Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 04, 1856, Image 1

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VOL XXXVIII [OLD SERIES.] 'SAVANNAH,.(GA.) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4. 1856. NO. 2093, mail & ionii. Dally, ’ivi-W«okly null Wcukly. Official Paper of the City and County. tt. B. HILTON & CO. PUIILMHBH8. . a. B. HILTON, - - I. S. CLARK, I S. P. HAMILTON, ) Editor. Assistant Editor*. .. TERMS; , 41 _ I 'nils’ iter voar, In tulvalice..$0.00 / Paper « “ 3.00 '4.00 3,00 8,00 10,00 14,00 40,00 Tvl-Weokly Paper Weekly Putter Single Copy ♦» « Two “ « *» Five “ \t u Bight “ u >• Tell [T« one a«lili?«*)Tweiity “ When 'tint pal I In ad van • tbe charge for the Dully, ^rifl b,* #n, mi l Air ili« Tri-Weekly $4. The Weekly will be sunt only in those wlm pay in advance. The paper will lu variably bo dUcoutUiued iijinii the explraiiou of the time Air which it has been fml.i. WEDNESDAY, Two O’clock P. M. Ueorglnn ik Joiiriutl Reading Room. Our Heading Iloom in the Exchange is tree to all suIihclibera to the Daily Georgian 4* Journal, i t uli contract advertisers in its columns, to the rlergy ol' the city and to strangers introduced by either of these classes—but to uone others. >3 V THIjXSafL^PJEX;. I.lverpmil Murltvl*. Xkw Viihk. June II.—The steamer Indian, report* the sales of cotton for tiiree days in Liverpool at 20,000 bule.t. > lieat lias declined from 3 to 4 pence. Manchester accounts report that goods and yarns have slightly declined. Xcw York Market. Xkw York, June 3.—The cotton market is dull without change iu prices. ••Arehhlshnp Hughes mid the Deuio- eruey’*. The Republican adheres to its charge tlmt tlie organ of Archbishop Hughes lias denounced the Democratic party for the action of the repre sentatives of that party in Congress, iu relation to Herbert's homicide of the Irish waiter, Keat ing. One sentence quoted by the Republican as coining from the Freeman's Journal, uud for which our neighbor would make Bishop Hughes responsible, is the lollowitlg “accursed he he who helps such a party into power until Unit blood is lawfully purged away," Not having been a regular reader of the Free men's Journal, we could not of course positively assert that it had never uttered the words charg ed by the Republic *<». Wo did, however, upon what seemed to us goad authority, give such a qualified denial as wo might—in saying that "we understand no such language ever appear ed in the Fi'eemun's Journal"—adding that an editorial of that paper, iu relation to the homi cide, shown us, and asserted to be tho only one which it had published on the subject, did “not contain the Republican's quotation.” To this our neighbor responds, somewhat loftily : ••We cannot answer such objections. Will the Georgian, or any other persou over his own signature, state distinctly that such a paragraph as that quoted by us did nol appear iu the Free man's Journal ? We have good authority for our quotation—or at least what we consider good— uud will produce it upon the contingency stat ed." it may Im rather hazardous but we will meet the Republican squarely upou its issue—we do assert that no such editorial as that quoted, has appeared in the Freeman's Journal: giving however, iu the sumo breath, our ground for so doing to wit: Dio fact tlmt we find the remarks attributed to the Freeman's Journal in an edi• tot ial of another paper, ■ They are to be read In the American Celt,of May 21th. it is not likely that the same edi torial appeared us such, iu two papers. If, for example, it were charged tlmt certain remarks had beeu made by the Washington Union, and we should lindthem in the National Intelligencer little would be risked iu asserting that they were not the words of the Union. This is a small matter, we grant—still, as the Republican could not condescend to notice our former "objections" to a inisstutemeut iuto which we supposed it bad iimdvertently fallen, we have felt constrained to meet it directly on the issue which its editors make. Floiiitu Polities,—A Distinguished AVIilg taking position with the Dentoe- raey. The Jacksonville News contains the proceed ings of a Democratic meeting held in St. Augus tine to ratify tlm noml.itttions tor Governor and Congressmen, made by the lute Democratic convention of Florida. Among the speakers on the occasion was Mqjor B. A. Putman, for many years one of the mqRt influential Whigs in Florida.— We make the following extract from the proce. dings of tho meeting. While the Committee wero ubseut, Maj. B* A. I’utuum was invited to address the meeting Mqj. Putnam thereupon addressed the meeting, dellaing his position as that of a member of tlm, former Whig purty, opposed alike to Black Hopublicnnism and Know Nothinglsm, aud de sirous of simp ing his politicul action as to best subserve the interest of the country and of the South. That although still a Whig iu sentiment, he wassntislied, upon n careful consideration of tlm subject tlmt duty to the country and fidelity to the principles lie had always nmiu- tuilmu, required him to aid the Democratic puny iu the strugglo with these opposing isms. Satisfied, as lie wus, that on the Democratic purty nloue could the country roly for the main tenance ot the constitutional guarrantees of the South, that lie should, there loro, come weal come woe, cast his lot, lain aid, aud his influence, iu tho coming contest, with the Democratic party, aud support its nominees. That lie imped Millard Fillmore would not ac cept tliu nomination of the Know Nothings, hut if he did, it would be liis ruin. Ho tnudu aseaiohiug examination of tlm platform of tbe Kuuw Notliiug party, and brought iuto striking siguilicdiico its hollowness and speciousuess in whatever it claimed that was good, and its in tolerance towards the Homan Catholics, audits pro»criptiveness towards the foreign born citi zens of our country, and expresses Ids aston ishment tlmt any of Ids former poiiticul friends (many of whom were present) could be found iu tlm ranks of u party hostile to them upon tho score of their country and religion, and which would allow them no, political, privile ges. liis remarks were received with contin- our upplausu, uud at the conclusion it was moved and carried uuuuimously that tlm thunks of tlm meeting be.tendered to him for liis ad dress, uud three.cheers were given. (Hesblutious