Savannah daily Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, June 26, 1856, Image 3

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Auction m4*SmaS«m jImilanti|, tiKVAmjSfavmaiK. A.Tnmua. ^ M ^.L DEALER IN OHOIOB FAMILYGROCKItlKS and Foreign and DomnUe Fruit, oomw Broughton mi WhUaker-sts. Town and country annpUed with choice good* at moderate prices. AW order* promptly attended to, audsatufoction always guaranteed. apis XARIHAtrdiO^; DEALER3 IN PROVISIONS. So. U 'id Atenut and 9 fVttoH Market, New Pork. Hums, Tnnfuoi, Beef, Bacon, Hhonlders, Pickled Tongues, Bolognas, Lard, Pi* Pork, Mom Beer, Ac., iu barren, halve* and quarters. liefer* to—John I). Jesse, James A. Brown, Win. H. Farrell, and K. O'Byrne. Cm. , ~- —JanSl D OMRftlC LIQUORS— 60 bbls KPhelp’ RyeOin. 26 bbls N F- Hum, 60 “ l.uthor Felton's Hum, 2b •• Domestic Brandy, 60 " Old PkR Connecticut River Gin, 60 *• N. O. Whisky, .Iasi received aud for sale by ttiySB t HOB ANION, JOHNSTON kO). BBIR. J. Taylor A Son’s Ale received and Ter JiO sale by McMAlION ft DOYLE, JeU Nos. 206 k ,207 Bay Hlreet UUND&EJ. JUST KKCNfVRlC O 15 bags choice old Uovernmcnt Java and Rio C'lireo: JO half cheat! Black and Green Toas, loose an l in quarter pound packages, til hints Unlit Muscovado Rugar; Mbld* li l, ft H Stuart’* Crushed and Clariflod So* wars} in MiU self rising Flour; 26 bags Kxtra and Su|H*rllno Flour; *-t» bbls Soda, Butter and Maple Crackers; :*o boxes Bead el’s family Soap, Starch and Candles; mi dor. Pails and Brooms; tun dos Scrub Brushes, and Cotton and Manilla tTothoa Hues; Id uross Matches: boxes around Oolfee and Popper; .•il boxes Mustard and Yeast Powders, Masc.Ciuna iiioii, Nutmeys, and Cloves, and 10 coses table Salt, A e., Ac. Iu -lore and for sale by DAVI1) O’CONNOR. Jell Cor Broughton and Dravton wts, S ILK IWRAdOliJ—A new supply oi Unuc ueauti ful Silk Parasols have just been received and are lor sale by Jutted . LAI ISON & ROGERS. H ALL’S el PKKlOlt SILK UMHKKLLAS—A case of v'S, :i0, 32, 24 and 3(1 aecclved and for sale by jutiefl i luch Silk Umbrellas. LADSON k ROGERS. EAHIY HARVEST APPLESII .off A fresh supply of floe Ripe Apples, from “Fruitland Nursery,” #fV^KKju>t received aud for safe at tny | store. Jel8 A BONAUD, comer Bay aud Bull streets. APPLESl—APPLES ! ! -nk* Just received at the Sayannah Grocery aud Fruit Delict, uew Ap- plus, suitable for eating or cooking, ^■j^HHbfrmn the *• Fnuiland Nursery,” at Augicda, Georgia. juntls W. H. FARRKIJ.. F LOCS^BOO"sacks extra aiiit siipeTiine Flour, lit store and for sale by June20 WEBSTER k PALMES. S COAKd—20 hint* Barbaiiuc* sugar; 40 no Now Orleans do. lair to choice; 20 do Porlo Rico do; 30 do Muscovado do; 200 bbls crushed, powdered and clarified do; for sale by June20 WEBSTER A PALMES. S ALT—8000 sacks Liverpool y»lt; 10,out) bushel* Turks’ Island do; for sale by HiiioSO WEBSTER k PALMES. G UNNY BAGGING—360 bales superior tiutiuy Bagging for sate by Jel-lw > PADELFORD, FAY k CO. VAGABOND life . \TAGABOND LIFE IN MEXICO, by Gabriel Fer V ry, Tor seven years a resident; The Tangletown Letters, including a Report of the Great Mammoth Reform Convention, with Illustra tions; . I'l'u and Travels ol Herodotus, in the Fifth Centu ry B. C., by J. T.dboys Wheeler, two volumes, with a map; fbe Huguenot Exile-, or Time* of Istuis XIV., an hUtorleal novel; Hnrpor'* Plot urn R>»k- for the Nursery—'Learn- ;ng to Read, by Abbott; Worth and Wealth, for merchants aud men of nusiuets, by Freoinau Hunt; Sydney smith's Wit and Wisdom, being selections from his writings: <‘al leron, Ida Life and Writings, hy R. ('henevise Trench; Trench’s Poems; Adventures of Gerard, the Uon Killer, with plates; Homeric Ballads and CotnedleH or Lucian, trans lated by Wra Mnglnn; . The Daisy Chain, by Miss Yonge. author of the Heir ofRodcllth-, The 011 Vicarage. by Mrs Hubbnak; Creasy on the Rise and Progress of the English Conultutlon; Dwight’s Introductiou to tlio Study of Art; Harper’- Ma/azlno, for July. June 18 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING.-The kj subscriber would Invito the attention of all iu want of SPRING AND SUMMER CI/JTHING, to his stock which has just been received, at the star Clothing Emporium, 147 Bay street. •shrift WM. 0. PRICE Kaffinanmaereai sflmiEuaHHM^RHMMHHR&iMHI ^, ■ UjiP'T m fAlflltl.. .i.n h. Linux 4 Kauai TlV-fTtttfi-l.- SVBKit _ _ ) accommodated with good Rooms and Board, ou s Weal aide of Montgomery street, one dour above South Bfoad stroot. MRS, M. 8. RAYMuK. dec 12—tr wssrmxr Mfc Six Tracts of Land, 600 acre each, 8 r 4 SCmllos from the city or Savannah on tho S. a. and Gulf Rail Road, well adapted to the growth ot Rico, Cotton aud Corn, and Wood enough to pay for it ton tlmea over. Apply to Job 27 tr C. A. CVtUD, 15 LEACHED{Shirtings In great vtfriofy, and U at various prices. fob 21 AtKlN ft BURNS LOTS. ' “ POH SALE A fine lot in Wesley Ward— L Also two on Gordou street, oast For sale low. Feo simple. Apply to. A. WILBUR, Ueii’l litsnranno Agent and Broker, may 22 * • ill Bay street — — — * HH1C.TCH. ~ I AAj \ AAA GltKY lltMOKti, best qual- *UUl"«UUU Ity, for sale. Apply to * 9 A. MoALPlN k BRO., iuy22-Iiuo Wlllliuirom’s buildings. 49-Newa copy. llcMnsiirn, 1stReglmriit,G.M., I ’ Savanxam, .time 12,186fi, j Ry vlrtuo of order No 2 Issuing from, 4 G. P. Harrison, Hrlgadiur tidieralM commanding 1st Urigade>1st Division, iRf >G. M., an election will bo held at thc'UL Court House, on Saturday, tho 6th day of July hum, betwucii the hours or 9 A.M , and 4 P.M., for Colo nel oT the 1st Regiment of tho 1st Brigade, 1st Divi sion G. M., to tilt the vacancy of Robort D. Walker, resigned. Tho said election to he couduclod molar tho usual requirements ortho law. By order JAMES SULLIVAN, Lieut. Col. Com’U’g, 1st Regiment, G. M. W. S. Ua.mkix, Adjutant. Jel3 V City |tapcrs will plcaso copy aud send iu their bills to tho Secretary of the Regiment. Ai ^JdoN—6Uo sucks corn, Iu storo aiui^fo arrive, tor _' salo by jimo 10 WILLIAM LYNN, 87 Bay street. NOTICE. rpiIE luterost or Mr. Charles 8. Arnold in the firm X of Padellbrd, Fay k Co. oeuvod with his death, ou tho 4th or March From this date Mr. Edward l*udclford, Jr., Is as sociated with us under tho samo style and firm. PADELFORD, FAY k CO. Savannah, June Kith, 1853. 12lis—|ol0 NoricR. A LI. porsons having claims ugaiust tho estate of J3L George M.Troup, deceased, will lumd them Iu, duly attested, aud those indebted will please make payment to either or the umlurslgued. THOMAS M FORMAN, ) jo 10 DANIEL 11. 11. TROUP, / hx r * NOTICE. “ I WILL sell oil Wednesday, the 18th lustant, at 12 o'clock, M,, ou the premises, curuer oITTesicoiit aud East Urt*ad streets, Two chi 1 louses—tho samo being an obstruction iu Pie.-ldeot street, to bo moved iu ten days. DANIEL H. STEWART, June lfi City Marshal. NOTICE. W E, the undersigned have tills day entered into a co-partnership Tor the purpose of transact ing a regular Auction and Commission Ruslnoss in this city, under the name and -tylo of Darkman k Bulloch, at tho store No. 164 lijy street, lately oc cupied by. Spencer Cnrrell. F. J. W. BARKMAN, Juno 17 THUS. ,1. BULLOCH, S ALT.—llkiti sacks Salt in store and for sale by WILLIAM LYNN, juue 14 87 Hay street B AGGING, rope, Ac.