Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 24, 1856, Image 2

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.. ■ ** SB3E^pEHjHajP i?J~ MS jg ■■; -FSt-rw- «*• .» ■- •'i mm ■ r, ■ :i - ;—*. «™ V '' PP r " r. •T, . & JOURNAL. Dally, TrlAVttokly •ntt Weekly. Offioial Paper of the City and County, R. B. HILTON & CO. PROPRIETORS AND PUBLISHERS. H. B. HILTON, - - - - - - Editor. S. P. HAMILTON, - - A»»u«m»t Editor. TKRM8: Only PHiwt', tier j*cnr,III mlvuni e. $9.00 'I'H-WiinUly Pnlii v “ « :J.OO \V«»kly Pa,irr SIiirIc Copy H.OO .1 .. PlTO •• N.OO .. .. Kt S lil 10,00 •• *• Ten *» , I VS ,00 (To one n<l<lr<*«u)T««til3' •• 80,(10 When not paid In advance the charge tor the Hally will bo $fi, nnd Tor the Trl Wookly $4. The Wookly will bo scut only In those who pay lit advance. Tho paper will Invariably l*o discontinued U|Mtt tho expiration of the time for which it has been paid. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AVNE 8.1. FOtt PRESIDENT: JAMES BUCHANAN, OK PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN 0. BRECKINRIDGE, OK KENTUCKY. THE OLDER I GROW, THE MORE IN CLINED I AM TO RE WHAT IS CALLED A STATES JUG UTS MAN.-James Ruch- anan's speech on the admission of Arkansas, in 1830. I FULLY ENDORSE THE RESOLUTIONS, AND MAY FURTHER SAY THAT I AM WHAT IS CALLED A STATE PUG UTS DEMOCRAT—John C. Rreckcnridge in re sponse to his nomination for the Vice Presiden cy- in thn jmeech to wit* rou0 wifi a poof otio tint heat-—wrjth very little in tho speech, to wit . trouWo ft R( 5 ()( t H tiirtwas effected, tho mare with Mr, Buchanan In Wl5, The Savannah Republican yesterday publish ed what purports to be a fourth of July oratlort delivered by Mr.Buohanan In 1816, that Is to say forty-ono years since. Wo havo not read it, but Judging trom the cuptiou of tho several portions into which it Is divided, nro inclined to think that its publication in opposition papers, is likely to do Mr. Buchanan service. It would seem to be largely devoted to the ox* posure of the short comings of the Democratic party—indicating that Mr. Buchanan once oc cupied very much the same position that the supporters of tho Republican do now. If that Is so, it certainly must prove a recommendation to him ns far ns they nro concerned. If ho is nn opponent of tho Democratic party, or late ly (that is to say, 41 years since) jgp*, tho op ponents of the Democratic party ought to vote for him as the surest way of triumphing over that party. But again—The caption placed over thn con' eluding passaga in tho speech, to “ What must be done with Foreigners V”—-if it proves any thing, proves that Mr. Buchanan was formerly a Know Nothing. Of course then our Aniorican friends will vote for him, for the purpose of putting down foreign influence! They should uot hesitate to make him their candi. date and thus secure the ascendency of their principles in his elevation to the Presidency. There is manifestly no chance to succeed with their candidate. Why uot then rally around ours ! He is a gentleman, (no one denies that) a man of ability (wo seouhl like to—no we would not liko to see—nn opponent so pntfudto* cd ns to dispute that) and moreover has done the State some service, at home and abroad. But tot us see whether Mr. Buchanan was 41 years ago nn American in the modern sense, of the word Wo will clip from tho Republi can's copy of tho speech what seems to relate to this subject, nndthen rend it—which we have not yet done : WHAT MUST UK HONK WITH KOUBlONEItS. Above nil wo ought to drive Irom our shores foreign influence and cherish exclusive Ameri can feelings. Foreign influence has been in TUo Turf for 1850. Nuw York Races—Fashion Goursb.—Se cond day.—'Tho racing on this day waa very fine, the heats being closely, contested and the bettlug spirited. Tho attendance nt the track was again very fair, but tho rain rando tho course heavy and precludod the prospect of fast time. Tbo first race was for the Association Stake. 3 year old subscription, 1300} forfeit, $100: $300 added by the Club, mile heats, in which were Nicholas I., Calvin Greene's b. e., and Prioress; the latter waa tho favorite against the field, and although Prioraci tried to make a show (or the first heat, he waa outfooted and Nicholas won both heats with apparent Savnutinli Market, Jane 35.' COTTON—The market was dull y os tor day- 8 ;j halos woro sold us follows, vis : 1 at 10?^, 16 nt U a ami 70 at IUfo- COLUMBIA, JUNRC4.—Wo liavo nothing now i ; ropsrt In cotton; there was so little dono ywrtorua It was difficult to ascertain tho position o the mm ket, still wo think that 8 a lOtf Is about tbo tru f valuo of the article. ' \ Tho second race was for the Jockey Olnb Stake, $2,800, four mile beat*. The entries were Pryor and Florlde. Be tore the horses made their appearanco, the betting men com menced operations, and thousand of dollars Were wagered in every direction. Pryor, the favor ite for several days past, had gone down in pub lic estimation, while Floolde hud risen so that betting became even; and as this proposition found hundreds of willing seconds, on noth sides large sums of money were Invested. The ATLANTA, JUNE 23.—Cotton—9 to cent, and receipts vary light and Job Printing Promptly, Neatly Cheaply Done. Tho public iu general, and our Democratic friends in particular, will remember that there is connected with the Georgian 4* Journal es tablishment oue of the most thoroughly equip ped job offices iu this sectiou of tho Union. If we arc correctly advised, some of the most beautiful specimens of job work ever done iu Savauuah have lately passed lrom under our presses. Give us a trial. Our facilities enable us to execute every de scription of letter press work from n mammoth poster to tho smallest card, and from a book to a circular, with neatness and dispatch, upon tho most satisfactory terms. Orders from all parts of the country will ro celve prompt attention. BY TEIjEG*nAl»H: everv ago the curse of Republics, Her jaundlc- Third Mile.... ed eve secs all things iu false colors! The Fourth Mile... New York Markets. New York, June 24.—The Cotton Market has been active to day. Sales 600. Middling Upland 11 cents. Fire In Portland, New York, June 24.—There has been a des tructive fire in Temple street Portland. Kansas Accounts. St. Louis, June 23.