Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 16, 1856, Image 3

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Savannah Market, Jane if rt)TTOf<—Hiore w»* u good domahd (onlay, and 630 hul« wore told, at (lie following particular*: A at n, 68 Ml 9?i, 62 at 0*4, 210 at 10)4, 48 at >6*. i i at 10»4| 64 at 10?*, and 71 bales at 11 cent*. t’HARLKSTON, .ll’NK 14—The cotton rnurkol w m quiet to-day, owing to Itoldcr* being so strin gent In their price*. The Males mi the close of the .lay reached only 08 bales nt extremes ranging ilom 10 to H,S» voids. Port of Savannah ...4 JUNK 17 Arrivesl. tiiirk MhIiio low, McCarty, New York, in ballast —.1 .1 Martin A: Co. - Bark Marl* Morion, Oiitkicy, Now York—Cohens ,v Hertz. $chi Monttose, Winslow, Now York—Pana ft Washburn. 5chr George Davis, Noli; New York—Hunter A u unmell. Departed, .■‘iwimor Atigtisln, Fraser, Augu-ta. Memoranda* Holmes’ Hole, ,iunn 9—Arriveil, S li Doauo, (In t* bey Island; Coombs, tm Darien. Newburyjwrt, June 11—Arr, schr Fred Dyer, (In Darien, On. Consignees* for bark Marla MorCu, from New York—Ogden Starr ft Co, M A Cohen, 1 W Morrell, Scranton, lohtiRou k Co, Clughorii ft Cunningham, Cohens k Hertz, A A Solomons A Co, SI) Brantley A On, 0 1t Johnson. W l> Etheridge, wayiio, Grenville k Co, N U A It Wood, Webster A I’ulmus, W11 Farrell A Co, S M Ijillllt-uu, Way A Taylor, Fatten, Hutton A Co, Crime, Wells A Co, Boston A YIIIuIouku, Foote A .bunion, Huh-omlm, Johnson A Co, T S Wnyue A Soil* T K Mills, C11 Gampltolil, W O Dickson, Ruse. Davis A Ling, o'Byrne A Heavy, Brigham, Kelly A Co, Youug A Krlorisou, J S Norris, tiwilt A Co, Mc Mahon A Hoyle, 8 Palmer A Son, ltodgers A Norris, 1) O’Connor, J O'Kccle, llurdwicko A Cooke. Both- well A Whitoliead, and ordor. Per schr Montrose, from Now York—M A Cohen, W«ym>. Grenville A Co, T R Mills, Ruse, llavls if Isttig, Claglmrn A Ciiimlnghaui, Young, WyaU A Co Uelm A* Foster, dialler A Co, Dana A Washburn, Patton, Hutton A Cn, Crane, Wells A Co, Lynti A Stiy lor, Uhbjft A Tildeu, D B Th«ttopsou A Co, Brig ham, Kelly U Co, E Parsons A Co, W King A Son, w A TIioiiuh, X A Hardee A Co, C C Poole, Lovell A lsittimorc, M .1 Reilly, Dnuiclls A Co,,? U Fulligunt, W D Etheridge, Way A Taylor, ,1 Armstrong, Youug A Frierson, Holcomb", Johnson A Co, Ttnou A Mac- kay, J W l^lhroo, W U Dick sou. Steamboat Samp son, F Champion A Co, I W Morrell, R J Lachll-ton, W W Goodrich, McKee A Bennett, SD Brantley A Co, Scholl A Fay, Wells A Verstllln, W Warner, SM UtHtcnu. A X Miller A Co, Hiirdwicke A Cooke, A 8 Hartridgo, and W P Yoitge, Per schr George Davis, fin New York—Itrlgham, Kelly A co; J A Brown; Crane, Wells Aco; M A Co- nen; D O’Connor, Clighoin A CitmilnghmnsFCham- pioii; C H Camptleld; It T C |o A co; Cohens A Hertz Iron Stuaiutout Company; l.yan A Snyder: McMuUuu A Doyle. J B Moore A co; Ogdon. Starr A co: K Par sons A vo; Patten, H'titou A cn; Waver A Constan tine; R D Walker,'Young, Wyatt Aco; M Cnlletiiiu; i'ana Washburn; W Duncan; O Wlkvis: W D Fiber- idge; Frankllu A Hruutleyj.T Foley, IV H Farrell; N A Hardoo Aco; (filbert A Tihleu; A Haywood; A S Harirldge: S Palmer & co; Rabun A Smith; Rodgers .v Norris; Railroad Agoul; Wayuo, Ureuvllle A Co; Williams A Hatclill'e; ami Youug A Frierson. Kovel pta per Central Railroad. I nue 10—1H1 bales cotton, 12 sucks coru, 92 do meal. 28 halt's 11 tunes tics umi merchandize—to C C 1‘oole*. Dims a Washburn; Patten, Holton ft co; Ti ma A Muckay; Swift A co; Ruso, Dnvls A I«ong, Cell- tr*l Railroad; M Singertle(d; Wayne, Gronvill A to: Brigham, Kelly A co; G A Mc.ilosky; and tinier. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS ! 5,031 PRIZES. **(,4 JO,000 Dotlnra—-10,000 N limbec Duly I! HR.4^D SPECULATION l II FOR A S.MAld. INVESTMENTt IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. B7 aOTUORITV OF TIIK STATK OF OKORQU. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLASS O. lit bo drawn duly the 1Mb, I860, at Concert Hall, Macon, Ga., motor the sworn superintendenceot Col. Geo. M. Logan and .Fa*. A. N’isbet, Esq. Ibis Lottery is drawn till the plan of the Rogal Lottery of Havana of single numbers; this has only 10,000 numbers, ami the Havana Lottery 04,000 numbers—the Havana 240 prizes, this 5,001 prices. Look to your interest! Now is the time. 1 Prize of.. CAPITAL 87,600. % 7,6001* ...$ 7,600 i “ 3,000 i* ;.... ... 3.000 i •• 2,000 |* 1,000 arc.... ... 2.000 3 ** ... 3,000 6 *• 600 arc.... ... 2,600 20 *• 100 an*... ... 2,000 6000 •• 8aro.... ... 40,000 6041 prize* uutotiuting to .. .$60,000 dtw 18—tr —— rnfiB* Undersignedhas This Day removed .life X entire stock of Sugars, Tnbucco, Ac., from hie old stand, t'ornor of Bryan street, to hi* new Mro- on the corner nr Bay and Whitaker streets, where he hones to retiolve u continuance of thr patronage of all his old friends and customers. apKlotf A. PONOF. FOR — RALES. f Slx Tracts of Und, 600 acre each, 8 r 4 miles from the city of Savannah on the M, A. hill'Rail Road, well adapted to. tie growth ol Ktco, (Yittou ami Oorn, and Wood enough to pay for l\ ten times over. Apply to fob 27 tf t?. A. t.l/M'P, |>LEACHED Slilriiuga in great variety, and XJ at various prices. fob 21 "LIITST AIKIN ft BURNS TOOH SALE.—A fine lot in Wesley Ward.- X Also two on Gordon strcol, east. For sale low. Fee simple. Apply to A. WILBUR, Gen’l Insurance Agent and Broker, may 22 111 Bay street. .. - 1 AA|t AAA GREY BRICKS, best quitl. • UUU.UUU lly. (br sale. Apply to ’ 7 A. MoALPIN k BRO., my22-lrao< Williamson’s buildings. 4SF“News copy. & i Arad^uartcn, 1st Regiment, U, At., i Savannah, June 12,186(1. j By virtue of order No. 2 Issuing from G, P. Harrison, Brlgadier-Ucuerali commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division,] ■G. M„ an olectioti will be hold at ttaej^ Court Houso, ou Saturday, the 6th day of July next, betwoon the hours of 9 A.M, aud 4 F.M., lor (Lio nel of the 1st Regiment or the 1st Brigade, 1st Divi sion G. M., to Oil the vacancy of Robert D. Walker, resigned. Tbo said eloction to be conducted under the usual requirements or the law. By order JAMES SULLIVAN, Lieut. Col. Com'd’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. 8. Danikll, Adjutant. Jel3 *** City papers will please copy and send in (tiotr bills to the Bcorotary of tbo Kegimout. JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. TTAVING resumed the practice of hlsprofea* XX lion, offora his services to his friends and the pnblio as an Arobltoct and Superintendent. Designs fot any part of the country supplied and oxocutod in all tho various branches of his profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Mouuments, Ao. Thoroughly Fire Proof Storos de signed and executed. Office at present in Bay Lane, rear of the Custom House.Jan 8—ly ☆ OXiOTXXXNG- _A EMPORIUM* 1 DOOR WEST OF TUR REPUBLICAN READ1NO BOOH. W.O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY Flue Ready-made Ciotbiug ; Hats aud Caps, Shirts, Collar*, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Umbrellas L'ruvats, Stocks, Uaudkurchlefs, uud Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. TAYLOR, Also, Suporfina Cloths, vassiraers aud Vestings, will be made to mea sure, unexception able in style aud workmanship, by the boat mechanics, at shortest notice • _ — Mterh wncment in Perry’a Brick T Range, Jdhds street, nfcar-the Medical Col- lege; if