Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 17, 1856, Image 2

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• ; taanwAT TfST 1 or nCNNSTLVANIA. HAN FOB VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN C.BREOKENRIDGE, Of KKNTCCKV. Democratic Ratification Meeting. A meeting of the Democratic Party will be held at St. Andrew's Hall, on Thursday, precisely at 8 o'clock, to ratify the nomination of JAMES BUCHAN AN AND JOHN 0. BRECKEN- RIDOE for President and Vice President of the United States. Delegates will at the same time be appointed to attend the Convention at Millcdgeville for the choos ing of Electors to oast the vote of the State, to be held Jnly 4th. Three Days Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OF TIIR Wa had ytirlaj lOtatoiil to pan owi [*• °** Mlfhbcr, to rtilw the publlo s ftoBitoaaacb of political dltcuasion In oar oohnuui. Mtavififtiut UU not the batl*- tereetof npepor to fetif ue its readers with lqafan* labored articles on politics, we had proposed lo devote oar industry more to ganw sinews and pleasing intelligence than bad heretofiart been the eastern. We had seen with surprise and with feelings more of sorrow than of anger, that the Republican had seen fit to give the publlo of Savanaah five paragraphs of editorial on the 13th, headed “Mr. Buchanan twenty-live years ago” four of them being ver batim et literatim tbe production of the New York Tiibunt of the 7t’i Inst. The remaining paragraph Is slightly altered, but Is in effect the same. We would, however, have passed over all this, if yesterday morning the Republican had not continued Its assaults on Mr. Buchanan, drawing Its supplies from the same muddy fountain, with “however the slight credit fcWeu to the lYibune', of “says a cotemporary,” Ac Having interrogated the NepuWican, as to whether It got their information from a perusal of the record Itself, (the Fourth of July ora tion) or if it was the production of some Know-Nothing journal of doubtful res pectability, we received no reply. The answer lies in the facts, and the failure to reply is easily accounted for. To show the public thatal* though hitting in the dark at the time, we were not far from the mark. We subjoin two paragraphs of editorial from the two papors. Tbe one is au example of successful alterat ion, and the other a most ad mirable specimen of the verbatim et Utteratlm school: New York, Juue 17. Tha Arago and C ityqfBaltimore have arrived, bringing Liverpool dates to the 4th,being three daya latar than those brought by the Arabia, Liverpool Markets* Cotton.—'The Cotton market was firm and unchanged. Sales of the three days 23.000 Fair Orleans 7 Ulddllng Orleans 01 Fair Uplands U Ulddllng Uplands C 1-10 F^r Mobile Middling Mobile Cl Speculators and exporters took 4000 bales. Money was easier, at previous rates. Consols had declined 2, and closed at 04J. SECOND DESPATCH. The Arago, brings despatches from Mr. Dallas. Mr. Fillmore was to sail in the Atlantic on tha Utb. Nicaraguan, affairs were much agitated in England. Tbe London Timet does not advocate war, but ia uasparing~in its censures of Mr. Pierce, and uses every endeavor to embitter the relations between the two countries. % In tpf* v,n g of the apprehended dismissal of Mr. Crompton, that paper says, that although it may be an endurable evil. Mr. Dallas should nevertheless be sent home. Republican Convention at Philadelphia New York, Jpnb 17. The Republican Convention met at Philadel pbia today. Col Lane of Indiana was elected Pmident of the Convention, and a Vice Presi dent and Secretary were chosen from each State represented. Col. Lane made a rousing speech bailing the movement of the Convention as the resurrection of the North, and predict ing its sncceas. He claimed the party as being a national one and not sectional. The commit tee on roles reported that the delegates shoald vote by States through their Chairman. The Committee on resolutions report in the morning The vote for President will be taken Immedi ately after. The Convention adopted resolu tion* and report their plotform before balloting. Great Fire In St* Louis. Sr. Lons, Jane 17.—A great fire occurred here today. Among the sufferers are House man, Smith A Co., W.Gilman, Brown, Goodwin k Co., and others. Loss very heavy. New York Cotton Market. New Tore, Jane 17.—The market exhibits * no new feature. - Quotations steady and demand fair. Sales of the day 1000 bales. v The communication signed “ Charity " is not published this morning because of its evident personal bearing against somebody. No name accompanying the production is the reason of our failure to publish. Those having business with Ordinaries will do well to read the act of tbe Legislature io relation to the powers of those officers which we today publish. Savannah, Albany and Gulp Railroad.- We^are requested to call the attention of stockholders in the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad to the fact that to-day an instalment la doe and payable on their subscriptions. New Publications. Tee Life and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century before Christ ; an imagi nary biography founded on fact. By .J. Tal- bojra Wheeler, F. R. G. S., in two volumes. New York: Harper A Brothers. For sale by Col. Williams. A work on tbe plan of that of Mr. Wheeler, executed with competent ability, could not fail to be interesting and instructive. Such will the reader find the production before us. Not pre tending to the dignity of history nor restrained by fite rigid rules, it is for that very reason, the more life-like and accurate in its descriptions of the manners, habits and customs, and costumes of antiquity. Mechanics’ Tables; containing areas and circumferences of circles, and sides of equal squares; circumferences of angled boons, angled outside and inside; cutting of boiler platee, covering of solids, Ac., and weights of fsrioaa metals. Ac., Ac., Ac. Miscellaneous