Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 17, 1856, Image 1

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VOL, XXXViTI [OLD SERIES,] SAVAftftABi^A.) TUESDAY, JITNE IT, 185C. NO. 12001. (JBORGIAN & JOURNAL (tally* T» lAV«<ikly mill Weekly* Offlotal Paper of the City and County. K. B. HILTON & CO. - v PVnMflHlQHB. “**• 8*. P. IIAMIlVoN, } A * ,Uf *" t Editor*. TEEHS: Dally Pai»r*W>r yeu,ln Mlmc«..|a.00 lil-Weekly Paper ♦» •* 3.00 Weekly Paper Single Copy S.00 »» “ Five ** H,00 *• Bight “ 10.00 •• •» Teii ** IS,00 (To one nA<lwu)Tw«nly “ 40.00 When noi paid In advauiv the charge tbr the 4Lilly will be $6, aud for the Trl Weekly $4. The Weokly will he sent only to those who payin advance. The paper will invariably he dlmuitinued »ipon the expiration ot'lhe time foe which it has been paid. TUK8DAV. Two O'clock P. HI. Meturuing Delegate*. Among the paswngws by the steamer Knox ville this morning were three of the Georgia delegates to the Cineinatl Convention to wit: Judge Cochran of the Brunswick Circuit, James Gardiner, Ksq.,of the Constitutionalist, and the Hon. John II. Ward of this city. The latter, gentlemen, as we are informod by Judge Coch ran, won “ gulden opinions from all sorts of people " by Die manner in which ho discharged the duties of presiding officer of the Convention. The satisfaction which he affimled was univer sal. Judge Cochran left at 10§ o’clock in the Southern boat. He will hold Court iu Clinch county next week. <■ Mr. .lUriUNKK left iu I2.j train tor Agnstn. (Trent Western Fire mid Marine Insu rance* The attention ot the public is called to our advertisement of the Great Western Fite’and .Marine Insurance Company of Philadelphia—of which Mr. Cautbu is the Agent in this city. It will be m»eu that it lias a large capital, and is, we are assured well worthy the confidence of those wishing to effect Insurances. The steamship Augusta, hence for New York on Saturday, arrived at. her wharf at 5 o’clock this morning. Death op Mh. Amos Sounder.—We learn through a telegraphic dispatch, of the death of Mr. Amos Scupdeh, which took place at hia summer residence iu New Jersey, a few hours unce., was one of our okLcltizeas, and universally esteemed as an upright man. i is decease will Iks sad news to his many friends in this city. Harpet'a Monthly foe July. We have received from Col. Williams, J. M, O.oper A Co., and from Warnock A Davis, Harper’* Nno Monthly Magazine for July. The following Is the table of contents: The hasty Pudding. By Joel Barlow, lllus trated by twelve engravings. Negrnlaud and the Negroes. Illustrated by sixteen engravings. *. The Great Seal of the United States. Illus trated by seven engravings. My Legacies. Passages of Hasteni Travel. By au American. Maria, a 1/wt Queeu of England. The Great Epidemic*.— 1 The Plague iu London and Mareilles. A Queer Case. Daniel Webster's Social Hours. Lyon-Slsyers and Man-Eaters. Illustrated by eleven engravings. What Air. Trevanion Saw. The Value of a Pin. Little DorriL By Charles Dickens, illustrations.—Visitors at the Works. The Story of the Princess, Chapter XXIII. Machinery in Motion. Chapter XXIV Fortune-Telling. Chapter XXV. Conspirators and Others. Monthly Becord of Current Event?. {..terury Notices. BOOKS OK TUG MONTH. Editor’s Table. Editor’s Easy Chair. Edit or’s Drawer. Hints for Celebrating the Fourth of July. , „ Illustrations—Preparing for the Fourth. Ex cursion to the Fishing Banks. A Drive on the Avenue. Young America. There goe3 a Rock et. Reading tlie Declaration. A Rural Cele bration. Taking it Quietly. The Largest Lib erty. A Pleasant Lesson. The Drunkard’s Fourth. Colored People's Fourth. Fashions fbr July. Illustrations.—Bridal Morning Costume.— Promeuade Costume. Fichus. Through Col. Williams and Meesrs. J. M. Cooper we have likewise No. 2 of Harper’s Sto ry Books, the number for July, being “Rambles Among the. Alps.” It is beautifully painted and richly illustrated. The young fo|k will doubt less be interested in It. nnii.sii rmuuy mwinc.-s i.ewwoii ivan, man History; The Haldanes; Modern Pali The Triton and the Minnows; .Southey’s I^e TiiP Peace and its Effects on the Conditi Lonilon Quarterly Review The London Quarterly, for April, received from Col. Williams, has the following table of content*, Britisli Family Histories; Lewis on Early Ro- "*■ - "-' i Painters; fa letters; . .. . . Condition of Turkey; Montaleiniiert on the Political Future of England. North British Review. We have received from Messrs. Leouard Scott A. Co., the American re-publishers, through Col. Williams, their agent in Savannah, the North British Revisw, for May. The following is its interesting table of contents: Plays and Puritans; Life and Writings of the late Mr. Justice Talfourd; Historical Paintings, Macaulay; Britisli New Testament Criticism; (Icote’H History of Greece; The Weather and it« Prognostics; Indian Literature; Outrages on Women; Peace and its Political duties. .Effect of tub News.—The news of the dismissal or Mr. Crampton, and the three British Consuls with the recognition of the Indefiendence of Central America by the United States, had been three days in Eugland when the Arabia left. The Central American news, we are told created a more profound sensation than the dismissal of Mr. Crampton, though there was deep feeling on both subjects.— V. Y. Exi/ress. The Very Latest hy tlie Arabia. Liverpool, May 31st—3 P.M. Cotton was in better demand to-day, uml the day’s business would reach 8,000 to 10,000 bales at full prices. No change in tlie grain or provision markets. Lard firm, and dearer, 5f»s. Closing prices of Consols, Saturday, May 31st—For Money, 94% a 94>£ ; for duly account, 95 a 95,%. Pardon for the poles. Berlin, Friday Night. The oflioiul Guzette of Posen contains tin important telegraphic dispatch re ceived from Warsaw. The dispatch says that, at a ball held iu Warsaw, at which the Polish nobility were preseit, the Emperor of Russia an nounced that he had signed a general »m- aesty, which was to extend to all the Po- Mi refugees and emigrants. Hoii* »r. Butler King* i The Republican of yesterday morning i» per sonal rather than witty, at the expense of the former Representative of th Is Congressional Dis trict. It attributes as his motive for declaring for Buchanan and Breokenrldge, the desire for the applause of the train bauds of Capt. Rhyu. dent. Wehuveupto