approving the, nomination of Messrs Perry and Hawkins, and the platform adopted by the Madison Convention, wero unan imously passed.) Dr. Westcott then submitted a resolution, prefaced by remarks of considerable length, ou tbe subject of swamp lands, &c., which being considered as having no relevancy to the busi ness before the meeting, aud inaptly timed, was, ou motion, almost unanimously negatived. To which remarks Mr. Fairbanks County Elector, briefly replied, claimiug tlmt the sub ject was entirely irrelevant, aud only culcuiuied to produce new issues, whereas the only issue we had now to deal with was with Know Noth* iugism ; aud demonstrated tlmt all tlm clamor ubout breach of trust and the infidelity of the Democratic Legislature was unfounded; tlmt the lands wero given us to enable us to reclaim them, and tlmt such tncaus as were calculated to add to tlm population and prosperity of tbe State would enable us most effectually to reclaim these lauds by inducing a demand for them; tlmt there was not now in tlm State population sufficient to occupy one-twentieth’ of the culti vable lauds, aud tlmt without internal improvements, there would be no call for these lands iu many years. That, moreover, the laws provide that Dm proceeds of these lands “so far us necessary" only wero required to be devoted to these improvements, and tlmt the Legislature was the proper judge of how much was necessary. Tlmt by a subsequent law of Congress, these lands were vested in the State in fee, and made subject to its absolute control. That tho swamp land fnud was merely to staud as security,and that there was no probability that a dollar of it would ever be required to be used for tbe Railroad in terest. Tlmt tlm railroad system adopted by tlm Legislature was so equal in its operations and benefits to all parts of tbe State, that it in cluded nearly every county in the State ; and of its 118,000 Inhabitants, the routes to which this aid was given went through counties containing 108,000 inhabitants, comprising ll-12ths of the State. Dim).—In Houston county ,ou the 20th inst..after a lingering illness, Hugh Lawson,Esq., a highly respected and influential citizen, and Senator from that county in the last Legislature. Comm! Harbor and Fort Wilkins Burnt. —New York, May 31.— 1 The Detroit Advertiser says that the village of Copper Harbor and Fort Wilkins, on Luke Superior, were destroyed by lire a few days ago. The news was brought by a steamer, which 1ms just urrived from the Sault Ste. Marie. Important Decision.—A circular has just been issued by the General Land Office stat ing that by the act of March 22, 1852, land warrants and locations, not pre-emptive, are assignable; but it is the decisien of the Depart* Climate, Products and Health—North and South. In tbe June number of DeBow’a Review, Dr. E. H, Barton, of New Orleana, has published a very full and able paper upon this subject. The following extract exposes some popular falla cies: “ Instead of weakening us, as alleged, vlavoiy adds greatly to our military strength as a na tion. All warlike countries have been slave States. It fhrnlshes the sinews by whioh war Is supported. While other nations absolutely re* quire from five to eight men to carry on Indus trial pursuits to maintain one In the field, near ly our whole white male population, already trained to arms and warlike pursuits In a degree far exceeding that of any other people, Is ready for defensive or offensive war; and neither pur bretben north of us nor any other nation can fUrnish a similar example of prond indepen dence. "The South is accused of weakness, indo lence, and eflbminacy. The strongest and laf- S cst animals known to man have their nativi- es, their homes in the South. No Northern mau has a physical strength or physical endur ance superior to the Kboomen on the coast of Africa, uor can bear a greater burden than the Mexican; and in relation to our own country, I have before referred to the physical perfection and intellectual superiority of tho natives in the elevated parts of these Southern States. The comparison with any people will hold good if applied to any portion of them. Indolence does not belong to the Anglo-Saxon race, however it' may att icli to others, aud finds its refutation in every page of our history, and on every acre of our territory. And the accusation of effeminacy is a slander tlmt finds its answer in overy field of our country’s victories, and on the duck of overy riiival battle, where the prowess of Amer ica 1ms shed Its blood for the rights of man.' 'Hn notliiug, then, need the Routh shrink In comparison with the Northern portion of this Union. Not only has it been built up and en riched by tlie products of Southern industry, but some of the principal nations of the world uro dependent on the Southern States, not only for their commercial but their social existence and otubility. Here, in fact, ^ the fountain which originates tbe wealtli of modern nations, and especially of tlie Northern part of tills na tion. ' tier merchants, her manufactures, her shipping, her seamen, all derive employment ami wealth from these much*slandered Southern States. A hurricane, or a lute or early frost tlmt destroys the cotton crop of a considerable portion of the South, is felt in all tlie markets of the world to the extremest range of civiliza tion. . Drought or floods,-which materially in jures, the cereal crop, causes gaunt famine to stare millions in the face, and becomes tlie har binger ,of frightful pestilence. "Nor are there any sound grounds for the opin ion thut the South is not as susceptible of a dense population as the North. The capacity to sustain a large population depends upon the productiveness of the soil for those articles whicli are necessary to support life, and this has been shown by the extensive prevalence of its capacity to produce every species of the cerea- lia in such eminent profusion ; aud the question might be safely left here. But there is scarcdy an article that nourishes man which is uot mure easily and abuudantly produced in the South than in the North. In the more Southern por tion , where two crops of grain (as before said) can be produced every year on the same soil, and garden vegetables and fruit in the utmost abundance, they do not always exist of the same quality in the South as in the North, merely