ootee, comprising dimensions, of materials, alloys, paints, lackers, Ac. By Charles H. Hasweir, marine engineer. New* York: Har per A Brothers. For sale by Cob Williams. This will be found a valuable publication by the class for whom it is designed. Allison’s Europe, Second Series. The His tory of Europe, from the Fall of Napoleon, in 1815, to the Accession of Loais Nopoleon, in 1852. Vols. I.and II., 8vo. For sale in Savannah by Ool. Williams and Messrs. J. M Cooper A Co. Mr. Allison is already tfistlnguished as tbe author of the History of Europe during the French Revolution—a work which a dozen yean since was in the hands of every member of tha reading public. This second series, (the first two volumes of which are i>efore us,) we regard as much more vaiuable than that which preceded it. The world teems with histories of the greet events which convulsed Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution In 1789, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1816, whiles well written record of the times ftum 1616 to 1832 was not to be fouud. The work before ns, when finished, will supply the JV. K. 'lYibunr. It Is the vulgar pre sumption that journal* lists of one party hab itually disparage the candidates of another, and seek to cover them with personal oppro brium. Webelievothe truth is just the reverse of this, and that the better olas3 of journals reluctantly suggest personal objections to the candidates they oppose, and greatly prefer that they should be men of unsullied reputation and compe tent ability. It gives ut pleasure to recog- nize in the Cincinnati nominee for President a man respectabte in every personal relation, a good citizen jmd neighbor—a man of fair talents and unsul lied private character. Profoundly realizing that Mr. Buthanan~s election would be in the highest degree dis astrous to our country and prejudicat to the advance of Freedom and Justice througout the wortd, we rejoice that our opposition to him will be tinged by \ no shade of personali ty, and that, In oppos ing the politician whom an overmaster ing love of power and place has led astray, we wage no war on the man. Nor do we seek to A, Portuoal, Ac. Sketc lies and Ad venture* in Madeira, Portugal, and the Auda lasias of Spain. By the Author of “ Daniel Wahatar and his Contemporaries,” With 12mo. New York: Harper A W*are indebted to Messrs. J.M. Cooper A Co., for duplicate copies of this and the follow. Ing work, both of which have already received nnotfea at our hands : jABTsa's Italian Biqhts. Italian Sights and Piioeiplaa seen through American Spectacles. Jamaa Jackson Jams. Numerous Ilius- •tiona. Naw York: Harper A Brothers. Savannah Republican. “ It is the common “presumtion thut jour nalists of one party “habitually disparage “the candidates of nu mber, and seek to “cover them with per- “sonal opprobrium. We believe the truth is just the reverse of “ this—at least, that the “better class of jour nals reluctantly sug- “gest personal objec tions to the caudi* “dates, thoy oppose “and greatly prefer “that they should be “menofuusulUed rep- “utation and compe tent ability. When “such u the character “of the rival candi dates, the canvass is “narrowed down to “oneqf principle, the “only ground upou “which popular etec- "lions should be de- “tided. Profoundly “realizing that ; the "programme promt “gated at Cincinnaii, u (f carried into practi- “cal operation tcould “soon bring the gov- “ernment in collision “not only with the i “Islands and countries “washed by the Qutf Mexico, but with “the leading European “powers; we have felt “it our duty to the “country to expose its “dangerous tendency; “yet in performing this “toork we rejoice that “our opposition" to the “candidate will be “tinged by no shade “of personality, and “that in opposing the “politician whom an “overmastering love of power and place has “led astray, we wage “no war on the man. “Nor do we seek to “disparage thestrength “of Air. 'Buchanan as “a candidate. True, he “is not a man calculat* “ed to achieve person- “al popularity. Frosty “In manner if not in “heart, he will never “attract and secure “such “ troops of ‘ 'friends’' as the men^of “impulsive electric na- “tore, like Jackson “or Clay. He is the “embodiment of world- “ly prudence and un faltering discretion. “His Federalism which “might seem chivahic “and defiant, was just “the contrary. Though “Pennsylvania and the “Union were Democra tic, Lancaster Coun ty was Federal; and it “wastothevicinage and “not the country that “he necessarily looked “for his first stens up “the political ladder. “He was elected to the “State Legislature as a “Federalist by a Fed eral constituency oud “it was to that constlt- “uency he appealed “when, at the date of “his first aspirations to “a seat in Congress he “mode a carefully pre pared Fourth of July “Or ‘ . Corns Wuhinoion, Jun. 14. The “Organ,” of the Am.ric.u put, In this city, contain. . certificate to day (Torn Hi Humphrey Hudt.ll, Harm,of Hur York, and other., pocull.rlMd.Hor th. Fillmore party* that that paper will b* continued, and will con tluue to euttaln that party. Ite mode of war fare la of thu aeroeet denunciatory and nncoroue kind,nor unmUed with panoral lnvectlre. It la now Intently engaged In proring thit,though Mr. Bnchanan may now be all that le dednblt In a President, he w«e once guilty of grant er rors; that, though he Sew to armt with alteri ty when war was declared In 1812, and did all that It was In bis power to do by Bylng with bis neighbors to the defence of Baltimore, he was yet soon alter guilty of aaylng something ad verse to the propriety of the republlc’a going to war at that time. It le also proving with slgna 1 ability that, In 1819 he said of the Institution of slavery tbe same things that were said of it in 1832 at Richmond by many of the members of a convention of the Bret men of Virginia. If the leading men or that great Btate may be pardoned for the expression of such sentlntanta or for haring relinquished them, ae It may be. It Is not too mooli to hope that the same thluga may bo pardoned In a citizen of Pennsylvania, whose opinions of that nature are represented ns having been uttered thirteen yearn before. The troth lay whatever may he claimed by each public man on the score of consistency, and es pcolally (,n this subject, when the guilty are to lie punished but lew will escape. 