Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 19, 1856, Image 1

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. GBORffl Dully. TrWWcckly ami Weekly. Offioial Paper of the City and Comity ■ R. B. HILTON & CO. PUBLISHERS. 8. B. HILTON, - - - - - - Editor, S. P. H AMlL'tOST, } A.SUUIU Editor., TERMS: Dally Paper, per year,In advance..90.00 Tri-Weekly Paper « •* 3.00 Weekly Pa|H*r Single Copy >1.00 .. « Five »» 8,00 •• *• Eight *• 10,00 •» « Ten « 13,00 (T«* one (utdrcM)Twenty .** 30,00 When not paid In advamv Iho olrnrgo for tho I tally will bo #6, nntl for tho TrlWookly (4. The Weekly Will be pout only'to thopo who payin advance. Tito paper will Invariably bo discontinued upon the expiration ot'tho time for which It baa been paltl. THURSDAY’, Two O'clock P. 91. BY' T Sl^BaXUUPir; Three Days Later from Europe. ARRIVAL OP THH New. Yohk, Junk 18th. • The Steamer America, has arrived with Liverpool dates to June 7th three days later titan liefore received. Cotton market has declined from i to MO. Sales of the week no,000 bales. Flour market is slight ly firmer. Wheat has advanced. Ittdiau Corn market tlrm. Money market unchaiwed. Consols advanc ed j. (SECOND DESPATCH.) Private letters, dated on the day the steamer sailed, and telegraphed from Halifax, repoit that the decline in Cottons was principally con- lined to lower grades. Middling Orleans OJ to 64. Speculators and exporters have taken 8,000 bales. Imports since the depart ure of the last steam er 33,000. Trade in Manchester, sympathising with the feeling in Liverpool, is dull. The market for American Slocks was droop- iug. The’steamer Atlantic had strived at Liver pool. The excitement on] the subject of American affairs continues in England. The papers how ever, counsel cnnlnness and moderation. Nov York Market. New Yohk, June 18.—The New York Cot-, ton Market is without change in quotations. Market dull. Flour has advanced from 6 to 12 cents, Wheut advanced from 2 to 3 cents. Block Republican Convention. Philadelphia, June 1H On the first informal ballot, Fremont receiv ed 369 votes, McLean 196, Bunks one, Sumner two, Seward one, McLean having been with drawn, Fremont’s nomination was made unani mous on motion of the Pennsylvania delegation. (Another dispatch says) Fremont on the for mal ballot received 539, McLean 37 (371.) RsuoiocsSekvicu.—Rev. Dr. Sailer.: Baltimore, will preach in Wesley Clmpel tn-ir-.i.i, , Thursday) at 8 o’clock. Washington Correspondence. - \ California Revolution—Had Slate qf Things in Washington— Gambling Houses—Climes and Es cape of Criminals— Col. Fremont.and Judge Mc Lean. Washington, .Tuna 16, 1866. James King, of Wiliam—you have road Iho sto ry : He was wull known among us, having long participated lu the Joys and sorrows or this commu nity. Under any circumstances, his death would have beou deeply regretted; but the tidings of his asaassinatiou hate come like a clap of thunder from a clondloss sky. His popularity was unques tionably great In California, but it is as a repre sentative man that tho people lmvo arisen to avenge his death. A revolution exists there, and a righte ous one it Is. InAYashlngtou, things are Komowhut bettor, or. more properly, not unite so bad. Yet few know how bail they are. The strongest interest In this community Is tho gambling internal. I am assured on reliable authority, that there are eighteen spltm did gambling houses hero, to which oven many of the law makers lor this District continually rosoi t. Those houses oxecod till other places lit the splen dor of thoir furnishing, tho sutupluosness of their froo tables, and tho security of their protection from the intrusion of those who do uot approve of them. The ftttnlliua and friends of members of Oou gross amt others, who are ruluod In these places, often reproach the City ol Washington for the exist ence of such temptations horn; but the citizens of Washington rarely, or novor, visit them. Their truffle is almost exclusively with strangers, or with those who could prevent tnoir e.xlMonee. Since Saturday last, a drunken man was mu n ton - ly killed by his drunken brother within u few miles of this ottv. on the Virginia side. They were very poor brutish creatures; but what brought murder to the mind of the guilty one that he should rush Into the commission of .t when bin reason was de throned! 1 Was it not limitiscfjiionce of the desperate deeds so recently committed here by men of higher Intelligence, and men without this plea of bestial stupidity and moroseness of nature and of habit. 'lu-duy tho Crltiiiiinl Court for this District was ap pointed to assemble. Lusl night three houso break ers ami iuoendlaries, and nub “ballot box stulfer” and perjuror, cscapod from Jail! Almost the only offender retained, of whom the public has had any cognimnuo, l? young .turbo*, who slew the betrayer of bis sister. Humble, friendless, unknown, ami guilty only of slaying tho wretch whom the law would not punish, he must miller. To-morrow tho Philadelphia Convention is to as semble. To day wo are sure that Mr. Fremont Is thoir man, His latest announcement is politic : lie belongs to no party ; be is simply in favor of Free Kansas! This is tho best card ho could play. What there is of Mr. Fremont is good. Ho is a noble, gal lant fellow; u man of strong, clear sense ; aud he possesses the soul of a true gentleman. But there is uot ounugli ot him for the Presidency—nor enough of u parly to elect him. If there were enough of the latter, the friends of Judge Mel.eau would not hnvo withdrawn him, ns they seem to have done, It Is true, that he will not cousout to be withdrawn, but has written an epistolary bid which he will live to regret ; hut 1 know that Ills strongest friends In this ulty laid down their cards the moment “Buck and Breck” were nnmmncod. The Indian War In Oregon The accounts which have reached ns, from time to time, of the origin of Indian hostilities in Oregon and the barbarities alleged to have been committed by the whites and Indiuns.hnvo been very contradictory. Unable at this dis tance, to seperate the exaggerated or false from the true, we are only abfo as journuliststo give to our readers such statements as come to us through newspapers or respectable private chanuels. Of the latter description we insert the anucxed letter from an officer at San- Francisco, dated the I9th ultimo National Intelligencer. “The steamer Columbia is just in from Ore gon. The news is very favorable in regard to the operations of. the regular troops in Rogue river valley and in Puget’s sound. It is report ed that the volunteers (Gov. Curry’s troops) opposite the Dalles were recently reliev ed of all their horsed by fifteen Yakumas. “We have another exterminating war on our hands in Middle California. Some Iudians, for stealing and killing a cow, have brought tho inhabitants down upon them with a vengeance. A meeting was called. The majority were for mild measures, but the minority insisted upon punishing the Indians collectively. Tho result was the killing almost immediately fifteen friendly Indians. This caused a concentration, as reported, of live hundred warriors. These were attacked by a detachment of United States troops and a few volunteers, which were com- E elled by the Indians to retire. We have not eard what folio wed .except that the Inhabitants intend to exterminate the Indians in that sec tion of the State. Til* Ketstonk State.