Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 07, 1856, Image 4

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astiiaty V ;~0 WaW DPuMboAuTa; /CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom II may \JeooMnt Whereas, John Mallory ,wlll apply to the Court oC Ordinary (hr Letters Dlsmisory as adiulufa- trtotoa ou the Male or WUUam Wrlgbtlhese are, therefore, to die and admonish all whom Hmsy eoaosnq to be and appear belhre said Court, to make objection (If any they have) on or before the trst Mouday la November next, othwtso said Let- lt WltnSs^jSnulm», Esq., Ordinary tor Chatham Oouaty, this e.|ht day of April 1RM. JOHN BILBO, o, o, o. *y » S HATHAH SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will lie told on tbo first Tuesday in Juuo noxt, before Court House, betwocn tho legal hours or sate, lot number twelve (12) New Frauklln War«l. iu the City of Savannah, situated on tho corner or Mont gomery street and Battle Row, together with the three-story brick warehouso situated thereon; levied on to satisfy a certain tl fa. fasuiug out of Chatham Superior Oourt, in flavor of John Scudder vs. Clar- enoe P. Hollis. Property pointed out In said U. fa. BENJAMIN L. COLE, may5 Sheriff C. C. 8TATEOF CiKOlUiiA, C HATHAM COUNTV. —To all whom it may con. cent: Whereas, Elizabeth Ribero, will apply at the Court of Ordinary tor letters or administration on the estate of Joseph Ribero : These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom It mav concern, to be aud appear before said Ooort to make objection (it any uu>y have) on ur before the first Monday lu Julv next, otherwise said letter* will be granted. Wltnoss. John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this second day of Juuo, 1858. June 2 JOHN BILBO,.o. STATE! OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO, r 'all whom it may concern: Whereas Mary Ann Dent will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for let ters Dfamfasory on tho estate of James P. Pent,— These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to lie and appear before said Court, to make objections (if any they have) ou or before the First Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day of Juuo, ISAS. Je3 JOHN B11.B0, 0.0.0. CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door in tho city ofSavannali. ou tho first Tuesday iu July next, between tbc legal hours of sale. The follow ing articles, 2 counters, 1 desk, 1 iron chest. 1 wardrobe and all tho Interest of Edward Murphy, In and to the lease of lot and building situated on the corner of Whitaker and Congress streets, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued in favor ol William B. Haul i, vs. Murphy, A Devanuy, property poiuted out by defendant. El). M. I'KENDKllGAST, s r. .-. may 31 CITY SHERIFF'S SALK. W LL be sold before tho Court House door, in tho City or Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July noxt, between tho usual hours of safe, east half of No. 6 Green Ward, bounded as follows -north by Broughton street, west by lot No. 6, sou:h by a lauo and oast by lot No. 7. Levied on as tho property of James L. Oliver,, to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued out of tbs Honorable tho City Court of .Savannah, in favor ofD. B. Nichols vs. Tames L. Oliver. Property pointod out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms ca«h Purchaser paying for title*. EPW. M. PKKNDEUGAST, myfil City 8 her! if. CITY SHERIFF'S SALE; X be sold before the Court House door la ' the City ol oavanuah, on llic first Tuesday in Juiynext, between tho legal hours of sale, lot No. 27, contains 69 feet, muro or less, being a portion of Gardon lot No. 11, west, iu tho city of savanunli, bounded as follows:—East by Pur»o street, south by lot No. —, north by street not named, aud west by lot No. —. Levied on as the property of Atm Doblo, to aatiafy a fl. fa. Issued out of the Honorable tho City Court of&vanuab, in favor of John Gallalier vs Ann Doblo. Property pointed out by piuintiff.— Terms cash. Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. PREXDERGA.ST, my31 City Sheriff. CITY S1 lE i tiFF'S SALE W*tho ^ B0 ^i* )ofore .the court house door in wo OUJU.UBIWIC k - . tho city of Savannah, on tho first Tuwday in July n«t, between the legal hours of sale. One Au- fjmtaima Waynesboro’ Railroad Company's Bond, No. 4w—levied on os tho proporty or William Punn to satisfy two fl. fas. Issued out of the honorable tho Oty Court of Savannah, one in favor of James B. Raid vs. WUUam Dunu. and the other in favor of John lager soil vs. William Dunn. Terms cash. EDWARD M. PRKNDERflAST. may 31 Sheriff C. S. gTATE^OF^GEORGlA—BULLOCH CO.. May 20th t 1855—Two months arter date application will he nude to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell ail the lands belonging to the estate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors and said deceased. my2S-8w JOHN E. GIBSON, Adm’r. STATE OF GEORGIA. C l HATH AM COUNTY.—To all whom it may J eonceru : Whereas, John P. Hines will apply si tho Qrart of Ordinary for letters dbmlsaory a 1 * ad ministrator ou the Ustate of James C. Hines : These are, thorofore, to olte and admoulsh all Whom it may concern, to be and appear before said 0>urt to make objection (if any they have) on or bo- fore the first Monday In December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness. John Btlbo, Em. Ordinary for Chatham county, this fourth day of June, 1868. Juno 0 JOHN BILBO, O. ft c. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE* P URSUANT to an of the Hotiorablo the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, passed June term, I860, will be sold, ou the first Tuesday iu August next, before the Oourt House door lu said county of Chatham, between the legal hours of sale, tho following property, to wit.: Low Nos. three (8) aud four (4), bclug part of Garden lot No. ulno (9). 8prlng Illll, City of Savannah, fronting on Railroad street; also the following uegro slaves: Jack, Peter, Aiexaudcr and Sarah. Sold ns the property r»f the osiaienfSamuuKJrllUn, laioofsald county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors or said es tate. RICH ARP WAYNE, Administrator do bonis non, ou jet Estate of Samuel Orifilu, "■ Georgia, chatiiam county. O N tlie first Monday in August noxt, I will apply to the Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell the negro slaves buonging to the estate of Clara A* Ogtlbay, deceased, lor the beuollt of tho heirs and credit )rs of said estate, juno 4 JAMES A. LaROGIIK, Adm’r. * UNITED STATES dF AMERIC A. Southern Dlatrlct of Georgia. 2b the Marshal qf, the Southern District of Georgia, Grating i ■fTirHEUKAS Jamas Kachford do Wolf, James Fish- If er Jones, JamesGnrnock.and Kobbert Bibby, owners of the ship Elizabeth. have exhibited their libel or complatut In the Plstrict Court of tho Uuilcd States for tho Southern District of Georgia, alleging and propounding that tho said libellants are the true and legal owners of tho said ship Elizabeth, of which Thomas Williams is and lately was master, that on the night of the fifth of April, iu tho year eighteen hundred aud fifty-six, tho said ship Eliza beth was lying iu tho River .Savannah, at Venus* Point, well iu shore, and was at that time a staunch and well built ship, of tho burthen of nine hundred and fifty tons, or thereabouts, aud sulllclentiy pro vided with u[q>arul, tackle and furniture, aud pro perly manned with a sufficient crow to work and navigate said ship, that on the said night of the fifth of April, cightocu hundred aud filly-six, about seven o’clock iu tho evening, a signal lantern was hung out iu the foreslay of sold ship Elizabeth; that about eight o'clock ou the night of tho said fifth of April, whilst the said ship Elizabeth was so lying at Venus’ Point, lu the Havanuah Rlvor, witlilu the obb and , How or tho tide, and within the admiralty and rnara- time jurisdiction of tho District Court or the United Stites. for the Southern District of Georgia, securely moored, the