because we are not compelled to exercise tbe samo care In their cultivation for a livelihood, and because the larger and more Important sta ples are more profitable, and wo have not to depend for sustenance or comfort on the minor productions, as those in less favored regious. j "Jn the South we are comparatively free from sectarian disagreements, no bigotry, no ridicu lous humbugs about women’s rights, false philanthropy or pseudo-religion; each attends to his own bus! ess, and is contented under tbe blessings of a kind Providence showers upou us in such exhaustless profusion. “If, then, we compare the soil and produc tions, agricultural ana mineral, the climate and salubrity, the scenery, the comforts and refine ments of life which give it a charm, the intel lectual and moral qualities which give eleva tion in the scale of high civilization, those which produce its wealth and those which as sure Its independence, we have no reason to complain.” A Businbbb Young Man.—A young man of this county, says tho Louisville Courier, of the 13th, became betrothed to a young lady residing in this city, the only child of a widow who is possessed of some property. We will suppose the young,lady was here at school, aud that the mother was much in the country, occasionally visiting her daughter here. At all events, as report goes, the young fellow addressed a note to the widow, desiring au interview iu the city if she were soon to be here, otherwise he would meet her in the country, saying he had some important business to transact with her. Ab the day for nuptials had been fixed by the young peoplo without ob- SUIOIDU— SlNdULAB V KRDIOT.— A man named Joseph Wc^y,a miller by trade, residing In Beartown, Lancaster county, Pa., was found-last week on the Welsh Mountain, hanging'to a chesnut spront to which ho had fastened himself by a silk handkerchief. He had been missing about three weeks—was single and aged about 60 yeafs. An inquest was held, at which the following verdict was returned:— “And so the jurors aforesaid, upo n their affirmations aforesaid,'say that th e said Jacob Wesley, then and there in manner and form aforesaid, .as a felon of hihuelf feloniously, voluntarily and of his malice aforethought himself killed, stran gled himself, against the peace and dig nity of the Common wealth of Pennsylva nia. Fatal Enoouter Between two Edi- tors.—Messrs,Robertson,, of the Chroni cle newspaper of Bayou Sara. Lu.,and J. R. Marks, of the Ledger, got intoen encounter on the 25th, .which resulted in the death of the former. Three or four shots were fired, from one of which Mr. Marks received a slight wound, and from another of which Mr. Robertson fell mor tally wounded. Tho former Was wounded in the left side, but not dangerously hurt. The latter was Bhot through the head, aud died an hour afterwards. ' # The quarrel between them, had its ori gin in a personal article against Mr. Marks, which appeared pu Mr. Robert son’s paper. • 1 Florida Railroad.—We are gratified to learn that in addition to tlie iron recently men tioned by us liaving been purchased by this Company, they have bought 1000 tons, now in New York, aud to be immediately shipped, so that tho iron for fifty miles of the road has been secured. / We understand that it is the intention of the Company to complete the location of the line as soon as possible, and immediately thereafter to open their lands to settlers apon the most ac commodating terms. The policy proposed is to create all the local business possible for (heir Road, by bringing the lands along its line into early occupation and production.—Jacksonville News. ment, that where locations are made by pro | taiuing the mother’s final consent, she ^ " supposed very naturally that it was with a view of gaining her approbation of the match in due form that the interview was emptors of their rights under the act ol Bep- . . ... . ----- --tfg; Democratic Meeting in Bryan.—We have received the proceedings Ufa meeting held in Bryuu county, on Die 3d lust., for the appoint ment of delegates to the Milledgeville Conven tion. Mr. William Strickland was Chairman, and Dr. M. 1). Mooney Secretary. Tlie delegate.-, appointed were requested to bring the mime of Col. W. I). Gnu)din, of Libel ty County, before tlie Convention as a suitable person for elector of tlie First- Congressional District. The following are the names of tlie delegates. H. W. Mattox, C. Slater, G. J. Good- son, E. X. Hailey uud W. Strickland, in tlie ease the delegates should not attend, those from Liberty were intruded to east tlie vote of Kryiui. Warlike.—Company F., Captain Bukek.— This invincible Company tinned out in full force lids morning, and made a handsome ap pearance. After performing various difficult evolutions, they were ili in ssed. 'I lie render is doubtless informed of tlie fact, since the expulsion of the Mormons from Xniivoo, Illinois, the site of that town lias fallen into the occupation of Moiih. Cabet, who, at tlie licad of a body of French Socialists, entitled Dm Icarian Colony, lias for a few years past beeu endeavoring to put Into practice there the principles of communism. For some time they go on only passably well; but at length the apple of discord has rolled iu,und the commu nity become so divided tlmt, whilst Cabet him self and it minority of the colonists are under- iLnoil to advocute immigration from France, a majority oppose such a course, aud directly warn their foreign brethren agaiust risking tlie dilutees of much discomfort and suffering, ow ing to tlie divided condition of the colony. Divokuko.—The wilu of .lumen I|. I dine, pcreucutul hero uud inurtyr of aholi- tiimiam, obtained n divorce from her 1ms- liul.d, ut tlie lute term of the Deurliorii(Ind.) Cireut Court, on the ground of ubnndon- iiu'iil desertion, uml other legul causes.— She avers tlmt lie sent her home from Kun- sus, uniting striuigers, unprovided for, un protected, mid without money to pay her t ruvcrling expenses. She is the mother of several of Ids children, und Ims liocn for sometime past supporting herself by keep ing ii linnrding-house. Ukatii OK Itsv. Ai.kx. MoCaink.—Tills veil' srulilo iniiii, iiltle Logician, und erudite theolo gian,expired iu this city im Sunday night last.