—We learn, by a depatch to C. A. Greiner, Esq., agent of the Keystone State, that this steamer left Phllndoiphla on Tuesday evening last for this city, and will resume her regular trips from this city, commencing on Saturday tho fil'd- Old Iilne Whip. The Washington correspondent of the New York Courier, (Black Republican) writes as follows: , A conspiracy l- in progress to transfer the old Whigs who have Dover fused with either Americans or Republicans, to the Bucbunnu interest. It will require all the good sense and firmness ol those who yet look back with respect and affection upon that party, to resist the persuasions which will he ad dressed to them through some of their own unfaith ful loaders. Were Mr. Clay himself now alivo, wo have little doubt that his devotion to the Union would carry him to the support of Mr. Buchanan. Even though in-* personal preference might he for Mr. Fillmore, it is not likely that sepin-.; the utter hopelessness of his prospect*, Mr. Clay would support him. On the 19th of November iSfiu, he used lids language : But if it (the Whig party) is to be merged into a contemptible Abolition parly, and if Abolitionism is to be engrailed upon Hie Whig creed, from that mo ment | renounce the Party and cease to be a Whig. I go yet a *tep further : li I am alive, l will givo my humble support to that man for the Presidency who, to whatever juirty he may Many, is not contaminated by fanaticism, rather than to one who, crying out nil the lime that he is a Whig, maintains doctrines utterly subversive of the Constitution nnd tho Union. Tun Bwkokhs Convention.—New Fork, June. 10. The New Jersey delegation to tho American Seccd- »ts Convention withdrew on the plea Hint thn party hud been sold out to the Republicans. A delegate from Pennsylvania offered a resolution endorsing Mr. Fillmore, but the Chair refused to rcpolvo it. F.x Governor Johnson made a speech deprecating di?scntinns,and denying that the Convention had ■odd out to any faction. A portion of the .Yew York delegation also threa ten to leave. There has been no further balloting. Mchjw. Editors Your correspondent “ Chari ty” says “la this place, in 1848, about one thou- “sand dollars wero collected and placed in the “ hands of a Committee (hr the purpose of assisting *• tho people of Ireland then engaged In an eObrt to ‘Tree their country.” Your ^correspondent says also, that “Father “Barty made application tbr tho money, that ho “ received no satisfaction, hut was most grossly in- “suited by tho Chairman ; and that Father O’Neil “ received no better treatment at the hands or the “ Chairman.^’ I know not gcntlomen, who this Chairman is; who has acted so indoiiendently and properly. What right had Father Barry to apply for this money, it was uot collected for his benefit, nor for any one over whom he has chargo. As tho people of Ireland aro not uow ongagod in ait effort to free thoir country,tho occasion for which tlie money was collected, having ceasod, I would suggest, that, tho Committee. If they havo not al ready forwarded tho money to Ireland, return It to tho different individuals from whom they received it. ‘ v lt 1b to bo hoped Ihut “tho Comtnllteo, and par ticularly tho Chairman,” will not hoed the threat of “Charity.” Aud that they will not pay over tho money, If in their hands, to the Rev, Father Bar ry. Should they do so. they will havo doue that which they had no right to do. Tho money was given them for a specific purpose, and they havo no rlghtto appropriate it forwuother. Justice. RIVER WESER—Per feet lumber. MoltK MoUMuns—The ship Thornton, Captain Collins, from Liverpool, which arrived at Now York Saturday last,brought748 Mormons bound for Utah. TwifANTKi'WJ ltoCTE—A Into despatch from Wash- lugton to a New York paper says : There is a plan in agitation hero among Southern members of Congress, to ubumlon tho Central American Route to tho Pacific, and to ucquirotlio cession of the Tcliauntopcu route from Mexico, In exchange for guaranteeing her Territory against tho Spunish hostilities now threatened. It is under- *tood that Colonel Robles favors the project, his Government being much concerned ut tho expedi tion now filling outln Spain. Franco and England have the suiun claims us Spain. We cony the following from an exchange paper. The render is under no obligations to believe it unless lie is disposed to do so grutui ously ; Pkoukkhh.—There is at present in operation near Boston, a jumping locomotive which only touches the ground once in a mile. It is per fectly round, tho machinery iu the centre, and is coated externally with India rubber. So soon as tho patent has lieen secured, its proprietor supposes that thousands of them will be seen “ bobbin’ nround” the world, so that to the man in the moon, the enrtli will look like a big cheese covered with “ skippers.” Who denies that this is really a “ fast age V” In the support of James Buchanan tho Dcmncrncy of Vtrgiuiu has dh played u Hi ellty of friendship to Which there H no parallel in tUe history of parties. In four successive conventions, from 1844 to 186Q.he received the unanimous vote o ’Iho representatives of this Slate. In the Hultimoie Convention 011862. Virginia clung to him for thirty-four ballots ; nor diet she desert him until his own St'ito despaired of Ids nomination;—Alex. Oaiette. Democratic National Convention. The Democratic National Convention, recent ly assembled at Cincinnati, Ordered. That a committee of one from each State, to be named by the respective delega tions, be appointed to promote tlieJDemocratic eause,and to be called the Democratic National Committee, with power to fill vacancies ; And in accordance with that order, the mem bers of the Committee were appointed as fol lows to which were affixed the residence and post-office of each, to wit: DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Maine, John Babson; post office, Wiscasset New Hampshire, John H. George ; post office, Concord. Vermont David A. Smalie; post office, Bur lington. Massachusetts, James Cheever; post office, Boston. Rhode Island, Elisha R. Potter ; post office, South Kingstown. Connecticut, James T. Pratt ; post office, Rocky Hill. New York, Augustus Schell; post office, New York city. New Jersey, Jacob Vanata post, office, . Pennsylvania,C. L.Ward; post office,Tow- anda. Delaware, Wm. D. Ochiltree ; post offiee,New Castle. Maryland, 1 'Richard B. Carmichael; post office, Centreville. Virginnia, Wm. H. Clark; post office, Halifax Court House. North Carolina, Thomas !