Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 21, 1856, Image 4

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T'-3WS V- '7“■ WSSFi■'vK 'w -* v. *£fcf% ■ '§£* *V JkfZi**.' ,**Vv ^ _l whom it may inf William WrlibtIbm ar*, ad admonUb ail whom «m»r eoHMC IS t» ub apw»r baton aal.1 Court, lo SStaOlKtiM (irurdMrbar.) ooor betoralbi "wSifjSillObo, Enq., Ordinary mr Ctulham 45JUB&LMK 1>r» S HATHAU SHERIFFS SALK.—Will be told on the first Tuesday In June next, before Doort Bonn, between the Irgal bourn of wile, ’ lot number twelve (11) New Franklin Ward, In the cut of iavaMuib, rituated on the corner of Mont* noerr street and Battle Row, together with the three-story brick warehouse situated thereon; levied on to satisfy a certain (L fa. Issuing out of Chatham Superior Court, in favor of John Scuddar vs. Oar- cow Y. HolUi. may& Sheriff C.C. C HATHAM whonftt may con- cent: Whereas, KUaabetli Ribero, will apply at tne Court of Ordinary tor letters of administration on the estate of Joseph Ribero: , . „ Ttwto are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It mar concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (ir any they have) on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise said letters will be granted. WUnes% John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this second day oT June. 1856. Jine fi JOHN BILBO,.o. c. c. STATE OF UK OKU I A, CHATHAM CO. mo all whom it may concern: Whereas Mary Ann X Dent will apply at the Court of Ordinary for let ter* Dismlsaory on the estate of James 1*. Dent,— These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court, to make objections flf any they have) on or boforo the First Monday in December next, other wUo said letters will be granted. Witness John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this third day or June, 1653. j#3 j6hn o.c.c. CITY MIIKRIFF'S SALE. TTTILL be sold before tho Court Houso door in the TT city of8avannah, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hour* of sale. The follow ing articles, 2 counters, 1 desk, 1 Irod chest. 1 wardrobe and all the interost of Edward Murphy, in and to the lease or lot and building situated on tbeccraerof Whitaker and Congress streets, to satisfy* fi. fa. issued in favor of William B. Gaul t, va. Murphy, ft Devanny, property pointed out by defendant. ED. M. PRENDERGAST, a c. s. may 81 CITY SHERIFF'S BALE. TffriLL be soil before the Court House door, in VT Dm City ofSXrannah, oo the first Tuesday iu July next, between the usual hours of sale, east half of No. 8 Green Ward, bounded as followsnorth by Broughton street, west by lot No. 5, south by a lane and east by lot No. 7. Levied on os the property of James L. Oliver,, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued out of the Honorable tho City Court of Savannah, in favor ofD. B. Nichols vs. lames L. Oliver. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Terms cash.— Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M. r REN’DERG AST. my31 City Sheriff. —To all whom it may k *-“ “ — k ~ will apply , Jrtryasad- minis Uator m the hstaW of James C. Him* : These are, therefore, to die and admonish all bom It may coaoeru, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (ir any they have) on or be fore the first Monday In December next, otherwise ■Uld letters will be muted. Witness, John Bilbo, Esq. Ordinary for Chatham county, this fourth day oTJune, 1856. June ft JOHN BILBO, o. c. c. tho Honmablo the Court or Ordinary oT Chatham County, pawed e term, 1856, will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday, in August next/offoro the Court House door tea said county or Chatham, between tho legal hours or sale, the following property, to wit.: lata Nos. tUfoo (3) aid four. (4): Being part of Garden lot No. nlno (0), Spring Hill, City of Savannah, rroutlng ou Railroad street; also the foUowlng negro slaved: Jack, l’cter, Alexander and Sarah. Sold as the property of the estate of Samuel GrifTln, late or said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors .of said oe- tale. HICIURD WATCH, Administrator do bouts non, on je4 Estate of Samuel Griffin, ^faSTdftGfAr, CHATHAM CDDHOTT O N tho first Monday lo August next. I will apply to the Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell tho negro slaves beonging to tho estate of Clara A* Ogdbay, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and credit mi of said estate. June 4 JAMES A. UROCHK, Adm’r, Praia V. B. PALMER, osxsiuL ahVKumnfa axd xkwsrarxa aoxst, iton. Now York, PhlbulelphU, and BalUmore. •IAMBI B. PIDUfig, DEALER AND IMPORTER OF _ Watches, Jawcliy, lilw Ware, Fan- no. 12, son* fin mum, ntuMuau. sept* • lJL NELSON SWBBBBY, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR IN MARBLE. Cbrnor Astor Place and 4th A venae, plain to the most elaborate and ornate In design and workmanship. In addition to the stock always on band, a great variety of drawings, appropriate and original may be found, from which work will be ex< ecuted promptly to order. Orders faithrully executed, and shipped to any point available by water or steam. Persons visiting the city of New York on pleasure or busluoss aro respoctlblly Invited to visit this os- labllshmeut. oc|3 Jfe on” JOLmt BROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to Jail in Swalnsboro, Emanuel Co., t the 4tb Instant, a negro man; ho says bis namo la Harry; that ho belongs to the estate ot Thomas Clay, of dryan County, Gn. Ho to of light complexion, with a slight scar over the left eye;about&feet3)4 Inches In height, and about 26 years old. The owner Is requested to como forward, pay charges and tako him away, as be will bo dealt with as tho law directs. HENRY OVERSTREET, je9 Jalor. NOTICE. A LI. persons havlug demands against tho estate of Richard F. Williams, Into of Chatham couu- ed to make immediate iiayment to M. B. MILLEN, Administrator de bonis non. March 2ft—6w ltwUy2l-je? STATE OE GEORGIA, C HATHAM COUNTY.—1b all whom it may con cern : Whereas, the estate of Jeremiah Mc Donald lies unrepresented in consequence of tho death or Nathan Brcwtou, the executor, aud unless some fit aud competent person applies tor the ad ministration of said estate, with the will annexed, I shall appoint James Wilkinson, or sowo other fit aud profier person, administrator with tho will an nexed de bonas non, on said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admouL-h all whom it tnay concern, to bo aud appear beforo said Court to make objection (if any they have) uu or before the first Monday iu August next. Witness, William Leu, Esq., Ordinary fur tho county or Bulloch, this 12th day of Juuo, 1856. Jcl5 WILLIAM LEE. o. c. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE; W ILL bo sold beforo tho Court Houso door In the aty of Savannah, on tho first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, lot No. 27, contains 59 feet, more or less, being a portion of Garden lot No. 11, west, in the city or savannah, bounded ms follows:—East by Purse street, south by lot No. —, north by street not named, and west by lot No. —. Levied on as the property or Ann Doblo, to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued out of the Honorable the aty Court of Savannah, m favor of John Gallaher vs Ann Dobie. Property pointed out by plaintiff.