Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 20, 1856, Image 3

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situated In Montgomery Om»n- > hair mile* from the Virginia Md, from which there w a ■ These Spring* *111 bo Uon or visitor* on the m They are situated ala, ono and a ha“ “ n'ml Tennessee Railroad, lirnnch Railroad to the • ivsengera leaving Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast roach the Springs by 6 o'clock, P. M., the *»me day, all the way hyRaUroad'. • - The accommodation* have been very much ex- tended since last season, the rooms are large and comfortable, aud capable oT accommodating 1,000 ^TheLynehburg aud Abingdon Telegraph Comna- nv are now building a branch otHhelr line to the fining', which will be operation early In June. A very large Rath House has b-*en built since la«t •» * A hires* RO. H. MOSI1Y, I’rosldent, jmmll —\ m Montgomery V.ft, S. Oomp'y milK I.APIRH' PULPIT OFFERING, by WUIIam 1 O Cecil Duncan, (NtMtor of tho Oohvdum Place liiptlst Church, Now Orleans, and antbor of the l.tfc, Character, aud Acte of .lolm the Baptist, and uml the History or tho Karly Baptists, Cloth—price ♦l. For sale by WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, Juue2l 160 Congress street. *. wra s cu'h ~~ Auction nmt Oommlaalon Merchants, 110 Bryan Strut, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. A. Thomas. [Jo 12] 8. 8. Pardub. Alarg D RKSS UOOD8.—A large l colored Dress Silks, Bareges, Tissues, French i aud tine assortment or , jareges, Tissues, Fret i ambries, Freuch Muslins, Brilliants and Prints, well as a largo assortment of Whlto Goods, Striped Paid and Plain Swiss, Organdies, Tarlelon, Rook, Xansook, Cambric aud Jaconet Muslin, Tor sale by Juno 20 A1K1N H BURNS, C ANDl.KS—200 boxes Star Caudles, Just received aud for sale by juneilO HOLCOMBE, JQHN80N k CO. M OUSfei ANIl bYrOI*—60~hhds' Cuba and Muscovado Molasses; 250 bbls Now Orleans >yrup, In store anil for sale by june'20 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO, HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO M OLASSES—IWO hltds, puncheons and bbls Mas covado. Barbodoos and Now Orleans Molus- -es, lu store aiunV jmie’JO F LrtClf—'K»t» sacks extra and superfine Flour, in store mid Ibr sulo l»v * WEBSTER k PALMES. Tor sivle hv WEBSTER 4 PALMES. S ITU Alt?—20 hhdH Parbailoes Sugar; 40 do Now Orleans do, lair to choice; 20 do Porto Rico do; :!«• do Muscovado do; 2u0 bbls crushed, powdered .»ti«l el-trilled do; lor sale by jmwao Webster a palmes. 8 ALT—8000 sacks Liverpool Pali; 10,000 buiKels Turks’ Wand do; far sale by ,|0UO20 WEBSTER k PALMES. B ROOMS, Ac.—60 dozen two ply Brooms; 60 d three |>ly do; 60 do Pails; 76 do Washboard; .0 do __ . . -, . o Washboards; ni»t reeel roil and for snlo hv MCMAHON k DOYLE, junelO 206 and 207 Bay street. M USTARD, Ac.—100 boxes Mustard; 160 do pure Popper; 100 do Starch; received ami for - do bv • mcmahon & doyle. jvrootO 205 and 207 Bay street. FOR NEW YORK. ll> sail Saturday, 21st June, at 10 t’clock A, M. ~ The steamship KNOXVILLE, Opt. .Ludlow, wlU leave as above, For freight nr passage apply to I PADELFOUD, FAY 4 CO. Cabin Passage $26 steerage Passage g «3“ Shippers of Cotton by these Steamships will please take notice, that no Colton will be received at n r presses that is not distinctly marked on the edge ef the hale. Jetf, FOH PHILAOIlliruiA. sail Saturday, June 21s/, at 11 o’clock, A. M, The United States Mail Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. Hardle, will leave as above. For freight or 'passage apply lo 0. A. GREINER, Agent. Cabin Passage 20 00 Steerage Passage 8 00 Passengers by this ship wHl he lauded at New rustle. Del., from which place cars start three times •tally for Baltimore, Washington city, and other font .tern points. junolS early Harvest apples i i A lre «h supply of fine Ripe •SpflAfBBr Apples, fmm ♦‘Frultland Nursery,” received aud for sale at my store. I A BONAUB, .tela corner Bay and Bull streets. aPplesuaFPles ! I Just received at the Savannah Grocery amt Fruit Depot, now Ap- plea, suitable for eating or cooking, from the »* Fruilland Nursery,” at AugiHtu, Georgia, W. H. FARRELL. ‘ TINSMITHS lt'AItTED. S LK flr3t rate Job workmen can And steady em ployment where tho highest wages will be paid, apply immediately at No. 165 Broughton street. Horace morse. Savannah, June 17th, 1866 jel8 W. H. FAHItELL. DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES mid Foreign and Domestic Fruit, corner Broughton and Wldtaker-ds, Town and couutry supplied with choice goods at moderate prices. All orders promptly attended to. uml satisfaction always guaranteed. sp!8 -W811S1M— Mpl B® ; at various prices. 5 21 _ - C. A, .CLOUD. , LfcAC)rtEl)Shirtings in great variety, and Vt A1 KIN A BURNS ceti.* . ... .—A flue lot in Wesley Ward.— Also two on Gordon, street, odsL For sale low. Apply to A. WILBUR, ,» flen’l Insurance Agent and Rroker, may 22, 111 Bay streoL ... — fiiJrBKW, Foe simple. 1 AA; | AAA.BWSVBRICKS, hostqual ,OOi),OOO aa »io. n APP.r.« my22-1 mo Williamson’s buildings. 43*Ncwh copy. IlSnd-ttusrtoN,titRciimeirt,U. 1)1,, i ~ Savakiuu, Juno 12,1866. J v- a By virtuo of order No. 2 Issulug twin, A itfLo. P. Harrison, Brlgadler-GuieralU| aKD commanding 1st Brigade, 1st Division, IR? . J ■lLo, M„ an election will bo held at thc]]jL Court House, on Saturday, tho 6th day oTJuly next, between the hours oT 9 A.M , and 4 P.M., for Colo- nel of the 1st Regiment of the 1st Brigade, 1st Divi sion G. M., to flll tho vacancy of Robert I). Walkor, rcsiguod. Tho said oloction to be conduclod under tho usual requirements of tho law. By order JAMES SULLIVAN, Lieut. Col. Corn’d’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. S. Dimkll, Adjutant. JeI3 V City papers will pIcuho copy and scud in their bills lo tho Secretary of tho ltoglmout. 6oo socks corn, iu store aud to arrivuTfor VJ sale,by WILLIAM LYNN, Juno 10 _ 87 Bay street. NOTICE. WT IHE Interest of Mr. Charles S. Arnold in the Arm of Padelford, Fay k Co. cen«ed with bis death, lilSKY—300 bbls Hectilled Whisky, Instore ou the 4th of March last, aud for sale by From this date Mr. Edward t’adoltord, JrIk as* soclateil with u» muter the v samo style and Arm. PADELFORD, FAY k CO. Savannah, June lflth, 186<t. latte—JetO NOTICK. A LI. persons having claims against tho estate of George M. Troup, deceased, will hand them lit, duly attested, and those Indebted will please make payment to either of the undorsignod. THOMAS M FORMAN, 1 . v ,_ Jo 16 DANIEL H. B. TllODP, / ** ”• NOTICE. I WILL sell on Wodnesdny, the 18tb Instant, at 12 o'clock, M, t on the premises, corner ori'resloent and East Broad streets, Two old Houses—the same being an obstruction in Presldout stroet, to be moved in ten days. DANIEL H. STEWART, Juno 16 city Marshal. NOTICE. ~ W E, the uudorslgned have this day entered into a co-partnership for tho purpose of transact ing a regular Auction and Commission Business in this city, uutlcr tho uutne amt stylo of Bnrkman & Bulloch, at tho storo No. 164 Bay street, lutoly oc cupied by Sjwncer Currell. F. J. W. BARKMAN, Juno 17 THUS. J. BULLOCH, AI.T—1000 sacks Halt in storo aud ror sale by WILLIAM LYNN, juno 14 87 Bay street B AGGING, Hope, &<?.