>. McDowell; post office, Elizabethtown. South Carolina, Benj. H. Wilson ; post office, Georgetown. Georgia, Wm.] lv. DeGrnffenricd ; post office, Macon. Alabama, Henry T. Smith; post office, Flor ence. MissiKsipp, Wm. R. Camion ; post office, Co lumbus. Louisiana, Thomas E. I*. Cottnian: post of flee, Donaldson. Ohio, C.L. Vallandighain, post office, Dayton. , Kentucky, George W. Caldwell; post office, Louisville. Tennessee, Randall W. McGavoek ; post of fice, Nashville. Indiana, JamesR. Slack ; post office, Hunt ington, Illinois, James Dyer; post office, Chicago. Arkansas, Albert Rust; post office, Eldorado. Michigan ; James Beeson; post office, Niles. Florida, A. EJMaxwell; post office, Pensacola. Texas, W. J. Oldham; post office, Austin. * Jowa,Wm. Thompson ; post office, Burlington Wisconsin, George B.Smith; post office, Modi son. California, Samuel H. Posh; post office,- Shasta. Effect of Padre Vun/s Recogni tion in Paris.—New York, June 1(1.— Tho advices received from Havre, by tho arrival of the steamer Emeu, represent that the news of Padre Vijil’s recognition as Minister from Nicaragua by the Uni ted States Government, caused great com motion in Paris. The La. Patrie hints at European interference on Central Ameri can affairs. At Havro, on tho Hist, Cotton was in active. The better sorts were held firmly. Breadstuff's were very firm. Mr. Fii.lmork’h Acceptance.— 1 Tho National Inteligencer, introducing tho letter of accept ance ofMr. Fillmore, says that it is “well aware how generally the Whites will dissent from the favor which he avmos for the general objects of the party which nominated him," Sir Benjamin Brodier, the leading Burgeon in England,nos an incomoof £18,000 a year; never operates on anything under an earl or a bishops leg, and then requires fees "of the moat enor- nous kind. [Correspondence National Intelligencer. ] London, May 29, 1860. Tlib is u liolydify in Loudon, and more or Ions bo uuo throughout the country, it Is this year a day of throe-fold lntero.4, Itelug tho anniversary cele bration of the birthday of the reigning sovereign, a day ofnntlonal rejoicing for the peace with Russia,' and ulso the duy upon which, iti lflfiO, Charles II. became King ol England de facto, and which was long made a day of rejoicing on that nceouut under tho immo of Royal Oak duy, As tho day appointed on which to commemorato tho birth of tuc good aud beloved sovereign of tho uation. we aro sure it will lie kept through tho longth aud breudth of tho three kingdoms as a day of festive gratitude aud Joy; fur tho thrones of Europe are at this time filled iu a niauncr which may Justly cause Englishmen to re joice, and to l'eol grateful, for tho British scat of roy alty being occupied by so Just a princess and so good a woman aa our Sovereign lady queen Vioto riu. As a day ofrejoicing for tho peace tho fcoliug will hu fur from bo universal. There will ho abundance of fireworks, there will ho plenty of ringing of bells and Iturruiug, the streets will be brilliant with illuminations and crowded with pleasure-seeking aud holiday-making peojilo,but the “universal heart of England” will uot boat I ns tor or stronger. Tho coiobratton will have no outward demonstration of a national char acter. We are wiling to believe, however, that there is, In genoral, a quiet and satisfied acceptance or tho peace, although, in many cases no doubt, tho old-fashioned John Bull Bpirit, having been roused to a war pitch, canuot ho easily tamed down again to rejolco at a peace which has been obtained with out tho oxcltement aud tho glory of another Water loo. As the day upon which the exiled Stuart fam ily was rostorud to tho English throne, to bo driven tlionco again and forever twenty-eight years after- wards, tho 29th of May has for u considerable time fallen nearly into uegloct and forgetfulness, although men uot vory old can recollect the period when a sprig of oak loaves, ornamented with gilding aud worn in tho button hole, was considered as a proof of attachment to church nud state. The greater part of the immense crowd that will throng tho pirksnnd streets of London on the 29th of May, i860, if told of Royal Oak day, would roquiro an ex planation of the origin and meaning ot the term ; and so it ought to be. Let the day which commem orated tho return of the Stuart dynasty rest iu peaceful oblivion with that on which tho orgies of the CulPs-Head Club was kept, (29th January) in memory of tho decapitation Of Charles I. * * * * * * * i|t There has seldom been a criminal trial in England which oxcitod so Intense an interest, has been ex tended through so long a period, and conducted with such singular ability, impartial fairness, and exem plary patience as that of William Palmer, who lias Just been found guilty of the murder of John P. Cook by poison. Tho trial lasted twelve days. Sev eral reporters attended (or tho Continental press, nud tho court was daily (Iliad to roptotion, ami would havo been filled had it possessed ten times its capacity. There uever was, wo think, any doubt rospoctiug Palmer’s guilt, hut the conflicting testi mony of sciontifio mon of high roputation respecting tho symptoms exhibited in coses of poison by stry- chine created a great doubt whether tho evidence adduced in court would be such as would euablothe jury to decide upon a verdict of guilty. The very able reply of tho Attorney General on behalf of the prosecution, and the very lucid summing up of the Cbiof Justice, removed much of tho mist amlunccr tainty which had accumulated during the trial; de cided the prisoner’* fate, and have, by the verdict of the jury, consigned him to a murderer’s death. ******* A goid deal or surprise has been occasioned in Paris by tho non-appearance or an ambassador from tho Court of Bt. Petersburg—Baron Brunow be ing only on an extraordinary mission to tho French Court. Count Orloff has had his audlenco of leave. Recent advices from Bt. Petersburg state that Gon. Edgar Ney, seut from Paris to congratulate tho Emperor Alexander upon his accession, bad been ►received politely, but with a marked reserve and unmistakable coldness. This is owing, It is Bald, to the indignation of Russia at tho tripartite treaty of the 16th of April. It Is reported that no ambassa- will be numed. but that diplomatic relations will continue In the sarno provisional state in which they are at present. Baron von Hubner, the new Envoy from Austria to Paris, has been received with much form aud ceremony. The Austrian Archduke Max- Iranian and Prince Oscar of Sweden are in Paris. The Emperor Napoleon reviewed 30,000 troops on Tuesday. The Empress was present in an open carriage, and looking very well. It is said that a new Credit Moblller society, with a capital of sixty millions of francs, is about being brought out. A new Government loau is mentioned, amounts not stated- It will -bo negotiated by Paris bankers. May 30.