—lUU bales uuntiy Rug ging; 600 coils Buie Rope; 6U0|>ounds Twine; received and for sale by Junelfi HUUUMBK, JOHNSON k CO. B ACON, PORK, Ac.—50 hhdH clear uud ribbod Sides; 20 do Shoulders; 30 casks sugar-cured Hums; 60 bbls primo and mess Pork; 30 half bbls nawes k Co’s l ultou Market Bi'or; f» do do Tongues; just received and for salo by junelft HOIXX).MBE, JOHNSON k 00. S UGAR—15 hluis choice Porto Rico eugar: 'so uu Crowned Muscovado and Cuba Sugar: 60 b'-ls Hurbadocs Sugar; 300 do Stuart’s and Baltimore steam rolined, crushed, ]>owdered and darified Sugar, lauding, lu store aud for salo hy June 1ft HOLCOMBE, JOHN&ON N CO. C 10FFEB.—300 bags fair to choice Rio Cofl’ue; 60 > do lAguayra Coll'eo; 60 mats Java CoQco; 30 bales Mocha Codec; landing, lu store and lor sale by junelft HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. •\ITANTED TO PURCHASE— ity of Columbus TV Bonds, endorsed by the Miircogco Railroad Company. Apply to Jeld—titls PADELFORD, FAY k CO. flour iN BAKRELN. TU8T received a lot of Extra Family Floor, u in barrels. apr’JO YOUNG k WYA TT. IjITTIiE GIANT CORN AND COB MILL. rug TnRsr.vris nr so., oioroia Axn fLrtimw PATENTED MAY 10, 1864, I 'OP YRIGHT SECURED MA HUH 1866. 'PHE attention of Planters and Stock Feeders 1- is rospnetfolly called to tho drove Mill. They are now in use hy at least 10,000 of tho most practi cal Stock Feodors throughout the country, who orn ready to testify to their superiority over all other Mills of a similar kind. These Mills aro made the exclusive business of tho patentee, Mr. Scott, who being u practical mnn, superintends the costing in person, and selects only such Iron ns Is liest udapt- eJ to their use, which, like car wheels, require to lie made of metal known to be hard and strong,— They weigh from three to five hundred pounds, ac cording to »ia«, aud cun be put iu operation in twou- ly minutes without uxiHmse or mechanical aid. The Little Giant has tukeu tho first premium at nearly all the Stato Fairs throughout the Union, und that in tho most complimentary manner- They are guaranteed agaiust breakage or derangement when lined according to directions, and warranted to give the most perfect satisfaction, or the money refunded on the return of the mill. They me of three sizes, and will grind from eight to fifteen Imsliels good feeil prr hour, according ui size, with ono or two horses. \v« now olfor them to tho trade complete, ready tor attaching tho team, ut reduced prices. .Mr. C. H. CAMPF1ELD is our Agent in Savannah, 'ofwhom tha mill inuy ho bad at our prico. march *—codSswly iXTHA CANAL FLOUR.—26 barrels Kxtra Canal Flour. Lauding and for Halo by uiaylft SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k (X). ( 1UUICK Wl.Vha k LlljUUKS— J Just received 20 baskets Hoidslck Champagne. U quarter casks Sherry, Port and Madeira Wines. 15 doz Ciarct Win* and Cordials; 3 halfpipes old Gtard and Scnutte Brandies; 2 pipes superior Holland Gin. Beover brand; ft bbls old Monongnheia Wuisky, in glaii and wood. For sale by DAVID O’CONNOR, . .jell Car. Broughton and Drayton sts. 0. C. POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two doors from Bryan,) WHOMWALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN Sashes, Blinds, Doors, Paints, Oils. Var nishes, Window Glass, Patty, dec. maa Painters’, Greiners’ and Artists’ Brushes: Whitewash Heads and Dusters, Dry and p.— Mlxed Paints of every description, Artists’ colors lu tubes, Prepared Canvass, Ac. PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS AND FIRE BOARD PATTERNS. Rooms prepared with neatness and despatch.— House, Sign aud Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining aud Glazing dune iu tho best stylo and at moderate prices. All orders tram the country promptly attended to. melt 28—ly WILMOT’S JEWELRY STORE Is receiving hy every arrl- val a large and rich assort-Jcl-J ment or Gold and Silver Watches, Dlamona I’ins, Ear and Finger Rings, Mantle and other i lucks, Spoons, Forks, Tea Setts, Casters, Ike., ot Siitrllug Silver. r Jewelry In overy variety, Ivory Table Cutlery, lino Pocket Knives and Si'issors. Rich China and Parian Vases, anil other articles. Fine Double Barrelled Guns manufactured to his own order. Gunning Implements of all kinds. i luted Waiters, Castors, Tea Setts and Candle sticks, with a grout variety of Fancy Articles, sultu- b|u for wedding gifts, toontmorons here to men tion. All kluds of Watuhos and Clocks repaired tiy Uio ino-t experienced workmen. S. WILMOT, may 13 No. 1 Market square. FASHIONS FORJUNE77 I jlilANK IawIIo’s Gazette of Fashions for Juue re- ; celved and for sale by jel WARNOOK k DA VIM, No lftU Congress st- 300 E : SALE OF LOTS AT SUMTER CITY DEPOT, T HE Georgia uud Florida Railroad Coin|>any have cataldisued their Urst dujiot at the tenth mile boulh of Amcrlcus, to which point the Company have made preparations to open their Railroad from Americas in the month of Outobur uext; tho owners of the land around said dejwt, having obtained the sanction bf tho Railroad Company, will olfor for sale, on Wednesday, tho second duy of July uext, to the highest bidder, fifty eligible business and res- deuce Lota, convenient to tho depot, which has re ceived the name of “Sumter CUy.” This depot Is on the summit of tho rltlgo hotwoen Muckalco and Muckaloocbue Creek; It is two hun dred aud forty-three feet above tho bed or Flint River at Albany, and is the highest (mint on the buo ot Road; it is convenient to thu largo trade Which will go over tho Road from the South, being near the Junction or the two principal highways leading from tho Bouthoru part or Georgia to Am erlcus. Tho point selected for “Sumter City” ba3 been proven to he one of tho healthiest locations in Georgia. The water Is pure—free from lime, and of thu bast quality. A Steam Mill will bo ercclod ut the place by uext August. Ample Church and School or Academy Lots will be reserved and givou to the various denomina tions, should they desire them for building and oc cupation. All persoua doing Inu-iuesa at “Sumter City” will tiave equal privileges on the Road, u It may bo ox- toudod below to facilitate thoir business, all of which will, for the ensuing business season, he tributary to this depot. A plan of “ Sumter City” may be seen after the 16th ol the present month, at the Hotel at Ainericus, and at the South.westeru Hotel at Albany. The terms will he one-half cash, and balance psy able 1st or January next. J. M. COOPER, AucUoneor. Albany, Oa., June 6th. 1866, td—Jo 14 fhe Wester* Tenement IhlHsrry’a ferlck -mm, Jones Btratt'-near the Medical Oot. lege. Is for tent. It Is suitable for. a small -Jlunfor. If desired;’ ihe furniture can ba . wllh 4be bouse. For particulars Inqulro on ihe promises or Joia 2w eod HRS. WASHBURN. " TO BKTsT.'"" ' JMK DuIMIdr oorn.r B»r ud Dnylon-ita., ]<'!