Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 17, 1856, Image 4

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Eg ir.Tttp; Wi. •, yyv -. r;-< '.V' ‘ atttftWfttMmMUl MUonoathtlkU^or WllluSS* Wri*lt7heM T ii», SSSkilS «H* Ud mlmotrUh ill whom Umny ’■■■aBBMiaas _««, jSrnliilbo.EK,., OrJIuirf tor Outturn yr. this .iffbtdiY of April ISM. JOHN BILBO, o. 0. 0. Jan S HATHAH SHERIFFS BALE.—Will 1)8 •old oi tin flrst Tuuitir to June next, totoro Owrt House, bsiwoen too lent hours orulo, tot lumber twelve <M) New SVinklln Wird. ln too Clip of levinush, siiusietloo too coruororHont. loo fry street mil Bottle Row, together with too itoeeutory brick wirchouso situated toereott; levied 01 to soUefy i certain a to. Issuing out or Obotosm Superior Court, to hvor of John Scuddor vs. Dior, eioe P. Hollis. Properly pointed out to sold a. to. BKNJAUtX L. OOI.R, mays Sheriff C. c. flBATHAM OOltNTY.—To ill whom It may con. V corn t Whereas, KUrabeth Kibero, will apply It Ihl Doirt of Ordinary tor letters or administration n IlM Mita ofJoMDb Kibero: Tints are, therefore, to cito anil admonish nil WMM It may concern, to bo and appoar before said Court to make objection (If any tUoy have) on or before the drat Monday in July uext, otherwise said letter* will be granted. Wltneee, John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, thl* second day nr Juno, 1866. JtttteS JOHN BILBO,.o. c. c. ITATK OrUEOUtnV, CHATHAM CO. ffV all whom it may coucern: Whereas Mary Anu X Dent will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for let* tan Mjmmoqr on the estate or James l*. Dent.— Theee are therefore to cite and admonish all whom u ... - - Utter* will be granted. Fitness John Bilbo, Riq., Ordinary for Chathnm County, thla third day of June, 1856. JU> JOHN BILBO, 0.0.0. _ _ C1T ^ SALE.*" WILL be aold beforo tho Court House door in the f ¥ city of Savannah, on Iho first Tuosday in July neat, between tho legal hours or sale. Tho follow ing articles, 2 counters, 1 desk. 1 iron chest, 1 wardrobe and all the interest of Edward Murphy, in and to the loase of lot and building situated on theooroerof Whitaker and Congress streets, to ■atlsfrra Q. r*. issued in flavor or William B. Gauld, vs. Murphy, ft Dovanny, property pointed out by defondant. ED. M. PRENDERGAST, s c. s. may 81 CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. *1I7TLL bo sold before tlia Court House door, in V V. the City of Savannah, on tho flrst Tuesday in July next, between the usual* hours of sale, east half of No. 6 Green Ward, bounded as follows:—north by Broughton street, west by lot No. 6, south by a lane and east by lot No. 7. levied on as tho property or JamiM L. Oliver,, to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued out of tho]Honorable tho City Court or Savannah, In favor oTO. B. Nichols vs. lames L. Oliver. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms cash Purchaser paying for titles. ROW. M. PRKNDERGAST, m y31 City Sheriff. CITY SHERIFF'S SALK; YYruJs be sold before the Court House door in ff the City of 8avannnh, on tho flrst Tuesday In .Tuly next, between tho legal hours or sale, lot No. SlSStSf'S? fc ?i» moro °F *“■, boIn * » portion or P*"}*® 101 Sn* M » '*? al \ in lho ®Ny of savannah, Iwunded as foltows:—East by Purso street, south by lot No. —, north by street not named, and west by r* J^vied on as lho property or Ann noble, fl * r *‘ Issued out of tho Houorablothe City Court oTSarannah, in flavor of John Qallahcr vs Ann Doble. Property pointed out by plaintiff.— Terms cash. Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. PRENDERGAST, “W 81 City Sheriff. CITY SHE RIF F'S _ 8ALEL W*f*“ ■oW» before the court house door iu f T the city or Savannah, on the flrst Tuesday iu July next, between tho legal hours ofsalo, One Au- Waynesboro’ Railroad Company’s Bond, fl°* on os tho proporty or William Dunn to saUtiy two fl. Tas. issued out of tho honorable tho City Omrt of Savannah, ono In favor of James B. Road vs. William Dunn, and the other In fovor or John IngersoU vs. William Dunn. Terms cash. EDWARD M. PRENDERGAST. «n*rai Sheriff C. S. CITATE °F °EORGIA-BULL°CH C0„ May 20th, data application will bo mode to the Honorable Court of Ordinary or said County for leave to sell all tho lands belonging to the estate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, for tho beneflt or the heirs and creditors and said deceased. my23-8w JOHN E. GIBSON. Adm’r. S EORGIA—BULLOCH CO.—All porsons having demands against the Estate or Thomas Mills, of said couuty, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and thoso iudebted to said ostate are requested to make immediate payment to ■t svwt. HARDV B * HOBOES, Adm’r May 20th, 1866. ray23-6w NOTICE. flWO months from date application will be X ®»d® ,to the Ordinary of Chatham Couuty, for to sett lot No. 151, »th district, Baker, bolong- log to the ostate of Julian Marks. _ JACOB WATSON, Phy* Administrator. v ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. TQHN WILLIAMS, having assigned all O his property, both real and personal, to adiust SSASF* Sf I*” 008 having legal claims against the ■aid John M. williams, will picaso hand them to the undersigned without delay, os it is quite desirable to ascertain the extant of indebtedness, and to per fect a speedy settlement of tbe assigned proporty apr28 HIRAM ROBERTS, Assignee. ""'AOMISTKATOH’S NOTICE. A LL porsons having domands against the estate of the lata Charles 8. Arnold, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, projierly ottested, within the time proscribed by law; aud all thoso In- debtod to said estate, are requested to mako imme diate payment to EDWARD PADELFORD, m*y® Administrator. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. " Louis Robider having made an assign* iis creditors, all per- nako payment to ... _ ...i against him are requested to present them, that payment may bo made aa far as the assetta will extend. „ ... A. BON AUD, Assignee. Savannah, May 19, I860. may20 GLYN2fSllEftiFF*S SALE. ~\KTTLL be sold before tho door urtho Court Houao ¥¥ in ths city or Brunswick, County of Glynn, on the first Tuesday In July next, botween the logal hours ofsalo, the following property, to wit.:—Cas sius, Jim, Ohloe, and Simon—levied on by virtue o| fl. fo. issued out of tbe Honorable Superior Court of 'Glynn County, In Tavor or Horace B. Gould vs.Alox- andor Scranton and .Tame* Gowcn, AdmlniatratorH of Mary Abbott, deceased. Property (minted out by plalnUff’s attorney. may28 M. C. B. WRIGHT, S.O.C. meat for tbe beneflt of his creditors, all tier- ton* Indebted to him will pleaso mako payment to me. And those having demands against him are BCOROIA. -—To .11 whom It n tar.Hino. Will >pi ; . ' . MMi.i..i ... rc:2 «, -Mjttera dtsmlssory as • lihstato of James C. Hines : , incite and admonish* I Monday In December next,' otherwise mlnlatralor mm Court to make fore the first I ■aid letters will'be .. WUneea. John Bilbo, Eta. Ordinary forCliatham county, this fourth day of June, I860. Juno 0 JOHN BILBO, 0.0.0. P * ADMINISTRATOIVSH ALBL URriUANT to an order oT the Honorable the Court or Ordinary of Chatham County, passed Juno term, I860, will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday lu August next, before tho Court Houso door in said oounty of Chatham, botween tbe legal hours or sale, the following property, to wit.: Lots Nos. threo (3) aud four (4). befog partofGardon lot No. nino (9). Spring Hill, City of Savannah, froutlug on Railroad street; also the following negro slaves: Jack, Tatar, Aloxaiidor and Sarah. Sold as tlie proporty of tho estate of Samuel Grlflln, lace of said county, deceased, for tho benefit or tho heirs and creditors of sold es tate. RICHARD WAYNE, Administrator do bonis nou, on Jo4 Estate of Samuel Grlflln, O N tho first Monday in August noxt, I will apply to tho Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell the negro slaves boonglug to tho estate of , deceased, for tho benefit of tho he negro si Clara A* Ogiluay, uiwasmi. «vr heirs and croditrrs of sold estate. Juno 4 JAMES A. LaROCUE, Adm’r. ftSto B 1P on I / |L nan •Uol T BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail in Swalusboro, Emanuel Co., on tho 4th instant, a negro man; ho says his name is Harry; that ho belongs to tho estate ot Thomas Clay, of dryan Couuty, Ga. Ho is of light complexion, with a slight Bear over tho loll oye;about 6 footfljj Inched in height, and about 20 years old. Tho owner is requosto.i to come forward, pay charges and tako hint away, as he will bo dealt with as tho law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, Jo9 Jalor. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tho ostato oT Richard F. Williams, lata or Chatham coun ty. deceased, are hereby notified to prosout thorn within tho time prescribed bylaw to tho subscrl her; and all indebted to the sold estate are request ed to mako Immediate payment to M. B. MILLEN, Administrator do buuis mm. March 26—6w ltwtJy21—Jo 7 STATE OF GEORGIA; C HATHAM COUNTY.—To nil whom It mny con cern : Whereas, the estate or Jeremiah Me- Iktuald lies unrepresented iu consequence of tho death of Nathan Browton, tho executor, aud unless some fit aud competent persou applies fiir tho ad ministration of Paid ostato, with tho will annexed, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or some other (it and proper person, admiuLstrutor with tho will an nexed do bonas nou, on said rotate: Theso ore, therefore, to cite and ndmonlsh nil whom it may . concern, to bo and appear before naUlCourt to make objection (If any they have) on or beforo the flrst Monday In August next Witness, William Lee, Esq., Ordinary for tho county or Bulloch, this 12th day or Juno, 1866. Jelfi WILLIAM LKB, o. c. c. State of Georgia, llulloclt County. A dministrators’ sale.—By virtue or au or der from tho honorablo Court of Ordinary or said county, passed on the flwt Monday In June, will ho gold at tho court houso door or nald couuty, between tho lawfol bourn or aalo, on tho tlrst Timm- day in August, One tract of Laud, containing ono hundred and fifty acres, in said county, on tiio Ca- noocheo river; also, a iwrt or four other surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, on Ch- noochee river, well Improved and in good repair, conslatlng or swamp, bay and pine land. Sold oh tho properly or Nathan Brcwton, deceased, for the benefit of the liolrs and creditors or said deceased. Terms made known on the day ornate. BENJAMIN BREWTON, ) . .. SIMON J. BREWTON, f Adm rs * Juno 2d, 1860 j 0 16 State off Georgia, Biillocli County. A dministrators’ sale—win be sold, ou the first Tuesday in August noxt, boforo ths court house in Statesboro’, iu enld couuty, under an order ortho Court of Ordinary, Flfty-four (64) acres or Piue Laud, granted to James Deal, and bounded by lands jT James Woods, William Allen and Elmoro Manos, belonging to the estate of James Deal, for Uio beneflt of the heirs and creditors or said estate. Terms made known ou tho day or sale. MARTHA DEAL,) Adm’x. , CALVIN DEAL, /Adm’r. Juno 12th, 1866 j 0 jr, MARSHAL’S SALES. VI’ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday In July »? next, in front of the court house: ImprovemoDU on lot No. a, Uoumnlllnvlllo, MU»fy City Tax Executions vs. Connolly, i„ r yet 1864 and 1865. 7 Also, Lot and improvement No. 12, part ofGar- Jif 1 west, the proimrty of Mrs. Ellen O Reilly, to satisty City Tax Executions lor 1865. Also, Lot No. 16 and itnprovoinenta, Franklin ward, os tho proporty of M. Prondor«a«t, for Taxes for 1866, Also, east half of I/>t No. 2, Calhoun ward, the Property of Mrs. Bridget Cary and children, for Alse, Lota Nos. 19 and 20, Wesley ward, as the property of Edward Perry, for Taxes for 1865. Also, Lot No. 61, Browu ward, us the property of ostato or Patrick O’Connell, 8r., forTaxos for 1855 ALo, Improvomouta on south half or Ixtt No. 33, Warren ward, as tho property of Miss Matilda Ro’ sey, for Taxes lor 1864 aud 1866. Also, east hah - of Lot No. 28, north side or Marga ret street, tho properly or Mrs. Rachael Wise and daughter, lor Taxes for 1865. Also, Lata Nos. 47 and G2, Walton ward, as the property of Johu McCormick, for Tuxes lor 1865. A so. Lot No. 4. Washington ward, as tho proper- 1}’°J Mrs. M. M. Dibblo ami children, lor Taxes for 1655. A130. IM No. 14 aud east half or I/)t No. 16, ofGnrdon 1/it No. 33, east, as tho proporty of the estate ot 8. A. Patot. for Taxes for 186* and 1865. i i 0 ’ Jf 1 i®* 24, lAtayetto ward, as tho property of John M. Millou, for Taxos for 1866. Also, Lot No. 10. MontraolUnvIlle, 03 tho properly or James Benoist, lor Tuxes for 1864 and 1865. Also, Improvements of quarter Lot No. 10,Greene ward, as Ute property .or Mrs Baker, for Taxes for 1864 unit 1865. Also. Garden Lot No. 68, cast, as tho proportv \\. P. Bowen, for Taxos for 185* aud 1866. Also, Lot No. 47, Jasper ward, os tho property ot Mrs. J. W. Ryerson, for Taxes for 1865. Also, west half of l/)t No. 4, south side of Brvan street for Tuxes for 185*. Also, south hair or 1 Trustees’ Garden, as tho property or the estate or Worthington, for Taxes for 185G - DANIEL II. STEWART, ma >’ ai - City Marshal. From V. B. PALMER, ukxvhal aDVkRtiMNa 4m rkwhtamck aqxnt, Boston, Now York, I*tUladelphla, and Baltimore. JAMBS B. FIOLEB. , DEALER AND IMPORTER OP Watches, Jewtlg^jHvtr Ware, Fan* mo. 12. eotrre 2d ttnuorr, imaMLnaa. ■ept8 ly NELSON SWEBIBY, , , DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. 1 Corner Astor Place and 4th Avenue, IN CU)8> VttOXtlOTT VO fftt AMTOK UHtUHT AMD TUI NSW H1BLS HO USX, MIW YORK. mHE most extensive variety and the largest I stock of Monuments,Tombs, Headstones, Ac., luAmcrlc*, con bo found at this establishment, from plain to tho most elaborate and ornnta In design and workmanship. In addition to tho stock always on hand, * great varioty or drawlugs, appropriate and original may bo found, from which work will bo ex ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithfully executed, and shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting tho city or New York on pleasure or business sro respectfully Invited to visit this es tablishment. oct3 VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND k DANVIUJ5, 4 Virginia A Tennessee SUMMN R GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILL bo sold boforo the door of tho Court House, Id the city of Brunswick, Couuty ofGlyun, on tho first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours ofsalo. the following property, to wit.:—One undivided half of a tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and fifty acros, (more or less) lying and bologln the county or Glynn, bounded south bo lands granted to Michael Pound I, northwardly by lands granted to John lAtnli, senior, enst by lands unknown, Loviod on as the property of Celia Lamb, tosatlsfy a fl. fit. issued out of tho Honorublo supe rior Court or Glynn county, in favor of Daniel McIn tosh vs. CeU* Iamb. Proporty pointed out by de fendant. M. C. B, WRIGHT, nuy28 Sheriff Glynu Couuty. MaW OF GEORGIA, LIUHRTY~CCL rno all whom It may concorn:—Whereas Jason A Floyd will apply at the Court or Ordinary for letters of administration on tbe estate or Allen D. Floyd, These tre therefore to cite and admonish ull whom J concern, to bo and appoar beforo said court, e objections, If any they have, on or before t Monday In July noxt, otborwlsosald tetters wiU DO granted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for Liberty County, this 27th day or April, 1860. ^ W. I*. GIRARDEAU, O. L. C. m REMOVAL. The subscriber has Removed on the Bay, next door to tho Republican! I 0“pe,_whcre be is now oponiuj N9l ouice, wnore no is now oponlug a bandsomo assortment of 8 P RIN G M AND SUMMER GOODS, which bo will sell by the pattern or inake to ordor In tho most tashiuuablo ----- — —in tho most fasbiouabio style. Also, Ready Morin Clothing for tho present and coming season. (V r * )a8t *“ vor8 i hopes to merit n con tinuance of the name. N. B.