1 stated several weeks ago that Ur. Be nton was very much opposed to Mr. Kreemont'a be ing a candidate tor the Presidency—indeed I reported pail of a conversation between them on that subject. The result shows that it is even so. Mr. Ilcnton Is out for “ Buck and Brock.” and Mr. Froeraont is to be the nomiuecofthe Republicans and North Ameri ca ns. If the old Bullion shall only succeed In being elected Uovcraor, and thus get the inside of the track front Mr. Atchison, end then succeed to the Senate, how delightful will be the triumph I And If Mr. Fremont, relieved of the imputation of being Mr. Benton a nominee, shall be elected to the Presidency, how gratifying still ' the position of the family 1 The Buriy that has been made in England and France by the news of tbe reception by onr government of the new MinUter Dorn Nica ragua, Padre Vfill, indicating the possibility, as it does, of the annexation of Nicaragua, and possibly something more, to the United States, Is very great, and, in view of the fact that England and France have never attempted an; acts o.* annexation by conquest or otherwise,! ' ' 'the presumption of petition for more. Impartial Mid II Mmvle ^, they came into court wll and Judge Strong ' convict to he hang JV. Y. Cem.qf ~ ' Prussia and the United Mates. A letter Bom Berlin, In the Massachusetts Guardian, ear. there !■ a strong party In Prus sia which le deslrous that the Government, In stead of Hollowing th* axampla of Russia, Swe den and Oldenburg, In regard to tha capitalisa tion oftbe Sound dues,enoold abstain from any resent decision, and should eventually take lie nuee course ea the United States. Thera is, at all events, a general disinclination to sad dle the country with so Urge a sum aa 14,000,- 000, snob being the sum chargable against Prussia in the event of capltolizetlon. But the lbernl journals say that the Prussian Govern ment has, in a measure, tied Its hands by the effete polloy recently, pursued,end that Prussia will probably follow In tbe wike of Russia. The Paris Pays of the 26th nit. says s— We announced yesterday that Prussia had de cided upon tbo creation or a nival station on the Coast of America, with the vie* to protect Germans, who emigrate across the Atlantic every yMr. We learn to-day by our private correspondence, that the Austrian Government has adopted a similar resolution, and that a aqnadron oftbreeveanelaleaboutto be armed at form the Austrian station on the American shores. This Is the flrst time that the German powers have sent out armaments of the kind, and this Innovation In their pnliry deserves attention, forcibly reminds us of roe Oliver Twist in presenting his j of Mr. Buchanan as a candidate. True, he ia note man calculated to achieve personal popularity. Freety in manner if not in heart, he will never attract and secure snch“troops of Mends” ae the men of impulsive, electric nature, like Jackson orCliy. He lathe era- bodidment of wordly prudence and unfalter ing discretion. His Federalism, which might seem chivalrio ana defiant, was just the contnuy. Though Pennsylvania and the Union were Democra tic, Lancaster County was Federal: end it was to the vlcraageond not the country that he necessarily looked for his first steps up the political ladder. He was elected to the State Legisletnre os a Fed eralist by a Federal constituency; and it was to that constitnen. cy he appealed when, at the date of his first aspirations to a seat in Congress, he made a carefully prepared Fourth of July Oration (1815), wherein he spoke of Mr. Madison’s role, as follows: -'lows : It is not our intention to question the pro priety of the course ns between the Tribune and Republican—that, ts a matter between the two journals and no business of ours. There is oue part of the first paragraph which is In- dicrous In the extremo: while Grccly trends all sail in hot pursuit of his darling Idea Freedom the Republican takes a tack off for the Gulf of Mexico, crosses to the European dynasties and on his return joins his aonvoy. To bo serious we do not think that the Re publican has any right to use the editorials and manufactured extracts of so vile a paper, to at tack a man who has boon proved a true friend of the constitution. It is well known to nlj the persons who ever have seen that sheet thatt It billed with overyilnccndlar y production tha North, Sooth, East or West can produce. Denny DAV-j-Wcdncsdoy, the 28th May was tho famous “Derby day,” on which “ all the world or tendon attend the races at Epsom, Prince Albert, accompan cd by his future son- in-law, Prince William or Premia, wosemthe ground, as were Lord Palmerston and most of the members of botli bouses of Parliament— the legislature having, ns Is usual, adjourned over the Derby day. The race was won hy Admiral Ilarcourt’s horse Eilerton. 