this period never agreed with Mr. Klug in matters, of politics but we aro well convinced of his entire sincerity in the course of action which he lias thought lit to per- sue. Iu the statement of his reasons for so doing he makes use of nothing but plain simple facts which he says have brought about the result. The Republican has assumed what we con ceive to be an excessively arrogant position. It estabUsoes Itself la politics as the supreme arbi ter of public opinion beyond which there is no appeal. If some loading man should dare to differ, U attributes his defection to some un worthy motive. This has been the case iu regard to Mr. Stephens, Mr. Toombs. Mr. King, and others less note. The question may fairly he asked of the country, may uot these gentlemen lie right, audthe Republican wrong. We like exceedingly well to see such arti cles in the columns of our opponents, Viewing it as a matter of interest to the Democratic Party. The good taste displayed is a question for the Republican nnd its renders to judge of If we should write all the editorials in our pow er, they could not have a tithe of the influence in recruitiug the Democratic ranks with mem' bers of the old Whig Party, as the paragraphs of our neighbor. Mr. King, no doubt, has friend* here and elsewhere who might have even differed with him in his last expression of political opinion. But the most unfortunate mode for tlie organ of the American Party to adopt to conciliate those friends, is to sneer a* one who has lead them and whom they respect. Col* Benton Accept* the Nomination foe Governor nod Endorse* Bueno no. TO THE CITIZENS OF MISSOURI. 1 have cometo the determination, at this place, to accept the Democratic nomination for the of flee of Governor of our State, induced to it by no paltry calculation of the chances ol' an elec tion, but wholly and entirely upon considera tions of pnblic good. The nomination of Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency determines my course in relation to the Governorship. I con sider him the safest choice for preserving the peace of the country, now greatly endangered both at home and abroad, and believing him to be the best chance for peace, I hold it to be tlie duty of those who are In favor of that object to assist in his election; and forone 1 shall do so— in a public capacity, if you invest me with one, aud as a private citizen of Missouri, if not. I proceed to the State Immediately, first land ing at Cape Girardeau, and then proceeding to other parts of the country. Your fellow-citizen, Tuomas H. Benton. Cincinnati, Ohio, Saturday, June 1, IB,10. Correspondence of tUo Commercial Advertizer. Havre, Wednesday evening. Our Cotton market has been very dull to-day the more so as the intelligence from Liverpool has been of an unsatisfactory tenor. The sales amount to 150 bales only. Prices are in favor of buyers for inferior grades. The market has also been without any anima tion for Wheat nnd Flour. Our quotations for Americun Flour aro f.39a 47, according to quality. The weather has beeu rainy and hot; the state of the fields is satisfactory, and the crops in genejal are promising well. The English steamer Emeu will leave our port for New York on Saturdy next, '.list lust. The Alma (s) on the 3d, and the ^rago (s) on the 4th proximo. The freight coming forward is uot sufficient for the number of vessels now loading. Eoyptian Form of Divorce.—Social life in Egypt is very different from that which we see in Europe. The plurality of wives, although permitted to all, is not so common os is gener ally supposed ; hut eveu where It exists, there is said to be less of jealousy aud bickerings divided interest than might be expected. The women have the credit of tyranizlng as much over their husbands as the latter over them.— Hen-pecked spouses are not confined to Europe. As the system of divorce is permitted here, and is, like marriage, a very simple affair, some have in the course of their lives, hnd many wives, one after the other. A man has only to say thrice, in the presence of witnesses. Re turn to your fathers house,” and unless he call her back, she is then and itliere virtually and a divorced.—Aveling* Travels in qf tlte Tibet, Thirty .Fourth Congress—First Session. Washington, Juno 13. Senate.—Mr. Butler resumed his remarks from yesterday, and in further apology, for Mr Brooks' attack on Mr. Sumner, suid when the 'Legislature of Massachusetts says that the gentleman’s attack was cowardly, let them try aim iu any way they choose. [Applause.] Mr. Stuart, (Mich.) said the proprieties and amenities of the Senate were too often thus disturbed by applause, and if the galleries cannot be occupied by gentlemen, they should be cleared. The Chair inquired whether the gentleman from Michigan moved that the galleries he cleared. Mr. Stuart said he did not. Mr. Fessenden, in justice to the galleries, suid the appluuse came from tlie floor of the Seuate. Mr. Butler Bftid he would go on in such a way that no one would applaud again. [Laugh ter.] Mr. Brooks,ho continued, assaulted Sumner with no other purpose then to disgrace him. Mr. Brooks was one of the best tempered fel lows he eveakmrW, though impeteous, no doubt, aud quick at resentment. Mr. Snmnor receiv ed two flesh wounds, and being rather hand some, did not expose himself. If he had beeu in the army, and had not gone out of the army the next day after the fracas, he would have deserved to be cashiered. [Laughter.] Mr. Butler thought, that on some accounts, it was fortunate he was uot here at the time, for he did not know what he might have done. To be sure it was thirty or forty years since he hud been engaged in personal conflicts,and bis band was out of practice, [laughter] but he did not know but he might have had a trial at him One thing he had no doubt |of, namely : if he (But ler) were a younger man, ho would have loft him (Sumner) in a worse condition tban|he now is. The New England papers, continued Mr. Butler, calls this a specimen of Southern vlo- lonco and Southern Ruffianism, but the first Congressional fight, since the foundation of this Government, took place between two New Eng land men—Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold. That did not take place outside the House, but they fought with hickory sticks^pit-boxea and tongs all over the House of Representatives, [laughter] when it was in session, too; but the House did not turn them out They said let them both go, they are disgraced enough already [Laughter.] Mr. Butler theu proceeded to review Mr. Sum ner’s speech,closing by claiming that he had convicted Mr. Sumner of proclivity to error, c&luranytand misrepresentation, thus effectually turning the guns which he (Mr. Sumner) had pointed at him. Mr. Wilson replied at length.and the debate was than continued by Messrs. Butler, Clay and Wilson. Mr. Evans obtained the floor und the Senate affiourned till Monday. House of Recresentativkh.