—The Duke of Cambridge unexpectedly declines the offleo of head of tho Embassy to Russia on occasion of the Emperor’s coronation, and it will bo occupied by Lord Granville, who will take os at taches three representatives of high ariatrocatlc families. The Marqui3 and Marchioness of Stafl'ord, Sir Robert Peel and Lady Peel, and Mr. and Lady Margaret toveson Gower will accompany the em bassy. Dr. Sandwlth, one of the heroes of Kura, is appointed medical attache—an appointment ac ceptable to the Russians, who have much regard for the doctor in consequence of his kind treatment of their wounded after thoir repulse at Kura lost autumn. The Times, after pointing out tho obvious fact l»nt the American question assumes monthly “a more serious, a more nnxious, a more tbrentou- ing aspect,” suggests that tho Unllod States should, in Imitation of what England did In the northeastern houndary dispute, send to London a special Plenipo tentiary, or Invest, their Minister here with full pow ers amicably to terminate tho existing differences. We are sorry to say that those differences seem ut tho present moment to bo more seriously thought of tlmn at any previous timo. A Cm* Suiimkuoki)—Capt. Jordan, of Iho brig Hulmrt, from Jne.mol, St. Domingo, which has ar rived at this port reports, on tho night of May 21st. in consequence of tho torrents of rain, whinh had fallen almost without intermission for three days preceding, tlio stream called Orange, overflowed, and submerged a part of tho city, aud carried away from 20 to 25 houses with persons In them. Several wero ilrowiled, while others escaped in boats. Many of thn inhabitants aro without an asylum or clothes. It is impossible to cstiroato tho damage; uot only iu tlio city and vicinity, hut llkowiso, lu tbo interior, nil tho lmnana trees woro rooted up, and washed into tlio river, with animals, Ac. Ac. jlio roads to tho capital and clscwhcro wero almost im passable, as tlio flood appears to havo boon groat throughout tho island. A great deal of coffoo was washed away out of the stores of the speculators, in different parts nr tho city.-y-iY. 1". Courier. Tho Philadelphia Times, Know Nothing, recommends the withdrawal ot’ Fillmore and AUGUSTA, JUNE 18.—CorrONA-There has been - steady dernaud during the week) at atlffer prices. Tbo market closes firm, os fellows ; . 4 . Ordinary .'...* 0 (Q Middling .......10 ®loy t Good Middling —®10K Middling Fair ~®ll WILMINGTOX, JUXE^.-^amura-Kurllicr salos yestorday of only 113 bblf at formor prices— 82,76 for new and 81,80 for oi l virgin dip, 82,26 for yellow dip, and 81,26 for haiY, per 280 pounds. Ing offering on market to-d&y * tuts—Sales yestorduy of 20a ibis at 33)jc, and 600 at 84o por gallon—closing at advance of y$c. No transactions tills nurning. a; . Rosin and Tar—Nothing uftlnf tad articles dull for both articles. ,’r Earn Barhkus—100 Qecond-hqiM Spirits Turpon- tino barrels sold this morning at W each. Corn—Wo noto tho recolpt slum yuatordoy’s re port of 16,080 bushels, but no tran'.gctions up to tlio timo of closing our luqulrjoa this morning, NEW ORLEANS, .TUNE14.—CofrON—The stock is ;ht aud tile full prices insisted bn by factors still lock business, aud tho sales ■?)•<’ " 1000bales. ' Y- NEW ORMIANS or.AsainftWioN. Inferior n>*a7K I Mlddlte- ? Fqlr..ll^al2 Ordinary 8)4a9 )i 1 Fair .. 12)*al2M Middling 0%al0){ [Good F/ifr......nominal. Good Middling UMalSji | Good oyd.ftno, nominal. STATEMENT OK COTTOA. * ’ Stock on hand 1st September, 1865bales 40,232 Roceivod-slnce 1,728,172 ’Received to-day J.323—1,729,905* tl price^iiiialtered.rang- Exported to-day.... Exported to date... 8tock on hand not cleared.............. 86,«83 Sun a a—Sales 160 to 200 hhds niVtondy prices.— Fair to Fully Fair 75£ a 8Jj,'o, Moiasskh—Stock light alid ing from 42 to 49c Fi-our—Tho market lias been quiet, with Bales of 2fi0 bbis'superfine at $8,75, 100*re-sale) nt$0, 87’a mid about 160 fino at $0,12>£ {mr bbl. . Corn—Thero is uo <• bongo, iu pricW. und the salc3 wero only about 4000 sacks, luclucug 600 and 700 whlto, yellow and mixed nl 60, and 2900 at 60 a 62c por bushel. * , Pork—Tho only sulo wo hoard}{, was-163 bbis uninspected Mess (Heavy) at $28 jur bbl. Prime very Hcarco and retailing at $10 p» bbl. Bacon—Fair demand ami stock %f prime meat light. Salos 96 casks, lu poverul qp3, at Ojifo for r bbed sides, and 9# to 10c lor clear; aWu soino shoulders at 7Ji a 8c pur lb. •]; Cohere—1Demand limited and prime hold at high er prices. Bales 260 bags at 10 a li)>£c and 100 at 11c, primo being now held atlltfc pud upwards. Wuisky—161 bbis Rectified wore sold yestorday aud to-day at 24-l.fc, mid 72 bbis Raw at 27o per gallon. Exchange--We know of uo change worth notic ing— Sterling 8# a 9# and 9# pr ct pin Francs 6.10i( a 5,22^ pr dollar New York Sixty Day Bills 1‘4 ft 1 pr ct dls Now York aght Checks par a nr ct dis Frkiouts—Some Cotton was shipped to Liverpool to-day at 9-32d—an advance of l-82d. ^ IB EQ 0) £& *2* UliX SalLio GRAND EXHIBITION OF STRENGTH BY Mona, lie Combe, THE FRENCH HERCULES. ASSISTED BY Mods. FeuiUurat, THE CELEBRATED CLOWN. On Friday Evening, Juno 20th, 1856, FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! . r Mons. Le Combo is acknowledged the great est Wonder of the Age l Tickets 60 cents—children and servant* 26 cents. Performance to conimenco at 8 o’clock. For parti culars soo small bills. lit—June 19 Lean. Sfeni} |nklligentt. Port of Snvnniinli Arrived. Sloatuur Isaac Scott, Dillard, Ilawkinsvillo, with 212 halos upland cotton, and 13 halos wool—to,I W Lathrop k no, CII Campflold, and Einstein ft Eck- man Cleared. Bark Chevalier, Knight, lor River Weser—0 A L Lamar. memoranda. Now York, Juno 16—Cleared sclir Follerwiu, for Jacksonville. Arrlvodfbrlg Collin, from St Marys. Gajschrs John Boston, from-Savannah; Jonas Smith, do. -1000 bushels prime Corn in store and for salo by doc 29 ft A GREINER. (JILLS, Luces, Embroideries, White Good, kJ Mitts. \c., just being opened and for salo by J. W. THRELKELD, Cor. Congress and Whitaker els. H n 25 OLLAND G1N.