Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 02, 1856, Image 3

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S Ct-ARBICAI. MIIOOI.. • The UnderMgniul lias opened» Jiay uml Night Hohw.1, I" *outh Broad At., WAUNWO. k 1.1. debts due tho late firm *« Sponoor CurreU) A. **'•* .not Hqtildatod by the art day ul' .lane fcoxt, will U placed lu the hand* of au officer for betweenUoustoiiu rice Mr., where ceilcctloti, without discrimination. ^^|H8fhe Ik prepared (o give Instructions In may26-~:i __ „ latlu, Greek mid French Inn- WAKTKU. j, xuages; also; iu the usual branches of t half grourii Colored House Servant wanted, i Bn English Education. A Apply utthls office, may la S. F, U1LION, - “*» Prof, of Languages, myl4 UGraiigc .V'emale College, ■COMMENCEMENT. C A.BBATH, July -CtU—Sermon by Philip P. Neely, Alabama Conference. BOAAU1NQ. S EVERAL gentlemeuor small tamllles cuube .uvtitmuiiitnted with iiood Rooms and Board, mi life West side of Montgomery street, uuo dot>r above South Broad street- MRS. M. S. RAYMt It j,*c >2—11 j Monday, duly 7th— Brian exhibition ol sopbomqre I.OAUDINU.-Mr. ThuiMM. turner u. 1 iuii r....£‘?*.rS°V!"".‘“ ... ii,..,.. v ........... JL5 grass uutl Lluculti streets, H prepared t • a* i Society f'rlzct awarded. Annual address by L'ttmmo'ltiio . I>« ItoarUer,. lV.lm K M, ».«»■ to ! i.uthcr ‘M. Smith, ?w?f Bn«r>- oE« "* lr **•’ 'tceW-'U ' wedntwtlay. July 9th—Commencement duy. Ad- NKW JAIL. F .ans for a new jau. from Aivltlicots and Mechanics generally Ictl with tue Clerk or the Interior (Ariirt. ou loru the fil'd ol' June next v me hu i t n<j»to.1 ute solicited • tube oiirt. uu or be-1 dress by Mon. F. ri. Bartow, Savannah, Gu, 'hursduy, July loth—Anniversary of tho Aluinuac Society. Address by Hon. J. tllancy Jones, Penn sylvania. Examination ol' all the classes will lake plat e the red. dollars will be given lor the plan I week preceding commencement, the Court, »• *• MU.MtlUMkRt, WM. II. OUYLKR. J. I. c. o. c. i myll*'. 9upt. Faculty. S'. H. KNAPP, s. t. c. «. e. MONT. CAMMING, j. i.e.y. c. JAMES K. GODFREY, 4. a. o. c c. GKO. I*. HARRISON, 4. t. v. t* Stammering and Stuttering Cured. PROFESSOR J. II. LIS WIN • N FORMS those atlllcted by Stammering or Sluter- I ilog. that ho has taketi rooms at the Marshal uTin-te, .toil Is prefiaretlto enable them to speak and read With distluotuoss, In the short space of two hours, without tnlllctlUK the least pain. The patient Is nivamluy uouvluced that it Is edectuai utid permati- .•lit. whore the above change Is not attaiued no ctinri.0 will hu made. He will romaiu lit this place hut a lew days. apr JO NOTICE!. ; - jHIE Uudcrsigned has This Day removed hl9 L entire stock ol‘ Sugars, Tobacco, Ac., bum Ills oid -tmtl. corner ol* Bryan street, to hi-new store ou the corner or Bay and Whitaker streets, where ho hopes to receive a continuance of the patronage ot all ills old friends mid customers. .iprJUtf A. PON'CR. Foil SALE. «r% Six Tracts of latiul, 600 acre each, 3 . r 4 miles from tho city of Savannah on theS. A, m.Ml ill Rail Road, well adapted to tic growth ol :bce,Cuttim and Corn, ami Wood euough to pay for ; ten times ovor. Apply to H-n •: tr __ _ c. a. u/UJp. j JLBACHEDShlrtiugs In great variety, aud at various prices. I’eh -I LOTS. AIRIN' k BURNS l 1 .vi-o t\vo nil (Jordon street, ea«t. For sale low. Fee rttfiplit. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gctt’l I ns u ran do Agent and Broker, may 22 111 Buy si root. — NOTICK. rpilK'Uiiitoraiguetl have this formed a eo-partnor- L ship for the purpose of doing an exclusive Alte ram aud Commission Business, under the Ilrm of A. liimuas k Co. Otllce 172 Bay street. A. Tlit)MAS, S. 8. PARKUE. .'.ivaniiuh,'" May 29tli, I860 d6t—Juno 1 DIUCKS. I i kA 1 \ AAA GRRY BRICKS, best qua! '•Ui/Lf ity. for sale. Apply lo " ’ A. McAIJ'IN k BRO., lay22-1 mo Williamson’s buildings. tMf-News copy. 1>Al»ER- ^ " jL 20,1 learns single wrapping paper; IN i do brown „ do do; - lo.l (In double do do; 4o do largo Manilla do do; For .-ale by a pi 14 WEBSTER k PA1.MKS, SUPERIOR COURT. May Ti:um, itffitf. O UUKUKH that this Court be adjourned until the filled Monday In Juno next, iirdered fui iber. that the grand jurors discharged .laid Mini-lav next (2nd of June) be, mid they are i».*n by ili.-oimrgcd for the term. Rtti iM i from the minutes. ;.*t at NY H. BULLOCH, Clerk. NEW BOOKS. IfU’KIVKU by WA KNOCK -k PA VIS. May *.’7t)i. \VM. J. HUNT, Cor. IWoniiroiiiery & York at*. SAVANNAH, ga., I > ESPECTPUtLY Inform, the Ladle, and Ail (ieutlemou of this City that he Is prepared to servo them every evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In liia own pocuhnr stylo, uml hopes to merit a shnro ol public patronage, Savatmah, I7tb April, 1860. 3in aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERH. D ANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryau-st, would resnectfully anuouitco to the citisous ui savaunah that hu Is ready to make aud put dowu Carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, &c., at tho Hhor.toat uu- ice, and on the most reasonable terms. boUJ-ti i citreii NKW I'ONtmiTuNAKI STORK No. 1)8 Uryati Street. rwo OOOKH AIIOVK Mr. Ukifkkx’s jkwklkv utokk. 'PUEutulersiguml reapuctfully informs the La- 1. dies ot'Savamiah in particular, and tho publlu generally, ttmt hu has this day opened anew Coulee- lianary Store, aud will keep ou baud a large and ■■•sh assortment, of all kinds aud dlscrlptions. He will ul all times aud hours, be ready tofuruisb .lartieH, with suppers. Coffee, Tea audChocolua.ul all hours. Ornamented Cakes, Pies, ho. &c., made to order. He hopes from long experience to give satisfaction to ull who will honor him with their patronage. H. B BOZZOLA, No. 98 BrynuS R Et'KIV.._ , Tin’ siiqi C.irpeulerV Family; a story*for the j Elizabotln us'lnsaid libel is stated, rendering it UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Soul liern District of Georgia. 7b thf. Manha! of (he Southern District of Georgia, Greetingt W HEREAS James Raehford do Wolf, James Fish er Jones, Jatnes Garnook. aud Itobbert Btbby, owners or tho ship Elisabeth, uuvo exhibited their libel or complaiut In tho District Court of tho United States for the Southern District uf Georgia, alleging und propounding thut the said libellants are tho true and legal owners of tho said ship Klixnbeth, of which Thomas Williams is uud lutoly was master, that on the night of tho lll’th of April, tu tho year eighteen hundred and tllty-six, the said ship Eliza beth was lyiug iu tho River Savannah, at Venus’ Point, wall iu shore, and was at that time a staunch and well built ship, of tho burthen of nine hundred and titty tons, or thereabouts, aud sulllclontly pro vided with apparel, tacklo aud furniture, and pro perly mauuud with a sulllclent crew to work aud navigate said ship, thut ou the suld night of tho tilth of April, eighteen hundred und tllty-six, about seven o’clock in the evening, u siguul luuUsrn was huug out In the forusuy of suld ship Elizabeth; that about eight o’clock ou tho night ufthu suld tilth of April, whilst the suld ship Elizabeth was so lying at YwiusL Point, iu thu Suvunuah River, withiu the ebb aud How of the tldo, aud within the admiralty aud nutra- tliuo jurisdiction of thu District Court of the United States, fur thu Southern District of Gcorglu, Securely moored, tho steamship Kuystoue State, whereof Uobert Hurdle was muster on her way Irout Phila delphia to theclty of Savannah, cutno up thu Savuu- nail River under full headway, uud then and there, with great force uud violuucu, run Into uud upon the said ship Elizabeth, smashing the sldo of tho fore- cwatle of said ship Elizabeth, breaking llvo of the forecastle beams, started the deck, carried away the bowsprit, i*tut other damage did lo the nuid ship Lime . Uy VVilllatii K. ^ Whitman. Ailad for the 8 rial. By the author of “Falad lor the Solitary. ” Comic Mt-vrifr ofilnumu Life. .Margaret Maitland of 'Suuny.