—No quorum Adjourned. From Mil* Uooinpton(Kansas) Union, May M, More «»Free State Ruffian**” The following letter was received yesterdaj from Maj. Bn lord, of Alabama, and wejpublim it. adding another witness to the already over whelming evidence ns to who aro the real "Bor der Ruffians” in our country. At McGee’s Cmmsiko of the Wakahusa, } May 20th, 185(1. j His Excellency tVIilium Shannon: Dear Sir.—Last night about 1 o’clock, A. M., a guerrilla party of twenty-five armed abo litionists attacked the bouse of Martin Bowen, Esq., two miles south of this place, robbed k m of all his money (about fifty dollars) a rifle, a revolver, three horses, and five saddles and bri dles, aud ordered him, on peril of death, to leave with hla family in tweutvfour hours. They also threatened to plunder Mr. Lehay and Capt. Saunders. Twenty-three armed mounted men (supposed to be or the same party) were about 9 o’clock this morning seeu on the swamp, within half a mile of Capt. Sauuder’a. house, on Washington creek. The undersigned ourselves went in pursuit, and saw ten of that ^ retreating across the prairie. From Cap- launder’* place he saw the other fifteen. The probability is that they were in the act of euacting a descent' upon Saunders with a view, to plunder him and seize sixty stand of arms known to beat his house. Seeing our party, with the ten U. 8. mounted men, tuoy escaped over towards Rock creek. Mr. Bowen aud lam- ily, Heler and family, and Jones and family are now here with us, flying for their lives from their homes. Must the law and order men thus he driven from the land 7 Do not blame us lr we tell them no, but if you must doso, turn up on tboso who hunt your lives, ami drive them out or exterminate them. J. Brvouu. We concur in the above. G. W. Taylor, S. M. Salters. Upon the receipt of this news, some ten or twelve citizens of Lecompton volunteered to go and protect Mr. Lehny’s family and property. About 9 o’clock the company started for Le- hay’s and bad proceeded some six miles from town, near where the California and Lecorap- ton roads meet, and there brought to a halt, to await the coming of two of their companv who lmd remained in the rear. Whilst there, suddenly and unexpectedly, a volley of about forty guns were fired in their ranks. So surprising and unexpected was the attack, that every man was unhorsed; their horses taking frignt. Three horses were kilted, and one, iu the tall, fell upon his rider and in- . ured him very much. A hall passed through a ffr. Fisher’s hat, cutting the hair and grazing the skin upon the top of bis head; one-eighth of an inch lower would have entered the skull. In the hustle and confusion of the moment the boys lost all their arms, and concluded their best policy was to ” slope.” They did so, and left heir arms and dead horses as the spoils of the battle. Messrs, A. Rodrigue* and P. J. Wauf- fUul, the two for whom the attacked party was waiting, heard tho firing and came up and were likewise fired upon, but without injuiy. They were immediately surrounded by men and rifles, and taken prisoners in the name of the “ North ern Army,” their hands bound behind them,and id to a Mr. Walker’s house, and fre- a threatened with death. Yesterday ) morning they were released, and say there were flora 60 to 80 men With Sharp’s rifles iu Walker’s house. This man Walker is a notorious Abolitionist and the captath of one of Brigadier General Charles Robinson’s compa nies. We suppose this was the “ Capting’s ” company he had with him, as it was reported he had placed himself at thoir head, declaring total extermination of all pro-slavery men. Messrs. Rodrigue aud Waffaul account for the lucky escape upon the ground that they found two Odd Fellows amongst them who inter posed in their behalf. Frequently their guns were levelled and cocked at them, but by tbe interference of some one would be stayed. We read in the “ haud-writlng on the wall ” the action of the people soon, if this courso is pursued aud uot effectually crushed by law. Mr. Rodrigue, long known hitherto us one of Uio Professors of the Catholic College at Fonlham-— brotUur-iu-lnw orffshop Hughes, Tiffijriiis ns that Mr. Rodrigue mentioned iu this uarrativo, os hav ing been anot, l a young man of mild character, lately a graduate ffotnthe coIlegeofFordhnm, who went to Kansas to attend to tho interest of a rela tive, an owner olland, and that it is uot possible that uuy cause of ollbuce could have been given by him justifying tlie gross outrage perpetrated upon him.—Site, Tho Liverpool correspondent of the N. York Commercial, writing on tlie day of tbe Arabia's departure, says: “ The news tecelved per the City of Balti more of tbe recognition of Father Villi, as Minister from Nicaragua, has not tended to di minish tho anxiety with respect to relations with the United States. The London Times, after saying that 'it really seems os If demands on the one Hide and concessions on tbe other had reached their utmost limit,’ suggests that the United States should send to London a spe cial Ambassacor or accredit the present Minis ter with plenipotentiary powers to settle the dta- Mr.lSitclimihi) uiitl the Coiomllter of the CliicliiiiatlUonventlon. Lancaster, Pa., Friday June 13,1856. The Committee appointed by the Convention to notify Mr* Buchanan of hla nomination, pro ceeded Immediately to Wheatknd, where were also assembled Ex-Gov. Porter); H. S. Marrow, State Treasurer; Col. J. W. Forney, Col. Win. Rice of The Pennsylvanian; Col. Wm. B. Ford- ney, J. S. Reynold, Esq< and others, of Lancas ter. The Committee present Were Gen. Ward of Georgia, Gov* Brown of Jdasissippi, Mr. Forsythe of Missouri, Col. Preston of Kentucky, Mr. Hubbard of Now Hampshire, Mr. Manning ol South Carolina, aud Gov. Lawrence of Rhode Island. 