■ iuiubl. for m.rouUle purpose, ud tlor- J® 1 ^ J?, r rmSLwa Mi2 i-M k2C nmrm ■jtiheTS ' : : * ' 1 'THB OFFICE. ^WaS^bBWrBSt J A cammddiouB, airy sad pleasant House In a desirable part or the city, for which a liberal price will bo paid. Enqulro at tbo ofllco ul tho Georgian and Journal. If TO RBNTd ’ UNTIL the 1st November noxt, a com modious and airy residence, on tbo north Hide or the Central Railroad Depot, known _,a>i Hovers Place. The house Is newly fur- front biwmtou! to attlo, which can be bought low. mays YOUNG it WYATT. OFFICES FOR RENT" IN THE T1IKKE-STORY BRICK HOUSE adjoining tho oIIIcq of tho suhscrihor. Tito Imsenumt would make, with somo slight improvement, au oxoollcnt lawyor’a-ofllco. first and second floors will ho lot for Counting- Rooms, and tho third for slooping apartments. Con nected with tho establishment is on out-building of brick, suitable for sorvauts. Apply to 0. A. L. I AMAH, sopt3 Corner Drayton and llryun streets. FOITBaEGL A PLANTATION in Wayno Coun ty. ou tho Budkin Swamp, containing^ 1000 acres; about 260 acres cleared urn order for cultivation. On tho premises Is a plum, comfortable dwelling, with ah necessary bams aud out houses. Possession given iu Decem ber next, and with tho place will bo sold. If desired, tlie provision erop of present year. Also au improved lot (2J< ucres) in the village or Wnynosvlllo, and 20 acres adjoining. Wayn'esvtllc Is unsurpassed for health, aud the Brunswick rail road running through it, rundors it easy of access. Jolt _ lmo HENRY R. FORT. MONTGOMERY \VIIITE~8ULPIIUR SPRINGS, (VIRGINIA.) These Springs will bo open for the recep tion or visitors on the first day or Juno, I860. They are situated in Montgomery Conn- ly, .Virginia, ouo and a half miles from tho Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, from which there is a branch Railroad to tho Springs Passengers leaving Richmond or Petersburg after breakfast roach the Springs by 6 o’clock, P. M., tho samoday, all the way by Railroad. Tlie accommodations have been very much ex tended since last bcosod. The rooms are largo and comfortable, and capable of accommodating 1,000 persons. Tho Lynchburg aud Abingdon Telegraph Compa ny arc now building a branch or their line to tho Springs, which will bo operation early in Juuo. A very targe Bath Houso has b»on built siuce last season. Addtoss Ul>. II. MOSBY, President, jitne21~lm .Montgomery W. 8. 8. Comp’y. * 17*0 two-stoflr brlek storo on. Congress street, uow occuplod by Messrs. Elnstoln k Eckmnu. This is ono of tho best stands in the city for any klud or business. Terms lado accommodating. For particulars in quire at 142 Broughton street, above the store of T. L. McKenna. tfmayH M : tCTirgint: TO RENTi ■ . The DwelUug lately occupied by Judgo Fleming, in Taylor street, uear Drayton. Said House is three stories on a basement, iwith good servants’ rooms, audouthousos. on given immediately. Apply to D. L. COHEN. FOR RENT. Possession given Immediately — Three I story brick house, new and in good order, I on Macon street, next east residence to Mrs. fcJewelL pply at this ofilco. a ii may27 ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ ■ i : GEORGIA. J. HEELER, Proprietor. ImU of the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. Passengers per Evening Trains will find Supper ready on the arrival ortho Cars, , mayl4 merchants’ Hotel: IK- "“SBSmSiblil.ifflLE. 1 -*- mm BOARD PER DAT.... $ 1 60 BOARD PKR WXXX 0 00 BOARD PXR MONTH 20 00 .tnayiS lyr MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND CHARLXsrON, S. 0. THIS House la now adapted to all the wants of the Travelling Public, and the ef forts of tho Proprietor will be u> deserve thoir putroua^e. mar 31 HOMASS. NICKERSON. li Instead of going North como to the Stono Mountain House, and spend your summer, as everything will be done for your com- fort. Conveyances will be furnished to convoy iwsseugen to LawrcncevUle, Gainesville and Clarksville. Passengers by the Georgia Railroad take sup per at this house. ALEXANDER k CLARK. F. S. Alexander, formerly of Lawrencoville. J A. Clark, Social Circle.2m—Jo 2 L ocomotive needles.—a uow aud eie- guut artiolo which needs ouly to bo tried ouoe lusure the constant preference of the seamstress, fost received and for sale by JuiuarlR LARSON ft ROGERS. SUNDRIES. Boxes choice Rio Coflbe, _ 160 boxes fair to primo Rio Coffee. loo boxes Gid Government Java Coffee. 200 hhds. Muscovado Molussoe. 160 bbls. choice New Orleans Syrup.' 60 hlids. New Orleans Muscovado, arid Porto Rico Sugar. 300 bids, refined A. U. ft C. Sugar. 60 bids. Crush and Powdered sugar, loo bbls. Lobuuon, Superflno andExtra Flour. 160 boxes Starch, Adamantino ftSporm-Candles. . 140 boxes No. 1 Pale, and Family Shop. 200 bales Heavy Gunny Bogging. 25 bhds. Bacuu Bides and Shoulders. 76 bbls. Mess aud Primo Pork, 100 boxes Tobacco, various brands, 100 boxes Black aud Grcou Tea, 600 bags Drop and Buck Shot. 60 kegs and half kegs “Hazards” Powder, together with a full assortment of ull other ur Holes in tho Grocery lino, (except liquors.) In store, and for sale on accommodating terms, by / - \ June 1 RODGERS, NuRRia ^ OO. ■ “CorSTON CONSIGNMENT. Smsks just received and for snie. •OVJU YONQK ft FRIERSON. Jel2 ’ 04 Bay street. INDIAN SPRING HOTEL. Tlie UndorRlgned has again tho pleasure of Informing his numerous friends, as well as the public at largo, that ho is got at the Indian Spring Hotel, and is fully prepured, with the assistance of bis sons and his own experience of six years at the hotel, with tho host cooks that can lie procurod, as well as assis tance of ail kindB, to ask of all those who visit the Spring a gonerous share of their patronage, iutoud- ing to sparo no pains of himself to make all auch as please to givo him a cull comfortable. The Indian Spring IIoiol Is now open, and ready torecelvonll tlioso that will please to call. There will bo ut For- sytlio Depot couches uud hacks ready to convey ull such as wish to go ovot. EDW. VARNER, may23-3taw tsopl Proprietor. V 1 Savannah Republican, Morniug News, aud Charleston Courier will please insert tho above three times each week until 1st September, and send thoir bills for iwymont, EDW. VARNER. ST. MARYS’ HOTEL. ■ Tlie above named House Is now open for the reception of Boarders and Travellers, and tho undersigned promises to spare neithor pains or oxponse to make his pa trons comfcrtablo. His tablo will always he sup plied witli tlie choicest that tlie mnrkot and tho sur rounding country difords—Fresh Fish, Oysters, Ven ison, Wild Game, Au. Thu House is largo and airy, aud within a low yurilsof the landing, on the beau tiful rlvor St. Murys, uud is a desirable place fur in valids and others us a summer resort.-.V The stago leaves tbu House three Utnes a week for Woodstock Mills, Ceutrovlllage, and Trador'a Ilill, and the Sa vannah boats touch goiug and coming, so. that per sons will uot bo inconvenienced, but canleavo when they desire. Prices will be made to correspond with first class couutry hotels. THOMAS B. JONES St. MaryB, May27, I860. 3mmy27 S YRUP AND MOI.AS3E8.—60 bbls New-Orleans Syrup; 60 do Molasses; in store and for salo by Juno 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. ffflns URU&’ PUlPIt OFFERING, by William JL Cecil Duncan, pastor of tho Golesiutn Placo JLptlst Church, New Orloans. and author of tho ute. Character, und Acts of John the Baptist, aud jnd the History of the KsrJy Baptists. Cloth—price «• For eale by . n , WARNOCK ft DAVW. J UD *21 169 Cougrew street. 