—Later accounts from Kansas state that Col. Sumner has blockaded , the Santa Fee and California routes. We are indebted to the offlicers of the steam er Seabrook, for Charleston papers of yesterday morning, received in advance of the mail, By the kindness of Wtn. P. Yonge, Esq., we have files of the Nassau, N. P. Guardian from the 21st May to the 18th June- There appears to be nothing of interest in the Island. Tho papers came by the John R. JVilder. Progress of tlie Work. • Dr. Scriven President of the Savannah, Al bany & Gulf Road, has just returned from an excursion along the Road from this city, to the Alatamaha. We are gratified to learn that the bridge over that river iu the hands of the energetic ,and skilful contractors Messrs. Holcombe, is progressing favorably. Without unforeseen dif ficulties they are confident of their ability to finish this great work by the first or January next. The bridge over the Great Ogeccheo is nearly finished—that over the Little Ogeecheo is done. The track laying, suspended for a while, awaiting the completion of the bridge last mentioned, will be resumed at that place in a few days. The grading and earthwork for the whole line of road from Savannah to the Alatu- maha, is near about finished. By next January. the cars will probably be running for the dis tance of fifty-three miles from this city. ~ Meeting of the Democratic* Party of Efliiigliniu County. A large and enthusiastlo meeting of the De- niQcratlc party or Effingham comity was this day held in the Court Honse, to select Delegates to the approaching Democratic Convention, to be held in MiJJedgeviJIe on the ilh day of July next. On motion of Dr, P.M. Stotesbury, Hon. E* Newton was called to the Chair, and W. 0. Da vis requested to act as Secretary. The Chairman, in a few. and appropriate re marks, explained tho object, of the meeting. On motion of W. 0. Davis, the Chairman ap pointed Dr. P. M. Stotesbury, B. Grovcnstino, S. Keller, S. Wilson and P. S. Staunton,Delegates to said Convention. On motion of W. O. Davis, the Chairman up. pointed a committee of three, consisting of Dr. P. if. Stotesbury, W. O. Davis and S. Wilson, to report matter for the consideration of tho meet" ing; which Committee, after a short absence, returned and reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That wo endorse, with cordial the nomination of the lion, .lames Bunelmu df Pennsylvania, for President, and the Horn John C. ^Breckinridge, of Kentucky, for Vico President. In them we have candidates worthy of the confidence ami the sufferage of evortr nc American of this Union. We recognize in the, . men of purity and statesmen of wise and com prohensive views, and plcdgo ourselves to us all honorable means io secure the election of) h ticket. Rcsolvul, That l he sincere, cordial and hear ty acknowledgments*me due, and are hereby tendered, to the Georgia Delegation lor the fi delity with which they discharged the duties of their trust. On motion of W. O. Davis,these proceedings were ordered to be published iu the Federal Union and Savannah Georgian k Journal. Dr. P. M. Stotesbury, one of the Delegates ap pointed, being present, addressed the meeting u a plain and practical speech; after which, on motion of Major Porter, the meeting adjourn, ed. II. NEIVTON, Chairman. W. 0. Davis, Secretary. ed eve sees all things iu false colors thicK atmosphere of prejudice, by which sho is forever surronuded, excludes from her sight the light of reason. Whilst she worships tho nation which she fa vors from their very crimes, she curses tho cue- my of M that nation even for their virtues. In every age she has marched before the enemies of her countries, proclaiming peace when there was no peace, and lulling its defenders iuto fatal security, whilst the iron hand of despotism has been aiming a death blow ut their liberties. Already has our infant republic felt her wither ing influence. Already lias she involved us in a war which had nearly cost us our exis tence. Let us then loaru wisdom from experience,and forever banish thW fiend from our society. We are separated from the nations of Europe by an immense occau. Wo are still more discon nected from them by ndiJlbrentpbrm oi govern* meut, and by the enjoyment of true liberty. Why then should we injure ourselves, b.v taking part in the ambitious contests of foreign despots and kings ? Well, is. And after reading it care fully, wo are grieved to say that it does not make out a very strong case for Mr. Buchanan, as a candidate for the suffrages of our Know Nothing friends. To learn what the Fathers of the Republic and the Statesmen who immediate, ly succeeded tUera.raeauUjy “Foreign Influence” we must go back to their times and familiarize ourselves with their modes of thought. It will not be difficult to show that in using terms they had no reference whatever to tho influence of men of foreign birth who had be come American citizens. In establishing a confederation of free States at a time when there was no such thing as a Republic inexis tence, they necessarily went back to tho free States of antiquity, especially those of Greece, for their models,nod for instruction. The history of these bear witness to tho disastrous influence, not of foreign immigrants, but of foreign gov ernments , exercised through the intcrmedling of their embassadors. “Influence” of precisely this .character the French Directory attempted to exercise over the American government, so as to involve it in a war with England, during the ndministra. tion of Washington. Such was the influence against which that great and good man warn ed his couutrymen--and such that against which Mr. Bnchanan raised his voice in. the extract tho lead for 8$ miles, when Prior passed her un der a Btrong pull, won the heat withoutan effort, running homo well in hand in 8:17|, the mare being about live lengths behind him. The re sult of this heat was apparent, and the nu» was looked upon as concluded. We heard but one bet offered, while the two were cooling out, and that was $100 to $6 that Pryor would win tho second heat, and tho raco. He won with ease in 8:IB, SUMMARY. Thursday, June 10.—Association Stake.- years old; subscriptions $300; forfeit $100; $300 added by the Club, mile heats. Wm. H. Gibbons, ch. g. Nicholas, by Imp. Glencoe, out of Nannie Dhodes 1 Calvin Green, b. c. by imp. Glencoe, outof Princess Anne 3 R. Ten Broeak, b. f. Prioress, by imp. Sovereign, out of Reel 2 ilia. Time—7:66—1:67$. Same Day.