- -6 half pines “Modur Swuu” _ Holland Gin. Lauding aud Tor sale by mayl6 8CRANTUN. JOHNBTON & CO. BBLS. J. Taylor A Sou’s Ale received and far _ sale by McMAUON & DOYLE, Jell Nos. 206 A 207 Bay street. ■AUTHORSDAY, JUNE 19. 1866. Savannah Marketed COITON-No sales reported ^ po«8.‘ ? 't ' bark' 1 Ofmliei • . .. i • ie 10. vAlier—318,324 •day are barely 1,770,227 \ l 3,049 t;iiM9,095—1,084,044 ’->'i naTflBajBSfrR BY BAUKMAN & BULLOCH. 4t Prlvato Salo. A negro woman, 22 years of age, a good plain cook and field band. Warranted sound. Title un doubted. jiinolO At Private Hule. A negro man, agod 2B years, a first rate hostler aud houso servant. Title undoubted. Jel9 At Prlvato Falo. A vory likely luteliigout mulatto girl, aged 10 years, a first ruto cook, washer and irouor, and an excellent seamstress. Warranted Bound. Title un doubted, junolO At Prlvato Salo. A very llkoly mulatto man, aged 24 years, a first rato enrpoutor. Warranted Bouud. Title undoubt ed. Junol9 At Prlvato Salo. A very llkoly negro man, aged 22 years, a good field band. Wnrrautod sound. Title undoubted. JunolO At Prlvato Sale. 1700 bushels Rico, an excellent article for stock of all kinds. Call and examine. Price 25 cents per bushel. JunolO Wanted ( Central Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bank of the Stale of Georgia, Stocks, for which a liberal price will be paid. Junely To "Rent! 7 Two good stores, under tho bluff, at the Toot of Whitaker street June 19 Wanted to Purchase A convenient modium-slzod houso, In a central location—ouo fronting on a squaro would be prefer red—for bucIi an ono a liberal price would be given. \jnncl9 At Private' Sale. Thirty eligible building Lots, 60 reel front by 100 to 124 net deep, situated on Taylor, Gordon aud Gastou streets. These lots aro on high g<ouud and somo of them In the Immediate neighborhood of the lot selected for the.silo of tho gavaumih, Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms sumo as city lots, via•: one-fifth cash, the hainneo hearing interest at six per cent. JuuelO FRESH GROCERIES. I N STORE—por steamship Knoxville—Extra Ta ble Butler nnd Cheoso; Beef Tongues; Smoked Beef; Hams; Bacon; Pig Pork; Whlto Beans; Hook er’s fciolf-ruising Flour; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Pruuos, Almonds, &d., &c.: Pickles of all kliids; Preservos, assorted; Braudy Fruit, assorted; Preston’s Premi um Chocolato; bust of Teas, Coffee, and Stuart’s No I. A, D and 0 Sugars; Hfbbert's Londou Porter; Falkirk’s Scotch Ale; Claret and other Wine3; at llARRON’H L’ainily Grocery Store, junol8 corner Whitaker and Charlton sts. ENTERPRISE INBUltAAUlli LUAIP’X, No. II Pine street, New York, (BETWEEN BU0ADWAY_AND NASSAU STREET.) Cash CnpItai^S150;000l T HI3 Company insures against loss or damage by Fire, on llui most reasonable torni3, dwelling liousos und furniture, warehouses, stores and mer chandize, factories, Btiips lu port, etc. All losses will bn adjusted ami promptly*paid. D. S. MILLS. President, ,, C. BROOM, Vico President. Low’d C. Taylor, Secretary, Uko. B. Dkank, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, juue Ti for Savannah, 86 Bay street. JOHN 6. N.ORK18, ARCHITECT. O'AVING resumed the practice of litsprofea- AA. sion, offers his servlcos to Ills friends und the pnblic as an Architect und duperlutcudeut. Doaigua fot any part or the country supplied and executed in all the various brandies of his profes sion, such as Public EdiUccs, Stores, Dwellings, Monumonts, &c. Thoroughly fire Proof stores de dgnod und executed. Otlice at proseut in Bay Lane, rear of the Custom House.jan 3—ly | Stuart’s Crushod auil Ciariiled Su- S UNDRIES. JUST RECEIVED— 16 bag* choice old Government Java nnd Rio Ooffoc; 20 half chest* Black and Gra a Teas, loose and in quarter pound packagos. 10 hhds Light Muscovado Sugar; lObblsRL&D gars; 10 bbis self rising Flour; 26 bags Extra and Superfine Flour; 20 bbis Soda, Butter and Maple Crackers; 60 boxes Beadel’8 family Soup, Starch and Candles; 60 doz Palls and Brooms; 100 doz Scrub Brushes, and Cotton and Manilla Clothes Lines; 10 gross Matches; 26 boxes ground Coffoo aud Pepper; 50 boxes Mustard aud Yeast Powders, Maso, Cinna mon, Nutmegs, and Cloves, and 10 cases table Salt, ice., Ac. In store and for salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, joll Cor Broughton and Drayton sts, j^lLK PARaSOLss—A new supply vi uioao uuuutt- _ ful Silk Parasols have just^eon received and aro for salo by JuuoQ LADSON & ROGERS. H ALL’S SUPERIOR SILK UMBRELLAS-A case of 28,30, 32, 24 aud 36 inch Silk Umbrellas, deceived aud for salo by June 6 LADSON & ROGERS. MOURNING GUUDS, B LACK French Bombaziuu, Black Alpacas, Black Lama Cloth, Black Mohair, Black Challie, Black French Iawu, Black and White French Mus lin, and a fine assortment of Striped and Plaid Black and Wbiio Ginghams and Calicoes, Plain aud Striped Block Sewing Silks, and Grenadines, Barege and Tissues, Plain and figured Black Silks, for summer collars und sleeves, of the lntost paterus. For salo by [Jol2] A1KIN & BURNS. NEW BOOKS. RECEIVED BY WARNOCK & DAMS, TUESDAY, MAY 13TH. D ICK TARLETAN; or, The Last of his Race, By J. F. Smith Esq. Cyrilln; a romance. By the author or “Initials.” Fred Graham; or, Masks and Faces. By J. Fred erick Smith. Philip Rollo; or, Tho Scottish Muskatoers. By Captain James Grant. Vivian Bertram; or, A Wife’s Honor. By 0. W. M. Reynolds. The Wonderful Adventures of Captain Priest. Courtship and Marriage; or, Tlio Joys and Sor rows of American Life. By Mrs. Caroline Leo Ilontz. Phamixlanna; or, Sketches und Burlesques. By John Phranix. For salo at may!5 169 CONGRESS STREET. T HE ATTENTION of strangers visiting "iho city and thn public generally, is invited to an examination of our stock of Spring nnd Summer Goods, which for variety and stylo is not to bn ox cellod In tills city. apr28 ATKIN k BURNS. UNNY CLOTH—In store and for salo by Jnno4 PADELFORD, FAY 6c. CO. G 1 A Pavilion lace3, superior quality: 4 Zopliyr Whalobr Jng». tone Skirts; Fronch Linen Drillings; York Mills nnd Water twist Bleached Shirt- Black Moire Antlquo Trimmings; Black Elastic Bolts; English Thread Edgings; Hosiery, Ribbons, &o. Just rccolvcd per steamer Augusta. Jol2 DhWITT & MORGAN. RELIGIOUS WORKS. T HE Biblo Christian; a View of Doctrinal, Experi mental