Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 11, 1856, Image 4

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w •TATI OV GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY.—To oil whom it may concern ; Whereas, John P. Hines will apply «i too Court of Ordinary for letlora UtomlMorr m ad- mlnletrator an the haute of James C. Hines • These are, thoroforo, to cite and admonish all art*, luurwuro, 10 cue ana aumomsn ail ySVSSlIBSISfaSil'SSi^!*^!^. whom II 0>»r concern, to be ut npiww before uld i^Qft^a^fEMntfoTWIlUun^liSuhNi tra, §■“““ ,,r “* U " C “' thertfore, to die and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objection (If any they havo) on or belbro the Aret Monday tn November next, othwlae said Let ter! will be fronted. Witness, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary tor Chatham Oouaty, this e.ght day of April 1856. JOHN* BILBO, o o. o *y» C HATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Juno next, beforo use Court House, between the legal hours of sale, lot number twelve (18) New Franklin Ward, la tho CUy of lavannah, situated on tbo corner or Mont- comery street end Battle Row. togethor with tho tnree^tory brick warehouse situated thereon; levied on W satisfy a certain fl. (k. Issuing out of Chatham Superior Court, la fevor of Johu Scudder vs. Clar- enoe P. iloUts Property pointed out tn sold fi- fa. BENJAMIN L. COLE, may* Shorin' C.C. *TATKd^^EOU6lA, piUTHAlf COUNTY To all whom it may con Court to make objection (tr any they nave) on or be foro the first Monday In December next, otherwise said letters will bo granted Witness, John Bilbo, Esq. Ordinary lor Chatham county, this fourth day of June, IBM. June 0 JOHN BILBO, o. o. o. ADMlMSTItAVOR'S fcALK, P URSUANT to an order or tho Honorable tbe Court ol Ordinary of Chatham county, passed June terra, 1856, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in August next, before tho Court llouso door iu said county of Chatham, between tbe legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit.: Lota Nos. throe (8) and four (4), being part orGarden lot No. nine (0), Spring Hill, City of Savannah, fronting on Railroad VJ cent: Whereas, Ellrabetb Kibero, will apply at the Conn or ordinary tor letter* or administration on the eetate of Joseph Rlbero . These ere, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It mer concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the flret Monday In July next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness. John Bilbo, Esq., ordinary for Chatham county, thle second day or June, lain, June 8 JOHN BILBO,.... c. c. STATE. OF OKOROiA, CHATHAM CO. T > ell whom it may concern: Whereas Mary Ann Dent will apply at the Court of Ordinary for lot* tore Dismlteory on the estate of James P. Dent,— Thesearo therefore to cite aud admouisli all whom It may concern, to be and appear beforo said Court, to make objections (If any they havo) on or before the First Monday In Docember uoxt. otherwise said letter* will be granted. Wltnees John Bilbo, Kwi., Ordinary for Chatham Oounty, this third day of June, 1856. JeS JOHN BILBO, O.C.C. street; also tho following negro slaves Jack, Peter, Alexander and Sarah. Sold as the property of the estate of Samuel Griffin, laie of said county, deceased, for the benefit or tbe heirs and creditors of said ea- tate RICHARD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis non, on je4 Estate of Samuel Griffin, O N the first Monday In August next. I will apply to tho Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell the negro slaves bepnglng to thee state ol Clara A* Ogilbay, deceased, for the bonetlt of tbe hotrs and credit ns of said estate. June 4 JAMES A. La ROC UK, Adm'r. lUto. gorh ^bbertiseuunts. From V. II. PALMER, OSXKRAL XDVEETtHSQ AND XKWSPArXM AQKXI, New York. Philadelphia, and Baltimore. JAMBS O. FIOLBB, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF Watches. Jewslgylllver Ware, Fan- no. 18, aotro to snunrr, nxLbtittu. septs ly NELSON 8WKBZRY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Corner Alter Place and 4th Avenue, in cum rnouumr to th* whtuh umuKt and tri nkw MB LX QOCNS, NSW YORK. rpHE most extensive variety and the largest I stock of Monuments, Tombs,. Head Stones, fto., In America, con bo found at this establishment, from plain to the must elaborate and ornate in design and workmanship. In addition to tbe stock always on hand, a great variety of drawing*, appropriate and original may bo found, from which work will bo ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders lkithfolly executed, and shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting tbe city ol New Yerk on pleasure or business are respectIUlly invited to visit this es tablishment. octa VIRGINIA SPRINGS! CITY HUE RIFF’S SALE. W ILL be sold before the Court House dour in the city of Savuunah. on the first Tuesday In July next, between the legal hours of sale. The follow ing articles, 2 counters, 1 desk, t iron chest. 1 wardrobo and all the interest of Edward Murphy, tn and to the lease of lot aud butldiug situated on th* corner of Whitaker aud Congress streets, to satlsQra fi. fa. Issued iu favor of William B. Gault, pointed out by va. Murphy, & Devauny, i -lafondant. "" ** may 81 CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. property p defendan t. ED. M. I’REN DERG AST, s r. W ILL be sold beforo tho Court House door, in the CUy of Savannah, on tho first Tuesday iu July next, between the usunt hours ofsnlo, oust half of No. 8 Green Ward, bonuded as follows:—north by Broughton street, west by lot No. u, south by a lane and east by lot No. 7. levied on us tbo profterty of James L. Oliver,, to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued out of the Honorable tbe City Court of Savannah, lit favor ofD. B. Nichols vs. lames I,. Oliver. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms cosh Purchaser paying for titles. KinV. M. PHEXUEMMST, «y3I CUy Sheriff CITY SHERIFF’S SALE*. "1IT1LL be sold before tho Court House door iu f f the City of Savanuah. on the first Tuesday iu July next, between the legal hours of sale, lot No. 27, contains 69 feet, more or less, being a iiortion of Garden lot No. 11, west, iu the city of .savannah, bounded as follows:—East by Purse street, south by lot No. —, north by street not named, und west by lot No. —. levied on as the property of Ann Doblo, to satury a 0. fa. Issued out ol the Honorable the CUy Court of Savannah, in favor of John Gallabor vs Ann Doble. Property pointed out by plaintiff.— Terms cash. Purchaser paying for titles. KDW. M. PREXDEKGAST, «oy31 City Sheriff. „ Tn CITY SHERIFF’S SALE? * Xy ILL be sold, before the court house door iu V f the city of Savannah, oil the first Tuesday iu July next, between the legal hours of sale. One Au- IJUUMd Waynosboro* Railroad Company’s Bond, No. 409—levied on a*s the property or William Dunn to satisfy two fi. fas. Issued out or the honorable the uty Court or Savanuah, one in favor of Jamas B. Raad vs. William Dunn, and the other in favor of John Ingersoll vs. William Duuu. Term* cosh. F.IMVAHIi II. I'RENnKRflAST. rc»y slierlir c. s. S TATE OK GEORGIA—Bl’l,LOCH CO„ May 20th, 1866—Two months aftor date application will bo made to tbo Honorable Court nr Ordinary or said County for leavo to sell nil the lands belonging to tMwatate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, for tho benefit of the holra and creditors und said deceased, . tny23-8w JOHN E. GIBSON. Adm’r. YJlEOROlA—BL'LLOCH CO,—All persons having demands agalu&t tho K-tate of Thomas Mills, late of said oounty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate ar* requested to make Immediate payment to M HARDY 1). HODGES, Adm’r- May 20th, 1866. myW-Ow NOTICE. WO month* from date application will be made to tho Ordinary of Chatham County, for leave to teh lot No. 151,0th district, Baker, belong. In* to th® estate of Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, 7nny2 Administrator. