Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 04, 1856, Image 2

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fijQim & JDOBML L^ ALDCRMA5IC EiJCtiOX. — • IW ■•*•>. nnmuu ttwiii r. JUX^gMM. jmart Cfcan *4a M • THrUOlT HOKilKI, JTXK X uBIbr.AlsIawnit, U«lrt to !*>»«. j«4 (van Mac Kxt '■__ sum, wjt i ^»«^S»»gn«S5r»*S i 3g 1 1 W OCTOBER 13TB, 1356. tW law Tart Owy ■«■> «n»il •DUBOV _ — MaitaBaatjKCD m Umawii; n»M sPOSTSBIHPT. **aa(»te, Hit Biaatcua«Qmra*£. **«*». artuam s HIM* 5MB»a» CutcBy ml Star Yurt. if!'' w»J- O*., n. H CMfeny, *- amtor,. 1. D ^kw,)M«iikr»^a!’ " a —- 5 •fcrtt*mcmr'AUx Dty Bmt.cM *t thtjyKMB. CUr. R —J-t t lamMfBir iiawa. It Xitniaa , , . twaaimnalit-- . 1.^...., ^>i‘ ftwaaiB t ttataa. ft-f-Hatawa. t !mA *wi *«**. »»S5!t aSSS* •**«“ *>* «*»««. » oatewa. ju T. nwttSfc I. a. »n «* t. i *re«v ** «*»“*"* M •**■! ^**?r , t^^Hurmem - i—^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *. T f*-. — CweOT ^ %£Z~'tZ. Wm*r%*w F*r»lf» Stiu fcy ******, VJUonfc „ 'totyturw. Lnfo* jfctHtfvnn - »H BY1*AST XIOMT.-i MAIf„ f-Tb*B«ah TOTEM FOR MM., M IJtoto, Mu Sum, Attr 'x^M, ! torf iwteta 7^T-ZJZT tatfautikitiMii A»toFlt3iai|atta.t%xiWW*aarf / , fteSSr.SZ^ '""TT *»*“* ” Jrfwipn > » A* T»im* Kmmrt. J*o«* g mm. tpafi Kiftiiw&ust. B»wpe«t fetfaw ttatCfiBwI-MMiwt! 1 BowMaamt MB I awai. laann at Mxmar, i.;»ul', K)tari,_Il<mitt* E lb, Caa —; — ti iti I fta Amnrii ^ >. <r U* FK^en am 1m. la :Si.—»vt * HM.-WI Wiittam KtataO, buy •Ktatlt. Xaata £ Karm a _ ■ T. — .: — . rrx '.SafitaB nwu H curacy, *aaui*t MraAtoi. lumA ifeii. . ™«. ■ naaama ft* yrtadplm «f Be Itnaa inna/ua, twi ladma t»a»,nataaiilaiat tamitaM.; IrtlMfcaart.aalaMawttt —^ k a» aiCftCT tia.ti'.aua a aadam atimML Ha« E Kamut. trSmul »m- 1 - - - aa. Jn*' aa Ij. *>l A-i-rKnuu BaC Ua trifttua Mum* EatKca>c Mtrurx, •>i a. .... a am, ra-.-.i aa aarux Jfx. am C41M-* r Iiii.x.-1'UI ««*{, i xtt. Bias/ 1 >««a i fciirauusl hw KuCaxo. (iuta Bt » aM rii i BltaaCKtiainn a awsa. >.ix. naaAvit. r» Laul.;aaiaaBtlaea»jUaamt«*t»»ar^ Wat riiW!a..i. . . , . tum S axaxaa . nax.*»va **-s/n. Xatam. HttasaitsM. Ms aa &£.-.7 r <• —« BttUa ahaS marc At crxUni o( tic B. »?d. > Kict? nt™ Maaxt A»t * Jatsa, i (sail«/ Xasiox «“*«* Sc. arSaBaiti-x ; .»• ,r. i;u-. m i frf,« f IT *“%•*» tferaaisiiUjJJSBaai Man tt*Pan&r Baa Baal r • .n*Btrt»DUi«ta.tami aSdlw a.* Ian b in Imcan to He cnasa BSgMt b aa uM. taXlfal.; UhuamtSfl; 1 «a6» Kubmamujigt taitaiaa Jf .-~ •xrio^ai ii K-S «“•■» tfeayiBl V. tU JiiS BKIVMI » XniaiyaftUL ‘ s *«■ ‘ C-.naxf *5a. XlfM-l <rrf» K«u:.bii/ *.vt f/ur, tot t. Etvirt httd, » y< &w««*£r ‘ f«r» & <K5f/ ''/ cm «» OMKalirZ; H*ri* mii tkn moth veto ^4 aytA^fto to tot vb> mj muttHiSn WTtbit.lcrcoypmgmMXjeoi fe* rtouki i& re* b£im to tLe afiaa «&ad> kw oeUtd » pr> fcoat! a atom tamngbeot ik XcctL. xixzKm aosrorn. Ou Saikti taestii vfi ite^tot report tke PtetTVg as tbe ZJxrsaeit hA tp!, vb: uv hie is>l lb* iS^hwdiO' aaft<aSix3« bu f.Tta ttettidttfsUtaa tout Kxufeao. 33 p*n. Gmmmtjwia 5 AS s&* ki'iCefit m werlWSflg .* ' ■ J-7 ntji fia£ (be !«&» ^ I H. Lfiey, l» j«r». Chohiuh^ j ktre Uat flbwatos ttxm&d wJ.h }****&?>.. \ fy^ ci h » toyari tte fe « »/«» «.«, " "!£*£* 1 “ * “* «*»> “* tS^si I »w/ - -wasot &Wi. uui t mizl• SJtS^ SfatftilH - 1 BMD1. ins K rt.-iun.t-UT. lilOIlll'r tttvt. *^J£S^V r.‘ -.rj A-cOMrt. ^, MUi KsOaA ****rtf*ir. H Mil'l. K^.K» feH»u toy;t »a ; X ‘ TtC-Mfl. toiA jt'.l^rEiiC, Sctk'l KtCt/VSr cuuHb^nr JiiSrSaft-* >nu. ttJ-.o r 4.wa-.miw u *-'■'•■?« >6^r.uv r.s-wvS Xs.*xz,rt? Tnaxia K.: *•" *•»* UetuXatkit. Ze*ajO*f: rrvuA* h ku.-x.-vJuoC JttjT.ui.4iwauti , Jfc&waiv, A-iui H XtV^ri/.y, Mia !»i* Vote, JiA*' 4-—It* GMfj% Kuittu f £}*£. Crvyi-.K».b ;-.<UV >■ Elj.*, nutu*jtv t BKAUttf. •^• ~Im I i/al IaIcu. HrUJty Z*Tr*J f v _ ^ JW^i. S*fe* 1^> Ukto*. V/«d Jt dr*£f a't^ix. H/xr, iubN eUJS*r, ilu , Laiui L * F Iiuu i. &a\**SL f.tejjfi* V Ktt*x*.~ Ota- CMBMtltSl EittflM ya. H KW-f-nn- TMt f V-;f --■» r-^ -■-, aft* ^ >JW?a ^JUttatt O VlTV^fi, FltfS’Jk /iSWll . r . .. . V* r 7 B^Co iciaB.ia.i-.' Bu-iusfbiia. ■ *«iwr(. Kaiait Vatau. fa«a2»im T« IfJ'aa.tlc Aawvait ia.irf.iiak. let teas abet- S. &->. a brtur7 ttirt. .t £y .ti, £ ;?•'-* *^ ta6 7t*vsuu £ JortA. *-.«*«& Jtm-ti .v» td sesosce £*? Ike Lejsi&ktoie of Cccscetkst. h/vt, »* £,;• ._a«t o*.» L 2S*>iat. y-^utts T ; ^ aa '* { ® 3 * a ' A ^ier-i, a^. lbrxXL*?, nUrj-c 2.u«. itttw c-ii'.i^c, W..3Att » Tt * ov5 - Tt 5**^*- * Enlar|t4 Wttfclf Bm|laii 4 J—■■! G*£*sl!biid?! J iL±*’*??**.&^i»to«®wr f TfaS4»C<««nwai iAiSTGtmjw. ? »w?b,wb .7*7. ,„■, e s£ a u^hu»a I*t«w Jrsjatr { " iMoiaii urnrow mmi. JttMfc ii*g.} '*.;.iLat H MXXJ- t*»xh a fc-ui fr^r torn** & 1*b»m b'MXfx. isxxt V- 'TtfAjMa kzd Jemal B>mar4h AiTSA-sorti, iitaj «ttiaa-r..: l r*^ ** ww i Ubfr Sc!i:fcis/;f 'dxnt; ri^bri kt tfce xSra- towy totr > * c,tci * P 47 : itrt. A iurfira ir» r.oo ia vhxfa tort;of iktday. Ikfenw ib^ofiSin (ma&sicf Lejto7 told of *a oU tud • vwbmato bi, iotmtaj kof jets, bees btfii aa tte tot tj\ttuzj BUiatQtopnit of theo»ctt7. To saekiicvi kojatie, he k*d-oembtea wk^edtjuia oe beuc for oari; fextj jtia.’ After ke tori beat* old tadmevait: fee^e.tjWfr rtot Xmo- raattoeiod *ci*3 aear lea, ead oo tfte int j.r.Txasirc ato tke oud aaa i^d vki^- ped Lis* mtreff. Tbitovstnlelsiaiin, tad he ut toj After toy tad traded orer to* mfxtsar, wtihxl i«af uj jnsaiie ehuce ce of tcaredT. At ka^th, toftttr, a hrpt.xall, taw Uetd Etstadoa case akoj to M ckeocL~ Ibe c64 ssaa serreyedtka fcco . .. _.. Tbeoti r of master 1 hodto tor*, aarf taeu kckis^kiaistfae eye, tod it oisr ***!? to oodd SgfcS. to vhxh otmogttorx Xtj ».—SmV to j«n. Ckchn Ftoart*. 1*1 f«n. «6I «p. Sij2iL-jc9&a, 4 reus, Tj|iwii5 Fertr. Jw l-?i..ia«. 4 BiwtiM. ItaeiM aiwix iiui^Ma. 1 jeu Mute. X F. IORUT. Keeper (f LC.Cumr;. I, its/alr ftynKaBei-tto* wtir SSSa^ttcSMiEa'irtli Sa3SL“!