—Cutting, Altering uuil Itepulring done at the Hliortcst notlco. Just received White Drill Coats and Pants, Whlto and Figured Marseilles Vosta, forsaloata small pro- apr!2 pro- JOHN W. KELLY. DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. - The subscriber takes this opportuulty L® lou wlllbomado ivannab. for tho pay- GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY. O N the first Monday in July noxt application will be made to tho honorablo Uio Court of Ordlna- 'Z«* d ™* i y*S r J oiu>n of administration on tho f4(ato of Oldeon MoGowen, lato or said ANN McUOWKk. June 2 NOTICK. fflHREE months gflcr date ai 1 to the Marine Bank of r meatof two Twenty dollar bills, vis : letter B. 3070 and letter 0, 697, tho left halves or which have been lost. JAMBS P. HUDSON. Tallahassee, Fla., May 17, I860 . 3m* my26 ADMINISTRATRIX MALE; \N the first Tuosday in July next will be sold iu F front of the Court Houso, In tho city of Havan- i,. mil tho real ostate bolonglng to the estate or J*me« M. Bates, late of Chatham County, deceased. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, aud by erder of the Administratrix, for tho bonoflt of the hslr* and creditors. ANN B. RATES, m*y26 Administratrix. a J to Inform bis friends and tho public, that uois.enabled,fromoxpcrieuce,aud tho Intuitive perceptions of the truths »f bciouco. based on the common rules of surveying forms, both plauo and spherical, to cut and make up garmoute to tit tho human form in the most complete and flnisbod stylo, to all who inay favor him with a tr t ^ a ’»i, dr ‘-' 88e8 ! Ba L‘ C0HlumGil . Military und Firemen’s Uniforms, Ac., Ac. . P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., ono door North of Broughtou street, dec 7—ly by nov 12 ~ WKB8TBR A PALMES 1 T^IIESH Sairaon, Lobsters and Sardines, for O- sale by j nn 2 A BONAUD. SUNDRIES— 25 bbls Sugar Crackers—fresh. 20 “ Butter “ «« 16 “ Soda Biscuit 26 boxes “ •• 26 bbls No. I Sugar, 60 “ A, B and C Sugar, Becolveri.auri Tor sole by McMAHON A DOYLE, Nos. 205 sin! 207 Bay at. my!7 T>APGK HANGINGS AND BORDERS. A. Jml rocolvoil a grout ws.irtmont of tho most ologai t luttorns, with liordorH to tndtoh, Horn 8 flouts to $J, at CHAFVKR Jit CO.’S n|ir30 No, 8 Whitokar stroot. a. M. t.UIKHV, BATB BOVSB. HOT, COLD AND SHOWED. 'I’HJJ BATH HOUSE lutTiog been hitudgomoly JL ffttod up. opened on Strturdsy, at or llaroli. Hfogle Bnton it cenu—dl* Uckoto tor 81.00 PM4, ; J. M. HAYWOOD. Agent. COD FISH. MACKEREI. AND HER RINGS. T JUST motived 6 hbdt choice Cod Pith JO bblt J Msckorri: ID do «lrn Hekla Herringe, tObozei Smoked Herrtogi in atore nndtorenitby DAVH) O'OONNFB. n»y 10 Corner Brogbton A Br./ton eh. SUCCESSOR TO DATE M. EASTMAN. Oornor of Dryan und Wlillnkor Sitro. to. HAH now on hand a hooutllul us. sorlmolit ol'Jewelry or every Ills, tj \ eri|itlou und kind worn by lu.lles .f. ji id gentlcmon, und will soil utunususlly low nrlocs ' ? a '. 0 toi* tfsy revolved (per Kxiiress) n large I’to KnK*™ BI : l i t ,“ lvor .' Vor “’ «r Ci‘k« und Forks 1&.8 !! 11 , 111,11 ougrnvnd Fish Knives und MJtlFnrks,Knives, Forknund hPSre™ * “ ■ NutmcgOrnters, *o. Ikr.., all nlse t| r iK,e“™' f ml "“tta!ilo tor presouU. I have lialrworitnKie^Si? 0 ' •ddWon to my stock or manner, and war ran tod. AN CONSIGNMENT—~ V/ 2000 bushels Prime Com; J®® .' l0 Giw Peas; JOOeKltn "Fnlueo Mills’’ Floor; 10 bills Raw Ulm; 10 do Monongnbeln Whisky; 0 do Domoetlo Drendy: For sale low, hy Jelt FATTEN, HUTTON h CO, ARBANGEMENT. Shortest, most comfortable atiri moNt expeditious Route to tho VIRGINIA SPRINGS I THROUGH BY DAY-UQHT. And Baggage (’becked Through, except on Hinges. Visiters to the Vircbfinla’ Springs by this route, take the South-Side Railroad curs at Petersburg, < the Richmond mid Danville ears ut Richmond, nt A. M., daily, (Suudnys excepted,) arrive at l^’iich- burg to dinner, amt thence, via tho Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, reach Bonsack’s Depot ut 3 * * and Salem ut 4 P. M., aud utulther place tako Kent, Sumiutruou A Co’s Fine Line or Stages! Those via BonBaek’a lodge at Fincastlo, dlno at llto Rod Sweet, or Sweet Sprlugs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur-Springs, (17 miles) early on the evoniug ot’the second day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT fRAVEI^ and with but 04 miles or Staging. Or by tho Salem route, stop all night ut the Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, (10 mites distant from Salem,) dine at tho Rod Sweet, or Sweet Spriugs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur Springs on the evening or the following day. Tiio Virginia A Tennessee Railroad is located through a most romantic country, possessing a cli mate uusurpassciTIbr its salubrity and delightful tem perature. Tho road puss os the base of the PEAKS OF OTTER! Aud within threo miles of the Alleghany Spriugs, ouo mllo of the Montgomery Whlto Sulphur Sprlugi aud within four miles or the Yellow Sulphur Sprit all pleasantly situated a few tnllos apart, oil... Eastern slopo of the Alleghany mountain, In Mont goraery couuty. Tho waters of these Springs are celebrated for their great medicinal qualities, the ac commodations arooxcellcut, and have been grontlv increased sinco last season. 49^Vlsltors to iho Red Sulphur Springs take Kent, gummorson A Co’s Stages at Newbern Depot, on the evoniug of tho day that they loavo Peters burg or Richmond, and arrive at tho Spriugs on tho following day to dlunor, and Salt Sulphur Spriugs early in the evening of the second dny from Rio mond or Petersburg. Tho Road from Novbcrn Depot to the Red Sul phur Springs, (38 miles,) has been graded aud greatly improved sinco Inst season, and is now re garded asoHo of tlw best turnpikes lu the moun tains. The Uno of Telegraph from Richmond will be com pleted and in operation to the Mootgomerv White Sulphur Spriugs early in June. Passengers to Knoxville, Tennessee, take Kent, Summorson A Go’s stages nt tho Westorn terminus or the Virginia A Tennessee Railroad, now 180 mites from Lynchburg (and being extended Westward ut the rate of 8 miles tier month) to tho Eastern termi nus or the East Tennessee aud Virginia Railroad, and arrivo nt Knoxville in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. Fare from Petersburg or Richmond. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bousack’a, $10 “ “ “ “ “ ** “ Sniom..,. 10 “ White Sulphur Springs »• Bousack’s 11 “ “ '* “ “ Salem.... 11 “ Red Sulpher Springs pj 26 “ Alleghany Springs 8 00 “ Moutgomory Whlto Sulphur Spriugs 8 26 “ Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 46 “ Knoxville, Tenncsaeo 23 00 Note.—.Tho cbar*o lor tickets to toe Alleghany Springe, .Montgomery Whlto Sulphur unit Yellow Sulphur Springe, .loos not Include the charge Iroln too Hallroa.1 to tho Springe. I’nssrugcrs lor tho AI leghany Springs, (4lnllo,. glatant.) tako Dakota Hhawavllto—tor Montgomery Whlto Sulphur, mllo diatom by a branch Railroaii,) take tlckota.. Big Tunnel ami lor the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles ilia, taut,) tako tlokela to Uhriatiamhurg depot. Cou- voyunces will bo fouud at those places. For further information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent 8. S. R. R., Petersburg. a , „ t . , . CHARLES CAMPBELL, Sup’t Rlohmoud A Danville R. tt., Richmond. „ . „ E. II. G11.L, Sup’t V. A T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMER80N A CO., myl3-8m Fincastle, Virginia. CBN T IlXL ii A i L iT6 a d? ’ the 14th October, inst., and until lurthor notice, the Passenger Train* ou the Central Railroad will run as follows: BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON, waves Havauuah Dally at...6 a m and 12.16 P Arrivo in Macon “ “..2.16 pm “ 1 an. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 x M “ 9.30 pm Arrive in Savan’h “ “10.46 p m “ 7.20 a m UKrwxur aavax.vau and auuusta. Loave Savaunah .>8.16 p u and 8.30 p. m. Arrivo iu Augusta rT.8.46 p m “ 6.80 a m. Louve Augusta «. a m “ 4,30 p m Arrivo iu Savannah 1.30 p m “ 10.46 p HXTWKEN MACON AND AUGUSTA. L«ave Macon 11.46 a m and 9.30 p m. Arrivo in Augusta 8.45 p m “ 6.30 a m Leave Augusta 6. am “ 4.30 pm. Arrivo in Macon 2.16 p m “ 1. am. BKTWKKN HAVANNAH, MJLLKIXiKVnjJt tt XATONTON. Uavo Savannah * M Arrive in MillodgeviUo '. .2.46 r m Leave Macon il 46 a m* Arrive in Eatonton 6. pm w, w „ W. M. WADLKY Gon’l Supt. ' Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1855. octl6. '"CHANGE OF 8CHEDULEirN~THE Over ^& AD New York & New Orleans Mails. (\N and after Sunday, February 3d, 1850, Vjr two dally traius botween Mueon und Columbus aud ono botwoeu Macon and Amerlcus, .... a . v S ?L acou al aud 3 >’ urrivo at Colum- bus at 7 16 a m, and 1030 p m ; leave Columbus ut 416 a m, and 1301* m; arrivo ut Macon at 10 64 a m. and 7 -40 p m;leave Macon at 2 am; arrive at Amor! cua at fl 40 am; loavo Amerlcus at 2 20 p m; arrive nt Macon at 7401* m; making a complotc connection bo- 1 uf en ..M, on , tg ?. ,nory > A,abfiraa . and Augusta, Kings- i n’ WJ'nibigtonami Charleston;also, with Central Railroad Traius to Sjivanuab, MUtodgevilleatid Eaton- ton, and with Macon and Western trains to Atlauta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxvlllo, Tetm. nHS? lM ?, bu8 with «»rard and Mobile Railroad to Rtifaula, Ala., connecting daily at Amorlcus with four horse Post Coaches to TnllahasBoo. Albaiiy J^2^w Ho, /ftft br,dgo » &c ’’ wltu ‘ri-weekly haeks o Lumpkin, Cuthbort, ftc. at Fort Valley with hacks o lerry, Haynosvlllo, Hawkinsvillo and Knoxville, Ga. PasKongers for Amorlcus aud points bolow Fort Valley, should tako tho 12 16 p m train from Savan- fn. linn 1 } h ?i 6 *’ M tr ?, ln fro . m Angtiate, to avoid de tention at Macon. lor other poiuta on tho South- w nstern or Muscogeo Roads tako oithcr train from . avnnnali or Augusta. Passongors leaving Amori- Rnmo^ght ** M Wl 1 r<!no11 Co,,,n, b ,w nt 10 30 v m tho ,rom and tho West for Am- ml« fhn i U na' Weat ? rn , floor « ia or MwWa, should tak ®?°. 130 1 JfBto at Columbus, sloop at Fort Valley, and reach Americas at fl 40 a m noxt morn vS® 1 * 9 . steamships leave Savannah for Now nhu n «l V w^nosduvs and Saturdays, uud for Phil*- 8 Wo ‘ l,,C8,1 ay»' Passage iu the Cablu $26, Faro from Montgomery to Savannah $u oo “ Columbus “ “ . i.i nn “ Amerlcus “ “ i jj 0 ,, , . GEO. w. ADAMS, Sup’t. Itocon, Jemmryaoto, 1880. 'mnylo VtRQINIA CENTRAL R.ROAO Jitortinafuom IlnmlKI. yRTcbiS n J he W«w Inuonloll.vlllc VVHEN the Potomac it .closed with Ice tide ml. *° tt y relied ou liy passengers, to ou- suro tho conuoction going North or South. tIio road J" ^roly relald with 1 Mi|teriorT rail as tar m Gordonsvillo. During tho winter tho train will start flrraHho old station, In Rlchmoud, on Broad stroot 1 ?. 1 paHH ^‘'fdonsvlllo at 11 a m„ and arrivo in fitaunhm at 326 p m. Down train loaves stAun *° n . al 3 Ita 8808 Qortlonsvlllo at Ham ami arrive In Richmond nt 2.30 pm. 11 A *’ anu Fare to Gordonsvillo. Wl .f* 1 ?" i 1 " 1 ™. I" CorUoiiHvlilo'lh *molo“umo to tako tho tralu of the Orange and Alexandria Kali- road. Persons who loavo Richmond at 7* a m., can ^h?t l wHtf II. D. WHITCOMB, Sunt. TENT’S COTTON VESTS—JukTmSIw;; «*y J- W.THItELKEuf, Vq Btoylt OonireM nnd WhltoUer ■n. PIKKCK-I. I "" ADVIBTMUrO AQKXOY, PIHUIHCLniU. Authorised Aieot for the Havannah Journal. WITH HALL’a^fftt’^PotfSkpROOF LOCK. 1 W T Tq-: y Having reoeivod tho , ’...JHnQIK I'rlte Modal at the World’s Fair, are now l ottered to the public as tho Prize Safe or tbe and approved as they ■ have boon every where, their crowning victory was reserved to tie awarded by the Jurlos or the World’sFAlr. Hie proprietor placed One Thousand Dollars In Gold ip the ono exhibited at tho World’s Fair, Iau- don, and Invited all tho Pick-Locks in lho world to open the Safe, with or without tho keys, andtukutho money as a reward lur their lugouuUy; although operated upon by several skilled lu tho art, noouu could Pick tho Lock or open the Sate. By an Improvement upon tho original Salamander, Introduced by tho present owner ortho pataul-rlghl, tho interior Is rondored wholly Impervious to damp, and books, papers aud Jowoiry might bo preserved In ono or his safes for a century without contracting a blemish from mould or mtlldew. To guard against counterfeits ovory Bate from tho tnanutactory of tho subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, lias a brass plate in front, bcariug his narao: each is also furnished with one of his Im proved Thief Detecting IBooks, which is a good guar- ant«o against robbery. 8. 0. HERRING tt CO., Nos. 136,137 and 139 Water-fit., N. Y. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. BELL It PRENTISS, who koop constantly on hand a full and comptoto assortment, which they will sell at Manufacturers’ prices. _ snpt28 LOCAL EVIDENCE OF THE VALUE AND FIRE PROOF quAunn of WILDER’S SALAMANDER SAFES, A» Manufactured hy Steam ifi Marvin, New York. In tho flro of tho 3d Inst., which consum ed tho brick building occupied by Mr. ,liu>. < T. Thomas, opposite I I the Gas Works, in this I city, was a safe ot 1 , . tho above descri ptions containing tho books, paper*, and money of Mr. i Thomas, and although the building was dot roved, j the said Safo sustained uo Injury whatever from the j iutense heat to which it had boon ox|xiscd. On open ing the Hate, the contents were found undisturbed, j and In thesamo order and condition as when placed 1 there, oxcept a slight discoloration to tho projecting > ends ora few |Mipors, aud tho hacks of ono or two or j the books, causod by the steam generated in tho Rate, white at its greatest heat. , Tho Safe aud contents, ns it came from tho ruins, 1 may still be seeu, in the possession or Mr. Thomas, i at tho Gas Works. A largo assortment or these cole- ! orated Safes always on lmud,and for sale by C. H. CAMPFJKI.I), ! Agent for tho Manufacturers, July 2fl, 1866. 171 Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. I take pleasure iu corroborating the foregolug state ment, and iu udditlon would add, thut the books are now In use. J. T. THOMAS. , , , Wood Yard, Kerry WhurL July 2flth, 1866. octfl—tf DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 YORK STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH. GA., Established In 18311. IHE Subscriber grateful to his friends and _ patrons for their coutinunl tavors, would state iat In addition to tho Improvements in DYING. »c qulrod by* him during his last visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangements fi>r ox ton ding his business, by which ho is now enabled to dvo a greater variety or colors on silk nnd woolen dre*sses, ■htourlo Jbn U’lilnl. ho t........ ...ill •• . ' BOOR fl# JOB NKATtiY RXffiUTKU AT TJIK SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOQK & JOB OFFICE. 9 Merchants cau bo supplied'at short notice with Bill-Heads, Bills of Lading, ' Dray Books, Circulars, Card* and Blank Books. Particular "attention given*to BOOK AND PAM- I’HLKl' PRINTLSG, such ns Catalogues for Colleges, Proceedings or Meetings, Ro|>orts, By-laws, ete. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, wo respeeltiilly solicit a contlmiunce of the same, fooling thut wu slmll bn able to pleuso ull who limy fovor us with a cull, both as to prices uud exocutlonof work. Proposals for Rations and Foci for Light-Vessels. COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, HlTKRIXTKMlKVr OF l.HUITS, Havannah, lOthMay, 1850. S EALED propo.sals will be received at this oillce until 12 o’clock. M., ou tho 1st duy of July next, 1850, for furiilshing aiul delivering Ra tions and Fuel on hoard Hie Uglit-vessels hi this Collection district, viz.; at Martin’s Industry and Tv lino Island Knoll, for one year from tho first day of July 1850, to the 30th June, 1857, Inclusive. The rations to he of good nnd approved quality, to he JL UKb»imyO)'» „ . IH.NU1KK I’UKI’AHAYIONB. . Hclmbulil’. Highly Cont t’iiliittctl Com- „ , pouiiil Fluid Kilrm l Uucliu. BA CEUTA)N, SATE, ANH EYKBC'I'UAl. REMEDY IOlt Dteeu.’t-.i ol the Bladder, Kldueys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Secret Msua-cs, Obstruc- jo us, Female CoiuptaiiiU, and ull diseases or the Sexual Organs, whether lu MALE OR FEMALE. from whatever cuuho they may have originated, und NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING. This tiopulur and Hiiecifle remedy Is now offered ' ntlllc *“ l, “ -*-**- * • to tho atllicted, und guaranteed to mire ull the above complaints, it searches out the very root of the diseaso, driving out all the dixea-ud fields ol tlie body, thus rniuovlug the cuuso uud rendering tho CUrP CERTAIN AND PERMANENT.' | u! WipefToTTlmn,,,, This medicine allays puiuiuid iulluiuiuutiou, which’ sr,* 1 ** Western Hods; aud 69 fo, jv tt( . other remedies Invarlubly cuuho, uud cau bn taken lUT tvlllt liwu Irniilili. imil miHHitn tit tiiitiollt.A,* '1'lilu in. DH. W.R.M08BXESY-S lNVintlAHv JA^ : YOB the treatment of Can jjj' t”iv, Worn,kind. 1«1*i ot Tumours, Is now open for thn !!1H jW*eoji(lon or Patients. His Infir-AdM mary Is located ueur tbe Depot and Poht Broadwuy. und contains about thirty larva u \ ‘ 0u'/looms,with noda.„,KlySS *“ ways ut lou.e. boto ladloa un.l t.mttaniou ffl lostllollon, aud will rocclvo too mL, o' 11 olhl kind intention from the Proprietor, oh i!n‘ c . Ids Matron, ills prociico lu that Irorrlbte dE.** Cantor, for the jm-'t ten years is not suri.y ! .^' any I'hyskliiii In Uio fioulli. NS aro ui?, b) nt tl i«.r .Horn, or Sir. imr inonUi. tin r„.m a '"-'-'w to udvuooo. ,, «"ro.lei mr Ei’OS to lie Udrooil u|»i. ticloro too tor., dertukon. Ah uoroinoulcutloii, ni.ut toS“““• addrussed to tv. it. mosku' •*. *“* 8 Uriniii' g,. w^HWoryn. I-Uteenhym with less trouble uud oxpuuse to putlenU/ Tills in- —- nu ™ _BltlGllAM, KELLY a lUlliblo remedy has saved thousands ii|h)ii thousands . HON. AIIKN AIUURAY'iN from tho hantls or ITT N1TED Btules, Curiuda and Culm MERCILESS QUACKS, I U Hchwegler’s HUtory ol Phllcisoonvu If not from premature graves. Iu coses or infccllun ; tho*Oorn|Hiund Buchu Is the only article worthy of tho least confidence of the ulllictcd In iierlormlng 8AFE CUM*. It contains no narcotic, mercury, or other injurious drug, hut is purely « Vegetable (Smjmititm. It ie : very agreeable to the taste, creates no |Kircoplihle ! wlor, und may he taken by perrons of either sex ! Without hind ranee I mm husiness or mntlii^al advice, j as plain directions for iihc accompany the medicine. | Reader. If you have any ortho above complaints, do not neglect them, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. huliweglur’i translated by Davau’s History or HieQitvcu’s of the H„ Hanover—2 vote. t'rheAUachi in Madrid. Komancooftho Harom, by Mi-s Pardtic Rachel Gray, hy Julia Kuvunaugb. Earnest Unsldad, by Mrs. 1/jo Heniz “ arS W. TilOkN’K UTIJ.iav, delivered In gmsl and FUlflclenl packages, liarrels, i with this tnpiiieinVynu’can cure yourself, aud thus i | U8T KECE1VED.—20 boxes"ShouId, boxes and cases, and In good order, on hoard the j prevent all exposure. ^ prime article, 20 tierces choice'.,,,' 1 above named light-vessels, at least once a quarter, | TRUTH MUST AND WILL PREVAIL Hams. Instore, and for rale bv . r ^ a L 0X J M L n A n . ,n . , . hp .V!P ,, °' 1 a,,<t ngreeuhly j This medicine spncllly nnd cfiectually cures the' ninr'Jfl WAYNE, GHKNVli.u. to Gio annexed tuble_olthu weekly ration, viz.: j most virulent form of secret diseases, and erndicatro ) fi?nr 1.1! iK »S S : bOotefoti j hm,>:hj •sossiuoK | SL^n n JUifoutA •sttuoa wm po|j|» 40 Wlljl-taH ; every particle oflnreclious matter from the bystem, ; realoriug the patient to a pcrlhst state of HEALTH AND PURITY. ; Ilelmbohl'a Highly Concentrated C’om- 1 pound Fluid Extrnrt Enranpnrllln. For purlft lng the BUkmI, removing ull disease* uri- i ping from cxces« of Mercury, cxpoptire and iiu- i prudoncu lit lire*, chrouio constitutional diseases, arising from an impure stato of Blood, and lho only reliable und eileetuul- known remedy for lho cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Mend, Ulcer- , atioiw of the Tliroat mid l4*gs, Pains nnd Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples ou the Face, uud till ! Scaly Erujiilons of the Skin. It is gratifying to tho proprietor of these medicines j to bn able to state that it is now Hourly threo years j since they wore first introduced, during which time I they have been extensively used in various parts of I the United States, and have given to putlent uud ! practitioner the highest degree of satisfaction in the • various cases in which they have been employed ; ; whether in town, country, hospital or private prac- i tico, they have invariably given the most decided i 1 ami unequivocal satisfaction, and produced the most l salutary uud henollulul effect-. Numerous letters huvo Iiooii received from the ino-t distinguished i physicians in tho country, ami from the professors J of several medical colleges, recotntnemUng in the ; highest terms tho value of tlieso mediduo.-', uud Each propof/il mtist state distinctly the price lo> ! iM 0 « r BUr,l ‘f i ? r i t * v ovt ?I u11 ,,tllt ‘ r l»r«l«fations for which t to entire ration will he fqrulshcd on board ! v.hLwS.'S'.'.SrJlm, r ‘* c « ,u ‘ aeH * 8 * Numerous preparations of.Sursa|)artlla uud of Buchu A! KW CHOU CUBA MOLASSKfC-Ti.',. iu, go of tho Abbott Devereaux, daiiv i lor Bale in lota to suit purchasers, bv ‘ I . -! an31 HGlJObRn \ Noi-I'jj, cAttPETTivb ui’iluirsfEit v WAREHOUSE, 140 Conors. * ami 67 SI. Julien Siren rnHE UNDERSIGNED would take thi- , x timlty to express to his friends ami n„. 1 V‘ generally, his sincere thanks for their Ifoon. age aud influence, which has lesuln-u iue\i, 1 his tradp to all parts or the State. AL-u t Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby . him to exhibit a stock unsui passed in »n’ v . city. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keem-ft au i -.e boat Owners are particularly invited to’eun,! present stock, which is now complete in .' , various deiNirtmouts, consisting in putt >.t thr. i ing goods, viz: VA Itl‘El OKI'A ItniE.Si Royal Medulion. i-Uiglish Druegt-w . Royal Velvet, riom widths,)' ' Mocet Wilton, Mosaic Jh-arth h,, Mocel Brussels, Velvet aud Cheiitlte h ( . Tapestry Brussels, Tiiftol Rugs, Power I/jottt Brussels. Piuuo uud table Three ply Ingrain, • Do»ir Mai.* (everv v, Two ply Ingrain, Silver k Brau Stui. e .V. Wool Dutch, Carpels Binding.-, CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY DEPA RT>1 F \. Brocatelles. Lace and Muslin Cum;,.. Satin de Liines, Gilt Cornice?, Satin nnrl Will/ ItomiuD a.h* .... • * , . .. *•••*«’ mill'll.- .111(1 IIIUI . required lor nil the light vessels In this district, or *. • . , • .* — , for ono or more of the vessels separately*, at his own ?.* ruo n successive operation to lake up the extrac- option. The kind and quantity offuol will he deter- , un ‘!’ in ‘ ! « u 8cq»once, ure most fre- minod upon, and the contractor informed accord. I fl uonB y Improperly made, uud not (infrequently . - ... .., . - ingly. In advance of the time for making thequar- !!', UC S i f umrendered toudiy inert, hy tho j to FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four foot wide, for Ihl., a , Rooms, cut to fit without u Ihawte, Ac., which ho trusts wiil'gonorailv plelwo * ! hat '. la ail who may favor him with their patronage*. Gontlomou’e garinenta dyed, cleanod or renovated as way bo required, in the same superior stylo which has generally so much pleased his patrons aud frleuds. Table Covors, and Ladies’ Crape Shawls, Ac., cleaned and finished in the flrst style. Ladles’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed iu the most fashionable styles. Orders from tho country promptly attended to. Terms modorate. When parcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should bo sent him by teller through tho post olHco. so that’ho may know where to call for them. mp “ 16 ALEXANDER GALIA)WAY. HBiNTZELAiANAi'N ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER* mHE distinguished fovor with which this ossonco ,-JL has boon received throughout all sections of tho Unlou as a remedy at once safe, agreeable und etloctual Tor Incipient Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Weak and relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulonco, Colic, Cramp, lan guor or Debility from sedentary habits, Ac., has in duced tho proprietor to give it every publicity iu his powor. Upon Its inerrils comment Is nnnecessarv. as its ovvu intrinsic worth is its best eulogy. R car ries with it tho evidence of its superior excellence, ircely attested to by the young, tho old, ami scores ol and lie* who. j )ro ,nii*c*d by a carcfol regard for their health and comfort, uro dally adopting it as an Moamufiut raaitv kkjikdv. There Is perhaps uo medicinal preparation extant so simple and harm- less, yet salutary und ellectlve, whose worth will l> 0 more appreciated or universally adopted than the IJqnid Ginger prepared by Helntzolmnn. For sale by J. fe. - JelO 3m DkI-’ORD, Druggist, 8avaunali, (la. MISS MAH Xr s< Brooks Hall Female Seminary. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. 3 MISS MARIA I,. KASTMANN, Pkincipal, Tills Seminary, located In the de- liglitfiil and heulthy village of .Media, itlilrtcen miles from Philadelphia, hy Railroad, will bo OPENED ON WEDNESDAY, Sop tomb or 10th, 1850. The commodious building, now in process of erec tion, wllh all tho modern Improvements, will ho finished hy tho flrst of August, aud will contain such accommodations, both in |K*im of taste and comfort, us cannot fail to satisfy parents tlmt while tholr daughters are enjoying tho benefits of mental cul- turb, they havo also tho comforts of a refined home. This Institution Is established wills u view to uilbrd to young ladles the most perfect combination of ad vantages for the attainment of u thorough uud ac- compllshed education, uud no pains or oxpenso will be spared to render it in reality what It professes to bo. a school of sui«rior merit. Miss Euslmau, the Principal, was at the licud of a school iu New kng- laud provious toherresideiico in Pennsylvania, uud for tho lust six years has been kuowiito tho patrons of Aston Ridge Seminary, as presiding teuchor In that institution. Tho Kt. Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of tlfo Dloceso ol' PotmBylvnnla, says:— "Mlits M. L. 1-jistman, who proposes to open a Aoung Udles’ 8emiuury in Media, Delaware Co., Pa.. In September next, has been known to the sub! scriber for sevorul years past. Ho has u very high opinion or her capacity, efilciency and d.-votediioss as nn educator. She has Imd a large and saceess- rul experience The building which ts to he erected luaher use will contaiu every nccommodntlou. Tho rJi hn»ui\r c " l,u,r -'* «ro distingnishn.l for hoalthfnlness and beauty, and the subscriber has confldcuco that parents who entrust their dnuchtoiH to M ss Eastman will Imvo no reason to regret i ’’ ot riaoh?r8 t,,ml * W,U 1><? nl,l '*' i b * v un corps hJ. , .‘oi’ r i e ! 10, * 1 la,, 8 ,,a 80 will bo taught und spoken by nh 1 ? r, .1 ,nn ,ai| y* ‘■csi.liiig iu tho family. ' mill n ’ P eriMan i Spanish and Italian languages will receive duo attention. - h Moiioot will be taught, wllh tho alii °f a large and expensive apparatus. Tho llusltoil Doirarlmotll will ho utldor the oharco a lady omlllontly quallllod to till tho oltoatlou: and all preforrint,’ a inalo toaohor ou Iho l’lnno or lu FtZ idlltadoiiihta U< ’“ 0,ltI ' f 1 ''IbIIIiik Toadu'r or , Xy^?oiaS:S„ W l l |!o b ar; l,,,k ' , ' ,l,< '' ,l ''“ ,l ' m TJionumhortii'piipiht ta limited to forlo. ThoTorma tar Board and Tuition inallilio braocli i otcoont Mualo, aro $16U por boosIou of live months. gcnllomon’— aU U “ lb ‘' rly 10 rol “ r lo " l0 tollowlng l-ottor, It.!)., and tlla K|iisoo|)nl oh’l u™ u 1 "Tlho I’nltod Matos, linn. 8.1*. ChaBo, Oovornor ol'O.iln. 8h{ro. 1-N ' a Bata ' r ’ Kt Owcrnnr or Now llantii- RoT k c ’ lrol " »»* York. Koy. N. Btcin,of Norristown, Pa. Rov. A. Mcl^'oii, Clearfield, Pa. j iC u U /(. n . U,l ?x r ’ Ks ‘ 1 ’»° r Philadelphia. d. B.Oki0,Lsq ,i ( , K. W. Clark,Esq., George Wharton, Rsq., do’ Christopher Lmsor, Pottavillo, l»a. George Wyman, 8t. IxjuIs, Mo. lion. 1 - C. Johnson, Washington, I). C. eor for her particulars, or for circulars SfS 1 ’ MAR,A KASTMAN, JelO cod dm Media, Dolnwaro Co. Pu. . .. tor making the quar terly deliveries of rations on board of the respective light-vessete. Ejtch bidder te required to attach to Ids hid or bids u written guarantee, signed by himself and a responsible surety, that, la the event of the contract beiug awarded to him, he will falthfolly execute it in conformity to the terms of this advertisement. The contractor will he required to enter into bond with approved security for the faithful execution of tho contract; und no hid will be accepted or contract entered into, until approved by the Light House Board. The contractor will be required to keep at least, in lho aggregate, one month’s rations for the entire crew ortho light-vessel contracted for, on board al all times; aud any expense Incurred on account ot failure to deliver rations or fad iu time, will lie chargeable to the contractor. No member of Congress, lighlkoeper, superinten dent or lusiMjctor of lights, nor any person connect ed with tiio Light-house establishment, will he al lowed to contract for or deliver rutious for the crew, or raid or a light vosspI. nor to he interested in such contract. No contractor, suptniitemte/it, or insjector will be allowed to change the parrs of the ration, nor the times tlmt may he determined upon for the delivery without’authority of the Board. All the urlicies constituting tho ration for the crew ol light-vessels will bu examined, aud tholr quality approved by the superintendent, or the inspector of lUe district, or by such other |iei>ou us may be as- signed to i H *rloru» th.u duty ;and no hills will be paid tor rations an t .del which are not accompanied by receipts duly signed by tho respective llglu-ves- sol keepers for the different articles constituting the rations Ibr the crew for each quarter, and separate receipts lor the kind and quantity of fuel delivered on board of each light-vessel. No hid which 1s not properly seated aud endorsed will he considered, and no bids will he received or allowed lo be withdrawn after the expiration of the time specified in the advertisement for receiving them. Bids submitted by difl’orent members of the same firm or co-partnershin will not be considered. All bids will bo publicly opeued and registered at the time s|H'cificd in the advertisement. The right to rojeet all bids II' the interest of the public service requlro it. is reserved By ordor of tho I.lght-houso Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. my 11 ~ injudicious uud unskilful management ot those imac- P ric t w ou ull description of goods a- low as the .'am* qiiniutcd with plmrnmceutlcul pro|*arotious. u , ^ ua| dy can be purchased iu any Northoru cii. therefore of the highest consideration nnd import-' Carpets cut to Rooms and goods .