steamship Keystone State, whereof Robert Hardie was master ou her way Irorn Phila delphia to the city of stavaunah, came up the Favan- nail River under Pill headway, and then, and there, with great force aud violenco, ran into arid upon the said ship Elizabeth, smashing tho side of tho fore castle of raid ship Elizabeth, breaking five of tho forecastle beams, startod tho deck, carried away tho bowsprit, aud other damage did to the said ship Elizabeth, as in said libel Is stated, rendering it ne cessary to discharge a part or her cargo, and to bring her up to the city of Savannah tor repairs, at great expenso aud loss of lime; that it is impossible to ascertain exactly what will bo the extent of the damages, bul as far a* calculation can bo mudo tho daraago sustained by such collision to tho said ship Elizabeth, amounts to the sum of ten thousand dol fars; that this occurred iu the admiralty an 1 tuara- time jurisdiction of said Court, all of which tho libel lants pray Lave to furnish proof of, and have also prayed a decree for their damages aforesaid, and costa, aud that the ordinary process may issue. And whereas the judge of the District Court afore said hath ordered and directed that the ordinary process should issue, returnable to the United state** Court Room iu the city of .Savannah, on the 12th day of June next, ut eleven o’clock, A. M., Now, therefore, you are hereby authorized, em powered aud strictly enjoined peremptorily to clto and admonfah all persons having, or pretending to have, any right, title, interest, or claim to the said steamship Keystone State, her machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, by all lawful ways and means whereby this wonitlou may bo inado most public and notorious, to be and appear at tho time and place aforesaid, before tin* Judge aforesaid, to show cause, if any they have, why Judgment should not pass as prayed for, audio do and receive what uuto law and justice shall appertain, and whatever you shall do la the premises you shall certify to the Judge aforesaid, at the tituo and place afore-ahl, to gether with this writ. Witness the Honorable John ti. NicoU, Judge of said District Court, this twenty-third day ol May, eighteen hundred and fifty-six. LAW. BARTOW ft LOVELL, Proctors for Lib. llant-.. Ail person* interested iu this monition will take due notice. DAX’I. H. STEWART, U S. Marshal. Savuuuab, iSJ May, 1868. CITY MARSHAL'S SALKS. From V. U. PALMER, osauui. Abvnnutxn and xnrwum auxnt, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. JAMES B* FIDLES, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF Watches, Jewelry, Silver Wore, Fan cy Good*, die., so. Pi, Homi 2d ftrnnrr, pmunxuttu. !L NELSON SWHBBEY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner Astor Place and 4th Avenue, IX CIOAX PIlOXntlTT TO TUX AHTOR UUURT AMD TUI NIW BIBLE BOCfOt, NEW TUKK. milE mast extensive variety and the largest I stock of Monument*. Tombs, Head Stones, &o., in America, can be found at tills establishment, (Tom plain to tho most elaborate and ornate In design and workmanship. In addition to the stock always on hand, a great varioty of drawings, appropriate and original may be fouud, Bom which work will he ex ecuted promptly to order. Ordora failhrully exocuted, aud shlpiiod to any point available by wntor or steam. Pontons visiting tho city or Now York on pleasure or busluoss aro respocltolly invited to visit this es tablishment. ool3 VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND k DANVlUJi, Virginia di Tci»i«ukc «&» S U M Xt K B ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, most comfortable and must expeditious Route to tho VIRGINIA SPRINGS I G EORGIA—BULLOCH CO.— All persons having demands against the Estate or Thomas Mills, late of said county, deceased, arc nereby notified to present thorn, properly attested, within tho time prescribed by law, and these iudebtod to said estate are requeued to make Immediate payment lo HARPY 11. HODGES, Adm’r May 20th, 1856. my23-0w NOTICE. T WO months from date application will be made to the Ordinary of Chatham Countv, for leave to sell lot No. 161, ftth district, Baker, belong ing to the estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, may2 Administrator. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. J OHN M. WILLIAMS, having aligned all bis property, both real and personal, to adjust hla debts, all persons having legal claims against the Mid John M. Williams, will please hand them to the undersigned without delay, ax it is quite desirable to ascertain the extent of indebtedness, and to per fect a speedy settlement of tin* apr28 HIRAM ' AbaUSTRATOlt Ai*vnm-*xu auexcv, raiuwajuu. fa. Antborlxed Agent for the Savannah Juumai. IIBftlUfcW>A*KftT riRK-PROOV HALL’S* tfttl&ilbpBOOF LOCK. Haring received the Jrite”lledal at the Worlds Fair, are now offered to the public M the Prize Safe of I the World. Tested and approved as they have been every where, their crowning victory wm reeervod to be awarded by the Junes oTthe World’sFMr. The proprietor placed One Thousand Dollars in Gold In tho one exhibited at the World’s Fair, Lm- dou, aud Invited all the Plck-Locks In tho world to open the 8ofe, with or wltiiout tbo keys, aud take the mouoy as a reward for tholr Ingouuuy ; although operated upon by several skilled in the art, no one could Pick the Lock or opeu tho Safe. By aa Improvement upon the original Salamander, Introduced by tho presout owner of the patent-right, tho interior Is reudorod wholly impervious to damp, and books, papers aud Jowolry might be prosorved iu ono of his safos for a century without contracting a blemish Trom mould or mllldew. To guard against counterfeits every Safe trora tho manufactory of the subscriber, aud sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate iu front, bearing his uarao: each is also furnished with ouo of his im proved Thief Detecting I/icks, which is a good guar antee against robbery. ^ S. C. HERRING & CO., Nos. 135,137 and 139 Water-st., N.Y. Agents In Savannah, Messrs. BELL k PRENTISS, who keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers' prices. M1*M BOOK ANO JOB PttlMTll NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. 9 Morcbants can bo supplied'at short notice wilh DIU-Heads, Bill* of Lading, Dray Books, Circulars, Cards and Blank Books* Particular attention given to BOOK AND PAM PHLET PRINTING, such us Catalogues for Colleges, Proceedings of Mootings. Ko|>orts, By-laws, etc. roceived, wo respectfully solicit u continuance of the same, fooling that wo sliull bo ublu to please all who may favor us with a call, botli as to prices aud execution of work. IftELMUOLU** GENUINE • PREPARATIONS. Hciinbold'w Highly Concou pound Fluid Extract Id A CERTAIN, SAFE, AND ■(710R Pirfca-dH oftlie Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, p Dropsy, Weakness, tiecrot Ifiseases, Obstruc tions, Female Complaints, aud all diseases of the sexual Organs, whether In MALE OR FEMALE. from whatever cause they may have originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING. This popular and specific remedy is now' offered to tho atllicted, and guaranteed to oure all tho above complaints. It searches out the very root of tin* disease, driving out all tho diseased fluids oftlie body, thus re moving the cause aud rendering the riA-'ctiuuign ui jiuuuiiK", iwj|wi wi, u^-iawo, kiu. cure Thankful for tho very liberal patrunago heretofore D1U W. R. KOIELSVI infirmary ^ FOB th* treatment of cers, Wens, FUtula, end all u or Tumours, Is now open for the U reccjitiou of Patients. His Inllr-J ■MS* Wt c-aiict'i.lrnud Com- I gwy UkmUnl tajbtti. Ue|«(t .UJ Post iff and kind attention from the Proprietor, u his Matron. His practice in that horrible Cancor, for the past ton years U not surnsaMd^ any Physician In the South. Patients are at fil per diem, or 616 per month. 610 being reS in advance. * ^ uirea Proposals Yor Rations and Fuel for Llght*Yesavls. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. And Baggage Chocked Through, except on Stagi*. Visitors lo the Virgiuinia Springs by this route, tako tho South-Slile Kailritad ears nt Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Danville care at Richmond, ut 0 A. M., dally, (Sundnya excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to diunor, aud theuce, via tho Virginia aud Tennessee Railroad, reach Bonsack’s Deirat at 3 1-4, and Salem at 4 P. M., and at either place take Keut, Summeraou di Co'a Fine Line of Stages t Those via Ikiusack’s lodge ut Flncastle, dlue at the Red Savel, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early on the evening of tho socoud day Irorn Petersburg, a** Rich mond, without NIGHT TRAVEL, and with but 64 miles of Singing. Or by the Salem route, stop all night al the Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (lu miles distant from .Salem,) dlue at tho Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur Springs on the oveniug of the l’ellowiug day. The Virgiuia Jc Tennessee Railroad is located through a most romantic country, possessing a cli mate unsurpassed for its salubrity and dclighttul tem perature. Tho road passes the base of tbo PEAKS OF OTTER! Aud witlilu three miles of the Alleghany Spriugc, ono mile cf the Moutimumry White Sulphur Springs, and within four milesofthe Yellow Sulphur Springs; all pleatautly eUuatcd a few miles apart, ou the Eaxtoru slope of tho Alleghany mouutalu, lu Mont gomory county. Tho waters of these Springs are celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations arc excellent, aud have been greatly iucreusod since lust season. ASrVUitors to tho Red Sulphur Spriugs take Kent, Sumiuersou A: Co's Stages at Nowbern Depot, ou Uio eveuiug of tho day that they leave Peters burg or Richmond, aud arrive nt tho 8priugs ou the following day to dinner, aud Salt Sulphur Springs curly in the oveuiug of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tho Raid from Newborn Depot to the Red Sul phur Springs, (38 miles,) has been graded nni greatly improved since Inst season, and is now re garded asonc of the best turnpikes in tbe moun tains. The line of Telegraph tya Richmond will be com pleted and lu operation to tho Montgomery White Sulphur Springs early in June. Passengers m KuoxviUe, Tennessee, take Kent, Summerson A Co’s stages nt the Western terminus of the Virginia k Tcunesseo Railroad, now 180 mile* from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at tbs rate ol 8 miles per mouth) to tbe Eastern termi nus of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, aud arrive at Knoxville in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIRE- rxoov qoxutuB or WILDER'S SALAMANDER SAFES, A$. Manufactured by Steams <t Marvin. Mew York. ~ v...;— In the fire or the 3d Inst., which consum ed the brick bulldiug occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite |tho Gas Works, iu this city, was a safe ol tho above descriptions containing the books, papers, and mouey of Mr. Thomas, and although tho building was Uetroyed, the sold Sofa sustained uo injury whatever from the intense beat to which it had been exposed. Ou otiou- Ing tho Safe, tho contents were found uudlsturuod. umlln tho same ordor and condition as when placed there, except a slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a few papers, und the backs of one or two of the books, caused by tho steam generated in (he Safe, while at its greatest heat. Tho Safo and conteuts, as it came front the ruins, may still be seen, in the possession of Mr. Thomas, at too Gas Works. A large assortment of these cele brated Safes always on hand,and for sale by C. H. CAMPFIEU), Agent for the Manufacturers, July 26, 1856. 171 Bay-st., Savannah. Ga. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, Suf«»t>m of uuaw, Savannah, 10th May, IBoO.^ S EALED proposals will be received at this oillce until 12 o’clock, M. t ou tho 1st day of July next, I860, for furnishing and delivering Ra tions aud Fuel ou board the Light-vessels lu tills Collection district, viz.; at Martin's Industry und Tybeo Island Knoll, for ono year from the first day of July 1856. to the 30th June, 1837, Inclusive. The rations to bo or good ami upproved quality, to lie delivered lu good und Kullleieut packages, barrels, boxes aud cases, and lu gisnl order, on board lire above named light-vessel-), ut least once a quarter, free of expenso to the United Stales, and agreeably j Tills medicine speci'iiy und ellectually cures the CERTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tlrls medicine allays pain and inflammation, which oilier remedies invariably cause, and cau be taken with less trouble und expense to patients. Tills iu fallible remedy has saved thousands upon thousands from the bauds of MERCILESS QUACKS, II not from presnuture graves, lu cases of infection the tbni|Miund Bucliu is the only article worthy of the least confidence of the ulliicted in performing SAFE CURES. It contuins no uarcotic, mercury, or other injurious drug, hut is purely a VnjriaiAe Composition. It Is very agreeabie to the taste, creutes no perceptible odor, and may l»c- luken by persons of either sex wltiiout hindrance horn business or medical advice, us pluiu direi ltons lor «cronij«uiy the medicine. Header, if yon have any of tbe above couipluiuts, do uot neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Witli tills medtelne you can cure yoursolf, und tlius prevent uli exposute. TltrilI MUM' AND WIU. PREVAIL 90T Fee* to be agreed upon before the caw l. Ilr dertakon. All communicationn must be nuu addressed to W. R. MOSEtS^* Griifln, Ua, aug 6 IJOfATOES.—400 barrels superior PUmtiho 1 Putotoea; 60 do Western Rods; und M dfffiS Hlutt-rt (tip ..Is hv •'••a d w v Blows, lor sale by murH BRIGHAM, KE1.LV * u , to tho auurxod table of the weekly ration, viz.: 5 1 take pleasure iu corroborating the foregoing state ment, and in addition would add, that tbe books are now in use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1856. octd—IT DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 VORK STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOl’HK, SAVANNAH. GA., Eatnbllalted In 1832. mUB Subscriber grateful to his friends and I patrons for their contiuual favors, would Mate that In addition to the Improvements lu DYING, ao qulrcd by him during his last visit to England aud Scotland, has made arraugemeuts for extending ids business, by which he is now euabled to dye a greater variety of colors ou silk and woolen dresses, shawls, Ac., whicli he trusts will generally please all who may favor him with their patronage. Gentlemen's garments dyed, cleaned or renovated as may be requirod, lu tbe same superior style which has generally so much pleased his patrons and friends. Tablo Covers, aud Ladles’ Crape Shawls, Ac., cleaned and finished In the first style. ladies' Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed iu the most fashionable styles. Orders from tbe country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcels are wut by steamboats or railroad, word should be sent him by letter through the post office, so that he may know where to cau for them. mchlfi ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday iu July v ? next, In front of tlm court house : Improvements on lot No. 3, Mouttnollimilfe satisfy City Tax Executions vs. Cvnnellv. for years 1854 and 1666. Also, fad and improvement No. 12, pail ol'Gar den Lot No. tl, west, tlio property of Mrs. Ellen O'RoilJy, to satisfy City Tax Executions lor 1S65. Also, I/Dt No. 15 and improvements, Fruukliu ward, as the property of M. Prc-udergust, for Taxiv for1S55. Also, east half uf fan No. 2, Calhoun ward, the property of Mrs. Bridget Cary aud children, for Taxes for 1955 Also, IiOfa Nos. 19 and 20, Wesley ward, as tho property of Edward Porry, for Taxes for 1856. Also, Ix)t No. 61, Brown ward, ns tbe property of estate ofPatrlck O’Conucli, Sr., forTaxes for 1666 Al.o, Improvements on south half of l^t No. 33, Warren ward, as the property of Miss Matilda Ro soy, for Taxes for 1854 aud 1855. Also, east hall of Lot No. 29, north cUfa of Margu ret street, tho properly of Mrs. Rachael Wist* and daughter, for Taxes for 1968. Also. Lots Nos. 47 uud 68, Walton ward, ns tho 12 25 8 00 9 25 8 45 23 00 a* assigned propertv property of John McCormick, for Taxes for i860. HUBERTS, Assignee. ! Also, fan No. 4, Washington ward, as tho proper _— ty of Mrs. M. M. Dibble and children, for Taxes for ’£ NOTICE. 