—Jockey Club Stakes.-$\ ,800, four mile bents. R. Ten h. Pryor, by Glencoe, dam by Medoo 1 1 Mr. Wood folk, ch. h. Florlde, by Wagner, dam by Anne Watson Time. First. Heat. Second Heat First Mile *2:10 ,*....2:13 Second Mile 2:06 *2:0(5 .2:02 2:04 .2:00.1 1:50 NAVaNNAH MA11KKT. Office or tor Daily Gkorou* k Journal, ( Wednesday, Juno 25,1860.) COTTON.—Arrived since tho 17th Instant, 1,H bales Upland, and 44 halos Son Island, ns I'd tows: By Railroad 060 ba’es Upland, from •/*> gusta and landings on tho river, 212 halos t^>lam and hy southern boats, wagons, &c., 44 hales mj Islands. The oxporta during tlio same period Lav boon 4,664 bales Upland and 91 halos Sea Island Viz: To I.lvorpool 4,110 halos Upland aud 30 toil* Sea Island; to Now York 300 bales Upland, mid o- bales Sea Island; to Philadelphia 68 bales Upland and to Charleston 8 halos Upland—leaving^ &t_m:L on hand and on ship-board, not cleared yesterday ol' 24,939 bales Upland and t,334 halos Poa Island— against 3,606 bales Upland and 303 bales Pea Island tho same time last year, The transactions In our Cotlou market during the past week havo been more llmitod thau ou any pro Vlous week of the season, owing in a great men- Total 8:17^ New York Races.—Fashion Course, L.l. Third Day, June 20, 1850.—Club Puree, $450, $00 entrance to second beat horse. Mile heats, best 3 in 5. M. Clay’s b. f. Baloon, by imp. Yorkshire, ont o» Heraldry, 4 years 1 1 O. P. Hare's b. m. Adalglsa, by imp. Glencoe, dam by Kuudolph, o yeaw.. 2 2 W. H. Shaw’s ch. m. by- Boston, dam hy Eclipse, 0 years dist, Time—1:62; 1:54$. Union Course, L. I.—Trotting.—Friday June 20.—Match $10,000, mile and repeat iu harness. II. Woodruef names s. g. Rocket 2 1 D. PUler names b. g. Brown Dick 1 2 Time—2:315; '2:31$; 2:304. The weather was delightful yesterday, and as there were two races, oue on each Course, when wo arrived at tho track the friends of the turf were assembled iu largo numbers. In the run- ning race, Adnlgisa was the favorite, $100 to $10. In the trotting match, Brown Dick had the call. $100 to $00. The Uuowiug ones were floored again, as Rocket won iu the trot easy after the first heat, and all went home well pleased, but tho losers, with their day’s sport, ■N. Y. Times. quoted above. Unless then there is something in hi 8 speech of 1815 more in accordance with their proscriptive tenets, than that quoted, wo fear thatnnr American friends who vote for Mr. Buchanan, will havo to do so on other grounds than his Know Nothing ism. To allow the light in which Mr. Buchan an himself holds these stale charges, dating back more than a third of a century,'we subjoin the following letter : Washington, April 23,1847. My Dear Sir I have this moment received your letter of the 15th inst., mid hasten to re turn nn answer. ••‘sSsfe In one respect I have beenffirtnnato ns a pub- lick man. My political'Vfhamies are obliged to go back for more than thirty years to find plau sible charges against me. In 1814, when a very young inau, (being this day 50 years of age,) 1 mnde my first public speech before a meeting of my fellow citizens in Lankier. The^object of this speech was to urge Upon them the duty of volunteering their serviced in defence of their invaded country. A volunteer company was raised upon the spot,in which I was the first,T believed to enter my name as'ia private. We forthwith proceeded to Bolt! more, and served until we were honorably dis charged. In October, 1814,1 was elected a member of tho Pennsylvania Legislature; and in that body gave my support to every measure calculated,in my opinion, to aid tho country against tho common enemy. In 1815, after pence had bean concluded, I did express opinions in relation to the causes and conduct of the war, which I very soon after regreted and recalled. Since that period i have been ten years n member of the House of Re presentatives, and an equal time of the Senate, acting a part on every great question. My po litical enemies, finding nothing assailable throughout this long public career, now resort back to my youtful years for expressions to in jure my political character. The bravo and generous citizens of Tennessee, to whatever party they may belong, will agree that this is a hard measure ofjustiec, and it is still harder that, for this reason they should condemn thn President for having voluntarily offered me a seat in Ids Cabinet. J never deemed it proper at any period of my life, whilst the country was actually engaged in war with a foreign enemy, to utter u sentiment which could interfere with its successful prose cution. Whilst tho war with Great Britain wits raging, I should havo deemed it little better than moral treason to paralyze the arm of the government whilst dealing blows against the enemy. After peace was concluded, tho ease was then different. My enemies cannot point to an expression uttered by me during the con tinuance of tho war, whir.ii was not favorable to its vigorous prosecution. From your friend, very respectfully. James Buchanan. Hun. George W. Jones. Correspondence Commercial Advertiser Paris, June 5th. Politics yield the place, this week, to excitements of a more local character.— The frightful ravages by the floods, in the middle aud South of France, have awa kened the most lively sympathy at Paris in behalf of tho sufferers, 'wo such devas tation from floods 1ms ever been experi enced hi France. The number of houses swept away, of property destroyed, of families rained and turned destitute in the streets, surpass anything known in Amer ica as the result of au inundation. Beside, in France, houses, bridges, railroads, cat tle, grain and grain crops, in fact all things susceptible of being destroyed by a flood, possess mucli more actual value in money than they do in the United States: and when a man is once ruined in France, it is the labor of a life time to arrive again at his former position, The losses, there fore, are the more deplorable. Notwithstanding the great distance from Paris, the Emperor started suddenly on Sunday to the scene of suffering. He took with him three of his officers, and two hun dred thousand francs. At Lyons, he moun ted a horse and rode from point to point through the inundated '.city, examining the extent of the damage and encouraging the sufferers by kind words and money li berally given. He carried a leather bag full of Napoleons, swung to his saddle bow. Where bridges were carried away, ... was obliged to cross the rapid and furious streams in boats, and this he did at times, in danger to his life, for the fury of the waters is represented as something awful to behold. He passed down the Rhone as far os Arles, nearly in sight of the Mediterranean, everywhere visiting- personally the scene of disaster, am, distributing to the destitute, with his own hand, the "much needed relief. After stay of four days, the Emperor returned to town to-day, having left Lyons last evening nt 8 o'clock, by a special express train. Bucket of success at the Bah.