«» I . IM affinaiois 5w Hjs.Ttsr. s>.x.l r- , of TtoOwttafia vS ii a i* d..v . A ton toen occbi ; =*e«- _ _ . ,, . Tirxer xsdftn Ito Butttt&ka cv.a ire t^.-t txx£Ats^ vv! ««3oktii ^7i2x«Bct •i-fcd tetwttj I Et/mrl if h&nuwa i* CwXairtl Gaufcr>. > At rrfttkyW Am, lt». May 33 -D=by arseks. 2 years ? a«th, ry*«- uiy.Smaail May 39 —OttAArtse dzZartxC jeer* Sfmaa. toy. Ibe Kar 34 yam. KohM, TviX r*l, i^iiUa tou-*r. >.c*i / ». 2J; knr»ie, TT^&ia fcu:*a, Jti'xjouj 7.«a L b.-**x. ttviert K tturiXitua^'^ Zrptyc. x be'. nr;. btutj* X •-■.]*■* LaKUaVt. S' tfi/VW Cxiic * L Ovpe,^, Cml*.. tt*t C-ttsem, G»3M, Onurvut, .. . ,. . U&Mi & CtSm-y, oarr (ca&ttt. xr ,„.vs. '.ii.v*,rt*. 4 xUi'ttvei. tvi.; L-pt* Cmk& ?‘.m; L G»lAV.^. Vthtt*i 'iUt/.A, liaVC fJZASI 'ffa^Btr O.Jiii—vf faA f/.* IVjC Cttxxu.x Chuve H CV»3i»(trt3. k-v^irt J uajl^ Xxr~c ii ttoes^wo. '«Cai. Ukj, OXtiXo-y. libiac. FCLir e, Abts Cu<tt. TSavavk* Ciwt a.*«r3encx 0«, ?izr*u f.'xrt La-t. LtrAx EtsruJ STalatiji-.r:. asvsen inpx I’svKVU x r».ix Crr.i r fort*?. ii.vxjv Knee^Vci Att^»p*p« j brti'.iisjca cf usj o the rassz site AX?*ed to v«k J.f s> erseb a riT t«it* tto wwftt ssscsci, aLi to the cCi aia'i titzizg See toes, ferrtte&idfraa&arta* '. ^ toLni 4ftt - «4 tor?aiQ rt Mar to—Tbitly Ecaly. InJUKl. I Itai I —iaa Utlnax, I i*ari, Spa». Sat. natal THOMAS BORAX, Kiefer «f tto CaAeitral Cesetery. May i/.-Rn C A Baysuri. Cbapatpo-tx. Socsi Cu^za. catt.jc tawto Can£=a fcc av«Mt. D FEaCCSUS*. Cttteuier. Wittr*—*-—Cmx«3 i.—Tccii U. M. J. BTCKXIK. Cfcaircai B H * A T Lnrn M !•-. See'r? a H. . j- nw. vtta v. rwHr. imw'iT/ r\ws~ »b - . _ . , . e&te*i, tto tv> v«e oisaix alrt-ox tee road to 1 KxiMtx. nrs&tCu-xKnz r i *»n. , .c. /•;4s /Feesn-s £■>!•{toLed eatsan.a< an adrer* ttoir voek ta*^rth«r viets they sott the Lev ' FoueS, Cr«eje_F rU=>»s, ir -- taiq; zz&Bzsi. oa thrne vk vo&U i£*r«a*r eei$to>:e »£>*> todi fev »«*k4 prerix;* ixrrcii • eseor right -Her* W eich.. . «h* ^1 exa q’.xtij a»jip<.3 liii? and toid hit ... ” Euewbirt. hired cas ~ to go ii- At it *ate tvojoocg w e tare o.ten heard ia the arr* of ccr ex* lid rcto4 ighser* vent, red it w •• up aad Fine, FiCiviu r'tvu.j.* Fiiite ?.tsko. Fe&t? Frtasy, Furcc F;*usy. Vvt Cto/te 3 ?»3tfVA. r'.'Bvr puritic frxt>*- Muxi VuJu*. H <p£to*? iuht^b ZBcftrr. fiom * Brt*^ itxmrt J Baa. 1.1-.. V T* —.T* 7 .' *. i Hmtstiiaa Kiabad ate Urx^ £rwn aii £a« ••*««*xr/ ;r ; kT.&»»Ba«t«.;»« J suut**. j '■ ««« »««*»». IwiaicaUi t» Buaitla It. t : ioa q!J j«i y wsat « with his •• tom* to hb - x. . -i> * >*•— /. —-T Kfthartwc, A.ii a o«f|* EeAemett.; ”*»/ :f tee gnsleotaa easaa* to ay m tod i work. Tto day pa«ed. aid rwthiaz tru «tf L 1 ir. ,'iwi Boteale&f, Riutee Ry*a,. Jasies M ' ptne«e. r^ae viody tpsoaer, in^vtxt by ate^’ toe*** vish toeta for ceariy boar, vheathe .gtcrtoxiunfuolbHorn.mj: “I m.h. .hi.i Mhacaiaa crcd tUAgh, aed m ht c|h The XXJrXa C.'cir.yM/U, /'ell? Ca * * -US H «r. Ji.vs^ tjux-ytetZ. Uk.-.Ai >xuc. t Keucx xutei crxsay, J-AZt u C-ix.tXL livau ctj-.z o rtuitx. ;^<>. CiiAvj! iti^.T 5 <7/x r L Jtxi^ itt.i;iVf fuitiat »>Aa*r.. WMt i; Cu.' t. ifc'X-t* Ow.i'l. Cdrf-i/, *. U'*7< 1/.M »Ar.tAe, Acai Ocit txits Ctjmvu rt*?c»s iisiwa, EXiMfa xiiwi. hiijp M B-util. Ms 2*>wy. AttS/esr X Jv/a. E«/y Steer. Tu.zixt 2es- ier^. Ta^a Bala. Cha?te £ .’-au Bju, Aw^tia 3*vft, J«Tt.s ?.-/a ftui J IteetOtry. P.*vs Syini. Ftoar i-uevX by u. js*rz*7 2■’xmj. bfAUKStuA. J'.cz V jift-ruihun inujA* 2w-r«. *ut** *'*■.—m J brjusjtx. xi£w» SteeeA. Fraurm ixt =ay to aad < work. The day posed, and aathiag ~*tj, to Mates vital t* fal^e, A<r^ and I oov do*' ^ ^ fight cssii night, when tto oU cm. “due thtt I ia najnmiUe tad Ura aadi 'Sf*-®*?-'"??!L te fee whuX I shjr. ^ KKl5aCfcUn " ,n 1=4 «*• We bare cat*? rightly appreciated the foil i “Too ain't a going' to g*> hack cc:Are yt» *" forte of that exprestoa -tore and etovtore “ S edd naaa- sntil tto recent comaentuy elicited ia Staator . !*?*£ ***?-**$ V* “ 4 iorgtoa. so ncs. AiJ. Ei«Ri<« for City l*x*> o-nt te hate tie !5ct* iau. If net ;o^i iziit- ct*r(*i freea <4ue <* Ex-icznec. iiS leer cvcu:c3-sy v> ocC ,'. r. DA2TL H. STTSTaST. C. X Jcte3,l«A. Pterve IT : bvLtiuar. (. Tto Coerwftx aAfiecnlved at i va* called Hoo. Hoa. Saaiu cJuirtma. Tto cill EngliA of Icdnca. EHtrisg tto readxv saddea anrar sv heard a": the dw aid i cr>vd m?h?d tetv the ball netting, arv.d ii- direst «*af’j*foo. It va* dh?*roTvrrd thatAwa' trim t*> delegstioc* tnxn HbaDcrwBenhxi ar.d jiti Bent.xj—resolred to enter 1-y v.*>Ieoce. k» *=- :c j d *va tae dwkeep-?r ui"rr-h sg :n hea i.d by’ Ex-Gov. Pr.*:e. Fora fo« nt«yrae&tithe coafa<io»i fi* rntuwe. Members leaping ipoo ctoirs: ini .t ieerD^i a> it a sersoai r.:-t vn ab*v.: to tike place. xto t.-'« > ic':*-: v ii* **»-. K : 9 • *r'. t tt b Vi , ,-i:: l ,• .• , ... •‘••• I • •• ■ * - »*r?c.«>*: . MOM.TFAL .■.Licr.tis 1 • *A Wx-hijsgnjc. Jcue 5. 1V/:. C-Udeal^fJ^I fr- ,'H -•i tto ffcadrti? VJict va> *> »a reatcred. tto coll pr>^e*tdc*i with. Jlr. M:Lane sated that wh-r- tto oftto Mtoocri delegates w«:e presented, tto committee of *rraag men:-» gjvr tickets of ad- ratoi-:<i to itot tolerate ■c”w;j:h ptr-ecteil prisu faciajfievidence of iw: rrf.-rd ttom to «:4hrr>s New York ai?o appeared re-pr^estvd t.j two s^ts of delegate?: bet a? the c>tn:.n;t:ro ixo,ld ac< decide whkh vi* entittoi to tirket- ttoy irave noov to either, aides* th -v coaid, i *c » A ii=toc: ;wr«««» it tto annxi r *l elects and m.any v ; '» ;n y 'rred. * •• Fiiumb Bpd>;.ra.-p.v.ri* M( . p, . I 'C ' ,*« Aiwr ESateCoKe.r.'Si RWUK.. ^ npc-iiifed tkewot-.; 1 .•j*f •-; Mr. TO.~;:,. ••KdiSSUU ! 1 Cutwy, iAr; iey t <*'.ca <>>/> k4 x; • ^y- v*-** I m. tfdtoas 5>o fcatt,CArzeiiv* lx/V. f ^ ': *“ «-»b 8 ca ms m » corneraaa com* 1 and we have mode one wuh tto Sooth, to f / v ' -7;'; *. ' ’ '7A ;*■;■“* VV r ' , T barney ste^y. J ia F *■ 3ev: ae»ce to aaicte my onmeutkaablea vitha.