— Aufutlu Con.l, Henry N. Sends, Khii., of tbe port of Louis ville, Ky., ilii’d ou Mouduy. Tlicre ore now said to lie uo fewer than t'UWO miners ou .bike III Scotlaud. fresh fish nro very plentiful at Norfolk- turee good trout fir 12J eeute, tember 4,1841, such pre-emption are not nssfg- nnble, for tho reason tlmt there U an express inhibition ill the said net of 1841 agaiust tbe transfer of pre-emptions. - A (’ash ok Conscience,—An anony mous letter was received by the Collec tor of the port of New York on Thursday morning, containing $1500, which tho writer suid wus duo to tlie United States. ■fames Costello, who was to have been hung Friday, in Now Orleans, has been respited until tlie meeting of tho Legisla ture in January next. lion, Ildus Choat and son of Massa chusetts, are in Washington. A Sad Wakxiko.—The Klktou (Ky.) Humicr, of the 25tli, records the suicide of Col. Wm Hoffman, a prominent cit izen of tlmt place. He was elected to the Stute Legislature three yonrsago, but was defeated at the last election. The conse quent neglect ofliU private affairs brought him into trouble anil despondency. SueoKssKui, Voyaoks.—Tlie schooner Wm. P, Dolliver, Capt. 'M’Guiro, of 90 tons., returned to Nantucket on the 27th inst., from an eight months’ whaling cruise, with 275 bbls. wlmle oil, worth about $6000. Tho schooner Watchman, Capt. Bally, has been ubsent about the same time, and was lust reported with 4000 bbls. Drunkenness a Penai. Okkenoe in Massaohusetts.—A bill to punish drunkenness lias been introduced into tho Legislature of Massachusetts. It provides us follows: Sec. 1. Any person wtio ahull ho guilty of tho crime of drunkenness, by tho volun tary use of intoxicating liquors, shall, for the first oflimeo, bo punished by a fine not exceeding five dollars, or by confinement in tho house of correction for u term not exceeding thirty days. See. 2. All acts and parts of acts incon sistent herewith are repealed. The eiigiuo house of tlie Grand Trunk Railway at Toronto, was burned down on tha 29th inst., with eight locomotives. Amos A Lawrence, of Boston, has received one thousand dollars from Mr. Owen, of Hartford, to bo devoted to tho relief of the Free State Men of Kansas. Col. Samuel Bugg, of Tennessee, recently went to Cincinnati, accompanied by several ser vants to attend hlmselr and fumlly. He offered the Abolitionists, not only every opportunity to ■educe them from bis service, hut a premium of *10(10 to bo handed over to any orphan asylum in the event of their success. Senator Sumner is said to be about six feet In height and to weigh nearly 200 pounds. The yonug chap was punctual. In a business-like manner, and without un necessary ceremony, he made known his business. He coolly informed the lady that his object in meeting her was to ask her to mnko the deeds of her property over to her daughter before the union with her, which had Deon fixed for tho next day, could be consummated. At tbe same time lie mode some remark indicating to lief tlmt he knew what property she hod. Tho ludy desired to know how he could have obtained so accurate an account of her property, and asked whether her daughter had informed him ? “Oh ! no,” said he, “I employed a lawyer for that purpose.” “ Aye,” said the lady, with great self- expression, “you really seem to have quite a business turn. Pray sir, what else did you suppose I could do with my property, but give it to my daughter—my only child?” . “Indeed,” said lie, “I don’t, know but you might marry again, and then you’d keep tho property away from us." . Tuc lady ut a glance saw the coolness, inpudencc and business-like qualities of tlie young scamp, aud at once informed him that, althongh she had intended to give her daughter her portion on the day of her marriage, and had not had hereto fore the lest idea of making any objection to the!.* union, she hod now decided that the nuptials must be indefinitely post poned. Tho mother’ and daughter, we under stand, consider themseiveB exceedingly fortunate in having made a timely escape from one who could manifest so much cool impudence and heartiessness. Asevero thunder storm passed over Phila delphia on Thursday afternoon. Letters from Buenos Ayres state that Gen. Urqulzawas gaiaiug ground, bat an aggres sive war was not expected. News from Monte video is discouraging, and matters are reported as yet unsatisfactory. Oribewas In the ascen dant. A aerfoas question had arisen between the governments of Paraguay and the French consul, respecting the treatment of a colony of French sottlers, and it was feared that some trouble would ensue with tho Italian oolony of Patagonas. Capt. W. A Rlohardsou, one of tbe oldest in habitants of California, and for twenty yean oaptaln of the part of Ban Fmnolaoo under the Mexican government, died at Sanoiletto on the 20th of April. Dr. Hammond, of the United States Branch Mint, also died the same day; and Dr. 8.B. Mills, county physician, died on the 30th April. Snow was lying Iu heavy drifts la Sullivan ooUnty,NawYork,on Saturday week, whioh (all during the storm on that day. nivnntMount* oolvmbiaii SIZE NLAHOED, STYLE IMPROVED. It has dohle the quantity and itrength of any other/'* „ It Rivet a perfectly natural color. It colon overy riiade (ram fight brown to .. It ii perfectly hirmlen to the skin. Its eflbof ii lmtintaneoua and permanent, It id tliu budt, quickest, clieupest uud sulost dyk sver maiio, Dirocttoua lor uao accompany each box.-®* Price—1 oz. $1—2 ozs. $1.60—4 ozs. $3—8 ozs. $6. [Entered acnordlug to att Act nr Congroris, In tlie your 1866, by A, W. Harrison in tlie Clerk’s Ollloo of the District Court of tho United States for tho Eastern District otTeunsylvania.] For sale by the manolhcturor, AI’OLIXW W. -HARRISON, deol8-rly . KfSoutfrTth’M.. Philadelphia. SPKCIAlo NOTICE. It Is ovor one year since the uudcrslgnod trans ferred bin Stock in Trade to D. B. Nichols & Co.— Durlug whioh period ho lias devoted much ofhii time in cloning, his old uITuirs. lfq finds, notwith standing, many accounts -of longstanding stilt un settled ; aud he takoa tUU lucUjpi^hr notifying Do- linquontd tlmt suult unsettled notes tthd accounts as shall remulu imcancejled Kftho Ut ql'foay, will bo put in suit without iligcriralnntlou. Ho also Ims a great variety or Jot* and IVa/cAra still remaining with him, which have not boon paid Tor tho repairs, and have boon ou hand for yearsaud unions soon callod'for, he will bo compelled to sell lor storage and repairs. D. B. NICHOLS. Savannah, 21st April. I860. intelligence. Port of Savannah... JUNE 4 Arrived. Steamer fit JohUH, Freeborn, I’alatka, Ac, to Clng- horn and Cunningham. Cleared, Bark E Churetiill, Blake, Belfast, Mo.