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. TOHN M. WILLIAMS, having assigned all V his property, both real and personal, to adjust hi* debts, all persons having legal claims against tbe said John M. Williams, will please hand them to tho undersigned without dolay, as it is quite desirable to asoertaln the extent of indebtedness, find to per- foot a speedy settlement of the assigned property aprto HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. ADMIsTIUTOU’N notice. A LL persons having demamls against tho estate of the late Charles H. Arnold, doccased, are neroby notified to preseut them, properly attested, within tbe time proscribed by law; aud all those lu- deb tod to said estate. are requested to make imme diate payment to EDWARD FADELFORD, may8 Administrator. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. M B. Louis Robider having made au assign ment for tbo benefit or bis creditors, all per sons tadsbtod to him will please make payment to ms. And those having demands against him are requested to pfesoutthom, that payment may be mad* as for as tho a3setts will extend. A. BON AUD, Asiignoe Savannah, May 19,1656. a?ay20 GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALTHL W ILL besold beforo the door ofthe Court House in the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of Bale, tho following property, to wit.:—Cus- Bins, Jim, Ghloe, and Simon—levied on by virtue ol fi. fo. Issued out or the Honorable Superior Court of Glynn County, in favor of Horace B. Gould vs. Alex ander Scranton and Jamo* Gowon. Ad mini Orators of Mary Abbott, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. may28 M. V. 13. WRIGHT, S.G.C. BROUGHT TO JAIL. 3rought to Jail In Swalnsboro, Emanuel Co , __ tbo 4th Instant, a negro man; he nay* hit namo Is Harry; that ho belongs to tho cstato ol Thomas Clay, of dryau County, Ga. JIo is of light complexion, with a slight scar over the left eye;about 5 feet 3H' incite* in height, and about 20 years old. The owner is requested to coiuo forward, pay charges and tako him away, as he will bo dealt with as tbe law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET. Je9 Jator. NOTICE. ~ A LL persons having demands the ostnte or Richard F. Williams, late of Chatham conn- ty, deceased, are hereby uotified to present thorn within tho time prescribed bylaw to the subscri ber ; and all indebted to the said estate are request ed to make immediate paymeut to M. B. MILI.KN, Administrator do bonis non. March 26—Ow _ ltwtJyUl—Jc 7* UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Southern District of Georgia. 'At the Martha! of the Southern DUfrk! of lieorgia, Greelingt W HEREAS James Ruchford do Wolf, Junto* Fish er Jones, James Gurnock, and Robbert llibby, owners or the ship Elisabeth, havo exhlbltoil their libel or complaint lit the District Court of tho United States for tho Southern District of Uonrgia, alleging and propounding that tho said libellants are tho true and legal owuersofthe said ship Elizabeth, of which Thomas Williams is aud lately was mas-tor, that on tho uight of the fifth of April, in the year eighteen hundred and fifiy-six, the said ship Eliza beth was lying In tho River Suvauuah, at Venus’ Point, well iu shore, und was at that time a staunch und well built ship, ofthe burthen of nine hundred and fifty tuns, or thereabouts, and Mittlelenlly pro vided with upparel, tackle und furniture, and pro. porly manned with a sufficient crew to work und unvigato said ship, that on the said night ofthe fifth of April, cightoeu hundred and fifty-ilx, about seven o’clock in the evening, a .“fgnul luutcrn was hung out in the forestay of said ship Elizabeth; tlmt about eight o’clock ou tuo night of tho said fifth of April, whilst tho said ship Elizabeth was so lying at Venus* Point, iu the Savuunah River, witliiu the ebb aud flow ofthe tide, and within the admiralty und mara- time jurisdiction of the District Court of the United States, for tho Southern District of Georgia, securely moored, the steamship Keystone State, whereof Robert Hurdle was master on hor way trnm Phila delphia to tho city of Savannah, canto up the Savan nah River under full hcudwuy, and then and there, with great force aud violence, ran iutouud upon the Baid ship Elizabeth, smashing the side of the fore castle of said ship Elizabeth, brcuklng five of tbe forecastle beams, started tho deck, carried away the bowsprit, and other dutuugc did to the suit! ship Elizabeth, os itt said libel is stated, rcudering it tic* cessury to discharge u part of her cargo, aud to bring uor up to tbe city of Savannah for repairs, at great expense and loss of time; that it is impossible to ascertuiu exactly what will be the exteul ofthe damages, but as fur as calculation can be made the duniage .sustained by auch collision to the said ship Elizabeth, ainouuts to tho sum of ten thousand dol lars; that this occurred in the admiralty and mnra- tlme jurisdiction of .said Court, all of which the libel lants pray leave to furuisk proof of, aud have also prayed a decree for their duranges aforesaid, and costs, uml that tho ordinary process may Issue. And whereas the Judge ofthe District Court afore said hath ordered and directed that the ordiuary process should issue, returnable to tbe United .Slates Court Room in the city of Suvauuuli, ou tbe 12th day orjuue next, ut eleven o'clock, A. M., Now, therefore, you aro hereby authorized, em powered aud strictly enjoined peremptorily to elte and admonish all persons having, or pretending to have, any right, title, Interest, or claim to the said steamship Keystone tftatc, her machinery, tackle, apparel and furniture, by nil lawful ways and means whereby this monition tnay be .made most public aud notorious, to bo und appear at the time uml place aforesaid, before th<- Judge uforeeuid, to show cause, If any they have, why Judgment should not pass us prayed for, anti to do and receive what unto law ami justice shall appertain, und whatever you shall do in the premises you shall certify to the Judgo aforesaid, ut the time aud place afore.-udd, to gether with this writ, Witness the Honorable Johu 0- NtcoJI, Judge of said District Court, this twenty-third day of May eighteen hundred und fifty-six. LAW, BARTOW & LOVELL, Proctors for Libellants. .Ill iwrsons interested in this monition will take due notice. HAN’L H. STEWART, U- H. Marshal. Savannah, 23d May, i860. CITY MARSHAL’S BALES. WILL be sold, on tbe first Tuesday iu July ▼ f noxt, in front of the court house Improvements on lot No. 8, Monlraolhnvfiie t< satisfy City Tux Executions vs.Counelh , for tear. 1661 aud 1856. Also, Lot aud improvement No. 12, putt ut Dur den Lot No. 11. west, the property of Mrs. Ellen O'Reilly, to satisfy City fax Executions tor 1805. Also, Lot No. 16 und improvements, Franklin ward, as the property of M Hrendeiyast, for Taxes for 185f». Also. ee~t half of ls»t No. % Calhoun ward, the property of Mrs. Bridget Cary aud children, lor Taxes for 1855 Aho, Lots No.-:, ill and 20, Wesley amd, as the property of Edward Perry, lor Taxes for 1866. Also, Let No. 61, Brown ward, ns the properly of estate of Patrick O’Connell, Hr., lor Taxes for 1853 Al.o, Improvements on south half of Lot No. 33, Warren ward, as tho property of Miss Matilda Ru sey, for Taxes for 1654 and 1866. Also, cast half of Lot No. 28, north udo of Marga ret streot, tho proporty or Mrs. Rachael Wise ar.d daughter, for Taxes for 1855. Also, Lots Nos. 47 und 02, Walton ward, as the property of John McCormick, for Taxes for 1865. Also, Lit No. 4, Washington ward, as tho proper ty of Mrs. M. M. Dibble and children, for Taxes for 1855. Also. Lot No. 14 aud cust half of Jail No. 1ft, par ofGurduu 1/it No. 33, east, as the property of the estate or 8. A. Paint, for Taxes fur 1851 and 1865. Also, I/it No. 24, Ufayelte ward, as the propei-tv of John M. Milieu, for Taxes for 1866. SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND A DANVILLE, AND Vl%*glitl« Si Tennessee tr£T SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GLYNN NHEIUFfr-’S SALE. W ILL be Bold boforo tho door of the Court House, In the city of Brunswick, County orGlyiin, on the first Tuesday In July next, between tho legal hours of sale, tbe following properly, to wit.:—Ono undivided half of a tract or parcel of laud containing two hundred and fifty acre?, (more or less) lying and helag in the county of Glynn, bounded south lie lands granted to Michael Pon.soll, northwardly hv lands granted to Jolm Lamb, senior, east by (amis unknown. Levied on as the property of Celia l/nub, tosatlsiy a fi. fa. Lssucd out of the Honorable feiipo- rlor Court or Glynn county, iu favor of Daniel Mcln tosb