1 After the Committee had beefr cordially greet ed by Mr. Buchanan, Gen. Ward presented him with the letter informing him of Ida nomination, a more full reply would he given them in writ ing. After which the whole company sat down to a sumptuous dinner, prepared for the occa sion. * Mr. Fillmore returns hotoein the At lantic, it is Itylieved, atid will be hand somely veceiyea: nt‘ : New Yovl?. The pro prietor of the Lafarge House., .jaJFers to provide a Buit of rooms at> his-hbtfel for him free of expense, and also furnish re freshments on similar terms to the Com mon Council Committees, if they, will choose his hotel for the head quarters of Mr. Fillmore. -funeral ,3mutation. The tVlouils ami acquaintance* oV Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Mlula aro iu'vitcil (o attend the funeral of thoir youngest child, ROSI.VA FJX>ItANCE, from thoir rosidonco, this uftoruoou, at live o’clock. Savannah, .T|iuo 17th, 1865. Commercial Jntelliflttttc, Savannah Market, June 17. COTTON—Salon of 123 Imles wore reported this morning, ns follows : 34 at 9>f, and 80 at 10c. MOUILK, JUNE 12.—Cotton—Tlie market con tinues dull with out" change in prices. Sales 1200 bides—middling 10 a lO.^e. NEW ORLEANS, JUNE 12.—Orrrox—There has again boon a good doma’nd, hut tho stock being much reduced tho sales' hare not oxeeoded 2500 hales at very full prices. NKW ORLEANS OUSSIKiCATiON. Inferior 6) H 'a7>£ I Middling Fair.. — altM Ordinary 8 a9>4 1 Fair 12)ia— Middling 9#al0>$ ] Good Fair nominal. flood Middling 11 | flood 1 and Fh»o, nominal. BTAT1SIK.NT OK COTTON. Stock on hand 1st September, 18fi5 bules 40,232 Received since 1,726,401 Received to-day 1.270—1,727,740 »- 1,707,972 Exported to-day 4,010 Exported to date 1,071,000—1,076,676 From the London Times of May 27. The Central American Question.— The State of Central America, disordered and miserable as it has been for some time, appears now to bo becoming doubly critical; at least, if there is any founda tion for tho report that the United States Government is about to recognise Gene ral Walker. Such an net would juBtly rouse the jealousv of our own Govern ment, for tho professed object ofWalker’s career, aud that which gains him tlie sympathy of those in tho United States who sympathiza with him, is in one word, annexation. He is put forward by his friends as the “regenerator” of Central America—of course, in the sense of intro ducing a permanent United States influ ence there. Under these circumstances, wo must again press the subject of arbitration. What makes the American Government so averse to arbitration? Any common- sense person would say immediately that this was the proper way of settling tbe Central American dispute. Here ate two countries differing os to the interpreta tion of a treaty, After arguing through a considerable number of statements, letters, nnd memorandums, they cannot come to u conclusion. ' Argument, then, has failed to produce agreement; but we express ourselves ready to submit to arbitration. Tho American Government, at least as represented by Mr. Buchanan, does not appear equally ready. —— - -* — * The Don who had no Owner.—Wo were travelling through Canada suys a contemporary, in tho winter of 183fl, and after a very long day’s ride, stopped at the Lion Inn, and the contents of the stage, numbering about nine persons, soon gath ered aroand the cheerful tire. Among the occupants of the room we observed an ill-looking cur, that showed its wit by taking up its quarters in so comfortable an npartment. After a few moments the landlord en tered, and observing the specimen of the canine species rem arked: Pine dog, thatl Is ho yours, sir? ap pealing to one of tho passengers. No, Sir. Beautiful dog! Yours, sir? addressing himself to a second. No, was the blunt reply. Como hero, Pup, preimps ho is yours sir? No, was tho reply. Very sagacious animal—belongs to you Isupposo8ir? Then he is yours, and so you have a treasure throwing the animnl a cracker. Nothiag of the kind. Oh! (with a smile) he belongs to you as a matter of courso ? addressing the last Block on lmml uot cleared 92,296 Si-oar—Murket active nud prices Advanced again ubout >£o, with sales of OOOhbds. ' We now quote lair to 111lly fair 7?f a 8’fc. On plantation wo also noto a sulo of 200 bhds at 7$*c per lb. MoLABbKs—Stock on tbe leveo small, and tbe sales confined to small lots ut 40 a 48c for ordinary fer menting to good re-boiled. Somo 30,000 gallons were sold on plantation at 44o per gallon In tlie cis tern. Flour-—Only a portion ol‘ tho receipts being land ed, tbe sales wore confined to somo 600 bbls Faint Louis superfine at $0,76, 386 bbls at the same rate, and 60 extra at $8 per bbi. Corn—There has been quite a large business douo to-day, tbe sales reaching about 12,000 sucks os follows: 9QQ mixed at 49 a fiOe, fitKI white at fit, 1148 at 62, and somo 7000 sucks, mostly in lliitbonts, also at 62c per bushel. Fork—Owing to favorable acuounta received from the West and from New York, prices have ad vanced this afternoon, 200 bbls uninspected Mess having been Wto at *IH, and early in the day 200 Light at 817,26 per bbi. Towards tbe close little or uouo offering at less than 818. Whisky—.sternly, with sales nPsfto bbl-t 1 ‘ Wilt shire’s Extra Rectified” at 24 »,c, and 30 of Raw at 27c per gallon. ’ Cokkek—Demand still good, and 1600 bags dis posed of as follows : 360 ut 10, 700 at 10,>4, 460 prime at 11, und flfi skimmings at 8c per lb. Exchanuks—Very little alteration, but sterling rather firmer. Sterling 8>4 a 9)i and 9% per cent pram; Francs 6.1flt^ n 6.22*4 |>or dollar; New York sixty day bills 1 )i u 1& por cent discount, do siglit uhccks par a discount. Freights—()no ship was takeu ter Liverpool at »^d for cotton, but a small lot shipped at 6-lfiil.— For Boston several hundred hales were taken at $1,26 per bale. Cotton Statement* GALVBSTON, June 7, 1866. Stock on bund 1st September, 2,002 Received this week at this port 1,357 Received previously at this port 70,882 Received at other Texas ports 22,312 Total ; 102,013 Exported to Grout Britain to date, bales 14,008 *' Frauco 3,300 1 Other Continental ports 7,063 New Orleans 21,203 New York 28,167 Boston 22,623 96,510 Remaining on bond and on shipboard uot cloared... bales 6,103 Herman Cox <Ss Co.’i Circular* LIVERPOOL, May 30.—Cotton.