—loo bales uunny Bag ging; 600 colls Bbls Rope; 600 pounds Twine; received and for sale by Juuol6 IIULCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. B ACON, PORK, &e.—50 hhds dear and ribbed Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured Hams; 60bbls prime and mess Pork; 30 half bbls Hawes k Co’s Fulton Market Beef; 5 do do Tongues; Just received and for sale by JunolB HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO, S lTUAB—16 hhds choice Porto Klco nugar; 26 do Crowned Muscovado and Cuba Sugar: 60 bids Burbadocs Sugar; 300 do Stuart’s and Baltimore steam re8uod, crushed, powdered and thrilled Sugar, landing, lu storo and for sale by June 16 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. C OFFEE.—300 bags fair to choice Rio Collbo; 60 do Laguayra Codec; 60 mats Java ColToo; 30 bales Mocha ColRe; lauding, iu store and for salo by junel6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. -*3mh Jtinois W ANTED TO PURCHASE— lly of Columbua Bonds, endorsed by the Muscogee Railroad Company. Apply to Jelb—Utis I’ADEIl'ORD, FAY k CO. FLOUR IN BARRELS; J UST received a lot of Extra Family Flour, in barrels. nprW YOUNG* WYATT. C hoice winks * liquors— Just received 20 boskets Heldslck Champagne. 6 quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines. 16 doz Crnret Wine aud Cord lata; 3 half pipes old Gtard and Henette Brandies; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin, Beaver brand; 6 bbls olu Mnnongahela Whisky, in glass ood. For sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, HARSIMLi. <fc SOX, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, .Vo 14 2d /Ivwnw and 3 Fnllan'-Mnrkri, Sew York, U ims, TonguiH, Beef, Bacon, Hhmil.lers, Pioklmt Tongue.,. Bolognas, Lard, Pig Por.;, Me; Beef, Ac., in barrels, halves and quarters. Holers to— .lolm D. .lease, .laine- a. Brown, Win. n firrpll, and K. O’Byrne. 6m—J and I VAGABOND LIFE. V AGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fer ry, for seven year.- u resident; fhe laugh-town hitters, iitehidlng a Re|>ort of the nrwit Mununoth Reform t’onventiou, with lilustrn- lieli*; l.uit ui ui Travels of Herodotus, lu tho Fifth Ccntii- »>■ B i>y ,f. T’ulboys NVlunder, two volume?, with ;• in-ip; Hie Huguenot Exiles, or Time? of L*ni? XIV., nil in-loi'kiil novel; ILirpur's Pidure Book? for the Nursery—learn ing to Bend, by Abbott; Worth und Wealth, for merchant? and men of business, by Freeman Uuut; .-'yduey Smith’s Wit and Wisdom, being selections from his writings; I'uMurnu, his Life and Writing?, by R. Cheuovtao Trench; Trench’s Poems; Adventures of Gerard, the Lion Killer, with plates; Homeric Bull ids and Comedies of Luniuti, trans lated by Win Muglnn; The Daisy Cham, i»y Miss Yongo. author of the II*»ir of Ueooiitt'u; lUo til l Warugo. by Mrs llubhoak; Creasy ou the Rise und Pr »gre-s of the English Constitution; Dwighi’s Introdnclion to the Study of Art; Harper's Magazine, for July. June i s W. THORNE WU.UAMS, SAVANNAH, may 1S.KI. wood, Jell and Cor. Broughton aud Drayton sts. 6T6. pooler No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) „ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, BUtitls, Doors, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, Window Glass, Patty, dec. yflStt Painters’, Gralners’ and Artists’ Brushos; VJqflHWhitewasb Heads and Dusters, Dry and Mixed Paints of every description, Artlsta’ colors lu tubes, Prejmrod Cauvoss, 4c. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prejiared with ueatnesa and desjiatch.— House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining and Glaring dune in the besn style aud at moderate prices. All orders trom the country promptly attended to. inch 28—ly WILMOT’ft JKWF.LUV STORK Is receiving by every orri- val a lurge and rich uHsort-JC^ ment of Gold and Silver Watoluw, Diamumi J'ln.n. Ear aud Finger Rings, Mantle aud other Clocks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Ousters, 4c., of Sterling Silver. Jewelrv in every variety. Ivory Tablo Cutlery, lino Pocket Knives anil Sctasors. Rich China and Parian Vases, and other artirles, Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Gunning Implement* of nil kinds. Plated Wallers, Castors, Tea Setts uud. Candle sticks, with a great variety ofFuncy Articles, nulla ble fur wedding gilts, too tumorous iiere to men tion. All kinds of IVatchos and Clocks repuired by tho most expurUnused workmen. S. WILMOT, maylS No, 1 Market squaro. low.. H.I t Building corner Bay and Drayton-nts., ilUhle.tbr msrca&tUe purposes and riot i I UNTIL the 1st Novombur next, a com modious and airy residence, an the north side of tho Central Railroad Depot, known m Hovers Place. Tho house Is newly fur- ■“a basement to sttlc, whlrhcan he bought mays YOUNG & WYATT. GfFWksWriIknt IN THE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining the ones of the subscriber. The basement would make, with notno slight limprovement, an oxcollont lawyer’s-otUce. llrstaud second floors will bo lot fur Counting- Rooms, nnd the third for sleeping apartments. Con nected with tho establishment is an out-building o! brick, suitable tbr servants. Apply to* 0. A. lu LAMAR, ■Qpt3 _ Corner Drayton and Bryan streets, A PLANTATION in Way no Coun-f (SflH ty, on the Biiflklo Swamp, contuluingS !■ 1000 acres; about 260 acres cleared nnu MilMk Q rdcrfor cultivation. Outlie promtaeain a piuiu, comfortable dwelling, with all necessary barns and out houses. Possession given in Decem ber next, and with tho place will bo sold, If desired, tho provision crop of present year. Also an Improved lot (2# acro«) iu the villago of Wayuosvlllo, and 20 noros adjoining. Waynesvllle is unsurpassed Ibr health, and Uie Brunswick rail road running through it, rondoro it easy of access. Jull lmo HENRY R. FORT. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALK. Tho two-story brick storo on*Oongrosa stroet, now occupied by Messrs. Einstein & Eckraan. This is ouo of the boat stands lu tho city Tor any kind or business. Terms o tuado accommodating. For particulars in quire nt 142 Broughton street, above the storo orT. L. McKenna. tfmay!4 TO RKRTT. J Tho Dwelling lately occupied by Judge Fleming, in Taylor street, near Drayton. Bald House 1b three stories on a bssomont, with good servants’ rooms, and outhouses, n given Immediately. Apply to feb 28 D, L. COHEN. R iiULw Possession feb 28 I M FOR rent; J Possession given immediately ~ Three story brick house, now and in good order, on Macon stroet, next east residence to Mrs. Jewett, pply at this offleo. u u may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i . t i GEORGIA. J. J. IIESLKR, Proprietor. M late qf the Verandah Hotel, Sew Orleans. Passengers por Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival of tho Cars, • . mayl4 MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, jAc jmmu f. LA - H BOARD PKR DAY $ 1 60 BOARD PKR WR8K 6 00 BOARD PKR MONTH 20 00 .mayl3 lyr MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CUARLKSTON, S. C. THIS House ia now adapted to all the wants of tho Travelling Public, and tho ef forts of tho Proprietor will he to deserve their patronage. mar 81 THOMAS 8. NICKERSON. IF Ul T1HE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL ■ 8tearaahii>s— KNOXVILLE.. 