— Terms cash. Purchaser paying for titles. EDW. M, PRENDERGAST, my31. aty Sheriff. ■- • CITY »HERIFF»ft SALE. WILL be sold, before the court house door In v f the etty of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, One Au- S tate and Waynesboro’ Railroad Company’s Bond, o. 409—levied on as tho property of William Dunn to satisfy two fi. flu. issued out of tho honorable tho aty Court of Savannah, ono in favor of James B. Bead vs. William Dunn, and the other in favor or Johnlngersoll vs. William Dunn. Terms cash. EDWARD M. PRENDERGAST. may 31 Sheriff C, 8. S TATE OF GEORGIA—BULLOCH CO., May 20th, 1*56—Two months after date application will be made to the Honorablo Court of Ordinary of said County for leavo to soli all tho lands belonging to the estate of Michael Donaldson, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors and said deceased. my2*-8w JOHN K. GIBSON, Adm’r. 3 IWO1 , made veto a State of Georgia, Unlloch county,. A DMINISTRATORS' SALE.—By virtue or an or der from the honorablo Court of Ordinary of said county, passed on the first Monday in June, will be sold at tho court house door or said county, between the lawful hours of sale,'On the first Tues day in August, Ono tract of laud, containing one hundred and fifty acres, in bald county, on tho Ca- noochoo river; also, a part of four other surveys, containing six hundred and thirty-two acres, on Ca- noochcc river, well improved and in good rciiuir, consisting or swamp, bay and pine laud, {fold us the property of Nathan Urewfou, deceased, fur the benefit of the hoira and creditors of said decoa-et' Terms made known on the day of sale. BENJAMIN BUEWTON,) . .. SIMON J. BREWTON, J AU,u rs * Juno 2d, 1853 Jo 15 Slate of Georgia, IIullot-h County. A dministrators 5 sale.—win be sum, on the first Tuesday in August next, before tbs court house in Statesboro’, in said county, uuder an order or the Court or Ordinary, fifty-four (54) acres or Pine Land, granted to James Deal, and bounded by lands or James Woods, William Allen and Elmore Manes, belonging to the estate or James Deal, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, Terms made known ou the day or sale. MARTHA DEAL, \ Adttt’X. CALVIN DEAL. /Adm’r. Juno 12th, 1850 jo 16 G EORGIA—BULLOCH CO.—All persons having demands against the Estate of Thomas Mills, btte of said county, deceased, nro Hereby notified to present them, properly attested, within tho time proscribed by law. and those Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to HARDY B. HODGES, Adm’r May 20th, I860. tny23-6w _ WO months from date application will lie ide to the Ordinary of Chatham County, for 9 sell lot No. 161,' 9th district, Baker, belong ing to the estate or Julian Marks. JACOB WATSON, mayfi Administrator. ASSIGNMENT NOTICE. ~ J OHN M. WILLVAItL having assigned all bis property, boi’ft rewand personal, to adjust his debts, all persons leaving lej*> claims against the amid John M. Williams; will pt«u& band them to the undersigned without delay as it & Quito desirable to ascertain tho extent otIndebtodnrtlr and to per- feet a speedy settlement o/tbe assigned tyoperty »Pra HIRAM* ROBERTS, Xttgneo. A I.L persons having demand, against the estate A of the late Charles S. Arnoffi JSBd aw hereby notified to present them, pro^.ip J, Within tho time prescribed by law; and. aU those ini deb ted to said estate, are requested to tnok e i mmo dials payment to EDWARD PADKLKmj) n may* Adm|niatuto P ASSIGNEES NOTICE. '- 1 - \fR. Louis Robidcr having made an aasigi.. iu. meat for the benefit ofbu creditors, all per- sons indebted to him will please make payment to me. And thoso having demands against him are requested to present them, that payment may be made as for as the assetts will extend. A. BONAUD, Assignee. Savannah, May 19,1850. may20 GLYWSHERlFF’S sale; T1TILL bexold before the door ol tho Court Houso V f in the city of Brunswick, County of Glynn, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hoursoTsale, the following property, to wit.:—Cas sius, Jim, Chioo, and Simou—levied on by virtuo ol fi. fa. Usucd out of the Honorablo Superior Court of Glynn County, In favor of Horuco B. Gould vs. Alex ander Scranton and James Gowen, Administrators of Mary Abbott, deceased. Property |Kilnted out by plaintiff's attorney. may28 M, 0. B. WRIGHT, S.a.C. GLYNN SHERIFF’S SALE. CITY MARSHAL’S SALEH.. ■\\riLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in July V f next, in front or the court house : Improvements ou lot No. .’l, Montmollinvillo, to satisfy City Tax Executions vs. Connelly, tor years 1854 and 1855. Also, I/it und improvement No. 12, part of Gar den I.ot No. 11. west, the projterty or Mrs. Ellen O’Reilly, to satlsly City Tax Executions for 1865. Also, Lot No. 15 aud improvements. Franklin ward, os the property of M. Prcndergast. for Taxes for 1855. Also, east half of I/it No. 2, Calhoun ward, the property of Mrs. Bridget Cary and children, for Taxes for 1855 Also, I/its Nos. It* and 2(», Wesley ward, at the property or Edward Perry, for Taxes for 1865. Also, I/it No. 61, Brown ward, as tho property estate or Patrick O'Connell, Sr., forTaxes lur 1855 Al.o, Improvements ou south hair of ]/>t No. 33, Warren ward, as the property or Mis* Matilda Bn- sey, for Taxes for 1864 and 1855. Also, east hair or I/it No. 28, north side of Marga ret street, the property of Mrs. Rachael Wise and daughter, for Taxes for 1855. Also, Lou Nos. 47 and f.2, Walton ward, os the property of John McCormirk, for Taxes fiir 1855. Also. I»t No. 4, Washington want, as tho proper ty of Mrs. M. M. Dibble and children, for Taxes for I860. Also. Lot No. 14 and east half or J/»t No. 15, par of Garden J/»t No. 33, east, as tho property of the estate of 8. A. Patot, for Taxes for 1854 aud 1865. Also, I/it No. 24, lAfayctte ward, as the property or John M. Millen, for Taxes for 1865. Also, J/ii No. 10, Moutmollinville, ns tliu property or James Bcnolst, for Taxes for 1854 and 1865. Also, Improvements of quarter l/»t No. lit,Greene ward, as the property of Mrs. Baker, f Taxes »2 r ^riu 1865< Also. Girden ^ 0 * 68 » ,w lho Property W P. Bowon for raX0H for an ' 1 W6*. Also. tM No. 4’’ J “P° r ward, as the pro|iertv Hrt.J. W.RyOTii lor mr ‘- Al»o, west luiirt/.J" 1 f '"- "TSrJSSu«„r,le„, », ysr^r^'! ' !V,r Tr*&r r,,r may 81 City Marshal. Ik —UBLini 11 ■fW'I sold before the door of the Court House, ff in the city of Brunswick, County or Glynn, on the first Tuesday in July uext, between the legal hours ofsalo. the following properly, to wit.:—Ono undivided hairofatractor parcel of laud containing two hundred aud fifty acres, (more or less) lying and being in tho county ofUlynu, bounded south be lands granted to Michael Ponsell, nortliwurdly by lands granted to John Lamb, senior, east by lands unknown. Levied on os tho property of Celia lamb, to satisfy a 11. fa. issued out of the Honorable gupo- rior Court or Glynn county, in favor or Daniel Mein* tosh vs. Celia Lamb. Property poluted out by de fendant. M. C. B, WRIGHT, msy28 .Sheriff Glynn County. STATE OS- OEOllOIA, lilUKItTY VO. f|U all whom it tnay cuuceru:—Whvruus Jason X Floyd will apply at the Court or Ordinary for totters or administration on the cstato or Allou I). Floyd, Ibeseare therefore lo cite and adrnoni.-'h all wliom Xj^HESH Salmon, Lobsters and SardiueH. tor It may concern, to be and appear before said court, aaloby Jan 2 A BONAUD M tnilro nhlnr-linna If ...... .....iOVAL subscriber has Removed on tho Vi next door to tho Republican, I oltfce, where be Is now opening a jhandsome assortment of 8 P RIN oL. . AND MUMMER GOODS, which ho will sell by tho pattern or make to order in the most fosblonablo style. Also, Ready Made Clothing for tho present and coming season. Thankful for past favors, ho hopes to morit a con tinuance of the same. N. B.