nnd Practical Religion. By Rev. Jose- plius Anderson. Sketches and Incidents;or a Budget from the Sad dle-bags of a Superanuated Itinerant. Bible Readings for every Day in tbo Year. By Tbos. 0. Summers. Tho Llvos of tho Popes, from tlio Rlso or the Roman Church to the ago of Gregory the VII. The Creed of all Men. By Rev. R. Abboy. Scrlpluro Views of the Heavenly World. By J. Edmondson, A.M. Short Sermons, nnd TruoTales. Bv Bishop Ca pers. Thn Theological Corapend, containing a system of divinity, or a brier view of tho evidences, docrlnes, morals aud institutions of Christianity. Designed for tho benefit of families, Biblo classes, aud Sun day schools. By Amos Blnney. Christian Reflection; By Rev. Jolm Fletcher. Thn Dairyman’s Daughter; an authentic nnrrallvo, By Rov. Leigh Richmond. An Apology for tho Bible, in a series or letters ad dressed to Thomas Paine. By R. Watson, I).D.,F.R.S. Life and Correspondence of Mrs. H. A. Rogers, with corrections nnd additions. By Thos. O. Sum mers. Mammon; or Covetousness tho Siu of the Chris tian Church. By Rev. John Harris. The Life or William Carvosso; written by himself. Received and tbr sale by WARNOCK F DAVIS, jell 169 Congress street. WILLIAM LYNN, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING - Juno 18 MERCHANT, Bay street, SavanntJ^, Georgia. ' • • oct26 G1 ATTO H. V. SMOOT. obit * shoot; IEYS AT LAW, TBOMimOX, OA. "“JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Ohatliam County, AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllce In the Court House. mylB AN’fHONT MccIJLXoh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia# AST Ofllco on Bay street, over the Bank of Savan- nah^ mayl8 R. F. COLE 4b BROTHER, PORWABDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Savannah. Ga., and Montgomery, Ala, F.T.Colk, I R.F.Cout, Bay street, Savannah. J Commerco pt-, Montg’ry. RXFCKKNCXS. Holcomb, Johnson, & Co. I Cohens & Hertz, Lockett & Sneliings, J Edwin Parsons & Co., Robert A. Alien, [ Scranton, Johnston k Co. SAVANNAH,!3 WM. L. WKBH. WM. B. 8AGI. WEBB St SAGE, (rtUCOKSSORS TO CAMKBON, WXBB & 00. IMPORTERS OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN-WARE, 145 MBBTINO-8T. CHARLESTON, 8.0., WIU supply Country Merchants with Goods In their hue at as low rates aa they can buy in New York, or elsewboro. sept 28 ly H. U. UILIM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAV. ■ Offlu coratr ofBAy ud-DnylooWi. ' ■ATAMRAB. OA. my 11 , ; ' HE MAY WILLIAMS, ATTORVEY AT LAW, No. 8, Diuton Street, Stnmuh, Georgia, may 0—lr —john m. amas;— ATTORNEY AT LAW, ^ (Office nf tbo Court House.) Will practice In the fei-i ■> —l Courts of OrdJ- nary. Jan^O htctp. king, * ATTORNEY AT LAW, Corner of Day and Whitaker Streets, „ SAVANNAH. fob 22 hmoe iTATramss; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllco 176, Bay-st., over Turner k Co’s. Drug Store] SAVANNAH,OA. nov 10—ly ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Monument Square, near State Bank. SAVANNAH, OA. nov 10—ly JaMKS M. SAVAGfc, ATTORNEY AT LAW, raoJuavuxE, raoMas county, ga. All business entrusted to his -caro will receive prompt attention. lyr—mar!7 F. J. OGDKt. WM. STARR, Jr. B. H. UAROKS. OGDEN, STARR St CO., Shipping and Commission Merchants, BAY-STREET. SAVANNAH. QA. nah. YOKGE St FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 HAY-i*TRKBr. SAVANNAH, OA, apr4 A.McALPlN St it ROT HERN, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. «ept 5 BAVANNAH, QA. FATTEN, HUTTON Si CO., FACTORS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Bay-street, Savannah, Ga. ~ 07T7TC0HEN“ CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Jones Street, (one door East of Drayton Struct.) Id prepared to contract for all kluds of building and repairing. Also to conduct water through the various parts of house*. ap 17 WATCHES-WATCHES-WATCHES. goo We are receiving the London Lever M7X Watches, or the most celebrated makers, in X* J|Gold and Silver cases. R. F. Cooper’s Du» HUJfliplox Watches, Watches for Timing Horses, uuu &wiss Chronometers, which wo olfer at reasona ble prices, at our new store in Gibbons’ Range. sepl28 D. II. NICilOlfi k CO. AVANaTsEGARS—30,000 choice Havana Segars—jConchas, La Esmeralda, El Crysoi, Excolsors, Rio Hondo, Captain Alchorn, La Liel, Jonu Smith, aud various other brands, imported di rect by me, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. maylO J. A. BROWN. WILLIAM PHILLIPB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HABIEIU, OX. oct26—ly DAVID O. WILDS, : ATTORNEY AT LAW, BPABTA, OX. Will practice In the oounties of Hancock, Warren. Washington, and Baldwin. RarxBwcw—Bohn k Foster, Rabun k Smith, and . A. Soullard, Savannah. jan9 WM. c. uonne££yT~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, OABXUU, WORin COUNTY, >U., (POST OFF1CI, A1R1NT.) Will practise In tho SoutUumi Urc uit, ana In Macon, Dooly and Wortn Counties of the Macon Circuit. AST Particular attention given to the collection ol aims in South-Western Georgia. Je2—flm ErcUMMING, '*'* ATTORNEYATLAW, febl-ly IRWIN ton, oa. laNteIT S' anGEIiIun^” ' — ATTORNEYS AT LAW, *P5-Iy MACON,fOA^ ATTORNEY AT l’aW, FRANKLIN, HEARD CO., OA. Will attend to professional business In the Counties or Heard, Carroll, Campbell, Coweta, Fayette. Meri wether and Troup. , Reference—Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hon. David Irwin, Marietta, Go.; Colonel M. M. Tidwell, Fayettevillo, Ga.; and Mr. WiUtam Dougherty, Co- lumhua, Ga. sepl7-ly ☆ OliOTHIKTCr A EMPORIUM. YA. I DOOft WEST OP THE REPUBLICAN READING ROOM. FlneReady-mado Clothing ; Hats and Caps, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Janes, Umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchief, and Fanoy Articles for Gentlemen. W. O. Price,] Also, Superfine FASHIONABLEPJEj, asstmere [and Vestings, will Ibcraadotomea MILITARY I iurc, unexception able in stylo and workmanship, by the bs^t moobanics, at shortest notice •>- TAYLOR, No. 147 Ray Street, SA VANN AH. ■ Orders from city andcounty solicited. 11 AUBE itl SHOPS. Pulaski House Barber Shop, Owens’ JJrick Building, opposite the Pulaski House, FIVE WORKMEN ENGAGED, fflorslitul House Barber Shop, Broughton Street, FOUR WORKMEN ENGAGED. T HE subscriber, thankful to his fellow-citizens for tho liberal patronage lie bus received, and is still receiving, begs respectfully to inform thorn that ho has engaged sufficient additional flrst-clase workmen from somu of the best Barber Shops In New York, nud will be enabled to accommodate as many gentlemen as may honor him with their pa tronage. N. B.