vs. Celia Lamb. Property pointed out by de- fondant. M. C. H, WRIGHT, may28 Bhorlif Glynn County. OTATK dK'GEUlili 1 A. I.IUKHTY CO. rjlO all whom it may concorn:—Whereas 4a*nn JL Floyd will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor letters of administration on the estate of Allen D. Floyd, Th Also, I/il No. 10. Mnntinollinvillo, us Iho properly of James Beuolst, lor Tuxes for 1864 and 1855. Also, Improvements of qiurler l/»t No.lti.GrcPtie ward, as the jirojwrt.v of Mrs. Baker, for Taxes for 1864 und 1856, Also, Garden 1/d No. 68, east, as the propertv of W. P. Bowen, for Tnxos for 1864 uml 1856. Also, I/it No. 47, Jasper ward, os the property ol Mrs. .1. W. Ryersoti, for Taxes lor 1865. Also, west half or 1/it No. 4. south side of Hry street for Tuxes for 1864. Al3o, south half of 1 Trustees’ Garden, as tlio property ofthe estate of Worthington, for Tuxes for IWw- DANIEL II. STEWART, «»ay City Marshal. TH 1 Jh These are therefore to cite uu-l udtiMil*h oil whom it may concern, to be and appear before »aid court, to make objections, ir any limy have, on or before the first Mciuduy In July iiom, otherwiseaaid letters will be grantod. Witness W. P. Girurdeuu, wrdiuurv for Libeitv County, this 27th day or April, I86«. . W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. I.. c. REMOVAL. Tlioflubscrlber has Removed on tho Bay, next door to tho Kepiihlluan. olllce, where he is now o|icniug a hamlsonm assortment of 81* RIN «L _ AND RUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell hv tho ! palforn or make to order in tho most laahiofiablo i-tylo. Also, Ready Made Clothing for I he pre-ent and coming season. Thankful for post luvors, ho hopes to merit a con tinnanco of the same. GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N the Unit Monday in July next application will be made to the honorable tbe Court «•! Oidiuu* ry of eald couuty for letters ol administration on the estate of Gideon McGowen, late of raid county do- eeased. ANN MiGOWKN. June 2 nOtTCe. T IREE mouths after duto application w ill be made to the Marino Bunk of Savannah, for tbo pay ment of two Twenty dollar bilia, viz : letter 11,3070, and letter O, 697, tno loll halves of which Imve been lost. JAMES P. HUDSON. Tallahassee, Fla., May 17, I860. 3m* my’JO ADMiNIMTItATRiX MALE.' N. B.—Cutting, Altering uml Repairing done at the shortest noth- Just rocoivod While Drill Coals and Pauls, White aud Figured Marseilles Vests, for sale at a small pro- “prPJ .JOHN W. KELLY. DRAPER AND taILOR; Ik JIEin £K O N the firstTuo/day iu July noxt will im sold in front ortho Court Ilouso, in tho city of Huvau- cab, all tho real estate belonging to tho ostalo of James M. Bates, Into of Chatham County, deceased. Sold by permission ofthe Court of Ordinary, and by •rderor the Administratrix, for (lie bonolit of the heirs aud creditors. ANN 11. BATES. «aay25 Administratrix. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. Tlio aubsorlbor lakes this opportunity to Inform his friends and the public, that bo Is enabled, from experience, atrd the Jntuitlvo porcuptlous of tho truths ecionco. based ou the common rules of surveying forms, both piano uml Bphorical, to cut and make up garments to lit Iho human form lit the most complete and liuUhnd stylo, to nil who may favor him with » call. Boys’ fancy dresses, Bull costumes, Military and Firemen's Uniforms, Ax.,&c. . IP I*. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., uuo door North of Broughton street, dec 7—ly sath house, HOT, COLO AND NIIOWHIl. rpHE BATH HOUSE having boon luiuilnoimily „ . opened on Haturday, 2d of March. SjBft* Bathe 25 couts—tt\x tickets for f LOU »»r4 J. M. HAYWOOD, Agont. B AQGI .vG AND HOPE.—fiU balHS heavy Gunny Clpth,20 bolts heavy Dundee (for 8oa IhI- anue,) 60 boltn madluni do 44 luchee, 300 ooile Ky Rope, 000 lha Bagging Twice, In atore and for aal ?y JOT \2 WKBHTKR A PALMKfl- T^ltKHH Halnion, isjlwters and HarUines, for X sale by j au g a RONALD. COD FISH, MACKEREL AND IIEll- ■ RINGS. TJU8T received 6 hhds choice Ood Fish 20 bbla fJ extra No 1 end No. 2 Mitckerol: lb do extra Pickle Herrings, 60 boxes Hmokod Herrings in store and for sale by DAVID O’OONNFR. nuip 10 Corner Broghton & BraytonetH, OUNDHIES- kJ 26 bills Hugar Crackers—froali. 20 “ Butter “ *• 16 “ Hoila lliscuii 26 boxes “ *• tt 26 bbla No. 1 Hugar, 60 “ A, B aud 0 Hugar, Received and for sale by McMAHON ti DOYLE. Nos, 206 and 207 Bay at. my!7 P aper hanoinob and borders— Just received a great aeaortmout of the most elegant patterns, with bordera to matoh, bom 8 oenti to gl, at CHAFFER A OO. '8, •pr80 No. fi Whitaker street. Shortest, most - comfortable and mosl expeditious Route to tlin ByronTi, i ili Hi II n B ADYsarauMi aukxct. rniuDkxrHu. ra. Authorised Agent for the Savannah Journal. aHHwwrwmnBj kihu'-hioop WITH HALL’S 1 , DR. W. R. MOSELEY'S INFIRMARY. 1 FOB the treatme>t of Can- 4 * BOOK AND JOB PRINTING NKATl.Y KXECUTKD AT THK m -PROOF LOCK, Having received tbe Prife Medal at tho World’s Fair, are now offered to the public [SS tbo Prize Safe of ltbe World. Tested and approvod as they , r have boon every where, their crowning victory wa9 reserved to be awarded by the Juries ortho World’sFalr. Tho proprietor placed Ono Thousand Doilurs iu Gold iu tho one exhibited at tbe World's Fair, Luu don, and invited til tho Pick-Locks in the world to open tbe 8afe, wlth or without tbe keys, and take the raonoy as a reword for their Ingenuity ; although oporatedupon by several skilled in the art, no one could Pick tbe Lock or open tbe Hafo. By an Improvement upon tho original Salamander, Introduced by tho proeentownor ortho patent-right, tho interior is rendered wholly impervious to damp, and books, paper* and Jewelry might he preserved Iu ono of his aafos for a ceutury without contracting a blemish from mould or luilldew. To guard against counterfeits every SaTe from the manulhetory of tho subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, has a brass plate In front, bearing Ida namo: each is also l\irni9hed with one of his Im proved Thief Detecting Locks, which Is a good guar antee against robbery. 8. C. HERRING & 00., Nos. 136,137 and 189 Wator-at., N. Y. Agents iu Savanuah, Messrs. BEIL ft PRENTISS, who keop constantly on hand a foil and complete assortment, which they wiU sell at I(a&ufilcturers , prices. sopt28 SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. * ■ corn, Wens, Fistula, and all kinds 1 ol Tumour4, is now open lor tho I reception of Patients. Ills Inflr-1^_ tnary la totaled neur the Do|»ot and Post 013co i Broadway, and tooluins about Unity largo and wu. VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. And Baggage Checked Through, except on Stages. Visitors to tbo Virglultila Springs by this route, take the South-Side Railroad cars at Petersburg, or tbo Ricbmoud and Danville curs ut Richmond, at t) A. M., dally, (Sundays excepted,) arrlvo at l.yuch- burg to liiuuci-, and tiienco, via tbo Virginia uud Tennessee Haiiroad. roach Bousuck's DcjMilut 3 1-4, and Salem at 4 I*. SI., and at eilhur place take Kent, SiounuTtoii ti t'o’a Flue Line of Ntitgca 1 Those via DouoackV lodge ut Kincusllo, dine at tbo Rod Sweet, or Sweet Springs, und arrive ut tbo White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) curly ou the evening ofthe second day troin Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT riUVEI., pud with but 1)4 iiiUom of Htugitig. Or by tlio Sak-m ruulc, stop all night at tlio Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (IU tulles distant from Salem,) diue at the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, and arrlvo at the White Sulphur Springs on the cveulug of Uiu following day. The Virginia .V Tcuue.->.->co Uallroad is liHiutod through u moat romautic country, po&t,cssing a cli- mute tiieoirpajsed for ifortuluhrity aud delightfultcm- |H-ratuie. Tho road patsc.; the base ofthe 1’KAKS OF OrrEU! Aud within three miles of the Alleghany Springs, ono mile of tho Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, and within four mllosof the Yellow Sulphur Springs; all pieusuutiy situated u tew miles apart, on the Kutdcrn slope ofthe Alleghany mountain, in Mont gontcry county. Tlio waters of theso Springs aro celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations arc excellent, and have been greatly increased sinco lust season. 