*ide. By Mrs Oly- phaut, author of •• Zahh*e.” More ol Fred. Graham; or, ihc*k» and Fm’es. By .1 Frederick Smith. Philip Kollo; or. The Sootiisli Musqueteers. By Capt. Jauie- Grant. Cyriii't; a romance by the author of •• Initials." Dick TarlPton-.or, 'i'h’e lust ol his Race. By J. F. Smith. Ear .to J l.iuvMHt.l, aud Courtship and Marriage.— By Mrs < roliue Leo Hunt/. For sale at the Book -tore LVt Congress street. _ _ may28 ( lOR's AND OATS—For saie in iiuantiUes to suit j puteliasers mnyiiu WILLIAMS A: RATCLIFF. siTnuiuks. Boxes cliolce Rio Colfe :i00 loti boxes fair lo prime Rio Coil'ee. I ihi boxes old Government Java t.'oile 200 lihds. Muscovado Molasael. ] 160 hbls. choice New OrleunsSyrup. , fit) hlids. NowOrleant* Muscovado, uud Porto P.ico Sugar. , 300 hbls. rntiued A. B. k Sugar, fib bbN. Crush ami Powdered Sugar. 1 loo bids. Lebanon. Su|n>rllim ami Extra Flour | 160 boxes Starch, Adamantine &8permCamlh«. 140 boxes No. 1 Pale, und Family Snap. 200 halos Heavy Gunny Bagging. Vf# hhds. Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 76 bids. Mess and Prime Pork, I 10.) boxes Tobacco, various brands. UK) boxes Blank mid Green Ten, 600 bags Drop and Bunk Shot. AU kegs and half kega “Hazards” powder, toucther with a full assortment of ull other articles ut tlii! Groivry Hue, (except liquors.) In store, and tor vale »n art nmtnnduting terms, by .pine 1 RODGERS, NORRIS t£ CO. A1 IRON'S CONTINUATION, i-KOOMi «KRIKS. H lsToUY uf Europe, from the Fall of Napoleon Iu 1816, to the Accession of I.mik Napoleon iu 1162 By Sir Arc hi bald Alton. 2vols. Alton's First Stories, from the Commencement of tne French Revolution, 1789. to tho Rtslorallou iu 3is 1 it, (Tl 4 vols. Maury’s Physical Geography of tho Sou. Tho Oth mid entirely now edition, with clouts. Vagabond Life iu Mexico. By Gabriel Ferry, t I .omuls’ Troatiso ou Arithmetic, theoretical aud practical. Hparrowgrass Papers; or, Living III the Country. By Fredk. D. C'o/zuns, J lu rl-bus tuh. Bv Doesticks, with many ombel- ilslimunts. Margiirot Maitland ot' Sunnyside. By. Mrs. Oly phant.. Hours of Sorrow Cheered aud Comforted, By Charlotte Elliott. mUy27 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. C lKAHi’AiGN CI DER, &«.—115 boxes Cham- > puigu Cider, choice article, 20 bids choice old peach Urauy, d do do Apple llraudy, 10 do do Cherry llraudy, Also—Ginger mid Blackberry, boxes. Iu store and lor sale by WE! cessary to discharge u part of her cargo, aud to bring uer up to the city of 8avuuuuh for repairs, ul great oxpciMe aud loes of time; that it Is imjxwslhic* lo ascortaia exactly what will bo tho extent of tho damages, but us far as calculation cuu be made the damage sustained by such collision lo the said ship Elizabeth, umouuts to thu sum often tlicusuud del lars; that this occurred in thu admiralty und mura- lime jurisdiction of said Court, all of which the libel- luuts pray leave to furnish proof of, and have also prayed a decree for their damages ulore*aid, aud costs, and that the ordiuury process may issue. Aud wherous the judge oil In.* District Court afore said hath ordered ami diroutod that tho ordinary process should Issue, returnable to the United States Court Room iu tin* city of Savauimh, on the 12lh day of Juno next, at ole von o’clock, A. M., Now, therefore, you are hereby authorized, em- ' powered aud strictly enjoined peremptorily to cite [ and admonish all porsous having, or pretending to ! have, any right, title, interest, or claim to the said steamship Kuystoue State, her luuchiuury, tackle, ; apparel aud furniture, by uil lawful ways and means ! whereby tills monition may bo made most public ; and notorious, to be uml appear at tho timo and place aforesaid, before tin* Judge aforesaid, to show cause, ir any they have, why Judgment should not pass us prayed for, uml to do and receive what unto law und Justice shall appertain, und whatever you shall do In the premises you shall certify to the Judge aforesaid, at tho time and place aforesaid, to- getlior with this writ, Wltuess tho Honorable Julia C. Nieoll, Judge uf said District Court, this twenty-third day of May eighteen hundred uml Ilily-slx. LAW, BARTOW it I.OVELL, Proctors for Libellants. All persons interested in this monition will take due notice. DAN’I. H. .STEWART, U. S. Marshal. Savannah, 23d .May, 1S6L Voimxr. ‘ _ UNTIL tht 1st November next, a corn- I utodloue aod airy renideoce.on the north I sldo of Ute Central Railroad Depot, known has fSovara Place. The house Is bsWIy fur- rrom basement to attic, which can be bought YOUNG k WYATT 1 . msy8 Jis aeptil octl6 IN THE.THRKE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining the office of the subscriber. The basement would make, with some alight improvement, on oxcollent lawyer’a-ofllce. and aecoud Honrs will be let tor Counting- Rooms, and the third tor sleeping apartmeut*. Con nected with the ontublishment is ho out-building ot brick, suitable tor Servants. Apply to IV A. L. LAMAR, Corner Dray tou and Bryan aftotts. TO RENT * " TWO TENEMENTS IN GORDON BlXJCK, fronting Chatham Square, aud well furnish ed with gas, water, stables, Ac. Posses sion given 1st of November. EDWARD G. WILSON, _ 72 Bryaujtreot. valuable: phopkrtv for sale. The two-story brick store on Congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein A Eckman. This Is one of the best stouds lu _the city tor any kind or business. Torms made accommodating. For particulars in quire at 142 Broughton street, above tho storo of T. L. McKenna. tfmayU TO RENT.~ ■ The Dwelling lately ocoupled by Judge Fleming, In Taylor street, near Drayton. 8ald House is threo stories on a basement, with good servants* rooms, andouthousos. m given immediately. Apply to . JL L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession given immediately — Threo story brick bouse, now and in good order, on Macon street, next east res I deuce to Mra. Jewolt. Apply at this ofllce. tl may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ t i i GEORGIA. J. J* HEELER, Proprietor* Late, rf the Verandah Hotel, Hew Orleans. I’assengers per Evening Trains will And Supper ready ou the arrival of the Cars. may14 MEitOHANW hotel; JACKSONVILLE, EA8T FLA. JOHN BOZEMAN, Proprietor. BOARD PKH DAY $ 1 6U HOARD PKRWKKK 0 00 board pkr no.vni 20 00 ,may 13 ly r WANTED—A Vessel to load with Timber for au European market Apply at Union ut Paw Mill, or J V O’Byrne’s office. mirfll JEFFPRaON ROBERTS. WANTED—A Vessel to load with THube’r ■for a Northern port. Apply ut Union Steam [wMilL’or at J F O’Byrne’s .ofllne. marai JEFFEILSOX ROBERTS. FOR BALTIMORE—RWOUa list.