*er:« - gi^e them e*iaal rights, and share-alike with AUJKT, ,*>^..4 wux?. 'A.'-a-w. fru4-1 ivDtpk W Kotorti. Joai C Bvwi»t,.. ; *•-•*- •* — ... - to...A, javp/x. .. ' ^r, Fto£p Eet-y. n^ary R^tuiu Jfcsry Bm« , . u ', , IhcA&ai X 5te.t. Fr«3er>.k rtr-1*? /oto ,He*.' " M*a i IxAtrx.. otxAi A/ca.vio: C ; j Hsrt2vcaa IttTUywt. Tcte&fcf Us**-.: ZbAbi H b^tun/i, j <j, iiv/rs* W Uarit, VTi.^xwa fi I/ar.f J«<A f Xte>. ! (Xh&sr Cogger, " ‘ • " * **»,' X* of kicks, then like a gallant hero I will exer»* : *e ; tofetQ ;a * Ovewing* and benefit* ol the govern- the gfcrua prir2««e of adMofentt. i »*“• ^ «»»*.«»** * M ««•« # «*! r 6 unmaiw. : bet It appears to a* that there waa iw need of The ytfrw Style of Congressmen to Rep resent the Xorth. getting us into this "almighty hard fight" we have on hand now. We are willing to admit that there wai provocation, and that Snmnef deserved a whipping, bat the time, tto place and tto manner makeitpul wrong and indefexm- Sir. Brxrks ha* done tto cause of the S-xith an irreparable injury, and given an amoent of capital to the black republican* equal to one hundred thocand vote*. I f the friends of Gen. Pierce and the Nebraska bill are defeated at Cincinnati, they win owe that defeat to Pres- * S. Brook*, and if the democratic party U de- November, it will owe it to Preston DIVIDEND SO. 46. CLsiSit R-B. a BAXKLVU Oj. OF GIo_ ) Sinutt. Jvte X 1W j Tto BxirJ if Kroner* La? THi» L»AY ie- <h»l a iSnh&l c< FIVE IOLLAR? f**r >!axi co tto iii-rni stifi.-k cf tto Cooiway f.:< lk*t *li zu'xiMa (toingat ttora^cf wr. p**vc«ct. fwu:=.*. pay»V> co ui after tto Uch H-X-ltr* of Gsiruiafd 5o>A w-Ji to paid tto .- tnfctl oc tto oto lay. GEO. A. CrYLER It?- - - - , . jttia Cubmr. I »H«uapps d«!«»u«w. «::b :t a- r.; DIYIDE.VD .VOa jg, ! seives. Both deiegati->n* from Nr*- York. '.- THE MARINE BANK OF GED&JLV. > J now waited admtoioc- 5avunvb, Jet* i. 1*«. / j Mr- Melary. r.n a.-.*umir«j tto ^Uir. re- I , Itoft-iA/iicf rvr«L>r»cf :L» Back tor* J han>..*~ fort:.* temporary h •:. r *\*.fcr>rd <-u . : .-- Iftw THIS DAY d-tfareda tet&i-aancal ; him. Hr •;•. .atne^M l on tto p: rress '-f - ‘ ?.*• - cfFIYE (S> p*r cectcr:. and two doftar* ^r ihare i eraev and ;t- exteedei i’-fiueu *- H • irv. d * cdJitumi:. being togttor Ton. cM» ^<Ars fvr j that c<c».u5fcnal Morms in tto -«i«tv wereV -.-• T ■ ^ ^ •* '’"““iZVHvsn*. ! Mf&'ll****^ to - " *» “ SOTICE. 1 '‘ ,UrT? ‘‘- ([ onimtrcmt ^nteUiQtnrr. Satam:ih )L»rket June .*7 rrr- N-r.- r-: rU Cottoti «ti>temeu|. • triumph re. Tto party, to ; * *3e*;,:te tScr^ry \ An <rie*ctiOci w.Ii be to 14 at tto Merchant* - j 0 f nautinml? ^ ' i&i PhntM* Hui. Vroiir Jan- c«h I 9* . A.tX. f> L.. by the Brv.Mr.Ni-. and Pluren - Bask. Mcoday, Jan- Ssh. tvr a Id er ani Porter. Gooi and suftcieot* wi,i, _ to riqaire*! Ccc ijxc. the tailhfsl pertormanee < «tch;e. ox \ irrin Alah;m.i. jnd Wax. F. rreapj^atr,i terej-eary • -n-.» : ki- ••jf dsty. Applicant* will p^ase came their «eccn ti«. an1 band In their app'ocatioca before twelve o'ciwrktto daycf elfrftioc. F*>r farther jwrtieviar* app-y at tto Bisk, north aide Moouxnect square. j*5 _ HERAM^BOBEKTS, Pre-d'etu PL.UTEHS’ BAXK, l =• vaccah. at Jane. M44. > WtMND, No. %1.—Tto Bmrd •-< IArcc- tore have thtt day deciared a dividend ot . ►) tec per cent from tto produ of the pa-t ?ii mootto, payable on and after TTaariday next. 5th inwant. H. W. ME?.Cell. Ck-b arr. jane Z—:t SOTICE. |^» Tto • -hsarntor intro Isn^f U> to absent •w the fuie. after the 20th instant. those Ui wbxa to i* indebted to cai! oc nun ...a *?*.. • . — — — ^ meet, and those indebted to him will take nmA ! Mr. RKhapi*.>n. of Ua:-•> ‘rose a--i -yA that ante* they settle their account? by that dan- J d*=:re to uuerfere tn the q narrei* cf ncs*..? Secretanes. Mr. A. 0. Brow a. of Miss., intn-dtoed 4 ;^> ! .: lotion admitr.Jk' the jitemAt«*s to tie i . , . . " * halL ! T" u ■* 7*^ 1 ‘* 4 ’- Mr. Jfrnfe, of UHwfe,' pi»i»»<l that fcor .^*“*^0 * -- M« from each hfi*te ire admitted, ii the Itaii was! 7 ^ T not Urge enough to iccc-mmodate ill ’ '' Oa motion of Mr. C'raige, of N. C, the res*> . V . ?bippina Intfllwtwf. On muti<>D *>f Mr. Uanfe. of Ixliaoi*. a com-' — ' :.' " ^ I'flisJ mittee of one from ea-:h uncou! Port of Savannah . Mtmornnn.i. they will to p!ac**i in tto han-Js << an attornev :< oAUxtwo. THOS. HEXI*ERs»'V. jane 3—e->22t tiVAgS felKV P. IMett 01'MAtntt JoaepL H Fay, lAnxa Fitf, jf/ VM*+y, J'rti >tYx..giz.i Jjf.-.-r- hl 'j'.ey. Swrpu Feu John I oiey, John u inmA. f//•-•>..'»' la. ligant, A iexanf er Fa wc/.ti. 7 noma* 1 x.r fi. to »11J B VutitAml John C Fraaer. fcvh t 0 Fergoaoc, Jobe b F«U, to/'./a:: 1 ttg^/u 1 ;5tey, Edwa/d Wager ate, 1 .>•&&. Frederick Fitch, Mortimer I. lax:.-, Andrew Firry. Arthur F«ne!. A-eianler A Fraerer, Ja-nea Fii-:asmonr, LeWij Ftravmhar?. Joto F.x/? .r*.: torteua* Flynn ■* Hetr7 RFvxt• Jouu Ytfuu, h/Lr.iu lincklesa. —. •' '* > onerty. Henry 1 *.//„. reader* know to what extent we have with Mr. Brook*.—Nor are we now centre bL» hte art. Even if di** J</>.n'^rea, Wtabinguxo .-aof*. JarxA- Vet' 1 with u*. degenerates into a mere toar-baiurr and j P>^ to condemn it. a* irro-ug. t>e inscfting anJ t^Mnger in Ihfne amUWe i ^ “< Iradir.g n.jrth.rn jr,.J p:e-.-<~ wr«H ( J»me» M .->;h^y. G-r/rre .rtorettf/xr.. Patr-.-k Ajii' itowbere of the brute creation the traits f aealoor lip*. Bat we do not recrardit a* an act i ** Mf*- Miller^, Soath Brca<i street second • - - ' - n d<y/r from W bitaker. «l—tf ro.ier, Brr->k- waj ; Ref/tb!^aa and News insert'C time-,-. w ... Napoleon taught that I " NOTICE C. R«~R. - are the amazement* of bw leisure boon. The* there are Wamfer# worse than crime-*. Of this i THE freight 00 corn from AtUnu toSa- MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. W. HORNE. Homeojmbt-i, i.dLce -ooth* west Corner Wbitak^r and Hell streets, Rotorttow..