1*56. A LL porsons having demands against the estate Also, l,ot No. 14 and east half or fad No. 15, par of the late Charles S. Arnold, deceased, are of Garden fan No. 33, oust, as tho property of the boroby notified to present them, properly attested, estate of S. A. Patot, for Taxes for 1861 mid 1865. Within the time prescribed by law; aud all those Jn- Also, 1/d No. 24, Lafayette ward, as tin- properly of John M. Milieu, for Taxes for 1855. Also, Lot No. 10, Moiitmolliuville, ns the property 1 t <. Diiiii.ij) r.... -I*.. ,■ i... 1'i.m icr. i ....i iff). debted to said estate, tire reqaested to make imme diate payment to HOWARD PADELFORD, may8 Administrator. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. \TB- Louis Robider having made an assign- XtJL meat for tbe benefit of his creditors, all per sons Indebted to him will ptenso make payment to me. And those having demands against him are requested to present them, that payment may tie made u far a* tbo afsetts will oxteud. A. BONAl’I), Assignee. Savannah, May 19,1856. may20 GLYNN SHERIFF'S SALE. W ILL bosold before the door oflheCourt House in tho city or Rriuntwick. County of Glynn, on the Aral Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours orsale, tint following property, to wit.:—Cas sius, Jltn, Chioe, nn«l Simon—levied on fay virtue ol fl. fa. issued out of the Honorable Superior Court of Glynn County, lu favor of Horace B. Gould v*. Alex ander Scranton and James Gowuti. Administrators of Mary Abljott. deeeawd. Property iMdnte I out by plalntlff’ii attorney. may28 M. C. 11. WRIGHT. S.G.C. of James Bouoiat, forTaxes for 1.854 aud 1855 Also, Improvements of quarter Lot No. Di.Givem* ward, as tho property of Mrs. ltaker, for Tuxes for 1854 and 1965. Also, Garden fatl No. 59, east, as the propertv of W. I*. Bowen, for Taxes for 1864 und 1855, Also, l/)t No. 47, Jasper ward, as the propertv ol Mrs. J. W. Ryerson, f«>r Taxes for 1866. Also, west half or fad No. 4, south side of R r ynn Bryn street for Taxes for 1854. Also, south half of l Trustees' Garden, as the property of the estate of Worthington, for Taxes for 1S65. DANIEL II. STEWART, may SI City Marshal. Fare from Petersburg or Biebmoud. To Red Sweet, or Swoet Springs via Bonsack's,$10 00 “ “ “ •' “ “ ‘‘Saiem.... 10 60 “ White Sulphur Spriugs •• Bonsack’s 11 00 44 “ “ “ 41 Salem.... 11 60 44 Red Sulphor Springs “ Alleghany Springs “ Montgomery White Sulphur Springs “ Yellow Sulphur Springs “ Knoxville, Tennessee Note.—Tho charge for tickets to the Alleghany Springs, Montgomery Whito Suiphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, does not includo the charge from the Railroad to tlie Springs. Passengers tor the Al leghany Springs. (4 miles distant,) tako tickets to Shawsvilic—lor Montgomery White Sulphur, (l mile distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnel aud for the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) take tickets to christiani-burg depot. Con veyances will be found at those places. For farther information apply to K. A. GOODWIN. Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES CAMPBELL. Hiip’i Richmond A Danville R. R., Richmond. K. H. UILI-, Sup’t V. A T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERfiON A CO., my!3-3m Fincasilo, Virginia. C BN T R AL - *RA1LROAD. O N and after Sunday, tbe 14th October, hist, aud uutil further notice, tho Passenger Trains ’ ou mo Central Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. I<eaves Savnunah Dally at...6 a m aud 12.16 r m. Arrivo in Macou “ “..2.16 p m “ 1 am. I-oavo Macon *» “.11.4oam “ 9.30 pm, Arrive in Savait'h “ “10.46 nt " 7.20 a m IIKTWKKN SAVANNAH AND Al’GlWA. I-euvc Savanuuh 12.16 p m aud 6.30 p. m. Arrive iu Augusu 8.45 p m “ 5.30 a m. Leuvc Augusta G. am** 4.30 p x Arrivo iu Savannah 1.30 p u “ 10.45 p nKWKKX MACON AND ACQU8TA. faavu Macou 11.46 a xi and 9.30 p m. Arrivo in Augusta 8.46 pm** 5.30 a m. Loavo Augusta 6. am “ 4.30 p m. Arrive in Macou 2.15 p m “ 1. am. BETWEEN SAVANNAH, MILLKtXIKVUAK & EATONTON. faave Savannah 6. a m Arrivo iu Milledgcville 2.45 p m. Leave Macon 11 45 a m Arrive In Katonlou 6. j. W. M. WADLEY Gea’i Supt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1856. octl6. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Ovvs* which paaiieN tlie Urent New York & New Orleans Mails, O X and alter Sunday, February 3d, I860, two daily trains between ilucon aud Colmnlius, REMOVAL. Tim subscriber bns Removed ou the . Bay. next door to the Ropublicauiff otttcc, where he is now ojienlng al handsome assortment of S P R1X G' ! AND Nl'MMElt GOOIV, which lie will t-ell by tho 1 pattern or make to order in tlie mo.«t tiu-hinnnblo j style. ADo, Ready Made Ciotliing lor the- pre-ent . and comiug season. GLYNN WIlEHiFK’.s MALIfi. ~ Tbanklul for post favors, ho bupw fo m •:a con- W II.L lie sold before tbe door of tho Court House, tinuanco of tbe same. In the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on* ,*'*• B—Cutting, Altering and Repairing done at the first Tuesday in July next, between tlio legal I *be shortest notice. hours of sale, tbo following property, to wit.:—One Just received White Drill Coats and p&r,ti, White undivided half of a tract or parcel of land containing j tt °d Figured Marseilles Ve*t». forsalo at a ar/ijail pro- two hundred and fifty acres, fmoro or less) lying ; f' 1 - and belagln the county of Giyun. bounded south 1>«*' nprt2 JOHN W. KELLY lands granted to Michael Poiisell, m>rtInvardly bv J DRAPER AND TAILOR. ” ludl Brant-id to Jolm L-iinl., «onlor, oa-t by Intlda , JEFFKttSOS STUOT Ntsut BKfjl’GHTOS unknown. Lovtcd ou u tbo |iro,|orty ot Colia Lamb. , - , Tlio subjcrlltcr takes thi, optionor, tv tOMUary a II. fa. I„ncd out of tlie llouorublo Snpa- , 'fi to inrorm tils rrionda and the ■ ■ - rior Court oTGIrnn county, m favor or Daniel Mein- (Ube fa euabled, from oxperier tosh vs. Colin Umb. Pro|«*riy |>oiutcti out by de- I JULintuitivo perceptions of tbV fTGIvin!Omnii- ' £^5°! OU c ? fur T°“ rui ^ r-irreying .u failornbo^ with Girard and Mobile Railroad fo . • j forms, both plane and spherical, to cut ar.d roake *p Kufaula. Ala., roon'ttitig daily ut Amoricua with AfB OF GEORGIA, LIUF.RTY CO. | garments to fit the bmnun form in the rnrAt f/.rrao:*-tft u,‘.t horse poet Coaches to TaJlahassfo, Albany T i all whom it may concern:—'Whereas Jason an “ finished style, to uli who may favor him wth a ThoroMvIHe, Bainbridge Ac., with tri-weekly hacks Royd will apply &l the Court of Ordinary for «■“*,. . „ to Luto^iu, Cuthbort. kc., at Fort Valley with bocks Miters of administration on the estate ol Alien D. i Boy** fancy dress**-,, Ball i>wturr.e-. VLht«ry »r.*J fo Perry, Hatbust Ills. Hawktoarillc utid Knoxville Floyd, ; rlreinon s Lniforms, Ac., Arc. '• - * - - - ' ThMeorethereforetocite aud a*lmonUli all whom | P. HORACE GRan‘7, it may concern, to bo aud upp.-ar before said court, ! Jefferson *t., one door North of Brought/* ,tr*-.i to make objections, If any ttiuy have, on or before I ^ <f43 ly • h. 4ImI Ui.n.Lt, In I.. 1 .1 i . _ _ and one between Macon and Americus, Leave Macon at 2 a m, and 31* m; arrive at Colum bus at 7 15 a m, and 1030 v M ; leave Columbus at 4 16 a m, and 1 SO i* m;arrive at Macon at 10 64 a m, A*d 7 V) v if ; leave Macon at 2 a k; arrive nt Amorl ran at f» 40 a a; leave Araericus at 2 20 j* m ; arrive at if aw»n at 7 to r u; making a complete connection be- twi.