—The schooner E.L. B. WALES, HolAnan master, „jve quick dispatch tor the above port. For freight or passage apply ou beard at Tcllhlr’s wharf or to [my29] BRIGHAM, KELLY k CQ.| FOR FREIGHT OR OHARTER.—The Brig IAIUISA SEARS. Apply to may27 LOCKEtT k SNELUNGS, AN^Eti TO CHAftTER—A vessel ot 160,000 • to 200,000 feet carrying capacity, to load lumber for Mata Mas. Apply to rnay26 rADELFORD, FAY & CO. TiT VK83EL8 WANTED.-A vesseUo load with timber, tor Boston. Also a vessel to toad iK with sawed lumber, tor the namo place. Apply to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Haw Mill, aprl9 or J. F. O’BYRNE’H Office. WANTED.—A freight or charter tor Ha- vana tor Brig ft. M. ClfARLETON. Applp to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Haw Mill, apr!9 or J. F. O’BYRNE’S Office. TrT FOR LIVERPOOL.— 1 1’lio A 1 American ^eSkkSbip MARY It ADELINE, W. Taylor, master. MSE-haviug a portion of her cargo engaged. wU have Immediate dispatch. For freight apply to Captain Taylor, or to may7 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO, Jqit' FOR PHlUDELHHIA—Hkhon’s Lwfc— The schooner MARY k LOUISA, Captain bureiwiui, will have dispatch for tho abovo port.— For freight apply to mayl9 0. A. GREINER. FOR PHILADELPHIA—tho sehr MARIA ; PICKUP. Baker. Muster, will have despatch lor tnu above port. For freight apply to Jel OGDEN, STARR & CO. FOR lJVKRPOOL.—Tho A 1 Aineriean ship FALCON, Patton master, having a large portion of freight engaged, will meet with dispatch us above, for balance of cargo, apply 1° _ BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. JfJi FOR BALTIMORE.—RiacLAK Ijnk.—The dUmt schr. WOODBRIVQE, White master, will nave qu* -1 * J ‘—— ■*— *-■-*-* — — aave quick dispatch as above. For freight or pas sage, apply on board at Toifair’s wharf, or to June 1 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. Juno 1 MILLS HOUSK CORNER MEETING AND CHARMMTO.V, 8. 0. THIS Hotue Is now adapted to all the wants of the Travelling Publlo, and the ef forts of tho Proprietor will bo to deservo their patronage, mar 81 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. MONTGOMERY’S HOTEL ANDDIN1NU ROOMS—(ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN.) Ho. 16 ami 17 Beekman, two doors east qf Hassau street, near the CUu Hall Park. * '11)6 subscriber, thankful for past favors, would Inform his patrons nnd tho traveling public, thut he is now prepared to furnish flrst class I/idglng Rooms, will) convonion- lo any Hotel lu the city, Transient or per manent lodgers accommodated by the day, week or month, wilu or without bourd. R. 0 MONTGOMERY, my 13 New York. ■ Instead of going No: tit com© to tho Stono Mountain House, and spend your summer, us everything will bo done for your com fort. Couvoyancos will bo furnished to convoy passengers to Lawroncovilto, Gainesville and Clarksville. 49T Passengers by the Georgia Railroad take sup per ut this house. ALEXANDER k. CLARK. F. 8. Alkxandkr, formerly or Lawronceville. J, A. Ciawk, Social Circle.2m—Jo 2 tubl WEBSTER k PALME’g STATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY CO, i a Mi all whom it may concern:—Whereas Jason X Floyd will apply ut the Court of Ordinary fur letters of administration on the estate of Allen 1). •Iinro are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and ui pear before said court, u. in tke objections, If any they have, on or before tv ii t Monday In July next, otherwise said leltera w.:; in- nJt-M. Witness W. I*. Girardeau, Ortlinary for Liberty c.euiiy, this 27tli day of April, 186(1. W. P. GIRARDEAU, ^ iuay27 G. L. GE01U41A, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N the ili'Ht Monday In July next application will he made to the honorable the Court of Ordina ry of said county tor letters of administration ou tho -•’•niio of Gideon McGowon, lato of said county, do- vt-iiMNl. ANN McGOWEN. June 2 NOTICE. t pi I It EE months after date application will bo inado X to t*.e Marine Buuk or Savannah, for thu pay ment of two Twenty dollar bills, viz ; letter B, 8070, uud letter o 607, tint left halves of which have been l„,t ' JAMES I*. HUDSON. lulli.lmMi.i-, nil., May 17,1860. am- rny'JO AUJIljllSTllA'I'HII SALE. O X li.u llrntTniwclay In Jun« noxt will lie aol.1 in Irani ot'tliu Court llniian, lu Uio city or Suvuii- iu.Ii, ull din riialoatuto lii-toBlUK to tho oaUilo uf j.iiii.h m. Hi,liia, Into ol' Chatham County, ttoiwil. N.1,11„. i milmlon 111 tho Court of Orilliiury. ami hy ,.r,lur 1,1 lilt- Ailmlulalrnlrlx, for Uio honolll ol thu Itelrs and creditors. AN N H. BA IKS, KEBZIE’g pate-yt water filter An assortment of sizes on huud. We warrant them to make the Savannah River Water, oven though dipped directly out of the River, us pure uud clear as the Uuest Sprltig Water. About forty ofthusc Filters are now in use iu this city, und every person who has thorn, will eheertuliy testify lo their efficiency. Indeed, tho Board of _____Water Commissioners hero, say lu their import, it Is the ouly Filter that does effectual ly purify the Savannah River Water. Call and see one in operation at our House Fur- ntshing and Stove ostubllsmont,Hodgson 1 ’a now block. KENNEDY k BEACH, fob 27 Corner of Broughton and Bullets. "PLUMBING. P LUMBING, in all its vorloua branches, at tended to at tho Hbortestuotice. ami in superior style. Also, may bo found Shower Baths, Galvaniz ed iron, Tin and Leaded Bulb Tubs; Copper Boilers, Patent Pan Water Closets, Lead Pipes. Sheet I-oad, Brass and Plated Cocks, Force Pumps, India Rubber Hose. For sale at the House Furnish Storo, No. 166 Uroughtonstroet. murl9 HORACE MORSE. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! ! SHIRTS!! I I HAVE just received a large assortment of white and llgurod Shirts, of every quality aud stylo, ami superbly made, with collars to match, orders will also bo taken, and shirts mudo to suit any particular style or last.’, of tho wearer. Call at tho Star Clothing EmiMu lum, 147 Day streot. my 14 WM. O. PRICE. ^ NEW BOOKS. RECEIVED BY WARNOCK k DAVIS, TUESDAY, MAY 13TH. D ICK TARLETAN; or, The Last of his Race. By J. F. Smith Esq. Cyrlllu; a romance. By the author of “Initials.” Fred Graham; or, Masks and Faces. By J. Fred erick Smith. Philip Hollo; or, Tho Scottish Musketeers. By Captain James Grant. Vlvluu Bertram; or, A Wifo’s Honor. By G. W. M. Reynolds. The Woudorto I Adventures of Captain l'riost. Courtship und Marriage: or, Tho Joys and Sor rowB or American Ufa. By Mrs. Caroline Loo Heutz. Phunilxlunna; or, Sketclios nnd Burlesques. By John Phamlx'. For sale ot may 16 IDO CONGRESS STREET. SUNDRIES .* 1 n BULB. Stuart’a Crushed Sugar; XU ill Mils do A, B Jt 0 ClurllloU Sugars; 6 hbls Extra No. 1 Mackerel and Salmon; 1«) boxes Family Soap; 10 boxes Oswego Starch; 6 sacks first quality Java Coffoe; orlor It! INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho UuderHigtiod has again the pleusuru of informing his uutnerous’friends, us well us tho publlo ut lurgo, that hu is yet at tho ludian Bprlug Hotel, aud is fully prupurod, with tho assistance of his sous und his own experience or six years at the hotel, with thu bort cooks that can be procured, as woll as assls- tanco of ull kinds,'to utk of all those who visit the Spring a generous share of their putrouuge, intend ing to 8i»uro no (mins of himself to make all tmeb as pleuso to give him a call comfortable. The Imllau Spriug Ilotol Is now opou, aud ready to rccoivo all those that will please to call. There will bo at For- Bytho DejHJt coaches and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to go over. KDW. YARN Ell, muy23-3tuw tsepl Proprietor. V Savannah Republican, Muruing News, and Charleston Courier wilt please Insert tho above throe times each week until 1st September, and send their bills for puymeuf, EDtv. ’VARNER.