3 Louis Napoleon and Marshal Pcllssler. A letter from Paris says Marshal Pelisalerhas never been a favorite with the Emperor Napoleon. He has made replies to |the Emperor over the telegraph in answer to the Emperor’s orders, before the at tack on the Melnkofi', which would more than once have cost him his place, had It not been for the decided interference of his Mend, Mar shal Valllant, Minister of War. On one occa sion, after the repulse from the Malakoff, the Emperor sent orders which were impossible to follow, and which irritated Pelissler to the highest degree. Pelissler directed Valllant to say to his Majesty that he had better occupy himself with his own affairs in tha Tulllerles ; that he knew hie own position best, and what he bad to do and how to do It, and that no eno in Paris could judge os well as himself what was tho nature of the difficulties he hid to contend with. The Emperor,on the receipt of this reply the command, bat MarahaTvedSant^lnsi^ng that that was the very kind or men he want ed In the Crimea, .finally changed his design. An Act Authorizing Ordinaries of this State, to issue fi. fas. for cost in certain coses. Sec.1. Be it enacted from andi of this act, (that the several Ordinaries oftl oi inis act, tiuai toe several ordinaries of this State shall upon finding any Executor, Admin istrator or Guardian, iu default on the records of said Ordinary, and after notifying such Exe cutor, Administer or Guardiau, to make his or her annual return as is now required by law, and in cases of failure thereof, the said Ordi nary shall have power to make oat his cost for the same and issue cost executions against such Executors, Administrators and Guardians, and their securities. 2d. And be it further enacted, That such axe* cations shall be collected as other executions of this State. Approved, February 28th, 1856. “in he spoke of Mr. “Madison-s rule as fol- On Muy 28tli, Mm Mayor of l-omlon entertained the .Judges, with other dis tinguished imrsonnges, nt dinner. After dinner, tho Lord Mayor guva tlm health of M> Dullns, tho American Minister, express ing his regret Mint that gentleman was prevented from being present iu conse quence oflds having been enguged in an interview with Lord Clarendon until lute in the day, although he (the Lord Muyor) had tho pleasure ol saying tliut Mrs, Dallas was among Ills guests. (Hear.) He was sarc those whom he was address ing would deeply regret any interruption of tho good understanding which hud hitherto existed between tins country nml the States on the opposite side of the At lantic. (Here, here.) He was convinced it was the wish of every Englishman that any differences which now existed between Hie two nations might speedily bo arrang ed, and that a throughly good under standing should bo established. (Hear 1 The toast, which was cordially received was briefly acknowleged by Mr. Dallas,Jr' Lord Brougham's only sister died on the 25th ult., and he himself was so Ul that be had re tired to the country, and left to the Loid Chan cellor the care of his judical statistics' hill and other measures now before Parliament. “Sabbath” a.\d“Scnday.”—A corres pondent of The Notes and Queries sm tbe only words used in English for tL. first day of the week, before the existence of,Puritanism, were Sunday and the Lord’s Day. The former of these expressions was used by the Saxons, with all other Teu tonic nations. The latter was adopted from the Christian form of Southern Eu rope. Sunday, in Italian still retains the Hebrew name of Sabbato. The word of .Sunday, in Russian, means resurrection —“identifying the day, as the Southern nations t do, though more significantly, with the great triumph of the Christian fdith.” Tire Guano Convention. | Correspondence of the Phil. Lodger) AVasiiinoton, June 11,1856, The Farmers’ Convention ndjourned last eveing after a most, interesting session. A spirited debate took place upon a resolu tion culling upon Congress to take steps in relation to the present exorbitant price of guano, and by a kind of vindictive legislation to modify the monopoly now enjoyed by tho Peruvian government, and at present so obnoxious to onr farmers. During tho discussion it transpired that the treaty between this country and Pern protected this same monopoly, anil that Congress had uo power in the premises. Coronation of the Czar* Tlie arrangements fur the British depu tation to the Czar’s coronation at Mos cow, ore now complete Earl Granville is to go as head of tho embassy, in place of the Duke of Cambridge who has declined the mission. Lord Granville tnkeswitb him several scions of tho nobility, in the- capacity of attuclies, and is accompanied by Sir Robert and Lady Peel, ' the Slar- quis and Marchioness of Stafford, and oth er aristocratic connections. Dr. Sandwith of Kars, is appointed medical attache.— The vote for the expenses of the mission is .£10,000. The French mission under Count de Mnrny, is to cost four times that sum—n million of francs. j o'clock, and It Is I they rtood eleven for Commercial Intelligence. Jill iliMlilL: SHNfettl II; siiniiifi f§ B * 5 ' l *<<5> ft: jnS ~ - Ji £ I iMiaiii ; Iijg|siaSSK • c» • oatt»8«0O4»O SAVANNAH MARKET. omoK of tick Daily Journal, i Wednesday, .lime 18,I860. J COWiN.—Arrived since tho 10th lustai)!, 2,849 bales Uplaud, and *21 halos Sea Island, as fol lows : By Railroad 2,629 ba'cs Upland, from A» jfiista and landings on tho river, 320 bales Uplaud, and by southern boats, waggous, Ac., 21 bales Sea Islands. The exports durlug tbo same period have been 2,090 bales Uplaud aud 65 bales 8ea Island, viz: To New York 2,016 halos Upland, and 66 bales Sea Island, aud to Rotterdam.75 balos Upland—leav ing a stock ou band and on ship-board, not cleared yesterday, of 33,331 bales Upland and 1,481 bales Sea Island—against 12,203 bales Upland ami 332 bales Sea Island at tbo same time last year. Our lost weekly report left the market quiet but fltoady, ut our quotations, Ordinary to flood Ordi nary, 8^ u 9; Low Middllug to Good Middlings, 0^ a 10; Strict Mlddliug, 10*,', Good Middlings, 10>£ Middling Fair, 10# a 10? 