'WANTED; A Whit# or Colored woman to cook and trash for w 'AwyT f ’ torw ** ■•WW wUl **• " WSU3 * WIUUK8. S UGAR—10 hhds choice New Orleans Sugar; 20 do Porto Rico do; 20 do Talr Muscovado do; In store and for ealo by Juno 17 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. B ECEiVED per steamer KnakvlIler^Plckled and emoked Tongues: Fulton Market Boef, and Pig fork, Pig Hams und Pig Bacon. Oranges, lemons, Apples, and White Beaus. Also, a frosh supply or Foxe’s celebrated Crack ers. For salo low by line 7 J. A. BROWN. iTUKltAll I—RUIllCAlTTT J UST ARRIVED, por schooucr A. Devoreaux, In fourdsyB from Havana, a fresh lot of choice Fruit, for tlie Savannah Fruit Emporium, consist ing of—400 hunches Bananas, 100 dozen Pino Ap ples; 6000 PliutalOB, 3000 Sweet Oranges, Tom atoes, and one basket Green Ginger. For sale by June 14 J. A. BROWN. PURE WATEIL—If you wont the finest drink* JL inx water in tho world call and purchase one of Kcdale’e Patent Water Filters, the article mentioned In Water Commissioners’ last Report, which we warrant to purify the Savannah River Water perfectly—an indispensable article for pantatlon ilso. KENNEDY ft BEACH, |au24 only. Agents for their aalc In Savannah, JJICKKS’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS, for Juno, re- M; B M? James Gri iBowsaio I.N0UN HVUSOU, OKO HU IS. BRYAN W. COLLIER Respectfully announces that tbo above House will be opened for the reception of guests, on the 20th instant. He has been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. lames Grifon, well known to tho public as the keeper of tbo Ninety Mile House ou the Central Kullrood, to assist iu the superintendence of the Molntosh Houso during the eeiuon. A bend of mu sic bus also been secured. Stages will be in readi ness at Forsyth, .OILtho arrival of. trains, to convey passengers wRh.cpmfort ana dispatch to the house. No pains will bo spared,to make guests as comfort- able as possible, and a mote than usually brllUaul fteason Is confidently anticipated. tlA—June 6 SruSEee. SUNDRIES. 1000 Reams Wrapping paper. 100 bales Twine; 200 doz Scrubbing and Shoo 6Q M imported Spanish Segars; 260 boxea Tobacco, various brands; 160 sacks Rio Oofflm; 75 raata Java Coflbe; 100 doz Brooms; 60 doz Washboards; 60 Covered Baskets; 160 boxes Family Soap; 160 do FaleSoap; 7ft do .'No. 1 Soap; 600 Gross Matches; 60 half chests Young Hyson Tea; 60 do do Oolong do: 100 boxes Candy; 60 boxes Scaled Herrings; 76 boxes Fresh Ground Oaflee; 100 boxei Imported CaaUte Soap; 100 boxea ToUet Soap; 60 V, and whole boxes Raisins; Received and for sale by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, may14 206 and 208 Bay stroot. Vessel to load .with Timber —n market. Apply at Union J F Q’Bymo’s once. marfll JiSFFER80N ROBERTS. Ah WANTED—A VOMSI to load With Timber IBibr a Northern porL Apply at Uni »w Mill, or at J F O'Byrne'somco. marSl JEFFERSON ROnkRTO, FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER.—Tito Brig LOUISA SEARS. Apply to may27 LOCKEIT ft BNK1.UN08. H ANTED TO* CHAftttit—A vc^ol ol 160.000 to 200,000 feot carrying capacity, to load nber for Matauzt9. Apply to may20 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. TESSElii WANTED.—A vessol to load with Umber, for Boston. Also a vessel to load with sawed lumberjfor the same place. Apply to JEFFERSON- ROBERTS, at Union. Meant 8aw Mill, apr19 or J. F. O’BYRNR’S oaten. WANTED.—A froight bf ehortcr for ila- vana for Brig R. M. CHARLETON. Applpto JEFFERSON ROBERTS, at Union Steam Saw Mill, aprlO _ or J, F. O'BYRNE’8 Ofllco, FOR ifllliADELIIHIA—Hkrox’h Link.— TWA- Tho pchoonnr MARY k LOUISA, Captain Jtceimsn, will have dispatch for tho above port.— For freight apply to mayW _ 0. A. GREINER. FOR" LIVERPOOL;—'Tlie A 1 American whip FAIAX)N, I’nlton muster, having a largo imrtion of froight engagod, will meet with disimtuli us above, for balonco or cargo, apply to ^ BRIGHAM, KFJ.LY ft CO. FOR LIVERPOOL^—Tuo A1 ship JAMES RAY will havo dispatch for tho above ]>ort. _ For freight apply tu Jo8 HUNTER ft GAMMELL. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $26 oo! ly United Slut. . ... nillB NEW AND SPLENDID HIDE-WHEEL 1 Steamslii|Hi— KNOXVILLE.. 1,600 tmis..Cupt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA ....1,600 “ ..Cupt. Tiioinas; FIDRIDA 1,300 “ ..Cupt. M.S..Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,300 “ ..CupL G. R.Scheuck. . WILL LKAVK RAVA.XXAH KVKKV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Thoso shim are among tho largest on the coast, unsuriMwsed In sjHJod, safety Snd comfort, making their passages In fifty to sixty hours, and are com manded by skillful, caroful and polito officers.— Having elegant state-room accommodations, they offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to Now York. 126 Stoerago PosBago to Now Y'ork 8 PADELFORD. FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILIh 13 Broadway, b 6 New York. FLORIDA*POUTS. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. —U. S. Mull Lino—From New Or- Icaus to Koy West.—Steamsbipe 'FLORIDA and VANDERBILT.—These fine steamers will In foluro mako their regular soral-monthly trliw, leaving as follows: New Orleans, 10th k 24th Key West, .. 10th k 24th Pensacola.. ..lltli A25th Tampa 11th k 26th Apalachicola. 12th k 2tith St Marks.. ..13th k27th Cedar Keys. .14th k 28th Tampa Bay..lfilli ft 20th Cedar Keys.12th ft iCth St. Marks... 14th ft28th Apalachicola, 16th ft 29th Pensacola... 10th ft 30th Arrive at Key West 17th ft 1st I New Orleans, 17th ft 1st Agents iu New Orleans, Ucc26 6ra E. G. ROGERS, ft CO., 72 Poydross street. l'OU JOHNSON'S liANlMIVu, ‘ AND INTERMEDIATE PEACES, 2b Uavt on Tuuday Night, the 11th instant. _ JP". Tho lightdruft-steiuner,WILLIAM JMSBjHK LEBBY, Captain A. C. king, will leave regularly as abovo, from tho Charleston Stoampackot Wharf. Apply to fob 11 S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. ursTBEnra^s FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Darien, Bruntwick, St. Maryi. Ga.. ftmandi- na and JaekunvtUe, Picolala and Black Creek. Fla, -eff— K THE steamer WELAKA, Cupt. N SfiESaKlng, will leave for tho abovo places every ’PueedayMoming, at 10 ofclk. This boat has large and air/ State Room accom modations, aud taking Ihe inland Passage, otferi evory inducement tolnvallds and others. Freight will be takon (or Trader’s Hill and inter mediate landings on Ft. Mary’s River. No froight will be taken aftef fl o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf, or to apr21 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. UNITED STATES' MAIL LINK. For Palatka, East Fla., via Darien. Brunswick. St. Marys, Femandina, Jacksonville, Middlcburg. Creek, i and Picolata. The new and elegant sleampackel Bfi QT JOHNS, Capt. James Freeborn, leaves every oaturday morning, at 10 o’olock, for the above places. Freight will be taken for Trader’s Hill and inter mediate landings on St Mary’s River. 