^ A~VaiitnbUVPlniktutloii for Sale lit Mold to«U County. THE subscriber offers tor sale the follow ing valuable tracts of land, In McIntosh Co.; 1,220 uores orpine land und well timbered; _15Q, acres of good bay laud—60 acres of iro cleared and under cultivation, part cross ing the 8avannah, Albnuyand Gulf Railroad; ulso 1,120 acres of rich swamp and hammock land; 1830 acres of choice pine laud, 130 clearod and under good cultivation, with a good mill scat attached lo it, ail within 2% miles of tho above numod railroad. Tliero is a good dwelling on the premises, situated on a high, beautiful and well watorod hill, within 1)* miles of tho above railroad, and on the Macon snd Darlou Road. This Is a rare chance for Inud pimdiasers, nnd a grant bargain can be obtained by applying immediately to the proprietor, A. J. BAGGS, Sr., WaUhoursvlUe.Jiherty Co., or to JOHN 8. MONT.MOIJJN, B»q.. maylU d&wtf Savannah, On sTrMAuYs’ii ote¥ Tlie aJjovo uamed House la now open tor the reception or Boarders and Travellers, aud the undersigned promises to spare i neither pains or expense to make his pa- truus comfortable. His tablo will always bo sup plied with tho choicest that the market and tho sur rounding country affitrds—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Von- Don, Wild Game, &c. The House is largo aud airy, aud within a low yards of the landlug, ou tho beau tiful river St. Marys, aud Is a desirable place for In valids aud othors as a summer resort. The stage leaves the House three times a week tor Woodstock Mills, CoutrovlUoge, and Trndor’3 Hill, and tho Sa vannah bouts touch going and coming, so that per sons will not bo Inconvenienced, but cun leave when they desire. Prices will be made to correspond with ilrst class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES B St. Marys, May 27, 1860.3m my27n CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK 00. Semi-Weekly United States Mall Line. TIHE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL I Steamships— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 tons..Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,600 “ ,, Cupt. Thomas Lyon. • FLORIDA 1,800 “ ..Capt. M.S. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. 0. R.Sclieuck. WILL LKAVK SAVANNAH KVKKY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY** These ships aro among tho largest on tho co&st, unsurpassed In speod, safety aud comfort, making thoir passages in ttfty to sixty hours, and aro com- maudod by skillful, careful and polite ;ofllcers.— Having ologont stato-room accommodations, they offer a most doslrablo conveyance to New York. Cabiu Passage to Now York.... 826 Steorage Passuge to Now York 8 PADEIjFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL, 13 Broadway, lob 6 Now York. FLOltliiAPORTS. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. S. Mail Line—From Now Or- leans to Koy West.—Stoamshlps FLORIDA and VANDERBIf.T.-Theso lino steamers will in future make their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows; New Orleans, 10th &24th Koy West, .. 16th k 24th Pensacola.... 11th k 26th Tumpu 11th k 26th Apalachicola. 12th k20th Codar Keys.12th k 20th St Marks.... 18th k 27th St. Marks.. .14th & 28th Cedar Keys. .14th & 28th Apaluchieula,16th k 29th Tampa Bay.. 16th & 29th Pensacola... 10th k 80th Arrlvo at Key West 17th A* 1st I New Orleans, 17tli & 1st Agents iu New Orleans, (Ioo26 Util K. G. ROGERS, k CO., 72 l'oydrass street. THE GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OK NEW YORK, A RE taklog Marine Risks at their Agency, corner of Dray ton and Bryan streets, BV BELLA PUENTISM, (HPcciBsona to vuobmck a am.) Administrator's Bate. Approved Risks will be taken on liberal terms, | Gn the first TUESDAY in June next, at 11 o’clock, In . , ... .. .< i -rrrntil nfOia Tmirl ttniu* will I aud the usual credit given ou Premium Notes. Three quarto) 4 of thu businnsH will be returned to the cub toinera In scrip. CJ. A* L. Lamar, fob 19 Agent in Savannah rarRANm SuutiiMii Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Life Ins. Company* Home Insurance Company* of N. York, Springfield Fire Jfc Marine Ins* Com’y, Risks in the above Insurance Companies underta ken hy WM. KINO * SONS, Agents, No. 99 Hay street. Savannah, 14th December, 1866. _ doc!4 FIKK, RiARINB ANU IAFK INSURANC E.«2*. NO. Ill, BAY-STREET. '"J' 13 CAPITAL BEPKESBNTBD, Nearly Four Million DoIIui-n. By the following responsible Stock Companies. front ofthe Court House, will bo sold— I<ots No. G and 7 Forsyth Ward, corner of Whita ker and Huntingdon streets, fronting the Park, 46 hy 130 toot, subject to a city ground rent or 8—— per annum. Sold as the property ol Robert H. Griffin, deceased, by vlrluo of an order from the Court of Ordinary, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said estate. By order ofthe administrator. Terms at sale. mayla Administratrix Bain. On TUESDAY, July first, at U o’clock, iu front ot the Court House, will bo sold:— Tho southern half of Lot No 17 and improvements, alt unted on East Boundary street: the improvements a re plx wooden tenements. Sold as the proporty of tho estate of Daniel Robertson, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors of said estate.— A. E. ROBERTSON, my 13 Administratrix. Charter. Oak Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY!! [HY AI'TIIORIIY OK TUB STATU OF OROROI4.] Southern Military Aoademy ! FOR JVlB, CLAVlMftw Ittlei, Will bo drawn iu tho city of Montgomery, Alabama, ; Juno 12th, 1860, when prizes amounting to 60,000 DOLLARS Will be distributed according to 110 following beau tiful scheme. Farmers* and Mechanics* Fire* Marine and Life Insurance Company, Bridgeport Fire*nml^Marhie Iusurnnce j TEN CAPITAL PHIZES ! J! ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS ! I! Company, OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. 43T T..e subscriber will eflbct Insuruuco to any amount iu all parts of the Statqjw every description or proijcrty. ' _ Llto Insurance, to any umouui. at the lowest rate, for the benefit of heirs aud creditors, or payable to tho wife free from the claims of creditors. Marino Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts of tho world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE I iV S U It A NCE COMPANY, NliRVARK, N. J. Charter J'erpelual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1, I860* 82,230,006 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 716,492 00 Total amount of claims by death paid- r _ & j? to date rl/i 84,282,488 97 Bei^Jamm C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L. Lord, General Agont, Robert L. Patterson. President. •The funds ofthls Company are all safely invested In first class bonds aud mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes of merabers fully secured by their ftol(cies. For lb niter iiarticulurs Inquire of kfe CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent In Savuuuah, At the OUlco of Boll k Prentiss- J, S. 8ULUVAN, Medical Examiner. HKKKKKNCK ! Messrs. Pai»ki.fohd, Fay it Co., I. K. Tkw, Esq., .State Bank. feu 29 l Prize of.. 8CHKMK—CLA&3 V. $16,000 is .. $15,000 1 Prize or. 6,000 is ... 