—The sales for fire days, (including Cotton forwarded from tho ship’s side,) sum up 40,410 halos, and consist of 3,400 on speculation ,3,981 for export, and 43,030 to luo trade. Prices aro unchunged : we quoto Up- laud middling 0 1-lfld, do fair 0?4'd; New Orleans middling 0 3-lfld, do fair 7d; Mobile middling 6‘id, do fair 0&d. Influenced by tho accounts per Per sia of continued largo receipts and heavy ship ments, our market opened on Saturday with a much qulctor fooling, since when a very dull tone has pre vailed; buyers being partially supplied direct from the ship, hnyo bought sparingly; while holders, though uut pressing sales, have shown thoir stouke freely nnd realized whenever an opportunity offer ed. Quotations remain unaltor«l, hut in the previ ous part of the weok prices displayed somo irregu- garlty, and In many instances ‘*'d decline was uc- ccptod, but only fur tho lower and loss snlonblo dls- sortitions, the middle qualities having aU along shown great steadiness. Tlie further reduction iu Bauk rutos of interest yesterday, has had a favora ble effect, aud tho feoling to-day Is more buoyant. Sea Islands and Brazil are a shade easier. Egyp tians aro in limited request aud ‘£d lower. In Hu- rats a fair amount of busiuess has beeu un changed rates. Tho sales to-day reach 10.000 hales, or which 2,000 aro <m speculation and lor export; tho market closes firmly. The woather’continuos flno, and tho growing crops present a most favora ble appearance. P. S.—Saturday moruing, May 31st.—The Cotton market opons with a belter demand; tho sales will probably reach 8,000 at lull prices. " There U to day s rumor tbit Lord Elgin Is to be sent as plenipotentiary to Washington to endeavor to image matters. Another rumor stye th*t Sir H. L. Bulwer will be the envoy.” Wouldn't. Iiuvo him os a gift. Then, you infernal, dirty, mean, con temptible whelp, get out! and with that, he gave him such a kick that sent the animal bellowing into tho street amid tko roars of the company. Judge McLean was born in Morris couuty, New Jersey, in 1785. He is there, for seventy-one years of age. The last accounts from Australia are to the 6th of March. They state the gold S roduction to be larger than ever, and wt a million sterling a month will be re gularly forwarded to England. Port of Savniuinli JUNE 17 Arrived* Steamship Kuoxvlllo, Ludlow, from Now York, 66 hours, with merchandize and passeugera—to Pad- elfortl. Fay & Co. 16th instant, In lot 37 28 N, Ion 76 00 W, Hpoke schr Loyal Scranton, bound south; same day, at 9 p m, exchanged signal< with steam Hhlp State of Georgia; aud, at 10:46 pm, twenty- five miles south of Hattoras, exchanged slguals with steamship Augusta, hence for New York. Cleared* Steamer Welaka, King, Palatka, Ac—Claghoru ft Cunnlugbam. Departed. Stoamor Welaka, King, Palatka, kc. Consignee*. Per steamship Knoxville, from Now York—IIN Aldrich; J A Brown; Bcldcu & co: N K Baruutn; A Bonaud: Mrs Mary Bateston; W Battersby k co; G Brown k co; Butler & Frierson; Brigham, Kelly & co; AII Champion;.r P Collins;Cooper tc. fliilaluud; P M Carey; ,T M Cooper k co: J H Carter; R F Colo A Bro; B DOopp; Cohens k Hertz; Claghoru te Cun ningham; M A Cohou; Crauo, Wells k co: W fl Dick son; A Doyle; DeWltt k Murgan; liana k Washburn; J F Doe; \V D Ethorldgo; J U Falligaut; E Fitzgerald; 8 H Flake; W H Farrell; Franklin k Brantley; W W Goodrich; 8 Goodall; L J Uuilmartiu; A C Gordon; A Ilnywood; Hamden’s Express; Hudson, Fleming k co: K Haborshatrf & Son; Hunter k Gammell; Hard wick k Cooke; Wm Halo: Mrs M-Hastings; John D Jesse; 0 John A co, G H Johnston; P M Kollock; N B Knapp: King & Warn uni; King A Son; l.ovell*. co; Jos Llppmau; B A Inwtoti; II Lathrop * co; J W I-othrop & coi-M Laviu; W W Lincoln; i.ovoll k IjU- timoro;8M Latlltcau; Lockett k Suellings: C A L Lamar; Lynn * Snyder; Minis k Johnston; McKee k Bennett; M Muller; H Morso; D Mol lot t * oo; J B Mooro * co; M Moliua; TII Maher; WII May k co; I W Morrell * cot Novltt, Lathrop k Hedgers; J \V Neely k co; J 8 Norris; E O’Byrne: D O’Connor; J Palmer * Son; Ogden, Starr * co; Pierson, Holdt * co; A Porter; Wm 0 Price; E Parsons & co; Patten, Hutton & Co; C C Poolo; M J Rcilloy; H Roger, Rob inson A.Cajnp; J Ryan; Rodgers * Norris; Ruso, Davis k; Sherlock k co;*VT R Symons; Scran ton, Johnston k co; A A Solomons k co: M D Trea- nor; E J Tachlct Aeo; W A Thomas; EF Wood k co; A Wilbur; Wra Wafiloy; N B k II Weed; Waver k Constantine; Way k Taylor; 8 Wilmot; T 8 Wade; W Warner; IIV Wlilink; W H Wlllbergor k co; Wm T Williams; Wornook & Davis: Wayne, Grenville k co; Young, Wyatt, k co; and Yonge k Frierson. Passenger*. Por steamship Knoxville, from New York—non John E Ward, Judge K A Cochran. James Gardnor, Evq, Mrs Chas tianabt, 1> (1 F Gardner, A R Wright, Mrs Edwards, Jos Dixon, Wm Church, Jr, and lady, RII Thomas, J T Gilbert, Jas W Savage, Mrs Hur- boy, Mr Ball and lady, W R Boyd, WW Baldwin, M H Wright, 8 H Lockett, A McBoan, II Taylor, Miss E Doyle, (i H King, A W Pylo, J 8 Norris, LoRoy Napier, E Ufford, B M Thomas, W H Echols, P Cou- nolly, c Wright, Jf, und four steerage. WILLIAM LYRN, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, -Vo. 87 Bay street^ Savannah, Georgia. Juno 13 sab. w. aanN. a. v. hmoot. GREEN * SNOOT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 00120 THOM ANTON, OA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, No. II Pine street, New York, (BETWEEN BROADWAY AND NASSAU STREET.) Cosh Capltni--$150J)001 . . insures against loss or damage by Fire, on tho most rcasounbio terms, dwelling houBos and furniture, warehouses, stores und mer chandize, factories, snips in port, etc. All losses will be adjusted and promptly paid. D. S. MILLS, President, 0. BROOM, Vico President. Enw’u C. Taylor, Secrctaiy, Gko. B. Drank, Surveyor. •TAMES M. CARTER, Agent* juue 17 % for Savannah, 85 Bay street. JOHN S. NORRIS, ARCHITECT. H AVING resumed tho practice of hla profes sion, offers his services to his friends and the pnblic as an Architect and Superintendent. Designs fot any part of tho country supplied uud executed iu all tlie various branches of his profes sion, such as Public Edifices, Stores, Dwellings, Monumonts, &o. Thoroughly Fire Proof Stores de signed aud executed. Office at present iu Buy I jiuo, rear of the Custom House. Jan 3—1y ☆ OliOTHI KTO-A EMPORIUM. 