49" No freight will be token after 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent Btato* room accommodations, apply on board, at tho Flori da Stoampacket Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to apr21 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Ag’ta. FOR CHAlU.KSTON~A.BiD FLORIDA ^/V mm ft Tho flno stoampackot CAROLINA, BBflIHa C^ptalu Coxottor, will leave here aoxaonvme, Picolata and Palatka, every Tues day afternoon at 6 o'clock; returning, will leave for Charleston, every Friday morning at 9 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board, at WlUink’a wharf, or to M. 4 ' 4 — June 14th. I860--ly 49" Freights payable ou tho wharf. . A. COHEN, Agent. NEW YORK & LIVRIU’OOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSklFS. ^ The ships comprising thio^^jg^ ATLANTIC, Capt. West, j BALTIC, Capt.'uSStoffi PACIFIC, Capt. Nye. | ADRIATIC, Chpt These ships having been built, by contract, ex pressly for Government service, every care has becu takon in thoir construction, os also in their en gines, to insure strength and speed, and their ac commodations for passongers are unequulcd for ele gance aud comfort. Prices of Passage from Now Jk’ork to Uyerpool in first cabin $130, lu second cabin $75, exclusive use of oxtrn state-rooms $326. From IJverpool to New York £30 and £20. An experienced Surgcou uttaclicd to eucli ship. No bortbs can bo securod until paid for. For freight or passage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 60 Wall streuL New York. BROWN. SHIPLEY ft CO., IJverpool. STEPHEN, KENNARD ft CO. H. 0. WAINWRIGHT ft CO., Purls. GKO. II. DRAPER, Havre. 49* The owners of theso rtilps will not be ac countable lor gold, silver, bplllou, specie, jewelry, precious stones, or metals, unless bills or lading arc signed therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein. Shippers will please take uoticu that the sliips ol this llue cauuot carry any goodsTcoutrubund of war. MACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET. 8AVAANNAI1, GA. (Near tho Market.) TJWOH tho most complete facilities in his own X 1 establishment, aud through his connections with several of tho principal inauufucturng ostab- llsbrocuts or Philadelphia, Now York, aid Boston, tho Uudoreigued Is prepared to furnlnsh MACIIIN EltY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAIUNO. Sl’ATUETTES, STORE FRONTS. Columns, Window Bills and Iiutils, Iron Doors, Shutters, fto., at Northernprices. He is also prepared to repair Machinery and iron work of every description, at short uotico, upon reasonable terms. As agent flir BAIRD’S PHUADELPHIA MARBLE WORKS, be Is also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty of doslgus for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Iron Railing iu grout variety, for enclosures, and to receive orders, aud pul up tlie work ut man- fmeturors’ prices. U. H. 1 JNVILIJi. Savannah, April 11. I860. aprll x ARD AND HERRINGS— XJ 20 bbls Prime White l«af Lard; 60 boxes Primo Herr tugs. Landing and for sale by jnayl6 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. THU ORHAT WESTERN IN8URANCR 00. OF NEW YORK. A HE taking Marius Rink, st their Agency, Xjl corner of Drayton aud Bryan streets. Approved Risks will be takon on liberal terms, and uio usual crodlt given on Premium Notes. Three quurtors ortho business will bo roturnod to the cux- tomers in scrip. C. A* L. Lamar, fob 10 Agent in .Savannah, INSUBANtli Mouther it Mutual Inauvnitce Compuny, Mouthern Mutual Life Iuu. Company, Hume Insurance Company, of N. York, Mprlngfleld Fire 'ftp Marine Ins. Com’y, Risks in the above Insurance companies underta ken by WM. KING ft SONS, Agents, No. 99 Bay stroot. Savannah, 14th December, 1B66, docl4 ’ FIRE, MARINE AND L1FR " INSURANCE. NO. IU, HAY-STREET. CAPITAL REPRBSENTED, Nearly Four Million Dollars. By tho following responsible Stock Companies. Charter Oak Life Insurance Company, OP HARTFORD, OT. Hqultable Fire Inattraiice Company, OF LONDON. Farmers* anil Mechanics* Fire, Marine and Lift Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. Bridgeport Fire und Murine lunar mice Company, OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. 49-Tno subscriber will effect Insurance to any amount In all parts or the State oh ovyry description or property. life Insurance,' to auy amount, at the lowest rate, for the benefit of Uelra and creditors, or payable to the wife I'roo from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurauco'on Hulls or Cargoes to all parts or tho world. Jan25 A. W1I.BUR. MUTUAL BRNRFIT LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perpetual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1,1860* 82,230,006 47 Total amount of dividends paid to date 715,492 60 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 1,336,090 84 D RESS TiUMMINGS.-Pringes, blackTnd colored Moire Antique Gauzo, and other styles, in great variety, and for safe by mar 7 AIKIN ft BURNS. C OTTON UMBRELLAS—A largo supply" top whalebone l'ramo Gingham (Jrab sizes, received and for sale by orwhnol- 'mbrellaa, all Juno 6 LADSON ft ROGERS. L iverpool salt.—400 sacks, ten to the ion, landing from ship Ell Whitney, and for sol# by maria PADLFORD, FAY ft CO. M AGAZINES FOR JUNE-Putoara’s Monthly Ballou’s Dollar Monthly; Graham’s Magazine Arthur’s Homo Magazine; Godoy’s lady’s Book Harper's New Monthly, and Dickon's Household Words, received and for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, June 8 169 Congress street. B utter & cheese— 26 tubs choice Now May Buttor, 28 boxes “ “ Goshen Cheese, Just received and for sale by my23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. I celved and for safe bjr^^^ Juno 4 ft DAVW, 16 CongreM street F °B BALE^ S3Mjgg» QVPKftloil Choke dqibeh Butter and Dutch Cheese, received per iteamer llal m TO BUILDBR4. rpHE SUBSCRIBER ia prepared to execute I at the shortest nedoo, and in the most work- manlike manuor, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Gutters, Cornice, or other work connected with the manufac turing or repairing of Copper, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, or Sheet Irpn Business. HORACE MORSE, octis 160 Broughton st] '" L AND AoMfiV-Druitiwick, Ga. EDWIN M. MOORE , rvPPEB8 hlsAerviceato thapuUlc In the par- U . chase and sale of lands In the eounrles of Glynn. Wayne, Camdsn, Charlton, Appling, Ware, CoW Clinch Lowndee and Thomas. Particular attention given to locating, purchasing and selUng of town loU In the town oCBaunaertck. Dr R Collins, Macon; Dr B M OafgUe, Brunswick* Tbomie H Harden, flwannah; Hon Jams* L Bew| ard, Thomas vUlt, ’DRIHE KENTUCKY HAU&—Neatly trim- X med and for salo to close consignment. roayl7 YOUNG ft WYATT. B AGGING —100 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, ro- colvod and for salo by June 4 HOLCOMBE. J0I1N80N ft CO. r1DRNED BEEF, PIG PORK, ftU. Just received 10 half barrols Fultou market Corned Boef; 10 barrels and half barrels Pig Pork- Hams, Bides and Shoulders; 10 barrels extra No 1* Mackerel; 1 do No 2 Mackerel; 6 do Horrlngs; “ drums Cod Fish, and 26 barrels Smoked Herring In store and for sale by Jell ings, PAVJD O’CONNER. TjftEAD. MATCHES ft LEMON sVlttjP— Jj 60 bbls Sugar, Soda, and Butter Buticult; 26 boxea do do do do. 160 gross Matches, round boxes. 