1.500 tons,.Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .., .1,600 “ ., Capt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,30(1 “ . .Capt. M. S. WoodhulL ALABAMA.... 1,300 “ ..Capt O. It.Soheuck. .... WILL LRAVK 8AVANNAU KVKRY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. These ships are among the largest on tho coast, unsurpassed In speed, safaty and- comfort, making their passages iu fifty to sixty hours, and.aro com manded by skillful, careful and polite officers.— Having elegant stuto-room accommodations, they otror a moat desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Pnssage to Now York.... $25 Stoorago Passage to Now York 8 PADELFORD,.FAY 4 CO., Savannah. 8AM’L L. MHCHILL, 13 Broadway, h 6 Now York. 'FLciHiDa - ports. -- FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. 8. Mall IJno—From Now Or leans to Key West.—Steamships 'FLORIDA aud VANDERBILT.—Those fine steamers will in Ihturo make their regular semi-monthly trips, leaving as follows: New Orloana, 10th 4 24th Koy West, .. 16th 4 24th convoy passengers to Lawrencovllle, Gainesville and Clarksville. 49- Passengers by the Georgia Railroad take sup per at this house. ALEXANDER 4 CLARK. F. S. Alkxandkr, formerly or Lawroucevillo. J A. Clark, Social Circle. 2m—Jo 2 Ponsacola.... 11th 426th Apalachicola. 12th 426th 8tMarks.,.. 13th 427th Cedar Keys..14th 4 28th Tampa Bay. ,18th & 29th m prepared, It: FASHIONS FOR JUNK. F RANK iAjslie'd Guzetto of Fushlnns for Juuo re- coived and fur solo by jol v WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, No 169 Congress st. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tho Underalgued has again the pleasure of informing his numerous friends, as well as tho public at large, that he is .yet at tho Indian Spring Hotel, and is fully prepared, with the assistance of his sons and his own experience or six years at the hotel, with tho best cooks that can be procured, as well ns assis tance or all klndB, to ask or all thoso who visit the Spring a generous share of their patronage, intend ing Vo sparo no pains of himself to make all such as please to giro him a call comfortable. The Indian Spring Hotel is now open, and ready to receive all thoso that will please to call. There will be at For sythe Depot coachoB and hacks ready to convey all suoh ob wish to go over. EDW. VARNER, may23>3taw tsepl Proprietor. %* Savannah Republican, Morning News, and Charleston Courier wlllpleaseluaerUhe above three times each week until 1st September, and Bend their bills for payment, EDW. VARNER. ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. The abovo named House Is now opon for the roceptionofBoardors and Travellers, and the undersigned promises to Eparo neither pains or expense to raako his pn- troua comfortable. His table will always bo sup plied with the choicest that the market and the sur rounding country affords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Game, 4c. The House Ir large and airy, and within n few yards of tho lauding, on the beau tiful river St. Marys, and is a desirable place for in valids nnd others as a Bummer resort. The stage leaves the Houso three times a week for Woodstock Mills, Contrevlllage, and Trailer's Hill, and the 8a- vnnnnl. boats touch going nnd coming, no that per sons will not be inconvenienced, but can leave when they desire. l*rloes will be made to correspond with first class country hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. Marys 1 May 27, 1866. 3m my27^' StPIfiSrIf ©ffilHI' IS ® WfflMo INDIAN Hl'KINdS, (IKOIHUA. BRYAN W. COLLIER a Ke»poctrn)ly announces that tho abovo Houso will bo oponed for the reception or guesls, ou tho 20th iustant. Ho hus been fortunate iu socuring tho services of Mr. rittlu, well known to tho public as tho kcoporof the Ninety Milo Houbb on the Central Railroad, to assist in tho superintendence or tho Molntush House during tho season. A band of mu- tdo hus also boeu secured. Stages will bo in readi ness at Forsyth, on the arrival of trains, to convey tassengers with comfort and dispatch to the houso. 4o pains will bo sparod to moko guests as comfort able as iK>3slblo, und a more than usually brilliant season is confidently anticipated. tlA—juno 6 Arrive at Koy West 17th 41st I Now Orleans, 17th 41st Agonts iu Now Orleans, doc26 6m K. G. RQGER8. 4 CO., 72 Poydrass street. FOR JOHNSON'S L.ANU1NQ, _ AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES, To leave on Tuesday Night, the nth instant. The light draft-stoamor, WILLIAM LEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will as above, from tho Charleston art'. Apply to 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agont. CITY COUItT 04 TERM II/'ltEHEAS, George VV. Gariniiny, William B. II GUiw, Ezra F. Wood, Samuel L. Spoisslger, Julio C. Ferrell, Thomas J. Wulsh, John Jones, Rich ard K. Cnyler, Luke Christie, nnd Kdwurd I'aitel- l-ud, -iiminoiied to attend the present May Term of du- Court a? Grand Jurors, have made default: It i- ordered ihot they lie fined forty dollars each uu- <'-.*- they iilo good and sulliciciit cause of excuso on •*r l.i-furo the first day of the next Term of this »-turt. tint, whereas, Thomas II. Crugcr, William F. Uiiipim, Jucub free'iiun, George B. Clark, William inn, Edwin W. 1-Men, George F. Cercoply, Mar- iiM-lue llamiitou, William II. Cooper, Augustus C. c.timoii, Patrick Carney, and Jesse It. Dasher, sum- iiiouoU to attend the present Term of Court us i’otit .Jurors have made delimit: It M ordered that they t*e Duett twenty dollars each unless they-file good and HUlllebml t’aiiso of excuse on or before tho first •i iy of the next Term orthis t Coiiri. I'run extract from the minutes. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, j'*l7 Clerk of tho City Court ofSavummh N EW GOSHEN HUTTEIt AND CHEi*ii^l5 tubs uml 19 kegs choice new Goshen Butter; 20 boxes Goshen Cheese, lauding from Hteamur and for sal" by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. tm<‘ 17 ilKLlOIOU.S women. ~ A General View of tho Contents of the 014 aud New Testaments, with directions how to read taoHt profitably the Holy Scriptures. By Adam Clarke, L.L.D. Sihbnths with my Clm*?; with an Intiodiictiun on diide CIuxh Teaching. By Thomas O. Summers. F.iuiily Government; a treatise on Conjugal, Pa- reatJd, Filial and other duties. By James An drew, D.D. N Youthful Clirixtianity. By Thomas O. Summers. Gathered Flowers; or tho Early Dead, by Thas. G, .Summer?, D.D. Bereaved Parents Consoled, lly tile JUtv. John Thornton. Ucu?niM for becoming a Methodist. By tho Rev. J. .Smith. TIjo Ancient British Cliurch. Being an inquiry in i'* the history of ChrUUatiity lu Britain, previous to die e.ittthltahmeni of tho Heptarchy. By William Uiidsday Alexander, D.D. ililtle \Hennings. Mrs. Jane T. H. Cross. Tlio Trial *»r tho Witnossos of the Resurroctioa of wist- in answer to the objections of Mr. Woolston, w »d others. liy Bishop Sborlock. i ret it res to Children. By Thus. O. Summers. ii'Mrt IfitwHoms for my IJttlo Daughters. By Mrs. J “»«T. H. Cross. Dir rule by WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, J“l2 169 Congress street. L ocomotive needles.