1 DOOR WEST OF THE REPUBLICAN READING ROOM. Fino Ready-made Clothing ; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canos, Umbrellas Cravuts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, und Fancy Artlclos for Uontlcmon. W. O. Price, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAYLOR, No. 1*47 Bay Street, SA VANN AH. Also, Superfine Cloths,» ussimors and Vestings, will bo mado to mea sure, unexception able In stylo und workmanship, by the bust mechanics, at shortest notice • fob 6 * Ordersfrem city audcouutysolicitod. . BAlUIKu SHOPS; Puloakl House Barber Sliop* Omens' Brick Building, opposite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED. Mar*hull House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. npHE subscriber, titanic ful to bis follow-citizeus X for tho liberal patronage ho bus received, aud la still receiving, bogs respectfully to inform thorn that ho has ouguged sufficient additiouul first-class workmen from somo of the best Barber Shops in Now York, und will bo enabled RTaccoinmoduto as many goutlomcn us may honor him with their pa tronage. N. B,—Tho BarborShops arc closed on Sunduys- strangers will please boar this tn mind. i&NDAQENOY. T HE undersigned will, for fives dollars por lot, examine ,auy hauls iti tho counties of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Coffee, and report to tho owner as to tnolr present value, the pros]>ect for their bo- coming more valuable in future, and whether or not there is being any trespass committed thereon, invariably pledging hitnsolf to give a trim mid cor rect nccouut, for which nil remittances wifi be ex pected iu advauco. Ho will also sell and remit when requested, and as directed, for seven per cent. • Ho will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to his cure. vernon c. mclendon, my 13 Attorney at law. Homesville, Ga. JOHN C. BOOTH* CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also givo his attention lo designs in Architec ture. Ofilco in tho store of John Williamson, Ksq., Bay street. my!3 FRENCH CHINA, WHITS GRANITE, AND GLASS WARE. 146 JCKRTING STRUCT. CHABPBTQN, SOUTH CAROLINA, Tho subscribers respectfully solicit from tho traveling public, an Inspection’ of thoir stock of French and English _ China, In plain white, gold band, and __ decorated dinner, desort, breakfast, tea, toilet, toto-_ tote sots and vases. Also, Cups aud Baucors, Ac., of tho celebrated Sevres China. White Granite of tho boat manufacturers. Rich cut French, English and Bohomlau Gloss. They have a variety of oruameuts in Paristuu Ware, Busts orCalhouu, Clay, Webster, and othore, ondStatuotes of tho Greek Slave, Venus de MediciB. ••c.. &o. They havo also a beautiful, durable and cheap arti cle for floors and hoarths, of Plain and Enoaustlu TUe*. .3-Thoir stock being very general, carefully selected and imported direct, offers inducements to morchants as well as families, to whom goods will bo put up at the lowest ratos for cash. WEBB k SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb k Co. 0. H. HARRISON. A. 0. UCUKUKK HARRISON & MrGEHEE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND k Forwarding Merchants. 59 AND til BROAD*RTREKT, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. 49* Particular uttcntlon given to tlio sales of Real Estato, NogrooB and Product?. tgr Liberal ad van cos made on Negroes und Mer chandize. RKFERENfiftt: RUSE, PATTEN k CO. ) GUNBY b DANIEL, ^Columbus, Ga. STEWART, GRAY* CO. J wTStomw* L0! ' T<i ’} fkvmm " u ' ?a A S^ S CoV ,UkAM '} ^..aoweo,. H. 8. SMITH,}.Mobile, Alabama, oct 23 ly C ORNED BEEF, PIG l»ORK, &C. “~~ Just received 10 half barrels Fullou market Corned Beef; 10 barrols and half barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Sides and Shoulders; 10 barrels extra No 1 Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; fi do Herrings; 2 drums Ood Fish, anti 26 barreli Smoked Herrings, in Btoro aud Tor sain by joll DAVID O'CONNER. HTUANUERI U' you want a good and cheap Trunk, Valtcc, Carpet Bag, or Clothing of any kiud or quali ty, ready made or made up to your moasure; also Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars or Dress Furnishing articles of auy description, call und se lect from the largest nnd best stock in the city, at the Star Emporium, 147 Bay street. Jol3 WM. U. PRICE. /CHAMPAIGN CIDER, Ac.—115 boxes Cham- \J palgn Cider, choice article, 20 bbls choice old peach Brany, 0 do do Applo Brandy, 10 do do Cherry Brandy, Abo—Ginger and Blackberry, boxes. In store and for sale by fehl WEBSTER k PALME'S JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Chatham County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In tho Court House. ’ mylfl mmiv Mmxmi; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. SOT Office on Bay street, over tho Bank ofSavan- uah. mayl3 ~H. F. GOES £ BROTHER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savanruth, Go., and Montgomery, Ala. F. T. Conk, I K. F. Cole, Buy street, Savannah. | Commerce at., Montg'ry. RKFKRKNCKS, Holcomb, Johnson, k Co. | Cohens k Hertz, ujckott fc SuelHugs, I Edwin Parsons & Co., Robert A. Alien, 1 Scrantou, Johnston k Co. SAVANNAH, HA^ myi^ WM.' i. wnuT ' ~ ~ wm. a.BAtix. WEBB & BAGS, (SUCCESSORS TO CAMKRON, WEBB & 00. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MEETING'S! 1 . CHARLESTON, 8. 0., Will supply Country Merchants with Goods In their line at as low rates as they can buy in Now York, or elsowhcre. sept 28 _ _ ly K. J. tXJDEN. WM. KTABR, jV. B.V. MARDBK. OGDEN, STAllR. A CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, BAV-fiTBKET. SAVANNAH. QA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office corner of Bay and Drayton-«ta. SAVANNAH, OA. » : ■■ ■: ■ V'.ri.i-.