76 boxes Lemon Syrup. Received and for sale by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, Jell Noe. 206 ft 207 Bay street. $4,282,488 07 Benjamin C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph L. Lord, Genora! AgCnt, Robert L. Patterson, President. *The funds of this Company aro all safely invested in first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes or members folly secured by their policies. For further particulars inquire or CHARLES A. FARLEY, Agent In Savannah. At tho ofilco of Boll ft ProntiflB. J, S. SULLIVAN, Modical Examiner. REFERENCE Messrs. Padkltokd, Fay ft Co., I. K. Teft, Esq., State Bank. feu 29 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. THE INTERNATIONAL Insurance Company. NO. 28, MERCHANT'S EXCHANGE, NEW TONE. CASH CAPITAL—$312,000 AGENT FOR SAVANNAH, James HI. Carter, AT TnB OFFICE OF MESSRS. YOUNG, WYATTd CO., • No. 85, Bay Street, below the Post Office. DIRECTORS: ALANSON MARSH, S. A. ROLLO Firm of A. S. Barnes ft Co. ALONZO CHILD, “ « Childs, Pratt ft Co. I. P. BALLARD, “ “ Livingston, Ballard ft Co. WM. M. DODGE, “ “ WmTM. Dodge ft Co. P. J. AVERY, H. A. CURTTS, WM. K. ROUX), 8. T. LIPPINCOTT, ISAAC NEWTON, WM. A. HUSTED, WM. H. RIVKRSMITH, W. H. LYON, GEO. CHAPMAN. “ JOS. H. WEdTCOTT, ‘ JOS. FATMAN, •< “ STEPHEN VON MORES, GEO. SAVORY, « •« J. A. REQUA. ALANSON MARSH, President CUAS. W. OGDEN, Vice Prealpent WM. E. ROLLO, Secretary. 49" This Company will issue Policies upon Ma rine, Inland Navigation, Transportation and Fire Risks, at liberal rates or premium. Losses promptly and liberally adjustea. JAMES M. CARTER, Agont, oct 31 No. 86, Bay Street 1 H. A. Curtis ft Co. “ Hasted ft Corll. ‘ W. H. Lyou ft Co. ‘ Leo, Murphy ft Co. 1 Brig**! wcstcott ft Co. * Fatmau ft Co. ^ Geo. Savory ft Co. THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, 0/ No. 107 IVoZiud street, Philadelphia, Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL <1000,000, FIRX, MARINE, AWdInUXI) 1XSCBAXCB. DIRECTORS^: Chacles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whildon, Merchant, 14 North Front-st; John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter e Co ; K. Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; John R. 61’Curdy, firm of Jone3, White ft M’Curdy; Isaac Hazleluirst, Attorney and Counsellor, James 1). Smith, firm of Jitmca B. Smith ft Co.; Theodore W. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Baker , R. S. Walton, 360 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John .1. Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall. CHARLES C. LATHROP, President. Thos. K. Umkrick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agenf, Juuo tfi No. 86 Bay street. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMP’Y, No. 11 Pine street, Ncto York, (UKTWISRN RUOADWAY AND NASSAU 8TRKKT.) Cash Capital—$150,000! rilHIS Company insures agaiust loss or damage by X Fire, on tho most rcosonnblo terms, dwelling housos and furniture, warehouses, stores and mer chandize, factories, snips in port, etc. All losses will be adjusted and promptly paid. I). 8. MILLS, President, 0. BROOM, Vice Prcsidcul. Knw’u 0. Taylor, Secretary, Geo. b. Deane, Surveyor. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, juuo 17 for Savannah, 86 Bay street. WM. J. HUNT, lor. Uiontirouicry & Yoi'k sis. SAVANNAH, GA., H KSPECTFULLY informs the Ladies nnd XU tluutlemen of this City that ho is prepured to servo thorn every oveulug with Ice Cream, Cakes & Confectionery, In his own peculiar stylo, and hopes to morlt a share of public patronago, 4 Savannah, 17th April, I860. 3m aprl7 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 1 DANIEL CRONIN Upholster, 26 Bryau-st, / would respectfully announco to tho citizens ol vaunah that ho is ready to nmko and put down Carpets. Oil Cloth, Matting, fto., at tho shortest no lee, and on the most reasonable terms. octd-tf ICE CREAM! NEW CONFECTIONARY STORE No. 08 Bryan Street. TWO DOORS ABOVE MR. URIFFER’H JEWELRY STORE. rpHE undersigned respectfully informs the La- X dies ofSavannab in particular, and the public ! 'cnorully, that ho has this day opeaod a now Confec tionary Storo, and will koop ou haud a large and resh assortment, of all kinds aud discretions. Ho will at ull times and hours, bo ready tofurulsh •urties, with suppers. lottce, Tea aud Chocolate, at all hours. Ornamented Cakes, Pies, &c. &o., made to order. Ho hopes from lung experience to give satisfaction to all who willbonur bira with their patronage. II. B BOZZOLA. No. 98 BryanS W E have just racclve’d a now stock of Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Suit Cellars, Fish. Pie, Cake and Ice Cream Knives; also, Stool and Plated on Stocl Table Cutlerv, Carvers, Ice Pitchers, Bread Knives. Plated and Parlen Butter Stands, be sides a quantity or usefol articles too numerous to mention. D. B. NICHOLS ft CO. Juno 4 Bf BELL & PRENTISS. (IDOCMOM tO MPLMoni. MU..) AdmimitrUH. B.K, On TUESDAY, July «t.t, «t u o’olock, In Croat ol ■the Court House, will be sold:— Tho southern half of Lot No 17 and Improvements, situated on East Boundary street: the Improvements aro elk wooden tenements. Bold M the property ot tbo estate or Daniel Robertson, deceased, for the benefit of the holts and creditor! of aald estate Terras cash. A. E. ROBERTSON, my!3 Administratrix. (MBOSUMEA RjCSIPWIEIBW [Acniomzxn by tux mien ov osobqu.J FORT GAINES ^OADEMY f.OTTERY. CLASS 10. To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, la public, on THURBDAY, Juno 26, I860, on THE HAVANA PLAN. SAMUEL SWAN is CO., Managers. PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $34,000!! Will be distributed according to the following BRILLIANT 8CHKMKI 10,000 NUMBERS—a*0 PRIZES I RCHKM1C. 1 prize of..... .$10,000 in. $10,000 i “ oiooois 0,000 1 “ 3KXK) is 3,000 1 “ 1,000 is 1,000 i “ is 1,000 600 are 2,600 200 aro... 3,000 100 aro 2,600 60 are 4,000 it •• • 30 are 1.320 4 prizes of $00 app’g to $10,000 prlzo, aro 6 prizes ot' 10 •* 26 “ 80 “ 60 4u 156 20 10 6,000 prize, aro 55,000 prize, aro 1,000 prize, are 600 prize, arc 200 prize, are 249 prizes amounting to $34,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Tho two preceding and tbo two following numbers to thoso drawing tbo first 20 prizes aro eutitlcd to tbu 80 approximation prizes, iu tho usual manner. Remember that overy prizo is drawn, and paya ble ia foil without deduction. AU prizes of $1000, and under, paid Immediately after the drawing—other prizes at the usuul time ot thirty days. 49" All communications strictly confidential. The drawn number! will be forwarded to pur chasers immediately after the drawing. Whole Tickota $5—Halves $2.60—Quarters $1.26. Prizo tickets cashed or rouewed in other tickets ut cither ofilco. Orders for tickets can ho addressed cither to Jc3 a. SWAN ft (X)., Atlanta, Ga., or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala ALABAMA LOTTERY! [AUTHORIZED BY THE STATE OF ALABAMA.] loatkrn 3Hilitanj flute Xotbni ’ CLASS E—NEW SERIES, To be drawn lu the City of Montgomery. Alabama, in public, on THURSDAY, July 10, i860, on the HAVANA PLAN! SAMUEL BWAN, Manager. Prlzea amounUnguT' 205,000 Dollars!! Will be distributed according tu Urn iuuowiug MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 30,000 (Numbers—>15,600 Prizest 1 prize of. $36,000 is $36,000 do do 10,000 1s.. do do 6,000 Is.. do do. do do........... do do do do do do do do do do 10 do do 100 do do. 2,000 Is 1,200 is 1,100 It 1,000 Is 900 Is 800 is 020 U 200 It 100 is. 10,000 6,OOt 2,000 l,20t 1,100 1,000 900 800 020 2,000 10.000 UU UU AW Ul. AVjWV 4 prizes ot $200 approxlm’g to $85,000 are $800 4 ” 160 “ 10,000 are 600 4 “ 100 “ . 