—I ask ed Sir Jnmes Scarlett wlint wns thn secret of his pre-eminent advo cate. He replied that he took earn to press home the one principle point of the case, without paying much regard to the others. He ulso said Hud. lie knew the secret of being short. ‘I And,' said lie, ‘that when i exceed half an hour, I inn always doing mischief to my client: iff drive into tho heads of thn jury important matter, 1 drive out matter more impor tant that Iliad previously lodged there.,— Buxton. French Railway Traveu.ino.—Twelve years ago the number of travellers between Paris and the Belgian frontier umounled perhaps, to 300,000 or 400,000 annually, in 1830 the Northern Railroad conveyed already 3)<j millions of travellers, whilst in tho past year tho number rose to no loss than fij,< millions, which is equivalent 11Vtil ■ r\I* 4lm utlmlo Unonnli to the sixth part of Mm whole French population. Or this number, 015,000 t ravel- foi’H rode in firabclass carriages; 1,507,000 Destructive Wind in New York New York, June 23.—A squall, on Sunday ulternuon, capsized many boats and several lives were lost, and buildings in the vicinity were blown down and struck by lightning. in second; and 8,120,000 in third-class M. M unin lias sent for publication to some of the Turin and I tenon papers n letter denounneing the abominable doc trine of rioliiicnl assassination, or “tho theory of the pninurd,” which, ho says, is tho great enemy of Italy, and ho en treats the national party to partly from the enormity, and to lot their partly thorn solves from crime be the mark which slml- distiugutsh them from the suicidul lustra! meats of the enemies of all law. Cotntnerrinl Experts of Cotton, Rioe and Lumber. YOK TUB WKKK K.VDINO JUN« 23, I860. WIIBKK TO corrox. Hicnj tUMIlKH. tf. l.|UplnndH. 1 .Ivor pool 39 4111- i72231 Trinidad .... 106000 Cardenn*-. 13tlUK) AVttser River 319324 New York L iJftO Boston ..... 100761 Pldlndclpnhi ■. 68 260 203000 Portland ..... Charleston h Total 01 4664 251 1037300 Exports of Cotton and Rico. IK l\n<r OFHAYASSAU, COMMENC'D WIT. ). 1 COTTON. cwsir tuu5asuiibr;sopfick, j Jo 26 to tho light offering stock of lUeJimrliciila grades required to fill orders, aud tho hijtk-rute.-i <tr anodad by radars. Wednesday nud Thursday, ill two first days of tho week undor roving, tho imu ket had bcou entirely ncaloctoiT, no sultwJiavhiK ti ;on place. Oh Friday, however, a batter liiqalr prevailed, ntid 180 bains changed bauds nt fit prices; nml Saturday 20 halos only woflo sold. Karl on Monday tho Atlanta's news, with Llvvorpm dnlos to.tho 11th lust., roachod ns. Brown k Mill lny .fuotod tho Cotton nurkot dull with prices iu h with too scarcity« tho grades required, limited tlio •eporatlon- i [ft halos. Yesterday there was a <l»cttcr Teolin on tho part of buyers, uud '80 .bales change hands—making a total for tho vreek*Tif 299 bales a the following particulars : 7 ut 0?.*, 21 at 9%, 26 i 10, 46 ut 10 0 10,4 utl0,V 73 at 11. 70ut 11 bSt 20 at llj^c. Wo give tho following quotations its approximu ting as near ns possible) to tho ruling prices at tin close of business yesterday : Ordinary to Hood Ordlunry Low Middlings to Strict Middlings Good Middlings Middling Fulr v .... No Fair ou the market The receipts at tills port since 1st Sopt’r are 387,- 228 hales against 372,073 to tho same date last year, and-lbe Increase In tho receipts ut all tho ports, to the latest dates, as compared with tho lost.vom, is 809,270 bales; In the oxpurts from tho United States to foruigu countries, as compared with the satin* dates last year, there Is an increase of 438,312 bahts to Great Britain, 08,894 bales to France, and to other foreign ports 220,003 bales, and the total increase 729,211 hales. The receipts of cotton at all the ports, up to the latest dates, give the following results:— .. , . . Mlico wiikukro tfince.!uiiol711 revlousI>. j, )0 -o Previ ously. Upla'd'tf. L .Tiln’d-Tl’Ms tVcos. Liverpool.... • London Oth. Br.P’c 411ft 1 986:1:137424 *60j‘' aui*III* 1 896 Till, to U. B. 1 Sf 4119 , 6922:137658 89( Havre ... 670 vmf Oft ..Marseille.'.. lOth.Fr.P’t ... Tot. to Fi ll’* .... <170 mm 0,. 1 Hamburg .. •tf.Pctcrsb’re! "'669 Oth.N.K.P’i- 3223 Tot.N.E.P’n 3223 669 4861. Otli.W.I.l*’l .... 28C tfo. Europe ' i(t8i. To.OtliF.P’f .... 9231 New York.. 369 ‘2«09'l1ft1ll“‘ • - 0607 Boston *229 :*.r»r.8C»;.... 4924 Providence 7220' 8P3 1934 Philadelphia 68 16 17621, 251 Baltimore 4097 .... e'i Cl m r lent«»n 1 S 2789 11706, .. 767 N. Orleans 2990‘1 | • 472j.... jTot. C’stWl-e. 6-. j 4.15 6939,1808771 250 18842 :Grand Total, j 9 | 4551'13237 .343766; *.60 29627 Bavunnoli. 24tb June, 1360. . Toe Bond* of tho City or 8avani ah, due 1st Fobrnarjr, 1867, Iseued for Central Bull- road Stock, (commonly known os McAllister bonds) will be redeemed ir desired in stock or ibe Central Hull road and Banking Company, at its market value the bonds being resolved at par. ’ J AMI-3 S. WATKINS, CltyTrtaa’r. — J agricultural; The Agricultural Club or Chatham nnd Effingham counties will hold its next regular meeting nt the Court House hi the city or savannah ou Tuesday, the 1st day of July next. As the Pre mium List for the next Fair will bo perfect'd on that day, the members of tco Executlvo Committee will b f prompt in their attendance. All person? friendly to thn club are respectfully Invited to at tend thn meeting. GEO. A. KELLER, Julie 26 Secretary. CANTON CUPBElt MINK. ' Pursuant to tho By-laws, the Second Serai- annual meeting ol the Canton Mining Com. pany of Georgia, for tho year 1860, will beheld &i Janton, on the Second Wednesday, the 9th da? of July, tho roguiar day for meeting. By order of the Board of Directors, Jol2 3t eod J. L. KEITH, Secretary. CENTRAL R.R. k BANKING CO. OF Ol d. , Savannah, June 3,1860. i* Tho Board of Directors has Tills DAY de _ olared a dividend or FIVE DOLLARS noi share on the general stock of the Company for the last six months (being at tho rate of ten percent per annum), pnyable on and after tho 16th Inst Holders of Guaranteed Flock will be 1*1.1 u, ( . lf dividend on the same day. GEO. A. CUYI.EU, Je3lm Cashier CHAIIKKSTON Vk .SAVANNAH HAIL ROAD COMPANY. C-HAIILEiTON, Juno 7. The Filth (6th) Instalment of FIVE DOj m ‘the —* - ** - Comparative Exports of Lumber, FKOMTUK I*. HIT or SAVANNAH, commenc'd heft. 1,1865. WIIKUI.TI*. | .1U1KM 7, |*' rev ^* v I .. 