—Cutting, Altoring and Repairing done at the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pants, Wlilto and j-igured Marseilles Vests, for salt-at a small pro- «pr!2 JOHN W. KELLY. DRAPER AND TAILOR. JEFFERSON STREET NEAR BROUGHTON. The subscriber takes this opportunity to inform Ills friends and tho public, that ho is enabled, from experience, and the intuitive perceptions of the truths , ' r science, based on the common rules or surveying forms, both piano and spherical, to cut aud make up garments to fit tho human form in the most complete and finished stylo, to all who may favor him with a call. Buys' fancy dresses, Ball coslumcs, unitary and Firemen's Uniforms, &c., &c. f , r P. HORACE GRANT, Jefferson st., ono door North or Broughton street. dec 7—ly to make objections, if any they liavo. on or’before the first Mouduy In July next, otherwise said letters Will begrautod. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ordinary for liberty County, this 27th day or April, 1853. „„ W. P. GIRARDEAU, O. L. C. GEORGIA, LIDFdRTY COUNTY. O N the first Monday in July next application will be made to tho honorable tho Court or Ordina. ry of sold county for letters or admlnint ration on the e.itato of Gidoou McGowon, late of said county, de ceased. ANN McGOWKN. Juno 2 ’ NOTICE. — rrUlREK months alter data application will bo mode X to the Marino Bank of Savannah, for tho pay. meat of two Twenty doilur bills, vis.: letter B, 807u, and letter O, 697, tne left halves or which have been lost. JAMES P. HUDSON. Tallabasseo, Fla., May 17, 1866. 3m* tny20 AUMiNISTlTA'i'UTXHAlAE. '* O N the first Tuesday in July next will he sold in front ortho Court Uouse, in the city of Savon- nab, all tho real estate belonging tn the estate of James M. Bates, lata of Chatham County, deceased. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by arder of tho Administratrix, for Urn benefit of tho — — ANN B. BATES, heirs and creditors. may25 T nn ui unii.i, Administratrix. HOT. COLD AMD SHOWER. a fitted up. opened on Saturday, 2d or March. BcDfla Baths 25 cents—«lx tickets for $1.00 marl j. m. HAYWOOD. Agent COR FISH, MACKEREL AMD HER RINGS. _ extra No land No. 2 Mackerel: 10 do extra Pickle Herrings, 60 boxes Smoked Herrings in store and for sale by DAVID O’OONNFR. may lo Corner Brogbton k Brsyton iu, 4, south siiln of Bryan VIRGINIA SPRINGS! SOUTH-SIDE, RICHMOND k DANVIhLE, AND Virginia A Tennessee SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Shortest, most comfortable and most expeditious Route to the VIRGINIA SPRINGS! THROUGH BY DAY-LIGHT. And Baggage Chocked Through, except on Stages. Visitors to the Virginia!* Springe by this routo, take the South-Side Railroad care at Petersburg, or the Richmond aud Danville care at Richmond, at 6 A. M., dally, (Sundays excepted,) arrive at Lynch burg to dluner, aud thence, via tho Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, roach Bonsack'a Depot at 31-4, and Salem at 4 P. M., and at either place take Kent, Snmmerson As Co’s Fine Line of Stages! Thoso via BouBack’s lodge at Fincostle, dine at tho Rod Sweet, or Sweet springs, and arrive at tho White Sulphur Springs, (17 miles) early ou the evening or the second day from Petersburg, or Rich mond, without NIGHT IRAVE1., and with but 04 miles of Staging. Or by tho Salem route, slop ui! night at tho Roanoke Red Sulphur Sprlugs, (10 miles distant from Salem,) diuo at the Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs, aud urrivo at tho White Sulphur Spriugs ou tho eveniug of llio following day. The Virginia & Tennessee Railroad Is located through u most romuutlc country, poesessing a cli mate unsurpassed for its salubrity and delightful tern- ‘Hie road pusses the base of the PEAKS OF OTTER I And within three miles of the Alleghany Springs, uuc mile of the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, and within four miles or the Yellow Sulphur Springs all pleasantly situated a few miles apart, on the Eastern slope of the Alleghany mountain, In Mont goracry county. The waters of thoso Springs uro celebrated for their grout medlciuni qualities, tho ac commodations are excellent, und have been greatly increased since last season. AarVisitors to the Red Sulphur Springs take Kent, Summcrson k Co’s Stages at Newbcru Dejsit, ou tho evening or the day that they leave Peters burg or Richmond, and arrive at the Springs ou the following duy to uluuer, und Suit Sulphur Springs curly iu the evening of the second day from Rich mond or Petersburg. The Road from Newbcru l*ej>ot to tbo Red Sul- pbur Springs, (38 miles,) has been graded uni greatly improved since lust season, and is now re garded usouu of the best turnpikes In the moun tains. Tho line of Telegraph from Riclimoud will be com pleted and.ln operation to the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs early In June. Passengers to Knoxville, Tenmnwte, take Kent, Sumtnerson k Co’s stages at the Western terminus of the Virginia k Tonnesseo Railroad, now 180 miles * Lynchburg (and being extended Westward at do of 8 miles per mouth) to tho Eastern termi nus or the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, and arrive nt Knoxvillo in 21-2 days from Peters burg or Richmond. llERMNO'a PAT*BfT VlR*-PHOO*- with HAU.’sflkiflb^sHkreoor uwt. ■r&svsfX 8: World’. Fktr. are bow oflrmt lo Uio public u Uw Prlw Stfc of ithe World. Trolrd and approval Mlbcjr _ bar. been iwf- whna, |jwlreiowaln( rlctorr wo waerred to bo awarded by the Jorlw of Ibe World*.F.Ir. The proprietor placed One Thousand Pollan In Bold In the one exhibited al Ibe World’li Fair, Inn- don, and larllod all Ibe Plck lncka In Ibr wwld W open the Safe, wllborwllboullhe mjn, and lake the money as a reward for their ingenuity; although operated upon by soveral iklllod in tho art, no one could Pick the Lock or open the Safa. By an Improvement upon the original Salamander, introduced by the presentowner of the patent-right, tho interior Is rendered wholly Impervious to damp, and books, jupora and jowolry might bo preserved in ono of his safa* for a century without contracting a blemish from tnonld or txillldew. - To guard against counterfeits every SMbfrom w»® isnufactory of the subscriber, and sold by him or his agents, but a brass plate in front, bwring hla name; each is also famished with one of tils Im proved Thief Detecting Locks, which is a good guar antee against robbery. ^ a C. HERRING k 00., Noe. 135-137 and 189 Water-st., N. \. Agents in Savannah, Messrs. BELL k PRENTISS, who keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment, which they will sell at Manufocmm*’ From V. PUCMCK’A taxa Mutxcr, rauusuiu. ra. * i Agsnt for the Savannah Journal^ nvrii NEAT1.V EXECUTED AT THE SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK A JOB OFFICE. Merchant* be Mwll/d'at abort otalce wlib BIU-HcwtU, nu* ot udlni, Orajr Hooka, Clreulara, Cturda A. Mam/athmd by SUana d mm containing tho books, - papers, Particular attention given to BOOK AM) PAM PHLET PRINTING, such as Catalogues for Colleges, Proceedings of Meettogs. RoporU, By-Laws, etc. Thankful for the very liberal|*atrooage heretofore received, wo respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same, focllng that we shall be able to pleaso all who may favor us with n call, both as to prices and execution oft work. Proposals for Rations and Fuel for Ltuht-Vease tu» COLIJCCTOR^" OFFICE. r ov Lmi KW; Ived at this I o'clock,.M., on the 1st day of irofehluuand delivering Ra- LOCAL~EVIDENCB OF THE VALUE AND FIR4>- PHOOF QCAtlTIBI OF WILDEIl'l HALAMANDEH SAFES, At Mmtftchmd ly Sam d Jforein. Sm Tak. , InIbo dr. ortho 3J Inst, which consum ed the brick building occuplod by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposlto the Gas Works, in this city, was a saTc ol the above descriptions containing Uie books, papers, aud money of Mr. Thomas, and although the building was defrayed, tho said Safe sustained no injury whatever from the intense heat to which it had becu exposed. On open ing the Safa, the contents were found undisturbed, and in the samo order and condition os wbeu placed there, except a slight discoloration to tho projecting ends of a few papers, and tbo backs of one or two of the books, caused by Ibe steam generated tn the Safa, while at its greatest heat. The Solo aud contents, as Ucamofromthorulus, may still bo soon, iu tliu ixmsumIou of Mr. Thomas, at tbo Gas Works. A large assortment of these cele brated Safes always ou band,and for sale by C. U. CAMPFIELD, Agent for tho Manufacturers, July 2D, 1855. 