—Tho Barber Shops nrc closed on Sumlnys— strangers will please bear this in mind. "landTgemcy," T HE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot, examine any lands in the counties of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Cofl'ee, and report to the owner as to their prosent value, the prospect for their be coming more valuablo iu future, and whether or uot thero Is being any trespass committed thereon, Invariably pledging himself to give a true and cor rect account, for which ull remittances will be ex pected in advance. He will also sell and remit when requested, and as directed, for seven por cent. He will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to Ills cure. vernon c. McLendon, my 13 Attorney at law, Homesvlllo, Ga JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give ills attention to designs in Architec ture. Ofllco In the store of John Williamson, Esq. Bay street. my] 3 CHAFFER & COM No. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Ga., WIIOI.KSAUt AND IU.TA1L DEALKR3 IX S ASHES. Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c, Whlto Lead, Zinc, Whlto Linseed, Sperm, Wlmle, Tan ners’aud Neatsl'ootOils, Glass. Brushes, Gold Leaf, Bronze, Builders’ Hardware. Nails, Marble Mantels, &0., &0. __ Jo4 0. B. HARRISON. A. O. MCOKIIKK HARRISON & McGElIFxE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND (Forwarding Merchants. 69 AND 01 BROADOTIIEKT, COLUMBUS, GEOHGIA. 4©" Particular attention given to the sales of Real Estate, Negroes and Produce. SJ* Liberal advances made on Negroes and Mer chandize. RKFERKXCKS RUSK, PATTEN & CO. 1 GUN BY k DANIEL, „ STEWART, GRAY k. CO. J * RUSE, DAYI8 k LONG, \ WM. WRIGHT, I YOUNG. ATKINS k IJUNIIAM, 1 C. A. GREENE k CO., f ApalacWooto H. S. SMITH, )Mobile, Alabama. QCt 23 ly i-Columbiis, Ga. Savannah. § NEW TIN STORK AND SHKET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOUZU OF MARKXT 8QUARI, BRYAN 8TRKKT. l would inform my old frlonds and patrons JSMI have opened the above stort to conduct the man Stove, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business In all it? various forms, aud whore will be found a gen eral assortment of stoves, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, which I will be pleased to show, and at auch price as will satisfy any one wishing to purchaso. All kluds or Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanlzeo Iron Work or every description, Job Work aud Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up and Pipes ftirnlshed at short notice. Tin Wore at wholesale and retail. Call down on Bryan street, it will pay you lor your walk. oci 2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. PHOTOGRAPHS. ~ t Largo sized photographs, ta uten by ROLLER, AT TVTEtVfi DOLLARS HSR DOZEN Also, Ambrotypes and Da guerreotypes, lu fill} usual su perior style. A callU solicited. J. W. MILLER, mar27 cr. St. Jullan-st. and Market square. CARY’S PAOTEBEOTVPES, AMIIRO- types and Photography. P. M. CARY * W OULD respectfully give notice that his rooms ore uow open for the season, and rea lty tor tho reception of visitors. By tho Ambrotypk process persons may now have thoir children’s pictures takon. in almost any posi tion they may choose, in from i to 3 socodds sitting. By tho PnoxooRAHiic process old Daguerreotype* can bo transferred to paper, beautifully colored ano euJargod to life. oct 22 BROUGHTON STREET - HACK AND LIVERY STABLE. The undersigned having put the above Stables in good condition, are prepared to accommodate then t customers with Carriages, Hacks. Buggies, sulkies, 4c., with sound, gentlo, aud well broke herses, and careful drivers. Horsos boardeo on accommodating terms, and well cored for. Twt pairs of fine Corriago Homos for solo. Inqulro cor* ncr of Barnard and Broughton streets. ,apll4—ly STEVENS k ELUSION. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Working Ma sonry of every description. Residence, No. 3 Mrs Jewett’s Range, South side Jones «t. oct 30 A. THOMAS St CO . Auction and Commission Merchants, 172 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. [jei2] S. S. Parous. WOOD AND LUMBER. A LL kinds of Wood, Boards. Planks, Joist, Timber, Shingles, Light-wood, Posts, Eastern Laths aud failings, for sale, at wholesale and retail, low for cash, ou tlio new wharf recently erected on the Lumber Yard or Robert A. Allen k Co. mar 12—ly WM. J. L. MOULTON. * CttANE, WELLS dt COT, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga. X. LOCKETT. Q. D. SNKLUNOS. LOCKETT St SNELLINGS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Savannah, Ga. Will attend to tho Belling of all kinds of produce. Strictatteutiou given to receiving and forwarding goods. may 31 ly Auction & Commission House, Macon, (Ja. A. U. MCLAUGHLIN, General Agent and Auctioneer, Solicits from his frlonds consignments of every description. Takes orders for Cotton. JSST Special attention given to the sales of Real Estuio, Stocks ami Nogro property, at public and private sulos. Prompt returns and dispatch. Reference—C. A. L. LAMAR. mch30 wm. McAllister. Marble Monuments, Tombs and Gravo Stones, furn ished on reasonable terms. Orders res* gpcctfttily solicited. ap!8 S TUART’S REFINED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS. —26 bbis Stuart’s crushed Sugar; 20 do pow dered do; 160 do A, B aud C clarified do; Just re ceived and Tor solo by JunolT SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. P ORTER—20 casks Kyass' London Porter, laud- Ing and for sals by Juutl7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. FRENCH CHINA, WHITE GRANITE, AND GLASS WARE. 146 MKOTIXO 8TRKCT. CIUKLKSTOX, SOUTH CAROUJU. - . The subscribers respectfully solicit from tho traveling public, an inspection' i of thoir Btock of Fronch und English China, In plain whlto, gold bund, nnd decorated dinner, dosort, breakfast, tea, toilet, toto-a- tote sets and vases. Also, Cups and Saucers, ko., of the celebrated Sevres China. Whlto Graffito of tho best manufacturers. Ricli cut French, English and Bohemian Ginas. They havo a variety of ornaments in Parisian* Ware. Busts of Cnlhouu, Clay, Webster, find others, andStatuotes of tho Greek Slave, Venus do Modlcls, ko.. kc. They have also a boautifttl, durnblo and cheap arti cle for floors and hearths, of Plain anti Encaustic Tiles, fi Thoir stock being vory general, caroftilly selected and Imported direct, offers Inducements to merchants as woll as families, to whom goods will be put up at tho lowest rates for cash. WEBB k SAGE, Importers, successors to Cameron, Webb k Co. URNED BEEF, PIG l'ORK, kC. Just received 10 half barrels Fulton market Corned Beef; 10 barrels and half barrel Pig Pork- Hams, Sides and Shoulders; 10 barrels extra No 1 Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel: 6 do Horrlngs; 2 drums Cod Fish, and 25 barrel) Smoked Herrings, in Btoro nnd for Bale by Jell DAVID O’CONNER. 