6,000 are 40o 4 “ 80 “ 2,000 are 320 4 “ 70 “ 1,200 ate 28o 4 “ 60 “ 1,100 are 200 4 “ 40 “ 1,000 are 160 4 “ SO 900 are 130 4- “ 28 “ SOU are llz 4 •* 22 “ 020 are 88 40 ** 20 *• 200 are 800 400 “ 10 “ 100 are 4000 16,000 8K 127,600 16.000 prizes amounting to $206,! The 15,000 prices of of $8 >4 are detormiued by the number which draws the $36,000 prize—if that number should be an odd number, then every odd number ticket In the Scheme will be entitled to $8>f; If an even number, then every even number ticket will be entitled to $8)2 iu addition to any other prize which may be drawn. Purchasers in buying an equal quantity of odd and even number tickets, will be certain of drawing noarly one half tho cost of tlie same, with chance** or obtaining othor prizes. 49" Remember that overy prize is drawn, and paysblo in foil without Unduciiou. * 455* All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately after tho drawing,—other prizes at tho iiKual time of thirty days. All communications .strictly confidential. The drawn numbers will be forwarded to purchasers immediately after tho drawing. Whole Tickets, $10—Halves, $6—Quarters, $2 60. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tickets at either ofllco. Orders for Tickets can be addressed either to S. SWAN ft CO., Atlanta, Ga„ jel Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. ■\f hlA’frSFt'OT Oll., of tlie dost quality constantly JX for sale low by CHAFFER ft CO., maylft 6 Whitaker street. BY BAKKMAN & BULLOCH. At Private Sale. One of the finest 'Hotel or boarding house ser vant! In the State. Enquire a! 164 Bay street JnneS4 At Private Sale. ~~ A negro woman, 32 years of age, a good plain cook and field hand Warranted sound. Title un doubted. / JttflSlO % At Private Bole. A negro man, aged 26 years, a first rate hostler and house servant. TIUe undoubted. Jolt At Private Balt. A very likely lutelligeut mulatto girl, aged 19 yean, a first rate ceok, washer and Iroaer.and an excellent aeamatress. Warranted sound. Title un doubted, . junelt At Private Pale. A very likely mulatto man, ..-fl 2Fyears, a first rato carpenter. Warranted sound. TUI# undoubt ed- Junel9 At Private Bale. A very likely negro man, aged 22 years, a good field hand. Warranted sound. Title undoubted. JunelO At Private Salo. 1700 bushels Rice, an excellent article for atook of all kinds. Call and examine. Price 36 cents per bushel. JunelO Wanted. Contra! Railroad, Planters’ Bank, and Bank of the State of Georgia, Stocks, for which a liberal price will be paid. JunelO " To Uenti Two good storos, under the bhfl*, at the foot of Whitaker street June 19 • Wanted to Purchase • A convenient medium-si zed house, in a central location—one fronting on a square would be prefer red—for auch an one n liberal price would be given. JunelO . At Private Bale. Thirty eligible building Lots, 66 feet front by 100 to 124 U et deep, situated on Taylor, Gordon and Gaston streets. These lots are on high ground and somo of them in the immediate neighbdrnood of the lot selected for tho site or the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Railroad Depot. Terms aame as city lots, viz : one-fifth cash, the balance bearing Interest at six per cent. JunslO THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY I PRYOR’SlHNTMENT. I T U a sure and speedy cure for boras, piles, corns, felons, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sore nipples, (recommended by nur- bob,) sore and cracked lips, tresh wounds end sores or any description. It is a most valuable remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thousands who havo used It In many portions of the South for tbs last few years. In uu instance will thesalve do any injury, or Interfere with a physician's prescrip tion. The proprietor has numerous certificates and letters from people who have nsed it thsmadvee, aud most earnestly recommend It to others as a speedy aud certain remedy for the above named diseases. A trial Is all that is necessary for its own recommendation. Sold by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug, gists generally. V. J. MOORE, Proprietor, may 13 LaOrange, Oo. P. JACOBS, SBOAR AND TOBACCO ITOZUC. No. 29, Bull rtreet, (sign of the Big bill N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, 1 Spanish, and American Began, at wholesale and re- ail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Scuff, ftc. Junsl JfAHB* HcUBffBV, f Insurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protean Noted and Extended, Avenge! adjusted, Charter Parties and Average Bunds drawas Papers prepared whereby to reoover losses from American or British Underwrtten, and attention given to aU matter* ootraacted with shipping and In surance, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front oi the Custom House. ly novB MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS 49-5,031 PRIZES. 00,000 Dollars—10,000 Numbers Only 11 GRAND SPFCLLATIOIV !!! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! IMPROVEMENT ON THE IMPROVED HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY. RT AUTHORITY OF THB STATS OS QKOROL*. JASPER COUm'ACADE MY CLASS O. To Do drawn July tho 16tb, 1866, at Concert Hull, Macon, Ga., under the sworn auporintondenca of Col. Goo. M. Logan and Jos. A. Nlflbet, Esq. This Lottery liTdvawn liiTthe plan or the Royal Lottery or Havana of sioglo numbers: this has ouly 10,000 numbers, nnd tbo Havana Loltory 34,000 numbers—tlm Havana 240 prizes, this 6,031 prices. JiOOK to your interest I Now is tbo tlmo. OAPlTAir87,600. $ 7,6001s $ 7,600 3,0001s 3,000 2,000 Is 2,000 1,000 are 3,000 600 are 2,600 100 are 2,000 “ 8 are 40,000 1 Prize ur.. 1 “ 1 *' 3 “ 6 “ 20 “ 6000 “ 6041 prizesmmmutlug to... PATENT ECLIPSE OLA 9 D), s VA SB S>« Hv«ry nuui hi, own Cuvmilir. pALL AND EXAMINE CHAMBKBLAIN’S \J rutnt LcUpulUud sump, th« bMt, ehwpM Mdmo.tcoaTeolentor.ny thing for 10. purpoM yetotnirodlbrul, ALFRED WEBSTER, Ou. A(t. .pra ly lMOugMoBU HUNT’S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES. n E31GNED Expressly for making Bigs—and XJ which la decidedly superior to any othor machine for that purpose. Spool or skein thread can be used of auy desired length, and which will not need to be changed until ihe whole U used. Bag m&nauracturers, Gialn'and Flour merchants ax* particularly invited to call and oxamln* it at 186 Cos gross street. May26. ALFRED WEBSTER,Gan. Agt, HUNT X WEBSTER'S. IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. D ESIGNED for Families, plantations, Dress ma kers, Tailors, Boot ft tihoo manufacturors and utners whu may wish to do their ownsewingcheop- ly and witu expedition. This machine aowa a uni form stitch with both sides alike, and which will not ravel. It Is more simple, la less liable to get out of order, nnd costs less in proportion than any other machine, and is warranted to be perfect, and to work well. All apiwratus necessary tor convenient use Is furnished with it, and any instruction will be given that will be necessary to ensure to the purchaser Its successful operation and durability. Tlie public are respectfully invited to call and ex> amine them at 136Congress st. ALFRED WEBSTER. Gen. Agt. 9W A very neat 'and ornamental Iron Table will now be given with a machine for a small aum In addition to tho regular price. May 25. lioWES COTTON HARVESTER. PATENTED DEC., 4, 1866, T HIS improvement enables ono field hand to pick as much cotton os five can pick by the old method and hnving tho cotton free from trash, and in better condition for ginning. Tho abovo machines uro for salo at 186 Congress street &uvannah, and 126 Meeting street, Charles ton, 8, C. All orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. Planters, Factors, Cotton Brokers, and all Interested are respectfully invited to call and examine them. County Rights can be bought on favorable terms. May, 25. ALFRED WEBSTER. ORN.