171 Bay-st., Savannah. Ua. I take pleasure iu corroborating the foregoing state ment, and in addltiou would add, that the books are now in use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Forry .Wharf. July 2Gth, 1856. oct6—If ScMcaumtsrmofT Havani QEALF.D pr O office until July next, 1*50. for furnl — —_ .... Uons and Fuel on board tho Ught-vcssela In this Collection district, vis.; at Martin's Industry and Tyboe Island Knoll, for ono year from the first day of July 1853, to the 30th June, 1657, Inclusive. The rations to bo or good and ajiproved quality, to bo delivered In good and sufficient packages, barrels, boxes and cases, and In good order, ou board the above named light-vessels, at least once a quarter, free or expense to the Uulted Stales, aud agreeably to the annexed table of the weekly ration, vis.: DYING AND RENOVATING ESTABLISHMENT, 73 TORK STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, SAVANNAH. OA., Established III 1832, E Subscriber grateful to his friends und putrous for their couilnuu! favors, would state A In addltiou lo the improve men to iu DYING, uc qulrod by him during his hut visit to England aud Scotland, has made arrangements for extending his business, by which hu to now enabled to dye a greater variety or colors on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, Ac., which bu trusto will generally please all who may favor him with their i*uirouugo. Geutlumeu’s garments dyed, cleaned or renovated i may be required, in the some superior style which u generally so much pleased his patrons and friends. Table Covers, aud Ladles’ Crape Shawls, &c., cleaned and finished in tbo first style. ladies’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed in the moot fashionable styles. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcels arc sent by steamboats or railroad, word should be sent him by letter through the post office, so that be may know where to call for them, men 18 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. : : x: ******* do 4* do do* ’ S • WQimo,| I WE.JCIJ •sasTO|o|f ■irnte uia •WJJOJ J3L. xsans linjj paj/p jo suihfaH ■Vo* ta-l’jooa Fare from Fetenburg or Riebmond. To Red Sweet, or Sweet Springs via Bonsack’s,$10 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Saiem.... 10 60 “ White Sulphur Springs •• Bonsack*/ 11 00 “ “ “ “ “ Salem.... 11 60 “ Red Siilplier Springs 12 26 “ Alleghany .Springs 8 00 “ Montgomery White .Sulphur Springs 8 26 “ Yellow Sulphur Springs 8 45 “ Knoxville, Tennessee 23 00 Note.—The charge for tickets to the Alleghany Springs, Montgomery Whlto Sulphur and Yellow Sulphur Springs, docs not include tho rluirgo from tho Railroad to the Springs. Passengers lor the Al leghany Springs, (4 miles distant.) tako tickets to Shawsville—for Montgomery White Sulphur, (1 mllo distant by a branch Railroad,) take tickets to Big Tunnel and for the Yellow Sulphur, (4 miles dis tant,) take tickets to Chrlstianiluirg depot. Con veyances will be found at three places. For further information apply to E. A. GOODWIN, Ticket Agent S. S. R. R., Petersburg. CHARLES 0AMPBEIJ-, Sup*! Richmond k Danville R. R., Richmond. E. H. GIL!., Snu’t V. k T. R. R., Lynchburg. KENT, SUMMERflON k CO., ray 13-3m Fincostle, Virginia. CKMTH.AX HA1LHOA1I.' UUNUlilGH— ■ — 1J a, lililH Hugnr Criickora—rriwh, 29 “ Butler “ “ 16 “ Swla Biscuit “ 26boxes “ *• •! 25 hhls No. I Sugar, 69 “ A, B und f) Sugar, Received aud for sale by ‘ mcmaiion k doyle, ln y |7 Nos. 206 und 297 Bay st. P aper hangings and borders.- Just received u great assortment of the most elegant iiutlerus, will* borders to match, Lom 8 cento to $2, at CHAFFER k (xj.’S, npr39 No. G Whitaker street. g7 MTiJlU FFi fii, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN. Mirner oi Bryan and Wlillaknr Slreets. HAS now on hand a lii-autiliil os- . sortmeiit ol Jewelry of every din- iEfet -„rt ■■ yriplkm mid kind worn by ladles iSuat i ill 0 .?. 1 tt,ui wlilHellntmmsually low prices. ■iineKr JiT? . X, rocr,Vfl d (per Express) a lar*c olegant HI ver Warn, consisting of Cake ami Siengraved Flab Knives and Hnnnn. v. k ‘^ ty'voH aud Forks, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, An. An., all caH0H i »nd sultalilo for presents. 1 liavo hauir i ^-e'ved on addition to »ny slock oT oolorod Curls, Topays. Bralda, Front w ’ B,u,,ta » ,Jnc, ° kn., whlnh now tnakea color desiroV' 1 comp,<,,0# Orders received for any repaired by aud under tbo supervision of soir, aud all otbor work done in a workmanlike manner, and warranted. . may 26 O N and after Sunday, the 14th October, Inst, and until further notice, the I’assenger Trains on tne Contral Railroad will run as follows : BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Savannah Daily at...6 a m und 12.16 r u. Arrive In Macon “ “..2.16 pm “ 1 am. Leave Macon “ “.11.45 am “ 9.30 pm. Arrive in Sa van’ll “ “10.46 p m “ 7.20 A u HLTWKKX HAVAK.VAH AXI) AUtlCHTA. I/save Savannah 12.16 p m and 8.30 P. M. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 pm “ 6.30 a m, Uave Augusta 0. a m “ 4.30 p m Arrive in Savannah 1.30 p m “ 10.46 p BKTWXXX MACON AND ACOCSTA. Lcuve.Macon 11.46 a m and 9.80 p m, Arrive in Augusta 8.46 p m “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta 0. am “ 4.30 pm. Arrive in Mucon 2-16 p m “ l. am. sxrwxn savannah, Mimmoimu k katonton. Leave Savannah 6. a m Arrive in Mllledgevllio 2.46 P m. Leavo Macon 1146 am Arrive in Eatonton 6. pm, W. M. WABLEY Gen’l SupL Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1866. octl6. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE O.N' THE 80U oT. H r a^UROAD New York & New Orleans Malls. f\N and after Sunday, February 3d, 1856, twu dully trains between Mucon and Columbus, and ono betweeu Macon and Amoricus, Leave Mucon at 2 a m, and 8 v ms urrivo at Colum bus at 7 16 A il, und 1030pm; leavo Columbus at 4 16 a m, and 1 30 p si j arrive at Macon at 10 64 a m, and 7 40 p m; leave Macon at *2 a m; arrive ut Amor) cus at 0 40 a m; leave Amcricus ut 2 29 p ji ; orrivo at Macon nt 7 40 p m; muking ucompletecouuacLInn ho- tween Montgomery, Aluhuinu, und Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmlngtou aud Charleston; ulso, with Control Itullroad Traius to SON'uunuli, Millcdguvillouud Eaton- tou, and with Mucon und Western trains to Atlanta. Chattanooga, Nashvillo und Knoxvillo, Tenu. At Columbus with Gh urd aud Mobile Railroad Kulaulu, Alu., connecting dully at Amerkus with r...._ » .. ... uliuhussco. Albany, ?Kly bucks four horse Post Couches Thomasvlllo, Baiuhridgo, kc., with tri-weultiy to Lumpkin, CutUbert, ko., ut Fort Valley with bucks to Perry, Huyuosvillo, Huwkinsvillo aud Knoxville, Ou. PusHongcrs for Americus uud poluto bolow Fort Valley, should toko tliu 1216 p m train Trom Savon- nub; und the 6 pm truiu from Augusta, to avoid de tention ut Macon. For other noitito ou tliu South western or Muscogoo Roads toko either train from Suvuuuuli or Augusta. Posseugors leaving Ameri cas ut 2 20 p m will ruuuh Columbus ut 10 39 P m Uio same night. Passengers from Columbus aud the West for Am cricus, South-western Georgia or Floridu, should tako tho 1 30 p m train at Columbus, sleep at Fort Valley, and roach Amoricus at U 40 a m next morn ing. First class Btoanishijis leavo Savanuah for New York on Wednesdays und Saturdays, and for Phila delphia on Wednesdays. Passage i.i tliu Cahlu *25, Steerage *8. Fare from Montgomery to Suvuuuuh ..