49*Vtsitors to the Red Sulphur Springs take Kcut, Bumtnerson ft Co’s Stages at Newborn Dojwt, on the evening of the day that they leave Peters burg or Richmond, aud arrive at the Sprlugs ou the following day to dinner, and Suit Sulphur Springs early in tlio evening of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. Tho Road from Newborn Depot to tho Red Sul phur Springs, (38 miles,) has been graded und greatly improved since lust seasou, uud is now re- gurdod asono of tho best turnpikes in the moun tains. Tho line of Telegraph from Ricbmoud will he com pleted and iu operation to tho Montgomery White Sulphur Springs early in Juuc. Pussengera to Knoxvillo, Tcunc.«sre, take Kent, Suuimerson ft Go's stages ut the Western terminus of the Virginia ft Tonmwsce Ruilroad, now 180 miles from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at the rate of 8 miles tier tnontU) to the Eastern termi nus oT tho East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, and arrive at Knoxville lu 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. IjOOAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIRE- PHOOV UCAUTim OP WILDER'S SALAMANDER SAFES, At Manufactured ty Steam* <6 Marvin. New York. lathe fire ofthe 3d Inst., which consum ed tlio brick bulldlug occupied by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, op] km I to I tho Gas Works, in this city, was u safe ol __ tho abovo descriptions containing tho books, paiairs, and money of Mr. Thomas, and although thu building wub Uetroyod, tho said Safe susUilnoil uo Injury whatever from the lutenso heut to which It had bceu exposed. Un open ing Iho Safe, tho contents were fouud undisturbed, und iu the sumo order und condition os when placed there, except a slight discoloration to the projecting i-iuls of a fow papers, aud thu bucks of ono or (woof the books, caused by tho steam generated in the Hafo, while at Its grontest bent. Tbo Safe and contents, as It came from tho ruins, may still bo soon, in tho possession of Mr. Thomas, ut tho Gus Works. A large assortment of these cele brated Safe* always on baud,and for sale by 0. II. CAMPFIE1J), Agent for thu Manufacturers, July 28, 1865. 171 Hay-sl., Savuunah, Ga. Merchants can be supplied at ahorI notice with j BIU-Hcade, Dili* or Lading, Dray Books, Clmulurs, Cuitls iiEtMUULXft* . GENUINE PREPARATIONS. llelmlNtld’M Highly Coticenli-ul«d Cuui pound Fluid Extract . - , \ ,, / , IS A CERTAIN, SAFE, AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY i furnished Rooms, with good aud trusty servant?, E OR l)l.ioa c. ol the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, wsya at hand, both ludlea and gentlemen aro rouciv- Dropsy, Weakuesa, Secret tfisuusus, Obdiuc- I fhie lu^Ututlon, and will receive the mostatrlc I, Female Complaints, und all dHousea ol the i and klud attention from the Proprietor, os well u i.; his Mutron His nrfu-tiM. in a,. " ** Sexual Orgous, whe'llier in , hie Mutron. His practice iu that-horrible dlae^r MALE OR FEMALE. i Caucer, for tbe past teu yeurn is hot surpassed hv from whatever cause they tnuy have oilginutod, uud any Physician lu tbe South. Patients aro boaruud and Blank Books* Particular attention given to BOOK AND PAM PHLET PRINTING, such as Catalogues for Colleges, Proceedings of Meetings, Reports, By-Laws, etc. Thuukful for the very liberal putrenugo heretofore received, wo respectfully solicit a cuutlnuauce ol the same, reeling that we hImII be able to please all who may favor us with a call, both as to prices uud uxocutlim of work. Proposals for Rations and Fuel for Llght^Vcssels. COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, ) SCH’XMIXTXMDINt OF LlUIIW. I Savannah, loth May, 1868.) Q BALED proposals will be received at this k3 olllce until 12 o’clock, M., on the 1st day or July next, 1868, for furul.shiug and delivering Ra tions uud Fuel on board the Llght-vesHols 111 this Collection district, vis.; at Murtlu’s ludustry and Tybee Island Kuull, for one year from the Urst day of July 1858, to the UUth June, 1667, inclusive. The ratious to bo of good aud approved quality, to bo delivered iu good uud Hufllcleut packages, barrels, boxos uud cusos, am! In goo<l order, on board the above named light-vessols, at least once a quarter, froo or ox|k-uho to the United Status, and agreeably to tbe anucxod table ol tbe weekly rutiou, viz.: Fare from Petersburg or itiehmoml. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Spi lugs via Bouaack’«,$lO 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Snieui.... 10 60 •• White Sulphur Springs - Housuck’x 11 00 “ “ “ “ *• Salem.... 11 60 “ Rod Sulphor Springs l*j 25 *• Alleghany Springs 8 00 “ Montgomery Whito Sulphur Springs 8 26 “ Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 45 "Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Non*.—Tho cliurgo for tickets to the Alleghany Springs, Montgomery White Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, does not include tho churgo from tho Ruilroad to the Spriug*. Passengers tor the A1 • Icglmny Springs, (4miles distant,) take tickets to Shawsville—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mile distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnel and for tbe Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) take tickets to Christiansburg depot. Con veyances will bo found ut thaso places. For further Information apply to K. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES OAMPBK1A, Sup’t Richmond ft Danville R. R., Richmond. E. H. GILL, Sup’t V, ft T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERfiON ft CO., tayl3-8iu Flnca3tle, Virginia. tl B* T BAli H AIL. H O A1). O N and after Sunday, the 14th October, inst., and until further notice, the Passenger Trains ou tue Central Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND UAOON. Leaves Savannah Dally at.,.6 a u and 12.16 r m. Arrive In Macon •• u ..2.l& p n " 1 am. Leave Macon •• ".11.45 am « 9.30 pm. Arrive In Ssvan’h •• '‘10.46 mi 11 7.20 s M HtTWKRX SAVANNAH AND ACOCSU. Leave Savannah 12.16 p « and p. u. Arrive in Augusta 8.45 pm •• 6.30 a M. Leave Augusta , ..i6. a m •• 4.30 pm Arrive in davannah 1.30 m •• 10.46 p SCTWKKX MACON AND ACQCStA. Leave Macon,.......... .11,46 a m and M.30 p n. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 pm “ 6.30 a m. Leavo Augusta 0. a m •» 4.30 pm. Arrive in Macon ,.,,2.16 pm 1. am. BCTWESN HAVANNaH, MTURXIKVILU ft BA1VINT0N. Leave Savanuah 6. am Arrive in Mllledgeville 2.46 p m. Leave Macon u 46 a m Arrive in tlatouton m, W. M. WADI.EY Gen’i Supt. Savanuah, Ga., Oct. 12, I860. octl5. CHANGE OK SCHEDULE ON THE sou oTtt witaP Ao New York & New Orleans Nails. H N ‘ U tw and after Sunday, February 3d, 185(1, two dally trains between Macon and Columbiw, niul ono betweeu Macon and Auiericus, I-oavo Macon at 2 a m, and 3 p m; arrive at Colum bus at 7 16 a .m, and lu 30 e si; leave Columbus at 4 15 a m, and 1 301* m; arrlvo at Mucon at 10 64 .\ m. aud 7 40 p ji ; leave Macon ut 2 a M; arrive at Ainerl cub at 0 40 a m ; leave Amuriuus at 2 20 p m; arrive at Mucou at 7 40 e M; makiug ucompletecuiiiivctiiiu be tween Montgomery, Alabuntu, uud Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington und Charleston ;ulso, witli Central Ruilroad Trains t-» Siivumiuh, .Milledgeviileaiid Ealon- ton, mid with Mucon mid Western trains to Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nushvlllo und Knoxville, 'Penn. At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Rallroad lo Eufuuiu, Ala., connecting daily at Atuericus with four borne Po.*t Couches to Tutlatiusscu, Albany, Tlminusvtlle, Kulnbridge, Ac., with trl-wockly hacks to Lumpkin, Uuthbort, ftu., at fori Valloy with hacks to Perry, Huynesvillo, Hawkinsvlllo mid Knoxvillo, Ga. PussongerK for Atncrictw uud points below Fort Valley, uliouid tako tlio 1216 r y train from Savan nah; und the 6 l* m train Iroui Aiigusta, to avoid de tention ut Mucon. For other pints on tlio South- Western or Muscogee Komis take either train from Savannah or Augusta. PasseiigerK leaving Amur!- cum at 2 20 p m will roach Cnliinihtm at HI 30 p m the Maine night. Pusgengers from Columbus uud the West fiir Am- erlcus. Soutli-western (iuorgia or Florida, should take the 1 UO p m train at tXduinbus, sloop at Fort Valley, mid reach Amcricus at 8 40 a m next morn ing. First class steamships leave Savanuah for Now York on Wednesdays and Saturday*, uud for Phila- dolphin un WcdtiosdiiyM. I’uHSugc in the Cabin *25, Stoorago $«. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ lo no “ A merlon-' “ “ h 80 .. . CEO. W. ADAMS, Han't. Mucou, January 30th, 1860. muylH VIRGINIA CENTRAL R.ROAD Winter Arrangement—Car* Slartinpfmn Jirwut tit. Heavy Rail all tho way toGordc vtrZt.1 1 lh « way to Gordonsvllle. WHhN the Potomac in closed with icc this f V route may bo relied on by passeugorH, to on- mire tho connection goiug North or South. Tlio road LT ro % Ml # W.* M 'l*°rior T rail as for as Go doiiHvlllo. During tho wintortlio train will start Irom tho old Htation, In Richmond, ou Hroad Btroot, at Iji a m,, pass Gordonsvllle at 11 a m., and arrlvo n 8tomitona l3 26 p m. Downtralu loaves Staun- tou at« 40 a m, passoH Gordons vllle ut 11 a u and arrive In Richmond at 2.30 p n. ' ttUU .<2 oo 6 oo Kuro to Gordonsvillo... Both IraloH «rrivo lu UontomrUlo In imi’lo'tlim, ■lo luko tlio trull, ofllio Uranuo unit Aloxaudrln llull- roud. I'orooiiH who louve Rlohiuona u lu , «.. cun luko the Oruio uud Aleuwtrln euro •tUoriiouo. vlllo IT they choMo to ilo no, ud by tlmt loulu will u“ol‘utZmSttfflo UoV 4 a,m“vluo Ull '*" _Ml7 II JI. D. WHITOOMH, Supt. iffifPB OorroN "VTSiTS^JuirreMjiiil X sua for sale by .1. W. THKKLKELD. nuyl3 Congreao and VVTdthaker atreela. I take pleasure iu corroborating tho foregoing state ment, and lu udditlnu would add, thut tho books are now in uso. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wlmrf. July 28th, 1856. oct8—tf Each pro|Nisul which the entire ration will be furnished on board at tl i>or diem, or $16 per month. $10 being required In advance. NO MATTER OF HOW 1A>NU .STANDING. This popular uud BpeciQc remedy Is now oiluied to tho aUllctoil, and guaranteed to cure all the above j , FF* t'oos to ho ugtoud upon beforo tb»j case is u complaints. It searches out tho very root of the ‘ deriaken. AU coinmuuicatioua must bo po^t t, a iH disease, driving out all the distuMcd iiuids of lliu | addressed to W. R. MOSELEY ^ body, thus removing the cauce and rendering the ’ au k 0 Gridin, fig. CEUTA IN and PERMANENT llOTA i Uh8—400 burieU HUperiur Plaiituiu This medicine allays pain and ihllarutnation, which K ' :dH ; und W do PtatS POTATOES. XT Putotoes: 60 do other remedies invariably cause, and cuu be token Bu ® um ( ifi»u i/n, v ^ with loss trouble and exponhe to iwUents. This in- { - ! uur -—.-j. 1 —. «5^AM, KELLY 4 (o. fulllblo remedy bus savuu thousunds upon thousands i MIBB MURRAY'S from tho hands of T INTTLL) States, Canudu and Cuba. MERCILESS ijUACKS, Schwoglor’fl History ol Philosophy in Eoetim.. if not from premature graves. In cases of infection 1 translated by Sccylc. tho Compound Buchu is tho only arttclo worthy oil Prescott's Philip fid of Spain, new supply in hn the least confidence ofthe aUUctod lu (Kirfonuiug j Calf und in Cloth. SAFE CURES. ; Nu|»oleou'BConlldontial Correspondence with i. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other injurious ! brother Joseph. drug, but is purely a Vegetable Vompositinn. It is i Da van's History ol' the Queen's of tbo Ho„, very agrcoablu to tbe taste, creates no |»crccpliblu Hanover—2 vols. odor, und may bo token by persons of either box : L'The Allachi in Madrid. Without bindrmico from husiuess or medical advice, . Romance of tho Harem, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. Reader, if you have any ofthe above complaints, do not neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. iMUUHiibuut mu auti win, b}* MiriB PliHluf Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanuugh. EarucMt 1 Jnsload, by Mrs. Lee Hentz. mar 3 W. THORNE WILIJaai-- With this medicine you cun cure yourself, aud thus j 1 DECEIVED.—20 boxes Shoulders, a prevent all oxjaMMro. 7 l ,r hno article, 20 tierces choice 7'enne.-«c6 TRUTH MUST AND WI1J* PREVAIL. ' ' ' “ This medicine speedily und elfectually cures the most virulent form of secret diseases, and eradicates every particle of Infectious mutter Iroin tho system, restoring the patient to a perl'est Btoto or HEALTH AND PURITY. CTOlglOft 1 KHJMJ •BOBSUiUK JtutoujA BUUOR is JVfillS •RIIJJ |)0(J|» JO BII|g|UH •juou must stutu distinctly thu price for DYING AND llENOVATIFG ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STRUCT, NEAR TUE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA., Retablluhed In 1832. mHE Subscriber grateful to his friemls und ■ (Nitrons for their continual favors, would state tout lu addition to the Improvements lu DYING, ao cjifired by him during his last visit to Eugland and bcotland, hus mude urruugemcuts for extending his business, by wldch he is now enublod to dye u greater variety of colors on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, ftc., which he trusts will generally ploaso all who may favor him with t%lr patronage. Gentlemen’s garments dyed, cleaned or reuovutod as tuuy ho rc«|ulrcd, lu tliosamasuperior stylo which has generally so much pleased his patrons and Table Covers, and Ladies’ Crape Shuwls, ftc., cleaned uud flulshcd iu the first style. Ladles' Bonnets dyed, bleached aud pressed iu the most fashionable styles. Orders from the couutry promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcels arc «eut by Htcamboats or railroad, word should he Pent him by letter through tho post office, bo that he may know where to null for them. mch 10 ALEXANDER GAl.lAlWAY. each llght-vessul r._,. Thu proposals for supplying fuel, both coal und J wood, must Ktotu distinctly thu price per ton and • cord, tind the kind uml quality of each, to be deliver- j ed on board of each light-vessel respectively. One bidder tnay olfor for ull thu rations uud fttul roquiied for all tue light vessels In this district, or Ibr ono or more of the vessels separately, at his own . option. The kind uud quunlity of fuel will lie ileter- i mined u|hiii, and the contractor luformed uct-Ht d- mgly. in advance of the Unto for making the quar- • tcrly dolivorias of rations un bourd ofthe respective i light-vessels. Each bidder is required to attach to his bid or bids u written guarantee, signed by himself uml a responsible surety, tliut, in thu evout ofthe contract being awarded to him, lie will faithfully execute it in conformity to tho terms of this advertisement. The contractor will bo required to enter Into bond ! Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Com- I pound Fluid Extract Baraniinrllln. I For purifying tlio Blood, removing all discuses ari sing from excess of Morcury, exposure and im- t prudence iu !ife, chronic coiistitutioiiul diseases, arising from uu impure state of Blood, und thu only reliable aud eliectual known remedy for tbo cure of Scrofula, Still Rheum, Sculd Head, Ulcer ations of tlio Throat uud Ix*gs, Ruins and EwellingH of the Bones, Tetter, Dimple* on tlio Face, und ull t?caly Eruptions of the Bklu. It is gruUfyiug to the proprietor of these medicines to be able to state that it is uow’ nearly three yuars Hlucothoy were first Introduced, during which lime they havo been extensively used In various parts of the United States, uud have given to patient und practitioner thu highest degree of satisfaction in tbe various eases iu wliicb they have been employed ; whether in town, couutry, hospital or private prac tice, they havo iuvuriuhly given the most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, aud produced the most . salutary and beneficial olli-cl*. Numerous letters have been received' from tlio mu»t distinguished physician* in the country, und from the professors of uevcrul medical colleges, recommending ill the highest terms tho value of these medicine*, uud their suporiorily over ull oilier pie|Kirutious for such complaints ns thu proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sursupurillu ami ol Buchu | uud various modes of preparing them have boon given, ull of which of course will ditlcr according to (the mode ot preparation which each Individual may ' udopt. ' Those medicines require considerable cure in thu ! preparation aud the employment ot diffurcut men strua iu successive operation to tukc up the extruc- i live matters, und, iu consequence, are most fro- ! queutly improperly made, uud not mdrequently much impaired, if not rendered totally Inert, by the Hutus. Iu store, uud for sale by mar 28 WAYNE. GRENVILLE r AT EW CHOP CUBA MOLASSE&^Tkc car- .... #.1‘ llin il.l.nll .1^1... go of tho Abbott Dovorottiix, daily exiK-cted for sale lu lots to suit purchasers, by JM>»1 RODGEU8 ft NORlUs CARPET AND Ut>llOt8YfifirV WAREHOUSE, 140 Connrent and 67 St. Julien Streett. T HE UNDERSIGNED would take this opp„,. Httdty to express to his friends und the t ,j,. generally, his sincere thanks for their liberal p.m.i, ago and inlluence, which has resulted iu extern • . his trade to all purls or thu State. Abo, f ttr „ , Florida, Alabama und Tenuessoe, thereby finil.ti., • him to oxhiblt a stock unsurpassed In uuy s-mtlitfiu citv • Families, Merchants, Hotel Kee|*rs, und guwm boat Owners arc particularly invited to examine tl.