—io,o6o busheis~Tennessee Coro in store and for sale low by Je2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. F LOUR AND BACON.—6<Hj Backs Flour; 10,006 lbs Bacon, in storo and for sole by Je2—tf YOUNG ft WYATT. 1KALT1MORE FLOUR—100 bbls superfine BalU- XJmoro Flour landing per schr Wood bridge, aud for salo by Jel SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00. R efined and clarified sugakm- 60 bbls Stuart’s A Crashed Sugar, 26 do do Powdered do 60 do do A Clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do 0 do do Just received aud for sale by Jel 8CBANT0N, JOHNSTON ft CO. $00,000 Tickota $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60. 49- Prizes payable without deduction. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering tickota. 49* Those wishing i*artlcular numbers should order Immediately. Tlie 6,000 prizes of $8, aro determined by the drawing of the Capital of $7,600; ir the number that draws the Capital is an even Dumber, those Tickets euuing 0. 2, 4. 0, 8, are entitled to $8; IT an odd uumber those Tickets ending with 1,3, 6, 7, 9, are entitled to $8. Address Jnnol7 JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Ga. GEO. A. McCLESKEY, Agent, Savannah, Ga. iJABKETSTiUSKET 8 i—Wewonia ull the AJ attention of the ladiea to our stock of Work, Traveling and fine Fancy Boskets, the largest assort ment in the city, at the Houso Furnishing 8tore, 166 Broughton-street. mar21 HORACE MORSE- dXrgainm I N RICH DRESS UOOD.-» AND MANTILLAS—bal ance of rich flounced Organdies. Bareges, Crape de Paris aud Tissues, at cost to close them out; alfio rich Lacc Mantillas, at reduced prices, for sale b« jun*_4 Diwrrr ft morgana £ rocolved, and for sale by J. M. EYRE, my 14 94 Bay street, WANTED. A Consignee for 10 tubs of Buttor, marked J. F. ft JX. D., landed por steamship Knoxville from New lork. [Je9] PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHXMS9. CARPET WARE-HOUSE, 140 OOWORKSS AND 67 8T. •JCLUtN-STUnTS. rilHE Subscriber has received, and trill open . 0 i ,r 8 0fll «md most extensive variety oTWINDOW SHADES ever offered lu this city. It la the intention of tho advertiser to keop constantly In store a Urge supply or all the various patterns and styles manuthetured by the manufacturers of this country and ofFronoe, to which tbs attention or mer- chants and families In the city and country, U in- riled. They trill be sold at wholesale and retail, at satisfactory price*. w H. GDION, Agont. ' jan 8 ; • • UGAR3.—60 barrels Stuarls A and B Clarified ir: 60 do Crashed and Powdered do. Las * for sale by mayl6 tiCBANTON, JOHNSTON ft Co ’ from schooner CITY COURT OF SAVANNAH, MAY TERM 1868. W HEREAS, George W. Germany, William B. Giles, Ezra F. Wood, Samuel L. Spelzalger, John 0. Ferrell, Thomas J. Walsh, John Jones. Rich ard R. Cuyler, Luke Christie, and Edward Padel- ford, summoned to attend the present May Term of this Court as Grand Jurors, have made default: It ia ordered that they be flood forty dollars each un less they fils good and sufficient cause of excuie on or bofore the first day or the next TermoTthts c ® urt * .. „ _ And, whereas, Thomas H. Cruger, William F. Chaplin, Jacob Freeman, George B. Clark, William Coudon, Edwin W. Eden, George F. Cercoply, Mar- maduo Hamilton, William H. Cooper, Augustus C. Oaunon, Patrick Carney, and Jesse B. Bather, sum- moned to attond the present Term of Court os Petit Jurors have made default: It U ordered that they be Sued twenty dollars each unless they file good and sufficient cause of excuie on or before the first day or the next Term ortbls Court. Truo extract from the mloutea, PHILIP X. RUSSELL, J°17 __ Clerk of the City Court of tiavannah. UUGAR3.-0Q p Sugar; 60 do tag and for tale 1 ' maylft *\r 0. MOLASSES, landing (tom schoorn XI * Abby Franols, and for aalo by deoOT LOCKETT ft KNELUNGS. A LE, LARD, ftc.—20 Ibis Prime Lard; 60 do Taylor ft Bon’a Ale; 60 do auger, soda and but ter Biscuit; received and for sale by MoMAHON ft BOYLE, 206 and 207 Bay street- JunelO TJRIMB YELLOW C(iRN. -Ib «lor««im lor X sale by sale by may7 ACON^D LARtL—6b YOUNG ft WYATT. i« Baoon ^ Sides ; 80 bhds. prime Bscon KmuMers; 20 Is. prime Baltimore Leaf Lard.. Landing, and for solo by 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. Junol ASSIZE OF BREAD, rnilE average price of Flour the last month being A Fight dollars, Bread must weigh as follows:— To Cent Loaf must weigh 2 pounds. * June 1st, I860, » 9M « JAMES 8. WILKINS, aty Treasurer, mytl M ONONGAHELA WHISKY- 26 bba Old Monougahela Whisky, 60 “ Double Distilled “ Just received and for sole by my23 8CRANTON, JOHNBTON ft CO. m dally expected per brig E. W. AUGER, fbr sale, to arrive, by may28 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft 00. M ARSHALL ft SON’S Celebrated Pig Hams, Pig Shoulders, and Pig Bacon. Also some new Kmuked Tongues and Frosh Smoked Beef. Received por Alabama, by may28 J. 0. JESSE. LANDLORD AND TENANT. T HE Law of Landlord and Tenant By J. Smith, with Notes of American case* by P. P. Morris. Baurier’s Law Dictionary, last edition. Baurier’a Institute* American Law. Nellgan'a Atlas of Cutaneous Diseases, with color ed plates, 4to. Brown on some DUeases or Women admitting of surgical Treatment. Flint on Diseases of the Respiratory Organs. Budd on Diseases of the Stomach. Sketch., and Adventure, lu Madeira, Portugal and Spain. Italian Sight, and Prlnolplea. Rr Jarrla. with and CalUlhanlca. Bp Catherine E. Sri and tttunuhlp Ould., with map.. Inland In ’N and ’M; lu Rarolathmnr, Blitor,. ^MloaSSf item or Political Economy. From the German, of list. aprlO W. THORNE WILLIAMS. H ARPER FOR JULY.-Harper’* New Monthly for £$*&+ »» Junel8 169 0ongress street *C^0R JULY—Graham’s illustrated Monthly Msg- J* aline, and Ballou's DoUor Monthly: Black, wood's Edltburgh Magazine, for May. auo. Mas sey’s Exhibition Kecltor and Drawing Room Enter tainments, being oboloe selections In prose and verse, together with an unique collection of petite comedies, dramas and forces, adapted for the use of schools and families. For tale by Juneli WARNOCK ft DAUB, CtUGAR, fto.—7$ bbls and lo tads A, B and 6 O flugsrs; 16 Midi Molasses; 86 do Baoon Sides f street.