4 '; and Fair 11c. On Wed nesday tbo flrst day of our present review, tbo market upenod with a good inquiry, and some 000 bales changed bands at a )i cent ndvauce ou our previous qualities. Ou Thursday Friday, and Sa turday, thsre were uo salos reported. Tho Arnbla’s news reached us by Telegraph on Monday, and re ported the Liverpool mattet steady, with sales for tbo week of 40,000 balos, James McHenry’s Circu lar quoted Fair Orleans, 6#; Middllug Orleuus, fl a 16; Fair Mobile, 6#;Middling Mobile, 6>„'; Fair Uplands, 0*,; Middling Uplauds, 6 1-16; with u stock on band of 640,000 bales. These favorable accouut* from abroad gave a new impulse to our market, aud 630 bales were sold at full prices. Yesterday 130 bales ouly were sold, tbe market closing Qrut at tbo advuuco noticed. We give tbe following quotations as approxima ting as near as possible to tbe ruling prices at the close of businoss yeatorday : Ordinary to Good Ordinary 9# to 10 Low Middlings to Strict Middlings 10 *4 to 10^ Good Middlings 11 to — Middling Fair 11# to - No Fair on tbe market Tbe sales tbe week, foot up 1,173 bales, at tbe following particulars: 34 at 8; 9 at 8# ; 64 at 9 ; 38 at 9# ; 21 at 9# ; 434 at 11 ; 210 at 10#; 48 at 10#; 11 at 10#; 139 at 10#; 1 at 10#; 70 at 11. Tbe receipts at this port since 1st Sept’r are 380,- 022 bales agalust 363,137 to tbo same date last year, aud tbe iucreaso iuthe receipts at all tbe purl*, to Iho latest dates, as compared with (be last yea», M 844,959 bales. Iu tbe exports from tbe Uuited plates to forelgu countries, a- ouuipured with tbo same dates last year, there Is uu increase of 423,612 bales to Ureal Britain 09,277 hales to France, aud to other foreign ports 214,616 bales, and tbe total iucruoee 099,304 bales. Tbe receipts of cotton at all tbe ports, up to tbe latest dates, give the folhrwing results:— Increase. Decrease. iVew Orlcaus 620,240 Mobile 244,327 Florida 6,706 Texas 40,924 SavAnuah 22,886 Charleston 14,008 North Carolina * Virginia Ill: i fi!4Bfi e 5 • • a • li Sc cl Eli- • • Hi ts§: : : g: gsgata 55 —tf U. It ip! 3> eR t'. ggs ESS c. c: y, liLsliililli M pi » 3 I*!! 5° S 4 P a 3 r ill w Sill! 4 60 ; Is; tfi Exporta of Cotton and Bice, VROM THK I'QKT OF8AVAXZAH, COMMK.yc'(l khpt. 1.1856. WHERETO COTTON. RICE. Since Jnnoloj 1‘revioual}-. Siuce JnelO Previ ously. 8.1. Upla’dj S. I. Upla’d Ti’cos Ti’cos. Liverpool... Loudon .... Oth. Br. P’ts .... 6863 187424 :::: :;j"'69j" ’234 i 890 Tot. to G. B. ....j 6922;137058 | 800 Havre Marseilles.. Oth. Fr. P’ts ::::: .... 070 15997 j 99 Tot. to Frn’e ....j 670.16997 | 99 Hamburg.. S.Petersb’rg Oth.N.E.P’ts “ , *76j!’.‘.!!r , 3248 1 i;::.;. ' 659 Tot.N.E.P’1* ...... 76 1 1 3248 j 6£9 Havana. Oth.W.I.P'tsj So. Europe..' Oth. F’u P’ts | ::::::::::::::::: 1 4850 i 280 ioso To.oth.F.P’s' ««j I | 0231 Now York.. Bo-ton.... Providence. Philadelphia Baltimore .. Charleston.. N. Orleans.. Oth.U.8.P’t- b! 2016' 2654 108092 ' 229! 36086 7229 16 17621 4097 j 2780j 11766 ::::::::::: m 130 0637 4924 1 863 ; 1934 1 736 1I7| 640 | 2960 Tot. C’stwise 6fi 2016. 6584484802 24sj 18694 Grand Total. 65 2090 131821:141700 248! 20370 1,846 848,160 3,187 3,197 Tho attention of tho Convention was then turned to tho consideration of other measures of relief front the evils complained ol, und with great unanimity, a committee or five was appointed to confer with the Executive, and urge tho importance of opening negotiation with the Peruvian Government, with a view to obtaining Ihcilltics for a supply ofgunno at more rea sonable rates. In the meantime farmers were recommended to employ a substitute for guano ns far as possible, and by re ducing the demnnds receive a correspond- ding decrease iu price. The Convention although barren in immediate practical results will exert an influence thro’the suggestions evolved in the discussions, and the farming interest at large greatly benefitted by the meeting. Total 844,969 Sfa Island—Nothing has been done in Sea Islands since our last. Tbe quantity ofluriug is small, und scarcely any buyers in tbe market. RICE.—The tnarkol has tieeu generally duell throughout tbe week, without any mnteriul change in prices. Sales of small parcels have bopu made to city dealer* 3# to $3# pev 100 lbs. FLOUR.—There has been u fair iuquiry from tbe trado at our quotations of last weoek, viz: Buper One 6# a $7, Extra a a 3#, and Family $10 per barrel. CORN.—No change of importaure occurred in tbe Corn market the past week. Sales have been made from depot at 62#n., whilst good te fair lots from store will command 66 to 00c., and choice Beach Island, for milling pur|tosoa, 08 to 70c. per bushel. OATES.—The market Is well supplied, ami quota lions nearly nominal—say from 60 to 55c from store, BACON.—The market Is nearly bare of Sides and Shoulders. There is a good demand, exhibiting mi improvement on our quotations of last w ok. Good clour Sides and Shoulders will moot ready sub) at fair pricos. SUGARS.—The market is tlrtu aud some holders claim uu advance of #c, on New Orleans, which is scarce. There is a lair supply of other bruuds the market. MOLASSES.—We nro In receipt of our cargo of Cuba sinco our last, and prices have goue up. Tbe cargo in qiieEtiou in bald iu lots from wharf at 40 to 42c. per gallon. New Orleans is scarce and Arm a 56 to 68c. BUTTER AND t'HKESK.—Our quotations nf lost weok will hold good. Prime Goshen 26 to 27 by tbe package; and Cheese 12#c. per lb. SALT.—We are not advised of any sule during tbo week. Transactions aro I United to lots from stores at $1. COFFK.—Wo uotico iio particular change iu the Coreo market. Rio i» dull ut It to 12c. Better qualities are held firmer. LIQUORS.—We quote New Orieaus WliUky 30 to 32, and Western 20 to 28c., with u full supply. HAY.—Wo notice no change since our last, and therefore renew our quotations of last week. I erul 26 to $1 31, aud Northern $1 per 190 bis Tim stock of Northern is large for the existing do maud. LIME.—Willi no receipts lor the week, tlm sloak Is reduced; consequently holders have advanced on prices of last week. Wo now quoto from store $1# per bbl. BAGGING.—We aro without guy alteration iu this article. Holders aro stiff at our quotations of lust wook, 16# to 17c. A lot of 400 bales has been ■old during tbe week at terms not named. FREIGHTS—FoKKiax.—Cotton to Liverpool, #d. Coahtwiwc—To N. York, iu Btoamibipa, # for iquaro ami #o. for rouuil, arid # for squaro aud # for rouud bales iu sailing vessels; to Baltimoru, 6-10; and to Boston, 00; t/i Phildelplila, in sailing vessels 6-16 in steamers EXCHANGE.