$14 00 “ Columbus “ “ 10 oo “ Amcricus “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 80th, 1860. muylG VIRGINIA CENTRAL"R.ROAD. fjN CONSIGNMENT— 2000 htishols Priino Corn; 100 do Cow Peas; 200sacks “Palace Mills 5 ’ Flour; 10 bbls Raw dim; 10 do Monongahola Whisky ; 6 do PomMllo Brandy; Fur sale low, by J*18 PATTEN, 11 tTlTON ft 00. ... vnaement—Car* Startingfwm UroailSt, W \vy Riill all the way toGordousvIlle. HEN the Potomao in dosed with ice thin routs tnay ho relied on by luusengero, to rn •uro the connection going North Is entirely relald with a aupori- GordouBvlIlo. During tho winter the train will start from tho old station, in Richmond, ou Broad street, at 7V a m., pass GordonxvHIo at 11 a m., and arrive In Staunton at 3 25 p m. Down train iMvesStaun- ton at 6 40 A m, pauses Gordonsvlllo at 11 a m, tod arrive In Richmond at 2.30 pm. Faro to Gordonsvlllo $2 00 1* “ ,6 00 Both trains arrtvo in Gordonsvlllo In ample time to take the train of tho Orange und Alexandria Rail- road. Ponou wlioloav. Richmond at nt * can Ukolte Oranaa and Alexandria nan atlloMuim- villa ir limy cbooaa to do ao, aud by that Wain will OOlT If • II. D. WIHTOOHB. Wild. corns vto'Tti-jnrt M and tor aalo by j. w. THRELKELo. ■uyll Oonyraaa and Wbltbabar atraata. Each proposal must state UUtincUy the price for which tuo entire ration will bo rurntobed ou board each light-vessel respectively« Tho proposuls for supplying fuel, both coal and wood, must state distinctly tuo price per tou and cord, and the kind and quality of each, to ho deliver ed ou hoard of each light-vessel respectively. Ono bidder may offer for all the rations und fuol required for all tne light vessels in tills district, or for ono or mure of tho vessels soi*aratciy. at his owu option. The kiud uud quantity of fuel will be deter mined u|mju, uud tliu contractor informed accord ingly. iu udvaucc of tho time for tuukiug tiie quar terly deliveries of rations ou board of the rospcclivu light-vessels. Each bidder is required to attach to his bid or bids a written guarantee, signed by himself uud a re.'iKiusiblu surety, that, iu theeveut of the contract bciug awarded to him, he will faithfully execute it iu conformity to tiio terms of this advertisement. Tho contractor will be required to enter into bond with approved security for the faithful execution of the contract; and no bid will bu accepted or contract entered into, until approved by thought Home Board. The contractor will be required to keop at least, in tho aggregate, one month’s rations for the entire llEttNTZBtilUANN'H ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. T HE distinguished favor witli which this essence has been received throughout all pcctfoUH or the Union as a remedy at once safe, agreeable and effectual fi»r Incipient Diarrhcea, Cholera Morbus, Weak aud relaxed Bowels, Prostration by heat or fatigue, Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Colic, Crump, Lan guor or Debility from sedentary haldto, Ac., has in duced ibe proprietor to givolt every publicity in Ills power. Upon its merrito comment is unnecessary, us its own intrinsic worth Is its Best eulogy. It car ries with it tho evidence of Us superior excellence, freely uttested to by the young, the old, aud scores of families who. prompted by a careful regard for Iholr health and comfort, uro daily adopting it os an ixnwi’KNFAHUJ FAMILY KKMKDY. There is perhaps 110 medicinal preparation extant fo simple and harm less, yet salutary and effective, whoso worth will he more appreciated or universally adopted than the liquid Ginger prepared by Heintzolrnun. For sale by J. K. DxFOKD, Druggist, JolO 3m Savannah, Ga. MIBS MAI ♦ Hi I! B. Brooke HaU Female Seminary. MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. HUS MARIA I. KA8TMANN, Pmxnui.. Tliis Seminary, located in the do- lightfal and healthy village of Media, itblrteen miles from Philadelphia, by 'Railroad, will he OPENED ON WEDNESDAY. Beptemlier 10th, 1*50. Tne commodious building, now in process of erec tion, with all tho modern improvements, will lie finished by tho first of August, and will contain such accommodations, both in |*olui of taste and comfort, os cannot fail to satisiy parents that while their daughters are enjoying tho benefits or mental cul ture, they have also the comforts of a refined home. This institution is established with u view to allhrd to young ladies tho most perfect combination of ad vantages for the attainment or a thorough and ac complished education, aud uo pains or expense will bo spared to render it In reality what It professes to be. a school or superior morit. Miss Eastman, the Principal, was nt tho houd of a school In New Eng land previous to her residence iu Peuusylvsnla, and for the last six years has been knowuto the patrons of Aston Ridge Seminary, as presiding teacher In that institution. The Rt. Rev. A. Potter, Bishop of tho Diocese of PomiBylvauiu, sayS:— “Miss M. L. Kastman, who proposes to open a Young Ladies’ Seminary in Media, Delaware Co., Pa.. in September next, has been known to the sub scriber for sevoral years past. Ho lias a very high opinion of her capacity, efficiency and devotedness as au educator. Shn has had a largo and success ful experience. Tho building wbicb is to be erected for her use will contain every accommodation. The village aud surrounding country are distinguished for hoAlthfuiucss and beauty, uud tho subscriber has confidence that parents who entrust their daughters to Miss Eastman will have no reason to regret U.” Miss Eastman will be aided by uu clllclcut curp/ of Teachers. The French language will ho taught and spoken by a Purtoluu Indy, residing in tbu family. The Latin, Goruiuu, Ppuutoh uud Italiuu languages will receive duu utteutiuii. The Natural tfciuuccs will he taught, with the uld of u largo und expensive apparatus. Tbu Musical Department will he under the charge of a Judy eminently qualified to fill the situation; uud all preferring u mule teacher on the l’iuuo or in Siugiug, cuu have tliu bcuellt of u Visiting Teacher from Philadelphia. Drawing uud Puiutiug will be umler tho direction of u lady uecotupltohcd iu tliu urt. Thu uumbor of pupils is limited to forty. Tliu Terms for Board and Tuition in ull the branch es except Music, are $159 per session of five mouths, Miss Easlmun has liberty to refer to tiro following gontlomen:— Ut. Rov. A. Potter, D.D., uud tho Eptocoiwl clergy Hon. F: Pierce, President of the Uuited States. Hun. 5. P. CUuso, Governor ofOiiio. 