—a new and eie- gaut urticio which needs ouly to be tried ouce insure tho constant preference of tho seamstress, to rft received and for salo by junior 18 LADSON 4 ROGERS. SUNDRIES. O/lA Boxes choice Rio Coffee, * JU LF 160 boxes fair to prime Rio Coffee. 100 boxes Old Government Java Coffee. 200 hhds. Muscovado Molasses. 160 bbls. choicoNow Orloans Syrup. 60 hhdH. NowOrleanR Muscovado, aud Porto Rico Sugar. 300 bids, refilled A. B. 4 C. Sugar. 50 bills. Crush and Powdered Sugar. 100 bbls. Lebanon. Superfine und Extra Flour 160 boxes Starch. Adamantine 4Sperm Candles. 140 boxes No. 1 Palo, and Family Soap. 200 bales Heavy Gunny Ragging. 26 hhds. Bacon Sides and Shoulders. 76 bbls. Mess aud Prlmo Pork, 100 boxes Tobacco, various bruuda. 100 boxes Black and Green Tea. 600 bags Drop and Buck Shot. 60 kegs und half kegs “Hazards” Powder, together with a full assortment of nil other articles iu the Grocery lino, (except liquors.) In storo, and for sale on accommodating terms, by Juno 1 RODGERS, NORRIS d! CO. IA Sa ckH Just received and for sale. *OUU YONGE & FRIERSON, KJ LIQUORS— 60 bids EPlieln’ Kyo Gin, Run] bids N E. Rum, 60 “ J,uther Felton’s Rum, 26 » Domes tic Brandy, Old P 4 H Connecticut River Gin, 60 . 60 “ N.o. Whisky, wt received and for sale by ®ns SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. Jel2 94 Bay streot. VJYRUP AND MOIutSSES.—60 bbls New Orleans O Syrup; 60 do Molassos; In store and for salo by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. S UGAR—10 hhds choice New Orleans Sugar; 20 do Porto Rico do; 20 do fair Muscovado do; in store aud for sale by June 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. R ECEIVED per steamer Knoxville—Pickled and smoked Tongues: Fulton Market Beef, and Pig Pork, Pig Hams and Pig Bacon. Oranges, LemonB, Apples, and Whlto Beaus. Also, a fresh supply of Foxo's celobratod Crack ers. For sulo low by mm 7 J. A. BROWN. HURRAH J-HURRAHlt J UST ARRIVED, per schooner A. Dovoreaux, in four days from Havana, a fresh lot or cholco Fruit, for tho Suvaunab Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—400 huuuhou Batiauas, 100 dozen Piuo Ap ples; 6000 Plantains, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and ouo basket Green Ginger. For sate by Juno 14 J. A. BROWN, PURE WATER*—If you want the ttneat drink- A ing water in the world call and purchase ono of Kedcle’i Patent Water Filters, the article montlonod In Water Commissioners’ last Ko|*ort, which we warrant to. purify the Savuuuah River Water iwrfoctly—an Indispensable article for plantation into. KENNEDY 4 REACH, pin24 only Agents for tbolr sale In Savannah, ICKKN’fl HOUSEHOLD WORDS, for Juno, n, D l imlved and for salo b’ WA" June 4 MOCK 4 DAVIS, 16 Congress street POR SALE* may! -26,000 bushels Com to arrive. YOUNG * WYATT. S UPERIOR Choice Goshen Butter and imtch Cheese, received per steamer Alabama by may28 J. D. JUmE. SUNDRIES. S 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twino; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoe 60 M imported Spauish Segars; 260 i)uxes Tobacco, various lirunds; lfio sacks Rio Coffee; 75 mats Java Coffee; loo doz Brooms; 60 doz Wushboards; 60 Covered Boskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do Pule Soap; 76 do No. I Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 50 half chests Young Hyson Tea; 50 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 50 boxes Seated Herrings; 75 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee; 100 boxes imported Castile Soap; 100 boxes Toflot Soap; 60 }i, )i, and whole boxes Raisins; Received and for sale by MCMAHON & DOYLE, raayld 206 nnd 208 Bay streot . QPRING AND SUMMER OLOTHINO.—The k5 subscriber would Invito tho attention nr all Ittwautnf SPRING AND SUMMER Cl-OTHINO, to bis stock which bos just been received, at tiio Stai Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay stroet. nprl6 WM. 0. PRICE, TO BUILDERS. T HE SUBSCRIBER la prepared to execute at tho shortest notice, and In the most work- tnuullke manner, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connected with the manufac turing or retiring of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zlno, or Shoot Iron Business. . HORACE MORSE, ocll3 166 Broughton st1 LAND AGENCY—BruilivTlcki Gi. EDWIN M. MOORE chase and salo of lands lu tho coimries of Glyun, Wayne, Camden, Chariton, Appling, Ware, Coffee. Clinch, I/iwodes and Thomas, Particular ittention given to locating, purchasing and selling of own lots in the town or Bauuswick. rifxrkxcis : Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M Cargile, Brunswick* Thomas H Harden, Savannah; Hon James L Sew! qrd, Tbomaavlllo. SUNDRIES* ■f AAA POUNDS cholco Baltimore Shouldors ; IvUU and 1200 do do Sides; 100 choice sugar-cured Hams, iu bags; 600 pounds choice Tunnessoo Hams; 16 barrels choice Uaf Lard: 10 tierces extra whole Rico; 0 do Toir do; 20 boxes Family Soap; 10 do steam pole do; 10 do No 1 do; 7 woman’s friend do; 6 chemical do; 16 boxos Tallow Candles; lo do adamantine do; 10 do pearl sperm do; 10 boxes A, Baud GSugar; 12 bags good Rio Coffee; 7 pockets old government Java Coll'eo. All tho abovo for salo low by Juno 7 J- A. BROWN. HEAD. MATCHES X LEMON 8YKUI'— 60 bbls Sugar, Hoda, and Butter Bulscuit; 25boxo8 do do _ do do. JB B 160 gross Matches, round boxes. sals b; 160 gross , . 76 boxes Lemon Syrup. .Received,and lor & MoKAHON 4 DOYLE, Nos. 206 * 207 Bay street. v _;.—The Brig . .. , ifcSNfeiiNqs, K to To cHARflbRL-A Veaee) ot I60.000 .td 200,000 (bet carrying capacity, to load nbor for Mrianxas.. may26 PADElSoRDy FAY 4 00, Wfaa&B waNtkd,-^‘ timber; for Boston. *“ ^with sawedlumber. Apply to JEFFS _ •at Unlog; aprlft or J. F. O’PYRl WANTED.—A Doight'br obartor for Un* vann for Brig R. M. CHAW.ETON. Applp to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, nt Union Steam Sew Mill, aprtO or J. F. O’BYRNK’8 Offlce. FOR LIVERPOOL.—tho a 1 American .Ship MARY 4 ADELINE, W. Taylor, master. - having a portion of hor cargo ongoged, wl-l have imraedlato dispatch. For freight apply to Captain Taylor, or to. * may 7 BRIGHAM KELLY 4 00, FOR PiuLADRLHHLMfdhmoN’a Ux*.— _ The schooner 6URY 4. LOUISA, Captain man, will have dispatch for’tho abovo port.— For freight apply to maylO 0. A. GREINER, tor Jol . FOR PHILADELPHIA—tho sclir MARIA It PICKUP, Bakor, Master, will have doapatch iu above port. For freight apply to OGDEN, STARR A CO. FoU UVKHI'UUI,.liio A 1 American ship FALCON, Putloii muster, having a largo portion or freight engaged, will meet with dispatch ns ubovc, for halauco of cargo, apply to BRIGIIAM, KELLY & CO. FOR LIVERPOOL.—Tno A1 ship JAMES RAY will have dispatch for tho abovo port. ... For freight apply to Jo8 HUNTER 4 GAMMELL. FOR BALTIMORE,—The schr S N SMITH, Captain Smith, will have dispatch for the above port. For freight apply to Juno 6 C. A. GREINER. FOR LIVERPOOL,—The flno three-masted schoonor CORDELIA, Dunham, master, will lavo dispatch for the above port. For freight ap ply to Junc5 BRIGHAM. KELLY 4 CO. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. Tampa 11th 4 25tb Cedar Keys. 12th 4 26tb St. Marks., ,14th 428tb Apalachicola,16th 4 29th Pensacola... 