- present stock, which Is uow complete In ull tl,. various departments, consisting lu part ofthe foil'.* ing goods, viz: CAM FA DEPARTMENT. Royal Medaliou, Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Moccl Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, l’owor Loom Brussels. Three ply Ingrain, Two ply iugraiu, Wool Dutch, English Druggets, («.f va rious widths,)' Heal th Ru, with approved security for the taitltlXil oxocutlou of the contract; aud no hid will be accented or contract HEINTZELMANN’N ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor with which this essence bus been received throughout all sections of tho Unlou as a remedy ut once Bale, agreeable and clfoctual for Incipient Diun'hma, Cholera .Morbus, Weak and relaxed BowoD, Prostration by heat «>r fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulcm e, Colic, Crump, Lan guor or Debility from sedenfory habits, ftc., has in duced the proprietor to give It every publicity in his power. Upon its morrits comment is unnecessary, us It* own iutriUMic worth Is its best eulogy, it car ries with it the evidence of its superior excelleuco, freely attested to by the young, tlio old, and scores of families who, prompted by a careful regard for thoir health and comfort, aro dally adopting it as an imusi'KXm.uiu: family kkmkuv. Tuero is porhaiis uo mudiciual preparation extout fo sitnplo nml harm less, yet salutary and effective, whose worth will be more appreciated or unlvorsallv adopted than tbe Liquid Ginger pre|wred by Holutzelruuu. For sale by J. K. DkFORD, Druggist, jeio an. Savannah, Ga. MISS MAI li| IP: Brooke Hall Female Seminary, NBDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. MIB3 MAKU L. KASTMANS, l'HlNnl',1.. This Neminary, located lu tho do- ilghtful and healthy village of Media, ^thirteen inile3 from Philadelphia, by h Railroad, will be OPENED ON WEDNESDAY. September lOtb, I860. Tne commodious building, now in process of erec tion, wllh all the modern Improvements, will be finished bv tbo first of August, and will contain such accommudullons, both in point of taste and comfort, as cannot full to satisfy parents that while their daughters are enjoying the benefito of mental cul ture, they have also the comforts of a rellued homo. This institution is established with a view to afford to young ladies tho most perfect combination of ad- vantages for the attainment of a thorough and uc- complifihed education, aud no pains or oxpcuMo will he spared to rouder it in reality what it professes to be, a school of superior merit. Miss Eastman, the Principal, was at the head ol u school In New Eng land previous to her residence iu Pennsylvania, uud for the Inst six years has been known to the patrons of Aatoa Ridge .^culinary, us presiding teacher iu that iiiMtltutiou. The Rt. Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of the Dlocoso of Pennsylvania, says:— “Miss M. L. Eustiiiau, who proi»oaos to open a lotiug 1 Julies’ ^cmiuury iu Media, DeluwareCo., Pa., In Hnptember uext, has heeu known to tlio sub scriber Tor several yours (Mist. He hus u very high "pinion "f her cupacity, efficiency mid devotedness as uu oducutor. .She hus hud a lurge aud success ful experience. The building which is to bo erected for her use will contain overy accommodation. The village aud surrounding country aro distinguished for healthfiduosB und bounty, und tho subscriber has confidence that parents who entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will havo uo reason to regret U.” Miss Eastman will be aided by an efficient corps of readier#. The French hnguuge will be taught und spoken by a Parisian Duly, residing lu tho family. Tlio Ijitlu, German, bpauishund Italian luuguagt will receive duo attention. The Natural .Sciences will be taught, with the uld or a largo uud oxpenHive apparatus. Tho .Musical Department will ho tmdor tho charge ol'u lady eminently qualified to fill tho situation; and all preferring a male teacher on the Plano or in Singing, can lmvo the bonoflt of a Visiting Teacher from Phlludoiphiu. Drawing uml Painting will be under the direction iff a lady accomplished in the art. Tho number of pupils is limited to forty. Tim Terms for Board und Tuition iu all the branch es except Music, arc $150 per session or live months. Miss Eastman has liberty to refer to the following goutloraon:— Rt. Rev. A. Potior, D.D., uud the Episcopal clergy Hon. F: Pierce, President of the United Ntatcs. Hon. 8. I*. Chase, Governor of Onto, entered Into, until approved by tlio Light Ilou^e Board. Tbe contractor will bo required to keep at least, In the aggregate, ono month’s rations lo? the entire crew ofthe fight-vessel contracted for, ou board at ull times; uud uny expense incurred ou account of failure to deliver rations or fuel iu time, will be chargeable to the contractor. No member of Congress, ligblkcepcr, .*upcriutou- dentnr in-qiector of lights, nor uny person connect ed with tbo Light house establishment, will la* al lowed to contract for or deliver rations for Hie crew, or fuel of a light-vessel, nor to be interested iu such contract. No contractor, superintendent, or Inspector will be allowed to change the parts of Hie ration, nor the times tlmt may be determined upon for the dcliverv, without authority ofthe Board. AU the articles constituting Hie ration for the crew of light-vessels will be examined, and their quality approved by tho superintendent, or the inspector of the district, or by such other person ns may be as signed to perform that duty ; aud no bills will be paid f«»r rations and fuel which are not accompanied by receipts duly slgued by the res|iective light-vug- sel keepers for the Uiltercut articles constituting the rations for tho crew Tor ench quarter, and separate receipts for the kind and quantity of fuel delivered on board of each light-vessel. No hid which is not properly sealed and endorsed will be considered, unit no bids will be received or nlluwedtn be withdrawn nflerlbe expiration ol tlie time specified in the advertisement for receiving them. Bids submitted by different members of the sumo firm or co-partnership will not be considered. All bids will be publicly opened aud registered at tho time specified in the advertisement. The right to reject all bids it' the Interest of the public service require It. is reserved By order ofthe Light-house Board ; JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. tuy 11 ; injudicious und unskilful management of those uuao- - ■ . • qualified with pharmaceutical preparations, it Is I loality cuu be purchased In any Northern city i therefore of the higlu-. t coionforatiou aud import- Carpets cut to Rooms aud goods seut to icq mice to the public uml to the faculty tlmt there i P arl ol V ie c t ^ ,‘ u c, 1 c I‘. ur 8 1 '- ; should be standard preparations of uniform strcugtli ! Au experienced Upho.ster will utteml t*> th< I and possessing tlio most advantages. To effect this | ®akingaud laying ol Carpels uud Oil Cloths whet and obviate the evil alluded to, I have mude a mini- dealred. The decorative and curtain departiw-iit .