Ibr rent.' If In suitable tor a Bioall llfamll/. ir desired, the furniture can-bo n_with the house. Fbr portlculars Inquire on TO RENT. -jMflftfc Building corner Bay and Drayton-sts., |HM RUltablo (hr mercantile purposes and ator- KlH nge. For particulars ennuiro nt xjaSflk Junelu THIS OFFICE. "TO RENT. UNTIL tbo let Novumbnr noxt, a com modious und airy rosldenno, on tho north nldoofthoContral Railroad Dopot, known as Hovors Plnco, Tho houso Is nowiy fur* nlshod from basomout to attic, which can ho bought low. mays YOUNG k l^YATT. OFFICES FOR RENT , ■ IN THE THRK&STORY BRICK HOUSE adjolnlfig the office or tho subscrlbor. Tho basement would make, with Romo slight improvement, sn oxcellont lawyor’s-offico. and second doors will bo lot lor Counting- Rooms, and the third Tor stooping apartments. Con nected with tho establishment Is an out-building of brick,suitable tor servants. Apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, septa Corner Drayton and Bryan streets. "VORSACK. P A PLANTATION In Way no Coim-jffc I ty, on tho Buffidu Swamp, uontalnlngJE, 1000 acres; about 260 acros cleared aud In ordor for cultivation. On tho promises is a plain, comfortable dwelling, will) nil necessary hams and out houses. Possession given In Decem ber noxt, aud with tho place will ho sold, if desired, tho provision crop of present year. Also an improvod lot (2J^ acres) in the village of Way ties vlllu, and 20 ncres adjoining. Waynes vllle Is uiuiirpassod tor health, nml the Brunswick mil- road running through It, renders it easy of access. Jell lmo HENRY R. FORT. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The two-Btory brink store on-Congress street, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein k Ecktnnn. This la ono of tho best stands in tho city for uuy kiud of business. Torins I be mado accommodating. For particulars in- qiilro at 142 Broughton street, above the store of T. 1.. MoKonna. tfmayH TO RENT. r The Dwelling lately occupied by Judge I Fleming, in Taylor street, near Drayton. Said House is throe stories on u basement, Lwlth good servants’ rooms, utidoulliouBos. ►ssossion given Immediately. Apply to fob 28 D, L. COHEN. 1 FOR RENT. t - Possession given Immediately — Thrcu story brick liouso, now and in good ordor, on Macon street, noxt oast residence to Mrs. Jowolt. pply at tills office. nuy27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ i i i GEORGIA. J. J, HESLHR, Proprietor. LaUffthe Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. Passengers |»er Evening Trains will find Clipper ready ou the arrival of tho Curs, miiylJ No. 14T fifty Street, SAVANNAH. ear. Orders from city uud uouuty solicited, BAKBEHSHOPSV Pnlnekl House Barber Shop, Owm*' Urick Huildiny, ojpositc the Pulaski House, VIVE WORKMEN ENOAgED. Marshall House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WOREHEN ENGAGED. f|'HE subscriber, thankfulto Ulsfellow-citizena X lor the liberal patrouuga he has received, and is still receiving, begs respeotfully to Inform them that he bus engaged sufficient additional first-class workmen from some uf the best Barber Shops in Now York, and will bo euabled to accommodate as many gentlemen us may honor him with their pa tronage. N. B.—The Barber Shops are closed ou Sundays— strangers will please hour this In mind. tot, LAND AGENCY. H1IIF umtorsignod will, for five dollars per X examine any lands in tho counties of Appling', Wayne, Ware or Cnll'oe, and report to tho owner as to their proxent value, the prospect for tbolr be coming more valuable in future, und whether or uot there is being any trespass committed thereon, Invariably pledging himself to give a truo and cor rect account, for which all remittances will ho ex pected In advance. ' lie will also soil and remit when requested, and a-; directed, for seven per cent. He will also promptly attoud to all professional business entrusted to tils care. vernon c. McLendon, * my I a Attorney at law, Hotnesvlllc, Ga. JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give his attention to designs in Architec ture. Office in the store of John Williamson, Ksq., Bay stroet. tnylS ClUGAH—If. hbds choice Porto Rico 8ugaF; 26"do O Crowned Muscovado aud Cuba Sugar; 60 bbls Harhadoes Sugar; 800 do Stunrt’s and Baltlmoro steam refined, crushed, powdered and clarified Sugar, lauding, and for sale by jane 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNHOX k CO. • jC.'.O. •rickets $10—Halves $5—(Jiiart Prizes payable without deduction. jfff- Persons seniilng money by mall uued not tear it3 being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communication* confidential. Bank notes of sound nauks taken at |mr Drawings >enl to all ordering tickets. ft®-Those wishing particular numbers should order Immediately. The 5,000 prizes of t8, are determined by the drawing of ihu Capital uf (7,500; if the number that nraw.'i the Capital is an even numner, Tickets muHig 0 2, 4, it, 8, are omit led to $8; if an odd « .umber those Tickets ending with 1.5), ft, ", 9, are •milled to $8. . Address .lANfFS F. WINTER, Manager. iunei7 Macon, Ga. B AGGING, ROPE, Au.—IOO bales Gunny Bag ging; 600 colls Bale Rope; 600 pounds Twine; received and tor sale by Jtmelft BOlAXJMBE, JOHNSON & CO. FOR NEW YORK. tu tail Saturday, 214 June, at 10 o'clock A. M. The steamship KNOXVILLE, Capt. k l.udlaw, will leave asabove. lor P freight or i«ssngo apply to ■ PADKLFORD, KAY k CO. Cahlu Passage $26 Moorage Passage 8 OUg- Shipper* of Cotton by these Steamships will I-leu so take notice, that no Cotton will ho received at i .• prn&-iv that is not distinctly marked on theedgo t>l the bale. jelft B ACON, PORK, &«.—60 hhds otenr and ribbed Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 80 casks sugar-cured Hams; 60 bbls prime und mess Pork; 30 half bbls Hawes k Co’s Fultoti Market Beef; 6 do do Tongues; Just received and tor snlo by junelfi HOIUOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. C OFFEE 800 bags fair to choice Rio Coffee; 60 do Ijigunyrn Collbe; 60 mats Java Coffee; 80 bales Mocha Coffee; landing, in store aud tor sale by Junelfi _ HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. W ANTEffTO* PURCHASE— Ity'of Columbus Bonds, endorsed by the Mmcogec Railroad Company. Apply to jeltl—fills PADKLFORD, FAY At CO. FLOUR IN BARRELS. a TUHT received a lot of Extra Family Flour, >1 in barrels. upr29 YOUNG k WYA TT. NOTICE. ' VirK, the uiidorslgued have this day entered Into a cn-p .1 ttier*hlp for tliu pur|Mi*u of transact- mg u regular Auction and Commission Business in this city, under tho name aud stjlo of Barktmm k Hulioi h. at llm store No. 164 Bay street, lately (a: cupled by Spencer Currell. V. J. W. UARKMAN. June 17 THOR. J. BUIJ/KIH, C hoice wines & liquors- •lust received 20 baskets Heldslck Champagne, rt quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines. 16 doz Ciarot Wine anti Cordials; 8 half pi;iofl old Gtaril and Senetto Brandies; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin. Beaver brand; 6 bbls old Monongahela Whisky, in gluss and wood. For snlo by DAVID O’CONNOR, jell v Cor. Broughton and Drayton eta. EttOHAjSTS’ HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE, EAST FLA. JOHN BOZEMAN, Proprietor. BOAK0 t'KH DAY ...$ 1 60 IIOAKO I’KK W'KKK 0 00 llOAHn PUR MOXTU 20 00 .rnayia lyr BOLLS HOUSE, ~ CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CHARLKJTO.V, ». 