6,000 1 Prize of. 4,000 Is ... 4,000 1 Prize of. 2,000 is ... 2,090 1 Prize of. 2,000 Is ... 2,000 1 Prize of. 1,000 la ... 1,000 1 Prize of. 1,000 is ... 1,000 1 Prize of. 1,000 u ... 1,000 1 Prize of, 1,000 is ... 1,000 1 Prize of. 1,000 is ... 1,000 20 Prize of. 400 »ira ,.. 8,000 60 Prize of. 200 aro ... 12,000 60 Prize of. 100 are ... r»,oon 4 dT-proxiiimlioii 1'rlzos of $200 nre.... ... *800 4 do do 100 arc.... 400 ■1 do do 60 are ... .... 200 H do do 25 are.... .... 200 20 <lo ' do 20are.... .... 400 180 l’i izes amounting to ...$60,000 MAU1NE AND FIRE INSURANCE. AGGREGATE CAPITAL 807000,000. YOUNG, WYATT A CO., o .1 Hi FOR CHARLESTON* Beery Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, atti o'clock m ** lu Tho spleuuid steampacket GOU- £gHfiBHClK)N, E. Burden, Commander, will leave as above, aud will arrlvo lu Charleston In time to connect with tlio Railroad lines going North and West. For fruight or passage apply on tho Charles ton StoamjwikMt Wharf to my 14 J. I*. BROOKS#. Agent. , *9" N. t»—Alter FRIDAY, Muy 30th, tue Gordon will co tetuporurllp withdrawn, making her last trip from BuvanuuU ott WEDNESDAY, May 28th, tmtl front Charlostou ou FRIDAY, tho 30th. ' FDR CENTERVUjLaDE* Fid St.. Simons, Brunswick* Fdncy Bluff, Jefferson, Darien, St. Marys, tto. * ' Tho flue steamer PLANTER, dipt. ^McNulty, will leave for the abovo places every Wednesday morning at lOo’olock. For freight or iMisHogo, apply ou board ut Union Ferry Wharf, or to i,novl» CRANE, WELLS k CO., Agents. NO. 85, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH* GEORGIA. A RE prepared to effect Insurance, in coRjuuc- 1L tion with tho MERCANTILE INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 6, Wall street, Now York, for uny atnouut that may ho required. Parties requiring it cuu bo litsurcd lu the following Iztudou and New York offices, viz: Excelsior, New York, Capital Stock $200000 St. Nicholas, do do 150000 Ilurmouy, do do 200000 Uoukntuu, do do,..' 200000 Com’uuw’Uli,do do,... 260000 fltuyvoHuut Uu do 200000 Howard, do do 200000 Com Exch’go do do 200000 Lafarge, du do 160000 Market, do do 200000 uov 28 MA1UNE AKU J-HitK ISSU1UJICB7 theTntkbnational Insurance Company. SO. 28, MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, NSW YOBS. CASH OAPlTAL—$B12,000 AOENT FORSAVANNAir, .1 allies HI. Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF MtiSSfiS. YOUNG, WYATT & CO., No. 85, Buy. Street, below the Post Office. niHKCTOHS: ALANBON MARSH, 8. A. R0LI.0 hriu of a. S. Barnes \ Co. a r4vKl(.'K OK TICKED). Whole Ticketa 810; Halves $5; Quarters $2 60. ~AWHOXIMATTOX KKIZfflT The two numbers preceding aud succeeding the first Ion prizes, pre each entitled to Approximation Prizes. Prizes In this tottery are puld thirty days after tho drawing, lu bills ot'spcclo paying batiks, without deduction—only on presentation of tho ticket draw ing the Prize. tST Bills of all solvuut banks tnkcu at pnr. All communications strictly confidential. jfcj- Orders addressed to Samuel Swan, box 82, Savannah Post office, will meet prompt attention. SAM’L SWAN, Manager, may26tjolO Montgomery, Ala, GIIAND SPECULATION^!!! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! as-1 j* o opiii z es ! jsa 0 6 0.0 O O , IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY AlTIIOItlTV OP TUB BTATB OB (.BORGIA. Jatper Coiiiily Acudciuy XiOTTHRY. Ten Thousand Nnmbeiw Only. ONE PRIZE TO EIGHT TICKETS. CLASS N. Tube drawn Juumthe 10th, i860, at CoucertHull, Mucon, Ga., uuderthe sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. aM. Logan aud Jas. A. Nisbel, Esq. This tottery is drawn on the plan or the Royal , Lottery or Havana of slnglo numbers; this h»3 only , 10,000 uumbors, and the Havana Lottery 84,000 : numbers—tho Havana 249 prizes, this 1,200 prices, j took* to your Interest! Now Is tho time CAPITAL* PRIZE—$16,000. 1 Prize of $16,000ls 816,000 .. 6,000 is 6,000 4,000 Is 4,000 BY SPENCER CVRRELL. At Private SaleT 2,000 bushels ot Rice; an excellent article of feed tor stock of all kinds, perfectly dry and in good or der. at 26 cents per bushel. Call and examine It. may24 At Private Bale. Southern half ol lot No 86, Chatham Ward, city o Savannah, containing twenty-five and a half feet front on Tatnall street, and ninety and three quarter feet in depth, subject to a ground rent of twenty-one 10-100 dollars per annum. For further particulars Inquire at the Counting Room, 164 Bay street. At Private'Bale. * f *w fine lithographed pictures, 22 x 28 inches, 8t0 £* Mountain, DeKalb County, Ga-, audTawa- laga Foils, near the Indian Springs, Ga., for .sale low - Jan 10 4 THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY! PRY0R’S“0INTMENT. I T is a sure and speedy cure for burns, pUen, corns, felons, lover sores, ulcers* scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur ses,) soro and cracked lips, Irosh wounds and sores of uny description. It is a moat valuable remedy aud euro, which cuu be testified to by thousands who havo used ft lu many portions of the South tor the last few years. Iu uu instance will the salve do any Injury, or interfere with a physician’s proscrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from people who have nsod it themselves, and most earnestly recommend it to others as a tpcedy aud certain remedy for the above named diseases. A trial Is all that Is uecessury tor Its own recommendation. Hold by J. B. MOORE, Savunuub, Ga., and drug * gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, tnayia InG range, Ga. P. JACOBS, . SUGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 20, Bull street, (sign of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on band Spaulsb, Han Spanish, and American Segura, ut wholesale and re- all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. junol jaMesmJhEnUv; Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawns Papers prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Bay-strcol opposite the fronted tho Custom House. ly nov 8 ola sj m> s n 4jbd>o Every man hU own Card Printer* rt ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S VJ Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, tho best, cheapest aud most convenient of any thing tor the purpose yet offered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr 3 ly 186 Congress St. 1 1 l I 6 10 60 120 3,000 IS... 2,000 Is.... 1,00019.. . 600 U.... 60 Is. .. 25 la.. 600 Approximation prizes of 20 are... 500 " l! 10 are 3,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 . 10,000 6,000 1200 Prizes aniouutlug to Tickets $10—Halves $6- FOU JOHNSON'S LANDING* AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, lb leave on Tuesday Night, the 12th instant. _ _ «IT—a, Tito light draft-steamer, WILLIAM JmBMBti LF.DBY, Captain A. C. Klug, will leave regularly 03 abovo, from the Charleston Steampacket wharf. Apply to v, febll S. M. LAFF1TEAU, Apout. * U. S. Mali Line; ~ FOR PALATKA* FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys. Ga., Hrnandi- na and Jacksonville, Picolata and Black Creek, Fla, THE steamer’WELAKA, Capt. N King, will leave for the above places every Tuesday Mommy, at 10 o’clk. This boat has large and airy State Room accom modations, aud taking Ihe Inland Passage, offers every inducement to Invalids and others. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill und inter mediato landings on St. Mary’s River. No freight will be lakeu after 9 o’clock. For froight or passage apply ou board at the Florida Stoara packet wharf, or to aprgl CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. Childs, Pratt A Co * Uvingstou, Ballard & Co. • Win. M Podge & Co. H A. Curtin .V Co. • Uusted A Cut'll. 1 W. H. Lyon A Co. Leo, Murphy kCa. • • lli-ici-uu U'n:t('f A!J)NZO CHILD. I. I*. BAl.LARD, WM. M. DODGE, • P. J. AVERY, H. A. CUItTlH, WM. E. ROLLU, S. T. Lll’ITNCOTT', ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, Wil. H. R1VERSMITH, W. H. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN, JOS. 11. WKSfOOTT, *• Briggs, Westcolt s t. JOS. F ATM AN, “ •• Fatrnun k Co STEPHEN VON MORI-N, GEO. SAVORY, “ “ Geo. Savory k Co, J. A. RKQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OtiDEN, Vico ProMlpeui. WM. K. ROMO, Secretary. This Company will issue Policies upon Mu rlue, Inland Navigation, Transiwrtntlou auil Fire Risks, at liberal rates of premium, tosses promptly aud liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, octal No. 86, Bay Street. $60,000 ■Quarters $2.50. Prizes payable .without deduction. A6T Persons sending money by mall ueed not ! fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. ! Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound ; banks taken at pur. Drawings sent to all ordering ' tickets. ftff- Those wialdug particular numbers should order Immediately. Address JAMES K. WINTER. Manager, mayi 6 Macon, Ga. ALA HAM A LOTTERY! (Al'VliOHIZKD BV I UK KI'AIK Ol’ .1 Ull AM.A. J UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Fir Palatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Htmandina, Jacksonville, Middleburg, (Black Creek,) and Picolata. k K The uew and elegant steampacket JOHNS, Capt. Jamc3 Freeborn, leaves every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above places. Freight will be taken tor Trader’s Hill and later* mediuto landings ou St Mary’s River. as- No freight will be taken after 0 o’clock. For freight or passage, having Excellent statu* room accommodations, apply on board, ut the Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near the Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ts. L ADIES’ AND GENT’S GLOVES.—A mag nificent assortment of ladles’ and gout’s Tuffota Silk Gloves, white aud black, also assortod colors, just received and for salo dy tnarll I.AD80N k ROGERS ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water Pltchora, Sumo new and beautiful designs, Plated and Rrita- nia. At tbe H iuse Furnishing Storo, 5 156 BROUGHTON STREET, ** HORACE MORSE. Savauimh, April30. aprSO iiiay’.'ft Administratrix. BATH: BOTJBd; HOT. COLD AND SHOWER. rpHE BATH HOUSE having been handsomely X fitted up, opened on Saturday, 2d of March. Single Baths 26 cento—six tickets for $1.00 mar4 J. M. HAYWOOD. Agont. Removal: The subscriber hu Removed on the Bay, next door to tbe Republlcnnj office, where he is now opening a handsomo assortment or 8 P RIN Gl AND SUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell by tho pattern or make to ordor in tho most fashionable stylo. Also, Ready Made Clothing tor the present and coming season. Tbankthl for past favors, ho hopes to merit a con tinuance of the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing dono at tho shortest notice. Just rocelved Whito Prill Coats and Panto, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, torsaloata small pro fit. aprl2 JOHN W. KEIJ.Y. Ii NEW YORK A LIVERPOOL UNITED STATUS MAIL STEAMSHIPS. finoare— il ' 8 C ° mprbiMg “‘“gfjSk ATLANTIC, Capt. West, I BALTIC, Capt.torastociL PACIFIC, Capt. Nyo. | ADRIATIC, Capt Those ships having been built, by contract, ox- urcssly for Government service, every care has been taken in their construction, us also in their en gines, to insure streugth and speed, and their ac commodations tor passengers are unequaled tor ele gance and comfort. Prices or Passage from Now York to Liverpool in first cabin $180, iu second cabin $76, exclusive use of extra state-rooms $326. From Liverpool to New York £30 aud £20. Au experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No borths can ho secured until paid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 60 Wall street, New York. BROWN, SHIPLEY k CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD k CO. B. G. WA1NWRIGRT k CO., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. 43rThe owuers of those ships will not bo ac countable for gold, sliver, bullion, specie. Jewelry, precious stones, or metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and tho value thereof expressed therein. Shippers will please take uotice that tho ships ol this line cannot carry any goodslocntraband of war. PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-8KALINU CANS AND JABS, .... For Presorting " ’ ' FRUITS, TOMATOES, kc. Full directions for preserving accompany each Cuu. For salo ut manufacturer’s prices by the Agent, HUR’CE MORSE, 116 Broughton street. may 29 CLASS E—NEW SERIES. ; To be drawn in tho City of Montgomery. Alabama, i in public, on THURSDAY, July 10,1856, ou tbe ! HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. 1 Prizes amounting to 205,000 Dollars !! i Will bo distributed according lo the following I MAONTRIOKNT SCHEME 44LYNN SHERIFF’S HALE. W ll.l, lie sold before tlio door of Uw Court House iu the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, uu tin? first Tuesduy in July next, between tho legal hours of wiln. the following property, to wit. :—Cos* Mils, Jim Chine, und Simon—levied on by virtue o II. In. issued nut or the Honorable Superior Court o» Glynn County, in favor or Horaco 1). Gould w. Alex* under Scranton aud Jatnes Uowen, Administrators - »f Bury Abbott, deceased. Property pointed out by p'aiutiti V attorney. tnayzH M.C. B WRIGHT, S.G.C, GLYNNllHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL be ,nld before the door of tho Court House, in the fit v of Brunswick, Couuly of Glynn, ou Uio first Tue*»iay lu July next, butweeu the legal hour,, uf rale, the following property, to wit. 1 une •nolivnled lull ol'a tract or pared of land conta u tig two hundred etui filly acres, (more or less) lying and M ig iu the county or Glynn, bmiltdod south bo land* granted lu Mlchuol Poiisoll, norlhwurdly by inmU grnuied to Johu Lamb, srnlor, owt by Iambi Ctiktiown. to vied on aa tbe proporty of Celia Lamb, to 'utwiy a fl ru. issued out of the Houorablo Huimi- n«r Court ot tllynn county, in favor or Darnel McIn tosh vs Celia Lamb. Property pointed out by de- toudaui. M. C. II, WRIGH1, bmy2b ShertlT Glynn Couuty. 