9 )i to 19 ,.lu,'4 toll .U?J to — ..1.1 K to — Liverpool '• LwihIoh • other Brill I' Ports 1833780, 437695*. 467043? 2340482 10522323' 6862782 WfieleKiiid Prices t'umiit. New Orleans Increase. therciM. ..511,131 Mobile ..232.004 Florida...... .^ ... 6,790 Texas tfavnunnli ... 40,8(16 ... 14,665 Charleston ... 10.111 North Carolina ...* 1,2ii2 Virginia 1,637 Total lliii si Ska Isi.axu--Wo have 110 •ales ton»p>'ilof Uiis ascription since our la-q. Expoctud tills week 91 fc«8Kli'S» Dundee, 44 in . Kent tick, y Gunny To tv..! Unto JtojM! Dll Ion’s Rope...; Ilnt'Oti, Hants. .. Shoulders Sldea., .per .Hi Cls.fc CIS. yd.! 2-1 0i) 2 oh (a) 17 0i) OH 1u>* (a) 11 0 10.'.*' 0 8« 0 lu% 0 yd. I $ lb.! II).! lb.! Ib.i Ib.l 18 11 (>bl.(l4 tin bbl bid. 24 14 t» 11 16 00 0 .... 0 0 OH 0 6>i 0 27 0 29 follO 60 fo)2J 00 Oi) 0 . per lb. ..per .. pei ..per ...per Correspondence of the Charleston Standard. Washington, .Tune 21, 1850, Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, the col* league of Mr. Sumner, is snrelv the pink chivalry ami honor. Ho thinks that impudence and personal insult should go unpunished, and that the Senate Chamber is no place for blud geons. And yet this innocent son of New Eng land never goes into the Senate without carry ing with him a deadlv concealed as a walk ing cane. This is life constant companion, not only ont or Congress but during the sessiou of Congress. Wbat contemplate assassination by disguising the rifle-as a walking stick, and strutting into the Senate Chamber with it load ed nnd cupped, und then talk about the saucily of tho plane! What Southern Senator would be caught packing about with him a three foot bairel rifle, not opeuly and above board, hut concealed and masked so as to take advantage of a foe ? This is the respect really felt for the Senate Chambor and tho Senate by the North —when they tolerate in their Senators the carry ing the rifle and stacking it by their desks, yet stealthily and cowardly. I will say, however, for the credit of the United Btates Senate, that this heroic “ Knight of the Rifle” is believed the only Senator from the North or South, who has ventured to carry concealed weapons iuto that Chamber, and he is about tbo last man who could he driven to mo them. When the boys ascertain, ns they soon will do, the character of that ordinary looking bludgeon which can be scon at any time, hanging like a crooked stick ou the arm of M. Wilsou the distinguished gentleman may expect a train of curious youths following his track. halos. RICE.—Wc uotitio tittle or no cliaiiguTii thi s at it- j 'clo sin00 our lost. A lot of i50 casks ha? boon sold j at $3>i par lfift.' FLOUR —A tail degree iJ activity prevailed it.; past week for city trade, but wo notice no change in prices stuco our last Oar quotations of last week still hold. BETTER AND CHEESE.—\V« ii.qice 110 change since our last. Choice Goshen D tillering 2ft to 27c; common Western 16 to 20c.; nnd at 12 per lb. COFFEE —Tlio market goucraliy Is dull, nml opi - rations being chiefly contluod to small orders, we therefore renew our quotations of lust week—I’.lo 11 to 12c. per lb. BACON.—Ltoulers are fairly supplied with this ar ticle. Sales or Sides, iu lots, have beou undo du ring the week at 10&, and sugar cured and canvass ed Haras at 13c. per lb. SUGARS—Continue in fair supply, mid our quota tions of lust week have beeu fully sustained. Wo have, however, no sales of importance to report, but would refer to our prlcos current for quotations* MOLASSES.—This article continues firm, and with no receipts for the week, holders are still'at our quotations—say Cuba 39 to 40c., in lots (join store, and New Orleans 53 a 60c. Stock of both is light. LIQUORS.—New Orleans Whisky has undergone au improvement since our la*t. Holders are ~tltr at quotations. bagging.—Guuiiy ciotu io.*, to n*. a lot of Rolls was sold nt something loss. LIME.—There is a fair demaud and at lirm aud advancing price. Jt is idling from store* nt $1 per barrel. HIDES.—Wo notice no sale; for the week, and quotations are nominal at 11 to 12c. per lb. HAY.—There is a fullsupply for tho demand. Eastern 1 25 to $1 32, in lots, and Northern, from wharf, 90c. to$l per 101) lbs. CORN There Is a good supply in the bauds if dealers, und with a corresponding demand prices havo not materially changed. Kales have been mnde during the week at 65 cents from store fin- fair lots, and f.O a ftfi 1 outs for prime white. OATS,—Tho stock Is ample,atnd quotations nearly nominal—say f»9 to 66c. from store. FREIGHTS—Fokkmin,—Cotton to Liverpool, ^<1 Coast wish—To N. York, In steamships, for oqiiare aud •£«. lor round, and for square and j'j for round bales in sailing vessels; In Baltimore, 6-1(5; and to Boston, 00; to Phildelpliia, iu sailing vessels 6-10, In steamers . EXCHANGE.—.-terllng, 9‘4' per cent, premium.— Bank's are selling Night Checks ou all Northern cillos at kt per cent, premium ; ami purchasing sight hills at dls.; 6 to 15 day Bills n 1X0 per ct. dls.; 30 day Bills ut }Z0% per ct. dls. ; 00 day Bills 1»,(to 1>£ per coul. dls.; 90 day Bills 2fo)2»,f per ct. dls. on Philadelphia, ami Baltimore 60 day bills at 1 « 4 ' a !)