0. THIS House is now adapted to all the wants of tho Travelling Public, aud tho ef forts of tho Proprietor will ho to deserve their patronage, mar 81 THOMAS S. NICKERSON. Instead of going North cotne to the Stolid Mountain House, and spend your summer, as everything will ho done tor your com- .fori. Conveyances will bo furnished to convoy passenger* to Idtwrcncuvllto, Gainesville and Clarksville. Passenger* by the Georgia Railroad take sup per at this house. ALEXANDER k CLARK. F. 8. Ai.kxaniikk, formerly nf Luwroneevllte. J A. Clahk,'Social Circle.* 2 ir. WAN'l’KU—A-Vcflebn.) load with Timber Mtor u-Northern port; Apply at Union Steam Mill,or nt.1 FO’Brrno’a JEFFERSON ROBERTS. FOR FREIGHT ORTHARTER.—Tha llrlg; 1.0U18A BEAM,. Anolrfo A ‘ may27' , l.OCKOT It 8NEI.|,U<08. , , ■ aStkII ru CliAHTfiR-A ySSSTor 150,000 to 200,060 foot carrying capacity, to load nUor tor Matanzas. Apply to may2C PADE3JORD, FAY &fOO. “ VHBSEIS WANTEjfe^A; V,ejM|6l toioftd With timber, for BostoO- jAliio a load with sawed lumbor. mbthe ratito'plftco. Apply to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, nt Union Stoam 8aw Mill, aprlfl or J. F^p’BYRNK’S Office. "" WANTED.—A freight nr charter tor Ha vana for Brig R. M. OHARI.ETON. Apphi to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Uj^on^eamJSaw Mill, apr!9 i O’BYRNE’S Office. OH l.fVKni'OOI..—Ttio A I Ajnoricao ,i MARY fc ADELINE, W, Taylor, master, FOR Ship Mm>. IV auuuovn I'l •«»/»•»., iimnini, having a portion of her cargo engaged, will have itmnoHlato dispatch. ‘For freight apply to Captain Taylor, or to may 7 BKMtnAM. KKU.V & 00, FOiTTfilUDKIilifiA—HKUIN’a. Ij.SK.— B Tito schooner MARY k 1X)UISA, Captain an, will have illspatch tor the above |»ort.— For freight apply to mayltt ?' C. A. GREINER. HOH l*ini,AllKl.l’IIIA—lllo* Kuljr MAHIA PICKUP, Baker. Muster, will .have despatch lor ttto above port. For IVeluhl'imply to Jol OGDEN, s/ARH & CO. FOR' IJVEUPUOl^Tir A l Auiertoau fillip FAISON, Patton master, having a large portion of freight engaged, will moot with dispatch us above, for b&lanco of cargo, apply to lHUGl^AAl, KE1.LY k CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.—trio A1 ship JAMES RAY will lmvu dispatch for the abuvo pdft. For freight imply to Je8 HUNTER k GAMMELL. FOR BALTIMORE, —Tho schr S N SMITH, Caotaln Smith, will lmvo dispatch for tho utiovu port. For freight apply to Juno 6 . , C. A. GREINER. FOR LIVERPOOL.—The lino threo-mnstod schooner CORDELIA, Dunham, mnster, will navo mapatch for tho above port. For freight ap ply to •’ '• Jnne6 mtlUilAM. KELLY & CO. OAHIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $23 00. Suml-Wct*kly United States Mull Line.. niHE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL I Steamshliw— KNOXVII,1^., 1,500 tons..Cupt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1,500 “ .. Cupt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,800 “ ..Cupt. M.8. Woodbull. ALABAMA.... 1,300 “ ..Cupt. G. R.Sohouck. WtLt UtAVK SAVAVNAH KVKRY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. These ships are among the largest on tho coast, unsurpassed in speed, siifetyMuid comfort, making their passages In fifty to sixty hours, and uro com manded by skillful, careful und polite officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable convoyauco to New York. Cablu Pussago to New York .$26 Steerage Possugo to Now York 8 PADEIJ-’ORD, FAt k CO., Savauiiah. SAM’I, L. MITCHILL. 13 Broadway, 1)6 idK Now York. FLOlllDA"«&RTS; FI.OntnA StCAMSIIIP CO HPAN'Y. —U. S. Mall Lino—From New Or- louns to Koya West.—Steamships 'FLORIDA and VANDERBILT,—Theso Ono steamers will in futur«> make their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving au/ollows: New Or loans, 1 Otii k 24th Key. West, .. 10th & 24th Pensacola.... lltli &25lh Tampa ltth k 26th Apalachicola.I2tli k20th Cedar Keys. 12th k 26th St Marks.... 13th k 27th St. Marks.. .14th k 28th Cedar Keys..14th k 28th Apalachicola,16th & 29th Tampa Bay.. 16th k 29tb Pensacola... Ifitb k 30th Arrive at Key West 17th k 1st |.New. Orleans, 17111 k 1st Agents In Now Orleans, ...... dee26 am E. G‘. ROGERS. & CO., 72 Poyarasa street. m INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. ■ The Underslgped has again the pleusm o of iuformiug his 'numerous friends, us well as the public at large, that ho is yet at the Indian Spring Hotel, and Is fully prepureu, with the assistance of his eons uud his own experience of six years at the hotel, with the best cooks that cun ho procured, as well os assis tance ol'ull kinds, to ask of all those who visit the Spring a generous share of their patronage, intend ing to H)iuro no pains of himself to make all such as please to give him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel 1b now open, and ready to receivo all those tl|at will please to cull. There will he at For sythe Depot coucbos and hacks ready to convey all such as wish to gn over. RDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsept Proprietor. V* Savannah Republican, Morning .Vows, and Clmrlestou Courier will please lusert tho above three times each week until 1st September, and send their bills for payment, ERVV, VARNER. ST. MAUYS’ HOTEL. The above named House is now open tor tho reception of Hoarders and Travellers, and tho uudorHigneil promises to spare neither pains or expense to make his pa trons comfortable. His table will always bo sup plied with tho’cholcest that the market oud tho sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Game, Ac. Tbo House is large and airy, and within a lew yards or the landing, on the beau- titol rivor St. Marys, and Is a desirable place for in valids nud others as a summer resort. Tho stage leave* the House three time* a week for Woodstock Mills. ControviUago, und Trader's JHU, and tho Sa- vmmnb bonis touch going and coming, so that per sons will not be inconvenleuced, but can leave when they desire. Prices will he made to correspond wit*' first class country hotels. THOMAS U. JONES St. Marys, May 27,_186a. 8m my2T* '^ssvds&i mvmmi IXDIAN 8|*IUN(18, OKOKOIA. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respectfully announce* that tho above House will ho opened for the reception of gucHts, on tho 20th Instant. He has been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. lame* Grlfflu, woll knowu to the public as the keeper of tho Ninety Milo Houso on the Central Railroad, to assist iu tho superintendence of tho MoIVUosh Houso during tho season. A hand of mu sic has also been secured. Plages will ho in readi ness nt Forsyth, on tho arrival of trains, to convoy nassengors with comfort and dispatch to the house. No pains will be spared to make guests as comfort able as possible, and a more than usually hrilliunt season Is confidently anticipated. tlA—Juno 6 £ m James Grl F'Oli 'ibilATgUN’H LANDING, AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, • 'I'o leave on Tuesday Night, the 12th instant. Tho light draft-steamer, WILLIAM LEBUY, Captalh A. C. King, will leave regularly as above, from the Charleston Rtcampackot Wharf. Apply to fob 11 8. M. LAFFWRAU, Agent. U. S. Mnll Llne FOR PALATKA, FLA., I’iii liarien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Ga., Permudi• na and JadtsonviUe, Picolala and Black Creek, Fla. THE Sioatnor W’ELAKA,Cupt. N King, will leave for the above places every Tuesday Morning, at 10 o’clk.’ This boat haa large aud airy State Room accom modations, uud taking Ihe lulaud Passage, offers every inducement to Invalids und others. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill and inter modlato laudlugson-Bt.-Mary’rf-River.- Nn freight will bo taken aftor 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board ut tho Florida Steam packet wharf, or to npr21 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. 11NITJBD STATICS MAIL LINK. ' Fir Palatka, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, bbrnandina, Jacksonville, Middleburg, (Black Creek,) and Picdata. m L Tho now nml elogaut steampacket ^gySixBSlai^T- JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every {Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, fbr tho abovo places. Freight will he takuu for Trader’s Hill nud Inter mediate landing* on St Mary’s River. JBfS” No freight will ho taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent.state* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Steampacket Wharl, neur tho Gas Works, or to nprfil CLAGIIORN & CUNNINGIIAM^Ag’to. _ POrt Ul»RLEiStOiV AND PLOillDA". lk K Tho fine, .steampacket CAROLINA, Captain Cox’etter, will leave here tor .lucksouville, Plcolatu and Paintka, uvery Tues day afternoon at 5 o'clock; returning, will leavo for Charlestmt, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at Wlllitik’s wharf, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. June 14tti, I860—ly Morning papers please copy. THR <4UK AT WESTERN IN8URANUK 00. OF NEW YORK. A RE taking Marine Risks at their Agenoy, x\. coruor of Drayton and Bryan streets. _ Approved Risks will bo taken on liberal term*, and the usual credit given on Prcmlum Notes. Three quarters of the biwUioss will bo returned to the cus tomors in scrip v * O. A. L* Lamar, fob 19 Agent in Savannah, iSflt/KANCE. - " Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Life Ins. Company, Home Insurance Company, of If* York, Springfield Fire * Marine Ina. Com’y, Risks in the abovo Insurance Companies underta ken by WH. KINO * SONS, Agents, No. 99 Ray street. Bavaunuh, 14Ui December, 1866. dcol4 FIItR, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANCE. NO. Ill, BAY-STREET. OAPITAT. IiEPIiESENTED, Nearly Four million Dollar*. By the following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OP LONDON. Farmers’ and Mechanics* Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Company, OF PIlJLADELPniA. Bridgeport Fire and Marine Iustirance Company* OP BRIDGEPORT, OT. ftp-Tao subscriber will effect Inaurauce to any amount In all i»rts of the State on every description of proper!^. Life Insurance, to any arnouut. at the lowest rato, for tho bouoflt of heirs and creditors, or payable to tbo wife fro© from the claims of creditors. Marino Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts oftho world. Jan26 A. WILBUR. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1, I860* $2,230,006 47 Total amount of divldomlH paid to date 716.492 63 Total amount or claim? by death paid to duto 1,330,990 84 BY BELtft PBBNtiM, (spoamoxsto npuauqi A »m.) Underwriter*’ Bale. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, In Andrew Low A Co.’s Alley, will be sold, 26 balos damngod Cotton, sold tor account of all concerned. Terms cash. jane 17 TO-MORROW, (Wodnosday,) at 10 o’clock, on the premises, will be sold, A two-story wooden House, on lot No. 1, Car penter’s Row. Conditions at sato. Junel7 WEDNESDAY, nt 11 o’clock, In front or store will be sold,—- Tho usual assortment of Groceries, Provisions, IJqflors, Crockery and Glass Ware, Dry Goods, now and second hand Furniture, Clothing, Fancy Articles; Watches, Jewelry, Ac., Ac. Terms, cash before be- Uvory. 43T All articles purchased at auction and not set tied for previous to tho next regular sale, will be ROld on accouut nud risk ortbrmer purchaser. Jf'K House at Auction. On TUE8DAV, 17th InsL, at 10 o’clock, will bo sold on tho premises. A two-story Wooden House, on Lot No. 1, Car penter’s Row. Torms cash. Jelfi Administratrix Sale. On TUESDAY, July first, at 11 o’clock, iu front ot Ihe Court House, will bo sold;— The southern half of Lot No 17 and Improvements, situated ou East Boundary street; tho Improvements aro six wooden tenements. Sold as tho property of tho estate or Daniel Robertson, deceased, for the benefit or tho heirs auil creditors or said estate.— Terms cash. A. R. ROBERTSON, myia Administratrix. $4,282,488 67 a tniu 0. Miller, Scoretary, Joseph L. Lord, Agent, Kobort L. Patterson. President. ♦Tho funds of this Company are all safely Invested In first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes of members fully secured by their policies. For further particulars inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agout In Savannah, At tho office of Bell A Prcnttos. .!, 8. SULLIVAN, Medical Examiner. feu 29 Messrs. Padblford, Fay A Co.. I. K. Tkft, Esq., State Bank. ■ U. A. Curtis A Co. ’ • HustoJ k Curtt. • W. H. Lyou A Co. • 1.00, Murphy A Co. 1 Briggs, wostcott A Co. ! Fatinau A Co. ^ Geo. Savory A Co. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 38, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NSW YORK. GASH CAPITAL—$812,000 AGENT YOlt SAVANNAH, James 1VI* Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF AtESSUS. YOUNG, WYATT & CO., No. 85, Buy Street,Jielow the Post Office. muROTOR*: ALANSON MARSH. A. R0L1J) Firm of A. 8. Barnes A Co. ALONZO CHILD, “ “ Childs, l'rutt A Cn. I. 1\ BAILARD, •* “ Livingston, Ballard A Co. WM. M. DODGE. “ “ Wm. M. Dodge ft Co P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTW, WM. E. ROUX), ,8. T. I.,lPPINfX>TT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTEH, WM. II. RIVERSMITH, W. H. LYON, GEO. CHAIRMAN, •' JOS. 11. AVESl'COTl', JOS. FATMAN, *• ST’EPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, “ i! J. A. REQUA. ALAN80N MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vico PreslniJUt. WM. E. ROLI.O, Soci olury. ftftr Tlil* Company will Issue 1'ollcies upou Ma rina, lulaud Navigation, Transportation uud Fire Risks, at liberal rates of prem;um. bosses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agqnt, octbl No. 86, Bay Street. 1 ^ THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, j Of No, 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Penn. j CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $600,000. | KIRK, MARISK, AND IXLAND LVSURA.VCK. DIRECTORS : diaries C. I.atbrop, 632 Spruce f-trcel; Alexander M'blldon, Merchant, 14 North Front-st.; John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter ft Co. ; E, Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; John R. M’Curdy, firm of .Tones, White k M’Curdy; Isnno Hazlehurst, Attorney nnd Counsellor; James B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith ft Co.; Tlieodoro W. BaKer, firm of Trary ft Baker ; R. S. Walton, 360 Market street; Thomas K. Umerlck, 634 Spruce stroet; John J. Baker, Goldsmith’* Hall. CHARLES CJ. LATHROP, President. Tiuw. K. l.iKRRtcK, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, jiine 16 No. 86 Buy street. (BECDm&IIA. naOSHU'IBBi'ff [AtmiORIZKn UY TUK STATK OK nEORQIA.