-.- 7e . G tox;.^b ) van, Jvb;.H.-t^torg. Johnst/jd/lard.Henry dr-.t/er ‘ which, vrhen practised by min, dijmifv him i of injastirre. frt chastising Sorr .»•» u.*,«l!ti«e,f.he ^ B«mS! 7 t1*» *»»«/*< ~ Bat .V*K to:rev.* ar.baStr. John Sicdder, laaniei 1:vis,CbraiAiaSnider, Pair^khrri.ta, to*io: HS'xJ. bu&w? T<:r ■''' 0, ta * l “ " f “• life u -la* he eDegantly 1 chiracter «e ca i«t re^td Ibe chaMbwttM WW*m&m. gum*l Hrk. Bxi’Band. j4« ‘—““—*—“•■ — " *'•*■* “ * 2ca&iin t tb riolJ.ran. 7?y>rrm J rwjgtrf*.r. Her. ty A Jteoto'.n, xarn rei I. ’-f r’srjnj/ t ;r. Jertmtak .-Lean, Cbarte E >.m:tL T. !»[.>« Jefca TifflMerTOn. jlniwT./lDrT’HMrT ^ . ■» 3i0 » w Viee mereisj de».“ iw. J'-hi T TV/ati, '.wiei iWcfc;-, Slvmg “ ene or iho* exqauitt, occulonally • » *? m4 drabi)in *' * nd bb hamilbtkiD 7breid/.7ift, terra* ‘-fingering the pipes." ~ ' of the Mu&acltuac-tbi Senator. It was a UrriUt Such men in New York and the other Nor-1 Wumfer,—It La* strengthened black repaUi. them cities may put to flight whole regiments of dandies with lengthy coats and sleeves that an. ,/F.ttoi* tan-* W:nt»rx, Li ileig, ... r • ;; AA/Aj j Troctoha, John c Taylor,; ‘ na cowaraJC ^ - -.:.t A.,toaBF«rr! * BJDaalejr Wuba Ikontait, ?^moe! H Tai- ; Bot in this latitude, the individual, enjoys but ; " s:rw - i*“*?«'"«««»».•»««*he to «!«. Jonn Gatos*#;!, Join R G*ixre Gre many, T'nvma.tO/eeo, Jamei E Jr/**.?u <iteeu. {."Latin* II Geo:,;*- A Goraon, Gre, • Vtt/rUn,, Fraooii /. O'ife, Jvs«>n GaniL;, Joseph f ■ Gsmmox, George M Gr.ff./x. r/alAtu GovaalJ. tovja ; H Oatow */, Be«Jain.n G^/.oov»;to arena* J G .... ! mart n. Cnarte / G.:.*. ro/.rx.or. Gar intr. ev*- 1 ptonL O'-I /.., b.. G- , to.G Gxenva-J, j Mtmge G4«. ' '«G*5*r, * G »..«;*/, Carre Mo Crsrdtr, J. . V»;.,.a'Xi /. G*ff.*e& l Jarn*-. H G-.-ff ;**:.. J ', . tov » II Gv/l- man. G*b’o'*xc g-.-.*z. -«rr.-.r. <, Garrxio../, W<.toia W<P/rdonjr, Fet'xr G*£..*y, J,nn Gillviuj/T Jonn Goetz, J/fjn GGnann. H.'.uv-a J Gr**n. John Gi Ji-au-J, J /'.»;ph F*y Omnoi^h, iUi/.ttn.o G v/li.l, Ri’.rj';* gI*0*00. ’»Vi.i:vfXi Green.ftotord DGoerarc, MaUrx*w G* l«stor, J«n*i G Ga’rnret Jirxi*'* G.ipx, Jy, Fhi.ip Gtenc.boai*. IS. I Hover, Cbr j-.tuui Her-eh, G-s-.x, - Jl.*.u-., Jonathan Hjli,'/ooraA*H Harden, Jamea H<jx«ter, Jor.*pi, //aw- toorn.John UHozg. J'et'xr I" Haaiotoldt, John 1. li*r- &and** ; ro omon iftndiy. John G I! xnt*r tom a*i /. Hover, Wj:h»m f* Hoa*, i&n/trniu || Hardee, CbarJe* HHeoxy, CnaruA/v H*r'i*.-.- Soble A Har dee. Allred Hayw»V/d, ’A'liJiai.o p, George* HHxotort V/i.lum v.a-r,^ Hih«-xxxj, T.iorx a H*try,Era tod Ii- n-y,Ro*.0't H .»':h;x,..on Joi**.i. >, ifoyr-v-J Oeoxjfe - Hj.'-ju,^ Joti.i Hover, Rihha iUgir, Tnoini- Ho'-ixj a or anno Harm on Fra:,*. W Headman J/;'xx;i l Hern- Algernon rf H*rui ige. TLoma* Ho-^n Henry Ha ,pt W-n.-in Honu«r. Kxn* attlieoer, *jnert H«rir, Jerernnh Hirv.h. V. jJi arn Hertel, I'airM.k lUrgan. o*-'/r^v > Hwlrritn town. E Hertz, toward J Harden, I'.-!.-.-.. Ha:,ley No g, HBIlaupt Harouel H Hopztoi, tonnu Haney. j*«l- ah towj.i L Ho..- v. H- i.e. John Ua*iptee/). David Huajun, He - ihorni) WHatpin. Sr.oAui Ihinu,.Ju. Outer SH.x.i*x. MarUn Hahertotz*'. Exw.n H-jxnpi.rej Hul, V.'.lliarn R H.-rmo., ,-pr»*t»n J. H .p.h:r,*.nn. tbury Hiyto, Ih-ory Hrrp-r, TVl'i.arn G Howei: John llgvui- i'li Join. J Hern J'-*- Ho;.and. Tim’ Otby ffo/rar-J, tVi.JJaxn R H . G;.* n, Ja*;oe liernmer- ly, J.,hn A Henyl - , G'/'H Htrtmin. '.hri-.mpner Miia-i, Edward H Harden. .:arn e. p Hii«ey, Jam*, J Humphries, 'iu« rn;»a Hend*-r.r,n, .Umon F Hob- vm, Mi'tin /lorn, Rau! Ha.u-r. Wii.iam L H^opt. Ratrick It»y« Andrew iliowi, Ho e* V Hes<J*xmn toar Holbrtifi, Marmedake iiirai ton, Michael Ho* i/an. John llak-y, Gvorm N Hendry, John Hanlon, Ulctiaei Hennc/s-.e. \Vi ram Henry Frineir ID.-rnao- Uez. ittephen Hat'.rlcU /. F>lward l> 1/vine, Henry Imxnen. Rcyton .Jom.on. l/i «b/<J Jann, itohc-ri 31 ai Ja-iy. ctetu, John Jl Johnson, tVnliurxi H Jckson, Georee OJobueon, toward J ,r,f : . John ii John-lon, WjJ. liarn Jobuion, Emanael ..o,«pu Alexander John Jtfikbou J-uhii.*, John Jont- -, InljuT JoncM, Roliea KJaCkaon, Gtort** Jo;,c ■, J.,h« DJ* <Jao.i J.n li ena, George H Joli/isu.n Jo.epi, j-,hn.*to:i Frawcto Jordan. ii. Rhinea* Al Koiiocic, .ton s Keny froderick Kren.on. William Kinhz., Noah ft Knapp,' :*> c th'/mp*.or:, WiiiAtn T Thorn p-"on/ Wiiium B I mr, ^J youth of seventeen .would mpfcp bis excit 5Tc“,V;- ! ' dtb,:r from °“ r , ' ord * n, >« from the world. er. fr*ni<ti H Tomer, Joseph M Torner Alexander Tto ^tb Jectore before thla todety waa delivered night, in t^ir Halt, by John IV. Kern, riobject, George W Cimer l. j The Benefit* to be Derived from literary Ruriuit;. } Mr Kern - altfcoagb yoang.bandJed bU subject man- _ Cornel,.» V« Dtr Vine. John a ‘. re.», Henry V.el- • fall T- « 4T ® entire satisfaction to a large and du stoh, Hvsry Voha GUnn, 1/wix V*uier, Charles j crlsiinaung audience of ladle* and gentleman. . an .-y^^. i^ore will be dellrered on the 4th July Jawe-.T Webb, li/.mxa h Wayne. Gilbert a WiJ. b >* lt,e Prudent of the society, Mr .Tarnre kin.-*,Henry K Washburn, John C W’alfxrs, Daniel S ! McDonald. Wilton, William Wray, Robert Weicn, George M j 1 -^,, Vajjo.r/, to tort D Walter. Henry F. Wiilmk, j The steamship Ktyrtone State, arrived at Rxnard Wayne, Henry 0 Wy* ;r , AlVlI Waver m ,7 iTi^ -V T , ’ arnvfea « Jav>h Waldo.rg, John w Wilson, W7norne Williams i last .Sunday, from Norfolk,where, “* ,K ••'••-■ it wUl be recollected, she put in for rejxaira, af ter the collision with the bark Cavalier. .-loth Woodward, Amos Webb. Conrad Waldxchmidt Tbomas J Wal-.h, Whtora Wafer*, Norman Waila/V Henry D Weed, WlUiam Wright. W Henry’ berger, A lea R Wright. John R Wilier, tooa Woif, T " ffiiixcr, ia'id »oij, Jo*epa W Wood, Eluha Wylly, J.