—Wm B Cite.! & Co. Sclir Woltor Raleigh, Manklu, Now York—Huutor At Gammcll, . ... Memoranda. Now York, Mag31—Cld, ship Consul, Mortimer, for Savannah. Philadelphia, May 30—Arr, sebr E S Jonea, from Apalachicola, Fla. FORKlON. Liverpool, May Vd-r-Arr, Jane Cushman, from Apalachicola. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BANK OF SAVANNAH,) June 4th, 1860. / DIVIDEND, No. The Directors have thl$ day declared a dividend of/w dollars per share, from thiuprollta of tho lo.4t Btx months, payablo ou demaud. Juno 4—It W. B. TINSLEY, Ca-shlcr, NOTICE —I lorwuru all puraoiw from .pur- chasing Cow.-L or unything, from my hus band, Patrick Brady, without my knowledge. , ANN BRADY, ol' Itullnu lime. oTntio 4th, I860. It*—-.ioj C 't UNNY CLOTH—Iu store mid for sale by T June 4 . P^DELFORD, FAY A CO. luo biiloa heavy Gunuy Bugging, re- l lor sale by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. B AGOING. solved und for sale by Juno 4 B IO NEY~ LOST O NE monDi alter date application will be made to tho Bank of the Slate of Georgia, for now notes in place oftho original^, one half of which have boon lo3t by mail, oftho following description, viz., $10, Principal Bunk or Savannah, No. 4444, right half lost: $20, Principal Batik or Savannah, loit hair lost. JAMES L. HOWELL. Oakland, Ml$s., May 12, I860. Dw law myU FORNE WYOllIt. 'Jb anil Suhtnltty, 1th al 10 o'clock A. M. The-Steamship KNOXVILLE, Capt. Ludlow, will leave as above. For freight or passage npply to PADKLFORD, FAY & CO. Cabin Passage $26 Steerage Pussage 8 $3“ Shippora of Cotton by those Steamships will ploaso tako notlco, thut no Colton will bo received at tee prossos that is uot distinctly marked ou tho edge of the bale. jc3 C ORN10,6bo^fmslioTs*Tomiossoe Corinn atoro i _ 'aud for aulo low by Jo2—tf YOUNG k WYATT. F LOUR AND BACON.—6U0 sacks Flour lbs Bacon, In store and lor aulo by Je2—tf YOUNG & 10,000 WYATT. 1JALT1MOKE FLOUR—100 bbh superfine Haiti- AJmoro Flour lauding per achr Woodbridgo, and for sale by jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. K EF1NED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS— 60 bbls Stuurt’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do 50 do 60 do 60 do do do do do Powdered do A Clarified Uo B do do C Uo do Just rocoivcd and for sale by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. T HEavorago price of Flour tho last month being Eight dollars, Broad must weigh as follows:— 10 Cont Loaf must weigh 2 pounds. 5 .* .4 .. i U u “ u 9>i ounces. JAMES S. WILKINS, City Treasurer. June 1^, i860.my31 M ONONOAHELA WHISKY- 26 bba Old Monongahela Whisky, 60 “ Double Distilled “ Just rocoived anil for salo by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ATYX’O^SiONMENT- — VJ 10 bbls. Monongahela Whisky; 10 do Gin; Uo Domestic Brandy; For salo low, by npr‘25 PATTEN, HUTTON A CO. Commercial Intelligence. Savannah Blarket, June 4, COTTON—Tho market tills morning was dull.— Sulos of 98 bales at Oc. were reported. Exports. BELFAST, Mr,—Per bark F. Chur chill—138,000 feet lumbor. NEW YORK—l’er sebr Walter Ralelgh~908 bales upland cotton, 10 casks rico, 9 boxes tobacco, 1186 bags wheat, 27 empty barrels, and sundry boxes of merchaudlzo. CHARLESTON, JUNE 2.—Cotton—There was a modorato export demand to-day, and buyors ope rated at about half a cont decline on our last quota tions. Tbe sales araouuted to 741 bates, part'culars as follows : 70 bales at 9, GO at 988 at 8 at 9tf, 32 at 10)4,113 at 10>f, 60 at 10tf, 233 at 10V, aud 70 at 11 ceuts. COLUMBIA, JUNE 3.—Our cotton murket is still almost at a stand, and consequent!}* prices are a9 yotalmnst nominal, viz : 8 to 10)^ ceuts. BALTIMORE. MAY 31, 2 P. M.—There a was a very full attendance on ’ehango to-day. Tho mar* ket for Flour was dull, and overy disposition mani fested for a decline. Tho few sales effected wero at a less price than yesterday, and buyers seemed dis posed to purchase at a decline of 12>f cents per bhl. on previous rates, but liolcors wero unwilling to uc- ccdo. Tho Grain market was dull both receipts and sules being light. WILMINGTON. JUNE 2. —TUKl'K.vwxk—Sales on Saturday ofl34 bbls at $2,60 for new and $1,08 for old virgin, $2,10 lor yellow dip aud $1,10 for hard. No transactions to-duy, Hwri-w—Further sales ou Saturday of 20 casks at 33 ceuts per gallon, aud to-day 31 do at samo price, and or 60 do at 34 cents, being au ndvntioo of 1 cent per gallon. Rusi.v—.Sales on Saturday of ICO bbls commou at $1,10 for largo bbls, and of 400 bbls No 2 at $1.80. No trausactions to-day iu either quality. T.m—No transactions, und none olforlng thut wo kuow of. Smrr Casks—Sales on Saturday of 300 empty spirits turpeutino casks at $1,02)* a 1,75 for second baud, uud $il'or uow. Coax—Wi^ule tho receipt of three cargoes-7300 bushols—3700 or which wero to order, 2800 changed -hands ou privuto to ms, mid the roniuiuing 800 re tailed from vessel at GO cent*. Oats—A lot of 71 bushels received and changed hands ut 46 cents. NEW ORLEANS, MAY 31, 2 P. M.—Cotton- There aro some buyers out, but thus far wo hear of onlv about 1200 bales sold. Toiucoo—A largo sale pending. Sugar and Moussrs—Stock light and market firm. Orleans Retiuery Molasses Helling reiuillv at 47 cts for bbls aud 61c for half bbls. Flour—Stock light and mnrkot firm, fc'alcs 190 bbls 8t Louis at $7,26, 600 fuuoy at about $0.60. and 210 Extra at $7,50 por libl. ’ ’ Corn—Active, and about 800 sacks already taken of which 3700 white and yollow, one lot, at 48:3000 at tlie samo, aud 900 in lots at 40 a 60c. Oats—Iiito yesterday one lot of 2600 sacks Saint Louis was sold on the Levee at 38c, u decline. Pork—Mess retailing this morning at $16, and G80 bbls sold last evouing, besides what wo reported, at $17,60 per bbl. Bacon—Sides retailing at 9>*c, and Shoulders at 0 a 7&c. Lahd—None on tho Levee. Shritb Turpwtink—A lot of 31 barrels was sold yesterday at 37c. India Bauginu—Demand actlvo, and 1234 bulos sold by ouo broker since ycatorduy us tbllows : 100 to arrive ut 16&, 800 iu five lots and mostly to ar rive ot 17, aud 320 (09, 83,41 and 143) iu store and to arrlvo ut tho advanced rate or 17«e por yard. Whisky—Dull, at ubout 26o for rocUfied, Fmoouto—Cotton to Liverpool dull at lls 32d. K l dally expected per brig E. W. AUGER, sale, to arrive, by may28 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO.{ M ARSHALL k SON’S Celebrated i’lg Hams, Pig Shoulders, aud Pig Bacon. Also some now Smoked Tongues and Fresh Smoked Beef. Received per Alabama, by may28 J. D. JESSE. LANDLORD AX& TEXXiVT. T HE Law of Landlord and Tenant. By J. Smith, with Notes of Amorlcan cases by P. P. Morris. Bauvlor’s Law Dietiouury, last edition. Bauvlor’s Institutes American law. Nellgan’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Drown ou some Diseases of Women admitting of surgical Treatment. Flint on Diseases of the Rosplratory Orgaus. Budd on Illseasos of the Stomach. Sketohes and Adventures iu Madeira, Portugal and gpalu. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Cuthoriuo E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guido, with maps. Ireland !u ’98 aud ’48; its Revolutionary Historv. By J. Savage. Natloual System of Political Fajougiuv . From the German, of List. aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now bo done at home. Mr. CHARLES KEMISH buying es tablished himself permuneutly, all work In this line will be done with dispatch, all repulrlugofCustors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons, ForkH, or any other article will bo done neatly before plating. All old silver pluto, such as Teusetts or Urns, Forks or Spoous, will be ro-flulshed und made equal to now, aud at moderate prices. All work or orders left at my store will bo attended to promptly. P. S.—Watch coses galvanized. »nay27 U. M. GRIFFIN. 1J ASKETS! BASKETS!—We would call the JLJ attention of tho ladles to our stock of Work, Traveling aud fine Fancy Baskets, the largest assort ment In tho city, at tho House Furnishing Store, 166 Brougliton-strect. mar21 HORACE MORSE. D .OMKSTIC LIQUORS— 50 bbls EPholp’ llyo Gin, 26 bbls N. E. Rum, 50 “ Luther Felton’s Rum, 2d'H > " Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old P k H Connecticut River Gin, 60 “ N. 0. Whisky. Just received and fur sale by lny23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. IAS. W. GRKN. a. r, SMOOT GREEN * SMOOT, attorneys at law, OOt'20 TB0MA8T0M, 01. JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Court House. uiylS AffllOllIV McCULLbiT, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. JtST Office on Bay street, over tub Bunk of Savan nah. ' _ nmyifi toTCOLlU BROTHER. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER- CHANTS, Savannah, Qaand Montgomery, Ala. F. T. COLK, I R.F. COLK, Bay street, Savuiiuah. | Commerce st., Monlg’ry. KKVKIIKNCKS. Holcomb, Johnson, it Co. J Cobena 6i Hertz, Lockett k Bnolliugs, Edwin Parsons A Co., Robert A. Allon, fc'crautou, Johnston A GO. SAVANNAH, GA. my 13 , L. WKIIIk ”* " ~~ ~ WM. It. BARB. WEBB A SAGE, (8D0CBS8OIW TO CAMKHON, WKHII k CO. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND , EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MEETJNQ-ST. CHARLESTON, 8. 0., Will supply Country Merchants with Goods iu their Hue at oa low rates as they cau buy lu Now York, or elsewhoro. sept 28 . iy p. J. uiuifW.’ "wM. fcfTAKK, J>7 ~ H. U. HAHDKK. OQUKN, 8'1'AItlt & ICO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, UAY-STttKST. SAVANNAH, a A. t'ONUB Hi FUIKIISON, t'OUH'AKUIXU AN1> COMMISSION MliUt'IIAN'm, no. U4 n.\Y-sm:Kr. havanwah. ua. • upr4 • ' ■ Ai ItcAU'lS .Si UltOTIlVliN, Lumber,' Mill and Brick Varda. aept 6 HAVANNAll, OA. PATTEN, IIUTTON ifc CO., FACTORS. Forwarding uud Commission Merchants, Bnyatreet, Savannah, Ua. r. ujoKwrr. snkixinou. LOCKETT A SWELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AN1> SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ua. Will attcud to the selling of all kinds of produce. Strict attention given to receiving and forwarding goods. may 31 ly Auction & Commission House, Mucou, Ou. a. k. McLaughlin,' General Agent and Auctioneer, Sulicita from Ids friends consignments of overy description. Takes orders for Colton. 43T Special -attention given to tbe sales of Real Estate, Slocks and Negro property, at public and private sales. Prompt returns and dispatch- Reference—U. A. L. LAMAR. mob 30 Wm. McAllister. bhed on reasonable terms. Orders ros- ijpcclfiilly solicited, ftp lb J. 0. BUSK. J. It. DAVIS. w. U. LONG. RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 80 W A Y NE,G IlE NV1 LLE&C 0.7 \/f OB A VI AN AND FLOURISHING COT- JJX ton—.lust received uml for sale by J. W. THRKLKEI.l), upr26 _Cougrc8s and W bitukor streets. THE GREAT IftON WHEEL. /~\R, Republicanism Backwards, and Chris- V-/ tianlty Reversed, in a sorics of letters address ed to J. Soule, Senior Bishop of tho Methodist Epis copal Church, South. ByJ. R. Graves, Editor of the Tonuosseo Baptist, Nashville. Cloth;price $1.25. Tho Gi'eat Iron Wheel Examined. Or its Falso Spokos Fxtraotod, ami au Exhibition of Elder Graves, Its builder; in u sorics of chapters, By William G. Brownlow, Editor of Drowulow’s Knoxville Whig. Cloth; jwlco $1. Copies mulled on receipt of Price. Received ami for sale by WAIINOCK DAVltf, Booksellers uud Stationers, may!6 159 Cougress street. TJU . XX Holland Gin. Landing uud fbr sale by may!6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. XTEW GOODS.—The subscriber has received Al a largo lot of tho following urtlclos— Whlto and Btrlpod Oanaburgs, Columbus Factory, Whlto aud striped Osnaburgs, tjchley’s Factory, Bloocbod aud brown Shirtings aud Shootings, Marlboro’ aud Muuchostor Fluids und Stripes, Bluo Denims, &o., &o. Also, u fresh lot of cheap fast-colored l’rints. J. W. THRELKELD, corner Congress and Whltakor-Hta. I7K CASKS Bacon, Hams, Sides and Should* I tl dera, just rocoivcd and for salo by aprll ORANE, WKLL8 k CO. Coitelgiteoa. Per steamer Balnt Johns, from Patatka, &o.