16lh 4 30th U. sTTRu Limf FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Brunswick, SL Marys, Go., BernandU no and Jacksonville, Picdala and Black Orttk, Fla. la THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N HKBbEBL King, will leave for the abovo places very ‘AiutUay Morning, at 10 o’clk. This boat bos large and airy State Room accom modations, and taking lhe Inland Passogo, offers every inducement to Invalids ami otliers. ' Freight will bo taken for Trader’s Hill aud inter mediate landings on St. Mary’s River. No freight will be taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage appiy^on board at tho Florida Steam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN 4 CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES MAIL LINK. fbr Palatka, Bast Fla,, via Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Femandina, Jacksonville, Atiddleburg, (Black Creek,) and Picolata. jdgJJJW The new and elegant steampacket __£&■■■ ST. JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, jeaves every Saturday morn lug, at 10 o’clock, for the above places. Froight will be takon for Trador’s Hill and inter- medlute landings on St Mary’s River. JtST No freight will bn taken after 9 o’clock. For freight or passago, having excellent state, room accommodations, apply on hoard, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN 4 CUNNINGHAM, Ag’la. FOR CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA' Ifc Tho fino steampacket CAROLINA, __jSSHHU tn Ptain Coxottor, will leave here lor .iHcksouvniu, focolnta and Palutkn, every Tues day alternoon at 6 o’clock; reluming, will leave for Charleston, every Friday tnorniug at 0 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on hoard, nt Willink’s wharf, or to M. a. COHEN, Agent. June 14th. 1860—ly JUST Freights payable on the wharf. NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIPS. ^ Tho ship*) comprising thls^jQ|j|lfc ATLANTIC, Capt. West, I BALTIC, Cupt.'SSrStffi PACIFIC, Capt, Nye. | ADRIATIC, Capt. . Those ships having boon built, by contract, ex pressly for Government service, every care bas been tnkon iu their copstruotiou, as also in their en gines, to insuro streugth aud speed, and their ac commodations for passengors are uncquulod for ele gance and comfort. Prices of Passage from Now York to Llvorpool in Qrgt cabin 8130, lu second cabin 876, exclusive use of extra stute-rooms $326. From Liverpool to New York £30 und £20. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No berths can be secured until paid for. For froight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 60 Wall street, New York. . BROWN, SHIPLEY 4 CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD 4 CO. B. G. WAINWRIGHT 4 CO., Paris. GEO. H. DRAPER, Havre. J$ST The owners of these ships will not bo ac countable for gold, sliver, bullion, specie, Jewelry, precious stones, or metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, nnd the value thereof expressed therein, Shippers will pleose t take notice that tho ships oi this lino cannot carry any goodsiccntraband of war. Machinery and iron railing MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near tho Market.) Tj^ROM the most complete facilities in Mb own i. establishment, and through his connections with several of tho principal manufacturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, tho Undorsignod Is prepared to furnlnsh MACHIN ERY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILH3, CAST ANI) WROUGHT IRON RAILING, STATUETTES, STORE FRONTS, Columns, Window Bills und Lintlls, Irou Doors, Shutterh, &e,, at ATorf/iemwicM. Ho ia also prepared to repair Machinery and Iron work orovery description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD’S PHILADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, ho is also prepared to exhibit a great vario- ty or designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Iron Railing In groat varioty, for enclosures, and to receive orders, and put un tno work at tnan- facturera’ prices. H. H. IJNVILLE. Savannah, April 11,1856. aprll L ard and herrings— " "" 20 bbls Prlmo White Leal Lard; 60 boxes Prlmo Herrings, landing and for sale by mnyl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4C0. D RESS TRIMMINGS^—FHngea. black and colored Moiro Antique Gauze, and other styles, la great variety, and for sale by mar 7 AIK]N 4 BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A largesupnly of wheel- top whalebone frame Gingham Umbrellas, all sizes, rccelvod and for sale by June 6 LADSON 4 ROGERS. L iverpool salt.—400 sacks, ten to the ton, landing from ship Ell Whitney, aud for sale by marW PADLKORD, FAY 4 CO. M AGAZINKS FOR JUNE—Putnam's Monthly; AriUUT’i Harper’i Words, rccolved and for sale by WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, June 8 160 Congress street. BfrEh S oueese— 26 tubs cholco Now May Butter, 26 boxes “ “ Goshen Cheese, Just received and for sole by myfl3 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. PRIME X mods KENTUCKY HAM&—Neatly trim med and for sal* to oloie conjtgnmsnt. mayl7 YOUNG* WYATT. *Marine Risks at their Agency, fL comer of Drayton and Bryan Approved Risks wlU btrtakon c and tuo usual credit giyeb on Preroit ran streets. nnu v ,u w hmuii on liberal terms, •».<a i U » usual credit given on Premium Notes. Three quarters of tho business will be returaod to the ona- toraers In scrip. .C. A. L. Lamw, fob 19 ’-i :-i/;■)'•; (O': Agent in Atvanpoh, __ Iw S tl It A N C K. Southern Mutual Ittiurouce Company, Southern Mutual Life Ins. Company! Home Insurance, Company, off N. York, Springfield Fire 4 Marine Irifl* Com’y, v, Risks in the above Insurance Oompanlea underta- ken by WM. KING A SONS, Agents, No, 09 Bay street. Savannah, 14th December, 1866. deol4 FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE INSURANC E. NO. in, BAY-STREET. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, Nearly four million Dollars. By the following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OP HARTFORD, OT. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, ,j’ OFjLONDON. Farmers* and Mechanics* Fire, Marine and Lift Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire and Marino Insurance Company, OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. MOT Tuo subscriber w|U effoot Insurance to any amount in all parts of the State on every description of property. ^ Life Insurance, to any amount, at Uie lowoat rate, for the boneflt ol holrs and creditors, or payable to tho wlfo freo from tho elaltnB of creditors. Marine Insurance on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts or the world. Jan25 A. WILBUR. MUT'UALBENEFW’ LIFKINSuHANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual Nett accumulation, Jan. 1, 1866* $2,230,005 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 715,492 66 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,336,990 84 $4 282 488 97 Benjamin C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph 11 Lord, General Agent, Robert L. Patterson. President. ♦The funds of this Company aro ail solely invested iu first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes or members folly secured by their policies. For further particulars Inquire of CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent in Savannah, At the office ol' Bell 4 Prentiss. J, A SUIJJVAN, Medical Examiner. REFERENCE I Messrs. Padelford, Fat 4Co., I. K. Teft, Esq., State Bauk. feu 29 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 28, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, James HI* Carter, AT THE OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATT d CO., No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office. ALAKSON MARSH, S. A. HOLLO Firm of A. S. Barnes 4 Co. “ Childs, Pratt 4 Co. “ Livingston, Ballard 4 Co. “ Wm. M. Dodgo 4 Co. “ H. A. Curtis 4 Co. * Hosted 4 Carll. ALONZO CHIU), I. P. BALLARD. « WM. M. DODGE, “ P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTTS. WM. E. ROLLO, 8. T. LtPPINOOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. RIVERSMITH, W. H. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN, ” « JOS. H. WESTCOTT, ‘ JOS. FATMAN, *« ” Fatma'n 4 Co, STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, «• « Goo. Savory 4 Co. J. A. KEQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President. CHAS. W. OGDEN, Vice Preslpent. WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. .WThis Company will Issue Policies upon Ma rino, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, at liberal rates of premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, oct 31 No. 86, Bay Streot. W. II. Lyon 4 Co. Lee, M Briggs, Lee, Murphy 4 Co. Westcott 4 C THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Qf No. 107 IVctfnut street, Philadelphia, Penn, CHARTER PERPETUAL...... CAPITAL 8500,000. FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND EXSCRAVCK. DIRECTORS ; Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whlldon, Merchant, 14 North Front-st.; John 0. Hunter, firm or Wright. Hunter A Co.; E, Tracy, firm of Tracy & Bakor; John It. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, White 4 M’Curdy; Isaao Hazlehurst, Attorney and Counsellor; James B. Smith, firm or Jumes B. Smith 4 Co ; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy 4 Baker, R. S. Walton, 360 Market streot ; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Bakor, Goldsmith’s Hall. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Tho3. K. Ijmirick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, Juno 16 No. 85 Bay street. Cor. ] WHTTrBWT, t. Montgomery »v York Ms. SAVANNAH, GA., tJESPEOTFUlAY infonns the l-adlce and J-ti Gentlomon of this City that he is prejiared to florvo them ovory evening with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own pecullnr style, and hopes to merit a share or public patronage, t Savannah, 17th April, 1856. 3m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. ' ' 1 \A.NIEL CRONIN Upholster, 20 Bryan-at, / would rosiKJCtfuily anuouuco to tho citizens of vannab that lie is ready to make and put down Carpels. Oil Cloth, Matting, 4c., at tho shortest uo- leo, and on tho most roasouable terms. oct8-tf 1 C E C REAM! NEW CONPKCl'IoNARV STORK No. 08 Brynn Street. TWO DOORS AIIOW Mr. GRU-YEN’S JEWELRY STORK. fFHE undersigned respectfully informs the La- X dies ofSavannah iu particular, and tho public generally, that he has this day opened a new Confec- tianary Store, and will keep ou baud u largo aud resli nsaortmont, of ail kinds and discriptlous. ' lie will at all times and Uoura, bo ready to furnish parties, with suppers. Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, at all honri, Ornamented Cakes, Pios, 4o. 4o., mado to order. He hopes from long experience to give satisfaction to all who wlllhouer him with tbolr patronage. H, B BQ2ZOLA, No. 08 BryanS SILVER WARS; CUl'LERVTilcT W E have Just received a now stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt Collars, Fish, Ho, Cake nnd Ice Cream Knives; also, Steel and Plated ou Steel Table Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice lfitcbers, Bread Knives, Plated and l’arlen Butter Stands, be sides a quantity of useful articles too numerous to mention. D. B. NICHOLS 4 CO. Juno 4 BARGAINS" TN RICH DRESS G001M AND MANTILLAS—bal- X anco of rich flounced Organdies, Bareges, Crapo do Paris and Tissues, /it cost to closo them out; also rich Lnco Mantillas, nt reduced prices, for salo b ’ Juno 4 Dewitt 4 51 organ f 9A Bbls. superior Old Monongehela Whiskey, *i\J received, aud for salo by J. M. EYRE, my 14 94 Bay streot. WANTED, A Conslgnoo for 10 tubs of Butter, mnrkod J. F. & D., landed per atoamsblp Knoxville from New York. [Je9] PADELFORD, FAY & 00. TRANSPARENT WTUMoW SIlADES; CARPET WABE-HODSE, 140 CONGRESS AND 67 Bt. JtTUKN-OTRBCTS. mHE Sub8cribef has received, and will open I this day, the largest and most oxteusive variety WWINDOW SHADES ever offorod in tbla city. It Is the intention of tho advertiser to keep constantly in store a Urge supply of all tho various patterns and styles manufactured by tho manufacturers of tills country and of Franco, to which tho attention ormer- chants and families ia tho city and country, is In vited. They will be sold at wholesale and retail, at satisfactory prices. W H. GUION, Agent. E 7IXTRA CANAL FLOUR.—25 barrels Extra Canal * 1 Flour. Landing and for sale by mqyl6 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON 4 CO. LBANY ALB,—26 bbls. Albany Stock Ale. Just received, and for sale by Juuel SCRANTON. JOHNSTON 4 00. CLASS E—NEW SERIES, To be drawn in the City of Montgomery, Alabama, in public, on THURSDAY, July 10, I860, on the H A V AN A* PL ANI SAMUEL SWAN, Manager. Prises amounting to 205,000 Dollars I! Will be JUtrlbuwd accruing lu Ui. luuuwlog MAGNIFICENT SCHEME I 30,000 |NumbertolS,«00 Prla.,1 S UOAfci.—bo barrel, btuarla A anil II Olarmed Sugar; 60 du. Craabed and Powderort do. und- Ing ana Ibr eal. by maylt SCBAKTON, JOHNSTON A 00. O. MOLASSES, landing from achooner Al a Abby t rancla, and ror aale by « LOCKETT k HNELLDIQa. JJKIME YELloW C'OkE. -In atom and lor sale by may7 . YOUNG 4WYATT. LlACOff"AND LaRd—50 hhds, jirimo Bacon X> tildes ; 80 hhds. prime Bacon Snoulders; 20 hbu. |>rime Baltimore Leer Lard. Undine, and Janet by landing, and SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 ^ (SDOCMOM TO MPURKW A UU.) THIS DAY, at u o’clocT, in front of store will be sold,— . ( The usual assortment of Groceries, Provtaloni, Liquors, Crockery and Glass Were, Dry Goods, new and second hand Furniture, Clothing, Fancy Article!, Watches. Jewelry, 4c., 4o. Tsrnu, cash before bo- llvery. tar All articles purchased at auction and not set tled for previous to the nsst-regular sale, will be sold on account and risk of former purchaser. Jo21 , _ I)ry GoodsT4o. THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock, in front of ntoro, will bo sold, A largo and well selected stock of Dry Goods, consisting in part of MnsllnB, Prints, Bleached ana Brown Homuspims, Hosiery, Gloves, Handker chief, Ac.: also, an Invoice or Fancy Boxes, Cut lory 4c. Sale positive. Terms cash, ,|o21 THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock, In front of store, will be sold, An invoico or sixteen cases ladles’ Gaiters, Tics, and Slippers, new and fresh goods; also, five chests superior Hyson Tea. Terms cosh. Je2l Administratrix Sole, On TUESDAY, July first, at U o’clock, In front ol tho Court House, will be sold:— Tho southern half or Lot No 17 and Improvements, situated on East Boundary street: the Improvements aro six wooden teuemonts. Sola as the property of tho estate or Daniel Robertson, deceased, for the hcnotllof tho holrs and creditors or said estate.