^hn E Ward, .-iarn'iel Wolfe, Edward 0 Wftlilngton, Jarne* Wahh, Wjthmgton. Rob Ike Wittrner, Thomas W Wale. Aaron Wiibor. Charles Weisbeit. William F, Freierlck R Wylly, John Wade, James Wynn, .'.barfraeb Witter, Xfcoau* a Wihon, David M Wolfe, Hlltord K Wo le, Joseph tVasbburn. ton- Jarn.n R Whitehead. Heary F Wiliink Jr. Joseph W alib, Joseph Walker. J**fcn Welbroee’t, Ei ward Wiltiin/.on, i^tctiAnaliN Whiter, Nlcoli* Woii, WU- Um M Wad ley, toward E Wade, C Wade. Anguxt A alter, WiJiiarn H Weeltes, Wuliam WeUh. Reter Wilson, Jacob Wembcirner, John Jame*. C White, Norman Wallace, John Welsh’ Jarno* H Winalow. Michael Weldon, hylve-.ter Wyliy, Jliram Waller, Henry William-!, William W ii..on, Charles W W«L .larnre Whilitian. James E W.thiogton, Richard Welsh Rhlllp Yonge, Wm R Yonge John a Young, Dr Easton Yonge. Poter Zavadoski, Edwin Zelgier, tolornon Zittrouer 0.rnt: or C, A m;*i t Grnc*, » , City of .“avannah j me above named jA-rson.* have registered their SMifeWaf*' F “ br “ ry ' sli ' rc,, ■ UlWAHD (i. H'lWON. I 0ne - Clerk or Council. T j a Play In Klvt Acta. HANACATKTj from the French, of Alexnnder Iru- rnnr, Jr . by Metildn Heron. Receive.] nn.t for *» “ b i;, WAHN'OCX A IJAVW. raayifi 1 L‘j Cnngreeg atrerA. The citizen.-, of Xaahville, Tenn., lately held a meet ng to endorse the cause of Gen. Walker and Nicaragua. One of •heir resolutions declare :— “Born, reared and educated in our midst, he (Walker; has ever maintained the character of an honest and honorable man. A graduate of the University ofXasii- ville, and for several years a" student at w,item,oy«, Paris, where he devoted Jiimself to the acquisition of knowledge, his inU-llectual endowments, his literary attainments and varied knowledge, his nice sense of honor his distinguished gallantry and his repub lican principles eminently qualify him lor the task of regenerating a people cursed with all the evils of a Iran government, and conferring ii|xm them the blessings of freedom and security under the opera tions of wise and beneficent laws. He left his home and native land without a spot or blemish upon his character, and we, who know him well, feci sure that whatever may tie bis future career, he will do nothing to tarnish his bright fame.” CAOhm iiomeasurubly— for the time Lein*,—on ly forffie time being, let uhope. It U fortunate -most fwtmate that there will be space between this and the election day for the sober, second thought of-the people to assert its supremacy.'" Letter from Parte. C**rrt»pon-ltrocejof tb* R*ciy uue. Pabis, May ?, Oar charmer is dead! He that yesterday waa so gay, so full of life, so quick with repar tee, go confident of the future, is now a knead ed clod! He vowed a neennight gone be*d not write an opera for a year, and bis friends laughed, and he gave one of hi* arch smiles. vanralb wiU be reduced to 16 c. per bushel oo xa J aft er be 1st day of April next. WM. M. WaDLEY. Geoeral Sopenn't. Trus-pvrution office, > Central Rail Bond. j laxrZS ATLANTIC 5 GITaF RAILROAD. Books of subscription to the ?t«k of this Rx«4 will be opened oo Monday text, the 12tb Instant, at tbe Exchange, coder theuireefconof tbo Bttrd of Commissioceri. J. R. SCREVEN, i E. C. ANDERSON, «Commirt:<'ner*. W. B. HODGSON, J may II To tbe Patroniof tbe Xsv'h. tieorgi an |AH debts due to tbe Georgian previous to lb® 6th Instant, are payable only to the un dersigned. Notes an*l accounts due in the ritr will bs presented imme*llately, and all deltt dae in the country trill be forwarded by an early mail. impatient was he of inaction, so fond was he of the excitement ol the footlights . he had been nearer the truth bad he vowed he should never write another! He told us all ia hi* last Taesday'* feuilUton of the interest he felt in seeking Scott in his opera, Si fetair roi ... the Monday afterwards, he was buried! Death came apon him as a thief in the night. He died as they all die... .all tbe autosera of this capital die, of a disease of the heart. His heart bunt from over labor. Poor Adolphe Adam, light Ire the sod upon thy coffiin ! profound the soft slumbers of toy tomb . I do not know when I felt so keenly the utter emptiness of this world as I did as 1 st/x>d by poor Adams grave. Scribe was there, Auber was there, Amhroise Thomas aud Carafia were among the pall bearers, Halevey and A agnate Maquet spoke; it waa evident that Adam had commanded as much fame as any of his contem poraries, but was this guerdon worth the pains it cost? Those sleepless nights, those fevored days, the hounding of the envious, the inces sant unrewarded toil, the ungrateful labor*, and they will not consider him unreasonable la urging upon them tbe necessity for Immediate payment. tom;uanc*4 may be made directly to tbe under signed, or toR. B. Hilton A Co., whose receipt will b* v *’«d. PHILIP J. PUNCH, savannah. May 28,1856. mj23 law d*w tf »• Republican and Morning News please copy. <AET. FECIT AND TURTLE-The cargo of the gT Briu*h schooner British Queen, Johnson roaster four days from Nassau, N. R.. u offered Tor sale by _ YONGE k FRIERSON, _ may28 M Bay street. Cas'd AGEXCY—Branwlc-k, Ga. ETiirrv u ufu-idp EDWIN M. MOORE F'kFFERS his services to the public in the pur- V/ chase and sale of lands in the CGunries'of Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Goffee, Clinch, Lowndes and Thomas. Particular attenuon given to locating, purchasing and selling oi town lots in the town of Baonswick. rotrexcw : Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Cargile, Brunswick* Thomas H Harden, Savannah; Hon James I. g*w ard, Thomas ville. PATENT’ 1* the only s‘a:c niadem tln> city which all to procure some measure* of lime for"ten j {^f fi n r p Ver fAi,e ’ 11,1 l» r * s « rv < k m content* in’accnien The two Safes from the Above great Fire can now be keen in front of the old ftaud. at Walnut street ::-*u an ; .