£, 00 day bills 2 to 2}f per ..per ..per .per .. per .. per ..per ...per iicef, N. York, Mess, .per Prime per Cargo per Ui*c*iul f Navy per bbl. Pilot per bbl.' Diittci*, Gos’n Prime.per lb. |_ No. 2 per lb.; I Rticlot, Snv. 1st qual.per M. ft. 1 j Northern per M. ft. Been Wax per lb., Candles, Spcrmacctii, per lb.' Adamantine. per lb. Savannah made,Till..per lt» Northern do. do..pci lb.! Cheese, Norllicni. Coflee, Culm, d: Lnguyra.. Good fair to prime Bin Java I Cotton, ■ Upland, Inferior.. Ordinary. Middling.. | . ;; MtuFjiif^ Ciu'flnge, Tarrc Manilia DvmucsHc uor.Ub, Shirtings, brown.... per UUeetiiigs, brown... .per Brown Drills per Cotton Osnalmrgs ... per Duclc, English per Pi-ill, Mackerel, No. I .per No. 2.per- bbl No. 3. nor bbl., Flouv, Canal per bbl.i Balt. llowmd-st.sup..pur bbl. Philadelphia per bbl. Georgia per bbl.' Grain, Corn, per bush.! “ retail.. ..perbush.1 Oats per hush.! Wheat per hush.! Rico .per cask.! 3 37^ 0 362>£ Glass, Fell. Window..per 6011. 2 25 Gunpowder pdr keg. 1 4 60 Hay, Prime, Northern.per cwt. Eastern.. per cwt. .per IbJ .per Ib.i .per lb.! 1 uo .per ton.!39 00 ..per cwt. .per cwt. .per cwt. ..per lb. . per lb. ...per .. per rper, . per or. per ...per par . per lb lb. | lb lb lb.: lb ! ih.{ • 111. 0 (W m y, 0 la 0 .Vd.; bid. 9 10 00 Id 00 10 00 .7 00 0 7 0 10 0 9 fo) 10 0 14 00 0 2000 0 1200 0 800 fo) 0 C)a fo) 66 0 f.O fo) •18 fo) I'otal to Great Britain... iasi'B7Wjisj«iaai Havre 33Ui)U0 10094 Bordeaux 172231 197777 illier French Ports . . ... l:i8ftftb 40001)1 I'otal to France 172231 498009, 908471 tfoutli of Europu 11)71030' 291998 North of Europe oi9324 294197 93327C West Indies, kc 24200'J 964970: 2250318 .•AH?! per share on tho stock subscribe'! to the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, will bet-cur; jee THURSDAY, thn 10th of July next. Payment to b< made to tho Treasurer at tho office of the Company The Savannah subscribers to tho CharloMon aiw •uvammh Railroad are requested to make t&ynicu ortho instalment.-* called lor, to A, Porter }yqu;re "’resident of the Bank of the State of Gourgfo. Py order of tho President, C. F. HANCKEi,. jell 2awtd Secretary and Trea u«r IIKALTU OFF1CK, SAVANNAH, •- June 13th, D;M>. Alt vessels arriving at the jK»rt ol .-’avan imh, having sickness on board, (or bavin* had sickness on hoard since last clouraiu e.) ant all vessels arriving trom ports whore malignant or infectious diseases are prevain.-g. uri- required to come to anchor ofl‘ Fort Jai-ksoa, uiihi visited by tho Health Officer. No vessel will be at tained In Quarantine unless such detention bi* ncea- sary. Nn vessel nr boat shall receive any of the crew or pa-* augers of vessels subject to tho above order for tho purpose sf bringing them lo the city or it-: ‘iciuity. Any violation of this order will subject the vm lator to the penalty of the law. V. H. DEMURE, Health oilier. Approved : K. G. Axniihsox, Mayor. tf—joi4 Total to Foreign Pot Is .. i 631324 1991022 ! 347528ft Host Hath, (Maine) New York Philadelphia Baltimore aud Nuifidk. Other U. S. Ports 10075V 2708973 727999 103502ft 660089 ! 3280841 841488 442147! Cftftl 51 3195671 085 293000' 41029781 175S113 Total Coastwise 303751 11895522' 5229874 Grand Total ; 103730C!27161290 21882852 Bank Note Table. OKOIUIIA. B’k r'late of Georgia.. Pi Planters’ Bank • Marine Hoik • SOUTH CAROLINA, A'\ r cliarles’n City Banks..Par Columbia Com. Batik Dunk ot Hamburg... “. B’k of Chora w. 24 fo) 26 IS Gft.H. K.&BVg Co.. * Bank el GrorgiqtnvM.. •* 10 fo> Bankoftfavatinab.... * Rank of Camden •• 19 0 18 Moeli’cs’ tfav’g Bank. * Ex. Bank, (Cohmibia). •* 12 ■j OH 16 Bank of Aiigtula * Mech’cs’ Bank, (Aug.) • Aug. In?. & B’k’g Co.. • Bank of Newberry ..." Bank of Chester " 13 fo) 14 Clfuii’.s’B’k,(Fairfield i “ 12 a fo) 13 B’k of Mr’sivlck, (.log,) • tf. IV. It. JL Bank....! •* 11 Or 12 18 Union Bank • Ne.w Orleans.. .3 pr c. dls 16 10) City Bank • North Carolina... 2 a 3 dis Mnn’fac’rsB’kjfAIac.j *‘ Virginia 2a2>£dls Merch’ts B’k,(Macon) 3ds Alabr.mi 2 a 4 die Manufac’rs’ ir Mcch’c-s Tennessee 3 a 5 dis Bank fc-haros and Stock. >f?nuiii)ss canEritn'r' rrticsinivin’ns, Bunk State of Gcoigia . . Planters’ Bank Marine Bank Con. It. It. tc B’k’g Com’y. Bank ofSavannah Gas Light Company S. W. It. R. Company Georgia It. U. Company... Macon k West’ll R. It. Co.. 100115 a -- 12 per ct 5ft 97 a 100 14 per cl 60 70 a 72 14 per ct 100115 a lift 10 per ct 10ft 116 a — in per ct ■** 28 per rt City Bonds......... Mechanics’ Saving Rank. IOC OSiViutci's. 8 per ct lot' par 8 per 100 a 108 ! 10 per !.. per *ior- 87 a 88 1 8 por ct '32 ! 7 jier c iio None oil’ ’jfiio per 100 j 90 1 ‘25 11 4 25 4 26 0 50 11 1 02 “Mr. Buchanan has Imbltuullj indicated, on the dangerous question of Slavery; correct feel- ingH,"—Jolm C. Calhoun. li’noM Ckntkal Ameiuoa.—iVcio York, June 2.V-Extriieta from private lettein from Gratia* da, just published iu the; Herald, in this city, say that Costa ltleti bus acknowledged the gov ernment of Nicaragua, nml offers to become responsible for tliu expenses of tho war. Congress. Washington, June 21st—Senate.—Not iu session to-day. House.— 1 Tbo nrocccdhigsjof tho House to-day were devoid of interest. Mr. Campbell reported from tho Committee of Wavs ami Means tho bill making appropria tions for. the consular and diplomatic service, and recommended a concurrence with all the Senate amendments except tho increasing tho pn.y of tho translator to tho China commissioner to $5,000. Tho House concurred In the report. Tho IIoiiso went Into Committee of tho whole on the state of the Union; when tho army ap propriation hill wa^fnken up. Several politi cal speeches were inudo. Mr. Campholl, of Ohio, gave notice that he should call up tho report nn tlio Sumner and brooks case on Tues day two weeks. The House then adjourned. Hides, Dry.... Deerskins Ii’oii,?wueds, tissu’d Fig I loop Sheet...' Nail Rods Lnrd Lime, Rockland.... Lumber, S. Sawed, refuse per M. ft. Merchantable perM. ft. River Lumber, ref... per M. ft. | Merchfolo to prime., .per M. ft. Ranging tim’r for exp per M. ft, Mill Ranging. per M. ft. White Pine, clear....per M. ft. Merchantable .per M. ft. Cypress Shingles per M Sawed Cypress do— .perM. Red Oak Staves per M. While do. pipe...perM. Do. do. hhd....pcrM. Du. do. hhl.. ..perM. Molasses, Culm New Orleans per gall. Nulls, Cut, 4d. to 20d.. per lb.' Naval Hlores, Tar.. .per bbl. Spirits Turpentine....pur gall. Varnish per gall. Oils,Sperm, wini.'dM.per gall. 1 2 25 Do. fall do...per gall.- 2 10 Do. siitii*rdo...per gall. t< ml Whale, racked, wild.per gall, Linseed per gall, Tanners per gall. Osnnbtu'gs, Flax... .per yd Foeli, Miv.