- her of experiments to ascertain the most effectual I R charge ut an Upholster ol acknowledged tusleau i | mode of extracting the virtues or the Sarsuiturilla I 8ki11 - .. v ”. H. Gl’ION, Agent and the Buchu, aud to discover the most eligible ocl18 140 Longress and 67 St. Julien si- j form for their exhibition. The experiment* lmvo; —r^, nn : resulted most favorably, and it Is with much pleas- _ SANFOHD S IAY 1GORATOM, urc 1 now uil'er to the public und tho faculty mv < T S a mud luxnuve, toufc and stimulant, and : (kmipound Fluid Extracts, which contain all thu vir-1 tlio* of the articles they urc represented t«i bo mude from In u highly concent rated form, uud arc the mo*t active preparations which cun be made. Two ta- blespoouslul of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the IJsbuu diet drink, and < oue bottle fully equals iu strength nuc gallon of Nvr : up Sarsa(>arillu or decoctiou us UKimlty iimdo. PRICES: ! Fluid Extract Buchu, #1 per buttle, or 8 for $5 Sursupurillu M ackerel; herring, salmon, ac- 2 b**’“ Ccrtiflcutes of cures and recoiiinieiidulioiiH from j Timber, averaging over one thou*and1tvt to* tick, distinguished protestors aud physicians will ucc<*m- 0fpi> mTPR*nv UiiRtTi- pony each preparation. ITcimrcd uud sold by 1 11. T. HELM BOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 283, Chestnut .tt., near tho Girard llcmsc Phila. | To be bud of Druggists aud Dealers iu every sec- I ti on oi the Uuited .States uud Cauudu*. ! All letters for the medicine directed to the propri- { otor receive immediate attention, aud safe deliveries I guaranteed. m*pi l—ly-diw i JOHN 1). MOORE C’O., GIBBON’S Bill.DINGS. SAVANNAH., Un. WHOLESALES RETAIL DRUGGISTS. gggft Would call the attc'lou of Merchants. Factors, Plauters, Physicians aud others, to their ex- tensive and welt selected stock, comprising every article in thoir line of business, and which they olfor for salt* ou the most reasonable terms for cosh, or approved credit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, ftC.. 2 bbls largo No 1 Mackerel. 3 do do No 3 do 3 do do Xu 2 do 2 ha If bids Bine Fi»h, 2 do Pickled Herrlug, 3 do No 1 Salmon. 5 qnaiter bbis No 1 Mackeml, 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, lo tin No 2 tin 6 Kits Tongues and Bounds, 1000 lbs Cod Kish. For «ale low by >"-8 J. A. BROWN Hon. N. B. Baker, Ex-Governor of New llamp shire. lion. M. \V. lappau, M. C. from New York. Rev. N. Stem, of Norristown, Pn. Itov. A. Method, C'iearfiold, Pa. herce Butler, Esq,, or Philadelphia. J. II. Okie,Esq., do. K. W. Clark, Esq., do. George Wharton, Esq., do. Christopher Lmser, Potts vllle, Pu. George Wyman, St. Louie. Mo. lion. P. 0. Johnson, Washington, D. C. For I'urlhor partlcnlars, or for olrciihtrs apply to tho Principal, MISS MARIA EASTMAN, jolt cod 3m Media, Delaware Co. Pa. I'biuodicalh; — P UTNAM’H Monthly Jlfagaziuo for Muv. Fruuk Leslie’s Guzelto ot Fashions for May. Blackwood ’« Edinburgh Review for April. Received und for sale by WARN’OCK ft DAVIS, 169 Congress street. 125, UBLH. Fl.OUIt in Rtaro utid for sale by m.y7 CIUKK, WEIJB fc co. SO u “ k8 01,10 °*tatrl» Brandy in atom, ¥* I|J ' or ““l« liy tlio only mgulnr /Ik'-'ii I'ur Bovounnll. J.M.KVKE, 'oy H 04 Huy Mrool. JUST RECK 1VKD. I'KR STEAMER, hii ussurtiuuut of Misses aud Children's Plain Straws, iJtdlos’ NEAPOLITAN BONNEIB, IN. FA .VI’S' HATS «nd FLATS. Also a few TuTrt HATS. For sale by MILS. FREELAND, fo»y 17 Broughton street. L ISLE THREAD GAUNTLETS.—The only article of the klud lu the city. Fur sale by J. W. THRELKELD, mar27 corner ol Oongrosa and Whltoker-sts. A PPLES A POTATOES— lA 18 hbls Chulco Mercer Potatoes; ” ” Ruaaetl Apples, for sale by J. A. BROWN. FRENCH MILLINERY AND Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND has open cd at hor Rooms, No. 174 Broughton Street, a fine selec tion of Spring Milinery, aud is + r ' constantly receiving jwr steam ers, uow and diflbrent styles ol'Bouuets; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. 49* Bonnets cleaned and pressod os usual. aprlO KKDZIK’SFATBNTwater filter An aHsortment of sizes on hand. We warraut them to make the Savanuah River Water, even though dipped directly out or the River, as puro aud cloar ns the flnost Spring Water. About forty ofthose Filters aro uow In uso in this city, and every person who lms them, will cheerfully tontitV to their efficiency. Indeed, tho Board of Water Commissioners hore, say lu their Roport, it is tho only Filter that does effectual ly purify tho Savannah River Water. Call and sco one in operation at our Houhq Fur nishing and Stovoestabllsmeut,Hodgson’s new block. KENNEDY ft BEACH, fob 27 Corner of Broughton and Bull sts. PiTCHElis. DOUBLE Wat nr Pile here, Some now uud beautiful designs, Plated mid Brita- nia. At tho Hjusc Furnishing Btoro, £ 166 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE MORSE. .Savuunah, April30. apr30 PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-HEALING CANS AND JARS, For 1’ro.scrvlng FRUITS, TOMATOES, &c. Full directions for preserving accompany each Can. For sale at manufacturer’s prices by the Agent. HOK’CE MORSE, 116 Broughton street. innyfifi TO WOOL SELLERS. T h B Undersigned have this day oiicued a X Sloro ta CoaBrosa Klruet, o|ipouUu tho Market, fnr Inn miaaliaun iif H'.uil ktt-t..,. 111.1.. . .... . oiuiw iii \xjtiyruai Kireei, opposite me Jiurxet, for tbe purchase or Woo), Sheep SJfins, Hides, Boos wax, Door Skins, uud Country Produce iu general. Tho hlghostcosh prices will ho paid for all tho above articles on delivery s ln Savannah. Mr. L. J. GUIL- MARTIN lms been unpointed ns Ageut, to whom ull unuss trn '**• ** I RATES OF ADVKHTIS1KG. ! For one square, or300 eras or less, of uuy t> pe i,. i . «....... , ....AW. I tarwMtoa NuillmreU, 76 relit, for the Urct uua 6, White lend, 1‘ureoad No. 1; ltomuifa Uihira. dry I Tor eacli KUlweeuent luaertluu.rnr auy thacte. aud ia olljJaiKUl, CoH, aud Coach Varulsiiea : . „ , linseed oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass, Pul- i ,, . * u . r "° r ' k » °, r Without Rules; and Ail- ty, (told Ideal, faint Brushra, Sash Tools, aud Ilia- l Uoubli- coluuiu, shall la xicra’s Diamonds, I AMP. MACHINERY ANJ) TANNERS' 01J>\ 1 , ", W, j UI Bleached Sperm, Whale and l*ard Oils, lor burning ; {.n' t w l “ 0Uc ,,,onttl » to charged double tho above rates. Advertisements of whatever length, for any time all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz.. Patent Oil Uublcached Sperm, Lard uud Rape Seed Oil; uUu Tanuors,' Neats, Foot and Sweet Ull. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. bo ciiargod at trousieit Nutmegs, Mace, Alspice, Cinnamon. Popper, Ginger, Mustard, Salorulus, Soda, Peurlosh, Sweet Oil. Starch, Fig Blue, Matches, ftc. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the best Frouch, Euglish, and American Chomicals, Pharmaceutical Pre)iuratious, Solect powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie Jars, Metalic Saddle bags, ftc. Also. CAMPHENE AND BURNING 1'LUID. Any ono who may favor them with thoir orders may depend upon their receiving the best attention, and that *11 goods furnished will be of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may bo returned at tho option of tbo purchaser. nwblOU erf 1 J. E. BE FORD. APOTHECARIES HALL, S. K. Corner of t rates. For a longer time at the following rates No. oi Squares11 iuo|2iuos|3 luos|4 luo* 18 uiu s | P. im 1 Siuure, 2 Sqtiare3... 3 4 do ,,,, 6 do .... 8 do .... 7 «lo .... 8 do ,,,, 0 do .... ,0 do .... $10 * 10 $20 $24 $30 DJ 10 22 20 28 36 50 20 27 32 88 44 24 32 38 42 62 K 27 30 44 40 60 30 40 60 64 66 W 32 43 64 68 70 100 34 40 68 62 74 110 30 48 61 66 77 118 0B 60 64 70 80 126 For uny time not above specifiod, a proportion* charge will bo made. Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savnn- noh Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in __ Drugs, Modlclnes and Chemicals, Dyo Woodsuud Dye Stufife, French, l-Mgllsh. and American l’erfum- ory, Fine Toilet and Bhaving Soaps, Combs aud Brushes of overy description, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kiuds, Hpleos, Snulls, Manufactured Tobacco, All the Patent or Prop' 1 Puro 1 Extracts for Flavoring, ^ given To’ the K Witli *, Miuns, Manumctured Tobacco, All the Patent iprielury Medicines of the day, Superior Inks, Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, ctsfor Flavoring, Toilet and Fum y Articles, ftc. JS* N. B—Especial attention given to the preparation or Physicians’ Prescription* aud Family RochKis. Ship, Family aud Travelling Medicine Cases, With plain Directions for uso, iuotudiug Directions for treatment incases of poisouiug, Drowning, ftc. »P7 ?y COHN MEAL.