—Sterling, 9# per cent, premium.— Banks are selliag Sight Checks on all Northern cities at # por cent, premium ; aud purchasing sight bills at # dis.; 6 to 16 day Bills at#(a># per ct. dis.; 30 day Bills nt #£># per ct. dis. ; 00 day Bills 1# to 1# percent, dis.; 90 day Bills 2(S>2# per dt. ills, ou Philadelphia, and Baltimore 00 day bills utl# to 1 #, 90 day bllla 2 to 2# per coin, discount NavAtiiiali Market, June IN. COTTON—Market dull yosverday. Sales of 136 bales, at follows : 40 at 0#, ItQ at 10, aud 1 at 10# cents. Comparative Exports of Lumber, FROM THE PORT OF SAVANNAH, COMMEXO’a SEPT. 1, 1866. Uvorpool I/mdon Other British Ports.. Total to Groat Britain... Havre Bordeaux Other French Ports. Total to Frauce. South of Europe North of Europe West Indies, ke Total to Foreign Ports., Boston Bath, (Maine) New York Philadelphia Baltimore and Norfolk, Other U. S. Ports Total Coastwise.. Grand Total 1833780, 4376957 460643 2340482 22600010297323* 6695315 22500012681746 12411764 10694 197777 400000 408000, 608471 233650' 268269; 637989! 6148 C54970 45*1909} 1499113 .. 2708973 1 3286841 442147 I 31965* ..I 4102978 .11895622 7169QP,2G44438l!2140805G 291098 933270 2260318 ~.Dund6«744 In-.. pot 1 |i Heutuck.y W.. ..per.-.yd. I Gunny ;7;*<i|’<L Tew.... .V. |MuHyd. Bale Horn- pu^ lb. Dillon'S Ko|)o per lb. OdcoiiaHums (m>i- ll«. Sboulobm per lb. Sides per tb. Beef, N. York, Mess, .per bbl.|14 00 Prime per bbl.:.... Cargo... pur bbl.! Bread* Navy. por bbl. 6 Pilot per bbl., 6 Butter, Go'-’n Prime.per lb. 26 No. 2 per lb.* 16 Brick*,8av. 1st qua).per M. ft. 00 Northern porM. ft. 22 00 Bce» Wax per lb.I 24 Caudle*, Spermaceti!, per lb. 33 Adanmntiui' per lb.. 24 Savannah mndOjTul..por lb. 16> Northern Uo. do..per lb. 10) Checac, Northern.... per lb.| 12) Codec, Cuba, «f taguyra per lb. 13 Good fair to prime., .per lb.' 12) Rio per lb. 11 Java per lb. 16 Cotton, Uplaud, Interior per lb. •• f'ul inary... .per lb. •• Middling.... rper lb. " Mid. Fair.. ..per U».i *♦ FmrA vy.l'uir.per lb., “ Good fair....|M>r Ib.j Cordage, Tarred per lb. 14 j Maulllu ...per lb. 15 Domes lie (ioodx, "•Shirtings, brown....per yd. 4 Sheetings, brown.... per yd. 7 Brown Drills per yd. 8 Cotton Osnalnirg-*.... per yd.' 9 Duck, English per Imlt.ill) 00 Flail, Mackerel, No. 1 .per bbl. 1(1 00 ** No. 2.per bbl.'lu 00 “ No. 3.per bbl. 7 Oil Flour, Canal per bid. Bait. Howard .-I. sup..per bbl. Philadelphia per bbl. Georgia per bbl. Groin,Com, per bush. •• retail.. ..perbush., Oats per hush. Wheal per bush.j Rice por cask. Glass, Kelt. Window..per 60ft. Gunpowder per keg. Hay, Prime. Northern.per cwt. l uu “ Eastern., per cwt. 1 25 Hides, Dry per lb.: 12 Deerskin.- per lb. 20 Iron, Sweet#, asso'd.. per lb. 1 ui Pig per toil. 30 00 Hoop. .....per cwt. 4 25 Sheet per cwt. 4 25 Nall Rods per cwt. 0 60 Laid per lb. 11 lalmc, Rockland per lb. 137 Lumber, S. Sawed, refuse per M. ft.' 6 0(. Merchantable pcrM. ft. 13 00 River Lumber, ref...per >1. ft. 8 00 Merch’ble to prime...per M. ft. 12 00 Ranging tim'r for exp per M. ft. 10 Ou Mill Hanging per M. ft. 1 0 Oi White Pine, clear.... per M. ft.|30 00 Merchantable perM. ft.'18 00 Cypress Shingles per XI. 4 50 Sawed Cypress do—..per M. tu on Wed Oak Slaves per M. White do. pipe...perM. Do. do. hint....perM. Do. do. bbl....perM. Alolaasrs, Cuba Now Orieaus per gall. Nnlls*Cut,4d. tn20d..per lb. 4 25 Naval Store*, Tar...por bbl.' 3 50 Spirit*Turpentine....per gall. 42 VaruUh per gall.: 85 Oils,Sperm,'d.per gull. 2 25 Do. fall do...per gall. 2 10 Do. sum’rtlo...per gull.) 0 00 Whale, racked, wint.per gull. 80 Linseed .-...per gall. 1 90 Tanners per gall. 15 00 Oannburgs, Flnx.... per yd.: 00 Pork, Mess, Wostorn.per bbl. in 00 Prime per bbl.’17 60 Mess, New York....per bbl.j 18 00 Porter, London per doz. 2 75 Ale, Scotch per put.; 2 00 Raisins, Malaga. ...per box. 4 00 Spirits, Brandy, mg.per gall.! 4 60 Otard, Dupuy&Co.. .por gall. 1 6 00 A. Seignette a nor gall. 8 60 Leger l'reres per gall. 3 00 Peach po • gall. 65 Domestic per ?ull. 44 Gin, American per gall. 42 Holland per gail.i l 60 Rum, dtimulca per gall. 2 f*o N. E., bbls per gall. 40 Whiskey, Phil. & Bull, por gall. 32 New Orleans per gall. 30 Sugar, P. Rico and St. Croix.per lb., g N. 0. Sugar per lb. 8 Havana, white per lb.; 9 “ brown per II*. * Ismfand Crushed.. ..jtt*r lb. $nlt,1 Aver’l, coap-i Cargo, bulk Turk’s Island..,. Soap. Aider., yellow No. 1 Palo Family Shot, all sizes Begars, Spanish..,. American Tallow, American...... Tobacco, ManfacM.. .per Tea*, Souchong per Gunpowder per Hyson per Tw’lnc, Seine per Baling per ... Wines, Madeira per gall., 3 00 Sicily Madeira per gall. 73 Tenerifl’e, L. P per gall.I 1 25 Malaga, Sweet per gall.; 60 “ Dry per gall. 45 Claret, Xlarseilles.... per cask. 40 “ Bordeaux per cask. 50 Champagne per -doz. 10 00 Wool, Southern, unwashed.per lb. 22 “ clean per ib. 22 Woolsklns, lambs, each, is Sheep’s each. 20 (a) BY I,AST NIGHT'S Ma i r ~ Know Nothino Nomination fob ihPuTT idknuy.—New York, Juno 14—The , Nothing Conwntion, on the second brilS“S' President, gave for Banks 48 votes, 30, Stockton 50, Mclean 10, Johnson I ' Nnw Your, Jone 10—The Convent s, d*y, hy acclamation, nominated N. p n.., for President, and Hon. Wm. F. John,™ 1 Pcnnsylvnnlo, Vice President of the jiM States. Seceders hove nominated Commodore ton, President, and Hon. KennethRsvmi. r ' 4 President. Jn ' r ''i« Onthofltb ballot tire vote stood Bart,,,, Fremont SB, McLean 30. ^ From Wasiiimjtox— IVashington /, , -Mi. Clayton has Introduced a bill him o' Senate to promote peace In Kansas »hi,h „ sides fora new census according to pomiX' and for the repeal of ceitain obnojtmu, S 4 the Territprial Legislature. Senator Adams, of Miss, made , ^ * r < I Mtatti&itfy, a 3476286 727006 40031I 84148S 630000 685627 1768113 5002545 ~ TOWNS. 1860. 