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLASS 10. To be druwn in the city of Atlanta, lu public, on THURSDAY, Juno 20,1860, ou THE HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN Si CO., Malingers. prizeOmountingto $34,000!! Will be distributed according to the following BRILLIANT SCHEME! 10,000 NUMBERS—940 PRIZES I SCHKMK. ..$10,000 Is $10,000 .. 6,000 IS 6,000 .. -3;000 Is 3,000 1,000 is 1,000 * 1,000 2,600 2,000 2,600 4,000 1,320 240 200 160 280 400 400 1 prize or.. 1 “ !! i •• !!.... 1,000 6 prizes of 600 are 10 •* 200 are 26 “ 100 arc 80 “ 60 are 44 “ 80 are 4 prizes of $60 upp’g to $10,000 prizo, are 50 40 10 6,000 prize, aro 3,000 prize, aro 1,000 prize, are 500 prize, are 200 prizo, aro CITY COURT OF SAVANNAH, MAY TERM 1860. W HEREAS, Goorgo W. Gar many, William B. Giles, Ezra F. Wood, Samuel L. Spoisulger, John C. Ferrell, Thomus J. Walsh, John Jonoa, Rich ard K. Cuylcr, Luke Christie, and Edward Padel- turd, summoned to utteud the present May Term of this Court as Grand Jurors, have made default: It i- orijered that tlioy be fined forty dollars each uu- less they file good and sufficient cause of excuse ou nr hob ire the first day of tho next Term of this Court. And, wheroas, ThomuH H. Crugor, William F. Chaplin, Jucob Freeman, George B. Clark, William Condon, Edwin W. Eden, George F. Cercojily, Mur- nmdutt Hamilton, William H. U»o)>er, Augustus C. Cannon, Putrlck Carney, and Jesse B. Dadtcr, sum moned to attend the present Term of Court us Petit Jurors huve urnilu delimit: It is ordered thutthey bo lined twenty dollurs each unless they Qlo good and sufficient cause of excuse ou or Uelure the first day of the next Term of this Court- I’i tie Mlrnn from the minutes, PHILIP M. KUSH ELI., ,)cl; Clerk of the City Court of Savannah. VIEW GOSHEN BUTTER ANDCHEteE—16tubs i.1 and 10 kegs rholco new Goshen Butter; 20 boxes Goshen Choose, landing from steamer and Dir •ale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. juno 17 . S YRUP AND MOLASSES.-*!*) bbls New Orleans Syrup; 60 do Molasses; In store and for sale 1>y nine 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. ’ 0. 0. POOLE, No, 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN Biuilies* Blliuls, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Gloss, Putty, ate. ■a Painters’, Grainero’ and Artists* Brushes: Whitewash Heads and Dusters, Dry and = m—■-'Mixed Paints of every description, Artists’ cotors in tubes, Prepared Canvass, &c. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— House, Slgu and Ship Palutlng, Gilding, Graining and Glaring done iu the bost style ana at modorato prices. All orders irom the country promptly attended to. mob 28—ly WILMOT’M JEWELRY • STORE Is receiving by every urrl* •vul a lurge ami rich assort- ment of Gold and Silver Watches, Dlauioud 11ns. Ear aud Finger Kings, Mautlu und otlwr Clocks, SiKxms, Forks, Tea Setts, Casters, ftc., of Sterling Silver. Jewelry iu every variety, Ivory Tublo Cutlery, Hno Pocket Knives and Scissors. Rich China and Puriuu Vuses, aud other urtictes. Fine Duuble Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Guimiug Implements uf all kind*. Plated Walters, Castors, Tea Setts and Caudle- sticks, with a grout vuriuty of Fancy Articles, suita ble far wedding gifts, too uamorous here to men tion. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired by tho most experienced workmen. ^ S. WILMOT, may 13 No. 1 Market square. • FASHIONS FOR JUNK. IRANK Leslie’s Gazette of Fashions for Juue rc- -C11 J; celved and for sulo by lei ' WARNOCK ft DAVIH, No 159 Congress st. S UGAR—to hhds choice New Orleans Pugar; zo do Porto Rico do; 20 d«» fair Muscovado do; iu -Jure uud Tor sato by nine 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. S TUART’S REFINED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS. —26 bid* Stuurl’* crushed Sugar; 20 do pow dered do; 160 do A, B and (5 clarified do; Just re- ewved aud for sale by iauai; SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft C'O. P UItTER—20 casks l«yasB' Isimton Porter, land ing uud for sab! by • (nue 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CXJ. R ECEIVED per stonmar Knoxvliie—Ploklod and smoked Tougiuis; Fulton Market Beer, and Pig 1 ‘'ik, Pig I (akm and Pig Bacon. . Oruugus, ]sinioos, Apples, and White Beaus. aiau, a fr«sh supply nt Fuxn's celehraled Crock ers. For “.alo low nv $ line 7 .1. A. BROWN. IIlJHltAll t—HUIUlArtl! J t’ST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Deveroaux, In tour days from Havnnn, a fresh lot of choice »mil, for the flavunimh Fruit Emporium, consist- ol—400 bum he* Banuuus, 100 dozen Pine Ap- 60fK) Plantain.^ :UKM) Sweet Oranges, Tom- cUics, and one basket Green Ginger. For sale by I'me U _ • J. A. BROWN, S Ai.T—ibbu sacks Httli lu store and fur sale by WILLIAM LYNN, WWW 87 Bay street SUNDRIES. 1000 Roams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe 60 M imported Spanish Segura; 260 boxos Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Coffee: 76 mats Java Coffee; 100 doz Brooms; 50 doz Washbourds; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Palo Soap; 76 do No. 1 Soap; ■ 600 Gross Mutches; 50 half chosts Young Hyson Tea: 60 do do Oolong do; 100 boxes Candy; 60 boxos Scalod Horriugs; 76 boxos Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes Imported Costtlo Soup; UK) boxos Toilet Soap; 50 >4, >£, aud whole boxes Raisins, Received and tor sulo by McMAHON ft DOYLE, may14 206 aud 208 Buy stroot. QDRING AND SUMME if CLOTHING.-The subscriber would Invito the attention of all in want of SPRING AND SUMMER CIX>TI!ING, to his stock which has just been received, nt tho Star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. aprl5 WM. O. PRICK. NEW YORK ft LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Tho ships comprising this line are— ;.•.«{ : 1 ATLANTIC, Capt. West, |-BALTIC, Cupt. Uomstocl PACIFIC, di|tt. Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt These ships having hocn Vwllt, by contrnct, ox- pressly lor Government service, every care has been taken in their construction, as also In their en gines, to lUBUro strength nud speed, and their ac commodations for passengers are uuoqualed for ele gance aud comfort. Prices of Passage from Now York to Liverpool in first cabin $130, in second cabin $76, exclusive use of extra state-rooms $3*25. From Liverpool Vo Now York 4130 and £20. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berths cqn be secured until paid for. For freight or pussago apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 60 Wall street, Now York. BROWN, SHIPLEY ft CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD ft CO. B. 0. WAINWRIG11T .ft CO., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. ft®- Tho owners of theso ships will uot ho ac countable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, Jewelry, precious stones, or metals, unless, bills of lading aro signed therefor, and the value thereof exprossad tberoin. Shipper* will please take notice that tho ships ol this liuo cannot carry any goodg*contrabund of war. L ocomotive needles.—a new and ele gant article which needs only to bo tried once iu tnsuro tbo constant preference of the scamstross, just received and tor sale by marl8 LARSON ft ROGERS. SUNDRIES. QOA Boxes choice Rio Cotluo, Q\J160 boxes toir to prime Klo Coffee. loo boxos Old Government Java Coffee. 200 hhds. Muscovudo Molasses. * 160 bbls. choice New Orleuus Syrup. 