-i, Western.per bid. l’rinio. per bbl. Mess, New York....per bbl. Porter, London per doz. Ale, Scoldi per pm. Kalslns, Malaga per box. Spirits, Brandy, mg.per gall. Otard, Dupuy & Co.. .per gall. A. Selgnette’H nor gall. Loger frues per gull. Reach pe* gall. Domestic per gall. Gin, American per gall.! 014 00 fo) 0 50 fo) 100 fo) 131 )i 0 12 fo) 0 116 fo) fo) 4 6u 0 4 50 fo) 7 00 0 12)6 0 175 ft 01. 13 00 8 Oft 12 00 10 00 0 00 30 00 18 00 ' 4 50 116 OO i IG 00 50 00 130 Oft 20 00 39 Comparative Statement, of Cotton. ~ f. j; Stock on hand Sept. 1,1855,, ...... .800 300 Rec’d slnco June 17... 1102 44 Rooolved previously. 371973 14049 373135 14093 373935 143*3 Kxp’d since Julia 17,.. 4554 91 Exported previously..344442 12908 34899ft 13059 Stock 011 hand aud on shipboard not cleared Juno 24, 185ft 2-1939 1334 HAMM TIMK LAST VlCAIl. Stuck on fifttnt Sopt. 1, 1864 2000 iWO Rec’d since June 18.... 3512 88 Received previously. 351833 14210 368315 14328 3009J& 14028 Exp’d since Julio IS 12378 712 KxpM prevlmirtly.... 346002 13853 3676^0 14605 Stock <111 hand and on shipboard uot cleared J line 25. 1855 3505 303 Stock of Cotton in the Interior Towns. NOT INOMMIKD IN TIIK HLCKIITS. j~1860. I 13489 Utfil 6997 3496 91119 1179 TOWNS. Augusta and Hamburg, Juiicl Macon, (Gu.) June 1 Columbus, (On.) Juno 1 Montgomery, (Ala.) May A Memphis, (Ten 11.) May 12 Columbia, (tf. V.) June 29 1865. 13421 4878 2495 4197 3100 Comparative View of Vessels UIADINU IV TIIK UNITRI) KI'ATK-4 KOIl KOHKION l*OHT? Wft“ J| 1866 ' |«I B|Fr|Oi'| G BjFrjo P New Orleans, Juno 13 2ft 4 101 9 3t 7 Motiile,Juun 2ft 41 0 ft ft 1 Florida, June 11 0 ft " ft 0 tfnvnmmh. .lime 21* ...... It 1 ll •i 0 ft Charlnpton,.limn 10 . .. 8 1 l' « Now York. June Ei 43 11 oil 20 ol lift Other Port?, Junalfi 6 0 I, 2|1j 1ft .j ?»|17|I2l|| 44jll| 60 4 25 90 15 00 19 00 17 50 18 00 2 75 2 00 4 00 4 50 5 00 3 50 3 00 66 44 4: Holland pur gall. 1 60 Rum, Jamaica per gall.! N. E., bbto per gall.! Whiskey, I’hil. & Balt.per gall. 1 New Orleans per /rail. Sugar, P. lllco and SI. Croix.per Ih. N, O. Sugar per Ib.i Havana, white per Ib.i “ brown por lb.) Iml'untl Crushed.. ..per Ib.i Salt, Llvor’l, jier sack. 1 Cargo, bulk per bush.! Turk’s Island per bush.' Soup, Amur., yellow.. per tfi.l No. I Pale Family Shut, all sizes... St'Knrn, Spanish American per Tallow, American.. .per Totmeeo, Manfac’d...per fo) 8 00 fo)10 00 0 10 00 0 16 00 fo) 10 00 fo) TO 00 fo) 40 00 0 26 00 fo) 5 DO 0 . fo) 20 06 fo)G0 00 fo) 40 00 fo) 26 00 fo) 4ft fo> CO fo) 4 61) fo) I on fo) 45 fo) fo) 2 60 fo) 260 Ut) u 00 fo) 100 0 96 fo) 1900 fo) 1«>S fo) 20 00 fo) 18 00 fo) 20 00 fo) 287K 0 fo) 4 60 fo)10 0U fo)1000 fo) 7 00 fo) 6 00 fo) 126 0 00 tfb — fo) 175 fo) 3 00 fo) 60 LIST OF VESSELS IN PORT. Ships. Atiguf.(«(?*.) Lyou, 1000. N ,Y. Padleford Kay A Co. Telegraph, Homer Sf>2 wi'g Hone k. Connor; Jas Ray, Ray Oft wt’g.. .Hunter &Gammcl Elizabeth, William-*.950 L’pool A Low Co tfalamtizno, Taylor. .793 Havre.. W Batteraby ft Co Falcon. Patten, 900 LIv’l.... Brigham K & Co Udy Peel, Moore,.. .637 Plymmnith... A Low & Co Aligelilu (3i»in) Tout0-0,520 waiting Weber & Consul, Moi-tln’nr , 1035 dis.... T R .V ,1 G Mills Barques. Mary & Jane,i-amlers, 34ft hl’g Master Maine Law, McCart,..90U wt’g... .J J Marlin Co Maria Morton,BuHcloy.00ft .S v r ....Cohens k Hertz Nicholas Curvin, IfountlVird, 628Pd’gO 4 L Lamar Brigt Ganges, i*peai 00ft rep’g i R Wilder W L Angler,'Toothaker,000 dlsr’g..Brigham K & Co Toccoa, Stinson Carlton & Pur.mns Angola, Shortwell, 000 . WlscaVett ... W Crabtree Scnoonors. fo) 0 40 12)6 fo) 1 00 fo) 85 .per . per ..per . per .per M.j 19 00 M.l ft 00 III. IU ..per ..per ..per .per ,.p* IVns, Sour I mug Gunpowder I lyson Twllie, Seine.... Billing Wliii'N, Madeira,, tf icily Madeira........ TimerllTo. L. P per gaii. Malaga, Sweet per gall. “ Dry per gall. Claret, MuraeUlea.... per, Bordeaux..... pur-enrdt, ..per gall, gall 3ft 18 3 on 76 I 25 fo) fo) fo)' 0 fo) 7] fo) 81 0 0 fo) 60 00 fo) 16 00 0 12)6 0 80 Ot) 76 OH 10» 0 l«9 fo) 36 fo) 26 fo) 4 00 fo) tit) Champagne ...per doz.lift lift Wool, tfoiitliertl, nilwaslied.per “ uleiin jier Woorakhw. lambs, each, tf hoop’s each. 1 60 ‘W )i 69 Ja 80 I20II Ib.i lb.! ASSIGNEE NOTICE. P ERSONS having claims against the m-aigned estate ol John M. Williams, will greatly oblige the assignee, and bicijitnte« speedy settlement o( their claims, hy handing In nil demands, between till 1 day and Monday next, for it is desirable to na- rorluln the extent 01 tlio indebtedness, to urrnngo for puymoni, u t , it is presumed the ornate is not bankrupt. HIRAM ROBERTS, J unotH—Ct Asslgnoe. tf N Smith, Smith Balt c A Greiner XlontroM 1 , Winslow disc’s.. Dana & Washburn George, Davis Nell* disc’g.Hunter &-. Gnmmoll Kato Helen, Ellis Us ('bighorn & Cunningham .Senator, Anderson.... dis.... Brigham, Kelly k Co .S tf Allen, Baker.... dis.... Brigham, Kelly &Co Loyal Scranton, Goalee, N. Y Cohens A Hertz .1 W Anderson, Watson ills.... Brigham, Kelly A* Co Abd el-Under,Cornellm; dis....Hunter k tiatiiuieU Emm Gertrude, Falrehlld dis Brigham, Kelly & Co Ijlipig ^ntelligfniT. Port of BavnnnnU... It'NK A iTlv'ed, ficlir Iziuru Gertrude, FairehPd, from Boston Brigham, Kelly .k Co. Steamer Carolina, tflownit, fui Charleston-—to A Colic in' Cleared* Steamer Carolina, Stewart, Jacksonville, Flu -M Colieu. Dcimrlud, Steamer ('uroliua, tftewurt, Jacks«»nvi'l‘!. COIial((lll*t!H« Pern*hr La 11m Gertrude, I'rem Bodon—t'leghorn k Cuiiiihighnm, M A Oelien. W G Dickson, G >' Harding. tfM Intlltena, t: 11 Jolnison, Lynn &tfny dor', l.nihro|i A* ro. T It «V .1 G Mills .1 It Moore k c Minis & Johnson, l W Morel I & ro, Ttf Wayne son, Patten, Hutton & ro. Swift a 10. Wuyne.Gren vllle & co, Young, Wyatt k co, und others- per steamer Carolina, from Charleston, with m< eqntullze--to M A Cohen, N' A Harden k Co, Wm Guinn, and E J Black. NOTICE C. 11. R. THE freight on corn from Atlaiiu to.Sa- vannath will be roducetl lo 10 c. per bushel on and after ho 1st day of April next. WM. M. WADLEY. General Suprein’t. Transjiortatinn ofllce, j Central Rail Road. mar 4* To the Putruns uf the Suv’h. Georgian ■p. All debts duo to the Georgian previous to ' the flth instant, arc payable only to the un dersigned. Notes and accounts due in the city will be presented immediately, und all debts duo iu tliu count ry will be forwarded by au early muit. This being the first lime that tin* undersigned Inn mbiicly appealed to Ids lute patrons, lie t, <Is lira 1 hey vvfft not consider him unreasonable in nrgfii; upon them the necessity for immediate payment Remittances may be made directly to tli.