^n M'/iitgi.mery, Alabama, and Auguria, Kings • Ytdrrniigfofi ai:d Cbarfo-ton; also, with Central ftaiiroad Traia» to vannab, Millr-dgeviileind Eaton- Atlanta, ixMvuniuA. Mf/mgi mery, Aiatama, and Augipia,) opport '.i. ty a. v.iie, Vtiimiugfon and Charfo-ton; also, with C ■ public, that Railroad Tram* to Savannah, Miliedgevill«*and J r.ce. ar./j t.i<: >U . ton, and with Macon ruei Western trains to At if truth, or. *41, CiiaUaii/s/j/a, N'a>livlllc and Knoxville, Tcnn. Liberty Rope, coo lbs Bagging Twine, in store and for ral ^_. n0Tl? _ WEBSTER A PALME# 1 the first Monday lu July next, oiborwlse said fellers will be granted. Wilnoss W. 1’. Girardeau, or«iiuarv i County, tbfa 27lb day of April, moo. ’ W. P. GIRARDEAU. —~ [ p'HESU Siilimm, Lobsters and Sardine^ GEORGIA, i fRERTY COUNTY. 1 ' ' O N the first Mon lay in July next application will be made to tbe honorable the Court of Ordina ry of said county for letters of admlaUtrution on tbe •Rate or Gl.leon McGom-n. lute of said county, do- oeaied. ANN Mi GO WEN. June 2 stPfiiTcr ~ Ga. Pv.-.CLgen: for Americas and points below Fort Valley, chouid take the 1216 P M train from Savan nah; and tbc 5 f m train from Augusta, to avoid de tection at Macco. For other joints on tbe &'outli- or Muacogce Hoads take either train from •anuab or Augu^to. pateongers leaving Ameri- at 2 20 v st will reach Columbus at lo 301* m tlie same night. Passengers from Columbus and the Wont for Am- i B AGQI \G AND ROPE—Oo bales htnvy Uuunj | Western Cloth, 20 boitii heavy Dundee ffor 8*a W- • riavanua *nds,) 60 bolts medium do 44 in?he*, tfn coile Ky : cu* at 2: ... ' >r t »i iaamenig ;KM* J Pfissou, . .. | ericas. South-westeru iioorgU or Florida, should • Uko tho 1 30 i* m train at Columbus, sleep at Fort II 1 Valley, and reach Americin; at o 40 a m next morn- naif- by yUNDHIlW inn 2 A BON ALT —fr*-eb. rpHRKE moutlia at'ter *late application will be made X to the Marine Bank of .Savannah, for tlie pay. mentof two Twenty dollar bills, viz : feller B. 3070, and letter O, 697, the left halves nf which have been ' tost. 1 JAMES P. HUDSON. TtllahaMee, Ha., May 17, 1866. «m* myJW ! XBBlXisiU.Vllll.VHAI.K. VN tha first Tuesday in July next will b« *old lu ^ lYoat of tho Court Uoine, in tin: city of Savau- ,, all tbo real Relate belonging to tbe estate of James M. Bates, late of Chatham County, deceased. Sold by permission ol tho Court of Ordinary, and fay •rdsr of the Administratrix, for tlie benelli of tho hsirs and creditors. ANN* B. BATES. rcay26 Administratrix. 26 fab!-* Sugar C 20 Butter 16 •• Soda lifaeuit 26 box*--* •• 26 bhfa No. I Sugar. 50 *■ A, B aud C Sugar, Received ami for snlo by McMahon m bovle, toy 17 Nos. 205 and 207 Bay hi. i p.vmt iiANuiffos and uojtuisiuk— A Ja-t received n great Ha.*ortinonl of tbo mo..| ing. 2- „ JWt' ukckiVku. *J» STEAMER, an a^soi luient »»l CSV JHMoa and Childrens Plain Straws. uatb® jlATS and 1 faVTS. Aluo a few lio'lS’ ,IATS - lor sale by MRS. FREELAND, . 17 Broughton street. ATn: HOUSE, T ISLE T H ItE AD U A UNTLETS,—The oily HOT. GOLD AND SHOWER. « r kind In Ihe city, far »»!e by fpHE BATH HOUSE having been handsomely » _ npr . .. {• w * threlkejai. X fittod up, opened on Saturday, 2d of March. ; — /0rncr 01 ( ° l,gr0HH noi> M hltaker-ato. ffpigls Baths 26 centi—atx tick eta lor fil.ou 1 11 A VAN A BEOAltS—3U.UOO choice Havana £*-. Segar«--Concha», La Esmeralda, 13 Oryuol, Lxceliora, Rio Hondo, Caputn Alcliorn, u Liel clogaut irntternr, with borders to muteh, hrun's cent# R’ *2, al Cl IAFFKB k C<». V, aprJu No. C Whitaker street. mart J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. COD FISH, MACKEREL AND HER- ' Jonn Smith, and varioua other brands, Imported di! RINGS. ! reel by mo, and for sale st the lowest cash prlres TJU8T reoeiVed 6 hhds choice Cod Fish 20 bbU ln *y 1 ® ^ A- BRown V extra No land No. 2 Mackerel’ >9 do extra Fldkle Horringa, 60boxei Smoked Herring* in store and for sale by DAVID O'CoN.SFK. may lb Corner Brogbton A Bray ton sfa, 19 do extra ; ^^PPLES & P0TATUE8— 10 bbls Choice Mercer Pot&to-.M 26 •' “ Rnssott Appl*-«. For sale by renylfl J. A. BROWN. first class steamship** leave Savanna!i for New York on Wednesdays aud Saturdays, and for Phlla- delpIUa on Wednesdays. Passage i.i the Cabin $26, Steerage $8. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ 10 00 “ Americas “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup t. Macon, January 30th, 1856. may 16 VIROINfA C£NTRAL. Fl.ROAO. Winter Arnmgmtnt—Cars Startingfoum Brand M. Henvy Hull all Ihe way loGonlotuvIlle. WUEX the Potomac is closed with ice this v V route may be rolled on by passengers, to en sure tho connection going North orBoutu. The road is entirely refold with a superior T rail as far as Gordonsvllfe. During the winter the train will atari from tbc old station, in Richmond, on Broad street, al 7tf a m„ gians Gordonsvllio at 11 a m., and arrive lu Staunton at 326 r st. Down train leaves Staun ton at 6 40 a m, passes Gnrdonsvillo at 11 a si, and ; arrive iu Richmond at 2.30 pm. Fare to Gordonsvllfe $2 no " •* 6 00 J Both trnlus arrive m Gordonsvllfe in ample lime to take tho train ofthe Orange aud Alexandria Rail road. Persons who leave Kichmoud at 7A* a tl.. can take tbe Oraugo aud Alexandria cars al Gordons- vliiu lr they ehooso to do no, aud by that taaln will reach Alexandria by3.40PM..lrat this company can Uckot thorn ouljr to Gordonsvllfe. ocl7 if H. D. WHITCOMB. Supt. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, 1 Savannah, 1st June, 1856. / T HE following Lets are in arrears to tbe City for Ground Rent: Brown Ward. Lots No-. 68 and 70, eight quarters each. 67, six 65, 66, 6166'and 69, four quarters each. 16,10,62,71, two “ “ Chatham IFard. 20, fourteen quartera. 14, twelve “ 4, ten *• 16, six “ 15,18, 19, 20,22, 23, 31, four qrs. each. 6, ti, 0, 10, 17, 24. 26, 32, two « *' Columbia IFant. 8, six quarters. 1, 3, 4, 6.16, 10, 24, lour qrs. each. 11, north hall of 12,14, 21, 28, two quar ters each. Craitford Ward. 48, eight quarters. 3, six “ 12.13,23. 24, 81, 32, 33, 30,43,44,46, 47, 68, 69,71, feur quarters each. 26, 26, 27 , 38, 39, 50, 66, 66, two quar> tors each. Elbert Ward. 24, eight quarters. 39, six “ 23,four “ 1. a,», 19, 21, 22, 26, 20, 32, 33, and 37. two quartors each. Franklin Ward. 3, 4, 6, east half 7, four quarters each. 2, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31,3fl. two quar tors each. Mew Franklin Ward. 4, eighteen quarters. 13, hixtoou quarters. 12,14,17 aud east half l, four qrs. each 3. 7. 8, P, 10 and west half or 1, two qrs each. Greene Ward. 2 and 20, four quarters each. 6, 11, 14, 16, 18, 25, 20, 26, 27, 39, two quarters each. Jackson ir<ml* 47, four quarters. Jasper li art!. 8,47, 48, four quarter each. 9,10, 21, 37, 42, two quartors each. Lafayette ll'ara. 23, 45, twelve quarters each. 7. 37, 38, 41, four qurrters each. 1, 4, 6, 21, 22, 35, 30, 40, 42, 47. 48, two quarters each. Liberty Il’anf, 8, 27,32, four quarters each. 7,17, 18, 23,34, two “ “ Manterey Ward. 11, twolvo quarters. 13,17, 35, eight qartera oacb. 4, 0, 34, 37. 38,39, four quarters each. 5, 14, 15, 16,19, 20, 21, 22,23, 24 and 30, two quarters each. Fuhttki Ward. 10. eight quarters, 6, 14, 16, 10, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, four qrs, each. 1, 2, 3,4.12,29, two quarters each. B’arrrtt Ward. 21 aud 23, twelve quarters cacti. 2, 4, 10,13 14, two “ Washington Ward. i* and 31, twelve quarters each. 1, 4,17, 2ft, four quarter.- each. 10, 16,1ft, 24; and 40. two quaitore each, Troup Ward. 40, ten quarters. 3, 4, 6, 10, 11,13, 14. 23. 24, four quai- tern each. 12, 16, 22, 28, two quarters arch Wedy’Wark. 13 and 14, six quatters each. 5,18 and 11, tour quartors each. 1. 2,3, 4, 7,10,12,16,17. two quarters, each. Calhoun ITani. 20 and 2ft, eight quarters each. 20, 30, and 48, six “ “ 2, 5, 6,8,11,21,26 and 32, four quarters eurb. 3,4,9, lu, 1M, 19. '^3, 3i ? two quarters each. s Fbrtyih Irani. •.'3 aud 25, twelve quarters each 7. ten quarters. 0 and 35, eight quurters each. 3. 5, 11, 12, 13, 14. 19, 20, 21, 29, tour quarters each. 2. 8, 0,10,16, 10, 17, 27. 28, two quar ters each. Charlton ll'uni. I. 0,12. 24, 30, six quarters each. «, 13, 23, north hall of 85, south halt of 35, four quarters each. Is. IU, 26. 