60 hhds. New Orleans Muscovado, amt Porto Rico Sugar. 1)00 bbls. reIIuud A. B. ft C. Sugar. 60 bbls. Crush and Powdered Sugar. 100 bbls. Lobauon, Siiportluo uud Extra Hour 160 bpxos Starch. Adainnutlue ft Sperm Candles. 140 boxes No. I Palo, and Fuiifily Soap. 200 bulus Heavy Gunuy Bagging. 2ft hhds. Bacon Bides aud Shoulders, 76 bbls. Mess aud I’rlmo Pork, 100 boxes Tobacco, various hruuda. 100 boxos Black aud Green 'Dm, 600 bogs Drop and Back Shot. 60 kogH and half kegs “lluzarda” Powder, together with a full assortment of all other articles in the Grocery line, (except liquors.) Jn store/and for sale on accommodating torins, by June 1 RODGERS, NURRIB & 00. eoicinixw tONMoNUKKfV* I ff/\f\ Sacks just received and tor sale. •DUU YONGE ft FRIERSON; TO BUILDERS. mHE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to execute | at the shortest notico, and in the most work manlike mannor, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work counoctod with the manufac turing or repairing of Coppor, Galvanized Irou, Zinc, or Sheet Iron Business. HORACE MORSE, octl3 16(1 Broughton st* LAND AGENCY—Brunswick, BiT EDWIN M. MOORE 0 eha80 aud sale of lands iu tho counrios of Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Coffee. Clinch, Lowndes and Thomas, Particular attention given to locating, purchasing and snlllug ol town lotsln tho town of Baunswick. KKFKRKXCKa: Dr RCollins, Macon; Dr B M Onrgllo, Brunswick’ Thomas U Harden, Bevannah; Hon James L BewJ ard, ThotnaavlUe. 249 prizes uuouutiug to.. $34,000 APPROXBIATION PRIZES. The two preceding and the two following numbers to those drawing the first 20 prizes are entitled to the 80 approximation prizes, in the usual manner. Remember that every prize is drawn, and paya ble In toll without deduction. All prizes of $1000, and under, puld immediately ufter the drawing—other prizes at the usual time or thirty days. ft®- All communications strictly confidential. The drawn nnmbors will be forwarded to pur chasers immediately after the drawiug. Whole Tickets $6—Halves $2.60—Quarters $1.26. Prize tickets cashed or renewed lu other tickets at either office. Order* for tickets can bo addressed either to S. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta. Ga., or Jell 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala ALABAMA LOTTERY! [AUTHORIZED DY ink CT4TE U) - ALABAMA.] mmm 3Jlilifflri| iJlrntoif jCrttoni CLASS E-NEW SERIES, To bo.drawn in tho City of Montgomery, Alabama, In public, on THURSDAY, July 10,1866. on tho HAVANA P L AN! SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prizes amounting to 205,000 Dollars I! Will he distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 30,000 IN timbers—10,000 Prizes t. I prizo of $36,000 is $36,000 1 \ 1 1 I 1 1 1 l 10 do 100 do do do 10,000 I do do 6,000 1s.... do do 2,000 is.... do do 4,200 1a.... do do 1,100 1s., do do do do do do do do do do.. 10,000 6,000 2,000 1,000 li 900 Is.... 800 i3.... 620 is.... 200 is.... lOOLs.. 1,000 900 800 620 2,000 , 10,000 ~ wm. x hunt; Cor. Montgomery AToru sts. SAVANNAH, GA., pKSPECTPUU.Y informs tho Ladies and J-$) Gentlemen of this City that he Is prepared to sorve them every evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar style, nml hopes to merit n share of public patronage. | Savannah, 17th April, I860. 3m ai>rl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. J DANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Brvan-at. / would respectfully imnmince to the citizens ol vannah that ho is ready to make and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, ftc., at tho shortest no- lee, and on tho most reasonable terms. oct3-tf Jel2 94 Bay street. SUNDRIES. "* “ -J POUNDS choice Baltimore Shoulders ; XU v vf and 1200 do do Sides; 100 choluo sugar-cured Hams, iu hags; 600 pounds choice Tennessee Hams; 16 barrels cholco Leaf Lard: 10 tierces extra whole Rice: 0 do fait* do; 20 boxes Family Snap; 10 do steam pole do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 1ft boxos Tallow Caudles; to do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 boxes A, B and C Sugar; 12 hag* good Rio Colfeo; * 7 pocket* old government Java Cotton. All the above tor prV Inw by June 7 J. A. BROWN. MACfflftEilY AND IRON HAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) F ROM tho most complete facilities in his own establishment, and through Ills connections with several of tho prlncipul munufucturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, tho Undorsignod is prepared to furninsh MACHIN FRY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS, Columus, Window Sills anil Lintile, Iron Door*, Shuttors, fto., at Northern prices. He is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of every description, nt short notico, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, he Is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB BTONES, fto. Also Irou Balling In groat variety, tor enclosures, aud to receive orders, ami put up tho work at man- lecturers’ prices. H, H. LINVILLE. Savannah, April 11,1866. nprl 1 L AUD AND HERRINGS— 20 hl)ls Prime Wlitto Leal Lard; 60 boxes Pritno Herrings, lauding and for snlo by may 16 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. D RESS TRIMMINGS.—Fringes, black and colored Molro Antique Gauze, and other styles, iu great variety, and tor sulo by mar 7 AIK IN ft BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLA*—A largo supply orwhooi* top wjialobone frame Giuglmm Umbrellas, all ICE CREAM! HEU COXFECtToNARV STORK No. 1)8 Bryan Street. •two noonsarovk Mb. Grikkkn's jkwkliiy stoke., fpiIE undersigned respectfully informs the La- X dies offtavonunh in particular, nud tho public gonerally, that he has this day opened anew Confec tionary Store, and will keep on hand a largo and resh assortment, of all-kinds and descriptions. Ho will at all times oud Uours, he ready toi'urulsh parties, with suppers. toffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all hour*. Ornamented Cakes, Pies, ftc. ftc., mndo to order. Ho liopos from long experience to give satisfaction to all who will honor him with their patronage. tr. B BOZZOLA. No. 98 Bryan8 SILVER WARE, ClITLEIlY, ftf. WTE have Just received a now qtock of Sliver VV Spouts, Butter Knives, fkilt Ccllaiu, Fish, Pie, Cake and Ico Cream Knives ; also, Steel unu Plated on Steel Tublo C'utlorv, Carvers, Ice Pilchers, Bread Knives. Plated and Pariuu Butter Stand*, be sides a quantity of useful article* too numerous to mention. D. It. NICHOLS ft CO. Juno 4 BARGAINS I N RICH DRESS GOODS AND MANTILLAS— bal- auco or rich fiouncod Organdies, Bareges, Crape uo Paris and Tissues, ntcost to dose them out; also rich Lico Mantillas, at roduccd prices, for sulo b, Juuo_4 DrWITT ft MORGAN y 4) f\ Bills, superior Old Monongeheia Whiskey, received, and for sale by J. M. EYRE, my 14 94 Bay stroot, 4 prizes ot $200 approxim’g m $36,000 are $800 ‘ “• 150 “ 10,000 aro 600 100 »• 5,t)00are 400 80 '• 2,000 are 70 " 1,200 are 60 •• i,100 aro 200 40 1.000 are 100 30 900 aro 120 28 *• 800 aro 112 22 *• 620 aro 88 20 •• 200 aro 800 10 •• 100 are 4000 8>i 127,600 4 4 4 4 1 •t 1 4 4 ' 40 400 1 16.600 16.000 prizes amounting to $205,200 Tho 16,000 prices of or$8are determined by the number which draws the $35,000 prize—if that number should ho an odd number, then every odd number ticket in tho 8chcmewill bo entitled to $8>£; if an even number, then every even nmhber ticket will be entitled to $8J£ in addition to any other prize which may bo drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd aud oven number tickets, will bo certain of drawing nearly one half tbo cost of the same, with chances of obtaining other prizes. MfZT Remember that every prize Is drawn, and payable in full without deduction. fty All prizes of $1,000 aud under, paid immedi ately after the drawing,—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will ho forwarded to pnrehasers Immediately after tho drawing. Whole Tickots, $10—Halves, $5—Quarters, $2 60. Prizo Tickets cashed or renewed in othor Tickots at either office. Orders for Tickots can be addressed either to S. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta, Gn„ jol Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. N KATSKOOT Oil,, of the best quality constantly for sale low by CHAFFER ft CO., maylft 6 Whitaker street. WAITED, A White or Colored woman to cook and wash tor a small family, for which liberal wages will bo paid. Apply at Jo8 WELLS ft WILLIAMS. BY SPENCER CCBBELL. At P/lritf Sato 3,000 biuteta omic; u uceUent wild. oMm* tnay24 « . . AlPrlvau Bala. Southern hair iff lot No 86, Chatham Warft, city o SarannalnmUdniDK twenty-flra and a half tot* front on Tatmdl street, and nlnetv and thraa qnartar Stt In depth, subject to a ground rant oftwaatr-OM 10-100 dollars per annum. Fortorther partKOlara ■ Inquire at the Counting Boom, 184 Hay tract. • At pflysW itilt A few fine lithographed pictuna, Mist Inohas, of Stone Mountain, DeKalb County, Ga*. and Tawaj toga Falls, near the Indian Springe, Ga., for tala . j«»>0 I low. the great sot *. :t .UN REMEDY! PRYOR’S'OINTMENT. I Ttonransandspeeay cute forbnnu, pUea, corns, felons, fever sores, ulcers, acaldhead, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nnr- ses,) sore and cracked lips, I resh wounds and sores or any description. It to a most valuable remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousands who have used it in many portions of the South for the last few years. In no instance will the salve do* any injury, or Interfere with a physician’s prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and fetters from pooplo who have used U thamulven, and most earnestly recommend It to others as * speedy and certain romedy for the above named diseases. A trial Is all that Is necessary for its own recommondation. Sold by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug- gtsts generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor. mayl8 UGrange, Ga. * p JAC0BS " 8EGAR AND TOBACCO STORE* No. 29, Ball street, (sign of the Big Indian^ N. B—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Half Spanish, and American Segars, at wholesale and re- all. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, fto. Janet tametmchenry;—— Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average! adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bondi drawn* Papers prepared whereby to recover loose* from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ot the Custom House. ly novl PATENT KcLkPfiE OB AST IB) & SCEPo Every man hi* own Cm3 Printer, p ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN'S v-> Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, the best, cheapest' and most convenient or any thing tor the purpose yet offered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Aft. apr 3 ly 136 Congress St. HUNT’S IMPROVED 8EW1N0 MACHINES. TV ESIGNED Expressly for making Bags—and XJ which is decidedly superior to any other machine tor that purpose. Spool or skein thread can be used or any desired length, and which will not need to bo changed until the whole to used. Bag manaufacturers, Graln'and Flour merchants are particularly Invited to call and examine it at 185 Con grcBB street. May25. ALFRED WEB8TER,Gen. Aft, HUNT & WEBSTER'S! IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. D ESIGNED tor Families, plantations, Dressma kers, Tailors, Boot ft Shoe manufacturers and others who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly aud with expedition. This machine sews a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will not, ravel. It Is more slmplo, is less liable to get out of order, and costs lesB In proportion than any other machine, and is warranted to be perfect, and to work well. All apparatus necessary for convenient UM to furnished with It, and any instruction wUl b* given that will be necessary to ensure to the purchaser its 8ucces8fril operation and durability. The public ore respectfully invited to call and ex amine them at 136 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Aft ftST* A very neat and ornamental Iron Table will now be given with a machine fora small sum in addition to the regular price. ' May 26. HOWES CJOTTON SlARVKSTBll. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866, T HF :r.r -. rOi.-j* nt enables oho field hand to pick .... .w.Uh (olive can pick by th* eld method aud having the cotton free from trash, and In better condition lor ginning. The abovo machines are for sale at 136 OongreM street Savannah, and 126 Meeting street, CbarlM- ton, S. C. All orders from abroad will reoelva prompt attention. Planters, Factors, CottonBrokora, and all interested are respectfully invited to call and examine thorn. County Rights can be bought oa favorable terms. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. C ORN.—10,000 bushels Tennessee Corn in store _'and for safe few by jo2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. 1,200 TTILOUK AND BACON.—600 sacks Flour ; 10.0% 1,100 J; lbs Bacon, Instore and for safe by , Je2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. B ALTIMORE FLOUR—100 bbls superfine Balti more Flour Landing per schr Woodbridge, and for safe by jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. R efined and clarified sugars— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 25 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do ■ 60 do do C do do Just received and for safe by jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. Assises: of bh^aD. mHE average price or Flour the last month being X Eight dollars, Bread muBt weigh as follows:— 10 Cent Loar must weigh 2 pounds. 1 « 3 ” “ “ 9J£ ounces. JAMBS ti. WILKINS, City Treasurer. Juno 1st, 1860. my8i M onongahela whisky— 25bbs Old Mdnongahcla Whisky, 60 »* Doublet Just received and for sale by . my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. K GCKI.AN If LIME.—1,500 bbls Rockland Lime daily expected per brig E. W. AUGER. FOr sale, to arrive, by »ay28 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft 00. M ARSHALL ft SON’S Celebrated Pig Hams, Pig Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Also some new Smoked Tongues aud Fresh Smoked Boot'. Received per Alabama, by may28 J. D. JESSE. B read, matches ft lemon syrup— 60 bbls Sugar, Soda, and Butter Bu'scult;' 26 boxes do do do do. 150 gross Matches, round boxes. 76 boxes Lomon Syrup. Received aud lor sale by McMAHON ft DOYLE, jell Noe, 206 ft 207 Bay street. sizes, received ami for sale by Juno 0 LADSON ft ROGERS. L iverpool salt.