1855. Augusta and Hamburg, June l.. 13489 13426 Macon. (Ga.) June 1 6161 4378 Columbus, (Ga.) June 1 0967 2495 Montgomery, (Ala.) May 6 34*15 4197 Memphis, (Teriti.) May 12 6019 2100 Columbia, (S. C.) June 10 2128 1700 Comparative View of Vessels LOADING IX TIIR UNITED STATES FOR FORFIOX t'URTS | 1850 || 1855 |GB|Fl'|OP GB|Fr|OP New Orieaus, June u no 6 14 10 •j 4 Mobile,Juue 13 6 0 5 4 1 1 Florida, Mayjll 0 0 0 2 0 0 Savannah, Jimo 17 7 2 1 4 0 1 Charleston,Juno 12 11 1 6 3 3 0 New York, June lo 33 14 9S 17 H 84 Other Port®, Junefi «'• 0 11 3 1 7 Total, | 84|22|I34|| 43 161103 LIBT OF VESSELS IN POET. Sbipa. Kuoxville(8.)I,udluw,1500 N, Y.Padleford Fay k Co Telegraph, Homer 802 wt’g Mono k Connery Jos Ray, Ray 00 wt’g.. .Hunter AGammcl Elizabeth, Williams.950 L’ponl A 1a*w ACo Kalamazoo,Taylor..703 Havre..W Uattorehy &Co Falcon, Patten, 900 Llv’l.... Brigham K k Co lady Peel, Moore,.. .667 Plymouuth.. .A law k Co Angclitu. Ventosa... .000 wt’g Webber k Bro Barque*. Chevalier, Knight...478 hl’g 0 A I,Lunar Xlary & Jane,Sunders, 340 hl’g XIastcr Maine Law, XlcCart,..000 wt’g 1.1 Martin Co Marla Morton, Bulklcy.000 NY... .Cohens k Hertz Brigs. Ganges, Spear 000 rep’g I It Wilder P It Curtis, Doughty,.. 229 Cardenas.... Weber Bro LW Angler,Tootbaker,000 dlno'g.. Ilrighatn K A Co Oloron, Webber, 000 Id’g Beers T & Co Hen Dunning,|j*ok,....000 Bordeaux..Weber Bros Tocroa, Stenson, 000 hl’g... .Curletmi P k Co Bonoouers. Gliampion, Gaskell walt’g .Master B Watson, Roblusou,.. Portland.. .Cohens k Hertz Cordelia, Durham, Llv’l Brlgbatu, K k Co S N Smith, Smith Uult C A Greiner LCWatts, Watts, NY OCohcu Moatroso, Winslow dlsc’g.. Dana Washburn George Davis, Nclf dlsc’g.Hunter k Gommell Helen, Elds..., tlise’g Qiaghorn k C Bxport*. IJVERPOOL—Por ship Mary and Adeline—2404 bales upland cotton. BATH, Mr.—Por brig Norman—02,574 Riot tint her, aud 32,628 feet lumber. 1 XHE ATTENTION of Htrangeri) visiting tho . city aud the public geuerally, ts Invited to «u examination of our atoek of Spring and Summer Goods, which for variety aud style is not to bo ox* celled in this city. * apr2S AIKIN k BURNS. /-'t UNNY CIvOTII—In store and for aalo by IjT June 4 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. —50 boxes Claret Wiuo J a superior arti- late—ou uoxes ciarei wiuu. a si ole, Just received and for ealo by June 7 C. A. GREINER. fa) 6# Cd) 65 (id t. UU 07) 7 48 (d) 6« - Cd) - 3 37# (id 3 02# 2 26 fol 14 00 fo> 0 60 (a) - fo> 101# (a) - (d) Cd) 115 Cd) (a) 4 5\» Cd) 4 60 fo> 7 00 (id 12# Cd) 140 fo) 8 00 (a) 10 00 fo) 1000 fo) 15 00 fo) 16 UO fo)10 00 fo) 40 00 fo) 25 00 Cd) 6 00 (a) fo) 20 DO fo) 00 00 fo) 40 00 fo) 2600 ^ 42 fo) 68 fo) 4 60 fo) 4 00 fo) 45 (a) Cd) 260 fo) 250 fo) 000 fo) 100 fo) 95 fo) 16 00 fo) 10# fo) 20 00 fo) 1800 fo) 20 00 fo) 2 87# fo) fo) 4 60 fo)1000 fo)1000 fo) 700 fo) 6 00 fo) 125 fo) 60 fo) - fo) 175 fo) 300 fo) 50 favor of the amendment ol the laws. AXTIOIPATKD COLl.lfflOM BETWEEN THF p ted States ani» Vho-Si.avkuv Forced n cago, June 12.—PersDusjust arrived sas City Monday evening. Mate that ( ob.^i Sumner ordered lieu. \N jilt field's artnv tt, iJ the Terr tory on Saturday, when the nh l number (four hundred) lett and went to uy« pott, where they were reinferced hy 03d ',' died and fifty Missourians, and returned7, Sunday, threatening to hang Col. Sutmler 5 they caught him. A collision betwren n‘ United States troops and WhUfieW’s paitv# expected unless the latter chanped t}, ( .:/ V poses. ‘ St. I juris, June 12.—Mr. Howard of the Kjr ns Cotuiiiissiun und Messrs, lianscotnli Townsend and Upton, ollicers uf theCVnmif sioti, arrived this evening, on the steatrir !• lar Star. They start for the East tom rr,j When they left.large bodies of Missourian, w-,. pouring into the territory, determined on ing, and free State men were musteline min' . anxious for battle. *' ’ • NEW YORK,JUNK 16.—Cottonntlvontvi •„. #o per lb, nml 3000 bales citatoe<l liacJ< .• ii." for inltitlliiig Orleans,u:nl lie for tiii<Mi;i,u t* Hour is heavy at previous rates. Wheat t . j,-,’. tiut still unquotable. Corn i» buoyant at r ic »■ bushel. Other articles are firm. Kreielit ,f , regular. , CHARLEfcTON, JL'NlTlO—l’,.ii„.v_T|. e u , . was very quiet to day, and the tramaitieu. limited to 3.93 bales, ut very full rates n' Mu ' ranging from 9# to It#c., the hulk at tbe hue price. ,16 00 i 50 00 ■ 30 Oi) *0 ou 40 55 SfeifFS Intelligence, Port of Savannah JUNE li , iter sack .per bush ..per bush. ..per lb. lo fo) (a) 32 .pet .per ..per .. per ,.pcr ..per ..per lb. Ib. lb. lb., XL;19 00 XL G 00 it (a> if. fo) fo' 6# fo) 7 fo) 7# fo) ‘ fo) fo) 10# fo) 10 fo) io# fo) fo' 12# fo) l no * 85 70 Arrived. .Ship Consul, Mortimer, fm New York, with ;a.3 bundle 6 buy— to T R A:.) G Mills. earner Carolina, Stewaii, fm Chariest..u~mI A Cohen. Cleared, Ship Mary and Adeline, Falos, IJverpool—BiiiLir. I Kelly .N Co. Brig Norman, Herd, Path, Xle.—Beers, lUawcl k « 'o. r Steamer Carolina, Stewart, Jacksonville, Fii-y, Cohen. Departed, Steamer Carolina, Stewart, Jacksonville. Memoranda. Boston, June 12—Arr. brig Eastern State*, l-.s] Darien. ; Cieurvd. ship .Medjord. for St Xtarys, Ca.aclIrA North, tor Savaituah* New York, Juue 13—Cleared, bark Fauiv, A|vilat:hieola; nml rchr E Kidder, ler Savar.ual Jure 14—Jrr, brig John II Jones, fm ivrnKii ami >, hrs AIIm, nud Walter Raleigh, fra do: ii;*. Bu«h, from l'ei)*actla. Humptnu Roads, June 12—Cleared, ship Eivin with emigrants lor Liberia, via ^avatraab. IJverpool, May 2G—Arr, ship Helen Goodwiti: Savannuli. ConnlgnecHo l ei stearper Carolina, from Cliarle3ton-te iluttou k cn, XI A Cohcu, E P Ward, J XI Coopt; i Co, E .1 White. E Heidt, Snider k Askew, W Kn.*; J W I ;.tbrop k co, Warnobk k Davis, EC«ili J.ockett i Suelliugs, Isaac W Morrell i co, Montgoinory. lb. lb. Ib. lb. lb.: lb., lb. 8# 9 fo) 5000 fo) 1609 fo) 12# fo) SO fo) 75 fo) 100 fo) 100 fo) 35 fo) 25 fo) 4 00 fo) fo) 150 fo) 02# fo) 50# fo) 80 fo) 80 fo) 2200 fo> fo) lid fo) Stook of Cotton in tho Interior Towns NOT INCLUDED IX THE RECEIPTS. Exports of Cotton, Bice and lumber. FOR THE WEEK ENDING JCNR 16, I860. WHERE TO Rotterdam Cadiz St. Johns (N. B.),. New York.... Baltimore Charleston Total S. 1.1Uplands 258269 233050 226000 Bank Sharp, and Stook. LN8TUJTI0X8. |COST|PRk'T PWCT:;i)lVlD’i)3. Bank Stato of Georgia..., ioo ilTa — '12per ct Plantora’Bank j 80 97 a 100 :14 per ct ilarlno Bauk t 60! 