31, 32, two quarters each. Sitringfieid Lots. 1, 2, lu ll; lu J; 19 Z; 19 R. twelve qrs. each. 19 A, eight quarters. 3, 4, 6, 0 aud 7, four quarters each. 8, six quartors. mtn mm 13 *- ti ItMU most virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates every particle of infectious mutter irorn tho system, restoring tbp patient to u perfwt efoto of HEALTH AND PUIUTY. RUN. MIHS 'MURRAY'S ~ U NITED States, Canada and Cuba. tschweglerV History ol Philosophy fo Li*.t,.r,„ translated by Sceyle. * Prescott’s Philip 2d of Spain, new supply ti. i. Calf and lu Cloth. > Naisjlwm’ROouttdentfolCorrespeiMifcuce vs.tfa t brother Joseph. Duvall’s History of the gutcuv ol tfac- Hanover—2 vofa. ^‘IheAUachi in iiadrid. Komaueeoftlie Huroin, by Mis- Pardue. Kucbel Gray, by Julia Kavauaugii, Earnest IJnsioad, by Mrs. Iasj Heinz. mar » W. THORNE W!1J.|,\ jj.- J UhT HEChlVED^-20 boxes Shoulders prime article, 20 tierces choice Tm,i,e.’ lu store, und for sale by 20 WAYNE. t»KK> Hums. mar Tuime- • REN VIIJJ.'. saotuPM | sm.vsj JtfoauiA •Ipuj p.qjp JO hU|S|»H j'»a i Knelt urogKvaj inust state distinctly the price for which the ontiro ration will be fuiiiished on board fault light-vessel respectively. The proposals for supplying fuel, both coal und llclntlxilfl'a Highly Concentrote«I Cont- pouinl Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying tin? Klood. removing all diseases ari sing from excess «»f Mercury, e\|*osuro and im- prtnletire in life, chronic constitutional diseases, ari-iug ironi an impure state of Dlood, aud the only relfol*;.' and edict mil known remedy for the cure of .vrofulu, . w ult Rheum, fcfeuld Head, Ulcer ation.- oftlie 'l'ii rout and Legs, Pains and .Swellings oflhe Bone-*. Tetter, Pimples on the Face, und all .Scaly Krupt;*>us oftlie .Skin. It i- grulhying totlie proprietor of these medicines to bo able to riuto tiiat it is now uearlj' three years since they were llr.-t introdiaed, during which time they have lict-n e.\tensive|> u.-*?d in various parts of the United Mates, and have given to patient and practitioner tlie higlie.-t degree of satisfaction in the various case- iu which they have hceu employed ; wlwlhor in t"\vn, country, hospital nr private prac tice, they have invariably given tho most decided and iiiieqmvval satisfaction, ami produced the most salutary arm tiencficial cih.ct-. Numerous letters have been received from the most distinguished physicians in the country, mid from tlie professors of several medical colleges, recommending in the highest terms the value o: Uuve medicine**, aud their superiority over uli other preparations for such complaints as the proprietor rccoratncutfa. Numerous preparations of Mirsnpartila ami of Bnchu und various tnodez of prej aring tln-m have been TV! EW CHOP CUBA MOLAKSES^lhe cut go or the Abbott Devereaux, daily exu. .u,i for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by * Jan31 HOlAiER.9 k NOHKIs UXUPWFANBVPmLSi Kit I 14U Congress and 57 St. Julian Streets T HE UNDERSIGNED would take this wm, ,. tunity to express to bis friend- and the L -- generally, life siuccre thanks for their libera, iwi- •' age aud influence, which has resulted tuextea*;.. 0 bis trade fo all juris of tlie Suite. AL-o, Caro'iim Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, tberebt « • him to oxhlbit a stock unsuri«.-.iud in anv r. city. Families, Merchiuite, Hotel Keeper, aud fttmn boat Owners are particularly invited to examine tU preceut sb)Ck, which is now complete in ail the various department-, consisting In port «*ftb«> f-'.lLvv ing goods, viz: CAB FBI DEPAKTMEST. , - ■ r supplying uiei, ooiu louiuuu all of wliich «vf course will differ Rceordimr to 5&5£ kh‘,a .nCffly Ktt S i ,h,! m '°““ " r 1™!'“''“"™ K '*" “ c " ““»• cd on board of each light-vessel rosjHfctively. One bidder may oiler for all the rations ami luol required for all the light vessels in this district, «»r for one or more ofthe vessels separately, ut hi.- own option. Tho kind and quantity of fuel will bo deter mined upou, ntul tho contractor iuforiuod accord ingly. in advance of tlio time for making tlie quar terly deliveries or rations ou board ofthe respective light-vessels. Each bidder is required to attach to his bid or bids a written guarantee, signed by liinu-elf aud a responsible surety, that, in the event oftlie contract bclug awardud to him, he will faithfully execute it in conformity to the terms of this advertisement. of prepurati) adopt. These medicines require conaiderabl.- cure in the preparation aud tlie employment of different men- Simula successive o|*erutitu to take up the extrac tive matter.-, and. in consequence, are tno^t fre quently itnpro|H*rly mudo, and nut (infrequently much impaired, if uot rendered totally inert, by the Injudicious and unskiiful management of those unac- quaiuted with pharmaceutical preparations. It is therefore of tile highest consideration and import ation to the public aud to the faculty that there should be standard preparations ot uniform strength and possessing tho most advantages. To effect this and obviate the evil alluded to, 1 have made a num ber of exjieriment- to ascertain the most effectual Royal Medalion, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Mocel Brussels, Tkjieatry Brussels, Power Loom Brussels, Three ply Ingralu, Two ply Iugrain, Wool Dutch, English Druggeu, in v, riou.*. widths,) Mosaic Hearth llu^, Velvet and Cheniil.* Tufted Rugs, Piano and table Coven Door Muts(every variety i Silver k Brass Stair fens Carpets Bindings, Arc. ti.« .I.7.T.»i uer expenuieui^ io asceruuu uie niusi enecuiai ThO contractor Will bo required to outer into bond . n »- oKtrurtiniMlio i-irtn»4 nf lh*> -iurwimrllln tbe contract; and no bid will be accepted or contract entered into, until approved by thu Light lluu-e Board. Tlie contractor will bo required to keep at least, in the aggregate, oue mouth's rations lor the entire crew of tho light-vessel contracted for, on board ut all times; aud any espouse incurred ou account of failure to deliver rations or fuel iu time, will be chargeable to the contractor. No member of Congress, iightkcejicr, superinten dent or inspector of lights, nor any person connect ed with the Light-house establishment, will he al lowed to contract for or deliver rations for tho crew, ot? fuel of a light-vessel, nor to ho interested in such contract. No contractor, superintendent, or inspector will be allowed to change the jmrts of thu ration, uur the times that may be determined u jam for the delivery, without authority ofthe Board. Ail the articles constituting the ration for the crew of light-vessels will be examiued, aud their quulity upproved by the superintendent, or the inspector of the district, or by such other persou ns may be as signed to perform that duty ; aud uo bills will be l*aid for rations and fuel which are nut accompanied by receipts duly signed by the resjieeUve light-ves sel keepers for the different articles constituting the rations for tho crew for each quarter, and separate receipts for tho kiud and quautity ot fuel delivered on board of each light-vessel. No bid which fa not properly sealed and endorsed will be considered, and no bids will bo received or allowed to bo withdrawn after the explratlou of the time specified in the advertisement for receiving them. fails submitted by different members of the satuo firm or co-jiartncrsbip will not be considered. All bids will be publicly opened aud registered nt tho time specified in the advertisement. Tbo right to reject all bids if the iutcrest of tbe public sorvico require it, is reserved By order ortho Light-house Board : JOHN BOSTON, Sujieriutcudeut Lights. my 11 FBGN'CII M1LL1SEBY Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND lias open erl at her Rooms. No. 174 Broughton Street, a fine selec tion of Spring Milinery, ami fa constantly receiving |»er steam ers, new and different styles of Bonnets; also. Dross aud Mantilla patterns. ASf Bonnets cleaned and pressed as usual. aprlO KEDZIE’8 PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes on band. We warrant them to make tho Bavnnnali River Water, even though dipped directly out of tlie River, as pure tutd clear, as the form for their exhibition. Tho experiments have resulted most favorably, aud it fa with much pleas ure 1 now oiler to tlie public and tho faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, wliich coutaiu all the vir tues ofthe articles they are represented to bo made from in a highly concentrated form, and are tho most active preparations which can be made. Two ta bles jxxmsfo I of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lfabou diet drink, and ouo bottle fully equals in strength one gallon of Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoctiou as usually made. PRICKS: Fluid Extract Buchu, SI per bottle, or C for $5 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ •* *• “ Certificates of cures aud recommendation s from distinguished professors and physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared uud sold by H. T. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 203, Chestnut-at., near tbe Girard House Phila. To be bad of Druggists and lfealers in everystc- tioa of the United Stales and Canadas. All letters for the medicine directed to tho propri-! etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed. sept 1—ly-dtw j JOHN II. MOO HE ck CO., i GIBBON’S BUILDINGS. SAVANNAH.. Ga. WUOLESALEk RETAIL Dh lGGISTS. 1 Would call the attest>ou of Merchants, Factors, i Planters, Physicians aud other.-*, to their ex- : tensive nud well selected stock, comprising ' every article In their Hue ot business, aud which they offer for saleou the most reasonable terms for cash, or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GI-VSS. AC., White Lead, Pure am! No. 1 ; Tienian’s Colors, dry and in oil; Japan, CO pal. and Coach Varnishes ; Linseed OH, Spirits Turpentine, Window Gla.-s, Put- I ty, Gold Leaf, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Gla* I xiers’s Diamonds. LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANKERS' nilA Bleached Sperm, Whale and Lard Oifa, t>*r himiin w _ all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz.. Patent Oil CURTAIN AMD UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMF.S > Brocatelles, Lace and Muslin Curtail..- 8atln de LAines, Gilt Cornices, Satin aud Silk Damask, Gilt Pius and Ban-fv Worsted and Cotton Damask, Tassels, Loom uu Cords; Velvet and Plush ol various colors; Window Shades, new style. Also, every variety ol Furniture Covering, Tran mings and muterlals for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLO'lltS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Hxfasu* Rooms, cut to fit without a .-earn. The subscriber will oblige himself to make the prices ou all description of gouU us low he timam- quality can be purchased In any Northern city. 49” Carpets cut to Rooms and goods scut to u) part or the city froe of charge. BO* An experienced Upholster wiU attend to the making and laying of Carpets and Oil Cloths when desired. The decorative and curtain dejiartment U & charge of an Upholster of acknowledged taste and skill. W. H. GUI0N, Agent. OCL18 140 Congress and 57 St. JuLeu-su. DR. SANFORD’S INVIGORATOR, I S a mild laxative, tonic and b1imalant,and is. recommended to tho public, relying upon its it to trrnslc worth in the cure oflhe following complii&u All Biliious Derangements, Sick Headache, byspep* sia, Habitual Costivencs3, Chronic Diarrli«, Celle' Paui iu tho Stomach and Bowels, General Debility Female Weakness, Ac. For sale by Druggist* gen •rally, and by John. B Moore k Co, and Wm. W Lincoln. Savannah. lv feb!2 rr Id TIMBER i TIMBER 11 HE Undeesigncd has just received, for sale (500) Five Hundred piece.-* of good shippin' Timbe r, averaging over onethou?and feet to stick. 9 fob JEFFERSON KuBERIV. M ackerel, herring, salmon, ic.- 2 bids large No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do do do No 2 do 2 half bbfa Blue Fish, 2 do Ilckled Herring, S do No 1 Salmon. 5 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel, 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 kits Tongues and Sounds, 1000 lbs Cod Fish. For salo low by Jau2G J. A. BROWN. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For ono square, of300 ems or less, of any tvpe nc: larger than Nonpareil, 76 cents for the flrst&ndii $ cents for each subsequent insertion,for any timeles ' than one mouth. All Tubular work, with or without Rules; and Ao vertfacmenu occupying double column, ehall b charged double the above rates. ; Advertisement* of whatever length, for any tu& . less than one month, to be charged at ttsnsier- ‘ rates. Unbleached Sperm, Isird and Rape Seed i 'si; ufao 1 For a longer time at the following rates Tanners,’ Ncafa, Foot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTK'I-Es. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspice, Cuiuamon. Pejij>cr. Ginger, Mustard, Saleratus, Soda, Pear lash. Sweet Oil. Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, kc. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety ot the best French. Kugifah. and ; American Chemical*. Pharmaceutical lYeparatious, j Select fKiwders. Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie Jars, Metalic Saddle bags, «e. Also, CAMPUENE AND BURNING FLUID. Any one who may favor them with their order* may depend upon their receiving tbe best attention, aud that all goods furnished will be of u reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may he returned nt the option of the purchaser. ntuhio u j. 'e; be ford, AI’OTIIEC.UUES HAU. >. F- Corner Broughtou and Btruard Streets. Sava.. nah Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in 1 Square,.... $10 ‘ 16 $20 $24 $30 S Squures... 10 22 26 28 36 6- 3 do .... 20 27 32 36 44 do .... 24 32 38 42 62 ;; & do .... 27 36 44 46 60 5» 6 do .... 30 40 50 54 65 ft - • do .... 82 43 54 58 70 10* S do .... 34 46 68 62 74 11* 6 do .... 35 48 61 06 Hi 10 do .... 38 50 64 70 SO IS f A , B finest Spring M’atcr. About forty I Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Afll.ABA L-I1...MA n ... mb... ... ... Ill Mt'i. ,.. • *. '.I i.l I .1 ... A , _ I For any time not above specified, a projiortoi* < charge will be made. A deduction of 25 j>er ceut from tho above raft , will be made ou advertisements appearing exd w cively on the fourth page of the daily. . Advertisements ordered three times a week, v < be charged two-thirds the above rates. Special notices, 10 cents per line for tlie tir»t. «• ' of these Filters aro now iu use in J Pyo Stuffs, French, Erglisb. and American this city, and every person who ha* ‘ * Fine Toilet aud Shaving Soaj>*. Combs and wTwvta^lt 5 00,113 ^ 6l »hseqent Insertion, aua iu uoeft •an l'orinm. bo subject to contract. Marriage notices $1. f- _ * «****"». ner:il iiivit-m'rvni Xft ootita Afinl. Va cla.iiaI Mti.v theni, will cheerfully testify to their 1 Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental efficiency. Indeed, the Board or j Instruments, Trusses and Supporters of all kit..;*, \S Water Commissioners here, say iu : Spices, Suufi's, Manufactured Tobacco. .Ul the Patent their Report, it is the only Filter that does eifectual- j or Proprietary Medicines of the day. SnjH?ri<'r ink*, ly purify the Savunuah River Water. i Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purj-’-o.-, Call and see one in operation at our House Fur-! Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articfe.-. \c. nfahlngandStoveestablfament.IIodgsou’snewblock. ! N, B.—Esjiecial atteution given t • tin* KENNEDY & BEACH, • preparation or rhysiciaus’ Prescriptions aud Family Corner of Broughton and Bull sis. I Rocipes. Ship. Family aud Travelling Medicine t'a*,u, --- fni, I ; With plain Directions for use, including Directions fi*r ICE PITCHERSt ; trcalmenl 10 cases of poisoning. Drowning, feb 27 DOUBLE Water Pile hern, Sotminew and beautiful design*-. Plated and Brita- uia. At thu House FuruUhiug Store. 