'Hou. N. II. Buker, Ex-Governor of New llutup- shire. Hou. M. W. Tuppau, M. (J. from New York. Rev. N. Stem, of Norristown, Pa. ltev. A. McLeod, Cteurlield, Pa. Pierce Uutlur, Esq,, of Philadelphia. J. ll.Ukiu,K*q., do. E. W. Clark, Esq., do. George Wharton, Em;., do. Christopher Lower, Pultoville, Pa. George Wyman, Ft. I/iuis. Mo. Hou. P. C. Jolipson, Washington, D. C. For further particulars, or for circulars apply to the Principal, MltiS MARIA KASTMAN, JulO coil 3iu Media, Delaware Co, Pa. crew or the light-vessel contracted for, on board at all times; and any expense iucurred on account or failuro to deliver rations or fuel in time, will lie chargeable to the contractor. No member or Congress, fightkeoper, sujiei iuteu- dent or inspector of lights, nor any person connect ed with the Light-liouse establishment, will be al lowed to contract for or deliver rations lor tbo crew, or fuel of a light-vessel, nor to lie Interested in such contract. No contractor, superintendent, or msjioctor will be allowed to change the parts or the ration, uor the times that may bo determined upon for tho delivery, without authority of the Board. All the articles constituting the ration for the crew or light-vessels will be examined, and their quality approved by tliosuiierintendcnt, or the inspector of the district, or by o< h other |>cn?ou as may be as signed to iMurtorm that duty ; and no bills will bo pid for rations niui fuel which are noi accompanied by receipts duly *^,,,*1 by the respective light-ves sel keepers for the different articles constituting the rations for the crow for each quarter, and separate receipts for the kind and quantity of fuel delivered on board of each light-vessol. No bid which to not properly sealed aud endorsed will bo considered, and no bids will bo received or allowed to be withdrawn after the expiration of the timo specified in the advertisement for receiving them. Bids submitted by different members of the samo firm or co-prtnership will not bo considered. All bids will he publicly opened and registered at the time specified in the advertisement. The right to reject all bids ff Hie interest of tho public service require It. Is reserved By order ortuo Lignt-houso Board : JOHN BOSTON, Superintendent Lights. my 11 FRENCH MILLINERY AND Dress Making. MRS. FREELAND has open ed at her Rooms, .Vo. 174 Broughton Street, a fine selec tion of Spring Millnery, and is constantly receiving i»cr steam ers. now and dtllbront styles of Bonnets; also, Dress and Mantilla patterns. MSr Bonnets cleaned and pressod as usual, aprio spatentwater fxi/tkr An assortment of sixes on hand. We warrant them to make the Savannah River Water, even though dipped directly out or the River, as pure and cloar os tho finest Spring Water. About forty of these Filters are now in use in this city, and every person who has them, will cheerfully testily to their efficiency. Indeed, lho Board or ______ Water Commissioners here, sny in their Roport, it Is tho only Filter that does effectual ly pnrliy tho Savanuoh River Water. Call and see ono In operation at our House Fur nishing and Stovecstoblisment,Hodgson’s new block. KENNEDY ft BEACH, fab 27 CorncrorBroughtonaud Bullsts. ice pitchers; DOUBLE Water Pitchers. Some new mid beautiful designs, Fluted uud Brito- nln. At the Hjuho Furutohiug £ Storo, S 165 BROUGHTON STREET, * HORACE MORSE. Savannah. April30. apr30 heewtoedw OKNUINK PREPARATIONS. M’« HKMrCwmox? 1 *•“•* omuiI Plaid Extract Uarka. ISA CERTAIN, SAIT, ANI) DTECTVAL REMEDY -ntOR DUouaa of tt* Kaddar. Rklnera, UraTrt, sexual Organs, whether In • 1 flAi-g OR FEMALE- •ni IhU popular and specific remedy Is now offered Wlh-aniclSl,and tuaraslMdlocure alllli, jbov. comnlalou. It nweber col Ov ntfitM of Ike 5JSS7, drlvlo* cntaU tbo dkeaMl O-Mi UlXf body, tbo* reioorlnplbe cauaoand reoderio# tbo ° 0r * OBTAIN AND PERMANENT. Tbll medldoo aR-T-jd" " 111 other remedlwtorartabljrcauw,and canbotakw SMKSSSSiadSSi Dorn the bandao^n^ guACKS, the least confidence of the afflicted in performing SAFE CURES. j tains 00 narcotic, mercury, or other Usurious U but 1* purely a VegetaUi CompotiOm. It. Is /agreeable to the taste, creates ao peeoejSlble odor, and maybe taken by persons of etthweex without hindrance from business or medical advice, as plain directions for use accompany the medicine. | Reader, if you have any of the above complaints, do notneg AKR DANGEROUS. With this medicine you can cure yourselT, and thus Pr °' eD TRUTH P Ml , KT AND WILL PREVAIL. This medicine speedily and effectually cures the most vlruleut form of secret diseases, and eradicates every particlo oTlnfocUous matter from the system, •“i 1- BBSS Mas. - Helxubold’e Highly Concentrated Com- ponnd Fluid Extract lampaillla* For purifying the Blood, romoving all diseases ari sing from excess of Morcury, exposure and Im* prudcnco in life, chronic constitutional diseases, arising from an impure state of Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure or Ecrofuta, Salt Rheum, 8cald Head, Ulcer ations of the Throat and Logs, Pains and Swellings or the Boues, Tetter, IItuples on the Face, aud all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. It is gratifying to the proprietor of these medicines to be able tu state that it Is now nearly three years since they were first introduced, during which time they have been extensively used iu various juirte of the United states, aud have given to patieut and practitioner tho highest degree of satisfaction iu the various cases iu which they have been employed; whether iu town, country, hospital or private prac tice, they have Invariably giveu lho most decided and unequivocal satisfaction, aud produced tho must salutary aud beneficial cllccte. Numerous letters have becu received from the most distinguished physicians In the country, and from tho professors of suveral medical colleges, recommending In the highest terms tbo value cf these medicines, and their superiority over aU other preparations for such complaints as the proprietor recommends. Numerous preparations of Sarsaparilla and of Bucbu and various modes of proparing them have been given, all of which of course will differ according to tho mode of preparation which each individual may adopt. Tneso medicines require considerable care In the preparation und the employment of different men strua in successive ojioration to take up the oxtrkc- live matters, and, lu consequeuce, are most fre quently improperly made, aud not unTrequently much impaired, if not rendered totally inert, by tbe Injudicious and unskilful management of those uuac- S uaintcd with pharmaceutical preparations. It is ierefore of the highest consideration and import ance to tho public and to tho faculty that there should be standard preparations of uniform strength and possessing the most advantages. To effect this aud obviate tho evil alluded to, 1 have made a num ber or experiments to ascertain the most effectual mode or extracting tbe virtues of the Sarsaparilla and the Buchu, and to discover the most eligible form for their exhibition. The experiments nave resulted most favorably, aud it is with much pleas- uro I now offer to the public and the faculty my Compound Fluid Extracts, which contain all the vir tues ortho articles they are represented to be made from in a highly concentrated form, and are the most active preparations which can be made. Two ta- blespoonsfal of the Extract Sarsaparilla, added to a pint or water, to equal to the Lisbon diet drink, and oue bottle folly equals In strength one gallon of Syr up Sarsaparilla or decoction as usually made. PRICES: Fluid Extract Bucbu, $1 per bottle, or 9 for $5 “ “ Sarsaparilla “ “ “ “ “ Certificates of cures and recommendations from distinguished professors and physicians will accom pany each preparation. Prepared aud sold by H. T. IIELMBOLiy Practical and Analytical Chemist, 233, Chestnut-si., near the Girard House Phils. To be bad or Druggists and