*.* ova uinby aa! ] ,..3 -i to airewc-1 to ft fee | to;, by f.err.>wrf;aj tto l p-reret ;t- -i: ::oq • -leuc* it tLe pet t «. tu.r.’caa . o.tnm:ttee owc-i :t propriety that no aa entxicc^ into :• -xorkeeprr !t sL sad in-a;:. •»Mr. Mali,.^M— forced hi* way :n. r refesed to recc-go'.jr- must f-Treer.t toe credentials. Mr. Hai. male an-*ii«: - :• interrupt*^ by ure .: Or-.: Ex-Gov. Price, </. Musoari. tion submitte-i to tbederi->">n his colleagaes. >t c-r.c- * >* ? . .;.- na>x- :-:-?at: h Cn\<Lv.\.iTi. June —T i*. M —71. c->niic.ti** ap- r»7inte>l one from eaeh rule lnci-xaj>g H<*a. Fauiu* Powell, of Virginia. ibe commiute« cu creden tials. Tbe comm.tie oa the pisiform wa5- tton app>.nt«c in the same manner : a::-i toe -xnv-;nt>;a Adjourned unt.: to-m now. The Muri:.‘ippi de.egato Live re to ns-ri upon the adopt on of a platform b-.'c:e p. cc edirg to anomu.aihui. Itevelpts per Central Railroad M- v '■*■•■•;■ tor«■:•. dT bales cc-ttcn.Ji ?•** to *>•'-.*. ie • -a.:k- -xrz. 7a* %• iurt!.tOlir^(^j :-ra--t.A*. at nrer^aati r-— ! ' J W bthrceiC.! • _• L- ■ * a Her r N A fis.* :re a Cv A A rtafu if Hatr. l: .r F. to c .i-rec. 1 run a ?cri!«, J ItpiKi.O w o. ... Keg A.-.CS. Rstt^n. H-ttc-a k Oj. Wijt 1 ' »■».* --.*x. Ctat-e. Ws _. j-1 ... j; ;-*. Corlej, luu'i ( sol to ..tom. Solly AC- ,xi ahst ti,- j NEW ADVERTbEMEXT,'.l ud with j "V r.v.AZIN’to? FV/R JUNE—Jetrao'i Mentbj s.'i to:-.-; - !•-. xr Mr ill !y: • •: sham’s Klfttn .v.ta.;r- H-m«- Miganne. Gret-y'- Lady's Ex«i j H_-*p?r'.- New MoctL'.y, and 1 ickeii's Howdeij Wor*:-*. re»:«wec -td Jor txe ty WaRN'm K i DAVL*. .oce ' H.»Cc-Cfres»sUW. I r.—lberClirSX?JiflSfl Proceedings In Congies*. REPORT ON THE A5SACLT CA5F. ^Ya-S king ton, Juue 2.—Senatt.—A ;es>:c- tion was adopted that when the Senate ad- i joura* on Thursday, it U to the Monday iOuOW- ing- The presiding officer Lid before the Senate a letter from Preston a. Brocks to Mr. in which he disclaims any intention of ofirnume against the privileges of the r-ecate by hi- as sault on Mr. Sumner, but he says that he felt bound to chastise him for the in#U:s to his State and to his relative, and hiving sought him in vain elsewhere, he deemed it proper to indict that punishment here, the Senate not treing in session, he did not think he was committing anv breach of privilege. The letter was read and laid cn the table and ‘ ordered to be printed. Adjourned. House.—Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, iroui the ! splpct rrimmitfpo rin tl.r> occatitt r.t. C. JT> x Of BaLIIMUKF c rml-Jl. w:!: have JUfttch Iff»{i *jvic{<ft. Foe fre^bt apply to l- J :i x i ' C. A. tlRDSB i u j\ *:y,t "SCaOSSC^SSi SOT® rxrtx.v jwrvcs. Georgia. BRYAN W. COLLIER * Resn- cifsCy auccnees that lt< H'-u-h will t-e v-pjted ur the recej&t'fe r»*?ts. vu the -'.tb iii-t.MiL HeLWft fvricaite in recur it £ the tervlces^IE rtoa. well ktewa to the public a - aa f tto Nicety Mile House on tfce C-xt-^mi rai.r- -i*. t.> v*:-i In tbe •vjorinur.dcrf-'’"-'^ Mi-Intivih House curing tfce rc.v*. n. Alail'-^H *:•: has to*--, tree- *«ured. s:.ue? will be :a r-^Jf.rfp tess at Forsyth, co the if tr»!w,Iom-rb* pai«-o*er* wth co tutor t atii iG-jctch to lie Nv jxlus w-,:l ire spared c tease *u«rils a. a.- jo-rtl>. fcu-i a more than usually s -a.*cu c-'afidvntly act: -tpate-i tlA-J- • 1 vainer ieOfrer <>tW: Jurob j /ittfO'ter. hAotr.'.u IJ U UK W ATKIL—11 you wont the fliiwit drink- *JU{ water la llio world call and puruharo one of KeUor, Ezra K«ut, John Kinney, Anthony kelly* Patrick King, McLeod King, Wiiilani King, Jr.! Frederick William Klein, Michael H'-rley Jam... \\ ! H King, John JIKelh-y, Alfred Kent. L. fiWIIIlam C ixwlon, Jordan l/ivrv, Juiik h I. Eiii/i- brlght, Ghun K Landvolght, John N l/xwis, Gharla* L irtw, -Janies ii I>*w, Charles A J, Jamar, MJchal Eavln, Tfiorna* V. IJnyd, Kdward Ivxvell, Jacob CI/fvy, Jon-ph IJpptnnn, Henry V Jkchte, Will llam Iaw, Jurnea R I/mg, Alonzo H J.ticn, Daniel N lain, Frederick J/»hofl. Hugh f/irkin. CliarliM II ImC/hU/. F/lwnrd l/*ckeii, William H Lloyd. H V«t«H I/jvy, CJiarlc-M J/;**, George I Atm, John H JJghtburn, l/itta 1/tfiiM, hiincon Dine, William Lynne, John J-yon, John Lane, KoIktI Inchliron Ci-in r Ij-iiy/r, Dan'l toe. Peter XV but, Charles R L.nder^hiro, James A /AlOa^ia, Jianlel Inpham, J/uneK Jjivnn, John 1-lnskyThomas J/mnahau, Andrew./ I-obey, Henry lAthrop, Oliver W Llilbfldge, '/homa* f.yon, John T J-atlmn, 1/iv) Jsliiemlial, Wil iam K l/xng. Barney l/*ddy, Alexander it Uwt/.n, James Urkln. 1 James M Rath rep. Walter l/mry, George W 1/iwe. Hugh J/»gan. W. Tliorimt MurUtigii, Hugh W Mercer, NnlhanlH C Mills, Polar WMuigsf, 'i homos Mortx/ti, John Mai- lary, Manuel Molina, Cliurlus F, Mills. John Morri son, William H G’ Mills. Alvin N Miller, ValenUne Martin, Win J Moore, Horace Morse, Henry C Mahr- tens, Isaac Mini*,Thomas 0 Miller, Anthony h Mira Keilzle’s I*«| fc „t Wi*tar Filters, rtide meniioned In Water CommUKlonerH 1 laet jhe article mentioned In Wale: CommUelonerH 1 laxt {'•■I'JTl, which we warrant to purify the Savannah l.iver water perfectly—an indihponsable article for plantation uae. KENNEDY A REACH, J-02’L_ ^Konls for their sale In Havunnah. S UREHIOK Choice "Goshen Rutter undlmtefi Chew.e, received fx*r steamer Alabama by "»ay^ j. d. JESSE. T IJ. 8H/J1 r8.—Just received and for Kile by J. W. THRELKKI.D, muyl.'j Vmgrven and Whlbtker streets. *\( W | HACKS CORN Just received and for tjyjij Halo by (.rank, wklj.s l go. K UM.—aci barrels Luther Felton & Boii'h, ‘ mn Rum, lundlng and lor rule by tnurh 7 - RRIGHAM. KELLY A Off. P ORK- fio barrels M«km pork, 26 do Prime do finding and for vale by "•yJJ llOUkiMUE. JOHNSON A CO. u . CHATHAW LOAN STOCK,* y bhurew lor nule by 1 ,m,« A - WILBUR, ..J"*?