-i ' ; ■ HENRY WILLIAM*, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. a, Drayton Stmt, Smnnah, Q*orgU. ma,6—ijr JOHN SI. SULLEN, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ■ (Ov . . .t.f Court Booh.) Will practice In tho , Courta of Ordi nary. janto HTETprawa, - ATTOBNEY AT LAI Corner of Day nnd Whitaker itvuni. feb 22 8BUM DTAro’BYKwfiT ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 176, Bay-sL, over Turner A Go's. Drug Store; SAVANNAH, Q A* novlO—ly ^GEmWTROWifoWAKD; ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near State Bank. SAVANNAH, OA* nov 10—ly YONGE 4c FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 MY-STRUCT. SAVANNAH, QA. apr4 ' A. MeALFlN di llHOTHldltS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. fiept 6 SAVANNAU, GA. FATTEN, HUTTON 06 CO., FACTORS. Forwarding, and Commission Merchants, Bay»atreet, Savannah, Ga. ~b>te7c0iusn; CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jouea Street, (one door East ot' Drayton Street.) Is prepared to contract for all kinds of building aud repairing. Also to conduct water through tho various parts of houses. ap 17 WATCHES—WATCHES—WATCHES. foo We are, receiving the London Lever ■TOa Watches, of tbe most celebrated makers. In AT^Aflold ana Silver casos. R. F. Cooper's Du- IBwBplox Watches, Watches for Timing Horses, fine Swiss Chronometers, which wo offer at reasona ble prices, at our new store In Gibbons* Range. sopt28 P. B. NICHOLS k 00. H AVANA SECiARS-30,000 choice Havana Segars—Conchas, La Esmeralda, 13 Orysoi, Excclsors, Rio Houdo, Captain Aichorn, La Hoi, Jonn Smith, aud various otnor brands, imported di rect by me, and for sale at tho lowostcash prices. mayl9 J. A. BKOWN. jaanarMrwvjniir—~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, THOJuaraur, iboxas county, 04.. AU business entrusted to hi* car* will rt»c«ir* prompt attention. lyr—marl7 TStfhONY lIcctiCEoH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. M&r office on Bay street, over the Bank oTBavan* nab. * , (kbit William muLuM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NABUITA, 0*. oct 26—ly ATTORNEY AT LAW, BPAHTA, OA. W1U praoUco in the counUea of Hancock, Warren. Woshiniton. and Baldwin, Rkrbbncb—Bohn k Foster, Rabun A Smith, and E. A. Soullard, Savannah. janB WM. o. lunneLLY,' ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1&4BKLL4, WORTS COUNTY, a A.. (FOOT OWlOt, 4UUNT.) Will practise in.the Soutimki Circuit, ana in llaoon, Dooly and Worth Counties oHne Macon ClrcuU. 4®* ParUcular attention given to the coUectioa ot claims in South-Western Georgia. Je2—6tn “fircUMSiNGr, — ATTORNEY AT LAW, febl-ly irwinton, QA. ATTORNEYSATLAW, ap6-ly tucwt^oA ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRINK UN, tOURD 00., 04. WUl attend to professional buiinesain th* CounUea ot Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, FareUe, Meri wether and Troup. Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hon. David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, Ga.; and Ur. William Dougherty, Co- lumbus, Ga. aepl7-ly jl«i a An WLivi NEW TIN 8TORB AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOUTH U» MARKCT SQUARE. BRYAN STREET. I would inform my old frieuds and patrons I havo opened tho abovo store to conduct the Stove, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business In all Us . -Jvarlous forms, and whore will be found a gen eral assortment of Stoves, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, which I will be pleased to show, and at such price as will satisfy any one wishing to purchase. All kinds of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized Iron Work or every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up aud Pipes Tarnished at short notico. Tin Waro at wholesale and retail. Call down on Bryan street, It will pay you for your walk. JOHN J. MAURICE, Agout. oct 2 PHOTOGRAPHS. Ijirgo sized Photographs, ta ken hy MILLER* AT TWKI.VK DOI.UK* l»K« DOZEN Also, Ambrotypes aud Da guerreotypes, iu Ills usual su perior style. A rail Is Solicited. J. W. MILLER, mur27 or. St. JuUuu-st. and Market square. CARY’S DAGUERBOTYPE8, AMHUO' type* and Photography. L*. M, CARY W OULD respectfully give uotice that his rooms aro uow open lor tho season, and roa- uy tor tho reception of visitors. By tho Ambkotyok process persons may now liav their children’s pictures taken, iu almost auy posi tion they may choose, in from 1 to 3 secodds sitting. By tho i'liorouKAmio process old Daguerreotypes can uo transferred to paper, beautifully colored nnd en’argod to life. oct 22 BROUGHTOBT STREET HACITaND LIVERY STABLE. The uuderslgucd liaviug put the above Stables iu good condition, are prepared to accommodate their - -- - customers with Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, Sulkies, &c., with souud, gentle, and well broko horses, aud careful drivers. Horses boarded on accommouatiug terms, aud well cared for. Two pairs of fiuo Carriage llojrsos for sulo. Inquire cor ner of Barnard aud Broughton streets. apU4—ly STEVENS k ELLISTON. aTsh^t; MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Working Ma sonry of every description. Residence, No. 3 Mrs Jewett’s Range, South side Jones st. oct 30 A. THOMAS *6 CO., Auction and Commission Mci'chants, 172 Say Street, . SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. fjol2] 8. S. ParDuk. WOOD ANH LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Flanks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths aud Pullings, for sale, at wholesale aud retail, low for cash, on the new wharf recently orected on tho Lumber Yard of Robert A. Allen k Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. crane, wells * co., FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Gn, K. L0CKK1T. H. D. HNKLUMGS, LOCKETT & SPELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Sjpvannah, Ga. Will attend to the soiling of all kinds of produce. Strict attention given to receiving aud forwarding goods. may 31 ly Auction «fc Commission House, Mucon, (ia. a. r. McLaughlin, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from his friends consignments or every description. Takes orders for Cotton. Special attention given to the sales of Real Estate, Stocks aud Negro property, at public and prlvatosales. Prompt returns and dispatch. itoferonce—C. A. L. LAMAR. mch30 Wm. MoALLISTER. Ishod on reasonable terms. Orders rcs- {pccU'ully solicited. apI8 M. FITZGERALD, ~T~ Corner ofBroughton and Wliltaker-St*., SAVANNAH, GA., C1UGCESSOR to T. C. Rice, Manufacturer and O Dealer In every variety of common and flno 1 CANDIES, kiln dried and warranted to rcBlat effec tually tho hot damp atmosphoro of a Southern cli mate; also Lemon and Strawbury Syrup, ko, Terni3 oash, prices low. if—my 11 amiiioms works. A General View of tbe Contents of tho Old and New Tostomouts, with direcUous how to read most profitably tho Holy Scriptures. By Adam Clarko, L.L.D. Sabbaths with my Class; with an introduction on Bihlo Class Teaching. By Thomas 0. Summors. Family Government; a treatise on Conjugal, Pa rental, Filial and other duties. By James «>. An drew, D.D. Youthful Christianity. By Thomas O. Summers. Gathered Flowers; or the Early Dead, hy Tbos. O. Summers, D.D- Borcavod Par cuts Consoled. By tho Rev. John Thornton. Roasous for becoming a Methodist. By tho Bov. J. Smith. The Ancient Britisli Church. Being an inquiry iu- to the history of Christianity in Britain, previous to the establishment of the Heptarchy. • By William IJndsday Aloxaudor, D.D, Bible Gleanings. Mrs. Jane T. H. Cross. The Trial ef the Wituessos of the Resurrection of Christ; In answer to the objections of Mr. Woolstou, and others. By Bishop Sherlock. 