— Terms cosh. a. E. ROBERTSON, myl3 Administratrix. [AUTHORIZED BY TUR STATE OF GEORGIA.] FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. CLASS 16. To bo drawn In the city or Atlanta. In public, on THURSDAY, Juno 26,1868, on THE HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN ds CO.. Malinger*. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $34,000!! Will be distributed according to the following BRILLIANT SCHEME! 10,000 NUMBERS—849 PRIZES ! SCHEME. 1 prize of $10,000 is $10,000 5,000 is. 3;000 is 1,000 is 1,000 is 600 are 200 are 100 are 60 are 30 are 1,1 mV In ftlD IDA nrl,n nrn 1 6,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 2600 2,000 2,600 4 000 '320 240 200 160 280 1 1 1 1 “ 6 prizes of 10 “ 25 “ 80 “ 44 “ ..... 4 prizes of $oo app’g to $16,000 prize, aro 4 “ 60 “ 5,000 prize, aro 4 “ 40 “ 3,000 prize, are 8 “ 35 1,000 prize, are 20 * 20 “ 600 prize, are 40 « 10 “ 200 prize, are 249 prizes amounting to $34,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. The two proceding and the two following numbers to those drawing tho firet 20 prizes are entitled to tho 80 approximation prizes, in the usual manner. Remember that every prize is drawn, and paya ble lu foil without deduction. All prizes or $1000, and under, paid immediately after the drawing—other prizes nt the usual time of thirty days. 49* All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawn numbers will bo forwarded to pur chasers immediately after tho drawing. Wholo Tickets $5—Halves $2.60—Quarters $1.25, Prize tickets cashed or renewed in other tickets at either office. Orders for tickets can bo addressed either to S. SWAN 4 CO., Atlanta, Ga., or Je3 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala ALABAMA LOTTERY! [AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE OF ALASAXA.] 1 prize of...... . 1 do do do do do do do- do do do do dq do do do do do do 10 do do 100 do do ..$36,000 Is.. . 10,000 Is . 6,000 13 , 2,000 1s . 1,200 is . 1,100 Is . 1,000 is • 900 is 800 is . 620 is 200 is ioo is .$36,000 . 10,000 . 6,000 . 2,000 . 1,200 . 1,100 . 1,000 900 800 . 620 . 2,000 10,000 uv uv ivu ia iu.uuu 4 prizes of $200 approxim’g t« $35,000 are $800 150 10.000 are 600 a »• 100 6,000 are 400 4 “ 80 2,000 aro 320 4 <• 70 •' 1.200 aro 280 4 *• 6u 1,100 are 200 4 •• 40 1.000 MO 160 4 »• 30 900 are 120 4 28 800 are 112 4 »* 22 620 are 88 40 - 20 200 are 800 400 - 10 100 are 4000 16,600 127 ,600 16.000 prizes amounting to $206,200 The 16,000 pricesol‘of $8^ are determined by the nnmbor which draws the $36,000 prize—If that number should be an odd number, then ovory odd number ticket in tho Scheme will he entitled to $8>£; ir an oven number, then every evon number ticket will be entitled to $8>£ in addition to any other prize which may bo drawn. Purchasers in buying nu equal qimulity of odd and even number tickets, will bo certain of drawing nearly one half the cost of the same, with chances or obtaining othor prizes. 4®" Remember that every prize is druwu, and payable iu foil without deduction. SSr All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately after the drawing,—other prizes at the usual time of thirty days. All communications strictly confidential. Tho drawu numbers will be forwarded lo purchasers immediately after tho drawing. Whole Tickets, $10—Halves, $5—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either offico. Orders for Tickets can be addressed cither to S. SWAN 4 CO., Atlanta, Go, Jol Or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. ■VrEATSFOOT OIL, of the best quality constantly jy for sale low by CHAFFER 4 CO., may 16 6 Whitaker street. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS 43-0,031 PRIZES.-S3 00,000 Dollars—10,000 Numbers Only 1! GRAND SPECULATION ! I! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, JASPER CO U NTYAOADE MY CLASS O. To bo drawn July thel5tb, 1860, at Concert Hull, Macon, Go., under the sworn superintendence of Col. Geo. M. Logan aud Jus. A. Nisbet, Esq. This Lottery is drawn un the plan of tho Royal Lottery of Havana of siuglo numbers; this has ouly 10,000 numbers, and the Havana Lottery 34,000 numbers—tho Havana 249 prizes, this 6,031 prices. Look to your interest I Now is tho time. CAPITAL $L600i 1 Prize of $ 7,6001s $ 7,600 1 “ 3,0001s 3,000 ' “ 2,000 Is 2,000 1,000are 3,000 600 are 2,600 100 aro 2,000 “ 8 are 40,000 1 3 6 20 6000 6041 prizes amountlug to $60,000 Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. 49" Prizes payable without deduction. Mt- Persons Bending money by mail nood not fear Its being lost. OrdcrB punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering tickets. 49-Thoso wishing particular uumbera should order Immediately. Tho 6,000 prizes of $8, aro determined by the drawing of the Capital or $7,600; If the number that draws the Capital 1b an even number, those Tickets ending 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, are entitled to $8; if an odd nurabor those Tickets ending with 1,3, 6, 7, 0, are entitled to $8. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Junel7 Macon, Ua. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savannah, Oa, B AGGING.—100 halos heavy Gunny Bagging, re ceived and for Bale by June 4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON 4 CO. TVTEW GOODS.—The onbecriber hoc received AX a large lot or the following articles— White and striped Osnaburgs, Columbus Factory, Blue Denims, 4c., «u. Also, afresh lot or cheap fast-colored Prints. J. W. THREl.KEr.P corner Congress and Whltaker-sts. B. ASKET81 BASKETS!—We would rail the I Mutton ot tUu Udlcs la our itocX or Work, Traveller md Sue Fancy llukeb, Ui. Ur,eat Higrt- nu»ttaih.clly,.UhoHoaa.FuniUWn, Storg, 166 Bruu,btou-strcet. ■urn HORACE HOME. BY BABKMAff 4 BULLOCH, . , At Print. Sulo. An.gro wffttun, 22 run of ut, agoodpUin 6MR *«l R*** fckni Warranted Kramtt "TltUm. At Prirat. Site. A negro man, agod tS joare, a Drat rat. lioUlir and houM Mrvtnt, HUii undoubted. J»l» At Print. Eat.. A nr/ likely intelligent mulatto girl, aged IP Tuts, a ant rata cook, wuhtr and inner, and an exetllentieanutraM. Warranted sound. TUI. un doubted. / jnneu At Print. Sale. A very likely mulatto man, aged 94 yeara, a drat rate carpenter. Warranted sound. Title undoubt- •d. _Junal9 At Prlrnfo OM*. A vory likely negro m ... I 22 yeers, a good field hand. Warranted ...»