—20 bales SI Cotton, 17 Hides, 2 bundles Skins, 16 bbls Potatoos—to Claglioru k Cunningham, E F Wood, J W Anderaon, Boston k Vlllalonga, Tison k Muckny, Blyor & Kliuo, J Sherlock k Co, J Pomar, J Ryan, W A Couper k Oo, DoWht k Morgan, Bell k Pron- ties, C White, G Gcmenden, I< P King, N Wooly, and others. Posaenger*. Per steamer St Johns, from Pal&tka, Ac—Judge Bacon, Mrs Gliucb, Mias Floyd. Mrs Cassln, child and servants, Mrs Skiuner, Miss Skinner, Miss n utiiii, o miMru,H I'crwiuiui, i/r bMUCKIO ami aorvant, I) E Mucklo, Dallston, J P Hawkins. J W Gilbert, NH Corwin, J Olivia, J H Gardner. J W Ellis, w R perry, A J Baker. Hilton. Capt Qnlg, Col Robinson, R Cngdell, J H Hall, D Abrams, P fcun- nlniham, A Abrams, W J Dunwoody, W Bailey, and26 deck. /^ORN—1000 buahela prime Corn Instore and for sale by 4«e w C A GREINER S ILLS, Laces, Embroideries, White Good, Mitts. &o.,Justbeing opened aud for salo by J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congress and Whitaker Bts. IANULISH IDT A TOES'—80 hampers cholce'fiiting XJ Potatoos, in small package. For family uuo.— For sale by [may27] J. A. BROWN. /^HAML* AGN E—12 baskets genuine Heldalo V/Charapagne In store aud Tor sale by mayio OCTAVUS COHEN, T OCOMOTIVE NEEDLES.—A new andele- XJ gout arUolo which neods only to be triad onoo to insure the cons taut preference ortho seamstress, Just rocoived and for sale by marl8 LADSON k ROGERS, COMMISSION AKD FORiVARDLNU MERCHANTS, Ray-street Savannah. THOS. S. WAYNE. C. E, GRENVIL11L R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAJIPLE, jy 0—tf .Savannah. 'Chattanooga. C. C. POOLE, ' No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Snakes. UIIiuIn, Doom, Paints, Oils. Var nishes, Window Glass, Putty, «c. , Pulutors’, Oraluors’ and Artists’ Brushes: Whitewash Heads and Dusters, Dry and Mixed paints of every description, Artists* colors iu tubes, Preitared Canvass, &o. PAPER HANGINGS, BORHEUS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neulnnss uud despatch.— House, Sfgu aud Hhip Puiutiug, Gliding, Gruiulng und Glazing done in the best j-tyle aud ut moderute All orders lrora the country promptly attended to. _ inch 28—ly FHKNCH ClllNA7\VHliE GRANlTE, AND Ul^VSH WARE. 146 UKKTIXU HTUKBr. ClIAKLKSTti.\, f-OUTU OAKOUNA. The subscriborH respectfully solicit from the traveling public, au luspoctiou^~^ of their stock of French aud English China, in plaiu white, gold hand, aud _ decorated dinner, desert, breakfast, tea, toilet, tete-a- tete sets and vases. Also, Cups uud Huucers, &c., ol tho celebrated Sevres China. Whlto Gruuitoof the best manufacturers. Rich cut French, English aud Bohcmiuu Glass. They luivo a vurlety of ornaments in Parisian Wuro, Busts of Calhoun, Clay, Webster, aud others, audStatuetes of the Greek .Slave, Venus de Mediate, Jto.. Ac. They have also a beautiful, durable uud cheap aril- ole for door* and hearths, of Plain ami Eiicuustlc Tilts. Their stock beiug very geueral, carefully selected aud imported direct, oilers Inducements to merchauts os well us luiullles, to whom goods will ho put up at the lowest rules for cash. WEBB ii SAGE, lmportors, successors to Cameron, Webb k Co. JOHN a. NORliiS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed the practice of hisproles* slou, oilers Ills services to his friends uud the pnbliu as au Architect uud Buporlutcndcul. Designs lot any part of the eouutry supplied uud oxouuLu'l iu all the various branches of his profes sion, such us Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monuments, ka. Thoroughly Fire Proof fitores Ue signed and executed. Office al “ rear of the Custom House. t present lu Buy Lane, Jan 3—ly ☆ OIiOTKIWG A EMPORIUM. 1 DOOR WEST PV TUB REPUBLICAN READING ROOM, Also, Supcrllno Cloths, - usslmers and Vestings, will bo made to mca- suro,uncxccption' able in Htylo and workmanship, by the bust mcchnuics, at shortest notice - W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND HILITABY TAYLOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANNA II. FiuoRcatly-mado Clothing ; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, and Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. Orders from cily und couut.v solicited. JtM fob 5 HTUtBEK SHOPS7 Pulaski House liurber Shop, Owens' Uriel: ttuildiny, opposite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Miu*sfmil House llai'ber Shop, Jlroughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENOAGED. subscriber, thankftilto his follow-citizcus X for the liberal patrouage ho has received, aud is still receiving, begs respectfully to inform them that ho has engaged sufficient additional first-class workmen from Borne of the best Barber Shops in Now York, uud will bo enabled to accommodate us nmuy gentlemen us may honor him with their pa- trouago. N. B.—Tho Barbershops uro closed ou Suudays— strangers will ploaso boar this In mind. "SAVE YOUR HONEY CALL AT THE NEW SHOE STORE, No. 142 BROUGHTON STREET. .^uoxt door to Messrs. J. Dickson k Co’s. Coulee* tlouary. You will thoro fiud tho greatest bargaiua In Shoos ever offered lu this cily. October 16th, 1856. R. B. HILTON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office corner of Bay and Drayton-su. SAVANNAH, OA. my 11 ' IIBNRY WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. g, Drayton Street, Savannah, Georgia, may 6—ly JOHNBI.HULLENV ATTORNEY AT LAW, . (Office at the.Oourt House.) Will prautico in tbe superior and Courts of Ordl- nary. jandO ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Bay and Whitaker Street*, SAVANNAH. feb 22 3mos D.A. O'BYRNE; 7 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-st., over Turner Jt Co’a. Drug store SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Mouument Square, near StatoBank. SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly JAMES M. SAVAGK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TUORABVIU.K, rUUMAB COUNTY, UA. All business entrusted to Ills care will receive prompt attention. lyr—tnarlT ANTHONY McCULLOh. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgiu. ,ar Office ou Buy street, over tho Bauk «r Savun. nab. feb2 WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARIETTA, OA. OCt26—ly jkAvii) o. tviun, ATTOBNBY AT LAW, SPABTA, OX. Will practlco in tho counties of Hancock, Warren, Washington, aud Baldwin. Kkfxrkxcks—Bchu k Foster, Rabun k Smith, and E. A. Sonllard, Savannah. Jan9 C. (luaSELM , A ff 0 BN l-i t AT LAW , tSAUKUA, WORTH COUNTY, A. (VUSl UIF1CS. AlAJANV.) Will practise in tin* SoutiuiijUrotilt.andin Macon, Dooly and Worth Counties orTne Macon Circuit. 