or adult age. would Uud that a lew months’ re-i- deuce in the bracing mountain air of Round lJitl, j with it.- .-yMeiiciiic, invigorating exercises, would put them in pns..c*.«ion of greatly enhanced juiwers ; of endurance, ami their whole life would he likely lo ho more energetic, from tlie impetus thu* given to physical development Dr ii llal-tee. ihu pi"prietor. continue* to pay particular attention to Wmueij's diseases uud weak- tio-ses. 'I lie ? uecoss which 1m* atteuded hi* method • of treating suck (ompluint* by hi* system of Motor- pathy ha* given him a nm-t extended practice. This i system I* founded on new pathological principle*, and l»y it permanent cores have been efiected with an UI.-C and c-Ttalnty heretofore onattuined. He , also devote* himself to the euro of tin* various kinds of chronic di-eaae*. Having hceu for twouty years at the liead of a Ilydropalliie. iii.-titiitii>u, and within ■ that tune having treated many thousands of the ! most ron,piloted oases, ho has had an opportunity ’ which few have poe-e.-sed oi acquiring .-kill in tl/e 1 control of protracted and difficult complaints. P.KM'KKM itv—V. R. G. Ro**, and 1. W. Morrell. F-qi.... sivannah: D. Wilcox. E-q., Augusta, Ga.;II II. E-q., Manehe-ter. Vav and I), A. Hyde, ; E-'q.. i li.irle.-ton. { Circular* sent free to any address on application; ‘•Expo-dtioii of Jlotorpatliy,’’ postogu free, on re- I ceipt of t n postage stamps; and “ilotU'u Life'' on . receipt of Addre.-*. 11. HALSTE1), .M. D. »ay'-’7 1m Northampton, Ma;'*, J.s AREGES, CUALLIES AND MUSLINS,- l ) a choice selection of these good*, of tlm latent iy . t» which wc invite the attoutiou of the ladies. faar7 AIK IN fe BURNS k iw rjars. ms \ 20 They weigh from three'to five hundred pound.-;, no-; ' *' * , .. cording to size, and can he put in opeiation in twen- j ||ly , 4 %,* [j a y Vt r cet. ty minute* without expense or mectianteal aid. The Little Giant has taken tlie Jlr*t premium at nearly all the State Fair* tlirmighmit the Union, nnd that in llm most complimentary iiiaiiiicr. They are guaranteed agnln.-t breakage or deraugvmenl when used according to direction*, and warranted to give tin* most perfect satisfaction, or the money refunded ou tliu return of tho mill. They arc of three sizes, aud will grind from eight to fifteen bushels good feed per hour, uccordiug to size, with one or two horses. We now offer them to tlio trade complete, ready far aUuehlug tho loam, ut reduced price*. Mr. C. 11. CAMl’FIKLD I* our Agent in Suvauiiuh, of whom tho mill may bo hud at our pricu. inarch 7—uod&wly m\ C tUHA MULASSLS—Tho cargo of tho brig J R. U. Lawton, of supormr quality. For sale by may 19 fit PADKLFORD, FAY fe UO. N O. MOLASSES, landing • Abby Francis, aud far salo by from schooner Abby Fruncl*. aud far salo by doo 27 LOCKETT fe 8NFJJ.1NG?. yBESH MUSLINS.—A few moro of tlioso figured Lawns nt 12>5 contn. “twYork, n Ueootvod per Into 8teamor from New York, and far «Uo by J. W. TURELKELD, may 19 Congress and WbiUikor at recta. N—-1000 buahols prirao Coru in store aud _ Ibr sale by dec 29 0 A GREINER. 91 Bay street. 'siiMUES. loot) Reams Wrapping j'aper. 109 halo* Twine: 290 doz S'.rutdimg and Shoo I Uni-lie*. 69 M imported Fpnidsh t'egarfl; 250 hexes Tobacco, various brands; 150 sack* Rio Cofi'ee. 76 mats Java C'oiTee, 190 doz Broom*; 60 doz Washboard- ; 50Cuvorod Baskets; 160 boxes Family 8oap; 150 do Palo Soap; 75 do No. 1 Soap; 500 Gross it ate I ic*; 50 half chest* Young Hyson Tea; 50 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 50 boxes Sealed Honing*; 76 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes iiuiKirtcd Custilo Soap; 100 boxes Toilet Soap; 60 Yli >ai aod whole boxes Raisins; Received aud for sale by McMAHON fe DOYLE, mayl4 2U6 aud 208 Bay streot. CHATHAM LOAN STOCK. 7 Shares for sale by a. WILBUR, tnay22 HI Ray stroot.