..,. Hilo undoubted. JunolO , „ At Private Salo. 1700 bushels Rice, an excellent article for atook or u.l kinds. Gall and examine. Price 26 cents per bushel. ■ juuelB Wonted. Central Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bank or tho State of Georgia, Stocks, for which a liberal price will bo paid; Junel9 To KenL r Two good stores, under tho bluff, at the foot of Whitaker streot. June 19 Wanted STpurehase A convenient moffium-sizod house, In a central location—ono fronting on a square would be prefer red—for such on ono a liberal price would be glvou. JunolO At Private Sale. Thirty cllglblo bnildlng Lots, 66 foot front by 100 to 124 n ot deop. situated on Taylor, Gordon and Gaston streets. These lots are on high ground and some of them In tho immediate neighborhood of the lot selected for tho site of the Savannah^ Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms same os city lots, viz : one-filth cash, the balanco bearing interest at six per cent. Junel9 THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY t , PRYOR’S _ OQraiENT. F Ib a sore and speedy care for barns, piles, corns, felons, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur* 80s,) sore and cracked lips, fresh wounds and sores of any description. It la a moat valuable remedy and cure, which con be testified to by thousands who have used It in many portions of the South Ibr the last few years. In no instance win the salve do any Injury, or Interfere with a physician’s prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from peoplo who have nsed it themselves, and most earnestly recommend it to others as r speedy and certain remedy for tho above named diseases. A trial is all that is necessary for Us own recommendation. Sold by J, B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug • Cists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, maylS LaGrange, Ga. P. JACOBS, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Boll street, (sign of the Big Indies.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish. Halt Spanish, and American Segars. at wholesale and re- ell. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ao. June 1 amTHcHBror Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average) adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bonds drawns Papers prepared whereby to recover losses from American or British Underwriters, and attention given to all matters connected with shipping end In* sunmeo, No. 118 Bey-street opposite the front ot the Custom House. ly nov8 ___ PATENT ECLIPSE IB A HID 6 If A SB IPe Every man his own Cara Printer. /"I ALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBERLAIN’S \J Patent Eclipse Hand Stamp, the beet, cheapest and roost convenient of any thing for the purpose yet offered for sale. ALFRED WEBSTER, Gen. Agt. apr3 ly 136 Congress St. HUNT’S MPROVED SEWING HACHUIES. TY Esigned Expressly for making Bags—end X/ which Is decidedly superior to any other machine for that purpose. Spool or skein thread con be used or any desired length, and which wlU not nood to be dunged until the whole Is used. Bag manaulkcturera, Uraln’and Flour merchants are particularly Invited to call and examine U at 136 Con greet streot. Hay26. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gen. Agt. IMPROVED 8HOriSl^?EW§W MACHINE. TTkESIGNED for Families, plantations, Dress ma* X/kors, Tailors, Boot 4 Shoe manufacturers and outers who may wish to do their own sewing cheap ly and with expedition. This machine sews a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will not ravel. It is more simple, Is less liable to get out oT order, and costs less in proportion than any other machine, and is warranted to be perfect, and to work well. All apparatus necessary for convenient use Is furnished with It, and any Instruction will be given that will be necessary to ensure to tho purchaser its successful operation and durability. The public aro respectfully invited to call and ex amine them at 135 Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 49* A very neat and ornamental Iron lahlo will now be given with a machine for a small sum in addition to tho regular price. May 26: HOWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1865, mHIS improvement enables ono field-hand to pick Xaa much cotton as five can pick by the old method and having the cotton free from trash, and in better condition for ginning. The above machines aro for sale at 136 Congress Btreet Savannah, and 125 Meeting street, Charles ton, S. C. All orders from abroad will receive prompt nttontion. Planters, Factors, Cotton Brokers, and all Interested aro respectfully invited to coll aud examine them. County Rights can he bought ou ravorable terras. May, 26. ALFRED WEBSTER. C ORN.—10,000 bushels Tennessee Corn in store aud for sale low by Jog—tf YOUNG 4 WYATT. F UJUK and BACON.—600 sacks Flour; 10,065 lbs Bacon, in store and for sale by Je2—tf YOUNG 4 WYATT. B ALTIMORE FLOUR—100 bbls BUporUao Balti more Flour landing por schr Wooilbridgo, and for sale by Jol SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. K efineo and clarified sugars— 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 50 do do A Clarified do 60 do do 1) do do 60 do do C do do Just received and for salo by Jel BCRANTON. JOHNSTON 4 CO. ®i0EWaHBXBr rpiIE average price of Flour tho last month boing X Eight dollars, Bread must weigh as follows:— 10 Cent Loaf must weigh 2 pounds. 3 “ « “ ojtf ounces. JAMES S. WILKINS, City Treasurer. Juno 1st, 1866. myfll M ONONGAHELA WHISKY- 26 bbs Old Mouongahcla Whisky, 60 “ Double Dlstillod “ Just received and for sate by ' my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. UC'lTLtNU UME.—1,600 bbU Kocltlud lime daily oxpectod por brig E. W. AUGER. For sale, to arrive, by • tnoy28 BRIGHAM, KELLY 4 00. M ARSHALL 4 SON’SCelobratcd Pig Hams, Pig Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Also some new »moked Tongues and Fresh Smoked Beer. Rccolved por Alabama, by may28 J. D. JESSE. LANDLORITaND TENANT. T HE Law of Landlord and Tenant By J. 8mith, with Notes of American coses by P. P. Morris. Bauvier’s Law Dictionary, last edition. Bauvier’s Institutes American Law. Neligan’s Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Brown on some Diseases of Women admitting of Surgical Treatment. Flint on Diseases of the Respiratory Organs. Build on Dlieases of tho Stomach. Sketches and Adventures In Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sights and Principles. By Jarvis, with engravings. Physiology and Calisthenics. By Catherine E. Beecher. Railway and Steamship Guide, with maps. Ireland in ’98 and ’48; its Revolutionary History. ByJ.S»v»go. ’ National System of Political Economy. From tho German, ol aprjO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. H ARPER FOR JULY.—Harper’s New Monthly Magazino, for July, received and Ibr uie by WARNOCK k DAVIS, Junel8 169 Congress street. . — Oongreue F OR JULY—Graham’s illustrated Mouth y *»ag- azine, and Ballou’s Dollar Monthly: Block- wood’s Edinburgh Magazine, tor May. aIso, Mu- ley’s Exhibition Reciter and Drawing Room Enter tainments, being choice selections in prose and verzo, together with an unique collection or petite comedies, dramas and farces, adapted for the use ... . . Foreale by • WARNOCK 4 PAVEL 1 or schools aud families. JunelS ClUUAK, *0.-76 bbls and W hhds A, A eETl1 ^ Sugars; 16 hhda Molaim; 26' no Bacon Sides and Shoulders; received and for solo by MCMAHON tC L5VU>. Jun.lC 966 ud 20J B»y itmt. 906W49W J»y«mt. MUM