—1000 bus prime Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Corn Meal o storo and for eato by doo 81 PATTEN. IflTTOV k CO KBADURBAD IL-UEAD ||| Tlmt is, if you can bco ; and , [If you can't see, you can UmlJ h kinds or “horns to see,” at the Watcli jiuu Jowelry Storo of D. B. Nichols ft Co., in Congress street, uoxt door to tlio corner of Whitaker, where you cuu purchase Watches, Jowolrv, Silver Ware, und Fancy Goods, as low us at any other store iu tho country. . . W 2A iave rocoivod per steamship Alubamaa fresh !?Vl r , tb03 a ? uo 8lccl Spectacles ; also, u .-upply of 1 obblo and l’erlscopic Ixiih, which wo are prepared to fit lu all kinds of frames, at short notice. Our A deduction of 26 per cent from the above rate* will b<* made on advertisements appearing cuk- sively op the fourth page of the dally. Advertisements ordered three times u week, xii* be charged two-thirds the dlmve’ratgu. ' Special notices, 10 ceuts per Hue for the first. flM 6 ceuts for each subseqeut insertion, aud iu noutf to bo subject to contract. Murrlage notices $1. I'u ueral iiivltatlons 60 cunts each. No special notice? Inserted for loss tbau 60 cents. Obltuarv Notice, ltei»orts. Resolutions, or Proceedings of auySociety Association, or Corporation, ordered to be oubli-n ed, 6 cents per Hue. steamboats will bo advertised ut $40 per nnuuci for each boat advertised. Btcainsliips, whore but ono Is running, $40 per m- mini; if two or more, $30eucli. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to bo subject w contract, but to be charged at the rates iirescribfJ per square. The jiajier, under no circumrlances, to be includ ed iu a contract. Professional und business cards not exceed 1dl‘ J lines, will bo inserted at $20 per unmim. Culls on persons to become candidates, will b* inserted ns other udvertisemeuto, to be mid for in variably in advance. Announcing candidates for office, $10, to be paid iu udvance. Advertisements not marked ou the c*py for* specified time, will be inserted until forbid, aud payment exacted. When uuy bill for two months advertising, other than contract, umouuts to over $60, a dedurtiou id 26 porccnt will he tnude. Yearly advertising, with privilege of change will he lukop ut the following rates : For one square, renewable once u week. . ... — ... ™.r„ llu „ti«. wm 44 44 44 twice •• of- Poriscopic Lens (so called from their peculiar shape) ! 14 , “ , “3 times or oltenoi '>» have an advantage over all others, as they have a Every additional square contracted for to becii *ii greater range of focus, ho thut the reader is not i cd ,V u ‘‘ ! wM »*x»vo rates additional, compelled to hold tho book or paper at a certain » early advertisers shall bo limited to tin* M«*» dlstauco from tho eye. Call and see. ' contracted fur. All contracts shall be in writing. i>. B. ft CO. "Ming definitely tho nnturo of tho business to l* JtST No clmrgo for showing goods. advertised. Any advertisements not properl) era mar 11 i>. u. y. ,4. co - nectod with tho business shall be charged separate nnup—„„'nVTi~ .7--, — : , * i ly, nml also any excess of mutter over the amoui.i IiOUb— ( 00 cojla Hope, various brands, all 1 contracted for. of good quality, in store * * ’ ’ upr20 0 and for sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. /^lORN—In atoro and for wile b' m ir. r » by LO KKl’Pk’SVKU.lN (}S MERGER UNIVERSITY, PENFIELD, CIA. FACULTY. persons having business transnctions’wlth the im doreignod may apply. J. W. 8MYTHK ft CO. bavauuah, May IP, I860. may20 PIANO FORTES. HAVING lutoly received large ud- dttloiiH to our PIANO FORTES, we 111 I VI are enabled to oiler at this time tbo ■ • * • • •greatest varloty from the best manu facturers, from tho plalnost squnro to the most elab orately carved, aud from six to snvou octaveH. Our Pianos uro solocted from tlio nmnufitoturora whom wo have full coutldeueo iu, and we aro par ticularly requested by them to glvo a guaranty with overy (ustruinant sold by us us regards durability, tone, ftc. ’ Persons iu want of a first rate Instrument may ro- ly with Kuloty upou getUug snob a nun by Hulcoting from tho following makers, whoso instruments wo endeavor to keep constantly on hand, vie : U. Wor- ooatcr, J. Clilckerlog ft Son. Nunns ft Clarke, Bacon ft Ravoua, II. Waters, and Haines, Brothors ft Cum- mtng. l. w. MURKEU, ft 00. aug 27 B EANIIV. UIN, WHISKY AND HUU-Kur n |, bj (maySO) WIIJ.UUR A RATCUFK. VRmtlKM, N. M. CRAWFORD, |i. D. l*KOFK«SOIIM. College. 8. P. SANFORD, A. M . MatlientuticH. J. K. WIU.KT A. M , Chemistry aud Natural Philosophy H. II. TUCKER, A. M . Belles frltrrH, V. W. WISE, A. M., Greokaud Utiu LmgiiageH. WILLIAM U. WtKJDFIN, A. H.. Moderu Ijiugnagi't,. Theological Nciiilnui-y. N. M. OHAWFORD, D. D:, lerature Ecclesiastical History ami Hihlical Liter* WILLIAM WILl.LVMfi, A. M., Rysteinutic und Pastoral Theology. Aradciny. THOMAS A. SEALS, Primipal. The Coiumouceiueut is held 011 (In* last Wednesday in July, The uoxt Tetui will commence ou the last Wed- pssdsy In August. Tbe price of Board in the village is $lu per month; wssblng. room reut, fool, &o., $8. By order ol tho Board of Trustoes. my 122m B. I.ANDRUM, Secretary. /*TuBA"H()LA8BES—Tlio cargo of the brig \J R. B. Lawton, of supcrtur quality. For sale by nsylOSt FADELFGKD, FAY ft CO. Contract advertisements payable quarter I); "T vertiHotnenls from strangers uud transient |wwi**. jutyablo in advance. All others will be oonsiderv.t due when calletl for. Regular advertisers uud all others setidiui! » , ‘ HU ' muni cations or requiring uutiees dfsigunl to rail *1 leution to fairs, concerts, soirees, or any public ou teriuimneiils, wbero charges are made ter ad**" 1 lance—all notices of private associations, every n.‘ lice dc.-igucd to cull attention to private enterprir* calculated or iuteuded to jtromoto ImltviJu**! iut» rests, can only be inserted with the uudcrstHiidiw : that the same Is to bo iiuid for. It inserted in editorial column (which cun be only at the disci* tjou of the editors) the same will be *charge»l »l , pile of not less than 20 ceuts |h*i- liifi*. Advertisoments ordered hi the Weekly |»u|*vr D ■ per square for each Insertion. The undersigned, publishers of Daily, Tn WeoM) and Weekly newsletters hi Savnnuau, Ga., pledk* | ourselves strietly to adhere to the above bill >■* charges, nml iu uo iustatice to deviate therelioui- 1’he above rates to take elfect March 1, 1866. 81,11 ! to coutluuo hiudiug, until chuuged by the voted * ; majority of tlio umiersigued. i N. U.—Tills schettulo shall uut in uuv way the integrity of existiug contracts. All contracts in* ! tho year or any other specified time, shall only co** 1 with tho expirutlou of the period for which IMI wero made. Ai.Kxa.vm.Kft fi.vKKti, Republican. TuoxrsoN ft WmiiNuio.v. Morning Rem. H 11 H11.tow ft Go,. Geoiyian hi Mtnnab p-jjjjjjjljjjfgr . P LUMBING, lu gluts vorioue branches.^' tended to at the shortest notice, and in supers style. Also, may be found Shower Bathe, G«fr»n‘* od Iron, Tiu and Ltadod Bath Tube; Copper Patent Pan Water Closets, Load Pipes. Sheet U»L Brass and Plated Cocks. Force Pumps, India KuMg Hoso. For sale at tbe Hour* Furnish Store, N* Broughton-etreet. WSrlB HORACE MORSE- Mosaic Hearth Rugs. Velvet and CheiiUlt* Rut,. Tufted Rugs, Piano and table Covers, Door Mat.-(every vamui ,1 Silver ft Brass Stair Rod.. Curiiets Iiiiiiliiigs, ft»-. CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY DEPA DIMES 1 Brocutclles, juice uud Muslin Curtain fiutiu de Luiues, GiltCoruiues, Satin und Silk Damask, Gilt Pins uml Ratal*, Worsted und Cotton Damask, Tassels, loop- ana Cords; Velvet uml Plush of various colors; Wiadun Shudcs, new stylo. Also, every variety of Furniture Covering. Trim mlngs aud material* for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wale, tor' Hill? mui Rooms, cut to fit without a seam. Tho subscriber will oblige hiiiiM-ii to make to* prices on ull description of goods a? low us tliesamj recommended to the public, relying upon it*.:, trinsle worth iu the cure ofthe following complain. All Billion.* Derangements, Pick Headache, I)y*pe. siu, Habitual Costivenoss, Chronic Diarrh®, Colt. Pain in the Stomach and Bowel.*, Gcueral Iiebility* Female tVeakucHS, Ac. For sale by Druggists ecu orally, and by John. U Moore ft Oo, ami Wm W- IJm-olit, fiuvatinuli. i\ foblz rp TIMIIOR! TIMBER M X HJ J Uiuleesigncd has just received, tor sale (500) Five Hundred pieces of good shippim