‘•eut V> «t,\ once to tho public mid to the faculty that there P a|, l° l lho city free of charge, should hestaudard preparations ol uniform strength i **" An experienced Upholster will attca.i u>ii,r aud possessing ll» most advantages. To eili-ct this ! a >'^ laying of Carpets ami Oil Cloths wh.-u und obviate the evil alluded to, I have made a uum- \ desired. The decorative and curtain dopartm-m u her of experimenta to ascertain the most eileetuul “ charge of au Upholster of acknowledgedta-i«au > modo of extracting tho virtues of the .Sarsnparlllu : r W. H. (il'ION, Agent, and tho Buchu, uud to discover tho most eligible j 0CLl5 ‘ Wd Congress und 67 8t. Julien-.-u form for their exhibition. The exjiurimeuta have i — n „ resulted most lavorably, and It Is with much pleas- ! _ SANFORD’S IN VIGOR ATOR, uro I now ofi'erto the public and tho faculty my: T o a tuim laxative, tonic aud stimulant, and U r, ‘ ’*• jevir- -■- recommended to tho public, relying upon foil Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain all the ... lues of tho articles they are represented to be made from iu u highly concentrated form, and are (lu- most active preparations which can bo made. Two ta- blospoonafol of tho Extract Sarsaparilla, added to u pint of water, is equal te the Lisbon diet drink, and one bottlo fully equals iu strength out* gallon of ,-yr- up Sarsaparilla or decoction as usual I v made PRICES: Fluid Extract Buchu, 61 per bottle, or 0 lor $6 “ Sarsaparilla “ “ trinsic worth iu the cure of the following cotnitlalr All Billiqus Derangements, 8lckHeadache, 1-jsk sia, Habitual Costiveness, Chronic Diarrha), Coii< * Pain iu tho Stomach aud Bowels, General fioMIity Femalo Weakness, Ac. For sulo hy Drupgi.-ts get orally, uud by Johu. B Moore & Co, and Wm. M Lincoln, Savannah. jy ftrbi^ Th 'rlMisKRI l’llfilEUtr HE Undeesijmcd hst just received, tor tale CetUllcnles ofeuiJ mid roconiuieudatloiiB Iron, I Tto.lwf!HL-ri'St»ii , <!^S^«JlS5S^' dlsUngulBlied iirofosyorn ami iiliyMelntiB will uecrau- o rei ’ 8 *■ Tv!mi i i t. |iany each preparation. I’rci’uroil and Bold by ^ - JbtFKlfcO.S HUUHto- , H-Y. 1IKI.MBOIJ1 I 1\| ACKEIIEL, HERRING, 8ALMOX. Ac- rractleal und Aimlytiail L'llenilst, IU u bid. Jury,; No 1 Mackerel, 3 do do No 3 do PEIUOmCALS.' for May. -A. Jrauk ItCHlio ti Gazette of Fiuddous for Mav. Review lor Apr". Received mid for t/alu hy 1 n my H) U’ARNOCK k DAVIS, 169 Congro.HH Htreet. 1 BBL8. FLOUlt In store and far auto ±40 by nmy7 DRANK, WKI.I.S k coT , 70 '’AhIth Ohio Catawba Brandy in* atoro ’ irvauitab J "'"M" by'be only regular Agent Dir ™y'A.! 2 WBaHLr, , >EI RECEIVED. J. ER an ft««ortment of ^ (B) Misses nnd Children’s plain .straws. K9 BONNETS, IN'-flCc iAtT r" ATrf , a,J • Vow mnw- HA *?’ For HHl1 ' MILS. FREELAND, ,DBy • IV Broughton street. 18 h E . T HBEAb GAUNTLETS.—The only article or Uio kind In the city. For sale bv 9 mMr0 , . „ w. threlkeld; ^ ruo *‘ «l Congress nnd Whitaker st i. PPLES A POTATOES— . ~~ b. 10 bbls Choice Mercor Potatoew- ror».toV " “*y 1# J. A. BROWN. FRENCH HIILLINERY AND Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND lias open ed at her Rooms, No. 174 Broughton Street, a lino selcc. tion of Spring Millnery, and is . constantly receiving per steam- era. now aud dillorent styles of Bonnets; also, Dross aud Muntlllaiiutterns. 4®- Bonnets cleaned and prrosml as usual. aprlO KEDZlE’M PATENT WATER FILTER An assortment of sizes on baud. We warrant them to make Ip Savannah River Water, oven though dipped directly out or tho River, as pure and clear ns the Unrot Spring Water. About forty ofthoBo Filters aro now in use to this city, nnd ovory person who has thorn, will cheerfully testify to their oTOcloncy. Indeed, tho Board of Water Commissioners Imre, pay in their Re|M»rt, it Is tho only Filler that does ofiectnnl- ly purify tho Savannah River Water. Cull and eeo ouo In operation at our Jh.iHc Fur nishing andStovoestabllstnem, Hodgson ’snow block KENNEDY & REACH, Corner of Broughton nnd Hull sts. ICE PITCHERS. DOUBLE Water PI tellers, Some now uud beautiful designs, Plated imd Brito- niu. At tho IIjuso Furnishing Store, 165 BROUGHTON STREET, HORACE .MORSE. Savannah, April30. apr30 tr S V I 1 203, Chestuut-Kt., ueur the Girard House Phila. lo be hud of Druggists uud Doutera iu every bco- i tion of tho United States und Canadas. AU letters for tho medicine directed to the propri i etor receive Immediate utteiition. aud safe didiveries ! guurauteed. *ept 1—iy^uw i JOHN Hi MOORE ik CO., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH.. Ga. J WHOLESALEk RETAIL DHL OVISTS. ! Would cull the atte'Aion of Merchants, Factora, Pluntora, Physicians nnd others, to their ex- i > tensive and well selected stock.- comprising ! ovory article In their lino of business, aud which th.-v offer for sale ou the most reasonable terms fur cash, or approved crodit, viz; PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, &C., Wlilte Loud, Pure and No. 1; l ieuum’s Colors, dry nnd lu oil; Japau, Copal, uud Coach Varnishes : IJnsccd Oil, Spirits Turpentine,’Window G!u.-s, Pup t)*, Gold I.eaf, Paint Brushes, Fash Tools, uud Gla* flora’s Diamonds, LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OILS Blenuhed Sporiu, Whale and Lard Oils, for burning ; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, viz., Patent Oil Unbleached Sperm, Lard aud Rape Seed (HI; also Tunucrs,’ Neat-?, Foot nnd Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Alspice, Cinnamon, Pepijer, Ginger. Mustard, Salorntus, Soda. Pcarlash. Sweet Oil, Starch Fig Blue, Matches, &c. ’ FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the best French. English, aud American Chemicals, Plmrinueeuticul Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials Specie Jars, Metallo Saddle bag#, Ac. Also, C.IMPHENK AND BURNING FLUID. Any ouo who may favor them with their orders may depend upon their receiving tho host attention, and that ull goods furnished will bo of a reliable quality. Should they not give entire satisfaction, they may be returned at tho option or tho purchaser. mahlO tt 3 do Uo ‘ No 2 do 2 half bbls Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herring, 3 do No.I Salmon. 6 quarter bbls No I Muckerel, iu kits No 1 Mackerel, lu do No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues aud Sounds, luuu ltw Cod Fish. For sale io\v la J a “-« J. A. 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING. lor one square, ofSOO cm? or less, ofnnv tvix- ui larger than .Nonpareil. 75 cento fin-the firsi.uuLv cento lor each subsequent Insertion,fin- any timel.*.- than one muiitli. All Tabular work, with or without Rule.-; ..ut.V. vortlsemeuto occupying double column, .-tui: w charged double (he above rates. Advertisements of whatever length, forauv niur rat*- ^ 111 ** mouth, to be ehurgod at traiiiuti Foi a louger time at the following rates No, of Squares 11 uio|2 mos 13 mo# |1 mos | fl tnro J t vw. lbqiiuro,.... $10 lfl $o 0 $ . i4 $3U iw •iSquures., $10 lfl $20 $24 $30 lfl 22 20 28 36 20 27 32 36 4-1 24 32 38 42 62 27 at) 44 46 00 30 40 60 64 r.o 32 43 64 58 70 34 40 68 62 74 3fl 48 61 CO 38 60 04 70 80 J. E. DE FORD, ULVADIDi} .. i, APOTHECARIES HALL, S. K. Corner of, Broughtou und Barnard Streets. Savan- nali Ga., Whole#nle and retail Dealer# in Drugs, Medicine# and Chemicals, Dye Dye Stud's, French, English, aud Amerie cry, Fine Toilet nnd fchaving Son]); ' tor uuy time nut ubuvo specified, u protwrtiou charge wiil be made. A deduction of 25 i»cr cent from the above rate? will be made on advertisements appearing cxiL sivcly on tho fouith page of the daily. AU vertisomonto ordered three times a week, tnii he charged two-tbirds the above rates i:pedal notices, 10 cento per Hue for the first, u- lob 27 ctth/s PATENT AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CAN'S ANT) JARS, mfk. S[l *'■'*’ * ~ " " *Dye Wood?