0. RUHR. J, U. DAVIS. W. H. 10X0. RUSE, DAVIS Si LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. may 30 STRANGER! If you want a good aud cheap glTrunk, Vnllcc, Carpet Bag, Lftor Clothing or any kind or quail* ■riy, ready made or mado up to your measure; uibo Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars or Dress Furnishing articles of any description, call and se lect from the largest and best stock In tho city, at the Star Emporium, 147 Bay streot Jel3 WM. 0. TRIOE. WAYNE, GRENVILLE St CO., COMSlISSIO^A'Nl)^OiUVA^S(^J(EHaUNTS 1 Bay-street Savannah. THOS. S. WAYNE. C. E. GRENVILLE, R. ALEX. WAYNE, W. T. SAMPLE, Jy 6—tf Savannah. Chattanooga. JEFFERSON ItOllEKTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND .DEALER IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Go. ' WEU3 a wiluajIs, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANCY DRY GOODa No. 149 Congress-st., Savannah, Ga. JAS. T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort Dlst. 8. C. THEOl’HILUS WILLIAMS, « ScrivenCo.,Ga. Bcpt 7 JAMBS a. RODOBRS. .AMRSA. NOBKUJ. IlODGERS St NORRIS, (late Crano k Rodgers, WHOLESALE GROWERS, BAY-STREET, SAVANNAH. June 1,1865, [j® y* _ J- W. t>ATTERS6N, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvlllo, Lowndes County, Oa. (inyll P ORK- ~ 60 barroLs Mess Pork, 26 do Prime do Landing and for sale by myl4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k GO. AN1<HONY HIcCULLOH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. Ofllco on Bay streot, over the Bank of Bavan- WM. 8. DANIELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SAVANNAH. OA. _ Office over Thomas M. Turner & Co.’s Drug Sfero, Bay street. my7 J**. a. book. rum. t. notkar. HOOK 4b TRBEAV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BANDnamuc, oxoaou. Will practise In Washington, Jsll'srsoa, Scriven, Burke, Emanuel, TattnaU, and Montgomery of the Middle Circuit, and WUklnson of the Ocmtugee cir cuit. may! M. WlllT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIGATOR, 1ASX FLORIDA. Will practice in tho Eastern and Southern GounUeii Refer to—Col. S. 8. Sibley, and K. & Uliton, U* vannab. fobg-tr ‘ vHKsrsruisiFSEixr ATTORNEY AT LAW, imuDaEviiixgx.^ Practices Law In the various Counties of the Oei ffigee Circuit, and the adjoining Counties or Twigrt, taurens and Washington. Rofer to—John Boston, H. JL Crane, and R. 8 Hilton. ’ i«dU gIeORgB A. GORXhin. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Commissioner of the U. 8, Court of Claim for the State of Gsortria. Offleo Corner-Bay aud Buii streets, ly ' myio ~ , HR. CHARLES H. COLD1NG, OFFICE AND REalDENCE. No. 14 UbKKTff ST.. Ouo door west of Drayton, myli ATTORNEY aSj* toS^aUAtjR AT LAW, - Monticello, Jefferoou Couuty, Ha. Reference—Hon. W. B. Flemixo, Savannah, Ga. inyll EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER < OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward k Owens’ Law Office. [myli WILLIAM H. DASHER. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLAW, Troupvllle, Lowndes County, Ga. Will practice In Thomas, Lowndes, clinch. Ware, Appling, Telfliir, Irwin, Uureus, and Pulaakl counties, Georgia: and in Jeflerson, Madison, Ham ilton , and Columbia counties, Florida. [myli WM. M. WILLIAMS. THADDEUS OLIVER. JACK BROWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVER St BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bupna Vista, Marion County, Ga., WIU practice in the counties of Marlon, Macon, Hous ton, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee, Lee, and any adjoining counties, where their services may be required. myli JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin. Laurens county, Ga„ lute Junior partuer of the firm of A. & J. Cocukane, lrwlntou, Ga., wiU attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to collecting. Re ference—Dr, C. B. Guyton, *F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Ga., M Marsh, Savannah. myli JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Newnausviile, Fla. Reference—George ..Brown, William Dell, New- nansville, Flu., it, B. Hilton, Boston k Villalonga, Savannah, Ga. myli LEFLER St WILCOX, Dentists, OFFICE over Dewitt & Mor gan’s store on Congress-Btreet, offer their professional services to the “ i IiU I f public, confident, from long experi ence uuu past success, that in all cases, they will render entire satisfaction. oct_2 _ tf| DENTISTRY. 4 Dre, HOY ALL & JOHNSON, Dentists, office corner St. Juiien-st. and Market Square, over S. WU- '.mot’s Jewelry store. Office hours from 8 to 2 o’clock, and from 3 to 6. mar 11 eom DRS. LEFLER St WILCOX, DenUgta. ARE now fully prepared to in sert full or puriiul setts of Teeth on tbo principle of Dr. J. Allens'* Patent Continuous Gum, By this Improvement, tho form of the face can bo restored to any degree of rotundity that may be desired. Ills applicable in all cases where the cheeks have fallen In and canuot be detected by the closest observer.**. This method combines tho followingi dvantages:— An artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural and llfo-like appearance, and imparts tothotheeth that peculiar expression which characterizes the na tural orgaus. This Gum consists of a sllaclous compound, which Is applied and fUscd upon the Teeth and Plate In sue* a manner, as to fill up all the luterstices around the base or the Tooth, and also unites them firmly to oacb other and to the Plate upon which they are Rett. This secures perfect cleanliness or the Teeth, Office over DeWltt k Morgan, Congress street. V Republican and Georgian copy, feb 18—ti B. ELLIS, Factor and General Commission Merchant* „ NO; 71 BAY-STREET, SAVANNAH, OA., Rxntaa to—Messrs. Claghorn k Cunningham, Beil k Prentiss, Ogden, SUrr k Co., Savannah: J, P. Thompson, Boston. nov 1 wm. -AUDunrootraa. / jno. cocm nusxR. COUPER St FRASER, FACTORS k GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. [BFU JOHN G, FALLIGANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WINDOW BLINDS, WWWiW -SASli AND ^ANE West side Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. '• • aayii (Successor to Champion Sc,' WHQLE3A LE AND RETAIL yBwvw») No. 4 Barnard st,, botween tho Market aad Bay at, SAVANNAH, OA. Dealer in Grocorlos, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Dried KrulU, *o., io! , Bcf.reacij—X. Clmartop, &?., SaiquqI SolotnoC. BK.,H«.n.Bx1)im*YniiM]»«d, .nl Swinioo.; Stvunxli, Oa. myli