10 Hacks auporlor Rio Ceffoo: 6 Quintals Codfish, And a general assortment of Cholco Grocorles, just rcc t:J 2 'i y __ J. n. JESSE, ~ Wll.ia6f ’» JKWBt1tr HTOHK Is receiving by every urrl-^g^Wftfv^lfo volttlurge and rich assort-2C^ inent of Gobi and Silver Watches, Diamond Pins, Ear aud Finger Rings, Mantlo and other Clockfi, Sjmkjiis, Forks, Tea Setts, Castors, &c M ot Sterling Silver. Jewelry in every variety. , -Ivory Table Cutlery, lino Pocket KnlvoB aud Scissors. . . „ . Rich China ami Parian Vases, and other nrtlcles. Flue Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Guunlng Implements of all kinds. Plated Walters, Castors, Tea Setts and Candle- stinks, wilh a gl oat variety or Fancy Artlolo*, suita ble far wedding gills, too tumorous here to mnu- ll °AII kinds of Watches and Hocks repaired by the most experienced workiueu. ^ wil.lWT may 18 No. 1 Market square, COD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER* J JU8T received 6 hhds choice Cod Fish 20 hbls extra No 1 and No. 2 Mackerel: 10 do extra Ptokle Herrings. 60boxes Smoked Herrings In storo and for sale by DAVID O’GONNFR. may lo cornar Brogbton k Brayton sta, DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. Tho subscriber takes this opportunity fffi to tutor m his friends aud the public, that (U ho is enabled, from experience, and the .JULiutuitivo perceptions of the truths of. ■ciopco, based on tbo common rales of surveying torms, both piano and spherioal. to cut and make up garments to fit the human form in tho most complete and finished style, to all who may favor him with a call. Boys’ fancy dresses, Ball costumes, Military and Flremen’a Uniforms, be., fee. P. HORACE GRANT, Jefforson at., one door North of Broughton street, dec 7—ly PIANO FORTES. . HAVING lately received largo ad' dltious to our PIANO FORTES, wo aro ouablod to ollor at this tluio the MS I I •greutest variety trom tho busl manu facturers, from the plainest square to tho mast olab- oratcly carved, aud from six to sovcu octaves. Our Pianos are selected Trent tho manufacturers whom wo havo full confidence In, and we arc par ticularly requostod by them to glvo a guaruuly with every Instrument sold by us as regards durability, tono, bo. 1'or.uiw lu waul ot. Oral ret. Inutruinoul in»» ro. with ttafety uuou gotUug auoU a one by aeleoUu, dam U» following malMta, wbo»e IUHltum.ul« w. gv'ou., H. Wafor, 1 aug 27 MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STRECT, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) F ROM the most complete facilities in his own establishment, and through his connections with several or the principal manufacturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, tho Undersigned is prepared to furnlnsh MACHIN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES. STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and Lintlls, Iron Doors, Shutters, be., at Horthemprices. Ho is ulso prepared to repair Machinery and iron work orovery description, at short notice, upou reasonable terms. As agent tor BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBIJS WORKS, ho Is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of designs tor MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, bo. Also Iron Railing In great variety, for enclosures, and to rocelvo orders, aud put up tlio work at muu- facturors’ prices. II. H. LINVILIJi. Savannah* April 11,1866. aprll TO WOOL SELLERS. riAHE Undersigned have this day opened a _L Storo In Cougress street, opposite the Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep Skins, Hides, Bees Wax, Deer Skins, aud Couutry Produce in general. Tho highest cash prices will bo paid tor all the abovo articles on delivery Jn Savannah. Mr. L.J. UU1L- MARTIN has been appointed as Agont, to whom ail persons having business transactions with the un dersigned may apply. J. W. SMYTHE k CO. Savannah, May 19,1850. maySO FRENCH MILLINERY ANI1 Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND lias opou oil at her Rooms. No. 17 Broughton Street, a lino selec tion of Spring Millnory, and Is constantly receiving jnsr steam ers, new and different styles of Bonnets; also, Drc3s and Mantilla patterns. as m Bonnets cleaned and pressnd u3 usual. aprlO H "~ OLLAND G1N.--5 halfpipes "“ModoTswan” Holland Gin. Lan'diug aud for sulo by may 15 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ■\TE\V GOODS.—The subscriber has received Xl a largo lot of the following articles— Whito and striped Osnaburgs, Columbus Factory, White and striped Osnaburgs, Schloy’s Factory, Bleached and brown Shirtings and Sheetings, Marlboro’ and Manchoster l’lnlds and Stripes, Blue Denims, be., be. Also, afresh lot of cheap fast-colored Prints. J. W. THRELKELD, mr!3 corner Engross and Wiiltakor-HtH. 30,000 Nlimbers—15,000 Prizes! 1 nrlzo of ....$516,000 IS. $35,000 1 do do 10,000 Is.. 10,000 1 do do .... 5,000 Is. 5,000 1 do do .. . 2,000 1s. 2,000 1 do do 1,200 Id. 1,200 1 do do 1.100 is. 1,100 1 do do 1,000 id. 1,000 1 do do 900 Is. 900 1 do do 800 is. 800 1 do do 620 Id. 020 10 do do 200 is. 2,000 100 do do 100 Is. 10,000 4 prizes ol $200 approxlto’g to $36,000 are $800 4 * 160 “ 10,000 are 600 4 1 10C “ 6,000 are 400 4 “ 80 2,000 arc 320 4 ; 70 « 1,200 aro 280 4 * 60 1,100 uro 200 4 ■ 40 1,000 aro 100 4 1 30 “ 900 aro 120 4 * 21 800 aro 112 4 * 2 020 uro 88 40 ‘ 20 200 nro 800 400 * 10 100 aro 4000 16,000 s yi 127,600 lfi,C00 prizes amounting lo $206,200 Tho 15,000 prices of of $8^ are determined by the number which draws the $35,000 prize—If that number should lie an odd number, then every odd number ticket in tho Scheme will bo entitled to $8>£; Iran even uumber, then every evon number ticket will be eutltled to $8iu addition to any other prize which muy bn drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd uud even number tickets, will be certain of drawing nearly one half tho cost of tho same, with chances of obtaining other prizes. aS“ Remember that every prize is drawn, and payable lu full without deduction. DSP All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid Immedi ately alter tho drawing,—other prizes at tho usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will bo forwarded to pnrehosers immediately after the drawiug. Whole Tickets, $10—Halves, $5—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or reuowed lu olhor Tickets at either office. Orders for Tickets can bo addressed either to S. SWAN b CO., Atlanta, Ga., jel Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. JOHN O. BOOTH* CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give his attention to designs In Architec ture. Office iu the store of Johu Williamson, Esq-, Bay street. tny!3 L ARD AND HERRINGS- 20bbis Prlrao Whito Lout Lard; 60 boxes Prime Herrings. Landing aud for salo by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON b CO. HESS TU1MUINGS.—Fringes, block and colored Molro Antique Gauzo, uud other stylos, iu grout variety, aud tor sale by mar 7 A1KIN b BURNS. "PRIME KENTUCKY HAM8.-Neatly trim* JL mod und for sulu to cloao consignment, may 17 YOUNG b WYATT. a UNNY BAGGING—360 bales superior (Inuuy Bugging tor salo by Jol-lw PADKLKORD, 1AYb CO. FASHIONS FOR JUNE. F RANK Lesllo’g Gazotto or Fashions for Juuo ro. eolved and for sale by WARNOCK k DAVIS, No 169 Congress Bt. Jel ® 3.—60 barrels Stuarts A and B Olarifiod ; 60 do Crashed and Powdered do. ijmd ir tala by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. MERCER UNIVERSITY, PENFIELD, GA. FACULTY. I'lUMIDENT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. I). l’KOFKSBORS. College. S. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathomattcs. J. E. MILLET, A. M., Chemistry aud Natural Phllonophy. H. H. TUCREH, A. M., Bellos litres. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek aud Latin Lani WILU AM G. WOODI nguagos. •FIN, A. B., FLOUR IN BARRELS. J UST received a lot or Extra Family Flour, In barrels. upr29 YOUNG b WYA IT. EATahTIOT OIL, oTtfio best quality constantly ' * CHAFFFJt k CO., 0 Whitaker street. JgXTRA CANAL FLOUR.—25.barrels Extra Canal Landing nnd for sale by *«flN; Flour. tuayl6 ^A LBANY AhE, ... — J\. received, uud tor sale by SCRANTON. JOHNSTON b CO. ■26 bbls. Albany c-tock Alo, just SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. Modorn Language. Theological Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD. D. D:, Ecclesiastical History and Biblical Literature WILLIAM WniJAMB, A. M., Systematic and Pastoral Theology. Aeadcmy. THOMAS A. HEALS, Principal. Tho Commencement Ib hold on tho lost Wedueaday In July. The next Term will commence ou the lost Wed nesday in August. The price of Boerd In the village is HO per month; washing, room rent, tool, be., $3. By order or the Board or Trustees. my 12 2m S. LANDRUM, Secretary. juno 1 NOTICE T HE UNDERSIGNED having this duy associated themselves together for tho purpose ot conduct ing tho Wholesale Grocery Business, and having purchased the stock of Rodgers b Norris, will here after coutinue tho business under the firm of Rod gers, Norris k Go., at tho old stand, corner of Bay aud Lincoln streets. JAS. G. RODGERS, JAS. A. NORRIS, GEO. H. JOHNSTON, JNO. N. BIRCH. siavotmab, Juuo 2d, I860. Je2 T HE firm of Rodgers b Norris having this day beeu dissolved by the above association, either partner will usotbe namo of the firm In liquidation. * JAB. G. RODGERS, JAS. A. NORRIS, Savannah, June 2d, 1860 Je2 ^ B ACON aNd LarD.—M) nnoa, prime Bacon Sides; 30 hhds. prime Bacon Shoulders; 20 bbls. prime Baltimore Leaf Lard. Landing, and for sale by BCRANTON, JOHNSTON b CO. jonei HUNT’S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES. D ESIGNED Expressly for making Bags—and which is decidedly superior to any o»ber machino lor thut purine. Spool or skein thread cuu bu used of any desired length, and which Will not need to be changed until the whole is used. Bag munaufacturers, Gralu’and Flour merchants are particularly invited to caii and examine it at 236 Cos gross street. May25. ALFRED WEBSTER,Pen. Agt. liUNT’ifc WEBSTER’S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. TYESIGNED for Families, plantations, Dress ms- J^/kers, Tailors, Boot k Shoo manufacturers anil others who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly and with expedition. This machine sews a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will no*, ravel, it Is more slmplo, is less liable to get out of order, aud costs less in proportion than any other machine, and U warranted to bo perfect, and to work well. All apparatus necessary for convenient (tie if furnished with it, and any instruction will be givsb that will bo necossary to ensure to tho purchaser Its successful operation and durability. Tbe public are respectfully Invited to call and ex* amine them at 185Congress st. A!FRED WEBSTER- Geo. Agt. asp A very neat and ornamental Iron Table will now bo given with a machine for a small stun tu addltiou to the regular prlco. May 26. iyowfcB cotton immiiBBtr PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866. T HIS improvement enables cue field band to pick as much cotton as five can pick by (be old method and having tho cotton free from trash, and in better condition for gitraing. The abovo machines arc tor sale at 186 Oongrea* street Savannah, and 126 Meeting street. Charles ton, 8. C. Ail orders from abroad will receive prompt aitontlou. Planters, Factors, Colton Brokers, and all interested are respectfully invited to oail and examine them. County Rights can be bought on favorable term? May, 25. ALFRED WEBSTER. . 9.ivA.v\«in, 1st Juno, 1860. } rrwu toliowmg l.ctv aro in arrears to the City for X Ground Rent. Brown Htord. Lota Nos. t8 and 70, eight quarters ouch. •• 07, MX “ “ '• 66, 60, 01 68’aud 09, four quarter* each. 16, 10, 62,71, two “ “ Chatham WarU 26, fourteen quarters 14, twelve 4, tou *• 16, six *• 16,18, lo. 20,22, 23. 31, four an. each. 5, 0, 9. 10, 17.24. 26, 32, two « *’ Columbia iFanf. •• s, six quarters. •• l. fi, 4, 6,15.10, 24, lour qrs. each. ll, north half ot' 12,14, 21, 28, two quar ters each. Craufvrd I Fa id. 48. eight quarters, tl, six “ 12,13,23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 86, 43, 44,40, 47, 08, 69,71, four quarters each. 25, 20, 27, 88, 39, 60, 65. 66, two quar* tors each. Klbcrt U’iii J. 24, eight quarters. 519, six *• 28, four “ 1, 3, 0, 10, 21, 22, 26, 26, 32, 33, and 37. two quarters each. Franklin Want. 3, 4, 0, east haff 7, tour quarters each. 2, 21, 22, 26, 20, 27, 30, 31,30, two quar ters each. New Frankltn Ward. 4, eighteen quurtors. 13, sixtoou quarters. 12,14,17 and east hull' 1, lour qru. each 3, 7, 8, 9,10 and west half of 1, two qrs each. Greene Ward. 2 and 20, tour quarters each. 0,1J, 14, 16, 18, 25, 26, 26, 27, 39, two quarters each. Jackson IFard* 47, tour quarters. Jasper traitf. 8,47, 48, lour quarter each. 9.10, 21, 37,42, two quarters each. Lafayette IFarci. 23, 46, twelve quarters each. 7, 37, 38, 41, tour qurrters each. 1, 4, 5, 21, 22, 86, 30, 40, 42, 47, 48, two qunrtera each. Liberty Ward. 8, 27,32, four quarters each. 7, 17, 18, 28,34, two'* “ Monterey Ward. 11, twelvo quarters. 13,17, 36, eight qarters each. 4, 0, 34, 87, 38,39, lour quarters cuch. 6,14,16,10,19, 20, 21, 22,28,24 and 80, two quarters each. ftifajAri IParrf. 10, eight quurtors. 6, 14,16, 16,18, 22, 23, 24, 26, tour qrs. each. 1, 2, 3, 4,12,29, two quarters each. H'arren Ward. 21 aud 23, twelve quarters each. 2, 4,10,13 14, two “ “ Washington Ward. 0 and 31, twelve quarters each. 1, 4,17, 29, four quarters each. 10.16.10, 24; and 40. two quarters each. Troup IFara. 40, ten quarters. 3, 4, 0,10,11,13,14, 23, 24, four quar ters each. 12, 15,22,28, two quarters erch. Wesly Wark. 13 and 14. six quarters each. 6,18 and 11, tour quarters each. 1, 2,3, 4, 7,10,12,16,17, two quarters, each. Calhoun TVarti. 20 aud 29, eight quarters each. 20, 30, and 48, six “ “ 2, 6, C, 8,11,21,26 aud 82, tour quarters each. 8, 4,9,10,18,19, 23, 81, two quartan oach. Ibrsyth Ward. 23 aud 26, twelvo quarters each. 7, ten quarters. 6 and 36, eight quarters each. 8, 6,11,12,13,14, 19, 20, 21* 29, four quarters each. 2, 8, 9,10,16,16,17,27. 28, two quar ters each. CharUen Ward, l, o, 12,24,80, six quarters each. 6,13, 23, north hair of 86, south half of 86, tour quarters each. 18,19,26, 31, 82. two quarters each. Springfield Lois. 1, 2,19H; 10 J; 19 Z; 19 R, twelve qra. each. 19 A, eight quarters. 3, 4. 6, 0 and 7, tour quarters each. 8, six quarters. 10 11,14* 16,10,17,18, 20, 27, 2$, 2$, SO. ll, 82,41 40, it, tour* 14 12,42, two quarters each. Ii the rents due on the above lots are not paid ou or before tho 11th of June, I will proceed, on the morning of the 12th, to re-onter tbe same in urns of ordinance. Julyl D. H. STEWART, c. M. KACubOUt Catawba Brand? in Mom, and for sale by tbe only regular Agent rpr ■‘‘Srff’- MBarSwil