™ - HI Bay afreet. TjOt’AfOKS.—lOO Planting Pot* A. tons, landlug from brig ,f. NickerHou. Fur sale jy J^JJ BltlfJlIAM. KELLY H GO. F iVKRPOOJ, HALT.—d00 Hacks, ten to Iho idly 0 ' lt,,diail,r0,a Wl Whitney, and for rnarlO RADLFORD, FAY k CO. A Live Skeleton.—A young doctor who, knowing his uncle’s antipathy to anything tlrnt smelt of death, told him that he actually had a skeleton concealed in his own house. The old gentienjau plump- ly denied it—the roguish nephew persis ted ; the house was searched from the at tic to the coal cellar. At last the mystery grew so painful to the uncle tlmt when his young and facetious relative offered to ,/,ou' him where the skeleton urn concealed for fifty dollars down, lie immediately agreed and forked over tlie money. The impudent lad then but lus hand on his uncle's shoulder und said solemnly. “Hem it is,'my respected Sir, mid if you'll only let me strip your flesh off, you will find ns complete a skel- cton there as there is iu the whole world.”, — A r . J’. News. ujiKS'S^PP 0 ®™ 1 ]?" b® Ceueventola at her SKL’ii, 1 ? °" llj e 10th ult„ her (tret ap- pe&rance in Loudon for five yean, P hi ML YELLOW CORN. -Jn Htoro und for rain by «»*y7 YOUNG Ac WYATT. A writer In the New York Trlbuno state, that <,382 han(l organs are dally ground in the fitreet* of that city. Tho bnil-Htorm in Fulton couuty, N. Y.. last latimlfiD ,lnolroirnd Qn Ann , lor Saturday, destroyed 20,000 panes of window glauM iu the village of Johnstown Tho Panama Star and Herald aUtes that a 1^7.. b f? ,^en/-onduded between Ecuador and the United States. years ; he was famous scarcely ten years! for tbe early part of his career was beset with dif ficulties. His father was p-^or, though a cele brated professor of rnuric, and he was too happy to occupy the place of an bumble musi cian of the orchestra of the Gymuase, playing for the latter, and sharing bis miserable wages with his patron, until the latter’s death gave him all the two or three francs a night. It was here he made the acquaintance ol' young Scribe and distinguished himself as a composer of slight gay vaudeville airs. Then he obtained a place as organist of theChnrch St. Etienne dn Mont. His first pieces at the Opera C'omique w;*re successful; but it was not until 1840 he began to be distinguished. About this time Lon is Phil- ippe became very fond of him, and lie organiz ed family concerts at Nenitly, which he Ted on the piano, and when he delighted the King by his famiiarity with old-fashioned tunes Ixjuih Philippe had heard in his youth, aud of which he was very fond. This was the sunny hour of Auara—and it was but an honr ; just before the Revolution of February, M. Adam became the manager of an opera on the Boulevard du Temple. Revolutionary times are not the period for the success of operas, and M. Adam found himself ruined-all of his hard-obtained earn ings gone, and his name involved in pecuniary responsibilities of a large amount. He pledged his future labors in mortgage, and procured money enough to pay his creditors, and prevent himself from being declared n bankrupt. He labored incessantly, and he had scarcely fulfilled las obligations when death released him from this world. Few men have been pursued with greater bitterness; there was a clique hero which scarcely allowed him a mo ment s repose. Saturday night he was at tbe opera in the manager's box, os gay as ever. About ii o’clock, with M. de Saint Georges, ho went up to the Theatre Lyriquc, where they remained until the end ol the performances. On bis return home, he set to work. His wife entered his library in the morning, and found mm dead in his chair. Ills pen was scarcely dry. The rnraoral wan tinpn»in*. It wn* Himiilo, bnt there mu an Immense throng, composed of all the celebrated men of Paris, in the chureb, the Society of Young Artists and tbe choruses of the Grand Opera and tho Opera Combine sang tbe funeral mass, und n Kurit, and two religious marches, composed by him, and the well known Ilcquiumol Mozart. t'ARREI-S U HERRING . ‘Toly Make:a in this State oT Herrings „ Ratent Champion Safe S. C. HERRING, 6i Co., „ Patentee* A Manufacturers. Green Block. 135,137 k 139 Water st. N Y may 14 3t General Wm, De Buys, formerly Spea ker of the Lousiauu Legislature, tiled at New-Orleaiw on the 23d uli. SUNDRIES.' 150 bag3 good to prime Rio Coffee; 76 big* old Government Java do; 30 bag3 old brown Java do; lw oar re 1.* 8tuart*a A, B and C Clarified Sugar?? .. . ‘ r ‘‘ Crushed and Pulverized do; 40 nnds Porto Rico, New Orleans, and Murrot > (l io Sugars; 50 boxes Stuart's l»»rSugar; 50 hbds Sides and Shoulders; Trowbridge and Beaty’i Hams; 150 bbls Denmead and Oakley Flour ; 75 bbU and half bbl? Canal Four; 150 bbl* Butter, Sugar and Pilot Crackere • 50 boxes Soda Crackers; 200 boxes various brands aud tiualiii.vs Tobacco- 26 cas« Myer’n Aromatic j 0 ; 160 bbls Cuba aud New Orleans Molosae.- 50 hbds Cuba j 0 . 50 bids No. 11/>af Ixtrd; 200 kegs and cans Lard, 5 M lb Bar Lead; 500 bags Drop and Burk Shot; *“**» aQ 1 ! quarters, Dupont’s Powder: • 6 bbls Mom* and Prime Pork , 50 boxes Nectar Whiskv; quarto Scholdam Schnapps; 100 casks pint* Ale and Porter; 300 bbls rectified Whisky; KHhbto-tew England Rum; 150 bbls Phelps and E Phelps’ Gin; 52 ftnd P' Ir « Wluc; 60 bbls White Wine and Cider Vinegar; t ' m P , F Wine Bottles; 500 Iioxm, Roap, Starch, and Cnndles; In store and tor salo ou accommodating terms, bv nOUX/MBE, JOHNSON k CO. ’ OAREQES, C H ALLIES AND MUSLINS.— aj A choice solectlon of these goods, of the latest ty s, to which wo Invite the attention or tho ladles. “«* AIKIN « BURNS Ci. M. GRIFFIN. YCCE5SOR TO LATE M. Ei;TiU-' R v* « Br>au ate WL.taker SUM* HA 4 new on bat 1 , a beaulilul a- , soameut of%’ewf’.ry of every ci* i select committee on~the assault on Seuatori urn* j It ner.made a report, ccucluding as fellow*: ! i u-.vr tbi- dav received t\*r Fxprei*).