Dealers in every sec tion or tbe United States and Canadas. All letters for the tnndiclne directed to the propri etor receive immediate attention, and safe deliveries guaranteed. sept l—ly-dtw JOHN b. Moore ft co., GIBBON’S BUILDINGS, SAVANNAH., Ga. WHOLESALEk RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Would call tho attention of Merchants, Factors, Planters, Physicians and others, to their ex- tensive and well selected stock, comprising every article In their line of business, and which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms for cash, or approved credit, vis: PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, AC.. White Lead, Pare sad No. 1; Tieman’s Colors, dry and iu oil; Japan, Copal, and Coach Varnishes ; Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Window Glass. Put ty, Gold I<eaf,-Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, and Gla- siers’s Diamonds, LAMP, MACHINERY AND TANNERS’ OI7S, Bleached Sperm, Whale and iJird Oils, for burning; all descriptions of Oil for machinery, via., Patent (HI Unbleached Sperm, lard and Rape Seed (Ml; also Tanners,’ Neats, Foot and Sweet Oil. GROCERS’ ARTICLES. Nutmegs, Mace, Atotilco, Cinnamon, Pepper. Ginger, Mustard, Saleratus, Soda. Pearlasb, Sweet Oil, Starch, Fig Blue, Matches. Ac. FOR PHYSICIANS. A great variety of the best French. English, and American Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Select powders, Surgical Instruments, Vials 8pecie Jars, Metallc Saddle bags, Ac. Also, CAMPHEKE ANlJ BURNING FLUID. Any ono who may favor them with their orders may ■i Mi MOULKT’I INFIRM Ain. FOB tbu treatment of Can-/ cera,Wens,Fistula, and aUkinds! of Tumour j, U now open for tbe I of Patients. His Iuflr-J .-pSi IHBp . Bk pfacllc® Id tba! horrible diaew. (be tail leu jean b DMfurr«.<<d aunraklaxlklbe&Ktb. Prtlrou Mil prrdMB, or $M |*r mooli. MO brio* «r Tree 10 be .freed tlpoo before tbe care u Ul/ denakeo. JUI oommonlcitloii; uurt be pwt .*u addreaeedlo W. R. MIMUiT, Uf • (.rlffii, TJOTATOB4—400 barrel* (superior PfimiTne JL Paloluea: 60 do Weitero Red. j and 60.1.. HOI). tUXM MlTUtAY'O TTNITKD States, Canada and Cuba. U Schwrfler'* HDIory id Hlillosopb, ta Eita-.m,. traoalated b, Rrrple. Pre^ott’e Pblbpnd oTHpaio, new .upplr , 1( i Calf and In Cloth. a Napoleon*.ConfldenilalCormpondem-e an, i, brother Joaepb. llaran’a HUtor/of tbe Queen’, or tbe i|,.. Hanorer—2 roU. 1-Tbe Attach! In Madrid. Romance of Ibe Harotn, bp Min* Paidue. IWIDlOCeui tuo nwuui, uj i i Rachel Gray, by Julia Kavanaugh, Earnest Llnsioad, by Mrs. I<ee Iteu lentz. W. THORNE WILUam- BT KBCElVBD^-20 boxes Hhoulders. H prime article, 20 tierces choice t«„ ww Hams. In store, and for sale l*y mar 2ft WAYNE. URKNVU.I.K uc(» ■XJEW CHOP' t „. Xl go of the Abbott Devcrcaux, daily eximcM for sate in lota to suit purchasers, by ’ Jan31 RODGERS k Noiihia. CARPET AMD UPD0I.8TEuy WAREHOUSE, 140 Omgrta and 67 SL Julicn „Str«t* mHE UNDERSIGNED would take tlii* onpoi- X looby to sxpress to hto friemto uu J tin- generally, his sincere thank* for their libera, pui..,, age and influence, which ba.« resuln-.i in ext. icna. <h his trade to all parte of the State. AL-o. t'ar.»Ui« Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, thereby m, him to exhibit a stock unsurpassed iu any > utto-n. City. Families, Merchants, Hotel Keepers, and am, boat Owners are particularly invitcii to cxau ine th- present stock, which is now complete in »:i m- various departments, consisting in i*art ol'tlie t..||i.u ing goods, vis: CARl*El DEI*A RIM EXT Royal Modalioo, Royal Velvet, Mocot Wilton, Moeet Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Power Loom ** Three Brussels, pkiuouicalh~ P UTNAM’S Monthly Magaziue lor Muy. Eruuk l/jflie’s Gusetlu ol FusIiIouh lor ifay, Ulackwooil’s EMhihurgh Review lor April. Received and for sole by maylfl ARNOCK A DAVIS, 169 Congress street. 1 HUld8. FidOUR in store and for Male XsaO by may7 CRANK, WEffJ^ A (XL 50 SSH*, 01 *! 0 . c * tawh » «™»dy iiTrtore, afvtfnJb? r,lr by ibn only tapdar^ni f.„ 111 y M lid ri»v Mrerl. dMT HSSCHIVBD. Pf-R STEAMER, an assortment of MtaSi «d SnSr.”. “KtaV? Udtai|NI»ITlUTAN BONNPOT, I.i 1 HATS and FI.AT3. Alan a W „ HAW. lor aalo by MRS. FREELAND, _ ^ IT Ilroufhtnn atreo L isle tihiead oauntletr-tiio only urtlolo nr tbo kind In tliu nlty. For aalo by ’ . _ J- W. T1IREI.KEUI, JO"*™ «wa»r nr Cnnuroaa an.l Whllaktr aw. A pples & potatoes- 10 Idtla ITiniuu Mf’ri’rr I’olalima ■ Fnraataby* K ’“' U “TlO J. A. BROWN. PATENT AIR-TIGHT SEI.F-SEAI.ING CANS AND JARS, L*..« II. t.Z TO WOOL SELLERS. fpHE Undersigned huvo this day oiieued a X Store in Congress street, opirasite tho Market, for the purchase or Wool, Sheep Sklus, Hides, Beep Wax,.lteer Skins, aud Country Produeoln general, fho highoslcush prices will bo paid for all tbo above arbclosondelivery .InSavanuoh. Mr. L. J. GUIL- MARTIN has been aupointml as Agent, to whom all persons having business transactions with tho un- dorslguod may apply. „ . J. W. SMYTHE A CO. Savapnab, May 19, I860. may20 “""piano FORTUN. HAVING lately received largo ad dltions to our 1‘IANO FORTHt, wt are enabled to offer at this time the , . _ greatest variety from the host nianu faoturers, from the plainest square to the most elsh* orately carved, aud from six to soven octaves. Our Pianos aro soloctod from the manufiieturers whom wo have full confidence in, and we aro par ticularly requested by thorn to give a guaranty with ovary instrument sold by us as rogards durability, tone, Ao. Persons in want ora first rate instrument may ro ly with solely upon getting sunb a quo by selecting from tbo following makers, whoso instruments we endeavor to keep constantly ou hand, vlx : H. Wor- coster, .1. Chlckcring A Son, Nunns ft Clarke, Bacon A Ravens, II. Waters, and Ilalues, Brothers A Cum- mj»jb I. W. MURRELL k 00, B Bandy, 5 whibry and mlu-vv. Sg I by laaySO) WILLIAMS k RATOLOT Throe ply Ingrain, Two pfy Ingrain, Wool Dutch, Eugltoh Drugifete. , i .. riou- width-,) Mo.-uiu Ifeartli Kttg- Velvet aud Cbcuilk- Kt< t Tutted Kugi, Piano aud table Cover*, Door Mato (every vat irij. Silver A Hra.-i- Stair K>t, , CariH?to Biudlugfc, kr. CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY DER A H1MEX1 Brocatelles. Lace and Muslin Cm uu Satin de Laines, Gilt Coruicc-. Satin and Silk Damask, Gilt uud Band.-. Worsted and Cotton Daumek, Tu*&vb, Loo|.» rlo Cords; Velvet and Plush of various culara; V.iudon Shades, near style. Also, every variety of Furniture Covenug. Trie, mlngs and materiato for decoratiug. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Hall- amt Rooms, cut to fit without a ream. Tbe subscriber will oblige h.m*.elt to make (to prices on all description of goods a> low us iL»- quality can be purchased lu any Northern city. Carpets cut to Rooms and goods sent iu m.y part of the city free of charge. BF* An experienced Upholster will attend to tlw making and faying of Cariiets and Oil Cloths wL.l desired. The decorative aud curtain departmont i> n charge of an Upholster of acknowledged ta,-tc sa l skill. W. H. GUI ON, Agent. octlB 140 Congress and 57 St. Julien-.-u rr W p ghoold Buy ■« (tire enure launactun, i returned al Ibe optlou of tbe purebuer. matalOU a? Drugs, it j. e. Be ford, APOTHECARIES HALL. 8. E. Corner of| Broughton and Barnard Streets. Savan- nah Ga., Wholesale and retail Dealers in. . ugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dye Woods aud Dye Stuffli, French, English, and American Perfom- cry, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes oT every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of alt kinds, Spices, Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, All Ute Puteut or Proprietary Medicines of tho day, Superior Iuks, Pure Wlnos and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. N. H—Especial attention given to tho treatment In cases of poisoning, Drowuing, Ac. *P« IF pORN AND CORN MEAL.