—ioo sacks, ten to the ion, landing from ship Ell Whitney, und lor safe by mnrlO PAGLEORD, FAY ft (U M AGAZINES FOR JUNB-Putnam’s Monthly; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magaziun; Artuur'a Homo Magazine; Godov’s lady’s Book: Harper’s Now Monthly, nud Dleknu’s Household Words, received und tor sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Juno 8 169 Congress street. B utter & cheese— 26 tuba choice Now May Butter, 26 hoXe3 “ “ , Goshen Cheese, lint received nml for safe by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. WANTED. A Conslgnoo for 10 tubs of Butter, marked J. F. ft I)., landed per steamship Knoxville from Now [ jo9] PADKLFORD, FAY ft CO. TRANBPAliENT WINDOW SHADES. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 COXCIRRSS AND 57 8T. JI'LIKN-NTKKKTS. £ IB Subscriber has received, and will open this day, the largest and mostextonsivo vurlety NDOW SHADES ovor offered in this city. It is the intention of tho advertiser to keep constantly in Btore a largo supply or all tho various patterns and stylos manufactured by the manufacturers or this country and or France, to which tho attention of mer chants and families iu tho city and country, <b in vited. They will be sold at wholcsalo and retail, at sntlBfactory prices. W H. GUION, Agent. Jan 8 SALE OF LOTS AT SUMTER CITY DEPOT. T HE Georgia and Florida Railroad Company have established their llrst depot at tho tenth mile south of Americas, to which point tho Company havo mado preparations to oped their Railroad from AmoriouB in the mouth of October next; tho owners of tho laud arouud suid depot, having obtained tho sanction of tho Railroad Compuny, will offer for sale, ou Wodnosday, thosocoud day or July noxt, to tho highest bidder, fifty ollglblo business aud res- donee Lola, couveulent to tho depot, which ha* re ceived tho namoof “Sumter City.’’ Tliis oopot 1b on tho summit oftho rldgo between Muckalco and Muckaloocheo Creek: it is two hun dred and forty-threo foot above tne bod of Flint River at Albany, and Is tho highest point ou the lino of Road; it is convenient to tho largo trad* which will go over tho Road from tbo South, being near tho junction of tho two principal highways leading from tho Southern part of Georgia to Am or iam. Tliopoiutselected for “SumterCity” has been provcu to bo one of tbo healthiest locations in Georgia. Tho water is pure—freo from llrao, aud of tho bost quality. A Stonm Mill will bo erected at tho place by next August. Atnplo Church und School or Academy Lota will he roservod nud givcu to tho various denomina tions, should they dcstro thorn for building and oc cupation. All persons doing business ut “Sumter City” will have equal privileges on tho Road, oq it may bo ex tended below to facilitate their business, all ot whioh will, for tho ensuing business season, bo tributary to this depot. A plan or “ Sumtor City” may be seen after the 16th of the present month, at tbcHotol at Amerious, and at tfie South-western Hotel at Albany. Tbo terms will bo one-half cash, nnd balauco pay able 1st of January next. M. COOPER, Auctioneer. Albany, Ga., Juno Gtb, 1860. td—jo 14 E XTRA CANAL FIJJUR,—26 barrels Extra Canal Flour. Lauding aud tor sale by mayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. A LBAN Y ALE,—26 bbls. Albany Stock Ale, just received, uud tor sale by J»po 1 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft (X). S UGARS,—J>0 barrels Stuaria A aud it ciuriUcd Sugar; 60 do Crashed and Powdered do. land ing and for sale by maylft SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. P RIME KENTUCKY HAMS.-Neatly trim med and for sale to close consignment. NO inayl? YOUNG ft WYATT. XT 0. MOLASSES, landing from schooner Xx • Abby Francis, aud for salo by dm 27 1POKETT ft RNELLING3, TJRIME YELLOW CORN. -Irf store and for X snlo by may? "YOUNG ft WYATT. jgsgpff AND JxRD.7-66 hhds. J irimo Bacon louldors ; 20 bbls. prime Baltlmoro'Lear Lard. landing, — for sale by SCRANTON, JOHN8TON * Juue 1 LANDLORD AND TENANT. T HE Law ‘of Landlord and Tenant By J. Smith, with Notes of American cases by p. p. Morris. Bauvior's Law Dictionary, last edition. Bauvicr’s Institutes American Law. Neligan’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Brown on some Diseases of Women admitting of tiurgical Treatment. Flint on Diseases of the Respiratory OrganB, Build on Diseases of tho Stomach. Sketches and Adventures in Madoira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By JarvtB, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Bocchor. Railway and Steamship Guide, with maps. Iroland in ’08 and ’48; Us Revolutionary History. By J. Suvago. National System of Political Economy. From the Gorman, or List. aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING can now be done at homo. Mr. CHARLES KEMISH having es tablished lilmsolf permanently, all work in this line will bo douo with dispatch. Ail repairing ofQutors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons, Forks, or any other article will be done neatly before plating. All old silver plate, such as Tcosetts or Urns, Forks or Simons, will bo to-finished and made equal to new,' uud at moderate prices. All work or orders left at my storo will bo attended to promptly. P. 8.—Watch cases galvanized. may27 G. M. GRIFFIN. B ASKETS 1 BASKETS*—We would call the attention or tho ladies to our stock of Work, Traveling and line Fanoy Baskets, the largest assort ment In tho city, at the House Furnishing Store, 165 Broughton-street. mar21 HORACE MORSE. D OMiasnC LIQUORS— 60 bbls EPhelp* Ryo Gin, OC 1.1.1. V TJ ti ' 25 bbls N. E. Rum, 60 “ Luther Felton’s Rum, * 2ft “ Domestic Brandy, 60 “ Old P ft H Connecticut River Gin, 60 “ N.O. Whisky. II UIMV• Just received and tor sale t>y my23 SCRANTON, JOnNSTON ft CO. NOTICE. T HE UNDERSIGNED having this day associated thenwolvos together tor tho purpose ot conduct ing the Wholesale Grocery Business, and having put clutsud th® stock of Rodgers ft Norris, will here after rondnuo tho business under the firm of Rod gers. Norris ft Co., ut tho old stand, corner of Bay and Lincoln street-*. •US. G. RODGERS. J AS. A. KORRIfl. GEO. 11. JOHNSTON, JNO. N. BIRCH. Jo 2 pHAMPAlUN. &C— \ J 60 baskets Heidseiek Champaign, quarts, 26 do “ do do, pints, 460 do douche J ~ 60 Savannah, .Tunc 2d, T HE firm or Rodgers ft Norris having tills day boon dissolved by tho above association, cither part nor will uso tho name orthe firm tn'Uquldatlon. JAB. G. RODGERS, JA8. A. NORRIS, Savannah, Juno 2d, I860 Jo 2 tors pS20 savanna . . ng, and UNNY BAGGING—360 balos superior uunny ft CO. UTBagging for sale by 1 jel—lw PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. „ do, pts and qu, do EuglneClieqnotdo, do, 76 do Glralers Versev do, 100 boxes Leiden’s Rbina wine and Brandies. In store and tor sale by janfll WEBSTER ft PALMEg, S UPERIOR Choice” Goshen Butter Mid Dutch Ohoeso, received per steamer Alabama by may28 J. D. JESSE. M olasses and kope^ 100 barrels New Orleans Molasses: 300 coils and hair colls “ Looiiisa* Mamutac- - turfeg Compaiiy” Rope. Landing par brig Louisa Sears from New Orloans, and for sale by mv28 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON ft CO V.6i;r.r for SvSa. G ODEY'? Book for Juno. .. aiuims Ihgulno Ibr June. Peterson’. Monthly Magazine for Jnne. Harper'e New llonthlylrtgtztne for June. Roceived nnd tor sale by may2l ■piOH SALE.—25,000 tyuhtli Cora to anlT*. 4? B»y, ' YOONO * WYATT, ft DAVIS. lWOopzraeneireet.