**? ,1 Whereas, the Senate ot the United States have ht.xi • — * ’ " transmitted to this House am ing that Preston S. Brooks, from the State of South c upon the person of Charles from the State of Massachusetts, while seated | hui'i^k^ti \T : -«■t“Sv^ Kf’ : - at his desk in the SenateChamtor, a:ur the ad- • pJ!iJV[I? Vneie Tcu lie Utcbuv« a> joarnment of that body on the 2’Jd of May bit. nv a,---, rtuieut ommR-te order# rc«iv«JW* a \nolent assault, which disabled him from at tending to his duties iu the Senate: and declar ing that said assault was a breach of the privi leges ol that body. And whereas, from respect of the privileges * — - tiNSt^ of the House, the Senate have, further declared ' BROl'GHTON STREET HACK 1 hat, inasmuch as the said PrestonS. Brooks is I UVERY ftaBLE. , itl3 rf a member of this House, they cannot arrest ; • The viutorstoed him. and, a/or/io»j, cannot try or punish him' aiwve StaL-te iu pH*** for_ a breach of their privileges: that they cannot proceed further in the ca«* I iSL-L/Z?? to ’V aS'.S;«"±,i IW ? ,t0al ^ ,W ? llo ", so J 1 br^e^an.uictaUm.r,-- and that power to arrest, try and punish j ou n«v.'mmt>l.*ting term#, afc<l wellowel { m devolves solely ou tins body: and whereas, (pair* .1 fiue Carriage Hor#.'s :«r sale. R'l J “ upon full investigation, it appears to this ! nor »■« Raruar.l an<t Breughten ? trreu*. - , House that the said Preston S. Brooks has been i»pU4—i> sTKYENS x UJ-*-* ,. guilty of the assault complained of by the Sen-! giiueyT’OR .JUNE. a ^,’ with P 0 *?. «Kfiravated circumatanees of | j t 01»KY*S Udv's Book for .lore. color iteiroti. Watches retotrod by an- •.•f s»".i. and all other werk manner, and warraulol u.'ier the »ui« n ; uu- m » workB»; ttiij'g fyi* violence ; that the same was a breach of the ! privileges not only of the United States Senate.! but of the Senator assailed and of this House, j as a co-ordinate branch of the Legislative de partment of the Government indirect violation ' of the Constitution of the United States, which 1 e for lut* 1 ’ ^ A Arthur’s Homo Magazine frr Jut ivierscn’.- Monthly Magazineur.Jnn> ilarjHT’s Now Mouthlv Ma^.r; , " Kivetve.1 nud for sale by , H \Vaknock a; w •• B niay-Jl l.WCWJW 1 ^ declares that Senators and Representative* for i A UR IV ALS OF H*M*toT 4 V,: any speech or debate'in either hou«e shall not , P .\‘n‘m ^ u ‘ sujv>rtmi. l>e questioned in any other place. Whereas ^ *? 1 a l} Y »rv« WYATT J lV this House is of the opinion that it 1ms the pow-: . er, and ought to punish the said Pre*tou S.; A tOillRliKl'K OI TKIT ROB Brooks for the said assault, not only as a breach ... . I1KKRKRS of the priveieges of the hr-*- *—'’ - 1 - - • 1 of the Senate and House Constitution, but ns an act viour.fand— i ivr^i> i> suxj i w Whereas, It further appears front such in- IIihImsoii’n X«*\v Block, Corneroin I vestigation that Henry A. Edntundson, a repre """ seutattve front the State of Virginia, ami Lau rence M. Keitt, n representative front Carolina, sometime previous to said were informed that it was the purpose Wm T)KC,.1"i, .nn.iut, — I ... .1 sn me sain rresiou s., c. ult. not only as a breach j . EKERKI^- act of ilisonlerly t>eha. r “ *vlvKNN ED Y & BEAC^I mil nm* umi Hvl will timl everything h’rbdniUif ‘ ^1 TO BUIIiDRRB. RIBE U is prepared to execute — ... l * 10 *horte«t notice, and In tho moat work- manlike manner, all kinds or Metal Roofing, Guttcra, uornlco, or other work connected with tho manufoe- taring or repairing of Ooppor, Galvanized Irou, Zinc, or Sliecllran Uuslnoes. * HORACE MORSE, 16Q Broughton st C1PBINO AND HUMMEK OLOTHINO.-TI10 , * ou '<* l»»lta tho Muuilon i.r ,11 1 Wl !“ l 5 AND BUMMER OLOTIIINU, 10 hi, .WoEmWcIi tiu Jut twra recdrnl, iltlw Star CIMhiBg Emporium, 14, Bay alrwu »l«‘ WM. Oi PRICK Mr. Brooks to commit violence noon the person or mid Charles Sumner, Tor wonts used by him in debate as a Senator iu the Senate. 11111! look no measures to disconraitc or prevent filename, but, on the contrary, anticipating the commie* sion of such violation, were present mi one or tnoro occasions to witness the same, as friend of the assailant,—therefore. Resolved, That PrestonS. Brooks, be and he is forthwith expelled front this House as a Re. presentative from tho State of South Carolina- Resolved, That this House hereby declares its disapprobation of the said net of Henry A. Ed- } thing that can bo call .nt for. ®l'V »'» T It A :\81>AnE.\T WIXBO'V S , *- 4P j CARPET WAUE-HOUSb* 140 CONUKKW xxo 57 nr. ws milE Subskwilter has received, and 1 this day, the largest aud most cs, £?;‘ ilv tfl otwlNIX>W .<11 \1)RS ever offered in tbe muutum of tbe advertiser to keep cw-*r,,>l store a large supply of all tbe various |*am styles manufactured by the uianulacturei country and of France, to which theaMonuw ebanteand families in tbe city and count •,.« <1 net of Henrv V FA. ™asiu< aim tanmies in tue cn.» , ' ...a r.'W-l tnundaon and Laurence M. Koitt itt regard t«i * oM ^j^uoN, said assault. Signed by Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, Mr. Sjiitt- jai tier and Mr. Poimington. Hon. Howell Cobb, from tho miunritv of said committee, submitted a minority report, argu ing that no breach of privilege, antler the Con stitution, had been committed, and the House had no power to go beyond the Constitution in deciding that the breach of privilege had been I /1 HAM PAWN, Ac— \ • 5>' baskets ileidscick l 5>' baskets ileidscick Champaign. 26 do do do. .60 do Uoncbo dl», l 4 - . ( 60 do KagtacClicqtift do, , 76 da Glrslors Yersey . „ fin kl 100 boxes Leiden’s Rhine Wmoaad Brm ft Iu store and for salt by __ v ^ r . D k — Jan31 WEBSTER A 1