—1000 bus prime xj Corn, White and mixed; 60 do fresh Coru Meal n storo and fur sale by don 81 FATTEN. HITTTON * m READ 1-READ ll-READtll That is, If you can see; and [if you cau’t see, you can find' all kinds or « helps to aoo’’ at tho Wutel Jewelry Storo or D. B. Nichols A Co., iu Congress street, uext door to the corner of Whitaker, whero you cau purchase Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, aud Jancy Goods, as low as at any other store lu tho couutry. Wo have received per steamship Alabama a fresh Jot of those fine Steel fipectoules : also, a supply of Pebble aud Pertocopio Lcus, widen we uro preimrod to fit in all kinds or frames, ut short notice, our 1 ertocoplc Lcus (so oullod from Uteir jmeullHr shu|»e) navo au advantage over all others, as thoy have a greater range of focus, so that the reader to wot compelled to hold the hook or paper at a certoiu dtotanco from the eye. Call uud see. „ , D. B. NICHOLS A CO. 49" No churgo for show-lug goods. mar 11 !>. B. N. A CO. DR. SANFORD’S INVIGORATOR, T S ft mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, and is X recommended to the public, relying upon iuir. trinslc worth In the cure of tbe lofiowiug compiilc: AU Bfffious Derangements, Sick Headache, Py«p- sia. Habitual OoRttvencss, Chronic Diarrh®. Co.. Pain iu the Stomach and Bowels, General Debitor Femalo Weakness. Ac. For sale by Druggtou gee erally, and by John. B Moore A Co. and Wm. VT Lincoln. Savannah. ly fell-.’ T tiriieri TIMBER 11 HE Undeesigned bu Just received, for ule (500) Five Hundred pieces of good shippln • Timber, averaging over ono thousand feet to stick. 0 fab JEFFERSON ROBERTS M ackerel, heriung.salmon, it- 2 bbls large No 1 Mackerel, .3 do do No S do 3 do do No 2 do 2 half bbto Blue Fish, 2 do Pickled Herriug, 3 do No l Salmon. 6 quarter bbls No 1 Mackerel, 10 kits No 1 Mackerel, 10 do No 2 do 6 Kits Tongues and Sounds, . 1000 lbi) Cod Fish. For sale low by Jan26 J. A. BROWN. RATBS OF ADVERTISING. For one square, of300 ema or loss, of any type wt larger tluui Nonpareil, 76 cento for the first and & I cents for each sufwequeut insertion,for any timeleu I than one month. f All Tabular work, with or without Rules; aud .a: I vcrtlseraents occupying double column, ehall b S charged double lho above rates*. | Adverttoemeuts or whatever length, forauy tit-1 less than one month, to be ebargod at trausir: f rates. For a longer time at tho following rates No. orSquarosJliuo|2raos|3mos»|4mos|8mo?j]2 1 Square,.... ““ ~ 2 Squares... •10 16 $20 $24 $30 16 22 26 28 36 20- 27 32 36 44 24 32 88 42 62 27 36 44 46 60 30 40 60 64 66 32 43 64 68 70 34 46 58 62 74 36 4* 61 66 77 38 60 64 70 80 X> OPE—700 coils Rope, various brstuls, ull Xli or good quality, In storo and for sale by apr29 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. PORN- rairf -In store and for sale by iKrrfcSvKi.i.p MERGER UNIVERSITY, PBNF1BLD, GA. FACULTY. fKttUnXXT, N. M. CRAWFORD, D. D. PKonessoRs. College.. , i 8. P. SANFORD, A. M., Mathematics. J. E. WIIJJ5T, A. M., Chemistry and Natural Philosophy. II. H. TUCKER, A. M.. Holies I/Mtrcx. • U- W. WISE, A. M., Greekand iAtin Ianguagos. WIIJ.TAM 0. WOOPFIN, A. B., Modem lAntuagoR. Theological Seminary. „ . N. M. CRAWFORD. D. 1*1, Ecclesiastical History and Biblical Literature. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, A. M., Systematio and Pastor/1 Theology. THOMAS A. SEALS, Principal. ^Tha Commencement to held on tho last Wednesday The next Toira will commence on the last Wed nesday in August. Tho price of Board In Urn village to $10 per month; washing, room rent, fuel, lu., $3. By order of tho Board orTrustocs. myl28m 8. UNDBIJM, gyratory. For any time not above specified, a projwrti-u charge will be made. A deduction of 26 tier cent from tbe above rate will be made on advertisements appearing e»+* lively on tho fourth page of the daily. Advertisements ordered three times a week, bo ebargod two-thirds the above rates. Special notices, 10 cents per line for the first, ui 6 couts for each subseqont insertion, and in noct» to be Bubject to contract. Marriage notices $1. h neral invitations 60 cents each. No special nou;« inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary Nonca Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings of anySoridJ- Association, or Corporation, ordered to be pubitft ed, 6 cento per line. Stoamhoato will bo advertised at $10 per wn“ for cuch boat advertised. Steamships, where but one to running, $40 per i-* num; if two or more, $30aach. Auctioneers’ advertisements not to be subjeti; contract, hut to be charged at the rates preictiW per square. The pujier, under no circumrtanccs, to be inch ed in a contract. Prolessiuual und business cards not exceeding 1 lines, will bu inserted ut $20 per unnum. I Calls on iiereons to become cuudidates. will" inserted as other advorttocmeuto. to be |<aid W* variably in udvunce. Announcing cuudidates for office, $10. to be I*‘ iu Mdvuucu. Advertiaemcuto not marked ou the espy w* specified time, will bo inserted until forbid,*** payment exacted, ; When uuy hill for two months advertising' thuu eoutruct, amounts to over $50, a doduriw l 25 per cent will be made, , 1 Yearly advertising, with privilege *»f cliange a*I be taken at tho following rates : I For oue square, renewable once u week, •« I “ “ “ twice •* r d I “ “ “ 3 times oroflooer •" L Every additional square contracted for fo ed oue half the above rates additional. _ .1 Yearly advertisers shall be limited to tb* *j* I contracted for. All contracts shall be in wnran stating definitely tho nature of the bu.-in^ |l '|l advertised. Any advertisewento not properly neffed with the business shall be chargedf’l 13 '' ! ly, and also any excess of matter over tbe*w ,w | contracted fur. ( .1 (Xmtract advertisements payable quarterly verUsomente from straugers aud transient petejji payable in udvunce. All others will he con« JttF H due when called for. Regular atlvertisers aud all others sending ' raunicatious or requiring uotice*. doj-igued to cw ti tenthm to fairs, concerto, soirees, or any tertuiumeuto, where charges are made wrjwri taucc—all notlces-of private assoclutieus, eyrry lice (Icrigucd to call attention to private culfrp^l calculated or iuteuded to promote Inoiywuwjji rests; cuu ouly be inserted with tho underiiw 1 that llte same to to be paid for. If luserted » ■ editorial culuum (which can bo ouly at the lion of the editors) tbe same will l»e charged si ■ rate of uot lera than 20 cento per line. rl Advertisements ordered iu the Weekly ■ tier square for each Insertion. . Tbo oudorsigued, pubUshers of Daily, Trl «g:| and Weekly newspapers In Savaunw. ourselves strictly to adhere to the •J»^f r _*l 1 charges, and in uo iustanee to deviate tneiwjw^m The above rates to take elfect March 1, lw to cmitiuue blading, until changed by the vw ■ majority of tbe undersigned. N. B.—This schedule shall not in anv the integrity of existing contracts. All ccwro^l the year or any other specified time, shall owy < JJl with the expiration of the period for which | ware made, At-sz/xMtaftSxpn, Republican. Tmmmm ft Wxnmnxnu Morning R It Hit.wm ftCo M Gwryton ft Jtnrw^ Plumbing." P LUMBING, In all its various tended to at the shortestDOtioe, and tnsjgfl ■ “ ■ HOUCK ***l