70 a 72 14 per ct Cen. R. R. k B’k’g Com’y.! 100116 a 110 10 per ct Bank of Savannah 100115 a — 10 per ct Gas Light Company j 26 27 a 28 perct S. W. K. R.Compnny ; 100, 98&lntcrs' 8 perct GeorgiaB. R. Company... j 100, par ' 8 per Maconk West’nR. R. Co..*....jlOO a 108 10 per Wes’n k Atlantic R. R. Co ! per XluscogcoR. R. Compnny. 100; 87 a 88 8 perct City Bonds .,.. 92 Tporet Mechanics’Savlug Bauk.. 110 Noiiooft ’glOper Augusta k W. Rail ltoad... 100 Bank Note Table. UEOKQU. SOUTH CAKOU.VA. AC. B’k Stato of Georgia., l’ar, Charles’n City Banks..l , ar Pluuters’Bank “ Columbia Coin. Bauk.. “ Marino Bank “ .Bank or Hamburg.... “ Con. K. R.& B’k’g Co.. “ IM. lPk ofCltoraw.... “ Ga. R. R. & B’k’g Co.. “ Bank of Georgetown.. “ BankofSavunnnh.... “ Bank ofCamdctt “ Xlech’cs’Sav’g Bauk. “ Ex. Bank, (Columbia). “ Bank of Augusta “ Bank of Newberry... “ Xlech’cs’Bauk, (Aug.) “ jBankofCliestor “ Aug. ins. & B’k’g Co.. “ Plant’8’B'k,(Fnlrlleld) “ B’k of Br’swick,(Aug) “ S. W. R. R. Bank “ Union Bauk “ New Orleans.. .3 pr c. dis City Bank “ XorthCaroliua...2a3dis Xtan’lUo'rs B’k, (Mac.) “ Virginia 2a2#dls Merch’ts B’k, (Xlaeun)3ds Alabama 2 a 4 dis Manufac'rs’ A: Xlech’cs Tennessee 3 a 6 dis Receipts per Central Raluoud. June 17—389 bales cotton. 87 sacks flour, 1*; wool. 29 bales domestics and merchandize-?..-* Davis ic Long. Pattou, Hutton & co, W Batttnljl co, Behi'U & Foster, W Duncan, H Morse, J&.n & co, J M Cooper k co, McMahon k Doyle, Ixic & Sr.tlings, J I) Jesse, Crane, Wells & co. hi-; lord, Fny k co, A J & I) W Orr, and E Heidt. SUNDRIES. JUST RECEIVED— O 15 bags choice old Government Java ani Collee; 20 half chests Black and GreeaTeas.! - aud iu quarter pound packages 10 bhds Light Mnscov&do Sugar; lo bids R1. k D Stuart’s Crushed and Ciarifiri gar?: 10 bids seif rUing Flour; 25 bags Extra and Superflne Flour; 20 bbls Soda, Butter aud Maple Crackers: 60 hnxi>3 BendePs family Soap, Starch an-i CandJeB 60 doz Palls and Brooms 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton aadlta Clothes Liues; 10 gross Matches; 25 boxes ground Collee aud Pepper; 50boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders, Xlajv.C.j mon. Nutmegs, nml Cloves, and 10case.*uWohl| .Vo,, Sc. In store ami for sale by DAVID O COXXOR. jell Cor Broughton and Drayton m- ItULlUlOUS WORKS. T HE Bible Christian; a View or Doctrinal. mental and Practical Religion. By • ,y pirns Anderson. Sketches aud Incidents; or a Budget fremlMS dle-bag; of a Superanuated Itinerant Bible Readings for every Day iu the Veil : Tho*. o. Mtmmers. The Lives of the Popes, from the Rise of tbs £'• Church to the age nf Gregory tho VII Tire Creed of all Men. By Rev. R. Abbey Scripture Views of the Heavenly World i* r 1 Edmondson, A.XI. Short Serinous. and True Tales. By per.*. •The Theological Compond, containing a I divinity, or a brief view of the evidences, ilorrtfB morals and iustitutlon.s of Christianity. for tho benefit of families, Bible classes. an-D-f day schools. Gy Amos Binney. Christian Reflection; By Rev. John Klotvher. | The Dairyman’s I laughter ;au authentic uatrit' By Rov. Leigh Uiclimoud. . _ An Apology for the Bible, in a series i*f letter?*■ dressed to Thomas Paine. By R. Watson. P.P-J-N Life aud Corrcspotulcuce of Mrs. 11. A. KVB with corrections and additions. By Tlio#.9* J | liters. , Mammon; or Covetousness the Siu of I*"' 1 - ; tian Church. By Rev. John Harris. The Life of William Carvosso; written by l* J Received and for sale by VfAUNOCK F DAML jel 1 159 Congress f ir>" 1 S ILK PARASOIS—A new supply of those ful .Silk Parasols have just been recolvw ^ are for salo by _ June0 LADSON & Rt*jjj*l H AU.’rt ?>L i’KKlOK SILK UX1BKE1.LA8-A J or 28, 30, 32, 24 and 30 Inch Silk I’mbf'-T aoceived and for salo by .....L June fl LADSON k ROO^J MUUHN1KG iiOOUS, | B I«\CK French Bombazine, Black Black lama Cloth, Black .Mohair. Black(w j Black Freuch lawn, Black aud Whito Frcii'j>*X lin, and a flue assortment or Striped and and While Glughams aud Calicoes, Plain and .e<t Black Sowing Silks, and Grenndiues, Baro* i Tissues, Plain and Figured Black filks. for collars aud sleeves, of the latest patorus. ^': ■ by pel2] AIKIN k Bl R> | B A Comparative Statement of Cotton* UEL’IK 8. i. Stock on lmud Sept. 1,1856 800 300 Reo’d sinco June 10... 2840 21 Received previously. 369124 14028 371973 14049 Exp’d since Juno 10,.. 2090 Exported previously..337362 12813 339442 12808 Stock on hand aud on shipboard uot cleared Juno 17,1866 33331 14SI SAME TUB LAST YEAR. Stock on hand Sept. 1, 1864 2500 600 Rec’d since Juno 11.... 3007 55 Received previously. 340067 13418 349064 13473 ‘ 362264 14073 Rxp’d since Juno 11 2902 360 Exp’d previously.... S37089 13385 340001 13741 Stock on hand and ou shipboard not • cleared Juno 18, 1855 12203 332 B AGGING.—100 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, re ceived and for tale by "OLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. jun* 4 HOL 60 bids > AGON, HAMS AND MULAMIK— 20 hhds Bacon 8ides; 15 bhds do Shoulders; 15casks Hams; , 26 hhds Molasses. Received and m ■ by McXIAllON & D01U* I" joll No*. 206 A-207 B.«y f/f 1 1 B RaST)V,'G1N, WlliskY k RUM— 0 half pities 0.1). kCo. Brandy: 60 bbls Domestic do 76 # cases do 6 pipes C. S. Gin; 76 bbls PII Gin; 15 bbls old Rye Whisky; . _ 'fl Mil* X, XX, ami XXX W bisk), J N. R. Rum. Rccclvoil *""] 1 ; I M<1<<A110X A Nos. 204 *207 Bal'll”* 1 ! A COlllfl.B'tG OUTFIT »X»R 1101 KEEFERS. ISau important item, anil to know''“JJ A got oxhcup wlMt 1* wauiwl l»«i M l” I '"“KENNEDY & BEACffSj Hodgsoii’a New Block, Corner of Bvm ton and Bull Street*, ^ and yon will find everything portMnhtf* 1 Keeping ns well as Refrigerators, Meat swcb 5 six Kaic aprlO jell