1 ecturea to Children. By ThoB. O. Summers. Heart-Blossoms for my Little Daughters. By Mrs. Jaue T. H. Cross. For sale by WARNOCK k DAVIS, Jel2 169 Congress street; J. 0. HUSI. J. B. DAVIS. W. B. 10X0. RUSE, DAVIS A LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3AVANNAH, GA. may 30 WAYNE, GRENVILLE ^ CO M COMMISSION AND FOmVARDlNU MERCHANTS, Bay-street Savannah. THOS. S. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, ' R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy 0—tf Savanuah. Chattanooga. JKPFEttSON "KOUEHTS, OEKEHAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND .DEALER IN Timber and Lumbor. SAVANNAH, Ga. * WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DOMBST.IC, FOREIGN AND FANCY 1 DRYGOODS. No. 149 Congress-st., Savannah. Ga. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort Dlst. S. C. THEGPH1LUS WILLIAMS, “ Scrivon Co.,Ga. sept 7. JABIWU. HOUaXHS. iASUBAA, NOHHffl- RODGERS ib NORRIS, juue 1,1856, BAV-STRKKT, SAVANNAH. DERS, (le OA BBLS of Mercor and early June Potatoes received per eteamer Augusta, and for aale mayio J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, Lowndes County,Ga. _ (ray VI P ORK— - 60 barrels Mesa Pock, „ , , 26 do Primo do ta, andter aale I Landiug aud for sale by J. D, JESSE, 1 myl4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00, WM. 8. DANIELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, B4V4MW4B. 04. Office over Thomas M. Turner k Co.*■' Drug Store, Bay street. my7 jas, s. kook. * no, t, flMAVi HOOK * TEBEAU, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, S42n>KR8mu, 0E0B0I4. Will practiso in Washington, Jefferson, Seriven, Burke, Emanuel, Tattnall, and Montgomery of the Middle Circuit, and Wilkinson of tbe OcmuTge* Cir cuit. wyl M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4LUGA70R, I48T FLOK1ZU. Will practice in the Eastern and South era OouaUe*. Refer to-Col, S. B. Sibley, and R. B. RUteO, Ba* vannah. fDb2-4f CHAS. G. CABfPilBLL, - ;aW- ATTORNEY AT Li mUXDGKVIUJt, 04,1 Practices Law In the various Counties of the Oc* mulgee Circuit, and the adjoining Counties orTwifgir Laurons and Washington. Refer to-Jobn Bouton, H. A* Crane, and R. • Biitou. r.bit ' ' «*80KG#)-ArGettB6N;—~ ATTOBNEY AND CODN8ELLOB AT LAW, AND Commimonev qf the U. S. Courf qf Claims for the State qf Georgia. office Corner Bay aud Bull streets. . . ly myio DR. CHARLES H. COLDING, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. No. 14IJBKRTY 8T., Oue door west of Drayton, myn , s;w.1aker; AlTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticoilo, Jefferson County. Fla. Reference—Hou. W. B. Flkmimi, Savannah, Ga. myJU EDWARD G. WILSON: MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER . OF DEEDA At iicHsra. Ward & Oweua’ Law Office. [myll m WlLUJUl H. UA8HEH, ATTOKNEY ANU COUXflELLOB AT IAW, Troupville, Lowndes County, Ga, Will practice In Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurena, and Pulaski counties, Georgia: and in Jefferson. Madison, Ham ilton, and Columbia counties, Florida. [myll WM. M. WILLIAMS. THAPDSCS OUVXB, ~ JACK *BOWN . WILLIAMS, OLIVER & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista, Marion County, Oa., Will practice in the counties or Marion, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee. Lee, aud any adjoining counties, where their services may be required. JOHN R, COCHRANE. _ , AlTORNEY AT LAW, Duhiiu Laurens county, Ga,, late Junior partner of tho firm ol A. k J. Cochran*, Irwinton, Ga., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr, C. B. Guyton, F. H. Rowe, Dublin, (iu., M Marah, Savannah. ' mfll JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR' AT LAW, Nowotusvlllt Fta. .; . , Kororenco—Ovorsa .. Drown, wmiam Doll, New- nunsvillo, Flu., It. U. Hlltou, Boston & Viilalonia Savaupab, Ga.’, LEFX.BR A WILCOX, DuitM*. — OFFICE over Dewitt A Mor- g*n’« Storo on Coogreug.street, off, r their professional services to th* — public, confident from long experi ence ami past success, that in all cases, they wtll render entire satisfaction. oct 2 U| DENTISTRY. ” Dra. ROYALL & JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner SL Julitn-aL , and Market Square, over 8. WU- '^mot’s Jewelry store. Office hours from 8 to 2 o’clook, and from 8 to 6. mar 11 eons DRS. LEFLRRdf WILOOJI, DontlaU. — ABE now Hilly prepared tots- aert tall or carllaluuaor Tetth on the principle or Dr. J. AUana'a 1 1 1 r Patent Continuous Gum, By thia improvement, the form of tbe face can be restored to any dogreo or rotundity that may be desired. It te applicable in all cases where the cheeks have ralitn In and cannot bo detected by the eloeest observer *_ This method combines the .followling i lvantaresL. An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and lifo-liko appearance, and Imparts tothetheeih that peculiar expression which characterizes th* nk. tural organs. ■ This Gum consists ofasllacious compound, which is applied and fused upon tho Teeth andPlate in andi a manner, as to fill up all tbe interstices around the base ortho Teoth, and also unites them firmly to each other and to the Plato upon wbleh they*are This secures perfect cleanliness of tbe Teeth %♦ Republican and Georgian copy. r feb If—|| B. ELLIS. Factor and General Oommigilon Mer^antf „ NO; 71 BAY-BTRBKT, SAVANNAH, OA., Rjmma to—Messrs. Claghoru fcCunnlnghato. Beil k Prentiss, Ogden, Starr k Co,, SavannAh: J. p. Thompson. Boston. - # nov 1 WM * “Ter * FACTORS JOHN G. FALLXGART. WBOLUALR And retaii WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW DOORS. West ilde Uoaumeot Square,' Satranuta, a., m»,u A. H. cGAMPIUN. (Successor to Otumplon ta Wittat • WHOLESALE AND SETAtt OBOdEB, No. 4 Barnard it., bttwMn ft. UarYat aud Bar It, „ SAYannah, oa. BrtadFrufu'*£"*0 ror " fn “ dDomc,Uc LI*uoft, myll