®! I ? 0 i < ''" ,s !°, r oac,, ^ihseqent'insortiou/aVid iu wi’ca r merienn Perftim-' J*’ subject to contract. Marriage notice.-$1. fu „uap# Combs and o. e J”.!* ^ 63 cehts each. .Nospecialnolirw Bruslios of every de.-oriplion, Surgical and Dental ' ,. se . , r lf>ss B,ft n 60 cents. Obltnury Notices. Instruments, Trusses nnd .Supporters of nil kinds ! *“*1 “ 'rta.Hesol ut ions, or Proceedings of any Society. Spices, Sunil's, Manufactured Tobacco, All the patent I , 1 on * or Corporation, ordered to be i>ubiL-6 or Proprietary Medicines of tho day, Superior Inks, P er Puro Minos nnd Brandies for nnrno^es ! , '\ n * >oa, ' s "'ill be advortlped nt $40 per nnnu kxtracta for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Ariicles.Ao! i hoof advertised. N. R.—Especial attention given to the' •i'' a te s ' 11 P 3 > where liut ono is runnlug, $40|h:iw nroparation of Physicians’ Prescriptions and Kamilv ' '! twoor "mre, $30earh. Recipes. Ship, Furnily and Travelling Medicine Care# I A ,u 't*oneor8’ ndvertUements not to he ?ubjoct With plain Directions lor use, including Directions for • • • • treatment iuwujc3.of pohoning, Drowniug, Ac. ap7 iy C ORN AND CORN MEAL.—1000 bus prime Corn, Vt bile and mixed; 60 do I'rcsh Corn Meal n store and for salo hy doom PATTEN. HUTTON \. r<) HE AD!—HEAD!:—HE AD !JJ ■ That Is, if you can seo; ir ,you can’t soo, you can llnd!^^ all kinds or “helps to sec,’’ at tiio IVatchand .jowoiry Btoro or D. D. Nichols & Co., in Congress street, noxt door lo tho corner or Whitaker, where you can purchaso Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, and taiicy Goods, ns low as nt any other store in tho country. Web*™ received per steamship Alabama a fresh lot of thoso tine Steel Spectacles ; also, a i-apply of I ebble and Perlscopio Iz>ns, which wo are pi cpared to fit in all kinds of l mines, at short notice. Our l eriscopio Lons (so culled from tholr peculiar shape) have au advantage over all others, as lliev havo a grouter raugo ol focus, so that the reader is not compelled to hold tho book or paper al a certain distance from the eye. Cull uud see. , I*. B. NICHOLS \ CO. No charge lor showing goods. nmr 11 l>. It. N. A CO. —-700 coils Rope, various brands of good quality, in store and for sale h\* a Pf20 BRIGHAM, KELLY k Co Ull TO WOOJ. SELLERS. , ! ll ^ sned lmvo «•!« ojieitad » 1l,R JT?!P ; ,root t opposite the Market, °‘ S,,ce I’ »«*», Hides, Bees iri.^i’i i or . n,,( * Country Produce in general. » ,ric , 08 wl| l 1,e P»««l for all tiio above uinTOv tl de ! lvor >’ - ,n Savannah. Mr. L, J. GUIL- AMmiN has been appointed as Agent, to whom all persouH having buHim'ss*tmii#nctions with the un- dorelgnod may upply. Savmrualr, Muy 10,1860. J ' ^'’'’nnylM 0 ' PIANO FOll'l’KN. ~ HAVING lately roceivvd largo ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, wo aro enabled to offer at this time the rnrtiirni. r. groatost variety from tiio host iniuui- 1,10 pMuost pquaro to the most olab orateiy carved, and from six toseveu octaves, * ,anas «ro selected from tho manufacturer# .i-..^ m i W0 have full conlldeiico in, aud we aro par- requested by them to give a guaranty with tamMfco StrUUlC,lt M0 '* ^ US rognrdrt durability, Pcrsnnslu waut of a flrst ruto instrument may ro ly with safety upou geUing such a ono by selecting from the following mnkors, whoso Instruments wo oudonvur te keep constantly on hand, via : H. Wor cester, J. Chlckerlng k Hon. Nunns & Clarko, Bacou A Ravous, II. Waters, aud Haines. Brother# A Cum- ■gj| w 1 i W. »l0KBKI.f. UnF B 'wsfirwTOagrA'wi KUM-i-w a by (mnyliO) WU44AUB A RATCIJFV. plORN—-In Btoro nnd for salo by V-^inir5 LO 5 V t: I’i’kS s’El.r.'; MERGER UNI VERSITY, PENFIELD, GAt I'KKPIOKXT, N. M. CRAWFORD, |». IV I’KOKH^SOKS. College, H. I’. SANFOIR), A. M.. Mutliomntics. J. E. WILLKT, A. M„ Chemistry ami Natural Philosophy II- H.TUCRER, A. M., : Belles l^ltrc#. V* " f - WISE, A. M.. Greek uud Izitin Liugungos. WILLIAM G. WOODKIN, A, B., Modern Unguages. Theological Sc in Inn i y. N. M. CRAWFORD, D. I to M’clcsiasticnl History and Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematic and I’ltatoral Theology. Acmlciiiy. THOMAS A. SEAL?, Principal. Tho Commouccmeut is held un the lust Wednesday la July. * The next Tetm will commence on the last Wed nesday in August. The prico of Board in the village to $1u per mouth- washing, room reut, fuel, Ac., ' By order ol the Board o| Trustees. i , myl22m H. I.ANDRUM' Secretary. MdLASSKri—Tho cju'gtPof tlie brig R. B. IiftWtou, orsuiwnor quality. For sate hy iwylfl 8i PADELFORD, FAY & CO. contract, but to bo charged at the rates preserffe! i por sqimro. j The paper, under no circumstance#, lo U> iacluil • cd in a contract. Professional and business cards not exceeding: lines, will bo inserted at $20 per annum. (.ails on persons to become candidates, will It [ inserted us oiker advertisements, to he paid fi-rii> . variably iu advance. I Announcing candidates for ollire, $10, to be pci in advance. Advorlisemenls not marked ou the c-p.v for* specified lime, will ho insorted until forbid,sal pay ment exacted. When any toll for two month# advertising. «tbei than contract, amounts to over $60, a deduction o’ 25 per cent will be made, Yearly advertising, with privilege of ctnuute m' 1 bo taken nt tlie following rates : For one square, renewable ojico u week. $4' ” *’ “ twice “ W “ *’ “ 3 times or oftener ' 1 ‘ I.vorj* additional square contracted forte bediari ed ono hnll the above rates additiwunl. Yearly advcriisere shall bo limited lo the conirac,led for. All contracts shall bo In writing, stating definitely Uio nature or the business to l*# adverUsed. Any advertisements not proi>crly can Jtected with tho business shall bo charged soparnt* 1 - ly, and also auy excess of matter over the aiuiwot contracted for. Contract advertisements payable quarterly; vertlsemonta from strangers aud truusieut porseM. twyahlo in advance. All other# will l*e coneklorcrf due when called for. Regular advertisora and all ojhera scuding com munications or requiring notices designed to call «*• temion to fairs, eoucerto, soirees, or any public en tertainment#, where charge# are made for admit tain-e—nil notices of private associations, every tm lice designed to call attention to privato enterjirlsw calculated or inicintod to promote individual inte rests, cun only bo inserted with the understanding that thesamo i# to bo paid for. II Iiiacrtc»1 in thv editorial coltimu (which can he only at the discre tion of the editors) the same will be charged al thf »-.tio of not loss limn 20 cents per line. Adveilieeinento ordered to tlie Weekly paper.$» |H*r square for each toaerliou. The undersigned, publishers of Daily, Tri-WeeklJ ;uid Weekly newspapers In Savannah. Ga., ourselves strictly te adhere to tho above bill w charge#, and hi uo instance to deviate therefrom. fin* above rate# to tako 0141*1 March 1, 1666, and i*> continuo binding, until changed hy the vote of • majority of the underslgnod. N. R.—This schedule shall not in auy way riled iho integrity of existing contract#. All rout rAet* for tlie year or any other spcclUcd tliuo, shall onlv cease with thu expiration of the period for which tury wero made, Alkxaxpkkk Sxkko, Republican. Tuoursov A WirmxciTo.v. Morning Neu* H (( Itn iA Co,. Georgian ti Trurnxl ■ plumbing? P LUMB1NU, in all-its vorious branched, at- loaded to ut tho shortest uoUco, mid In superior style. Also, may be fouud Shower Baths, Galvani: tit Iron, Tin aud Leaded Bath Tubs; Copper Boiler*, Patent l*an Water Closets. Lead Pipes, Sheet Le* J liras* and Plated Cocks. Force Pumps, India Rubber Hoao. For sale at the House Furnish Storo, No- Broughtou-street. mtyW HOUCK HORSY.