- under signed, or UiR. B. Hilton k Co., whose receipt will be valid. PHILIP J. PUNCH tfuvuiumh, Muy 28, I860. my28 law dfcw tf ' 1* Republican and Morning News please copy UAlllVIKBMK C l> L 13 M 15 IA N tTAIR 1, SIZE NLARGED, STYLE IMPROVED. It has dohle the quantity Rud atrangth oi any other. It gives a perfectly natural color. • 1— —vy shade from light browo ti jetblaok, “ harmless to the skin. -V Q.IVM » f It colors every 1 It is nt Its effect is instantaneous and permanent, Ills thu best, quickest,, cheapest and safest r.Vi ever made. 1 • Directions for use accompany each box.-fty Price—1 oz. $1—2 oz3. $1.60—4 ozs. $3—5 ozs.SL [Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the your 1865, by A. W. Harrison in the Clerk's Office of tho District Court of the United States for *.’m- “m:::. District of Pennsylvania.] For sain by the manulacturer, AP0LL03 W. HARRISON, doc!8—ly 10 8outh 7th st.. Philadelphia NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T>ACOX—lo casks prime Sldosyjuat recoivod nnl •X> ter sale by r - •• .•Juno 27 CRANE,- WELLS k CO. C H'—76 bags Rio Coflee, tn store and lor ft’e tow to ulosa consignment tuiiegs crane, Wells k co. wanted; : A SITUATION as wet uurre, by a healthy your, woman. Would havo no objection to travel, or go into the country. Good references given. Apply at this office. 6t—Juuo 21 WANTED, A RESPECTABLE young woman, a uatiyeof tt;; city, wants a situation as- Scmptriea.. TTotW have no objection to assist in uursing-tt.chJJd. Ap. ply at this office. • . June 24 ■ 'mi'" $310,000 Si in tho gold region of Virginia, (Culpe A HOMESTEAD . i^RMsor ,dings lz-ts - .. —, *--Jpt»wvOTjrtr) to be divided amongst 10.200 subscribers <m the I7tli of September, I860,' for to*-benefit of Port Royal Female Academy., Subscriptions?efiJ)’ ter d< liars each—one-boll' down, the rest - on tbodtliv ery of tho deed. Every subscriber will get a Bui id big Lot or Farm, ranging in value,.from $10 to $25,000. These Karins aud Lots are rohJ-sO cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being re served, the increase in the value of which trill compensate for the apparent low price now asked Tin-most nmple security will be given for the faithful performance of contracts and promises. More Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers,U whom the most liberal inducements will be giver Some Agents write that they are makiug $200 K-' mouth. Advertising will be done tor every Agent where, possible. For tall particulars, subscrij- lions, Agencies, kc., apply to E. BAUDKR, . jo24—d&wlm Port Royal, Caroline Co., la S OAP, CANDLES, kc.—100 boxes Budilin J Smith’s family Soap; 100 do Colgate’s Nol acd H Bar do* 50 do do Palo do; 75 do BcadcPa Tallow Candles; 60 do Adamantine do, Star Brand;Mw Colgate’s and Oswego Pearl Starch; for sale by jimo24 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON kW. ^j| v—luo tiaies prlmo Hay^now imaiug* 11 ! for sale low from tho wharf, hy jun«23 O. A^GREINW. M. FITZGERALD, _ Corner ofUroiifflUon onrt Wliltaktr’S' 1 " SAVANNAH, GA., , S UCCESSOR to T. C. Rice.MnmifacturaraDJ Dealer In every variety of common an® r CANDIES, kiln dried nnd warranted to resist etm tuully the hot dump atmosphere of n Southern'^ mate;also Ix*mon and tftrawbury Syrup, sc. wrz cash, prices low. ~ tf—niPJ_ NEW BOOKS* -wttcniY RECEIVED BY WARNOCK .‘c DAMS, TP EH'-"' MAY 18TH. . 1,1, D ICK TARLETAN; or, Tlie Lust ““ Race. By J. F. Smith Esq. . . •• Cyrllln; n romance. By the author el Fred Graham; or, Masks and Faces. By ,r '' orlck Smith. . Pt Philip Hollo; or, Tho Scottish Muskateer.-. Captain Jnmes Grant. Vivian itortram; or, A Wife’s Honor. B) M. Reynolds, , . . Tho Wonderful Adventures or Captain PrHw- Courtship and Marriago; or, Tho Joysan“'* rows »r American Life. By Mrs. Carolino i/)C *««>«; Pliccnlxianna; or, Sketches and BuHosqu^* - John Phcnniv. For sale at ' ^,, eTn crr may 16 169 CONGRKy I Ul II ATTENTION of strangers W”? ® . city and the public goucraliy, is nf Snriiie and BUn*“ I(4-cc||i(H jim* litillruiHl. tfuno24—30 boxes copper ore, 311 bales cotton. 1177 racks wheat. 120 racks ami 78 bids Hour, 24 bales yarns, A-c.—to (Install & Villalnnga, Huso, !'a- vls k Long, Way & Taylor, Pattoui ll niton A-co, P Conlin, l Davenport, Eliiatciu .V Kekmun, IHKopp, JlngereoJl, .Cobeiia A* Hcrla, Hardwick .V Cooke, Williams & HatcHfl', Cm lie, Wells k co, Lynn .k tfn.v- dor, Tison & Mackny, and King k .Sons. I'aflitmgttrN, Per sleuiimr Carolina, trom Clit»i1eston--H L Nel son, lady, child ami servant, Mrs llidst, Mrs iai- Ilium, Rev Mr Apllson, U Otfoyle, II Bulk. Captain Welsninii, S 8 Boon, G l, lUu.-q, .1 C Hemming. A McDoimlo, tf Desplat, and J Fairbanks B ACON— 76 hlids prime Bacon tfirtiw; 6t)d«»do j.**- —• * • •- * •I-**—• .) i tfliouldeie;2ft casks choice ninva->ed Hams lo do Tennessee do- just received mid lor rale JnnctM SCRANTON. JOllNtf'fON *k CO.. B UTTER AND CHKICSE-Vu tubs aml 'io'Uogs choice new Goshen Butter, v(» Inxeu Cheese; received per fteamer and for ale by June 21 SCWANTON, J»IHNSTON .k Ot). S UGAP.S---10 litnis t-hoioe Porto Ran t-ugiilfi. In do Fair do; 16 do’Fulr ami 10 do Choice New Orloans Sugar; jort received ami for rule by june24 ' S0RAN10N, JOHNSTON & CO. examination of our stock of Spring ttUI ; “V (hsids, which for variety aud stylo is not t K CASKS Mncon/Uama, SUM a»4 S 1 "”" •.) dors, just reueivt'd and forsale by . a) aprll PRANK, WKIJS O aX.UUliiifB—!»Iwlca Oannlmrga, ijq... win. .....nii..«l mul for W' 11 Immiustoti Mills, Just received and i fr ; n J, jillielH . CRANE, WEU^iy I A DIES SMALl, UMUKELLA8.--ta;J' 0 1 f' f, XJ sizctfilk Umbrellas, tVom 18 to .4 tnrm- . ..IV".' un.i «.r «ilo by , w THBKLKE l£, ( Congress and Whitaker stree^ Jel2 O/ > ltlll S oi'Mercef am> earlyJ *J rccelcvwt per steamer Augusta, an < £ By may lit ijipVrpN MAKKPT Hjw l jJ 1’ Fulton Market Beef, and ta do do 1 or • received by’ , n jpSst' mny20 ilLil—- | i)_ ,4 Pavluuu uitus, 0 *7; 1 Zephyr Whalebono Skirts; FronchJUnon Drflllnga; _ B i wc hed Sh- lt jugs York Mills and Water twist I Black Molro Autique TriBimlngs: Black Elastic B.elts; English Thread Edg|pC»; . Hosiery, Ribbons, kc. Just rccoWou per steamer A