155 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. Savaunalt. April30. apr30 PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS, 10 13, 14, 15,16,17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29. ti 32, 41 40 ’ 4 ^« four Mc ^ 14 12, 42, two quarters each. II the rents due on tlie above lota are not paid on or before the 11th of June, I will proceed, on the or°oriihfance** 6 *° re ' eu,, * r same in terms Junel D. II. STOWART, c. m. PURfoBlCALST IJUT.N A518 Monthly Uagulne for Uiv. A »•>* L»U.’a ot rubloo. for fii r . BlwkwooJ’ii EdlDburgb li.vlsw ror April/ Aec<ived and for ill. by WARN) G ESrs COTtllN VKSIS-Jurt recoirrd •ud for sulD by J. W. THKtLKElD, nuytl Qiniran and WblUiiWor itreMi, m»yl0 ;ocs k DAMS, IM Couirwi itruu 1 B8Ui. r'LODlt in MOM nud lor wls l.aO by niAyt CRANK WKLia H OO. 5f> 01 »} 0 w c »t-w b » Braudy Inaton, ry.?. Dj ^»l.byu.oo l y 'ygjfettoi “7W MBarMttal, TO WOOL SELLERS THE Undersigned have this day opened a X Store in Congrotct street, opposite the Market, for the purchase of Wool, Sheep SklU3, Hides, Bees wax, Deer Skins, nud Country Produce in general. Tlie highest cash prices will he paltl for all the above articles on delivery Jn Savannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL* MARTIN has boon api>ointcd as Ageut, to whom all persona haring business transactions with tho un- derslgned may apply, J. W. SMYTHE k CO. Savannah, May 19,1660. may20 PIANO FORTES. HAVING latoly received large ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, we are enable*! to oiler ut tlifa time the greatest variety from the best manu facturers, from the plainest squnro to Hie most elab orately carved, and from six to seven octaves. Our Piauos are selected from the manufacturers whom we have full confidcuce lu, aud we are par ticularly requested by them to give a guaranty with every instrument sold by us as regards durability, tone, Ac. Poisons In want of a first rate Instrument may re ly witli safety upon getting such a oue by selecting from tlie following Quakers, whoso luNtrunumta we •ad?avor to keop constantly on hand, viz : H. Wor cester, J. Chickering k Son, Nunns k Clarke, Bacon It Ravens, II. Waters, and Haines, Brothers k Cam ming. I. W. MORRELL ft CO. aug 27 Btr V) GLN, WUltiKV AND HUM—For sale • ■ ut.*, nuioni anu ni/M—iur mu (t&aySO) WILLIAMS It RATCLIFF. C 1UHN AmNU CORN MEAL.—1U00 bus prime 1 / Corn, While and mixed; 50 do tr«*<h Corn Meal neral invitations 50 ceuts each. ~.Vo special cotk- iuiertod for less than 60 cents. Obituary Notice 1 Report*, Resolutions, or Proceedings of aiiyjkvii'. i .Association, or Corporation, ordered to be ptsWi*' i * ed. 5 ceuts per line. • Steamboats will be advertised at $40 per suf fer ca**h boat advertised. steamships, where but one fa runnier. $40j*er*- nuni; if two or more, $30 each. Auctioneers' advertisements not to be subject* contract, but to be charged at the rates prescribe r per square. The paper, uuder no circumstance*, to bellied t .' ed iu n contract. | Professional and business cants not exetodini 1 n store and for sale by dMfll PATTEN DUTTON V READ 1—READ 11-RE AD fl I lliut is, if you can see ; ami If you can’t see, you cau find — all kinds of “ helps to see.” at tho Watch and Jewelry Store of p. B. Nichols ft Co., in Congress street, next door to tlie corner of Whitaker, where you cau purchase Watches, Jewelry. Silver Ware, and Fancy Goods, as low a* at anv other sforo in the country. We have received per stcaui*h>p Alabama a trosb lot of those fine Steel Spectacles ; nl*«». a supply of Pebble aud Perfacopic Lens, which we are projvirod to fit in uli kinds of frame?, nt short notice, our reriscopic Lens (so called from their peculiar shaju*) : have aii advantage over all others, as thev hav lines, will be inserted at $20 per annum. Calls on persons to become candidates, trill •' inserted as other ad\ ertisemects. to be juid for : variably In advance. Anuounciug candidates for office, $lo, to l*e : iu aiivance. i Advenfaewents not marked on the capy is; • specified time, will be inserted until forbid, H* paytmut exacted. I When any btli for two mouths advertising. tliau cun tract, aiucunts to over $50. a dedwiiot * 25 |H-r cent will be made. I Yearly advertising, with privilege el ebatge* 5 be taken at the following rates : For ono square, renewable once a week, fy .. .. .. tw j co .. fl •• *• •• 3 times orottenet a Every additional square contracted for to be ebri 1 greater range of focus, so that the reader t* uot ed onc half be above rates additional compelled to hold the book or paper at a c.-rtaiu j „•'• »‘tve r, uew ehri! be limited to tlit *A‘ dlstouco from the ove. Call aud see | contracted U r. All contract shall be In wiw ’ d it NICHtd’* ft CD . stating definitely tho nature of the builw.*s h Aar No charge f.»r showiiirf cood* I advertised. Any advertisements not properly* niuril |i h s t ui • neried with tho business shall be charged separD -rrrr^— — ^—-7——-r—-r. I ly. and also any excess of matter over the OPE—iOO coils Hope, various brands, nil I contracted for. of good quality, lu store and for sale by 1 apr29 BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO. /"10RX—In store and for 6ale by inir."» LO XKl’f vAN’i-lUdS G3 Mercer university. PENFIELD, GA. FACULTY. l’K&UDCM, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. I). PKOFBSSORS. College. 8. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. W1LLET, A. M.. Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. II. H. TUCREK. A. M., Belles Lcltres. U. W. WISE, A. M., Greek and laitin liinuuages. WILLIAM G. WOOnUN. A. B Modem Lanuuascs. Theological Seminary. N. M. CRAWFORD, I>- D:, Ecclesiastical History and Biblical latcraure. WILLIAM WILLlAife, A. M„ Systematic anil Pastoral Theology. Academy* THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. The Oommeucemeulls hold on the last Wednesday In July. Tho next Totra will comuonoe on tho last Wed nesday iu August. The price or Board lu the villag^*fa $10 per mouth; washing, room ront, fuel, ftc., S-t. By order ofthe Board of Trustees, my 12 2m S. LANDRUM, Secretory. - /*iUUA UOLASSES^-Tho cargo of the brig w 11. B. Lawton, of superior quality. For sale by mayifiR vadklford, fay a co.m Contract advertisements payable quartet lJ-*' vertisemeuts from strangers aud tranrieut pm**, payable iu advance. Ati others will be cosiiit-'t- dm* when called tor. Regular advertisers and all others sending mumcatious or requiring notices designed to j tent ion to fairs, couccrts, soirees, or any pubbe*^ tertaiuuients, where charges arc nisue lor s^; fauve—alt notices of private associations, ever.* ^ I tlve derigued to call attention to private enterff*^ I calculated or iuteuded to promote individual rest.-*, cau only he Inserted with the nndersua-** . that tho same fa to be paid for. If inserted it* I editorial coiumu (which can be only st tie tfey i lion ot the editors) the same will be charged »tt- I rate of uot le^s than 20 ceuts per line. ,, f Advertisements ordered in the Weekly pal'*’-' 4 per square for each Insertion. i Tlie undersigned, publishers of Daily, W-wto* aud Weekly ucwsjiapers in Savannah. Ga., ourselves strictly to adhere to the above r- charges, aud iu uo instance to deviate therefrofr The above rates lo tako effect March 1, l»66-» J to coutiuue binding, until changed by the voito majority ortho undersigned. i N. B.—This schedule shall not in any way the integrity or existing coutructs. AUoontrscftV I It’S vi>nf nr anv nllinr a'XJclflod time, shallOUly ea** J the period for which tW tt# year or any other specified time, shall only> with tho expiration of the period for wklca were made, Alkxaxdct ft 8*Tcd, Republican. Tuoxnav ft WnmxoTOX, Morning Aevs t H Hn.v»x ft Oo w Gsoiyian k Jtvetw> PLUMBING. ruvauin w>. ... I ■pLUimiXO, intlltu varioni bnuicbs.^ I X tended to at the shortest notice, and fai I atyle. Also, may be found Shower Baths, I ed Iron. Tin and Leaded Bath Tubs; Oipper *{J51 Patent ran Wafer CtoMta, Lead HPto.sfatetl^l Brass and Rated Oocka, Force Pumps, India I Hon. Hot sale at the ttoure Furnlsb Store, Ns- v | ft siay MW “- h«u«ms»