4Qr Particular attention given to the collection ol clalraB iu South-WoHteru Georgia. jo2—6m E. cUMaIING. ATTORNEY AT LAW, lebl-ly iRWLvrox, ua. UXUSKlTiDfliEfiK ATTORNEYS A T LAW, Up5-ly _ MACON, OA. c. wTmaBKVT ATTORNEY AT LAW, f KAXKU.N, BEARD 00., QA. Will attend to in ofessional business in tho Counties of Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayetto, Merl* wether aud Troup. Reference—^Hon. E. Y. Hill, latirango, Ga.: Hon. David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.: Colonol M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; and Mr. William Dougherty. Co- lumbtiB, Ga. sepl7-ly WM. 8. DANIKLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAS. OA. Offico over Thomas M. Turner k Co.’s Drug Store, Bay street. my7 IAS. a HOOK. IfRED. T. TKUAV. HOOK Sl TKDKAU, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, HANDERSTILLK, OKOROIA. Will practlso in Washington, JelTeraon, Scriven, Burke, Emanuel, Tattnall, aud Montgomery of the Middle Circuit, and Wilkinson of tho Ocmulgeo Cir cuit mty8 M. WHIT SRUTII, ATTORNEYATLAW, ALUOATOR, EAST FLORIDA. Will practico in the Eastern and Southern Countlea. Rotor to—Col. S. 8. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, Se« vannah. fob2-lf CHAM, ai VAHPBB1.IS ATTORNEY AT LAW, MltXEDOEVlLLX, OA.1 Practices Law lu tho various Counties of the Oc* mulgoe Circuit, and the adjoining Counties of Twiggs, Laurens and Washington. Refer lu—John Boston, H. .» Ctune, and R. b Hilton. febl4 geuHge XruoiTBoN; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner qf the U. S. Court of Claims for the Stute of Georgia. Office Coruer Bay aud Bull streets. ly mylO OR.' CHARLES H.' COL DING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14 UBERTY ST.. One door west ol Drayton, rnyu jP\v;pXxtriTsonV ATTORNEY AND COUNSEI.LOlt AT LAW, _ Troupville, Isowudea Couuty, Ga. (myU "8. W. BAKER, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Montlcollo, Jefferson County, Fla. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fleming, Savannah. Ga. my 11 EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owouh’ Ijiw office. [myll JOSIfiPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Buy street, ovor tlie Reading Room of the Republican, entrance immediately east of Messrs. Price iVeador’s. tuayll WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, Lowndes County, Ga. Will practice in Thomus, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurens, aud Pulaski counties, Georgia; aud in Jolforson, Madison, Ham ilton, uud Columbia counties, Florida. [myll WM. M. WIIJJAMS, YIMimEUS OJJVKK. JACK BROW." WILLIAMS, OLIVER A BROWN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion Couuty, flu., Wilt practico In tlie counties of Marlon, Macon, Horn ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee, I/CO, and au adjoiuing counties, whore their services may b required. myll JOliSi R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Isuurcns county, Ga,, late juulor partner i ■.the firm of A. kJ, Cocuiunk, Irwluton, Ga., wl attend promptly to all husluoss entrusted to h care. Particular uttcution paid to collecting. Ri ■^Terence—Ur, C. 11. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublii Ga., M Marsh, Savanuah. ' myll JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Newnansvillc, Ha. Reference—Georgo :. Brown, William Doll, New- tuinsville, Flu., R. B. Hilton, Boston k Vlllalonga, Suvauuuh, Ua. myll HUDSON, FLEMING A CO., Fucior* mid Commission Merchant*, A T o. 94 Ray Street, Savannah, Qa., ritENDER their services to planters, merchants X ami dealers, In the sale of Cotton aud all other country produce. Boing connected in business with Hopkins, Hi uho.y k Co., ofClmrleston, the establish ment of an offico in this city will allord our friends clmicu of markets. Strict attention will bo given to business, and tho usual facilities afforded custo mers. .1. It. HUDSON, ) W. B. FLEMING. / Savauuah. LAUETH HOPKINS, Augusta. COHEN. Choalestou. my 11—tf WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, Timber, Shiugles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths und Pullings, for solo, ut wholcsalo and retail, low for cosh, on tho now wharf recently erected ou the Lumbor Yard of Robert A. Ailuu ft Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. F or bale. mays B -25,000 bushels Corn to arrive. YOUNG k WYATT. UTTER k CHEESE-"- 25 tubs choice Now May Butter, 25 boxes “ •• Goshen Cheese, .lust received ami for salo by my'23 SCRAN’lON, JOHNSTON k CO. B acon"sides’ & shoulders— * 26 hhds Prime Bocou Sides, 10 “ “ “ Shoulders, Lauding and for salo by wy23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. XT O. MOLASBES, landing from schooner XI • Abby Francis, and for sale by — - SPELLING" dec 27 LOCKETT It T HE ATTENTION of strangers visiting the city aud the public generally, is Invited to an examination of our stock of Spring and Summor Goods, which for variety and stylo is not to bo ex celled in this city. apr23 AJKIN k BURNS. /'1HAMPAQNE—12 basket* genuintHeidslck KJ Champagno in store and for sale by LEFLER A WILCOX. Dcntlata, OFFICE over Dewitt & ouu’8 Store ou Congross-street, their professional services U ■ 1 ^ 1 1 public, confident, from long es ouco and past succoss. that lu all cases, they render entire satisfaction, oct 2 DENTISTRY. Drs. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dentists, offico cornor St. Jullen-at. and Market Square, over 8. Wll- mot’s Jewelry store. Offico honra from 8 to 2 o’clook, nud from 3 to a. mar 11 eom DRS. LEFLER A WILCOX, DeutUU. OA BBLS of Mercer and early Juno Potatoes A\J receloved por steamer Augusta, and for sale by maylO J. D. JESSE. Patent Continuous Gum, By .this improvement, tho form of tho face cau bo restored to auy degree of rotundity that may bo desired. It 1$ applicable in all cuscs where tho cheeks have follea in aud cannot ho detected by the closest observer.— This method combines the following! dvantages Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and life-like appearance, aud Imparts to the theeUt that peculiar expression whioh characterizes the na* tural organs. This Gum consists of a sllaclous compound, whioh Is appliod and ftued upon the Teeth and Plate In luck a manner, as to flU up all the Interstices around the but of tho Teeth, and also unites them firmly to each other and to the Plate upon which they are sett. This secures perfect cleanliness of the Teethi Offico ovor Do Witt Ii Morgan, Congress street. V Republican and Georgian copy, feb 10*44 _ Factor and General Oamnuaiion Merchant! '' NO; 71 BAY-STM1T, 8AVAKNAH,OA., Rnwio—Messrs. CUghorn kCunningham, Bell